#if I put more pink it might work?? we'll see
salamispots · 6 months
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inhales I really like this color combo but not sure if I'm going with it haha
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diana-rose-25 · 8 months
— Let's Dance
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pairing/s: BEBE! Bada Lee x Jam Republic! Reader x Wolf'Lo! Chocol
warnings: None so far, an unrealistic description of being an exchange foreign student, might confuse some words in ballet (as most of them are only through research and not based on experience).
description: A professional ballet dancer in Street Woman Fighter Season 2? (Y/N) Bae, a 23-year-old ballerina and dance prodigy enters the fighting arena alongside the infamously known crew, Jam Republic. Making the team's aura and presence far more intimidating despite being clad in soft pink and white clothing, adorned with astonished faces and friendly smiles. As the young woman entered the arena with curious eyes and small smile, the other teams couldn't help but awe at her beauty and elegant aura, unknowingly capturing the eyes of two charismatic dancers.
status: unedited
word count: 4.5k
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"They're the last one to enter."
"This crew is intimidating."
These are just some of the comments circulating around the arena as they waited for the last and final crew to come out.
"It's amazing that JAM REPUBLIC is here," Akanen, Tsubakill's leader, stated in awe. Looking at the empty space where the last crew of the show have yet to enter the small arena.
A certain buzz was felt in the air as the other contestants waited for the anticipated arrival of JAM REPUBLIC. More notably, they were excited to meet the celebrity of all dancers, Kirsten Dodgen.
"We'll see Kirsten in person," Biggy stated admiringly.
Dancers expressed their love and admiration for the pink crew's leader and her arrival. One member from Deep N' Dap even stated that she cried when Kirsten cancelled on her classes due to visa issues after she signed up for all four of her classes. Her leader, Mina Myoung, promptly scolded her. Stating firmly that "this is a serious competition." Despite this, two of her members joked around, lifting up the atmosphere that turned heavy just before.
The longer the dancers wait, the more nervous and excited they get to finally meet the members of the crew.
"Wah, Kirsten is here," Yeni, a member of Wolf'Lo stated. The said woman bounced a little on her seat, the adrenaline rush pumping into very veins so fast she could barely contain it.
"Hey," she perked up, turning to Baby Sleek as she remembered something important.
"Hey Baby Sleek, is it true that (Y/N) was once your student?" Her question caused all the members to look at their oldest curiously and for confirmation.
A fond smile crossed Baby Sleek's face as she shrugged her shoulder. "Yeah," she confirms making her members awe and shout in disbelief as she rarely takes in students. "She was for a short while. (Y/N) trained under me for more or less than three years." The other crew turned to Wolf'Lo when they heard the commotion, curious to know what made them react in such a way.
"Wow, what was she like?" Haechi questioned. "Is she really that pretty in real life?"
Baby Sleek nodded, "when I first met her, I was so shocked at how pretty that kid is. I thought she was an idol. In my mind I was like, what the hell? How can this kid be so pretty at her age?" The members laughed at the whiny tone of her voice.
"But putting her looks aside, (Y/N) really is a monster at dance. A natural. At first, I was hesitant at her skills since she is more focused on the ballet genre, but after a few lessons, the girl was a beast. As if she was dancing hip-hop since she could walk! Of course, there were times where she would struggle with something, but her dedication and hard work pushed her through it all. It was really admirable."
The other members were floored at the high regards and compliments Baby Sleek showered you in. Suddenly feeling much more intimidated by the crew that isn't even present yet. Yeni, Haechi, and Halo nodded for the respect they felt for the Jam Republic member while Chocol and Mini sat rigidly in their seat.
"Yah, I'm starting to regret picking her as my No Respect Dancer," Mini laughed nervously before faking a cry and shoving her hands to cover her face. "Why didn't you say that before we pick the weakest dancers?!" She whined.
"They're not even here yet calm down," Chocol said, patting Mini on the shoulder in a mock comfort. "Have confidence, we can probably give her a good fight and win at the end of the day."
Halo and Baby Sleek giggle at the antics of their members and nodded encouragingly.
"Aya, don't mind. The both of you probably have more freestyle and dance battle experience than her. Don't doubt your capabilities now," Halo, their leader, commented while patting their heads.
"Right. Be confident, but keep your guard up. We saw her list of accomplishments before, so let's be prepared." Baby Sleek said seriously, shaking her hands a little to expel the nerves of the upcoming competition as her mind slowly shifts into battle mode.
Meanwhile, the pink crew of Jam Republic waited patiently for their cue to enter the arena in their given room.
(Y/N) tapped her hands against her thighs repeatedly. "I'm so excited and nervous at the same time."
Her members giggled at her but also felt the same energy as her. Ling, who sat next to her on her right, held her right hand to squeeze it gently for a few times.
"Me too. But don't worry, we got this." (Y/N) smiled at her as she intertwined their fingers together and squeezed her hand back.
"You'll be fine girl, we got your back." Latrice said, smilingly comfortingly at her as she sat next to Emma who gave you a nod and a finger heart to which you giggled.
Audrey, who sat next to her, leaned her head against her shoulder and looped her arm around her. "Yeah, calm down and let's just have fun! There's nothing to worry about." (Y/N) smiled fondly at the youngest member of the group, patting her knee in gratitude.
"I mean come on," Kirsten said, clapping her hands out of excitement and to hype her fellow members up, "this is us we're talking about!"
"Okay, okay, okay!" (Y/N) shouted, now pumped and excited, "Let's do this!" The girls laughed at her sudden mood change and hyped each other up even more. Even though some of them just met a couple of days ago, they were now starting to form a bond with each other. She smiled at the sight before her, feeling the warmth that bloomed in her chest, leaning back on the couch to compose herself.
The moment (Y/N) closed her eyes and took a deep breath, the TV screen came to life, signaling to their crew that it was time to enter the arena. The Jam Republic girls simultaneously yelled in surprise and excitement. Feeling gittery, Kirsten stood up and the rest of the girls followed her lead.
"Okay guys, are we ready?" She asked.
The members giggled a positive response albeit the nervous, quiet laughter that accompanied it as they form a circle.
"Shall we do this?" Kristen asked, placing a hand in front and the members followed one-by-one. "Entrance is going to be fire, three, two, one, wee!"
"Wee!" They followed along, laughing and giggling as they exited their room and walked towards the arena.
"Let's dance!"
The group walked down the narrow hallway of the building. Audrey clinging to (Y/N)'s arm and squeezing her hand gently with a bright smile on her face. She couldn't help but find the youngest so adorable! The dimples on her cheeks made (Y/N) want to pinch her cheeks really hard.
She then gestured to Emma who was falling behind a little, signaling her to walk beside them. Once she fell on step with (Y/N) and Audrey, the former girl wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Which was quite easy as the ballet dancer was noticeably the tallest amongst them (in her crew at least). The girls stated their excitement as they walked, feeling the nerves and adrenaline creep in.
Kirsten walked in front of them, leading the crew around the place until she momentarily stopped at the entrance.
"Ooooohhhh!" she cooed, placing both hands on the sides of the opening as she marveled at the sight before her.
"Holy damn!" Ling exclaimed once she saw how huge the room is. As they walked, they couldn't help but look around in amazement, eyes sparkling and hearts beating.
"Wow! This is so exciting!" Latrice and Audrey commented. (Y/N) giggled at them, enjoying their reactions that made her feel less conscious and nervous.
She'll be seeing her old teacher again, and she can't wait for it. After all these years, (Y/N) wanted to prove to Baby Sleek that all her training had not been in vain.
As soon as the other teams heard them, almost all of them perked up in their seat and looked up towards the stairs where they'll enter shortly.
"Oh, they're coming," Yoonji, a member of Mannequeen said in an excited tone.
"Wah, we'll be seeing them soon omg," Yeni clapped her hands lightly. Looking at the stairs in anticipation for the awaited group.
"You'll see your protegee soon Baby Sleek after all these years," Halo nudged her, "how are you feeling?"
"I think I might cry once I see her," Baby Sleek's answer made the members giggle fondly at her before cooing at the sight of her face. She looks like a mother waiting for her daughter to come home after all these years.
It wasn't long before the figure of Kirsten made her way down the stairs followed closely by the other members. The rest of the crew gasped in shock as soon as they saw her.
"Welcome to Korea!" A girl stated as the girls descended slowly down the stairs.
While descending, (Y/N) holds onto the railing of the stairs to look around the room to find her former mentor, taking advantage of the height to seek her out. She was so focused on finding her that she failed to see the looks of shock and awestruck faces of the other teams as soon as she turned around. Her eyes met Baby Sleek's, a bright grin soon adorned her face once they made eye contact and an excited giggle escaped her lips.
Unbeknownst to her, a certain dancer on the same team as her former mentor was blown away the moment she set eyes on you.
"Wow..." She whispered breathlessly, keeping her eyes on you.
Once the girls adorned in pink, white, and black clothing landed on the bottom of the stairs, they were once again looking around in astonishment and bowing to the people around while the others made comments about them.
"Wah, look at Kirsten's figure. It reminds me of Gabee."
"Their aura is so intimidating."
"Omo, Audrey is really pretty."
"She looks like a doll."
The team closest to them, BEBE, stared at Audrey in awe.
"Why is she so pretty?" Bada commented in awe, leaning back slightly in her seat while Tatter looked at her in wonder. "She looks like Anne Hathaway." She commented.
"I can't see (Y/N)," Lusher whined. The girl had her back facing the blue team making them unable to see her face. "I didn't see her clearly just now."
"Oh my god is that (Y/N)?!" The mentioned girl and her team almost jumped in shock at the loud voice that called out to her. They turn around to find a girl standing with a shock expression complete with a hand to her mouth as she stares at the girl she yelled for. Jam Republic laughed loudly and clapped their hands.
(Y/N) giggled and covered the bottom half of her flushed face. "Hello, nice to meet you." She said in fluent Korean and bowed down to the girl that was still standing.
Harimu, a member of 1 Million and her team yelled in surprise yet again, causing another laughter to roar out from Jam Republic.
"How can someone be that beautiful?!" Harimu yelled aloud, causing laughter to erupt from the room as she whined and stomped her foot to the ground in a faux tantrum manner.
Feeling even more flustered (Y/N) turned to hide her blushing face, fanning it down to compose herself but accidentally made eye contact with one of the hottest and trendiest choreographers today, Bada Lee.
So pretty, (Y/N) thought.
She regained her composure and grinned at the girl who was now staring at her with wide eyes and an agape mouth.
"Hello, nice to meet you all," she greeted the team, forcing herself to look away from Bada's eyes to bow down at every member of BEBE.
"Omo!" Lusher yelled, grabbing onto Kyma's hand, who was sitting beside her in shock. "Oh my god!" The rest of the team could only stare in shock at the woman still smiling, all of them shared similar looks of shock and admiration.
(Y/N) gave them one last smile and a bow before returning to her team, choosing to stand behind along with Audrey.
"Did you see her?"
"Oh my god her visuals are out of this world."
"My god, have you seen her height? She could be a VS model."
"Or those cliché movies about princesses."
"Bada-unnie," Tatter called out to her, giggling once she saw the still awestruck look on Bada's face, her gaze still trained and focused on (Y/N). "Our leader is still in a starstruck trance everyone."
"Looks like someone has a crush~," Minah teased, poking the shoulder of her leader with her pointer finger.
Bada snapped her gaze away once she heard the teasing tones of her team members and light shoves on her shoulder. She groaned and hid her flushed face away.
"Shut up!" Bada's voice came out muffled but the others still heard it loud and clear.
"Wah, she's a young woman now," Halo looked at Baby Sleek who commented in a soft voice. Despite the fond smile that painted her face, tears began to well up in her eyes. The leader chuckled softly and wrapped her arm around her for a side hug, rubbing her hand up and down her shoulder.
Chocol stared.
Even though (Y/N)'s back was facing them, she stared. Taking note of her poise, the way she stands and holds herself. Shoulders back and standing tall, petite that of a standard ballerina but somehow oozes that aura of regal elegance. Wow, Chocol thought. She's like some sort of royalty.
The large screen above suddenly made a noise, effectively catching the attention of Jam Republic and everyone else.
"Oooh," (Y/N) said, holding onto Audrey's hand when the younger one sought hers out. "Evaluation time."
Jam Repuiblic stood in front of it, anxiously awaiting the thougts, opinions, and evaluation of them by other crews with a smile on their face. Although (Y/N) nervous, she had a feeling that most of these aren't going to be friendly since this is a competition show. They need something for drama after all.
"The strong point of Jam Republic is the fact that they've been on the great stage. We can't ignore this."
(Y/N) smiled at the sweet comment, though, that didn't last long.
"All the members of Jam Republic think that they're number 1. Everyone wants to be the main dancer. Can they really be united?" Ah, there it is.
(Y/N) subtely side-eyed Akanen who commented on the video. She has respect for the dancer and leader of Tsubakill, admires her even, but she can't help but smirk towards her. She understands her point, but it still wasn't enough to hide that but of irritation towards her comment. Akanen, who was looking at Jam Republic when her comment was shown, gulped when she made eye-contact with (Y/N) and swiftly looked away.
"Wah, she didn't like that comment." Momo commented when she saw the three second interaction of the dancers.
"I know, I'm suddenly scared," Tsubakill giggled quietly at Akanen.
The next few comments of the evaluation targeted Kirsten and her affiliation with the world renowned crew, The Royal Family. (Y/N) titled her head in confusion when a dancer tried to insult Kirsten by looking for Paris Goebel instead of her.
"They do know you're one of the key members for a reason right?" She nudged at her leader, leaning down to whisper in her ear. Kirsten just nodded and smiled in response with her eye glued to the screen in front.
"A fake Royal Family?" (Y/N) couldn't help but gasped humourly at the harsh comment.
If that wasn't enough, the next comments are targeting Audrey. (Y/N) felt the younger girl squeeze her hand; she turned to look at her face to find the girl trying to keep a small smile despite the harsh criticisms thrown her way.
"She looks like an amateur dancer. The skills of a baby dancer."
"Audrey is a pretty doll. As she's a pretty doll, standing and doing nothing would be enough."
"Oh my gosh," the taller girl clicked her tongue in annoyance towards the comments. Are they really doubting her skills because she's young and pretty? "That's a shallow critic."
Jam Republic giggled in shock when those words came out of her mouth. The other teams, on the other hand, looked at her face nervously. The happy and excited face of the tallest Jam Republic member, now, still has a small smile; but eyes devoid of any emotion.
"She looks like she's seething with rage right now." Bada commented, leaning forward with clasped hands, resting her elbows on her knees whilst keeping her gaze on the girl in pink.
"She's like an older sister who wants to fight the bully of her younger sister," Tatter said, the rest of the crew agreed with her after taking a swift glance before looking back at the screen.
"(Y/N) is another pretty face," ah, there goes the comments about her. The mentioned girl straightened her back and inhaled deeply. Mentally preparing herself to receive the harsh comments thrown at her.
"(Y/N) is a professional ballerina who had performed on broadways before and competed in ballet genre on competitions. I don't think some people realize how hard it is to compete in ballet and make it look so easy. I really have so much respect for her." The said girl couldn't help but bow in gratitude at the praise she received from a member of Mannequeen, Cera.
"Thank you so much," she whispered. Audrey grinned brightly at her and nudged her teasingly.
"(Y/N) is a ballerina, right? And a pretty one at that. She could stand on pointe all day and stand on a music box, let it spin her around, and people would appreciate her dancing."
"I honestly don't think she could perform well in any other type of genre since her main focus is on ballet."
"Yeah, like a one trick pony."
The gasps could be heard echoing throughout the room after the comment. (Y/N)'s and her team members' jaw dropped in shock, "ouch, that hurts."
The former girl clutched her chest in exaggeration and pretended to lose her balance. Audrey held on to her and laughed at her dramatic antics.
The room suddenly erupted in shock when the screen showed how many No Respct stickers each Jam Reublic member will receive. Above showed their names in huge, bold, and bright fonts their name and the results:
Kristen - 2
Latrice - 0
Ling - 1
Emma - 1
(Y/N) - 4
Audrey - 6
An overwhelming amount of people chose Audrey as their No Respect Dancer. The youngest member of Jam Republic cheered and held her thumbs up in the air, whilst (Y/N) just clapped slowly with a smile, still looking at the results.
4 No Respect Dancer stickers might not be much compared to Audrey. However, the message was still loud and clear that there are people who are doubting her as a dancer.
"Okay, okay," she said, turning to Audrey as she held up a hand, "let's show them what we've got." The two girls high-fived each other with matching grins.
As they made their way to their designated seats. (Y/N) made eye contact with Baby Sleek. She grinned towards her and gave a small wave, bowing down in greeting towards Wolf'Lo who sat beside them.
(Y/N) sat at the top of the seat with her back straight, a trait she acquired after it was conditioned in her body. She was still quite frustrated at the one trick comment she received. She clicked her tongue in frustration and puffed her cheeks, inhaling and exhaling deeply through her nose.
"You okay?" Kirsten asked and patted her thigh.
"Yeah," she nodded - albeit partly lying. "Don't worry, Audrey and I will make sure they'll eat their words after they see us dance."
Audrey shot her finger guns with a wink, "that's right mama!"
She laughed at her adorableness and pinched her cheeks. Inhaling deeply one last time, she forced herself to relax and remember that it's all part of the show. (Y/N) gathered her hair all together in her hands and placed them behind her back when she heard a sound of awe.
Startled, the girl turned her head to the side. Staring at her was a woman with bright red hair that it almost looks orange. She thought it suited her very well and loves the boyish look the other woman adorned.
Chocol flushed furiously when her eyes suddenly met (Y/N)'s. One moment, she was admiring her side profile, then the next, she's looking into her eyes. She gasped as she placed a hand on her mouth and bowed deeply.
"Nice to meet you! I didn't mean to stare, I'm sorry!"
(Y/N) giggled and bowed to her as well, waving her hand dismissively at the poor woman whose head was still bowing down. "Nice to meet you too! And don't worry, it's fine, thank you!" She grinned with a blush on her face.
Haechi laughed at her flustered team member, garnering second-hand embarrassment from her. Both of their teams turned their attention to the commotion behind them and laughed at the flustered state their two members are in.
"Look at Chocol's face! It's almost the same color as a tomato," Buckey commented as she watched their interaction. Mannequeen giggled in amusement.
Wolf'Lo seemed intimidating when they first arrived. Now, one of their members are left in a flustered mess against a member of Jam Republic.
"I guess even Chocol couldn't resist (Y/N)'s charm." Redlic commented.
Once the commotion died down (there's still a red hue across Chocol's face), the room cheered once again once the judges were introduced: Shin Monika, Son Hyun-woo (Shownu), and the guest judge; Mike Song.
After the introduction, all the crews were instructed to return to their hideout rooms to change and prepare for their first mission: No Respect Battle.
Jam Republic debriefed about their evaluation after they've changed as they waited for their cue to return back to the arena. The members lounged comfortably at the couch while Audrey was left standing to voice out her frustrations.
"It's like, you can't even see my face! It's the shoulders! They're focusing on my shoulders!" She laughed in frustration.
"I know! They see one video of you doing markings, and suddenly, they deemed you as the worst dancer!" (Y/N) replied, leaning against Ling as she hugs the plush bunny tightly.
There's a visible frown etched upon Audrey's face. She understands her frustrations and sadness that the youngest might be feeling right now. So, she stands up and makes her way towards her. (Y/N) placed her hands on her shoulders as she bends her knees to be on Audrey's eye level.
"What they said about you isn't a reflection of all the hard work and dedication you've put into your craft. Don't let their comments get into your head too much. They don't know what you bring into the table."
(Y/N) tilted her chin up with her finger when Audrey smiled at her. "Chin up, darling. Show them what you've got. "
Back in the arena, the tension in the air thickened. Dancers stretched and prepared for the upcoming battle; the first bettle and mission of the season. Everyone wants the win for themselves; everyone wants to prove themselves and the stregths of their team.
Jam Republic conversed to themselves as they stretched. (Y/N) was in middle spilts as she conversed with Emma and Latrice.
"Who do you want to battle (Y/N)," Emma asked as she stretches her shoulders.
"Oh, definitely Cera of Mannequeen." She answered instantly before standing up. "We have the most similar style out of everyone, and I love her power and charisma when she battles. She's so cool."
(Y/N) was about to add onto her comment when she saw BEBE enter the arena, more specifically, their leader. Bada came into her view dressed in oversized clothing and a cap in her head, almost covering her eyes. Her outfit and confidence boosted her charisma, which left (Y/N) speechless.
Bada took a sip of her drink before scanning around the room. Initially, she did this to scout out her competition when she met the wide eyes of a certain member of the pink team.
(Y/N) chocked in her saliva in shock when their eyes met. She immediately turned her head and buried her face in her hands.
"What's happening to you?" Latrice laughed at the girl, taking note of her red ears. She looks at the direction the latter girl was looking at and grinned teasingly. She patted Emma's hand to direct her attention to the tall woman who was staring at their member.
Bada was still staring at (Y/N) with a smirk on her face. She chuckled lowly when she saw how the girl became flustered under her gaze.
"Cute," she commented before taking a seat. Mentally forming a plan to make herself acquainted with the girl after the camera's stop rolling for the day.
"What did you say?" Tatter asked when her leader muttered something inaudible.
"Nothing. Dont worry about it." Bada patted the blonde's head. Tatter was confused at the giddy mood her leader was in but ultimately dropped it for the time being.
Back with Jam Republic, Latrice and Emma share an amused look on their faces as they watch (Y/N) fan her face.
"What?" The girl asked, knowing full well what it is about.
"Nothing," they replied simultaneously. She narrowed her eyes at them and pouted her lips.
"Stop teasing her guys," Kirsten commented. "Let her focus on her stretching. Otherwise, she might focus all her attention on a certain blue team member." The rest of the team burst out laughing. (Y/N) flushed even more as she glared at Kirsten. The leader looked back at her with an innocent smile and fluttering eyes in faux innocence in response.
"Whatever," she muttered before standing tall to prepare herself to position herself into an arabesque.
"Still can't get over how flexible you are," Emma commented. Watching her effortlessly pull the move.
(Y/N) hummed in response before inhaling, feeling the deep stretch on her core, back, and legs. She always loved the feeling of deep stretches. It's like letting your breathe after a long day. She held the pose for as long as she could before she exhaled and released her leg.
"Woah, she's so flexible," Redy stated as she watched the girl pull the move. Harimu and her had been observing her for quite a while now. Lia, their leader, watched them in amusement before glancing at who they're looking at.
"Hey, stop that and focus on the mission," she scolded them.
It wasn't long before Kang Daniel, the host of the season, welcomed them back and introduced the rules of the mission. (Y/N) bounced her feet in anticipation and wiggled her shoulders.
Mind and body ready for the fight that's about to begin.
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tag list:@luvjanexx @b1ackbunny @thedevilisrory @kaaylvst @badagf @aestrelle19 @leo-dragon @efyyylee @smoooore @infinite1sblog @xiakiyama @watamotee33 @tnu-ree @hallotherenicetomettyou @skuuzae
note: italized names can't be tagged. I'm sorry 😭😭😭
next part>>>
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soggyriceee · 1 year
Brothers Best Friend ~ Konig NSFW
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[Hello! This is probably gonna be one of my favorites to be honest. No trigger warning on this one, just smut.]
" Go ahead. You can put your bag here." Your brother said, motioning his tall friend to the living room couch. You watched the tall guy drop his bag, smiling to your mom and father. " Thank you for giving me a place to stay for a bit. I cant begin to tell you how appreciative I am." His deep voice boomed, his German accent coming through. You kept your eyes on him, looking him up and down slowly. " Don't even mention it. I know what it's like to have toxic parents. You're always welcomed here." Your dad smiled, shaking his hand.
You were assuming he. had just gotta kicked out. He sat on the couch, looking over to you and giving a small wave. You smiled and waved back before looking to your parents. " I'll be in my room studying. It was nice to meet you Konig." You smiled before standing and walking towards your room.
As you closed your door, you turned back towards the living room to see Konig looking at you as your parents spoke to your older brother. You smirked and closed the door. You had to admit, he was hot. He was like 6 foot something, deep voice. He had long shaggy brown hair with a nice undercut and dark, dark brown eyes. He was beautiful.
A few hours had gone by, it was about 10 or so. Your parents had ordered take out for the night so fortunately you were able to eat in your room. You were watching a show on your laptop when someone knocked on your door. You yelled come in and slowly, the tall male walked in the room. " Oh hi Konig. Is everything okay?" You smiled to him, pausing the show.
" Yeah I-i was just a bit cold. I was wondering if you had a-a spare.. blanket." He replied, his hand gripping the knob still. " Hot in the summer? Couldn't think of a better excuse to talk to me?" You smirked, putting down the take out box. His cheeks turned a bright pink and he looked down. " I-i uhm.." You stood and walked over, pulling him into your room. Your parents and brother were long asleep as they all had work in the morning. " Im watching this drama. Wanna watch with me?" You asked, turning to meet his wide eyes and pink face.
" W-wont we g-get in trouble?" He asked, pointing to the closed door. You shook your head, grabbing his hand and pulling him onto the bed. He was tense, half his body sliding off the bed and avoiding any eye contact with you. " Konig.. get comfy. You're making me feel uncomfortable." You pouted, pointing to his legs. He hesitated but moved more onto the bed, sitting tensely next to you. You smiled and pressed play, grabbing your food.
Minuets pass by and Konig slowly becomes more and more comfortable. He even chuckles at the show. " Imma go get water, do you want any?" You asked as the show credits play. He shook his head, looking down at you. " No thank you." He said softly. His doe eyes only made you stay at him longer. It stayed like this, both of you staring at each other. Finally you speak up. " You know.. I know its wrong to say because of how close you are with my brother but.." You shift, sitting on your knees to even your height with his.
" You're really hot." You whispered. Scanning his body you realized the bulge in his striped pajama pants. You smirked, palming it gently. A whimper left his lips, a gasp shortly after. " We.. we can't.." he breathed out, his eyes stuck on your hand. " We'll just have to be quiet." You responded, sliding onto his lap. Your hands wrapped around his neck, looking into his eyes, smirking. He looked at you with desperation, his hands still put beside his hips.
" But.. if you really want we can stop." You spoke, realizing this might be a lot for him at once. As you began to move off, his hands quickly moved to your hips, moving you back to where you once were. " N-no.. please." He breathed out. You smirked and leaned in, pressing your lips to his. Quickly he kissed you back, his hands holding you hard against his bulge. A whimper left his lips causing your pussy to clench around nothing. You broke away, his bottom lip being tugged gently by your teeth. " That was so hot.. you should make that noise again." You smirked, beginning to grind your hips slowly.
He gasped, looking down as your hips moved against his. He closed his eyes, bitting his bottom lip as to suppress his cute moans. You grabbed his face, forcing him to look at you. " Does it not feel good? ill have to stop if I dont know if your feeling good baby.." you whispered, halting your hips. "n-no it f-feels so good .. please keep going." he said, shaking his head and pushing his lower half into yours.
You jerked up at his sudden actions, a small laugh coming from you. How could such a tall, muscular man be so submissive to someone he's met once in person? You moved your hips back and forth, feeling him grind against your clit. You sucked in a breath, looking down as your hips moved. His head fell back against your wall, his eyes shut. this was the perfect chance to attach your lips to his neck and you did just that.
He gasped, his grip on your becoming stronger. " Fuck.." he breathed out, guiding your hips faster. you moaned into his neck, leaving behind red and purple bruises. But suddenly, he halted your hips. You pulled away from another mark you were leaving on his skin, looking into his shiny, pleasing eyes. " I-i don't think this is a good idea. w-we could get caught. or what if one of us grows feelings? or both of us?" he asked, his hands dropping to his side.
at first you pouted. you were having so much fun and you could tell he was too. " Konig.. if your that anxious we can stop. I dont want this to be a bad experience for you." you said softly. "but.. you just begged me to keep going." you said, still feeling his aching dick on your core. "I-i know but.. I wasn't thinking about everything that could go bad." you smiled softly before leaning in, slowly. you wanted to see how he'd react. but when he didn't move, you pressed your lips onto his, softly. not a heated makeup session way, just a regular, gentle kiss.
he sighed into it, pulling you closer. you smirked and pulled away, his eyes opening seconds after you. " well don't think of the negatives baby. let me take care of you." you whispered, then, very slowly, kissing from his ear, down his neck and to his shoulder. he shivered at your touch, goosebumps covering his skin. he didn't reply, his body did all the talking this time. your hands slid up the t shirt he had on, feeling his abs. you hummed at his fit body, smiling softly. " may I take this off?" you asked, tugging his shirt. quickly, he nodded.
within minuets both of you were naked, you on your knees at the end of your bed, while he sat at the edge. his dick, standing straight up, threatened you. it was huge. and thick. never have you felt more anxious to have sex with someone so much in your life. what if he literally snaps you in half? "y-you dont have to. I know my size is.. often too much." he said, beginning to move backwards. but you gripped his calves, shaking your head.
" im just thinking about how many times I could make you cum tonight.." you whispered, looking in his eyes. his cheeks and ears turned a bright red and he looked away. you smiled before moving up, taking him in your, compared to his, small hands. your other rested on his thigh as you prepared for him inside your mouth. you kissed his thigh before looking up. " are you ready?" you asked.
he had mentioned to you that he'd never gotten head. why? look at the size of him. any sane person would quickly realize that he'd never fully fit. most people would probably puke because of how far back he'd reach. but you were determined. determined to hear this man whimper again. " yes but.. if it feels uncomfortable then tell me.. I don't mind stopping." he breathed out, nodding slowly. You flashes him a quick smile before licking your lips and slowly, painfully slow, taking him in your mouth.
His breath hitched for a moment. His eyes were wide at the new feeling. It was a bit different than it being inside someones pussy. Not super different, but different enough. His breath was stuck in his throat as he watched you stay still, almost halfway down his length. " A-are you okay?" He asked, gulping at the sight of you. Your eyes looked up at him and you nodded, tears pricking the corner of your eyes.
After a moment of getting used to him in your mouth, you slowly moved down as much as you could. At this point his tip hit the back of your throat and still, he wasn't completely in your mouth. You knew your limits and you weren't going to force yourself more. Slowly, your brought your head back up, your tongue pressed flat against the side of his length. His breath hitched, his eyes fluttering closed. Again, you moved your head back down, watching his every reaction. " O-oh my.. oh~" he whimpered, his hands gripping the sheets.
You moaned onto his length, sucking the tip gently once you moved your head back up. His hips jerked up, forcing himself down your throat. You gagged, holding his thighs for support. " O-oh my God Im so sorry! I d-didn't mean to." His head shooting up, looking down apologetically at you. You pulled away, smiling. "It's okay Konig. It's your first time having this done to you I was expecting it." You chuckled, looking at his soaked, veiny dick inches away from your face. You wrapped your hand around his base, moving up slowly and back down just as slow.
" A-are you su..sure you wanna continue?" He asked, looking down at you. You nodded, pushing yourself up again, sliding his dick down your throat as much as you could. His head immediately fell back, resting his body on his forearms. You began to move your head a bit faster, hollowing out your cheeks. Every time you came up, you made sure to suck a bit more hard at the tip, always earning a whimper from his pretty lips. " F-fuck your so good..at this." He moaned, his back resting his back on the bed.
It didn't take long before you felt him twitching in your mouth, his whimpers slowly growing louder and louder. He was in a trance, had no idea what his body was doing. To the point he hadn't realized you had stopped moving your head completely, his hips fucking into your mouth. " I-i'm gonna..im gonna cum." he moaned, his hips moving faster. His body shot up, a strained moan leaving his lips as his cum filled your mouth, his hand gripping your hair to make sure you took every single drop. He gasped, his legs shaking, his eyes closing tightly.
Slowly you moved your head up and down along his tip, helping him ride out his high. You looked up at him, saliva and a bit of cum connecting the two of you as you pulled away. " i... Im s-sorry for-" " It was hot Konig.. Im soaked.." you said, looking up at him, your lips puffy and wet. His eyes were locked onto your face, his breathing slowing down. " C..can I fuck you.. please." He whispered. A smirk spread across your lips as you stood, pulling the hoodie off your body. His eyes landed on your breasts, your pointy nipples calling out for him.
" Please fuck me Konig.." You whispered, slowly pulling your panties down, pooling them at your feet. He immediately stood, lifting you so your legs were wrapped around his waist. He walked over to your vanity, placing you gently on top of it. His hands spread your legs, gently pushing you back against the mirror. His eyes were dark, scanning your body as if he was trying to decide what to touch first. His eyes landed on your breasts, his lips latching around your right nipple, his fingers playing with the left. A gasp left your lips, your eyes fluttering closed. You felt his length at your core, begging for permission to get in. " Your so fucking hot libeling.. but such a fucking whore. Fucking your brothers best friend when he's only a room away from us." He said against your breast, his other hand moving down to move his length against your clit.
Your body jerked back, a moan leaving your lips. You have had sexual encounters before, but none this.. sexy. This risky. " Aren't you such a whore?" He whispered, removing his lips fro your nipple and moving to the left. " Y-yes i..im a whore Konig." You breathed out, the amount of pleasure you were getting from him overwhelming. He chuckled before standing straight up. " Then i'm gonna fuck you like one too." He said before slipping his length into you. A yelp left your lips, his hand immediately going to cover your mouth. His hips stoped, letting you adjust to what was inside you before moving more inside you. Once all of him was inside, he showed no mercy.
His hips slammed into you, his hand still covering your mouth. Your head fell back onto the mirror, your hands gripping his shoulders for support. His head dropped, watching him disappear inside you, and when he did pull out, your slick coating him completely, his dick shiny. He whimpered at the sight, biting his lip. " f-fuck baby.. your so t-tight." His head fell back, his hands now gripping your thighs. " Oh K-Konig.. p-please go..go faster." You whimpered, your nails digging into his skin.
" You pathetic slut. Can't.. be grateful for what you got huh?" He growled, his nails digging deeper into your skin. He pushed you down a bit more, half your body hanging off the vanity. He wrapped your legs around his neck, allowing himself to hit deeper inside you. As his hips slammed into you, the vanity shook, things dropping every now and then. " K-konig.. fuck!" You squeaked, your hands gripping his forearms. His hair stuck to his forehead, his eyes staring you down. " You like it? You like fucking your brothers best friend?" His accent was thick, only turning you on more. " Y-yes.. fuck I love it. I l-love it so so much." You whimpered, locking eyes with him. He growled, pulling out and dragging you down. " Turn. Now." He breathed out.
Quickly, you turned, facing yourself in the mirror. He shoved your top half down, kicking your legs apart. He slid back in with such ease, a moan leaving the both of you immediately. His hips wasted no Tims in slamming into youths hand pulling your hair back. " Look at yourself when I fuck you.. l-look at how.. pathetic you look." he groaned, watching you in the mirror. You clenched around him, a whimper coming from his plump lips. " K-Konig im g..gonna cum." you moaned, your hands pressed against the mirror. He was looking down, watching him disappear and reappear. " Coat me baby.. coat me in that sweet.. cum.. fuck~" he whimpered, his free hand gripping your hip as he moved faster, deeper.
At this point neither of you were too worried about the noise. You both felt too good to care. Your highs were gonna wash up on each other hard, the desperation from you both growing more and more with each thrust. " I-im.. fuck!" Your body tensed up as you felt yourself release, your legs shaking as your breath caught in your throat. His hips moved faster, both his hands now gripping your hips as your face pressed against the mirror. " fuck fuck fuck.. fuck!" he whimpered, his thrusts jagged as he filled you, his head dropping onto your back. He gave small thrusts, riding out his high and yours, whines leaving his lips.
For a minuet you both stayed there, trying to catch your breathes. " a..are you okay?" he whispered, slowly raising himself off you. but you were too tired to say anything. he chucked and slid out and he felt you clench around him, a small chuckle leaving his lips. His cum and yours ran down your wobbly legs, a sigh leaving his lips. " thats so hot.." he mumbled to himself. you felt his arms wrap around your waist as he lifted you slowly, leaving the room and walking towards the bathroom. " here. pee while I get you some clothes." he smiled, closing the door.
you stared at the door in somewhat awe. a few moments ago he was degrading you and now, he's taking care of you. the most gentle kind human. usually after these things your left to take care of yourself. for the first time, you were being taken care of. " here. ill go back to the couch im a bit tired. if you need anything-" "sleep in my bed." you cut him off. he froze, his eyes wide. "w-what no your brother and parents would kill me." "they all work in the morning. they never check my room and if anything, just write a quick note saying you left for the gym. just please sleep with me tonight." you said, looking up at him from the toilet.
he smiled and nodded. "okay. ill be waiting for you." he smiled, closing the door and heading back to your room. you blushed and looked down at your hands. were you actually growing a crush on him? when you were done, you slowly walked back to your bed, Konig already laying down. " just sent your brother a text saying ill be at the gym in the morning." he smiled, putting his phone down.
you laid next to him, taking in his scent. " Konig..?" you whispered. he hummed. " I enjoyed having sex with you.. and I hope we can do it again." he chuckled and pressed a soft kiss on your forehead. " we will.. trust me."
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babybluebex · 21 days
no because let's talk about the breeding kink 🤨
sigh, i SHOULD be doing anything other than this... getting ready to move tomorrow... getting ready to start my job tomorrow... my daily cardio... but whatever let's do it
so BIG warning below the cut for explicit smut, if you aren't into that, maybe sit this one out :) cw for obviously breeding kink, a brief diatribe ab safe sex practices, edging/overstim, use of "mommy/daddy" but not sexually (you'll see), a surprise munch!dom shows up at the end
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but yeah. he has a thing about breeding you. he doesn't think he does, bc like?? doesn't everyone like that?? he has experience before you, sure, but he's not exactly up to date on what fetishes are normal and what fetishes appear in porn a lot (he is, after all, a 21 year old guy, we can't give him too much credit)
but you don't find out about this kink of his for a little while, you guys have slept together a handful of times but your relationship is starting to get a lot more serious than before, and even though it seems a little quick, it feels right to already be thinking about getting married to him
but you're talking about everything one night, just trying to have healthy communication with a glass of wine yknow, and you ask him like "how do you feel about kids?" and he seems a little nervy?? and he's like "idk... i never really thought about a future of mine that didn't have kids in it" "but do you want them?" "of course. it's just, like, i want them, but i've also never thought about not having them. it's just always something i've wanted" and you're like cool, cool... "i think i wanna have kids with you" and he gets a little pink in the face "aw... thanks... that's sweet"
and you move on from that part of the conversation, and you think it's been forgotten, until a few days later
your man has been fuckin stressed out, luckily he's filming in jersey so he gets to stay relatively close to you, and you manage to rent a little airbnb in the town he's filming in so that he can come home to you, but he's about to tear his hair out, he's trying to film this but then also learn lines for his next project, and he's still slinging out audition tapes for every door his agent can manage to get his foot in, and you hate to see him like this, so he gets home from set one night to the smell of his favorite dinner cooking, and he sets down his stuff and is like "baby?"
comes into the kitchen and yes you're cooking, but you've got your hair done up all pretty with those sparkly pins you wore to the baftas, and you're wearing that lipstick that drives him crazy, and... are you?? you can't be?? wearing one of his shirts and his favorite panties of yours that show off all your assets?? his favorite outfit on you!! and all he can manage is a dry-mouthed lil "wuh?"
and you smile at him "just in time, sweetheart, that oven's about to go off, and then we'll be ready to eat" and you go to him and kiss him gently, and he's still like ‼️ and you go "everything ok? you're quiet"
"what is this...?" and he grabs your hips and does the thing that vision did to wanda in ep1 of wandavision "what are you wearing??"
"well you've been so stressed out..." you start "i wanted to do something nice for you"
"oh baby this is very nice" he says and he can't get his eyes off of you "i might have to marry you if you keep this up"
"is that a promise?"
anyway yeah, he's worked up now and marriage is on his mind (therefore kids are too) and you have dinner, but he eventually gets you in his lap and is rubbing your thighs and kissing your neck and you're trying to talk to him like "should we put on a movie? or i can beam my spotify to the TV and we can listen to some music?" but he's got tunnel vision on your soft skin
so you give it up and start to get into it, kissing him back and tugging off his shirt, and he does the same to you so that you're skin to skin, and like of course you know what a loverboy dom can be, but this is something completely different, this is devotion and admiration and complete sickening love, and you just can't help yourself from whispering "want you to put a baby in me, dommy" and he doesn't skip a beat, almost like he was hoping you'd say something like that "yeah? you wanna have my baby? aren't you on the pill?" "yeah, but i can—" and you pause to bite him bottom lip gently as his hands slink down to your panties "i can get off it" "fuck, baby" he whispers, tilting his head to press a kiss under your ear "don't tease me like that" "not teasing you" you tell him
and he checks with you a couple of times as he gets you in bed and gets you naked, kissing down your body and dragging his tongue around your soft flesh, really making sure you're truly down for all of this, but even through his gentle care, you can see the brick in his jeans and like fuuuuck he wants this so badly too
finally getting him out of his clothes and closing your legs around his waist, and he kisses you deeply as he starts to lean off to the side to the nightstand, and he sorta chuckles "guess we, umm... don't need that... right?"
and you smile and shake your head, and dom gives you a soft melty look "if you change your mind, please let me know" he says gently, taking up his rock-hard dick into his hand and stroking himself a few times "i don't wanna, like, knock you up and it turns out you wanted me to put on a condom halfway thru, like just let me know—" "dominic, i know you're trying to be nice" you start "and i really appreciate that and love you for it, but i already told you: i'm all in. i want this"
and like you have never in your life had unprotected sex before, like the pill was really more for hormone management than actual birth control, and with past partners you've always been cautious and made them wear condoms "just in case" (which like irl is a good practice, it's never a bad idea to be cautious ab sex bc like sti's and various things can be spread without a condom, so like whatever, off my apple box, basically wrap it before you tap it pls) but with dom, you don't have any reason to worry bc you know he's clean and like the desired outcome would only happen without a condom
but maybe it's that safety and security that makes his raw cock inside you feel so much better than usual, and you whimper as he laughs a little "s'okay, baby" he tells you "i've got you, daddy's got you" and you smile and laugh, and you're like "is this me discovering you have a daddy kink?" "no" he scoffs "but it is daddy taking care of mommy. right?"
and he's got those big eyes at you, gnawing on his bottom lip, and you gently use your thumb to pull his lips from between his teeth and you kiss him, and he gets down to business
he's being a little more feral than typical, just holding onto you harder and fucking into you with a quick pace, and he can't keep his mouth off of you, he's either kissing your lips or kissing your neck, and towards the end he presses his lips to your neck and just sorta pathetically moans as he nears his finish
and every sensation inside you is making fireworks pop, all you can do is moan and whimper and claw down his back as hot pleasure spreads throughout your whole body, and your breath catches in your throat when he reaches down and starts playing with your clit, your hips bucking at the sudden onslaught and near overstimulation, but he's being VERY attentive and he notices your breathing change and he goes "you ok?"
you nod quickly, biting your lip harshly "m'close!" you squeak, and he smiles, reaching out above your head and grabbing the headboard to keep himself up, and you really understand what it means to be animalistic, bc he raises his arm and you smell the sweat and pheromones seeping out of his pores and you go a lil crazy for a moment "dom! dom, baby, please, please..." "oh yeah?" he asks and he smiles when you sob out "is it good, baby?" "yes!" you hiccup and you reach up and wrap your fingers around his wrist and just fuckin hang on for dear life and then he suddenly stiffens and freezes and you gasp, worried something's wrong, but his smile is too coy, his eyes glittering too much "tell me how much you want it" he tells you, his fingers hovering so close to your throbbing clit that you swear you can still feel them and you can only manage to mumble a confused "wha...?" "tell me" he says "how much. you want it. tell me how badly you want me to cum inside you and get you pregnant" "you're fucking evil" you gasp and shift your hips to try to get contact with his hand, but he shifts further away, denying it to you "i never claimed to be anything else" he laughs "you want me to knock you up so badly, you gotta tell me" "dommy" you whine "please! you're close too, i can feel you throbbing" and like yeah he's so close to his finish that you don't know how he hasn't busted inside you in the last 30 seconds "well then you better hurry up and talk to me" dom says and you swallow with a dry throat and squeeze his wrist, and you watch his bicep flex and your mouth waters "want it bad, baby" you tell him "want you to fill me up, want it to leak outta me when we're done" "mhm" dom nods, and he leans down and gently kisses your lips "you're gonna get all pregnant, all big with my fuckin baby... walking around like that with my ring on your hand, and everyone'll know what a slut you are, what you let me do to you... s'that it, baby? you wanna be my little slut?" you nod quickly, trying to chase him back into a kiss, but his hand moves from the headboard down to grab your neck and force you back down, and he's not even remotely squeezing or doing anything, he's not even putting force into the push, his hand is just There, and you gasp "yeah!" you whimper, and you throb, flexing around him, and he hisses through his teeth "w-wanna be yours, baby, wanna be only yours"
and with his hand on your throat, he starts fucking into you again, his smooth stomach flexing with each thrust, his tattoo shifting with his skin, and he presses his forehead against yours and kisses you, and he mumbles "gonna..." and you just nod and curl your fingers in his messy hair (that's getting increasingly frizzy and crazy with the sweat and heat), and his eyebrows knit together as his reddened mouth opens against yours, and he chokes out a groan, and then you feel him spilling inside you as his thrusts slow down, filling you and making the whole thing like 1000 times louder with the wet sound of him still fucking you through it
and he keeps going even when he's panting and wincing, and you're like "baby, stop, it's ok" and he cuts you off "gotta make sure it takes..." and goes for a little longer before he slowly pulls out and sighs as he watches his cum seep out of your poor little cunt, and he chuckles lightly "cool"
and you smile and start to reach out to hug him, but he sours pretty quickly "did you cum?" "umm... no" you tell him and he rolls his eyes "fuck, momma, you didn't think to tell me that before i came?" and you laugh but try to hide just how much you love him calling you that "just didn't think about it" and he shakes his head and licks his lips "nah, that's not gonna fuckin work" he says, and he shoves his sweaty curls off of his forehead as he slinks down your body, laying open-mouth kisses on your skin as he goes, and he finally reaches his destination, looking up at you thru his pretty eyelashes before he dives in
and yay munch dom makes an appearance!! bc he's having the time of his life down there, holding your hips in his hands and smoothing his thumbs across your skin, and you're jostling around with every kitten lick he gives you, and he's getting messy and loud, and you just tug on his hair and squeak "dom!" and then the wave of warmth and energy washes over you, and you're just laying there, twitching and sobbing as he continues to eat you through it, and you hear him whisper "good, good, just like that, momma, so good for me"
once you settle down and dom wipes your tears off your face, he gets up and pulls on a pair of sweatpants and they hang all low on his hips as he bustles around, reaching into the bathroom and starting up the shower, find your panties that he had tossed across the room and now hung from the plant in the corner
and he notices u all quiet on the bed and he's like "you ok, sweetheart?"
and you know it's cheesy but you tell him "yeah. we're fine"
"you think it worked?" and he sits next to you and rubs your thigh soothingly
and you nod, and he smiles and kisses you "well, i can't wait to meet them"
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diana-rose25 · 8 months
— Let's Dance
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pairing/s: BEBE! Bada Lee x Jam Republic! Reader x Wolf'Lo! Chocol
warnings: None so far, an unrealistic description of being an exchange foreign student, might confuse some words in ballet (as most of them are only through research and not based on experience).
description: A professional ballet dancer in Street Woman Fighter Season 2? (Y/N) Bae, a 23-year-old ballerina and dance prodigy enters the fighting arena alongside the infamously known crew, JAM REPUBLIC. Making the team's aura and presence far more intimidating despite being clad in soft pink and white clothing, adorned with astonished faces and friendly smiles. As the young woman entered the arena with curious eyes and small smile, the other teams couldn't help but awe at her beauty and elegant aura, unknowingly capturing the eyes of two charismatic dancers.
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"They're the last one to enter."
"This crew is intimidating."
These are just some of the comments circulating around the arena as they waited for the last and final crew to come out.
"It's amazing that JAM REPUBLIC is here," Akanen, Tsubakill's leader, stated in awe. Looking at the empty space where the last crew of the show have yet to enter the small arena.
A certain buzz was felt in the air as the other contestants waited for the anticipated arrival of JAM REPUBLIC. More notably, they were excited to meet the celebrity of all dancers, Kirsten Dodgen.
"We'll see Kirsten in person," Biggy stated admiringly.
Dancers expressed their love and admiration for the pink crew's leader and her arrival. One member from Deep N' Dap even stated that she cried when Kirsten cancelled on her classes due to visa issues after she signed up for all four of her classes. Her leader, Mina Myoung, promptly scolded her. Stating firmly that "this is a serious competition." Despite this, two of her members joked around, lifting up the atmosphere that turned heavy just before.
The longer the dancers wait, the more nervous and excited they get to finally meet the members of the crew.
"Wah, Kirsten is here," Yeni, a member of Wolf'Lo stated. The said woman bounced a little on her seat, the adrenaline rush pumping into very veins so fast she could barely contain it.
"Hey," she perked up, turning to Baby Sleek as she remembered something important.
"Hey Baby Sleek, is it true that (Y/N) was once your student?" Her question caused all the members to look at their oldest curiously and for confirmation.
A fond smile crossed Baby Sleek's face as she shrugged her shoulder. "Yeah," she confirms making her members awe and shout in disbelief as she rarely takes in students. "She was for a short while. (Y/N) trained under me for more or less than three years." The other crew turned to Wolf'Lo when they heard the commotion, curious to know what made them react in such a way.
"Wow, what was she like?" Haechi questioned. "Is she really that pretty in real life?"
Baby Sleek nodded, "when I first met her, I was so shocked at how pretty that kid is. I thought she was an idol. In my mind I was like, what the hell? How can this kid be so pretty at her age?" The members laughed at the whiny tone of her voice.
"But putting her looks aside, (Y/N) really is a monster at dance. A natural. At first, I was hesitant at her skills since she is more focused on the ballet genre, but after a few lessons, the girl was a beast. As if she was dancing hip-hop since she could walk! Of course, there were times where she would struggle with something, but her dedication and hard work pushed her through it all. It was really admirable."
The other members were floored at the high regards and compliments Baby Sleek showered you in. Suddenly feeling much more intimidated by the crew that isn't even present yet. Yeni, Haechi, and Halo nodded for the respect they felt for the Jam Republic member while Chocol and Mini sat rigidly in their seat.
"Yah, I'm starting to regret picking her as my No Respect Dancer," Mini laughed nervously before faking a cry and shoving her hands to cover her face. "Why didn't you say that before we pick the weakest dancers?!" She whined.
"They're not even here yet calm down," Chocol said, patting Mini on the shoulder in a mock comfort. "Have confidence, we can probably give her a good fight and win at the end of the day."
Halo and Baby Sleek giggle at the antics of their members and nodded encouragingly.
"Aya, don't mind. The both of you probably have more freestyle and dance battle experience than her. Don't doubt your capabilities now," Halo, their leader, commented while patting their heads.
"Right. Be confident, but keep your guard up. We saw her list of accomplishments before, so let's be prepared." Baby Sleek said seriously, shaking her hands a little to expel the nerves of the upcoming competition as her mind slowly shifts into battle mode.
Meanwhile, the pink crew of Jam Republic waited patiently for their cue to enter the arena in their given room.
(Y/N) tapped her hands against her thighs repeatedly. "I'm so excited and nervous at the same time."
Her members giggled at her but also felt the same energy as her. Ling, who sat next to her on her right, held her right hand to squeeze it gently for a few times.
"Me too. But don't worry, we got this." (Y/N) smiled at her as she intertwined their fingers together and squeezed her hand back.
"You'll be fine girl, we got your back." Latrice said, smilingly comfortingly at her as she sat next to Emma who gave you a nod and a finger heart to which you giggled.
Audrey, who sat next to her, leaned her head against her shoulder and looped her arm around her. "Yeah, calm down and let's just have fun! There's nothing to worry about." (Y/N) smiled fondly at the youngest member of the group, patting her knee in gratitude.
"I mean come on," Kirsten said, clapping her hands out of excitement and to hype her fellow members up, "this is us we're talking about!"
"Okay, okay, okay!" (Y/N) shouted, now pumped and excited, "Let's do this!" The girls laughed at her sudden mood change and hyped each other up even more. Even though some of them just met a couple of days ago, they were now starting to form a bond with each other. She smiled at the sight before her, feeling the warmth that bloomed in her chest, leaning back on the couch to compose herself.
The moment (Y/N) closed her eyes and took a deep breath, the TV screen came to life, signaling to their crew that it was time to enter the arena. The Jam Republic girls simultaneously yelled in surprise and excitement. Feeling gittery, Kirsten stood up and the rest of the girls followed her lead.
"Okay guys, are we ready?" She asked.
The members giggled a positive response albeit the nervous, quiet laughter that accompanied it as they form a circle.
"Shall we do this?" Kristen asked, placing a hand in front and the members followed one-by-one. "Entrance is going to be fire, three, two, one, wee!"
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"Wee!" They followed along, laughing and giggling as they exited their room and walked towards the arena.
"Let's Dance!"
— ©All Rights Reserved diana-rose25
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mrscordonean · 2 months
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Mr. Ken? Stop calling me that.
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You were modelling for the new KENTO® magazine when your boss, the CEO, Kento Nanami walks into the room, you were so invested in the cameras flashing and getting the perfect pose that you didn't hear him calling your name. He walks infront of you and you're right in line with his abs. You look up to see a very angry boss. "You answer me when I call you" "Sorry Mr. Ken". You put on your best pout face. "I have decided i am going to marry you". WHATTTT!? You were shocked beyond borders when he randomly popped the question. "So... No proposal? No ring?". "I will get you a ring later, right now we need to sign the papers", "No wedding? I don't accept then", he frowns at your statement. "What is the point?". He starts to walk away but you stop him. "Excuse me?" He turns around and stares at you as if you're stupid, he shakes his head. "We'll only be married for a year anyway". He then takes of with his secretary. It seemed like he only asked you to marry him for work purposes, but he asked you in particular! (the delulu is kicking in) This made you extremely happy for some reason but you weren't going to play easy.
Your back at your apartment you see a bunch of guys moving your stuff. You first instinct is to scream but then you spot Nanami. "What is the meaning of all this?" You complained to Nanami hoping he would get the guys to stop moving your stuff. "If you're going to be my wife, we are going to have to move in together so people don't get suspicious." "But i like my house, i can report you for trespassing" "Listen here lil lady, have you forgotten who i am? Not only am i your boss but your husband too, so I have every right to be in your house" Kento say in a deep tone making you shut up almost immediately as you watched your aesthetic house turn into nothing.
Kento insists he drive you to your new house. You didn't really care if it was a mansion because if it wasn't pink the moment you stepped in, you would have no choice but to run away. He was silent the whole time and you had no intention of talking to him either. "One year isn't that long" He finally spoke. You hesitate but reply "It's not that I don't want to marry you it's just that i need my own private space too." "I understand that and my mansion is big enough for you to have your own private space, you hungry?" "yeah, starved" you reply and he pulls into a mcdonald's drive thru. "Hello, what would you like to order" a female voice came from the 'put your order in' machine. "I would like a big mac meal and for my wife.." Kento looks over to you. "a mcspicy meal and a raspberry kitkat mcflurry, please" "alright that would be £15.78 please." After getting the food Kento hands you to mcdonald's bag and he stops in the car park. After you got your things out, he takes the bag and starts stuffing his face with the big mac. You giggle and he turns to you "What?" "You eat just like any other man, i thought you'd have more manners" you might have laugh too hard as Kento starts to slow down his chewing. "it's okay Mr. Ken, it means you and i can be more comfortable eating together". He puts on an expression that seemed somewhat like a smile and starts to speak. "Mr. Ken? Stop calling me that, I'm your husband now."
(when you get to you guys' new home he makes you sign the marriage papers)
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tonyspank · 11 months
how would it be when jenna and g!p reader have their first baby together? like the preparations and the labor 🥺🥺
Jenna Ortega x G!P Reader
Warnings: fluff again
Words: 1.2k
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series masterlist | main masterlist |
Your parents had come around after they let themselves calm down. Getting Jenna pregnant, so early on was a shock for them. But they accepted it and began to help you and Jenna prepare for the baby's arrival. They even offered to help with the financial costs of raising the child.
You and Jenna were both grateful for the support. You both knew that you wouldn't be able to manage this on your own. You were thankful that your parents had come around and accepted the situation. But you didn't want to ask them for help right away. So, you began doing stuff by yourself as Jenna relaxed in your new home together.
The first thing you did was get rid of your motorcycle, as much as it hurt. You traded it in for an SUV, hoping it would be more practical for what was ahead. Jenna was confused when you surprised her with it, though.
"Ta-da!" Jenna furrows her eyebrows, staring at the car in front of her. She doesn't even move a muscle, she just stares at it, blinking every now and then. "You don't like it?" You ask her, lowering your hands. Jenna slowly shakes her head, narrowing her eyes at you. "It's...pink."
You laugh and shrug, "It was the only one available!" You then point at the interior, "But check out the interior!" Jenna finally cracks a smile and steps closer to the car, inspecting it more closely. "The seats are... purple." You nod, "I know, I thought it was a nice touch."
"Why is the carpet fuzzy?" You grin, "That's to keep your feet warm in the winter. It's like having a personal heating system!" Jenna shakes her head, "Where'd you buy this car?"
You shrug, "I got it from this dude off OfferUp. He said it was the best car he ever owned." Jenna smiles, "Well, it has some unusual features." You nod, "That's why I love it!"
Jenna holds out her hand, "Let me see the keys." You pass them over and she starts the engine. Music blares from the speakers and Jenna's eyes light up. "It's like a party on wheels!" You exclaim.
She immediately turns off the car, shaking her head. "I'm not putting our baby in this truck." She gets out of the truck and hands you the keys. "We'll have to find another car." She says as she starts walking back into the house.
You frown and turn to the car. "She didn't mean that." You take one more look at the truck before turning away and following your girlfriend back into the house.
The next project was the baby's room. You had invited Eli over to help you. Jenna wanted everything white, except the walls. She wanted those gray. As Eli was painting you started building the crib.
The entire thing was stressing you out. "You're the worst fucking handyman to ever live," Eli says to you, letting out a loud laugh. You grip the instruction manual tighter, glaring at your best friend. "Please shut the fuck up."
Eli just laughed harder and you playfully rolled your eyes in response. After a couple of minutes, you thought you had everything down pack. It was beginning to look like a crib and you were almost done. "I'm fucking her! Like, no one can top me." You say, smiling. Eli laughs at you, shrugging. "I don't know. You think might be her."
"I'm definitely her." You continue to work on the crib, putting the finishing touches on it. You step back and admire your work, feeling a sense of pride. You turn to Eli and smile, "I'm definitely the best. No one can beat this." Eli shakes his head smiling as he finishes the last bit of the wall.
As if on cue, Jenna walks into the room. Jenna looks at the wall and remarks, "I think I want it pink and blue." She looks at the crib and it literally falls apart, piece by piece.
Your mouth drops and your head snaps to Eli. The two of you share a look of disbelief. Eli pulls out his toolbox and sets to work, mumbling under his breath. He looks up at you and shakes his head. "This is going to be a long night."
You roll up your sleeves and start helping Eli, gathering the pieces of the crib. Jenna just shakes her head, leaving the room.
You didn't think pregnant women had such bad mood swings, but Jenna proved you wrong. One second she'd cling onto you for dear life and the next she'd be kicking you out of bed. She was always unpredictable and kept you guessing.
You would never know what kind of Jenna you'd get when you walked into the room. But no matter what, you stayed by her side and gave her all the love and support she needed.
Like today, you stood there watching as Jenna made pancakes. You didn't know if you should hug her or act like she wasn't there. She turned around and saw you standing there, a smile spreading across her face.
You smiled back and went to hug her but she pushed you away shaking her head. You stepped back, feeling embarrassed and not knowing what to do. Jenna stepped towards you and placed a kiss on your forehead before turning back to the stove.
You stood there in shock, not knowing what to say. She finished making the pancakes and stepped back, motioning for you to sit down and eat. You two shared breakfast and conversation for hours, and you felt closer to her than ever before.
You stood up from the table, Jenna following behind, making your way back to the kitchen together. Jenna walks in front of you, a bit too fast and her fork drops from her plate, falling onto the ground.
She bends over in front of you, her ass in your face. You pause for a moment, your eyes drawn to her curves. She stands up and turns around, asking you the world's craziest question. "Do you like men?"
You quickly shake your head no as your face flushes with embarrassment. She narrows her eyebrows at you, "Then why didn't you slap my ass just then?" Your mouth opens to speak but nothing comes out, so you just shrug in response. "Um..." Finally, you muster something out. "Did you want me to?"
"No." Is all she says before moving to wash the dishes.
You stand there, feeling awkward and confused. You slowly back away, unsure how to proceed.
When Jenna went into labor it was scary, exciting, and did you mention scary? She screamed your name from the kitchen and you rushed up from the couch, running over to her.
"I think my water broke!" She yells at you. You look around, "UH! HOW DO WE FIX THAT?!" Jenna takes a deep breath and glares at you, "We don't need to fix it, it's time to go to the hospital!"
You nod in agreement and quickly grab the hospital bag you had packed earlier. As you rush out the door, you can't help but feel a wave of excitement and anticipation as the two of you start the next chapter of your lives.
You arrive at the hospital and the staff quickly takes over, guiding you to the delivery room. You take a deep breath and squeeze Jenna's hand, ready to welcome your new baby into the world.
taglist - @alexkolax @raven-ss @godsfavouritelesbiann @jennasslut @niqmandu @amburntfreeman @returnnofdamac @starry-night17 @get-the-fuck-outta-here @morganismspam23 @tai-hdg @crazyoffher2
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stuckymonkey · 10 months
Natasha Romanoff
Pairing - nat x agent!reader
Summary - y/n has a special mission...seduce nat. she learns about what gets the gorgeous redhead to tick, eventually winning her over with a fun ride...
Warnings - implications of sexy times, flirting, reader is female, use of y/n
Word count - 1.5k
a/n - this is a ship I am hoping to write about more! this idea came to me and it was just too hot not to write
masterlist natasha romanoff
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She was gorgeous. And completely off limits. Natasha Romanoff. She sat on one of the couches adjacent to mine during another team movie night. Sam had chosen a rom com, again. She laughed at one of the scenes, throwing popcorn in her mouth after. Natasha was so adorable in her pink pajama shorts that I wanted to feel so bad.
I've been on the team for just over a year, working privately before that as a Shield agent and one of Fury's few favourite and trusted people. I was born and trained in Europe before moving to NYC for school. That's when I was recruited by Fury and Stark to join the Avengers. I had quickly made friends with Steve, Bucky and Sam.
Natasha and Wanda soon became my friends as well, although while Wanda had become my friend instantly, Nat took more time to warm up to me. But when she did, oh man, it was amazing. She laughed with her whole body when she felt comfortable, and she talked freely around those she could trust. I was honoured when I became one of those people.
After tonight's movie night, we'll have a short mission tomorrow consisting of Steve, Bucky, Sam, Nat and me. As the movie ended I watched the redhead get up and bring her blanket back with her to her room. I helped Sam clean up a bit before heading to my own room, passing Natasha's on the way.
I stopped and knocked gently, surprised when I heard a clear "Come in," from one of my favourite voices. "Hey," I smiled. "Hey," she said, smiling back. "I just wanted to say I hope you have a good sleep before our mission tomorrow." I said. "Aw, thanks y/n/n. You too." Her soft smile reached her eyes, making her cheeks plumper than usual. "Thanks,"
With that, I headed to my bed, happy at being able to hear her voice and see her face as one of the last things before I fell into a deep sleep.
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I sped past Steve and Bucky who were acting as lookouts, heading towards the abandoned hydra base where I would be meeting Sam. The motorcycle sped under me as I raced towards the checkpoint.
Nat was in the jet, giving us navigation directions. She successfully got us through the unguarded hallways and into the necessary room to gather intel for the usb drive in my pocket. It was a quick in and out after getting the needed information about a new HYDRA weapon. "Good?" Sam asked, standing behind me to watch the door. Even though this place was mostly empty, you never knew when it came to these idiots.
"Good." I replied. I pulled the drive out of the device, putting it back in my pocket. "We can go now," I said, following Sam out of the room. "Perfect. You'll ride back, and I'll fly?" He asked. "Sounds good to me," I said, flashing him a smile before straddling my bike as he flew off back to the jet.
When I passed Steve and Bucky's spot, they were already gone, probably headed to the jet. As I got closer I saw everyone standing out side of the jet's ramp. I drove straight past them, up the ramp and on to the jet.
I walked back down the jet to meet up with the other team members. Nat's gaze was fixed on me. "Hi," I pulled my bottom lip into my mouth and bit on it. Her eyes darkened and she swallowed, "H-hi." she blinked quickly as if to make sure what she was seeing was real. I usually fought in a regular tactical suit. Seeing me in a low cut red crop top and black leather jacket with ripped black jeans must have thrown her off.
"Might want to close your mouth, Natty, the drool's gonna slip out." I sassed, giving her the most seductive look I could. See, Nat could seduce anyone easily. Especially because they were already probably seduced before she even showed them any attention. So to seduce Nat was quite a bit harder, but I wanted her. And I wanted her bad.
After working with Natasha for several months, I knew just how to make her flustered: act confident, use your eyes and your mouth. So far, it was working. I could see a blush creep up her neck and just barely reach her cheeks. She turned her head away to avoid my gaze.
She followed everyone else onto the jet, I sat near her. I slowly took my jacket off and put it on my lap, sighing in content as I did so. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her head whip around to meet my body, letting her heavy gaze rest on me.
Real subtle Nat, I thought. By the time the jet landed, Nat rushed off and probably back to her room. Now I was kind of scared that I had made her uncomfortable. Most of the team knew about my crush on her, and I received a questioning glance from Wanda. Not knowing what else to do, I just offered a shrug in return before heading back to my room.
I had an excellent plan: shower, get changed, order takeout, bring said takeout to Natasha's room and see what was going on. I twisted the knob to my door, startled at seeing the redhead perched on the end of my bed. "Nat?!"I asked. "Hi," she replied shyly. "Hey, um, what are you doing here?" I asked. She shrugged but her eyes never left mine.
"Are you okay? I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable today, I thought you were checking me out, but maybe I misread it! Anyways, I really didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, so if I did I am so so sorry, and if you want we never have to speak of this ever again." I watched her for a reaction, the only thing I noticed was her eyes that were practically undressing my breasts, still covered in the red low cut crop top.
Slowly she got up from my bed and came to stand in front of me. Both of our hearts were beating out of our chests. I looked from her eyes, to her lips and back again. "Kiss me," she whispered. "Please."
"I always thought you would be the confident one in the bedroom," I commented, earning a light slap to my arm. "Just kiss me." she said. I gently cupped her neck with both of my hands, bringing her lips closer to mine, gently brushing them over my own. She grabbed onto my waist and pulled me closer, jamming her mouth onto mine.
I moaned at the feeling, moving my hands to thread through her red hair. "Nat," I moaned again as she licked my lower lip, slowly, teasingly. "Hm?" she started walking backwards toward my bed. I didn't know we reached it until she fell back, me landing on top of her.
We both erupted into giggles and went back to lazily making out. She shed her jacket and I offered her some pj's so we could cuddle up and watch something together. "Oh! I forgot, I had this plan to get you takeout and bring it to your room, but you were already here so...would you like some takeout?" my tone was sheepish as I waited for her answer. ''Sure, sweetheart." "Okay, Chinese sound good?" I beamed. "Perfect."
Her lips landed softly on mine once more, letting me put our order in as she got changed in my bathroom. She came back and joined me on my bed, snuggling in under the covers and searching for my TV remote. I watched her as she pulled her lip into her mouth, focusing on finding something to watch.
The rest of the night was filled with cuddles, stolen kisses and gentle touches. Eventually the movie ended and Nat stayed the night, falling asleep under warm covers with her head on my chest and my arms circled around her waist.
I couldn't wait to wake up with the redheaded woman of my dreams, and kiss her good morning. Except this wasn't a dream, this was real and I was beyond thankful for it.
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mistydeyes · 1 year
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undercover with undiscovered feelings
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summary: Your codename is Belladonna and one thing is clear you have a mood more sour than Ghost's. You hated the limelight, the shock and awe of it all, preferring to take your enemies out discreetly and quietly. Suddenly Laswell throws you to the wolves along with Soap, your fake French American fiancé. As if that wasn't bad enough, you have one secret. You're in love with him but you won't let him see past your hard exterior.
pairing: Soap x fem!Reader, sunshine x grumpy trope
warnings: SWEARING, violence, depiction of wounds, feelings being brought to the surface
a/n: thought it was time my scottish boy deserves some love
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Belladonna, the infamous 141's specialist in stealth and toxicology. Price took you on board due to your decorated resume and ability to discreetly take out your target. From day one, a certain mohawk soldier would not let you live down that your code name was also one shared with a porn star. God you hated him. Although maybe not hate, more like "unwillingly attracted to." You were polar opposites. While Johnny always was one for the theatrics, you were not one for shock and awe. You preferred to blend in the crowd, a grey man if you will. But stealth wouldn't help you here as Laswell planned to put you on in the limelight.
God, you should've known that breaking a mirror with your stray bullet would have its consequences. Now, you were sitting in this debrief in a safehouse in Italy wishing you had taken that bullet instead. Your legs bounced with nervousness as Laswell went through the planned covert op.
"I see you looking at me, Bell. I'm sorry but this mission is going to require you to get more intimate and not hide in the shadows," she said as you tried to silence your rapid heartbeat. All eyes were on you as Laswell continued, the mission was a simple one. One team would enter through the vents and gain access to a museum's records, a front for child trafficking. Another team would work undercover and make sure no one noticed the information extraction. What was your role? Oh Laswell made sure to painful describe how you would pose as a wealthy art collector accompanied by your body guard and your fiancé to be. "And who would those be?" you asked, fearing the worst. "Soap will be your dutiful boyfriend of 5 years while Ghost chaperones you through the night." You couldn't believe what you were hearing, out of all people why did they pick the Scottish idiot who you secretly liked. "What about Price and Gaz?" you wondered as Laswell had not reached the end of her debrief. "We'll be doing the hard work, you're just the distraction, Sweetheart," Price said and soon you would realize what he meant as a distraction.
"Stop shaking, Y/N," Price said as Ghost delicately tried a ring on your finger. "First, you all expect me to go undercover. Next, you make me act all cozy with this sweaty idiot. And now, you're having me try on rings to be fake proposed too?" you shouted as Soap held your hand to stabilize it. "Not just any ring, bonnie. A ring hand picked by me with the finest Japanese saltwater pearl and a band of 3 ct of diamonds set in pink gold. Now let me put it on your finger and you can go." You huffed as he and Price examined the fit of the ring, ensuring it was perfect for the planned engagement.
To your dismay, the night had finally arrived. You nervously checked the mirror as your hair lay loose around your shoulders. It was parted to one side, covertly hiding a comm in your left ear. Earlier, the boys had been relentless as you applied your makeup and curled your hair. Soap almost gained a black eye when he joked, "Well, our wee Bell actually cleaned up for once." The mission might end up being the death of you and your heart.
You felt nauseous looking at your self, examining how the dress flowed from one shoulder and ended with a waterfall of restricting pink tulle. The only thing you liked about this dress were the navy blue pearls adorning the layers of fabric, a subtle nod to your code name. "Lass, it's time," you heard Soap knock. You bunched up your skirt as you made your way to answer him. You were thankful Laswell had graciously gifted you with a knife tucked in a garter along with a set of Clostridium botulinum syringes. You opened the door to see him finely dressed in a midnight blue cashmere wool, silk blend suit. You couldn't deny he was handsome. Your pulse quickened as you examined him further, he had been asked to shave his famous mohawk and instead had a simple haircut. To him, you were also a sight to behold. Your cynical demeanor had endeared him, he loved making fun of you until he noticed a slight reaction. But now you looked even more gorgeous, he felt his breath hitch as he saw how the dress fit your curves perfectly and showed off your frame wonderfully. "Soap, let's go," you said breaking the silence and ending his trance. "You look breath-taking, Lass. Couldn't help but stare." You were glad he walked behind you as your face was bright red.
You exited the safe house marveling at the black Aston Martin Laswell had obtained for the op. As you got in the car, you noted Laswell driving along with Ghost in a black suit fixing his cufflinks in the passenger seat. "We're bringing you out of the shadows tonight, Bell" Ghost began, "don't worry we got you covered" he said and flashed his inner coat to show a gun tucked in its lining. Laswell, ever the observer, could feel your nerves. "Bell, there's some tequila in the console for you," she said and you quickly leaned over Soap's lap to grab it. Bless this woman, she knew your favorite. After taking many sips from the bottle, you tried to offer it to Soap but he disgustingly replied, "that shite tastes like dog piss." More for you, you guessed. You nursed the bottle as Laswell drove over the rolling hills of the coast. You tried to calm your nerves reminding yourself this was just another mission, something that you could add to your resume. You kept mentally telling yourself, "keep it professional".
Finally you felt the car come to a stop as Soap lightly tapped your shoulder indicating your arrival. "Let's go, my pearl," he said in a surprisingly convincing American accent. In this narrative, you were from a wealthy Portuguese home while Soap was your new money, New York City-transplant French American. He held out his hand as he helped you out of the vehicle. As you felt the cold coastal chill on your shoulders, you made your way to the entrance.
You made your way to check-in, Ghost silently following behind. You forcefully smiled, introducing yourself as Elaine de Rosales and your date as Renoir Cretin (dumbass in French). The host stifled a laugh at Soap's fake last name and allowed you three to enter.
As you entered the large gallery, you noted some familiar faces from the endless files Laswell had "gifted" you with. "Fucking bastards," you said under you breath and Simon whispered behind you, "that's no language for a lady." He was definitely getting his ass kicked next time you had a training exercise.
When Soap went for your hand, you could feel your heart jump. You should've downed that entire tequila bottle. He held your hand, gracefully leading you around the gallery as you made painful conversation about each piece. You were never one for arts and your horrible comments made that clear. "This looks nice," you said with a questioning tone and you heard Price laugh at your comment. He remarked, "Kid, you're so dry. Just try to act like you don't want to inject yourself with botulism right now." Every one was seriously out to get you today.
"You look more breathtaking than this painting, darling," Soap said aloud as you admired The Birth of Venus. He was laying on this whole couple thing, hard. You hoped he couldn't feel the heat radiating from your face as he planned a soft kiss on the crown of your head. "My love, you're too kind. You're practically carved from marble," you replied back, catching a glimpse of a pink blush on his cheeks.
After you examined yet another painting, Price notified you that they had gained access into the main server room. You gave Soap a subtle set of three taps with your thumb. He knew it was time as he lead you over to the main attraction. You lifted your eyes, gazing upon the large rendition of Eros and Psyche in front of you. Soap let go of your hand as he set himself on one knee.
Weeks before, Soap attempted to relieve your nerves as he described the masterful speech he would deliver to you. There were many revisions as he practiced the fateful moment to you. "You know, Soap, if I were a dumb, I'd say you're in love with me" you joked, "that speech was disgustingly romantic from the likes of you." "Oh fuck off, Bell. The first nice thing you say about me ends with an insult," he shot back. To anyone watching, the tension was clear but you remained your grumpy self, hiding your emotions.
Brought back into the moment, you could hear the crowd hush, eyes focused on you and him. "Elaine, ever since I saw you lost in the streets of Versailles, you have captivated me with your beauty and elegance. Your vast knowledge of art has shown me that there's more to a painting than a canvas with paint. I love you and will forever be there to listen to your musings about Monet and Degas," he began and you waited for the fateful words to fall out of mouth. However, to your surprise he continued, "I have never met anyone who entertained my antics quite like you have. You challenge me constantly with your fiery words and quips. This little dance of ours makes me a more humble, more loving man. Looking at you tonight, I realize that you are the woman who inspires me to surmount all obstacles. Will you make make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" You were shocked, that was definitely not part of the script. Your face flushed at his kind words and he looked deep into your eyes.
"Oh yes, Renoir!" you whispered as tears fell from your eyes. He triumphantly picked you up, spinning you in his arms. He set you down and held your chin gently in his hand. He raised your face to his and placed a long kiss on your mouth. Your lips moved in sync as he held you tightly with his other arm. You were lost in each other, ignoring the full attention of the crowd. As you parted, the crowd loudly clapped at the spectacle. You took this moment to lean over to your new fiancé and whispered, "You went off script." He gently kissed your cheek and whispered back, "meant every word, Bell." Ghost returned to your side as older couples gathered, congratulating the "new couple." Your smile was genuine as you showed off the expensive ring, giddily detailing how your mothers would be so proud you bagged a good one.
You walked around the gallery more, now linking arms with Soap. You hadn't acknowledged the speech since your whisperings and went about downing numerous offered glasses of champagne. You made your way to a private gallery adored with more opulent paintings of historic love stories. Ghost positioned himself next to the security guard, allowing you both to sit on a bench and admire the artwork. After what seemed like forever, you in your tipsy state, broke the silence.
"My love, I appreciated your kind words. I never thought you felt that way about me," you said quietly, eyes trained on a depiction of. "Well El, you never gave me the chance. When we first met in France, I thought you disdained me," he replied, moving to hold your waist.
"I never disdained you, just ran away from my feelings," you whispered back. As you finished your sentence, he again placed his hand on your chin to lift your face. Just as you were about to kiss again, you heard through the comm, "Bell, Soap, we've been compromised. Gaz jammed their signals but security is heading to our location as we speak," Price said in a rushed tone.
Immediately, you feigned a dizzy spell as Ghost and the museum security guard rushed to help you. As they helped to carry you to a private room, you mumbled incoherently about how you were drunk on love. Once the security guard set you down, Soap shut the door and you discreetly injected the man with one of your toxins. As he lay on the velvet couch, Ghost replied to Gaz and Price that you were on the way.
Exiting the room, Ghost stopped a patrolling security guard and said, "There's a young woman in that room. Try not to disturb her, I believe she may have had one too many drinks and her father doesn't want a fiasco for the family."
With that, you made your way through the various guests, loudly whispering to your fiancé that you desperately wanted some alone time. No one questioned you as Ghost made his way to the stairwell and you both split into the elevator.
Descending to the ground floor, you could hear gunshots echoing through the elevator doors. As it opened, a guard yelled that you both shouldn't be down there before becoming distracted by another gunshot. You took this time to pull out another syringe and injected it into his neck.
"Nice work, Elaine," Soap said and armed himself with a hidden pistol from his suit pocket. Ghost joined you both soon after as you made your way to the other team's location. You three worked in unison as the boys provided a pleasant distraction with their gunfire. You were able to sneak you way and subdue the guards with your knife as they were distracted by the noise of falling bodies and shots fired. You finally made it to the room, notifying your presence with a coded series of knocks. Price heaved the door open as you noticed Gaz behind him, drive in hand but with a bleeding arm. You quickly tore the layers of fabric from your dress and provided a makeshift tourniquet.
"How are we getting out of here, Captain? They're gonna have this place on lockdown," Gaz asked. "There's a delivery area on this floor, we'll have to hurry," Ghost said and navigated you all through the winding corridors.
You finally snuck you way to the area but noticed 5 guards standing watch. "Gobshite, they must've already put this place on lockdown," Soap swore quietly. With the adrenaline rushing to your ears, you had an idea, "follow my lead, Renoir. Danger close, boys. Just listen for my signal" you whispered. You quickly took some blood from Gaz's leaking wound and applied it to your dress and ripped skirt. You rubbed your hands on Soap's pristine white shirt and pooled it around his stomach. You then motioned for him to cover his hands with Gaz's blood. "Thanks, mate," Soap whispered to Gaz and you quickly rushed into the large delivery room.
"Please help us!" you shrieked, you held on desperately to Ghost. "My fiancé and I were attacked by some crazed gunsman, I think he's been shot," you cried as the men rushed over to help. Your loud wailing and statements saying how you couldn't lose your love distracted them and allowed for you 5 to take them out. The minute you took one of the men closest to you out with your last syringe, you shrieked, "MY GOD, Kate's been shot!" That was the queue as the boys knew Laswell was nowhere near the museum. Soap quickly took out the two men trying to find the source of his bleeding while Price and Ghost handled the other two.
With the men down and the area cleared, you loaded into an armored van, presumably one that transported all the expensive art. With Price at the wheel, Ghost provided cover as you raced into the night.
Finally away from danger, you all breathed a sigh of relief. Gaz lay in the middle of Ghost and Price, tending to his wound while you and Soap lay in the back amongst the plastic wrappings of paintings.
"You were a great actress, lass. Who knew you had it in ya," Soap said as you sat next to him. You both were propped against the steel interior of the van, experiencing every bump Price hit. "You as well, that proposal was something else," you replied back. "Like I said in the gallery, Bell, I meant every word." With that, you finally were able to share your second kiss and Price smiled looking in the rearview mirror. "Be careful with that one Sgt, if you mess up she'll slip some ricin in your mouth." he joked as you and Soap rested against one another, you'd deal with the repercussions later.
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writingdrownedrat · 5 months
Pairing- Astarion x Afab!Tav ( gender neutral pronouns)
18+, blood, biting, sensory play, hair pulling, rough sex, PiV, oral sex- m receiving, creampie
Summary- Pretty much just vampire sex with a muzzle based on this post.
Word count: 2,141
“A… muzzle?” Astarion was taken aback, staring down at the leather contraption they held in their hands. He could tell by the look on their face when they requested he join them in a private room of the inn for the night, that they had been plotting something. He wouldn't have guessed in a million years that their idea would include a muzzle, however. “Where did you even find such a thing?”
“At the brothel, in one of the wardrobes.” They unfastened the buckles that held it closed. “I thought it might make tonight's feeding more… interesting.”
“You expect me to wear that thing?” His face contorted at the idea. They caressed a soothing hand over his shoulder.
“Your hunger is always the best part, but you seem to have trouble restraining yourself. You always bite before I even get the chance to savor the yearning aggression of it all.” They gave a pleading look up at him. His half lidded stare seared down at them. He looked them over questioningly, but they didn't back down. He would be lying if he said the idea didn't pique an interest deep in his mind.
“I fail to see the benefit for me in this.” he crossed his arms, peering down his nose at them.
“A lesson in patience and the gift of delayed gratification?” They batted their lashes. He scoffed but didn't disagree. “So?”
“I can't say I'm not intrigued.” His posture softened ever so slightly.
“If you don't like it just say the word and we'll stop.” They held up the leather piece and raised their eyebrows. They could see the corner of his mouth twitch, a smile threatening. He took the muzzle from their hands and examined it for a second.
He liked when they took control. After years of feeling as if he could only rely on himself, it was nice to hand the reins over someone he knew he could trust. It felt like a great weight off his shoulders, even if just for a moment. He was also so used to discarding his needs for the sake of his partner. When they took charge, it was all about him and his pleasure and it was very clear how much they enjoyed getting him off.
“Alright, we can play your little game tonight. But remember, my dear, I don't intend to let you torture me without consequence. The worse you make it, the worse I'll have to repay you.” There was a mischievous glint in his eye as he handed the muzzle back to them. They got to work putting it in him, adjusting the straps to be secure but not too tight.
“Aren't you a sight.” They stood back to admire him in the facepiece. It consisted of a mask that covered from his nose to his chin with two straps that wrapped around his head just above and below his pointed ears. Over his mouth was a small hole, just big enough to show his plump, pale pink, lips but they were barricaded from his lover by four, small, metal bars.
They pressed a kiss against the cold metal rods. He tried to return it but his lips could only press against the mask. He grunted, annoyed by the lack of contact he was able to make. Tav laughed at his frustration, finding it rather adorable. Their lips left his trailing kisses along his jaw and down his neck as they fiddled with the buttons of his lavish top. His fingers clung tightly to their biceps, keeping them from pulling away too soon. He was both surprised and irritated at how desperate he already was to have his lips against their warm skin.
They pulled his shirt off his shoulders, peppering more kisses to the exposed skin and sank to their knees before him. Their lips planted a relaxed kiss on his hip bone. They pulled down his pants and underwear in one swift motion and took his engorged cock into their palm, licking the drops of precum that dribbled from his slit.
“Ever the tease.” Astarion tutted. Tav gave a challenged look and let their tongue glide from the base of his hardness to the tip. He stroked their cheek, fingers curling around their chin to hold their jaw in place. They pulled back the thin skin that wrapped his head, taking just the tip into their watering maw. He grimaced at the new sensation, attempting to engulf himself deeper. They shot a glare up at him, gripping his wrist as a dominant warning.
They took their time filling their mouth with him further. Their tongue danced around his head, his salty spend melting against their taste buds. His whole body tensed when they hollowed their cheeks around him. It was a lewd sight that drove him out of control. His thighs trembled and he again tried to shove himself down their throat. They gave a sharp swat to his supple ass cheek, releasing from him with an obscene ‘pop’ sound. He pulled them up to eye level by a fistful of their sweaty locks.
He stepped out of his bottoms and backed them up until the backs of their knees hit the sturdy, wooden, bed frame. Their lips never broke from kissing along his toned chest until they were tipping onto the mattress. He was quick to crawl on top of them, eager to feel as much of them pressed against him as possible to make up for the absence of their taste. They pulled their own shirt off, tossing it over the side of the bed onto the floor. Astarion tugged the strap of their bra down their shoulder, revealing more of their cleavage to him.
He leaned down to press his lips to the space between their heavy breasts despite the barrier between the two of them. He snarled against their chest and the bars that restrained him, deprivation getting to his head. His hands gripped their hips hard enough to leave five little bruises where his fingertips bore into them. He rocked his hips against theirs, rubbing his growing erection against the small bundle of nerves hidden beneath their layers of clothing. Tav’s hands found his snow white curls, gripping onto his hair to hold his obstructed mouth to them. He gave another thrust against their sex, feeling their arousal begin to soak through the fabric of their underwear and bottoms. He could smell them, and that drove him even crazier.
He tore ravenously through the remainder of their clothes, his desire to see and feel the rest of them burning through his veins like wildfire. His nimble hand moved between their legs, brushing past the patch of thick dark hair at their mound, collecting their honey on his slender middle and ring fingers. Egged on by their moans, he brought the wetted digits to his mouth, pushing his tongue against the metal rods to lick Tav’s grool from them. His mouth flooded with saliva, wanting for more.
He moved back to Tav’s neck. Pools of drool seeped from the mask, wetting their flushed skin. His tongue flattened against the metal in an attempt to get even the faintest hint of them. His hips rutted against their thigh, painting them in a sticky layer of precum. A low growl tore through his chest. He grabbed their wrists with a cruel grip, pinning their arms above their head as he continued to rub himself against their leg. They smirked down at him, content to allow him to take whatever pleasure he could, but it wasn't enough.
He moved his mouth against their breast and they gasped at the sensation of their hardening nub slotting through the cold bars. He licked and sucked vulgarly, groans and whimpers tumbling from his throat. With the mask however, he was unable get enough of them into his mouth for his liking. He bit down on the tip of their budding nipple, earning an erotic yelp from them.
“I- I need more- fuck. Please.” He snarled. Strings of spit clung to their skin as he leaned back to look into their eyes. They could only nod enthusiastically in response. He rolled over, holding them tightly in his arms so they moved with him.
They wasted no time, sinking down onto his needy cock. His hips snapped up against theirs, forcing more of himself into their weepy hole.
“Ah, ah, patience, puppy.” They chastised, licking the sensitive point of his ear and giving a lazy rock of their pelvis. He let out a hiss of air, nails digging deliciously into their back, the urge they needed to pick up their pace. His eyes stung with tears, his sounds becoming more pathetic. His nails dragged down their flesh, leaving deep red scratches they’d admire in the mirror later. His body convulsed beneath them.
Any semblance of the cool, calculated, Astarion they were used to was gone. He was nothing more than a predator taunted by prey just out of reach. They could see his savage nature in his feral carmine gaze and it's exactly what they were searching for.
Nothing could quell the fire that burned in him. His hands were back at their hips, holding them in place so he could fuck himself deep against their cervix. Metal clashed against sharp teeth, too lost in the moment to recognize that his attempt to bite was futile. He was just happy to be free of their taunting, leaving them speechless with each unforgiving buck.
“I need- need to- taste you, pet.” His words were strained between mewls. “You- want that too. Don't you?” He negotiated urgently. “Let me have you, please- Fuck- please.” He rambled on, ready to say whatever it took to break their resolve.
Their climax was fast approaching, they felt it bubble in their abdomen. Each kiss of his head to the entrance of their womb had them wailing. They did want his bite, more than anything, it was all they needed to push them to the finish line. He didn't stop his thrusts as they clumsily fiddled with the buckles at the back of his head.
Finally, the mask fell off and the beast was loose. White daggers scraped against the plane of their shoulder. Their blood pearled in the wake of the lacerations. His tongue was quick to lap up their sweet essence. He brought their wrist to his lips, teeth sinking into the warm meat. The icy, burning, pain sent a flood of hedonistic delight through them.
He fed from their wrist for only a moment before moving to puncture through their bicep, drawing out more of their red, hot, nectar. He continued pounding into their slippery tunnel, their slick walls enveloping him most delectably. They were a sobbing mess above him, defenseless against his barbaric actions. He moved again, fangs scraping against their jaw. More blood trickled from the lesions. He licked them clean, leaving only faint smears of crimson. He bit again, and again, finding a new spot each time. One on their breast, on their collar bone, up their shoulders. His swollen cock pulsed inside them. He held a fistful of their hair, unnecessarily afraid they might slip away.
When he was pleased with the amount of marks imprinted on them, and could hold himself back no longer, he bit into the thick artery that ran up their neck. This threw them over the edge. Their head fell forward, pulling against his grasp and their body shuttered. As their blood overtook his senses, he too came undone.
They could feel his seed spilling into them, more than he’d ever given them before. The hammer of their orgasm sang through them, enhanced by the intoxicating ache of the tender wounds left by their lover. He stayed sheathed in them as he finished his feast on them. It was harder for him now more than ever to pull away before draining too much.
Tav’s brain tingled, reeling from endorphins and blood loss. They collapsed onto the soft mattress, falling out of his hold. He slipped out of them, leaning down to press a kiss to each bite.
“You can thank me for your lesson any time now.” They smirked. They looked so beautiful, eyes shut peacefully in contrast to the rapid rise and fall of their chest.
“I’m afraid I was a bit too distracted to learn anything of value. I think I might need another demonstration.” He rested his weight on top of them, burying his face in the crook of their neck, and inhaling their intoxicating scent.
“I think that can be arranged.” They giggled, raking a hand through unruly silver curls.
“Good.” he growled quietly against their ear. He wasn't about to admit they were right, but he certainly wouldn't turn down another round of this in the future.
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hotluncheddie · 2 years
steve and robin are drunk. it’s about 6pm, they started at 3 and they’re having a blast! upside down shit is over! they’re best friends! young, dumb and having fun baby!!
'this was a great idea, its great, i love being drunk' steve's listening to robin's rambling, nodding and smiling. she's so funny and cool, god he loves her so much!
there's a knock at the door and steve rolls off of the couch, stumbling to his feet, very very elegantly thank you. 'steve steeeeeve no this is the best part, watch steve. watch look how hot she is!' robin is pointing at the screen but steve has no idea what film is on... the actress does look kind of hot tho. 'you're so right.' he tells her and she just nods over and over, eyes not leaving the screen.
steve rips the door open, ‘eddie!! hey robin eddies here how cool is that?’ god this is great! eddies here! steve loves eddie! well you know not like that... not yet...
‘let’s goooooo’ robin shouts from the lounge.
‘party time is it stevie?’ eddie smiles rocking back and forward a little on his heels, steve can't stop staring at him. wow. eddie!
'...can i come in or.. or is it steve and robin only time?' gasping steve processes what eddie is saying. reaching to grip him by the wrist, pulling him inside 'of course you can come in eddie! robin put some weird movie on i don't understand so you have to come save me'
steve doesn't spot the surprised smile that brightens eddies face at the contact. or the way his heart is squeezing at the free sort of happiness emanating from definitely wasted steve harrington. 'of course your highness'
steve giggles at that, dragging eddie to where robin is now sprawled over the recliner, her glass of wine back in hand. steve picks up his own glass and offers it to eddie. 'were drinking wine to be classy and because robin likes vampires now.'
'interview with a vampire read very gay steve' robin has her eyes on the movie still, lips staines red.
'i'm good, angel, i gotta drive back in a bit' eddie pushes the glass back towards steve who blushes and drops on the sofa. 'and i couldn't agree more buckley. now, not judging, but is there a reason you've gone on this very classy bender on a thursday?' eddie takes in the couple wine bottles on the table, sitting next to steve, close enough for their knees to brush.
'we work retail. this is basically saturday. we don't get weekends. time isn't real.' robin states pointing an accusing finger at eddie, her hair totally flat on one side and cheeks rosy.
they go on but steve has lost track of the conversation, he only knows it's happening because he can see eddies lips moving. they're nice lips, eddie likes to say nice things to steve. steve likes that. he likes eddie. he drains his glass, leaning forward to refill it and slumping back to look at eddie again. he's a little closer now, his brain points out. nice.
'you gonna be okay stevie? i gotta go have dinner with wayne, i only came by to drop you this.' eddie pulls a tape from inside his jacket and holds it up, tapping steve in the nose with it. steve giggles again.
'mmm yeah we'll be okay, off tomorrow, couch is comfy to sleep on.' steve wiggles his eyebrows and snuggles down more into the sofa, as if to prove his point. he beams as eddie laughs at him.
'metal?' steve asks, drinking more and holding the tape up close to his face. why are the words blurry? ah! wine! that's why. yes.
'some, not all. mostly just songs i think you'll like' eddie is looking at him and if steve was more sober he might see how nervous eddie is.
mostly steve just sees how pink his lips are as his tongue swipes over them and how big and sparkly his eyes are. always so sparkly, how does he do that?!
'you’re so pretty eddie' steve can't help it. eddie has to know, its, its important. so important that eddie munson knows just how pretty he is. how pretty steve thinks he is.
'pretty eddie. pretty hair, pretty eyes.' steve looks all over eddies face, trying to take it all in.
eddies eyes widen and his cheeks dust pink. there he goes again, steve thinks, being pretty! he can't take it!
'god, harrington you can't just say that' eddie looks at him incredulous, but smiling.
'ugh don't call me that, and i can say whatever i want. its my house and my wine party, thank you very much.' steve sips his drink, going for huffy but he's too drunk to really care, quickly going back to looking at eddie from his slumped position in the couch.
'apologies princess. how about this? call me tomorrow and if you still think I'm pretty we can talk about it then, kay?' eddie eyes are soft, if a little guarded not quite as sparkly.
'mkay, dunno why i'd stop just because it's tomorrow tho.' steve frowns a little, looking into his glass. eddies always been pretty.
'i see. well, i gotta go now stevie but i'll see you soon yeah? you'll look after robin and get some sleep?' eddie tucks some hair behind steves ear and oh. oh. that's nice. sleeve preens, blinking slowly, nodding.
he twists on the sofa, watching as eddie leaves with a little wave. listens as the rev of his engine grows faint into the distance. leaving the room quiet apart from robin's soft snores.
'tomorrow' steve whispers, before he goes to get glasses of water ready for them both and promptly passes out onto the sofa. face smushed into the pillow that smells most like eddie.
woken abruptly by the shrill ring of the phone, eddie stumbles into the living room, noting that the clock reads 9am. who the fuck would ring at 9 in the fucking morning?
he rips the phone away from the receiver. 'yes?'
'hey pretty boy.'
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Saving water
Warnings: mildly suggestive bc Lan Zhan has horny thoughts
Inspired by this prompt list
"The water bill just came in today." Wei Ying tells Lan Zhan, his roommate, as they have dinner. "It's so expensive! At this rate, we're going to deplete the planet's resources ourselves!"
"Mn. We could-"
Wei Ying cuts in, a metaphorical lightbulb shining above his head. "We should shower together!"
Lan Zhan barely wills the piece of broccoli he'd be chewing to go down his throat without chocking. "Wei Ying!"
"No, hear me out. This ecology specialist came on the news this morning and said that showers waste water the most, so where possible, people should just do it together!"
Lan Zhan is both flustered, scandalized and intrigued with the idea. He would be a filthy liar if he said he never fantasized about what he could do to Wei Ying in their conveniently large shower - but this is different. For one, Wei Ying doesn't like him like that. Two, it would be downright cruel to have Wei Ying so close, in a small, enclosed space, wet and naked and not be able to do anything. Three, things could become really awkward really fast if he gets hard.
But he can't use these arguments to dissuade Wei Ying from his terrible, wonderful idea, so Lan Zhan decides to focus on his vegetables and hope his ears aren't too red.
"C'mon, Lan Zhan, it's not going to be that bad. You played sports in college, right? Communal showers are a thing that happens, this is exactly like that!"
It is precisely not like that - because Lan Zhan never crushed on his teammates as hard as he does on Wei Ying.
Still, he doesn't say anything beyond a neutral "mn."
"How about this - we try it after dinner and if it doesn't work, we'll think of something else to lower the water bill."
Lan Zhan hates that the prospect of showering with Wei Ying both excites him and fills him with soul-crushing dread.
He agrees before his brain catches up to him.
Lan Zhan gets into the shower first. He figures he might as well take a few minutes to mentally prepare for what is about to happen. He is not going to look at Wei Ying below the neck, he is going to keep to his corner of the shower and he is not going to get a boner.
"Ok, I'm coming in, Lan Zhan."
Wei Ying enters the shower in his full naked glory with his hair down, turns around to get under the shower head, and Lan Zhan already breaks two of his rules. Of course he knows Wei Ying is very attractive, a lean body with just enough muscle mass and well-defined, handsome features - but to see all of that without clothes in the way is... hot, to put it bluntly.
Lan Zhan is too far gone to think of any more poetic words to describe how he's going to use this image (Wei Ying naked and under the light spray of the shower) as prime masturbation material for the rest of his life.
But before Wei Ying notices the other's hungry stare, Lan Zhan very respectfully turns his back as well and offers Wei Ying the same degree of privacy - no matter how much he wants to admire the dip and curve of Wei Ying's back and his plump ass, he has to control himself.
If Wei Ying notices his... predicament, he might end up being creeped out or at the very least uncomfortable, and Lan Zhan would hate that. So, he decides he's just going to wash his hair and try to ignore the fact that the person he could die for is naked about a foot away from him and is humming some random song as he washes up.
"Can I turn the heat up a little?" Wei Ying asks, "I usually like the water to be a bit hotter."
Lan Zhan agrees - but he does not expect his back to be hit with hellfire seconds later. He manages to suppress a gasp, and turns his head to a side, slightly judgementally. No wonder their bills are so high.
But he regrets it immediately because now he can see Wei Ying's skin has turned slightly pink and water runs off it so smoothly, droplets falling enticingly down, down, down-
"Can I borrow some of your shampoo? Mine just ran out and I forgot to buy another."
Lan Zhan hands it to him quickly and does not think of how pretty his collarbones would look with bitemarks all over. He does not.
He's starting to grow lightheaded, and he doesn't know if it's from the steamy shower, the hot water or his raging erection - but it doesn't matter. All he knows is that he has to wait until Wei Ying is done and leaves, he'll handle everything else after that.
But fate has decided to taunt Lan Zhan today because suddenly he feels Wei Ying pressing against his back as he reaches for his bottle of hair conditioner - and Lan Zhan feels like he's going to die.
"Why didn't you ask?" He finds his voice.
"You seemed... lost in thought, I didn't want to disturb you..."
He sure was lost in thought. In many thoughts, none of them decent.
With great difficulty, he finds it within himself to finish washing up, but is deliberately slow with it, trying to buy time.
Eventually, Wei Ying slides the shower door open, and envelops himself in a towel. Lan Zhan thinks himself saved, but Wei Ying turns his head a little and smiles.
"Your self control is admirable, Lan Zhan, but you're a terrible liar." A wink. "Oh and I'll take that-" a slight glance down, "-as a compliment."
He turns to leave, but he finds himself pulled back into the shower and pinned to one of its walls. His laughter is silenced with a kiss, his towel pulled off him swiftly and the shower door slides closed.
Their water bill is going to be terrible next month.
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dreamerwitches · 3 months
Tumblr media
I have mixed feelings on the witches, I'm gonna go through them all.
Renata and Ren: It just doesn't feel like the minor bits match up. There's too many bits that are just slightly too different. Like the screen shape and the bone colour and style. Am I being nitpicky? It just doesn't feel like the witch and doppel are linked. Or that they wanted to make this design for the witch and didn't really care that it didn't look like her doppel. I suppose I like how the witch is more organised than the doppel cause my gripe with it is that it feels a little like the parts don't mesh well. Like, what is going on with that pink bit it does not work. On its own, the witch is good. Fine, pretty, but a little bland and simple. As a design taking from the doppel, I think it kinda fails. Too much was changed.
Cyan and Hinano: Ehhhhhhhhhh I think they just made her worse?? Like, there's so little changed cause the doppel is so witch-like anyway but the changes they did do make her look worse XT the bright tubes are ugly and I dont understand the moth-ear-thing additions. Also the skirt is worse too lol. I miss the gas mask though I understand if that was added for Hinano but you can keep it on the witch c'mon! It's just like they removed all the best parts...
Don Rocinante and Sasara: Ehhhhhhhh here we go again. It looks stupid. C'mon she looks so stupid. Not in an uncanny, scary way, she looks so dumb. I included the doppel attack where she does get legs and that was silly but not as much as this one. Otherwise so little is changed mehhhhh. I liked the doppel so you kinda ruined her for me, thanksssss
Shalimar and Emiri: This is one I'm on the fence on. Design on its own, I really like. She's spooky and weird and the colours are great. I have to main issues. 1) does a 13 year old need such a sexual feeling witch and 2) does she link to her doppel well. The thing with curvaceous or sexualised witches is ones like Roberta I know are okay cause she was in her 30s when she became a witch. You could say some like Candeloro are sexualised cause she's got the booba and stick thin waist, it's kinda hard to deal with... I'm also finding it hard to judge cause I don't know if it suits Emiri, I don't know her character very well. So we'll just move on. If I drew it I would make her less adult-looking My other thought when looking at her beside her doppel was 'if this doppel came from this witch I would hate the fact it uses so little of the witch'. So switching it around, im a little mad they used so little of the doppel. It's like they had the idea for the body and wanted to use it and were like 'oh yeah! the doppel!' so stuck it on as a tail... Also the flower things on the doppel arent in the witch at all ughh. If she was just a new witch on her own id love her...
Vayu and Shizuku: Wow! One I actually finally like now! I think she looks super beautiful, the additions work! But she's not perfect... Just like Emiri and Shalimar, I don't see the doppel working if the witch came first. Why is her handbag now the head? It feels like the teapot(?) head on the witch came out of nowhere. But it's nowhere near as bad as Shalimar. She might be my favourite. I've always been 50/50 on Vayu and she improves that score.
Aodamo and Natsuki: This one's a bit boring... it just feels like they stuck on some additions and called it a day. I think if she was stood up straight I'd like her more... Love the teeth on the horn thing. Skirt is fine. Legs look awkward. Sad they removed her puffy sleeves, doesn't make sense as why the doppel would add that aspect.
Overall, it is a little annoying how clearly some of these are just super easy asset copies of the doppels with no effort put in... I think that's fine for say, Vayu as I think the doppel incorporation makes sense. She's a four legged beast so Shizuku is now riding her. But ones like Don Rocinante, Cyan and Aodamo seem like 5 minute attempts. I'm disappointed. Happy to see witches though, I'm only critical because I care about witches being good
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ghostismybbygorl · 1 year
Have a one shot while im eating some SOUP
Soap and gaz where in Manchester to visit ghost outside of work. Before they headed over to his house they decided to catch some lunch.
They found a small family owned restaurant that sold soups and sandwiches which was perfect for the cold winter day.
As they walked in they immediately spotted the tall ox of an man sitting in one of the booths. He didn't have his mask dawning his scars, his messy blond hair and a soft smile to a girl across from him
Gaz patted soap who looked over to see ghost who was laughing at a joke the girl cracked. His laugh was low but childish, It sounded foreign coming from their serious stoic Lieutenant.
"Dude is that?" Gaz asked
"Yeah thats him" soap whispered
"Should we?"
"Nah it looks like he's enjoying time with that girl but, i say we sit close to them see if he notices" soap said walking up to hostess.
The hostess sat them a few chairs down facing the girl simon was talking to. She had a smile plastered on her face as she rambled on about a topic of interest.
"She's cute" soap said to gaz "think she's single?"
"Bruh thsts probably his girlfriend dipshit" gaz replied. Soap put his hand up in the surrender pose "just thinking" he said
The girl glanced to them her smile getting bigger she pointed at them and ghost peered over them a surprised look on his face
Gaz and soap sheepishly smiled and waved at them
"Well fuck were caught" soap said through his smile
"Should we go over there?" Gaz asked
"Might as well" soap said
They walked iver and the girl scooted over for gaz to sit and ghost did the same
"You guys must be soap and gaz! Ive heard all about you guys from simon!"
Gaz shook your hand "you can call me kyle"
"And I'm john" soap chimed in
"Oh i know all about you johnny simon never stops talking about you" she giggled
Simons face turned beet red and he hid his face in his hoodie.
"Oh really now?" Johnny glance over seeing simon trying to cover his face more his whole face bright crimson
"Fuck off" Simon grumbled flicking her off
She flick him off their figers touching together
"Never~" she giggled
"Im y/n simon's roomate!" She said grabbing simons hand and holding it gently. He squeezed her hand twice softly
"Were gonna head out to some shops if you want to tag along! We'll let you guys eat first” she said
Kyle and johnny sat back in their chairs and ordered their food. Y/n and Simon got out of their chair waving the boys goodbye walking out of the restaurant holding hands
Kyle looked closely realizing that they where wearing matching hoodies of skeletons dancing. hers were pink and his black
"Roomates huh?" Johnny snickered "think theyre more than that
" wanna find out?" Kyle said paying the tab
"Lets go find out" johnny replied walking out of the cafe with him
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otomehoneyybearr · 15 days
Act 12
Episode 11: Each of Our Depatures
Working w/ Maybelle Lace
Note: As you read, you will see that some sentences highlighted in a different color, this is what they indicate. Pink: Flashback Blue: Characters are acting
Taichi: Well, I'm off then!
Juza: Same.
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Izumi: Take care.
Omi: It's only a little bit, but I've put some pre-made side dishes and dessert in the fridge, so please feel free to eat them.
Izumi: Thank you!
Banri: See you later, Director. I'll be in touch.
Izumi: Yeah, see you.
Masumi: I'm staying too.
Tsuzuru: Then there'd be no point to any of this.
Izumi: We went over this extensively yesterday.
Masumi: ...Then video call me daily. 24 hours a day.
Itaru: Scary.
Tsuzuru: You're sticking to her even more closely than when we're in the dorms.
Izumi: Everything will get back to normal in no time.
Muku: It's only for now.
Kumon: It'll be like going on summer vacation.
Kazunari: Totally. It’s a little sad, but it'll all be okay!
Misumi: Until then, I'll keep looking for triangles!
Yuki: See you soon.
Tenma: Be careful while you're alone.
Izumi: I will. See you soon!
Itaru: Since Sakyo's curfew decree no longer holds, I'm free to do all-nighters.
Izumi: Please don’t overdo it!
Chikage: Call me if you need anything.
Azuma: You can contact me even if you don't need anything.
Guy: You are always welcome to come to the bar.
Izumi: Got it!
Sakyo: Alright, I’m counting on you. If you ever feel like you're in danger, call me anytime.
Izumi: Roger that.
Homare: Well, I'll be off then. I'll make sure to write plenty of poems while I’m back home. I look forward to performing them for you.
Homare: Hisoka, please do make sure to keep a record of your marshmallow intake so you don't run out of them.
Hisoka: ...I know. I'll just find some new marshmallows.
Izumi: Let me know if you find any.
Tsumugi: I'm off. Thanks for looking after the dorm.
Izumi: Leave everything to me. Take care.
Tasuku: When I get home, I'll try to reflect on myself so that I can face the play with a new mindset.
Izumi: Sounds good!
Izumi: (The dormitory suddenly feels so quiet with everyone leaving one by one.)
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Banri: Disbanding?
Tenma: Are you serious?
Izumi: Not at all. But, considering everything, I think this is the best way to go.
Izumi: If we all work together, I'm sure we won't lose to Amadate.
Izumi: But I definitely don't want to put everyone in danger.
Izumi: That threatening e-mail demanded that the troupe be disbanded, right?
Izumi: So I thought it would be a good idea to have everyone move out of the dorms and pretend that the troupe has been disbanded.
Sakyo: If rumors of disbanding get out, even Amadate might be fooled by it.
Izumi: If we all work together and gather enough materials to corner Amadate in the meantime, we might be able to resume our performances with peace of mind.
Izumi: Honestly, because of this situation, I want all of us to be together. I don't want us to fall apart.
Izumi: But we have to break up for everyone's safety for now.
Izumi: Even if we live in different places, I believe that we'll all continue feeling the same way.
Sakuya: Izumi...
Izumi: What will you do now, Itaru and Chikage?
Itaru: I can't relax at my parents' house because my older sister is there, so I'll just rent a monthly apartment for a while.
Chikage: For me, well, I have a lot of places available to me.
Itaru: Will Sakuya be staying with you?
Chikage: I have a place I can prepare for him.
Citron: I'll be living in a hotel for a while, so you can stay with me!
Itaru: As expected of a celebrity.
Tsuzuru: My house is small and noisy, but I can arrange for a place to sleep.
Masumi: There’s plenty of rooms at my place. You don't have to come though.
Itaru: Then why even bother pointing that out.
Sakuya: Thank you very much. But I’ve already decided where to go, so I’ll be fine.
Chikage: Is that so?
Izumi: Where will you be staying?
Sakuya: Kasumi was the first to invite me, so I'm planning to stay with him for just one night.
Izumi: For one night? What about after that…?
Sakuya: I've been seriously thinking over what I can do and what I wanted to do until I stepped on stage as Saku again.
Sakuya: So I thought about going on my first ever solo trip before the performance, but I gave up on doing it because there wasn’t much time.
Sakuya: Besides, I also have homework that you gave me, Izumi!
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Tsumugi: I agree, as Izumi said, it might be best to pretend to break up.
Sakyo: If we want to be safe, that's the way to go.
Izumi: Oh, and one more thing, if you don't mind, I have some homework for you.
Izumi: While you're away from the dorm, I want you all to think about what your life would be like if you hadn't joined Mankai Company.
Izumi: Then compare that hypothetical life with the life you have now and the life you want in the future.
Izumi: After finding your reason why you want to stand on the Mankai stage as a member of this theater company, I hope you all come back.
Muku: That's...
Izumi: Of course, I haven’t given up on our future performances or the Fleur Award.
Izumi: But, in this current situation where we're at our lowest, I don't know for sure when we will be able to perform together again.
Izumi: I don't want to leave everyone in a dark situation where the future is uncertain.
Izumi: That's why I want each of you to step away from the company and reconsider your reasons for wanting to remain in the company.
Izumi: If everyone comes back after doing that, I'm sure the new Mankai Company will become a theater company stronger and more united than ever before.
Izumi: Of course, no matter what conclusion you reach, I will support that answer.
Izumi: So, please...
Juza: Got it. I'll take this opportunity to face myself again.
Azami: It could be a good opportunity.
Sakuya: After hearing your words, I felt like I could finally face my hometown, which I’ve been afraid to confront for so long.
Sakuya: I am sure that now is the time for me to set off on my journey. I'm not afraid anymore because I know you will be here waiting for me.
Izumi: I see...
Izumi: (When I think back to during our debut performance when he played as Romeo, he was terrified that his place would be taken away from him. He has grown up a lot since then.)
Izumi: I hope you have a safe and enjoyable journey. Please be careful.
Sakuya: Look forward to seeing your souvenirs! I’ll be off!
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Kabuto: (I never imagined my old man would resort to such extreme measures... He's truly a scary opponent.)
*Phone rings*
Kabuto: ...
Aoshi: "Hey Kabuto, what’s your deal with skipping today's regular practice without permission?"
Aoshi: "Are you just sleeping at home again?"
Kabuto: I can't show up to practice for a while. Starting tomorrow, you'll be in charge in my place.
Aoshi: "What? Wait, what's that supposed to mean—"
Kabuto: And don't come near my room for a while.
Aoshi: "...Is there a problem?"
Kabuto: That concludes any business talk.
Aoshi: "Okay, okay. I get it. You won’t explain. At least I understand the situation regarding practice."
Aoshi: "However, since you're the poster boy of Hyakka Theater Company, it'll be troublesome if you don't come back soon."
Kabuto: I'm sure even my old man understands my value as a commodity.
Aoshi: "...Seems like this is related to Mr. Amadate after all. Please keep your parent-child conflicts in moderation."
Kabuto: You should be saying that to him instead.
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Kabuto: (I’ve left the affairs of the theater company to Aoshi, but what should I do moving forward...?)
Kabuto: (It's likely my old man already knows that I tried to leak information to Mankai Company.)
Kabuto: (Since I don’t have all the necessary information yet, it feels like I’m being misled, and because of that, there’s a possibility that my movements will become restricted.)
Kabuto: (How can I contact Mankai Company without leaving any traces behind...?)
Subordinate: Mr. Kabuto.
Kabuto: …!
Subordinate: Will you come with me peacefully? I don't wish to be rough with you.
Kabuto: ...Tch.
Subordinate: Please hand over all of your devices.
Kabuto: … It’s just this.
Subordinate: Now then, this way please.
*thank you guys for your patience. Hopefully I’ll have a regular update schedule for everything by tomorrow!
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bella-rose29 · 6 months
You can what?!
requested by anon: Hey! If you’re still taking requests, can I request platonic Lockwood x reader (cousin) who finds out reader can communicate with like, weaker ghosts
I got a bit carried away and it's turned out as more of a 'reader, holly and George are matchmakers' fic, but hopefully this is still vaguely what you wanted, anon! <333
(I'm also not gonna lie I had no idea how to end this so it feels kinda weird at the end)
Word count: 2k
Warnings: swearing, locklyle not realising that they're locklyle, George is annoyed about that
Tag list: @anathemaloren, @augustisintheair, @avdiobliss, @briar-rose23, @dangelnleif, @el-de-phi, @ell0ra-br3kk3r, @informedimagining, @karensirkobabes, @light-23, @locknco, @mischivana, @mitskiswift99, @mrsklockwood, @mrsyixingunicorn10, @no-morning-glories, @novelizt, @ran23sblog, @superpositvecloudshipper, @t2sh0, @taygrls, @tournesol77, @whenselenefallsinlove, @wordsarelife
(not my gif, credit to owner <3)
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Lucy Carlyle was the best Listener in London, hell, in England, and Anthony Lockwood was proud to call her his friend.
Her abilities came in handy when they were in a sticky situation, and often lead to her finding the Source of a Visitor much more quickly than if she lacked the skill.
Unfortunately, she was also stubborn, and when she refused to do what Lockwood asked for whatever reason it was at the time, she meant it. That then left the other members of Lockwood and Co to fend for themselves, guessing at what the Skull was saying to her through the jar, and hoping that eventually they would fix the issue that had affronted Lucy and she would pay attention to them all again.
Lockwood was particularly annoying when this happened, in George's opinion, because while he could see it clear as day that Lockwood and Lucy were meant for each other, they themselves apparently couldn't. Lockwood got twitchy when Lucy wasn't listening to him, and when Lockwood got twitchy the whole house knew about it.
That was partly why, one sunny morning in July when the doorbell rang and made George spill his tea over himself, muttering expletives under his breath as he wiped it off and opened the front door to see a young person stood with a suitcase and a wide smile, he invited them in at their claim that they were Lockwood's cousin. There was something in the back of his mind that told him that they might be able to sort Lockwood out, and he hoped to everything that he was right.
"Y/n. I did write ahead to let him know I was coming, but I doubt he actually read it if you weren't expecting me."
"He didn't mention anything. George," he said, sticking out a hand and wincing when Y/n grabbed it with force.
"Nice to meet you, George! I don't need to stay here, by the way. I can find accommodation elsewhere if there isn't any room." Charm must have run in the family, because while George didn't normally find himself warming up to people right away, there was something about Y/n that made him want to be friends. He found that he was making excuses for Lockwood and his lack of preparation, or perception, and wondered what the hell was going on.
"George? Who is it?" Lockwood's voice rang down the stairs, and a moment later his body appeared, bright pink socks poking out from under his trousers. "Y/n? What are you doing here?"
"I did write," they said, amused smile on their face. Lockwood looked embarrassed as he moved forward for a hug, wrapping his arms around Y/n's frame.
"Sorry. We've had a lot of mail recently. Why... are you here? Not that it's not lovely to see you!"
"If you'd read my letter then you'd know, dipshit. Mum's got a business trip and Dad has to work extra hours because we're falling behind on bills, so I thought I'd come and stay with you guys. Like I said to George, if you don't have room then I can find somewhere else to stay; it's not a problem."
"Nonsense. We'll find a spot for you here. I think we still have a blow-up mattress somewhere, so we can put that wherever it will fit."
"Thank you. Oh, hello!" Lucy had appeared at the sound of voices in the hallway, and upon sighting her Y/n had waved in greeting. "I'm Y/n, Lockwood's cousin. It's lovely to meet you!"
"Lucy, hi. Sorry, Lockwood didn't mention a cousin?"
"His fault. He very rarely talks about his biological relatives at the best of times, so I don't blame you for not knowing about me. You're Lucy Carlyle, yes?"
"Uh- yeah?"
"Lovely! I've read pretty much everything about you in the papers. Not in a creepy way," they said at the alarmed look on Lucy's face. "I'm a Listener too, so I just wanted to see if I could learn anything from you."
A pause followed, where everybody was stood in the hallway (although Holly had yet to appear) just staring at each other. Lockwood cleared his throat, trying to clear the awkwardness in the air.
"Anyone for tea?"
George was intrigued.
He was often intrigued, to be fair, but something about Y/n made him want to study them under a microscope. Within five minutes of arriving, they had managed to stop Lockwood's twitching, get Lucy talking to Lockwood again, and had somehow made Holly laugh without a care in the world.
Even Lockwood himself couldn't do that half the time, and his cousin had turned up and done it right away.
George was glad that Lucy and Lockwood were on speaking terms again, and she'd stopped being quite so stubborn about not working the next case with them (although Lockwood had been forced to change his plan of action around to accommodate). Currently the five of them were sat in the kitchen, cups of tea being passed around while Y/n chatted to Holly about something or other. Lockwood had planted himself on the chair next to Lucy's, and George had to suppress an eye-roll at his boss' need to be so physically close to the girl he liked. Why he didn't just fess up, George had no idea, but if one of them didn't make a move soon he was going to have to do it for them.
Maybe he could lock them in the basement together until something happened. Then he'd have the rest of the house to himself, nice and peaceful.
Y/n seemed to have noticed their cousin's behaviour too, raising an eyebrow at George across the table when they saw Lockwood sit down, handing Lucy her tea with a soft smile. George had only shaken his head, exasperation written all over his face.
The conversation died down for a moment, everybody sipping their tea and munching on the biscuits that had been laid out on a plate, until suddenly Y/n gasped. The sound was so loud and unexpected that George spilt his tea over himself for the second time that morning, and he was just moving to grab some tissue when they spoke.
"Is that a Sunrise Corporation jar?"
Lockwood was the one to reply, muttering a hesitant yes.
"May I?" Y/n asked, already reaching for the jar that had hastily had a cloth thrown over it. Lucy nodded, her expression nervous. The skull came into view, and despite the early hour and the sunlight streaming in a faint green glow could be seen. "Holy shit, this is awesome. Wait," they furrowed their brow, "aren't these kept by Fittes?"
"I might have taken it as a parting gift when I got fired," George said, sitting back down in his chair. His hands still stung slightly from the tea.
"A 'parting gift', huh?" Y/n's eyes were practically sparkling, but they quickly looked away when something else drew their attention. "Wait." They were staring at the ghost jar. "Wait. Lucy Carlyle, is this a Type Three ghost?!"
"Uh... yeah?"
"Could you make out what it just said? Because all I got was some unintelligible mutterings."
"He- actually, it's probably best that you didn't hear what the skull said."
"Hang on a minute," Lockwood piped up. "Y/n, how come you could hear something?"
"Oh, I can talk to ghosts."
"You can what?!"
"You heard me. Don't make me say it again just because your hearing's gone, old man."
"We're basically the same age!"
"You're older though."
"Stop changing the subject!"
Y/n sighed, rubbing a hand over their face as they sunk back into their chair. "I can talk to ghosts. Not all of them, and it doesn't always work, but most of the time I can hold some sort of a conversation with Type Ones. I haven't been able to get much further than that. Well," they eyed the jar in front of them. "Until today. Although I couldn't actually make the words out, so I guess technically it doesn't count."
"How long have you been able to do this?" Holly asked after a significant pause in the conversation. Y/n shrugged.
"Not long. I figured out that I could hear some ghosts better than others a good few years ago, it just took a little bit longer to realise that I could communicate with them too."
"And you never told me?" Lockwood frowned, a flash of hurt passing over his face.
"You never listened, which is kinda funny, actually, given how much you were always too busy trying to tell me about your 'excellent Listener and amazing friend Lucy Carlyle'," Y/n said, mimicking Lockwood's voice as they spoke and emphasising the word 'Listener' to drive their point home. Lockwood himself starting blushing, the back of his neck and the tips of his ears going red, and Lucy looked mildly awkward sat between the two of them.
"I don't sound like that," Lockwood protested after a moment of spluttering, and Y/n just snorted.
"You absolutely do. Holly or George, either one of you can answer this: has my cousin proposed yet, or does he need to grow a pair?"
Lockwood and Lucy both gaped at Y/n, and Holly and George shared a look before answering at the same time.
"They don't even know that-"
"Really it's ridiculous how-"
"-they're obsessed with each other and-"
"-they don't even notice that they have feelings and-"
"it's so frustrating!" Both of them finished their sentences at the same time, and in the same way, and the other three stared at Holly and George's outburst. Y/n recovered first, sending a smug smile in the direction of their cousin, who was stubbornly ignoring everybody else in the room.
"You know, I've been around the two of you for what, twenty minutes maybe? And I noticed whatever weird thing you have going on right away. So maybe you need to start listening, Lockwood, and then you won't be quite so mopey all the time 'cause you'll have a girlfriend."
Lockwood himself had nothing to say, it seemed, too embarrassed at the entire situation to do anything but hide behind his hands and blush, and Lucy looked like she had long since zoned out of the conversation to save herself from further awkwardness. George didn't bother hiding his eye-roll this time, and even exaggerated it a little to make it more obvious.
"They're not exactly wrong, you know. Anyway, I think that us three," he gestured to himself, Y/n and Holly, "should head off somewhere else. I've got some questions for your cousin, Lockwood, and I'm sure Holly won't want to be left alone with you two." He stood up, scraping his chair against the kitchen tiles and making his way over to the kitchen door, and Y/n and Holly followed shortly after. "We'll see you later, yeah?" George didn't give them a chance to reply, instead ushering the other two out and closing the door shut behind him, breathing a sigh of relief. Y/n looked amused by the whole situation, a faint smile playing on their face as they looked past George at the door.
"Do you think they'll finally confess?" Holly asked, her tone hopeful.
"I really really hope so. I don't know what more we can do, to be honest."
"I can always try and communicate with your skull in a jar. I imagine it'll want someone new to gossip with, so I can get all the good stuff," Y/n said, and George was half tempted to go back and grab the jar off the table to get them to try.
He was stopped, though, by the sound of the door opening behind them, and Lockwood and Lucy stepped out, faces bright with blushes.
"Oh. Didn't think that you lot would be... alright," Lockwood looked pleased, and George only needed to take one look at the two of them to know what had happened.
"Finally. Can we test out Y/n's ability now that you two are together?"
"George!" Lucy hissed, resembling an angry cat. Lockwood only laughed, nodding.
"I'd like to test some things too, actually. Only if you're alright with it?"
"Course not. As long as you get me food I don't mind."
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