#if it wasn’t clear I love dogs I just like my cats
crow-n-tell · 1 year
Whenever people who hate cats say “oh don’t you know your cat doesn’t even love you? When you die they’re gonna eat your corpse.” im just like ??? Yeah?? Why is that a problem???
When I’m dead I’m still going to be loving and providing for them, you can go ahead and hope whatever you raise mourns over your rotting corpse just to die starving and alone.
Also dogs are just as likely to eat their owners corpses, so…
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frost-queen · 4 months
Prospects for better fortune (Reader!Featherington x Colin Bridgerton)
Requested by: anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic   , @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22  , @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers   , @merlieve   , @queen-of-books  , @glimmering-darling-dolly  ,@denkisclown   , @wildieflower  ,@meyocoko   , @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl , @m-rae23 , @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr  , @swampthing07  , @melsunshine   , @panhoeofmanyfandoms  , @venomsvl , @the-uncoordinated-house-cat ,@rosecentury  ,  @imagines-by-her  ,  @evilcr0ne  , @vviolynn   , @niktwazny303  ,@avada-kedavra-bitch-187  , @markive-m , @lovesanimals0000
Summary: Colin's misfortune in trusting your uncle's lies leads to a forced engagement on an economic base. Only Colin and you are each other's worst enemy. A huge argument lowers the tempers as it leaves room for acceptance. Colin's dedication to you truly gets tested when a lord flirts just a little too much with you, his wife.
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Colin was pacing around, scratching the back of his head. – “She will be here.” – Violet reassured him. Colin stopped to face his mother. – “I’d rather she would not, it’s just… the damn Queen.” – he told her gesturing at the grand doors where they were waiting behind. – “Watch your mouth boy!” – Violet called out with a motherly scowl, not liking one bit her son was insulting the queen. Colin sighed deep running his hands down his face.
“I still can’t phantom why you decided for this to happen.” – Colin accused his mother. Violet set her hands on her hip. – “How about prospects?” – Violet explained making her son sigh loud. Violet and Colin looked alarmed at the hearing of hastened heels click on the floor. Colin sighed loud once more, letting his head fall back. Portia was hastening herself, dragging you along by your wrist.
“We better be on time!” – she hissed at you, making you roll your eyes at her. Portia joined them, out of breath. – “I see you’ve made it Portia.” – Violet said with a gentle smile. – “Indeed.” – Portia answered, tugging at you to move in front of her. She did the final checks on your hair and dress. – “Mama.” – you groaned out wanting to slap her hand away. One scaring scowl of her was enough to stop your complaining.
The doors opened as Brimsley appeared in the entrance. He opened his mouth to speak, staring at the display before him. All of you had frozen at the hearing of the door opening. Portia’s hand lingering in the air by your hair. Violet trying to straighten Colin’s tie as his hand hovered above hers ready to slap it away. Brimsley cleared his throat as it made you all stand presentable.
“The queen is ready.” – he said before turning round. – “Alright this is it.” – Violet spoke plucking at Colin’s puffy hair for it to be perfect. – “Smile sweetheart.” – Portia let out. Colin moved closer to the door as did you. He held his hand out to you. With a roll of your eyes, you placed your fingers sloppy on his palm. Brimsley entered more, bowing to her majesty the queen. – “Colin Bridgerton and Y/n Featherington.” – he presented. Brimsley stepped aside, revealing the two of you to the queen.
Both of you forced out a smile, walking up to her. The queen narrowing her eyes. Colin and you dropped to one knee in front of her throne. – “So you two are engaged to be married?” – the queen asked, petting her dog on her lap. – “Yes, your majesty.” – Colin answered, keeping his head down. The queen hummed intrigued.
You exhaled soft, feeling your hand started to get sweaty in his hand. – “I give you both my blessing.” – she called out as it made you swallow nervously. Colin and you rose, meeting up with the queen’s gaze. – “Be off my little love birds.” – she chuckled, sending Colin and you off with her blessing. Colin and you spun, heading back for the door. Your smiled immediately dropped once the queen wasn’t looking.
The doors opened once more as Colin and you walked through. Hearing the doors shut behind you, you immediately pulled your hand out of his. Colin rubbed his hand annoyed against his pants. – “Must you really get so sweaty.” – he called out. – “Must you really be so infuriating.” – you responded. – “Infuriating?” – Colin said loud in disbelief. – “Oh that is nice coming from you!” – he answered walking up to you.
The two of you continued to bicker while going down the corridor to leave the palace. Portia and Violet giving each other a sheepish smile. – “Children.” – Violet teased with humour to bloom the reality of it. Portia snapped her fan open, waving herself some cool. Colin and you had been bickering the entire carriage ride at how more infuriating the other one was.
The wedding was by the end of the week. Which should be a day of delight and bliss to many was not the case for you. You simply wanted this day to be over so you didn’t have to play pretend for the ton anymore. Colin’s family tried to be supportive, knowing he was doing the family a great help by marrying you. Normally they wouldn’t condone it, but faith left them otherwise. Colin had lost a great deal of money to your money seeking uncle.
His family couldn’t have prevented him from investing. Something Colin thought would bring prospects, for it did not. It turned out to be a sham. A fraud. When your mama found out, she turned him the door. Yet it was already too late. He disappeared along with some money. A bit including of the Bridgerton’s. Colin’s failed investment took a bite in their coins. The best way to ease the gap a bit was a marriage between Bridgertons and Featheringtons.
The coins from your dowry could ease the pain a bit. Smooth a bit things over with the Bridgertons. The two of you found a home in the Featherington estate further downtown. More secluded. An estate your family used to retreat to during the winters. Since you weren’t the eldest, the house would go to man married your eldest sister.
Colin and you arrived at the house. – “I’ll be upstairs and I do not wish to see you for the entirety of the evening.” – he called out already moving towards the stairs. – “Fine, for I do not wish to see you for the entirety of the evening!” – you shouted back. – “Wonderful!” – Colin said loud, throwing his hand up as he went up the spiralling stairs. – “Your quarters are at the left!” – you instructed him. Colin grunted soft disappearing upstairs.
You turned round, screaming loud to out your distress. You then went upstairs to the quarters on the right. The staff remaining quiet as it was not their place to intervene. Some shared a brief look, knowing it didn’t feel like you would legitimate the marriage soon. Not whilst you were still bickering. You let yourself fall onto the bed, screaming and punching your pillow. Angry at your uncle for ripping off the Bridgerton’s which led you into needing to marry Colin Bridgerton. 
A Bridgerton you loathed. Colin groaned loud, pacing round the room. He grabbed for a pillow, throwing it against the window out of frustration. Why did he had to invest in your uncle’s mines? His speech seemed so pleasingly. He thought for sure he’d get a fortune out of it. The only thing he got out of it was a marriage to you. Someone he loathed.
The sun rose as the staff was already buzzing about. For weeks now, you have been trying to avoid Colin for as much as you could around the house. Each doing your own things during the day, even when it bored you from time to time. There weren’t enough activities around the house to keep you company. You stumbled into the drawing room where to your misfortune Colin was too. Seeing him, made you sigh soft. Colin lifted his head up from behind his newspaper, lowering it.
“I shall leave.” – he spoke folding his newspaper to give you, your space. – “No, please do stay.” – you acted out with a curtsy. Colin slapped the newspaper annoyed on the small table. The door opened behind you, a maid entering with a tray. On the tray laid several letters neatly spread out. She moved past you to give the letters to Colin as he was man of the house now.
You snatched the letters from the tray before they could reach him. The maid looked confused at her empty tray. Bowing her head as she left the room once more. – “Y/n those are for me.” – Colin stated, holding his hand out. – “Am I not the lady of the house?” – you answered, looking through the post. Colin walked up to you in a firm pace, wanting to snatch the letters from you.
You turned away, keeping the letters out of his reach. – “Y/n!” – Colin let out loud. Colin grabbed your wrist, pulling it hard in front of him, ripping some letters from your hand. – “I loath you!” – you called out, slapping the remaining letters against his chest. – “I loath you!” – Colin repeated, slapping his letters against your chest. It made you gasp as you didn’t think he’d hit you back. – “I loathed you first!” – you made clear.
Colin and you stared intensely at each other. Glaring up in each other’s face. Colin looked away first, glancing down at the letters in his hand. He sighed loud seeing what kind of post was amongst them. He threw them frustratedly into the sofa. He then shouted loud, hands desperate in his hands.
“Colin!” – you called out wanting him to calm down. He inhaled sharp, wiping his hand over his face. – “If this wasn’t an economic proposition, I swear.” – he said loud. – “Hadn’t your family put me into debts, I wouldn’t be scrambling for coins to make a living!”
“Don’t bring my family into this!” – you replied loud, frustrated that he would blame this all on you. You had no idea and it was after all he who placed an investment with your uncle. – “Alright not your uncle who caused me to marry you!” – Colin shouted loud. – “I refuse to be blamed any longer for this grotesque misalliance!” – you screamed out as Colin grew silent. Staring at you in shock. – “No more!” – you let out with a dismissive gesture.
Panting loud at your little outburst. Colin turned his head a bit away. – “Well that was rather direct.” – he said, taken back by the intensity of your voice. Overwhelmed with exhaustion, you let yourself fall into an armchair. Head throbbing with a headache the fight. It might have been the biggest fight Colin and you endured. Colin went over to the letters, picking them up from the ground. He then returned to you, coming to sit beside you.
He opened the first letter, reading it out loud for you. His reading made you sit more upright and lean in to read the letter along with him. Colin and you opened every letter one by one, calmly discussing what to reply or how to manage your coins. Both seemingly calmed down and too worn out from the fight to continue bickering.
It was like this outburst needed to happen for Colin and you matched on a different level of understanding after that. The marriage was necessary, the best you could do was make it is comfortable as one could. Despite growing closer to each other, there still wasn’t any physical contact.
No hugs, no kisses and certainly not legitimating the marriage. Colin and you managed to find a lifestyle suitable enough for the income you had now. There were prospects for it increasing, but that took time.
The carriage came to a stop as Colin got out. He offered you his arm as you took it to get out. – “I cannot believe Francesca is already debuting.” – you said unable to grasp how quickly she was growing up. Colin hummed soft, keeping your hand on his arm. – “I’m sure Anthony will have his hands full with now both Eloise and Francesca this season.” – Colin replied as he guided you inside. One of the doormen took your coat.
The warmth of the estate wrapping around your skin. The doorman gestured for you to head further. Colin and you arrived at another door. – “Do I look alright?” – you asked him as it was your first time out on a ball ever since the wedding. Colin turned to you, holding your chin with his thumb. – “You look wonderful.” – he replied, with a soft smile.
The doors opened as it startled Colin and you. Everyone at the ball, stared at the display. Colin cleared his throat lowering his hand on you. He took your hand, guiding you inside. Portia nudged Violet teasingly. – “What did I say.” – she whispered to Violet. Violet smiled, hopeful her son found happiness after all.
You joined the Bridgertons, hugging Violet. – “How are you feeling Francesca?” – you questioned seeing her look frightful with big eyes around. – “Bit overwhelmed.” Francesca answered in a quiet voice. – “Colin.” – Anthony called out, motioning with his head for his brother to follow. Colin gently removed your hand from his arm, following his brother to a more secluded area.
Kate wrapped her arm around you. – “A drink Y/n?” – she proposed. – “Yes please.” – you answered. Kate led you through the crowd to the staff was walking around with drinks. – “How are Colin and you?” – she asked, watching the dancers a bit. – “Quite alright.” – you answered with a smile. – “That is wonderful to hear.” – Kate filled in as she noticed a tray with glasses. She let go of your arm, taking two glasses, handing one to you.
Both of you took a sip, watching the dancers. – “Anthony?” – Kate said confused seeing her husband appear, making his way over to her. – “I simply must dance with you.” – he said taking her hand. Kate gave you a pleasing smile, handing her drink over to you before Anthony could steal her away. – “Well where is Colin?” – you called out, yet Anthony didn’t reply. Too focused on wanting to dance with his wife.
With a soft exhale, you emptied your glass with a few breaths. Turning around you placed your empty and Kate’s still full glass back on the tray. Bouncing a bit on your feet, you looked around for any sign of your husband. – “Miss Bridgerton.” – a man’s voice spoke from behind you. It made you turn your head in surprise. A lord came standing extremely close to you, his fingers trailing inches away from your arm upwards.
“Where is your husband?” – he asked looking briefly away to the people. – “He will be here shortly.” – you lied as the lord kept gazing at you. Making you a bit nervous. – “Such a shame he left you all alone.”  - the lord began standing half in front of you. – “A beautiful woman like yourself shouldn’t be left alone.” – he added as you were stunned by his approach around you.
“My husband is looking for me.” – you said making steps to leave his side. A grip around your wrist, kept you from going any further, making you gasp. – “He’ll find you soon enough.” – he tugged at your wrist, pulling you back at him. – “Perhaps a dance while we wait?” – he proposed.
“Lord Thomas!” – the voice made you turn your head in shock. Colin approaching the man with his hands behind his back. He came by your side, taking the lord’s hand, throwing it off yours. – “Flirting with a married woman?” – Colin spoke judgingly. – “My wife for that matter.” – he added with a glare. Colin let his hand glide in yours, holding it in a firm grip. His stare stern and full of anger. – “We’re leaving.” – Colin called out, pulling you away from the lord.
“But… Co…colin your family… Francesca?” – you said between breaths while you tried to keep up with his pace. – “They need our support.” – you told him, looking over your shoulder to his family somewhere in the crowd. Colin led you outside, calling the carriage over. The carriage pulled over as he pushed you inside. It made you squeal soft, positioning yourself better before your husband joined in.
The carriage got in motion as it wobbled. – “Colin?” – you asked confused, wanting to know what overcame him to simply call it a night. – “Your brothers expect our support for your sisters.” – you reminded him. Noticing how hungrily Colin was staring at you. He groaned deep, setting himself off as he moved across. Cupping your cheeks as he forced his lips onto yours.
Eyes shot wide as his lips trailed yours. Kissing yours desperate and hungrily. Colin retrieved his lips, panting loud in your mouth. He let himself fall back across to his bench as he took you with him. Still cupping your cheeks. You dropped onto his lap as he pulled your legs open over his lap.
His eyes gazed back at you, till they went up. Taking out one of your pins so most of your hair fell down. Exhaling in your mouth, he drew you closer again. The hotness of his lips on yours. It made you grab onto his shoulders, pressing your fingers into him. With one motion of his finger, he tilted your chin up. Hands on your bottom as he pushed you slightly higher.
A soft gasp escaping your mouth as he started to kiss your neck. Trailing down to your bosom. Panting loud against your skin in between hot kisses. Colin let his hand trail up your neck, pushing your head back. Kissing your exposed neck deeper. The carriage wobbled as Colin had to push his hand out to the side, to keep his balance.
Looking down at him, you breathed out loud, curling up a smile. He did the same, grabbing you again. You leaned down, kissing him hard. With admiration he looked up to you. You kissed Colin once more as he finally claimed you as his wife. Who knew it only took one flirty lord for him to finally admit he loved you.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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zo3mess · 5 months
Too Bad At Goodbyes | Part 3 to Bitter-Sweet
Summary: Officers from other towns were reassigned to help the understaffed police force in Evergreen after the butterfly massacre. The good old game of cat and mouse begins with Vigilante continuing his shenanigans and one police officer determined to catch him. Except it is not entirely clear who is chasing whom.
Warnings: 18+, smut, p in v, unprotected sex (Wrap it before you tap it, you know that all too well), handjob, oral (reader receiving), edging, tits worship, hint of sadism?, knife play (to some extent), handcuffs, theft of panties mentioned, enemies become lovers (Who would have thought), female reader, no Y/N
Minors do not interact
Word count: 6.4k
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Extra songs for this fic
Masterlist of my works
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Note: This is the final part, guys. I’m sorry it took so long to write, but my brain was completely dead after 2 seminar works I had to write last second. Long live the procrastination! Anyway, I hope you will like this and once again thank you for every interaction on any of my posts, I love you all <3
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Day after day, week after week, you were slowly but surely realizing you might have overestimated your abilities. You believed you had the guts to catch villains like Joker or Mad Hatter, even your family and friends encouraged you. And you believed their words, you believed yourself. Leaving your town and heading to Evergreen as some sort of bridge to your goal. However this? This wasn’t what you thought it would be like.
Doing minor police work, failing miserably all the time, having a weird relationship with the one person who would get you a ticket to your dream. Hells, you were in charge of fetching take-out every Friday for your coworkers, like a dog playing fetch.
Your office decided on Fennel Fields this time, the most distant restaurant from the precinct.
The noise in the restaurant had been overwhelming, voices chattering all over, glasses clinking, utensils scraping plates, until one guy managed to drown out everything with a simple question “Anything else I can help you with?”
Wait a minute…
You know that voice, you’ve heard it somewhere, no? But where? One simple look at the source and gears in your mind started turning. It was the busboy asking some family a few tables away from you. Nothing out of the ordinary, maybe you misjudged it.
And then the guy turned. Smiling at his coworker that just passed by him with an awkward ‘hey’. That smile. Dimples. Brown hair poking from under his hat. And most importantly two small hickeys just under his jaw he clearly did not care enough to cover in any way.
That’s curious, you left similar marks on Vigilante a few days ago, when you had another run-up with him late at night. He tugged you behind a dumpster and kissed you like a man possessed. And you were feeling bold enough to suck on his tender skin for the first time.
At first, it wasn’t a plan to mark him up, so you can by chance recognize him in public. You marked his neck for him. Eventually, he would tug off his mask, become a normal citizen again, but the prize he got as Vigilante would stay. He would remember you even after the morning sun rose.
Oh dear God…
A smile dropped from your face, eyes widening in disbelief. And you just could not stop staring. As you watched him leave to refill the water pitcher, every noise quieted down.
That guy was Vigilante. He must have been. What a weird accident would that be, right? Right?
He seemed so sweet though, bright eyes were shining under wire-framed glasses. He looked all shy and nerdy. Fennel Fields busboy could not be the one killing criminals under the moonlight and drawing hearts with blood for you.
“Cash or card?” The cashier’s voice interrupted your inner monologue when he put your take-out in front of you.
“Card, please. Uhhhh…” You squinted at the nametag and continued, “Tyler? Could you do something for me?”
It was not hard finding out the busboy’s name, all that needed to be done was to battle your lashes and sweetly ask the cashier. That guy was more than happy to provide the name of his least favorite coworker. The good old sabotaging in work, how lovely.
So… Adrian Chase. The poor boy is either an unlucky victim of your search or he is Vigilante. Chances were not even 50/50, you were sure. Almost sure. Like 70/30 in your favor.
Finding his address was even easier. God bless the police database. You ought to pay him a visit. By now you knew Vigilante had a habit of going out on Friday night, leaving a fresh new corpse to bask in the morning sun most of the time. Meaning that if you, by any chance, knocked on Chase’s door, he would not be home.
Around 10 p.m. you arrived at the apartment complex where Vigilante was supposed to live. With unsure steps, you made your way through the staircase, stopping once you saw the apartment number you’ve got written on a piece of paper.
However, knocking and neither ringing the bell resulted in open doors. As far as you could tell with ear pressed against the door, no movement was possible to be heard inside.
You could not get discouraged, you were too far to stop. Another plan was the fire escape stairway leading around the building. You sneaked around until you found his living room window, relatively hard task to locate the right apartment. With a quick look, you knew he wasn’t at home. Maybe if you tried to open the window…
For a guy bragging about how he crawled through your open window, he didn’t care enough about locking up his. You carefully crawled into the dark room and a thought passed by that this is so wrong.
But you’re already there, might as well look around to confirm your suspicion.
Cliché of villains living in the lair was wrong this time. His apartment looked well-kept, almost too normal. With a quick rummage you found out he kept knives and guns around, tucked away under the coffee table in the living room, in a cupboard next to cereal in the kitchen. Vigilante’s paranoid.
When you entered his bedroom, the last and only room you had no chance to search, you immediately noticed the peculiar mess. For his respectively clean apartment, his bedroom gave the impression that it was blown out by a bomb. Clothes on the floor, as well as empty water bottles and candy wrappers, messed up bed covers, half completed Lego set scattered over the floor.
A familiar object caught your attention in all that clutter. A piece of lacy blue cloth lying on the floor, oh you knew what it was in an instant. You pocketed it and headed back to the living room, stretching out on his couch. How ironic.
And you waited and waited, losing the track of time, clock was ticking, cars speeding outside, it almost lulled you to sleep. Then all of a sudden you heard the rattling of keys outside of the front door. Bang of doors being shut. Footsteps in the hall. And finally, the living room doors swung open.
It was your time to scare him in his own home. How the tables turned.
“Jesus-“ Adrian all but jumped. Even though he found it weird you weren’t skulking around the streets looking for him, he would have never guessed you would be standing in the middle of his apartment instead. Now you were even at last.
He was not wearing his suit and it took you aback for a split second. If he wore it you would be 100 % sure he was Vigilante, this way there was still some space for doubts. But the way his eyes got stuck on your frame gave him away.
In case you misguessed your deduction and he was, in fact, a normal guy, he would have looked far more shocked, scared even, since a stranger was walking around his apartment. But this look? Oh you knew this look all too well.
“Adrian Chase. It is a pleasure to meet you,” You kept your voice friendly, with an equally complimentary fake smile. “I hope you don’t mind me visiting you. After all, you have been in my house several times and you never invited me to yours.”
“What? No? I’ve never- I have never been in your house. Stranger.” He stuttered right off the bat, that was adorable.
“Stranger? Come on, Vigilante. Don’t lie.”
“Vigilante? I have no idea who that is and even if I did, I have no idea how you might think that I am him. Or her. Or them.”
“I just find it curious you have a familiar hickey on your neck. I left one like this on Vigilante myself.” You never thought you'd find out his secret identity like that, and neither did he, otherwise he wouldn’t let you bite his neck.
“These? Those are not hickeys,” He pointed at his neck and shook his head a little too fast to appear calm “I had an accident”
“Let me guess, you fell on someone’s lips?”
“Happens more often than you’d think.” Ridiculous. Completely and utterly ridiculous.
“Mhhmm, sure.” You fought an emerging smile so hard. You had this idea of confronting him sternly, confidently, and most importantly with a totally cool attitude. That plan was falling apart, whether it was from the happiness of finding out who Vigilante was or his dumbstruck expression, did not matter at the end of the day.
“And this…” From your pocket, you pulled out a bunched-up piece of cloth. Lace panties in the signature teal color. “You have no idea how my underwear got into your bedroom, right?”
“Those are… Mine?” You wondered how this guy never gave away his big secret. He has been living double life for so long and yet he never learned how to lie properly.
“Just because you stole them doesn’t mean they belong to you,” It was a perfect trap. You knew some perverse side of Vigilante would not resist stealing your stuff, especially if it was in the colors of his suit “I bought them specifically to catch you in the act and kept them on top of my drawer. In case they disappeared I would know you were in my house again, rummaging through my stuff.”
“I’m not some pervert that steals panties.” He dramatically gasped and put his hand on the chest to be a tad more theatrical. You completely dismissed his defensive words.
“Give up, Vig. I got you.” Such a bold statement. You knew who he was now, that wouldn’t stop him from killing you right there on the spot, since your goal was to put him behind bars. Would he be able to sleep peacefully if he truly got rid of you? Even if it was for the ‘greater good’ and protecting his identity?
“Are you here to arrest me?” After a beat of silence, he spoke with uncertainty and you weren’t able to pinpoint the emotion that washed over his face.
A triumphant smile dropped from your face with the question. Were you? You had handcuffs in your jacket, all this time they were waiting to be put on his wrists.
But was it what you truly wanted?
“Adrian Chase, Vigilante, you are under arrest.”
His confused face was everything. Every millisecond it lasted was golden. Truth be told every grimace he made was making you happy. You could see his whole face and that was priceless. But aside from his bedazzlement, his lack of resistance was something you had not expected. He simply stood there, turning his back on you and putting his hand behind his back without hesitation.
Adrian knew he was running around on borrowed time. One way or another, today or tomorrow he would be caught or killed. Of course, he prayed that day would never come, but if Vigilante should end, should be caught, he was glad it was you. He would gladly rot in jail with peace of mind if he knew you had fulfilled your dream and made it to Gotham.
“What for?” He asked with a sigh and flinched when the cold metal handcuffs wrapped around his wrists.
“Multiple counts of murder, assault, breaking and entering, obstruction of police work and personally I would like to add theft.” Quite a long list of crimes and misdemeanors.
“What did I steal? Aside from your lingerie?”
“My dignity. My pride. My mind. My-“
“Heart?” He peeked over his shoulder, but it wasn't his usual goofy smile that was distracting you. It was his eyes. He looked right into your soul and searched for answers you didn’t even know you had.
Quiet so loud it almost deafened you. You had no words suitable for a swing back. Instead, you tugged Adrian by his cuffed hands and he obediently backed in your steps all the way to the couch, where you pushed on his shoulders as a sign to sit down.
He did so with such a stoic expression it made your mind wonder what was he feeling. Regret? Sadness? Rage? Admiration perhaps? After all, you found him on your own without the need to snatch his mask like you tried the first time he made his presence known in your own house.
Only heavy breathing filled the room, temperature growing hot with Adrian’s burning gaze. Did it make your cold heart melt or was it already soft when you saw him for the first time without his mask? And did his eyes always pierced your skin with such cruel intention or was it just because he was afraid for his future?
Goddamn the things he made you do.
You found your favorite position on his lap again, straddling him in a hurry before the logical part returned to take hold.
You pressed an open-mouthed kiss on his neck, just under his jaw. After so many make outs you finally got a chance to kiss his pretty neck properly as his collared suit wasn’t an obstacle now.
Adrian saw it the same way, he had waited long enough to feel your warm lips caress his skin once more.
And right here and there he knew you had gone soft for him. He could not control himself and bucked his hips up to yours with an eager whimper.
“It was only a kiss.” His reaction made you chuckle. Power rushed over your body, now that you knew how sensitive he was to your touch.
“Are you quoting Mr. Brightside?” His head cocked to the side with a cheery smile. You wonder what is going on inside his head all the time. Probably a cymbal-banging monkey and Wii music playing in the background. Or in this case, his brain might be playing Mr. Brightside.
“Why would I be?”
“Your voice cracked a little, I thought you were about to sing the rest.” His smile was contagious, you could not help but grin at him in retaliation.
“You’re handcuffed and can’t move, if I started singing it would be officially considered torture.” He deserved to be tortured though, at least a little bit. For all the trouble he caused you, for making you doubt your intentions.
“But you sing for me so prettily. Especially when I stuff you full of my cock. I’ve been hearing your moans in my head for days after our first time. Shit, I had to jerk off all the ti-“ Before he could chatter further you pressed a palm over his mouth. Does this guy ever shut up?
You bowed back to his neck, continuing your work of peppering kisses over his throat, biting and sucking from time to time. But Adrian kept firing words against your hand, every thought he wanted to share with you was muffled and lost.
The other hand slid from his chest down to his jeans. He looked so alien like this. You imagined his face all the time, but he always had his suit. This time he wore simple everyday clothing and it felt wrong in the weirdest way possible.
Palming his bulge through his pants was not enough for Adrian, whines buzzed against your palm more frequently, hips chasing your touch, if he had his hand free you were sure he would be pawing at you in an instant.
You granted him freedom of speech because your hands had more important task than silencing him. Freeing him from the confines of his jeans. Unbuckled, unbuttoned, unzipped in milliseconds. So fast he lost the words.
Two fingers were shoved into his mouth, his glassy eyes looked up to you with shock. “Suck.” You told him sternly and he wasted no time to obey. Tongue swirling around your digits was a bit distracting, despite his eagerness you managed to shove down his boxers and let his dick spring free against his stomach.
He looked so pretty like this. Unable to move his hand, unable to talk, red and throbbing cock already spilling precum and the brightest eyes pleading for anything you were willing to give him. If anyone told you this is how your rivalry with Vigilante would end, you might have been nicer to him from the start.
Properly wet fingers were pulled out from his mouth and made their way down. Wrapping around him, stroking slowly but tightly, smearing the saliva all over his length. His eyes silently pleaded for more, but his mouth had trouble forming the words.
“Can I suck your tits?” The attitude of that man.
“Wow, so straightforward.” Most of the time you two were together, clothes covered your bodies. You’ve felt his dick more than you’ve seen it. The fact he was now asking for more of your body just turned you on more.
“You’re the one to talk. You come to my apartment, handcuff me and go straight into jerking me off.” He explained with a strained voice and his eyes flickered down to your hand.
“And snappy.” You grinned at him some more before you removed your hand from him, just to unbutton your shirt and shift the cups of your bralette to the side.
Adrian licked his lips once he saw your breasts spill free, barely blinking, not daring to break the gaze he held with your nipples. After his brain finally realized what was before him, he latched his mouth onto you. Licking, sucking, biting. 
Your hand returned to his cock, settling on a nice steady pace that made him groan against your skin, while you, yourself, softly moaned out. It had been too long since someone paid such attention to your chest.
He lapped at your nipples with ferocity, switching from one to another. Tongue drawing circles, teeth pricking the sensitive skin. He was seconds away from straight up motorboating your tits.
Adrian chased your touch, whining and wriggling when you moved your hand faster and faster. So desperate to touch you he had to chase his need away by digging nails into his palms.
Your focus was lacking due to a hungry mouth sucking on your chest, but it did not take a genius to notice the change in demeanor. Eyes tightly shut, breath shaking, needier moans. He was close to bursting in your hand.
“Motherfucker!” He yelled out in frustration when you snatched your hand away and his release with it.
“That’s not nice.” God bless your sarcastic tongue, it drew out the worst in him and what was there not to love than seeing a riled-up man pouting and squirming.
“Sorry, babe, every nice word leaves my mind when I see your face.”
Fingers latched on his face, squishing his cheeks with one hand, tilting his head directly to you. A warning to play nice. But when you saw the realization in his eyes, you kissed the pout formed on his inviting lips.
“Uncuff me,” He demanded with a bratty frown. “Uncuff me and I’ll show you something better than nice words.”
“I don’t know if you deserve it.”
“I don’t know if you deserve it either, you’re mean to me, but here we are.” Did he really just tell you that you don’t deserve it? He just played the same card against you with no shame whatsoever.
Not a single word was said when you stood up from his lap, not even an objection or whine from Adrian when you left him in the living room and with a sway of your curves made your way to the bedroom. You were sure that horndog wouldn’t resist running after you with hands still handcuffed. To your surprise, he didn’t even trip over his own legs when he caught up with you entering the messy room.
After all, you were merciful and quite frankly curious. He promised you something and wanted to get it. So when he awkwardly stood before you, watching you with puppy eyes, how could you resist granting him the freedom he craved.
“Strip,” He said sternly and rubbed his wrists while you were putting away your restraints, but the sharp look you gave him made his voice soften. “Please."
Both undressing while the other watched every move, every piece of clothing being dumped on his already untidy floor. Once you stood there revealed to him, except for your underwear, and Adrian to you, there was no doubt your heart stopped for a second.
Vigilante was a real person…
You could touch him, run your fingers across his chest, into his hair, and he wouldn’t disappear. You knew it before of course, but the true realization hit you the moment you saw his bare skin. Littered with a few small scars, bullet wounds, and fresh bruises ranging from blueish purple to faded yellow.
One of the most beautiful paintings you have ever seen. As most of the masterpiece, this one was also created with madness. Hand in hand with lunacy, paranoia and often a crippling sadness.
There always was and always will be a profound beauty in tragedy. All of this was your tragedy. A story of ambitious woman fighting her way through to success, just to have rug swept under her feet and knocked down by a crazed man.
Maybe you did not find what you initially looked for, success and glory in the work field, but you’ve found something else. A long lost piece. You were fitting together like a puzzle that was finally given a chance to create a bigger picture. Something achingly beautiful.
It seemed Vigilante didn’t have similar thoughts stopping him from doing anything, soon he was on you again. Cradling you in searing hold and kissing you like there was no tomorrow. Maybe he was afraid you would disappear too, he had to make sure to burn the softness of your body to his mind. The addiction of skin to skin, heart to heart.
Shortly after he stole your breath straight from lungs you found yourselves lying on his bed. Little shakes of excitement accompanied by growing anticipation.
He crawled on top of you like a predator. He got his prey all sprawled out, tense, ready to jump out of its skin, yet ready to jump his bones a second he allowed it. The wandering mind naturally remembered something else, resting in the upper drawer.
Adrain reached across you and started digging through the mess in the nightstand. Baring his pearly whites with a winning smile.
And he was still grinning brightly when he showed you what he fished out. A knife. Out of all the things he could have gotten, it was a knife. You quickly got up to rest on elbows and an inner voice told you to prepare for take off.
“Any reason for that?” You lazily pointed at his hand.
“There might be.”
Few people saw red as a color of passion, and few as a color of anger. Years on the police force taught you to see red as a sign of blood or injury. And Adrian? He connected this color with the suit of his best friend Chris. Seeing you in red panties, Peacemaker’s color, made him literally see red. You’re not Peacemaker’s, you belong to Vigilante, you belong to him.
Adrian wanted to make sure you would remember it. The knife slowly slid under the cloth on your hips. With a clean swipe, he sliced the expensive lace and moved to the other side. Once it didn’t hold together he tore away the last piece of clothing covering your body.
“Fucking four-course meal. I just want to eat you,” A gush of realization hit him in the middle of admiring your naked body. “Eat you out I mean. I’m not a cannibal, I feel like I should clarify that when I’m holding a knife.”
He swiftly tossed the knife on the floor and before you heard clinking of it hitting the ground, he was prying his head right between your thighs.
Adrian had a bad habit of not eating properly. To be fair it was hard for him to notice the hunger when his mind was running at full speed, swarming his head with millions of other things than basic human needs. But when a feast was laid out before him? He wouldn’t leave a single crumb.
The second he buried his tongue in between your folds, you became his favorite dessert. And the second you felt him suck on your clit, you realized his tongue would go to waste in prison. You made the right decision, he was much better off there, worshiping your body.
Delightful pleasure blossomed in your pussy and stretching to the very end of each of your limb and swarming your head. Not even all those nasty noises could not take you out from the heaven you lingered in.
Warm tongue nudging your clit with short flicks before switching to lick a long strip all across your cunt. Prying deep into you for another taste, sucking on your labia, occasionally biting your inner thighs. Adrian was having time of his life while you clutched on the bedsheets and moaned in retaliation.
Completely and utterly consumed… Barely feeling a hand sneaking off your thighs and making its way to your dripping hole. Two fingers were pushed into you with no restraint while Adrian’s tongue continued his work on you.
With trouble you lifted your head from his pillows and looked down just to find Adrian looking at you half-lidded, smirking against your clit when your gazes locked. Then he went for a bold move, latching on you, sucking harshly and shaking his head, which resulted in a bolt of shivers down your spine.
This was too good.
He felt your pussy clenching, arousal seeping down to his bed, legs shaking on either side of his head, and the moment your head got thrown back and moans pitched he withdrew his mouth and fingers from you, letting you tether on the edge.
“Shit!” You yelled out upon being denied your bliss. How did he dare.
“That’s not nice” He repeated your previous words with a grin and playfully slapped your outer thigh.
“Go fuck yourself!”
“I’d much rather fuck you, but if you insist.” His hand wrapped around his cock and started stroking himself above you in an obscene demonstration accompanied by over-the-top moans.
You lunged at him and caught his hands before he could continue. This time he resisted having hands restricted, trying to twist his wrists out of your hold with a frown.
“Let go.” There was a hint of dominance in his voice, but what person you would be if you crumbled under every little threat.
“No.” The hold stayed strong and you had no intention of letting go.
Adrian didn’t appreciate your decision. Deep inside his heart skipped a beat every time you did something defiant. When you cursed in his name, when you threw that metal pipe at him, when you refused to let him go. All that presented a challenge and Adrian’s no quitter. But now? He was pent up and when you just delayed the moment he got to be inside you once more, he had enough. And if that meant he had to fight dirty, so be it.
Your breath almost got knocked out of your lungs when his whole body fell on you, successfully pining you to the mattress. Mouth pressed against yours to prevent you from objecting. You would call him out, just for the sake of it, but his whole weight on you, acting like a weighted blanket, was more than welcome.
You did not even notice when you loosened the hold on his wrists, which Adrian quickly took advantage of. You were too busy kissing him back with the same amount of fierceness and before you could notice, you were the one pinned down by wrists.
And that time, when Adrian was above you, his hands on each side of your face, holding you down like a feral animal, yet staring at you in awe, you realized his eyes were green. So beautifully green. After all that time of wondering what color his eyes were, you finally had an answer.
He shifted your hands together above your head, which allowed him to hold you down with just one hand while the other guided his cock into your sopping pussy. Before he pushed in, you were given a soft kiss, a beautiful contrast to previous actions.
You moaned in each other's mouths when he finally entered you with one stroke. You were a sucker for the feeling of fullness only he was able to give you and after not letting you cum on his mouth you were in need to feel him deep inside again.
“You look so pretty like this.” His hand found its way to your chest and pressed right in the middle, feeling your beating heart. He had a weird fixation with it. Sweet nevertheless.
The hammering heart reminded him no matter what was before and what came next, it was beating for him and him only in that moment.  
He drove into you slowly as he basked in the opportunity to feel your walls constrict around him after such a long time. All those wet dreams about you could never replace the real thing.
“I always look pretty.” You smiled at him before he brought his head down. Nice kiss soon turning into a messy one. You could still feel yourself on his tongue when he pried it inside your mouth.
“I can’t argue with that.” He chuckled at your remark after pulling away from the kiss, a string of saliva stretching between you before Adrian wiped it away. With that you rolled up your hips, urging him for more as you fucked yourself on his cock.
Lewld sounds of skin slapping, creaking of the bed, squelching of your wetness and moans and whimpers followed what started as a nice and solid pace and soon turned into the good old savage fucking. And in the meantime he allowed you to run your hands over his body however you wanted.
With Vigilante, with Adrian, it always had to be a lot. No one would hear you complaining though.
With a new vigor of Adrian’s hips slapping against yours, well-kept nails colored in bloody red as you scratched his back in the last hopeless shot to hold on. Deep hurtful marks were left all along his tensing muscles, he didn’t mind it one bit. The idea of being marked in the heat of passion was encouraging at last.
He just wished it would be permanent, a forever reminder of you, that would nudge his memory every time he saw it in a mirror. Whenever this would get a good or bad ending, you were a person who woke up emotions he thought he had lost or hadn’t felt so strongly in a long while.
His hold shifted to your waist, sliding to your hips. Clutching onto you so tightly on purpose to create bruises in the shapes of his fingertips and similar to you, pressing his nails past the barrier of sensitive skin. Hoping it would leave a long-lasting mark. You wailed in response, it hurt so good it made a mush out of your brain.
Yet a dark thought crossed his mind. Getting the knife lying on the floor to carve his initials on your shaking body. That would be the permanence he craved. Painful wounds would turn into nasty scars not allowing you to forget who he was to you for the rest of your life.
But he couldn’t pour all his frustrations on you, all this anxiety and fear of abandonment. He couldn’t do that to you. The truth was you made his blood boil, brought out the worst in him, made him doubt his motivation, terrifying him with arrest, but you had reasons to. It wasn’t accidental or illogical. He could never hurt you for doing the right thing in the eyes of the public even if it meant the worst for him.
If he couldn’t make you remember him with scars on your body, he wanted to make sure you would never forget that night. Pour out a part of his anger on you in the best possible way.  His thrusts were merciless, making his cheap bed shake and headboard slam against the wall. Too late to think about the neighbors, your moans and whines were already loud enough to alert everyone in close distance.
“Fuck! Don’t stop!” You screamed out and it only encouraged him to go on, fingers sneaking down your body to rub tight circles on your clit with threatening precision. The sole thing that mattered was to make you cum on his dick.
“You’re doing so well,” He whispered into your hair with a calming voice. You had to tuck your face to his neck, hiding your red cheeks and muffling piercing screams of pleasure with his silky skin. “Cum for me, baby.”
And you did. Hot burning pleasure shot across your body, all the way to your fingers holding onto his back, to toes on your straining feet, your back arched, chest pressed against his, white flashed in front of your eyes.
Adrian slowed down and fucked you through it while muttering sweet words to your ear. Hands slid under you to cradle you in a hot sweaty embrace.
You came down from your high soon after, but his own was awaiting him and he wanted to reach it too. Let his mind shut down.
The way he picked up pace again made you whimper in overstimulation. His body pinned you down, cock sliding in and out of your spent cunt swiftly, quick moans filling your ears, sweat mixing with his deodorant was suddenly so vivid. Adrian won over your senses in every possible aspect.
He was already so close with how your pussy clenched around him when you came. There was no chance for him to last long like this. Not with how his hips bucked like a wild animal.
“Look at me,” His warm hand cradled your cheek, bringing you to reality. “Please, look at me. I want to see your eyes when I cum.”
The plead sounded so broken and urgent, you had no other choice than to comply. You opened your eyes and saw his green ones, staring back at you while his brows knitted together. Eyelids barely resisting the urge to close.
They might have been right when they said eyes are the windows to the soul.
Whispers of his name on your lips broke something inside him. Pushing him over the edge with a shaky moan. His forehead pressed tightly against yours, panting in your open mouth as he pumped his cock into you for the last few times. Hot thick cum coated your already oversensitive insides and you clamped your walls around him to prolong his orgasm.
Not for a second you dared to close your eyes. He asked you nicely, it wouldn’t be fair if you defied. But since when did you care to listen to his pleas?
He stilled his hips when his cock stopped flaring inside you. However, his eyes opened after quite some time, after he gathered enough power to stop his shaking. Maybe you weren’t the only one fucked completely dumb.
He caught your lips in a soft lingering kiss, his thumb stroking your cheek in such loving manner. It spread warmth deep in your chest, so genuine and adoring.
Vigilante, the concept of a person, of a maniac, dragged you through hell. The way he was laughing in your face, the way you stomped in anger like a little child whenever he escaped, only fueling the fire.
But Vigilante you now knew? Adrian Chase? He took you to Heaven. His words made you feel like the most important person, his touch left goosebumps in its way, and the way he treated you after almost fucking your brains out he made you wonder about the remaining sides of him that you haven't had the chance to see so far.
The million-dollar smile he gave you was comforting, you could get used to it. Addictive as much as everything else about him.
Adrian carefully pulled out and rolled to the side, hissing through his teeth when the pain of scratched back hit him. Both of your bodies tiredly rested on his messy bed, heavy breathing joined the ringing in your ears. Long silence haunted the room, you were afraid to say anything, not wanting to disturb the peace between you two, and Adrian had no words to say as it seemed. Until…
“You won’t leave for Gotham, right?”
Oh, he wanted to keep you.
“Well, I promised myself I would not go to Gotham unless I catch Vigilante. But gosh darn, is he one slippery motherfucker.” You turned on your side to face him properly, corners of your mouth twitched upwards in contrast to such ‘hopeless’ statement.
He smiled at you, eyes twinkling with optimism. “I guess you have to stay a little longer. Before you catch him, of course.”
His hand reached out for yours with uncertainty, but once he saw you didn’t pull away, he intertwined fingers with yours in a tight hold.
Such a simple word, yet it contained his whole heart. Would it be possible for Vigilante, despite his claims that he doesn’t feel emotions, to feel something? And would it be possible for a police officer, despite her claims of hate towards him, to feel the same?
You silently nodded. There was no use for words when the look you shared said everything that needed to be said.
Was it hatred? No, at least not the serious kind. Was it love? Far from it. Maybe what you two shared could not be named.
You would still throw a metal pipe on his head without a second thought and Adrian would trip you with pleasure whilst running away from you. He would stick out tongue on you if you screamed obscenities at him, but he would also kiss your cheek in the morning if you decided to stay the night and you would straighten his glasses for him when needed and tuck away hair from his face.
Both of you would exchange bloody red roses, sweet looks, and bitter words until fate decided otherwise.
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cafecourage · 7 months
Little Red Riding Hood where Reader is Little Red but also a werewolf
Love Interest and rest of chain can be assigned however
(Cause I'm always down for a fairytale au)
I did a little twist on this. Idk if this was what you wanted. I had to ask doggo experts for how doggos act around each other. I am leaving this off on a small cliff hanger because I do want to write more of this.
Twilight didn’t trust the new person in the group. Well. It’s more like he didn’t know what to think of her. She came in like a hurricane running after the Shadow like it was her prey. Then when the dust settled and she calmed down the group quickly learned of why. The short of it being that for some reason the Shadow attacked her brother and she took chase. Which then led to her to finally agree to join the chain. Much to the Ranchers chagrin. However, he knows better than to start an unnecessary fight. Twilight could be civil.
Civility could only go so far.
Little Red, as Warrior’s likes to call her, noticed Twilight’s presence and slight unease of her and ran with it. Twilight couldn’t understand just why she was always running circles around him talking about this and that. It confused him to no end when she instantly would stick to him even when he was wolfie. He had to on more then one occasion threaten to bite Little Red’s hands. She never cared or backed away from Wolfie when he showed a bit of aggression. “He is going to bite you.” Wild warned her as he watched Little Red try to play with Wolfie.
She looked up at Wild while holding Wolfie’s face, “what? No the baby is just playing.” That comment only made Twilight growl more.
“Baby? Wolfie isn’t a baby.” Wild was torn between being completely amuse and helping Twilight out as he did know about his slight distrust of Little Red.
“No no no, Champion. This is a wolf pup. He has to be like…” Her attention draws to the wolf as she observes the good boy. “Man… I have to say maybe 10? He is very small even for that age. Wolfie is like an adult dog size but he is definitely a wolf.” She boops the snoot and quickly pulled back as Twilight tries to bite her hand again. This only makes her giggle more.
“I think your wolves might be just bigger than my Hyrules.” Honestly to Wild, Wolfie was the same size as most wolves, but he just shrugs and not questions that further. Twilight couldn’t understand why you were like this, he wonders if it was just an eccentric thing. He has met a lot of weird people in his life and Little Red might be one of them. After being free from your grasp he takes it upon himself to run away for now. Only because you don’t tend to grab his face while being Twilight and thats the most annoying part of being wolfie around you.
It wasn’t until they finally came to her era that he finally understood.
The village Little Red lived in was small, but cozy. It reminded Twilight of his own home. People tended to light up when seeing Little Red. But given the size of the group following them most villagers tended to just say hi and remarks that they needed to talk to her later. “My house is a bit further.” Little red said pointing to a path that ran into the woods. “It’s just me, my brother and Grandma oh and our cat. I’ll make sure to keep her out of your stuff. But we should have room to fit everyone.” She explains as the path slowly clears up to a cottage in the wood with a small garden. There was a small pup running around in the yard playing with said cat. Who was purely annoyed at ready to pap the puppy in the head.
Little Red’s eyes brightened “Link!” She calls out gaining the Pups reaction.
She dashes towards the house as the puppy starts running towards her. They meet halfway and the puppy shifts into a young boy. “You’re back! You’re back!” This Link giggles as he gets lifted in the air by his sister and spun around.
“I am! For now.” Little red nuzzles her brother’s face as she shifts her grips on her brother to put his weight on her hip. “Boy’s this is my brother. Link these are the adventurers I’ve been traveling with.”
She turns to the group with a smile. The chain was utterly confused and silent before Wind speaks up “Did he transform into a wolf?”
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meatonfork · 2 years
Hii!! i wanted to ask how like the 141 would react grim sneaking in a stray cat or dog <33 I also wanted to say how much i love your grim au its literally one of my favs, you stay safe and take care of yourself!!

New Pal
pairings: platonic 141 x grim
warnings: none!
summary: grim introduces a new furry friend to the team
the team had quickly come to realize you had a deep love for animals. this was never a secret, though.
there were times while on missions that ghost would have to get you back on track after going out of your way to pet whatever animal you’d found in an alley.
you’d been staying at a safe house with the team after a mission. you were bored, and the house was just too stuffy with all the boys cramped into a small house, so you’d decided to step outside for a bit of fresh air.
the boys started to worry after you’d been outside for a bit too long for their liking. they stepped out to find you, expecting you to be sitting on the porch. instead, they found you in the clearing off to the right of the house.
you were slowly creeping to a doe. trees towering over you, and a hand stretched out with greenery in your small palm. bright brown eyes met deep green ones. your steps were calm and calculated, wanting the deer to see you weren’t a threat to her.
she took a step forward, and you halted your movements. your body went stiff as you held your breath in fear of scaring her off.
the boys watched with gleaming eyes as the doe met you and sniffed the greenery before tentatively eating it out of your palm.
you raised a hand slowly and lightly rest it on her coat, making small strokes against her fur. the sun beams leaking through the trees made her warm.
the doe only left once she’d eaten all the food. you watched on as she made her way into the forest, small hoof prints left behind in the dewy grass.
once she left your sight, you turned around to go back inside.
the team’s eyes found yours and you gave a small smile, “hey guys! how’s it goin?”
“grim, how’d you do that?” soap all but sputtered out. his eyes were blown wide at the thought of getting that close to a deer. “was she soft?” his voice softened as he imagined running his fingertips through the coat.
you nodded enthusiastically, “oh yeah! super soft. but, i gotta go wash my hands.” and with that, you brushed passed the boys and made your way to the bathroom.
the team was anticipating the day you’d bring in an animal. but, as time went on, and they never saw one, they thought they’d underestimated your ability of self control. and soon, they’d stopped thinking that.
until they started to notice you’d spent more time in your room.
to your benefit, it wasn’t unusual, per se. while you enjoyed being the most annoying person on base, you also liked your space.
it got to the point, they’d almost thought you were having a small episode. and if that was the case, they knew you’d come talk to one of them at some point. when you were ready. the team never pushed you, because you’d never pushed them. and they liked that about you.
but, this was just excessive. you always cracked after four days, and this was the fifth day you went off to seclude yourself after a meal. they were over it.
your door burst open, causing you to jump out of your skin. a small squeak left your lips and you fell to the floor below you.
“ow- shit.” you hissed as your hand fell to your ass, rubbing your tailbone.
“okay, grim. just tell us what’s wrong, kid.” price spoke up. the team were looking over his shoulders, varying looks of concern and confusion on their faces.
soap was scared something had happened on base and you just weren’t telling them about it. he almost felt hurt that you felt you couldn’t talk to them.
confusion crossed your features, brows furrowing and lips pursing. “i have no idea what you’re talking about. nothing’s wrong..?”
“dude, you’ve been holed up in your room for five days. you only come out to eat and shower. you haven’t even torn my door off it’s hinges this week. what’s wrong?” gaz’s head peaked over your captain’s shoulder.
“dude, there’s nothing wrong. scouts honor.” you held up the boy scouts sign from where you sat on the floor. “i swear, if something wa-“
silence. it coated the room, and thick tension filled the room. so thick, in fact, you bet ghost could cut through it with the knife strapped to his thigh. although, you figured it wouldn’t be that hard seeing as his knives were furthest from dull.
“… grim. explain. now.” ghost’s voice spoke from just outside the door.
“heh. uh, yeah! yeah- okay! guys, meet the newest team member. her name is spoon! i think she’d really be able to provide some insight on our missions, and uh, yeah…” your voice trailed off into a whisper as four pairs of eyes just blinked at you.
in your hands was a small black kitten. her fur was fluffy, making her appear as a small, round void in your small hands. she squirmed a bit, but settled in your lap.
“please say something.” your whispering voice broke the eerie silence that blanketed the room after your revelation of the small kitten.
“you can’t- you can’t keep her, grim.” price hated telling you no, but rules were rules. and he wasn’t about to break them for some cat you’d found outside.
“NO! wait- please! i need her. i hate being alone all the time, and i know i can get annoying. please let me keep her. she can be useful! i promise to take care of her and shit. like, take her on walks, and feed her, and bathe her. plus, i already named her. she marked me. we’re soulmates now. no take backs.” you all but pleaded with your captain.
he stared into your eyes. blue fighting green. your gaze never wavered, you held strong.
“if she leaves, i leave.” you huffed out. price knew he wouldn’t win this.
his shoulders deflated as he sighed. another squeal left your lips as you held spoon closer to your chest.
“thank you! oh my gosh. thank you!” you rocked the kitten back and forth as a beaming smile took over your features.
“but- the moment that cat even steps out of line a little, she’s gone.”
the cat left your lap, making her way to your team. they stepped out of her way, wanting to know her intentions.
she stopped right in front of ghost, peering up at him. then, she did the unthinkable.
scaling up his side, claws out before she settled upon his stiff shoulder.
everyone held their breaths in anticipation before his eyes met yours. a hard glare set in them.
then he did the unthinkable. his hand moved up to pet spoon’s little head. purring sounded through the room, before he left and stalked down the hall.
“what just happened?” soap spoke up, his head turning to watch the lieutenant and the small cat turn down the hall.
“he just stole my fucking cat.” with that, you were up and pushing your way through the boys and down the hall.
a/n: thank you for reading! merry christmas, and happy holidays! <3
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deathmetalangel · 2 years
I am craving for some Sub!Robin from teen titans (the one from 2003) smut with fem!reader. Like, reader being a superhero from his group that is just flirty by nature and has this smug grin always on her face. And Robin can't help but feel nervous around her (but pretending he's not-) until one day it just happens and when he tries to dom the reader he finds out that he is gonna be the one dominated and not the other way xd
Tumblr media
warnings: smut, fem!dom, cunnalingus f! receiving, unprotected sex, dirty talk, praise, mentions of scars (from being a hero), creampie
robin finds out the hard way he’s much more turned on by someone who takes control of him in bed
The titans had the day off. Rare, almost extremely rare seeing as Jump City was almost as chaotic as Gotham or Blüdhaven. But Blackfire had convinced them all to go to a ‘killer’ party downtown so she can bond with her little sister.
Y/n didn’t mind, she loved the party scene. Guys that were so easily flustered, girls that all loved how confident she was, and how annoyed Robin looked when she talked to everyone. He usually played it off, not well, but he tried his best.
Blackfire’s laugh caught her attention. “What’s so funny?”
“Oh nothing. Just how hard Robin is eye hanging you right now.” y/n glances over at the spiky haired boy and indeed he was watching her with an unreadable expression.
She rolls her eyes while Blackfire spins her to the music. "He always acts so jealous. It's funny really, I just wish he'd grow a pair ya know? I can't keep playing cat and mouse like this. No matter how good a cat I am." Both girls giggle until the subject of their conversation walks over.
"H/n, Blackfire." He greets the two who just look at one another.
"Hello Robin. What can I do for you?" Y/n smirks and stands closer to him. Her face leans in to look up at him with a cocky grin. "I'd be happy to take orders from my great and intelligent leader." Her voice just oozes with the confidence only she possessed. Not even Blackfire would compare her charms to her friends. Even if they were two of a kind.
Robin clears his throat semi-awkwardly. "We need to talk."
"About what?" She smiles playing dumb. It only made it more difficult for Robin. She loved putting up a naive front to mess with him even more. It was the only way to best the normally composed Robin.
Especially since they had a past.
Robin grabs her wrist and pulls her away from the blaring lights and pounding music. “Hey what’s this about?” Now she was genuinely confused. It wasn’t like him to get all pent up. She tilts her head and before she can speak lips crash onto hers.
Robin presses y/n against the cold wall, his lust overwhelming. Her fingers curl into his slicked back hair while his hands roam her hips. “Fuck,” She mumbles before Robin pulls her into a random bedroom.
They both fall back onto the bed with Robin pushing aside her clothing to get them off as soon as possible. "You knew exactly what you were doing, didn't you?" He mumbles against her neck desperate for a response. There was no way she would do all that without wanting this type of reaction from him. She knew him too well to do that.
"And if I did?"
Robin's breath hitches slightly at her tone. She was enjoying this, his little outburst. It was entertaining her. The thought turned him on more than he would like to admit of course. "Then you're a bigger slut than I thought you were."
Just like that she yanks his hair back and looks him dead in the eyes, she was feeling different tonight. "Call me that again and I leave you here alone with your hand to get you off. Got it?" Dick gulps and nods. Y/n smirks and fumbles with her utility belt. "Now, be a good boy and help me with this."
Like an obedient lap dog he does as she says. Wasting no time in undoing the belt and discarding her bottoms. "Perfect. Okay Robin, eat." She pushes herself up more on the mattress and spreads her pristine built legs for him. Robin, ever so desperate to please, begins sucking at her clit and eating her out like a starved man.
Moans leave her mouth while she holds onto his hair. "Fuck, you're doing so damn good. Yeah. Right there. Right there. Fuck!" Robin doesn't stop while he holds onto her thighs for support. Her moans made his cock strain in his pants and her praise made him even more sprung.
Robin had y/n swearing like madwoman with how well he was doing. It drove her crazy. Her legs were shaking by the time she came, but when she did you could bet Robin was ready for whatever she told him to do next. Look at him, what a sub.
Y/n giggles while Robin starts to leave sloppy kisses all over her body. Each and every scar left from their many battles and even the ones before the team. "Okay okay, let me have my fun now." Her tone was almost sadistic; her eyes glowed with ecstasy and lust. Almost glazed over with a far off look. Like she was lost in her pleasure.
Robin doesn't get a chance to react when she uses her strength to flip him over and sit down on his stomach. Her cunt was still dripping wet and she could feel his erection on her ass. "You're so god damn needy Dick." His real name was a rare gift he got to hear, but god did he love to hear her say it.
She swiftly removes his bottoms and is surprised by just how hard he was. Unlike every other time, her being dominant turned him on the most. Interesting. Y/n crawls over him before kneeling above his hardened dick. She carefully spreads her pussy and lines them up.
"What no condom?" He sputters out from his lack of breath. She just smiles at him.
"Happy birthday Grayson." His eyes shut from the amount of pure pleasure he feels from her warm cunt swallowing his dick whole. It never failed to knock the breath from his lungs. "Fuck, you're so big."
Robin tries to grab at her thighs to have some sort of stability, but she instead grabs his hands and holds them above his head. Her strength allows her to push his wrists into the mattress while she begins to rock her hips. The music outside was now silent to them because of how enveloped they were with each other.
Y/n leans over Robin and smiles while her hips set a steady and fast paced rhythm. Her ass bounced on his quivering dick while he whispered out praises. "You're so tight. Fuck, you feel so good y/n." He was coming undone by the minute.
Her teeth start to graze over his skin making him shiver. "Quiet now D, wouldn't want anyone to walk in." He practically ignores her when she begins to bite down on his neck.
"Fuck!" She just chuckles and starts to suckle gently. Her rhythmic bouncing is met with him bucking his hips upwards to meet her throbbing cunt. Y/n moans into his neck, feeling her orgasm creep up on her once again. "Wanna cum birthday boy?" A series of rushed and quiet yes's slip from Robin's lips.
Their speed increases while Robin starts to hit deeper with his stronger thrusts. She lets go of his hands and arches her back in pleasure. "Oh my god!" She moans out while Robin grabs her hips to start bringing them down faster. "I'm so close!"
Both of them are oblivious to the unwinding party as they chase their highs. "Fuck y/n, I'm gonna cum. Where do I?"
"I said, happy birthday. Didn't I?" Her voice is strained and pitchy while she grinds desperate for her release. Robin can feel his looming and before he knows it he brings her down and fully bottoms out before spurting his cum into her awaiting cunt. "Fuuuccking hell!"
Y/n clenches down around him when she feels the tension in her stomach break and she cums. She sighs before collapsing down on the bed next to Robin. His breathing starts to steady when he turns to face her.
"Hope you liked your gift, birthday boy."
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rorywritesjunk · 10 months
And all of my wildest dreams They just end up with you and me
Richie is a pretty boy, yes he is, but so is Buggy.
Rating: PG! It's a soft and silly fic.
Warning: Animal fur. Allergies. Sneezing. Buggy doesn't catch a break.
A/N: Suggested by a lovely Anon! I wrote and rewrote this a few times and then after brushing my dog I was inspired. Have you ever had an allergy attack where you sneeze and can't breathe, and then suddenly you're choking because you inhaled one little something and you think you're dying? Imagine that while reading this. Also I still love Richie so much.
Title comes from "So Good Right Now" by Fall Out Boy.
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“Ohh, who’s a pretty boy!” You cooed over Richie, Mohji’s large and (not) so ferocious lion. The beast tamer was feeling a little under the weather and you offered to look after the animal. To some, the lion was scary, murderous, and fierce, but to you he was a soft little kitten who liked it when you ran a brush through his mane and fed him treats. “You are!” 
He rolled onto his back for you, purring happily as you ran the brush through his fur, being mindful of any knots or matting. Any time you came upon one, you carefully picked it apart, not wanting to pull on it or hurt the lion. While he was docile towards you at the best of times, you have seen how wide his mouth can open and it wouldn’t take much for him to swallow you whole if he so desired.
“What the hell are you doing?” 
You looked up when the captain entered, looking none too thrilled that you were with the large cat. Richie’s bedding had been changed, his food and water dishes cleaned, and now you were brushing out the excess fur. A pile of fur had grown and it almost looked like you had a mini-Richie starting to form.
“Mohji wasn't feeling good so I offered to care for Richie today.” You grinned as you brushed some fur off your clothes. Buggy made a face as the cat hair flew about. And then he sneezed.
“Do you have to brush him?!” He snapped. “That damn fur is getting everywhere!”
“Well, yea.” You chuckled as you looked back at the lion. He was looking up at you with huge doe eyes, demanding more attention. It was a cute sight and reminded you of a certain boyfriend of yours, who was currently glaring at you while sneezing as the fur floated around. “He’s a pretty, pretty boy and he needs to look his best!”
Buggy rubbed his nose and glared at you. He wasn’t pleased you were spending this much time with Richie when you could have been spending it with him. The lion didn’t need you to groom him like this, and he was not a pretty boy, he was a murderous member of the crew. 
You looked back at Buggy and grinned. He managed to keep glaring at you while sneezing repeatedly, obviously irritated by all the fur flying about in the air. His eyes and nose were both running, and then he was suddenly coughing from inhaling some of the fur. You probably should take pity on him but you weren’t done with Richie yet.
“Gimme a few more minutes and I’ll be done.” You said, but you weren’t sure he heard you over the coughing and sneezing fit. Oof, maybe you should stop. He didn’t look too good. Sighing, you gave Richie a few ear scritches. “I’ll finish with you later, Richie.” 
Carefully, you approached Buggy and grabbed his arm. He tried to pull away from you but now he was gasping a bit as he coughed so much. Maybe he was allergic? Who knew, but you held his arm firm as you started to lead him away from Richie and the cloud of fur.
“Let’s go, pretty boy.” You chuckled. “Let’s get you fresh air.”
Buggy didn’t budge at first, squinting at you as tears streamed down his face from the sneezing and coughing fits. You felt a little bad because he looked like shit now. 
“I said let’s go, pretty boy.” You urged as you pulled him along. “Get your silly ass out of here!”
He finally followed after you, feeling his throat clear up just a bit as he got further away from the lion. He took a few deep breaths, trying to inhale fresh, clean air, before he looked at you. “I-I’m a pretty boy?”
To someone else at that moment, probably not. Not only were his eyes red and streaming, but his nose was dripping like a faucet. He was no longer gasping for air, and he wasn’t sneezing as much as before. He looked absolutely miserable. 
“Oh!” You didn’t realize what you had said at first. You were so used to calling Richie that affectionate name that it must have slipped out with Buggy, but he was now looking at you, red-eyed and flushed, and well, you didn’t want to upset him. “Yea! Of course.” 
Oof, you may have said that little too quickly, but he was clearly brain fogged from the lack of oxygen due to sneezing, and he gave you some goofy smile, and if his face wasn’t covered in a layer of snot, tears, and lion fur, you may have kissed his cheek to help convince him of it. 
And admittedly, you did find him pretty, even looking absolutely miserable right in that moment. 
“R-Really?” He stammered out, stopping you just before you could get him on deck and out into the fresh, fur-free air. “Pretty?”
Oh, the way his voice asked was so sweet, and you smiled at him and squeezed his gloved hand before bringing it up to your lips, kissing the top of it gently. You pretended not to notice how his eyes watered just a bit but for a different reason now. Tender moments like this were something he still wasn’t used to with a relationship, so you smiled at him and lowered his hand.
“The prettiest boy I know, Buggy.” You assured him. “Now, go wash that pretty face of yours so I can give you a kiss.”
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mandarinmoons · 7 months
hiii! aaa. OKAY. so, what abt reader (or spencer) finally getting a new puppy after seeing that is possible to have a lovely dog and work at the bau thanks to luke, lol. and then the other one coming to their shared flat and they are like (spencer or reader, up to you who decides to get the puppy) but sweetheart- (sighs) alright we can keep it because it's cute. hehe. just tons of your lovely spencer fluff! mwah.
You were used to having animals. Growing up you had several pets from goldfish to dogs and cats and when you moved to D.C. having a little loving animal by your side was something you terribly missed. You knew that it would be hard to keep a pet by yourself, especially if it was a dog who needed to be taken out regularly. However, you no longer lived alone, you had your lovely boyfriend Spencer and you were slowly wearing him down on the topic of getting a pet.
After one night of begging, pleading and showing your best puppy dog like eyes at Spencer to go to a kennel sometime soon to look at the puppies they have up for adoption, all that Spencer said was “We’ll look into it, okay?” and that was it for the whole night. The topic wasn’t brought up again for a few days until a better offer came up.
One of your coworker’s dogs had puppies recently and was looking for a home for them. After seeing pictures of the little furballs your eyes landed on one of them and knew you needed to have it in your arms. It was a little spaniel puppy with golden fur and a brown nose, it was adorable.
After finishing a shift you picked up the needed supplies for your newest family member and headed over to pick it up.
A few hours later you were at home and playing with your new love. The puppy was energetic and was gnawing on a toy you got him, holding onto it with its paws as he kept on going. You were so distracted with the dog that you didn’t hear the front door open and close. Spencer walked in and furrowed his brows as he heard the squeak of a chew toy, it couldn’t be what he thought it was. Spencer walked to the living room and was met with you sitting on the middle of the carpet, holding a small dog in your arms.
“Oh Spence! Come here, I want to introduce you to someone,” Spencer walked over to you and sat down next to you, the puppy immediately crawling over to him and sniffing him. A smile crept up on Spencer’s lips and he gently petted the puppy.
“Isn’t he cute?”
“He is, but where did you get him?”
“Marla’s dog had puppies some time ago and they needed homes, so I thought why not?”
Spencer sighs and tries to hold back a chuckle as the dog bites on his fingers playfully.
“You should’ve talked to me about this first, you know.”
“I know, but you were so hesitant and I really wanted him, Spence. I’m sorry that I didn’t come to you first, but…”
The puppy crawled back over to you and licked your hand, even if Spencer wasn’t too keen on having a dog right now he was going to have a hard time keeping you two apart.
“Well it’s a bit sudden, but I think I can come around to him. Okay, let’s keep him.”
Spencer nodded and you jumped into his arms and kissed him, making the dog bark and jumping up to join in on the fun. Both of you chuckled and Spencer cleared his throat,
“What’s his name?”
“He doesn’t have one yet, I thought that maybe you could do the honors.”
“Okay um… Spock?”
“Spock? Really? Any other name that isn’t after a Star Trek character?”
Spencer chuckles, “I don’t know um… Sunny? I mean he does have a golden coat.”
“I love that, do you like it Sunny?”
The dog licked your face which made you giggle, “Sunny it is.”
Taglist: @radioactiveinvisible @whoisspence @sreidisms @lanascinnamongirls @luvkatryna @sp3ncelle @iluvreid @khxna @keiva1000 @indigosamsblog @hiireadstuff @pleasantwitchgarden
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My requests are open so feel free to send one in! (SFW only)
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slashers-and-rats · 1 year
hii 🫶🏻 i have a request !! maybe the reader insert is feeling a little under the weather (it’s up to you it they’re sick or if it’s a bad mental health day) and it’s up to the slasher to take care of them in their own off-color way. i figure all of them would be a little bit like cats dropping a dead mouse on your bed,,, like i do Not want this, but they’re just trying to help. my favs are billy lenz and thomas hewitt, but feel free to write for whoever inspires you 💌 i love your work !!!!!!
a/n: i love cat coded boys. you’ve brought a blessing upon this place today.
slashers taking care of their sick s/o
featured slashers: billy lenz & thomas hewitt
billy lenz :
billy wasn’t taken care of much as a child. his grandmother tried to, and taught him a few basic things when it came to keeping himself alive, but it wasn’t enough. when you had fallen ill, this fact was very clear. he kind of panicked at first. he didn’t like the idea of seeing you so weak, it brought up a fear in him he couldn’t understand.
at first, he stayed at the bed. you had told him that he shouldn’t be so close to you, that he could catch whatever you might have, but he barely listened. he sat down on the floor beside you, and laid his head down on the side like a sad dog. you stroked his hair and told him it would be fine, but the fact your voice was hoarse made him so worried.
whenever you fell asleep, he ran off to go and try to make something to eat for you. he wasn’t a chef, and for a long time he was living off of whatever he could scrounge up, and so having free reign in the kitchen was crazy to him. he tried though, he really did.
he made you tea. that was easy, you had taught him to use the kettle a long time ago, and liked mumbling about tea bagging while he made it. he also tried making you… food? you couldn’t tell what it was when he presented it to you, it was shocking that whatever he had made had once been near edible. it was not when he brought it to you.
he tried to hand feed you, but you had to tell him you weren’t hungry. which was true, your stomach wasn’t up to the challenge of eating. instead, you sipped your tea while he curled up on the end of the bed, just watching you.
that’s how it was for most of the day. he brought you tea, and watched you. whatever you asked for, he did in a heart beat. he tried bringing you other trinkets he thought you’d enjoy. he brought his favourite blanket from the attic for you to lay on, and he put on his favourite music to see if it would help you relax. he kept trying to give you hugs and kisses. it made you giggle when you had to tell him you were still sick, and he always was so dramatic when he wasn’t able to give you affection.
you asked him to just make you toast at some point, and it really was a challenge for him. this whole experience made you realize you needed to teach him some more life skills. it wasn’t like he was feigning ignorance either, he was trying so hard. it’s just he needed some assistance. the only time you had gotten out of bed is when you heard him curse loudly from downstairs, only to find he had burned himself trying to stick his fingers into the toaster to get the toast out. some cold water and a bandage he insisted on later, and you had made each of you something to eat.
you insisted that he take care of himself too while you were sick. since he didn’t leave you much the entire day, he hadn’t been eating or hadn’t showered. you had to make him do both. you made him get snacks and fruits to eat since he didn’t want to be away long enough to make a meal, and you made him go take a quick shower. but, he had to leave the door to the bedroom bathroom wide open, and kept getting out to make sure you were still there.
at the end of the day, when you two went to lay down, he waited until you were asleep to finally wrap his body around you. he didn’t care if he got sick. he hated not being able to touch you all day, it made him feel so uncomfortable. he had gotten so used to being near you and being against you, that even 12 hours without it made him feel like he was the sick one. but he really had tried so hard. he just wanted you to feel better, and his treatment definitely did make you feel good. it was nice knowing there was someone so devoted to you.
thomas hewitt :
thomas was better at taking care of people than you’d think. sure, he grew up in a weird home situation, but you can’t say luda mae didn’t care for and watch after him. whenever he fell ill, his mama made sure he was healthy and spry as quick as possible.
this was translated over to your relationship with him in a bit of a skewed way. thomas didn’t fully understand how luda mae always managed to make him feel better, but he knew some of the key steps.
he made you stay in bed. he covered you in blankets and swaddled you like you were a baby. he was a strong guy, and no matter your size he would be man handling you with ease. and he did. by the time you were feeling tight and cozy in your blankets, he had made you feel like nothing but a rag doll. it was kinda nice, not even having to move your limbs when you were this sick. every time you tried to get up, he pushed you back down. if you needed to go anywhere, he was the one moving you, and helping you do it. you had to go through him if you wanted to go anywhere, and if he didn’t feel it necessary, you weren’t moving. whatever you needed, he could get. and anything else, he’d come with you to do.
thomas made you drink lots of water. too much water, at some point. it was warm in texas, but the type of warm that clung to your skin and made your head hot. you had been cold physically, but your head was on fire, and it made him panic. so, he made you drink water. and then, he made you drink more. and then more. until you had to beg him to give you a break, because if he made you drink anymore, he’d be near drowning you. he still made sure you hydrated every hour on the dot.
mind you, this man took off the entire day to spend with you. usually he’d be busy doing something with the family, like helping his brothers or assisting luda mae at the gas station, but he had refused to go anywhere when you were sick. at first, hoyt had whined and said it wasn’t fair tommy got a day off, but the glare that the large man sent his brother had made the other back off in an instant. it was clear he wasn’t going to leave your side, especially when he knew you needed him there.
he fed you surprisingly well. he knew how to make a good soup. he scooped the liquids into your mouth himself, and every time he would blow on it until he was sure it wouldn’t burn you. he was so very careful, he didn’t want to add at all to the negative way you were feeling. that being said, he did try and feed you too much. the bowl he brought was practically just the pot, and it took you nearly an hour to fill up and then convince him that you didn’t need anymore. soup had always made him feel better, he had really assumed it was the same for you. and it was, but not in the way he thought.
he even tried to read to you. this was a struggle. he was selectively mute, and picked and choosed who he spoke to very carefully. you understood this. when he brought out the book you had been reading, and opened it, you thought he was going to put it front of your face and let you read it that way or something. but no. he sat beside you, and slowly but steadily read out the story. it made you nearly cry. he was so sweet, and so gentle with you.
at the end of the day, when you were tired and ready for bed, he sat and watched you fall asleep. he wanted to make sure you were peacefully slumbering before he gave himself a break. his family had checked on him once or twice to make sure everything was ok, and luda mae had even given him some good herbal tea to give you, but other than that he was very independent when it came to taking care of you. you were his after all, he didn’t need others telling him how to take care of you.
he fell asleep when he couldn’t keep his eyes open anymore.
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rogerswifesblog · 1 year
1 - Better Than Boys
Series Masterlist
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A/N: Hi! The first chapter of Better Than Boys! I Hope you’ll like it. There’ll be definitely a lot going on, def some huge dramas of course👀 inspired by this post and the many conversations we @jamneuromain had🤣
Please leave some feedback and reblog!
Pairing: Boyfriends!Dad! Andy Barber x reader
Warnings: boyfriends dad Andy, age gap (Andy mid forties, reader mid/early twenties) , smut, oral m receiving, daddy kink, ball and cock worship, cheating, guilt, angst
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Friday evenings were movie nights at Jacobs. You were there. You brought popcorn. The movie had already started. You were cuddled up in a blanket on the couch in their living room. The pizza would be there soon, too.
Jacob wasn’t there.
Your boyfriend wasn’t home and forgot to tell you.
And you felt humiliated as soon as a confused Andy Barber opened the door.
“Oh hello Mr Barber! It’s nice to see you”, you greeted your boyfriend's father, who had just opened the front door. A slightly tired smile on his face, the dark circles under his eyes only confirming how little he slept in all the recent months he was busy with the divorce.
He opened the door a bit wider to let you in. “Hello, Sweets. Jacob left an hour ago. He said he’d be gone for a while”, he informed you, helping you take off your slightly wet jacket from the rain.
Confused, you looked up at the man. “He left? Oh, that’s…he’ll definitely be back soon. Fridays are movie nights, so he should definitely be back soon. I’d wait for him if that’s okay”, of course Andy let you stay. He’d let you stay any day at any hour, if he had to be honest with himself.
And he really shouldn’t feel like that.
“Jacob just called-he won’t make it. The rain is too heavy for him to drive so…he stays the night at his friends place..if you want I can drive you home”, said Andy entering the living room, making you jump in surprise, especially since you were currently watching a horror movie. You felt a blush creep onto your cheeks while you slowly looked back at the older man, before looking out of the window. The weather was awful, the whole world seemed gray and windy. It was raining cats and dogs. You definitely wouldn’t feel good making Andy drive in this weather.
Sighing, you shook your head. “No, I’d stay the night if that’s okay. It’s late and the rain is awful. I’d be worried when you’d have to drive home”, you shrugged, just when you turned your head back to the tv the possessed doll appeared scaring you enough to nearly make you drop the popcorn bowl.
At the same time Andy laughed in amusement. “ ‘Course you can stay. Do you mind if I accompany you? I’d love to take my mind off the horrors I’m going through and watch a real one-Annabelle, right?” “Yeah, I’d love some company”, you mumbled pulling the blanket higher to your face.
Andy sat down next to you with his own pizza, already having half of it eaten. “If you want some more help yourself, I won’t be able to eat both mine and JJs pizza”, you chuckled, but even to your ears it sounded stained.
“Sure, you can have some of mine, too, if you want”, he said, putting the box on the glass table in front of the couch. While he leaned back, his arm accidentally brushed over yours. Goosebumps erupted over your whole body. A shiver run down your back.
God, why couldn’t this stop? It happened every time Andy touched you, if by accident or not.
The occasional hugs to congratulate someone on your birthday, or well, Andy’s birthday. Every time that happened you felt your heartbeat quicken, your breath hitching and sometimes when he pulled you a bit tighter against him, even your pussy throb. He affected you in every way possible.
Twenty minutes later you decided to finally take a piece of Andy’s pizza, immediately feeling your mouth burn. “Holy shit-“, you coughed putting the piece back. Andy looked at you in surprise, partly because of the swear and also because of your coughing. “What-why is it so spicy”, you tried to clear your throat, but it only felt worse.
“Right I forgot-it’s probably because of the jalapeños and hot sauce, wait let me get you some milk. It should help”, with that he rushed to the kitchen filling you a glass of milk. As soon as he gave you the glass you chugged it down, some of the milk not even making it into your mouth, instead leaking from the corners of your mouth down your chin and throat, soaking the collar of your t-shirt.
And Andy was hard now.
He immediately looked away, not trusting himself with you around. Especially when you look like this. Wet from the milk, messy. What would happen if you’d suck his dick? Would you be this messy too? Would you let him finish on your face? Let him rub his cum into your skin? Mark you?
His dick twitched again and he really hoped you couldn’t see it when he covered himself with the blanket, also taking his pizza box to cover his crotch a bit more. Now you definitely wouldn’t notice it anymore.
“How can you eat these? I feel like my throat is bleeding”, you mumbled, drinking the last sip of your milk. “Don’t swallow-it will maybe help a bit better”, he couldn’t stop himself from licking over his own bottom lip when he saw your red, swollen lips. How badly he just wanted you to let him fill your mouth with- Andy, get a grip on yourself.
“Any better?”, he asked, feeling a bit bad having forgotten to tell you about the jalapeños on his pizza. You nodded slowly, feeling some of the milk leak from the corners of your mouth while you gulped down the milk again.
This time Andy couldn’t stop himself from brushing his thumb over the corner of your mouth, then over your lips before gently pushing his thumb into your mouth, pressing against your tongue. Noticing how you didn’t even move away. He could even feel like your tongue pushed against the tip of his finger.
You were looking right into his eyes, never breaking eye contact while you slowly sucked his thumb a bit further into your mouth. This time it was Andy’s breath that hitched. You were definitely doing this on purpose. Making him all hot and bothered.
Now that he thought about it, maybe it wasn’t the first time you tried to tease him.
Maybe the first time you did it was when you walked around the house just in an oversized t-shirt, your legs on full display and when you bent down to pick up the napkin you dropped he saw the lacy panties you wore.
Or maybe it was when you left your phone on the table with a picture in dark blue lingerie. A picture of you. He recognised the necklace you had on. A necklace he quickly bought after Jacob told him he had no gift for you. So technically…the necklace he gave you.
There had been so many times he had to control his damn dick when you were around, always bending down right in front of him or brushing your ass against him while passing by him.
“You little minx”, he didn’t even mean to say it, but the smirk he received made it clear you knew exactly what you were doing. He pulled out his thumb from your lips, not being able to stop now. The switch was now turned over, he couldn’t control it anymore. He needed you. To feel you. Your young, pretty body is against him. You soft, plump lips on his dick. Wanting to hear you moan. Make you cum, over and over again. Maybe he’d manage to get you to squirt. He was sure nobody had done it before. Not his son. He could hear the two of you sometimes-the walls were thin. Even just from hearing your fake moans he could tell you were pretending.
He wanted to hear the real moans. He wanted you to orgasm on his fingers, mouth, dick, face, whatever.
Andy grabbed your shirt, pulling you against his chest immediately pressing his lips to your in a demanding and wanting kiss. His tongue didn’t need to fight for dominance, already having won it. A gasp escaped your lips when he pulled you over his lap, instantly thrusting against your core, the blanket pulling down from your bodies.
Panting you started kissing his neck, gently sucking gentle marks beneath his collar since you didn’t want anyone to see them. Or well, just one person. His son. His son shouldn’t see the hickeys you were currently leaving on his fathers neck.
Only then did you really start thinking about that. About the fact that you kissed Andy Barber. Your boyfriend's dad. The man you had a crush on since the day you met him. The cause of your wet dreams. The cause of your best orgasms when you fucked yourself on your dildo, thinking about him.
A moan escaped Andy’s lips when your hand wrapped around his thick cock. You haven’t even noticed when you had pulled his sweatpants down-or did he do that? It didn’t matter anyway.
“Let me suck you off”, you whispered against his neck, licking over the mark you just sucked underneath his collarbone. By the thought of having your lips wrapped around his cock his hips bucked against your crotch again. “Fuck, yea Sweets, suck Daddy’s cock.”
He didn’t mean to say it. Until now he never even thought about referring to himself as daddy. It just slipped. Like he couldn't control his own brain to mouth filter anymore. Now he definitely scared you off, just when it started to get…interesting. But then again, he could’ve expected you’d surprise him once again.
As soon as he said that your eyes widened, a tingle spread in your chest. And a little smirk on your face. You couldn’t stop yourself from biting down on your bottom lip. “Sure, Daddy”, your voice was only a whisper while you slowly leaned down to his cockhead, the red tip already leaking in your palm while you slowly stroked his thick shaft. Your thumb brushing right along the vein that you’d love to feel against your throbbing cunt.
And Andy…was definitely bigger and better than Jacob, thicker, longer and slightly curved, perfect to hit the spot that neither you or Jacob could find.
You licked over the slit, tasting his precum on your tongue. Moaning quietly you licked slowly over his length, down to his balls, making him gasp. God, his bells were always so sensitive yet no woman ever gave them much attention until now. You started licking and suckling on them, especially when you felt him press your head harder into his balls, making you suck and lick on them greedily.
You were all enthusiastic, lacking the finesse of a more experienced person but the eagerness made up for it, especially when he felt how you nuzzled against his cock. How you worshiped his dick, playing with him, slurping and lapping his pre cum up, before once again trying to get as much of his balls in your mouth as possible.
When he looked down at you, your cheeks and lips were glistening with his pre-cum. “Fuck, sweets you’re so pretty when you’re on your knees for me”, he mumbled grabbing you by the hair and pulling a bit away, his other hand positioning his cocktip at your lips. “Now let Daddy check your throat”, a grin spread over his lips when you opened your mouth wide, letting him slid into your mouth, slowly fucking in deeper.
You let him thrust into your mouth as he pleased, first slow but getting faster and harsher with the second, especially after noticing the lack of your gag reflex. “Oh what a treasure you are, any man would love to call you his, you know that?”, he moaned, pushing you further down, till your nose touched his pubicbone. “Oh fuck-and that’s what you can do? Didn’t think I’d be even more jealous of my kid-and here you can deep throat me”, you felt blood rush to your cheeks listening to his words, at the same time wetness drenched your panties. “-my filthy little girl, my perfect girl”, he moaned, letting you come up for air.
A few more thrusts and he felt his balls tighten, coming closer to his orgasm, which you also noticed, touching his tight balls and massaging them. “Daddy-please”, you moaned before suckling again at his cock, greedy slurping moving your head quickly up and down, till his grip on your head hardened.
“Fuck-open wide Sweets, daddy has a gift for you”, he grunted and you immediately opened your mouth wider, letting him shoot his load on your tongue and face, stroking himself to the last drop dripped onto your face, before pulling his pants back on.
You smiled at him bashfully, swallowing his cum, while he leaned down and kissed your cum stained lips gently, his hands cupping your cheeks, slowly massaging the cum with his thumbs into your skin. Marking you. Just like he wanted to do it since he had met you. The endorphins filled the air between you, both of you smiling against each others lips.
He pulled you back onto his lap after pulling his sweatpants back up. “You’re amazing sweets”, he smiled, pecking your lips again. Butterflies erupted in your belly, instead of being comforting, only making it harder to breathe, as the truth slowly sank in. While he grabbed some napkins from the table you felt your blood run cold. The guilt creeps up, making your chest feel tighter. You didn’t say anything while he wiped off the cum from your face, somehow making you even more humiliated than when you had actually sucked his dick and he talked about his son, your boyfriend.
What the hell have you been thinking?
Just when he wanted to kiss you again you backed away, your heart feeling tight at the confused and sad face he made, while you slowly stood up from his lap, stepping away from him. “Where are you going? Are you-Y/N? Are you okay?”, he started asking softly, but nervous.
You backed away from Andy when he stood up, trying to gently take your hands, but you hastily pulled away. “Don’t-this-this was a mistake“ you whispered, tears welling up in your eyes. Of course Andy noticed, feeling his own throat getting tighter, not being able to make a sound. He opened his mouth but no words came out.
Without saying anything else you rushed into jacob's room, the door falling loudly shut behind you.
Andy felt his heart break into a thousand pieces as he watched you run from him. He dropped back onto the couch the feeling of warmth and comfort now replaced by devastation and regret.
What the hell had he just done?
The tears finally started falling, the quiet sobs leaving your mouth while you slowly slid down the door, pulling your legs up close to your chest. The taste of his cum still in your mouth, reminding you of what you just did. The humiliation finally hitting you hard. Everything coming up. You were pathetic.
What have you done??
No, no, no.
This was such a huge mistake.
You cheated on your boyfriend.
You fucking cheated on your boyfriend with his dad.
The worst part of it was…
You didn’t regret what happened with Andy.
You regret being in a relationship with Jacob in the first place.
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Thank you for reading! I hope you liked it and are curious what happens next!
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Taglist: @wintasssoldier @shmaptain-ashmerica [ I tagged you because I saw you commented/reblogged the series Masterlist once:)]
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newtonsheffield · 1 year
Could we see some jealous Kate in Mile High?
Maybe Siena ends up in their flight once Kate and Anthony are officially together???
Ohhh For a relationship that started off on the grounds of no jealousy: They’re both pretty jealous people.
And Kate really thought she got over it after she and Anthony actually put their cards on the table and said they didn’t want to see other people.
Kate turned at the sound of her sister bursting through the cockpit door. “Edwina, we’re a little busy.” She gestured to the controls, “You know, preparing to fly the plane.”
Edwina rolled her eyes, “I just… I don’t want you to overreact to this but Siena Rosso is on this flight.”
Kate’s stomach dropped, something prickling down her spine at the thought of Anthony’s ex girlfriend, the only other person he’d been in a committed relationship with. Even if it hadn’t worked out, they’d loved one another once. Were still friends, really. She couldn’t say she wasn’t at least curious about her, what she looked like, how she was, how she and Anthony had been together.
“Right well…” Kate trailed off, “Get out of the way!” Kate hissed, peering round the cockpit door, “Which one is she?”
“Is anyone going to tell me who Siena Rosso is?” Sophie said curiously, joining her and Edwina at peering round the door.
“She’s Anthony’s ex.” Edwina supplied, “They used to hook up until Kate and Anthony got together.”
“Which one is she?” Kate hummed, her stomach churning, but she didn’t need to ask. Not really.
Anthony was stood a few rows down, at the back of first class, laughing at something a woman had said. She was beautiful, her dark hair tossed up effortlessly as she leaned in and said something conspiratorially to Anthony who turned pointing towards the cockpit.
Kate slammed the door shut before anyone could notice them peering out the door, trying to quiet the doubtful voice in her head.
You’re such opposites, he’ll never stay with you.
“Well, I wish she wasn’t so pretty.”
“Oh come on,” Sophie tutted, “Anthony loves you.”
“You don’t have anything to worry about.” Edwina agreed.
Kate shook her head, taking a shuddering breath, “It doesn’t matter. It literally doesn’t, we have to work.”
She sat back down and tried to focus on what she had to do. Even so she cleared her throat when she flicked on the intercom. “Good morning Everyone! Captain Kate Sharma from the flight deck, First Officer Sophie Beckett here with me and Welcome Aboard your British Airways flight to Singapore. We’ve an excellent crew on board with you today, at your beck and call for anything you might need. Some of you, not all of you. Anyway, they’re headed up by my loving boyfriend Anthony. It’s true, we’re in a very committed relationship, I’m actually thinking of suggesting that we move in together. Well, I’ve said that now. I’ll be back later to give you another update. Not on whether or not he said yes, just… on the… flight.”
Kate pinched the bridge of her nose as she turned off the intercom, She groaned as Sophie let out a low whistle. “Don’t.”
“Kate,” Sophie guffawed, “That was a train wreck, babe.”
“I know! Don’t you think I know that?! Now not only do I have to look at Anthony’s hot singer ex girlfriend; He’s going to reject me! Right in front of her probably! And then they’ll skip off into the sunset together!”
“Are we spiralling a little?”
“So… that was insane.” Edwina hummed pushing the dinner cart in.
“Oh God!” Kate groaned, “Does he not want to even come in here and face me?!”
“He was held up.” Edwina tutted, “Congrats on… moving in together though? Are you getting a cat as well?”
“Anthony and I would clearly be dog people.”
Her anxiety still hadn’t abated at the end of the flight, jealousy and anxiety taking their turns, warring away in her chest. Right up until she opened the cockpit door. And there was Siena Rosso, nudging Anthony’s shoulder gently. Her eyes widened when she took in Kate,
“There’s your girl.”
Anthony turned, looking a little dazed and Kate didn’t know what came over her. She reached forward, grabbing Anthony by the lapels of his jacket and crashed their lips together in a searing kiss.
Anthony looked dazed when she finally nudged him back, his hand in his hair, “Hey, Kate.” He cleared his throat, “Have you met Siena?”
Siena peered around them, “Hi, Kate, so lovely to meet you. Anthony’s told me so much about you.”
“Nice to meet you as well.”
Anthony tucked his arm around Kate’s waist before he cleared his throat, “Well, good luck with your show tonight. Chat soon hey? We’ll all go to dinner.”
“I’d like that.” Siena smiled, “Kate, hilarious announcement, 10/10.”
She winked over her shoulder at them and Kate suddenly felt ridiculous for it, with Anthony’s arm around her waist and his lips on her temple.
“Did you propose we move in together out of jealousy?” Anthony chuckled, but she could see the anxiety warring away behind his eyes.
“Yes, i did it in panic,” She straightened his tie, “But I actually do want us to move in together. So…? What d’you say? Ready to teach me how to do laundry?”
Anthony swallowed, “Yes, but I’m sorry, we need to move into my flat. Yours just…”
Kate scoffed, “Like I’m moving you into my place with all of your systems. I don’t have room.”
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ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Side characters with cat ears ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
I was inspired by a chat between Satan, Solomon and MC
Once in your closed group where there is you, Satan and Solomon, all of you wondered about on whom cat ears and a tail would have looked cute. You couldn't come to one answer, because you wanted to see everyone with cat ears. You joked about it, suggesting to make all the guys cat-boys. However, Solomon decided to really take it seriously.
💎 Diavolo 💎
It was unusual to see ears and a tail on him. It was unexpected, both for you and for others. But it looked very cute and funny. He admitted that it was a bit of fun and invited you to stroke his head.
- MC, do I look cute? - Diavolo asked. Of course you agreed, it looks like he noticed it himself, judging by the way you looked at him.
While you were stroking him, he was purring contentedly, and had a pleasing look.
"I wish it would never end," you admitted. "Me too. I like this image and apparently you're crazy about it too. It seems that the ears make me look safer for others, or what?" replied Diavolo.
- Don't worry about it, I'm always cozy and comfortable with you. I think some demons just don't see what I see. You're very cute, with or without ears. They're just like a nice addition," you said to Diavolo. His pupils got bigger, and his tail began to swing from side to side, indicating that he was glad to hear what you said.
୧ ‧₊ 🍵 ⋅ Barbatos ୧ ‧₊ 🍵 ⋅
The demon was not happy about the sudden appearance of cat ears and tail. The butler didn't show his displeasure openly, however, from the dark aura surrounding you, it was crystal clear that he was a little angry.
Fortunately, he wasn't mad at you, so you were safe.
When he calmed down a little, you took a couple of photos in a quiet way.
"MC, if you think I didn't notice, then you're very wrong," - Barbatos said. You smiled awkwardly and said there was no way you would show it to others. But Barbatos still insisted on his own. Then you suggested putting a cat ears filter on yourself and taking a selfie with it so that you would be equal.
- Hmm, I think it would be a pity to miss such a chance, so you can take a picture. It will be our common secret," the butler said with a smile. You got closer to him, your shoulder touched his shoulder, his ears lifted in surprise, and a barely noticeable blush appeared on his face.
"How nice we look in the picture!" you said.
- It's all because of you. You enhance any photo with your presence, - now it was your turn to blush.
ʚ♡ɞ Luke ʚ♡ɞ
Some joked that the ears of a dog, namely a Chihuahua, would be more suitable for him. However, you had to restrain yourself not to pet the poor boy to death. He was very red, either from embarrassment or anger. Your comments about how cute he was didn't help either.
- Enough MC! - Luke shouted. "Now you've joined the teasing! Is it really so much fun to make fun of me, I can't understand it in any way!"
"Luke, I'm not teasing you, you're just adorable. Just look at yourself," you explained. "Besides, you now have claws to scratch those who annoy you, hahahah," you joked.
- Heheh. You're joking, right? Luke asked. You just shrugged your shoulders.
♱ Simeon ♱
He really liked the way you didn't leave him and squeezed for days on end. He himself came up to you offering to pet him or just lie down with him. Of all the cat-boys, he is the calmest and a little playful.
- Will you stroke my tummy, MC? - Angel asked, smiling. You agreed and as soon as you brought your hand to his stomach, he quickly grabbed it and bit you. Immediately after the bite, a gentle kiss followed. He narrowed his eyes slyly, knowing that you wouldn't be offended by him.
- Wow, Simeon. Bad boy," you joked. He started rubbing his head against you.
- MC, but you still love me even when I'm bad, right? Or do you only like good boys?
- Hmm, it depends. But I'm ready to tolerate you even when you don't behave like a good boy," you both started laughing. And you kissed him gently on the forehead.
✩°。⋆"(꒳ ) Solomon ✩°。⋆"(꒳ )
- Thank you, Solomon, for turning everyone into cats-boys - you thanked the cause of all these actions.
- Oh, believe me, I enjoyed this moment myself. So pleasure is mine," - you looked expectantly at the magician. He looked at you questioningly.
- Is something wrong, MC?
- Solomon. I want to see you with cat ears ... - he tried to ignore your favor, but it was in vain, because you started looking at him with puppy eyes. "Solomon, pleaaaase" - you howled.
- Eh, okay. How can I refuse you," he uttered a spell and instantly he had cat ears with a tail.
- Uwaah! I'm going to die from the dose of sweetness! – you screamed. You started squeezing his soft ears.
- Heheh, MC, I know it's hard for you to resist me, but a little courtesy would not hurt, - looking at your happy face, Solomon jokingly said: "Maybe I should meow?". You started nodding.
- What? Seriously? - no one pulled his tongue, so the magician really had to meow.
"You're lucky to be my favorite apprentice," Solomon joked.
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abubblingcandle · 1 month
Words: brace, tired, hotel and/or kitchen
Thank you love!!! These asks have been amazing in keeping me motivated and keeping my queue full :)
Brace - from Ch17 of The Richmond Job
“How you doing there Sully?” Ted’s voice took over from Beard as Jamie was in the zone. This was, god Jamie had never felt so alive. He had a bedsheet as a projector background, his laptop running a flight simulator through the Jet2 plane systems and a PS5 controller in hand … and he was flying a plane. He was going to land a fucking plane using computers. Well landing might be a strong word for it but it was going to end up on the ground in one piece. And he did that. Jamie fucking Tartt was going to save this flight and his team. No one would ever know but he would know. He would always know. Never make anything of himself, that was what his dad always said. “You’re made for this kid. Nothing more than a blunt instrument for others to use.” Well fuck that. Jamie Tartt was a fucking pilot. “You might want to brace for impact Ted. You’re coming in hot,” Jamie warned, glad that no one else could see the manic grin on his face.
Tired - Augusnippets Day 18 (It Worked Too Well)
“Jamie? What’s going on?” Keeley was immediately there, squatting down at Jamie’s bedside with a comforting hand on his hip rubbing little circles. Which was exactly what he knew was going to happen, and exactly what he didn’t want to happen. “Just tired,” Jamie groaned, throwing one hand over his eyes so he didn’t have to look at Keeley’s disappointed expression. “Can I go home?” “We need to wait for the doctors. So we can have this conversation now. Why the fuck were none of us called?” Roy growled. “Roy,” Keeley scolded, but Jamie could tell her heart wasn’t in it and she wanted to know as well. “I’m fine it’s just some bruising,” Jamie muttered. No one listened. He knew no one would listen.
Hotel - from Ch6 of A Treatment Room Doors Moment
“I should try and get a hotel,” Roy sighed when the plinky plonky end credits music started to play in the season finale. It was the middle of the night and Jamie had training the next morning. “Fuck that,” Jamie huffed, stretching like a cat in a sunbeam as he untangled himself from the blanket and pillow pile. “It’s late, we’re both pissed. I’ve got like three spare rooms. Just stay here,” Jamie rolled his eyes. “I shouldn’t,” Roy shook his head, rolling to his feet and groaning as his knee spasmed. “Why? Why shouldn’t you? Do you like murder people in your sleep or something because if that is the case lad then I think you should talk to someone about that,” Jamie scoffed crinkling his nose. “Shut up,” Roy growled, “I shouldn’t put you out.” He hadn’t warned Jamie. He hadn’t thought about anything apart from making sure the lad wasn’t going to do anything stupid. It felt wrong to stay. “I have cleaners,” Jamie shrugged. “Come on Roy. I’ll even let you buy me breakfast?”
Kitchen - from Ch2 of God Forbid You Leave Me
“How can I help?” Jamie was lingering nervously in the doorway to the kitchen. Sir Arthur was weaving in and out of Jamie’s legs only pausing whenever Jamie’s hand crept down and scratched at his ruff. Guess it wasn’t only the adult Higgins’ who had adopted their new lodger. “Oh there’s no need Jamie. I’ve got it all under control here,” Higgins smiled, tapping the wooden spoon on the side of the pan where the mince was cooking. “Oh,” Jamie muttered, his shoulders slumping and hand migrating back to patting the dog. Higgins stopped and turned to properly take Jamie in. He was tired, clearly. His hair was mess where it had been vaguely patted down after his sleep and he was still curled in on himself. He must want to just rest yet he was stood in the doorway offering. Higgins wanted to make it clear that Jamie didn’t need to be useful to stay here. But maybe today Jamie just needed to be useful. “But more hands are always better. Or instead you could help entertain the boys instead, it would be a great help to keep them out from underfoot?” Higgins suggested.
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cherrysoojins · 1 year
💌 𓂂 ⟢ 🕸️ ♡ ☎️
one. ch. 1 ! what to do when she texts? (but you can’t talk to her normally)
being spider-man comes with a lot advantages, but those advantages can have their disadvantages. like jung wooyoung not being able to show up to study groups to be able to see the girl he’s crushing on big-time.
— please revert back to ( master list ) for warnings !
jung wooyoung knew how to talk to people, don’t get him wrong. in the case of MBTI, the first letter definitely started with an “E” for extrovert.
especially as your friendly neighborhood spiderman, he had to put himself out there at least a little bit.
“hey there!”
“how ya’ doing today?”
and a little bit of, “hey! since i’m spiderman can i get a lick of that ice cream bar?” to random little kids who were walking with their parents. he never got a bite of the ice cream, but he sure as hell got a stomp to his foot by an older woman in high heels.
so much for being their damn hero.
nonetheless, he knew how to talk to people. put him in front of a random person he’s never spoke with before, in or outside of the spiderman suit, and he could talk to them for many hours on end, even if he was the only one really doing the talking.
he could do that to any person in the city of seoul, or even outside.
except for one person.
instead of a random person, put him in front of you and suddenly he’s a middle school boy realizing pretty girls actually do exist and they aren’t just a figment of his imagination.
he can still remember his first time bumping into you. a red, blushing mess who stumbled over his words just at the sight of you as he helped you pick up your textbooks because his shoulder roughly slammed into yours, causing you to drop them.
it was his spiderman-ly sense of duty to immediately bend down and help you out, but the second he looked up to utter an, “i’m sorry” it definitely came out as something like, “i’m, oh my god, sorry.” if he remembers correctly. and if choi san was true to his word and did overhear him say that, and wasn’t lying to make him feel even more embarrassed about his first encounter with you, then yeah. he was pretty sure he said something like that. which in hindsight, could definitely be played off as he felt really bad to anyone without context (you, who smiled and accepted his apology, brushing it off in the sweetest way ever).
but if you had context, you would realize the struggle he had taking his eyes off you and how his mind took one hundred million pictures of just your face alone so he could remember it and a recording in his head of your sweet, soft voice saved into “the best sounds ever” files in the front of his mind in second place.
the first best sound is when someone calls him handsome, but your voice extremely close behind that one!
he also tries really hard to remember the soft feeling of your hands brushing against his and the smell of caramel radiating off of you.
point is, he can not talk to you like he can talk to anyone else. he absolutely cannot formulate a proper sentence without at least slipping a cuss word in there because his own thoughts cloud over what he actually wants to say (which is you’re so freaking pretty and have the best personality known to man-kind and he has this insane, school-boy crush on you even though he hardly knows you, but that’s whatever) whenever he sees or communicates with you and he has to hold himself back.
this sort of thing doesn’t only happen in person either, no. it’s clear when he is perched on the roof after doing his city patrol and saving a cat from getting eaten by a dog while thinking about you because you loved cats so much, your family even ran a cat rescue center, and then his phone vibrates with a message.
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jung wooyoung can talk to people. even more so text, he can most certainly text. he types everything he would say to the persons face, and it’s a habitual thing, especially when choi san is your best friend.
but he knew that one day, that habit will somehow fuck something up.
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now he’s done it.
and now that’s he’s done it, there is unfortunately only one option left in this god forsaken world that could help him.
choi san.
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now, there were two ways you would answer.
“sorry did i disturb you? you don’t have to answer if you’re busy, we can talk later! or not at all if you don’t want to!”
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or both, either way, that’s a bingo for him for guessing.
but god, were you the sweetest person on earth. especially to wooyoung, who you hardly even know and this is probably just the way you text and talk to people you don’t know, he guarantees you’re different with your actual friends, but for goodness of all cats well being you acted like such a saint and he loved every minute of it.
except when he made stupid texting mistakes and made you feel bad.
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he was wearing his underwear. he needed some luck on patrol today.
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jung wooyoung can talk to people, he really can.
but talking to you was like asking him to join the avengers. it takes time.
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💌 tag list — @luvvvlyjoong , @92dzgf , @yeomingis , @hwasboyfie , @wooyoluvrr , @shingsoluvely , @jaerisdiction
send an ask or a private message to be added or removed from the tag list ! if your name is red and bolded, it means you may have some settings on that will not allow me to tag you! & as always, if i missed your tag, let me know!
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twst-drabbles · 2 years
Jack 11
Summary: Jack spots the weird fire-eared stray cat from your window. He does not like him.
(Ah, inspiration has left me. I keep looking at the last two requests and just…can’t find myself wanting to write them? My brain is being difficult.)
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It wasn’t a bark so much as it was a borf. A pushing of air that’s not quite strong enough, as though restraining himself from being too loud. Jack, poised at the window, little hands pressing against the glass, made another noise, a growl.
“Hmm?” you lifted your gaze from your phone, “Jack? You see something?”
You really had nothing to do today, so you figured it be nice to just hang back and relax in your bed. Everyone’s fed, most of the plants were in their sun-nap hours, the seafolk were in their little caves and the rest where with their respective owners. So, the only one that decided to hang back with you was Jack. Loyal little dog.
For a moment, he was beside your leg, in the next he drifted to the window. Now he was watching something, ears tall and stiff, chest puffed up like he’s trying to make himself bigger. The little trails of smoke fogged around him, almost obscuring his tiny figure.
“Jack?” you called again, pushing the sheets aside. “What are you looking at?”
He didn’t twitch when you nudged him. You looked out and immediately spotted and a familiar, large, gray and fat cat napping in your tree. He was on his back, flame ears flickering low like the flame of a old gas stove. The gluttonous creature that loves to steal from the garden was fast asleep, drool pooling from his mouth, legs twitching as though running in his sleep.
When he gave a snort, Jack jumped and growled.
“Ho boy,” you sighed, pressing your fingers to your lids. You gave a quick scratch to Jack’s head before picking him up by the scruff. Another aborted bark slipped past his lungs but quickly died like a deflating balloon. He limps, just like Leona does when you grab him by the scruff. Monkey see, monkey do as they say.
“Don’t worry about him,” you plopped Jack onto your chest when you laid back in bed, the little creature blinking at you in clear confusion at letting a strange creature into your territory. “Riddle will take care of it.”
The cat is in his territory after all. Can’t have any turf wars happening accidentally. Even so, Jack laid his body down, but kept his face towards the window, golden eyes wide and ready to pounce at the slightest sign of the magic cat trying to get in. At least he’s staying on you. It’s nice to feel his weight.
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Love Don't Lie
Joe Elliott x Reader
A/N: This was a collaboration with @littlemissheavenonearth, I hope you all love it <3
Joe Elliott. 
There were many words I’d use to describe him. He was a loudmouth, a know it all, a bit cocky, and overall just irritating. I got a headache just thinking about him. It was as if he got a kick out of seeing me get all riled up over him.
 Of course luck would have it that I’d be his next door neighbor. I had the absolute joy of knowing him since I was seven, when my family first moved into the neighborhood. My luck didn’t seem to want to end, because it turned out both our fathers went way back, from when they were in primary school. Those two thought it was the greatest thing that we lived next door to each other. They would always go on and on about how we’d “carry on the family tradition and best best friends.” That couldn’t have been any further from the truth. 
From the beginning we got off on the wrong foot, which didn’t help.
“Do you like football?” he asked with clear excitement laced in his voice.
“It’s alright, but I much prefer netball.”
“That game’s for sissies.”
I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at him.
From then on there was always one little offhand comment or another from him. He always felt the need to voice any and all of his opinions to me. That got old, and fast. We disagreed on just about everything. Constantly fighting like cats and dogs from the moment we met at seven up until we turned sixteen. 
Every time he’d come over he either bother the hell out of me or give me the silent treatment, which I actually preferred. I couldn’t even escape him in the comfort of my own home when he wasn’t hanging around. Being next door neighbors in a terraced house there was never any peace. His bedroom was situated right next to mine, and I swear it was his life's mission to make as much noise as humanly possible. I couldn’t count the number of times I had banged my hand against my bedroom wall, hoping he would turn his music off or down at the very least.
In school he was a bit better and we ignored each other the best we could, considering we had multiple classes together. He did try to strike up a few conversations every once in a while, which I for the most part would shut down.
Without looking away from the teacher he half whispered to me, “We’ve got a test today?”
“Yeah, I thought you knew. Since you seem to know everything else.”
“Oh don’t even start with me Y/N.”
“Is there a problem you two?” Our English teacher asked.
“Sorry sir,” I said with a fake smile, “Everything’s alright,” I added, getting the final word in after he had tried to cut me off.
Throughout the years our parents would always have us hang out, since they were convinced we were best buds. As we got older, anytime our parents wanted us to hang out we’d make an agreement to pretend to go out, only to immediately abandon each other to go on our own separate ways until we had to go back to our respective families. There was one day though that was different.
I watched as my fathers car took off down the street and out of sight.
“You can go now,” I told him.
I glanced over at him to see that he hadn’t moved from his spot on the couch.
“Eh, I don’t really feel like it,” Joe said, kicking his feet up and resting his hands behind his head, making himself more comfortable.
“Since when?”
He replied with a smile, “Since now I guess.”
I sighed in defeat, knowing there was no point in trying to get him to leave now.
“Fine. I don’t want you bothering me though.”
I eventually headed upstairs to my room, which he quickly followed behind. I couldn’t tell if he was following me around just so he could be a nuisance or not. He stayed there in my room with me for the whole duration of our hang out.
We both mostly kept to ourselves, but every now and again he’d ask me different questions.
Joe looked through my records before asking, “You like Queen?”
Barely glancing up from my book I nodded, “Yeah, who doesn't?”
He held out my copy of Sheer Heart Attack to see, “Can I put it on?” 
My demeanor towards him slightly changed as I flashed him a quick smile,“Sure.”
That was one of the very first days I felt like we actually got somewhat along. I didn’t seem to mind having him around. For once I didn’t feel like ripping my hair out by the time he had left. It felt a bit weird after that, knowing in the back of my mind how normally I couldn’t stand him.
But there are some exceptions. Over the years I’ve noticed Joe getting bullied for his personality. Now don’t get me wrong, I hate the guy, but a guy in our art class one day made fun of Joe’s band posters. I think it might have been a Thursday afternoon, like the second to last class of the day. I was sitting in the back of the class sketching humans. I wasn’t good at drawing, but it was a fun thing to do.
 Joe loved music, rock n’ roll specifically and he wanted to make something related to that as an art project for class. He made band posters of famous bands and one band I hadn’t heard of before, “Deaf Leopard” I think it was. I’m not gonna lie, that band name did not sound bad. That Thursday afternoon, Joe was finishing up his “Deaf Leopard” poster, like final touches or something, I try my best to not pay attention to him. 
“Your music posters are lame,” I heard someone say.
 The Joe I know would respond quickly with a retort, but this Joe remained quiet. He was looking down at his poster. 
“What? Are you gonna cry?” Teased a friend of the guy. 
This was getting on my nerves, so I stood up. “Hey!” I yelled from the back of the classroom, yeah, it got the attention of everybody, they all turned their heads, “What’s your problem?” 
“You’re really gonna let a girl stand up for you?” Joe just watched what I was gonna do.
 “And you’re really just gonna stand here making fun of my boyfriend’s drawings? ‘Cause that’s lame of you.” I honestly did not care that I called Joe my boyfriend, I didn’t try any other ways, but this seemed like the only way to get the arsehole to piss off. 
I definitely think that the guy had other things to say, but instead of saying them, he and his friends just walked away. And by then, class had ended, Joe and I decided to walk to our next class together. 
“Hey, thanks for stickin’ up for me,”
 “No need to thank me, Joe. I’m only stickin’ up for ya ‘cause you’re an incredible artist. They’re jealous. Honestly, I’m jealous too.”
 “Nah, I’ve seen your art. It’s incredible.”
We made it to our next class, science. Joe sat in the second to last row and I sat behind him in the last row. 
“Welcome, children.” Said Mr. Smith, our science teacher,, “We are gonna be doing a lab today.” As usual, the students groaned.
 Mr. Smith began telling us which groups we were gonna be in. “Joe, Y/N, you two will be a group.” Of course we are. We got up and went to our lab. I poured water into one of the graduated cylinders and then put it on the scale. 
“Joe, could you tell me how much the water weighs?” 
“Uh, according to the scale, it weighs about 10 grams.” 
I nodded and wrote it down in my notebook. What we did most of the class was observe how the temperature of the water changed depending on the type of salt that was put in it. It wasn’t all that interesting, I prefer biology over chemistry.
 “Alright, thanks everyone for today’s class. See you all tomorrow.” I usually walked out of the classroom to leave the school as fast as I could so that I could get away from Joe. Something in me made me stop this time, I stopped to wait for Joe and I have no clue why.
 “Are you waiting for me?” He asked.
 “Yeah…” I hesitated, supposedly embarrassed by this. He had a knowing smirk on his face, but how could he possibly know, if I don’t know why I waited for him. We walked out of the school and in the direction of our houses. I usually walk on the sidewalk, but Joe wanted to take this path in the forest that rarely anyone ever goes on.
“I got a question for you, Y/N.” 
 “Why did you call me your boyfriend in art class today?”
 Heat rushed to my cheeks quickly and I wanted to hide. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
 I tried, but Joe saw right through me. “Y/N, don’t lie to me.”
 “I wasn’t lying, I had no idea what came over me.” 
Joe frowned at my response, like he wanted to hear something else. “Are you sure? The Y/N know would never call me her boyfriend. In fact, Y/N hates me. Do I hate her?” He paused and looked into my eyes, I looked back at him too, waiting for an answer to the question, “No, no I do not. In fact, I never have. We were just so different and it was so difficult for us to get along that I managed to convince myself that we hated each other.” 
The way he said those words was so powerful. It really got me thinking. 
“I hated you because I thought you hated me…” 
 He stepped closer to me and took my hands in his, “Joe, I felt an emotion for you that is actually the opposite of hate. And for a very long time too.” 
He leaned down a little bit so he was closer to my height, “What if I told you that I feel the same way?”
 “Can you prove it to me?” I smirked, he nodded and lifted me up. 
My legs wrapped around his waist and my arms wrapped around his neck. Then, we both leaned in at the same time and kissed. After years of convincing ourselves that we were enemies, it all comes down to this.
 I won’t deny that Joe is the love of my life, except when our parents ask, then we’ll both deny it, but I don’t mind holding his hand while walking to class or lightly kissing on our walks back home.
 I love you, Joseph.
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