#if it’s formatted weird blame it on mobile
When Steve and Eddie finally get together, they don’t bother making a big announcement. They figured the pet names and constant touching was evidence enough. Eddie was out to The Party already, and Steve..well.. he didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. Happy to just be together without flaunting it. At first, nobody comments on it. Steve thinks it’s because they already knew, and Eddie thinks it’s because they’re trying to be polite. But one month rolls around, and nobody’s commented on their relationship. Two months and it’s a running joke between Steve and Eddie to see how overly affectionate they can be before one of The Party finally says something. They even have a bet on who will break first. Steve thinks it’ll be Erica, Eddie is still convinced it’ll be Dustin
“My son needs to redeem himself. He gets this cluelessness from you” Eddie jokes regularly.
They make it to five months without anyone noticing, and that’s when Steve finally break. His kids are never this well behaved, he’s sure they figured it out already and are being dense in purpose, and he’s sick of it. Steve is on a mission to force them to react and acknowledge their relationship. Screw not making a big deal of it.
During their weekly D&D sessions at Steve’s house, Steve is bringing snacks out for everyone like usual when he finally decides this has gone on long enough. So when Eddie says thanks babe like usual, Steve plants himself right in the DM’s lap and smacks a wet kiss to his lips.
The following chaos is shocking to both Steve and Eddie. They had their own theories on what The Party thought of them, but they were both convinced they already knew.
“You’re kissing. Why are you kissing?” Mike asked in his special disgusted way.
“My eyes. My innocent eyes” Dustin was crying out dramatically
Erica made increasingly loud gagging sounds and Will just stared with an open mouth. Lucas, The Party’s only hope for the future finally asked:
“Wait are you two dating?”
“Only for the past 5 months or so” Steve replies, with that bitchy tone Eddie secretly loves.
“You guys seriously didn’t know? It’s not like we’ve been hiding it.” Eddie asked.
“Yeah, we call each other babe in front of you little shits constantly” Steve said, the bitchiness slowly leaving his voice.
“You and Robin call each other babe all the time.” Dustin pointed out.
“Okay true, but Steve and I are always touching. Holding hands or cuddling.” Eddie adds.
“Robin and Steve cuddle. all. the. time.” Max chimes in from the couch. Her and El giggling quietly to each other.
“Just an hour ago he was in her lap watching a movie.” Erica says with an eye roll.
And this is when Steve realizes what happened. He drops his head into Eddie’s shoulder to hide his embarrassed blush. Eddie can handle this one for the both of them.
“Okay… so let me get this straight. Steve and Robin act like a couple, Steve and I also act like a couple.. and none of you thought that was weird?” Eddie is truly lost now. He loves his kids, knows they’re accepting. But he can’t fathom them not having any questions or comments about this. Especially Mike. Mike should have been on their asses constantly about this. But Steve knows. He can hear it before they even say it.
“Platonic with a capital P” All the kids chorus, with horrible imitations of himself and Robin.
Then Robin, beautiful, wonderful, unhelpful Robin, starts laughing. Full body laughs, with snorts and everything. Because how is this their life? Her and Steve are so codependent, that their little band of children just assumed Steve and Eddie were also just friends, because that’s how they always see Steve acting with her, and they made it very clear they were only friends. And it’s hilarious really, to Robin, to Eddie when he finally catches on.
All Steve can do is smile and shake his head. They’re all idiots. Every single one of them. But he wouldn’t trade that for the world
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chaospochi · 4 months
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lionfanged · 5 months
facts abt shipping with mr atti that i like to mention!!
atticus doesn’t kiss. he will smooch u anywhere but ur lips. he has some pre-existing, unresolved trauma with mouth-to-mouth kissing. if he kisses u, he feels safe, comfortable, and is VERY invested.
similar 2 above, he either tops, or sex is gonna be non-penetrative. he has trauma w/ bottoming w/ any gender, and same deal, if he lets u top ur a winner ur his safe place.
sex is a release physically and mentally and he does not bond to ppl from it. u will have the gold star sex experience but afterwards he’s letting u shower and then booting u. special circumstances means u can stay—like ppl involved in his business he views as having a use to him, and subsequently treats them much better than a random hookup. u will then get the PLATINUM star experience.
he’s a bachelor 4 life and doesn’t believe love is real. or so he THINKS!! (in my 12 yrs of writing this man he’s fallen in love three or four times, he’s like a feral alley cat u gotta take ur time)
consent is a big deal 2 him. he Will send u out the window if u cross any lines. on the reverse if a partner is not 100% down to clown he’s dipping.
if u ask him to choose between u or the cats he’s picking the cats.
ppl who try to use their sexual encounters with him as blackmail get their lives irreversibly ruined after three warnings.
he tends to keep the same circulating partners, and if u are invited over frequently ur at the top of the list.
sex usually happens at his city penthouse, which he has for when the drive home from work is too long, and for his fuck buddies. having sex at his home-home is inconvenient due to yknow the fifteen cats. (he literally has fifteen cats this is not an exaggeration.)
if u manage to get to his cold lil heart he gets a lil shy and flustered but puts that whole dead heart into everything. he will also kill for u no questions asked.
if ur one of his fave sex buddies he will buy u things and give u money if asked. just don’t push it.
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wanderlustrper · 7 months
I'm finally on pto and looking for some new threads and partners! Some quick things:
21+ only please!
I only Tumblr RP
Not a big fantasy girl BUT I do love angst, horror, drama, and a little dabble of sci-fi
Little narrative wishlist (just vibes edition)
Pinterest boards of current muses
Like or DM if any of this interests you!
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silksworn · 1 year
brush .   work  a  brush  /  comb  through  my  muse’s  hair . ( from akordia @fatespins …. )
brush .   work  a  brush  /  comb  through  my  muse’s  hair . / LOUD & DEAFENING SILENCE starters ! ❛ —— ☾ ₊ ⊹ @fatespins
A rare moment of respite finds Iraestra performing the sort of menial duty that she would have thought to assign to a servant. She’d heard once that it was a commonplace practice for the laypeople of Menzoberranzan, but thought it an exaggeration.
Perhaps not. Akordia had offered the brush with little fanfare. Iraestra had stood stupefied for a moment, considering if she should take offense. But for some reason she had found herself making no arguments, merely moving to take her seat behind the other woman.
Certainly she has never combed her either of her sisters’ hair before, the act both too intimate and vulnerable. Such a long time spent with your back turned to another, trusting them with unfettered access to your skull and neck. Easy enough to pass off the initial touch aa incidental before wrapping fingers around to strangle. The image is vivid in Iraestra’s head before she shakes it away.
The brush is a fine piece of drow craftsmanship, the handle sporting black opals, the bristles fine as spider-silk. Each pass through Akordia’s hair is smooth without snag, a rhythm that Iraestra finds easily enough. Each strand glimmers beneath the faerie fire’s coalescing glow, a sheath of pure starlight down Akordia’s back.
Iraestra does not hate the act.
“Your hair is much easier to manage without all the blood, lovely an image as it made,” she idly refers to the battle that had left both of them weary and beaten earlier. There are surely bruises forming, blood brought to the surface with injury and blooming purpling flowers. Maybe the exhaustion is to blame for her easy acquiescence.
“We should leave this place tomorrow after we have rested. Before daybreak, if we wish to meet our contact on time.”
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bazz-b · 2 years
for someone I’ve only met once, I can’t stop thinking about you; you’re cocky, sarcastic, brutal . . . Yet there’s something there ..
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“Don’t go listing off all my sparkling qualities at once. Leave a little to the imagination. That something you’re alluding to, careful you don’t get burned on it— once you get Bazz-B on the brain, I’m there forever.”
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chaoscriess · 2 years
HELLO I have been stalking you page for a while and then I see this and I'm so happy because I wanted to request, what would it be like dating newt but then a greenie comes and like starts flirting with you and newt is about to step up to help you but then you just like punch the guy and he like passes out, but remember you don't have to do this if you want or you don't have to get it done right away but I even just want to say thank you for reading this have a good [day- afternoon- night] <3
newt x FEM!reader
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𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒! swearing because I refuse to say shuck, catcalling, greenie doesn't get the hint, kinda short??
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒! on mobile, format might be weird. lowercase intended, unedited, double periods intended
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you had arrived in the glade shortly after alby did, so you had always been used to greenies showing interest in you. as boy after boy arrived, it had almost become a game. a greenie would arrive and see you as soon as the box was opened, and they would be told off by all the others, whom had already discovered that you werent interested in any of the boys of the glade. after each boy was told that there wasn't a chance in hell that you would be with them, and after you had told them no about 50 times, they had all given up.
but that all changed the next time the box came up. the greenie that inhabited the box was newt, the only greenie that you would ever be interested in. as soon as he came up in the box, you knew he was different. his blonde hair was the first thing you noticed, but his accent followed closely after. you loved his accent, it was the most bizarre thing you had ever experienced, due to not having any memory of the outside world. well, besides your whole situation. you still played hard to get despite your growing feelings towards him. every time you had work, you asked newt to accompany you. you blamed it on the fact that he was a good worker, but really, you just wanted to be around him as much as you could.
when newt finally asked you to be his girlfriend, you were doing your work in the garden. he had already finished his work for the day so he was standing near you, giving you playful words of encouragement every time you yelled that you were tired. you two were talking about the gladers, and newt had asked if you would ever date one of them. you looked up at him and wiped the sweat off of your forehead with a dirty hand, before sighing and looking back at the ground. "well, no, but there's one guy.. I don't think he'd ever be with me though, so.." you paused and decided not to continue. he looked at you with a fake smile on his face, and raised an eyebrow. "oh yeah? well who is it?" when you stayed silent he bugged you some more, pleading with you to tell him. "oh come on, you know I won't tell anyone!" you sighed and stood up before walking away.
newt walked quickly after you and grabbed your hand, turning you back to him, before apologizing to you. "look, I never meant to upset you..". you took a deep breath while newt paused. he began speaking again, "I just, I really like you and I want you to be my girlfriend.."
your eyes went wide and lit up before you plastered kisses across his face and screamed, hugging him as tightly as you could. everyone in the glade heard you scream and raced over to you, expecting to see you being attacked by something, but when they saw you with your lips on newts and your arms around his shoulders, most of them walked away with a frown on their face. the boys still held hope that one day you just might open up to one of them and give in to their advances, but not one of them thought it would be newt. alby patted newt on the back and congratulated the two of you, and gally stood back with a smirk on his face as he chuckled. "I see the beast was finally tamed". you giggled and turned to him, rolling your eyes playfully before walking back to the garden to return to your chores.
many months and many greenies later, it was a hot day and you and newt were trying to escape the sun by laying under a tree in the forest. you had been expecting the box to come up any minute, so since you two had nothing to do, you had been tasked with waiting and watching for it. when it finally came up and the boy came to his senses a few hours later, he came up to you and asked for your name. you told him it was y/n, and thankfully, alby came up and dragged you away before he could bother you anymore.
after that, the boy would never leave you alone. even though he knew you were with newt, it didn't stop him from shouting at you as you were working. "hey, pretty thing! where's your guard dog? you get bored of him yet? ill show you a good time!" you groaned and rolled your eyes, flipping him off as you walked past him. you walk up to newt, who wasn't too far away. he was out of eyeshot but not earshot, so he had heard what the greenie said and was about to go stand up to him when you stopped him. it wasn't worth it.
however, the greenie seemed to have a different idea. "come on baby, you know newt could never make you feel as good as I could!". that was your last straw, the boy had been harassing you ever since he arrived and you thought he would stop once he met newt, but you decided you needed to take matters into your own hands. walking up to him, you cracked your knuckles and drew your fist back, before connecting it with his nose. you heard a loud crack and a few boys ran up to you to see what happened, but they understood when they saw a sick grin on your face and the knocked out greenie on the ground with a bloody, broken nose.
newt laughed and grabbed you by the waist, dragging you off to who knows where. he had never been more in love than he had just then, and even if he had, he hadn't remembered it.. so..
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noroamenial · 11 months
A quick little Raphael x Tav thing set after the main story. Apologies if the formatting is weird I’m writing from mobile and my hands are cold <3
Relief. What a foreign, yet all too welcome, concept. But the deep breath Raphael took as he entered the material plane was indicative of the feeling. How long had it been? Just three months since he had last laid eyes on the cottage. The trees making a gentle enclave around it were orange, red, and yellow. The windows were slightly open, and the side gate to the backyard ajar.
With a careful gait, Raphael ducked through the trellis framing the gate and into the backyard. The trees that he had seen bloom in the spring were replaced with colored leaves and plump harvest.
You were amongst them, less scarred than you were two years ago. Hair longer than before, your eyes went from the apples you were picking, to the creak of the gate, and then to him. Your gaze regarded him as an old friend, and he was. Raphael had dropped by every three months, same time, same day, same length, ever since you had moved out to the cottage. It had started as a celebratory visit, to a thank you, to a repeat occasion, to something much more.
“On time as always, devil.” You laugh, setting down your basket to walk to him.
“How could I ever leave you waiting?” Raphael didn’t let you get far as he came to meet you, one hand to your shoulder, the other to tilt your face from side to side.
”You have the Hells to tend to, I wouldn’t blame you for not coming.” You smile against his touch, your own hands going to him. His face was warm against your touch, the autumn was finally cold enough that the tips of your fingers begun to freeze.
“Fine, correction, how could I ever leave my most precious client—my dove—waiting?” He huffs, but his smile is back as you kiss his cheek.
“You couldn’t, or I would be the one to start visiting you.”
Raphael looks up as you speak, hands finding your hips instead.
“Perhaps not an awful idea, it has been a while since I’ve played host to you.” He leans over to nuzzle your nape, placing gentle kisses on the precariously exposed skin. If only you knew how the cambion longed to stay with you longer, to spend more than three wonderful days every few months with you. How he wished to have you always, in all ways.
But you wouldn’t know, not yet. For now he keeps the small reunions small, just for himself.
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 2 years
Round Three: Vorombe vs Annakacygna
Vorombe titan
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Artwork by @otussketching, written by @zygodactylus
Name Meaning: Titan of the Big Birds 
Time: 10,000 years ago to sometime in the past 2000 years (Holocene epoch of the Quaternary period) 
Location: Southern Madagascar 
Vorombe is a newly erected genus of Elephant Bird, the largest that we know of! Whereas all species of Elephant Bird used to be put in the same genus, distinct differences among the types of Elephant Bird that we know of indicate they deserve their own genus names - and here we are! Vorombe was significantly larger than the other species of Elephant Bird, and probably was about 3 meters (nearly 10 feet) tall when standing. It was also ridiculously heavy, weighing around 650 kilograms. As such, Vorombe is currently the largest known bird ever recorded. It lived in the arid and succulent woodlands as well as the grassland mosaics, the weirdly unique habitats that charactierize Madagascar, and was a major feature in the functioning of those ecosystem - helping to spread plant seeds and maintain habitats as they lived within them. Vorombe and other Elephant Birds lived alongside a lot of weird animals during the Quaternary of Madadgascar, including dwarf hippos, giant tortoises, and giant lemurs. 
Note: A paper came out literally on the last day of February this year indicating Vorombe may not be its own genus. More work is needed to determine if this bird is distinct from Aepyornis. 
Annakacygna hajimei, A. yoshiiensis
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Artwork by @otussketching, written by @zygodactylus
Name Meaning: Swan from Annaka (Hajime’s or of Yoshii-machi) 
Time: 11.5 million years ago (Tortonian stage of the Miocene epoch, Neogene period)
Location: Haraichi Formation, Annaka, Japan
Annakacygna was dubbed during its research “the ultimate bird”, and honestly, I don’t even blame the scientists for doing so - I may have even done the same. Both large species of swan, A. hajimei was about the size of a black swan, and A. yoshiiensis was larger than even the mute swan. They were weird in so many ways it boggles the mind: they were adapted for filter feeding in the water, their wings and tails were so flexible they could form a cradle for their young on their backs like modern mute swangs, said tails and wings were probably great and flashy display structures, its head was extremely large weird looking and had a slightly spoon-like bill, they had wide and heavy vertebrae but still had long and flexible necks, it may have even been a flightless bird or at least a poor flier based on its sternum and coracoids, though its scapula is extremely strong and unlike flightless animals - more research is needed to better understand this aspect of its mobility. That said, it did have very short wing birds, weirdly curved and short among birds, with weirdly shaped finger bones coming together to create weirdly formed curved wings. Its hips were arched up, creating a dip in its back, and it had narrow leg bones, allowing for efficient movement in the water like living *grebes and loons*. So while it had this whole weird display structure with its wings and tail going on, and its robust but long neck, and that strangely boat-shaped body (what the actual f-), it was zooming through the water like a grebe or loon. It had a similar beak to living shovelers, possibly, and it could move its jaw back and forth in a seesaw like motion, not like any living swans. It could then filter food through its jaws via this motion, eating a variety of plankton through soft lamellae within its bill. It was probably very social, given its display structures, and communicated both vocally (imagine the power of those calls with that robust neck) and visually. Annakacygna also took care of its young, extensively, keeping them on their back protected in their wings, to the point that they may not have spent much time on land (like living loons and grebes). It wasn’t a deep diver, but was stable at sea while foraging on food and moving along the surface of the water, living primarily in the ocean. Found in a marine environment, Annakacygna lived with sharks, seals, many kinds of whales, and desmostylians.   
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inkybloom-luv · 1 year
Words Unsaid
I'd like to say that when I first met you I fell for you instantly and I knew. But I didn't know. And it wasn't even a meet. I saw you at orientation first, trying your damnedest to put out the fire breathed out by the stupid mage cat that had tried to steal my spot as a student, not that I really knew what was going on at the time, that had somehow spread to your Housewarden's robes.
I didn't have much time to look at you then, frantically trying to avoid the chaos and near frozen by fear and confusion. But even in that you looked gorgeous. I blamed it on the lighting at the time, running to catch up with the grey and blue creature.
The second time I saw you was after I'd been enrolled for a while, chaos seemed to follow me as I adjusted to everything. By then I'd had to replace my glasses, not that I think the headmage intended to replace them until I had begged Riddle to bring it up with him, as I could hardly see any board or far from me and using my phone camera only did so much. I must've looked weird to you. I was staring, I know, but I could not help it, even if I was supposed to ask about your, albeit not as severe but incredibly inconvenient, injury that would keep you from participating in the spelldrive tournament.
I couldn't tear my eyes away from you then, unable to find any excuse for such behaviour even now. Only then did I learn your name, Jamil Viper. Had I known that name would haunt my every waking thought, I would not have asked it. Your hair looked so lovely that day. And the accessories you wore, I wondered if they'd look good on me, if I could watch you do your hair up.
I saw you play basketball the other day. I was sent to the school Gym to help do maintenance on the equipment. You had your club activities supervised by coach Vargas at the time, seeing as I was also there. Unbeknownst to you, the band on your uniform that you wear around your arm had fallen in the cafeteria in the lunch period before. I noticed and picked it up, sure enough that I would see you and return it eventually.
When I actually saw you there I stared again, as one with a crush does, I guess. You take my breath away. Coach Vargas yelled in my ear on accident, which embarrassingly made me flinch and cower. I have not gotten over loud noises, but I don't think I need to. God I still hope you didn't see that. But you might've.
Somehow I actually managed to talk to you and return the armband. Told you I liked the way your hair was up, that you looked cool playing basketball. I wish I could've kept talking but really, I probably only would have embarrassed myself. If you knew how red my cheeks were, how hot they felt after I'd gone out of sight. I'm sure you'd laugh at me. But I can't help myself, not when my heart threatens to break my ribcage when I so much as think about you. Your eyes are gorgeous too. Can't believe I never noticed them, but I don't look people in the eyes when speaking all that much.
Your eyes though, your eyes I adore. They are endlessly beautiful to me. They ensnare me, hold my attention, I can't look waya no matter how much I try, not that I want to though.
Not that you're ever going to read this. I'm going to hide this away later. I just had to get my thoughts out. But I, Inky, do adore you. Moreso than I have anyone before. But I won't call it love. I don't think I'd be worth that yet. Maybe one day, Jamil, maybe one day I will be worthy of calling you my love. Until then, I do hope you don't think I'm too weird.
I've got to leave it here though, the damned bird is calling me in again, for no reason I bet. My allowance better get higher, lest I go nuts here.
Aaand here we have my Yuu-sona being down bad for the snake man. In case of terrible formatting, I am, in fact, on mobile. Might make more depending on how well this goes over but I hope it's not too obvious that this is my first writing piece,,, ya. Hope y'all enjoy! <3
Can be read as x reader, it's only my Yuu-sona, feel free to change the name in y'alls lil delulu heads cause me too<3
716 words
Part 2 Part 3
Part 4 Part 5
Part 6 Part 7
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ratwars · 1 year
Who do you think is the deepest character in diabolik lovers and whyyyyyy :3 (sorry if this is weird btw :,))
Tomà out here activating my dialovers derangement syndrome 🥲 ty ty ty also sry sry sry in advance 🙏💜
Minors dni with this post
This is not weird omg no one ever asks me about dialovers you need to understand I was into VNs including otome before I was into any anime (including bsd) and diabolik lovers is my longest term obsession that isn't music 💜🙏 This is mostly going to involve things from the games (because the anime was basically silly fanservice that barely scratches the surface for anyone) but I'll leave out drama cd stuff because I would actually need to go refresh myself on those.
Absolute novel under the cut sorry. also cw noncon, cw dubcon, cw abuse, cw csa, cw suicide, cw matricide
Anyone not familiar with the series who decides to continue pls be aware of these warnings and take care of yourself. Also pls understand everything I say is in terms of the series and setting. Absolutely nothing that happens in these games would make any of these characters redeemable irl. This is fiction and a trashfire Do-S fetish franchise. Trauma doesn't excuse abuse. I don't condone any of the bad behavior from this series irl. (Sorry since this isn't my sideblog I feel I need to explain this so ppl don't come at me thinking I'm excusing stuff for reals with this little analysis)
Also this is probably going to have spelling mistakes and horrific formatting because I wrote it on mobile so my bad on that too.
This was so hard to answer because so many of them have serious trauma, maladaptive coping mechanisms, and large amounts of growth throughout the various sequels. I think you could make the logical argument of depth for every single character. The Sakamaki triplets are def the most tragic of the first two games in this regard though (maybe only rivaled by the Tsukinami brothers once we get to Dark Fate because of the whole being the sole survivors of genocide thing)
But as a whole I think Carla and Shin deal with their predicaments in a more outwardly focused manner (which makes sense given their stories and roles as antagonists in their debut game) so I don't think I could objectively call them the deepest esp Carla even though he is my fave.
So out of the Sakamaki triplets I am going to go with Laito. Shocking I know because I have said before he is the one I am the most terrified of. But hear me out.
(I'm using HBD (haunted dark bridal) to refer to the first game, and MB (more blood) to refer to the second game going forward)
His first route in hdb is a stomach twisting mess of isolation, noncon, gaslighting and victim blaming. It is also the only route in that game where Yui tries to kill herself, which imo is really notable. Tbh the first time I played it I was so deeply uncomfortable I didn't really give his character a lot of thought. During replays and some of his drama cds though it def changed my perspective of him (in terms of the deepness of his character, not my dislike of him)
Here are my arguments in topical format because I don't really want to go through and do the research needed to refresh myself and make this chronological. Also if I am mistaken with anything I've paraphrased my bad it's because this isn't a real essay more of a rant that you might regret reading lol.
- Cordelia
We can't go into the rest of my arguments without the facts. He was groomed by his mother and experienced a childhood of CSA at her hands. And he is absolutely confused and suffering when he has his flashbacks. Yes he kills her with the other two triplets, but that didn't actually solve anything for him internally, and I think it is a pretty clear-cut argument that his negative traits and behaviors can be linked back to his unresolved trauma from this. He even says it himself too when he tries to project onto Yui and claim her hatred for him must be the same as his for Cordelia (though unnamed in his quote im pretty sure) that a hatred can run so deep that even killing the person won't relieve the burning. The other ironic part of this is that in the dialovers universe it is explained multiple times that the highest act of love for a vampire is murder. So. Every LI (Reiji, Laito, Ayato, Kanato) that committed matricide out of their hatred probably has some deeper more complex feelings going on than that. (You could also argue maybe a similar thing about Carla and patricide as well though he is Founder/First Blood not vampire. But he is more open about his reasoning and feelings around his parents and why he did what he did imo)
- His disdain of purity (plot twist. It's jealousy).
We repeatedly see him mock both Yui's purity and religiosity. He is arguably the worst out of all of the LIs when it comes to this topic, and hits this point right out the gate when he assaults her in the abandoned church. It is simultaneously a logical and also weird choice on his part to continue on with when you realize how unwavering her faith actually is, and if you do other routes before this one you are already coming in realizing no matter how much she "breaks", "changes", or "gives in" in other ways, she never actually abandons her faith completely even in future games when she is living quite literally in the demon world. Even in routes where she becomes a vampire she doesn't eschew God. However it is canon that she is a devout Catholic and that she originally wanted to be a nun (before the events of the game screw that up for her), so it is still relevant.
While it may have started as a way to try and break her down, it really becomes more and more clear through his routes that like a bunch of his other behaviors, he is projecting his own struggles onto Yui.
He is jealous of her purity, so he attacks it. He is jealous of her faith, so he attacks it. He is jealous of her unwavering belief in goodness and in humanity, so he just. keeps. attacking. it. Because seeing it exist in front of him hurts, but especially early on he isn't aware of his own emotions or why he acts the way he does. So many things in his routes and his monologues highlight the fact that Laito views himself as permanently dirtied by his past, and this behavior is tied to that.
- His inability to identify his feelings from his fake front and his use of sex to maladaptively deal with his trauma.
** I wrote way too much on this and decide nvm I think even if someone has only seen the anime his hypersexuality probably speaks for itself. Plus this is getting so long 😔**
-His lack of control in MB and "forced" behavior. His confusion over his own tears near the end of HDB.
There are various instances (esp in MB where his characterization is wildly different and desperate compared to HDB) where we see his mask start to crack, or realize that his mask wasn't actually very good to begin with and the exhaustion from the continous abuse in his routes has caused both Yui (and us as the reader) to fall for his bullshit more easily. He plays the part of a pervert, but Shu (who arguably is a massive pervert) calls him out in MB for being a phony. His behavior in MB makes him come across as desperate and out of control, as opposed to his calculated sadism in HDB. This all comes back to his inner turmoil, unresolved feelings, and trauma and we slowly unpeal those layers through the rest of the series.
I think at baseline it is really easy to dismiss Laito. I did from the beginning too. Plus he never stops calling Yui Bitch-chan no matter how many sequels he gets 🤦‍♂️ But that is just falling for his fake front, exactly what he wants you to do because then he can just keep carrying on without dealing with his bs and let off steam temporarily in the process. But under the surface there is a lot more going on. And he definitely is a character that has an insane amount of depth.
Sorry for the multi part novel. I don't even like him as an LI even in this series. But for a series with so many inconsistencies, retcons across games, and questionable writing choices, they did a good job with his character. I just need him to stay far away from both me and Yui 🥲 Imagine if you had asked me something that prompted me to talk about my faves 💀💀💀
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nineliabilityrisk · 9 months
“ i don't know who i am anywhere else. ”
[[ this specific prompt triggered Something in my brain pardon me while i go wacky over it for a sec /pos (also formatting change bc the hellsite has decided to remove the option to edit ask replies, at least on mobile) ]]
-- [ asked by @mute-call ] --
To say Michael knew the feeling would be an understatement. What he didn't know – or, he supposes, hadn't realized – was that other people felt it, too. Fazbear Entertainment ... it had always been the Aftons' and the Emilys' burden to carry. Their creation, their story, their tragedy. Sure, others had been dragged into the mess in the past – Jeremy, those poor kids, their families – but he hadn't even stopped to consider how some of the other employees had been affected by the company.
Mr. Bell — Steven ( he keeps forgetting, they're more or less on equal ground now, and even if they weren't, they've been casual acquaintances long enough that he doesn't need to keep using honorifics for the guy ) especially. He'd been with the company nearly as long as Michael could remember, and, granted, that wasn't all that long, minus a few key events he would rather forget, but the point still stood. God knows the kind of shit he'd seen in his time here.
Michael was struck with the sudden urge to wrap the guy up in a hug. The kind with a few firm, comforting thumps on the back. Or at least clap a hand on his shoulder. Or something.
It'd been a long time since a real human person had earned an emotion other than mild annoyance from him, but Bell had done it.
Even still, he did exactly none of those things. Because those weren't things he did, and it would be weird if he did them at all, let alone to Mr. Bell of all people, the guy he's kind-of-sort-of-known for years now and only in a professional capacity. He'd probably explode from embarrassment. Or get asked if he needs to be drug tested. Or both. Maybe not in that order.
So, narrowly avoiding that absolute fucking nightmare, ( god, that would've been horrible, this is only their third or fourth time interacting outside of work and it's only because someone fucked up their schedules, Bell seemed like he was having a bad day, and Mike 'had nothing better to do' — he felt bad and wanted to help out but don't tell Steven that ) he just inclined his head and gave him an affirmative hum. If a small smile came with it, then, well... Can't blame him.
"Yeah, I... Yeah. This place... Hasn't really been the best, for me. But it's not like I can leave, y'know? Fazbear's is my home... Whether I like it or not," he said, ending it off with a soft chuckle as he remembered that Steven may not be as... Disillusioned with the company as he was.
Michael's reason for staying may be entirely different from Steven's, but... Steven doesn't need to know that. Better to keep him from knowing all the shit Michael's tangled himself up in with this company. Better to keep him from worrying. Safer for him, too, probably.
"Just, uh... I know how you feel. I'm here for ya, buddy." God. This is why he doesn't have friends. Not because it's hard, but because he sucks absolute ass at it.
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satanswrathussy · 1 year
mystic messenger playthrough day 5 i think??
this is literally just a thought dump there's no need to read this unless you want to read my ever spiraling confusion while playing this for the first time !!
TL;DR I DIDNT GET THE DAY 5 BAD END !! I'm on Jaehee's route and I'm terrified of messing up lmao
Word Dump
I already forgot how i've been formatting these- but i'm mobile so i doubt it matters anyways :,)
Anyways I discovered I have to start from Day 1 every time I get an ending, and I didn't want to do all of that just to see the Day 5 bad ending- so I looked up transcripts of the dialogue and ... I'm definitely getting ddlc'd because what the fuck bro
I think my favorite part is how Zen talks about his freaky dream, and SOMEHOW if you don't pick someone by Day 5- Yoosung gets woke then JUST DIPS????? WITH SOME RELIGIOUS CULT PPL?????? HUH?????
I'm assuming this isn't canon, like it was just thrown in to shame the player for not choosing lmao, bUT I'm also convinced the cult is involved in the story- and I'm absolutely blaming Rika for it even though i have like..... minimal evidence............. and that she's dead............ i still don't believe she's dead
Also I know this is a game so real world rules don't apply- but I didn't expect THAT to be the bad ending? I'd expect something like that to happen in a Yoosung exclusive bad end, not necessarily just a neutral "oopsie you're indecisive!" ending. I think it would make more sense if- because MC didn't get enough hearts for anyone -the RFA decides "actually let's NOT trust this random person to replace our dead friend."
So I'm on Jaehee's route- which may have been a bad choice, because the internet says the story makes the MOST sense if you play Zen/Yoosung/Jaehee ... but since I chose Jaehee when I started, I decided I'll just .... work backwards or something lmao.
Anywhooo I'm not sure how I feel about this route so far, because it kinda just feels like a Jaehee pity parade? Like the devs decided "yes. she shall be a punching bag.", because so far it just seems like I have to keep reassuring her? Which I don't mind- but like please just let her be hAPPY SOON???
Although I think the Day 5 bad end was meant to be a cop out, I think the cult ACTUALLY has something to do with the game.
is it bad i wanna invite the cult to the party
I think Rika faked her death and then started that weird Yoosung snatching cult. I don't care I REFUSE to trust her.
I'm also convinced Rika is Unknown and she's gonna make MC convince the RFA to join her weird Yoosung snatching cult.
I am very anti Rika despite never seeing her (outside of the cutscene before Day 5)
I bet Rika is just THE WORST. Like the way everyone talks ab her??? No one is just NATURALLY that nice unless they're covering shit up.
Would saying "Rika is the worst" count as a theory?
okay i forgot anything else i was wanting to say. it's only 5:30 so there's probably more day 5 chats coming up (i missed a lot bc i slept until 9am >:( )
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sensitive-g · 2 years
10 & 6 for the ask meme
10. Favorite piece of clothing to draw
I think my favorites are hoodies, jackets, shirts, and scarves/bandanas? And HOODS. I blame Blue Scarf for that one HAHSHDFN. Jackets and shirts and hoodies are because I just like messing around with the clothing folds and how the folds can differ depending on the wearer and the material the fabric is made of. Like how tight fitting thinner shirts have more thin/subtle folds compared to the baggier and thicker sweaters. It’s really fun! And scarves/bandanas: aside from being flowy and fun when they’re long, they give me fluffy feelings- I don’t have much else of a reason otherwise HDHDKDJ. Especially thicker ones. Maybe bc they remind me of cold and I like cold? Couldn’t tell you HAH
6. Anything that might inspire you subconsciously (i.e. this horse wasn't supposed to look like the Last Unicorn but I see it)
That’s a tough one honestly. I mean there’s a lot of art pieces that motivate me to do art bc I’m like “holy shit I could make something cool like that too” but as far as inspiration on like a physical level?
Actually I might have a sort of answer now? AGHGG. I grew up with stuff like CG Sonic trailers and SFM animations and now that I think about it I feel like I’ve always kinda used characteristics from that? Mouth shapes and details specifically come into mind, like I never liked drawing tongues and I usually avoid it if I can, and I never give proper lips bc like,, idk Sonic never had lips BDKDJDJ. They were always just shapes to me and I thought that was cooler than everything else so I went with that. Aside from that, when I’m drawing dynamic stuff I’m usually imagining it in this weird CG style bc those trailers and animations would always pull stuff off like that super well and I was like “:D this is cool I want this”. Idk if I’m answering this right but I hope it’s satisfactory!
Thank you for the ask! :D also sorry if this formatting is jank as hell, I’m answering this on mobile and rn pressing enter is adding like 3 inches worth of blank space I can’t seem to get rid of HDKDJ;;
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hotshotsxyz · 3 years
The first time they kiss, Eddie sees their entire future spiraling out in front of him.
He sees the way Buck will pull back, awe in his expression but still a bit hesitant, a little afraid because he’s been burned before and this time it really matters. He’ll reassure Buck with another soft kiss and a promise that this, Buck, is what he wants. They’ll decide to keep things between them, just for a little while, but they’ll blow it as soon as they walk into the station because neither of them will stop smiling.
He’ll tell Buck he loves him for the first time on the roof of the fire house, bathed in the first rays of dawn. Buck will pretend he’s not crying and say it back, and even though his voice will shake, his hands will be steady when they pull Eddie in for the softest of kisses. They’ll fight fires together and go to parent teacher conferences together and take Christopher to the park on Sundays. Fundamentally, nothing about their relationship will change, but in another sense everything will. And one day, Eddie will drop to one knee and hold out the ring he’d painstakingly chosen from the third jewelry store he visited and ask Buck to spend the rest of their lives together. Buck will say yes and kiss him soundly and they’ll be married on a sunny spring day surrounded by their family.
Eddie sees it all, and part of him is tempted to do it right now, to skip straight to their happily ever after; he knows what Buck’s answer will be, after all. He doesn’t though, because as much as he already plans to spend the rest of his life with Evan Buckley, he has no intention on missing a single one of their firsts. The future he sees is beautiful - he won’t change a thing.
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autumnwritcs · 3 years
open: m/nb
plot: they had and affair and it lasted a while before your muse called it off and they just ran into each other again while their girlfriend/wife is in the same place, too.
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"Tell her." Nina tilted her head. "Tell her that I kiss better than her. That I'm better than her." She deared. From outside, it might just seem they were having a regular chat, distance between their bodies to keep appearances. "Give me another night, even if you go back to her."
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