#if someone's persistent then : ) banish them-
shuicheese · 3 months
Is there a good way to ignore asks that you're not comfortable asking, but without people repeating the question or asking why you're ignoring them?
tbh the best way to ignore them is,, to ignore them. if they keep sending them the same ask i think calling them out or saying you're not comfortable or obligated to answer everything is gud-
i hope things be okay over there aah :<
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inferno-0 · 2 months
Just the attitude of the Titans to your temperament.
Let me remind you: Choleric is active, impatient and hot-tempered extroverts.
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* Being a serious and calm creature, Kaiju is not used to your persona. He was amazed at your courage in front of him.
* He liked your extroversion to some extent. Unlike him as a loner, you literally communicated with every creature in your path. But the best quality he has revealed is to be a Leader.
You literally managed to chase away the skullsaurs that interfered with him, of course, it was not without escape, but still.
A Brave Man.
* Wanted to chase you away, but you were too persistent.
*You are now his Watchdog.
* To be Choleric is to be aggressive to some degree. To be honest, it sometimes amuses him. If you were a Titan, you'd definitely start fighting him to the end. But I like to watch how some little guy tries to move the tip of his tail and shouts something very bad at him.
* Thankful for keeping the raging gulls away from his dorsal plates while he swims. Will wait for the moment when you banish the Monarch from his eyes.
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* She likes your activity and perseverance. You're eager to learn anything and everything that Mothra is amused about. But your short temper . . .
* It's not that Mothra is annoyed, she's worried about you. After all, the argument gets out of control at some point.
Your impatience may be misplaced somewhere, and the Titan tries to calm you down so that there are no unnecessary problems.
* Your irritability frightens her.
Even though it's several thousand times bigger than you.
* Sometimes he presses you to his fur, hoping that you will calm down and stop driving anger to the whole world.
* Tries not to glow too much at the sight of you. Since there was a moment where you accidentally ordered her to turn off her flashlight out of annoyance, to which Mothra choked.
I think she'll give you a lecture.
* She also appreciates your leadership skills.
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* Someone, help him.
* I have never met such a person as you in my life. No, of course he is. Partially. But this Titan is compared to you, forgive me, Bug. Your audacity amused him. Until you started throwing rocks at his beak and eyes, to which the Titan was ready to go back to the volcano and anywhere else from you.
* His ego has been suppressed since that time. You're not afraid of him.
And now he thinks: Are you stupid or are you really driven by something?
* He was surprised when he found out that you wanted to be friends with him. Okay, instilling fear throughout the city wasn't good, he needed communication. Of course, your character is not great, but at some moments he is ready to laugh at you heartily. Especially when you are the one who gets into trouble.
* And now let's forget about aggression, let's remember about Leadership qualities:
"Wake Up, Silly Bird"
"Thank you so much for this morning, kind little creature," ─ grunts Rodan as he emerges from his warm nest.
* No, he sometimes likes your mindset to boss others around. Although, he has frequent flashbacks about it.
King Ghidorah
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* Very brave. Very brave.
* Three heads could have hit you to certain death right away, but something caught on them. Your aggression was wonderful, of course it's a pity to hear it from a person.
* Throwing sticks and anything else you can get your hands on when he literally saved your life for five minutes.
Only these five minutes still last for some reason.
* Okay, it them off, but it's still funny. A brave little king. Ghidorah kept you as a pet, but only because you weren't a coward.
* Ichi is proud of your anger at other creatures. He likes the way you command them.
Ni has the same relationship to you as Ichi, but is only watching for fun.
San is a little disturbed by your behavior, believing you to resemble his brother Ichi.
*Sometimes they deliberately bring you into conflict (mostly Ni) to laugh at your face.
Although, in the absence of an instinct for self-preservation, you give them a savory response, to which the Titan begins to retreat.
* Humans and other Kaiju find both of you insufferable. Godzilla is even willing to ask people to take you away from there, as Ghidorah's yells from another argument can be heard even in his nest.
King kong
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* You didn't look like Jia. Jia is calm and understanding, and you are like a tomboy, irritated about everything. He still thinks about how his little human friend made friends with you.
* Jia introduced you as a good person, but with a strong character that you just have to accept. Kong had expected anything but this. Although he appreciated the ability to command others. You'd be good at managing your own tribe, if you had one. But given the Skullsaurs that are on the run all over the island from you, humans would have joined them themselves. Your aggression was out of bounds.
* Kong sometimes worries about your recklessness. You're not someone who sits still like Jia. You're always going somewhere. And he doesn't understand what you need. And Jia, who is used to all this, just says to calm down.
* Kong has never been in conflict with you. He tries to stay on the edge of patience.
The truth is trying..
He likes that enthusiasm, but please stop. Otherwise, he'll put you in this flying object that people use.
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zuko-always-lies · 2 months
Unpopular Opinion: Ursa's parenting negatively affected Zuko
One of the fascinating things about the ATLA fandom is that people are utterly uninterested in analyzing how Ursa's parenting really screwed up Zuko, even though it's pretty clear. I don't mean to attack Ursa here, because I think she had good intentions, but, although her parenting was far better than Ozai's, it contributed to Zuko's many poor decisions.
I've given a broader coverage to values Ursa extols to her children elsewhere. The general point you should take away from that is that Ursa was critical in instilling imperialist values in her children and in teaching them to respect/obey the Firelord.
However, that's not the point I will belabor here. I want to turn to something else. Let's take a look closely at the scene where Zuko tries to perform Azula's firebending routine in front of his grandfather and his father but falls flat on his face:
Ozai frowns at this news. Zuko starts off well, doing the same circular motions as Azula earlier. He manages to produce a small fire blast, which does not impress Fire Lord Azulon. When he tries to create another one, he falls. He gets back up, panting heavily, and tries again, only to fall harder. Ursa gets up worriedly and approaches Zuko to comfort him. Young Zuko: I failed. Ursa: No. I loved watching you. That's who you are, Zuko. Someone who keeps fighting even though it's hard.
The lesson that Zuko learns from Ursa here is that his gift is stubborn persistence and that he should never stop trying to meet the toxic expectations of the Fire Nation royal court and of his father(she also might have inadvertently encouraged the Zuko-Azula sibling rivalry).
How do we know this is what Zuko took away from this? These scenes are paired together at the end of "Zuko Alone," as Zuko struggles to defeat Gow:
In the flashback, Zuko is sleeping in his room at night when a hand gently touches his shoulder. He awakens drowsily to see his mother dressed in a cloak.
Young Zuko: … Mom? Ursa: Zuko, please, my love, listen to me. Everything I've done, I've done to protect you. She pulls the barely conscious Zuko into a hug. Ursa: Remember this, Zuko. No matter how things may seem to change, never forget who you are.
and this scene:
Gow: Who ... who are you? Zuko:My name is Zuko. Son of Ursa and Fire Lord Ozai. Prince of the Fire Nation, and heir to the throne. Old man: Liar! I heard of you! You're not a prince, you're an outcast! His own father burned and disowned him!
Zuko took Ursa's advice to never give up and never forget who he was to heart, and as a result even though he's been burned, banished, and declared a traitor, even though he objectively has no real chance of getting his status and Ozai's favor back at this point, Zuko is still trying to do that and refuses to let go of his long-lost position in the Fire Nation as crown prince. The smart thing to do would be to give up and move on, but Zuko refuses to do that.
We can also turn to what Zuko says to Aang in "The Siege of the North, II":
Zuko: I finally have you, but I can't get you home because of this blizzard. [Stands up and looks outside the cave.] There's always something. Not that you would understand. You're like my sister. Everything always came easy to her. She's a firebending prodigy, and everyone adores her. My father says she was born lucky. He says I was lucky to be born. I don't need luck, though. I don't want it. I've always had to struggle and fight and that's made me strong. It's made me who I am.
All of this brings me back to my main point. Ozai might have been the one who burned and banished Zuko, who abused him and declared him a traitor, who demanded that Zuko capture the Avatar, but Ursa is the one who taught Zuko the persistence that made him chase after legends for three years, that made him take reckless risk after reckless risk, that made him continue chasing the Avatar even after Ozai was having him hunted as a traitor across the Earth Kingdom.
The biggest problem in Zuko's life is that he refuses to let go of his dream of regaining Ozai's favor, that he refuses to accept that Ozai doesn't love and move on and find something better to center his life around, and from what we see Ursa played a huge role in this, because she taught Zuko to never give up trying fulfilling the expectations of Ozai and the court, no matter how many times he failed. Ursa wasn't intending ill, but her parenting had a huge negative effect on Zuko's life.
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jeonsweetpea · 14 days
Moonstruck (15) - Final Chapter
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Werewolf & Vampire Hybrid!AU, Supernatural!AU | Hybrid!Jungkook x Hybrid!Reader | Werewolf!Taehyung x Hybrid!Reader (ft. BTS)
genre: angst, e2l, supernatural, thriller, slow burn
rating: mature
description: Heavy decisions fall on you when Taehyung throws you one last curveball. Do you say goodbye or do you stay?
word count: 10.2k
warnings: contains SPOILERS!!! Multiple POV changes, compulsion, mention of blood, mention of death, it’s very angsty, the ending is bittersweet – pls understand i poured my heart into this and it’s okay not to like it or comment about it, i tried to cover all plot holes :)
a/n: This is the final chapter of my series Moonstruck. I’ve been writing this story on and off for YEARS, so if you’ve stuck around this long, thank you! I’m aware people might be upset at the ending and that’s okay! My OC isn’t perfect and the point is she chose her own happiness for once. Please be kind, as I plan to write an epilogue in the future that can also be read as a stand-alone (with all the werewolf smut a reader could dream of lol).
Moonstruck Series Masterlist
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“Let me go to Jimin. Please.”
Her voice was frail, broken, desperate. You caved into her pleas, seeing as she was in no condition to fight. Whatever happened between her, Jimin, and Jungkook must’ve been brutal. It’s amazing she was still standing, but as she limped towards her lover, her legs gave way from exhaustion.
Still, she persisted and crawled the remaining distance to hold her dying boyfriend in her arms. You walked over to them, finding the moment tender and beautiful despite the circumstances. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll fix everything,” she said, smiling through her tears. Jimin could barely utter her name, but she shushed him. “Save your strength.”
She pulled out an artifact from her pocket that you recalled from your studies and gasped. 
“Is that…?” you started to say. She didn’t answer you and looked up towards the sky. You followed her gaze to see streaks of shooting stars across the velvet night sky. 
“Tonight’s a meteor shower,” Ari said, as if she was anticipating it. “A celestial event will fix everything.”
You tore your gaze away from the sky to see blood dripping from her nose onto the circular artifact. From what you remembered, it was called an Ascendant. Combined with the blood from a Choi witch and the cosmic power of a celestial event, a portal to a prison world was possible. 
“No. You’re not serious!” you exclaimed. 
“It’s the only way to save him,” she said, running a hand through his hair with a fond expression. “To save us.”
“So what? You’re going to live out the rest of your days with someone who doesn’t even love you?! He’s going to die over and over. That’s not a way to live.”
Prison worlds were just that — a hell with no escape. Death was a pleasure one wasn’t able to experience there. It was a place for banishment, home for the worst of the worst. 
Ari looked you dead in the eye. “He’s my first love. I intend to be his last.”
In this moment, you knew this was your best friend talking and not some demented evil version of her. She was dying because Jimin was dying and if she wanted to be tethered to a prison world the rest of her days, who were you to stop her?
Almost as if she could hear your thoughts, she added, “I’ve done too much to be forgiven for. Let me go.”
She deserved it. She deserved to rot there with him. So you weren’t going to deny her wishes, only prolong them. You bent down and swiped the Ascendant from her hand, holding it hostage. 
“No.” Your voice was unwavering. She stared at you aghast, like you committed the most terrible sin.
“You want to abandon all the problems you exacerbated? No. I’m tired of this bullshit. If anyone gets to run away from this mess, it’s me. Now you better give me a solution…” You held the artifact high, threatening to smash it into smithereens. “Or else.”
“Stop, stop!” she begged.
“I’m waiting. The meteor shower will be over soon. Tick. Tock.”
She glanced down at Jimin, reaching her hand up to his neck to grab the amulet. With a forceful tug, she yanked it off him and handed it to you.
“Here! This will solve everything. I promise!”
You took the amulet from her, your eyes watching her every movement in case she tried to pull something. “How?”
“I sense someone trapped within it. Someone who has an energy signature similar to you… I’m not sure, but I think it’s your father.”
Your entire body froze. “How is that possible? How do I release him?”
A faint click sound captured your attention. You lowered your hand and stared at the Ascendant, watching the gears rotate into place, the cosmic energy from the meteor shower beaming straight into it. A relieved smile graced Ari’s features as she closed her eyes. 
“No, wait!” You were too late. A bright flash temporarily blinded you and once you opened your eyes again, Ari and Jimin had vanished, leaving behind only a burned Ascendant. 
Mora Miserium…
Ari’s words rang loud in your ears, though you had no idea what they meant.
However, the amulet was still in your hand. You dangled it in front of you, paying attention to its alluring glow. It seemed to shine brighter the closer it was to your face, like it was attracted to something. You realized your moonstone was reacting to it, so you placed them near each other, igniting a burst of energy that knocked you backwards. Groaning, you sat up to see a figure manifest before your very eyes—a ghost you never thought you’d see again as your eyes flooded with tears.
“My little miracle… come here.”
You stumbled while getting up and rushed into his warm embrace, crying your heart out. 
“Where have you been all this time? I missed you so much. I lost my best friend and—and—” You hiccuped from talking so fast. He held you by the shoulders. “I know, sweetheart. I know. I was in your necklace. Trapped, actually.”
“But how?”
“Nevermind that. I’ll take Jungkook to the infirmary. You go release the professors, Hoseok, and Jiwoo. I’ll explain everything.”
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You obeyed your father’s instructions, releasing everyone from their cages in the underground cellar. Everyone was quick to ask you what was going on, the noise unbearable. There were too many questions, apologies, concerns — the chaos finally stopped when your father appeared after dropping Jungkook off. 
“[F/N]...” Jin and Yoongi embraced your father tight, afraid it was a dream. Once they released him, Hoseok and his sister gave an awkward introduction but were friendly nevertheless. 
“Where the hell have you been?” Yoongi asked, giving him a punch in the arm. Your father, quick with his reflexes, caught his fist. 
With a soft smile, he replied, “In [Y/N]’s moonstone,” Jin dropped his jaw so wide that it almost made you laugh. “I know, I know. It’s a lot. But let’s heal the injured first. I took Jungkook to the infirmary and patched him up. [Y/N]?”
“Yes, Dad?”
“Heal Namjoon. I know he’s treated you awfully and you don’t have to forgive him—”
“But he was compelled,” you said, finishing his statement. “So everything that’s happened… isn’t his fault. I’ll heal him.”
You bit your wrist, devoid of the pain it usually brought and lowered yourself to Namjoon’s limp body on the ground. You lifted his head gently, placing your wrist on his mouth and making sure he was ingesting it. 
“He’ll be fine after some rest,” you said, standing up. 
“Thank you, [Y/N],” Yoongi said, though you didn’t bother sparing him a glance. “I know I should’ve told you about releasing Hoseok but—”
“I don’t want to hear it.” He nodded in understanding and you turned to your father. “Dad, what are we going to do? Jungkook and Taehyung’s lives are linked.”
“What?!” Everyone aside from you and your father was stunned. God, you needed a newsletter or something to keep them all up to date.
“Yeah, yeah,” you said with a dismissive hand gesture. “I’ll explain that later but for right now, I need to unlink them because if one more bad thing happens, I will turn off my humanity again. What can you tell me about Mora Muserium?”
He seemed astonished by the mention of it. “That’s an ancient artifact witches use to remove dark magic and have it contained. I was traveling the world to find it for you, hoping it’d remove the dark magic and help you regain fertility.”
You glared at him and he cleared his throat. 
“I know,” he said, scratching the nape of his neck. “Father of the year right here. I should’ve told you the truth.”
“I’m guessing you didn’t find it.”
“No. I had to find an alternative. There was a witch who gave me the moonstone but said its powers only activate if a werewolf sacrifices his soul.”
“Oh my god,” Hoseok said, placing a hand on his heart. “You were willing to stay inside the stone for the rest of your life if it meant [Y/N] could have children?”
He nodded while giving you a fond smile. “Anything for my little girl. She deserves a life with her needs fulfilled.” Your dad suddenly snapped his head in Hoseok’s direction. “But then you killed her.”
Hoseok held his hands up in surrender while Jiwoo stood in front of him, her protective nature taking over. “Hey. He was manipulated into doing so to save me.”
“Still. The moonstone is useless now for fertility,” your father huffed. 
“Can we please get back to the Mora Muserium?” you said, wanting to pull your hair out from frustration. “We don’t have much time. Taehyung died with my blood in his system and will need to drink it again to complete his transformation. If not, he’ll die and take Jungkook with him!”
“How did their lives become linked?” Jin questioned. 
“The night of the banquet we drank some alcohol that Ari gave us.”
“It must have been dark magic. If we can get the Mora Muserium, we can use it to absorb the dark magic out of Jungkook and sever the connection.”
“Great. But where can we find it? What does it look like?”
“I think I’ve seen it before,” Yoongi chimed in. “It looks like a sand clock of sorts. Like an hourglass.”
“Yes. But the one I was looking for was sold to a private collector,” your father informed.
“I’ve seen it…” The groggy voice came from the floor. Jin rushed to Namjoon’s side, helping him sit up. Aside from the dried blood from his nose, his wounds had lightened and were in the process of healing. “Jimin’s parents. They own an armory full of artifacts. I saw one that looked like an hourglass the day I helped him get the White Oak stake.”
“I’ll go. Tell me the address,” your father stated. “I’m taking Jungkook with me.”
“What? He’s knocked out and needs time to recover.” Your protest fell on deaf ears.
“It’s the least he can do for you. Besides, it gives me time to get to know him. A little heart-to-heart.” He patted your head. “Don’t worry. I’ll wait for him to wake up. You go take care of that bite wound and rest. All of us should rest.”
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Jungkook’s Point of View - 12 Hours Later
I woke up in the infirmary sore as hell. Sitting up only exacerbated things, the pain surging through me like fire. My torso was wrapped in bandages and my arm was in a sling. The battle with the bitch witch would’ve gone sideways if Jimin didn't intervene. I barely made it out with my life.
“You’re awake, boy.”
The voice was gruff, unfamiliar. I saw a silhouette from behind the privacy curtain, but I didn’t feel threatened. I could tell he was a werewolf from his scent. 
“Who are you?”
He pulled back the curtain, revealing his face to me. He was far older than me, with streaks of gray in his hair. His stern expression intimidated the shit out of me, but after giving me a once over, his eyes softened and his forehead creased with wrinkles of concern.
“I’m [F/N]. [Y/N]’s dad.”
“Oh,” Shit. This was not how I envisioned meeting him. “She has your eyes.”
A soft chuckle came out of him. “I get that a lot.” He pulled up a chair to sit by my side, the smell of cedarwood filling my nose. “Look, I know a lot has happened around here. I’ve been trapped in that damn moonstone for months.”
I looked at him in horror. “You mean the necklace [Y/N] has? That means you’ve seen…”
I trailed off, but he seemed to understand what I was getting at. He waved his hand in a dismissive manner, his face twisted in disgust. “Yes, yes, there’s a lot I did not wish to see but anyway… not the point. Honestly, part of me wants to strangle you for hurting her.”
I knew my time had to come sometime. Better him than someone else. I closed my eyes and braced myself. 
“But…” He continued, “You and my daughter have been through hell and back. You protected her. Thank you.”
I opened my eyes, trying not to exhale in relief too loudly. “I always will.”
“Do you love her?”
“I do.” My response was so fast; it sounded automated. I noticed [F/N]’s eyes narrowing at me, like he was searching for doubt. 
If I took too long coming up with an answer, that would only make me look ingenuine. I spoke from my heart, keeping my voice steady even though he looked like he could tear me in half at any moment’s notice.
“For the first time in a while, I feel like I can think clearly. The sire bond was like a crutch that made it impossible for me to distinguish my own feelings from [Y/N]’s,” I said, watching for his reaction. He nodded for me to continue. “Now that it’s severed, I feared I would stop loving her. That it was all an illusion. But that’s not the case. I know I love her. So much that it scares me…”
“Even if she’s infertile?”
“I already knew about that. It does not affect how I feel.”
“What about Jimin?”
I’d be damned if I saw that wretched vampire ever again. He manipulated everyone, especially me. Like an idiot. “What about him?”
“You chose to believe his words over my daughter’s. I want to know why.”
He might as well have broken my other arm. I fought the urge to throw up. What did he want me to say? That I was an idiot, that I was manipulated, that I was doubting her because I was a coward?  “I don’t know.”
“Answer me.” He was telling, not asking. But I was stubborn. 
“I said I don’t know.” I did know, of course. However, I didn’t want to shoot myself in the foot. Anything I said would sound like a pathetic excuse.
“Gonna take it to the grave? You don’t have much time left.”
He laughed at my stunned face, as if mocking me. “What do you mean?”
“Your life is linked to that other wolf’s. [Y/N] mentioned something about the night of the banquet where you drank liquor.”
Taehyung. Fuck, fuck, fuck! No wonder that bastard was so elated when I returned. That must have been why I blacked out after clawing him. Though my body was already on the verge of collapsing from the constant battling. 
“Anyway, I’ll get straight to the point,” [F/N]’s said as he stood up. “Taehyung died with my daughter’s blood in his system thanks to you. That means he’s in the middle of transitioning to becoming a hybrid.”
“But it’s incomplete…” I whispered. He nodded, crossing one arm over the other.
“He needs to drink her blood one more time after coming back to life to become a hybrid. If not, he will die. Which in turn means you will die.”
“I gotta see [Y/N].” I practically ripped the covers off me with my good arm, swinging my legs off the cot. However, he placed a firm hand on my shoulder.
“You’re in no condition to leave.”
“She’s going to do whatever it takes to save me, including saving that son of a bitch. He’ll be sired by her, which is what he wants!”
“Yes, but would you rather be dead than see him sired by her? Think straight for a second. We have a mission.”
“What mission?”
“We’re going to go artifact hunting and I need that compulsion ability of yours to succeed. Then I’ll consider letting you see my daughter.”
Of course there was something else. There always was.
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Your Point Of View - 12 Hours Later
You slept like a log. Your body was worn down, weathered by the stress and trauma the universe kept sending your way. The only reason you woke up was because your sharp ears picked up the sound of digging. At first, you tried to ignore it. But it was consistent and your curiosity got the best of you.
“Put your back into it,” Yoongi said, sitting on the snow criss-crossed. Jin huffed and set the shovel aside. 
“This would go a lot faster if you helped!” He turned around to see you appear out of nowhere. “Ah fuck! Oh my god, [Y/N]! You scared me.”
“Sorry. You woke me from my sleep.” You stared down at the wide chasm he dug, the body inside instantly recognizable. “Is that…?”
“Yes. It’s Sunghyun,” Yoongi said. “We wanted to give him a proper burial.”
“I’ll help,” you offered. Jin and Yoongi gave each other a look but said nothing. Jin handed you the other shovel, giving you a gentle smile. 
“Where’s Hoseok and his sister?” you asked.
“Still sleeping,” Yoongi answered.
“And my dad?”
“He went to find the Mora Miserium with Jungkook.”
“Namjoon? Taehyung?”
“Infirmary. Taehyung’s chained up in the caves. Jungkook really fucked him up; he’s still knocked out,” Jin said, releasing a grunt as he dug. 
There wasn’t any more conversation after that. Once Sunghyun’s grave was filled, Yoongi used a piece of wood as a makeshift headstone until he could get a proper one. He had etched Sunghyun’s name into it with a pocket knife and you all said your prayers. 
“He saved my life,” you said, taking out the amulet from your pocket. “Especially with this. I wanted this buried with him but the risks…”
“He’d understand,” Jin said, reassuring you. “He wouldn’t want the wrong person to get their hands on it. We can frame it or you can keep it.”
You stared at the amulet in your hands, contemplating what to do with it. Then your eyes lit up as you took your moonstone necklace off. Last time the two pendants touched, there was an explosion. But what if this time…
“Can you fuse the two necklaces together? I think they’re connected.”
Jin cracked his knuckles. “Easy peasy.”
He chanted some words in Latin, moving his hands in the air around the two pendants as you held them. Then with one final snap, the stones fused together to create a double moon necklace. Jin grinned at his work and then proceeded to help you put the necklace back on.
“It suits you,” Yoongi remarked. The three of you headed back towards campus, the snow crunching beneath your feet. “I’m sorry.”
You stared at the professor, shaking your head. “Please don’t.”
He stopped walking, so Jin followed his example. You sighed, halting your footsteps as well. 
“I’m sorry too,” Jin said.
“I don’t want to hear apologies. I just want this to end. Okay?” You interrupted them before they had a chance to say more. “I know. You released Hoseok because you love him. And you recorded my sessions because I don’t know, documentation? It’s fine.”
The two men couldn’t bear to look at you, so they opted for looking at the ground instead.
“How do you intend for this to end?” Yoongi said, his voice soft, as if you could be set off at a moment’s notice. “Do you… have a plan?”
You dropped your shoulders, not realizing how tense they were. “I don’t know. Dad gets the artifact, we sever the link, Jungkook gets to live.”
“And Taehyung?” Jin said, trying not to sound nervous. “What about him? Will you give him your blood or…”
He trailed off, but you filled in the blanks pretty easily. “Let him die? That’s what you want to know. You’re my professors… Why should the decision fall on me? Haven’t I been through enough?”
You scoffed, shaking your head in frustration. 
“I can’t do this right now,” you said. Yoongi and Jin let you walk away, not having the heart to stop you. 
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Namjoon’s Point of View
Vampire blood was one thing, but hybrid blood? It accelerated my healing three times as fast. I was pretty much back to normal after a good long rest. Hoseok and his sister woke up fifteen minutes ago, keeping me company in the infirmary. We played a game of cards while catching up.
And boy, did I have a shit ton to catch up on. Truth be told, my memory was fuzzy ever since the night Jimin and I went out in search of [Y/N]. I remember him being so eager to help; I thought it was sweet. But I lowered my guard too easily and paid the price. He whacked me in the head with something hard and next thing I knew, I was tied up.
Hoseok was able to piece things together from there and I quickly changed the subject, asking about him and his sister. It was admirable how everything he’s done was for her. For [Y/N] too. He was simply trying to protect everyone, and though his execution was poor, he had good intentions. 
“So… Yoongi, huh?” I asked. Hoseok dropped the cards on my cot, retracting himself into a shy ball. His sister giggled when his cheeks reddened.
“He’s all my brother talks about,” She lowered her voice to a funny octave, mimicking Hoseok as best as she could. “I miss Yoongi. I wanna be with Yoongi. I’m Yoongi’s vitamin.”
I let out a hearty laugh, feeling a weight off my chest for the first time in a while. Hoseok whined at Jiwoo’s teasing, and she patted his head while smiling. 
“Do you think [Y/N] will ever forgive me?” I asked. Hoseok stared at me like I had insulted him.
“Forgive you? Dude, I killed her and caused her to never be able to have children again. She’ll forgive you.”
“She’ll forgive you too,” Jiwoo assured. “You were being coerced. You didn’t want to kill her.”
Two knocks came from the door. We all glanced up to see [Y/N] step in, her head hung low. 
“Am I interrupting?”
I could barely hear her, but Hoseok answered with a quick, “No, you’re not interrupting. Do you need us?”
“I… I want to talk to Namjoon.”
I was gobsmacked to the point where Hoseok and Jiwoo gave me a look, as if they were telepathically asking me if it was okay. 
“Yeah, yeah, come over. Would you two mind giving us some privacy?” Jiwoo was quick to leave, but Hoseok gave me a gentle squeeze on my shoulder first. Once the siblings closed the door behind them, [Y/N] stood in front of me without moving. She fidgeted with the hem of her shirt, her eyes pointed to the ground. 
“Sit down,” I said, trying to sound like a gentle giant and not an authoritative douche. She finally made eye contact with me and then in the blink of an eye, her arms were around me. My body stilled. “[Y/N]?”
“I… I want my friend back,” she said, voice slightly shaky. My muscles relaxed and I hugged her back tightly, wanting her to know I was there for her.
“I’m here, I promise,” Poor girl was trembling. “You can cry. Let it all out.”
She did. First it was small sniffles, which gradually became much louder sobbing. I held her close, rubbing soothing circles on her back. I wanted to tell her so much, apologize for everything, but only after she was ready to hear it. I didn’t care how long she needed to cry; I just wanted to be there for her.
“I think I’m ready to talk now… I have a lot to ask. A lot to say.”
She was sitting at the foot of my bed now. “Go ahead. I’m listening.”
“You’re you?” I couldn’t blame her for being cautious. I taught her as much. “You have to be you… Jimin is no longer a part of this world, so the compulsion must’ve worn off.”
“Did you…” I trailed off, but she shook her head.
“Ari took him to the prison world with her.”
“Whoa…” I didn’t know what to say other than I shouldn’t be surprised. Those two deserve each other for eternity. 
“You really thought I’d kill him?” Her words were sharp, laced with offense. 
I sat up straight. “No, I just didn’t know what happened to him. Once he was gone, it was like my mind felt clear. Like I had control again. I know you wouldn’t kill him unless it was out of self-defense. Actually, even if it wasn’t out of self-defense, I wouldn’t have blamed you. No one would have.”
She bit her lip, a nervous habit of hers when lost in deep thought. “The only person I’ve ever killed was my childhood abuser. It still haunts me. That weight of taking someone’s life is soul-crushing, Joon. Even if he deserved it.”
Her shoulders drooped as she said the next part. “What do I do about Taehyung?”
Ah. That was a very good question indeed. He’s done unforgivable things, his intentions stemming from obsession. Obsession over her. His past record with his last love interest wasn’t any better either. That wolf was dangerous.
“What do you want to do about him?”
She scoffed, as if she knew I would say that. “I don’t know. That’s why I came to you. You’ve killed countless supernatural beings, humans too. Why do I have to decide?”
Valid point. I was a hunter first, headmaster second. But she was only a student, my apprentice, still a kid in my eyes. Always a fighter, never a killer. “Once the link between him and Jungkook is severed, you don’t have to give him your blood. He’ll die of natural consequences. It wouldn’t be your fault.”
“But he’d suffer.”
“Isn’t that what he deserves?”
“You thought Jimin deserved a second chance. Are some people not redeemable?”
“It sounds like you want him to be.”
She covered her face with both hands. “No. I just—he’s a student. And it’s because of his love for me that this got so out of hand. It’s my fault…”
“Stop. None of this is your fault,” She dropped her hands, a sad pout on her lips. “I’ll do it. I’ll put Taehyung out of his misery, so you don’t have to. It’ll be on me.”
“You’re the headmaster. You took him in. You think… he deserves to die?”
“I think he deserves what you think is fitting. Because he’s the one who wronged you. But I’m more than willing to make the hard choice for you if you choose to do nothing.” She hopped off the cot, pacing back and forth in the room. I removed the covers off me and swung my legs off the edge of the bed. “Hey… you don’t have to save everyone.”
That got her to stop. “But I do… my blood is cursed to do so.”
“Listen, I’ve tried to save everyone. Every student. I see so much potential, it’s overwhelming. But some people can't be saved no matter what you do and that’s okay.”
I stood up, but my legs stumbled clumsily. [Y/N] caught me and swung my arm over her shoulder. 
“See? I’m a natural at saving others.”
It was good to hear her make a joke, even a small one. I smiled. “Ultimately it’s up to you. I’ll support whatever you do.”
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Your Point of View
You set Namjoon back on the cot, joining him as you two dangled your legs off the edge. Well, yours dangled while his feet stayed planted on the ground. 
“There’s only one thing I know for sure…” you said. Namjoon placed his hands in his lap, awaiting your answer. “When this is all over, I have to do what’s best for me. And that means—”
“You have to leave.”
It felt like deja vu of your previous conversation where he said he was letting you go. Except this time, you were choosing it yourself. 
“Yeah… you actually gave me the idea first. I realized you were right.”
His tone shifted to a more grave one. “I’ll be honest. I probably said many things to you while I was under Jimin’s influence. I don’t remember much after he knocked me out while we went out searching for you. Bastard tied me up and waited until the vervain was out of my system to compel me. Stole my ring too.”
“But…” He sighed. “I made a promise to you and your parents that I’d always look out for you except it’s not healthy for you to be here anymore.” He placed his hand on your own, squeezing it gently. “You were always the right person, but this is the wrong place. I have to let you go because you deserve peace.”
“Namjoon…” You already cried your heart out once, so you refrained from tearing up again. His gaze on you was affectionate, protective, but also solemn. 
“I’ll get all the stuff ready for you to graduate early. Anything you need, I’ll do it. Just know you are always welcome here.”
Shit. It looked like he was about to cry. You’ve never seen him like this, so you did the only thing that might bring him some comfort.
“I love you, Namjoon. Thank you for taking care of me all these years.”
He let out a small wheeze from trying to reply to you while keeping his emotions in check. “I love you too. And I’m sorry for everything.”
“I know. But I have a way you can make it up to me.”
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Taehyung’s Point of View
I woke up to find myself chained. Not only were my wrists and ankles bound, but there was a collar around my neck too. The chains clinked when I charged forward, but I didn’t get very far since they were attached to the wall. A hole in the ceiling allowed some sunlight in, but it did little to stop the cold winter air. At least someone put me in sweatpants before confining me here.
I wracked my brain to remember my last memory. Ah. Right. I was clawed to death, which was extremely gruesome and sucked ass. However, it would be worth it. She was worth it. 
Were my methods unorthodox? Yes. A bit insane? Absolutely. But when you’re in love, you do stupid things. We should have never broken up, but I was overly jealous and she was a stunner. She could have any guy, so I had to do whatever it took to make her choose me.
I wanted her to keep choosing me. Hell, she could use me for all I cared. For sex, for comfort, I would always be down. At first I gave her space, but that was my biggest mistake. A new wolf enrolled into our campus and became my roommate. Little did I know he would soon become my biggest threat.
The human hunters I paid did a splendid job attacking Jungkook. However, it seemed Mother Nature wanted me to work harder because that damn sire bond saved his life. While he was being an ungrateful sired jackass, I was longing to switch places with him. It was my ultimate goal, my desire, to be sired to [Y/N].
So when I caught Park Jimin masturbating to Jungkook’s pictures, the alliance was formed. He’d get Jungkook, I’d get [Y/N]. Little did I know, that vampire bastard was going to double-cross me. A lot of things went south, but it didn’t matter. The end result was what was most important. 
I had finally got a taste of her blood. Sweet, delicious, rich liquid crimson. I closed my eyes, licking my lips at the memory. My plan was finally coming to fruition. 
And the best part? It was fail-proof. Dying with her blood in my system was step one. Step two was drinking it once more after resurrecting to complete the transition into becoming a hybrid. If she didn’t give it to me, I’d have to force her hand.
Honest to god, I didn’t plan for my life to be linked to Jungkook’s. That night at the banquet, I originally wanted to be linked to [Y/N] as a means to be closer to her. Who knew things would work out in my favor?
If she didn’t give me her blood, I’d die and that means Jungkook would die. This was great. Victory was within my reach; I could smell it.
Well, actually I smelled something else. A saccharine scent I knew all too well. Opening my eyes, I saw a figure approaching in the distance past the iron gate bars. 
My smile was so wide that it hurt my cheeks. The large gauze on her neck was a beautiful sight to see. I hoped she remembered my bite for the rest of her life. The memory of pinning her down, the way she wiggled beneath me trying to escape — it made me hard. If I wasn’t chained, I’d claim her as my own and abduct her for my own twisted needs. 
When she opened the gate, I writhed against the chains like a feral beast. She hesitated at first but then entered, leaving enough space between us so she’d still be out of reach.
“You’re such a fucking tease, I’m tired of being the nice guy. Get over here and release me,” I snarled. She didn't respond, so I kept going. “What? Are you mad I drank your blood? That I’ll be sired to you?”
I knew I had won at this point. I couldn’t help but be smug, wearing a proud smile at my soon-to-be victory. She simply shook her head at me. 
“I’m not mad. I pity you. Things didn’t have to be like this, Tae.”
“I agree. You should’ve chosen me. I wish…” My voice was losing its venom. I almost winced in pain as I said the next part. “I wish you could love me again.”
Her eyes softened a bit, like I chipped away a piece of the strong front she always put on. “Maybe in another life, we could’ve been happy together. But you had to go and orchestrate a murder. Work with hunters, a psychotic vampire, and a corrupted witch.” She ran a hand over her face, sighing loudly. “You’re in the middle of transitioning into a hybrid.”
“I know, I’m over the moon,” I said, enlarging my eyes to show her my excitement. I probably looked insane. “Even if you didn’t choose me, I chose you. And I’ll be yours even if you’re not truly mine. I still won.”
“That’s what you think. You need to drink my blood once more or you’ll die.”
“I know,” I said quickly, anticipating that tidbit. “You’ll give it to me soon enough.”
“What makes you so sure?”
“Because…” This was it. This was my moment! “I linked my life with Jungkook's. So if you don’t give me your blood, he’ll die.”
I let out a hearty laugh, but it quickly faded upon seeing her stoic expression. Why was she so calm? 
“Okay, I’m confused,” I said. “You’re supposed to be devastated.”
She took another step forward and I almost tried to kiss her, desperate for her to be closer. 
“There’s no easy way to say this,” she said. “So I’ll just tell you. I already knew about your life being linked to Jungkook’s.”
I’m sure confusion was etched into my features. What the hell was she talking about? 
“Ari told me. Before she and Jimin were sent to a prison world.” Okay, not even I could predict that. Was I next? I wrestled against my restraints at the fear of being banished. I didn’t want to be away from her. “Calm down. I’m not sending you to one; it’s impossible without Ari’s blood anyway.”
I relaxed and stopped moving, so she continued, “It’s true that I would’ve cried at the thought of losing Jungkook and letting you win. But Ari left me with one last gift before she left.”
That bitch was lucky she went to a prison world because I had half a mind to burn her at the stake. 
“And what was that?”
“She found my father. You see, he was trapped in my moonstone necklace after making a deal with a witch. In exchange for his freedom, the moonstone would be imbued with magic strong enough to grant me fertility. Of course, it would only work if I hadn’t died.”
She lowered her face closer to my level. 
“I managed to release my father from the stone and ask him about some strange words Ari told me. Have you heard of the Mora Muserium?” 
I shook my head. “You know I don’t know what that is.”
“Well, the Mora Muserium is an hourglass that can remove dark magic from people and store it. The spell Ari used to link your lives used dark magic.”
I processed what she was saying, my mind racing a mile a minute. She wasn’t possibly insinuating…
“The dark magic tethering him to you has been removed, Tae. He and you are no longer linked,” she revealed. 
My face stiffened, the smile on my face I once had disappearing altogether. This couldn’t be true. My plan was fail-proof! “No! You’re lying! You’re fucking lying! He and I are connected forever! If you kill me, he dies! Do you really want to risk that?!”
“Tae…” she said, her tone full of pity. It angered me more. “It’s true. I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s not!” I was shouting at the top of my lungs. “You are sadly mistaken if you think I’m going to fall for your scare tactics! I don’t believe it one bit! Prove it!”
“After they removed the dark magic from the linking spell, my dad snapped his neck. Jungkook’s out cold while you’re… not.”
I dropped my jaw as I fell to my knees. “No…”
She got down on one knee, matching my level once more. “Jungkook will come back to life soon. But you won’t be here to see it.”
���So what? You’re going to kill me?” I spat. 
“No. First your eyes will bleed. Then your body will be consumed in the most unimaginable pain you’ve ever felt. Like pure acid running through your veins, eating you alive inside out. It’ll be as painful to watch as it is to experience and lasts a long time before death finally consumes you.”
“You’re kidding me…”
“I’m not. I can’t bear to watch you suffer for that long so… someone else will put you out of your misery.”
She stood up and turned towards the gate. I narrowed my eyes to see a male figure approaching. He had a shotgun in his hand and a tool belt around his waist. The stench of vervain and wolfsbane from it was gag-inducing, and it made me sweat nervously too. 
“Namjoon…” I muttered. He looked at me like I was trash. When I tried to reach [Y/N]’s hand, she had already stood up and walked over to the headmaster. 
“Are you sure about this?” Namjoon asked. [Y/N] bit her lip but nodded slowly. My heart sank to the ground. “Leave it to me. Go. You don’t want to see this.”
She marched forward towards the exit, determined not to look back. Namjoon stood in front of me, pointing the shotgun straight at my chest. I looked him dead in the eye, slowly rising to my feet.
“Sorry it had to end this way. But you did this to yourself, Taehyung.”
“Some headmaster you are. Killing your own student.”
“[Y/N] was the one who asked me to do this.”
“No! Stop lying! She would never!”
I tried to run towards the gate, her back still in view as she walked away rather slowly. I knew deep down, she didn’t want this. 
“[Y/N]! [Y/N], please! You’re going to just walk away? Even though you know you can save me?! Are you that heartless?!”
Fuck! My shoulder was stinging with pain from the poisoned bullet. I groaned in agony but remained standing, reaching out for her.
“[Y/N], please! I don’t want to die! All I ever wanted was—”
My left leg was fucked. I fell down to the cold ground, desperation being the only thing helping me stay conscious. She had covered her ears this time, but I knew my voice would reach her.
“[Y/N], I love you…” I breathed. “Even in my twisted, messed up, obsessive way. I love you and I just wanted you to choose me for once. For once…”
I heard Namjoon’s footsteps and him cocking the gun in preparation for the next shot. I tried to crawl away.
Now both my legs were done for. I cried. Wailed. Screamed as I laid on my back. I didn’t want to die, not unless it was for her. Not because of her. 
“[Y/N], I’m sorry! Please… please don’t let me die. You’re better than that… you’re better than me… you’re different!”
The cock of Namjoon’s gun let me know my time was up. I closed my eyes and waited. I guess I finally lost.
“Wait, don’t shoot!”
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Your Point of View
The words left your mouth without you realizing. Namjoon froze and Taehyung opened his eyes, seeing you run towards him. In a matter of seconds, you placed yourself in between him and the professor with your arms spread in a protective stance.
“Don’t kill him,” you begged.
“[Y/N], are you sure?” Namjoon asked. You looked over your shoulder to see Taehyung try to sit up.
“Stay down!” you shouted at him. Taehyung obeyed and laid as still as a wooden plank. “Don’t fucking move or try anything. I already regret this.” 
You bit your wrist and bent down to the ground, forcing it into Taehyung’s mouth. His eyes widened in alarm, but he drank your blood nevertheless. Once he had his fill, you felt his emotions skyrocket — particularly joy.
“Stay still and stay seated until I tell you to move,” you commanded.
He sat in a criss-cross position, his smile beaming with pure bliss. “You love me. I can tell. I can feel it.”
“Shut up!”
You stood up and Namjoon slung his gun over his shoulder. “You want him alive?”
“I… I don’t know.” You were shaking and pretty soon close to hyperventilation until Namjoon centered you, reminding you that you were in a safe space. 
“It’s okay. I’m not judging you,” He put his hands on your shoulders. “Talk to me.” 
“I… I thought I was doing the right thing. He’s fucking insane, but at the same time… I thought about my childhood abuser. How I shoved him off, how he fell, how he was begging for me to call for help — but nothing was done. I let him die. He deserved it, but that was such an easy way out. He should’ve been rotting in jail or at least atoning for his sins. I didn’t want to do the same thing to Tae.”
“Breathe… breathe…”
You took a deep inhale and then let out a slow exhale. “This time I know about my blood and its healing properties. I couldn’t let him die… I thought I could, but it felt wrong. God, what’s wrong with me?”
Namjoon placed a finger to his lips. “Shh. No more talking down to yourself. You want to save him, then save him. It’s your blood. Now… you mentioned atoning for sins. Do you have something in mind for him?”
You turned your head to the side, seeing him stare at you with such an intensity that it made you self-conscious. 
“Yeah… what are you going to do with me, oh great sire?” He was taunting you, but you didn’t let it deter you. 
“I’m going to compel you to forget me.”
“What?! No. I refuse. Don’t do that, please. My love for you is the only thing that keeps me going. I can’t—”
“Taehyung? Stop talking.”
He had to oblige. Namjoon let go of you, crossing his arms over another. 
“You’re absolutely sure this is what you want to do?”
You gave him a small smile. “Yes. Because maybe if he didn’t love me, didn’t know me, then he’d be different. He’d be able to focus on himself, finding himself.”
You then tilted your body at a 90 degree angle, startling the man in front of you.
“What are you doing? Why are you bowing?”
“I need your help. Please.”
“Okay, okay,” he said, waving his arms around and forcing you to stand up straight. “Anything for you. You don’t have to beg.”
“After I compel Taehyung, I need you to help him start a new life. He’s going to be a newborn hybrid. Please take care of him in my stead.”
“I will, I promise. Look… I’ll wait outside the cave while you say your goodbyes.”
You gave him your thanks and he left, the last sound being the creaky iron gate closing behind him. Then you walked over to Taehyung, who was crying softly. 
“Taehyung… stand up. Let me look at you.” He got to his feet right away and you shoved your fingers in his bullet wounds, extracting each bullet out with skill and precision. Taehyung couldn’t even scream until you told him it was okay, so he stood still and endured. Once you were done, you held his face with both hands, wiping his tears away with your thumb. “What do you want to say? Tell me.”
“That I love you s-so much.” He closed his eyes, embracing the warmth of your hands. “Don’t make me forget you.”
“I have to.”
“But you love me too. I know it, don’t lie to me.”
“The sire bond is complicated. It heightens every emotion. You’re confused.”
His eyes fluttered open, a fire burning in his gaze. “I have never been more sure of anything in my life. You align my soul, [Y/N]. I’m incomplete without you. Please…”
You stood on your tiptoes to press a tender kiss on his forehead. He shuddered beneath you, wishing this moment could last forever. 
“I need you to live your life and find yourself. As much as you say you want to be sired, I’d be withholding your freedom and that isn’t love. It’s abuse.” 
“I don’t care. I don’t mind it. Not if it’s you.”
“Shh…” You put a finger to his lips, staring deep into his eyes. 
“No. I don’t want to say goodbye. Please.”
Your pupils dilated as your compulsion ability kicked into gear. 
“You will forget about me and your love for me completely. You’re going to live your life and do better, work on yourself, love yourself, understand that this is a second chance at life. Don’t waste it. After I uncuff you, you’re going to walk out of the caves and listen to Namjoon, who will help you learn how to be a hybrid.”
You worked quickly and removed his restraints. He walked out of the cave like a zombie, and you almost wanted to pass out from the stress. It shouldn’t have been that painful, but it was like you ripped off the biggest band aid. Taehyung had burrowed himself into your heart and despite your best efforts to extract all remains of him, he’d left a permanent scar. 
The sire bond with Taehyung, although short-lived, had set your emotions in flux. The intensity of his love for you was very real, the ache in his heart when he was begging you to not erase his memories cut you deep like glass. After you compelled him, it felt like someone sawed your heart in half.
Letting someone go was never going to get easier, but you had one more person to talk to. Another bandaid. Another heartbreak. 
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Jungkook’s Point of View
I wished [Y/N]’s father had given me a warning. After placing my hand on the hourglass thingy, black smoke (which I assumed was the dark magic) formed inside. Professor Min had to ask, “How do we know if it worked?” before her dad snapped my neck so fast, almost as if he had waited his entire life to do so. 
Even though I was going to come back to life, it didn’t make it hurt any less. All I could see was darkness. No sound, no sight, just unbearable loneliness. But then I saw a light in the distance and ran towards it. 
The first thing I saw once I opened my eyes was her. She was caressing my head, running her hand through my hair. Her smile was kind, but her eyes were empty. Almost as if she was forcing herself to be present when she didn’t want to be. Still, she was goddamn beautiful. 
I noticed the gauze on her neck and sat up immediately. “Are you okay? Your neck…”
She waved her hand in a dismissive manner, forcing me to lay back down. “I’m fine. It’s mostly healed anyway, take it easy. You just came back to life.”
I realized I was in my dorm room. Taehyung’s things had been cleared out already, so my side was the only one that had personality to it. I cringed seeing the mess of clothes, posters, and towels on the floor. I would’ve cleaned up had I known she would be here with me. 
“Wouldn’t be the first time I died,” I gave her a soft smile as I reminisced about the memory. “Do you remember it?”
“How could I forget? That’s how everything started. The hunters killing you, me giving you my blood, you being sired… you hated it.”
There was a playfulness in her speech that made me chuckle. “I did. Oh, it was humiliating.”
“Yeah, so awful,” she said, playing along. “You hated me.”
“Well… I don’t. I haven’t for a while… and don’t think I ever truly did.”
Her eyes widened a bit and she rubbed her palms on her thighs anxiously. “It’s okay if you did. We were put in an uncomfortable situation.”
“No… it wasn’t.” I sat up with my pillow propped against the headboard and rested my back on top. I leaned forward and grabbed her hand. “I shouldn’t have been so mean back then. I let my pride get in the way. I’m sorry.”
She turned her head to the side, trying to hide her embarrassment. “Why are you apologizing now? We’re past this. Silly.”
“Because you deserve it. You deserve to hear that you were right. About everything. About… him.”
She finally looked at me, slowly retracting her hand, but I held it tightly. I feared if I let go, she’d disappear for good. Something about her hollow gaze earlier left a sinking feeling in my chest. 
“If you’re going to apologize, then be specific.” She sounded exasperated and I wondered if I should’ve said nothing.
“I can sit here and blame Jimin for it all. Like how he kissed me, manipulated me into believing I enjoyed it. I can lie and say he’s the reason I didn’t believe you when I should’ve. But I won’t.”
“What’s your point?”
My voice started to crack as tears welled up in my eyes. “I’m a coward. I was scared. The sire bond ending terrified me. I thought you wouldn’t love me anymore, so maybe I pushed you away. Wanted to find an excuse to hate you, paint you like the villain you never were. I blamed you for things you didn’t do and I was wrong for it.”
No response. She only stared at our hands, so I intertwined my fingers with hers.  
“Please say something,” I begged.
“While I waited for you to wake up, I read Sunghyun’s notebook. He was in love…”
“With you?”
“No. With us. He always rooted for us to be together. In his notes, he put down how much we belong together.” I saw how she was taking in quick breaths to calm down as tears formed in her eyes. “I’m sorry to disappoint him.”
“What are you talking about?” 
She stared deep into my eyes, a grave expression on her face. “I’m leaving. Namjoon’s going to help me graduate early.”
“Well, where are you going? I’ll join you.” She shook her head before I finished my response. 
“No. Jungkook, I’m leaving everything. Everyone.”
I held our intertwined hands against my chest. “No. Take me with you. Please.” I kissed the back of her hand, trembling so much that I thought I’d throw up. 
“I can’t. I need to heal, I need space.”
“Then do it. I’ll give you all the space you need. Just don’t make this a goodbye.”
She pulled her hand away from me, using enough force so that I couldn’t stop her. She got up from her seat and turned her back towards me. Her fists tightened as her foot tapped the floor anxiously.
“I’m letting you go, so you can live your life. Just like I did for Taehyung.”
I’ve never moved so fast in my life. I scrambled to get out of bed, forcing her to turn around by gripping her shoulders.
“What is that supposed to mean? Isn’t Taehyung dead? Huh?” I shook her once to get her attention when she remained silent. “Answer me!”
“I gave him my blood.” 
Her words sent my emotions into overdrive. Anger, jealousy, confusion were all fighting for dominance. “What?! Why on earth would you do that? That bastard deserves to be six feet under for everything he’s done!”
She pried my hands off her shoulders like she was repulsed to be touched by me. “Because I could! I have the ability to heal him so how could I just let him die?! I didn’t want his death to be on my conscience!”
“It wouldn’t have been! He would’ve died anyway!” I placed my hands on my hips. “So what, he’s sired to you now? You know damn well he isn’t going to turn 100 times to break it.”
“What does it matter?”
“It matters a whole damn lot, [Y/N]. He’s won. He wanted you and now he’s got you. And what’s worse is that you don’t seem to mind,” I ran a hand down my face, forcing a laugh at the ridiculous situation, but I was truly dying inside. “He’s tried to kill me, he’s lied, he’s backstabbed you, he was obsessed over you. He—”
“Chose me,” she said, interrupting me. “Despite all of it, he’s chosen me time and time again. I let him live because I wanted him to know I chose him at least once.”
“Do you love him?” I sounded so pathetic, but I had to know. Her silence was eating me alive. “Answer me.”
“If Taehyung had died… I would’ve been destroyed. I couldn’t carry that burden of knowing I could’ve saved him. If anyone were to die by my hands, it should’ve been Jimin.” Her eyes darkened, but I could sense the fury within her. She appeared calm on the surface, which made her even scarier in my eyes as she told me the next part. “I’m not sure if you know this, but Ari took her and Jimin to a prison world.”
“No… I didn’t know,” I breathed. 
“So let me ask you this. If Jimin was here right now and I was about to kill him, would you let it happen?”
My arms slowly fell back down to my sides. My mouth was dry as I tried to form a response, but nothing came out. I felt heavy, anchored to the ground and immobilized by her question. Jimin deserved to die just like Taehyung did. I knew that. Why couldn’t I say anything?
“Do you love him?” she asked. 
“No.” I didn’t sound convincing, but I meant it. 
“See Jungkook? You say you don’t love Jimin, but you would save him too. Despite all he’s done. I can say I don’t love Taehyung, but I saved him anyway. Whether we want to admit it or not, we loved them in some capacity. Maybe not in the way they craved, but we did care for them.”
“Fine. You made your point. But what now, huh? Taehyung’s sired to you.”
She held her hand out in a stop motion. “I’m not finished talking. Taehyung’s… not sired to me. Not anymore.”
The relief that washed over me was overwhelming. “How?”
“I compelled him to forget about me.”
I didn’t need a sire bond to know what she was planning to do next. Fortunately, I was quicker than her and pinned her to the bed with my hand covering her eyes. 
“Please… please don’t do it,” My vision was blurry again with tears. “I know what you’re planning to do and I’m begging you to change your mind.”
She could easily overthrow me, but instead she reached her hand up to caress my face, smiling even though she couldn’t see me. “You know me so well…”
“Of course I do. After everything how could I not?” 
“Then you understand why I want to do it.”
“No. I don’t. Is this my punishment? Do you wish for me to suffer?”
“Not at all.”
“I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you if I have to. Please let me love you, please… I’m sorry.”
I was crying so much that a tear fell onto her cheek. She didn’t wipe it away and I leaned into her touch, kissing her palm once. 
“I want you to be able to live your life without being weighed down by me. The burden of everything, the trauma bonding—it’s not normal.”
“We’re not normal. Nothing about our lives is ever going to be normal. Maybe it’s not supposed to be.”
“You deserve a clean slate. To start over.”
“What’s the point if you’re not by my side?”
She sat up on the bed, but I didn’t remove my hand from her eyes. “I won’t erase everything. You’ll still remember me, but only as that girl that had a crush on you. How we sparred together sometimes. You won’t remember loving me.”
I gritted my teeth, wanting so badly to shout, but I knew I had to remain calm. It’s hard when you’re a blubbering mess though. “Erasing even a single memory of you is a crime. Each moment was a stepping stone that led me to you. There’s no point in compelling me to forget because my heart will yearn for you and only you.”
“Without your love, I’m nothing. So please… stay with me. Hold on for a while longer. Let’s heal together.”
She slowly took my hand off her eyes and I let it happen. Next thing I knew, she grabbed me by my shirt, kissing me fervently, so desperate like she was afraid I’d disappear. It was ironic because all I could think about was keeping her close in case she’d vanish first.
I never broke our kiss as I pushed her down onto the bed, my body on top of hers. The way we melded together was perfect. I was made to hold her, to love her, and I wanted to show it. We were both crying because I tasted the saltiness of her tears as I kissed her. 
There was no changing her mind. She knew it, I knew it. This was our goodbye kiss. So I prolonged it as best I could, caressing her face and kissing her deeper than before. 
Then it happened. She caught me by surprise and flipped us around, her body now on top. My eyes opened like a stupid fool and she put her face right in front of me. Another tear cascaded down as her pupils dilated. 
“You’re going to forget the fact you ever loved me. I’m just the girl who had a crush on you and trained with you, nothing more. I want you to live your life freely. If we ever cross paths again, don’t approach me. When I’m ready, I’ll come to you and you can decide then if you’ll have me. You’ll remember then. I love you, Jungkook.”
I blinked once, then twice, and my room was now empty. Sitting up, I wiped my tears away and reached my hand into my pocket. I pulled out a small, dried vervain flower and it burned when it came into contact with my skin. Compared to what I’ve been through, this pain was nothing. My moonlight had left me, fading away for good.
Until our next encounter.
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a/n: Again, thank you for reading Moonstruck!!! I cried while writing the ending, I hope I made you feel something too. I do have an AO3 if you'd rather show support over there. Much love! 🌙💗
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 3 months
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I Cherish You, Halcyon Days: vi
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“You’re gonna die, kid. In the worst way possible.”
tags: afab!reader (she/her), angst, slow burn
pairing: gojou x reader + onesided!getou x reader
summary: You’re 15 years old when you’re told you’re going to die. You’re 17 years old when you realize who your killer will be. And you’re 17 years old when you make peace with the fact you wouldn’t want it any other way.
index | previous chapter | next chapter
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"Need a pick me up?"
You open your eyes to see the youngest of your grade holding a cold bottle of green tea. "Oh, thanks," you grab the cool bottle from Suguru's hands gratefully. You had been sitting in the living room area on the couch when you started drifting off. Staying up for hours the past couple nights training with Gojou is a draining experience.
"It's not coffee but it has caffeine in it," he takes a seat next you, nestling against the arm on the opposite end of the couch. "Did you have trouble sleeping? When I got up to get water, it smelled like someone had been cooking. Was that you?"
Guilty as charged, you deny nothing. "Was up late bullshittin' and decided to chef it up in the kitchen," you shrug nonchalantly.
Your little training sessions with Gojou always go on longer than you originally planned. He's surprisingly strict and persistent nor does he really hold back with any comments on what you're doing wrong, but they're all fair assessments. So just as you did the first night this began, you cooked you both a late night dinner before skipping off to bed.
"Did you meet that Naoya guy, by the way?" The way Suguru's face twists into an annoyed grimace is enough of answer. I'm already coming up with comebacks for the next time I see him, I wasn't fully prepared the last time. "Yeah, can't believe Gojou wasn't just being overdramatic for once. Please kick that guy's ass if you get paired up in the individual battles." You wonder how it will go since there's an uneven number of combatants. Will it be 1v1 fights split between four of them or will it be an all out jumping with every Kyoto student fighting Suguru and Gojou all at once? You suppose you'll find out in a couple days. "Our legacy is on the line!"
The curse user chuckles, "I'll be sure to defend it fiercely," he vows poshly, bowing with a hand over his heart. "Should I fail, I'll gladly banish myself from your sight for all time."
Giggles slip from your lips with ease. Serious as Suguru looks, he's quite playful. It was something you appreciated during your first days at Jujutsu Tech when you came in a month later than the other first years.
Utahime was a doting senpai, Shoko was kind but respectful, Gojou was annoying and Suguru was helpful with an air of spiritedness. He didn't come at you with wave after wave of prodding questions about where you came from, why you were in Japan or even jokes about your technique the way Gojou did. Yet he was more forward than Shoko who was more content to let you do the reaching. Your transition into being integrated into the already established friend group in a way was thanks to Suguru. You were more grateful than you'd ever reveal.
"You know, if being a sorcerer doesn't work out for you, you should really consider a career in acting." Suguru only snorts at your comment. "I'm serious! I can see you reciting Shakespeare as we speak!"
Suguru rolls his eyes but it's good-natured, "as if a sorcerer would be satisfied in a normal career."
"You never know," you lean against the arm of the couch you're on with a grin. "Having backups might be a good idea! You just don't wanna admit I'm right that you have a flair for theatrics."
One of Suguru's eyebrows raises inquisitively, "what are your plans? After we graduate, I mean," he clarifies as quickly as he asks. "Even before you came to this school, I'm sure that's something you had to think about. Were you planning to go back to your home country after graduation?"
Your eyes dart to the corner of the room and you press your lips together, shoulders stiffening ever-so-slightly. You hope it isn't noticeable but perceptive as Suguru is, you know he can tell. "That's," you think of your mother and father and your uneasy upbringing. How your relationship improved after you moved out the house. It isn't like there'd be much of a problem now that I know what curses are. And even by the time I got to middle school, I got better at ignoring them. It would be different if you moved back in with them. "Something I'm still figuring out, I guess."
It isn't as if you never thought of your future. You knew inevitably that it was something you'd have to cross. You suppose you were just hoping to leave that problem for the [First] of the future to deal with. "I'm not really opposed to staying a sorcerer," you continue truthfully. "But I'm not really sure how the jujutsu scene works in my country. We probably don't have an organized force of jujutsu sorcerers like Japan, maybe I could start one."
Suguru mulls over his next question thoughtfully as if he is unsure he even wants to ask. "Why did you come to Japan, if you don't mind me asking."
You mull over if that's something you want to answer yourself, "well-"
"What are you two talking about over here?" Saved by a bell cosplaying as a lanky, nearly 190 cm teenager with white hair who wears sunglasses indoors. Gojou yawns as he approaches the couch you and Suguru are sitting on, he reaches a hand out almost expectantly to your green tea. You open the bottle, taking another swig before you hand it over before Gojou takes a large gulp himself. One that is literally more than half of the bottle.
"Most of that is mine, Gojou," you remind him a sharp look but there's no real bark or bite in your words, you're too tired.
Gojou shrugs, lips still resting on the neck and finish of the bottle, "I'll get you another one," he mumbles nearly incoherently, drinking the rest without a care in the world.
He's lucky you're more amenable to his morning shenanigans because he's been helping you the past couple nights. "Whatever, just put it in the fridge after you buy it."
"Looks like I jinxed you after all," Suguru chuckles to your right and you groan because he's probably right.
"I'm fighting your jinx with all my might," you mutter back. Apparently, once indulging Gojou becomes habit, it's hard to stop. Or is it a bit much to say you indulge Gojou if the most you really do is share food and drink? You're too tired to consider the nuances in this particular moment.
"What jinx?" Gojou cocks his head to the side.
"Nothing," you yawn again. "It's the nunya jinx where if Gojou asks too many questions, I stop sharing all my snacks with him." It's satisfying to see how both boy looks at you in confusion when you speak in your native tongue. As much of a disadvantage you were put in when you first came to Japan because of it, it's become a nice little source of privacy among your peers that don't know the language. A pocket of something you can keep to yourself. "Anyway, it's just a little inside joke between the non-sorcerer family hailing kids on the block," you wink at Suguru and he closes his eyes with a small smile.
The still-cold bottom of what was once your green tea is placed against your forehead in retribution.
Maybe you won't cook for Gojou tonight.
[Today, 14:43]
Shoko: The Kyoto Tech kids passed us up heading to the training area. Naoya is with them. Have fun with that www.
Me: ^o^ don't worry I won't~
It's a day before the Sister Exchange event truly begins when you see the Kyoto Tech students again.
There's only one training outdoor training facility at this school and so, if you all happen to use it at the same time, there isn't much that can be done about it.
You can see why Utahime listed Kamo Ririka as a person of interest, she's gorgeous. You pointedly ignore your friend sputtering that is not why Ririka had been mentioned in favor of focusing on her pastel pink hair. "I only mentioned her at all because you wanted to know about the Kamo students at Kyoto Tech!"
She whispers furiously in your ear, you personally think the dust of pink on Utahime's cheeks still lean favorably towards your theory. Me thinks the lady doth protest too much, you puff your cheeks in coyly. That only serves to make Utahime press her fingers against them to release the air stored in them. "Also, the person you mentioned before with the green streak in his hair," you spot the very lad yourself. "That's Kumatetsu, he's a second year like you."
"Thank you, Utahime, I appreciate your knowledge."
"I could have told you that," Gojou shrugs.
Your side eye is directs to the boy as quick as ever, "you said you didn't even talk to these guys much last year, how am I supposed to know what you know?"
Four of your seven peers are absent from this coincidental gathering. Haibara and Nanami are on some sort of spur of the moment mission and will be back later in the evening. Shoko and Suguru went on a quest to get drinks from the vending machine. As for Mei Mei, she didn't care for training for an event she wouldn't be part of.
Gojou sticks his tongue at you and you return the favor. "Naoya, looking horrid as ever, I see," Gojou waves at the first year with so much mock enthusiasm, you might have thought he was being genuine when he sauntered over to the Zenin. "I'm not good at holding back so if you go home now, I promise to be nice the next time I see you."
Utahime scowls, "Gojou, they just got here-"
"Eager for my attention I see," Utahime's attempt to stop feathers from being ruffled is futile as Naoya welcomes the jabs with his own. As far as you're concerned, Gojou can rile the Zenin boy up all he wants. "Had I known that, I would have done my best to say hi the other day if I hadn't been interrupted."
You snort as you thumb out a text to Shoko that the Kyoto students have arrived. That she and Suguru should probably prepare for the training grounds to be in shambles when they return. And that if a fight starts between Gojou and the mustard-haired first year, you won't be stopping it.
Me: Hell I'll jump in and help!
Shoko: Getou says he would you not get into a fight but if you do, punch Naoya for him if he doesn't make it back in time.
"Even Icarus had to learn a lesson about flying too close to the sun. I look forward to the day the Six Eyes is humbled and brought back down to earth with the rest of us," you thumb halts over your keyboard, glancing at where Gojou and Naoya presently stand. It irks you at how easily Naoya says it, clearly accustomed to using it. "Hopefully it'll be me. But honestly, why wait for tomorrow when we can see what happens today, Si-"
"He has a name," you close your silver Nokia flip, slipping it into your pocket. You feel the buzz of a message coming through but you choose to ignore it in favor scratching the dark irritating itch growing in your stomach.
"Excuse me?" Two heads look at you at your interjection. Naoya who looks at you like you're an insect large enough to garner attention, and Gojou who tilts his head at you curiously.
"A name," you repeat yourself, setting a hand on your hip as you glare back into amber eyes. They just barely look at you with anything other than cold indifference. "Gojou has one. I call you Whiney the Poo and Bitch Baby in my head all the time and I still manage to call you Zenin Naoya out loud so stop calling him that."
"And what happens if I keep doing it in, senpai?" Never before have you wanted to punch someone this badly. Never and you live with Gojou Satoru, the menace of Tokyo's Jujutsu Tech.
"You wanna say the shit again and find out?" Matter of fact, you want Naoya to say it. You take a step forward, all too eager to put the arrogant first year in his place. "You know what, go ahead. Make my day. Say the shit again and see what happens to your ass."
"Okay," Utahime's hand grips your shoulder tightly before you can take another step. "I think we should just train on that side of the training grounds," she points feverishly to the opposite side of the track field that is considerably further than where the Kyoto students have settled.
The Kyoto second year from the other day ー Kumatetsu, if you remember correctly ー places his own arm in front of the aggravating first year. Pretty third year Ririka sighs in equal parts, dark green eyes darkening as she watches the scene unfolding in front of her. "Yeah, that would be nice, there's just so much space here to train," he agrees with Utahime with swift ease. "Why just bundle up in one little corner here, right?"
"Nah, he can move if he wants to though," you snap in Naoya's direction, nodding your chin to where Utahime's finger leads. "Take your first year before I embarrass his ass in front of everybody."
"No no, there doesn't need to be any fighting," Kumatetsu replies with a frantic but annoyed smiled. "We don't want any problems, we're all allies here. We don't want to fight." As if sensing the mustard-haired first year was about to open his mouth and deny that claim, Kumatetsu covers it with without even blinking. "Ignore him, he doesn't want to fight."
"Yeah, I wouldn't wanna fight me either," you roll your eyes. When you see that particular comment grinds Naoya's gears more than anything, you decide to give yourself the win. Bitch Baby 0, [First] 1, you nod to yourself as Naoya is unceremoniously dragged to the rest of his Kyoto peers in a tight headlock away from you and infinitely further from your tallest classmate.
You tap Utahime's hand lightly. "It's fine, I'm not gonna run over and drop kick him if you let me go." Utahime doesn't look like she entirely believes you and you can't really blame her in this moment. You don't think you've ever been that mad before, not in front of these particular classmates at least. When was the last time I got like this actually, you struggle to sort your thoughts as you try to calm yourself down. Right, right, that time with Takuya and his hair.
Takuya, your old crush from your first and second years of middle school. A core member of your friend group with Chinatsu and Tooru until he moved away after the end of second year. I wonder how he's doing, we haven't heard from him in forever. He was a kind boy, a real sweetheart, that's why you liked him so much. His eyes were as black as the night but your favorite thing about him was his hair. You became friends because of it, actually. His dark red hair was long and almost always kept in a braid.
Then some asshole tried cutting it. That was the first and only school brawl you got into in your entire life, skirt on and all. Thank you, Auntie Chiharu, for not grounding me for punching that guy first.
To think the next time you'd get so angry would be for Gojou's sake.
What has this world come to?
"We're going this way," Utahime tells you firmly, upperclassman voice front and center.
"Fine," you sigh. This motherfucker pissing me off, you glare in Naoya's direction one more time. I haven't cussed like this since my Sakuragi Middle days. Your eyes catch Gojou's shades before you turn, his expression unreadable. Partially because half of his face is obscured, partially because the bottom half of his face gives no clues as to what he might be thinking.
Ugh, he has me over here defending Gojou of all people. This might be more unforgivable than Naoya's presence being generally unpleasant. Your glare narrows with a click of your tongue but you smooth out your face since Gojou is who you're looking at. It isn't like Gojou is the one you're mad at. The same rules from before applies. No one messes with one of us except for us. And even then, there are lines that shouldn't be crossed. You turn to follow Utahime begrudgingly to where she is briskly walking to. When you feel the unmistakable shape of an arm draping across your shoulders, you groan, "Gojou don't start."
Unfortunately, the menace of your class is already snickering much to your chagrin. "Oh [First], you do care!" Gojou swoons, leaning against you as if he's a damsel. "I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it myself!"
"I did not do that because I like you," you deny uselessly, knowing it won't matter what you say. "We just have a temporary We Hate Gojou Alliance truce going on right now. The We Hate Zenin Naoya Alliance takes precedence over any of your shenanigans during this time period." Utahime doesn't argue against it, so perhaps there really is a truce going on with Gojou.
"You know, the more you say that, the more I'm convinced that you're secretly the president of my fan club," Gojou all but beams. Maybe it's you but he seems slightly more obnoxious than normal and you decide that's likely a good thing in this particular instance. "You can be honest."
You huff but you don't move to immediately shove his heavy ass off of you. He didn't look like he was particularly bothered by Naoya's nasty comments, but you didn't want to assume when you spoke up. Well as long as he's in a good mood, I guess that's all that matters. "Yeah, yeah, you caught me," you decide to indulge the boy only two days older than you. "Number 1 Gojou Satoru fan right here, don't tell Utahime."
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Here you go, chapter 6 prime for the reading and a day away from the Sister Exchange Event taking place. Y'all are getting this a day early because I have something to do all day this Friday and I'm not sure if I'd be able to get up then at a proper time.
Anyways, Reader is appalled. Naoya's got you out here defending Gojou's honor and shit, you need to rethink your priorities in life. But at least you can confidently say that you'll call Naoya out on his shit whenever the opportunity presents itself time and time again. Turn us up, Whiney the Poo.
See y'all next week.
Likes and Reblogs appreciated.
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twinanimatronics · 6 months
(I'm going to treat Eclipse as a 3rd dude rather than Sun and Moon merged for clarity.) If the Daycare Attendant really is meant to be a Theater Attendant, with Sun being the "hero" and Moon being the "villain," that raises the question what role Eclipse is supposed to play. He doesn't really have a clear position as a character in a play, nowhere near as clear as Sun and Moon. Someone mentioned that Eclipse's behavior towards Cassidy was like a worker finding a kid in the employee-only area and gently and quickly escorting the kid out. I suggest then that Eclipse's role in the theater was a stagehand. He's not the one who is supposed to be performing - that job goes to Sun and Moon. It's possible that Eclipse was more active than either Sun or Moon back in the theater, because Eclipse the Stagehand would probably be in use whenever a play wasn't happening, setting up and preparing the next show, meaning that Sun and Moon weren't meant to be active most of the time. Cue the Daycare. Now the former Theater Attendant is effectively meant to be on show 24/7. The kids (and the merchandise) only knew Sun and Moon, since they performed, so Eclipse was shelved. The problem is that Sun and Moon were designed to be in conflict with each other, being hero and villain and all that, and now there's no curtain dropping or whatever to signal them to stop fighting. Eclipse was basically the Attendant in "truce" mode, since Eclipse was outside of the hero/villain dynamic, where Sun and Moon weren't required to quarrel. Plus, Sun and Moon were probably not intended to be "on-stage" and "performing" nonstop, so the lack of downtime as Eclipse strains both of them. Moon was made to be the villain, so of course he's going to be a menace to the workers and probably most of the toddlers. He's meant to be the bad guy. Sun is meant to the be the hero, the good guy, who opposes Moon, so he does, but, naturally, this puts Moon in a very bad spot, where Sun is very much what Fazcorp. and most people want from the now Daycare Attendant and Moon is not. Therefore, Moon gets shelved. Now it's supposed to be just Sun, but Moon won't allow that like Eclipse did. Moon is a villain, so he persists, because that is what good villains do. Fazcorp. can't stop him. In terms of opposition (the thing that all villains need to be villains), Sun is still there, but now Moon gets to fight Fazcorp. and its workers. He's also free from the physical stage and can now torment customers. Him and Sun may have tried teaming up to do their new job, but it is in neither of their natures to cooperate for long periods of time (Sun probably could cooperate for a long time, but Moon was born to eventually betray him, usually at a climatic moment, as would be appropriate for a play). So Sun and Moon continue to fight, with Fazcorp. throwing wrenches into things and making things harder than they need to be for the duo. Out of all of the daycare games mentioned, none of them include playing pretend for some reason. One would think that the Daycare Attendant would be a natural at it. Maybe there was an accident that got covered up or something (expecting toddlers to follow a script or play a role particularly well is not a realistic expectation and Sun does not seem conformable with improv). Maybe Sun or Moon would only play pretend out of all of the Fazcorp.-approved games if playing pretend was allowed. Maybe Fazcorp. forgot to include it at all. In any case, there doesn't seem to be an situation where Sun and Moon are allowed to quarrel in a controlled, natural manner, and the tension within and between them just keep adding up with no allowed time "off-stage". Cue what the papers call the Earthquake. A bunch of lights get broken. Moon gets the upper-hand on Sun and banishes him into a nap. The story, however, keeps on going on. The curtains don't close; Moon isn't taken away from the stage. The show continues without an audience. Moon remains still the villain, but now he has no real opposition. He has no real purpose anymore. Maybe he can yell at Sun in his head, but Sun cannot be a real threat anymore. The need to have significant conflict might be why he left 2 of the generators in working condition in the first place. He needs a "hero" to fight him. He even seems to intentionally get into the light of the generators when Cassidy starts turning them on. Moon struggles, but he makes no real move to escape the light. Perhaps Sun, valiantly holding Moon in place, is putting up the hardest fight in months, and Moon is enjoying too much feeling like villain again pushing Sun down to end the conflict right away. Perhaps Cassidy's performance in the Daycare was a little show that Moon (maybe with Sun's help) set up. Yeah, the shifting mechanisms in the Daycare Attendant's head might be broken, but that just adds to the theatrics. Perhaps still is that Sun and Moon did reach an agreement after all. They agreed to finally end the endless performance that neither of them were meant for and bring back Eclipse for some "off-stage" time since the Daycare is probably down for good and there's no audience anyway. Sun would be the hero in distress, and Moon would be the evil villain trapping Sun into an eternal nap. Sun would call for the protagonist (a worker, or, as things worked out, Cassidy) to reset the Attendant for some noble cause (making them whole again). Then the protagonist would turn on 2 generators, no more and no less, and "disable" Moon as Sun heroically "holds" him off. The protagonist would then reset the Attendant, defeating Moon and ending the show. Deviating from the script will not be allowed, probably because Moon doesn't care for improv either.
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animeloverskylarmoon · 3 months
Yumichika Ayasegawa (Bleach)- Oneshot
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You weren't certain how it happened.
Ichigo warned you that he had some crazy friends. Usually you just pretended that they weren't there. With two jobs, you really didn't have the energy to be worrying about crazies in old fashioned robes.
That's why you tried your best to get rid of him. But he just kept coming back.
Like a parasite.
"If you'd like I can give you some tips. Your hair is a mess."
An irk mark appeared on your forehead at the few of many insults that this annoying reaper had directed at you.
Screaming in the middle of the street at a man only you could see probably wasn't doing you any favors. You huff, storming off.
"I'm just trying to help."
He jumped down from his once elevated position, landing right beside you as he walked in step.
"Why are you here anyway? Aren't you reapers supposed to be guards or something? You're pretty casual for someone on a mission." You grumble.
"Things have quieted down since the war. Our head captain just wants to make sure it stays that way."
You nod.
The war.
It's crazy how casual they always speak about those things. While you could see spirits, your fighting ability wasn't anything to brag about. Surely not to be of any use in a war. A part of you felt it. When the war started. You hadn't seen Yumichika or Ikkaku for a while. When they finally popped up to freeload in your home, you acted pissed, but truthfully you were relieved. Because you knew lives were lost.
"Is it scary, fighting all the time?"
That question was presented a bit quietly and Yumichika glanced at you. He could see your hesitance to even propose the question. Sometimes he needed to remind himself that you weren't a fighter like them.
"War is war. Fear is just a reaction to the unknown. I'm not sure if there's a word I can use to truly describe it."
The very serious response was not what you expected.
"However beautiful beings like me don't have to worry about such things."
He then persisted to pose in which you just walked away.
"Hey wait up!!"
Yep, that's how a lot of your encounters went. As agitating as he was at times, you enjoyed his company. You also appreciated him checking in on you every now and then.
"Geez, I'm exhausted."
You dropped onto the couch, not even kicking off your shoes. Yumichika smiled.
"Did you overdo it today? Your wrinkles seem more visible than usual."
"Don't make me end you."
Yumichika laughed nervously at the threat, and you just sighed, lifting your hand as you stared at it.
"Things like beauty, it isn't made for people like me. Just the thought of all that cutesy stuff is exhausting."
Although you say that, you haven't completely banished the prospect of dressing up and going on dates. It was just hard. Most guys wanted a girl to dress up and act a certain way. You did like dressing up every once in a while, but you couldn't see yourself changing your entire wardrobe just to appeal to a guy. You liked baggy clothes and cool sneakers.
Yumichika's eyes are trained on your form.
"Is there a human that you're interested in that you would be willing to do that for?"
You fully expect him to be wearing some kind of mocking expression or follow that up with another poke at your attire, but when you move your hand, that's not what you read at all. Your cheeks tint red at how intensely he's looking at you. It's not often that he's stoic.
You jump upright, bashful.
"What the hell are you talking about! A-As if I would be!"
You don't know why you're getting so defensive. It's not like he accused you of anything. You rise, heading for the kitchen.
"I-I'm going to make food!!"
Marching off stiffly, Yumichika watches you with a small smile.
He'll admit that your meeting wasn't exactly under the best circumstances.
He'd been in Karakura to help up with the increase of hollow activity. 
Back when Aizen was still gathering his army. Ikkaku and Matsumoto had taken one section and he'd planned to cover the next.
Ichigo's call pulled his focus and he was stunned to see Ichigo carrying a woman in his arms.
"She's hurt, I need you to get her back to Urahara-san."
Yumichika didn't need much more instruction. From the worried look, this was clearly someone Ichigo knew. He handed you over, but your hand gripped Ichigo's robes and they both froze.
For a moment they both took notice of the fear in your eyes. Ichigo offered the best smile he could muster.
"I'll be fine."
You were hesitant, but you finally released him. He gave one last reassuring look before he disappeared. Yumichika didn't waste any time. He took off himself, glancing down to ensure you were still conscious. Your eyes seemed distant. Your body was covered in bruises. What he could assume was a hollow attack.
"Please..promise me that you'll look after Ichigo. H-He's all I have left.."
Your words were solemn, and Yumichika was the last one to make such a promise. But watching you so helpless, it did something to him.
"I have his back."
At the time, that seemed like the right thing.
It helped you.
When Yumichika got closer to you, it was mostly as a source of entertainment. You were around all the time it seemed and you always had the best reactions whenever he flaunted his beauty. The more he saw you, the more he felt protective. The frequent trips to Karakura were welcomed whenever they had a mission. He was able to do his job and see you. The longer he was around, the more he learned.
Like your relationship with Ichigo.
What he initially assumed as romantic love was just a brotherly bond you'd formed when he saved you from a river as a kid. 
A detail he felt comforted that you openly told him.
"How come you always drop by just to piss me off."
You looked angry, and Yumichika had to admit it was cute. He'd never tell you, but sometimes he just loved to jab to get a reaction.
"I was merely saying you may never get to my standard of beauty, but you're still exceptional in your own way."
"Why does that sound like a compliment and an insult all wrapped in one!!" You fire back.
Yumichika laughed from his position on the roof and you just folded your arms, turning your head in the opposite direction. Nights like this were nice to just sit and watch the stars.
Considering that Yumichika could literally fly, you knew such a view wasn't anything extraordinary to him. It was still nice that he decided to entertain you.
"If I'm so beneath your level then why waste your time."
It was just an angry little ramble, but Yumichika turned. He could tell that you weren't truly upset. But he realized then that you may not actually know how he sees you.
"If I really thought you weren't worth my time I wouldn't even look at you."
The statement makes you turn, and you swallow. Because he's wearing that expression again. Soft and a bit paralyzing in a fluffy sort of way.
"I've made it a rule of mine never to look upon ugly things. What I see before me is quite beautiful."
Your eyes widen at those words. The heat crawls up your cheeks before you can stop it.
"Y-You're just messing with me again!" You point at him accusingly.
He smiles, and it does something to you. When he moves closer, he takes hold of your hand, and it lowers slowly into your lap. 
You're in awe.
"Not so feisty anymore, are you?"
The confident smile on his face is disarming. Especially with the lack of space. You clench your hand into your lap.
"W-What are you doing Yumichika.."
It's almost a whisper. It's when his hand cups your cheek that you feel your heart hammer.
"I thought I was clear, I'm claiming something very beautiful."
His lips descend on your own and you clench your eyes shut. You can't believe you let someone like Yumichika mess with you. Much less kiss you. Although you can't deny that it feels really good. His lips feel so soft, and you've never realized just how good he smells. You feel his hand shift from your lap, sliding over your waist as he pulls you closer. Your blush darkens and he deepens the kiss. At this point you're just barely able to think, much less do much but reciprocate shyly. When his tongue brushes against our own, you pull away with a gasp, covering your lips.
Yumichika licks his own lips.
"W-What was that!"
"That was a kiss, would you like another?"
"N-No you sneaky pervert!!"
In all honesty, you're not sure your brain will be able to function properly if he kisses you again. Your protests are merely to save face. 
This is embarrassing to say the least.
You don't expect it when he picks you up. Letting out a soft squeak, you grip at his robes.
"What the heck are you doing!!"
"I already told you."
He says nothing more, just flash steps into the house.
"W-Wait I'm not prepared!! K-KYA!!!"
It looks like you never had anything to worry about.
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flovvrish · 2 years
anyway, imagine if alhaitham had an academic rival (you) during his academy days, but one day you suddenly disappeared. the akademiya blamed it on a freak accident during an expedition, but what actually happened was that you were banished from the akademiya due to you discovering the questionable research that was being conducted from behind the scenes. one of their projects was a portal connecting them to the abyss and to test it out they threw you in never to be seen again.
years later (sometime before act I in sumeru) you’d returned through a stroke of luck, paired with your willpower and persistence. you swore you’d overthrow the current akademiya establishment and reform it. from here on you basically you help out traveler & the sumeru gang but they have no idea of your true identity (save for nilou bcs she’s like your bestie and took care of you after your return, learning your story and everything because you just needed someone to confide in)
all the while you’re secretly pining for alhaitham while he’s just wondering why your presence feels so familiar.
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mimble-sparklepudding · 3 months
A Little OC Ask List of Difficult to Describe Emotions.
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Some emotions are difficult to explain clearly. Perhaps your OC has experienced one of these? Can they remember a specific example? If they haven't then can they imagine what it might be like to experience?
Sonder: The profound feeling of realizing that everyone, including strangers passing in the street, has a life as complex as one's own, which they are constantly living despite one's personal lack of awareness of it.
Opia: The ambiguous intensity of looking someone in the eye, which can feel simultaneously invasive and vulnerable.
Kenopsia: The eerie, forlorn atmosphere of a place that's usually bustling with people but is now abandoned and quiet.
Monachopsis: The subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place.
Jouska: A hypothetical conversation you compulsively play out in your head.
Altschmerz: Weariness with the same old issues that you've always had - the same flaws and weaknesses that you've been gnawing on continuously for years.
Greng Jai: A feeling of unwillingess to accept help from someone, out of concern for the trouble it might cause them.
Liberosis: The desire to care less about things than one does.
Dolce Far Niente: A feeling of pleasure from doing absolutely nothing.
Mauerbauertraurigkeit: The inexplicable urge to push other people away, even close friends, lovers or those that you trust.
Enouement: The bittersweetness of having arrived in what was once the future, seeing how things turned out, but being unable to tell (or warn) your past self.
Kuebiko: A state of exhaustion inspired by exposure to acts of senseless violence.
Exulansis: The urge to give up trying to talk about an experience, because other people are unable to relate to it.
Adronitis: Frustration with how long it takes to get to know another person.
Attriage: The state of having lost all control over how you feel about someone.
Wildred: The feeling of haunting solitude in extremely remote places.
Mudita: A feeling of joy at another person's good fortune.
Aulasy: The sadness that there’s no way to convey a powerful memory to people who weren’t there at the time.
Ioia: The wish that you could see statistics overlaid on every person you encounter, perhaps to check the strength of their compatibility, measure their trustworthiness, or even just know for certain how they’re really feeling.
Yeorie: A certain scent that has the power to sweep you back into memories of childhood.
Thrapt: Being awed at the impact someone has had on your life, feeling intimidated by how profoundly they helped shape your identity.
Dolonia: A state of unease prompted by people who seem to like you too much, which makes you wonder if they must have you confused with someone else — and feeling vaguely disappointed that they’re unwilling to spend the time it takes getting to know the real you.
Antiophobia: A fear experienced while leaving a loved one, wondering if this will turn out to be the last time you’ll ever see them, and whatever good-bye you tossed their way might have to serve as your final farewell.
Harmonoia: An itchy sense of dread when life feels just a hint too peaceful.
Dolorifuge: Something which brings about a feeling which banishes or mitigates grief.
Compunctious: Feeling remorse or regret, but wishing to avoid actually apologising.
Callosity: A lack of feeling or capacity for emotion.
Mimeomia: The frustration of knowing how easily you fit into a stereotype, even if you never intended to do so.
Pronoia: A strange, creeping feeling that everyone’s out to help you...
Awumbuk: A feeling of emptiness or heaviness after someone else departs.
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lilia and uncle iroh
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“Leaves from the vine, falling so slow… Like fragile, tiny shells drifting in the foam. Little soldier boy comes marching home… Brave soldier boy comes marching home.”
Lately, I’ve been thinking about how similar Lilia and Iroh’s character development is 🤔 At a surface level, they’re both the wise mentor types that guide their somewhat misguided or naive pupils—but the parallels run even deeper than that!! I wanted to go over those in this post; maybe it would help us appreciate how far Lilia has come on his own merits ever since his war general days.
***Spoilers for book 7 of TWST and Avatar the Last Airbender (only the animated series, not other ATLA materials)!!***
To begin, let's set the stage for the character we'll be comparing Lilia to: Iroh. The show Avatar the Last Airbender takes place in a heavily Asian inspired world where some have the ability to bend an element: earth, water, fire, or air. At present, the Fire Nation has been waging a 100 years long war on the other nations in an imperialistic bid for power. Iroh, while presented as a kind and peaceful old man in modern day, was once a leading general for the Fire Nation. He was an active warmonger and, as the eldest son of the Fire Lord, set to inherit the throne, and the legacy of bloodshed and violence that came with it. Notably, even during his days as a general, Iroh still came off as mild-mannered and had a sense of humor (joking about how magnificent Ba Sing Se is, but saying that his niece and nephew may not get to see it because he might just burn it to the ground first). Iroh is also characterized as being more kind and forgiving than his younger brother Ozai, as he lied about slaying the last dragons to allow them to go into hiding and prevent people from hunting them into extinction. His personality still persists during all of this time. The event that would shake Iroh's life and serve as the impetus for turning his back on the war efforts was at the siege of Ba Sing Se, a city known for its impenetrable walls. There, Iroh managed to breech the Outer Wall and fully intended to finally conquer the city thought to be unconquerable--until he tragically lost his one and only son, Lu Ten, on the front lines. This destroyed Iroh's fighting spirit, causing him to abandon the siege and branding him a failure and a coward in the eyes of his family members.
When Iroh's father passed away under mysterious circumstances, it was his younger brother Ozai who was named as the successor. Iroh had lost the will to fight for his birthright, as he was still grieving for his son. Instead, a disillusioned Iroh left his role in the military and politics to embark on a worldly journey, visiting multiple other nations and learning from their unique cultures. At first, he was filled with great shame at his "failure" to become the Fire Lord--but with time, Iroh realized that avoiding his ascension to the throne was actually a stroke of good fortune. He turned away from the aggression and imperialism of his home country and began seeing the value in peace and balance in all things. Later on, Iroh would serve as a vital mentor and father figure to his nephew and Ozai's son, Zuko, who was banished from home and sent to capture the one person who could stop their victory in the war: the Avatar. Having been disgraced and practically renounced by his own father, Zuko had very few people left to turn to. It was his Uncle Iroh who accepted him with open arms and tried to support him through these difficult times. On their hunt, Zuko is very clearly still in a dark place, constantly insisting that he "needs to capture the Avatar" and that he needs to "regain his honor". Meanwhile, Iroh does what he can to calm his nephew and pass on wise words, extoling the virtues of peace and recognizing the importance of other nations. He urges Zuko to seek inner peace and to determine his own destiny, rather than act out a destiny that someone else has decided for him. We later learn that Iroh sees Zuko as his own son ever since he lost Lu Ten to the war, and we see this compassion and care similarly reflected in how he treats everyone around him. Rarely does Iroh ever express anger or hatred, not even when faced with men intent on harming him. One notable example of this is when a robber demands all of his money, and all Iroh does is disarm him and correct his weak stance. They then sit down, have tea, and talk about the robber's future prospects. This segment infamously comes from Iroh's segment in the episode Tales of Ba Sing Se, in which he's living in the city he once laid siege to as a refugee of war. In it, Iroh goes about his day giving helpful advice to the various people he comes across. This all culminates in the penultimate moment where he scales a hill outside the city and prepares a memorial in honor of Lu Ten. "Happy birthday, my son. If only I could have helped you too." These lines completely recontexualize everything Iroh has been doing up until this point in the series. Literally everything he does and says comes, in part, from the guilt he feels for the part he played in the war and the countless people scarred by it, including himself and his own family. He saw it happen to Lu Ten, and he fears it happening to Zuko and the numerous others touched by the horrors of war. After all, war and hatred do not discriminate. Everyone is affected by it, and Iroh is now wise enough to understand that and to wish for no one to go down the same dark path he once was. ... But hey, this is mostly meant to be a Twisted Wonderland post, so let's finally get to how any of this is relevant to Lilia.
Like Iroh, Lilia was a general to his country's military during a war. In Lilia's case, they were on the losing side, as fae were greatly outnumbered by humans and repulsed by the iron human soldiers wore in combat. The fae weren't the aggressors, but rather people who were trying to defend their territory and resources from invading humans who were tearing apart nature. From what we've observed of him in his book 7 dreamscape, the Lilia of the past is different from what we know now. He maintains his teasing humor and love of surprises, but comes off as gruff and closed off, acting suspicious of others and rejects the idea of wanting or having children. Most shockingly of all though, Lilia states that he has no interest in going to Night Raven College or really engaging with other races. This is a huge departure from modern day Lilia, who encourages his dorm members (most notably Malleus and Sebek) to go out of their comfort zones and to make efforts to understand their peers. He is also known for instilling in Silver a desire to unite people of all races (something which Silver explains to the pixies in Fairy Gala: If). Lilia even uses his wish during the Star Sending to wish for a peaceful world where everyone can live in harmony. He made LARGE strides in his worldview in the hundreds of years between then and now. It's important to note that Lilia often travels and talks about how much the world has changed. This, I assume, would lend to his knowledge and acceptance of many different races and cultures, similar to how Iroh's travels imparted knowledge and appreciation in him. Given how abrasive Lilia was during the war era (plus his refusal to consider other races), I'd surmise his travels started after the war ended.
All that's missing now is the impetus for Lilia's change in behavior: the Lu Ten to Iroh, so to speak. For Lilia, I think it's actually a compounding of many factors: firstly, his best friend (and Malleus's father) Levan, the messenger sent to an enemy fortress goes missing. Secondly, we can infer that his princess Meleanor (and Malleus's mother) must have been killed by humans (as Malleus says in modern day that his only living relative is his mother, and we are currently on a book 7 cliffhanger knowing that humans have ambushed the castle where she is staying)... leaving Lilia to pick up the pieces of a war-ravaged country and with an egg that has yet to hatch. I think it’s safe to say though that Lilia probably felt immense guilt at Malleus, still unborn, having to be raised without parents, by someone who doesn’t understand parental love himself—and perhaps Lilia took up that mantle to atone for being unable to protect them. It was also, after all, Meleanor’s wish that Lilia protect her son and ensure he hatch in her stead if something horrible befell her. Maybe, in another way, you could say that Lilia eventually wants to avoid war so that no one has to suffer such cruel, unnecessary loss as Malleus, Silver, or he did ever again.
Then we also learn that Lilia started raising Silver because he wishes to understand humans—a sentiment that Levan expressed to his friend. It was also Levan that kept the NRC invitation letter safe for Lilia, an implication to reconsider. And so Lilia willingly raises child of a sworn enemy, the Dawn Knight. We see how Silver in particular softens Lilia and changes his worldview and, most notably, Silver so innocently wished his father good health with an acorn amulet. That amulet would become Lilia’s most prized possession, and he kept it all these years later despite the acorns losing their freshness. It’s in raising Silver that Lilia recognizes and learns to appreciate the fragility that is human life and hardens his resolve to defend what he once deemed relatively unimportant.
In Lilia's case, his impetus comes from the guilt of not being there at the crucial moment to protect his sovereign--and later down the line, from the disillusionment of knowing that he had a part in escalating the conflict that would ultimately harm humans and fae alike. This may be whey he so readily adopts a policy of peace and acceptance of other races when we see in at NRC. Not only that, but it was the first person he lost, Levan, that encouraged Lilia to open his heart to other races. His enlightening travels, his experiences with raising children who are innocent and rely on him for survival, and the guilt setting in all feed into Lilia's change of heart, his desire to not see history repeat itself, and his vision of world peace. That's why he's so keen to instill these same values into those he mentors: because he knows that, someday, he won't be here anymore to spread them. While he's still around, he wants Malleus, Sebek, and Silver to carry on his legacy, to make his dream a reality.
Truthfully, Lilia could have easily gotten mad. He could have closed himself off. He could have become hateful and sought revenge. He could have blamed humans for what they took from him. It speaks immensely to his strength as an individual that he didn't, and that he instead learned from his mistakes to ensure they don't happen again. Lilia still very much has pride in his home country and its royal family. However, the difference now is that he has opened himself up to other sources, seeing that there is something wonderful in every corner and facet of the world.
Both Iroh and Lilia are wise, loving mentor characters who have developed in their own ways far before the main show/story events begin to pan out. One might even argue their development is "already finished" long before the other characters even start on theirs, which puts them in a good position to lead others. Age grants them the edge of knowledge and being able to impart that onto the younger generation, not only to avoid imminent disaster, but to create a better world for all.
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imagines--galore · 1 year
20 (reader being the one dying), loki laufeyson, sfw (smut/lemon/lime wise)
Summary: It was supposed to be a simple mission. So how had it all gone so wrong? Pairing: Loki x Reader Rating || Genres || Warnings: T+. Romance. Angst. Hurt/Comfort. Mention of blood and near death so be warned folks. A/N: YAS! Finally! I Loki prompt! Thank you for sending it in! Also can someone say absolute devastation :3
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"All clear on my end." You spoke into the comm as you gave one final cursory glance around the room before exiting. "All is well here." His voice sounded in your ear as well as from next to you. You looked up to where Loki was exited the room next to the one you had been checking. He fell into step beside you as you heard Natasha reply on the other end.
"Everything looks good from here." Natasha said from where she was monitoring from the jet. "Alright, you two head on back. I'll call Cap and tell him this mission was a bust. Probably a false lead." With that the comm went silent.
"So, how does it feel? Being in the field as an Avenger?" You asked your partner, prompting him to glance at you form the corner of his eyes, before turning his gaze to the front once more. "So long as I do not have to wear the symbol I shall be fine." He as talking about the Avengers Symbol you had very recently added to your uniform. You were proud of your status as an Avenger. It meant you were a symbol of hope for those who were oppressed or in danger.
You had explained the meaning of it to Loki ages ago.
Perhaps he thought he still did not deserve to be see as such. Not when he had wreaked havoc and disaster on Midgard a few years ago. Even though he had been under mind control, he still thought he was at fault. That he should have fought harder against the puppeteer.
You, however, begged to differ.
Ever since he had been banished to Midgard to atone for his sins by Odin, you had seen just how much he regretted the destruction he had caused.
Unintentionally but still people blamed him.
Odin had sent him here to help. To be a part of the Avengers like his brother and fight the good fight. Keep the people of Earth safe. Odin had put a damper on his abilities and while in essence he was an immortal, he could get hurt. The Avengers had not been happy about the situation. Somehow, Thor had been able to convince them that it would be helpful to have someone on their side who had intimate knowledge about the being behind the Chitauri.
And Tony, ever the person to one-up everyone around him, had stated that if they were going to allow Loki into the mix, then it would do the Avengers good to have some other members as well.
And so you had been initiated into the Avengers.
And since you had no prior history with Loki, you hadn't seen anything wrong with befriending him.
Or trying to.
At first Loki had been hell bent on being rude to everyone who spoke to him and generally being unpleasant to be around. However, you had persisted. And soon even his lonely self hadn't been able to fight off his desire to at least have someone he could call a friend on Earth.
That had been the first step, and slowly he had begun to form some form of acquaintanceship with the rest of the Avengers. There was certainly no deep conversations had between him and the rest of them, but at least the urge to kill had receded. Somewhat.
And during that time, you had been shocked to discover that you were falling for the Asgardian.
Then again, maybe the realization should've come sooner. Given how you would spend a lot of time together when neither of you had any other engagements, but when it came to your emotions concerning Loki?
They were a little difficult to categorize.
It had taken a little while before you realized the true extent of your feelings for him. And even though you knew you had them, there was nothing you could do about it.
He saw you as a friend. Nothing more.
Which sucked, but you weren't about to jeopardize your friendship with him for the sake of your feelings.
So you stayed silent.
You were on your first mission with him, and so far it had been going well.
Then again, maybe you shouldn't have even thought that.
Because at that very moment multiple figures appeared from various dark corners of the room you and Loki were going over. "We might be a little Nat. We got company." You spoke into the comm as your body dropped into a fighting stance. Beside you Loki stepped a little in front of you, as if intent on shielding you.
Of course, you could handle yourself.
But just knowing that he wanted to keep you out of harm's way was enough to make you roll your eyes at him in a fond manner.
"Lets see how many of them we can each take down." You challenged, prompting Loki to smirk as a pair of twin daggers appeared in his hands. "As you Midgardians say: Its on."
It was almost as if the both of you had rehearsed it. Every punch, dagger swipe, kick, dodge was in perfect synchronicity. You watched his back, while he kept yours safe. You were a team.
But more then that, you were protecting the man you loved. It didn't matter that those feelings were not reciprocated. You knew the truth of your feelings as well as the depth of them.
You threw a roundhouse kick, catching the last of your opponents in the jaw and sending him flying back. Landing on your feet your eyes found Loki. He was fighting off two assailants at once. And since that required his full attention, he did not see one of the already downed attackers pull out a dagger.
But you did. The weapon seemed to gleam in the dim light of the room. Your eyes widened in horror as the attacker pulled his arm back and-
"Loki watch out!"
You saw the dagger flying, saw it cutting through the air towards Loki's still turned back.
Loki pivoted on his feet, his eyes widening at the sight that greeted him.
You were there.
You were standing there.
You were standing where the dagger had been a mere second ago.
The dagger which was now embedded in the middle of your back.
His horrified eyes met your terrified eyes. A broken gasp fell from your trembling lips before your body shuddered. You jerked forward. His arms shot out to catch your limp body.
His voice sounded just as horrified as he looked. Pain radiated from your back spreading through your chest until every nerve in your body screamed with the pain. You felt Loki shift, which was followed by the sound of a body hitting the ground. Apparently he had been taking care of his would be killer, who now lay dead with a dagger in his eye.
Loki's arms wrapped around your shoulders, keeping your body up to prevent the dagger from moving or causing any further harm.
A whimpering sob fell from your lips as you tried to keep the pain at bay. "Widow! We need evacuation immediately. Y/n's hurt!" You heard Loki all but scream at Nat on the other side of the comm. Nat's voice echoed in your ear but you couldn't really understand what she was saying.
A pitiful laugh fell from your trembling lips. "Does this mean I win?" You spoke in a hoarse voice, a weak smile playing on your lips as your eyes found Loki's.
"You stupid stupid fool! Why did you do that?" He sounded so afraid. And he looked it as well. You didn't like that look in his eyes.
Raising a trembling hand you laid it against the side of his face. "Because you're worth saving Loki." You wanted to think of anything but the pain. Anything but the darkness that now beckoned you.
And speaking to Loki kept it at bay.
"My life is not worth you giving up yours Y/n." He argued back, now sounding angry. A shudder ran through your body, prompting you to press yourself closer to Loki, as you fought through the pain. He held you tighter, his face burying in your hair as yours pressed in his chest.
"Since I'm dying, can I win this argument?" You asked your voice weak. He shook his head as he cupped your head to tilt it back, allowing your eyes to meet.
"You're not allowed to die Y/n. I forbid it." He growled at you, despite the tears shining in his eyes. You only smiled sadly. "I'm sorry we didn't have more time Loki. I'm sorry I won't be there to help you anymore."
Tears fell from his eyes as he shook his head. "No, Y/n, no don't say that." Your tears of pain turned to tears of sadness, hearing the absolute torment in his voice. "And I'm sorry I didn't tell you Loki."
The darkness was starting to cloud your vision, and you could barely hold on to the light. "Tell me what?" His voice was almost desperate as he cradled you close.
"That I love you."
A final exhale of breath, before your world went dark, Loki's stricken face the last thing you saw.
And his howl of absolute anguish the final sound that echoed in your ears as you slipped into the welcoming darkness.
The first thing you became aware of was just how heavy your body felt. As someone who went on missions almost every other week, you made sure to stay in peak condition.
So why did your entire body felt like it had been run over by a truck?!
A soft moan fell from your lips as your eyes blinked open. The unfamiliar ceiling confused your already foggy mind. Where were you?
You turned your head to the side, bleary eyes hardly making out the heart monitor machine that stood at your bedside. The steady beeping sound made sense now. You shoulder felt the most stiff of all, prompting you to raise a hand to it and let out a small groan.
"She's awake! She's awake!"
The sound startled you to almost jump to your feet, but your body protested too much and you fell back again.
Later you learned it had been Thor who had cried out like that.
For the time being, you were surrounded by doctors and nurses, checking your vitals and explaining just how injured you were.
The dagger had managed to catch a few pivotal arteries and had nearly reached your heart.
Small miracles.
Though there had been significant blood loss, you were on the mend. It would take some time for you to recover completely, but at least there wasn't any permanent damage.
During your stay in the Hospital Wing of the Tower you hadn't been lonely for a second. Either the medical staff was around, or one of the Avengers.
All except Loki.
He hadn't been to visit you since you woke up and though Thor had told you how he hadn't left your side while you were in a medically induced coma, as soon as you had woken up he had disappeared.
At first you had been confused at his behavior, but as the memories of what you had thought to be your final moments started to come back, you began to feel a little queasy.
You had confessed to Loki.
You had told him you loved him while you bled out in his arms.
After saving his life.
What did it mean? Did his distance mean he did not feel the same way? Obviously he didn't feel the same way. But he could do the courtesy of coming to see you at the very least. You had saved his life.
So it was very quick that your sadness of not having him around turned to anger.
A week or so after you gained consciousness, you woke up in the middle of the night to feel a hand enveloping your own.
Normally you would have the person in a choke hold with a knife at their throat. But you recognized that silhouette, recognized the voice as it began to speak.
It was dark, so he didn't know you were awake as he spoke. "-fault that you're here. I should've been more aware of my surroundings." You had never heard him speak so softly before. "But when I'm with you, everything else simply fades into the background and all I am aware of is you."
You felt as if your heart skipped a beat. Maybe it was a good thing you weren't hooked to those monitors anymore. "It is absolutely ridiculous that I have become so dependent on you that I cannot imagine my life without you. Banishing me here was the single good thing my father has done by me." He admitted as you felt his other hand come up to brush a finger against your cheek.
It took every ounce of your strength to not shudder at the sensation.
"I hope one day I can accept your feelings for me Y/n. And I hope I can one day no longer be a coward and admit my feelings for you as well. You deserve so much better then me and I-
But you had heard enough.
Turning your palm over you grasped the hand that held yours and pulled yourself up in a sitting position. Only for you to throw the other arm out to catch s surprised Loki from the back of his head and pull him down to meet your lips.
There was initial shock on his part, but your lips were warm and insistent against his. It didn't take long for his lips to begin responding, albeit a lot more eagerly then your initial kiss. So much so that you were nearly laying on your bed once more while Loki hovered over you. One hand was still clasped within yours, fingers intertwined, while the other cupped your chin.
Finally, you both pulled away and your eyes met. You rather liked the dazed look he had as you smiled up at him. "Maybe you should leave it up to me to decide who I should love or not." You said firmly giving him one of your no nonsense expression.
He smiled in response, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear as he nodded.
"As the Lady commands."
Before fusing your lips once more in a loving embrace.
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viktoriathewitch · 4 months
⋆˖☽magical protection☾˖⋆
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(se você fala portugues BR, sinta-se livre para enviar DM ou pedir tradução de um post. boa parte vai estar em inglês, para facilitar minha vida e atingir mais pesoas.)
(these tips are based on my experience and current knowledge, better read on desktop)
⸸ WARDS. This is a big one, and I love it. Basically warding is done when you fill a space with angry energy and intention of what comes in said space. This one is really nice since all you need is your energy. You don't need any herbs or crystals, even though you can give them such energy to boost the ward (make sure the herbs/crystals are for protection), it's not necessary. However, you need to make sure the energy gets to each part of the room/place you've selected. So, warding isn't the best of the best options for big and ample spaces, since you'll need a lot of angry energy, much more. This goes especially for beginners or those who run low on energy. For better warding, I recommend cleaning the room (yes actual cleaning, mop the shit with intention), purification/cleansing of the space, banishing if necessary, and then warding. ⸸ Purification and energetic cleansing with herbs and crystals need to be done right. I won't get into big detail, especially for herbs, I might make a post just about working with herbs, but in general and making it simple, you have to make sure the herb/crystal you're using fits the criteria. Yet, it's important to remember that if you're dealing with a persistent spirit, like a tar spirit or obsessor, or even negative energy being sent by someone else intentionally, using herbs or crystals will probably not be enough. Thus, banishing is a better fit. ⸸ Like said before, banishing is a better option once you have a more powerful enemy. There are different ways to banish, imo, banishing methods are far more diverse than purification/cleansing ones. I personally use candles, but I have already used my own energy and will against beings I sensed were not safe. I have even yelled already to get them out lol. Of course, it's always best to investigate, especially when there is really weird shit happening, such as temperature drops, plants or animals dying/being sick, wounds appearing out of nowhere, things breaking, feeling really unwell, etc. Usually, such matters will be felt and noticed earlier by spiritually sensitive people, so, if nonsensitive spiritual people are feeling/noticing such matters, it's defo a red flag. ⸸ Learn about sigils and charms/amulets for protection. There are many, and both are really extensive so I won't be covering them here. However, these can be paired up together with 7 other methods for powerful protection. I highly recommend studying them. ⸸ Last but not least, energetic hygiene! A simple thing to do, but something that people only remember to do before performing something (and when they do remember to do it before). Basically, for example, before doing tarot readings, besides washing your hands and making sure the cards will be laid on a clean surface, you also cleanse yourself, the cards, and the space energetically before and after. It's fairly obvious why this needs to be done before the readings but after it? Why? Well, basically because after doing a reading, especially for another person, their energy will stick to us. It's great and all when it's good energy, but when it isn't, you need to get rid of asap. It's like bacteria and viruses, you don't wash it, it's gonna get everywhere you touch. This habit applies to other things such as rituals, spells, and even day-to-day matters such as taking a healing shower after a stressful day (just imagining the water and asking it to take the heavy energy with it)
So! I think this is it. It's a lot of information indeed, so take your time to learn all of it and make it a habit. In my sincere and humble opinion, these are the ingredients for having a great defense in terms of magickal matters. Of course, analyze your practice and see what's necessary. Regardless, energetic hygiene is a great way to start (also part of my humble opinion). Good luck!
part 2/2, part 1/2 here
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(@oatmeal-stans-the-trash-rat) It's Oatmeal, hello!
I have no energy to do my usual bit, so uh. ON TO THE SPOOKY GAYS :D
So long of an ask it made my typing lag out. I don't blame you if you don't answer this cause I accidentally made this into a damn list-fic lmao. Sorry about that (/gen).
We can just title it Searching For A Someone, Can Anyone Find Him? and leave it there. A Dukexiety Pony AU, if ya will.
Warning: slightly suggestive(?), arguing, soap allergy (that gets mentioned once and never again), unreality(?), fantasy ableism(?), intrusive thoughts, panic attacks, mentioned abandonment/banishment, betrayal, abandonment issues, fear of being alone, fear of vulnerability, difficulty trusting others, anxiety, insecurity, separation from family, nightmare mention, ANGST
In list form cause ✨ramble time✨
MLP au bc... bc I say so :3
Okay so: Virgil is a Pegasus who cannot/didn't learn to fly cause he grew up on the ground in the Everfree Forest; still lives there & used to being on his own
Remus is a unicorn with a broken horn, so every time he does magic, his spells go very wrong and kinda spiral outta control; bc of this, after a bit of chaos, Ponyville kinda ran him out and he hid in the Everfree Forest
There's some background Creativitwins angst... let's just say Roman was too afraid to defend his brother & while he tried to do something about it, it didn't go well & Ponyville threatened to run him out like his brother... Ya see where this is going. He got really scared and wasn't there for Remus when he needed him to be. They both miss each other a lot but don't like talking about it.
ANYWAY: so one day, Virgil & Remus come across each other. Remus is a chaotic mess & Virgil is anxious and not very good with trusting others; Remus is a little eager for some genuine connection bc he hates being alone. Virgil tries to just. Go on with his day, but Remus is persistent & won't leave him be. They end up sticking together bc they literally have no one else anyway so why not?
As their friendship grows, Virgil ends up genuinely caring about Remus and his chaotic self. Remus cares about Virgil & becomes a bit protective of him.
Later on, as they grow closer, they reveal insecurities & such. Remus with his fear of being alone, abandonment issues, and odd allergy of soap that comes up in conversation for no reason. Virgil with his difficulty trusting others and being vulnerable and all his anxieties and the fact he has wings but he doesn't know how to fly. They bond over both feeling useless sometimes (Virgil's lack of flight & Remus' messed-up magic issues).
At some point Remus has a difficult episode concerning his intrusive thoughts and Virgil helps him out the best he can with breathing exercises he knows from calming himself down from his own panic attacks. Remus admits to having pretty bad intrusive thoughts a lot of the time & that his episodes are common. He's surprised when Virgil is like "okay well uh is there things I can do to help take better care of you when they happen? Like what you need?" and feels so cared for by that sentence alone and actually feels safe for once after so long of being alone
The first time Virgil has a panic attack around Remus is also the first time he felt undoubtedly safe with someone after so long of being alone. Remus remembers the breathing exercises Virgil taught him and helps him through it. Let's just say it ended with them cuddling so close it was hard to tell them apart. Remus has this talent for distracting Virgil & making him laugh at the weirdest things & reassuring him in his own way.
So yeah, they both cared lots for each other & feel safe with each other & just sjsjsjsjsj GAY
uh anyway they never really have an official confession bc they just do what they want & get closer & at some point starting being romo with each other; Virgil gets anxious over it for a lil bit when he realizes how they act & how that might look & so he nervously asks if they're romo partners & Remus is like "yeah? I thought that was already established??" And Virgil is like "oh good for a sec I thought it was one-sided haha" and Remus soothes his anxieties by saying "you're one of the coolest ponies I know and I think you're hot so uh I hope we're romantic by now" and Virgil snorts at him fondly
So yeah they're romo partners
After that comes the question of "how did you end up here". Virgil talks about how he just lived here his whole life since he was a foal & doesn't remember the time before that (aka: he got abandoned as a kid but he don't remember his family from before cause he was a kiddo and young brain didn't want to remember painful memory anyway); Remus mentions growing up in Ponyville but they didn't want him anymore so they threw him out & even his own brother left him all alone (which btw makes Virgil mad/upset bc Remus' own family didn't want him?? I'm sorry what? He's super caring wdym???)
Remus doesn't mention Roman by name but vaguely mentions his twin. Virgil can see the pain in his eyes so he doesn't push. Remus softly admits to missing his brother and Virgil snuggles up next to him to comfort him. Ends in sleepy cuddles yusss
Sometimes when Remus is really insecure he feels like Virgil could leave him and never come back. This also ends in cuddles, very protective cuddles from Virgil. This dynamic is lots of comfort cuddles bc I say so :3
Back in Ponyville, Roman is missing his brother a lot & wants him back & feels so guilty about not being there for him when he needed to be. He's been searching for Remus since he left bc that's his brother but doesn't tell anyone else about it bc he's scared if he utters a word about missing Remus that Ponyville will boot him out
Roman's friends (Logan, Patton, Janus) all know he goes on these 'adventures' a lot. They've all figured out he seems to be looking for something but never finds it cause when he returns home he's always very sad and spends the day back locked away in his house. Patton likes to send over comfort cookies when this happens. Janus will invite him to see the next play with him so he has something to look forward to & will sometimes visit to distract him by talking about Roman's favourite plays with him. Logan always just sits by him in a companionable silence, which usually leads to this steady grounding cuddles. Roman loves Logan Cuddles the best when he's upset. Though they may fight sometimes, Logan's always good at being this comforting grounding presence.
ANYWAYS: so at some point them three figure out Roman is looking for someone; Janus kinda remembers Roman having a brother but doesn't remember what happened to him cause he was younger (youngest in friend group. And shortest. He hates it lmao). Eventually they piece together that he might be looking for his brother and thus try confronting him about, which doesn't go well if ya imagine; Roman gets upset and emotionally reveals what happened and how he's been trying to find his brother for so long and he's so guilty because he couldn't be there for him and he can't find him; all three comfort him cause omg that's a lot how long have you been holding this by yourself? Let us help we can help you look for him it's okay (which surprises Roman bc he's used to hearing hateful remarks about the 'Tale of the Chaos Pony' and how the Chaos Pony was 'thankfully' run outta town)
Patton is hesitant bc he's heard of the Chaos Pony, but offers help anyway bc it's Roman and he feels sympathy for Roman missing his brother
Uh yeah this leads to these four going on a quest into the Everfree Forest to find Remus. Roman give them tips on venturing into the forest bc he's been there so many times and he knows all the places he's already checked
So. Ya can prob see where this is going. With the help with his friends (in true MLP fashion) they find Remus! Yay! And this Pegasus (Virgil) who Roman finds a lil odd and rude but eh first impressions y'know? Yeah.
Except Remus sees him and stares as if he's dreaming. Roman tries to reassure him he's real but Remus doesn't believe him, saying things like "Roman wouldn't be here, he doesn't care about me, he left me all alone, he betrayed me, why would he care?" Which only makes Roman hurt more
Virgil sees what's happening and goes to Remus to help. He tells Roman and the others to leave them alone bc they're causing Remus hurt bc it hurts to see his brother and such. Remus looks to Virgil desperately like "am I dreaming, is this real?" Cause he trusts his partner & Virgil tells him how it's really happening in this soft soft voice and Remus pauses. He looks back to Roman, who's crying, and looks to the others, who are watching all this unfold. Remus tears up bc Roman is really here but then it turns into angry tears bc Roman betrayed him and he starts upset shouting about how Roman left all alone and scared and he missed him so much but he hurt him... Yeah it gets very emotional
Roman is apologizing, over and over again, as Remus is hurt and angry bc he missed Remus so so much and he is so so so sorry he failed him as a brother and just wants him back and he never wanted him to leave.
Very messy emotional shouts later, the sky decides to rain bc um. Plot.
They all have to seek shelter in Remus' and Virgil's cave thing they live in. Uh. Idk there's mountains by/in the Everfree Forest, right? Idk, maybe they live in a giant tree like Zacora (idk how to spell her name, she's the zebra from the show)
This leads to Roman seeing for the first time a glimpse into what Remus has been doing for the last who knows how long since he was basically banished. He sees Virgil glaring over at him as he nuzzles and comforts Remus who looks very conflicted and distraught. Logan, Patton, and Janus come over to check on Roman and give him some comfort bc he's also very distraught
Umm, uh, so. Awkward and tension moments. Until Remus softly asks Roman "You really didn't want me to leave?" and omg Roman's heart aches of course he didn't; Roman explains to Remus how he's wanted him back for so long & how he's been searching for him so he can apologize and have his brother back again. Virgil is still very protective over Remus but seems to be glaring less.
This ends up in some agreed peace between the two groups as the storm outside gets worse. Janus makes a comment on that if Virgil is a Pegasus, then why doesn't he go and deal with the storm himself? Can't Pegasi fly?
Of course this sparks a whole new argument bc Virgil is insecure about not knowing how to fly and thus Remus defends him by telling Janus to "shut up it doesn't matter" but then Janus does the mistake of pushing for an answer & Virgil accidentally admits in heated argument that he doesn't know how to fly (Janus shuts up at that & Logan and Patton are kinda like witnesses to whatever to happening rn)
And Remus is like "so what? He's still super cool and caring. I can't do magic the 'right way' and he can't fly. So what? We're both still cool as fuck you bitches" and yeah, Janus apologizes in his own way of being like "my apologies then" which sounds halfway sarcastic bc Janus' voice just sounds sarcastic 90% of the time and that's just how it is
Uh yeah so, after some tension dies down and they all either apologize for what they need to apologize for or accept the apologies given, the storm (which turned from rain to a fucking snowstorm somehow (pony lore)) go away. They're all like "um what" and then realize it was the Windigos all along (these wind elemental pony spirits who feed on hatred and arguments according to MLP canon in the show) and then they all agree to try to actually hear each other out in the future to avoid the Windigos
Brother reconciliation bc I cannot do all this angst without some comfort okay? They cry and vow to never separate again, not like that, & hug the shit outta each other. The others are happy to see some happiness that the twins have each other again. Virgil is still protective over Remus but eases up by a lil bit. Just a lil bit.
Yeah um they all become friends
Roman asks Remus if he wants to return back to Ponyville with Virgil, and he's like "um nah they're all bitches. Plus you could just. Visit. Ya dork" and Roman's like "oh yeah lmao. But will you try to visit?" And Remus is like "maybe" and Roman takes that
(spoiler alert: Remus & Virgil do visit sometimes & find out the old mayor who booted Remus was unelected bc they weren't fair to anyone anyway. The new mayor is actually pretty rad & welcomes Remus back. Remus is still wary of Ponyville but a lil less so with a better mayor being there. Also Princess Celestia makes a token appearance and is like on official MLP Canon business with Twilight Sparkle [think the very first episode of the show happens the first time Remus visits Ponyville] & the Sanders Sides gang is a giant story happening in the background. So yeah)
Happy ending! Yay!
The twins will dual each other and stuff to bond. Usually in the forest
When Remus' intrusive thoughts get bad, his magic reacts to them and goes even more haywire than normal; only Virgil knows how to handle this the best & teaches the others how to take care of Remus (Remus' faves are Virgil, bc he already knows how to help, and Roman, bc his brother catches on quick and uh sibling comfort is unique to its own)
Virgil and Roman develop friendly banter
Janus and Virgil are a bit more rocky with each other at times but nothing friendship-ending
Patton and Remus don't understand each other that well but both make an effort anyway
Logan & Janus become besties with Remus! Bc I say so :3
Virgil is a Pegasus & Remus is a unicorn right? Well, ya see: Roman's a unicorn, Logan's a unicorn, Patton and Janus are earth ponies (aka: the only Pegasus in the friend group is flightless, whoops)
Um some friendship nonsense happens and via hot balloon, Virgil sees Cloudsdale for the first time! He sees everything he was supposed to have as a Pegasus kid & that's an angsty hurt/comfort story right there on its own. Remus and Logan go with him for support.
At some point, the others ask Dukexiety if they're dating bc they're romantic with each other and they're like "yeah, we have been the whole time?? What are you, oblivious?" And yeah, the others were a lil oblivious to it sans maybe Logan. Mainly cause he's Logan and also he already asked not long after he met them
Comfort moments with the twins when some insecurities kick in; they stay with each other and hug the shit outta each other the whole time
Roman gets nightmares frequently & when Remus discovers this, he makes sure Roman knows he can always seek comfort from him when he needs it. Remus is surprisingly very good with helping a distressed panicky post-nightmare Roman feel safe again
Janus & Remus cause some chaos together. Occasionally. Okay maybe more than occasionally but hey. :3
Remus & Virgil have cutie-marks that have nothing to do with their disabilities (broken horn & flightless wings) bc their disabilities aren't the One Thing they are :)
Um Dukexiety kisses and nuzzles? Yeah.
If ya ever answer this ask, then I may copy + paste my list-fic into a doc and try to write it... Maybe. We'll see, lol :3
Good luck with this, it's so long sksjsjsjsjsj
Aye heyo Oatmeal!!! No need to apologize but oml I L O V E this entire AU S O fucking much P L E A S E!!! It has the perfect amount of A N G S T and fluff!!! Poor Ree was an outcast and didn't know his brother actually cared but luckily he found Vee along the way and that it was easy for them to connect with each other and have a strong bond <3 Cackling at the fact that when Vee asks if they're dating Ree's just like "You're hot as hell was this not already established???" they're such dorks I L O V E them XD God and it's S O fucking sweet that Ro is trying everything he can to find his brother while the others comfort him and stick by his side through it <3 I don't blame the chaotic Unicorn for feeling the way he did when he was found but it's good that everything worked out in the end and everyone is friends <3
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rainroses45 · 1 year
Collapse into me (Sully family x reader)
☾description: You are Neteyam's twin sister who is trying to learn to deal with your unprocessed grief ☾a/n: tried writing fluff and failed to finish it in time so here is sad fanfic to help me process what the movie put me through ☾song inspiration: Sea, swallow me
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 You didn’t scream or sob. Your pain was horribly discreet, but as as persistent and almost quiet as bleeding from an unstitched wound. There was no time to spend over the loss of your brother. Everyone let out their wails, their screams, their frustration over the loss of Neteyam - but you stood still. You stayed intact, holding on to the false allusion that your other half was still being whisked away in tide, that he still is laughing at your remarkable memories. 
    Maybe it was your fault? Who was pointing the finger at you? Did you even see the bullet? Why did you let him take the gun? Should you have been the one to stay behind? So many questions floated through your mind as you stated out into the sky. You felt lost. Lost as in the sense that you couldn’t tell the difference between breathing and letting go. 
   Your parents handled your brother’s death better than you could. They let the grief wash over them, surround their everlasting reality, guiding them through the stages of living without that certain someone. Sure your dad felt like he was no longer deserving of the title of being a father, but he will get over it - he always manages to do so. 
  Your mother prayed, she prayed at sun rise and sun set, it was like clockwork. Her tears still held the twin of the ocean, but her eyes will soon day glow, for like a sun she never manages to stop shinning. 
  Kiri, in spite of everything that has happened still manages to persevere on with her day. Neteyam left a scar on her heart that will never be banished away. She does not know that at night I can hear her soft sniffles as she told the moon her troubles, and prayed that her brother rest in everlasting peace. 
   Tuk was too young to experience the full objective of it all. She would ask us constantly when her loving older brother would show up, and how is it possible he was allowed to be gone for so long. We all simply batted our eyes at her not daring to inform the little girl about death of her brother. 
  Lo’ak, oh sweet disconsolate Lo’ak, he never stopped to ask himself what he did right, always looking at what he did wrong. His days were filled with solitude and remorse for his older brother. He would wake up in cold sweat calling out for him, begging,pleading with him to come back. To stay with him and never leave his side. You would always comforted him in the shadows, gently hiding him from the public view so he may grieve in peace. He needed to grow and learn how to not hold onto the past, and learn that the future is forever changing, but his bleak mind made it hard for him to escape. 
Fortunately for him there was you, the one who stood intact for the family. Who was not allowed to mourn for their brother without having to take care of others. They never questioned as to why you lied awake, ready at any moment to soothe them after a nightmare. Your heart ached in pain for your brother. The memory of the life leaving his eyes was imbedded into your mind and soul. No one asked you if you were okay, if you needed a shoulder to cry on - no they expected you to act just like your brother. 
   The setting of it all caused the feeling of suffocation and darkness to cloud your thoughts. It’s been days since he has returned back to Eywa, but to you those memories of him were so fresh and clear it tormented you. 
You shuffled out of the marui, careful not to wake anyone as you made your way to the cold isolated beach. The moon gave off a spotlight to help guide you through the swaying platform of the pathways. 
How could you take up the role of being the eldest? He was suppose to guide the clan to the next victory, he was suppose to live to tell his children one day about the battle we faced, but he is gone. And every time you remember that small detail, you cry out to the world. How could they take him from you?! How could they take your brother?!
   You kneeled down at the beach and let out a silent scream in agony, your hands filled with sand began to turn purple from the tight grip. You cried out to Eywa in pain, so you could let it all out before putting back your mask. 
You looked back into the endless ocean of death and thought “maybe some children are simply born with tragedy in their blood.” 
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oikharou · 1 year
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what the vigilant yaksha yearns for is to 'rest', but many centuries have passed, and not once did he feel the real definition of the word 'rest'. perhaps what the adepti needs is a 'home'.
feat. xiao
note: gn!reader
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How long has it been since he felt the emotion of joy?
The vigilant yaksha cannot remember it anymore, as he swore to the Lord of Geo that he'll fulfill his duties as the remaining yaksha of Liyue, even if it means giving up the ability to feel happy and contentment. He had experienced all kinds of pain, the continuous suffering, the passing of his comrades, the reality he was forced to live in, every single bit of it. Not once in his life he felt the comfort of 'home'.
'Liyue is changing, rapidly.'
For mortals, the continuous improvement and change of the Land of Contracts are slow. But for the immortals, it was fast. It seems like it was only yesterday when the said place was a battlefield, an endless battlefield cause of the evil and rage between the gods.
'But for me, I haven't changed. Not like I care.'
At least, that's what Xiao thought. For millennia, he only cared about dispersing the evil that still exists in Liyue and will do everything in his power to banish every single thing that will disturb the peace of the city he swore to protect. He pushes people away from him not because he thinks that engaging with humans is a hindrance but because he does not want them to be involved in his karmic debt. However, upon meeting you, you stayed in his life ever since you two met.
He pushed you away for a hundred- no, a thousand times but you were persistent. You know about his karmic debt, thanks to the loudmouth of the companion of the renowned traveler, but still, you persevered. Despite knowing that you have had little success in being the friend of the yaksha, you were stubborn. He thought of you as someone 'very annoying' and yet, he stopped pushing you away at some point, making you victorious at your goal.
Your weak voice called out to him, as you lay on the ground barely breathing anymore. Your blood was splattered on the grass as you try to collect more oxygen. A dark green smoke appeared before you and kneeled beside you. Your vision is blurry but you sensed him, making you smile a bit and try to lift your hand. "Xiao... I-"
"Don't move nor speak. I'll aid you." His tone was stern but you knew that there was a hint of 'worry' in there.
"I don't think... I have much- *cough* time anymore..." You whispered but it was loud enough for your husband to hear.
"I said don't speak!" He yelled as tears began to fall from his eyes. He's trying his absolute best to save you using qingxin flowers with his hands shaking from fear and despair he's feeling. He failed to protect the most important person in his life, again.
You were shocked at his harsh voice but still, you nodded and gave him a smile before coughing out blood. Your blood splattered on Xiao's face and he flinched, making him halt his actions. He looked at you with wide eyes and with the last bit of your strength, you put your hand on his cheek and said, "I love you so much, Alatus."
'Is this the only thing you're good at, Alatus? Having your comrades die in front of you?'
'When did you ever do something right?'
The intrusive thoughts of the young adeptus showed up inside his mind once again, his karmic debt slowly rising in his body. The mask hanging from his belt is quivering and the impulsive thoughts telling him to 'wear it'.
'Maybe it's time for you to succumb to the darkness, after all, you never did anything worthy for the people of Liyue, for the Geo Archon, and for your beloved.'
His hand inching to his mask, to finally succumb to the darkness that has been waiting for him for millennia. He was about to grab it, not until a hand stopped him.
He looked up and saw that it was you, the ghost form of you, looking at him sternly and holding his wrist tightly. "Don't you dare succumb to the darkness, Alatus. Don't ever listen to your karmic debt, to the fiendish version of you. You have done so much to protect the city you swore to the Lord of Geo to protect, to protect its people, including me. So what good would you do to us if you submit yourself to the immorality of your karmic debt?"
He was shocked, to say the least. From the very day that you learned about his consequence of killing, you had always voiced out your thoughts and feelings about the visual presentation of Xiao finally giving in to the darkness. It wasn't easy to break down the walls of the young adeptus however, you persisted.
'You're right.'
What good would he do to the City of Contracts if he, the remaining yaksha that stories to protect the city, submit himself to the immorality of his karmic debt?
He lets go of his mask and the dark green smoke appeared no more behind it. It didn't change the fact that you were dead, but as his last promise to you, he'll never give in to the world that has been waiting for him.
With that voice calling out to him, it jolted him awake. He looked to his right and saw you, alive and well. Worry and concern were planted on your face as you saw him sweating and crying in his sleep. "Xiao? Are you al-"
You were cut off when you felt his arms wrap around your waist tightly. You were shocked but you let him hug you tight with his head on your stomach. You gently brushed his hair with your fingers and felt him relax at your touch. "What's wrong?"
"Please, don't leave me." His small voice made your heart hurt.
"I will never leave you." You promised and he huffed. "You will."
"How come?"
"Because I saw you die right in front of me." You fell silent as Xiao wasn't used to voicing out what he usually dreams of. He only tells you that when he sleeps, he only dreams of his karmic debt so him dreaming about you dying is something else.
"Xiao," You cupped his cheeks and pressed a light kiss on his lips. "That was only a dream. You have dreamt so many times of you submitting to the darkness that has been waiting for you for millennia but you still managed to not do it. And why do you think you have managed to do that?"
"...Because I snap out of it."
"And what's the reason?"
"The reason is that I swore to protect Liyue under Rex Lapis' name and its people."
"Correct. And for your dream earlier, I won't die because I have you. Like you, you're the reason why I kept living despite being immortal."
At that moment, time seems to stop. He processed your words carefully and for a second, his eyes start to water again and hugged you very tightly to the point that he doesn't want to let you go. You smiled and hugged him back. He made you lay down with him on his bed and cuddled you close, his head laying on top of you. "I'm here Xiao. I'm always here."
'So this is what 'home' feels like.'
It seems like the heavenly principles decided to bless him and meet someone like you.
'Perhaps living for so long wasn't a hindrance as I thought it'll be as long as I get to be with my home.'
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@oikharou — all rights reserved — no reposting, translating, plagiarizing and claiming any of my works as yours
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transmutationisms · 1 year
sorry could you explain your chatgpt essay thing again? i get the general gist of it (who cares if they cheat) but i still cant grasp it entirely as someone who hasnt experienced the college system 💔 i had thought that essays were a foundational part of undergrad education? and so cheating on that part would essentially mean that: a) their education/understanding is "invalid" b) it discredits the work of other people in the same system/their classmates c) their future publications/written work in academia are going to be of worse quality d) in cases of people going to non academia jobs, like being a doctor or a lawyer, this would negatively impact their clients e) they have bad work ethic = will not survive job industry
my guesses are that just in general theres no direct correlation between these things but ppl assume there will be? and that if a plagiarized essay ruins everything then the system wasnt rlly that good?
the only one im rlly unsure of is the second one, but i suppose thats always been a problem with any type of academic cheating amongst peers, and will persist unless academic rankings/validation of excellence/general attitudes toward "success" r also banished. still, while i rlly dont care abt anyone i know cheating on stuff like this lol, i cant help but empathize w students struggling under that same system feeling frustrated. tho Man seeing the lack of empathy they, in turn, can have with chatgpt users. idk, is it just a lose lose situation until you get through the system?
ok sorry again and also thanks
hi, no worries. let me try to break down my position here.
i had thought that essays were a foundational part of undergrad education
i mean, this varies widely by course / degree / department. but, even when it's true, it doesn't mean that the essay is inherently a valuable or helpful exercise. undergrad essays tend to ask for one of a few very formulaic responses and ways of structuring an argument. essays also often have a specific prompt, which can be better or worse in terms of its potential to generate engagement with the course / material. often professors who are getting a lot of chatgpt essays turned in are designing essays poorly (ie, asking for the types of formulaic responses that students find unengaging and unhelpful for their own academic development), and / or failing to provide instruction and support in how to actually write an essay.
on a more fundamental level, we often take for granted that essays are and should be foundational to an undergrad education, but i simply don't think this is self-evident or always true! what are we training students to do, and why? there are certainly jobs, career paths, and academic research areas in which essay-writing is an important skill. there are others in which it's not. the assumption that all undergrads need to demonstrate the same sorts of writing skills says more about the university and what pedagogues value than it does about those students' actual chances for future career success / financial stability. if we're designing assignments that, for many students, are mere hoops to jump through, then we shouldn't be surprised that many of them find ways to make the hoop-jumping faster and easier.
so cheating on that part would essentially mean that: a) their education/understanding is "invalid"
again, what i'm trying to get at here is larger questions about what we value in education, and why. it's true that if you don't practice writing the type of essay the academy demands of you, you won't learn that skill. but, why do we assume that skill is useful, valuable, or necessary in the first place? how many people actually need to write that way outside of undergrad classrooms? even for those who are intending to pursue a career in academia, the writing taught in undergrad should be, at best, a stepping-stone on the path to more effective and interesting means of written communication. once again, if the skill being mandated by the university is not useful for students, it should not be surprising that many of them resent having to demonstrate it, and turn to tools like chatgpt instead.
b) it discredits the work of other people in the same system/their classmates
this is an argument that many educators make, and i wholeheartedly disagree with it! first of all, i simply do not believe that student a's academic performance is relevant to the assessment of student b's. if a professor is grading that way, that's terrible grading and a terrible pedagogical philosophy. if a student has learned something from their coursework, that shouldn't be undercut or devalued by anything that their classmates have or haven't done.
what this type of argument points to on a deeper level is the fact that university degrees have acquired a sort of double meaning. although the university likes to propagate high-minded rhetoric about the intrinsic value of education, the degree granted is a class barrier that serves to allow certain people access to certain (usually promised to be higher-paying) jobs, and bar others from these jobs. this is a large part of what i'm talking about when i say that the university serves to perpetuate and enforce class stratification. and their narrative about degrees being markers of individual merit and achievement is undercut by the fact that they also plainly fear losing prestige status by granting degrees to those students considered 'unworthy'. if you can make it through an undergrad education without learning the skills the university purports to teach, that's a pretty massive indictment of the university—which, remember, is collecting a lot of tuition money for these degrees.
c) their future publications/written work in academia are going to be of worse quality
lots of assumptions baked in here—that undergrad essay-writing teaches 'good' (effective / clear) writing; that many academics don't already write poorly by these metrics; that aspiring academics have no other way of learning written communication skills (eg, outside of the academy, or in grad school).
d) in cases of people going to non academia jobs, like being a doctor or a lawyer, this would negatively impact their clients
firstly, i would again point out that in many non-academic jobs, academic writing is simply not a necessary skill; secondly, in both of the examples you cite here, these are people who need to go through a lot more schooling and training after undergrad, where they pick up what written communication skills they actually do need (eg, legal writing looks nothing like standard undergrad essay-writing anyway); thirdly, MANY people getting an undergraduate degree are intending to pursue jobs for which they need neither undergrad essay-writing skills, nor further higher education—there are so many reasons a person might want / need a college degree, and so many careers in which this specific academic skillset is simply not relevant for them.
e) they have bad work ethic = will not survive job industry
again, i think this is making some pretty big unstated assumptions! in general i don't really think that 'work ethic' (or the related 'laziness') is a useful way to try to evaluate people's behaviour, and this is a good example of one way in which it fails. if, like i said, we are dealing with a system in which people are told they need to receive a degree in order to have access to jobs they want and financial stability they need; and in which many of them are being forced to demonstrate a specific writing skill they may never need again and may have no interest in; and in which they are often not even receiving adequate training and help to learn and demonstrate that skill, even if they do want to; and in which they may be working other jobs, caring for family members, dealing with disabilities the institution does not provide support for, or any number of other life circumstances that make schoolwork difficult at best to complete; and in which a tool exists that may be able to help them complete some of this work freely and quickly... like, i simply do not fault students for using that tool!
there are so many points of failure in this system long before we get to this moment: the increasing pressure to get a college degree in the first place; the poorly designed curricula that prioritise skills considered 'standard' (for whom? why?) over skills that students actually need or want to acquire; professors who don't actually teach students how to write, yet expect them to turn in essay assignments anyway; specific essay assignments that are uninteresting and / or unhelpful to students; lack of support for students who are struggling with their workload or assignments in any number of ways (and no, 'come to office hours' is not adequate support for so many students and situations).
i simply do not care about people 'cheating' a system that is so fundamentally broken and unjust. it doesn't matter. the ability to write an undergrad essay is such an incredibly trivial and specific skill, and one that most people simply do not need. it doesn't make a person generally 'smarter' (fake concept) and certainly does not make them any more competent at the vast majority of jobs, careers, or general life skills. even for those very few who do need to know this specific thing, i reject the assumption that the university is the only way to learn it, or even a particularly effective way. once again, if chatgpt is successfully completing assignments, maybe those assignments weren't very good in the first place! and even the theoretical amazing professor is simply not able to counter all of the structural issues and inequities in the university system that produce students' desire to turn to tools like chatgpt in the first place. the textbot itself is simply not the issue here.
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