#if this happes I'll die
flowerandblood · 4 months
The Fall from the Heavens (36)
[ canon • Aemond x Strong • niece female ]
[ warnings: hard sexual abuse, torture and starvation, angst, swearing, description of the murders ]
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[ description: A cool distance turns into friendship and more when two children see that they can find refuge and understanding in each other. However, naïve dreams collide with the reality in which every event has consequences and what once could have been love becomes a dark, newly painful obsession. Angst, sexual tension, obsession, violence, madness, very dark Aemond. ]
The story in this series is an alternate reality from the oneshot Stay and love, leave and die, in which Aemond reads the letters his niece has sent to him over the years. They are the same characters and it shows what would have happened between them − I have changed the background story from their childhood slightly for the sake of the plot.
Characters & Series Moodboard Lady Strong Moodboard Aemond & Lady Strong Moodboard Aemond & Lady Strong Childhood
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
After Prince Aemond and his wife flew off on their dragons into the skies to meet their destiny in the Eyrie, Alys knew what awaited her; Larys paid her a visit shortly after they left the fortress. Despite his light, dreamy smile, her brother's blank, dark gaze expressed everything he had to convey to her.
He was not pleased.
"I'm disappointed. I thought we had made an agreement." He hummed, walking slowly over to the table she sat at, watching him vigilantly, his hand reaching for one of the vessels in which she kept her herbs.
"Worthless objects are usually…thrown away. Do you agree with me, sister?" He asked calmly and smiled gently at her, as if he had just said something comforting. Her expression and grin did not change, although a cold, unpleasant shiver ran along her spine.
She knew what awaited her.
She had seen it in her dream.
The strange, drunken men, guards and servants who could use her body as much as they liked in the darkness of her cell.
She didn't pose or look at them – she just tried to think of something else. She imagined then her unborn child, her mother's face, the soft smile of the little girl who might already be dead, betrayed by her husband.
She tried not to exist, pretended to herself that this was not her body.
The only man who did not take the opportunity to humiliate her was the guard who had been her lover for years, the same one who had watched over her chambers.
She felt a kind of emotion when Ser Erwin came to her in the morning, before his service began, covering her bared, bruised body with a sheet, always bringing her a piece of bread, letting her drink the wine that soothed her pain.
She would not eat or drink anything Larys's servants brought her, knowing that she would die in agony afterwards.
"Forgive me. If I defy him, he will hurt my wife and my children." He muttered, pressing his lips together, his bearded, broad, masculine face contorted in a grimace of pain, his eyes red from tears of grief.
He really pitied her.
She touched his arm and he placed his wide, rough hand on hers.
"I know. Protect your family. I will survive this. I'm grateful to you for what you're doing for me and I'll never forget it."
The man nodded.
"There is something else." She whispered. Ser Erwin looked at her, surprised.
The same dream repeated itself again and again every night: a white deer in a sea of blood and a man standing over it, whose silhouette she knew very well.
"I saw a wounded white deer in the darkness. I saw you standing over him. Promise me that when Prince Aemond arrives here, you will watch over him and his wife." She said.
He stared at her as if considering her words, then nodded again and stood up, leaving her alone in her prison.
And then there was silence.
The men ceased to visit her, and there was an uneasy, dark emptiness in the fortress.
The next day he arrived.
She knew it would happen.
She knew he would come, seeking answers.
In his armour, he looked older and more mature – looking at him from afar, she thought with amusement that, indeed, he was a handsome man and, were it not for his sweet wife, she would have loved to play with him, if only for her own amusement.
So helpless, hiding behind the walls of his pride, filled with complexes and fears, like a little child craving only someone's warm word and praise.
"Why did you lie? I could have your head for this." He hissed, angry and tense, standing at a good distance from the bars as if he feared he might otherwise fall under the influence of her charms.
She laughed weakly at his words.
"If there were no capacity for treachery in you, my words would not frighten you, Your Grace. But it wouldn’t be the first time you’ve stabbed her in the back, would it?" She sneered, saying exactly what she was thinking, thus bringing him completely off balance.
"Why?" He growled, pale as if he was about to faint.
She couldn't believe how frightened he was.
Did he consider that his will as a man was so weak?
That he wouldn't control his members and would just fuck her?
"My brother reckoned that after what was going to happen in the Eyrie she would try to take her own life again. I don’t consider myself a good person, but I’m not heartless. I wanted you to be horrified by my words and get her as far away from here as possible." She said.
"How dare you manipulate me and my wife." He hissed, enraged.
"I didn’t manipulate her. There was no need for that. You. Your pride wouldn’t allow you to listen to the advice of a bastard woman, on top of the Strong line. A witch’s prophecy that could give birth to your bastard child would be a different matter. Wouldn’t it?’" She asked mockingly and noticed how something changed in the look in his eye, his brow arching in pain.
He was suffering.
But why?
After a moment, however, the expression on his face changed, replaced by fury.
"Whose fucking side are you on, you insolent whore?" He growled through clenched teeth, as if he felt like spitting on her.
She realised then that it wasn't himself he was afraid of, but her.
She liked that.
"I am on my side. But my cold heart supports your wife. She has broken deep into it and refuses to leave it. I’m certain you understand me. Such a sweet girl." She hummed, wanting to bring him out of his daze, and the effect she provoked was even stronger than she had anticipated.
"SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" He shouted low, hatred and madness in his eye, his jaw clenched as tightly as if it was going to burst – he took one step towards her cell as if he wanted to tear her apart but stopped, panting heavily.
He was jealous of his little wife.
He was afraid she would take her away from him.
His rage and fear were indeed great, for it seemed to her that he really wanted her to die of hunger and thirst. It was only a few days later that the guards whom she did not know and who had probably travelled with him from King's Landing opened her cell, ordering her to rise.
She did so with difficulty, sore, hungry and thirsty, and moved slowly with them through the familiar corridors of the fortress of Harrenhal. She pressed her lips together as she noticed out of the corner of her eye a fair-haired man watching her vigilantly, one of her brother's spies.
What was he doing here?
Why hadn't the prince sent him away?
Only then did she realise that he certainly had claimed to be a completely different person, putting his guards' vigilance to sleep.
"I need to speak to the Prince." She muttered, sitting down on her bed without strength. The guard placed a plate of bread and a jug of apple juice on her table.
"Be silent, witch. Be thankful to the gods that you are still alive." Said the man through clenched teeth, looking at her with disgust and left, closing the door. She heard the sound of the key turning in the lock and sighed heavily, burying her face in her hands.
She thought that Larys would certainly not poison the prince, but would be watching him with the help of this boy.
Indeed, the man brought her food and drink several times. She sniffed the juice he brought her and then split an apple lying on a tray in half and poured the contents of her cup over it. She snorted under her breath as the apple instantly turned black and began to break into pieces.
The Last Breath.
A poison created from a decoction of several herbs that could only be found locally in the region of Riverdale, slowing the heart rate and making breathing difficult, in large quantities suffocating the victim, in small quantities causing slow agony.
For reasons she understood, Prince Aemond did not visit her throughout his stay in Harrenhal, thus earning her respect and affection – she recognised that since he wanted to catch her brother he felt guilty and wanted to reward his wife for his moment of hesitation.
One night she dreamt of a great stone fortress reaching up to the sky surrounded by clouds, around which she seemed to hear the sea. She looked down upon it, flying on a dragon she had never seen before.
She opened her eyes and swallowed hard, wondering what she had actually seen and what it meant.
The dragon she saw belonged to neither Prince Aemond nor his wife.
So to whom?
That she did not know, but she knew for a fact that she would be leaving Harrenhal soon.
And then she appeared in the doorway of her chamber.
She felt a pleasant warmth in her stomach at the sight of her, her heart pounding faster in the hope that perhaps this girl would forgive her for what she had done, understand that she wanted her good.
She swallowed hard noticing in her eyes sadness so deep and infinite that she felt a squeeze in her throat.
"You predicted my husband would give birth to your bastard child." She said in a trembling, breaking voice, betrayed, humiliated, distraught.
"I lied. I saw nothing of the sort neither in my dreams nor in the fire." She said calmly, looking her straight in the eye. The prince's wife pressed her lips together at her words and furrowed her brow, anger and frustration in her gaze that startled her.
"How dare you lie to my husband, and your Prince?" She asked dryly, standing up for her husband to her astonishment.
How dare you manipulate me and my wife.
She saw that her hand was stroking her lower abdomen in a gesture of nervousness, something she had not done before.
Two streams of blood finally merging into one.
"You are expecting his child." She whispered, but the girl didn't answer her.
Alys sighed heavily.
"My brother had plans for you. He ordered me to seduce the Prince. He wanted you to step aside and try to take your own life again. He knew that your husband would then fall into complete darkness."
Her eyebrows arched in pain, as if some part of her really wanted to believe her.
She was so innocent.
"You didn't tell me about this."
"You and my husband. You are identical."
She smiled sadly at her words, understanding perfectly what she meant.
They were both a dancing, aggressive fire that burned everything around them, lonely stars in the sky that could only devour each other.
"Yes. Yes, we are."
Her eyebrows arched in pain, her pretty, bright eyes shone with tears of disappointment.
"I believed you."
"I regret not telling you. I didn't want to destroy your already strained trust in him." She whispered, lowering her gaze to the stone floor, recognising, however, that there was nothing more she could do now.
It was already too late.
"Did you make an attempt?"
She blinked, snapped out of her reverie and looked at her, not understanding her question.
"Your Grace?"
"Did you try to seduce him?"
"No. I didn't go near him."
"Because he would have killed me. I just wanted your husband to make the right decision. For him to be scared of what might happen, to try to change the future. For him to tell you about what's happening here."
"I believed you. I opened my heart to you." She muttered in a breaking voice, from which she felt a cold sweat on her neck.
"I know."
The girl pressed her lips together – even though she was clearly trying to remain calm a single, lonely tear ran down her cheek.
"− there are still people in this fortress who will want to kill you − especially beware of the young, fair-haired man − don't eat or drink anything he serves you −" She said finally, wanting her to understand that hurting her was never her purpose or desire.
Like her husband, she could not express her feelings or affection other than through actions, even if they remained incomprehensible to her.
"− why didn't you tell my husband about this? −" She muttered in disbelief.
"− I saw this boy when I was moved back to my chamber − the Prince didn't want to see me anymore then − this servant brought me poisoned food several times, a gift from my brother −"
An uncomfortable, long silence fell between them − her gaze expressed horror, shock and disbelief, her small figure trembling all over in fear. She finally swallowed loudly and lifted her chin higher, trying to control herself and calm down.
"My husband gave Harrenhal to me to rule. That means I will decide what happens to the people who serve here, including you."
Alys didn't even flinch at her words, thinking only with her admiration that her husband did indeed have a great deal of remorse for what he had never actually done.
She thought that perhaps she had inadvertently contributed to something that helped them both.
Her husband had opened up to her, shown her his weakness and helplessness, and she hadn't pushed him away despite her disappointment.
"I saw it in a dream. A stone castle reaching to the skies. That's where you'll send me away." She said softly, and she nodded as if it was indeed as she had said.
"I will not forget what you have done for me, that you warned me. As an expression of my gratitude you will be given gold, and by my order all your belongings will be moved to the Eyrie. My cousin, after spies were discovered in his fortress, is indebted to my family and will receive you with honours. I will introduce you in my letter as a valuable medic who should work alongside the maester. You will not lack anything there."
The Eyrie?
She remained silent, wondering if there was a sea or river somewhere near this fortress, but she wasn't sure.
She decided it didn't matter.
And then what she had feared happened.
The boy had tried to poison her.
She wondered if Prince Aemond would come to her chamber and kill her too, but he didn't.
She heard the guards speaking with each other, saying that he had ordered the servants to try the poisoned wine, and they died one by one in agony in front of his eyes.
They said that looking at them the Prince was grinning broadly.
She swallowed hard at the thought and closed her eyes, already understanding why her brother cared so much about ending her life.
Larys was willing to sacrifice all these people just to get rid of this little girl once and for all and regain his power over her husband.
In keeping with his wife's wishes, she prepared to leave − she did not resent her for wanting to send her away, in fact feeling a peace in her soul at the thought that perhaps her life would now be better than it had been, and she would not have to worry about her welfare.
She looked towards her door, surprised when she heard someone turn the key in the lock. After a moment, it opened, and a young man with beautiful dark curls and bright eyes entered her chamber. She blinked, thinking he reminded her of someone, but she wasn't sure who.
Who was he that he could walk in here?
"My Lady." He said softly and bowed, as if she were a lady of great lineage and not a bastard. She smiled indulgently at the thought, folding one of her gowns, placing it in her trunk alongside the other things she wanted to take with her.
"My Lord." She replied, eager to hear what the young man was coming to her with.
The boy seemed ashamed and uncertain, as if he himself did not know what he was actually doing in her quarters. He began to look around her room, looking at the jars and vessels full of herbs, roots, liquids and other objects she used in her craft.
"I heard you're a witch. Is that true?" He asked casually, a light, wry smile on his lips, as if the thought amused him. She smirked involuntarily at his words, tucking her books into her trunk.
"So they say, my Lord." She hummed and sighed quietly, wondering whether or not a book on philosophy would be of use to her in the Eyrie.
"Did you know my father?" He asked finally, and she looked at him surprised, finally understanding who was standing before her.
He was her brother.
Yes, she thought.
They were so similar.
"Yes." She replied calmly, reaching for more books from her shelf. The boy shifted from foot to foot and swallowed hard, tense.
"Was he a good man? A man of honour?" He asked proudly, however his voice trembled, as if he feared her answer. She froze in mid-motion and thought for a moment.
"He was a compassionate man with a sharp tongue. He was cordial. He laughed a lot. He always treated me with dignity, and his father was proud of him." She finally replied, involuntarily remembering his face.
"Wasn't that your father too?" He asked uncertainly, and she smiled involuntarily.
"Indeed, but only formally. He put his seed inside my poor mother, nothing more." She said.
A long silence fell between them.
"I am also a bastard." He said finally and drew in the air loudly, as if the words were leaving his throat with difficulty. "And I regret that I came into this world."
She turned towards him, curious, wondering if he was looking for her support and advice. She cocked her head and hummed, running her fingers along the table top in front of her.
"From what I understand, you have become heir to Dragonstone. Would you rather be a bastard king? People don't forget someone's origins, even less so when that person rules a kingdom."
She saw that he lifted the gaze of his bright eyes to her, in his expression something similar to what she had seen in the face of Prince Aemond's wife.
They were both sensitive, warm, compassionate, empathetic and assertive at the same time, but what in her case as a woman was an asset, in his case was clearly the cause of his complexes and misery.
He felt too fragile, too weak, unable to be the kind of man that was expected of him − cold, brutal, threatening, mocking, ironic.
It was impossible to change his nature and he felt humiliated.
She thought she understood him.
"You also have a beautiful betrothed. I saw her arrive with your sister through that window." She said calmly, walking around her table and past him, reaching for one of the jars that stood on a bookcase against the wall. When she turned, he was looking at her in a way from which she stopped in half a step.
"I don't love her. And she doesn't love me."
She blinked and swallowed quietly, not taking her eyes off him. He gave up and lowered his head, his cheeks red with shame.
"Marriages are rarely created on the basis of true passionate, sincere affection." She replied, not intending to judge or rebuke him.
"However, my sister does not see the world beyond my uncle, and he spends every night with her." He muttered angrily and regretfully, like a small child who envied others for being able to play with better toys. She sighed quietly at his words and shook her head.
"Their affection was a gift to them from the gods." She said, walking back to her trunk, putting the jar of herbs inside.
"Are you leaving Harrenhal?" He asked suddenly, as if understanding that she was packing her belongings to set off on her journey.
"Your sister is sending me to your cousin in the Eyrie to serve him as a medic." She said calmly. Her nephew stepped closer to her, furrowing his brow.
Curious little thing.
"They don't want anyone associated with Larys Strong to remain in the fortress." She lied. "Thanks to her, Prince Aemond spared my life."
"When are you leaving?" He asked uncertainly, and she glanced at him out of the corner of her eye.
"In a few days. I am to be accompanied by your uncle's troops and I must wait for his order."
The boy nodded, tense.
"May I also visit you tomorrow? To speak with you." He asked without looking at her, filled with shame, and she nodded.
Her nephew said a polite goodbye and left her chamber, leaving her in a state of confusion.
Indeed, he came to see her the next day and every day after, clearly in a better mood.
He walked around her chamber, asking her many questions.
"Have you ever seen a dragon up close?"
"No, my Prince."
"You don't have to call me that. You are my aunt."
Her lips twitched in a mocking smile at his words.
"Very well."
"Why have you never married anyone?"
"A bastard-wife is a burden. Unless it's your sister." She replied with amusement, and he gave her a drawn-out look.
Something in her words made him uncomfortable.
"You think you're going to be a burden to your betrothed? I don't think she pays attention to that sort of thing. She seems to be a strong woman." She said softly, and he swallowed hard, looking down at his feet.
"She is. She has an overwhelmingly strong character. I'm not able to…keep up. I get tired of how fast she lives, how many things she wants." He confessed with shame, once again exposing his oversensitive, fragile nature to her.
"Sometimes people just don't fit together."
He looked at her and furrowed his brow, as if he didn't understand what she had said.
"What do you mean?"
She sighed heavily, looking away, spreading herself comfortably in the chair. She smiled involuntarily when she noticed that, despite his efforts, his gaze escaped for a moment to her full, soft breasts, hidden only beneath the material of her thin gown.
"It is impossible to change human nature. Not at its core. You can be different, but marriage, it seems to me, is about complementing each other."
He lifted his gaze back to her eyes, his lips parted as if he had run out of words. He nodded his head and grunted, walking uncertainly over to the table, sitting down in one of the chairs. He began to play with his fingers, as if he was fighting with himself.
"I don't know what I could do to change. To be what everyone expects me to be.’
"Stop killing yourself."
He looked at her and she shook her head, furrowing her brow.
"You're killing your sensitivity. Your calmness, your thoughtfulness. Your warm nature, which is the reason for your shame. You want to be like your uncle, but you're not. Maturity is about taking responsibility for your decisions, and you are running away from it. You become a man when you confront your desires."
Prince Jacaerys seemed completely surprised by her words, simultaneously distressed and filled with hope. He lowered his gaze, looking down at his fingers, silent for a long moment.
"Fly with me to Dragonstone."
She looked at him in disbelief, for a moment not knowing what to say, shocked.
This boy completely lost his mind.
"I don't follow." She confessed.
Her nephew looked at her with a gleam in his eye, from which she felt a squeeze in her lower abdomen.
"Fly with me to Dragonstone. You are my blood. I do not want you to be the servant of a lord who will be able to use you and…" He did not finish, his cheeks red with shame.
Something in his words, in the fact that he was concerned about her fate and welfare, touched her.
She thought this boy had a really good heart.
"Your sister has ordered me to set out for the Eyrie."
"My sister wishes you to disappear from Harrenhal. I desire you to accompany me on my journey back to Dragonstone."
She laughed at his words.
"Who will I be there? Your whore?"
The boy furrowed his brow, looking at her in shock.
"My aunt."
Her smile vanished from her face, her brow furrowed in anger.
"Truly you are still a little child."
"I want this."
"You don't know what you want. Who I am."
"You are just like me. Abandoned. Alone. Marked. Without purpose, without a chance to have the dignity you deserve. I seem to have finally understood my sister. What she and my uncle have in common. I felt something immediately when I saw you for the first time. I'm not speaking of lust − I'm speaking of a feeling that I've never before met a person who could accept me as I am. Some part of me believes that I was destined to meet you."
He whispered, as if he was referring to something he was ashamed of, desperate and embarrassed, his bright eyes full of hot emotion that frightened her, overwhelmed her and moved her at the same time.
Only then did she understand.
A stone fortress reaching up to the sky, with the sound of water all around it.
The dragon on whose back she flew, which she had never seen before.
Her destiny had come for her.
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reanniee · 3 months
the moon
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shigaraki x reader
notes: angst, death, violence word count: 8.5k
˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
"...hey... are you alright?"
"...w-what do you want..."
"...you're not okay... are you?"
"...what's your name?"
"why are you e-even out here... someone like you shouldn't be in a dump of a place like this..."
"...the moon..."
"the moon... its beautiful... isn't it?"
".... what is wrong with you... you came out to a random dark alleyway just to see some stup-"
"the moon isn't stupid... it-its beautiful.."
"...you're crazy! the moon isn't worth coming out here-"
"so then, why are you here…?"
"......t-that's none of your business... now go home and leave me alone!"
"then come home with me..."
silence. pure silence.
in a dark alleyway, the most dangerous place for young children, sat a scrawny black haired boy sitting down in a corner, hiding himself from the world, and a young girl facing him.
".. go away.."
"...i'm not leaving without you. i'll stay here as long as it takes..."
the scrawny child looked up at her for a second.
"...you're an idiot! i'm not worth it! just leave!"
she shook her head in response.
"...there's no way I'm leaving you alone..."
"...tch... d-don't blame me if you get kidnapped idiot..."
she smiled.
"[name] [last name]."
there was a moment of silence.
"tenko shimura..."
 ˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
"...hey... idiot..."
"why won't you leave... why do you keep coming back..."
“because i wanna be here with you…”
“bu-but why! you have a home to go back to! why would you come here instead!”
"...why don't you come home with me?"
“i…i can’t... i’ll only ruin it… i’ll only ruin your life…”
"...the moon... it's really beautiful..."
“i… i can die happ-”
"hello? ma'am?"
the [hair color] haired female shook her head, coming out of her little daydream.
the man who woke her up smiled.
"now, what would you like to buy, miss?"
"i'll take-"
˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
she was walking back to her home at night through the crowded city, returning from a grand adventure of finding a convenience store for groceries. a beautiful evening. a beautiful night. a beautiful sky. a beautiful city.
she carried three plastic bags on her hand as she walked in the beautiful and bright city. a new city. a new environment. a new life. a new start.
she came to a stop at a crosswalk; waiting for the light to signify when she was able to continue her path. the cars flew by her, sending a slight gust of wind her way. 
"so weird..."
she said to herself as she reached into her grocery bag to grab a juice box. she opened the juice box and started drinking it.
"i've been having those weird day dreams recently..."
the memories she had been seeing had begun affecting her everyday life. distracted at work and distracting whilst shopping. the memories causing her to zone out.
"is he someone i used to know?"
she just assumed that when she was younger, she probably knew the kid in her little day dreams.
“does this have to do with this city?”
the walking sign lit up. she crossed the busy street. cars stopping at her sides and cars flying past her.
"how come i can't remember him...?"
she glanced towards the sky, her head hurting as she tried to remember who the mysterious boy was, when she saw the moon.
a new moon, huh?
"the moon... it's beautiful tonight."
she shook her head. strangely enough, the day dreams she had were all about the moon.
"...the moon?"
she looked up at the moon, admiring its beauty as she walked. a mistake she made constantly.
"is he... is he really re- ack!-"
she was too busy staring at the moon and talking that she failed to notice the people around her. she ended up bumping into someone else and falling down onto the ground.
"oh no! i'm sorry!" a female voice shouted out.
"n-no worries!" [name] said as the other female helped her up. a short and blonde girl whos hair was tied into the style of two buns. she was wearing a school uniform and seemed to be in a hurry.
"you're okay, right?" the other female asked.
"...y-yeah! i'm fine." [name] answered.
"i'm really, really sorry!" the other female apologized once again.
[name] smiled.
"it's alright! i'm [name], what's your name?"
"my names himiko toga!"
"it's really nice to meet you toga, but I've got to get going." [name] said politely.
"yeah! it's really late at night and I've got a place to go to as well! bye [name]!!"
"bye, toga!"
the two waved goodbye at each other and headed their own ways.
˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
[name] looked out at the moon once again.
"the moon... it's beautiful.."
a fresh start. today, is a fresh start.
 ˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
"...what're you staring at?"
"...were you.... admiring the.... the moon...?"
"you were! ....weren't you!"
"..tch, so.... its not that big of a deal..."
"....it truly is beautiful isn't it..."
"... what's with you and the moon?"
"... i just think that the moon is beautiful..."
"why do you mention it every single night?"
"because the moon.... it only comes out at night.."
"yeah? and the sun only comes out at day, idiot..."
"...not many people... they don't really get to admire the moon."
*beep beep! beep beep!*
"eh? ack!"
the same daydreams again. the endearing memories have recently begun to flood the poor secretary’s mind, distracting her from her daily tasks.
she looked towards the hanging cat calendar on her wall. may.
 it’s almost been 15 years exactly.
*beep beep! beep beep!*
“ah man... forced to eat burnt toast again..”
it was the morning and she was getting prepared for the day. her first day, kind of. after she scraped the burnt pieces off of her ruined breakfast, she continued her morning routine. after rushing to get ready, she waited near her door till she heard a familiar knock.
"hey, [name]!"
"hello sir! thanks for giving me a ride today"
the two walked towards the black car awaiting outside the secretary’s house.
"no worries [name]. first day back on the job, exciting isn’t it?”
he opened the passenger door for her.
“it sure is exciting”
“the building is almost fully done. today will just be us moving in and getting situated. area here's completely different from back home”
the two buckled their seatbelts and the elder male began to drive.
“i’m glad i was transferred here to work alongside you here, sir. thank you again”
“how flattering. don’t sweat it, kid"
"still!!! it’s nice of you to bring me to work"
"it beats walking, doesn’t it?”
“yeahhh you’re right i guess. walking is pretty fun though”
“...you should really be more careful [name].”
“you haven’t heard? there’s a lot more criminal activity in this area. walking alone– especially at night– is dangerous for someone like you.”
someone like me, huh?
“calling me weak since im a woman? hm! not very professional of you, sir. you know in this day and age, you’re gonna get canceled for saying something like that!”
he stared at you.
“that’s not what i’m talking about…”
 ˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
she was walking home at night from the main office building.
the boss was right. an exciting day. the building was still being rebuilt. a quick and easy day of moving. a nice day, ended with a nice night.
a nice night.
he likes the moon too.
the day dreams continued to plague her mind all day. the thoughts causing her to be distracted whilst at work. what was causing these recent memories? 
memories? are these my memories?
she looked up at the night sky, admiring the brightly glowing stars and the shining moon.
a waxing crescent moon.
she smiled and closed her eyes, enjoying the peace that the night gave her.
well, she was, until she bumped into someone.
"watch where you're going."
"oh, s-sorry!"
she helped herself up and stared at the guy she had bumped into. he was shrouded in a black hoodie covering his entire figure. black hair peeked out of his hoodie and he wore a mask covering his face.
"...t-tenko...?" she said quietly, but loud enough for the guy to hear.
tenko? who… who is tenko?
"not my name sweetheart."
"o-oh! sorry about that! you just reminded me of someone... someone that I used to know!"
someone that i used to know?
"names' dabi."
"[name] [last name]."
"you should be heading home. it's not safe around these parts at night."
"right! yes sir!"
"cya around, [name]."
he started walking away.
"goodnight, sir!”
she continued on her walk home.
"why do i keep bumping into people... "
 ˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
the rest of the journey home was quiet and peaceful. the secretary arrived at her home safe and intact.
“how beautiful”
she looked at the moon again. admiring the wonderful glow it provided. 
"he loved the moon too..."
a loud beep interrupted her thoughts. her phone lit up. a notification
reminder: sleep well!!!! no work tomorrow.
oh yeah. the office is still being rebuilt. no work tomorrow, i guess. i should probably try to relax.
˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
"you sounded like you wanted to say something..."
"...it-it's nothing.."
"..you sure?"
"the moon sure is beautiful isn't it?"
"..tch... you and the moon again.."
"its beautiful! especially tonight"
"it's just the first stage of the moon… nothing special about it"
"you… you know moon phases?"
"...yeah? and? "
"it’s special because its the first stage! its a new moon!” 
“a new moon?”
“mhm! it symbolizes a fresh start!”
“the moon is very interesting, yeah?"
"... i mean... i guess..."
"every phase of the moon is beautiful... it still glows, no matter what." 
"..why did you come out here in the first place?"
"the moon wa-"
"d-don't give me that!"
"eh? what do you mean?"
"why did you come out here? why in this specific place! you could have easily seen the moon from your bedroom window, or even outside your house! why'd you come out here! why in this exact alleyway!" 
"...it's way too crowded where i live... this place is the only place where i can ignore everything and just enjoy my time... with you..."
"excuse me! miss [last name]! are you in there!"
she blinked repeatedly, shaking her head, waking herself up.
"y-yes! you can come inside!"
a female with light blonde hair came inside. it was a co-worker of hers.
"you have this letter for the boss. its a proposal for another uprising business."
"thank you."
she took the letter from the blonde woman. the letter was enclosed with a fancy wax seal.
“y’know you reallyyy shouldn’t be daydreaming at work.”
“sorryyy! just been a bit distracted is all”
“well, i’ll be taking my leave! goodluck on the rest of your work miss [name]!”
she opened the letter and started to read it.
"quirk erasing bullets...?"
 ˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
what is going on?
a busy night of work, cars, and pro heroes. as she waited for the walking light, she stared up at the bright moon.
a first quarter moon.
the stars chose to hide themselves tonight. their light too dull to be seen by the naked eye.
what a weird time of my life, huh? i really need to stop daydreaming.
as the walking light turned on, she crossed the street, finding her way into a barely illuminated park. a detour; the longer route home. a nice walk in nature to clear her mind so she can focus on work.
the park filled with rich green trees and greenery, only illuminated by the sight of the bright moon. what a beautiful sight. a beautiful night and evening to-
"help me please! no, stay away!" she heard a voice say quietly.
"n-no! shut up! why don't you!" the voice seemed to be arguing with.... himself?
"h-hello?" she asked, coming to a stop.
there was no response.
she looked around, and saw a man, crouched into a tree and covering his head.
"h-hey, are you okay?" she asked.
"...n-no!" he yelled out. he sounded as if he were trying to hold something in.
"c-co-cover- please!" he yelled.
[name] looked at him, she squinted her eyes and saw a scar in the middle of his face.
she took her jacket off and tossed it to him.
"here, sir."
he immediately grabbed the jacket and wrapped it around his face, tightly.
"are you alright, sir?"
"th-thank you.."
"you’re welcome mister...?"
she paused, hoping for the male to answer with his name.
he remained quiet
"im [name] [last name]. have a nice night"
he looked up at her and she smiled.
"i've got to get going home, have a good night sir"
she turned around and started walking home, cutting her detour short and returning to her usual route. enough chaos for the evening. now, alone, she pondered her peculiar situation once again.
"was he even real...? or was he just apart of my imagination... to escape from this world”
she looked up towards the night sky. bright as ever. a few stars revealed themselves.
he made me happy, didn't he?
a sudden shiver ran down her body. cold.
guess i need to buy a new jacket.
she wrapped her hands around herself and continued her way home. once again, left to her thoughts in the lonely night.
ah, that letter. guess i won’t be getting much sleep tonight. boss is gonna see a tough decision tomorrow.
 ˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
"you sounded like you wanted to say something."
"you can say it.... i'm not gonna judge you."
"...the moon sure is beautiful.."
"..what- what's your q-quirk..."
"my quirk…?"
“[name]... you can tell me anything.“
“i can heal people"
"what's wrong with that?"
"it wasn't enough"
“i hate my quirk.”
"e-eh? why?"
"because i hate my quirk."
"what is your quirk?"
"...you can tell me anything too, tenko."
"de-decay.... my-my qu-quirk is called decay... anything i touch with all five of my fingers.... it… it will disintegrate......"
"..i-i knew I shouldn't have told you! your scared of me now... yo-you'll-you'll hate me!"
"h-huh! h-hey! get off of me! wh-what are you doing! do-don't touch me!"
"..it's called a hug."
"..did-did you not hear what i said! if i touch you with all my fingers i could kill you!"
"i know you wouldn't."
"you won't try to push me off... i trust you.."
"..i-i don't want to hurt you..."
"..you won't."
"...you idiot! j-just get off! I-i'm go-gonna hu-"
"it's your quirk. you can control. i believe in you.."
"...you-you idiot.... you're gonna die because of your stupidity... you-you know that?"
"...as long as I'm with you."
"miss [last name]!"
"h-huh? oh..."
"miss [last name], did you hear what I said?"
"my apologies.."
"are you alright miss [last name]? the whole office has been noticing that you've been spacing out recently..."
"it’s nothing! my apologies for worrying everyone. i've just been having a few flashbacks ever since I started an office in this area.”
"has this area brought back a few memories?"
"maybe something in this area is reminding you of something in your childhood."
"i used to live in this area as a child."
"is there a common topic in your flashbacks? or a person?"
"huh? why?"
"i read somewhere that if all of a sudden, you start getting flashbacks of a certain person in your childhood that you haven't seen in a while, are nearby!”
“... or it could also be that you are nearby the place where you had met them or a place where you used to visit a lot with them."
"yeah... its about one of my old childhood friends.... we're always in one spot, the spot where we would always talk"
my childhood friend?
"have you thought of visiting that place? that might stop your little daydreams."
her eyes widened at the suggestion.
“thank you ma’am.”
"you’re welcome."
"anyways, what was it that you were saying before?"
"oh right- did you read the letter that I gave you the other day?"
"yes, of course. i created a report and forwarded it to the boss"
“what’d he think of it?”
“said he was interested.”
“it is quite interesting, huh?”
“i guess.”
“do you think we should get involved?”
“i’m unsure. its up to whatever the boss wants to do, i guess.”
"well, the leader has requested a meeting with the boss. discussing the bullets, that is."
"alright. i'll take a look into that."
 ˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
"where even was that place…"
she asked herself. the night alike every other recently. the venture home after a long day of work infected with the meaning of her daydreams.
"every day... the day dreams are getting longer... more real. im getting more information on him at least..."
why did i forget in the first place?
she looked up to the night sky, wishing to see the warming embrace of the moon.
a waxing gibbous moon.
"his quirk... it was decay..."
her head started to hurt. she stopped walking and clutched onto her head, the immense pain was stressing her out.
a sudden headache. a migraine.
why did she get a migraine? why now? why at this exact moment…?
"...aah...man oh man”
she closed her eyes and tried to calm herself down. but, the pain only got worse. she fell onto the floor
she desperately clutched her head harshly, begging for the pain to go away.
"excuse me ma'am. are you alright?"
a gentle, male voice spoke out.
"...my-my head...ah!"
she couldn't look up to see the male, but she could tell that he immediately knew what to do as he led her towards a nearby bench and told her to calm down, take a deep breath, and relax.
as she did so, she felt the pain in her head slowly fade away. as soon as it disappeared, she looked up at the male.
his body seemed to be formed of purple mist.
"thank you, sir."
"your welcome. and no need for anything in return."
she looked at him for a minute.
"are you weirded out by my appearance? if so, then-"
"no. it's not that. just...- you look familiar- or-er the purple... mist.."
"...you aren't weirded out by my appearance? you don't think I'm weird?"
"not at all. your quirk doesn't define you as a person."
the male was about to respond until a loud beep interrupted him.
"my apologies, but I must head home now."
"understood. thank you and goodnight, sir."
"goodbye ma’am"
she started to walk away.
 ˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
"why-why did I react like that when I thought back to tenko..."
did… did that happen because of tenko? but why?
she arrived home, sat at her desk. a glass of water rested on her desk alongside a bottle of tylenol pills.
she looked out to the bright night sky. the stars looked back at her.
what’s the point in thinking about old memories?
what use is there in reminiscing about an old life?
˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
"you seem like you want to say something again."
"you can talk to me about anything tenko."
"..yo-you said that I could talk to you about anything right?"
"...go on... im listening."
"...there... there is this one person... they are always there for me... they always act so happy... but.. I just have a feeling that... that something is going on with them too..."
"...why do you feel this way?"
"..well, they told me themselves that some people hide their true emotions behind a smile.... and i've been through a lot so... i recognize that look in their eyes... what do I do? they have helped me... they made me happy- they made me smile... how do I help them?"
"well, just talk to them about it. people feel better when they can just let all their emotions out..."
"the moon is-"
"hey... listen...."
"huh?.... eh?"
"i-i really.. l-... appreciate you..."
"you do?"
"t-than- thank you... for everything.... I want to let you know that I'm here for you too... okay?"
"you don't have to, tenko."
"but i want to. w-we'll help each other, together."
"together forever!"
“what do you think of all this?”
“sorry boss, but you can’t seriously be thinking about accepting their deal. are you?” the blonde co-worker chimed in.
the boss and his secretary were situated in the building’s main office, discussing the proposal offered to them by the shie hassakai as the blonde worker entered the room. the boss laughed.
“it is quite the proposal.”
“hey [name], you did more research on the shie hassaikai, right?” the blonde turned to the secretary.
“ah, yes. the shie hassaikai is a yakuza group. or well, the revival of one.” the secretary informed.
“well, they sure are intriguing, aren't they?”
“they’re dangerous, that’s what they are.” the blonde spoke.
“well, a dangerous idea and an interesting one are the same. isn’t that right, [name]?”
the secretary perked up, the conversation directing back towards her.
“in a way, i guess you are right sir.” she responded.
the blonde sighed.
“well, anyways i came over here to drop off another report. enjoy the rest of your day [name] and boss.” she spoke as she handed the secretary a file and left the room.
“you never answered my question.”
“did i not?”
she opened the file given to her.
“the shie hassakai is… rumored to have dealings with the league of villains?”
 ˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
the female suddenly came to a stop. she blinked, trying to process what just happened. she had zoned out.
she shifted her gaze towards the night sky.
it’s a full moon tonight, how lucky.
she redirected her gaze forwards, slightly confused on where she currently was.
in front of her stood incoming traffic, and a familiar road.
a familiar sign. a familiar road. a familiar life.
she looked down into the street. dark, abandoned, and empty. the road seemingly called out to her, inviting her. she walked forward, as if her legs were moving on their own. familiar with the path which they were taking. not enough time to think.
she followed the dark and barely lit road as she was led to an abandoned neighborhood.
her legs. she came to a stop. she lifted her head up. in front of her stood an empty plot of land. a former family home turned to dust. cracks filled the land. the grass had grown back
the tombstone of an old life.
the snap of a twig woke up her.
her head darted around her, eyes searching around for the culprit.
“hello? whos… whos there?”
she spoke aloud, shaking.
what have you gotten yourself into now, [name]
“hello!” she shouted
to her right. footsteps approached. she quickly turned her head.
a strange man with a crazed look on his face. he was covered in blood, laughing.
is this where i die?
the man came closer, a knife in hand. she took a step backwards, her heart racing and her body shaking.
she was frozen in fear.
he was seconds away.
is this the end?
his eyes glared into hers, smiling as he rose his arm.
tenko… please
a gunshot.
a man wearing a white hood appeared in front of her. his face not visible from the distance.
she was shaking. this man had saved her. he was now slowly approaching her. her eyes widened.
“tenko? is that you?”
she whispered. frozen in place as the man came closer.
he was now a few feet in front of her, able to get a closer view. he was a strange man wearing a mask, similar to that of a plague doctor.
“my name is kurono. are you alright, miss [name]?”
“i… i am alright. thank you. thank you so much” she was shaking as she bowed her head towards her savior.
“it is rather dangerous around these parts, miss [name]. especially at night. you should really be more careful.”
“i know… my apologies.”
“what are you doing at a place like this, anyways?”
what am i doing here?
she glanced to her right, looking at the former house.
“i… i don’t really know”
his eyes resembled a soft smile.
“let me assist you home, then. it is dangerous this late at night. especially for a quirkless in the superpower world.”
 ˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
kurono had walked her home. he had stopped on her street and waved her goodbye. it was already so late. what an interesting day.
he was a savior. kurono. she had gone and gotten herself into some trouble again. all because of these daydreams. but kurono… how had he known her name?
she came to stop. a beep from her phone interrupted her thoughts. It was midnight already. she looked up into the sky.
a full moon.
tenko. hes… he’s not alive anymore, is he?
where are you now? how could you leave me?together forever you said, huh? i want to know more about you, mister mystery man…
 ˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
"h-hey, idiot... you haven't spoken at all tonight, I-is something wrong?"
"no, nothings wrong."
"why are you being quiet?"
"... i'm going to help you too. aft-after everything that you've done for me, i-w want... i want to help you. you- ... you can tell me anything, [name]."
"t-tenko… haha!"
"hey! why are you laughing and smiling like that all of a sudden?"
"you called me by my first name!"
"... huh? that's it?!?!?"
"the truth is, something has been on my mind."
"you can tell me, idiot."
"aww, I miss the '[name]'!"
"shut up and let me help you for once, idiot."
"well, can you tell me more about... more about your past. the truth on why you're here every night...."
"... only if you do as well..."
"i want the truth."
“that’s absurd!”
the gruff voice spoke as he slammed his fists into the desks.
“he had followed you on your way home?”
the secretary casted her gaze to her hands on her lap.
“well, yes. i was on my way home”
a small lie. it doesn’t matter, though.
“this city is quite dangerous. im glad you are alright, [name]. or else i’d be forced to find a new secretary.”
she laughed in response.
“im glad that you’re safe though. thank god a hero was there. who was it even? did you get his name?” her boss questioned
she fiddled with her hands.
“ah, well. im unsure if he was a hero. though i remember his appearance. he was wearing a weird mask. you know the masks that plague doctors used to wear? and he-”
“the shie hassaikai.” her blonde female cut in. “a member of the shie hassaikai had saved you.”
her eyes widened.
“ah, really? he was a member of the shie hassaikai? i guess they aren’t so bad afterall.”
the boss laughed.
“well, s’pose i should reward them, hm? for saving my dear secretary i’ll provide them with a meeting and some funds.”
“don’t,” the blonde spoke sternly.
the secretary perked up.
“rather suspicious, aren’t they?”
“how so?” the boss questioned.
“maybe instead of saving your secretary, they were following her?”
“a dangerous, but possible assumption. what an interesting spot we’ve gotten ourselves in.”
“you can’t forget the league of villain dealings as well.”
“that is true.” he turned his gaze to the secretary. “[name]. be a little more careful now, won’t you?”
“ah, yes, sir.”
 ˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
she was walking home like always, her and her thoughts on the way home. lectured by the boss and her co-worker about safety. she made sure to take the quickest route home tonight to avoid being scolded once again. and to avoid another incident.
she looked up to the moon.
a waning gibbous moon.
"should i find him again?" she said to herself. "would he remember me? how would i even find him?"
she continued to ask herself questions. but one question ended her thoughts, leaving her shocked.
"is he even alive...?"
she shook her head and sighed.
she continued to walk until she saw a flash of white in the corner of her eye out of a dark alleyway. she stopped walking and stared into the alleyway.
after a minute or so, a strange little girl with white hair and a horn came running out and clung onto her.
the little girl had a terrified expression on her face as she desperately clutched onto the legs of the [hair color] haired female. she buried herself, shaking and wiping her tears.
"hello? are you alright, sweetie?" she asked the little girl.
"pl-please... he-help me."
she kneeled down to the little girl’s height and looked at her in her eyes, trying to calm her down with a reassuring smile.
"what is your name, sweetie?" she asked.
"e-eri... please... he-help me..." the little girl spoke.
"here, grab my hand and I'll take you to the police." she said as she stood up and reached her hand out for the girl to grab.
the little girl's eyes widened. terrified, she took a step back. the look of terror in her eyes grew.
"i won't hurt you, sweetie." she assured the girl.
the little girl slowly approached her, and just as she was about to take her hand, a voice interrupted her.
"eri." a stern and cold voice called out.
eri's eyes widened as she stood in place, frozen in fear.
the [hair color] haired female looked into the dark alleyway seeing a tall man with brown hair and a bird mask that looked as if it were inspired by that of a plague doctor. similar to the one of that guy that had saved her that night. he had also worn white gloves. quite an interesting aesthetic.
the strange man began to approached the two
"hello miss. such a lovely night, isn’t it? my apologies for her" the male said.
"and you are?" she questioned as she nodded.
“i am the father of that girl there. she is quite the trouble maker, though. i apologize if she has caused you trouble miss.” he sighed
the man began to near where the two stood.
"why is she so scared?" she answered, glancing between the terrified little girl and the intimidating man. both suspicious and concerned.
he paused.
"she's afraid of the dark." he simply answered.
she looked down at the strange girl. contemplating on what to do.
should i save her? take her to the police?
the man was now closer
no… what can i even do against him?
what can someone like me even do to save her?
he paused.
"lets hurry, its midnight already and you should be in bed." overhaul stated and eri came rushing by his side. 
she stared as she watched the strange pair disappear into the darkness of the alleyway.
 ˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
small pebbles flung into the empty road. the powerless secretary’s mind tore at itself for not intervening. the two sides of her arguing with each other.
just a small girl with the inability to save anyone.
save? anyone?
she looked up towards the night sky. 
a waning gibbous moon.
"the truth... i want to know it... tenko."
 ˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
“i can’t go back. not now… not ever”
“tenko, you can tell me. i’m here for you. i’ll always be here for you.”
“they are gone.”
“my… my family… they are all gone.”
“what… what happened to them…?”
“tenko… it’s okay tenko. dont worry. i’m here. i’m here for you. i’m here with you. i’m here for you forever”
“-following report states that the yakuza group, the shie hassakai has been defeated and taken down. the leader ‘overhaul’ has been captured and detained. the villain will be transported to a secure facility where he is unable to harm people again. this supervillain has been defeated with the help of-”
“enough of that.” a gruff voice spoke as he shut off the television.
“that’s got you upset, boss?” the secretary questioned.
the secretary and ceo were stationed together in the main office. the two stayed together overtime, organizing paperwork and discussing future business adventures. the news played on the television caught the attention of the two.
“seems like a money opportunity gone. sucks to be us. could’ve used the deal too.”
“you thought about accepting it?”
he nodded and sighed.
“it would’ve been risky but an interesting business adventure”
“you took too long to make a decision anyways. that’s for the better, i guess.”
he laughed.
“she would’ve yelled at both of us if i’d accepted the deal. me for agreeing and you for following my order”
the two shared a laugh, then, silence. he let out a deep breath.
“quirk erasing bullets. can’t say that isn't intriguing” 
“i guess i can see it that way boss.”
“good thing you talked me out of it. huh, [name]?”
“could say we dodged a bullet there”
“get back to work, idiot”
˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
“nice work today [name]. thanks for accompanying me today”
“no problem! its not that much of a hassle to do anyways.”
“dont worry kid, i’ll be sure to pay you overtime”
the two shut down the office for the night, turning off lights and locking the doors. they walked together out of the building.
“hey kid”
“let me give you a ride home tonight, yeah? it’s rather late”
she looked up to the moon.
a last quarter moon.
“no shie hassaikai to save you if some big bad villain approaches” he jokes, referencing the incident that had happened to her a couple days ago.
she laughed in response
˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
it was a quiet car ride. the duo too tired to converse after a long day of paperwork. the secretary stared out the side window, admiring the night sky.
no stars tonight. just the beautiful moon accompanied by the deep night sky. a beautiful last quarter moon. the moon cycle is nearing its end.
i’m here for you, huh? 
how ironic. he was nowhere to be seen. she had not a clue where he was. perhaps she should give up. cleanse herself of these meaningless daydreams. cleanse herself of the memories that plagued her mind.
“the road is so empty tonight. how weird.”
her boss spoke, interrupting her thoughts. she shifted her gaze to the front window. he was right. no cars were on the road. the only vehicles on the road were the two trucks and the police car right in front of her.
she turned back to the side mirror.
“what the hell is… [name]! shit! watc-”
a piece of metal debris came flying towards the boss and his secretary. the metal had shattered the front window and stabbed itself into the backseat of the car, between the two. glass shards from the window had covered the two.
their car came to a stop. the alarm going off.
“what the hell. [name]! you alright?” the boss asked, he was only able to catch a glimpse of her face. she was in complete shock, frozen at the sight. her eyes widened and glued to the view in front of her.
“shit. [name]. are you-” he was cut off by a sudden impact. the police car previously in front of them was now flying towards their car.
the vehicle had flipped over, landing behind the car which the boss was in.
another loud impact. the truck directly in front of them had crashed, flipped over as the truck had opened, causing a man who was tied up to fall out onto the road. he was directly in front of the boss and the secretary. fire engulfed the road as the second truck had come to a stop.
shit. what is going on? is the boss alright? what is-
she looked in front of her. her eyes widened. on top of the truck resided a man dressed in a black coat and covered in white hands. he had light blue hair.
the man had jumped down from the truck, now slowly approaching where the tied up man laid, and where the secretary resided.
tenko… is that really you?
“[name]! we need to get out of here”
tenko… please
the man, hearing the cry of the man, quickly darted his head towards the car. his gray orbs widened as he scanned the vehicle and he met eyes with the secretary.
˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
“tenko! tenko! tenko, is that you!”
“[name]... you’re so loud…”
“tenko! where have you been! it’s been so long… you-you were gone for so long! i’ve come here every night to look for you but… are you okay? where did you go? are you hurt? how are you feeling?”
“...it’s not… it’s not tenko anymore”
“its… shigaraki now… i have a new name… my master gave it to me… tomura shigaraki”
*beep beep*
“-awake! get the doctor! she’s awake!”
a familiar voice shouted
“shit, [name]... you had me worried for a bit”
her vision cleared. in front of her stood her boss. he had a concerned look on his face.
she was at the hospital, laid down on the bed dressed with a hospital gown and a tube connected to her arm. “aw shit. what happened. where am i, boss?”
“you passed out kid. glad you’re awake now, though.” the boss spoke, relieved. “you remember? anything?”
her eyes softened as she directed her gaze to her hands resting in her lap.
“no, sir. i do not”
˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
“her injuries are minor. we did not sense any brain damage. the only damage caused to her was from the glass shards on the window. the cuts will not take long to heal” the doctor informed the two.
“we good to leave then, doc?”
“i’d like for her to stay a couple hours longer. it is already very late into the night. plus. You are still yet to be treated, sir.” the doctor spoke sternly, glaring at the elder male.
“yeah yeah, fine. can’t we go home after i’m done?”
“sleeping here until morning would be her best option for faster recovery. you are welcome to stay if you would like, sir.” the doctor spoke, clearly tired from the long night.
“yeah, whatever. just bring me a blanket please, doc”
˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
she was discharged from the hospital in the morning. her boss had covered the fees and had driven her home. the ride was silent. the boss deciding whether to bring up the incident that had happened last night or not.
instead, he opted to lecture and scold her, on behalf of their fellow coworker. he thought, what would she do. he yelled at her, warning her to be careful. the blonde would be proud, he thought.
she merely laughed at him. her boss’ poor attempt to switch the atmosphere. it is the effort that counts, after all. she was excused from work for the day, leading her to enjoy a three day weekend. 
he spoke of the break as an end of month break. a celebration of sorts. the first month of working in this new city. this new building. this new environment. though, she knew he was trying to play off his concerned thoughts.
she waved him off as she exited his car, broken windows and all. the two waved goodbye at each other until she reached her door.
as she arrived home and closed the door, she immediately fell to the ground, her hands darting to cover her face. tears fell from between her fingers. she wept on the floor of her home. 
why was she crying?
˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
a boring day. though, perhaps that is for the better. 
a relaxing day, her boss told her to get.
before departing for the weekend, her boss told her to enjoy herself and relax. for it was the end of the moon cycle, no better time than to treat yourself to some joy.
the boss is a great person when he tries. a real and utter softie at heart. work was manageable with a kind man such as the boss as her leader. despite his attempts to seem intimidating, it was quite easy to see his real persona. stern but caring, almost like a father figure.
work, huh? working at that company is not so bad. the pay is nice. the work is average. her coworkers were fun. when she returned, she was sure she would be lectured by the blonde. always acting as her guardian. her mother, almost.
how ironic
*beep beep*
her phone went off, interrupting her thoughts. attachment: an image. a message of her dear blonde coworker, sending her an image of the moon. 
a waning crescent moon.
the end of the moon cycle already? but i just got here when it began.
she looked towards the hanging cat calendar on her wall. june.
june already? in two days it’ll be…
15 years exactly
she looked out her window
“tenko... what happened to you?”
˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
her boss told her to take it easy. her boss told her to not get into anymore trouble. her boss told her to get some inner peace ‘for once.’ her boss told her to relax. it’s a shame how her form of relaxation is going on a night stroll.
she made a mental note to never inform her coworkers about this, lest she want to get scolded and yelled at for an hour.
the secretary couldn’t help herself, though. it was a beautiful evening. the end of the moon phase is always a beautiful time. she came to a stop, waiting for the light to signify her time to cross the street. she cast her gaze upwards at the night sky.
a waning crescent moon.
the star was filled with stars. such a beautiful moon. a beautiful night. and a beautiful sky.
the walking light lit up. she crossed the street, approaching her local convenience store. entering the small stop, she smiled and waved at the cashier. she approached the soft drink isle, pondering on what to get.
staring at the large array of choices, she felt a pair of eyes glare into her. the eyes had been continuously looking at her for a while now.
it was a public store. she mustered enough courage to quickly look left. as she turned, there was a man? a person was staring at her.
the man wore a gray hoodie with the hood pulled up, shielding his face. though, the secretary was able to catch a glimpse. his skin seems to consist of green scales, almost like that of a reptile.
as she met her gaze, the man’s eyes widened and he quickly turned away, seemingly shocked that she had caught him staring.
she rose a brow and turned back to the fridge, opening the cooler and taking two drinks.
as she walked to the cash register, preparing to pay, she felt the same eyes on her again. she turned around, meeting the red eyes of the green heteromorph who seemed insistent on staring at her.
shocked that he was caught, again, caused the man to seeming panic and leave the convenience store, buying nothing.
the secretary sighed. she paid for the two drinks and chased after the heteromorph.
“hey! you there! stop!”
she shouted as she walked after the man who was rushing away. he paused, and turned back to her.
“you! what do you want?” he stopped as she caught up to him.
“me? what do i want?” she sounded offended. “what do you want? whats with you staring at me?”
at hearing her response, he seemed taken aback. he paused, then, he turned around once again and began speed walking away.
“hey! come back here!” she yelled again, walking after him.
he paused, turned around and waited for her to catch up. “what.” he spoke
she caught up to him, then she reached into her plastic bag, picking up one of the two drinks she had bought. she held the drink out to him. he seemed confused.
“you didn’t buy anything, so. i’m [name]”
he uncovered his hood a bit as he took the drink, nodded at the girl, then proceeded to walk away.
she watched as he walked away, while she remained still. her body began to shake.
he was there. he’s part of the league of villains.
a small pain began forming in her head.
i need to find tenko. i need to.
she looked up into the moon. a waning crescent moon. the end of the moon phase. 
in two days… it’ll have been 15 years already. since the day you changed my life forever.
please… tenko, where are you? i’m so sorry tenko. i’m sorry for not being there for you.
˚⭒. ☾ .⭒˚
“that’s not my name anymore… you know it [name].”
“i’m s-sorry ten-... i’m sorry. it’s just been… ever since you came back… you’ve been different”
“what… what happened to you, tenko?”
“i already told you! nothing happened! i found my place in the world! i-i found someone who wants me. i found someone who actually cares for me!”
“tenko… i care for you”
silence. pure silence.
in a dark alleyway, the most dangerous place for young children, sat a [hair color] haired girl and a boy with light blue hair facing her. 
“...m-master says you’re… useless”
“t-tenko?” she stood up
“he tells me… to stop seeing you… t-that you don’t r-really care for me… h-he tells me that you’re like everyone else!” 
“that’s not true! tenk-”
“its tomura. shi-shigaraki tomura.”
“please, tenk-”
the boy came closer to her. her eyes widened as she froze. her gaze directed to his hands. the same hands that could cause destruction. the same hands that did. the same hands that inevitably would.
“ten-to-tomura… i-i didn’t mean it like tha-”
“master’s right…! you’re just like the others… you… you…”
“tenko please” she shouted in desperation
“why can’t anyone just love me… why did i have to be like this… why was i give this quirk…”
“tenko! i’m here for you!”
“you don’t really love me… why can’t you love me... why… it’s because of this quirk…”
“your quirk… it doesn’t mean anything! it doesn’t resem-”
“then why are you scared of me right now”
she froze. silence. pure silence.
“tenko… please… i lov-”
the words never finished. she was cut off. her mouth refused speak what her heart so desperately wanted to say. her body refused to listen to her. it seemingly acted on it’s own. almost as if she were forced to.
the young girl ran. she left the dark alleyway. leaving the boy to live on his own.
“tomura.” a deep voice uttered.
“she left you. you have no use for her. she does not care for you. only i do, tomura”
the poor boy turned around and looked up, tears threatening to poor from his red eyes.
“...y-yes… master”
“shit! ow”
the secretary woke up breathing heavily as sweat ran down her skin. a nightmare, seemingly. it was no nightmare.
it was the cold, hard truth.
the woman jumped out of bed. she rushed outside and ran. it was the middle of the night. a beautiful evening. a beautiful night. a bright sky. a beautiful city.
she ran as fast as she could. that place. that important place. how could i forget it? how could i forget the place i met you.
forced to come to a stop, the same light staring at her, signifying her turn to cross the street. she was impatient. she needed to get there. quickly. before he left. before he was gone again. before he left her. before she left him
she looked up into the night sky. the sky was a beautiful deep blue. the stars shone brightly tonight.
a new moon.
the light switched, and the secretary quickly ran across the street. she passed the welcoming convenience store. she passed the dimly lit park. she passed the dark neighborhood. she passed her new building, her new life.
please be there. 
tenko. please.
i love you
her running came to a stop. she breathed harshly, tired from the exertion she forced upon herself.
her head began to hurt. the scenery became familiar. all too familiar. the same sign. the same street. the same path. the same buildings. the same alleyway.
she approached the same alleyway. that same alleyway where no child should ever venture into. she is no longer a child.
the pain throbbed in her head. a deep voice warning her, telling her to get away and run away.
how could she ever run away. not again. not ever.
please be there.
tenko. please.
i love you
she entered the alleyway. the same boxes. the same feral cats. the same stench. the same scary atmosphere. the same darkness. the same alleyway.
she was engulfed by the darkness. seemingly walking into nothing, hoping to see him. she aimlessly walked into that same alleyway, all those years ago.
near the end of the alleyway allowed for a patch of the moon to shine into the dark alley. the darkest alley was also the brightest, in times like this. she stood on the edge of the darkness.
he turned his back to her. he had messy mid-length light blue hair. the same as that day. he wore all black. the same as that day. he seemed as if he wanted to disappear from the world entirely. the same as that day.
he was watching the moon.
she stepped onto the moonlight, and then, he turned around.
deep red orbs stared into her own. his mouth slightly open. his eyes widened. he did not move.
a new moon
she walked forwards, continuing to stare into his eyes.
a new moon
she settled in front of him. the moonlight shining on the two of them. the stars intently watched the two.
she shifted her gaze to the night sky, admiring the moon.
a new moon
at the break of eye contact, his eyes followed hers. a beautiful evening. a beautiful night. a beautiful sky. a beautiful city.
“hey…” she spoke softly.
silence. pure silence.
“the moon is beautiful… don’t you think so, tenko?”
he glanced at her, then looked at the moon once again.
“i can die happy”
her mouth opened to speak. nothing came out.
questions flooded her mind. she had so many. so many things to ask. so many things to say, but the words couldn’t leave her mouth. she wanted to ask him so many things. are you okay? where did you go? are you hurt? but she was unable to utter out any of them.
silence. pure silence.
“i’m not tenko anymore. [name]. my name is shigaraki tomura.”
the two turned to each other. their eyes met.
a new moon. a new night. a new start. a new time.
the same place. the same confession. the same day. the same moon.
the same girl and a new boy.
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windingpathways · 1 year
Fully blindsided right now & still processing the situation as I type this
My employer of 4 years, who has always been honest with me (sometimes to a concerning degree) has just let me know quite suddenly that she does not have the money to pay me for my last 2 weeks of work.
It's not totally out of the blue, I knew the company was struggling in an expand-or-die sort of way, but she's been reassuring me for months that she had investors lined up etc etc and that she'd let me know well ahead of time if I needed to start looking for another job.
Timesheets for the second half of September were due on the 1st-- mine totaled up to nearly full time at 19/hr. Typically payroll goes through within a couple of days or we at least hear an update. Crickets.
My internet bill was due yesterday; the charge hit my closed bank account and bounced. I was barely expecting to be able to cover my existing overdue and anticipated expenses with the paycheck i believed was coming. I reached out via text to ask for an update:
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I have in fact been looking for another job-- at least on the side to make me feel more secure and allow me to live more comfortably-- but no one wants a gardener in the winter, or a gardener who can't drive, for that matter, and I hadn't begun to start looking for the sort of work from home admin job she had me doing.
She's been like a weird family member to me for ages now, and yet she let me do all that work the last couple weeks, knowing she couldn't pay me for it, without saying a damn word. I have emails from her asking for me to do more for her as recently as yesterday. No mention of oh btw it's gonna be volunteer labor for now. I'm feeling heartbroken and betrayed; she was one of the few 'adult' figures in my life I genuinely felt I could count on.
I'll double down and figure something out-- but, in the meantime, I'm SO fucked and I really need your help. Please please at least reblog this for a boost, and if you have even an extra dollar I'd be tremendously grateful if you sent it my way.
Ca$happ/venm* $wanderingivy
Dm for paypal or evidence of debts/bills/expenses and shit if you want it, I can't psychologically tolerate trying to dig it all up right this second
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twentyfunnybunnies · 4 months
Padawan to Padawan
For @anxiety-banana :D
You told me you needed this as a full fic so here it is~
Summary: Caleb Dume is not considered cool-- never will be cool-- so why the kriff is the coolest person in the galaxy (in his humble opinion) the person who helps him through a vulnerable moment?
Caleb Dume was going to have a heart attack. Right here, on the floor of the Padawan quarters, Caleb Dume was going to go into cardiac arrest and die. He was sure of it. His heart was beating way too fast and his lungs refused to inflate properly and his eyes stung with tears and images that came straight from the nightmares he lived on the battlefield.
But then two hands slipped into his, squeezing his fingers gently, and a soft voice said, "It's going to be okay, Caleb. What do my hands feel like? Hot or cold?"
Caleb couldn't see who it was, but he squeezed the oddly cool hands and said. "Cold."
"Rough or smooth?"
He felt the grooves of scars and the tough callouses. "Rough."
The questions continued, and before Caleb knew it, he was no longer in danger of a heart attack. He blinked and his vision cleared, revealing his hands laced with a leaner pair. He followed the hands to the arms until he was staring into the face of a smiling Ahsoka Tano. He almost had a heart attack again, but this time it was the surprise of seeing the Chosen One's padawan smiling at him.
And Caleb ran.
He shot off the floor and scrambled through the doorway, breaking into a full-fledged sprint. The hallways blurred together as he plowed aimlessly through the temple until he somehow ended up in the Room of a Thousand Fountains. A few knights shot him strange looks and Caleb, still panting from the run, hurried into the heart of the gardens in search of his favorite spot.
It only took him a minute to find it: a tiny waterfall spitting out between rocks. No one was ever here-- it was tucked away behind boulders and vine-laced trees so perfectly he had to know exactly where to slip through.
Caleb plopped down on a mossy rock, kicked off his boots, and stuck his feet into a glassy spot sectioned off from the tiny main stream. He watched the ripples it caused slowly settle back to the still, reflective water and stared at himself through it.
Why was he like this? Why the kriff did he have to go around embarrassing himself at every chance? First of all, he'd probably be mocked for crying on the floor. Second of all, Ahsoka Tano probably thought he was the weakest padawan alive. Third, she probably also thought he was stupid and rude for running away like that. He mentally kicked himself again and again, frowning deeply at his mirror image in the water. Why was he like this?
Another head popped into the reflection, and Caleb would've started mentally beating himself for imagining it if another set of feet hadn't splashed into the water next to his and sent him into his third near-heart attack of the day.
"Hey, it's okay," Ahsoka told him, trying to grab his hands again.
Caleb whipped his hands back, scooting out of her reach, but froze in place when her gentle voice said, "don't run."
Ahsoka shifted closer, close enough to take his hands, but didn't touch him. "Sorry if I'm being pushy, I just wanted to make sure you were okay."
Caleb stared at her, throat too tight to form words.
"If you want me to leave I'll just---"
"No," Caleb blurted out, too quickly, and he wanted to punch himself in the face. But that would make things more awkward, so he decided to add, in as casual of a voice as he could muster, "You can stay if you want." he threw in a shaky shrug for effect.
"Thanks," Ahsoka said, flashing him a careful smile. "So... you're okay now? You still seem stiff."
"Yeah, I'm good," Caleb squeaked. The silence that followed was very awkward for Caleb, who felt like Ahsoka's eyes were boring through him, searching down to his bones and darkest, deepest secrets.
"You don't have to be embarrassed, you know," she finally said. "Panic attacks happen to everyone."
"Not to them," Caleb muttered, thinking back to his roommates.
"They're also not all fighting in the war," Ahsoka pointed out, "They don't know what it's like to be on the front lines, to know you could die at any moment and to watch others die in front of you."
The two shuddered in tandem.
"The ones who know won't make fun of it. And the ones that do make fun of you---"
"Ignore them," Caleb interrupted, reciting what every adult seemed to tell him. "They'll lose interest eventually."
"I guess you could do that, but I was gonna say send them to me."
Caleb's head shot up and he stared at Ahsoka with an expression that must've looked stupid because she snorted back a laugh. "I'd almost think you were afraid of me, Caleb."
He scoffed three times, mind reeling for a witty response. "Scared? Wha-- no! Why would-- of course not!"
This time Ahsoka didn't swallow her laughter and Caleb shrank into himself. He knew he'd never be "cool" enough to just hang out with the Chosen One's padawan. For some reason, it stung, even though he should've expected it.
"Aw, hey, I didn't mean anything bad," Ahsoka promised, sobering. "I'll make it up to you. You can stay in Anakin's quarters with me tonight."
"You stay in your master's room?"
"Only when he's gone," Ahsoka agreed.
"You mean he's on a mission without you?"
She nodded.
"Because sometimes he can be an overprotective bantha butt."
Caleb froze again at that, not sure if he should ask the Force to forgive her for blasphemy or to laugh.
"Oops, I forget people think Anakin's all high and mighty," Ahsoka said. "Don't worry, and you can stop walking on egg shells around me. I'm just another padawan. Like you."
This time Caleb laughed, because the whole idea was absurd.
"Really," Ahsoka said, frowning. "Everyone thinks I'm special but I'm not. I'm just Obi-Wan's way of trying to get payback at Anakin since he wasn't an easy padawan. Oh, don't look sad, it's not like I'm not learning. It's an honor-- don't get me wrong--- but you can stop treating me like something special."
"But you're advanced in---"
"So are others," Ahsoka interrupted. "It's not that rare. Others are better than me. I'm not perfect." She stuck out her hand. "So, padawan to padawan, let's be friends."
Caleb stared at her hand. Could this be real? Could the Chosen One's padawan be asking to be friends with infamous Caleb Dume?
"I don't have many friends. Everyone thinks I'm too special or stuffy to talk to me." There was a note of resent and pleading in her voice, and Caleb chanced a look up at her face. It was Ahsoka Tano alright, but really, she was just another padawan. An extremely talented one, yes, but she was a kid, and so was he.
Caleb took her hand and shook it.
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Kicho's Main Story Chapter 9 Part 1
These translations are not intended as a replacement for the game. Please support cybird by buying their stories. SPOILERS under the cut. Expect mistakes.
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(Could it be that this guy is...?)
Man: "As I thought, one of the twins survived."
The man clucked his tongue and walked up to Kicho casually.
Mai: "Kicho!"
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Kicho: "..........."
Man: "Who the hell are you!?"
Jumping out of the shadows, I immediately lifted the table and threw it toward the man.
Man: "Whoa!"
(Okay! Now!)
Mai: "Let's run!"
I grabbed his small hand tightly and ran toward the doorway.
(It's gonna be okay. I'll figure it out.)
(I'll protect him.)
We ran out of the castle, took a horse, and continued to flee without looking back, only stopping when we were in the middle of nowhere.
Mai: "I think we're safe now that we've made it this far."
Kicho: "Yeah. They already caught that guy."
Mai: "Huh!? How can you tell?"
Kicho: "He got caught by the vassal, who noticed the commotion when we passed the hallway."
Kicho: "I think that vassal thought I was Nohime."
Mai: "That's..."
Kicho: "It was worth it to dress like this."
He smiled softly as he traced his lips.
Mai: "If you already knew, you should've told me earlier."
(If they thought he was Nohime, I would've been treated as a kidnapper and a thief because I also stole a horse!)
Kicho: "If I told you, they would've found out who I was."
Kicho: "Also, I've always been curious."
Mai: "Curious about what?"
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Kicho: "Everything that's not in that room."
He took his eyes off me and carefully dismounted the horse as I followed suit.
A fresh morning breeze crossed over the plain and ruffled our hair playfully.
The sound of grass and flowers rustling reached my ears and eventually faded away, absorbed by the blue sky.
It was a heart-wrenching moment.
(I see. That room doesn't even have a breeze like this.)
Kicho: "What did I do to my body?"
Mai: "Kicho?"
Kicho: "I was only born into this world. I didn't do anything to be shunned like that."
Mai: "............"
When I saw him turn toward me, I felt a pain in my chest similar to that of a nail being hammered.
Soon, large, uncontrollable tears were spilling from his wide-open eyes as if his feelings had broken down.
Kicho: "I don't want to die. I just want to live."
Kicho: "I'm not Nohime. I'm not a person who doesn't exist. I'm...!"
Mai: "Kicho."
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Kicho: "..........."
Mai: "You are you."
Mai: "There's a lot I don't know, but that's the one thing I know very well."
I hugged his little body tightly as I told him this.
Mai: "This is just my take on it, but in this world, other people's evaluations and values make you who you are."
Mai: "But no matter where you are and what you do, you are you."
Mai: "As long as you continue to live and have your will, this fact will never change."
Kicho: "..........."
(These are the most important words he gave me, so I want to return them properly.)
Mai: "Please continue to live as you."
Mai: "I want you to live, too.”
Kicho: "Really?"
Mai: "I'm not lying. I told you earlier that I wouldn't lie to you."
(My meeting with him in the future was the exact opposite.)
(I’ve spent days searching for the truth, confused about what’s right or wrong.)
(In the end, I couldn’t convey anything properly.)
Mai: “I want to be honest, not for your sake, but for mine.”
Mai: “That’s why these words are not lies.”
Kicho: “This is weird.”
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Mai: “Is it?”
Kicho: “It wasn’t just your words. You took me with you and ran all the way here.”
Kicho: “You’ve been on my side ever since you showed up out of nowhere.”
He looked at his hand on my arm and squeezed it tightly.
(I wonder if I conveyed the heartfelt feelings I couldn’t put into words before.)
I wrapped my body around him as if I were hugging the only treasure that was more valuable than anything else in the world.
I felt his heartbeat that overlapped with my own.
Kicho: “I don’t know why you care so much about me, but I believe you. No matter what happens, I will live.”
Mai: “That’s a promise, okay?”
Mai: “If anything happens to you, I’ll be very sad.”
Slowly, I released my arms, and he stared at me.
His eyes were a little reddish, but much more intense than the ones I had first seen in the dark room.
Kicho: “What’s your name?”
Mai: "Huh?"
Kicho: "Your name. I still don't know it."
Mai: "Oh, right. I'm...."
Girl's voice: "Please, answer me! Where are you!?"
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Kicho: "-----!"
(I can hear a child's voice and multiple sounds of hoofbeats. I think someone's coming.)
Mai: "Um, Kicho. Did you hear that?"
Kicho: "It's Nohime."
Mai: "So it's your sister's voice."
(Thank God. He can get home safely now that someone is coming to look for him.)
The moment I breathed a sigh of relief...
Mai: "-----!"
I heard a sudden roar of thunder, and rain began to pour down.
Kicho: "Why suddenly?"
Mai: "This is bad. You'll get wet if you don't hurry up. You need to join your sister quickly."
(Huh? This rain feels familiar.)
(Right, a wormhole!)
Mai: "Kicho, I think this is where I have to say goodbye."
Kicho: "What?"
Mai: "I can't involve you in this. I'm sorry!"
(I'm sure that with all those horses, Nohime and the others would notice him immediately.)
I left Kicho behind and ran as fast as I could.
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Kicho: “Big sis! I still don’t know your name!”
Mai: “Don’t worry. We’ll see each other again soon!”
I waved my hand, shouting so as not to be drowned out by the sound of the rain.
(He will live and be free to leave, but he will still get tied down by heavy shackles.)
My wanting him to live is unmistakably my true intention.
And I want that life to be something that is not bound by a dark room or shackles.
(I’ve come a long way, so let’s not get lost again. Let’s run straight with our legs and hearts.)
A haze began to form around me, surrounding me, and then I lost consciousness.
Mai: *sigh*
I quickly sat up and looked around.
(I’m in the cabin. I see. I’m back.)
(I’ll never get used to this feeling, even though this is the third time I’ve gone back in time.)
The scenery outside hadn’t changed, and it appeared that not much time had passed since I had lost consciousness in the cabin.
However, I was soaking wet, showing that it wasn’t a dream.
Mai: “Alright!”
(I need to go to him.)
I stood up, determined, when...
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Motonari: “Sorry for the intrusion.”
Mai: “Motonari!”
Motonari opened the door with a kick and widened his eyes slightly when he saw me.
Motonari: “What were you doing?”
Mai: “Nothing. I went swimming.”
Motonari: “You mean you went for a dip in the sea at a time like this? You’re crazy.”
Mai: “I didn’t do it because I liked it, but it did clear my head.”
Mai: “More importantly, what do you want?”
(He’s in alliance with him, so maybe he’s got some kind of message.)
As I waited expectantly for Motonari’s response, I heard footsteps approaching again.
Subordinate 1: “Lady Mai! Are you okay一gyaah!”
Kicho’s subordinate jumped in and collapsed on the spot, his face contorted in pain.
Mai: “Eeeek!”
Motonari’s Subordinate: “Boss, we’ve cleaned up everything.”
Motonari: “You’re late.”
Motonari’s Subordinate: “He resisted, saying he never heard such instructions.”
Motonari: “I don’t need any excuses.”
(What does that mean?)
Almost shaken by what happened, I stepped back and distanced myself from Motonari and the others.
I wanted to escape, but they were blocking the entrance.
Mai: “Cutting him even though he resisted is awful. Aren’t you guys comrades?”
Motonari: “Ha? We’re not friends. We’re just temporarily working together because of our shared interests.”
Motonari: “So, if he gets in my way, I’ll kill him.”
Mai: "That's too much!"
Motonari: "You're no exception, princess."
Motonari: "Because of you, the crazy demon became human."
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Mai: "Demon?"
(Could it be...)
Motonari: "You know him well. It's Kicho."
Motonari: "Ever since he got involved with you, he's been acting strange."
Motonari: "That's why we have to get rid of him for our plan."
Mai: "-----!"
Motonari: "Take her."
Motonari's subordinate: "Yes, sir."
Mai: "Let me go! No!"
(I need to get to Kicho right away!)
I twisted desperately to shake off the arm that Motonari's man had grabbed, but the difference in strength was obvious, and I felt a searing pain.
Mai: "Ouch."
Motonari: "Grow up. You don't want to end up like him, do you?"
Motonari glanced at Kicho's subordinate, lying on the floor.
Mai: "So where will you take me when I stop resisting?"
Motonari: "That's something you'll have to wait and see."
Mai: "If you do this, won't it cause a rift in the group?"
Motonari: "The opposite. When you're gone, he'll wake up."
Motonari chuckled, his eyes the same color as the blood spreading on the floor.
(I don't think I can escape on my own.)
At the same time一
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Kicho: "..........."
Kicho suddenly frowned and stopped his horse.
Subordinate 1: "Lord Kicho, is something wrong?"
Kicho: "No, nothing serious. I'm just a little dizzy一Mai?"
For a moment, he felt some kind of memory flashing through his mind.
When he looked up, the sky remained the same color, but the slightest whiff of rain reached Kicho's nose.
Kicho: "Don't tell me..."
He regained his grip on the reins and was about to move on again when一
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Mitsuhide: "Wait."
Mitsuhide appeared from among the trees, gun in hand.
Kicho: "Mitsuhide. Are you here to interfere with me again?"
Mitsuhide: "I'd say, of course, but there's one more thing."
Mitsuhide: "Have you seen Mai?"
Kicho: "I see. You've been following that woman."
Kicho: "Don't worry. She already contacted us."
Mitsuhide: "Is she okay?"
Kicho: "Yes, but she'll never return to the Oda army."
Kicho: “We move her to a place where no one can touch her.”
Subordinate 2: “Lord Kicho!”
Subordinate 2: “I have a report. Someone has taken Lady Mai!”
Kicho & Mitsuhide: “----!”
Kicho: “What do you mean?”
Subordinate 2: “I returned to the cabin after preparing the small boat, but there was no sign of her.”
Subordinate 2: “The man on guard was also unconscious after someone slashed his back.”
Mitsuhide: “Is there any possibility that Mai has escaped of her own free will?”
Subordinate 2: “Mitsuhide Akechi! How can you say something like that?”
Subordinate 2: “Are you sure you guys didn’t take her as a hostage again?”
Mitsuhide: “I see. It seems that there is a lot of mixed information out there, or are you really attached to that woman enough to make her worthy of being a hostage?”
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Kicho: “I wonder about that. Either way, we don’t need to talk about that right now.”
Mitsuhide: “What matters is who took her?”
Mitsuhide: “For her sake, I’ll give you the right information this time.”
Mitsuhide: “It’s not the Oda forces. I can assure you of that.”
Kicho: “I assure you that we have no intention of spreading lies and causing confusion about this matter, either.”
Mitsuhide: “Oh? So you’re saying that a third party took her away?”
Subordinate 2: “By the way, I noticed that the area around the hut was wet. It was as if it had rained only there.”
Kicho: “Rain...?”
Kicho quickly reached into his pocket despite the gun pointing at him, but what his fingertips were looking for wasn’t there.
Kicho: “I see. If the future is destroyed, so is the life that was there.”
Kicho: “I’m going back to the port. You guys look for Mai.”
Subordinate 1: “Yes, sir.”
Mitsuhide: “Don’t move. I can’t let you get away from here.”
Kicho: “Then come with me.”
Kicho: “That woman, Mai, may not be here in Japan anymore.”
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Mitsuhide: “What?”
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Kicho & Mitsuhide: “Mai!”
When the two jumped into the cabin, it was, as they reported, empty.
Nothing remained but the bloodstains of his subordinate, who had already been carried away by his comrades.
Kicho: “I knew it.”
Mitsuhide: “Kicho. What do you mean, she’s not here in Japan?”
Kicho: “It exactly means what it says. Mai’s existence disappeared.”
Saying this, Kicho gently reached into his pocket, where there was nothing left but the perfume.
Mitsuhide: “Existence?”
Kicho: “That woman is from the future. Also, I know that future, too.”
Mitsuhide: “That sounds like a fictional story. What proof do you have?”
Kicho: “Only the knowledge I have in my head.”
Kicho: “If you don’t want to believe it, don’t. I’m not asking you to do that.”
Mitsuhide: “Then, if that were true, why did Mai disappear?”
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Kicho: “It’s simple. This present is connected to the future.”
Kicho: “When the present changes, so does the future. It also affects those who live there.”
Kicho: “Mai is no exception.”
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Previous Part╏Masterlist╏Gacha
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feuqueerfire · 6 months
DFF Characters That Compel Me
Hard for me to say I like these characters but there are a few who I'm fascinated by and think about them often and apparently wanted to write a long post about it.
I'd love to hear if you have any characters that gave you brain rot and want to write about, especially because idk if most people have a favourite character in here? Or if they love the character? I'm curious to know how people interact with the characters in this show.
I'll talk about 3: New-Tan, Tee, and Fluke.
Of my top 3, the most obvious and popular one is New-Tan. I will always love a sibling bond in stories and what's better than sibling revenge? Especially delicious because New was a shit Phi to Non while they were living in the same house, didn't care about anything Non said or showed him, and probably did nothing to comfort Non when their parents looked at New more favourably. And yet, he gives up his entire self for Non: He gives up his scholarship and his education, he lies to his parents, and he constantly smokes drugs to get to see Non. He gives up his entire identity when he assumes the new role of Tan and becomes someone whose existence and purpose is to avenge Non. I liked the twist that it was actually New who was the driver behind the revenge, it felt so much more desperate. The revenge and killing also take so much patience and intelligence, whether it be the drugs or the traps or making Top the faux killer for a bit. In the end, he follows his brother's script and makes sure that they all die and nobody leaves that house.
I think a lot of love and support for New came from people's love and pity for Non because they wanted New to avenge Non. Non wasn't really a character that I felt much for, to be honest; like obviously his situation was sad but I never really thought about him when he wasn't on-screen, so I think my view of New is more about what doing all this means to New himself rather than what it means for Non.
I loved the ending for him too. As I said, he gave everything up and had nothing waiting for him out there, so it feels narratively fitting that he dies in that house with them. Before, New used to see Non tell him to take revenge and accuse him of abondoning him but here, he sees Non thank him for avenging him in his hallucinations. Then, he immediately thinks about using Uncle Dang and White as collateral, the innocents that he had to use and discard (the same way Non was), to gain that gratitude. Doesn't have much time to duel on it though because he's helpless again when he sees Non hang himself. I'm glad that the last thing New sees is Non emerging from the light to thank him before returning to the light.
Love him <3 Also look at his cute, mass-murdering face here (when Fluke shoots Top I think)
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Seems like I have a lot to say, so I'll put Tee and Fluke under Read More.
In the earlier episodes, Tee was irritating as he and Top kept trying to destroy the footage, fucking ran off with the motorcycle, and were just being overall selfish and hiding things. In the past, I was softening up to Tee when we discovered that he, as a teenager, works doing shady shit for his uncle to buy meds for his father but he was still a POS.
I can't believe he covered for Top and made Non not only take the blame for it but also dragged him into the stupid gang mafia horse account shit with him. He brought Non into this world that had no way of escape, like if Non couldn't get the money, interest would continue accruing and he'd be trapped in the cycle while after he did get the money, Non was beaten and kidnapped. Non literally died in the stupid room.
Yet Tee claimed he didn't think that his uncle would truly kill Non or whatever, how stupid, how can you think that after you've worked under him? His naiveté confused me and I still wonder if it wasn't purposeful ignorance. If Tee convinces himself that he truly never guessed what could happen to Non, maybe he'll feel less guilt about what ended up happening. Selfish, selfish.
Tee felt so alone, even if he was in the group it's not like he could tell them about his side hustle (except fuckass Top). When he was consumed by guilt after Non's death, he still couldn't tell anybody what truly happened. He didn't have family to rely on, either. His scene with his father was so sad as he cried that his father was supposed to be the one taking care of him but his dad was laughing about how Tee has gray hairs now. Ah, sad.
Then, of course, he meets the only good thing in his life, White. He's such a bastard to White too, like getting his high school bf who is 2-years younger into pot lol (White was probably 15 there?), fucking leaving White to get on that bike with Top, and also his apparently uncontrollable jealousy. It seemed like such an over-the-top reaction when he reacts badly to White and Jin's acting scene in ep 1 and the fact that White's hallucination fear at the end involved Tee breaking up with him with accusations of being unfaithful? Bro, Tee, while White was brining light into your life, what the hell were you doing for White? And then of course the end, where he stabbed White... I don't even have words.
I like Tee but I'm influenced by Tee/White, sue me. I've been watching edits and been in a state of disarray because I'm so sad about this. Fucking fuck fuck. I watch series and sometimes I love a pairing and that manifests into me thinking up scenarios of them post-canon or in a missing scene in the show. Can't do that here, can I? Fuck, I was prepared for Tee to die. I needed Tee to die, I wanted him dead dead dead. I was not prepared for what the fuck they gave me, I can't believe Tee stabbed White.
Love him <3 selfish, lonely fucker who was trapped but dragged Non and White into his hell with him.
Also have this TeeWhite edit to White Ferrari by Frank Ocean. "You say we're taller in another dimension" is truly ending me fuck
Personally, I haven't heard much discussion about Fluke but he was the first character who I got really into because we started to get to know his personality in the earlier eps while he was alone in the house with White and taking care of Por.
I got into watching shows/series through Squid Game lol and the character that most compelled me there was Sangwoo, truly another dickhead and although they're not the same at all, I still found some similarities, such as their career-related status (Sangwoo being an SNU-graduate with a great job unlike most others there and Fluke's obsession with having a clean record to become a doctor), throwing their weight around (tricking Ali and being mean/scary to White), and just their selfish tendencies in general.
Fluke was overly concerned with his reputation and didn't want the new kids to know what happened 3 years ago with Non, which is what I first picked up on about his character before we got to the flashbacks. It was so selfish; people were worried about a life-and-death situation, but Fluke could only think about his future ambitions. I remember being extremely baffled at the end of episode 4 (I believe) when he points the gun at Tee, tells the walkie-talkie to not come, and then DESTROYS it, severing their connection to the outside world and leaving them trapped with a murderer/ghost/whatever. Just so that they don't become murder suspects for Por's death? girl, I don't understand your plan but you were clearly blinded by your greed for the future.
I love seeing selfish, cowardly characters, and Fluke certainly is one. He witnessed such crucial wrongs and misdoings against Non (Top breaking the camera which started the whole damn thing and Non recording the video which broke the camel's back) but never once spoke up. He said he didn't want to become "like [Non]" meaning he was protecting his own hide by making sure there was someone more bullyable present so that they didn't turn on him. A coward and a dick. In the end, I found it fitting that he had to gouge his eyes out.
Fluke didn't ever stand up to his friends or oppose them, but his cowardly ass was ordering White around while they were alone. Also, the bravado with which he wielded the gun in the later episodes, even taking White hostage and shooting Top, but once somebody else like Tee or Phee had the gun, he was cowering, rolled into a ball with his knees to his chest. Ah, the different ways he behaves when he thinks he has the upper hand vs when he's at somebody else's mercy!
Love him, what a useless character <3 Also, if you ever need to tell your secret but don't want it to get out, just tell Fluke to get it off your chest, that man is never saying a damn thing (even if it would save someone's life).
Anyway, that's that I guess. So many words here and none of it new but I needed to write all these words out, they were haunting me.
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To clarify on the Hazel overdosing thing, he did it so he could buy time for everyone to get out of Salem's Grimm whale fortress
Oh yeah no I got the.
It was a tactical 'I might die but I'll let my comrades escape' not a 'let's jsut see what happ- oops!'
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Ghost Story - Chapter 41
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Pairing: Rooster x Female OC
Word Count: 2344
Warnings: Mention of death
Summary: No one will miss a ghost. It'd been a running joke for as long as anyone could remember, something Ghost herself started, and she always said it with a smile on her face or with mirth in her voice. The untouchable stealth pilot in every sense of the word, no one could've predicted the depth of her turmoil over recent events, nor the extremes she would go to in order to protect the man she loved, not even those closest to her. Now, all that was left of the young aviator for Maverick, Hangman, and Rooster were the memories of the past, which would slowly fade with time. She'd come into their lives and made an unforgettable impression, and then, like a ghost, she was gone... Then again, ghosts can't die a second time.
Notes: None
Chapter Songs: She'll Leave You With A Smile Come Wake Me Up
If there was one wish Pete Mitchell had in life, it was for Bradley to never experience the grief and heartache that he had when Goose died in his arms. It was something a person could never truly come back from. It was a memory Maverick brought with him every time he launched for a mission, real and practice. 
Flying low over the site where Rooster and Ghost ejected, seeing his son cradling Ghost's body in the dark waves... Maverick had déjà vu. The sight made him want to vomit. Thank God Hangman hadn't seen it sooner. Thank God he had focused on the last enemy and had taken it out because if he had witnessed the scene beforehand, he surely would be as incapable of functioning as Maverick. 
Of course, he did come upon it afterward, and he demanded an update, but not a single soul would provide one. Maverick could hear the fear and desperation in the young pilot, the same emotions threatening to overwhelm Maverick, but the smallest yet most convincing voice told him to keep it together for Hangman's sake, for Bradley's sake, for his sake. Maverick couldn't face the idea of losing Ghost until his feet were on solid ground. He needed to have something underneath him to collapse on.
Hangman and Maverick circled the crash site until the rescue chopper arrived. Then, they stayed until it left, following the helicopter back and requesting to land the moment the craft set down on the carrier. Permission was granted. 
Maverick had never climbed out of a plane so fast. He raced toward sick bay with Hangman on his heels. Both men shouted at the others to get out of the way until they reached their destination, just in time to see Ghost be wheeled into the operating room, her pallor deathly pale and blue. A gurney transporting Rooster into another surgery room wasn't far behind. Maverick staggered back, unable to process the situation before him. His son, his daughter...
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Hangman collapsed against the wall, bracing himself on his knees. Maverick placed a comforting hand on the aviator's back. If any words would've helped calm him down, Mav would've said them, but there weren't. He knew because the only statement to give him relief would be that Ghost and Rooster were going to be okay, but Maverick didn't know that, so he stayed quiet.
"Captain Mitchell, Lieutenant Seresin," Cyclone said, his typically commanding voice wavering. "My office. Now."
With lead feet, Maverick followed the admiral. Hangman shuffled weakly behind him. No one spoke a word until they stood behind closed doors. Warlock already stood in the office, staring out at the sea through the porthole, but he faced the men when they arrived. Cyclone sat in his chair and set his gaze upon the two pilots. Maverick ran through a million responses to the million questions the admiral could start with, but he had no answer to the one Cyclone did: "Are you two okay?"
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Maverick cleared his throat, mainly to remove the knot from it. "We'll be better once we have an update on Rooster and Ghost, sir."
"Once I receive word on their condition, I'll let you know immediately. Now, what happened up there? How did this happen? Start from the beginning."
Shockingly, Hangman spoke up. "From what Maverick and I gathered, Ghost and Rooster survived their initial ejections and regrouped. Somehow, they stole an enemy plane and took off without interference from the terrorists."
"How did you know it was them?" Cyclone inquired.
"Ghost pulled a Cobra maneuver and got behind me, but instead of shooting me, disengaged and headed toward the three enemy fighters and took one of them out. I flew close enough to them at one point and recognized Rooster's helmet in the back. Maverick and I both confirmed it when we were over the ocean and flew alongside them."
"Why did they have to eject?"
Maverick clenched his hands behind his back as he answered, "They flew through my jetwash, sir. They were behind me, and I had to pull up suddenly. Ghost tried to get out of the way in time but-"
"Her focus was on Rooster," Hangman jumped in. "She kept turning around to look at him, and he wasn't moving except when the plane moved, so I think he passed out. I'm sorry, sir, but that's all we've been able to conclude."
I nearly killed them. I should've moved out of the way sooner. I should've led the plane away from them. I should've-
"I see. I guess we'll have to get the full story from Lieutenants Winchester and Bradshaw. Warlock, escort Lieutenant Seresin to your office and have him write up an incident report. Captain Mitchell, I need you to remain behind for a moment."
Maverick and Hangman shared a concerned glance, but neither said a word. The pilot and the rear admiral exited the room. Cyclone stood and walked over to the window. "Maverick, I understand you feel responsible for the aviators you take under your wing, almost like they are your own kids, especially Rooster and Ghost. However, just because you develop familial relationships with your pilots does not mean you can call them your son or daughter as a tactic to convince me to launch you in a time of crisis."
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"I wasn't calling Ghost my daughter for the hell of it, sir," Maverick said defensively. "She is my daughter."
He hated leaving Maverick behind, questioning what Cyclone wanted to talk to the captain about. Hopefully, he didn't berate Maverick. The pilot didn't deserve any reprimanding of the sort. Hangman knew that Maverick, like him, could think of nothing but Ghost and Rooster's wellbeing, if they were okay, if they were alive. To go through everything they did, it was a wonder they didn't die after their first ejection. To survive a second one, most likely with pre-existing injuries... it seemed unfathomable, even for Ghost, who had a habit of knocking on death's door and running away before he answered. One day, he'd catch up to her. Hopefully, that wasn't today.
Still, the image of Ghost- eyes closed, unmoving, and blue in the face- being wheeled into surgery for God knows what refused to leave his mind. Even after taking his time to change out of his flight gear, even after taking a long shower, even after changing into clean, comfortable clothes, Hangman found himself about to break, so he headed to the only place he could think of. Keeping his head down, Jake navigated through the carrier to the main hangar. He found a quiet spot with a view of the black sky and sea, away from prying eyes so no one could see the tears welling in his eyes. Hangman pulled out his phone and opened up his photos, scrolling slowly through his old ones of him and Ghost. There were photos of him and Ghost in Puerto Vallarta with their families during high school, pictures of them at school dances, their first, exhausting days at the Naval academy where both of them looked ready to murder someone, namely themselves for choosing this career path, although flying jets certainly made up for it. However, the first memory that caused a smile to spread across his face, temporarily breaking through his melancholy, was of Ghost and Ghoul having a sisterly chat about Ghost's newfound relationship with Hangman. Ghoul had made some raunchy comment, and her sister chucked a pillow at her. 
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Hangman watched a few times before moving on. The next video that appeared was of Ghost watching The Winter Soldier for the first time and her excitement for one of the end scenes while eating a bowl of cereal. She had almost dumped it on the couch because she got so into the movie, but Ghost caught herself and the bowl in time.
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The last one he could bear to watch was a more recent video of Ghost chatting and drinking with the Daggers. The background noise all but masked the conversation, but Hangman could still tell she enjoyed herself, despite the wistful glances in Rooster and Bryn's direction.
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Where had everything gone so wrong? How had Ghost made such a miscalculation when trying to cut off the enemy? Had she meant to do it? Hangman recognized she'd been going through the wringer between losing her mom, falling out with Rooster, with Bryn temporarily, and Jake himself, having no family left... it couldn't be easy. But had it gotten that bad that he hadn't seen it? Of course, they'd been at odds for the past couple of weeks. If it had been this upsetting to her, he wouldn't have had time to notice, and if Ghost died, it'd be his fault for creating the mess they were in.
I'm not ready to lose her, God. He prayed, staring down at his clenched hands. It's not her time to go. I know it. Please, God. Let her pull through this. She didn't come this far to die now.
Soft footsteps approached from behind, and Hangman hoped whoever it was didn't find him silently weeping behind the boxes. 
"Hangman?" Maverick's fatherly tone caused Jake to look up involuntarily. He saw the captain through blurred tears. "How are you holding up?"
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If it had been anyone else- Cyclone, Warlock, another of the Daggers, even Rooster- Hangman would've lied and said he was good. But Maverick was different. Maverick had been there. He knew better. "Not well," Jake admitted, sniffling and looking back down. "I'm not ready to lose a wingman, let alone Ghost. Especially Ghost..."
Maverick sat next to him. "It's why you like flying alone."
"Yes, sir. How did you know?"
"Because I'm the same way. It usually comes from losing one prior. Who was it for you?"
Hangman sighed, shifting his gaze to the white caps in the black water formed by the cruising carrier. "Ghoul, Ghost's sister. We were almost as close as I was to Ghost. She was my sister too. Before I started dating Ghost, and the three of us would go out to bars, Ghoul would be my wingman in helping me pick up girls," he admitted, smiling at the memory. "I wasn't as confident back then as I am now, so she helped me out. When she died, it felt like I'd lost my wingman, and it killed a little bit of my soul. I didn't want to feel that way again. I get people think I'm going to leave them hanging in the air, but that's not the case. I'd rather fly alone than be in a team because I don't want anyone dying on my watch."
"How did you get your callsign?"
"It was one of the many reasons Rooster and I became at odds with each other, but he gave it to me unwittingly. We'd been up in the air together for a practice hop, and I left him to go take care of one of the enemies. I got mine, he got taken out, and he called me a 'God damn Hangman.' Well, it stuck, and that sowed the seeds of our rivalry. Then we both fell in love with Ghost, and it all went to hell."
"Did she know that?"
"I told her Rooster was into her, but she didn't believe me. I chose not to push it, hoping if she never saw his interest, she would never pursue him. Of course, I stupidly ended up breaking things off with her, and they'd maintained their friendship, so she went to him for support, he was gladly there for her, and that was the beginning of the end for us. Even when we got back together, there was always this little fear in me that part of her heart belonged to Rooster, that it'd be there even if I asked her to marry me, and that overthinking caused me to be my own worst enemy. I unintentionally distanced myself from her, she broke up with me thinking I was about to do the same, and I didn't chase after her... I don't have many regrets in life, but that's my biggest. I should've treated her better, I should've trusted her more, and now I've lost her, possibly for good, and I don't know what to do. I never- I never thought she'd be the one I lost up there. Ghost is... Ghost. You can't kill a ghost a second time."
"I mean, technically, you can in the Supernatural world," Maverick said. The unexpected joke and surprise that the famous Pete Mitchell watched the show caused Hangman to let out a brief but genuine chuckle. Judging by the slight smile on the captain's face, it'd been an intentional one to break through Jake's melancholy. He had needed.
"Captain Mitchell, Lieutenant Seresin." Maverick whirled around at the sound of Cyclone's voice behind them, but Hangman kept his head down, taking a few deep breaths to clear the tears from his eyes before he looked up to face the news he dreaded. Finally gathering the courage, he met Cyclone's eyes. Tears blurred his vision. The admiral continued, "Rooster is out of surgery and is awake and talking if you'd like to see him."
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Maverick's shoulders sagged in relief. "Thank you, sir. We'll head there shortly. And Ghost?"
"I'm sorry, but I don't have an update on her yet. She's still in surgery." Cyclone bid the men goodnight, and Maverick turned to Hangman.
"You ready to head over?" he asked. "Or do you need some more time?"
"No, no, I'm good. I want to talk to Rooster, find out what happened out there," Hangman replied, wiping the tears from his face. "Hey, Mav? Before we go, can I ask you something?"
"Of course."
"Earlier, when you tried convincing Cyclone to let us launch, you called Ghost your daughter. Is there- are you-"
Maverick winced slightly. "It was a slip of the tongue. Don't worry about it. You ready?"
Hangman cleared his throat and his mind. "Yes, sir. Let's go."
Tags: @supernaturaldawning @shanimallina87 @polikszena @lgg5989 @callsign-milano @bradshawsandbridgetons @harper1666 @shadeops21 @double-j @copaceticwriter @rotating-obsessions @sharkprestige @thedarkinmansfield @lapilark @mickeyluvs @starshipfantasy @bennypears00 @mandowife221b @the-navistar-carol @getmyprettynameoutofyourmouth @carmellasworld @0hb0llocks @nicangelinee @summ3rlotus @3picklesinajar @magentamistress @the-other-hawkeye @elisha-chloe @emilymarie105 @persephone11110 @luckyladycreator2 @boogdleyboo @k0k3 @bibissparkles @lilmonstrjedi @stinkyrat09 @cocoag19 @suburbzchick @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @goodstuff28 @georgiasimpson95 @horselovers2016 @tanithpriad125 @davidshawnsown @sowolfstudentme @agagafafa @callmemana @sec17 @brxklyn15 @h0ppy0the0sheep @tomanybandstolove @abigailannz @mini-bee-bee @super-btstrash-posts
Chapters: Chp 1 Chp 2 Chp 3 Chp 4 Chp 5 Chp 6 Chp 7 Chp 8 Chp 9 Chp 10 Chp 11 Chp 12 Chp 13 Chp 14 Chp 15 Chp 16 Chp 17 Chp 18 Chp 19 Chp 20 Chp 21 Chp 22 Chp 23Chp 24 Chp 25 Chp 26 Chp 27 Chp 28 Chp 29 Chp 30 Chp 31 Chp 32 Chp 33 Chp 34 Chp 35 Chp 36 Chp 37 Chp 38 Chp 39 Chp 40 Chp 41
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lauvra · 3 months
Yesterday threatened compressing into another foggy bead in a long strand of routine days and as that awareness bristled across my mind, I closed the laptop and tipped my remaining coffee into the Teabag Graveyard and got my shit together. At an Artist's party recently, a painter/potter told me about a communal north side library with an obscenely reasonable yearly membership agreement and free access to generally 'hang out' on Sundays. Now, if someone asks me to "hang out", my brain serves up a static sensation. Hang out? I just don't get it. Despite myself, every Sunday since the gathering I've considered the recommendation before withdrawing and today there was no less apprehension but it was the solitary decent idea beating against my skull and besides, I was invited. Rose St. Markets must have been running, I charged past the stalls because everyone in Fitzroy looks too cool; such that I willingly disengage my eyeballs to allow them to graze against the pavement, which is distinctly more relieving than to suffer new desire. Having walked too far, it was an accident to end up at the bar but ready for my second coffee and having packed a book I slid into the booth and picked up where Annie and I had left off in 'Getting Lost'. Numbering each time she mentioned her lover only desired her merely for her status as a writer, I laughed at the realisation she seemed aroused foremost by him as a young man in the Soviet Union. Does anyone really see anyone? Can we escape illusion and use? Of four people to my left, as usual, one louder voice in the mix stood apart. They began to speak about a poetry event and I tuned in unashamedly to interject in gain of a hookup. I scribbled the details in the margin, thanked them and we continued to colour our beads respectively. One intrusive thought, something to the affect of 'that's all?' but I don't know why. I checked the location of that library: 18 minutes walk. I brushed it off only to find myself on its street by accident and realised if I didn't go now, it was a deliberate avoidance and my day would still crystalise misty and indistinguishable. I wont spend a lot of time on this part, but the door was nondescript, I would've missed it if not for asking somebody trailing behind me. Inside was dim, packed with aged titles, musical instruments and well sectioned. Someone showed me around, offered then brewed me a green tea and as we spoke I realised I recognised him. He'd recognised me too, I'd come to him once inquiring about "anything cynical". Beyond welcome, but still restless I downed my tea quickly. Through cobbled alleyways I found myself magnetised to Old Bar and ordered a coke then sat out the back to read some more. A loud voice spoke "Hello, again!" and I'll admit fear struck me before recognition did; it was the poetry guy from earlier and his quieter friend. It was a relief when they settled in, then one said "Sorry if this is too forward, but would you like a Dexamphetamine?" I said no, surprising myself. Earlier wanting to feel part of something, the same stranger wills me into the fold and I say... no? He hadn't spooked me but I left without finishing my drink to heed the pressing sense it was time to move along. There's another thing I've been avoiding each Sunday for weeks and it was developing into deliberate avoidance. Surrender. I caught the tram home with acquaintances before separating, placed my book and bag on the kitchen bench then, intending to feed her dinner, realised my cat was gone and had been for hours. She romanticises outside while afraid of everything out there, I wasn't stressed. I was actually in a complete state of denial, shining torches under cars thinking it pointless, because I couldn't lose her. She can't disappear, or die, or be gone. I do not surrender. I walked down every nearby alley calling PENNY, YOU BITCH, and posted in the local group but as soon as the post was approved we found her waiting at the back door as if nothing had happened. My housemate held up my book and said "Dude".
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omegaghoull · 10 months
(Terzo)—"Okay...But, what are you doing here?"
(Lauren)—"Becoming a Sister Of Sin again, it's boring to live like that... waking up, waking up your son, making breakfast, taking him to school, working, working, working... earning a salary that doesn't last a month and living on rent in a trash house falling apart... After I ran away from my parents' house when I was 19 just to become a Sister of Sin...I spent 30 years of my life on this... Until you showed up and got me pregnant, you fucked up my life..."
(Terzo)—"Lauren, I'm so-"
(Lauren)—"Shut up Terzo, you spoiled brat... you had everything in your hands when you were a child! I had a 1 cent toy! You understand this? YOU ARE FROM THE IMPERATOR FAMI-"
(Terzo)—"Shut up, I only had my father to raise me, after he met Sister we would be safe! But he cheated on her, we were kind of poor and he worked hard...SISTER ABANDONED US FOR YEARS!!"
(Lauren)—"Fuck you Terzo, Don't come to my house, don't talk to me ever again!"
Terzo went to the hospital to visit Copia
(Terzo)—"Copia, I"m Sorry...I didn't want to do that :("
(Copia)—"Terzo...W-what happened...?"
(Terzo)—"when you arrive at The Ministry Sister will explain it to you, I...I'm going to leave so I don't cause any problems :)"
(Copia)—"Wait, I don't unders- he left, I better continue with this lie that I don't remember anything... I don't want Terzo to be sad"
Terzo went to the free part, like a park in The Ministry, where the Ghouls, Sister of Sin or the Papas usually stayed, Terzo had a face of guilt and sadness
(???)—"HAHA, you're so small!!"
It was Sodo and Swiss fighting, after Terzo was taken by them, he couldn't look at them anymore
(Sodo)—"Terzo, help me her-...Terzo?"
Terzo leaves crying, and he remembers a person
Terzo remembered a memory, a memory from when the Ghouls of the Meliora Era had not yet been sent to The Pits.
Terzo walked around sadly that day, knowing he would be replaced soon (In the AU he and his brothers didn't die) Then Omega appeared
(Omega)—"Hey, Terzo! What's up? You are...Okay?"
(Terzo)—"Yeah, maybe...My time on stage will be over, I'm fucked with it"
(Omega)—"Hey, don't be sad about this! We created history! Besides, what else could happ-..."
(Omega)—"Oh, yes...There is that. But, we will be there in The Pits watching you from below. We will be protecting you!"
(Terzo)—"Omega, one of you could be at risk of death...I KNOW WHAT HAPPENED THAT NIGHT, SISTER WILL FIND OUT AND KILL WHO DID IT!!"
(Omega)—"We didn't want to-..."
(Terzo)—"Leave me alone, Omega..."
(Omega)—"But-...right, Terzo..."
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romikawai · 10 months
Joel's Alpha
Roger opens the door in time to let Tango and Cash through, but he notices a strange tension at that moment and sees that Chris is being held back by Trish and Nick.
"what's going on"
"they found the place where they keep joel" says rianne
"because Martin said to let him go and he wants to go again" says carrie worried "can't you see they hit my brother"
At that moment, he stared at his son to notice the blows on his face and surely he had some on his body. I do not hesitate to approach to stop him and carefully take his face while some tears came out
"I had it dad, and I let them take it with dad martin" he cries "I'm the worst alpha"
"No, you're not son" she hugs him carefully "you're the best, that's why your father asked them to let you go, so he could tell us so we can go save them"
"your father will take care of joel, which we have even more time to save him from his clutches" he looks at him "now, trish and cash will take you to the doctor to see your injuries…
"Listen, we'll go look for Joel and your father" he assures "Joel doesn't have to see you die or be beaten, let the doctors see you so you're there when Joel needs you"
"fine" he looks down and winks in pain
"trish… cash…" looks at them
Roger see how they take their son to the car, being guided by Carrie and Rianne, Nick had stayed with him and Tango while they watched as they took him away from the house.
"I'll write down the address here, if we hurry… we'll get there" says Nick
"we cannot involve the police, this is more personal" says tango
"I know, but if they have my omega again" says Roger "look for the weapons that are in the closet"
"fine dad" he says and runs
Roger felt like his alpha wanted to kill someone as he thought about his omega being captured and tortured again. He could not allow something like this to happen to him again, especially if his son felt that he could not help anyone.
"My son is a great alpha, he knows how we both educate him" he says looking at him seriously
"I know, that's why I'm glad he's the alpha that my son will need once he's rescued"
Roger nods to his words as he watches his son return with the weapons and helps to have them ready. So they could get out and get in their car to go to the place where their son Chris had indicated on a piece of paper.
When they arrived, they hid and walked slowly to avoid being discovered. Roger smelled his partner's scent but deep down he knew that he was not in that house, although he did not doubt that Riggs would leave him some clue to his new location.
When Tango kicked the door to take aim, they discovered that there was no one in the house but the smell of Riggs was strong in the place and he did not hesitate to cover his nose.
"stay out" says roger
"It's an order" he says seriously and then looks at tango "calm down, it's not a smell that attracts alphas"
"but it feels the same" he whispers while holding his nose
"It's the track smell, Riggs told me once" he says and walks around the house "he always decides to leave it so that I, his partner, can easily know where he is or if he's in danger"
"They were here a few minutes ago…" he denies "riggs tells me where he's taking him"
"You mean that whoever has them can,…
"Yes, something that Riggs will use to guide us with the smell" he says seriously "when I see him, I'll blow his head off for touching my omega and you can arrest the young man who has your son…
"I better do it" says another voice
Roger and Tango turn to see that it was Chris, who looked at them while holding the gun in one hand and holding his abdomen in the other.
"son, you should be in the hospital" he says and approaches
"I want to defend my partner, so I'll go… I told Nick to be attentive to the others to find out what we should do, but I'll go" he says seriously
"You're crazy" says Roger denying "but you're my crazy son"
"son of a crazy omega" smiles
Roger felt the look of tango, wondering what was happening but they just had to hurry to continue with the rescue run.
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The Tragedy 
Jamya O.
School had just finished and summer had just begun and I had just been released from school. Hi, my name is Julia. I'm a junior and I attend west south high school. I'm 17. I am very friendly and I love talking to new people. My parents are going out of town for 3-4 weeks for a vacation or what not so that means they are leaving the house to me. That's a lot of trust for a 17-year-old but sure they have no reason not to trust me “hehe.”
I'm not sure why they decided to leave the house to me in this terrible neighborhood but hey i'll survive right? What could go wrong? I have a younger brother whose name is Juan. He is 15 he doesn't really like people we are the complete opposite of eachother. Before my parents left they left us money, of course the chores and food and just some extra things they thought we might need. They told us to call every day after we woke up and before we went to sleep. The first day of them being gone me and Juan literally had nothing to do. It was June 6th of 2026. We stayed home the first day alone. It was so hot. There wasn't really much to do because we hadn't planned anything. But the next day Juan asked to go to this carnival. At first I was unsure because it’s a big area a few blocks down from our house on booker street and it’s just us but I ended up agreeing to it. The next day we went to the carnival. It was very fun. They had this slingshot that people were scared to get on. I ended up getting caught in the moment and started staring into space looking at how happy all the kids were running around with face paint on their faces and cotton candy in their hands with the sun shining and all the smiles and laughs and soft voices. I started missing being a child not battling my thoughts and wanting to hurt myself but enough of that. Juan was excited and kept wandering off to get on every ride that he could. I needed to use the restroom but I did not want him standing there waiting for me so I told him to wait at the ride we were at until I finished. It didn't take very long for me to use the restroom but it was very crowded and the smell wasn't pleasant which made me move faster… 
When I got from the restroom I immediately tried to spot Juan but I couldn't find him so I looked around a bit before I started to panic. I found him waiting to get on the slingshot. No one wanted to go with him  so I was convinced to go when I sat down and my heart started racing. After the staff member buckled my seat belt I knew there was no going back. He did a countdown 1…2…3. We shot in the air with no questions asked. I was literally gasping for air about to die, at that moment I thought we were finished. It went back up and went upside down and made me scared for my life. After that was done it began getting late we walked about home. After today we challenged ourselves to stay home for a week for quality time since im always busy with school and my job. We made sure we had everything. The only reason to go outside was for mail and emptying the trash. As the week went by everything was fine and it was almost over. Me and Juan played board games, roblox and watched movies together but the night before the week was over Juan said, “Hey Sis, there is this new place opening up called Rilo’s Robots can we visit?” 
Of course I couldn't say no so I agreed. Nowadays robots are really popular. People are spending thousands of bucks on them and making them household items. They even have one that cooks and clean, just imagine how long it took to actually get it functioning. The day had come and I myself was excited and so was Juan. As we entered there were many people and I couldn't wait. 
As the man came onto the mic he said, “Hello everyone thank you all for showing up and being supportive to the opening of my business. I have worked really hard and I hope you all enjoy it.” Everyone claps their hands. There were about 25 of the same robots who people could use and test out. I'm not sure what happened but about 30 minutes in of everyone exploring the light suddenly shut off. Juan got scared and gripped onto my arm. I tried my hardest to comfort him but I was scared as well. The owner came onto the mic again and said, “Sorry for the malfunction, our robots actually control the building as well.” Everyone gasped including me. He then said, “Please be patient while we try to fix this problem everyone who is touching a robot please remove your hands.” Everyone started to get scared then we all heard the owner shout, “OH GOD NO PLEASE!” Everyone began to get really concerned and scared. Rilo the owner then tried to call 911 but the master robot that was being displayed laser burned his phone. The lights came back on but the doors seemingly got shut completely and could only be disabled by the master robot everyone was calling someone for help. 
I tried calling mom and dad but it went to voicemail. In my head I said to myself, “This was dumb why’d I agree to this, why would he even have the building under the robots control endangering all of us?” About 15 minutes later the police were finally able to get it open but as everyone was running out they started grabbing people for statements on what happened. They almost grabbed Juan but I pulled him before they could. The robots were behind us and started multiplying themselves which seemed to almost sound impossible but I saw it. Me and Juan hurried and ran home closed and locked all windows and door also the curtains we turned on the news to see what was going on the outside world got damaged so fast it looked completely different then before when we were outside people were banging on our door for help and shelter but Juan and I were to scared knowing that the robot was behind them the police had no control and everyone was tweeting how they were gonna sue Rilo for endangering everyone and their children. The news reporter was dumb enough to go outside to do daily news and she got killed on the scene everyone was  terrified, me and Juan looking out the window nothing looked the same compared to how it looked 4 hours ago everything was damaged and it was getting dark and me and Juan was safe so that’s all that mattered we survived. 
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
32 - A Fairytale Come True
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Part 33
His Golden Princess
@fanficismydrug @misskitty1912-blog @alanaangie24
"Astrid Swan, I love you. I'll love you until I die. So I stand before you asking will you marry me?" I fling my arms around his neck kissing him deeply. "Yes, yes, yes. Of course I will. I love you Rumplestiltskin!"
Today is the day I play the princess I was born to be. My true love might not be an actual prince but he has won my heart which is enough for me. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if Henry hadn't shown up to our apartment so long ago. If he hadn't I wouldn't have met Rumple or finally met our parents. Everything would have been different. So I am grateful that he changed our lives. Staring down at the golden crown from the Enchanted Forest I sighed sitting it on my head before the bedroom door opened showing my mother and my sister grinning ear to ear. "Oh sweetheart. I can't believe this day is finally here. I'm gonna cry."
Wrapping my arms around my mother I sighed starting to cry happ tears too. She wrapped her arms around me smiling and kissing my head until my sister came over hugging me before pulling out my wedding dress. "I picked up the dress in the exact detail that you asked for."
Hanging the white dress on the door I covered my mouth with my hands grinning. The long train is covered with lace and the front was a little shorter so I wouldn't trip on it. It is short sleeve and lace was scattered across the front. Changing into the dress I picked up the train doing a light spin in front of my family. "I can't believe my little sister is getting married before me. You're so beautiful!" My sister cried happy tears.
The door gently opened with my father entered dressed in a black tux almost in tears immediately. He wrapped me in a gentle hug kissing my forehead. "My little princess. Gosh you're beautiful. I uh - gosh I thought I wasn't gonna cry."
"It's okay dad. Just please don't make me cry." I chuckled wrapping him in a hug before we looped arms walking through the door coming outside underneath Granny's sign heading towards the clock tower. Intertwining my right hand with my father's I smiling keeping my eyes trained forward. Regina had gathered everyone in town to stand in rows underneath the clock tower. There's lights hanging underneath the door but when my eyes met Rumple's I pictured so much more.
He was dressed in a black suit and a red tie grinning directly at me. The wind blows through my loose hair where I imagined that we were inside my parents castle where they got married. Finally reaching my soon to be husband my father rests a hand on his shoulder saying. "Take care of her Gold."
"I love you sweetheart." He turned to me kissing my forehead placing my hand in Rumple's.
"I love you too daddy." I smiled watching him sit down before Regina stepped up preforming the ceremony at my mother's request.
She placed her hands on top of our intertwined ones mirroring our smiles. "We are here today to unite these two together. Astrid and Rumple are complete opposites but yet they are so much better together than apart. I have known Rumple longer than her but I am suprised that she actually showed him such love. But enough about me these two have decided to write their own vows."
"Astrid, before the curse I was against the idea of love. Believing that it was weakness and that no one could ever truly love me. And then I met you. You changed my life for the better and I am grateful for your love." He sniffed through tears a smile plastered on his face. "I promise to be the best husband that I can. There will hard days but I will do my best to treat you like the princess you are. I love you with all my heart."
Reaching up I wiped away some tears squeezing his hands holding mine. "Rumplestiltskin, I love you too. I am forever grateful that my visions led me to you. Because you not only helped me find the family my sister and I have been searching for 28 years. I just had no idea that I would find the love of my life alongside them. So today I get to finally be the man I have waiting for." Glancing over to my parents who are in tears. Henry is taking pictures on his phone beside my sister who is almost sobbing happily too.
"Here we go then. Do you Rumple take Astrid to be your loving wife as long as you both shall live?" Regina asked staring at the man who taught her everything about magic.
"I do." He replied never taking his brown eyes off of me.
She turned to me smiling softly asking the same question. "Astrid do you take Rumple to be your loving husband as long as you both shall live?"
"I do, always." Rumple's grin grew at my words when he waited to kiss me.
"By the power vested in me as the mayor of this town. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Regina declared before Rumple cupped my face pressing his lips onto mine deeply. Wrapping my arms around his neck I kissed back running my fingers through his hair hearing cheering behind us. "Ladies and gentlemen I present to you Mr and Mrs. Rumple and Astrid Gold."
The wedding chapter is done ya'll enjoy
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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spicysugar019 · 3 years
Alrighty folks here's my pinned post.
About me:
Im 21 years old (born in 2000 baybeeee)
Not comfortable sharing my first name (even tho it's super common and you couldn't find me using it). So on here I'll go by Eugene (my middle name).
Im currently at the highest weight I've ever been at, litterally 100 lbs over my starting weight (when I was either 11 or 12 at 4 foot 2 I think?). So please be cautious when talking to me about numbers at the present moment (Feb 2022).
Gae 💅 though currently dating a nonbinary beast
List of disorders cause I find it funny:
EDNOS, PTSD, chronic MDD, Chronic Insomnia, SAD, Chronic Substance abuse, ADHD, Bipolar (aka manic depressive disorder), (fuck dude im making this at 4am so im forgetting so fucking many), GAD, Panic disorder, dysthymia (I group that in with MDD but it's still a separate diagnosis ig), Social Anxiety disorder, unspecified psychosis, codependency disorder, gender dysphoria, and lastly a thing im not diagnosed with cause I don't bring it up in therapy and I actually don't feel like disclosing because of stigma around it and I'm not in the place to be told I'm faking by random strangers who don't know me or being told I'm doing it on purpose for attention thanks very much assholes.
How am I not permanently in a mental facility? Negligence probably! Stick around to see if that fact changes I suppose.
God what else do I say?
Stats: (again I'm at my highest weight ever, please don't comment on this to me, I just found out about it yesterday legit).
Cw: 270
Hw: 270
Sw: 170 (I was 12 and 4"2)
Ugw: 98
Is it even possible???
Im 5"4 (short kingg)
Things I struggle with due to mental health:
Eating (ok duh?), weight, body image, flashbacks, sleeping too much or too little no in-between, depressive episodes that usually land me in the hospital, hospitalizations (high score: 6 times in one year between December and March), major mood and behavior swings, Panic attacks that can last up to like a full fucking day rendering me completely useless, sometimes I see shit that isn't there, sometimes I hear shit that isn't there (they're thinking these are depression related psychosis mixed with not sleeping for like 4 days solid and not eating. Makes sense to me), I need people. No like I need them like I cannot be independent without trying to k!ll myself every single day, suicidal ideation, self harm, I have to get biweekly IM injections of boy juice into my ass-- and not the fun kind-- so I don't try to die constantly, and then other things I will not disclose ♡ and im poor.
At the moment I see 3 therapists and I'm looking for a fourth. Just therapists, this dosent include physical doctors or psychiatrists or psychologists or anything. One does CBT, another does EMDR, another is a nutritionist, and the one im looking for will be a DBT therapist. Gotta fucking collect them all am I right? (I'm not treating it like a game: I have to make jokes about it).
I am currently restricting and exercising (doing a piss poor job at it if I do say so myself).
Trying to stay below 800 a day currently.
Want to exercise daily but I simply do not have the time to. Will do it on the weekend tho! But right now I wake up I work I come home and scroll through tiktok and tumblr and then I "wake back up" again. I "sleep" when the gym is closed.
Wanna get to know me more? Please send an ask or message me im lonely and very open and honest about what I go through (except the disorder I will not disclose to anyone, thank you in advance for respecting that boundary!).
I love music and deeply enjoy connecting through music with people. I listen to anything I can understand the words to (this excludes country im sorry).
My favorite things to consume? Cigarette smoke and human hearts 💕
and taco bell 🥺
I like playing the cello, doing art (painting, sculpting, throwing, drawing, digital, animation, glass work, and a few lesser ones). I love and adore my partner they are the best thing that has happened to me. I like driving and singing.
I dislike showers (body dismorphia and gender dysphoria and ptsd, MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS), and yeah.
Im getting tired fucking finally after 2 days so I have to act now and sleep or else it'll be 2 more. Please message me if you have any question, need advice, want to talk and chat, ect. Disclaimer: if you are asking for advice I reserve the right to refuse and turn you down. This is not personal. You issues are real and they are valid you're on fucking eddie tumblr for God's sake.
DNI: Pedo/pedo sympathizers, under 18, fat phobic, homophobic, transphbic, or a generally shitty person.
Ok off to bed I go. Thanks for reading even though I know no one did. Thanks for letting me pretend.
Goodnight friends! Good morning? Fuck off dude idk, it's 5am.
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graceful-not · 3 years
Alright.. this is kind of a brain dump, really. Just some things I've been letting boil in my brain for a bit... This might be kinda long though, so I'll be putting it under a read more.
SBSBBSBS NOTE: THIS ISNT LIKE SOME VENT OR ANYTHING ITS about the officialverse/general writing shit and like. Me analyzing stuff. Bc. I want to. The topics gonna jump a lot.
Oh edit btw forgot to mention; it's perfectly fine to RB!! I encourage it I love seeing y'all's thoughts on my stuff. Please argue with me (in a safe and loving way)
Idk... It's just. The whole point of a RP is that it's a multiple person experience, yeah, but there are parts of a character that people have made that need to see light. I generally make support characters so everyone else can go buckwild and have fun (being the healer in RPGs, etc etc etc), and that doesn't just carry over to stats. If you look at Lyra, she's a genuinely interesting person with a rich past, and she FEELS real! Why is that? Because, well.. she doesn't infodump about her life to every person she meets- I can't really speak because the way I make characters is that I start with what they look like and a general base personality/backstory, plus things their good at, make the rest up as I rp (plus revise old stuff). She wasn't always a licensed therapist, I just looked at how everyone else was going and molded her character to fit the current group while she was still new and impressionable- she filled the roles that were lacking. When there's an excess angst, you need a person for your character to spill their traumatic past to. Shes that person, and it helps for her to be professionally qualified to do it, so it's never out of character.
But.. the group has changed. A lot. And I've rped things in the past that make ZERO sense for her character. (She was low-key manipulative at some points-) and with the whole The Haze(period of time in which no one was rping and online for like. A WHIILE.) Everyone's characters have changed and.. she can't really keep up with the status quo. All this stuff changing and moving and shifting- I mean she's trying to be supportive but I can't even really let her have a proper mental breakdown so she can grow because the narrative is dealing with way more important things!!!! There's no time! People might die!!
I guess, pulling back into what I was talking about earlier with the infodumping.. RP is supposed to be fun, absolutely correct!! Don't be perfect. Do fuck all. Screw around!!!! But.. it has to be fun for everyone, you know? There's like. The general rp rules, (don't kill another person's character without consent, don't be an asshole or no one will reply to ur rp threads,) etc etc but.. an important one is to just.
Give breathing room.
Let the characters breathe. In between arcs, allow time for fluff or recovery yeah, but also make sure that.. you don't pile things on. You risk pushing people out of the narrative when you put extra things in. For example, Vina, Ellie, Wasabi and Lyra totally just got overshadowed, which makes sense because flower was having a HER moment!! Lots of exiting plot is happening for her and I'm proud! Except then there's all the M!As and then brainwashing anon who may or may not tie into the previous stuff, and then ALSO e!lavender and now their in a forest? Which makes sense for flower I guess but how the fuck did vina get there? Inviz?
I guess just. Don't pile on problem after problem or idea after idea before you solve one. Sub plots are needed, yes, but sub plots should either be there for breathing room or to further the greater narrative, which is currently like. Whatever the fuck happened during The Haze, what the fucks up with this corporation,etc etc. current subplots that further that would be like BW(brainwashing) anon, Flowers whole metal thing, etc etc.
There's obviously going to be personal plots!! Plots that your character is working on within them. Lyra worrying and sorta having a crisis about all the shit happening, Wasabi's recovery, Inviz trying to find out what the fuck happened with his anon blaster. Those are all things that only a select few people really interfere with, and theyre instead explained through thoughts and narration.
Also: UTILIZE NARRATION PLEAAASSE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD I love you all but DIALOGUE IS NOT THE ONLY WAY TO SHOW EMOTION your repressed character dealing with extreme trauma isn't gonna go
"Oh im just here because I'm new and my parents abandoned me here because they knew the chief and were about to die, the wings are from my mom who is an angel."
"oh yea where's the bathroom btw" PLEAASE let your characters SHOW their internal dialogue, like maybe
"OH- sorry, still getting used to this where's the bathroom?"
What she didn't want to say was that it was actually her first day. She attempted to hide her wings by folding them into her back. She didnt want any questions about it, even if she would like to talk about it to someone..
That gives the other person space to let their character decide if they notice the other person looking a bit distressed, and for both of you to sort of get to know how each others characters interact BEFORE jumping into the heavy plot. Give it time!
Alright bye love y'all ❤️
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forthereaderinserts · 4 years
Danzo: *makes Itachi kill his whole clan* Y/N: I just want you to know if something lile this ever happes again I will bite your motherfucking face off. I'll bite it clean off and save it in a pickle jar and run around at night scaring litte kids while wearing your face. An entire generation of boys and girls will grow up thinking you're the boogie man. Danzo, mortified:
Y/N: I will fight you, to the pain!
Danzo: You mean to the death?
Y/N: No, to the pain. To the pain means the first thing you will lose will be your feet below the ankles. Then your hands at the wrists. Next your nose.
Danzo: And then my tongue I suppose. I've fought worse then you, I'll make sure you die with them.
Y/N: I wasn’t finished. The next thing you will lose will be your left eye followed by your right.
Danzo: And then my ears, I understand. Let’s get on with it.
Y/N: Wrong! Your ears you keep and I’ll tell you why. So that every shriek of every child at seeing your hideousness will be yours to cherish. Every babe that weeps at your approach, every woman who cries out, “Dear God! What is that thing,” will echo in your perfect ears. That is what to the pain means. It means I leave you in anguish, wallowing in freakish misery forever.
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