#if what works for them is different. you are beautiful hairy and you are beautiful hairless and the lady doing the opposite to you
myriadsystem · 6 months
Seeing a lot of shaving hate posts lately. Like not even posts thats like 'oh you can shave if you want to! Heres how to safely but theres no pressure to do it if you dont want to societys rules are fake do what makes you happy!'
Its like. Mostly ladies and femininely aligned people expressing what i hope is exaggerated but seemingly genuine sadness and anger at people who do shave, also usually towards other femininely aligned people. Like theyve personally suffered some great and tragic loss because a hot babe chose to shave her own legs for her own reasons and its the worst thing to ever happen to them personally and on a global level.
Idk it makes me angry. I shave my legs. (And my pits and my bits too) I dont do it for the fucken patriarchy i dont do it for the vine i dont do it for some made up beauty standard, i do it because i like the feeling. It feels nice to me to shave as part of my shower routine then get out and cover myself in my favourite moisturiser and then roll around in cozy soft pajamas. Thats one of lifes little luxuries and yall can bet a depressed bitch holds on to the tiniest of luxuries whenever she can. If men didnt exist, if the patriarchy didnt exist and i lived in a world of only lesbian ladies i would still fucken shave! If i lived as the only person on the planet id still shave! Because i do it for myself because i enjoy it!
I understand how harmful forcing women to shave to fit an ever changing and unobtainable beauty standard is. I understand how deeply that experience is trained into girls from a young age and i do have many, many problems with the way society is run and the negative self worth effects it often has on younger people who are just figuring out themselves. But yall please stop with the straight up hate and vitriol for people who do chose to shave their own legs. You yell so hard for bodily autonomy then you chuck a hissy fit when a lady choses for her own body to shave it because its not what you would have done, or you think shes trapped in a beauty bubble of mans making. You cant possibly conceive that an adult woman can make her own choices if those choices are too close to the idea of the patriarchy you hold in your mind.
But thats bullshit. The act of shaving isnt the enemy and the lady who shaves herself and minds her own business isnt either. If shes not giving you disgusted looks at your own body hair or pushing her shaving agenda on you, let her live her fucking life maybe without shaming her for something that makes her feels good.
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yandere-writer-momo · 1 month
Yandere Head Canons:
Denial of Desire
Yandere Vampiress x Henchman Fem Reader
TW: comphet, internalized homophobia, denial of feelings, yearning, slowly slippping into madness, yandere behavior, unhealthy relationship, murder (threatened), etc.
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Ophelia often dismissed you despite your constant concern of her well being. You knew she was a vampire and a mistress of the night, but she consistently put herself in danger. You once loved Ophelia, yet you knew she was straight. It would be rude to impose your feelings on your mistress when she only held distaste for you. Especially since you were nothing more than a servant to Ophelia.
Whether it was to hunt for food or to bring some random man back to her manor, you always had to clean up the mess. It started to get on your nerves since you were still new to being a vampire yourself… yet you had no interest in drinking human blood. Not like Ophelia did.
“Your cleaning skills are subpar. Can’t you do it any better?” Ophelia nagged you as she kicked over your mop bucket with her black pinkie wickers. You sighed, hours of work now ruined in mere seconds.
“My lady, I was simply on the first round of mopping. This quite difficult to remove old blood from the walls and floor.”
“Then find a better way to do it. I need to fetch my next victim soon and I don’t want them to see this mess.” Ophelia gestured to you and the filthy floor. “If you have any complaints, you can simply leave.”
You bowed your head and frowned. No matter how kind you were to your mistress or how you did your best to meet her demands, it was never enough. You were never enough.
“Apologies, I’ll keep cleaning.” You went back to scrubbing the walls and floor. You couldn’t let her rudeness get to you… not until you found a new master at least. Ophelia would be hosting a vampire ball by the end of the week so you may have your chance to flee then?
Ophelia studied your form before she smiled. You never complained no matter how rude she was to you, it was a trait she adored about you. She wished every servant was like you. It would make her life less stressful then… except she knew you were her favorite. You always dutifully fulfilled your every command in a timely manner… Ophelia was positive you’d always stay by her side. Why would you ever leave your mistress? She made you.
Ophelia had brought yet another man home and quickly whisked him up to her room without sparing you a glance. You shook your head at her antics before you decided to explore the manor’s garden to tend to. Despite now being a creature of the night, you still retained your love for gardening. It was just a shame you could never see the flowers under the sunlight again…
Ophelia on the other hand, couldn’t even get past kissing with this man. He was just like all the others before him… no matter what she did, it felt wrong. Being with men made her feel sick to her stomach and the vampiress didn’t understand why.
All her life, her parents told her she’d find a man one day and she could turn him into a vampire to be with her… yet all of them were subpar. Their genitalia disgusted her and they were far too hairy for her. Everything about men was gross other than their blood. That’s all they seemed to be good for…
Ophelia wiped her mouth from yet another messy meal, the vampiress made her way to her balcony to study her night garden. And that’s when she spotted you. What were you doing down there?
Ophelia studied your form as you trimmed up some of the bushes and tended to the flowers. You were so soft looking compared to the men. Soft and delicate like the petals of the roses below… forever young and beautiful thanks to Ophelia. You’d never have to age or worry about sickness. In Ophelia’s mind, she saved you. Yet why did you always look so sad? Was her company not enough for you?
Ophelia rested her arms on her balcony, her red eyes scanned your sullen form in thought. She wondered if her night would be different if it was you beneath her and not the many men she’s brought to her room. If your skin was as soft as it looked… if you were sensitive and lovely- no!
Ophelia shook her head and pushed herself from the balcony in haste. The vampiress ran a pale hand through her Snow White locks in horror. Why would she think of you in such a way? You were another woman… you weren’t a man. You were soft and sweet like fruit but she couldn’t have you. She couldn’t sleep with you because you were a woman. And Ophelia wasn’t a lesbian… she couldn’t be. She had to produce a pure blood vampire, it was her destiny.
Yet her impure thoughts said otherwise. Ophelia knew the truth deep down… she loved you. It’s why she was so mean to you. It was to try to scare you away.
When the ball came around, Ophelia’s breath hitched when she spotted you in your dress. How could someone look so lovely? If she still had a beating heart, she was sure it would burst
Ophelia did her best to ignore you at the ball but her eyes often shifted to you as you danced with other vampires… how could you dance so carefree with other women? Didn’t you feel shame like she did?
It was when Ophelia hung out with a young couple of pure blood vampires that she questioned herself. This couple consisted of two women? Two female vampires could be together? It was okay to be… she had no idea she could make that choice.
Ophelia felt tears gather in her eyes as the two pure bloods reassure her that it was okay to like other women. That they were immortal creatures who could do whatever they pleased.
And that was all it took for Ophelia to go running after you. The vampiress had to confess, she had to tell you how she felt-
Ophelia nearly fell to the floor when she saw you kissing another vampiress. Her dead heart dropped to her feet in shock when you ran your fingers through the other woman’s black locks. You… you were hers. You were her servant and no one else’s!
Ophelia wanted to kill this vampire you touched! How dare she touch you when you were her property! You cannot be with anyone other than Ophelia, herself!
Ophelia rushed forward and separated you from the other vampire. Her breathing ragged and her white hair in disarray. “I am in need of your assistance this instant. You do not have time to fraternize with the other candies here.”
You can’t even protest as Ophelia dragged you away by your arm. You’re speechless when Ophelia dragged you up the stairs towards her room.
“Mistress-“ You’re suddenly thrown to her bed, unable to scramble away since Ophelia lunged at you.
“I hate you…” Ophelia cried. “I hate how you make me feel. How I can’t get you out of my mind.”
“Mistress-“ Ophelia pressed her lips against yours with fervency. Her hands hungrily grasped at your flesh. You’re absolutely gobsmacked at this transgression. What?
“I hate you so much because I love you. I love you so much, it makes me crazy.” Ophelia muttered into your lips. “And I don’t care who I have to kill or what I have to do, I won’t let anyone else have you.”
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moonastro · 7 months
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left to right(top)-> 1,2
left to right(bottom)-> 3,4
°DO NOT take this as literal, take everything with a grain of salt as this is purely and intendedly for entertainment purposes.
°don't be afraid to give feedback and opinions about this post(as i would entirely appreciate it).
Designated message= "look at me, look at me now".
-may have significant hands that other people notice. soft/beautiful/veiny/big/skinny etc. Could potentially use their hands a lot when talking or when carrying out daily tasks.
-i see that you are destined to unite but will take some time for you two to meet. When you do meet its going to bring everything you have dreamed of into your life.
-might be quite unfamiliar with emotions. may feel numb a lot or may not know how to handle emotions. Which may be from the fact that they carry a lot of emotional luggage that they just store. When they meet you you'll be able to guide them how to release those unnecessary emotions in a healthy way.
-the divine is LITERALLY guiding them towards you. like a magnet.
-i see a lot of people gossiping about them.😯
-in the eyes of others, they are very happy/witty/extraverted, when they are alone they might act differently.
-they are not in tune with their emotions which might be what they need to be working on in order to move forward. may be a life lesson for them???
-they may lack being independent. they follow other peoples footsteps which leads them not knowing who they are.
-definitely have curly/long hair.
-may like flowy/baggy light clothes.
-may wear bracelets/accessories.
-has a thing for flowers. may love the smell or likes flowers in general.
Designated message= "tell me you love me". "love me love me say that you love me".
-gosh, very clingy.(applies to some, take what resonates).
-very funny. comedian kind of funny. Will make you laugh a lot.
-may be insecure, is afraid to ask for help from others.
-very introverted.
-yup, hides from the world but wants to see it and travel. may have tendencies to escape current lifestyle.
-is very emotional (lol opposite from pile 1).
-has definitely been through a lot, very transformative life experiences which made them lose trust in others. Scorpio/8h energy
-is very stubborn and wants to do their own thing.
-i see them dreaming a lot. definitely prefers night over day. which may also make them have an interest in stars/astronomy/astrology.
-short hair.
-may have a significant pet or has a lot of animals. loves animals??
-has some type of scar/birthmark on the face or head.
-dark features, ex, dark hair, dark eyes.
-sharp jawline.
-Ooo love this pile ahhh. First thing that came up was success. very successful career. very reliable and VERY well known in workplace. business owner vibes.
-may speak multiple languages or may live in a different country. also travel quite often.
-they are definitely financially secure. They are literally up there with their money gains.
-can prioritise too much time on the job so could mean that they have no social life (some).
-you guys have already met or are going to meet very very soon.
-i see too much luggage and thoughts about work. may have mental health issues related from the fact.
-very tired individual. works too much. when meeting you they will definitely shine more as they will realise what they needed was you.😊aww
-may have Pisces placements. especially moon/mars.
-they might think that they don't need anybody because they have the standard dream life. that's not the case though.
-whenever you'll meet you'll definitely be the one to spark their life for sure.
-i see you two getting ice-cream/carnivals laughing A LOT. (i heard 'summer rain' so may meet in summer or when raining or you get the gist).
-have HUGE eyes. sleepy eyes. (some).
-muscular arms/chest.
-hairy (some).
-very tall, i see a huge height difference (some).
-is quite feminine/pure. not in a literal sense but may like accessories or clothes that may not be seen as masculine.
-very sexual couple.
-you are literally going to be thirsty for each other lol. may be into food play.
-they have high standards so they are not the one to choose anybody.
-very protective. oof take whatever ima say next with a grain of salt, they may become possessive in a not so cutesy way.
-check out pile 1 if you felt drawn to it as it may resonate to some.
-they literally will worship you. my gawd. you will be a literal goddess to them uhhh. want money? here. want new shoes? take my card. want to travel? lets go. That's going to be their mindset towards you. After meeting you they'll feel like its their job to protect and take care of you which again be careful as it may bring an unhealthy obsessions over you.
-they find it hard to communicate on a deeper level with others.
-yup, very into health and fitness. may be into strict diets like being keto/vegan etc.
-BIG. are gym freaks so you know how that turns out to be.
-plump lips
-may have a tooth gap (some)
-deep voice/significant voice.
That's it!! 🤍
Thanks so much for reading. i sincerely appreciate your time.🏵️
Feel free to give feedback and simply interact with this post however you'd like.⭐
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stevenose · 7 months
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you know what those pics mean!!! it’s camboy!steve time!!! this blurb is not chronological to don’t delete the kisses - just a cute lil blurb w our favorite boy :)
contains: camboy!steve; no genital descriptions or pronouns used for reader, but steve does refer to their tits; messy cumming; needy!steve; streaming; oral (steve rec.); steve wanna spoil u
“Okay. Okay, okay, okay.” Steve’s mumbling under his breath, hands on his hips adorned with soft grey sweats. No shirt. Thick brows furrowed in concentration. He’s still a little damp from the shower he’d taken to get himself ready for the camera.
You’re also damp. 
You rock a little anxiously on Steve’s desk chair, facing the edge of his bed. This is where he’s streaming tonight. The camera is all set up, though it’s taken Steve twenty minutes to find good lighting and a flattering angle. He’ll be exposed from the chest up - at first, at least.
Tonight will be different from other nights he’s streamed, because his porn is in the room with him.
You’re naked, perched on his chair, ready to spread your legs and mutually masturbate with him, off camera. And even though Steve won’t say anything to the audience about you being there, you feel nervous and exposed.
By how he’s acting, so is Steve.
“It’ll be alright,” you say out loud, for both yourself and him.
He sort of relaxes and steps towards you, cupping your cheeks in his hand. “I know, beautiful,” he murmurs, leaning down to kiss you. “I just always get jitters.”
“Never noticed.”
He squints at you, then giggles, which pulls you into laughing with him.
“Are you ready?” he whispers.
You nod.
It’s really so easy to touch yourself when you’re watching him, and he feels the same.
Your legs are spread wide so he can see your fingers moving down, in, out. So he can see what he does to you. And you have a front row seat to what you do to him - thick cock swollen, a little reddish at the sensitive tip, leaking profusely. The audience can only see his arm moving rapidly, watching his whimpering and twisting face while he tries to speak.
“Mmmph, phhh-uck. Goddamn it. W-wish I had a-a nice, tight hole to fuck - or a f-fleshlight - Christ, miss bein’ balls deep in someone so bad.”
It’s so hard not to moan, but imperative if you don’t want any attention. You don’t want his audience to know you exist, though Steve wouldn’t really mind it. Showing you off to thousands of people is right up his alley.
You bite your lip hard, a little groan audible as it gets stuck in your throat.
Steve raises a brow at you. “Y’like that?”
You know the audience must be wondering. He’s hardly looked at the lens or screen, just at you, your dewey soft body writhing behind the tripod. They must know someone is there, but Steve is only smirking - the only one in on the joke.
You nod at him. He refocuses back on his work, tips pouring in. Every little ding gets your heart racing faster. His chest rises and falls, the tendons in his neck stretching. You don’t know where to look - his face, his biceps flexing with exertion, his hairy chest growing pink, his leaking cock. All of him is so delicious it’s hard to find a place for your eyes to rest.
“Everyone wants to see my cock,” he moans. You know he gets off on the praise. You coax him on, sliding two fingers inside of you and whimpering with a nod. You want to see him cum perhaps more than anything.
So he stands, his cock now facing the camera. The tips pour in. Notifications fighting each other. Steve groans and stares fully at you, biting his lip and moaning loud.
“F-fuck,” he groans, head thrown back. “So goddamn hot - you want me to cum?”
The audience thinks he’s talking to them. He’s speaking to you.
You nod, mouth gaping.
“You gonna cum with me? Huh? Gonna cum f-from watchin’ me fuck myself?”
Your hand flies up to your mouth to mask your moan.
“Be good,” he pants. “Be good, let’s - let’s - fuck, let’s c-cum-“
The timing is serendipitous. You’re cumming on your fingers and Steve’s cumming on the camera. Coating it with his spend, his big, rough hands in view as they jerk him to completion. The tips stop for half a moment before they crescendo again, though Steve doesn’t seem to notice. His hooded eyes are stuck on you.
When he snaps back to reality, he wipes the lens with his thumb and sits back down, panting, chest and face red. “Thank you,” he says, saluting like a dork. “As always. Did you have fun?”
You smile and nod and he winks at you, so quickly you’re sure the audience missed it. He interacts with them for a moment, thanks the top donors, before ending his stream.
“Quite a performance,” you say, though he doesn’t want to talk. He moves towards you in an instant, getting on his knees and pulling your hips towards his face.
“Wanted to do this the entire goddamn time,” he moans, quickly burying his face into you.
“Christ!” you shout, still so sensitive, his mouth enveloping you. The warmth feels good, and his tongue - he finds ways of leaving you positively speechless.
“Thanks for your help,” he mumbles, voice thick with you. “Can’t wait t’spoil ya with what we got.”
“You’re spoiling me now,” you breathe.
“Think it’s time for a nice necklace, don’t you?” His fingers replace his mouth. “Somethin’ to hang between those pretty tits when I fuck you?”
You’re flattered, face hot and stomach twisting. “You never fuck me. You make love to me.”
He wiggles his brows with a wide grin, leaning forward, your breath catching in anticipation.
“Oh, that’s right. Treat you like an angel, don’t I?”
His mouth engulfs you again. You see stars.
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hotluncheddie · 3 months
omg I didn't realize you wanted chubby steddie asks 🙈
as much as we love the babygirlification of Steve Harrington..... I'm obsessed with boyish manly Steve who is chubby and Eddie is obsessed with him!!!! I'm thinking about your one fic with the sweaty tank top!!!!! do you have more thoughts on this??
yesssssss!!! anon yes yesssssssss!!!!!
not me being like 'yeah! sweaty task top fic nice nice' then realising i have like three different posts that have Steve in a sweaty tank top lol
thankfully @scoops-aboy86 came in clutch with a new tank top sciario <3 (and held my hand thru writing the end lmao ty pal)
but i just love an ex jock trope, i love bulk under muscle and i think big beefy hairy guys are hot - and Steve harrington deserves to be all of that, and more
and also, importantly, eddie munson deserves to have all of that too, in and around him, all the time, in the form of Steve Harrington.
Eddie had come to accept the wealth of things he could be into, the actual buffet of people and scenarios that could get his dick hard. He's had more than his fair share of knuckle biting orgasms over the ex chief of police Jim Hopper. Before and, maybe worse, after getting to know him.
So he knew what it was to have something of a shame wank. To enjoy a moustache or two and a paunch at a middle.
But nothing, no deep seated daddy issues or fantasy of being held down, could ever prepare him for Steve Harrington.
Post upside down, post eventual college and transition to work. Post two bed apartment with Robin, then two bed apartment with Robin and Eddie. Then actual full blow house with Eddie, and more often than not weekend guest Robin. Dating Steve for as long as has was one thing, loving Steve with everything he had was another, and being loved by Steve was something he still had nights of panic about - silent tears as fear and self doubt gripped his throat, nightmares about it all being an elaborate prank that sneak their way in even with Steves arms wrapped tight around his middle.
but Eddie had him.
Was allowed to love him, and worship Steve for all that he was worth. It was wonderful. Eddie knew that.
But it had its challenges. Nothing past Eddie could've done would help current Eddie for what he was in for.
Like how Steve had bulked up over the years, settled and filled out in a way that made those visions of Hopper, and guys from bars he really shouldn't have been at, all come surging back.
Steve was thick, and strong and still so achingly beautiful. Boyish in his actions at times but also protective and capable in a way that made Eddie swoon. Honest to god. Made him feel like a main character in one of those bodice ripper books he had seen (taken out and read) at the library.
And then Steve made it worse.
So so so much worse.
Because Steve went and got a tattoo.
Well, another tattoo. He added roses to go along with the robin and branch on his arm, adding to its greenery with red petals and thorns that Eddie knew were secretly for him. He’d said, offhandedly, that they were his favourite and he knows, because he knows Steve, that thats something he'd listen to and remember.
He’s a die hard romantic.
And now Eddie is going to die, hard.
Soon, if Steve doesn't put a proper fucking shirt on.
Steves been wearing his stupid, old, cropped, white tank top since the appointment. He's "letting the tattoo breathe", "doesn't like the feeling of the healing skin against the fabric", "wants to do it properly". "hates Eddie and wants him to die of hard dick, big-fat-ball disease."
He glares at Steve from the other end of the couch, and maybe only three of those things are something Steve's actually said, but, he thought them. All of them. Must have.
Because Steve's tank is so old it's nearly see through, the peak of his pink nipple evident and distracting. The cropped end keeps rolling up and exposing his wider bellybutton and soft sides. And, as always, with any tank top, with any tank top on Steve, hit tits are there - hairy and lovely and out.
'Steve, please.' Eddie whines, he doesn't think he can take much more.
Steve just raises his eyebrows, taking a swig of beer and not looking away from the tv. 'If I sweat too much, it'll mess with the healing.' He says.
Eddie just crosses his arms, sinks lower into the couch. ‘Can you put on a normal shirt at least? For my sanity, for that alone, please?' Not wanting to sound desperate, but he is desperate.
Steve sighs, muting the TV. 'C'mere.' He holds his arms out and Eddie crawls into his lap. Still sulking, arms still crossed. ‘Eddie, you’re the one who gave me the tattoo. I’m following your instructions.’ Steve says gently.
‘M’firing Robin for getting you to sign the info form.’ He grumbles.
Steve smiles at him, tucking some hair behind his ears. ‘You can’t fire her for doing her job baby.’
‘Maybe not’ Eddie sniffs. ‘But I’m not sharing my baby blue ink with her next time she gets one of her slutty little lady sailor pin ups booked in.’ He mumbles to himself.
Steve pulls Eddie in closer, hands on his waist as he leans in to whisper in Eddies ear. 'Aren't I being so good though? Following what you said, no strenuous activity for two days right?' His voice a little breathy, soft.
And that makes Eddie pause, makes his insides churn and his heart rate increase. 'Ye-yeah.' He rasps, eyes wide. 'So good Stevie.'
'So we have to wait until tomorrow, like you said, yeah?' Steve asks, eyes all big and sweet, lips in a little pouty.
Fuck. He's right. Eddie dug his own grave.
'Yeah.' He sighs. He can do it, for Steve.
Steve smiles sweetly at him, tapping Eddie on the ass and shifting him closer so Steve can unmute the tv and keep watching his game. 'Good boy.' Steve says, kissing Eddies temple.
…Wait. Eddie scrunches his eyebrows, half hard and confused.
But Steve just holds him closer. Eddie buries his head in Steve's neck, and whines.
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Fyodor NSWF Alphabet
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Word Count: 2.5k
A = Aftercare (How do they treat you after sex?)
   Don't expect anything too special. He'd do his best to make you comfortable and stay close with you, but it won't be anything extra. Nevertheless,  he's going to treat you right. He'd take a shower or a bath with you if he has enough energy left, and he'd always cuddle you to sleep.
B = Body Part (What is their favorite body part of theirs and their partner's?)
   In himself, I'd say he likes his facial features.  I don't think he likes his body that much since he is pretty weak and frail, but I do believe that he finds his face appealing.
   You, on the other hand, are special to him, so he finds every part of you beautiful. If he had to pick a favorite, however, he'd say he likes your eyes, arms  and chest (see more for chest on letter W) the best. He loves gazing into your eyes while having a conversation. He notices the way you look at him with a love-filled gaze, and that definitely fuels his ego. He likes your arms, especially if they're more muscular than his, because he appreciates your stronger body. He absolutely loves it when you wrap your arms around him. He feels so very loved.
C = Cum (Everything to do with it. 😘)
   I'd say he comes a bit more than the average. I don't think it's that often that he has sex or jerks off, so when he actually does come, he has a heavier load. As for its consistency, it's a slimier than it is liquid-ish. It is white and not that clear, and it tastes a bit sweet, actually.  He loves loves LOVES coming on you. It's like he's marking his territory. So possessive, and for what? 🙄
D = Dirty Secret (Self-explanatory)
   Fyodor definitely has a folder on his computer dedicated to you. It has photos, videos, and random journal entries of yours. They are not all sexual, but some are. The "dirtiest" part about it, is that he keeps it a secret from you. Since you're in a relationship, it's not unusual for him to keep photos of you, but he does like to look at them when bored and perhaps even rub one off if you aren't available to him or he gets too stressed over work.
E = Experience (Have they done this before? How good are they?)
   I honestly think that you're his first. He is a busy man and he doesn't like sleeping around. For him, sex is intimate and special, so he'd only like to share this type of thing with someone he really trusts and values. But despite his lack of experience,  he's surprisingly good.
F = Favourite Position (Self-explanatory)
   A classic man who likes classic things. He mostly enjoys different kinds of missionary and cow girl from time to time. He avoids things like doggy style. He thinks it's not intimate enough and would rather make eye contact while doing the deed.
G = Goofy (Are they rather serious during the moment or do they like to crack jokes?)
   He leans on the more serious side here. As I've said, this kind of thing is very intimate and special for him, so he prefers to be in the moment with you.
H = Hair (Do the carpets match the drapes? 🤭 Are they well kept?)
   Of course, the carpets match the drapes. He does keep it pretty clean down there. He doesn't like to be super hairy, so he shaves once every month and sometimes even more often. As for you, he doesn't mind if you have hair or not, as long as you keep everything under control.
I = Intimacy (How intimate are they?)
   Fyodor is very intimate. The whole point of sex for him is to be intimate, and he takes that very seriously.  Hence the reason why he wouldn't sleep around and would much prefer to make love to someone who he truly trusts and values. He will always make sure that whatever you guys do is always consensual and you are never uncomfortable. 
J = Jack off (How often do they do it?)
   Before he got together with you, he must have chosen you and persuaded you himself. So when one morning he woke up with morning wood and couldn't just shake it off, he decided it was finally time. But while he was doing it, he thought about you. That's when he knew he had to be with you. He used to jerk off when the time called for it, but now that he has you, he does it even less. The only time he actually does it is when you aren't in the mood or you're away for whatever reason.
K = Kink (Self-explanatory)
   He's pretty normal kink-wise (for the most part).
   Fyodor loves when you praise him. Sure, he knows he's very intelligent and great, and all that, but it's different when it comes out of your mouth. He might act cocky in that moment, but he... is actually cocky. Very prideful, for sure. He doesn't mind returning the favor and praising you as well. After all, you're his chosen one.
   He also likes to tie you up. It gives him a better sense of control, and he enjoys having you at his mercy. It would be rare for him to let you tie him up, though. He's willing to try it a couple of times, but don't expect him to do it frequently. He trusts you fully, but you should know your place.
   He likes it when you dress up for him, too. Especially if he's the one choosing your set of lingerie. It's so nice to see his girl all dolled-up for him. He prefers seeing you in white (sometimes red or pink) silk undergarments with cute laces and maybe some small bows. Bonus points if you're wearing thigh highs. He also loves slowly taking off said lingerie. He finds it very sexy.
L = Location (Where do they like to do it?)
   He avoids doing it in public. He much prefers doing it in the comfort of your home. In fact, he never wants to do it in public or even semi-public. It must be something really really urgent for him to actually agree to do it. It happens like once or twice at most. Why would he want somebody else to have the chance to stumble upon you two? Only he gets to see you this way after all, and besides that, he wouldn't want anyone else to catch him in such a vulnerable position.
M = Motivation (What turns them on?)
   Most of the time, it happens while you guys are making out. You would be about thirty to forty minutes into your make-out session, and he would desire you more with each passing minute. Of course, one thing leads to another it's only natural.
   There are some occasions, though, when he would get turned on by just the thought of you. In those cases, he tries his best to contain himself and waits patiently until he can be with you.
   There have also been times when he wakes up with morning wood, and you're right there next to him in bed. You could never refuse to pleasure him when he looks so adorable and when he kisses your neck so gently, yet each peck is filled with lust, and you can't help but slowly melt into his touch.
N = NO (What do they always refuse to do?)
   He would never agree to a threesome. He thinks that sex involving more than two people is only for polyamorous relationships. He's quite possessive and does not like to share.
   I think it's safe to say he would hate it if you were to give him some kinky titles such as "daddy" or "master". He finds them cheesy, and they make him feel uncomfortable, but he does like to hear you call him "sir" from time to time.
   He also hates getting degraded. He knows he doesn't deserve to be called any of those ugly names that people tend to call each other during sex. He can't imagine why anyone would enjoy that. Why would he want the love of his life to put him down in bed?
O = Oral (Do they prefer giving or receiving? Are they good?)
   He does prefer receiving over giving (kinda selfish 🙄😔). He loves it when you are below him as if you're bowing down to him, and you're also trying to pleasure him. It's honestly so heartwarming watching you take such good care of him, and he can't help but smile at the sight of you.
   He also likes giving head (but not as much as he loves receiving 🥱). He likes how you tug at his hair and praise him while he's in between your legs. It's nice to hear you moan when he knows you feel so well because of him.
P = Pace (How quick do they go?)
   He enjoys soft and passionate sex with you. He wouldn't do it very quickly since he isn't energetic, but even if he was, he'd still prefer to do it slower and take his sweet time. But that does not mean he won't get rough from time to time. If he wants to, he can always penetrate you deeper and harsher (as long as you're into it, of course).
Q = Quickie (Do they like them? How often do they do them?)
   He absolutely hates quickies. He'd only do them if he really really needed to. It would usually happen if he suddenly gets a boner during work, but he doesn't have time to have full-on sex with you, so he just calls you to his office for a quick relief.
R = Risk (Are they willing to experiment? How far would they go?)
   He would surprisingly be up for trying new things, as long as they don't completely disgust him. You guys won't try new things often, but he'd spice things up from time to time. For example, he'd bring a new interesting toy, try out some new kink, tie you up in an interesting and complex way, etc. But he wouldn't go as far as incorporating a weapon during the act because sex is for pleasure and not pain.
S = Stamina (How energetic are they?)
   As I said before, he's not very energetic due to his anemia. He would most likely do one round, rest for a few minutes while kissing/making out with you and do another round. He can last for around 4-7 rounds, but that excludes oral sex. Usually, you'll give him a blow-job in between some rounds or vice-versa.
T = Toy (What do they think of them? Do they incorporate them into bed often?)
   He prefers to use toys on you rather than himself. He loves experimenting with different kinds of vibrators, dildos and other toys, and seeing what kind of reactions he can get out of you. He finds it very entertaining, especially when he overstimulates you.
   He, however, only uses a cock ring once in a while. Sometimes he let's you experiment on him, but don't expect it to be too often.
U = Unfair (Do they like to tease?)
   He loves to tease, as I mentioned above. Besides overstimulating you, he also likes to edge you. It's fun to see you frustrated because he seized his movements, and you lost yet another orgasm.
   Sometimes, you try to get back at him, but that ends up backfiring on you. You would be sucking him off, and all of a sudden, you'd stop or slow down. He would gently pull you by the hair to face him and threaten to prevent you from orgasming until the next time you two have sex. That will quickly make you rethink your decisions. But some other times, you'll try the opposite on him - overstimulation. Then, he isn't likely to stop you since he doesn't have the energy to because he's especially sensitive after an orgasm. However, when you're done having your fun, expect him to return the favor twice as hard.
V = Volume (Are they loud?)
   He doesn't like making a lot of noise. That doesn't mean that he wouldn't, though. He tries his best to control himself, but he just can't help it. In the beginning, he would make low grunts and gasps, but as the sex progresses, he'll get more vocal. Definitely has some of the prettiest moans known to humankind. When you overstimulate him, your ears will 100% be blessed by the most godlike melody you've ever heard.
W = Wild Card (Random headcanon)
   Fyodor has an appreciation for your chest, so whenever he has the chance, he'll squeeze your boobs (he doesn't have a preference for size, don't worry). It's one of his favorite places to leave his hickeys on, besides your neck. He'd always try to have a hand around your chest, or he would take time kissing it in between rounds. He handles it very gently and with lots of care. He also likes to play with your nipples and watch you twitch from his cold touch against this sensitive spot of yours. He likes fucking his dick in between them and coming all over them. It's a giant turn on for him. If you're having sex during your period and your breasts are sore, he'd take his sweet time massaging them and caressing them.
X = X-ray (What is below their waist?)
   His dick is about 6.2 inches  (15.7 cm) soft and 6.8 inches (17.2 cm) hard. It is slightly more slender than average, and the tip is a brownish color. It's slightly tilted to the right and has two or three more prominent veins along it. The most sensitive parts are definitely the tip and his testicles.
Y = Yearning (How much do they want it?)
   He has slightly lower than average libido. He'll probably make love to you once every two or three weeks, but during some months he'll get random bursts of neediness and have sex with you more often (for example, once or even twice a week).
Z = ZZZ... (Do they fall asleep quickly after the act?)
   Since he doesn't have much stamina, and he wastes a lot of it during sex, I'd say he falls asleep rather quickly. He likes to hold you in his arms as the two of you drift off to sleep. But sometimes you'll get tired faster than him while he is still in the mood. That doesn't happen very often but when it does, cock warming comes into play. Then, you'll usually fall asleep while he has buried his dick deep inside you. If that happens, the next morning he'll probably wake up from a wet dream and continue what you couldn't finish the previous night.
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Thank you so much for reading. I really hope you enjoyed it. As always, if you'd like for me to write you something BSD related, my requests are open.
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ladykailitha · 1 year
If I Rescue You, Will You Rescue Me, Too? Part 1
Since I am in the middle of a poll about how to end “Can Anybody See Me?” (which you can vote on here) I am putting it on pause until it finishes on Saturday. I’ll still be working on it, I just won’t be posting until after it’s done. (Which if it keeps going like it is, end of season 4).
This story started out as a beautiful (and SHORT) story about Steve taking Eddie to the Ozzy Osborne/Metalica concert and turned into a full on season 4 fix-it (it’s 6000+ and counting *wails*).
Summary: Steve realizes after the aftermath of Vecna that he’s in love with Eddie. When he finds out that he was trying to get enough money to get to the Ozzy Osborne/Metallica concert in Indy in a week, he decides to woo Eddie via the most important concert of Eddie’s young life.
Things had gotten a little hairy when the demobats tried to break through the vents of the trailer. Eddie looked up at the sheet ladder and then back out at the sounds of screeching and scrambling as the bats fought to get to him and Dustin.
He knew they had no way to close the gate on the other side. That once the bats got into the trailer the wide world of Hawkins would be next. They would be next. He sighed. He knew what he had to do. With a heavy heart and broad swipe of his spear he cut the ladder.
Eddie zipped up his jacket and grabbed his shield and spear. He led the demobats away on one of the bikes. Got pretty damn far before the tire hit a divot in the hell space known as the Upside-Down. He rolled into the dirt and tried to get up. The shield and spear tangled together making it hard to stand. Once he was able to get to his feet he roared at the bats.
Eddie was able to stand his ground for a while but he started to wear out. He wasn’t sure he could last much longer. What was taking them so long?
And then it happened the swarm came at him full force and he was knocked to the ground. He brought up his hands and knees trying to protect as much of his body as he could. But they were relentless. Just when he thought all hope was gone, suddenly the bats fell.
The air was filled with screaming of a different kind now and it sounded like his name.
He brought down his arms and looked up to see Dustin kneeling over him crying.
“Hey, bud,” Eddie whispered. “I’m fine.”
“Why would you do that?” Dustin screamed. “Why?”
Eddie reached out and cupped his cheek. “Because they were breaking through. They were going to get you.”
“We could have fought them together,” Dustin choked out.
Eddie shook his head. “Steve would have killed me if you got hurt.”
“Damn right I would have,” Steve said.
Dustin stood up, whirling around to face him. “Steve! Eddie’s hurt!”
Steve rushed over and immediately pulled out the first aid kit they bought when they got their other supplies.
“What did I tell you about not being a hero, Munson?” Steve growled as he pulled out bottled water and gauze.
“Dustin...” Eddie gurgled.
Steve looked up at his face and swore. “Shit! They got you good.” He set down the gauze and pulled out a large cotton pad and pressed it to Eddie’s neck.
“Dustin,” Steve snapped, “We need to find a way to transport him. Are you able to do that for me?”
Dustin nodded and immediately got on the bike Eddie had biffed on. The front tire was a bit wobbly but it would do in a pinch.
Robin and Nancy came running up. Robin skidded to a stop and turned away, suddenly ill. Nancy was at Steve’s side in an instant.
“Hold down the pad,” Steve bit out. “I need it in place so I can wrap it.”
She nodded and took over holding the pad to the bleeding coming from Eddie’s neck. Steve quickly wrapped the gauze around it and then unzipped the jacket.
Eddie coughed. “Take me out to dinner first, jeez, Harrington.”
“Shut up, shut up,” Steve murmured. “Just please shut up for once in your god damned life. So I can save it.”
Eddie smiled, showing blood on his teeth.
“Fuck!” Steve cursed. “I hope you didn’t like this jacket, man. It’s pretty much gone at this point.”
The demobats had shredded the jacket’s sleeves and even one or two had gotten past the many layers Eddie had on. But the bites were shallow. Not like Steve’s.
His legs were a bit worse for wear too.
Just then Dustin had come back with a metal covering that they had used to shore up the trailer, dragging behind the bike.
Steve looked up and smiled. “Good job, Dusty!” He turned to his best friend. “Robin!”
She glanced at Eddie and then turned her head up so she wasn’t looking at him directly. “He’s bad, Steve.”
“I know, but I need all four of us to carry him,” he explained softly. “Can you do that for me?”
She looked him in the eye. “Yeah. For Eddie.”
They managed to get him on the makeshift stretcher and Nancy stepped up to grab one of the corners.
Steve held out his hand. “Wait! We need to keep it as level as possible. Dustin you take that corner. Nancy you go out in front and find us the safest path.”
Nancy opened her mouth to protest but she knew he was right. She was much shorter than the rest of them and it would only hurt Eddie more.
“Why can’t we just drag him behind the bike?” Dustin asked, still doing what he was told.
“Because we need to move fast but smooth,” Steve said. “Everyone at three, lift. One, two, three!” They all lifted together.
“The bike would be smooth,” Dustin protested.
“Not for Eddie,” Steve said. “Now, move.”
They walked as fast as they could to the nearest gate. Which unfortunately was the Lover’s Lake gate.
Steve stopped in front of the gate and closed his eyes tightly. “Right, Eds,” he murmured. “This is where you get off the ride.”
Eddie made a sound that vaguely resembled a chuckle.
“How are we going to get him through the gate?” Robin asked, shifting nervously from side to side.
“You and Nancy are going to go up first and get the boat,” Steve explained. “Then Dustin will swim to the surface. He’ll come get me once you two are in place.”
“Where is this coming from?” Nancy asked. “I thought you weren’t the planning type.”
Steve took a deep breath and pretended that didn’t hurt.
“No, no,” Robin said waving her hands. “He’s good at emergency shit like this. Like, really good.”  
“It’s all the first aid training,” Steve said tamping down on the anger that threatened to rise to the surface. “Now go. I’ll send Dustin up in ten minutes.”
Dustin looked down at Eddie. “Ten minutes is too long, Steve.”
Steve grabbed Dustin’s arms. “It’ll be enough. I’m not going to let him die on us, I promise.”
Dustin nodded and watched as Robin and Nancy dove through the gate.
Ten minutes later Dustin did too. About a minute after that, Dustin was back to help Steve bring Eddie back to the surface.
They struggled but were able to get Eddie onto the boat. Once they got to shore they were able to call for an ambulance.
The four of them watched as Eddie was taken to the hospital.
Steve took a deep breath. “Right. We need to clean up and get to the hospital.”
Steve looked at Nancy. “There is an ambulance coming for you, too. I want those bites looked at by professional.”
Steve wanted to argue but as the adrenaline wore off, he swayed on his feet.
Robin caught him before he fell. “We’ll call...” she stopped. There wasn’t anyone for her to call. Not for Steve. The people that would care were all here.
“Wayne Munson,” Nancy finished. “Let him know Eddie’s at the hospital from an animal attack. We’ll also radio the party and all meet up at the hospital.”
Distantly he could here the sounds of the sirens coming for him before his world went black.
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10  Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
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hadesoftheladies · 6 months
Girlhood Is Surveillance
In the imaginations of most men, oppressive policing is done by a military force or officers of a district. Men are deployed, with weapons and uniform, to enforce the will of the state. They use violent means (or the threat of violence) to intimidate. Certain words are banned by the government and uttering them risks being locked up, done away with, killed.
Yet, the most powerful, pervasive, and far-reaching form of surveillance is the reality for most girls.
Oppressed groups typically go through more surveillance than the oppressing class. They are viewed with more suspicion, afforded less allowances, and must work harder to prove themselves worthy of basic rights. The government is aggressively involved. They mandate what schools can teach, what media houses can publish, what public speakers can say.
For girls, surveillance starts before they can walk. This kind of surveillance is an extension of the surveillance her mother endures from her peers. She is dressed appropriately in pink, in bonnets, in frills and baby bows. By the time she is five, she is policed by her closest relatives. She may or may not be allowed to run shirtless like her brothers. Especially when her uncles are there. She must not wear nail polish or she must play with makeup. She must wear tutus and dresses.
This also happens to boys, but in a much different way. The reason I describe girlhood specifically as surveillance is because in a patriarchal, pornified world, the boy's body is neutral, that is, not provocative. Not insulting.
The female body, on the other hand, is semiotically significant. It is a symbol of sex, of desire, of lust (at least as a man experiences it) and thus is wicked, crude, and crass. The girl is surveilled because on the streets, in the home, by anyone who looks at her, who she is is interpreted to be provocative. In other words, her femaleness, naked or evident, is hate speech. Or impolite language. Language that polite society cannot be seen to be having. Her shoulders, knees, hands, thighs, breasts, are pornography.
This is just a fraction of the surveillance of girlhood.
As she grows up, she learns there are ways she must sit, things she must not know, things she must not say, and things she must wear. Her mother (and sometimes father) are the chief police on these things. They watch her, check her before going out, frisk her to make sure the skirt is not rising above her knees, the hijab is in place, etcetera.
On the streets, the girl learns, that she is also being watched by others. Men whistle at her as she walks to primary school. She learns how easy it is to be shamed as a girl. By teachers, strangers on the road, girls in school, boys at the playground. For having hairy legs, a crooked (normal) nose, a bare face, a face that isn't bare, too much height, too big boobs, too small boobs, thin lips or full lips, a flat butt, a butt that shows, etcetera.
She censors her womanhood when it comes. For if her brothers or father see her blood in the toilet, that is her body once again being provocative. Perhaps she becomes aware as a teenager, of the inequality and injustice. If she speaks out, she will be met with a host of police ready to put a stop to it. Her best friend will say, "Some women like looking beautiful. It is not a crime to want to be beautiful. You are judging me." Her mother will say, "Girls libidos don't matter. Sex is not for girls to enjoy, but for men." Her father will say, "Don't worry your pretty little head about things you don't understand." They will all dismiss, all shame, all hush her. They will call her ungrateful, a lesbian (which means social outcast, unnatural, inhuman, wrong), a radical, or a child throwing a tantrum. All of which are threats, whether or not they recognize them as such.
This policing system does not need the use of officers or the military much because the narrative is in society's consciousness. The people will police deviants themselves after the government tells them what the deviants look like and gives them the stakes of noncompliance. This kind of surveillance is also older than the government, if not as old as it is. It's oldness makes it that much more difficult to notice and resist.
The people who love you become the police. They will snitch on you to their peers if you do not conform. Your mother will tell your aunts and grandmother. Your father will joke about you with your brothers. Your sister will tell on you to the popular girls. And these are not the worst kind. Most girls, like every other animal, every other human being, will go the route with the most ease and the best chance at survival.
They will conform. They will cross their legs. Do their hair according to their age. Paint or not paint their nails. Wear the hijab. Wear skirts that go over the knee. Wear the pink. Curl their hair. Smear the lipstick, eyeliner, mascara. Put the powder and glitter on themselves. Wear the heels and stockings. Kiss the boy, etcetera.
And now, because they've been told how closely they're being watched, for their looks, whether their clothes are appropriate or not, whether their mothers are happy or not, whether their brothers feel threatened or disgusted by their pads or their tomboyishness or not, whether they are excelling too much in sports or academia or too little, whether they are smart or not, whether they are fat or not, whether they are acceptable or provocative or not . . . it becomes of paramount importance that they surveil themselves. Because they are in a hypervigilant state. They are in survival mode.
Girls are their own self-police. Harsh on every angle and feature. Because they have been told that people pay special attention to them everywhere they go. And to some degree, this is true. Everyone is easily insulted by femaleness, because femaleness is provocative. Please note, not femininity, femaleness. Femininity is camouflage because it signals conformity. Agreeing with the narrative that insists that the female body is the symbol for sex or motherhood. That the female body is pornography. The women that flaunt their bodies and say, "I am sexy and want you to know it!" are conforming. The women that hide their bodies and duck their heads to show meekness toward their God are conforming. None of them challenge the assertion that the female body is by-default provocative, an invitation to sex, shameful.
Now, surveillance has expanded. You see girls tilting their heads in one direction on their cameras because they believe this is their best side. They all have makeup or makeup filters. That thin their faces and enlarge their eyes. That make their lips a little fuller. They gag themselves and retch up nutrients and food in order to keep themselves safe. Obsessed with beauty and meekness because it is their livelihood. What secures them in society.
And yet . . . does it? Little girls are killed for a little hair showing from beneath their headscarf. Young women are murdered by the men whose advances were rejected. Toddlers are whistled at by grown men on the street. Teenage girls are the sex symbol of the generations in TV shows, movies, music videos. Mothers starve their girls, physically and emotionally abuse their girls, to keep them compliant. Girls have burn marks, scars, wounds from conformity. They have blistered feet and bra lines burned into their ribcage.
The government is not inactive, either. It does not punish femicides. It mandates forced birth. It regulates population by regulating the human female, rather than the male that has been left to run amock. Who starts these pregnancies and is responsible for any statistic for violence in the general population. It ensures that women need men to survive the economy. It ensures that women are successfully sold and bought for the economy. The pimps need their money, after all. And the president needs the pimps. The oligarchs need their workers, too. Workers need mothers to create them and wives to sustain them. Girlhood is the governments business.
A girl will blame herself for how her boyfriend treats her, for being raped. She will then, instead of looking at the world, at the perpetrator, will police herself and other girls around her even more aggressively. Violently.
Surveillance is most powerful when privacy is destroyed and the person made into a data point to be exploited. Girls do not have privacy, for their private parts are taboo discussions in public life. They are offensive discourse and so must be suppressed and regulated.
Girlhood is living under the most extreme and powerful form of surveillance, where everyone is the girl-police, including the girl herself.
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Not sure if your requests are open, but could I ask for maybe Nilou Candace? Possibly Dehya as well with the smut ask you recently did?
Anonim asked:
NSFW headcanons for Ei, Sara, and Miko?
NSFW Headcanons - Candace & Nilou
A/N: Hello to you, Anons. I decided to split the characters into two posts - the one you see now for Hydro girls, and a future one for Dehya and Sara. Also - here are Miko headcanons and here are Ei headcanons. Hope you enjoy!
NSFW under the cut.
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Keeping Aaru village safe is tough work - especially defending it from hostiles. It's time consuming, messy and troublesome. You, being the caring lover you are, helped her with that part. Candace had no trouble leaving that to you, but don't think she doesn't appreciate what you do. Quite the contrary, in fact.
Candace always leaned toward the traditional role in your relationship. Since a new Vision holder entered the scope, she doesn't have to be the one to fight anymore. Candace would much prefer for you to be the warrior, while she stays behind and cares for both her husband and her home in other ways.
And she knows just what you need.
Candace loves being seen as the reward. The thought of being the one keeping you fighting makes her both happy and horny.
She loves acts of service, whatever form they may take.
So once you get home, expect to have the best wine and fresh juice at hand as Candace kneels between your legs, head bobbing up and down.
She wants to show you just how grateful she is for everything you do for her and the village, and her tongue, tits and slit are the perfect tools to do so.
While you lay back, Candace will go to town on your cock. It will be sloppy. Her saliva will be all over your crotch as she worships every millimeter of your dick, head to base. You don't even have to move a muscle - Candace will throat you until she gags herself.
She will use her mouth until you cum. Don't expect her to waste a single drop of your seed.
While your milk is nice and secure inside her belly, she'll entertain you until you're ready to go again.
Her favorite way to pass that time is to climb on top of your face and let you eat her out. And what man could refuse a taste of a nice, tanned, wet and willing pussy?
Candace likes to keep a cute, trimmed bush of dark-blue pubes right above her clit. As for you, she'll take a hairy cock any day. The hair is a natural part of every man, and she enjoys when you embrace that.
If she picks a different way, you can be sure your balls will get involved to some degree. Candace will either suck them or give you a nice and gentle massage. She knows just how amazing having your nuts lightly squeezed or rolled around in her fingers feels.
When you inevitable get rock-hard again, your woman will climb on top of you and serve you the main course.
You'll get to enjoy her wet hole at a moderate pace. She'll accommodate your needs for more or less speed any time.
The best position is cowgirl, she finds. You either get to enjoy her stunning features and big boobs or nice, squeezable ass. She'll encourage you to give a good slap or two to her cheeks. A little pain keeps the play exciting.
If you pick reverse, she'll also rub her clit on your thigh to chase a connected orgasm. And when she reaches it? Man are the sounds she makes and how her pussy clenches around you amazing.
Speaking of her body, it's a close ideal of beauty. Wide hips, a muscular but soft stomach, thick thighs, round and plump ass and a pair of amazing mammaries. She really has been blessed by the patron deity of females.
Enjoy when you prove it to her by worshiping her dry, with your lips around her nipples and a hand between her legs.
She would really like for you to cum inside every time, but alas - it bears consequences. Go for her mouth instead, and she'll leave no drop of your gift outside of her. It's just so warm and salty and delicious.
When you'll be ready for a child, Candace will take you to a special, hidden spot in the desert she prepared beforehand. You'll light some incense, make an offering of food and raise a prayer to the goddess of fertility. After that intro, expect a long, slow, romantic breeding session. She'll have you do that at least once a week before she's 100% carrying your heir.
"Ah, you're back home my love. Come to me when you're ready. I wanted to... thank you for your efforts."
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She always wanted to be in a relationship. Nilou dreamt of a person whose even the slightest actions would leave her breathless and flustered. She envisioned a person who would sing and dance with her, take her to amazing places and feed her wonderful, home cooked meals every day. Now that she's found someone like that, Nilou will surely become the happiest woman of Teyvat!
Your sex life can be only described as wholesome, just like your girl.
Whenever she feels safe and happy, which is quite often, she'll lead you to bed. It's like a reflex for her, a natural desire to be even closer to you.
Aside from dancing, making love with you is her favorite hobby. It makes her feel all weak and giddy whenever she lies to you after an amazing orgasm.
She knows the importance of foreplay and prep time very well. Nilou feels like everybody forgets that you, as a guy, need some encouragement as well. And by that she understands not just getting you hard, but making you completely dehydrated.
Her go-to way to do this is to dance for you. She loves doing it, not only with clothes on. Her movements are smooth and well trained, and the way her titties jiggle adds a lot to the eye-feast she provides.
Nilou's body is not ideal. She's a little insecure about that, in fact. She has no thick, meaty thighs, not very wide hips, a flat backside and breasts too small to let you really feel them. Her small stature and the lack of muscles makes her body quite small and fragile, not allowing for hard or rough dicking. It would only leave her sore and bruised, which she doesn't enjoy.
In fact, Nilou doesn't like pain at all. Every pain, except the lovely type when you stretch her entrance or poke at her womb, spoils the happy atmosphere. She'll love it if you keep it all pleasurable.
Speaking of dislikes, she has plenty of them.
A fast pace is a no-no for her, as she likes to feel every thrust in its full glory, from the tip of your head down to your base. Her body is not very durable, so it would likely leave her achy for days. And that type of ache makes dancing hard - not only because the memory leaves her too flustered to practice!
She doesn't like oral a lot, as well. Especially when it comes to receiving it. Nilou's always afraid she tastes awful, or some unexpected health problem makes licking her dangerous.
A real shame, since her pussy is adorable! The outer lips completely cover the inner, yet her clit remains exposed. The entire thing is of a cute, natural pink color as well. A tuft of red hair she keeps trimmed just makes it more tempting to dive right in. If you assure her it's safe and fun for you, Nilou will agree. Maybe you'll even make her like oral, who knows.
Giving oral is okay by her, but she'll want to keep your dick in her mouth or on her lips. Her gag reflex makes throating you a messy nightmare for Nilou. Also, swallowing is another thing she doesn't enjoy. She’ll gladly have you explode on her stomach though.
Anal is a no-go, as it hurts Nilou quite badly. Her sphincter is very tight, and it doesn't feel great when you try to force it open. And she wouldn't want you in a place so nasty anyway.
As you can see, Nilou is... not that great at this whole sex thing. But she tries!
Nilou is aware of the limits she puts on variety, so she'll do her best to make it up to you!
Positions are her main way of doing it. Dancing made her very flexible, and she wants to use that to its full advantage. Any position involving spreading her legs, like a modified lotus or split cowgirl, or bending her back, like the bridge, magnifies the pleasure for Nilou.
Toys, and lots of toys. Nilou wants to keep things as fresh as possible, so expect a new toy every week or two. It'll be everything from remote vibes and buttplugs for her, and prostate massagers or fleshlights for you. She'll eagerly arrange longer play sessions when you just try out all of this equipment on yourselves.
Edging will be necessary, however. Poor Nilou can't take a whole lot of pleasure, and cums easily. She is one of those that get really sleepy after an orgasm. In her, the desire to just snuggle up to you and pass out is stronger than any level of horniness.
One of the best things in Nilou's opinion is making her dance with a vibe inside her. Bonus points if it's remote control. Nilou will laugh along with you when the pleasure becomes too much and her thighs start to tremble.
The noises she makes are a mix of laughter and squealing. Even if she's been edged mercilessly for a long time, she'll chuckle all the same.
Hand holding is a huge thing for your girl. It makes her feel so warm and loved. With that in mind, her favorite positions allow just for that, with some stretching on the side.
She doesn't have an amazing body, but she'll work with what she has. Lingerie will be a common sight in the bedroom.
Please assure her she's beautiful and you love her as she is, poor girl is so insecure :(
Whenever she feels ready (or especially adventurous), she'll get you to help lube her up good and gently put a buttplug inside her. The sex afterwards makes her see stars.
"Come on! Let's have some fun, my love!"
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Thanks for reading!
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octuscle · 1 year
Shiny fabric
As much as Mack enjoyed living in the countryside in Scotland, he also enjoyed the occasional trip to London. He loved the metropolis, which was yet another category entirely different from Glasgow. And Mack loved the East End. Here he found honest lads, real fellas, with whom one could have all kinds of fun. Fun of all kinds. Actually, it was usually enough for Mack if there were a few beers and if there was fucking afterwards. That was all he needed on a good night out in London. But tonight he was excited. He'd passed a store last night on the way to his hotel room that had Adidas Chile tracksuits in his size in the window. In XXL. Black with gold stripes. He had been looking for it for years. Just wasn't available in that size anymore. He had never understood why Adidas no longer produced it. He knew a whole bunch of fellas who got off on the shiny fabric. He wouldn't necessarily wear something like that in public. But at home. Jerking off in the fabric. He had gotten a boner right away at the thought.
The store was called CHAVTF and it opened at 11:00 on Saturday. At 10:50, Mack was at the door. He didn't want to take any chances, he had to have the tracksuit. At 11:15, a young man came and opened the door. Slim, he wore a tracksuit himself and an alpha jacket over it. Hair noticeably shorter than Mack's. Cool bastard, Mack thought to himself… The cool bastard asked Mack into the store, turned on the lights and asked how he could help. As cool as he could be, Mack asked for the suit from the store window. In XXL. The store clerk laughed. Mate, the only thing XXL about you is your dick. There are changing rooms in the back, get undressed, I'll bring you the tracksuit. Without thinking, Mack went into the locker room and stripped naked. Between his legs dangled his impressive cock, dripping precum. He looked at himself in the mirror with satisfaction. The young man came into the cubicle, the curtain of which was not drawn at all. He placed the suit on a stool, hugged Mack from behind, and grasped the massive cock with both hands. "To try on the suit, though, please wrap that beauty up," he laughed. Mack picked up the jockstrap from the floor and pulled it over his wiry, hairy legs. The jockstrap still reeked of last night's piss, cum and beer. He took the shiny size S pants and pulled them up. Fit like a glove. The store clerk cleared out a new shipment of goods and stopped briefly at the changing room. Looks extremely awesome, mate. Your customers are going to love it."
Mack reached through the fabric of his pants for his cock. "Hell, yeah," he said enthusiastically. "Here, try this T-shirt with it," the store clerk said, tossing him a compression shirt with Batman printed on it. Mack slipped it on and nodded his approval. Looked cool, accentuated his lean body. "Say, how much do you actually take for a date?" Mack said that depended on the customer, a quick blowjob here in the locker room would be free. But otherwise, he would be a luxury product. Only for an escort service he took 200 pounds an hour. Everything else cost extra. "Bloody hell," the clerk replied. 'I work two days for that. When things are going well. But don't your customers expect someone freshly showered? You smell like you haven't showered in two days." "Three, actually. I'm about to have a pervert jerk off while he gets to smell my armpits. Gives you some extra cash." "I really have the wrong job. Is the Arab accent a trick? Or are you really from there." Maleek explained in the finest Cockney accent that his parents were from Morocco, but he was born here. Of course, the Arab accent is a trick. But his clients would dig it.
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Maleek paid for the three tracksuits that were still available in his size. He knew how dates with his next client went. If his tracksuit survived, his client would ask him to piss in it and then pay him easily five times what he had to pay now for three suits. So two suits on reserve was a wise investment. And just because he was a whore, he didn't have to be a bad businessman. But now let's go to the agreed meeting place and play the street hustler. That was part of the game with his client.
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valos-venus-doom · 1 month
A Blind Date for Ville Valo & OC
Thank you to @sinnysioux for the request.
(I actually love this so I may use this as a jumping off point for a fic in the future. 👀 Maybe we do it as a Choose Your Own Adventure thing? Where I poll readers for plot points? Thoughts?)
Ville stood outside a bar in Helsinki smoking a cigarette, kicking himself for ever agreeing to go on a blind date. At the time, he was going through a rough dry spell and when a friend of his mentioned Ville had a lot in common with a single female friend of theirs, Ville agreed without a second thought. But having had a week to sit and think about it, he was dreading it. He had no clue what to expect, but he was too much of a gentleman to stand someone up. So he was going to follow through and ghost if she turned out to be an obnoxious groupie or hairy bridge troll.
All his friend told him was his friend, Ava, had long brown hair with pink side bangs. So he stood and waited for what he felt was forever, until sure enough, a petite girl matching the description rounded the corner.
Ville felt instant relief when he realized she was actually very beautiful, but the apprehension that she’d be an obnoxious groupie still lingered. He dashed his cigarette and cleared his throat as she approached;
“Hi, excuse me, um, are you Ava?” he asked, cautiously.
The woman stopped walking and looked at him with the warmest brown eyes he’d ever seen. She had delicate features, wearing a deep, dark green dress polka-dotted with little black bats. She smiled and Ville felt his heart flutter, “Yeah, I guess you’re Ville?” she replied.
Ville couldn’t help but mirror her smile. “I am.”
“It’s so nice to meet you.” Ava opened her arms for a hug, which Ville, surprising himself, happily reciprocated.
“Pleasure meeting you as well. Um, do you want to sit at the bar, or..?” Ville began.
Ava shrugged happily, “Sure, that works. Um, I’m not much of a drinker but I’d love a coffee.”
“Oh, well that’s quite alright. I’m not a drinker either. Erm… would you rather go to a proper coffee shop? It might be quieter, better for conversation.”
“Absolutely. I think I just passed a Starbucks, is that okay?”
“Brilliant.” Ville replied, following her lead.
All of the dread Ville initially felt had long faded away, and his heart was light and fluttery. He reminded himself to thank his friend, he was grateful she was in fact not a hairy bridge troll.
The pair found a quiet booth in a more secluded area of the Starbucks and sat with their coffees. Ville had ordered a black coffee, Ava a caramel macchiato.
“What do you do for work, Ava?” he asked her as he nursed the too-hot coffee in front of him.
“I’m a hairstylist.” she responded, “I already know what you do. But uh, how’s that going for you?”
Ville chuckled, “Yeah, I figured you knew. Um, it’s going well. I guess.” he shrugged.
“Oh?” his pessimism piqued her interest, a mood she hadn’t expected.
“Yeah our drummer’s wrists are fucked so we’re waiting to find out what the prognosis is. It’s holding a lot up, so I’m just writing here and there, hoping there’ll be a new album to put them on someday.”
Ava’s brows furrowed compassionately, “Ah, I see. Well hopefully the prognosis is positive. Aside from music, what do you do for fun?”
“I read, a lot. Mostly in the bath. What about you?”
“The same, oddly enough. I mean, not the bath part, but I read. I have a book buying problem. There’s a stack of new books I’ve never touched on the side of the bed.”
“Ah, I understand your plight. I’ve a habit of buying books everywhere I go. Whether or not they get read–”
“Is a different story.” she finished his sentence. “Haha. Punny.” she joked.
Ville was cheerfully surprised at her quick wit. “Exactly.” he laughed.
The pair kept talking and laughing for another hour or so before Ava realized the Starbucks employees were beginning to place chairs on table tops, indicating they’d be closing up.
“I think we’re running out of time here.” Ava said to Ville, gesturing with her head towards the baristas scurrying about.
Ville was far from ready to say goodnight, he was fascinated by everything she had to say. His friend was right; he and Ava had a *lot* in common. It was refreshing to be able to hold a conversation with a woman and have there be no lulls in the conversation at all. It was like speaking with an old friend.
“So, um, do you need to be getting back home or…” Ville began to question.
Ava shook her head, “Uh, nope. I’m still free tonight.”
“Do you want to grab a bite? I think the bar we were previously has some good options.” he suggested.
“Absolutely.” Ava replied happily.
As the pair exited the coffee shop, Ville took a chance, and he snaked his fingers between hers as they walked. To his elation, she held his hand back. He was reading the vibe correctly, thankfully.
Unfortunately, when they returned to the bar where they had met initially, they found it absolutely packed. Not exactly conducive to pleasant conversation, they’d have to shout to hear over the crowd.
“Well, uh, should we call it a night?” Ava asked, frowning slightly.
Ville bit the inside of his lip, hoping his next suggestion wouldn’t turn her off, “Pardon me if this is inappropriate, but would you maybe want to pick up a pizza and head back to my place? Just to talk?” Ava looked surprised and Ville quickly recovered himself, “Uh, not for anything nefarious. Just conversation, honest.”
Ava blushed and giggled, “I knew you didn’t mean anything by the suggestion. Yes, I’d love to. Again, not really a bar gal.” she shrugged.
A few hours later, Ava and Ville sat enjoying some music on Ville’s couch. They were sipping on tea Ville had made them and sitting particularly close.
“So that’s why that relationship fell apart…” Ville trailed off of the story he’d been telling about an ex.
“I’m afraid I don’t have quite that many stories of exes,” Ava admitted, “I just got out of a five year relationship at the beginning of the year.”
“Oh?” Ville coaxed.
“Yep. Its always fun finding out your best friend is sleeping with your boyfriend. Two relationships down the drain in one fell swoop.” she nodded as she stared into her teacup.
Ville mentally cringed, “Oh damn, that’s terrible. I’m so sorry to hear that.” his hand reached out for hers, her thumb gently stroking the back of his hand, causing more butterflies in Ville’s stomach.
Ava smiled, “Well, you know, at least I was able to move onto better.”
“Yeah, same here.” Ville whispered. Their faces ever so slightly moving towards each other, a game of chicken almost. Ville inhaled deeply through his nose as though he was about to dive underwater. “Forgive me.” Ville blurted out as he sat his cup down before suddenly connecting his lips with hers.
Ava kissed back, blindly setting down her own cup, her now free hand reaching for the side of his face delicately. Ville pressed his tongue forward, Ava accepted.
Ville allowed his lips to linger before pulling back, “Sorry, I just–”
“Needed to know if it felt right?” Ava finished his sentence for him. “Well?” she pressed.
Ville nodded, “And you?”
Ava didn’t answer, she gently pulled him close by the collar of his shirt and kissed him again. Ville placed his hand on her waist and felt a shiver go up his spine while thanking his lucky stars – and his friend – for this amazing first date.
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thewritingginger · 1 year
;) Alphabet - Takashi Mitsuya
Some spicy husband to end the week :)
Fandom: Tokyo Revengers Letters: T, A, K, S, H, I Warnings: 18+, Mentions of sex
Enjoy ~
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T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Yes, a few
He owns a vibrator, he really likes to use before and during sex
If he’s feeling particularly playful he may restrain your wrists and tease your body with the vibrator—moving it up and down your naked torso, over your nipples and down between your legs, making sure to spark all your nerves till you are a needy mess for him
I think he’d have a few sensory / sensory deprivation toys
Such as; blindfold, soft restraints, a feather or soft flog that he more or less trails over your body then maybe sprinkles a few smacks with but nothing too hard, he’d rather save that for something else 😉
I think Mitsuya would be down to use them either way—he really just wants him and his partner to enjoy themselves
I could see him into you restraining him from time to time as well with a vibrating cockring on him as you soft caress his body
I think he enjoys a good tease in any sense of the work
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
✨ SOFT ✨
He’ll kiss any part of you that he can reach, usually your neck and shoulder as the two of you cool down before he pulls out
Depending on the night he might lay in his back or side and pull your naked body close to his and just lay there stroking your hair and back with his face buried in your hair or your neck/chest
Or he might run the two of you a bath to soak in together or if you’re too tired for that he’ll bring you a warm cloth and help clean you up—all the while kissing and worshiping your body 🥺
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
I feel like this one is an obvious one, no?!
Mitsuya really enjoys on his free time making his partner things he think would suit them and that isn’t just limited to things everyone has the pleasure of seeing
He enjoys making different kinds of sexy pieces for you, playing with different colors, fabrics and styles
And he’ll always request a private fashion show of you wear them for him
You are his favorite model after all 😏
Light Bondage / Shibari
Likes to use satin ribbons to restrain your hands and sometimes feet
Maybe even a cute harness to tie your arms behind your back 
It’s never anything too intense
I think he’d like shibari cuz its like another form of art
Much like the lingerie, he thinks you are generally stunning and the most beautiful thing he's ever seen so adding accents to your body is really appealing to him
Sensory Deprivation
Alongside the ribbons he likes to blind fold you from time to time—he can get down with it to him too 😉
He does this when he’s feeling particularly teasing and wants to make you tick
He’ll even put earbuds in your ears so you can’t hear him or what he’s pulling out to use on you next
Feathers, soft flogs and warm oils are additions he likes to play with
He usually keeps it pretty soft & sensual, unless his partner asks for more
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Depending on the night and the libido he’s working with anywhere b/w 1-3 rounds
1 being average
3 being really rowdy and energetic
Average round length is about 30-40 minutes, including foreplay
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Likes to keep himself trimmed overall, not just below the belt
He’ll shave his face maybe a couple times a week to keep up with the sparse hair he can grow on his chin and upper lip
Regardless of his relationship status he likes to manscape –he just prefers the look of his pubic hair trimmed over letting it grow out too much
His pubic hair is a patch of well trimmed lilac curls 
His chest isn't very hairy, minus a few strays he may get but he’ll just pluck them as he sees them  
Overall i think Mitsuya takes pride in his appearance and not just for the pleasure of his partner but for himself
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Mutsuya is a love maker
Don’t get it twisted he still fucks
But he really enjoys going slow and taking his time with his partner
He truly is one to always make you feel wanted and not just on special occasions
There might be a day you walk into your shared home and there candles lit and soft music playing
I can see him being into giving his partner a full body massage with hot oils and lingering caresses
He just strikes me as a very sensual man tbh
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Hope you enjoyed that!
💛 ~
~ Masterlist ~
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hongyangi · 9 months
see for yourself | jcb.
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warnings: one shot explicit content! smut, minors dni, mirror sex, lower case intended, depictions of dom!jacob, foreplay, marking, and i love jacob's arm and leg hair sorry about that, dacryphilia if you blink for a sec— rushed work that's why it's short hehe net: @deoboyznet
his muffled groans behind you bring sensations down your spine making your body shiver. your bare back against his chest felt hot and you're almost going crazy as you feel his own goosebumps and the way his heart beats. jacob ghosted his lips over your shoulders, your nape, and behind your ear. his hands gripped on your arms as he wrapped his own around your frame. his arm hair felt ticklish against your soft hands.
you stared in front of you. the reflection of the two of you being seated on the floor looked like a painting. the nakedness of your reflection made you blush and feel hot and his hands travelled down your sensitive bud. not wasting any second, he strokes it in circular motions. you whimpered, pursing your lips and shutting your eyes closed. "s-stop..." head turning away from the mirror as your legs curled up and covered your wetness. your toes are still curling from all the sensations and this is just a foreplay.
a smirk formed on his lips. "no," jacob's hands that were gripping your shivering frame rested above your knees, spreading your legs open again. the beat of your heart sound like it's almost ripping out of your ribs. your brain feels mushy and you can't make up proper thoughts right now.
"you look beautiful like this." jacob whispered in his low voice, giving you those goosebumps again. your body voluntarily submitting to him. your eyes remained closed but you can feel his smirk on the crook of your neck.
jacob's fingers grazed on your delicate skin, his palms softly caressing down from your knees to your inner thighs until his one hand reaches your wetness, the other one groping your right chest. "see for yourself." his voice sound so menacing but tempting. everything about that voice gives you all the affection and desire for his smile, his touches, his satisfaction.
your eyes slowly open at his last sentence. few tears clouded your vision but soon enough, you caught the sight of his face resting on your shoulder. his hair disheveled and wet from sweat, lashes fluttering over his dark orbs. he looked so pretty with his dark brown hair down sticking on his forehead due to sweat. jacob's gazes are full of desire as he stares at your teary eyes through the mirror. "see? you're beautiful." he says again and nibbled on the skin of your shoulder. it sure will leave a mark later.
you don't know how and why but there's something about jacob that makes you feel the want to be taken care of. you're certain and convinced enough that he's someone so different from you and it makes you two incompatible. but once he'd talked to you, you're completely smitten. completely out of your wits when it gets filled with thoughts of him. his words and actions broke all barriers you've safely built. and you don't even know how you got in this situation. not that you're complaining anyway.
it's all making you embarrassed to think of, your body moving voluntarily to hide your bareness. but as if he's reading your mind, jacob grounds your position by placing his legs over yours, keeping them wide open. it's too embarrassing and provocative. but it's turning you on that you can't manage to stop him anymore.
"jacob...?" you almost choked out, voice getting stuck in your throat.
"what is it, babe?" he provokes as his middle finger slides up and down over your folds, teasing your cunt deliciously slow the same time he pinches your nipple.
you huffed a breath and moaned, your vision spinning, head thrown back on his shoulder. the pleasure makes you grip on his muscular thighs, digging your nails a bit. some crescent shapes already visible on his hairy skin. "please.. please.." you begged.
"you have to tell me what you want, babe." jacob teases and presses his thumb on your clit. his breath getting deeper and shorter as he clenches his jaw.
"i want you."
jacob felt fulfilled when he hears your words. you managed to say it without stuttering, making his smirk wider. he removes his legs that were grounding yours open and grabs your inner thighs. you looked at him, turning your head behind you instead of looking at him through the mirror. jacob immediately ravished your lips. one hand yanking your hair. moans and wet kisses are the only sounds that you can hear now aside from how loud your heart is. your tongues danced together and as his face pulled away, he lifts both of your legs up again and sinks you down on him. his hardness prodding on your folds from behind. you whimpered, your sounds driving him crazy.
"i want you too."
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haywire-hetfield · 3 months
oh holy shit you write trans characters !! would you be willing to write something t4t with literally any steven adler ship ?! i honestly don’t have any preferences , sfw or nsft are both great :)
and no rush either !! i know you write gnr a lot less often than other bands >_<
I do! :D And totally, I hope you enjoy it!
Ship: Steven Adler x Lars Ulrich
Warnings: Ftm Steven, ftm Lars, cunnilingus, grinding, (slight) nipple play, porn with feelings, first time together
Words: 1,630
“You look so fucking hot,” Steven’s words made Lars laugh, sharp and sudden as he looked at him from the foot of the bed. They were so direct and Steven had a grin on his face that Lars couldn’t describe as anything other than boyish. It was bright and lopsided, showing too many teeth. 
Steven was stretched out on the bed, wearing only his boxers now and Lars had taken plenty of time to appreciate the view of every inch of skin offered to him. He had to admit that the sight was a pleasant surprise to come back to. He’d stripped his own layers off near the end of the bed, feeling a bit nervous to get undressed. 
The fact he was in front of Steven made this less stressful. Other partners might have respected him, but he knew none of them really understood him. Steven did, though. He understood him in ways his past partners couldn’t even imagine. 
“You’re hot,” Lars shot back, kicking his shorts off and climbing onto the bed with him. He didn’t hide the way his eyes scanned over Steven’s body. They hadn’t done this before, but they’d certainly gotten close. Neither had been shy about flirting, about insinuating what they wanted and now they were finally getting it. 
Steven was shockingly gorgeous. Lars looked over his soft-looking skin, the subtle curves that he’d mostly lost over time. His skin was covered in hair, particularly his chest and legs, something Lars knew he was very proud of. Lars understood the desire even if he didn’t have it himself. Steven made the look work anyway. Lars’ eyes settled on his chest, openly staring and taking notes of the differences in their bodies. 
Steven’s hair was so blonde and unruly, contrasting the dark locks that Lars put so much effort into keeping kempt. He’d never had top surgery, although he seemed very happy with his body, leading Lars to believe he never intended to. He had a lot more soft areas on his skin whereas Lars was far skinnier. Steven also had muscle where Lars did not, scrawnier than anything. They were both so gorgeous, Lars thought to himself. 
“You wanna give me head?” Steven asked, reaching down to grope himself through his boxers. It was obscene enough that even though Lars laughed, he could feel himself growing wetter at the action. Steven was just so effortlessly attractive. He nodded as soon as the question was asked because there was no doubt about it, he’d wanted to go down on Steven the entire time they’d known each other. “Good boy. Go ahead,” Steven grinned. 
He shifted his hips around, kicking off his own boxers and opening his legs to Lars. He was just as attractive between his thighs, as hairy there as he was anywhere else and the coarse hairs there shiny with wetness. His cock was thick and hard already, bigger than Lars’ own. Every part of his body was so beautiful in his own way, a totally unique creation that Lars wanted to sit and worship. 
So, that was just what he did. 
Kisses pressed along Steven’s thigh first, not diving right in just yet. Gentle fingers pressed through his hair as he watched Lars, letting him do whatever he wanted. He sucked a mark on the inside of one of his thighs before spreading him open and licking a long stripe from his hole all the way to his cock. Steven exhaled sharply at the sensitive skin being touched, but he didn’t pull away. His thighs acted as though they wanted to close, on instinct more than anything, although he kept himself open for Lars. 
Lars teased him for a while, for as long as he could. He pressed his tongue against his hole, never even truly pressing inside. He purposefully avoided where he knew Steven really wanted his mouth to be. Steven was obviously growing impatient above him, hips squirming and trying to angle himself better, but Lars held him. He finally took mercy and Steven breathed a sigh of relief when he did. 
“Yeah. Just like that, baby. Make me come,” Steven instructed and that was all Lars needed. He put every ounce of effort he had into making Steven feel as good as possible. Keeping his tongue soft, he experimented with different pressures and focusing on different spots until he found out what Steven liked best. 
Luckily for him, Steven was a pretty vocal guy in bed. He let out moans and whines freely, grunting when something felt almost too good, letting out shaky breaths every now and then. Lars focused on what he’d learned about him, doing the things that had gotten him the best reactions. He licked along his dick, swirling around the tip every so often just to get Steven’s hips to cant against his face. 
“Can I finger you?” Lars had asked when he pulled away from Steven’s crotch. Looking up at Steven, the blonde shook his head no and Lars nodded in response. He went back down on him, focusing on his dick again. Lars sucked at his skin the best he could, readjusting his head to get a better suction and that was when Steven truly started losing it. 
His fingers tightened in his hair and held onto him like his life depended on it. Lars kept his pace even and consistent, occasionally rubbing his tongue along the underside to keep Steven on his toes. He got louder the closer he got and Lars wasn’t surprised at all when Steven warned he was about to come. Lars continued doing exactly what he had been, working Steven through it. He only grew less intense when Steven actually came, not wanting to overstimulate him, knowing how sensitive the flesh could be. 
Steven finally let him up after a bit, loosening his grasp. He was breathing heavily, lying boneless against the bed for a few moments before recollecting himself. Lars stared at his body, looking at how wet and swollen he looked now. He smiled at the knowledge that he was the one that had done that and the one that could hopefully do it for him again, making Steven feel so good he couldn’t keep himself quiet or still. 
“Come on, pretty boy. Your turn,” Steven encouraged after another moment, sitting up in the bed and helping Lars up the bed, moving Lars on top of him and settling one thigh between his legs. “Be good and get off for me,” Lars’ breath caught in his throat when he realized what Steven was implying, but he went along with it. 
He settled himself onto Steven’s thigh, shifting until he could comfortably rub against his skin. Steven wrapped an arm around his back and pressed them close together, holding Lars down so there was no real space between them. His skin was so warm and soft, and Lars rocked himself against him easily. A groan escaped him at the feeling of Steven’s skin rubbing along his clit, his body hair rough and stimulating the sensitive bottom growth. 
“Fuck. It’s a lot,” Lars told him and Steven nodded in return. He got it, of course, he got it. “Feels so fucking good,” He added even though he didn’t need to explain. He rocked his hips faster, enjoying the way Steven stroked his lower back and urged him to keep going. He didn’t feel like he could stop even if he wanted to. 
Lars dipped his head down without thinking, licking at the nipple closest to him. It seemed to be a good choice because Steven let out a rough moan and reached to dig his fingers into Lars’ hair. He held onto his head gently, nudging him to keep going. Lars didn’t have to be asked twice, wrapping his lips around it and sucking. Steven squirmed around a bit under him at first and Lars had a feeling he could make him come again if he tried to. For now, he just focused on his own pleasure and getting off like Steven had told him to. 
“Just like that,” Steven praised and Lars felt pride rising up in his chest, knowing he was doing what Steven wanted him to. “It feels good, doesn’t it? Yeah, I know it does. Feel how wet you are for me?” Lars nodded the best he could, biting down gently on the sensitive skin in his mouth. It earned a pleasant hiss from Steven. He knew Steven was right too, he could feel how wet he was against his thigh, making the slide easy and his hair stick together. 
With anybody else, he might be embarrassed, but he didn’t feel like that with Steven. He didn’t feel anywhere near shy or embarrassed with him. He pulled away from Steven’s skin to breathe, looking up at him with wide and slightly hazy eyes. He was lost in the pleasure like he’d never been before. Nobody else compared to how Steven was making him feel right now and he found himself getting hooked on the pleasure of it. Steven was smiling down at him, blonde hair framing his face like a halo or maybe the sun peeking from behind his head. Either way, all Lars knew was that he was beautiful and that his orgasm was hitting him less than a full minute later. His rocking grew uneven as he grew more sensitive, Steven easing him up so there wasn’t as much direct pressure and that was yet another thing Steven just knew without needing to be told. He seemed to know exactly how to touch Lars’ body, how to speak to him, what he needed from him. And God, Lars was sure he could fall in love with the way Steven treated his body.
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amjustagirl · 2 years
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chapter 7: one step forward (a million steps back)
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chapters: 7 / 15 pairing: miya osamu x f! reader genre: romance, angst, fluff, inarizaki shenanigans wc: 2.8k summary: miya osamu does not dare set fire to his heart. it burns anyway.
(prev / next)
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Swapping the backdrop from the rural countryside to the bustling metropolis does not dampen your feelings for Miya Osamu in any way. 
You’d always thought he was attractive with his strong chin, the sturdy sweep of his shoulders but now your gaze lingers on him more and more, appreciating the openness of his smile, the warmth of his eyes. His heart is too big to cram into his chest, and you like him all the more for it - the consideration he pays to his staff (and you), the gruff love he shows his family, the genuine care he gives to his guests. It scares you, how much you love - like him, craving for his attention, his friendship suddenly insufficient when you want more. Your name sounds beautiful when he says it, even though you’ve always hated it (a relic of your past), and you stand a little taller, smile a little wider when he’s anywhere near you.
“So, the boss huh.” Suzuki states with a motherly pat to your shoulders. “Finally.”
The rest of the staff seem to share her sentiment, nudging you forward whenever they see the opportunity to leave you and Osamu alone, elbowing you with grins whenever Osamu smiles at you, nodding approvingly whenever he offers to walk you home (or to the night shift) after late nights at the restaurant. 
You’re a terrible liar so you just shrug helplessly, biting your bottom lip. “Not that I know what to do”, you admit. 
Which is true. You’ve had crushes before - handsome boys who accompany their parents to your father’s sushi restaurant, classmates who were unattainable, out of reach but you’d put them on a pedestal, imagining how you’d enjoy being one half of a couple, holding hands, sharing smiles. But this is different. You’ve never had anyone you actually, truly, really like for who they are, and there’s so so much to like about Miya Osamu. 
Suzuki’s expression turns sympathetic when you confess all of this to her, your voice small, unsure. “I’ll help you”, she promises. “The boss needs something more than just work in his life, and I bet he probably feels the same way about you. From the way he looks at you, at least.” 
“You think so?” you ask, but she doesn’t bother giving you a response, sending out texts on her phone at machine gun speed, and the next thing you know, she’s roped in Kaiyo and the entire staff (who’s itching to get involved anyway) to aid in the mission of capturing the elusive heart of one Miya Osamu. 
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Step one - feed the chef. 
Suzuki-san and Kaiyo unanimously pronounce that the way to Miya Osamu’s heart is through his stomach. A tired saying, but one that rings true for the chef-owner of Onigiri Miya.  
“But what am I supposed to cook for him that he can’t already cook for himself?” you protest, though whatever you say falls on deaf ears. 
You consider baking something, but your parents’ old house lacks a working oven, understandable since your parents (and yourself, nowadays) would only retreat home for rest. You consider buying him some upscale delicacy, some sort of expensive cake or mochi or sweet treat of sorts, but it seems needlessly expensive and it’s not like Osamu’s a food snob to begin with. Then you overhear Osamu complaining that he can’t find the time to travel to the Kobe fishmarket to check out what’s on offer this winter deep sea fishing season, and an idea forms in your head. 
He doesn’t have the time, but you do.
So you call in favours from your father’s old business acquaintances, pop down into Kobe before dawn in long unworn wet market boots, returning back to Osaka with your bounty. You stare at the array of fresh seafood. Kani, a whole hairy crab, splayed old, pincers wriggling out at you in an indication it’s still alive. Pearly grey oysters, all unshucked. Yellowtail, the fish still gasping, Madai, the red seabream’s gills glistening in the light. A bagful of shrimp, each impossibly long, perfectly pink. 
You’re not quite sure what to do with them, so you present them all in their box, packed with ice. Like a floral arrangement, a bouquet of seafood to your intended conquest. 
He gapes silently, eyes wide as dinner plates, darting between the box and yourself. “Surprise”, you say needlessly, weakly. 
“It’s too much”, he says at first, but thanks you with boyish enthusiasm, when you explain he’ll only let the food go to waste if he doesn’t take it from you. He throws an impromptu party with staff and family that night with the spoils from your gift, unabashedly asking if you’d show him the best way to prepare the fish. It’s gratifying to watch everyone ooh and aah as the course after course of decadent seafood emerges from the kitchen, more so when he slumps beside you, head down on the countertop in an obvious food coma at the end of the night. 
“What’s the occasion for all of this?” he asks, almost lost to sleep. 
It’s just three simple words, but you chicken out. Courage has never been your strongest suit. “To thank you for being my friend”, you say instead, which is kinda, sorta true. 
“You never need to thank me for that”, he says, before laughing at himself, at the cheesiness of what he’s just said.  
You think otherwise, but you just echo the cadence of his laugh.
(one step forwards, two steps back) 
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Step two - show him affection. 
You’re instructed by Kaiyo and Suzuki-san to express your affection for him. 
“Physically”, Kaiyo says, “since you seem incapable of doing so with words.” 
You feel like telling her that you’ve grown up without the blueprint to showing human affection, especially romantic affection.
“Okay look”, she adds after a few beats of you staring goggle eyed at her. “Just follow what ‘Tsumu and I do, k? You can try hugging him when he walks you home - don’t look at me like that, as if I don’t know that he does, honestly - the two of you act like you’re in high school, but act on your feelings and maybe hold his hand too - “
“You don’t hug Atsumu”, you point out. “You smack him and poke him and tickle him, and occasionally exchange kisses.” 
“That’s what passes for foreplay in his mind -” 
You wince. “I did not need to know that.” 
“But if you wanna kiss Osamu, hey, you do you, I’m a great believer in goin’ out there and taking life by its balls.”
“Baby, I’m sittin’ right here when you’re talkin’ about me and -  please don’t take me by the balls”, Atsumu pleads, covering Shoma’s ears with large hands. “Sounds painful.” 
Kaiyo’s grin is shark-like. Yet Atsumu just gazes at her like a lovelorn puppy. You…admire their marital bliss, but you probably should not take them as role models in lessons of physical affection. Perhaps you can try your best to channel the Kitas instead with their open affection and gentle care for each other. 
So you brush past him in the restaurant when you pass him dishes, greet him with a side hug which he returns with a chuckle when he comes to your place to bring Kombu-chan yet another treat, ruffling his hair when he does his best at baby-talking your haughty cat. You lean into him, chasing the heat his body emits when you leave his shop to fetch some item that’s run out, returning with your shirt translucent, clinging and wet with rain.
“Shoulda made sure you went out with an umbrella”, he mutters, frowning as you shiver. 
His frown deepens as you lose your balance and nearly topple backwards, mind fogging up as he rubs his hands together to generate even more heat before clasping yours between his, so careful and gentle almost as if he’s afraid you might shatter. “I’m okay”, you breathe, but that doesn’t seem to reassure him, because your goosebumps line your flesh, your teeth chattering. 
“Time for you to go home”, he says flatly. 
Suzuki-san gives you a conspiratorial grin when he takes your elbow to escort you home, his arm heavy on your shoulders. “Take care of her”, she calls after him. He doesn’t respond, but the determination in his stride indicates he fully intends to. 
His closeness grounds you and knocks you off your feet at the same time. You don’t even realise that you’re at your front door until he extracts your spare key from beneath your floor mat, Kombu-chan peeping between the gate to investigate. 
“Shower, now”, he orders and you obey without a fight. 
When you emerge, hair towelled dry, skin damp and warm from steam, there’s a warm cup of ginger and honey on the table. Your rice cooker hums, a glistening, perfectly fried egg waiting for you to plop it in your mouth. Ceramic clinks in the metal sink, a pair of wooden chopsticks line your bowl. “Eat, and then sleep”, he says again, mouth pinched. “Don’t want you t’come down with a cold or somethin’ worse.” 
Usually when he shows you any sort of kindness (which is almost too often, because Miya Osamu is the best man you know), you just thank him with varying degrees of politeness and awkwardness, unable to express how actually grateful you are that he’s found you worthy of being nice to, but today, after freezing in the winter’s first rainstorm and dragging yourself through puddles and mud, your reserve peels away. 
“Won’t come down with a cold”, you murmur before winding your arms around Osamu, the man frozen as you pull him into a semblance of a hug. 
You wonder a half-second too late if you’ve overstepped before he relaxes, shoulders carefully settling. You could too easily get used to this, learn to be addicted to this - the feeling of him in your arms, large and strong and sturdy, basking in the heat of his body like sitting cross legged before a fireplace. He smells a little like rain himself, earthy and damp and there’s a hint of sesame oil, fragrant and nutty.  
Then he disentangles himself from you, hands under your arms so he can hold you carefully away from him. You shudder from the sudden loss of warmth, whining under your breath. 
“You’re definitely gonna get sick tomorrow”, he says, brushing a large palm against your overheated forehead, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear. “Bed, now.”
He keeps you at a polite distance, hovers by the threshold to your room as you settle into bed, only crossing it once to bring Kombu-chan in, dropping her onto your lap. “Goodnight”, he murmurs before leaving you behind in darkness, thunder rolling in the horizon. 
You crawl on your knees, tugging the curtains open, letting the tiniest sliver of light into your room as you lie face-up on your bed. Count the cracks in your ceilings, even though you already know the answer. Kombu-chan ends up deserting you and you stay awake for hours, only dropping off to sleep when the rain clears and the moon peeks out behind clouds. 
After that, you’re unable to find any reason to show Osamu any physical affection whatsoever. It’s as if he’s constructed a force field to keep you out, the hair on your arms rising, almost crackling when he skirts around you, as if - as if he’s wary of you. 
Oh, you conclude. You overstepped. 
You apologise the next opportunity you get, but Osamu scrunches his eyebrows together, as if he’s trying to decipher whether he should be confused or offended that you even brought it up. “Don’t be silly”, he waves you off. It’s not clear whether he means it’s truly fine, because he goes back to normal after a while, reaching out to ruffle your hair when you bump his elbow with yours, but you’re not sure what to believe so you just - you just respect the distance he’s put between you. 
(one step forward, three steps back) 
“You two are hopeless”, Kaiyo says crossly after zero progress is made on the chasing Miya Osamu front. “Maybe we should just lock you both in the store room until proximity and time makes you desperate enough to just spit out that you like him, it’s not rocket science, y’know -” 
Atsumu just shakes his head, balancing Shoma on his lap. 
“What!” she exclaims peevishly. “Maybe you could contribute some suggestions, since you and Osamu shared the same womb.” 
“Just grab him and kiss him”, he chortles, dodging a swat from his wife. “Worked like a charm for me.” 
You just look at him with distrust. “I think I’ll pass, thanks”, you demur politely. 
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Step three - date night, just him and you. 
“Maybe you should just be direct and ask him out on a date”, Kaiyo suggests. Suzuki-san nods with approval, and you agree readily, because you’d been facing their ire for failing to tell Osamu your feelings which is far easier said than done, but neither are going to listen to you anyway. So you do, asking him out for dinner on Monday, the only day of the week he’s willing to take a break (enforced by me, Suzuki-san tells you smugly), and he accepts without question. 
It’s a last ditch attempt, a final shot before you’ll throw in the towel, give him up completely. 
“Did you specify it was a date?” Kaiyo asks, face-palming when you admit with a sheepish smile no. 
“It should be obvious!” you protest, because why else would you ask him specifically out for dinner at a fancy restaurant booked out weeks in advance by couples, serving fine French food and good Italian wines, but Osamu proves you wrong.
First, it’s bad enough that he turns up fifteen minutes late, but he sticks out like a sore thumb in jeans and a t-shirt. Second, he looks around and wonders aloud about the coincidence of everyone around you sitting in pairs. Third, and most egregiously, the sin that Kaiyo will slap the back of his head for as punishment, to which he’ll just frown at her, arguing his innocence - 
“D’you mind if a friend joins us tonight? He’s havin’ a tough time.” 
He doesn’t need to look at you with puppy dog eyes, doesn’t need to pout because you’re weak, unable to refuse anything he asks of you. 
“Sure”, you reply. 
That’s how Suna Rintaro, middle blocker of the EJP Raijin and soon-to-be divorcee and single father of one, ends up at your table, an awkward trio in a room full of cooing couples. He sulks through appetisers, pronounces that romance is overrated when the couple next to you shows off their engagement ring to their thoroughly unimpressed waiter, and eyes you with contempt when Osamu slips off to the washroom. 
“He’s not interested. You should take a hint, like the rest of the women clamouring to date him.” 
You splutter into your glass of water, choking out coughs. “I’m not - we’re just - I mean -” He levels a stare at you through feline eyes, decidedly unconvinced. 
“Yeah, right.” Sharp, concise. 
Shame burns through your veins, spreading like quickfire. You regret all of this immediately, whispering your excuses to Osamu when he returns to the table, confused by your sudden haste to leave. The nip of the early winter chill only serves to inflame your regret, making you want to drown yourself into a rain filled puddle.
Kombu-chan noses about your ankles when you stumble home, a bedraggled, sad creature wearing the tatters of her ego, the dregs of her dignity. “At least one of us is happy”, you tell her when you feed her a treat. 
She meows and steps all over you as you lie facedown on the floor. 
Osamu turns up at the end of your shift when you fail to turn up at his shop again, armed with his usual bribe of onigiris and mochi. “Was Suna rude to you, that lil’ shit?” he asks without preamble, face contorting into something ugly, harsh beneath artificial fluorescent lights. 
You lie through your teeth, murmuring a no as you stare at your feet. You don’t even dare to look up at him, not when you’re still smarting from being seen right through by a close friend of his. 
“He said somethin’, didn’t he?” Osamu persists, sighing when you match his stubbornness, shaking your head to pretend otherwise.
Osamu’s too busy, too distracted to spend much time trying to draw out exactly what’s wrong, what’s ailing you (the restaurant’s renovations are almost complete, he tells you, and he’s preparing a soft launch for family and friends, you have to be there of course), so he just walks you home, patting your back and saying “don’t mind Rin, he’s a piece of shit right now cos’ life is kinda rough for him”. 
“There’s nothing to mind, Osamu. Really, I’m fine”, you reply with a cheerfulness that’s decidedly forced.  
Your stomach always burns when you lie. You pick up Kombu-chan, burying your face in her fur, willing your innards to stop tearing itself into shreds. “You don’t have to worry about me, ‘Samu.” 
You’re lying again, but he doesn’t need to know the truth. 
(one step forward, a million steps back)
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 a/n: oh 'samu. oh suna. oh, poor, poor reader. i put her through the wringer ><
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bubblepopsims · 7 months
After a couple of days not answering the chat Evan picked up the phone. "Amore, would you mind taking pictures of me for our group chat? " Evan was aware that Courtney wasn't feeling her best and didn't want to appear in any picture. "I feel like it's my time to shine".
"Hey babes! You all look so stunning! You should see yourself through my eyes to understand how truly beautiful you are. Not as much as my love, sorry, but you are all close enough." Evan planted a light kiss on Courts cheek and resumed typing. "@Maddi I bet you would love to put a finger in between those beautiful, round, firm, hairy butt cheeks. I would, Courts would. You should do more than that 🤭 Courts is happy with the results of the work out too, let it be known that I have to carry her to the gym almost every time. I am starting to think that she just likes being carried around by me. Last time Hermes tried to pick her up and she wasn't very happy about it. Here come the first pic"
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"@Maddi don't worry about the undies, I got you! Courts will be sending something for you too, I know you will enjoy it probably not as much as Rafa though. He better be nice to you or me and Courts will teach you a few useful tricks. @Asuka I am glad to be a prop for my grumpy better half. I love her and she can do whatever she wants with me. That is why today I am sacrificing myself and sending you this photo shoot. Courts did suggest the poses though. She is enjoying this. And yes, that bending over got some nice side effects 🍑 Courts is asking me to ask you @Asuka @Emillie about those shoes, she likes them a lot. She was going to make a joke about watching us go at it only if you let us watch you but she is afraid that you would say yes and hold her accountable 🤣"
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"Don't ask about the onion pillow please. @Emillie slapping for Asuka and biting for you. Actually Courts is very good at biting while I excel in the slapping asses department 😎"
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"@Juju @Izzy I hope you had some fun times, I bet Izzy want crazy seeing you like that on the bed. What a sight!"
Evan laughed, he wasn't done with Rafa just yet. " My very straight friend Rafa, you need to let loose a bit more, it would do you and Maddi good. I swear you would enjoy it 😜"
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"And here is Courts favorite pic. We love you babes!"
M: "Oooo Sugar butt look! Evan decided to go all out!!" Maddi shifted upright in the backseat of the car, letting Rafael get a better look at her phone while she scrolled through the pictures of a radiating sex appeal Evan.
R: "You know part of me wanted to say this was just him being an attention whore.. but the fact Courtney is behind that camera.. he is pretty much eye fucking her."
Maddi laughed and nudged him "Oh so what I like to do mmmm?"
R: "Precisely. just with you, it has an effect on me. with Evan i just want to send him to... what did you call it? Horny jail?"
Maddie MadPie: "GUYS... RAFA JUST SAID HORNY JAIL XD! he saw the pictures and said Evan is eye fucking Courtney through the camera and -
Rafa took her phone and immediately read the messages that Evan had put in the chat "Give me this." Maddi yelped when the phone was taken from her and frowned only seeing how fast his fingers were going.
Maddie Madpie: "This is Rafael. First of all, you horny bastard, don't put that in Madalyn's head about putting anything in my ass. Second, what sacrifice are you making...? you love showing off is nothing new. Don't fool these people. especially my woman."
he sent the message and got out of the car helping Maddi out.
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Maddie Madpie: "Welp... that went differently... but @ Evan. I want to put both of your asses on pillows for Courtney and I. alsoooo sorrryyyy i made you take the blame for my hidden fantasies. BUT please do send those undies hehe. also, give Courts... i am going to call her Smokey Quarts, that I hope she feels better T-T i already miss her face... Can I send a care package?? I want to convince Rafa to take a trip to see you guys !! Speaking of the man.."
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Maddie Madpie: "We are the best-looking couple here besides the bride and groom of course... maybe ;) but we can clean up nicely."
Emillie is online.
Emillie: "Brooooooooooo I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS! FIRST WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THE ONION OVER YOUR JUNK??? SECOND is that a fucking tentacle dildo on your nightstand??? THIRD what kinky freaky shit are you guys into? I can't even look at the sexy slab of man because I am distracted by that damn toy on the nightstand XD Great fucking ass though @ Evan I want to play music on it. including we would hold both of you accountable. be careful what you ask for. Asuka and I are all about having some harmless fun now."
Maddie Madpie reacted with a laughing emoji to Emilie's post.
Maddie Madpie: "Rafa was saying that they had that "lamp" for as long as he knew them... there as to be a story behind it. also @ Emille Evan said not to ask about the onion. XD"
Emillie: @ Maddie Madpie: "You think I listen?????? do you even know me??"
Asuka Lovely is online.
Asuka lovely: "WOOOOAHHHHHHHH! well, I am staring at @ Evan... Em covered my other questions because..... damn I mean now I get it, Courtney... I really really get it... Jesus.... fuck me eyes... and everything also that ass.... Courtney, I am disrespectfully staring at your man's goods. sorry not sorry about it. @ Maddie Madpie, you guys look fucking amazing by the way let me get that out of the way before I got back to Evan. you guys look stunning. wow.. how did Rafa keep his hands off you?"
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Asuka lovely: "Also Em is now making a song about the Tentacle dildo... we took a mini trip upstate to the snowy mountains. staying in this cute asian inspired hotel which is really cute. :3 Sorry I look like shit, I haven't changed for the evening yet. @ Courtney i will send you the link to the shoes so we can be the holy trio :)"
Maddie Madpie: "HEYYY I WANT THEM TOO ONLY IF THEY COME IN PINK Though! Somehow this photo is giving me music video vibes... @ Asuka"
A good hour passed.
Maddie Madpie: "Guys..... Rafa is so hot... I'm sorry.. I know blah blah gushy girlfriend mode... but just look at him... and look how he LOOKED AT ME! mmmmpft one of these days I am accidentally going to have this man's children... not even kidding. @ Evan i told him what you said about loosing up... and he literally gave me the most sexiest straightest face ever... and said He is loose just not for you."
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Asuka Lovely: "LMFAO MADDI! YOU CAN'T ACCIDENTALLY HAVE THIS MAN'S CHILDREN. XD BUT I will admit... if I was in your shoes or even Courtney's shoes... I'd definitely consider taking the RISK every time... especially now finding out @ Evan and @ Courtney. are professional biters and ass slappers.. it's a done deal for Emillie and I."
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Asuka lovely: "Emillie has that look in her eyes. mmmpft i might get pregnant tonight XD But anyway, we are going out ! hope court court feels better, take good care of her @ Evan also helping her sweat out the sickly is always appreciated! we love you guys! "
Maddie Madpie: "We also love you guys, gotta go seduce Rafa to the dance floor again ;3 wish me luck!!!!"
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