#if you don't know where to find any comics there are a NUMBER of free websites you can use!!! i can rec if needed
scattered-winter · 2 years
looking to fuck myself up this weekend inquiring top 5 jason comics :)
while there are in fact very many jason comics in this world, asking for 5 good ones is a very tall order. nevertheless I did my best because I love he :]
5: batman: a death in the family
as depressing at it is, it's a great look into the catalyst event that really created jason as he is today <3 it has some.....less than stellar moments (joker becoming an islamic diplomat for some fucking reason, for one. what the fuck, dc) but overall if you're looking for being fucked up <3 that's a good way to go <3 and also a very good starting point for jason comics in general if you're getting into them for the first time!!!*
4: wayne family adventures (on webtoon)
funky and fun :] if you're looking for basic info/characterization on jason (or ANY batman character, tbh) it's a pretty good place to start for people who don't know who they like yet/where else to go. I will say that the character portrayals are VERY surface-level and since the webtoon is more of a comedy/slice of life genre, a lot of the....darker, messier aspects of the characters are left out, and some of the fanon characterizations have some influence on the writing from what I've seen. however it's very good for some fun shenanigans that don't require much brainpower <3
3: countdown: search for ray palmer
jaykyle bible <3 I also really love jason's characterization in this one as well, which is fairly hard to come by because his writing is so inconsistent. if you want clarification on the huge crisis event that this comic is part of, I am the Wrong person to ask <3 I largely ignore the big crises because they're so fucking confusing and I have a brain the size of a peanut
2: red hood: lost days
second to utrh only because of The Unspoken Thing that happens at the end of one of the issues (I.....cannot remember which one for the LIFE of me) that every jason fan has collectively wiped from their memory <3 it never happened <3333 but other than unspoken horrors, it's a good jason read!!! it shows some background on how he grew and changed after his resurrection into the red hood
1: batman: under the red hood
here it is <3 the red hood bible <3 every time someone has an incorrect idea of how jason acts/thinks I am waving this comic under their nose and assigning it like homework. imo this one is essential reading to understand red hood jason and if I had my way it would be required to read before writing ANYTHING about him (both canon dc writers and fanfic writers smfh)
*it's a good place to get into jason if you want to read about him as red hood, since that's the kickoff that begins his red hood journey, but if you want to read more about him as robin it's one of the last things you read. unfortunately I haven't read very many robin!jason comics since (while i LOVE the boy!!!!) he isn't as interesting to me as red hood!jason, but there are people you can ask for recs!!! @/autisticredhood would be a great person to ask for robin jason comics I think <3
ask me my top 5/10 anything!!
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focsle · 1 year
have you written anything about tattoos? is that relevant? don't know how your niche lines up with generic "sailor" tradition, but wikipedia simply says on knuckle tats that deckhands may get "HOLD / FAST" as a charm to support their grip on rigging, and i thought that was kind of cute.
I haven't written anything myself, mostly cos if you throw a stick out in the internet you'll find any number of articles about the symbolism of sailor tattoos, like hold fast and pigs and roosters and swallows and all that!
In my narrow window (the middle decades of the 19th century), I don't see tattoos mentioned all too often, compared to late 19th and throughout the 20th century where they became more common. For instance, this register of seaman's protection certificates (which are admittedly limited in the scope of things, since they're only from a few specific ports) from 1796-1871 rarely list tattoos as distinguishing marks, beyond the odd mention of being marked with an inked anchor, eagle, or letters here or there. Here's a neat jstor article (if you have any more of your 100 free monthly articles to read with a google account) that goes into late 18th-early 19th c tattoos that has some tables and visuals. The research was also done using seaman's protection certificates, with the following stat:
"The SPC-A records start in 1796 and include tattooed men born as early as 1746. There were 979 tattooed men out of a total of 9,772 men whose records survive from 1796 through 1818.26 These men were marked with a total of about 2,354 separate designs."
So, not a large number, but also 10% isn't insignificant. The protection certificates while a reliable source, also only describe the man in one specific moment. I'm sure a few of those men who just have their moles and scars and crooked fingers listed eventually picked up a tattoo or two in their time. Most journal keepers perhaps didn't think it important to mention who had tattoos or what of, though the typical motifs of anchors, nautical stars, girls, religious & patriotic imagery, etc. were certainly a part of the visual language at this point. Whaler William Abbe who sailed in the 1850s, devoted considerable attention to describing the physical appearance of some of his shipmates. In one instance, he wrote about the tattoos of one 'Johnny Come Lately' or 'Jack Marlinspike' (Real name, John Hewes of Buffalo NY)
'from beneath this cap his face looms out - while beneath supporting his comical head is a bare neck and breast — hairy + brown —the upper timbers to a stout hull of a boat that boast a pair of arms all covered with India ink tattooings — the figure of American Liberty — Christ on the cross — an American Tar holding a star spangled banner in one hand + a coil of rope in the other — a fancy girl — + anchors, rings, crosses, knots, stars all over his wrists + hands — the memorials of different ports he has visited — for Jack has been in all kinds of vessels from a man of war to a blubber hunter — + has consequently been to many ports.'
From the logbook of another whaler who sailed in the early 1840s, James Moore Ritchie, he had a page of his drawings with prices included. This potentially may have been a tattoo flash sheet for his shipmates:
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American whalers also noted the tattoos of indigenous people who had signed on to whaling vessels, particularly in the South Pacific. William B. Whitecar, whaling in the 1850s wrote: "Several New Zealanders in the respective crews of these vessels attracted my attention from the tattooing on their bodies" making mention of "figures on their face and breast".
I'm too sleepy to have a conclusion lol. Tattoos! They existed! Though perhaps not as ubiquitously as the pop culture sailor designs would imply, at least prior to the late 19th c.
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a-hobit · 1 year
Since Luz and Hunter in your switched AU are born in 1600s colonial America and Luz clearly speaks Spanish in the AU (shown in a comic) and is Latina (specifically Dominican) in show cannon, is there any history stuff you’re adhering especially considering the differences between Spanish and English colonies in location and demographic or are you ✨going rogue?✨ Is Luz an indigenous-Spanish mix like many Latinos are today? How would she have gotten to mainland since a lot of Spanish claim was in the Caribbean or Florida and treatment of indigenous people by Europeans, specifically Spanish and British, was notoriously brutal? Sorry if I’m absolutely overthinking this. This is coming from a history nerd, so I’m just curious how that’s going to work considering the realities of racial divides in colonial settlements during 1600s America and the relatively small number of Spanish people that actually would’ve lived there by then. AGAIN SORRY IF I’M OVERTHINKING IT I’M JUST A NERD FEEL FREE TO JUST BE LIKE “NAH.”
OH btw, I noticed a comment in a comic that implied trans Hunter and just wanted to mention that there’s some super interesting accounts of LGBTQIA+ people from the time period if you’re interested. I know of a fan work about Caleb and Phillip where Caleb is trans that covers that extensively if you want a link.
I LOVE ASKS LIKE THIS ANON!! Because IM overthinking it but at least someone else is too! So there's a lot I can't answer due to spoilers -- and I actually will be explaining a fair bit because I just am so charmed at how we are so on the same wavelength here so if you don't want to not know literally anything even a little bit spoilery about Luz or Hunter before the comic comes out I would ignore this ask! -- but I will go into some of it!
Okay! So I tossed and turned on this exact issue for FUCKING MONTHS. Go rouge or loophole? How historically accurate did I want to go with this concept and how much of that accuracy am I sacrificing for just needing something to be a certain way? Do I want to be as accurate as possible or have a cohesive and interesting story?
The answer is a little bit of both! Im much more of an art history nerd than a straight up history nerd but I have my moments! I love the sociopolitical conundrum having a latina Dominican (ALSO half black! Love that about her but SO hard to write in!) girl in 1600s America because it can be as little or as highly complicated as you can get. I drew a lot of inspiration for a long few months pouring over what groups of people were where and when -- what languages they spoke -- wether the books that I could find could describe a day to day of these people rather than just political conflicts.
Footnote : There are certain Native American groups so fucking overlooked that they don't even have ONE BOOK of comprehensive (non war centered) history that isn't a four year old reading level. I looked for WEEKS. I tried everywhere and was even willing to start to buy reading material but it just doesn't exist? Especially around the original colonies????? HOW!! People around me started telling me I should write a book because of how much I was obsessing over it and trying to find any information but no books can be written on close to NONEXISTENT historical writings! OKAY BACK TO IT--
I looked out for the first sightings of Spanish in the west and where they were headed -- wether or not any Spanish broke away from the group to have children with the Native Americans in the area at the right time -- what the political state was between Britain and Spain -- did they occupy the same or around the same places close enough I could fudge it? Were they friendly toward each other? When were slaves from other countries brought to America? What languages would they have spoken and is there a good translator online? What kind of spanglish can come from Angola, Umbundu and Spanish speakers at the time? Or would it be spanglish with Portuguese because of who was controlling the slave trade at the time?
Tearing out my hair and a hundred more google searches later I decided it wasn't worth the misrepresentation of both languages to try and include either of them mixed together in that way in the whole comic-- just bits and pieces separate for my sanity -- although I WILL get some cultural things in there I promise!
Some things just can not stay historically accurate and one of those things is speech. That was the first thing -- so damn difficult to really pin it down properly in the older dialects so I just had to sadly put that away first. All of the languages written about will be mostly modern versions, English, Spanish, Portuguese, and others but while keeping in mind the time frame.
Next I obsessed about when and where exactly would culture mixing begin and if the people stayed in the same spots! Also unfortunate ( for this AU purpose only! )that most of the Spanish went down and not into the Americas but history will be what it is.
I decided that what I was going to do is make it up a little using a lot of historical context available instead of switching up Luz's race in a serious way to make the accuracy better -- I was going to have things happen MUCH sooner. Like 2 or 3 generations sooner. The Native Americans and Spanish populate together in 1500 ish instead of 1700 or 1800. I GET THIS IS REALLY INACCURATE but it was so fucking impossible to do anything else without getting into things I didn't want to do. The British get there the same time as usual and start the colonies in the 1600s but the Spanish are already moving up into North America and have already spent a lot of time with the Native Americans there at the time. SO that means that Luz is able to have a Native Mexican/ Native American AND Spanish mix at the time of the AU start and be similar to how the population became around now -- my dad inspired this! He's got the same mix himself and I loved that I could pull from that. It's such an interesting genetic tree honestly -- there's a lot of seriously horrible things that happened do not get me wrong -- but the history is amazing.
Luz being half black however feels similarly difficult but it follows the same principles of things with everyone who is not British making things happen much earlier. Africans come to America ( Horrifically and brutally I want to make that very clear) and some in real life of course make their way out of that brutality and hide away from the British and the Spanish...with who? The mixed Natives and Spaniards. Couple of generations later and we have a beautiful mixed pot like the America we see today but hundreds of years early that allows me to keep my afro Latina!! Hunter eventually finds this group that has naturally traveled up into where the british are setting up their first settlements in Virginia and joins them for reasons I can not explain!
THANK YOU for letting me ramble about all this rich history it is incredible.
ALSO I love trans Hunter HC and I do a lot of it myself but in this comic Hunter is cisgender. ( BUT seriously if you wanna hc Hunter as trans in my story I would love it -- trans fem or masc because Hunter is one of the transest coded characters ever) Because both him and Luz are attracted to the same and opposite sex I will still be able to explore certain LGBTQIA+ issues as well!
(DISCLAIMER : Listen I completely understand if this switching around might feel tone deaf to some people but I do not intend to shy away from the brutality of the past or give it a nicer spin -- but this is not a comic focused on the nitty gritty details of the world that Luz and Hunter come from but a focus on the nastiness that comes from later in their lives in Gravesfeild and the witch trials. To have this happen and keep all characters relatively the same I had to do a lot of background but It is worth it to keep these characters with their integrity intact)
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danstillcreates · 11 months
I'm gonna write some stuff about the protagonists of my comic
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This is a slice of life project about three aliens with nowhere else to go living on a spaceship with a reality bending entity.
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Age: Over 3,000,000
Stella is a being known as an Outlier, an entity from a realm beyond reality. Five years ago, she decided to leave that boring realm and enter reality. While there, she discovered old sci fi movies. They inspired her to travel the galaxy and become"the greatest hero in the galaxy". She got her own spaceship and took off for adventure.
She often acts like she's the protagonist of her own sci fi movie. She does genuinely want to help others. She'd just prefer it if helping others involved lasers. She has reality bending powers but since she doesn't know much about reality, she doesn't realize how powerful she is.
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Age: 32
Grantis is an alien scientist who seems to have the whole universe against him. He once worked for a space emperor who wanted him to create mutant soldiers. His anger and desire to prove himself made him want to create something worse. He wanted to create his own monster. He did succeed in creating a lifeform but he ended up getting emotionally attached it them. He tried to keep his creation a secret but rumors about him creating a monster spread throughout the galaxy. To protect his child from the empire and everyone else who would want to harm them, he ran and hid.
He tends to take things too seriously and has trouble trusting others but he is a loving father.
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Age: 35
Bawr is an alien drifter. He's been traveling from planet to planet in order to get away from the empire. However, it seemed like no matter where he went, the empire was not too far away. After meeting Grantis and seeing that all of the rumors he heard about him were not true, he decided to help him escape and survive. It's not like he had anything better to do.
He tends to not take things seriously enough and he likes to mess with others but he's reliable. He has acquired a number of helpful skills while traveling... and some not so helpful skills.
Bawr and Grantis don't always see eye to eye but at least they can trust each other. Bawr has even gotten Grantis to laugh a few times.
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Age: 4
Ruffle is Grantis' creation. They're just a playful, innocent child who wants everyone to be happy. Their favorite thing to do is draw.
They love everyone on the ship.
Fortunately for these characters, the emperor has been defeated. Unfortunately, that's not the end of their problems. For now, they'll just stay with Stella, wait for things to calm down, and hope trouble doesn't find them.
But it probably will.
Those are the four main characters of this project. If you have any questions about them, feel free to ask.
I'll probably make a post about some of the other characters later.
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mhedusard · 8 months
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Five Reason why YOU🫵 should play fly forever Loving you 2
First of all what's Fly forever Loving you 2 ?
Fly is an indie otome game where your character will enter in 11th grade at the Hummingbird Highschool and where you'll eventualy find love and discover some hidden secret along the way.
It's a sequel of another game of the creator who found that the first lacked of constancy. You Can play the 2 without having to play the First since the important plot point are reminded (but I personally recomend you to try the first since it's still very enjoyable and you'll understand the story better).
Reason number one: custom your character
You Can chose your,apparence, pronouns and customize your character.
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Reason number 2: Choose your best Friend
A recent update grant you the possibility to chose who is your best Friend between two character:Rachelle and Nabil.
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Rachelle is your default best Friend since Fly 1 she's a Sunny girl who is determined to help you find love
Nabil is a funny and layback Guy with a baffling Bad Luck.
Reason number 3: Awesomes love interest
In this game you have 8 love interest.
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(I'm going to présent them from left to right for first Line and same sens for the second.)
-Evan is a shy and reserved but nice guy passioned of litterature.However he seems to have some family trouble lately.He's Rachelle's best Friend.
-Josh is the guitarist of Nuggets on the run a group that he created with his brother Ben and Friend Beatrice. He's an Honest Guy who don't like drama.
-Juliette is the pianist of Nuggets on the run and an artist to the core.She's a very sensible girl who has been bullying last year partly because of the fact she's lesbian. (It's one of the main story Line of Fly 1).
-Kanan is an activist whose everyday life turn around making the World better in term of ecologie and politics. This made him gain the Title of kill joy by some of his peers.
Kanan and Juliette are both exclusive love interest: if you Choose the girl apparence you Can date Juliette and if you Choose the boy one you Can date Kanan.
-Clement is Rachelle's and Evan's best Friend. He's a flirty Guy with a hight self-esteem. He's still a lovely and comic person.
-Thomas a Guy who likes to act all mysterious and with who you share the custody of a cat named Java.He work at the Highschool despite being only 19/18.
-Mélanie is your local Mean girl who's a lot more tolerable than last year.She still likes to throw uncalled mockeries at you.
-Dahn is an ex star player of the Best basketball Highschool team of France who decided to change School and to go to Hummingbird.He's a sociable Guy who seems to blend in easely.
-Laurène is a very strong girl and Juliette's best Friend.She's serious and much more mature than most of adults.You Can have truth her without any worry.
Reason number 4: a beautiful story with gorgeous illustrations
While the setting of the story is not revolutionary some episodes genuetly made me gasp especialy for the episode 8 who spoke about revenge porn.The characters feel very humans(for the better and worst).
Reason number 5: HER
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This is Candice Mc's best Friend until they move out and I love her so much. Part of it because of a side story that made me relate to her.
If this post convince you to give this game a try you should keep two things mind:
-This game is 100% french and there is not translation from what I know.
-Ajeb the creator of the game do all the sprites, illustrations,coding and writing alone so the update of episodes are slow but there is some special épisode who are disponible !
Side note: you Can download this for free on your computer/laptop and phone (it's not disponible for IOS thought)
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mythsandheather · 9 months
I've been pretty curious about the LO Critical side. I'm asking genuinely but what are the reasons why LO has such a strong anti Fandom.
Do people not like it? I was curious because it seems like a lot of lo critical/anti lo blogs seem to enjoy certain aspects and characters. Is it the author people don't enjoy?
Like I said I'm really being genuine. I think people have the right to have like their own critical space for a free webcomic. It's just interesting because it's like. This Fandom has a second Fandom of people who seem to hate the comic.
The anti community for any fandom is sure to be a complex place that’s usually, in my experience, more built on pain and disappointment than anything else. Pain because something important to you no longer provides comfort, maybe even perpetrates harmful themes for your own personal experiences, and disappointment because this is something you used to love and you wish could be better.
There’s two parts of the anti community for LO. There’s one part that, as you said, still holds some affection for the series, for memories attached to it and for some characters. There’s also another part that, again as you said, straight up just hate it.
I’ll briefly touch on the first part. They can see so clearly how LO could be infinitely better and that’s frustrating. They can see all the flaws they didn’t notice or didn’t want to see before and are exasperated by why it’s allowed to continue this way. Let’s not forget that a significant number of LO’s critics are people who were young teens and read it in their formative years without realising what they were being so carelessly exposed to.
With that realisation, there’s a level of anger and horror at learning what was put in front of them, marketed as safe and heavily promoted at every turn, and it’s only gotten worse over time. That must be an absolutely gut-wrenching thing to feel over something you loved once.
So in that sense, you’re correct; a big part of the anger comes down to Rachel herself and her choices.
Then there’s the other part of the anti fandom, the part that just out and out hates it and always has. This is where yours truly fits in.
Now, I was super active on tumblr during 2014-2017, when fandoms like Steven Universe, FNAF and Undertale were at their peak. I had to learn, trial by fire, how to be real critical of any media I consumed. There is certainly a downside to this, I tend to see the negatives of anything I enjoy first and then find positives later. The upside is it’s certainly been one helluva way to improve my media literacy and spot the bs from a mile away.
A lot of people don’t believe when I say I got skeevy, uncomfortable, gross vibes from LO from chapter one, but I did. I don’t know what it was, but it set me off so bad that I couldn’t get past “her butt is shaped like a heart” and never read it again.
Now I’m willing to admit that this part of the fandom, like me, are the way we are because we were never the target demographic for LO.
Therefore, when it came out and got popular, we were the ones who were absolutely baffled and the ones who got dog piled and called every name under the sun by fans for a long time…that is, of course, until a lot of those fans grew up, realised what they were reading and turned on the series.
As I said, the critical side of any fandom is complicated and this is just my two cents.
I could do a much longer post about how fucking angry I am at Rachel personally for the fact she’s from my country, a country who constantly gets ignored, and given this amazing chance that so many of us wish we could have, yet chose to peddle her self insert x celebrity crush jailbait fantasy.
I could talk all day about how physically sickened I am that she’s taken so many aspects of trauma experiences by myself and millions of others and used it as ignorant, glamourised, fetishised shock-material.
I could go on at length about what a racist, misogynistic, homophobic piece of baggage she is and how she’s permanently done damage to another culture while completely misrepresenting ours…but I won’t.
I’ll just draw more mean art of Persephone’s giant lips and Hades accidentally letting the air out of them with his mosquito nose instead.
What’s Rachel going to do? Draw a goofy, technicolor caricature of me in her comic that’ll blend into the background, be only half finished and look like a recoloured Persephone in her otherwise pristine and totally professional looking masterpiece that’s definitely not losing readers? Oh wait—
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lisa972kdlz · 8 months
(Translated from french, sorry if there are any syntax or vocabulary errors. I'll publish the French version shortly afterwards, enjoy your reading!)
Interuniverse portals :
Have you ever wondered how the characters in the Undertale multiverse move from one alternative universe to one other?
Depending on the stories, comics and headcanons, the possibility of access to the AU's is very relative. There is no creator of the Undertale Multiverse, so there is no canon regarding the links that can be made between universes. A number of paths have been observed; firstly, with specific and precise ways:
Through the gates of the Omega Timeline (which is fairly limited, you can't travel anywhere other than your own universe (I think, it's not very clear, so tell me if you're sure of anything)),
Through scientific machines, programmed by Gaster most of the time, as in Chancetale with the plans taken over by Ace and Alphys,
Through characters with the ability to create portals or teleport naturally, like Dream or Nightmare.
Secondly, the paths... Without any explanation. In some stories, the characters can travel from AU to AU without questioning, without rules, without precision, we just know it's possible. Secret passages, teleportations, etc., you can imagine what you want but it will never be mentioned. Frankly, I only agree when it's for One-Shot or crazy stories with no stakes, because... Trying to find logic in everything is my hobby, you'll have to get used to it \(☆▽☆)/
But the most interesting way comes from characters who can directly open portals/teleport, such as Ace, Color, Error or Fresh, in the context where this is considered a special power –There are plenty of others, but those are the ones I'm most familiar with–. It raises a lot of questions, especially when Ace gets this ability overnight, even though his creator seems rather thoughtful about consistency. The only solution in line would be his ability to break the fourth wall where he could jump from frame to frame... But that's not what he does, he teleports or creates a portal. But how? Why does he do this? Why all of a sudden?
I thought and thought, and then I found a correlation between these characters that might turn out to be causation.
They are all Outer-Characters. In other words, characters from outside reality, with no AU, no world to merge their codes with.
Ace's universe was destroyed by Error and no longer exists.
Color has been erased from his reality, as has Gaster, so his code has become detached.
Error has been literally expelled into the Anti-void and transformed into a glitch creature (more on that later).
Fresh is a parasite without a maternal universe, so we're not sure where he came from, but in any case, as there is no official Underfresh, we're sure he doesn't belong to any universe.
Like free electrons (free spirit) passing from one current to another, exiled between the blocks that shape universes, no longer possessing a fixed point, they benefit from a freedom of movement that the others don't have. Out of space, and for some (Core!Frisk, Gaster), even out of time.
So, they have a fairly close relationship with the Multiverse, their codes aren't 'stuck' to blocks, and that allows them to zigzag between the AU's. But how?
Simply considering that the AU's are themselves interconnected. The Undertale Multiverse is a web. Timelines that eventually break away to become AU's in their own right (Aftertale, Dusttale, Horrortale), concepts that are similar (Underswap, Storyshift), and even the most distant ones, they are all connected to each other. And it is from this point of view that I propose the theory of gaps.
There are thories in our world to the effect that cracks in reality exist and sometimes allow strange things to enter from other dimensions... Extraordinary creatures, curses... And mystical places with high concentrations of weirdness like the Bermuda Triangle would be just such places. Abracadabrious for our world, but in the world of fiction, why not? Cracks... After all, what story is perfect? What lore is flawless? What game doesn't have any bugs? These anomalies, these little mistakes that we make, would form cracks that it would be possible to open in a portal dimension. The Outer-Characters, by virtue of their nature as free electrons, would be more sensitive to these cracks and would be better able to spot and exploit them. On the other hand, not only are these rifts not found everywhere, but some of them are anomalies beyond our perception of reality, and would have their own place in space-time. This means that they could be present for a certain period of time and then disappear, or only be available in a specific place at a certain time on a certain day. We could also imagine that some universes are more 'closed' and inaccessible than others... (I personally give this to Multiverses/AU's, AU's that brings together the main characters of the Multiverse like Vampireverse, Empireverse, Minuscultale, AU Schools, etc.) That way, we can easily invent stories where the protagonists are confronted with constraints of time and space that prevent them from running away at the drop of a hat!
Script excuses offered by the house, don't thank me (☞◖■ᴥ■◗)⁠☞✨✨ !
It's a pretty big deal, and there's a lot involved... Let's see...
So, does that mean that, for example, all the inhabitants of the Omega Timeline whose AU's have been destroyed by Error would be able to open breaches as they please?
Well... Yes, technically. But you can think of hundreds of reasons why they wouldn't. Opening a breach requires training and experience, it's risky, dangerous, leads to errors of course or coordinates, or then they simply don't know they can do it. Just because you technically have the human capacity to do back somersault doesn't necessarily mean you're bound to do it.
And Geno, is he an Outer-Character? Mmmh... Good question. Technically he's stuck in the Save screen, which doesn't mean he's been kicked out of his AU. More from his Timeline, but that doesn't make him an Outer-Character either.
For Ink, it's quite interesting, there are several possibilities. His AU technically exists, it's just incomplete and forgotten all about. However, he could be an Outer-Character due to the fact that he erased himself when he tore his soul apart, or, given that he seems to open special portals instead and that he also teleports in ink, because that's part of his powers acquired from the Creator via "magic paint", after all some versions say that he can't open a portal without his paintbrush. Personally, I prefer this, because if we subscribe to the theory that he still has a soul (the goppy blue soul in the illustration of "Broken Truce"), but that it's detached from his body, that would solve the paradox.
Unless he's fully an Outer-Character because Error destroyed his AU a long time ago, that's quite possible too.
As for the characters who usually travel between AU's, like the Postman (Post!Sans) or UnderEat's Sans, or even Death sometimes, there are two hypotheses: either they've simply learned to open cracks even without being Outer-Characters (because I think it's possible, you just have to be very talented, very sensitive and very determined), or they have this ability by the very principle of their existence. The Postman and UnderEat!Sans were created TO link the AU's (I don't even know if the Postman has his own universe, actually), whereas Death... Well, it depends, because I've never been able to work out whether his "Grim Reaper influence" was just specific to his AU or whether it extended across the Multiverse. If it's specific to his AU technically he shouldn't have that privilege. But if the gods of Reapertale, whether it's him, Toriel, Papyrus, Gaster or Asgore, are looking after the whole Multiverse, then it makes sense that they should all be able to travel between AU's as they see fit.
What about the others? Well, in my opinion they're just not capable of opening breaches, and characters like Sans, Red or Blue shouldn't have this ability. Least of all those who have no knowledge of universes. Because if anyone could do it, it would still be a big, big mess. Even, scenaristically, it would be a bit annoying if everyone could go where they wanted when they wanted and get away just the same. But that's just my interpretation of things.
But it's not over yet! Let's extrapolate a little. Can we link, in Undertale's Multiverse, this story of cracks and links to something we know? Is there a dimension where all the AU's meet at the same centre? A dimension to be the Core?
Of course yes !
I'm obviously talking about the Doodlesph– the Anti-Void.
What really is the Anti-Void? We've never had an exact definition by Crayon Queen. We know it's a mysterious white nothingness where Geno landed when a Determination experiment went wrong. It's called the Anti-Void because the color is white and not black like the Void.... But that's all. And that's not cool, because white Voids are a dime a dozen. Most of the time, they're empty AU's with nothing left, Chancetale, for example. Empty AU's, but not destroyed, because in Undertale during the Genocide route, we know that when you destroy the world there's nothing left, it's the Void. Black, cold, silent. The Void is the darkness that makes up the stars in the sky, the absolute vacuum.
We can deduce from this that these empty, white AU's are more likely to be the result of an AU that is dead of content, but still present, like X-tale or ___tale (this is contradictory with Chancetale, which is destroyed, totally destroyed, but it's normal to have a few contradictions when you're talking about a world created by hundreds of different people). What's certain is that the Anti-Void doesn't fall into this category. It's not an empty shell. It's something else. You can see it in what it does to its tenants, literally turning them into amnesiac, deranged glitches. You can see it in the window that Error opens up, leading into his old memories. You can see it when you realise that it's a way, after a while, of hearing the voice of the Creators.
The Anti-Void is the exact opposite of the Void: it's the Whole, the Link where every path crosses. After all, how many characters have accidentally ended up there? Let's not talk about the hundreds of x-reader stories where the protagonist ends up in the Anti-Void by chance after some twists and turns 😂 and let's go instead to what happened to Geno, or to Ace's machine whose first destination it was. Just look at how Error has learnt to use the rifts... Each time he goes through the Anti-Void FIRST before opening a portal from one AU to another. It's the Central Station for crossings between dimensions. I'd even go so far as to say that it's an OBLIGATORY passage. Each AU is connected to another VIA the Anti-Void. Let's just say that most people take the shortcut instinctively.
But why would the Core be the Anti-Void and not the Doodlesphere? Yet it's a dimension that seems much better suited to this role...
Well... One doesn't preclude the other.
In fact, the Doodlesphere and the Anti-Void are closely linked. I've noticed that there are often two accessible points of view in the Multiverse: the "Code Part" (the Player, the algorithms, glitches and bugs, such as Error, Fatal, Glitchtale, etc.) and the "Spiritual Part (thought, faith, emotions, the Creators, Ink, Faith, Dreamtale, etc.). What if the Anti-Void was the coded Core of the Multiverse while the Doodlesphere was the spiritual Core? The technology part and the magic part?
Because there's the computer web and the painter's canvas 🤣 !
Mhrm-... my humblest apologies :'> (does this joke work in English?)
(Hay, no, shit, it's no "toile" and "toile". Well, now you'll know that the web and the canvas are the same word in french! "Toile d'araignée" and "Toile pour peindre")
Isn't it a strange coincidence that the two greatest enemies of the Multiverse, with similar pasts, should live in two habitats that resemble and complement each other?
The web... Ironic, really, that its tenant is a skeleton who wields wires...
Error is reality's homeless man par excellence, it's in his thematic and his design; alone in the middle of the Whole, it's quite perfect to describe him and understand his character. So it's no surprise that he's probably the most capable of spotting rifts in the Multiverse. He can pretty much do it wherever he wants whenever he wants, to say the least! (Which is why I think it's breakable, the fact that Corrupted finds Error canonically useless when he's precisely THE guy who can open to him the doors to all the AU's he wants, even the positive ones) After all, Error's been trapped within the Anti-Void for an indeterminate amount of time. Canonically, after a certain time spent in thos dimension, anyone can become an "error". No wonder, if you admit that it's the agglomeration of all the codes in the Multiverse! After a while, anything coded ends up jumping left and right, stopping and starting, dispersing and dismantling!
Partially ?
Entierly ?
After a while, would Error just disappear by dint of living in the Anti-void?
Would he suffer less memory loss if he stopped going there?
Er... take your pick. ¯(°_o)/¯ I don't really like the idea of dissolving entirely in Anti-Void, but why not?
Hang on, hang on... If the rifts are spatio-temporally related, and the Anti-Void is an amalgamation of all these dimensions, and Error was able to create a window to his past in his comic, then would Error be able to travel through time???
Uh..............uuh... (@_@;) it's true that CQ has already mentioned the hypothesis that there could be several Error at the same time, but...uh....I...
I dunno (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)
Maybe not, or at least nobody except Error, given that if they are detached from space, they are not necessarily detached from time? Maybe he can just look at it, but not enter it? Is he even aware of it?
But then... Could he still see any future and past? Or only what concerns him?
Fucking know.
I didn't get that far xD
But hey, that's not a bad start, is it?
(If you have any theories, headcanons or even if you've spotted any inconsistencies in what I've said, don't hesitate to let me know. It's a headcanon, but it's not perfect, so I'd like to tweak it as much as possible :3
So long!)
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royboyfanpage · 7 months
I’m starting to wonder if Roy would’ve been angry at Uncle Sam over what happened to Grant
Hi!! Sorry this took me so long to answer, I wanted to get some panels for this.
My immediate thought was "he'd absolutely be angry", but I wanted to elaborate a little more than that. I haven't been able to find many comics with Grant in the Freedom Fighters, and none that go into his run with them in-depth, so I'm mostly gonna be referencing the comic your ask's referring to, Infinite Crisis #1 and, as a comparison, The New Titans #116.
Before I get on to Uncle Sam, I'm gonna go on a tangent about Roy's leadership because, despite all his self-doubt, Roy was a genuinely good leader when he led the Titans, particularly in #116. He knew when to have his team fight-
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-issuing understandable and consice commands as to what to do and when to do it. He assigned people specific orders based on their skillset, and was able to manoeuvre them into a singular fighting unit once it was time. At the same time, he knew when to recall them-
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-and expressed concern whenever they attempted to overexert themselves or do something above their skillset (albeit in a very Roy way)
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Roy actually understands his team, he knows what their strengths and weaknesses are, and he knows what they should and shouldn't be doing at any moment. And his team genuinely respects him for it!
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(Plus, Bart respecting Roy more than Wally is one of the best things to come from this era)
Now, as for Uncle Sam in Infinite Crisis. As mentioned, I don't have much of a broader scope as to what his leadership pre-Crisis was like, ie when Grant was on the team. Additionally, the circumstances they were under were definitely a lot more extreme than New Titans #116. Whereas Roy and co were only up against Gar and Kyle, the Freedom Fighters were up against-
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-significantly more, to say the least. However, a key factor in efficiently leading a superhero team is the ability to work well under pressure, so Mr. American Patriotism won't be entirely excused. In the issue, I could only find two instances where Sam actually issues commands, one-
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-where all he's doing is telling them what the mission is, and two-
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-where he's telling them to keep fighting no matter what. This is piss poor leadership. Not only does Sam give the absolute bare minimum of commands, but they're so incredibly vague and non-specific it's embarrassing. Sure, you could chalk it up to the surprise, the number of enemies, etc etc, but that is absolutely not an excuse. In a situation like that, he should be losing his voice by the end of it because of how many commands he should be issuing. Instead, he more or less treated it like a free-for-all. Additionally, his team had been awake for 48 hours prior to this. That is absolutely not prime condition, especially since before the ambush they had no idea it was a serious threat. Intel that a group had held a meeting somewhere two days ago is not at all justification for dragging your team around when they're all exhausted. Even if the Justice League were unavailable at that time, there are countless other teams who could've taken that! And when the ambush did happen, instead of calling for a retreat like the smart thing would've been when faced with that many enemies, he ordered them all to keep fighting a battle that was impossible to win.
So yeah, Roy would be pissed at Uncle Sam for what happened to Grant. You could argue that even if they were in prime condition, even if they'd tried to retreat, even if Sam had given orders, the team still would've been beaten. But Uncle Sam absolutely did not help. Grant's injuries were, at the very least partially, a result of poor central command and awful leadership. Roy did absolutely everything he could to lead his team, giving member-specific orders and doing all he could to ensure their safety. Uncle Sam basically said "I don't care what you do, just don't give up" which, while being a good sentiment for every day life, is absolutely shit when it comes to a life or death situation. And Roy would be pissed that the kid he worked so hard to train and protect sustained lifelong injuries because of some human American flag.
Anyway I think Roy should get to kick the shit out of the old man for funsies <3
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redux-iterum · 6 months
How do you manage multiple projects? Like seriously you have verse, seekerquest, and redux and they are all amazing!
Also a side note but I get so freakin excited for new chapters every week, I absolutely love this series!
(Seeker and Verse)
Thank you so much for enjoying my projects! It's a very good feeling to have someone read and like all these things that are so precious to me. I'm just as excited as you are when I post a chapter (and another one's coming tomorrow, to my delight).
As for managing all of them...it's a number of things.
I have a lot of free time thanks to my job, which allows me to work on stuff for a large portion of the day. That's the most major factor - I can afford to be busy creatively all I want, which I know I'm extremely lucky to have as an option. If I were working a 9-to-5, I would not be able to do all of this thanks to how much that would suck out my energy and inspiration. So, blessed be my fortune there.
Besides that, I've figured out how to manage my efforts and time into a pattern. Three days of working on Verse (one day each of sketch, lineart, color), followed by a free day to rest, then back to Verse. Mind that Verse is specifically designed to be efficient and easy to draw/script, so when I'm done for the day I still have energy to do other things - largely, write for Iterum. On my off days, I can get an entire chapter written, but on Verse days, I have to limit myself to a smaller amount of writing.
There's also the fact that...well, honestly, I just really love doing this. It's my favorite thing in the world. It actively feeds me all of the happy chemicals when I'm linearting a page or I've gotten to a chapter I've been really excited to write, so it's something I spend a lot of time doing and feel happy about. Obviously, I have periods of time where I'm not keen to draw or write this particular part, but I've gotten myself disciplined enough to just power through those until I get to the fun bits. That's not to say I don't give myself breaks (no matter what my friends tell you), I just know when I need a break and when I need to be tough and get the thing over with.
I would say that, if I'm to give any advice on how to do two or more things at once, it's "learn your limits". How much effort can you put into multiple comic pages before it becomes too much work? How long can you work on a chapter of a fic before you're exhausted and crash for three days? Can you do a long animatic by yourself, or do you need support? Questions like that are essential to creating without killing yourself - and once you figure out exactly where you can settle down comfortably without giving too much or too little, the sky's the limit. Don't be afraid to take breaks, but don't be afraid to push yourself past that bit of dialog you weren't eager to write. There's a balance there, a sweet spot that you CAN find and will be comfortable in.
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lunar-writes-things · 2 years
Powered By Redstone (And Love)
Pairing: C! Tangotek x reader, C!Solidarity Gaming x Reader, C! Tangotek x C!Solidarity Gaming
Summary: In which you dive into a death game and find love within it (And how to make fire-resistant shirts)
Genre: Fluff, pure heart-melting tooth-rotting fluff 
Words: 3.4k
Extra notes: This was based off of @lunarcrown's comic!!! Go check them out they are amazing and fuel my rancher duo needs <3 Also I looped 'Golden Hour' by JVKE while I wrote most of this so If you want ot listen to that while you read, feel free too!
Content warnings (If any): None
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"Y/n!" Grian exclaimed. He was on his knees trying to beg you to join his new server and you sat declining
'Double Life' he called it
It was a death game, everyone knew that and even if your home server was FAR from nice, you at least had more than three lives to live. 
"Grian, if I join, then the number will be uneven. Do you have another person to make it even?"  You asked softly and brought Grian from off the ground 
"Well yes, but they haven't answered yet." Grian said, "They should answer before it starts though!" 
You let out a sigh and said "Fine. I'll Join." 
"Yes!" Grian said under his breath "I promise you won't regret it! You'll love it! There are thrills, guts, and glory!" 
"I'm sure it will be wonderful. Maybe I'll meet a life partner there. Who knows?" You entertained the avian but somewhere deep inside you actually hoped your words come true
When the time came, you quickly walked out of your home server, it was mainly dead anyway but there were rumors that there would be an activity minimum for it, and into the new server. It was there where you were met with everyone else and you began to count
There were 15 people on the server including you. 
"Y/n!" Grian smiled and walked to you "You're the last one on!" 
"You said there wouldn't be an uneven number!" Y/n said and grabbed the avian by his shoulders and shook him 
"Mum- bo- could- n't- Jo- in-" Grian said as you shook him and soon escaped your grasps with a breath of relief 
"It'll be fine, Y/n." Scott came up to you "All it means is that the code will match one of us to an already existing couple." 
You lean into him with a pout and say "I hope I'm at least paired with you. I know literally no one else except for you and Grian." 
"You need to meet some new people." Scott said, "I mean, I see a pretty canary staring straight at you."
When Scott said that he dragged your eyes from his to another man. One who flushed a bright red once he realized he was caught looking at you and you held back a coo. With beautiful chocolate brown eyes shining in the sun, golden hair and wings fluttering and being ruffled with the wind, and the gorgeous flush across his face, you murmured 
"I wouldn't mind being paired with that cutie." 
"Our resident canary in a coal mine." Scott murmured "Jimmy's got this weird thing where he's the first out every season. Maybe you can change that." 
"I don't know. I think he's fine just the way he is. I mean I'm here for a good time not a long time." You winked at the cyan-haired male 
Soon their attention was directed to grian who explained what was going on and what would be happening and the group split their separate ways. 
Hours later, you were very grateful you came back to spawn to scope out some places to live because one minute you were walking under the spawn trees, and then next there was a sharp pain in your right side, ringing, and then it stopped. 
<Tango> was blown up by a creeper 
<Y/ndoesthings> died
<SolidarityGaming> died
When you opened your eyes, you were in a tree and there was a shrill voice going "WHAT HAPPENED TANGO?!" and a dull pain rushed into your ankle, someone must have jumped down from their tree
"Is Everyone okay?" You asked and saw both tango and Jimmy
"Oh! Hi! Hi- I'm so sorry!" He cried out and placed his face in his hands to hide 
"Take me through it, What- What's happened there?" Jimmy asked 
"There was some caving and then there might have been about seven zombies and a spider and- You're being butted!" Tango said, still atop one of the many trees at spawn. 
Jimmy was the one that jumped down and was currently holding his stomach from being headbutted by a stay goat. Tango jumped down and You followed his lead. Once you were down from your tree you went up to each of the boys and asked 
"Is everyone okay?" 
The two nodded in response and you used both of your hands to cup one of their cheeks, which is a touch they melted into. Once you let go, they continued with their conversation and You went to grab your things, which were thankfully only like 10 feet away. Once you came back, tango was apologizing again and Jimmy is pacing around. 
"All right, let's go meet up in a bit, I need to go grab my stuff before it despawns!" He said 
"I don't even know where I was!" Tango realized "I just lost everything, yeah- I have no idea where I was." 
"You two go and try to get your things back. If anything, come back here and I'll have extra supplies for you guys." Y/n spoke up and placed a gentle hand on both of their shoulders "I snagged a bunch of iron so don't worry for now. just try and grab your things." 
But your words were barely heard as the boys panicked and laughed. After a minute, Jimmy and Tango decided to head up on a tree for a better leverage point to look. You followed the two boys as they talked and made what they needed for a hiding spot in case they die again. 
Once they did that (and tango placed a stick in to claim it), Jimmy went his separate way and left Y/n and Tango together. 
"How are you feeling?" You asked softly 
"Guilty," Tango admitted and his shoulders slumped "this was the worst way to meet me- to meet us." 
"Maybe," You hummed gently and picked a stray Daisy and gave it to the man, the piping hot blaze rods burning brighter as Tango took it and flushed a pink "But we didn't have to find each other by running around like headless chickens and while we might be yellows now, I don't think I'd rather be yellow with anyone else." 
Tango made a flustered noise and You could help but find it so endearing. This man, who was at least a good two feet taller than you, was burning bright red, golden hair flickering as if it were going to burst into flames and smoke coming off his back. 
Actually, now that you looked at him you noticed he wore a tight-fitting black crop top (that did wonders for his lean figure hubba hubba-) that had dipped down into a point to connect and clip onto his black cargo pants with cuffs around his wrists and the top of his bicep but the ones around his wrists were loose and had short chains dangling from them. 
When you finally looked at his face, Ruby red eyes glittered with amusement and an open mouth smirked and showed off sharp canine teeth. 
"Like what you see?" He grinned and you swatted at him 
"Yeah, you look fine as hell," you winked and he laughed 
Hours later, Jimmy came back with nothing and a disappointed face only to find out you had a chest full of items for him ready and to see that you and Tango were suited up in Iron gear. 
"What-" He said and You saw his shoulders sag "How-" 
"Check the chest Jimmy," You said and watched as he opened it 
Sunlight beamed onto his face, blinding him for a second. 
"My bad, probably a bad idea to face the opening of the chest to face where the sun is shining. It was supposed to be for dramatic effect though." Tango said and turned the chest away from the sun and spilled all the goods inside. Iron armor, a diamond pickaxe and sword, food, and small trinkets the two had piled up for Jimmy fell from the chest. 
"is- Is all this for me?" he asked softly and knelt to the ground and grabbed the sword with a shakey touch and his eyes shone with unshed tears "Why- You didn't have-" 
"We wanted to. It's not much but we hope you enjoy it." You smiled and kneeled in front of him "Most of it I already had in my inventory so..."
"Y/n actually put the whole chest together," Tango pointed out with a satisfied smirk, and watched as a bashful flush spread across their cheeks and to their ears "They thought of the idea and organized everything. I just added in two things you might've liked." 
"Would it be too early in our relationship to kiss you two?" Jimmy asked, eyes glittering like topaz with the sun shining its golden rays on his already sunkissed skin
"I wouldn't think so," You smiled and cupped his face with both of your hands to pull him into a gentle kiss, electricity burning through you when your lips brushed against his, Tango coming up beside you to steal Jimmy away for another soft kiss to his lips and to press a chaste one against yours. 
Jimmy tasted like bubblegum and Tango tasted like cinnamon.
You just found your two new favorite flavors. 
A day or so later, the home you and Tango had been constructed and Jimmy had brought in cows and some other essential things needed. 
The three of you deemed yourself, The Ranchers.
A silly nickname but you can't bring yourself to protest as Jimmy and Tango have their hearts set on making a monopoly on getting some farm animals and how can you say no to your Ruby and Topaz? 
Your precious jewels...  Oh how you love them so. 
As the three of you took a break though, Jimmy asked about Tango's choice of shirt wear. 
He wore crop tops like there weren't any left in the world
And there wasn't anything wrong with it, in fact, both Jimmy and You had admitted to the man that you loved the fact that he showed off his lean and slender frame and his tummy in general. 
Although, there were multiple times where Jimmy has been extremely flustered at the sight of Tango.
Once, When tango was doing his redstone while you and Jimmy were watching, the blaze hybrid has asked for a comparator and while You were drooling over him, Jimmy grabbed a bucket and attempted to give it to the man. 
"Jimmy," Tango said as he perched his red goggles on his head "That's a bucket." 
With those words, The avian flushed a bright red and placed the bucket upside down on his head, and bolted having You and Tango run after him laughing and attempting to calm him down. 
He was wearing his favorite shirt then, just like he was now. 
"Powered by Redstone" 
That had to be one of Tango's favorite phrases, especially when he's planning out his next masterpiece for his other dimension. 
At least he thinks. 
He doesn't quite remember, no one does. He says it's blurry and that he knows he was working on some huge build that needs a lot of redstone and attention but he can't quite remember what. He barely remembers friendships and relationships from people except those that are in this game right now. 
The game was fun like that. it gives you an almost entirely blank slate, but it keeps important things and fears near your heart. 
But you never would have thought you'd find love in a death game.
Sure it had only been a few days and it may be the red string of fate connecting you two but it felt so real and You know you would do this a thousand times over if you'd be able to feel like this again in your home server. 
"yeah- Actually this shirt was once full length," Tango broke through your daze and you focus on him, He's gripping the bottom of his 'Powered by Redstone" crop, and a blaze rod is hovering over his shoulder when He says "But sometimes by blaze rods catch stuff and-" 
And The shirt was up in flames before fluttering to the floor, a pile of ashes that was once his favorite shirt. 
"AWWW MAN!" Tango whined as Jimmy looked away, face flushed the same shade as Tango's eyes and You oogled at the bare chest of Tango with a satisfied hum
But as much as you liked the show, You knew you'd have to talk with Jimmy later about this situation. Tango was already making a pout and sad noises escaped his lips. You couldn't bare to see the blaze hybrid like that. 
Hours later, in the dead of night, You whispered to the Avian in his ear "Jimmy? My Darling Topaz? Are you up?" 
"Yes, my Love?" Jimmy groaned quietly and suddenly you were thankful, the both of them insisted you lay in the middle of your shared bed and that Tango sleeps like the dead "Are you okay?" 
"I'm fine Topaz, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to do something for our Ruby. I feel bad that he lost his favorite shirt." You whisper and pull him close enough so that your lips brush the shell of his ear. A shiver ran down his back and he nodded. 
"We could recreate his shirt again," Jimmy said and began to press soft kisses to your face "This time with a more durable fabric?" 
"That works," You hummed and cupped his face to press a soft kiss to his lips "We can talk more about it in the morning. I love you My amazing Topaz."  
"And I love you, My precious diamond." He whispered into your mouth, never stopping his gentle kisses and you couldn't help but melt into his touch 
The next day, You awoke to Jimmy and Tango holding you tightly and you sighed with contentment, how you wish you could stay here all day, but the gods of old had other plans. 
So you squirmed out of their arms, both shifting to hold each other and the pillow between them as if you were still there. You smiled and went to the kitchen to make a simple breakfast. Snagging some eggs from the chickens you guys are hoarding and carving some bacon off the carcass of a pig you slaughtered this morning, you made some bacon and egg and cut up some day-old bread for toast. 
Jimmy was the first one up of the boys and watched as Y/n plated the breakfast as he leaned against the doorway, arms crossed over his bare chest, a soft smile gracing his lips. 
"Good morning Topaz," You hummed and smiled at him before placing his plate on the table "Go eat, I'll wake up our ruby."
"You are the best," he said and pressed a kiss to your cheek "We can talk more about the shirt after breakfast when Tango goes out?" 
"Alright," You smiled and placed a gentle hand on his chest before pressing a kiss to his lips "Enjoy." 
You walked past him after he kissed back and went to wake up Tango. 
"My lovely Ruby," You whisper in his ear as you crawl on top of him to sit on his waist "Time to wake up Tango, I made breakfast." 
Tango groaned softly as his eyes fluttered open. Twin red jewels stared back into your eyes as a smile graced Tango's lips and he pulled you down to smother you in kisses, laughs bubbled from your chest as you playfully fought from his grip. 
After a few seconds when he calmed down to just kisses, you heard his stomach rumble and he laughed. 
"I think that's my cue to eat the breakfast you made," He said and swung his legs over the edge of the bed to get off "Come, Topaz is waiting." 
"He's only waiting because you pulled me in to smother me!" You playfully whine out and allow him to drag you off the bed you share
After breakfast, Tango cleaned up the kitchen and Jimmy lit the fireplace. Y/n pulled Jimmy to dance with her while Tango cleaned and listened to their hushed giggles, They swayed in the warmth of their home, Jimmy humming into your ear as the sun dawned upon their home and the rooster crowed. Out of the corner of your eyes, you saw Tango watching from the kitchen with a gentle smile as he dried his hands and you beckoned him over. He and Jimmy switched spots and you swayed with Tango who whispered sweet words into your ears and eventually dragged Jimmy into the swaying, The three of you holding each other and talking softly. At least until Tango had to leave the house and You and Jimmy were left to your own devices. 
"Okay," Y/n murmured and caught Jimmy's attention, "I know where to find and how to get fire resistance clothing. Only thing is, I don't know how to sew words." 
"I can do that part," Jimmy said "It should be just like weaving a nest. Plus, my mom taught me how before I left her home." 
"Perfect," You grinned at him "You are so great Jimmy." 
A wobbly smile spread across his face as he flushed and covered his face with his hands. "You're too nice to me." He groaned softly which elicited a laugh from you 
"No such thing as ever too nice. Now, let's get Tango's present together." You smile and hold out your hand to him 
Hours later, Tango came home calling out to the two who sat in the living room that he was going to take a shower and then probably nap. You and Jimmy sat on a rocking chair, you on Jimmy's lap reading and Jimmy rocking the chair, humming and peacefully stretching the words 'Powered by Redstone' into the shirt. 
"Hey, Jimmy!" Tango's voice called out but the two were in their own world "Do you know where-" 
Tango trailed off as he peeked into the living room and almost melted at the sight of his two lovers sitting together, his gems...
His home
A soft gasp snapped Tango out of his stupor and bring his gaze back to his partners. You were clutching something to your chest and using your body to hide it while jimmy tried to cover you and himself with his wings while exclaiming "Wait no! Wait! Don't look! It's not done!" 
"Aww," Tango cooed and stepped closer to you and Jimmy "What is it?" 
With a deep sigh, Jimmy unfurled his wings and showed you. You held out the shirt with a bashful expression while Jimmy explained "You were so sad after your favorite shirt got destroyed. So we thought we'd make you a new one." 
Tango looked taken aback and turned red and you and jimmy immediately panicked. 
"Oh god, you hate it!" You frowned and fiddled with your hands "I'm sorry, this was my idea and it was such a bad-" 
"I don't know why I thought-" Jimmy cut himself off as he pouted and began to cover himself with his wings, an embarrassed blush spreading across his cheeks "I'm not even that good-" 
This time Taango cut off Jimmy by lifting you up and kissing you... hard. Hard enough that you were dazed and had to stumble to another couch. Tango pulled Jimmy up by the collar of his shirt and kissed him with the same passion he kissed you with. Now that you were less dazed, you saw smoke rising from Tango's back in curls that looked like hearts and his red flush was still there and Jimmy's wings were flapping like crazy once he realized what was happening. 
When he pulled away from Jimmy, He kept the avian close, his left arm wrapping around Jimmy's waist. "Come here Y/n," Tango whispered and you obliged 
When you came close enough, he pulled you closer and wrapped his free arm around your waist, and pressed another kiss to your lips. You melted into his touch and leaned your forehead into the crook of his neck while he whispered
"I love it. It means so much to me that you two did this." He pressed a gentle kiss to yours and Jimmy's foreheads before continuing "Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you." 
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vikenticomeshome · 6 months
Cyberchase: How It All Started (Episode 3)
This comic was later renamed to Cyberchase Web Adventures Episode 3.
This is third episode, so let's make the intro more abbreviated.
The only credit for the production was a general copyright by the Educational Broadcasting Corporation. It used to be available for free online. Now, I am archiving it for the fans.
I will use the original 2001 version of the panels with the dark blue border when possible. However, if this is unavailable, I will use the redesigned version with the light-blue border.
If you want to see the comic with the simpler animations, go find my curation from Blue Maxima's Flashpoint Archive Project. I can't reproduce the animations on Tumblr.
I'll save my thoughts for the end, unless I absolutely need to make editor's notes.
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Narration: Having escaped from the clutches of Hacker, Digit returns to Motherboard, and is greeted warmly by Dr. Marbles.
Dr. Marbles: Welcome home, Digit. While we cannot reformat the past - we can upload a brighter future.
Digit: I couldn't have said it better myself, Doc!
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Narration: Hacker is furious that Digit changed sides and returned to Motherboard.
The Hacker: Nobody - not Motherboard, not Dr. Marbles, and certainly not that traitorous tin turkey will stop me from becoming the new ruler of Cyberspace!!!
Delete: Yeah, right boss! The new ruler!
Buzz: Gulp! Whatever you say, boss! Right!
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Narration: Meanwhile, on Earth, three kids who don't know each other are about to have the adventure of their lives.
Narration: Meet Jackie, who has her own sense of style...
Jackie: I gotta organize this stuff!
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Narration: ...and her own way of doing things!
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Narration: Matt lives on a farm with his family, and dreams of being the homerun champ. Little does he know he'll soon be a hero of a different kind.
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Narration: Matt is into Greek Mythology big time!
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Narration: This is Inez - A computer whiz.
Narration: She loves to visit the Cyberworld of the Internet - But never imagined she could really go there!
Editor's Note: Yeah, I still don't know why they made Inez white here.
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Narration: Inez has to get to the library before it closes, but she has a bunch of errands to run first.
Inez: Oh, no, this is not good at all!
Editor's Note: There is a later version of this page where they decided that Nezzie needed a helmet. Safety first.
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Editor's Note: And now, we play a flash game called "Bike Route".
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Inez: Oh Boy! I've got a lot of errands to run and not much time!
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Inez: I've made a map that shows all of the places I need to go. Let me show you.
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Editor's Note: Her checklist consists of Home, Betty's House, Post Office, Video Store, and Library
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Narration: Inez needs to figure out the shortest number of blocks to get all her chores done and get to the library on time. Can you help her do it?
Narration: Here's a map to use. Inez can do the chores in any order, but she has to end up at the library.
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Narration: This box shows the number of blocks you have left to get to the library in time.
Narration: These are all of the errands Inez needs to do.
Narration: Click on the blinking dots to move Inez around.
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Narration: Well done!
Narration: You got to the library just in time! Now let's go on with the adventure...
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Narration: Back in Cyberspace, Hacker works on a plan that will shut down Motherboard's computer circuits once and for all.
Buzz: Grumph mumph gurgle glunk
The Hacker: Charge me up, boys! It's time to wreak some Cyber-havoc!
Delete: Right, boss, right away!
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Narration: Inez, Matt and Jackie are about to meet for the very first time.
Inez: Cool! I made it to the library in time!
Jackie: Man, I've got a ton of homework!
Matt: I can't wait to find out more about that Cerberus!
Editor's Note: The books in Jackie's hands have the writing backwards. The larger one is titled "How to Dye Your Own Fabric". The smaller one is too blurry to make out the title.
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Narration: Dr. Marbles is busy giving Motherboard a routine upgrade.
Digit: Here we go, Doc. The Didge has whatever you need!
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Narration: Meanwhile, inside the Grim Wreaker, Hacker discovers Inez, Matt and Jackie inside the library.
The Hacker: Yes.. Yes! Pay attention you degradable dunce-buckets, Motherboard's hard drive is about to crash!
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Narration: Check out the adventures of the Cybersquad Online & on TV
Narration: Check TV Schedule
Editor's Note: This is another case where I believe the original background for this panel has been lost. This panel states "Check out the adventures of the Cybersquad online & on TV". However, the alt text states "STAY TUNED! THE NEW ADVENTURES OF CYBERCHASE ARE STARTING ONLINE & ON TV JANUARY 21ST!"
And that's the end of the comic.
So, what did I think about it? I enjoyed it. They made some odd choices with some of these panels. The first panel shows Motherboard with the background she got after the virus infection during Season 1 Episode 1 "Lost My Marbles". The second panel clearly shows the Crystal of Calamore that The Hacker retrieved during Season 1 Episode 11 "A Day at the Spa". If this is still canon, then that is a very confusing detail. Of course, with all the expansion to The Hacker's backstory on the show over the years, including contradictory information, we don't know whether this is still canon.
I don't understand why they made the library look like a circus tent. I see circles, squares, and triangles on the railing and trees. They must have adapted a screenshot from the Poddleville Pilot. I can't tell what's sticking out of Matt's bag on that panel. It almost looks like The Map from Dora the Explorer. I wonder if that was an easter egg.
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reallyhardydraws · 1 year
hi !!!! i have been a huge fan of ur art for a long time, esp since i found it via x-men fanart, and it's what introduced me to evo which is now like one of my fave shows ever. i've always LOVED all your kurt/wanda stuff, but since i only rlly have access to the movies & tv shows, and wanda isn't even in the xmcu (💔), i've always wondered if they're involved in the comics or if it's just something you'd wanna see? obvs your earth-number-i-forgot au is yours, but the other stuff? i guess if ur willing i just wanna know what makes you like them so much, since everything you draw for them is so cute, and i don't get to see any of the source material!!
a lot of my interest in kurtwanda came from my old days of writing as kurt in the xmcu RP fandom here on tumblr :') i had some of my best times writing with my friend who wrote as wanda, we had loads of headcanons and just yeah haha. i think there's something about their visual contrast that's fun obvs the red and blue and then their similar sort of romani upbringings give them common ground, they're both sort of goth too lol.
but there IS also the cartoon wolverine & the x-men. they go on a date and wanda gives him a kiss, and i think this is all sort of a nod to the fact that kurt & wanda are married in the universe that gave us TJ wagner/nocturne
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and so yes they ARE in involved in the comics, but it's all entirely offscreen RIP!!! earth-2182 is their home universe - we only learn a little about their relationship via TJ, but she implies that her parents are a) married and b) very much in love:
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(click through to view these properly, please excuse the antiromani slur used in the 2nd screenshot) there is also like... one extra panel where we see old man kurt watching wanda saving people on TV and he's like 'atta girl that's my wife' but i can't find it and you're not missing much b/c for whatever reason they said 'this version of wanda is as hot as always but this kurt is decrepitly old, bald, rocking a white goatee, and has an eyepatch.' really a weird turn for our favourite elf.)
but yeah i would recommend the wolverine & the x-men scenes: they appear together in episode 10 - greetings from genosha and episode 15 - hunting grounds i think they may appear in other episodes but it's been a while since i've watched the series, these are the only 2 where they are both main characters and their storylines interact.
anyway tysm for asking! i'm glad u enjoy my drawings of them and tbh i miss them!!! need some more free time to be drawing my faves they're honestly a ship for the ages!!!❤️💙❤️💙
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wellnoe · 8 months
I really love all your art and xmen renditions/headcannons. I've been meaning to get into the comics but I don't know where I would read them? Do you have a source that you go to when finding them? Oh! Also, do you know any comic runs that Nightcrawler's in? :3 He's a big favorite of mine
thank you! i prefer to read comics physically and i first read comics through my local library, which is generally where i recommend people start out? its a great way to find a lot of stuff w/out needing to know the minutiae of numberings, and its free.
nightcrawler is not one of the comic book people i follow specifically, so the only runs i really think of as big for him are claremont's uncanny (where he starts) and claremont's excalibur (where he's great). there's of course a lot more he's in but i'm not super tuned in to nightcrawler stuff, sorry i can't be more helpful!
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forever-will-last · 2 months
hi, this is a first for me, but i just wanted to let you know how much i love your style of writing. i’ve noticed you previously mentioned a while ago about action sequences and how you find them the most difficult to write (please forgive me - memory's a bit foggy on the exact word, sorry!), but all that’s to say - you do nail it when it comes to describing what’s happening. storytelling as smooth as butter, and you offer so much to the reader with your time, effort, and words.
as for the questions … 9, 14, and 30 - are there any au’s you’ve been itching to pen down but they never made it to paper?
also... this could be a tall order (but feel free to brush it off if you want to keep it hush-hush!), but is the new wip … a cadina wip?
in a nutshell, a big shoutout for not only sharing your words but also putting it out there and nviting us on a journey through your thoughts - really great stuff.
(i think people who stay anonymous put emojis to maintain an identity? if i’m wrong, please ignore. if this is true, here it is: 🧿)
Thank you so much for the kind words!! It really means a lot to me and absolutely made my day! :)
For the numbers...
From this ask game!
9. Do you write every day? If you wrote today, share a sentence of what you’ve written!
I do!! For the most part, that is. There are sometimes days where I don't get to or I write very little, but I try very hard to write every day. I don't set a word minimum for myself, but I often end up writing at least a few thousand a day.
As for a sentence (well, it's a few, but it's very short), this is from the new secret WIP (which, I think this will answer your other question about whether or not the new WIP is Cadina ;D) -
Cady has to stop herself. She doesn't want to be weird. Okay, she absolutely thinks Regina’s hot. That's normal. And an objective fact. Regina is hot. But that's besides the point.
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
Honestly? The original dead!Aaron au (don't look for me). It's much shorter but I think the visual representation of the grief and emotions would be extremely powerful.
30. Ask anything!: are there any au’s you’ve been itching to pen down but they never made it to paper?
I've really wanted to do more supernatural aus! I LOVE supernatural aus. I have this one alien au I've joked about sometimes that I actually did write a little bit of prior to don't look for me and a thousand pics, but I never ended up coming up with much of a coherent plot or even lore for the aliens in the story (some of the characters were secret aliens, for reference). I'm also a huge fan of werewolves and witchcraft, so maybe one day something with that as well!
I've never had somebody use an emoji to maintain an identity before but I love it! Thanks so much again for the kind words and the ask!! :)
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popculturebuffet · 1 year
Sam and Max Beyond Time and Space Retrospective: Ice Station Santa (Patreon Review for WeirdKev27)
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Hello all you happy freelance police and welcome back! For those just tuning in for the better part of the year i've been taking a look at Sam and Max: Save the World courtsey of patron WeirdKev27, falling more in love with this franchise and these games each chapter. If you'd like to catch up, I've put links to each review into one masterpost
So with season 2's production.. I don't have a lot. I tried but most articles I could find from the time are "Sam and Max Season 2 is happening and it's better than ever" and not much else.
It makes sense: Season 1 was Telltale Games big coming out party: while it wasn't the first game they made, that would be....
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It was their big breakout success. So while season 1 was proving themselves by this point Telltale was a big name, Sam and Max were once again big names, and the episodic model had worked. So it's not a huge suprise that season 2's production was more: Let's do it all again but bigger and better!
So for season 2 the models are slightly more expressive, there's more mini games and the originals had widescreen support back when that was a feature. '
So what actually happens in this sequel? Well a lot so join me under the cut as our heroes take on a bloated hairy pagan god to save christmas, embark in a rigged trivia night, traumatize bosco for fun and profit, and run over some muppets. In other words it's another day at the office and i'm glad to be back.
We open season 2 with our heroes returning from a case, some time after season 1 which is said explictly to be last year, only to get a nasty suprise. A giant robot smashing up the place
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It's not that souless abomination but the maimtron 5000. With our heroes assuming it's their goldfish plotting max's death, that old chestnut, we head outside for the first puzzle.. well okay we're SUPPOSED to head outside but I choose to instead dick around the office. The trophy closet continues to grow and i'm happy to see a jar of bliss join the stuff. It's not a big or flashy trophy granted, it's not a melted ted-e-bear heard or a whole human being. There's some nice new touches to the office too: the photos from hit the road and bad day on the moon are replaced with ones from season 1. IT's a nice little touch that helps vary up the office and allows it to feel refreshed while still recycling the set from last game.
The biggest and best addition though is some stuff swiped from Ted.E Bears charred ruins. I get the feeling they WANTED to include these last season but it simply wasn't fesable. At any rate you now have a mounted mafia anamatronic head over the desk and the wack a rat game is now free to play any time in your office. I did again, because I had fun and it's even more fun when you just touch the screen.
So we walk out onto main street.. and quickly get our first of many status quo shake ups for the season: Sybil's is thrown through the air and lands squarely between your business and boscos where the space for rent used to be. Or on top of it more likely. It's also teling just how used I got to Sam and Max's street that I know it like the back of my arm hair. Thankfully she's not inside but it was still unnerving to see such a key part of the first season tossed aside.
Thankfully the Maimtron himself... is pure comic gold. He's waxing lyrical incarnate, quoting countless pop songs. My faviorite bits from him are giving his number as "6875309" and "All the cops in the donut shops say way oh way oh". That one's more for Max's response "That's it no one quotes walk like an egyptian at me and lives!"
However bullets can't do anything against him. Thankfully he has a big wind up dealie on his back so you simply need to ask why do birds suddenly appear every time he is near. I mean the obvious answer as given by Lorne
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Is just like me, they long to be, close to you, but since he's in metal box at the bottom of the sea since Max took office, it instead gives you an opening to turn the robot off. The sender turns out to be a hairy pagan god with powers untold. That right it's old saint nick and time for Christmas in late august.
One opening sequence later we're at the north pole and it's here we get some interesting structuring for this episode. For the first act of it you can't leave the north pole. Which was annoying at first as I wanted to see Season 2's settings and what's changed, but in hindsight works perfectly: it keeps you at the pole and thus keeps your options kept there. Likewise apart from a puzzle or two that requires you to go to the north pole, most of act 2 is on main street and the last one is a bit back and forth. It creates a nice gameplay loop without leaving you TOO overwhelmed.
But before we can get to the wonders of Santa's Workshop... we reunite with some old faces. Yes folks, the dreaded dark day of prophecy fortold in the scrolls has come. THE SODA POPPERS HAVE RETURNED
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As you can imagine i'm not remotely happy their alive and survivied the great dakota wars with only a removal from office. Their mad about their christmas presents. Specs got.. something, Peepers got a night gown he just dosen' thave the hips for, and Whizzer got Tuberculosis. Same thing Sam got max. It's why they don't do secret santa any more. Those gags are funny, and at the very least Sam and Max are now as visably fed up with them as I am. They also aren't in this one too much and the developers make up for using them at all out of plot necsity by allowing you to throw snowballs full of bleach at them. Repeatedly.
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It was one of the best days of my life. Also helping with the strain of these morons and specs returning is a little something from the past. See before I got into this chapter, Kev reminded me of what was INTENDED to be a running gag, but I simply never updated it. Persons of all ages I present the wall of misery
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It was supposed to be a runnnig tally of characters I just.. flat out hated in fiction. Not just disliked, not just was mildly annoyed by in one version or another, the ones I CANNOT FUCKING STAND , the ones who truly bring out the rage in me. It ended up largely forgotten due to a combo of two things: my short term memory being shoddy.. and me simply not getting THAT angry that often when reviewing. I try to be fair to a work as much as possible, and prefer to focus on the positive. I"ll still be objective, i'll still come down on a works flaws, but at the end of the day the reason I got into this wasn't to let out my anger issues (which I do have and try hard to control), but to simply look at things I liked or things other people like as fair as possible. I WILL tear into something if it truly pisses me off, see my review of the boys comic, but I generally don't get my hackles up that high that often.
That being said.. as I looked at the wall I realized it had a place for that exact reason. If a character can not just annoy me (as a lot of this prototype do), but really make me hate them, really make it harder to watch an episode or read a scene if their around.. why SHOUDLN'T they get a badge of dishonor for it? Pissing me off is harder and harder these days, so why shouldn't someone get an award for it for somehow pulling that off? So I present to you
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With thing one and thing two front and center. Thing three is absent because he's not a carnival of dicks crammed into one character model. If your curious whos who
First Row: Julie Powers (Scott Pilgrim (Comic)) Helen Lovejoy (The Simpsons) Billy Butcher (The Boys (Comic) ) Daisy Duck (Legend of the Three Cablleros Version, the rest are fine) Second Row: Mindy's Mom (Animaniacs Peepers (Guess) Whizzer (Oh come on) Roger Raincomprix (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir) Yivo (Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs) As for what the Soda Poppers have to do puzzle wise...
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Yup my anguish, my bringing back and old bit, my pelting them with bleach and possibly elf urine, it all amounted to... well okay you DO get to pelt them all with bleach and possibly blind them for life. I"ll give the developers that. This appearance gets a pass.
So we finally get inside the Workshop to find this is the night santa went crazy, as Santa is holding anyone trying to come into his office at gun point and has been having the elves making more militarilzed toys. And tourture me elmer. Naturally Max loves that last one. He even screams like a real person.
I will say Santa holding everyone at gun point.. is more than a bit unsettling and is very "product of it's time" given the.. well everything that's happened since this chapter happened. While mass shootings happened back then, they weren't nearly as common. and... I need a moment.
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Okay back. I didn't even notice it while playing it oddly enough, probably down to it being a product of it's time and my brain treating it that way. Or the situation being silly enough that the horrible crushing reality simply didn't hit me and thus the chapter holds up okay.
It helps the workshop has a genuinely... creepy atmosphere> The music, a more offputting carol of the bells, the lighting it's all more ominous than previous settings. It contributes to the episodes depressing vibe as when we get to town in a bit it's also a bit off. Thankfully this is sam and max so while I was a tad unsettled.. it really didn' tstay that way for long as you can stick your guns to the north pole, talk with the elves on how things hav edeteroriated and how the elves sang a song when they left "It wasn't very happy" and make an elf cry to progress.
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Elf Tears make trees grow
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So we need to make one of the elves cry. And given this is sam and max it's naturally one of the most darkly hilarious things as the elf WANTS to cry.. but even threatning to rip out his eyes or kill his dog dose'nt work.. I mean the former at least makes sense. You know I forget sometimes how much horrible stuff these games make you do till I sit down and play this month's chapter.. or how much comedy gold you get out of the suffering.
Now we have a pail of elf tears.. .which I didn't even know you could pick up. I assumed growing the tree was what you did to progress. This one's on me for both not using the button to show you everything you can react to.. and on not turning the hint system up. See last game I honestly forgot half the time Max gave you hints, not helped by the fact a majority were just max being max instead of offering any advice. So for this game they instead worked out a better hint system. I mean you can still talk to max for giggles, but instead if you turn it on and the game thinks your stuck, he'll shout out what you specifically need to do. I needed to crank it up to get him to do it, and evne cranked up it's nicely just if you've been idle or wandering around long enough.
Thankfully once Kev told me I could us ether elf tears, I grabbed them and used them on a coinvent little tree outside. This gets us into Santa's Office, but dosen't really fix the problem right away as he still outguns us. And given this is sam and max we're talking about that says a LOT. Thankfully we get our lead in to act 2: an exorcism diagram. It's actually quite simple they simply need a magentic pole, which they have and the four horseman of the apocalypse action figures.
So collecting all 4 is our next goal and we're finally back home. And each area has one of the four horseman.
The first one I encountered, and ironically the last one I grabbed, was Boscos. And boy oh boy was I not prepared. So.. since the end of Save the World Bosco's somehow sunk further down the conspiracy whole. Besides dawning his most hideous disguise yet, himself, he's torn the store apart, taking all the fun and helpful condiments from season one and replacing them with a presumibly useful in the future set of photography equipment. The lights are dim, the security's somehow MORE draconian and bosco himself seems on a shorter fuse. That dosen't mean we can't light it as there's two really fun bits. The first is since bosco is hiding from a group called "T-H-E-M", who i'm not doubting exists since he was at least SOMEWHAT on the money about most of his paranoid delusions, any time someone says them he gives out a high pitched shriek. Props to Oogie Banks for making it so damn hilarious. You can just.. say it over and over ot hear it till Bosco eventually uses the security system on you. Btads is back baby!
You can also ask if he has any, which of course he dosen't this isn't a store.. but the payoff is what makes the joke:
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As for bosco's horseman it's in his package
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And that joke was ALMOST as subtle as the jokes the game makes. Bosco won't open it because he thinks it has a bomb inside but won't NOT open it because it might have his broom. So once again we have to ruin bosco's life. Id' feel worse but given he's taken trillions of dollars from us simply because he could, let's scar him for life again!
This requires the present machine. You can send random junk to people. We only need to send two gifts for plot progression: a ticking stopwatch to bosco for obvious reasons and a footbath to stinky's diner for reasons i'll get into in a moment.
The watch makes Bosco think the present is a bomb, and while he's disposing of it you can steal from him again. And if he has any problem with it.. them.
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Onto our next one at Pimp Le Car, another very 2000's joke but one that holds up as it's just plain funny a custom car place would decide "you know what we need to not get sued by xibit? FRENCH!"
And running Pimp Le Car are The C.O.P.S.
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The COPS are like the anti-soda poppers to me: their instantly likeable, made their chapter better by existing and every time they show up gets a smile out of me. And lucky for me Telltale clearly felt the same as their upgraded to Bosco's old role of shopkeep, via their custom car buisness. Their also as funny as ever.
Naturally their task is the best. To get their figure (a free hood ornament) you have to run over as many torture me elmers as possible while they spit out things likes "I have rights" and "I'm an american citzen"
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That's 1/4 horseman, but before we go we can also get Stickers
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For the desoto. Turns out you can get 5.. I only got one assuming it was a once a chapter thing. It's pretty neat.
Moving on, we have Stinky's Diner, our second new location and our replacement for Sybils. And I have to admit while I miss both Sybils and Bosco's as it was this shakeup was necessary: while the gameplay loop of visiting the duo worked for a game, changing up who does their roll was necessary. Telltales smartly kept both characters, they simply changed up their gimmicks: Sybil's focused on her relationship with Abe LIncoln and Bosco has gone deep down the paranoia rabbit hole.
Stinky's isn't ENTIRELY new, having shown up in Hit the Road as a quick gag and Season 1 as a background feature. Our heroes were mentioned being fond of it's salty order who hoped to cull the weak with his questionable food.
Sadly for our heroes and about a wash for the rest of civlization, Stinky is gone, apparently having passed between games with his daughter taking his place. The boys are suspcious. The fact Stinky is a habitual liar who has rigged her trivia contest so no matter what you answer you loose so she can feel superior doesn't help.
Winning at trivia is a lot of fun and a clever puzzle: the pattern is simple enough: Sybil and Abe are on a date and while their relationship is going fine, the date itself is not great as both want to murder Girl stinky but neither wants to ruin the date for the other, and my boy the Army Bug whose dealing with some ptsd and the recent loss of his father. Poor guy. I'm glad he's here but he needs some bug therapy. Maybe Buster Blaster can branch out
GIVE ME 5.50
Since the bug and Sybil always give the same answer, a and d respectively, you simply need to tell abe whose desperate for advice to choose b or c, choose whiche ver one he didn't and you win. Stinky begrudginly gives you your prize.
As for the footbath I mentioned you mail that to Girl Stinky, and she's thankful enough to let you take her old sock.
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Note this is just me personally. If your into that, good for you. It's just not for me.
Anyways the sock will be useful later, and the less I have to talk about someone else's dirty sock the better.
So that leaves us with our final horseman to grab, and that takes us back to the start.. the giant robut. Thankfully kev told me when I was stuck to go back there. So Jimmy Two-Teeth and co have turned the robot into a boxing league. Thankfully you can aquire a boxing doll from the north pole and engage in the rat equilvent of punch out.
The boxing mini game is painful. It's main problem is simple: it's a punch out homage.. that isn't designed to work like punch out. So if you say spent a LOT of time playing punchout in college and have all your reflexes for a game tied to this where you assume you can dodge either way when your instead supposed to go the same direction your opponents punching, your gonna have a bad time. Spoiler: I had a bad time. Not helping is the final fight with Jimmy gives him a super punch that can knock you out in one hit. Why they didn't tune this up for the console versions better is beyond me.. and probably time and space.
Our heroes win.. which leads to Jimmy Two Teeth, sad his wife left him, to perch on a ledge and prepare to commit suicide. Honestly i'm suprised this episode didn't have you kick a puppy or 12 at this point. We can't help him yet though, but we CAN help santa. Using a record from his office, we play the summoning chant the friendly demon song!
Jared Emerson-Johnson continues his hot streak from last season and shame on me for not looking up who was writing and singing these things. Admitely the puzzle itself is frustrating if you don't get it but the solution.. is neat. The beast possesing santa left a bunch of clues around the workshop.. and it turns out it's our old friend Shambling Corproate Presence! I'm so delighted they brought it back.. granted it's just a pink monster.. thing, but it's still neat they brought it back.
Turns out though while this does draw it out Santa actually left out the instructions as a way of fighting from the inside.. and our heroes didn't look on the back. The only way to restrain the thing is the ghosts of christmas past, present and future. And thus we've come to our final act. You have to get the help of the spirits of christmas past , present and future to help. And in a nice and, as you'd expect for this episode, fucked up twist, it's all undoing shit our heroes did. Well for the most part, one is saving them but two are christmases our heroes genuinely ruined.
So first is past, and this is where we help our old friend Jimmy Two Teeth. Kinda. We go back to season 1 and while Christmas Past dosen't care about them kidnapping Leonard for keepsies, they do care about Jimmy's son needing money for his toureets or jimmy's wife about ot leave him. The only way to fix this.. is to kindap jimmy's wife, bring her to him, and then take his boxing glove so his past self can get the tourettes surgery money, fixing the problems we caused in his life with more problems in his life.
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Then we have christmas present. Earlier when we got the figure from Stinky, Max pressed it. And since that one was pestlience it summoned the bug's awful family. We throw a snowball at him, it triggers his psd, and this gets the others to leave thinking he's his own dad.
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So it's on to our final one which thankfully isn't comitting any crimes. Horay! We simply have to save ourselves from hell in the future. We do so by firing up the sleigh, which has been sitting outside waiting for some coal. And we just so happen to have a terrible persons' sock. We use it to coal up, go rescue ourselves and max hits on his past self suprising no one.
So now we can release the spirits of christmas. They try appealing to the corprate presence's better nature.. and once they get that off their quota beat it. Unfortuantely it goes back into santa.
Fortunately this final boss fight.. is pretty neat. See earlier in the workshop there's a bunch of stuff to play with but none of it comes into play, a tad annoyingly at that.
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And while I still contend it was a bit much.. I can't fault telltale for the payoff, as you use all the stuff in santa's workshop to knock him out. The package that brought shambling corprate presence here turned out to be for satan so we send it back.
The problem is who will save christmas? Turns out it's the soda poppers who like me Max wishes were deead but for once turn out useful. WEll okay peepers and specs are, Whizzer's only fucntion is "unrinate on stuff" but frankly it's a funny enough gag he can live till the end of the season. JUST TILL THE END OF THE SEASON. Speaking of great gags our heroes drop off. And why not.. it's only mid november.
Ice Station Santa is a mixed bag for me. There are a lot of great gags shoved in here as usual, the puzzles are mostly fun, and while the first act can be frustrating the atmosphere can't be beat. It's mostly great stuff. The more I wrote about it though the more it became clear that the tone.. is a bit of an issue. Some jokes like making the elf cry or the muppet slaughter are so dark they work, while other bits just .. don't quite land. There's enough of the old sam and max goofiness to make the chapter not get to ounsettling but there's a more mean spirited tone in this one i'm really hoping isn't a trend for this game. Sam and Max works better when it's more over the top insanity and our heroes being over the top callous instead of just depressing. Still i'ts a solid start to the season Next Month..ish: Sam and Max take a vacation! Naturally they have to save the day to actually enjoy it. Thanks for reading.
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trekkele · 7 months
Hello! I'm the Anon who asked about Bruce being self-aware.
When I said "Also, there's something of a difference between being self-aware about himself and when it comes to his kids." I meant that he says or does super hurtful stuff that he just doesn't seem to think was wrong or reflect upon when it went downhill or realising too late or sb had to spell it out for him.
Examples being:
him reading Dick's diary after taking him in as a ward to figure out what Dick wants instead of just asking, thus creating the Robin suit after Dick's designs (God, it was a Batman or Robin: year one comic book, I'm pretty sure but I don't rememer which),
saying "commendable" instead of just "I'm proud of you" to Damian (basically his "emotional constipation" as a whole, like being unable to understand or even recognize his kids feelings and then failing to say just the most normal praising/comforting/loving things.),
ignoring (or acting as if) when Damian apologizes for direspecting/ignoring previous orders and holds a cute speech about trying to listen now but Bruce just turns around like "Did you say something?",
not telling Dick that Jason is now Robin or that Jason died even though Bruce said he would call Dick (yeah, he was being petty or grief stricken, but still)
Tim's sixteenth birthday "present"
I hate to bring this up but the whole Batarang to the NeckTM situation in UTRH. His resurrected son confronts him and he fails to show a single emotion, instead immediately debating ethics and morals with him.
anything with Jason in future comics where Bruce beats him up and acts like Jason asked for it or that Bruce didn't have a choice but to do that.
bringing Jason back to Ethiopia to the warehouse where he died, so Bruce could maybe find a way to resurrect Damian after Heretic killed him (I think it was Heretic, but maybe it was sb else)
beating up any of his kids for any reason. The most he should do willingly is defend himself with defensive moves only or seeking distance. But not charging in like he wants a fight.
sending only Damian to save Alfred from Bane, which just allowed for Damian to be captured and then having to watch Bane snap Alfred's neck, and then Bruce says to Damian's face "If I had been there, I could have saved him." (Bruce prioritised his own grief over his son's grief and trauma and all that)
Bruce tells Cass she doesn't need a real life and sectret identity, that she only needs a costume and a private batcave and she'd be fine
Bruce instigates a fight where he and Cass get drugged and can communicate about their feelings through fist fighting.
Taking/ Trying to take Robin away from sb for their "own good". I don't mean benching, but full on "You're not Robin anymore, never again." but then folding a few issues later anyway. (It could be seen as very shitty parenting ig)
Like you said, Bruce gets written very inconsistently and I tried not to cherry pick too much of what I wanted to say, so I made this mess of a bulleted list. While a lot of these examples do come from his communication issues, I still wanted to include them anyway because it's taken too far with some writers (can't say "I love you" or hug his kids, although he doesn't have a problem with doing that with Clark or Diana) or he doesn't reflect on those moments or he repeats them over and over again.
I swear I love Bruce, I'm not a hater!!! He's actually my favorite character!!! 😭😭😭
(Making this list really hurt. Just so you know.)
Hey listen, im going to answer these by number* and then probably delete this ask in a few hours because. I hate all of these!! Maybe 3 are in character!! I dont want this terrible Bruce on my blog!!! But also i dont want you to think i asked for clarification and then ignored you so feel free to send another ask when you see this lol. Or if I have once again missed the point.
* because I misunderstood this ask again and also most of these gave me hives lmao and also also I think like 75% could be answered with "we needed someone to mean to [character] and Bruce is convenient el oh el"
1. This one is in character, a little bit, because as much as we understand kids needing privacy now, i can see the way Bruce was raised (Alfred would have absolutely read his diary, that feels very in character for him) and the way Dick was (sneaking out to find Zucco) leading to him panicking and monitoring him as much as possible. That doesnt make it right mind you. The thing is if Dick hacked the bat computer Bruce would probably be proud of him, so not entirely hypocritical.
2. Also possibly in character, because again, thats how Alfred probably spoke to him. Not great, and i think the current Batman and Robin run does a much better job with their relationship, but can be chalked up to bad writing tbh.
3. No this is shitty writing. Sorry it just is!
4. This could be its own post but in summary: decisions made to launch another chracters solo or in order to make a different character look good are ignored. They wanted a Nightwing solo and decided a good launching point would be a big fight between Dick and Bruce. No thanks.
There have also been panels where Dick talks about ignoring Bruce’s calls during that time period, so this could be chalked up to mutual miscommunication if you insist. And i prefer the pre crisis origin for Jaybin, for multiple reasons.
5. I haven’t read this, ive heard of it, and its weird. It feels like point 4, but for Tim. The writers wanted a villain for his birthday comic, Bruce is right there.
6. Nah, Jason fucked around and he found out. He wanted a Batman that kills criminals, he just forgot he was also, now, a murderer and a criminal. Im only half kidding here, but the problem with UTRH is that exactly. Also the fact that Jason spent like six months doing absolutely horrible shit in Gotham, and that like 15 minutes before this showdown Bludhaven was blown up, Bruce has no idea if Dick is alive, and Jason mocks him for possibly losing another son. Also Jason is the one demanding Bruce cross his very personal boundaries here, ethics and morals are a very necessary part of the conversation!!
7. Anything where Bruce beats someone near death or uses lethal force is technically out of character. Jason comics outside of DITF and UTRH do not do enough work to give his actions the context necessary for them to be in character. RHATO #25 Is shit writing.
8. It was heretic, on Talias orders, and that whole storyline is dumb. This does feel in character, because Bruce response to grief has historically been 1 become Batman 2 attempt to commit suicide by cop/criminal so points for that consistency? I really hate this plot tho. Stop killing Bruce's kids!! The man is unstable as it is!!!
9. Out of character. I know it gets used for some god awful reason but it is so out of character unless the writer is willing to give it some serious work to provide context, (or unserious; see; Zur-En-Arrh in Gotham War. It's dumb, but it provides plausible context for Bruce beating his kids ie: it isn't technically him). Barring mind control, rejected.
10. No!! What the fuck!!! Bruce is not sending one of his kids alone against Bane there is an entire comic where he drugs them so that doesn't happen stop that!!!!
As a side note when I read that the first time I understood it as "I should not have sent you in alone because it was a task too big for you, If I had been there to help we could have saved him", but I am an optimist with too much faith in DC.
11. Absolutely bonkers statement from "please let me fire you from robin so you can have a normal life" McGee. Chalking this one up to racism and misunderstanding Bruce's character and that stupid "Bruce Wayne is the mask Hur dur" thing.
12. Ok this one feels in character actually. Somehow. At least they're talking?
13. Also feels in character actually. This one is weird because you'll see those stupid "child soldier" arguments side by side with "how dare Bruce take away Robin!". Pick a side. It's either bad parenting to let Robin exist or it's bad parenting to not let Robin exist, it can't be both!
And since these are comic books, and you need to engage with the genre in good faith or you'll have a miserable time of it, Robin exists! And is allowed to exist! At the same time, as a mentor Bruce has to be able to bench Robin, that is also a function of the mentor/mentee relationship! Basically - Bruce should be able to bench an injured/at risk Robin, but the writing for those scenarios usually wants him as a villain.
Taking away Robin completely only happens to Dick tho, and since it's after he gets shot on the job I do think it's in character.
As for "I tried not to cherry pick" babe please do so!! It's comics!! It's not canon unless you want it to be, and if you want these truly terrible Bruce's to be canon all the power to you! I want to set them on fire tho. And snort WFA like it's cocaine until all this is a bad memory jfc DC screen your writers for daddy issues I am begging you.
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