#if you need any details or specifics lmk!!
mercymaker · 5 months
hello, hello! it’s your giftee for the bg3 exchange <3 i was wondering if you wouldn’t mind telling me more about maleane and astarion?
hey! sorry for such a late reply! 😬
and yes, absolutely!
for starters, i have a little bit of maleane's backstory on her oc page here. and then i also have her general tag where i share thoughts, headcanons and art of her. alongside that, i have a tag for both astarion and maleane as a ship right here. if you want to dig a bit deeper, i have some writing done for them as well, right over here.
i do have quite a bit of lore for them, tbh, so it's uh.. not very easy to summarize them in a nice bite-sized snippet BUT i'll try my best!
personality-wise, they are quite similar. they were both taught to be selfish, they both use deception and charm to get what they want. although they approach that in a different way. mal is more calculated, she's patient, she takes her time to analyze the situation and explore her options until she finds the best strategy. astarion, on the other hand, doesn't have that patience, thus improvises much more. and where the vampire elf relies on his beauty and allure, mal often chooses charm and feigned honesty. she's a chameleon that makes people see what they want in her.
however, as cold and manipulative as they might seem on the outside, it's a completely different story when it comes to their hearts. their love for each other goes directly against their nature. against their habits. the "kill of be killed" approach to the outside world. as they start falling for each other, they realize that they don't want to manipulate, they don't want to deceive, they don't want to hurt each other. they find honesty and softness in the thorny maze of their hearts.
when they first met, they manipulated each other. astarion saw her as a powerful sorcerer, a leader that could provide protection, so he did his best to seduce her. maleane, on the other hand, tried her best to keep the group together, to find out what makes all of them tick, what strengths and weaknesses she could use to her advantage. and that's why she went along with his flirtations, feigning a sweet and innocent crush (all while trying to hide the fact that she never had a partner before, never had intimate relations with anyone) on him. until the lines between their act and their true feelings started to get really blurry.
they end up falling deeply in love throughout the game events, both learning how to navigate a genuine relationship (all while trying to save themselves and the world). they kill cazador, nuke the netherbrain and in the aftermath of the battle, set out to travel the world together. maleane uses her storm magic to protect astarion (and herself) from the sun. it's a grand adventure, where both of them explore everything that was kept away from them. they grow as people, exploring their relationship and sexuality, indulging in each other as well as people they meet on their numerous journeys.
after nearly a century of traveling the world, however, they break up.
maleane has a child named thoriel and ends up living with halsin for a little while. eventually, astarion returns to mal, but it's not the same. they still love each other, but her having a kid to raise complicates things quite a bit. they still try, of course, somewhat settling on her living in the woods with thoriel, while both astarion and halsin visit her whenever they can.
when thoriel grows up, however, she decides to go out on her own grand adventure and encourages her mother to also leave her little cabin in the woods and go see the world with astarion. which is what they do, setting out to, hopefully, find a cure for the spawn's sunlight sensitivity. their efforts, however, lead them into a fight that's more than they can handle and it culminates in above the vaulted sky.
oh, and ages ago i also did a long ass nsfw questionnaire for mal, if you need any of that info for uh.. spice dfsfsdf
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day6source · 8 days
hi, there's no option for south asia in your poll 🥲 i can't list my country as any of the other categories
oh my god you're totally right i spent so long looking at a map and knew i was missing SOMETHING. its in there now my love I GOT YOU!! you should be able to edit it if you haven't submitted it yet, i made it so you could go and edit your answers by default!! 💕💕💕💕💕💕
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distantdarlings · 9 months
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Theodore Nott x Reader Insert (no gender-specific details)
+ SUMMARY - *Requested, based on this* Theo plans a special evening for the two of you on the night of your anniversary.
+ WARNINGS - SMUT! Virgin!Reader, Dom!Theo, Gender-Neutral Reader, losing virginity, language, piv - no protection, fingering (lmk if I missed any)
+ MUSIC (listened to while writing) -
HEAVEN - Isabel LaRosa
(Quick note: This is not entirely proof-read and was originally written with a fem reader before I realized the gender is not specified in the request. I tried to rewrite w/ a gender-neutral reader, but if I've missed something, please let me know! Thanks!)
Your foot tapped impatiently against the leg of your desk as you anxiously awaited the end of class. Your eyes glanced around aimlessly, attempting to catch a glimpse of the sun. Perhaps you’d be able to get an idea of what time it was. 
“Okay, that is the end of my lecture for today!” Professor Flitwick announced. With a flick of his wand, dozens of textbooks flew toward the students. They were small and very old with cracked bindings, but they held the class’ homework for the rest of the week. 
Once you selected yours and shoved it into your bag, you were practically already out the door. Your boyfriend, Theo Nott, had promised a romantic evening for your anniversary, and you weren’t planning on being late.
You shouldered your bag and exited the Charms classroom with your dormitory in mind. Every other student that was trying to get to the Great Hall or to Hogsmeade crossed the halls, making it near impossible for you to wiggle through each one. It was like an ocean constantly pushing against you. 
Past staircases and groups of students, you’d finally managed to get back to your house's common room. You ignored the growl in your stomach as the scent from the kitchens wafted through the hair. Surely, they’d had nothing but distraction in mind when they put the Hufflepuffs right next to the kitchens. You rolled your eyes. 
You didn’t need to eat anything right now. Theo had planned dinner just for you, and you wanted to be able to eat as much as you could if it. You didn’t want to show up to your date full. 
You spoke the password and whisked through the hallway into the common room. Its yellowed walls reflected the setting Sun outside, casting a peaceful, golden glow onto everything. It was nearly empty, but you knew that wouldn’t be the case forever. Since it was a Friday night, everybody had plans, and they’d be rushing back to their dorms soon enough.
You jogged the rest of the way to your dormitory and let the door fall shut behind you. Only a few of your dorm mates were scattered around the room, doing homework, tidying up, and whatever else. They all gave you a small wave or nod as you walked by, to which you politely returned.
You had no time to talk at the moment. You had to get ready. Due to the likely possibility that you’d be late, you’d already laid out an outfit. Theo always had the mind to plan ahead and have everything ready perfectly on top. Your issues with punctuality tended to put you both behind, though. So, today, you tried to think forward.
Dropping your things, you grabbed the outfit and headed to the joint bathroom. Though it was simple, it was fancy enough to be suited for a nice dinner and casual enough for a picnic. You could never prepare for the wild dates Theo planned. 
You slipped the clothing on and readied yourself in the bathroom mirror, splashing a bit of water on your face and messing up your hair. Though you didn’t look half as well as you wanted to, it would work for tonight. 
Turning on your heels, you made your way out of the bathroom and back through the common room as quickly as you could. The hallways of Hogwarts were closer to empty now that classes had been out for a while, making it much easier to find your way to your destination. 
The sky outside was blackening quite rapidly due to the wintry month the castle was currently submerged in. With a shudder of nerves at the thought of having to walk in the dark by yourself, you picked up your pace a bit. The air around you was chilled and swirling, urging you to wrap your jackets tighter around you. 
Theo had told you to meet him by the Black Lake on the side opposite the castle. You weren’t sure if he had planned to do something there and then go out to eat or… A deep sigh left you. You were definitely overthinking this. No matter how long you’d been with Theo, you always became extremely nervous before any of your dates. Due to your house of origin, you constantly felt as though you weren’t good enough to be with Theo. It wasn’t as though any of his friends made you feel that way. It was other people in Slytherin house and even some in Hufflepuff. It was an unnerving feeling that led you to believe they were right, even though Theo picked you. 
You came up to the edge of the Black Lake. The quickly approaching starlight above began to reflect in the dark waters. Halfway across the way, you could see a small lantern pressed up against one of the trees lining the banks. A wide smile spread across your face, urging you toward that dim glow. Swallowing your anxiety, you began to skirt the edge of the lake until you came upon Theo, who seemed to be admiring his work.
Before him was a dark green quilt, weighed down with two large, woven baskets, the lantern, and what looked like his school bag. You suppressed a smile and snuck up behind him, intending to surprise him. 
You eased up behind him, feet as quiet as possible, and sucked in a breath—
“Rah!” Theo turned and shouted, grabbing at your sides. You shrieked at the sudden shock, having no time to react before his fingers started attacking your ribs. Panicked giggles swirled throughout the air as he tickled you relentlessly, his eyes mean and teasing. 
“No, no, no! Please, stop!” you screamed through forced giggles. You kicked and wiggled to try and separate yourself from him, but his hold—as always—was much too strong for you to escape from. He used the size difference between the two of you much too often. “Theo!”
When he finally stopped tickling you, he pushed you back slightly to avoid your next move, which was all too predictable. As soon as he had separated himself from you, you began to swing your arms at him, trying to get a good hit to his arms. 
“You jerk! I’ve told you not to do that!” you shouted, smacking at his clothed arms. 
“You were trying to surprise me!” he defended himself, trying to push you away from him.
“I don’t care!” He grabbed a hold of you suddenly, pulling your body close to his, his strong arms wrapped snugly around you. The two of you attempted to contain giggles at the feeling of being so close to one another. The chilled air cooled your lungs and fanned across your chest. Despite the temperature around you, Theo’s body against yours was as warm as it needed to be. The weather barely had any effect on you when he held you. He was like your own personal heater. 
“Oh, I missed you, darling,” he groaned lovingly into your ear, his lips tickling the flesh of your neck. The vibration of his words and the feeling of his breath on you sent a shiver through your body. You gasped slightly at the sensation, clinging tighter to his arms. 
“You cold?” he asked. 
“Why’d you shiver?”
“Because you make me a little nervous,” you giggled awkwardly. His arms loosened around you almost instantly. His eyes found yours, a deep concern shoved into them. Your nervous smile dropped slightly at his expression. Was he upset?
“I make you nervous?” he asked. “What did I do? I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. Was it the way I held you?”
You nearly melted at how worried he seemed to be with your comfort. Never before had you met a boy so serious about how you felt. Being with Theo felt like always being taken care of, always being thought of, and never being forgotten. It never failed that—no matter what the issue was—Theo was there and ready to fix it. Whether it was his hands, his lips, his words… Whatever it need be, he had it waiting for you. You loved him endlessly for it. 
“No, darling,” you laughed. “You make me nervous … in, uh, a good way.” His eyebrows quirked, and a small smirk began to spread across his lips. 
“Nervous in a good way, huh? Can you explain that to me a little bit?” he asked slyly as he inched back toward you. Once he was behind you, he wrapped himself around you again, allowing his face to press back into your neck. You could feel his breath against your skin; each inhale and exhale made your heart rattle in your chest. One hand that was tightened around your stomach loosened itself and slid upwards. His fingers softly slid around your neck, never tightening, just placed there. It was so domineering, yet soft, that it had you gulping.
 “L-like when you do that,” you sighed, cursing yourself for stuttering. 
“When I do what?” he asked. His free hand moved gently against your stomach, gently tracing curves and dips, claiming your body so easily. 
“When you touch me,” you whispered. At some point, your head had begun to lean back against his strong shoulder. If not for him holding you up, you were unsure if you’d still be standing. 
The two of you had only done a few things together since you started dating. Of course, you’d kissed and petted a bit, but the two of you hadn’t gotten…there yet. The thought of it started your heart beating wildly in your chest, with no regard for your pride, as Theo’s hand was still splayed against your thorax. 
“I could touch you more if you’d like,” he suggested. The fact that he’d presented the question like an option rather than a definite made the experience feel all the more pleasurable. He so obviously cared about how you felt, and that made you want him even more. 
“Outside, Teddy?” you breathed nervously, your chest rising and falling heavily beneath the fall of his hand. Every breath and every touch against you had your mind racing.
“It’s dark, and no one else is out here,” he mumbled against the skin behind your ear. His lips caressed the shell of it every few moments.
“It’s cold…I don’t know if we should.” You wanted to. You really did, but you were trying to reason with him a bit. In his defense, your plan was to come out here and have a romantic anniversary…but now all you could think about was what lay beneath his knit sweater. 
His free hand trailed around your waist and skirted your core through the fabric of your bottoms. A shuddering gasp left your lips ever so quietly, the sound slicing through the icy silence.
“Does that feel good, baby?” he whispered against your ear. The tip of his nose traced along the line of your shoulder, traveling lower and lower until he pressed a sensual open-mouthed kiss to your shoulder. Your heart was pounding, your breaths leaving you in desperate pants. 
“Yes,” you moaned breathlessly. You could practically feel him smirk against you as he gently pulled you backward to the beautiful picnic he’d set up.
With a small shove, he’d moved the prepared baskets off of the quilt and laid you softly on the ground. The earth beneath the blanket was soft and even, and the boy above you was strong and rough. The contrast had your pupils blown wide in pleasure. 
Once above you, he hovered easily, his lips running slow, personal kisses along your jawline and neck. Your head tilted back against the ground to allow him as much access to you as possible. You didn’t want anything coming between the two of you.
“Darling, please,” he breathed against your skin, “…want you now…” 
His lips hovered just over your chest where your shirt split down the middle. They were parted and swollen and wanting as he brushed them along your flesh, impatiently waiting on your consent.
“Yes, please,” you whined out, clutching his curls within your fingers. 
It took less than a second for him to begin to undo your bottoms, his hands gentle yet swift. Once the task was completed, he did the same with himself. He removed his belt and dropped it to the ground next to him, the leather slapping against itself with a loud crack. At the sound, you could feel heat broiling in your core…you figured that was an experiment for another day, though.
Theo undid his pants and pushed himself over the top of his briefs so he was still covered from the back. At the sight of his perfectly reddened dick, you could feel your body clenching around nothing, desperate to feel him inside you. 
Theo caressed gentle fingers up and down your core with one hand while the other collected a bit of spit from his mouth. He let it fall down between your legs and trace circles around your entrance, spreading the slick all around. At the feeling, your back arched toward him. Your lips parted in a silent scream. You’d never done this before, so you were bound to be as tight as possible, but you didn’t care. The nerves of your first time with Theo were very quickly overpowered by the raging lust pushing through your body.
He found your eyes and, with a soft nod, slowly slid his finger within you. It was a stretch—one that put your fingers to shame. You grasped at anything—the dirt, the grass, Theo’s back. He was sending you into space and keeping you grounded all at the same time. His finger slowly worked you open with genuine care until he was able to add more. He was preparing you for himself, but you could barely reach the third finger. 
“Ugh, slow, baby, please,” you whined. 
“I’m sorry, darling,” he whispered. “Too much?”
You nodded pitifully, your fingers grasping at the quilt and the grass beneath. His hands slowed and eased you closer and closer to your finish before carefully removing all of his fingers from you. You groaned at the sensation and the sudden emptiness. 
“Why’d you stop, Teddy?” you moaned. You stared up at him, your bottom lip jutting out slightly in a slight pout. He clicked his tongue and placed a dominating hand on your jaw. The size of his hand dwarfed your face as his thumb traced the length of your lip. 
“Because I want to give you more, baby,” he cooed. “I want to feel you wrapped around me.” 
You sucked in a shuddering breath as he balanced himself on his knees. He agonizingly slid himself over your entrance, the tip tracing you meanly. Your lips parted at the sensation, anticipating the stretch and fullness.
“I’m gonna move, sweetheart,” he moaned, his hands gripping your bare thighs tightly. You nodded in response to his guidance and braced yourself against him.
As he pushed in, the stretch was a strong yet delicious burn. The slick around your entrance was enough to allow him to slide in quickly, yet he took his time, allowing you to grow around him. Once he’d filled you up to the base, he groaned lightly, waiting patiently for the go-ahead to move.
Once you settled around him, you nodded eagerly. His hands gripped your hips, his fingers tightening into your flesh. Your lips parted at the motion. He ever so slowly began to move in and out of you, each stroke caressing some unknown spot deep within you. 
“Fuck, Teddy,” you whispered, “I don’t know how long I can last.”
“Go as long as you can for me, baby…just want to feel you around me,” he grunted out. You glanced up through hissed lids to observe his gorgeous face and the fucked out impression painted on it.
The sweat dripped down the side of his face, trailing over his jawline and tracing his strong neck. His lips were swollen and parted delicately, with whispers of moans slipping through. His eyes were shut loosely. With every particularly deep thrust, you’d clench around him, and his eyelids would part, showcasing his sea-misted eyes rolling back as far as they’d go.
The sight of his pleasure was enough to push you over the edge into an ocean of ecstasy. You came hard around him, the last remains of your virtue spilling down between your thighs. Your back arched, your legs shook around him, your fingers gripped at nothing.
The feeling of your orgasm slammed into his chest. He cried out pitifully, a melodious whine parting the silence as the evidence of his finish coated your insides.
With a deep exhale, he eased himself out of you and collapsed beside you. You laughed breathlessly, the aftershocks of your orgasm flowing through you like a wave.
With a lazy smile on his face, he leaned forward and reached over you. He lifted the lid of one of the baskets and pulled an extra folded quilt out. You laughed aloud at his preparedness.
“Knew you were gonna get fucked, is that it?” you teased.
“Actually, I figured we’d stargaze,” he admitted, sheepishly tossing the blanket over your bodies. “I brought it in case we got cold.”
“You’re adorable, Teddy,” you giggled, pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek. He rolled his eyes, but the smile on his face couldn’t hide the love he was feeling for you.
He passed around the perfectly preserved food and pumpkin juice, ensuring you got a taste of each sweet and snack he’d brought along. 
He then wrapped himself around you and reminded you ten times over why you’d fallen in love with him.
*Tag List: @mypolicemanharryyy, @angelfrombeneth, @clairesjointshurt, @bunbunbl0gs, @acornacreacure, @niktwazny303, @thestarlithideout, @sarahskakskskskajakwwnwjw, @yhiiil (if you would like to be added to the tag list for any future works, please comment on this post, dm me or send me a message in my inbox. Thanks!)
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joosthead · 3 months
We need more bottom joost content im so fucking serious…I need subby joost or I’ll explode RAUGHHHHHH
FUCK i love a subby man ... i fully agree we need more subby joost bc just look at him. guhh . anyways hope you enjoy these thoughts teehee it's genuinely filthy pls heed my warnings. also i'm unsure honestly if this is subby more than it is about edging and overstim but . send me another ask w more thoughts if you'd like something different as well < 3
₊˚⊹⋆ reader: nb!reader. lmk if i missed something and it's not nb, i will change accordingly!!
₊˚⊹⋆ cw: smut (unprotected sex, edging & overstim m!receiving), drunk sex (both drunk, but this is where edging comes in). send an ask if you need more details about this part <3
rpf ahead—don't like it, don't read it!! you've been warned. do not repost this on any other platform.
18+ only — explicit rpf content ahead, minors dni.
in general i feel like so much of his vibe is so pillow princey. he loooveess to lie down and take whatever you'll give him
he generally is a tease and loves being teased, and i think this is a huge part of his submissiveness—i won't pretend like i think he's the biggest subbiest sub ever with how fluid he is but i do think in every session together, he lurvsss some teasing and edging.
absolutely adores a handjob w edging. sunday morning and he's so so hard cuz he just woke up that way and he has to wake u up. you roll over and you're like "are you actually serious?" but you're not gonna let your baby suffer (and you tell him such, which makes him even harder). he doesn't know what's gotten into him—he's usually much stronger than this, usually the one pampering you, making you ask for it, but he fully turns so whiny when like this. in minutes, you have him moaning like a bitch, teasing him with your tongue but never actually taking him into your mouth; when he gets close, you cease your stroking of his cock, and watch as it's like his entire body reacts to it, and hear how labored and heavy his breathing gets when you've brought him to the precipice, but never over. a beautiful sight, his pink cheeks amidst his pale skin, the rosy color creeping down his neck and his chest and the leaking angry pink tip of his cock, wet and slick as you stroke him to completion.
loves being taken care of fsfs. being called pretty, handsome, pretty boy (this one especially). it's so serious for him. loves getting his ego stroked in all ways possible, but especially if he's on his knees for you.
it really never happens except for when you're drunk but. he fucking loves when ur both sloppy drunk and all you can really think is your own pleasure. there was one time you two came home from the club, kissed all the way up the stairs, you palming him through his jeans the entire way; then the moment you got him laid down on the bed, you rode him, got off, rolled over, and went to sleep. he had to jerk off by himself to get the edge off, looking at you next to him on the bed the whole time. in the moment, it was very (sad violin noises) but looking back on it—that drunk and frenzied look in your eyes, almost like you didn't care about him or his pleasure...it was so hot and a little part of him felt ashamed for thinking so.
but the shame never sticks around too often, never lingers. he knows you care about him, knows that it was just a symptom of one too many drinks and his hands exploring your body (i.e. your hips and ass) the entire night to make you use him the way you did.
drunk or not, i think his favorite occurrence is when you're riding him and he just gets to watch you lose it atop him, grinding back and forth on it. it may not be the most stimulating for him specifically. but seeing you use him, the only thought in your mind your own pleasure—he really loves it.
i don't think he'd be into being edged when you're actually fucking—the better alternative to being used like a toy is overstimulation. when he cums before you, there's something in his head that insists that he has to make you cum one more time before he can rest. then you say, "please, just a little more, joost," and he knows he has to do it. strangled, he says, "i can't, i can't do it anymore, schat," but he knows he should, sloppily thrusting into you before he gets soft, the pain of the overstimulation completely lost on him in the venture for your own pleasure.
i also have a lot of (good. great even) feelings about joost talking ab liking his ass eaten but idk if i can go that far here yet
i need him
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tofupixel · 7 months
Do you have any advice on how to get into pixeling larger scenes, or how you go about the process? I dabble in pixel art occasionally and am interested in pursuing it more, but whenever I try large scenes I always tend to fall flat
Love your art, by the way!
thank you!
my first step i always go get a ton of references. i think if you are struggling with pixel scenes it can help you to get some pixel art references too. for example if you arent sure how to render a tree, look it up on pixeljoint hall of fame im sure you can find something that inspires you.
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this is the moodboard for my current knight crowley/statue azi piece im working on (software is called pureref btw. i have a dedicated monitor just for this but you can do transparency and overlay it if you lack space)
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i think this is mostly preference but i always begin working with large areas of value/colour rather than an actual line sketch
i usually only save the wip process if im sending it to clients, so here is an example of how i worked through a commission
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at this point im just going for the vibes. colour is more important and shape/size and having random pixels everywhere doesnt matter cos u can just remove them later !!
its kind of an anomaly/doomsday thing so i wanted the red sky and chaos all over
i work really quickly at this point and try for energy
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just beginning to work my way through and detail things up. im still changing things around and adding more stuff in different places. its digital art so you can change things however you like, just keep moving forward
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final ver sent to client after some revisions. pixel art is 99% rendering so you just need to keep pushing forward
i also want to say i did like 3+ years of sporadic studies. mostly studio ghibli and shishkin. if you have someone who inspires you you can study their work and figure out how they do it.
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it cant be overstated how many of these i have done lol and im still not even close to where i want to be (its a process)
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anyway sorry for the long post but you really should go for it. ive done the same concept like 3 times over my career (so far) cos i enjoyed it and want to come back to it now that im a little better. so u dont have to make it perfect the first time but doing it is better than not doing it!
sorry for the long post but i kinda got carried away anyway lmk if u want more specific tips i like talking about pixel art :--3 GL with your art
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fairyhaos · 1 year
How To Fucking Write: a guide by fairyhaos
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this post details:
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hi gays and gals and welcome to "how to fucking write", a post (series) where i talk about how i brainstorm for writing, plan for writing, write the writing, and everything in between. nothing too serious here lmao, but i'm definitely planning on making at least a couple posts on this bc a) it's fun and b) i wanna help! so if you find this useful then pls lmk by reblogging + drop an ask if there are any specific things u want me to give my two cents on ^^
okok and now without further ado,,, let's look at the topics i'll talk about in today's post!
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.. bullet point one : have an idea
the first big thing is that you need an idea. doesn't matter if you're a pantser and don't plan out your writing before you start. that's totally fine! but before you begin, you need at least an idea: maybe it's a vibe, a character personality, a specific journey you want the characters to go on. maybe it's a piece of dialogue. maybe it's the ending- the point you want to end up at after however many thousand words.
whatever it is, it's best to have some inspiration, some idea of what you wanna do. no point in writing if you don't know what you're writing, you know?
(of course, that brings up the issue of Having An Idea in the first place, but finding inspiration to write is a whole other can of worms we can open in another post.)
.. bullet point two : practice
okay, so now you have an idea. how do you put that idea to paper? how should you actually start your story?
it’s all to do with practice.
it’s the most annoying piece of advice in the world, but it helps so much. you just have to write lots and lots and lots, to find the way that works for you. whether you wanna start your stories with pretty scene descriptions, with dialogue, with dramatic one-liners. finding your voice, your style, what’s most comfortable for you, is really really important. and takes practice.
an example, though: for me, i prefer either a line of dialogue, or one-liners that a) help immediately establish a character’s personality or can b) introduce an interesting setting.
[chan + swingset] — one-liner example
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[hoshi + silly] — dialogue example 
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but of course, everyone’s style is different. so i’d recommend playing around! find a list of one-word prompts and just write a few that inspire you, writing the beginnings. it’s important, also, that you’re having fun, because if you’re already struggling with starting to write, it’ll be even harder if you’re doing it while feeling stressed.
.. bullet point three (mostly just for longer fics)
maybe you don’t find a style, in the end. maybe you’re comfortable with all of them, which is totally fine! but then you look at your writing, and you think, “oh… this isn’t as good as i thought.” 
and it makes you want to give up. what do you do, then? how do you carry on with your start?
just put words to paper. it doesn’t matter if the words are terrible, if you’re making up shit and using placeholders for description words or whatever. just carry on, get to a place you’re happy with, like the end of a scene, or maybe a dialogue exchange you really like.
because now, guess what? you’ve successfully created a first draft.
making first drafts is actually so important. seriously. first drafts allow you to fuck up, allow you to write terribly. they help you fumble and trip your way to the finish line (or at least a rest point) so that you can go back and do better.
even if your first draft is terrible, it’s helped you make your way to a point you’re happy with. now you have a vague idea of what you want, even if the description or characterisation or something is way off. because now, you can edit it, or even scrap it and use only a few words from that draft in your next one. or maybe, if you look back at it, maybe it’s even decent enough for you to use. 
whatever it is, when you first start writing that story, think of it as ‘The Worst Draft’. because it probably won’t be as good as you want it, and it’s okay. just write, with no fears of it being bad, because that’s literally fine. it’s not set in stone. the backspace button exists. after your first draft is made, make another. and another, and another, because i promise, after that first draft, it only gets better from there.
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.. bullet point one : adding things
pacing is always really tricky. however, i do think that slowing a story down is easier than speeding it up, so here we go,,,,
finding out the exact way to slow down a story really depends on what type of story you're writing, but there are a few all-round things you can do which can help pretty much any setting.
if it's a scene with loads of dialogue, and things feel like they're jumping to the end topic too quickly, add descriptions. your readers are blind, writers, and they depend on you to be able to see what's going on. are your characters having a conversation on the street? take a break to describe what they see. are they in a coffee shop? maybe someone comes in with a huge noise, or their coffee arrives at their table. are they hanging in midair with nothing around them? well, describe the actions of the character they're talking to, then.
example: (from my seoksoo fic bc it's the only long fic i'm working on rn)
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by adding character descriptions, movement, thoughts, instantly everything seems to have slowed down. it thickens time, allowing you to move at a more leisurely pace.
if it's a scene full of action, you can do the exact same thing. maybe there's a high-tension moment and something significant happens. slow down time there, describe something small in great detail. talk about the thoughts they're having.
and even if it's just an ordinary scene, describing is important. the setting, the characters' actions, their thoughts. it's okay to write too much. then you can delete things which make things feel like they're moving too slowly.
.. bullet point two : delete
not gonna lie, finding out how to speed up the pacing of the story can often be really specifically tailored to the setting of the story.
with stories that have loads of action (spy, apocalypse, etc) i'd recommend adjusting sentence length. you'll want short, punchy sentences, without loads of commas and clauses, but you'll also want to experiment with having those short sentences gradually get longer. it helps with tension and suspense.
it has to be short. running fast. something to elevate fear. quick, but also desperate, before they then spill over each other, picking up pace, all of the thoughts blurring together and going faster, and faster, and faster, and then-
then the penny drops.
people use the metaphor of music a lot, and it really does work that way. it needs to ascend to its climax: gently, cautiously, before sprinting upwards and only describing things like the barest emotions (the fear they feel, the panic, anger, anything) before everything reaches its peak and comes crashing down in a flurry of action descriptions.
but of course, the easiest way to speed up something is to delete. delete swathes of setting description. delete unnecessary dialogue. delete an entire scene and rewrite with only the things you remember (which can help make sure you only have the essentials in your scene, btw. very helpful).
it might take a bit of adjusting, rewriting, moving things around, but ultimately, quickening the pace of the story depends on the way in which you write things. be concise, be dramatic, and don't dawdle.
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... and that's it ! if anyone has anything else they want advice on (how to structure, how to write dialogue, how to plan etc) then just shoot me an ask, because i'd love to help however i can :)
tagging: @selenicives who asked for this in the first place hehe ^^
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kyri45 · 14 days
Hoi there!
You are so talented and creative. I love your art so much, the style is adorable ^^
I do have a few questions, as one creator to another. I don't post at the moment, but I do love making art, especially for my fanfic/original projects.
Can you tell me how you do it? Like how can you stay motivated and be able to post almost every day?
Any tips maybe on how to deal with artblocks and burnouts?
How do you pratice certain art styles and be able to do them accurately?
1. It’s because I really really REALLY like what I’m drawing right now. (gay monkies). Plus I have- an endgame lets say. I have a clear ending for my comics and reaching that point is what keeps me going, but I also ONLY draw what I want to draw, not EVERYTHING that needs to be shown for the endgame. This actually helped me go throught my ISAT AU comic.
It’s like- narrating a roadtrip. The ending is your destination, you can’t wait to arrive there, but first you know there’s a long road ahead. But you don’t actually need to describe/draw every single town / city / landscape to go there. Not every single kilometer of a roadtrip is a mouth-dropping view.
That’s why you can just-skip it. Stay 4 chapter at one diner if you like the set, focus a chapter on the protagonists looking at the stars, start a scene somewhere completely different, completely skip 30% of the road. As long as you can imply with details what was in between, you don’t need to show/write it in details if you feel it would be hard to make interesting, or just not your thing.
Also if you start to grow an audience and people ask you to draw/write certain things that you don’t feel like to, or just feel like they are extras, don’t do it.
Not because you can’t, but the MOMENT something that you create starts to feel like you are doing it for the audience, then you are not actually doing something yours, and from then on it’s gonna be harder and harder to do things. Like, I have hundreds of fanarts that I did on my IG that were mostly directed to my audience, and not something that I just did because of fun.
All of this is also- answering to your second question - for not burning out. All of this is for keeping your passion up. I’m not talking about mental or physical energy. You could be dead tired (like I am many times) but still be fueled do draw for hours. Because you’re drawing only exactly what you want.
It took me 4 years to understand. I used to do this in high school. Draw something just for the hell of it. It was harder back then, because drawing was hard. I arrived to a point where drawing is much easier (also cause I draw almost everyday for 6/8 hours.) and after I was healed from my broken arm this july, it became my drug. I understood I can’t live without drawing what’s in my head, and that (unless it’s specifically for work) I don’t wanna draw something that’s not only what I want.
I want you to arrive to the point that your drawings / fanfictions are so much exactly what you envisioned /wanted that you fangirl about them. That you read/watch them and squeak in delight. Because even if no one likes them, you must be crazy about them.
(I’ll make a post about this in the future, because it literally changed how I draw after years and it brought back my passion for art after 10 years, but rn it’s a little late and I wanna draw my LMK au so I’ll stop now)
3. I keep some reference to look at every now and then. I also draw a L O T. ( a ton shit of things that I draw are not posted anywhere bc of work)
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woooyeahbaby · 7 months
post war levi with his doctor or nurse pls 👀
ABSOLUTELY coming right up.
warnings : gender neutral reader, 18+, handjob, very brief blowjob, reader is a swallower🗣️, patient/nurse dynamic obviously, slow-ish? and i feel like there’s not much smut sorry, lmk if any other warnings are needed! (oh also maybe me not being too specific with levi’s injuries cuz i kinda forgot them…)
a/n : i will get to my other levi rqs eventually.. admittedly this is my most recent one 😭 i’m not unmotivated, like i said i am out of writers block, i’ve just been tired and trying to focus on my relationships irl :)
oh also this is my first time writing smut in FOREVER😭
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it was about time to check on captain levi again, realizing you’d spent quite a bit of time focusing on other patients. you felt bad, seeing as so much had happened all within that short amount of time.. the explosion, and then immediately after, the rumbling? you had to admit, levi is a strong man. seeing him so beat up hurt a little, despite not knowing him well.
you tap on the curtain surrounding his hospital bed a few times, quietly saying his name to ask for permission to enter the.. room. it’s hard to call it a room when it’s made of thin, floral printed fabric sheets hanging from the ceiling.
“come in.” his rough voice answers, and you hear him shifting to sit up straight in the bed.
“hi, captain levi. how’re you doing on pain at the moment? need anything?” you question, fixing the curtain behind you as you came closer to his bed, gently placing a hand on his ankle.
you definitely see him wince at the touch, but he doesn’t seem pained, perhaps just surprised. well, not many people would be brave enough to lay a hand on captain levi ackerman…
“i’m fine. and you don’t really have to call me captain. only the scouts do.” he waves his hand slightly off his lap, shaking his head.
“i do it out of respect, not because i feel obligated.” you smile softly at him, then shift your gaze to his more severely injured leg. “may i touch your leg?”
“..yeah, go ahead.” hearing that you have that level of respect for him made him feel something. not embarrassment, or pride, but something else he couldn’t quite grasp.
you gently feel his other ankle, pressing on it while your eyes stayed on his face as to check for any signs of pain. you carefully roll his ankle around, earning a grunt from the man.
“sorry. is it any better, or has it hurt the same amount since?” your hands now rest on his calf as you question him.
“it’s getting better. it’s fine, continue.” he clears his throat, his eyes — or, well, eye — never leaving your hands.
you nod, now pressing along his calf, still watching his face for signs of pain. this seemed to hurt more, seeing as he scrunched his nose, his eye narrowing.
“same question.” instead of standing at the end of his bed, you move up to the side, one hand still at his calf and the other at his knee.
“getting better. the doctor said it isn’t broken, just the bone is bruised pretty bad. don’t worry about it.” he seems a bit worried. “you.. don’t need to feel further than that. my upper leg is fine.”
“captain levi, you can’t tell me not to worry about it, i’m a nurse. i have to worry about every detail of these injuries.” you laugh softly. “and hey, didn’t the doctor say you pulled something in your thigh? of course i have to feel it. don’t worry, i won’t do anything other than see how much you’ve healed.”
“well—! i don’t think i pulled anything, i.. he did say that. but it’s better. i can say that right now.” it’s a strange sight to see captain levi flustered… but not an unpleasant one.
all you do is roll your eyes at his efforts to get you to leave it alone. as to not make it more difficult for him, you make it slow, but little do you know, that only makes it harder. in more ways than one.
at a particular spot on his upper thigh, he gasps, his muscles tensing under your touch. you rest your hands there, not pressing any further.
“and you said you’re fine?” you raise an eyebrow, seeing that he just contradicted himself.
“i am, i really am. it’s just.. i’m not used to people touching me. especially not.. in such a.. spot.” he cringes at himself, finally looking away as to hide his embarrassment.
“wh— ohh. in a bad way? is it uncomfortable?” you furrow your eyebrows now, genuinely curious as you didn’t want to offend him.
his lips press into a thin line as he shakes his head, his gaze returning to you, and then your hands.
“quite the opposite.” levi sighs, running a hand through his hair.
“then what’s the issue?” tilting your head at him out of pure confusion, you see him almost smile for a split second.
“it’s.. a little too comfortable.” he chuckles at himself, looking away once again.
it takes a moment for you to put 2 and 2 together, but once you realize what he means you can’t help but gasp. however.. your hands don’t move from his thigh.
“do you.. know what nurses are for, captain levi?” your voice is quieter now, your eyes unable to meet his out of pure shyness. “we’re here to help. so.. would you like for me to help you?”
you hear his breath catch in his throat at your offer, as he certainly expected you to he disgusted, or at least ignore what he said. but no.. you offered to help him. he felt ashamed, but.. how could he refuse?
“yes. yes please.” levi nods eagerly, his hands moving to the button of his pants before you stop him.
“let me.” you undo the button for him, unzipping the fly as well.
you assist him in lifting his hips up so you can pull his pants down just enough so they’re down to his thighs. they’re a little bruised, but you look past that and see the sheer muscle in them. you can’t believe you got to touch them. and you only get to touch more of him with what you’re doing…
making eye contact with him for a moment as to ask for permission to remove his boxers, he nods again, a slightly pink tint to his cheeks now. you look back down, slowly running a hand over his hard-on before hooking a finger in the grey material, pulling them until you could see every inch of his cock.
“i can’t do much other than use my hands, that’s okay, right?” you whisper, fearing being caught by another patient nearby or even another nurse or doctor.
levi simply nods, his breathing getting heavier with each movement you make. you spit onto your hand, then return it to his crotch. you run it up and down, causing him to cover his mouth with his own hand. you still hear his gasps, and a few groans trying to escape.
each time you reach the tip, his hips buck slightly, though not so much as he would feel pain due to his leg injuries. he must’ve really needed this, especially since he asked it of someone he barely knew outside of a few conversations here and there as they were only dropping off pain meds, or changing bandages.. it seemed very out of character, even to you.
he was already leaking pre-cum, quite a lot of it, at that. you had to admit, for a man as attractive as him, it was hard to believe he never got any action. of course, you aren’t his first, but he still probably hadn’t had something like this happen. that much was obvious, with how shy he seemed, and how fast he seems to be getting close.
levi removes his hand from his mouth, now clutching the sheets below him with it. “close, so close,” he whispers, clearly struggling to keep quiet.
you look around for something for him to release onto, but there was nothing quite convenient enough. so.. next best thing?
you bend over, placing only the tip in your mouth, continuing the fast movement of your hand as you slowly swirl your tongue around him. he sighs loudly, his hand quickly returning to his mouth as he coats the inside of your mouth with his cum. there was a lot to swallow, but you weren’t one to complain, really, especially not when it’s captain levi ackerman.
you pull away, licking your lips swiftly and wiping your hand on a paper towel in the corner of the room. wait a second, where were those when— ah, what’s done is done… you think, rolling your eyes at yourself for not realizing those only a few seconds earlier…
when you turn back around, levi’s face is beet red, his pants already up and buttoned. his breathing is still unsteady, as to be expected…
“thank you.” he mumbles, and you swear you see a tear run down his cheek.
“um.. anytime.” you laugh softly. “need anything else?”
“i’m.. i’m alright for now.” he replies quietly, shaking his head and placing his hands in his lap. “i might need help again tomorrow, though.”
“well, i’m here every day. i’ll check on you again soon.” and with that, you leave, unsure of whether to feel shameful and embarrassed, or extremely proud that you just made the captain levi cum.
(if you liked this then my requests are very much open!)
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astrophileous · 1 year
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader
Synopsis: Spencer Reid was never a fan of thunderstorms. On one particular night, he woke up to one.
Warning(s): established relationship, mentions and/or depictions of gun violence/injury, protective spencer, parent-child relationships, I think that's it (?) this one is really just fluff wrapped in more fluff 🥰
Word Count: 2400-ish
Author's Note: HELLO! I'm finally back from the dead (yayyy)!! To celebrate, and as we all wait for me to finish rewriting the remaining chapters of love bugs, I'm posting this fic here for you all to enjoy :) I think it's the fluffiest piece I've ever written (srsly, not even a drop of angst!) so I hope you will enjoy! Let me know what you think okkk, don't forget to LIKE+COMMENT+REBLOG if you like this one xx btw I'm pretty sure this can be read as gender neutral reader since I'm positive I didn't use any gender-conforming words, but pls lmk if I'm wrong!
Criminal Minds Masterlist
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Spencer hated thunderstorms.
He had many memories of them, not particularly good ones. Most of them involved him being on the field during yet another atrocious case, gun and flashlight in hand, trekking after muddy footsteps that belonged to an UnSub he was chasing.
He had been shot, once, during a thunderstorm. The bullet lodged itself against his bulletproof vest before the perpetrator had received a retaliation shot from Derek's gun. The vest had saved his life that night. The nasty bruise decorating his torso for the following week, though, served as a sufficient reminder in Spencer's mind.
Thunderstorms were a natural enemy whenever he was on the field. Unfortunately for him, the rivalry seemed to continue past the doorstep of his home, too.
Back when sleep was a luxury that he had to scour and cherish, thunderstorms would be the antagonist that kept the two even further apart. The sound of heavy rain against windows was a line of needles prickling into his circadian rhythm, erasing any possibilities of sleep if he was even lucky enough to have them in the first place.
On those nights, Spencer would sit against the headboard with a book in his lap, hoping that the passage detailing the fall of Joseon Dynasty in Korean Peninsula--or the rise or Majapahit Empire in the island of Java, whichever had caught his interest more at that specific moment in time--would be enough distraction to take his mind off the disaster wreaking havoc outside of his apartment.
Thanks to years of therapy, Spencer now had found it easier to chase sleep whenever he needed it. Still, its sweet relief stood no chance against the chaos brought by a raging thunderstorm.
This time, too, was no different.
Spencer had been dreaming. A land of reverie where his tongue had tasted honey, where his nose had recognized the hint of mint and juniper berry before the image was rattled by a high-pitched shriek in the sky.
When Spencer opened his eyes, the bedroom was enveloped in a near state of total darkness.
The sharp cry he heard had come from a lightning that struck momentarily before he woke up. Five seconds later, another one struck again, sending a jolt of adrenaline through Spencer's body as he waited for the imminent thunder to shatter the atmosphere.
Spencer shut his eyes in an attempt to get his racing heart back under control. Once he opened them again, the remnants of sleep had washed away from his pupils, allowing him to take in the empty bed, the chill bedroom, and the opened door right across from where he was sitting.
Frowning, Spencer thought back to a few hours prior. How he had promptly retired to the bedroom after coming home from work. He remembered clearly--courtesy of his eidetic memory--having slammed the door shut before he got ready for bed.
A creak in the floorboards outside his bedroom door compelled Spencer to reach into the bedside drawer, fingers inching nearer to where the secret holster of his gun was located.
Before his hand could wrap around the weapon, the bedroom door was pushed ajar, revealing a familiar figure standing in the doorway, outline cast by a hazy kind of luminance.
Spencer breathed out a sigh of relief. "I thought you were an intruder."
You raised an eyebrow at his statement. A playful smile sweetened by the gentle glow radiating off the flickering candle in your hand.
"It's just me," you assured him, finally stepping into the threshold and placing the candle on top of the dresser.
"I can see that." He watched you approaching, gaze never straying even when you picked up the comforter a tiny bit to slip back into bed. "Where did you go?"
"Went down to check the breaker. Power's out completely, by the way. Looks like the storm took out the whole block."
He made a disapproving face at your response. "You were in the basement? Alone?"
Your forehead furrowed at the tone of Spencer's voice. It wasn't until you glimpsed the telltale sign of worry in his eyes that your shoulders eventually deflated. "I'm okay, Spencer."
"Why didn't you wake me?"
"Because," you began, an amused smile threatening to split your face into two, "it's a three flights of stairs walk from our bedroom, darling. I think I can manage it just fine."
"Besides," you cut him off, silencing him with a gentle palm pressing on his cheek. Spencer instantly melted at the contact. "I know how you get during nights like this. I wanted to let you have as much sleep as you could before the storm eventually wakes you up."
His hand circled around your wrist, then, bringing it upwards so that he could leave tiny kisses on your palm before he entwined his fingers with yours. "You still should've woken me up."
"I know, I know. You could've done it yourself, I don't doubt it. I just--" he paused, swallowing a lump before continuing, "--I could've just waited here. In the bedroom. But in case anything happened, I would've been there for you."
The admission was quiet within the four walls of your bedroom. You knew that Spencer's plea had nothing to do with a toxic need to be controlling. Instead, it had stemmed from the vulnerability within. A naked truth that nestled in the deepest corners of Spencer Reid's soul.
The years that you had spent together allowed you to understand Spencer at a level nobody else could. They allowed you to understand that this silly request was nothing more than a fruit of his vigilant bones, forged consistently throughout his years in law enforcement. Spencer Reid, underneath his soft eyes and tender touches, had witnessed all of the gruesome layers of the world, lost far more things than anyone ever should.
It was only logical, now that Spencer had you in his life--a miraculous reprieve to his otherwise ghastly world--he would spend every waking moment to do everything in his power to make sure you were safe.
With this knowledge in mind, you couldn't, in good conscience, bring yourself to deny Spencer's plea, no matter how foolish it might seem.
What you did, instead, was shifting yourself closer to his body, seeking permission with your eyes before you leaned forward for a quick kiss.
"I'm sorry, darling," you offered sincerely. "I'll keep that in mind for next time, yeah? How does that sound?"
The relief was blinding as it washed over Spencer's whole being. "Thank you," he muttered before kissing your knuckles. "And I'm sorry, too, for being like this."
You shook your head firmly. Not because you didn't accept his apology, but because you didn't need one. Spencer didn't have anything to apologize for.
When you told him as much, Spencer's only reply was to press his lips to yours.
You were rendered pliant underneath his ministrations, your body molding into his as if you were two fabrics cut from the same cloth. Spencer poured all of his emotions into the kiss. Wishing--begging--that you could taste just how consuming the love he harbored for you was. The same way he could taste your heart beneath the hint of honey on your lips.
Once breathing became a chore, Spencer took the heavy decision to pull away, settling for resting his forehead on top of yours instead.
"Do you wanna go back to sleep?" you whispered.
Spencer wanted to nod, feeling a huge load pressing on every inch of muscle in his body. But before he could take you up on the offer, a distant sound between the roaring of thunders caught his attention, stopping his words right in their tracks.
"Did you hear that?" Spencer asked.
"Hear what?" You frowned. "The thunder?"
"No." He rushed to get up from the bed, gaze apologetic as he looked at you from the doorway. "Stay here? I'll be back soon."
Soft footsteps trudged along the landing of your two story house, leading Spencer towards another door located right by the stairs. He knocked slowly on the wooden door, twice, before pushing it open with a gentle nudge of his hip.
The room he entered was smaller than the room he shared with you. During the days, the windows on the far end of the wall would offer a mesmerizing view of the creek that ran along the backside of the neighborhood. During nights like this, however, they merely provided another harsh peek at the tantrum that mother nature was throwing against the world.
Although the room was swallowed in darkness, Spencer could still make out the silhouettes inside. From the haphazardly scattered toys on the floor, the colorful drawings taped on the walls, even to the lavender-colored furniture that seemed to fill every available corner in the entire space.
Amongst them all, the one silhouette that managed to pull at Spencer's heartstrings was the one curled up on the center of the bed. A usually joyous sunshine, reduced to a whimpering ball under a cotton unicorn-themed blanket.
Spencer tugged the blanket down, revealing misty eyes and pouting lips on a face he held dearly. A sob managed to wreck itself out of the little girl's chest, plummeting Spencer's heart further down the abyss of no end.
"Oh, sweetheart."
He gathered the 4-year-old in his arms, feeling her immediately hugging his neck. Her body was still shivering with tiny whimpers and sobs, all of which Spencer tried to subside gently by constant strokes down her back.
"It's okay. You're okay," he shushed quietly, rocking his body to a phantom tune while she clung to his chest. "Do you wanna tell me what's going on?"
The girl sniffled aloud before lifting her head, her tiny hands rubbing rigorously on the tear stains around her eyes.
"The-the thunders," she murmured. "It was so loud. I woke up and everything was d-dark. Daddy, I'm scared!"
She threw her arms around his neck again, crying softly into the collar of his sleeping shirt. Spencer tightened his embrace around his daughter, heart breaking into pieces with every tear shed from her innocent eyes.
"Sshh, it's alright, princess. Everything's alright. Daddy's here now," Spencer cooed. "Do you wanna sleep with us tonight? Hm?"
His daughter started to nod frantically. "Don't forget Mr. Elphie, Daddy."
Chuckling, Spencer quickly grabbed the elephant stuffed animal lying next to her pillow. "Of course not. Mr. Elphie is coming with us, isn't he?"
Spencer began to retreat back in the direction of your bedroom, all the while conversing with his little girl to keep her mind off the storm that was still raging wildly outside.
You were checking something on your phone by the time Spencer finally returned. Immediately, you tossed the device aside once you saw him, eyes widening in concern when you saw your daughter's limbs entangled around Spencer's form.
"What happened?" you asked.
Spencer headed for the bed, slowly putting down the little girl who instantly cuddled your side after he had tucked her under the duvet.
"The thunders are scary," your daughter mumbled into the fabric of your shirt.
Your eyes flicked towards Spencer, who gave a single nod of confirmation before settling back on his side of the bed.
"Oh, honey. I'm so sorry." You brushed back the hair from her face, taking in the sight of your favorite pair of eyes that seemed to have lost their usual sparkles in the wake of her tears. "What do you wanna do, hun? Should I tell you a story? Play a little music?"
"I wanna sleep here with you and Daddy," she said in a shaky voice. "Is that okay?"
Kissing the crown of her head, you answered, "Of course it's okay, sunshine. Come here."
Your daughter fell back into your awaiting arms. Her small frame fitting so easily into the front side of your body. You watched as her tiny fingers clutched Mr. Elphie tighter, breath evening out while her face burrowed even deeper into your chest.
It felt as if hours had passed before you could find the will to rip your gaze away. In all honesty, you could probably have spent an entire eternity staring at the little miracle in your arms had the universe given you the chance. When you lifted your head, your eyes automatically locked with Spencer's, who looked as if he, too, had been entranced by the sight in front of him.
"She's incredible," Spencer confessed into the night, voice fragile with the weight of awe it seemed to carry. "I can't believe she's ours."
You extended your hand towards him, smiling brightly once Spencer secured it in his own.
"Seems like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree," you mused, eyes glinting mischievously from the knowledge that your daughter--just like her beloved Daddy--also had a fear of thunderstorms. "Like father like daughter, huh?"
Spencer rolled his eyes. "I'm not scared of thunderstorms. I'm just... not fond of them"
"Shut up." He bit your knuckles playfully, seemingly pleased with himself when he managed to elicit a laugh out of your chest. "Go get some sleep. You have an early day tomorrow."
"Speak for yourself, Mister." You settled your head back on the pillow, Spencer mirroring your position without breaking his hold around your hand. "Where are you going again?"
"Florida. Miami."
"Damn," you muttered, temporarily panicking about your terrible choice of words before calming back down once you saw your daughter sleeping soundly. "I bet it's nice there this time of year."
"It's Miami. The weather barely changes there all year-round."
"Exactly my point."
"Besides," Spencer added, squeezing your hand once, "it's not a vacation. It doesn't matter where I'm going, I'll only be seeing dead bodies all day long."
"Okay. I really don't need to start seeing corpses in my head right before going to sleep, so thanks for that."
"You started it."
"I most certainly did not." You scoffed. "I'm not liking this conversation. Now, can we please go to sleep?"
Spencer had a retort ready on the tip of his tongue. But once he saw how peaceful you looked with your eyes closed, entangled as one with your daughter, he decided against it.
At last, he opted to shuffle closer on the bed until he could wrap his arm around the two of you, letting the scent of mint from your shampoo and juniper berry from your daughter's body wash to wrap around his whole being.
Spencer was still not a fan of thunderstorms.
But on nights like this, he had to begrudgingly admit that maybe, maybe, they weren't really that bad after all.
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irhabiya · 6 months
hey could I ask where I could learn more about the arab spring? I can’t find many resources and most of them are very American. I’m asking partially because my parents mentioned a massacre that happened at a mosque around that time, but I can’t find much of that? They used to study in Egypt which is why they were horrified to hear about the brutality those years ago. Sorry if this sounds disrespectful you can ignore it if so. I just want to better understand the unrest in Egypt that I assume is still ongoing today with Sisi
hi sweetheart <3 this isn't disrespectful at all don't worry
unfortunately i don't really have any specific resources i can point you towards that aren't riddled with usamerican propaganda or leave out key details but i remember reading this article from a while back and it was pretty succinct. read it with a discerning eye and lmk if you have any further questions about the points they raised
the massacre your parents are referencing is probably the Rabaa massacre which happened in august of 2013, the biggest massacre in modern egyptian history. military and police forces killed an estimated 1000 protestors, most of whom were supporters of the muslim brotherhood, some others were simply opposed to the military regaining power.
the main key points you need to understand about egypt's modern history, contemporary history, and the arab spring as a whole, are the following:
egypt had been effectively ruled by a military ruling class since the 50's. nasser's presidency oversaw anti-imperialist policies and policies favoring the working class, but he basically laid out groundwork for 70+ years of military dictatorship
anwar al saddat's presidency involved lots of dramatic changes to our domestic and foreign policies, namely privatization of many sectors, introducing neoliberalism to the country, signing the camp david agreements with israel
mubarak's presidency was essentially a 30 years long continuation of sadat's neoliberalism and corruption, things got worse by the day for your average working class egyptian
the 2011 25th of january revolution in egypt was sparked due to worsening living conditions, and protests igniting many of the neighboring countries. namely tunisia, where street vendor mohammed bouazizi self immolated in protest of harassment he had been receiving from government officials.
it's important to note here that even before the protests in tunisia, there had been dissent from the egyptian working class, many factory workers went on strikes in protest such as in mahalla
the 2011 revolution was not ideologically coherent, in the sense that everyone, from all different political ideologies joined in, from the Muslim brotherhood to leftist coalitions. this will be important for understanding why it fell short of achieving long term goals. it managed to force hosni mubarak to step down
the MB's candidate, mohammed morsi won the 2012 elections, which sparked a lot of upheaval from leftists, liberals and religious minorities such as copts.
in june of 2013, mass protests broke out against his regime demanding that he step down from power, the us-backed military hijacked the protests and enacted a coup which reinstalled the military regime with sisi as president. protestors of the new regime, whether in support of morsi or not, were massacred in Rabaa and other locations leaving an estimated 1000 protestors dead
it's important to note here that it was later revealed that certain groups which were involved in the 2013 counter-revolution were funded and backed by gulf states (mainly the UAE iirc, i need to fact check that though). there was a marked increase in organized violence from these groups (tamarod was one of them) out of nowhere and it all played out in the military's favor in the end, which isn't a coincidence considering who are their biggest allies in the region. i don't think this was covered in the article above
there has been unprecedented efforts of censorship in the country since then, a complete crackdown on dissent. journalists get jailed for tweeting things opposed to the regime all the time. egyptian prisons (which aren't exactly known to be the most humane) are filled with political prisoners. this current regime is the one the US and their gulf allies backed and endorsed, we get billions of dollars in military aid from the US in exchange for carrying out their imperialist interests in the middle east. as for living conditions, it only gets worse by the day for your average egyptian. most major cities are riddled with slums, inflation is through the roof, unemployment is high, most people can barely afford basic necessities, our infrastructure is in desperate need of maintenance and renovations, our economy is almost entirely financed by the US (even putting military aid aside), the UAE, and saudi arabia. and we're drowning in debt. we take imf loans like, every other month lmfao it's bad
a lot happened within the span of 3 years, this is all not to say that the MB were good, not in the slightest. but the US once again interfering with a foreign country's domestic affairs to secure their interests has resulted in nothing but devastation for the overwhelming majority of the people living here.
as for the arab spring as a whole, i think it's disingenuous when people dismiss its entirety as western backed conflict. even though a lot of it is exactly that (see: libya), especially in countries where the revolutions kind of bled into them rather than already having brewing tensions from working class people suffering worsening conditions. in tunisia and egypt, there was already a lot unrest within their populations over material conditions, which is why i mentioned the mahalla strikes. it's a shame our revolution didn't have more coherent, stronger socialist organizers, it's a shame it was killed and hijacked before we ever got to reap its benefits
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sexydoffyman · 1 year
Hey I’m the anon that request the smut for katakuri and I apologize for not being specific!
Here’s a little scenario:
Katakuri is starting his merienda with his wife (reader) and this time though, things get a little spicy >////< (btw could U make reader on the more dominant side)
(If u need more details lmk)
And if u Can could u add some teasing (from reader to kata) and oral (male receiving)
That’s it! Ty and have a gorgeous day/night!
genre: smut
word count: 387
A/N: I'm really nervous about how my English exam went. Anyway here's ur fic! 🐢
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It took him a while to let you see his face. And it took him even more time to let you see him eat. That was a while ago, and now, you can't even remember the times he was scared you'd hate him.
You sat next to him, taking a donut for yourself. Katakuri told the chefs to make a few donuts your size. Everyone who knew him respected him. His siblings respected him the most. And other people who were associated with the Big Mom pirates got a huge sense of authority from him.
Basically to any normal person, Katakuri was intimidating. But to you, he was such a lovely dear. Instead of big and scary, you viewed him more softly. That also meant that you took the more dominant role in your relationship.
You ate your donut and caressed his thigh. If anyone saw him like this, they would never believe it was him. He was blushing like crazy. He hoped you didn't notice. But he was wrong.
In a matter of minutes, he was on his back being jerked off by you. He didn't even know how he got into that position. A few years ago, he'd never thought he'd be a whimpering mess. He couldn't even comprehend how much pleasure he was feeling. He was so close. So close.
You suddenly let go. He was left there whimpering. Hoping that you were gonna touch him again. He looked your way. You saw a few tears well up in his eyes. You sat back and took off your pants.
You wanted him to give you a head forever now. He always denied it, being scared he might hurt you. You've been thinking about how to get him into the mood enough to beat his fear.
And there he was, sucking on you. He was making sure his teeth didn't even graze you. To his surprise, it was much easier due to the size difference.
He jerked when he felt your touch again. Slightly moaning while licking you up. You were both close. You were moaning his way as you felt your orgasm coming.
At the last second, he stopped. He glanced at you with a smirk and said "Let's turn things around a little."
You knew that this was gonna be a long night.
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vmpiires · 8 months
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·.⌇ 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓. art; it’s a beautiful thing…when you know what you’re doing...and when the cute artsy guy who’s now your class partner is smart. wc, 2.47K. dark mode recommended.
note. i love this story ya. i was thinking about it alll day. i’m glad ya like it too. hope ya enjoy :D reblog to support meeee and lmk if you wanna be tagged in the next part
tags. artist!choso, college AU, possible nsfw, female anatomy, smoking, etc. lmk if i missed anything
misc. masterlist AO3 PART ONE
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your chest tightened once you heard the words ‘get with your partners’. you reacted never positively with that statement. you dreaded working with other students in your class. the art professor had everyone paired up with a random student, to which they’d let it be known that the two of you would be partners for the rest of the semester. you had been lucky enough to be tied down with the smartass of the class…choso kamo.
you had a confused expression on your face while you seen him in complete awe at the art pieces that flashed on the terribly detailed and wordy powerpoint. you were surprised you hadn’t slammed your head against the table trying not to fall asleep.
reluctantly pulling out the cute and compact pencil case you bought last minute from shein, you grab the simple navy blue mechanical pencil out that you had been given by choso. you were trying to give it back to him previously but he insisted that you kept it, assuming that you might need it later on down the road.
you didn’t expect any less from the smartest guy in your class when you saw him already halfway done with his assignment. maybe you were exaggerating at the moment because these were basic questions just to see if you were paying attention to the powerpoint—which you barely were.
“ah, sorry, i forgot we were working together.” choso’s deep voice echos through your brain as he speaks to you, stopping his quick paced writing to let you catch up. you noticed how shy he seemed, despite his pure confidence when answering questions. choso pushed his paper in your direction and looked away, giving you time to work.
as you write, giving the male a friendly smile so he didn’t feel intimidated by your bored expression because of how tired you were, you couldn’t help but notice how his silver rings gently tapped against the wooden table. the bandaids that decorated his slender fingers on the digits that didn’t have rings. the bandage over his nose along with one stuck to his cheek. the one that covered one specific part on his wrist.
what the hell did have have so many bandages for? was he that reckless of a person that he was always getting hurt…or was this all a fashion statement? you wouldn’t be shocked if it was just for fashion. a lot of people do that, so you couldn’t judge. you’d watch as he’d adjust the nose piercing in his nose and then guide his palm into his hair, lightly scratching his head.
“here,” you push his paper back in his direction and thank him for showing the answers. the two of you finally get on track and finish your work and turn your papers into the box that reads ‘homework’ in black sharpie.
since you and choso would be partners for the rest of the semester, it was a good opportunity to get to know him as time passed….and it was also because your professor suggested that you do so.
placing your elbow on the table and your chin in your palm, you’d face your attention over to the artsy boy, who now had a small sketchbook in his possession, lightly marking the paper with his pencil, only to finally add details slightly darker.
“um…so, choso, right?” you start. the tip of his pencil snaps as he flinched upon hearing his own name. the male turned to you as his thumb lightly punched the end of his pencil to replace the broken lead.
“yeah…that’s me.” he finally replies, his eyes averting another way. he seemed to have a hard time making eye contact with you. his expression was calm and stoic. something you never seen before. “did you need something?”
“well, you know we’re partners for the semester so…what’s your hobbies?” you were damn near dying of cringe at the moment. it wasn’t the fact that you were talking to this super smart and creative guy. it was because you hardly knew how to start conversations. mentally, you curse your inability to normally interact in public.
“um..well, i’m kind of an artist. i mean, i consider myself one. i like taking pictures on the polaroid i got for christmas one year…and uh—i read a lot.” choso explains. he seemed like the typical smart guy with creative qualities and a bit shy.
“oh, that’s cool. that explains why you’re in this class.” you say. you noticed that choso would give you a faint smile, something different from his stoic demeanor.
“mhm…well, what about you?” choso queries. you bite your lip. you knew the question would come soon but not that soon. you were thinking that he’d elaborate on how much he loved his hobbies, giving you time to think of what you were gonna say yourself.
you take a breath before finally introducing yourself properly. you quietly say your name, followed by your interests and some other unnecessary details that no one asked for but you were nervous. nothing wrong with that.
choso seemed pretty attentive when you were nervously rambling about whatever came to your head. giving his input on some of the things you mentioned also. you seen choso’s eyebrows raise up when you mentioned the concept of being interested in painting, though he didn’t say anything else about it.
it was time for photography class now and choso’s first project was coming up. that wasn’t an issue for him since this was something he was heavily interested in.
reading the instructions on the paper in his mind, the little voice in his head speaking for him, he saw that he had to make a scrapbook with brand new pictures that reveal something about him.
something like a self portrait but without the drawing and the excessive erasing whenever something turns out ugly.
“that sounds like a cool project. hey, take a pic of me right now,” yuji smiled, posing into the camera. but choso shook his head.
“i’ll come by this weekend and we’ll take some pictures. i want you to be clear and in front of the camera. not goofy and pixelated.” the male replied, making yuji laugh.
“i won’t be pixelated—maybe your wifi sucks.”
“i will admit, my internet does go in and out sometimes. it’s very frustrating…but i get around.” choso leaned his back against the pillow, his head gently resting against the wall behind the bed.
“how are the others? are they well?”
“eso and kechizu are outside,” yuji would back away from the camera to look out of the window, which gave him a view of the front yard and the surrounding houses.
“they’re playing with the frisbee.”
“i’m glad they’re doing fine. have you three eaten anything?”
yuji hummed, “i wanted to try cooking but i didn’t wanna burn the place down so we’re getting takeout at that buffet you took us to back in the summer.”
“don’t touch the stove unless i’m there. i really don’t want you hurting yourself or anyone else for that matter.”
as choso and yuji’s conversation prolonged, choso began working on some homework that he had from his english and math class. yellow tinted lights surrounded choso as he used a small remote and flick on his fairy lights and his attention was focused back onto the paper, his pencil scratching lightly against it while he used his binder for support.
the next day was an off day so choso decided that he’d take a walk to the cafeteria and get breakfast. holding his backpack firmly against his back, he’d walk into the large area. the male was being casual and chose to wear a grey sweatshirt and a pair of joggers with his hair tied back into a ponytail, leaving some of his hair hanging down in the back and in his face as usual.
sneakers lightly clicking against the tiled flooring of the cafeteria, choso would grab some plasticware and a plate and he’d pick out what he wanted to eat, which were two fluffy pancakes, eggs, and two sausages. he was slightly disappointed that there weren’t any bacon that day but there was always next time.
choso wasn’t really a coffee guy but it was that or be stuck with drinking tea or water—out of everything he preferred water but he was getting older and it was about time he’d try something new.
the male was in his own world, finishing some work that he fell asleep doing the night before and reluctantly sipping the coffee. he already knew his stomach would be gurgling the entire day because of it. or because of the fact that he hated the taste so bad that he was able to force his body to reject it.
soon enough, he saw a figure situate themselves beside him. pausing his music to see who had been sitting near him, his heart nearly bursted out of his chest when he found you. a lump in his throat formed when you gave a gentle smile and waved at him.
“hey, how come you’re sitting by yourself?” you ask him as you began to eat your breakfast. you had the same items on your plate but what was different was the fact that you had some chocolate milk with you. not the drinks that the school offered. it was making him wonder where you got the carton of milk from.
“ah, i just needed time to myself. i have so much stuff to catch up on. i have to schedule a train back home to visit my brothers this weekend and my photography class is starting a project so i have to start that. i also need to be preparing for my chemistry and algebra tests.” choso explained to you in a frenzied tone. you wanted to giggle at how quick he was speaking. not to insult him but you thought it was funny how panicked he sounded.
“shit, you already have tests? your teachers must be pretty serious about their work—or they just wanna get the topics out of the way.” you take a sip of your milk. choso nods, wrapping his index finger around one of the loose strands of his ink colored hair.
“you don’t? no fair.” choso chuckled. “well, you might’ve picked some easier classes than i had. you don’t strike me as a girl that enjoys the concept of extended education.”
the comment caught you off guard but he was right. you didn’t look like the typical college girl, nor did you look like you particularly enjoyed coming to class. you were just there because you were told to go. you were just happy to find something that made you happy.
“i didn’t wanna be here at first but i got used to it.” you’d take a bite of your sausage and quickly chew it before speaking again. “my parents were insistent on me coming to college. even after i said that i didn’t wanna go, they forced me anyway. back in high school i found myself signing up for FAFSAs and all that fun stuff.”
“oh, so you don’t actually pay out pocket to come here?” he queried. “that’s good, you won’t be in debt and you won’t have to pay anything back.”
“what about you?”
“no, i’m in the same situation as you. i’ve just become keen to people not making the best choices when it came to schooling.” choso replied as he’d close his laptop, finally finishing the study guide that he was given from his chemistry class.
he spoke so proper and sophisticated. talking to him made you think you were talking to a counselor. his voice was deep but smooth like butter. somehow, he made you feel safe even though you didn’t know him very well.
you noticed how simple his clothes were compared to when he came to class or when you saw him leaving school grounds to head back into the city for who knows what. he was always well kept. even in his lazy clothes.
the cologne he wore had a smell that you knew would stick in your mind and in the memory of your nostrils for a long while. if you ever smelled it somewhere else, it’ll instantly remind you of him.
when the two of you finished your breakfast, you were about to get up and throw your plate out when choso gently took it from your hands.
“i’ll take it,” he said softly, taking the plate and stacking it on top of his. your cheeks flushed a bit when you felt his large hand brush against yours.
his skin was soft as if he exfoliated himself everyday and it had a warm, comforting sense to it. when he walked away, you started to wish he stayed there and just held onto your hand for an extra moment.
the weekend came around and choso was making his was off of the train and heading back home. once he arrived, he was barraged with greetings and yuji throwing himself into choso’s chest.
“how’s your classes?” eso queries.
“it’s—hm…well i can’t say they’re boring because i love my classes. but some can be tedious or annoying. like math. the moment i get the hang of one topic, we’re already moving on to the next. then i’ll have something new to learn.” choso replied. “and you three?”
“me and megumi hung out.” yuji said excitedly. “and then gojo sensei took us to this movie. it was so cool but megumi didn’t like it. he said it was stupid.”
“your idea of “cool” is definitely interesting.” eso chimed in.
“was it another worm movie?” choso slipped his shoes off and gently placed them on the shoe rack. yuji twisted his lips upward.
“it was not….it was a bug movie. it was about this roach that wanted to be as big as a spider. and guess what? huge spoiler; the roach got big. and i mean huge.”
“very interesting, itadori.” choso chuckled, seeming a bit amused by yuji’s odd adventures. “i’m sure the movie was good—maybe. i don’t know. your choice of movies are actually weird.”
“my choices are not weird.” yuji pouted. “you watch probably romance movies all the time…um—not that that’s a bad thing. but you still probably do.”
“if you knew me, you’d know that i’m not interested in those. they’re kinda cheesy. i’ll settle for romcoms. other than that, i watch horror and mystery.”
“yeah, you’re totally an old man.”
“i’m only nineteen….”
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ending notes. IM SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONGGGG i’ve made like six apologies about this but yk i just don’t want ya thinking i’m neglecting this story cuz i like this more than anything i’ve ever made. headcanons are next and MAYBE street racer choso because it just popped in my head this morning. excuse any mistakes if i’ve made any. i apologizeeee. remember, comments and reblogs are much appreciated and thank you for reading.
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crystalandbow · 5 months
HIII! Today we will dive into how you can manifest anything, whats the technique for you, what can you do to accelerate the process, etc. SOOO.... lets begin!
note: paid subliminal requests/ custom subliminals are available. and also paid tarot readings are open, for more details dm!
pick a barbie character 👇🏻
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if you're wondering how you can manifest things super quick & easily, you are at the right place!
the answer is: simply by asking and letting go. some methods i'd recommend are the love letter method, or any letter / paper method (specifically anything that has to do with folding paper) for that matter. the 17 second methods and the surrender method.( you can either ask me doubts/questions about this in the comments or search them up on yt)
you are the people that think of the first case scenarios first. y'all overthink sm, which is obv not good. and i'd say that you shouldn't supress those negative thoughts but rather face them. 2 major things for you guys is facing your fears and doubts, 2- letting go and trusting the universe/spirit/god (whatever you believe in) also you guys could resonate with the little mermaid's story.
ask and surrender. believe in the universe (444) and you've LITERALLY got this.
Okie so if you're wondering how you can manifest things super quick & easily, you are at the right place!
the angel numbers that you see are not just co incidences, no, nope. they mean something. they are a reminder! they are a sign!!
the way that you guys manifest is through emotions my dear empaths. like even before i started your readings that is something i picked up upon, and if you want to know a litlle more scientific stuff about it then do check out barbara fredrickson's broaden and build theory. that will help you know what i mean. . whatever you feel within is what you attract, so think of good stuff, happiness, celebrate small victories.
some manifestation methods i'd recommend are gratitude, crystal work, green witch kinda stuff? water manifestation (especially sun water) , fake it till you make it, journaling & shadow work.
hello! if you're wondering how you can manifest things super quick & easily, you are at the right place!
you are my prayer peeps, doesn't have to be very religious but you do believe in the power of prayers or asking the universe.
right off the bat you guys are my socially? "weird" people. the kids that are creative and different. yall are ENTHUSIAISTIC fssss. sm energy,sm passion ong. and the way you can manifest is through directing that energy into the right place. yall seem mis-directed in some way. another way you can manifest is through talking and connecting? writing? something around those llines like sharing your work/thoughts in some way.
i think you guys should read about ancient greek wisdom.
old literature and ancient knowledge will guide you towards an entire new perspective/world.
also calm tf down, like yeah we get it you want to have that thing rn/in a week but calm down my friend, ground yourself. also y'all need to relax & guide your mind it seems veryyy excited. its good but NOOO (its not helping atm)
basically redirection,taking steps, community, sharing knowledge & gaining knowledge, anient related stuff, prayers and staying happy/motivated, being free spirited, working with animals?.
some manifestation methods i'd recommend are vision boards, prayers, ancient manifestation tricks/methods? connecting with people/ sharing your knowledge., having a white pet could be lucky for you. or white is your lucky color and color magick too and taking actual actions/steps!!.
i think that you guys are pretty good at manifesting already, its more like a confirmation? (okay i fucking just realised y'all chose the weird barbie, its so reallll)
lmk your thoughts!!!
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fruit-plays · 1 year
Welcome to Pigeonhole
Luna seems to have taken you to a peaceful dream of a cozy home...town....wait....that's not quite right, is it?
Pigeonhole is finally complete!!
Pigeonhole is a dreamscape limbo of Tommy's hometown!
This is a dreamcore island meaning there WILL be some themes of derealization and unreality!!!! There's also moderate themes of medical trauma!! Please be careful!
Now onto some details of the island!
Pigeonhole is actually a no terraforming island! (Not strict but only terraformed to like fit some stuff)
Tommy (he/they) and marble (she/her) are characters I made specifically for the story of this island! (I have so much lore if y'all are ever interested)
All of the villagers homes are decorated!
All of the beaches are decorated!
There's a little outfit in the presents next to res services if you want to be more ✨immersed✨
There is a pipe in the cardboard fort! (It used to be in the junkyard but literally not a single person who's made a post about visiting has mentioned the pipe and that worried me so I move it)
All of the beaches are walkable but you might have to squeeze through some places
Both player houses are mildly decorated but nothing crazy
Here's the post that has all of the patterns used on Pigeonhole! (May be slightly outdated 😶 lmk if there's a code you need)
That's it I think! Please don't hesitate to ask any questions!!
Happy dreaming!
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smoochhyuka · 8 months
All at once
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Pure degeneracy.
○o。content warnings! NSFW, group sex/orgy, fem!reader, reader is implied to be thicker/chubby, lingerie, sub!reader, fwb!Yeonjun (implied that both like each other more than they probably should), sugardaddy!Jun, Jun is the one orchestrating this whole thing, mentions of previously recording *videos*, mention of alcohol at the beginning, unconsensual distribution of said videos (with the members), loser!txt, perv!everyone, mean!dom Jun (but no insults, just mocking), it's implied no one (except Yeonjun) has actual experience, txt is a little zesty but no actual action between them, swearing, group masturbation, voyeur!Soob, cuck!Jun, dom!txt but everyone is listening to Jun, slight infantilization of reader (pastel princess), ddlg dynamic between Jun and reader (no daddy kink tho), cunnilingus, breast play, anxious and slighty insecure reader, reader is held down, detailed descriptions of their penises, reader gets a foot massage, pussy lover Tyun, lots of cum and no condoms (reader is taking contraception), penetration, their living room is not correctly described but I have specific things in mind ok, formatting all over the place bc I couldn't decide on one, very long, lmk if I missed anything!
Yeonjun has urges, right? Every man has them, it's lonely for someone like him to spend every night by himself. But since there is no time in between his schedules to satisfy a woman emotionally and romantically, he opts to satisfy several sexually.
You know he likes to switch up his girls, and it certainly doesn't make any sense to you at all, but ultimately you don't mind. You're his favorite, after all.
Every time he has a weekend to spare he takes you on expensive dates, whatever your heart desires - You need new clothes? "Leave your wallet at home, jagi." You're bored with your city lately? "Pack a bag, we're going on a cruise."
And on top of that, he is so respectful to you. If you aren't in the mood for sex, he understands. If you feel emotional lately, he is ready to listen. It's not that he doesn't care about you, or thinks you're replaceable because "you are seriously special.", he just isn't ready to commit yet.
He was equally understanding of your hesitancy about sleeping with his team members.
"Did you even talk to them about it?", you ask bewilderedly. You're on FaceTime with Yeonjun, he's sitting in his dimly lit hotel room, only wearing a slutty, white wife-beater and a pair of black boxers. A pair of glasses on his head keep his orange hair out of his face, sipping on a can of beer. You were already dozing off as the man woke you up by his unexpected call, only the light of the screen illuminating your face.
"It's actually funny you say that", he grins, only slowly starting to sober up, "I wasn't the one suggesting it." He and his group are about to wrap up their tour. Since it was limited to Korea, it only took them a few weeks to hold all their planned concerts. "Who the fuck would suggest something like that, other than you?", you can't help but swear due to the sheer irritation you are feeling right now, not taking the offer any serious, "Especially with me, why not Chungae! Or Mihyun? They must be everyone's type." Yes, you know most of the names of Yeonjuns other girls and their Instagram accounts. It's an unspoken rule that you must approve of them before they become a fixed part in his rotation. "Jagiya", Yeonjun sighs, rolling his eyes jokingly, "You forgot that I broke it off with Mihyun? She wanted the princess treatment, although I told her from the start I'm not the one for that. And of course, Chungae is very pretty, but she's not you." You're rolling your eyes now as well, hoping the bad lighting doesn't expose your giddiness at his comment.
"Besides," he continues, this mischievous grin coming back, "I don't have any videos to brag with of anyone else." After hearing this, you feel wide awake again, making you finally sit-up, and you turn on your nightlight. "First, I am the only one you have any recordings of? Second, you SHARED them?" He is clearly not taking you seriously, as he can't help but laugh. "You know, none of them have any game, but they're still men, you know? I am a good hyung, and I show compassion with them. Porn isn't nearly as hot as seeing a woman you know do it.", the alcohol is making him ramble slightly, you have always found this endearing, but right now it's not enough to save him from this mess. "And my other question?", you pry. Yeonjun rolls his eyes again, somehow making it look even more sassy than before. "If you ask so many questions at once, of course I forget them. Of course, I have a few pictures or snaps saved from a few, you know, but why would I make the time to film an actual porno with them? No one is a match to your charm." He winks and sends you a kiss, but you ignore it, trying to out-sass him. Since you feel oddly proud at the fact that Yeonjun is not just uninterested in filming the other women, but also bragging with your video, you decide to drop it and just relish in this feeling of being desired. "Okay, who proposed the... orgy?", you're barely whispering the last word, feeling shy just thinking about it. "So, you want to know what happened exactly, right?", he asks, stretching his arms. You nod. "Then let me tell you from the start..."
Everyone is stunned at what Soobin just said. Yeonjun even pauses the video that the whole team has been jerking off to on Kais hotel bed, earning a low groan of annoyance from Beomgyu. Taehyun is still leisurely stroking his dick, examining the close up of your glistening pussy, the pause being at the perfect moment. The other three are staring at a very confused Soobin, looking for further clarification. "What is it?", the leader decides to break the silence, uncomfortable to be in the spotlight like this. "What did you mean by 'you'd love to watch us in reality?'," Yeonjun asks immediately. "I wouldn't watch, but I'd definitely eat that pussy.", Taehyun comments, still not looking at the others. "She's seriously my type, hyung...", Kai chimes in, now looking at Yeonjun. "Eh?", the oldest is now leaning back into the cushions, pressing the space button to continue playing the video, "And you, Beomgyu?" He immediately turned his attention back onto the laptop, massaging his balls, "Maybe we should fuck her all at once, that'd be really fucking hot." Dick now abandoned, Yeonjun is thinking about whether this is even possible.
You don't recall agreeing, but here you are, changing into your light pink lingerie and touching up your makeup in the bathroom of the TXT dorm. They returned last night, today and tomorrow they have a day off before easing back into their regular activities the day after tomorrow. According to Yeonjun, it's the perfect time. You look at yourself in the mirror -- to play it safe, you decided to lean into your cuter side. You know Yeonjun holds appreciation for your sexy side as well, but there is no way you would be anything else than submissive in a room of five hot men wanting to fuck you. The light colored lace, paired with the bows in your hair and around your ankles, almost seem innocent, if it wasn't for your shaved pussy peaking through the see-through fabric. Although risky, you decided to go heavy on the makeup, the glitter and the blush giving you a soft, doll-like look. You know you look good, but they're five people...
Three careful knocks, so quiet you almost didn't hear them, followed by another pair of louder ones, take you out of your daydreams. "Are you alright?", Yeonjun asks from the other side. You unlock the door, letting him inside. He's stunned at your sight, scrunching his nose while his mouth is forming a small 'o' shape. "If you feel like backing out, I won't mind taking you to my room by ourselves.", he grins, cupping your face with one hand, making you look up at him. He can sense the worry in your face, the small pout on your glossy lips gives it away. He's again, wearing his trusty wife-beater and a pair of basketball shorts. "In all honesty, I am a little self-conscious...," you admit shyly, surprising Yeonjun by how far you have already slipped into subspace. He takes his second hand to squeeze your cheeks slightly, leaning into the trusty dynamic. "Why would you be? Didn't you see how everyone was looking at you earlier, while we discussed this?", he presses a kiss onto your temple, "You can always say no, you don't need to do anything you don't want to, okay? But there are a lot of perverted things everyone wants to do to you right now. Including me." You both hold a little bit of eye-contact, before you nod carefully. "I am so proud of you.", Yeonjun expresses.
Hand in hand, you go into the living room, where the other four are eagerly waiting, everyone is skimpily dressed already. You were too embarrassed to look up, so you weren't able to see their reactions, but by the amount of compliments they are giving you, you are safe to assume they were positive.
"Please sit down with us.", Kai requests, with a small slap on your butt Yeonjun encourages you to do so. They are urging you to sit down right in the middle of their U-shaped sofa, right between Kai and Beomgyu, Soobin is sitting on the far end of it, manspreading, a small tent in his gray joggers already visible. Yeonjun sits down right across from him. Closest to him is Taehyun, who sits closely next to Beomgyu. He's trying to keep a respectful distance at first. Kai, on the other hand, is scooting even closer to you, shamelessly staring at your thighs and tummy. You're wondering how they came up with this order, maybe the two won rock paper scissors?
"Well", Yeonjun breaks the heavy, lust-filled science, "what did I tell you guys about pleasing her?" Your heart is pounding inside your chest, you're trembling in anticipation. Your anxiety didn't leave fully, but it's getting alleviated by the pure filthiness of the whole situation. Pussy's getting so wet, you're so turned on sitting between these men. You feel like prey, about to get absolutely destroyed.
"You said to take it slow", Beomgyu is the one to answer first, "Can I?", he asks politely, delicately turning your head by your chin to him, massaging your bottom lip with his thumb. You just nod, unsure what he's asking for, but eager to take everything. Contradictory to his words, Beomgyu crashes his lips onto yours, almost immedietly sticking his tongue into you. It's very wet, sloppy and you can sense his inexperience, but his enthusiasm makes up for all of it.
Slighty sweaty but long and slender fingers creep up your thighs, up your lingerie to play with the lace trim. Kai drops his head on your shoulder, his nose right at the nape of your neck and you can hear him inhale and groan, probably by the smell of your sweet perfume. Since your eyes are closed, you can't see why he removes his fingers and lifts his head again, you only feel the cushions next to you rise for a short moment and then lower again, implying Kai stood up for a short moment. "Someone doesn't know how to take his time.", Taehyun comments, a moment before Kais head returns to his spot, now groaning a lot harder, almost panting. Your still kissing Beomgyu who fully took your head into his big, soft and fairly cold hands, intensifying the kiss. But you get interrupted by another hand, which grabs your tits rather harshly, making you yelp and pull away from Beomgyu. "Seriously, dude?", he complaints, directed at the blonde culprit who is already stroking his dick. You feel so hot, your head falls back. What do you do? Should you start groping them too, take Kais cock in your hand, play with Beomgyus t-shirt, or ask for another member to join in? Right now your arms are awkwardly fixated behind your back, you needed to get them out of the way as the two slid closer to you.
Before, with your eyes closed, you were able to fully enjoy the sensations you were feeling and almost forget about the other three, whose presence now, dawn on you. Not them personally, but by their sheer amount, you're overwhelmed yet again.
Kai removed his hand, instead carefully placed it on your thigh, his strokes a lot slower. Beomgyu began to kiss your neck and cheeks, unaware of your feelings. You look over at Soobin, than at Yeonjun, who both look at you a little concerned. "Ya!", the oldest exclaims. Slighty startled both men let go of you with a big question mark on their faces. Yeonjun doesn't even need to say anything, he just pats the space between him and you obediently go up to sit next to him. "You're not going to get worked up like that, mhm?", he whispers in your ear, sending shivers down your spine, "Getting you comfortable and wet is the most important thing.", now saying it a lot louder for the others to hear too. Taehyun looks at you both with his big eyes, who is suddenly sitting right next to you. "Lay down, please.", he asks you, Yeonjun guiding your head to lie on his lap, your pussy now facing the younger. He scoots even closer, lowering his head while lifting your legs on his muscular shoulders, pressing feathery kisses on your thighs. Now you're the one groaning, holding eye contact with him. "She is a little bit of a masochist...", Yeonjun reports, "You can tease and edge her all you want. She doesn't need to cum yet." You look up at him, just by being reminded of some of these long nights, Yeonjun edging you relentlessly for hours, tears form in your eyes, eventhough nothing has been done to you yet. "What are you already crying for?", he mocks you, twisting your nipple slightly through the thin fabric, "We need you needy and desperate tonight. You now that."
A shy but very surprising kitten lick at you swollen clit is enough to erupt a pitchy moan from you. By this confirmation, Taehyun is confident enough to press firm kisses onto the pinkish bud and to even tease your hole with his index finger. You close your eyes again, trying to focus on the pleasure instead of thinking about the others burning stare. With a little bit of advice by Yeonjun, Taehyun is able to eat your pussy just right, alternating between licking your folds and sucking your clit, only teasing your sloppy hole, never fully entering it. With glossy eyes you look over at Soobin, who hasn't done anything with you yet. He is leaned back into the cushions, your eyes immedietly meet, since he is watching you closely. Before you reflexively close your eyes due to Taehyuns hard sucks, you see how Soobin squeezes the now big tent in his pants a lot harder. Your legs start to shake, you`re so close to your orgasm, as both men let go of you simultaneously. You can't help but whine and cry at the lack of stimulation, wiggling your hips pathetically. "Fuck!", the younger brunette exclaims, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. Yeonjun is laughing lowly, stroking your head.
Due to your delirious state you don't notice how everyone scoots closer to you, only as two cold hands take one of your feet into them, you can sense their proximity. Not feeling like opening your eyes yet, you just enjoy the massage as to get down fromt that almost high. Only as someone starts to kiss your cheeks you open them, blonde strands covering your vision. Kai is sitting on the floor, next to Yeonjuns legs, his cock already in an angry shade of red due to his own edging. "Who gets to fuck her first?", Soobin asks after a while. "I want to eat her pussy too!", Beomgyu complaints, now having moved onto the other foot, sitting behind Taehyun whose leaning into the older one, his head thrown back onto Beomgyus shoulder. The two are about to switch places, but Kai objects. "Only if you let me play with her boobs." Yeonjun sighs, "Maybe we should have thought of a plan beforehand." Everyone shifts around, doing as they please without asking you. Not that you would have argued anyways, you submit fully to all five men.
Kai pulls you up and sits you on his lap, your back facing him, legs spreading in front of Beomgyu who kneels on the floor in front of you, sitting between Kais legs as well. He doesn't waste anytime at teasing your abused cunt, burying his whole face in your pussy. The blonde, this time a lot more carefully, kneads both of your tits, slowly pulling down your top in a way that practically torments you. The fairly rough lace rubs against your hard nipples, "please!", you beg, begging for his slender fingers to finally expose your tits and rub on your sensitive buds. Immedietly Kai gives in, as if he was growing impatient as well, and pleasuring both at the same time. Since you have been horny for so long, it doesn't take long before your legs shake again, but this time the two don't pull away -- Yeonjun is actually the one dragging Beomgyu by his long hair as to stop you from cumming.
"Since I am nice, I won't fuck her first.", Yeonjun announces after scolding Beomgyu and Kai, "I probably won't at all tonight since four people are a lot to handle." You can't help but feel disappointed by that revelation, four are a lot but if the fifth is Yeonjun, you can handle it. "I don't mind being last", Soobin declares, sitting right next to you and Kai for quite some time now, edging his cock, "As long as no one cums inside her." Everyone reacts loudly, apparently all three have planned to creampie you. "You guys are gross, would you have fucked her with someone elses cum already in her?", Soobin complaints, he actually stopped touching himself at the thought. "She's going to look real cute and drowsy after two cocks...", Beomgyu thinks out loud, "But stretching her out, knowing she didn't even get fingered is going to feel way too good..." Everyone agress, you feel like you're in a board meeting. "Maybe the one with the slimmest dick should go first then, it's going to be better for her as well.", Yeonjun suggests. Since Kai and Soobin have already started stroking, only Taehyun and Beomgyu need to pull down their pants to reveal their equally as hard and red cocks.
Since Beomgyu is by far the girthiest, he definitely doesn't go first. Eventhough he isn't the longest, you start salivating by the thought of being stuffed full of him.
Soobin already decided to go last, and you're actually glad about that, since that massive cock is almost as thick as Beomgyus but also a few cms longer. You're not even sure if you were able to take him like this.
The only one who is equally as long is Kai, but it's a lot thinner in comparison and has a cute curve to the side, you know he's going to reach places no one else will be able to.
Taehyuns cock is the most similar to Yeonjun, lenght and girth wise they're in the middle. But that's actually positive, both have cocks that aren't overwhelming like the others, you can always take Yeonjun happily without needing to prepare so much. Besides, Taehyun probably has the prettiest one: his head has a pretty, uniform shape with a lot less foreskin than the others. It's completely straight and sitting stiff against his abs.
The order is obvious.
The others go to sit a little more to the side, leaving you to sit next to Taehyun. You both look at each other with big eyes, his hands on his lap. "How do you want to do... me?", you ask timidly. Knowing Yeonjun would never allow you to pleasure yourself right now, you massage your tits as to at least satisfy yourself a little bit. The brunette swallows hard at your display, you watch his adams apple bob. "I didn't get to play with your tits yet...", he mumbles, patting his lap as to calm himself down, which you misinterpret. Yeonjun does this gesture often, with him it means to sit on his lap, so you just do the same to Taehyun. He is surprised, your tits bouncing in his face, his cock twitching at your boldness. At least he thought you were being bold, in actuality you were just listening to cues and obediently following them. Knowing both of you, Yeonjun can't help but notice this misconception, trying his hardest to surpress his laugh at your cluelessness. You both don't notice though, Taehyun just goes for it and helps you lower your hips down onto him, hissing at the feeling of your wet cunt ingulfing him. You moan louldy at the highly anticipated stretch, throwing your arms around the mans neck. He places his strong hands on your butt, slowly moving you up and down his length to help you adapt, until you're able to do so by your own. Finally he can suck on your nipples while you ride him, the added pleasure only making you whine pathetically, making you almost forget the other four staring lustfully at your back. Now feeling bold himself, Taehyun slaps your ass. You instinctively ride faster, bringing him closer to his orgasm than expected. Barely managing to clumsily pull you off his dick, his cum drips onto the hardwood floor. With tired eyes and a lopsided grin you dismiss him, with that facial expression he could actually go another round, but its finally Kais turn.
He asks you to lay on your back, wanting a full view of your tits and tummy. His long dick even reaching deeper than the one before, his head rubbing a spot you have never felt before due to the curve. You moan loudly, especially as he presses one hot hand on your abadomen to feel himself pound into you. Due to his edging, he cums even faster than Taehyun, actually pulling out at the perfect time and cumming all over your belly. You're left feeling a little dissatisfied by how quick it was, wanting to relish this new experience, but knowing you have two to go, you don't dare to ask for more.
The switch between Beomgyu and Kai goes even faster, you barely noticed them exchanging spots. "Your ass looked so good earlier", he tells you dreamily, "Let's do it from the back..." Feeling the strain on your body, you slowly sit up and turn around on your fours. Ass up and head onto the cushions, since you don't have the energy to hold up your body. He definitely doesn't mind, as well as the others, who are turned on by how deep your arch is. You yelp the moment Beomgyu enters you, expecting a stretch but not this, it's actually bringing tears into your eyes. He rubs circles into your hips, noticing the difficulty to slide into you. Beomgyu is careful to stretch you out slowly, making sure to pull out a little bit occasionaly, until he is balls deep in you. "You're doing so good...", he praises you, making your stomach tingle by the compliment. You expected him to be a lot rougher, considering how he was acting earlier, but his strokes are deep, sensual and moderately paced. Seeing how fast his friends just came, he really wants to drag this out. But he too has been hard for quiete some time now and the way you clench tightly around him, it doesn't take all too long, deciding to just cum in his hand as to reduce the amount of sperm that has already accumulated. You lie down on your belly, Beomgyu takes advantage of it and bites into it, making you yelp yet again. "I couldn't help it...", he apologizes.
Last but not least, Soobin approaches you, having enjoyed the show thoroughly but also in need of your cunt. You swallow, feeling a little bit of anxiety. Taking Beomgyu was already quite difficult, but this will be another level. "I think I'll also do missionary...", he mumbles, before you could react he already flipped you on your back. Since he hasn't really participated before, you expected him to be a lot shyer, just trying to stick it in like the others, but it's actually the opposite: having watched you this whole time, he exactly knows what to do. Instead of his cock he takes his right index, middle and ring finger and pushes them deep into your cunt, moving them around carefully as to stretch you out. "Ugh, don't brag!", Yeonjun spits at him jokingly, making Soobin laugh. After some time, Soobin decides you're ready, placing a pillow underneath your butt and placing your legs around his waist. "I'll try to be gentle.", he grins, slowly sinking into you. Due to his fingering beforehand, the stretch isn't as intense, therefore entering you doesn't take as long as Beomgyu did. But what he wasn't prepared for was the way your gummy walls feel around him, the tired, fucked-out expression on your face, the bounce of your tits... his cock has been yearning for pleasure, for an orgasm all this time. His heavy balls slapping against your booty cheeks, and your cunt tightening around him, almost pushing him out due to his size, are the final straw needed for him to cum deep into you with a moan.
He pulls away carefully, you can feel the cushions rising again, making you realize he too moved away. You slowly open your eyes again after gathering yourself. Yeonjun is standing next to the sofa, looking down at you mischievously. Even though four men fucked you ruthlessly, he knows how much your pussy is throbbing for an orgasm.
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klxudykai · 2 months
my guide to making scripts ☆
i’ve had my fair share of making scripts (cause i'm obsessed) so i thought i’d share how i make them (with examples)
btw i make my scripts on notion^^
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general things to add
- so first, choose the aesthetic you want. it can be something like “black and white grunge” or “green forest”. i get most of my pictures from Pinterest cause that’s where most high quality photos are ofc. so for the icons i always put “icons” after whatever aesthetic im going for because the search shows square photos. if you don’t want to add a photo for every page you have, you can just look up smth like “solid black background” (specifically solid cause if not it’ll give you a photo instead).
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- for photos to add throughout the script i highly suggest going to tumblr cause you'll get higher quality photos. you technically could use pinterest, too but you might not find a decent quality photo. you might have to scroll a bit depending on what you're looking for but you shouldn’t have a problem finding what you need 🤷🏾‍♀️ (keep in mind that depending on how small the photo is, it might turn out with bad quality)
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-this part is optional considering your scripts will still look pretty without it, but if you want to, you can add dividers. not just the ones that are on notion but a colorful one once again those can be found on tumblr (if you intend on sharing the script make sure to give credit to who made the dividers!!). i haven't quite figured out how to make them hence why i dont add them to every script cause they dont always have the color i want
(i personally prefer the solid color once for aesthetic reasons, but its totally up to you which divider you want to use)
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-next that i like to add are symbols. you can easily find those by searching up "copy and paste symbols" and something should pop up. try to refrain from using language characters cause from what i've heard it can be offensive. go for something like a heart or a star (stars are my personal go-to)
-i usually add the symbols in the title and on the toggle lists (yes my safe word is “back to the ghetto” LMFAO)
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so my scripts are always set up like this:
personal: basics, appearance, personality, wardrobe, backstory, house/car
relationships: family, friends, partner, pets
media (this part is optional depending on what year you're shifting to): phone, tiktok, instagram, twitter, youtube
extra: safety, first day, scenarios
depending on the dr it is, i'll usually add an extra section. so for example if i'm shifting to a dr where i go to school ill add a section labeled "school" and have the class, dorms (if you have any), backpack, and whatever extra stuff about the school.
if i have a dr where i have powers or something then i would add a section for that with the pages named combat (where you can add how you fight and what abilities you have), how you inherited your powers (you can also add to this section if you're a hero, villain, vigilante,etc), if you are a hero or something then you can add another page with what your suit looks like and then add the extra gadgets you have along with it
(i'll use my spiderverse and mha script as an example so you can see what i'm talking about)
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details i had throughout the script
colored texts: so when im highlighting something important like my dr name, nicknames, mbti, etc
dividers: im telling you dividers make everything look sm more neat. it doesn't even have to be a colored one it could be the notion divider
bold texts: i feel like this just makes things look more aesthetically pleasing idk
a hint i learned: you can put texts right next to each other
anyways i think that's all the tips i have to give when it comes to scripts, if you have any questions pls lmk ^^
i also made a script that you guys can use for reference and if you plan on using it as a script make sure to duplicate it (the option to do that is on the top right of the screen)
(pls don't let this flop i worked so hard)
pookie also wanted to be tagged so @lovebvni
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