#if you need someone to talk to! i'm here too :)
theminecraftbee · 2 days
Doc's about four beers in by now. It's just enough to loosen his lips, especially with Etho eating most of the pretzels so Doc can't eat them. Compared to almost any other hermit under these circumstances, Doc seems barely tipsy at most, but, well, it's not like Beef needs him drunk to vent his latest frustrations at the world, he just needs him tipsy enough not to notice he's talking.
"--and I just don't understand why people are so surprised, man. You--you all have teased me too much to be surprised!" Doc is saying. "Ren laughed at me. Laughed!"
He also, for the record, seems to need to complain about... apparently his husband? Which is new. Beef had been surprised. He's not going to say so, yet, because this is Doc's very belated NHO bachelor party--can they call it that when it's more "sitting around a TV drinking, eating snacks, and not doing anything because they're all too old to be partying", and when Doc is very clearly not a bachelor?--and that would be rude.
"That dog," Bdubs says loyally. "I can kill him for you. I'm the judge so I wouldn't get arrested and I'd make sure you get all his money as a widow."
"No, you can't kill him, man, I still need him for tax benefits!"
"What taxes?" Etho asks, sounding vaguely panicked.
Everyone stops to consider this.
"Beneficial ones," Doc finally says.
"I don't think that's what--I think you're misunderstanding your English again," Beef says.
"No, I'm always right," Doc says.
They sit in companionable silence for a few moments. Someone shouts on TV. The show is in Swedish. Beef has no idea what's happening. He's honestly just kind of waiting for someone else to notice.
"It's just. I don't get it, man! Why are you all acting so surprised I called Ren my husband? You! You all know me!" Doc says, somewhere between accusing and despairing, and hm, maybe these beers were higher alcohol content than normal, if he's already on despairing? "Ren and I have been--after season eight, making it official, it is only a natural thing, yes? But we had--he's asked to have my puppies. You've heard him say our babies would be beautiful."
"That dog," Bdubs says loyally again, this time in a much more suggestive tone.
"More than once," mutters Etho.
"It's not--I mean, we all knew you and Ren were... how do I put this?" Beef says. "It's not surprising that you two are. Er. Help me out here."
"Boning," Etho says.
"EXCUSE YOU?" Bdubs says, scandalized.
"Yeah. Boning," Beef says. "Doing the horizontal tango. Probably some vertical ones too. I mean, you're definitely into some things--"
"Fighting dragons," Etho dryly adds.
"THAT WAS STILL GROUNDS FOR DIVORCE," Bdubs shouts, apparently over being scandalized and moving straight to offense.
"Two seasons later? Man, you just wanted to wring as much alimony out of me as possible," Doc says immediately.
"And? I'm a judge now, I know these things."
"My point," Beef says, before they can start arguing again, or before Etho can point out that they hadn't ever really been married to get divorced in the first place. "My point. We, uh, all knew you two had a thing. It's just, uh, marriage is... different! It's different, and--"
"You didn't INVITE ME TO THE WEDDING!" Etho says, finally unable to hold it in. "Whyyyyyyyyy? Doc, I thought we were friends! I thought we were friends, Doc! I wanted to go to the wedding!"
"It, it was a little thing," Doc says. "A common law marriage as much as--"
"Hey, wait, why didn't I officiate it, huh?" Bdubs says.
"That's not fair, you can't be mad at me for not inviting you to the wedding, the moon had just exploded!" Doc says.
"It had?" Etho says.
"Yeah, well, I exploded too and I still would have shown up," Bdubs says.
"I don't remember an explosion?" Beef says.
"Wait, the moon did something?" Etho says.
"Focus," Beef says. "Look. Doc. Also, love you man, but I always figured that if anyone was going to propose, it was going to be Ren."
Doc scoffs. "Clearly you don't know my husband, then."
Everyone waits for him to elaborate. Ren, after all, is the one known for dramatic emotional appeals. While Doc is equally dramatic--that's why Beef is throwing a bachelor party for the great fit as opposed to off showing him that Big Salmon can still show someone how to sleep with fishes--he's not exactly great at emotions. Surely, he will elaborate on why Ren would never be the one to propose between the two of them.
He doesn't.
"Anyway, I think it's been obvious for, for years, and you all are morons, and--why is the TV in Swedish?"
"THANK YOU!" Bdubs says. "I thought it would be rude to point out."
"Oh, I like it, though," Etho says as Doc changes the channel to a home improvement show. Yeah, sure. Fits the vibes of this bachelor party as much as anything else. Beef grabs another beer. He pauses.
"Wait, you said a common law marriage. That means you haven't actually had a wedding yet, right?"
"Not really," Doc says.
Beef considers being reasonable, and then he lets it go.
"Dibs on planning it," he says.
"WHAT?" Bdubs says, rounding on Beef.
"I--hey, I didn't agree to this!" Doc says, as Beef begins negotiations with Bdubs. Etho laughs, louder than he normally does, and throws an arm around Doc.
"Let it happen, man. Let it happen."
It's a good party, and a good night.
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ha get fucked science experiment!reverse clark, take that sedative and shove it up your ass
Jason tucked your head against his heart and held you close to him. At times, kissing you would be a perfectly lovely distraction. Other times, you needed something else.
You don't always want to feel heated to be distracted. Sometimes you just want held. "I'm here," he murmured, "You're safe, baby girl. Okay?"
"You're not going to let them drug me, are you?"
"No," he soothed. "You're okay. You don't need it. I'm here. You're talking. What do I feel like baby girl?"
"Good," he answered. "Good. That's good. What else?"
Jason felt himself flush red and he cradled you closer, kissing your forehead. "Just focus on that, okay. You're safe and warm, okay?"
"I love you too," you murmur.
"What the hell-"
"They're dating," Diana said cheerfully. "And Bruce is having a midlife crisis about it."
"But that's... isn't that weird?" Clark asked.
"Why? They never met before Jason came back from the dead. And they suit. Jason needs someone to be soft for and she needs someone who makes her feel secure." She nodded with the rightness of her assessment. "They suit," she repeated.
"I can't even- how does that even work?" he asked.
"Adorably, for the most part," Diana said. "He behaves like a teddy bear around her."
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bonebabbles · 1 day
Toshiro Dungeon Meshi really said "I am an autistic man and I've suffered quietly my whole life, the way I'm supposed to, the way that's expected of me. The way you're supposed to, the way that I expect of you. It infuriates me that you don't. It envies me that you don't. I've never expressed this before because I don't know how and I snapped and all of my emotions came tumbling out and I said it in a way I don't actually mean, just like how you never mean it."
And then he said, "And then we fought. And you won, of course you did, and now we're talking openly because you're someone I CAN talk to. I always COULD talk to you. I just never DID. Of course you're taking this seriously. And you know I take it all seriously. Why are you like this? Why do I RECOIL every time you speak to me, even when you aren't doing anything wrong? How can a person even be like this?? Why do I sometimes wish that I could be like you?"
AND THEN HE SAID, "Wait. Please. I need you to know I do care about you. I can't tell you that directly because I have been taught my whole life that to love someone is to lessen their burden, to BE less of a burden, shrink yourself, don't have demands, don't have needs, don't eat more than the bare minimum to sustain yourself. I'm working on that now, because of my family, because of her, and because of you, but I still can't bring myself to settle the full weight of my being onto another person. Here is a magic bell that will let you safely become my burden. I will not lose you too."
The magic bell rolls around in Laios' bag and rings constantly because Toshiro didn't think to stuff it with a piece of paper before giving it to the most physically active fighter in the group who does all the runnining aroundening.
The one he JUST brawled for being imperceptive.
Blurting out that he would help him escape the Elf Cops took priority. He NEEDED Laios to know this so bad. I just know he was thinking about putting that bell in his hand as soon as he started sharing how he wished that he'd told Falin how much she meant to him sooner but was trying to think of the right moment. He was absolutely BESIEGED by the autistic swagger of the Touden siblings. How can you not start scratching the furniture thinking about it
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berryz-writes · 2 days
It's always going to be you
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Summary: You and Azriel spend less time with each other and soon it seems he spends more time with Elain- apologising and fluff
Azriel x reader
I watched, holding my breath as Elain let out a small laugh at something Azriel said, her hand coming up to rest on his arm. Did she need to do that? No, she probably didn't. But I let it go because she was getting better now. Her smiles were more frequent and if she found my mate funny then fine. I wouldn't be jealous about it.
Another week later and Elain and Azriel were walking the streets of Velaris. I had paused in my tracks to watch them, their heads bent together talking about something important it seemed. It felt like I hadn't gone shopping with Az in so long let alone have a nice conversation that lasted longer than a minute. They seemed comfortable together. Fine. As long as they were both happy there was no reason for me to jump to conclusions.
It was game night and Elain and Azriel had paired up. Yes, they were playing chess against each other but they chose each other and left me on the side lines, merely part of the audience. I wasn't even give a second glance. "Y/n? Aren't you going to play?" Cassian asked from where he was sat on the sofa, one arm around Nesta the other holding a glass of wine.
I shook my head "I'm tired. Maybe next time" I turned to look back at Azriel because like usual I was drawn to him. It seemed he was unaffected by our bond now because he hadn't even looked at me once throughout the entire day. The longer I stared the harder it was to fight back tears. I stood up and mumbled an excuse to leave, Nesta being the only one who listened to my made up excuse. I walked out the house and rubbed my hands together, my feet taking me to the bench I had sat on so many times. Luckily I was smart enough to grab hold of a thick shawl before leaving. The Sidra was as beautiful as always, lights glowing around the area, Fae spilling out of different bars across the street.
I pulled the shawl closer to me and tried to enjoy the sight in front of me rather than my mind going back to things I didn't want to think about.
Where are you?
Y/n? Are you okay? Where are you? Tell me where you are.
Sweetheart please. Are you allright?
Azriel's voice, panicked and full of fear in my mind. The spiteful thing to do would be to ignore him and build a barrier between the both of us but because I was never able to see or hear Azriel worry for so long I replied with
I'm fine
I went home for the night, enjoy yourself
I blocked him out. I didn't want to think about anything right now. I wasn't in the mood to talk to him.
Of course if someone asked if I still loved him I would have replied with a "yes" in a heartbeat. Maybe we just needed space. Or maybe I was being dramatic. It's not as if I had walked in on them kissing or something.
"Fancy seeing you here, y/n" Someone said. I had to blink away my sleepiness and try and find the source of the voice. It was Keller. A friend who I usually had lunch with when I was in town or needed someone to help me translate a piece of text.
I gave him a warm smile, his blonde almost silver hair shining in the street lamps.
"Is there a seat free?" He gestured next to me at the empty bench but before I could answer a loud thud was heard behind me and without having to turn around I could tell who it was. He must have hidden his scent because otherwise I would have known he was coming this way earlier.
"Apologies, but the seats taken. You should get going now" Azriel's voice was tight and full of anger, one wrong answer from Keller would result in things that were too gruesome too think of.
Still, he hesitated, looking between me and Azriel who was behind me and probably sending daggers at him.
"I'll see you tomorrow. Have a nice night" I gave him an awkward smile, trying to reassure him.
"Right. Enjoy your time." And with a nod "Shadowsinger" He walked away soon disappearing behind a corner. I didn't bother turning around and instead waited for Azriel to show himself. His footsteps were light as his form came into view, blocking the scene of the Sidra. He stood there for a good minute or so evaluating every inch of me with his piercing eyes. His shadows moved away from him, coming to brush against me as if they were checking if I was ok as well.
"Are you all right? Your not hurt are you?" His voice was soft, a great contrast to the tone he was using with Keller a second ago.
I sighed "Physically, yes"
He took this as a chance to sit down next to me, making sure there was a small distance between us. As if he wasn't sure what I wanted. I wasn't sure either. I wanted space but I also wanted him to wrap his arms around me and tell me everything would be alright.
"I didn't know what happened to you. I thought you had been taken. I thought I wouldn't see you again" Azriel's voice was quiet and almost broken in a way. I turned to look at him, to see if he was the same Azriel as a few weeks ago.
"What's happened to us?" I asked. I didn't know either but there was one thing I knew and that was something had changed.
As soon as the words escaped me, Azriel froze. His breathing coming to a stop and his eyes focused completely on me and my breathing. For the first time in my life I heard him stumble over his words "what...what do you mean?" He asked, his voice so quiet and full of worry. His shadows paused their constant movement around me and froze as well, their touch now cold.
I wrapped my arms around me, the shawl suddenly not doing much to block the cold out properly "Don't you feel as if we've grown apart? Like...maybe we aren't as close as we used to be?"
I couldn't look at him while saying that. Instead I let my head fall back so I could look at the comforting sight of the stars. Something that was always there. I felt a slight shift to my right where Azriel moved closer to me, his wings coming to wrap around me.
I looked at him, opening my mouth to thank him for the warmth but before I could say anything his shaky voice interrupted me "I love you. I will always love you. I am so sorry you felt as if I wasn't giving you enough time. I know you deserve more than I could ever-"
I put my hand up to stop him "It's not about that. It's about you always being with Elain. Tell me, Azriel. How long has it been since we've been shopping together? How long has it been since you've come home when I'm not asleep because it's the middle of the night? How long will this go on? This back and forth of me waiting for you while you go off with Elain doing who knows what"
I felt his heart beat increase with every word I said and as I let it all out I felt full of guilt. I was being irrational and dramatic. And Azriel didn't deserve it. We had been through so much and I was complaining about him not spending time with me
"sorry. I didn't mean that. I just...got carried away" I looked away from him. He looked heartbroken and I had done that to him.
A silent minute passed before Azriel broke it by picking me up and winnowing us to his room
"what? what are you doing?" I asked, disoriented from the winnowing. I sat on his bed, trying to get used to the soft lighting in his room.
He sat next to me and held my hands in his, warmth seeping through me "I could never cheat on you, sweetheart. I'd rather shred my wings than hurt you. You understand that...don't you? There is nothing between me and Elain and there never will be. I'm sorry you felt that way" He pressed a kiss to my hand, his eyes golden in the light. The way he looked at me made me think, how could I have doubted him?
"I know you aren't cheating. Of course I know that but why does it feel like you spend more time with her than me?" I ask quietly, afraid of the answer. Maybe it's because I've become boring now after all these years.
"My love, your the one who told me to help her. You told me spend time with her because she seemed to like my company. I did it for you, sweetheart. Don't you think I'd rather spend my time with my beautiful mate?"
His hand moved up to cup my cheek, brushing away a tear that had escaped. "It's always going to be you."
I leaned into his comforting warmth and let my doubts and fears wash away. "I'm sorry for doubting you, Az"
"you had every right to" He mumbled back, his arms now encircling me completely. I felt safe and wanted in his arms, like nothing could ever go wrong.
(KEEP IN MIND I LOVE ELAIN EVERYONE. my personal opinion is she should end up with lucien)- as usual not proof read
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Big Dick Energy
𖤐Pairing: Mafia! Alejandro x Wife! Reader
𖤐Pronouns: She/Her
𖤐Warnings: smut, language, eating out, P in V, fingering, blowjob, smoking, drinking, flirting, tatted up Alejandro, married couple, mention of nudity, drunk love, dirty nickname (slut),
𖤐Summary: Alejandro was cruel and he just gives off big dick energy, I mean you should know, you’re his wife, so how big is it?
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Alejandro sat on a velvet red couch watching people dance around in his club. He hated these people, they came, they go, what can you do, but he hates the people that only use him.
He swirls his glass around and looks at the man talking to him from the corner of his eye, he hated this guy. He always got on Alejandro's nerves, every little thing.
"God don't you ever shut up?" Alejandro mumbled to himself, the guy wouldn't have heard Alejandro, the music was too loud.
"I mean come on, I should have won my bet, but of course that stupid card had to take it all away," all Alejandro knew this guy was talking about poker.
He couldn't give two flying shits about poker, Alejandro is running an empire here, he makes money all on his own and along with hiring some people, he doesn't need to waste his time on stupid betting games.
He already owns a club that makes millions when he's here or not. He looks on the dancefloor to see someone, his wife. She liked to join Alejandro when he comes to the club for business. Tonight was like any other night, he did his job and she danced and had fun.
Everyone knew not to mess her because if they did, Alejandro would have their head and heart on a silver plater.
Her body glide across the dancefloor as she had fun, Alejandro kept a close eye on her. Y/n made eye contact with her husband slowly moving off the dancefloor and walking towards him, her hips moving from side to side.
She moves closer to him and sat on his lap, he just looked up at her his hand moving to her bare thigh.
"Can you go?" He asks the guy next to him.
"Me? I-I guess," the guy left and Alejandro looked at Y/n giving her a smile, his left hand going to her cheek cupping it and kissing her jaw.
"You look so beautiful," he says kissing her jaw some more.
"I know you told me before we left the house," she giggles.
"Y/n..." she looks down at him.
"We should head home...I'm tired here, bored here, let's go home," he says. She got off his lap and he grabbed her hand pushing through the crowd and heading to the front doors, pulling them open and a black McLaren pulled up, the valet got out of the car and gave Alejandro his keys.
He opens the door for Y/n and she gets in. He drove them home, his hand rested on her thigh and the other gripping the stirring wheel. Y/n played with his big fingers as she looks out of the window watching the buildings pass by.
"Did you have fun?" His voice broke the silence.
"Yeah, I did, I didn't get a chance to drink though."
"I'll make you something at home," he says.
"Good," she smiles at him.
Once home Alejandro helped Y/n out of his car and they headed inside the mansion. Alejandro twirled Y/n around her heels in his hand and a big smile on his face.
Alejandro always kept his heart close to the world and never thought he will EVER find love, he deemed it as impossible for himself to ever find love or fall in love.
Once he met Y/n his heart was open and he fell in love, he married her a year after they started dating and the wedding happened within a week, Alejandro wanted everything perfect for her and once married, Alejandro and Y/n wanted their time together before the thought of children ever come into their lives.
Y/n plops on the couch kicking her feet onto the coffee table and Alejandro went to the bar pouring her a mixed drink. She fluffs up her hair and then took the drink from her husband.
"Thank you, love."
"Anything for you, mi amor (my love)," he kisses her lips, holding her chin and started to briefly make out.
"Alejandro, please..." she says as his lips attacked her neck. She brings the glass to her lips taking a sip of the drink.
Alejandro then stops and starts pulling at his tie and unbuttoning his shirt completely showing off his toned body. She smiles at him, placing her drink down on the coffee table and she starts moving to his pants.
Unbuckling his pants and unbuttoning his pants as well. She gets a full view of his bulge in her face. She licks her lips as she looks up at him, gently kissing his bulge and slowly moving her hand up to his boxers next, but he holds her wrist from stopping her from going any further which made her groan.
"Come on, baby," she says, looking up at him.
"You'll have your fun in a little bit," he says, kissing her lips. "First off, I'm fucking hungry, you want anything?" he asks, before walking to the kitchen.
"I want you," she pleads.
"No, food," he says as he opens the fridge.
"Fine," she groans rolling off the couch and grabbing her drinks and she walks to the kitchen. "I want spaghetti," she says.
"Alrighty then," he says, grabbing noodles, two pots and some sauce.
"Can I help with anything?" She asks.
"Just sit there and look pretty, I got this," he says, cupping her face and kissing her lips again.
And she did just that, sitting on the marble counter, her short dress riding up to her thighs exposing a bit of her lacy underwear, she crosses her ankles leaning forward as her hands were planted on the counter.
"Can I try the sauce?" Alejandro usually made it homemade.
"Sure, mi amor," he dips the spoon in and brings it to her mouth.
"Good, very good, like usual," she says, kissing his lips.
"I'm glad, I didn't do anything different but I get worried that I may have missed an ingredient or something."
"It probably would still be good anyways," she smiles getting off the counter and hugging his waist.
After a while Alejandro and Y/n were eating dinner at their dinner table, Alejandro was drinking whiskey as Y/n was drinking wine like usual. Alejandro just stares at Y/n as she eats.
"Do I have something on my face?" She asked, taking the napkin and going around her mouth, all she got off was some lipstick.
"Nah, nothing, you're just so...sexy."
"You're a flirt."
"I'm your flirt," he smirks, leaning on his palm and still staring at her.
Alejandro then smirks before sliding down his chair and he's never done this before but crawled to Y/n's legs that were crossed, when he gets to her knees, his rough and calloused hands touching her made her jump.
"A-Ale-" she was soon cut off by his tongue licking a stripe up her wet panties. She tossed her head back and her fingers started to go through his soft hair.
"F-Fuck," she moans as he hooks his fingers around the helm of her panties and pulled hem down taking them off and licking between her wet folds now.
Her legs wanted to close so badly but his hands were holding her thighs open, she whines and grips his soft hair. Her right hand went to his hand holding open her legs. His large tatted hand made her look so small.
Alejandro then looks up at her through his long sweaty hair, she moans and leans her back, Alejandro then proceeds to move his mouth causing her to groan.
Alejandro smirks licking his fingers and then sticking them inside of her and his mouth went back around her lower half licking at her bud, and moving his fingers quickly in and out of Y/n.
She could feel herself about to cum soon, Alejandro smirks moving his mouth again and this time just his fingers.
"Come on, mi amor, come on," he groans moving his fingers faster in and out of her, she was a moaning mess. She ended up coming on his fingers, he smirks before licking her clean and then picking her up.
Taking her up to their shared bedroom, placing her on the bed, he lifts up the bottom of her dress and takes it off her completely. He smirks seeing her breasts on full display for him, she smiles and her face is a little heated up from embarrassment.
"Don't feel embarrass, amor, we've done it before."
"I know," she says, running her hands down her thighs feeling how smooth and soft they were. Alejandro started to unbutton the rest of his shirt and she helps him unbuckle his pants.
He looks down at her when his dick sprung out of his pants. Y/n licks her lips and then kisses his tip, he tosses his head back, hand going behind her head. Her mouth now around him, in a way of repaying him.
He smirks knowing how good his wife is. She looks up at him, she sits on her knees, hands on his thighs and her nose sometimes touching his lower stomach, he moans.
"God, you're s-so good at this," he says, licking the corner of his mouth and smirking down at her. Alejandro knows he's big, and thick, and he also knows Y/n can take him like it's nothing.
He doesn't want to say he 'trained' her to take his cock, but he did. She's gotten so use to him that taking him was no problem whatsoever.
"God, you are such a slut, taking me so well," his hand cupped under her chin as she continued to suck him off. She moved her mouth and starts pumping him quickly. She opens her mouth as cum squirts from his tip into her mouth.
"Fuck, mi amor," he says.
He lays in the middle of the bed, legs semi spread, arms resting on the headboard of the bed, Y/n looking at him between his legs. Before anything else starts, Alejandro leaned over into his nightstand drawer and pulled out a cigarette lighting it and then looking back at Y/n.
"Come on, amor, one more," he says, she crawls on top of him. Taking his dick and aligning it at her entrance. She slowly sinks herself onto his dick, slowly bouncing at first.
Her hands resting on his shoulders, his cigarette going between his lips and his hands holding her waist helping her pick up the pace just a bit.
Her moans tossing her head back her body had collapsed on his chest, he smirks and then sits back up looking at him now.
"Am I-I going to fast?"
"Amor, go as fast or slow as you need," he says, moving the cigarette from his lips tapping the burnt end into his little ash tray next to the bed and proceeding to kiss her neck.
Y/n didn't mind the smoking, she lowkey thought it was hot, and sexy, he didn't do it all the time which also made Y/n not mind it.
She starts to move fast, Alejandro smirking when hearing her moans come from her lips. He leans forward taking her lips into his, it became a heated make out session now.
Alejandro cupping her face, and kissing her lips. His rough hands held her waist and his tongue soon passed her lips. Y/n moved her mouth to be able to breath now, his lips attacked her neck. His hands cupping her breasts.
Y/n looks down at the cigarette and taking it from his fingers and putting it in her mouth, Alejandro knew she didn't smoke and it caught him by surprise when she took it and blew out smoke with no issue.
"You have shitty taste in cigarettes," she said through a slightly disgusted look.
"But I have good taste in women," he says, laying Y/n on her back taking back is cigarette putting it back between his lips and starts picking up the pace. Her arms go around his neck, and he leans down taking her left nipple into his mouth suckling on her and flicking her bud with his tongue.
"G-God, I'm g-going to cum," she moans.
"Do it, amor, I can feel you squeeze around me," he says, putting his head back.
She let's out another moan before she felt herself coming, Alejandro sits up placing his hand on her lower stomach feeling his dick bulge in her. He then ends up coming inside of her.
Alejandro was against the headboard and holding Y/n against his body. He put his cigarette out and rubbed Y/n's waist.
"Are you okay?" He asks.
"Yes," she says back, bring up the blanket over her shoulders.
Her naked body, was so warm while his was burning hot. Alejandro looks down at Y/n rubbing her soft body with his rough hands, she looks up at him.
"Nothing...I just want to hold you for a little bit," he says, before kissing the top of her head.
Y/n smiles up at him.
"I love you."
"I love you too, mi amor."
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sanguineterrain · 1 day
THE PT2 OF REPORTER! READER AND JASON OH.MY.GOD I LOVEEEED IT could you pleaaase do a pt3? 🙏 i need them to kiss already 😩 maybe someone from the batfam or even roy go to jason's house and be like ??????who are you????? to reader please💕 i love your writing, i hope you have a nice day💖
here it is! hope y'all enjoy :) part 1 | part 2
jason todd x gn!reporter!reader. tw: gunshot wounds, injured jason, nightwing cameo, patching up, kissing. almost 2.2k
You're being a snoop.
In your defense, you're a reporter with too much time on your hands in the Red Hood's apartment. It's impossible not to snoop.
It's also been four days since you moved in. You kind of feel like a crazy ex, hunting for proof that Hood's cheating on you.
So far, you've found nothing except for a worrying amount of hidden firearms. There's a handgun in the toaster. What the hell.
You've been trying to work on the case, but it's hard to investigate when you're in witness protection. Hood is out right now chasing a lead. He had said not to worry about it, but how can you not? How can you not worry about him?
You glance at the clock. 9:24. Hood was supposed to be home half an hour ago. He said he was chasing a lead. You didn't want him to go alone, but you're also pretty shit at avoiding assassins, so.
You've ordered Chinese food from the select list of restaurants Hood said you can order from. He left a wad of cash for you to use. When you paid, you had a moment's pause.
Is the Red Hood your sugar vigilante?
Hm. Not something you're willing to explore right now.
You chew a nail and pick at a crab rangoon. Hood miraculously (or, maybe not so much, considering his stalker tendencies) chose your favorite Chinese restaurant. Usually, you'd have gobbled up your dinner by now. But you can't stop looking at the clock.
The floorboards in the hall creak. You're up instantly, and you go to the door. You wait for Hood's confirmation text that it's him outside. It doesn't come.
There's hushed voices. You run back to the toaster and grab the gun. You have no idea how to use it, but it can't be that hard, right? Point and shoot?
The door opens. You aim the gun. Right in Nightwing's face.
"Whoa," he says, lifting his free arm. His other holds up Hood, who's bleeding from his shoulder and thigh. Holy fuck.
"Safety's on, smarty," Hood slurs, more than a little out of it. "We gotta fix y'posture."
"Oh my God," you say, dropping the gun and racing to help Hood.
Nightwing takes a step back. Hood grunts as he's dragged along.
"Uh, who are you?" Nightwing asks.
"Gotham Gazette," you say on instinct.
"They're w'me," Hood mumbles. "Pu' me down, Wing."
"Why do you have a civilian in your apartment?" Nightwing asks, helping Hood onto the couch.
You run into your bedroom and return with two pillows to support Hood's head.
"You got shot?" you ask, voice going high. "What the actual fuck, Red?!"
"Hood, why do you have a civilian in your apartment?"
Hood groans. "Can we save questions for th'end?"
"Jesus," Nightwing says. "You're ridiculous."
"That's what I said," you grumble, removing Hood's equipment.
"Great. There's two 'f ya. This is why I didn't wanna come here," Hood says. "My reporter gets nervous, Dickface."
"You coming home shot would make any reasonable person nervous, you jerk," you say, scowling.
You peel back Hood's jacket. His undershirt is sticky with blood and singed skin. Gunshot.
"Oh my God," you whisper. "God, Red, what did you—"
"Wing's got it, sweet," Hood says. "Go on, y'don't gotta see this. 'S gross, I know."
"I'm not going anywhere," you say firmly. You look at Nightwing. "Do you have a problem with me being here?"
"Well, a civilian shouldn't—"
"Good. What do you need from me?"
"Go have a cup'a tea," Hood says.
You glare. "I wasn't talking to you, Helmet Boy."
"Ever hear'a bedside manner?"
"No. Hence why I'm a reporter."
Hood slumps against the couch. That worries you more—if he doesn't have the energy to fight back, his injuries must be bad.
Anxiously, you look at Nightwing. He presses his lips together and then makes a decision.
"Okay. I need hot water and the first aid kit under the microwave."
You nod. "Got it."
You fetch his requests and return. Nightwing gets to work on Hood's thigh first. You hover, finally settling near Hood's head. He's in his undershirt, his tactical pants, and his boots. You touch the side of his helmet. He turns his head to you.
"Didn't I tell ya t'beat it?" he asks.
"Can't get rid of me that easily." You look at Nightwing. "Is it bad?"
"His thigh isn't bad. Bullet missed anything major and went clean through. I'm just patching him up. Gave him some painkillers. Gonna be a bit before they kick in."
You watch Nightwing pull a needle through Hood's skin for half a second before you turn away. Hood grunts.
"Don't gotta stay," he says quietly. "Lotta blood."
"You're hurt," you say. You don't know what else to say, how to put your urgency into words. Physically, you can't leave Hood's side.
"'M tough," he mumbles. "Toughest guy on the block."
"Dumbest too," Nightwing says, cutting the thread.
"Look who's talkin'."
Their dynamic is odd. Not what you expected, considering how empty the outside of Hood's fridge is. You couldn't find any other photos of friends or family.
"Alright." Nightwing sighs and shifts over. "Now the shoulder. Hood, did it go through?"
"'Fraid not, Blue. Gonna hafta deep dive."
You make a weak noise in your throat. Nightwing pinches Hood's side. Hood winces.
"No, no. I was jokin'. Stupid joke. Sorry."
"I should've never let you go out alone," you say.
"Let me? 'M a stubborn man. Even the Bat can't make me do shit."
"Understatement of the century," Nightwing says, studying the wounds. "You're gonna need to take off your helmet for this one."
They both look at you. You puff up.
"I'm not—"
"Look," Nightwing says gently. "I know you're—"
"Blindfold! You can blindfold me." You get up and look around. "What can we use for a..."
"I think I have a black tie in the top middle drawer," Hood says.
You race to his room and race back with the tie. It smells like the same lavender detergent as your sheets. Nightwing and Hood are whispering when you return; they stop talking as soon as you enter. You pretend not to notice.
"'Kay. Nightwing?" You hand him the tie. "Would you like to do the honors?"
"Weirdest patching up I've ever done," Nightwing says.
"I've had weirder," Hood says.
Nightwing ties the tie around your head. "Okay?"
You nod. "Good."
"How many fingers am I holding up?" Hood asks.
You roll your eyes. "I don't know, Red."
"Don' roll ya eyes a'me."
You raise your brows. "How did you—"
"Magic. Do it, Wing."
There's some rustling, a click, and then you can hear Hood's breathing, just like you did a few nights ago.
"This is gonna hurt," Nightwing warns.
Hood hums. "Nothing I can't handle."
The sound of a bullet being dug out of flesh is one you never want to hear again. Hood's strangled groan is a million times worse.
"Almost done, Little Wing," Nightwing whispers. "I'm sorry. Almost done."
"Red?" You inch forward, searching for his hand. He takes it and squeezes.
"'M fi–ine," he says, sounding very much not fine. "Ah, shit. Ha-hate shoulder wounds."
You move closer, cradling his whole arm. Hood grunts. He strokes your knuckles with his thumb.
"'S okay," he says. "'M okay."
His breathing returns to normal after several minutes. You hold his hand the entire time. There's some rustling, and you hear Nightwing stand.
"He'll be okay. He just needs to rest."
"What can I do?" you ask, blindfold still on.
"Nothin'," Hood says. "I'm peachy. Just needa sleep it off."
You whip your head around. "You got shot!"
"Not my first bullet and won't be my last. Here, lemme put on my helmet—"
"Hood, no! My God, you're insane."
"You're realizing this now?" he asks. "'S fine, I can do it—"
"Okay!" Nightwing says loudly. "I'm gonna go. It was nice to meet you. I'm glad Hood has a..."
"Reporter," Hood finishes.
"...Right. A reporter who... cares so much about him. Uh-huh."
It's quiet for a moment. You know they're having a conversation, but you can't see them.
"Don't tell B," Hood says.
Nightwing laughs. "Oh, you're in the shit. A reporter in your apartment and two bullet wounds? You owe me big."
"We're working a case together, and I'm not trying to expose Hood," you say. "I don't even care who you two are."
That is a lie, but whatever. Vigilantes are a paranoid breed. You can relate.
Nightwing sighs. "Alright, okay. I won't say anything. Make sure he doesn't bleed out. If anything changes, call me on his phone."
"I will. Thank you for helping him."
"What I'm here for," Nightwing says, and he sounds like he means it. "Hood?"
"'M fine, Wing. Go home to your girl."
"Ahem. Right. Good night."
The window creaks and then it's just you and Hood. You make yourself comfortable on the floor next to the couch, blindfold still on. You don't mind the dark. Touching Hood, you feel safe.
"Oh. Thought you were asleep."
"No, but Wing's lecture had me gettin' there." He squeezes your hand. "Y'okay?"
You lace your fingers together. Hood's hand is cold. You hold it close and try to warm it up.
"Take that off," he says. "I'll put the helmet on."
"Don't be an idiot. You'll jostle your stitches."
"Bossy, bossy..."
You sigh. "Red, whatever you did tonight—"
"Y'know I won't let anything happen to you, right?" he says. "Right?"
"What if you'd died tonight, Hood?"
You eyes are damp. He squeezes your hand again.
"I wouldn't. Not goin' anywhere."
"You have no control over that, and making such promises is outrageous. Why wouldn't you get proper medical attention?" you ask.
"'Cause that requires Batman, and he and I had a tiff."
"A tiff."
It sounds like more than that, but you drop it.
"Red, I was so worried."
"Smarty, th' others would take care of ya if anything hap—"
"I was worried about you! I was worried you weren't coming back, Red."
"I... I care about you. I mean, yeah, I care about the case, and I wanna bring in the bad guys, but shit, Red. Not at your expense."
He lets go of your hand. Then, a finger dances across your cheek. You gasp.
"Y'really trust me, huh?" he asks quietly.
"Of course." You swallow. "Hood, of course I trust you."
"Shit." A thumb on your lip. "Shit, smarty pie. Why y'trust me so easy?"
His accent is thick with exhaustion. You love it.
"You have a nice voice," you say unthinkingly.
"Goddamnit." He huffs. "You gotta go t'bed, sweetheart."
Your heart pounds. "Why?"
"'Cause otherwise I'm gonna kiss ya. And this whole thing is gonna go t'shit. And you're my favorite reporter."
You lean in. "Red—"
"No." He catches your cheek with his hand. "Bad reporter. Breach a' ethics."
"I'll let you," you say. "Do it, I won't stop you."
"This is the adrenaline talkin'. You were scared, that's why."
You shake your head. You've never been more sure of anything. But you have to make sure that he's sure.
You grab his wrist. "Are you thinking clearly? Are you high?"
"Wing gave me one painkiller, sweet. Takes at least three t'knock me out."
And that weighs you down for a moment, remembering that Hood isn't what you thought he was. He isn't a villain. He's a man who's known unfathomable amounts of pain. He's a man who's killed men. Who'd kill for you.
A man made of flesh and blood and scars and dark curls and a warm, warm neck and... and...
"Shit," Hood says.
And then he kisses you. For a second. Then he pulls back.
"Sorry," he whispers against your mouth. "Sorry, I—"
You pull him back, cupping the back of his neck. He makes a tiny noise. You start to speak, to worry, but Hood keeps you still with a hand on your arm.
His mouth is hot, a little uncoordinated, but sweet all the same. You're careful to follow his lead. His lips are chapped. He has a little scruff; you stroke his face. It suits him. Anything would.
You cannot turn away from this. From him. That is certain.
You pull away for breath and so you don't undo Nightwing's hard work. You listen to Hood's harsh breathing, pleased that you're the reason for it.
"Wait," he says. "Wait, l-lemme—"
Hood starts to pull off your blindfold. You grab it instantly.
"Red, no. Don't show me just because we kissed."
"But y'don't-don't even know what I look like. How d'you know I'm somebody y'wanna kiss?"
"Because I do. And I will kiss you in the dark for as long as you want me to. Don't do it just because you're afraid of losing me otherwise."
He draws circles on your cheek with his thumb. "Trusting me like that 's crazier than anything I've done, smarty."
"Well, don't we make quite the pair?"
"What, crazy?"
You smile. "I was thinking brave. But it is a fine line."
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selfloverrrrrr · 3 days
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Handling Them
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Warning: Smut, unprotected Sex, rough sex, teasing, anal sex, nipple play, blow job, threesom....
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( All characters are aged up/18+)
Minors Do Not Interact
Read the warnings carefully....if you don't like my stories block me not report
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I was a first year student in jujutsu high. I had friends there. Nobara, Megumi and Yuji. IT was a normal day. I just woke up. I got up and sit on my bed. I was sleeping in my own bedroom. I don't need to wear so much clothes ofcourse. I got up went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and again came back to my room to change my clothes.
I went to jujutsu high after getting ready. Me and Nobara were chatting. "What happened GURLLL.... why are you looking kinda upset?" She asked. "I'm so from some day....and If you wanna hear it in simple words.... I wanna get laid" I said. "Ohh?" She smirked. I gave her 😑 look. "I'm joking...but I understand....but that means you have to go to a part or something..." She said and I nodded.
We were talking with we was Yuta coming towards us. " Hey... Tonight all of us decideed to going to a party.... will you come too" he asked. We both got shocked that how is this a coincidence! " Yes SUREEEE" Nobara replied. I gave her a side eye and she giggled. Then Yuta looked at me. "Yes Yuta senpai...we would love to" I replied. Yuta smiled and left the place. "Yayyyy it's gonna be funnnnnn!!!!" Nobara screamed and I laughed.
After I come back to my room I went to my closet to pick up a dress for the night. I took a red silky short bodycon dress. Perfect for the night. I took a quick shower and wore the dress and put on my makeup. Now I was totally ready. Then I went out of my room and took a cab and went to the party.
When I entered there first I saw Yuji and Maki. Maki hugged me and took me inside. Then I saw Yuta. " Thank you to you two for giving the party " I said with a smile. " Your welcome" he replied me. Then I turned to Yuji again. " You're looking hot... tonight" Geto said. " Oh... thank you for the compliment" I replied with a small smirk.
I didn't know when Nobara came beside me. "Gurl... you just got here and started to get laid already!" She whispered. "Ummm... maybe yes" I whispered back and we both giggled. Then Nobara left. "You gotta nice butt tho" Yuji Said. I turned back my attention to Yuji again. I smirked. "Wanna slap it for tonight?"I asked. "How can I refused someone gorgeous like you" he replied and pulled me towards him. His hands on my ass. I pressed my lips on his.
He kissed me back. We were exploring our mouth shoving our tongue. He was Kissing me roughly. Making me breathless. Everything was going well suddenly we heard someone calling Yuji's name. We realised it was Todo. He came from nowhere and dragged Yuji to somewhere to show him a poster he just saw. "fuck" I sighed.
Todo had to take Yuji right now! I thought and started walking through the party. I was finally getting some and it was ruined again!!! I went into a room. People were there too. Then I saw Megumi in that room. He was wearing a black shirt and a sweatpant. He was leaning his back on a table. There was a drink in his one hand and he was going through his phone with the other hand.
When did he got that hot... I thought and smirked. I walked towards him. When I reached infront of him he looked at me. "Oh...y/n" he said and put his phone inside his pants. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Nothing really... you?" He asked. "Same same..." I replied. I looked at him.
"You're looking hot" I said. He slightly blushed. "Thanks....You're looking gorgeous too" he replied. I leaned towards him. His back touched the table. My one hand on his thigh and the other hand on the side of the table. "Are you free tonight... Megumi?" I asked. "Huh?.... y-yes" he replied. I run my hand upwards. His breath hitched. I rubbed my hand on his crotch. He whined.
I felt he's getting hard. "Why don't you take me your room tonight..." I whispered and continued my hand work. "F-fuck....why not!" He whined while stroking my inner thigh. Then suddenly Maki came from nowhere and thank God she didn't saw anything... She dragged me out of there because some girl gossip was happening.... And at the end of the night I got none of them! When the party ends both of them were already went back. Then I went back to my room again frustrated and directly went to sleep after changing my clothes.
The next morning
I just woke up. Got up from bed and brushed my teeth. Then came back to bed. Today was off day in school. I took my phone and opened messeges to see who messaged. First two chats were from Megumi and Yuji. I smirked and opened the chat.
Megumi's chat
Hey... I'm so sorry for last night... The boys forced to come home :/
No... it's fine :)
Yuji's chat
Hey... good morning:)
Yesss.... good morning to you too
My morning is already good;)
Really? Why?
Megumi's chat
You don't know what you're doing to me
Show me ;)...
[ image]
Want me to wrap my walls around it? ;)
My jaw dropped seeing the image... HE SEND ME NUDE??!! it was a selfie image...he wasn't wearing pants and taking up his tshirt with other hand. He was looking another direction.... That was so hot!!!!
Nobara's chat
What are you doing?
Girllll.... listen.... you won't believe what just happened!!!!
Megumi just sent me nude😭😭😭
What!!!! There's no way!!!! He can do that??? He doesn't seems like that kinda person!!
yes I know!!!..but he really did!!!
Wtffff girlllll!!!!!
I was talking with Nobara and another notification came. I saw it was from Yuji so I opened the chat and my jaw dropped again!!! He also sent nude!!! He sent pic of his cock. He's holding it with one hand and took the picture with the other....
Yuji's chat
Thinking about you;)
Want me to suck it? ;)
Nobara's chat
Gurlllllll.... there's no wayyyy!!!😭😭😭😭
What happened again???
Yuji also sent me nude!! 😭
he really did 😭😭😭
Gurl... I think you gonna enjoy today;)
Was talking with Nobara when again notifications came from two persons. And ofcourse it was Megumi and Yuji.
Megumi's chat
Fuck.... don't say like that... you're making me harder
Don't make yourself suffer.... come in my room ;)
Fuck... wait a minute I'm coming!
Yuji's chat
Don't say that!!...my dick's gonna explode if you keep saying things like that!!!
Awww.... come In my room.... lemme help you :)
What!! Really???.... wait I'm coming!!!!!
Megumi's POV
I went out of my room and locked the door. When I was almost infront of y/n's door I saw Yuji was there too.... what was he doing here. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "I was going to ask you the same question!" Yuji replied. "Y/n called me here...but why are you here?" I asked. "She called me here too" Yuji replied. "What the... Exactly for what did she called you here?" I asked. Yuji smirked "you know ... some private work" he replied. "Ok Yuji let me be clear... did she called you here for having sex?" I asked curiously. "Yes ...but how did you know?" Yuji asked. "Because that's the same reason she called me here too" I replied. "What!" Yuji said. "One second" I said and this time I smirked "is she planning for..." I said and Yuji completed my sentence "threesom?" He asked. "Yes" I replied with a smirk. Yuji smirked back and we knocked on the door.
Y/n's POV
I heard the knock on the door. I smiled at myself. Went towards the door and opened. I saw Megumi and Yuji both of them there. They came inside. Megumi pulled me towards him and grabbed my waist. "Yuji...lock the door" Megumi said. "Yess...." Yuji replied and locked the door. He came behind me and pressed his body on my back. "So our miss naughty want to have threesom...huh?" Megumi said with a smirk. I could feel they were still hard. "Then let's make her wish complete" Yuji said with a smirk and they bring me towards the bedroom.
They were kissing me like as if their life depends on the kiss. They took both of my hands and started rubbing on their crotch. They were whining in the kiss. Megumi put his hand inside my pantie and rubbed on my clit. I moaned. "fuck baby... you're wet" he whispered.
Then there was I, on my fours. All of our clothes were on the floor. Yuji thrusting his dick in my mouth and Megumi in my pussy from back. I squeezed my eyes. Tears flowing down. Because both of them were too much big. My mouth was wide open. Yuji's dick inside my mouth taking the whole length in slowly. It was too big. Yuji's breath hitched. He threw his head back mouth wide open. He grabbed my hair telling me to suck hard. I slowly sucked his dick and his legs shook. He bobbed my head up and down. His tip was poking the back of my throat. He grabbed my hair and started bobbing my head up and down faster. "Oh god...oh god.... don't...ahhhh... don't stop!!!!" Yuji moaned out loudly. He was bobbing my head up and down faster and faster. He suddenly felt that Yuji was close. In a few minutes he came inside my mouth. He grabbed my chin "Swallow it y/n" Yuji said looking at me. I swallowed Yuji's cum.
On the other hand Megumi was thrusting too. He was slamming his whole dick inside me. I moaned. My legs were shaking with pleasure. And he was liking it so much. His thurst became harder and harder. I clenched around him tightly and he moaned loudly " ughhhhhh....ahhh s-so...ahhhh....so f-fucking tight, this pussy might be the death of me!!!" he started rubbing my clit with his thumb and I squeezed the bedsheet to control myself. With a few more thurst I came. He was still thursting roughly. I felt his cock pulsing inside me. Within a minute he came inside me I could feel his seed inside me. He pulled out. "You're ready for the round two..huh?" Yuji whispered in my ear and I blushed.
Both of them crashed their mouth on my each breast. Sucking, biting, licking harshly. I moaned and grabbed on each of their hair. They were so rough on my breasts.
They licked my belly and each of them squeezed each of my breast. I grabbed sheet and squeezed my eyes shut. "Uhhah..... eyes on us princess" Megumi said and I did. They bite on my nipple. "P-Please" I moaned. " Please what baby?" Yuji asked. " Please fuck me already!!!" I moaned out. "Good girl" yuji whispered.
Yuji threw himself on the bed and said " you're gonna ride me, baby" I get on him and sit on his dick slowly. The pain was too much. I almost screamed. " Shh... it's okey it's okey....take your time" they said. After I adjust the size I nooded and Megumi went behind and put his dick inside me in anal position. Then I started riding Yuji and Megumi started thursting in and out. Three of us were moaning mess. Yuji's one hand grabbed the bedsheet and another grabbed one of my breast. On other side Megumi's one hand grabbed my waist and another one grabbed my another breast.
Time passed. Their Thursting became faster, rougher and harder. Sound of my screaming, our moaning, skin slapping filled the whole room. I felt their dicks twitch inside me. Then I came again. Came allover Yuji's's dick. With a few more thurst both of them came again. We all flipped on the bed panting.
"Now that was something great..." Yuji said. " Oh it was best" Megumi replied and I giggled.
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Give me your requests guys....
I love when you give me your requests 💕
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mymindcreatedthis · 3 days
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Fitting Room 18+
Misa Rodriguez x Reader
Word count: 1,813
Summery: The girls have been on a winning streak. Misa has been off, Reader confronts her about it cause she’s been an asshole. Misa apologizes to Reader, and makes it up to her. Misa drags reader into a fitting room and gives her a show.
Warning: Smut, Spanking, Squirting, Daddy kink, Rough sex, Teasing, Unprotected sex, blow job, Throat pie, Creampies, Handjob, cumshot, fingering, pussy eating, R doming Misa, Misa Receiving, R bends Misa over her leg and spanks her ass, clit teasing.
*Y/n's pov*
we've been on a winning streak recently. We've beat Brazil, Canada and France and have won all 3 games. Something's been up with Misa though.
She's been more distant and closed off and bitchy lately. We are currently out exploring the city with some of the girls. I was walking in the back with Misa. Me and her are roommates for this camp and it has been awkward and uncomfortable to say the least she's not even talking to me.
She barely talks to me or acknowledges my presence. I look over at her when I hear her mutter something under her breath. I look at her confused but drop it thinking that she was just talking to herself.
Misa notices me looking at her and glares at me. "So wanna tell me what's wrong?" I ask.
I ignore her glare and look at her. "Nothing Y/n don't worry about it." Misa says.
"Well it's obviously both. It's obviously something bothering you. I'm not gonna force you to talk but just know I'm here if you need to talk to someone." I say.
We continue walking behind the girls. After 5 minutes of walking in silence I feel Misa grab my hand. We stop walking.
"Hey, you're right I've had a lot in my mind. I'm sorry I've been an asshole, quiet and distant. It's not right to take it out on you and the girls." Misa says.
I nod and stand there quietly for a minute before speaking up again.
"What's been on your mind?" I ask.
Misa tells me what's been on her mind. I nod and let her know that I'm listening. by the end of it Misa is crying.
I hug her. "Thank you for trusting me with that."
Misa hugs back. "I'm sorry for being an asshole."
"Like you said you have a lot on your mind I completely understand." I say.
We catch up with the rest of the girls. We go into one of the stores and start looking around. Misa was complaining about how she's in need of a new bikini.
We split up and go our separate ways. I go with Misa and we go look at bikinis, Misa grabs a few bikinis she liked.
"Come with me to try them on." Misa says.
I blush darkly and follow Misa into the fitting rooms. The fitting room was private here, it was an actually room. I close the door behind us and lock it. The room at a massive chair in the middle along with a coffee table and a pool table. A mirror in the corner, you go through beads to go into the sitting room there was no door.
Misa goes through the beads into the other room and starts trying on the bikinis.
The first one she tried on was blue. "Eh it's okay, I don't like the color." I say.
Misa nods. After 2 more she comes out wearing a white one. It showed off her curves, it made her ass pop too. Her cleavage was really visible. It also showed off her toned stomach and abs. I bit my lip as I check out the view in front of me.
Misa smirks and walks towards Me. "How does this look?"
"I-It looks g-good." I stutter, I was blushing darkly at the view in front of me. Misa smirks and lean in and whispers in my ear.
"Is someone turned on?" Misa asks.
I blush darkly. "Y-Yes I am." I moan.
Misa kisses my neck and rubs my dick over my shorts. I moan in pleasure as she rubs my dick over my shorts.
"S-Shit." I moan.
Misa smirks and fiddles with my shorts. She looks at me silently asking for permission, I nod. She slides my shorts and boxers down my legs and tosses them off to the side.
Misa holds her forearm up to my dick and laughs a bit. "Fuck baby you're huge." Misa says.
"T-Thanks." I moan.
Misa strokes my dick til I'm hard. She covers my dick in spit and continues to stroke my dick. I moan in pleasure and cover my mouth with my hand.
Misa takes one of my balls in her mouth and starts storming my dick faster. She switches and takes my other ball in her mouth and strokes my dick faster.
"F-Fuck." I moan.
She strokes my dick a bit faster. I moan in pleasure as I feel myself getting closer. "Misa….Misa .. baby I'm close." I moan.
Misa strokes my dick faster and faster. I feel myself getting closer and closer.
I can't take it anymore, I shoot cum up into the air. It lands on my stomach/ abs, lap. Some lands on Misa’s face. Misa licks my dick, licking up my sticky mess. She licks my cum off her hand and fingers.
"Mmm tasty." Misa says.
Misa takes my dick in her mouth and slowly bobs her head. I moan and hold her hair up as she continues to suck my dick.
"S-Shit." I moan.
Misa bobs her head up and down a bit faster. The tip of my dick hits the back of her throat. She bobs her head faster and faster, I moan as I feel myself getting close.
"S-Shit I'm gonna cum again." I moan.
Misa bobs her head faster than before. She chokes and gags a bit, I feel my balls tighten as my dick hits the back of her throat.
Throat pie:
I can't take it anymore, I bust my load in Misa’s mouth. Misa chokes and gags a bit as I shoot ropes of thick sticky cum in her mouth.
"F-Fuck." I moan as I continue to cum in her mouth. Misa sucks me dry and swallows my load.
Misa gets up and bends over and touches her toes. Her ass was right in my face, she moves the bikini bottoms to the side. I hold her ass, I lean in and start eating her ass from behind. Misa moans as I eat her out.
"Shit Y/n right there. Right there, just like that." Misa moans.
I insert another finger and eat her out as I finger her faster. Misa moans loudly in pleasure.
"S-Shit Y/n, I'm close." Misa moans.
I go faster than before, Misa moans and cums all over my hand, fingers and face.
I lick the cum off my fingers, hand and arm. I wipe her juices off my face, I spank her ass. Misa moans.
"Fuck daddy I love when you spank my ass." Misa moans.
Didn't know Misa was into spanking. I bend her over my leg and continue spanking her ass.
"I love it when you slap my ass." Misa moans.
"Please daddy." Misa begs.
"Please what baby girl?" I ask.
"Please fuck me." Misa begs.
"You want daddy to fuck you?" I ask.
"Yes fill me up with all your fucking cum." Misa moans.
"Take off your Bikini baby girl." I say.
"Okay daddy." Misa says.
Misa gets up, she takes off her Bikini and tosses it off to the side. I take off my shirt and bra and toss them to the side. Misa walks over to the table in the middle of the room. I walk over to her.
I get behind her, I rub my dick through her folds. Once my dick is wet enough I slowly slide my dick inside her tight soaking wet pussy. We both moan in pleasure, I let her get use to my size.
"Tell me when to move." I say.
"Move." Misa moans.
I hold onto her hips and slowly thrust in and out of her.
"Faster." Misa moans.
I moan and go a bit faster, we both moan in pleasure. "Shit." I moan.
We both moan in pleasure as I thrust in and out of her a bit faster. "Shit daddy you feel so good inside me." Misa moans.
"You feel so good clenched around me baby girl." I moan.
I moan and go faster and faster, I massage my boobs as I thrust into her faster and faster.
Misa moans and Holds onto the table as continue fucking the day light out of her.
"H-Harder daddy harder." Misa moans.
I pound into her faster and harder pounding her g spot. We both moan, I feel myself getting close.
"A-Ah fuck, I'm close." I moan.
"Me too daddy. Don't stop." Misa moans.
I go faster and harder, I moan and run my boobs as I continue fucking the day lights out of her pussy.
"F-Fuck I'm close." I moan.
"Fill me up daddy. Fill up my pussy." Misa moans.
Creampie #1:
I help Misa ride out her high. We both finish cumming, I slowly pull out of her. Cum oozes out of her pussy and floods onto the table and drips onto the floor.
Misa gets in the table and lays on her back. I adjust and move between her legs, I slowly slide my dick back inside her pussy. I hold her legs as I slowly thrust in and out of her.
"Faster daddy faster." Misa moans.
I pick up the pace and pound her pussy faster and faster. "F-Fuck daddy, keep pounding my pussy." Misa moans.
I moan and pound into her faster and faster hitting her g spot. Misa screams in pleasure as I keep going.
I continue to pound her g spot going faster and harder. Misa moans and squirts.
We both scream in pleasure as I pound into her even faster and harder than before. I moan as I feel myself getting close.
"Fuck I'm gonna cum again." I moan.
"Me too daddy, don't stop." Misa moans.
I pick up the pace and pound into her g spot faster and harder. Misa screams in pleasure and squirts again. Misa squirts all over my dick, thighs and all over the ground.
I pound into her pussy faster and harder. I feel myself getting close to cumming.
"I'm gonna cum." I moan.
"Me to daddy drain your balls in me." Misa moans.
Creampie #2:
I can't take it anymore, I bust my load deep inside her tight pussy. Misa moans and cums all over my dick. We both moan as i shoot ropes of thick sticky cum deep inside her painting her walls white.
Cum oozes out of her and drips down her thighs and onto the floor.
"Fuck there's so much." Misa moans.
"Yeah." I rub the back of my neck. "Sorry."
"For what? Don't be sorry, I told you to finish in me." Misa says.
"So I'm guessing you like the white one better?" Misa asks giggling.
"Yeah, definitely the white one." I moan.
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worldofkuro · 2 days
Painted Smile
Painted Smile XXVII
<- Previous Chapter I
Summary: You couldn't wait to meet new friends. What you didn't expect was this smiling little boy, only one year older than you, that would take such a big place in your life.
Notes: I won't lie, I'm proud of this chapter, it's better than the last one which I'm not completly satisfied with. I hope you will enjoy this chapter.
You gasped as your soul came back inside your body. You couldn’t help but feel fear sipping through your body, making you stand up quickly. You felt like something was coming toward you, at a racing speed.
You looked at your shadow which was frowning, staring at the entrance, her form being bigger and bigger, her growing presence overwhelming all the room. Your breathing was getting quicker and quicker, what was going on?
You tried to talk with Legba but you were too panicked to be able to summon a tangible link. You rushed into the kitchen as you felt another presence watching you. You took a knife and waited with your shadow at your side. It was snarling and growling, staying protectively near you. 
You flinched when your shadow rushed toward something, making you freeze. You waited, your grip on the blade showing no sign of weakness. You waited before seeing your shadow coming back with its usual hideous smile. You tilted your eyes, you couldn’t feel the presence… What you could feel was…
“ Alastor?”
You went into the living room where Alastor’s shadow was looking around, everywhere. It stopped when it saw you and rushed toward you, caging you in its embrace with his horrific smile. You patted its head with a relieved smile.
“ Good boy…” You watched as it beamed before it latched toward your own shadow and both of them began their usual banter. You sat on the sofa, calming your nerves. If Alastor’s shadow was here, it certainly meant he felt something like you did. But it also meant Alice and Alyzée were alone without protection… 
You called the two shadows to you which both went toward you, waiting for your commands. You tilted your head, crossing your arms against your chest, your finger tapping against your arms.
“ I don’t think I can manage to send my own shadow so far away from me, so you need to go back to Alice and Alyzée.” you said, sighing when you saw Alastor’s shadow fuzzing with anger, his smile dropping into a snarl. It moved toward you and wrapped its hand around your ankle, smiling once more. You pouted, it seemed like Alastor had decided that his priority would be you.
You looked at your shadow which was tugging Alastor’s shadow’s hair. Maybe you could try to send your own shadow..
“ Do you think you can protect our friends ?” you asked, ignoring Alastor’s shadow frown. Your shadow smiled hideously at you, nodding eagerly. You sended her to your friend and as soon as your shadow was out of your property, you fell on the sofa, your eyes closed.
You couldn’t move. It was a strange feeling, it was like you were watching from someone else's eyes. Your own body couldn’t move, you needed to be so concentrated to keep your shadow moving to Alice’s position.  How could Alastor manage to do his daily life when his shadow was always attached to Alyzée or you? 
You felt the Alastor’s shadow squeezed your ankle, like an encouraging gesture. If you could have, you would have smiled at it. It was oddly cute, it seemed like a more twisted version of Alastor when he was younger.
You looked through your shadow’s eyes which were already at Alice’s side. Your friends were talking with a woman about God. You tried to see if the man who watched you  was around but it seemed like he was gone. Well, you panicked for nothing…
You looked at the lady, she was kind of cute, holding a Bible against her chest, explaining something to your friends. It’s when you saw Alice and Alyzée’s uncomfortable face that you decided to listen to what the lady was saying.
“ We must fight those people who go against God’s will. Some women fancies other women, how disgusting.”
Well, that wasn’t a pleasant conversation at all.  You looked around, maybe you could make something happen so the unpleasant lady would back off from your friends. You looked through your shadow eyes, looking around. 
You didn’t want Alice to support the lady’s yapping more than she already indulged. You saw a group of men, chatting on the other side of the road, one holding a dog by his leash, but the dog was staring in your direction. The dog was wagging his tail lazily, seeming to look in your directions.
Could animals see the spirits ?
You asked your shadow to move toward the dog, wanting to test your theory and you smiled when the dog barked at your shadow, his tail wagging energetically. That was interesting information… You looked toward Alice and Alyzée, going back toward them as the two women were looking at the dog who was making noises.
You giggled but then froze when you saw the lady looking at you, seeming paler than she was a minute ago. She jerked her head toward the dog, before trying to come back to her discussion with your friends. Did… Did she see your shadow ? You needed to find out if she could see you, then you would know how to act. 
You forced your shadow to approach the lady who clenched her Bible harder against her chest. You could feel your shadow smiling down on the poor woman, in its usual horrific way. You smirked when you saw the woman looking at your shadow.
You got her, now what should you do? Follow her or stay with your friends in case something happens?
You turned around when you heard a panting noise coming from behind you. You turned around and saw Victor, catching his breath as he looked at Alice and Alyzée with a tired smile.
“ Hha… Alastor… told me to fetch you.” Victor said to your friend with a friendly smile.
Once again, your husband was just… perfect with his timing.
The lady ran away from your friends who seemed shocked. You demanded your shadow to follow the woman which it gladly did. As your shadow was following the woman, you felt your own body getting tired. How exhausting that exercise was! How could Alastor manage it? The woman ran for ten minutes before going inside a building. You watched as your shadow followed her, seeming to have much fun. 
The shadow entered the building, which seemed to be abandoned. It looked around, once again, its childish curiosity making it hard not to find it cute. It looked at a dirtied doll before going after the woman. You didn’t know where she went but it shouldn’t be hard to find her. 
You could only hear noise and see when you were inside your shadow, so you were a little confused when it moved toward a room with excitement. You looked inside and saw a.. was that a lamb? Your shadow moved toward it, touching the dead animal with morbid fascination. What was a lamb doing here..?  The room was dark, you couldn’t see anything but the lamb in the middle of the room. There was so much blood…
“ We got you.”
Your shadow turned around, snarling as a man was standing in front of the entrance of the room. 
You commanded your shadow to attack the man. You didn’t want to lose this time,  and furthermore, this man gave you the same vibes as the stalker who attacked you last time. You needed to see his face. 
The man avoided your shadow attacks with strange precision. You let your shadow play with him, letting him get away before trying to reach for him once more, keeping an evil smile on its face. You were trying to see the man's face, but because of the cloat he was wearing it was even more difficult with the darkness in this room.
Wait… Didn’t he say.. We got you..?
You felt your shadow snarl in pain when you heard a feminine voice chanting something. You squint your eyes, trying to see where the voice was coming from. You watched as your shadow tried to run away but it seemed like it was caged between an invisible shield. You looked around and saw with incomprehension something on the floor, around your shadow making it impossible for it to run away. Was that..Salt?
You looked up when the man lit a candle making you capable of seeing around you. The walls around you were gray but you could see blood dripping on it. You frowned as your shadow tried to make itself bigger, snarling at the man in front of it, banging against the shield.
“ Oh lord, you were right…”
The voice came behind the man and then you saw the woman you were after. Her Bible was opened and she was looking at your shadow with disgust and fear. You could feel anger swirling inside your belly, how dared she look at you that way? 
“ Yes, I saw her thanks to the Lord. We need to get rid of it.”
What was going on…? You looked as the woman began to read her bible, chanting something you couldn’t understand. You looked as your shadow began to snarl in pain, its body bending in awkward shape, its hand trying to keep the noise from coming inside its ears. 
You felt helpless, you couldn’t do anything but watch as your shadow seemed to be burned alive. You didn’t know why, but you felt foreign energy going inside of you, you knew you were upset and yet you didn’t feel any emotion. The man watched as your shadow was hissing in pain with a satisfied smile. 
You stared at the salt keeping your shadow caged. You could.. make it go away. It seemed like your shadow was the only thing being affected by the chanting. You closed your eyes, trying so hard to raise your hand. You could feel your own body in your house, moving like you were doing right here. Come on… Just a little push…
You wanted to use your telekinesis on the book or the salt, to break the barrier. You inhaled before energy busted out of you, making the woman fall backward and send the salt away, breaking the shield. You shouted in your mind at your shadow to run, to go back home at your side right now.
The man tried to keep your shadow but it snarled with pure fury, clawing at the man’s face before rushing out of the building, running back home. 
You opened your eyes with difficulty, you needed to see your shadow. Was it okay..? You sat up slowly, Alastor’s shadow trying to help you with a worried frown. You looked around you and frowned when you saw furniture on the ground. Did you use your power near your shadow but also here…? You patted the shadow’s head before jerking your head to the door, seeing your shadow coming home, cuddling its arms against itself.
Alastor’s shadow rushed toward yours, looking at what was wrong with your shadow. You walked toward them, crouching in front of them. Your shadow looked like half of its face had been taken off. You grimaced as your shadow kept a frown on its face, even with Alastor’s shadow trying to cheer it up. 
“ Let me heal you…”
You yelped when both of the shadows snarled at you with anger. You blinked at their reaction.
“ What? You don’t want me to heal you?”
“ And they are right, my love.” 
You turned your face toward the door and smiled at Alastor who was clearly irritated. He walked toward your shadow and looked at its injury. You didn’t need him to talk to know he wanted to know what was going on. You told him everything that happened, watching as his body tensed as you explained what happened in the abandoned building.
“ Mhn..We need answers. Kalfu, come here.”
“ Papa Legba, would you please join us?”
You watched as the two spirits were leaning comfortably against the wall. Kalfu was smirking, it seemed like he was enjoying himself. Legba was looking at you with his usual warm expression. You stood up with Alastor and everyone went into the kitchen.
“ I have questions. Would you betray us?” Alastor asked, drinking the coffee you made him.
“ Alastor!”
“ No offense taken, little lady.” Papa Legba said with a genuine smile. “ What is a betrayal for you? If you are asking if I will give others an access to the spiritual realm, as long as they give me a sacrifice, I will.” You looked as Alastor’s smile twitched.
You frowned at his answer.
“ Then, if I fight against someone who works with you… How are we going to deal with it? Would you tell our secret to them?”
“ Why would I do that? I will give access to a spirit they want to work with, nothing more.” Legba tilted his head, watching you calmly. “ If you were to fight with someone I helped, I won’t intervene, it is only your control over your powers that will help you.”
“ But I know my wife is your protégée, right?” Alastor asked with his usual smile. You watched as Legba looked at Alastor, staying silent for a moment. What was a protégée exactly..? You asked your husband who explained it to you. “ A protégée my dear, is when a Spirit is fond of a human who tries to reach for them. Like a mentor student relationship. The spirit decided to be more present, without needing to ask for a sacrifice each time they are called depending on the situation.”
You beamed at Papa Legba who was looking at you with a raised eyebrow. 
“ Am I your protégée ?” you asked with a big smile. You didn’t know why but you saw Legba as your grandpa and knowing he was watching over you was comforting. The spirit smiled, sighing before patting your head.
“ I guess you are.”
You smiled at Alastor who smirked at you. You looked at Kalfu who was looking in your direction when he felt your gaze on him. He smirked at you still trying after all those years to make you scared. You weren’t afraid of Kalfu anymore but you knew he could be so scary sometimes, so you didn’t want to push your luck.
“ Is Kalfu’s protégée Alastor?” you asked curiously. You flinched when Kalfu roared with a mocking laughter.
“ Ooh, yes he is. But unlike your sweet relationship with Legba, I won’t run to save Alastor’s life. He can save his own, if not, why would I be there? I can help him in other ways, but don’t call me for sweet things like saving his life. Isn't that why you are here, little missy?”
You looked at Alastor who nodded, smirking mockingly at Kalfu. You rolled your eyes, smiling a little. They must  talk about your healing abilities…Talking about healing… You turned your head toward the two shadows and felt sad.
Your shadow was still unmoving even with Alastor’s shadow moving around it, tugging its hair and waiting to see if it would react. It seemed to be more worried each time your shadow wasn’t giving it a proper reaction.
“ How could my shadow be hurted like this?”
You looked at the three men in front of you. Now, you needed to understand what happened in that building. Legba crossed his arms after smoking, his pipe fuming in a smoothing way.
“ Well, you saw it yourself , didn’t you?”
“ What do you mean?” you asked, making a cold chocolate for you.
“It was an offering, aren’t you not used to seeing them now?” Alastor asked, stroking your cheeks. “ From what you told me, the lamb was an offering.” He looked at Legba who nodded. “ Was it for you?”
“I’m more of a rooster man. This offering wasn’t for me.”
You frowned, looking at Kalfu who smirked at you before shaking his head. It wasn’t for him either.
“ Well, they did have a Bible with them, so I’m not surprised either…” you mumbled, drinking your cold chocolate.
“ We can work with christianity.” Legba said with a small smile. You tilted your head, curiously but he didn’t say anything more.  You looked as your husband took your hand, stroking your skin, deep in thoughts. You looked at Legba with a sad smile.
“ Can .. Can you heal my shadow..?”
Legba turned his gaze toward your shadow, still being taken care of by Alastor’s shadow. He stood up and walked toward them, smiling as Alastor’s shadow kept yours against its. Legba touched your shadow, a red energy coming off him. You closed your eyes as the light was getting too strong for you to be able to see what was going on.
After a minute, you blinked your eyes and you smiled as your shadow was moving everywhere, clearing happy to be painless once more. Alastor’s shadow was staring at it before tugging its hair once more and smiled when it saw your shadow running after him in the house. You sighed, relieved. 
You thanked Legba who asked for a rooster in exchange, which you accepted.
“ Then, is it possible for them to work with angels?”
All heads turned toward Alastor. Angels…? You never thought they existed but now, it could be a possibility… Could you compare Papa Legba to an angel? You didn't know how to compare their power… Well, Legba told you the power was held in the person who asked a spirit, so maybe… With a good plan you could take someone who was working with an angel..? How complicated.
“ It is highly possible, even more so if they had a Bible with them.”
“ Mhn, It’s not my favorite hypothesis.” Laughed Kalfu with a smirk, looking at you with a knowing smile. Alastor stared at his spirit, his smile never faltering. “ Now, I have other things to do, if you excuse me.”
You looked as Kalfu vanished from his chair in a dark mist. You looked at Legba who smiled at you, asking you not to forget his rooster before walking away, vanishing behind a wall. You waited a few seconds before looking at Alastor who was sighing, his eyes closed.
You walked toward him and kissed his cheek which made him look at you.
“ Ahh, darling, do you want me to die younger because of stress?” He said as he tugged you on his laps, his arms around your waist. You tilted your head as he kept talking. “ I sended Victor to take care of the girl so you would go back home, and yet… You went into the big bad wolf’s mouth, not even planning something. I taught you better than that, right?” He purred, his lips against your cheek.
You smiled at him, wrapping your arms around his shoulder.
“ I’m sorry. I was… too excited I think.”
Alastor hummed against your skin as he watched both of your shadows playing with each other. You smiled fondly at the view.
“ Don’t you think they acted like us when we were younger?” you giggled as Alastor’s shadow poked yours on its cheek, making it snarl at it.
“ I think the same… But they are deadlier.” Alastor gave you a sinister smile which made you shiver. You kissed his lips, humming as he kissed you back. You pushed your body against his, singing in bliss when you felt his nails digging into your skin. You whispered against his lips.
“ You don’t feel sick anymore..?” 
“ I was not sick dear, I was just… tired.” he kissed you back before you could answer back, making you chuckle against his lips. You knew that Alastor and you would find those who dared disturbed the peace you created for yourself. 
It’s been so long since you felt another predator was in New Orleans. But you would win, like always.
You were with Alice, at her home. 
It’s been two months since you discovered your new ‘enemies’. You didn’t expect it to put so much mental charge in your mind. You could feel their eyes on you on the street and yet you couldn’t find them. Fortunately, they didn’t show up and didn’t attack you, or Alastor or anyone else. Alastor and you went into the abandoned building, multiple times to search through every floor and you didn't find anything. It felt like they cleaned everything before vanishing.
You’ve been making yourself sick over this. It felt like the danger could happen any time. You were sleeping less, you had nausea and you were getting emotional with the lack of sleep. Sometimes you could cry because Alastor came later than usual and you thought he had been killed by the couple you couldn’t find in this bloody town.
Alastor, seeing your state getting worse, demanded you to stop caring about this and that he would handle it himself, but you shouted at him that you would never let him go alone against two persons that had power which you didn’t know anything about. 
You knew Alastor was getting more worried about you, you could see it in his eyes even when he was smiling like usual. Sometimes it was scaring yourself how you would lose yourself to your nerves. This was the most difficult thing you've ever done.
Killing Alastor’s father  was your first, but it was easy, it happened one night and it was gone, just like all your victims. You would track them down and kill them with Alastor by your side. Now, it felt like you were the prey, but unlike your previous victims, you knew you were being hunted.
You sighed, it’s been going on for two months and you didn’t discover anything, the only thing news was that Baron Samedi was coming to check on you more often. You wondered if Alastor asked him to… Well, when you asked him, Baron Samedi just smiled at you with a knowing look so you guessed it was Alastor’s doing.
“ Fuck it, I’m calling a doctor.��
You turned your head toward Alice, who had a nice small bum which made you smile. She was now six weeks pregnant. Pregnancy looked good on her… Wait, what did she say?
“ No, no need. I’m just… tired.” you sighed, lying on the couch, closing your eyes.
“ You’ve been in this state for more than two weeks. I’m calling our best doctor, don’t move.” She stood up and called her butler. 
You didn’t know when you fell asleep but you woke up with a gasp when you felt a touch on your shoulder. You sighed when you saw Alice who was beaming at you with a doctor next to her. You knew she wouldn’t give up, she didn’t know you were using your power most of the time to watch if the couple that attacked you was around… 
Well, let’s just let Alice win this time.
You let the doctor examine you and smirked when he told you seemed very tired. You stared at Alice, with a ‘ I told you so’ gaze. She just snapped her fingers, demanding that you keep your focus on the doctor.
You felt cold around you and frowned when you saw Baron Samedi behind the doctor, staring at him with an amused smile. You tilted your head and gasped when the spirit went inside the doctor's body, making the man faint.
Alice gasped as she touched the man’s shoulder.
“ Mister,are you okay?”
The doctor, which you knew was possessed by Baron Samedi, smiled at her. You could see his eyes were different, you wondered if Alice could see it…
“ I’m doing great. I’m here to tell you what kind of sickness Mrs.Sanglar is having.”
You frowned, was he joking with you? What was he doing–?
“ You are pregnant.”
“ What?” Alice and you said in unison.
“ Congratulations, you must be around nine or ten weeks pregnant.” Baron Samedi smiled.
You screamed with Alice, both of you panicking. You stood up, placing your hands on your belly, screaming at Alice who was helding your hands with hers, screaming with you. You needed to calm down, you needed to calm down ! It could be a bad joke of Baron Samedi.
“ Wait, Alice we can’t panic at the same time!” You shouted, trying to calm yourself. You needed to… to calm yourself.
“ You are right. I’m going to panic first, then it’s your turn.” said Alice before screaming, moving around the living room.
You looked at Baron Samedi, still possessing the doctor’s body.
“ Are you joking? It is a nasty joke?” you asked, your voice shaking.
“ No, I promise. It explained your nausea, your emotional state, you didn’t get your period not because of stress but because you are pregnant.”
You sat on the couch, your whole body shaking from excitement, fear and happiness. You were pregnant..? You were going to have a baby..? Alastor and you were going to have a baby…? Oh my God.. 
You gasped when Alice touched your shoulder.
“ I finished panicking, it's your turn.”
You screamed in joy and pure fear once more. Alice hugged you, being mindful of her belly, her eyes getting teary. You didn't know why you began to sob, hugging her against you. You were pregnant… Oh God, oh God!
You needed to see Alastor right now!
You took you things, already asking for someone to take you to Alastor work. Then you stopped yourself, Alice bumping against your back.
“ No, maybe I should do a surprise for him? But will he see it coming ? What do I do ? What if he doesn’t want children, we never really talk about it? Oh, I need to tell Marie, and my mother, and my father! Oh and–” you stopped talking when Alice put her finger on your lips with a genuine smile.
“ Sweetie, deep breath…” 
You closed your eyes and did as she told you, calming yourself. You bit your lips, oh lord, you were pregnant… You opened your eyes, feeling something you never felt in your life. There was a life that was beginning to grow inside you..
“ Now, what do you want to do?” Asked Alice.
“ I want to see Alastor.” you said, your voice calmer than a minute ago.
Alice nodded with a smile and asked one of her drivers to drive you to Alastor’s workplace. You were bouncing on the seat, stroking your belly, still flat for now. You felt like you were in a maze, you felt light but also heavy.
You ran out of the car once it parked. You looked down as you saw your shadow looking at you curiously. You told it to stay silent, watching as it went back to its normal form. 
“ Victor, is Alastor working?” you asked, panting,  when you saw the man in the corridor. He looked at you with a welcoming smile before shaking his head.
“ He is inside but he finished working.”
You thanked him before entering Alastor’s office, and closed the door behind you. You watched as your husband was looking at you with a fond smile. You were breathing hard, which immediately made him stand up with a worried expression even if his smile was still present.
“ Well, darling, you look like you ran from something… or someone? Did you see them?” you smile as his eyes flashed red when he asked you if you ran into the catholic couple. You shook your head as you took his hand and placed it against your cheek.
“ No, no… I… I have good news. Well, I hope it’s going to be good news…”
You watched as Alastor looked at you, confused but let you speak. You kept your gaze on his face,  taking his hand from your cheek to place it against your belly. He tilted his head, confused. He looked so cute like this.
“ I’m pregnant.”
You watched as his eyes widened and his smile dropped, making your heart clenched. Was he not happy..? You waited for him to talk, you knew he always needed to have time with his thoughts but right now you needed him to act right now.
You watched as he kneeled in front of you, staring at your belly with a mix of fascination and confusion. You let him touch your stomach with a soft smile, he looked like a kid again, when he discovered something he never expected to exist. 
“ You… I’ve made you… pregnant?” he asked softly, lifting his head up to watch you. You chuckled as you stroke his cheeks, your voice soft.
“ Yes.. I’m carrying your child.”
“Our child.” he corrected you.
“ Yes… Our child.” You smiled at him, your eyes getting teary. He scooped you in his arms, laughing. 
“ Who would have thought ! There is something… in your belly that we created together…” He stared at you in fascination. He seemed fascinated that you both created something that would be alive.
You kissed him softly and giggled when you felt his shadow touched your belly with curiosity. It was poking at your belly then it went to poked your shadow’s belly who let him do it. Alastor made you sit down before opening the door and asking Victor to bring you a cup of water.
You looked at your belly. You were creating life, after killing so many people. You smiled, in a few months, you would meet your baby, something you and Alastor’s love created. 
You couldn’t wait.
Tag List: @lukneetoonz @martinys-world @littlepoetnova @sirens-and-moonflowers @eris-norwega @tiredflame132 @mo-0-o @vvollerie @sodavizz @boogiemansbitch @tessemerick @slytherin4ever @kammsinn @alastorssimp @t0xic1vi @diamond-almond @fangirlbitch02 @saccharine-nectarine @thenorthnightingale @bibliophile-yomna @itzjustj-1000 @mothraantics @yourdoorisunlocked @phamtasic @karmakillz @holographicage @sarcastic-sourwolf @akuraluna2468 @everwolf-20 @thesunandmoons-blog @songbrita @noraunor @fandomsbookclub @hokkaido97 @catticora @gasiacos
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gyllenhaalstories · 2 days
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summary: rusty seeks comfort in someone from his past to hide from both the present and the future.
warnings: mentions of cheating & the murder, mostly angst, smut (pussy eating, penetration, marking & hickeys, accidental creampie, some elements of noncon). 18+ NO MINORS.
word count: 4075
gif credits: me @/gyllenhaalstories / divider credits: @/firefly-graphics
notes: i was going off the vibes from the trailers but there are spoilers from the first two episodes. this was supposed to be all smut but then i didn't feel like writing smut so it was all angst but then i remembered i'm bad at writing angst so now it's... a mess. sorry? 👓 thank you for reading & REMEMBER TO REBLOG!
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The doorbell rang. The noise was so loud that it startled you.
You had been on the edge all day, ever since you received a mysterious letter in your mailbox. The enveloppe was bare, the paper did not look much better. It could have been a bad prank for all you knew, it was not addressed to anyone specifically nor did it have the information required to return it. If it had not been of the familiar penmanship that wrote the words I'll be here at midnight, you would have believed that the letter was completely anonymous.
Rusty stood on the other side of the door, his body completely frozen while his mind and his heart raced faster than ever before. It was a bad idea, one of the worst ideas. He tried to make sure that nobody had followed him, but how could he know? How could he completely be sure there was not a car parked in the darkness of the night?
You ripped the metaphorical bandaid off. "What are you doing here?" You gripped on the door knob tightly, fighting the urge to slam the door back in his face.
He looked down at his feet. "You got my letter."
You were not having any of his misplaced timidity. He reached out, he needed to face the consequences. He needed to face you. So, you stepped out of the way and let him make a decision. Whether he walked away before it was too late, or whether he...
Rusty's shoulder bumped against yours while he made his way into your home. Memories flooded his mind. Memories of the two of you talking, laughing, kissing and...
"What are you doing here?" You repeated, this time with more annoyance in your voice.
He stopped reminiscing the past you shared. "I had nowhere else to go. I have no one else, but..."
"You don't have me either. You made that very clear when you disappeared. It's been so long, I started to believe you forgot I even existed. When was the last time we talked?"
When Carolyn started working. "It's been a long time, I know."
"You know everything, don't you?" You stated and closed the door. Rusty stood there, almost as clueless as you about his presence. You eyed him from head to toes and scoffed.
He flinched, expecting you to go on with another lecture about how he was such a horrible man. You did not, you knew he would like that too much.
You walked towards the living room and crashed on couch, as far as you could be from him. The distance made you feel safer. Only this safety was ephemeral and fragile.
"I, huh... I just," he stuttered and clenched his jaw while trying to compose himself. He pushed his glasses up on his nose. "I needed you."
You scoffed again at the use of past tense. Before you could talk back, he continued.
"I need you."
That confession weighted heavy in the air for several long, agonizing minutes. He came to you. He would have to work hard to get whatever he wanted from you.
Rusty fidgeted with his ring finger. Muscle memory.
You crossed your arms against your chest. You had showed this man more patience than he deserved. "Do you want a hug? Do you want me to tell you everything's gonna be okay?
He glanced in your direction, just long enough for you to notice the glimmer of hope in his eyes.
"I'm not the lawyer who's gonna defend your fake alibi, I'm not the detective who's gonna scrap pieces of evidence for you. I'm not the one who's going to get you out of trouble." You bombarded him with all of these options that he had once considered, crossing them off his list one after the other. "I'm not what you need."
"Yes, you are!" He raised his voice and you lifted a brow at his outburst. He hated being cornered, he hated being on the receiving hand of a tactic he had used one too many times in court. "I need you!" He shouted, he surprised himself.
You blinked and suddenly he was in front of you. He stood, tall but not strong. The louder he yelled, the weaker he felt.
"I need you to help me." You locked eyes with him, daring him to go on. "I need you to help me forget." He did not need to speak her name for you to figure out he was talking about Carolyn.
You laughed at him, as if you were hit with a sudden case of hysteria.
Your reaction made him walk away with his tail between his legs. He sat on the opposite side of the couch.
"You think you're so brave. Huh?" You smiled at him, in complete disbelief. "You were talking shit about how you wanted to leave your wife for me. The worst part is... I believed you." He seemed surprised once again. "Then you left me for another woman who died because of you. And now..." Your smile faded and your arms fell to your sides. "You're crawling back to me because you feel lonely?"
This was a mistake. He thought, he hoped, you would be different. He had enough of people berating him. He sprung to his feet and paced around your living room, planning his next move... His next words.
You chewed on the inside of your cheek while he behaved like an animal in cage. "Rusty..." You sighed, slowly giving in without your own consent. You opened the door of the cage.
"I know you feel lonely too." Rusty clenched his jaw. He stood firm in his word. Suddenly he remembered a conversation he had, not too long ago, about taking responsibility. "And I know I'm asking for a lot." His upper lip curled, his body reacting strangely to this rare case of acknowledgement and awareness. Perhaps it could have been... Guilt.
It was your turn to be surprised. This was uncommon, unnatural. You could not quite decipher if he was genuine or not. The longer you stared at him, studying and scrutinizing him, the harder it became to figure out what was going on inside his head. However, you noticed a shift.
Rusty knew he was getting to you. You no longer had the entire control over this conversation. He reentered your house and your life. While you told him you did not want him back, your body was saying something completely different. You expected him to visit, yet you dressed up so lightly in a shirt that hugged your curves and pants he could easily rip open. You never missed an occasion to drink him in, to appreciate the countless hours he spent at the pool to swim through his thoughts. The tough version of you that opened the door with an anger-filled soul softened up faster than he had imagined.
You eyed him up and down again. "This isn't going to end well." You spoke mostly to yourself. He heard you, but did not acknowledge the bad omen.
Rusty knelt before you. Not once did he break eye contact while he crawled, bringing your words into reality. He leaned back when he reached your legs and waited. He waited for you to tell him no, knowing it would only make him crave it more. Rusty rarely took no for an answer anyway.
You reached your hand to stroke his hair. You waited, too. You waited for him to realize he was taking the wrong decision. You waited to gather enough courage, although you were not too sure what to used that courage for.
He leaned into your hand that slid down to his cheek. You reminded him that the chase of thrills and butterflies could hardly compete with someone who had the magical power of calming him down, of making the whole world disappear.
You leaned forward and reached for his glasses that you gently removed. You took a moment to admire the sight of him: the muscles of his thighs almost bursting through his jeans, his chest heaving as if his hoodie made him so hot that he was melting, his eyes begging for your permission.
He watched you set his glasses away on the couch, safe and sound. He turned his head back to you while you lifted yourself off the couch to take off your sleeping pants. Rusty helped you pull them off, he threw them as far away as he could. He decided for you that there was no turning back. He then placed his hands on your knees, ready to part your legs open.
"I'm gonna regret this." You would, but Rusty would not. You locked eyes with him again and drowned into his darkened gaze. "You better make sure it's worth it."
Rusty faced a dilemma: he was unsure whether he wanted to take his time and savour the moment or dive into it head first. The throb of his cock, confined under his clothes, decided for him.
Your body showed no resistance to his touch, your legs opened easily with the light pressure he applied. His tongue licked a long stripe on your inner thigh while he made his way to your core.
You adjusted your position, sitting more lazily on the couch while he pulled you closer to the edge of the seat. He peppered kisses on your pussy before he used his thumbs to spread it open for him. At the first taste, he was addicted. More so, he was reminded of the addiction that had him sneaking out day and night just to eat you out.
Your back arched, pressing yourself against his mouth when he sucked on your clit. You fought back your moans, but, once again, your body betrayed you.
"Missed you so much," Rusty spoke against your skin. He spat on your pussy and caught the drops that dripped down with his tongue. He made a mess, not that he had to try very hard for it. You were already wet for him, he liked to think it was just a reflex you had failed to break since the day he left. "I missed you so fucking much."
You placed a hand on his head, pulling on his short hair. You refused to believe his words, but they sounded so nice. Almost honest.
Rusty began to lap at your folds, making his nose bump against your clit. He swallowed the juices that leaked from your entrance, but he was still left craving more.
You gasped loudly when his tongue teased your hole. You pressed his face against you, as if he could get even closer than he already was.
Rusty palmed at his rock hard cock, moaning into your pussy as he did that. He touched himself over his clothes while he finally focused on your aching clit, flicking his tongue on it to make you squirm. He tried to fight against the movements of your hips, making sure his mouth never left you.
Your legs started to close around Rusty's face, which did not bother him in the slightest. You struggled to keep your eyes open, to watch him while he brought you closer to the edge. He just looked so beautiful.
The vein on his temple was bulging, almost pulsating to match his heart beat. He let go of his crotch and helped you to put your thighs on his broad shoulders, encourage you to let go, to give in.
You were not ready to satisfy him just yet. You wanted this moment to last, you wanted it to be worth the guilt and regret you would experience the moment he would walk out the door.
That only made him hungrier. He devoured you like it was the last time, he shared the mutual feeling that it could very well be. He pulled away from you just long enough to catch his breath one last time. He was determined to get what he wanted from you.
In a matter of seconds, your vision got blurry and your toes started to curl.
Rusty's moans only made the sensations greater while his tongue worked you over and had your entire body shaking for him.
You did not need to speak, to tell him to keep going, he knew what to do. He knew how to make you feel better than anyone else ever could. That remained one of his biggest problems, he was a heartless cheater but he was just so fucking good at it.
He slowed down until your thighs relaxed around him and he helped to set them down, still wide open for him to admire the mess he made between your thighs. You were dripping of your own wetness and of his spit. He could have kept going all night, but he had a more urgent need to take care of. He scrambled back on his feet and, without a word, he took off the rest of his clothes.
You did the same, not without admiring his body and especially the throbbing and leaking cock that he stroked.
He admired you too: the way your clit throbbed for him, how your forehead was covered with a layer of sweat despite just sitting there and doing nothing besides screaming while you were cumming.
He surprised you with a rough kiss, all tongue and teeth. You did not want to reciprocate, you wanted to pull away and to protect yourself from falling harder for this man. It was simply pointless. You kissed him back with the same passion that left you both gasping for air.
Rusty helped you to change positions so that you turned around and you were kneeling on the couch and you leaned on the back of the furniture. He leaned forward to kiss your shoulder and all the way down your back. He wanted to print the memory of you in his mind.
Neither of you felt brave enough to speak. You let your bodies do the talking with moans and grunts that blended into a melody while Rusty pressed the tip of his cock to your entrance. His tongue failed to prepare you for the delicious stretch of his cock.
He squeezed your ass cheeks open, trying to catch a glimpse of your pussy gripping on him. That was the prettiest thing he had ever seen. He helped you arch your back, taking in the perfect position for him to use your pussy to get off. You felt so fucking good, so tight and wet around him. How could he have waited so long to feel you again? How did he manage to wait all this time?
You bit on your lip so hard that it tasted faintly of blood when he bottomed out. He stopped moving for a few moments, letting you adjust to him.
He pressed his toned chest against your back, cooing at you. When he felt your walls relax around his length, he started moving. The small but deep thrusts made tears pool into your eyes.
You held on the back of the couch for dear life when he fucked you harder, when he let you feel every inch of him nice and deep.
Rusty grunted louder and louder. The noises echoed in your apartment, filling the silence alongside the sound of your skin slapping against his. He was getting closer than he wanted to to admit it, so he stalled again.
You felt his hands on your skin, gliding down your arms. He held your hands in his, making the cushion of the couch cave in under the pressure. You looked down at his left hand, but your eyes closed blissfully before you could notice whether he was wearing his wedding ring or not. Your skin was so hot too, you could not even feel it the metal.
You could not feel anything else than Rusty's cock that was balls deep inside of you or his lips that sucked a few marks on your shoulder.
He kissed his way to your neck, where he nibbled and licked. He was buying time and you could feel it. You could hear it too, with the whimpers that came out of his mouth. He murmured at your ear while he marked you. "I’m gonna… I’m gonna cum."
"Pull out, just, fuck," your voice sounded hoarse from the moans. "Just pull out!"
Rusty cursed under his breath, his thrusts felt more like twitches than anything. His left hand moved down to squeeze on your hip, a rough and bruising grip. "I can’t," his body pressed down on yours. You could barely stay up on your knees. "You feel too fucking good on me."
"No! No, no…" You wanted to get him to move, or even to get off him. Anything really, but your pussy clenched on him with vice-like grip. It was already too late.
Rusty held your hip and your hand tight, giving you no room to escape. He grunted at your ear while he emptied himself in you. Multiple ropes of cum coated your walls and made both yours and his eyes roll to the back of your heads. It felt so good, so wrong yet so right. He should not have done it, he should have pulled out and avoid another situation. He never learned his lessons. This was forbidden. He loved it even more.
"Rusty! That was so fucking stupid." You shouted, there was more shock than anger in your voice. Your poor attempts at squirming out of his embrace failed. Your pussy milked him to his last drop.
The room went painfully silent. No moans, no skin slapping, no couch squeaking. Nothing. There was nothing but erratic breaths and the gears turning silently in your minds. What did he do? He did what he needed to do. He did what he knew you wanted him to do. Even if you told him otherwise, even if you tried to convince yourself of the opposite. "I'm sorry."
It was crystal clear that his apology was empty. As if the lack of conviction in his voice was not enough to prove it, the slow thrusts of his hips sealed the deal.
Languid strokes that made him appreciate the warmth he had craved for so long. "I know, this was wrong." He pressed his clean shaven cheek against yours. Slowly, he picked up the pace until he properly fucked you against the couch. "I'm so fucking sorry." He punctuated each word with a thrust that made you moan louder and louder. He was not going to stop anytime soon. He fucked his cum so deep inside of you until he was ready for a second load.
Only Rusty could fuck you this good. He made sure you learned that lesson, rewarding you with orgasms the more you surrendered to the pleasure he shamelessly gave you.
You felt Rusty's arm slide away from your body, goosebumps spreading on your skin from the sudden lack of warmth. You tried to stay immobile, although your eyes fluttered from struggling to stay closed. You knew he would leave. He always did.
He knew he would leave. He could not stay. He could not stay and drag you down with him once more. Rusty had hurt enough people for the time being, he needed to learn to be careful. To calculate the risks. The risks were too high when they involved you.
A part of you had hoped it would be different this time. Maybe he would stay for breakfast. Maybe he would offer to shower together and go at it again. Maybe he would make another promise he would inevitably break.
Rusty surprised you with a kiss to your cheek, one that lingered and communicated more than words could convey in the moment. He stood up on his tired legs and he stepped over your body to search for his clothes.
You opened your eyes a bit, squinting to catch a glimpse of his naked body roaming around your place. He looked so beautiful, so irresistible. His large back, his muscular legs, his toned ass that he quickly covered with his boxers. You could admire him for days on end. He would never grant you so much time in his presence.
He turned around, guilt and regret stabbed him in the stomach. Unfamiliar feelings. You looked so beautiful, so tempting. The delicate features of your face, the curves of your body, your steady breathing that he'd love to fall asleep to again. He wished he could stay with you and forget about the rest of the world.
You felt his eyes on you. You felt him stare and linger on the marks he left on your body, on the other places he'd love to bruise for his own pleasure.
Before he got riled up and, most importantly, before he failed once more to think with his brain, he finished dressing up in a hurry. If he made it back home before sunrise, no one would know about his escapade.
"Wait." Your mouth spoke despite your mind yelling at you to stay quiet and to pretend to sleep a little longer.
Rusty froze in place. He refused to turn around and look at you. Unless you asked him to.
You sat up, wrapping the blanket around your body that he had seen one too many times; your body that he could not even see in the moment. You used the blanket as a shield. An armour to brace for the upcoming impact. "Is she," you cut yourself off. "Was she special?"
You watched his torso rise and fall from the several deep breaths he took before answering. "Very." He did not need one more interrogation, one more trial.
You nodded slowly. "Am I special?"
You watched him experience a myriad of emotions, just by the change in his breathing and how his body tensed up while he searched for an honest answer. This question was a trap.
"Very." He repeated in a whisper. "The most special."
You snickered. His answer felt like just as much of a trap as the question you asked. If you had been the most special to him, why did he pursue Carolyn? Why did he have this grand affair with her and not with you? Why did he risk everything for her and not for you?
As if he could hear the questions running through your mind, he spoke again. "You're the only person I've tried my hardest to protect." He referred to his children that he hurt and sacrificed, to his wife that he lied to and cheated on... To his mistress who died because of his insatiable lust.
It was only then that you finally accepted to face the truth: nobody knew who you were, in relation to Rozat Sabich. He kept you in the shadows, he locked you in a cage. He protected you in this bubble of stolen kisses and broken promises.
If nobody knew that you two shared a long and complex history, he would never have to involve you in this situation more than he already did the night before. He would not need yet another alibi to cover up the messy trail he left behind.
You held your head in your hands. You hated to see him leave, each time felt like it got closer to being the last time he would walk out of your life for good.
Rusty put on his hoodie and fixed his glasses. He was now facing you, but it was his turn to need an armour so he maintained the distance between the two of you. He stared at you, time felt like it had stopped. His lips parted open to speak, but no sound came out of his mouth.
However, you turned to look at him just in time to catch him mouth the dangerous words I love you. You smiled sadly at him with a tear falling down the same cheek he kissed. It was your way to say I love you too.
And just like that, Rusty opened the door and left without another glance in your direction. The wall between the two of you built itself back up in an instant. That way, he protected you from the world. Most importantly, he protected you from himself. All the history between the two of you would remain a secret.
You were his best kept secret.
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lazyjellyfish300 · 2 days
Letters from Nanami 🖋️💘
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CW: ANGST, x FEM!READER, SUGGESTIVE- MINORS DNI, FLUFF, kinda self indulgent I'm sorry!!! Word count: around 1k
@1-900-venusluvs @thatone-writer
Postcard letters to you from Kento Nanami while he's on his missions would probably sound a little something like this:
Waking up to another letter from you was the highlight of my day. Thank you for sending the coffee grounds. Reminds me of home and saved my life since where I am now is lovely but their coffee...leaves a lot to be desired.
Anyway, I hope you're taking care of yourself. Enjoy a cup for me and know that I'm doing the very same thing with you, even miles away. Hot for me and iced for you, just how you like it. 
Couldn't stop thinking about you. I adored the pictures you sent me of the tulip festival. You look beautiful and the flowers are lovely. I love how despite being away, you write to me and speak to me as if I never left. Don't worry about finishing that show without me, honey. Watch it and enjoy it and tell me all about it when I get home. 
My love, 
We saw Lake Como today for the first time. It was absolutely breathtaking, just as you described. I suppose I did tease you a little much about "Anidala" and your adorable thoughts on why it was the perfect date location, because it absolutely is. 
I only wish you could've been here to see it with me. I'll bring you back one day, but only after I show you Malaysia. 
Be good for me sweetheart. 
My dearest, 
I'm so sorry you had a tough week. It's moments like these that pain me the most, that I cannot be there when you need me so. You are so patient and you inspire me every day with your strength. Please hold on a little longer and I'll be back home with you in my arms before you know it. 
My love for you is unending. If nothing else brings you comfort, I hope that does. 
Passionately yours, 
You can't even begin to understand how needy I'm feeling right now after reading that. When you say those things it causes my mind to think about all kinds of scenarios I probably shouldn't write for fear of this letter finding someone else by mistake. 
Just know that I feel the same. God, you don't know how badly... 
Knowing your body craves me even when I'm not there does things to me you can't even imagine.
When I get home, the first thing I plan to do is demonstrate just how much. 
Always yours, 
Yesterday was a good day. It's been raining all morning, which makes me think of you. I had a chance to go into town for a moment. I visited the gardens, saw some brand new ducklings and had a chance to admire the bridge. I think you would like it here a lot. 
They have a bakery which I made sure to stop by. They have this sort of house dressing they put on their sandwiches with fresh honey mustard mixed with mayonnaise adding just the right amount of tang balanced with sweetness. It's absolutely amazing. 
As always, I hate being away from you. But your letters never fail to cheer me up. Thank you for taking the time to write them and send them to me.
I'm sorry to hear you're struggling still, my love. I don't like seeing you upset, especially if I'm not there to help you get through it. 
Well darling, I hope you have a better week. Please don't forget to take care of yourself just as I would do if I was there. 
Don't worry too much about things love, that's my job. 
Faithfully yours, 
My sweetest darling, 
It's been harder than normal for me to be here without you. 
Part of me hates admitting that to you because the last thing I want is for you to feel responsible for how I'm feeling when you have more than enough on your plate. But it's the truth. I would be doing you a disservice if I wasn't honest. I miss you and the sound of your voice like hell. 
I've been doing a lot of thinking lately and I think it's time for us to plan for the future. If the things we talked about before I left are still true, then I think we shouldn't wait any longer. 
I want to marry you, have a family with you, have all of the things that I've always told you that I wanted but was too big of a coward to seize it with both hands, all because of fear. This silly fear that I would push you away over time or you'd grow to resent me because of my profession. It's about time that you and I resign to the quiet life, so we can have this together. I want to stop dreaming and start doing. If you'd still have an old man like me, then I'd be the happiest man on Earth. I want to give you my mother's ring and my last name. 
Darling, as I write this I can't help but feel extraordinary sadness that you're not with me. I'm trying to hold back these overwhelming feelings and from spilling every last confession on these pages, because as I said before, this is not your burden to bear. It's mine alone to shoulder, and I need to be the strong one for both of us.
Just long enough until I can have you in my arms. Just long enough until I can love you so deeply until the morning. Just long enough until we can go to that chapel on the edge of town that you pointed out when we went on that drive last Autumn, and I can bring you to all of these places that I'm seeing and experiencing without you, only this time I can experience it fully and properly with a fresh set of eyes because I have my love rightfully beside me where she belongs.  
I'll be dreaming of that moment. It's simply the only thing I can hold onto for now, my darling. You, the promise of you, and your gorgeous smile and those eyes that drive me wild. From now, until the edge of time, I'm all yours, and you're all mine.
I'll see you very soon darling, as always, be good for me. 
No other fitting way to end this letter besides just
Shibuya, Japan
Postmarked 2018年10月30日
A/N: sorry if I messed up the Japanese, pls correct me if I did 🖤
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winterrrnight · 1 day
Ever since I first read your blurb abt rafe calling reader a goddess, all I can think about is how husband!rafe is such a big bad provider. Like he makes sure wife knows that whatever is his, is hersss, and always putting his card down to pay for everything (loads of shopping sprees) and makes sure wife is happy, taken care of (emotionally, physically, mentally) and comfortable in her own self, their home, etc. And everyone in the whole WORLD knows they are both off limits, like we all know rafe doesn’t play abt his wife 😭. I think im obsessed w this idea bc i want that irl 😫, this blog is my safe space 🫶🏾
OH YES I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS!!!! husband!rafe's top priority is his wife and his wife only!!! he's always paying for her, even though I do believe wife!reader would have her own job too (more on that here) (but that of course depends on the reader, that's just my idea), but still, he is the provider, he's always spoiling his wife in the best way possible, buying her gifts literally all the time, suprising her with jewelry, clothes, shoes; whatever the reader loves and prefers.
he takes care of her in every aspect, just as you said. talking about emotionally and mentally, he never ever lets her have a pout on her face, always ready to listen to what she wants to say, being the person she can so easily confide in, with returning all of that back to him too.
talking about physically, he is obsessed, and I mean, OBSESSED, with every inch of her skin. he would kiss the ground she walks on if he could. he's always touching her in one way or the other, if they're out, they are holding hands, or his arm is around her shoulders or her waist, or his hand in his back pocket, no matter what, he needs that closure.
and if they're in their own private space, he'll kiss whatever part of her skin he can. he loves peppering kisses over her face, her neck, her shoulders, her belly, her chest, her thighs, her calves, her ankles... oh he's doing that and he's murmuring gentle praises always to her!!!
rafe doesn't play about his wife and reader doesn't play about rafe either!!!! talking about them in public again, they aren't into that much pda but they're still subtly touching as I said before, it's like 'private but not a secret' type of thing. it's a well established fact that who is rafe cameron's (basically the owner of the entire island) wife, and no one, absolutely no one dares to say anything to her.
whenever they go out, rafe doesn't have any restrictions on reader about what she can or can't wear. he lets her wear anything she wants to, he worships her in it and reminds her she looks like a goddess, and if he catches someone staring at her in the wrong way, you best know he's breaking that person's jaw.
awwww omg that is SUCH a sweet thing to say!!! 🥹🥹💗💗 I'm so glad my blog feels like your safe space, you're welcome here literally any time!!! 💘💘💘
send me any husband!rafe or rafe/drew/zach thoughts you may have! <3 (sfw only! + slightly suggestive content is okay)
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sonamytrash · 1 day
Hange grins as you take a seat beside her at lunch, having missed breakfast, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Well, well, look who's finally decided to grace us with her presence." She leans in, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "I heard a certain someone was sneaking back to the barracks this morning from the direction of your quarters. Care to share what you two were... up to?" She wiggles her eyebrows suggestively, barely containing her excitement.
A blush creeps across your cheeks beneath your tired eyes. "What the fuck Hange, where did you hear that?" You ask almost a little too defensively.
Hange's grin widens at your reaction as she leans in closer, her voice barely above a whisper. "Oh, you know how it is around here - nothing stays a secret for long." She chuckles, a teasing glint in her eyes. "Come on, spill! I'm dying to know the juicy details." She elbows you playfully. "The rest of us need some entertainment around here, you know."
You avert your eyes to stare down at your lunch, "I don't know what you're talking about." Taking a bite out of the bread.
"I heard Captain Grumpy Pants was in a decent mood for once?" A teasing lilt to their voice. "Or maybe you just wore him out, hmm?" Her glasses glint mischievously as she waits with bated breath for your response.
"I wouldn't go that far." You confess quietly. "That man has the stamina of a thousand soldiers."
Hange's eyes light up with unholy glee at your confession, a knowing smirk spreading across her face. "I knew it was true! spill - what was it like being on the receiving end of Humanity's Strongest?" She asks, relishing the opportunity to tease you.
Your face turns bright red, "HANGE!"
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■●○Shojou Pain○●■
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“I want to have a connection with someone. I want to be needed by someone. I want the confidence to feel like it’s okay to live.”
─── ⋆⋅✮⋅⋆ ──
"Ask the second years!" Yuji chides, the two of you huddled up on the floor. A note book sitting on your lap as dozens of manga lay across the your desk. "No way!" You create a an 'x' symbol with your hands.
"What if they think I'm not good enough for him!" You cry out, tugging at your hair. Your phone digs as a notfication from Junpei pops up.
"Ha..? They wouldn't." The pink-nette deadpans.
"Think about it..!"
The heroine was cornerd in a desserted hall as the rival scowls. "Why do you keep bothering him! Weirdo!"
"There's gotta be someone we know who has info on him.." Itadori ponders aloud. "Someone with experience.."
Grabbing your phone, you see the small text. Even he was trying to help you out, even if he was doing special training with Nanami. You read outloud the text he sent.
"Junpei said: "Someone one that knows him well enough." "
Yuji hums in agreement. "Someone we know too.."
The two of you stew in thought as Nobara and Megumi return back to the classroom. Lunches in hand, converseing quietly.
Fushiguro pauses, a strange look on his face. The brunette blinks, turning her attention ahead of them.
"Geh-!? Creepy..." Kugisaki mumbles.
There teacher, who had been hiding by the doorway, watches excitedly. Teetering back and forth on his long legs. Readying to jump into the classroom, like a dog having there name called!
"I got it!" You cheer, jumping out of your seat. Slamming your hands against the desk, your gaze faraway.
Aftee those words were utter, you could hear a small distraught yell from outside.
─── ⋆⋅✮⋅⋆ ──
"Okkotsus type eh..." Todo mumbled, his muscular frame leaning back against the chair. "Hmmm.. Well, when I first heard of him. I thought of some total badass."
"He is-!" You tried to defend, but stop yourself, never actually seeing him in action. But hearing how Fushiguro respected him, along with being a Speical grade, hell, even close with your seniors!
He... Was a power house.
But. What did you actually KNOW about HIM?
Shaking away your thoughts, you wait expectantly for an answer.
"Ha! When I saw him though, he looked like a scared lamb!" Todo laughed. "But, I could feel his cursed energy as soon as he stepped in the arena."
Sipping at your drink, you watch your friend smirk as he recalls the memories. You nodded along, especially the smallest details.
"But type of woman... He never really told me." He shrugged as you choke on your straw, coughing into your fist.
"Though, your strength to puruse him is admirable!" Todo pat your shoulder ruffly, laughing again. "I'm quite good at reading people, so I'm sure I know his type!"
You sweated, maybe asking the second-years should of been your first choice.
"A strong, resilient woman, with a big rack." Todo nodded thoughtfully.
"...." You smack your head against the table as Todo smiles smugly at his answer. "...Thanks, Todo..." You grit out, before popping your head back up in realization. "Oh! Right, I almost forgot, here!"
Taking the papers out from your bag, you slide them over to him. Whispering, "for your trouble's." You said seriously.
"Huh? What's this.." He picks them up, then immediately becomes quiet.
Holding out your hand, he takes it quickly. Gripping it firmly as the two of you share a look of aknowlegement.
"Good luck! (Y/N)!"
"Thank you!"
─── ⋆⋅✮⋅⋆ ──
Eyes ahead on the lap course, you huff as you do. Not as good as your pink haired friend, but doing your best!
Hearing laughter near the bleachers, you slow your pace to get a peek.
Maki laughed manically as she swiped at Yuta with her spear as he expertly dodged. Swinging back at her with his blade.
You gaze in awe, almost stopping completely until your nudge by Kugisaki. "Hey, you' alright? You seem space-casey." Your pace became snail-like as the two of you walked and talked.
"I'm fine, just thinking!" You laugh it off, glancing away.
"Hmmm..." Nobara sighed. "I heard from Itadori that you went out on a date."
"HUH!? -A-h.. No!" You explain your situation to jer quickly, fumbling a bit on a few words. But making sure your point came across.
"Good! Cause' I thought either one of us went on a date we'd tell each other, that idiot was lying, I knew it!"
You bashfully defended Yuji, "He just meant "going out" not.. "OUT." " Nobara scowls. "Your worse than he was when I asked."
Huffing, she leaves your side, but pauses. Glancing back at you. "Though, I'll be sure to help you dress probably for a real date." She sassed, before leaving the track to grab her watterbottle.
You follow after before driffing over to Panda's side discreetly as you could.
Noticing you, the cursed corpse welcomes your presence. "Hey (Y/N)! You wanted to see the action?" Panda jokes as Inumaki agreed. "Salmon."
Face warm, you take a seat with them. "Ah, well... I wanted to ask something."
"Go on.."
"Is.. Is.. Okkotsu, seeing anyone?" You smile anxiously, gazing at your senior classmate hopefully.
"Oh-ho~!" Panda pats your back encouragingly. "I see! You should of said something sooner! Toge is right though, he's single."
You beam, letting out a relived breath. "Ha... I was super curious, but I got worried, then I asked Todo. And he said Yuta's into big bo-"
"He perfers normal." Panda interupted your rant.
You pause, shutting up. Waiting for him to continue eagerly.
Before Panda could continue, Maki yells at you. "Oi! (Y/N), don't slack off." She calls at you, while you squeak when seeing even Yutas attention directed at you.
Slumping in your seat, you smile reassureingly at your two seniors. "Right.. Sorry."
You hop down from the bleachers, not daring to catch a glance at the male who held your heart. Gazing ahead, you walk past Yuta as your eyes light up when seeing Yuji call you over to the field.
"Hey! (Y/N)! Junpei said he's free this weekend to see Earth Worm Four!"
You scream back with delight as you ran to him. "No way! You think we could convice Nobara and Megumi to come with-!"
The Heroine misses the glances she got, oblivious as a typical shoujo maiden.
Maki sighs at your shouting, ignoring it as she glances at her friend. "Yuta, we can take a break now. You don't seem very focused." She mocks, reading his slightly stiff movements easily.
"Sorry Maki."
"YUUUUTAAA~!" A cheery voice sings, walking into grassy area.
"Oh, Gojo-Sensei?"
"The one and only! But, I got a mission for you."
─── ⋆⋅✮⋅⋆ ──
[Taglist: @mint129106 @iamboredowo @yveening @okkvtsu @bankaixx @imphuong]
[Fan art, reblogs, comments are always apperciated! I hope you all like the update! Are poor guy needs some love!]
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berryz-writes · 2 days
Faking it
(part 1)
Mattheo x reader
Summary: You and Mattheo pretend to date because your parents won't stop pestering you and girls won't stop falling over themselves to get to Mattheo
note: ignore the title its not very.........smart
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"What are your plans for tomorrow?" Mattheo asked putting his quill down and kicking his legs up onto the desk. History of Magic was the perfect time to sit and chat with your friends and catch up on missed gossip.
I shrugged "It's the ball tomorrow so probably getting lectured by my dear mother" A tradition since I was 12. To nag ask me to bring a date with me to the ball. This year was especially important because I hadn't brought anyone with me last year and my mother was not impressed.
Mattheo rolled his eyes "Please. You've got it easy"
I raised an eyebrow. What was he complaining about? "And what's troubling you so much?"
He sighed dramatically "All I here is everywhere I go is do you have a date for the ball? A guy can't even eat breakfast in peace"
I scoffed. He was always so unnecessarily dramatic.
"Well. Do you?" It's not like I was wanting it to be me, I was just genuinely interested. Curious. Not at all wondering who the girl was and what Matheo's standards and type was.
"Of course I don't. All the girls that come up to me are sluts who want me to take them to my dorm after"
I shrug "At least they have the confidence to ask. You'll be left with no one soon enough"
Mattheo rolled his eyes as if what I was saying was utterly ridiculous "There's always someone. And anyways I could always go with you"
I paused. The voices in the classroom had become a background noise in my mind. I looked at Mattheo, trying to see if he was making a joke out of all this. I could usually tell because of how his lips would always pull into a small smirk but this time he was utterly serious.
"Us two?" I asked. I don't know why I said that. Maybe it was to make sure I had heard him right.
"Yeah. It would get those girls off my back and your parents will probably be happy you've found a good looking guy like me"
I rolled my eyes, trying to act like this wasn't something I was excited about or wanted to do "Someone thinks highly of themselves"
Matheo's eyes had glazed over as if he was in deep thought about something. His hand was tapping his knee in a constant rhythm and his eyebrows were scrunched in concentration. It was quiet cute to watch, honestly.
"Y'know. My idea wasn't so bad."
I raise an eyebrow "Your ideas are always bad. Which one are you talking about this time?"
He moved closer to me so I could hear his quiet voice "Me and you. We could go to the ball together. Pretend to date for a while and then act like it didn't work out between us."
My heart beat's pace increased. Why was it increasing? I'd love to tell you but I didn't know either. Maybe it was the fact that I wouldn't mind getting closer to Mattheo. Or maybe the fact that I knew if I accepted his idea I would be heartbroken by the end of it.
"But once we break up I'm just going to have to find another guy" I tried explaining. I did want to go along with his idea but I didn't want to seem too desperate. Also I don't think my parents saw Mattheo as a great influence.
He rolled his eyes acting as if I was the dumb one "Just pretend your going through an emotional...breakdown or something. And by then you'll be able to find someone you like.  It's not as if anyone would reject you" He said all this with a serious tone, as if he wasn't telling me to keep a lie going to my family but also probably break my heart in the process. I skipped over the last bit of what he said because if I thought of it for too long I would become obsessed with it and that probably wasn't a good idea.
"I'll think about it" I finally decided. I already knew what my answer was but I didn't need his ego to inflate even more...also because I had pride in myself and wasn't about to cave to on of his ideas so quickly.
*a few hours later*
"Why do you ask to play if you know your going to lose?" I asked Theo feeling slightly bad for him at this point. It was our fifth game of cards and he had lost all of them. He rolled his eyes "I'm helping pass time so you should be thanking me" It was just after our last lesson of the day and we were all in the common room or out in the gardens waiting for supper. Luckily exams weren't anywhere close so I could use this time however I wanted.
I smiled slightly at Theo's disgruntled expression "Right"
Handing out the cards again I picked up my pile and spread them out looking for a diamond. I picked out two debating on which one, choosing the nine of diamonds when I heard a slight noise behind me.
"I wouldn't go for that. I've seen Theo's cards and he's going to get you back if you put that nine down" It was Mattheo. He had taken a seat next to me on a stool having seemingly finished the shouting match he was having with Draco a few minutes ago.
I glared at him in annoyance "You've just told Theo what card I have!" Was he being deliberately annoying or did he not know how card games worked?
A slight smirk on his expression told me he was being irritating on purpose "Don't be mad at me darling. It was a mistake" He had gotten closer to me now his proximity too much for me. Luckily Theo caused a commotion by throwing his cards onto the table, me and Mattheo both turning to look at him.
"I'm not playing anymore. I've had enough of losing y/n" He said dramatically, getting up and sticking up his middle finger at Mattheo before leaving. What was wrong with everyone today?
Mattheo let out a sigh "Finally. Have you decided then?" His voice had changed to being serious within seconds, his teasing smile gone.
I knew what he was talking about but all the same I furrowed my brows and acted confused "decided what?" It was his turn to frown as he moved even closer to me "The fake dating thing? Your memory needs fixing sweetheart" He said quietly waiting for my response.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I couldn't look him in the eyes when he said names like that. Would saying yes lead to me having a broken heart and in a lot of trouble if my parents found out? Yes. But was I doing it anyways? Yes.
"My memory doesn't need fixing" I rolled my eyes but continued on "And fine I'll do it"
Mattheo grinned "Fucking finally" He got up and pressed a kiss to my cheek "I'll see you later. If anyone asks tell them your taken" He walked away out of the common room and to who knows where. I lightly touched where he had kissed my cheek. Was this going to be normal now? Him just kissing me any time of day? Not that I minded.
I looked around the common room to see a few girls in my year already walking over to me, raising their eyebrows. They were probably going to ask what the kiss was about and I'd have to tell them I was dating..... realisation hit me.
Mattheo hadn't kissed me because he wanted to but so the others could see and would come and ask me. He was smart. I would give him that but it did hurt my feelings slightly.
After a lot of explaining how me and Mattheo got together and lying for three hours straight I slipped into my bed earlier than usual, staring at my dress for the next night. It was a dark green almost the exact shade of our Slytherin robes except in silk. I turned to my other side wishing I hadn't eaten so much dessert because it still didn't seem digested to me. I could hear hooting in the distance, guessing it was probably other students owls, coming back or going out to send letters.
I had sent a letter to my parents just after dinner, telling them not to worry and how I had a date for the ball this year. I had re written the letter so many times, worried the expression when they read my words would make it obvious I was lying. After the fire had eaten up 4 parchments I finally sent the letter off hoping for the best. Pansy had ended up reading over my shoulder before I could stop her and had found out I was "dating" Mattheo. At first she was upset I hadn't told her. Her arms had been crossed and a permanent frown had been etched onto her face.
I couldn't lie to her so I eventually told her the truth, her eyes widening as I explained everything.
"I'm sure it'll be fine" She had said eventually. I hoped she was right.
The next day rushed by extremely quickly. It felt like I had just had breakfast but here I was waiting for my mother to show up. She had said she wanted to "meet me before she left for something extremely important in a different country"
She just meant she was going on holiday without me but I didn't mind. The last time I had gone all she did was talk about my grades and the clothes I was wearing or something else that annoyed me. I turned to Pansy who was starting to look at her nails in boredom.
"You should go. Start getting ready" I said to her. She was waiting with me, just inside the school gates. Pansy shrugged "I don't mind. You need support when your dear mother comes because Salazar knows you can't lie"
I crossed my arms even though I knew she was kind of right "I can. Listen I'll be fine, trust me. Go get ready"
Pansy hummed in thought "It does take me a while to do my eyeliner.....fine. See you, don't crumble under pressure" She blew me a kiss and walked back in leaving me to crack my knuckles repeatedly even though they were already cracked.
I couldn't even wait in peace because as soon as Pansy left I heard gravel crunch behind me and when I turned to look who it was, Mattheo's grin made me want to stop time. God he was gorgeous and he didn't even try.
"What are you doing here?" I asked as he stood next to me, his body heat reaching me at his close proximity. He raised an eyebrow a knowing smile on his lips "You can't lie to me forget lying to your own mother"
I huffed in annoyance. Why did everyone underestimate me? I mean they were right but still. And how could I lie to Mattheo when his chocolate eyes would make me melt in mere seconds? And how did he know what I was waiting for? Pansy must have told him on her way in.
Without warning my mother apparated in front of me before I could confirm what I was thinking. She was wearing smart wizarding robes. She had probably just come from work. Like usual she didn't hug me, just giving me a once over and then turning to Mattheo instead.
"So your dating my daughter?" She got straight to the point, tossing her blonde waves behind her, eyes narrowed. Mattheo nodded his expression serious
"Yes maam"
Her eyebrows raised slightly but she carried on quizzing him about his grades, plans and even what he thought about marriage. I wanted to die right about now. Luckily she only turned to me at the very end of her little interview "I expect you to have good grades by the end of the year. Your father sends his love" And with that she apparated away just as quickly as she had arrived.
I let out a sigh "Thanks. She's a handful sometimes" I told him, feeling bad that he had to take the brunt of her questioning. He shrugged wrapping an arm around my waist "It's fine, nothing I can't handle"
"You don't have to pretend like we're dating when no one's looking you know" I said to him quietly. It was getting dark now and no one would be out in the gardens anyways. Mattheo ignored me, carrying on walking toward the castle, his hand shifting to pull me closer
"Someone could be looking though the window, sweetheart. You can't be too careful" He whispered in my ear, his voice making my insides heat and my legs feel like jelly. I blinked at him as he straightened up acting as if he hadn't just made butterflies erupt in my stomach from a few simples words.
I couldn't survive one night next to him without my brain cells melting how would I survive a whole fucking week?
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orphiclovers · 1 day
Okay. Long incoherent rambling theory post ahead. Specifically, I want to talk about how the Han Sooyoung 'split' happened/how Han Sooyoung got the avatar skill, extrapolating from canon where I can and headcanoning the rest.
Let's start from what she herself says on the topic. 3rd rounds Han Sooyoung tells Kim Dokja, in a conversation about how 'Avatar' works, that the very first time she made an avatar, she gave it too many memories and it 'went out of control' and ran off. This was a friendly conversation and hsy brought it up herself, so there's not really a reason for her to lie here - this is probably close to how she actually remembers the situation.
Which is interesting because 1863rd rounds Han Sooyoung denies this fact and says SHE is the main body and that she left an avatar behind to act as her. Now 1863 could be lying here to unbalance kdj, they were having a battle of words at the time with lying being an explicit part of the game, but she could also be telling the truth and maybe 3rd just doesn't know she's an avatar (like 49%). we don't get a comfirmation either way so that is left ambigous. So. That's a dead end.
Then, how does the Avatar skill evolve in general?
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Kim Dokja says the requirements to evolve it is that you need to be in a creative field of some kind (so you have an 'Author' attribute) + under enough psychological distress for your mind to 'split' in a way that orv compares to DID (in not the most tactful way). It's a rare skill so I'm guessing it probably requires both of these to be true at the same time. A key hint is that we do actually get one other example of someone evolving the Avatar skill on screen. 1863rd rounds Yoo Joonghyuk. It goes like this:
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So...not exactly a fun time. But actually I'm sensing a pattern here. Both Yoo Joonghyuk and Han Sooyoung, after evolving and using the avatar skill for the first time end up as two sepetate autonomous entities with their own free will - 1863rd!hsy and 3rd!hsy and white and black coat wearing yjh respectively (Kim Dokja too actually - with 49% 51%). So, I think this might be how the skill functions, spontaneously splitting you in half the first time and then both halves of you can make avatars at will after that. Let's assume this is true for the sake of the theory. This conflicts with the way both Han Sooyoungs describe it - they both say they 'created' an avatar the first time BUT I think neither of them were being entirely truthful.
Let's talk about that second parameter. 'Severe psychological distress' in a way similar to that of DID. How I interpret this, based on what we see of 1863rd!yjh, is that there needs to be some fundemental dissonance of core beliefs that cannot exist or be held at the same time, so requires the soul to split in half. For Yoo Joonghyuk it's 'I want to live/I want to die.' (Although Kim Dokja doesnt get the skill in the natural way, I think this concept still holds true. His dissonance is not so explicitly stated but maybe it's something along the lines of 'epilouge/eternity' i.e 'happily ever after OR atonement for his (percieved) sins'.)
But also there's an element of, how do I say this...'purifying self-destruction' to how we see our trio use Avatar. Yoo Joonghyuk takes the blackened and traumatized part of him that wants to die and kills it with a sword, leaving only the part of him that still has hope to regress to the 3rd round, free and unburdened by the weight of bad memories.
You could interpret 51%/49% this way too. The inherent act of Kim Dokja choosing to use this skill to split his soul in half means he did not see another way foward - that psychological distress and belief dissonance is an inherent part of this skill. 49%, the one who get's the 'happily ever after' does not remember needing Ways of Survival, maybe because Kim Dokja couldn't imagine himself having a happy ending with the weight of those specific memories.
But coming back to Han Sooyoung. Just look at the way she uses Avatar in kaizenix. She is a person who does not enjoy being emotionally vulnerable so in any heavy situation she clings to her dry and witty personality like a shield.
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Let's just fully realize what she's saying here. When she says she erased the memories of her life deliberately, what she means is that she created an avatar, a sort of 'black coat wearing han sooyoung' and killed it again and again, every year, so she could keep that sarcastic and light hearted attiude. Otherwise she would have become someone like 1863rd rounds Han Sooyoung - hardened and unhappy. And I mean that she literally was on the path of becoming her - she even got 1863rds skill.
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She deliberatley brushes off Kim Dokja and doesn't acknowledge the weight of her actions in kaizenix, both waiting for 50 years and killing parts of herself over and over.
And I think this is the sort of mindset she had while telling Kim Dokja about 'creating' an avatar for the first time. She doesn't see the point in potraying herself as vulnerable, so she probably would obscure some details of that story, for example if she was on her knees clutching her head a la 1863rd turns Yoo Joonghyuk at the time. This would seem like a pointless detail to add when the point of the story was that her avatar ran off.
So FINALLY, here's my headcanon on what I think the original belief dissonance was for Han Sooyoung and how she got the Avatar skill.
The split happened very early on in the scenarios. And well, there is one obvious Big Event that might cause someone to have a mental breakdown/identity crisis. The first scenario. I think whoever Han Sooyoung killed, she couldn't deal with the fact she had become a murderer and 'exorcised' those memories - and so 1863 was born, with blood on her hands, in an already destroyed world.
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