#ignorance is forgivable
nikkoliferous · 6 months
IN RECENT WEEKS, as Palestinians rose up in their homeland, in the wider Middle East, and around the world, you probably heard the slogan “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” In cities across the globe, protesters responded to the pending expulsions of Palestinian residents from their homes in Jerusalem, Israeli attacks on holy sites, and the bombardment of Gaza. If you watched or attended any of these protests, you likely saw the slogan printed on a sign, or heard it drifting over the crowd.
You may also have heard claims that this slogan is antisemitic or even genocidal. On May 19th, for example, the New Yorker Union was widely attacked for tweeting, “Solidarity with Palestinians from the river to the sea who went on a 24-hour strike yesterday for dignity and liberation.” Whether in earnest ignorance or in bad faith, critics of the river-to-the-sea formulation argued that the union, and others who used the slogan last month, were implicitly calling for not only dismantling the State of Israel, but cleansing the entire region—from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, an area encompassing the West Bank, Gaza, and all of Israel within its internationally recognized pre-1967 borders—of its Jewish population. (Unfortunately, the union backed down in the face of these smears.)
Like many Palestinians, I’ve long used this phrase. About a decade ago, Peter Beinart started a blog at The Daily Beast called “Open Zion” aimed at bringing together a range of perspectives on Israel/Palestine. He invited me to participate regularly, and at first I was hesitant, given the name. Would a project called “Open Zion” really be open to arguments that challenged the tenets of Zionism? I agreed to participate on the condition that I could write what I wanted and that my column could be called “From the River to the Sea.” As I explained to Peter, I wasn’t concerned with Israel’s identity crisis over whether it could be both Jewish and democratic; I was concerned that Palestinians were being denied basic rights throughout their homeland. My column, “From the River to the Sea,” would be focused on the unity of the Palestinian experience and how all Palestinians faced a shared struggle with Zionism regardless of where they lived.
Today, I believe the conversation has increasingly shifted in this direction. This is due in part to a general intellectual and moral awakening—in media, in academia, in activist spaces, and even among certain elected officials—on the subject of Israel/Palestine, but also because of the increasingly horrific realities on the ground. More than ever before, people around the world are accepting that the problem goes well beyond the occupation of the West Bank, and that discrimination against Palestinians occurs on both sides of the Green Line.
The recent Palestinian uprising foreshadowed a future struggle in which the Green Line is unimportant if existent at all, because across the country, Palestinians mobilized collectively on a large scale under their national banner. The phrase “from the river to the sea” captures this future as no other can, because it encompasses the entire space in which Palestinian rights are denied. It is in this space that Palestinians seek to live freely. It is across this space—and across the political and geographic divisions that Israeli rule has imposed—that Palestinians must unite to create change. It is this space that Palestinians call home, regardless of what anyone else calls it.
“From the river to the sea” is a rejoinder to the fragmentation of Palestinian land and people by Israeli occupation and discrimination. Palestinians have been divided in a myriad of ways by Israeli policy. There are Palestinian refugees denied repatriation because of discriminatory Israeli laws. There are Palestinians denied equal rights living within Israel’s internationally recognized territory as second-class citizens. There are Palestinians living with no citizenship rights under Israeli military occupation in the West Bank. There are Palestinians in legal limbo in occupied Jerusalem and facing expulsion. There are Palestinians in Gaza living under an Israeli siege. All of them suffer from a range of policies in a singular system of discrimination and apartheid—a system that can only be challenged by their unified opposition. All of them have a right to live freely in the land from the river to the sea.
But it is precisely because Zionist settler colonialism has benefitted from and pursued Palestinian fragmentation that it seeks to mischaracterize and destroy inclusive and unifying rhetorical frameworks. For example, journalist Marc Lamont Hill was attacked and ultimately removed from his position at CNN for calling for Palestinian freedom “from the river to the sea.” After all, it is far easier to dominate a divided people fighting different battles on different fronts than it is to dominate one people united in a single battle for the same universal rights.
Since Zionists struggle to make a persuasive argument against freedom, justice, and equality for all people throughout the land, they seek instead to attack the message and messenger. When Palestinians proclaim “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” many Zionists argue that this is a Palestinian call for genocide. But as historian Maha Nassar has noted, there has never been an “official Palestinian position calling for the forced removal of Jews from Palestine.” The links between this phrase and eliminationism might be the product of “an Israeli media campaign following the 1967 war that claimed Palestinians wished to ‘throw Jews into the sea.’” Jewish groups such as the American Jewish Committee also claim that the slogan is antisemitic because it has been taken up by militant groups such as the Palestine Liberation Organization, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and Hamas. But as Nassar writes, the phrase predates these uses, and has its origins as “part of a larger call to see a secular democratic state established in all of historic Palestine.”
The claim that the phrase “from the river to the sea” carries a genocidal intent relies not on the historical record, but rather on racism and Islamophobia. These Palestinians, the logic goes, cannot be trusted—even if they are calling for equality, their real intention is extermination. In order to justify unending violence against Palestinians, this logic seeks to caricature us as irrational savages hell-bent on killing Jews. Nor does the attempt to link Palestinians to eliminationism stop at the deliberate mischaracterization of this slogan; rather, it is deployed in many other contexts. In 2015, for instance, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu engaged in Holocaust revisionism by stating that it was really a Palestinian, not Hitler, who inspired the final solution. Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, actually had to remind the Israeli Prime Minister that it was the Germans who were responsible for the Holocaust. Raising the constant specter of eliminationism has political utility for Zionists; in such a threatening environment, perpetual abuses of Palestinians can be rationalized.
This twisted logic is not only reserved for Palestinians. Marginalized groups are often accused of not being trustworthy and of having deep-seated ulterior motives aimed at destroying society. Jews should know this trope well, as it has long been a central feature of antisemitism. In fact, the worst antisemitic attack in American history was carried out in recent years by a murderer who attacked a synagogue because he thought Jews were destroying white Christian-dominated society by bringing in brown immigrants under the guise of humanitarianism.
Fundamentally, such arguments disregard what Palestinians are calling for when they use the phrase in question: a state in which Palestinians can live in their homeland as free and equal citizens, neither dominated by others nor dominating them. When we call for a free Palestine from the river to the sea, it is precisely the existing system of domination that we seek to end.
(article dated June 11th, 2021)
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tianhai03 · 11 months
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i watched re death island today!!!!!1 it was really good!!!!!!!!! had to draw smth to celebrate :)
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heartemoij · 6 months
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for love and lemons rosa lace underwire bra + panty
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ceruleanheaven · 14 days
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jegulus as cheese <3
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artemismoorea03 · 7 months
DP x DC: If You Take A Ghost Dog to The Dog Park
Cujo was what Sam called a 'Hound of Hell' and she meant it literally. After Danny became the King of Ghosts at the mature age of 15 and 2 days old, Cujo - his "dog" - became a listed Ghost Zone Hound which had multiple other names which included 'Hell Hound'. With Cujo's new found ability he was able to find Danny wherever he went and get him out of any potentially dangerous situation he found himself, as well as carry out orders given to him by Frostbite, Clockwork, Sam, Tucker, Jazz, Elle, Valerie and of course - Danny.
But Cujo was still a dog.
A very excited dog who dragged him all the way to a corner of the Ghost Zone and through a natural portal into an city Danny hadn't visited in person before. Gotham City. Specifically Cujo took him to the Gotham City dog park where he proceeded to try to play with the other dogs in the park.
Most of the dogs seemed hesitant at first until a great dane puppy jogged over and the two started to play together. It was nice to watch considering how little Hell Hounds there were in the Ghost Zone, but on the other hand Danny was in his human form and having a glowing green dog was quickly gaining attention, specifically from the owner of the great dane, a 9-year-old kid with black hair and green eyes.
"What kind of dog is that?" The kid asked.
"Honestly? No idea, he's a rescue." Danny said, shoving his hands in his pockets. "His names Cujo. What's your dogs name?"
"Like the Roman Emperor?" Danny questioned, seeing the surprise on the boys face.
"Exactly. Cujo is the name of a horror movie dog, correct?"
Danny nodded, "Yeah."
"Why is he green?"
Danny shrugged, "Dunno, he came that way." Danny said, then facepalmed when Cujo suddenly took on his huge form and began running through the park with Titus right on his heels.
It wasn't just Titus anymore either.
Suddenly more and more dogs were chasing Cujo through the dogpark as Cujo howled, barked, then turned and bowed occasionally at the other dogs before he finally turned and made a mad dash at Danny.
The kid took a step back as Danny just sighed, bracing himself as Cujo got closer and closer. Then, when he was close enough Danny held out his hand.
"Cujo, stop!"
Cujo slid to a stop, ending up less than three feet from Danny, his tail swishing excitedly.
"Cujo, sit."
Cujo sat down, his tail now thumping on the ground.
"Good. Now, Cujo, shrink."
Cujo popped into his small figure and jumped into Danny's arms as he pet him then looked at the kid and other very concerned and confused people.
"Uh... bye." He said, walking away leaving everybody concerned and confused.
Damian sat at the Bat-Computer curled up slightly as he tried to find information on what he'd seen when Drake walked in. Drake approached, looking at the computer with a tilt of his head.
"Is that a giant green dog?"
"Indeed. It was able to shift size, was glowing, and is seemingly well trained."
"So.. what you're doing research so you can get one of your own?"
"Don't be ridiculous. I'm trying to find the boy was who had it."
"Because the boy whom was with the dog had rings of glowing green around his eyes. Lazarus green specifically. I suspect a Lazarus pit has opened up within the Gotham Limits and that this boy and his dog are playing in it. If a Lazarus Pit has opened within Gotham we must get the boy into custody and get both he and his dog some help, then we must seal the pit."
"What if you can't find them?"
"Then they'll find us. That green dog and Titus enjoyed playing together and dogs thrive on patterns. The dog - Cujo - had fun at the park so it's only a matter of time before they return to it."
"Huh... if you take a dog to the dog park, he'll want to play again."
Damian looked at Drake with a raised brow.
"I was referencing a childrens book about a mouse and a cookie."
"Leave such things for Todd." Damian said simply, looking at the computer again.
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mimir97477906 · 9 months
here's my take on betty and simon role swap ^_^ but i am sleepy rn so ur gonna see simon later
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courfee · 6 months
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Regulus finds a label maker. That’s useful.
Reg with a label maker from early morning, coffee cups by @alarainai stuck with me for some reason...
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iooiu · 1 year
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the ginger ever and her trashcan best friend
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kyuhudraws · 3 months
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Xue Yang and A-Qing for @that-one-ao3-writer and @nekokenmacat c:
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emry-stars-art · 6 months
That’s it, first person to draw aftg mers or royals for me gets a cuddle/kiss chibi request they want done next thing
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emil1863 · 1 month
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asking the important questions
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ilynpilled · 2 months
it frankly pisses me off that what is essentially “rapists and abusers should be depicted as monstrous caricatures because humanizing them is inappropriate” is considered a very moral and enlightened position to have on art by so many people. a rapist can feel pain, have moments of vulnerability, be amiable and charming, express remorse and compassion at times, be a victim themselves, and so on in real life. they are even capable of doing good things. they can have different sides to them and have individuals in their lives that they are kind to or have a decent relationship with. they will be a human being, and that fact encompasses a lot. conflating that with the claim that they deserve forgiveness or absolution is an issue. nurturing a mindset that believes they need to be one note and uncomplicated to be a correct and tasteful depiction of a rapist inadvertently falls in line with the logic of “how could they have possibly raped you? they are so normal and kind to me. they did all these good things here and there.” ok that doesn’t change that they are a rapist.
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gazspookiebear · 2 months
Ugh idk I'm just gonna spit this out
I feel like last names are a very underrated thing in fanfics- There's so much potential!!!
Take Ghost for example
Imagine: He has his father's last name, he's not a fan of it, he falls in love and gets married, whatever.
Give this man your last name!!! Simon [L/N] would be so fucking cute in x reader fics???
Or shipping with other 141 members...
Simon MacTavish, Simon Garrick, Simon Price!!!
Ghost has his mother's madien name and is very fond of it (I usually see x reader fics give the reader his last name, so I don't think I need to mention that lol)
But John Riley? Jonathan Riley or Kyle Riley?? God, I think I'd explode...
Combining their last names!
Hyphenate it or just put it together, idk. You can't tell me Rileygarrick or Price-Riley doesn't go hard??? C'monnn
Orrrr give him someone else's last name and make his last name into the middle name
Simon R. Price/Simon R. Garrick...
If I make an au where soap and ghost get married, y'all better BELIEVE I'm making his name Simon Riley MacTavish!!!
Sorry if this isn't coherent 😭🙏- just had to get this out so I don't forget about it
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monstermonger · 3 months
Your dragon art brings me so much joy. Would you ever consider adding larger prints to your shop? The red dragon on the bridge you recently posted and the dragon painting on the cave entrance are some of my favorites but I struggle to find ways to display smaller prints that make sense
:""") This is so amazing to read, thank you for the kind words! Really...
And aaa I'm sorry, I'd love to add bigger prints, several people have asked this too :""""D sadly I just draw very small, my favorite sketchbook is this purse-sized moleskin. it's comfy but I do regret it for these situations...
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I suppose i could try forcibly up-scaling the size, the quality would suffer though... T^T
... I'm curious now, anyone know if you can scan images so that they're bigger than the original (but still good quality)? I would definitely do that for my future images.
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fujii-draws · 1 month
Oh god. Oh fuck. Horrible Dusknoir/Aimilios hc just spawned in.
What if near the beginning of the stoneship fight… Dusknoir overheard Grovyle, and realized Aimilios was the key to Temporal Tower. So if he just dragged only him back to the future— everything could stay. He wouldn’t have to lose his life. And Aimilios feels his fur standing up when Dusknoir is just staring at him for an uncomfortably long time with an unreadable expression.
Before he lunges towards him.
Ribbons and Grovyle would immediately get in-front of Aimilios and counter attack— trying to ward off Dusknoir from getting anywhere close to him.
…And near the end of the fight, when all of Dusknoir’s Sableye are down except for him— He becomes desperaterelentless— constantly charging the aura pup so aggressively during their fight. and only him. At one point— Even managing to grab the Riolu. (so that’s two times Aimilios got viciously grabbed by him, fun!)
Which makes the aura pup whimper out in fear before Grovyle slices the cloaked ghost-type’s arm with a Leaf Blade. <<(WHICH ACTS AS A KIND OF BITTERSWEET SWITCHAROO OF GROVYLE PROTECTING PARTNER FROM DUSKNOIR RATHER THAN VICE VERSA)
…And that just ends up being the main reason why Aimilios is so deathly afraid of being physically close to Dusknoir compared to Ribbons. And why he’s so much more jumpy/terrified whenever he gets near him when he returns years later.
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jakehoon · 7 months
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· ˚ ˖ IT GIRL * a character template
this is a free character template to celebrate a character's birthday. this template is made with png and requires basic ps knowledge. the fonts used are spicy rise, poppins & elychalk by tzxico. click the source to download. credit is not necessary but please give a like or reblog to support.
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