#ignore this mess of an intro post!
charlie-parkcr · 2 years
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✦ LOGAN LERMAN, CIS MALE, HE/HIM ✦ CHARLES PARKER the TWENTY-SIX year old has been in Hidehill for HIS ENTIRE LIFE and was a COUSIN to Jade Parker, the missing first murder victim. Whispers on the streets are that the HIDE HIGH HISTORY TEACHER who lives in HORWICK. He is said to be LOYAL and CRITICAL but I guess we’ll find out for ourselves. { BEA, 29, EST, SHE/HER. }
Hey everyone! I’m Bea and I’m super happy to bring Charlie here. I’m just throwing some basic stuff down below. Would love to update it with some connections and plots so feel free to like this post and I’ll awkwardly slide into your DMs or just send me a message to save us all the embarrasment! He’s open to almost every kind of plot right now!
full name: charles benedict parker jr.
nicknames: charlie, chuck, cj
birthday: december 24, 1995
residence: horwick
zodiac sign: capricorn
gender: male
pronouns: he/his
romantic orientation: heterosexual
relationship: single
occupation: history teacher at hide high
Charlie is the youngest of the two Parker siblings born to Charles and Jenna Parker. He has an older sister. He was born in Hidehill and has lived here all his life.
The family has always been well off. Both of his parents work in the top of their fields earning quite large paychecks. While Charlie has definitely benefited from his parents’ financial position, he has spent the last few years trying to become independently stable. Of course, this is easier when graduating college with no debt and Charlie never takes that for granted.
Growing up, Charlie was definitely the quiet one in the family. He would keep his head down, follow rules, and do what was expected of him. He was one of the best students in his class, always bringing home perfect scores and completing extra credit assignments.
Music has always been a big part of his life. He started playing the piano when he was five, the cello when he was in third grade, and then he picked up the guitar in sixth grade. He still plays all three today.
After graduating high school, Charlie left Hidehill to attend James Madison University in Virginia. There he double majored in education and social sciences for four years before staying one more year to get his master’s in history. He moved back to Hidehill after school and became certified to teach in Tennessee, become the history teacher at his old high school.
Charlie loves his job. He loves teaching and seeing improvement in his students. He is definitely one of those teachers to always go the extra mile on everything or uses their own money to make their classrooms better. He spares no expense when it comes to teaching.
Charlie is quiet when you first meet him. When he feels comfortable around you, he will not hesitate to be completely sarcastic and make fun of you. But it all always comes from a very loving place.
Charlie is a sarcastic, lovable teddy bear. He’ll give you a hard time and then a big hug, if you like hugs. He respects that not everyone likes hugging. He’s also the kind of person you can call to bail you out of jail at 3am or come pick you up if your car broke down somewhere.
If you’re his friend, you have a friend for life. Charlie is super loyal and would do anything for his friends. He really finds it hard to hate anyone. He’s also never really mean unless someone hurt or threatened those he cares about. So the man does not walk around with a list of enemies.
Family means the world to Charlie. With his family still living in Hidehill, family dinners happen weekly and it’s not uncommon to see him out in town with his mom or dad from time to time. 
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nailamoonsi · 4 days
Writeblr intro (open to mutuals)
Hello again @ writeblr...! I'm Naila--Bangladeshi-Am (South Asian), sapphic, neurodivergent, they/them, incredibly nerdy about certain media like Revolutionary Girl Utena, and someone who has been very, very focused on their LGBT epic science fantasy for several years.
Fun fact is that for 5 years as a child I lived in Japan and only spoke Bangla and Japanese. I forgot both by the time I was 6 to 11, though I can understand spoken Bangla (and am fluent in English). 💦💦
I'm pretty much in love with my LGBT epic and multimedia science fantasy verse, once called Another Sky WIP and now called Blue Horizon! It's about three generations of alchemy-oriented mages upon a faraway planet obsessed with ancient Earth (our era) and their troubles across thousands of years!
I'm planning on releasing the first epic science fantasy novel (and side light novel/novella) at some point in the next months!
I'm both an artist and a writer, so you'll get art and writing topics from me! A lot of it is in my Blue Horizon tag.
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Despite that, I feel like I haven't gone all-out to make mutuals here on Tumblr. I'd love to make more mutuals who are 20 and older and interested in fantasy fiction (especially featuring BIPOC and LGBT characters)! 18 and older is fine too, but I won't mutual people who are younger than 18. (I'm 32.)
My main warning is that my novels are aimed for adult demographic and even my art can contain blood TW and cursing. Sometimes older Blue Horizon characters will have sultry/sexual implications, too, and not just romantic! (However, despite the main novel being an epic science fantasy and very romance-oriented--as far as I understand, it doesn't perfectly fit people's idea of Romantasy due to particularly intense and serious topics at times. I think of it as a epic science fantasy with a lot of gay, sapphic and LGBT romances and implied romances.)
I'm open to tag games. ^^ If people are open to being tagged, feel free to mention it in this post, my pinned, or message/ask box me!
Hope to connect with more people here! 💗
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the-sea-nymphe · 2 months
An unorganized Pinterest is bad for the soul
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rubyreduji · 2 years
jihoon's puppy - ljh
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title: jihoon’s puppy pairing: lee jihoon x gn!reader (side kim mingyu x gn!reader) genre: fluff, angst, college!au warnings: asshole!jihoon, jealous!jihoon, mans is a whole tsundere in this, there is a scene where y/n and mingyu are about to get frisky in a closet and then they talk abt sex but there is nothing explicit at all w.c.: 11.9k summary: jihoon can’t seem to shake the puppy dog who keeps following him around or the teasing he gets for it a/n: first time posting a longer fic like this and its for jihoon ofc. i really like this fic actually so i hope you guys can love it just as much as i do
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Jihoon has known you since high school and it seems like ever since you two graduated he hasn’t been able to get rid of you. You ended up at the same college and in most of the same classes because you were both getting your Bachelor of Music. Jihoon was one of the only people you knew in your classes and you would follow him around like a lost puppy as he was the only familiar face you knew. Now two years later it seems you haven’t broken that habit.
“Where’s your dog Jihoon?” Wonwoo snickers as Jihoon sits down at their lunch table.
“Shut up, they’re not my dog,” Jihoon grumbles.
You have a class right now. Jihoon only knows this because on Tuesday and Thursdays, as you guys walk out of your Intro to Music Business class, you say ‘I’m off to my Instrumental Conducting class Hoon-ah, see you later!’ and then leave in the opposite direction that Jihoon goes.
“I prefer cats,” Jun says matter of factly, proving he’s not paying much attention to the conversation.
“When are you going to tell them to leave you alone?” Wonwoo ignores Jun.
“I HAVE! They can’t take the hint!”
“Hey! Be nice to Y/N. They’ve done nothing wrong,” Soonyoung comes to your defense. “You don’t deserve them, Hoonie.”
“If you want them, take them, I’ll gladly hand them off to you,” Jihoon retorts.
“Who are we talking about?” Seungcheol asks as he, Joshua, and Jeonghan pull up chairs.
“Y/N-hubae,” Jun answers. Maybe he is paying attention.
“The one who follows around Jihoon?” Joshua questions. “Why? Are they giving you trouble?”
“They’re always giving me trouble,” Jihoon groans. “They’re annoying. I can’t get them to leave me alone, it’s been like this since freshman year.”
“See if I had someone waiting on me hand and foot I’d take advantage of that,” Jeonghan smirks. “You just have to be an opportunist Jihoonie.”
“You say that now but you haven’t actually had to deal with them. Now can we please talk about something that’s not them.”
“Jihoon!” You jog a bit to meet up to the boy. “Class today was very interesting, but I’m sure you don’t want to hear me rambling about it. How was lunch?”
“It was just lunch.”
“Ah, I suppose so. Well, are you ready for the quiz today?” You guys are walking towards your shared Music Theory II class together.
“That’s good! I think I’m ready but not completely sure. I understood all of the concepts in class, I’m just afraid I’m going to mess up when put under pressure,” you explain.
Jihoon wishes you would shut up and leave him alone. It’s like this everyday. You talk his ear off and he can’t get a moment of peace until he’s back at his dorm. Jihoon doesn’t understand why you’re so obsessed with him. There are plenty of other people you could cling onto, so how did Jihoon get so unlucky to be the object of your affections.
You speed up your walking a bit so you can open the building door for Jihoon, and then do the same for the classroom door. He doesn’t thank you.
Just like always Jihoon sits down in his seat and you take the one next to him. You wish him luck before the quiz and afterward you tell him how you think it went well and how you hope it went well for him as well. Throughout the lecture portion of the class you make small comments to him that Jihoon either ignores or only makes small grunts towards.
When class gets out you happily take Jihoon’s bag from him. Your dorm is the building next to his and you don’t mind carrying his bag as you accompany him back to the dorms. You hum to yourself as you guys walk and every once in a while you’ll stop to point something out to him.
“Have a goodnight Jihoon!” You call to him as you walk towards your building. His bag is slung over his shoulder now and he doesn’t look back as he walks into the dorm.
“Have you been getting enough sleep Hoon-ah?” You ask him as he trudges into class. Your head is cocked to the side slightly and your eyes are a little too wide and questioning for eight in the morning. Concern laces your voice and Jihoon only grunts at you.
“What’s it to you?”
“I want to make sure you’re taking care of yourself! Here,” you dig around in your bag before pulling out a protein bar and a bottle of water, “you need to keep your energy up. Get more sleep too. Sometimes it gets to a point where your work won’t be any good if you’re exhausting yourself. It’s also good to take a step back and come back to it if you get stuck.”
Jihoon doesn’t know how you do it. How you always read him so well and know what he’s up to. Nobody else knows that he’s been losing sleep over trying to perfect one single song for the past couple of nights, but here you are, telling him to take a break and come back to it later.
Jihoon glares down at the items you’re offering him. He doesn’t want to take them, he doesn’t want to give in to you, but he didn’t eat breakfast this morning and the only thing he’s drank for the past forty-eight hours has been coffee and energy drinks.
Reluctantly he picks up the protein bar and the water and a wide grin spreads across your face. Content, you sit back in your chair and start to get ready for class.
The protein bar flavor is his favorite and it makes Jihoon frown even more. He can’t tell if you meant to do that or not. It doesn’t matter, if it was coincidence or if it was on purpose, it would still annoy Jihoon.
It would annoy Jihoon the way your whole attitude annoys him. He barely was able to wake up and roll out of bed to get to class, but here you are, drumming your fingers against the table as you hum along to whatever song is playing in your earbud (playing in your right ear, because Jihoon sits on your left side). Your eyes are bright and you’re scribbling down the title of the notes the professor already has pulled up on the screen.
An hour and a half passes by and Jihoon has no clue what happened in class. He’s blinking sleep out of his eyes as you’re packing up your items. He stares down at his work space to see the protein bar wrapper and a half drank bottle of water. Soon a notebook is added as you slide yours over.
“I thought I’d let you sleep, it looks like you needed it. Don’t worry, Professor Chu didn’t see. Here are today’s notes. Let’s go to the library yeah? You can copy down my notes and we can study for the upcoming test as well.”
Jihoon doesn’t need your help, and he doesn’t want your company, but he still follows along with you to the library so he can copy down your notes. He’s being an opportunist, like Jeonghan told him to be.
You’re not stupid, you’re actually a great student, but concepts don’t stick in your brain as well as they do in Jihoon’s. Jihoon is effortlessly smart, the type of person who can do his work in one go and not worry about it and doesn’t have to study just to pass. So as you guys study you have to keep asking Jihoon questions about the content. He gives you short answers but you still thank him every time, looking genuinely grateful.
Jihoon is more awake for your guys’ next class. He takes notes this time and when he glances over at you he can see the way your brow furrows and your lips twist into a pout. When you guys are given work time he slides his own notebook over to you.
“This doesn’t mean anything,” he tells you. “It’s only because you gave me your notes earlier.” Jihoon isn’t going to let someone fail just because he finds them annoying.
“Thank you so much Jihoon!” You quickly look over his notes. They’re messier than yours but somehow more comprehensible than whatever is on your paper.
By the time class ends you understand a lot better and you have an unwavering smile spread across your face. You walk with Jihoon as he makes his way to the dining hall. He finds his friends at a table and makes a beeline towards them.
“I see your puppy is following you today,” Wonwoo comments as he looks up at Jihoon above his glasses.
“Do you even shut up Wonwoo?” Jihoon drops into his chair and drags his hands over his face. “I’m too tired to deal with your shit today.”
“Ah poor baby? Maybe your puppy will make it feel better.” The condescending tone drips out of Wonwoo’s mouth.
Jihoon is about to get up and hit the elder when all of a sudden a tray of his favorite foods is placed in front of him. “See you next class Hoon-ah!” You smile down at him before you make your way to another table.
You never sit with him at lunch, unless it’s on Fridays. You claim it’s because you don’t want to disturb his time with his friends or something like that. Jihoon just knows that he’s able to enjoy some time away from you. On Mondays and Wednesdays when you don’t have class you sit with your own group of friends at lunch. Jihoon doesn’t know much about them other than they’re underclassmen. Jihoon doesn’t get why you don’t follow them around but then again when has he ever tried to understand you.
“Hey do any of you know anything about the guys Y/N eat lunch with?” It’s Jeonghan who asks the table. It seems like it’s not just Jihoon who has his eyes on you.
“The big one is Kim Mingyu,” Wonwoo responds. Jihoon wonders how he knows more about you than he does. “The skinny one with the long nose is Lee Seokmin.”
“Oh I know Minghao and Chan! They dance with me and Junnie!” Soonyoung says excitedly.
“The other two are Boo Seungkwan and Choi Hansol. I have a class with them,” Jun tells the table. “The Boo guy is loud.”
“Hey, why do you even wanna know hyung? Trying to steal Jihoon’s dog?” Wonwoo has a shit-eating grin on his face. Jihoon kicks him under the table.
“Nah, just wondering if everyone else at the table is as much of a simp as Y/N is. I’m looking for a dog myself.” Jihoon kicks Jeonghan as well. 
You and Jihoon are at a music event together.
It’s an assignment for your Modern Music class to go to some kind of live music event and when you found a venue that was holding a setlist of up and coming musicians you invited Jihoon to go with you. The only reason he agreed was because he needed to get the assignment done and every other event he looked at was too expensive or too far away. He truly doesn’t know how you somehow found this one. The bands aren’t bad either, which is a plus.
“So what do you think?” You ask him as the stage is being set up for the next group. The venue is busy but not packed. Just enough people to call it successful but not too much that it’s overwhelming.
“It’s good. I liked the third band the best.”
“Oh the ones with the cool keyboard solo in the middle! Me too, I like when instruments get to shine as well as the vocals.” The sparkle is back in your eye but this it’s not aimed towards Jihoon, but rather towards talking about your interests. He’s seen you like this before, when you get going about an anime you’ve recently watched or when you’ve tried a new food you particularly liked.
“Here. You should hydrate.” Jihoon shoves a water bottle into your hands. He tells himself it's so he can get you to shut up.
“Ah, thank you Hoon-ah!” You take the water and pop the cap, downing three-fourths of the bottle in one go. “Oh look, it’s the next band!”
Once the setlist is finished and things seem to be winding down at the venue you somehow convince Jihoon to get dinner with you. You two slide into a booth at a hole in the wall pizza place and you two order before you let out a small yawn.
“Tonight was nice, but now I’m tired.” You’re hot and sweaty and tired and a little overstimulated from the venue but you’re hungry and the pizzeria is air conditioned so you’re not going to miss this chance to hang out with Jihoon.
“It was nice. It’s nice to go and listen to music live,” Jihoon says. “Thank you for inviting me. I liked listening to the smaller artists, it’s good to get out and support them.”
Your head is resting against the wall of the building but you perk up when you hear the compliment from Jihoon. You’re about to respond but your pizza is being brought to the table and your mind forgets to respond in turn to scarf down your dinner.
You’re able to finish a whole pizza together but your night doesn’t seem to be over because as you sit back in your chair Jihoon is talking. “Let's go get drinks.”
“There’s a bar around the corner. I want to get a drink. Are you coming with?” You guys have a class tomorrow but it doesn’t start until noon. You’ve never heard Jihoon ask you to hang out so this surprises you.
“Y-yeah! Just let me pay.” You dig around in your pocket to grab your wallet. You find the money but Jihoon is frowning at you.
“Wait, let me split the cost.”
“Oh it’s no big deal!” You wave him off as you set your card down for the waiter to come get. “I want to, okay? You deserve to be treated to something nice every once and a while, even if it is just pizza.” You wink at him.
Jihoon wants to protest more but he knows you’ll just be stubborn about it. It’s exactly like what Jeonghan keeps going on about, how you’ll do anything for Jihoon. It’s annoying and there has to be something better to spend your time and money and efforts on. 
You two walk down the street to the bar and when you walk in it’s unbusy as it is Thursday night. You take a seat at the bar and Jihoon orders a cojinganmek. You don’t drink much but you order a beer for you to nurse throughout the night.
Idle conversation passes between you two as Jihoon continues to drink more and more. Drunk Jihoon is a lot looser than Sober Jihoon. He laughs at your drinks more, is more receptive to your touch, and is more attentive to what you are saying. His eyes bore into you admiringly as you talk about the latest antics of your roommates.
When Jihoon is finished with his second glass and is thoroughly wasted you decide it’s time to bring him home. You pay the bill and then help Jihoon stand. He’s a bit wobbly so you support his weight with an arm around his waist and his own arm thrown around your shoulder.
You order a Lyft which says it will take ten minutes to get to you. You and Jihoon sit on the curb by the bar and Jihoon slumps his body into yours.
“It’s cold,” Jihoon slurs out.
“Here.” You tug your hoodie off your body and help him struggle into it. His eyes close softly at the warmth and he leans back into you.
“You’re too nice to me Y/Nnie,” Jihoon mumbles. 
“Mmm is that a bad thing? Everyone needs kindness in their life.” Your hand plays with his dark locks as he snuggles his face into your neck.
Jihoon doesn’t respond and you think he’s falling asleep from the way his breathing steadies. When the Lyft pulls up you shake him awake and help him into the car. He lays his head down in your lap as you guys ride back to campus. You hum along to the radio and you rub Jihoon’s back until the Lyft is stopping and you have to help him out of the car.
“Come on Hoon-ah. You need to get to bed.” You dig around in his pockets until you find his ID card and his room key. You’re able to wrestle him into the elevator and to his dorm room. You struggle with Jihoon dangling off you as you try to unlock the door. Luckily you’re able to open the door and then help Jihoon inside.
“Jihoon! You’re home!” Soonyoung comes bounding out of his room only to stop when he sees you. “Oh, hi Y/N.”
“Hey Soonyoung. He’s a little drunk, which one is his room?”
“Here you’re probably tired. Let me bring him to bed. Thank you for bringing him home.” Soonyoung goes to grab Jihoon but Jihoon bats at his hand only to cling onto you tighter.
“No! I want Y/Nnie. Get away from me.”
“Shhh, it’s okay. Let’s get you to bed.” You shoot Soonyoung an apologetic look even though Soonyoung thinks he should be the one apologizing. Soonyoung just silently points to Jihoon’s room and you quietly thank him.
You help Jihoon lay down but he’s whining about his pants so you help him take his jeans off and he seems satisfied after that. You’re about to leave but Jihoon is grabbing at you again.
“No! Don’t leave me!” His fingernail digs into your skin and leaves a small gash and you hiss but sit down again, Jihoon’s grip loosening as you do.
“I have to go home, jagiya.” You tell him as you start to pet his hair again. The pet name slips out, but Jihoon only melts at it.
“Please. Just stay until I fall asleep?” He gives you big pleading eyes and you can’t say no to him. “Can you hum for me? I like when you hum.”
You comply and start to hum softly. Content, Jihoon settles down into bed, his arms wrapped around your forearm. Soon he’s asleep and you gently pry your arm out of his grip and close his door lightly.
“I’m sorry about him.” Soonyoung greets you outside Jihoon’s door. “He doesn’t normally drink.”
“I can tell. It’s okay, as long as he’s home safe.”
“You’re bleeding.” Soonyoung grabs your arm. There’s a long scratch where Jihoon’s nail broke your skin. “Let me get you a bandaid.”
Soonyoung helps patch up your arm and you bid a goodnight before you’re off to your own dorm to finally go to sleep.
“Ugh. I’m so hungover,” Jihoon groans as he trudges into the kitchen. Soonyoung is sitting at the breakfast bar drinking a cup of coffee.
“And who’s fault is that?” He quips.
“Shut up.”
“Is that a new hoodie?”
“What?” Jihoon looks down to see the large white hoodie he’s wrapped up in. There’s small black print on the front and Jihoon’s face flushes when he recognizes the article of clothing. “Uh yeah,” he lies. He can’t tell Soonyoung that he’s wearing your hoodie.
Oh god, what embarrassing things did he say and do last night?
Jihoon can’t focus on it too much though because he realizes he’s about to be late to class. He quickly throws on pants and a pair of shoes before he’s out the door. When he gets into the classroom the lecture hall is packed but there’s an open seat next to you of course, your bag sitting on the chair to save him the seat.
Jihoon picks up your bag and sets it at your feet so he can sit down in the chair. You look up at him as he does and smile at him.
“How are you feeling today Jihoon?”
“Here.” Once again you’re handing him a water bottle, this time it’s accompanied by a bottle of painkillers. Jihoon gratefully takes the two items and pops two pills before downing the water.
When he hands back the bottle of pills he notices the bandaid on your arm, the skin around it a little red. “What happened to your arm?”
“You uh, scratched me last night,” you admit sheepishly. “It’s okay though! It doesn’t even hurt. Soonyoung just insisted on bandaging it because it was bleeding a little.”
Jihoon doesn’t know what to say. There’s your never ending kindness again. Always willing to let Jihoon off the hook for things, giving him everything while he can’t even spit out an apology. Class starts but Jihoon can’t stop shooting glances over at you. He’s lucky this class is just a seminar and he doesn’t have to pay too close attention.
When class gets done you pick up your bag and Jihoon’s and start to walk to the dining hall. Jihoon trails behind you, but you don’t mind. Jihoon is too focused on staring at you to keep up with your pace.
It isn’t until someone is calling his name that he comes out of his stupor. He expects it to be you but instead it’s a girl from one of his classes last year. What’s her name…Sujin?
“Jihoon! Hey. I haven’t seen you around in a while, but I’m glad I’m able to catch you. This might be kind of out of left field since we haven’t talked in a while but I was wondering...would you go out with me?”
The answer is no. Jihoon does not want to go out with Sujin. He’s just about to say that when he feels a hand on his shoulder. “Who’s this Hoon-ah?” Your voice is tense and curt in a way Jihoon has never heard before. You’re taller than Sujin and you look down your nose at her. The normal glint in your eye is replaced with a raging fire.
Sujin must get the message because she cowers back a bit. “O-oh, hello. I wasn’t- I’m just gonna go. Forget what I said Jihoon. Bye.” With that she scutters off.
Then with just the blink of an eye you’re back to normal, smiling cheerfully at Jihoon while you tell him to hurry up to the dining hall. Jihoon isn’t too sure what just happened, maybe some kind of possessive puppy thing that Wonwoo would make fun of him for. Jihoon isn’t too sure but the small voice in the back of his head tells him he doesn’t mind too much either.
It’s Friday which means both your friends and his friends have conflicting schedules so you eat lunch together. You dump the bags at your guys’ usual table (a booth hidden in the corner of the cafeteria) before you go to get food. When you get back to the table Jihoon is already digging into his large heap of food.
“Do you want something to drink?” You ask him as you set down your plate, but don’t sit.
“Water, please,” he responds but it comes out more like “waarrr pweeze” because his mouth is full. You go fill up two cups with ice water and bring them back to the table and set one in front of Jihoon before you sit down.
You two eat in relative silence until someone is calling your name. Jihoon looks behind him to see the tall guy you usually sit with heading towards the table. Your face lights up and you stand to greet the guy. You guys hug and Jihoon scowls at this a bit.
“I thought you had class today.” You sit back down and your friend sits down next to you, practically on your lap.
What’s his deal, give Y/N some space, Jihoon thinks. He continues to frown as he goes back to eating his food, his appetite a lot smaller than earlier. Jihoon struggles to think of this guy’s name. Ming-something.
“Jihoon right?” The guy is now looking at Jihoon. “You’re Y/N’s high school friend.”
“Uh, yeah.” Jihoon wouldn’t exactly call you a friend but for the time being it’s easier to say yes.
“Cool, I’m Mingyu!” He holds out a large hand and Jihoon just stares at it. Mingyu gets the idea and awkwardly retracts his hand, but he doesn’t seem too upset by it because soon his hand is fiddling with your own. Jihoon glares at this as well. You can’t eat if he’s messing with your hands.
“Is something wrong Jihoon?” You ask him. Your head is tilted to the side again and it makes Jihoon think about how Wonwoo calls you his puppy. In moments like this he can see the resemblance.
“No, I’m fine,” Jihoon snaps. You recoil a bit at this, frowning, and Jihoon feels a twinge of guilt. It doesn’t stick though, because the big oaf is back to bothering you.
“Are you coming to the party tomorrow Y/Nnie?” He asks you.
“What party?”
“The one at Sigma Beta Tau.”
Jihoon knows what party Mingyu is talking about. SVT is the frat that Seungcheol is the president of. Fraternities aren’t really something Jihoon is interested in but it makes Seungcheol happy so Jihoon can’t complain. Not that Jihoon cares, but he listens for your answer. Just so he knows if he has to avoid you or not.
“I don’t know Gyu…”
“Please! C’mon Jihoon, tell Y/N to come.”
“Don’t drag me into this,” Jihoon grumbles.
“Well are you going to be there Hoon-ah?” You ask him. Your eyes are wide and sweet and Jihoon wants to smack that look off your face.
He’s about to spit out a it’s none of your business but your stupid puppy dog eyes are just too persuasive. “Yeah. You should uh, come too.”
“Oh, okay. I’ll think about it.” You shoot him a smile that’s too bright for Jihoon’s liking. With the conversation out of the way you smack Mingyu’s hands away so you can eat and Jihoon smirks a bit at that.
The smirk is wiped off his face when Mingyu decides to talk again. “Hey, is that Y/N hoodie?”
You and Jihoon both whip your heads to look at the sweatshirt on Jihoon’s body. Right, he left in such a hurry he never changed out of it.
“Oh uh, you can have it back.” Jihoon goes to take off the hoodie but you stop him.
“No, it’s okay. I have plenty of others. You look good in it as well.” You wink at him like you did last night and Jihoon feels his face get hot. Probably from the dining hall ovens.
Mingyu seems to notice Jihoon’s flush as well and glares at the older boy, Jihoon glares back. You don’t notice the tension between the two and Jihoon can't tell if that's a good or bad thing.
The frat house is loud and hot. It’s overwhelming and you can’t remember why you agreed to come. You weave in between bodies with a cup of soju mixed with some kind of fruit juice in your hand. You’ve barely taken a sip out of it and you’re just looking for a place where you can sit.
The upstairs front room is less busy than the downstairs living room and there’s a few empty spaces on the couch. Also on the couch is one Lee Jihoon. Right, that’s why you agreed to come.
You happily bounce over to the couch, a new vigor inside you now that you’ve laid your sight on the boy. You take the seat next to him and right away he turns to address you.
“You came.”
“Yeah! Kind of regretting it though,” you chuckle a bit. 
“Are you not having fun?” Genuine concern laces Jihoon’s voice.
“Parties just aren’t my thing. I get too overstimulated,” you explain as you fiddle with the rim of your cup. “Nothing against Seungcheol at all, it’s all parties in general.”
“Well come on.” Jihoon is standing and offering his hand out to you. You stall for a moment but then grab onto his outreached limb, letting him pull you away from the party. He tugs you upstairs into the restricted area.
“Can we be here?” You ask in a low voice, afraid to get caught. Jihoon laughs a bit at you.
“Yeah, Seungcheol lets me up here during parties, not worries.” Jihoon opens a door and pulls you inside. Right away you can tell the room belongs to the frat president himself. The room just screams CHOI SEUNGCHEOL.
Once inside you notice how quieter it is. You automatically feel a lot more at peace. Jihoon gestures for you to join him on the bed and reluctantly you climb on.
“What movie do you want to watch?” Jihoon asks as he turns on the TV and pulls up Netflix. You two settle on a random animated kids movie that’s saved in Seungcheol’s “My List” for whatever reason.
You remember you’re still holding your cup and you try to take a drink only to recoil back again. “Eugh.”
“Switch me.” Jihoon holds out his own cup. “It’s just Cola I promise.”
You give him your cup and take his, taking a drink and humming pleased at the taste of the sweet, bubbly soda. You look over at Jihoon who’s drinking out of the cup with alcohol and when he brings the cup away from his lips you nudge your shoulder into his. “Don’t get drunk on me again.”
Jihoon flushes at this and you pretend not to notice to save him from the embarrassment. “I promise I don’t usually drink, especially not like that.”
“Don’t worry Hoon-ah, I believe you.”
A comfortable silence falls between you guys as you focus on the movie. Without meaning to your eyelids start to droop and soon you fall into a slumber.
Jihoon doesn’t realize you’ve fallen asleep until it gets a little too quiet. He looks over to see your eyes closed, your mouth open just a bit as your chest rises and falls. Jihoon knows he shouldn’t stare but he can’t help it. You look so sweet and peaceful when you’re sleeping. Your features are soft and your normal demanding presence is replaced with one of being small and calm.
You stir a bit and Jihoon is afraid you’ve caught him staring but instead you just shift. Your head falls onto Jihoon’s shoulder and your arms move to wrap around his torso. Jihoon tenses up, but then slowly unstiffens at the way you nuzzle into him. God you really are just a puppy aren’t you.
Jihoon wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his side even more. This doesn’t mean he likes you, it’s just only fair that you get a good sleep after you let him sleep in class the other day. If Jihoon’s heart flutters at the way you cling onto his shirt, well he pretends he doesn’t notice it.
Jihoon is starting to doze off himself when the door to Seungcheol’s room opens and the tenant of the room walks in.
“Ew are you having sex in my bed?” Seungcheol shouts as he only saw two bodies on his bed before he squeezed his eyes shut.
“No!” Jihoon hisses. “Be quiet, they’re sleeping.” Your body has compacted itself even more so your knees are drawn to your chest as you hug Jihoon tightly.
Seungcheol slowly removes his hand from his eyes to look at his best friend sitting on his bed, his puppy curled up on his side. Seungcheol’s face softens at the sight before it turns into confusion. “Wait, I thought you didn’t like them.”
“I don’t,” Jihoon insists without giving any more explanation, leaving Seungcheol even more confused.
“Well can you get out of my room?”
Jihoon sighs. He really hates to wake you up. He starts off by removing your arms from his body. When he’s standing and fully stretched out he shakes you gently. You stir a bit and your face scrunches up before your eyes blink a bit open. You rub at your eyes and squint up at Jihoon and in a moment of weakness he finds you adorable. It only takes him a second to come to his senses though.
“We’re being kicked out. C’mon.” Jihoon helps you crawl off the bed. He supports your weight as you guys walk downstairs and to the front porch of the frat building. You’re still half asleep on your feet but you still have to get home. He then turns his back to you and squats down a bit. “Hop on.”
You don’t question it and clamber onto his back. Jihoon is surprisingly strong and is able to carry you across campus without a hassle. He’s about to bring you to your dorm before he realizes he doesn’t know what floor or room you live in. He’s not going to leave you alone though so there’s only one more option.
You’re fully asleep on Jihoon’s back by the time he gets into his dorm. He can feel your warm breath against his neck as he moves into his room. He lets you down onto the bed and pulls the covers onto you but as he goes to leave you grab his arm. Jihoon feels a wave of deja vu but he can’t dwell on it because you’re tugging on his arm.
“Can Jihoonie stay?” Your voice is quiet and shy and a bit slurred from sleep. Jihoon’s heart thumps in his chest. You’ve never called him Jihoonie before, it’s always either Jihoon or Hoon-ah. Normally he hates it when people call him the silly nickname, but he can’t help but like the way it sounds coming from your lips.
“I shouldn’t,” Jihoon tells you, despite wanting to crawl right into bed with you, stealing your body warmth for himself.
“Okay,” you mumble sadly. Jihoon is a bit surprised (disappointed) you give up so easily. Your hand doesn’t let go of Jihoon though. You tug a bit harder and Jihoon is bending down to meet your demands. “Thanks for taking care of me jagiya.” You try to press a kiss onto his cheek but you’re still a bit disoriented and it lands on the corner of his mouth instead and butterflies erupt in Jihoon’s stomach.
Jihoon doesn’t sleep. He lays on the couch the whole night, staring up at the dark ceiling. He doesn’t know what to do. How to feel.
How is it possible that you’ve wormed your way into his heart? When did he stop being annoyed by your presence and started to enjoy it?
Jihoon knows he doesn’t deserve you. He’s been nothing but rude to you, but you stay loyal. You’re so sickeningly sweet and Jihoon is more bitter than the black coffee he loves to drink. Every chance he’s given Jihoon is rude to you. He isn’t allowed to feel this way about you, it's not fair.
He’s still beating himself up when he hears the cry coming from his room. He’s up in an instant and at the door. His hand stutters as he goes to reach for the handle but he persists through when he hears you cry out again.
Jihoon’s heart breaks when he sees you. Tear tracks stain your face and your body is shaking as you cling onto the covers. You’ve never looked so meek in your life. Jihoon is at your side instantly as he reaches out to grab your arm with one hair and to pet your hair with the other.
“Y/N. Y/N, baby, wake up.” It barely registers in his mind that he called you baby, too focused on stopping your nightmare. You wake up after a couple more seconds. Tears are still coming down your face and you sniffle a bit as you look up at Jihoon.
“Hey baby, it’s okay. You’re safe now.” Jihoon pushes you over a bit so he can crawl into bed next to you. He wraps you up in his arms and you promptly bury your face into his neck. Your breath is still shaky and your hands grip onto him tightly but Jihoon doesn’t mind, he just rubs your back soothingly.
It doesn’t take long for you to fall back asleep, your face more peaceful this time now that you’re in Jihoon’s protective arms. He knows he shouldn’t be holding you like this, he shouldn’t be here laying in bed with you, but tonight, he can be selfish.
When he wakes up his bed is cold and empty and Jihoon can’t help but feel a bit disappointed. It takes him a moment to fully wake up and roll out of bed. Without thinking he throws your hoodie on and shuffles into the kitchen.
Once in the kitchen he sees the small blue sticky note on the counter. Scrawled in your handwriting is Good morning Jihoon! I had to run but I made you breakfast (it's in the microwave), text me if you need anything else! - Y/N ♡
There you go again, taking care of Jihoon. For the first time ever Jihoon feels guilty for taking advantage of your kindness. You had a rough night and you’re still the one waking up and making Jihoon breakfast. He moves over to the microwave and opens it to see a bowl of breakfast fried rice with two big slices of ham on top.
Jihoon is just digging into his breakfast when the door opens and Soonyoung stumbles in.
“What’s your problem?” Jihoon grunts.
“Hungover,” Soonyoung mutters before he goes digging through the cupboards for painkillers. “Spent the night at Wonwoo’s.” He downs his water and the pills before sitting down at the counter. The sticky note catches his eyes and he looks at it. “Y/N was over last night?”
“Uh yeah, after the party.”
“Oh good you and Y/Nnie are getting along now!”
Jihoon sputters over his words, not quite sure what he should say. “We, I-, it’s not like that.”
“Like what?” Soonyoung reaches over and steals the last bit of ham in Jihoon’s bowl. Jihoon is too focused on trying to figure out what he’s saying to yell at his roommate.
“It didn’t mean anything. I was just being nice.”
“That’s still a step forward. You’re never nice to Y/N.” Soonyoung’s words have Jihoon’s stomach rolling. Why is he never nice to you? When did he decide that your doting and kindness was annoying instead of sweet?
There’s nothing special to Jihoon or his relationship with you. You guys met in high school and ran in different circles but you would still regularly bump into each other with shared classes and school events and club activities. Jihoon never found you special, just another stranger he was forced to be around.
Back in high school you didn’t bother Jihoon much. It wasn’t until your freshman year of college that you decided to start following him around. It was then that Jihoon decided your constant presence was bothersome. Oh how wrong he was.
Jihoon’s eyes flit back down to your note. He opens his phone and searches for your number. It’s buried in his contacts and when he clicks on your guys’ text conversation his heart clenches at the sight. Albeit there isn’t much there, most likely because Jihoon has never responded to any of the messages you’ve sent. The last one is from over nine months ago, you seemingly giving up on trying to text him.
His fingers itch to text you, to send you a message, but he stops himself. He shouldn’t bother you when you’re out doing something. It’s not fair to you for him to call on you when you’re busy, because he knows if he does, you’ll come running to him. Just like a dog when their owner calls them to come.
The rest of the day Jihoon can’t stop thinking about you. About your sparkling eyes and smiling mouth and soft body and-
Jihoon is going to drive himself insane thinking about you.
It’s wrong. Wrong for him to think about you in that way. To think that he can have you when you deserve much better. It’s not fair for him to want you when all he’s done is push you away.
But how can he not want you? Want your water bottle offerings and your soft sweatshirts and your home cooked meals and your soft humming. What has Jihoon been missing out on? Your warm cuddles and the way you call him ‘jagiya’ and little handwritten notes with hearts at the end.
Jihoon’s mind is spinning. It seems like in a matter of a night he’s gone from hating you to wanting you to be his. He wants you in his life, he wants all of your quirks and your doting and your sickly sweet personality.
He’s been a fool to think of you as anything but amazing. All those times pushing you away, was it because he knew deep down? Knew that if he let you in he would be falling head over heels for you.
You practically already act like Jihoon is your boyfriend. You never scold him when he stays up too late but you gently push him to take care of himself. You always treat him right, letting him copy your homework when he forgets about it in lieu of a long night of producing. Nothing would really change if you became his S/O.
Guilt creeps up Jihoon’s back and bites at his brain though. He wants all of that, wants you, but he doesn’t deserve you. He’s been horrible to you over and over again and you’ve been nothing but nice. Why does he think he can get you now that he’s finally shaped up? All of his past relationships have ended in a big giant fail, most on his part. What if he does the same with you?
You need someone who can be just as sweet as you. Someone who will give you as much as you give them. It’s not fair for Jihoon to expect you to continue giving to him while he doesn’t know if he can give you the same back. But god does he want you so badly. What is he going to do?
The next time you and Jihoon run into each other is your morning Monday class, Intro to Music Business.
“Hoon-ah!” You call for him and Jihoon’s heart bursts at your smiling face. How has he denied you for so long?
Jihoon quickly makes his way to your side and without saying anything he pulls you into his arms. He buries his face into your neck and holds you tight against him. Your body stiffens at first but relaxes and you wrap your own limbs around him. Jihoon finds that he likes the smell of your shampoo, it’s comforting.
“Jihoon? Are you okay?” Your voice is low in his ear as your hands play with the hair at the nape of his neck. You and Jihoon have actually never hugged before and you’re worried something is wrong.
“Mhmm,” Jihoon hums. “Just wanted a hug.” He pulls away before sitting in his chair. You’re still a little dumbfounded but sit down next to him nonetheless. The whole class you notice how close Jihoon is sitting next to you. Normally he likes his space and leans away from you but today he leans towards you, his knee knocking into yours occasionally.
When you guys walk out of class Jihoon is about to say goodbye to you but you stop him. “Actually my next class got canceled for today. Could I uh, eat lunch with you and your friends? You can say no but-”
“Of course you can.” Jihoon smiles at you and your heart melts a bit. How is he so adorable?
You two walk to the dining hall where Jihoon’s friends are already deep in a conversation. You know all of them but you wouldn’t say you know any of them besides Soonyoung. Jihoon sits and you go over to the food area to get two plates before coming back to the table, sitting in between Jihoon and Joshua. You give Jihoon his plate and he smiles at you gratefully before digging in.
“Hey Y/N!” Soonyoung’s bright smile nearly rivals yours. “I have never seen you on Monday before.”
“Ah, I normally have class,” you explain.
After that nobody really pays mind to you. You don’t care too much but it’s a bit awkward sitting with all of the boys as they basically ignore your existence. If it wasn’t for Jihoon’s thigh touching yours you wouldn’t even be able to tell that anyone remembered you were there.
You pull out your phone to scroll through social media. You laugh to yourself when you see a funny TikTok about music majors. You look over at Jihoon who looks lost at the conversation going on so you nudge him a bit.
“Hoon-ah, look at this,” you tell Jihoon. It reminds him of a puppy asking their owner to play with them. Jihoon doesn’t mind, just leaning into you so he can look at your phone. He knows the guys are watching the way your heads touch as you hunch over the phone but he doesn’t really care.
Even after you guys are done watching the TikTok you wanted to show Jihoon, he still keeps his chin resting on your shoulder as you continue to scroll through your feed. Jihoon likes being able to feel the heat radiating off your body, absorbing your warmth for himself. He’s itching to just wrap his arms around your torso but he won’t let him, afraid to cross any boundaries and make you uncomfortable. Instead he opts to play with your hand, just like Mingyu was doing the other day. This is different though, this is him doing it, instead of that stupid giant. 
You both are finished eating and your next class isn’t for another hour. A few of his friends disperse but the others stay at the table, talking about whatever topic they find interesting. The table is down to just you, Jihoon, Soonyoung, Wonwoo, and Jeonghan when Seungkwan and Seokmin walk up.
“Y/Nnie!” Seokmin calls. You look up from your phone to see the two boys staring down at you.
“Min, Kwan! Hi!” You smile up at them and Jihoon swears that if you had a tail it would be wagging right now.
“You probably ate but do you want to come sit with us?” Seungkwan asks.
You pull away from Jihoon to look at him with big pleading eyes, like you’re asking him permission to go sit with your friends. “I don’t mind. I’ll catch you in class, right?”
“Stay in the dining hall and we can walk over together, okay?” You stand up and grab your back before shooting a smile at Jihoon. Jihoon watches you start up an animated conversation with your friends as you go to sit with them.
“Jihoon what the hell was that?” Jeonghan asks.
“It looks like the owner has gotten just as attached to the puppy,” Wonwoo teases. “Am I right Hoon-ah?” Jihoon glares at Wonwoo for ruining your nickname for him.
“Shut up, all of you,” Jihoon grumbles. He wonders if it would be weird if he ditched his friends just so he could go sit with you and your friends.
“Does this have anything to do with Sunday morning?”
“Oh what happened Sunday morning?”
"Well Sunday morning-"
“Who are you guys? Joshua? Shut up about Sunday morning,” Jihoon snaps.
To Jihoon’s annoyance though, Soonyoung doesn’t shut up. “Apparently Y/Nnie spent the night and then they made Jihoon a nice breakfast and left him an adorable note.” The other boys coo at Jihoon which has his blood boiling even more.
“I just realized some shit okay.”
“Realized what? That you’re done being a dick and now you want them? Yeah good luck with that one,” Wonwoo snorts. Jihoon glares at Wonwoo, but this time he can’t help but feel like there is some weight to his words.
Everything blows up the next Thursday.
To Jihoon, it’s inevitable, but it doesn’t make it any easier. 
You guys are at lunch again. Your friends are sitting at the table next to his so you guys are still close to one another. Jihoon keeps glancing over at you and every time he does, you’re staring right back. It has him flustered like a shy schoolboy. He’s never felt like this before.
The past couple of day’s Jihoon has been more receptive to you. Not as much as you are to him, but still it’s a start. At the end of the day Jihoon’s mind still spins thinking about you and his feelings for you. How much he’s infatuated with you, and in turn how much he shouldn’t be.
He’s started to text you, which is new, but nice. You’re actually texting each other right now. He can hear you giggling at your table everytime he sends something you think is humorous.
Everything seems okay, that is until Kim Mingyu happens. Kim fucking Mingyu. Who Jihoon has found, he doesn’t like that much, or at all.
“Jihoon-ssi,” the booming voice has Jihoon looking up from where he’s responding to your text. It’s the big guy who’s addressing him, a glare on his face as he stands.
“Gyu, stop.” Your voice is soft but Jihoon still hears you, sees the way you grab at Mingyu’s forearm to get him to sit back down.
“Stop fucking around with Y/N. We only know you’re using them, so just cut the shit okay.”
“Mingyu!” You hiss. “Sit back down right now.”
“No, I’m tired of seeing him play with your emotions and treat you like shit all the time. You’re the best person to walk this goddamn Earth and he can’t even give you the time of day!” Jihoon wonders how Mingyu knows all this. They’ve barely interacted at all, so that means that you’re telling him yourself how poorly Jihoon treats you. His stomach stirs.
“Do not yell at me,” you growl, “and do not talk about Jihoon like that.”
“Well then stop simping over him! He doesn’t like you like that!”
“Shut up Kim Mingyu.” Jihoon has never seen your eyes so sharp and glaring before. Your harsh gaze bores into Mingyu like you guys are having a silent argument through your eyes.
“Loyal and protective,” Jihoon hears Wonwoo whisper, that teasing tone in his voice again. That’s what makes everything inside of Jihoon snap.
Mingyu is right. It’s not fair of him to treat you like shit while you do nothing but give him kindness. You’re always so loyal to him, no matter what. You deserve something better. Someone better. Someone who’s not him. Jihoon has wracked his mind time after time wondering why you picked him, why you were always so kind to him and kept giving him chance after chance. Why do you never give up on him? It’s unfair of him to make you deal with him continually. Someone as precious as you needs someone other than Jihoon.
In order for you to let go, he has to cut you off. Hurting you now will be much better than hurting you later.
“Yah! Kim Mingyu!” Jihoon’s voice snaps both of your stares away from each other to Jihoon. “You’re right, I am using Y/N. They’re so pathetic thinking that I’ll ever like them back. Not to mention they’re just so goddamn annoying. The incessant bothering me and doting on me. I’ll be glad for them leave me the fuck alone.” Jihoon’s words are laced with malice as he snarls them out. Your body is cowering back in your seat, trying to make yourself small, trying to ignore the tears welling up in your eyes. “I pray for the day I never have to see Y/N again.” With his final words spat out Jihoon grabs his back and storms out of the dining hall.
His chest tightens as he does. His heart aches, making it hard to breathe. He tried to think about anything other than the words he just yelled. Other than the look on your face. This is what he’s wanted for years, so why does it hurt so much right now? He had to do it, so you can be happy. That’s what he tells himself at least.
Jihoon hates the way he can feel you missing from his life. You don’t sit by him in class anymore, don’t even look at him. It also makes Jihoon realize how much he relied on you. When he falls asleep in class he doesn’t have a way to get the notes. When he eats lunch on Friday your guys’ table feels a little too empty by himself. When he walks to class he misses the way you would blabber about everything. It’s not just that either, it’s everything.
It seems like the universe is out to get him because he can’t stop thinking about you. Even things that shouldn’t remind you of him do. Even the stupid cookie Soonyoung brings him reminds him of you. It’s your favorite flavor and Jihoon has to stop and think about how he knows that. How does he know that? Since when does he know you so well? All that time listening to you blabber about stupid things, maybe Jihoon wasn’t blocking you out as much as he thought he was.
It pains Jihoon’s heart. His mind keeps flashing to the pained look on your face before he turned his back on you. He spends most of his time in class staring at you, willing for you to look at him just once. You never do.
He misses you. He wishes you would come back. You can only kick a dog so many times before it stops coming home though.
You make an effort to avoid Jihoon, he can tell, and he doesn’t blame you. It doesn’t stop him from wishing you’d be by his side though. He just wants to see you. See your soft eyes and sweet smile.
Jihoon gets the opportunity, but not in the way he was hoping.
“Mingyu-ah!” Jihoon recognizes the voice but this time it’s not calling for him. You blur past him as you run to the taller boy and launch yourself into his arms. He catches you and sweeps you up into a big hug. You giggle as he presses quick little kisses into your face.
Jihoon’s whole body stops moving. When did this happen? Since when is Kim fucking Mingyu the object of your affections?
Jihoon knows. He knows he’s not allowed to have feelings about your current relationship, but the sight of you and the younger boy makes his stomach churn and his chest tighten.
Mingyu lets you slide down his front, your feet landing on the ground again. You stay on your tiptoes though, as Mingyu leans down and captures your lips against his. You hold his big head in your hands and his hands rests on your waist. The sight makes Jihoon disgusted. He wants to go and tear Mingyu’s hands off of you. As much as Jihoon doesn’t deserve you, neither does Kim Mingyu. 
“Leave them be.” The new voice makes Jihoon jump a bit and a scowl sits on his face as he turns to see Soonyoung. “Look how happy they are. Look at the way Mingyu loves them back. You don’t get to ruin that Jihoon.”
“Shut up Soonyoung,” Jihoon growls.
“You’re just mad because I’m right. You’re the one who denied Y/N for years and then chased them off. I don’t care if you’re suddenly in love with them or whatever you’ve got going on, but keep it to yourself. You’ve already hurt Y/N enough.”
With that Soonyoung turns and leaves, leaving Jihoon alone with his thoughts once again.
The next time Jihoon has to witness you and your boyfriend together is at another frat party. You’re all that’s been on Jihoon’s mind. He’s constantly at battle with himself, going between how this is better for you, but thinking about how much he misses you, how much he regrets hurting you. It takes all of his resistance not to text you. To stop you after class. To do anything to get you to interact with him.
He came to the party in hopes to run into you but also to try and get drunk to get his mind off of you. It’s complicated. He’s not even drunk though as he makes his way to the bathroom. He passes one of the hallway closets but stops. Jihoon’s stomach rolls as he hears your voice accompanied by loud kissing noises.
“Mingyu~” you whine. “Stop, we can’t do this. Not here.”
“I promise nobody will catch us.” The kissing noises continue.
“We really should stop Gyu. Doing this in here is…dirty.” You let out a gasp. Jihoon doesn’t know what happened but his blood still boils over it.
He hears you continue to protest while the kissing noises continue. Jihoon can’t take it anymore and he storms over to the door and throws it open. You and Mingyu both look shocked to see the intrusion. Mingyu’s mouth is close to your neck and one of his hands is on your ass as the other looks like it’s on its way down your pants.
“They said stop,” Jihoon growls. He grabs your arm and pulls you to his side. He puffs his chest out as if to scare Mingyu away, even though there’s over a 20cm difference between their heights.
“Hey it wasn’t like that, I promise. We-”
“Were just messing around? Yeah and what if Y/N didn’t take it as a joke? They already don’t like parties and now you’re crowding them out in a fucking closet-”
“Jihoon, it’s okay,” you assure the older boy. Your warm hand burns into his shoulder. “I know Mingyu wouldn’t do anything like that.”
“It doesn’t matter if it was just playful. You said stop and he didn’t. Come on, I’m walking you back to your dorm.” Jihoon turns and grabs your arm again so you can follow along with him.
“Hey, that's my partner!” Mingyu calls after Jihoon as he starts to pull you away.
“Too bad. Don’t follow us.” With that Jihoon pulls you out of the frat all together and closes the door in Mingyu’s face. He doesn’t let go of your arm as you guys make your way back to your dorms.
“What was that about Hoon-ah?” You ask the older boy with an exasperated sigh. Jihoon knows you’re mad at him, but he still relishes in the way you use the nickname on him.
“He didn’t respect your space. Guys like him are trouble Y/N. They don’t want anything other than sex,” Jihoon explains. It kills him to think about you and Mingyu in that way. That you guys are doing more than just kissing every once and a while. That Mingyu can put his hands all over you everywhere and that you let him.
“Maybe that’s what I want Jihoon.” The way you say his name is cruel and impatient.
Your words make Jihoon stop in his tracks. “Don’t say that.”
“Say what? That I want to have sex with my boyfriend.”
“That you want him to use you,” Jihoon snaps. “You deserve better than that.”
“Like you? Last time I checked you aren’t the most upstanding gentlemen either. At least I know Mingyu likes me back. Just leave me alone Jihoon,” you sigh as you push past Jihoon. He hates being treated like this. At least by you. Is this how you felt for the past two years?
Jihoon can’t get his body to move. He watched the way your back retreats, getting smaller and smaller. His feet are stuck to the ground and his throat is dry. Why can’t he do anything?
It’s not until you’re already inside your dorm building that Jihoon can find his voice. “I’m sorry Y/N…”
Jihoon thinks he’s hallucinating when he sees you crying alone on a bench on campus. It’s later in the evening and there’s a bite in the air but you’re in just a t-shirt and jeans as you sob into your hands. Jihoon doesn’t know what to do. Are you going to be even more upset if he approached you? But it would be wrong to leave you here crying all alone, vulnerable. He’s already done too many wrong things when it comes to you, so he decides to walk up to you.
“Y/N?” He gingerly rests his hand on your back and you look up at him. It reminds him of the night wherever everything really started. The night when you had your nightmare and Jihoon held you all night.
Jihoon wants to wipe your tears away but he stops himself. He doesn’t know if you’re going to be upset seeing him. “Jihoon,” you sob out. “I broke up with Mingyu.”
“Oh.” Jihoon sits down and pulls you into his arms. You sob into his shirt. He lets you. He rubs circles into your back, trying to calm you down the best he can. He ignores his slight happiness at the fact you and Mingyu are broken up. He can’t focus on it when you’re obviously in pain.
“I’m not crying because I broke up with Mingyu though,” you say through sniffles.
“Oh…well…why are you crying?” Jihoon’s words are slow and calculated, afraid that he’s going to set you off if he says the wrong thing.
“Because of you dumbass.”
“Will you stop saying ‘oh’!” Your tears have stopped but your face is still buried in Jihoon’s chest. “You’re really stupid you know that.”
“Yeah, I’ve been realizing that lately. So…do you want to talk about it?”
“Yes. But I also hate you right now.”
“I know,” Jihoon tells you as he helps you stand. “Come on, it’s cold out.” He grabs your bag and throws it over his shoulder as he takes your hand in his. He guides you through the campus until he comes to his dorm. You don’t say anything as you ride up the elevator to his dorm or as he shuffles you into his room.
You automatically climb into his bed and bury yourself under the covers to try and gain your heat back. Jihoon scooches you over so he can climb in with you and you rest your head on his chest. Jihoon’s arms automatically wrap around you and to Jihoon it just feels right. 
“I already told you I hate you right?”
“Okay good, I just need you to know that before I say the next thing.” You’re glad you don’t have to look at him because you’re not sure if you would be able to do this if you were looking at his face. “I think I’m in love with you. But I know you don’t like me like that. You probably don’t even consider me a friend. I know I’m annoying, and not just because you said it, like I know I’m annoying, and I’m sorry that you’ve had to deal with me for so long. I-”
“Shut up.” Jihoon tells you, his hand coming to play with your hair. “You’re not annoying, I’m just mean. You’re nothing but sweet and caring and the best person I’ve ever met. You do nothing but take care of me and in all honesty you’re way out of my league. Remember that night I got super drunk?”
“I don’t drink, like ever, but god I needed a drink that night. Being with you the whole night made me feel some sort of way and it scared me. Then after the frat party I was completely gone. I realized just how amazing you are and how awful I’ve been.”
“That is something we can agree on,” you snort.
“And then when Mingyu confronted me I realized just how much I’ve been hurting you. It dawned on me that you are worth so much more than I was seeing and that it wasn’t fair for me to want you to be mine when I couldn’t even treat you properly. And I was scared. You’re so precious and what if I did even more things wrong and broke you to pieces? What if it didn’t work out? You never gave up on me, but what if one day you did, what would I do then? So I said a bunch of shit that I didn’t believe because I thought it would be better for you if you finally let go of me. But then it killed me to see you with Mingyu.”
“Do you know why I broke up with Mingyu?”
“He’s been on me for months now about you. When you, uh, yelled at me, he was saying all this shit about how like he’s so much better than you and shit. He told me to give him a chance to see how I should be treated properly. So we went on a date and I love Gyu, but only as a friend. It just didn’t feel right for him and I could tell he was really only doing it to get back at you or something so yeah. I guess neither of our hearts were in it.” You’re not cold anymore but you don’t want to move out of Jihoon’s arms. Even if you wanted to, you don’t think that Jihoon is going to let go of you that easily.
“You deserve so much more than me and Mingyu combined. I hope you know that.”
“Do you know why I like you so much?”
“Because I was the only familiar face in a new place?”
You chuckle a bit at that. “No, but that didn’t hurt. It’s because you’re literally so perfect Jihoon. You’re talented and attractive and you have a big heart. Remember in high school when that dick dumped his whole tray of food on Sungho’s head and homework? You checked on Sungho first and then chewed out that guy for like twenty minutes. You’ve always just been so admirable and I was so excited to see you here and have the chance to get to know you, but I guess I went a little overboard. I’m sorry for any trouble I’ve caused you. If you really want me to leave you alone now, I understand.”
“No!” Jihoon sits up causing you to tumble off his chest. You’re about to scold him but when you look at him he’s staring at you with passion in his eyes. “I never want you to leave me alone. I love when we eat lunch together and when you make me study with you and when you tell me about your day. There was this warmth in my chest when we went to go see those bands together and when we watched the movie together in Seungcheol’s room. I know that I’ve hurt you and that I’ve been nothing but rude and dismissive to you but I want you in my life. I don’t care if you act like my dog all the time, I want you to be mine.”
“Did you just call me a dog?”
“No!” Jihoon yells in frustration, not at you but at himself. “Ugh I just- it’s this thing Wonwoo keeps saying. He says you act like my puppy or something.”
“Your puppy huh? I kinda like the sound of that.” You grin at Jihoon and he flushes. God the effect you have on him. “So does this mean you like me back?”
“Y-yes,” Jihoon stutters. Why is this so embarrassing to admit? “And I want you to be mine but you deserve-”
Jihoon is cut off by your lips pressing against his. This kiss is even better than the one you gave him the night you slept in his bed. Jihoon grabs your face automatically and reciprocates the kiss fully. Before Jihoon can really appreciate the kiss you’re pulling away from him, resting your forehead against his.
“Sorry for kissing you without asking.” You’re a little breathless, Jihoon is too. “But you really need to learn when to shut up. I want you Jihoon. Nobody else. You’re sweet, I know you are. We’ll work things out, okay?”
“Okay,” Jihoon murmurs. He’s staring at your lips. He wants to kiss you again. “Kiss me again?”
“And you say I’m the dog.”
“Oh shut up.”
“Make me.” He does.
“You guys are gross,” Jeonghan tells you and Jihoon when he sits down at lunch on Tuesday. You guys are sitting side by side, Jihoon’s hand rests on your thigh as you lean into his shoulder.
“They’re in love, Hannie,” Jun tells the elder. “Let them be happy.”
“I didn’t realize Jihoon getting a partner would mean he would become a simp,” Jeonghan says.
“At least I can get a partner,” Jihoon quips back.
“Barely,” Wonwoo snorts.
“Y/N! Heard you dumped Mingyu’s sorry ass. HA!” Your friends come bounding up to the table. It’s Minghao who’s yelling at you. You groan and bury your face in Jihoon’s neck.
“Wait! Are you two?” Seokmin’s eyes flit between you and your boyfriend. “Finally! Y/N’s pining was getting a little too pathetic.”
“Seokmin!” Your head shoots up to glare at the boy. You turn to your boyfriend. “Don’t listen to them. I really wasn’t that bad. I didn’t even start having a crush on you until like a couple months ago and-”
Jihoon cuts your rambling off. “You’re cute, you know that.”
You blush at this. Your stupid boyfriend can get you so flustered. He flusters you even more when he cups your face and presses a kiss against your lips. In front of yours and his friends. 
“Jihoon,” you whine when he pulls away.
“Come on, let’s get to class.” He grabs your hand and stands up. Your class doesn’t start for another thirty minutes but Jihoon wants some time alone with just you.
“Taking the puppy for a walk?” Wonwoo smirks. He knows that you know about the puppy jokes now.
“Walking my partner to class.”
“It’s okay Hoon-ah. Wonwoo’s just jealous he doesn’t have any game.” You smile innocently and with that you flounce off, pulling Jihoon in tow. When you guys are outside Jihoon stops and pulls you into his arms.
“Have I told you how lucky I am to call you mine?” He murmurs into your ear.
“Maybe,” you giggle, “but tell me again?”
“I am the luckiest man on earth to call you mine. I love you so much.”
“I love you too Hoon-ah.” You lean in to kiss him.
Jihoon happily accepts the kiss, melting into you. He can’t get enough of this. Despite all of Wonwoo’s teasing, it's all worth it. His puppy dog partner.
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if you enjoyed this fic enjoy an additional 700 word smut drabble you can read here
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cookiewrites · 2 years
am i ignoring my entire inbox and to do list rn? yes, i am so sorry. i am so out of practice with writing i need to start with something easier.
phone sex/sexting headcanons
wc: 1.8k
cw: gn reader (no genitals or pronouns, but reader bottoming is mentioned a couple times), pet names for reader (baby, jagi, bunny) brief mentions of exhibitionism, rougher sex, hickies, sexual punishment, nudes, hentai, grinding, sub!felix, switch!jisung, dirty talk
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chan not only sends you things personally, loving getting you all desperate overhearing the ways he wants to take you apart - but he teases you publically too; posting small hints to your sex life in his bubble. like the way you begged him to pin you against the wall last time you were together. he'd purposely turn down the lights and listen to the song you last fucked to in chan's room, so by the time he gets home you're already needy for you. it's a way to play into his exhibitionism kink without ever risking anything, mixing play and work.
he couldn't hide the smirk as he turned on the coloured lights on chan's room, this dull purple bouncing around the walls as the intro to the song played. hearing those starting melodies immediately made you shiver.
behind your eyelids, you can see his body above you, face damp with sweat, as his hips roll into you over and over. the noises, the way he holds you close, his breath on your neck.
but right now the sight in front of you was more interesting, him leaning back in his chair, almost as if he was pretending he could see you sitting on top of him, bouncing up and down as you cry his name out over and -
but here he was on vlive, and despite the fact he knew you were watching, so were thousands of other people. so as the song ends, and he pretends he can't see your text pop up on his screen asking him to come home early, he smiles at the screen and continues.
minho sends you texts as almost a punishment, it's a game for him, it's teasing, it's riling you up to do nothing but watch you squirm. it's very much out of the blue, and hypersexual - he's not messing around. he wants you turned on, now. and he'll happily do it in front of other people, seeing you sitting with felix and han playing a game, and texting you about how he wants to bend you over the coffee table in front of you.
'i wonder how they'd react if i spread you out on the table in front of them' you see coming at the top of your screen as you try to focus on the game. it stunned you enough to make jisung win, but you could barely focus on the quokka celebrating next to you - instead glaring at your boyfriend across the room.
he smirks, looking down at his phone again, seeming unaffected by the image of his member watching him ruin you.
'needy bunny, can't even focus on beating sungie?' the second text pops up, chastising you for being understandable affected. this was always his favourite thing, making you feel almost embarrassed by how much you want him. and minho loves to be wanted.
changbin 100% sends you nudes, regularly. for him, sexting is old-fashioned - it's about the visuals. but he's arty with it, mixing in these black and white shots between sweaty gym photos. he also knows there's more to these photos than his muscles, sending you photos of his hands holding things, maybe working. his mouth, with things in it, or tongue out. sure, he's about nudes - but he's more so about you looking at him. enjoying the way you react to seeing him.
it wasn't uncommon for changbin to be at the gym late, leaving you to your netflix. so in the middle of your evening curled up on the couch, your phone lighting up was unusual. looking down you're greeted with a photo of your boyfriend.
it's a mirror selfie, in the steamed-up gym mirror, with a section wiped away to give you a clear look at his chest, covered in these blossoming bruises from the night before. all his veins are on show after all his working-out. you could feel yourself instantly drool.
'this better mean you're on the way home to me' you rush to reply, trying not to appear as desperate as you felt.
'i don't think you're asking nicely enough, might stay for another few circuits he quickly types back, laughing to himself.
instead of texting back, you strip yourself of the top you're wearing - taking a photo of your chest almost mirroring his - because as much as changbin loves sending you photos, he enjoys receiving them even more.
hyunjin is the kind of guy to take sexting way closer to smut than some short needy 'you up?'. especially when he's on tour - he'll write almost full stories about what he'd do if he were there, how he'll take you apart or how you'd take him apart in some like top-tier quality. he'd also buy you one of those remote-control vibes so he can send you stories and play with you. sexting with hyunjin is basically just sex, it's great.
hyunjin being away always sucked, but your night got a lot better when your phone popped up with a message telling you about exactly how hyunjin would have you on the sofa right now if he could.
leaning across to dig the toy hyunjin had bought you out of the chest of drawers next to you, you were welcomed by the subtle vibrations already occurring. halfway around the world, hyunjin still finds time to be intimate with you.
texts ping through at a steady pace, describing the way he'd have your legs wrapped around his head, and you can picture it - his descriptions of the way his tongue would move against you, vibrations picking up.
soon enough, you're close, and he feels close - despite being so far away.
jisung is a sharer over text or sometimes video calls. he loves sending you porn he's found, watching it together, or reacting to it when you find time. sometimes its still photos or drawings i'm very pro hentai obsessed jisung and sometimes it's gifs, or videos. as soon as he finds something he thinks is hot, or he'd like to try with you, he sends it over. sexting with han is about sharing other content, not making new stuff.
'god, this is so fucking hot' the text from your boyfriend read; prefacing the unloaded image below. as your internet finally works, you were greeted by a grainy photo stolen from twitter or tumble or somewhere of someone's neck, covered in lipstick and hickies.
there are smudges of other makeup too, hinting at running mascara, a lose reference to someone involved crying oh-so-prettily. that was usually jisung between the two of you, but you've had your times.
and he's right, its so hot, and now you need to recreate it, take him apart with little kisses and bites, make him beautiful like that. and that's exactly what jisung wanted, later at least.
'it'd be hotter if it was you jagi'.
felix calls you when he's grinding on his pillow, desperate for you, begging you to come home. the two of you had decided a while back that he wasn't to touch himself without your permission, which began the influx of desperate calls you'd get at random points of the day; his deep voice groaning down the phone, interrupted by these high whines that almost don't make any sense next to his voice.
'b-baby, come h-home, please i-'
'you sound out of breath, lixie, are you doing something you're not supposed to be?' you tease, lowering you voice so no one on the train can invade in this moment.
'i'm not touching i promise! i'm a g-good boy' felix whines, the self-praise almost falling into a chant.
'then what are you doing, little one?'
'g-grinding' he whispers, rolling his hips over your pillow again, folded between his legs.
'ah, what a smart baby boy, well since you're so clever-' a whine from your boyfriend echoes down the phone.
'you can keep rolling those pretty little hips until i get home but, little one, don't you dare cum' and with that you're pretty sure you could hear him sob, almost see the way his hips stutter. 'i wanna see you cum, lixie, see you grind those needy hips for me.'.
seungmin doesn't enjoy phone sex or sexting very often, he's so much more physical, he doesn't see the appeal of doing it so far away from you. but once in a while he'll surprise you with simple instructions to make you ready for when he gets home; especially when he's had a hard day. he sees sexting as a form of foreplay, not his favourite, but if it gets you ready for him he's in.
'be naked by the time i get home' the text reads, clear across your phone screen. it's not a question, there's no room for negotiation - and you're more than happy to play along. stripping off and waiting for seungmin to come home.
you, of course, take a photo of all your clothes piled up for him, a small way to show him you've done as instructed. that you're ready for him. you shiver as the cold air of the apartment runs over you, nipples getting hard.
'perfect, i hope you continue to be this well-behaved baby' he praises, acknowledging your lack of brattiness today - getting even harder in the back of the car he was in at the idea of you playing along today, someone so willing to be stress relief.
jeongin phones you on tour, when you beg him to. you're missing him, and porn just isn't cutting it, so you beg him for just a few minutes. so he locks himself away in a bathroom just to talk dirty down the phone to you - whatever his baby needs. but he definitely plays it up, teasing you for being so needy you'll just take his voice down a crackly phone line.
'so fucking needy, aren't you baby?' he whispers, voice lowering on purpose as he shuts the door to the hotel bathroom - trying to put some space between him and his members as he helps you get off.
'y-yeah, innie, please' you beg, small vibrations heard in the background - that hum reminding him of what's happening here.
'you picturing me, yeah? thinking about how good i fuck you, how good it feels when i play with you' he growls, trying his hardest to not get turned on himself - this is all about you.
'only y-you' you confirm, whimpering as he reinstates his possession of you, even as he is halfway across the world.
'yeah, i'm the only one who gets your dripping like this, even just at the thought of me'.
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fr-likes-chocolate · 2 months
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*looks at intro post*.… *sigh* Ignore this for a moment. I feel a need to at least talk about Q’s stream.
Quackity leaving the administration of the QSMP because of feeling unsafe was unexpected when I heard, but I understand his decision and would have done the same thing if it were me.
I beg that you do not harass Q about this. He has involved authorities and I dont think he needs the entire fandom prying into this mess.
Also if you were one of the people who threatened or harassed Q then stop, close tumblr, turn off your device, and think about what you are doing with your life.
As I said before I send my wishes to Q and his family. If anyone needs to talk about this, or if you would like to talk to me to get your mind of this situation, feel free to DM me. My inbox is open.
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tassodelmiele · 27 days
Noisy little mess
Hi sweetie⁓
Brief intro 'cause I'm so late to do everything this monday, goddammit.
CoDdammit. Lol.
That's a "dialogued chapter". I love dialogues.
I lllllove them.
Next time i'll give you some more action, i promise.
Maybe. I suck at scheduling things
DISCLAIMERS: GhostxYou yelling time; Price is so good at being a psychologist i don't even know why he's a soldier; Soap risking his life by being a little too funny; Gaz doesn't like coffee; dialogues that last halves of hours; roommates enjoyining their time alone; brain gets error 404 on how-to-behave correctly;
Sixth part here:
«I bet someone'd fought the other day»
Price appears behind you, and incredibly, it's not breakfast time: it's like 4pm, and you're not used to seeing him somewhere which is not Laswell's office.
You let the weight fall from your hand, breathing heavily; lately, gym is the only thing that allows you to not explode like a goddamn balloon in a cactus field.
You exhale: «…did he tell you?»
«Didn't need to tell me. We heard the yells»
He sighs, sitting on a bench. «Some things are better to be told under your breath. Particularly if they are personal. And above all, if they're the kinda things you were talking about-»
«You're telling me you've heard that i-!» You say almost in a hurry, immediately biting your lips. «…sorry Captain»
«You don't need to be sorry»
«No? And…what about being bewildered?»
He frowns. And you find the intimacy of the gym, combined with Price's soft eyes and his bear you're so tempted to pet, comfortable enough to open up a little.
As if you've not behaved like an open book since you'd made the first breakfast with the Task Force.
«Look» you preempt every possible objection about not being professional on a military base (since you know you're not) «I don't wanna be a burden, or cause problems. I-I know you've already got plenty of them…»
And he anticipates you with a sigh: «…but?», knowing so well you're about to stream out a flow of that sort of thing girls tell their besties at pajama party nights.
«But…but I don't know how to handle the Lt! I…just don't know. It seemed to me we got along well but, apparently, we weren't. We are not. I mean» your hands gesticulate above you to draw the speech in the air «one day he almost broke my arm, then he helped me get rid of some sort of stalker, but the day after he offended me and told me to shut my mouth. I don't know! I don't know how the hell I am supposed to-»
«Is this bothering you?»
«Yes!» You almost yell, emptying your lungs with a sigh.
Price's humming fills the silence for a while. «Ok. I'll make sure to put you under someone else's supervision-»
You bite your tongue again, and he smiles under the bear; you know he did. He was expecting your answer, but doesn't need to make you feel bad about how much of a childish behavior this is. He pats your shoulder: «Ghost speaks through sarcasm. Not that easy to handle. But if he doesn't ignore you, then he likes you. That's what we've learned 'bout him»
«What about him being touchy?»
Now you can add to your "goal list of the year" that you've made Price slightly blush; and he can't deny it, even if he hides the red under a bear scratching. He doesn't even ask you about the kind of "touchy" behavior you're speaking of, so you imagine that, somehow, he already knows…things.
«Again» he sighs. «Does this bother you?»
Fists are clenched around the thumbs, squeezing them hard, and your sight is focused on the weights abandoned on the floor. You feel some sort of heat climbing up your tights thinking about how much Ghost's touch did notbother you. But your brain doesn't allow you to admit it. 'Cause it bothers you not being able to find him bothering just enough to officially make him stop, and you're just hoping he'll quit somehow 'cause old memories and vices are frighteningly awakening in you. 
«It would be better» and saying this costs you a lot of swallowed cravings «if he stops»
It doesn't seem like he is falling for it. But he doesn't ask further.
«I'll speak to him»
And you can just give your beautiful Captain the best smile you've got.
«I just can't believe that bloody woman is a…whatever»
«People in bed are different from people in war, Lt»
Ghost glares at Soap through his fifth coffee of the day.
«Why, thank you, Sergeant. I'll engrave your pearl of knowledge on my tombstone» 
«It'll be ma pleasure»
«What is it?»
Two pairs of eyes turn at Gaz, who's peeking from the opposite side of the table. None of them is a "snack" kinda guy, but this afternoon really calls for a break.
And Ghost's drinking coffee. Again.
The Lt. gazes back at Kyle.
«You're not drinking tea anymore» he claims, suspicious.
«Are ya afraid I'll turn into a Scottish?»
Soap grins: «aha, not funny», as he rummages through the pile of recruits' tests that need to be checked. «Look, look at this, bloody Jesus, I-» He tooks away one sheet in particular, waving it around. «How the hell is she capable of runnin' like a-a...dunno!»
«Who're you talking about?»
«Our laddie» He spits out with a smirk. «Christ, she does have working lungs, look at her running test results!» 
«'Course she has, or she won't be able to yell like that»
The whole office turns silent around Price's words. He enters with a smirk, nodding at his desk full of plastic glasses.
«When did the tea party start?»
«Sorry Cap., promise we ain't eaten all the cupcakes»
He grunts, heavenly sliding on his goddamn chair (spared by the misappropriation). He waves his head at Ghost:
«I've got complaints»
That makes him say his second: «…what?» in, like, two minutes.
«Our little one» Price explains «is politely asking you to stop being…you know what»
«An asshole?» is Johnny's supposition.
«A shithead?» is Kyle's.
«Surely someone's gonna be bloody dead meat» is Ghost's ultimatum. 
«I've spoken» are Price's last words, before he stretches his limbs so hard his bones crack, making Gaz shiver with a: «damn Cap., go see a fucking osteopath»
Then a mumbling is heard from Ghost's mask, almost chomped in his teeth as he tried not to let his thoughts hiss out of his mouth. But he fails, and everyone can hear: «fucking child, not grown enough to tell me by herself»
It makes Soap almost burst into a laugh he chokes in his guts, exploding in a sudden cough. 
«Ya ok bud?»
«Aye, aye…'s just…» Johnny takes a breath, gaining some air. «'S funny to look at you two playing the “cordless phone” game»
Ghost doesn't like this. Not a bit, not a single word.
«What do you mean?» He snaps.
«Why don't you just talk frankly to her?»
«I've nothing to say»
«Bullshit. You've been yelling at each other for one week»
«You're a bloody blabbermouth»
«'M sorry, it was impossible not to hear you. Why are ye even so mean to her? You two started well»
«I'm not here to make friends»
«Maybe ye could get a girlfriend instead»
Price intervenes before Ghost decides his knife fists better in Soap's throat than in his hand. Captain gives his boys one of his gazes. 
«That doesn't have anything to do with you, so, even if you know every crumb of this shit cake…shut your holes. 'K?»
And they do it. They shut up, since they neither want a telling-off from their Cap., nor Ghost's knife in their butt.
The day was kinda ruined, though. At least, Simon's day. And he spends the rest working hours glaring back at everyone, avoiding speaking and trying to shut the echo of Soap's voice in his head. 'Cause he hates to admit it (and he wouldn't do it even under torture) but that goddamn man was right: it was just a matter of speaking with her honestly. Without being a dick.
Fuck; that last part could have been a problem.
The fact is…problems that are killing his synapsis are actually two.  
Price managed to get one of them, and maybe it's pretty obvious even for the rest of the team. But the other mental pirouette is what is really eating him alive. And he doesn't have enough teeth to clench, cheeks to devour internally, fists to smash on the door to avoid thinking about it.
'Cause one thing is liking you.
One other is wanting you. In a bad, absolutely not polite and caring, incredibly violent way.
Abstinence surely is one of the worst tortures. He's used to it, though: both to abstinence and torture. So it shouldn't be a problem, but it is, and he can't deal with it, he can't accept it, it's just unbearable and…and…
And Ghost almost starts to think everything is so overwhelming at the point of giving him hallucinations, as he hears…something.
Something familiar.
He stops next to a door, and it takes him one second to realize what door it is, and who's behind that door.
And what sound he had just heard. 
And in that one second of chaotic information riddling his brain…he hears it again.
A moan. A cute one, so muffled and soft that it was almost inaudible.
His eyes slid to the room door. 
That's your room. 
And, if he remembers well, the big crazy woman of your roommate is currently out on a mission. Therefore, you're alone.
All alone.
Absolutely alone.
So alone that you're, evidently, enjoying your moment of privacy a little too much.
He's about to knock at your door, or to burst in, he doesn't know, he'll figure it out somehow, but as his hands brush against the door knob there's another moan, so soft, so gentle that he thinks he's hallucinating.
"Why are you doing this to me?"
«What are you…doing?»
He jumps, his heart skips a couple beats as he jerks alarmed eyes to look at who's just appeared next to him.
He almost faints when he sees you. Thank god the mask is covering his face, otherwise you would see a jubilance of embarrassment and fear, red and deathly white.
You're standing, a toothbrush in your hand and in your feet the insecurity of someone who doesn't know if to make an u-turn and pretend you've seen nobody, or stay and wait for an excuse.
Him too, he seems to choose the "excuse" kinda behavior: he coughs, straightening his spine at his limit to stand taller, more confident. 
And he talks, but words are not as dry as he would like: «I came to see y-TO» he suddenly withdraws «to make sure you're going to be at the meeting tomorrow mornin'» the last few words become a mutter.
Silence follows. Moments of strange silence, oddly, densely fluffy, as if you're looking at the scene from above a cloud.
W H A T 
That's what your mind is flashing while you're discharging your incredulity on the poor toothbrush.
«I…» You start, with the intention of saying something sensible, really, to make the most of this occasion and let him know how fucked it's his way to handle people, sarcasm or not. «We just-like-we've almost…in your…yesterday» you start all over again «you've treated me like a wannabe whore»
He immediately hurries: «Wasn't my intention to-»
«I'm sorry if it wasn't, you'd done it» You shut him. You shut your goddamn Lt., and this isn't even the first time. «I can't hold up with this anymore»
«With what?»
«You» You spit, clenching your fist around the toothbrush. «With you, ok? I-I-look, i know this couldn't-you're my superior, I'm sorry if I'm being…disrespectful? I'm sorry» words start to rush from your lips, eyes are wandering around, in search of a cute way to avoid yelling at him again. «But you're so…»
«Unreadable. Unbearable» adjectives slip through your mouth, sharpened and straight to his heart. Or at least you hope. «I can't work with nerves at a razor's edge»
«I supposed you already knew we've to work under all conditions»
«These are not normal conditions, don't just spit the whole thing out»
«Explain, than»
«You know!» You muffle the voice. «Stop teasing me, 's like you've got some sort of dual personality! Anyway, I've already spoken with Price and-»
«He'd told me» He cuts your speech. «But I'd rather your pretty voice gives me clarifications»
«We've already fought on this point, like, five times!»
«What point»
«You make fucking fun of me!». This time you yell, then immediately bite your lips. You feel like he's teasing you, and obviously the joke's always on you. «That's the point! And all 'cause-'cause I've moaned once, and somehow now you hate me because I've made you turned on!»
«First you treat me like some kinda hoe, then you protect me from stalkers, but one minute later you make fun of-of-! Do you know» you're rushing disconnected words, and your toothbrush is pointed at his face threateningly «how fucking difficult it was for me to open up about my goddamn kink? Do you know??»
«But I've done it! I've done it 'cause you're a superior of mine, and I want, I swear to god, I WANT to respect you, to-to trust you and be at ease with you like I used to till a bloody week ago!!»   
You're breathing so heavily your lungs' movements are making your whole body wave. Stern, ice-cold eyes are locked on him, and you don't even know how you've managed to gaze at his mask for so long.
There are times in which you need to make a choice in a matter of seconds. Simple ones: putting salt first in the pot, or going first with pasta when water boils; wait a little at the coffee machine to make the espresso a long one; going to the bathroom before putting nail polish; picking up the book you're supposed to study instead of the phone with you're gonna fuck around with for the rest of the day…
Simple things. Ordinary choices.
Like biting your tongue before talking shits (that's what you're not doing), or speaking before it's too late (that's what he's not doing).
And you two face each other in a silent sights fight, spiced with rage and frustration, every muscle tensed and every fist clenched, teeth tight and cheeks chomped from the inside.
You'd like to burst into tears.
He'd like not to be a dick. For once.
And the whole situation is unlocked by another sudden, soft moan from the room. 
You instantly get red in every inch of skin; he widens his eyes, just able to say:
«What the fuck-»
«Sorry» you're so fucking embarrassed you can't even stand his sight anymore. «Sorry, i-i've…i've given Bernie some "solo-time", and she…uhm…apparently-»
«Hold on». His tone changes so suddenly, turning into a hurried, awkward question: «Is Bernadette Kelly inside?»
«Wasn't she supposed to be on a mission?»
«She was a substitute, in case Fisher couldn't do it. But he managed to go»
He's lucky the black makeup disguises his redness so well, since he can feel how hot his face is under the mask, as he wonders how it could have ended if he had rushed inside the room to Bernadette touching herself.
«…ok. Well, no. But…ok, 's ok» He mumbles to himself, allowing his brain two seconds to readjust the thoughts's stream. 
It pisses you off so much you don't know where to restart the angry mood. 
And you do it in the worst way possible, blowing out a mean: «you've thought it was me, didn't you? Were you ready to scold me again 'cause "I haven't got enough dignity to be a soldier", and then feel allowed to touch me?»
You're ready for everything, you're wearing armor in berserk mode: you can face him yelling at you, threatening, flirting, scolding, putting blame on you, taking you at gunpoint, punching you or throwing a burrito at you, you don't care.
You're ready. You're waiting.
Aaand waiting.
Aaaaaand waiting.
'Cause he's not moving, so frozen in place you're wondering if he's still breathing.
Ghost's not an evil man. He's not violent, he's not an asshole.
He's just having a metaphorical system error in his software that's reminding him he has not, in his goddamn entire life, dealt with such a duty. 
And he doesn't know how to: he doesn't know if it's better a silenced gun or a sniper, to do stealth or to burst in the house with a grenade; he doesn't know if it'll be a dangerous mission or a walk in the park kinda thing.
He doesn't' know, 'cause his only way to solve these problems is being a dick and waiting till the counterpart gets enough of him, and just leaves him alone.
But this time he doesn't even know if he wants to be left alone.
And so, with his mind blown up and just your toothbrush in his eyesight…
He left.
Without a word.
He turns his heels, leaving you in the corridor.
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lunarcat982 · 3 months
Intro post :D
welcome one and all to this sad little gay mess of a blog
I will vent alot prob, sry. I love art and music and I support everyone :) unless ur a dick or weirdo. I'll prob post art like atleast once a week? (it won't be that good lol)
Feel free to message me! I'm nice i promise lol, if u js wanna chat or u need to vent.
I'm transfem : she/her :), polyamourous and pansexual <33
anywayyyy these r some fandoms im part of and stuff i like, so message me if u wanna talk abt them lol, or don't idm
Anything by Alice Oseman
Hazbin hotel
Portal 1 and 2
Half life 1 and 2
anything gay
Jack stauber
mother mother
Noah Finnce
Gravity Falls
Murder drones
Penelope Scott
Olivia Rodrigo
anyway sry if i post too much depressing shit and i'll prob block u if ur an ignorant asshole
also also ihave aventing blog :) so if u need to vent or something go there! @mentallystable982
also also I have a cat :3 (and they’re better then dogs) I still love doggos tho <333
anywayanyway hope i don't bore u and have funnn :D
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assassyart · 2 months
Odd question.
Who would you say was more unfairly sidelined?
Angela Cross, Sasha Phyronix or Talwyn?
Hmm. That's an interesting one. Sure, I'll bite!
I guess this may be a bit controversial, but I don't really think Angela was "unfairly sidelined" at all. She had her place in the story in Going Commando, a prominent one at that, and despite me thinking her arc kinda sucks in GC, it doesn't erase the fact that her character was basically done after Going Commando. Her one goal was to stop Fizzwidget Qwark from releasing the crazy Protopet.
It's only now with ACiT and RA that Angela actually serves a purpose beyond Going Commando (and even saying that is a stretch, considering the purpose as of right now is just a mix between "where did she go?", "is she a lombax?", and the fact she is presumably with max apogee). She was never *intentionally* sidelined, in my opinion.
Overall, she was just a fan-favorite side character until they accidentally messed up with the whole "last Lombax" thing, and she didn't really seem all that important to the main characters beyond being a girl Ratchet thinks is pretty and wants to impress lol.
The other two, on the other hand... they both have it pretty bad.
Sasha is never brought up after Deadlocked's intro scene until the comics, post-ACiT. Even in the comics, Ratchet and Sasha's relationship is barely touched on, so we don't really have any idea of why they broke up besides that one site that claimed it was because of political differences. Sasha is treated like she wasn't important to the cast when she clearly WAS important to, at the very least, Ratchet. She isn't that important of a character to the story which is why I wouldn't be all that surprised if we don't see her again, but she was still IMPORTANT to a character and that alone means she deserved more than just an offscreen send-off in the comics.
It's like they specifically took Ratchet to a completely different galaxy so they could avoid past characters and introduce new ones, and OH HEEY WAIT A MINUTE, does this kinda sound familiar...?
Because it happened again. That's essentially the same thing that Rift Apart does. To avoid the elephant in the room (Ratchet's important relationships with other characters that would add to his hesitation with risking it all to go find the Lombaxes, i.e. Azimuth, Vendra, Talwyn, Cronk, Zephyr, Tachyon, etc.) they straight up just ignore having to talk about those characters by putting him in a position where they will never realistically be brought up— a different dimension, with new characters.
Despite Into the Nexus cementing Talwyn as an important character and RA being the sequel to Nexus, Rift Apart chooses to play it as safely as possible by vaguely mentioning her in one very easily missable dialogue that is, while cute, not important whatsoever towards Ratchet's inner conflict.
If this was the first time her character was treated like this, it wouldn't be a big deal... but this isn't the first time. She was (allegedly) axed from A Crack in Time, axed from Full Frontal Assault, had her role minimized in Into the Nexus, and was reduced to a credits cameo in Rift Apart. Anytime she DID have screentime, it was rarely spent developing her or her goals, and instead developing Ratchet's character and motivations.
Things do HAPPEN to Talwyn, but they happen so that she can be more relatable to Ratchet, not because it'll benefit her character.
In conclusion: sasha got the worst of it by being completely ignored until the comics because she was too cool and capable and will probably never show up again. angela isn't that bad because she still gets referenced and the door is still wide open for her to be included in a future game whenever IG decides they've had enough fun messing with going commando fans, but i do understand and sympathize with the pain of waiting over twenty years to see her again. aaaaand talwyn is a big ole mess but she's my mess so i love her no matter how many times they cut her from the games :D
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likesunsetorange · 3 months
Praying that its e2l related 🤣🤞
revy for you i opened my e2l doc and worked on the intro ive been struggling with LOL
so exes to lovers wip! i know this au is neglected here but here’s a little preview! this takes place a year before their breakup :)
a little long but 1.4k since i haven’t posted anything from this au!!!!!
exes to lovers au wip
February 2022 Portland, Oregon
The last few bits of remaining sun peeked out through the clouds, casting a warm glow into the living room. Short winter days had quickly transitioned into another long winter night, leaving everyone to their own devices.
Mikasa glanced around the room, eyeing her friends from where she sat on the couch, finding herself too tired to go and socialize with everyone else. After a day of hiking that Eren had forced them upon, everyone had been trying to wind down, attempting to preoccupy themselves, which created the mass of chaos before her.
Sasha and Connie trying (and failing every time) to start a fire in the fireplace; Jean and Ymir arguing over how to properly cut onions while they (Armin) tried to make dinner together, and she was sure there was something else that had been brought up that she couldn’t quite remember or bother to care about; Pieck and Hisu struggling to carry trays of hot chocolate to the living room, only causing Mikasa to worry that they would be charged an extra fee for whatever sort of mess that they made in the process; Hitch resided beside her on the couch, trying to figure out how to load the cartridge of film into her film camera, and ultimately failing; and Eren, she had realized, was nowhere to be found.
Her brow furrowed as she scanned the room, looking for any trace of him, knowing that his presence would be requested as soon as Hitch figured out how to reload her film camera—insisting that their trip be further documented. 
“Hey, Hitch, have you seen Eren?” Mikasa asked, turning to face her.
Hitch, who hadn’t bothered to look up from what she was doing, shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know, I thought he left a while ago. He seemed all upset or something—I thought you two were fighting or something, to be honest.”
Mikasa’s face scrunched in annoyance, especially considering she hadn’t seen Eren since he went to take a shower over an hour ago. “We aren’t fighting, what are you—”
“Got it!” Hitch cheered, ignoring Mikasa’s comment. She turned towards where everyone else was, so they could better hear her. “Hey! Let’s take a picture, finally! I got this stupid thing working.” Mikasa eyed Hitch, her face giving away her irritation at her lack of social awareness, causing Hitch to cower in fear (though she would probably never admit it). “And someone go find Eren! Mikasa’s worried.”
Mikasa huffed as she stood up, filing herself to the larger couch while Hitch positioned the camera in front of it. She watched as everyone crowded around the couch, everyone finding a seat on or in front of the couch. Her mind was filled with thoughts of Eren, worried about what could have possibly upset him. 
The feeling of strong arms wrapping around her middle took her out of her thoughts. She turned to face the culprit, the familiar viridian eyes greeting her with a warm smile.
“Hey,” he greeted, a hint of something she couldn’t quite decipher lingering in his voice. “You miss me?”
Mikasa’s hand found his cheek, gently caressing it. “I did, actually,” she mused. “Everything okay? You were gone for a bit—Hitch said you looked upset when you ran off to wherever.”
Eren came around, fixing Mikasa into his lap, as he positioned his chin comfortably onto her shoulder. Hitch was still fidgeting with the camera, giving Eren no time to avoid her question. “Just stuff with my parents… You know my dad hasn’t been doing good—the company and all that. But I don’t wanna talk about it right now, we’re on a trip, and your birthday is tomorrow—that’s what matters right now.”
“Eren… You know that stuff is important—” Mikasa started, her words cut off by Hitch once again.
“Okay, everyone hurry up! We have like ten seconds before it takes the picture so don’t fuck it up!” She yelled as she ran towards the couch, taking a seat next to Armin and Sasha.
Mikasa released a sigh not wanting their conversation to be interrupted, but not having a choice in this instance. She fixed her face into a smile as she waited for the flash to go off, not wanting to irritate Hitch any further. 
They took picture after picture until Hitch was satisfied, resulting in sore cheeks for everyone, and earning complaints from everyone. Everyone gathered around the coffee table, passing around the printed-out photos.
Mikasa was finally ready to be done, wanting to go look at the pictures herself, when Hitch stopped her. “Hey, you two stay there. Let me take one of you two,” she said, motioning them to sit back down. “You’ll thank me when you have cute pictures to show your future kids one day.”
“Hitch, just take the picture,” Mikasa muttered, her voice teetering the edge of being snappy.
Mikasa wrapped her arm around Eren, nestling closer into his side, trying to relieve herself of her slight irritation, knowing nobody was at fault in this situation. She found herself frustrated that she was annoyed in the first place, knowing that there was nothing to be upset about, she should be enjoying herself, knowing she was surrounding by all the people she loved.
As if Eren could sense her uneasiness, she felt him press a kiss onto her cheek. “Hey, relax,” he whispered into her ear. “There’s nothing to worry about, okay?” Mikasa felt her shoulders loosen up, Eren’s voice and presence the one thing to always bring her back down to earth.
“Okay, on three! Three… two… one!” Hitch counted down, the flash going off on one. She handed them the undeveloped picture before joining the others, rambling about how she deserved to be the godmother to their hypothetical future children for things like this.
“It is a nice picture, she has a good point,” Eren said as he inspected the picture. “I think it would be nice to have for stuff like that.”
A smile lit across Mikasa’s face, kids, and a future. Things she had always considered but always seemed so far off—but now, seemed closer than she liked to admit. “You wanna be the father to my kids then, huh?” She teased, wrapping her arms around his neck.
“Who else would be the father to your kids?” Eren scoffed, his brows furrowing the way he always did when he tried to hide his emotions—whether it be annoyance or jealousy. 
“Nobody but you, Eren,” she said, chuckling before pressing a kiss to a forehead. “That would be nice, though, little versions of us, don’t you think?” 
“Mhmm, I think about it all the time, to be honest,” he admitted.
“You do?”
“Well, maybe not the kids and the specifics—although I would want us to have all girls if it was my choice,” he said, chuckling. “But just about us, and our future in general. I love you, I see you in my future always.” 
After so many years of being together, it was hard to remember a time when Eren wasn’t in her life. There had never been a time in Mikasa’s life where there had been no Mikasa and Eren in some capacity—whether that was friendship or dating—he was a permanent fixture in her life, and she knew he always would be.
“I love you too, Eren,” Mikasa replied, interlacing her hand with his. “Always have, always will.”
“Even when we were kids and I pushed you too hard off the swings and gave you your scar?” A dimple peeked out from his cheek, a grin flashing across his face.
“I think I was too busy crying to think about whether I loved you or not—but you made your parents buy us ice cream, so I’m sure seven-year-old Mikasa loved you just a bit then too.”
“Well I hope you’ll love me in the future and don’t somehow find a way to get tired of me.”
“How could I ever get tired of you, Eren?” She said, smiling, before pressing another kiss to his lips and standing up. 
Mikasa helped Eren to his feet before he enveloped her in another hug, tucking her into his chest. “I don’t know, but I hope you never do. I don’t know how I’d live a life without Mikasa, you really are my other half.”
She hummed in response, wrapping her arms around his middle. “Yea, I don’t know how I would either, Ren. Love you a bit too much to ever get rid of you.”
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sunnyie-eve · 4 months
24 | Getting Back
Series: Significant
Paring: Colby Brock x Original female character
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.8k
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"Most of you guys this already but there's a giant prank war that's going around in our house right now. First prank I did I started off pretty easy by just jump scaring my roommates, making sure that they knew that I was a scary guy. But now I think, uh, I think it's time to turn it up a notch. Just a few days ago, Elton thought it would be funny to take my car put a bunch of packing peanuts in it, wrap it around in saran wrap, and all this other stuff. Uh, it was awful." Colby starts the intro.
"Even her younger brother thought it was funny so I still gotta get him back." Colby looks off-camera at Penelope opening his door.
"What? Oh, you're filming, my bad. But I brought you this back." She passes him a drink and then leaves his room.
"My favorite." He smiles at the camera, "Anyway, I think that's hilarious to Elton. Very funny. Little does he know, that was a big mistake. What I'm about to do right now to Elton and as you can see in the title. It's not smart and ya, probably gonna die. You know what we're team Colby and we have to make big moves. I trying to win this prank war and I have to do something ballsy. Do something that no other roommate has the guts to do. And that is ah, messing with Elton's beard a little bit. I'm gonna go set up another camera right now so that you can see the prank up close and far away. But before I go do this and potentially die. I need you guys to do me one thing. We need team Colby to win this prank war. I'm gonna need you to share this to all your friends and leave a like on this video." He adds.
"Also another reason I decided to get ballsy with this prank is because he uploaded his prank on Penelope that failed and put her in the hospital. That was a bit much and how he doesn't like us messing with Circa... You don't do that to Penelope. Now, let's do this." He claps his hands before going to Sam's room for him to film for him.
After Sam agrees saying that he was gonna die they go to Elton and Colby cuts his beard waking him up, "Good morning, Elton." He laughs.
"Colby. Colby." Elton says staring at him.
"Yes?" He smiles.
"Colby, what's in your hand?"
"I think this is your beard... That was for filling up my car with a bunch of packing peanuts, you wrapped it a hundred times, and you posted the accident. That's what you get. Don't mess with team Colby or my upset my childhood friend." Colby tosses the hair at him.
"Colby, I'm gonna give you five seconds. You're gonna run as far as you can, and get into your car, and drive as far as you can and you are never coming back home." Elton says before counting down.
Meanwhile, Penelope was upstairs having no idea what prank was going on in the garage. "Run! Run!" She hears Sam yelling downstairs so she walks out to look down at the front door to see him go outside.
"Not my problem." She goes back to her room.
She hears them all come upstairs but she still ignores them till she hears Colby screaming her name from a bathroom.
"What?!" She follows the screaming and opens the door a bit to see Elton with a shaved face, "I'm going back to my room. I'm not gonna be part of this." She shakes her head leaving.
Later Colby goes into Penelope's room locking the door, "Just to be safe." He tells her.
"Why go that extreme with Elton?" She asks laughing a bit.
"As I said in my video for what he did to my car and posting the accident."
"Colby..." She gives him a look.
"What? You don't mess with team Colby or upset you." He points at her as she gets a text from Kat saying she has an idea for a prank on Colby and needs her and Sam so she's on her way over. "Who's that?"
"Kat, she's coming over and needs to talk to me." She tells him, "You do know you're screwed when Elton gets you back, right? He's probably gonna mess with your hair."
"Not my hair." He touches it.
"Hopefully he doesn't cut it." She smiles messing with it as Sam calls her from his room, "Sammy needs me." She goes to his room.
"Did Kat text you too?" He asks as she enters his room shutting the door.
"Yeah, did she give you any more than just wanting to prank Colby?" She takes a seat on his bed while he was at his laptop.
"Nothing else. I'm scared why she needs both of us." He chuckles.
"I can't even think what she has in mind."
"Agree, now are you seriously staying here alone while all of us go out of state soon?" He turns to face her while she lies down.
"I won't be alone, Aaron is gonna be here too. And if I have to be home alone with one other person I would pick Aaron." She smiles.
"Not even Colby or me?" He flicks her forehead.
"I need a break from you two." She giggles as Kat comes into the room. "So what do you have in mind needed the two of us?" Penelope sits up.
"We're gonna make him think you're cheating on me." She gives Sam a smile.
"Why do we need Penny?" Sam asks before understanding, "Katrina, really with Penelope?"
"What? Why me?"
"What other girl is Sam super close to? Plus it's Colby and we can mess with him." Kat explains.
Sam thinks about it, "It would mess with him. I'm for it." He says hoping it would make Colby just tell Penelope how he feels. Sam still had no idea they kissed in the hospital because Colby never told him about it.
"People already don't trust me with Sam when he's with you." Penelope explains.
"We're literally saying it's my idea so." Kat says before she tells them the whole plan.
"What's up, guys. Today we are here about to prank Colby. This Prank was entirely Katrina's idea. She texted Penelope and me just saying she had a prank idea. Do you want to tell the people watching what you came up with?" Sam and Penelope look at Kat so she smiles.
"We're gonna make Colby think Sam's cheating on me with Penelope. This was my idea so don't make up lies or anything about these two, please." Katrina makes it clear. "I know that they are super close and none of what they do bothers me. I'm not scared for my relationship because I trust these two with my life. So in order to really make Colby think Sam is cheating... I'm gonna have Sam and Penelope get so close to each other while they lay in bed. I gave them permission to like place their lips on each other if they had to really get Colby. Again, I'm fine with this." Kat makes it clear again.
"So Kat is gonna hang out here for a bit with Sam while I do my own thing then she's gonna pretend to leave. Then call Colby asking if she forgot her purse at the house and Sam isn't answering his phone." Penelope says because they stop and do their own things till it's time.
"Bye Pen! Bye, Colby!" Kat shouts walking out the door as the two were downstairs.
Kat goes to park down the street before walking back to sneak back into the house to go back to Sam's room.
"I'm gonna go take a nap since I barely got any sleep. So that means don't bug me, Colby..." She gives him a look.
"Okay, damn." She makes her way to Sam's room.
"Hey, I swung by your room and got one of your tube tops so it looks like you have no shirt on." Katrina hangs it to her.
"Can you help me?" Penelope asks so Sam turns away why Kat helps her change tops. "I told Colby I was taking a nap so." She lets the two know.
They wait a while and set up the camera before starting their prank.
Katrina: Colby, can you do me a favor and see if I left my purse on the table there? Sam isn't answering his phone. I think he might be editing.
Colby: Yeah, I'll go downstairs and look.
They hear Colby leave his room so Penelope and Sam get in bed while Kat gets in the closet.
"How do we even do this?" Penelope lets out an awkward laugh.
"I have no idea." He gets closer to her, "He's not gonna buy this."
"How about I lay down and you lean over me? It's different than just laying next to each other." She says as Kat taps on the closet door letting them know he's coming back up to check Sam's room.
The two get situated in the new position and can't help but laugh at how awkward it feels for them with Kat in the closet. Sam tilts his head at an angle to make it look like he is gonna go in for a kiss.
"Yo, Sam did Kat... What the fuck? You two?" Colby sounded hurt seeing them so Sam moved quickly and Penelope held the blanket up like she wasn't wearing anything.
"Listen, Colby..." Sam gets out of the bed.
"Listen?" Colby laughs, "How could you? And you know many reasons why this is wrong." Colby looks at Penelope hurt.
"Colby, just let us explain." Penelope begs him.
"Explain what?"
"That's it a prank!" Katrina comes out of the closet making Colby relax.
"I hate you guys. I actually believe you guys were cheating because of how you guys were when I walked in." Colby says as Sam gets the camera.
"Yeah, I said us cuddle wouldn't fool you. And Kat got me a tube top so it makes it look like I wasn't wearing a shirt." Penelope gets out of the bed.
"Whose idea was this prank?" Colby asks so they point at Kat as she raises her hand. "Well, you three got me.
The four end the video so Penelope goes back to what she was doing before it all but Colby follows her, "I hate that prank." He tells her.
"We felt awkward in that position." She laughs about it. "You really thought we would do that?" She gets serious with him.
"I never would normally but that position and the way it looked walking in... I felt my heart drop." He tells her.
"I'm sorry." She gets upset.
"Why are you apologizing?"
"I just feel like I should." She says truthfully.
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mintichoco · 1 year
'Boruto' series re-envisioned
tw. opinions (and the wording is all over a mess so read at your own risk), plot-bashing (is that even a thing?)
[This is my opinion on what Boruto, as a sequel to one of the greatest Shounen franchises should have been. Remember, this is entirely my wishful thinking and I don't mean to disrespect any of the writers, animators or the fandom.]
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Boruto, as an MC, had immense potential. This point has been chanted to the ground but it is true. He is a third gen Uzumaki and second gen Hyūga. And we all know Uzumaki have monstrous chakra reserves. What he needed was to work hard for it. Where was the training arc?
Think about it. We never got much backstrory about the Uzumaki clan and what their motives and morals were. It would have been cool to see another character use the chakra chains (beside Kushina and Karin). He could have explored Uzushio, the plot could've called for contacting the remaining Uzumaki who supposedly scattered all over the globe.
Maybe Boruto could have worked with seals? Minato, his grandpa, is known as one of the greatest seal masters. If the writers were going for symbolism, why not use that?
Same goes for his Hyūga lineage. We get so much info about the Uchiha in Naruto, it could have been refreshing to see the Boruto lore delve into the Hyūga faction, which isarguably the third (or even the second, not counting the Senju) strongest clan in Konoha.
Think of all the jutsu Boruto could have had in his arsanel with a Byakugan. It's hightime they get the deserved recognition.
Coming to another member of Team 7, Mitsuki is a clever character idea but ultimately wasted postential as well.
If the power scaling continues to get upped in the pace as it is now, there will be nothing left for the Time Skip. Shippuden gave us Sage Mode but Mitsuki already has that. Viewers will look for something new and we all know even Kishimoto wrote himself up a wall with Rinnegan and the Otsutsuki race. What will Ikemoto give then?
Speaking of Otsutsuki, it was sort of dissapointing to see them getting introduced this fast. Some will say Boruto is slow paced and yes, I agree, but in terms of keeping that air of anonymity, it fails terribly.
It would have worked better if instead of Momoshiki landing like a bug out a tree, they got clues and rumors instead.
The whole Code and Kara situation should've been handled first and then led to the reveal of an Otsutsuki nest, perhaps?
Or a portal like the one in Last to a mirror dimension or somthing where the Otsutsuki live? Maybe a dive into how they came to be? It is revealed that humans are an entirely different race and what we see of the Naruto cast are a mix between Otsutsuki and humans.
Also, WHERE IS THE BACKSTORY? Same thing with Hyūgas really. The Hamura thing came out of nowhere. The Last is a below average excuse to tie up loose ends.
Now, Kawaki, I have a love-hate relationship with him. On one hand his backstory provides the perfect intro to post-war tragedies (and a hc of mine that smaller villages in the outskirts still get ignored in favour of the capitals)
But he just feels like a dollar-store Sasuke. As if the writers were like, oh Boruto needs a rival? Add in an angsty guy to contrast his sunny demeanor. I know this is a recurring trope in shounen but it works because it is handled well.
And people say Boruto is handed everything on a silver platter? Kawaki basically lives with the freaking Head of the Village, the elite of the elites, is looked after by the former heir to the Hyūga and gets to be a genin because he has a cool explody power? And all that why? Because he is a mistreated orphan? (what about the kids who lost their parents in the war? what about aforementioned kids in small-sized villages? what about cases like sumire? what makes Kawaki SPECIAL, naruto?)
Kawaki shouldn't have been given any of those benifits. Let him figure out how the world works, let him make mistakes, show his potential as a good guy, let him prove himself as a character worth stanning. Give him a serious politics-based arc explaining that part of the Boruto era rather than some murderers chasing a boy with some magical cure.
Coming to the side characters (yes, I'm saving Sarada for later and there is a reason behind it), let's start with Shikadai. First thought, he is the most carbon-copied version of his dad out of every next gen character.
It's no news that scenarios and often characters revered as prodigies are dumbed down to make him shine but imo most of it is owed to the factor that there is no element of suspense or an ultimatum for that matter.
Kakashi, Minato, Itachi, Orochimaru, Shisui worked as prodigal characters because of the situation. It was war time and kids were forced to grow up. The stakes were high and even then, the plot revolving around them was such that it made them raise the bar higher.
Shikadai seems flat compared to many characters. Remember, Shikamaru was not called a prodigy, he even flunked tests because he was too lazy, but whenever the situation was tense, us viewers could count on his snippets of thoughts for a clarification, or little behaviors to show he realized and often times refused to work for what is right over what is needed because that is smartness, taking a level-headed decision with the least collateral.
On the other hand, Shikadai is fed information and he just 'explains' stuff like a NPC.
I can't help but think, what if Shikadai inherited Temari's temper? Mix that with Shikamaru's actual genius (not the baby puzzle-solving we see in that one arc with Kakashi) and he could be one of the team members to look for clue about the Otsutsuki's existence. Also, I'd like more windstyle-user Shikadai plz.
Moving on to Inojin. He is also one of those characters that I neither like nor dislike. He's just... there.
What Boruto needs is better world-building and ain't no better way to accomplish that than exploring side characters. Inojin doesn't have an affinity for the Yamanaka mind-body-switch so make him train for other stuff.
Let viewers know where jutsu like that stems from (yin and yang release), give him some productive time with the border patrol, stress on the fact that Konoha's citizen don't go to sleep at peace just knowing Naruto will pull some god-level jutsu.
The Yamanaka are an extremely important part of the security system. Remember how Inoichi was part of the team figuring out Pain's black chakra recievers? Make Inojin do something similar with, perhaps some Otsutsuki relic or remains (going with the mystery au)
Then comes Chocho. How to put it simply? At first I despised her. And no, it has nothing to do with her appearance. Actually, I find her and that new girl from the recent Labyrinth Game arc, Batta, amazing.
The fact lies with her attitude. Tell me one attribute that comes to mind while thinking of her other than Butterfly mode and eating chips. Sure, she loves to eat, we get it. The fact again boils down to her falling flat as a character.
Chocho could use her lightning release in many ways and it must be strong too, considering her mother comes from Kiri. She could have earth-release, that would be great to see as none of the main cast prior to this have that.
And if they are going for a Ino-like character, let the girl have some reality to her. A twelve-year old girl is far mature and has other troubles than just thinking about cute boys and girls.
She can retain that aspect but make her serious when it comes to missions, or her family, show her spending time partaking in her hobbies that do not include eating, ogling at movie stars and muttering un-funny jokes and inuendos. Give her depth, for a lack of better words.
And for Hagoromo's sake, LET THESE KIDS HAVE SOME SORT OF GOAL and not just exist because their parents hooked up smh.
Last but not least, Sarada. I, like many others, really like her character. She isn't yet another girl who despises anything remotely 'girly' and is not afraid to show her emotions and voice her thoughts loud and clear. She is practical and relatively smart without being an overkill.
What bugs me is her very existence.
No, I do not want to get roped into a 'sasusaku : good or bad' debate but they just don't make sense to me. And this is coming from someone whose first anime ship as a ten-year-old was sasusaku.
In any case, Naruto (not citing the last few chapters) made it clear that Sasuke did not see Sakura nor Karin as a romantic interest. And honestly, I still am onboard with him being an aro ace because, hello representation!
And whatever happened behind the scenes post The Last are only headcanons, so the idea of Sasuke suddenly marrying Sakura seems a stretch to me. Let alone him having a kid who he suddenly cares so much about after ignoring her for twelve years...(coming to the problem of 'as to why he did that anyway' later)
Sarada, in my opinion, should not exist.
Like, okay, Naruto has a kid but why should Sasuke as well because of that? PTSD is a thing and we are repeatedly shown that Sasuke has grown a fear of familial bonds due to obvious reasons.
If we calculate their ages, the new gen was born sometime when they were 20-23 y/o. Yeah, I'm willing to bet Sasuke did not get past that nagging anxiety of eighteen years in just three or four.
If they wanted to make Sasuke the mysterious sensei figure who is rarely in town and is always going in these crazy amazing solo missions, don't make him a deadbeat dad. Come onnn...
Canon!Sasuke would never just abandon his wife and child for the sake of the village that ruined his family (again, trust issues), the village that he saw ab*sing a child because of something out of his control (who's to say Sarada was not picked on and scrutinized because she is a former nuke-nin's kid and an Uchiha like Naruto was due to Kurama?)
Instead, Sasuke should have just been a traveller. He should still be wandering the nations to find his way in life, being someone beyond an Uchiha and escaping the burden that was placed on his shoulders at a very young age.
You know how I keep mentioning the small villages that probably get ignored? Show him helping them, him cleaning up traces of corrupted organizations like in the last few episodes of the anime.
Show his kinder, softer side in a believable way (not the comic relief that Boruto provides), show us him seeing the beauty in life and finding a reason to live.
The Sasuke we see now just feels like an empty shell. I remember seeing a post the other day saying that he showed genuine emotions in Shippuden but now he looks like he has lost all motivation to even stay alive. And he was definitely guilt-tripped into returning to Konoha.
Yes, that would mean Sakura would remain either unmarried or marry some no-name character. Though, that seems unlikely as her pining over Sasuke eliminated all chance of relationship progress with any other character.
It would be refreshing to see her let go of her childhood crush and just moving on, leaving behind the last link to a Sakura she did not accept, the one she changed. I don't mind having an episode dedicated to them having a heart-to-heart as good old pals, all romantic feelings aside.
Maybe on that bench too, if you get what I mean. It would show us how far they have come, as shinobi, as Konoha's ninja and as people, from naïve kids to being the village's pillars.
Now, as to what the overall plot of Boruto should be, I have this idea of the war still going on when Naruto ends. Just hear me out.
If Ikemoto wants to resolve the Otsutsuki matters in this series, why not begin it with an intense fight scene where the generations following the main cast (Konohamaru and the rest) are fighting some low rank entities who serve the Otsutsuki.
It could lead to multiple of these strange class of aliens attacking from portals like ones the Rinnegan creates and base the entire series as a survival genre. Not only would that raise the stakes from being a one-episode conflict resolve, as it is now, it would mean the generation in the middle would become hardened veterans who the kids could look up to, not cannon fodder.
Make the prior war times return, but this time with an unknown race altogether. Make rifts between the Alliance, comment on how that affects the social and economical standings of various nations, involve the Daimyo.
Naruto can still be the all-powerful Hokage but make the rest of the caste equally useful.
Another idea that just popped up while writing this: what if they made mosters like in the Worm series appear? That threaten the world and some villages are forced to break the truce as they believe some ancient jutsu caused these attacks but cannot figure out from which nation.
Not even jutsu, it can be scientific modelling too since the Boruto era are scientifically far advanced.
Maybe I'm just reaching but with the huge power scaling like they have done, the stakes actually need to be high. Or else, every situation that they come across, we know they will get through it because of high rank jutsu they possess.
And for the last issue, just 'Boruto'. As in, the name. I'm aware it is supposed to be an homage to Neji but it feels so rip-off. There are so many good ones like : Hiro(for its irony as he is to be a hero and it starts with 'H'), Akihiro (personal favorite, means bright), Kaito (means ocean, an homage to the land of whirlpools), Asahi (mirror's Hinata's name meaning which is sun), Shinya (genuine, personal favorite), etc. etc.
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A/N : That is it for this part. I can make another as I have ideas just buzzing in my mind and no time to turn them into fanfiction. Let me know if you enjoyed these and feel free to PM or reblog adding your own ideas too!
Also, anyone wanna be friends? 😅 I really want to rant about Naruto with someone and none of my friends watch enough anime to even comprehend what I'm saying most times.
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antimony-medusa · 7 months
Hi! I don't know if you've followed the debate on twitter these last few days (if you haven't, feel free to ignore this ask, I don't want to drag you into stuff) about whether themes of slavery can be depicted in fictional settings. I'd be curious to have your opinion because you have very based takes on the topic of fanfiction
Boy. I have been at a wedding so I have NOT been following, but a friend dug that one up for me, and boy. Isn't that something.
Okay, do I think that slavery can be depicted in fictional settings?
I'm gonna start this with a caveat of saying that I'm white, and as far as I know my family tree doesn't include any enslaved people. So slavery is an atrocity, but not a personal one for me any more than I feel personally about all atrocities, and your opinion on this subject might be different based on your experience, and that's completely fair. This is just the opinion of someone who thinks about content warnings and representation and exchange rules sometimes, and honestly if you want to take my answer as me saying "i'm white, anything I say after this doesn't really matter" that's a fair read of the situation. End post.
But further, the siren song of being asked a question:
My general stance is that there are very few things that can't be depicted in fictional settions, but there are a lot of things that should be depicted with care and research. And I consider major archive warnings to be one of these things. (I'm on the team that says that in an ideal world we would have a major archive warning for racism or slavery.) I don't think that there are any topics that are inherently off-limits for fiction.
If you're interested in writing professionally, there's a workshop called Writing The Other that does intros into writing topics that you don't share experiences with, and they do a really good job of breaking down the ways that you can analyze your work for cliches and stereotypes and other weaknesses, and ways that you can research to avoid them. It's an excellent workshop and I really recommend it— they even do scholarships, which is how I got to join! I consider them the industry standard of the question of "can I write about this", and as I remember it their basic answer is that the more outside of your experience a thing is, the more research you have to do to make sure you don't mess it up, and the more central to your story a thing is, the more you want to make sure that you don't mess it up. So sometimes you do hit topics and you go "am I the right person to tell this story, should I leave this topic to someone who knows it more personally, who's studied this". But that doesn't mean that you can't tell the story, it just means that to do it well, you have to put the work in. And that no one is obliged to trust you on the surface of things to have put the work in. I am probably going to trust an author who I know is disabled to have written disability well, for example, more than an ablebodied author. But there are authors out there that I know do their research and I pretty much trust them to deal with any topic carefully, if they want to take it on. A lot of the time, the more sensative a topic you are touching, the more you need a relationship of trust between author and reader, and sometimes you have to earn that trust carefully.
And boy is there fiction out there that deals with sensitive topics in ways that does not earn that trust. I have read things that I find highly distasteful. I have read published work that chooses to deal with real life atrocities in ways that I find wildly uncomfortable and I do not tend to recommend those books or authors.
I have also read nuanced and insightful explorations of horrific things, including slavery, including domestic violence, including racism, in ways that I felt enriched my understanding of the world and the people around me. I've read books that carefully touched on things like childhood sexual abuse and police violence and involuntary commitment, and that didn't make the story not a life-affirming and joyful experience, because the stories were able to take these things and make healing and catharsis out of them. Simply hearing that a story deals with a topic does not tell you if it's a story to recommend to others. We all live lives that sometimes touch on terrible things, and I think that trying to police who can tell stories about bad things leads into bad things like making people prove that they've suffered enough to write or shit like "are you black enough for this story", and I don't want that in my writing community. I have literally seen the bad end for going down that road, check out "helicopter discourse," and I'm against that.
I'm against that enough that I'm willing to endure people who do not share an experience writing badly about terrible things as the price we have to pay to allow people who have personal stake in the situation to be able to explore sensitive topics without harassment. Especially with fanfiction, we're dealing with amateur writers, so unfortunately most of the time when you have a subject come up the default assumption is going to be that it's dealt with badly. But I personally fall on the side that it's worth five people writing it badly to allow the one person who's personally impacted to write about it as much or as little as they want. My personal bugbear is terminal illness in children, that's my trauma, but I would personally rather have people write horrible tearjerker fic about aging down their characters and killing them off and it's so sad, even though I don't want that, rather than to say that that topic is off-limits to people.
On the topic specifically of slavery, this fandom, as many fandoms do, has a habit of including slavery and human trafficing as themes in their writing. A lot of the time this is not done well. We have a lot of baby writers who are deliberately writing the saddest thing they can think of or writing unjust societies for their guys to rebel against. This is not what I would say is a strength of the writing in the fandom, taken as a whole. And some people do their research and do it well! I've read great fics that pull from history in an informed way and do interesting things with it! But not everybody, good lord.
But saying that because a lot of people deal badly with slavery nobody should deal with slavery is not a path forward that I'm personally in support of. Do I think it should be tagged? Absolutely. Nobody should hit that unawares. But a lot of societies through human history practiced slavery of one kind or another! If you are drawing from roman history for your gladiator au, most of those guys were not there of their own free will. Tropes like fae folklore includes themes of posession and ownership, because that was the background radiation to the lives of the people who told these stories in the first place. There are a lot of tropes where these topics are going to arise, and I don't think that's inherently bad (though I personally would certainly feel a lot more comfortable with pulling on classical and medieval history for these stories rather than 1800s America, for example). And like, you can absolutely try your best to steer around these topics! That's an option! But honestly if you're doing something historic or historic-inspired, I'm not sure if it's more respectful to write a fantasy past in which greek history did not include slavery. That's whitewashing of history by definition. So if you want to avoid that, you're left with most of human history off-limits to write about, because of the atrocities? And I don't think that's ideal.
And like, I think with fanfiction you kind of just have to accept as background radiation that there are going to be a lot of people dealing with topics that they are not equipped to deal with. That's just how it goes. These are people writing with minimal research, experience, and editing, cause we're all here for fun, not professional development. You're gonna have people mishandle things. And that's why I think tagging is really really important, so that you can see the tags on a fic and go "oh I do not trust them with that topic" and navigate away, or filter the topic entirely. I have my touchpoints that I steer away from, and I have 100% clicked away from stories in horror going "oh no no no no no that's not good." But I don't think people should all be banned from writing about these things because some people do it badly.
Note: that doesn't mean that like, we shouldn't have conversations about how maybe if you put the minecraft men in your story where hybrid trafficing is a metaphor for the underground railroad, you should do that Carefully. We can still strive to do better. I have Seen Things and there is room to improve. There's room for discussion about people using slavery for cheap angst, in the same way that I've talked about the treatment of disability used for angst, and I've seen people talk about the agency allowed female characters, and the list goes on.
And that doesn't mean that I'm not going to 100% respect it if I get a DNW in an exchange where someone has said they don't want slavery or hybrid racism. People should be able to opt out of these topics (entirely! even if they're dealt with well!) and nobody has to read things they don't want to.
So in essense, when it comes to writing sensitive topics like slavery I'm going to do my best to think about what I'm doing and do my research— and I have written slavery and human-trafficing-type-deals before, I like gladiator aus and classical-inspired fantasy— and I'm going to tag so that anyone who doesn't trust me— and nobody has to trust me— can navigate away. But when it comes to policing what other people are writing, I don't think it does anyone any good to post callouts on twitter. At most I'm going to warn a friend that a certain fic deals with a topic badly. That's my viewpoint.
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poppybros-jr · 11 days
Cosmo Backstory Post!
When I first made Cosmo’s intro post, I was nervous of putting too much about his backstory. I’m feeling braver now, and he’s had enough asks now to start hinting that he’s not entirely just a happy lil fluffball without a care in the world, so here, have the Forbidden Cosmo Lore. @kirbyoctournament
This post is completely optional for interacting with Cosmo! Most questions and interactions will still get lighthearted responses from him. The subject of his family is the only one likely to get a less happy response.
(WARNING! There’s lots of unhappy stuff in here. Before reading, please bear in mind the following content warnings: parental emotional abuse/neglect, sibling bullying, childhood trauma caused by the disappearance of a sibling, mental health struggles and divorce.)
Cosmo is the fourth of five siblings, born into the Poppy Bros Travelling Circus, which performs all over Dream Land. His mother was an acrobat, and his father was a clown. His older siblings were Soleil, Marx and Stella (half an hour older still counts as older!), and his younger sister was named Celeste.
The siblings’ mother played very clear favourites with her eldest, emotionally neglecting the rest of the kids while putting a lot of pressure on Soleil to succeed. This led to Soleil developing severe issues with anger, anxiety, jealousy and her own self esteem, which she would take out on her younger siblings. Meanwhile, their father was a pushover and went along with whatever their mother said. Marx would misbehave to get any scrap of attention he could, and would constantly and gleefully mess with Soleil to draw her attention away from the younger kids. Stella and Cosmo were the ignored middle children and began to spend time with their magician aunts instead, which led to them developing an interest in stage magic.
After meeting Kirby, Marx became fixated on the idea of becoming a ‘hero’ like them and going on exciting adventures, though purely as a way to get away from his home life, relieve his boredom, be able to do whatever he wanted without getting in trouble and get the attention he craved, not out of any desire to actually do heroic things. Eventually he decided to go about it in the worst way, and the family was suddenly down a member. 
Marx’s disappearance affected everyone in the family very badly. The mother started becoming very controlling towards her children, especially little Celeste, trying to hide her own failings as a parent, and resisted even acknowledging Marx’s existence. The father became more withdrawn and began avoiding his family. Celeste, who had been a reasonably happy kid before, became very quiet and shy.
For Stella and Cosmo, the grief over the loss of their older brother hit them hard. They started having nightmares whenever they were too far from the Fountain of Dreams, and Cosmo in particular became very depressed, barely even reacting whenever some crisis threatened Dream Land even as his family were panicking. Not only that, but with their brother gone, there was nobody left to protect them from Soleil. They found themselves becoming her new main targets, and began purposely staying with their aunts as much as possible to avoid the bullying while refusing to say why. 
This continued for a while, until one day they found out that Celeste had started to become a target too. While Stella was scared of getting involved at first, hearing that Soleil would go as far as to pick on a small child made something snap inside Cosmo, and he decided that he was going to do for his little sister what Marx did for him, no matter what. He managed to convince Stella, and the two began standing up for Celeste, which quickly spiralled into them pranking Soleil relentlessly to draw her attention away from the youngster.
On a more positive note, this drive to protect his sister helped Cosmo cope with his depression and become a bit more like his old self again. Marx also returned to Popstar not long after. While Cosmo initially resented his brother for abandoning him, Stella convinced him to give Marx a chance. It took a couple of years, a lot of arguing and many, many reassurances, but they eventually reconciled and became even closer than before. Cosmo would go on to become a bit too forgiving of his brother’s faults.
Stella and especially Cosmo quickly became the family’s new ‘problem children’. They started to rebel against their mother, ditching the ‘hidden twin’ gimmick that had always been part of their act, differentiating their appearances and performing as a double act so Cosmo could get some credit too instead of just being an uncredited, unacknowledged secret ‘assistant’. Their aunts, who were starting to become aware of how bad the toxic family dynamics were, supported them and helped them. Eventually, even the father had had enough of his wife’s controlling behaviour and started standing up to her, and their marriage fell apart.
The three youngest siblings are currently living with their aunts while divorce proceedings are happening. Soleil is staying with their father. Cosmo still has depression and anxiety, but is coping with it a lot better and has far more good days than bad. His protective streak has started to grow into wanting to help protect Dream Land, though it’s also partly because he’d get an excuse to hang out with his brother more. He’s usually very friendly and cheerful most of the time, but he’s very sensitive to perceived danger and tends to panic if he thinks someone is a threat. He also feels overshadowed by his older siblings and isn’t sure how to overcome that yet.
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sarucane · 7 months
OFMD Spiral Parallels 14: Party Time 4
Intro: One of my favorite things about OFMD is the spiral narrative structure that connects Seasons 1 and 2. Using all the tools of the medium--dialogue, staging, music, costuming, even audio layering--scenes and moments from Season 1 are echoed in Season 2. But when these repetitions happen, meanings are shuffled, emotions are stronger and truer, and transformation is showcased above everything. The first season plucks certain notes, then the second season plucks the same ones--but louder, and then it weaves them together to create a symphony.
Then we get to the end game. When Ed leaves the high society party, he does so by drawing in part by drawing on strength in his connection to Stede.
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But when Stede returns to the pirate party, his connection to Ed has turned into a source of pain. He doesn't fully understand what's happened or why, so instead (or because) de dives too deep into this piracy world.
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Ed getting out meant that Stede could burn that world down behind him. But Stede's desire to adapt to the world he's longed for, and his determination to follow through on some (semi-randomly-selected) things works against him here.
Ed steps back and lets Stede take over. He does that partly because he's got the security of Stede to fall back on. But Stede doesn't have the security of Ed to fall back on. And the crew aren't enough: he ignores them repeatedly, doubling down on reacting to injuries real and perceived. Stede's trust has been broken too much tonight, and he gets caught up in trusting his role in this world (not entirely unlike how Ed got caught up in his Blackbeard role).
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Ed messing up spoons and forks hurt, and led to mockery. Stede messing up duel challenges, then--most importantly--ignoring advice to stand down leads to him nearly getting killed. It's rushed, sure, but it's just as decisive an ending to Stede's time at the top of this world as the ship bursting into flames was in season 1. He got into this by making a guy walk a plank, he threw caution to the wind and lost track of what was really important, and nearly lost it all.
But the same emotions drive Stede in both episodes. The desire for approval, the sadness at a connection growing distant, defensiveness and desire to exact a price for pain. In the second, everything is heightened by the drama of his relationship with Ed. Sometimes those emotions have positive consequences, and sometimes Stede winds up in "gets himself killed" territory.
Lucky for him he just happened to be doing all that at the stroke of 12.
Previous posts in this series
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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starcturus · 11 months
──── ❝ TIME TRAVEL DR INTRO ❞ ────
word count - 2.5k ( i did not expect it to be this long, but we roll)
posted at the request of @heckin-hecc - so here is my first dr post (if you want to see a certain dr , please do message me !! )
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──・⌗ introduction to the dr as a whole
this dr has been in the process of being made for around 3 years now & it has went through many changes 🌙 but i think i am now *mostly* happy with it, even though it is still being worked on
it is one of my more complex drs - as it is split into two separate parts ; golden trio & marauders era. it initally follows the plot line of debt of time but i made several changes to the later parts of my dr
i am very protective over this dr as it is one of my more personal ones & i have worked on it for a very long time. even if you do not agree with it , please try to respect it / just ignore it ! ( nothing i am doing in this dr is wrong , i made sure of it )
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──・⌗ golden trio intro & first shifting there
year i am shifting too - 1999
the golden trio section of my dr, is mainly backstory for when i shift to be at the end of the war. i will not necessarily live through the events in person, i will just use them for memory reasons - if that makes sense? they would have happened but i will have already lived through them.
all canon events happen in my golden trio dr !
i shift to summer after the battle of hogwarts ( fred & remus survive ) & then we spend the entire summer in the burrow with the rest of the weasley’s celebrating both winning the war & hermione / my birthday !! remus gives us both a joint present to open after the party, he said that we must be alone.
after the party , we both stayed behind to open the present & found out that it was a ticking time turner — due to our earlier experiences, we knew that it was active & we both looked at each other, held hands and we were very scared. all of a sudden we were both being transported & we arrived outside hogwarts ; it was fully built compared to the mess after the war & we knew that we had gone back in time.
but basically that is it for my first shift - i will miss my golden trio friends, and i just feel scared about what is to come ; but I know hermione is by my side !
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──・⌗ who am i in this era?
name - sage kiara (weasley)
age - 19 (everyone is aged up slightly for this era)
where i was raised - reading & devon w weasleys
blood status - halfblood
patronus - wiry black mole, with a pink nose
amortentia - pine wood & treacle & fireworks
my house - gryffindor
──・⌗ how do i fit in to this era? my people?
i am in the golden trio with harry, hermione & ron (we called ourselves the golden quartet thou)
i initally met hermione on the train up , when she came into my carriage and saw that i was crying. we became friends very quickly, as it also did with harry as well — ron took most of the first two years to accept me as a friend & even then we were never that close.
myself & hermione became friends with a bunch of slytherins in second year, when harry & ron fell out with us — we spent a lot of time with them that year as they kind of accepted us into their group !!
as well as the slytherins, in second year - hermione & i became a lot closer to fred & george, and they became very protective over us. they were only a year older than us, so we all spent quite a lot of time in the common room together.
i am involved in most of the canon events in the series , and if you want a post on that let me know (i have a lot that I will not bore you with now) but everything canon happens in this era & i only survive because of my friendship with harry & hermione
──・⌗ my significant other/s & found family ish?
birth family - my mother was non magical & my father was magical, but he was in a ‘accident’ when i was a baby that caused him to loose his magic (whole other story - which i will happily go into) & i had a younger brother , charlie who also was not magic.
found family - the weasley’s end up non offically adopting hermione & i after her parents ‘had to leave’ and mine were not able to look after me due to dangers - so we lived there from fourth year to seventh when we all went on the run.
potential significant other #1 - fred weasley ; we spent a lot of time together and i trust him with my entire life ! i started developing feelings for him, around fourth year & his feelings came out when we played firewhisky games in sixth year ! everyone teased us a lot , & i have always had a soft spot for him
potential significant other #2 - draco malfoy ; from second year, he always looked after hermione & i and made sure we were okay - he cares deeply eve if he does not show it a lot ! he looks after me on the nights where i got so homesick about missing my birth family & he made me feel comfortable in his common room ! i have always felt safe around him.
──・⌗ places i liked to spend time in my gt era?
the black lake ; this place is so incredibly calming & we often bring picnics down to the lake — where we sit, talk or even swim, in the summer months. the amount of time that i have spent down there by myself is insane - in winter months, we all ice skate down on the lake & it is so much fun (we all have such a fun time down on the lake)
hogsmeade village ; from second year, we are allowed to go down to hogsmeade village with someone older. so we often went down there with fred or george as they were the school year ahead of us & then we would either hang out together or we would meet up to walk back to the castle afterwards. we all had so much fun just exploring the village, looking in all the different shops & eating in the local shops. (it always made me so happy to be able to spend time with my friends.)
hogwarts library ; the amount of time that I spend in the library is absolutely insane ; there are days where myself & some of my friends do not leave the library at all & people have to legitimately bring us food disguised so librarian does not yell at us. but despite the fact we spend a lot of time studying, we also have a lot of fun in the library as well — we talk a lot & spend time learning in group sessions !!
gryffindor common room - I spend quite a lot of time, in this room with all of my friends from the gryffindor house. it is a safe space for us all & we often hold parties & gatherings for both gryffindors students and other houses. our common room has a lot of reds + gold colouring, as well as the walls being covered in bookcases, and comfortable sofas / spaces to sit and talk.
slytherin common room - upon become friends with several of the slytherins in my year group in second year, hermione & i get access too the slytherin common room. this room is very different to our common room, due to it is under the black lake & the window often houses the giant squid which lives in the lake. the room itself is very dark, mainly consisting of dark greens & blacks. however, just like the gryffindor common room - the walls are covered in bookcases & storage. we often sit there & talk to the slytherins — hermiome & i are the only non slytherins that are allowed into the common room.
there are also secret places in the castle where we all like to spend time, such as the room of requirement (from year 5) but also secret places behind paintings, which most of the ghosts & professors do not know about.
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──・⌗ marauders era intro & first shifting there
it is the summer of 1972, when i ‘timetravel’ to this era ; i will arrive outside the gates of hogwarts, where it will look intact compared to our hogwarts
when we realised that we had gone back in time, we knew that the next step was to figure out how far back we had gone & we knew that the way to do that was to try and get into hogwarts.
i will be holding remus’s letter that he left in the box of the time turner , when he gave it to us ; hermione & i will hold hands as we walk back into the building that we had just lost, where we would come face to face with a very confused mcgonnagal. after we explained our situation, she took us to dumbledore, who she said would be able to fix it.
after he tried to read our minds, he offered to look after the timeturner to try and send us back home - and in the meantime we would just have to be here. he gave us both a age reduction potion, so that we could attend the school and have it not be obvious — we would be sorted with the new 1st years in September.
however next cane go housing us, he told us that we would have to be placed separately as it would be too obvious otherwise. he took hermione too the ‘potters’ & then mcgonnagal took me down to the infirmary where i met madam pomfrey, who i would then be living with until i went back home.
spoiler — we did not go back home
i have left most of this dr up to chance , apart from one scripted event ; in fifth year i will ‘die temporarily’ after being involved in a battle between a bunch of deatheaters, and while i am dead - I will be given two options, where i can stay in this reality or i can go back to my original one. ( i choose to stay in this one , and i both hated and love that moment — effectively sage kiara & hermione granger got wiped from the face of the earth from that moment on)
──・⌗ extra information about my marauders dr
as i have only time-travelled back , i will still keep all the magic that i had from 1990’s but I will just have to keep it under wraps until either I need it in a emergency or until I have ‘learnt it’
mcgonnagal altered my memory slightly which means that the magic will come back to me slowly but I will be able remember everything else
i am very strong at magic + as I learn more and resit my years at hogwarts, my magic will only become stronger
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──・⌗ who am i in this era?
name - sage violet pomfrey
age - 11 (mentality of a ninteen year old)
where i was raised - scottish countryside
blood status - halfblood
──・⌗ how do i fit in to this era? my people?
most of this will be left up to chance , as it is a dr where i will be active ! but i do have a few initial friends that i want to script in ! ( but not scripting anything about our relationship etc )
i will be friends with remus lupin, sirius black & james potter ! my friendship with peter will be similar to my friendship with ron because i know what he did later on ( but we will slowly work past that , but i will never fully trust him )
i will meet remus first on the train up to hogwarts , he will be sitting alone & i will join him ; we will make small talk all the way up to hogwarts ! when we make the journey up to the castle , we will be joined by the ‘marauders’ in the boat as well as hermione. it’ll be fun but quiet as everyone is nervous — but that will be my first introduction to the boys
i will meet the girls at a later point , either in the dorms ( depending if I get placed there ) or in classes !! but we will all get along kinda thing & we will trust each other ! our friendship will be very different to the boys 💛
i will meet other people , throughout the first year or two at hogwarts & i am excited to see their influence on my life !!
──・⌗ my significant other/s & found family ish?
found family - they are my people at hogwarts , but also james’s parents - who i will meet the summer of first year & my own magically adopted mother , madam pomfrey ( who asked me to call her poppy or mum ) i will love my found family in this dr !
significant other (discussion) - no serious romance will happen in this dr until i am older as obviously i will have a older mental age ! but i am excited to see who I end up with & I cannot wait to form relationships in my dr ; rn i am thinking it will either be remus or sirius or both ? i love them both so much
──・⌗ places i liked to spend time in my m era?
i will find most of these out over time , but here are a few initial ones
black lake ; this place is so incredibly calming & we often bring picnics down to the lake — where we sit, talk or even swim, in the summer months. the amount of time that i have spent down there by myself is insane - in winter months, we all ice skate down on the lake & it is so much fun (we all have such a fun time down on the lake)
hogsmeade village ; from second year, we are allowed to go down to hogsmeade village with someone older. so we often went down there with alice or frank as they were the school year ahead of us & then we would either hang out together or we would meet up to walk back to the castle afterwards. we all had so much fun just exploring the village, looking in all the different shops & eating in the local shops. (it always made me so happy to be able to spend time with my friends.)
hogwarts library - the amount of time that I spend in the library is absolutely insane ; there are days where myself & some of my friends do not leave the library at all & people have to legitimately bring us food disguised so librarian does not yell at us. but despite the fact we spend a lot of time studying, we also have a lot of fun in the library as well — we talk a lot & spend time learning in group sessions !!
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──・⌗ other final things !!
firstly I want to thankyou if you have read this far but - i have more information that i can possibly include ; such as classes and growing up in the golden trio era / as well as a more detailed marauders backstory so please let me know if you want more details on those !!
if you read this far - please have a cookie 🍪 & i really appreciate you !!
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