#ilia x link
ordonianhero · 4 months
I see Uli and Rusl still being parents when the chain visits. They ask for Link to stay with them, where he breaks down and cuddle him till sleep happens. Uli humming to him. Which Time learns to do. To help calm him. Music helps rancher when having a bad day. It’s a comfort. Ilia does the same thing.
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ryllen · 10 months
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[ x . x . x ]
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fftffffghmjj · 1 year
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Midna and Link! I would put a picture of them, but I don't have one. But still, MidLink! It's bonus because it wouldn't work. They would be an amazing realation ship, but Midna broke the Twilight mirror so they can't be together. I WISH IT COULD WORK THOUGH!!!!! :{!
Credits to Uzucake on the first image! Just wanted to let you know who the artist was.
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hugsandchaos · 3 months
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The Twilight Princess gang playing Mario Kart
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Partially inspired by the time I was playing it with my friends and I fell off rainbow road over 20 times, so now Twilight is god awful at it. Shad's also a god for some reason
Ashei and Ilia are fighting to the death for second, meanwhile Shad finished in first by a landslide. Poor Twi is just there...
Anyway, I hope this was nice to look at and have a good existence :]
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a just-for-fun rwby rarepair tournament poll featuring only my favourite ships. im gonna do something for the winner. adorable art by @rubyneo
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archerlullaby · 1 year
For writing, how bout the moment the chain meets Twilight’s childhood friend Ilia. Like how’d they respond to how they are together (friend or relationship it’s up to you) how Twilight is around ilia…..enjoy
ANON THIS IS SUCH A CUTE IDEA! Ilia is such a girlboss and I’m surprised that there aren’t more works out there that have her in it. AND TWI??? Even though he’s a big scary fella on the outside I’m sure he’s the biggest cinnamon roll on the inside. IM SURE HE GETS SO FLUSTERED—
As a side note, I had to keep myself from making Twilight say “Yer darn tootin”, and I can’t tell if I’m pleased or disappointed in myself. Anyways, here’s the food:
Home to You
Twilight groans as he picks his face up from the dirt. He was absolutely certain that the Goddess had it out for him, as his experiences of going through a portal often leave him with a mouthful of mud and grass. To add insult to injury, Time thinks it’s hilarious, and often gives little quips about it whenever can. In fact, it’s Time who hoists him up by his baldric, grinning like a child.
“Didn’t know you went vegan, Rancher!” He says, voice barely hiding a laugh. Twilight growls, spits out the leaves in his mouth, and slaps Time’s hand off his shoulder. Standing, he adjusts his wolf pelt with as much dignity as he could muster. His irritation is short-lived, however, when the familiar scent of his Hyrule makes itself apparent. His heart speeds up, excitement fluttering in his stomach as a wide grin grows on his face. It’s been months since he’s been home. Months! It’s been longer still since he’s been in Ordon Village, as most of the Chain’s adventures lead them primarily to Hyrule Castle.
Twilight turns towards Hyrule, who currently has his hands on his knees and looks like he is about to hurl into the bushes.
“Chin up, Roolie!” He grins, “You can’t be feeling sick when you’re in Ordon! You still have yet to try the famous pumpkin soup!” Hyrule groans, doing his best to settle his stomach. “It’s made with the heartiest pumpkins,” —Hyrule lurches— “The creamiest goat cheese,”—Hyrule turns greener— “And to top it off, the nutrient-filled head of a Rockfish! Eyes and all!” Hyrule finally slaps a hand to his mouth.
“Please stop, I’m begging you,” he groans weakly. Twilight relents and wraps an arm around the smaller man’s shoulders.
“Sorry, I’m just happy to be home!”
Wild picks his way over to his mentor, eyes bright and curious.
“So, where do we go from here? Your village, I’m guessing?” He asks, pulling a twig from his hair and looking at it thoughtfully.
“That’s right, Cub,” Twilight replies, snatching the twig away before Wild can put it in his mouth.
“Then let’s get going! It’s about time I sleep in an actual bed without you know who drooling on me,” Legend butts in and give a pointed stare at Sky, who merely shrugs and smiles. “And,” Legend continues, “I would like at least one night of my life not having to worry about getting mauled by one of Wild’s stupid bears! My hat still hasn’t recovered.” He looks forlornly at his cap, which has six very conspicuous-looking holes in it. Twilight claps him on the shoulder.
“Not to worry, Leg. We’ve got the best bear-free accommodations in the region, and it’s only a half day journey. We’ll make it by nightfall if we start now!” Twilight starts walking through the trees as the others eagerly fall in behind him, spurred on by the promise of beds to sleep on and a warm evening meal.
It takes the group less than half a day’s journey, Twilight’s excitement quickening their pace. The sun, although low in the sky, has yet to touch the horizon as the enter through the village gates. Twilight pauses and takes a big breath in, the familiar scent of sun warmed gardens and grazing animals chasing away any remnants of homesickness. His eyes are drawn towards two small figures rushing towards him
“Liiiiiiiiinnnkkk!” Their voices bounce with each step as the two boys run down the dirt path.
“Malo! Talo!” He laughs, spreading his arms as the boys all but tackle him. When they finally let go, they bounce around him, pulling at his trousers and hands. “How you both have grown!”
The others watch on in mild amusement as their resident tough-guy is harassed by children. The brothers’ loud voices alert the other children in the village, and it’s not long before Twilight has a kid perched on his shoulders, another hooked to his hip, and two others wrapped around each of his legs, weighing down his steps. It’s like this that he makes his way towards his house, running in to other residents of the town along the way. Pergie and Jaggle both wave from their doorstep, and call in Malo and Talo for dinner. The two leave reluctantly, but not before forcing Twilight to promise to show them more bow skills. Rusl greets him with a firm handshake and a pat on the back and Uli pulls him into a crushing hug, planting a kiss on his cheek.
“We know you’re tired dear. We’ve kept your home clean and tidy while you were away, but if you need anything at all, you know where to find us!” Uli winks. She turns to the remaining kids clinging onto Twilight. “And the rest of you, shoo! Link and his friends need rest. You can see him tomorrow!” Twilight nods his thanks, and gestures to the others to follow, trudging the rest of the way to his home.
Opening the door, he smile and beckons everyone in. Wind and Warriors make a beeline for the pile of pillows in the corner, shoving each other out of the way, as Sky gently rests the Master Sword against a cabinet and promptly collapses on the rug.
“Make yourselves comfortable. Wild, can you whip up something—”
“Already on it,” Wild says as he heads back outside.
“Thanks. And please, my home is your home, so don’t feel like—”
“Link?” A soft voice floats down from the loft. A sudden quiet descends upon the group, seven pairs of eyes staring up at the figure of a young woman with gentle eyes and short, lopsided hair. Twilight, the only one not immediately facing the loft, slowly turns around, eyes wide and breath short. When he sees her, his brain promptly short-circuits.
“Ah…I…uh,” he struggles. Finally, he just lifts his hands and simply signs hi. She laughs (like bells, he thinks) and slides down the ladder before approaching him and putting her hands on her hips.
“Hi, farmboy,” she smiles, and Twilight can’t do anything but sheepishly rub the back of his neck. This was his downfall, as this gesture was another attribute that every Link shared, and by Hylia they know what it means.
“You have a girlfriend?” Warriors all but yells.
“Uh—” Twilight is cut off by Time, who comes up behind him and rests his hands on Twilights shoulders.
“Hi. I’m Time. Welcome to the family. I’m happy to see my son is not a lost cause.” Twilight is mortified and buried his face in his hands as Ilia merely laughs and raises an eyebrow. Legend leans on the wall next to her.
“I’m not going to say I’m surprised. I’m not a surprised type of guy. But how in Hylia’s name did you get past the wet dog smell?”
“Wet dog? I think it smells more like goats,” Four chimes in. Wind nods, a shit-eating grin appearing on his face.
“Not to mention he eats like a wild animal!” The Sailor chortles.
“And snores like one too,” Hyrule mumbles.
“ENOUGH!” Twilight wails and shoos everyone back with his hands. His face and neck were red, redder than anyone in the group had ever seen, and the group took far too much delight in seeing their usually broody brother squirm in embarrassment. Twilight turns back to Ilia, unable to meet her eyes.
“This, um, this is the group I’ve been traveling with. You haven’t met them yet ‘cause the last time we were here you and your Pa were in the next village over,” he explains.
“I see,” she replies, holding in a laugh. Twilight all but sighs and goes to turn away to wallow in his humiliation, but before he can, Ilia grabs his shoulders. “Come back here, you!” Her laugh bubbles out of her lips and she pulls him into a bear hug. He melts into it, almost draping himself over her smaller frame. A collective awww from the group and a whistle from Wars makes Ilia stand on her tiptoes and peek over Twilight’s shoulder.
“Now hush!” She says sternly. Everyone’s mouths immediately snap shut. “This poor boy has had enough embarrassment for one evenin.” Twilight nods into her shoulder.
The others finally began to go about their own business, stealing amused glances at the couple. It was Sky who timidly approaches the two when Twilight finally broke the hug.
“Hi, I’m Sky. You seem like a very nice person!” Sky’s smile was nothing if not genuine. Ilia returns it
“Ilia. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I notice you didn’t chime in on embarrassing my farmboy here,” she pats Twilight’s shoulder. Sky laughs.
“I get the same treatment when we visit my home, trust me when I tell you. I figured I’d let him catch a break this time,” he replies, throwing a wink towards Twi. He nods his thanks, but not before he looses a large yawn, one which Sky can’t help but return. The Skyloftian stretches and heads towards the lounge.
“You all must be exhausted!” She turns back towards Twilight, “I’ve been the one keeping your home ready for you. Why don’t you go settle down and I’ll make you all some warm milk?”
“Could you, maybe, stay with me for a little while longer? Then you can warm the milk?”
She smiles softly.
“How can I refuse those puppy-dog eyes? Fine. Come on, then.” She grabs his hand and pulls him towards the lounge where everyone else had made themselves comfortable. He makes his way to a vacant space and gently pushes an already sleepy Sky to lean the other way. Settling in on one of the cushioned seats, Twilight pulls Ilia down next to him and hooks an arm around her to pull her close as she snuggles in to his side. He allows himself a small smile and rests his head on top of hers. It was then he caught Time’s gaze. It was soft and warm, his eyes crinkling slightly at the edges. It was a look only reserved for moments when he spoke of home and family, or when Wind would best one of the older boys in a spar. A rare look to be certain. Twilights smile grew. He’s proud of me. He closes his eyes and lets himself take in the comfort of his home, the woman at his side, Sky’s soft snores, and even the muted bickering between Wars, Wind, and Legend about something or the other. He feels safe. Warm. Loved. It was the most peaceful he’s felt for so long, and he basks in the feeling. That is, until Wild kicks the door open with a loud BANG that has everyone scrambling.
“Dinners done. Wait, what the hell?” He drops the food. “YOU’VE GOT A WIFE?”
Twilight groans and hides his face in Ilia’s hair. This was going to be a long evening.
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summertimemusician · 11 months
Linktober (Shadow) Day 10
(Puppet) Zelda
Summer Stop Showcasing Your Love for Twilight Princess and Sleep Deprivedly Writing when Exam Season is Right Around the Corner Challenge (Impossible) /j
Look, we don't talk enough about the Zelda's (or as I affectionately call them, Valkyries) and certainly not about Dusk, whom I am still so bitter that they gave her such a good design but never did anything with it, hence this is my attempt to fix that by giving her the spotlight and some love and give homage to the original Puppet Zelda, Dusk walked so Flora could run it (or well, TP Ganon did so TOTK Ganon could), hence I smashed these two prompts together lol, might make it a two parter after the others are done, but for now as always it's left to interpretation.
As always anything can be read as romantic or platonic or in and out of an LU concept, though the names are used for convenience and to give a rough idea of which kind of scenario we're working with here. Though it's less one of the boys and reader and more one of the ladies and reader this time, if that's not your cup of tea then kindly scroll by, again, this is just something very self indulgent before I pass out and work on the rest lol.
Anyway, good reading!
You slowly but surely came to adore festivals in Hyrule.
No matter the era, it filled you with so much joy whenever your group would come to a new Hyrule during the Hylian holidays, from the Picori Festival in Four's Era, to the Harvest Festival in Legend's, the Pioneering Celebration's in Wind's or the Spring and Summer Equinoxes in Time's and Warrior's, it usually meant your heroes would get the chance to unwind and relax, to eat good food with little worry for a portal (as they strangely didn't appear directly during festival days), you could see the Chain's family and friend's and have such a good time eating or dancing or learning the tradition's from your boy's. Such a stroke of luck came the next time you landed on Twilight's Era, as well as an invitation letter from Dusk to come to Castle Town and celebrate.
(Also translated as 'The nobles are probably hounding her about having 'The One Who Purged the Twilight' make at least one appearance in the castle and she couldn't stall them anymore' by Twilight, with tone tinged by exasperation and aggravation both, albeit much less than the poison of the sharp bitterness of Legend towards the nobility, Wild's tense silence that could mean a memory, or even Warrior's passive aggressiviness when it came to formal events.)
It would be the first time you'd truly meet a Zelda since joining the Chain, and Dusk was likely the most curious case, being crowned queen soon after the Twilight invasion was over and done with and only show during times of war and the only one to have an almost fully cordial relationship with Twilight until the coronation (even Time was closer with Lullaby according to Malon, likely due to knowing her future self). Neither you nor Twilight could say you knew much about her compared to the other's and their respective princesses (or queen's in Warrior's case), so it was a surprise to be invited at all though none of you could say you minded, the plaza of Castle Town was brilliantly decorated in the late autumn sun,  with the decorations glowing orange, yellow and blue witth lanterns and banners all around Castle Town, with decorated shops many stalls rented out for food, games and people, from young children laughing as they played to couples stealing kisses to family and friend's reuniting, it was no surprise you and your boys also got lost in the excitment after having set off from Ordon's own festival, decked out in fall colors and the green many of them favored and paint made to mimic Ordona's markings , you and Twilight getting swept away in the dance at the center with one of the many traveling troupes of musicians, you couldn't help your bright grin to match his as you occasionaly had to dodge running children in between the spinning dancers, clapping along to the song, just a few dances before you had to head on to the castle and finally meet Zelda wouldn't hurt, right?
"Pardon me," Came the soft, musical tone of your new partner, spiriting you away from Twilight with a small smile as he excused himself to find WIld and hopefully some refreshments.
At least that was what you thought, before almost having your heart jump out of your throat by Queen Zelda Vespera Hyrule herself entering the ring of dancers, taking you as a partner.
She spun you around with a hum, you almost struggled to keep up in your shock thought thankfully she held you steady, dark, ash inked hair held steady in a braided crown, looseing around her shoulders and eyes vibrant with vaguely masked cerulean amusement as she shook her head, the lanterns casting burning gold upon her irises, "No need for that. I'd rather my presence not be announced. I thought I'd meet you and Link halfway, away from the court." Another twirl, and she sighs, understandingly, as regal as ever, her gloved palm upon yours warm as you are sure your face is, "He's expressed dislike for the castle in the past and I cannot blame him for such, it's only fair I find him first then, after all he's done for us."
You are briefly separated, as you digest the information and reeling from the surprise, it makes sense. None of the Link's were overly fond of Hyrule Castle and Twilight was no exception, with the nobles who minimally contributed to anything yet demanded reward or for their schemes to be enabled and the complacent knights, easily swayed by the honeyed words of vipers and who were useless in the face of true danger even during the invasion, none of your boys - even Warriors who learned how to swim or drown in that mess - felt comfortable there. You can't imagine it wasn't similar for Dusk, even growing up among them.
... She did seem very lonely, even back then.
You dance back into her arms, nodding easily as you take her in, with her hair braided in white ribbons and cream, ruffled poet's shirt and lightly heeled riding boots, she really did look just like any other young woman out for a night of festival fun, albeit breathtakingly beautiful just the same, "Alright then, would Zelda be fine then?"
Her smile was radiant, as bright as the lanterns in the plaza in contrast to her shaded lips, voice soft like the whisper of a breeze through autumn leaves, "It's perfect, I'm so glad to finally be able to meet you personally." She twirls you, and you laugh as it transitions into an unexpected dip, the disguised queen giggling in turn and it's soft and fluttering, "Link's letters don't do you full justice, the flesh is much more captivating than the imagination."
"Says the Queen of Hyrule," You snipe back, hoping to all being's holy in this land and the realms beyond that you are not flushing crimson enough to outshine the lanterns, you briefly catch a glimpse of Twilight, standing somewhere just beyond the dancers and sipping on an apple cider, you lock eyes and you briefly tilt your chin to Zelda, 'So. This is the Queen of Hyrule. HELP?!'
He briefly looks you over, seemingly studying the situation, then gives you a wolfish smirk at whatever he saw, 'Have fun.' He mouths, taking a long swig.
'Traitor.' You hiss in your thoughts because turns out you are NOT well equipped to handle Hylian Royalty suddenly sweeping you off your feet (literally) without ample preparation and your only hope of composing yourself clearly wasn't going to help, so you smile and continue on, "I'm hardly that much, but thank you, y- Zelda."
"Nonsense," She primly answers, before you switch partners once more, to the left, then back to Dusk, and back again, she tilts her head, humming contemplatively, "Would you mind showing me around the festival? I'm sure Link won't mind if I steal you for a couple moments."
You chuckle, "I hardly know Castle Town all that well myself, I doubt I'd be a good guide." And that's true, you've only seen it distantly, during Twilight's adventure, it could hardly compare to the real thing.
She smiles, somethibg soft and beautiful and sharp with amusement, eyes glinting like clouded aquamarine, rhodedendron eargerness and hydrangea beautiful, "Then I suppose we'll just explore it together then, shall we go?"
"We shall." You answer back, after all, it's not everyday you can say you went to a festival with a Zelda.
She links her arm with yours, grip tight and warm.
(Later, although not much later, Twilight will meet Dusk at Telma's.
She had not even seen you on the way, though she had been looking forward to your meeting.)
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tekkonair · 6 months
All The World's a Stage Chapter 16 - An Apple on the Coast
Chapters: 16/?? Fandom: RWBY Rating: Teen Warnings: None Relationships: (eventual) Weiss Schnee/Pyrrha Nikos/Ilia Amitola Summary:
Providence. Remnant's newest Huntsman Academy, located in the merchant city of Argus. A sanctuary, a place of new opportunities and  new beginnings, threatened by the cogs of imperial hegemony.
Pyrrha Nikos. A champion and a jester, no longer at home in the arena or the circus ring.
Weiss Schnee. An heiress and a genetic fluke, a victim of a sundered marriage and one man's hate.
Ilia Amitola. An orphan and a freedom fighter, running from her past in search of a new beginning.Will Providence be the home they're looking for?
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theviceenforcer · 1 year
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The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - Passing the Torch
Just before returning the Master Sword and departing Hyrule, Link would train his childhood friend Ilia in Swordsmanship and all the things he learned during his time saving Hyrule from Ganondorf and Zant so she can defend herself in case he isn't able to return. Ilia would become the guardian of Ordon Village to protect it's inhabitants from threats. The Hero's Shade would be proud.
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ordonianhero · 9 months
*day dreaming of ilia and Link having a little cute Christmas time together*
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avionvadion · 1 year
Just to confirm the Gandondorf revived AU takes place in the AOC timeline, not BOTW, right? If that's the case I have to wonder, what if Link, Zelda & the Champions encounter him? Will they mmediately know who he is?
Correct! It takes place a hundred years after the events of AoC. Hyrule is thriving, no cities were destroyed, and all is well in the world during the time of peace.
If anyone recognizes Ganondorf for who he is, it would be Zelda or Riju. That said, Zelda is super ancient now and is in the castle, and Riju is all the way in Gerudo. Link is in Zora’s Domain married to Mipha.
But, who knows? Maybe Purah still made that anti aging device and gave her Hylian friends a few extra years with it, so they’re not as old as they actually should be…
And by that I mean Link and Zelda probably look like they’re in their sixties instead of being a hundred and seventeen.
If Grandma Zelda pays a visit to Ganondorf and Iliandra, it’s because the most recent descendant or whatever fell ill/died and there was no else to pass on the goddess’ bloodline, except Zelda herself but she’s old and had enough of that. So she had a prophetic vision of there being another goddess blood descendant, and when she sees Iliandra realization dawns because of course it was her, the Hero of Time was the lost little brother of his Princess Zelda.
But oh, no, who is that man with her…? Why does he look so familiar? Why does she have such a bad feeling? Wait, amnesia??? That doesn’t…
Zelda knows who he is, and knows why he’s with Iliandra and her brothers now. Hylia planned this. That’s why she’s here and not in Zora’s Domain. Sidon was too late. Time goes different for Zora, he must have lost track of the years- now Iliandra is here with…
And it’s very obvious by the rings on their hands that they’re married.
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jullbnt · 7 months
Ah, been loving all your art work. They flow and you feel the images.
Could I ask a request? If it’s not too much?
Hm, 👉🏻👈🏻 a rare pair. I was thinking something like Twilight and Ilia showing off their villages cultural dance? Or you are free to do something else of them?
Thank you so much!!
I have no idea how people dance in Ordon but Beth and Colin are still getting a lesson :))
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(I don’t ship Link and Ilia at all and only think of them as close friends, but I won’t stop you if you want to see this in a shippy way)
Ballet and then this, looks like I am now running the one and only LoZ x dance blog 😆
I won’t accept more requests at the moment! This is a request I received for my 500 followers celebration and I still have a few to do :)
Answered art requests
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hxney-lemcn · 7 days
Distance Makes the Heart Grow Confused — Twilight Princess! Link x gn! reader
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summery: you find your life turning monotonous without your childhood friend around, but when he comes back you find yourself conflicted. thankfully, he has his ways of making you feel better.
tw: mentions of getting hurt (not described tho), hurt/comfort, linked universe.
a/n: ALWEHFDLKGJ I LOVE LINK!!!! Finally wrote for him!!! Words kept getting put down I couldn't stop myself. Also, heavily inspired by @maple-the-awesome's The Chain Meets You, His Partner but also vastly different lol (so go read that too if you haven't).
wc: 3.6k
Master List
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Trying to ignore the sweat that dripped down your brow, you continued to watch Talon hack and swing at the dummy that was set just outside of Link’s treehouse. He had left, again, on a dangerous mission that you had little to no information about. Once again left in the dark. So you didn’t think he’d mind if you used his equipment for training. You're being filled with sorrow for multiple reasons, but the main one at the moment was for Talon, who felt the need to learn how to fight to protect the village. A task that  you had failed at. Something that ate at not only you, but Rusl, Colin’s own father. It ate at you for a different reason than Rusl, as not only had you failed at protecting the other children, but you had failed Link, who had set out and brought them back. A task that shouldn’t have fallen onto his shoulders solely, but became his burden to bear as both you and Rusl were too hurt to travel, let alone fight. 
You had cried when he came back (much to your embarrassment). Cried happily that he returned. Then cried solemnly when he had told you about how he not only saved the children of Ordon, but had saved all of Hyrule. Cried for just how quickly he had to grow in the few months of his travels, how he found solace with someone that wasn’t you (you knew that was selfish, but you just couldn’t help it). If the villagers had thought you and Link were close before, they were surprised that you had managed to become closer. You never left his side, always trying to do chores before he had the chance. Link needed time to rest, but you knew he would refuse to…so you had to force him somehow.
That felt like forever ago as he once again found himself placed with an even heavier burden than before. Traveling through different dimensions to kill some sort of shadow beast. You weren’t one hundred percent on the details as Link as rushidly explained that he was leaving and he wasn’t sure for how long. That had been months ago, and you found yourself taking over his role in the village. You were the ranch hand now, as well as the defender since Rusl was needed at home to help take care of his newborn. Which led you to this moment, teaching Talon how to defend himself. He was still young, so he had time to learn of the best stances, strikes, defenses, and more. And even if you weren’t as great as Link when it came to a fight, but you were still pretty darn good, which is why Talon asked you. 
You were brought out of your reverie when Talon let out an excited cheer, jumping up and down as he pointed out the broken pumpkin that once acted as the dummy’s head. With a small smile, you congratulated the young boy, telling him to go take a break and play with the other kids. To your satisfaction he did just that, running off into the village as you let out a sigh. You didn’t mind the kids, in fact, half the village were kids. No, you just weren’t as close to them as Link or Ilia were, but they didn’t seem to mind your awkwardness. Just as you were about to make your own way into the village for your much needed break, you were caught off guard as you were brought into an embrace. Panicking, you went to elbow whoever decided it would be a smart idea to catch you off guard, only to be swung around in a circle. You grasped onto the strong arms that held you by your waist, turning your head only to see your greatest cause of stress for the past few months. 
A mix of emotions washed over you as Link set you down, letting you turn to face him fully. Happy once more to see the man you loved, relieved to see that he was not only alive, but no visible injuries, and a bit annoyed. Annoyed that he just pops back in and acts like nothing had happened, like he hadn’t just left you alone again, like he hadn’t just left for a mission that could’ve left him dead in a world he was unfamiliar with. Where you would’ve never known of his status, if he was alive or dead, left to forever ponder the fate of your childhood friend. In the end, your relief won, staring into his azure eyes that shone with pure adoration and happiness. 
“You’re back already?” You whispered, like if you spoke any louder he’d shatter before you and you’d wake from a dream. He nodded, always one who expressed himself with his actions instead of words. “To stay?” You clarified, and that was when your heart dropped. His smile fell, and his gaze drifted away from you. 
Yet he still refused to let you go, if anything he pulled you in closer as he spoke in a similar hushed whisper, “Came here to restock our supplies.” Before you could ask what he meant by ‘our’, you heard multiple footsteps approach, causing you to pull away from Link much to his dismay. Each time he was pulled away from you he felt like he was missing a part of himself. He almost downright refused to leave you when he came back from saving the forest temple and saw you laying battered and bruised in your bed. Your despondent attitude had caused him great heartache, unable to stay and lift your spirits as he had to clear the twilight from the rest of Hyrule. Instead, he kissed your battered and bruised skin that day hoping that his love and adoration for you would seep through your skin and reach your bruised soul. Instead, it seemed his affection had done the opposite, and as you littered his own face with kisses of your own, he could feel the regret, self hatred, and sadness drenched in each and every peck. You had given him the most soul crushing look as he exited your room to continue his journey. He knew at that moment you blame yourself for the children being taken, for not being able to come and help him on his journey.
And just when everything seemed to go back to as normal as life could get, it got uprooted once more. That sorrow filled your eyes once more when he brought up leaving soon. Once more, he longed to stay by your side as your hand cupped his cheek, stating that he shouldn’t have the world rest upon his shoulders again, how it wasn’t fair he couldn’t just live his life like any other hylian. Deep down Link knew you were right, and as he met the Links from the other dimensions, he knew it was unfair that they also had to bear similar burdens. Yet at the same time it was a solace that he met others who were dealt similar hands as him. So when it was time to go back to his dimension, where you would be there to greet him, Link had been overcome with eagerness, wanting to see you once more, talk of his adventures, and give you a few items he deemed you’d enjoy. He completely forgot it wasn’t to stay, and when your loving expression turned sour he felt his heart drop. 
Before he could try to cheer you, the rest of his group had finally caught up, causing you to stare at the multiple blond men who wore green tunics. You blinked rapidly, wondering if you had hit your head to cause such a sight, because it almost seemed like many Links of different variations stood before you. 
“So this was why you were running so fast,” One of them huffed, the only major difference was the scarf he wore around his neck. An awkward air settled around you all, and you found yourself itching for a reason to excuse yourself. You’re sure anyone Link would travel with was nice, but you always had a harder time getting to know new people. 
“Everyone, meet my friend,” Link gestured to you, a warm smile lining his lips once more. Then he introduced you to each individual. Apparently they were all Link, just from their own times/dimensions. It was honestly hard to wrap your head around the whole situation, but they all went by unusual names to clarify who was who. Your Link being called Twilight (or Twi) due to the darkness your land had fallen to years ago. 
“It’s nice to meet you all,” You smiled politely, hoping to not come off as awkward as you felt. “Unfortunately I have to go help Fado with the ranch now.”
“I can–” Before your Link could offer to help, you sent him a sharp glare that quickly shut him up. 
“You need to rest,” You scolded, and as your gaze fell onto the others you clarified. “You all need some rest. You should stay for the night at least, Link—Twi has room in his house to fit you all.”
“No buts,” You shook your head, already starting to walk towards the village, the argument ending before it could even begin. You could hear some chuckles from the group, but you paid no regard. 
To clear your mind from everything that just happened moments prior, you found yourself cleaning the goats stalls at Fado’s ranch. Clearing and refilling their food and water troughs, shoveling out their poop, stacking hay bales that will be used the next day, then preparing to herd all the goats back into the barn. A routine you had grown accustomed to in Link's absence. This was his job…had been his job, but it was yours in the meantime. It unsettled you how well the village could do in the absence of Link, how no one dared to utter his name. Or perhaps they thought the topic would upset you…they wouldn’t be wrong in that regard. 
Just as the sun started to set, you closed the doors to the barn, ready to head back to your home and prepare a warm bath to rid yourself of the grim accumulated from a day of hard work. Of course things could never be so easy. Link stood by the gate, watching you close up. As you approached the blond hero, those tumultuous feelings from earlier rose once more, unsure if you could handle any more emotional encounters. 
“Come,” Link waved at you, nodding towards the village. “Wild made dinner.” You planted your feet, ceasing your movements as you felt your eyebrows furrow. On one hand, you felt like you were being unfair to Link's companions, but on the other, you felt completely exhausted both mentally and physically. Waking up before the sun rises and falling asleep long after it sets does one to someone's body. Not to mention the constant work that was piled onto you, from working on the ranch to training Talon, you hadn’t had much time to yourself, and you weren’t sure if that was a good or bad thing. And when Link sensed that you stopped, turning around to face you, you're sure the bags under your eyes, slouched posture, and how you could barely keep your eyes open screamed everything you felt. The bone deep ache that just wouldn’t go away. 
Still, he grabbed your hand. His calloused palm slotted in perfectly with your own. As he pulled you past everyone’s house, stopping in front of his own you almost gave in, too tired to fight back. Instead he quickly went in and came out with two bowls of what you assume is stew. You quickly grabbed the bowls before he could spill them on his climb down. Once more, he grabbed his bowl, then your hand, and pulled you towards the spring.
The crystal water lapped at your feet after you pulled your boots and socks off, curling your toes in the pristine sand. Both you and Link sat in silence as you ate, the starry sky peaking through the trees that swayed with the small breeze. Slowly, you found your body unwinding, each tense muscle coming loose with each small wave of the spring. The stew was good as well, filling your stomach with something other than the basics you had been forcing yourself to eat. You scowled into your bowl when you realized you were feeling better than you had in a long time, and that always seemed to be when Link was by your side. 
Like he could sense your thoughts, he scooted closer to you, arm to arm, nearly thigh to thigh. Lifting your gaze, you were met with his worried one. His eyes searched your face like he was deciphering a language only he could…and in a sense maybe that was true. With a full belly and an exhausted body and mind, your eyes started to droop and you leaned against the blonde next to you. No matter what, he was still Link, still your childhood friend that you grew up with, and you’d always cherish him. 
“I missed you,” He muttered, gently brushing away any hair that managed to fall onto your face.
“I missed you too,” You mumbled back, the warmth of his body inviting you into a peaceful sleep. A comforting silence had fallen over you both, making it harder for your struggle to stay awake.
“I love you,” Was all your mind could barely comprehend before you fell unconscious. 
When you awoke the next morning, you half expected to be by the spring with a sleeping Link by your side. But to your disappointment you were in your room. Of course, being the gentleman he is, he carried you home and even tucked you in. You’d have half the mind to be embarrassed, but this was Link we’re talking about. You both had done and said more embarrassing things around each other than you’d like to admit. And when you opened the curtains you nearly had a heart attack realizing you were late as the sun had already risen a good amount. You shuffled around the room and put on your clothes, trying to ignore the thought that Link had undressed you for your comfort the previous night. Stumbling into your last boot, you ran as fast as you could, ignoring your rumbling stomach in favor of not getting scolded. (Not that Fado would actually scold you, if anything he’d be thanking Ordona for letting you rest a bit). 
Arriving at the ranch, apologies lining your tongue, you felt your mouth drop at the sight of all the Links already at work. The smallest Link, Wind, if you remember correctly, dropped his crate at the sight of you and ran over. You winced, hoping that the crate didn’t contain eggs or glass, but got sidetrack as the young boy smiled brightly at you, asking a ton of questions right out of the gate. 
“Good morning! Did Twi go out with you last night? What did y’all do? He seemed pretty happy when he came back. How did you both meet? Are you both–” Wind was quickly cut off as an older Link approached with a stern look. 
“Wind, you know better than to toss crates around,” Time scolded. “And don’t overwhelm the young one with too many questions. Now go and finish stacking those crates.” With a pout, the kid gave you one last look before dashing back to his previous task, leaving you and the older male alone. Helplessly, you watched all the chores you typically get done ten times faster than you’ve ever seen, feeling unsure what to do without work. Seeming to sense your cluelessness, Time spoke up once more, mentioning that Twilight had stayed behind at his house. And so, you found yourself wandering over, only to pout this time. Link was watching Talon’s new skills with the sword, all the village kids watching them both. 
Beth had spotted you first, shouting your name and waving at you with a giant smile, “Look! Link’s back and he’s gonna spar with Talon!” “Spar?” You repeated as you blinked. Talon was in no way shape or form ready to spar yet, but Link had a sparkle in his eye that only spelled mischief when your gazes met. Talon was jumping up and down, excited to not only see Link again, but to do something you had been holding off on. With a resigned sigh, you only shook your head, letting out a short ‘okay.’ The two got into a fighting stance, and you had to fight the itch to correct Talon’s incorrect posture. Instead, you continued to watch from the sidelines as Link let Talon start with the first strike. The skill difference was obvious, and it was clear that Link was going easy, but in the end, Talon ended up knocked to the ground. And as you expected, Talon complained, waving off his own mistakes and pinning it onto someone or something else. To your surprise, instead of asking for a rematch, Talon ran off with his friends following shortly after. 
Bumping your shoulder slightly, Link drew your attention back to him, a boyish smile resting on his lips. After all this time, all the hardships he went through, he still managed to have a young air around him. You weren’t sure how he did it. You reciprocated the gesture, bumping into his shoulder slightly harder. 
“I don’t know what to do,” You couldn’t help but confess. “All the work is getting done and I feel like I should be doing something.” Link looked up with a hum, tapping his chin in thought for a few seconds. That cunning grin once again settled on his face before he grabbed your hand and sprinted towards the springs. 
“The springs, again?” You asked with a short laugh. “Didn’t we do this last night?” You felt your skin prickle as he sent you a devious look, picking you up like you were nothing and tossing you into the water. Thankfully, he threw you into the deeper part, or else that fall would’ve surely hurt. Wiping the water from your eyes, you sent the man your best glare you could muster, grabbing the front of his tunic and pulling him in further. In retaliation, he sent a wave of water at your face with a chuckle. With a huff, you tried to do the same, but the wave wasn’t as big as you’d like it to have been and you both laughed. You felt the darkness that had enveloped your heart slowly melt away as both you and Link played like you used to when merely children. Something you had missed dearly in the past few years. 
As your playful fight slowed, you couldn’t stop yourself from watching Link, or how the water fell from his hair and dripped back into the spring. The last three words he muttered last night rung back through your head. All the love and adoration you held for him gathered into a pool, ready to spill past your lips, and who were you to fight that? Not you, you thought as you eyed his lovely smile, one you would die for. 
“I love you,” You stated, heart beating wildly as Link turned to face you. At first he looked at you with shock, but that melted into pure warmth and affection as he waded closer. So close that you felt your body warm at the mere thought of his touch, felt your heart quiver in anticipation for his next move, and stomach flutter with all the love you held. 
It was silly. When you were younger, you recalled that you’d pretend to be his spouse and play house. How you stated you’d both get married someday, and how he would always go along with your nonsense. You said all those things with your full chest before, but now saying your true feelings felt like a battle. It made everything more real, and as you grew older you assumed he had never taken your childish ramblings seriously. Yet you seemed to be proven wrong as he gently cupped your face with one hand, the touch sending heat blazing throughout your entire being. As he leaned in closer, you closed your eyes, expecting a kiss…only for him to nuzzle your nose with his own. Yet the disappointment was drowned with the fuzzy butterflies that flew in your stomach at such an intimate act. One so loving and pure. 
Link’s actions screamed volumes louder than any words could as he littered both your cheeks, forehead, nose, chin, or anywhere he could reach with kisses. A bittersweet reminder of the day he came back after twilight had taken over. And just like that day, you reciprocated, this time with a heart full of light and happiness. Instead of ending it there, you pulled him in for a proper kiss, one you had wanted for as long as you could remember. He wasn’t as surprised by your actions as you wished he’d be as he reciprocated without hesitation. You didn’t mind his chapped lips, or the way you both kissed clumsily, because this was Link. Your Link. And you wouldn’t have him any other way.
And once you both pulled away breathless, ignoring how you both still stood in the spring with sopping wet clothes sticking to your skin, you took in the other's presence. The warmth you both offered each other, the happiness, the love, the need and the want. You were like two pieces to a puzzle, a part of you missing with the other gone. And in that moment, everything felt like it clicked into place. He may still need to continue his journey, but you knew that he’d always find his way back to you, just like he’d always know where to find you.
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119 notes · View notes
thehighladywrites · 9 months
— “ me? jealous? of course I am…”
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☀︎- pairing: Professor Eris x reader, part 2
☀︎- summary: Your secret relationship with Eris is going excellent, until Professor Jensen steps in and tries to flirt with him. Of course, you go ahead and flirt with your classmate as revenge. What do you do when you’re then caught by the same professor as youre bent over Eris’s desk, getting railed?
☀︎- warnings: smut, jealousy on both sides, getting caught, reader being called whore, public sex, PROTECTIVE READER, professor Rhysand is mentioned👀, Feyre being an amazing friend that helps reader scheme, blackmail, Eris realizing he is in love with reader, fluff, taboo relationships, both are obviously old enough.
☀︎- amara’s note: I loved writing this, reader is literally so hot in this omg, also this isn’t my best work but i really liked it anyways!! if u see any typos, your eyes are deceiving you🤷🏽‍♀️
Part 1
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Black miniskirt with a white top or the beige pants with a knit sweater?
Surrounded by clothes, scattered across your dorm, you found yourself stuck between two outfit choices. Both looked good, but as you considered where you'd be wearing them, a mischievous smile crossed your face. Opting for an even shorter skirt, you couldn't help but anticipate the classes ahead.
After the confrontation with Professor Eris, you began meeting in secret, kissing between classes, fucking in locked closets, having lowkey meetings at his house. You exchanged numbers and found yourselves frequently texting too.
Well, sext is more like it.
The exchange of messages, if discovered, held the potential to lead to catastrophic consequences. The risk heightened the thrill and danger of the secret relationship, creating a clandestine affair between you.
There had been nudes and videos, audios and links. There had been some blush inducing texting, his words always sparking something in you. Eris was a true charmer, skillfully making you feel exactly what he wrote with a magnetic touch in his messages.
Dressing swiftly and slipping on your shoes, you and Feyre head to class. The only class you shared alone with him was Advanced Literature, but you also had Philosophy together, with Feyre joining in as well.
“You're glowing, Y/N. Any particular reason?” you heard the playful tone in her voice, suspecting that she must have some inkling about someone special in your life.
Shit, you had to be more careful. Feyre was vicious when it came to solving things, and she was one of the most intelligent people you knew. If you told her about Eris, you knew she'd keep it a secret, especially since she always raved about Professor Rhysand in International Relations. She might be a little weirded out, but she wouldn't judge.
“Okay, fine, I'm seeing someone, but you can't tell anyone, promise me. He's very, um, shy and he doesn't like to be around people. Maybe I'll introduce you guys to him sometime in the future, but it's still so new,” you confessed with a half truth, hoping Feyre didn’t see through your bullshit.
Feyre looked at you curiously from the side of her eye and nodded, promising that she'd never tell anyone.
“Is he at least good to you? I mean, he must be. I've never seen you like this before. You're happier than ever. Just please tell me it's not Ilias. He doesn't deserve you, and he never will,” she expressed, concern and sincerity in her voice as she grabbed your hand.
Squeezing her hand back, you assured her that it was over between you and your ex for good this time.
“I promise, Fey. It's over with him. I actually can't believe I went back to him so many times. I literally saw him yesterday in the cafeteria, and I nearly threw up; he was icking me out. Let’s just say that the guy I'm seeing is a bit older, he's really hot, and he makes me feel super good, if you know what I mean.”
You wiggled your brows, and Feyre threw her head back, laughing at your suggestiveness. You kept holding each other's hands until you got to class, finding comfort in your friend.
You insisted on sitting at the front, ensuring a clear view of your little secret. The desks were the perfect height, and when he sat at his own desk, he'd have an unobstructed view of your skirt. Just the thought pulled a sly smile from your lips.
The big doors opened up with a thud, and his steps resonated throughout the entire lecture hall. You looked at him and immediately had to look away before a blush crept up on your face. Eris was wearing black, sleek slacks that hugged his thighs and a crisp white shirt, showing his bulging arms. His shoulders looked so fucking massive,he looked so good it nearly made you drool.
He sneaked a glance in your direction before his eyes dropped to your skirt. He huffed a small, subtle smile and looked away.
Every time your eyes met, your stomach turned molten, and your thighs clenched. One look from him, and you'd honestly do anything he wanted. Throughout the entire class, you simply scribbled, pretending to hear a word he said. It felt like your whole body vibrated everytime he asked you a question, finding reasons to keep eye contact without anyone raising any alarms.
However, your little dreamy bubble was burst when another professor came in, her heels clicking against the floor in an uneven manner.
Your stomach sank as she got closer and closer to Eris. Your pen eventually snapped from the force of your grip when she put her grubby little fingers all over his arm, fluttering her eyelashes at him as she smiled and pressed her boobs against him.
But what really pissed you off was that he smiled at her.
It felt like someone was sitting on your chest, making your teeth clench. You were seething inside, angry that someone dared to touch him like this. Even though you had been sneaking around for just over two months, you had grown a bit possessive over him and really didn’t like it when other people got so close.
A pout crept onto your face as you looked around, noticing that no one paid much attention to them. Your fellow classmates took the opportunity to chat, oblivious to the storm brewing within you.
Feyre couldn't help but notice the visible change in your demeanor as your eyes burred into Eris.
The pout on your face, the tension in your shoulders – it all screamed discomfort. With a keen eye, she observed the unwarranted familiarity of the other woman's touch on Eris's arm.
Feyre raised an eyebrow and nudged you gently with an amused smile.
“What's going on, Y/N? You look like you're ready to kill someone.”
Your eyes flickered between Feyre and the scene with Eris, frustration evident in your expression. “That professor is all over him, Fey. It's making my blood boil. I mean, we’re in the middle of class, how unprofessional and disgusting to be flirting with him. And who knows, maybe he has a girl or a wife or something. She shouldn’t just do that.”
Having had enough of the scene in front of you, you stood up abruptly, grabbing your bag with frustration evident in your movements. As you left the classroom, you didn’t spare Eris a single look as you felt his eyes burning into yhe back of your head. Glancing back at Feyre, you cocked your head toward the door, silently asking if she was coming. She swiftly gathered her things, a mischievous glint in her eyes, and skipped over to join you in exiting the classroom.
Feyre smirked knowingly before whispering, “So, you fucking the professor or what?”
Your cheeks heated up, and you stammered, “Well, it's new, and I didn't want to say anything yet, but yeah. And before you ask, no it’s not for the grade. I really like him and he likes me back. We just have to keep it under wraps at school but we’re not using each other. And how the hell did you know, am I really that obvious?”
Feyre chuckled. “Baby, it's written all over your face. Don't worry; your secret is safe with me. Now, how are we going to handle this?”
Together, you and Feyre plotted a subtle yet effective way to make him jealous. Little did you know, your friend was excited to have some drama to navigate, especially involving a professor.
Your phone vibrated for the millionth time in the past days. Eris had been persistent, trying to reach out through calls and texts, but you'd been deliberately ignoring him all week. Regret gnawed at you, and anger surged as you recalled how he allowed that girl to touch him so publicly. Hurt and frustration clouded your thoughts, envisioning what could have happened if they were alone.
A sense of unease crept in, wondering if he grew tired of the secrecy and sought someone more mature and available—someone who wouldn't risk landing him in legal trouble. The uncertainty lingered, leaving you with a mixture of emotions.
Maybe you were a bit dramatic for completely ignoring him, but who cares?
You swallowed hard and got dressed, opting for the same skirt you had on the last time. Today, you had a plan—a little revenge against Eris. Your strategy involved flirting with a classmate, and you knew just the person: Ilias's best friend, Alex, who always used to check you out when you were dating Ilias. It seemed like the perfect opportunity.
Entering the hall, you slumped down next to him, subtly rearranging your hair and adjusting your bra, making yourself look absolutely irresistible. The game was on, and you were ready to see how Eris would react to a taste of his own medicine.
He was already there, eyes tracking and narrowing when you slumped down next to Alex.
“Hi Alex, how are you doing?” you asked, tilting your body so that he’d have a nice view of your pushed up tits.
His face turned red and he gave you a shy smile.
“Hey, y/n. I’m good, a bit surprised you’re talking to me.”
Yeah, you were really fucking surprised too.
You sighed dramatically. “ Ugh, I totally understand. I mean, I really wanted to befriend you back then, but you know how Ilias is. Always so possessive. Guess he was really threatened by you. He always thought I'd leave him for you, and if I'm honest, I probably would've. You're really cute.”
Your words hung in the air, leaving a calculated impression as you watched his reaction, wondering how this little act would play into your plan.
His eyes widened in surprise, and a subtle grin formed on his face. “Ilias always had a way of complicating things, huh? Well, I'm flattered, hot stuff. I hope you're doing okay now.”
You leaned in, lowering your voice as you let your breast spill out slightly, knowing that Eris was watching your every move.
“Oh, I'm doing much better now. Free from all that drama. Maybe we should grab a coffee sometime and catch up. You know, properly.”
He chuckled, a hint of mischief in his expression. “Sure, sounds like a plan. I'd love to hear more about your new freedom.”
You blew him a kiss before you left him with a seductive smile, the plan unfolded just as you'd hoped. Now, you anticipated Eris's reaction, eager to see how he'd handle the tables turning.
Eris was visibly fuming, shooting Alex murderous glares. Throughout the entire lecture, he directed almost every question to him, knowing damn well that he wouldn't be able to answer them.
“That's the fourth question you've gotten wrong, Mr. Halsted. Are you sure this is the right class for you? Regular Lit with Professor Lunden is on Wednesdays; maybe you've gotten them mixed up,” Eris remarked, his tone laced with thinly veiled hostility. The tension in the room escalated as your revenge plan unfolded.
A small pang of guilt tugged at you as you watched Eris target Alex with relentless questioning. However, any sympathy you might have felt was swiftly replaced by the memory of Alex covering up your ex's cheating. In that moment, you couldn't bring yourself to feel sorry for him, and a sense of satisfaction lingered as the tables turned in your little revenge plot.
As the class finished, Eris dismissed everyone except for you. The lingering tension in the room was palpable as your fellow classmates exited, leaving you alone with Eris. The air crackled with anticipation, and you braced yourself for whatever confrontation was about to unfold.
“I've been trying to reach you for days. Why haven't you been answering me?” Eris questioned, frustration evident in his voice.
You raised an eyebrow, crossing your arms over your chest.
“You did? Must've missed it. And besides, aren't you too busy with that professor? What the hell do you need me for?” Your tone held a mix of nonchalance and defiance, ready to confront whatever explanation he might offer.
“If you're talking about Professor Jensen, then you have it all wrong. I don't have anything going on with her. Unless you’ve forgotten, I'm yours. And you're mine, so just what the hell are you doing asking Alex out for coffee?” Eris's words were a mixture of frustration and confusion as he sought an explanation from you. The tension in the air hung thick, awaiting your response.
Oh. Fuck.
A realization hit you like a ton of bricks. You had let jealousy take over, assuming the worst about Eris without even giving him a chance to explain. Your fear of being played again had clouded your judgment, and now you found yourself in a mess of your own making.
“Really? I thought you were sleeping with her or something. I'm so sorry for not letting you explain. I have some trust issues I need to work on. But why was she so close?” Your admission carried a mixture of relief and remorse as you acknowledged your mistake.
Eris eyes softened as he stepped closer, bringing you into a hug while he stroke your hair lovingly.
“She was close because wants me to go on a date with her. I've let her know I'm unavailable several times, but she doesn't seem to understand. Professor Jensen is married as well, and if I told the dean, he'd tell her husband since they're good friends. The only reason she hasn't tried anything further than to touch me is because I keep threatening her to tell the dean,” Eris explained, his words carrying a mixture of frustration and determination. It was clear he had been dealing with an unwelcome situation, trying to maintain boundaries despite the persistence of Professor Jensen.
Your jaw clenched at the thought of her going after him despite his boundaries. You wrapped your arms around him, silently promising to take care of her.
No one would be making him uncomfortable ever again with you around.
A brilliant idea sparked in your mind. You had overheard that Professor Jensen was coming here between classes, presenting the perfect opportunity to assert your claim on Eris and make it clear who he truly belonged to. Hoping she'd understand and leave your man the fuck alone, you started mentally preparing yourself.
“Let me show you how sorry I am, Er,” you whispered, standing on your tiptoes to kiss him briefly before pulling away. You took charge, grabbing his hand and leading him back to his chair by the desk as you made him sit down in front of you.
Standing between his thighs, you leaned forward, placing kisses on his lips, cheek, jaw, and neck. Your lips traveling over his hot skin. You had noticed how incredibly warm Eris was, it was like his skin was like a furnace.
As you contemplated your next move, the realization of your plan sank in.
You were about to fuck your professor, infront of another professor in an unlocked lecture room.
Anyone could walked in.
Suppose you just had to work quickly then.
Your eyes were on his as you bent forward, hooked your finger around your panties and slid them down your legs. You slowly stripped your shirt off, leaving you naked except for your thigh-high stockings, mini skirt, and bra.
A bit slutty for class, you’ll admit.
But whatever you looked good.
Eris's gaze dropped to your body, his hands forming a circle, signaling for you to spin around and show yourself. Giggling, you spun as you showed him your body, lifting your skirt up a bit before getting closer and plopping down in his lap. Eris’s hands automatically came around your waist, holding you in place as you unbuckled his belt, pulling out his cock.
“You’re so big, Eris. Please can I ride you?”
“What a nasty girl. Sitting in her professors lap, begging for cock. You know what were doing is wrong, yet you’re here, dripping wet, grinding all over me.” His teasing tone made your nipples tighten and stiffen, making you whimper in pleasure.
Before you could respond he lifts you up, flipping you around as he bends you over his desk. You gasp, letting out a noise of surprise at the sudden change. His presence warmed your nude back as he carefully slid into you, making your eyes roll back in pleasure as you let out a moan.
He’s so fucking big and every drag against your sensitive walls made you lose your mind. You’d never been fucked this good, ever.
“ Is this what you wanted? Getting fucked in the middle of class? The doors aren’t even locked, sweetheart, anyone could walk in and see how much of a slut you are,” he gritted out between thrusts.
And as if the universe was working with you, the doors opened and professor Jensen walked in.
She looked horrified and let out a yelp.
“What is going on here?” she yelled at you, stepping closer.
You just smirked around her, fucking yourself back at Eris who had completely stopped.
“What does it look like professor? I’m getting fucked by my man.” you emphasized the last part, staring into her eyes as your hands possessivly grabbed his arms on either side of you as you stood straighter.
She scoffed, looking smug as she approached you. “You disgusting whore, you probably did this for a grade. Poor Eris got played by someone whose only interest is a boost in their academic career. Just wait until I tell the Dean.”
You felt Eris tense at her disgusting words towards you, but before he could snap at her, you started laughing.
“Poor Eris knows I’ve been a straight-A student since his father was teaching the course. Poor Eris fucks me because he wants to. And no, you won’t go to the Dean.”
She narrowed her eyes at you, smirking.
“Oh, really? And why is that?”
It was your turn to smile as you played your trump card.
“Because the second you step out of this lecture hall, I’ll send your husband the videos of you flirting with what’s mine. Yeah, I heard your husband pays for your lavish little lifestyle, and that he’s super big on monogamy, something you’re not apparently. So, you won’t tell anyone about us unless you’re ready to lose your lifestyle.”
Professor Jensen's expression shifted from smug to shocked as your words hit her. She stammered, clearly caught off guard by your unexpected revelation.
“You can't... you don't have any proof!” she protested weakly.
You raised an eyebrow, a sly grin playing on your lips. “Oh, don't I? You see, I've got quite the collection of evidence, not just a video. Texts, emails, photos—enough to make your husband divorce your old ass in a heartbeat.”
Eris watched the scene unfold, a mixture of surprise and amusement on his face.
“Now,” you continued, “we can all go on with our lives. You won't bother us, and I won't ruin yours. Agreed?”
She hesitated for a moment before reluctantly nodding, defeated by the leverage you held. You smirked, satisfied with the turn of events.
“Oh, and if I hear a whisper of you pursuing Eris ever again, your excuses won't matter—I'll make sure to ruin your life.”
As she hurriedly left the lecture hall, Eris turned to you with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“My, look who has got a knack for theatrics. You don’t actually have any evidence do you, love?”
You smile at him, shaking your head and gasp delighted as he continues fucking you.
“N-no, it was just a bit of intimidation, oh f-fuck, h-harder please.”
Warmth spread through your body as he kissed your neck and check, whispering praises and thanks.
“Thank you, sweet one, you’re such a perfect girl. So good for me.”
He kept pounding harder and harder, pulling you in by your neck as you were held flush against his chest, hands lightly squeezing your throat as your eyes crossed at the lightheadedness.
His dirty words, whispered in your ears made you tighten around him impossibly, and it sure as fuck didn’t help when he angled his hips, hitting that spot that made you cum with just a few strokes as he rubbed your clit, sucking on your neck.
It was all too much and you were starting to get overstimulated, but you still wanted him to cum so you grabbed his fingers and sucked on them as they hit the back of your throat nearly making you gag.
Finally you felt a warmth filling you up as he slowed down, groaning as his hands tightened around your throat.
You both sank into the chair, catching your breath. The air was thick with lingering desire, and a serene haze enveloped your mind, leaving only the soft hum of satisfaction. Eris knew you had reached that fuzzy state where you wanted to be cared for, not being able to make any decisions about anything as you floated in your mind. Glancing at the clock he realized that this classroom would be filled with 200 students in about 10 minutes so he reluctantly pulled out and began dressing you both.
“I’m canceling my last class, sweetheart. Let's head to my place, order some food, and just relax,” he whispered, sealing his words with a kiss. Even if the details blurred in your mind, you held onto him, your trust unwavering.
Eris faced an unexpected challenge; your legs gave out, complicating the journey to the secret alleyway where he usually picked you up.
With gentle care, Eris scooped you up bridal style, hoping the alley would be empty today. Skillfully using back entrances and listening for any signs of intrusion, he made his way to his car. As he approached, he checked for any onlookers before settling you gently in the front seat, which he had reclined for your comfort, its tinted windows offering privacy.
Arriving home, Eris couldn't help but steal glances at you as you peacefully slept in the passenger seat. He marveled at your beauty, cherishing the simple joy of having you close.
You stirred, adjusting to find a more comfortable position. Eris gently tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, captivated by your peaceful beauty.
“Mm, thanks for taking care of me, baby. I love you.”
Hearing those unexpected words, Eris froze. He had known it all along, the feelings growing within him. Yet, he wondered if you were merely tired, your words slipping out without realizing what you were saying.
In the warmth of the moment, his heart fluttering and butterflies dancing in his stomach, he lifted you up, carrying you into his bedroom. There he laid next to you , nerves nearly making him want to throw up as he whispered back the words he had never heard or spoken before,
“I love you too.”
Upon hearing those words, you pulled him closer, resting your head on his chest and placing gentle kisses where his heart beat. Intertwined, you both repeated those three words, reassuring each other that this love would endure forever.
Eris had no doubt in mind, you loved him as he loved you. It was a gentle reminder for someone who hadn’t experienced love before.
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a just-for-fun rwby rarepair tournament poll featuring only my favourite ships. im gonna do something for the winner. adorable art by @rubyneo
(sorry this is a bit late)
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