#ill be doing this today!! mostly in spanish!!!
ultra-raging-ghost · 4 months
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"Goodbye my three little ones, your father has to go"
"Im sorry chat, i guess ill just speak from the heart. the way i lost dapper and pomme i dont think i really.. had time to process, so losing him like this feels like losing all three of them at the same time"
Visiting bagis... poor zeno fucking died to a rooster LMAO i missed bagis place so fucking bad
searching for pepito.... where is my baby.... where is my little pepito, there pepito is
Bad doesnt really know what to do with himself, hes still sad but richas is like. Officially gone. Which is a crazy thing to process. I was having a hard time dealing with it but i think richas' final goodbye made me feel a lot better about it,it doesnt feel like theres a nail in the back of my brain now, im a little more content with this at least. Wont really be happy about it, but more content with it
We're gonna go leave a richas flower (blue orchid) at bagi's old base <3 just like how we left a cornflower at a place special to pomme.
hehehe agent 18/panks_ is in chat and theyre tormenting bad for fun
Offering pepito the opportunity to visit one last place, bad plans on coming back and visiting a couple final places sometime soon, not tonight but soon. Probably gonna end after pepito picks where to go
pepito cant think of anywhere, bads picking one more place to go
Pepitos gonna be temporarily dapper while in the official dapper time spot <333
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bads back, i got so comfortable in the old house that i forgot we have to leave. Just a wave of sadness washed over me, it feels like leaving home all over again, it feels like we should be able to walk into the old spawn from dappers train station and see pierre and pomme and etoiles again
pomme in chat... assuring bad she and dapper wont be leaving any time soon. Bad promises us he has some really fun stuff hes been working on he thinks we'll enjoy, this journey isnt over
while waiting for pepito we're reminiscing on when he had to triangulate the Dont have Your Gun thing that was playing that he couldnt find LMAO
currently visiting the old subway bad was building with dapper underground.... the new terrain generation generated a FULL end city RIGHT next to it!!!!
gonna visit bobby fields another day, thats another day issue, but dapper wanted to go see it with him lol
Bad found out Lullah and Richas were leaving yesterday, sounds like he didnt know chay was leaving till today
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Pepitos playing around in the balloons Boo left <33
Bad: Yeah i remember when pomme and dapper came in one of these end cities and scared the muffins out of me Pomme: ?????? Pomme: bro you were dead Bad: I STILL REMEMBER.......
We're gonna go play Wordlos (or however you spell it) one last time before leaving the old spawn <3 gonna see if we can get it to work!!!
kinda works!!! Kinda!!! It mostly works!!!! gonna play!!!!!
"I am so proud of your spanish uncle bad!!! its a great advance to know how to explain something, its the most important thing"
We're looking at the paintings, this is it for the day. Richas logged off with bads statue painting so hes probably never gonna see that again LMAO "thats why we get screenshots"
Pepitos saying a little goodnight to the ghosties <33 pepitos gonna eat all of us up because we're so cute. "I see everything, too. EVERYTHIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGG". Pepitos telling us to rest, eat, and drink water, and do our favorite things. We deserve it, to remember not to be sad it ended but be happy it happened at all <3
Bads planning on streaming tomorrow, hes not 100% sure what we'll be doing but he isnt gonna let this crank his steam
Pepitos planning on getting on tomorrow! or whenever! pepito doesnt know when pepito gets on LMAO
Thats all for todays stream, ending at 10:15, goodnight bad, richas, pomme, and dapper <3
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for-a-longlongtime · 1 year
On Dieter, Goya's Black Paintings, and Pedro on Talk Art 
Alright y'all, it's Saturday evening, I have nothing better to do (I actually do but I don't feel like it), so welcome to my mini TED Talk about 'how to pay too much fucking attention to the Pedro cinematic universe'. None of this is new, and maybe everybody already knew about this, but I didn't... so here's a nerdy tangent courtesy of googling/wikipedia-ing.
I was reading a Dieter!fic (this one right here by @chaoticgeminate - go read her writing!) earlier today, which refers to the 'Saturn Devouring His Son' painting - that giant mural Dieter is working on in The Bubble:
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(his brush isn't even touching the wall tho, ha)
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The original 'Saturn' by Goya
The fic mentioned its part of 'The Black Paintings', so I got curious and started googling. I'm no art major or expert, so please allow me to just paraphraze the Wikipedia page. 'Saturn' is part of a group of 14 Goya paintings that are called Pinturas Negras/The Black Paintings. They "portray intense, haunting themes, reflective of both his fear of insanity and his bleak outlook on humanity" --this was late in Goya's life, and was connected to several illnesses he had experienced (and the fear of relapsing) and political turmoil in Spain at the time (post-Napolean war, changing Spanish government, etc.
Trivia fact 1: Goya actually made these paintings right on the walls of the Quinta del Sordo (so-called Deaf Man's villa) where he was staying -- so I love that Apatow had Dieter also paint right on the walls.
Trivia fact 2: while Goya was living in this villa, he actually became gravely ill (again) - not by a pandemic obviously, but it's hard to not link that loosely to the COVID period. He had never intended for these 'Black Paintings' to become public; "these paintings are as close to being hermetically private as any that have ever been produced in the history of Western art" (the murals were eventually transfered to canvas by other folks once he had moved out of the villa). Switching back to The Bubble -- I love how the tragic influence of Goya's illness(es) and art/things 'made at home away from the world, not intended for an audience' (so obviously, in a bubble) has that connection to the COVID experience and how many folks were suddenly homebound, along with the burden of illness in many ways (lord knows this all did a serious number on our mental health). In the movie, Dieter and the others do not want to go into isolation again, but that solitude is what eventually led him to painting on the walls in his room. This is not a 'grand discovery' of any kind, but I got a kick out of the parellels once I read up on it - and honestly makes me appreciate the movie a bit more, haha.
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Not happy about another quarantine period.
Alright, more hyperfocusing after the cut:
Some googling led me to a post from last year by @nicolethered (gifs in this post are hers), and she included screencaps of the walls of Dieter's room (during that drug scene), which I hadn't even noticed while watching the movie. Upon taking a closer look, I noticed they're outtakes from other pieces of Goya's Black Paintings! I thought that was really cool, they sure worked on the details with that set (there's one more that's shown in a different shot but I can't exactly figure out which outtake that is):
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First one is a mirror image from Two Old Men Eating Soup and the second one is basically Satan aka 'The Great He-Goat' from the Witches' Sabbath painting. Which IMO makes for fucking hilarious perfection a.k.a. trivia fact 3 -- because we all know about Dieter and his little emotional support goat, LOL. Excellent connection.
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*insert sound bit from Hot Ones interview* : "Just let me love you!"
Anywaaay there's more. The Bubble was shot during Feb 22, 2021 to April 16, 2021, right? Pedro has spoken about how his input in shaping Dieter was mostly regarding his outfits (the Crocs, the robe, etc). But then I suddenly remember the Talk Art interview he had done in 2018, and how he namechecks 'The Dog' by Goya - and lo, guess which painting is actually part of the 14 Black Paintings? Yeap - the dog! So I checked the podcast and he was asked, 'if you could be any painting, what painting would you be?' by Russell. Here is the painting, and below it is what he said on Talk Art:
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'The Drowning Dog' by Goya
"I think… it's a Goya. Yeah, old school. I think it's called 'Dog Buried in Sand' or something like that. It's so… I remember feeling it was such a visual representation of helplessness, in such a… come on, let's all admit that helplessness is a very recurring feeling for many of us, you know what I mean? When it comes to so many things. I guess… I was in Spain, in Madrid, and I was 20. And I went to the Goya museum. What's interesting about it is that the head of the dog is really quite small and sort of adorable, it looks like a stray mutt, and the painting - if I can remember it correctly - is very rectangular. There's so much above him, like the world just seems so big. It's quite incredible, isn't it? I know it's really sad, and sort of dark, and maybe I really like enjoy perceiving myself like..." (He gets interrupted by Russell, and then continues;) "Yeah, he's certainly not dying, it's sort of - it's a moment", (then interrupts himself with;) "Maybe he's totally dying, there's no way that dog is getting out of that. That dog is SO fucked. Anyway, that's the painting that represents my life". (All three of them burst out into laughing.)
If you're still reading this - I am impressed with your dedication to my silly little post, haha. Anyway, I just thought it was so striking that there basically is a straight line from the painting he mentioned in Talk Art to what Dieter is painting in the Bubble. Makes me wonder if perhaps he - or even Russell/Robert - had any input in that part of Dieter's backstory.
Thank you for attending my TED Talk on artistic analysis of Dieter Bravo during COVID, we now resume your regularly scheduled program for Saturday night. 🤪
(Have I been smoking because a local dispensary actually had 'Mando' bud? I sure as fuck have and I blame that for this post.)
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melodyyblue · 2 months
Royal Academy DR
Hi <3 Today I’d like to talk about my Royal Academy Dr. @cocozydiaries gave me the idea and I love talking about my dr’s so thank you ^^ Also I’m shifting to that reality with my bestie @himerue <3
A little disclaimer tho: I won’t be able to go that much into detail about all the dates and stuff because I simply didn’t bother enough with it LMAO I’ll just surprise myself but I did come up with a storyline kinda?
Also another disclaimer: I have main character syndrome, if you can’t handle it, feel free to not interact with this post ^^
Anyways, let’s get started
About the school:
Name: Regent’s Hall Royal Academy
Founded: not sure yet, in the 18th century maybe?
Headmaster: idk but she better be hot
Motto: … don’t ask me
Location: I’m not sure if it’s in Britain or Britain inspired but basically a modern monarchy
Current time: 21st century
The academy has three main buildings: the biggest one is for the students from class 1 to 4, the second one being class 5 to 8 and then the classes 9 to 12 in the last building. They all live there because it’s a boarding school. -> idk I just came up with it, I need to ask my friend LOL
The school is considered a Royal academy because it was founded by the Royal family back then but it’s actually a school for nobility as well. In fact majority of the students are nobles but not royals. The royals who do attend are mostly from foreign countries. There’s also a social hierarchy among the students, where the princes and princesses are on top, followed by the children of duke’s, marquesses, count’s etc etc
About me:
Name: Seraphina Elaine (i forgot my last name lol) -> just checked I didn’t decide yet, so if you have ideas, drop them <3
Class: 11-A (so one year before graduation)
Noble Rank: Duchess
Usually the students are children of nobility, meaning they haven’t inherited their titles yet but will do so after graduation. I’m one of the exceptions tho. I have inherited my title at age 12 (?) already.
My grandmother is the queen of the nation. She has at least two children: the oldest being my uncle/aunt and the second one being my mom. Both of them also have one daughter: me and my cousin.
My cousin’s parents died I guess? Idk but she is the crown princess and will inherit the throne. She has also been sick since early childhood so the palace watches her carefully and makes sure she stays alive because they don’t wanna lose her. Why would it be bad if she’d die too? Well because then I would be crown princess and they don’t want that. Why? Wellllllll …
“The Duchess in Disgrace”:
As I mentioned earlier, I inherited my title when I was a mere child. That wasn’t out of my own free will. When I was 10/11/12 (didn’t decide yet) a scandal broke out in the entire kingdom: my father (who married into the family) was caught gambling with the national treasures money (so basically the tax money). My parents were exiled from the palace and stripped of their titles and lands. They were all passed down to me and I had to step in as Duchess. My parents now live in one of my estates that used to be theirs.
Even after a long time passed, people never forgave my parents (understandable tbh 😭 I’d be pissed too). Both the citizens and the palace didn’t like us but they couldn’t exile me too because:
My cousin:
Name: Elenor Sofia (google the Spanish crown princess it’s literally her😭)
Class: she doesn’t attend the academy
Noble Status: Crown Princess
During that time my cousin, heir to the throne, was in probably the worst state during all of her illness. It was also decided she might never be able to go through the harsh military training. So the palace sent me instead, because they wanted to get rid of me anyways. Originally my cousin would have to go through military training to become commander in chief of the country but I’d become commander in chief instead once she becomes queen.
So I went through the three year long military training abandoned by the palace, my parents being outcasts and me being hated by everyone who met me.
When I was 16 and done with the training, the palace didn’t want me to return so they sent me to the Royal Academy instead to study there. Although it was founded by the Royal family, the royal children of this country don’t usually attend the academy themselves but get private teachers in the palace instead.
So I enrolled into the academy for the remaining years of my education. It was at that time that I had enough of the treatment the palace gave me and decided to prove them wrong and that I was nothing like my parents. I immediately joined the student council and the highest ranking noble becomes the president by default. Obviously everyone knew who i was and instantly didn’t like me. But through the military training I built a hard shell so I was pretty much unbothered by it.
By being the student council president I also became the most powerful student in the academy. The headmaster and teachers aren’t royals, just nobles. So in the perspective of social standing I was above them. Also the student council president naturally holds a lot of power but because of the equation being me + royal + student council president = most powerful. I was basically ruling the school because the headmaster, although not letting me do everything, has to respect me. So I basically rule the school which the palace doesn’t like once they found out about it. (I told y’all I have severe main character syndrome)
When I started being president, rumors and nasty comments spread like wildfire. That’s when “the duchess in disgrace” started becoming my nickname that people said behind my back but never dare to say it in front of my face because again, I am the highest ranking noble in the academy (foreign princes and princesses don’t count) but I did hear about it eventually. I’m not sure how but I had an idea:
Gossip Girl/Lady Whistledown:
Yep, we all love them, we all hate them but I did recently get the idea to add my very own lady Whistledown. We have the official school’s newspaper and someone who anonymously spreads their own paper among the school that people love to read because every time someone else’s secret gets leaked or anything like that. And while the schools newspaper writes pretty neutral, this anonymous student doesn’t. They go full out, say nasty things and give people names. Through reading that paper I found out about people calling me “the duchess in disgrace”. I let it pass, unbothered because it wasn’t my job to stop the students from reading that paper as long as they all behaved in the long run.
Again, I’m not sure if I really wanna put that in because the thought of someone exposing my secrets at any given moment seems so scary to me 😭 especially if it’s so easy to prove it with a picture or a text. Maybe that anonymous person is less a gossip girl and more a Lady Whistledown who just comments on things (although she did reveal some secrets here and there). Also idk who that anonymous person is yet and what to name them, I was thinking maybe one of the student council members as we are working pretty close together and have access to the entire school’s records on everything and therefore easily have insight information.
But she could be relevant for my:
First day:
On the first day I’m shifting there, a new student arrives who gets everyone’s attention. That student is the Princess of the kingdom Verlace aka my dear friend @himerue . For reasons unknown she got sent to another countries royal academy and obviously everyone talks about her (including Whistledown?). Idk how it goes from there on, all we decided so far is that my friend also joins the student council. Also this happens one or two years after I enrolled in the academy.
But yeah that’s it I guess. Oh wait, my cousin right, we did get along well as children but bc of the scandal, her illness, my training and getting sent away to school, we grew apart. She does reach out to me from time to time but because I don’t trust anyone from the palace I’m not sure what she’s trying to archive. What I don’t know at first is that she genuinely tries to make amends with me but the palace and everyone else gets in our way. Also she is pretty bubbly and cheerful but hides her manipulative side well. She is a little possessive over me because her parents died, her grandmother has great expectations of her, the palace walks on eggshells around her and my parents aren’t there and therefore wants me all to herself.
I am also an academic weapon obviously, duh 🙄
This was so much fun! I’ll be talking about my MHA DR next but I think that post is gonna be shorter than this one because I seriously didn’t plan that much for that Dr 😭 Bye and thanks for reading if you managed to get this far with all my yapping 🫶
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marcussour · 1 year
Sadly, yesterday chilean music icon Cecilia passed away at 79 years old after a sudden illness, and I wanted to take a moment to write something regarding what an important figure she was to chilean music and culture in general.
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Mireya Cecilia Ramona Pantoja Levi, known just as Cecilia -nicknamed “la incomparable” (the unmatched)- was a jewish chilean singer. Even though she started her career in the 50′s in her hometown of Tomé, she rose to prominence and stardom in the early 60′s as part of a movement that was known as the chilean “new wave”, that was basically a bunch of artists that took the rock n roll and twist anthems of the 50′s and 60′s and made versions in spanish (often more softened or “tame” versions of the most sugestive songs), that was part of a bigger movement of the same name that happened in almost all of Spain and Latin America.
But Cecilia was special because she always distanced herself from her peers, first by making her own music, and second, by singing songs made famous by spanish and italian artists, instead of usamerican or british ones. Those songs were also more romantic and sad than was the norm back then, to the point that now she’s known as an icon of the “cebolla” music (”onion music”, basically sad songs that made you cry). 
She was also special because of her looks: she had shorter hair and she mostly wore pants or suits similar to the ones Elvis wore in the 60′s and 70′s, all of this at a time when chilean society was even more conservative than today, to the point that her looks and her onstage dancing (that included her signature move, called “beso de taquito”, where she basically sent a kiss flying by doing a move similar to a football heel kick) brought her outrage and criticism from chilean society (there’s a well known episode where she performed at the Viña del Mar’s festival, the most famous music event of Chile, and they tried to censor her).
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The things she did and the music she sang kinda made her an outlier between the more tame artists on the chilean new wave. But it was also what made her stand out, not only as a musical icon, but as a feminist and countercultural one: she was friends with some of Chile’s musical legends like folklorist Violeta Parra and singer/theater director Victor Jara (she even made covers of popular songs of both artists). She also founded her own record label during Allende’s government.
Sadly, with the US backed coup of 1973 and the arrival of Pinochet’s dictatorship, Cecilia had to move to a more underground life, partly due to her perceived political sympathies (it’s a well known fact that in the 80′s she was accused of fraud and spent time in jail as part of a political prosecution by the dictatorship because she was seen as “a communist” due to her having a cover of Violeta Parra’s legendary song “Gracias a la Vida”, even though she always referred to herself as an “apolitical” figure). It’s also worth noting that most of the chilean new wave artists were figures that aligned themselves with Pinochet’s dictatorship, either by conviction or convenience, and she was one of the few that refused, which is one of the reasons why she was removed from public eye.
When Chile’s buoyant night life disappeared under curfews and the perils of the dictatorship, Cecilia moved to perform in underground nightclubs, where she became an icon and a cult figure for other audiences: queer people and sex workers (in one of her last interviews, she said she was “the queen of the gays and the ladies of the night”).
With the return of democracy, her figure grew in stature not only among older generations, but also the newer ones, who not only saw in her a music legend, but a feminist icon and an important ally of the LGBTQIA+ community (besides her express support for queer people, there has been speculation for years regarding her sexual orientation due to the fact that she never married, never had a public romance or partner, nor did she had children; even when asked about her sexual orientation, she always kept it hidden due to wanting to have a private life -she once said that even if she was a lesbian, that’s part of her privacy and not something for the public to know-).
Well known chilean artists like Mon Laferte (with whom she recorded a duet), Anita Thijoux, Álvaro Henríquez, Los Bunkers and Javiera Mena always expressed admiration towards her figure. She also received in 2016 the presidential music award, the official award where the chilean government recognizes musicians for their contributions to chilean society.
Even now in death, thousands of people have come to her wake to say their final goodbyes to a musical legend, usually by singing along their songs. It’s a fitting tribute, after all, she stated that one of her final wishes was that, after she died, she wanted to be remembered and celebrated like a party.
Here are some of her most well known songs:
Tango de las Rosas
Puré de Papas
Baño de Mar a Medianoche
Un Compromiso
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saerins · 6 months
omg hi! 😭 I’m back,😈 I was laughing myself off when I saw the chinga tu madre so here we go!
•Chinga tu madre is actually a Mexican idiom, chinga doesn‘t have an exact translation but it could be like “Fuck ur mom” (tu madre= ur mom) it is a way to insult ur mother or sent someone to the shit. The reason why you probably heard abt it b4 it’s bc it is the typical Mexican insult.
|-> in Hollywood they use mostly Mexican insults when they want to say that a character speaks Spanish (racist or xenophobic if u think lol) some examples are: Valeria Garza (Mexican) from call of duty, Gloria Delgado (Colombian) from Modern Family, Dora (Mexican) the explorer‼️ or Pablo Cavazos from BLLK who is Argentinian (the multicolor haired guy) ❤️‍🩹
• “Tu madre es loca/ tu madre es una loca” it is in fact that ur mother Is crazy 😭 for example, Eita could say to y/n: “La hijueputa (the slut) de tu mamá (of ur mother) está loca (is crazy)” which means her mother need to go to the psychiatrist urgently!!!🤓
So, today I’m going to teach how do we call the parts of ur body! 💋
•Pene: Its literally penis
/-> but we have better ways to call it. 😈🔥👌👈
•Polla- exact translation of cock! To the animal and also the deck 😍 fex: “La polla de Sae es tan grande”-“Sae’s cock it’s so big”.
•Berenjena, it’s literally the veggie🍆😭
•Pito- Argentinian one. Fex: “su pito era tan pequeño” - “his dick was so small”
•Chimbo- Colombian one. Fex: “Que chimbo tan grande”- “what a big dick”
•Vagina: Vagina, the difference is that in English u spell it like vayaina and in Spanish it’s like vahina.
/-> Coño: it’s like pussy, but u also can use it to swear. Fex: “Coño!” - “Fuck!” But if u wanna say that someone it’s a pussy the best option is “eres un marica” that it’s like “you’re a sissy”. Sexual example: “Sae hace que mi coño se ponga mojado” (me fr😍) “Sae makes my pussy wet”
/-> Concha: Cunt. Idk how we call it in English but concha it’s literally 🐚😭 “Sae me pone mojada la concha” “Sae makes my cunt wet”
That’s all for today! Also, the chapter was so good 😭I hope u recovered well from the cold or any illness u had also I wish u have a nice week!❤️‍🩹 if y’all have any other question just let me know ;) kisses for everyone!
tw nsfw zone guys hahahaha
spanish lessons fr I READ YOUR TEACHINGS MORE RELIGIOUSLY THAN ANYTHING ELSE <3 you’re very knowledgeable about the usages too :’) there you go truck kun nonnie !!!
omg not you teaching us body parts now !! (i’m so ready for this) because i want sae’s berenjena <3 LA POLLA DE SAE ES TAN GRANDE YES YES YES <3 stop you’re making me a menace with these 😭 (but don’t stop) the pussy one !! me too nonnie !!! sae hace que mi coño se ponga mojado too 🤤🤤 sorry in advance if i say this wrong but - yn’s mother esta concha >:( it’s probably wrong but 😭😭😭
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mistydeyes · 1 year
HHHHHHHHIIIII 😭😭😭 is it okay if I can request a MWII pair-up? thank you if you do this and just wanna add that ur writing is so GRJRJRKKKSL
I am a Mexican girl with a medium beige skin tone and a bunch of moles around my body. I have dark brown eyes with long lashes. Dark-ish brown hair that is type 2C and a medium length. I have dark circles some are kindaaa deep. I wear red glasses (my vision is crappy asf). I’d say I’m about 5’3 💀💀. Clothing wise, I really like a Twlight-inspired look, but also loveeeee Chicano-styled clothes.
I’m a Leo and INTP. I’m mostly an ambivert, since I switch up constantly depending on who I’m with. Usually, I’m more extroverted, outgoing, and chatty around my friends. If I don’t like somebody–or don’t know them well enough–then I’m quiet and a bit distant. I daydream a lot, and can get easily distracted, and sometimes I zone out when I feel sad or nervous. I’m (thankfully) funny in the words of my friends, and can be a compassionate, caring, and shockingly smart person. At the same time, I’m the type of person who will overthink about having to stand in the front of the class to speak. I also have a bad case of anxiety LMAO
Some of my hobbies are drawing and writing, and listening to music while daydreaming. Usually when I’m writing, it’s more like journaling all of my thoughts into a piece of paper. I like a bunch of colors, but a lavender purple (including the scent) has to be one of my favs. My interests are honestly around learning about mental illnesses or anything related to psychology. But, I’ve always had a childhood hyperfixation on SPACEEE (and sometimes the ocean). Some of my skills are bilingualism (English, obviously, and Spanish), the ability to play the violin, running reaaal fast, and being a comedic genius (can you tell I’m lying to myself). OH OH and my fav–sea–animals are the jellyfish and manatee 🫶🫶. And if it helps, my fav artists are TV Girl, Lana Del Rey, and Cults!!!
Okay that’s about it I’m SO SORRY if I made it long. Hopefully you enjoyed reading that long ass paragraph(s). Thank you SO MUCH if you do end up paring me up with one of the lil meow meows, and hope you have a good rest of the day/night 🫶🫶 take ur time!!
Johnny "Soap" Mactavish
How you met: Civilian You adored spending spring and summer in your home country. You didn't care what anyone said, Mexico was a little heaven on earth especially during the warmer months. Today, you decided to walk down to the local street market with some of your friends. You smiled as you walked amongst the various stands and watched as patrons purchased a variety of items. As you walked down another corridor of stands, you were attracted to one that sold flowers. You greeted the elderly stand owner and looked at the gorgeous array of bouquets. You finally settled on a beautiful arrangement of lilacs, hydrangeas, lilies, and your favorite, lavender. "Gracias," you gently said as you paid a fair price for the bouquet. You then continued on your way and tried to find your friends. However, you were distracted by someone arguing with a stand owner over the price of mangos. "This is bloody robbery," he exclaimed and you could see how sweat bounced off his arms which were perfectly showcased by a summer tank top. "This is the final price, sir," the owner firmly responded. You made your way to the stand as you were familiar with the owner. When he saw you approach, he smiled at you and warmly greeted you. "Diez 10 mangos para mi por favor," you happily said to the ire of the man next to you. As the owner prepared your fruits in a bag, you gave the man next to you a small smile. Once you were all paid, you knew your family friend had given you a discount. You took out 5 mangoes from your bag and gently handed it to him, much to the chagrin of the owner. "Thank you, lass," he replied in an accent reminiscent of Scotland or Ireland. "Enjoy your fruits," you remarked before continuing your shopping.
A peek into your relationship: After you helped Johnny with his precious fruit, it wasn't long until he found you again and asked for your number. That moment sparked a long distance relationship with constant texts and FaceTime calls. This time, you were flying on an 11hr flight to London. After some much needed rest, you and Johnny left the hotel to go to a museum he had planned and researched by himself. "Where are we going?" you asked as he helped to navigate through the winding streets and rail lines. "You'll see, bonnie," he simply replied and kissed your forehead. After the maze of directions, you finally arrived to your destination, the Royal Observatory. It took about 1 conversation for Johnny to realize your love for space and astronomy and he knew this was a perfect destination. You felt like a child in a candy store as you navigated through the exhibits and had him take pictures of you next to every picture of the galaxy and historic telescopes. "I saved the best for last," he said as he led you into a large room. You both sat patiently as you waited for the show to begin. Suddenly, the room grew dark and the crowd hushed as the ceiling above you turned into a gorgeous display of stars. Your eyes lit up at the sight and through the reflection of your glasses, Johnny could tell you were taking in the wonders before you. "A view of the stars for, mi estrella," he joked and besides his very poor attempt at Spanish, you blushed at the comment. Before he could say anything more, you quickly shushed him as you attentively listened to the musings of a scientist presenting. He simply laughed and threw his arm around you, happy he had planned an impressive date.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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World Tapas Day
World Tapas Day, observed annually on the third Thursday of June, is an international holiday celebrating the small Spanish Tapa dish that is usually served with drinks. This year, it falls on June 15. Tapas may be served cold (such as in mixed olives and cheese) or hot. In some bars and restaurants in Spain, South America, Mexico, the United States, and a few other regions across the globe, tapas have evolved into a more sophisticated cuisine than one that is mundanely served with drinks. It can now be served as a full meal if desired. In some Central American countries, tapa snacks are known as ‘bocas,’ and in some parts of Mexico, it is referred to as ‘botanas.’
History of World Tapas Day
The word ‘tapas’ is derived from the Spanish verb ‘tapar,’ which means ‘to cover,’ a variation of the English word ‘top.’ In Spain, before the 19th century, tapas were served in posadas, albergues, or bodegas, which offered meals and rooms to travelers. Because few innkeepers and travelers could read and write, samples of the dishes were made available by innkeepers on a ‘tapa,’ which is a Spanish word for ‘pot cover.’
According to the book “The Joy of Cooking,” the first tapas were thin slices of bread or meat which sherry drinkers used to cover their glasses between sips to prevent fruit flies from hovering over their drink. The meat was normally ham or chorizo, both of which are very salty and activate thirst. This made bartenders and restaurant owners create a variety of snacks to serve with sherry, invariably increasing their alcohol sales. The tapas eventually became as important as the sherry. Tapas have evolved through Spanish history with new ingredients and influences.
The discovery and emergence of the New World birthed the introduction of tomatoes, sweet and chili peppers, which were readily accepted and grown in Spain’s microclimates, further contributing to the culture of tapas as we know it today. Since 2008, the city of Valladolid in Spain and the International School of Culinary Arts have celebrated the International Tapas Competition for Culinary Schools — an annual competition in Spain between global culinary schools to compete for the best tapa concept.
World Tapas Day timeline
1700s Tapas are Served by Innkeepers
Tapas are mostly served as snacks or parts of dishes offered to travelers by innkeepers until the 19th century.
1931 “The Joy of Cooking” is Published
The book “The Joy of Cooking” is published.
2008 The International Tapas Competition
An international competition of tapa concepts between global culinary schools begins in the city of Valladolid, Spain.
2010 World Tapas Day is Created
The holiday, World Tapas Day, is created.
World Tapas Day FAQs
What is the tradition of tapas?
The tradition of tapas dates back to when King Alfonso X of Castile recovered from an illness by drinking wine with small snacks between meals. After regaining his health, Alfonso issued an order prohibiting taverns from serving wine to clients unless it was accompanied by a small snack or “tapa.”
Why are tapas so important to the Spanish culture?
Tapas are important to the Spanish culture as they combine good food with family (or friends) time. This culture has spread throughout the world and become a popular way to put a twist on tradition.
Are tapas expensive?
Tapa prices vary based on size, ingredients used, and the type of bar serving them. While some can be really expensive, others are cheap or even free.
World Tapas Day Activities
Eat some tapas
Visit a Spanish/Mexican-themed bar
Share your experience on social media
What better way to celebrate World Tapas day than to eat some tapas? Either as part of a meal or as a full dish, be sure to share your delicious Spanish dish with your friends and family.
In Spain, South America, Central America, and parts of North America, visiting local bars is part of the tapa culture. But make sure you’re at the legal age to do so.
Whatever your experience is on World Tapas Day, preparing and eating it, or going for a few drinks with friends, be sure to share the fun on social media with the hashtag #WorldTapasDay. It’s a great way to participate!
5 Interesting Facts About Tapas
Tapas are finger food
The word ‘tapas’ means ‘lid’
Tapas are served with alcohol
Some bars offer free tapas
There’s a verb for eating tapas
Tapas aren’t the kinds of dishes you eat with traditional cutlery or utensils; they are eaten with your fingers.
‘Tapas’ is of Spanish origin and literally translates to ‘lid.’
Tapas are usually served with alcoholic beverages, hence their popularity in bars.
If you’re in the right bar at the right time, you might get a free tapa.
Spanish linguists have created a verb for eating tapas, which is ‘tapear’ meaning ‘to eat tapas.’
Why We Love World Tapas Day
Tapas are healthy
Tapas are versatile
A good way to socialize
Tapas can be served as purely vegetables or spices. Both are beneficial to the human body.
Tapas can either be eaten as a meal or in between meals. There are various recipes too!
Tapas are typically served at bars with alcoholic beverages. This makes them a good way to socialize.
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imraespace · 21 days
i am lowk adjusting to my schedule and i realize that being alone isnt so bad as long as like u dont make it seem so depressing and plus i can basicallt scroll on my phone for 40 mins 😋😋
BUT HOW ARE YOUU i hope that school is fun for you !!
back again with a daily question what bluelock character would start a tumblr blog and start posting smaus/ffs 😈⁉️⁉️ todays ask is kinda short and less yappery but legit nothing happened today ☹️
- 🐙
HIII today im home becos my momma car went bonkers last night after she bad talked a driver infront maybe it was karma..
YES ITS NOT THAT BAD WHEN YOUR ENTERTAINED i sit in the far back of my class so when im alone i scroll on twt or tumblr reading smaus LMAO
IM REALLY HAPPY xiangli yao from wuthering waves is almost here i watched his trailer this morning and was bouncing off the walls i love him sm.. but rn im listening to arcane soundtracks bc even tho the 2nd season is like in a few months im impatient! BUT SCHOOL IS OKAY i wont say fun bc im mostly alone unless someone calls me like i said in the other post THE FUN THING THAT HAPPENED THO IS I GOT A STICKER ON MY SPANISH TEST AND THEN MY SEATMATE STOLE IT i took it back tho hahah AND YESTERDAY IN MY POB CLASS MY FRIEND AND I WERE BICKERING AND i think i told her ill shove her testpaper but her nose and she asked me how and i said i will find a way to and she told me to find a way to fix my eyesight😧ITS BC I WEAR GLASSES AND IT CAUGHT ME OFF GUARD so like i smacked her with her testpaper and didnt help her for the rest of the class but thats all!
i love these questions UMM I THINK NIKO WOULD HELP(idk anything abt niko!) or or ness it will probably be kaiser fics or like aryu but i dont think aryu would do smaus he will probably be those blogs who posts moodboards or themes for like twt or sum and it would be perfect themes and moodboards bc its aryu
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Hello once more, dearly beloved Absol.
...Mariposa? Sounds lovely to me. ///// Aha, do not mind my flustered nature. I've never been 'nicknamed' before... and with such a beautiful name too! I have been well, and I hope you have been too. After all, where would I be without my beloved guide?
History does repeat itself! I find it amusing to see how newer trends are older fashion slightly revised to be more 'modern' or revised for a new purpose / movement. It's symbolic... and I think it's cute. The way you speak of fashion reminds me of the magazines I'd seen when I was younger, advertising the latest craze. Very informative, I enjoy it. I will look more into clothing for you, dearest guide. You've spoke life into an interest I hadn't realized I had. Though, I've always liked to study people. The intricate details of someone speak a considerable amount more than any words could! It can influence plenty about a person; self-esteem, mannerisms, etc. Clothing is just one way a person speaks of themselves, but it is sometimes the loudest part. Again, cute, adorbs!
Peppermint tea? Then, I must prepare some for you! ...To repay you for your guidance through Wonderland... and that is me wanting to be able to talk more, haha. I've been drinking green tea recently due to my illness, so what do you say to a toast for good health together?
Do not knock Jade Leech's sexy suspenders with a button up just yet! He's just learning all these different types of styles. After all, he's only just come to land... so he will need some time to explore all his options. He will do it well... I believe in my punk boyfriend!
I do... have 2 self-inserts. ////// 1 of which I pair with Jade Leech, the other with Riddle Rosehearts. Men I see with more of a grunge aesthetic personally! ////// Don't let me discuss my girls for too long. I'd talk and talk until the sun sets tomorrow if I do...!
As for Jade headcanons, any would do well. If I may be frank, I'd like to hear both! I'm enthusiastic for Jade, and I'm even more eager to see more of him here!
Until the next time we can speak, I thank you for your time. I'll be sure to return soon so we are not apart for long. - 🦋
My beloved Mariposa. I am happy to see you again, good afternoon. It’s past lunch time and I hope you had something to eat. Please remember to do so, you’ll feel fantastic if you do. I chose Mariposa since its the Spanish word for butterfly. Since I’ve been living in the south, I see the word in exchange more and more often that it becomes unusual to actually see the word ‘butterfly’. And it sounds like a cute name. Very elegant to me. I have been doing well! Mostly… Sleeping. I am getting my car fixed, but really… I am doing wonderful. Much better than ever.
It was my favorite to go shopping with my mom only to read magazines as we walked. Usually I would sneak into Cosmopolitan or if I saw Vogue or Rolling Stone I would grab those. I think fashion is meant to be a form of statement even if people don’t realize it. Like today, I had stayed up extremely late tossing and turning. And I prayed I wouldn’t have to go to work… So instead of properly getting dressed; I wore my pajamas. I agree that body language and studying others can teach you so much more about them than they ever could. Parts of them they won’t open up about you can slowly start to see as you grow closer with them. I think it’s wonderful but also a bit intimidating… I think Jade wouldn’t mind being your little test subject to study. As long as you let him do the same.
Oh I adore green tea. Peppermint helps me with bloating because I’ve been eating bad things my body can’t handle. I love green tea because it helps my metabolism so I don’t feel yucky. I would love to drink tea with you. I will invest in fancy cups and arrange snacks. It’ll be fun. For now, let’s cheer to improving our health. We only have one body per lifetime. So we have to take care of it.
Ahhhhhh… His button ups and suspenders make me feel shaken. I love how it looks but I also am a big fan of ‘flipping the script’. Mostro Lounge/Work Mode Jade… Removing his coat and scarf after a long day… His sleeves rolled up… Ahhhh he’s been gaining muscle so his clothes look tighter… I’m gonna… It’s gonna come out… I have to calm down… I want to see him in lots of different clothes as he experiences the wonders of living a life where clothing is necessary. I will dress him up again soon.
Two of them? Please, introduce me some time. I love Yumejoshi/danshi. I love the idea of falling in love with your favorite character so much that you make an OC to kiss them. I really don’t mind. I would love it. I have an OC I ship with Leona and an entire side blog for it.
I have a headcanon I can share, a small one since my message has gotten long… And I can always make posts about him! It’s a silly one but I think you can tell when Jade is stressed ONLY by if you see lint clinging to his clothes. I see him as a diet version of Patrick Bateman (in the worst way possible) and I think Jade is insanely clean. You can see in his dorm room since the Tweels actually share that Jade is extremely clean and put together. Which means he lint rolls, steams, and folds/hangs everything. I think only when he’s falling apart will you ever see something so… Natural… He’s great at hiding his feelings and keeping himself together visibly but this is the one thing he can’t escape. It’s a bit silly but… I like including it in writing. I have in the past but the fic has been taken down. I want to redo it one day.
Thank you for coming to chat with me, Mariposa. I cannot wait to see you again.
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lostacelonnie · 8 months
It sure is the new year & somehow im still tired and way busier than i would like. So uh. Sorry this took me a bit to get to. The first time i read your response i thought you'd said you were watching bocchi which confused me because you had already. But im glad you are enjoying bofuri. She's such a chaotic disaster character. Ohh i think i feel you on that my brother in law & i have like. Opposing autism vibes & coexisting with him when we share apace is exhausting. I hope school is going well for you! Yeah like. Honestly sometimes ill chat with people at a theater but mostly just. Please do not. Im just there for a film. Love the communal effort to just. Understand your teacher what a time that must be. My parents did teach to cook a bit. I learned spaghetti & a basic taco recipe from them. But i learned a lot from there so i had a bit of a spring board to go off. I hope you have a fun time learning to cook stuff i enjoy it immensely. Even with all the dishes it can make. Honestly schools are just. Weird if anything. Liminal space adjacent but in a way neither good or bad. Im sad i missed getting to pull her i want ruan mei but due to bad storms my internet was out, which also contributed to late response, for the last days of her banner. So i have to save for her re run. I am so normal about her & stelle(lying). I finally finished the argenti quest but had to level & gear himeko & welt. Got kafka on my console account from her banner & it gave me e1 bailu when i hoped for clara. Ohh so its like a character growth/change type thing. As the story progresses & they change they gain new herscherr forms. I think if my understanding is right. Or right as it can be for something not fully explained? I miss manaria & the gang already. Can only tide myself over with other villainess shows til it returns. Or i read more. Dungeon meshi at least has an airing anime adaptation now which means i can see my favorite fail girl marcille in animation. I will remember that & look to the community for help as needed if i pick noita up thank you for the tip. I too want himeko to be fine & alive so i sympathize with the hi3 fans. I dont remember if she's getting off on penacony or not if thats been said. But penacony definitely has some characters i want. Oh okay damn i always wondered about her floating. So thats one mystery solved. Wait seele has just. Basically a good dog aura? Oh so kiana mei & bronya have the most extensive lore? What about uh. Durandal? I feel like ive seen that particular polish phrase before whats it mean?
HI HELLO its been 20 years which im SO FUCKING SORRY about...... my life has decided to just Not give me a break recently. and understandable akdfkgjksj i should really continue watching it but ah.... so busy. and Tired all the time. actually got to skip school today bc i was so sleep deprived i thought i was sick but then i slept for another 4 hours and i feel so much better now. should be studying [have 8 exams coming up until the end of february.......] but i also Need to chill for a bit. agghhh. and oh understandable!! it really is just like that sometimes. school, as i said, is. psychologically torturing me but im actually not in that much pain so yeah!! and thanks also. i hope my teachers let us catch a break soon. at least ive recently picked up baking to destress so at least im not about to become the joker. and REAL LIKE i also dont mind talking with people in public places from time to time but i usually just wanna mind my own business. and yeah its SO funny but also im surprised how nice all my classmates are about helping others. like. if we had to cooperate to create a message with my old classmates everyone would just instantly start making fun of each other for not knowing something. OOOH COOL....... when i have more time i should learn to make some spanish dishes. went to gran canaria with my mom recently and god ive missed their cuisine SO much. god yeah schools are like another dimension to me ngl. they work based on different rules then the rest of the world. AND AUUGHGH PAIN...... good luck with getting her on future reruns tho!!! same with being Totally Normal. and hey congrats on all that!!! i also ended up doing argentis quest and luckily didnt have time with fighting him thanks to clara who makes it extremely easy. generally shes always carrying me. finally got to trailblaze lvl 65 and i only have my clara team at lvl 80 rn so i should probs work on kafka etc but i hate grinding mats...... hell on earth. oh well. and yeah more or less!!! tho it also depends on the person and circumstances, as some people will get new authorities, some will kind of. get closer to their current one? and some people might even give up their herrscher authorities with time. but yeah honkai loves to retcon itself so its kinda blurry sometimes. I MISS EVERYONE TOOOOOO and i started watching reborn as a villainess some time ago but ah. didnt have time to continue. i ALSO started watching dunmesh and ALSO didnt have time to catch up with it but im SO excited for it bc ive only watched 3 eps but love it already. if you ever Do pick up the game then good luck!! its as brutal as it is fun to play. himeko protection squad forever....... i should finish penacony when i get the time and motivation. wasnt too interested in any chars at first but acheron stole my heart....... so would sparkle if she wasnt so Racist for no reason. yes seele Does have a good doggy aura SHDKFJKS even The Great Herrscher Of Sentience cant say no to her. shes so sweet and i love her. and yeah basically!!!! since theyre effectively all the protags, even if kiana is the "main" one. AND I WILL VERY EXCITEDLY TELL YOU LITERALLY ALL DURANDAL LORE AS I KNOW IT BY HEART BUT ALSO LITERALLY DONT HAVE ENOUGH ENERGY TO WRITE IT ALL DOWN RIGHT NOW SO ILL TRY TO GET THAT DONE BY YOUR NEXT MESSAGE. so well both have time to write our respective stuff. and oh polska gurom is a misspelled version of polska górą [since its pronounced almost the same] which more or less means poland on top. its used ironically most of the time and i LOVE saying it
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slytherinalice · 8 months
Daily Blog - 30th January 2024
Returning to normal
Today is my second day back at work, and safe to say things have pretty much gone back to normal. It's a little overwhelming how much there is to do in a day, but at the same time, it feels nice to get back into my routine.
To be honest, I'll take anything over feeling as ill as I felt the first few weeks of January, so I'm trying not to complain when I'm busy and just see the bright side of the great feeling of ticking something off my list.
This is in relation to work, but also my personal life. Today was a much busier day at work; but I got a lot done and managed to mostly keep on top of my emails. So I feel like I'm back to normal now, which is great when you're a control freak like me!
I also have long to do lists in regards to personal stuff each day as well. It's hard to find time while working to get them all done, but that's two days in a row now I've managed to do everything.
Each day I make sure I; do Spanish practice, French practice, deep clean something, read, catch up on TV and YouTube, and there's always some general tasks that need done, on top of looking after Jolene. It could definitely take up a day by itself!
I've also got some essays due for university as well. So far I've had about thirty minutes time free each day to work on it. It's not a lot, but it's better than nothing. I've also got an extension since I've been ill which takes some of the pressure off, thank goodness. So I'm trying to just do a little bit of work each day, and hopefully they'll come together soon!
Overall I'm feeling a lot better than I was a few days ago, and I think you can tell from the tone of my posts. Here's hoping the rest of the week is smooth and things continue heading up!
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desertdollranch · 3 years
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 It’s a Dolly Good Season weekly photo challenge, week 3: Indigenous People’s Day
Here is my beloved Hearts for Hearts girl, Mosi, dressed in her traditional Navajo clothing. She wears a velvet blouse embellished with rhinestones, a tiered blue satin skirt, a colorful sash, silver and turquoise jewelry, and is wearing her hair in a bun called a tsiiyéeł. Mosi is always happy to talk about her homeland and her culture to anyone who is curious to learn and listen. So today she’s going to share some information that many of you probably don’t know! 
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 - The map above is a map of Dinétah, located in the Southwestern United States. It is the homeland of the Diné (pronounced dee-NAY) people, commonly known as the Navajo (pronounced NA-va-ho). The word Navajo is a Spanish interpretation of a Tewa word. Diné means “the people”. 
 - The Navajo Nation is a sovereign nation within the United States and is the largest reservation in the U.S., 27,413 square miles or 70,999 square kilometers. 
 - This reservation is larger than several of the smallest U.S. states! Most of it is contained in the state of Arizona, with a slightly smaller part in New Mexico and the smallest portion is in Utah. It does not extend into Colorado; the adjacent land is currently inhabited by the Ute people. The modern boundaries are a little different than the traditional boundaries, which were created by the four sacred mountains: Dibé Nitsaa (Hesperus Mountain) to the north, Tsoodził (Mount Taylor) to the south, Sisnaajiní (Blanca Peak) to the east, and Dook’o’oosłííd to the west.
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 - The capital of the Navajo Nation is Window Rock, in the state of Arizona. The town is named after a beautiful rock formation that looks like a round window.
 - The current president is Jonathan Nez. He was elected in 2018. 
 - The Navajo Nation functions as a sovereign nation, having its own laws and government. It is still part of the United States, though, so enrolled members can and do vote in state and national elections.
 - Approximately 298,000 people are enrolled members of the Navajo Nation, with 173,000 living on the reservation. Mosi and her family live on a ranch outside of Santa Fe, New Mexico, which is not encompassed by nor adjacent to the reservation. The area around Santa Fe is owned by several different pueblos. 
 - The Pueblo people of New Mexico are ethnically, culturally, linguistically, and historically distinct from their Navajo neighbors. The Navajo language is closely related to Athabaskan languages of Alaska. 
 - The reservation is on Mountain Standard Time Zone and observes Daylight Savings Time. However, Arizona does not observe Daylight Savings Time, and so during the spring and summer the rest of Arizona is an hour behind the reservation. 
 - Towns and cities near but not on the reservation are referred to as border towns. Most border towns will have Navajo culture integrated into the mainstream culture; for example, you’ll see signs printed in Navajo, or the national anthem will be sung in Navajo at sports games. 
 - The Navajo language is the third most commonly spoken language in New Mexico, Arizona, and is the fifth most common in Utah. 
 - In the 2020 election, the turnout of eligible Navajo voters was massive, and the vast majority of them voted Democrat, which gave Arizona’s electoral votes to Joe Biden. For several decades before that, Arizona’s electoral votes had always gone to the Republican candidate (source).
 - The reservation and the people there were hit very hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. This is mostly due to the lack of healthcare facilities on the reservation, and because many homes are lived in by several generations of family members, which makes it difficult to keep a distance from anyone who is ill. They did have to close much of the reservation to visitors, including popular tourist sites like Four Corners, Canyon de Chelly, and Monument Valley. 
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ellavaday · 2 years
hi everyone, last installment of me screaming into the void about dres2's subtitles and references before i stop spamming the tag✨
I told myself I was not going to dissect the subtitles for the reunion, I hated some translation choices with passion but nothing is so inaccurate i felt compelled to point it out as wrong, it's just this generalized feeling of 'that is correct but it still sounds very odd' so i'm just doing references for this one and moving on since there's so few of them
the subs have it as unintelligible but yara sofía references the monologue of an almodovar character called la agrado from all about my mother in her cameo with the 'two tits bc i'm no monster' and 'you are more authentic when you look closer to what you've always dreamed of being' (it is one of my favorite monologues, and feels quite appropriate for pride month, if you want to watch it it's here and it's like 2 minutes long)
samantha hudson who is a singer and lgbt activist, this is irrelevant but still interesting for me: she became famous because she made a music video and a song called maricon when she was 15 for a subject in middle school and the religious studies teacher of her school became incensed and got the obisp of mallorca to freaking excommunicate her over it (some dumb conservative politician also tried to get the teacher fired... not the religion teacher, the teacher for whose subject the mv was for 🤦🏻‍♀️ for giving her a good grade on it bc apparently she was 'corrupting the youths' or some other nonsense, i don't think the politician succeeded but samantha is definitely still excommunicated bc of those homophobic assholes)
karina is a national treasure and singer from the 60s-80s, pupi played her in snatch game last season (and as you can see, pupi was spot on imitating her)
for the lost looks runway, i don't think they need explaining bc they explained the looks themselves but here's the doll samantha was trying to recreate (and yes putting them on top of TVs was a thing back in the day)
supremme jokes about pajares and estesos having a movie comeback; andrés pajares and fernando estesos are a couple of comedy actors that worked together on 9 movies in the 80s during the cinema destape era, they're a bit of a spanish cinema myth and jokes about their cinematic universe comeback are very numerous in spanish media (they're really good friends but they're not likely to ever work together again... mostly bc they're in their 70s and been work in different genres since '86)
and that's it i don't think anything else needs explaining, i did not love the segment of jota 'lying', nor the whole miss muerta de hambre thing, and i was talking about this privately last week but rewatching the reunion for the purpose of making this last post i realized that what i couldn't put my fingers on about juriji is that as much as i'm sure she's probably very nice irl, i just don't care much for her purposefully playing dumb (something something being 30 and purposefully talking like a 12yo in a cutesy voice while taking off her clothes got old for me very fast... still insanely talent tho, probably what i have is fatigue bc i've been ready for this season to end like 3 weeks ago when my migraine was being a bitch)
i did love we got to see some of the missed runways (specially sethlas and ariel's bc i spent half of the season being sad we didn't get to see ariel on the runway and i did love the heroines runway theme) and congratulations to samantha for winning miss congeniality 💖
estrella and her wigs and the super glue omg💀
today in me unlocking levels of mental illness previously not known to humankind, i am almost certain this episode had the same translator as episodes 3 (it's just the vibe of the translation... and the amount of typos)
when they make the reference to dorothy, sharonne calls the ballet flats she did for petro chopines, which is a kind of shoe that was popular from the 15th to the 17th century (last week she also used a very particular word for espadrilles, not particularly relevant but still a bit odd, maybe it's just catalan of certain age idk)
i'm actually amused by this really being supremme's best friend drag race, specially since they're making a video clip for her song, since llévame al cielo came out last year around this time of the year, does it mean her new song that just came out is going to be the next victim of this if they are renewed for a third season?
when she's talking with supremme, venedita talks about la pequeña and la mercurio as inspirations for the beard, those are the artist names of alejandro sanchez (peque) and alex mercurio
sharonne mentions her dad working at sabadell and la caixa which are the names of two banks (idk how well known they are outside of spain so we're mentioning it)
venedita, as usual, is my eternal mood, specially when she talks about going unconscious for a week as soon as this is over... si je ne comprends pas quelque chose en français quand drag race france commence, cela restera incompris💀 je n'activerai plus jamais les sous-titres de wow+ si je peux l'eviter, je jure devant dieu
there's a typo in the subs when marina is in confessionals when they're writing lyrics, they say 'me siento muy malú' (i feel very malú) and the subs say 'me siento muy malo' (i feel very bad), malú is the name of a singer, they're talking about how they're feeling creative and how much they enjoy writing not about feeling poorly
the joke about changing llévame al cielo (take me to heaven) to llévame al huerto (take me to the garden) that marina and sharonne make is that to 'take someone to the garden/vegetable patch' is an andalusian expression that means you've convinced someone to sleep with you (it's from la celestina, if you're into 15th century literature, but it's still very much in use nowadays)
i lived for that reunion with the rest of the cast as background dancers, i laughed so much at samantha and estrella going 'baldie!' 'fatty!' as greetings, spanish speakers can and will take anything you are insecure about and both use it to bully you and turn it into an endearment and i both love and hate that for us lmao
how pretty supremme looks in red. oh my god.
calvo says some lyrics of djobi djoba by gypsy kings (cada día yo te quiero más 💞 it still slaps okay)
before the mv starts supremme says that the cat crowned under the rain (gee i wonder who could that be) will crown the bitch with the best pedigree (the subs here say something different i don't remember what but that's what she said literally)
more on sandra and mentally ill behavior, as a testament of how far my farala fangirl era has gone, i immediately shut down a friend who mentioned how she thought carmen must have filmed her segment for the mv last season, but no, if you look in the background you can see the mannequin with the dress venedita used for the last mini challenge and if you look at her face you can tell her mug is different bc her lips are fuller now
favorite look in the music video was marina (... and then they came out to the runway dressed like a goth bathroom doily 💀 why do they look like a doily jfc)
favorite look in the runway was venedita (but i did think she looked like a mix of a raven with a troll doll in the mv)
for some reason someone decided to translate folder as carpet in the subtitles when the judges are talking to venedita for the last time (ah linguistic false friends, we meet again, carpeta means folder and carpet would be alfombra), also in the subs they say she's like a sexy teacher from an Italian cop movie when they actually say a sexy teacher in an Italian destape movie, knowing what cinema destape was in spanish film history i think the closest historic analogue for italian cinema would be commedia scollacciata? (my italian film history knowledge is a bit spotty but that feels closer than cop movie... unless you mean cop as in to cop a feeling ofc)
when the judges are deliberating, supremme calls the other judges her familia putativa, which sounds funny bc it sounds like puta duh but it means chosen family
i'm sad they didn't let this cast walk the runway like they did for dres1 for the finale, that being said oh my god? onyx!? sethlas!? there isn't a single runway these two have missed that i haven't mourned, and this is why
i think it was a bit rude the way they told marina they were not going to lipsync, they had no chance statistically speaking of winning (... nobody except sharonne had it since episode 4 onwards if i'm honest) but still, now i'll have to wonder what was under the goth doily look for the rest of my life, them being eliminated before wouldn't have even affected the number of episodes for production either... i can't say i'm complaining about having more of them on the show but it still felt like a shitty thing to do to someone idk
i am obsessed obsessed with the final lipsync song, this entire season was full of attempts at reveals during lipsyncing (many of which i didn't care for) but this song does suit them and most were actually nicely done plus it's an alaska song, as far as gay and self improvement anthems go, this is one of the best the spanish language has to offer, it's from the 80s and it still goes so hard
et voila, c'est fini, the lot of you that have tolerated me going insane about DRES, ilu and i hope my wikipedia mode has been entertaining for some of you 💖
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zephycluster · 3 years
Precolonial HWS SEA Rant Post, feel free to ignore
If you're still reading, then you're probably looking for evidence or some juicy tidbits to throw back at me or to try and find dirt to cancel me, like typical Tumblr/Twitter. Go ahead, I don't really care.
First off, let me just say that If you like Precolonial South-East Asia AUs, feel free to keep enjoying them. I will respectfully support your passions from afar. This post is just to explain why I don't like it, especially the way they keep insisting/portraying PH in it.
Still here? Then let me begin.
Since the recent confirmation that the ASEAN Six Majors (Can't really say ASEAN 10 atm since it's still missing some people) Were completed and the Ma-Phil-Indo Trio was included, there has been a large surge in 'Precolonial' fanarts and portrayals of South East Asians, those three especially.
Even long, long before, circa 2010's ish, a rather well-known fan universe known as 'Maaf' dealt with their story and how their Author thought their intertwined histories went. Written by (my best guesstimate) an Indonesian writer who wants to explore the old, SEA bond.
When I first stumbled across Maaf (I was in Highschool at the time, around age 16-ish), I took a casual interest in it and tried to read it through. But, I will wholeheartedly admit that at the time, Pre-Colonial cultures of South-East Asia in general, let alone Philippine, did not really interest me that much. The focus (I think) was mostly on Indonesia, a country I didn't really know back then, and the liberal use of 'ancient' names and artwork just made it feel like an entirely Original Work (that needed a degree in History to really appreciate) and not something from Hetalia. I also completely disagreed with what I could gather was the story's portrayal of PH but I'm getting ahead of myself.
Do I hate 'Maaf'? No, I don't hate it. Do I wish I never came across it or that it didn't exist? Of course not. Just because I didn't enjoy it or appreciate it that well doesn't mean I wish any ill toward it, its fans, or its creator.
Fast forward to April 2021, the long awaited inclusion of South East Asia to the canon Hetalia verse. I was happy, the other fans were happy, all was good.
Then started the questionable fanarts, fan theories and fan pairings.
Especially the expansion of Precolonial! PH.
Let's go back to Maaf for one moment. From what I understood of Maaf, PH there was a character who once was like all the other South East Asian cultures, trading with them, all around being a nice family.
But all that changed when the Spaniards attacked, so cry the precolonial buffs. They destroyed everything, ransacked and marginalized the tribes, erased everything that PH was!
Did that happen? ABSOLUTELY. The Spaniards had this vision in mind that they must spread Christianity to all of the 'savage, unchristian heathens' of their realm. :V /s
But back up a second, back to PH's portrayal in Maaf. The way she (yeah, she) was portrayed there was that she was slowly losing her memories of being a 'true' South East Asian and grew more and more westernized in the process, like some sort of Culture-specific Alzheimer's or something.
Firstly, that is seriously depressing, and secondly, I just really don't see that happening.
Here's why.
Point 1: Even before Colonial Masters, Filipinos as a people cannot agree on anything.
I'll just begin this segment with a Philippine proverb that outlines what Filipinos call 'Crab Mentality' or 'Crab Bucket Mentality'.
"You don't need a lid for a container when you're keeping multiple crabs. If you keep at least two crabs together, they will just pull each other down instead of helping each other up."
I don't know how it goes with Indonesian or Malaysian history class, but what I know of my homeland, both pre- and post-colonial history, we were never really 'united' or 'together' in the sense that Indonesia and Malaysia were (from what I assume).
Let me pull up a somewhat related question on r/AskHistorians.
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The reason I brought this up as it shows the reasons why, in my opinion, a single entity that is 'Precolonial Philippines-tan' is an impossibility.
The answers are long and would extend this already long post to stupid proportions, so I'll just quote relevant sentences. The link is here for those that wanna deep-dive into the answer.
"All this to say that there wasn't a name used for the entire Philippine islands before the Philippines that people now would agree to. An interesting comparison would be the Holy Roman Empire, which might also be characterized as disparate politico-geographic groups of relatively small size that had a history of relations between each other, but one thing they had that the Philippines did not was a common language, or at least a family of mostly mutually intelligible languages, so that the name Deutschland or Germany isn't terribly offensive to anyone. If you called the Philippines the 'Lupang-Tagalog' or even 'Lupang-Tao' the other ethnic groups would protest."
For those in need of translation, 'Lupang Tagalog' means 'Land of the Tagalogs' and 'Lupang Tao' means 'Land of People', specifically. The first one is already exclusive and offensive, as the Tagalog peoples are but one of many ethnicities here.
And for the 'Lupang Tagalog' suggestion specifically, it's even more offensive as they are the majority ethnicity (not by much, just around 28%) From this chart from Geography Now! It would basically be alienating everyone else in the 72% remainder that isn't 'Tagalog'.
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And even 'Lupang Tao', the most generic name in a local language you can think of, would be met with contempt because the name itself is in the Tagalog language.
Just travelling between two individual island groups today would sometimes require a translator because the words can change very rapidly and very drastically. Here's a sample of some differences coming from a friend living in Visayas (in Red) vs. the words I know living in Luzon (In blue).
Ate vs. Manang = Older Sister
Ibon vs. Pispis = Bird
Tumawa vs. Kadlaw = To laugh
Takot vs. Hadlok = Fear
Kain vs. Kaon = To eat
Ngayon vs. Subong = Now, at this point in time
Iyak vs. Hibi/Gibi = to cry
Talampakan vs. Tiil = Foot (in Tagalog, the word retains its 'body part AND unit of measurement' meaning)
Tulog vs. Tuyo = to sleep (Tuyo in Tagalog is either a dried salted fish or 'to dry')
The kicker is that just like Tagalog is just one of many languages here, so too is the language my friend speaks. Ask an entirely new person, like someone from Mindanao, they'll probably have an entirely new set of words.
It's not just Luzon vs. Visayas vs. Mindanao, either. Here's a map listing some of the ethnic groups here.
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Even the way they're written differs from location to location.
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While we're on the subject of Island divisions, a casual skim across Twitter and Tumblr has shown that their Precolonial PH has been one of the following ancient civilizations: Tondo, Butuan, Sugbu, Namayan. There may have been others but that was what I have found.
Notice how even today, the posters of Precolonial PH can't seem to agree on what he's supposed to be? With Indonesia it's either Majapahit or Srivijaya and Malaysia it's usually Malacca iirc.
What is the big deal? Well, let's go back to the Ask Historians post. "Why didn't the Philippines ever change its name to remove the colonial mark that being named after a Spanish King has?" The answer: "If you suggested something dating to precolonial times, the other ethnic groups would protest."
Since we're on a roll with maps, let me bring this up.
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As you can see, the precolonial PH posts have a reason to not be able to agree on one thing, as there is a LOT of options. Do you also see how THAT list is also split up?
It's split up into those aligned with China (Sinified), aligned with India (Indianized), aligned with the Middle East (Islamicized), and no alignment (Animist). Now, let's go back to the main suggestions for which Kingdom/Polity/Civilization/whatever Modern Philippines used to be.
If the Filipino peoples' couldn't agree on something as simple as WHAT TO CALL THE LAND THEY'RE LIVING ON, what more a living, breathing, walking, talking entity that is supposed to be a beacon of all of their 'unified' culture? ESPECIALLY if that entity used to be a currently existing Kingdom/Polity/Rajahnate/Sultanate/whatever.
Tondo? "Of course, always the damn Tagalogs. Tagalog this, Tagalog that. First the capital city, then the language,* THE REST OF US EXIST, YOU KNOW! What about us in Visayas? Mindanao?"
*The national language known as 'Filipino' is just standardized Tagalog*
Butuan? "Wait, you want Butuan to represent us? They're they only Indian-aligned city in the Islam-majority Mindanao! They're not even that many of them! I'm not gonna change my religion!"
Sugbu, the other name for the Rajahnate of Cebu on the map? Lemme bring back my Visayan friend again. According to her, she hails from the Hiligaynon part of Visayas.
"Sure :v and the other islands are what?
Chopped liver?
Not to mention the language and writing barrier helloooo"
And Namayan? Well. I'll let this pic speak for itself.
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To summarize, no matter who you pick as Modern PH's previous identity, it will not end well nor be accepted by the other Kingdoms at the time.
"So where does that leave Modern PH, he had to have been ONE of them, right?"
Well, not really. He doesn't HAVE to be one of the Ancient Kingdoms that lasted till the modern day. I mean, predecessor representatives exist in Hetalia canon, after all. Like Modern Greece is a different character from Ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt and Modern Egypt, heck even England and his brothers have a canon mother that was the rep before them.
Or you could even use the same logic that Germany does, in that each specific region has/had its own representative and that Modern!PH is just the 'mediator' between them (cause gawd does PH need one). There could be a Tondo, a Namayan, a Butuan, and a Sugbu, all arguing and this Proto-PH is just trying to make headway in making them all satisfied.
But, even after all this, there is another reason why I personally don't subscribe to the 'Precolonial PH' idea, and by tangential extension, the Indo x Phil pairing.
Point 2: Even without intending to, Precolonial Indo x Phil just comes off as patronizing
This second point is just ENTIRELY personal preference and barely has any facts to back it up.
Again, if you like the pairing and disagree with me, You do you. I will respectfully support you and your passions from a distance.
But for me, Indo being Phil's seme/bae/boyfriend and consistently bringing up precolonial times just comes off as patronizing.
Just one more time, I'd like to point out that I am NOT bashing Indonesia, its people or the subscribers of Indo x Phil. This is just how the pairing feels to ME specifically.
The way I see it, Indo x Phil as a pairing, especially if it extends back into precolonial times, reads the same way as a long-since married couple where the husband/wife CONSTANTLY brings up that ONE outing you had together, or that ONE prom night where you kissed while dancing, even it happened like 30 some-odd years ago and so much more happened since then.
Even in a platonic sense, It reads like two besties where one ALWAYS mentions stuff like 'Yeah but you looked so much cooler back in High School' or 'Back in Grade School you would've known that', or 'Remember back in Pre-school we did X? How could you forget that?'
How does one respond to the notion that no matter what you do now, it will never compare to a past you've already forgotten or barely remember? That the best version of 'you' is already long gone?
"That's because the westerners made you forget your culture! You gotta take it back!"
While it is true, yes, as a collective we barely remember the Kingdom that commissioned the Laguna Copperplate, or created the Banaue Rice Terraces, or created the millennia old bonds that we still share with Indonesia and Malaysia.
But to keep pushing the precolonial identity would be to neglect and cast aside the one REAL binding belief and culture that spans the entirety of these islands we call the Philippines.
We take on all the bad stuff that happens to us, conquer it, and make it our own. Be it natural disasters, foreign powers, or negative stereotypical mentalities.
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Yes, we've forgotten the ancient kingdoms of old and are just now digging through the closet for those remnants of the past. Yes, the colonizers imposed that on us, and made us forget. But in the process we've also taken everything that they left behind, everything that they threw at us, and created something that can only come from us.
The lanterns that the Spaniards used to light the way to the morning masses they made us attend became our globally known symbol of Christmas. The junked vehicles that the Americans left behind in World War 2 are now rolling works of art that announce themselves loud and proud on the streets (for better or for worse). The iced dessert recipe that the Japanese forced us to learn while they were occupying the country is now so distinct and famous it is synonymous with us, and is so delicious even Italy has taken notice.
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Even after all this? Even after all the 425-ish years total we have been under a foreign power, with all the progress we've made as a country, a people, and a nation, you would still imply our fragmented, jigsaw puzzle state of being in the past was better just because it was pure 'South East Asian' like everyone else?
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We might not be as well put-together as Indonesia or Malaysia, but we made this melting pot of angry, leg-pulling, dogpiling, Native, Mestizo, Chinoy, and Fil-Am crabs OURS, damnit!
It's now 4:30 AM and I have work in 5 or so hours. I'll be going to sleep now.
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ducavalentinos · 3 years
Why do you think that Cesare helped Della Rovere become Pope? It's seems uncharacteristically...stupid? Perhaps illness and grief had made him desperate?
(Also I can't get that scene of Della Rovere hitting on Cesare in Borgia out of my head help lol)
Oh, thank you anon, for giving me the chance to vent my thoughts about the most frustrating event in Borgian history! This is long-ish, and tumblr is being weird(!!!!!!!) with the read-more link, so I'm not sure where/if it will show up below or not. Before answering your question, there is a question to be made first, I think: Why was Della Rovere still breathing in the year of 1503? If we follow the Borgias’ historical literature, the vast majority paints Rodrigo and Cesare, in particular Cesare, as unscrupulous, utterly ruthelss, vindictive men. They were the terror of Italy, and they meticulously eliminated all of their enemies. Yet, most of their enemies and their families, important to add, lived. Including Della Rovere, the most dangerous and bitterest rival of their family. What are we supposed to make of this? It's another one of those common situations in Borgian bios where what it is said is demonstrably at odds with the historical material, and it's something to ponder, I mean, Cesare only found himself in his predicament in 1503 because he and his father failed to strike down Della Rovere during those long eleven years they were in power. Their inability and/or unwillingness to do so was a graver political mistake than Cesare helping Della Rovere win the papacy in the end. And answering your question now, yes, I think the initial impression is that it does seem uncharacteristically stupid for Cesare to support Della Rovere, and help him win. But then again, I don't think Cesare's biographers are very good in showing the complexity of papal Conclaves, and the whole political landscape Cesare was in, and all the possible factors that came into play in his decision. Maybe it's a decision made not to overwhelm or bore the reader, but it usually has only one or two chapters covering both Conclaves, with a lot being left out or ignored, or simplified. The two most popular opinions are that: 1. Cesare had no choice, but to support Della Rovere. Some claim he was no longer in a powerful position, or felt lost without his father's guidance, and/or Della Rovere was the only and strongest candidate for that Conclave from the start, and his election was an impossible thing to avoid. It was already settled, and Cesare had to roll with it the best he could, and try not to make the future Pope even more hostile towards him. 2. He had other choices, namely he had cardinal Rouen, but in the end it didn't worked out, and Della Rovere stood unopposed as a candidate for the papacy, which forced Cesare to support him, and/or he apparently believed Della Rovere's promises, and thought they could reach an understanding. Opinion #1 is the most messy, and it makes zero sense to me today, given there is actual historical info reporting the contrary. The idea that Cesare's power and influence died out or diminished after his father died, or that he was lost without his guidance, are false. Prior to Della Rovere's election as Pope Giulio II, Cesare's power and influence remained strong. He still had large sums of money with his bankers in Genoa and other places of Italy, he continued to be visited daily by cardinals and orators, and indeed it even seems he was thought to be the decisive factor for any papal election. There isn't much criticism to be made either, when looking at his actions right after Rodrigo died, esp. considering at the same time he was dangerously ill himself, and it wasn't something he had prepared for, being it impossible to predict such a thing, he played all of his cards wise and correctly. He was able to secure Piccolomini as Pope, who if not a Borgia partisan, at least was not antagonistic towards him and his family. About the second Conclave, there is a report from Machiavelli in which he says cardinal Pallavicini was the only one being regarded as a possible rival to Della Rovere. And Burchard, whose info seems to have been correct in this instance, writes of a meeting that took place between Della Rovere and Cesare with the Spaniard cardinals at the Vatican, a variant of this info is of Della Rovere meeting Cesare and the Spaniard cardinals at the Castel Sant' Angelo, where they were able to reach an agreement. Opinion #2 makes a little more sense, and it matches a little bit more with the info there is, but it's still messy. Cardinal Pallavicini is almost never mentioned (only Woodward mentions him iirc), and it has to be said that even if Della Rovere succeeded in making himself an unopposed candidate, nevertheless, the Spanish vote could decide an election. So Cesare still had choices, and the reason why he didn't went with those choices, in my view, is not because he believed Della Rovere's promises, it's not the case of Della Rovere winning in the game of deception, I believe both men were aware that agreement was only temporary, and Cesare's decision there was composed by other factors. And between these two opinions, here's what I think is more plausible to have happened: Cesare, knowing his beloved tutor Giovanni Vera was as impossible a choice in that second Conclave as he had been in the first, thought about supporting the French cardinal Rouen. He was far from the ideal choice, but he was a workable choice for him. However, although his influence with the Spaniard cardinals was strong, he must have been aware his influence with them had limitations. The cardinals would never vote for a French candidate, because they were also obliged to King Ferdinand II of Spain, who also had his influence with them, and whose interests they were there in Rome to protect and represent. So much like Vera, Rouen quickly became an impossible choice for him. After this, it's reasonable to think he turned his efforts towards any candidate who stood a chance against Della Rovere, which turned out to be cardinal Pallavicini. Pallavicini is interesting, because like Della Rovere, he was also from the Liguria region (Genoa), but unlike Della Rovere, he maintained a friendly relationship with the Borgia family during Alexander VI's papacy. Rodrigo Borgia was able to secure his support during his own battle to win the papacy in the Conclave of 1492. He also counted on this cardinal's efforts when trying to nominate Cesare for the cardinalate. And he appointed him Bishop of Pamplona, a title previously held by Cesare himself. There is nothing, that I've found anyways, suggesting he and Cesare had direct interactions, but it's possible Cesare cultivated a relationship with him much in the same way he did with cardinal Piccolomini (later Pope Pius III). So by all accounts, Pallavicini was Cesare's best choice then, and it is intriguing there isn't much about this, or why Pallavicini failed to make himself Pope. In theory at least, with Cesare's support, he would have won the papacy. The Italian cardinals were not supporting Della Rovere because they wanted him, many disliked him, some still remembered the papacy of his uncle, but he seemed like a better choice than another Spaniard, or a French, or god forbid a Colonna or an Orsini, but with cardinal Pallavicini, they had a good choice there, and the only reason I can think of as to why they didn't elect him comes down to money and benefices. At some point, Pallavicini, even with Cesare's support, couldn't keep up with the resources Della Rovere made sure of having, and just like Rouen, he fell behind. From this point forward, things get more complicated for Cesare, but Della Rovere's election was still not a concluded reality. A question that follows when reading the info about him meeting with Cesare is: Would he have reached out to Cesare, the son of a man he hated to the core, from a family he despised, if his election was such a sure thing? I think the answer here is no. Della Rovere entering into an agreement with Cesare highly implies, if not proves it, he did not had the necessary votes to win. He needed the Spanish vote, 11 votes to be precise, which were under the influence of Cesare. Without the 11 votes, every single voting would end up nowhere, and a thought I believe was on Della Rovere's mind at the time was that: the longer it took for an election, the more difficult it became for him to stay as strong and unopposed. The support he had could shift in one week or two. New rivals could emerge, unexpected things could happen, because papal Conclaves were mostly unpredictable. It depended a lot on money, influence, the political situation on a daily basis, esp. in Rome, where as it was the norm without a Pope, was a city under total chaos. Della Rovere could only control so much for so long, and I think he knew that very well, hence why he swallowed his hatred, and went to negociate with the son of his archenemy, and get the 11 votes he needed to win as soon as possible.
Another question that follows after reading all this is: Ok, so why didn't Cesare used that for his advantage? better yet, why didn't he use the chaos in Rome, for example, to subtly force the cardinals to stop supporting Della Rovere and find a more favourable candidate for him? Or why didn't he simply stalled the election until a more favourable candidate appeared? These are all things he was in a position of doing, and the reason why he didn't do it, and instead went with helping Della Rovere can be better explained when considering the following factors: 1. You mentioned his grief, and his illness, which might have made him desperate, and while I don't think it was that exactly that made him desperate, I do think it counts as a factor into understanding his state of mind at that moment, and why he made that final decision. Cesare had gone through a rollercoster of events, and dare I say, emotions in less than 3 months. He lost his father, the constant and closest male presence in his life, as far as we know. He didn't had time to grieve him nor make sure he had a decent and respectful burial (it's possible he heard later what was said about his death and burial, and I have no idea how that made him feel) because he was also fighting for his life then. First against illness, then against his enemies in Rome. Not only that, other people and things depended on him. He was the head of the house then, and it fell to him the responsibility, among all that chaos, to keep the women and children of his family safe, as well as to make sure to get all the valuable possessions left in the Vatican and in his palace, before they were sacked completely by servants and others. This was an important step to ensure their survival in the coming months. Gioffre was there to help him, and he did helped, but you know, everyone looked at Cesare for leadership and protection, and he could barely leave his bed, so that surely must have added an extra layer of stress for him. But then, he succeeded in making Piccolomini pope, and it looked like the worst was over, things looked hopeful for him and the Borgia family. And then, suddenly Pius dies, only after 26 days of papacy. Again, if it was truly a natural death, there is no way Cesare could have predicted that, and just like that he was right back where he started. Having to navigate the messy political affairs of a papal conclave and its outcome, of which he and his family’s lives and future depended on. Cesare was resilient. Rodrigo raised his children to be resilient, and to not crumble at the face of adversity, to persist. But I guess we can agree this a lot for a person to process in such a short amount of time. So by the time the second Conclave happened, it would be reasonable to think Cesare might have been feeling overwhelmed, tired, in pain (he had gone through awful treatments), and overall just a bit shaken up mentally and emotionally, although he always tried to look strong and positive —it's interesting to notice it didn't seemed to have been in his nature to be a pessimist, only much later he is recorded as feeling more despondent, and saying Fortuna has left him *gets sad in spanish* — which made him more open to consider options he wouldn't have had under normal circumstances, I think. 2. As said above, Cesare seems to have had this trait in his personality of being resilient, it's one of the reasons why I think he survived for as long as he did (same with Lucrezia, I suppose), he had an instinct to not give up no matter how impossible the situation looked, of not being afraid to face adversities that came his way. He seems to have welcomed challenges, and it was when he felt most encouraged to fight and to thrive. When he was the prisoner of Della Rovere in the Vatican, then pope Giulio II, one of Giulio's men said to him: "signor duca, you have always been spirited." to which he is recorded as having said that: "quando più sono in adversità tanto più mi fortifico di anima. // the more I am in adversity, the more I strengthen my soul." So this is another factor to consider. It's possible he saw the situation with Della Rovere as just another adversity he had to face, and with his tenacity, intelligence, and most importantly, with time, he could overcome it. 3. Another possible factor, but this one is only my personal assessment after reading Alvisi and some of the documents he exposes there, is that both Rodrigo and Cesare display a difficulty in understanding not everyone was as cold-headed and pragmatic as they were. It's evident in their actions, they never had much, if any, trouble putting their personal dislikes aside, and working with their enemies, if it meant they would reach a certain goal they wanted, and/or if it avoided needless conflict or bloodshed. However, not everyone is capable of rising above their feelings, and in this case prejudices, and work like that with people they see as enemies. It was the case of Florence and Venice, for example. Every single conversation the Borgia men had with these two city-States made it painfully clear no agreement would ever happened between them. They would much rather damned themselves and their cities than to genuinely try to work with men they suspected of being marranos and who they saw as being beneath them. It was personal, deeply personal, and to a point just irrational, too. But Rodrigo and Cesare did not seemed to grasp that, like the idea of acting against one's own interest simply out of personal dislike or prejudice didn't register inside their minds, it was just preposterous to them (I agree! dsdjsdjsj). With the right terms, surely an agreement can be reached, no matter how they feel about us, that's what they seem to think, and it's a bit funny, and sad to observe. And if I'm correct here, then Cesare helping Della Rovere might have carried some of this mentality, too. Him thinking: yes, of course, Della Rovere hates me and my family, but not to his own detriment, right? (wrong, just as like in the cases of Venice and Florence, but he later learned that the hard way) and this thinking made him conclude they could work together, despite of any hatred. 4. And finally, the last factor, which I see it as the final nail the coffin, sort-to-speak: His impatience. In the middle of all this papal business, and him fighting for his life, Cesare was also receiving daily news from the Romagna, and after Pope Pius's death, the situation went from bad to worse, his dukedom was being attacked by the men he had ousted from those cities (instead of having had them executed, as it was the norm of his times) with the full support of Venice and Florence in doing so, and only a few cities, like Cesena, were able to withstand these attacks. This is what I think made him desperate. We have to keep in mind Cesare was a man of action. Sitting idle watching his project, one that seems to have been dear to him beyond just mere ambition, wasn't how he did things, and it had to be pure agony for him to be in a position where he couldn't do much. He was still ill, he couldn't organize his men well, he was pretty much trapped at the Castel Sant'Angelo since the one time he tried to leave Rome, the Orsinis almost caught him, and if they caught him, he was a dead man, him and everyone with him. And he didn't had papal authority, only with that would the attack of these cities stop and only with that could he leave Castel Sant'Angelo and finally do something, so he needed a Pope elected as soon as possible, too, even one like Della Rovere. This hurry, this agony, combined with the other factors mentioned above, very likely might have made him overlook some details about his particular situation, misunderstanding Della Rovere’s nature, and underestimating this man’s hatred for him and his family.
Personally, I believe he should have stalled the Conclave for as long as possible, and waited a more favourable papal outcome for him. Sure, it involved other risks. The main one losing all of the Romagna, but here's the thing: the Romagna was basically lost to him anyways. That region belonged to the Church and to papal rule, and Cesare's control over it came from his position as Gonfaloniere of the Church, but imo, that wasn't a position he could have kept. Popes tended to appoint this position to men close to them, family members preferably, because it was an important and influential position, and they needed someone they could trust, and whose interestes would be aligned with them and their papacy. Maybe there is a precedent of a Pope letting the son of the previous Pope in this position, instead of changing it for someone inside their own circle, and nothing bad happened either lol, but no example comes to my mind right now. And in any case, I don't think they were quite in the same situation as Cesare. Cesare's situation was kind of unique, too. He was a beloved and popular ruler, and this little fact, whether he realized it or not, made him even more of a threat to any Pope who wanted to have full control over the Papal States. It created a conflict of power where the Gonfaloniere's influence in the Romagna would have been stronger than that of the Pope himself, which could lead to dangerous situations. With a decent amount of money, the right partisans, and the people's support (who always had anti-papal feelings to being with) Cesare, if he wanted to, could very easily strike up a rebellion against papal authority. No clever Pope, surely not Della Rovere, would have wanted to have that hanging over their heads. That's way too much power for a person to have over them and their papacy. So the Romagna wasn't something possible for him to keep, unless we consider other possbilities, but that's another topic, the point is: at least with a favourable Pope, one like Pius, Cesare could have tried to secure some cities, as well as some fortresses in the lines of the Romagna, Umbria and Tuscany regions. I think that's something he could have achieved with a favourable Pope, creating a new duchy for him and his family, not as Gonfaloniere, but as the Pope's vassal perhaps. But, maybe he didn't considered that, or maybe he had info that didn't came down to us which made this scenario not an option, or info which made him feel confident with his decision with Della Rovere, as usual, this is another theme where there's many things we will never know for sure, but I hope this helped a bit into shedding a light on this confusing, frustrating event in Cesare's life. (And I don't remember that scene, anon??? lol is that the one where Della Rovere is already pope, and he wants to humiliate Cesare further so he brings him naked and in chains to his rooms? and then proceeds to take advantage of the situation, forcing Cesare to kiss him? that one? that's the only scene that comes to my mind, and I have to say I felt pretty disgusted watching it. I guess it's another example of the poor taste of much of Fontana's writing, he really seems to like taking things to an extreme and always enter this sadistic, twisted territory with his characters that really is not my thing. On the other hand, it made me appreciate Mark as an actor even more, because it's not every actor who could have put that scene off, among so many others tbh, without looking utterly ridiculous, and failing to convey any emotions to the viewer. I felt very sad for Cesare there, in Fontana's world, Cesare was a victim of rape in the past, and in that scene with Della Rovere, he was again at a vulnerable position, without any power, and being force to kiss this man who had his life and his future on his hands. It's again, a extreme and sadistic take of the real psychological torture Della Rovere seems to have had enjoyed inflicting on irl!Cesare once he was pope Giulio II.)
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draken-rotzi · 3 years
Bug Man x Reader Part One*
Read on AO3
SO, wanted to write something of this topic bc we all need some more Musical!BJ in our lives, it’s a nice comfort ngl, I enjoyed writing it and hope you do too c:
(Got carried away so here's the first half while I edit the second one in the meantime, it takes a bit to get to the main part we all want to read forgive mE it's better in th next one believeme)
I'd love some feedback since I haven't written anything since 2019 ;v; some wordings might seem odd since my brain speaks spanish first english second
Summary; Old boring university life and a broken but hopeful heart meet the supernatural and whacky demon/ghost with the most, reader-chan needs to get out from a toxic relationship and what's a better help than a magic dead man? Cutting ties might seem easier when someone else arrives and flips your world upside down with no warning.
Mostly fluff, bits of angst l8r
Female reader, but tried to not give any other specifics to the character themselves, OCs appear
It was a fresh autumn afternoon, birds still chirped before migrating to warmer areas for the winter, the wind was cold but nice, not yet freezing but enough for people to wear light coats. You sit on a school desk, a class about taxes and fees, you drift off a bit looking at the window while half-listening.
You lived in a medium but popular city, it was a great place, with nice, kind people for the most part, huge malls, restaurants and lots of places to go out with friends or alone.
"Miss ___? Care to answer this equation here for the class?" The teacher asks, a tall, slender woman that radiated authority, it made some students shiver in times like this with a direct question.
"Oh? Yeah- sure miss Adams" You replied, while trying not to look confused since you just missed the topic, hopefully you remembered from the last lesson by the time you walked up to the blackboard and took the marker to write.
After class, you were walking with your friends to the cafeteria next to the main exit to wait for an uber to arrive; your side job as a freelance wasn't good enough yet to afford a car, but it helped pay the bills and to have enough for a bit more more than the basic needs.
Your two best friends at college were Itai and Rob. Itai was a funny dude, with a darker tone on his skin, not so tall and full of charisma. Rob was a bit more collected, but still a lot of fun to be around, being the voice of reason for you three most of the time, emphasis in most, because sometimes he got carried away too.
"Man I hate that class, I don't understand a thing! Why do we even need math?" Itai tells the group, sounding annoyed as usual, he was a simple guy, but simple guys need a degree too, to secure a better job.
"Well if you paid attention instead of eating that cold baguette in class you won't be that confused my man" Rob replies, laughing a bit at the end
"At least you weren't asked to do math in front of the class" You sigh, putting down your backpack and sitting on a table next to the building's exit, looking at your phone to know how much time was left for the driver to arrive, around 10 minutes.
"Yeah everyone felt so bad for you, but hey, if you’ll be daydreaming at least look at the front instead of the window next time, it might help you" Rob said while opening a bottle of apple juice, his favorite, he wouldn't drink any other thing, he was probably 60% apple juice after years of drinking it that often.
A few minutes passed by, the three friends chatting about the day's events, their plans for the weekend, and how to get the next assignment done. A figure appeared behind you putting a hand on your shoulders.
"Well hello ladies!" A man chirped, you turned around laughing softly
"Hey yourself!" you replied "Already off?"
"Yeah I've got the last hour free so I'm gonna head out to Kris' place, we'll play some games and work on that big project I told you the other day"
"Great, have fun! You say hi to Kris from me yeah?"
"Sure thing, see you later!" He says with a squeeze of his hand on your shoulder, then a quick pat on the head, turning around to leave.
"Bye, take care Nick!" you say as the man walks out of the cafeteria's door waving a hand.
Silence lingers for a bit until Itai breaks it
"Hey so, you're still going out with him?" He says with a crooked smile and a nervous look, Rob has a similar expression
"Yeeeah... it's been okay for some time now, you know? Hah" You look down for a second, pondering "Maybe this time is the good run?" Uncertainty fills the question, but you still smile to your friends.
Nikolas wasn't the model boyfriend, at least not for your friends; he was full of sweet words, hugs and kisses, only in private places though. When it came to the campus he treated you just like any other friend.
There was a small reason, according to him, he wanted to wait a bit more to make it public, get to know each other better, just to be certain from both sides.
That was the excuse a year ago.
It wasn't like he was out and flirting with other people, not at all, but one could expect to be treated like a love partner after so much time and moments together, you’ve gone to the movies, to dinner, to each other's houses, hell your families knew you two were dating, it just wasn't more than the bare minimum from him, seemed more like a thing someone does if they have free time, not make time for that thing, the thing being the relationship.
It seemed to be only a problem of neglect and apathy, probably, though you were so dumbly in love with him at first, you have been hoping and asking for a change since the relationship escalated to more than just holding hands and light kisses.
"I don't think anything's gonna change, he's been stalling for a whole year now" Itai mumbled, looking at Rob, he nodded in agreement
"Yeah, just dump him already, you deserve way better, you give him everything you got and he just throws the leftovers at you."
"I guess, but we're going out this weekend! You know he doesn't like going out often"
"With you" Rob adds
You hesitate a reply, it was true, most of the times you asked him to go out for a change, he was either too busy or decided to change the event the same day, turning it into a make out session in his house every time. Even though you saw each other 2 days every week, you have seen him go out with his friends more often, on actual enrichment outside activities.
"I know..." you sigh " I'll think about it, I'll try to talk with him about it next time”
Both of your friends let out a small groan of annoyance, they knew you weren't gonna do it, or that he'll just brush it off as always, between the lines of 'oh you're overreacting'
"Ah my ride's here!" You got up from the table and grabbed your backpack, tossing it over one shoulder.
"See he can't even give you a lift to your place!" Itai teased, they knew how you felt about the whole situation, but joking around sometimes made it a bit less bitter.
"Ha-ha, you know we live in opposite ends of the city! Besides none of you give me a ride either" you said while sticking a tongue out on your way outside the cafeteria
"Yeah because you live at the ends of the earth for some weird reason!" Rob joked back
Everyone said their quick goodbyes, and after a calm ride back home you remembered something just as you were locking the door, tossing your backpack into the living room’s couch you walked over to your room.
You flopped onto the bed, looking at your phone you opened some pending messages on the family group chat, apparently a distant relative of yours had died, and the family was gonna hold a small funeral tomorrow morning on the local cemetery, you didn’t enjoy those kind of events since you’d get really emotional, but since it was something really small, no more than 20 people, it was private and most likely no strangers would see you cry over someone you barely knew.
Tomorrow was saturday so it was okay to spend one free morning humoring your family.
After some mindless browsing on your phone, it was already 12:30am, you haven’t even got off your sneakers since you got home, you did a quick self-cleanup in the bathroom, tossing today’s clothes to the side to change into an oversized shirt with no pants as a makeup pijamas, it got a bit warmer in the afternoon so you wanted to enjoy wearing something light before winter fully arrived, getting under the sheets and you were out fast, maybe from all the overthinking of what’d tomorrow might bring, you’ve forgotten what are funerals like.
But there was certainly no way you’d know what would happen at all the next day
The event was simple, thankfully there was not much crying, seemed like everyone accepted already what had happened, some kind of illness you heard, at least they weren’t suffering anymore and they’ve come to terms with everyone close to them, that was nice you thought, it sure felt a bit heavy in there, as usual for funerals. After the ceremony, the family offered a barbeque in the departed’s honor to bright up the mood a bit; right at the cementery, maybe it was cheaper than renting a place for it.
Free tasty food was something only an idiot would decline, so you spent some time doing small talk with the relatives you knew best, but still you mostly just listened and ate in silence.
You saw a glimpse of color and movement out of the corner of your eye, since everyone was wearing dark tones it stood out, turning your head there was just an empty plastic table with some half-full plates and glasses, still, you felt a shiver up your spine, it was probably the weather.
When you looked back at your phone's clock it was already 6 pm, guess dad jokes and food made time fly, you said your goodbyes and condolences to everyone and headed out, you were still at the cemetery, so you had to call a ride back home, the driver dropped you near a convenience store just around the corner of your apartment, since you needed to buy a snack for dinner, on sundays you usually had takeout, so no need to worry much about it right now.
“I know I didn’t imagine anything, that breather saw me at the cemetery! we even locked eyes for a second! It may work this time, just gotta get closer while they're alone”
Walking down the street, humming a bit to some music and a bag of snacks in hand, dusk started to set, some stars could be seen and the sky was a beautiful fuchsia tone with oranges and purples mixed in the clouds. On instinct, you took your phone out of your jeans pocket to take a picture of the cute sky.
Just as you took a couple of pictures, to make sure at least one was good to share, something caught your attention out of the corner of your eye again
You felt a shiver like a cold wind out of nowhere, similar as to when a car drives a bit too close to someone on winter, but there was not even one driving car on the street.
"Oof, should get back now, it's getting colder" picking up the peace to get home faster-
A piece of paper slapped you in the face
“EW- wind trash” you muttered while grabbing what seemed to be a flyer, and it flew indeed.
You naturally took a closer look at it when you took it into your hands and out of your face, it was a very faded print, with an image of an… insect? man? holding a hammer over a small house and people, you chuckled, it was a funny irony cartoon, a bug crushing people.
Half of the flyer was unreadable because of some liquid or dirt, already dry but you couldn’t read what was supposed to be, written under the drawing was the end of an ad;
“Ghostly services one name away!
“Betelgeuse? ...Like that one star?” There was that shiver again, Halloween was a week ago, so this kind of paper seemed normal to be hanging around with the wind.
As you walked down the street, some lights started flickering, the cold wind seemed stronger and the sky was a deep dark purple now, strange, it was supposed to be clear dark blue by now, fall nights came quickly this time of the year, still it didn't feel like the usual night. You were just around the corner of your street when the closest light bulb exploded and zapped with a loud 'CRASH', making you stop for a second cowering from the shards
"What the-!? No one told me we'd be getting winter thunderstorms sooner what the eff" muttering swears you made a run to your apartment, scurrying for the door keys in the process, lights kept flashing and the wind made windows sing a high 'oooo' noise, you have seen this kind of weather before but no one would like to be outside when it happened, nervously and quickly you finally fit the key in the lock and opened the door, hurrying inside and closing it behind, a loud bang thundered through the silent room, the unexpected storm slamming against the walls and windows, you left the lights on before going out.
After a minute it seemed to calm down, wind turning into a breeze and the sky now it's usual black, no stars in the sky.
You let out a sigh and walked to the counter to drop your keys, the phone and your purse, you had to make sure all the windows were closed for the night, luckily it was Saturday, so no need to go out tomorrow on that crazy weather.
Windows secured, you changed into your winter pajamas, a gray pair of pants with a pattern of a cat on toast and eggs, with a pastel blue loose shirt. Making your way to the kitchen you decided a light snack would be enough for tonight, after that run and emotion on the way back home you had no energy to cook a proper dinner, not even microwave, it was also too late for it anyways you thought.
You put the snack bowl and a cup of water on the kitchen counter, looking to grab your phone. You noticed you still had the dirty flyer, forgot to drop it between the commotion maybe?
Placing it aside and unlocking your phone screen, you opened the ‘best friend's’ chat group
You. 'Hey guys, did you get any of that weird winter storm action today after school?'
Rob. 'Nah, it was a clear sky for me'
Itai. 'Same, also I was asleep all afternoon'
You. 'Strange, I got caught on this whirlwind on my way back home from the store, just my luck I guess >:('
Both of the boys. 'Lol yea'
Putting the phone down and chomping on some of the snacks, you thought about the events, it was indeed a clear sky earlier, only a couple of common clouds you took pictures of before it. You grabbed the phone again, quickly to see if any of the photos looked good.
"Pleasepleaseplease" you muttered in excitement, it was a very cute view, hopefully one picture captured it nicely.
And they did, a couple looked stunning, you smiled, thinking at least it was worth getting your hair all messed up by the wind, you were about to delete one picture it since it was blurry when you noticed a different kind of blur, it was gray with splashes of green in the corner, similar to what you saw at the funeral.
"There was nothing green on the other pictures, was it?" you looked through the other photos and they were pretty normal, full of pink, purple and blue from the sunset.
You looked back at the flyer
"Betelgeuse, betelgeuse, betelgeuse huh" You said in a playful tone, grabbing the torn paper from the counter, you felt a shiver, a strong one this time, well that was the opposite of a calming experience, but still the word felt strange when you said it, it wasn't like you hadn't said before, Orion was a popular constellation, and the Betelgeuse star was on it; but this time the air inside had a tense feeling.
All the lights went off after a second "Now a blackout? What's with today ugh" picking up your phone to use as a flashlight, after a couple of seconds before you could turn it on, all the lights came back again, but you almost had a heart attack when you saw someone standing in the center of the living room, enveloped in a green mist.
"FUCK wh- WHO THE FUCK-" you stuttered before turning around and grabbing the closest thing to use as a weapon, a wooden spoon used for beating eggs this morning "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE? WHO ARE YOU? GET OUT!"
The figure was a man, taller than you, dressed in a striped black and white suit, dark hair with green tints at the end, a wicked smile plastered on his face, he took a look around, then back to you, endless chills went down your spine when you met his eyes, you could feel the tense aura from before growing stronger, anticipating, colder.
"Well who might I be? You should know, you called my name baby! Glad to make some business with you tonight!" He said as he extended a hand and walked, floated? quickly towards a paralized you, frozen in place, you only managed to put the spoon up in self defense from whomever this man could be, the lights were out for just a few seconds, was he inside the apartment all this time?
"S-stop right there you!" tried to threaten the man with the wooden tool, he didn't seem to notice nor care, wrapping an arm around your shoulders, then placing a sloppy kiss in your face, petrified, you shivered and gripped the spoon harder, he felt oddly cold.
...Did he just kiss you? Who does he think he is??
"No no, no stopping now! We just got started cakes, and now that you said my name three times, I can finally interact with you and everything here in the world of the living! Gotta say thanks it's been real boring being invisible for so long lemme tell ya-"
You hit the man in the head with the wooden spoon as hard as you could.
...the spoon broke.
The man's smile grew wider
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