#im a bundle of very nervous nerves right now
ley-med · 5 months
I put together such a nice little presentation for next week's anesthesia conference, if I may say so, but there's one tiny thing left
How in the goddamn name of everything that's holy do I do the statistics part properly???
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I have literally zero idea of what I'm doing
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Is it normal to get a growth spurt at 22? Yesterday I had to almost fall out of the couch before I could reach my cup from the table. Today I grasped the ceramic easily. It’s strange because nothing is different. I keep my cup at the edge because I know how I need to reach for it. I hadn’t placed the mug closer than yesterday. I wish I had gotten taller but no I’m the same height as yesterday.
Wow this is interesting. Today when brushing my teeth I found myself easily being able to reach the top shelf. I’ve never been able to do that.
I’m going mad, aren’t I? It looks like my arms grew. Nothing but my arms. Is that normal? Were they always like this? What’s happening?
I sat around today just staring at my hands. I can reach my knees while standing straight. It’s disgusting. I haven’t dared to leave my home. I missed work today and yesterday. I just don’t understand. I’m not in pain, I’m not seeing any marks… my arms are just longer. Have they always been this long? Have I always been this shape? Should I call a doctor? My arms are so long, my fingers are like spider legs. It’s like I’m being stretched.
I can’t leave. What’s going on?! What did I do? When I walk my nails brush against the floor. I’m scared. I called mom, she didn’t believe me. Of course not, why would she? I don’t understand. I don’t understand. It hasn’t even been that long. It’s as if my arms grow at night… or now? I can’t tell. Are they getting longer? Oh please help.
I called the doctor. I called the police. I’m going mad, that’s it! I’m just being delusional. A nervous breakdown, that’s normal, right? I’ve never heard of something like this but delusions can be very convincing. That must be it. That must be it. That must be it. That must be it.
My hands sting. They’re ripped up from being dragged on the floor. I lift them up. The floor is rough. But since I’m just mad it’s alright! These wounds aren’t real, I’m just imagining them! The blood, the stench… see my arms are still unmarked. They look normal, ignoring how long they are. It’s fine. It’s fine. Someone knocked on the door. I’m scared. They’ll see me. They’ll see me and kill me. I’m a freak. I’m disgusting. I’m just delusional! It’s fine! It’s not fine. They’re so long.
They had to bundle my arms up in blankets. It took two to cover them. They then folded me up in the car. It hurt. The car is too small. My shoulders ache. I can’t hear. Nothing is real. When I press my long palm against the floor it’s cold and rough against my skin. I’m a reasonable person. There must be an explanation.
Im a freak. My arms are long enough that I can reach the other side of my cell easily. I haven’t had my arms straight for three days. I can’t fit. It hurts so much. The weight is agonising. But I can reach everything. I’m a creature. A being. My humanity is lost, I’m now just a creature. A nightmare. I can reach so far. I can reach into his eyes. I can pluck his nerves out of his spine. It’s not real. It doesn’t matter.
My shoulders are tearing themselves away from my body. The weight of my arms is just too much. I can hear the cracking of bones. I’m going to bleed out and die. No one wants to touch me anyway.
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adorerdraco · 4 years
It’s Only Quidditch ✧ Draco x Slytherin!Reader
Request: can i please request you and draco being in slytherin and dating for a while and you two are on the quidditch team with him so maybe you two are in a match together but you get hurt and he gets worried and has to win the game and visits you after and maybe even wrecks the person who hurt you hehe just fluff and angst
Warnings: angry!draco, vengeful!draco, VIOLENCE, kinda graphic details like blood and injuries, lil bit of angst
Words: 3.9K (love making these long for no reason)
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November had begun and with it came the new season of quidditch at Hogwarts along with very poor weather and over-bundling nerves. Tensions had always gotten high around this time of the year amongst the teams and all animosity between the house’s respective players was on the forefront as the competition was building. It was like clockwork every year; captain’s starting strenuous training schedules, begging Snape to help book the stadium even if it was already occupied, spying on other teams to figure out their strengths and weaknesses. Not to mention the arguments that would happen regularly in between the first couple of games when you and your teammates would be accused of cheating or using dangerous and illegal moves. Which did happen to be true most of the time.
It was safe to say that it was the most eventful time of the year, and as suffocating as it sometimes got - you looked forward to it every time the new term started. It was in quidditch that you found yourself feeling the freest in, zipping around the stadium in a flash of green with the wind blowing through your hair and crisp autumn air biting at your cheeks. But most notably, it was in quidditch that you met Draco Malfoy and had quickly evolved from teammates to friends, to him now being your boyfriend.
You made Slytherin’s team your second year as a Chaser, a shiny new broom being given to you on the first day of scheduled training when Lucius Malfoy had made a generous donation that came along with a new platinum blond seeker. With the two of you being the latest additions to the teams, your captain, Marcus Flint, had decided to leave the dirty work for the two of you to do in the downtime every one else was able to enjoy. Marcus never changed that as the years went on.
So you and Draco would be sent off to other teams’ practices nearly every other day or week, depending on how secure Flint was feeling, both of you huddling closely together for sometimes hours behind the thick wooden benches as you watched and studied tactics with conversations in between. You would joke around a lot and call him your partner in crime which he would always roll his eyes to and make a snide and playful comment about even if he secretly loved hearing it. And the two of you stayed partners in crime for a while, neither of you ever making any move towards the other besides lingering touches and longing looks, and very rarely, a shy compliment.
It wasn’t until last year when you were hiding behind the bleachers, bored out of your mind watching Ravenclaw have a flawless run through around the stadium when you were graced with the dumbest idea.
“They’re playing good today,” you drawled out, “too good that it’s boring.”
“You reckon they studied so hard and found the key to quidditch?” He snickered as he played around with a pebble on the ground with his wand.
“We should help them out,” you suggested as Draco turned to raise a puzzled eyebrow at you. “Prepare them for the unexpected, nothing too crazy.”
You took out your wand from your pocket and pointed it towards one of their Beaters that was sitting idly by on their broom, a faint “confundus” leaving your lips that caused the broom to jerk swiftly to the side and nearly topple over its rider.
“You’re a genius,” Draco laughed quietly, repositioning himself so that he was right beside you with his wand directed out into the field. He spotted one of the bludgers flying towards the same Beater and instead of colliding with the bat, he used a charm to direct it into the back of their broom and then doubled it back around to try and hit one of the passing by Chaser’s that moved at the very last minute. 
You were a giggling mess, gripping tightly onto Draco’s arm as you watched everyone begin to look around wildly for the wild bludger with panicked expressions. What either of you didn’t realize in the middle of your joyed hysterics and Draco’s smugness for causing the angelic sounds, was that the bludger was flying idly still in front of the bleacher’s as his wand was still trained on it without moving it around anymore, his focus completely gone and concentrated on you.
It wasn’t until you heard someone yell out a, “Is that Malfoy and Y/L/N back there again?!” That made you get up with a sudden jolt, grabbing onto your accomplice’s hand as you ran towards the set of stairs that descended out of the stands. All you heard was distant angry insults and threats quickly fading out of ear-shot while you ran, laughing uncontrollably alongside Draco with his hand still tightly gripped in yours. 
When you finally reached the entrance of the empty courtyard of the castle with flustered cheeks and wheezing chuckles, you looked down at your joined hands at the same time he did and after a few seconds of realization and lingering adrenaline, you quickly moved into each other with a yearning kiss that changed everything from that day forward.
Draco stood beside you while you sat on a bench outside the locker room, your head resting lazily on the side of his leg while his fingers carded soothingly through your hair. Marcus was pacing in front of you, using his broom as a walking and pointing stick whenever he wanted to add any calculated words to his very hostile pep-talks that left everyone feeling more irritated and stressed.
Today was the last game of the season and the most important, it was the game that ended the season with a shimmering Inter-House Quidditch Cup and it just so happened to be against Gryffindor, making the stakes much higher than they already were. The matches against Gryffindor were by far, the most dangerous as they weren't afraid to play roughly either if push came to shove. The determination to beat each other and to win was critical on both sides and the day always ended with some sort of injuries.
“I don’t care how dirty we have to play today,” Flint fumed to the team, “I don’t care how many fouls we get, as long as we win.”
“Relax, Flint,” you sighed deeply. “We have the best players on our team and we’ve been working our arses off all season, we’ll be fine.”
“Still, I want to see blood out there,” he muttered back, walking towards the entrance of the field as Madam Hooch started calling your team out to start.
You stood up with a huff, Draco frowning when he noticed how tense you looked when your eyes worriedly met his.
“All right, love?”
“I'm just nervous,” you shrug, “I don’t want to mess up.”
The silver-haired boy moved to stand in front of you, placing two strong hands on either side of your arms to stand you in place so that he would be the only thing your wandering eyes were able to focus on.
“You are the best Chaser that Slytherin has ever had, no, that Hogwarts has ever had and I know for a fact you’re going to do amazing out there,” he cups your face with care, brushing a few stray hairs out of your face as he spoke. “You’ve got this.”
He pressed an encouraging kiss onto your forehead and then your lips, smiling at you supportively before taking your hand and hurriedly walking the two of you out into the field where the match was about to start.
Almost the whole school had shown up in an overcrowded sea of red and gold for Gryffindor. There were red sparks and small fireworks of lions that were charmed to roar when the animal would open its mouth. On one end of the stands, however, was the entire student body of Slytherin that was throwing green and silver ribbons and sparklers from their wands, yelling loudly in support as if their life depended on it. Over the rails, they had thrown down a large poster of a snake that moved around sleekly over large green words that read, “SLYTHERIN FOR THE WIN.”
Rain was lightly drizzling from the grayed dense clouds above, a sharp chill in the air from an approaching winter that always seemed to give the worst weather during the last couple of games of the year. You didn’t mind it since the cold had always felt nice against your sweaty skin during the game and it served like a small revitalizing shock that gave you a surge of energy to push forward with. 
Madam Hooch quickly went over the rules, set free the bludgers, and the snitch, forced the two captains, Wood and Flint, to shake hands and by the time she had counted down from three to one - brooms were soared into the sky with such speed it looked like a tornado had formed as she threw the quaffle up into the air.
A roar of cheers erupted from beside you as you got ahold of the quaffle, dashing past your House while you headed straight towards the Gryffindor’s goal post and managed to make the first shot in within the first five minutes of the game putting you at 10-0. You spotted Draco flying around above, smiling down brightly at you with triumph that only fueled your confidence as you darted forward to catch the ball again. You were, just as Draco had said, the best Chaser on the team and in all of the school. You were fast, agile, and smart when it came down to it and you were the reason why your team had easily wracked up 40 points with thirty minutes down in the match. Marcus was always trailing behind you with focus, shoving anyone who tried to get to you or pulling them back by their robes that landed Slytherin a couple of fouls throughout. 
You didn’t like to play dirty, but when Katie Bell had rammed into your side either accidentally or on purpose, it knocked the quaffle out of your hands and into one of their other Chaser’s, Rowan Rees, a muscular and tall seventh-year boy that had made the team that same year. With Katie still closely trying to cut you off, you veered sharply into her with your shoulder before breaking away from her and heading towards your goal post where they were trying to shoot. 
You rolled your eyes at the announcer, completely ignoring the boo’s that had filled the air as you whizzed past the other houses even though it was you who got hit first. Just as Rees had raised his arm to score, you flew over him, swooping your arm underneath your broom until you felt the quaffle back in your palm and ripped it from his grasp. The match was becoming more intense by the second, Gryffindor was promptly catching up in points because of the penalties they were awarded from the illegal moves your team was making and it left you feeling more pressured that it was nearly a tie now, Flint reminded you of that every chance he zoomed past you.
Unbeknownst to you, Draco was watching you cautiously from across the field most of the game when he noticed how close everyone was trying to get to you. You didn’t see the way you were almost tugged back multiple times or were missed by inches when someone was about to push you. Or how the Beaters were deliberately directing the bludgers in your direction. You also didn’t see how irked you had made Rees with your constant scoring and with the sporadic few times you had cut him off or almost bumped into him - but your boyfriend did, and he was much more focused on your safety now than the Golden Snitch he or Potter hasn’t spotted yet. Instead of searching for it, he was purposefully maneuvering himself around in front of the other Chasers to throw them off their focal point towards you so that you would have a clearer path to fly through.
He watched as you pulled your broom upwards to try and twist away from the area but Rees had reached out and pulled at your ankle, sending you out of your seat as the quaffle fell while you tried to rebalance yourself. That was all the encouragement the blond needed when he hurtled down into the mess, kicking at the back of Rees’ broom and sending him quickly spinning on a dive before he could try and move any further. 
“MALFOY!” Flint roared as he flew past, “Potter’s spotted the snitch! This isn’t your place, get out of here, NOW!”
And when he looked up, sure enough, Harry was going around desperately with an arm outstretched towards the small glint of gold that was moving too fast. 
“Go, I’m fine!” You shouted out to him when you flew back up with the ball back in your arms.
It was like slow motion when he forced himself to leave your surroundings, everything around him was moving fast and intensely with everyone screaming wildly that he couldn’t think straight. In a daze, he haphazardly sped towards Harry but noticed the panicked look on the seeker’s face when he had lost sight of it again which directed his attention right back to you. You were right in front of the Gryffindor goal post, arm stretched over your head and releasing the quaffle with a harsh throw.
It wasn’t until the very last minute that everyone, including you, had realized the flash of red that came hurtling into your side at full speed, Rees colliding so loudly with you that it echoed around the stadium in a powerful clang and crack.
Draco watched in horror as you were thrown off your broom, your now unconscious body falling like a rag doll with a speed that sent his stress levels into overdrive. He had never pushed down on his broom so fast, immediately abandoning his spot to bolt towards you even as Marcus was screaming at him to not go. 
A few feet above the ground and before you met it, he managed to loop his arm around your waist and heave you onto the front of his broom with a slight struggle as it was now raining hard and clouding his vision. He saw Madam Pomfrey and Mcgonagall rushing into the field, hands holding tightly onto their hats as they worriedly rushed towards the area where your broom had fallen and where Draco was hovering over with you. 
Marcus had flown down towards him, face twisted in fury and annoyance as he approached. 
“Is there a reason you’re not being a seeker, today?” He spits, “because I’ve been seeing you do everything but your job.”
“My bloody girlfriend just got knocked out!” Draco seethed at him. “I’m not going back into the game, I’m going with her to the hospital wing.”
“Like hell you are,” Flint scowled, “if you leave, you'll forfeit us the game. If you stay and let Potter catch that Snitch so it’ll be over quicker, I will personally make sure that this is your last year on the team. You’re going to win this for us.”
“Mr. Malfoy!” McGonagall called up to him, waving her arms hastily. “She needs to go to the infirmary, immediately!”
The two Slytherins were staring each other down aggressively as Draco contemplated the threat he was just given. There was nothing more he wanted to do than to throw a hex at Flint and leave with you, but he just swallowed thickly and nodded at him before descending towards the ground and letting you off carefully into the hands of Madam Pomfrey. A surge of fear ran through his body when he finally saw you clearly; a harsh red mark was making its way up to your neck, the corner of your bottom lip had split and doubled in size, there was a small scratch on your cheekbone. It made him feel queasy, but he tore his eyes away from you and hopped back onto his broom while glaring angrily at Marcus and the distant group of huddled Gryffindor’s. 
He was blinded in rage when the match resumed and even more enraged when Flint had cheered loudly when the announcer granted Slytherin a penalty for the injury Rees gave you, allowing them basically to get a free score in against Gryffindor. Draco let his eyes wander around for the snitch for the first time that day and he could hear his heart thundering in his eardrums in distress as the rain continued to make his search worse. All he wanted was to get out of the game to check up on you, and then he'd come back to the stadium to throw his fists into Rees’ face with maybe a few hits in on Marcus.
Just as he was losing hope, he saw a flash of gold whiz past him with a loud buzzing that shocked him into alertness. He didn’t care that catching the snitch would win the game, or the cup, or give him all the glory, no - this was his ticket out. He dived towards it with his arm outstretched, hand thrashing around in the wind as he tried to eagerly catch it. In seconds, Harry was right beside him, bumping him with his shoulder to try and throw him off the path but Draco only pushed back harder. There was a flurry of shouting as everyone watched, the announcer was yelling into the mic about the seekers going head-to-head, bludgers were flying past him. 
It was pure chaos and urgency, Draco could feel the fluttering of its wings beneath his palm and when Harry pushed into him one more time, he felt the coldness of the Snitch get trapped into his enclosed hand, the vibration of its wings sending a current of relief up his arm that spread throughout his whole body as he soared up into the sky while brandishing it to the schools’ painfully watchful eyes.
Draco hurriedly made his way down to the field where the rest of his house was pooling into, celebrating proudly and calling out for him to praise, but when he landed on the ground and was met with half of the Gryffindor team including Rowan Rees - all his wrath came flooding back into him. 
Angelina, another Gryffindor Chaser, had nudged Rowan with her shoulder, pointing towards the Slytherin Prince that was stalking towards them.
“Malfoy,” Rees started bitterly, “sorry about the girlfriend, I was only trying to knock the quaffle out her hands.”
“After she had already thrown it?” He glowered, walking closer up to the boy that was beginning to straighten himself out and flex. “Looked a little personal seeing how she was dragging you through the dust the whole game.”
“Accidents happen, mate,” Rees shrugged, “it’s only quidditch, you won didn’t you? Maybe you should be thanking me for giving you that extra push to win the game.”
A clear line had been crossed and everyone who was listening knew it. But before Rowan could say anything to try and drag himself out of the hole he had just dug himself into, he was being tackled into the ground with Draco above him throwing punches wherever he could land them. There was loud hooting and laughing coming from the Slytherins that gathered around the fight, cheering loudly for their House superior.
Rees was thrashing around on the ground, trying frantically to throw off the extremely infuriated boy that was repeatedly pounding into his face with bloodied and bruised fists. Oliver Wood ran up to the sudden brawl, Fred and George following closely behind him as they all started trying to rip the fighting boy’s apart from each other. Oliver had gotten Draco off briefly, allowing Rees to try and get a hit in but it was dodged at the last second as the blond quickly leaped up to his feet. The fight immediately ended when a muddy shoe had collided with Rowan’s jaw and Draco stepped back satisfied with the damage he had done, roughly shrugging off the grip Oliver still had on his arm.
“It’s only quidditch, right?” He spat venomously from above the Gryffindor who was holding his now battered face in pain. “That’ll teach you from putting your hands on a woman too.”
“Mr. Malfoy!” Madam Hooch bellowed as she broke through the crowd in a frenzy. “50 points from Slytherin, go wait outside Professor Snape’s office for further punishment, go right now!”
Draco did go, and instantly, but he didn’t go down to the dungeons to hear about the lengthy detention that he knew he was going to get and the scolding for being reckless and stupid. His feet carried his sore body up the many stairs that led to the hospital wing, his pace picking up swiftly when he saw the large double doors of the infirmary ajar and he was able to hear a faint and familiar voice speaking indistinctly. 
He threw open the doors, walking straight in as if he owned the place and ignored Pomfrey’s requests for him to leave as he made a beeline towards your hunched figure that was facing away from him. 
“I need to see her,” he said to the nurse quickly when she stopped in front of him. “I’ll leave soon, please.”
At the sound of his voice, you hastily turned around in your spot to face him, a yelp escaping your lips for moving too quickly through your injuries. Pomfrey stepped out of the way with a sigh allowing Draco to jog over to you.
“I’m going to kill him,” he scowled when he reached you. You were wearing a sling, a deep purple and yellowed bruise quickly set itself over the side of your arm and the same cuts he saw from earlier were still scattered over your features. His fingers ghosted over your skin and he let out a deep shaky exhale of anxiousness before moving his thumb up to graze your cheek tenderly.
“What happened to you?” You asked quietly in shock when you noticed his mud-splattered clothes and tattered fists. 
“Long story,” he drawled. “Don’t worry about me, are you okay?”
“I’m okay,” you muttered with a slight shrug that made you whimper lightly. “Did we win?”
He nodded quietly, his eyes still scanning sadly over your face with a frown. “I swear, I’m going to kill him.”
“Only if I can help,” you sniggered faintly, trying to make light of the situation and succeeding in doing so when you saw he had cracked a small smile. With his hand still on your cheek, he bent down to press a firm kiss on the top of your hair and then warmly on the side of your mouth that wasn’t bleeding.
“I’ll just let you finish him off then,” he mulled amusingly when he pulled away.
“Finish him off?”
The doors of the hospital wing were thrown open again, a sea of red flowing inside as they carried in a pummeled Rowan with a busted lip, bloodied nose, black eye, and deeply bruised jaw. You looked briskly between Rees and Draco, both of them staring daggers at each other and it rapidly clicked in your mind why your boyfriend had looked like he just walked through a battlefield in your absence.
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noritoshiikamo · 4 years
happy anniversary
first year anniversary gift is wood right? gojo satoru had just the thing. part 3 of this childhood friend drabble pairing: gojo satoru + fem!reader genre: smut bcs i think with my hand down my pants when i see gojo tags//warning: established relationship // gojo thinking with dick part 3, threesome, anal and double penetration thread lightly if u will note: the obligatory trio of mine: not well edited, lowercase intended, english isnt my first language im sorry if i murder it. lolololo okay idk if i did it right, never write a threesome but what better way to return to writing but to write a dp with gojo and nanami weeeee ENJOY!!
“yes,” she repeated the answer for the umpteenth time.
he tilted his head, a nervous laugh erupted out of his throat, “you want me to invite nanami kento, uhh, how do i say this without sounding like a complete prude- you want to have sex with him?” her eyes glimmered.
“and you,” she jabbed a finger on his chest, she smiled, “always with you.”
gojo satoru laughed, “buttercup, i ask you what you want for our anniversary, i expected an answer like a brand-new tesla or tiffany diamond or i don’t know-a private island?” she shook her head to his every suggestion, leaning closer into him like a needy kitten. he could feel hair raising on the back of his neck at the feeling of her bare arm brushing against his.
he eyed the tent building in sweats, his girlfriend wanting a threesome with his best friend and it’s turning him on. the idea of watching nanami kento manhandling his sweet, sweet buttercup enough to be a docile moaning mess made his dick twitched. he made note to belittle her for teasing him every time by saying he thinks a lot with his dick, but what can he do when his girlfriend is a soaking mess.
his eyebrows shot up in curiosity, he glanced over to her and his jaws almost dropped down. the way she was squirming, getting off to the thoughts itself by rubbing her thighs together, her warmed skin and the lust clouding her eyes. “buttercup,” he cooed, pulling the girl onto his laps, “you really want it huh?” a soft oh escaped her lips as her burning crotch rested against his bulge. “look at that,” she grinned, pushing him against the sofa, his hands immediately went up to her waist as she slowly rubbed herself against him. she watched in satisfaction as his eyes rolled back, only the whites out, head back as he mumbled her name.
her lips traced the protruding collarbone of his, trading tiny licks of her tongue and kisses up to his neck and jaw, “the idea must’ve turned you on too, huh?” her breath ghosted over the shell of his reddened ear, she couldn’t hold her grin back as he let out a throaty yes. his grips on her waist tightened and her eyes widened as she found herself tossed on the sofa on her back. he pounced on her; lips pressed to each other as they scrambled to undress each other.
“before nanamin gets a taste of you, i need to make sure you know where your place is,” he growled as the button of her plaid came off with a single rip. “that this right here,” his hand moved lower to cup her moist cunt, pressing the palm against her bundle of nerve so painfully, “belongs to me.”
gojo fished out his phone, hand pressed to her waist as he controlled her pace eagerly grinding against him, not wanting her to immediately be overstimulated before anything could happen. he pressed the phone to her ear, “talk,” he commanded before slithering down to remove her pants. “n-n nanamin, it’s me,” she stuttered as the voice at the other end greeted her. she watched nervously as gojo slowly undress her bottom half, his mop of white hair between her trembling thighs, she could feel his warm breath.
“is there anything wrong? i’m about to leave my office.”
gojo pressed a kiss on her thigh, “tell him to come over. you need help. he won’t come if i asked, but i know he would if you did, tell him it’s the scrolls,” he looked up, head tilted, and her breath hitched as she caught the look in his eyes. the jealousy and lust mixed up into one concoction which is gojo satoru.
“yes, y-yes would you mind coming over? i have issue with the scrolls you g-gave,” she jolted when his teeth sunk into the sensitive skin of her thighs. he had been leaving marks all over her thighs and it was enough to make her lose her mind and he didn’t even get to her burning loin.
“okay, i’ll be there in few minutes.”
the call ended and the way she sighed in relief as she tossed the phone on the coffee table with a loud clattering noise, had gojo smirking. “do you need to do that?” she breathed out, covering her warming face with her shaky arms. her relief was short lived as gojo dived straight into her soaking pussy, pressing his tongue flat from the base up to her swollen clit. she jumped, but his arms encircled her legs, holding her down tightly. the way his palm gripped her thighs served as a warning for her to behave; he’s still in control, for now.
“i told you. you need to be reminded that you belong to me before anyone else,” he hummed, lips against her swollen clit sending vibration to her whole body.
“‘toru f-fuck,” her legs desperate to close.
“you think you can come for me first?” he cooed, fingers tracing eights against her soaking cunt, “maybe i’ll prepare some holes for nanamin. i wonder which hole he’s gonna be in first. here?” her eyes rolled back as his two fingers slipped in her entrance, “or here?” his voice deepened as another finger rested at her other hole. her sudden clutching sucked the pinkies in, gojo cursed at the feeing of the tightness around it, despite not being fully in. “maybe i can have the other hole first, buttercup?” she nodded eagerly, mouthing something he couldn’t get.
she whined when his fingers left her, leaving her clutching on nothing as he left the sofa. she could hear his voice screaming from the bedroom before emerging out with a couple bottle of lube. his eyes glimmered in excitement. “you gonna need it all, buttercup,” his mood switching is something she was used too, a soft laugh escaped her lips before their little comedy club was cut short.
the doorbell rang.
she watched as his eyes darkened in excitement, “i wonder who is it?” dumping the bottles on the nearby chair, she watched as his boyfriend marched to the door. she could feel her face getting warmer, ears and neck too and she desperately searched for something to cover her exposed bottom. she wondered why it took them so long as she grabbed one of gojo’s clearly oversized robe draped on one of the chairs. her bare feet echoed on the floor as she stalked to the door, the sound of her feet pitter pattered on the floor distracting the men from their talks.
she swallowed the lump in her throat nervously, embarrassed that both of the men were now looking at her. nanami’s head tilted, a soft huff and tiny smile crept on the corner of his lip. “so, where’s the scrolls?” he asked nonchalantly. he walked inside, kicking his leather shoes opened, still arranging it neatly like a gentleman he is, and he stalked towards her.
she took her steps backward, her heart was fluttering, she could feel the beads of sweat rolling down her back. nanami looked at her with a tiny smile. like a predator stalking his prey except this predator is a clearly very handsome man she’s attracted too. gojo still the one she wants to spend her life with but what’s life without a little thrill. especially when gojo was willing to indulge her in.
“gosh, nanamin, do you really need to be mean to my girlfriend?”
gojo interrupted, hands in his pocket as he walked past nanami. he grabbed his nervous girlfriend, hands on her shoulders gently giving it a squeeze. “nanamin is just messing with ya,” he whispered, eyes on the blonde man, as he loosened his tie, “he agrees to be a part of our little adventure,” he planted a kiss on the shell of her ear, “lucky y/n, come.”
“nanamin! bed or sofa?” gojo asked cheerfully as he pulled the girl by her hand like a little doll.
“don’t be neanderthal, satoru,” from the corner of her eyes, she watched as he dropped his signature grey coat on the sofa, his glass long gone and the way he looked down on her almost made her moan on the spot, “bedroom. i’m not you.” her eyes widened as her feet were no longer on the ground. “satoru!” she yelled as the man tossed her on their california king bed, her robe came undone with the impact.
“so,” she watched nervously as the two men stood side by side; gojo with his arms folded to his chest and nanami undoing his tie, “which one would you like to have a taste first, buttercup?”
“is there any answer i could give that wouldn’t break your heart, toru?” she replied snidely.
gojo smiled, crawling onto the bed until they were close enough. he cupped her face, kissing her swollen lips softly before looking down lovingly to his girlfriend. this is his childhood friend, the love of his life and he couldn’t believe himself when he said: “for that, i think it’s appropriate for nanami to wear you down first,” he planted a kiss on her nose, a smirk on his face, “i’ll be back, buttercup. nanamin,” he pressed his hand on the younger man’s shoulder, harder than the way she sees it, “don’t break my girlfriend, would ya?”
the door closed behind them, leaving just the two of them in the dim room.
nanami didn’t move for a while, looking around and her, accessing his next possible move. with her sprawled on the bed, nanami couldn’t help but to water at the sight of her legs out and the lack of panties. “you don’t mind if i tied you up right, buttercup?” gojo’s nickname for her rolled off his tongue so smooth and sultry, she didn’t realise how eager she shook her head.
he chuckled and called her forward to the edge of the bed. she didn’t wait for his next instruction as the robe fell on the bottom of his feet and she knelt at the edge of the bed. he leaned forward and he kissed her so gently. he started off slow, tongue slipping through her already swollen lips, softly groaning at the way her lips tasted. his large hands pressed on both side of her face as the kisses became sloppier and urgent. her trembling fingers unbuttoned his shirt, running her soft palm along his solid abs, feeling every crook of it.
he broke the kiss; she was beyond desperate as he stared down her watery eyes and plump lips. “patience, darling,” he whispered with a wink. when his hands found her wrist, despite her soft whine, he gathered it behind her and held it together. his eyes bore deeply into her, searching for a reaction on every turn and tug of his tie around her wrist.
“so why me?” he tugged on the tie one last time causing her to breath sharply.
“just plain old curiosity getting the best of me.”
her answer brought a small smile on his face as he dragged her on the carpeted floor. she watched eagerly as he took his time to undress. the shirt and pants folded neatly on the nearby chair, socks and finally boxer leaving the man standing bare in his glory. he was trimmed neatly, just as expected and she could see the curve of his cock, girthy and adequate in length; not too straight but not too bent, just perfect. he scoffed.
“did gojo starve you of human contact? you look like you haven’t seen cock in ages,” he sat at the edge on the bed, his fingers calling her forward. gripping the base of his cock, he tapped the tip of his cock against her lips, and she eagerly stuck her tongue out. the feeling of her warm, wet tongue against his sensitive tip almost made the man thrusted his hips forward.
seeing his positive reaction, she continued boldly, wrapping her lips full around his tips. she swirled her tongue around the mushroom tip and the slit, humming at the taste of his pre cum. he tasted as good as gojo’s. his hand threaded her hair, gently encouraging her to move down the length, watching as inch by inch of his cock disappeared into her mouth. she fought the urge to gag, eyes watery when she realise, she didn’t even reach the base yet but his tips were already at the back of her throat. he chuckled.
“did i tell you to stop? you’re taking all in,” he gripped her hair harder, “loosen up, buttercup, you can take it.”
he pinched her nose, cutting her air supply forcing her to breath through her mouth. with her throat loosening, he gave a slight thrust finally bottoming out. “look at that, you can do it,” he caressed her bulging cheeks, before pulling out to give the girl some time to catch her breath. the mix of his pre cum and her saliva dripped from her lips; he gently brushed his thumb along it, popping it in her mouth. “such a good girl. be a doll and open up for me, okay?” he pressed a quick kiss on her lips, “you look so pretty wrapped around my cock.”
he realigned his length back to her lips, hands on both side of her face before slowly bottoming in. she squeaked, eyes widened at the roughness of his thrust. the squelching of her throat and his moans of approval had her clamping on nothing. she wondered if it was okay to touch herself, but her throat is preoccupied now to ask for permission.
“nanamin, can’t believe you’re letting her get off by herself,”
shivers rolled down her back as gojo rested his head on her shoulder. he had been watching for a while, seeing her little girl thrown on the floor, throat fucked by his best friend had him palming himself. he couldn’t wait any longer. “poor little girl,” gojo cooed, running his rough palm between her legs. she hummed desperately; head thrown back at the feeling of gojo’s thumb against her neglected clit while an opportunity for nanami to thrust deeper into her throat. she was buzzing with pleasure, head spinning from the multiple attentions.
they exchanged a look and a nod and soon, the girl was whiny as the men pulled away. gojo didn’t give enough for her to get off too and her throat, it felt empty. “that’s not fair,” she pouted. gojo laughed at her reaction, pulling his own shirt on the floor. nanami got on the bed, calling for her by her name. she was in trance. she was quick to climb on his laps.
she swore she could lose her mind on the spot; the feeling of both nanami’s and gojo’s hand caressing every part of her body. nanami’s lips around her hardened bud, lapping and leaving marks on her breast. gojo’s lips on her own, his hand around her neck with her head thrown back. he was muttering praises along with nanami’s hums of approval. she could feel gojo’s cock resting against the valley of her ass, thrusting slowly while nanami’s cock covered in her fluid, threatening to slip in any moment now.
“such a good girl,” she swore she could hear both muttered it.
she nodded; eyes rolled back agreeing to everything them said. reduced to nothing but a moaning mess, their little fuck toys. nanami held her waist, aligning himself before slowly easing into her. he let a loud fuck, groaning at the feeling of her tight gummy walls encasing his whole length. gojo swallowed her moans, palming her breast with on hand.
“does that feel good, buttercup? do you want nanamin to fuck you?” gojo teased, twerking her nipples between two fingers. she nodded, delirious and clearly overstimulated. “fuck, yes please nanami, fuck me,” she was far from done. nanami’s thrusts were gentle, easing in gently as he watched the bulge on her lower abdomen appearing and disappearing from his thrusts.
“lay down,” gojo ordered.
she cried out in pleasure, moaning at the feeling of nanami’s cock now hitting a new spot from the sudden change of position. he held her by her waist, holding her down as his thrust sped up. her sweaty chest rested against her, he could hear her heart racing and her tiny pants and mewls. “you trust us, don’t you?” he asked, and she mumbled a yes. she braced for whatever the two men had instore; nothing could surprise her anymore tonight. she felt a velvety cloth rested over her eyes, completely cutting her vision. the blindfold elevated her senses to a new level.
the low noises, the groan from the back of nanami’s throat that slowly rises as she bucked her hips into his, matching his thrusts, all of it making her more desperate for more. “ah, ‘namin, i’m c-close,” she gasped, air getting fucked out of her system with every thrusts. another hand- gojo’s- sneaked around her legs, circling around her clit and it didn’t take long for her to buck forward, screaming in pleasure her body finally given up. strings of curses escaped her lips, falling flat against his chest.
she wasn’t sure whose hands were slapping the flesh of her ass. she mewled pathetically at the pain, clenching on nanami’s cock with every spanks. “held her apart please,” an order came. one last spanked and soon, she could feel the cold air hitting her cunt stretching on nanami’s cock that was buried down to the base. she held her breath as she felt a cool liquid sliding down the crack and something resting on her other empty hole.
“you need to relax, or it won’t work,”
she gnawed on her bottom lips, eyes watering as she felt his tip gently easing in her tight ass. a soft word of relax repeated on the shell of her ears along with a shaky moan as her body slowly stretched to accommodate the sudden entrance of gojo’s length inside her. gojo pulled her up, resting her back against his chest as he held to her waist to steady himself. he moved slowly. her pain short lived after a couple of gentle thrust, quickly turning into pleasure as a moan spurred out of her lips.
“so full,” she groaned. nanami didn’t move, focusing on flicking her clit and letting her body adjusted to gojo’s slow thrusts. gojo pressed a kiss on her bare shoulder, “you good, buttercup? do you want me to stop?” he panted, halting his thrust slowly.
her only reply was a quick shake of her head before his mouth was back on her.
sure that she was back on track, nanami rolled his hips gently. their thrusts synchronized, with nanami out, gojo goes in, engulfing her in constant flow of pleasure. it didn’t take a while for her second orgasm to hit. they didn’t give a time to breath this time, desperate to chase their own highs and too overwhelmed in their own pleasures.
“fuck, baby if you going to keep clenching i’m not going to last long,” gojo breathed out, gripping her waist so tight, she could feel the bruises coming. their names escaped her lips like a prayer, her legs were bucking from the overstimulation but none of them aren’t backing out.
she yelped at the sudden movement. she was empty, thrown back onto a chest of someone, by the laugh of it, she knew she was resting on gojo’s chest. his dick slipped easily into her soaping cunt, while nanami found himself groaning as he slipped into her ass, still tight despite being occupied earlier. gojo’s hands gently pushed her hair back, cupping her face watching it contorted in pleasure, tongue lolling out with drools down the side. “you feeling good, buttercup?” he chuckled. she was fucked beyond dumb, bruises littered her body, he couldn’t wait to see it peeking through her skirt and shirt when she goes to her office. he wanted to see her assistant leering jealously, judging his marks on her body.
he groaned at the thoughts of it, dick twitching to fill her up.
“cum, ngghh, a-again,” she stuttered.
“hold it in buttercup,” he roughly cupped her cheeks, “we are about to fill you up too.”
she let out a desperate cry, nanami pulling on her restrains and gojo was roughing up on her breasts and neck. she couldn’t last any longer, feeling her abdomen tightened. gojo threw his head back, the feeling of her walls spasming around his own caused him to come undone.
his own legs trembled, shooting ropes of cum deep inside her walls. their mixed fluid leaked down her thighs and down on gojo. she braced as nanami pressed his face against her back, groaning as his own orgasm washed down on him. his thrusts slowed down, strings of fuck escaped the man. he rested his face against her back, struggling to catch his breath with his hand griping tightly on her breast.
nanami pulled out, falling on the edge of the bed. she slipped out of gojo's, immediately falling on her side, visibly too exhausted to even sit up.
“fuck, i can’t feel my legs,” finally, her brain could string up a couple words, “undo the restrain please,”
she held her arms, face buried in the bed. she hissed as someone undo the restrain, red raw marks forming around her wrists. she was too weak to fight when gojo spread her legs apart, an amusing chuckle escaped the boyfriend. cum were oozing out of both holes.
“buttercup, you’re full and leaking,” he pressed a kiss on her thigh.
she felt the bed dipped behind her and nanami’s deep voice greeted her, murmuring apologies and praises. he planted kisses all over her neck and jaws. “hope you enjoy your anniversary gift,” his deep voice chuckled before he left the two lovebirds for the bathroom. a body loomed over her.
“happy one year, buttercup,” gojo’s lips pressed gently on her own, “you’ve made me the happiest man-child alive.”
she smiled, tracing her fingers on his protruding collarbone, “glad to know you’re happy with me.” he grabbed her hand, gently kisses each digit and the burn mark on her wrist. he pressed her palm on his sweaty cheeks, a cheeky smile on his face, “not to ruin the moment but i feel like foursome is a bit cliché for our second-year anniversary.”
“yeah, because first-year anniversary threesome sounds right.” she rolled her eyes.
“it did say that the first-year present is wood.”
she scoffed, “first-year traditional gift for anniversary is paper, dumbass.” she pulled him down for a kiss, “but you're my dumbass, s'kay,” she mumbled against his lips, a small smile appeared on his face. a satisfied chuckle leaving him as she moved to cuddle up against his chest.
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caramelcal · 3 years
His Favorite Girl
a/n: HELLO. (sounding like the guy in the cinema cba lol) anyways I have returned for a brief period of time to share this update with you guys. It’s based off of this request here: “ Do you think you could write a Luke x gang again where maybe he has to leave for work during sex and the reader touches herself out of frustration and he comes back and finds her ?” 
STOP BECAUSE THIS IS DEFINITELY NOT WHAT THE REQUESTER WANTED BUT ILL WRITE SOMETHING AGAIN BUT LIKE JUST TH REQUEST IF THATS WHAT YOU GUYS WANT SDGHGDFGBH but this is kinda a part 2 to the Bambi/His Favorite Secret series thingy cause a few people wanted that! thank you guys so much for all the love mwah
i should literally be studying rn but im not so <3 im very sorry for this abomination lol
sorry for the long a/n guys! :( enjoy x 
word count: 3.4k
warnings: smutty stuff (fucking, fingering, anal and all that...ive never written this before so PLS PLS PLS give me feedback omg) uh choking, doesn’t have a daddy kink in this but sir is mentioned. talks of being tied up and being tied up? talks about overstim... he calls her little girl at one point...
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“Luke! Stop moving!” She lightly slapped her boyfriend’s hand, to which he groaned in return. Her tongue stuck out slightly from between her lips in concentration, eyebrows furrowing as she returned to the task she had firmly put her mind to. That was, until the blond giant moved again, “Luke!”
“Bambi,” Luke echoed lightly, using his nickname for the smaller girl in front of him who looked up at him with an unimpressed facial expression.
“You’re gonna ruin it,” She mumbled lightly, pointing back down at her artwork which Luke only then first looked at. It was safe to say, although he shouldn’t have been, he was thoroughly shocked.
His nails, which his girl had somehow managed to convince him into painting weren’t black, or blue. No, they were bright, blasting, hot pink. He groaned lightly, wondering just how exactly she had managed to rope him into this and just how he was going to hide his nails from the rest of the gang later on tonight when he -they- met up with them tonight.
She was a bundle of both nerves and excitement, finally getting to meet Luke’s closest friends. It had been about a week since their argument, and now she was meeting his friends. It seemed like everything was moving in the right direction, thankfully. She couldn’t wait to be honest, very much looking forward to being able to hear more about Luke from his friends, and just meeting them in general.
They seemed fun.
Well, as fun as gang members could be. She probably should have been more cautious surrounding them, but Luke got her guard down so quickly and she was yet to regret that. How scary could they possibly be considering the man in front of her, soft blond curls held back by her bunny bath headband, nails painted hot pink, was supposed to be the scariest man in the whole city.
“Cal’s gonna rip the piss outta me for this, Bambi,” He complained softly, with no plans to take the polish off of his nails as he looked at his girlfriend, between his legs, small hand wrapped around the bottle of nail polish with her other hand laying against his knee.
She couldn’t help the small upturn of her lips as she blew softly against the nail polish on his fingernails, not patient enough to let it airdry despite it being a fast-drying polish. She shrugged lightly, head flopping to the side adorably as Luke stared down at her, resisting the urge to run his hands through her hair; another issue he had with the wet paint on his fingernails.
“I think it looks great, we’re matching,” She then flaunted the bright pink color that coated her own nails, and Luke’s lips twitched into a grin, careful not to ‘aww’ at the cute words that came out of the smaller girl’s mouth.
He hummed lightly, leaning back against the couch but his baby blues never leaving her face, “They look a lot better on you than they do me, Bambi.”
“I think they’re cute,” The girl climbed onto his lap, making Luke take a deep intake of breath as she sits barely an inch away from a rather sensitive area of his. She, however, seemed to pay no attention to the risen area of his jeans as she leaned against his chest, face hidden in the crook of his neck, soft breaths from her mouth fanning against his neck.
He twisted to give her a small kiss on the forehead, to which she responds by kissing his neck softly, lips staying against his neck as her hand traveled up his stomach up to his neck, holding him close as she began to kiss the base of his neck more.
“Lu,” She whispered softly, “How much time have we got?”
“Like an hour, baby. Why?”
However, the girl never replied verbally, and instead repositioned herself carefully, Luke’s neck void from her warmth before her hand started to travel down, painfully slow, until it landed right above the tent in his jeans. His eyes traveled up to meet hers, eyebrow raised as she dropped her hand down barely, lips struggling to pull the smirk away.
He lifted his hands to her back, going to reposition her before she shook her head, “Your nail polish, Lu. Hands down.”
His hands didn’t move, frozen in place around her clothed waist. His nails were long since dried, she knew that, but she liked this. She liked the intake of breath he took when her hand ghosted over the hardened cock in his jeans, the way he couldn’t lift his hands; scared to smudge the pink on his nails.
He was restricted. Oh, how the tables had turned.
Her hand gently palmed against his hardened, clothed cock, causing a grumble to emit from his throat. It was a deep rumbling sound, -something that the girl had heard numerous times but would never get used to.
To her, everything about Luke was perfect, even his moans.
“Bambi, you know the rules about teasing-”
Her lips attached to his, cutting him off rather efficiently, pressing softly as she continued to palm him through his jeans, gently rocking on his thigh. He moaned into their kiss, her tongue, as a reflex, finding its way into his mouth. Their tongues pressed against one another, lips still pressed together as her spare hand crawled up to the back of his neck, playing with his soft curls.
Her palm pressed into his fully hardened cock now, his tongue swiping over her lips before tugging on it, pulling apart, breathless. His hands found a place on her waist, guiding her softly but firmly, taking back the control he craved.
Looking her straight in the eyes, one of Luke’s hands went around her neck, thumb pulling her lower lip down as he unbuckled his belt with one hand, taking his cock out of its confined clothing and bringing her hand down to hold onto it. It wasn’t the first time that she had given him a handjob, and it wouldn’t be the last, but she still couldn’t help but be nervous.
Despite not being a virgin when she met Luke, she still lacked a lot of experience that Luke definitely had. She knew that he would never judge her, but that never stopped the nerves that festered.
“All shy all of a sudden, Bambi?” He mocked, hand around her neck tightening as he bit down on her ear lobe, gently tugging at it before letting out a breath, “All big and brave, teasing Sir, aren’t you? If you’re going to start it, then you’re going to finish it. On your knees. Now.”
Releasing a shaky breath, the girl clambered out of Luke’s lap dropping to the floor, in a similar position to the one she had been in minutes before, only in a more sexual manner. Her lips met the tip of his cock, tongue lightly swiping across the base.
His hand grabbed firmly onto the hair on the back of her head, holding her steady as she got used to the feeling of his cock in her mouth before thrusting against her. She gagged as it hit the back of her throat, sending vibrations up him, releasing a deep moan from his throat.
“Suck, little girl,” Luke commanded deeply, leaving no room for argument as the smaller girl abided to his command, tongue swiping over him as she reached up to cover the last part of his cock with her hand.
Yet, she didn’t get much further when a ringing sounded through the room, Luke groaning but ultimately pulling away from the girl who stayed on the floor, watching Luke as he grabbed his phone.
“What?” He gritted his teeth lightly, trying to keep his frustration at bay after being interrupted.
He sighed softly, not looking at the small girl with furrowed eyebrows still on the floor as he pulled his jeans back up, clambering to get shoes on and getting ready to leave, hanging the phone up.
“Luke what’s going on?”
“Gang shit, Bambi. I gotta get going, be ready for six, we’re meeting Cal, Ash, and Mike later, remember?” He offered her no more words, but she can tell he isn’t angry at her, just due to their interruption.
However, she can’t help but be frustrated at the interruption, waiting until after Luke leaves to huff and puff about it before starting to get ready.
. . .
“Luke has this old penguin fan account on Instagram from like seven years ago. There’s this one picture on there with him with a penguin hat-”
“Cal, stop,” Luke interrupted Cal swiftly, an arm going around his smaller girlfriend’s waist who looked far too amused by the embarrassing things about Luke that Cal was telling.
“No, no, Calum please keep going. Please,” The girl begged, feeling very comfortable around the Maori boy. They were pleasant, to her at least, and so far they had made her feel very comfortable and very much at home. It was hard to believe that the people joking with her where infamous mobsters, ones that were feared all across the city, and state. 
They had met in Ashton’s house, who she had already met before, at six o’clock. It turns out gang members like to be punctual, or maybe it was only these ones.
Luke was in a bit of a hurry once he arrived back home, with no time to finish what he and his girl had started before he had to leave in a hurry, leaving her oh so frustrated. This was only magnified when she saw him afterward, ready to head to Ash’s in that pale pink silk button-up that only seemed like it would suit him; like it was made specifically for him.
Maybe it was.
Luke was never shy of customized clothing, cars, or anything he wanted honestly. If you have the money, why not? Was always his answer when she asked why he seemed to wear all of these expensive items. If it wasn’t custom-made, it was a high-quality designer that he wore, she rarely ever found him in anything that didn’t smell of cash and high-class, -far too expensive but albeit intoxicating- cologne.
This money of Luke’s also happened to extend to her also. He was never shy of picking her up a few things, letting her have his card for shopping and now, he started going out shopping with her too. He didn’t look like the type that would go out with his ‘girlfriend’ or anyone, but in the case of her, he followed her around like a lost puppy; willing to hold her bags, let her drain his bank account. Not that she did, anyway. She was still mindful, even if Luke had more money than he knew what to do with.
“Nah, can’t. Don’t want Luke to kill me for embarrassing me in front of his precious little girlfriend,” Calum teased lightly, shaking his head as his eyes darted to meet Luke’s baby blues. Truthfully, Luke could pretend to be annoyed at Cal and the rest for exposing his old penguin Instagram account but he was just glad to see them getting along with the girl that owned his heart.
She was the first girlfriend that his best friends seemed to approve of. He didn’t normally bring his girlfriends to meet them, but the ones he did, the boys he called his best friends didn’t usually like them. For the first time, Luke could actually see a future with the girl in front of him, beamingly smiling as Cal and Michael joke about with her and laughing at their attempts of humor.
God, he loved her.
“So, do you think they like me?” She asked the moment they got home, the door shut behind them. Luke turned around, staring at the wide-eyed girl with a small smile on his lips.
Did she seriously not realize how much they liked her? Especially with how much joking that they had done with her, he was certain that she would have realized but then again, she wasn’t the most self-assured person when it comes to new people. He nodded his head, “Yeah, Bambi. They really liked you.”
Luke would never get over the way her eyes sparkled, his smile only growing. She looked amazing in that red silky dress that he had bought her, and he looked just as good in the coral colored button-up he was wearing.
Their lips met softly, Luke bending down slightly to meet her lips as the girl went up on her tiptoes, bare feet on the top of Luke’s shoes. He didn’t mind, in fact, he barely even realized as he swiped his tongue across her bottom lip for access which she quickly gave him. Her hands wrapped around his neck, one entangling in his blond curls, while his went around her waist and one under her ass, lifting her up.
Her legs wrapped around his waist, lips never breaking away from his as she moaned into the kiss. She pushed herself closer to him as the kiss heated up, eyes closed as Luke tried his best to navigate the way to their bedroom. Thankfully, even with his eyes partially closed and completely distracted by the soft lips on his, he managed to get there, fumbling with the doorknob before kicking the door open.
Luke pulled away quickly to get a breath, now at the edge of the bed as his mouth went to the side of her face, pressing kisses along her neck before whispering in a sinfully sultry voice, “Let’s finish what we started earlier, huh?”
With that, she was placed down on the bed, staring at Luke with a glaze in her eyes, lust, lips slightly swollen as he pushed her dress up, nudging her underwear to the side. His fingers ghosted over her pussy, making her take a ragged intake of breath. He was on top of her, watching her as she awaited every movement of his fingers, completely helpless under his touch.
“So wet for me, baby,” He murmured, pressing a few chaste kisses against the base of her neck as he rubbed her slit. She didn’t reply just yet, whining lightly when he slowed down his movements, coming to a stop, “Tell me what you want baby.”
“You, Lu. I want you, sir,” Her words flooded out of her mouth quickly, the aching between her legs becoming too much. If Luke didn’t do something about it soon then she would have to. She stared up at his smirking face above her. His fingers pulled away from her, making her whine as he reached for his belt, skillfully unbuckling it and letting his cock spring free from its confines.
He looked up at her as he repositioned himself, her squirming with need beneath him before he lined his tip at her entrance, baby blues meeting her eyes, “You sure?”
She nodded vigorously in return, but Luke didn’t move, commanding lightly, “Words, baby.”
“Please Luke, I’m sure. Please fuck me.” He swatted her thigh at the sound of the swear falling from her lips but obliged nonetheless, plunging deep into her letting out a moan, her strangled moan following behind.
He plunged in once again, hitting a spot that made her whimper and moan at the same time, hands reaching around to his back, clawing on the now exposed skin. Luke’s hips are flushed against hers as he goes deep inside of her once again, both moaning.
“Fuck, Bambi,”
Luke’s pace quickened, thrusts becoming sloppier as he continued to thrust into her, hitting her sweet spot over and over, moans filling the room with small pleads from her and soft curses from him.
Then a phone went off. Luke froze inside of her, and she groaned, sweaty, a mess, and incredibly sexually frustrated. She could feel Luke sitting inside of her; how big he was. She thought that he was going to ignore the phone call, to continue something that they were robbed of earlier. He wasn’t really going to let them be interrupted twice today, was he?
He reached over to the bedside table, picking his phone up and looking at the caller ID before sighing. He pulled out of her, baby blues looking at her with a frown, “I need to take this.”
“Luke,” It was a plead. For him to stay with her, to let them finish what they started. She shuffled lightly until she was sitting in front of him, on her knees. Her hand went to the side of his face, caressing it gently as she put her face at his neck, “Stay with me, Sir. I need you.”
He knew exactly what she was trying to do, but he wasn’t going to fall for it. He pulled away from her, gripping onto her side as a warning with his free hand, “No, Bambi.”
His voice was low, a warning for her to stop what she was doing as he sent her a pointed look. He didn’t even let her make another move or get another word in before he was back in his jeans and walking out of the room, leaving her alone.
The seconds that she was alone turned into minutes, and those minutes turned into ten, then fifteen. She shifted uncomfortably, still on edge and incredibly frustrated. It didn’t seem like Luke was coming back as he had left without saying goodbye or telling her where he was going to be or how long. Was this all because she had tried to get him to stay?
Well, if he wasn’t going to get back, she would have to take stuff into her own hands. Leaning back, her hand reached her own clit, rubbing desperately, basking in the feeling once again. This time, she would get the job done.
Her fingers slipped inside of her, curling into her, moans softly filtering out of her lips. She was close, her fingers covered in her own slick as she continued to curl her hands into herself, soft pants falling from her lips as she spread her legs more to get a better angle, trying to go deeper.
Her hands would never be as good as Luke’s though, her small fingers not holding a torch to his digits. He knew everything that made her squirm, even better than she did, he had her all decoded, knew how to navigate her better than anyone else ever could.
“Baby I need to get-” Luke opened the door, stopping when his eyes met her figure on the middle of the bed, fingers inside of her as soft breaths fell from her lips. Her head titled back, eyes lidded as he froze on the spot before a smirk made its way onto his face.
“Really?” He asked incredulously, sauntering up to the bed before grabbing onto her wrist, pulling her fingers out of her desperate cunt making her whine. Her eyes met his, which never strayed, even after he brought her hand up to his mouth and swirling his tongue around her slick-covered digits.
“Quiet,” He shut her up quickly, voice hard and commanding, something that made nerves bundle in her stomach and turned her on even more. He stood up again, sauntering over to the dresser before pulling a belt from the top of it, grabbing her hands and confining them with the thick leather, “Since you can’t keep your hands off of that pretty little pussy of mine, I guess we’re going to have to do something about that.”
Luke pulled her up to the headboard, hooping the leather around there and tightening it. When he let go, she pulled against the leather restraints, only to find her hands unable to move from their position at the headboard.
“So desperate to cum, baby? Well, you’ll be desperate to stop after I make you come over and over until there’s no more cum left in your body and you're writhing beneath me. Do you understand me, baby?”
“Yes Sir,” She whimpered out in return, nodding her head as she breathed heavily, watching Luke’s hand as it trailed teasingly down her side until it reached her pussy, a finger flicking up and down it, making her hips jerk up.
“But first of all, I need to go deal with the drug run. See you later, Bambi.”
And with a smirk on his face, Luke left his girlfriend there, tied up to the bed, whining for him to come back. And he would, and when he did, she wouldn’t be walking for days afterward.
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actualbird · 3 years
zak i have a. very self indulgent question because it's been scratching at my writer brain for a while but. how do you think luke would react if mc got hurt trying to protect him :D (like yes we all know this is an overused cliche but im going to die on this hill anyway) - 🌃
NOW ON AO3 if you'd rather read there
// content warnings: guns, gunshot injury, hospitals, punching walls, blood
NightStar, pls know that this ask consumed my mind during the 2 days i took to respond bc i love this trope as well! but also know that im an action movie junkie who has no qualms with angst so
mc gets shot in the shoulder
it's not fatal. the bullet misses the subclavian artery, misses the brachial plexus, it misses those two places that can absolutely cause death or lifelong injury when hit.
luke cant stop thinking about the moment it happened, it wasn't even an NXX case or anything, it was a mugger with a medium bore calibre handgun, a nervous mugger at that, his hand shaking and waving the gun around as he yelled at luke and mc to give him their phones, their passwords. luke shouldn't have pushed, he should have stayed calm and followed mc's lead, deal with the consequences later but
all luke saw was the gun pointed at her.
and he couldnt think at all
he lunged forward, tried to disarm the man, and it should have worked, would have worked if he was up against the usual threats he's met in the past, trained killers just like him, but this man wasnt that. this man was scared and jumpy and his finger was on the trigger so when luke pushed forward the man jerked, the bullet flew, and luke was pretty okay with getting shot but then that
doesnt happen.
luke is pushed to the ground by mc who is now bleeding out in his arms and----
the doctors say it's not fatal. luke listens to them with his fists clenched so hard his nails bite cruelly into his palm. the bullet missed the major artery in the shoulder, missed the bundle of nerves that controls the whole arm. the doctors say mc was very brave for what she did. and theyre right. the doctors say that mc was very lucky that the bullet didnt hit anything important. and theyre right.
he clenches his fists harder, feels his knuckles creak under the strain.
luke sits at mc's bedside, after the surgery. she's still out, but he lays a hand on hers anyway. he feels the warmth of her fingers, he moves his hold to press at her wrist, to feel her pulse, steady and strong. he sits like that for hours until she wakes up, blearily blinks her eyes open to look at him.
"hi, luke," she says, a bit confused. "what happened?"
luke smiles, keeping his expression gentle despite the storm building up in his head because that wont help her. in the past, when she was in danger, he would get angry at her, but this is different. she actually got hurt this time. shes suffered enough. the only thing he will give her is kindness. "you were really stupid, is what happened." he says softly, squeezing her hand.
"ohhh yeeaahhhh," she giggles, remembering but also slightly loopy from the anaesthetic in her system. "i dont regret it, though. i dont want you to get hurt."
"i know," luke feels his hand begin to tremble. "but promise me you wont ever do something like that ever again. i dont want you to get hurt either."
"okayyyyy," she says, wiggling her pinky. "i'll even pinky promise on it, so dont look so glum."
luke breathes a soft laugh, looping his pinky with hers, hoping she doesnt notice how he's shaking.
"i pinky promise to never do that again," she dutifully recites. "oooon the condition that luke pearce also do the same."
"sneaky," luke lifts her hand gently, pressing a kiss to her palm.
"sir, maam," a nurse greets, in her hand, a syringe. the nurse heads over to where mc's IV. "maam, the doctor says you shouldnt be awake yet. im giving you a sedative that will put you to sleep for a few more hours."
"okay," she nods. "i was getting sleepy anyway. luke, stay with me until i conk out?"
"of course," luke tells her.
so he stays. he holds her hand and feels her thumb drag back and forth across his skin before slowly, slowly coming to a stop. her eyes fall shut, and when that happens, luke pulls away. he leaves her room and heads for a bathroom. he checks all the stalls, makes sure nobody is there, makes sure he is alone.
it is then and only then that he allows himself to break.
luke's fist hits the wall. hard. he reels his arm back, and sends another punch forward. he surges again and again and again until he can no longer feel the tremble in his fingers, the tremble in his heart, because it wasnt fatal but it could have been, because she got lucky but she wouldnt had have to need luck if he had just thought this through, because he had her blood on his hands, because he held her while she bled and he couldnt do anything but call for help and wait for it to arrive, because he should have been faster, because he should have been smarter, because he should have been better, but he wasnt, and so it was his fault, he did this.
by the time luke stops, his knuckles drip with his blood.
good, he thinks.
an eye for an eye.
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fullbusterfantasmic · 3 years
Love Potion ♋️ Chapter 4.7
Rated M
It’s all NSFW (As it should be)
1,933 words
A/N: The first position mentioned is called the butterfly or some shit (maybe?) idfk but I like it, & the second is the reverse cowgirl. Formatting is wonky, I know please look past it.
🌬Gray’s POV
The shine her eyes had held has begun to rapidly be overtaken as the (e/c) darkens, while she beckons me closer.
Her mouth is right beside my ear as she says;
“Ravish me...lay your claim on me...let every touch from you send me reeling, and begging for more...show me everything you’ve imagined doing to me and lastly...share every feeling you’ve kept hidden from me”.
The intense requests she made ignites a fire somewhere within me. Flames are rapidly consuming the protective layers of ice I’d long ago placed over my heart. Barriers erected after Deliora’s first attack, reinforced following the death of Ur...gone in an instant. Her tongue runs along the outer shell of my ear, lips placing a kiss to my temple. Pulling away, she then collapses back onto the pillows behind her, now surveying me through darkened, heavily lidded eyes.
My teeth clench as the familiar darkness begins to surface and my internal struggle begins. She asked for it....so why not give it to her? I shouldn’t...I....I’m ready to...no I NEED to let her in that now open space within my heart, within my very barren soul.
You don’t know what you do to me...
✨Your Pov
Im nervous...
I may have asked too much, it was too soon for me to come on so strongly! He still has yet to look at me, and his long bangs obscure his eyes from view.
“Gray I-“
I began to try and retract my previous statement but he interupts me. “From the very first moment I laid eyes on you I thought you were the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen....and the most dangerous...” he moves out from between my legs, motioning for me to lay on my side. “ I knew if I got close to you I’d end up falling for you and that would put you at risk...”. One of his legs now rest underneath mine and my other rests over the top of his.
“Try as I might, I couldn’t force myself to get or stay away from you; somehow we always end up spending time together” he pauses, pressing a kiss to my temple before continuing; “ -and now we’re here...”.
The room is growing colder once more, goosebumps cover my exposed flesh and I lightly begin to shiver. My entire body is shaking by the time his voice reaches my ear; “With all that being said...I’m done explaining myself, and I’m done talking”.
“Now I’m going to fuck you senseless, this entire town will know you’re mine by sunrise” The vow is whispered to me in such an intimate way, it has my internal walls fluttering, before clenching around nothing. That is soon remedied; A surprised turned pleasurable cry slips out from between my lips as Gray effortlessly slides into me.
This position is a first for me, and experiencing it with this god like man...Said position has quickly become a “10 out of 10, must do again”. He holds my body so closely against his, and somehow those skilled fingers are still roaming up and down my sides. Occasionally pausing their ministrations to ghost across my chest or rub tantalizing circles Into my clit. The angle in which he thrusts into me puts the head of his cock in the perfect position to hit my G-spot each and every time he bottoms out.
The whole “I’m finished talking now” line was absolute bullshit! As soon the smug Ice mage was balls deep inside me, did the sinful whispers begin. Dear God! That deep husky voice alternating between uttering the most endearing things, having my eyes growing wet with tears. Only to make a flawless transition into speaking the most obscene and sensual promises (or threats), have my face continuing to burn red.
I was an absolute wreck.
“You should see yourself right now...Completely fucked out of your mind, slobbering all over, and tear stains coating your cheeks...yet still so breathtaking”. My enthralled lover may no longer be whispering, but the chill of his breath on my neck is still ever present. I don’t speak, I knew my ability of coherent speech had vanished long ago.
Gray doesn’t need my words to go off of now, not when my breath hitches and my body jerks involuntarily. “This one will be....number four right?” He sounds so proud. That wasn’t really a question, and I wouldn’t of answered it even if I could have.
As much as I craved release, my pride urged me to deny it. A small voice inside my head is saying; “Ignore the relentless tingling of your clit, the tight wound knot in your stomach, the pressure from that magnificent cock sinking itself into your deepest depths...”.
Dammit ___________, get it together!
You are a proud Fairy Tail mage; A living embodiment of strength, determination, and destroyer of adversity! You’ve let this man turn you into putty within his hands, he thinks he owns you! Now it’s time for you to reclaim your pride and turn the tables on him!
Who am I kidding?
🌬Grays POV
“Holding back now are we?”
I can’t help but tease her when she’s trying so hard to hide the fact that I have her teetering on the edge of bliss. She lets out and annoyed huff and I poke one of her inflated cheeks, making sure my cock is buried inside of her as far as it can go.
“You take my cock so well baby, you’re already starting to shape to me on the inside...you’ll be my perfect little cock sleeve in no time” I murmured before giving her another nice dark love bite to match the one on the other side of her neck. “I know you want to drench my cock some more” my ice coated finger flicks against her clit before circling over it.
“Hah!” she shrieks at the frozen contact to her bundle of nerves, involuntarily jerking and in turn slamming her hips backwards, burying my dick inside her once more. The tip of my head just barely makes contact with her cervix, and then her walls suddenly contract, clamping down around me. I have to give every effort to not paint them white as not only her ecstatic wail reaches my ears, but I look down just in time to see her lightly spritz the hand id been using to play with her clit.
For a moment my brain begins to short circuit, and then it just shuts down completely.
✨ Your POV
That was....incredible.
Several minutes pass with my mind reeling from the intense orgasm I’d just experienced. It’s like I’m drunk, but not from the alcohol I’d consumed earlier. Drunk from the dopamine flooding my brain, and my heart swelling with overwhelming feelings of love. Love....love for the man currently sharing my bed.  Before I can turn to Gray and embarrass myself with a bunch of post orgasm love drunk rambling, I remember something....oh my god.
I sober up and am slammed back into reality almost instantly. My face begins to burn and I Stifle a cry of humiliation as I realize; I’d just squirted all over his hand! That’s never happened to me before! Gray hasn’t said one word...he’s been silent since it happened! He probably has a look of disgust on his face, I can’t bring myself to look and see.
I try to move,, intent on getting away to take refuge on the other side of the bed. His arms immediately constrict around me, “Oh no you don’t, you aren’t going anywhere!”.  Suddenly he’s flat on his back keeping a firm grip on my hips as I’m forced to straddle him. Glancing over my shoulder I see the proud smirk he’s wearing, then he speaks; “Never had a girl do that before...I like it” giving me a wink afterwards. “Sh-Shut u-up” I mumble as I return my gaze to the wall in front of me, breathing deeply in attempt to calm my palpitating heart.
“Y’know normally I’d give you a little break but... I can’t...not after seeing you do that” he pauses, and I can’t see his eyes roaming over my back side, but I feel his hands slide down from my hips. Then a sharp SMACK resounds around the room, followed by my startled gasp. “Ride me...now!” a fierce growl preludes another sharp smack to my other ass cheek.
I don’t even bother to stop the excited shake that over takes my body, the sudden change into this demanding demeanor is thrilling! Keeping my back to him, I’m quick to position myself over his length and begin to sink down on it. The soft mewl I emit is drowned out by a hiss as the tip of his dick slips between my lips. “That’s it...good girl” he praises as he begins to rub out the red marks on my ass.
Eager to please I get straight to work.
Albeit a bit awkward at first, but Im able to get a steady rhythm going in no time. “So much better than in my dreams...fuckin’ hell __________ your ass is perfect! Yeah that’s it babe, bounce it just like that” Gray mumbles appreciatively, completely enamored with the sight in front of him. “Dream about me often do you?” I tease, throwing him a smug glance over my shoulder. “More often than I’d ever care to admit, now turn around and face me would you?.
I do as he asked, rotating my body to face him. He gently pulls me down towards him and I stop short, my face now inches above his own. My stomach feels like it’s filled with butterflies at the sudden closeness. Unsure of what to do I quietly whisper an awkward sounding “Hi”. A wide grin appears on his face as he responds; “Hi” followed quickly by a chuckle at my sudden awkwardness.
Now we’re both smiling at each other like complete dorks, and I’m compelled to lean forward and kiss him. I resume my ride as his tongue curls around mine, quickly losing myself in the passion of this moment. Gray is quick to pick up the slack, thrusting his hips upward each time mine sink down. The atmosphere in the bedroom has changed, we both feel it. When I say his name again it comes out in a breathy whine.
His eyes reflect an emotion I’ve never seen in them before and his tone is gentle when he says “I know baby, hold on just a little longer for me”. Strong arms wind themselves tighter around me, drawing my body in as close as possible as he speeds up the pace of his thrusts. “I want to feel you gush all over my cock when I finally get to cum inside you” his lips are on mine again, kissing me passionately while bouncing me up and down on his cock.“That okay with you baby? Do you want me to fill up this tight little cunt?”
My confession comes out quick and shameless; “Yes! God there’s nothing I want more right now, I’ve wanted that for ages!”.
“Tell me, who do you belong to now snowflake?”
“YOU! I belong to you now Gray”
“Tell me you need me”
“I need you, I never want to be without you, so please just-“
“Tell me...” he pauses, placing a hand on my cheek and staring into my eyes.
“Tell me you love me”.
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ayanna-wild · 4 years
Wedding Bells
Word Count: 1600
Pairings: Lucifer Morningstar x Reader
Warnings: the tiniest, smallest sprinkle of angst, but mostly just sickening fluff lol
A/N: This is a kind of older story from Wattpad, but I haven't had time to write a new one yet, because of cramming for exams, but don't fret my lovelies, I'll be getting back to writing requests very soon.
Summary: It was the day you'd been planning for months, the day that would change everything. It was like a dream, but the butterflies in your stomach, the way your leg bounced with unending anxiety and excitement reminded you that it was all real. That this day would be perfect, more perfect than you had ever hoped.
Your day had started early, earlier than you had planned, but you woke long before your alarm had begun, long before the sunlight had graced the sky. You were quiet as you slipped out of bed, your fingers softly brushing the hair from your fiancé's face, a small smile pulling at your lips. He shifted a little, but remained soundly asleep. Your feet softly padded across the smooth cold floor as you headed towards the living room. 
The sight of a beautiful white gown hanging from the closet door caught your attention and you paused. You reached a hand out, softly tracing the lace and pearls that decorated the silk material. Today was the day, the day everything changed.
The day you married the devil.
"I do hope you're not getting cold feet darling, I'd be terribly embarrassed to be left at the altar."
The sound of your future husband's voice pulled you from your trance and you turned to face him, a small smile graving your lips.
"You're not supposed to be awake yet." You chided him softly.
He chuckled a bit, slipping out of bed to stand behind you. You leaned into his touch when he embraced you from behind, resting his chin on top of your head.
"I never did sleep well without you by my side." He murmured.
You placed your hands over where his wrapped around your waist. For a silent moment the two of you stood there, staring at the dress before you. The shaky breath Lucifer took in broke the silence and his words made your heart skip a beat.
"This is it isn't it? The day you become mine forever. My Queen. My darling wife." 
Your voice shook just a little as you spoke, the fluttering of the butterflies in your stomach spread goosebumps across your skin.
"Yeah, it is..."
Lucifer kissed your cheek as he released you from his hold.
"Mustn't dawdle darling, we've got a very busy day ahead of us."
You watched him disappear into the closet, and you looked back at your dress, fingers ghosting over the material one last time.
"Right... so much to do..."
You straightened your back, taking a small breath to steady yourself. With a small nod to yourself you walked out of the room, ready for whatever this day had in store for you.
Your morning seemed to drag on, and the longer it did the more your nerves grew, the more you wrung your hands, the more you resisted the urge to bite your nails that Lucifer had spent a fortune on.
Despite you insisting it wasn't necessary, but he'd insisted.
'Anything for my bride to be.' 
You smiled a little at the memory and bit your lip a little, careful not to smudge the makeup Linda had spent a careful amount of time doing for you. A hand rested on knee and you turned your head to look at Chloe.
"Are you okay? You're bouncing your leg a lot." 
You gave her a smile, one riddled with unspoken anxiety, underlined with excitement. She smiled back, fixing a stray curl in your hair Ella and Maze had spent so long on.
"I'm just nervous." 
"That's normal, I remember when I was marrying Dan, I was a bundle of nerves and stress, you're handling it a lot better than I am." Chloe laughed.
Her laugh put you more at ease, and  you found yourself laughing a long with her.
"I tend to internalize things." You shrugged.
Ella chimed in as well, and you were thankful for your four bridesmaids distraction. 
The ceremony drew nearer and people began to arrive at Lux; you insisted the wedding be there, it was first place Lucifer had ever truly called home and he was so happy when you told him you wanted to be married there.
But now you didn't want to leave the safety of the penthouse. You wanted nothing more than to walk down that aisle, marry the man you knew would give you the world if he could. However, the anxiety of it all was beginning to catch up to you and you found yourself unable to leave the bathroom you'd locked yourself in. Try as they might your bridesmaids could do nothing to convince you out. 
Linda volunteered to be the one to tell the groom of your unfortunate situation and Lucifer didn't look the least bit concerned. He simply looked out of the crowd of people, people you barely knew but had invited out of polite obligation. Your own family had refused to come, they'd never cared much for the devil. 
"I've just got the most splendid idea, you grab Daniel and Amenadiel, and meet me upstairs." Lucifer smiled cryptically.
Linda watched him walk away, standing there confused for a moment.
She went off to find the groomsmen. Dan had only been asked to be one because Lucifer knew you two were on good terms and friends, much to his disdain. Linda did as he asked, gathering everyone up, ushering them to the elevator as discreetly as she could. The crowd didn't seem to notice anything amiss.
When they stepped from the elevator they were surprised to see Lucifer and Maze moving furniture while Chloe and Ella decorated the penthouse with extra decorations left over. 
"What are you doing?" Dan was the first to ask.
"Why we're having a wedding Daniel! Don't just stand there, lend a hand!"
Dan shrugged before moving to help Amenadiel place the rug.
"Doctor be a dear and fetch my bride would you?" Lucifer hummed a little.
Linda stood there a moment, still trying to process everything.
"What about all the guests downstairs?"
"They've got the reception to enjoy, they'll be just fine, although this isn't really about them now it is?"
That was good enough for her and she walked to the bathroom, knocking lightly.
"Y/N, can you come out for a minute."
It was silent for a moment before there was a soft click of the lock. The door opened and Linda smiled.
"Come on, we have a surprise for you."
You could hardly believe your eyes, the penthouse although nothing extraordinary was decorated beautifully, and filled with the only people you truly cared where there. A small laugh escaped and you blinked back tears. Dan offered you his arm, as Linda took her place with the other bridesmaids. Dan led you closer to where Lucifer stood, more handsome than ever in his tux, Amenadiel standing ready to marry the two of you.
Lucifer watched you draw closer, and although he'd seen you in your dress before the sight of you now made his heart stop and he stood up straighter, his eyes refusing to look away from you for even a second, wanting to etch this moment into his memory forever. Amenadiel placed his hand on Lucifer's shoulder, smiling at his brother.
"Luci, you're crying." 
Lucifer cleared his throat, fixing his sleeves. He sputtered a moment, like he was trying to deny it but his expression softened and he found he didn't much care for the tears blurring his vision.
"Well of course I am brother! Just look at her... have you ever seen anyone more beautiful..."
Amenadiel smiled folding his hands in front of him in as Lucifer took your hands in his. Dan took his place beside Lucifer and the devil smiled at you.
"I'm sorry about putting you through all this trouble." You spoke softly.
He squeezed your hands a bit, his smile reassuringly.
"Darling it hardly matters where I marry you, just that I have you forever."
You smiled and Amenadiel cleared his throat.
"Can I continue?" 
Lucifer huffed, waving his brother off dismissively.
"Yes of course, let's hurry this along, I'm eager to begin my honeymoon."
You and the others laughed joyfully relieving the anxiety you'd been feeling. This was Lucifer, your best friend, the man or rather devil, you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. You had no reason to worry, and with that thought in mind, a warm content feeling settled over you.
As Amenadiel went through the ceremony Lucifer held your hands a little tighter, his eyes never leaving yours.
When Amenadiel finally announced you as husband and wife Lucifer had almost impatiently pulled you into that fateful kiss. Your small group of friends cheered and you had smiled so wide as Lucifer dipped you. 
The moment hadn't been what either of you had originally planned, but it had been perfect nonetheless. And you knew you wouldn't change a thing.
The other guests had been understanding and were more than happy to simply enjoy the reception with the new Mr. and Mrs. Morningstar. So you drank, and you laughed and you danced, and when you danced that slow dance with your husband you couldn't help the tears that escaped, prompting your new husband's worry.
"I'm crying because I'm happy Lucifer." You assured him.
He swayed with you in his arms, and you cupped his face in your hands.
"I married the man I love, surrounded only by the people who mean the most to me. Today was perfect and I wouldn't change a thing."
Lucifer smiled, giving you a soft kiss, before you rested your head on his shoulder as the two of you swayed to the soft melody of the song playing.
"And I will love you forever, my beautiful wife."
You smiled as he held you tighter, joyful tears filling both of your eyes, and he pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
You'd done it.
You said your vows.
You said I do.
And you had kissed that devil with everything you had, and you'd never been happier, knowing you'd spend the rest of time with the man who loved you the most by your side.
Tag List: @sallyp-53 @mizzezm @adira-secrets @we-are-all-alittle-strange-here @gingernarwal @im-just-along-for-the-ride @lifeshortbro @measure-in-pain @emiwrites3reads @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce @kelly-n-russell @aiofheavenandhell @beththedemonhunter
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let me help you
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anon: hi cissie! jdjd um can I request a fwb au + reader who uses sex as a way to forget the abuse she gets from a verbally abusing household + cockwarming after sex with dabi and it’s just angsty and a little bit of smut? im sorry if it’s too much :( 
a/n: this ask was sent to my sfw sideblog, so i posted it here! i looooove this prompt anon, so no need to apologize! it took me a while but kljhdfkll smutty angst dabi really gets me<3 i recommend listening to the playlist while reading, really fits the theme of this fic.
not me self-projecting lmfao
pairing/s: dabi x f!reader
wc: 1 338
tags: explicit nsfw content, implied verbal abuse, fwb au, cockwarming, praise kink if you squint
-ꦼ———▸ crossposted on ao3
⋅. ♪ .⋅ dabi Playlist 
“useless piece of shit”
“don’t you have anything better to do with your life?”
It’s cold. It’s raining.
“you’re so shit at this. is being a slut the only thing you know?”
Make it stop, make it stop.
“you little bitch!”
You grab your phone from your nightstand, shaking fingers swiping across the screen to look for that one contact.
“I’m always here, dollface. Just give me a call.”
That’s what he said, didn’t he? Surely he wouldn’t mind even if it was in the middle of the night, it wasn’t like he said anything about time restrictions or whatever. With a nervous sigh, you tapped the call button to a familiar number.
The phone rang twice, with a minute in between before he answered.
“Hey doll, isn’t it too late for you to be awake?” You can almost hear the smug grin he always wore. 
“Can I come over?” You hoped you didn’t sound desperate.
“Sure sweetcheeks,” you preened at the nickname, “just go through the back, I’ll leave the door open.” You hung up.
By the time you arrive, his bedroom is left open. You tiptoe your way to the halls, not wanting to wake any of the other members (because who knows what these villains might do if you interrupt their sleep). 
He’s perched up on his balcony railing, a cigarette in hand as he waits. He doesn’t turn as you approach him, choosing to continue gazing at the streets below. Neither of you utter a single word as you let the silence sink in comfortably between the two of you.
After the last drag of his cigarette, he lights up another from his right pocket. He exhales the smoke right into your face, making you wave it away in return as you scrunched your nose at him. 
“What’d they say this time?” He nonchalantly asks as he puffs out another gust of smoke. You watch it dissipate into thin air, contemplating between telling him everything or to simply remain silent.
“Nothing.” Real smart of you, [Chealsey].
He ‘tsked’ before tossing his cigarette away, climbing off the railing before putting his hands on either sides of yours, trapping you between his arms.
He lifted your chin up with a finger, “I thought I said good girls don’t lie.” You felt a shiver travel down your spine. He leaned in close to your as he whispered huskily, “do I have to remind you of last time?” You shook your head. 
He grinned.
Things ended up the same from there.
You in his sheets, a mess of babbled pleas and whimpers as he pounded into you mercilessly. Your nails clawed harshly on his back, but he didn’t even notice the pain, more preoccupied with the feeling of his cock sinking into you at a slow pace.
Any girl he’s fucked with always wanted the same thing. Harsh, fast thrusts devoid of any passion. They can be quick, or lengthened into hours, but all they wanted was the sweet release from some rough fucking with a stranger. 
All for pleasure, no strings attached. Which was all fine with him, the feeling was mutual. He didn’t take any of them to bed for the sake of finding his ‘the one’ or whatever romance bullshit hollywood liked to portray.
Sex was great, something to let out all the pent up energy he has if he doesn’t get to kill as much as he wants. The buzzing pleasure he feels after a good fuck wasn’t something he could just deny either, no matter how much he pretends he doesn’t need it.
But you? Weren’t you a special case.
You didn’t even belong near his world, a lost void of all the tragedies and harsh truths the universe could offer. You were a sweet little thing, an innocent being torn in the hands you trusted the most, that much he could tell.
He went through the same thing after all, much more gruesome, but very much still the same. 
Words could hurt deeper than a knife, and who knows how long they’ve been stabbing you.
So when you cried you eyes out at a bar that night, hands clinging on the musty glass you were holding, he took a long look in your red puffy eyes.
[e/c] orbs filled with hurt and sorrow. This wasn’t a surprise, but what did surprise him was they wasn’t anything else.
Not an ounce of hate or anger, just waves of murky grey longing to be saved from drowning.
He was there, wasn’t he? He may be a villain, but he wasn’t opposed to saving every now and then.
So he saved you the way you wanted him to.
You gasped when he slammed his hips into yours, a deep thrust that made you see stars. His breath is hot against your neck, each moan you hear him let out sends a coiling heat to your core. 
His hands remained firm on your hips, steadying you into one place as he sets a slow rhythm. “Pretty little thing,” He cooed, “taking my cock so well. You feel so good for me baby.”
You feel your cunt clench at his words, causing him to groan in reaction. 
“Fuuuuck, you liked that? You like hearing me tell you how good you make me feel?” You whimpered in response.
He pressed soft kisses against your neck, trailing up until he reaches your jawline then your lips. Pausing for just a second, he brushes his lips against yours before sucking on your bottom lip. You part your lips willingly, letting his tongue enter your mouth.
With his tongue swirling with yours, he lets a hand roam all over your body. Rough, calloused fingertips skim on different parts of your skin, sending a delightful tingling feeling on your nerves as you struggle to keep up with the sweet rolling of his hips.
He stopped kissing you, eyeing the light trail of saliva connecting your lips. Your hands were digging deep into his shoulders, “D-dabi, please I-” an aimed thrust caused the tip of his cock prod against a particular spot that had you drowning in pleasure. 
“Please what princess?” He chuckled as he saw you bit your lip, struggling to maintain what’s left of your composure.
“Faster please, I’m so close.” You whined as he aimed another thrust into that spot. 
“If that’s what my baby wants.” His voice was a thick, velvet drape of comfort rumbling in his chest. The words he uttered were sweet and intoxicating, despite the sinful intentions behind them. 
You felt so lightheaded, your body hot and swimming in pleasure. He knew just where to touch you, what words to say, and how close you wanted to be with him. So he obliged, sending shockwaves of pleasure one after another, making you mewl.
He reached a hand down to touch your clit, causing you to tighten around his shaft. He mumbled incoherent curses as he quickened his pace, thumb rubbing and pressing against your bundle of nerves as he continued to fuck you harder.
You screamed his name when you felt yourself shatter in release, walls clamping down on his cock as you came. He growled as he went still, ropes of white painting your walls as he found his own release. After a few seconds he plopped down on you, not moving a muscle. You both spent the next minutes catching a breath.
You wondered when he was gonna get off you, but your question was soon answered when he tugged his thin blanket over your bodies without separating himself from you.
“Let’s just stay like this.” He mumbled from where his head laid on your chest. You didn’t mind, the heat was nice. So you caressed his hair softly, causing his eyes to flutter. Soon, you fell into a deep sleep.
You forgot what they said, even if it was only for the night. But you couldn’t even think about that, not when you’ve finally slept good for what felt like years.
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cuddlyscribe · 4 years
Could I request first date headcanons for Lee, Choji, and Shino. These babies need love 💜 you’re awesome
YESS i 100% agree, we need more content for these precious bbs. fun fact, shino was one of my og naruto crushes back in 5th grade LOL. and no YOU are awesome dear! thank you for the request!! ❤️
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Let me just get this out of the way now: yes, the power of youth does extend to dates
Lee is going to absolutely COMBUST with excitement on your first date. So please be patient with him because he is going to be simultaneously excited and terrified (gently place a hand on his shoulder and it’ll help) 
So he wants to make your first date extra special, and pretty much works himself to death trying to put together one befitting someone as amazing as you 
But everything he comes up with doesn’t feel deserving of you. So he asks Gai and he just makes it worse 
So he decides to ask Tenten for ideas and she pretty understandably smacks him on the head and tells him to just ask YOU where you wanna go 
OF COURSE, why didn’t he think of that?! promises to punish himself with like 1000 pushups or something later
Immediately is rushing to your place and getting down on one knee to basically ask you (in so many words) where you wanna eat 
“Dearest y/n, I have been trying to plan our date and want to know where your favorite place to have dinner is so I can treat you!
During the date, he’s going to be trying to compose himself but every time he sees you it’s like... HOW ARE YOU SO CUTE HE CAN’T FOCUS
Talks a lot to calm his nerves, and most definitely tries to impress you with some new Taijutsu he’s been working on 
If he gets a kiss at the end of the night, don’t be surprised if you hear him go screaming down the road yelling about it to everyone 
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AHHH sweet boiiii!! His heart is fluttering at the idea that you agreed to go on this first (of many hopefully) date with him! 
There’s a very obvious spring in his step the day of your date, and everyone is pretty much giddy with him 
While he’s nervous, he knows that you guys have hung out loads of times before and this’ll be the exact same thing (albeit with the “date” label attached)
Takes you to the BBQ place he loves, because it almost makes him feel like Asuma sensei is there to cheer him on in spirit and give him that extra boost of confidence no im not crying
(But please tell him if BBQ is not your thing, he will be over the moon to accommodate and take you anywhere you like!!) 
During the date, Choji is a bundle of sunshine (as usual) He’s such a fantastic listener and always knows the right thing to say 
But forgive him if he gets a little daydreamy while admiring you as you talk 
“S-sorry, y/n, I can’t help it! You look amazing in this light...” 
Won’t shriek like some people we know if he gets a kiss at the end of the night, but will not be able to wipe the smile off his face for at least a week afterwards
This is your world, y/n, he’s just living in it 
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“Thank you for this opportunity to take you out, y/n.” Okay is this a date or a business meeting
Is very serious and calm when asking you, but if you look VERY closely, there is a definite small reaction when you agree. 
The bugs are freaking out on his behalf
Shino is a very keen observer, so he knows what a first date entails. He wants to make everything perfect for you. 
(But to him it means something extra because you weren’t offput by his insects which is a HUGE deal to him, don’t understate that!) 
He takes a trip to the Yamanaka flower shop to pick up some he knows you will love. Don’t ask how he knows, he just has this really good intuition. 
Might also drop by a bakery if you are a fan of cakes or pastries. Again, he knows exactly what you’ll love! 
On the date, he will be pretty much exactly what you’d expect. Maybe a little more talkative because this is a date and he doesn’t want you to think he isn’t interested
(But he’s still coming out of his shell, so he’d appreciate it if you didn’t push him too much to talk a lot) 
“Thank you for everything, y/n. Really...” 
Becomes soft on the walk home and on your doorstep. Once he’s out of view of others, he kind of relaxes and will gladly accept a kiss goodnight.
Silently VERY grateful for the high collar of his jacket because bb is sooooo red 
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cummingforkylo · 5 years
If your requests are still open, could you write a Kylo X Female Reader smut with inappropriate use of his lightsaber and just really rough, hot, and wild sex, with hair pulling, ass smacking, and then overstimulation from multiple orgasms? I just can't get over imagining Kylo fucking me senseless until I'm a wordless sweaty mess and cumming over and over and over again while sobbing and not being able to control cumming so much oh god help me I'm a mess for this man im so sorry ugh
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I combined a bunch of these because they seemed to…fit together. I created a Frankenstein monster of a drabble. Its reallly long and its shameless fucking smut. I’ve spent the better part of my afternoon on it, I hope you like it!
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BegRating: Explicit/NSFWCW: dubcon?, inappropriate use of  a lightsaber, nasty sex, shameless smut, name callingWord count: 2,865Prompt: You have dreams about the Supreme Leader, you didn’t realize he saw them.
You didn’t know Kylo Ren, you had only seen him, only heard the stories and yet, your dreams were always of him. You always woke sweating, your legs tangled up in the sheets, your underwear wet, your pussy throbbing from just…dreams of him. Dreams of his eyes on you, watching you, dreams of his hands caressing their way up your thighs. The dreams were filled with the sound of his deep, commanding voice and the buzz of his lightsaber. You hated yourself for it, but there was something about him, the anger, the brute force, the indifference to life that made you ache deep within. So you dreamt. You dreamt every night of what it might feel like. What he would feel like. Every morning you woke up still tired, and the dreams continued to weigh on your conscious mind throughout your days.
One night, things changed though, instead of waking up in the morning. You were brought to consciousness, out of your haze halfway through your sleep cycle. You were groggy but as soon as your eyes opened you could feel something different. Something off, something was wrong. You blinked and sat up, you thought you saw something but you couldn’t be sure. You told yourself you were just reacting to the dreams. You pushed yourself out of bed and went to your table to pour yourself water from the carafe. You stood there in your t-shirt and underwear and sipped your water, trying to calm down your racing thoughts and your excited body. That was when you saw him, Kylo Ren, standing by your door, his eyes trained on you. You nearly screamed but the sound stuck in your throat. You had just been dreaming about him and like a dark apparition, here he was. You swallowed thickly, trying to wet your bone dry throat.
“What are you doing here?” You gasped out, unsure if you needed to call him ‘sir’ when he was intruding on your room. His expression was amused as he raised his eyebrows,
“What are you doing dreaming about me?” He countered. Your insides went cold, it felt as though your vision tunneled as you stared at him and you realized he had seen or sensed your dreams. The fear coursed through your veins, sending icy shocks with it, but even as it did, it mixed with the heat that your dream had produced. The two fought with each other inside you, burning and cool. Fear and excitement. They mingled and became one thing inside of you, raging around.
“I…” You tried to speak and he rolled his eyes, he took the few long strides from the door to your table until he stood right in front of you. You backed up until you bumped into the table and he still came closer to you. In one fast movement he grabbed your hips and shoved you back so you were sitting on the table. “I-I…”
“You…you…you what?” Kylo asked mimicking the nervous way you had stuttered as you sat up on the table and stared into his eyes. You tried to rip yourself away from him, struggling to push back but he lifted his hand and involuntarily your arms snapped to your sides. Your hands felt like they were glued to the table, you tried to struggle against the invisible bonds but they seemed to get tighter and tighter the longer you struggled.
“Don’t you struggle with me, girl.” He snarled, still standing above you, staring down at you, his expression dark.
“Why not?” You  snapped, “You’ve come into my room to…to..what!?” Your voice was ragged and you hated how scared it sounded.
“You dreamt of me.” His voice seemed to fill the room without even trying. The deep baritone reverberated inside of you, through your stomach, into your spine. “You wanted this, you begged for more in your dream. I’m merely fulfilling all your fantasies.” He said.
You whined and struggled, but it was a pathetic, feeble attempt to kick your feet. Kylo’s huge hand wrapped around your ankle, shoving it back so your foot was on the table to. Arms still trapped, unable to catch yourself, you fell back against the table knocking the carafe off with a loud clatter. He stood above you and you laid there with your back against the table, one foot up on the table while the other dangled. A sob escaped your chest and Kylo grabbed the other ankle and forced it back, setting that foot on the table too. You couldn’t struggle properly and you weren’t sure if you even wanted to.
“You have filthy dreams about your Supreme Leader and then want to pretend you don’t like it when it actually happens?” he asked, his hand stroked up your bare thigh in and almost…soft way.  He wasn’t wearing gloves and his hand felt hot, and good. You found the will to struggle ebbing away, your legs twitched. You wanted more. There was a gush in your pussy, you were somehow getting wetter than you already had been from the dream. His fingers brushed up your thighs and then back down to your knees. It only took him pressing on the inside of your legs a little to get them to fall open and back. “See? You do want it.” He breathed.
You let out a whine and you looked up at him.
“Should we see how wet you got, dreaming about your superior?” he asked. You wanted to tell him no, you wanted to beg him not to pull your underwear off, it was humiliating and horrifying to even think of him doing it. You couldn’t pull those words out from yourself though, you couldn’t make yourself say it. You wanted it too much. Your whole body was nothing but want now. Your mind was going blank because of his touch, because of his words reverberating through your whole being. Kylo’s hands found the sides of your underwear and in a fluid motion he pulled them down and off of your feet. Automatically, your legs opened for him again and you watched an expression flicker across his face.
Dark power, a deep hunger, tinged with carnal lust crossed his face as you did what he wanted without even being told. His eyes focused on your exposed sex, and you burned with shame and pleasure. You could feel your lips parting and the wetness that blossomed at your entrance spreading over your lips.  His fingers found your slit and he stroked his index finger down it, catching the wetness. Your body reacted instantly, you tensed at the feeling of his finger, finally on you. Just that one touch sent a spasm through your body.
“Slut, I’ve barely started and you’re already twitching.” He said. His finger slid back up your slit and then stopped. You shivered as you felt it resting against your clit. He didn’t move it, he just kept it there and looked down at your face. Your brow furrowed, your mouth opened and you stared at him.
“Will you do as I say?” he asked, that voice…the voice in your dreams, the voice that had sent chills all through your body for days. You knew you should say no. You knew you should have been fighting it but you couldn’t say no to that voice, especially with his finger on your clit. “It will make things easier if you say yes.”
“Yes,” you gasped.
“Good.” He said and you knew that you had never really had a choice. Kylo’s finger stroked across your clit, and you gasped at the feeling. It sent sharp, hot, rods of pleasure shooting through your body and your legs twitched open even more, pulling back. His eyes dropped to your cunt and he watched as his finger delicately traced around your clit. Over and over you felt him make tight circles around that extremely sensitive bundle of nerves. You couldn’t believe this was happening, you couldn’t believe he would stroke you like this, so soft, gentle. It was pulling your orgasm towards the surface, you gasped and pressed your body forward towards his fingers.
“Ohhh! Yes…” You moaned. Kylo swiped his finger across your clit now, gentle strokes but unrelenting. You wanted to cum so badly, it was so close to the surface. All your dreams and his touch now was mounting inside of you.
“Would you like to cum?” his voice, almost bored, spoke to you from what felt like very far away. You nodded feverishly. “Beg.” He said simply.
“Please! Please…please, I want to cum so fucking badly. Please!” You whined. “Please! Fuck!” you pressed your hips up, needing more. Needing him to run his fingers across your little bud over and over until you could be released from this need. “Fuck, fuck, fuck! Please!” You gasped.
“You’ve got quite the mouth on you, slut. But no. You don’t get to cum.” He pulled his hand away from you and you gasped in horror. Disappointment, and boiling frustration surged inside of you. Tears pricked your eyes and he watched, amused as you tried not to cry in front of him. You barely had time to think about your tears because his fingers were at your clit again, rubbing along the sides, stroking it repeatedly, over and over. Your brain was in a fog, you could only focus on the pleasure and breathing, there was nothing else. It went on and on with you getting closer and closer until his voice floated to you,
“Nooooo,” you sobbed, because you knew nothing would be good enough now. You whined and squirmed, trying to make the right begging noises. “Please, Kylo…sir…please! I n-need to cum! Please!” You said, holding out the vague hope he would let you.
“No.” He spat the word out and pulled his hand back. You started to sob now, tears slipped out of our eyes and you struggled agains the Force that still held your arms down.
“F-fuck you.” You sobbed, your voice cracking. You regretted it a second later when his hand came down hard on your cunt, smacking it with such force it knocked the breath out of you. Your pussy throbbed with the pain, the sting reverberating through your clit and down inside of you. You choked on air. Faster than you could even pay attention to in your fuddled state he moved his hand to his belt and unclasped his lightsaber.
“You want more?” he asked, pulling it up to you.
“Yes!” You sobbed without thinking. Kylo flipped the saber in his hand so the bottom end was pointed towards you. Your body tensed up and his eyes glinted. You recoiled from you but his hand grabbed your hip, keeping you in place.
“You want more so badly, I can show you more.” He said, you looked up into his face, he looked wild. His eyes were black with lust and the air of power surrounding him crackled. He pressed the bottom of the saber against your pussy, it was icy cold and shivers ran through you at the first touch.
He let go of your hip, trusting you would stay still and he gently spread your lips, opening you so he could press the saber handle into your tight cunt. You twitched as you felt yourself stretch around the cold, unforgiving metal. Your walls contracted, and you were unsure if it was trying to drag it in farther or rid your body of the intrusion. Your breathing was wrecked and you sobbed with need, pain and pleasure as he pressed it in farther. Each bump, each ridge caught against the inner lips of your vagina, swirling the pleasure inside you. It ached so deep inside, it was like nothing you had ever felt before.  As soon as it was as far as it could go inside of you he pulled his hand away and just looked at you. He examined his efforts, splayed out in front of him. You legs open wide as you lay on the table, his weapon sunk deep in your cunt which struggled to stretch open for it. You gasped for breath and rolled your hips with need.
“Your cunt is so needy for me, slut.” He breathed as his hand came back to the soft flesh of your pussy and he stroked his thumb over your exposed clit. You jumped at the feeling. That, combined with the feeling of his saber inside of you, filling you up made you clench and nearly cum on the spot. “No cumming.” He said. “I’ll tell you when or if you’re allowed to cum.” His voice was so dangerous, all you could do was whimper.
His thumb stroked over your clit and his other hand grasped his lightsaber again, he dragged it back out of you and then in again, fucking you slowly and deliberately with it, watching as you writhed underneath him. The pressure mounted inside of you, it was so close again and you garbled out your desperate pleas,
“Please, sir! Please! I’ll do anything. I need to cum! Please! I need it! I need to,” you sobbed with longing. All the opportunities you had had to give yourself an orgasm before this that you hadn’t taken flashed in front of you, now all you wanted was that feeling and he was in control of it. Kylo’s thumb stroked your clit and you bucked your hips up into him, fucking yourself on his weapon.
“I need it, yes, oh stars! Yes! Please, ohhh please.” You sobbed, tears rolling out of your cheeks.
“Cum, you stupid slut, cum.” He growled all of a sudden and his thumb pressed against your clit, his hand still using the lightsaber to steadily fuck you. A half scream, half sob was pulled from your chest as the feeling washed over you. The orgasm cascaded in waves over you as you pressed your hips up and his thumb unrelentingly stroked your overly sensitive clit. As it started to subside, the feeling began to be too much and you tried to close your legs.
“You wanted this,” He growled as he ripped the saber out of your pussy. He shoved your legs back and the suddenly the Force locked them open, like how your arms were locked down. You were spread open for him, unable to cover the burning, too sensitive flesh. He stroked your clit, and everything burned, it was too much and you shook, gasping, sobbing, shaking your head.
“No! No more! Please! No more” You begged.
“You wanted to cum, so fucking cum, whore.” He said. His hand didn’t move from your cunt, as his other hand struggled to get his pants undone, shoving the layers of clothing aside. You couldn’t move, you couldn’t recoil. All you could do was live in the pulsing pleasure that wracked your body. Another orgasm mounted and was unwillingly pulled from you, making you quake underneath him. Kylo pressed the tip of his cock against your entrance and you saw his wild eyes looking down at it, watching as he slowly pressed it inside. The feeling of him inside you was so good and combined with the constant movement from his thumb against your clitoris it pushed you over the edge again. Even though you were exhausted and felt like you could take no more, you came again. His hips started to move, beating into yours. His cock was huge, and with each time you came you felt like he was breaking you apart little by little.
“Oh fuck! Kylo! I’m yours…all yours…ohhh fuck me! Fuck me!” you moaned. His thrusts were rough and painful in your throbbing, swollen and dripping cunt but it made you unravel around him.
“You are mine, slut. You’re mine.” He growled. He ripped his hand away from your pussy and he leaned over you , looking into your eyes, “Do you hear that? You’re mine.” He said. He hissed out another moaan as your eyes connected and he could see the need there. You were going to come yet again, just from his cock this time. Your mouth opened in a low moan and you clenched hard around him. You found you could move your arms again, he couldn’t concentrate on keeping you held down anymore, you wrapped your arms around his neck and brought yourself close to him. His hand found your hair and he tugged it hard.
“Fuck!” He said, trying to bite back the emotion in his ragged voice. As you came, his cock spasmed and filled you with his hot cum. You stayed against him, your arms around his neck and now your legs wrapping around him. He lifted you up so he held you against him, his hand loosening in your hair so he just cradled your head. Your breathing was labored but he held you until both of you returned to reality, relaxing into him. Your room seemed too quiet. Life didn’t seem right because he was no longer inside you.
“You’re mine.” He said quietly into your ear and you were okay with it.
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letthefrogsbe · 3 years
remember when I was gonna write that parkner fic?
cool so I've decided I'm gonna, but because I cannot write for SHIT and I hate my writing every time I see it, ill just share my outline of what I have so far. its not coherent. sorry. 
Section one: aunt may dies. It’ll be like “it's been 3 months. 3 months since May was shot. 2 months and 3 weeks since she died.”
Something like that idc. Basically this section will base around peter living tony, because he’s not doing well, and he is only 17- which is not actually old enough to be on your own after something like this. Setting is established, with cameos from dr strange (who tony is dating and lives with (yeah bite me, this is my fanfiction i can make it what i want.) it will be made obvious that this takes place after endgame, which also means that tony is Not going to die. I’m not that mean lmao. The avengers are like largely together, there was not as much death in this as there was in endgame. Whatever. Everyone is very nice to peter because they know that for him its either this or him becoming a ward of the state so like.
Section two: harley gets kicked out. His mom finds out that he’s gay (from gossip sources idk) and kicks harley out. Im not going to write them having a big fight like in the moment, but harley will recount what happened somewhat to tony in this section, and then more to peter later in the story. Gay ppl trauma dump, we know this. Okay anywaysss so harley calls tony literally sobbing and like freezing fucking cold. IM SORRY IM BEING SO MEAN TO THEM I PROMISE THEY'LL GET A HAPPY ENDING. Okay. harley explains how his mom kicked him out. Tony asks why, harley says something like “she didn’t agree with my lifestyle choices” like bitterly. Tony is a good person in this (i know, im really taking some character liberties) and he’s in the mood for collecting strays apparently, so he has happy send over the quinjet. He can’t make it himself bc hes in fucking japan or something for the next few weeks,, but. Yeah! Tony also calls peter, who is presumably in bed and feeling depressed. “Hey pete. How ya feeling? Any better?’ ‘Not really, tony. Sorry.’ ‘you don’t have to be sorry-’ ‘damn tony you sound like my therapist.’ “sorry pete, but i do have something to tell you- you know harley?’ ‘only from what you’ve told me about him, but yea. He was the tennessee garage kid, right?’ ‘i mean. Yes. so- he’s gonna come stay with me for a while too- it might not be permanent but it will probably be a bit. He’s about your age, and he just has no where to go (just like u). He’s not going to stay in your room or anything, but with bruce and thor here, he will be in your apartment area.’ ‘okay tony.. Will i have to talk to him a bunch?’ ‘not if you don’t want to- i already warned him about you, so it should be okay. I wouldn’t worry so much pete- you guys are so similar in a lot of ways that i wanted to introduce you two long before he called me.’ ‘okay tony, i trust you. Thank you again for letting me stay with you :)’ (yeah that kind of got away from me)
Section 3: build up. this is a shorter section. Harley and peter are gonna meet in section 4. This section is harley’s jet ride (with an intuitive happy) and harley’s nerves about how he really isn’t worth this (i mean hes pretty intimidated tony sent a private jet just for him) and happy like reassures him. Hes still insecure though. Peter is also nervous bc what if harley doesn’t like him? What if he doesn’t like harley?? Tony did say they would get along, but peter hasn’t really been himself recently, so who knows? Yeah lots of that. I do want to emphasize though- peter is not completely unhealthily coping. Like he has a therapist and he has been reaching out to ned and mj, but its still an open wound for him. Obviously. He still has a sense of humor though, but its to cover these deep insecurities. Like the first month or so that he was with tony, he was reallllyyyy trying to not get close to him bc he sort of thinks he kills everyone around him. Like logically he knows this isn’t true, but he does really think the that non superheroes that he surrounds himself with are very at risk if they know about his spider-man-ness. The only people who know now are ned and mj (may knew too).
Section 4: the meeting of harley and peter. Keep in mind peter has been living in this apartment/area of stark tower for about 3 months now. He actually moved in while may was in the hospital because he couldn’t stand to be alone in the apartment when he knew why may wasn’t there. And um. Yeah. so peter is like comfortable in this space, basically. Also- the reason theyre in the same apartment is because stark tower was not really created with the idea of housing broken orphans in mind, so it only has a certain amount of residential space. Thor and bruce are currently staying there together (although no one really knows if theyre together, or if theyre just best bros who went through some extreme trauma together and are now inseparable. Hmmm wonder if thats gonna come up later) and theyre using one apartment, and happy lives there with his own apartment, and tony and stephen are currently sharing the penthouse, even though thats not public knowledge. Really only the people close to tony know that he’s dating stephen. So. this leaves just the one other 2 bedroom apartment for peter and harley. It has one bathroom, and the bedrooms are connected by a door but theyre pretty big so like. Theres a kitchen, a living room with a fancy ass tv, and a really pretty view (with a balcony bc <333). May died in march, peter got leave from the school in april, and it is now the middle of june btw. Tony is now peter’s official guardian (he was before may died anyways) and now has sole guardianship over him which he has fully accepted, even though peter and him both know that there are going to be times where he has to go out of town bc he does own a company after all. Times like right now. Harley is pretty nervous that tony isn’t going to be there to greet him and that he is going to have to like introduce himself to peter and everything. Cmon, theres no reason to feel like that, he’s the one intruding after all, he should at least be able to handle himself. (<--- harley’s thoughts). Yeah so theyre insecure super cool. A n y w a y s so peter was stressing about harley as he arrived, and so when harley walked in they were both complete bundles of nerves. Harley walks up but knocks. Peter actually jumps (bc spidey sense okay whatever) and goes to get the door. Oh my god these awkward teenagers i hate them so much (i love them). Peter kinda looks like shit, sorry king. He was a little bit crying earlier, then tony called and he switched into stressed out ball-of-anxiety mode. Distractions are good, its okay. Peter opens the door for harley and they like introduce each other all awkward (again sorry) and peter shows harley where he is staying. Harley doesnt really have muchhhh bc he was kicked out and all. He just has a suitcase full of clothes, his favorite blanket, his favorite stuffed animal (yeah whatever bc ofc he does) and his phone/charger. He sets all his stuff down at once. He thanks peter for letting him stay in his apartment and also said sorry. First thing peter noticed was harley’s accent. Stfu. peter asks why harley’s here- ok. Harleys had a long ass day. Too fucking long. He- he breaks down. He tells peter a lot. About how his mom found out that he was gay, and how she told him never to come back. Yikes. Anyways, this is establishing the beginning of their relationship as friends. Peter is there for him even though he doesn’t know him at all. Peter sees some of himself in harley in this moment, even though he’s not talking about himself yet. Eventually harley does ask about peter, and they really just get to know each other really quick. They have these deep scarring individual traumas, and neither has nearly recovered, but they find comfort in just knowing that theyre not alone in their suffering. At least for now. At least in this moment.
Section 5: the next day. Peter and harley spent that whole night talking about what they were going through. Peter said good night at around 5 am (there were no adults around they can do what they want to) and they both got good sleeps. In peter’s case, one of the first solid nights he’s had in a while. Harley was kept up a little longer after peter left, however, because he just couldn’t shut off his mind. It was really cathartic for him to just lay everything out there and for someone to just accept him. Peter told him he was bi, but he was.. Lucky. He had accepting people in his life. May was accepting. God, harley couldn’t fathom having lost everyone in his life, everyone he ever cared about, and still having the heart to sit and talk with the dumbass anxious gay kid who can’t go home anymore. His problems felt so small compared to peter’s, and all he could do was admire peter’s resilience and how he was seemingly able to bounce back from anything. God, peter was something. He couldn’t wait to get to know him more. With that thought circling in his head, he finally went to sleep at oh shit 6:30 am. Peter woke up around 1. Harley at 2. When harley woke up, peter was watching tv and eating cereal on the couch and he just sat down next to him. No words, just sleepy children being sleepy. They stayed like this for like an hour when someone knocked on their door. Enter stephen strange!!!!!!!!!!! Get excited people. Hes just coming in to check on them bc tony told him to, and he didn’t get the chance last night bc he was _busy_. K so now he’s here and hes awkward and he just wants to make sure these boys r okay bc theyve both been through too much recently, and it would be just the cherry on top if they didn’t get along. Him and harley had never actually met before so he like introduced himself and all that. Offered like if they needed anything he was there, and its only gonna be a few days until tony gets back (did i say a week earlier? Im retconning that bc i cannot find it in my writing so it is now retconned). Peter and harley just have to sort of explain to dr strange that theyre getting along gREAT and there is no need for concern….. And peter was even thinking about showing harley around the city a bit that night (something he had not yet told harley, but wanted to make it seem like he was doing well and not acting too depressed in front of Dr. Strange) so dr strange is like yeah !!!!!! do that, that sounds super fun petey !!!!!! and so now they have evening plans
ok ps I wrote this like 2 weeks ago and completely forgot I posted something on Tumblr about this fic idea, and so this is literally just how I talk to myself. was not gonna ever post this but then I decided to because I'm bored. there are more sections but I'm not gonna post them rn because this post is really fucking long already!!!!
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aspenflower17 · 4 years
Finding You (Part Ten of ??)
Aha! Finally it is done!
Hey everyone! It’s been one Monday of a week, but I finally had today (Saturday) off so I finally got to work on this update. I also thought I’d give you guys an update on my scheduling. One of the supervisor’s at work is done with her semester at college, so I’m probably not going to have a set schedule for awhile. That means the only day I know I will have off is Sunday. I usually work on writing on my day off, so updates are probably going to vary wildly from week to week. If I don’t get one out the rest of the week, you should see an update from me on Sunday (though it might be at a late hour, like this week).
Anywho, I hope you’re all doing alright and that you’re staying safe. I know I have some readers who recently had Finals Week (or whatever the equivalent of that is for you). I want to congratulate you on finishing your semester (because it is a big accomplishment), and that I hope you got high marks on your respective tests/projects/ect.
So, as always, if you’re new here, here is the link to Part One. You can also find the links to all the parts on my Master List if you’ve missed any of the other updates :)
This update was brought to you by the support of the following: @simpingforsatan @naimena @hachimochi @wrathandgreed @magi-minminxiii @rensphilia @a-dream-at-night @chloelikesobeyme @getbehindme-satan @theuglypugling (Seriously, thanks so much for the support you guys! I love each and every one of you!) If you’d like to be on the tags list for any future updates, please just drop a comment below or send me a message!
Word Count: 4,144
Trigger warnings: There might be some language in this one, Satan gets PISSED
“Will you just sit down Satan? You’re making me nervous,” Asmo complained, watching his brother with concern.
“Yeah. You’re totally breaking my concentration here,” Levi chimed in, not looking up from his game.
“Well, you can take your complaints to Lucifer,” Satan stated, starting what had to be his 200th pass on the same stretch of the ballroom, “I don’t know why we had to be here so early.”
“We got here ten minutes ago,” Belphie sighed, leaning on Beel, “You’re just nervous.”
“And what if I am?” Satan asked, his anxiety adding bite to the question.
“We’re all nervous,” Beel gently reminded Satan, “We’ve all missed our favorite human.”
“Not human anymore,” Mammon muttered, glaring at some undefined point in front of him, leg shaking anxiously. He had been uncharacteristically quiet ever since the night of the art show, gone most of the day, and retreating to his room when he was home.
An awkward hush fell across the group at his words, everyone’s thoughts turning inward. Satan sighed and sat down, the feathers on his boa trying their hardest to enter his mouth. The lacing on his shirt threatened to strangle him along with the collar, and his tail kept flexing around his leg. He was a bundle of nerves, and he couldn’t seem to relax. He had wanted to wear a simple suit or tuxedo, but the invitation from Diavolo had explicitly said demon forms were to be used.
A strangled but disgusted gasp escaped Asmo’s mouth, “What the hell is he doing here?!”
“Another jilted lover Asmo?” Belphie asked, rolling his eyes.
“No! It’s Michael!” Everyone’s head whipped up at that, even Levi.
“OMG! WFT?” Levi exclaimed, eyes large and worried.
“Bro, why is he here?” Mammon nearly growled, glaring at the man in question.
“I don’t know, but I want him to leave!” Asmo’s voice was getting more shrill as time went on.
“Is tha’ Lord Diavolo with ‘im?” Mammon asked, still glaring, though he wasn’t growling anymore.
“OMG, you’re right. They're laughing together too!” Levi narrated.
Beel had joined Mammon in glaring at Michael, as his twin smiled smugly, “Oh, you guys didn’t know?” Everyone looked over at that and you could tell Belphie was relishing in the shock, “Mc came with some angels. I hear Luke’s here too.”
“How can you possibly be happy about this?”
“What are you all gawking at? You all look like you’ve-” Lucifer cut off, finally seeing what his brothers were looking at. If he hadn’t already been in his demon form, Satan was fairly sure he would’ve burst into it immediately, though he didn’t look as surprised as Satan would expect him to.
The absolute contempt and disgust that dripped from that single word had all the brothers sharing looks, most very concerned. Belphie caught Satan’s eye, shooting him a sly, wicked grin. Satan wanted to share in Belphie’s enjoyment, but his mind was taking this new roadblock into account, trying to figure out how this was going to factor into his plan.
Satan didn’t really have an opinion on Michael. He had never really met the angel, his only knowledge of him coming from his shared memories with Lucifer, the little he’d heard from his brothers, and what he’d gleaned from Luke and Simeon’s conversations, not that he really cared. He simply wasn’t someone who mattered. That is, until now.
“Did you know Lucifer?” Asmo asked.
“Diavolo had told me Mc had come with two angels, though he didn’t mention names. I just assumed it was Simeon and Luke,” Lucifer was still watching Diavolo and Michael talking, though he had taken on a frigid demeanor, arms crossed and eyes narrowed. You didn’t have to be the Avatar of Wrath to sense the boiling anger underneath the frosty exterior.
Barbatos walked over to Diavolo and whispered something. The Demon Prince nodded and stood up, the congregation quieting, “Hello and welcome, each and every one of you! I’m so glad you could make it!” he voice boomed out into the 
Levi scoffed, “As if we had a choice.”
“Shaddup. Ya wanted to come jus’as much as the rest of us,” Mammon hissed.
“As most of you know, this ball is in honor of Jane Doe,”
“Wait.. Who’s that?” Beel asked, confused.
“That’s her pseudonym,” Belphie explained softly, Beel nodding his understanding.
“We have other guest’s as well, who came with Jane. Michael, the archangel,” Diavolo gestured to Michael who raised his hand in greeting with a smile, “And Luke, Jane’s older brother. You may all remember him when he was here as one of our first exchange students,” A blonde male who had been sitting by Michael inclined his head.
“Oh my gosh, that’s Luke?!” Asmo said loudly enough some nearby demons looked over.
“I didn’t even recognize him,” Levi murmured.
“Did he say brother?” Mammon asked.
“Shhhh!” Lucifer hissed as Diavolo continued.
“Now for the person you’ve all been waiting for, Jane Doe,” all the brothers held their breath as Mc walked over to Diavolo, an absolute vision. All of the brothers were transfixed, their own personal feelings overcoming everything else. Lucifer, having already seen Mc at the palace was the first to recover, looked over to Satan to see how he was doing. He was encouraged by what he saw. Satan was subconsciously touching his pocket where he knew he letter was at. Though he seemed a bit nervous, the fierce resolve in his eyes made him smile proudly, before looking back to Diavolo.
“I hope you all treat our guests with the same respect and kindness they’ll give to you. With the introductions done, let the party commence!”
“So, what’s the plan Satan?” Asmo asked, bringing the fourth born out of his head.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you need to talk with Mc right?” at the nod he continued, “Well, how about we help you?”
“We?” Belphie sighed, grabbing a lock of his hair.
“Yes we,” Asmo sighed, rolling his eyes.
Belphie sighed, but turned to look at Satan anyways, “Well, if I have to help, what do you need?”
“I just need to give her a letter,” Satan explained, about to tell everyone they didn’t need to bother, but he didn’t get the chance.
“Don’t you want to talk to her though?” Levi asked.
“Well, I need her to read this first. I didn’t make the best impression last time, and I don’t think I’ll be much better this time around,” Satan admitted, looking chagrined. He hadn’t told any of the brothers the entirety of what happened.
“Easy enough,” Mammon announced, getting up, “We just need to walk over and give it to her then.”
“Not so fast Mammon,” Lucifer said, motioning for him to sit, “She’s probably going to be flanked by those two angels all evening. I don’t know if they’d take well to one of us handing Lillith’s descendant a letter. Luke at least, is aware of Satan’s attachment to Mc, and last time I checked, he’s not a fan of ours. As for the other…” Lucifer trailed off, irritation twisting his features, “Who knows how that may go.”
“So we need to make sure to separate them all,” Levi mused.
“Do you have any ideas on how to do that? Like, anything from one of your anime’s?” Asmo asked.
“I mean, there’s the ‘trying to get the main character and love interest alone’, but it doesn’t always work, though it’s entertaining to watch.”
“Well, we want this to go well,” Asmo sighed, rolling his eyes.
“What about you then? Where’s your grand idea?” Levi scoffed.
“Actually, I do have an idea,” Asmo giggled.
“I really should’ve just done this myself,” Satan sighed, Asmo standing next to him.
“Oh, shush! This will turn out great, just wait.”
“When’s it supposed to work then? I mean, we’ve been standing here for an hour and we haven't caught a glimpse of Mc.”
“Patience, patience. Beel and Belphie… Well, Beel already has Luke distracted with food talk, and Lucifer’s doing a good job of keeping Michael… On his toes, I guess?”
“I do have to admit watching him run away from Michael is amusing,” Satan chuckled, his eyes darting to Lucifer from their perch on the balcony above the dancefloor. He was obviously fighting his pride, knowing he was running away from Michael, but unable to stay and deal with the angel who wouldn’t stop trying to find him, partially due to his pride as well. Looking back to Michael, Satan grinned, “Gotcha!”
“Wha… Oh! There she is! Told you!” Asmo nearly shouted.
“That was my ear.”
“Oop. Sorry.”
Satan watched Mc speak with Michael, noting all the small changes in her behavior. There was a level of refinement that hadn’t been there before, which made perfect sense seeing as how she had been raised in the Celestial Realm by Simeon. She was more graceful for one thing, and seemed more calm and at ease than he remembered her. She did seem more reserved and closed off than before, though that could just because she was talking with a superior. She was fairly open with me until I screwed it up, so hopefully she retained that part of herself, and hopefully I didn’t screw it up.
Asmo sighed, “Lucifer isn’t doing his job.”
“Did you really expect him to? He did say he didn’t want to be part of whatever you were planning.”
“Well, Michael chose to follow him. He was chosen. It’s fate.”
“Still doesn’t mean he’s going to actively participate.”
“Fine. Looks like I’m going to have to have Mammon and Levi do some work for us.”
“You really don’t have to do this. I can handle it.”
“Yeah, but that’s no fun. I also want to mess with Michael as much as possible.”
“Fine. What do we do next?”
“We have to get down onto the dance floor. I’m calling Mammon right now.”
They found the staircase closest to Mc and Michael and made their way down, Asmo on his DDD the whole time, “Yes… Do you see us? Oh, there you are. Do you see them? No, left… Left! Your other left! Mammon, how are you this stupid?... I’m not the one who can’t see-... No, you listen! I can’t stand that you-... How dare you! I- Ugh, fine… Yup, just distract him…” Asmo laughed, “No, though I would pay to see that. Maybe, walk past and see if he takes the bait?... Well, you’re just going to have to deal with it Levi… Look, the sooner we get this done, the sooner you can get back to your game… Wow, I thought you wanted Mc back, but I guess not. I’ll just have to make sure she doesn’t spend anytime with you… Then get your act together! Okay, Mammon, we’re close enough now. Alright, take it away.”
Satan watched as Mammon and Levi stepped out of the crowd, Mammon talking loudly enough to turn a lot of heads. Unfortunately, Michael was not one of these, though Mc seemed interested in what was going on. She seemed to ask Michael about it, but he just brushed it off, continuing to talk.
“Why does Mammon think he’s such hot stuff?” Asmo asked, rubbing his forehead.
“Don’t frown too much. You’ll get wrinkles,” Satan gently chided.
“You’re right,” Asmo sighed, “I just don’t know how to… Whoa. Look at that.”
Satan looked to find Diavolo talking with Mc and Michael. He also spied Lucifer keeping his distance, but frowning so intensely he was surprised Diavolo couldn't feel it. Michael said something and Diavolo laughed delightedly, motioning for Mc and Michael to join him.
“She’s alone now. I’ll cover you!” Asmo hissed, pushing Satan forward.
Mc was sitting on a bench, on the outskirts of the room. She was watching the crowd with interest, eyes bright and curious. Satan hesitated, before steeling himself and walking forward, letter in hand. He was almost close enough to her to call out, when some demon approached her. Satan turned on his heel, and concealed himself in the crowd. He watched the demon extend their hand, heart sinking as he realized what that meant. She smiled and nodded her head, taking their hand as she was escorted out onto the dancefloor.
“What happened? Where’d she go?” Asmo asked, joining his brother.
“Someone asked her to dance before I got there,” Satan muttered irritably.
Satan looked at the time on his DDD. There was only two hours left of the ball, and he still had the letter. The past hour had been spent trying to figure out how to get Luke to leave Mc’s side without much luck. Beel had apparently gone to raid the food table and then the palace kitchen, and Belphie had fallen asleep, so Luke had found his way back to his sister and hadn’t left her side since. Worse yet, it seemed his opinion on demons was unchanged, keeping most of those that came over to talk to the artist at bay with a single look.
“He needs to leave so we can get on with this.” Asmo huffed, upset his plan was failing.
“Well, he is a chihuahua,” Levi said distractedly, “I can’t… say for certain, but he’s probably… Trying to keep her out of trouble… Woot! Got it!”
“Levi, could you stop gaming for five seconds?” Asmo sighed.
“Well, I have bad ideas, so no. You’re lucky I decided to stick around at all,” Levi huffed, eyebrows furrowed, though from the game or Asmo, Satan didn’t know.
“Oh come on! Are you really that upset by my comment?” When Levi didn’t answer, Asmo rolled his eyes and scoffed.
“Do you have any ideas then Levi?” Satan asked
“Not really.”
“Yo, yo, yo! Luke! What’s happenin’ my man?”
Both Mc, Luke and all three brother’s  looked over at Mammon strolling toward the duo through the crowd.
“Is he seriously…?” Levi asked.
“I think so…” Satan answered, shocked.
“How’ve ya’ been?” Mammon asked, grinning at the blonde angel.
“Fine I suppose,” Luke answered, suspicion lacing his words.
“Nice, nice. So, this is your sister?” The emphasis on the word left no interpretation of what he thought of the title.
“Yup. Of course, you can understand an angel’s definition of sibling though, don’t you Mammon?” Luke shot back.
“Oh! You’re Mammon!” Mc said suddenly, turning her full attention to Mammon “I’ve heard a lot about you!”
Mammon turned bright red, “Oh, you’ve heard of the Great Mammon?”
“Of course!” Mc beamed at him.
Mammon started stuttering, “W-W-Well, o-of course ya’ have.”
Mc giggled a bit at that, smiling at the second born, “I was actually hoping you might have some time you could spare to answer some of my questions.”
Satan was sure Mammon was going to combust, but Mc wrapped her arm around his anyways, “We’ll be back Luke.”
The blonde angel seemed like he wanted to argue, but something was holding him back, “I’ll be waiting then.” Mc nodded at him, and then walked off with Mammon.
“Wh… What just happened?” Levi nearly squealed.
“I hear Mammon got to talk to Mc before you did.”
“Shut up Lucifer,” Satan muttered.
“Where are they?” Lucifer asked, and Satan pointed to a bench where Mc and Mammon were sitting. They seemed deep in a conversation.
“Interesting. I had to see it to believe it.”
“What’ve you been doing this whole time?”
“I’ve been… walking around…”
“Hiding from Michael.”
“That would imply I’m scared of him.”
“I do not fear Michael.”
“Good to hear, since he’s coming this way.”
Lucifer instantly started walking forward, stopping by some random succubus, “Hello, Jezebel. Would you like to dance?” Lucifer asked, barely waiting for a response before dragging her out onto the dance floor.
Satan was still chuckling, Lucifer’s discomfort making his misfortune seem better, when a male voice he remembered from memory but had never actually heard addressed him, “Are you Satan, Lucifer’s… son?”
Satan blinked a couple times, “Excuse me?”
“That is you right? Or do you prefer something different? Spawn of Lucifer?” Michael cocked his head a bit, seeming a little confused.
Some rational part of Satan’s brain was the only thing keeping him from jumping on the angel and ripping him to shreds. He couldn’t keep the growl from his voice as he responded, “I am Satan, THE Avatar of WRATH.”
“Oh, I seem to have hit a nerve. My apologies,” Michael said, actually bowing. Satan narrowed his eyes, tail flexing around his leg. Has he always been this stupid? Or is he mocking me?
“I was wondering if we could speak. Privately,” Michael said, his smile showing he knew he’d said something wrong.
“Anything you want to say you can say here, Michael.”
“I do think it would be better for us to speak privately,” Satan could feel Michael’s irritation building a bit.
“Why? So you can try to hurt my brother’s again by killing another of their siblings?”
The shock on Michael’s face satiated Satan’s anger enough that he almost laughed at it. Michael quickly put on a blank look, but Satan could hear the sorrow in his voice, “Though it is always unfortunate when an angel dies, I do not regret any of my actions. When someone goes against what they know to be right, there will always be consequences.”
“Of course. Always the errand boy, blindly doing whatever it is you’re told to do.”
“How would you know? You weren’t even around to know her. I’m not sure what lies you’ve been fed-”
“I was there, you imbecile,” Satan seethed, “I saw how your actions helped push Lucifer towards rebellion, knowingly or not, and how you stabbed him in the back once he was finally there. I remember them, and I find your actions to be deplorable.”
“Now listen here, you demon-”
“Oh, I’m the demon here?! Shall I describe, in detail, how you-”
“Everythin’ cool here?” Mammon came up next to Satan, putting a calming hand on his shoulder.
Satan whipped his head to look at Mammon, confirming that, yes, Mammon had heard what Michael had said.
“Ah, Mammon. It’s been awhile.”
Mammon looked over at Michael, his disgust thinly veiled, “Yeah, sure.”
“I would like to talk with your… brother, but he doesn’t seem to want to.”
“Good fer him. Tah be honest with ya’, I don’ trust ya’ Michael. I didn’ up in the Celestial Realm, and I don’ now. If ya’ wanna’ talk with Satan, I suggest ya’ do it where we can all see ya’.”
Satan felt two hands on his shoulders, and looked back to see both Beel and Belphie standing behind him. Neither one of them looked very happy, but Beel’s look was a lot more intense than Belphie’s.
Michael sighed, especially after seeing the twins, “If you’re not going to allow me to explain, I can only tell you this: It is imperative she not remember her past. It will hurt both of you more than you could ever know. Now, I have things to do, if you’ll excuse me,” and with that, he left.
“I really don’ like that guy,” Mammon shook his head, “Oh, Satan, hol’ on a sec. Imma be right back,” and with that, he took off.
“You okay Satan?” Beel asked, still frowning after Michael.
“Yeah, things just got a bit intense there for a second. Thanks.”
“I don’t think your thanks is going to stop here. We’re going to leave you now. Have fun,” Belphie smirked before wandering off with Beel.
Satan shook his head at all the weirdness happening around him, before resuming his place along the wall. He didn’t know how things had escalated that quickly with Michael, especially considering the guy had never done anything to him personally. Yeah, he had all the memories of Lucifer being angry at him, and he had hurt his brother’s, but he had never had any personal problems with him. Well, a lot of Lucifer’s anger started because of Michael, and that’s what I was born from… The small voice in the back of his head started acting up, though he often tried to keep it quiet, You’re more like Lucifer then you want to admit.
He growled a bit at the voice, before starting to wander around. People watching always helped calm him down. It was one of the things he had done in his early life to help him learn how to interact with others, at Asmo’s suggestion. He always found something new to store away in his brain, and the problem solving helped calm his brain.
“There ya’ are! We’ve been lookin’ for ya’.”
We? Satan turned to Mammon to see Mc standing next to him. Satan froze, having not prepared himself to talk to her.
“She asked me ta dance, but cha know I’m more of a solo dancer myself, so I was wondering if you would for me?”
“I… Uhhh… Yes, if she would like,” Satan finally managed to get out, watching Mc for any negative reactions.
“I have no problems with it,” Mc answered cryptically, nothing in her tone or mannerisms betraying how she actually felt about the suggested change.
“Uh… Perfect, I guess. Have fun you two,” Mammon announced before walking off.
I could both hug him and punch him, Satan thought, though what came out of his mouth was, “Well, may I have this dance?” while extending his hand to her.
A smile graced her lips, “You certain may.”
He led her out onto the dance floor, still lightly holding her hand. He was still nervous, but not like he was the last time they’d met. He let his mask start to slip when he faced her, “I’m very glad you accepted my invitation to dance,” he slipped his hand to its proper place for the waltz as the music started.
“It’s my pleasure,” She smiled, though not as warmly as he would’ve hoped. They started dancing effortlessly, Satan extremely happy they were still in sync. If only the conversation flowed as easily. Satan spent the first full minute of the dance just trying to figure out what to say to her, also trying not to think about how beautiful she looked.
Finally, he figured out something neutral to say, “Have you been enjoying the Devildom?”
“Yes, I have, thank you for asking.”
“What’s been your favorite part?”
Mc took a minute to think, “I would have to say… Sightseeing. There’s a lot here I could have never imagined existing in the Celestial Realm.”
“Ah. Have you visited the Royal Library yet?”
“I have actually. I’ve been researching for my next art project.”
“You’re working on a new art project?”
“Yes. I feel rather inspired here.”
“I look forward to seeing it. Are you planning on showing it in the Devildom?”
“Quite possibly.”
“Good. We need new art down here,” Satan said before the conversation lapsed back into silence. It was towards the end of the song that Satan decided to bring up the elephant in the room, “I’ve ummm… Been hoping I would see you again.”
“As have I.”
“You have?” he asked, extremely surprised.
“Yes. I’ve been trying to figure out why you acted the way you did.”
“I apologize for that. I… Well, I actually wrote you a letter to explain it. I know my behavior was… off to say the least. I’ve been going through a lot lately, and I apologize that it negatively affected my behavior towards you.”
“You wrote me a letter?”
“Yes. I find I can express myself far better and with far more accuracy by writing than by talking.”
“Ah. Do… Do you have that letter with you?” Her voice was small when she asked.
“I do. I was planning to give it to you tonight anyways.”
“You were?”
“Oh, I said that out loud didn’t I?” Mc giggled at that and Satan felt better, the mask slipping even more, “I’ve been trying to find a good time to give it to you all night actually.”
“Really?” Her smile was curious and a bit teasing.
“Er, yeah. I hope you’re okay with that.”
“I think that’s alright,” Mc smiled, finally seeming at ease around him.
The song ended then, and Satan reached into his back pocket to produce the letter, “Here it is.”
“I’ll make sure to read it,” Mc promised, reaching for the letter. Their fingers brushed when she went to grab it, and they both blushed at the contact, “Well, I’m going to go find Luke. Thank you for the dance.”
“No, thank you,” Satan said sincerely, smiling softly.
She smiled back, and with that she was gone.
“Heh. You owe me don’ cha’,” Mammon’s voice came from behind him, sounding pretty smug.
“I’d say you’ve made up for not telling me she was in town.”
“I’ll take it.”
Hey you guys, a couple more things:
First off, I have passed the 100 follower mark, and I was wondering if you guys wanted me to do anything for it.
Second: I was wondering how you guys ran across this fic. If you wanna comment down below and just let me know. I’m really wondering how my work’s being spread, so if you could do that, I’d appreciate it!
~As always, likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated (I always read everything you guys write in the comments and reblogs)
Part Eleven
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hopelikethemoon · 4 years
New Beginnings (Javier x Reader) {MTMF}
Title: New Beginnings Rating: PG-13 Length: 2400 Warnings: Communication!  Notes: You can find everything about Maybe Today, Maybe Forever here. Set in January 1999.  Summary: Reader’s first day teaching. 
@grapemama​​​ @seawhisperer​​​ @huliabitch​​​ @beccaplaying​​​ @thewallpapergoesorido​​​ @twomoonstwosuns​​​ @gooddaykate​​ @livasaurasrex​​​ @ham4arrow​​​ @plexflexico​​​ @readsalot73​​​ @hdlynn​​​ @lokiaddicted​​​ @randomness501​​​ @fioccodineveautunnale​​​  @roxypeanut​​​ @snivellusim​​​ @lukesrighthand​​​ @historynerd04 @mrsparknuts​​​ @awesomefandomsunited​​​ @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead​​​ @exrebelshocktrooper​​​ @synystersilenceinblacknwhite​​​ @ah-callie​​​ @swhiskeys​​​ @exrebelshocktrooper​​​ @u-wakatoshii​​ @space-floozy​​​ @cable-kenobi​​​ @cool-ultra-nerd​​​ @himbopoes​​​ @findhimfives​​​ @pedrosdoll​​​ @frietiemeloen​​​ @arrowswithwifi​​​  @cinewhore​​​ @random066​​​ @uncomicalhumour​​​ @heather-lynn​​​ @domino-oh-damn​​​ @cyarikaaa​​​ @ahopelessromanticwritersworld​​ @im-still-a-pieceofgarbage @ksgeekgirl​​​ @yabby-girl​​​ @xqueenofthecraziesx​​ @punkass-potato​​​ @coredrive​​​ @pascalesque​​​ @theduchessofkirkcaldy​​​ @queenquazar​​​ @sabinemorans​​​ @buckstaposition​​ @holkaskrosnou​​ @yespolkadotkitty​​​@seeking-a-great–perhaps @kochamcie​​​ @jaime1110​​​ @katlikeme​
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All morning you had been a bundle of nerves. 
Your stomach was rolling with nausea from the two cups of coffee you had downed and the single slice of toast you ate that had done nothing to offset it. 
Over the years, you had given tedious presentations, handled training seminars, and even guest lectured for Javier, but somehow teaching your own class — on your own — was more than your nerves could handle. 
Maybe teaching had been the wrong choice for you. Did everyone feel this nervous on their first day?
“Hey,” Javier’s voice cut through your thoughts as he reached over and gave your knee a squeeze. “You’ve got this, baby.” 
“I’m glad you think I do.” You ghosted your fingers over the back of his hand, tilting your head to look at him with a small smile. “It’s not going to reflect badly on you if I bomb at this, right?”
He shrugged his shoulders, drumming his fingers against your leg. “First off, you’re not going to bomb it. I’m fairly certain my students liked you more than me last semester. Because you’re good.”
You glanced at the clock on the wall, watching as the second hand moved around the clock. You had fifteen minutes before you needed to be in your classroom to set up before the students started to arrive. 
“Let’s see who you’ve got,” Javier mused as he unfolded his glasses and pushed them up the bridge of his nose as he reached for your class roster. 
He dampened his thumb with his tongue before flipping through the pages of your binder, “Sasha Markey’s good. Bit of a teacher’s pet.”
“To you maybe.” You gave him a pointed look. 
Javier arched a brow, but didn’t argue you on that point. “I had Connor last semester.” He pointed to one of the two Connors on the sheet. “His writing skills aren’t very strong, but he’s got a good head on him. Keen on joining the CIA.”
“I’m sure you just loved him.” You teased lightly, chewing on your bottom lip as glanced at the roster. “Monica went over it with me last night. I think I’ve got three of your biggest fans. Probably trying to see what their competition is.”
He snorted. “Well, there’s no competition.”
You rolled your eyes. “It’s all your fault for looking so good last summer.”
“Just last summer?”
You hummed thoughtfully, but didn’t give him an answer. “I think I’m gonna go ahead to my classroom and try to get in the zone.” You told him as you started to stand up. “Is it bad that I’d rather be going into a dangerous operation in Colombia?” 
Javier stood too, catching your hand and tugging you back towards him. “Baby, you’ve got this.” He assured you, meeting your gaze with a warm smile. “I know it’s nerve wracking, but we both know that just means you give a shit about what you’re doing.” He brushed his knuckles against your cheek. “Good luck.”
“Thanks, Professor.” You pressed your tongue to the inside of your cheek as you held his gaze. “You won’t divorce me if I’m unemployed after today?”
He huffed out a laugh, “Oh, fuck off.” 
You shoved him playfully in the chest, before slipping out of his hold and gathering up your stack of materials. “See you in three hours.”
“I’ll be here.” He assured you. “Your students are lucky. Don’t forget that.”
You stopped in the doorway of the office and gave him a mock salute before leaving. 
Javier always had the utmost faith in you and your abilities. He’d never questioned your choices, your opinions, or your ideas. Even when he probably should’ve. 
 “It went so well.” You mused as you walked beside Javier towards the faculty parking lot. “I don’t know why I was so stressed out this morning.” 
“I told you.” Javier clicked his tongue against his teeth. “You’re a natural.”
You couldn’t stop smiling. “And three hours went by in no time. Is that normal?”
He nodded as he loosened his tie, “You get in the zone and nothing else matters.” He walked around to the passenger side of the car and opened it for you. “I’m glad you had a good first day.”
You reached out and ruffled the hair that fell across his forehead as you stood in front of him, “I don’t know why I was so nervous. The shit I’ve been through? Teaching is a breeze in comparison.”
“And I bet your class adored you.” Javier gave your hip a squeeze as he smiled at you. “Before you know it, you’ll be the one everyone’s trying to take.”
You laughed softly, shaking your head. “Don’t you worry, Professor. You’ve got the market cornered in this department.” Everyone adored him — even those who hated him for the sheer amount of course load he required in his courses. 
He rolled his eyes, “For the moment.” Javier leaned in and pressed a kiss to your forehead. “We’ve got an hour and a half before we’ve got to pick up the girls.”
“Hmm,” You scraped your teeth over your bottom lip as you tilted your head to look up at him. “Is this your way of telling me to pick what we should do with our free time?”
“Yeah,” He chuckled, patting your hip as he pressed a kiss your lips.
“We could hit the boardwalk on the way to pick them up.” You suggested, “It’s not quite beach weather, so it won’t be as crowded.”
He worked his jaw and shrugged, “I could do the beach.”
“Then it’s a plan.” You smiled, before ducking into the car. You settled your bag onto the floor by your feet, watching Javier through the windshield as he walked around to the driver’s side. “I could also use something to eat.”
“It’s almost dinner, baby.”
You made a face, “My slice of toast wore off about an hour ago.”
“Boardwalk fries?” He questioned as he turned the key in the ignition. 
“You read my mind.” 
“I can’t think of a single trip down to the boardwalk where we didn’t get fries or ice cream.”
“There were also street tacos and funnel cakes.” You reminded him, chewing on your thumb nail. “I’m a woman of taste.”
“Well, when it comes to food.” You teased. “Jury’s out on my taste in men.”
“Ouch.” He snorted, shaking his head as he stopped at a light. 
You scrunched up your nose, “What?”
He gave you an amused look before starting through the intersection. “You’re a dork.” 
“Takes one to know one.” You retorted, stealing his sunglasses out of the center console and putting them on. “The evolution you’ve been on is something else.”
“My evolution? Look who’s talking.” He countered, reaching over to give your knee a squeeze. “We’ve both been on a ride since the eighties.” 
“Seriously!” You pushed your hair behind your ears. “I never saw this life for myself.” 
But it was better than anything you could’ve imagined. 
 “Serious question,” You started, pointing a fry at Javier before eating it. “I don’t know if this is a therapy question or not.”
Javier arched a brow, “Well shit, baby. That’s a hell of a lead in.” He reached for the dish and snatched up two fries. 
You made a face and admitted, “It just came to me.” 
He squinted at you behind the lenses of his sunglasses, his brows furrowed together. “Is this a bad question?”
“Not really,” You shrugged. “It’s probably stupid, honestly.”
“There’s no stupid questions.” Javier reminded you, parroting back the things that Nancy had told you both when you were working on communication. 
You sighed heavily, “Alright. Well, I was thinking about that period after Sofía was born.”
“Shit.” He rubbed his thumb over his bottom lip, looking away from you then. 
“I know.” You gave a hollow laugh at that. “Before Chucho left, the two of you came down here.” You gestured to the beach. “And I just remember how nervous I was about whatever the two of you talked about.” You glanced at him, watching the way his lips pressed into a thin line as he stared at the horizon. “Obviously you’re under no obligation to tell me about your private conversations, but I’ve always wondered.”
Javier’s shoulders sank and he raked his fingers through his hair, “There’s no secrets between us, baby.” He reminded you as he tilted his head enough to look at you. “Shit was bad back then and I went to him for advice. I knew something was wrong. You and I know now that I misunderstood the situation.”
“My dumbass figured it was a ‘Don’t Marry Lorraine’ type conversation about me.”
He stared at you, “You thought that?”
“That’s how I remember feeling,” You bowed your head. “I thought about a lot of shit back then.” You picked you another fry, eating a small bite off the end of it. 
Javier reached out and ran his hand over your back, giving your shoulder a squeeze. “I mean, we did talk about you, baby. But it was all about how I thought I was gonna lose you. He talked me off a ledge.”
You met his gaze, “I’m sorry I put you through that.”
“Don’t be.” He shrugged a shoulder, picking up another fry, chewing on it as he looked back towards the ocean. “He convinced me to stick it out, you know? And I listened to him.”
“I wouldn’t have blamed you if you ran.”
Javier clicked his tongue against his teeth, “I didn’t want to. But I was at wit’s end and… I don’t know, he was getting ready to head back to Texas and I wanted to know what he thought.”
“I’m glad he told you to stick it out. I hope it was worth it.” You nudged his leg. 
“It was worth it.” He narrowed his eyes at you and scoffed. “If we hadn’t weathered that storm, do you think we’d be married right now?”
You shook your head slowly, rubbing your lips together. “I don’t know where we’d be if Connie hadn’t recognized what was going on.”
“Probably not sitting on this bench eating fries.”
You popped another one into your mouth, smiling at him as you chewed it. “We might be. It would just be uncomfortable and tense.”
“As much as I hated that period of time,” Javier started, reaching over to give your leg a squeeze. “I can’t even begin to imagine how it felt for you.”
“I like I was losing my mind.” You admitted. “Sometimes it felt like I wasn’t me. Like someone else had taken up residency.” You leaned against his arm, resting your cheek against his shoulder. “It used to be like that when I was younger. I’d push and push and then wonder why I was alone.”
Javier hummed quietly, rubbing his thumb over your leg as he listened to you. “Thank God for Nancy.” 
“Seriously.” You ate another fry, before picking up another and holding it in front of his mouth. 
He chuckled and caught it between his teeth. “What got you thinking about all of this?”
“I don’t know.” You shrugged, “It came to me last night. Josie was talking about Sofía stealing that silly Beanie Baby of hers and then I started thinking about the hospital and coming home.” 
He squeezed your leg, “You should’ve talked to me about it.”
“Am I not telling you right now?” You turned your head to press a kiss to the underside of his jaw. “It felt like stupid first day jitters.” 
Javier nodded slowly, “I get that.” How many times had he had nightmares every time there was change in your lives? “You gonna talk to Nancy?”
“We’re still grappling with the mother topic.” You made a face, “I don’t know if this really justifies a whole session.” You ate another fry. “And besides, now that I know your father wasn’t lecturing you on escaping from my craziness — it’s a moot point.”
He gave your leg another pat, “We both know he’d choose you.”
“I wasn’t going to say it.” 
Javier snorted, “But you were thinking it.”
“Maybe.” You popped another fry into your mouth. “You know Javi, you can always talk to me too. I think that’s obvious, but I figured I’d say it.” 
He pressed his tongue to the inside of his cheek, “The most I worry about these days is getting old.”
“Me too.” You nudged him in the ribs. “About you, at least, old man.” 
Javier huffed, “Laugh it up, baby. You’re the one who will be taking care of me in my old age.”
“I look forward to it,” You retorted. “It means we’re both old together.” You ate one more fry before scooting forward on the bench. “Do you want anymore?”
“I’m good.”
“Good. I was planning on making the seagulls’ day.” 
“You know they’re gonna swarm.” Javier complained as he rose to his feet, rolling his shoulders. 
“Then I guess you’re gonna need to get your running shoes on.” You taunted as you tossed the fries a few feet in front of you — causing a flock of hungry seagulls to swoop down on their dinner. 
Javier grabbed your hand, holding it tight as you both booked it back up the stairs to the boardwalk, away from the seagulls who assumed you had more food on you. 
Once you were safely locked inside the car — you both started laughing. The sort of laughter that started in your belly and warmed your chest as you sputtered and coughed from it. A feeling you wanted to cling to and keep with you always.
“Hey,” Javier managed, clearing his throat before chuckling again as he met your gaze. 
Instead of answering, he leaned across the center console and kissed you. You sank into the kiss and chased after his lips as he pulled back. 
“I love you.” He told you, brushing his fingers over your cheek. “I’m glad we’re working together again.”
You grinned at him, “Me too. Even if it isn’t as exciting as taking down drug cartels.”
“Just you wait until exams.”
You groaned dramatically, “Don’t remind me.”
“Only four months.” He arched a brow, before glancing at the clock. “And we’re gonna be late if we don’t leave right now. Shit.”
“Whoops.” You grimaced as you buckled your seatbelt. 
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blueeyedheizer · 5 years
“You’re not avoiding me, are you?” - Warren Worthington III x reader SMUT
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REQUEST:  okay your Billy smut was hot as shit thank you. but im soooo deprived of warren! could you do one where the reader sneaks out with the gang (jean, scott, jubilee, kurt, peter, and ororo) to go to a pool party and warren tags along cuz hes friends with ororo. But warren is nervous around the reader so he basically ignores and hides from her majority of the time. And somehow the reader and warren end up in the lil pool house on their own amnd things get steamy and kinky™…
WARNING: smut, oral (fem receiving), unprotected sex
A/N: Hi anon !!! thank you so much for requesting, I had so much fun writing this. I changed the request a little bit tho, I hope you don’t mind! Feedbacks are always appreciated xx 
"Put me down!" You laughed. "Peter I swear to god if you don't put me down now I'll—"
“You’ll what ?” Peter asked cutting you off, raising an eyebrow as he kept walking around the pool with you on his shoulder. Your eyes widened when a smirk appeared on his face and you started kicking the air, trying to wiggle off his grip
“Peter ! Put me down right now!”
“Uh ? What did you say ? You want me to put you down ?” he questioned sarcastically as he leaned towards the water and held you so close to it your hair was just touching it.
“Yes plea-”
“Alright !” Peter suddenly dropped you into the pool, earning a fit of laughter from your friends and some random people around you. Your head went under and you waved your arms forward until you were back to the surface. You pushed the wet hair out of your face and rubbed your eyes with your hands, coughing a little.
“I hate you Maximoff!”
Everyone was laughing, having fun and drinking, except Warren. You knew the boy wasn’t very talkative and was having a hard time adjusting to his new life with the other mutants, but he was slowly progressing, so you kind of expected him to make an exception and have fun with you this time. But ever since you arrived, the only person he talked to was Ororo, and he firmly refused to get into the water or even speak to to anyone else. Basically, he was playing the lifeguard, watching everyone as they were having fun.
“Hey, Y/N!” Ororo yelled, startling you out of your thoughts. “Drown him next time!” You laughed and held your thumbs up at her. She was sitting next to Warren and you couldn’t help but glance at him. But as soon as you made eye contact with him, he quickly looked away and got up, walking off towards the house. You scoffed loudly and shook your head, visibly annoyed by his behavior. You were starting to think he was avoiding you on purpose and you absolutely hated not knowing why, especially considering the fact that you had a huge crush on him.
“Seriously, what’s up with him?” you asked nobody in particular, but Jean answered anyway.
“Well…a certain someone has an effect on our bird boy.” she whispered in your ear, making you back off slightly.
“What?” you exclaimed and she smirked, rolling her eyes while doing so.
After climbing off the pool, you grabbed your towel and used it to dry your hair and soak up as much of the dampness as you could, making your way to the bathroom. You had decided to leave a little bit earlier than everyone else, wanting to get some alone time before everyone went back to their dorm. Your lips curved into a small smile when you heard your friends’ laughter coming from the other side of the wall, but you let out a gasp when you bumped hard into whoever was walking in the opposite direction. “Shit! Sorry, I didn’t see you coming-” you paused as you looked up to see Warren looking down at you.You couldn’t help but let your eyes linger on his chest and wings. They were absolutely breathtaking.
“It’s fine.” Warren said, and before you could say anything else he began walking away, but you were quick to grab his wrist.
“You’re not avoiding me Warren, are you?” you asked with a sweet innocent voice, raising an eyebrow at him.
“What ? No, I’m not.” Warren stuttered as you folded your arms across your chest and his eyes drifted down to your breast despite his best efforts. You were wearing a beautiful, black bikini and your nipples were clearly outlined by the thin fabric that was still dripping wet.
“Hey. Eyes up here, Worthington.” you smirked as you noticed the shade of pink that covered his cheeks. Well. Maybe Jean was right after all. He apologized quietly, making you chuckle. “So…why didn’t you party with us? We were having fun.” you asked and bit your lips as your eyes dropped on his chest again, watching it rise and fall slowly.
“This whole thing, it’s just…not my thing.” he answered an you nodded, resisting the urge to roll your eyes. You both looked down and an uncomfortable silence fell between you two until Warren broke the silence.
“I-uh, I should probably-.”
“Kiss me.” you suddenly blurted out, cutting him off. Warren’s eyes widened, his mouth going dry as he stared down at you.
“What ?’
’‘You heard me, Warren. I want you to kiss me.”
When he didn’t react, you rolled your eyes with a groan and slammed your lips against his, kissing him with fervor. You grinned between his lips as he eventually kissed back and his hands came up to cup your cheeks. You moaned softly into the kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck, holding him closer. You only broke the kiss temporarily to drag him into the closest room and get a little more privacy, pressing your lips back onto his as soon as you stepped inside the room, his hands travelling all over your body. You moaned and bit your lip as he started kissing down your neck playfully, gently nudging you against the wall.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful Y/N.” he mumbled against your skin and you blushed furiously. The need to hide your face was strong but instead you pulled him into another kiss and your hand moved into his hair, gripping his golden locks firmly as you needed him closer to you.
Soon enough your hand found his growing bulge and you started stroking him through the fabric of his boxers.
“Been wanting you ever since we met. Too fucking bad you were too busy ignoring me this whole time.” you muttered against his bottom lip, biting it as your fingers began to slip behind the waist band of his boxers and tugged them off his hips, exposing his erection. Warren moaned in response, lost in his own ecstasy. His lips left your mouth and traveled down to your jawline, your neck, then back on your lips.
You wrapped your hand around his length and started stroking him slowly from base to tip, letting your thumb run over it and using his precum as lube.
“Does that feel good, Angel…?” you whispered in his ear and he nodded, unable to form a coherent sentence as the nickname sent a shiver down his spine. You started stroking him faster and wrapped your arm around his neck to steady yourself.
You started grinding your hips trying to find any kind of friction and as soon as Warren took the hint, his hand found your clit making you cry out in pleasure. You threw your head back against the wall, eyes fluttering shut as his fingers worked to get you to that familiar sensation you craved. As you began stroking him faster Warren stopped your movement with a hand, simultaneously stopping his own on your clit which made you whine at the lack of contact. You looked up at him with a questioning look and he swallowed hard, his green orbs piercing into yours.
“Let me take care of you.”
“Y-you sure?” you breathed and he nodded before crashing his lips against yours again, tongue fighting for dominance. You shivered when you felt his hands untie your bikini top, letting it fall to the ground. He started trailing his kisses lower: from your jawline to your collarbones down to your chest, and he sunk to his knees to press hot kisses along your inner thighs. You spread them open for him and whined as you got impatient, your breathing itching with each kiss.
“I swear to god if you don’t get your fucking head between my legs I’ll push it down for you.” you groaned and he looked up at you with a smirk, his eyes darker than usual and you swore the sight of it could’ve sent you over the edge. Then in one swift move, Warren pulled your panties down and didn’t waste any time before licking a long stripe across your folds, making a low moan escape your lips. Your legs were already shaking from trying to keep you up, your nerves threatening to let you down anytime despite Warren’s strong hands holding you in place.
You looked down at him, the sinful sight of him working on you sending you even closer to the edge. You threw your head back against the wall as he lapped at your clit mercilessly, his tongue swirling over the sensitive bundle of nerves.
“Oh Angel…please…” he moaned against your core as you cried out, gripping his hair as you held his head in place between your thighs. You let out a noise that was far too close to a scream when your orgasm hit you with full force, your hand quickly coming to cover your mouth, remembering that your friends were still somewhere outside.
“Fuck…” you whispered as Warren got up and pressed a single kiss to your lips, letting you catch your breath. He rested his hands on your hips and your arms went to encircle his neck before leaning forward and resting your forehead against his. Your features contorted into a smirk and your lips found his own again as you noticed that his erection was still rock-hard. You started kissing him slowly at first, tasting yourself on his lips, then with more passion.You eagerly pressed your body against his and cupped his jaw with one hand.
“Fuck me Warren.” you breathed and he nodded breathlessly, before capturing your lips with his own again. Instinctively you lifted one leg, wrapping it around him and he pumped himself a few times before positioning himself at your entrance.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” he whispered, his voice soft and caring, and he immediately lifted one hand to stroke your cheek.
“God, yes,” you whimpered, leaning into his touch. “Please. I want you, Angel.”
And that was eveything he needed to know. You moaned loudly as Warren pushed himself inside you, and gave you a moment to adjust to his size. Then he slowly began to move, sliding every inch of his cock into your wet core.
“Warren, fuck !” you gasped, burrying your face against his neck as he started pumping hard and fast inside you, already feeling the familiar sensation building in your stomach as he hit your sweet spot with every thrust.
“Fuck.” he cursed against your ear. “You feel so fucking good Y/N.” he grunted and moved your leg higher on his hip, giving himself more access. “You have no fucking idea how long I’ve been wanting to do this.” His lips quickly attacked your neck, nibbling at your sensitive spot and it wasn’t long before you were both panting uncontrollably.
You were unable to hold your moans of pleasure when your second orgasm exploded and Warren followed closely, crying out your name as he came inside you. As you both rode the last of your orgasm, Warren slowed his motions before pulling out, kissing your forehead softly. Your legs felt like jelly and your body was still shaking from the intense pleasure as you collapsed onto his chest and wrapped your arms around him, breathing heavily. Warren wrapped one arm around you while his other hand ran through your hair, scratching your scalp soothingly. You stayed like this for a good five minutes until you pulled away and pecked the tip of his nose.
“I’m not done with you.” you whispered. “Tonight, my dorm. 10pm.” you winked at him and pecked his lips one last time before turning around and walking away with a goofy smile that never left your face.
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bensakindofmagic · 5 years
As Hard
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(gif creds to @queenmercurys​)
okay i wrote a thing, cause apparently i can't stop writing at the moment (it’s all this goddamn fresh content). i hope yous aren't complaining. it’s for courtney’s writing challenge (@ijustreallylovezebras​ // @writingfortoomanyfandoms​) and I KNOW THE DEADLINE WAS SUNDAY BUT IM A LAZY HOE so you can have it now <3
(also know this isn't the lovely fluffy content that usually surfaces this time of year but there you go. hope you like it anyway)
Warnings: ANGST, mentions of death
w/c: 2.6k+
based on this prompt:
“I should have made it as hard for you to leave me as it is now for me to leave you” - Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
(ALSO i went a tiny bit abstract with the prompt, cause my initial idea was basically the same as a chapter i just wrote for my series [but you’ll have to wait a wee while to read that ;) ], so i went with this instead. anyway, i’ll shut up and let you read now)
Begins below the cut
Ben looked in on his sleeping daughter and decided to let her lie in a little longer. He smiled at the sight of her; she was the light of his life, the most precious thing in the world to him. She was sleeping soundly, her face the picture of serenity. Those moments were like gold to him. He never wanted to see her cry again.
Lily. His wife had chosen the name. He recalled the moment she told him she was pregnant. She’d been nervous; they weren’t married back then, but it was one of the happiest days of his life.
“Ben, love, can I talk to you?”
The tension in his shoulders was involuntary. Those words made him nervous. “Yeah, of course. What’s wrong?” He tried to act nonchalant. 
She sat down beside him on the sofa. He could hear the shallowness of her breathing. She looked mildly terrified and instantly Ben’s nerves on his own behalf switched to worrying about her. Her skin was pale and clammy — was she sick? 
She breathed out slowly. “Okay look, here’s the thing… I’m pregnant.”
His whole world stood still, the word bounced around in his head. Pregnant. 
Vaguely he heard her muttering something and forced himself to tune back in. 
“… understand if you’re not ready to have a baby, but I don’t think we should just jump into getting rid of it—”
“Getting rid of it?! No, angel, I don’t want to get rid of it,” he grinned, finally letting his joy shine though his face. “It’s your choice and I’ll support you whatever, but baby there is nothing I want more than to start a family with you.”
Her relief was palpable, as her lips spit into a smile and she collapsed in his arms, letting him pull her close. “Thank god,” she whispered.
Ben pulled back and wiped away a tear with his thumb, before kissing her with all the strength he could muster. 
“We’re having a baby,” he chirped, elated and overwhelmed.
She bit her lip as she smiled — he always loved when she did that — and hummed, “You’re gonna be a daddy."
Lily had been born healthy and beautiful, and he had fallen in love with her instantly. It was a moment unlike anything he had ever felt before, sitting next to the love of his life on the hospital bed as she held their new baby in her arms. She had sobbed, exhausted but overjoyed, and he had kissed her forehead and told her how well she had done. It had been a tricky birth but she was a trooper. He couldn’t have been more proud of her. 
He had proposed a couple of years later, on their anniversary, and when Lily was two they were married. She had been a flower girl for them — she loved dressing up in her little frock, and was very pleased to take as much attention as she could away from her mum. Luckily Y/N had loved every second of it, and smiled constantly. She had never looked more beautiful. 
Ben stumbled as he thought of that day, and he had to grip onto the arm of the sofa to stop himself from falling. It still felt like a knife wound in his chest. Most of the time now he could think of her and carry on, but their wedding day? That was too much. Ben was tired, he ached. He sat heavily on the sofa and let his bones sink. He didn’t fight the tears that fell from his eyes, he had learned long ago that there was no use in fighting, so he let them roll solemnly down his cheeks. 
But he heard the gentle patter of little feet on the floor and sat up, wiping his face. 
Much against the wishes of his body, Ben had hauled himself out of bed. He could have ignored the muffled cries of his baby daughter coming from the kitchen and Y/N’s gentle lullaby, it was the gnawing anxiety at the fact that she had been trying to get Lily to sleep for nearly an hour that kept him from sleeping. He squinted against the light, but heard how frayed Y/N’s voice was. She sounded tired, and a little frazzled. When his eyes adjusted he saw her disheveled hair and panicked eyes. 
She spun on her heel; her fear was written all over her face.
“She won’t settle. I don’t know what’s wrong with her, she just won’t stop crying.” He could hear in her voice how close she was to tears.
“You’re stressed love, and tired. You know how babies can tell when you’re anxious.”
“I don’t know if that’s it, Ben.”
“I’m sure she’s fine. Give her to me darling, go get some sleep. You need it.”
She was clearly still a little unconvinced, but relieved to let him take over. He knew she was struggling with being a mum more than she had admitted. She had wanted a baby for such a long time, Ben didn’t suppose it had ever occurred to her that she might find it hard. Of course, he knew she was doing an incredible job, but she beat herself up too much over the little things. He’d have to talk to her about it, or maybe ask his mum to. She’d listen to his mum.
She carefully placed the little bundle in his arms and kissed him. She whispered, “Thank you,” and wandered back to the bedroom, half asleep already. 
Ben looked down at the tiny face of his daughter. It was contorted in mid-wail, but he sat down on the sofa and laid her on his lap while he pulled his tshirt off. Then he unwrapped Lily from her blanket, took her baby-grow off, and placed her on his bare chest before covering her back over with the blanket. She still cried, though a little quieter when he started rubbing her back with a hand that was almost the same size as her. She nuzzled her cheek into his chest and started to settle with a little groan and a gurgle. He nestled his finger into her closed fist, and she latched onto it, squeezing it with all the might. He smiled; he would never get tired of that. He hummed a gentle lullaby until her eyes drifted closed and her could lay her back in her cot. 
When he went back to the bedroom, Y/N was fast asleep. Contented to see his two best girls both sleeping peacefully, he climbed into bed and pulled Y/N close, kissing her cheek and whispering that he loved her.
“You didn’t wake me up daddy,” said Lily, stifling a yawn. 
“I know petal, I thought I’d let you have a lie in.”
She clambered up onto the sofa next to him and latched her little arms around his neck. “But we’re going to see mummy today. You promised.”
“It’s okay, she’ll still be there. Go get dressed and do your teeth, then we’ll go see mum.”
She planted a delicate kiss on his cheek and raced off to to her bedroom. His heart swelled; thank god he still had Lily. 
She was ready in record time and appeared from her room with a few bits of paper in her hands. 
“I’ve done some drawings for mummy. Please can I take them?”
“Of course you can, darling. I think she’ll love them. Have you got her letter, too?”
She nodded; she always took a letter. 
She was quieter than she used to be. Her mother had been strict on manners but she used to have a naughty streak to her; Y/N always used to laugh that she got that from her dad. That was gone now, or at least subdued. Ben prayed that she would get it back, in time.
He picked up the flowers he’d bought the day before and took his little girl’s hand, leading her to the car.
It wasn’t a long drive, and they soon parked. Ben and Lily walked hand in hand down the path that ran alongside the church. When they passed the big oak tree Lily knew the way, so he let her run ahead.
“Be careful of the big roots Lily, mind you don’t trip!” he called after her, but she wasn’t listening.
When he caught up with her, she had already laid her drawings down against her mum’s headstone. 
“Is that mummy?” he asked, pointing to the woman in the drawing.
Lily nodded, “And that’s you and that’s me.”
“We look very happy.” 
“I thought that’s what mummy would have wanted.”
“It is petal, it is.”
He took the old flowers out of the vase and put the new bunch in — lilies of course — before taking his daughter’s hand once more. It was still so tiny, engulfed in his large one.
“Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear Lily, 
Happy birthday to you!”
Ben and Y/N cheered and Lily blew out all four candles on her birthday cake in one go. Ben lifted her up and twirled her round the room, her dress flaring out behind her. She giggled in that joyful way that children do, and Ben grinned. He could hardly contain his glee. 
She hadn’t wanted a birthday party, saying that she only wanted her mum and dad there. Ben had felt guilty: he’d been away a lot filming just lately and he knew the girls missed him. Y/N would never say but she wished he didn’t travel so often, and Lily was always happiest when they were all together. Spending her birthday with his beautiful little family reminded him how lucky he was. As he watched his wife cut his daughter’s birthday cake, he promised himself he would make for time for them, be home more often. He would be the best dad he could.
Lily merrily ran off to get her new toys once they’d eaten their cake, and while she was occupied Ben pulled Y/N onto his lap. She squealed and laughed and it was music to him. He threaded his arms around her waist and let her lean back, resting his chin on her shoulder. She hummed contentedly when he kissed her neck.
“I’m going to be home more this year.”
“It that right?” she pondered.
“I promise. I want to spend more time with you two.”
“That would be nice.” He could hear her smiling.
“And I’ve been thinking—”
He chuckled, “I adore our little family, but how would you feel if it got a little bigger?” 
She turned to him, eyes wide. “Really?”
He nodded, gnawing at his lip. 
She beamed, “I would love that.”
As Ben kissed his wife he let his hand trail towards her thigh, and felt her smile against his lips.
It was only a few weeks later that Y/N had collapsed one Sunday afternoon and he’d rushed her to hospital. After that everything was a blur. They knew from the start that it was terminal but when she slipped away two months later it still came as a shock. It had all happened so fast, Ben had barely had time to process it, let alone Lily. She lost her mum at the age of four. He worried constantly what that would do to her, and how to be both mum and dad to her. It was an endless struggle, mourning for the death of the only woman he had ever loved, and learning to be a single parent. The last two years had been hell, but he finally felt like there was some light in his life again. 
“Do you want to read your letter to mum?”
Lily shook her head, “She knows what it says,” and lay down the letter next to her drawings. For a while they both stood, quietly grieving in each other’s company. When Lily sighed and started to fidget next to him, Ben knew she was ready to go.
“Why don’t you go and wait in the car, sweetheart? I want to talk to mummy in private for a minute. I promise I won’t be long.” 
She nodded and set off. He watched her until she was safely back in the car before turning back to the headstone.
He read the words he had chosen:
Unable are the loved to die. For love is immortality.
They were Emily Dickinson’s words. He trusted her to know what she was talking about, despite the fact that at the time he didn’t believe them in the slightest. Now, perhaps, he was starting to see what she meant. Perhaps.
“Oh love, my darling girl…” 
He broke down, sobs wracked his body. He just missed her so goddamn much. She had been his whole world, the love of his life, she had given him the most precious gift in their beautiful daughter, and she was gone. Forever. 
Eventually he composed himself, and placed a hand on her grave. The stone was cold beneath his fingers.
“God, I miss you. I thought it would get easier but it hasn’t, I’ve just got better at living with the the hole that you left. I’m still mad at you, you know. For leaving us. That was a real dick move.”
He sighed, shaking his head with a small chuckle. 
“Not that it was your fault. I know you’d still be with us if you could. But Lily’s doing well, you’d be so proud of her, baby. She’s still a little quiet but she’s getting more confident these days, you can see it. And she’s so smart too, she really got your brains. She’s cleverer than me already, it’s embarrassing. She gets more and more like you every day.” He took a deep, shuddering breath. 
“I suppose you want to know how I’m doing? Ha, well I’m okay. I miss you, but I already told you that. I think I’m doing better though. For a while there it was really just Lily that kept me going. I don’t know what I would have done without her. I was just trying to make to the next day, so that I could be there for her, but I think I’m ready to start living for me again. She’s everything to me, you know, but maybe I’m ready to get back into the world a little bit.” 
Suddenly Ben was able to unload all the thoughts that had been swirling around in his head, weighing him down. You always made it so easy for him to talk to you, even when you weren’t there.
“I feel kinda guilty though, like I’m leaving you behind. I don’t want to forget you, I don’t want to move on from you, I just want to move forward. I can’t keep living in this pit, I… I don’t know. Not that you need me to tell you any of this. I know you wanted me to move on, find someone else. I don’t know about that, but I think I’m ready to start embracing life again. But you should know that there’s no one in the world like you, no one else I could ever love the way I love you.” 
He felt tears prickle at his eyes again, and he knew it was time to go.
“Christ Y/N, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me as it is now for me to leave you. Maybe then we’d still be together.”
His head dropped, his shoulders fell heavy. He kissed his fingers and pressed them against the name carved in the stone. His wife. His rock. 
“I have to go, Lily’s waiting, but I'll see you soon. I love you.”
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