#im actually shaking while im typing these tags
ottobab · 9 months
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look at him
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sneepy cozy....
#cats#(medical stuff mention for tags)#poasting confortable image of boye for peace and serenity and such forthe#I have little weird episodes sometimes where I get shaky (but like violently like 'would spill a drink if you were holding it beacuse#your hands are moving so much' type shaky) and weird and sick feeling but usually it passes in an hour or less. but last night I just#literally couldnt sleep I was shaking so much and my heartrate was up a ton and wouldn't go down even after like 6 hours plus super nausea#so I went to the hospital and now shall wear a heart monitor for a week. which hopefully it's just some weird drastic low blood sugar#event or something and there's nothing actually going on. ekg + ct scan for blod clots + virus panel + almost all of the blood work seems#normal so... aa.......#Though me being so privacy focused hrggh... I basically have a constantly bluetooth connected device around me#since the monitor comes with a cell phone that is constantly transmitting data to the place. which they said they'll call you#if they see anything weird which is also scary. random phone calls... but definitely better than letting an issue go unadressed lol#the phone is also not meant to be more than 10 feet away from the monitor at any time so I put on this old tactical fishing#vest thing thats like navy green with 100 pockets and im just using one of the giant pocketson the side as a phone holder#my enormous silly vest just to keep one little phone#ANYWAY... because I got up early the morning before and didn't sleep at all and spent nearly all day in waiting rooms and such#I have been awake for like 32 hours striaght. which I'm sure also does not help with an elevated heartrate lol#feeling shrimp emotions or whatever people talk about unlocking at a certain level of stress and sleep deprivation#and also no food or water. after a while they brought me like 3 saltines and some ice water but I basically also haven't eaten since 3am#last night and it's 2pm now..#thus............ bapy............. baby boye....... he will help ease all ailments with his baby powers...#And no I dont drink energy drinks or anything with caffiene really I'm afraid of all substances on the planet essentially#My body just likes to become shaky and weird randomly even when I'm not conciously anxious about anything/have had no caffiene/etc#and I guess I'm always more nervous about getting anything heart related checked out because of my arm/shoulder/chest area injury stuff#... i literally have constant chest pain all the time. it moves around but i nearly always have some sort of pain or pressure in my chest#so when people are like 'oh well a little weird heartrate is fine but watch out if you have pain!' it's like... i always do lol.. how am I#supposed to tell the Bad Pain apart from the Always Pain when the descriptions of Bad Pain are very very similar#AAAANYway.... hrghh... i wanted to be very productive and finally post drafts and wrok on things today. but alas..#I can at least post small image of soft boye.. though he recently got into stuff in the bathroom whilst left#alone and knocked things into the toilet.. So perhaps not an innocent and NICE boy.. but still.. a soft one .. beautfile....
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drowning-rat37 · 3 months
☆ Mia/pvr9ing harm reduction and after care ☆
☆ps.- this is not tips on “how to do it better”, this is tips on how to not hurt your body too much while doing it. I am in no way suggesting anyone starts doing it, i am just saying if you are already doing it, try to stay safe❤️❤️❤️
☆anti-acids: if you’re planning to pvr9e, take a couple before you eat, it’ll reduce the acidity of your stomach acid, which in turn reduces the level of enamel loss and tooth decay as well as reducing the trauma on your oesophagus from the acid
☆short nails: if you use your fingers, keep your nails short to prevent scratching/cvtting your throat. Having short nails is also more hygienic as (even if you keep your nails clean) the underside of your nails can carry a lot of bacteria, (this is mainly found in children but has been known in adults) can carry types of worms under the nails. If you have long nails or false nails i recommend going on the utensil route
☆hand sanitizers or antibacterial soap: if you’re adamant that you don’t want to cut your nails short, clean under your nails thoroughly with hand sanitizer and wash ALL OF YOUR HANDS with antibacterial soap to avoid getting ill. Another thing to address about getting ill: you may think “if i get ill/sick then I won’t eat as much” or “i’ll be throwing up so no need for pvr9ing” in theory, great. In reality, it feels awful. I used to think that sort of way and then ever time i got ill i would feel like actual death, just stay clean and hygienic please🙏🙏🙏
☆water: after pvr9ing your body gets extremely dehydrated, make sure to drink enough water, also I recommend alkali water to reduce acid reflux. Take small sips every couple of minutes as to not make yourself feel more nauseous than you probably already are!!!
☆electrolytes: if possible, get yourself a drink with electrolytes or you can also get sachets that are sugar free and put that in water. In another post (i think i tagged it as an update post to a different post i have put a picture of some electrolyte water i bought, i really like that brand)
☆warnings: bl00d, feeling like you’re about to pass out, legs shaking, hands shaking. If you see any of those signs, take a break or stop all together, I’ll get into each signs in detail in a second.
☆utensils: if you’re not using your fingers, keep your utensils clean, weather its a toothbrush or cutlery or something different. Also please use something you know you can easily hold onto to prevent choking on it or letting go of it. If you’re using cutlery, find plastic cutlery, im not talking about the cheap flimsy ones, im talking about the thick type you can get from ikea or other places, make sure it’s rounded in the side you are putting in your mouth, again to not cause trauma to your throat. I can not stress this enough: use👏 something 👏 you👏 can👏 easily 👏 hold👏 on👏 to
☆tools: this is a follow up from the utensil. Please try not to use medication or other methods to induce vomiting, it is extremely dangerous. I have seen a lot of people (specifically on a certain clock app) talking about putting large amounts of salt in water and drinking it to induce vomiting, i can not stress this enough DO NOT DO THAT, it is so incredibly dangerous and by far the most unpleasant way to pvr9e. This is coming from someone who has tried almost ever way, including the salt method. It can cause long term health issues to consume that much salt even if you vomit it back up, there will still be a large amount left in your system which can lead to high blood pressure (which if you are pvr9ing often may already have) and generally if you are going to that extent to pvr9e, take a break from doing it, even if it is hard!!!!
☆food/chewing: make sure that what you’re eating before you pvr9e you chew really well, if you swallow large chunks, it will be hard to get up and you have a chance of choking and it will not be good and is very scary. Bread is especially hard to get up. Some foods should definitely be avoided, such as hard crunchy foods like tortilla chips/crisps, they are sharp once broken and in the time it takes for you to eat, then pvr9e, your body will not have broken it down enough and it WILL hurt coming back up. Try to stick to soft or quickly digest-able foods to avoid pain and trauma to the throat.
☆follow on to the warning signs ☆
☆Bl00d: if you pvr9e bl00d, genuinely stop, i know you might not want to but to avoid damage, stop. If it is anything above a few drops, I greatly suggest seeking medical attention asap. Give yourself a week or two to recover from that, it will be hard but it’s whats best for harm reduction!!!!(this is a very scary thing to experience, the first time it happened i was terrified however as you can see, i am alive, i didnt die although that still doesn’t mean you should just ignore it)
☆feeling like you’re about to pass out/ hands and legs shaking: believe me, you do not want to be found on the floor after pvr9ing. If you’re shaking, take a break, weather its 10 minutes or a couple days, take a break. If you feel shaky, that is a sign you are going to pass out, again, take a break. Sit down in a place you know you won’t hurt yourself if you do pass out, have a drink and rest for a moment!!! I know you don’t want to hear the “listen to your body bull shit” but in cases like this it is vital if you are genuinely trying to avoid permanent damage or injuries of any kind!
☆Thank you for reading, stay safe. My dm’s are open if you need help or advice. If you need to reach out to your local helpline don’t hesitate, you’re weak for reaching out for help!!! ☆
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fanaticsnail · 2 months
"Can You Buy Me Supplies?"
Masterlist Here
Crack Dialogue
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Summary: How the OP characters react to you asking them to purchase you sanitary items for your menstruation period. One sentence dialogue.
Robin, Franky, Chopper, Zoro, Sanji, Luffy, Nami, Usopp, Brook, Kid, Killer, Law, Mihawk, Crocodile, Buggy, Shanks, Beckman, Doflamingo, Corazon.
Notes: this goes out to my afab!readers who experience menstruation. Little HC on how I think they'd react to your request. Enjoy!
Apprehensive Tag List: @sordidmusings @feral-artistry @i-am-vita @since-im-already-here @writingmysanity @gingernut1314 @mfreedomstuff @carrotsunshine @vespidphoenix
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Reaching for your Den-Den Mushi shell, you punch the buttons on the back of the receiver to relay your request.
You: "Hey, would you mind if you could get some things for me while you're out? I've just started my period, and I'm out of supplies."
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Robin: "Already did, love. I'll also purchase some comfort foods for Sanji to cook for you to get you through it. We'll be back soon!"
Franky: "Super! Absolutely, I can! Did you want anything else while I'm out?"
Chopper: "Sure! I'm also getting flavoured pain relief for you, sugar makes it go down easier. And a bubble boba-tea. You want milky or fruity?"
Zoro: "Didn't you get your period last month? Didn't we get enough of the stuff last time?"
Sanji: "I have prepared soup, a heated blanket, a special sitting space to read by yourself, and I'll pick you up whatever you need. Let me take care of you, my sweet."
Luffy: "Supplies for a period? Like meat? Like a meat period? A period where we're only eating meat?"
Nami: "Hey, we're in sync! I am keen on a night in. Wanna share snacks, books and be in our pajamas for the rest of the day when we get back?"
Usopp: "I think I can do that? It's not intimidating, and I'm not scared at all. But just in case you think I am, would you mind telling me exactly what you need so I don't get it wrong?"
Brook: "Yoo ho ho ho hoo. Absolutely I will."
Eustass Kid: "What size pussy ya got?"
Killer: "Do you want one of each of the sizes? Is there a preference to what type you want? Gotta help me out a bit, here."
Law: "Did you check my office steel cupboard? I've got the back ups in there. Are they the right size, or do you have a preference for a different style? Actually, while you're there, would you mind telling me if we're out of gauze strips and bandages? Do we have enough pain relief?"
Mihawk: "Check the drawer beneath the sink in your ensuite. I resupplied last week in preparation for your upcoming cycle. I also bought wine and dark chocolate. They're in the kitchen if you need them."
Sir Crocodile: "I'll send for some for you. While we wait: would you prefer if I embrace you to give you some body heat for comfort, or leave you alone to grit through the pain?"
Buggy: "Fuck yes, not preggo! Yesssss! Okay, I'm heading out. You want the usual, or do you want me to get you a different style? You know, shake it up for a change? Wanna try one of them cups that keep it all up in there? Hah, would a party popper work?"
Shanks: does not pick up the shell, and shows up the following week as if nothing happened. Beckman, however, sends you a care package with usual supplies with an apology on behalf of his captain's lack of care.
Beckman: "Just the usual, or do you want a weighted heating sack too? I can also pick you up some new pajamas and comfortable socks from the tailor beside the store. Tell me what you need."
Doflamingo: "No. Suffer."
Corazon: does not speak and taps the speaker end of the shell in alphabetised code "You. Want. Tampons. Or. Pads. ?. Can. Also. Get. Pain. Relief. Medication. .. What. Do. You. Need. ?. Do. You. Want. Chocolate. Or. Red. Meat. ?."
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dilfhos · 9 months
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#!CC: puppygirl!reader, thoughts of depravity, readers kinda naive, no thots just dick, there’s no expressive consent but reader’s kinda dumb and needy, use of “doggy” and “pup”. reader does actually bark (not them arf, yips! like a husky, heady bark.) MDNI.
+bringing back this banger from my old blog. you can also read it on my ao3. im nervous lol idk how its gonna hold up 2 years later, diff audience. i can’t remember the ask specifically but it was something like Shigaraki finding a stray and he ends up using her. omg and i want to tag @bakatenshii idk if you remember my old alias but i do remembered you loved this fic!
+NETWORK(S): @angelshub @bitchcraftinc (i keep forgetting to do this mL, excuse the random @/lovelies)
“Good girl,” Shigaraki whispers and he really means it, at least for now. It makes him think having a pet like you may not be all that bad…
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Shigaraki still wonders how he ever let this be, an animal-woman hybrid living in his already cramped apartment. Doesn’t know why he hadn’t bothered to kick you out either. But it could be anybody’s guess as to why you still remain.
It all started when he got into an argument with his landlord, one that required him the self control to back off and avoid killing the bastard. It was rainy but Shigaraki paid no mind to the stinging raindrops that pelted his skin and soaked his clothes. It was dark out, but not too dark as to not notice you cowering against the side of his building upon his return. Your eyes were closed as you trembled in the cold rain.
Shigaraki didn’t know why he found himself moving closer to get a better look at you but when your eyes shot open, he found himself almost curious. He’d never seen anything like you before. Especially when your ears, you very doglike ears twitched forward, erect and alert. But you didn’t seem all that afraid. You were dressed in soaked shirt that was too big for you as it sagged off your body.
He crouched down and you inched toward him reluctantly and as you moved from your previous position, his eyes sought out the tail that had been tucked in between your legs.
“Hey, there you are,” Someone cooed from behind him. Shigaraki turned to eye the man. There was nothing all that remarkable about him; he wore all black, his hood over his head save for a few dark locks that stuck to his brows. Shigaraki wasn’t the least bit intimidated. But that couldn’t be said for you as you frantically dove into his arms, letting out a frightened whimper. Your ears flattened against your head as your hands curled into Shigaraki’s coat.
He wanted to back you off and leave from the situation as it had nothing to do with him and was fixing to do so when he looked down. Your pupils were blown and eyes glossy, pleading.
He sighed before standing, pulling you up with him to stand on trembling feet.
“She yours?” Shigaraki mumbled. You moved behind him, your hands tightening on his clothes.
“Heh, yeah, ran right out through the door. Isn’t that right baby?” You growled all while cowering behind Shigaraki’s form.
“No collar,” Shigaraki noted.
“Been meaning to get her one. C’mon baby, why don’t you leave the nice man alone and come back home with me?” He cooed.
The utter confidence and trust you had in Shigaraki at this moment was appalling. He barely covered the man in terms of height and upon first glance, he looked rather average. Definitely not the type to win in a fist fight. So why were you so dependent on him to save you?
Shigaraki didn’t have time to really think too much about it because the man advanced, silver glinting under the streetlamp. You yelped and cowered back against the wall again, covering your eyes.
You heard a grunt followed by a pained cry as that then died into the sound of pelting rain. When you lowered your shaky hands, Shigaraki was standing over a pile of what looked to be ash, the knife a few feet away.
Ever since that night, he couldn’t seem to shake you.
You’re loyal and to him, it’s annoying. Showing up at his doorsteps turns into you sleeping on his ratty couch. His chasing you away turns into grumbles of tolerance. The typical sneer he wears when you come sniffing around dissolved in hidden blushes and twitched lips as your distrustful cowering eventually turn into you becoming disturbingly comfortable around him.
After another day of pressing his key into the lock does he already see you on the other side of the door, tail whipping back and forth in excitement as you await his return. Except he isn’t really in the mood. Today was particularly bad and he wanted nothing more than to possibly let off steam, maybe watch something, blow his load and sleep.
“Stupid mutt, stop doing that!” He growls when his back immediately slams against the door, eyes narrowed in the way you smile up at him.
“Welcome home sir.” You beamed.
Another thing you picked up was calling him ‘sir’. Despite the many times he tells you not to. He wasn’t your last owner, and honestly, he’d like it if you didn’t call him anything. But every one of his complaints go through one ear and out the other with you having half the intelligence of an actual dog.
He recoils when he feels your tongue graze his neck. Groans when it doesn’t just end there. You’re licking his chin, his neck, and when your tongue laps over his lips, he’s trying to buck you off. But you’re so persistent as you press further against him, your front grinding up against his groin unknowingly.
Shigaraki bites back a moan at your ignorance, his cock already hardening from your aimless shifting.
You couldn’t feel the bulge pushing against your thigh? The soft grunts he’d release when you’d lap at the rough skin of his neck? You can’t be that stupid or then maybe you are.
But would it be that bad if you are? Because then he wouldn’t feel guilty when he dreams of stuffing you full with his cock. You practically ask for it every chance you get with him. The sleeping in his bed, your excessive show of affection, the sickening devotion in your eyes.
And then, isn’t it what he deserved? He did save you that night. Do you even remember how easy it could have been for him to just walk away? To give you up to that creep? Sure it only happened a few weeks ago but he thinks of that night as if it was only the last. How when he brought you home and went to retrieve a towel to dry you up, you were on your hands and knees practically presenting yourself to him as you slumped in exhaustion. As if giving him the go ahead to do what he wanted to and by gods, it took everything with him not to.
He wasn’t a hero, not by a long shot. And maybe you didn’t have the mental capacity to accept that he was actually a villain because in your eyes, he was your savior.
But as said, today was a particularly bad day and right now he felt anything but.
So just this once he’ll give in. Whether you wanted it or not didn’t matter to him at this point, already past contemplation. After all you’re his pet now, his property and if he can’t do this then what good are you really?
You release your little whimpers and when you look up, your eyes are wide, so full of confusion when he suddenly has you on your hands and knees pressing into you from behind on the floor. Your owner wears a new look, his eyes so feral, teeth gritted. And you know that look; it was the look of your last owner among all the other men that tried to take you on the streets. Hunger. Greed. Desperation.
And you should be wary, should cower away from the carnality in his eyes because you know better than anyone that when it’s present one thing is desired. Yet, you hold your ground. You don’t struggle, in fact he could just make out the way your hips shimmy back a little bit and the whine that surfaces from your throat.
You just can’t help it, the air around you has changed. A thick cloud of hot lust is weighing down around you and so much so, you can’t help but to submit. Besides you trust him one for reasons you can’t figure out.
Shigaraki refuses to meet your eyes, instead he quickly fumbles with his belt and takes out his hard cock. A blush spreads across his face when he eyes the steady slick trailing down your thighs and upon closer inspection he can see how swollen you were and that’s what does him in.
It’s what has him surging forward, bottoming out completely inside of you. Your ears flatten against your head as you let out the neediest sounding moan, one that has a shiver licking down his spine.
“Shit. Shit,” He should feel ashamed, taking advantage of you like this. But he clings on the fact that he’s a villain, that’s his justification. A villian with his pet, that’s all this is.
It’s fueling his newfound vigor as he speeds up, the heat of your tight cunny sucking him in with every cant of his hips.
His fingers dig into the plush of your hips as his own thrust forward, his cock forcing past your tight ring of muscle. You look back again, your eyes glossy with tears, long tongue hanging out as you whine and pant. He was so thick, so heavy within your tight, hot walls. Your nails scrape helplessly against the dingy carpet as he rocks into you with so much drive.
In the midst of your panting and whining surfaces his voice, so grating and filthy as he tumbles every degrading name in the book. It should worry him and yet it has his stomach knotting up, his thighs and glutes tightening as he holds on to your hips for dear life. And in the midst of that is the loud, wet, shlicks of each sink into you.
“My needy little bitch. Taking my cock like a good doggy,” He grits, eyeing the recoil of your ass against his hips.
His hand seeks out the base of your tail as he uses it as leverage to pull you back onto his cock. And it hurts, it has the tears spilling over and yet, your cunt only tightens around him some more.
“F-Feels good sir!” You cry out at about the same time as he mumbles,
“Good doggy, such a good pup,” And at his praise, your ears bend forward, and your tail begins to switch slowly in his gasp. You feel a knot in your tummy, desperately winding down to what you’re chasing. It has you rocking back against him needy to have, so so needy. And the way your resolve has melted away, it makes all his thoughts of guilt completely vanish, leaving him with an unbearable need to fill you up.
He’s quickly pulling out and flipping you onto your back, nails digging into the soft flesh of your thighs as he spreads you wide.
You were so wet, inhumanly so as it’s gushing down onto the carpet and the sight alone has him nearly cumming right then and there but he holds it. At least until he’s thrusting into you again, your head thrown back as you let out a broken whine. Your tits bounce with all the force he’s using as he’s putting everything into these last moments. His one track kind only focuses in the tuft of fur above your cunny, at the way your puffy lips pull part each time he's pushing forward and the slick coating his cock.
You’re yelping with each kiss he delivers to your cervix, hands desperate to hold onto to your new owner. You reach out and he grasps your wrists, using you to thrust impossibly deeper into you. Static fills his mind as his eyes roll back, his hips slamming against yours, balls smacking your ass each time.
“Fuck, fuck cumming!”
“Sir! Sir please-” You cut your own self off with a heady bark, one that startles him. It’s also what has him groaning as he twitches, his seed spilling so suddenly into you. Your pussy milks him as you gush around his dick and it has him falling over, elbows pressed into the carpet on either side of your head. Your legs wrap around his waist as your hips shimmy up against him, whining as you push past your own limits, twitching every so slightly at the overstimulation and sealing this moment of what would be the best one in your simple little head.
“Good girl,” Shigaraki whispers and he really means it, at least for now. It makes him think having a pet like you may not be all that bad.
He also thinks he should probably name you.
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dilfos. do not plagiarize any parts of my content— current or archival. all rights reserved.
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lovelybucky1 · 9 months
Neil trying to be cool to get the attention of a client (disinterested in him) being totally cringe and geeky with his movie recommendations
im a filmbro just like neil so i really resonate with this
my inbox is open for requests!
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warnings: one mention of sexual content, mild mentions of violence, neil being a geek with zero rizz
It’s not often hot people walk into Gumshoe Video. There’s the regulars, the families, the loser film bros who are there at least four times a week, the teens who try to rent pornos, and old people looking for the classics.
When you walked in, Neil almost dropped his fast food cup filled with Dr. Pepper. You’re exactly his type, and he pushed the other employees out of the way so he could be the one to help you.
“Hi, I’m Neil. How can I be of service?” he greets you, perhaps a bit too enthusiastically. You look down at his name tag and note that it says owner underneath his name.
“I don’t need any help, thanks,” you smile politely and continue walking. You aren’t trying to be rude, but you had a long day at work and this puppy dog of an employee is only going to get on your nerves.
“Are you looking for anything specific?” he asks, following you down the aisle.
You sigh. “No, just something to watch.”
“We have a huge selection. What’s your favorite genre?”
You resign yourself to the fact that this man is going to be up your ass until you leave the store.
“I don’t know. Action? Comedy?”
“Well, right over here we have Fast and Furious.” You wrinkle your nose. “We also have The Dark Knight.”
“Uh, no thanks. The villains in those movies are always so cheesy.”
Neil hums and scans the shelves, looking at the collection of videos for rent. “If you want a comedy we have Daddy Daycare, Superbad, American Pie…”
“I think I’ll just look around myself-”
“Or if you want something classic, we have Citizen Kane, Casablaca, The Godfather, Apocalypse Now-”
“Look, Neil,” you sigh. “I appreciate the suggestions but I really don’t need any help.”
Feeling rejected but not letting it show, Neil nods and steps away. “If you need anything, I’ll be behind the counter.”
You nod and watch him walk away before turning to browse the movie selection by yourself. It takes you a while to find anything that you were interested in, but you settled on Friday the 13th. It’s not what you’d usually go for, but your life needs a little excitement here and there.
From across the store, you could hear the other employees ridiculing Neil for “striking out”, though you’d have to argue that he never even got up to bat.
When you walk up to the counter to rent the movie, no one is to be found. You look around and find a bell on the counter labeled ring for assistance. You hit the button and the bell rings, and immediately following the chime is a thud and a curse. You peak over the counter to see Neil crouched underneath it, rubbing the top of his head.
He stands up and looks at you, putting on a charming smile like he didn’t just embarrass himself.
“All set?” he asks.
“Yep,” you reply shortly, handing him the box.
“Friday the 13th,” he reads. “That’s a good one. You didn’t tell me you’re into horror.”
“I’m not really. Just wanted a change,” you reply, figuring if you engage in his small talk, he’ll let you off the hook sooner.
“Did you know this was filmed at a real summer camp in New Jersey?” You shake your head. “It’s still operational, actually. The only set piece they had to build was the bathroom; everything else was already there.”
“That’s really interesting,” you smile, lying.
Unfortunately that was the wrong thing to say, because it made him perk up. “If you think that’s interesting, wait until you hear this…” He ducks under the counter again and comes back up with another movie in hand. “Scream was based on a series of real murders in the 90s. Ghostface was based of the Gainesville Ripper who killed five students in Florida. He wore a black ski mask, which was the inspiration for the movie.”
Neil must have noticed your concerned face and stopped.
“Uh, sorry. I guess giving a stranger facts about a serial killer is kind of weird,” he chuckles.
He scans your movie, swipes your card and prints out your receipt. Before he handed it to you, he scribbled something at the bottom.
“Thank you for renting from Gumshoe Video. Have a nice day,” he smiles.
You give him a polite smile back and on the way out of the door, you look down at the paper in your hand. He wrote what looks to be a phone number, but his handwriting is too messy for you to make out the digits.
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lvrsparadise · 9 months
can you do one where reader has a bad day and is trying to detangle her hair but is just being super rough and carless and matt notices and brushes her hair for her?
like a matt x reader fluffy type thing! (idk if this makes sense im sorry!!)
Hi lovely anon! It does make sense and I hope this is what you meant!
'CAN YOU?' - M.S
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Synopsis - "Baby, are you struggling?" "Yes. Can you help me."
Warnings! - Stress, profanity, tears of frustration, I think that's all actually. This is short btw.
A/N - I got school tomorrow. So here's what's going to happen, I'm going to start writing as much as I can, and then like add them all to queue so that they post while I'm at school. Anywho, enjoy !
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I sigh in frustration as I attempt to run the brush through my tangled mess of hair again.
At this point, with how many tries and how long I've been standing in Matt's bathroom trying to brush my hair, tears have formed in my eyes.
I let out a groan and sob at the same time and drop the brush in the sink, the plastic of the brush clanging against the porcelain.
I hear a knock at the door before it cracks open and Matt pokes his head in.
"Everything alright sweet girl?"
I sigh and shake my head, sniffling and wiping away a few stray tears."
I pick the brush back up and try to brush my hair again but struggle even more than the attempts from before.
He walks into the bathroom and shuts the door behind him and places his hands on my shoulders, turning me around to face him.
"Baby, are you struggling?"
I nod my head and sniffle.
"Yes. Can you help me." I mumble as he grabs the brush from my hand.
"Of course pretty girl." He smiles and turns me back around to face the mirror before he starts to gently card the brush through my hair.
After he's gotten all of the knots out, he presses a kiss to my shoulder and puts the brush down.
"Feel better?"
"Yes. Thank you."
"Anytime babe."
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I love all of you guys !
And I hope you all have a wonderful day and / or night ✮
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annavrse · 1 year
letitia is the type of girlfriend…headcanons
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ー letitia wright x black!reader
ー no smut of course, no sexual content whatsoever, all fluff, a little drama, tish being protective, tish being in love
summary : what it’d be like to date letitia wright. headcanons + small plot
even though the media tries to portray her as a player, tish is definitely a lovergirl at heart.
ー☆ this is very interactive! i’ve included links, photos, and a video! click and watch as you read along. the links are optional but i think it adds to the reading experience. it’s more entertaining cus it’s actual proof of tish doing these things lol.
ー☆ note : i still have that twin fic in a ziplock bag. (truth be told im writing another fic that’s got a real bad hold on me and might come out first) i just wanted to give y’all something while you wait! i had so much fun writing this. don’t take this too seriously or let it determine my true writing abilities. i haven’t given y’all anything to go off of, but trust that i am at least a decent writer and that these hcs are just for fun!
also im sorry for any typos or mistakes i didn’t catch. i hope you enjoy <33
tags : @venusdraco @naomis-daydream @marsolgy @shurislover @inmyheadimobsessed @dominiquesheart @stvrrversee ☆ just tagging some of my mutuals until i create a taglist!
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• her love languages are gift giving, words of affirmation, physical touch and quality time.
• she bought the two of you matching bracelets. she has a habit of playing with hers during interviews and she sometimes kisses it when you’re not with her.
• she buys you flowers of your favorite color so it feels more personal.
• always reassuring and reminding you how much she loves you.
“i prayed for you”
“i love you so much”
“you mean the world to me”
• you’re her personal travel buddy. whether it’s for work or leisure, she takes you everywhere she goes.
• she takes you to court side basketball games.
• you’re always her plus one at events. especially award shows. you reassure her when she loses, and you’re the first one she hugs when she wins.
• loves when you visit her on set.
• loves going to concerts with you.
• she loves taking you to her home country, guyana. and where she grew up in london.
• she thinks it’s cute when you mock her british accent. she does the same with your american one.
• she calls you baby and babygirl.
• she loves it when you call her by her middle name.
• loves to dance with you at parties and she especially loves it when you dance on her.
• she never tells you about the movies or the shows she’s filming. no matter how much you want her to.
“the suspense is killing me.”
“well if i spoil it for you, you’ll kill me. so stop asking.” she said, laughing. “you’ll have to wait just like everybody else.”
“but im not like everybody else.”
“that you are not.” she grabbed your chin and pecked your lips.
“pleaseeee just give me a little something. nothing too important.”
“you’re the one who made me promise not to tell you anything, even if you beg.”
“i know but-”
she walked away from you, shaking her head.
“your words not mine.” she yelled over her shoulder.
“michelleeee.” you whined, chasing after her.
• she’s such a cliche when it comes to romance. she likes taking long walks on the beach, especially when the sun is setting. she likes candlelit dinners. she makes you breakfast in bed. you feel like you’re living in a rom com.
• you’re not use to the huge crowds and people following your every move. she knows that this makes you anxious and does everything in her power to make sure that you feel as comfortable as possible with this new life she’s brought you into.
• if you want to leave an event or a party, she escorts you herself if she can. if not, she has her driver bring you home or back to the hotel.
“i don’t wanna leave you though.”
“it’s okay, im fine. seriously if you’re not feeling it, i can bring you home. i don’t want you feeling uncomfortable for my benefit.”
• most of the time she ends staying with you. you two undress, shower, throw on your pajamas and fall asleep watching a movie. she’d much rather lie in bed with you, than mingle at a party you’re not attending.
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social media
•she’s your designated photographer. she takes most, if not all of your photos for social media. and she makes sure to get her pic creds in the comments.
• she’s you’re loudest supporter. her fandom has nicknamed her instagram “y/n’s fan account” she posts you more than she does herself. especially on her story. with captions like :
“all mine” with the song playing in the background
“she’s insaneee”
• she even has a highlight for you, titled “LOVE ❤️”
• always posts your accomplishments. “so proud of this one 🥹”
• you’re slowly gaining fame/attention from being her girlfriend. some of her fans have started making edits of you, and you two together. you sometimes catch her binge watching them on tiktok. her search bar is full of :
- y/n and letitia
- y/n edits
- y/n y/l/n
- letitia wrights’s girlfriend
she’s hopeless.
• but unfortunately, not all of her fans are okay with your relationship. after you two launched as a couple, you received a ton of hate. it went as far as receiving death threats from jealous fans. she quickly took the situation to social media.
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and of course the shaderoom got a hold of it.
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theshaderoom : #LetitiaWright defends girlfriend #Y/N from internet trolls who have been sending her “hateful messages and death threats” 🫢
user : it sounded like she’s threatening us 😭💀
user : she said she’ll whoop y’all ass behind her girlfriend in the nicest way possible lmaooo
user : it’s the “im telling you” for me 😮‍💨
user : why can’t y’all just let this woman be happy and leave her gf tf alone 🤦🏾‍♀️
user : not her threatening y’all 🫣
user : oh she don’t play bout ha 🗣️🗣️🗣️
• she went as far as offering you your own personal bodyguard. in which you declined. you felt like it was unnecessary. though you appreciated the offer and how much she cares.
after her post, the hate started to die down. some of the trolls even apologized to you for the things they’ve said. but you ended up blocking them anyway because why send hate in the first place?
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• she always finds a way to bring you into the topic of conversation.
interviewer : filming this movie must’ve took a lot out of you. the hours. the training. the stunts. and i mean the storyline itself is darker than what we normally see you do. what made you take on this role?
letitia : ooo. wow, that is a great question. uhmm. i mean…yea this role was something i never would’ve imagined myself playing. like when i was offered to be apart of this film, my immediate response was “no, absolutely not.” but my girlfriend, y/n, she reminded me that i needed to stop playing it safe. i tend to stay in my comfort zone because i know that it works best for me and it’s what im used to. but me and her talked about this year being the year of trying new things. so if it wasn’t for her, i mean…i probably wouldn’t have accepted the role and uh i would’ve missed out on being apart of this amazing film. so it’s all thanks to her. she’s my number one supporter.
interviewer : wow. that’s beautiful. i’m happy that you found someone who pushes you to be your best self.
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interviewer : recently you’ve been rocking some new looks, that i myself am a huge fan of. where are you getting your style inspiration?
letitia : oof i was afraid someone was going to ask me this question.
interviewer : what, why? you’re not ready to give up your source?
letitia : yea i just wanna gatekeep her a little longer—nah im joking uhm, i just don’t have time to hear her mouth ya know? her head is big enough as it is and if tell the world that she’s behind these fits, my god, i’d never hear the end of it.
interviewer : oou is it a snooty designer or—or a bougie stylist of some sort?
letitia : oh she’s definitely a bougie stylist. uhm it’s y/n, my girlfriend.
interviewer : oh reallyyy?
letitia : yeaa, i don’t know what it is. it’s just something about about her closet man. i just find myself going through her things and taking pieces here and there. and she thinks it’s cute cause apparently im *air quotes* “jocking her style”
interviewer : that’s hilarious. so she doesn’t mind you wearing her clothes?
letitia : no not at all. she actually dressed me today. oou im just feeding her ego aren’t i? but yea she has, in my opinion, the best fashion sense. but of course, im biased so—uhm yea i just love her style and i love her.
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interviewer : i heard you mention that you and your girlfriend made some vision boards to ring in the new year.
letitia : yea we did.
interviewer : what is the number one goal on that list?
interviewer : ooouu look at you over there blushing. wow, that’s so exciting. is this something that you two have talked about?
letitia : yea we’ve uhm, we’ve been talking about our future and building a life together. ya know, marriage, kids—the whole thing. i think we’re both ready to start heading in that direction. it’s one of my top priorities right now.
interviewer : wow that’s amazing. i am so happy for you two. is it safe to say that the next time you come on the show, you might be engaged?
letitia : that’s crazy to even think about. but uhm yea, yea that’s the plan.
interviewer : and who knows, maybe you’ll even have a little one on the way. a mini letitia running around. you ready for that?
letitia : ooh absolutely. the real question is, is y/n ready? cus i was a little troublemaker when i was younger. so he or she will definitely be a handful. i just know it. we’ll need her mini me to balance out the crazy for sure.
she said laughing.
interviewer : just for balance?
letitia : for balance, exactly.
interview : it sounded like you were trying to sneak in the fact that you want two children.
letitia : aww man you caught onto that? uhm…yea i definitely want two children. preferably a boy and girl. ya know, best of both worlds.
interviewer : well i hope that happens for you, truly.
letitia : thank you. i really appreciate that.
interviewer : of course. and thank you for being so open, you’re hands down one of my favorite guests. next time you stop by, i hope your lovely girlfriend can join us. i’m very excited for you two and i hope that everything works out.
letitia : aww, seriously thank you so much. i’ll definitely try and bring her on for sure. it was nice to come on here and share my goals. i like to think of it as speaking them into existence. im so excited for this next chapter. im ready to be a wife. im ready to be a mom. im just uhm…grateful, is the best way to describe it. i used to pray for love like this. i asked god to send me my soulmate and that’s exactly what he did. i couldn’t be happier. so to be able to even have these types of conversations, is a dream come true. thank you for having me.
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madisonwritesstuff · 9 months
hii its me again i hope im not irritating you i just love your writing😚😚😚 i just wanted a Hannibal x fem reader (yes im obsessed) where he has invited alana, will, jack and reader. When Hannibal says there is pig meat she just kind of just stares at the meat and then she says im not hungry but Hannibal notices something wrong (reader is secretly muslim. Completely normal appearance no hijab or things like that but she doesnt like to tell other people because she gets uncomfortable when others find out and if you are not comfortable writing this i can ask for something else because i have a lot) i luv u💕
★ ; pork. -------------------
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Hannibal Lecter x Fem! Reader.
Tags ; muslim! reader, Hannibal trying to subtly rizz u with his cooking skillz :3, no tw (I think), fancy smancy hannibal with his fancy smancy pork meals 🙄, will bein an empath and already guessing that hannibal is a simp..
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You smiled to yourself as you looked into the little mirror which was in your compact powder, fixing up your makeup as you took a deep breath before closing the compact powder and sliding it into your purse.
You exit your car and walk up to Hannibal's front door, you can hear faint chatter coming from the other side. Looks like you're the last one hear. Just as your about to knock, the door opens. “Y/N, lovely to see you. You look great.” He smiled. “How did you-” Just as you were about to inquire, he stopped you mid sentence. “I recognized the perfume you wore. Do come inside, must be cold out there.” He smiled and stepped aside to let you in.
You were a little surprised but recalled Will having told you about Hannibal's sense of smell, so you smiled back at him and entered the house.
Following Hannibal, he led you to the dinner room. Where you could see Alana, Jack, and Will already seated. “Y/N! You made it!” Alana spoke up, standing up to give you a handshake with a sweet smile.
After you had thoroughly shaked hands with everyone, you sat down and began conversing while Hannibal was in the kitchen preparing the dinner.
You had offered to help but he said it was alright and that you could sit down with the others.
By the time the food arrived you were famished, literally your mouth watered just at the scent of the cooked meat. “Balsamic braised pork tenderloins, with fresh figs.” Hannibal introduced, setting a plate down infront of each guest. “What type of pork is this?” Jack inquired while picking up his knife and fork. “Iberico pork, comes from the famous Iberian black pigs.” He spoke, smiling to himself proudly at the representation of the food. You felt your stomach drop at the realization that you can't even eat the delicious looking food.
“Of course, Dr. Hannibal Lecter with his expensive meals. If I hadn't known any better I'd think you're trying to impress someone.” Will spoke up sarcastically. Everyone around the table let out 'Oooh's in regards to Wills theory.
“Who knows?” He jested, everyone laughed at his half assed response. He smiled to himself before sittting down at the table and watched as everyone began to take a bite and said their compliments to Hannibal. Everyone except you.
You looked like you were lost, staring down at the meat with furrowed brows. “Y/N?” Hannibal called out quietly, loud enough for you to hear. “Huh? Oh, sorry. I was- Um, yeah what did you need?” You smiled to him sheepishly, he could tell you were nervous.
“Why aren't you eating? Is it not to your liking? Don't tell me you're a vegetarian.” He laughed a little, genuinely curious as to whether you know his secret or you're genuinely just not interested in the food.
“I um, I'm not hungry.” You spoke, your stomach deciding to rumble at exactly that time. The color from your face drained in horror as you stared him dead in the face as your stomach grumbled. His expression was blank, before a small smile crept to his face. “Now that we know that's not the case, what's the real reason you are uninterested in the meal?” He spoke, he was definitely not going to let you go home on an empty stomach.
You looked around and everyone was engrossed in eating and or sharing a few jokes that they hadn't noticed you and Hannibal's own conversation that was oddly secretive.
“I um.” You spoke up. “Go on, it's not like I'll kill you for it.” He joked, laughing a little at his own joke. “Yeah well, I don't.. Eat pork..” You said awkwardly as you looked at your lap in embarrassment. Making a whole fuss on not eating just because you don't eat pork. You wanted to go home and just eat instant noodles and read fanfics. (I see u.)
“You don't eat pork? Why didn't you say anything before? Are you allergic? I am so sorry I should've asked. I'll make a new dish for you, please wait.” He was about to stand up but you grabbed his hand and shook your head. “No no! It's alright, I'm actually uh, Muslim, you know? I can't really eat pork. But it's fine! I'm fine! I'm not that hungry anyway.” You spoke with an awkward smile. “Nonsense, wait for everybody to leave and then I'll cook up a meal to your liking.” He smiled and put his hand over your hand for reassurance. Which made butterflies go wild in your stomach before you nodded and smiled, relaxing back down and waiting for everyone to finish their own meals.
By the time everyone left, you were already in the kitchen, looking over all the ingredients in his fridge. “Liver, kidney, eeeww..” You stuck your tongue out in emphasis on the through of eating animal organs. You closed the fridge and turned around and let out a shriek as Hannibal was towering over you. “Apologies, didn't mean to startle you.” He spoke, his gaze intimidating. “Oh it's alright!- I was just looking over the ingredients you have. We could make a beef stew or something.” You smiled, trying to be helpful with ideas.
“Hmm, we could.” He spoke as you stepped aside and he opened up the freezer. Hannibal looked over at the labeled organs before his gaze went to the meat that was plastic wrapped. He took it out and placed it on the counter. “How about spaghetti and meatballs? No pork, just beef.” He smiled. “Oh sure! I haven't had spaghetti in a while. I'd love to taste your own recipe.” You smiled.
“Well then we best get making. I make my own spaghetti.” You raised your eyebrow. “That much effort for spaghetti and meatballs?” You spoke, crossing your arms. “That much effort for you my darling.” He spoke as he turned his back to you and began taking out the necessary bowls. While you stared at him and recalled what Will said. Was he really trying to impress you? You felt your face heat up but quickly shook your head and took a deep breath to calm down.
He put the bowls on the countertop and motioned for you to stand next to him. You smiled to yourself a little as you began to walk over to him, helping him with preparing the meal.
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all rights reserved to © madisonwritesstuff , please do not copy, repost on other platforms, translate, or modify my works without my permission.
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ghostiiess · 11 months
[NSB HEADCANONS] - oliver moy singing you to sleep
pov: you can't slep, but oliver moy is here to help you
warnings: insomnia, not being able to sleep.. mention of neck kissing (not in a 18+ way), i think that's all? let me know if there's more :)
type: wholesome
member: oliver moy
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it was like 3am
and you couldn't fall asleep
you wanted to, it's not like you wanted to stay up
(rest of the hc under the cut!)
you were so sleepy
you just couldn't sleep even if you were tired of your day
it has been almost 2 hours of you trying to sleep
and let's say you were tired of turning and rolling in your bed, hoping you'd fall asleep in a certain position
you were mad bc why couldn't you fall asleep? you were tired and super sleepy!
in hope to fall asleep, you went out of the bed
you quietly went to the kitchen and drank some cold water in hope it'll make you fall asleep or smth like that
of course, you weren't sleeping alone
oliver was there :))
when you came back to the bed, he softly put his arms around you and yawned
"can't sleep, pretty girl?"
you shaked your head
"here, come closer"
his head was on your shoulder while yours was cuddling against his chest
"you know what they say..! if you can't fall asleep, its bc someone is thinking about you"
you rolled your eyes
"they better stop, soon"
oli chuckled and started massaging your back with his fingers
you guys were practically hugging atp
"you are so soft" he whispered in your ear
i feel like oli would like kiss you on your neck (not in a 18+ way) while you are cuddling him
to me, he would be the type to softly kiss you and compliment you
"you are so pretty"
"my cute baby angel"
"do you want me to read you to sleep?"
"or like, i could sing you to sleep.."
AND THEN!!! you're like :O bc like hearing oliver moy singing is like heaven
so, of course you said yes
he couldn't stop smiling, bye-
he was having butterflies in his stomach 😭 he didn't know you'd actually say yes
idk if you heard the acoustic version of 'sunshine' on the nsb music youtube channel (this is heaven, im not even kidding), but at the beginning, oli sang "you are my sunshine, my only sunshine"
the song is at the end of the hc 😈
so yeah, he would probably sing that to you!
and others songs he made with the boys ofc
and unrealeased ones 😏😏
"you like it baby? should i post it?" (the answer is yes)
this man is too sweet
he would also stroke your hair while singing
and if you don't have hair, then he'll rub your shoulders to give you a nice small massage 😌
and if you don't like massage, then he would simply hug you and kiss you on your forehead if that's something you'd like
oli = ray of sunshine
he'll wait for you to be asleep, before going to sleep again
like this man will never fall asleep before you
he'll always wait for you
that way, he knows you're okay
your security > his security
like pls this man do not care if he doesn't sleep! As long as you do, he's happy
i hope you guys understand what im trying to say here 😭🤭
anyways!! to conclude this hc, oli would be so sweet and cute
like he doesn't mind if he have to sacrifice his sleep for you
he'll always do it <3
taglist! (Open! Send an ask if you want to be in it!): @nsb-rkive @kentisbaby @firebenderwolf @hyuneee0
bold can't be tagged :(
the acoustic sunshine video is here! (the link is safe!)
the song i think oli would sing to you:
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nova-moonlight · 7 days
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𝘋𝘰𝘩𝘸𝘢 𝘉𝘢𝘦𝘬 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
Minding my own business was easy, but it's not for everyone. Some people thrive on drama and chaos, but I prefer the quiet, unnoticed life. I’ve become quite good at blending into the background, observing everything without being seen.
“That girl has no self-respect,” I heard one of my classmates whisper harshly.
"How can she forget—" Another began, but I’d heard enough. I put my earbuds in, trying to drown out their voices, but snippets still pierced through. “Behavior… something… small.”
God, can they shut up?
I put my head down on my desk, pretending to be asleep. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched Su-ae. Honestly, I agreed with them. How could she be with a jerk like Minu? He never acted like a boyfriend. Why stay with someone like that?
Sighing at my thoughts, I closed my eyes, only to open them when I heard a commotion nearby. Some weird kid and Eunhyuk were talking, and Eunhyuk was gripping the other’s arm tightly.
What the hell happened? Actually, I don’t care.
Being a nobody kind of gave me the ability to know and do everything without consequences. People forget I exist. At school, I’m a ghost. At home, though, it’s different. My family sees me, even when I wish they wouldn’t.
Having older twin brothers named Jin-ho and Jin-woo is both a curse and a blessing. They’re protective, sometimes overly so. They’ll beat up anyone messing with me, but they also won’t hesitate to rough me up if I step out of line. Still, I love them to death.
Our family dynamic isn’t typical. My mom is the breadwinner, a hot-shot lawyer always taking care of us. My dad is a stay-at-home dad, the one who keeps everything running smoothly. Just because my mom earns well doesn’t mean we’re rich. We’re comfortable, but I wanted my own independence.
That’s why I started working at a convenience store not too far from home. Surprisingly, I like my job. It’s uncomplicated, and I get to pretend to be someone else for a few hours. The regulars know me, but they don’t *know* me, and I like it that way.
The bell rang, jolting me from my thoughts. I gathered my things and headed out, blending into the sea of students. No one noticed me slip away, just as I preferred.
𝗘𝗮𝗿𝗹𝘆 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗵
The convenience store was my escape. I slipped into my uniform, a white cap, and my glasses, which had become part of my disguise while working. Not that they weren't prescribed, but they helped me blend in. A simple name tag was the only identifier. Here, I was just another employee, not the quiet girl from school or the middle child at home. Just... me.
“Hey, can you stock the shelves?” my manager called out.
“Sure thing,” I replied, grabbing a box and heading to the aisles. It was mundane work, but I found it soothing. Each item had its place, unlike the chaotic mess of my thoughts.
As I stocked the shelves, I noticed a familiar face—Eunhyuk. What was he doing here? He wasn’t the type to shop at convenience stores. I looked around and spotted Ra-im by the fridge with the drinks. I didn't expect to see them here.
“Hey,” he said, startling me. “You work here?”
“Yeah,” I replied, keeping my voice neutral. “Need help finding something?”
He shook his head. “Just grabbing a snack. Didn’t expect to see you here.”
“Small world,” I muttered, turning back to my task. Eunhyuk lingered, watching me.
“You’re quiet at school,” he observed.
“Not much to say,” I replied. Why was he talking to me?
He shrugged. “Fair enough. See you around.”
As he walked away, I felt a pang of curiosity. Eunhyuk was popular, always surrounded by friends. Why was he here with Ra-im? And why did he talk to me, of all people?
Shaking off the thoughts, I finished my shift and headed home. My brothers were waiting, as usual, ready to pounce with playful jabs and teasing remarks.
“Hey, loser,” Jin-ho greeted.
“Shut up,” I shot back, grinning despite myself. This was our dynamic, rough but affectionate.
“Mom’s working late again,” Jin-woo informed me. “Dad’s making dinner.”
“Great,” I said, heading to the kitchen. My dad was an excellent cook, one of the many things I admired about him.
As we sat down to eat, I felt a rare sense of contentment. Despite everything, I had a family that cared, a job I liked, and a life that, while far from perfect, was my own.
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nervousgardenerkid · 2 years
The ghost of you
a/n: so,,i couldn't help but see the tags from someone reblogging this story that they wanted a reason as to WHY eddie didn't tell the reader he was back,,,im not saying ask and i'll deliver,,,but i'm saying that LMAO kinda obsessed with this?? idk how to feel but lmk if you guys like it :D credit to the gif owner! <3
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Eddie Munson was a man with hopes and dreams. He hoped to graduate from Hawkins high, get a job, get the fuck out of this town, and start a family. His dream? He wants to be a rockstar. He wants to touch the hearts of troubled teens the way his favorite bands did to him. Eddie was never one to give up on his hopes and dreams, no matter how hard it seemed he always held onto them.
Eddie’s life revolved around many things. Some of those things were his music, friends, and you. You were Eddie's whole world, everything he did he did for you. You made him want to be a better person, he tried harder in school just so he could keep up with you cause Eddie didn't want to be the type of boyfriend to hold you back. No, Eddie wanted to grow with you, soon enough his hopes started to change when he got together with you. He still wanted to graduate and leave Hawkins behind but with you right beside him. Unfortunately, for both of you, life had different plans.
Eddie shivers at the memory that plagues his mind. He’ll admit he doesn't remember much that night, everything blurred together into one giant memory and he blanks after the bats attacked him. He remembers the pain he felt, and the last thoughts he was having, but he can never forget the horrified look in your eyes when you saw how much blood he was losing.
“Shit, no Eddie, stay with me, baby. Stay with me!”
Eddie lets out a chuckle that soon turns into a cough.
You're too lost in your thoughts to hear him.
“What?” you pant out while applying pressure to his side. He winces in pain and moves your hair out of your face with his bloody hand.
“I said you're an angel.” he coughs and lets out a groan. “Always…always knew you were my guardian angel.”
You're blinking back tears and shaking your head.
“Why’d you do this? Why did you fucking sacrifice yourself, Eddie?!”
“It's bad huh?”
You shake your head trying your best to ignore the anger you felt.
“No, no you're gonna be fine. We just have to get you to a hospital, okay?”
Eddie nods his head, he feels too tired to talk. You grunt as you try your best to lift him. If you could just get him to the others and manage to make it to a hospital he'll be fine. He has to be fine.
“Stop, stop-”
“Eddie c’mon please-”
“Stop! I need- I need a second, okay?”
Eddie leans back onto the floor and by this time tears are fully streaming down your face. Eddie’s eyes fall on your face and he can't help but smile at you.
“I didn't run away this time, right?”
You shake your head and take a shaky breath.
“No. No baby, you didn't run this time.”
His hand finds yours and holds it tightly. “You're gonna have to tell Dustin to look after those little sheep for me okay?”
“No, no you're gonna do that yourself!” you cried out.
Eddie’s smile drops a bit and she slowly shakes his head.
“No baby. I need you to say it. Say you're gonna tell him.”
“I'm- I'm gonna tell him to look after them.” you sob out.
“Good,” he takes a shaky breath. “‘Cause, I think I'm actually gonna graduate this year.”
A shaky laugh leaves your lips. “Yeah?”
“Yeah. Gonna- gonna finally leave Hawkins with you, start a family.”
You love hearing Eddie talk, but you wish he'd stop right now. Your heart is breaking with every sentence that's leaving his mouth.
“You want a family?” you ask him quietly. Your thumb is rubbing his knuckles gently, trying to remember what they feel like. He nods his head.
“‘M gonna take you on tour with me, write songs about you a-and our baby.”
He locks eyes with you and uses the little strength he has to wipe away the tears that are on your cheeks.
“I think it's my year y/n. I think it's finally my year.”
You say nothing. You can't say anything. Your heart is begging, screaming for you to try again. Help Eddie up and run like hell to find the others but you know it's no use. You're surprised he's still talking right now if you're being honest with yourself.
“I love you.” Eddie says quietly. You smile at him and lean down to kiss his forehead.
“I love you too.”
That was the last thing Eddie remembers. He replays the memory in his head as if it's the only memory he has left, but it's not. He also remembers waking up in the upside down alone. There was no Dustin, no Lucas, no Mike, and most importantly, there was no you. He's not sure when he woke up. Maybe it was an hour after his death, maybe it was a couple of months. To him it felt like seconds when his eyes shot open and he was greeted with a dark sky and stuffy atmosphere. After hours of trying to find his way out of his own personal hell, he found a way to jump through the gate that was in his trailer. Once he was back in Hawkins he was quick to sneak out to try and find everyone, but he didn't realize how hard it would be after the “earthquake”.
He spent a week in hiding. Eating whatever food he could find in his abandoned trailer, praying that Wayne found a nice place for himself and wasn't losing rest trying to figure out what was happening. It wasn't until his second week in hiding he found the walkie that Dustin gave him, he wasn't quick to use it. No, he sat on the couch staring at it for nearly an hour debating if he should even try and reach Dustin. What were the chances Dustin was on the channel he gave Eddie while he was on the run?
“Hey, Eddie,” he heard Dustin's voice through the walkie. “It's been a couple of months without you. My leg is still a little sore but I'm all healed now."
Eddie fumbles with the walkie, holding it close as if it was Dustin himself.
“Look man,” Dustin started. “I know I haven't talked on here for a while but…I don't know. I have this gut feeling that you're listening, so if you are, please, just let me know. I promise I won't tell anyone.”
Eddie nods his head and takes a shaky breath. He presses the button on the side and sits in silence for a moment. Should he even be doing this? He doesn't even know how he's alive or if talking to Dustin could put him in even more danger.
“Holy shit. Holy shit! You're alive?!”
“I-i don't know. Can you come to the trailer?”
Dustin knows his leg is going to feel like it's going to fall off tomorrow, but he doesn't care. He's quick to hop off his bike and sprint to the abandoned trailer making sure no one was around when he walked in.
“Psst. Eddie? Are you here?”
“You know, you really should be more careful Dustin,” Eddie said while peeking his head out of his old bedroom. “I could've been a murderer- oof!”
Eddie couldn't even finish his sentence before Dustin ran in his arms and embraced him.
“Holy shit! I can't believe you're fucking alive!”
Eddie pretended he couldn't feel the teenage boy’s tears soaking through his shirt and tried his best to hold back his own tears as he returned Dustin’s hug.
“Yeah, I can't believe it either.”
Dustin pulled away and wiped his tears. “This is great! We gotta tell everyone-”
“No! Are you crazy?!”
Dustin stared at Eddie with disbelief.
“Are you crazy? Don't you think your friends and Wayne want to know you're alive? What about y/n?!”
Eddie shakes his head and rubs his hands down his face.
“I-i can't. Not yet, I don't even know how I'm back! I remember dying then poof! I'm back as good as new? No, something is up. This just doesn't make sense.”
Dustin stands still for a moment trying to reason with what Eddie is saying.
“You can't tell anyone, man.”
“I mean it, Dustin! Swear to me. Swear you won't say a goddamn thing about me being alive.”
Dustin nodded his head quickly not wanting to get on Eddie’s bad side.
“Okay, okay. I swear.”
Eddie nodded his head and sat back down on the couch resting his face on the palm of his hands.
“How is everyone?”
Dustin sighed and sat next to him on the couch. “We're all coping in our own way. I haven't seen y/n since they left school with Gareth.”
Dustin nodded his head. “I think they find comfort in each other. You know, your best friend and your girlfriend.”
Eddie doesn't know why but he doesn't entirely like the sound of that. He should be happy. His best friend and girlfriend are getting along now, he's seen the small yet awkward conversations you two have had. Why did it have to take him dying for you two to get along?
“H-how long have they been hanging out?”
Dustin shrugged his shoulders. “Dunno. The last time I saw them they were at family video with Steve and Robin.”
Eddie perked up at the familiar names Dustin mentioned and he lets out a sigh before slouching onto the couch.
“So, how’d you find your way back?”
Eddie lets out a dry chuckle and looks at Dustin.
“How much time do you have?”
A few months go by and before Eddie knows it almost everyone in the group knows he's back except for you, Robin, and Nancy. Steve only found out because Dustin got tired of riding his bike and started to ask him for rides to Eddie's trailer. After much theorizing, Eddie and Dustin have concluded that vecna made Eddie into some sort of…creature. This was confirmed when Dustin brought over some raw meat for him and Eddie to cook but Eddie decided the pink meat was much more appetizing than when it was cooked.
“Dude… that's sick.” Dustin said while trying not to gag.
Eddie’s eyes rolled to the back of his head, his hunger finally going away when he swallowed the meat.
“Oh my god, this is the best thing I've ever eaten.”
“You're a sick man.”
Eddie chuckled and shook his head ignoring Dustin.
“So, I was thinking,” Eddie swallowed the food that was in his mouth before he continued. “I think I'm ready to go out in public.”
“Yeah, that's gonna be a negative.”
“Says who?”
“Um, have you forgotten that you're dead?!”
Eddie tossed down the napkin that was in his hand and looked up at Dustin.
“Look, if you miss your friends and family so much then let me tell them!”
Dustin lets out a sigh and throws his hands up in the air.
“Unbelievable. You're unbelievable.”
Dustin’s watch beeps and he lets out a curse and starts to grab his stuff.
“Where are you going?”
“We started this movie night thing for y/n every Friday. Tonight we're watching karate kid!”
“Oh. Okay, I guess I'll just stay here.”
“All by myself.”
“Yeah. That's what alone means. Look, I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow! Bye Eddie!”
“Yeah, yeah. Bike safely Henderson!”
Eddie waited ten minutes after Dustin left before he looked out the window making sure the coast was clear for him to sneak out tonight. Tonight was the night. Eddie was finally going to go see you and tell you about what happened, or at least what he thinks happened. He blows a kiss to his van, a little upset he can't drive it but he doesn't want the whole town to know he's back. Not yet at least. He’d rather have at least a week with you before he makes his first appearance back at Hawkins.
While on the way to your house he's deep in thought trying to rehearse what he plans on telling you. So far all he has is hey y/n! Remember how you thought I died? Well, I'm not dead. Surprise! He cringes internally at his thought and shakes his head.
“Everything will be fine. I'll know what to say as soon as I see them,” he mutters to himself. He can't contain the smile that finds its way to his face the second your house comes into view. Without realizing it, his pace quickens but soon begins to slow down when he sees a familiar figure standing in front of you.
“Y/n c’mon! You can ditch one movie night!”
You laughed your beautiful laugh that Eddie loved so much and shook your head.
“No Gareth, they started this for me! I can't ditch them!”
Eddie isn't sure what to feel. He knows it hasn't been easy for you. Dustin has been an absolute saint and given him updates about you whenever he could. The last thing he heard was that you refused to get out of bed, he swallowed the lump in his throat when he saw you now. You look fine. Happy even, this couldn't be the you Dustin was talking about earlier this week.
“Please? It's so boring at home without you! Who's gonna watch scary movies with me?”
Home? Since when has Gareth referred to his house as home when he's talking to you? It's always been yeah you can come over to my house y/n. Or even yeah you can invite y/n to my house. Now it's home?!
You roll your eyes and place a hand on his arm. “How about this,” your hand falls to his side, playing with the old material of his flannel. “You should come to Steve’s tonight. We're watching karate kid plus Mike, Lucas, and Dustin will be there!”
Gareth lets out a sigh and pretends to think about it. He looks down at his feet and kicks around a small pebble that’s on the ground.
“I kinda wanted it to be us two only. I don't do well in crowds.”
Liar. Eddie thinks to himself.
“You can come with me every time I make popcorn! I'm in charge of refills tonight.”
Gareth reaches into his back pocket and grabs his keys mumbling how it's a deal.
Eddie wanted to scream. He wanted to scream that he was here and to look at him. Hear his voice again and forget about Gareth, but he couldn't. He was a ghost to you. He watched with tears in his eyes as you hopped into Gareth's car, laughter muffled over the loud music that came from inside. He watched you both drive away into the night, probably not even thinking twice about him, and for the first time in his life, Eddie Munson had died twice.
taglist <3
@cityofidek @spideyjass
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heesulovebot · 1 year
music tag ♡
rules: you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. put your playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs, and then tag ten people. no skipping!
thank u bb sufa @heart-ming for the tag!! a stay, piece & taemin stan. we love to see it 😌 prepare for whiplash because i’m too lazy to organize my playlists:
girl's night - crystal kay: dawy @itoldsunset put me onto crystal kay a while back and i absolutely adore her i miss 00s bops like this 😭😭
ditto - new jeans: STAY IN THE MIDDLE LIKE YOU A LITTLE DON'T WANT NO RIDDLE MALHAEJWO SAY IT BACK 🗣️🗣️🗣️ crack. it's crack that hybe put in new jeans' songs i can't stop listening to ditto, OMG, and hype boy
ใก้ล (close) - scrubb: i love took yang with all my heart but close is probs my fave glad to see it here ♡
virgen - adolescentes orquesta: (NO ME IMPORTAAA) YA NO LLORES NO ME IMPORTA TU PASADO (SI YO TE AMO) PERDÓNAME A MÍ POR LLEGAR TARDE A LO QUE DIOS ME HA MANDADO 💃🏻🪩🕺 this is one of my go-to karaoke songs (except i'm a terrible singer, can't hit a note, but that never stopped me djdjdn)
gotta get back - p1harmony ft. pink sweat$: i have recently gotten into piwon and tbh i'm a piece atp i love them sm also this song is so cute
el alma que te trajo - safety trance, arca: MOTHER ARCA!!!!!!!!!!!1 listen i love rakata but when mother arca said “soy una perra pero te hago meow meow meow” in this song i felt that in my soul brb shaking my ass
g*psy woman (la da dee) - crystal waters, the basement boys: one thing about me is i'm gonna have 90s chicago deep house in my playlist dndnnf
ex-factor - ms. lauryn hill: omg.... while ppl were making emo seojiwoo edits to tswift on twt i was tearing up on public transit thinking about seojiwoo to the lyrics of this song LMFAOOOO 🤡 tms2 was a wild time
boy's a liar pt. 2 - pinkpanthress, ice spice: 🗣️ he say that i'm good enough grabbing my DUHRUDUH thinkin' bout shit that i shouldn't have 🐜🦟🐜🦟🐜🎶
tagging!: @nonkul @itoldsunset @phukaoapologist @pranpat @earthpirapat @dirhwangdaseul @ohmybitna @jaehwany @junghaesin @fordallan @deshimango @kinnkittisawasd @freensrcha @jiustian & whoever wants to do this consider urself tagged!!!!! 
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taomyou · 6 months
The Romance of Reimbursements - Chapter 16
Pairing: Levi Ackerman x Reader Status: COMPLETED Summary: There’s a guy you see every Friday on bus 143, and you think he’s pretty hot. It wouldn’t hurt to tell your best friend about him, would it? or, you and Levi take the same bus home from work every Friday, and you fall in love slowly, clumsily, and with all the time in the world to fold as many paper stars as your heart desires. Word Count: 7.7k Tags: slow burn, friends to lovers, modern au, office au, fluff, romance, meet-cute, matchmaking (A/N: this fic is entirely available on ao3 here if you would like to read it there instead!) Chapter Navigation Accompanying Playlist
the feeling not understood
When you're comfortably situated in your usual seat on bus 143 on Monday after work, you reach to take your phone out of your pocket to give yourself something to occupy yourself with for the next 45 minutes. You see a text from Hange, so you smile and go to unlock your phone to read it.
Hange - 5:20 PM
Remember to leave saturday free!!! We're celebrating Moblit's birthday with everyone at Sina's :D
You - 5:22 PM
his birthday is today, right?
Hange - 5:23 PM
You - 5:23 PM
tell him i say happy birthday ^^
Hange - 5:24 PM
What makes you think Im seeing him today?
You smile to yourself and shake your head. Right, they still don't know you know they're together.
You - 5:25 PM
i never said you were going to see him today i simply don't have his number to tell him myself
Hange - 5:25 PM
WAIT HAVE I NEVER ADDED YOU TO OUR GROUP CHAT????? Oh my god I cant believe we've gone this far without adding you IM SO SORRY
You roll your eyes.
You - 5:26 PM
it really isn't a big deal, i don't need anyone's number
Hange - 5:26 PM
NO NO I MUST RIGHT MY WRONGS Honestly tho we never use it anymore bc Levi has had us muted since like february and we have to text him separately anyway STILL I AM SO SO SORRY LET ME ASK THEM RN IF I CAN ADD YOU
Before you can even come up with a way to tell them that you really don't mind that you haven't gotten access to this apparently dead group chat, you see a text from a group chat titled The Hottest People Ever. You giggle at the title before switching over to see what's going on there.
Hange's typing when you get loaded in, but they're taking a while to type out whatever they're trying to say, so you go to check who's in the group chat. There's two numbers you don't have saved (presumably Mike and Moblit), Hange, of course, Levi, and Erwin.
Erwin's number is actually saved as "Erwin (WORK, DO NOT ANSWER)" because you haven't had the chance to change it since becoming better friends, so you quickly remove the parenthetical before clicking back to the chat.
Hange - 5:30 PM
Hello!!! WELCOME TO THE GROUP CHAT ASTRAEA!! Everyone say hi pls :D 
Unknown Number - 5:31 PM
Hello! This is Moblit :)
You - 5:32 PM
hi!! happy birthday ^^
You quickly go to add him to your contacts, as well as Mike since he’s probably the other number you don’t already have.
Moblit - 5:33 PM
Oh, thank you!
Everyone else is probably busy, going by the fact that there’s no other texts that come in, so you exit out of the chat to scroll through SNS.
In the middle of you reading some random news article talking about the economy, you get a text from Erwin.
Weird, he never texts you. If anything, he’s the type to only call.
You tap on the notification to see what’s up.
Erwin - 6:05 PM
Sorry for the late notice, but could you stay late tomorrow? I need help with something.
The period at the end of the message comes off as way more passive aggressive than you’re sure he intended, but you still feel intimidated by the relatively minor punctuation.
You - 6:08 PM
You cringe when you go to send the message, the capitalization and punctuation too serious for how you normally text, but you figure that’s good enough of a way to respond to Erwin (who was just speaking to you as your boss and not your friend).
You hope that he takes offense to your reply, actually. Who actually wants to stay even later than normal at their fucking office job?
You get home soon thereafter, and while you do your homely chores and get dinner ready, you try your best to take your mind off of the impending doom that awaits you at work tomorrow. Knowing how the workflow has been for the last… four months now, Erwin’s probably asking for your help for the rest of the week and not just Tuesday.
At least you have Saturday’s dinner to look forward to. Maybe you can tell the waiter to pick Erwin’s credit card in the roulette.
The next morning when you leave for work, you're unsurprised to see Moblit walking out of Hange's apartment, arms full with bags of gifts. You both wave to each other in greeting, and because you're both headed in the same direction, you end up walking together.
“Need help with the gifts?”
“No, I’m alright. Thank you for offering, though!”
“You sure? Your arms are, uh, pretty full.”
“Yeah, I don’t mind.”
There’s a door between where you are and where the elevator is, so you go ahead and get that open so he can get through. You push the button for the ground floor, and he thanks you before the both of you step into the lift.
“How’re you and Hange? You guys look really happy together,” you tell him in earnest.
“Oh! Have they finally told you? I thought they wanted to keep it a secret, like, for fun.”
You roll your eyes. “They haven’t, you guys are just terrible at sneaking around.”
He chuckles, shaking his head. “Yeah, I guess we are. I run into you practically every time I’m leaving their place.”
“Yeah, I don’t really know what you were thinking with that,” you say.
The elevator beeps once you’ve reached the ground floor, and you step out first so you can hold the doors open as he stumbles out. He thanks you, and before you split paths, he answers your question from earlier.
“And we’re great, I feel like I’m falling in love with them all over again,” he beams. “I’ve had a crush on them since uni, but I didn’t really know what to do about it until a couple months ago.”
You reflexively smile and go to put a hand over your heart. Moblit’s such a sweet guy, you really couldn’t wish anyone better for your best friend.
“You guys are so cute,” you gush. “Drop hints to go public, yeah? I have a bunch of candid photos of you and them walking in the courtyard here, and I’m sure Hange would want them.”
He perks up. “Wait, could you send those to me? My phone wallpaper is just an old picture of us at graduation, but I’ve been meaning to change it.”
You nod enthusiastically. “Yeah, of course, I’ll get them to you!”
You wave goodbye to him, and he gives you a nod before heading off to the parking lot and presumably back to his car.
Ugh, you hate the both of them (in a “they’re so cute, I need to strangle them” kind of way).
As you’re walking over to the bus station, you sigh, remembering what Erwin texted you yesterday.
Thinking about it presently, what is there for you to even help him with? He definitely is the better lawyer between the two of you (objectively, at the very least), so what does he need you specifically for?
Yeah, you most definitely will be making sure his card gets chosen on Saturday.
Turns out, Erwin needed you to review some work reports, entrusting the task to you while he's gone at higher-up meetings. You were right to assume that it wouldn’t be just Tuesday—it was Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
Reviewing such paperwork isn’t particularly difficult, but it takes fucking forever, and you can’t afford to make any mistakes. Because of this, the next couple of days pass by slowly, with both nothing and everything happening all at once.
Unfortunately, the slow pace doesn’t mean anything anyway because you aren't able to get even a second to breathe, and when you finally go to take your seat next to Levi on Friday at 3:02 PM, you can only greet him with a defeated sigh.
It’s a miracle you’re here at all, considering how late you’ve been coming out of the office for the last 3 days. How you managed to get all of your work done before this exact moment, you have no idea.
You’re too exhausted to try and strike up conversation in the moment, so you prop your briefcase up higher so you can put your head down on it comfortably and close your eyes.
“Sorry, is it okay if I rain check on talking today?” Your voice comes out weaker than you intend it to, but you’re much too tired to pay any attention to it.
You feel a bit of weight at your left side, and you’re unsurprised when you turn to see that Levi’s lightly tapped his shoulder against yours.
“Yeah, get some sleep.”
You hum tiredly. “I don’t need sleep.”
“You sure about that?”
“Yep, I just need to quit my job,” you whine. “Ugh, I still have to go grocery shopping, maybe I’ll go tomorrow.”
“Are you actually going to do that? Quit your job?”
“Of course not, but it’s nice to dream.”
Your mind actually is too busy to let you fall asleep even with your head down, so you just sit there quietly, waiting for the bus to eventually get to your destination.
For whatever reason, it feels like it’s enough to just be sitting next to Levi. Your nerves leave you slowly, and you eventually get to settle further into your spot and enjoy as the scenery passes you by.
It’s the middle of spring, so the flora on the route is in full bloom, lighting up the way with bright colors and visible gusts of pollen.
You wish you could muster up the energy to talk to Levi—to ask him about his week, to tell him about yours.. You’re not physically tired; you very well could.
But when you turn to look at him, he looks content with the silence that covers the two of you, going by his stare out at the same flowery paths that pass by in the window.
You open your mouth to speak, but you can’t find the words to say. Somehow, you can sense that if you do talk, he’s just going to tell you to shut up anyway.
Or maybe he’d look up the definition of “rain check” on his phone to make sure you understand what it means.
You smile gently at the thought before putting your head down again on your briefcase, and you close your eyes. Not really to sleep, but you might as well try to get some of your energy back before heading home.
When the bus’s sound system tells you that you’ve reached Rose, you lift your head from your briefcase and yawn, making sure to cover your mouth. “Get home safe, Levi,” you tell him, slowly blinking yourself awake.
When you wave goodbye to him, however, you’re taken off-guard by the warmth that takes over you when he takes hold of your hand and gently pulls you up.
You get the message quickly enough and scramble to get your briefcase secured in your other hand, but you’re unable to ask any questions as you try to get yourself oriented enough to get off the bus. 
You manage to tell the driver a “thank you,” but other than that, you’re at a loss for words until you’re both safely on the sidewalk, the bus leaving a huge gust of wind behind it and blowing both your and Levi's hair in all directions.
The two of you just stare at each other, daring the other to speak, but you hardly feel like you’re the one who has to do any explaining.
And he probably feels the same way, because he wordlessly turns away from you and lightly tugs at your hand. When he starts walking, you have to jog a step or two to catch up with him.
“Where are we going?”
He doesn’t slow his pace, instead giving a squeeze to your hand. The contact is hardly meaningful in that he’s probably only holding your hand to drag you around, so you won’t take it as anything else.
Well, you doubt he could take you anywhere surprising, especially when you know that the only things in the immediate area are Magnolia Floral Company, the supermarket, and his car, but you suppose you’ll entertain him. Not like you have anywhere else to be anyway.
When you’re taken to the front of the supermarket, you’re hardly surprised, but you still play along. “The grocery store? I never would’ve guessed!”
He rolls his eyes and flicks your forehead, eliciting a whine from you. “Really, now?”
While you rub at your forehead to make a show of the pain (it really doesn’t hurt at all, it’s just in good fun), he drags you both over to get a shopping cart. He puts his backpack in, and you follow suit with your briefcase.
He lets go of your hand to push the cart, and you feel like you miss the warmth. It’s hardly winter, and the weather is definitely warm enough, but your hand feels… cold, all of a sudden.
Instead of weaving through the lanes like you’d think he normally would, he stops at the very beginning of the produce section and just stares at you.
You blink owlishly at him. “What’re you looking at me for?”
He rolls his eyes, almost ruefully so. “You’re the one who has to get groceries, or did you forget already?”
You raise an eyebrow. “That’s why we’re here?”
“Yes, so start putting shit in and let me pay while you’re at it,” he says. Before you can protest, he continues. “And none of your ‘stop paying me back’ shit, we both know neither of us are letting up anytime soon.”
You’re still frozen in place, at yet another loss for words, but when Levi reaches over to seemingly try and flick your forehead again, you move out of the way to get out in front of him. “Okay, okay, but you have to get something too. I don’t want this to be a waste of your time.”
He scoffs. “As if I have anything better to do right now.”
You lead the both of you through the aisles, looking at anything and everything. You’re hesitant to add things to the cart, but even when you put things back on the shelf, Levi moves to put them in anyway. You chastise him for it, telling him you don’t want him spending too much money on you, but he just flips you off and continues to follow you as you venture through the store.
At the checkout, he’s quick to get ahead of you so you don't get the chance to pay, and you just roll your eyes before loading everything on the conveyor belt.
When the cashier hands the receipt to him, Levi scratches both the singular and total prices out with his nail before handing the long sheet to you. “For you to make your stars.”
You take it from him with a nod, and you tuck it into your pocket before helping him put everything back in the cart. He pushes it out for you, and before you know it, you’re both in front of his car.
“I assume you’re driving me home.”
“No, you’re gonna have to haul all of this stuff back to the bus,” he deadpans. “Yes, get in.”
You laugh. “At least let me help put everything in your car.”
He shakes his head, but he lets you do just that. He wheels the cart back to its designated space in the parking lot after handing you his keys to start the car, and you get yourself situated in the passenger seat after you do that. By the time he comes back, you’ve already torn off your first strip of paper, and you’re looping it onto itself.
He reaches over you to his glove box, and from it, he pulls out a small box of blueberry merlot tea. He puts it between the both of you on the little open space, probably because your hands aren’t free in the moment.
“Did you take me grocery shopping because you forgot to bring the tea with you?” You ask.
He hums to himself as he goes to back out of the parking space, his hand on the back of your headrest. “Maybe,” he replies, “but Erwin’s been complaining about work a lot more than usual, which means you probably had a tough week too. Might as well help make you feel better while you’re here.”
You sigh. “As if it isn’t his fault I’ve been so busy at the office. That fucker asked me to help with reports all week.”
“Or so I’ve heard. Don’t worry, I chewed him out for it already.”
You laugh, and you shake your head. “Thank you, I guess.”
As always, the drive is silent, save for the rustling of paper. You reach your apartment easily enough, and he goes ahead and parks in the parking garage for the building. You hand him the stars you’ve made from the receipt, and he reaches over again for his glove box to put them away.
You know he’s going to do it anyway, so you let him carry some of the groceries up to your apartment with you. When you reach your unit, you get your keys and open the door to let him in to get everything set on the table.
You’re still at the door, watching as he does that, and when he comes back to you to leave, he gives a curt nod.
“Get home safe.”
“Stealing my jokes now?”
“I made it first.”
You blink. “Huh? When?”
He rolls his eyes. “When I dropped you off after our Valentine’s Day disaster.”
You sigh, shaking your head. “You still make fun of me when I say it.”
“It’s only funny when I say it.”
“You get home safe too, then.”
He nods, and you watch as he starts to walk back in the direction you both came from, and before you can stop yourself, you yell out his name.
He isn’t too far, so the volume really isn’t necessary, but he still turns around. “What?”
You look back and forth between him and the groceries that’re set on your dining table, and you think for maybe two seconds before deciding that it’d only be fair for him to at least have some use for your groceries, seeing as he’s the one who paid for them.
“Do you want to stay for dinner?” You ask.
He stares blankly back at you, but after checking the time on his watch, he eventually shrugs and walks back over to you. “Sure, but only if you let me help cook.”
You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding, and you open the door further to let him inside again. “Okay, fine.”
You go to quickly change out of your work clothes, not wanting to get them dirty with anything in the kitchen, and you bring back the same set of clothes Levi wore last time he was over so he can do the same. He excuses himself to go change, and you hum to yourself as you get everything sorted out so you can figure out what to cook for the both of you. Levi comes back out relatively quickly, his work clothes neatly folded up, and he sets that at the edge of your dining table before joining you in the kitchen.
You aren’t able to figure out what you should make, but it seems that Levi has more cooking knowledge than you when he naturally takes initiative in deciding for the both of you. Of course, he asks you if it’s alright to use any ingredients before he does, but you wave him off every time and tell him that he doesn’t need to keep asking.
You let him guide you throughout everything, listening along as he directs you to chop this, stir that, whatever it is. There isn’t much room for any other conversation, but that’s fine with you.
Dinner gets made quickly enough, and with a pot of blueberry merlot tea between the two of you, you start to eat.
You take a sip of the tea first, though, and you give it a solid 7/10. He does the same, but he gives a 5/10, citing the fact that it doesn’t have caffeine as reason for its lowered rating.
You both take the time now to talk about work, since you weren’t able to earlier on the bus, and conversation flows easily. Talking about the misery of the last workweek makes up for the trouble because it lets you completely let go of any of the anxieties you had about it, and when Levi talks about the hell that is grading college papers, you know he feels the same as you do.
After you’re both done venting about work and your coworkers and your clients and practically everyone else in the world, the topic shifts over to Moblit’s birthday dinner the next day.
“Are you bringing a present?”
He shakes his head. “He’s not a gifts person, never accepts them from anyone.”
You go to cover your mouth to stifle your giggle. “Right, right.”
“How’s that funny?”
“I saw him leaving Hange’s place on Tuesday, he was bringing home a bunch of gifts from them.”
Levi sighs, shaking his head again. “I would say I’m surprised, but I’m not.”
“Does he like sweets? I’d feel awkward showing up without at least that.”
“That’s not a terrible idea, but knowing him, he’s probably going to give it all to Hange.”
“That’s alright, still better than nothing,” you muse, swirling the teacup in your hand. “We could make something together. Maybe you could bring some of it home for Isabel and Furlan, too?”
Levi hums. “If you’re fine with it.”
You nod, going to take another sip of your tea before gathering your now-finished plate and utensils to bring to the sink. You hold out another hand to Levi’s spot at the table, and he shoos your hand away before getting up himself to put his tableware into the sink.
He tries to start washing them, but you gently shove him out of the way before turning on the faucet.
“Remember what we said? No washing dishes at the other person’s place.”
He doesn’t give any contest, but he grabs the small dish towel that hangs on a ring above your sink, and he waits next to you so that he can dry the dishes before putting them away.
The running water is loud enough to fill your relatively small apartment, so neither you nor Levi feel any need to talk. While Levi finishes up with drying and putting your tableware away, you take out your recipe book from one of the upper cupboards.
You check the time on your phone: 7:31 PM.
It's quite late already, so you flip through the pages to try and find something that doesn’t take that long to make. Levi is done with getting everything put away shortly thereafter, and he comes up next to you to watch as you figure out what to make.
“Is there anything he likes in particular?” You ask.
“He likes brownies,” he answers. “Do you know how to make those?”
You look over at him, mock offense on your face. “You think I don’t know how to make brownies?”
He puts his hands up, sarcastically so. “Sue me.”
You shake your head with a smile, and you go to close your recipe book. “I will.” You start heading over to your cabinets to get the ingredients, knowing already what you need. “Could you get some eggs and butter from the fridge? Just take out everything you can find.”
Soon enough, there’s a hefty pile of ingredients on your kitchen counter, and now you’re the one directing Levi to do things. You turn on the oven and get the ingredients measured out, but you leave everything else up to Levi.
Brownies are certainly not complicated and you could have very easily just made these on your own, but you still feel happy to be making them with him. He struggles a bit here and there, but he doesn’t give up, which is more than you could say for Hange whenever you’re in these situations with them.
It’s weird. Ordinarily when you teach other people how to bake, they feel more like a hindrance to the process than any help.
You let Levi finish mixing the batter while you get the pans prepared, and you can see a faint smile on his face when he goes to pour it all in.
It warms your heart to know that he’s having fun, even if he doesn’t quite know what he’s doing.
You’ve just finished putting away the dirtied utensils and food scale, so you come over to where he is so you can help scrape off the rest of the batter from the bowl.
You quickly get some star confetti sprinkles from your cabinet to put on top (you know, to make the brownies more birthday-esque, or whatever), and you hand the shaker to Levi once the lid’s off.
After that, you open the oven door for him to slide the pans inside, and you close it once they’re all neatly put in.
Looking over at him now, you laugh when you’re met with a better view of his flour-dusted front. “Can I take a picture?”
“Fuck no,” he scoffs. “How long do they take in the oven?”
You shrug. “40 minutes, give or take.” He looks past you and at the bathroom, and so you assume he wants to wash up. “You can shower, if you’d like.”
“I am never taking a shower here ever again,” he laments. “I’ll just go change back into my work clothes.”
“My shower really isn’t that hard to use, but that's fine,” you tease.
He walks past you and into the bathroom, making sure to stop by at the dining table to pick up his clothes on his way there. You go ahead and get started on washing even more dishes, and you hum to yourself as you scrub them clean.
Levi comes back just in time to grab the drying towel a second time, and he does that next to you while you wash the soap off your arms.
For the rest of the time the brownies bake, you and Levi migrate over to the couch and turn on the TV. Thankfully, you find a decently entertaining episode of Shark Tank to put on, and you and Levi shout at the TV when the contestants pass on offers from the Sharks or when the investors say something stupid.
The oven beeps to tell you that the brownies are ready, so you excuse yourself to go take those out to cool. You’re quick in doing so, and not even three minutes later, you’re back on the couch, screaming at Mark Cuban for passing on an especially cute line of plush animals.
You and Levi spend the next hour or so keeping up with this. Thankfully, all the contestants in this extended episode are incredibly bad at their pitch, so there’s no hard feelings from either of you when practically all of them leave the Tank without any deals.
You doubt that Levi understands the business lingo any better than you do, but you’re glad he finds as much fun in yelling at the screen as you do.
The ending credits roll, and you stretch upwards, yawning. “What time is it?”
Levi checks his watch. “10:15.”
You hum. “Let me get some brownies for you to take home.” You get up from your spot on the couch, and Levi follows closely after you. You grab some cellophane bags, twist ties, and star tags from your cabinet, as well as some disposable gloves for yourself.
You move everything over to the dining table so you can sit while you work, and when you come back with a knife to cut everything, Levi’s there too.
“Can I help?”
You nod with a lazy smile on your face.
You slip on your gloves after giving the bags to Levi, and you carefully go to cut out neat squares from the pans.
“Where’d you learn how to bake?” He asks.
You sigh. “It’s been a while since anyone’s asked me that.”
“Sorry,” he apologizes quickly.
“No, you’re good.” You hum as you reangle your knife to start going in the perpendicular direction. “I don’t know, everywhere? I watched my mom do it as a kid, and I picked it up as a hobby when I was in high school.”
“You didn’t come out of the womb with a whisk?”
You snort. “No, but I might as well have. Could you open a bag for me?”
He does, and you slip in the first brownie.
“Did you ever want to be a baker? Not that law isn’t admirable either.”
You nod, careful as you continue putting away brownies. Levi continues holding out bags for you to do it efficiently.
“A little, but I didn’t really consider it when I got older. It’s still fun, though, I like it a lot,” you tell him.
You smile, shaking your head. “Yeah, I’m sure.” One of the brownie’s hasn’t been cut properly, so you set that aside for you and Levi to have later. “It’s nice anyway, everyone likes being friends with the baker, so it made socializing easier for me.”
“Had trouble making friends?”
You shrug. “I guess, yeah. I was always busy with school, so I never really went out. Baking just gave me another crutch.”
He nods in understanding. “If it’s worth anything, I don’t think anybody now only sees you as a free baker.”
“Not even Isabel?”
He scrunches his nose and aggressively shakes his head. “Absolutely not, she never fucking shuts up about how much she loves you.”
You laugh. “She’s a sweet kid.”
“Hange used to call you ‘Sugar,’ though. Before we knew your name.”
You cringe. “That’s the name they chose for me? I couldn’t get something cooler?”
He nods nonchalantly. “They would not shut up about how they hit the jackpot getting you as a neighbor because you’d always come over with snacks for them.”
You laugh at the memory. “Yeah, I was still used to baking for groups of people, and I didn’t know what else to do with my leftovers.”
By now, all the brownies have been put into their bags, so you go to throw away your gloves, get the pans in the sink, and come back with two pens to write on the tags. You hand one to Levi, and you tell him to just write whatever he wants for Isabel and Furlan, and you can do the tags for Moblit.
You make sure to put that one misshapen brownie on a plate between the two of you, and while you write, you both take small pieces from it.
“Did Hange ever give me a different name or did they stick with Sugar?” You ask.
“You know them, they never change names for anyone,” he complains. “They say it works anyway, since you’re apparently so sweet.”
“What, you don’t think I am?” You tease. You’re both looking down at your writing so you don’t catch his reaction to that, but he does take a while to respond.
“I never said that.”
The two of you continue writing on the tags in silence, and soon enough, all of them are being looped onto iridescent twist ties. There’s more than enough for Levi to take home with him even after you have a good amount prepared for Moblit, so you have to excuse yourself to grab a bag for him to put his share in.
You hold the bag open for Levi to put everything inside, and you laugh when you see that he’s addressed Isabel and Furlan with curse words instead of their names on his tags. He helps you put Moblit’s share into some boxes that you had leftover from when you made all that shortbread for him a while ago.
You watch as Levi slides on his shoes, and before you can open the door to let him out, you remember he still has your clothes.
“You can just leave the clothes you borrowed here.”
“I don’t mind taking care of it.”
You wave him off. “It’s okay, I’m doing laundry tomorrow anyway.”
“If you say so.” He unloops one of his backpack straps to bring it forward and take out your clothes.
You take them from him. “Yeah.” You go to open the door for him, and he steps out into the hallway.
You bring your hand up to wave goodbye to him, but before you can actually do the motion, he brings his hand up too. You half expect him to grab your hand again, like he did on the bus, or maybe even give you a hi-five, but instead, he swipes at your cheek with his thumb.
Again, it feels warm—comfortable. You almost feel yourself wanting to lean into the touch further, but his hand doesn’t linger on your skin for any longer than it needs to.
He flips his thumb back to you. “Crumb.”
You nervously laugh, rubbing the back of your neck with your already raised hand. “Right, thanks. Get home safe, Levi.”
“You too.”
“I’m sure I will.”
This time, when you watch his figure disappear around the corner of your apartment floor’s hallway, you don’t call after him.
You almost wish you do, only to see his face again before he has to go.
The next day, you feel… confused as you go through the motions of your morning and afternoon. Hange comes over at around 4 to get ready with you, and you manage to fend off the nerves, but they come back again in the car.
For once, you’re grateful their driving is so horrendous. If anything, you’ll just let the feeling of crashing be more paramount than anything else.
Nothing even happened last night. Nothing insurmountable, at least. He went grocery shopping with you, drove you home, you invited him inside to make dinner and dessert with you, and he left.
But the feeling—this one, where you feel so comfortable—you don’t know what to do with it.
It doesn’t have you red in the face. It doesn’t fill your stomach with butterflies. It doesn’t force you to shy away from spending time with him.
If anything, it prompts you to do exactly that. It’s weird. It’s so glaringly different from the attraction you felt in the beginning, when you didn’t know his name and he was just another stranger you saw on the bus once a week.
Do you even have to figure this out? It could very well just be something completely normal, and you’ve been overthinking it this entire time.
Hange suddenly stops the car, which snaps you out of your thoughts. Though you’re grateful for the mental break, you have to grip even harder than you already were on the grip handle above your seat.
“What the fuck, man!?”
They only laugh before going to take their key out of the ignition. “Well, we’re here!”
You shudder before getting out of the car, careful not to forget anything, and the two of you join the others in the waiting area. You’re the last to arrive, courtesy of Hange’s poor driving skills, and you watch as they naturally drift towards Moblit.
Mike and Erwin, upon seeing you and Hange enter, go to the reservations desk to presumably tell them “table for Smith,” and that leaves you and Levi alone with each other. You raise the boxes of brownies you brought with you, and he nods in acknowledgement of it.
“Did Isabel and Furlan like them?” You ask, unsure of what else to talk about.
“They liked them too much,” he whines. “Begged me for the recipe and everything.”
“I don’t have one written down, but I can do that on a napkin while we wait for our food,” you offer.
“That’d be nice,” he says. You nod, and then your group of six are guided by a hostess.
The rest of the night is a whirlwind, spurred by Hange’s excitement to celebrate their boyfriend’s birthday with their other friends present. You hand Moblit his brownies, and like the saint he is, he thanks you before splitting it up between everyone at the table. You, Levi, and Erwin refuse them, but he insists that he’d rather share than have to take so many of them home.
You aren’t able to write out the recipe on a napkin as promised because the napkins are fabric, but after figuring out the measurements for a more… manageable batch, you text the information to Levi.
Levi does actually call over the waitress to bring over paper napkins for you, just like when you both came here on Valentine’s Day, and you thank him before starting to tear at the paper. You hand that one to Levi, and instead of rejecting it like you expect him to, he takes it and waits for you to make yours so he can follow along again.
When the food eventually comes to your table, all six of you can do is eat in silence to savor the expensive taste as well as you can. There’s no drinking tonight, probably because everyone drove here in smaller groups and it’d be too inconvenient to figure out how to get home, but it’s still lively and exciting.
Towards the end of the night, you and Hange slip away to “the bathroom” to tell the waitress that it’s Moblit’s birthday and to pick Erwin’s credit card, and when you come back, you both have to act surprised when the whole restaurant starts singing Happy Birthday and when Erwin gets fucked by the expensive bill.
Levi seems to catch on that you’re responsible for Erwin losing the roulette, but he only rolls his eyes and doesn’t make a scene out of it.
When everything’s paid for and everyone’s back outside, just about ready to part ways for the night, Hange winces.
“What’s wrong?” You ask.
They nervously go to scratch behind their ears. “Do you think you could find another ride home? I totally forgot to tell you, but I’m going over to Moblit’s to, uh,” their gaze drifts off to their not-so-secret lover, “test some liquor!”
You should’ve expected as much, but it’s no trouble.
Get some, Hange!
You wave them off, and you look around at the group. “I’m sure least one of them have a seat to spare.”
They wrap you in a warm hug, nearly crushing you, and you return the gesture with just as much enthusiasm. “Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love you so much!”
You try to wiggle out of their grip after a while, but they don’t really let up, instead rocking back-and-forth with you still in their arms.
Their grip on you finally loosens up when Levi comes up to you, and he practically has to pry them off of you before they let go. You thank him, and Hange’s off to go… test liquor with Moblit, the two of them headed for where Hange parked their car.
Erwin chimes in first. “Mike and I live in the opposite direction, so you can go with Levi.”
“Is that okay with you?” You ask him.
Instead of answering, Levi goes to stomp (lightly) on your toes, and you take that as a yes.
You and Levi give your goodbyes to the other two men, and you follow him to his car.
This sure does feel like a repeat of Valentine’s Day. It's parked in the exact same spot.
When you’re both in the car and about ready to leave, he hands you the receipt, telling you that Erwin forgot to take it before he left. You thank him for the paper, and you promptly start tearing and folding it.
The ride is completely silent, again, with only the sound of crinkling paper filling the vehicle, but it’s comfortable. Almost alarmingly so.
You drop the stars into the palm of Levi’s hand when he’s parked at the curb of your building, he reaches over to put them away in his glove box, and nothing is said other than a “get home safe” from the both of you.
When you get safely inside your apartment, you don’t even know what you’re supposed to do.
At least when you were constantly anxious and high-alert around Levi, you could at least find reason to denounce those feelings and get rid of them.
Maybe you should ask Erwin to give you extra work this week to distract yourself.
Who are you kidding, you definitely aren’t going to do that.
Still, when you go to sleep that night, you wish for more opportunities to skip on thinking about it entirely, and even more opportunities to just enjoy the feeling while it’s there.
Both fortunately and unfortunately, your wish is granted to you.
Unlike last week, this week is fast. It rushes past you, works you as hard as it can, and spits you out without so much as a “thank you” for your efforts.
Erwin, bless his heart, apologizes profusely and comes by your office often to check up on you, but you barely spare him a glance whenever he passes through.
The only silver lining in any of this is that Friday comes just as quickly. That and the fact that the hustle and bustle doesn’t give you any time to overthink any of your feelings.
When you go to take your seat on bus 143 at 3:09 PM on Friday, you have to put your head down after you hand Levi his tea. You ask for another rain check, and Levi doesn’t make any fuss about it before taking out his phone to busy himself.
Unfortunately, because there’s a lot of traffic on this particular Friday, there’s plenty of starts and stops, all of which break you out of your resting state. The sounds of city bustle don’t help either. When the bus comes to a sudden halt for what feels like the hundredth time in the last ten minutes, you groan and lean your head back, looking up at the ceiling.
You chuckle halfheartedly. “Maybe I should just jump out the window and walk the rest of the way home.”
Levi scoffs next to you. “We’re still in the city, you might as well stay here until Monday.”
“That’d be better than getting shaken awake every three seconds.”
“You were sleeping?"
“I wasn’t, but I can’t really rest with the traffic. My briefcase isn’t the most comfortable thing in the world either.” You sigh and prop your elbow on your lap, resting your head on your hand. “So, how was your week? We might as well talk if I can’t keep my eyes closed.”
He doesn’t say anything, so you naturally turn to look at him. He’s propping up his backpack straighter on his lap, and he slides his phone into the front pocket.
He turns to look at you when that’s done, and the two of you hold eye contact before he looks away and out the window in front of your seats.
“You can rest on my shoulder.”
You lazily shake your head. “No, it’s okay. That’s probably uncomfortable for you, and you seem tired enough from work.”
“You literally look like you’re about to fall forward,” he scolds. “And no talking, you need to rest.”
“Geez, you make it sound like I’m sick or something,” you joke.
“Picked it up from you,” he contests.
You follow his gaze out towards the window, and you hum. “But it’s okay, I can stay up.” As if on cue, you have to yawn, and you can see Levi shake his head out of the corner of your eye.
Before you can bark out something to dismiss any further scolding, you hear him turning towards you again. You wait, still staring out the window, but you watch as his left hand reaches over to push your head gently onto his right shoulder.
It feels awkward, honestly, and you kinda want to laugh.
You’d think the touch was romantic, but it hardly is when he struggles to reach over the backpack in his lap and your briefcase, and the bumps of the roads that knock you back-and-forth hardly do anything to help the atmosphere either.
But still, the act has you breaking out into a shy smile.
Had it been months ago, you probably would’ve passed out then-and-there from just his touch alone, but you don’t feel any red creeping up at all.
Just a quiet, comfortable glow in your chest, and a smile that acts as a silent thanks to him for lending you his shoulder for the rest of the ride.
He pulls his hand away from your head, and he reorients himself to look outside again, and he sits up straight against the back of the seat. You don’t dare move your head away, instead just slightly turning to look at his face, and you close your eyes once you see that he's comfortably settled back into his seat.
“So, how was your—”
“Just shut the fuck up,” he mumbles.
You sleepily hum. “You like silencing women?”
He groans. “Fuck off.”
You laugh and shake your head, position permitting. You close your eyes, and you hum to yourself as you try to find your sleep.
Yeah, you can figure out your feelings later.
You know you definitely shouldn’t be continuing to put off the emotionally daunting task, but you definitely don’t want to confront anything right now.
You still think it’s weird, that much hasn’t changed. And this is definitely not normal. That much is apparent, more so now than before when you were first starting to question things halfheartedly.
All you need to know is that here, with him, you’re comfortable.
For you, it’s enough to know that. Even if it isn’t, you’re okay with not knowing anything else, so you'll just spend the next... however many minutes left of your ride through the traffic, with him, trying to imprint the comfort that he gives you into yourself as well as you can.
Next Chapter
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ao3feed-everlark · 1 year
Swan Upon Leda
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Z6FBRvV
by FyreFlys
“Ya know, Katniss and I. We’ve been luckier than most. I wouldn’t have any regrets at all…” and he pauses. “I-if it weren’t…” and he’s laying the acting on thick, “if it weren’t for…” he shakes his head.
“If it weren’t for… what what?” Caesar prompts.
Katniss tries to prepare herself for whatever bombshell Peeta is bound to drop.
Nothing could prepare her for his next words. “If it weren’t for the baby.”
Katniss’s stomach plummets. She gasps with the crowd. Dread sinking in her bones.
Katniss regrets that night 4 months ago during the victory tour, even if she doesn’t entirely wish it never happened. This part, however- the one where she’s being forced back into a death arena while four months pregnant- would be so much easier if it had never happened.
Peeta isn’t supposed to know. So why is he telling Caesar, and all of Panem, on national television?
Words: 14540, Chapters: 1/4, Language: English
Fandoms: Hunger Games Series - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M
Characters: Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Mellark, Haymitch Abernathy, Effie Trinket
Relationships: Katniss Everdeen/Peeta Mellark
Additional Tags: everlark, Catching Fire, Mockingjay, Post Mockingjay, Quarter Quell, Slight Canon Divergence, book and movie lore, they’re both 19 because I said so, I mess with the timeline and length of events a bit, Violence, Blood, Murder, Gore, Death, greif, PTSD, Flashbacks, Nightmares, Trauma, Rebellion, Propaganda, warfare, Bombs, Guns, this is the hunger games yall idk what you’re expecting, Regret, Secrets, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, but a lot of the comfort is also hurt, Eventual Fluff, Caretaking, Morning Sickness, Hormones, Unplanned Pregnancy, Miscarriage, I mean come on there’s no way that baby survives all of THAT let’s be realistic here, fake dating to real dating, Allies to friends to lovers to estranged to lovers again to estranged again and then back to lovers, Falling In Love, Katniss is hesitant because she is scared to love and be loved, Finnick gets taken by the capitol instead of Peeta and he still dies, Im so sorry Finnick I love you but it had to happen, Happy Ending, making a family, I skim a lot of plot y’all know what happens, unbetaed and lightly edited, I wasn’t trying super hard with this one it was just or fun, greek mythology metaphors, no promises that I actually finish this, slow updates probably, this became way longer than I intended it to
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Z6FBRvV
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koiwai420 · 8 months
Hey dude, I saw your art through my followed tags and I just wanted to say I like your style a lot it's very nice! I also noticed that your profile picture is set to the default (and you seem new), and seeing as you're an actual person just wanted to give you some friendly advice and maybe change your pfp? Tumblr has a bot problem and a blog without a unique pfp usually gets blocked by people they follow, some check the blog to see if there's anything indicating they're a person but others just block and get it over with. A pfp can be anything, like your art or a screenshot from your favorite game or show or anything! Again, love your art, have a good time of day and ride on tumblr! <3
ahhh so so srry i didnt answer sooner D:
thanks for the tip! ive honestly been like on and off the past few days and in all honesty never really cared all too much about my pfp, i had no clue tumblr’s algorithm worked like that (since im kinda. A twitter local Unfortunately), but thanks for the info :3 appreciate it dude!
also thank you so so soso much for the compliment im shaking and foaming at the lips while im typing this like a raccoon with rabies
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