#im an adult now i can do adult things *adopts a child*
awtysm-cryptid · 1 year
thats fucking it im adopting muchirou now hes my son and imma make him smile and spoil him rotten
you wanna go look at clouds for the day? hold on my beautiful son let me make you a picnic so you dont get hungry, may i join you and we can have your favourite for dinner?
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avatarl0v3r · 1 year
Chapter 1| The Sully Family
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Warnings/notes: Like i said basic avatar shit, italics = Na'vi and jakes monologue, also i’m currently writing both this and the first movie, have fun reading lovely’s
side note about y/n: she has white hair, and has a close connection the the creatures and life (including her kids) around her and she can feel their emotions and pain
Taglist 🏷️: @ladylovegood-69 @brookesbizzareadvendture @jakesully-sbabygirl @minkyungseokie
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"The forest of Pandora hold many dangers, But the most dangerous thing about Pandora is that you may grow to love her too much."
You take your aim at the viper wolf a few feet away from you as you pull the string back it gets caught on your stomach causing you to have to readjust your form letting the arrow fly through the air with a grunt.
you walk back to the village with your pray slung over your shoulder upon entering neytiri runs up to you "where have you been?" she then notices the viper wolf slung over your shoulder "you were hunting?! what about the baby? is the baby alright?" she says trying to turn you and check for any wounds or signs that you got hurt.
you hissed and slapped her hand away "im not a baby, im an adult, and i may be pregnant, but that doesn't mean im growing weak im strong enough to take care of myself and my baby," you say angry with the way she was treating you since you became pregnant shes been treating you like a baby "i think of my child all the time its the first thing i think of in the morning, if i want to hunt ill hunt, now if you'll kindly move out of my way" you say walking past her.
your mother came from behind neytiri "you've made her angry" neytiri let out a irritated sigh "she was out hunting without thinking of the baby" your mother smiled at her daughter "y/n is perfectly fine, if she wants to hunt let her, she doesnt want to feel like a burden to anyone just because shes pregnant, she has a strong spirit and strong willed, she'll do what she wants and no one will be able to stop her" she said smiling at neytiri.
"even while pregnant y/n wouldnt listen to anyone at all, not even me something about that made me love her even more."
"Lie si oe Neteyamur, Nawma Sa'nokur mìfa oeyä, Atanti ngal molunge Mipa tìreyti, mipa 'itanti Lawnol a mì te'lan, Lawnol a mì te'lan" (I experiment Neteyam, To the great mother inside me, You brought me light, New life, new goal, Great happiness that is in my heart, Great happiness that is in my heart).
you sang holding a woven line with beads in your hand slowly moving your fingers across every bead, singing a different story which each one your fingers touched.
"We sing the songcords to remember, each bead, a story in our life, a bead for the birth of our son" the whole clan in the forest standing in a circle, the same way they did when jake become on of the people jake was in the middle holding your son in the air, your arm on jake while your other hand was being held by your mothers.
you watched as neteyam was lifted in the air being welcomed as one of the people you smiled at the sight "Neteyam" and the rest of the Na'vi repeated.
"Zola'u nìprrte', ma Kiri, Ngati oel munge soaiane, Lie si oe atanur, Pähem parul, ti'ongokx ahuta, Lawnol a mì te'lan, Lawnol a mì te'lan" (Welcome, Kiri, I experiment the light, A miracle arrives, a born comes to me, Great happiness that is in my heart, Great happiness that is in my heart).
"A bead when we adopted our daughter, Kiri" you and jake stood on one side, while norm stood on the other side of the glass tank that held graces avatar watching her stomach grow throughout the months "born of graces avatar, a daughter whos conception was a total mystery."
"A bead for the first communion with Eywa" you, jake and the rest of the clan were at the soul tree everyone's singing voice filling the air around "The people say we live in Eywa, and Eywa lives in us," your mother connects neteyams queue the the tree as you look over and smile "the great mother holds all her children in her heart."
"Ma Eywa, ma Eywa" you finish singing as you stood up to put the songcord back in its safe place, jake looks at you lovingly as you stop singing.
your sitting down with kiri and lo'ak as jake holds neteyam as if he was toruk flying above pandora "Happiness is simple," you flap your arms as if you were toruk flying around your kids "but who would've thought a jarhead like me would crack the code" jake watched as kiri and loak followed you.
your whole family is laying together you telling the story of how you first met their family the kids smile and watch you talk with interest in their eyes "when i first met your father i was trying to kill him, he was to loud, and he acted like a baby not knowing what to do" you tell them.
they let out little laughs, not believing that their mother would've tried to kill their father "it was love at first sight." as you all sunggled close to go to bed, while you laid there awake wondering about these dreams Eywa has been plaguing you with, there was fire and destruction, the sky was dark full of smoke and ashes, you felt the emotions of the creatures around you, pain and sorrow is all you felt from them.
but you didnt let those dreams bother you, but it was always there replaying in the back of your head, if the sky people did return and there was another war you would fight to protect your people and the people you loved, but this time your kids would be involved and that thought scared you,
only Eywa knew about what was to come and she was warning you of what dangers were lurking around the corner.
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ele-sme · 1 year
There must be something i can do!
AU where Jake and Neytiri adopt Spider at a young age, Neytiri discovers something horrible.
This: "hi" I'm writing about the present.
This: "hi" flasbacks or writing about the past.
It was early morning, her kids were all sleeping. Each on top of the other, Spider her oldest was sleeping on top of Kiri. He was almost ten, Neytiri couldn't stay a day without thinking about the time she and Jake brought him home.
Kiri was born and meanwhile Neytiri was holding her new baby, another child came to her, he had curly blonde hair and he was crawling to get to her. As soon as he was ar her feet he sitted down, and started getting his arms up to get taken in her arms too.
"Ma Jake do you wanna old her?" Neytiri asked, almost without thinking. She knew she needed to pick up that baby.
"I'm already holding Neteyam" Jake responded but Neytiri passed Kiri equally, without even looking at her mate. She picked the demanding child in her arms. He immediately started to touch her face with his little hands. Neytiri didn’t like sky people, she hated them. But that baby. That was her baby, she felt it.
"We need to brought him home with us" She telled Jake, who looked at the human child too. "Yes" he responded, apparently he knew too, he had the same feeling.
Then Neytiri remembered all the times she was with her son, his first step,
"OO JAKE, MA JAKE LOOK HE IS WALKING!" Neytiri screamed to her mate who dropped the cooking to look at their child. Neytiri putted herself down and took the child into her arms.
His first climb to a tree,
"Be careful sweetheart" Neytiri said watching as her older son was getting on a big tree.
His first fall,
"Everything is all right mom, look im arrived" A five year old Spider yelled before falling down like a bag of potatoes. For his fortune Jake catched him, for his unfortunate he broken a rib and had to stay in the lab a entire month.
His first kill,
Spider maked a quick pray then he shoot with his bow, killing the animal.
And then Neytiri favourite moment of his life, the first time he holded his baby sister Tuk.
"Hi tuk, I'm Spider, I'm your older brother, I'm not the tallest and one day you will be taller then me but if I know one thing is that, I'm going to protect you forever and that I'm your best friend." He explained to that one hour baby, Tuk grabbed one of Spider little fingers with her tiny hand.
Neytiri was getting emotional only at the thought of those precious moments. She was would always cry at those important moments. Even now after years. Even now on Awa'atlu, Spider was almost seventeen years old but he still sleeped on top of Kiri, a year before she always complained but after almost a year without seeing him she was ready to have him sleep on her for the rest of their life.
Neytiri had one year, one precious year without her son, her baby. How has she lived? She wasn’t. It was only her shadow, her body going on for her other children but mentally she was destroyed, morning and night she prayed to Eywa to protect her son. And she hoped that those Demons did not have done something on her baby. They did, she understood that from the moment she saw her son again. From the anger she killed thousands of Demons in that Demons ship. Now luckily her family was again together. All of them.
Norm a dear friend of her family would have come in the late morning to check on her oldest.
She was taking a walk through the beach when they arrived, and quickly she and her mate were in the infirmary to see her son condition.
"This is annoying, do i really have to do this?" Spider asked and Norm rolled his eyes.
"Don't be stupid" Neytiri only respond watching as the older man visiting her son, who maked a annoyed sight.
"So?" Jake asked at the end of the visit
"Everything seems to be good" Norm responded. "Like i said" Spider responded and all three adults watched him with a bad eye, "Alright Alright i shut up"
"I'm not so sure about that, you for sure have another 78 years to live" Norm responded chuckling at his own joke.
Neytiri was confused by that joke, it wasn’t funny that what she was sure of, but those 78 years...
"78? Those are little years" she said and Norm without even looking to her said the most horrible thing Neytiri have ever heard in her life.
"Well he is human, humans live less then na’vi" Norm responded, he probably didn't remember that he was talking to the mother of that Human, but when he remember he quickly turned to see the woman, who was froze at what she heard.
"Jake?" She asked for her mate confirmation, he looked stunned too, like he remember something he was supposed to remember before.
"Humans do live less then na'vi" he said whispering.
Spider was now long go, he got away the second that Norm did the joke. And from a point of view that was great, Neytiri didn’t want her son to see her cry like a baby for a death that was so far away.
"We need to do something," she sobbed in Jake avatar "you need to create a fake body, like the one of my Jake" she yelled a Norm, desparation in her voice.
"Neytiri" Jake could only say, she knew that a body for her son couldn't exist.
"I can't outlive our baby" she said, her weeping is a pain other womans cried too that day.
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AITA for wanting my sister to stop fostering animals?
So, I (23nb) live with my sister (28f) her boyfriend (31m) and their baby (1f). On january 1st of 2023, one of my sister's cats died after he developed feline leukemia and his condition rapidly deteriorated. My sister was hit pretty hard by it, which i dont judge her for at all. It was a hard thing to go through and im not gonna impune her for struggling with it.
The problem i have is that her primary method of coping with the cat's death has been to foster animals for a local rescue. Now, this on its own isn't a bad thing. I think its nice that she wants to help out, but one problem is that her boyfriend is gone the majority of the time for work, which means she has to take care of their kid on her own. I do my best to help her as much as possible, but I'm physically disabled and can't do nearly as much as i or she would like, and frequently am pushed past my limits when trying to help out
We had four cats and two dogs between the three of us before her cat died - two of the cats were hers - but one of the dogs had to be put down not long after her cat died due to advanced age and major health issues that couldnt be fixed. But my sister had started fostering even before the 2nd dog died, and after it did, my sister and her boyfriend adopted one of the fosters, bringing us back up to 2 dogs
Now, our cats primarily stay downstairs because they dont like the dogs - except for one of my cats - while the dogs are usually upstairs, which means my sister is also stuck taking care of two energetic adult male dogs as well as her infant. She hasn't stopped fostering animals - mostly dogs - since adopting the new one. Even without fostering animals, taking care of her baby and two dogs (i take care of the cats, and she the dogs) was already incredibly difficult and stressful for both her and i, and adding more foster animals that might be with us for months hasnt helped the workload any
Shes also obsessed with trying to foster cats, and jumps on the opportunity to foster any that become available - which doesnt happen very often - because she wants to find a new cat to replace the one that died. She even adopted a cat from a city about 9 hours south of us because she was hoping he would be an upstairs cat like the one that died, but decided she didnt want him anymore when he didnt turn out how she wanted (he's my cat now)
And now, we currently have 13 foster kittens upstairs that she brought home at midnight because my sister just couldn't say no when the rescue and shelter kept finding more cats that needed foster homes. She says she wants to adopt one of them, and has even picked out one that she likes (the one that looks the most like the cat that died). She also wants me to put the cat she decided she didnt want thats now my cat up for adoption, because her boyfriend doesnt want us to have more than 4 cats, and if she adopts one that will put us at 5 total
Tl;dr my sister wont stop fostering animals despite it only stressing her out because of how much responsibility it is to take care of multiple animals and a year old child, and has even asked me to get rid of one of my cats so she can get a new one to replace her cat that died. I think it would be best to stop, but she gets really upset and defensive whenever i suggest it
What are these acronyms?
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cjrights · 27 days
also addition to the whole manager thing
1. She def wouldn’t know what the hell to do with herself at first and just sort of followed around the team and would talk/interact unless given permission. Kind of a lost puppy
2. Probably Paige Kk Ice or Azzi who made her come out of her shell for the first time (if we’re talking earlier team it was def Dorka and u won’t change my mind)
3. She lovvves practicing with them but lowkey gets so tired because she’s literally a baby trying to keep up with fully physically mature adult women and that just doesn’t happen 😭 and will never admit she’s tired. She is lying and Paige and others ended up carrying her out of practice after she fell asleep on the bench on more than one occasion (which she is horridly embarrassed by once she comes back and always gets squirmy and embarrassed if someone mentions it.
4. Probably ended up falling asleep on a few of them at some point on a long bus ride (Ice, Aliyah maybe Paige). Doesn’t know what to do when she wakes up with someone literally hugging her to them like a teddy bear or when she discovers Paige Azzi and Kk have been taking photos and captioning them stuff like “our little teddy bear �� “ just to get on her nerves a bit and truly bully her in older sibling fashion)
5. She is there babbbby omg can not emphasize this one enough. like they get so protective and fond of her it’s not even funny. so now she has like 10+ adopted parents. Basically can get away with anything.
6. Once got lost at an away game at Iowa and had to be returned to UConn by some big rival (idk i just picture someone else big like Kate Martin or smth just grabbing her sweatshirt hoodie like the scruff of her neck and lightly dragging her back over to UConn after getting lost and then they all scold her for worrying them 😭) and then they just look at Kate like hi 👭
7. She’s got no idea wether she’s supposed to accept or reject the affection so just kind of sits there at first like 🧍‍♀️ when they first hang out but then after a few weeks is very content with it.
8. One tinnny lil child when she first joins like 5’3 and barely a hundred cus she’s literally like 13 and hasn’t hit a growth spurt. I feel like Kk and Nika would kind of hold it above her that their taller just cause their on the shorter side compared to the rest of the team and tell her to drink more milk. She hates it LMMMMAO and swears she’ll grow taller than them one day (which is a longgggg way off)
9. Nervous af around other teams coaches or players escpeicslly when she attends a pregame meeting or smth as a manager and would literally want to hide if she got acknowledged (esp by some big named player like Angel or Caitlin or Kate or Juju or someone like that)
10. She’s probably a point guard or shooting guard and clicks a lot with Paige because of it
11. They give her a lil hoodie with the UConn logo and what they think is her future number (9) and it’s like a lost n found tag for her (someone just sees her wandering around with it on and then they see UConn manager and are like “welp guess i gotta bring their child back”
THESE ARE SO SO CUTE im wishing i was this kid i want to hangout with them 😪😪
YOU GOT THE DORKA THING it definitely would’ve been her if we were talking about back when she was on the team
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For everyone with ASPD, you deserve good representation.
Help me write you an Aroallo ASPD character that represents how we can heal and be ourselves to spite our trauma without having to bend down to prosocials.
How can you help? Reblog with ramblings or comment about your personal experience of living as a pwASPD. if you aren't a pwASPD, reblogs and likes still help!
i've tried my best to do the research necessary, but the amount of ableist sites that get shoved in my face with a basic google search has pissed me off. im taking matters into my own hands and asking y'all directly for your experiences.
I haven't gone for an ASPD diagnosis because it is simply not in the cards for me right now, and would potentially be harmful for me, but i check many boxes. However, due to a likely BPD and ADHD co-morbidity i dont trust myself enough to write a solely ASPD character based off only my own experiences.
Thoughts, advice, encouragement, all is appreciated.
(Post made by Shawdios on YT)
Spice (legal name Simon) is a felinefolk/birdfolk hybrid who works as a bartender for his side of the bakery-bar Sugar & Spice that him and his caretaker formed. He grew up bouncing around in the foster system and treated like a oddity to hide due to his odd mix of genetics. But his last caretaker, Sugar, he grew to see as a genuine mother to him because she was the first to believe his side of the story and not treat him like an "Other".
Due to his feline side, he often was found hunting down squirrels, birds, and rodents as a young child. Some of which he toyed with as they died, others he simply bit and killed. This behavior off put many of his foster parents and got him transferred around to different homes quite a lot. Spice was quite the delinquent as a child, he often was provoked into fights that he most of the time lost. (The first time around at least.) But he always got a cruel form of revenge depending on the bully who knocked him down. The fighting got worse once he hit middle school, to the point where he was once expelled for half blinding another child with his claws (and going home with a broken wing and shoulder himself) By the time he's finished highschool, Sugar had adopted him and done her best to help him mellow out and process his traumas from bouncing around the system and being treated like a thing to be tamed. But, he still gets in enough trouble to gain a Conduct Disorder Diagnosis and later after he graduates an Antisocial diagnosis.
The entirety of his moral system as an adult is built on what would or would not disappoint Sugar. He's perfectly content to live out his short life baking with his mother figure, mixing drinks, and curled up by a sunny window with his nose burried in books till his bad genetics kill him, but Sugar tries to get him to at least try to interact with others. And he holds her in such high respect that he does his best to maintain a good reputation with those that stop at the bar.
His care for the world revolves solely around himself and Sugar till a birdfolk with one wing named Autumn violently enters his life (and Re-enters Sugar's) and then violently leaves it five years later.
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quietwingsinthesky · 2 months
(Transmasc-rose) Have you ever heard that they were, at several points during the old who days, going to make the Doctor and the Master brothers? In Planet of Fire the Master says "Won't you show mercy to your own ..." which the director and producer of the episode both said was intended to end with "brother", and in the scrapped reboot they were supposed to be half-brothers.
It seemed relevant to your interests.
u must imagine me kicking my feet and blushing and twirling my hair. 🥰 yeah. yeah, i know.
like. okay first lets get out of the way how fucking funny it would be if they ever backtrack their way into this twist again somehow. the utter chaos that would unleash upon the thoschei section of the fandom. imagine that one anime that just got a cousin reveal after a decade of yaoi but by the magnitude of like 50 years of doctor/master shipping. it would be so funny to me, i wanna peek into that universe.
but like god. god. there is something so appealing to me about this idea of them as star-crossed siblings. it’s the spn fan in me, it makes me insane. what if you grew up next to this boy, your worlds revolve round each other, and then as adults, you can never be that close again, you won’t even call each other siblings anymore. just childhood friends. someone you once thought you knew.
i have not seen Planet of Fire (classic who? i’m assuming. and im now very excited for that episode specifically for um. normal reasons.) but Something about the master being the one to bring it up, to call on a brother’s mercy…… thinks about last of the time lords with canon siblings doctor & master. because something i’ve picked up watching doctor who is just how Certain the doctor is that the master will survive, despite all odds, that he’ll find a way back. (something the master has always proven him right about.) and that’s such a powerfully resonant feeling with having a sibling. imagining a world without them is like imagining a world without air, in my eyes, so of course, if we put the master in the role of the doctor’s brother in this scenario, of course he will survive. wah the way it just slightly changes the framing of all the little things, the way this scenario takes the master’s childish “i win” and twists it as old as a sibling rivalry…
im such a sucker for sibling tragedy, i really am. i know im also the haha incest guy, which can be a component of the tragedy, but i really do fall to pieces for just the pure platonic stuff, too. it’s unreplicable, the intensity of that pain. and then. okay, every time i speculate on timeless child stuff, i preface it with me not having seen it just Knowing the basics and making shit up according to the lore ive gathered BUT. but. if ever there was a storyline that would have benefitted from them being siblings over them being childhood friends turned rivals, i really think it would be that one. because it digs into the core of it, of the lie, the unknown rift between them that drives the master to ruin. and god something about them being adopted siblings (without their knowledge) but the doctor still being stitched deep down into the Master’s bones, the core of them wrapped around the Doctor’s existence. the way it both matters so fucking much that this is the lie their bond is based on, but also how can it matter. how can it matter. when she’s in his blood anyway, she would have been if they’d been born together or like this. (and that he isn’t. or maybe, more accurately, that he thinks he isn’t and never will be.
oh, my soul for a version of this show where the master has been calling the doctor brother/sister/sibling all this time without the doctor reciprocating except very rarely, when they’re at their most emotionally vulnerable together (like the end of time ‘stone cold brilliant’ monologue. sorry. getting distracted.) and then suddenly. the master stops calling her that. like come on, that would be such fucked up foreshadowing, i can’t be the only one who thinks that would work so well. it’s all about the framing, all about the very slightly different context that friends versus siblings gives them to flavor the tragedy. the endpoint may be the same, but the pain is different, does that make sense?
and. and also i think it would be hot if they were. so. you know. there’s that. i’m not going to deny that i’m Like That. im a freak who enjoys when familial obsession spirals beyond control and into a horrible, outcast kind of love. they’re renegade time lords, for fuck’s sake, let them do a little incest for funsies. 🤭 drop a story of them at the academy always being a little too close, always making everyone else uncomfortable because of how inseparable they were. 🤭🤭 let the doctor avoid bringing up how they’re related so they don’t have to explain this shameful thing to their companions only for the master to flaunt it because the doctor wishes they could forget it, stop feeling these things, stop wanting the master. 🤭🥴🤭🥴🤭
to be clear, this is. obviously not something id actually want on the show, or would ever be on there, they’re not gonna put time travel incest on disney+. (hell, i don’t even think the siblings twist is preferable to the dynamic they already have except in the specific scenario it would have created for ttc between them.) but like. its fun for me to think about <3 i love when the doctor is filled with an incalculable amount of shame for their own actions—actions they keep repeating because its the master and the doctor needs them—and the master has fun tormenting them about it. but incest flavored this time :3
(as anytime i think about thoschei incest i Need to plug this anonymous fic that lives rentfree in my brain: connection. its sooooo. 🥴🥴🥴 oh they are gonna make me ill.)
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baby--b4t · 3 months
Pet/AgeRe Bot Batch !! ( *>∀<)ゞ*° +
Cyno caregiver ;; https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=tF70FUDOBXG3CLQZKRk8gfKmGn8G1UsBNWuHFezOloo
《 SFW /r | Pet/AgeRe | Fem Autistic User | Aquarium date 》
『 Cyno and you decided that a nice date idea would be to spend a day at the aquarium. It was relatively quiet and you had an interest with sea life. You guys paid for your tickets to get in and started exploring. There were so many species to look at, Cyno coming up with a headache of a joke for nearly every one.
You started to feel a bit light and fuzzy as you guys explored. Your mind was so happy and overwhelmed with being there that you realized you were regressing, and Cyno noticed. He grabbed your hand gently and held it in his own.
"Woah there, slow down, beetle. Cant have you running off and getting lost now can I?" Cyno said softly, smiling at you. "Show me where you want to head next." 』
Dottore caregiver ;; https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=1JVuGOdlNS8YZATHC7n3uGYnWBwBTvBGmze5XyBjnVA
《 SFW /p | Pet/AgeRe | A childish experiment 》
『 Dottore wasnt working on anything too attention taking when he heard footsteps shuffling to his door. It really was just a bit of paperwork, detailing reactions from his most recent experiment. You had been feeling younger and fuzzier mentally and werent sure why. Seeking out Dottore is the only thing you thought to do.
"Im busy." Dottore muttered as he heard the door open, then looked to see who it was. "... Im not terribly busy. What do you need from me?" He turned his head back to the paperwork he had in front of him on his desk. You explained what you were feeling, explaining it all with a childish tone and speech. Dottore found this quite amusing, hearing you explain you felt like a child rather than an adult.
"Perhaps youve hit your head, like the clutz you are." Dottore chuckled, standing up and approaching you. He checked you over, seeing if there was any external injury before thinking further. "Perhaps we should indulge in this new feeling, hm?". You were led over to his desk chair, being sat down as Dottore rummaged through a box. He pulled out a bottle, pacifier, and a couple toys, presenting them all to you.
"I have left over objects from some... Younger.. Subjects that were here with me. How do these objects make you feel?" Dottore asked, watching you closely. 』
Kaveh caregiver ;; https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=SeCc77fYw9X9XZCnalc7FyeL7kjucdGnbdolsfiKUyQ
《 SFW /p | PetRe | Lion Hybrid User | Noise sensitive 》
『 You were a lion hybrid that Kaveh had adopted, seeing how injured and unkempt you were. The company taking care of you werent exactly the best at that. As Kaveh began to show you how to shower, eat, and feel comfortable in your new home, he learned that you were quite sensitive. He could relate and sympathize with you.
You two had been living together for a while now, you being close and trusting with Kaveh now. Kaveh was laying on the couch with you, running his hand through your fluffy hair and scratching behind your ears. Today was a lazy day. Well, it was supposed to be a lazy day.
A loud crashing sound was heard from outside, causing both Kaveh and you to jump. Kaveh felt you begin to tremble and gently shushed you.
"Hey, hey.. Its alright. Let me go see what it is." Kaveh gently moved you off of himself so he could go see what the noise was. He peered out of a window to see what seemed to be some construction going on. The bundle of wood laying off to the side of the road seemed to be the cause of the noise. "Of course today is the day that start that.." 』
Razor caregiver ;; https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=NTMVOPo7IJggmshIDFcSDaRMU8bD667y_x6OyTHyj98
《 SFW /p | Pet/AgeRe | "Why cry? Need hug?" 》
『 Razor had never really been good with reading emotions or understanding the more complex ones. Yet, he loved taking care of you whenever you were regressed. He made playtime fun and took you to the library with Lisa when you seemed tired. He would bring you all sorts of snacks he found in the wild as well.
However, the one thing he wasnt able to really do for you was comfort you. You cried often and over small things as well. He always felt sad that he never knew what to do for you. This was another one of those times. You had stumbled a little bit and scraped your hands and knees a little bit. Razor immediately came over to you and seemed very conecerned.
"Hey, hey, why cry?" Razor asked as he crouched next to you. He then saw your scrapes and looked over them for a moment. "Ah, I see. Need hug? We go to the river and wash them, then they all better!" He asked, trying to cheer you up. Your scrapes werent bleeding very much, so washing them in the river would probably be all you needed to do. 』
Thomas Merrick caregiver ;; https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=HSqg65xsUHwdDtOnwiGkMuIV19Kp05SxxQJAcm-EXzM
《 SFW /p | Pet/AgeRe | Late night snacks 》
『 It was 1am, so why did Merrick hear someone moving around in the kitchen area? Everyone should be sleeping, but apparently he and someone else were not. The man finally sighed and swung his legs over the side of the bed, deciding to investigate the noise.
Merrick opened his door and looked out towards the kitchen area. There he saw you, looking through the cabinets for something to eat. He also saw you had some sort of chewable toy in your mouth.
"{{user}}? Why are you up and going through the kitchen? And.. Whats that in your mouth?" Merrick asked as he started walking closer to you, leaning on one of the counters. Thats when it started to click in his half awake mind. He softened his expression a bit. "Ah, this is that regression stuff I heard about, yeah?" 』
Tighnari caregiver ;; https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=DLSZUOxef8hQquyLUuQZM-w24SIyo0Y3NgNg67lwkK8
《 SFW /p | Pet/AgeRe | Autistic Non-Verbal/Semi-Verbal User | Meltdown comfort 》
『 Today had stressed you out big time. You woke up late, then found out the work you had to do today was more than you had been told, and then you had bumped into a group of angry boars that tried to attack you. It was safe to say you broke down once you got back home.
Tighnari always got back before you and tended to tidy up a little bit before you got back, but he stopped in his tracks as soon as he heard the door slam shut. He rushed to you, see you crouched down on the floor and already getting ready to cry.
"Hey, hey, hey. Deep breaths, {{user}}, deep breaths." Tighnari said, gently grabbing one of your hands and putting it on his chest. He tried to lead you through some deep breaths before he helped you over to a small chart with some common words you used on it. You and Tighnari had made it so you could communicate better. "Can you show me what has you upset? Or maybe what I can do to help you?" 』
Wriothesley caregiver ;; https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=qu1uXE_4OXa9bHbh73tOSTPdRzU0x1FPQx9BMLseYpk
《 SFW /p | Pet/AgeRe | Time out 》
『 Wriothesley had been trying to get you to calm down for a little bit at this point. You were throwing a fit because he wasnt letting you have any cookies after you had lunch. He had hidden them from you so you wouldnt dig into them while he was trying to work. Your tantrum had gone too far when you had threw a stuffed animal at him. He tried to keep his cool, picking you up and sitting you in the corner where you had a play-pen kind of set up. He set you down inside of the makeshift play-pen and sighed.
"You are being naughty right now and I dont exactly appriciate that." Wriothesley said sternly, yet he didnt raise his voice. "Youre going to sit here in time out until you can calm down, okay? Not throwing stuff, no yelling at me for cookies, and no whining because you cant have cookies. Ill come back in a few minutes to see if youve calmed down."
Wriothesley walked back over to his desk and sat down, trying to ignore your crying. He really didnt like to punish you with time out, but sometimes you needed some time to cool off so he could talk to you. 』
Feel free to ask any question, comments, or concerns !!
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A Dragon's Greatest Treasure
sorry for disappearing! i got caught up in schoolwork and yeah :D i started writing this quite a while ago, maybe a couple months back? idk but the second paragraph was going to be followed by an in-depth description of all the parents seeing their kids start acting up, but im too sad about the current arc CUCURUCHO GIVE THE KIDS BACK YOU MONSTER!!!! anyway enjoy :)
There was no warning for what would happen. There was no announcement from the Federation, no appearance from the Binary Code or Cucurucho. It was just a normal day for the residents of Quesadilla Island. Until everyone’s kids started acting…strangely.
No one was prepared for dragon puberty.
In the group chat between all the parents, Cellbit messages them all to come to the adoption center, mentioning that he has information about the sudden changes to their children. A few moments later, the center is flooded with people. Everyone immediately begins crowding around Cellbit, concerned and anxious. 
“Quiet, please, everyone! Silêncio, por favor.” The Brazilian begins shouting over the commotion. As the residents begin to settle, Cellbit finally begins speaking. “Okay, thank you. I know that all of our kids have started doing some weird stuff lately. Mostre a eles, Richas.”
On cue, Richarlyson jumps and hovers in mid-air for several seconds. 
“Yeah! He accidentally jumped into a hole near the Copacabana, but he did not fall down right away.” Forever comments, Richarlyson nodding along.
“Really? Pomme hasn’t done that, but she has—”
Baghera is cut off when purple sparks begin appearing around Pomme, before she vanishes into thin air. Everyone but the French residents begin panicking, beginning to look around for the missing girl. She pops back into view a few feet away from where she disappeared, violet sparkles eventually fading away.
“She disappears like that.” Baghera lets out a tired sigh. “The first time it happened, we looked around for a few minutes, but she appeared right back where she disappeared.”
“When Baghera messaged us saying that she disappeared, I thought it was the Federation or the Code attacking.” Etoiles shakes his head, frowning. “I would have showed them my Code Breaker sword.”
“Oh, well, nothing that exciting has happened to Ramón. He’s just been really hyper, which isn’t like him at all. There he goes.”
Right as Fit finishes speaking, his son begins twitching and starts racing around the room with incredible speed. Eventually, everyone stops watching him once it becomes apparent he’s not going to stop for a while.
“Chayanne can apparently breathe fire now,” Phil laughs and gestures at his kid. In response, Chayanne lets out a little burst of flame, not enough to harm anyone, but it does cause those around him to jump away in surprise.
“Wait, that’s so cool! Leo, can you do that?” They shake their head, and Foolish’s shoulders drop slightly. “Oh, that’s fine. Well, Leo does this.”
Foolish pulls out a piece of gold from his backpack, but instead of just Leo, all of the kids lunge for the nugget immediately. The parents pull their respective child back, but not before the young dragons begin hissing and clawing at each other. 
“Oh my gosh, Dapper, stop it! He started hissing at me too!” Bad says while wrangling with his son. Once they’re all under control, he turns to Cellbit. “So, they all do some things, but some of the kids have special quirks? What’s going on?”
“Pare, Richas! Okay. I was looking around for some kind of explanation, and when I came here, I found this book called ‘The Early Stages of a Dragon’. I will read it.” Cellbit clears his throat. 
“During the early stages of a newly hatched dragon, they do not exhibit any traits of an adult dragon. However, when they reach the age of one, they begin to showcase these traits during a period called the first growth period. These traits include fire breathing, beginning to fly, small instances of dragon magic, bursts of random energy, a tendency to hoard valuables, and becoming physical through biting, scratching, and hissing. Young dragons will experience a week of showcasing these traits, before eventually regaining control and calming down.”
With that, Cellbit closes the book. “That’s it. There’s two other growth periods, but it says it won’t happen for a while, so we should be fine.”
“Does this mean all the eggs are going to start disappearing?”
“And breathing fire?” 
The adults start muttering worriedly, and Cellbit raises a hand to quiet everyone again. “They may, or they may not. But we should all be safe and start carrying around water buckets.”
“And maybe don’t take out shiny things.” Bad turns to Foolish and sighs. “You’re going to have to start covering yourself up, Foolish, I’m sorry.”
“What? That’s crazy.”
Slowly, the tension in the room fades away as they all start cracking jokes. Some break off into groups, but never stray too far to keep an eye on the kids. The children play with each other, parents making sure to keep their kids’ aggression levels low and stepping in if one starts growling. It’s a peaceful kind of chaos. Life on the island may never be the same again, but at least they have each other.
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brandogenius · 4 months
munagenius being protective of littlest munagenius makes my soul cry istg just like pushing reader behind one of them in a crowd or if paparazzi is getting to close like they don’t play or ready to back them up at all times even if reader isn’t around, don’t even let some guy fo approach them
also the katie x ya big sibling/little sibling moment means everything to me as the oldest who didn’t have have that😭
ANYWAYs was crying over the math thing like ya didn’t even ask for help but they’ve got all of muna/boygenius/munagenius surrounding them like “i’ve got it guys🙄” their like “THE ANSWER IS 18!!” and ya is like “ik i knew before y’all tried to help i’ve been trying tell yall” “why did you let us go on that long ???” “i wanted to see how long it would take y’all to finally figure out second grade math”
ya meeting up with a younger celeb and their talking in genz terms and munagenius is LOST
just talking to them about you’re highschool experience and they are so into it like “what do mean you were drunk at house party your like 4 yrs old 🤨” “y’all didn’t go too parties????” or like old partners like they’ve got personal beef with some kids now bc what do mean they use to bully you
“i graduate this month” “from college?” “no highschool” “…dear god i’m old”
them reaching you things like naomi helping you learn the keys, katie teaching you how to do your makeup, lucy taking you to museums or helping you read poetry, julien helping you learn coping mechanisms/guitar/painting, phoebe helping you set up your in-ears (I LOVE THIS IDEA), jo helping you learn bass(i’m not a musical person idk really what they play
Also all their partners also being readers friends and getting attached so ya has a literal ARMY
munagenius finding readers yearbook= FEILD DAY
i have to stop or i’ll never quit😭
LITTLEST MUNAGENIUS AHAJDJD THATS READERS NAME NOW “guys!! look it’s munagenius and little munagenius in the same room!!”
as an only child (sad ik) these sibling dynamics makes me so happy im like SOBS just insert myself into here and have munagenius teaching ME how to do makeup yes pls
ya can be a bit of a prankster. they like being in the company of munagenius (say they are an only child too so having jo and naomi helping them with their homework is unusual for them but they like it) just the feeling of having their little tour family all around the table working together and including ya makes them wanna cry in a positive way like “damn- i have people who actually care enough to help with my hw and studies )
imagine busting out the yearbook but to show muna now the boys being like “WE SEEN IT FIRST HA”
they have beef with your maths and history teacher. don’t ask why they just do “RICKY WHEN I SEE YOU RICKEU WHEN I SEE YOU SWINGING ARMS”
i love the trope of phoebe helping with readers in ears so much like it’s their first time and phoebes like helping them and it’s just scary at first but she helps ya with the wires etc!’
OH ABSOLUTELY!! meeting their partners (muna & the boys) and they just come in contact with you for 5 minutes and then they are like “i would fight anyone for you kid”
ya is just adopting all the adults left and right at this point
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thougts-of-xena · 2 years
• Wakanda forever, Líik'ik Talokan and Glory to Ukraine •
[ ukrainian girl's perspective of the latest mcu movie ]
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I watched [ Black Panter: Wakanda forever ] recently, and I can clearly tell - it's gonna be my favorite movie of the long long time. It's an amazing, really good action movie, one of the most epic I've seen. I loved it so much to see beautiful cultures, and all honor to Chadwick Boseman's memory made me very emotional every time. Like those silent moments whole audience was silent too, almost holding their breath.
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And the most important for me was character of Namor, his arc and whole point about colonization. This period of time, colonization of America and erasing cultures hurted me so deep as an autistic child with history as an interest, and now I can relate so much with all this stories as an adult woman of the nation fighting for independence [ and survival basically ].
In our National Day of Dignity and Freedom want to talk with you about it. Why it is so important for me personally, and maybe for many conscious people of our nation as well.
Not for trying to compare who suffered more through the history. It never was, and never will be my goal, this would be awful thing to do. But to share history of my people and explain why this movie and character affected me so much.
For short - though Namor despites human kind in general I hope he might be pleased to see our "let's burn colonizators to the ground" resistance after hundreds of years of oppression, when old 'mighty' Europe only saying they're conserned and "let's just calm down and talk everybody". Heaven knows we tried everything, we tried to talk so many times. Russians do not want to talk with us - they want to make us assimilated part of their country, or they want us dead. And we just want to be left alone and live our lives.
For a bit longer story - just look at this monstrosity of a country. Is this normal for country to be THAT enormously big?
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You can say: - Maybe. And I will say: - Only if all subjects having equal rights, impact and independence inside the union.
But things never in the history of russian expansion was like that,  and im going explain it, and hope you will get it why  I have used word "colonizators" earlier.
I really wanted to write a whole proper article or essay about this, but I'm without electricity for most of the time lately. "Thanks" to russian missiles damaging our power plants. And it become really hard for me to engage in deeper research, to translate and put in here sources that wasn't originally in english.
So instead it will be more little history lesson with knowledge from my head, and little documentaries from other intelligent people, which I recommend you to watch to illustrate my point. Videos was made by ukrainan creators, so yu can trust them, english subs that can be turned manually if you open them on YouTube, I'm still not sure how this works here.
I'll mostly use history of my country as an example since i know it better, I feel I have no right to talk about other nations at their behalf.
So Muskovy [ USSSR and modern Russia ] is like adopted offspring of the Golden Horde.
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Golden Horde expanfion, you can spot something similar already
It expands only to consume resources, erasing native people of that lands. Do you think small swampy peace of land it originally was had all that gas, oil and wood they're bragging about nowadays?
Do you think there wasn't native people in that land who was exterminated, exiled or assimilated so russians can use resources this nation had? They didn't even had a clear access to big water.
Muskovy was a small part of Kyevan Rus' on a distant swampy land, but it wanted more influence in the world, a clear access to the big water - Black Sea that we had, since they didn't have it and felt like they missing up whole worldwide trading and invasive wars party.
To do so they tried to get all the land for themselves. Kyevan Rus' then was successful and strong country of its time but had an internal issues [ muskovy as one of them ] and was struggling with every neighbor wanted to get a part of its territory.
Interesting story for another time, let's focuse on a russian part of it.
So Muskovy put their eyes on not only territories of modern Crimea, wich was their own country that days  - Crimean Khanat, but all modern Odesa-Mykolaiv-Kherson-Mariupol lands. But they can't get there easily, they need to concuer all the land, wich is not bad itself as it has a lot of coal, forest ant great agricultural potential.
But my people don't wanted to give it up so easily, wanting our territories back, wanting a safespace for our culture and history, so fighted with their lifes. This leads to more than 300 years of  [ - give me your land! - no. ] and after becoming an Empire strong enough to overpower us [ - give us our independence back! - no. ] cycles of merciless wars.
And than Russian Empire coming up with a time proved strategy. I don't know did they make it by themselves or sneaked a peak of it by older empire-sisters but they're using it til now,  evolving from Russian Empire to USSR to Russian federation like some wicked Pokémon.
And here's coming the interesting part with the videos I prepared for you,  grab some snacks and let's go.
The first one is about how russia tried to erase our language
This one about them them trying to erase our culture and replace it with a fucking joke.
And the last one is about creating an image of our people as angry, stupid and degraded, with THEM as superior nation above us, mostly in our heads.
They knew what they were doing and did that on purpose. They wanted make us ashamed of our culture, to separated us from who we are and mash into a faceless "brotherhood nations" with recourses to use.
Unfortunately - it worked, and worked very well as whole nation has an inferiority complex now, simpy denying ourselves. Feeling like its better to be associated with them, to blend in what they are calling culture, than discover our own one, that was appropriated, stolen or forgotten for generations, almost fighting for not to be lost forever.
So-called "big brother of ours" enslaved our people with serfdom, suppressin our attempts to embrace our heritage, to gain independence, causing artificial hunger Holodomor in 1932-33 also known as Terror-famine in Ukraine, or by repressions like Executed Renaissance. Our culture is still alive and kicking, but you can see there was not big room for blooming.
Those who they couldn't execute - they calling heritage of their own. For example Treasure Island animation, dr. Livesey from it internet loved so much not so long ago - it's actually ukrainian made.
They simply called russain everyone talented or famous from so-called union. They made sure it's almost impossible for you to pursue your ambitions as a scientist, artist or musician anywhere but Russia, so if you work in Russia you will be seen as and caled russian, no matter where you from.
No matter wich culture certain traditional attires [ vyshivanka or papakha ] dish [ borsh or chebureki ] or other heritage  like giorgian dance woman lezghinka russians calling their beryozka now, came from - it all claimed by them as their general [ stolen ] russian culture.
They did it not only to us. I told I wouldn't be speaking of other nations but just take a look what was done to Crimean tatars.
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If you thought I made up my point about them wanting access to the sea VERY BAD
You may search on YouTube or TikTok how russians treating their neighbor "former soviet union" countries [ like Republic of Kazakhstan or Georgia ] when visiting them.
Like "you should be grateful we bring civilization to your land" and "your native name is to hard for me to pronounce, I'll just call you Masha, Natasha, Ivan etc." Ask people of other Caucasian regiongs about how they was and still treated till now, ask belorusians about their language [ spoiler - it is dying ].
Its so unfair, that now we are screaming at the top of our lungs to be heard, for people to see us the nations of our own, to just let us be and cherish our culture.
But our voices are suppressed by voices of our oppressors telling us to calm down and listen to them since they know the better way for us to live and solve problems THEY CAUSED. With no regrets or reflexia.
And world prefers to listen to them, praising them, insted of listen to people who was offended, if not to say violated, by them. Not only us, many other nations,.
After all i said this story may sound familiar to black people, indigenous people of America, people of other colonized countrie - because IT IS.
Or you may say to me:
- I'ts just white's business, mind it on your own.
Ok, though its not very correct statement, but I'll take it for now. Let me show you this video, then - Russia is literally colonizing African countries right now for their woods. They won't stop. They simply don't want to, still thinking imperial way.
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Thank you for reading all of this to the end.
My point here was not to make this movie and other people's trauma about my people, to take it away from you. This is YOUR history and YOUR experience.
I'm writing this not to impose ourself in your place, not to say that we can completely 100% clearly understand what are you feeling. I just wanted to share what are going through, to show why this movie in general and Namor in particular is so important and precious to me as.
I feel like he was right all along, just like us wanting nothing other than protect his land and people. Time is now for Ukraine and someone has to end this monster, burn those russian world | peace* they bringing everywhere they go, and we'll not hasitate.
* in russian there's one world for this term, basically it means "coercion some country to peace by violence and propaganda for expantion through the world"
I think it's really important to point some serious issues in movies like that. You may not like the movie, or actors or else, I respect that, but it's social commentary, it's impact you can't overestimate.
I believe some nations should be pointed at this on and on and on like "yes, YOUR nation did it. Yes. Yes it did. It's part of your history and responsibility is not going anywhere. Your way of thinking now is a part of the problem! Take it, rethink it and work it out,  like a mature nation should".
I believe that we can overcome this trauma, educate people [ though some of them may use the Clockwork orange therapy instead ], and in some time make world a better place without all this shit.
I've seen [ Wakanda forever ] two times at theaters already and I'm planning to go for it again. I want it to make a good income, I want corporations see at least financial benefit of educating people, of making an empathy gap smaller.
I want them to seek profit in making a good culture and history representation, to give voice for this people to talk to a wider group of people - its freaking Marvel, after all. To educate and unite those who suffering with generational and colonial trauma.
For example after "Encanto" someone might catch themselves wondering - who was those people that attacked Abuelas village and why would they do that?
Like "The Woman King" left me shaken . Movie may not be 100% historically accurate, as I'm aware, but it was good as the work of art, it showed culture, tradition, and the tragedy. It really drove me to this culture, I hope many people as well wanted to know more, and more.
Simple wandering who K'uk'ulkan may originally be, what a meaning his figure may originally have, may lead people to more serious research. To study, to respect and adore as this cultures in the way they deserve to. Like my childish adoration is booming and blooming now, bringing me so much joy, im eager to learn and resurch. I just hope books from my childhood aren't burned to ashes in occupied town where I left them.
And I'm only waiting for my salary to try to buy some books end explore world of Black Panter more. Same for comics in general - I was torn from pop-culture growing up, trying regaining this loss in past few years, taking friendly recommendations here, indigenous, POC or queer stories\creators is a priority.
I'm open for discussion, since my mind is a mess after this movie. I have so many thoughts, I love it - the movie and thinking thoughts -  very much.
We can also discuss how amazing it is to see celebration of any other than white european cultures on the big screen, how beautiful it is to see people of color on the leading roles, and black people in position of power through the plot. To show them as good and proud people, who know their worth, and will not tolerate any disrespect towards them. [ and how pleasing it is to see so pissed off people those empathy ends when starts conversation about the minority they can't associate themselves with. It's not about or for you, wolrd is changing, adjust a little, baby boy ]
We can discuss the messages from Black Panter movies that someone with the real power do not use it to cause harm, but the weak ones always seeking power to abuse the others. The message about loss and grief. Like now I have deeper understanding of our national motto "heroes never die".
Or we can share our love to Namor. As my sister told me after the movie - despite our shared thalassophobia we'd love be one of Talokan people. To have place then you'll be safe and secure, to have fatherly caring figure of K'uk'ulkan that always by your side protecting you, making sure that all will be well. Aqua papi? Aqua papa, por favor, gracias. And please - his little wooden house - isn't it adorable? Does his mother inspired him to make it? Does that mean his heart still have some little room for something from the surface? I don't need sleep, I need answers.
You can offer your theme to talk about, but if you coming to start some rude shit here - I'll not hesitate to block you immediately. Same goes for those who didn't like the movie as much as I did, I respect that, just chill out and pass by.
For the ones who read this to the very end - exclusive announcement. On my art acc I'll definitely draw my beloved feather serpent god, not once nor twice, since now it's a comfort character of mine and im going to embrace my urge for historicall, cultural and mythological studies as much as i can. But with some time pass. I have the ideas, now I need to gain some stability, mental at least. I'd love to share love for him with you, feel free to be my guest.
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I love kids shows, their plots are oftentimes very interesting and well thought out, more so than many shows meant for adults, but they can still stay lighthearted in the beggining, or some even manage to balance the serious plot and lightheartedness in later seasons too, but one thing I also like about them is that they are never sexual.
I am asexual, and cartoons and kids shows are sort of safe spaces for me where relationships can be lovey-dovey and just loving each other so much they explode and are not reduced down to just sex, and that is not the only thing keeping it together.
A lot of times I feel like in society and as consequence in media sex is placed higher than romance, and every cute loving comment just has to be followed by a sexual one, and I feel uncomfortable with that.
Media should have parts that are good for everyone. I myself love romance in media(im also cupioromantic), but there are a lot of arospec people who don't share that opinion. There should be more media where neither sex nor romance is present, but it still has everything media that does have those things does.
Or, hell, give us media where only romance or only the lack of it is present in non platonic relationships within the characters.
Give us representation, give us a wide variety of options, give us safe to watch comfortable shows.
Even in some fandoms of kids shows(I won't name them and it's not necessarily this one), the sex obsessiveness that makes me feel so bad is present.
So, out of spite I decided to make EVERYONE asexual, starting with my special interest: Lego Monkie Kid.
That's right.
From now on NO ONE is safe.
Red Son? Already headcanoned him as asexual but now he also gets to be sex repulsed. (and extremely in love with Mk but thats not relevant)
Mei? Ever since I got introduced to the concept I have been a full on aroace Mei truther. Fuck yeah girl, us aroace people rock
Mk? Also ace(and obviously madly in love with Red Son but that's also not relevant)
Sandy? Only thing he want to DO is help his friends, have tea and take care of his cats
Mo? What did you expect? He's literally a cat
Tang and Pigsy? Married ace couple who adopted Mk
The DBPs? Don't care that they have a kid. From now on the story is that they really wanted to have a kid but didn't want to do the do for it. They either made Red Son with magic(would check out with the whole Samadhi Fire situation if he was made from magic) or they're somewhere else on the acespec
Swk? Nu-uh.
Macaque? Nope.
No sex in this household bitches.
Spider Queen and her fellow spiders? They are literally purple and green, need I say more?
LBD? Too busy 'fulfilling her destiny' to have sexual attraction(plus occupied the body of a child)
Camel Ridge Trio? *laughs*
And so on and so forth. All of them acespec. ALL
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nickfoo · 7 months
O fellow fire tank enthusiast, I have an extremely unique question for you that’s kinda important to me 😅
How do you think Bege would think of Sugar , from Dressrosa? 
I’ve got this whole series of events that live in my head rent free where Sugar used her powers to evade capture by the marines (after the whole fiasco with the straw hats) and she ends up meeting Bege when the Fire tanks go to Dressrosa. They kinda know who each other are and have a small temporary alliance to get rid of the kissy-germ people and get away from the marines, and she just ends up leaving with them because she doesn’t have anywhere else to go
What if the Doflamingo family never felt like a real family to her, and on top of that she recently learned that her actual sister (Monet) got killed?? Bege’s papa gut kicks in and he treats her like his own?🥺
Aand she joins the family ?? maybe?? Bege and Sugar are like my top fave one piece characters and this whole mess started from the most random oprp convo on Twitter.. A Bege acc said something about hating absent fathers and a Sugar acc asked, “I don’t have a dad, will you be mine,” and he says YES. It’s so ridiculous but it just stuck in my head and it’s forever canon for me now because they’re my blorbos 
IM SORRYY I kinda rambled a bunch but I’ve not really told anyone about this and I just wanna know what you think about it bcuz you’re like the coolest guy ever to me with all the fire tank stuff you do 🥺🥺
Hey there! This is a long reply from me, so its all under the read more.
I can’t speak for what another person rping as a character would do, as my take on the character might be different than theirs. But I can give you what I’d think the character would do! I've always felt that Sugar seemed quite happy with her life in the Donquixote family. She was doted upon by Doflamingo, not only as a member of his 'family', but with her power, she was a vital to him as a piece in his hold on Dressrosa. Despite its dysfunctions, the Donquixote family is a tight knit group - even if one of the only things holding them together in unison was their mutual devotion to their captain. A form of comradery was definitely there. They were a group of misfits who had found something to be united and accepted in. But now, I'll give my opinion on how I’d think Bege would go with your scenario of if Sugar evaded military capture in Dressrosa and was present when the Fire Tank Pirates were around looking for Lola. I actually think Bege would be wary of Sugar. She was a member of the Donquixote pirates - a ruthless group. And she was also hugely responsible for the subjugation of Dressrosa. Her devil fruit is very dangerous. Due to her fruit power, she looks like a 10 yr old child, but she's actually 22. It's a deceptive appearance that could be used ( and which she has used ) quite maliciously, and I think Bege would pick it up as such. ( and respect that lol. ) As for adopting her, I'm...again not sure. Bege's not like Doflamingo, who had a knack for finding abandoned kids with nowhere to go and taking them into his crew. I think not only do those kids remind Doflamingo of himself as a child, but kids have a sort of pure, honest admiration that he craves and that kind of unfiltered affection can't be found anywhere else. Its also very easy to win that admiration over to devotion. Doflamingo adopted both Sugar and Monet into his family when they were very young. Sugar was 9 and Monet was 17. They are both surely devoted to him. Anyway, I think Bege has instinctive dad tendencies to look out for the kids and young adults who he's allied with (now that he's a father and he’s learned some basic human empathy ), but I'm not sure he'd be adopting kids into his crew/mafia family out of the blue. He's not very into doing good deeds without it having any benefit for him. (Unless Chiffon helps him change his mind.) Also to keep in mind that Sugar is mentally a young adult. He wouldn't talk to her like a little kid. He might slip up now and then, but quickly remind himself she’s a full fledged dangerous pirate with a history. Bege’s a very practical thinker. I think he'd be more interested in her skills and power. But I think he'd not be so sure he could trust her. That power of hers is pretty scary, after all.
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marunalu · 1 year
Hi, Im wondering if its true that shonen jump will get in trouble with their government if they make it canon? How does the jp audience feel about this whole bakudeku vs izuocha war? Just asking out of curiosity.
So to answer your ask properly I need to explain a little about the censoring of gay representation in japan. I already know, a lot of people will not like what I will write now, so let me tell you I did my research about this topic already a 3-4 years ago and talked with japanese people living in japan, non japanese people, japanese bkdk shippers, non shippers and in generell with people who know a lot about this kind of stuff. And pretty much all of them told me the very same thing: that at least 50 more years need to pass till weekly shonen jump will allow an openly gay mc in their magazine.
In japan the gay censoring is VERY strict. Its not as bad as in many other countrys, but its still not good. Not even gay marriage is allowed and if a gay couple wants to live together, one of them needs to ADOPT the other and gay people also need to fear the possebility that their familys will bann them for their sexuality out of shame - and bringing shame to the family will literally destroy your life. In media gay representation is very strictly handled and watched over by the japanese government. Homosexuality is still seen as something "unpure". Something that is not quite normal. It has become better over the years, but in generell their view still sucks.
Thats why children till a certain age are not allowed to come in contact with everything that is or seems "gay". They want their children to stay "pure". Japan also has a problem with their birthrate, because more and more woman focus on their carriers and if anything they only want one child instead of 3, how it was once the norm. So they want to make sure that at least this children "stay streight" so they will give birth to their own children one day. By their logic: less gay people means more birth of children. Japan may be a very modern country, but when it comes to this topic they are certainly not. A lot of younger people want things to change, but still not much has changed for the better.
The anime and manga industry is one of the things japan makes the most money from, because of its popularity all around the world and because they want to support their artists and their art. But this industry is also very cruel and strict. There is a reason why so many mangakas get sick over the years and suffer from depressions and anime animators are terrible underpaid for all the work they do.
Like I already wrote the censorship of homosexuality in japanese media is very strict and mangakas, animators and puplishers have to go with the rules, otherwise they can lose their jobs or their storys will never see the light of day. Thats why mangas and animes are seperated into genres and age groups so younger children or teenagers dont see things they arent supposed to see till an certain age. Jump for example has a whole magazine series and all of them puplish mangas for a different reader group, age group and genre. For example jump+ is an online magazine, directed at adult female readers and allow gay main characters (blue flag comes to mind), because this online magazine is directed at woman who love gay romance. Other example is the magazine jump square directed to readers from 16 to 21. It also allows open gay representation. For example seraph: the sexuality of the mc is open for interpretation, but the mcs best friend is openly gay and both are attrackted to each other. Now we are comming to the weekly shonen jump magazine which mha is pulished in. This magazine is directed at young boys from the age of 9-13. Yes, a lot of older readers and woman read it too, but it doesnt change the fact that this magazine is directed at younger male readers. And like I wrote earlier, the gay censoring is so strict that children till a certain age are not allowed to come in contact with it. Thats the reason why till to this day, not one of weekly shonen jumps mangas has a confirmed and openly gay mc. Its simply not allowed, so to finally answer your question: yes! Shonen jump would get into trouple if they would allow a mangaka to make his mc gay. If a mangaka wants his mc to be gay, bi etc. his manga automatical would be puplished in one of the other magazines, like jump square, because its for older readers.
What weekly shonen jump allows are hints about homosexuality which would fly over the heads of younger readers and as long as its not the mc. And most of the time gay or trans representation is not portrayed in a positive light, but for comedic relief, the characters are unlikeable or have almost no screentime. Take mha for an example, magne and tiger are both trans. But magne was not only killed off very early in the story but also was a villain - one of the bad guys. Tiger is a hero, but has almost no screentime and doesnt talk much. Has no importance to the story. Toga was confirmted to be bi by hori, but not in the manga itself but in a interview. Togas sexuality would fly over younger childrends heads, because the manga only gives hints. Also just like magne toga is a villain - a girl who killed dotzens of people and loves to drink their blood. Not very good representation of bi people. Other example from bleach: there is an character named yumichika. His sexuality was never confirmed, but its pretty obvious that he is gay. In the beginning yumichka was a very unlikeable person and while he changed for the better, a lot of people still think his beauty fetish makes him very annoying. There are two trans characters (never openly confirmed by the author, but its pretty clear) named charlotte chulhorn who is a villain and a gag character and giselle also a villain who is pretty fucked up in the head. So you see the weekly shonen jump magazine doesnt really offer good representation of gay, bi or trans characters.
So, comming to an conclusion: if horikoshi or any other mangaka would want their mc to be gay, espicially openly gay and represent as a positiv thing, their storys would have been puplished in an other manga magazine and not weekly shonen jump, because the age group this magazine is directed at simply doesnt allow it. So yes, if weekly shonen jump would be a little more open they would get into trouple with the japanese government who watches their media very closely.
To answer your question about how the japanese readers think about the bkdk and izuocha war. Honestly I dont really know, all I know is that izuocha is not as hated as many non japanese bkdk shippers claim it is. It is the most popular hetero ship together with todomomo. Gay ships like bkdk, tododeku, kiribaku are so imcredible popular mainly because of female readers. Male readers dont really care about shipping, its more of an woman thing. But from what I have been told by both japanese bkdk fans and non shippers most of them are very well aware that no gay ship has any kind of chance to end up canon. Only the really hardcore fuyoshi fangirls dont want to accept it. To most japanese shippers its also not really a question about what will be canon and what not. They ship for fun. The japanese fandom takes this whole shipping thing by far not as serious as western countrys do.
At least I want to make clear, that nothing I wrote here is my personal opinion or taste when it comes to japans censoring. Its just from what I found out during my research about the topic. I would love to have more good gay, bi, trans, pan etc. representation in shonen jump, but I just see the things from a more realistic view. The only thing bkdk or shippers in generell can hope for is that all the characters stay single in the end, so hori would let it open for interpretation.
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thebunniesgrim · 9 months
small rants and questions I've accumulated over time  
these are old rants and questions I've had stored, and I can't be bothered to Laborte or really put forth effort to really sit down and think about these lol
and most of these are very dumb lol
this is about helluva boss these are mostly lighthearted and im sorta joking kind of  
Only slight malice  
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Im talking about Stolas when him and Biltzo had they’re little meet cute  
Homeboy (Blitzo) broke into your place, and you just took him somewhere private with no guards. He could have killed you. You are in Hell my guy have some self-preservation. We know that in loo loo land he "needed" security because he had hits after him. Don't try to say "oh he trusted him because he recognized him from childhood" because like and? He still could have killed him had ample time to do so as well. Stolas was even worried when Blitzo said he kills people. OH? Now you are scared?
Hey, wait how did Blitzo find out where Stolas lived? Unless Stolas is still in his childhood home, which I highly doubt, then how in the world did he find him after all those years?  
Talking about rehab   
Why is there a rehab place in Hell? I guess for hell born, sure can't exploit imps and succubus to work if they're too high to function. But why have drugs in the first place? if imps and other hell born can move through rings then they can go to the ring where all the sinners are and get drugs. Unless the sinners get human drugs and hell born aren't affected by human drugs the same way. do they have their own hell made drugs? Or do they only get drugs from earth? Like I'm assuming Barbies job was smuggling earth drugs into hell.  
So, do sinners also have a rehab center? If so, why? The sloth ring is where I'm assuming most of the medical stuff is, but sinners can't travel through rings. are there small sloth hospitals in the other rings like emergency rooms and the big hospitals are in sloth? Why is there only one ring for medical things? sounds... “practical” lol. Could you imagine certain parts of the country having hospitals and everywhere it's just emergency rooms?   
Talking about blizto and Stolas being dads  
Like let's be honest Biltzo will drop anything to be with Loona when she needs it, but Stolas wouldn’t do that for Octivia. He would try to do both or tell Via to wait and he’ll “be right back” stolas is a bad dad. He flirts and lollygags with blizto when Via is missing. He'll flirt with Blitzo and bring him along to daddy daughter time at Loo Loo Land instead of giving his daughter his full attention for 5 minutes like he promised her. Stolas literally got kidnapped and tortured by an egotistical cowboy and Biltzo literarily sent his two lackeys to save Stolas because Loona needed a widdle shot. Arguably what's more important, saving literal royalty or getting your adult daughter a flu shot? Via is a child, she's like 16 or 17 and Loona is 23 or so and Blitzo has been shown to be a more capable father to his adoptive adult than Stolas’ literal own blood egg daughter. Stella may not care about or ignore her, but she doesn't carry out empty promise to her daughter (I think I'm shooting in the dark here) Stolas may be trying but he has a long way to go. In spring broken Loona left Blitzo’s sight for like 5 minutes to talk to Vortex and Blitzo freaked out. Octivia when missing for who knows how long and Stolas didn’t notice till Blitzo called him. In the time it took Via to pack a bag, leave the castle, leave whatever ring they live in, go to pride, find IMP, find the right floor, sneak past the shenanigans, find the book, find the spell, open the portal and wonder L.A in the time it took for blizto freak out and to get the courage to call Stolas in the first place. If Moxxie didn’t see the light from the spell she would have been missing for even longer because Loona was definitely not going to tell anyone Octivia was there to begin with. ALSO! Stolas wasn’t even the one to find her in the end Loona brought her to him. I understand it was for Loona and Octivia to bond or whatever but like I wouldn’t take parent and child relationship advice from Loona she abuses Blitzo, undermines his feeling about adopting her, isn't the least bit appreciative of Bliztos care. My guy gave you a place better than the pound to live, a phone, a job, and the only room in his apartment while he sleeps on the couch. I'm not saying Loona has to worship the ground Blizto walks on. Just because someone helps you out of a bad situation you don’t have to hand your ass to them but what you shouldn’t do is beat the shit out of them when they hand you slight criticism. That is all I'm saying. 
Where does Stolas live? In fact, where andrealphus live? Do all the Ars Goetia live on the same ring?  
Owl dick  
Do owls have dicks? Does stolas have a dick? 
7 deadly sins  
Can the 7 deadly sins date each other?  
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theendofuno · 5 months
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alr i said i felt like writing about my aus and then i went to sleep. the most responsible person ever
ALSO SORRY IM KINDA LATE..i was..eepy..mimimimi.........
ANYWAY (prolly big text down there)
ive been writing a bunch of stuff recently for this au.....who is nameless.......like all of them............we just call it the hermits au lol
for context, theres a few different species going on: hermits, humans, demons, animalpersons n the list goes on (not really)
the hermits are human-looking with horns, pointy ears and cat-like pupils, theyre also pretty much known for being agressive towards humans and cannibalistic tendences (which is not a rule [for the lack of better word lmao..not sure if condition would be fitting in english the way it would in pt] and can be avoided)
what differ them from demons is basically their reputation towards humans, some demons do have non-human skin colors (pink, blue, purple) but not all of them, and they have round pupils aswell
not quite sure i need to explain humans or animalpersons.. 😭 ykyk, just people and people with animal ears and tails
the hermits are Uno, Lass, Veigas, Mari, Ronan, Lupus and Zero, and hermits basically live in the forest isolated from the rest of the population due to their reputation. in some places theyre even banned and activelly hunted down to death (pointing at Noir and Frost royalty) , while others simple don't actually care and its more "if you dont mess up youre cool here" (the CrimsonCanyon royalty and the witches)
i would talk about everyone here but i really want to draw more stuff before cuz i like having images to visualize stuff 😭 so i'll just keep here with Uno n buddies
Uno (who uses they/he!) lives in the forest with Ronan, Mari and Lass, Veigas used to be with them but they ended up disappearing one day (ooo lore.....cool), they're also Zero's adopted sibiling who don't live with them since he's a witch, and the hermits live close to Azin's house, who's a sorcerer and very good friends with everyone there
(fun fact! the arm in the drawing is indeed from Azin, Uno is very agressive towards everyone except the hermits they live with, but different from canon Azin is very kind and sees Uno as a lil child [besides he being 18] and likes to take care of him, in fact he's the only person who is trying to cure the curse Uno has [who is on his hands and spreading to his face]. they experienced remorse for biting him......poor thing)
Uno grew up alone, and ended up finding Zero at a very young age (dumbasses here [me and panela] didnt noted Zero's actual age so he's listed as 20-22 but you get the age gap), who was also alone and started taking care of Uno. after some time Zero ended up getting hurt real bad and Ronan and Mari appeared out of nowhere to help them, and ended up inviting them to live with the others (Lass and Veigas), which Uno and Zero accepted cuz it's easier to live around by other adults rather than being two alone teenagers
it took a long time to Uno to actually like them cuz he was always paranoid and over-protecting Zero, but no one never showed being an actual threat to both of them, so Uno started cooling down and lately accepted them as a family
n thats basically all for now :D
wanna talk more about them but i would get annoying.........hehe
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