#im over the moon happy with this costume
squeakadeeks · 8 months
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riotlain · 9 months
Hi! Could you please do Batboys (sepretly) with a younger brother reader? Basically hcs of the reader copying and looking up to their brother, and he accidentally calls them dad (it's his first word)
Ty, have a great day or night!<33
im back in my fanfic era guys
didn't include duke bc i blanked when jt came to him😭😭
Dick Grayson
The minute you starts copying him he's over the moon and everyone else in the manor freaks out
No, you can't hang on the chandelier like he used to
He teaches you fun tricks though
You have your own little bō staff like his
Yes he has dressed you up in a Nightwing costume for halloween
Carries you around with one of those chest baby carrier things
If you were to ever call him dad as a first word his heart would stop
Like he's happy you said your first word but like he will make sure you don't call him dad around Bruce😭😭
Will crush the old man's heart (joke)
Jason Todd
Probably the last one to meet you since he's hardly ever in the manor
When he does see you though, he's immediately protective over you
Whenever you started copying him, he'd think its funny
How you cross your arms whenever he crosses his or sighs whenever he does it
He feels a wonderful kinship
Then you call him dad and he is immediately gone (mentally)
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^^ His reaction
He is hardly ready to enter a relationship, much less be a dad
Even if you just see him once every blue moon
He just sorta picks you up and brings you to Bruce
"Thats your dada."
Tim Drake
Probably the second best brother to mimic out of them all since he's like pretty normalish
He has you sit on his lap while he works
You probably turned into an ipad baby cause of him
Also the type to carry you around with the chest baby carrier
You 2 nap together
When he you call him dad he just freezes up and stares at you for a moment
Then he panics and tries to get you to call Bruce dad instead
Damian Wayne
The first brother to meet you and of course he begins training you like how he was trained
Minute you began walking it was training time
Of course, you didn't really care but you had fun
Damian doesn't carry you around or anything but he holds your hand when you guys are in public
Especially at balls. He talks shit with you even though you hardly know any words
"Look at that woman over there flirting with father. How could she even think she has a chance with him?"
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If you were to call him dad, he would then lecture you with pictures about how Bruce is your dad and is very cool and how Batman is cool
Like a chump
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collapsedglasshouses · 6 months
PAIRING: Noah Sebastian x OFC ; slight Nick Folio x OFC
DIVIDER ART WORK BY @saradika-graphics
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SUMMARY: When Eden meets Noah, her life is anything but perfect. Her heart is far more broken than Noah can even guess at this point. Will he be able to mend the wounds he hadn’t caused?
WARNINGS: angst, fluff, eventually smut, mentions of grief/loss, mentions of alcohol consumption, mentions of mental health issues, mentions of illnesses
A/N: OMG. I didn't expect the first part to go that well. Thank you for every comment, like or reblog (especially the rebloggers, ily with all my heart)! im sorry it took me so long to upload part two, i had a lot to do irl. but here it is! i hope you like it!
TAGLIST: @measuredingold @cncohshit @lma1986 @missduffsblog @cookiesupplier @thescarlettvvitch @bngurngheart @dream-machine-love @arkiliastuff @vinyardmauro @lacktoesandtoddlerants @princessmarshmallowx @circle-with-me @thisbicc @xxkittenkissesxx @malerieee @smoke-in-diamond-shape (pls dont be mad if i missed someone, just remind me, im clumsy sometimes)
If you wanna be added to the story's taglist or to my taglist in general, leave a comment or message me privately!
Eden had been staring at her phone for forty minutes straight.
After waking up, her thoughts had been running constantly. She didn’t have a costume, she wasn’t in the mood to go out, she had just turned 26. All she had done since waking up an hour ago was shower and brushing her teeth. She stood in her kitchen, still wrapped in her towel and her wet, unbrushed hair just dangled over her shoulders.
She knew she was overreacting, but everything reminded her of the things she desperately wanted to suppress.
She had been staring at Nick’s messages from the previous night with a weird feeling in her stomach. She didn’t even know what brought her to the point of agreeing to go to a party. A birthday party of a man she didn’t know, while she also tried to suppress the thoughts about her own age.
She was snapped out of her thoughts, when her phone began to ring. Her sister.
Should she answer?
She continued to stare at her phone.
The call went away.
Thank god.
She blinked for a couple of seconds, while she felt her heart beating so fast that she actually thought for a second, she was going to have a heart attack.
Then her phone rang again. Her sister again. She bit her lip for a second, before she sighed. She knew, she couldn’t ignore all the calls for the whole day, so she grabbed her phone and answered with a simple “Hello.”
“Took you some time.” Her sister answered and Eden could picture the sweet smile plastered on her sister’s face. Her little sister Raven was four years younger than her. At first, her parents hadn’t really planned on having another child, but when her mom fell pregnant with Raven, they were all over the moon. Eden couldn’t remember most of the time before Raven was born, but she remembered vividly how excited they all were when she finally was here.
She always had been the complete opposite of her older sister. While Eden was rather quiet and liked to be alone, Raven enjoyed the company of each and every individual around her. Raven liked to speak; Eden hated it. Raven was great at school; Eden wasn’t.
Even though they were basically polar opposites of each other, Eden loved her dearly and they always got along. But things had changed after Eden moved away from their hometown. She found herself not liking the company of anyone anymore. She knew it hurt Raven, but at the same time she felt like Raven was the only one that understood her and her decisions.
“Sorry, I was showering.” Eden quietly answered her little sister.
For a couple of seconds, it was rather quiet. It seemed like Raven tried to find the right words.
“I know, you hate it, but I wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday.” Raven began. “Mom told me to wish you all the best from them too, but they didn't want to bother you any longer than necessary.”
Eden swallowed. She knew she had been a pain in the ass the last couple of months, but she didn’t realize she had driven her parents to the point of not even wanting to call her.
She tried to swallow her doubts, before mumbling a response. “Thank you. I’m sorry for being so quiet.”
“Oh… Don’t worry, Eden. We love you.” Raven answered her quickly and tried to sound as happy as possible, but Eden heard the worry in her voice.
“I’m going to a party today.” Eden than exclaimed, to calm her sister’s nerves and seemingly it worked.
“Are you for real?” Raven exclaimed excitedly. “Yes, I am.” – “Where? Who? I-…?”
Eden laughed quietly. She really missed her sister. She really did.
“A friend of mine invited me to the birthday party of his friend.” Eden answered her sister with a small smile on her face.
“A friend or a friend?” Raven then wanted to know. Eden knew for a fact that Raven was wiggling her eyebrows while asking that question.
“A friend.” Eden rolled her eyes. She knew this was coming.
“Sorry, I was just asking.” – “You know, it wouldn’t be this way before you even asked, Raven.”
“Yes, I know. I just wanted to make a joke… I’m sorry.” Raven apologized.
After that, it was quiet again.
“Please don’t be mad at me, Eden.” – “I’m not, Raven. Don’t worry.” – “It was really insensitive of me… Considering, you're not-…” – “It’s really okay, Raven.”
It was quiet again. Eden wanted to cry because of the awkwardness.
“I… You know… Imma... I need to go.” Raven then said and Eden’s heart hurt. This was exactly how she didn’t want this to go.
“Okay. See ya.” Eden then answered and soon the call ended.
Eden felt bad. Everything felt bad. She just wanted to curl into a ball on her couch and never move again.
She looked at the clock and realized, she needed to head out sooner than later, to find a costume, if she wanted to be on time for the party. So, she sighed and got ready. Before she went out, she ate a bowl of cereal and then grabbed her keys.
While she was walking to her car, she covered her head with her hand. It had started to rain like crazy.
Right as she reached her car, her phone buzzed. It was Nick.
Nick: Just wanted to see if you would come tonight… Nick: I mean, since you didn’t answer yesterday…
Eden starred at her phone for a second, before she answered.
Eden: was about to head out to get a costume
She thought for a second, before she texted again.
Eden: maybe you wanna join me?
Nick instantly answered.
Nick: send me the location and ill be there
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Eden sat in her car, nervously biting her fingernails as she waited for Nick to arrive. The Halloween store's neon sign flickered above her, casting a somewhat spooky glow on the damp pavement. She glanced at her phone and saw a text from Nick, confirming his arrival.
Nick: two minutes…
She took a deep breath and stepped out of her car, feeling a mixture of excitement and anxiety. The rain had stopped, leaving a crisp chill in the air.
As she entered the store, the scent of latex and plastic immediately crept up into her nose. Rows of costumes, masks, and accessories sat in front of her, ready to be explored. Eden wandered through the aisles, unsure of where to start. Her eyes scanned the racks of costumes, ranging from spooky to silly. She felt totally overwhelmed.
It had been a while since she last dressed up for Halloween. To be exact, it had been about ten years. She also didn’t quite remember what happened on said Halloween, since she had been more than drunk. The only thing she vividly remembered was how she puked her brains out that night.
Before she could think about it any longer, she heard someone enter the store and was soon met with Nick’s broad smile that was almost contagious to her.
"Eden! Happy Birthday!" he exclaimed and hugged the girl for short second while she started to blush like crazy, his enthusiasm echoing through the store. “Ready to find the perfect costume?”
She nodded, trying to match his energy. "Not really, but let’s do it anyways."
For the next hour, they searched through various options. Eden couldn't decide whether to go for classic monsters or popular characters from movies and TV shows. Nick showed Eden some funny and silly options, making her laugh at his playful behavior.
"How about a giant banana?" Nick suggested, holding up a bright yellow costume.
Eden shook her head, grinning. "I don't think so. I prefer my fruits less... inflatable."
Nick laughed with his full heart, before going on with his search.
Right as Eden set her eyes on a black lacy corset dress, she felt Nick’s presence close to her and jumped when she saw him with a ghost face mask on his face.
“What’s your favorite horror movie, Eden?” Nick asked with a deep tone in his voice, while Eden held her chest. Her heart was beating fast.
“Don’t scare me, Nick!” She shouted and shoved him away from her with a small smile on her face. Nick pulled the mask off while still giggling his ass off.
"How about Ghostface from Scream?" Nick suggested, holding up the iconic white ghostly mask.
Eden's eyes lit up with intrigue. "Actually, that's a great idea, Nick. It's simple, yet mysterious. Let's go for it."
“As mysterious as you.” Nick answered while handing the mask to her. Eden smiled a little to herself, not knowing how to answer him, so she just decided to ignore it.
Eden’s eyes traveled back to the black lacy corset dress in front of her and she decided to spice her costume up a bit. If she was going to have fun for once, she was going to do it right.
“Will you try it on?” Nick asked with a spark of curiosity in his eyes. Eden felt how her cheeks heated up at his expression.
“What if I wanted to surprise you?” She answered him boldly and her mind instantly started to race at her sudden change in demeanor. She didn’t even know why she acted that way.
Nick smiled at her cheekily, before they started to add the last touches to her costume. A pair of fishnet tights, some black gloves and a fake knife. Eden decided she was going to wear her old thigh high boots with it.
As they approached the checkout counter, Eden felt a mix of excitement and amusement. She surprisingly was pretty happy about her choice, and even more, she enjoyed the process with Nick.
Exiting the store, they headed back to their cars with bags in hand. Eden couldn't help but smile at Nick's infectious energy.
"Thanks for helping me pick something out," she said shyly but genuinely grateful.
Nick grinned. "Anytime, Eden. Now, let's make sure you turn heads and give everyone a good scare tonight!"
As they parted ways with a hug to get ready for the evening, Eden felt somewhat excited for the upcoming party, grateful for Nick's help in what she thought would be a complete disaster.
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raainy-daze · 2 years
Hidden In Plain Sight
halloween special !
2012 raph x gn!reader
summary: do you ever wonder about what’s really lurking around on halloween? what can so easily walk among normal people without even earning a second glance?
well, you hadn’t until you realized this principle could probably apply to your mutant boyfriend. the hard part, really, was convincing him to help you babysit.
word count: 2302
warnings for some swearing
a/n: welp, here you have it guys. by far the longest oneshot that is going to be in these seasonal oneshots. i don’t know if it’s because i had this more planned out, or because raph’s my favorite, or what. yknow actually now that i think about it it’s probably because im out of town and i write better in hotels for some reason. OH WELL whatever the reason, happy halloween!
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Ah, October, the month of spooks and scares. There’s a chill in the air, and celebrations have begun.
The moon was rising in the sky. It was a beautiful sight. It wasn’t full, but maybe the was a good thing. A full moon on All Hallow’s Eve would be quite the omen.
The crescent you had instead was arguably more beautiful, really. The clouds also quite added to the atmosphere. You would’ve grabbed your phone to take a picture, but you knew it would just come out blurry.
“(Y/N).” You were pulled out of your musings by a voice next to you. “That child is staring at me.”
Your attention was drawn to a child standing a few feet away from your front porch. A little girl dressed as Wonder Woman, her eyes were wide, and her father was distracted talking to one of the other neighborhood parents. Raphael was staring right back at her. He’d been on edge all night, and you could imagine why. He wouldn’t exactly be used to being up top without hiding, or even having any kind of attempt at a disguise.
“It’s fine. Kids don’t have a great grasp on ‘special effects makeup’.” You finger quoted around the cover story. “I had a friend do zombie makeup last year, little kids did not like it.” You reached aside for the candy bucket and held it out, attempting to ease the tiny Wonder Woman out of her fear. “Hey! Want some candy?” Only on Halloween was that not creepy.
With some encouragement from her father, she tentatively approached. “Trick or treat.” She held out her basket, and you dropped a Snickers in it. “Thank you!”
“See? She’ll forget by next week.”
You and Raphael were sitting on your front porch, handing out candy to the first trick or treaters of the night. For the first time in basically ever, Raph was without disguise in plain sight. It was Halloween, so you doubted mutants would bring much attention to themselves, especially with how good people were getting at costume makeup. It took significantly less convincing to get him to hang out with you tonight than you thought. You suspected some part of it was likely to spite Leo’s warnings, but hey, a win’s a win.
“So, when’s the kid going to be here?”
“Oh, Angie?” You checked your phone. “Any minute now, I think.”
“Trick or treat!” You looked back up and smiled, passing each child a piece of candy. “Why don’t you take a turn for a bit?” You held the bucket out to Raph, who only narrowed his eyes at it. “Alright then, geez. Grump.”
“Hey, I’m not a grump!”
“Yeah, sure, hun.”
Over the course of the next few minutes, you’d pass out candy to trick or treaters. When you saw a certain little girl in what you could only assume to be a yeti costume approaching, you set the bucket down atop a paper sign you’d made, which instructed those who read it to take two pieces.
“That’s Angie.” You nudged Raph, still sitting. “Hi, Angie!”
“Hi, (mr/ms/mx) (Y/N!)” She waved a hand at you eagerly. Mrs. Milner trailed behind her daughter, practically jogging to keep up. Her hair appeared somewhat frazzled. The woman herself often seemed somewhat frazzled, really.
The Milners were family friends, and you babysat Angie on the weekends more often than not. She was a sweet kid, if a bit hyper.
“(Y/N), hello!” Mrs. Milner smiled at you. “It’s good to see you. Thank you so much for this.” She reached into her purse before noticing Raph. “Oh, who’s this?”
“Mrs. Milner, this is my boyfriend, Raphael. Raph, Mrs. Milner.”
“And Angie!”
“Yes, and Angie.” You watched as she reached into the bucket on the porch, pulling out two Starburst candies.
“Oh, it’s very nice to meet you. Your costume is very impressive. Are you a samurai alien?”
“Uhh, sure.” Watching Raph stumble as he attempted to adapt to this environment was… well, it was entertaining to say the least. It seemed like everything cut him off guard. “Ninja, technically.”
“Oh, I see!” Mrs. Milner pulled out a wad of cash from her purse and handed it to you. “Thank you again, (Y/N), it means a lot.”
“No problem! I’ll drop her off at your house in a couple hours.”
Mrs. Milner gave you a grateful wave of the hand and began strolling off. “Have fun! Angela, be good!”
“I will!” Angie waved back at her mother. You were pretty sure she already had one of the Starbursts in her mouth.
“Hey, no more candy until we’re done, okay?”
“Okay,” she spoke with her mouth full. You turned back to Raph, who was standing somewhat stiffly.
“It’s alright if you want to go on home, Raph. You don’t have to stay.”
“No, no! I’m fine! Why wouldn’t I be fine?” As per usual, he immediately jumped to the defensive.
You shrugged. “If you’re sure. It’s fine if it gets a little too much, though. Angie, you ready to go?”
“Mm-hm!” The girl instantly jumped up from her gremlin crouch on the porch. She was practically jumping up and down; you couldn’t help but wonder how much candy she’d already had today.
With that, you were off. From the moment you began crossing the street, Angie was pestering Raph with every question she could think of.
“Why are you coming with us?”
“Because (Y/N) asked me to.”
“Why is your face green?”
“Face paint.”
“What are those?”
“Can I hold them?”
Angie ran up on her own to the first house. She was outgoing enough that you usually could just stand back and keep an eye on her.
By the third door down, Angie had already successfully begun tearing at Raph’s nerves.
“How is it that one kid can talk so much?”
“She’s six, she doesn’t have a filter yet.”
“Hey, cool costume, dude!” Every time someone passed and made a comment on Raph’s ‘costume’, he seemed to tense up a little more. This time, he instinctively reached for your hand. You gave it a squeeze. “You’re sure you don’t need a break?”
“What, you calling me weak?”
“Being overwhelmed isn’t the same as being weak, Raph.”
You were met only with a huff. Angie came running back up to you. “They���re giving out full size candy bars!” She waved a Hershey bar in your face. This house gave out candy bars every year, but you weren’t going to point that out.
“That’s so cool!”
And so you continued around the neighborhood. Angie started asking you to go up with her at the more creatively decorated houses. You couldn’t help chuckling at the giant skeleton in the Delaney’s front yard. Where do you even get a lawn decoration that size?
“Trick or treat!”
“Oh, now aren’t you the cutest… white monkey?”
“No, I’m a sasquatch.”
“Oh, I see!” Mr. Delaney dropped a small bag of M&Ms in Angie’s basket. “And what are you supposed to be, (Y/N)?”
“I’m the scariest thing of all. A normal person.”
Mr. Delaney chuckled. “Oh, remember when you were little and you came in that Disney costume? Oh, which character was it…” You glanced back at Raph, knowing you’d be here for a couple minutes. Mr. Delaney’s nostalgia always took up a bit of time for Halloween.
By the time Angie successfully got you away from the old man’s stories, Raph seemed to have eased up a bit. He didn’t flinch at people anymore, at least. Angie ran ahead again, to no one’s surprise. “Hey, stay close!”
“I will!”
You slipped your hand back in Raph’s. “Well? How’s all this?”
“I have had three different people try to start a conversation.” Time for your favorite game! Is Raph pissed, or does he just have resting bitch face? “People up here are too social.” He’s pissed! You weren’t sure the ‘resting bitch face’ theory ever proved true. “Other than that, it’s pretty okay though. But I swear to god, if that kid asks me one more question-“
As if she heard that statement and decided she did, in fact, want to drive Raphael to the brink of insanity, she ran back up to the two of you, attention directed at him.
“Mr. Raph, what’s your favorite candy?zl
He seemed to just stare in disbelief at Angie. You wanted to say you had enough faith in him to not loose his temper in front of a child, but maybe it’d be better to step in anyways.
“Raph likes Twix. Twixes? Twixi.” You paused. “I don’t know the plural.”
“Pretty sure the answer is ‘none of the above’.” Raph raised a non-existent eyebrow at you.
“Shut up.”
You came up to the Carters’ house. The Carters were known for one thing around the holiday season, and that was how all-out they went on their decorating. Whenever you watched Christmas with the Kranks, you couldn’t help but think of the Carters.
This year was certainly no different. The trees across the front lawn were covered in fake spider webs, and the arch over their front door had been decorated to look like a mouth. You even thought you noticed some fake blood smeared here and there.
Angie had hidden herself behind you, just as most six year olds would. “Spiders. No.”
“They’re not real, Angie.”
“But spiders!”
“Do you want to skip this house?”
Angie looked up at the house, as if examining every risk factor. “No…”
Raph tapped your shoulder. “I’ll take her.”
Of all the things you weren’t expecting. “You sure?”
“You’ve asked me that, like, two dozen times over the last hour.”
You took that as a yes. “Okay then.”
Raph crouched down. “Oi. Kid. Come on.”
“But I don’t like spiders.”
“Does anyone like spiders? Look, they’re not gonna hurt you. And hey, if they wanted to hurt anyone, they’d go for the kid in front first. You’d have plenty of time to run away.”
Angie narrowed her eyes. “But they can’t move.”
“Exactly.” You could practically hear the ‘says who?’ he bit back.
Angie had been coaxed towards the door within just a couple minutes. You stood on the sidewalk, trying to process what the hell just happened. Raph never would’ve done something like this without an ulterior motive. Or at least an ulterior motive to use as an excuse. Especially not in front of so many people, even if they were strangers.
Your questions were answered when he came back into sight, munching on a Kit-Kat. You should’ve figured.
“The spiders didn’t eat me!” Angie smiled at you.
“Yeah, I see.”
Raph handed you the second Kit-Kat in his hand. “Grabbed one for you, too. If you’re going to take a kid trick or treating, you should at least take advantage of it. I mean, c’mon.”
You laughed, unwrapping your own chocolate. “Fuckin’ bastard.”
The Milners’ house was just on the next block. You let Angie collect candy from the last couple houses, and then you walked up to her own porch with her. You rung the doorbell for her, and were quickly answered by Mrs. Milner.
“Trick or treat, Momma!” Angie threw her arms open.
“Oh, well what a surprise!” Mrs. Milner laughed. “Did you have fun?”
“I had lotsa fun! Look at all my candy!” She held her candy basket up to her mom. You smiled and looked up to Mrs. Milner.
“Was she good?”
“She was great. Good luck with the inevitable sugar rush!” You quickly briefed Mrs. Milner on the night, Angie occasionally interrupting with her own story. You were astonished that Raph made it through the entire interaction without any sarcastic comments.
Just as Mrs. Milner was about to shut the door, Angie exclaimed, “Wait!”
She stepped up to you and Raph again. She set one of your favorite candies in your palm, and a Twix in Raph’s.
“Happy Halloween.”
You grinned. “Happy Halloween, Angie.”
“Happy Halloween, kid.”
You and your boyfriend began the walk back to your house. “See? She’s not so bad.”
“Yeah, sure. She still talked my ear off.”
“But she gave you candy.”
Raph didn’t respond, probably due to the fact that he was in the process of chewing said candy.
You fished around in your pocket, and pulled one of the two twenty solar bills Mrs. Milner had paid you with and handed it to Raph. “Here you go. You helped, so you get half the pay.”
Raph looked down at the money, and back up at you. “(Y/N)?”
“How often do you think I actually use money?”
You paused. “… Just appreciate the feeling. Money, capitalism, yay. Isn’t that nice?”
Raph grinned. “Yeah, sure.”
As you climbed back up on your porch, you picked up the nearly empty bucket you’d left. The last trick or treaters of the night were beginning to filter out, so you thought it was a good time to take the rest for yourself.
“Come on, you enjoyed yourself, admit it.”
“Okay, fine, I enjoyed myself. You happy?”
“Very.” You grabbed your keys and inserted them in the door. “Tell the guys I said hi, okay?”
Raph nodded. He took a step in the direction of the street, but quickly backtracked and gave you a kiss. It wasn’t long, more a peck than anything, but you always enjoyed any kind of kiss from him.
“Goodnight. Don’t let the bed-ghouls bite!” And Raph vanished into the night.
You glanced one last time at the sky. You internally said ‘fuck it’, and pulled out your phone to take a picture. It came out blurry, just like you were expecting, but it was a nice way to commemorate your first Halloween with Raph.
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romihearts · 11 months
HAPPY HAPPY HALLOWEEN ! ┊halloween piece
halloween scenarios with them ?!
FEATURING. jshk & twst characters (not all the characters are here)
CONTENT. gn reader, slight swearing
HER NOTES. happy halloween <3
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the alluring moon shined brightly over two bodies preparing to enter a run-down house which was supposedly "haunted".
"well.. uh would you like to go first?" you ask with the apparent fear in you voice. the house was filled with dust and cobwebs around, not to mention that this was located in an obscure forest!
"sure, i promise no matter what i'll protect you!" they said with a gleaming smile on their face. that really eased you.
locking hands, you both went into the house with hearts full of courage.
* ˚ ✦
as you entered, the darkness and dust became more discernable. spotting some insects aswell. you both walked forward, using your phones as flashlights to view the hallways clearly.
creaking floorboards and slight whispers were all heard throughout the house, regardless, you continued on. "ahaha.. uh this is really really creepy." you commented, attempting to make small talk to distract yourself from the interior of the house.
"who are you to enter my abode, you are unwelcome here!"
whatthefuck— you both quickly ran out, still hand in hand.
both of you, panting after running quickly from whatever the both of you just heard. "could we not do this again." you said, "definitely, never again." as he replied.
"though, i wasn't able to protect you.." they said, scratching their head. you placed your hand on his cheek, quickly giving him a small kiss.
"i don't care about that, i was able to be with you and that's enough" you said with a smile, leaving them red and flustered.
both of you left once more hand in hand, laughing and promising to never do that again.
with, DEUCE SPADE, jack howl, kalim al-asim, epel felmier, KOU MINAMOTO, natsuhiko hyuuhga, akane aoi
a childish tradition most would say, but you don't care. as you were able to have fun and spend time with your lover!
asking fellow peers if they had candy while in costume just lit up your face, while also asking on doors for candy.
while walking home after trick or treating, you've been eating some of your favorite candy you've gotten until you sadly ran out.
"hey, do you still have [candy name]? i ran out, if you don't mind giving me some..?" you asked with your most innocent face, hoping they'd give you some.
they sighed and laughed, "of course i do, i'd be willing to give some if it's for you." they replied with the most charming smile. "just don't eat too much, it might make you sick." pouting, you replied, "im not a child! of course i'd know not to eat too much."
both of you laughed, you really admired their smiling face. they were simply perfect.
with, riddle rosehearts, ruggie bucchi, AZUL ASHENGROTTO, jamil viper, sakura nanamine, TERU MINAMOTO, tsuchigomori
4:37 pm, the sun had started to set and it seeped through the windows of your room. you tried on your [costume of choice], and it fit perfectly!
you and your beloved were invited to a costume party, and you both decided on matching costumes. you were [desired costume] and they were [desired costume], it was really cute!
once you were done fixing yourself up, you headed onto your beloved's place.
* ˚ ✦
knocking on their door, you see them open it and, oh my god— they look so bewitching, and amazing, and perfect! you couldn't keep your eyes off them, they were just too much for your heart! but, your staring has gotten noticeable, raising questions.
"you look amazed, how do you think?" they asked. while you were just enthralled with how they looked! "you look really good!" as you responded with a smile on their face.
they stepped out and both of you headed to the party. "you look really nice too, y'know. you've just captured my heart once more." they hummed, while you were startled a bit. "ah, really?" you questioned as they reaffirmed what they said.
"yes you do! now let's go, i want them to see how you look!" they said while dragging you faster. you were really lucky to have such a loving partner.
with, CATER DIAMOND, ace trappola, floyd leech, sebek zigvolt, YASHIRO NENE, aoi akane, hanako-kun, shijima mei
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fatuismooches · 1 year
this is gonna be part of my dottore fic in the works but i have to just!!! tell someone
reader calls child segment "little fox" and maybe its a little silly but i based it off to the lil monster wearing that fox costume.. but i thikn it fits his personality too! sneaky little gremlin that does anything he wants (that is within reason), mischievous fella that probably gets other segments in trouble because he thinks their reactions are funny when you scold them
since he's basically young zandik, you'd know what makes him happy! so i think he had a cute nickname would send him over the moon 🥺🥺🥺 he definitely brags about his nickname HDSHADAH
AND OH GOSH... THAT IS LITERALLY SO CUTE I LOVE IT... That actually fits him so well, sneaky little bb who causes chaos and trouble for the other clones but then puts on his biggest most innocent smile for you - he can't do any wrong! (in your eyes at least) He thinks it's peak comedy to see you yell at the older clones hehe (he's immune to your wrath because you adore him the most)
Young Zandik gets so happy when you show him attention in general so he would definitely be so happy with the nickname 🥺 He'd rub it in the other clones' faces about how special he is! He really loves it a lot and would probably be a little bit worried if you didn't use it at least once a day (he thought you were mad with him but in reality, you just forgot)
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eyenaku · 1 year
please tell about pierrot
holy shit this is gonna be maaaaddddd long i love you bryt
oh kay so. if u want easy to digest ver see my pierrot posters but ill go. bonkers and be abnormal and give u so much info under cut except i physically cant write serious tone rn so srry
picture this. it's the 16th century and commedia dell'arte is going nuts in italy everybody loves to watch silly little guys- one of which is the stock character pedrolino!! he doesn't wear a mask (unlinke many commedia characters) and has a loose white outfit, with ruff, cap, and large buttons down the centre of his shirt. he's a naive little guy- he's unlucky in love but it's endearing!! jovial! the youngest character!! pedrolino specifically is comedic and silly and happy!
ok now it's the 18th century and commedia dell'arte starts spreading across western europe. when it hits france, pedrolino becomes pierrot. pierrot being a diminutive of pierre, with -ot acting similarly to the spanish -ito which makes words smaller, often in the context of youth and endearment. in english, his name would be something like "petey" or "little pete". pierrot stays as a silly little guy, still the youngest role and a sideshow comedian, but don't you worry because he quickly becomes the sopping wet sad clown you know and love.
19th century comes along and BOOM. pantomine goes crazy in france and england. ppl cant get enough of watching these silly guys interact. jean-gaspard deburau, a famous mime, creates a rendition of pierrot during his time at the theatre des funambules, which becomes the stereotypical one everyone thinks of when they hear the name. he's pathetic, he's hopefully in love with columbine.
wait what? he's pining?? he's not being silly doing gags anymore? u heard that right folks there's a new storyline and it's a weird love triangle thing sorta kinda?? the melancholy recharacterization came with a new typical storyline of unrequited love between pierrot and columbine (columbine being his wife who is cheating on him with harlequin), though the story varies (sometimes they are not married, sometimes she is married to harlequin, etc). n e ways da general premise is that pierrot loves columbine, columbine loves harlequin, and harlequin loves columbine, so they both long for her affections and pierrot is a sad sopping wet lil bitch boy about it. very silly im love him anyways
oh yea deburau's super duper famous pierrot also switched up his costume- he got rid of the frilly collar/ruff (booooo tomato), gave him a skullcap instead of a hat, and made his blouse n trousers really big n wide-cut. he was no longer crude, timid, lazy, greedy, etc. etc. but rather a POET. a theatre kid. a melodramatic thing.
with pierrot being so intertwined to harlequin, naturally he was a pivotal character in the harlequin-centric "harlequinades", plays popular in england. however pierrot got displaced by the english clown :( dw tho he stayed popular in france
ok late 19th early 20th century. pantomime/commedia dell'arte makes a comeback????! oh em gee. new plays. many books of poems. 1884's pierrot lunaire saga was particularly famous, and was used as lyrics to a full orchestra composition. these poems are generally regarded as the first strong association between pierrot and moon motifs but they were seen before (supposedly around the deburau period) as a way to show he was "over the moon" in love with columbine.
oh yea pierrette also starts to exist during this time period. literally just female pierrot, who's sorta a rival for columbine but sorta not really? she's like. in love with pierrot, who's in love with columbine, who's in love with harlequin. they're all rlly dramatic about it. nobody wins (except columbine and harlequin lmaooo). they're both sad face emoji all the time and super melodramatic real for real.
ok now it's the 1920s. MORE PIERROT RESURGENCE. ppl in the 20s LOOOVEEED pierrot and pierrette. bibleots- french trinkets were super popular and were often pierrot/pierrette motofed, usually with moons. they were figurines, boxes, decanters, bookened, lamps, all sortsa stuff. their designs are a mash-up of all the previous iterations, typicalls looking very much like deburau's version but with a very prominent ruff added (WOOOOOOOO RUFF YAY) the modernism movement (art) has him as a reoccurring subject (picasso and dalí r some famous modernist artist who painted/drew him).
even charlie chaplin was a pierrot- little tramp, his most famous character and what u think of when u think of him was described in his biography as a type of pierrot.
david bowie described himself as a pierrot ! ! ! ! ! TWIGGY PLAYED A PIERRETTE IN HER FIRST MOVIE!! ggrarhhh
21st CENTURY HATSUNE MIKU PIERROT SONG. PIERROT IN FASHION.... pierrot was called a symbol for th epresent during covid...
anyways y yea im a huge fan. im abnormal about pierrot. thas a brief history. mwah kisses xoxo
oh also im making a game rn. commedia inspired. pierrot is in it. hoo ray
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Breaking Down the Comics: Fighting the dead.
Moon Knight, Issue 21: The Master of Night Earth / Murder by Moonlight
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It's officially spooky time and have I got a Moon Knight comic double feature cross over event for you! 
The first one features Brother Voodoo! A lot of you probably have no idea who that is. I used to sit in that boat too. (Marvel is not good at keeping up with their characters until they think they can suddenly make them popular or make money off them). 
In fact, Brother Voodoo was once Sorcerer Supreme many years ago when Strange 'retired'. (See 'Search for the Sorcerer Supreme'. A good event that I really enjoyed in which all of Marvel's magical characters got featured). 
Firstly, look at that beautiful cover! I’m a sucker for black and white and rough style drawings. 
So we open up in a port in Haiti. Moon Knight's fighting some gun runners when suddenly a specter appears to join the fight. 
The thugs all run! 
"It is him! The disciple of Papa Jambo!! Brother Voodoo! His spirit has come to fill our hearts with fire!" 
(Moon Knight is no newbie when it comes to Voodoo. He's faced down things like this before in a previous issue.) 
"Well, whatever you are, pal, you sure put the Kibosh on these thugs. They're runnin' faster'n a clock at happy hour!" 
If that isn't Jake talking I'll eat my hat. 
The ghost inhabits one of the running goons and forces the goon to turn and take a stab at Moon Knight. 
Moon Knight socks it to him and accidentally knocks the goon and ghost off the pier and into an escaping speed boat. 
I think the funniest thing here is that the comic now points out that Moon Knight has a two way mic in his cowl that connects to Frenchie. How often do you think Frenchie sits up there just listening to it all? 
While Moon Knight is no Spider-man, he does often talk to 'himself' or have a snippy running commentary. 
"Guess ya heard my prize winnin' monologue, Frenchie. The birds've flown, so you might as well bring down the chopper to pick up--Huh? Drums!" 
That's right. The sound of drums fill the air and a man appears in a wall of flames. 
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I think my favorite thing is how much Moon Knight recognizes his poor luck and when things go weird. 
Moon Knight has certainly seen his fair share of mystical and weird things so he takes it in stride, of course. 
"Who in blazes are you?!" 
As meetings go, this is pretty tame. Considering every time Moon Knight meets someone they end up fighting (with one notable exception coming up in another issue). 
We get a brief review on who they are. Jericho Drum is Brother Voodoo! 
Moon Knight introduces himself, "I'm a lot of things at a lot of different times, Pal, most of 'em based in New York, but before New York, ONE of those things was a mercenary, a soldier for hire. Y'see, I've fought a lot of fights under a lot of flags and identities... But I've probably enjoyed my free agent mercenary experience the most." 
An interesting introduction. I take a strong feeling of Jake earlier with the accent and speech patterns. (Not to mention use of the word Kibosh, which is actually not Yiddish, but Irish slang that is often mistaken as yiddish!) Yet, Jake doesn't like to leave New York. He'd rather stay where he is comfortable and has the upper hand. 
Here, with the instant description as his old days as a Merc that enjoyed the fight so much that he still does it, one might get the impression it's Marc. 
"You might say that's what I'm doin' now--What I'm the very best at, and doin' it by way of my identity as a costumed clown. And though I got money to burn--I don't mind pickin' up a little extra cash." 
"Then you were paid to come here to Haiti?" 
"You might say that, too." 
Marc picks up his old job with resistance. He has never been one to jump in the saddle and go out hunting for money. Not anymore. 
But there's more: 
"I did my homework before acceptin' the assignment, if THAT'S what you mean. Enough to know Im on the side of the angels." 
One gets the feeling that Marc is doing what he does best with the prodding of something he needs to do. Perhaps co-fronting with Jake as a sort of protector. Letting Jake run things to keep his spirits up and prevent him from crashing and burning like he did in Israel. 
An early sign, perhaps, that they are struggling but learning to work together. 
Anyways, back to the story! 
Brother Voodoo explains that Haiti has suffered many coup d'etats and there is a current terrorist attempt to take over. He is head of security here and he offers to pay Moon Knight handsomely if he agrees to help stop the latest attempted overthrow. 
Brother Voodoo warns him of “Houngans, the lord of the crossroads and demons, master of night earth, night forests, and zuvembies and voodoo.” 
Moon Knight first scoffs at the notion of REAL voodoo but then takes pause not to scoff at such things when he saw this man become a sort of ghost first hand. 
"The spirit you saw was my slain brother, Daniel." (See Brother Voodoo backstory to find out more! But basically his brother was killed and now acts as a spirit at his side that can inhabit people to help the cause). 
Let's back up a moment. Houngans, also known as Oungan in real life Haitian, is a male priest in Haitian Vodou. A powerful man that can work with the spirits. 
Moon Knight sends Frenchie off with his chopper to dispose of the stolen munitions they recovered. Meanwhile, Brother Voodoo and he take a boat down the river to track down the escaped speedboat. 
Daniel, the spirit brother, has inhabited one of the thugs still and will help guide them to the safehouse. 
On the way there, they encounter Zombies on gators! 
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I’m going to add this informally to my check list of animals Moon Knight has fought. Zombie gators and Zombie snakes. That’s a new one there, Moon Knight buddy. 
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Brother Voodoo and Moon Knight put up a fight, but it's hard to kill what's already dead. 
Just when it seems to be a lost fight, the zombies suddenly start to retreat! 
It would seem that the grand leader doesn't yet have full control of the undead. 
The zombies head down one direction and Daniel's spirit went down the other. Frenchie shows up and Moon Knight head off to fight the terrorists while Brother Voodoo sets out to track down the zombies. 
Marc and Frenchie find a fortress deep in the swamp. Meanwhile, Brother Voodoo comes across a waterfall that comes out just on the other side of the fortress! 
Moon Knight attempts to glide in to save him from the waterfall but Voodoo refuses and goes over the edge. 
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I just want to say how much I ADORE this art right now. It’s the formless features of the face hidden in darkness with the eyes. Old Moon Knight cowl was just amazing and O dig classic costume. LOOK AT IT. 
Moon Knight is surrounded by thugs with guns and thinks it might be the end when drums start up again! 
Brother Voodoo appears and the ghost of his brother returns while the thugs make a run for it. 
The art of surprise is over, but they decide to use stealth to sneak in. 
And we all know how Moon Knight does with stealth... 
Do I have a crash through the window counter? I really should have started one of those... 
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He’s such a drama king. 
Anyways, if Moon Knight is asking for five minutes alone with a guy, it isn't going to go well for that guy. 
Moon Knight confronts the smartly dressed man and demands the rest of his money. 
(Does everyone owe him money? Marc what the hell you been doing?) 
The man gives Moon Knight the owed money then tells him that Brother Voodoo has joined the terrorists and needs to be taken out. 
"No dice, Giscard. I've been paid in full to stop the terrorists, and that's just what I'm gonna do... Startin' with you, the stinkin' leader of the terrorists!" 
The man hired Moon Knight to stop terrorists, which were a few sacrificial goons, in order to look good to the government leaders. Meanwhile, he was staging the coup while pretending to be stopping it! 
Honestly, Marc should have caught wind of this earlier. I'm sure he's been in charge of MANY coups and run with plenty of warmongers. 
He hits a trap button and Moon Knight is shot with a poison dart! 
Moon Knight awakens to find himself staring down the villain, now dressed in a new outfit. 
"You see, Moon Knight, I play three roles...You have seen me in two of them- as the Government security chief and as the leader of the revolutionary forces seeking to topple that government. But now, you see me in my third and most important role- the Grand Bois, leader of the unholy trinity, lord of the crossroads and demons...The Master of the Night earth and night forests!" 
He gives a long convoluted speech explaining how he will soon gain control over death once the full moon has fully risen. 
Once he has full control over death he will raise his zombie army to take over Haiti. 
During his speech, Moon Knight has slipped his restraints. 
Zombies show up again and so does Brother Voodoo. 
They fight the zombies and try to shatter the large mcguffin that is helping to control them. 
Moon Knight calls in Frenchie with the big guns and he uses the chopper's gunfire to break the mcguffin and send the Zombies back to their graves. 
The goons show up and turn on the villain, deciding they are tired of the zombies. Turns out they weren't too happy to see their ancestors turned into zombies. 
He offers his pay to Brother Voodoo, seeing how the money came from Haiti’s treasury in the first place. 
Let’s give away this bread. 
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What an interesting crossover. 
The implication of Marc working as a Merc again under the guise of Moon Knight, accepting money, to stop a coup. There's a lot going on there. He doesn't need the money. It's just more to toss onto Steven's pile. And I'm Sure Steven would not be thrilled to have to deal with more laundered and ill-be-gotten cash. 
And then there's the whole feel that this is NOT Marc, but Jake. But also Marc. Like a combination of the two. Like Marc felt he needed to help a government that he probably at one point help over throw and put into chaos... But he needed someone to oversee him. To do some hand holding to prevent him from reverting to old tactics, flashbacks, or guilt. 
Maybe I'm putting too much into it, but after the issues that preceded this one, maybe Marc isn't ready to settle in yet but also is trying to do some good as a Merc but as Moon Knight.
It was also interesting to hear him talk about his other identities and actually refer to Steven as "the other guy".
And there was also a nice counter to the villain being three roles: Government rich guy, Leader of a coup, and then the religious zealot.
Counter that with Steven, Marc, and Jake in their own roles.
Generally when there are cross over issues, it's an effort to get people interested in the other character enough to go look into their comics and start reading those too. So there really is a general light version of both characters without a lot of weight or back story. They don't want to off put people just tuning in with a lot of lore and things you should know.
So the skirting of the Marc vs. his identity as the merc without guilt issue is avoided here. This issue is for Brother Voodoo.
(And you know what? Those tactics work because I got into Moon Knight because of a Moon Knight cross over issues and went "Who the fuck is this guy?!")
Oh boy you guys. This is a Khonshu story! 
"Under the timeless gaze of the ancient Egytpain god, More than Marc Spector have known the power of Khonshu.... TALES OF KHONSHU"
We open up on a full moon and a city in distress. An officer has been shot killed and the perp is on the loose! 
A man named Herb Russell runs through the botanical gardens. The narration paints him as ruthless and a man that won't stand to loose. 
Tired of running, he turns to find he's landed at the Brooklyn Museum "where a late evening lecture series is still in progress." 
"Hey, if I can cool it a couple of hours in there, then I just leave with the crowd like a respectable citizen - ha!- when it opens in the morning, and no worries." 
He sneaks into the museum and into the night lecture being conducted by a famed Egyptologist "Dr. Richard Mark". 
He lectures on the benefits of X-rays for examining mummies without having to disturb them or dishonor them. 
He explains that he plans to radiograph some more things before the exhibit opens in the morning. 
Hmmm... I sense foreshadowing. 
Meanwhile, upstairs, Herb Russell is sneaking through the Egyptian exhibit. 
"I'll bet this stuff must be worth a lotta dough. I oughta swipe somethin' before I leave." 
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Ah yes…. The Khonshu statue. ……Wait. How did it get there? It’s supposed to be in the desert waiting for Marc to raise him from the dead. That’s the cloak that Marc streals to make as his own cape. What’s he doing in a museum in Brooklyn? 
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He's so judgy.
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This will end well. 
The night guard takes a look around and deems no one there then leaves. 
Now, Russell tries to leave the sarcophagus only to find the lid stuck! 
' "What is the punishment of the sinner?" Reads the heiroglypic proverb painted along the mummy case... "Evil shall pursue him and the soul which sins shall die." ' 
Come morning, we seed the Egyptologist prepping for the exhibit and taking radiographs. 
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Let’s pretend that maybe there are in fact multiple Khonshu statues. There was, after all, a moon cult back in the day when Ra fell out of favor and people decided Khonshu was the way to go. So there may have been more than one statue or temple. So Marc dies at one, takes that statue home. There is another in the museum. Maybe one in London too because London has half of Egypt. 
Anyways, Khonshu has always been a judgy dick. Also what a way to go. Spooky, right? 
Zombies and scary stories of suffocating in coffins under the judgy gaze of a moon god…. What a way to kick off the spooky season! (this comic came out in July of 1982). 
What do you guys think? What about the sudden change in Marc’s behavior in the first part? What about the duplicate statues all over? 
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staarry-skies · 2 years
gonna be insane abt usamamo for a second im so sorry esp to my moots who do not care about sailor moon my heart goes out to you
read more bc this is so much longer than was intended
i see a lot of the same "theyre only in love because of fate/their superhero alter egos/their past" takes A Lot (to be fair its usually directed at the 90s anime, to which i do agree n understand, however ive also seen it directed at the manga which is why im talking abt it) and i just Do Not Agree, so im gonna talk abt it in a twt thread bc im insane and twt is my outlet for my insanity. (this was originally written for twt but got too long oops.)
starting with the whole "theyre only dating because of past lives" because its the easiest to debunk, its just flat out not true. mamoru n usagi never really got the chance to officially get to together pre-past lives reveal in the manga but its pretty damn clear they were going to, probably the next time they met as civilians and swapped their different keepsakes that they have from each other.
theres also the whole "oh well their feelings are remnants of silmil" which i think takes away a lot of their agency as characters and also just isnt true and is also pretty easily disprovable, usagi likes mamoru for being there for her and supporting her when she needs it, and mamoru likes usagi for being this incredibly strong heroine but also being a normal cheery girl all at the same time.
which leads me to the next point! "they only like each other because of their alter egos", two rebuttals here, they dont exactly stop being tuxedo mask/sailor moon just because theyre out of costume that is still them but i do see why this is a popular criticism. my other thing is that its definitely not true for mamoru, whos usually the one criticized for not truly liking the Real Usagi™️ and only liking her for sailor moon (or serenity but we just went over that and funnily enough this criticism should be directed more to usagi but we'll get into that later).
for this lets go back to why mamoru loves usagi, according to earlier in this post i claimed it was because of the dichotomy between her and sailor moon, the crime fighting warrior, and usagi the happy-go-lucky school girl who always brings a smile to everyones face, thus showing that he loves /all/ of her not just one side over the other.
but me saying so isnt really enough so lets hear it from the boy in question: "its true... for a long time the crystal was the only thing i wanted... but now when i see her... angry one moment then laughing the next... the crystal? no thats not what i really want... usako youre what i want" - (crystal ep 7) so... yeah thats pretty cut and dry, oh yeah nows also a good time to mention that ill be pulling stuff from crystal too because of the nature of crystal having been more closely supervised by naoko and being a stricter manga adaptation, any scenes it adds are retroactively canon to the mangaverse (at least to me, but if youre looking for a similar line from the manga: "youre strong today sailor moon, everyday i feel like im seeing a different side to you, is there other versions of you ive yet to meet? i want to know everything, who are you really?" - (chapter 8) same idea as the crystal quote just a lot more vague lol)
also this is reflected in more than just words, its actions too, tuxedo mask is a lot more closed off towards sailor moon earlier on and its not until chapter 4 that he starts being a lot more openly caring and affectionate, and you wanna know what happens in chapter 4? he finds out sailor moon is usagi, and it doesnt take a lot of media literacy to put two and two together to figure out why that shift happens there.
now for usagi, remember when i said the whole "liking the alter-egos" criticism applies to her more but is never directed at her? well heres why, we never really see her civilian relationship with mamoru develop much on her end before the reveal, she is of course attracted to mamoru but on a way more superficial level (usagis pretty notorious for her immediate, but ultimately kinda surface level crushes on people: see rei).
she denies her crush but its pretty obvious she has one, for example when mako points out that usagis blushing after one of their interactions and asks about it and she insists pretty loudly that she "doesnt like him!" but never really explains the blush (earlier in the same scene when she sees mamoru she blushes and b-dmp! is written in the bg, keep in mind he hasnt done or said anything yet so its not embarrassment) and then theres chapter 3 where she recognizes that his profile sorta looks like tuxedo mask which she'd actively try to deny if she didnt like him like she says she does, so its pretty obvious she has a crush on mamoru.
but her relationship with tuxedo mask is what gets more development, she goes from that superficial crush she has on mamoru to liking him for deeper reasons than just: pretty guy! i.e. helping her, being there for her, and grounding her when she needs it. also in the same vein as her recognizing him in chapter 3 the reveal is her just recognizing him as tuxedo mask, which obviously she has to like mamoru quite a bit to do (even if the evidence was quite literally all around her) (in saying all of this i do think pgsm does a much better job at showing her genuinely falling for all of him but pgsm also skews more towards the 90s anime in terms of characterization so i wont be using that).
and finally "usamamo are only together/feel pressured to be together because of fate/chibiusa" short answer: no. long answer: noooooooooo. no but in all seriousness this flat out isnt true, if you'll remember the first 14 chapters of the manga are kinda. yk. dedicated to this. their fate isnt to "be together" their fate is to literally DIE if they dare attempt to be together again, they are together DESPITE fate, like i dont even know how else to put it because multiple characters comment on fate repeating itself when it comes to dooming usamamo, they werent reincarnated to be together they were reincarnated to be happy and live normal peaceful lives.
as for fate as in the future, thats pretty easily disprovable because its ALSO something the manga goes over, during the dream arc when mamorus suffering from nehelennias curse he starts feeling guilty and selfish for constantly being a burden on usagi to the point he asks her if she really does want a future with him, even saying that he feels horrible for potentially tying her down to a future she might not want, which yk would kinda not be a concern he would have if he was only with her for the creation of crystal tokyo (side note: nowhere does it say usamamo NEED to be together for crystal tokyo to exist, usagi could very well rule alone like queen serenity or with any other partner, its just that the current timeline has them together in ct) as for usagis response, mamoru falls asleep before he can hear it, but she says point blank that she can change the future if she wants. So. Yeah. dont really think i need to say much more than that on that front.
And the last part of the "fate saga", "theyre only together to have chibiusa" which is such a crazy and lowkey highkey misogynistic sentiment, but for arguments sake lets take a look at why its completely wrong, first off, again. "i can change the future as much as i want" - (chapter 40) she could have chibiusa by other means (for example the way queen serenity had serenity) but also, the reason they care so much about chibiusa is because she's a product of their love, they obviouly care about her as a person but they wouldnt just force themselves to be together just to have her and her alone (if that makes sense i have no idea how to phrase what im trying to say) in any case its a really gross thing to say because it insinuates a lot of really weird things!
if you made it through all that you deserve like a medal or something but thanks for listening to my silly little thoughts about my favorite couple right now
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my cover for teach them how to dream by @im-still-tryin-to-find-it is done!
the full image is here, and below the ~keep reading~ will be the front cover, spine, and back cover individually in better quality with explanations (this will include minor spoilers, mainly references to specific scenes i think are cute)
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for those of you that haven’t read tthtd and don’t want spoilers, read it! you won’t regret it. if the color and joy i tried to convey on this cover is any sign, it’s every bit as cute and bright as i’ve drawn it.
front cover (click for better quality):
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so the front cover obviously has the most easter eggs, but i’ll explain them all here for all y’all who are interested:
the stars above the blackboard are meant to resemble the glow-in-the-dark stars that are referenced a few times throughout the story
i really hope some of you get this but i added those white/blackboard borders teachers would always put up with fun patterns on them, i picked the alphabet
the chalkboard drawings!
a stack of chocolate chip pancakes because harry is obsessed with them
a whisk from james and regulus' halloween costumes
a text convo because the texting is pretty important in this fic
the framed poem!!
forget-me-nots because they just remind me of jegulus
snowflakes and hearts because of james’ love confession on christmas
butterflies flying in the shape of a heart: one is red for james and one is green for regulus
and finally a sunrise/sunset because james texting reg sunrise/sunset pictures!
ofc regulus likes reading in general but i drew the books specifically thinking about when regulus goes to lily’s bookstore and they first become friends
a pen cup both because it’s a classroom and because i wanted a way to represent regulus and james’ love of writing (thinking about the scene where regulus just looks at james' empty google doc and starts writing)
a rotten apple to reference one of my favorite scenes, chapter 6: the apple orchard, when regulus and james are talking about the kids finding rotten apples and then james has to eat one because harry asks him to
the desk, idk why i just picture regulus having this needlessly fancy wooden desk
and finally the sun streaming through the windows, i’ll explain a bit more when i get to the back cover
spine (click for better quality):
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not much to go over here but
used the ao3 logo as a publisher mark
same writing of the title as the front cover but in solid writing instead of chalk
paint splatters for the background!
back cover (click for better quality):
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starting with the background, again we got paint splatters
most books have a review on the back so i included an excerpt of my own review at the top
then one of my favorite quotes which is just so cute shut up don’t talk to me (this quote is part of the reason i included the sun streaming through the windows on the front cover)
and the official description by gabby from ao3
i used hearts as a separator between the words just because love!
and there are little doodles around both to fill space and also for the vibes
copied the cover art credit format from some books but without the publisher cuz there is none
and then the barcode! believe it or not there’s a lot here:
first of all the price, books in the us usually have prices written like that but the second one is canada- i changed it to international because it's the internet! and the marauders fandom is international!
the barcode itself is made up i just drew it
but the numbers are code for a series of letters (the alphabet where every 10 letters is assigned to the numbers 0-9) it spells “caught the moon” which is a reference to regulus and sirius’ memory of sneaking out to go capture the moon
and the qr code is a real qr code that leads you to the first chapter of tthtd!
ok that took forever to type out lol
i had a bit of trouble trying to balance out the kindergarten-y aspect with the actual plot and love story but i'm pretty happy with how it turned out anyway
if you haven’t read teach them how to dream yet PLEASE do, making this cover and going back through all my favorite parts of the story was such a joy and i really hope you appreciate it! i could only include so many references on this cover, there's so much more in the story.
going to go take a break and not move my hands for 5 hours because i just typed this all out on my ipad.
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Ok so heres some cute fluffy Halloween stuff for @intistone scars and scales. Its 4:30am and im so tired. I got like 3 hours of sleep yestersay and then might have skipped sole meals but im good im fine see look fluff. Totslly normal for liz
Its pretty sweet so i hope yall have a good dentist mk. I cut literally all the angst out. But enjoy a fic of the boys first night Trick or Treating with their big brother Eclipse!
It was halloween night and you had been spending the past hour or so helping Sun and Moon get ready. They are so excited for tonight and have been since you agreed to let them go Trick or Treating with Eclipse. They had been adjusting to going out slowly but relishing every moment they got when seeing something new. You had been worried they would always be afraid of everything outside your house but thanks to Gregory they had been having an easier go of it.
You had them sat down on your couch telling them the rules for the night when your front door opened loudly showing Eclipse fully decked out in a costume that matched Sun and Moons. You should have guessed they would coordinate. A quick run over the rules again and you waved them off for the night. While you really did enjoy the holiday and wanted to see the boys having fun you also knew they had been looking forward to more time with “big brother Eclipse” and you decided to give them this. Sure you had been worried but Eclipse is strong and can easily defend the boys. Plus their not defenceless. Your sure its going to be fine. You start working on some dinner for when they return. Heart light and mind wondering what kind of fun they are going to have.
Sun is so excited he cant stand still even for s moment. Arms swinging at his side as he energetically talks to Eclipse. Moon on the other side of Eclipse adding to the conversation as well, hes not nearly as bad as Sun but for him this would make him seem a chatter box. Eclipse happily listens to them rattle on about silly stuff YN has done or whatever they have seen. The mood is light until they reach the first house. Both little mers freeze at the sight of it. Finally understanding the full scope of what they have to do for their treat. Wall up there and ring the door bell to great a stranger. What if the stranger saw through their costumes and attacked. What if they tried to grab one of them and drag them inside. Panic slowly seeping into the boys as a few other kids make their way to the door.
Eclipse kneels down to reassure them that it will be ok. Hes right there incase anything happens. Hes not going to make them go alone after all. Hes too worried about the same thing as the boys but theres not way hes telling them that. So with a gently nudge they make their way up the driveway too the house. Sun and Moon get more snd more nervous but having Eclipse there with them makes it much easier. Though when the person opened the door neither boy could manage a word. Both frozen in place a bit. Luckily the lady was very kind and thought it cute that they all seemed to be skeletons. “What adorable little brothers you have.” She then produced a large orange bowl to the boys for them to take a candy from. Slowly they reach up and each take a single piece. She chuckles at their clear nervousness. “I remember my first halloween. I was so scared i cried when i got to the first house. You boys are doing great.” She laughed a bit as she spoke. Her words bringing ease to the boys. Enough for them to speak up and say thank you. She told them how “they are very welcome” and wished them a happy Halloween as they walked away.
Panic quickly left the boys after that house and their nervousness only lasted two more houses. Clearly more excited about the candy than they could be scared of the people. Plus having Eclipse right there really helped them relax much easier. They came to a house fully decked out in halloween decorations. They even had a fog machine in their yard. Sun and Moon seemed to get nervous again till Eclipse laughed from behind them saying how “over done” this house was. Pointing out the location of the fog machine did help Sun and Moon feel less scared about approaching a house that seemed to be so spooky it was greating its own atmosphere. Now that they knew the trick is wasnt so bad. Still a bit on edge though they approached the door. Lots of noises from different machines had kept them on edge even more. Once they knocked on the door a lady dressed up as a witch opened it cackling! Sun yelped and hid behind Eclipse a bit. Moon on the other hand simply took a step away, also to Eclipses side. They lady was waaayyy to into it as she ran a whole bit about eating naughty children who dont say please and thank you. Even going so far as to say she likes to stew them in her big caldron, which was easily visible from the open door. By the time she finished that both boys had moved to behind Eclipse. He wasnt at all going to stand for this. Thats too far of an act for little kids who are clearly scared. “Hey cut the crap, cant you tell your freaking them out. Whats wring with you!” Anger clear in his voice. The lady to offence to that. “How dare you talk to me like that! Im just trying to scare some sense into these brats!” Clearly she thought she was completely in the right and saw nothing wrong with scaring little 9 year olds. “Dont you Dare call them brats you bitch!” He shot back, pushing Sun and Moon behind him more. “Excuse me” he cut her off before she could say more “No i dont think i will excuse you! Learn how to act around children! Clesrly you are the one who needs to be taught manners.” She gasps “I beg your pardon!” Eclipse has never been handed anything easier in his entire like “oh come in i think we all mnow you could beg better than that” the boys began to snicker at that. The lady goes red in the face before yelling “get the hell off my porch you disrespectful, unruly, heathen!” “GLADLY!” Eclipse shouts back as he pushes Sun and Moon along off the porch. Moon turns to stick his tongue out at the lady before they make it down her steps. Clearly she was off her rocker.
Moon was recovering quickly from the rude bitch but Sun was still a bit shooken up. He stayed noticeably quite as they made their was to the next house. Eclipse decided to pull them aside first to make sure Sun was gonna be alright. Offering to maybe call it quits now and they can go back home. Sun quickly shot that down saying he was ok. Hes fine to keep going. But clearly from the looks he was sneaking at Moon he just didnt wanna ruin the fun for his brother. Who seemed to be alright. Still Eclipse decide to take it slower and he was also sure to make sure he was closer to the boys when they went to the door. Just incase. Everything was going smoothly and eventually Sun perked right back up after getting a huge full size candybar.
As they approached another house another group of kids was walking up at the same time. “Woooooh you look so AWESOME!!!” On little boy shouted while pointing to Moon. Nervousness returning as moon turned to face the boy. He was probably going to panic but a nudge from Eclipse helped him understand he was safe. A soft “thanks.” As if his thanks was an invitation the kid joined them in step, walking along side them. “I mean your face paint is so cool!!! And those claws on your hand!! SUPER AWESOME!” Moon not knowing to much how to react “um thanks? I uh really like your uh hat?” Clearly he felt out of his depth but the kid took the complement as if Moon had been just as enthusiastic as him. “THANKS! I made it myself!” He said puffing out his chest and placing his hands kn his hips. Moon had clearly picked the correct thing to complement because now the kid was ranting and raving about how he made it and how long it took but how he did it all kn his own. Then he toon it off and offered it to Sun “you wanna see? It looks even cooler upclose!” Not knowing what else to do Sun nodded and took the hat. His eyes lighting up at the little details the other kid put into it. “Wooaahh look at all the little lines you put on it!” Quickly showing his brother. The kid probably didnt need more of an ego boost if you asked his parents but he bounced on the spot “right!!” Then trying to look cool “im an expert of my craft.” He said as he wiped at his face. “Oh we are almost there! I gotta get ready!” He reach for the hat and Sun easily let it go so the other get could put it back on. “Im gonna go get the best candy before everyone else!” He exclaimed before running ahead. “HEY!!” Sun shouts after the kid and joins in on running up to the door. Moon quickly takes chase “WAIT FOR ME!” Not wanting to be left behind. Eclipse cant help but smile as the boys branch out and make a little friend. They go through without a hitch at this house. Not bothered or noticing that they dont have Eclipse with them at the door. Just enjoying themselves fully as they walkaway ranting about what was in the goodie bags that house gave out.
Once they reach the sidewalk again they find the kids parents not to far behind with two more, much smaller kids. Clearly they had no problems with their small 9year old walking with strangers. So the kid join up with Sun, Moon, and Eclipse for a while. As they walked between houses they traded candy and gossip about what costumes they had seen. Moon telling about the rude lady between giggles while the kid looked shocked “thats so mean!! You should have blown a rasp at her!” Ehen that got confused faces from both Sun and Moon the kid froze in his tracks. “You guys dont jnow what RASPS ARE!!!” They shared a look before shaking their heads. “Oh oh that ok look you hold your hand uo to your face like this, then BLOW!” The kid made wuick the noise that got not only Sun and Moon to laugh but Eclipse got a good chuckle from it. Quickly Sun and Moon went to try it themselves. Satisfied they could on the first go. “Now when someone is real mean you do that to em!” The boys very excited to show YN something new continued on chatting with the kid for two more houses before the kids parents decided it was time for them to go home. After goodbyes they group parted ways. Deciding its time for them to make their way back too. The whole way back Sun and Moon chatted about some of their favourite costumes to tell YN about, inviting Eclipse in to figure out which would have freaked you out the most. It was a very smooth walk back.
The moment you open the door you sre met with three rasps blown in your face and then giggles from two little mers who had the night if their life. They tell you all about their night over dinner. The moment one paused to take a bite the other would take his place in continuing the story. A soft smile creeps on your face as you listen to Sun and Moon tell you about slm the fun they had. Even with Eclipse joining in to remind them of stuff they skipped. The boys fell asleep the moment your tucked them in and Eclipse decided to stay up and chat with you about how the boys made a friend and how well they got along before decided to crash in your couch. Even if you missed out on seeing them you are happy to know they had the Halloween of a lifetime.
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80pairsofcrocs · 2 years
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I posted 1,131 times in 2022
That's 1,131 more posts than 2021!
1,000 posts created (88%)
131 posts reblogged (12%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 158 of my posts in 2022
#x reader - 91 posts
#reader insert - 87 posts
#marc spector - 68 posts
#moon night - 68 posts
#mcu moon knight - 67 posts
#steven with a v - 67 posts
#moon knight - 65 posts
#steven - 64 posts
#steven grant - 64 posts
#moon knight series - 63 posts
Longest Tag: 65 characters
#im thinking about the one time i sucked my hamster up in a vacuum
My Top Posts in 2022:
little spoon
hawks:Are you the big spoon or the little spoon? dabi:I'm a knife. y/n, from across the room:He's the little spoon.
643 notes - Posted April 22, 2022
its vinegar
Five : hey, y/n can i get a sip of your water?
y/n : its not water.
Five : vodka, i like your style!
y/n : its vinegar.
Five : wh- wha-
y/n : its vinegar. pussy.
689 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
baby scarab || 1
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masterlist - marvel masterlist - series masterlist
synopsis : in which a schizophrenic teenager could see a certain god
takes place after the Marvel series Moon Knight, may have spoilers?
pairings : steven grant x (platonic)reader, marc spector x (platonic)reader, khonshu x (platonic)reader
i will be using she/her pronouns
A/N : this is all over the place btw, also fun fact, i have schizophrenia so that's kind of what motivated me in writing this. i'm going off of what i experience. pls enjoy &lt;3
also if you want to be in the taglist, please ask! its not a problem
TW : mental disorders, child abandonment, language, fighting(?) let me know if i missed anything.
some would say its freaky,
others would say its like a superpower, like seeing ghosts is cool right?
you would say its a bit of both
you had schizophrenia, a mental disorder you have had for the past couple years, causing you to have hallucinations such as seeing shadows nobody else can, or fire where theres not fire, and that had absolutely nothing to do with ghosts, and you were labeled delusional by many peers.
you didn't take offense to it, because you were delusional. in fact your disorganized thinking has gotten you in trouble.
not because you're stupid, no, but because of others at your school making fun of you for it, you think its ok to beat them up for it.
which only fueled it. it caused others happiness to see you in trouble.
it also causes you to get suspended a lot.
such as now.
you were heading up to your apartment that you stayed in alone, since your parents dumped you in the street when you were young, and going through too many foster homes was a pain so you chose to just get your own place to call a home.
you just worked at an average paying coffee shop near your school, which you had to walk to.
you could either pay rent on time or get a car, so you thought that some cardio each morning and evening wouldn't be too bad.
you got into the elevator and saw another... man.. as well. he was in a bird costume and he was staring- or you thought he was staring at you.
"'scuse me." you move your arm past the extremely tall man to press your floors button. the bird man looked down at you with its creepy mask, and you tried to ignore it until it touched your shoulder and gasped.
you jumped and stepped away from him, thinking he was just a weirdo messing with you.
you could sense the guy staring at you so you turned your head to him. "you need something?" you ask him, to which he shakes his head slowly.
you nod and look away, but turning back when you see that nothing was attaching his head to his body, also now noticing the huge scary stick with a cresent moon on it.
your eyes widen and your breath hitches, as soon as the elevator hit your floor, you get off and speed walk to your apartment. unlocking the door took 4 tries, but that's only because you just saw some sort of demon.
your breath quickens as you finally open the door and slam it shut behind you and lock it.
See the full post
882 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
good guy, bad guy
klaus : I really like this whole ‘good guy, bad guy’ thing you guys have going on.
five : It’s not an act, it’s just that I’m mean and y/n isn’t
974 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
baby scarab masterlist
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playlist!! - by @hutaos-gh0st
welcome to the baby scarab masterlist!! the chapters will be slow coming out but i'll try my best
chapters with the ( * ) indicate nsfw, but dont worry! if its not your cup of tea, they have nothing to do with the plot. they are just bonus chapters.
hope you enjoy <3
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
See the full post
1,034 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Beatie greetings from the cold, dark of my room I am verytired.
Today I finally drew Sun and Moon fanart, and I also got to wear a cool new beanie. It's been soooo coold. Dont like it
How about youu??
greetings from my cold dark room as well!!! we shall bond over exhaustion-
OOOOOOOOOO- can I see? if you dont want to show me no pressure ofc <3333 i dont know much about sun and moon but based off of what ive seen on my dash their character designs are very interesting! if you ever want to blorbo dump about them id be happy to listen <3333
yeah its super cold lately (I say, living in a desert where the lowest temp today was 53) (wait really 53??? THATS SO COLD-) (in case you cant tell it doesnt snow where I live and I get cold after merely drinking a glass of water-) cold sucks, sorry you have to deal with it bestie :(
ive been… okay so im not gonna lie, life has kinda been a punch in the gut lately. its been a difficult two weeks, and the next two weeks are gonna suck as well. not gonna be able to trick or treat with friends this year bc I have tech week until 8-9:30 next monday :( aw wait so im not gonna be able to wear my adam costume??? :( sad
but its not too bad, its just been really busy lolol i’ll get over it ^-^
SORRY I DIDNT MEAN TO JUST COMPLAIN FOR A WHOLE PARAGRAPH- theres been good stuff too!! i drew a bit today! not anything good but it was still fun!!! and talking to you is always amazing!! and tgs updated!!!!
giving you all the hugs <33333
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ess-presso · 2 years
your fic recs have been absolutely superior so ty. my turn! engraved upon my heart (in letters deeply worn) by inkpot_winters - jegulus little women au. need i say more. (also bc little women was in your top books)
taylor time! sad beautiful tragic, the moment i knew, and the way i loved you! ( i keep thinking im repeating ones ive already said so if i give u one i already said just ignore it LOL)
chat time!
drarry being a guilty pleasure is so real. like drarry and jegulus is same ship different font so u cant go wrong.
and being used as a personal grammarly by friends? SO real. my best friend cant spell for shit and ive been her dictionary and autocorrect since we kids.
okay but red converse is so james of you. i have red converse as well (i think i wore nothing but my red converse for an entire year when i was 16) but i like to change it up with my green or black converse too (i drew stars and moons all over the rubber part on my black ones because. i have to make everything in my life about wolfstar obviously)
GREEK MYTHOLOGY KIDS UNITE! this makes me so happy. truly a superior breed. i guess my obsession just bled into my academic career and here i am LOL. and dont worry, caecilius est in horto is a joke here too (at least it was in my intro to latin class, i feel like the average canadian would be lost)
love that u want to save lives. thats so cool of u. my best friend is a nursing student and shes the most badass person ive ever met so maybe its a prerequisite to be cool if u save lives.
(also wanting to be an agent after watching a spy movie is SO REAL like i swear my divine purpose becomes being a cool ass kicking agent, until reality dawns on me and i remember im just. a random person)
your top books list is so good. i love little women SM & ive heard so many good things about if we were villains (i really need to get on reading that)
also JUMANJI i love that movie. so good. and the hunger games movies ofc just classics at this point. and help the woman calling herself the kim k of businesswomen in the apprentice is so funny some people say the funniest things.
id love to visit new york too. concrete jungle where dreams are made of, obviously. the big gulp cup. god i want one too. (we have them in canada but i think ours are way smaller?)
your jewelry sounds so cool. i love the hp pandora bracelet thats so cool & rings! i love rings sm i cannot leave the house without them.
pop tarts & chinese takeout is such a good combination. perfect comfort food fr.
and a fellow cat person! i like dogs but i love cats sm. i have 3 and theyre my most favourite little creatures on the planet.
an INFJ! very remus of u. (at least i think hes an INFJ? idk i saw a tiktok about it lol) im an INTJ so im living up to my reg kinnie status.
stars is such a good choice. i will always be a star person too (and hello? im an ex-astronomy student too thats so funny). theyre just so pretty and i swear i could stare at them for hours.
christmas is my fav holiday too!! ive actually always wanted to visit london at christmas time it sounds so nice. do you get much snow during the winter? we dont get much snow here so honestly anywhere that gets snow at christmas sounds great to me.
I ACTUALLY DONT KNOW WHY I THOUGHT JAMES OPENED THE DOOR??? i think i read some dumb thing somewhere where he opened the door wearing a lightning mcqueen costume and it really stuck with me😭 i guess i decided that was canon to me LOL
question answer time!
fav rarepair - oh god i dont even know. i tend to always enjoy the more popular ships. although i did read a fake dating fic where james and evan fake dated to make barty and reg jealous, and ofc barty and reg fake dated to make james and evan jealous. (a star for a summer's day by moony_reggie if u wanna check it out!) so ill say james x evan. they had more chemistry together than i would've expected.
fuck marry kill james sirius remus - GOd. i cant even answer that question thats like the hardest thing anyone has ever asked me. uhmmm ill fuck them all, and then marry them all. if i had to kill someone itd be myself because i cannot be responsible for any of their deaths THEYVE BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH!!
place i wanna visit - id love to visit new zealand. im a HUGE lord of the rings fan and they filmed the movies there so id die if i ever got the chance to visit. ive actually always wanted to visit london too (and a lot of the UK in general, especially wales and scotland) as well as italy & greece! i visited both on a school trip a few years ago and it was a dream come true but id love to go back.
fav book/book series - another brutal question but ill try:
picture of dorian gray
song of achilles
percy jackson series
shadowhunter chronicles (yes its the incest series NO THEYRE NOT ACTUALLY SIBLINGS I SWEAR! we dont talk about it.)
mara dyer series by michelle hodkin (underrated and so good)
hp series ofc
hunger games ALWAYS.
six of crows duology my beloved <3
most embarrassing thing ive ever done - oh man. okay lets see. when i was in 10th grade i had to take a spanish oral final at the end of the school year but i am an ANXIOUS woman and did not wanna do that so i skipped my spanish class until the end of the year. my best friend was in my class and my teacher kept asking her where i was until one day she told my teacher i had CHLAMYDIA and thats why i was gone. i guess her excuse worked because the teacher never asked again. the next year any time i saw that teacher in the hall she gave me a funny look but . i guess mission success? i never did have to take that final so. LOL
favourite thing i own - i have a set of lightsabers (yes im a star wars nerd (derogatory)) but also i have the ring from the lord of the rings! my precious truly.
if my life was a movie - i truly dont think my life is interesting enough to have an exciting title. i think the best i can come up with is "the underwhelming adventures of a crazy cat lady and her books". and thats just like abysmal so.
do u have any pets?
fav fanfic trope?
do u have any weird talents?
whats your gas station order?
fav flower/plant?
fav planet?
and simply because now i have to know, most embarrassing thing youve ever done?
fav instrument sound? (like what sounds most pleasing to your ear)
and thats all! i eagerly await your responses and in the meantime ill be over here doing a little dance.🕺
bee hello hello hello 👋 i missed u <333
jegulus little women au ??? on god , sign me up for this right the fuck now. (& little women is genuinely so good. amylaurie truther 5ever>>>>)
(fic rec for u - no bright line by lady_grey - w/ sirius being an actor, remus being a historian & lily being the filmaker & matchmaker who fixes them up. james and harry are just there for the vibes honestly.)
tay tay -
sad beautiful tragic - JEGULUS - ‘long handwritten note’ - HELLO???? mr rab with the locket?? ‘kiss me try to fix it’ james trying to tell regulus to come and come that he’ll save reg , but reg already knowing he’s beyond repair. ‘for the life of us we can’t get back’ WHAT WHAT. they should’ve been happy your honour. ‘we both wake up in lonely beds in different cities’ the different places they wake up in especially during the summer holidays. ‘beautiful magic love there. what a sad beautiful tragic love affair.’ THEM THEM THEM THEY HAD SOMETHING SO SPECIAL AND THEY WERE SO TRAGIC.
the moment I knew- BLACK BROTHERS- i had to think about this one because I didn’t think anyone of my ships would betray each other like in this song. just not turn up or anything. BUT OF COURSE ! black brothers angst. i can just imagine sirius being like ‘bro i’m coming to your party bro’ & reg waiting but he doesn’t come because he’s getting smashed with the marauders. AHHHHH OH MY GOD NOW I’M ALL HURT. ‘your close friends seem to know when there’s something wrong’ - James being all ‘sup reg what up with u dude u seem a little depresso.’ i can just feel this song. very them .
the way i loved you - JEGULUS - i love this in the context of that jegulus had to break up and bartylus begins but then reg keeps thinking of james , like to me ‘frustrating intoxicating complicated’ is something reg would SO use to describe james. (ps - i’ve heard people use this for remus-grant in which it’s remus singing the song about sirius which i also agree with!)
now chatting time-
drarry ! i love them so much ! ‘harry had never been less interested in quidditch, he was rapidly become more and more obsessed with draco malfoy’ like BRO . i know what you are. ‘the boy who lived’ more like the ‘bi who lived’
and the personal dictionary thing is so real , isn’t it? it’s always like ‘ess check this’ ‘ess is there an a in definite’ ‘ess why is there a red line under this word’ .
and yes i agree red converse is very very james of me ! i love them so much they’re very dear to me. and green and black converse ??? very slytherin of you (i think the stars are so real of you #wolfstar5ever) i actually have a pair of stars converse !! on the little flap thingy , there is a little moon stitched on as well! when i saw them i was like ‘ i must own these’.
AND YES GREEK MYTHOLOGY FOREVER !!!! WE ARE THE BEST !!! the trojan horse was my obsession as a kid lmfao. i love that you took it to the next step though i could never do latin for so long ! (and i’m glad caecilius est in horto carries everywhere. it’s a staple of latin classes honestly.)
AND YESSSS saving lives is for cool people only ? are u a loser ? do you want to save lives ? if yes then u are no longer a loser ! (and nurses are definitely badass good on your best friend for opting for that)
(after the movies end i always be in the toilets staring into the mirror having an existential crisis like ‘well i’m gonna be in the mi6 now better get to training’ then the toilet flushes behind me and i get back to reality.)
little women ❤️❤️❤️❤️ (the 2019 movie >>>) ( and yes you must read iwwv that book changed my brain chemistry forever)
AND JUMANJI JUST SLAPS SO HARD HONESTLY!!! kevin and the rock together >>> . AND THIS YEAR’S APPRENTICE is on crack fr. if you watch it , you’ll notice there’s one guy who looks exactly like the hyde , honestly. and lord sugar saying ‘i hear you own a pest control business. any tips on how to get rid of piers morgan’ LIKE BRO YOU WENT HARD.
yes new york oh my god new york seems like the place that would make or break u. (not to mention that americans are a bit of a novelty here . like the candies , the cheetos the accents >>>) AND THE AMERICAN BIG GULP IS LIKE HUMONGOUS. HUGE . I must try it. (you have them in canada ??? that’s so cool)
RINGS ARE SO COOL. makes me feel all mysterious n shit , but i do too much lab work to handle wearing them all the time.
pop tarts & chinese takeout are simply superior. i don’t make the rules??
YOU HAVE CATS ??? I DON’T (yet. i plan on getting a black cat with green eyes. but a black cat) THAT’S SO SWEET AND AWESOME AND COOL AHHHHH. cats are so adorable honestly. (what are the kitties names ? i must know them and shower them with love from me !)
and yes INFJ !!! i love chocolate , but unfortunately i am not a werewolf so not totally remus. INTJ?? you little reg kinnie i see you there.
stars honestly i love them. light pollution is just so damning in london though. (and what??? that’s such a freaky coincidence oh my god !!!)
AND YES CHRISTMAS I LOVE CHRISTMAS !!! we did get snow last year but it melted pretty fast. We actually got frost a couple days ago , but not proper snow. i’m waiting for a real proper snow day again where the snow actually stays for ages. and lmfao you don’t get snow in canada ?? whenever i imagine canada i always think of three things - snow , maple syrup & mooses. it upsets me that not all of these things are everywhere in canada.
AND LMFAO NOT THE JAMES DOOR THING ??? it’s such a funny little thing because i see people bashing him for being dumb and opening the door and i’m like ‘guys.no’ (but he defo was wearing a costume.like that’s just the truth .)
your questions -
just enjoying the popular ships and not having a rarepair is so real of u. like yes i’m a basic bitch and i just want my jegulus + wolfstar. so what?? (and james & evan?? hmm never heard that before , i’m gonna have to check it out.) my rarepair is really really weird. brace yourself. it’s pansy x percy. i read one fic with them and i thought that was really cool so i think they’re sweet to read now and then! (the fic was the secretary by pacificrimbaud btw - recced by me but do read the tags for extra warnings ik not everyone likes that. it has wild child personal assistant pansy and rude controlling boss percy.)
not being to choose between them is so real . (me however ?? fuck james marry sirius kill remus. love u moonpie but mummy’s got a job to do.)
visiting places where movies got filmed is so surreal though isn’t it ?? and a lotr fan?? my mate’s one and she gave me the silmarillion to read for xmas . (it’s going to take me at least seven months to read because i read (1) page and got confused already.) AND VISIT LONDON YESSS !! very cool here usually , as long as you don’t bump into any roadmen. (I also want to go to italy and greece. Especially venice and athens >>>)
your fave books , i’m going through one by one
podg - isn’t ben barnes in the movie ?? so many edits i’ve seen of him with potd scenes , honestly i’ve got to read the book (& watch the movie of course , to sate my desire.)
‘name one hero who was happy’ & ‘ i am made of memories’ haunt me forever.
pjo is honestly so iconic. i’m waiting for the big old series to come out now.
IS THIS THE ONE BASED ON RON X GINNY FIC ?? like the one that goes ‘you’re my sister , my blood , i should want to protect you’ 😀😀😀 but i trust your judgement here bee!
never heard of this one. but i did just search it up , and the blurb is interesting so i’ve added it to my tbr !
hp did have my little year five self in a chokehold.
THE HUNGER GAMES OH MY LORD >>>>> peeta mellark and his baby bombs my god>>>
and soc ! i would read it except i have been spoiled for a certain chapter 40!
NOT YOU SKIPPING THE SPANISH CLASSES BECAUEE YOU DIDN’T WANT TO DO THE ORAL??? just say me llamo been and pass the exam 🤨🤨🤨🤨.now u got chlamydia too . and the teacher looking at you like ‘damn how she get chlamydia , this bitch be getting around.’
OMG LIGHTSABERS ??? i would so fight with them all the time that’s so so so awesome. (just looked up the lotr ring. it looks so elegant!)
ahhhh being a crazy cat lady >>>> (not abysmal cats beat people anyday.) my movie would be ‘drunk procrastinator’ because honestly i never do things on time and a little bit of sippy sip does release the stress sometimes. (the things i’ve done when under the influence will haunt me. my best friend has so much blackmail material on me .)
unfortunately not yet. but i do want to get a cat , so i’ll get on that asap.
when person a smells person b in amortentia , or when person a is given veritaserum and admits they like person b. i’m a sucker for that shit >>>
my weird talent is that i can eat an entire bowl of cereal in under ten seconds !! not useful at all , but it’s weird so yes , i consider it a talent !
i had to look up what a gas station was i got so confused. we call them petrol stations here so i was like ‘tf is a gas station’ BUT ANYWAYS! I don’t even have a car unfortunately, but my chauffeur (best friend) does and obviously i abuse the best friend privileges, and whenever he needs petrol i always get a pack of gum , a can of sprite (+ a diet coke for the driver man). (this is what you mean by gas station order , yes ? gas stations in canada don’t have restaurants in them right?)
favourite flower - poppies ! i adore poppies ! + lavender they’re so pretty // favourite plant - hyrdrangeas ! (they’re classified as shrubs so they count) very sweet and nice.
favourite planet - gonna be a real one and choose my gal pluto. she’s still a planet to me , okay???
i was at a funeral when i got a phone call . my phone was NOT on silent. and the worst part ? my ringtone was baby got back , so now the deceased’s family have a memory of ‘turn around stick it out even white boys got the shout , baby got back!’ in the middle of someone’s eulogy.
saxophone ! that shit RELAXING AS FUCK !
q’s for you to answer next time you come around -
what the fuck is putin (not the president)
unpopular opinion about the marauders
unpopular opinion in life
Dream car
do you watch the apprentice?
do you believe in soulmates ? (romantic or platonic?)
what’s your hidden talent?
Favourite villain ?
ever had your heart broken ?
ever broken a heart?
(bee you know the drill by now !! don’t be too long , I’ll miss you<333)
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whump-captain · 1 year
1, 2, 18, 19? -@set-phasers-to-whump
Thank you for the questions! Took me Way longer than i thought lmao
1. What are three shows in your watchlist that you’ve been meaning to get to?
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood; ive never seen Brotherhood in full and ive been putting it off tbh waiting for one of my recurrent fullemetal alchemist obsessions lol
Im about 1/4 through Clone Wars too and ive been watching it kinda in bits and pieces
And i do wanna watch Roswell New Mexico at some point but the stars never seem to be in the right place lol
2. Describe your favorite pair of socks
They're ankle-length and fluffy, bright yellow and they have Pikachus on them! They're super cozy.
18. What’s one historical event that you would have liked to have witnessed?
Hmmmm honestly im happy witnessing whatever it will be that i will witness in the future lol. If i have to pick one it's going to be the boring choice of moon landing because man, that must have felt mental
19. What’s your favorite Halloween costume from when you were a kid?
I've never actually had one as a kid! Halloween wasn't really a thing in my country back then. It had juuuuust started to cross over when i was in high school and so the first time I dressed up for Halloween was an adult. My favourite I think was when i attached a bunch of cables and broken chips to my work clothes and painted metal plates onto my face. The customers kept referring to me as "the robot instructor" all day lol
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 look at himmmm i need to do this. the met gala is one of my superbowls as a queer. i am upset zendaya and billy porter werent there this year tho. this is a little short bc i have no clue what else happens at the met soooo
|remember to leave feedback and i love all you heathens|
‘Broadway and Breakker’ Bron Breakker (Bronson) x fem!reader
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^reader plays katherine howard in six: the musical on broadway. when the 2022 met gala came around, she had to bring her boyfriend to the occasion^
- i’m a history nerd and i’m aware it’s actually spelt ‘catherine’ but for the sake of the musical, i’m using the k - disclaimer: i absolutely ADORE blake lively and ryan reynolds but once again, for the sake of this; im replacing them with reader and bron. fight me - making up details in blake’s dress bc im blind and CONTENT B0iss - Y/L/N - your last name - got lewd towards the end
3rd Person POV:
No one would have expected this pair to walk a red carpet of this caliber together. Since they broke the news of their relationship, a lot of noses went up at the concept of a Broadway performer and a professional wrestler dating. It did bother them the first two months but they quickly decided that what random people thought of their relationship didn’t matter. They were head over heels for each other. When she was told so was invited to the annual Met Gala, she actually scared him when she jumped up and down on the couch. The email also said that she could bring someone and how could she not take Bronson? 
As they were about to go on the carpet, he noticed her nerves spiking. She was rattling off things that could go wrong and mistakes she could make, “Hey look at me, nothing bad is going to happen. This is a first for both of us. You have nothing to worry about. You look absolutely breathtaking, darling.” Her dress mirrored a renaissance painting, hair down with a crown pinned in her hair. The six spikes on the crown was a nod to her role as Katherine Howard in Six: The Musical on Broadway. Though the most important part of her ensemble was the chain around her neck with a charm of the letter ‘B’. He had gotten the necklace for her for their one year anniversary; it almost never leaves her body, even hides it under her costume for the show. Bronson opted for a black suit as he wanted all the attention on the love of his life. She looked in his eyes and like magic, her anxiety disappeared. “I love you.” he kissed her quickly but gently as he responded “I love you too.”
Picture after picture, they made their way to  Emma Chamberlain for an interview. “Here we have Broadway’s own K.Howard, Y/N Y/L/N!” Emma introduced. She smiled at the young lady. “And might I ask who this dapper fellow is?” “Hey Emma, you look lovely. This is my boyfriend, Bronson. For all you wrestling fans out there; Bron Breakker.” She introduced him proudly. “You two are so cute together and you look amazing. What’s it like playing out part of history on one of the most important stages in the world?” Y/N first thanked Emma for the compliments, “Well, it’s so special to me to get to showcase more women’s history that would normally go under the radar. I’m so grateful for my time as an alternate for all six queens, but there was something so raw about Howard’s story that I was over the moon when I got the role officially.” Emma turned to Bronson who was watching his girlfriend talk about her work so passionately, “Have you seen Y/N in the show yet?” He was a little nervous to answer but, “I was there opening night and I was just so blown away, as always. Y/N is just amazing at what she does and I’m just so proud of her. I could never be on those stages.” “And I could never get in those rings.” Emma was signaled to wrap things up, “So would you say your first Met Gala has been going well?” Y/N nodded. “Little nervous but I’m happy I have Bronson by my side.” she looked up and kissed him. “Thank you guys so much. I hope to see you two in there.” “Thank you Emma. Take care honey.”
Later that night
After the event, the couple made their way back to her apartment. She had changed into a different dress; a red minidress with black heels, before the dinner, opting to wear it home. They both went to change into something more comfortable until he caught her staring as he undid his bowtie. “Yes baby?” She came up behind him, wrapping her arms around his midsection, “Thank you for coming with me. I know it’s not exactly your thing.” He turned around and put his hands on her waist and lower back, “You know I would always do this kind of stuff for you. I love seeing you talk about the show. And you were the most beautiful star on that carpet. I couldn’t take my eyes off you~” “You looked pretty handsome yourself. You always look especially sexy in a suit.” She pulled him closer and kissed him hard. “As much as I’d love to take you right now in that little dress, we both have to be up tomorrow.” She couldn’t help but pout. “No baby. No pouting.” He was right. She had rehearsal and he had training. “When we come back here tomorrow, you’re all mine.” she whispered and bit his lip before walking away.  “Always a temptress.” he stated, quoting a line from the show. She poked her head out the bathroom door, “That’s Anne Boleyn. She was beheaded first.” He laughed. 
lovely taglist babes (dm or comment to be added) @josiewrites @rubyred1980 @chrisdickinson @xkennyxomegax @wwenhlimagines @night-of-the-living-shred​
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