#im so glad you asked anon!
kudzuoath · 9 months
I'm embarrassed to not be anon for this but I want to try and write some Gale fic and I'm just in awe over how well you've captured his "voice" in your work. Do you have any tips for that? Either Gale in particular or just in general?
Asdfghjkl anon you have no idea how flattered I am to hear this. Gale kind of comes easily to me because. Well. I too am someone with a big vocabulary that just. Uses it. That said, I’ll try to string together some tips!
1) if you can say it with more words, or more “complex” words, you should. Though be careful of using the thesaurus tool— some similar words have very different meanings!
For example instead of saying “your dog ate my shoes” go with something like “it would seem our canine companion has developed a rather unfortunate taste for footwear — mine in particular!”
(His habit of using ten words where three will do is particularly funny given how annoyed he is with Elminster for doing the same thing. Albeit more archaically.)
2) related to the above but use metaphors and go purple with his dialogue. He’s a self confessed poet who has thousands of books. He’s probably read all of them. Gale is often using metaphors (and something else.. similes? The proper term escapes me) in conversation. For example in his romance scene in act two he says something like “the weary sun makes its nightly dive into the sea”.
3) while this man seems to think he’s better off dead, he often projects an air of self confidence capability and knowledge. He can definitely be catty, even if it’s a stealthy kind of catty! And he will make his opinions known.
4) “cat owner” voice. The infamous “stop licking the damn thing!” Line. I don’t know why this helps me but it does. Another line/moment that helps me keep things sorted is that if you break up with him, he legit cries. But says “I seem to have gotten some dust from the road in my eyes” or something to that effect.
5) Gale has a sort of blasé “whelp, everything has gone wrong, must keep going” air as a baseline. Which isn’t to say he doesn’t care, just that he seems like the sort distance himself from painful things. And he’s canonically spent at least a year isolating himself from everyone except his cat.
And that’s all I got! Other than just listening to his lines in game. I find if I can mentally hear a character, it helps me keep things in line. This is helpful for ALL characters, even ocs. At least for me. A voice claim helps me keep my dialogue consistent to itself, and unique to whoever is speaking.
Good luck!! If you write a thing, send it to me and I’ll read it! :D
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choccy-milky · 2 months
can. can i just say: i love clora's tits. like, genuinely. love the way you draw them. so nice and big and pillowy. good LORD please shove them in my face I AM SO GAY AAAAAAAAAAA. okay, i'm good. thank you for your time.
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civetside · 8 months
whenever i see people talk about a tlt tv show i can only envision it in your art style
that would be so funny, could you imagine a book accurate retelling of gideon the ninth but it looks like THIS
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like they keep the gore and death but it has slapstick comedy and cartoony sound effects, it would be like a really fucked up dexter's lab episode
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scribz-ag24 · 19 days
okay but you know how dusknoir the species get signals to bring the dead to the underworld
imagine being around grovyle and feeling that all the time
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This is such a great idea, Grovyle's time has come but Dusknoir does NOT want to take his soul, yet dusknoirs lose their will when they receive orders...
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randomminty · 2 months
your art has gotten me obsessed with the idea of janine and silver accidentally becoming friends through their respective relationships to the league dads. idk why but janine is so underrated and since she’s a poison-type specialist it feels like it just works to me… i know it sounds crazy but i have serious brainrot over them
which is to say, i was wondering if you would draw the two of them hanging out together? maybe silver begrudgingly accompanies janine on one of her lunch runs because she can’t carry it all herself or something, idk… it’s up to you!
it’s no pressure ofc, i just really love silver and janine and it’s p much entirely thanks to your art so whether you decide to pick up this idea or not, thanks for planting the seeds in my brain :’)))
(also i really do have so many headcanons about them, so if u are interested in hearing more or have ur own thoughts to add about silver/janine friendship, please share them!! i am so starved for janine content, she is my #1 girl 🫠💜)
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THANKS FOR THE ASK THIS IS A REALLYY REALLY GOOD IDEA i think silvers forced into doing lunch runs w janine and they slowly start to become friends. Eventually
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mochinomnoms · 4 months
I cant stop thinking about ptm Yuus first time with Jade, and Yuu not being able to handle just how loving jade is.
Jades thoughts already are so unhinged, either you have to endure repeats of “i loveyou youyouyouyou i love you so much my pretty pearl aaaahfjfjsl” or “i need to bend them over RIGHT NOW!! LEMME SWALLOW YOUR MOANS UP MY DEAR PEARL PLEASE IM BEGGING JUST ONE CRUMB OF ATTENTION”
Yuu probably just assumes his thoughts would be relatively the same as theyre stripped bare, lying on their back on jades bed, after they’ve (FINALLY) confessed their feelings and shit, but what yuu doesnt expect is just how.. incredibly soft and loving his thoughts are rn??
Hear me out: his thoughts are so FUCKING loud whenever hes in the same damn room as yuu. It doesnt matter if yuu is at the lecture hall, the cafeteria, or even the library. The daydreams and love bombs, the cooing, the “LOOK THIS WAY PLSPLS PRETTY PEARLLL” practically DEMAND your attention!! I mean jade just (sadly) overpowers every other thought the people near you have, but usually yuu can just push back those thoughts after slamming their head on the walls shaking and crying.
Now that you’re both finally alone (jade rejoices) its oddly quiet.. to yuus surprise jades thoughts have quieted down., almost hazy in a way as you just hear echoes of “my pearl is just so gorgeous .. is this really happening?”
“Oh sea witch they have a birthmark right there? Placed so perfectly i could just eat you right up youre so cuteettee”
“i love you, my dear. Im so lucky to have you”….and yuu just??? At this point they cant even differentiate whats coming out of jades mouth or not. It the best mix if “omfg am i high rn??” and pure bliss.
They might get overwhelmed to the point of tears because no way.. you really love me this much holy shit and also.. i cant believe i actually fell in love with you even though i tried so hard not to..and just.. THESE TWO MAKE ME SOFT OKAY??
just wanted to share my thoughts!! because god i just know jade would just non stop praise yuu over and over again whilst yuu is trying not to combust from how red their face is
BTWW I cannot thank you enough for your amazing work😭❤️ i love youre writing so much its sl silly and also touching at the same time <3
No no no no anon you're so right, I'm so glad you see it cause that's the whole thing with Jade and Yuu in PTM. Jade's so unhinged and full of yearning for Yuu that it makes him a lil more insane in the head. It's like when someone fantasizes about what they would do if they hypothetically won the lottery and then actually have to figure out what they'll do with the money.
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beescake · 5 months
your sollux is singlehandedly dredging up years-old memories of how much i like this guy- keep up the awesome work >:)
im delighted AHH i love seeing ppl returning to hs w/ fresh eyes for sollux!!! he's still as good as ever they literally dont make characters like him anymore
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strawdool · 25 days
What’s it like being such an incredible artist? Ur art is so fire 😘😍
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tbh idk asfusabfuisa im just like this half of the time
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pcktknife · 1 month
what do you think about the newest penacony story patch in hsr?
penacony numero uno. actually the best arc out of the 3 so far but sunday should kill himself*
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lightbulb-warning · 11 months
Same person that said your art style scratches the inside of my head (I used the wrong your in the original ask smh)
I wanted to also say how much I love how you draw Shuichi <3 It's perfect, people have already complimented how you draw Kokichi (perfect, as well) so I thought how you draw Shuichi deserves some love as well
ive been looking through my drawing folders and have come to the conclusion that your definition of "perfect shuichi" equals to "stressed out of his mind", which i find hilarious /lh
i fucking love shuichi i find him to be such a compelling character. *puts this in your pocket when you're not looking*
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allastoredeer · 24 days
Is it just me or people really more and more draw Lucifer as a complete uwu shy baby and Alastor as his big alpha man? Because the more days pass the more of it I see and I'm tired.
Dude I hear ya (¬_¬) It's literally my biggest pet peeve with the radioapple ship. I'm sorry but I cannot fathom Lucifer as a UwU shy baby. And Alastor a big alpha man? Please. If any of them were a big alpha man, it'd be Lucifer, let's be real.
You know, the thing is, I don't really mind Lucifer having shy little UwU moments or Alastor being all big, tough, and domineering - they've both had moments like that in the show. It's when their entire characters get boiled down to these specific tropes/characteristics that I want to start ripping my hair out.
At this point, I just scroll past content like that really fast, or I just block the creator - not out of resentment of malice toward them, I'm just a big believer in fans curating their own fandom experience. If I don't enjoy certain content, however innocent and harmless it is, I'm going to keep it from showing up in my feed. I'm here to have a good time, I'm not gonna spend it consuming stuff I don't enjoy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It's how I got most of my Twitter feed full of bottom!Alastor now. I rarely come across top!Alastor anymore and it's been great. I'm having a fantastic time.
But yeah, totally agree with you, Anon. Not much we can do about it, but I feel your frustration. The best we can do is make the content we want to see (~˘▾˘)~
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pixiecaps · 5 months
What are your favorite roier pictures? What are your favorite roier pictures? What are your favorite roier pictures? What are your favorite roier pictures? What are your favorite roier pictures?
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poltergeist-coffee · 1 month
Hhmm Bagi? 👀
Also hey I'm back, school was killing me:D
- 🍽
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song: Carnaval by Kamaitachi
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frostbeees · 3 months
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NCAA Championship - Providence Regional Semifinal
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elizakai · 4 months
Will it bother you if i ever want to spam like or reblog things ?? Some people hate that from what i’ve heard<
whaaaaat :< of course i don’t hate it!!!
I think it’s really cute 🥹🌸 °o .*•.
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mochinomnoms · 5 months
So when jade glows its basically "hey can I try rizzing you up? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE-"
Holy shit I would tease him SO hard for that lmao
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