#im so rotted we couldnt find it
shadsasaur · 1 year
i am having a day
when we were trying to find a fix for one of my Various Ailments it turned out my eye is slightly off and i could go for a glasses. so today mom decides to come along for my month-post-checkup checkup to have a look at glasses with me.
on the way back to my place she mentions her phone said something about airtags. she drops me off, then comes back inside to show me her phone and the tag thing. we go out and experiment with the popup and realize we can make an tag beep. it is coming from inside the jeep. we cannot find anything inside. we crawl on the ground under. the noise is absolutely coming form the jeep, somewhere around the right rear wheel, on the outside. we cannot fucking find anything.
mom has nothing of value and no drama. there would be no reason to track and rob her. we realize the app says the tag has been on her since 5:46am.. which was about when her partner left for 3 weeks on the oil rigs 🙃
we spend two fucking hours searching [lex coming home and getting his gear to really get in] and as best as we can figure, having oil rig money means you dont care about the cost of an airpod and just shoved it in the jeep's body so it could neither be found nor retrieved. he kept calling while we were looking and she didnt answer.
we dont know what to do. i was trying to convince her to let me answer and say "SORRY, MOMS UNDER THE JEEP RN. YEAH SOMEONE'S PUT A TRACKER ON HER CAR, WHICH IS A COMMON WAY ROBBERS FOLLOW YOU HOME AN HIT YOUR HOUSE, SO WE'RE TRYING TO FIND IT TO GIVE IT TO THE COPS SINCE IT TRACKS THE PHONE NUMBER OF WHO OWNS IT! BYEEEE :D " to make him shit his pants but she wouldnt let me 🙃
anyways shoutout to moms shitty bf who apparently can buy an airtag but not read "if this thing is on a person who doesnt own it for a bit, they get an alert that its there with the ability to track its location and see a map of how long it's travelled with them"
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g1rld1ary · 5 months
hi baby !! 🧡
im sick rn and ive looked alllllll over and i couldnt find anything could you write a sickfic for luke from jatp where the female!reader gets sick ? reader is his girl 😽
im doing the same prompt on my blog because im so obsessed with the idea of sickfics and im such a luke girl
so you probably wont have much trouble figuring out who sent you this later if you look it up LMFAO 😍😍
pshsshssh thank you !! 🌼🌼
sick days ; luke patterson x fem!reader
➻ synopsis: you're not feeling well, but luke is here to look after you
➻ word count: 1905
➻ content: established relationship, implied aged up to early 20ish, pet names (love, baby, my girl), tooth rotting fluff
➻ obsessed with this request!!! i've never written a sickfic before so hope this is ok!! hope ur feeling better lovey xxxx
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Your body ached. That was the only thing you could feel. Actually, that was incorrect; you also had a headache and a snotty nose and you were pretty sure your temperature could boil water. In essence, you felt awful. You’d toughed it out for as long as you could, making yourself a steaming hot tea and cozying into the sofa for the night. It wasn’t making you feel any better. So, in a last ditch effort of saving your night, you dialled your boyfriend.
You smiled as his croaky, half-asleep voice came through your phone, murmuring your name.
“I’m sorry, did I wake you?” You asked, brows furrowed as you checked the time, gasping when it read 1:45am. You thought it was still closer to eleven.
“Don’t worry about it, couldn’t sleep anyway,” Luke lied and you frowned, though he couldn’t see it through the screen.
“No, it’s dumb. I’m sorry I woke you up. Night, Luke.” You moved to hang up when Luke interrupted you.
“Baby, wait! Clearly something’s bothering you. What’s up?” You smiled despite your discomfort, your boyfriend always boosting your mood without even trying.
“Nothing,” You pouted in your puddle of blankets, “Just feel sick.” You could feel Luke’s pity without him saying anything and weren’t sure whether to be indignant or grateful.
“Can you stay awake for twenty more minutes, love?”
“I guess so, why?” You asked, turning the TV back on as something to keep you from sleeping.
“I love you,” Was all he said, hanging up on you abruptly. You smiled softly to yourself, willing your eyes to stay open as you tried to focus on the sitcom in front of you.
You were just dozing off when you heard your apartment door unlocking and the brief shuffling of feet in the entryway. Your grin brightened, the familiar butterflies returning to your chest, even after months of being with Luke. The man in questioned approached you quietly, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead as you looked up at him.
“Luke, it’s 2 am, what are you doing here?” You asked despite the obvious answer, opening your shield of blankets for him to crawl onto the sofa with you. He made you wait, tipping out his reusable shopping bag onto the coffee table in front of you. There lay a pint of ice cream, tea bags, painkillers, and your favourite chocolate. Suddenly you weren’t sure if the heat on your face was fever or blush. Silently you held your arms out, and Luke dove into them with all the enthusiasm of a child, peppering your faces with all the kisses he could manage.
“Couldn’t let my girl be sick on her own,” He mumbled, nuzzling himself into the crook of your neck, eliciting a bout of giggles from you.
“My very own Prince Charming,” You grinned, pecking his temple. After a gratuitous moment of cuddling Luke peeled himself off you, taking on the role of concerned caretaker. He was quick to dart into the kitchen, turning the kettle on for your tea and grabbing a spoon for the ice cream he’d bought. Sitting himself in the vacant spot next to you he fixed his focus onto the TV.
“What are we watching?” He asked, pulling the lid off the ice cream tub for you.
“How I Met Your Mother, I’ve just reached season seven.” Luke gasped dramatically, holding his hands over his chest in faux outrage.
“You continued without me? How could you?” You laughed at his accusatory tone, shrugging your shoulders.
“I’m sorry, Lukey. You have to forgive me though, I’m sick,” You punctuated the statement with a pathetic cough, smiling as Luke easily settled down.
You watched in silence for a bit, both giggling at the stupid jokes. After a while you felt Luke looking at you seriously, but chose not to think much of it, continuing to tune in to the show. When he pulled out a thermometer, you raised an eyebrow. Luke wasn’t usually one to be so prepared, but you let him rest it on your tongue nonetheless. When it read a concerningly high number Luke frowned, silently popping the painkillers out of their packaging, feeding you with the insistence of a fed up mother hen.
“Why aren’t you a nurse?” You joked, swallowing the medication with a mouthful of melted ice cream, “Rockstar be damned.”
“Only for you, love.”
“That’s not true, I’ve seen you fretting over Reggie,” You laughed, and Luke couldn’t help but join you.
“That’s fair. You’re my favourite, though.”
“How unexpected.” You craned your neck to press a kiss to his jaw, revelling in the dumb grin that crept onto his face.
You both settled into silence, you leant into Luke’s side, his hands rubbing soft circles into your thigh. You could feel yourself drifting in and out of sleep, never quite able to stay in it for one reason or another. The blanket was too hot, you were cold without it, your head hurt. Nothing was quite right and all you wanted to do was sleep for as long as humanly possible.
“Luke?” You whispered, in case he was already asleep.
“Yes, love?” He replied, shifting his position to look down at you. You faltered for a moment, overwhelmed with the pure adoration in his eyes.
“Will you play for me?” Luke was up in a second, arranging you on the sofa. You giggled as he manhandled you, lying you down and wrapping you tightly in your blanket so you couldn’t escape. You teased him about being his captive audience as he tuned his guitar quickly, never being so grateful for his perfect pitch.
Without anymore holdups Luke began to play, plucking softly at the strings to create a melody that filled the air of your little apartment. His playing was like a siren call, pressing weights on your eyelids until you could barely stand to keep them open. You watched him while you could, admiring the way the faint light from the kitchen lamp made him look like an Adonis, his hair illuminated in gold and his features accentuated by the shadows. You couldn’t believe he was your boyfriend. Luke Patterson, heartthrob of Julie and the Phantoms was your dorky, adoring boyfriend who would make supermarket trips in the middle of the night for you. Who had your favourite ice cream memorised and your key attached to his, so he could come see you whenever he missed you (which was pretty much always).
Despite the various aches and pains that had overtaken your body, the only thing you could feel as you drifted off to sleep was the burning ball of light in your chest, a chemical mixture of joy and love and gratitude, overtaking your senses one by one until you were asleep, dreams filled of beautiful images of your boyfriend.
When you woke up the next morning, you figured out it wasn’t morning at all. Luke had evidently switched off your phone’s alarm after you’d fallen asleep, and it was well into early afternoon when you’d arisen. To his credit though, the sleep had done you some good, and you felt much less like walking death after an intense sleep.
You untangled yourself from the knit blanket, your feet wobbly on the hard wood floors. You had serious post-nap daze, and wandered through your flat looking for your boyfriend. The poorly made sheets on your actual bed told you where Luke slept last night — or this morning, more accurately — you smiled at the way he’d arranged your stuffed animals.
Stuck to the fridge under your New York City magnet was a note from Luke, explaining he had to go to rehearsal but he’d be back later to check on you. You pulled the paper off, travelling back to your room to put the note in your ‘Luke’ box, adding to the collection of notes and drawings he’d given you inconsequentially that you’d held onto.
As the afternoon ticked by you’d gotten onto your computer, figuring that although you were still ill you should try and get something productive done. You were armed with your box of tissues as you got started on an assignment you had due at the end of the week, and slipped your headphones on to get into the headspace.
You screamed as a pair of arms wrapped around you from behind, quickly dissolving into giggles as you realised it was only Luke, back from rehearsal.
“Your voice still sounds scratchy, baby, how are you feeling?” He asked, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“Better, promise. Tomorrow I’ll probably go to class if I get another good night’s sleep.”
“That’s my girl.” He grinned, and you felt your insides melting all over again. You closed the laptop, knowing you weren’t going to get much more done now that Luke was with you.
You spent the evening together, ordering in pizza from the place around the corner and getting slightly wine drunk as Luke told you all about his earlier rehearsal and the antics of his band. He sang you part of the new song he and Julie had written and you applauded dramatically, only stopping when you broke into a coughing fit.
“Wanna watch something?” He asked when you grew tired again, cuddling up to him like a cat.
“Barbie?” You asked hopefully, looking up at him with wide eyes. Luke sighed dramatically, but you knew he was just pretending not to like the animated movies you’d grown up on.
“Only if it’s Island Princess,” He offered and you nodded enthusiastically.
The two of you settled in for the movie night, Luke getting much more into the movie as it went on, as he always did. By the end you were singing duets — your voice considerably less pleasing than his, especially due to your illness — Luke taking on the role of the prince letting you be Ro.
As the credits rolled you felt your eyes closing again, and you felt eerily like you did as a younger girl, falling asleep on the couch after a Barbie movie. This was better though, because now you had Luke next to you. He’d taken his role as big spoon extremely seriously, and had all but become one with the couch, pressing into the back as he wrapped his arms around you tightly.
You shifted your position to face him, watching his face relax into contentedness as he tried to doze off to sleep. Feeling you watch him he cracked one eye open, mouth producing a dumb grin that made butterflies erupt in your chest.
“What?” He asked, but you got the distinct impression he knew exactly what you were thinking.
“Nothing,” You lied, but gave in easily, “You’re pretty.”
“You’re pretty too. Now go to sleep.” You nodded, pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth.
“Kay, goodnight Lukey. I love you.”
“Love you too, my girl. So much.” His answer was muffled by him pressing his face into your hair to pull you closer, but you couldn’t wipe the smile from your face even as sleep enveloped you.
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lovebunnie · 3 months
“so are we just not gonna talk about it?”
spy looks over the edge of his cigarette to the scout, leaning against a wall in feigned nonchalance. he looks agitated with fingers curled into white knuckled fists. he looks ready to hit someone, spy thinks. ever the violent little thing.
“you will have to be more specific.”
scout scoffs. “thats’a no then.”
“say what you want, boy.” the spy exhales his smoke out of the corner of his mouth.
scout's nose crinkles as he steels himself as though preparing to weather a storm. the tension between them feels thick as the spy's already charred lungs feel even more strained. faint redness tinges the boy's cheeks and the spy knows that scout is trying not to cry.
"what good is it if you wont freakin' listen? whats the point in trying to say anything when every one of ya jerks look at me like im not in on it, like im the last to know. i have eyes." scout's frame shakes, turning to face the spy. "im not that stupid, i can connect the dots.”
“you are talking in circles. this game you are playing had no place among coworkers-“
“youre my father, you asshole.”
spy slowly takes his cigarette from his mouth. he lets the silence take hold of the room to mask the feeling of cold dread washing over him. it was never supposed to be this way. “ah, i see,” he mutters.
“yea,” scout spits, “been searching for the bastard my whole life and it freakin’ figures id meet him here, at the end of the world.”
“life is surely funny that way.”
“doesnt feel very funny.”
the spy watches scout shuffle his feet. “you were never supposed to find out like this.”
“dont give me that.” the scout hisses the words and the red raising in his cheeks disguises his smattering of freckles. the spy thinks he looks older like this, settled into his rage. “i wasnt never supposed to know, was i?”
he could lie. he has been lying his whole life and it came to him far easier. there was already a story at the tip of his tongue about waiting for the right time and place, about waiting for when all the bloodshed was over to finally embrace his role as a father. really, he should lie to save his own sanity and peace of mind in the workplace if nothing else.
“no, you were not.” however, the truth sneaks out of spy like an exhale.
the scout jerks a nod and looks away. his throat clicks with the swallowing of tears and the little boy from another lifetime ago is standing right in front of spy all of a sudden. the small hands that grabbed his fingers when he was a newborn now clench onto nothing. wide eyes once full of wonder were now unable to meet his own.
“you were just gonna, what, keep going here until one of us died? everyone was just going to keep this to themselves and let me rot with it?” the scout takes a deep breath. “my ma knows too, doesnt she? has known about it the whole freakin’ time i bet.” he deflates a bit at the mention of his mother.
“she wanted me to keep an eye on you,” the spy says.
at once, something gripes scout and suddenly the rage is back, sparking and sputtering with righteous fury. “jesus christ, again with the lies? you were gonna keep an eye on me, oh, like back when i was a kid and getting my lunch money taken? back when i had to earn my place in the neighborhood just to keep from getting pummeled?” he points a finger. “you never did anything even close to protect me. when ma couldnt pick me up from practice because she was home with the flu, it was benny who came to get me, not you. when i needed field trip permission slips signed, matty taught me how to forge a signature.” one finger becomes two and counts up in time with his words. “randy taught me how to tie my shoes. eddie knew where id always forget my backpack. sammy let me pick any candy i wanted when we went to the grocery store.”
the spy stays silent. no words come to him.
“and when i got here, who showed me where to put my things? it wasnt you spy, it was demo. when i had to ask about my shots getting delivered here, did you go out of your way to make it happen? no, medic did that too. did you ask me what i wanted for breakfast or was that heavy? did my father ever offer to upgrade my weapons or did engie do that?”
the scout, during his scolding, had involuntarily stepped closer and closer to the spy until they were in each other’s faces. the air felt thick, and spy wanted to cloak right now more than anything on earth.
scout steps back. “i didnt need a father then and i sure as hell dont need one now,” he says.
if the world was right and just, spy would apologize right now and say he regretted leaving his son as he did all those years ago. he would promise that the lies ended here. he would promise to start being the father scout deserved, better late then never.
but unfortunately, the world was how it was. “are you quite done?”
scout stares at him for a moment with his jaw somewhat dropped, and the spy feels his heart break at the realization that the scout had had hope in a different outcome.
“youre a real piece of work,” scout grumbles. “lets both forget this happened, okay? dont even bother trying to pretend to care, either. we should both just forget about each other like this, im too tired to deal with any more.” the scout takes a step back before a smirk tugs at his lips and he gives a watery snort. “ya know, life is funny that way. this time, i get to be the one to walk away.”
before spy can try to respond, the scout turns on his heel and walks away, as was his birth right, as was his nature.
like father, like son.
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divinesolas · 1 year
Heyy, would you write something with aemond, perhaps an arranged marriage and struggling conceiving… feel free to ignore
"still nothing?"
you felt like a kicked puppy. sitting in a chair looking down at your lap while alicent talked with her son, your husband.
You were from a minor house from the north, stripped from your home and taken down south to marry the prince in the hopes to secure a more friendly relationship between the south and north.
you were however failing the one job you were given. you felt sick to your stomach.
when you first met aemond you felt like you had won the greatest prize, thanking whatever gods we're listening for giving you such a blessing. He was kind, much kinder than any other man had been. he treated you with respect and even made sure you were taken care of in the bedroom.
something that still irked you about him was that you couldn't tell if he genuinely liked you. sure his actions were kind but he never really spoke to you. seven hells he never even kisses you.
he was a very strange man but you grew to love him all the same. it had been a couple months since the two of you had been married and were still unable to conceive.
aemond shook his head and alicent sighed, rubbing her temples before turning back to you. you would normally apologize but today you feel so embarrassed about it.
"you're dismissing dear."
you stand and silently make your way towards the door and exit. this was humiliating, what was wrong with you? why couldn't you just do this one thing? you didn't look at aemonds expression and you didn't want to, expecting to see disappointment and anger.
you didn't even notice you had left your notebook in alicents room, you had to go fetch you. as much as you didn't want to go back in there you needed to get your notebook so you quickly turn around to go get it.
once you reach the door you lift your hand to knock but freeze at the conversation inside.
"it has been months aemond! aegon and heleana had there children swiftly after marriage yet this one is not happening." there is silence and alicent sigh in anger at aemonds quietness.
"maybe its time we consider other options aemond. shes clearly not producing any heirs and the royal line must continue."
You stumble back with tears in your eyes. No you couldn't lose aemond. you gulp, why? why were you so useless that you couldnt do this one thing? his silence is everything. you rush away quickly to your room., ignore the odd stares from the maids.
you hide yourself under the covers of your bed and allow yourself to cry.
The day passes and the sun sets while you rot in bed. the door opens and your eyes shoot open. hes too early. its much too early in the day despite it being night for him to be returning now.
you pray he doesn't come over to you. you can hear his footsteps suddenly pause for a moment and you hold your breath. he lets out a sigh and his footsteps move closer to you.
youre frozen. he suddenly rips the sheet off of you and you shriek, burying your head into the pillow. "my lady..." his words are soft, in a pleading tone which tugs at your heart.
"my prince." you mumble into the pillow, not wanting to face him. he sighs once more and places a hand on your back.
"are you feeling well? you did not attend dinner." ah dinner was it really that late? you two always had dinner together. he must have come looking once you didnt show.
"im sorry my prince, i lost track of time."
he notes you dont answer his question, "my lady, if something is bothering you please tell me."
your eyes well up with tears again, why did he have to be so sweet? you suddenly sit up, a sudden rush of emotions floods you.
"please do not find another lady."
he gives you a bewildered look, "whatever are you talking about my lady."
you looks down as the tears begin to flow heavily, "im sorry i haven't conceived yet. please just allow me to try again, i can i promise please do not find somebody else to do it."
You let out a sob as you finish, you loved him so much you did not want him to go looking for someone else.
he places a hand on you chin and forces you to look up at him.
"i would never do such a think. i do not know where you got such an absurd idea from but it shall never happen, you are my wife. i am with you till death do us part."
you sniffle, "but the queen had suggested-"
he lets out a sigh and shakes his head, "is that what this is about?" you quickly shut up and sighs again.
"she had suggested it when you had left yes. but i had told her no. you are my wife."
"but what if i am unable to-"
"it does not matter."
"but the queen..."
he looks you in the eyes and you feel yourself melt in the warmth. "there is nobody else other than you. and there shall never be."
he kisses you. it had been the first time since your wedding he had kisses you and you never felt happier.
once he pulled away he rested his forehead onto yours. "it shall always be you."
he pulls away and gives you a smile, "plus it has only been a few months since he have married, there are still plenty more opportunities for you to get pregnant."
safe to say, it wasnt long since after the doctors confirmed you were indeed pregnant.
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blacklegsanjiii · 4 months
First of all im so sorry for the long askbut!! New parent idea 💥💥 i present to you: King
Now hear me out, you might be thinking ‘really??? King from wano the bird guy?? Why tf’ but my good sir there are multiple reasons
1. Fire! King is from a race called lurarians (he’s infact the last of his people because theyre world wide known as beautiful because of their white hair, dark skin and beautiful black wings) lurarians are also known to be able to set themselves on fire! So that fits prettyyy well with sanji
So if we take pt 1 with us and expand it...
2. Test subject ✨ we all know Sanji is judge 3rd expiriment and also that vegapunk has made the seraphims of the warlords combined with kings lurarian DNA to make very strong clones. Judge and vegapunk were also in a science group together so they might have some shared notes and materials...
So that brings me to the parent King au...
What if vegapunk and judge kept in touch and decided to keep King in germas dungeon for the foreseeable future because its very well guarded etc etc so he is essentially both vegapunk and judges labrat
And when judge is busy with Sora and Reiju he notices that while reiju hasnt failed his expectations for power, he can always do better so with the quadruplets he also decides to mix kings lurarian DNA in for even stronger child soldiers (so 1234ji have 3 bio parents lmao)
Maybe this alters their appearance also a bit? (Mini baby wings 🥺 that they hide becausd its a weakness maybe 124ji got them amputated later in life while sanji ofcourse kept his hidden)
But anyway canon continues and sanji gets thrown into the dungeon with his mask... Here he meets a huge winged man. First days maybe weeks they dont really talk but sanji is a child and starts talking to king because he's lonely
They startbonding and in the next almost year that sanji is stuck there they really learn to love each other and sanji shows king his baby wings and king just decides 'yup thats my kid' teaches him to groom and how to fold/hide them without being in to much pain
But then vegapunk and judge fight and split up, king was originally vegapunks labrat so he is also taken from sanji.
Canon continues with them both respectively escaping,king tried to find sanji but couldnt bc germa is very stealthy and nobody knows where they are so he joins kaido etc etc
And then they meet again in wano.
Thoughts :0?
I had to double check King's age to make sure this is plausible and yeah, he's 47. He can fully adopt Sanji. I support this fully, fire boys unite! Also imagine Heterochromia!Sanji, one blue eye and one red.
King who is Vegapunks labrat being experimented on for a good while before Reiju and the quads come along, hell, even before Sora coming along. Captured as a teenager and being held captive and tortured for years. Eventually he's locked in the dungeon and left there to rot even after Vegapunk leaves to focus on other things but leaves him in Germa. No one really interacts with the Lunarian except to bring him food and water to keep him alive in case they do decide they want to do something with him again. What it could be he doesn't know what more they could do.
Judge however has gotten married and had a daughter already but notices her flaws and while she's not a full failure, he could do better. So he infuses the Lunarians DNA with those of his coming sons, despite his wife taking that poison she won't be able to do much to get rid of that at least. He can deal with the other failures she causes later but right now he's unworried. Even when the children come, the third one is wrong, he's blond instead of darkhaired, he's easily bruised. Unfortunate really. He had high hopes for that one particularly, for the stealth instead of brute force the others were for.
He sees the wings and knows he still at least has the Lunarian DNA, he might still have some use. Maybe.
He's not and it's clear by the time Sanji is six. Weak and crying and frail compared to his siblings. He has a full range of emotions which even Reiju doesn't have. Disgusted Judge throws him in the dungeon, a metal cover his head and unconcerned if he dies down there, Sanji screaming and crying for him to come back. Apologizing to his father over and over again as if it will change anything. It doesn't. He's trapped alone in the cell but there's someone down here with him. There's a man, tall with white hair and black wings like he has, only a few years older than his mother. He's telling Sanji to quiet down, no one will come get him. Sanji can't stop crying so he apologizes and sits in the back of his cell. King gives his real name to the kid, introduces himself as Alber to the boy, he is a boy after all, small and frail and so utterly broken and too young to be there. He knows what it's like to be a failure after all. It takes all of a day for King to see the small black wings the kid has. His wings are in awful condition: Bald spots, cuts, bruises, broken feathers. King remembers what that was like, the uncomfortable feeling and itching, those wings are from Lunarians though, so this kid has his DNA or there's another Lunarian here possibly. Both are bad options, no one should be forced to live as he has. No one.
They're together for a year and some change and in that time 124ji find out about Sanji and King almost burns the little princes for what they're doing. They have wings as well, atrophied and unworked like his are. He can only stretch his so far in this cramped cell. He hears the crunch of bones in the younger's cell. He throws fire at them once and is doused in water unforgivingly. They're incredibly close, King hasn't told the boy this where his wings come from and Sanji asks if he's where his red eye comes from and King says probably, albeit he's confused about that, he's only seen the blue one.
He teaches Sanji how to preen and hide his wings more comfortably and for protection. King tells him they will be his pride and joy and he will be able to fly with them. Sanji says he hopes so. They've been together for a year and some change when they take King away from Sanji. They tranquilize him and the last thing King hears is Sanji screaming and begging for them not to take him. He wakes up to Vegapunk telling him it's time to continue their work. King stays for a year, working on getting his wings back to functioning, preening and carrying for them. Then he escapes. It's a mess getting out but he needs to get out. Needs to find Sanji, his son. He will find his son.
So he breaks out and goes hunting for Germa but hears the kids saying Sanji better be dead since he's out of the dungeon, which means he escaped. As relieved as that makes him it means he has more searching to do. He looks and looks for years and years. He doesn't find him though and ends up in Wano under Kaido, working his way up to becoming an All Star. He hides who he is and decides he'll wait, maybe Sanji will pass by.
Sanji on the other hand is going through canon mostly normally, I think having King there would partially impact how he views woman but also for as much flirting as he does he doesn't actually sleep with anyone. Zeff found out he has wings while on the rock because he's crying about how fucked they are. Zeff is staring at the black wings attached to this kid and helps him hide them when they're saved, threatens the doctor to keep quiet.
Zeff helps Sanji rehab them before Baratie opens and after it does he lets the boy fly to his heart's content. Patty and Carne will save him if he falls in the water, he can still swim but his wings are not made for water. Is he still amazing at it? 100% but like, he's not a duck or a penguin. He's part Lunarian. He wears coats like the vice admirals and admirals do. Off his shoulders to hide his wings, to keep them safe as he goes about his day. He doesn't really over heat thanks to his Lunarian traits but when he gets cold, it's so fucking cold to him.
When he joins the crew everyone thinks he's kind of prissy with the full suit+extra jacket thing he has but...he's illegal. He's an illegal race and if he gets found out he's fucked. Drum island is when Luffy and Nami find out. Sanji is begging for Kureha and Chopper to not tell anyone which they assure they won't. Kureha does tell him he's lucky he only broke his back and not his wings. Chopper says they're in desperate need of preening and Sanji admits he hasn't done it since he left the Baratie because he didn't want to get caught. He mumbles it all of course but Nami and Luffy are looking at the black monstrous wings as they unfurl and Chopper is amazed at them. They're huge. He has to have a ten/fifteen foot wingspan(if not more but anime logic) and Luffy asks how you preen wings and Chopper shows him despite Sanji insisting he can do it himself. It's too late and Chopper and Luffy are preening a wing and it feels good. Zeff didn't even preen him, not unless Sanji asked and Sanji was too proud to ask normally. Even Nami touches them and is surprised how soft they are.
They leave with Chopper and make it off Drum island and to Alabasta and meet Ace. Sanji is fine in the heat, he's in so many layers though it concerns everyone but he waves them off. He's sworn Nami and Chopper to secrecy but not Luffy because he bought his silence with meat. Sanji is so lucky he didn't inherit more traits from Alber because that cigar marine is tailing them and here and if it wasn't for these covers over his wings h would put to death immediately. Even as they take Alabasta back he doesn't uncover his wings. Not until they leave again and Nami is getting upset with him saying they need preened and that she'll do it while he's on watch. Nico Robin has joined the crew and he doesn't trust her that much and he'd rather not trouble Nami at all but she basically throws him to his knees and starts preening. If Sanji moves to help she threatens to raise his debt which he doesn't understand.
Robin probably knows but no one has else finds out until post TS. He can sill sky walk, he still learned it and to keep his secret. But no one else knows, not until WCI/Wano. Sanji notices his brothers wings are gone and Sanji is the only one left with them. The black wings he cannot cover with his red cape so at least one is always showing as well as his red eye. It has wigged some of his crew out until he showed both eyes at the same time and Robin called him interesting in the way she does some poneglyphs or rituals she reads about.
It made his stomach turn. Just as it is now as he's being called interesting again and Pudding is saying their kids have wings like he does. Big Mom says she thought Lunarians are extinct and Judge says they are. The quadruplets are only infused with the DNA, not actually Lunarian. Sanji wants to vomit.
He'd claim to be an illegal race than to be a Vinsmoke. So during the escape he claims it. He flies and it's awkward so it's a combination of sky walking and flying. Carrying Luffy and Nami to safety. His bounty skyrockets as they head to Wano. It's higher than Zoro's as Nami preens his wings and Luffy coming to help after he's had a nap and some food that Sanji made. He's wanted dead or alive with Vinsmoke as his last name unfortunately and being Lunarian added to his list of crimes.
Everyone seeing his wings in Wano is new and he asks everyone not to touch them. Zoro is confused because the fuck cook? I'm your rival? And Sanji shrugs because he doesn't know what else to do. Then fights keep happening. He uses the raid suit a couple of times, the second time is the worst. He's fighting Alber, he's sure of it. He's so fucking sure but he's drilled through buildings and he's certain Alber is going to kill him for this.
Maybe after the raid Sanji finds a moment alone before Zoro and Luffy wake up. Maybe King the Wild Fire finds him and they talk and catch up. Maybe King preens his son's wings like he always wanted to. Maybe King joins the crew.
Maybe King went to the East Blue, found the Baratie, met Zeff. They would bond over the Eggplant. Sanji's second place in the bounties. When he gets to Egghead he has no sympathy for Vegapunk, he does for Kuma and Bonney but for what he's done to his family? Never. He will never forgive him.
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insomnicbypasser · 3 months
Hiiiii speaking my thoughts on a certain thing about the newest limbus event make sure to avoid incase of spoilers! I am offically yapping about rodion in this one also so be warned.
You know im constantly thinking about rodion and how she just, doesnt have a yurodivy identity. Its always been a thought in my head how every identity that we get in the game is a possiblility a sinner could have gone down, not just an overlap with exsisting characters. They are afterall from mirror worlds.
Theres n corp sinclair, who gave into his inital disgust of prosthetics and went fully into that realm of dark. The pequod captain ishmael who found herself an almost exact mirror of ahab, fully taken by the madness to hunt what she deemed to be the root of all evil that we saw and the later portion of her canto. Literally most of dons identities share a similar theme of her going into an organization and having her beliefs tested as shown in her n corp, w corp, and her shi association ids.
So why didnt rodion get a yurodivy id instead of her t corp id? The opportunity was right there for the taking, however there was somethings stopping her from getting it. There was the fact that she felt like she did anything to help in actually catching the time ripper, so she didnt get a district 20 yurodivy id bescause hong lu and ryoshu were ACTUALLY like them with their detective work, however i dont think its like that as seen above several sinners have gotten ids that directly go against their current arcs ie: captain ishmael and n corp sinclair. I also think this is the same reason she got a TAX COLLECTOR id of all things, finding herself not only stagnating but also becoming the type of person she would havr MURDERD in cold blood previously.
To me there are two reasons project moon is holding back on a yurodivy id for rodion. Either A: theyre saving it for a theoretical redo of rpdions canto, this time where she actually stands her ground to fully face sonya and give him her true awnser on where she stands, most likely telling him she'll be following the path that dante is leading her down towards instead of the path sonya had laid out for her with the yurodivy. With this she could potentially get either a id where she instead had taken sonya up on his offer, or the most interesting option where rodion had taken up the role of saint for the yurodivy instead of sonya in a sort of captain ishmael or spicebrush yi sang type of id.
And then theres option B: where rodion has yet to get a yurodivy id because there arent any plans to give her a yurodivy id because in EVERY mirror world rodion is always destined to give up her life with the yurodivy. Maybe there will always be a reason for her to leave, a flaw she can never let slide, maybe even a feeling she wont ever address that she wasnt and wont ever be for the yurodivy because they were never ment to be, either they were never doing enough or she could never be enough.
I havent read the book rodion is from, i dont know the first thing about rodions journey through it. All i know is that rodion is a gambling addict, he kills someone, and that sonya helps(?) him get past his vices and sins and even then none of that might not be true i have no idea. What i do know is that in limbus company, rodion has had the constant need to be something. She tried to lead a life in the yurodivy to feel as though she was doing something larger then herself, and when she felt as though they didnt meet her expectations she decided to take things into her own hands and when she looked back on her decisions, she couldnt even tell who she had done them for or whether she was only acting apon her base selfish desires. Then she joined limbus company bus, supposedly to maybe have a wish granted, but also because maybe in this group of losers and vagabonds, she could finally take a large role then what she felt she had when she was in the yurodivy, maybe she could finally make use of her time instead of this rotting stagnation she had been suffering from since she left the yurodivy. But then they fail in their first two missions, she sees sonya for the first time in a while as she plays her first major role in a mission and he is the cause for her failure, even extending an olive branch to her and a place back inside the group she had so quickly left behind when things didnt go so well for her. Then they finally start seeing successes but they come at great losses, being forced to face your traumas, to kill your previous loved ones, to give up your entire motivations for the sake of moving forward and finding your place in the world.
And then we come to t corp itself, rodion finds herself being hand picked for a mission that surely other sinners are more capable of completing. Rodion has lost some of her previous confidence in her place in the bus. She didnt face her trauma like sinclair did, she didnt fight against sonya with all her might like yi sang had, she didnt push through her flaws and learn from her behavior like idhmael and heathcliff had done. Rodion ran, and she hadnt even gained anything from it.
As the event went on, we saw slowly as rodions compossure dropped, especially when the yurodivy got involved. We got to see rodion start to look back on her decision to leave the yurodivy when she interacts with them in district 20. She questions herself as soon as she sees that they actually managed to make something of themselves, that if she had actually been patient they would have been able to give her the kind of change that she had wanted in her life.
Her struggle to define what she wants and how she wants to get it is so interesting, it seems to me like rodion is constantly setting bars too high, either for others or herself, never wanting to settle her bet always wanting to push just a bit further and always crashing hard when she looses it all. The case of time killing time is showing the cracks in her resolve, and i think that eventually itll all come to a boiling point where shell get a rerun of her canto.
Anyways thanks for coming to my tedtalk every single one of the sinners make me mentally ill in ways i will never recover from, not just rodion. Trust me i WILL be making a 20 page essay on don once her canto is fully out i will NOT be normal about her. Sorry if i got a bit off track btw this was absolutely a full character study mostly on rodion rather then being me talking about the new event like i said and had quite a bit about me talking about how i think ids work inuniverse beside being things dante can use on sinners for combat. ALSO! If anyone can tell me how rodion and sonya are in the book it would be cery appreciated! Knowing about how moby dick, wuthering heights, and the metamorphsis play out really shaped my experiences of their cantos and id like to see how its themes played into canto 2.
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carpsoup · 1 year
so in Arti's campaign, giving pebbles the garbage wastes pearl, he mentions "it [the illegal experiment] was taking too long" and "I didn't think she would--[collapse/die/etc]"
In what world did he even consider that slurping up aaalll the water wouldn't result in a catastrophic failure for Moon??? It might've taken ages to complete without murdering Moon, but surely the results would've been much better than 1 collapsed and 1 rotting iterator. It would've been different if he were a solo iterator, but he was not.
oh boy oh boy I do have some thoughts on this so Im gonna use this as an excuse to ramble a bit under the read more <3
Tbh I think he was just extremely desperate! When you bring a neuron to moon she comments how the inability to fullfill the task given to the iterators drove many to madness. We dont know how long its been since the ancients left. It could have been hundreds or thousands (if not more) years, or whatever their equivalent to years is. No matter how logical or smart the iterators are, that time spent frustrated and angry and in pain is enough to cloud anyones judgement, I think. And iterators arent just perfect logic machines, they can be led by emotions instead of the facts they know. We see this with suns sending pebbles the pearl despite knowing he would be too desperate to be careful with the experiment, and with moon not stopping pebbles even though she knew the danger she was in. So maybe pebbles did know it would damage her, but hoped despite that, that if he was just fast enough the damage wouldn't be too big. Maybe he wanted to trust his mentor that they wouldn't send him information on how to make an experiment that could damage or even kill him or his sister. And this is very much just my own interpretation, but maybe he didn't even register correctly that another iterator, especially moon, could get so badly hurt. We know from moon that iterators dying pretty much never happens, sliver being the big exception. Moon has been there long before pebbles was alive. And even if the entire reason he was built was to help her recover, she still lived and continues to live despite her age and faulty machinery. She has been a constant in his life since the day he was created. Maybe part of him knows that there is no way he wont hurt her. But how easy is it to listen to that when faced with an existence thats defined by not being able to die. And the frustration that comes with that. I think the thought of finally being able to find a way out of a existence they were most likely programmed to despise, not only for himself but for others as well, made it hard for him to think about the consequences. Being so close to a solution after all this time, maybe he couldnt wait any longer. Or maybe he did just use 100% of his big smart brain to be the stupidest motherfucker alive. Who am I to say
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fecto-forgo · 5 months
top five evil girls go
GOD I LOVE SECTONIA i always love evil royals n egotistical girls n the way shes both n w such a tragedy of the loss of herself by the mirrors corruption of her making her seek perfection until its all in her mind.shes such a dysmorphia creature to me.rip queen fly high
i think cyn is by default an extremely funny character regardless of how you interpret her but i think the interpretation shes still her own consciousness but completely fine w everything the solver does bc of the horrors humans did to drones is just so fun i ADORE characters who r getting oh so silly abt revenge.also her not giving the solver access to the murder drones was sweet.but this is abt girls being evil not girls being nice so lets also say the tessa skin suit was so fucked up n fun theres no reason shed need that.ik the probabilities of this take on her being canonized in the final episode r next to none but i got told i can do wtv i want forever.also i approve of the autistic coding w her i am always begging for more evil autistic ppl <3
ok i get.like.rly embarrassed when talking abt her outside of dms bc she means a lot to me in a personal sense but i just love her.sm.shes not only a rly fun character w her little mean nicknames n just.her.wonderful personality in general.but shes.so tragic oh my god she makes me miserable.her adoration of hyness for saving her n likely giving her a reason to live even though he ultimately never prioritized her n couldnt even afford to just move around her when she lost in the ritual place n even after he sacrificed her n her sisters after whacking them around as weapons n shields she still loves him so dearly.she just makes me so sad she deserves sm better than all this man.
that being said im giving her third place bc while i love the little evil pose at introduction n the willingness for destruction n the enthusiasm for the end of times n paradise she doesnt rly have a steak of successes.sorry girl youre a winner in my heart you literally did your absolute best n deserved that being acknowledged.also i want to murder your father.
also everytime i think abt her calling francisca n flamberge "darling franny and berge" my teeth rot its TOO sweet i can feel the cavities forming from all this sugar
also also the second star allies novels depiction of her makes me even more miserable we can already draw the conclusion she defends hyness mistreating her by how she talks abt him yOU DONT HAVE TO BREAK MY HEART BY SHOWING IT!!! N AFTER MAKING HIM EVEN MORE EXPLICITLY WORSE TOO!!!
also also also ik in star allies the sisters n susie all have that little hair flip animation but for some reason her doing it while sitting by herself in team clash deluxe is so cute to me.aw look at her :) i love her man
as stated w cyns entry i adore revenge centered characters n the amount of atrocities susie does for all that is soooo fun.shes such a fascinating character to me.she gets sent to a dimensional hell n comes back to find the person she held onto coming back to is now the worst man alive n doesnt remember her at all.ofc the girl ends up Like That n does atrocities for her own ultimate goal of teaching him a lesson she grew up in hell where would she have gotten morals or any care for others.also shes pink n funny.rly shes the best of all worlds i hope she mechanizes meta knight again she seemed to have had fun w that :3
Me 💖
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bc im best girl...🩷
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years
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In the mood for a Fic...
1. For the next ' I'm in the mood for ' is there any yiling patriach arc where wwx accidentally lashes out and hurts lwj on accident? with happy endings though.
the shadow of a name in skin by iliacquer (E, 8k, WangXian, Sex Magic, YL WWX, Bottom LWJ, Dubious Consent, Praise Kink, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Dom/sub)
2. hello dear admins!! i hope you're doing well <3 do you perhaps know any mdzs fanfics where mdzs watches mdzs, preferably the past and the future watches together but it's not necessary :] i would love to see them reacts to wei wuxian's past ^^ thx in advance and i hope you have a lovely day <33
We actually have a Characters reading/watching the series compilation post~ but if anyone has a rec not on the Comp, please rec it for Anon ^^
3. Hi. I was hoping for the IITM for some great fics where Yuan's parents live and Wangxian are just the amazing gay uncles who love him and don't have to adopt him. @lizzybgood
in case of fire, break glass by Jenrose (T, 65k, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, Post-Canon, Canon Divergence, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, unless I hate them, BAMF WWX, BAMF LWJ, Genius Inventor WWX, NHS Finds His Calling, No Women Die) has a time travel do-over in which this happens, but they have been his parents? So 50% what you asked for
4. Hi!! Any recs on fics where jgy is treated badly in koi tower (physically or emotionally or mentally or anything) and his sworn brothers find out and do something about it and take care of him. Listen i just thought what that if ayao had a bruise he couldnt explain nmj would be all "who did this to you" and now im craving this
What Could Have Been by tucuxi (G, 27k, JGY & NMJ & LXC, JZX & JGY & JYL, Canon Divergence, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Kid Fic, Fix-It of Sorts, Fluff and Angst, Family FeelsDysfunctional Family, Dysfunctional Relationships, Scheming, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, mentions of difficult childbirth, JGS's A+ Parenting, Child Neglect, What Could Have Been [PODFIC] by Opalsong)
chancellor of the morning sun by stiltonbasket (G, 22k, WIP, NieLan, WangXian, Gender Changes, Family Dynamics, Good Uncle LQR, Arranged Marriage, Developing Relationship, Period-Typical Sexism, LXC is a boss, Fix-It, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Baby Wangxian, War, Political Alliances, Espionage) has lxc defending jgy.
5. Hello lovely lovely people! Has anyone ever written crossover fics between MDZS x 19Days? A chaotic, hillarious, shameless, crack fics? Hope I am lucky this time! Thank you all! @yellowridge
for #5 in the latest IITMF, do they mean 19天 - Old先 | 19 Days - Old Xian?
I couldn't find any works that crossed over with 19天 - Old先 | 19 Days - Old Xian (for any ship) on ao3 however maybe I'm not searching properly
6. Hello! I've recently read Karmiya's essay on WWX's position in the Jiang household, and I was wondering... do you know any fics that take a similar tone? e.g. where the text and wwx himself acknowledge that he is not the Jiangs' sibling and is not respected as their equal? it would be interesting to explore that idea more in-depth, and how it impacts his many different relationships once he pulls himself free.
spaces between words (hiding the truth skillfully) by PrismaticAvocado (G, 651, WangXian, Post-Canon, Not Jiang Family Friendly, Truth Spells, Established Relationship, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, the hurt/angst is very minimal tbh it's just a few hard truths, Married WangXian, POV WWX)
The Debts of a Child by Hauntcats (G, 3k, WWX & Jiang Family, Not Jiang Family Friendly, WWX realizes there is more in life, Angst with a Happy Ending, Minor Original Character(s), Dark, Be prepared to suffer)
AITA for not contacting my family for 10 years after running away from home? by weiyus (T, 2k, WangXian, aita wwx edition, References to Past Child Abuse, references to verbal abuse, wwx sharing his life story in a long post, Happy Ending, Jiāng Family Bashing, Canon Jiang family characteristics)
for #6, the person who asked for those fics could maybe try to jiang family critical/jiang family bashing tag
7. Hey! Can you please suggest me a fic where Lan Wangji's love remains unrequited, Wei Wuxian is married to someone else...and still the fic makes your heart warm ( and obviously you wholesome cry for lwj) Have a good day! ❤️🐰
happy and beautiful by nienie (T, 1k, LQY/WWX, one-sided wangxian, modern, angst, jealousy, hurt no comfort, weddings) pls have tissues ready 😭
8. hi!! I'm in the mood for fics in which lwj or the lan clan hold madam yu accountable for her abuse of wwx. canon verse would be ideal but modern aus work too!! Thank you so much!
💖 in payment, a hand series by justdoityoufucker (M, 10k, wangxian, not jiang friendly, amputation, injury recovery, self reflection, abusive YZY, families of choice)
9. Hiiiii im in need of some good lqr and wwx bonding, platonic relationship, some good feels, etc any recs???
Righteous at a Cost by thunderwear (G, 21k, wangxian, LQR & WWX, fix-it, LQR finds out about WWXs core, fluff, WWX goes to Gusu)
but his smile never dimmed by Stratisphyre (G, 9k, LQR & WWX, modern w/ magic, college/university au, panic attacks, parenthood, JFMs A+ parenting)
Variations on WWX & LQR in Assorted Keys series by nirejseki (T, 68k, LQR & WWX, wangxian, teaching, pregrudging friendship, post-canon, de-aging, time travel, pre-canon, bonding)
No Strings Attached by stiltonbasket (G, 3k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Fix-It, LQR is a good uncle, and he also knows a thing or two about politics, Smitten LWJ, Golden Core Reveal)
Seasons of Falling Flowers by merakily (G, 40k, WangXian, LQR & WWX, Canon Compliant, Post-Canon, Character Study, Introspection, In-Laws, Golden Core, Emotional Baggage, Family Bonding, Protective LWJ, Good Parent LQR, LQR has feelings, LQR and WWX become friends, [PODFIC] Seasons of Falling Flowers, by merakily by Spinifex)
CSI: Gusu Edition Series by Stratisphyre (M, 39k, WangXian, WWX & LQR, Modern with Magic AU, College AU, Golden Core Reveal, Single parent WWX, Good Uncle LQR, Hospitalization, Allusions to violence and murder)
When we were small by deliciousblizzardshark (T, 7k, LXC & WWX & LWJ, LQR & WWX, LQR & JFM, Implied WangXian, Modern AU, Kid Fic, Good Uncle LQR, Neurodivergent LWJ, Baby LWJ, Baby WWX, Parenthood, Homophobia, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, POV LQR, Implied/Referenced Underage Sex, Grief/Mourning, Emotional Hurt/Comfort)
Deeper Seasons by piecrust (G, 8k, LQR & WWX, WangXian, basically LQR being nice to WWX)
I'm For You Now by phnelt (T, 5k, wangxian, sick fic, caretaking, bathing/washing, good uncle LQR, domestic fluff) LQR applies his experience in caring for LSZ and knowledge of Chinese Traditional Medicine (including a *sweet* medicinal soup!) to treating a feverish WWX.
Lessons relearned by Iamnotawriter (T, 44k, WangXian, LQR & WWX, Not YZY Friendly, Time Travel Fix-It, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Inventor WWX, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, No Golden Core Transfer, YZY Bashing)
10. hello!!! thank you so much for gathering the ITMF posts, it makes it so much easier finding good fics, so I can't thank you enough. I'd like to request fic recs in which jc adopted sz (bonus if lwj find out and gets really angry about it) @youkidding-me
Would You Come Home? by s6115 (Not Rated, 46k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Family Feels, Junior Quartet Dynamics, Journey of self discovery, Good uncle JC, Junior Quartet Centric, Time Travel) there's "Would You Come Home?" by s6115, it's not exactly what anon asks, but it has jc ALMOST keeping bby ayuan until lwj shows up and takes him with him
none lives forever, brother, and nothing lasts for long by eena (M, 38k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, LSZ raised at Lotus Pier, JC found him first, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Dynamics, Yunmeng Bros Reconciliation) JC adopts LS, and LWJ bullies his way into their lives
11. helloo i could you help me find any fic abt wei wuxian coming back as mo xuanyu but lan zhan doesn’t find out about his identity as fast or as soon, like i wish it took him much longer to find out. if you could recommend me some would be superrrrr amaaaaaazing :D
💖 By Any Other Name by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 31k, Wangxian, Canon Divergence, Crossdressing, Misunderstandings, Identity Porn, Identity reveal, [PODFIC] By Any Other Name by sakizar) 
Love Song In Reverse by timetoboldlygo (T, 237k, WangXian, Amnesia, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Falling In Love, Slow Burn, agressively mixing and matching novel and cql canon, No Homophobia, Mentions of Starvation, Parental WWX)
12. Hi!!! I'm in the mood for fanfics where WWX takes up the offer of going to Gusu during or after the Sunshot Campaign.
❤️ Trojan Kiss by malkinmalkout (E, 33k, wangxian, misunderstanding, public sex, smut, fluff, humor, hurt/comfort, dub con)
these colours fade for you only by doodlebutt (T, 36k, wangxian, fix-it, fluff, angst w/ happy ending, everyone lives au, golden core transfer fix-it, hurt/comfort, pining, slow burn)
💖 Minding series by WithBroomBefore (G, 85k, wangxian, canon divergence, what if WWX got therapy and recovery post-sunshot, trans LWJ)
Red Flower With One Hundred Petals; Smoke Carried on the Blue Dusk Air by carolyncaves (T, 32k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Post-Sunshot Campaign, the working title of this was 'wwx goes to gusu', Alcohol, Mental Health Issues, Angst, Tenderness, Golden Core Reveal, Hurt/Comfort, thoughts of death/dying, Rabbits, Caretaking, Marriage Proposal, Wedding Fluff, Family Feels, Literal Sleeping Together, Shotgun Wedding, angry wedding planner JC, Yunmeng sibling drama and fluff, physical affection, Terrible Parties, Happy Ending)
13. Hi hi! Thank you for all that you do and for introducing me to so many lovely works. I would like to ask for an “in the mood for” fanfics where Lan Sizhui calls Wei Wuxian “mom” or other similar titles like mother, mama, a-niang, if possible. Thanks again!! :)
Baby Of Mine by pupeez4eva (Not Rated,3k, WangXian, Time Travel, Humor, Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, A-Yuan comes from a much happier version of the future, Where WWX and LWJ are married and everyone is alive, Gusu School Days, Family)
Green-gege Saves a lot of Lives by Eternal_writes (T, 11k, WangXian, YL WWX, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Burial Mounds Ensemble as Family, Wēn Remnants Live, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Fix-It, Soft NMJ, POV NMJ, POV WWX, Supportive NMJ, Protective NMJ, NHS & WWX Friendship, Sworn Brothers NHS & WWX & WN, Golden Core Reveal, JC & WWX Reconciliation, Good Sibling JC, Soft JC, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, WWX Lives, Featuring WWX's inventions)
Chaotic Demonic Cultivator Shirks Gender Roles by misbehavingvigilante (T, 4k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Fix-It, Gender Roles, Gender Non-Conforming WWX)
Mother Knows Best by misbehavingvigilante (M, 12k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Crossdressing, Food Issues, Gender Identity, Gender Nonconforming, Trans WWX, Poverty)
#13 was where someone is asking for fics where LSZ calls wei ying mom, that was a previous IITMF post, however I am not sure how to search for it on the blog, but i remember there were a good amount of recs
14. Hi hi mods, I hope life's treating you good <3 I really love this blog, is one of my reasons to keep going <3 on that aspect, may I ask for some A) soft wangxian for the next itmf? like LWJ calling WY A-Ying or something sweet and cute like that (i could really use the comfort uwu)
Also if you have any B) nhs-wwx friendship fics that would be great, I need that as reference for my own fic ^^
Thank you Mods, you are the bests <3
a life in your shape by lanzhan (gothguk) (M, 5k, WangXian, Modern AU, Sexual Content, tenderness is stored in the wangxian, so much yearning, Fluff)
They are Practically Married Your Honour by Asmayi (G, 1k, WangXian, Modern AU, Dorks in Love, Oblivious WWX, Oblivious LWJ, Mutual Pining, Idiots in Love, Domestic Fluff, Best Friends, Friends to Lovers, Getting Together, LWJ is So Whipped, Public Display of Affection, 5+1 Things, Soft WangXian, Tooth-Rotting Fluff)
Playing Nice by deliciousblizzardshark (T, 11k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Love Confessions, First Kiss, Mildly Dubious Consent, Drunk LWJ, Phoenix Mountain, The wens are fine, Public Display of Affection, Soft WangXian, Fluff and Crack, POV Alternating)
your problem as a mountain. by cupofwater (E, 31k, wangxian, NHS & WWX, canon divergence, no sunshot, epistolary, getting together, misunderstandings, pen pals, sexual fantasy)
Friends, Sabers, and Other Essentials for Solving a Conspiracy by MeridianGrimm for Lisa_Telramor ( T, 50k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Mystery, Smart NHS, WWX doesn’t stay dead, LWJ gets a new friend, Happy Ending, Fix-It, To be clear the WangXian is mostly background, This fic is about friendship)
while covered in mud by merthurlin (T, 12k, NHS & WWX, NHS & NMJ, NHS & Wen remnants, mentioned wangxian, canon divergence, fix-it, NHS goes farming and Hates It)
Story-Shaped by lingering_song (T, 13k, wangxian, NHS & WWX, post-canon, chief cultivator LWJ, inventor WWX, found family, alcohol, protective NHS, not JC friendly)
if you can't beat them, recruit them by moeblobmegane (T, 216k, Time Travel Fix-It, Conspiracy, Spies & Secret Agents, Team as Family, Found Family, WIP)
a grain of millet drifting by RoseThorne (T, 7k, NHS & WWX, Assassination Attempt(s), Introspection, Regret, Travel, Post-Canon, POV Third Person, POV WWX, Ghosts, Reconciliation, Exhaustion, Pining, Pre-WangXian)
15 Hi!! I really love this blog and I always look forward to reading more fics being posted here!! Anyways, for the next itmf, may I request for fics where everyone (or at least other than LWJ) wants a piece of WWX? Be it them wanting to have them in their sects or romantically? Thank you always!!
Worth of a Good Man by Vrishchika (G, 6k, WangXian, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Not Jiang Sect Friendly, Not JC Friendly, Tumblr Prompt)
16. Hi! Do you have any fic recs for sassy or savage LWJ, or maybe where he is a gremlin with a straight face? Thank you. 🥺💕
caught in the sugar by occultings (microcomets) (E, 13k, WangXian, Modern AU, Fake/Pretend Relationship, fake FWB, Workplace Retreats, Drinking Games, Humor, Barebacking, First Time)
Turn the Other Cheek by Minyoongiisacatuwu (E, 19k, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, Oblivious WWX, Panties, LWJ flirting very hard, Rabbits, Rimming, Mutual Pining, LWJ is a top in a Thong, LWJ in heels, Fashionista LWJ, Friends to Lovers, Aftercare, Porn with Feelings)
So I love you because I know no other way than this by Trueredhearts (E, 20k, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, CSR and WCZ Live, Tattoos, Nipple Piercings, Genital Piercing, Law Student!LWJ, Engineering Student!WWX, Childhood Friends, Explicit Sexual Content, mentions of SS, Everything is Beautiful and Nothing Hurts, Graduate School)
At the End of the Road by trickybonmot (E, 4k, WangXian, Modern AU, Practice Edging, Straight Boy WWX vs Fuck Around and Find Out LWJ, Pining but like Angry, Mildly Dubious Consent, A little Spit, Porn with Feelings, comphet is a hell of a drug, [PODFIC] At the End of the Road, by trickybonmot by Spinifex)
17. Hiii!! Thank you mods for all your hardwork! For the the next in the mood post, may I request fics where post canon lz forget that wy is alive bc its the day of his death? He and wy could alrdy be together but theres MOURNING and stuff like that. Hope this makes sense! Thank you againnnn! <3 @losing-victor
hello my old heart, how have you been by ravenditefairylights (M, 10k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Temporary Amnesia, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Domestic Fluff, Trauma, Unreliable Narrator, Pining, Hair Washing, Hair Brushing, Hair Braiding, Soft WangXian, A lot of prose, wangxian are MARRIED and they have a SON, LWJ Needs a Hug, Sleepy Cuddles)
the gift of sincerity by lariyats (T, 40k, WangXian, Fluff and Angst, Post-Canon, Amnesia, or more specifically, the lwj amnesia au, where he regresses back to the 13 year period, but actually, Surprise!!, Established Relationship, very mild angst, Implied Sexual Content, ok maybe it’s not as mild as i said it was but it’s still v fluffy, Hurt/Comfort)
All My Life I Walked in the Cold by Milk_Tea_Fantasy (E, 8k, wangxian, ABO, omega LWJ, sub LWJ, alpha WWX, dom WWX, smut)
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
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as-i-watch · 1 year
I find it astounding how you had started on wano and I was about halfway done through rewatching the whole cake arc but in dub and now I’m ahead on you in the wano arc (also rewatching it in dub) I should also mention I had been taking breaks because I get busy with school.
Buddy believe it or not i used to post daily not only one piece but another show too. For like a year i made daily posts for TWO shows at the same time
Then bc studies i had to cut it down to only One Piece daily and when i couldnt watch i posted charts or something else so i still was posting daily
Now i graduated and im working 48hs a week on rotative shifts so im doing what i can bc i love this blog. You know life happens and we do our best
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tunaababee · 2 months
20 Questions for Writers tag game!
gonna chuck this under a cut since it's gonna be lengthy!! thank you so much for the tag @popjunkie42 <3 <3 <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3? eight! my one foray into DDADDS, a handful of Homestuck fics (notably Cats and Coffee, which i need to rewrite at some point!!) and 2 for acotar, though that number will be going up!!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 76,793!!
3. What fandoms do you write for? mainly acotar at the moment - i will probably dip my toes back into homestuck periodically though, it is where my roots lie!!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Strained (my one ddadds fic for a crackship) Cats and Coffee we will be everything we say Little Games Is It? (im pretty sure this was my first fic lmao)
5. Do you respond to comments? almost always, they make my day and mean so much!! if i don't reply im either busy and forgot bc my brain is like a sieve or happened to receive and influx and got overwhelmed!!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? probably Breathe, which i wrote while having severely unmedicated depression and also being angry at how they shafted my fave character!!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? oh, hands DOWN wwbews. that is the fluffiest most tooth rotting ending and it was DELIBERATE!!!
8. Do you get hate on fics? im very lucky to have avoided anybody's ire, but i also love biting people on the internet sometimes and i am very liberal with my block button lol
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? i think i would die a little bit if i couldnt write smut?? i mostly write relatively sappy, breeding-kink heavy stuff haha. i want to dip my toes into stuff thats a little more taboo though!! (*cough* ascendant astarion mind control *cough*)
10. Do you write crossovers? no, personally i like keeping stuff in its own little pockets!! mad shoutout to crossover writers though <3
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? not as far as i'm aware!!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? no, but if anyone ever wanted to all they'd need to do is ask!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? nope, but i may have something in the works at some point soon 👀
14. What is your all-time favorite ship? no matter what, Karezi will always be my absolute ride or die, but Feysand is pretty fucking up there too!! i love most acotar ships, but in terms of homestuck ones, Arasol and Davejade are big faves too!!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? there's an old Homestuck wip i have deep in the folders called Glitter that i remember the vague direction of? but i know that one is not seeing the light of day, along with a barely fleshed out bandstuck au haha. im determined to make my acotar ideas/wips see the world at some point though!!
16. What are your writing strengths? mm hard to say? i'm very pessimistic/negative about me and my work by nature, so it's difficult to say with honesty, but i like to think i convey emotion and inner thoughts decently well! i also think my dialogue is relatively grounded for the most part?
17. What are your writing weaknesses? so many. i struggle with writing out of order, so when i get stuck on something i get STUCK. i have a tendency to repeat names a lot, i struggle with scene transitions and when to call a scene done. i'm also either always going way too over the top or way too underwritten, i struggle with finding a good middle! there are probably many more i could think of but i don't wanna get too in the weeds.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? i haven't used other languages as far as i can recall? if i ever do i would try and get a native speaker to give it a read over, but otherwise i am afraid our old beloathed google translate would be carrying my ass.
19. First fandom you wrote for? that i published on the internet??? Homestuck. things that never saw the light of day?? shit man, i couldn't tell you. i've been thinking about cool things my blorbos could do since i was a kid.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? very biased, but wwbews. i genuinely think its some of my best work, my first ever completed longfic and i put so much time and love into it!!!
tags, if you're feeling like it!! @reverie-tales @starfall-spirit @shardminds @damedechance @cauldronblssd @climbthemountain2020 <3
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hulahoopsoupgroup · 3 months
day 3 of my short stories: dehya x dunyarzad
it was a haze, really. too hazy to be real, dehya thought as she walked hand in hand with dunyarzad in the grand forest of sumeru, just outside of the latters family property. all kinds of colorful ferns decorated the ground, and thick tree roots jutted up from the earth in all kinds of different patterns.
just up ahead was a small clearing overlooking even more magnificent trees. their spot. the sun was setting in the distance, making everything its vibrant rays hit even brighter, making dunyarzads eyes glow like crystals of amber. it made dehyas heart ache as they sat side by side, her arm around dunyarzad as they gazed out onto the landscape before them.
it didnt take long for things to go south. it never did. dunyarzad began to complain about a stabbing pain in her chest, pulling back the loose cloth of her dress to reveal dark scales creeping over her entire body, across her chest, around her neck, and up to her face. the sight made dehya sick to her stomach, flesh rotting underneath dark scales and dried blood, spreading so quickly that she couldnt do anything about it.
the mercenary felt lightheaded, chained to the position she was in, her limbs heavy as lead when she tried to move, as if celestia itself froze her in her place and forced her to watch her love die before her very eyes.
dunyarzads eyes grew dull as the sun set further, leaving the image of her expressionless face engraved in dehyas mind as she went limp.
dehyas bright blue eyes shot open, squinting slightly at the morning light breaking in through the thin white drapes over the window. she was burning up, a bead of sweat falling down her face as she turned over to see dunyarzad beside her, eyes slowly fluttering open.
dunyarzad raised a hand to cup dehyas cheek, and she leaned into her touch almost like a cat, closing her eyes and sighing deeply.
"you had that dream again, didnt you?" dunyarzad mumbled, pulling dehya closer and gently scratching at her scalp.
"mhm." it had happened several times before, dehya waking up in a frenzy, only to find that her love was alright, right beside her, and cured of her eleazar.
"im okay now, love. dont worry," dunyarzad murmured, trailing a finger across dehyas jaw before pulling her into a gentle kiss. one by one, dehyas muscles relaxed as she melted into dunyarzads embrace, finally able to feel her soft skin with her own two hands.
and there they stayed like that, limbs tangled up with each other as the world around them slowed to a halt. it seemed like nothing was happening outside the window of their shared bedroom.
"do you want to get up and make tea or stay like this for a while longer?" dunyarzad asked after a long bout of comfortable silence.
"can we stay here?"
"we can stay here all day, love," dunyarzad softly chuckled, kissing her once again before playing with her hair as a soft breeze began to rustle the leaves on the trees outside.
the world could wait
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48787 · 1 year
I keep thinking that like V1 is like a non-sentient feral beast that has sudden flashes of genius to solve the occasional puzzle, but it's all just following its programming like a state machine. Like even with the Terminal lore and V2's very clear sentience, I keep thinking V1 just is like different being, like an older bot who doesn't have all the sentience as the other robots which lets it be much more efficient with its murder. This is all wrong, of course, V2 and the other robots are practically feral beasts too and are just as blood thirsty (just not as efficient), the Terminal lore obviously applies directly to V1, yadda yadda. But what inspired this post, and why I think I keep having this weird perception of V1 despite the fact that I know it's wrong, is because I keep forgetting the fact that V1 directly speaks! It only happens once (at least as I'm remembering, this whole post is about me forgetting shit so like who fucking knows), but I keep forgetting the "You're not getting away this time" line. Like with all the lore it never is in your face with how it actually applies to V1 and we never get anything direct about V1's personality (I wanted to brain rot about how this is wrong too and we actually do get a lot of V1 personality through the gameplay and animations n stuff but i am so tired and this post is getting so long), so when I first saw that line it felt a little jarring, especially because it only happens later into the game and doesn't happen again, and my brain just sorta didn't know how to slot it into the game's story.
EXCEPT THAT'S ALSO NOT CORRECT! (Extreme brain rot territory that might just be me looking too much into it but I don't care) It's not, like, a special dialog prompt or anything and V1 does not audibly speak, it's the SAME text box that appears throughout the entire game in tutorials!!!!! This can mean either two things:
One (which is what i currently believe) is that ALL the text is ACTUALLY V1 speaking, at least to itself. Like the "Sentries can be interrupted by shooting them with the revolver, railgun, yadda yadda" is like V1's computers making a little "mental" note of a new enemies weaknesses, perhaps because V1 knows about these enemies beforehand or V1, bein a lil robo dude, did a scan or something about V1's computer knows how to figure that stuff out. Not to mention other game-y things such as the scoreboard and cyber grind are continually proven canon so it wouldn't be out of the ordinary. This makes the sudden dialog less jarring in my mind because it's not sudden!
Two (which i don't like as much but whatever) is that all dialog in the game isn't, like, real. Like the tutorial stuff is just tutorial stuff, has nothing to do with V1, and by extension the "You're not getting away this time" line isn't actually V1 dialog. There's a little bit of evidence to support this one as well (even though I'm gonna refute every single piece in favor of my preferred interpretation). Jakito's lines are also in this dialog box, which would go against it being V1's dialog or internal monolog. However, that could just be because words are being communicated in a way other than speech and V1 is translating this, sorta like some kind of telepathy, not to mention the words were a different color (I THINK?? I THINK IM REMEBERING THAT RIGHT). There's also the "Something wicked this way comes.... Just kidding :)" line, which wouldn't make sense for V1 to say to itself. I'm tempted to write it off as a funny little goof, there's so fucking much I want to write off as a silly little goof, but Hakita said before that all secret levels besides 2-S is canon (I MIGHT BE LYING I JUST SPENT AN HOUR LOOKING FOR THIS QUOTE BUT COULDNT FIND IT, DID I IMAGINE IT??? GOING CRAZY) so I don't know! But that could've been a meme as well!! It could also be similar to the Jakito thing. Maybe it could've also been V1 being like "wouldnt the be funny lol" to itself. whatever. point being the "youre not getting away this time" line could just be non canon and just a silly little line.
I obviously really prefer my first interpretation, stuff that seems like its just game-y stuff keeps being made canon so like it just makes sense that something we'd take for granted like tutorials is also canon.
I can't tell if I am looking too far into all this or if this is just something everyone already knows or noticed i am so tired and potentially at that stage of insanity where you think its all so obvious and everyone is on the same page and then you talk about it and realize everyone actually thinks your crazy but also maybe it is so obvious and im just dumb or maybe this is all stupid i am so tired and have so many feelings about this fucking game. I had so much more i wanted to say but forgot it all because its so late. when looking for references for this stuff i thought i knew like most of the lore but realized i was actually probably wrong because i havent seen a bucnh of hakita quotes about shit. the one quote i was trying to find just stopped existing and i dont know if it ever existed. This post is a mess, i dont even know if any part of this will make sense to another living soul or if there is a single sentence that isn't completely incoherent.
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bbyquokka · 1 year
this is five days overdue but–it's been one year since i started writing!! (5th august 2022)
i wrote stormy night on a whim. i had the urge to start writing for skz (and in general) so i posted the fic and decided that if it was received well, i would continue and if not then at least i tried and well–one year later, here i am still ! 🙊
quick thank you to all the people that have given me love and support on this site. for the people that have encouraged me with ideas and motivated me in many ways. for the people that have proof read and reassured me during my lowest. thank you to all my moots for being here with me on this journey. i know i don't speak to some of you but from the interactions i have had with you all, you're all very nice, lovely, supportive and welcoming people!
some honourable mentions + more below cut;
@sstarryoong – you have encouraged me and reassured me with certain/sensitive ideas i have had. you were one of the very first people that started to consistently give me feedback and one of the first i started to interact with on this site. we would feed off each other chaotic energy and delulu thoughts to the point where i would end up writing them 🙊 it got to the point where we became so in love with each others art/writings that we did a collab together and i couldnt have asked for a better person to collab with. seeing you grow as a person and seeing your art and writing grow is amazing to watch (i feel like a parent watching their child on their first day of school ngl) you deserve all the love in the world and even though we dont talk on the daily, i am always here for you and i love you very much ‹3
@oshimee – my other half. my twin. my heart. i sadly dont remember when we started to talk (memory of a goldfish) but it feels like we have been speaking/known each other forever! we are so alike in so many ways, in fact, we are very very similar (aside from the obvious) our similarity goes as far down to our PARENTS!! LIKE BRO WHEN I FOUND THAT OUT ABOUT OUR MOTHERS ?!?!? aosudhasod!!! our biases are the sunshine twins themselves so clearly its a sign. it's just a shame it's taken this long for us to find each other :( we talk on the daily and we never run out of things to say, regardless. talking to you everyday is so normal to me that a day w.o you would be hella weird :/ you too, have also given me strength. picked me up during the roughest of moments and told me it's going to be ok, so thank you for that and ilysm (more than you love me. end off :*) ‹3‹3‹3
@alyszaen – your chaotic and high energy at times makes me feel all buzzed and high energy too. to be able to share things with you (especially jisung related) and seeing the response back makes my excitement feel worth. the fics you write are sweet enough to make my teeth rot and sad enough to make me crumble. you deserve happiness and love and i hope to see you grow into a beautiful person. regardless of what you do/write, remember that there are people that care and support you in more ways than one. ‹3
im not very good with words (online and irl lmao) and im super nervous to post this but just know that i am thankful for everything and everyone, regardless. at times, the love and support has been overwhelming (but in a good way!!)
i have big and many things planned for the future. lots and lots of ideas (just need to actually sit and write them) so i hope everyone will continue on with this journey with me!
once again, thank you all and ily!! ‹3‹3
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scribble-brain-aced · 9 months
Tumblr media
I have no clue how ours are so similar, we just are psychicly linked ig (silly) RAMBLING TIME my handplates dust hc came to me in a vision (daydream-) bcs i just,,, i love dust angst and theres so much you could do with that. also handplates is neat but dust really feels like the only one of the mtt that could be from a handplates?? i dont know how to describe it but just, the vibes are right. also him and cross can bond over asshole gasters! (also like. ive seen posts about how 'hard' it would be for dust to happen in canon sans but like,, i feel like if he started as a handplates it somehow works more??? hes already fucked up from that even if they cant properly remember that and he was like fully prepared to let gaster die (and did kinda, kill him iirc-) so like. it fits to me) (also im actively re-reading handplates bcs i never finished it n i need it for dust things-) and then ok my blind killer is. kinda funny in origin- so i first got the idea kinda from a gacha life video- it was some small one thats like "'blank' is blind for 24 hours" that was with killer being blind and there was a comment on it about him being blind in canon (which i dont think is true? couldnt find anything else on it n youd think more ppl would like blind killer if that was true-) anyway that like. rotted in my brain for months and it just kinda. got absorbed into my headcanons of him either having like. really bad vision (like urs!!) or just being fully blind n using entirely magic to navigate (my current ver!!) and then when im humanizing them bcs i prefer to draw humans i just kinda. revoked his eye privlages. no more. gone. (also wonderful for angst purposes!!!(i have a thing for angst-))
anyway now im really curious if our aus have any more similaritys (i mean. the dust speaking korean one as well but i think more ppl have that than the others-)
also i want to put our aus in a room together. to see what happens. study them like insects lmfao
honestly yeah, Dust just has The Vibes, thought it would be cool. As for the blind killer thing, I just wondered how he sees through the tears, bc vision gets real blurry, and our tears are CLEAR SO HOW DOES THIS BITCH SEE??? and then i just got obsessed with the idea.
here’s my suggestion:
we shove our Nightmare’s Gangs into a room and take notes, like they’re rats in a maze.
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heleizition · 8 months
u cannot just present me with gold right when i have to go to bed. i have a sleep schedule to keep to! for health! and sanity! and brain! i love them so much. ur ocs. i love twin characters, so many dynamics and all are good. the art is also just -wants to squeeze- affectionately. who were they in their past lives? is josephines 'i failwd to protec' a thing that also happened in past life? bunny person very good. love how expressive the ears can get. also cute. i think i watched the first ep of d.gray man way way back?? or the first few? i have very little memory of it but a vague plan to get back to that sometime. angel love, angel life, angel delight. the concept of god being a baby of a big species of gods is -chefs kiss- love it. sleep tiiiime, sleep well when u do byeeeee
HEHEHEHE >:3 im evil .
i looooove siblings dynamics........... so so much ........... both chronos & nath and then nell & belly weren't even twins at first it just Happened lmao... chronos & nath were almost the same character in two different stories and i couldnt decide who to keep lmao and then belly was supposed to be nell's little sister he ran from after she saw him kill their father (to protect her) (nell is an idiot) but . it jst happened. anyway
The group of oc is composed of many i havent introduced yet but the major ones are here i think except my Bad Guy. so keep in mind the story is cringy and bad lmao but i still like it to this day...
post apocalyptic earth where humans live under domes bc the outside is too toxic + technology evolved so now cyborgs exist + a while back some government doctors & scientists were working in a secret lab to implants animal genes w humans to make hybrids & something about genetic preservation whatever whatever. anyway.
eve is the protagonist. she's the only daughter of head doctor of that hybrid lab. it exploded 20 years ago which cause people inside that specific dome to mutate into hybrids (people woke up to agonizing pain bc their body was breaking and morphing and it wasn't made for that. josephine was one of those people ! she was a wolf hybrid :3)
we follow eve and her then group of friends until for some reasons (<==== guy who does not remember what that plot point was) the dome had to be evacuated. something about a deadly virus ? ofc as always the rich people got away first until the dome got closed off completely <3 . eve meets several people including chronos (human guy, future bf, hes a simp) maria & arthur (yes i will draw them at some point OTL) and they stick together to survive as the inside of the dome is becoming a battleground. doesn't help that part of the reason the dome was closed off so quick was that ~mafia~ (idk how else to call it, its not rly mafia tho oTL) boss stanislas was in here and has always escaped the government's assassination attemps thus far.
SO this virus slowly contaminate everyone but its slow and rots you from inside. terrible deadly soulcrushing. + stanislas is using every means he has to try to control the city & find a way out. except ex cop and also ex girlfriend jo (josephine) is here to basically kill him lol (he broke her trust & her heart and also killed a lot of people and revenge is her whole life). josephine at first is a lone wolf (haha) until she gets very badly injuried and ends up in a small alley where eve & her friends took quarters. they get her inside and find a way to keep her alive. also at this point the group has also met gabriel ! (bunny guy! he has a tragic past and i love him. hes my mary sue) and stephan ! (his not yet boyfriend who also has a tragic past and that jo feels very guilty about). gabriel used to be a test subject in the hybrid lab. he and eve used to know each other :] they are best friends now.
at the same time nath (who was supposed to be dead) shows up like hiiiiiiiiiiiii btw im here (hes one of stan's agent but when he was supposed to die he actually survived and got turned into a cyborg with special modification in his brain which makes him obey. but he did not Forget and he will fight what stan makes him do <3)
SO um after they all meet its basically just. a fight to survive and also moments where they're like. oh we're gonna die here. lets party so hard.
stan also realises he doesn't rly have a way out and dedicates himself to ending his and jo's fight for good this time which also put eve's group in danger since jo . stuck around . there are casualties which is why she feels she failed them..................
anyway . there are more stuff but its rly all over the place soobssss im sowwyyyy
LOOOVE D.gray man . one of my first and favorite manga if u ever get the chance to pick it up for a bit longer to see if u enjoy it ... yeah .....
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