#im still writing the first chapter but im getting through it kinda quick
tisajest · 10 months
Okay, so I think imma write a different story first.
Zombie!Regulus jegulily au is now postponed
Reincarnated!Jegulus (as in both of them have reincarnated, not necessarily that they’ll end up together again) au now has over 2,000 words of a first chapter written.
An unexpected turn of events but not an unwelcomed one.
The short of it is: Regulus reincarnated as Harry and James reincarnated as Ginny. Shenanigans aplenty!
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roosterr · 1 year
guardian angel ✹ ch 4
note: ran out of nik gifs lol. this chapter beat my ass, it took me so much longer to write than the others, im actually kinda glad its over with lmao. but anyway, this is the final part in the series, so i really hope you enjoy!!
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pairing: nikolai x gn!reader
word count: 3.9k
no use of y/n, no description of reader
readers callsign in kilo '0-9'
summary: you find yourself in the middle of the lions den, with no real idea of when, or if, help will arrive. you better hope nikolai finds you fast, or you might not live another day to endure his less than appropriate flirting.
warnings: canon-typical violence, descriptions of injuries, minor character death, a little bit of angst, also a little bit of fluff, poor duolingo knowledge of russian, nik still flirting with you even though you're both kinda dying,
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sitting tight in the back of the van, kattan opposite you staring holes into your head, it starts to seem more and more like you're missing something. he's watching at you with a look that's a lot more satisfied than it should be. you're already aware that you fucked up by getting in the van, but then you were under the impression that you were in control. now however, with every passing second, every bump on the road, you feel it slipping through your fingers.
as the van slowed to a stop, it became clear to you that waiting for backup to arrive was not an option – you weren't even sure they'd be able to find you, but to save your sanity you chose to ignore that thought. you had a job to do, and no matter what was about to happen, you needed to make sure baranov died; you could worry about everything else later, including how you were going to get out of this.
the door slides open to reveal baranov, who sharply gestures for you to get out. with a sideways glance to kattan, you step out into the cold air, skin prickling from the temperature or from the unease you're not sure.
you watch as they share a quick glance, and suddenly you're all too aware of how out of your depth you really are. you're not sure what they communicated, but there's no way it can be good. for a moment, the three of you just stand there, waiting for someone to make the first move, break the silence so tense you can almost feel it weighing you down.
"well?" you ask, raising a brow and looking between them with distrustful glare. they meet eyes again, more obviously this time.
"you wanted to see the weapons, they're inside." kattan says, gesturing to the warehouse behind him. it's surprisingly well kept, looking distinctly less run down than you'd expected, but still you feel the fear building in your chest. you absolutely did not want to go in there, but unless you were prepared to fight them – and however many people they have waiting inside – it looked like that was your only option.
"remember what i said," you begin, curling your nails into your palms so hard your worried you might draw blood, "if you try anything, you'll–" 
"we remember." baranov cuts you off, burning your attempt to stall until you could figure out what to do. "go inside." they way he stares at you, like he sees right through you, right through the mask covering half your face, sets off a fight or flight response in you.
"...you first." you utter, meeting baranov's glare despite the uncomfortable feeling under your skin. he gives you a suspicious, questioning look before you continue, "i don't like people walking behind me."
baranov clicks his tongue, and you see him pointedly roll his eyes as he turns around and marches through the door into the warehouse. kattan stays put, regarding you with the same unnerving look from before.
you bring your hands up to your hood, your mind drawing a blank for any more excuses to stall. you sigh quietly, and take a few hesitant steps forward. when kattan sees you move, he turns and goes through the door ahead of you. as you reluctantly follow behind him, you spare a glance back to the road you came down, hoping – praying – that your comrades find you before it's too late.
the inside of the warehouse is filled with various crates and locked containers, which you can only assume are all filled with less than legal merchandise. the lights above you flicker every now and then as you follow kattan deeper into the building. times like this make you wish things could just be easy – if this op had gone to plan, you'd already be sound asleep in your bed by now.
kattan comes to a stop next to baranov, in front of an open crate. "there." kattan crosses his arms over his chest, nodding his head to the crate with a stony expression.
you gulp, taking a cautious step forward and examining the weapons inside. the crate is full of a seemingly random assortment of weapons – not at all what was mentioned in the intel you'd gathered. 
you feel your stomach drop all the way to the floor.
"is there a problem?" baranov snaps. your eyes must've betrayed your thoughts.
you refocus your expression, instilling whatever confidence you have left into your voice as you reply, "this isn't what we agreed–" 
"enough." he cuts you off, taking a stride forward as you step back. "this game has gone on long enough, sergeant." baranov hisses, watching your wide eyes flit between the both of them.
"...right." you mutter, removing your mask and shoving it into your pocket, "i guess i was a little optimistic."
"i'll admit, you're committed. but," kattan steps forward as well, pulling a gun from his waistband and pointing it at you, "i'm afraid that won't save you this time." he gives you a smug smirk as he takes yet another step closer to you.
"afraid not." you grit your teeth, muscles tightly wound as you follow kattan with your eyes. you think back to the look he had in the van earlier, and realise with a surge of anger that they'd both known the entire time.
you look to baranov, closing the weapons crate with his back turned to you. looking back to kattan, with his cocky smirk as he slowly advances on you.
just one more step, a little bit closer–
you swing your arm up, grab kattan's hand holding the gun and push upwards, narrowly missing taking a bullet to the face. he struggles to wrench his arm free, but you pull him forward and use his momentum to shove him to the ground on his stomach. you bend his arm unnaturally behind him, causing him to reflexively loosen his grip, enough for you to snatch the gun from him. without a moment of hesitation, you press the barrel to the back of his ribcage and squeeze the trigger.
the gunshot echoes through the warehouse, and your ears ring with the aftershock.
a wet cough escapes kattan as you push yourself to stand, a pool of crimson already forming underneath his body. you turn around and raise your arm to shoot baranov too, but you find the place where he was standing empty.
"fuck!" you groan, your eyes scanning the area nearby for any trace of where he could've gone. he could be hiding around any corner, and in a warehouse literally filled with guns, you didn't like your odds.
before you could think too much about it however, the sound of heavy footfalls reaches your ears from further into the warehouse. you could tell they were getting closer, and in a split second of panic, you decide to take cover behind a stack of crates before they see you.
just as you duck out of sight, you count five armed men coming around the corner to where you were just standing. you focus on calming your breathing and your rapid heart rate, watching as one of them crouches and inspects kattan's body. the rest of them look around, presumably on the look out for you.
you lean more around the corner, bringing your gun up and pointing the barrel squarely at the man next to kattan's body – the one closest to your hiding spot.
with a deep breath, you pull the trigger and hiss a curse as he moves at the last second and clutches his leg where you hit. you fire two more shots at the others, hitting one in the chest and cursing again as the other narrowly misses your target.
the remaining three finally gather their senses, returning fire at where you hide and forcing you to take cover again. your breathing has picked up again, blood rushing in your ears and drawing out the sound of bullets flying towards you.
there's a pause, but before you can react, a hand grasps your shoulder from behind and slams your shoulder back into the crate. you try to point your gun at the assailant, but he rips it from your grasp and tosses it to the ground out of reach, pointing his own gun at you as you struggle. 
shit– one of baranov's men must've crept up behind you in the chaos.
he shoves you to the ground, restraining your arms behind your back and clicking a pair of cuffs far too tightly around your wrists. he pulls you roughly onto your feet and shoves you back out into the open, where baranov and the other two men stand waiting.
"you two– watch the perimeter." baranov commands, never once taking his chilling glare off of you. the other two nod, before turning and disappearing the way you'd came in.
baranov brings your attention back to him by stepping forward and gathering the front of your hoodie in his fist. for a moment, he holds your stare, giving you that same cold look that has the hairs on the back of your neck standing on end.
with a disdainful scoff, he pulls you from the other man's grip and shoves you to the floor again, dropping you aggressively against a metal shelving unit that makes your vision blur as your head collides with it. you blink, ears still ringing and a warm wet feeling growing on the back of your head.
"you are such a pain in my ass, kilo 0-9." he growls, crouching in front of you and watching as you try to regain your senses. a pained groan leaves your throat, and you squint at his unfocused figure at your feet.
"...i try my best," you mumble, subtly tugging at the cuffs binding you. to your frustration, even dislocating your thumb wouldn't help you to get out of them they were so tight. "...but maybe i'm just a natural–"
"заткни пасть!" baranov roars, delivering a harsh slap to your face. your head snaps to the side, your vision once again swimming and the sick feeling in your stomach only growing stronger. "i will make you pay for what you did, you annoying little доносчик." he stands again, his form towering over you and his shadow blocking the flickering light from above.
“i had everything, i was on top of the world. i’d finally gotten everything i’d ever wanted,” he begins, nothing but pure malice in his eyes as he glares down at where you sit, still reeling from your head injury, “until you took it all away from me!”
"and for what? a paycheck? a pathetic little sense of victory?" he spits, kicking your leg as he slowly paces before you. "i worked all my life for that empire! and you burned it all to the ground, like it was nothing!"
you feel hot blood trickle down the back of your neck, the urge to vomit still not leaving you, and you pray to anyone who would listen that somebody finds you soon, because with the way your vision is still blurred at the edges, you don’t think you’ll get out of this on your own.
baranov abruptly stops his pacing, running a had through his hair in an erratic display of anger. “i thought killing you would be enough, that revenge would satisfy me, but i’ve changed my mind, sergeant.” he’s not shouting anymore, instead his voice is low and quiet, but no less threatening. he turns his head to look at you from the corner of his eyes.
“you see, simply killing you would be satisfying, of course. that was my original plan; lure you in with something i know you self-righteous hero types can’t resist,” he says, waving his arms to emphasise his words, “but then it would be over. you would be dead, and you’d never be truly sorry for how you wronged me.”
even through the fog in your mind, you feel a cold dread building inside you. baranov turns to face you fully.
“so, thats why i’ve decided instead to make you suffer.” he crouches down again, closer than he'd been before.
“i will make you watch," he grabs your throat, pulling you closer still, "as i destroy the things you care about, just like you did to me.” his voice is just above a whisper.
“commander karim,” he squeezes your airway, “the american,” squeezing tighter as you desperately try to breathe in, “and of course, your precious little pilot.”
“no…” you wheeze, rattling your cuffs as you squirm in baranov's grasp. the edges of your vision darken for a moment, and you let your unfocused gaze drift from his sharp grin.
behind him, in the shadows of the stacks of crates and shelves, something catches your eye through the blurriness. a glint of reflected light from the yellowish bulb overhead, behind the man who'd dragged you earlier. you seem to be the only one to notice the fourth presence.
“they will all die, because of you.” baranov finally releases you, once again shoving you back against the metal shelving. you cough once, twice, your breaths ragged and eyes glaring daggers at baranov as he stands again to tower over you.
“you won’t…” you draw your legs into your chest, glaring up at him with renewed defiance. he takes one menacing step towards your curled up form, that insufferable smirk still pulling at his lips.
“oh,” he chuckles darkly, “i will.”
you scoff, and with all the force you can muster, you shoot your legs out to collide with one of baranov's ankles. he stumbles back, regaining his balance a few paces away from you, but he's a second too late – the figure in the darkness has already leapt out and sunk their blade into the neck of baranov's guard, ripping it out of his flesh and throwing it in baranov's direction.
you watch as the knife ricochets off a stack of crates and clatters to the ground next to baranov, already struggling to get your cuffed wrists in front of your body in your dazed state. the mystery person tackles baranov before he can fully recover, sending them both tumbling to the ground and grappling for control over the other.
your heart practically soars when you realise it's nik, pinning baranov to the ground and landing a blow to his face that felt extremely personal.
somewhere in the struggle, baranov gets a hold of the knife, swinging his arm and catching nik in the stomach just below his vest before you can warn him. your head is pounding, the ache from being thrown around earlier catching up to you and making it that much harder to focus.
baranov rolls them over, on top of nik now as he clutches the laceration with one hand and resists baranov's attempt to stab him again with the other. a grunt escapes you as you finally manage to get your cuffed wrists over your legs, feeling the muscles in your shoulder stretch painfully – another injury to slow you down, but you couldn't think about that right now.
despite the pain clouding your senses, you push yourself up to crouch, wobbling slightly before you find your balance. for a second you watch the pair grapple with each other on the floor, mind racing to think of a way to help nik without allowing baranov to hurt him any further.
you have to get them off each other, is the only thought you can come up with, so before you can hesitate you launch yourself onto baranov's back, hooking the chain of your cuffs in front of his neck and dragging him backwards with all your weight.
the knife falls to the floor again, out of reach of either of you. with all the strength you can muster, you pull the cuffs towards yourself in an effort to cut off baranov's airway. he thrashes in your hold, desperately trying to wedge his fingers in between the metal and his flesh. but in your slightly concussed state, he manages to catch you off guard and throw his head back, landing a strike to your nose, which stuns you enough for him to rip himself out of your grasp.
your head spins all over again, eyes watering and blurry as you feel baranov twist and pin you beneath him. his hand goes to your neck, and through your distorted vision you see his other pull back in a fist aiming squarely at your face.
you flinch, bracing to be hit, but the impact never comes; nikolai sinks the knife once into the side of his neck, and again into his chest, before grabbing his body and shoving him off of you.
you watch as baranov sputters, your own chest heaving as you take in some much needed air. nik searches through baranovs pockets, pulling back with a tiny silver key in his hand – the key for the handcuffs. he takes your bruised wrists into his hands, his touch unbelievably gentle, unlocking the cuffs and discarding them to the side.
he slumps down beside you, close enough thar his shoulder touches yours, and his hand cradling the stab wound on his stomach. a moment passes where neither of you move, still reeling from your injuries and the fight as you massage the raw skin of your wrists.
"thank you," you murmur once your vision finally stops spinning, shuffling to face nik and placing your hand on his arm, "you saved my life…"
"does that mean i'm your guardian angel now?" he chuckles, groaning when his abdomen shifts painfully. your head pulses, your own injuries catching up to you, but that back of your head seems to have stopped bleeding so you decide it can wait. you'd rather take care of him first anyway.
"i guess it does," you give him a weak smile in return, before undoing the straps of his vest, "now let me patch you up before your bleed to death." he chuckles again, sitting up so you can lift the vest over his head and set it down on the floor. you turn to the side, looking through the different packs until you find the one with basic medical supplies; bandages, disinfectant, and sutures – though you sincerely hoped you wouldn't have to do any stitching.
you hear nik move again, and the shuffle of fabric, and look back at him to find him pulling off his shirt. completely and utterly distracted from what you were doing, you feel an unmistakable heat rise to your face as you study the way his chest rises and falls, a thin sheen of sweat–
"if you wanted to undress me, all you had to do was ask," nik's teasing voice breaks you out of your trance. your eyes snap to his, the amused expression he wears only making the embarrassment worse.
"oh, shush…" you mumble, look back down to the medical supplies in your lap and willing your heart to slow down – he was still injured, you needed to take care of that before it became a problem. you grab his hand and place it on your shoulder, "just tap me if it hurts too much, okay?"
"конечно." he gives you a small, reassuring squeeze. you smile tightly, and begin to disinfect the laceration. thankfully, it wasn't too deep, so you wouldn't have to demonstrate your awful stitching skills. 
despite the circumstances, he looks ethereal above you; his head thrown back and his eyes squeezed shut, his rippling muscles glistening with sweat and a firm grip on your shoulder. it takes everything in you to concentrate on patching him up instead of gawking at the way the dim light of the warehouse hits the shape of his body.
after successfully stopping the bleeding without getting too distracted, you finish up by securing the gauze with a tight bandage. you look up from your work to find nik already looking at you, with the same look in his eyes from the night before, when you watched the stars together.
"i'm so glad you're okay, милая." nik smiles, cupping the side of your face with the hand not covered in blood. you feel the warmth of him seeping into your clammy skin. his touch has a calming effect on you, instantly soothing your overactive mind.
"i'm glad you found me," you smile back, leaning into his palm and bringing your own hand up to cover his, "sorry for getting us into this mess in the first place." you mutter, your gaze falling to the floor with a twinge of guilt.
"there's no need to apologise, дорогая." he caresses your face with his thumb, tilting your head slightly to bring your eyes back to his. you give him a meek nod, and mirror the tiny smile he wears.
you move to sit next to him again, sighing as you rest against the cold shelves. the two of you sit in relative quiet for a moment or two, listening to your own exhausted breathing and the hum of the lights.
"nice aim, by the way." you nod your head towards baranov's body.
"yeah," you reply, a playful smirk tugging at the corner of your lips, "knife went right past him."
nik laughs, airy and tired, and lifts his arm to wrap around your shoulders "ah, now you're making fun of me." he chuckles, looking at you with an amused light in his eyes.
"that's the second time you've missed, isn't it?" you tease, feeling his arm tighten around you.
"тихо…" he grumbles, shaking his head with lightheardted disapproval, "but for the record, i'm glad i missed the first time." his gaze softens as he examines your faces, his other hand coming back up to cup the side of your jaw.
"you better be." you murmur, suddenly very aware of his still bare chest as he pulls you closer to him. 
"after all, if i'd shot you," his voice is just above a whisper, the space between you so small you can feel his warm breath on your face. with the hand on your jaw, he brings you even closer, resting his forehead against yours as your eyes flutter closed, "i would never get to do this."
without another moment of hesitation, you feel his lips against yours, passionate yet gentle as you sigh into him. your arm comes up to loop around his neck, his hand moving to the back of your head to press you further into the kiss. you're momentarily reminded of the ache in your head, but it's an afterthought as you press yourself flush against him.
the heat in your chest, your face, your whole body, is burning, heart racing faster than you'd ever felt it as nikolai's mouth moves against yours. you feel his stubble prickle against your skin as he tilts his head further, his tongue swiping across your lips.
when the need for air gets too much, you reluctantly pull away to catch your breath, nikolai chasing your lips and giving you one last peck before you get too far away. he smiles warmly at you, coaxing a similar expression to light up your own face.
"so, are farah and alex coming to get us, or…?"
"my hero…" you whisper, earning a grin for nik as he strokes your cheek with his thumb. you rest your head in the crook of his shoulder and chest, revelling quiet in the moment between the two of you; and for the first time in a long time, you feel a genuine spark of happiness ignite in your chest.
"...бляаты… i will tell them i found you…"
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unhingedlesbear · 10 months
Fuckin Markate moments that make me go 🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤲🤌🤲🤲🤌🙏🙏🙏🙏🤌🤌🙏💀🤌🤌🤌💀💀🙏🤌🤌🤌😭🤌😭🤌😭😭😭🤌
Literally going to sit here and overanalyse every little fucking Markate interaction DONT mind me. This is fully me going insane over markate for no fucking reason.
-Bridge scene
Oh my GODDD THIS SCEEEENEEEE assuming you pick the empathetic option it’s just sooo sweet. The way u can tell she’s used to helping him with these situations because of how non judgemental and supportive she is, she knows it’s not actually fine when he says it is, and she keeps a lighthearted energy to her the whole time even though they recently broke up. And then when he thanks her and basically confirms that she’s helped him through moments like that before just agrgrhrhhrhrhrhrh fuckkk they’re so 🤲🤲🤲
There are some CUTE fucking interactions in this chapter between them. The little “you trying to butter me up?” Interaction is so sillyyyyy so silly of them and she calls him a fucking camera dork😭😭😭🤌🤌🤌 and they’re laughing and smiling and shit even tho they were just discussing their breakup moments before oghhhh my god☹️☹️🫡🫡🫡. And the fucking “my arms are not short 😠😠” AHEGEGHRR😭😭😭😭🤌🤌✨✨✨✨✨FUCKING CUTE!!! And then there’s the end of the chapter when they get spooked by the lil animatronic and you got the silly little “it scared YOU” “it scared you TWICE” they’re so dumbbb they’re so goofy and sillyyyy why do they 😭😭😭😭👍👍👍👍
Not many Markate moments here but STILL this is MY unhinged Markate ramble post and good god am I gonna fuckin RAMBLE! Anyway I want to bring up Mark’s speech and the fact that he calls Kate his best friend and she looks at him like 😯🙄🙂 just 😭🤌 and then there’s Jamie’s line about Mark following Kate around like a lost dog and just yeah. That is the dynamic isn’t it😭
First off in curators cut just the fact that Kate gets worried about Mark when the fire is closing in on him☹️☹️😭🙏🙏🤌🤌🤌 and she pulls him out of it even though it kinda looks like she also gets a bit singed by it??? YOU GUYS ARE FUCKING STUPID❤️❤️❤️❤️ then we have THE MARKATE HUG!! I FUCKING LOVE THIS HUG SO MUCH!!! ITS THE WAY HE JUST FALLS INTO HER SHOULDER AND ITS THE TINY LIL BACK RUB AND ALSO THE WAY SHE HAS TO STAND ON HER TOES TO REACH UP RIGHT IM FROTHING AT THE MOUTHHHHHHHH
Again there’s not much here I KNOW but there’s still some things and so I must point them out. The fact that Mark just got dropped through the fucking floor and his first thought is “KATE😨😨⁉️⁉️” and then LATER WHEN THEY REUNITE AND HE GREETS HER AND THEY’RE HAPPY TO SEE EACH OTHER WHAT IF I TORE SOMEONES FLESH FROM THEIR BONES 
Ah yes. The last true Markate scene for fucking AGES🗣🗣but I would like to still point out the way Kate runs back after she sees him fall down the trapdoor like 🥺🥺
-Directors suite
No actual markate scenes but Kate is clearly worried abt him in this whole chapter. Like the first thing she asks Jamie is if she’s seen Mark, and then if she hasn’t she looks all worried and shit and if Jamie has seen him she’s like “I was worried sick about him🥹” WHAT IF I WENT ON ALL FOURS????? And later when they’re looking at what Du’met has been writing about them Kate ofc points out where Mark was last seen, later she’s got her whole “I want to find Mark😠not okay Du’met’s game🥱” like oh my godddd girl u too worried! I’m gonna go insane!
AH YES THE MARKATE REUNION AFTER MANY CHAPTERS APART!!! It’s the way that she looks so concerned when she sees that he’s been hurt and she doesn’t even look around or nothing she just immediately pulls him into a hug and hits us with the “I thought I lost you” like FUCKKK GET A ROOOM‼️‼️‼️ and in the case that the crew confront Du’met it’s the way Mark is holding Kate’s arm the whole time😭😭 and the way he makes sure she gets out the door before he does PLEASAASSSEEEE🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡
And let me not even talk about the ultimatum versions of this chapter like… the way if she cuts him free he kinda clings to her a bit as they run off like MY GODDDD🗣🗣and then from his perspective he’s literally just been beat up and thrown in a closet with his hands tied and once again his first thought is “KATE😨⁉️⁉️” I FUCKING LOOVE THEM AND THEN OGHHH IF THEY GET CAPTURED ITS THE WAY MARK TRIES TO CRAWL OVER ACTING TOUGH LIKE HE CAN STILL PROTECT HER BRO UR DONE IM SORRY‼️‼️‼️BUT A FOR EFFORT UR DEDICATION IS SWEET AF
OGHHHH LAKE see it’s the way Kate gets that fucking choice to save him or leave him DIRECTLY mirroring her trauma about Shelby like OGHHHH FUCK!!! And then there’s the way that assuming you choose to try and help him she does literally all she can to get Du’met off him even though she knows she’s physically weaker and just GRRRRR and FUCK! IF HE DIES! FUCKING SAD! THE WAY HE CAN REACH OUT TO HER AND SHE REACHES BACK AND THE FUCKING SADNESS IN HER VOICE WHEN SHES LIKE “No… no please..” WHAT IF I KILLED MYSELF??????? 
No. I cant talk about this right now. Tune in later.
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aritamargarita · 2 years
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that last minute decision? well. this may come as a surprise to you all……..but i did add a little sexual content in this one. i actually was able to fit some in there so.. SURPRISE! i will signify where it starts with ** and the spacer is where it ends if you don’t want to read it. it’s also kinda quick for a reason lol
i hope y’all like it i was kinda nervous. i legit don’t know what im doing.🧍‍♀️this is my first time don’t scream at me
youuu guys knoww the drilllll! you know ‘sweet but psycho’ by ava max really set the tone for me.....”you’re just like me, you’re out your mind”??? oh yeah RENT WAS DUE!!!!!
hope u enjoy this chapter i had a lot of fun writing it
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YOU’RE STILL RUNNING on adrenaline! You and Trish hit backstage, spirits high and thrilled you two not only attacked Torrie, but are working together for the night. It’s going to be one hell of a Raw.
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“Trish!” You yell, turning over to her and shaking her shoulders. “That was great! My god, we really kicked her ass.”
She smiles at you. “It was! Did you see her face when I joined in?! Hilarious!”
“Listen, thanks a lot for coming on my show and helping out. I’ll be in your corner tonight, so I’ll see you later, okay?” You give her a thumbs up, heading further down the hallway towards your locker room.
Trish had your gratitude. It’s only right for you to pay her back. You’d do everything in your power to make sure that their team won.
But other than Trish’s match, you’ve got a lot to do tonight. Watch the Hardy Boyz…..accompany Austin to the ring….it’s a busy day! Makes you happy you’ve got something to do.
Vengeance is coming up and that means Austin would have to be in a series of matches in order to qualify and become the undisputed champion.
This isn’t good for your anxiety. You knew he was pretty good, but what if it went the other way around?! Nah, that couldn’t happen. He has to win.
As you made your way down, you notice Michael Cole interviewing RVD. You decide to pop up behind him and join in. “Hello, world!”
With your sudden appearance on camera, the crowd cheers. RVD gives a smile and shifts his Hardcore Title to his left arm, then slings his right around your shoulders. “Hey! It’s Miss WCW.”
You wonder if he didn’t remember your name..which would be a shame since you two teamed up not too long ago. “In the flesh! Nitro’s Golden Girl is reporting for duty.”
“What a surprise!” Michael, the interviewer exclaims. “I was just asking RVD his thoughts on the Undertaker attacking him so viciously the previous night. What’re your thoughts?”
For a moment, your mind drew a blank. You can’t remember Undertaker attacking him at all! Just so you don’t stand there in silence, you make something up on the fly. “I mean, it’s crazy! If you ask me, I think Undertaker is going through a midlife crisis or something. I mean, joining a biker club? I could’ve sworn he was all scary a couple of months ago!”
You didn’t know much about him right now, but you tried bouncing off of what you’ve seen so far.
RVD nods his head, his tone relaxed as ever. “That totally makes sense. No wonder why he got mad when I recommended him to use diapers.”
You cover your mouth on instinct. WHY WOULD HE EVEN RECOMMEND THAT?! That’s literally not what you meant at all.
He continues. “If you ask me, I think the Undertaker’s just all worked up because RVD—“
“Woah, woah, woah. Hold on a second.” You could recognize that voice as Christian, who had his title on his shoulder as well.
“You’re saying that the Undertaker’s all worked up? And you,” He points to you. “You’re saying he’s going through some midlife crisis? Well let me tell you something, did you ever think it’s maybe because he gives more respect to Vince McMahon? Do you guys think you’re better than the Undertaker?”
Christian was getting a bit hostile. You hoped most of his irritation wasn’t towards you, but you still speak up anyway, Michael shifts the mic towards you. “Mr. McMahon never had my respect in the first place. It only makes things worse because of that match he put himself in to antagonize Trish Stratus. And if you want the truth, yes! I think I’m better than the Undertaker.”
RVD motions towards you. “You heard the lady. Besides, we’re gonna find out if I’m better than the Undertaker at Vengeance.”
The two of them stare each other down, but you take the opportunity to take the mic from Michael. “Can I see this?” You ask. He nods and hands it over. “Oooh, how about this you guys, since I heard the Undertaker isn’t here tonight, how about you two go against each other?”
Boom, you made the match card make sense. It was that easy. It’s not like the audience knew the card in its entirety anyway.
“For that hardcore title? Absolutely.” Christian wasn’t against it, in fact he was more than willing to prove himself to Vince. And with the hardcore title on the line? Hell yes.
“Sounds like a good idea.” RVD easily agrees, then lightly taps Christian’s title. “And how about we put that Euro-trash title on the line too?”
“I’m a genius!” You chime. “Title versus title? Hardcore and European?”
“My title? Ha! As if I’m going to lose this to you, RVD. I’m pretty sure neither of you know nothing about Europe!” Christian challenges. “What’s the capitol of Belgium?”
“Isn’t it Br—?” You’re about to answer...
…But RVD answers with no hesitation: “Waffle!”
You turn to look at him with a smile. God he’s stupid…but he’s hilarious. The crowd laughs at his response.
Christian shakes his head. “Are you serious? Do you even know what I’m talking about?”
“I think.” You say. “Why don’t you tell us the capital?”
“..Tch,” He scoffs, waving a hand. “I’m not telling you!” It made it very clear to the crowd that he had no clue what the capital was either. “Listen, I welcome any match, where it’s cool to use the Conchairto.”
Makes you think. Man, you need to be a commissioner or something, they’re missing out on a lot of opportunities here with your co-workers!
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RAW IS WAR // 8:15 PM
Because of that segment, you had to literally run and change in the locker room. You’ve got a couple of minutes to be in gorilla and come with Team Xtreme to the ring.
As you were moving around, a black letter sticking out of your bag had caught your attention. You could spare 3 minutes to read this, so you walk over and pull it out.
‘Though our meeting was rudely interrupted, I find it apparent that you’re fit to be with me. You are unapologetically you, but it’s as if you’re being silenced.
I will set you free from the chains that you’ve been bound to. Find me in the shadows. A place where people discard things they have no use of.’ A place where one would find it disgusting.‘
— Quote the Raven, Nevermore.
And all of a sudden, you had less interest in the match you were supposed to come out for.
Who cares about the match anymore?
You wanted to know more about Raven. What he said at your anger management class really struck you. He even offered to free you.
Isn’t it about time you come with him?
You’re in no hurry to make it to gorilla anymore. A place where you could discard things of no use? A place where one would find it disgusting?
That had to be the trash. And to go even bigger, it must’ve been a dumpster. Normally, you’d be disgusted, but if it’s for Raven, you didn’t care. You didn’t care if he was beside it or inside it.
Who was on the match card again?
You couldn’t remember. All you cared about was going to find a dumpster. You quickly finish changing before heading outside the room. All you had in mind was heading towards the back.
You passed by quite a few of your coworkers, who seemed to be confused as to why you’re in such a hurry. The only person who was willing to stop you was Debra.
“[Name], sweetie,” She called, rushing over to you. “I’ve been looking for you. You and Steve told me class went well, but once I spoke to Doctor Smiley, he said it was a disaster! What happened?!”
You’re not sure what to say to her. It was one thing that you two lied, but your mind was focused on one and one thing only. “I don’t know.” You shrug.
“How do you not know?” She questioned. “And where’s Steve? You two should be ashamed of yourselves! I’ve never been so embarrassed in my life.”
You mutter an apology. You’re wasting time when you could be out and about…. “I’ve gotta go.” You move past her, completely unaware that you bumped her out of the way.
And towards the back you go. There had to be a dumpster back there. You push open the door and shiver as the cold air hits you.
There’s some cars back here. You wonder if it’s any of your co-workers or any of the higher ups.
….Ugh, who cares. You mindlessly walk forward in search for your pursuer. You see nothing but most of the cars disappearing and the sight of an empty parking lot until…..
“What a pleasant surprise.”
The voice immediately makes you turn to the left, seeing none other than Raven sitting on the ground surrounded by trashcans and pieces of litter. It’s not a dumpster, but it’s definitely somewhere no one would go.
Perhaps you were wrong, but you didn’t care. You’re filled with glee. He’s all you cared about tonight.
“I didn’t expect you to show up.” His curly hair was covering most of his face and he made no effort to shake it out of the way. “Austin brutally beat me earlier tonight and I feel as if it was an attempt to keep you away from me.”
You agree. “I think so too.” But you don’t want to stay away from Raven. You never want to. “What were you talking about when you gave me that letter?” You kneel down to his level.
Raven says nothing at first, but there’s a smirk playing on the edge of his lips that you couldn’t see. “…Come closer.”
You do, and he finally moves his hair out of his face to get a better look at you. “I want to set you free.” He gets up and lightly pushes you down so he’s on top of you instead.
“I’ll show you the light, [Name]. You’ll let me, won’t you?”
Yes. You will. He’s helping you in more ways than one.
Raven leans in closer, hovering his lips above your own before moving to your ear. “I want you to repeat these words.” He whispers. “I am no bird…and no net ensnares me. I am a free human being with an independent will.”
You nod as he goes lower and focuses on your neck. “I am…” You hesitate once he kisses it, then starts to bite down. “I am no..bird…”
Raven moves his hand down carefully and lands right on the underside of your left breast. He doesn’t really grope you there, instead glides over and down to your navel.
“And no net ensnares—ah!” He bites you harder, almost enough to draw blood. “I-I am a human being…” You’re almost breathless at this point, unable to focus thanks to the man on top of you. “…with an in…dependent will.”
He latches his lips off of your neck. Just as you think he was going to say anything else, he crashes his lips into your own.
Him doing that hurt, a lot. But you didn’t care. You loved it. He pushes his tongue into your mouth forcefully, drool sliding down your chin from how haphazard it was. He swirled his tongue around yours and you could only think about him. 
It’s the most messiest kiss you’ve had in your life and you wouldn’t trade this experience for the world. You can feel his hand slide down even further, right down into your underwear. 
You push Raven off to catch some air, but he keeps his hand nearby your underwear. He takes the hint and returns his attention back to your neck. You run your tongue over your now swollen lips.
He’s muttering something under his breath, you can barely hear him with the ringing in your ears. You can feel him inch down towards uncharted territory and your stomach fills with butterflies as he slides your underwear to the side.
Is this really happening? Right here? Right now?
It started out soft, as he gently caressed your insides with his finger. It’s almost like he was testing the waters. Your ragged breathing only egged him on further. Slowly, he begins to move his finger in and out.
He raises his voice so you can hear him better.
“The human body is a mystery to me. I find it strange that even the simplest gestures…”
Detaching himself from your neck, he looks up towards you. For a second, he curls his fingers, then uncurls it. “…can get a reaction out of someone.”
Through your moans, you finally gather some strength to speak. “I’ve gotta….” Though your mind was on a swivel the entire night, you knew people would be looking for you. “Gotta…….”
Raven doesn’t allow you to finish your sentence, switching from one finger to two. “Fear not. Tonight, you can become apart of me.”
You’re just stuck moaning and panting on the ground. You hope no one can hear you, but it’s unlikely with how empty this area was.
Even so, he doesn’t give you the right to even finish. He snatches his fingers out, stopping as quickly as he started and gets off of you.
You lean up from your spot, dazed and completely in the clouds. As he licks his fingers clean, you stare at him with such an intensity that you think your eyes would fall out.
You think you’re in love.
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RAW IS WAR // 8:35 PM
You’re still disheveled from earlier. Your clothes were wrinkled, your hair had gotten frizzy, and you’re still burning inside.
Holy shit.
You’re aching because he didn’t give you the opportunity to finish. You hope this feeling goes away. You refuse to finish yourself off anywhere near the show.
On the bright side…you’ve figured it out. Raven is your one true love. He’s everything you wanted and more. You felt like you had all the time in the world for Raven. That you could drop everything you’re doing for Raven. Raven. Raven. Raven. Raven.
That’s all you cared about right now.
A cold hand on your shoulder makes you turn around quickly. “What?!”
“Heeeey. No need to get defensive!” It’s Lita, who looked pretty concerned. “You okay? I was worried about you. You didn’t show up tonight and Jeff was disappointed.” She pauses to look at how messed up you look. “You look a mess…what happened?”
“….” You look at Lita, unable to think of a proper response. “I….no, I’m okay. Just fine. Just leave me alone.”
Your response surprises Lita. “Huh? You’re acting strange. You can tell me, you know. Was it Torrie? If—“
“No! Just—FUCK! Leave me alone!” You scream at her, wanting nothing more than to be left alone at the moment. Lita immediately shuts up as you give her one last glance and head down the hallway.
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that was an experience.
really really hope u guys liked it because i lowkey wasn’t fond of it?!?!?! again i feel like it was because i kept reading it over and over but yeah. raven does things. he won. the night isn’t over either...we’ll find out what happens next monday!!!!!! also reader challenging undertaker indirectly ruh roh
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akiratheartist · 5 months
what if “Wow” by 3RACHA was a show? (inspo from pinterest) (description on image!)
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just a little heads up this is not a reader insert! also since i am American even though this takes place elsewhere this will be based on American high school. Sorry to any Australian readers! (this may be a series 👀…)
Chapter 1 - New School New… Love?
Your first day of high school is supposed to be exciting.. right? Well it was a little exciting for Jisung i guess but it was a little more stress inducing. Over the summer his family moved to the town of Greenacre in Sydney Australia which was a little ways away from his hometown of Incheon of Korea.
He got dressed in a graphic tee with his favorite band on it, a zip up hoodie, and some jeans. His shoes were a pair of beat up converses that were black. He said a quick goodbye to his parents before running out the door to the bus that almost left him.
His first day had the usual problems. He got lost a gazillion times, His locker got jammed and he was late to class, It was awkward not knowing anyone, And worst of all: The language barrier. Jisung knew english but there was still times where he didn’t understand and the teachers nor students seemed to care about this matter. While attempting to open his locker with no luck an upperclassman approached him. “Need help?” He turned to see an older boy offering to open it up. “Yes.. Please.” Jisung scooted over an let the older take control. “What’s the code?” Jisung quickly looked down at the schedule in his hands. “Uh.. It’s 16-24-31.” He watched intently as the lock was twisted and turned until.. “Voila! all open!” Jisung was a little surprised and thanked the boy before grabbing his stuff. “What’s your name?” He poked his head from out of the locker. “It’s Jisung.” “I’m Chris. Wasn’t expecting to meet a transfer student from Korea!” He smiled. Jisung closed his locker and wanted nothing more but than to walk away. “Y’know.. Im from Korea too.” Jisung stared at Chris for a moment. “진짜?!“ Jisung yelled a little and covered his mouth. “Yeah really!” Jisung was relieved to meet someone from Korea too. “정말 다행이다! 나는 하루종일 영어로 말해야 한다고 생각했다.” What a relief! I thought I had to speak English all day. “내가 여기 있어서 잘됐지?” Well good thing i’m here yeah? “Why don’t I show you where your class is?” Chris started walking alongside Jisung. “Would you? I kinda don’t know where i’m going..” “Of course! Gives me an excuse to not be in class.” Chris laughed. “What room number is it?” Jisung handed Chris his schedule and Chris looked at it for a few seconds. “Oh its just around the corner!” They waled together down to Jisung’s class and said goodbye. “Come find me 5-2 during lunch!” Chris shouted at he ran down the hall hearing the tardy bell ring.
Fifth period came and it was Jisung’s study hall period. He found his assigned seat and quietly sat down with all his stuff and began getting a head start on some homework. Homework on the first day?! How cruel! But anyway, Jisung still had to do it unfortunately. The rest of the class loaded into the room and Jisung noticed someone sit beside him. He glanced to see another boy sitting in the chair next to him. The boy immediately put his head down on the desk and ignored the school work in front of him. The bell rang and Jisung stared at him for a few moments before going back to his own work. A few minutes later and the boy’s head popped back up and he grabbed a notebook. He began quickly writing something down making Jisung curious. Unfortunately the boy caught him staring making the situation a little more awkward as Jisung looked away. The page was covered in rhymes in both Korean and English. Interesting he thought.
Eventually lunch came and Jisung made his way down the hall through a crowd of people. Suddenly the next thing he knew he was on the floor. He looked up to see the most beautiful girl he had ever seen reaching her hand out to him. Jisung took her hand and she pulled him up from the floor. “Uh.” She spoke and her voice was like music against his ears. “Thanks..” Jisung said. “Yeah whatever..” The girl said and she picked something off the floor and kept walking. Jisung was already in love.
“Chris! Chris!” Jisung came running into the lunch room towards where Chris sat. “Hey Jisung! Whats up?” Jisung excitedly sat next to Chris and a familiar looking boy. “You’ll never believe what happened!” He looked at Chris with wide eyes. “Wait a second I want you to meet another friend of mine first. Jisung this is Changbin.” Jisung glanced behind Chris to see the boy that sat next to him in class. “Hey you sit next to me!” He recalled the writing he was doing earlier. “Oh yeah.” Changbin stated. “Anyway, What i was saying was… I think i’m in love!” Jisung dramatically stated loudly and Chris raised an eyebrow. “Love? With who?!” Jisung stood and began scanning the room for the girl from earlier. “She had dark skin… And long hair… And and the most beautiful eyes… There! In the grey shirt!” He pointed in her direction and the other two boys turned to look. “Harper?!” Chris said. “No way dude..” The girl turned her head in their direction and Chris quickly grabbed Jisung by the jacket and yanked him into his seat. “Is that her name? Wow.. Harper…” Jisung practically had hearts in his eyes. “I wouldn’t if i were you…” Changbin spoke up. “Why not?! She’s perfect for me!” Chris giggled a little at Jisung’s confusion. “Freshman. She HATES Freshman. And also she’s like the meanest person ever.” Changbin warned but Jisung denied it all. “No way she’s mean! She helped me off the floor when someone pushed me in the hallway!” “Are you sure she didn’t push you?” Chris said. “Trust me. She’s in my grade dude i’ve been trying to get her attention for a hell of a long time.” Jisung completely ignored him. “Does she do anything after school?” What an idiot.. Is he even listening? “Other than being a complete spawn of Satan? Volleyball.” Changbin chuckled. “Besides theres no way she’d ever talk to you. Your a 9th grader.” Chris added and Jisung poked out his lip. “Why? my grade isn’t that bad.. What grade is she in?” “She’s a Junior like me. She’s got a sister who’s a Freshman too.” Jisung thought for a moment. “Wow she’s older than me by alot huh.. Maybe i’ll call her Noona then..” “You should be staying away from her. I’m telling you she’d smash your heart to pieces then stomp on it.” Jeez. She cant be that bad though… right?
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Aaaand thats a wrap for now! please please pleeease tell me if you want more because i have more planned for this! i cant wait to post more 🤔🤔
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monstrouslyobsessed · 2 years
just answering some asks real quick, no writing today but i am working on some n'sfw art of my fave lesbian beastfolk characters. hoping to finish and share that one (but sadly censored) tonight!
cw: mentions of a certain horror hentai, beastfolks
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thank you for the quick reply! I am super psyched about the possibility of a book of beast au, like holy moly I'd read it/buy it! And no worries on me selling the fan idea or claiming your idea, its more like me doing fanfiction of my fav author work as fan love ;3 —anonymous
dawwwwwww thank you!! <3 you're a sweetheart!!! do whatever you want! i'm super down to see your (and literally anyone else's) takes on my au~ we need more furry beastman x human tbh.
still a slim possibility tho! it'd be more of a compilation book more than anything as it'd be easier for me to do than to do chapter by chapter thing (and honestly, i wouldn't know who to focus on! i accidentally made the au too vast, rip). the only thing that would kinda suck is having to come up with the identity of mc's in each story, since it's super nice not having to think too much about who the mc is when i write reader x monster. i don't think reader x stories would sell well, though, and especially not the dead dove kind.
but that's alright, it just means i can write the mc's being in the minority if and when i wanted to c: disabled mc's are not something you'd see represented often being one myself and i'd so much love to contribute somehow.
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Have you seen puss in boots? —anonymous
i dont...watch many movies lmao but im guessing this is about death the wolf? my friends were all over him! even the ones who aren't into yandere/dd stuffs.
i'll have to see if i can find that film on netflix or prime then and make some time for it
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Omg, I didn’t listen to you and I read that hentai fully out of curiosity and wow that’s fucked (and scary) —anonymous
oh nonnie NOOOOOOO-
you poor soul D: it IS a horror hentai though, i should've specified in the initial post (sorry!), but fuck some of them are...
yeah, half of it is extremely fucked indeed. ymmv, but outside the ones involving...minors (shudders), the cow head and the monkey on train are just...no, with the former especially being the worst one and probably the most fucked up of them all. the tall lady and the scarecrows/women in the field would've been...passable to good if they hadn't involved minors, simply because i liked the initial premises. :\ the snake-god would've been a 10/10 for me if the mc is older and less...bratty, but as it is, 8/10 and all of the points i gave were because of the monster's gorgeous unique take on lamia/naga design (that monster lady is a chef's kiss and makes my gay ass heart happy) and her tragic backstory.
idk about the 6-armed snake-god one specifically, but i've heard/read that all the others were based on the Japanese lores. the cow one was supposedly already super gross in the first place though the artist could've just...not do that one and the rest, yeah.
i was able to deal with the statue ones and the worm god fine because...at least they all looked like adults who fell into bad situations they couldn't get out of. the monster on the road is...well, it'd be better if it didn't look like an old man :\ rest i just straight up skimmed through with my eyes half shut and completely skipping the cow head one first few pages in.
…sufficient to say, i only read monster / horror hentai's based on friends' recs than looking for them myself these days. way too many involving minors, which is…unfortunate. yucks.
i'm very, very sorry i led you down there and endured all of that, nonnie dear. D:> i'll go back and edit that post to warn others.
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okamiwind · 6 months
For the fanfic asks, 📥, 🧠, and 💭! Thank you :3
hehehhe thank YOU for the ask! :D
📥: What is your fave fic to receive comments/messages on? omg i am really simple because my first instinct was to say that it doesnt matter, like, i get a comment email and a jolt of joy runs through me im so happy like it really is just so nice to get any comment at all. but if i had to pick, i would say any of my chaptered fics. outside of... chronos and maybe sweet sleep, i think, i usually write and post my chapters as i go without prewriting. i'm pretty good at generating will power on my own bc im insane and i have a compulsion to finish whatever i start, but any encouragement i get from an outside source really does help.
🧠: What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet? i've said before that i'm trying not to get ahead of myself, just focus on finishing up my big projects (like iatbye still probably has 30-40k of book two left and then a whole NOTHER part, so seeing that makes me like, itchy lol) but i do have a seho hadrian/antinous fic that i poke at whenever i feel particularly uninspired with current projects. i don't know that i would ever post it on ao3 as it kinda handwaves some of the less (by our modern standards) morally acceptable features of the historical relationship, but every now and again i return to it and im like hell yeah. i love to write you and think about you. i am obsessed with the roman empire (which is My Roman Empire) and i am particularly interested in emperor hadrian, who fascinates and delights me. i love when gay people have power.
💭: What is a headcanon you have about your own work? i think i must be the worst writer of all time because my imagination stretches exactly to the edges of what i write lmao, like i do not do any work that does not directly contribute to the story im telling. i should get better about that bc i love lore and its one of the things that really pulls me into universes, but i just feel like i suck so bad at it. hm. a headcanon. scrolling through my ao3 real quick. OH. username: papercotton. i think eventually their couple channel gets so huge and successful that sehun quits his cafe job and maybe later down the line, they start their own cafe, kind of a hybrid cafe and stationery store with a third space where people can eat, drink, work, do their little journaling or photocard decorations heh. something like that.
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rosebury-archives · 11 months
CalmWriMo Log November 6th - Where’d the juice go
alright so i didn’t post a log yesterday because too tired sleepy and honestly i’m also too tired sleepy today so let’s try to keep this short!
since saturday was a no writing at all day, i tried to put some words down yesterday and wrote 1118 words in total, not counting a quick rework of an earlier part of the chapter. i also finally made a nicer pinned post! still need to work on some navigating stuff but honestly i can’t be bothered to do that for now
today was a little less productive when it comes to writing, and i only hit 388 words in total. which honestly is fine, really. my brain wasn’t on my side today, work kinda drained all the juices. im learning to not be too hard on myself and just. be okay with not writing a lot. i did have a little idea for my later chapters so it’s not like my brain didn’t produce anything at all today.
i think im just kind of stuck on this chapter right now because 1. is the last thing that’s keeping me from reaching my first goal of the month (reaching chapter 16) and 2. it’s a very emotional chapter and thast honestly not my strong suit. even though i’ve already gotten through the “worst” i still feel kinda stuck. im also struggling because that chapter is also going to be very very short and i just kind of don’t like putting out short chapters like this? very torn about this whole thing even though i’d been quite excited to write it and really love what happens in it, i just don’t love the way im writing it.
on a different note! i finally got to do some rather mindless gaming and listened to an audiobook while i was at it! do not ask me what happened in said audio book though. someone died by bones in the necromancer book that’s all i can tell you. still a success though!
now goals for tomorrow:
honestly none really. The Video Game gets a new update tomorrow so i’ll be focused on that for a while. not expecting to write a lot in the next couple of days! though maybe i can squeeze a coupe of words in during my breaks at work :)
perhaps i can tidy up the chapter 16 playlist though!
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a-v-j · 2 years
Extra Service(18+)
Ok, so imma share the first 1000 words of this fic i’ve been meaning to post for months i think. Kinda nervous actually cuz i know my writing is not in-level with my totally amazing drawing skillz lol
but anywho, this features Forbidden Spaghetti #5(AKA crackshiiiiiip)
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idk but i think i should mention that this fic include heat cycles(might be bad presentation too but im trying!) and swearing
OH YEAH, this “chapter” doesnt have the 18+ bits yet, so if this post gets some positive feedback i will post the next parts! (NO CRITIQUEs ALLOWED cuz im stubborn like that, probably from friends only! mAyBE!)
“Do me”
“Pardon?” The taller skeleton’s head snapped up almost immediately and stared with confusion at his client, who without being noticed had made his way closer to the front of his desk.
*Thirteen minutes earlier*
Quick tapping of foot steps echoed in the empty hallway as Snap walked briskly into his work office, it was another typical work day as the therapist in Coreverse headquarters and even though it wont be for another thirty minutes before his work hours actually starts, he went in early anyway because he liked being punctual. Early bird catches the worm as they say.
Upon sitting on his chair and with coffee already in hand, he flipped through his files and hummed to himself, noting his first appointment is with his regular, Corrupto. It wasn’t like he doesn’t like this particular client, no, in fact he took it as a challenge and to help as much as he could. And he was the only available therapist that was qualified for out-of-multiverse work and Cor wasn’t the type to be handled by regular therapist, not to mention he was a really tough nut to crack. He and Cor had been seeing each other for a long while now, and without reported violent behaviors from the other, just means there’s an established trust and knowing Cor, trust was not something he gives away freely.
A few minutes later, Snap, not yet taking his eyelights off from his notes, heard his office door open quietly, indicating his client has arrived to his morning appointment. He glanced up out of curiosity because he would usually hear the other grumble his way to his seat after harshly opening the door and rudely pushing it close but he only saw Cor closing it and walking to his spot without making any much noise. His client was unusually quiet with expression stern and sullen. Snap took note of that and warmly welcomed him, still the other did not give a response nor eye contact.
“How are you feeling today, Auto*?” Snap continued, half expecting the other to pull a wise-crack on him and say “with my hands” or something like that but the only response he received was more silence.
*Cor requested he should be called by “his real name”, the name Corrupto was from “Corrupted!Auto” and he didn’t like everyone calling him that.
“In a scale of 1 to 10. How do you rate your current mood today?” The therapist tried again and, this time, his client mumbled something inaudible. That’s a start, at least.
“Could you repeat that again? Please, don’t hesitate, this is a safe place” Snap reassured, and he was getting genuinely worried.
“I’m horny” Cor finally stated louder, still not making eye contact
“Oh-” There was a pause of awkward silence before Snap quickly collected his thoughts back and wrote on his note. “That’s normal. People always have arousal then, now and again.”
Snap mentally breathe out in relief because for a moment he thought Cor was into something really serious, or worse, dangerous. He was used to the other casually talking about sex related topics and was quite aware how the other was, let’s say, deprived. But still, something wasn’t right and Cor was acting out of it.
“No, I mean I’m that kinda horny.” Cor was clearly having a bit of a hard time trying to relay what he was trying to tell Snap but Snap knew right away what the other meant.
“Oh...the heat kind?”
Cor meekly nodded. Snap nodded back and went back to write a note. Knowing Cor, he was a guy that would shamelessly talk about sex out loud but he doesnt seem to be proud talking about this particular topic. Perhaps even embarrassed.
“So what would be your decision, Auto? Should we continue or would you like to end this session early and take a break?” Snap inquired.
”Are you sure? It’s 100% ok to skip for today-”He felt the other glare, insisting his decision was absolute
“Ok, I’m making sure you’re totally ok” After seeing a solid affirmation again from the other, he proceed to write things down and did a quick re-calibration of his strategy.
After a few more moments of silence. “Can I ask you a favor?”
Snap attentively glanced up to Cor, “Sure, anything I could do to help” before turning back briefly on his desk to organize some clutter .
“Do me”
“Pardon?” The taller skeleton’s head snapped up almost immediately and stared with confusion at his client, who without being noticed had made his way closer to the front of his desk.
Cor maintained a sharp eye contact into the therapist, he was fully aware that Snap could now fully see his sweating and flustered expression. He felt vulnerable and so lost focus and glanced away. He tried to speak again in a low volume
“I…I need you to..fuck me” His tone came out kinda shaky, clearly hesitating to say his indecent proposal.
“SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO ME.” Snap immediately did as told
“This heat is gonna fuck me up for a week or so and I don’t need that kinda shit right now. If I just get it one time it’ll be over asap. Only you know about this and you’re the only one I could trust. And I’m not gonna op for some saps, ya get me?” Cor glared.
“But this is inappropriate, unprofessional!” Snap objected, shocked and incredibly worried for the both of them but at the same time, feeling a bit excited with the idea…? NO, BAD SNAP
“You say you want to help me, and this is one way to do it. Anything that would happen here, stays in this room and will never be talked about again” Cor sternly looked Snap in the eye, clearly definite with his decision to back out anytime soon.
“Ma-maybe we could find other options for this awkward situation???” Snap almost faltered but he tried to gain control over the situation which was getting a bit hard when the thing down there is getting uncomfortably tight in its fabric containment
”Are you ace?”
“What? No, I’m not.” Snap was momentarily caught off guard by the fact Cor put in consideration in asking for his orientation.
“So ya gonna help me out or what?”
Snap stood up from his chair and firmly held Cor by the shoulder and gently spoke, “Auto, I understand your actions might be greatly influenced by your heat and I’m afraid you’ll regret it once you’re clear but I do need you to understand that I’m your therapist, you’re my client and what you are asking of me just cant happen, I’m sorry”
Cor wasn’t in the slightest moved at all, he raised a brow and took a glance downwards and back up again to look Snap in the eyes.
“That looks heavy, let me give you a hand”, he deadpanned
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frenzyjinx · 2 years
The Watcher (mono x reader)
Chapter 4
Y/N Pov
She slowly nodded at me "y/n... interesting name im six." I raised an eyebrow in surprise wishing I could write down in my notebook all these new details, but unfortunately I think my bag fell down somewhere to be forgotten
'Man all that hard work..' I rubbed my face slowly "your name is definitely more interesting" I spoke calmly devising a plan in my head 'I could always follow them for a bit.. and then disappear when they are resting..'
I could feel a stare on me so I glanced over seeing mono looking directly at me "...h-hey?" I stuttered out, he responded "thats a pretty name, im mono" you nodded 'I already figured that out.. hehe'
Six looked behind her at all the cages being held up by ropes "thats some strong rope" she commented "we should keep moving.. I don't wanna be in this creepy forest any longer" mono stated after looking at the cages too
I hummed in agreement, this forest had always been creepy but I was sorta use to it seeing as I built my shelter here and all, I kept behind them walking slowly I noticed a random shovel sticking up out of the ground.. right next to a bunch of cages
As we continued to travel forwards I heard the hunter in the distance making loud footsteps 'man he is determined to get us' the others heard it has well slowing down the quicker pace
Mono stopped moving watching where the hunter was, he slowly looked back at me and placed his hand out to keep me still 'fine by me-'  There was a small slope that we could slide down, I doubted we would go unnoticed though
We all slid down I accidentally slid against mono's side which caused a tiny pink blush to form on my face but it quickly left when a crow cawed out alerting the hunter where we were
In haste we all hid behind the crate has he aimed his gun shooting it to pieces as wood chunks flew by
Running faster I was just behind them as the hunter shot at the next crate I had been using for cover, I let out a yelp and used my strength to climb up the wood bars of the building, six and mono were already climbing up
A strangely placed TV was on the side but not for long, it was shot at and broken through by the hunter, mono was pulling himself up near the roof through an opening, I hurried up and climbed faster feeling a shot just inches away from my feet
Pulling myself in I noticed that they were both on the other side mono reaching his hand out and frantically speaking "don't worry just jump I have you!" Sighing I mustered up my courage and jumped towards him for the second time that day
And for the second time he caught me once again, pulling me up with ease he latched onto my hand and started running after six who was calling for us to hurry, The hunter was relentlessly shooting below us, blowing holes into the floor that we were running over
Mono tightened his grip on my hand and ran faster taking me with him, we both leaped through yet another opening sliding down the rooftop, he gently grabbed onto my waist and held me against him as we fell
Hitting the mud we both popped up as we heard six speak "over here! Quick!" I waded over under the tiny area of cover just as mono did too, the hunter bursted through the door huffing out in anger using his lamp once again to search
The smell of the mud just wafted into my nose and I almost gagged out, the flies buzzing around eagerly most likely loving the horrid stench, peering over I watched the hunter walked across the dock very slowly
Once he was out of sight I looked to my right at mono and six breathing out in short relief, six was the first to speak "you guys almost didn't make it, stay closer we need to stick together"
Her words made me see her in a different light
At first she had seemed kinda uncaring but now I could tell that she did care under that cold personality, I nodded at her in understanding just as mono spoke up "I had to make sure y/n didn't get shot, the hunter was getting too close to her"
I moved hair out of my face and twiddled with my fingers a tiny red hue forming on my cheeks, six looked over at me and smirked a bit noticing what was going on
I shook away my blush in embarrassment and looked down "uh yeah thanks for helping me.." I spoke to him without looking up, Feeling his stare I peeked up and he nodded "Anytime, lets keep going"
The three of you waded through the thick mud, for some reason they didn't seem that fazed but I felt like throwing up, my h/c hair was getting muddy and I knew it would smell bad, hopefully water would show up soon
Up ahead there was a small opening but nobody could fit unless they ducked under 'oh are you kidding me.. this is gonna suck' taking a deep breath of air I went under and popped up as soon has I knew I was on the other end
Mono grabbed my shoulder gently and pointed to a tree stump that we could see sticking out in the mud, it would make good cover I nodded at him in agreement and glanced to six who also noticed, she already knew what to do
Hiding there we waited until the hunter pointed his lamp away to start wading in the mud once again, I was behind mono and about halfway towards the next stump when the light headed my way
I quickly ducked under the mud once more, moving quickly to reach my destination, I felt someone tug me out of the mud, it was mono he looked at me and wiped some mud away from my face
I was definitely blushing again but thankfully the mud on my cheeks covered it up, six was pulling herself up onto a small chunk of land that had a bigger stump residing on top of it
Mono followed her and turned around pulling me up as well I silently nodded in thanks to him, six hummed in thought and slowly started to push against the bigger stump, Mono and I joined in effectively pushing it over into the mud
But unfortunately the hunter had heard and was aiming directly in the area of the sound which meant that We had to once again duck into the mud to reach what looked like another ladder of sorts
Once arriving in front of it I wiped my face getting rid of all the mud that I could and caught my breath to relax my pounding heartbeat, six started to climb up the ladder 'damn she is always ready to move'
Some crows had flew away and made noise, I awaited for the hunter to notice like he usually did but nothing happened 'strange' I shrugged and followed her up, mono stayed behind me climbing up right below me
This time I turned around and lended a hand down to him, he grabbed on and I pulled him up, maybe a little too hard because he fell down onto me trapping me to the forest floor 'oh- he's super close-'
I was definitely getting too attached to him I needed to remember my plan.. it was just hard to when mono was so distracting.
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9tzuyu · 4 years
children of tragedy (rewrite)
note: heyo, rewriting an old fic of mine. i hope to be able to rewrite all 5 chapters quickly. if you guys don’t like it, i won’t continue because its kinda dark and idk i feel like no ones gonna like it anyways. please leave feedback though, im on my knees begging for validation. also sorry if its ooc, please forgive me.
++ sorry the beginning reveals how rusty my writing is </3
(*** i wrote this as as a fem reader fic because it worked easier with how i wrote things.)
+ please remember that this is purely a way to get out my own feelings/struggles in a healthy way. also i’m sure this works better as a ship fic, but someone asked for this version so yeah :).
** mistakes are mine im too tired and lazy to proofread right now.
warnings: talk of alcohol abuse, slight mention of domestic abuse.
🏷 @peggycarter-steverogers
ch.2 | ch.3
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[love, fragility, and the memories that eat us alive.]
meeting wanda changed everything for you. she wasn't like anyone you’d ever known. she was always kind, never quick to lose her temper or scream and yell at you for things you couldn't possibly control. she was warm, tender with everything she did.
your relationship with her was very new to you. it was much different in comparison to your past experiences — and you weren't quite sure what to think of it. there was no doubt that you appreciated her and everything she did for you, but you were still waiting for her to snap. it was almost like a need burning throughout your body. being able to grasp the idea that someone could ever really, truly be gentle with you was out of the question. in turn, you’d push all of her buttons, hoping that she would get mad enough and get it over with.
no one could really fault you for it. the steady stream of abuse was the nearly the entirety of your life, both physical and mental.
lately wanda was having to pick you up from wherever she could find you, most of the time in the alleyways of of bars you’d been kicked from.
once you were drunk enough (anyone really) you weren’t afraid to say the first thing that came to your mind, offensive or not – which meant it was no surprise when you’d been involved in fights. the alcohol numbed a majority of the pain anyway, so didn’t really make much of a difference to you.
with this happening so many times, you figured wanda would be angry with you – perhaps so angry she would find it within her to hit you. but each and every time wanda brought you home, she made sure you were comfortable before tending to your inuries.
what you didn't know was that being so worried for you all the time, every second of everyday, was beginning to take a toll on her. wanda only wanted to fix you, but you were making it more than difficult for her to do that.
she knew very little about your past, simply because you didn't like talking about it and she didn't want to push. but there was no denying the fact that wanda was curious.
sometimes she would ask questions, only between the soft moments the both of you shared. much to her dismay, most of her curiosities were turned down. on the rare occasions you shared brighter memories of your childhood, wanda would bookmark them in the back of her head.
no harm would ever come from her, but you didn’t know that. at least not right now.
too many times had your exes used the trust you’d so politely given against you. to be fair with wanda though, you shared only the brightest parts of your childhood. they were very seldom, but the ones you could remember were the ones you enjoyed talking about the most. 
despite her limited knowledge, it wasn’t hard for her to tell that you’d already been hurt plenty of times before. apart from the fact that wanda was overall truly a good person, it made her even more gentle with you than she’d ever been with anyone before. 
on top of that, wanda wasn’t stupid. she picked up on every little flinch you tried to hide, or the times you had to ask her if it was okay if you could do something on your own free will, and she definitely didn’t forget about the countless times you berated yourself over small, humanly mistakes. a frown never failed to decorate her face when these things happened. 
wanda tried her hardest to make it known how much she loved you, and how she would never intentionally hurt you. she never once lifted a hand on you or raised her voice in the slightest, even when she felt like she’d met a breaking point.
the last few weeks seemed to be putting more stress on her than usual. the gashes on your body seemed to be cutting deeper and the bruises on your jaw and rib cage were beginning to turn a darker shade of indigo as each fight became more aggressive. your knuckles had been swollen, irritated to the point your hands trembled when your palms were held open.  
you completely missed how drastically wanda’s mood had changed. she became quiet, seemingly lost in thought most of the time until she needed to take care of you. she grew tired, a purple tint claiming a spot below the lip of her eyes. fifteen pounds of weight had shredded from her body and her head grew dizzy every time she stood up. none of that mattered to wanda though, you were her number one priority.
alcohol was the biggest issue in the way. if wanda could get you to stop drinking for just one night she might be able to reason with you. 
the brunette knew that was out of the question though, because she knew no matter how many times she told or expressed her love for you, you wouldn’t stop until you wanted to, not when she wanted you to. 
you never allowed yourself to be vulnerable around her, so she never knew how you truly felt about the things going wrong in your life. there was an unbearable amount of pain when it came to confronting what you tried so hard to push away. the idea of allowing yourself to heal, to mourn the things taken away from you caused a lump in the back of your throat. living in denial was the easiest way to cope - that was as long as you could bear the damage it created.
 (and whether wanda knew it or not, knowing that you were causing her so much misery was the worst feeling you’d ever faced. all she had ever given you was love and in return she was met with destruction.)
so once again you found yourself walking alone, a slight stagger between steps. it was cold, each breath exhaled from your lips could be seen vaporizing into the air. every movement ripped what balance you thought you’d gained right out from underneath you. the feeling of numbness in your fingertips brought your attention away from the fact that you didn’t know where you were. 
the buildings all looked familiar, but everything was hazy. being drunk wasn’t always the fun everyone bragged about. too tired to carry on, you found yourself slumped in the back of an alleyway next to a dirty garbage bin. it reeked of sour, expired food, but you’d given up on caring about anything else other than trying to drink yourself numb. 
your mind began to wander. flashes of early mornings with wanda’s hands wrapped around your waist, breath tickling the back of your neck while the sun began to rise started filling your thoughts. the warm feeling wanda gave you outweighed every bad emotion you could possibly think of.
but as you stared at the ground beneath your feet things began to spiral. your throat contracted, the guilt you tried so hard to swallow began clawing its way out of your body.
(and holy fuck you could not deal with this right now.)
you curled your head between your legs in an attempt to shield yourself away from something that was born from the inside.
it was too much.
without a chance to stop what was happening, your stomach began heaving. a mix of bile and alcohol drooled from your mouth as you continued to vomit.
you missed the sound of footsteps coming from behind you. the feeling of a hand on your shoulder caused you to jerk back, slamming your back into the brick wall.
“hey, hey, it’s me. you’re okay. it’s just me, wanda.” she cooed.
through teary eyes, you looked up at the woman in front of you.
she’s your girlfriend.
(but you weren’t sure that you deserved to call her that after everything you’ve put her through.)
“what are you doing here?” your voice wavered as you wiped your mouth free of excess vomit. you sniffled backing away from her.
she tilted her head, desperate to read what your eyes would give away. “i’m here to bring you back home. can you stand up for me?” you shook your head. you were too exhausted and dizzy from the alcohol to even think about standing.
“that’s okay,” she whispered. “here, i’m going to pick you up, okay? wrap your arms around my neck and your legs around my hips.”
“mkay.” your speech was still slurred, but at that point all wanda cared about was getting you home safe.
you didn’t remember the ride home or wanda carrying you out of the car to lay you on the couch. by the time she got the supplies she needed to wrap and tend to your wounds, you were completely passed out.
when you woke up you were greeted with a glass of water and an over the counter pain medication. you swallowed the pills and moved to set the glass on the coffee table, but wanda beat you to it and took it out of your hands. she smiled down at you, taking a seat next to you. she tucked your hair behind your ears, giving your face one last gentle stroke.
thats when you noticed her eyes were red.
you immediately sat up, crossing your legs and moved closer to her. you’d hoped to comfort her somehow, but the shake of her head broke sonething inside you.
you bit your lip, anxiety shooting throughout your body. she sensed your nervousness and took your hands in hers, rubbing circles on the outside of your wrist with her thumbs.
“i love you, you know that. at least i hope you do,” she let out a soft laugh. “but i can’t keep doing this.”
your heart dropped, and you could feel the all too familiar feeling of guilt building its way back up. you tried to speak, but wanda cut you off.
“i need you to hear this.”
when you didn’t respond she took the opportunity to continue saying what she needed to get out.
“i have exhausted myself to a breaking point. i can’t keep worrying about you every single night you’re gone. i can’t be there every time you need saving. i’m losing myself.”
she paused to check and see how you were handling her words. for once you weren’t shutting down. you were genuinely trying to process what she was trying to say.
(and she was so proud of you for that. she almost considered giving you another chance. but she knew for the better, she couldn’t do that. not to you, not to her.)
“i’ve packed your things. you can leave tomorrow morning if you wish, i don’t mind having you for another meal or two.”
she squeezed your hands and got up from the couch, allowing you to take in what she said. it was in that moment when you realized that even when she’d finally drawn the line, had enough, she didn’t yell at you. she wasn’t angry, she was just sad.
you were chasing after something that wasn’t there, and it never would be there.
and now you were able to register just how much you’d fucked up the one good thing in your life.
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gojology · 4 years
Job Benefits (Part Three)
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broken routines - chapter three.
you can find part two here : 
part two : undesirable pairing : ceo! gojo x female reader warnings : cursing wordcount : 1442 a/n : im highly disappointed with this but im very hyped abt writing part 4 and uh i need to change my writing style sooner or later wtf is this mess LOL
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     If there’s one thing Gojo knows more then his own body, it’s routines.       It’s what he grew up around, coming from such a bustling family. Since he learned how to walk, he had attended many interviews, gone to parties, all in one day. Of course, it was commonplace in his already hectic life. He saw routine in everything.      Imagine his shock when you came into the office in an outfit that differed so greatly from your regular one that his jaw might unhinge and fall off.      He can’t wrap his head around why, but he’s utterly confused as to why you changed this up. Was it permanent, and why the change? He had many questions going through his head. This is one of the many negative traits Gojo Satoru has; he thinks his input is important, even though the majority of time it is... Maybe it was somewhat justified. But he doesn’t realize how unnecessary it comes out to be when no one asked.      No one had ever told him no, of course they hadn’t, he was ranked nationally as an important kid due to his wit and charismatic personality, essential for entering the business industry.     When he opened his mouth to speak, even at 8 years old at his parent’s conferences, the old professionals would all look at him, keenly waiting for his orders, or perhaps his opinion. This was what he grew up having; so naturally he didn’t know any boundaries, nor did he know when to close his mouth.      But that’s besides the point, he thoroughly enjoyed the look on you.     He takes his normal trip down the hallway into your office, humming a tune, a messy stack of papers in one hand, a custom ceramic mug in the other; made personally just for him. He expects to see you in your regular outfit, a pencil skirt, white t-shirt, the short clicky heels, and the black blazer. It certainly made for an excellent example of casual, formal attire.      Unexpectedly, you’re not. You’re calling someone, phone perched delicately on your shoulder almost as if it’s supposed to slip out, your hair framing your face. Lips parting as you start responding to whatever is on the opposite side, and he notices an evident gloss, your lips are a different color too.      You glance up at him and gesture to your phone, and his hands are shoved deep into his pockets, taking this extra time to examine you up and down. White turtleneck, layered alongside a slightly unbuttoned dress shirt with a crisp warm toned brown trench coat. Not too long, not too short.       Simple gold jewelry adorned your neck, and his eyes caught onto the gold bracelet that jingled on your arm as you swayed it around; he kinda found it cute how even when the person you were talking to wasn’t in front of you, you were still so animated.      Gojo can’t see your pants nor your shoes, but he’s about to enter cardiac arrest because truthfully he didn’t expect that you knew how to dress.     “What?” you say, words dripping with venom and menace, putting the phone back down. He’s taken aback, what’s with the tone?      “What do you mean, what, (Y/N)?” giving you a shit eating grin, he takes a step closer to your table.     “Answer my question, I asked first.” you shot back, now crossing your legs, you hope you look bored just to add more insult to injury. The guy deserved it for thinking the world revolved around him.      He doesn’t answer, instead staring at you, setting his cup of coffee onto the already crowded tabletop, slightly hunched over. You feel your heart drop. Fuck, maybe seeking some sort of symbolic revenge against your boss wasn’t the best of ideas.    Actually, none of your ideas were the best last night. Naturally you’d only think up disasters when you were under distress.     “What’s with the new outfit? Buy a new fashion sense on Amazon?” he finally inquires, a tinge of sarcasm in his voice, brushing your... Rude words aside.      You shrug, pulling out your planner from the drawer and mumbling, biting your pen before writing inside, they’re mindless words. You hope your acting is good, because you want to cry again even at the slight sound of those words. “I don’t know, I felt like I would try something different.” Fuck, were was the sass? Why did you answer nervously? Why did you feel so scared?      There was obviously something that you wanted to do rather then chit chat with him, and Gojo’s now unoccupied hand rubs his neck, this was suddenly so awkward, even for someone as lively as him.     “Hm. Right. Anyways, these were in the printer.” he slaps the freshly printed lukewarm pages onto your desk. “Figured these were yours, still had your name on them.”      “Ah. Thanks.” you say before yawning, covering your mouth before sliding the papers back into the drawer behind you- as if you had no care for them. Actually, you didn’t. This was apart of your master plan that you had crafted at 1 AM last night, too exhilarated to rest. You would print papers out in Gojo’s printer, which you had used once in a while prior so it wouldn’t be too suspicious, and since Gojo never left the dang office he’d hear the sounds and return them to you.       Both of you were silent again, and he’s debating between hitting you up with a topic of conversation, perhaps a joke, but you seem so uninterested he’s not sure if it’s the right moment.      “Just to let you know- your lunch break is in 10 minutes.” he adds, whistling to try to appear careless, but he could feel his heart sinking. You were acting unusually cold, no dramatic tantrums from you that he usually loved. In fact, that was the whole reason why he liked coming to your office. That, and the cute stationary.     “Ah! Really?” you make sure to act like you just got a ticket to heaven, just as a petty way of saying, “Hey. You’re boring. I want to get out.” and Gojo’s pretty sure that all the contents of his heart was shattered now.       Hmph. Whatever, if you continued this behavior he’d swear he’d fire you, but even he knows that’s not true. He had grown fond about you over the small amount of time that you had worked as his secretary, besides, what was a good work life if you didn’t have a good relationship with your very own secretary? He’s sure his banter doesn’t affect you.     “Yeah.” he says, now quiet. He turns his back on you, pausing for a quick moment before walking out, not before he bangs the top of his forehead against the door frame, which earned a slight groan out of him, and just like that he left. You still hear the faint clicking against the tile floor from his shoes.       You exhaled a sigh you didn’t know you were holding, twirling your office chair to look at the large window pane behind your desk. This was something you admired about the architecture of the building you worked out. Every single office had a large window facing Tokyo, so late working hours would always involve beautiful city lights and the bustling of night life.       The sun and sky was bright and cheery, and it comforted your frazzled body. Today wasn’t as bad as yesterday, but it still felt strange from not having your daily ridiculous conversation with Gojo- and strangely you missed it.       Instilled with energy and motivation, you stand up, pulling your bento out of your bag, determined to go through with the rest of your plan. You knew Gojo had a good friend that worked here, Keto Sugareu or something like that. You’d have lunch with him, work your feminine charms, and that was that.       It wasn’t like you wanted to, but a part of you so desperately wanted to prove to Gojo that you could be smart, witty, yet sexy at the same time. You weren’t a prude- just someone not as exposed to these lifestyles.     But you didn’t really eat your lunch in the break room, rather, you were almost always in your very own office. If you weren’t found in there, it’d either be the bathroom or conspiring to steal Gojo’s luxury coffee machine at your house. Infact, you’re not even quite sure if you remember how it looks like.    “Whatever.” you mumble to yourself, before scooping up your utensils and napkins and heading out for the break room.      You shouldn’t have ever stepped foot into that cursed hellish room that day.
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nice to see u down here, u want chapt 4? too bad. just kidding! here, have at it.  chapter four : conspiring     
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Shower Friends (Miya Atsumu x F!reader)
The dorm you live in has co-ed bathrooms. Why that’s remotely a good idea is beyond you; and recently, your precious shower time is being interrupted by a certain blonde haired setter for the volleyball team. When he lies to his teammates that he has a girlfriend, somehow you get roped into his scheme.
genre(s): college!au, fake dating, angst, fluff, mutual pining, enemies to lovers (kinda), eventual smut (maybe)  words: 4.1k warnings: mentions of alcohol
a/n: im certified atsumu simp now 
taglist: @apollochjld @kurosarium @vicassa @carbs-need-more-love @underratedmage @idek-at-thispoint @wtfeverbrandi @food8me @yikes-buddy @ntimacy @nyxiie
| Chapter One |
Chapter Two
When you turn the corner to head towards the gym, Atsumu is already waiting for you. Determined to make this as convincing as possible, he slings an arm around your shoulders and you do a fantastic job of pressing yourself against his side, wrapping your own arm around his middle. You ignore the thought that he is comfortingly warm and very solid next you, reminding yourself you’re doing this for peaceful showers.
The two of you approach the gym and as if they were waiting for you, the entire team is standing at the entrance. A few of their brows raise, clearly surprised Atsumu wasn’t lying. Though some of them look suspicious, eyeing the two of you up and you prepare yourself for questions.
When you get within earshot, one of them shouts, “Wow Miya, we really thought you were lying!”
“Yeah! Why’ve you been hiding this beauty from us, huh?”
Before he can speak, for some reason you decide to take the blame, answering, “I was a little nervous to meet you all for a while.”
If Atsumu is surprised at all, he hides it, instead holding you a bit closer, his hand splaying across your opposite shoulder and gushing, “Cute, isn’t she?”
One of them who doesn’t seem convinced asks, “So how’d you meet?”
Now Atsumu takes the lead. “Funny story actually! We met in the bathroom! Her favorite shower stall is the one right next to mine, and we both like late night showers.”
You can’t help the frown that turns your lips downward. “He wouldn’t leave me alone,” you admit, making the members of the team smirk a little bit. “I swear, he’d wait around for me.”
“I did not!” He pouts, and it’s beginning to look like the more suspicious members are starting to believe you.
So, you go in for the kill. “Sure, you didn’t,” you smile, reaching up to press a chaste kiss to his cheek that you don’t give yourself time to think is okay or not. That seems to stun Atsumu, which is a feat in itself, but you don’t give anyone time to think anything of it as you give them a light wave goodbye and slip out of Atsumu’s arms. “It was nice meeting you all, but shouldn’t you get to practice? I’m sure I’ll be seeing you more often now!”
They give you parting waves, some of them just as stunned as Atsumu seems to be. On your way out, you risk a glance backwards and see them surround Atsumu, one of them pulling him into a headlock and ruffling his blonde locks while they all laugh and enter the gym. Atsumu grinning the widest of them all. You aren’t sure why, but you’re smiling too. Strangely glad to have helped him out.
His teammates encircle him, clapping him on the back and congratulating him, jokingly calling him a bastard for going and snagging a girl like that. He can’t help thinking the same. You shocked him with that kiss out of the blue, enough that he probably looked more lovestruck than shocked to his teammates. He’s impressed with your commitment to this charade.
Before he disappears into the gym, Atsumu takes one last look at you heading down the path. That went perfectly. And even though he knows he shouldn’t, he thinks about that small little kiss the entire practice.
The following days are absolute hell. You have to garner the courage to tell your roommate before word gets out because the rumor that Miya Atsumu finally has a girlfriend spreads like wildfire. She’s hurt at first, but like you suspect, she forgives you after you tell her how you and Atsumu met.
She seems to think the shower story is the most adorable thing she’s ever heard as her squeals of, “So cute!!” are loud enough you swear the entire floor must hear it.
Your daily routine changes, feeling like you have to peer around every corner in fear of the fan club waiting to ambush you. But after reluctantly disclosing that to Atsumu, you notice he makes a point to walk with you whenever he can. His arm wrapped around your shoulders and once when you actually do run in to the fan club, the glare he gives them is cold enough to ice over a lake and you’re pretty sure they won’t bother you even if Atsumu is absent.
Additionally, you and Atsumu start spending a lot more time together. You eat lunch with him almost every day, sometimes joined by a few members of the team, sometimes by your roommate, other times the two of you eat alone. And you’re beginning to find those are the days you like the most. The days when the two of you can just be without feeling the pressure to pretend.
“So does your brother still play volleyball?” You ask one day, curious why if they were such a powerhouse in high school why they didn’t continue that into college.
“I always liked volleyball just a little more than him.”
“He quit?”
Atsumu shrugs, shoving another mouthful of rice into his mouth. “He went to culinary school, always had a weird place in his heart for food.”
“And that was volleyball for you?”
He stares at you, unprepared for this barrage of questions. There was this strange familiarity growing between the two of you, and the more time he spends with you alone the more he feels like he knows you. It makes it easier to pretend for everyone else, but he’s starting to wonder if it’s making it harder for him to remember this is all pretend.
Before he can reply, you continue, “If you love volleyball so much, why aren’t you playing professionally then?”
His brows lift. “And how did yer pretty little ears hear about that?”
You roll your eyes, but definitely need to shove the feeling of embarrassment down to be able to admit, “My roommate told me.”
“Curious today, aren’tcha?”
You stiffen. “Well, I should probably know these things if we’re dating,” you mumble, returning to your food trying to hide your flustered expression.
Yet again, you surprise him with your commitment to this façade. The two of you could easily sit here in silence since it’s just the two of you, but since you’ve started eating lunch together both of you have started to get to know the other more. So, he just smiles at you and admits, “Yeah, I could, but I was kinda lookin’ forward to the whole college experience, ya know?” He rests his chin in his hand, wondering if he should continue. He hasn’t really told anyone his feelings about playing professionally, and how he feels that with every day he ignores the offers the less likely he’ll be able to make the transition the longer he waits. “I’m still thinkin’ about it. The offers are still there.”
You cock your head, and he refuses to look at you, feeling like you have a gift for seeing straight through him. “Is college that great?”
Now he laughs, and in an attempt to bring this conversation back to lighter waters he wraps an arm around you and smothers you against his chest teasing, “Yeah, otherwise I wouldn’ta met you!”
You roll your eyes and tell yourself that for the sake of the charade you let yourself sink into his embrace. When he releases you, you stick your tongue out at him. “I know you purposefully changed the subject, but I’ll let it slide. Consider yourself lucky.”
He puts his hands together in a fake prayer. “I’ll forever remember the kindness,” he says dramatically.
To which you scoff, “I highly doubt that.”
You study together when he’s available, but usually volleyball takes precedence over studying most nights. Sometimes he joins you in the library late at night, finding you in your favorite corner, plopping down beside you, blonde hair damp from the quick shower he took and distracting you from schoolwork with how practice went that day.
Already a few weeks in to your agreement, one night the two of you are in the library rather late, Atsumu’s practice ended late and he has a paper due in the morning that he’s desperate to finish. For the first hour, he’s chatty, unable to focus on what he needs to get done, despite constant reminders from you and promises that you’ll go get ice cream from the dining hall when he finishes.
The next hour, he seems to get in the zone, typing furiously away on his computer. Honestly, he isn’t sure if what he’s writing is even good but at this point, he doesn’t care, it just needs to get done.
But after his stint of concentration, you’re suddenly struck by the realization that he’s been silent beside you for a few minutes now. No sound of typing or conversation, and it goes on long enough that you become concerned. Looking over, you find him slumped over in his chair, head on his keyboard, fast asleep.
You fight the urge to laugh at him. Taking only a few selfish moments to marvel over his face, his usual smirking expression replaced by his eyes softly closed and his mouth slightly open. He sighs a deep breath before subconsciously stretching his arms out across the table and you get a nice view of his biceps flexing beneath his black shirt.
It’s then you become aware that you’ve been staring at him way too long and shake him awake.
His eyes flutter open, and upon seeing you, that once infuriating smirk he likes to wear rises to his lips. “Who woulda thought I’d be wakin’ up to a pretty girl lookin’ at me like that,” he drawls, knowing exactly how to fluster you.
You shake your head, laughing and packing up your things. “Come on big baby, it’s bedtime.”
“Yes ma’am,” he murmurs, picking his head up and promptly stuffing his things away in his bag. You decide to ignore what his soft, sleepy voice is doing to your heart rate and instead focus on how he’s putting his things away. That backfires on you, as you start thinking about how long and deft his fingers are and you have to physically look away from him to stop your mind going in that direction.
The two of you leave the library, walking quietly back to your dorm building, you aren’t expecting his hand to slip into yours; those long fingers you were just trying to get out of your head intertwining with yours. You look up at him confusedly and without looking at you, he brushes it off, “Just in case.”
You press your lips into a firm line, replying, “Right.”
He won’t dare admit he did that subconsciously. He just reached out for your hand like it was the most natural thing in the world, only realizing his mistake from the confused expression you gave him. He internalizes his sigh of relief that he can pass it off as keeping up your fake relationship and you seem none the wiser.
When you make it up to your floor, at the point in the hallway where you need to split ways, despite nobody being around that you need to fake for, you press a light kiss to his cheek and say, “Goodnight Atsumu.”
You’re gone before he can get a reply in.
You start coming to his games more often, dragging your roommate along (though she doesn’t mind one bit) and do your best to ignore just how good he looks playing volleyball. It doesn’t help that your roommate keeps commenting things like, “god you are so lucky,” and “just look at him!”
You are looking at him. And it pisses you off that she’s right. He’s annoyingly god-like, and you find yourself staring at his biceps and thighs a lot more than is necessary. Your heart fluttering traitorously whenever he grins when he makes a successful play. Even when he raises his fist to silence the crowd when he serves, which before you thought was utterly ridiculous—you now find yourself holding your breath as goosebumps spread across your skin.
He denies to himself just how much he loves seeing you in the stands. Unable to stop the feeling that swells in his chest with the way you look at him. With the fan club, he knows all they see is the surface. He’s cocky enough to know he’s good-looking (and if he didn’t think so, the fan club certainly feels otherwise). But with you—you look like you want to devour him. He doesn’t know if you are aware of it or not, but you watch him with predatory intent in a way he can’t explain that makes the hair stand up on the back of his neck.
At some point, he has to admit it. He fucking loves it.
One particularly memorable game, he swears you never take your eyes off him. And he feels like he’s at the top of his game, like nothing can go wrong for him. He’s so full of adrenaline and excitement afterwards that when he finds you in the hallway, he sweeps you up into an enormous hug. Your laughter filling the air and god—he loves your laugh; he could listen to it forever.
You don’t even care how sweaty he is or really if anyone is watching. Your instinct is to wrap your arms around him and squeeze him back, your ego inflating from the glares you can feel boring into your back from the fan club. And it’s easy—far too easy to forget that all of this is fake.
Especially when he pulls away only to plant a kiss right on your mouth, his body too full of adrenaline to truly realize what he’s doing.
And instead of pushing him away, you selfishly pull him closer, fingers laced behind his neck and body slotting against him so perfectly he has to resist the urge to groan. He cradles your head, drawing out the kiss for as long as he can consider appropriate, every fiber of his being screaming at him to just confess to you.
Instead, he lets you go, both of you chalking it up to the adrenaline and the charade. Both secretly knowing it was more than that to both of you.
And you don’t speak of it again, continuing with your sham relationship like nothing has changed.
But a lot of things have changed. It’s been almost 2 months since this started, well past the time needed to convince his teammates this is real. Some part of him refuses to bring it up, unwilling to let you go and wanting to drag this on for as long as possible.  
Despite knowing that this will all have to come to an end eventually.
“You gotta be there!” He pouts, doing a wonderful job of obscuring your view of the notebook on the table in front of you. “There’s no way my girlfriend would miss it!”
You groan, head resting on the chair behind you. Atsumu has been trying to convince you for the better part of the hour to come to the party the volleyball team is throwing this weekend. No matter how many times you’ve expressed your disinterest, he’s relentless.
He wiggles his brows. “I’ll throw in an invitation for your roommate too,” he says, knowing full well your roommate will be a pain in your side if she finds out you got invited to this party and refrained from taking her with.
Now you sigh, annoyed that he knows you well enough to sweeten the deal like that. And it isn’t the party that is deterring you, it’s a certain blonde-haired volleyball setter that you’ve been getting far too close to lately that’s making you hesitate. Something about the atmosphere of a party and a little alcohol in both of your systems makes you uneasy. And not in a bad way.
“You promise not to ditch me?” You pout, faking the reason you don’t want to attend.
He crosses over his heart. “I swear it. And besides, I’d be crazy to let ya wander around by yerself.” He gives you a quick wink, then a kiss to your cheek and he’s off to practice, shouting over his shoulder that the party starts at nine.
Your roommate is over the moon at the invitation, insisting you can’t possibly show up right at nine. So, you and she show up fashionably late around ten. Within a few moments, Atsumu finds you and gathers you up into his arms, whispering in your ear, “You’re late, where ya been?”
You smirk. “Roommate insisted on being fashionably late.”
He just chuckles, low in his throat and directly beside your ear—a sound that makes your toes involuntarily curl in your shoes. God, if you’re already curling your toes at the sound of just his voice you’re in for a long night. After releasing you, he easily greets your roommate and takes the two of you to the kitchen where cans of various alcohols are waiting.
You swear your roommate is going to combust with joy, taking a can for herself then happily heading off towards the dance floor. You’re glad she’s pretty independent as you can already feel you’re going to be glued to Atsumu’s side the entire night. You eye the drinks, sigh, and take one for yourself. If this night’s going to be long, might as well enjoy it.
He just watches you, amused, and unable to stop himself from thinking about how good you fucking look tonight. He wanted you to be here not to keep up the act of your relationship but because he actually wants to spend time with you. Lately, it’s the highlight of most of his days, and sue him if he wants to have a little fun.
Setting an arm on your shoulder, he first parades you around the party, letting everyone see just who he’s ‘dating’ and feeling his ego boost from the looks of jealousy he garners from a few people. The teammates who have eaten lunch with you a few times are happy to see you, indulging you in a bit of chit chat and helping loosen you up.
You might’ve been embarrassed to be on Atsumu’s arm had it not felt so damn great to be met with looks of jealousy from guys and girls alike, and it was doing wonders for your self-confidence. Enough that you tap him on the arm and ask to be taken back to the kitchen for another drink. He graciously obliges you, and once both of you have another can in hand, he finds somewhere for you two to sit.
It doesn’t even occur to you how easy it is to curl up beside him, his arm around you on the back of the couch, hand resting on your opposite shoulder while the two of you observe the party in full swing.
“You guys really know how to throw a party,” you comment, nodding to the room that was completely cleared out to make room for a dance floor.
“What’s that?” He teases. “I thought you didn’t want to come!”
Poking him in the side and refusing to look up at him, you admit, “I changed my mind.”
You know you’ve dug yourself a nice little hole when he continues, “Are my ears deceiving me? Are you admitting you were wrong?”
“Spare me,” you beg, a grin on your lips nonetheless. It’s then you spot your roommate out on the dance floor, her eyes connecting with yours long enough that she starts beckoning you towards her. “Oh god,” you groan.
She doesn’t stop though, instead abandoning the dance floor and approaching you and Atsumu. “Excuse me sir, but I’m gunna have to steal her for a dance or two.”
Subconsciously you cling to Atsumu, jerking your eyes up to him as he smiles easily saying, “Of course.” Taking your arm, she pulls you up from the couch and out of Atsumu’s arms, dragging you towards the dance floor while you look back at him with a pleading expression. He only waves idly back at you, that infuriating smirk splaying across his lips.
Worming her way into the throng of bodies, she puts her hands on your hips forcing you to sway them along to the music, laughing and encouraging you to ‘let go!!’. Eventually, there’s no resisting the thumping music or the movement of bodies around you, and soon your laughter is mixing with hers as the two of you dance ridiculously with one another.
Atsumu watches from the couch, utterly entranced at your change in behavior. He’s unable to look at anyone else but you, like the rest of the party falls away and its just you on that dancefloor swaying your hips under the flashing lights. He hardly knows what to do with himself as you laugh alongside your roommate, unaware he’s watching you.
At some point, you remember the boy you came here for, and fight your way to the edge of the crowd to catch sight of him. He’s where you left him, sitting on a couch a room away, an ankle crossed over his knee, still drinking his beer and looking unbothered by your absence. You look at him a moment, sitting there in his fitted black tee and dark jeans, so casually good-looking it isn’t fair.
His dark eyes meet yours and there’s something in them that sends goosebumps prickling across your skin. You’re barely even tipsy but there must be something stirring your boldness, otherwise you would have never lifted a hand and beckoned him towards you.
He’s pinned to his seat for a moment when you motion him to join you on the dancefloor. He has an uncanny suspicion that something is going to happen out there, under the safety of the pulsing lights and hidden by the mass of bodies. But some part of him wants that, whispering that it’s all he wants. So, he rises, setting his can on a nearby table and strides out to meet you.
A fire lights in your stomach as he stops in front of you, and now that he’s here you are quite sure what to do with yourself. “You looked bored,” you lie.
“Well, my date ditched me,” he remarks. “But I like her, so I’ll let it slide.”
Your answering smile is enough to send him through the roof. And soon, you’re engulfed by the surging crowd, getting sucked into the middle of the floor, a sense of reality slipping out from beneath the two of you. His hands at your waist, your body pressed up against his, his forehead resting on yours—he’s desperate to close the gap between the two of you. Dying to kiss you, to feel your lips mold to his, fingers lacing in his hair—he wonders what kind of sounds he could elicit from you, sounds just for him, sounds that would get lost in the thumping beat.
His better sense tells him to resist. Knowing that even though you’ve kissed before, this one would be different. It’s just the two of you, free from the pressure of pretending, he wouldn’t be able to pass it off as an act. And even if he could, he isn’t sure he wants to.
All the while, you’re watching him, wondering if he’s going to take the leap. Part of you urging him to. Pathetically wanting him to smother you in his arms and the two of you can just ignore it all tomorrow. It’s seemingly what you do best.
He doesn’t though, allowing him to just enjoy this moment—your proximity, warm breath mingling with his, arms resting on his broad shoulders as the crowd undulates around you. To him, there’s nothing else around, just you and your body fitting perfectly to his, back curved to press closer to him—he’s pitifully so lost in the way you’re moving those hips making him move along with you.
He’s grateful that if you notice him struggling to keep his composure, you don’t say anything. But when he glances at your face, you’re blissfully unaware of his plight, eyes closed murmuring along to the music and relishing the moment in your own way. Your thoughts dominated by how warm he is, how solid he feels, how his hands are resting on your back.
And the two of you stay like that, until you’re broken from your reverie by one of his teammates whistling loudly at the two of you, eyebrows wiggling suggestively that Atsumu just huffs a breath out at.
“I think I need another drink,” you say, pulling away from him.
His arms feel empty now, the clamor of the party destroying the quiet and intimate bubble the two of you had created. But instead of doing anything about it, he just gives you a winning smile—one he feels is half-assed, replying, “Ditto.”
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hogarthwrites · 3 years
house sitting for two chapter 11
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next chapter
pairing: Sam Drake/Reader (m/f)
genre: smut, slow romance, mutual pining
warnings: graphic sex
words: 2,088
You spend the day with Sam on an official date as an official couple. Things are great. You're great together, and you wish it could last. Could it be the calm before the storm?
the song sam plays is Baby Im-a Want You by Bread
sorry chapters might be slower (dw im still writing, just at a slower pace bc pain) i haven't been feeling too great so it's been hard to write. thank you if you're still here reading my lil fic i appreciate you all so much <3
It was bliss, holding Sam throughout the night then, then waking up next to him, all the while knowing he was yours. You had enough money to quit your monotonous job and move in with Sam.
“Good morning,” he'd smile early in the morning, putting an arm around your shoulder.
“Morning,” you snuggled in closer to him.
The sunlight seeping through the window was warm and it made being in Sam’s bed even more comfortable.
“Nice day out, huh?” He looked out the window. “Do you wanna do anything today?”
“Hmm,” you laid your head on his chest, tracing the curly hair on his chest. “I kinda wanna stay in bed.”
You felt his chest rumble as he laughed. “Like every single day?”
“It’s not so bad."
He moved and kissed you. Softly at first, but as he wrapped his arms around your waist, it deepened.
You smiled into the kiss. He really was officially yours and it felt so good to finally call him your boyfriend . Just the thought gave you butterflies.
“Let's go out,” Sam said, rolling on top of you to caress your cheek. “We have all the money and time in the world. Let's go on a date… Officially.”
“Officially. I like that,” You put your arms around his neck. “What should we do?”
You ended up sitting on a bench at the park downtown, eating strawberry ice cream and watching people pass by. Sam had an arm around your shoulders as he talked about anything that popped up in his mind. He was such a complex man, you thought. There were times he was quiet, deep in thought, but he could be so talkative and spontaneous too.
“You got some…” You pointed at the corner of his lip. “Some ice cream there.”
He smiled as you wiped it off with your finger. “I could get used to this relationship thing.”
“You've never been in one?”
“I have… I think,” he looked at you. “But nothing like this.”
You told him he was corny but he meant it. Sam was stupidly in love with you, and he couldn’t stop thinking about it. When was the last time he felt this way, he wondered. Was it Crystal? Did that even count?
You held hands as you walked around, Sam intertwining his with yours until you ended up at an old thrift store run by an elderly man, who quietly sat at the counter. A soft love song played from the small radio next to him.
“What do you think of this?” Sam asked, holding up a blue Hawaiian shirt decorated with pink flamingos.
“Um,” you chuckled, putting the shirt back in the rack. “I think we should retire the Hawaiian shirts, Sam.”
“You thought the one I wore at Nathan’s was pretty sexy, though,” he wrapped his arms around your waist. “I should probably wear that again, maybe it'll get me laid tonight.”
“Sam,” you whispered, glancing around. “We're in public.”
“So?” He grinned before leaning over to give you a quick kiss.
“God, you're insatiable,” you laughed, pulling away. As you did, he took your hand in his.
You continued to look around, rolling your eyes as Sam picked out another shirt. It was a green bowling shirt with “No Time to Spare” stitched on the chest.
“It's not a Hawaiian shirt,” he protested and you gave in. He did look good in it.
“Okay, what about this for me?” You held up a shirt with turtles on it.
“‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Squirtles’?” Sam narrowed his eyes. "Is it supposed to be some kind of a joke?"
“What?” You asked. “You don't know what this Pokemon is?”
“What's a Pokemon?” Sam raised an eyebrow. “I just thought…”
“They're short for Pocket Monsters where you…” You looked down at the shirt. "Well, never mind."
“You should get it, baby,” he smiled.
You blinked him, surprised.
“What?” He was suddenly concerned.
“You called me baby. ”
“I always do.”
“Not outside of bed,” you pouted.
“I guess I should start using it more, babe,” he put an emphasis on babe.
You had a late lunch at a small family-run diner that Sam frequented before you were together. He was on a first-name basis with the staff and you admired the way he was just so charming with other people.
He ordered pancakes and coffee for both of you, taking his time with his food to talk to you.
“Your pancakes are better,” you mentioned. “You promised to make me some, remember?”
Sam laughed, his leg bumping against yours under the table. “Right. I'll make them again, I promise.”
“I'll remember that.”
Sam told you about his mother, Cassandra, recalling all the good memories he had with her, intentionally leaving Frank out from all of them. He explained that his last name used to be Morgan, but after an incident involving stealing Cassandra’s journals back, he and Nathan ran away from Boston and changed their names.
“We never looked back,” he said, taking a sip of his coffee. “Good riddance.”
“Is that why you chose California?”
“Victor chose California,” he blurted. “But the weather is better, so I can't complain.”
In return, you told him about yourself, how you had an absent, narcissistic mother and an older brother who left as soon as he could. You never felt like you had a family, and Sam took your hand in his.
He wanted to tell you you weren't alone anymore, that he wanted to be your family, that you had Nathan and Elena, but he didn't. He just held your hand as he listened.
At the end of the day, you felt like you knew him better than before. Despite all the times you'd slept together, this was one of the first times you felt like you actually felt like you got to know who Samuel Drake was.
Sam had you standing against the door as you got home, his hands on your waist. He didn’t say anything as he rested his forehead against yours.
“God, I’m so in love with you,” he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close to him.
He kissed you and you could still taste the sweet maple from the pancakes and coffee on his lips. You felt his fingers linger at the hem of your shirt, touching the soft skin underneath. As your lips moved to his neck, following the tattooed birds, he sighed.
You got on your knees, your hands lingering on his belt.
“What was that again?” You looked at him through your eyelashes.
“You just wanna hear it again,” he chuckled.
“Oh, I really wanna hear it,” you batted your eyes at him.
Sam knelt down and cupped your chin. “I’m in love with you.”
“Oh, Sam,” you kissed him and pushed him down on the floor.
“Easy there,” he laughed as you straddled him and unbuckled his belt.
You’d pulled his jeans off in no time, keeping eye contact with him as you pulled his boxers off. He groaned when you took him in your mouth, swirling your tongue on the tip of his cock.
Sam had propped himself up on his elbows, one hand in his hair as he watched you. You happily sucked his cock, taking it deep in your mouth, looking up at Sam as you bobbed your head up and down. His hips bucked but you held him down.
“Stay,” you commanded and Sam gave you a stunned look, a crooked grin on his lips.
You wanted to make sure he was on the edge, moaning your name out as his fingers tangled in your hair. His cock twitched in your hand and you pulled away, much to Sam’s disappointment.
“Really?” His voice was hoarse.
“Come here,” you helped him up and led him to the bed.
“I think I like where this is leading,” he wrapped his arms around your waist but you turned around to kiss him, pushing him down on the bed.
“I'm just warmin’ up, sweet cheeks,” you held his hands up over the bed.
“Wha–?” Sam felt the ticklish fuzz on his wrists and heard the click as you handcuffed him to the bed. “Oh, bring it on, kitten.”
“Shut up,” you had his cock in your mouth again and he groaned loudly. You continued to suck and jack him off while he squirmed under you. It was enough to turn you on and you slowly stripped.
Sam tugged on the handcuffs. He wanted to touch you badly, but all he could do was watch. You kissed him softly as you straddled him.
“Ready?” You asked.
“Hell yeah,” he grinned.
Your hands were on Sam’s chest as you rode him, your moans filling his small apartment. You felt sexy on top of him, his wrists handcuffed to the bed.
“You like that?” Your hand slid up to his neck.
“Oh yeah.”
“You love me?”
“Yes, baby, yes,” he moaned. “More, baby.”
You moved your hips faster, your sweat dripping down your back. Sam groaned loudly, desperate to touch you, but he couldn't. It turned you on even more to see him struggle with the fuzzy handcuffs.
You let out a pornographic moan as he bucked his hips up, much to Sam’s satisfaction. You pushed down on his throat gently as you continued to fuck him. It was enough for Sam to cum, lifting his hips up into you.
“Jesus Christ,” he smiled up at you, breathless and sweaty. “If this is love, I don't know why I've been missing out on it.”
“Well,” you climbed off him and undid the handcuffs. “You haven't made me cum yet.”
“Is that so?” He rubbed his wrists before pushing you down on the bed. His fingers were then inside you, vigorously fingering you.
Trying to suppress a scream, you clasped your hands over your mouth. You looked up at Sam who gave you a smug look.
“Cum for me, baby,” he said, pinching your nipple with his free hand.
Your back arched as you reached your orgasm, but that didn't stop Sam. He continued to finger you until you had soaked the bed again.
“Holy fuck,” you panted. “I don't think I'd ever get tired of this.”
“Me neither,” he lay in bed next to you and took your hand in his.
“You really meant it?” You looked at him.
“What?” He kissed your fingers, twirling the ring on your finger. “That I won't get tired of all the sex or that I'm in love with you?”
"The latter, you idiot," you giggled, nodding, and instantly felt stupid. You couldn't help it; it still made you giddy whenever he said it.
“We've been together for months , of course I mean it,” Sam rolled on his side, his finger tracing your lips.
“I love you, too,” you gave him a quick kiss. “I just never thought Samuel Drake would ever say that.”
“I'm a changed man,” he gave you a soft look.
“Well,” you sat up. “I’m starving.”
“Again?” Sam sat up with you and wrapped his arms around you.
“I don't know about you but sometimes vigorous sex makes me hungry.”
Sam heated up some leftovers and you ate together on the counter. You couldn't keep your hands and lips off each other and you found yourself pressed against the fridge making out with Sam.
“I can't get enough of you,” he said in a low voice, grabbing your breasts through the shirt you haphazardly put on.
“Sam,” you laughed. “Ready for round two already?”
“Just a second,” Sam went to his radio to turn it on.
A song started playing and he held a hand out to dance with him. You laughed as he held you, moving along to the beat.
“Baby I'm-a want you, baby I'm-a need you,” he sang along.
“You're such an old man,” you giggled, resting your head on his chest.
“Just because I have great taste in music?”
“I can't argue with that.”
You closed your eyes, taking in Sam’s scent, the beat of his heart, and the music that played. It felt so perfect. Almost too good to be true.
As Sam made love to you again, you wished days like that would last. But as you lay next to him, you had a weird feeling in the pit of your stomach.
You propped yourself up and looked at Sam peacefully sleeping and you felt the butterflies in your stomach again.
Please, please, please . Stay with me.
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🍒 CH-CH-CHERRY BOMB! 🍒 |     [CHAPTER 5]
pairing; dom!seungcheol x camgirl!reader
this chapter’s notes; camshow, use of toys(sybian), squirting, the long awaited chapter 5 😳💕 do they finally meet?!?!?!?! hehehehehehe also sorry for not being able to post this yesterday, had a busy week and when I tell ya I woke up at 3pm today 😗 💕💕💕💕 as always, thank you so much for your continued interest!! I'm already writing ch 6 and im SOOOO EXCITEDDDD hHEHEHEHEEHEH 💕💕💕💕💕 HAVE A GREAT REST OF YOUR WEEKENDS! 🍒 
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - ? 
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“You guys! I--you have to see this!”
You can’t wipe the smile off of your face when you shimmy to the side, excitedly showing off the new gift that Seungcheol had sent in the mail.
sleepy_wonu: holy hell
universe_WZ: that mustve costed hella
alphagyu97: nothin like feelin extra poor amirite lads
angelhan: it was only a matter of time before dom.cheol was untouchable lol 
You giggle slightly as you adjust the camera so that you and your new sybian are in frame. “Hey~ Don’t say that!! Y’know it’s not the amount of money you spend on me… I’m glad you guys are always here with me~” The sound of coins clinking goes off in the back as you read a few more comments.
dom.cheol: well princess, don’t u wanna show them how you use your new toy? ;)
tangerine_kwan: fuck i bet it can get u to cum so fuckin fast
hoshi_tiger_xx: yessss
dom.cheol has donated $100
hoshi_tiger_xx has donated $50
“Hmm~ How many times do you think I can cum with this? Oh! Why don’t we do this~” You pause, sliding your wet panties down your legs before tossing the material to the side. You grin, swinging a leg over the toy until you’re straddling it. “Rapid fire question! Whoever guesses the right amount of orgasms I can take before I call quits… Wins a special unreleased photoset of me! Go!”
dom.cheol: 5
universe_WZ: 4
sleepy_wonu: 6
angelhan: 3 artist8hao: 5
alphagyu97: everyone took all the good numbers already!!! 7!!!!!
gentleman_josh95: DMAN IT 3
tangerine_kwan: 8, fuck
kitty_junjun: ugh i was gonna say 4!!!!
xcaliburDK: i was gonna say 5!!!!
therealchan99: 2? thats so low tho….
chwenon: as if anyone is gonna say 1, lmao. Uh 6…. If sleepy_wonu happens to disappear
hoshi_tiger_xx: im gonna say 10, but… seems… risky
Reaching for the remote, you situate yourself until the raised part of the toy sits directly on your clit. A shiver runs up your spine at the feeling; already excited for what’s in store. “Um, to be fair I haven’t tried it myself yet so I’m not sure either... Hehe, but I guess we’ll find out together, huh?”
Gulping, you set the sybian to its lowest setting, the air getting knocked out of your lungs immediately as your body lurches forward. “H--holy shit!” The vibrations are already harsh on the lowest setting; your fingers gripping the remote tightly as you try to adjust to the feeling. “O--oh my g-god, I--”
dom.cheol: aww can ur cute lil clit take it?
xcaliburDK: maybe one of the lower numbers was right lol…
The moans spill freely from your lips, garbled noises getting lost in the mix when you start to grind against the vibration. “Fuck, it--it feels suh--so good, hah, already feel like ‘m gonna cum…” You whine, already getting lost in the pleasure. For a second, you’re tempted to raise the vibration intensity but you hold back, letting your wetness coat the toy as you continue to grind down onto it. The sound of donations and comments sound fuzzy to your ears; only the sound of the sybian buzzing reminding you that the camera was still even on.
“Ngh, g-god, I’m--I’m gonna cum!”
tangerine_kwan has donated $75
xcaliburDK has donated $50
dom.cheol has donated $200
dom.cheol: cmon, lets see that pretty pussy cum
Your legs shake as you cum, only a squeak coming out of your mouth as you lurch forward atop the toy. The grip you have on the remote loosens while simultaneously trying to turn it off in the midst of your orgasm.
dom.cheol: awww cumming so hard on the first setting? Cute
therealchan99: lol baby is in trouble now
angelhan: maybe 3 was right lmao
“I--a-ah, fu--fuck!” You cry, shaky fingers finally managing to shut the toy off. Your body immediately untenses; chest heaving with how sensitive you already were and it had only been your first orgasm and the lowest setting of the toy. “O-oh my g-god, I--I didn’t know i-it was that s-strong…” You mumble, body buzzing with the remnants of your orgasm.
sleepy_wonu: well mr dom.cheol did pay top dollar
gentleman_josh95: imagine if u had this for yesterdays show lol
“Oh god, if--if I had this for yesterday’s show, I would’ve been too boneless to do today’s show!” You laugh airily, slowly grinding against the toy already. “It feels really nice though… I’m already super curious about how strong the other settings are…” Trailing off, you reach for the remote again, throat dry as you fiddle with the knob.
kitty_junjun: what if u set it to the max setting
chwenon: idk if her cute lil body could take it
dom.cheol: its okay baby, take ur time. I wanna see how sensitive that pussy of yours can get
“But ‘m already so sensitive~ I dunno how much more I can take~” You tease, biting your lip when all the comments flooding the chat are words of encouragement.
You knew when you started camming that it’d be no easy job. Building up your fanbase and subscriber count had taken you months upon months to even get within the thousands and camming was physically exhausting. Some days your viewer counts were low and some days they were above average and sometimes you didn’t make as much in one show than another.
tangerine_kwan: was therealchan99 right with 2 then? Heh
therealchan99: finally FINALLY ITS MY TIME TO SHINE
Giggling, you slowly start turning the knob; body twitching when the vibrations kick in at full force.
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Seungcheol watches in amazement at the way your body jerks atop the machine.
He can see the way your legs twitch unbearably when you cum for the third time; your brows furrowed at the intensity of the vibrations and your taut body when you can barely manage to turn the machine off.
Licking his lips, he slowly thrusts up into his closed palm, spreading the precum down his shaft as he watches you catch your breath.
“I--ngh, fuh--fuck, I---I don’t--don’t know if I--I can cum a-again…”
Seungcheol moans at your breathy whimpers; the arousal in his body pooling up quickly when he sees the fucked out expression in your eyes. His eyes flit to the wetness that coats the silicone portion of the toy, smirking when he realizes how much you really seemed to enjoy the gift he’d gotten you.
Mentally patting himself on the back, he praises himself for making the right decision.
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angelhan: please tlel me im the winner im begging
universe_WZ: NO
dom.cheol: is the princess tired already? ;)
You catch your breath, not wanting to give up despite how fuzzy your head was getting and how much your body was buzzing. “I dunno… We still haven’t tried the last setting, you guys… And I’m just so curious...” You whisper, hazy eyes staring into the camera.
hoshi_tiger_xx: god u look so pretty like this, all fucked out
artis8hao: right? fuck, id kill to be that guy who can get u off like this
xcaliburDK: goddamn same
The sound of coins clinking mixes with the ringing in your ears; fingertips already on the knob of the remote.
You take a deep breath, letting the adrenaline kick in as you quickly set the knob to the highest setting, a high pitched cry spilling from your lips when you let go of the remote in favor of holding onto the machine instead. Grinding down onto it, you meet the toy's harsh vibrations as it quickly forces another orgasm out of you in the matter of seconds.
Choked cries spill from your lips as your entire body tenses up; body twitching uncontrollably as you cum for the fourth time. You lean back with whatever energy you have left, bracing yourself on the back of the toy as you relieve your swollen clit of the buzzing machine. Your orgasm refuses to stop and you can already tell how obscenely wet everything’s gotten when your head starts to clear.
alphagyu97: fuck you squirted all over the toy baby
universe_WZ: fuck fucki fuck
universe_WZ: wait did i winf kjfhdsjk
You shakily slide off of the machine, resting on your side as the machine still buzzes with life next to you. Your entire body won’t stop shaking, head muddled as you fight the urge to shut your eyes and sleep for the next 5 days. “I’m--I--” You whimper, still feeling the phantom vibrations between your legs.
“I--ho--holy fuck, I, w-wow, I--I don’t--that--I’m, I’m just… wow.”
dom.cheol has donated $400
dom.cheol: knew you’d like it ;)
universe_WZ has donated $150
angelhan has donated $150
therealchan99: well, at least some of us got close
hoshi_tiger_xx: fuckin speak for urself man i said /10/
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You end the show after letting ‘universe_WZ’ know you’ll contact him soon, shutting your eyes as you lay on your soiled sheets.
You can still feel your fingertips twitching when your eyes slide shut, chest heaving in deep breaths as you try to relax yourself, momentarily cursing yourself for pushing your body too far for tonight’s show. 
Groaning, you reach for your phone, the screen lighting up with a text from Seungcheol, a simple ‘don’t forget to drink water ;)’ in your notifications and you can’t help but pout.
Seungcheol was nice, almost too nice. Definitely not in a murderer kinda way though, you think. 
He bought you expensive gifts and never asked for anything in return which made you feel bad sometimes. And while the donations and tips you’d made through your camshows was enough to get by with, Seungcheol’s generous donations helped you always make your rent and bills on time without worrying if you’d have enough or not.
You quickly text him back with a smile on your face; hoping that he’ll like what you had to offer.
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Seungcheol feels the exact same way he did when you first contacted him offering him a free show, except maybe ten times worse. At first, he’d been a little sad that he hadn’t won your quick little game but this made up for it 20-fold.
The six simple words read ‘want to meet up next friday?’, a small heart emoji next to the question and he’d almost thrown his phone when he read it, hands shakily responding with a simple ‘I’d love to.’ to make it seem like he was calm when he was most definitely not.
His immediate next order of business after replying was to text Namjoon despite how late into the night it already was, begging for the day off and offering to take any shifts or pay cuts in exchange for it. 
All he needed was one day and he swore he’d never miss a day of work ever again.
Namjoon responds with a quick ‘sure, why not’, momentarily confusing him as to why his boss was awake while simultaneously sending Seungcheol into complete panic when he realizes he finally gets to meet you.
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The week goes by extremely quickly to Seungcheol; his mood on a completely different level when he offers to pick up Yoongi’s Sunday shift without a complaint. He cleans up all the messes around the roller rink and even offers to do jobs that aren’t his which have Jeongguk raising a brow at the older male.
In the days that lead up to your meeting, Seungcheol looks up a few cafes that you might be interested in and even goes to get an STD exam, not that he’s expecting anything. Safety first, he says.
Your Wednesday show comes and goes, Seungcheol too excited to even get off when he watches you and he even donates an extra $600 at the end of the show; travel spending money, he offers.
And Thursday comes without a hitch and he all but skips to the employee backroom once his shift is over, humming a tune while he changes out of his uniform.
“Hey hyung, no offense, but are you okay?” Jeongguk rests against the locker next to Seungcheol’s open one, brow raised at the blue haired male that beams back at him. “I’m scared, why are you so… giddy. You even offered to take Yoongi-hyung’s weekend shift? What the hell was that about? I’ve never seen him that giddy either.  Man, this place is getting weird, maybe I should quit...”
Seungcheol can’t help but laugh, patting Jeongguk on the shoulder before shutting his locker.
“I have an important meeting tomorrow, that’s all. And don’t quit, ‘cause who else is gonna give me free food.”
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While the excitement had him since Saturday, now that it was finally Friday, he was downright nervous.
The two of you had agreed to meet at 2PM in front of the cafe that Seungcheol had picked out and you’d gotten a hotel in town to make it easier on yourself instead of trying to get back to your place too late. Seungcheol had offered to come pick you up, but you had politely declined; instead opting to meet him first before letting him do anything else for you.
And by nature, Seungcheol gets to the cafe 15 minutes early, fidgeting and continuously running his fingers through his hair as he patiently waits. He can feel his palms getting sweaty when he rubs them against his jeans, mentally trying to keep calm and his head floods with all sorts of thoughts; mainly, how he even got into this position with you in the first place. And he gets so distracted that he doesn’t realize you’d be standing watching him zone out for the last 5 minutes.
“Wow, not sure what’s got you so focused but you’re standing so still!”
Seungcheol hears your cute airy laugh that follows, a cherry blush on his cheeks when his eyes meet your smiling face. “I--oh my god…” He whispers, taking in your appearance.
He feels his face buzzing, fingers twitching when he sees you in a cute simple  sundress. “W-wow, you--you’re just… so beautiful. I mean, you’re beautiful on cam too but just, wow, in person? Incredible.” The blush reaches his ears when he realizes he’s rambling, a nervous laugh spilling out of his lips.
“S--sorry, I, uh, usually I’m more chill than this but y’know…” He trails off, to which you nod. You step closer to Seungcheol and he gets a hint of your sweet smelling perfume, mentally groaning when your cute eyes peer up into his.
“That’s okay! I totally understand~ I’m kinda nervous myself too, to be honest…” You pause, a pink blush coating your own cheeks. “But let’s talk over some food, huh?”
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Seungcheol doesn’t want to pry, but he’s not sure if he should address you as ‘Cherry’ in person, or if he should avoid calling you by anything at all.
He watches as you go through the cafe’s menu, biting the inside of his cheek as he itches to ask.
“‘Cheol… I can feel you staring, y’know.. Penny for your thoughts?” You ask, concerned eyes meeting his nervous ones.
“I just-- Sorry, I didn’t mean to be awkward, I just was wondering how I should address you in person? I don’t want to overstep my bounds, I know you don’t put your real name out there so…”
You place your menu down, closing it before leaning on your palms atop the small table. Seungcheol is cute, too cute, you think. You knew this would be a question when the two of you eventually met and you had given yourself the time to get used to the idea that he’d know your real name.
He eyes hyperfocus on your glossy lips, watching as you say your name for him for the first time.
Seungcheol’s heart threatens to beat out of his chest when he hears it; repeating it over and over in his head before he says it out loud.
“Wow, it sounds nice when it’s you saying it~” You tease, leaning back in your chair. “I don’t mind if you call me by my name, by the way! The pet names are cute but maybe we should keep that to the bedroom~” You end in a whisper, winking at the male.
Fuck, he thinks, just as his cock throbs at your comment. He really wishes you wouldn’t say things like that because he’s weak and he knows it, especially when it comes to you. “Okay, cool! Yeah, sorry, I just---I didn’t want to overstep, I know you don’t really let that be public information.”
“Of course! And thank you, I really can’t tell you how much you’ve done for me. I really… really wouldn’t be able to do all the things that I do if it weren’t for your constant support.”
You want to say more, but the waiter comes to take your orders, cutting you off until he leaves again.
“By the way…” Seungcheol looks at you with curious eyes, lips puckered around his drink straw. “Tell me about yourself, ‘Cheollie! I feel like we didn’t really get to talk that one time!”
He swallows the water in his mouth, licking his dry lips. Here goes nothing, he thinks.
“I swear, and please don’t think I’m a loser, but I--I work at a roller rink. It’s really not cool, I’m not some high paid CEO or whatever, I--I just, I work hard?” Seungcheol chuckles, running a hand through his hair as he waits for your reply.
“Wait, that’s so cool! Oh my gosh, I kinda wanna go!”
The surprise washes over Seungcheol, eyes wide as saucers when he hears you saying you’d want to visit his workplace. “Wuh---wait, seriously!?”
“Yeah! It’s kinda, like, retro! I haven’t been to one since I was a kid!” He quickly offers to bring you to the roller rink on Sunday so you could have somewhere to hang out while you were in town.
“And sadly, I took a shift on Sunday so you can hang with me while I work.” 
Seungcheol grins, watching as you jokingly roll your eyes at him. “So you did it on purpose, huh…” The two of you share a laugh, glad that your first meeting seemed to be going okay so far.
“Well, I mean, if it makes you feel any better, my best friend works the concession stand so I’ll make sure to get you a free pair of skates and food whenever you want?”
“It’s a deal!”
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The two of you continue to talk over your late lunch, Seungcheol telling you of the various work hijinks he’d gone through at his time working at the roller rink.
“Which, by the way, that morning show you did… Hope you know I holed up in the restroom for an entire hour for that ‘lil stunt.”
You can’t help the tears that fall from your eyes when you laugh, only feeling slightly bad for the blue haired male. “But I told you! Sometimes it’s just like that, y’know~” You tease back, heart blooming at the way you and Seungcheol got along.
In all honesty, there’d been something on your mind since you first sat down and you didn’t know when the right time to ask was, or if it was even appropriate.
The smile slips from your face as you bite the inside of your cheek in thought.
Seungcheol takes the bill from the waiter, slipping his card into the holder before you can even offer. But he notices the way your expression falls, noting the hesitance in your eyes when he looks at you from across the table.
“Are you okay? What’s wrong?” His voice is gentle, soft and caring when he leans over the table to make sure you’re alright.
“Yeah! Just---Can I ask you for a favor?”
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queen0fm0nsterz · 3 years
*Slides a 5 dollar bill* So what are some of your ideas for those Little Nightmares fics?
Weeeell, I have various idea that I'm writing down all at the same time. I'll list the various AUs here.
The Gang! AU
Ok no this isn't some sort of Criminal AU, I literally didn't know what to name it JSKDKS
Anyway, I'm actually writing this along with a friend of mine. It's based on a rp we had and it's quite long. We're writing one chapter each, I'm currently finishing chapter five. It kinda follows the story of Little Nightmares 2, but at the same time is canon divergent. Does that make sense?
We added two of our kid OCs to travel with Mono and Six!
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Their names are Zip and Emerald respectively, from left to right! Zip was made by my friend while Emerald is my kid. The art was done by me!
They're not the only OCs we made for this story; we also have five glitch kids, a couple of bullies and a patient from the Hospital.
Since it's long, we decided to split it into three parts. The first part takes place in the Pale City, the second part in the Maw and the third in a location made up by us that we're still crafting.
The good news: Mono doesn't get dropped and Runaway Kid is alive!
The bad news: everything else literally every single thing
It's gonna have a good ending, though. It's the least we can do after everything we put these kids through😭
Restaurant Maw! AU
Just the monsters of LN put in a modern setting! Not only that, it's Maw employees centric!
Basically in this AU the Maw is a very well-known restaurant and hotel, in a very similar fashion to the bathouse in Spirited Away. The Lady is obviously the boss, the Ferryman becomes the driver of the Maw's personal bus, Roger is the keeper, Bellhop is still a bellhop and also the maître d'hotel (aka the guy who makes sure the guests are comfortable etc.), the Chefs are still the Chefs - their names are Bruce and Bernard! And lastly, the Nomes are a bunch of waiters, bellhops and cooks.
Things are going very well for eveyone until one day the Chefs go outside for a smoking break and they find a baby in a box. They take her in and keep her hidden for a couple of days before the Lady invitably finds out.
She decides to let them keep her with the condition that they raise her on their own and take care of all of her needs wihout bothering her - which of course doesn't happen at all and eventually all the employees in the Maw grow attached to baby Sawako nicknamed Six.
This one has all my favorite tropes: slice of life, found family, and I'm hoping to achieve comedy (which is very complicated for me because I have a very dramatic style).
Plus the Chefs are italian because I'm italian and I claimed them, so if you want to see one of them teach the Lady how to swear in italian you came in the right place.
RCG and the Pretender Live! AU
And they lived! I started writing this immediately after I finished VLN but I was blinded by pain so it's a little messy. I have to edit it.
But basically the point is: they survived! But are stuck on land. The first to wake up is RCG, who I named Valeria, and she spots the Pretender a few feet from her and realizes that somehow they both managed to float ashore. Luckily for her, the Nest is now very far away, although they can still see it from the distance.
At first she wants to leave the Pretender there, but then decides to bring her along, tying her hands behind her back first. And so begins the girls voyage in the big wide world, trying to survive and becoming besties in the process.
Im debating wheter I want the Pretender to develop a little crush on RCG or not. Mhhhh. I'll let you guys know.
Mono Jumps in Time! AU
THIS ONE WAS INSPIRED BY THIS ADORABLE FANART BY @kelpermoosee !! Go check them out their art is adorable!!! This is also a Mono centric AU!
So basically! When Six is kidnapped by the Thin Man and Mono goes to save her, his high distress and strong, swirling emotions lead him to not only travel from a place to the next, but to also accidentally go back in time.
He jumps out from a TV but, surprise surprise, he's not in the Pale City anymore. He's landed right in front of the Pretender, who immediately takes a liking to him and wants him to be her new friend. Mono is extremely confused and at first and doesn't realize what happened, so obviously he tries to go back to the Pale City, but then he sees a girl in a yellow raincoat and immediately assumes she's Six.
He assumes that's where the Thin Man brought her, so he tries to run after her, but he's costantly hindered by either the Pretender or her staff. Will he ever get to "Six" and realize that he jumped in time? I'll decide, because this story is still under construction.
Six Forgets! AU
You know that quote from the comics?
"What's the last thing you remember? Tell me. If you don't tell us, you're sure to forget altogether."
Beautiful. And also what prompted me to come up with this AU.
Some things to clarify: the Eye is a collective conciousness that feeds off from negative emotions, the Thin Man lives but can't leave the Pale City, and The Lady is a grown up Six. The Maw kids from the comics are here! Plus a few OCs of mine.
And lastly: Six couldn't handle the guilt from dropping Mono and repressed all memories involving him altogheter, so she completely forgot about him.
Six gets on the Maw, but this time instead of waking up in a suitcase, she's brought to Roger adn the other children by the Ferryman. There, she befriends a few children but no one gets closer to her than the Runaway Kid. They both want to be free and plan an escape together.
In the meantime, Mono is still trapped in the Signal Tower, but he's convinced that Six let him slip by accident and that she'll come back for him. (The Eye is very frustated with him bc they be planning on feeding on his sadness and rage and then he has the audacity to be hopeful? The nerve!) That's until he gets a glimpse of his best friend and this unknown child through one of the TVs on the Maw, joking and playing with each other, and she confesses to this... no one, really, that he's the best friend she's ever had.
As you can imagine, Mono goes feral. The Eye couldn't be happier.
Chaos ensues! We got a lot of angst, violence, Monster!Mono and also some wholesome moments. Also out of context spoiler: RK and Six lead a revolution.
The Lost Ones
This one is just a bunch of quick drabbles that talk about the glitching remains. They all deserved better.
Hunter and Veronica
I was not gonna miss the occasion of writing simp hunter. Take it or leave it.
Based on my Hunter theory!
My beautiful terrible disaster of a man works on the Maw as a chef, but no one really knows why since he's not good at it. Fortunately, the vast majority of the Guests is just too hungry to care and the current Lady, a woman with a scarecrow mask, doesn't want to fire him. A few Guests have complains, though; for example, a Teacher who seemingly never blinks and a very massive Doctor, whom he befriends.
One day, a filming crew gets on the Maw and the Lady informs her staff that they will be staying for a while to film a commercial-documentary of the restaurant, which will bring more and more Guests. With the crew came a famous, very talented chef named Veronica who has her own extremely successful cooking show, who offers to help the current chef as a thank you for letting them stay without having to pay.
Initially the Hunter is not too happy about this. In his eyes he doesn't need the help, but they start getting closer and closer with time.
This will probably be wholesome but end in a very bad, tragic way. I'd say I'm sorry but I'm not lol
And that's it for now. I have some other things planned with my monster OCs (btw y'all wanna see them?), but this is the whole thing. It may be updated in the future since I always seem to get more and more ideas!
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