#in bed with ice pack and plushies though after a long day so that is good
bizarrebazaar13 · 4 months
I just know May has some of the worst knees ever invented
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autism-autobot · 16 days
Flower of a Poisonous Seed Part 12:
TW: Slight references to past trauma, depression
Part 11:
"Godsdammit, not again."
Nezha woke up with a familiar feeling in his body: fever, aches, and overall fatigue that would plague him whenever he felt like he could never feel so low again.
And on the day of Wukong's appointment too...
Wukong was sleeping soundly with his new blanket and plushie, at least. It would likely be a while before he gets up. It would give Nezha a few moments to collect himself as much as possible so he could get them through the day.
SWK: Are you alright there, bud?
Nezha: I'll be fine. Just... *sighs*
SWK: Just what? You sure you're okay?
Nezha: Yes, I'm just... overheated a bit.
Nezha: Makes it hard to think...
SWK: *puts his hand against Nezha's forehead*
SWK: Woah! Geez Nezhie, I wouldn't call that a bit!
Nezha: Just... don't do anything...
SWK: I'll get you some ice packs!
SWK: *Grabs his blanket and plushie, hops in his wheelchair and leaves*
Nezha: ...rash...
Nezha felt like the whole room was slowly spinning, like some sick drug had been administered to him. Of course that wasn't the case. His vision turned into TV static after he stood up to try to go after Wukong. No go.
He laid back down in bed and tore his shirt off. Wukong wouldn't mind. He could care less about decency, living with Wukong for two months short of a year taught him that much.
Nezha grabbed a nearby remote and turned on every fan the remote could to full blast. He then turned on his favorite playlist on the TV.
And then the phone on the bedside table started ringing.
It was Li Jing.
Sun Wukong made it down to the refrigerator in the kitchen to collect the ice packs for Nezha. Finally, he could be the one giving help instead of receiving it.
But that didn't mean he stopped having problems of his own.
Wukong exhaled and felt a wave of depression topple over him like a weighted blanket he couldn't shake off. He tried.
"For the sake of Buddha, pull yourself together Wukong, you've been like this for too long!"
No amount of telling himself that was going to make things any easier.
Just for a moment, he breathed and laid his head back on the chair.
He picked it up again when the doorbell rang.
Wukong opened the door to see Li Jing standing on the opposite side holding groceries.
SWK: What are you doing here?
Jing: I came here to help my son.
SWK: Really?
Jing: Yes.
SWK: ...
Jing: *sighs* I'm not how I once was, if that's what you're thinking. I know about my son's condition, and since he hasn't called in sick for some time, I figured it would be soon.
Jing: Whenever he is in good health for an extended period of time, his condition tends to come back with a vengeance. By the amount of ice packs in your lap, it would seem I was correct.
SWK: Yeah, dude was burning hotter that the furnace you and the others stuck me in all those centuries ago.
Jing: You're still upset about that? It was over a thousand years ago!
SWK: You still think of me as a beast? It was over a thousand years ago! You still felt the need to "collar the beast" back there. You haven't changed your views of me, why would I change mine of you?
Jing: ...
Jing: I believe I deserved that.
SWK: Wait, really?
Jing: Yes. It is rather foolish and hypocritical of me to think you to have moved on from past events when I clearly haven't done so myself.
SWK: I... wasn't expecting that of you... of anyone, really, but especially you...
Jing: I have been working on myself since those days.
SWK: Uh... good to hear! I'm still a little shocked by it, but hopefully it's impacted you and Nezhie in a good way!
Jing: Nezhie? Does my son know you call him that?
SWK: Yeah. He hasn't ever complained, so I think he likes it. Kinda hard to be sure though.
Jing: Indeed...
Jing: Does my son speak of me at all?
SWK: Um... not really... sometimes he'll tell me about occasionally running into you at work or what you say in meetings but not much else.
Jing: I see... I may still have a ways to go before fully mending things with my son.
SWK: Hey, if what you said earlier is any consolation, I'd say you're on the right track!
Jing: You think so?
SWK: Yep! I do my best to stay positive. Kinda hard when I'm like this *pats wheelchair* but I'm trying.
Jing: It would seem you are doing good as well.
SWK: Thanks! Now let's get these ice packs up to Nezha, my legs feel like they're gonna get frostbite!
"Bittersweet Symphony" played on the TV as Nezha laid chest up awaiting Wukong's return. He had no idea what the lyrics meant as he didn't speak English, but Wukong seemed to enjoy the message, so it likely meant something good. Plus the instrumentals were really good.
As usual, Wukong made the loudest entrance possible.
SWK: *opens door slightly by hand and kicks it the rest of the way open* YEET!!!
SWK: *gently tosses the smallest ice pack to Nezha*
Nezha: *catches ice pack while barely paying attention*
Jing: I have so many questions...
Nezha: Good morning, father.
Jing: Good morning, my son.
SWK: We got you ice packs and some other stuff!
Nezha: Good morning to you too, Wu.
Sun Wukong gently positioned each ice pack on Nezha's body with Li Jing's help. Li Jing helped Nezha eat some breakfast and get some pain medication in him.
The three conversed for hours on various topics: Nezha's music taste, Wukong's fluency in multiple languages and each person's favorite snacks, as well as everyone's current health condition.
All in all, the day went much better than any of them had anticipated. Nezha was just happy that his best friend and his father somehow managed to get along with each other, though that did lead to some interesting conversations...
Li Jing: What is a... yeet?
Part 13:
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
What if... This is a request, a silly one but... What if Michael had a sibling reader... Right? And that sibling was Michael's twin (born a few minutes after him).
Michael tried pushing them away after CC and Liz died, but after a long - very sad while, he decides spending time with his last alive sibling, even after he gets scooped?
It could be headcannons if that's easier, I just Want Michael to have at least one alive sibling to hold onto, and not be alone!!! He deserves a family!!! An alive one, even!!!!
-👻🐝 wants characters to be happy for once!! *starts crying*
Okay so I really expanded on this idea,,,like BIG time so enjoy this oneshot!
"Hey sis? Where's Mike?"
"Just follow the sound of his blubbering and you'll find out." Elizabeth huffed, not looking at you whatsoever as she stared straight into her mirror. She was focused on fixing her hair into pigtails; she used rosy-red lipstick to draw blush on her cheeks.
You've never seen her this obsessed with makeup.
But then again..this was a way she coped with the tragedy at Fredbear’s Family Diner.
A tragedy that befell your youngest brother Evan. He was “chomped” by the mascot bear after Michael shoved his head into his mouth as a cruel prank. 
It was purely accidental--absolutely no one knew that was going to happen and he was wrought with guilt upon learning he died from his injuries.
Since Evan’s passing, though, Elizabeth had been nothing but cruel to him. She berated him and always managed to tie back everything he said or did to that awful day.
He didn’t pass her the hairbrush?
“If Evan was here, he would’ve done that for me right away!”
He suggested they go get ice cream together?
“Oh sure, let me ask Evan if he wants to join...oh wait, he’s gone so he can’t!”
Nine times out of ten, you had to be the mediator before they got into a serious argument. Your father was barely around anymore so you three were left to fend for yourselves most days.
There’s been times when Elizabeth mistook you for Michael and almost yelled at you in her anger. Either that or she would say “at least you’re only similar in appearance and not personality”.
Welp, it comes with the curse of being his twin. 
Even out in public you were approached by people who once took their kids to the diner, asking if you’re “proud” of causing “The Bite”, as the incident was called.
Of course you had to point out you’re not him frequently.
God, if this is how they talked to you when mistaking you for him, then it’s no wonder he didn’t wanna go outside anymore. Everyone looked at and spoke about him with such scorn.
It hurts whenever they accidentally insulted you, even if they take back their remarks and apologize.
So today you decided to change that.
Dying your hair was something you’ve considered for a long time, even before this whole incident. William didn’t see why you needed to do that, though. In fact he objected to it, claiming you two being nearly “perfect twins” was something to be proud of.
But now? You didn’t care. You were a teen, damnit, and you should be able to express your individuality.
It’s not like he was around to stop you.
You were actually looking for Michael because you wanted his opinion on what color would look best on you. He deserved a say in the matter, too.
Following Elizabeth’s apathetic advice, you left her room and searched the house for him, eventually finding him in Evan’s room. Everything was already packed in boxes. Only a stripped mattress and an open bag of your late brother’s plushies remained.
You could see Michael clutching the headless Foxy and Fredbear, sobbing. The way he was curled up on the bed reminded you all-too-well of Evan, which made you realize just how truly sorry he was.
You didn’t think he was a monster. He wasn’t a murderer either.
“Mikey?” Gently knocking on the door, you alerted him to your presence. His sobs quieted down as he looked at you and put down the plushies, sniffling. “Can I come in?”
“..d-do whatever you want.”
“Okay.” You walked in and sat on the bed, unsure of what to talk about. On the floor you could see the smashed plastic Foxy mask he used to wear all the time. “I was just...thinking about making some changes. I was gonna dye my hair-”
“Because you don’t wanna look like the monster who murdered your little brother?”
“Wha...” You were taken aback, frowning at him. “No! That’s not what-”
“Cut the shit. We both know that’s what you meant. I get it..the rumors around town..people confusing you for me. I-I’m not mad about it.” New tears streaked down his face as he buried his hands in his hair. “I don’t blame you, [y/n]...I-I wouldn’t wanna be me either.”
“No, that’s really not what I meant at all. I would’ve done this even if that whole thing never happened. I think being twins is cool-”
“But it’s not anymore.” Sniffling, he shut his eyes as more sobs crept up his throat. “You’re getting hurt all because of what I did. S-Sometimes...I dream of those robots killing you..and s-saying I deserve it for making you suffer. They even say I should be in jail and I d-deserve to...to d-”
“That’s enough.”
Slowly opening his eyes, he felt your arms wrap around him, a gentle hand rubbing his back. He couldn’t understand why you’re doing this. You should’ve sided with Elizabeth and realized what a horrible person he was. 
That he was a disgraceful member of the family that should be shunned by all.
That he was just like his father. Cold, uncaring, and murderous.
But no. You wanted to comfort him, even after you literally witnessed everything that happened that day. You’ve tried shielding Evan from his week of torment right up until Michael’s “friends” shoved you back when you tried getting in the way of that stupid prank.
Of course, you cried and were angry at him for a while. You had every right to be and for a few days you barely talked to him.
So for you to be this forgiving when he deserved the exact opposite was...difficult for him to understand.
He couldn’t understand any of it.
"Don’t say that. I’m not letting any of their words get me down. I just..wish they didn’t get you down, too, because none of them are true. You’re not a cold-blooded killer. You’re always gonna be my brother and my best friend, no matter what.”
That last sentence crumbled him completely, being just what he needed to hear from you..
The only sibling who didn’t hate him.
He melted into the hug, face buried into your shoulder as he began crying all over again. “Th-Thank you.” He whimpered. “Please don’t leave me..d-don’t push me away like Liz did..”
“Of course I won’t.” You kept rubbing his back, your eyes meeting the Fredbear plushie’s. He seemed to stare at you weirdly, though you didn’t think much of it and just comforted Michael the best you could.
“I won’t ever push you away, Mikey. I promise I’ll be here for you.”
‘I still can’t believe this..how does the same thing happen twice?!’ 
You stared at the crime scene tape stretched across Circus Baby’s Pizza World’s entrance, devastated.
Another tragedy struck your family. 
This time Elizabeth was gone.
Today was the grand opening of the new restaurant, which your sister was most excited for given the star animatronic who was built just for her.
Though she was in a fairly sour mood after being told to stay away from her. It made sense considering what happened before, but things were different now so she didn’t think it was necessary. She trusted her dad’s robots to be much safer.
You and Michael were setting up the tables for the first birthday party that was scheduled later in the day when Elizabeth stormed in. She begged you two to convince your dad to let her see Baby up close.
Of course, neither of you wanted to deal with that. And Michael offered to go with her in case anything happened, but she just scowled at him.
“I think not. I don’t need to be watched! I deserve to see her myself!”
Of course, knowing her stubbornness, you both just decided to let her go. She was mature enough to make her own choices.
Who knew that choice would be her most fatal one?
Not even a few minutes later, you and Michael heard her loud scream and some kind of disgusting crunch sound.
Immediately you both rushed into the room and saw something absolutely horrific: Baby’s torso covered in blood, her blue eyes now glowing green as her limbs jerked and her mouth started moving on its own.
Everyone had to evacuate straight away, but the haunting sight was permanently etched into your minds.
Another animatronic malfunction.
Another dead sibling.
Same damn thing, just a different place.
Your dad insisted on covering up everything as a gas leak, getting the restaurant shutdown before it could properly see the light of day. It made you realize just how genuinely awful he was. 
He cared more about saving his own skin than the fact he lost another child.
“I-I should’ve gone after her.”
You looked at Michael, seeing his face show that same exact guilt he held for Evan years ago. “No, no, no, Mike. Don’t go there. You are not blaming yourself for this again.” You told him. “It’s my fault, too-”
“But father specifically asked me to watch her! If she dies or gets hurt..i-it’s all on me, he said.” Tears filled up his eyes as he looked down at the ground, his chest tightening. “I-I knew how dangerous they could be and I was so stupid to let her go!”
“Wait..you knew the Funtimes were dangerous?”
Blinking, he looked up at you, realizing he accidentally slipped those words out. “I..w-well they’re brand new and we don’t know if all of the kinks have been worked out. The blueprints showed s-some weird functions but I swear I didn’t-”
“And you didn’t think to tell her that?!” You grew slightly more outraged the more he spoke. “You worked on these things with our dad and you didn’t think to warn our sister that they were unstable?!”
“She wouldn’t have listened to me anyway! It doesn��t matter!”
“It would’ve mattered! She might still be here if...if...!”
But you trailed off, seeing the look of despair on his face.
No..you couldn’t let him think all of this was his fault. Even if he did help construct some of the designs to make them safer for children.
“..if I had been more insistent, right? That’s what you wanted to say.” His shoulders slumped a bit.
“Michael..I should’ve insisted more, too. But I didn’t know...didn’t think those robots would be capable of doing that..” You shook your head. “I believe you..you couldn’t have known either. We can’t fight like this. Not when it’s only us two now.”
“I-If it comes down to one, though..I..I don’t think I can handle it.” He whispered, tears falling down his cheeks. “I can’t see you go through something like this.”
“What do you mean? Nothing’s gonna happen.” You stepped closer, but he took several steps back, acting as if you were covered in thorns.
Your heart sunk into the very pits of your stomach. “Michael..?”
“[Y/n]..y-you don’t know that. There’s a pattern..and I’m stopping it here. For your own safety, you need to stay far away from me.”
“Are you crazy?!” Tears started to prick your own eyes now. Why would he say something like that? After all you two have been through? ”C’mon, don’t do this to me. We can figure out something together I’m sure!”
However, he just shook his head, taking several more steps away from you. It was obvious he was hurting; he truly didn’t wanna do this. 
Yet he felt like this was the only way he could protect you.
“N-No..together we only suffer. And it’s not gonna stop. I-I just..can’t take that risk. I can’t go through this all over again. Forgive me, [y/n].”
With that, he turned and ran away from the restaurant, leaving you devastated and feeling more alone than ever.
Now you lost another sibling. 
Not to death, this time. 
But it hurts just the same.
Michael literally felt like death itself as he trudged through a familiar neighborhood.
He felt especially horrendous after he was forced to vomit up that horrid animatronic amalgamation and watch their remains slither into the sewer.
That should have been the end of him, dying alone and rotting away on the sidewalk.
But then..he heard her voice.
“You won’t die”. She chanted in his mind, over and over and over again until he somehow regained the will to stand. He rose in a paranormal manner, disregarding the stares of terrified people hiding in their houses.
It seemed as though he was reborn again. With new life. With new purpose.
For some reason, she didn’t want him to die. Why is that?
In hopes of finding an answer to that question, he went back home and put on new clothes and fresh bandages, before setting off on his journey. 
At first he believed his father was still out there somewhere.
Maybe that fire at Fazbear’s Fright wasn’t enough. Maybe that’s why he couldn’t rest yet...
Because that bastard was still running loose, acting like an immortal god caged in a rabbit suit.
He hated him so much. For all the neglect and pain he put him and his family through with those machines. Perhaps it’s his agony over what William has done that wouldn’t let him pass on.
But as Michael thought of his family, he thought of his siblings..
Including you.
Of course, how could he forget about you?
Even though he shouldn’t be able to feel emotion, he felt heavy guilt in his heart for how his last conversation with you went. 
Ironic how he begged you not to push him away after Evan died...only for him to do exactly that to you after Elizabeth was gone. Looking back he felt stupid for doing that, but he made his choice, hoping it would spare you from the constant tragedies.
Now he wonders what became of you.
Did you forge a new identity for yourself? Move out of the state or country?
Neither of those would’ve surprised him. You probably despised the “Afton” family name as much as he did.
However there was the lingering fear that you died and went on to possess a robot anyway. He didn’t know. And that was his greatest fear..
Not knowing if you were alive, dead, or somewhere in between.
God he hopes you aren’t.
As he stumbled across the place where his old house once stood, he was surprised to see it had been renovated into a one-story.
Did another family move in? Hopefully they were a relatively normal one and not cursed.
With purple lanky fingers, he shakily pried open the mailbox--which had also been fixed up--and saw a bill or two addressed to you.
Your name was still the same.
You’ve been here all along.
Even when everyone in your family was gone, you chose to stay and live the rest of your days in your childhood home.
What bitter sentimentality.
He noticed your car parked in the driveway, and he decided to go knock on the door and see if you were there.
His mind was far too exhausted to figure out how he’ll explain everything to you. But he knew no apology would ever excuse his abandonment of you all those years ago.
All he can do was hope you’ll understand.
Dragging his feet to the door, Michael mustered the strength to knock several times. He felt so weak but was sure he’ll get used to this. Unfortunately his heavy jacket, pants, cap, and bandages weren’t going to completely hide his gaunt purple complexion. 
At least you couldn’t see the stitches all across his body, with loose wires and small cables still protruding from the wounds.
Though you will see the eerie white glow of his eyes.
Hopefully you’ll recognize him by his hair somehow and won’t scream and slam the door on his face. 
Because that’s the last thing he needed.
To be seen as a monster like all the kids in town called him in his teen years.
He pushed aside those dark memories as the door creaked open and he saw you, with that same hair dye he suggested to you, your brown roots showing. You were dressed as some guard, looking like you just came home from a shift.
How funny.
You ended up taking on the same profession he did. 
Apparently it does run in the family.
“..hi..?” Your voice rings out with confusion at this strange purple man at your doorstep.
“Hi..” He managed to whisper, his eyes watering up.
That’s another thing he thought he lost: the ability to cry. He shed tears for his brother, sister, and monster of a father.
Now he gets to shed them for his twin sibling.
His only living human sibling. 
The one he should’ve been there for all along.
Still not connecting the dots, you just stare at him, tilting your head. “Are you okay? Can I help you with anything?”
It took all of his willpower to not breakdown right there and then as he put his hand out. He bravely looked into your eyes, not wanting to hide from you like he did so many other people.
No more hiding for him.
All he wanted now was to spend time with you. Just like before.
“[Y/n], it’s me..Michael.”
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lolita-lollipop · 3 years
yandere other mother x reader- Coraline au
warnings- yandere behavior, platonic yandere, manipulation, slight infantilism, mentions of neglect, false reality,
this one really isn't bad, but just to warn you, if any of these things trigger you, please don't read!
“Y/n this is insane! Can’t you see that she’s crazy?!” Coraline yelled at you from inside the dusty room while the three ghosts watched, their mouths had been sewn shut long ago, so they weren’t able to intervene. You stood there, feeling like you wanted to cry, this “other mother” was amazing, your real parents never showed much affection, going far enough that it could be Called neglect, so when your other mother held you in her lap, and braided your hair, and gave you warm hugs, and kisses on the cheeks, you felt happy. Your other father was just as amazing, but still, their treatment of you felt similar to one of a baby’s, always treating you like a young child who can’t think for themselves. Coraline noticed this far earlier, while you remained happy and oblivious, the buttons for eyes were the last straw for her.
“I know okay! I just, she’s so nice, I don’t even know what to think anymore, you know what it feels like to actually have parents… I don't, my entire life I’ve been shoved in a little blue house down the stairs and told ‘don't disappoint us’ by my parents! I just want to feel loved… it’s just, it’s just not fair” you spoke, lip quivering, you couldn’t even remember the last time you allowed yourself to cry, you weren’t supposed to love the “other parents” but you did, they were the parents you never had, and you just had to live them. At this point silent tears were trailing down your cheeks, Coraline remained fuming at you, not even sparing a moment to acknowledge the two small black buttons that seemed to appear out of nowhere, peeking through the wall.
“That doesn’t matter, do you really want tiny little needles poking in and out of your eyeballs? Do you really want to leave your real parents behind? Do you want me to leave you behind?” She seethed, you shook your head, letting out a few small whimpers and sobs under your breath, you hated that she was right, you hated it so much, you couldn’t just leave everything in the real world for this parallel universe void of life, you should want to back there right? where no one cared about you, where no one loved you, where you were nothing.
“Coraline? Is that any way to speak to your friend?” A soft voice rang from behind your form, the few lost souls floating in the room ten up, showering to the far corners where the other mother couldn’t see them, then you felt warm hands engulf your waist, pulling you closer to the women’s chest, you subconsciously leave into her warmth, she glared down at Coraline, stoking your head lovingly. In reality, she hadn’t wanted for you to get pushed down here, but Coraline was getting in the way, and you just got caught in the crossfire, she did make sure that your landing was softer though, while Coraline's was harsh.
“You don’t get to tell us what to do, you aren’t her mother.” Coraline breathed out, slimming her eyes into a harsh stare at the woman in whose chest you were sobbing into. One moment, you were in the cold cellar-like room, the next, you were back in the baby pink room that was yours in this place, your true room was a boring white, with a ritzy mattress in the middle, and a small cabinet that served as a closet. Although you didn’t particularly like the color pink, it was nice to know that someone cared enough to bring true colors into your life. The other mother continued her embrace, picking up and cradling your head against her shoulder, you felt a wave of drowsiness overtake your senses, it hit you like a pound of bricks, and you squeezed the back of the women’s shirt to see if you were dreaming or not, her hold just felt so… comforting.
“Was she mean to you darling? Don’t you worry your little head about it, shhhhhh, just fall asleep, mother will take care of everything.” She spoke, bouncing slightly up and down with each step she took towards the large bed that was displayed in the center of the room. You barely muttered a small “wait” before falling asleep in her arms. She tenderly placed your body under the silky sheets, wrapping you up with the soft fabric and placing a small pig plushy next to you, keeping an eye on her precious’s little daughter while she tended to some “housework”.
The second you went unconscious you slipped into a weird dream, you were walking on a thin sheet of water, in a pitch dark room, it was so cold like someone had dunked you in a bucket of ice, you stared out into the nothingness, gradually growing more anxious, where are you?
“HELLO! IS ANYBODY OUT THERE!” You screamed, only to be greeted by the echo of your own words, nothing more, nothing less. You started to swivel around in a moment of panic, having just about no idea what could happen to you in this dark abyss. That was until you dek the floor below you disappear, and you popped into existence into a completely different place, it was a medium sized room, the layout was similar to a grocery store, multiple shelves made the room feel smaller, what was odd about it, was that all the shelves were packed with hundreds of snowglobes. You admired the pretty glass structures as you slowly walked down the aisles, each had a completely different design, with little figures inside, you found it adorable, ogling at the pretty things. That was until you heard quiet clicking of heels, and your other mother came into view.
“There you go, now don’t be rude to me! You are a very lucky girl that I’m even letting you live, you should know much better than to taint my daughter's mind with your filthy voice, oh you make such a great addition to my collection! Enjoy your stay, forever” she chimed, you were positive that she couldn’t see you, mainly because you were standing frozen directly in front of her, and she hadn’t acknowledged you. At least you weren’t freezing anymore! You tiptoed closer to the snowglobe that was just placed among the collections, wondering why your mother was so enthusiastic about it. And saw nothing special about it, other than the bright yellow raincoat that adorned the figurine.
you remained completely unaware. of the thousands of button eyes that watched you from the globes, begging to be shattered, and set free.
“Pretty” you muttered to yourself before the world faded again, and you were back into your body, snuggled up under the covers, clutching the pig plushy close to your chest, you felt awake, but also very asleep, forgetting your entire dream the moment your eyes opened, slightly surprised to see that you were still in the pink room, in the other house. You could hear the feint sound of your bedroom door opening, the creak rang through the room. And the other mother smiled softly at your lovable position, cooing under her breath, trying not to be too loud and wake you up.
“Darling, we have to get up now, oh I know I know your still tired, but it’s dinner time, you can’t stay in bed all night, little sleepyhead, my little sleepyhead.” She spoke, rubbing your shoulder while you groaned at the sudden speaking and noise. You didn't know how long that dream lasted, but you did know that it was odd, so odd that in fact, it made up your mind for you about the whole button eyes thing.
“Uhm- Mother? I-I’m sorry, but I- I don’t want to put buttons in my eyes.” You muttered, awaiting a harsh reaction, but instead, getting another one of her sweet smiles, she picked you up again and sat you in her lap, your small frame getting engulfed by hers.
“Oh is that what you were worrying so hard about? Don’t worry honey, you never were going to have to sow buttons in your eyes, it was just to see if I could trust you, and I know that I can trust you now.” She stated, calmly, a little too calmly. So… she lied? You got in a fight with your best friend because she wanted to “see if she could trust you”?
“Oh- okay, where coralline though? Can I talk to her? Please, mother?” You started begging after seeing her stoic expression, why did you want to see her? Was she not good enough for you? Coralline was mean to you, she hurt her little girl! Why did you want to see her? We’re you going to leave your mother for a snobby brat? She tightened her hold on you, pressing you closer to her, whispering little “shh” or “stay with me” in your ear, for some reason, you couldn't place what Coraline's face looked like, even though you had seen her just earlier, any memories of her were slowly dimming, fuzzy spots started appearing in any of those memories, and like turning of a staticky tv, they disappeared. You couldn’t even remember the name “coralline” after a few minutes of being cradled in this women’s lap.
“Cmon darling, let’s go eat dinner now, your father made it this time, I’m surprised he hasn't burn down the kitchen!” She spoke, getting a few sleepy giggles out of you. After helping you down the stairs she led you to the dining room, where you went on and sat at the large table next to your two parents. And so, you forgot about your “real” world, staying young forever here, even growing younger and smaller as time went on, forgetting about coralline, and your parents, and the small door, you lived your life happy, dressed in frilly pink clothing, learning to lobe your mother as she grew more obsessed with you, she got what she wanted in the end
You stayed mother’s little girl forever
have a great day today :)
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kunikiiida-kuuun · 3 years
In his own Little Ways (Kunikida x GN Reader)
Summary: You just know he loves you, in his own little ways.
Word Count: 1.2k
Genre: Pure Fluff.
Everything Kunikida Doppo says or does is meticulously planned. Whether it's solving the case of a missing salaryman or doing laundry, every step is well thought out and carefully executed. Such precision is followed in each and every aspect of his life, including the love department.
Dating Kunikida was nice, if not a unique experience altogether; a pre-planned and thoroughly discussed time, date and location along with a detailed map of the agenda of the day emailed to you on a week's notice. It almost felt like a case report or the minutes of a meeting on most occasions. But you were certainly able to accommodate his peculiar attention to detail after partners who were always arbitrarily thirty minutes late and didn't even bother to inform you when they had to cancel on you.
He's the perfect lover seen across every piece of fiction, a dreamy Shoujo manga lead on most occasions. Sure, he was a little rough around the edges, eccentric in his own ways, but the man definitely knew how to be a gentleman.
There he was at your doorstep, on the day of the date, in his perfectly ironed clothes, carefully picked out the night before (after taking into account the weather and temperature of the next day and advising you on the same), neither a second early nor late, holding freshly picked flowers for you. He opens doors, and pulls out chairs for you, makes sure to match your pace, an ever so chivalrous gentleman, no doubt an exclusive section in his Ideal.
But in moments other than your infrequent weekly dates (because of the man's diehard dedication to his work), it took you some effort to remember that he was in fact, your boyfriend.
Initially it was about your missed deadlines and reports full of errors at work, (seemingly) improper protocol while dealing with a client and how you were just garbage at filing. And once you moved in together (purely because it was smart choice in terms of financial savings, thank you very much.) he chewed your head off about your terrible sleeping habits, your low regard towards systematic arrangement of things, your debatable expenditures, how you mixed the whites and blacks and put his socks in the drier. And when he's nagging you about your eating habits the fifth time that day, it seems like he acts like more like your parent than your significant other.
It didn't help that he was verbally constipated, stoic and reserved, emotions always under control (except when it's dealing with a certain bandaged man, ranging from pure rage to utter disdain.) Everyone can't help but wonder if those are the only two emotions the blonde knows.
But you know otherwise; that he was so much more than what he let on. It took you a while to understand too, a little bit of dancing around to really see through his uptight demeanor and realize that he expressed himself in his actions rather than verbally; his affection, while certainly there, to be read between the lines.
Like when he had sat beside you, long after the closing hours, helping you complete your reports, after which he insisted to walk you to the station. (He missed a big discount sale on meat and eggs.) How the man didn't know how that had truly been the beginning of the inevitable blooming feelings you had towards him (and his towards you.)
You pretend to not notice the fond and soft look in his eyes when your brows are furrowed in concentration as you worked through your mistakes and redid the reports.
He knows your favorite food and choice of beverage, each detail committed to memory. While you are busy chattering to him about an adorable stray cat you saw on your way to work, your usual order is right in front of you, even though you don't recall placing an order or even mentioning it to him.
Although he's grumbling, he relents easily, when you drag him down to the local shrine's summer festival. He knows with a single glance at your face which plush toy catches your eye at the shooting game booth, and pretends that you're being silly when you cheer loudly for him, and flatter him over his oh so ordinary shooting skills, but when he's handing you the prize (the exact plushie you had wanted) and quickly turning away to the next booth, you catch the small smile on his face and redness of his ears.
Kunikida keeps things strictly professional at the agency, and you can feel him freeze up whenever you brush your hand against his, but over time you know he's warming up to you, leaning towards your touch, even going as far to take your hand in his and press a chaste kiss to your palm. (Until he’s inevitably caught by Dazai, leaving you both as a flustered mess.)
You know he's opening up to you when he actually sets his Ideal down, relying on something other than his handy notebook. He vents and talks to you about his concerns and thoughts, eager to hear a new perspective from you. And on particularly difficult days when the weight of his ideals bears down heavily over him, after a strenuous mission, he's finally lowering his walls, and letting you hold him. He's opening his heart to you slowly and steadily, and letting you in.
You can't help but smile when you see him take your advice; to stop whatever he was doing every few hours, to close his eyes and take a deep breathe, when work felt overwhelming.
He scolds you all the time for oversleeping, and even when he's standing beside the bed, announcing you to wake up in his usual stern tone, the undeterred sleepy smile you send his way, with a "Five more minutes" has him sighing in defeat as he tucks you in gently. (You could feel the ghost of a kiss on your forehead, but perhaps you're just imagining it).
When you're coughing too persistently at work that day, he wordlessly presents a steaming cup of ginger honey tea before you, along with a pack of yoghurt (a plain unsweetened one as well as a flavored, one that was your favorite, you noted.) and cough drops. He makes sure to sternly advice (borderline lecture) you to keep away from frozen foods, to not eat ice-cream all the time, to dress warmly and salt water gargle every night and you know he's just being his caring self at this point.
There's a mysterious parcel lying on your desk but just from the concise and stiff writing, you can tell it's from Kunikida. It's a cute little keychain of a cat mascot, a souvenir from his short trip outside Yokohama. "It reminded me of you." says the back of the little note. When you look up, he's watching you intently from his desk, and quickly swinging his chair away. Still glancing at you from the corner of his eye, you mouth thank you and you can see how his eyes light up even from the distance as he nods curtly, returning back to his work.
He does it time and again, seemingly effortlessly, setting aflight butterflies in your stomach and a warm feeling in your chest, in a way you've never experienced before. It's the way you reach out and he finds you mid-way, and in the constant trying that makes you more certain than ever.
It's when finally at the end of the day, he changes into his set of coordinated striped pajamas, lets his hair down, takes off his glasses and willingly surrenders into your arms. If you yourself aren't too sleepy, maybe, just maybe, you will hear a tiny whisper, muffled with the way his head is buried in your hair.
You just know he loves you, in his own little strange ways.
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katfox · 4 years
♡ Happy Birthday Jumin ♡
Characters: Jumin x Fem Mc/Reader
Summary: Surprising Juju on his business trip for his birthday, because sometimes he needs a break. ♡
Word Count: 1450+
Jumin was away on business trip and unfortunately it had to be extended, so he was to spend his birthday away from the love of his life. That was a disappointment to him but he had to get this deal go through. He told you the bad news and you start to brew up an idea. A surprise if you will. Surprising him will be the most amazing gift you could ever give him.
You discuss things with Jaehee about helping you with this special surprise, as much as you didn't want to give her more work. She was willing to make an exception for you and take Elizabeth III as well as setting up a flight for you. To be totally honest, you were slightly afraid of how Jumin would react. Sure he might be happy that you came but also worried that something could've happened to you without him knowing. You were to take at least one guard with you any where you went; that's one rule you take with you.
You pack up before heading to the airport the evening before the big day. You were a bit fatigued from the flight but surprising Jumin was worth it. Its 3am, a knock on the door wakes him before he quizzically answers the knock. "Who is it?", the only reply given was "Sir."
He opens the door thinking it's something urgent, "Is everything alright?" He was looking tired and stressed before you popped out from behind your guard, "Happy Birthday Darling~". His eyes light up as he spots you, he couldn't believe his eyes until you hug him tightly. He let's out a sigh of relief as he holds your body close to his before relieving his guard and taking you into his room. He couldn't help scoop you to in his arms before laying you down and snuggling with you for a few hours as you slept. You wake up naturally to the sun beaming down on your body as the love of your life holds you in his arms.
You turn slightly to face him a bit more before planting the softest kiss on his lips. "Good morning darling, Happy birthday." He wakes up with a smile and peppers kisses all along your neck and chest. You blush and couldn't help but giggle softly as you just relaxed in bed with him. It wouldn't last much longer though, Jumin needed to get ready for his morning meeting.
You didn't want him to go but you know you couldn't stop him either, he really needed this deal to go through and you wanted nothing more than to support him in his endeavors. He kisses you once more before having to leave and he heads out to the meeting. You needed to do something special for him, maybe something he has never really done before. You go down to reception with your guard asking if there was anything going on around locally for a fun time. To your surprise there was a carnival fair going on for the next few nights.
Excitedly you start to head back up to the room, "Careful, Lady Han." You tell Jumin the news about wanting to go out with him tonight and he agrees to do anything that brings a smile to your face. All you can do is wait around and get ready for tonight as the guard stays watch outside the room. Jumin made sure that you eat while he's away, he's always checking up on you to make sure you're well. That's one of the reasons why you love him so much.
He comes home hours later and kisses your forehead as he takes off his jacket. You smile up at him and he couldn't refuse kissing you in that moment, it was soft but hungry. He stops himself before he goes to far and offers to take you out for dinner before you take him for his surprise. So you agree, why not have a romantic dinner with your loving husband. He looks through the clothes that you had packed and picks out your outfit for tonight.
He hands you a little black long sleeved dress and picks out your heels, he couldn't resist bowing down to place them on your feet. You get dressed and slip on a pair of pantyhose for some coverage. Jumin slips on your shoes before changing his shirt and losing the tie for a slightly more casual look. You look at him lovingly wondering how this man is even real. He is the most genuine person you've ever met in your life and you'd be utterly lost without him.
"I've made reservations, Darling. Are you ready to go?" He asks in his sultry deep voice that you love so much, "Of course, Honey." He takes your arm in his and walks you to the car his guards follow around and behind. You always feel so safe by his side, its truly amazing how much this man loves every ounce of you.
The ride to the restaurant was calm as he held your hand in his, kissing it gently. That always made you blush and he knew that, even if the atmosphere was too dark to tell. Once at your destination you go inside with Jumin, him behind you to make sure you make it in safely. You were his number one priority so he'd do anything to make sure that you're safe and sound before thinking of himself. Dinner was nice, nothing too overwhelming as he knew you made plans for him afterwards.
After paying the check he takes you by the hand leading you the car. You tell the driver the location as you start climbing into the car while Jumin follows suit. Getting to the carnival was intriguing Jumin as the lights flashed and twinkled through the car windows. You both get out from the car and start heading in to purchase tickets. The guards needed to be on guard so there was no need for them to have any.
While walking around you both try a few fair treats like cotton candy and ice cream sandwiches to share. You have the guards take plenty of cute photos of you both to remember his birthday. He purchased many small trinkets that had caught your attention. Although having told him that it was his day not yours, he still insisted on spoiling you. You thought it was adorable and couldn't help but love him more, he was so generous even though today wasn't about anything but him.
The atmosphere was colorful and romantic, with a hint of sugar and spice in the air from the concessions stands. As you both walked through the carnival you pass by a fee game stands, a giant cat plush catches Jumins eye. He's determined to win it for you, so you watch as he gives it his all in gun war against those vicious little duckies in a row. You couldn't help but give a loving chuckle watching him try with all his might, but this is the Jumin Han we're talking about. After two tries he manages to get them all winning you the huge cat plushie, it was big enough to sit on.
you hug it tenderly before thanking him with the sweetest kiss. You ask if you can go on one ride before the night is over and he agrees without question. You make your way hand in hand to the big ferris wheel and he helps you in careful before getting in himself. While you're getting comfortable Jumin tips the ride engineer to stop you both at the top for a bit. Your journey to the top was slow, quiet as you rested your head against his shoulder.
You felt so happy, so very lucky to have this man in your life after everything you've been though with each other he still treated you like his queen. The cart stops at the top and you start to grow concerned. His hand squeezes yours gently, with warmth and comfort as he reassures you that this was his idea. You smile and relish this moment in the moonlight under the same sky with the man of your dreams. "I love you, Y/N" "With all I am, I love you too." He kisses you sweetly and tenderly.
After everything you end up going back to the hotel room where Jumin offers to bathe you. You shudder slightly as he tends to get much more intimate when he does. You agree happily to tend to his wishes and the night ends blissfully filled with warmth and pleasure as he thanks you the best way he knows how.~
Thanks for Reading
N.A: I'm a few hours late to post, forgive me I was a little sick but I hope you enjoy it. Im sooooooo sorry if I missed some typos. ♡♡
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blankdblank · 3 years
It’s a Mother Flocking Puffin Pt 22
Tumblr media
Use of Karliene: Walk with the Devil. Requested by @deepestfirefun​.
‘Rest up, hope you’re feeling better. Been getting calls and messages all day yesterday and this morning to pass on that everyone will wait as long as necessary for their instruments to be repaired and returned. Your health is imperative.’ Bilbo’s message read loud and clear across your phone screen once you’d been given it from your bag that had kept it safe.
Along with that inquiries from Mal and thanks for saving her from that dagger notices from the social page you were instructed to make to display previews of your artwork for your illustration course to be tagged for the class and school for possible interest from future employers. The only public account you had with scores of messages of well wishes and compliments of the song you had been at the school to record.
Curious of how you did the clip was easily found on the same site your videos for the guys were posted on in the popular news category. The stilled image was you in the booth while the band outside readied to play the tune for you. And to the first note the camera steadied into a slightly better angle to come to rest as your voice came out in an accented Khuzdul flow sounding so awkward to you while others in the comments were praising the song you’d written for the popular fable a production company was currently filming. Snare taps to a drum beat kept the song going while the brass section readied for their role to the melody.
I've never claimed to be a good boy
That lad is long dead
'Cause I got stuck in the wars, Grace
Ones with bullets
And ones in my head
But you made it so
Easy to let go
Now I'm all alone
And the shots are deafening
  A few lines in the footage flickered between you and a montage of sorts, reading a sort of fable linked to your lineage with Melkor’s death and inherited oath to bring down your family passed to the Avari.
  So I walk with the Devil
My rivals best be careful
'Cause when you're already dead
There's no gun at your head
You're finally free
  This one more of a fan video for your saving the day as slowed down enough to get stilled images of your fighting the Avari to when Smaug was released.
  I shook hands with the Devil
Ah this town best be careful
'Cause when you're already dead
There's no rope for your neck
You're finally free
Yeah, I walk with the Devil
  People fled while you ran from the courtyard. More stilled images flickered of the path to the Nursery until more flames destroyed that wing.
  Do you remember that broken man
When you sang your song?
And how you put him back together, girl
With your voice and with your love
  The shop came next up to the trio hoisting up the wind lance ending with the reduction of Smaug to rubies and gold.
  'Cause you made it so
Easy to let go
Now I'm all alone
And the shots are deafening
  The image of Thorin’s elated embrace of you afterwards was held for a good while with banners of wishes for long rules for their interim King and Queen.
  So I walk with the the Devil
My rivals best be careful
Cause when you’re already dead
There’s no gun at your head
You’re finally free
  The final part held a montage of clips from your videos on the progress for building your piano and repair job for the orchestra with words of hope to see what music you would bring into the world in the years to come.
  I shook hands with the Devil
Ah this town best be careful
Cause when you’re already dead
There’s no rope for your neck
You’re finally free
  The combination was a bit awkward of a match to go with the song but you simply took it as the culture variations at play that you simply didn’t see the tying features at not having grown up with their media they were used to. Still shockingly low on the pop culture references here down you scrolled realizing this was a fan video and not how this was put on the news. That footage was five times the length of this video due to the discussion of the anchors and a frozen image on one of the parts of you with what looked to be ice wings coming from your back used for another fan video titled Dragon vs Puffin Queen. Each video you saw continued the pattern of using various parts of the footage until you dipped to something else entirely. One focused solely on the song faces of Dwarves for the video you clicked on showed their shared plea for the production company to use the song you’d written for that fable in their upcoming film stirring a smirk out of you.
At your side you set the phone and again in your bag your hand dipped to fetch your notepad to continue working on a writing assignment formerly due in a week. Emails had been sent that the rest of the week the school was being cleaned with usable portions to continue housing classes while those in the destroyed wings would be moved to other courses. Among the few students on required bed rest and the parents understandably requiring some time off virtual courses were to be given for each applicable with written projects to be assigned weekly for the courses requiring physical attendance to have a grade to place until those lectures could be made up.
All the same you would do all you could to leave little extra stress for your Professors on top of the shift to not have to make up too many assignments. On the other hand however the Professors having heard from the news that the worst injuries you faced were cracked ribs assured you that there was no rush for you to hurry back to class before you were fully healed to not hurt yourself even more in returning before the month was up. Even after the Feast was set to take place to grant you more relaxation time even if your ribs and other troubles were healed by then.
Being with you was priority, though for his urge to stay curled up with you half an hour was what he set aside daily to work on the bunnies for you, maybe more if you had drifted off into a nap. Each day bringing him closer to the finished present he could give to you before the holiday break would come to tick off another marker to your courtship before meeting your clans in person. The first day went easily enough with small naps taken every so often between meals. With the second once you had finished off all your backed up work even a dig for an old needlework kit had taken up a few hours while Thorin had picked up some more loose ends to help carry the equal share of evening out from the fallout. Mainly the management of funds to be allocated to the building crews chosen for repairing the University and landscaping teams which should cover most of the issues for the remainder of the week minus the daily meetings.
A clever idea came from Balin’s wife in her time to bond with you while Dis sat for the official portrait for her, Vili and their children for that release at the end of the week when Thror and Niro would return home to the Palace. Propped on your legs rested on top of two pillows while you were being iced post stop by the Healers to stretch and massage out your still tight leg from hip to toe sat a tablet. With it you eyed the 3d model of the cottage you had chosen that she smirked relaxing that at least in your boredom some work to get more steps completed could be started, and the length of the task could take up ample time to get you through this healing bout of bed rest.
Easily the agreed furry foot stools and the forest green rug like in one of the studies you had seen with different color patterns were added. Tucked in the bedroom was a bed frame you wanted that by a peek into the boys’ room in the rental you shared Thorin might not be against using that frame for your marital bed. Blank boxy white furniture was settled where you wanted to fill spaces to be agreed upon later with the basic rooms first, starting with the living room. White furniture scooted around the room expanding and shrinking around the white rug before you turned your focus to the color of the walls, patterned wallpaper for a few rooms to be looked over by Thorin later surely as it wasn’t just going to be your home it’d be his too.
By the time you moved onto the dining room while your company was off to feed her little girl and put her down for a nap Thorin had come back and smiled ready to relax himself with an ice pack on his shoulder. Right up to your side with a gentle press of his lips to your cheek he wiggled closer, smile splitting wider in notice of what you were up to and the bashful grin on your face at being caught pressing forward on this step alone.
“Decorating to keep you busy?” He hummed gladly with eyes shifting to your face again, the blush on your face lured him inwards to steal another kiss on your cheek. “Let’s see what you have so far.”
“I have the stools we already agreed on, and I was thinking this rug, if those colors work.”
“That is a lovely rug,”
“And I did pick a bed frame like this, if you’d be good with that?”
“My beds have always been like this.” Hastily he wet his lips. “There is a style I imagined for the armchairs in our study and parlor guests won’t be using, just for us, it’s nice and deep,” his fingers on one hand found the style and settled one in place that with a tap of your own you added a second and switched between the colors tugging a smirk across his lips.
“Ooh, I like this grey one.” Once that was placed you said, “Maybe we should pick room colors and papers first.” Starting the task to coloring each room you could leaving the others blank for the time being with a symbolic giant crystal sculpture of Mumakil in the center of those rooms as a symbol to come back to later.
Kili grinned saying, “Now, I am on the camera, countdown, 5,” he hurried over and you giggled at his switching the camera on to record with the mini screen aimed at the three of you. You were tucked up in a plushy armchair with feet up on a furry foot rest with pillows rested behind your back fully warmed by the lit fireplace to your left, Fili was seated on one arm of the chair with Kili for the other. “2,” Back at your free side he came and smiled making you nip at your lip and grin through their usual sign in ready and comfortable for this video the guys thought would be a good check in for the public to say you are on the mend.
Lowly in Khuzdul they both said, “Welcome back to our little corner of the LonelyMountain. Today our salon doors are open to you.”
“ManeMan,” Fili said with a grin before Kili said, “And the GlitterGrizzly” Both bowed briefly making you glance down to shift your legs again, “At your service.” Their hands clapped and the pair settled a hand on the chair back behind your head smiling wider, “And today we are here again with our incredible model SnowBunny.”
In a soft giggle you waved with your now sling free arm glad to have some normal movement from that shoulder again and the pair each brought forward a set of measuring tapes, “Who is so kindly allowing us to measure her for a sketch while she relaxes by her lovely warm fire.”
Kili, “Already from our selection of candles she has chosen her favorite, a lovely warm cider scent.” With a smile he watched Fili play with and light the candle he set up on the mantle behind you.
Fili in sitting down again, “And now that we are assured our model is tucked nice and comfy in this large armchair with blanket, pillows and furry footrest we shall get to the measuring.” Through giggles you let them shift you subtly with tapes covering what was revealed above the blanket and just a long measure of the top of your legs and the tent your feet made on the stool. Each number was recorded on a notepad before the pair smiled moving to the stools set out they showed off smoothing their hands over them lifting the sketch pads and pencils waiting there for both on opposite sides of you to get started on the sketch. Halfway through to another exaggerated show of using their pencils to scale up a part of the sketches Sir Akdâmuthrab came over and climbed his way up onto your lap.
Kili, “Hey! I was almost done!”
Fili chuckled saying to the camera, “Introducing a little Burglar who is intent on stealing the focus of our SnowBunny.”
“Oh he can’t help it, nice and warm and he likes to cuddle since I can’t run away and wake him up,” you giggled out to the Princes who chuckled.
Kili leaned in saying, “Now to just wait for him to settle so I can get his markings right, him and his envious mustache and brows.”
Again you giggled out, “If he keeps up photo bombing we might have to pick him out a bowtie. Something fancy to wear.”
Fili, “Ooh, we could do that, stitch him up some options and have a try out for him to see which he likes.”
Exaggerated sketch sounds and taps on the pads came with your Burglar’s napping stretch granting them a second shot to get him added to the images that at the end they showed off. Once signed off the guys switched the video to edit while around you then posted it with a nice little message for a mini update from the Young Majesty from the Palace. The video had to be done today as the guys were meeting up with their team for a practice before the game this weekend taking them from your company and leaving you to Thorin’s watch once Thror and Niro return.
They were off while you slept soundly in a nap post lunch break, having been helped back to the comfortable mattress by the boys as walking was a bit rough on breathing easily for long distances past the occasional bathroom trip you could manage there and back again on your own.
Thror upon seeing Thorin tugged him into a tight hug, “How are you feeling?”
Niro promptly claimed her own hug widening his grin, “In any pain?”
“I am doing well, bit sore, but more for the massages and realignment from the Healers. Mostly just bruises and scrapes for me.”
Thror, “How is Jaqi? We saw the video the boys posted this morning. Quite early.”
“Jaqi is doing well, slept early, rough to say better or not, ribs are still troubling for her to walk or move too freely with just yet.”
Niro, “Are the Healers with her?”
Thorin shook his head, “No, resting right now, we just had lunch a bit ago.”
She looked over her grandson, “Are you resting?”
“Yes, I’ve been staying with Jaqi most nights unless it’s too late after things that have come up. I don’t want to wake her or make her shift by me joining her in her sleep to hurt her ribs. I am sleeping, just still tired.”
Thror, “Are you off to rest after we do the public hand off of the ring?”
Thorin nodded, “Small nap, then I would like to finish up the touches on the bunnies. Just a few tiny things to double check then it’s waiting until she is healed to have a walk or picnic at least.”
Thror patted him on the back, “That is a relief, come and we will handle this business and you will be demoted again to focus solely on our granddaughter.” Deepening the Prince’s smile on the joint turn from the garage where their jet had let them out to get inside the Palace walls.
All was still locked down on these grounds at least as it would stay out of respect for you to grant you ample protection and trust that you had all the time you needed to recover. While you had been resting the Emperor when not at your side had made a couple trips on the days you were meant to go into the shop to at the very least assure Bilbo that you were all holding up nicely, along with handling a few press updates with simple statements in passing. All that you were improving and following the Doctor’s instructions to continue doing so after a blow to the ribs. They were your main injury that none wished to rush you on as in their required sparring courses rib injuries were abundantly common and known to require a bit of babying to recover from no matter how irritating the bed laying could be. All in all the people were of good spirits knowing ample updates day to day after what could have gone so much worse for everyone involved.
Niro with a smile looped her arm into Thorin’s arm asking, “And what is this I hear about cottage decorations while on your bed rest?”
Thorin chuckled along with Thror, “A tablet was given to keep her distracted, mainly just wall colors and a few rooms down.”
Niro, “It is a start, once the mirrors are taken down off that pillar then we can get to painting and papering the cottage.”
“Put a little something together for you, my Yuula,” the Emperor said rolling you in the wheeled chair to your 3rd spare bedroom now turned into a mini workshop filled with a selection of the 8 double bases and 12 cellos sent from the orchestra the day prior. “I imagined the orchestra pieces might be wanted to complete first.”
Tearily you looked up at him smiling in his lean forward to give you a hug, “Thank you.”
“I know you just want to be productive, the boys helped me sneak these back, well, not much to sneaking, they are huge, but tagged and organized for you. Bilbo said the Violas come in a few days.”
And that was how your little bed rest rebellion began. Resting in your chair the 2 hours and 40 minutes for the bases went by smoothly. Followed by the first half of the cellos for 2 hours until your brunch came in to by followed by finishing off the cellos that were, via text to Bilbo, moved over in the system and to be taken back to the shop to notify the orchestra in a few days to not spoil the surprise. As if they had already been done and simply gotten shuffled down on the call to pick up list traded for the violas in their drop off. As it went the day of rebellion was followed by two mainly sleeping for the ease of the Healers and Durins only for you to wake to the first six of the 12 violas sent in at a time. Two hours was all it took and to avoid another slump like that again you spaced them out through the day before and after meals to grant you a shower and nap to be rested for supper with Thorin.
The Emperor was pleased to say the least that you were restless and somewhat calm, that your fighting spirit hadn’t taken an injury and sorrow or a deep depression had crept in to keep you wishing to stay in bed forever and never leave these palace walls again. Desserts were group affairs with breakfasts on occasion when you were up to be held together, each adding another tick mark to proof that you would be back to normal soon enough.
Tonight however with the shipment of Athelas plants from Gondor he had sent for the Emperor sat up next to you having helped you lay out on your side. With shirt tucked up revealing the painful black bruise of the handle surrounded by a sea or deep indigo bruises from your side branching onto your back matching those on your legs. Soft and tenderly his voice ebbed and flowed from wall to wall in the squeeze of his fingers around the wet cloth draining the excess warm water mingled with the essence of the ground Athelas blooms causing it to begin to glow. Barely touching the skin over your bruise his hand paused at the clench of your side feeling the heat already of the cloth and hand close to touching the painful spot. A healing bath was set to be drawn for you later today but this bruise and fractures had to be seen to first to ease your discomfort before you could soak in a hot bath preventing risks of losing your breath in the tub from the heat.
Down his hand moved to fold around the bruise as kindly as possible for the slow and steady smooth of the cloth down your ribs to spread the healing ointment. Faintly to his song your skin began to glow and between each stroke of the cloth he would remove it to drench it again to coat your skin some more. Every one showing signs that the bruises were lightening, with eyes shut you controlled your breath to grow accustomed to the uncomfortable feeling of the fractured ribs underneath his palm beginning to seal whole again from the painful crack outwards. The sight from the foot of the bed had Thorin’s hand smoothing comfortingly over your ankle and lower leg eyeing each inch of the astonishing bruise covering your torso. Curiously the boys had asked to watch the process and having heard your bruises would heal as well were glad to get your approval for their filming the process.
Black to Indigo the ribs began to give way to a tolerable purple growing fainter to an olive shade where he would guide your body onto your belly. Up to your shoulders the back of your shirt was eased up revealing the back of your front clasped razorback bra in a stand out nude shade he worked around guiding those indigo bruises around the small bandages he uncovered to smooth the ointment over. Those remaining scabs moistened soaking it all in to heal by morning adding to the stunning process relaxing those watching even more at the growing ease you found to move and breathe again.
Down into the now empty bowl the cloth was settled. And over your back the shirt was eased again for his guiding you to sit up cross legged for a series of easy stretches to test your limberness regained again widening your grin knowing that surely after the bath you’d be mostly back to normal after another day of continuing to rest as much as possible. The return to health was much anticipated though glad for more days of cuddles Thorin stayed close. In private as the boys went to watch and edit the footage down to update the people again who had caught sight of one of your bruises before on your leg when a massage was being given to it in a try to help speed it along. The comments almost all focused on how long it might take to have those indigo bruises to heal on your Hobbity self with others of Hobbit lineage sharing their own long battles with bruises.
The videos surely were seen by your clan, who had called Winge and calmed at the delivery on its way to aid in those lingering wounds paining them greatly. Again and again the footage of the attack was viewed by them watching their brave strong lost heir defeating a formidable foe and foiling the anticipated death toll tipped entirely onto the Avari. Aching to have this week over with wishing to have you greet them in this new kingdom you’d yet to travel to that they could show you all of the secrets they had learned in their stay. They could have come to visit but still clung to the fact they did not wish to overstep as if they had been there in your pained moments they would not have left your side until you were back to yourself again while sharing all you had missed and they had been compiling on personal lists for the decades of your absence sure to spill out of them. But it was just another week until you would arrive, having assured them in your video call times at the back end of Winge’s daily updates that you were still coming on time so they didn’t have to change the Feast of Starlight plans.
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Two sock bunnies sat on your table along the wall while tucked in bed with Thorin on top of the covers beside you watched a film. One baby blue with white spots and a white t shirt complete with blue button paired with an identical bunny in grey and white. Much like for you in the past his speech shot right out of his mind and even sore still a tight hug on your part was met by his gentle embrace pleased to have received your adoration on his skills. One loving dinner had been prepared by him and all night he remained close to you with just a break to change to his flannels and return again to stretch out with you enjoying the film he’d chosen, smiling brightly all the while at your place nestled half against his chest using his shoulder as your pillow. In the morning he’d be off to another final wedding being held out in one of the Southern Dwarf Kingdoms that would keep him away a few days. You wouldn’t be sitting around moping, not with classes beginning this week to sit for and instruments to pretend you weren’t fixing.
“I’m telling you Amad I don’t know!” Kili huffed out plopping into a chair bedside his brother’s after having been standing so long to show off his mark dots on the shape of a clover on his wrist now in a darker shade of light gold hinting he’d touched his One.
Dis huffed as Vili said, “Well there has to be a hint on how many people you whacked your wrist into while Smaug was terrorizing the school.”
Kili blurted out, “Well what about Fili?! His mark is on his collarbone they’d have had to go under his shirt why isn’t he getting this grilling when he should no doubt know who touched him underneath his clothes! All I know is we were at the game and our marks lit up, so it’s someone that went to the game!”
Dis said, “No deflecting, we are working youngest to eldest. Now from the first sign Smaug was being let loose who did you come into contact with? As best you can remember. There are two clans to research and contact to begin courtship talks.”
Kili sighed and wet his lips looking at his wrist himself trying to remember. “We just came out of the orchestra session and we were in the breezeway, we saw the team, then dagger was thrown. Smaug came out and we grabbed,”
His eyes went wide as Fili’s did realizing who it might be, both groaning out rubbing their hands over their faces, “Mal.”
Dis looked them over asking, “Ok yes she is on the list we took note of on the security footage there is of this. Why the groan?”
Kili lowered his hands to say, “I grabbed her arm and Fi kept her head between us, when we went to the water I had to help him get her to let go of his shirt.”
Vili, “Ok, good candidate then, why the groan do you not like her?”
They both said, “You don’t date your friend’s friends! Bro Code! She’s Jaqi’s only friend outside the clan!”
Kili shook his head, “Can’t be her,” crossing his arms over his chest.
Fili did the same, “She’d never talk to us again.” His folded arms shifting his shirt to show the side of the pale blue jellyfish shaped dots of his mark once more of an off white than a legible shade of blue at all.
The parents relented and let the boys go with word given to Dwalin through his friendship with Bilbo to ask what clan she belonged to on her Dwarf side. A task leaving them less than satisfied as he said he paid no one to that ‘jumble of nonsense’ her father hailed from and had even himself broken free of to choose the more respectable Baggins clan and name for his own to get a fresh start from the life he rarely spoke of beyond a muttered curse. Leaving just one person to ask for any clue without approaching the young Dwobbit herself.
Pt 23
All –
@himoverflowers​​​, @theincaprincess​​​, @aspiringtranslator​​​, @thegreyberet​​​, @patanghill17​​​, @jesgisborne​​​, @curvestrology​​​, @alishlieb​​​, @jogregor​​​, @armitageadoration​​​, @fizzyxcustard​​​, @lilith15000​​​, @marvels-ghost​​​, @catthefearless​​​, @imjusthereforthereads​​​, @c-s-stars​​​, @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​​​, @mariannetora​​​, @shes-a-killer-kween​​, @ggbbhehe4455, @xxbyimm​​
Hobbit/LotR – @abiwim​, @jotink78​​, @pastelhexmaniac
x Thorin – @evyiione​​, @deepestfirefun​, @queenoferebor​​
X all Rich. A - @abiwim​​, @deepestfirefun​, @thestorybookmistress
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balledjely · 4 years
Weight of the World
Part 4 - Hospital Gowns and Plushies 
A bakugou x reader fic where you’re an apprentice of Ragdoll, from the famous Wild, Wild Pussycats (Part 1)
When you wake up, the first thing you notice is cold white walls of what you conclude is a hospital room. The second thing you notice is Kota leaning from his chair over onto your bed. His head is buried in his arms, and from the slow rise and fall of his chest you can tell he’s asleep. 
Towards the back of your room, you see Mandalay and Pixie-bob, both in their casual clothes. Mandalay quickly shakes Pixie-bob awake. She jumps up quickly, eyes settling on you almost instantly.
You can't help but grin when you see their relieved smiles. You give them a little wave, and you can already tell that you’re much, much better. Your body doesn’t feel heavy anymore and your vision is a lot less blurry. You can feel a little pull as you raise your arm, and you notice the needle for an IV tucked into your hand.
Mandalay wraps you up in a hug as soon as she gets to you. “God, we were so worried…” Your heart hurts and just how upset she sounded.
Behind her, Pixiebob smiles at you. “We’re really proud of how you handled yourself. You’ll be a great hero someday.”
Kota stirs at the noise, gently turning his head away from the three of you. Mandalay looks at him fondly, “He won’t admit it, but he was worried too. He refused to go home last night. I suspect he wanted to be here when you woke up.”
You can’t help but smile. It was nice to know that he cared about you so much. He was always so standoffish, it made you wonder if he even liked you. But despite your doubts, you know that he looks up to you. It’s just hard to see it sometimes.
After a moment, you glance around and your stomach drops. “Where’s Tiger and Ragdoll?” Instantly your mind goes to the worst possible option. What if they were hurt? When you look at the two women beside you frown, panic sets in.
The Pussycats were all you had. If you lost them- if you lost Ragdoll, you didn’t know what you’d do. She took you in, even when your own mother didn’t want you. There was a reason that the Pussycats were here in your hospital room, and not your parents. 
“Ragdoll was captured by the villains, and Tiger was part of the rescue mission,” Mandalay explains. She doesn’t meet your eyes. “They’re both recovering. It’s just some minor injuries.”
Her words do little to calm you down. You sit up quickly, “I need to see them-”
“(y/n)?” Kota’s sleepy voice cuts you off. You must’ve woken him with your sudden movements. When he sees that you’re awake, he gets up and hugs you.
“You’re so stupid!” He yells. He repeats the same phrase over and over, his words devolving into sobs as he clutches your shirt tightly. He buries his head in you chest to hide his face.“You’re stupid.” He whispers, his voice choked with tears.
“It’s okay, Kota. I’m okay. I promise.” You wrap your arms around him, doing your best to comfort him. Your eyes start to water as you realize just how distressed he was by your disappearance. And then it hit you. His parents.
“Hey,” you gently pull him off you so you can look him in the eyes. When you see just how upset he is, your heart breaks all over again. “I’m not going anywhere. I’m always gonna come home to you. I promise.”
He sniffles, trying his best to wipe away his tears. “You can’t promise that.” He mumbles. You smile at him, trying your best to cheer him up.
“I came back this time right?”
He looks away, trying to hide his feelings. He’s too young for that. “I can make you monster ice cream to make it up to you.” You poke his chest, and he huffs. His eyes are still puffy from crying, but he’s smiling, if only a little.
“I’m too old for that.”
You knew he wouldn’t admit to wanting any, so you decide to come up with an excuse for him. “Well, I’ll make some for me, and if there’s extra I’ll leave some for you.”
“Kota?” Mandalay leans down so that she’s eye level with him. “Would you mind if we talk to (y/n) for a moment? Can you wait outside?” His little smile turns into a frown, but he leaves the room, shutting the door behind him.
When you look back to Pixiebob and Mandalay, they look serious. “One of the villains has a quirk that lets them steal other people’s quirks and…” Mandalay trails off, not meeting your eyes.
“Did...are they okay?”
“Ragdoll lost her quirk.” This time it’s Pixiebob who speaks. Even though you knew where this was going, it still hits you like a truck. “And I hate to put this on you now, but I wouldn’t want you to find out from someone else…”
How much bad news could they have?
“We can’t train you anymore.” It feels like the ground is ripped out from under you. Your mind reels, trying to find a way to make this okay. This isn’t the end of the world. At least, that’s what you tell yourself.
Mandalay picks up where Pixiebob left off, “We were only able to train you without a hero permit because we focused on rescues. We didn’t usually face villains, but with this…” She places a gentle hand on your shoulder. You lean into it, her touch making you feel calmer. Mandalay never failed to comfort you. She was like the mother you never had.
The doctors decide to keep you for a few days, just to observe. You’d complain, but you had been severely dehydrated, and the doctor had scolded you for nearly half an hour because he was so concerned for you.
You spent the first day playing cards with Kota and helping Ragdoll pack her things to go home. It was a little upsetting to see her leave before you, but you were mostly glad that she wasn’t hurt. The strong hug she gave you when she finally saw you made you break down in tears. You really did love her. 
The second day, the kids from class 1-A stopped by. Mr.Aizawa formally apologized to you before he let his class enter your room. You weren’t even sure how to respond to him. It wasn’t his fault at all. No matter how many times you told him this, he still felt like he should’ve paid more attention. He didn’t tell you this, but you could tell from his demeanor.
When he gave a sluggish nod to his class to signal it was alright to go inside, Kirishima practically launched himself into your room. Behind him, his classmates were laden with plushies, sweets, and balloons. Mina pushes past Kirishima to wrap you into a tight hug.
“We’re so glad you’re okay.” Yayorozu says gently, as she places a stuffed cat on your bedside table. You can’t help but notice that cat looks very similar to you in your hero costume. Did she make this for me? 
When Mina pulls away, Kirishima wraps himself around you. “Be gentle Kirishima! She’s hurt!” Iida calls from a distance. You wave him off, “I’m fine!” When Kirishima finally lets you go, you tear up at the sight of the class. They’re all there to try to make you feel better. It’s been a long time since you felt that special.
“Oh god we made her cry!” Kaminari whales from somewhere in the back. You shake your head, “You guys are so sweet. I just…” you can’t find the words to describe the warmth you felt inside. “It’s nice.”
“Aww (y/n)!” Mina hugs you again, squeezing you tightly and nuzzling her face into the crook of your neck. You rub your eyes, trying to clear the tears that lingered there.
Down by the side of your bed, you see Mineta. You do your best to not wrinkle your nose at his smell. He was here to visit you, you had to at least be civil.  “Who changed your clothes?” His eyes are wide as he stares at you. You suddenly feel uncomfortable in you hospital gown.
You falter for a moment, trying to figure out how to respond. Thankfully, you don’t have to, because Jiruo picks him up by his weird grape hair and tosses him out. “We should’ve left him behind,” she mumbles.
Izuku places a basket of brownies on a table in your room. “Um, I made them myself so they might not taste that good…” he says sheepishly, flushing red.
Todoroki places a piece of Tupperware beside Izuku’s basket. “I brought cold soba.” He says simply.
“Todoroki you like cold soba.” Tsyuu deadpans.
“Everyone likes cold soba.” He shrugs in response. You can’t help but smile at the class dynamic. It was nice, a cheerful event that you needed to light up your life with all the recent events.
Before anyone gets the chance to chastise Todoroki, you tell them that you also like cold soba and you were glad he brought it. You frown a little when you realize that one person is missing—Bakugou. You were really hoping you’d see him. You thought that you’d bonded through your little adventure, but maybe you were wrong. The thought hurt a little.
The mood gets gloomier when Kaminari mentions practicing with you again. “I, uh… I don’t…” You don’t know how to tell them. “I don’t think that will happen for a while.”
Izuku’s face drops, “Oh, of course. What happened must’ve been traumatic. No one can blame you if you stop trying to be a pro.” His tone is thick with sympathy.
You go to correct him, but you’re cut off by a loud voice from the back. “You’re really gonna let some shitty villains scare you out of being a hero?” You can tell it’s Bakugou even before he pushes his way to the front. “I thought you had potential.”
“Bakugou! You don’t know what-” Uraraka goes to reprimand him, but he cuts her off.
“I do know. I was there.”
“I thought you weren’t coming?” Kaminari makes a pathetic attempt to change the subject.
“Yeah, dude. Maybe you should go.” Kirishima says, stepping in front of your bed to keep you from Bakugou’s view. Kirishima’s usually so laid back, you’ve never seen him this serious. “I don’t think you’re in the right headspace.”
“The fuck did-”
You stumble out of your hospital bed, nearly tripling at the sheets tangled around your feet. You push your way in between them, desperate to try and stop the fight that’s bound to happen.
“It’s okay! It’s okay.” You’re stumbling over your words, trying to get them out as fast as possible. “I’m not going to stop training. It’s just… I can’t work with the Pussycats anymore, so there’s no one to train me. At least until I graduate.”
“Oh, (y/n)...” Uraraka places a gentle hand on your shoulder. You instinctively lean into it. Something about her really comforts you and keeps you from worrying about the tension all around you.
“Yeah, uh, normally they only focus on rescue missions, so I could work with them while being underage and untrained. But, with the villain attack that’s not really true any more.” You explain, rubbing your hands up and down your arms in an attempt to focus on something besides their pity.
You didn’t want to be pitiful.
“Then why don’t you just come to U.A?” Bakugou asks, as if it were a perfectly logical solution. All you can do is stare at him. All of his previous anger had disappeared, leaving his usual annoyed demeanor. “No one in this class can take me head on. I need to fight with someone who can actually do some damage.”
“I…” You can’t find words. Did he just compliment you? You’ve never heard him say anything so nice to anyone. Did he really think you were on his level? That thought alone made your heart pound.
“Bakugou we can’t just offer positions like that! We need to at least talk to Mr. Aizawa.” Iida scolds him, and thankfully gives you more time to sort out your scrambled thoughts.
“We could go ask right now!” Kaminari cheers, already halfway out the door.
“(y/n) is really strong. Surely she could get in.” Tokoyami mutters under his breath from somewhere in the back of the crowd of 1-A students. Agreement comes from all of them, and embarrassment floods through you at the praise coming from all sides.
“I mean, is this something you want?” Iida asks you. You hesitate, wondering if you should even get your hopes up. It would be wonderful to be able to continue becoming a pro hero, but U.A was a prestigious school. And would they even let you join so late in the year?
“I’d like to try,” You decide.
The class cheers. Mina excitedly goes on about having you in her class, and all the fun things you could do. Bakugou hides a small smile that only Todoroki catches. 
Intrigued by the sudden noise, All Might peers into your hospital room. He was originally going to wait for the class to clear out, as not not overwhelm you, but now he was interested in what all the fuss was about.
You weren’t the first to notice him, too busy teaching Tokoyami, Aoyam, and Shouji how to play a card game that you and Kota had invented. The cards came from Tsuyu’s bag. In the few days you’ve known her, you’ve learned that she’s prepared for everything. Mina and Momo crowded around you, watching the game intently.
Izuku and Uraraka were over by the door, so they were the first to notice him. “Ah! All Might! We were just talking to (y/n) and…” he pauses as he tries to figure out what to say. “Well, the Pussycats can’t train her anymore, so we wanted to know if she could come to U.A?”
You lower your gaze back to the cards in your hand, suddenly feeling guilty about putting this on him so suddenly. But, to your surprise, he doesn’t even seem fazed. In fact, he seems excited.
“Well, I can’t really make that decision, but I’ll talk to Nezu and Aizawa about it!” He gives you such a wide smile that it makes you blush. “However, she would have to take an entrance exam, like the rest of you. I’m not sure they would set all that up for just one student.”
“Well, we could use the provisional license exam as the test.” Izuku mutters under his breath, deep in thought. He grins. “That could work, right?”
All Might beams. “That would be perfect! I’ll talk to them right away to set this up for you, young (y/n).”
Needless to say, the class erupts into chaos. Everyone is celebrating, shouting with excitement. So much so, that when Aizawa reappears, he reprimands All Might for letting things get this out of hand. After that, the class is ushered out of your room, with Aizawa promising to contact you about your position at UA.
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apriorisea · 4 years
BTS reactions when you’re on your period pls?? 💕
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--Very popular request~! 😅Here’s my take on this situation, I hope you enjoy!!! 💜💕
It doesn’t matter what time he gets off work or how exhausted he is: on the first day, he ALWAYS comes home with a variety set of ice creams.
He always gets every single flavor you love, and then one or two bonus flavors that he thinks you might like.
If he happens to be on tour during your week, he orders delivery ice cream to your door.
When you ask him to please bring you home some products, not only does he easily agree, but he never, ever forgets exactly which kind you need and what your favorite brands are.
all. the. snacks.
He takes your random cravings like a challenge.
Chocolate? Obviously, here’s a bag filled with a carefully curated selection. Pizza? Which toppings? Something salty? Pretzels, crackers, potato chips, popcorn--can’t decide? Have all of them in a tasty mix. Sweet? Here: lots of jellies, hard candies, sours, gummies---but none as sweet as you, Princess.
Sometimes you can’t pinpoint exactly what you’re craving, but it doesn’t faze him at all: he won’t stop bringing you food until he finds exactly what you’ve been craving.
He’s always very loving when he’s with you, but when it’s that time of the month he’s even sweeter.
Lots of soft kisses.
He speaks very softly and kindly.
Usually he loves to tease you, but when you’re extra sensitive like this he holds back, only showering you with compliments and praise and sweet words.
You are a strong, independent woman 3 out of the 4 weeks every month, but for that one week, you are so needy.
And he LOVES it.
He loves nothing more than taking care of you.
And though he’d never admit it, he loves to feel needed, loves it when you want to be his shadow, when you can’t get enough of his calming presence.
Because of this, he always plans ahead for the week so that he can be as available as possible.
He wraps you up in one of his favorite oversized hoodies without you even having to ask.
snuggles. for. days.
He’ll sit on the couch with you for hours, holding you close and playing idly with your hair.
He cuddles you while you watch TV or Netflix together, or read, or listen to music.
You frequently fall asleep in his arms like this and he doesn’t move at all because he doesn’t want to disturb you.
On the weekends when he still has to go to work, he always asks you to come with him, because he knows you really want to be wherever he is but you don’t want to feel like a burden.
You curl up on the couch in his studio while he works, content just to be near him.
But sometimes he softly calls you to come over and cuddle in his lap for a while, so he can take little breaks from working to kiss you.
He’s always aware of your needs and wants, but he’s especially protective of you during this time because he knows how vulnerable you feel and how much you hate feeling like that.
Day 2 is always the worst: you feel exhausted and queasy and crampy and just miserable, so unless he’s out of the country on tour, he always finds a way to spend the whole day with you.
He’s very familiar with and understanding of your mood swings.
He’s really good at just rolling with them.
When you get mad over little things, he’s ready to listen to you rant, take your side, and fight your battles for you (if need be).
Any time you get upset, he holds you tight and presses soft kisses to your forehead while you cry.
If you’re just feeling a little down, he will do whatever it takes to cheer you up. 
all. the. goofy. youtube. videos.
He happily turns into your “gopher:” he’ll bring you meals and snacks to where you’re huddled on the couch, grab your phone charger or laptop from the bedroom, get up to put in your favorite DVD, and do whatever other little tasks or errands you need done.
Sometimes when you’re really in a funk, he gently insists on going for a walk. 
One arm perpetually wrapped around your waist, he takes you to your favorite park.
The two of you meander through the flower gardens and people-watch, take in the fresh air, watch the cute kids and dogs playing together on the grass, and he always insists on pushing you on the swings until you’re breathless with laughter. 
Even though you’re resistant at first, you always feel a little better after.
He tucks you into bed and holds you until you fall asleep, whispering promises that tomorrow will be easier and you’ll feel a little better.
He absolutely hates seeing you in pain, so one of the things he’s always very aware of is your painkiller timetable.
Every 5 hours he either shows up with a Tylenol/Ibuprofen tablet in hand or texts/calls you to remind you to take one. 
Sometimes it can get on your nerves how militant he is about it, but all it takes is one time of you deciding not to listen to him and suffering a seriously bad cramp attack and you swear to yourself you’ll never begrudge his strict schedule again.
He’s always offering to bring you liquids: water, juice, soda, lemonade, coffee, tea, hot choco, etc.
Whenever you agree to one, he delivers it with a long kiss.
all. the. heating. pads.
He can’t for the life of him remember exactly which products you need, but has no shame going on a few different trips to the store until he gets exactly what you want. 
Sometimes he just grabs one of every kind just to make sure.
While he’s on one of these store-runs, he always grabs a couple of your favorite candy bars.
He’s really good at distracting you from how awful you feel by talking with you.
One of your favorite things to do together is discuss ideas, books, movies, music, etc, and somehow he always knows the perfect topic to bring up when you just need to take a break from feeling crappy. 
Frequently he’ll start a discussion and then pull you into his lap, rocking you slightly while the two of you talk. 
His highest priority is making sure that you are as comfortable and in as little pain as possible; he literally has a hard time focusing on anything else if he thinks you are in even the slightest bit of discomfort. 
He’s always in awe of how you manage to go about life as usual while your insides are basically trying to kill you.
So his only goal is to pamper you as much as possible.
He always asks you to take some time off work so you can just relax; when you laughingly refuse, he pouts a little, but turns his focus to making sure you’re as relaxed and comfortable as possible when you finally get home.
He always has a hot bath waiting, filled with bubbles and surrounded by candles and music.
When you get out, he wraps you in the fluffiest robe and braids your hair so you don’t have to waste time or energy by drying and styling it. 
He turns on your favorite movie and settles you in front of him on the bed so he can massage your shoulders.
all. the. kisses.
If he happens to be gone during this time, he sends you little care packages so you can survive the week on your own. 
They’re always filled with chocolate, bath bombs, plushies, and candles.
He sends you flowers every day
and an “I love you” text every hour.
He does everything for you---you don’t have to lift a finger for anything.
Constantly tells you how amazing you are.
Essentially, he wants to baby you all the time, but he sees this week as the perfect excuse to do it even more.
Gets the wrong products every. time.
Every time he offers to go, you tell him the names of the preferred products 3 times, you describe the shape of the boxes, the colors, the font, etc etc.
After he’s left, you usually text him a picture of the preferred product just to be sure.
But none of this matters: he still comes home with the wrong thing.
However, it’s usually because once he gets to the store, he gets really focused on finding other things to make you feel better.
He always, always returns with chocolate or ice cream or pie, a bouquet of flowers, a cute new plushy, a few bags of junk food, a new beauty product, and your favorite pack of gum, so you don’t get too mad.
all. the. presents.
As soon as he realizes he’s messed up (again) he rushes right out to get you what you need and the second time’s the charm.
He’s really good at recognizing when you just need to have a cryfest and get it all out, so he puts on sad movies and snuggles up with you in bed.
Holds you tight and wipes your tears away.
He really does try to brighten your mood, whether by ridiculous jokes and stories, cute gifts, or fun surprises.
But one of the things he’s best at is listening to you complain.
Anything you’re upset about, whether it’s rational or irrational, he listens intently, egging you on with the perfect incensed reactions and incredulity.
Afterwards, he kisses you softly and reminds you how wonderful you are, just to get you to smile again.
One of the things that helps ease your cramps is exercise.
It also makes you feel a little less murdery.
Fortunately, you’re with someone who also loves to exercise.
It doesn’t matter how exhausted he is after long days of rehearsal and performances, he always helps you lace up your running shoes and gamely wears the matching baseball caps he bought that say “Just Do It” before the two of you head out the door again.
all. the. exercise.
Walks, runs, hikes, bicycle rides, jogging---he will go with you as often as you want.
Sometimes this means more than once a day, and yet he never complains or drags his feet. (his competitive side kicks in and he usually instigates some sort of race or challenge)
Sometimes the pain is too much, and you end up hunched over the toilet, dry-heaving when there’s nothing left in your stomach: he always holds your hair out of your face, rubs your back, kisses your temple, and then hugs you tight when you’re left weak and exhausted.
He knows that you feel really unattractive during this week, so he subtly (and not so subtly) praises you shamelessly.
Out of nowhere, he’ll wrap an arm around your waist and pull you close, rest his forehead against yours and tell you how beautiful you are.
He takes any and every excuse to kiss you.
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atomic-taco-muffin · 4 years
I Love You Chapter 7
Warnings: More angst! 
Note: I have a headcanon that the Sea Salt Ice Cream Trio can still use the dark corridors. Also I got kinda lazy writing the dialogue.  
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Sora kept visiting you while undercover. He kept wanting to see you and make sure you were okay. You looked okay, but he knew in his heart you were lost and scared. He was playing with you when Roxas spotted you two. Roxas pulled Sora out of your room and into a corner of the room.
“Sora?! What the hell are you doing? You’re not supposed to be here!” Roxas whisper-yelled. 
“I need to see her. I can’t sit here and wait. I have this feeling that the Organization has hurt her.” Sora said. 
“Again. You’re not supposed to be here.” 
“I don’t care. I needed to see her. She’s my daughter.” 
“Still. You don’t have control over your Keyblade again. How are you going to save her if you can’t wield it anymore.” 
“Look. I already lost her mother. I can’t lose her too.” You heard their conversation and started to feel dizzy. You were about to faint when Sora caught you. The light coming off from Sora and Roxas was too much for you. Sora felt your forehead.
“Crap! She has a fever.” he said. Sora picked you up and walked out of the room. 
“Where the hell are you going?” Roxas asked. 
“Home. Where she belongs.” 
“God. You are so stubborn.” Roxas opened up a dark corridor and Sora, you, and Roxas went through it. 
“Who...who are you?” You asked frowning. He tells you to just rest and that everything will be okay. When they exited, they ended up back on Destiny Islands. Sora was walking home when he heard you ask him a question.
“Am I going to be with momma?” You asked frowning. You felt horrible. Your fever was bad and your heart was hurting. 
“No you’re staying with me cupcake.” Sora said kissing your head. 
“Cupcake? Why are you calling me that? I barely know you.” You said frowning. It hurt him seeing you like this and not remembering him. Before Sora could answer you, you fell asleep. He kissed you gently on the head. Soon Sora was surrounded by Organization members. 
“I’ll take care of her for you.” Xemnas used his powers and took you from Sora’s arms.
“Xemnas! Let her go! Give her back! Take me instead!” Sora yelled.
“Look at you. You’re weak. I didn’t think that your own daughter...could be your greatest weakness.” 
“She’s not my weakness! She’s my light! She make me strong!”
“Guess what...she isn’t yours anymore. She belongs to us now. Take him away!” 
“Xemnas! Give her back!” Sora screamed as he took you away. He and Roxas ended up in a prison cell. This place was locked up tight. No one could use the keyblade in here. It could only be opened up from the outside. But the thing was...that everyone got caught. Himself. Roxas, Lea, Xion and Saix. They each had their own cell. Sora sat down on the bed that was provided. Sora looked in front of him. You were sitting across from him. You were kinda out of it. Sora didn’t care about the chains that held him back or the if he thought he was going crazy. With all of his might he tried to reach out to you. 
“(Y/n)! Please come here! Come to daddy!” Sora yelled. You didn’t move. 
“Cupcake please!” Sora reaches out to you. All in fail...that’s right he failed you. He was supposed to protect you with his life. But failed. 
“Cupcake....please.” Sora whispered. He didn’t care if this wasn’t the real you. He just wanted to protect you. He broke down again and started crying. He saw you try to hide your feelings again. You were crying because you lost and alone and hiding in the corner. Sora wanted his happy Cupcake back. But now, it seemed impossible. 
Xemnas laid you down on your bed and tucked you in. When he left the room, he ordered Vexen to get some medicine for you. That night you had a dream. You looked into your dad’s office hugging the poster. It was for a daddy daughter dance. They were going to serve dinner,desserts and have music. You really wanted to go. You knocked on his door. He noticed that you were in your favorite princess costume. 
“Daddy? Will you please go with me to the dance?” You asked him. He took the poster from you and said. 
“Why I would love to. Your majesty.” He bowed. You remembered dancing with him and he hugged you. He looked at you. You are so beautiful like your mom. As he hugged you and swayed. He asked himself were you anything like him? In the dream you didn’t quite recognize the person that you were dancing with. It was kinda a blur. However you loved your dream anyways. This person made you smile. You woke up the next day, still having a fever. Xemnas came in to check in you. 
“Hi, Pumpkin. How are you feeling?” he asked. 
“Horrible.” you groaned. 
“Aw, I’m sorry, Pumpkin. Xemnas felt your forehead and it you were burning up. 
“You’re burning up, Pumpkin. I’ll be right back.” Xemnas left to grab to an ice pack. He came back and gently placed it on your forehead. 
“Vexen gave you some medicine to take.” Xemnas said. 
“It’s gonna taste gross, though.” 
“I know. But it will help make you feel better.” 
“Okay.” You took the medicine and washed it down with some water you had. After a few days, you were starting to feel better. Over the next week everyone was scrambling around. You asked your Xemnas what’s going on. That was when he told you that you’re special and you are going to help them. But they had to have to crown you princess. 
“But I thought I was already a princess?” You asked frowning.
“You are. But this is a special ceremony so that you can work with me.” 
“This has to be a surprise, so go play in your room till we’re ready okay?”
“Okay, daddy!” You skipped to your room and played with your dolls. 
Meanwhile Sora tried to sleep but couldn’t stop wanting to hug you. You walked up to him. 
“(Y/n)....” Sora said hugging you. 
“I’m lost. Who do I belong to?” You cried confused. 
“You’re mine Cupcake.” Sora said kissing your head.
“Are you sure? Because this isn’t what I really look like....maybe you mistook me for someone else.” You said. That was when he realized. That he was seeing you how he remembered you. The real you was lost,scared and lone. Yuki decided to pay Sora a visit and was loving every second of his suffering. He tossed a tray of food to Sora. It wasn’t your average glop. It was your favorite food with a cupcake as dessert. It was to torture Sora even more and it worked. He told Sora the plan to bring back Xehanort. Sora said if they use your powers of time that your body wouldn’t be able to handle it well. Because you’re only a child.
“I don’t care. I got what I always wanted. Revenge. Look at you. You’re weak.” Yuki said.
“You’ll pay for what you’ve done to my daughter.” Sora yelled as Yuki left. Sora was going to get out of here and save you.
The next  day you were playing in your room you decided to look at books. As soon as you grabbed the book a passageway opened. “What’s in here?” You wondered and you crawled into the passageway and slid down the silver slide. You found a hallway full of cells. You smelled your favorite food and followed the scent. It was coming from a cell. You shouldn’t be doing this. But the person in the cell was crying and looking at a photo. He looked very sad. 
“Why are you crying?” You asked. Sora thought that he was just missing you again. But you opened the cell and you approached him. You grabbed his hand. His hand was cold. 
“You’re freezing.” You said giving him your favorite princess cloak. 
“Here.” You said putting it around him. He didn’t say a word. Thinking that he was going crazy. 
“Would you like a hug?” You asked him. He looked up. You didn’t look like his cupcake. You had gold eyes and silver hair. But yet he recognized your heart and your kindness. 
“I have some lollipops would you like one?” You asked. Sora nodded. 
“I have six on me. Oh sorry I forgot your friends.” You said walking out and giving one to everyone. You returned him and gave him a cherry lollipop. You were really here. He couldn’t believe it. You didn’t quite know who he was because it was kinda dark in there. You sat down next to him as you licked your lollipop. You told him about the party coming up in a few weeks. He told you that you shouldn’t listen to them. 
“But why? They’re going to make me their princess. I’m ready for the responsibility.” You said. 
“Listen they’re going to hurt you. They only want you for your powers. Cupcake...” Sora said patting your head. You were confused by him calling you that. You had to leave. But in the middle of the night you went into the kitchen to get food for that sad man. And his friends. You even brought your favorite story book. So you could read to him. Only he read it to you. He did a really funny pirate voice. You giggled and smiled. A smile that he longed to see. You told him that your “dad” never did funny voices like that. Sora hugged you and you felt safe in his arms. This confused you a lot. You didn’t feel this way when you were with your dad. So you got out of the hug and went back into your special room and fell asleep with your favorite doll. The Sora plushie. It looked a lot like the person you saw earlier. But you were still confused about why you liked playing with that sad man. You wanted the party, but you thought about what the man said. You soon fell asleep wanting to be with your new friend again. 
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nextchae · 5 years
stray kids reaction — you’re sick
Your boyfriend was insanely busy and you knew that. Which is one of the reasons you didn’t immediately tell him when you began feeling ill. He had things to do and places to be, and he barely even had time to see you normally. He couldn’t afford to spend time helping you get better or even worse, get sick himself. So, in your efforts to be a thoughtful significant other, you didn’t tell him you were sick; however, it wasn’t long before he found out. Being friends with all the boys did, sometimes, have its drawbacks.
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He wasn’t one to be overly dramatic with much, like ever really. So when he entered your home to see you sprawled out on your bed looking quite uncomfortable, he handled it very maturely. Maybe just a little whiny because you didn’t tell him.
Without speaking a word, he sat down his stuff and checked your forehead temperature with the back of his hand. Then, without hesitation, began pulling out loads of medicines and treatments for you. Honestly, you were speechless.
“How did you- who- I’m okay!” You stumbled all over your words before finally spluttering out nonsense.
He turned his head to give you a look, raising an eyebrow at your flustered figure.
“You’re okay? You’re burning up. Have you even taken anything?..” he continued on, as if he were your mother scolding you.
You shook your head, looking down at the bed like a sad puppy. He sighed, handing you a couple of pills and opening a bottle of water for you.
A pleased look etching itself onto his face after watching you take the medicine, he got into the bed beside you.
“No! You’ll get sick!” You exclaimed, attempting to squirm away from him.
“That’s okay. Then you can just be my nurse too” he grinned smugly, pulling you into his chest.
bang chan
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As soon as he received the news that you weren’t feeling well from one of the boys he rushed over to your place like a madman. He threw together a bag of, mostly random and useless, things and was entering your place within minutes honestly.
You jumped as he busted through the front door, quite unexpectedly of course. Draped over the couch in very minimal clothing, your cheeks grew hot at your boyfriend’s presence. He didn’t care though, as he immediately threw down his bag and began rambling and asking you questions.
“So you’re talking medicine every four hours and monitoring your temperature? Have you eaten? Do you feel dizzy or nauseous or-“ he was cutoff, though, as you just had to interrupt him.
“I’m fine Chan, probably just a bad cold” you laughed quietly at his frantic worrying and simply moved over to allow him a space to sit on the couch.
He waited a second then sat beside you, not before asking you if you really were okay at least ten times more.
“Yes I’m really fine!” You laughed, still attempting to distance yourself though. “Don’t get too close though, I’m probably contagious”
“Okayy” he replied, obviously lying as he draped an arm around your shoulders to pull you closer to himself.
lee know
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Poor baby had no idea what to do. He debated even coming over because he knew he’d be of no help whatsoever, but he couldn’t just leave you by yourself.
You did had to admit that you were a little confused when he showed up with just an ice pack, though, but you laughed it off.
“Are you, um, like really sick?” He asked, his eyes wide at the sight of your pale skin and slightly sweaty forehead.
“I’ve felt worse” you answered, attempting to reassure your frightened boyfriend. “Here, you can sit” you said, patting the empty bed beside you. “That is, if you’re okay with probably getting sick too”
You took his eager and non hesitant leap into your bed as an okay.
“I’m not good with medicine or remedies or anything like that. Chan usually does that kind of stuff” he snickered, wrapping his arms tightly around you. “But I can try and help you feel better with hugs. Is that okay?”
You smiled, nearly melting at the sweetness of your boyfriend. “Definitely” you replied, kissing his knuckles.
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“That’s gross” Changbin said from the doorframe of your bathroom, watching as you finished heaving up what was left of your last meal.
You rolled you eyes, standing up and flushing the toilet, but immediately feeling quite dizzy.
“Woah, okay” he gasped, leaping to catch your wobbly figure before you were to slip up and fall.
Helping you from the bathroom to your bedroom, he gently sat you on the bed before rushing off to grab a wet towel and some water. He returned in just a few minutes and dabbed your forehead with the towel, worry evident in his eyes.
You whined, looking up at your boyfriend with a pout. “Cuddle with me” you pleaded.
“I don’t want to get sick!” He exclaimed, having to look away from your face to say so.
“You wouldn’t have come if you cared about getting sick” you stated, raising an eyebrow at the male.
He groaned before flopping in the bed beside you, pretending to wince as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
You beamed, quite satisfied with your work of getting him to cuddle. That wasn’t an easy feat.
“I love you way too much, Y/N”
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You were completely knocked out from sheer exhaustion, but the cold medicine you had taken probably just added to it as well. So, being completely asleep, you didn’t notice your boyfriend enter your room or much less your home. Not until a series of faint breaths tickled your face and caused you to finally wake up.
You sat there for a second before jumping back, obviously startled at your boyfriend’s face only inches away from your own.
“Hyunjin!” You yelled, trying to calm down yourself.
“Sorry, I was just trying to make sure you were still breathing” he spoke sheepishly, immediately taking a step back.
“I was just sleeping” you said, though you couldn’t help but giggle at his obvious concern. It was cute, and you had to admit that.
“I brought these” he murmured after a second, reaching back to show you a plethora of your favorite candies. More than you could eat for a long time, but you knew he definitely wouldn’t mind taking some off of your hands. “I can stay, right?” he then asked, his eyes big and twinkling with hope.
You smiled, leaning up to peck him on the cheek.
“I’ll, take that as a yes” he laughed and then proceeded to tackle you in a hug.
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“Oh my gosh!” Jisung screamed upon entering the kitchen and finding you on the ground.
To be fair, it probably did look bad at first. You laid out in the middle of your kitchen, but honestly you weren’t that sick. You had just been in the kitchen looking for a snack, that you could actually keep down, when a dizzy spell hit you and of course that was right before he entered.
Before you could even speak though, Jisung was leaning over you with wide eyes.
“Did you pass out? Did you hit your head? Are you okay? Can you see how many-“ he was cut off by you causally sitting up and looking him in the eyes.
“I’m okay, just a little dizzy” you reassured him.
“So you’re not dying?”
“Why would I- no Jisung I’m not dying”
He nodded then pulled out a stuffed animal from behind his back and placed it in your hands. It was a cute little squirrel holding a red heart that said “feel better!”.
You gasped at the sight of the plushie, you’re eyes sparkling as you beamed up at him.
“It’s you!” You exclaimed, poking at his cheek.
“Mhm” he smiled, helping you up and to the couch.
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“Y/N!” Felix yelled as soon as he walked through your front door, eagerly looking around for your whereabouts. He had heard from one of the boys that you weren’t feeling well, but he didn’t know the extent of your illness.
You tried to weakly call out an answer from where you were slumped in your bathroom, but you could barely speak above a whisper. It didn’t take him a few seconds, though, to peer around the corner of the doorframe and find your crumpled figure.
“Oh, jagi” he murmured, kneeling in front of you. “How long have you been here?” He asked, sadness inevitably dripping into his words.
“About an hour” you answered quietly, not wanting to upset him anymore.
He wanted to ask you why you didn’t call him, but truthfully he knew the answer. Still though, he wished sometimes that you would think about yourself more than him. He didn’t say anything more, just simply picked you up gently and brought you to your bed.
“Do you need anything?” He asked, brushing hair away from your warm forehead.
You shook your head, but frowned as he climbed into the bed beside you.
Seeming to read your mind, he said “Don’t worry about me. Let’s get you feeling better first”.
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You hadn’t been feeling well a lot lately. Not because you were unhealthy or didn’t take care of your body, but you actually had a condition which caused your ears to ring and disrupt your daily life. Typically it was manageable though and Seungmin barely even knew about it, but your recent stress and heavy workload had caused it to start flaring up.
Honestly, there wasn’t much you could to help it either. You just took the day off from school and tried to occupy the time by texting some of the boys. To be noted though, you never actually told any of them that you weren’t feeling well. It was just odd for you to miss school, which is what was a red flag for Seungmin.
Feeling your phone buzzing by your side, you figured it was your boyfriend. So seeing his name pop up was no surprise.
“Hello?” You answered, still sat in your bed.
“Hey I’m uh, coming over” he said after a second.
“What why? I’m fine Seungmin, I just wanted to take the day off”
“I’m at your door” he said immediately. “Can you come open it? I forgot the key”.
You jumped up, your ears still badly ringing as you swung open the front door to reveal a slightly sweaty Seungmin.
“Did you run here?” You asked, almost speechless.
“Maybe” he answered with a shrug, entering before closing the door behind him. After a moment he asked “is it the, um, ear thing?”.
You nodded, but not before trying to convince him you were okay and he didn’t have to stay.
“Let’s just watch a movie and relax or something, okay? I need a break from the dorm too” he said, to which you finally agreed.
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Seeing you leaned over the sink splashing cool water on your face, he slowly crept up behind you. Which of course you didn’t see until you looked up at the mirror.
You yelled and jumped, instantly turning around to see your grinning boyfriend.
“What are you- why did you- you scared me!” You finally exclaimed, leaning back against the countertop as you tried to steady your breathing.
“I know” he shrugged, raising an eyebrow. “You’re sick?”
“Sort of. I have a fever, but it’s slowly going away”
He nodded, scratching his chin in thought. “So you probably don’t need to go to the hospital?” he asked.
“Probably not” you answered slowly, curiously eyeing the boy.
“Alright good. I hate those places. Also just so you know I don’t really know what to do with sick people so I, uh, brought Woojin hyung” he said after a second, Woojin also stepping out of nowhere and into the doorframe.
Looking at the other male for a minute, you quickly busted out into laughter.
“You’re so cute!” You exclaimed, causing your boyfriend’s cheeks to slight heat up. “Oh yeah, I’m fine Woojin so you don’t have to help”
Woojin leaving after a quick conversation, you looked back to your boyfriend standing in front of you.
“Come on” you laughed, pulling him into your living room.
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Thanks for requesting! Requests are currently open!
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mfingenius · 5 years
Hello!! Love love loveeeee your writing so i’d like to request a prompt pleaseee: worried harry having to leave a pregnant draco to go to some ministry conference with hermione for a few months and his jaw drops when he comes back because he knows he asked a reluctant ron to look after draco but even he can’t understand the weird friendship the two developed while him and hermione were gone!! (idk whether you did mpreg so you don’t have to include that part if you don’t want to ^.^!)
“Ron, please,” Harry says pleadingly. He already has his bags packed, and the Portkey leaves in less than twenty minutes. Ron can hold off for another twenty minutes.
“No,” Ron says again, crossing his arms. “Look, mate, you may have forgotten this, but Malfoy and I don’t get along! And he’s more responsible than either of us! He doesn’t need a babysitter!”
Harry grimaces. “Please, Ron, I need this favor.”
Ron huffs and shuffles uncertainly. Only fourteen more minutes.
“Why?” He asks, exasperated. “You’ve left Malfoy alone before, you’ve never asked me to watch him. And what does that even mean, watch him? He’s twenty one! I’m not going to distract him with a plushie and send him to bed early!”
Draco would kill him if he tried that, Harry knows. He chews on his lower lip. 
Draco hadn’t wanted to tell anyone that he was pregnant yet; Harry isn’t exactly sure why, but he has a list of possible reasons: they’re young, they’re not married, his parents will murder him. Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy have begrudgingly accepted the fact that they were dating, but if Harry tells Lucius Malfoy that he knocked up his son - effectively getting them kicked out of the Sacred Twenty-Eight list - and that they’re not getting married before the baby’s born - Harry’s been wanting to marry Draco for almost the three years they’ve been dating, and, if he’s honest, he’d do it in sweatpants in their couch and be the happiest man in the world with it. Draco, however, wants a proper wedding - Harry thinks he has a pretty good chance of Malfoy actually putting a price on his head. 
Harry’s own parents already know - they’re thrilled - and so do Parkinson and Zabini. Draco had agreed when Harry had asked if he could tell Hermione and Ron, but he did so so reluctantly that Harry hadn’t done it yet.
He thinks this might be the time, though.
“Draco’s pregnant.” He blurts.
Ron’s eyes widen, and he looks so horrified Harry doesn’t know whether to be amused or offended.
“Pregnant?” Ron asks. 
“Yes,” Harry says.
“With your child?”
“As in, you’re going to be parents together?” 
“So you’re not breaking up with him?”
“Fuck. I owe Hermione ten Galleons.”
“Hey!” Harry says. “You bet we’d break up?”
Ron waves it away impatiently. “Malfoy’s pregnant pregnant?”
“Yes,” Harry says, a little impatiently now. “Look, it’s only - he’s only four months along, and we didn’t want to tell anyone until halfway through the pregnancy.” Draco had made that choice. He’d been terrified of losing the baby, even if they’d both been told, by multiple healers, that not only was Draco in prime condition to have a baby, but that they both looked healthy and strong. “But I - I’m worried about him. I don’t want him alone for so long.”
Ron narrows his eyes at Harry, and then huffs, rolling his eyes. 
“Fine.” He says. “But you will pay for the therapy sessions I will surely need after I spend time with your boyfriend!”
“I promise,” Harry vows.
When Draco opens the door to find Ronald Weasley standing in front of it glaring at him, he wrinkles his nose.
“What are you doing here, Weasel?” He asks, fighting the urge to hex the redhead when he merely scowls and moves past him, right into Draco’s and Harry’s flat. “I don’t need a babysitter.”
“That’s what I told Harry.” Weasley says, rolling his eyes and dropping on the couch. “But he made me promise.”
“So?” Draco asks, waving it away. ”Tell him you did it, I’ll say the same, and he never has to find out.”
“I’m not lying to my best friend.” Weasley says pointedly.
Draco rolls his eyes. “Bore.”
He closes the door and curls himself onto the big blue armchair that he loves, picking up the book he’d been reading.
Weasley looks around for a few minutes.
“What is there to do here?” he asks, looking at the telly wearily.
Draco doesn’t answer.
“Is your book interesting?”
No answer.
“Are you - err - alright?” 
Draco curses under his breath and looks up.
“You know.” He says, deadpan.
“I don’t know anything,” Weasley says hastily.
“You know that I’m pregnant.” Draco says. “And it’s why you’re being nice to me.” Weasley doen’t deny it. “Well, cut it out. It’s weird.”
Weasley scowls. “Fine.”
He drums his fingers against the coffee table.
“And shut up.” Draco snaps.
Ron’s been staying at Harry’s - because he can’t think of Harry’s as Harry’s and Draco’s yet - for a few days in utter and complete silence. Malfoy doesn’t talk to him, and Ron doesn’t try to start conversation either. Ron doesn’t think he’s ever gone this long without saying a word. The only break he gets from it is when he goes to work at the Aurors’, and even that somehow seems to be going through a quiet and boring lull.
Because of it, he’s surprised when Malfoy throws his coat at him.
“Oi!” He says indignantly.
“Put it on,” Malfoy orders. “We’re going to the Healer’s.”
Ron immediately shoots up from his seat.
“Why?” He asks, alarmed. Fuck, if something happens to Malfoy while Harry is away Ron doesn’t know what he’ll do. “Are you alright? Does something hurt? Is the baby okay?”
“Yes, no, and I wouldn’t know.” Malfoy says. He shifts from foot to foot stiffly. “It’s my monthly appointment. For the - pregnancy.”
Ron spends an entire minute frozen, stunned. Is Malfoy asking him to go with him to a place where Ron doesn’t have to go? Could it be?
“Harry always goes with me.” Malfoy says, reluctantly. “I’ve never gone alone.”
And I don’t want to, goes unsaid.
Ron doesn’t know much about Malfoy; the prick went to Beauxbaton’s, he’s a Veela - Ron had been pathetically speechless the first few minutes they met, until the git opened his mouth - and he’s his best friend’s… lover, he guesses. What he does know, though, with utter, absolute certainty, is, Malfoy’s a stubborn bastard. He would never ask Ron to accompany him to the Healer’s if he didn’t feel like he had any other choice.
“Alright.” He says.
“Weasley I am going to literally murder you.” Malfoy says, a second before he runs off to the bathroom to retch.
“This is what you asked for!” Ron says, throwing up his hands. The sandwich - if it can even be called that - it’s filled with strawberries, whipped cream, ham, cheese, and cucumber - is literally Malfoy’s exact craving. He’d pestered Ron until he made it, a few minutes ago.
“Well I don’t want it anymore!” Malfoy snaps from the bathroom. “Make me something good!”
“What does that mean?” Ron asks, exasperated. Malfoy’s cravings have been weirder and weirder, and Ron cannot - for the life of him - figure them out.
“Figure it out!” Malfoy snaps, and he vomits again.
Ron sighs. When is Harry getting back again?
Of course. Of all of his vulnerable moments, the Weasel had to walk in on this one.
“Malfoy?” He seems uncertain. “Are you crying?”
Draco blows his nose loudly from where he’s sitting in front of the mirror, another sob escaping his throat. Weasley walks over, seemingly alarmed, and Draco barks out a bitter laugh.
“What’s wrong?” Weasel asks. “Does anything hurt?”
“No,” Draco says sourly. “I’m fat.”
Weasel stares at him for a moment, and then laughs.
Draco punches him in the shoulder.
“Ow!” Weasley says, from where he’s fallen on his butt next to Draco. “Merlin, Malfoy. Look, you’re not fat.”
“Yes I am!” Draco snaps, looking back at the mirror, tears welling in his eyes. “Look!” 
It’s not even that, he knows. He doesn’t care if he’s fat, or thin, or whatever, and he knows Harry wouldn’t, either, but this pregnancy has him crying about literally everything.
“I’m looking!” Weasley says. “And you’re not fat! You’re barely even showing!”
“Oh, yeah?” Draco snaps. He grabs his trousers from beside him - he’s only in grey pants - and throws them at Weasley angrily. “They won’t button.”
Weasley stares down at the pants for a moment. “There are enlargement charms.”
That sends Draco into another fit of sobs, which makes Weasley hilariously frantic.
“Or not,” He says quickly. “Don’t cry, okay? Look, I’ll - we don’t have to leave the house! Ever again. You can stay here and wear what fits, and we’ll incendio what doesn’t.”
It makes Draco feel better.
“Fine,” he sniffles, wiping at his eyes. “Now get me a tub of ice cream.”
Weasley laughs, and Draco smacks him.
“Are you seeing this?” Harry whispers.
“Yes,” Hermione seems just as stunned as he is.
“Are they actually getting along?” Harry demands quietly.
Hermione shrugs helplessly.
They’re both standing at the door - neither of their boyfriends have seen them - and staring at where Ron and Draco are sharing what seems to be a plateful of chips, covered with whipped cream, fudge, chocolate chip bits, peanut butter, and bits of steak.
Harry thinks he might gag.
“Harry!” Draco is the first one to notice him. “You’re back!”
Harry barely has any time to steel himself before his boyfriend is on him, legs wrapped around his waist and arms around his neck. He grabs Draco’s thighs, grunting slightly at the unexpected extra weight.
And fuck, Harry can feel it. He can feel Draco’s belly - small, but bigger than it had been a month and a half ago, when he’d left - between them, and he can’t seem to decide between pushing him back to look at it or hugging him closer because he hasn’t seen the love of his life in a month and a half.
“I missed you,” Draco whispers, watery, and Harry looks up, alarmed.
“You’re crying?” He asks. “Why are you crying?”
Ron, from where he’d gotten up much more calmly and now has an arm wrapped around Hermione, responds.
“He does it all the time.” 
“Shut up, Ronald.” And Harry nearly drops his boyfriend, because, Ronald? The last he was aware of, it was Weasel.
“I take it you had a nice month and a half?” Hermione asks faintly.
Harry puts Draco down and stares at his beaming boyfriend for a second before kissing him on the lips.
“Fuck, I missed you,” he sighs. He pulls back and looks down between them, Draco’s belly a round, prominent bulge where there used to be none. He drops a hand to it, rubbing lightly. “Both of you.”
Hermione makes a choked sound - fuck, he forgot to tell her - but doesn’t ask.
“We missed you, too,” Draco says happily. “Now come along and hold me.”
Harry laughs and kisses him until neither of them can breathe. 
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skznct127treacting · 5 years
Stray Kids reacting to their s.o having their wisdom teeth removed
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Wow I hope it went okay for you sorry that it took me a bit of time to write this for you. My biggest fear is like anything surgery related so my heart goes out to you. And I’m so glad that you like my writing, thank you for reading and requesting and supporting me ^^ 
Bang Chan~
I feel like because Chan is always super busy with his schedule he might not be able to go to the appointment with you and would feel really bad about it. He’d make up for it though by picking you up with flowers and a cheesy card and a lil plushy and he’d baby you the whole night making you into a blanket burrito and giving you all the love for being his brave girl.
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I feel like he’d be nervous for you because he really cares about you and knows how scared you are but he’d try not to show it. Once you come out he’d “nurse” you back to health with every painkiller and medicine he could find, which he’d secretly enjoy because this boy looves to be the caregiver, especially to his smol s.o.
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Lee Know~
Being the smart ass he is he’d probably get you some glittery Disney princess sticker for when you came out,, but he’d also be very loving and caring knowing how anxious you had been before hand. He’d make you soup when you get back to the dorm and put on your favourite tv show and tease you for being his baby, and also for not being able to talk too much.
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He’d keep squeezing your hand before you go in and keep giving you little comforting smiles, and be really restless stroking your hair and poking your arm because he’d be another one who’d also be nervous for you. He’d even let you cuddle his munchlax plush after the op, and he’d tuck you up in bed with ice cream and your favourite movie, and he’d probably gush over you because even with an ice pack and a swollen mouth you’re tooo cute.
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He’d do his best to free up his time as much as he could before the op, especially on the day of and after, which would mean a lot to you because he’d usually be very busy with skz, his mc’ing ect. He’d spoil you so much after it was over and he’d be so clingy and wouldn’t even like to leave you in a room alone by yourself, giving you lots of kisses and cuddles which he says will make you feel better faster.
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Before the op you’d walk in on him watching videos on Youtube of wisdom teeth extractions or sumthin I swear. Honestly though, he’d be really attentive because I feel like Han’s the type of person whose very emotionally aware of other people. He’d ask you how you were feeling before hand and talk about your past experiences and comfort you over and over again about how it was going to be fine and give you lots of tight snuggles the night before.
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He’d be kind of curious as to what had happened after and would want a full YouTube vlog story time of the whole experience because Seungmin is wild ok. He’d comfort you through skinship and by fetching you anything you need and by teasing you about your swollen mouth poking your cheeks and nicknaming you his lil squirrel.
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He’d be really close to you before the op, refusing to let go of your hands until you actually have to sit on the chair. He’d be really calm and level headed before as well, the type of person whose like “oh it’ll only be 20 mins long you’ll be fine don’t worry most people have it done it’ll be over before you know it” and after he’d make sure you do everything right, like leave the ice pack on the right amount of time and take your painkillers properly ect. He’d be so attentive and caring I can’t-
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I mean he’d just shoot you that smile before you go in and you’d already feel healed and like everything was going to be alright. He’d let you wear his sweater during the op so could curl your hands up inside of it and feel protected by him even though he’s not there, which was probably Chan’s idea because IN was probably really scared for you and went to his hyung for advice on how to take care of you T.T
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brownjet-archive · 5 years
midnight dances + ticket stubs
pairing: peter parker x reader (poc and strongly hinted that is latina)
wc: 8000+
summary: an interrupted moment seems to be more nuclear than you or peter could have imagined. 
warnings: angst, some language, some heavy making out at the end but no smut, mentions of sex
a/n: so, it’s literally taken me a year to write this, i started this at the end of my last school year and a lot of shit happened since then so i finally got around to writing it, and holy shit it’s the longest one shot i’ve ever written
takes place after homecoming and is canon divergent !!
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You were immensely regretting your decision to come to school on the last day. There was nothing to do, and hardly anyone in school. All the teachers seemed to have rolled their eyes, probably annoyed that 20 something students of the 2300 student body had shown up. Honestly, the only reason you had come was because Peter, Ned, and MJ said they would.
There was absolutely nothing to do. You had already emptied your locker, a few weeks ago because you were so done with school, and so had they, and you shifted from lounging in the library, running through the hallways and chilling in Mr. Harrington’s room.
You sitting in the library on one of the comfortable and plushy chairs, your legs draped over MJ’s lap, resting one elbow on the back of the bench, resting your face in the palm of your head, as the four of you lounged, contently listening to nostalgic music from the 2000′s, and suddenly you felt old.
The three of you laughed at the mortified look on Peter’s face, his face going red as a tomato, as the next song on his spotify played, as the familiar tune of the High School Musical number began. Despite laughing, you began singing along softly, ignoring the MJ’s snort.
“Not to be fake, but we’re soaring. flying. there’s not a star in heaven that we can’t reach.” You said, singing along with the track, laughing as you were singing.
Your energy was infectious, because by the end of the song, rather than just you singing softly under your breath, you had all joined in and were practically belting what was practically the anthem of your childhood. You had never really thought about it before, but it was pretty fucking awesome that the biggest couple growing up had been an interracial couple.
Before the song had ended, MJ had swiped Peter’s phone, now dubbing you in charge of the music, a smug smile on her face hoping that some embarrassing song played.
You rolled your eyes at her, quickly unlocking your phone, and putting on spotify, rolling your eyes as you clicked to watch the ad for the 30 minutes of uninterrupted listening, the four of you waiting in awkward silence for, the three of them waiting to make fun of your music tastes.
To your relief, your spotify seemed to be in a good mood, and decided to play, your body immediately relaxing at the soothing voice of Jason Mraz, Ned and you immediately beginning to sway to the music.
You hadn’t noticed the lovesick look on Peter’s face as he stared at you as you sang at the level that you thought was soft, your shoulders moving to the music, as it transitioned into what you had called the hispanic anthem Vivir Mi Vida.
You looked happier than you had been in months, a smile on your face, reaching your eyes. Sprawled across one of your best friends, looking truly happy. You were beautiful, really.
You slowly lowered the volume as the song died out, looking over at them, asking what the plan was, even though you guys had pretty much already decided that you would go to the corner store Mr. Delmar’s by your house, because it was the closet to Mr. Delmar’s, and you guys would buy sandwiches and ice-cream. However you would get candy and smartfood popcorn at the CVS by your school because it was cheaper, and there was a 90% chance that CVS would have them, as opposed to the 90% chance that Mr. Delmar would have run out by now.
You checked your phone, standing up, helping Ned up from the beanbag cushion he was sitting in, and all of you gathered your emptied out backpacks and even though there was still an hour and a half of school left, you decided to go say bye to Mr. Harrington for the summer, before leaving the building. You and MJ laughed at Ned who seemed to be elated with breaking the rules, though in relief you felt the same nervous and ecstatic butterflies in your stomach.
The four of you jogged across the street, waving a slight thanks at the drivers, despite the fact that a few honked at you, as you reached the CVS, walking in, immediately thankful for the air conditioning inside the building. The four of you walked towards the chips aisle with purpose, grabbing two of the big bags of the smartfood popcorn, before wandering towards the candy, grabbing a large pack of twizzlers, some sour gummy worms, a bag of skittles, a bag of the CVS brand soft caramels, a bag of marshmallows, and a packet of double stuff oreos, happy that you had nutella at home for the oreos and marshmallows, even though eating marshmallows with nutella was a pretty hard feat.
You each grabbed a can of Arizona, and headed up towards the cashier, before each of you pulled out some cash. You took your Arizona and put it in one of the cupholders of your bag, and you volunteered to carry a bag of popcorn, as did Peter.
You checked your phone, your eyes narrowed, ignoring MJ and Ned’s bickering about being able to open the twizzlers now, before you gripped at the closet limb of any of them, surprised when you accidentally groped Peter’s suprisingly strong bicep. You ignored it however, your eyes widening, as you again tugged on his bicep, yelling out, “The train is gonna be there in two minutes.”
The four of you sprinted towards the stop by the school, flipping off the drivers who honked at you, as you all rushed towards the stop, all of you but Peter, heavily panting as you ran up the stairs of the station, while at the same time fumbling to reach your wallet for your metro card, and as you reached the platform as the intercom said the train would be arriving, which typically meant about slightly less than a minute more, you squatted slightly, resting your hands on your thighs even if you did know that it was bad and constricting your lungs or whatever.
You stood up as the train pulled into the platform, grateful for the wind it provided, even if it was a rather dry one, and you were pretty sure that your body was drenched with sweat. The four of you stepped in, and because it was pretty much the middle of the day, the car was relatively empty and you all sat together, but far enough apart to rest your bags on the seats next to you, talking throughout the twenty minute train ride on which movie you guys should watch.
“No, we are not watching Star Wars again!”
“Star Trek?”
“I know, I know. The Matrix.”
“MJ, no. Just no.”
“Hell no.”
You all bickered for about fifteen minutes, before Ned suggested Galavant, and all of you nodded, agreeing that it would be fun to re-watch Galavant for a third time in 3 months. You all sluggishly stood up, exiting the air conditioned train, the stench of urine seeping through the air, and your face crinkled up in discomfort, even if you were used to the stenches of the city.
Peter guffawed at your expression, booping your nose, your eyes narrowing as you turned to glare at him, raising your fist rather jerkily, and his eyes widened in slight fear, before leaving it at that.
MJ hissed as you guys exited the station and walked into the sunlight, earning a weird look from you, although you had to admit that it was very bright.
“What are you, a fucking vampire?”
“Shut up.” She grumbled at you, looking as uncomfortable as you felt in the damp heat of the city. The four of you meandered towards the small establishment that Mr. Delmar owned, opening the door, the little bell ringing signaling that you had entered. The four of you offered slight smiles, you and Ned entrusting the other two to order the correct sandwiches as you walked towards the small cooler, looking at the limited, though not bad assortment of ice-cream, settling on a pint of cookies and cream and a pint of neopolitan. You petted both petted Murph, waiting for the sandwiches to be done before bringing the ice-cream to the front to avoid unnecessary melting.
Peter gave you guys a small nod, and you grabbed the ice-cream, bringing it up to the counter, offering Mr. Delmar a small smile, conversing with him in Spanish as he rung you up.
Thanking him, the four of you exited the small corner store and began the five minute trek to your apartment.
You sighed, a soft smile on your face as you checked the time, careful not to disturb MJ and Ned, who had fallen asleep. Sighing deeply at the fact that it was already one in the morning, the ice-cream and popcorn long gone. A few spare sour gummy worms remained still in the bag, sitting on your dresser, next to your comb. You sighed, of course Peter had bailed on you again.
Ignoring you frustration, you slowly got up, the weight of your bed shifting slightly, and you paused, your body hovering inches above the bed, letting go of a breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding as they both continued to sleep soundly. You wandered over to your computer, the three of you having gotten bored of re-watching Galavant at the end of season one before deciding to watch the High School Musical films. They had fallen asleep somewhere between the first and second; you really didn’t care, continuing to watch anyways because the third was your favorite. A favorite song of yours was coming up, the one where Troy and Gabriella dance on the roof in the rain, but you knew that it cut off early before continuing on later, and instead you exited the tab, opening up spotify on the web browser, moving towards the window in your room, holding onto the computer with one arm waiting for the tab to load, while opening the window with one fluid motion, a cool summer night breeze wafting through your room.
You exited the window, sitting on the fire-escape, putting on your sappy romantic playlist reserved for nights like these. Nights were the city was peaceful, in spite of the loudness. Where the only noise was the whizzing of cars. 
The nights where the city seemed calm and quiet and peaceful.
Each song seemed to make you feel more calm, your eyes gently closed, not because of the not-so-picturesque alley your fire-escape faced, but rather to keep you grounded yet free. It was an odd sensation, but it was the only sensation of pure serenity you ever felt.
At some point, rather than swaying to the music while softly humming along,  your legs dangled off the platform. The cool metal grated section leaving angry marks on your thighs, despite the fact that they didn’t hurt, forcing you to stand up, resting your body on your arms against the railings. You inhaled deeply, the waft of the city seeping through your nose, which could often be described as unpleasant, but at this point you were used to it. The soft breeze ruffled your hair, goosebumps forming on the skin of your legs, your hands making their way to the pockets of your shorts, a moment of sleepy recognition as the one of your favorite songs from High School Musical, beginning to sing Gabriella’s part softly and passionately, too immersed in your own world to notice the presence that had joined you on the fire escape.
Peter felt bad. He really did. When he left, he could see the disappointment on your face and it hurt it to see you like that. He really hadn’t meant for it to take this long, but then again that’s what was expected of him as Spider-Man.
He swore loudly as he checked his phone, the battery dead and he had absolutely no inkling as to what time it was. It was definitely late, that he knew. Standing from the top of the building he was on, he shot his webshooter, only a meter or so of webbing escaping the mechanism, as it made an deflating noise. Great, just great. He was on the opposite side of the city, but he was determined to get back to your apartment and see you again.
Sighing, he asked KAREN where he should go, being advised to take the metro. He sighed, jumping down from the relatively small building, entering the relatively abandoned subway, before glancing at the clock seeing that it was half past midnight. He fished in his pocket for his metro card, waiting the four minutes for the train, before hopping on the train. Not really to his surprise, nobody really cared, the subway was practically deserted and the few other people on the train seemed to be going towards either Comic-Con or home from their long strenuous work shift.
He had been planning on climbing into your room through the fire escape outside of your window, while you were sleeping and fall into the heap of you, Ned, and M.J. and just say that he came back a few minutes after they had fallen asleep because May needed his help with something. But of course, it was just his dumb luck that you were sitting on the fire escape, with your legs hanging off, your hair blowing gently in the dry wind. Your mouth was slightly ajar, your eyes closed, and he felt his mouth go dry. Your hair seemed to catch the moonlight, creating a halo around you, and he swore that there was something ethereal about you.
Blinking out of his stupor as a car whizzed past, looking at you quickly, noticing that you hadn’t moved. Well, this made his job a little harder. He had to instead climb to the top of the building, and took off his mask, sticking it into his backpack, which he had left at the top of the building earlier, relieved that it hadn’t vanished. As some semblance of a though of his secret identity popped into his head, he looked around, before taking off his suit and changing rapidly, before entering the apartment building through the little door at the top, accidentally having used his strength to rip off the doorknob. He felt a little bad, but didn’t really worry, using the spare key that he knew was under the doormat to let himself into the apartment, expertly making it through the foyer to your room without making a single sound.
He opened the door to your room, stifling a giggle at the way Ned and M.J. had practically fallen off the beds, the sheets and pillows on the bed precariously keeping them from falling off. He gently tossed his bag aside, landing with the others, as he took a few gummy worms which were on your dresser, making a face as he bit into one, never prepared for how sour they were. Despite that, he continued eating them, moving over towards your window, smiling at you.
The music slowly shifted into something that he recognized, not sure how he recognized it, and he was drawn to the window and defying his better judgement he quietly stepped onto the fire escape, admiring you as you swayed to the music, and as soon as you began singing, he knew instantly that it was a song from High School Musical 3, the words coming to him instantly, and for some odd reason, he envisioned the dance moves in his head.
Without realizing, he began singing Troy’s part at the first entrance, and you whipped around, confused, staring at him. Your subconscious seemed to react quicker than your brain could process, as your hand rested on his shoulder, the other gripping his hand, with his other hand wrapped around your waist. The two of you continued to sing along to the song, even knowing the dance moves despite the small amount of space there was on the small landing.
It was as if you were in a trance, unaware of the world around you, both of you immersed completely in each other, the entire wold standing still. It was just the two of you in that moment, and you giggled brightly each time he lifted you up, and in response his face would light up, a small goofy grin stretching across his lips, his brown eyes full of admiration.
You felt completely safe as he dipped you, and slowly pulled you up, your face flush with his neck in a moment of intimacy, and from then on you danced closer, singing the words softly to one another, his breath fanning over your face.
The music slowly became less important, and rather you two were caught in this moment, his hands resting on your waist, your arms wrapped loosely around his neck, instinctively running through the soft hair at the nape of his neck, a slight shiver running through his body at the feeling of your hands in his hair.
It felt like his insides had turned to mush, and he wasn’t sure that he was actually standing, or rather that he was actually awake. He smiled at you, his warm brown eyes full of admiration, making your skin tingle slightly, as you licked your lips slightly, the both of you still swaying to the soothing voice of Elvis, before you both eventually stopped swaying altogether, staring into each other’s eyes, because for this moment it was only the two of you.
You hadn’t noticed that the song had tapered off without another one following, despite the fact that there were at least five more songs on the playlist, completely unaware of the fact that your laptop had just died, because the only thing you were aware of was Peter.
His soft hair, his soft eyes, his small crooked smile, his big ears, his small dimples, everything about him. You were completely aware of him, feeling so utterly and helplessly enamored with him.
He felt as if his heart was going to burst. Here you were, in his arms, so close to him that he was sure you could hear how loud his heart was beating. You looked so beautiful with your hair catching the moonlight and the way your eyes shined brightly, which slowly seemed to be closing as your face got closer to his.
His eyes started to droop slowly as his face moved closer to yours. You licked your lips out of habit, the spell of calm and excited intimacy still palpable in the air, as your faces seemed to get closer together, his breath fanning over your face, feeling the ghost of his lips on your own.
And like that the spell was broken.
A loud snore emitted from someone from inside the room, startling both you and Peter, and you nearly jumped out of your skin, the both of you suddenly aware of your position.
His hands immediately left your waist, as if somehow your touch had burned him, an uncomfortable sensation of pain filling your chest. Your face immediately fell, and he instantly regretted his movement, glad when your turned away from him, as he rubbed his face in frustration, feeling the urge to scream.
You let out a shaky exhale before entering your room, not looking back at Peter, who had climbed in after you, closing the window behind him, lying down between MJ and Ned, while you tried to keep yourself as far away from him as possible, the both of you lying silently in the darkness for the rest of the night.
You had been avoiding Peter for days. That technically wasn’t so long, especially with school ending so there was no reason to see him everyday, but prior to the incident you had made plans as a group to hang out. That technically wasn’t so long, but as day five of not even texting Peter, you felt an ache, a pain in your chest at not being able to see him.
You hadn’t even texted the group chat, only sending an individual text to MJ saying that you had come down with a bug that your brother had given to you. It was true, to an extent, but it hadn’t taken you out of commission for five days; it had barely done so for five hours. But, it was enough for MJ to pass the message along, and you hadn’t been bothered for the remainder of the week, as you tried to do anything that would stop your brain from overanalysing the would-be kiss you had with Peter. 
Besides, there was no way that it could’ve possibly happened, because why on earth would Peter kiss you? Why would he ever like you back? And, if it almost happened, what caused his momentary lapse in judgement?
Whatever. Shut up.
There was no point to speak to yourself in that way, because you desperately knew that that wasn’t true. It wasn’t that you couldn’t believe Peter wouldn’t want to kiss you, because frankly you were awesome and if it was a momentary lapse in judgement then it was proof that Peter Parker was a fake-ass bitch who didn’t deserve your friendship.
Even pretending to be mad at him was exhausting. It left you feeling hollow, no matter how much you willed yourself to believe that it wasn’t just you who had wanted that kiss, because of the stupid voice in your head saying that if he had wanted to kiss you as much as you wanted to kiss him, that it would have happened, interruption or not. 
You felt a wave of nausea wash over you, tears prickling at your eyes as a chocked sob escaped your throat, feeling the descent into despair all over again. You desperately wanted to screech out, your hands cover your face in frustration; annoyed with how you couldn’t even talk to MJ about this because she wouldn’t be understanding of it, and you didn’t want to force her to take sides, annoyed with how affected you were by this, and by how much your stupid brain was causing you to feel so shitty. 
You closed your eyes, burning still from the amount of tears that you had shed during the week, and carefully breathed in through your nose, before letting out a slow and shaky exhale through your mouth, feeling your heart rate lowering, resulting in feeling more grounded. You laid there for a few more minutes, taking slow breaths, your breathing becoming less shaky, and the wet trails on your cheeks beginning to dry, leaving the skin on your face feeling tight and cooler than you had felt before. You took a deep breath, before sitting up.
You caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and grimaced. Your hair was disheveled, your skin looking ashen, and dark circles under your eyes very pronounced, with slightly puffy eyes. Thankfully, you truly did look sick, so your parents wouldn’t call you out on your bullshit. You looked away, and sighed in frustration, before opening the window slightly to let the room air out, and then left your room to go to the kitchen in search of food. 
Peter felt like shit. He hadn’t seen you in nearly a week and felt so fucking horrible. He knew you, and your penchant for overthinking things, and the image of your fallen face when the moment had been broke; the look on your face falling being immediately replaced by one of surprise, disappointment, and worst of all, expectance, made him feel like shit. 
He had been pacing the ceiling of his room explaining to a confused and a not-quite understanding Ned, who was watching him pace back and forth for the past forty minutes. It wasn’t that Ned wasn’t understanding, because he was, he just wasn’t understanding the situation.
“Wait, so what?” Ned asked again, maybe for the third time, the question beginning to grate on Peter’s nerves. “You were dancing on the fire-escape, almost kissed, you guys didn’t because MJ or I snored? That’s ridiculous Peter, you know I don’t snore.” He continued.
“Are you really that caught up in the semantics of it? Besides, dude, you snore so loudly.” Peter argued, rolling his eyes slightly.
“No I don’t, because I use...”
“Vicks, yeah.” Peter cut him off, slightly annoyed. “What is it about vicks that you, MJ, and (y/n) swear by?”
“It’s a person of color thing.” Ned replied nonchalantly, not focusing on Peter’s crisis anymore, continuing to work on the hogwarts lego set that had been abandoned since Peter had started having his rant. “I really don’t get it, didn’t you want to kiss (y/n)?”
“More than anything.” Peter whined out, his heart aching, wishing that he hadn’t chickened out, and had just kissed you.
“Then, ask her out!” Ned loved you and Peter to death, but it was becoming increasingly annoying how much you both tiptowed around your feelings for one another.
“It’s not that simple.” Peter tried to argue.
“Sure it is, gimme your phone.” 
“What, why? What are you going to do?” Peter asked, reluctantly tossing his phone over to Ned.
“Just relax, I’m not gonna send it.” Ned said, waving off Peter’s worry, Peter settling over the rail of his bunk, looking down and over Ned’s shoulder at his opened instagram. 
“You follow the Spider-Man official page?” Ned asked, looking over at Peter with a look of confusion.
Peter felt his ears heat up, a blush dusting over his cheeks. “Yeah...”He mumbled, trailing off. “They do a really good job though!” He said indignantly, feeling the need to defend himself.
“Don’t you run it?” Ned asked, a look of amused confusion spreading across his face, remembering something similar that Peter had mentioned.
“Um, no, my aunt does. I run the Thor official page.” He admitted quietly, causing Ned to snort before laughing completely.
“May runs the Spider-Man page?” Ned asked through laughs, trying to get clarification. “That’s adorable, she supports you, man.” He tried to be serious, he really did, but he couldn’t keep himself from grinning.
“Shut up, didn’t you have a point to steal my phone?” Peter pouted, before immediately regretting it, seeing Ned’s eyes flash open in remembrance.
“Oh yeah, we’s gonna get you a date.” Ned said happily, moving his finger over to your name, before cringing. “I don’t know why I said it like that.”
“Dude I don’t even know why you say half of the things you say, because you say lots of stuff like that.”
“What? No, I don’t.”
“Yes you do.”
“Should I change the way I speak?” Ned asked, looking over at Peter as if his whole life was a lie.
“No dude, it’s fine. I was joking, I love the way you speak.” Peter reassured his best friend, feeling bad that he had led Ned to believe that he spoke in a weird way.
“It’s fine Peter, I was just playing.” He chuckled good-naturedly, a warm smile on his face.
His eyes widened again, the whole conversation having been derailed yet again. Peter groaned internally as Ned remembered, hoping that he would’ve derailed the conversation enough for Ned to not remember.
“Relax dude, I’m not gonna send it.” He said to a squirming Peter, as he typed out the text. Peter felt slightly relieved, letting out a gentle sigh, and closing his eyes briefly, waiting for Ned to finish.
“Okay so, here’s what I wrote, and don’t worry I haven’t sent it.” Ned reassured Peter, who’s eyes opened and focused on the phone screen in front of them both, letting Ned read it aloud, not comfortable to read the whole thing upside down and not wanting to sit down.
“You wanna go see Yesterday tomorrow at 6:15?” Ned read aloud.
Peter had been expecting more, and looked at him with a face of confusion. “That’s it?”
“That’s it, I mean that way it’s not really a date. It’s just you guys hanging out, so that there’s no outright way that you’re being rejected.” Ned explained. “Dude, you’re overthinking it.” He sighed, trying to reassure Peter, the anxious look on his face giving all of his emotions away. 
“It’s a really good think Spider-Man has a mask that covers his whole face, because dude you can’t emote secretly.”
Ned rolled his eyes at the look of mock offense written on Peter’s face. “So, when are you gonna send it?” 
“Um, never.”
“No, you are. You’ve got nothing to lose. Seriously dude, on the list of high stake things that you face, this is such a low stake.” Ned said, trying to cajole and relax Peter.
“Except if she says no, that means she hates me.”
“That’s a reach. If she says no it’s probably because she’s still sick. MJ hasn’t let you know anything differently, right?” 
“I don’t know, she hasn’t been in the group chat for days. The last text I got from her was a pigeon on the subway in despair.”
“Makes sense.” Ned said, nodding his head as the image popped into his mind. “Well, anyways dude, just send it. Are we still gonna make mac and cheese?” 
“Yeah, Aunt May should be home soon with the stuff for it.” As soon as he said that, the clanging of the keys in the door sounded, and the door to the apartment could be heard opening. 
“Boys, please come help put the groceries away!” May called out from the kitchen.
“Sure thing!” Ned called out.
“Need a minute.” Peter called out at the same time. He stood on solid ground for the first time in an hour, blood rushing to his head leaving him feeling slightly lightheaded. Now alone in his room, he glanced over at his phone, closed his eyes and took a deep breath before hitting send.
He then slipped his phone into his pocket and left to go help his Aunt and his best friend put away the groceries.
You were slightly startled as your phone buzzed, surprised that it wasn’t on silent. You continued chewing your spoonful of cereal, glancing over at the screen seeing the stupid icon of the group chat: peter with the big lips snapchat filter yelling at a fire hydrant. Having felt more stable after watching three episodes of Stranger Things, you reached over for the remote and paused.
You opened up your phone and clicked on the notification, taking you to the group chat. You skimmed the text from him, before sending back a simple “sure, i’m down” before unpausing the episode.
Peter nearly dropped the jar of squeezable jelly an inside joke with his aunt feeling his phone vibrate in his pocket. He wish he could’ve said that he didn’t rush for his phone to check if you had texted him back, but that would have been a lie. He opened his phone in record time, reading your text quickly. He kept on rereading it, looking at his phone for nearly a minute, before May threw a kitchen towel at him, hitting him in the face. 
“I asked you to help, not look at your phone.” She teased.
It was then that Peter seemed to register your text, his eyes widening before frantically yelling at Ned, “What the hell does ‘sure i’m down’ mean?”
His nervous energy seemed infectious, and his shouting caused Ned to butterfingers the small bag of plums that May had gotten, turning to Peter with a look of annoyed confusion on his face. “Did you have to yell that at me? And, it means yes.” 
“Hm, depends on the tone.” May interjected, causing a new wave of panic to wash over Peter.
“Well, what does it mean then?” He whined.
“What’s the context?”
“I asked (y/n) if she wants to see Yesterday with me tomorrow at the "15 showing.”
“And the response was ‘sure, i’m down’?” May asked to clarify. “Well, Peter then that means, ‘sure, i would like to watch that movie’. It’s not as complicated as you’re making it out to be.”
“Yeah dude, try to calm down a little. It’s (y/n), and it’s a movie that they have literally not shut up about. All the talk about ‘supporting brown people in western media,’ so it’s really a no brainer.” 
“Okay, okay.” Peter nodded, the words resonating with him, and for the first time in over an hour he felt calm again.
That all immediately disappeared when May jokingly asked what he was going to wear on his date.
You were waiting at the theater, having already gone to the cvs to buy snacks to sneak in, and were currently waiting on the group to join you. You glanced down at your phone, and continued playing Tetris, looking up every so often to see if you could see them. You became anxious as it became 11:36, and still saw no sight of them. Normally MJ and Ned would’ve been here by now, with Peter being this late. 
“Hey, you ready?” A familiar voice panted out, and you looked up from your phone to see Peter slightly out of breath, bending over and resting his hands on his knees. 
“You know you’re supposed to put your hands up? You’re constricting your chest.” You said out of habit, a little embarrassed that you had said that, but feeling relatively okay at being around Peter for the first time in a week since the incident. “Yeah, but where’s MJ, and Ned. They didn’t bail on us, did they?” You asked, confusion seeping into your features.
Peter’s eyes widened in surprise, confusion settling across his face briefly, before his expression changed into a panicked awkward. “Um, no they both had to bail.” He lied, lamely.
You regarded him with suspicion, your anxiety beginning to rise at the idea of sitting through a whole movie next to Peter, without the safety blanket of your other friends. You had no idea why he would lie to you, but couldn’t even focus on it. You just rolled your eyes, and shook your head, as if to shake all these thoughts from them. “Whatever. You got your ticket?” You asked.
“Yep.” He replied, showing it as proof. 
“Cool, let’s go.” You said, the two of you walking over to the usher, not bothering with rushing since it was relatively new, so there would be a good twenty minutes of preview. 
The usher handed you back your ticket stubs, and you both hopped onto the escalator, going up towards the rest of the theaters. 
“You got the drinks?” You asked, it customary of Peter being the one to bring the drinks.
“Yep, you got the popcorn?” He asked.
You nodded briefly. “Also got chocolate.”
“Like, Hershey’s?”
“No, like the bougie Ghiradelli’s shit.”
The whole conversation felt very mechanical, and an awkward air surrounded the two of you, feeling unsure of what to say. So, you continued silently up the elevator, passing the concession stands.
“Hey, can you bring my bag to the theater? I need to use the bathroom real quick.” You asked, handing the bag to Peter who was nodding.
You rushed into the bathroom, took a piss, and washed your hands. After drying your hands, you felt the urge to screech and pull out your hair, not sure if you could truly sit through the movie, which sucked since you had really wanted to see it. You quickly opened instagram as you walked towards the theater, moving to check your messages. Only then did you realize that the message had been from Peter, individually. You had completely forgotten that the icon of the group chat was Peter’s own icon, and you had used it for the group chat because of how ridiculous it was.
You quickly found Peter in the theater, and moved towards the center middle seats that he had found for you, before standing up letting you briefly know that he had to go to the bathroom. 
Great, ten minutes into hanging out with him and you guys had said maybe five things to each other, and the awkwardness had seeped in. 
You were thankful when the theater darkened, Peter having slipped into his seat a few minutes ago. You quickly closed all the apps on your phone and lowered the brightness to the lowest setting, before focusing your attention back on the screen.
Once the movie ended, you turned to Peter, a big enthusiastic smile on your face. “Oh my god, I loved it! He was so adorable.” You gushed to Peter, a smile spreading across his face. 
“Yeah, it was pretty awesome. But dude, Lily James out here being amazing as always.”
“Oh right, I forgot about your huge-ass crush on Lily James.” You teased.
“Oh, come on, you don’t think that she’s amazing?”
You rolled your eyes at him, laughing slightly. “I do think she’s amazing, but she wasn’t the focus. It was about this dorky Indian dude, and I’m so down for more brown people in western media.” You gushed, the two of you moving out of the theater. 
Peter chuckled softly at seeing you so happy, talking animatedly about the movie. “Can you hold my stuff?” You asked again, and he grabbed it for you as you entered the bathroom, and quickly came back out again.
You saw Peter on his phone, a small smile on his face, before you cleared your throat, announcing your presence in a rather stuck up way. “Hey, mind holding my stuff as I run to the bathroom?” He asked.
You nodded, grabbing his stuff from him. “No problemo.” You said in the most american accent you could, before opening up your phone for the first time since the movie had started, before quickly remembering what had happened earlier. A quick look of confusion flashed over your face as you crafted a text to MJ.
“Hey, so what do you wanna do now?” Peter asked, his presence drawing you away from your phone, forgetting that you needed to press send. 
“I don’t know, I’m good with getting food, or do you wanna movie hop?” You asked, not really in the mood to be walking around the city just yet. 
“I’m good with movie hopping.” Peter answered quickly. 
“Cool, I know that they’re reshowing Cruel Intentions.”
“Didn’t they do that in March for the 25th anniversary or something?” Peter questioned.
“Yeah, but it was doing the really well so they’re bringing it back for the next few weeks, since there is kind of a dryspell of new movies coming out till early August. And it was the 20th anniversary.” You corrected. 
“You sure seem to know an awful lot about this sex movie from the late nineties.” Peter teased, wiggling his eyebrows at you.
You rolled your eyes and laughed at him, gently flicking his shoulder. “If you’re insinuating what I think you’re insinuating Parker, then you would be wrong. I have not seen it, but I wanna.”
“If you haven’t seen it, then how do you know so much about it, and why would you wanna watch it?” He asked, as you guys made your way to the theater diagonally three down from the previous theater you were in.
“Sarah Michelle Gellar.” Was your simple answer.
“Ah, your thirst for Buffy is once again the undoing of us.” Peter teased.
“Hey, my thirst for Buffy has nothing to do with the undoing of us as a group!” You cried out indignantly, despite the smile on your face. “My love for Buffy has brought us closer if anything, we’ve watched the entire series.” You said, as the two of you sat in the back of the theater, not wanting to take seats right in the middle and displace people who had paid for it.
“Yes, because it’s a wonderful and amazing show. Besides, if anything is the undoing of us as a group then it would have to be you ditching us all the time.” You teased, the words immediately leaving a bitter taste in your mouth, wishing that you hadn’t said that. 
The light and cheery, and normal air between the two of you had taken nearly two hours to cultivate, and had only came about by watching a movie. And you had managed to destroy it in a matter of a single sentence. 
Peter’s face immediately fell, a look of shame and anger flashing across his face. “I’m not ditching you guys, I’m just super busy...”
“Right, Stark Internship and all.” You nodded, cutting him off in hopes of avoiding this conversation.
“Yeah, and I have a shit-ton of other responsibilities, like stupid fucking decathlon team, robotics team, and all the fucking homework we get.”
You inhaled sharply, feeling ridiculous that tears were prickling at the corners of your eyes. Decathlon team was how you and Peter became good friends. With a cold and calculated voice you said, “I don’t know why you’re yelling at me about this. It’s not like I can control what you have on your plate.” You took a deep breath before looking at him, your expression softening, replaced with worry. “I know you’re going through a lot, especially with Uncle Ben, but Peter, we can’t do anything, I can’t do anything to help you if you keep pushing me away.”
His face crumbled, and he reached for your hand, feeling a little hurt when you flinched slightly before he could do so. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to snap at you. I’m so fucking sorry, I’ve got a lot going on, and that’s not your fault and it’s not fair of me to take it out on you.” He apologized. 
You nodded in understanding, before moving your hand to gently rest on top of his, rubbing your thumb over his knuckles. “I forgive you, Peter.”
“I hope you know that I’m not ditching you.” He said softly, and you rolled your eyes with an incredulous look. “Well, not intentionally.” He corrected himself, and you smiled at him.
“I know.”
“May needs me a lot more, and I feel like I need to be with her more.”
You sighed, a small, sad smile appearing on your face. “That makes sense, Peter, but know that I’m here if you ever need anybody to talk to. And, you shouldn’t feel so guilty about not spending time with her.”
“I know, I just, don’t want to leave her alone and have what happened to Uncle Ben happen to her.” He said, his voice beginning to crack, as tears began prickling in the corners of his eyes.
“Peter, what happened to Ben wasn’t your fault.” You softly whispered to him, moving your hand from resting on top of his, to brushing away the single tear that had fallen from his eyes. 
Oh, how wrong you were. And with that, the lights shut off and the movie began. 
You inhaled sharply as Sarah Michelle Gellar kissed the boy onscreen, squirming in your seat, suddenly becoming uncomfortable at watching this with Peter in a theater with maybe only twelve other people. You had to look away, movie kisses always seemed to gross you out because it seemed like an invasion of privacy. 
You glanced over at Peter who had also looked away, his face turning towards you, the both of your eyes widening as you communicated almost telepathically. 
“What the fuck is happening?” You whispered, giggling nervously.
“I think Buffy is seducing her step-brother to get his car.” He whispered back.
“I mean, I know that, but that is not Buffy.” 
“So says you.”
You paused for a moment, before moving your face closer to his, “Should we leave? If this is too much for wittle petew we can leave.” You teased, immediately regretting it, knowing that he would take it as a challenge to stay, despite the fact that you wanted to leave.
“No, I’m good, that is unless, you want to leave.” He whispered back, and you immediately shook your head. 
“No, I can watch it.”
“Good.” You mocked, before turning back to the screen, the kiss having turned into what was a sex scene. You immediately looked away, your face whipping back towards Peter with widened eyes, and he immediately turned back towards you.   
Your faces were closer than they were the time before, and you inhaled shakily, your eyes flitting from his eyes to his lips then back to his eyes, before swallowing slightly.
Immediately his lips were on yours, his hand coming up to cradle your face, your hands moving their way through his hair as you kissed him back as enthusiastically. You inhaled deeply, causing your nerves to feel like you were on fire, everything about the kiss, the way his hand gently yet firmly held your jaw, the way your lips moved against each other, the way his curls felt in your fingers, your fingernails gently scratching his scalp, the way his tongue languidly slid into your moth, the way it tasted like smartfood white cheddar cheese.
Wait, what?
You pulled away from each other, a perplexed expression on your face as you regarded him with a sense of enamored confusion.
“You taste kind of like the popcorn.” He whispered, as if you didn’t already know.
“Yeah, you do too. Kinda unpleasant.” You admitted softly, an offended look flashing across his face. “Oh!” Your face lit up in slight realization. “I have chocolate.”
You quickly turned away from him, reaching into your backpack for the chocolate squares of milk chocolate with caramel and sea salt that you had purchased, handing one to Peter.
He looked confused, but humored you, and opened the square biting into nearly half of it. He took another bite, much smaller than the last one, and before he could react, you had take then other piece from him, slipping it into your mouth, your lips on each others with not fully melted pieces of chocolate.
You couldn’t help but moan softly into the kiss, the taste of the chocolate being so much better than the popcorn taste. It was thicker, and richer, and the way your mouths moved against each other, the chocolate continue to melting in your mouths, coating your tongue, as you slipped it into Peter’s mouth. You lazily made out with him for a little bit, reveling in the delightful chocolate kiss, before Peter’s hand moved to your waist, gently pulling you even closer towards him.
You smiled into the kiss, trying to pull away so that you could put the armrest up, but he kissed you insistently, bringing both arms to rest on your waist, picking you up and pulling you over the armrest, placing you on his lap, his lips never leaving yours.
You situated on his lap, straddling him, feeling something move against your thigh, causing you to pull away from him, looking down, then back at him with an amused smirk on your face.
“It was the stupid movie.” He whimpered, feeling mortified that you had felt it.
“Don’t worry, I figured.” You reassured him, smiling at him, a goofy and euphoric smile appearing on his face as he looked at you. “You should know though, that I don’t have sex till the first date.” You joked, before pressing a quick kiss on his lips.
He had a delayed reaction, his eyes opening and lips unpursing a second after you had finished kissing him. “I was joking, I haven’t had sex yet, and I would expect a date before sex.” You told him, and even though you were serious, the light tone in which you had said it, made it fit.
“You don’t call this a date?” He teased, smiling at you, pulling you in for another kiss.
You kissed him deeply, your mouths parting as your lips moved against one another, the taste of chocolate still overpowering the kiss, and making your brain hazy, as you tried to pull away from him to answer.
“No, I call it a misunderstanding.” 
“Yeah, I thought you were asking in the group chat,” You admitted, before kissing him briefly, too long for a peck, but too short for the kisses that you had been having. “So, Parker, when you gonna grow the balls to ask me out?” You teased, kissing him again.
He pulled away from you, a goofy grin appearing on your face, which must have been similar to his own, his pupils blow out, his hair disheveled, his lips swollen and slightly shiny, making you guess about your current state. He stared at you briefly, before tickling your ribcage gently, a quieted laughter escaping you, before his lips were briefly on yours again.
“So, (y/n),” He began, placing a quick peck on your lips, “would,” peck, “you”, peck, “go”, peck, “out”, peck, “on”, peck, “a” peck, “date”, peck, “with”, peck, “me?” Suddenly, his lips were on yours again, firm and gentle, seeming to wipe away any semblance of a response.
He pulled away softly, your eyes remaining closed, before briefly fluttering open, the question that he asked you suddenly popping back into your mind. “Yes!” You whispered. “Yes, Peter I would love to go on a date with you.” 
“Great.” He said, grinning up at you wildly, before languidly kissing you again. 
You couldn’t wipe the goofy, lovesick, smile off of your face for the rest of the night, even after your little brother had made a comment about how you looked crazy. It hadn’t even registered in your brain, as you grabbed a glass of water before heading towards your room, smiling at the photo-booth photos you had of you and each individual member of your group. 
If possible your smile grew bigger at seeing Peter’s, your lips still tingling, the taste of chocolate lingering on your tongue. Without thinking, you slowly brought your hand up to your mouth, gently touching your lips, ghosting over where Peter’s had been an hour ago. You pulled the ticket stub out of your phone case, where you had stuffed it, before placing it with the photos you had of Peter. 
Your phone buzzed, and you giggled slightly, not hesitating to open the text from Peter. 
thai tommorow?
yeah, that’d be awesome.
i fucking love thai
lmao i know, that’s why i asked
you’re kind of a perfect nerd, parker
thanks, i guess
you’re kind of a beautiful nerd
thanks perfect parker
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itsafunnystory · 6 years
Types of Bedrooms
Suburban Beach: Lamp next to the sofa isn’t connected to the switch but you’re used to all the light, extra pillows for friends if they sleep over, satin millennial pink sheets that clash perfectly with the peach velvet sofa, pictures in white mismatching frames cover the walls, Tiffany Blue walls, white window sheers tied back, French closet doors permanently flung open, clean enough to have friends over if they don’t mind stepping over the bra on the floor, queen four poster canopy bed in ash, you did tell anyone you wanted the feel of a Caribbean sunset because it was your favorite family vacation when you were all still together
Tournament Oasis: Three shelves of trophies and ribbons from age three up, green flannel sheets that haven’t been washed for three months at least, one of the closet doors doesn’t close because it fell out of the track and you’re too lazy to be active when you could rather be sleeping, off white walls, full mattress without a headboard or a frame actually... desk lamp is in the shape of a football you mom got you as a joke when you made varsity, even when the room is spotless it still smells like a locker room, windows have blinds that have never been used because the neighbors don’t have a window facing your room, one pillow that somehow always ends up on the floor in the middle of the night, sometimes you lay in bed staring at the ceiling and don’t want to leave because you’re worn out from trying to be the best and never knowing if you are
Average Dorm: The only thing you managed to hang before the semester started was a periodic table chart because you thought it was cool it glowed in the dark, IKEA had a sale on twin extra long and you bought three sets to last between laundry days, wall colour hasn’t changed since the last time the school pained them in ‘88, blinds in the room haven’t worked since ‘91, closet space just fits one-fifth of your total wardrobe, gave up bringing a normal pillow in favour of a back pillow for bed so you can do homework in bed and your roommate can sleep, top bunk all the way, the only hope of passing sophomore year it might come with a murder charge if your roommate doesn’t stop snoring, bypass the lightswitch and turn on the desk lamp, you named the roaches who live next door but visit you from time to time
Post Mod: People have told you that the bright white walls remind them of a psych ward but you like that they look clean, track lighting run along half the walls but they’re so bright they are angled to shine off of a reflective surface so the whole room doesn’t glow, crisp set of solid 50% grey sheets, black bed frame because it off set the room just right, five pillows the small decorative one is for achieving the right body angle to read in bed, glass door to a walk-in closet off of the master bathroom, the original white shears were actually ivory so they were replaced with grey ones to match the bedding, mirrors adorn the walls for the lighting situation not for vanity and catching your reflection in the mirror makes you feel like you don’t match your room, the younger siblings aren’t invited in if there’s food involved, seriously considering getting a plant to give the room some colour but it might ruin the aesthetic
Expert Gamer: Your parents allowed you to have free reign of the basement and you sealed the cement floor with acid green epoxy, black sheets that weren’t put back on the bed since laundry day because you tend to fall asleep in your gaming chair, practically factory fresh memory foam that you adore after too many nights in the fighting seat, walls are still exposed cement but one solid row of arcade games serves as decoration enough, Mom said you don’t see the sun enough so you set up a live cam to feed to a monitor mounted on the wall next to your bed and she didn’t bug you again, original lighting was pretty sparse so you ran up some track lighting that bounces off the floor an makes the whole place glow, everything you own hangs from the exposed rafters on wire hangers, two pillows one for head support while asleep and one for lumbar support while sitting, never quite understand why everyone expects you to live in a mound of wrappers and crushed cans because you definitely don’t because that’s gross, you can be yourself or anyone else here
Bohemian Eclectic: Dinosaur print sheets you found in the bargain bin somewhere, light switch turns on Christmas lights that line the ceiling in place of central lighting, instead of piles of clothes you have piles of books littering the floor, most of the walls are a magenta but one wall is painted with chalkboard paint, got rid of your bed a few years ago when you bought a giant beanbag, the only pillows in the room are the floor pillows you use to sit at the coffee table, collectable movie posters of cult classics cover most of the walls and a hole that mysteriously appeared one day, closet is filled with more bolts of fabric than finished pieces and the sewing machine that you found at a resale place for a fraction of the actual cost, a large swatch of lace is used for the window shear, you were able to find a mini-fridge from the 70’s at Goodwill but you haven’t cleaned out a spot close enough to an outlet to actually use it
Summer Sunshine: Everything has its place even if the place happens to be covered in dog hair, cobalt blue and white chevron duvet with matching polka dot sheet set, honeysuckle yellow walls, closet doors are littered with stickers like one giant scrapbook page, classic daybed, there are a mound of pillows you sleep nested between except for the dog pillow that one stays on the floor, bay window with even more pillows, framed pictures of water colour flowers, daisy shaped night-light because you feel so alone in the dark, this is the space you can actually feel at home
Green Science: Your room is a literal zoo but it’s fine because you hydroponically grow your own lettuce to feed most of the animals, Repurposed a whitewashed door as a headboard, one pillow for sleeping and one decorative pillow with a science meme on it, mismatched set of sheets from a garage sale, walls are mostly blue but it fades to a blue/white ceiling that looks like a cloud, most of the time you don’t use your lights because there’s enough coming from the heating lamps in the reptile and amphibian tanks, closet is stuffed to keep the rest of the room as open as possible, window coverings were removed to allow for easy access to the solar panels mounted outside, the only exposed wall is covered with a cork board of environmental science articles and diagrams for building solar powered electric cars, once the habit was set caring about everything didn’t take as much time as you thought it would
World Traveler: Closet is half empty because most of your clothes are still packed in suitcases, solid frame supporting a full mattress, simple white sheets nothing too fancy, ice blue and navy two tone walls and silver accents, over head light is from a place in Europe that you had shipped back and re wired because you loved it so much, blinds are perpetually left closed out of habit from not wanting anyone to break in while you’re gone, there’s a bookcase on one wall filled with books and collectables from all your trips one shelf for every continent, plushies cover most of the bed but there is one actual pillow in there somewhere, power strip with two phone chargers and a laptop charger, for as much as you call this home it really is just a place to keep a collection from the pieces of home you’ve found around the world
Aspiring Rocker: Closet doors are miss matched and well worn and dad was going to paint them then forgot but that’s fine you don’t mind the way they look, the one outside facing wall is covered in band posters and VIP passes, walls are covered in egg carton foam as sound baffling but it makes the silence feel so close, hand me down twin bunk bed set with a converted lower bunk to a desk, you are forced to empty your garbage daily because everyone is convinced the ants are coming from your room, at one point the sheets resembled a Scottish tartan, only one pillow but you don’t use it because you sleep on your front and feel like you’re suffocating if you use it, the only lighting in your room comes from a ceiling fan missing one of the three bulbs, the blinds used to close until a giant knot showed up but no one’s complained at seeing you change, room looks like the stereotypical garage band moved in even though you make enough off of iTunes royalties to move out on your own
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chibi-arthur · 5 years
Stop interrupting my thought proc- 2/10
Fandom: Detroit: Become Human
Pairing: HankCon
Warnings: major character death, suicide, angst, memory alteration
Rating: M
A massive thanks to @honkforhankcon who beta'd this chapter too! 
Day 2
  Connor opened his eyes. He was in his apartment, lying down in bed. His internal clock told him it was past noon already but he only snuggled further into the nest of blankets and pillows.
Yesterday, after that third corrupted message clouded his vision, Connor had to soft reboot. Understandably, it freaked Hank out. The Lieutenant was ready to call the trusted technician they met on one of the cases but Connor managed to convince him not to.
Hank took good care of him. He drove him home, ensured he was comfortable and put a bottle of thirium on the nightstand, just to be safe. It was with great reluctance that he went back home, unwilling to leave the android alone. He's such a good friend.
Connor couldn't help but sigh dreamily and squeeze his fish plushie closer to himself. He wanted Hank to be more than just a friend.
There it was again, that buzzing in his head. It seemed to appear whenever he was thinking about Hank (which, admittedly, was very often). He scowled into the pillows.
He probably should go to a technician but...he was afraid. Trust didn't come easy to him, especially when it came to people who knew how the androids worked. Yes, there was this one tech he and Hank had met a few months ago that helped them a few times, however Connor still had that deep-rooted fear, a phobia really. He didn't want to go alone, yet; he also didn't want to rope Hank into this more than he had to.
With a huff he got off the bed. He placed Dewey reverently in the middle of the nest of blankets and went about changing his clothes. He pulled on dress pants over his boxers and some simple black socks but hesitated before taking off his oversized sleep shirt.
The very first time he slept over at Hank's he neglected to bring any sleepwear so he borrowed this particular shirt. He was surprised at how comfortable it was and opted to buy more oversized tops for lounge wear. As soon as he changed into Hank's shirt that day he resolutely declared that Hank is never getting it back. The Lieutenant sputtered and blushed, mumbling something about "couple-y shit" but Connor was far too captivated by the material to pay attention to human hangups. He couldn't stop trailing his fingers across the shirt or bunching it up in his fists, revealing the pale skin of his thighs. Hank excused himself to his bedroom rather quickly, he didn't even finish watching the movie with Connor, just told him to watch the rest on his own.
Connor wished he scanned his vitals then. He was too absorbed in the newness of everything and now he wasn't sure whether Hank left because he felt self-conscious or disgusted.
The android decided to leave the shirt on, feeling like dressing smart casual today. He put on black sneakers with silver studs on the sides and left the house.
It might have been past noon but Connor still intended to go to work. Hank said he'd put in word with Fowler and get him a day off but Connor didn't really know what to do with himself if he wasn't working. Hank reluctantly agreed to take the afternoon shift instead.
As he was locking the front door, Connor remembered he was only wearing a short-sleeved shirt. He didn't get cold, not really, but he still decided to backtrack and snag a light coat from his coat rack. It was a really nice coat, charcoal gray with black buttons. Slightly feminine cut but everything is unisex if you don't care and Connor certainly didn't. It looked nice, he liked it and that's all that should matter.
Hank and Connor were at the precinct for no longer than an hour when they got called in. A dead body was found in a rundown block of flats near the old industrial district.
"Looks like an unlucky accident."
Hank curiously peered into the bathtub where a woman's body lay. The bathtub was filled and a hairdryer was sitting at the bottom. An open-shut case, or so it seemed.
"Too bad I don't believe in accidents."
Connor nodded in agreement. The bathroom was a mess, as if there was a fight. The mirror was broken, various bottles and knicknacks overturned, a ton of fingerprints so densely packed and stacked on top of each other that it was impossible to analyse them. No blood, or even thirium, to link anyone to the crime scene though.
"See anything, Con?"
"I see plenty, though nothing that would help in the investigation, Lieutenant."
Hank muttered something that sounded suspiciously like ‘smartass’ and left the bathroom to look for evidence elsewhere in the flat. Connor lingered near the body in the immediate crime scene for a bit longer but he didn’t manage to find anything that would point to it being a murder instead of an accident. There were enough clues to make something spark inside of Connor, something that might be a gut feeling in humans, though nothing concrete. And it was driving the android up a wall.
“Alright Con,” Hank said, coming back from whichever part of the flat he was in, “let’s get out of here and question the neighbours and family members. God knows we won’t find any evidence in here.”
Grateful for the distraction, Connor almost skipped after Hank out of the apartment. Together they went to knock on the closest neighbour’s door. They didn’t have to wait long for an older woman to open and usher them inside.
“You see,” the woman began once they sat down in her living room, “that woman, Lange, was such a...whore.” She whispered the last word, looking around frantically, as if someone might hear her. “As soon as Robert, her husband, left for some work-related meeting in another city for a few days, she got Miss Rushman to babysit her kids and went a couple floors up to party with those youngsters.”
“Ma’am, excuse me but going to unwind for a few hours isn’t the same as being, ah, sexually promiscuous.” Hank toned down on the crude language when addressing the older lady. She glared at him and the Lieutenant tried to make himself look smaller. It was highly entertaining and if Connor hadn’t disabled the action in time he would’ve surely laughed out loud, directing the lady’s wrath toward himself.
"I may be old but I'm not stupid! You youngsters don't know anything about life!"
Hank mouthed 'youngsters', amused but still wary of the older lady. She had quite a tight grip on one of the little couch cushions and he didn't want to find out whether her aim was good or not.
"Mrs. Talbot, could you please tell us who Mrs. Lange was seeing?" Connor interjected before Hank could say anything more to set off Mrs. Talbot.
"Everyone," the old lady scoffed, "but her latest lover was this young man with a fancy car."
"Do you know his name?"
"No. But the youngsters upstairs might."
That's how Hank and Connor found themselves a couple floors up, trying to knock on the door loud enough to be heard over the music blasting from inside.
"It's not even 3pm and they're already partying?" It's been a year already and some people's actions still confused Connor.
"Maybe they never stopped."
Connor's LED whirled yellow but Hank didn't wait for him to ask his question. He reached out and turned the knob. The door was open.
A wall of sound assaulted their ears as soon as they entered. Connor toned down his hearing sensitivity, Hank only had his palms to drown out the sound with. Somewhere underneath the 2020s techno music Connor could hear two people arguing.
Sure enough, as Hank and Connor crossed the hall and stepped into the living room, they saw a man and a woman. He (Chris Martín, 29, cashier, no past offenses) was sitting on a couch, elbows propped on his knees and his head cradled in his hands. Meanwhile she (Ashley Kamor, 23, college dropout, red ice possession) was standing over him, shouting something. Her words were indecipherable, the loud music drowning out barely legible slurring only someone simultaneously high and intoxicated could call 'speaking'.
The couple didn't see them until Hank walked up to the stereo and turned down the volume.
"Hey! This is private property!" shouted Chris, the intimidating tone falling a little short when he swayed and almost fell off the couch. Meanwhile, Ashley was silent and even looked like she might be sick or lose consciousness.
"We're with the DPD," Hank said, flashing his badge. "Do you happen to know a Mrs. Lange?"
"Oh yeah! Lizzy, she knows how to party. Why?" It would be hard to understand Chris with all the slurring but Connor had a lot of practice talking on the phone with a drunk Hank. It helped that he wasn't as intoxicated as Ashley.
"Do you know the name of her boyfriend?"
"Which one?"
"The one with a fancy car," Hank said at the same time Connor demanded "All of them". The Lieutenant shot him a scathing look as Ms Kamor, suddenly very chatty, started rattling off names and divulging details about most of them.
"Fuck, checking all of those Johns out will take us a week!" Hank griped as they were driving back to the precinct to report to Captain Fowler.
Connor wanted to answer, he really did, but he got distracted by the mouth-watering sight of Hank driving with only one hand on the wheel, the other carding through his hair in an effort to get it out of his face. Connor wondered how it would feel like if he deactivated his synthskin and ran his fingers through Hank's hair, touched his beard, kissed him...
Kissed him?
Yeah. Kissed him. Connor wanted it like nothing else.
He grimaced when the angry buzzing in his head came back with a vengeance.
"See, you're not thrilled about it either!" The Lieutenant misinterpreted his facial expression but Connor didn't correct him.
"I...might've underestimated how many lovers Mrs. Lange had. And how much information the neighbours would be willing to provide."
Hank grumbled under his breath, obviously unhappy about the amount of overtime they'd have to clock in. The android was content just looking out the window.
Connor could see that Hank was quickly running out of patience. Every person they crossed off their – admittedly long – potential suspect list the furrow in his brow got deeper. It’s no wonder, really. They had been driving around town, questioning Mrs. Lange’s lovers, but they didn’t learn anything. Connor decided to call it quits when the clock struck 10pm and Hank’s fingers twitched one too many times. He didn’t want the Lieutenant to punch anyone and get in trouble, no matter how satisfying it would be to watch those assholes get knocked out.
"Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Wulf, we’ll contact you in case any further statements are needed." Connor discreetly steered Hank towards the front door. He was actually relieved their work for today was over.
"No problem at all. Have a nice evening, gentlemen."
Just as Connor was crossing the threshold, Mr. Wulf grabbed his forearm. He managed to catch the android off-guard and whirled him around, pulling closer to himself.
"You know, you’re pretty cute. You can call me anytime, sweetheart."
Connor stifled the urge to gag. Instead, he smiled faux-pleasantly and brushed off the man’s hand from his arm. "That’s nice but you’re not my type." With those words he left Mr. Wulf gaping at the door and followed after an impishly grinning Hank.
"Holy shit, Con," Hank wheezed after they got in the car, "did you see his face? He was so unprepared. Damn, I love when self-absorbed jerks like him get knocked down a peg."
The car let out a low rumble when Hank started it up. They’ve been driving for a minute or two when the Lieutenant spoke again.
"By the way…" The cough that came after this sentence sounded forced and Connor immediately noticed. He straightened up, knowing what Hank was about to say next was going to be either very serious or personal. "What…what is your type, anyway? Asking for a friend."
Connor smiled but didn’t answer for a while. He let Hank squirm a little in his seat and answered only when the older man was opening his mouth, probably about to retract his question and apologise.
"Truth is, Hank," Connor leaned a bit to his left. For the maximum effect he modulated his voice to sound like will.i.am’s. "I like them big, I like them chunky."
Hank roared with laughter, throwing his head back. Connor gripped the steering wheel with his right hand to ensure the car wouldn’t veer into the other lane. He kept his hand there even when Hank calmed down and started paying attention to the road again. He couldn’t help it! Being close to Hank was such a rush, he just wanted to stay in his personal space forever and-
"Mpf!" Wide-eyed, Connor let out a garbled sound when Hank’s massive hand covered almost all of his face and pushed him back into his seat. Through Hank’s spread fingers he could see the man blushing a bit, a quick scan told him his heart rate was elevated. Connor wanted to lick the palm pressed to his face.
"Stop that, I’m tryna drive."
Connor, obviously, wasn’t able to answer. The silence was deafening.
As the Lieutenant was drawing his palm back, Connor caught his wrist in both hands. Hank stubbornly kept his eyes on the road but didn’t try to get away from that grasp. He let the android shift his hand as he pleased, tensing minutely when Connor nuzzled his cheek into his palm.
"Con." The word sounded like a warning. There was something dark in Hank’s voice, something primal. It made Connor shiver.
"Hank." An almost whisper, slightly breathy as if Connor couldn’t get enough air in his artificial lungs.
Over the year they grew closer together but Connor felt there was always something missing from their relationship. He had his suspicions about what it may be but found out for sure only a few days ago. He wanted to be even closer. He wanted to be more than just best friends. He wanted his social programme to declare them "lovers". He wanted.
"Don’t." Voice strained, Hank kept driving until he reached Connor’s apartment building. He never removed his right hand from the android’s grasp.
Connor was conflicted. Hank was giving mixed signals – his words curt but his touch warm and gentle. He was preparing himself for rejection but also hoped, hoped so deeply that the Lieutenant felt the same. He forgot to breathe when the car came to a stop, nervous beyond belief.
But when Hank finally looked at him, there was no disgust nor hate visible on his face.
(Pupil dilation 30% more than normal, heart rate 132bpm, body heat elevated)
Connor couldn’t tell who moved first, even with all that fancy programming. Hank’s left arm shot towards Connor’s waist like a homing rocket while Connor’s right hand gripped Hank’s hair at the base of his skull. Hank’s right palm cradled Connor’s cheek gently, cupped by Connor’s left skinless hand.
The kiss was desperate. They both poured all of their everything into it, channelling a year’s worth of emotions.
It was awkward with their seatbelts on but Connor soon unclasped both of them, the belts retracting into the car seats with a harsh click. The android didn’t waste any time pushing the driver’s seat as far back as it would go and climbing onto Hank’s lap. His ass pushed the horn but neither of the men seemed concerned with the resounding honk that carried over the neighbourhood. To avoid making more noise Connor simply clung tightly to Hank’s front, pressing their arousals together. Hank groaned low in his throat and it took a Herculean effort on Connor’s part not to come undone just by hearing it.
The angry buzzing in Connor’s head struck with even more force than yesterday but he buried it with all the sensory data he kept receiving - the softness of Hank’s lips, the tight grip he had on his waist, the wandering hand on his back. It was all so much. Almost too much but also not enough.
When Connor felt Hank’s tongue swiping at his bottom lip, he gladly opened up for him. They both shivered as their tongues met, the slick glide audible in the confines of the car. Connor slid his palms over Hank’s arms, feeling the muscles move under his fingers as Hank was doing some exploration of his own.
All too soon they had to stop, as one of them actually needed oxygen to survive. A string of saliva connected their lips for a second before breaking off. Connor licked his lips. He wasn’t surprised when he discovered the skin on them retracted during their make out session.
They gently rested their foreheads against each other and just breathed for a moment.
0̶̪̲̜͇͉̬̺͙̞̰͓̻͚͙̼̳̪͈͌̔ͧ̈́̀̀͘͟͠1̷̡̌͆̄̒ͯ͑̆̿ͦͩ̃͊͊̃̎͋ͩ͘͜͏͈̠͔̯̙͙͉̫̥0̧͖͎̩͖̠͉̻̽͗̊͠0̡̡̯͙͔̖͚̬̞ͬ͒̔̏ͭ͆͆̆͛̓͒ͧ̃ͬ̂̆̀͢1̇̎͛̾́ͬ͐̇̏ͫ̂͆̀͏̸̢̤̼̗͖̰̱̫1̶̨̛͈̹̪̣̠̘̫̺̰͍̣̱̹͇͔̞̩͒͒͗͑̎ͪ̔ͥͬ̈́̀͘ͅ1̸̣̼̹̯͔̻̜̜͖̈͐̃̐ͨ͑̊̍̈́̒͞ͅ0ͭ̽ͯ̿͗̀͏̢̻͓̫̟͓̬͔͉̜̟͖͚̪͙͘ ͊̇͑́͐̽͗̃̓̍̆͐͂̋ͨ́͋͏̸̨̢̺͇̪̬̟̙͎͙̺̠0̧̗͔̮̼̮͌̉̔̃̓ͧ͒ͫ̿ͫ͌̽̌̽̿ͭ̓̕͢1̴͛̾̉̔̋ͦ͒ͬ͋̿͌҉̙̯̖̻͕͖̫̙͚̤̖͍͎͇̕0̰̦͇̝̹̽ͫ͂̆̂͡0͆ͫ̽͊͋̈́̃ͥͬͤ̓͋ͪͤͤͥ̓̆̃͏̨̧͓̝̞̳̻̪͚̘̹̼̬̪̝̰̀1̉̆͗̂ͦ̽̃̆͊͂̑͗͗̅̚͏̵̲̗̝͔͕̩̱͖1̶̢̠̪̫̺̗͎̙͖͎͎͍̤͙̱̘̝̀̿͛̋͋͋ͥͦ̑̿ͥ͛ͧ̓͋͒̾́̚̚͟͞1̶̢̗̺͇̉ͯ̏̉ͨͫ̃ͪ̈́̓̎ͨ͊̈́̿͡1̶̥̤̞̹̫͉̩̪̼̠ͥͯ͑͊ͬͨ̃̂͑̍͋ͯ͞ ̥̠̠̬̖͍͚̭̙̪̤͙͓̦͕͔̳̌̇̋͒̀́͘0̸̸̧̫͉̟͚͙̟̞̺̙̮͙̼̄̃͗̿ͬ̊́̽̋͋͋0̵̧̦̖͖̙̱͋ͧ̑̄͑̊ͧͭ̀̓̔̚1̤̰̦͇̭̠͓̈́̄͑̍͗̎̃̃̂͐̾͋̓͌̆̔̃͂͟͟͡0̡̗̬̪͈̣ͯ̋ͥ̃̕͡͠0̛̳̬̣͙̜͔̭̹͉̺͓̜͎͚̤̑̋ͥ̂͋́ͧ͒̓̄̂͂̅̍ͧ͋̚͝ͅ0̶̨̹̲̞̻͕̔̓͊ͨ̈́ͭ̈ͦͯ̎̌̄̌͠ͅͅ0̭̞͕̾̒͐ͦͩ̂̓̿͢͝1ͤ̋̃̓̊̒͊͑ͥͬ̔ͬͨ͗̒́̋͏̢̺̪̻̦̲̟͔̻̤͚̺̹̀
"I love you."
0̵̶̨̛̛̰̦͍̻̪͈̼̰̺̿̓̐ͤ̀̂ͦ̎̓́̔ͮ1̛̩̟͚͚̞̦ͣ̃ͭ̔̑͐ͫ̉̔͒͂ͧ͘͢͜ͅ0̷̢́̋ͦ̎̃̇̋ͣͦ͘҉̖̘̤̠͉͔1̸̢̃͂ͩ͒̊ͩ̆ͩ̏ͥͨ̾ͩ̅ͣ͗̚͜͏̼̝͕͕̼̜̩1̵̴̸̫̘̱̰͚̮̲̲̦͖̙͙͎̝̓ͨͦͧ̚͜͡ͅ0̴̶̛̙̬̱̺̟̞̬̝͖̺̙̓̿͒ͮ͋̌̀̋0̢̡͉̭̲̹͇̪̪͇̘͕̞̮̣͖̻͔̄̏͛ͭ̒ͩ̍̅̇́̚͡1̬͖̻͎̰̬̓ͬ̄̓ͧͨ͒ͬ̏ͯ́͠ ͣ͒ͣͤ̓̊̅͐̔̈́̂̈҉̧̲̙̖͓̣̻̦͙̟̖͇͈̳̹̱̕͜ͅͅ0͔̞͉͙̤̯̪͈͚͎̯̪̯̣͍̘̞̓̾̽͛̓̓ͣ̔̇ͬͤͨ̎̑͌̂̅̈́͆̀͞͡1̶̪̱͍͎̗͚̞̤̫̜͕̺͙̮ͤͤ̋̆͑͒͂̚͢͡͠0̧̦̞̤͉̬͍̖̦̰͚͈̎ͮͤ̆͛̉͑̍́͛ͨ̚͘͢0̵̋̑ͩͧ͊̅ͭͮ̂͒͟͞͏͚̱͔̝1̱̞̺͇͚͍̈́ͪ̅̇̅ͫͩ͒̃͑̏͌ͦ͌̍̽̀̚͠͝1̝̖̭̖͇̝̮̞̣͈͙͇̪̹̲̮̤̬͆̾̽ͨͭ̾̕͡1̴̧̜̤̟̜͕̱̗̏̃ͯ͂ͯ̇̌̽̎̃͌ͩͣͮ͢͟1̸ͫͦͪͪ̔̍̾̽̓́̌́͡҉̩͈̖͍̤͔͇͇͎̣͉̺͔ ̷̵̢̱̼̜͈͍̠̣̲̲̜̣̭͓͔̲̣͈͔̂ͭ͒̈́̃͊̓̈́̓̏̄̍̆̈́̄̿̀̚ͅ0͖͓̼̜͎̼͉̫͚̮̥͙̺̯̟̽̔͑ͦ̽̇̓̿ͩͬ͜͢1̨̖͓̬̬͎̗̳͍̰̹̐̈́̓̋̈̐ͦ͊̀̈́̒̃͗̒ͣ̓͘ͅ0̸̸̟̖̼̖͎̊͗ͫ̄ͮ͋͢1̶̭̞̝̹̜̦̬̐̈̀̈̌͢͢0̵̻̘̞͂̔͆̾̏͗̀̇̎̾͞1̶̞̩͇̜̄̈́ͫͪ̔ͥ̎̍͗̾́ͪ̌̈́͒͜͞0̡̡̯̪̯̳̗̰ͯ͌͆̏͛ͪ̂̈͒ͥ̅̀̈́̚͘͟1̱͈̗̗̰̮̹̠͖̲̗̙͚̯̗͐ͮ̓̀̒̔̍̃͌͊̾̈͘ ̧̛̘̩̩̲̤̲̳͈͈͚̔͒̓̽ͭͬͣ̓͐̀ͣ̍̈́͘͢͝0͔͎͉̹̖͚̖͙̫̳̮̭̺͚̯͑͑̀̓ͩ̑̎͛̒̆͗̃ͪ̈͌̂̕͟0̻͈̖̬͓̫̟͖̼̠͒́̏ͨ̋̚͢͢ͅ1̄̑̒͋̍͌̒̿̏̑́҉̖̤̰̹̞̜̜͘͟0̶̵̶͇̘̮̬̻ͨ̄ͬ͑ͤ͊ͧ̑̔̋ͧ̈ͧ̿́ͣ̈́0̀̿̑́҉͓̝̯̦1ͧ̈́̊̅͋̾̈́̄͑̒̆̀ͮ̄̾̿ͥ͌̚҉̸͔̻̟̦͎1̷̵̸̟̼͍̯ͫͭ͑̄̉ͧ̐ͣ̐ͥ͌͗ͦ̆͛́̀͞1̷̷̦̟̮̬̻͔̜̱͉̳͍̤͇͐͌ͪ̔̽͛ͭ͐̂́̓̀̓̾̎ͨͥ̽̀͘ͅ ̛͐̽͌̿̋͂ͭͧ͑ͪͨ̃ͥ͛̕͝҉̟̺͉͓̥̭͖̳ͅ0ͭͬͩ̾̋̈́ͩͬ̈͐̿̉̆̾̏͆́̚͏҉̢̙͉͖̤̼̼̪̭͍͈͜1̡͕̙̰͚̹̞̜ͨͤ̂ͭ̀͠0͍̭͓̜̦͉̲̺̖̃ͦ͌ͧ̿͊ͨ̍́ͥ̔̀͞͡͠͝1̷̫̣̳̖̱̥͚̯͕̮ͪ͆̊̇͗̅̐͐̍̄̎̏ͪ͒ͤͩ̃͢0͓͔̺ͩ̎̆̅͒̃̑̍̊̋̾͜0̸̨̪͇̪̤͖̮̤̭̹̰̦̣̫͇̦͍̃̑̓̔̃ͮ̇͂̔̾̆̅̍ͦ͌͗͟1̸̵̦̯͇̯̝̘͍̬̰̳̲͕̲̝͉͕̖̀͂̉͛ͩ͆ͥ̌ͫ͂̈͆ͣ̋̒͌͑̚̚0̷̧͓͎̭͎̞͙͇̭͕͎̜̘̘͇̈́ͦͧ̌̑̀̓ͪ͆̈́̌̑̊̂̓̏ͬ͆̄͠͠͡ ̵̨̧̛͇̭̞̙̩̯̰̟̖̹̥̭̜ͭ̿̑͗̇͆͒ͩͮͬ̃̆ͪͮ́̚0̴͔̜̝̿̊̍͋͋ͣ͟͠͝ͅ1̥̲̳̣̮͕̗̹̮̹͍̺͚̙͚ͯ́͒̽̄͘͡ͅ0̴͖͎̱͇ͬͣͬͭ͒ͫ͗͑̌̀̕0̷̖̬̳̫̲͈̭̘̲̤̫̖̬̖̼̳̪̰̐͑̍ͤ͌͘̕͟0̧̢͇͚̗̥̦̭̭̦̉̍̊̐̚͢͠͞1̨̡̻̻̖̜͚͈̥̯̥̘̲͉͓͉̻̳̙̹̹ͩ̌͌͑̓̐̾͋̋͌ͮ̊͆͆ͮ͗̐͊̕͟0̛̩̘̯̣̙̜͔̘ͩͧ͗̎̏̿̓̐ͧ̾́̕͜1̷̹͓͙̬͓͔̙̹̯͉͖̩͍͎̰̤͍ͫ͋̈́̽̀̆̓͑̉͐͐̒͒̅̎̎͛͡ͅͅ ̵̙̰̫̦̘͉̙͉̰̞̹̥͎͖̱͆ͥͯ͌̚͘ͅ0̇ͥͨ̋́͏̢̲̲̜̗͖̮̰͓̱0̛̠̣̬͔̲̜̭͉͔͉̈͆̑̈̂͛̉̆̕͘1̵̷̵̺̜͉̝̭̖͖̣̰͖̝̪͓̎̋ͨͯ̓̑ͤ͋̚0̵̑̎͋ͩ̈́ͣ̐̈́̒̀ͩ͐̀͗̏ͨ͜҉͇͇̻̲̲͚̻̯̯̟̬͈͙̪0̨̠͍͚̲̺̺̮̩̤̳̱̹̯̫͇͚͇̒́̑̃̄̋ͪ̋ͬ̕͘͡ͅ0ͤ̈́̎̿̌͐̆̐̂̉҉҉͖̦̭̝͚͇͎̦̫̟͉̣0̨̆̑ͨ̋̑ͤ̈̍͌̓͂̍̑̾͊̏̉̒̚͟͏̶͔̤̘̺̳͔̩͕̪̪̪0̮͎̖̩̪͖͈͖̖̦͍̥̗̪̗͇̗̦͗̏̌ͥ̌̋ͯ̋͆́̚͘ ̴͈̘̩̮͌ͯ̓͛̊̈́̾̓̀̚0̶̵̸͓̭͓̲̏̐ͬ̌ͯ͛͝ͅ1̶̧̛̪̰͎̖͚̺̄̃̅ͥ̒ͧͥͦͭ̚͝0̸̻̪̘͙͈̰͍̺͕̲̮͓̰̭͍ͦ͌̊̑͒̂̌̇͒̔̑̕͠0̆ͮ̀ͭ̇̀̚͘͏̪̯̼̩̱̬̼̹̠1̨̛͓̭̹͉̣͚͌͒̅͗̓́̓͒ͣ̋̂̐̿̄̐ͥ́̚̚ͅ1̷͛̌̿̌̐͏̣͇̻͚͎̼̯̠͎̰̫0̴̛̼̲̪̝̮̮̟̹͖͍̟̬̭̫͖̯͇ͣ͋ͦͧ̓͢1̨̼͙̹̼͈̭̗̗̝͚̤͌̋̆͗ͦ̌͠ ̢͖̫̲͉̬͉̳̩̪̹̞̪̳͓͍̪̜̍́̊̉̅̍̊̎͑ͥ̅̾̌͟ͅ0͊̓͋ͦͫ̂ͯͨ̒̄̽ͥͪͤͫ͌͏̺͖̣̪̕1̵͓̞͍̜͖̫̦̙͙ͫͦͪ̑̅̾͌͊͆ͣͮ̉͆̒̚͢͠ͅ0̨͍̳͙̝͈͐ͤͣ͌̃̈̆̽̌͆̏͑͌́̌ͩͨͩͨ0̈́̎ͮ͛҉̴̴̫̣͔̤͎̥̩̝͙͍̖̪̠̭̲͍̗́1̢̮̪̼̰̘̩̗̻̱̥̘̲̖͍̜͇͊͑ͭ̉̅̉̑ͬ̉̚̕͜͡0̛͍̖̩̟̙͎̱̖͓̲͗͒͋́̀̀0̶̶̬̠͙̯̱̹͖̱̼͈͓̋͆͆̏̏͑1̝̳̲̻̯̼̰̤̞̤̈̄ͬͥ̏ͯ̓͗̾̓ͥ͌ͫͬ̎ͪ̏ͫ̌̕͞ͅ ̸̢̼̫̠̖͓̖̱̼̹ͩ̀͋ͯͨ͑̌̇͒͂́̅̚0̶͖̰͍̦͚̳̯̲̞͚̦̼̤͚̼͚̞͐ͯ̾ͦ̂ͧͨ̀͟͞͝͞1ͯ͐ͫ̍͏̧̛͍͙̲̘̤͙͍́ͅ0̸̷̛̇̌ͭ̄̓̚̚͟҉̤͇̝͇̠̦̺͚͍͔͎͎͇0̴̨̤̘̟͍̹͈̣̹̗̦̩̙̮͙̩̝̤͙͗ͦ̂̈́́̍͂̚̕͠1̶̾̿ͦ͂̽̅̀͏̼̺̦̗̭͉̮̥1̷̞̯͙͍̥͈̺̞͈̻̪̉͂ͥͮ͊̕ͅ1̶̦̩̺̭͎̳͉̘̳̥ͣ͗̑ͤ̌ͧ͐͠ͅͅ0̖̰̘̤̭̙͆͊͂̾͋̃̎ͥ̃̽ͫ̄̾ͦ̃͑̽ͭ͋̕͜ ͮͭ̐̂̃̋ͯ̓͑ͧ̄͛̐ͮ̾ͨ̉͡͏̛̬͉͍̗͎̦̮̝̩̯̭̩̫̝͙͎͘͟0̛̣̥̬͔̮̜̀ͨͥ̏͌͛ͥ͑ͥ̓̑̇́ͪͬͮ̕̕1̷̠̞̤͙̱ͫ̌̌ͧ͋́0̷̨̨̿͑ͪͧ҉̫͚͓̙̭͚̮̭͚̜̹̟̼͈̤͚̥̠0̴̢̮̹̠̝̹͖̠̭̰̝̖̝̟̟̇̋̾̓̽͂̀ͤ͊ͭ̓ͯ͊̀0̷̵̸̭̭̱̲͓̪̝̤̖̻͙̺̰̮̭̯ͧ̉͛̈1̊̔͂͆̀ͭ҉͎̜͓͕̜̩̬͍͎͎̖͇͈͚̳͠ͅͅ0̶͇̺̯̬̳͇̹͔͈̙̳̦͚͓̪̙͎̽ͦ͂̂̆ͥ͋̓ͬ1̶͍͓̻̰̙͖̝̦̙̙̣͔ͩ̂̏̃̈ͤͭ͜͞ͅ ̷̣͓̳̙̫͚̠̻̑̓̑̇ͦ̎ͧ̾́͆͑ͨ̓̋́̎̋ͪ̀͘0̸̳̳̪̬̩ͫͧ͑̊̅͋̅̿ͤ̈́̏ͪ́͠͞ͅͅͅ0̸̡̖̭͇̰̱̪̊ͫ̌̈́͒̄́̈́̒̔ͥ̄ͯ̚1̆̒̓̅̌̌̔͊ͥ͊̓̚͏̘̰̲͚̫̘̮̝͙͕̀͞0̶̸̴̲̟̞͓͔̱̫̤͍͎̯̦͕̺̭̦̿̔̅ͬ0̸̻̝͖̟̰̤ͨ̊̅ͦ̋ͥ̾ͣ̔ͪͮͣͭ͌̿ͦ͘͢0̴̧̡̳͉̰̣͔͖̱̺̞ͣ̅̏̐́́͌̊͌̔͞0ͯ͂ͮ͊͛͢͠҉̟͉̲̻̺̦̟̙̩̫͓͉̝͇͙͚͉͉1̻̲̭̳̹̳̭̒ͪ̿ͮͬ̽ͧͪ̐̏́ͧ̄͗ͫͥ̇̄̅̀͡͠ͅ
"I love you too, baby."
Their next kiss was languid, chaste almost; if it weren’t for the moan that slipped through Connor’s mouth when Hank delicately bit his lower lip and pulled.
For a while after that, they just stared into each other’s eyes, dopey smiles on both their faces. Connor hugged Hank tightly.
"I’ll see you at work tomorrow, Lieutenant." He didn’t miss how the title made Hank’s heart skip a beat.
"Yeah. See you, darlin’."
Connor climbed out of the car through the driver’s side door. Before he disappeared inside his apartment, he blew a playful kiss Hank’s way, which Hank smiled at and returned with a wave.
Only much later did Connor realise that after that last message the angry buzzing in his head ceased. Somehow, it filled him with dread.
In case you didn't check it on your own already (I know I keep "binary to text" translator open in another tab whenever I read DBH fanfics) the binary says "NO! YOU'RE MINE!"
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