#in fact they would all drop peter in a heartbeat for mj
stackthedeck · 2 years
how do you think it would be if tasm gwen, raimi mj and mcu mj met in nwh? i am afraid of how raimi mj is nowadays ik she is probably fine but she was living a hell in spiderman 3
Ooooh this is a very interesting question!! One of my biggest critics of nwh is that it really demotes its female characters, like MJ gets damseled (which really isn't the end of the world for her character, her character arc is about learning to open up and trust people so damselling works but it being service of Andrew's Peter not so much) and Aunt May gets fridge, turning her into uncle ben really isn't the feminist power move people think it is. So bringing in the other MJ and Gwen could be a way to fix this.
so like here's the thing, most of the villains died in the other movies, so it makes total sense that Gwen could come back (And Andrew's Peter would fucking lose it when he sees her, but he can't tell her why, oh god the angst!!) and like idk I think the girls would have a good time, they could have a cute conversation about their lives like the Peters
I think that there would be some conflict and confusion at first, but MJ and Gwen Stacy are really good friends in the comics. Raimi mj has been through a lot, but I do think she and Peter could make things work and she could be the cool mom of the girls while Gwen and mcu mj are giving dumb college kid energy
Also I kinda get carried away and outlined a fic/script rewrite so that's under the cut
Okay so here's how I think it could go down. Doc Strange tells Peter that in addition to the villains, other people who pose no material threat aside from being from another universe have been pulled into their reality. Peter tasks MJ and Ned with finding them and they have a cute little b-plot of tracking down "other universe thems" (would this fuck with the pacing and tension of the movie? yes absolutely, but here's the thing I care more about MJ and Gwen than I do about Peter) There's a montage of MCU mj talking to other people that look like her, but obviously they're all dead ends. Eventually, the doctor strange little tracker device goes off and she turns the corner to see two women viciously arguing.
MJ taps them on the shoulder and asks "are either of you Michelle Jones?" They both share a look and their faces soften when they see these kids.
"Mary Jane, actually, but you can call me MJ."
"Gwen Stacy, but just Gwen is fine, no abbreviations necessary."
Ned says, "So...do you two know a Peter Parker?"
Mary Jane and Gwen do a dramatic groan in perfect sync, freeze then burst into laughter.
"I'll take that as a yes," Michelle says.
MJ and Ned explain what's going on with the multiverse.
"Oh..." Gwen says, "that was actually my second guess."
"What was your first?"
"Peter rebounded to a cougar after I left for Oxford."
MCU Mj and Ned bring Mj and Gwen back to Doctor Strange's basement and they both coo over how small this Peter is. Raimi mj says that he's what her kid will look like and Gwen gasps, "wait you're pregnant? You and Peter made it work?"
Raimi mj explains that their relationship got off to a rocky start, but once Peter was honest about Spider-Man and she gave him more space to be a hero and they talked through the events of sm3 (i.e forgiving him for making mistakes under the influence of the symbiote) they made it work. It's hard, superhero stuff complicates life, but it's worth it.
MCU mj punches her Peter on the shoulder. "Yeah dork, superhero stuff is complicated." Peter frowns and she punches him again. "But it's worth it."
The rest of the events of nwh happen but instead of MJ and Ned finding the other Peter's accidentally through the sling ring, other MJ and Gwen are tasked with finding their own Peters and bringing them to help mcu Peter. Raimi MJ and Peter get to do the upside-down kiss again but this time, MJ pulls his mask all the way off and he flips to the ground to hug her and she does a little "hey tiger"
Gwen is wandering around New York and she sees her Peter, she grabs him and pulls him into a tight alley (there's shadows that make it look like the closet scene, you know the scene I'm talking about). She's smiling at Peter until she sees his face which is just so broken. "Peter, what's wrong?" "Nothing I just haven't seen you since...you went to Oxford." "Well, I'm not at Oxford now." Honestly just let Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone improv a scene, their chemistry is off the charts.
Everything else happens exactly the same except instead of Andrew's Peter saving MCU mj, it's the other mj and Gwen grabbing her hands and pulling her back to safety. (Although Andrew's Peter can web them all to the scaffolding and tell them to be careful by the edges)
At some point, there needs to be a scene of them talking about forming a band (because that's a thing in the spider gwen universe and also a play on the other peters thinking the avengers are a band)
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i-lovethatforme · 3 years
Theory !!!!! Peter met MJ’s dad on the time between homecoming and far from home , that period where he fell in love with her !
Sad that we are not getting even a deleted scene about that kind of moments where they (and Ned) where bonding and Peter was pining way to hard .😭😭😭😔
listen... i am crying. how i imagine a scene like that... (also when we get peter and mj and ned talking about how uncool and unsubtle peter was over mj t and y!)
“Where are we going?” she shouts, her hands scrambling over his face and she’s pretty sure he can’t see but he’s not complaining.
“Er, I dunno,” he screams, his arm tight around her waist as she feels every muscle in his body tighten to swing them around a corner. “Your house?”
Her first thought is at least she’ll be able to put on some fluffy socks and a sweater and have one to six cups of tea but then she thinks about her dad sitting in his wingback armchair sharpening a knife as they speak.
“No! My dad will kill you!”
“I thought you said your dad really likes me?!” he replies, and the hurt in his voice is evident, as though his identity wasn’t just out for all to see.
She thinks her dad would get over the leaked video of Peter being accused of murder because he never liked Jameson anyway and he thinks the Daily Bugle is trash but he’s still not going to enjoy MJ dating a vigilante. The main reason she hasn’t told him yet.
“When did I tell you he really likes - watch out! pigeons! - you?” she asks, really wishing they were having this conversation on the ground. She attempts to reposition and he slows down as she climbs onto his back, wrapping her legs around his waist.
“You must remember, MJ,” he wheezes, narrowly avoiding another helicopter. MJ decides she doesn’t really care where they’re going and Peter’s much faster now he has two arms and she trusts him anyway so if she closes her eyes and buries her face in the crook of his neck that’s just good sense.
“You told me at decathlon that he - hold on,” he says, and she feels her body fly away from him but he catches her with a hand against her waist. She feels the temperature change but keeps her eyes closed anyway.
“He thought it was really sweet that I stayed with you when he was late to the bus station.”
“After Washington?!” she asks, her eyes flying open in time to see the train hurtling towards them.
“Train! Train! Holy fu -”
“I’ve got you, Em. I’ve got you,” he says, his thumb rubbing across her thigh and it’s strange how much his voice soothes her. Despite running from the city and Peter swinging her towards trains, even though his track record with avoiding them isn’t great seeing as he was hit by one like a week ago, she still trusts him with everything.
“I think I said he said it was nice or whatever!”
“You never took it back!” he says, now crawling through the tunnel upside down as opposed to swinging which doesn’t make her feel any better at all.
“We need to get out of here,” she says.
“I’ve got a plan…”
“I trust you,” she says, a quick kiss to the back of his neck. She said it too soon because he drops without warning, his hand coming out to keep her from crashing onto the top of the B train.
“So, how mad do you think he’ll be?” he asks casually, as though he’s not laying on top of her on top of a high speed train.
“Are you kidding me right now, Peter?” she shouts, her voice shaky.
“I won’t drop you,” he replies, the mechanical eyes practically watering at the sincerity of his tone.
“I know,” she sighs, letting him rest his forehead against hers. It’s oddly calm up here, the sounds of the train and Peter’s heartbeat against her chest and the fact no one knows they’re here.
“So, do you want to text him or -”
“Right. Not the time… I can ask Karen to do it?”
“You’re so - wait, why do you have his number?”
“Emergencies,” he stutters out. “Oh look, it’s our stop.”
And before she can scream at him again he’s swinging them past pedestrians and her voice is drowned out by the annoyance of New Yorkers who just want to get on the subway and must there be someone in a weird outfit ruining things all the time?
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flourgirl · 4 years
Even If It’s a Lie
Part I to “Even If It’s a Lie”
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: Peter drags you to one of his frat parties, and you realize something you should have a long time ago.
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: SO much angst, and lots of pining from Y/N. A couple swear words here and there.
A/N: I liked writing the first one so much that I couldn’t stop when it came to this one! Enjoy :-)
“This is the last time I'm asking you this Put my name at the top of your list This is the last time I'm asking you why You break my heart in the blink of an eye” -The Last Time, Taylor Swift
“Pete, I don’t know about this…” you said, looking yourself up and down in the mirror. You looked like a completely different person in the short burgundy dress that MJ had picked for you. The shiny satin contrasted with your dirty, white sneakers that hadn’t seen the light of day since you played tennis in the 9th grade.
“Trust me,” MJ had said when she was choosing your outfit earlier that day, “You don’t wanna wear any shoes that you actually like to a frat.”
“Why can’t you go with him again?” you whined, wishing Peter had somebody, anybody else, to accompany him to his “induction ceremony” into Sig Ep. 
“I don’t think I’m what any of those frat guys meant when they said ‘Bring a hot girl’. Plus, you were Peter’s first choice,” MJ replied, nonchalantly biting her nails as you held the dress up to yourself. “That’s the one.”
“I’m not hot,” you sighed as you started to hang the many rejected dresses spread across your floor back onto the rack. “I wore a sweater with a cat on it yesterday. That I hand-knitted.”
“Well... you’re cute. And that’s good enough. Plus, you can keep Parker from getting plastered. You know he’s a lightweight,” MJ laughed, reminding you of the many times Peter had called you to pick him up from a late night of partying.
“Yeah, I guess so,” you sighed, still worried about the fact that you did not like parties. Or strangers, or crowds, or really anything that involved socializing with more than four people at a time. Peter had been the same way all throughout high school. That’s what made you guys so close, but... things hadn’t been the same since you started college.
Peter ran from the other room, smoothing the wrinkles out of the gray t-shirt that fit him just right. You saw him grin from behind you in the mirror’s reflection, and he placed his hands on his shoulders, jostling you lightly.
“Y/N! Are you excited! It’s your first college party!” he exclaimed, spinning you around to look him in the eyes. You stared down at your feet, self conscious over how short you felt in your sneakers next to him.
“That’s not true. I’ve been to parties before! Ned’s birthday was just last month,” you reminded him. “Don’t you remember how you watched me bake a cake from scratch and your only ‘contribution’ was eating the buttercream?”
Peter laughed, ruffling your hair like you were his little brother. “No, Y/N, I meant a real party. With booze and music that’s so loud that you can’t hear what someone is saying. That kind of party.” 
Your brows furrowed as you began to fully accept that Peter had changed. So, so much. He wasn’t the dorky kid from Queens that carried your books and watched your favorite animated movies with you just because anymore. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
It didn’t take his spidey-senses for Peter to realize how upset he had made you. “Y/N, I’m sorry. You know I didn’t mean it like that. I just want you to experience everything college has to offer.”
“I think you do that enough for both of us,” you muttered, plopping dramatically onto the couch. Peter followed you, running his fingers gently across your arm as you pouted into a throw pillow. “Couldn’t you have asked any other girl to participate in your frat’s misogynistic tradition?”
“I didn’t want to ask anybody else,” Peter replied. You sat up to look at him, fixing your hair and smoothing out your dress. “I promise, Y/N. I miss you. We never hang out like we used to.”
You rolled your eyes. “And whose fault is that? You’re always—”
“—it’s mine. I know that. So, just come with me tonight and let me make it up to you,” he pleaded, pulling out his signature puppy dog eyes that you could never say no to. “Come on. All you have to do is say the word and we can leave, okay?”
Your nerves worsened the closer you got to the frat houses, not mentally prepared for how loud the music would be or all of the sweaty bodies that would inevitably be pressed against you on the dance floor.
As you approached Sig Ep, Peter gave your hand a reassuring squeeze. He looked deep into your eyes, “Y/N. I meant what I said. All you have to do is tell me that you’re ready to go and we’ll leave.”
“You promise?” you asked, chewing on your lip.
“Promise,” Peter smiled, holding out his pinky to intertwine with yours.
Some tall, buff guy was standing at the doorway and greeted Peter with a fist bump. “Hey, Parker! Good work with the dime! She got a boyfriend?” You recoiled at his attitude towards you. It was as if you weren’t even there.
“Nah, Ryan. She’s off limits.” Peter replied coolly, pulling you inside.
You heard Ryan wolf-whistle from his post, causing you to roll your eyes. “Hell yeah! Didn’t know little Petey had it in him!”
Peter wrapped his arm around you, partly to make you feel better, but also because there wasn’t much space for you two to squeeze your way into the kitchen. “Just ignore him,” he said, handing you a red plastic cup, a bottle of Sprite, and a shot glass of vodka. 
You peered up at him, unsure. You weren’t much of a drinker, but maybe, just maybe, it would help you ease up on your nerves. Swirling the liquids together into the cup, you downed it before recoiling from the burn. Cheap vodka sucked, you remembered.
“That’s my girl!” you barely heard Peter say from right next to you, feeling him patting your back before he did two shots himself, swallowing them as if they were water. “Come on, I have some people who’ve been dying to meet you.”
The butterflies in your stomach were going crazy. He had called you his girl. You gripped his hand tightly as he led you down the hallway and onto the back patio, where a group of people sat crowded around a bonfire. 
A girl with bleach blonde hair and a dark green dress that hugged her figure came running up to the two of you, practically jumping into Peter’s arms as she greeted him. “Peter! I’ve been waiting for you. Come on, you can sit next to me.” 
She pulled Peter towards the bonfire, patting the empty spot on one of the benches next to her. Peter turned to nod at you, gesturing for you to follow them. Once again, it felt like you were invisible to almost everybody at this party.
The blonde girl leaned close to Peter’s face, giggling with an obvious drunkenness. “So, who’s your little friend?” she asked, waving her fingers towards you like you were some kind of pet.
“This is Y/N, my best friend.” Friend. That’s all you’d ever be to him, especially when there were girls like her around.
“Hi, Y/N! I’m Gwen. Gwen Stacy. Peter and I met in our thermodynamics class last semester,” she smiled, showing off her perfectly white teeth. “You should’ve seen him! He made everything look so easy.” You already knew that. Peter could do anything he set his mind to.
“Yeah...” you mumbled, refusing to make eye contact with her bright, gray eyes, which matched Peter’s shirt. “So, uh, who are you here with?”
“Oh, duh!,” she said before tapping the guy on her left’s shoulder, pulling him out of the conversation he was having with the people next to him. “This is Harry Osborn. We go way back. Harry, this is, uh…”
“Y/N,” you reminded her.
“Right! Y/N. She’s Peter’s friend,” Gwen told him. He nodded his head and offered a small wave before returning to his conversation. Of course, you thought to yourself. Peter had only asked you to come with him tonight because she was unavailable.
You stared back down at your stupid shoes as Peter and Gwen talked about titrations and bond solutions. Things that you knew nothing about. Was this why Peter was always out at parties? To see her? 
You thought about Peter’s promise. Just tell him, you thought. Tell him you want to leave. But you knew that you wouldn’t. You knew that you couldn’t ruin Peter’s fun just because you decided to be a baby and get scared after just thirty minutes into your very first frat party.
Looking back up at Peter and Gwen, who now had her arms draped around his neck, you excused yourself to the restroom, wherever that was. You just needed a break. Peter nodded towards you before turning back to smile at Gwen.
A banging on the bathroom door startled you. “Hey, uh, could you, like, HURRY UP? I have to take a piss,” a boy yelled from the other side. You got up from the edge of the bathtub that you had been sulking on for the past five minutes to open the door.
“Oh. Sorry, Y/N. Didn’t know it was you.” It was Flash Thompson. Flash, the guy who had made Peter’s life a living hell in high school. “God, you look good. Hey, how’s about you waiting out here for me and we could, you know, catch up?” He winked at you and you wanted to throw up.
Your first instinct was to say no. How could you give Peter’s bully the time of day? But you thought about Peter and Gwen. Gwen. Gorgeous and smart and better than you in every possible way, who was probably sitting in Peter’s lap by now and running her fingers through his hair. Your heartbeat quickened as rage rushed through your body. You wanted to hurt Peter, like he had hurt you. “Yes,” you replied, before he slammed the bathroom door in your face.
One minute later, you were pulling Flash down the stairs and towards the backyard. “You washed your hands, right?” you asked, desperately hoping that the answer would be yes.
“Don’t worry, babe. I just peed. Everyone knows that as long as you don’t get it on your hands you’re all good,” he mused. “You use less water that way, too. Save the planet, am I right?”
You dropped his hand, mentally rolling your eyes, and continued trudging towards the bonfire. You watched as Peter turned to smile at your reappearance, which swiftly dropped once he saw who you were with. It seemed like Gwen had backed off when you were gone too. Was this some kind of weird, territorial act that she was putting on to prove that Peter liked her and not you?
Maybe you were overthinking, but it was too late to backtrack. You sat back down on your place next to Peter, the awkwardness thick in the air. Flash had decided to squeeze himself between the two of you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder.
Peter leaned forward and shot you a dirty look, which you immediately recognized as his “What the fuck, Y/N?” face. 
A familiar voice boomed from behind, and you turned around to find Ryan had finally tapped out of bouncer duty to join the festivities. “Who’s ready for Truth or Dare!”
Shit. You hated truth or dare. Peter knew that. Ever since you had been dared to kiss Tyler Rosado in the 7th grade and he laughed right in your face before flat out rejecting you, the game had become a sore spot.
But you looked at Peter, who was cheering alongside the rest of the group, excited as ever to participate in the game that you swore you’d never play again. He doesn’t care, you thought to yourself, not like he used to.
You felt a vibration from your pocket and scrambled to pull your phone out of your jacket. Well, Peter’s jacket. The one he had let you wear on the way here because you were cold. It was a text from MJ. 
“How’s everything going?”
“Not good”, you replied, adding multiple sad face emojis at the end of your message.
“What did that idiot do this time?,” she asked. It was like you could hear her “I’m so going to beat Peter up for this” voice through the screen.
“I’ll tell you when I get back,” you sent, before locking your phone and sliding it back into the jacket pocket.
“Alright, alright, alright. So, who’s up first?” You heard Ryan ask, remembering the terrible event that was taking place right before you. “Hey! Gwen, how about you do us the honors?”
“Of course!” she chirped back. “I’m always up for a challenge.”
“I know you are,” Ryan laughed, causing the crowd of people to whoop and holler around you. “So, truth or dare.”
“Definitely dare,” she slurred, taking another sip from her beer.
“Who’s got a dare for pretty, little Gwen here? Anybody?” Ryan asked, looking around the backyard.
Flash raised his hand. Fuck. Why did you think that it would be a good decision in any way, shape, or form to bring him with you? 
“Gwen, I dare you to make out with the hottest guy here!” he giggled, obviously thinking that she’d pick him. What a dumbass.
She smirked, before turning to Peter. “Gladly,” she said as she moved to press her lips against his. You struggled to watch as they made out right next to you, much to both you and Flash’s dismay. It felt like it had been going on for forever when they finally stopped sucking each other’s faces and the crowd’s cheers died down.
That was it. That was the last straw. You got up from where you were sitting and headed back towards the front door, having had enough of frat parties for the rest of your miserable life. Peter probably wouldn’t even notice that you were gone.
You felt hot tears fall down your cheeks as you stumbled out onto the sidewalk, calling MJ as fast as you could. “Could you come get me,” you managed to choke out. “This—this was a mistake. Please, just come get me.”
MJ asked for your address and let you know that she’d be by in a couple of minutes. You plopped onto the front steps, emotionally and physically exhausted from all that Peter had put you through tonight. 
A few minutes later, MJ’s car pulled up in front of Sig Ep, and she ran out to hug you, gently rubbing your back to get you to stop crying. “Where is he?,” she asked angrily, glaring towards the frat house. 
You pulled her back, sniffling at her, “Don’t. I just want to go home.”
“Fine. I’ll deal with him later,” MJ said, before the two of you got into her car and drove back to the apartment that you shared. Upbeat pop music played on the stereo, which you promptly shut off, preferring to mope with your head on the windowsill, staring out at the cloudy night sky.
MJ unlocked the front door, and you were greeted by Ned and Betty sitting on the living room floor around a Monopoly board. Betty was obviously winning, and Ned was almost bankrupt. 
“Y/N!” Betty squealed, getting up off the rug to hug you. “Oh my god, what happened?”
“It was Peter,” MJ muttered, shooting daggers at Ned.
“What!? I can’t control him,” Ned tried to reason. “Y/N, on behalf of my idiot roommate, I’m sorry for whatever he did this time.”
“It’s okay, guys. I just really want to go to bed, okay?” you told them, heading towards your bedroom.
You kicked off your sneakers and threw Peter’s stupid jacket, which smelled just like him, onto the chair in the corner, plunking yourself face first into the mattress. Ned, Betty, and MJ stood in your doorway, watching the entire thing.
“Yeah… I don’t think she’s okay,” Ned whispered, loud enough for you to hear.
Betty hit him on the head. “Ow!,” Ned replied, rubbing his temple from where she had flicked him.
“Will you all just shut up and leave me alone!?,” you screamed, startling your friends.
“Yeah, of course. Just tell us if you need anything, Y/N. We’ll be right outside,” MJ reassured you, before shutting your door behind her.
You woke up the next morning to the smell of blueberry pancakes and maple syrup wafting throughout the apartment. Dragging yourself to the bathroom, you wiped away the leftover makeup from last night and brushed your teeth, ready to forget about everything that had gone wrong yesterday.
“Good morning, Y/N!” Betty sang from the stove, placing yet another pancake onto the already towering pile before sliding the plate in front of you. “They’re for you. Blueberry, with a little bit of cinnamon, just like how you like ‘em!”
You managed to give her a weak smile, before digging into the breakfast she had so lovingly prepared for you. “Where’s MJ,” you asked, knowing that she would never still be asleep past 7 a.m.
“I’m not supposed to tell you…” Betty answered, obviously trying to deflect from wherever their roommate was. “Apple or orange juice?”
“Apple,” you replied. “No, seriously, Betty. Where is she?”
Betty placed the glass next to your plate of pancakes. A heavy silence hung all throughout the kitchen as you realized the only place that MJ could be right now. She was going to kill Peter.
“Oh my god!” you screamed, scrambling to pull your shoes on and running out the door. Betty mentally cursed herself out for not being able to keep a secret, chasing after you down the stairwell.
“Y/N! If you know what’s good for you, you’ll stop! Please, MJ is just looking out for you!,” she panted from several stories ahead. Betty had no idea when you had gotten so fast.
“Don’t care! He’s my best friend!” you yelled back, before rushing out onto the sidewalk and running across campus towards Peter and Ned’s dorm room. You hated how much you still cared about Peter after all this time. You hated how much you loved him.
As soon as you reached their door, you frantically knocked on it until Ned opened up. “Oh, Y/N, you’re not supposed to be here. Hey, wait—”
You didn’t let him finish his sentence, squeezing your way past him and into their common room. There, MJ and Peter sat playing a game of chess. Until MJ transferred to your school, nobody had ever been able to beat Peter in chess. You scanned the board as they became aware of your presence, and felt a sense of pride seeing that MJ had his pieces tied up to ensure that she’d have a checkmate in five. He’d either have to resign or let her pick off his queen, two knights, and rook one by one.
“Oh,” you sighed with relief, seeing that Peter was still alive. Everyone in the room was staring at you, waiting to see what you had to say. 
“Well. I’m going to head home. See you later, MJ. Bye!” You turned on your heels and headed towards the door, where Ned was standing with his jaw on the floor.
Peter scrambled to his feet as he caught up with you, grabbing your arm and spinning you around just as he had done yesterday. “Y/N. Let me explain,” he whispered softly, like there was nobody else in the room. Curse those damn puppy dog eyes. You were better than this. You needed to stick up for yourself.
“Goodbye, Peter,” you said, before breaking free of his grasp and walking out the door, doing your best not to cry in front of everybody.
He started to follow you before MJ pulled him back, uttering a simple “Don’t.”
Walking back to your apartment, you realized that you had been right all along. Peter had changed, and nothing was ever going to be the same between the two of you.
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tinyyoungblood · 4 years
a night in | peter parker
summary: queens’ coolest friends group of smarty pants is back with fun sing-alongs, some life advice and a few hilarious childhood stories while peter can’t keep his hands off you
Tumblr media
pairing: peter parker x reader
warnings: swearing and quick mentions of violence and vandalism
word count: 2.2k
song: Boys Ain’t Shit (feat. Tate McRae & Audrey Mika) by SAYGRACE
a/n: this is for everyone out there who would like some company on a boring friday night. just hang out with peter and the gang:)
↳ masterlist
* * *
“These boys ain’t shit, I’m not here for it,” you sang on top of your lungs while holding the white blanket around the nape of your neck, hips moving to the beat.
“If you want me, act like it. Act like it!” MJ sang the next line and twirled around the kitchen counter while carelessly throwing her hands up in the air. You met halfway and locked eyes with each other, a sparkling gleam dancing in them.
“These boys get pissed. ‘Cause I won’t stand for it.” MJ threw her hair over her shoulder and you cheered her on, “If you want the sweet life then act like it!” The LED lights dunked your skin in vibrating pink.
You were just two careless girls, dancing and singing their hearts out on a Friday night while the music was blasting through the speakers. “Run it backwards, don’t be such an asshole, run it backwards, run it, run it back— “
Suddenly the joyful moment ended when the music was abruptly turned off. Your heads snapped to the door, ready to cuss out the person who cruelly paused your music.
When the harsh lights were switched on, you could see them standing in the doorway: Your very confused boyfriend and his amused best friend, each of them holding bags of food.
“So this is what you do when we’re gone for ten minutes?” Ned asked with a grin on his face while setting his stuff on the kitchen counter. MJ rolled her eyes at him and fished out a can of soda, replying, “Always. Next thing on the list would be a pillow fight and a makeover.”
You walked to the living room to put away your fluffy blanket and called out, “Don’t forget sneaking out to meet up with leather jacket-wearing biker gangs.” As you turned back around, two strong arms slung around your waist and the familiar curls were nestled into the side of your face as Peter placed soft kisses on your neck.
Melting into his embrace right away, you smiled at his affectionate greeting. “Missed me?”
“You tell me,” he mumbled into your neck and you giggled slightly at the vibration, “I’m gone for two seconds and my girlfriend sings about boys not being shit.”
You gently removed him from your neck before he could reach your sweet spot and rested your hands at the back of his neck to face him. A sweet pout was resting on his puckered lips and you couldn’t help but peck them, immediately conjuring a smile.
“I was just jamming out to a song with MJ.” He cocked his head to the side to mutely question the song choice, but you just shrugged. “Besides,” you said with a smirk while playing with his hair, “you know, you ain’t shit, Parker.”
He gasped at you and placed his hand over his chest, making you laugh at his dramatic gesture. “But I love you anyway.” You leaned forward and captured his cold lips with yours.
The familiar warmth promptly welcomed you and rose from your stomach to your chest and the distinct chatter of your friends quickly vanished into the background. Peter melted into the kiss and you smiled at the impact you had on him.
When you pulled back, he instantly pressed your waist closer, prolonging the soft-lipped kiss. Not wanting to let go either, you moved your lips with his whilst soft curls slipped through your fingertips.
When his tongue glided over your bottom lip to ask for permission to enter, you had to fight everything in you to not let him take control and instead, reluctantly pulled away, leaving your lips disappointedly cold again.
“We wanted to spend the evening with MJ and Ned, remember?”
“They have food in there, they’ll be fine,” he waved you off and went in for another kiss, but you turned your head to the side, making him peck your cheek instead.
“Come on Pete, we promised them.” Groaning slightly, he pouted again and you wanted nothing more than to just plant thousands of kisses on his soft lips. Instead, you dragged him back into the kitchen.
And that’s how the four of you ended up on the living room floor, eating takeout pizza and exchanging embarrassing childhood stories.
You were cuddled in between your boyfriend’s legs and listening to Ned’s funny memory as Peter mindlessly drew circles on your waist with his fingers.
“And because nobody was paying attention to him, I had no other choice but to scream out his name while preparing myself for the impact!”
“You had to prepare yourself for the impact?” you laughed and MJ shook her head with a look of disapproval on her face, though she couldn’t help but grin herself, “You yeeted the poor blind kid across the playground!” You burst out laughing.
“Dude, pushing over a blind guy is not cool,” Peter chocked out between his laughter, your back feeling his chest vibrate.
“I was on a swing!” Ned defended, still aware that it was all kinds of messed up, “What kindergarten teacher lets a blind kid walk up to the swings?! That’s child neglectment!”
Everyone burst out laughing again, tears were almost streaming down your face. Eyeing your half-eaten pizza, you turned your head and handed it to Peter who wordlessly grabbed it and took a bite off it.
You smiled up at him and loved how he had a great time. He deserved every second of joy and happiness. Noticing you stare at him, he curiously looked down at you and you just silently exchanged warm smiles. A sparkling gleam was dancing in your eyes and Peter felt his heart flutter again.
Sometimes he couldn’t get over the fact that you were his. The funniest, smartest and kindest girl out there was sitting in between his legs, sharing her pizza with him. God, he was lucky.
He bent down and pecked your lips. Your nose scrunched at the heavy taste of onions, but Peter just gave you a lopsided grin.
“So what happened next?” MJ asked and picked up a bag of skittles off the floor, ripping it open to hand it to Ned.
It was an unspoken rule in your group that he always gets the bag first since he only eats the red skittles.
“Our parents were called in and I was expelled for the rest of the day,” Ned explained sheepishly and picked out his skittles.
“Getting expelled in kindergarten,” you chuckled, “Ned Leeds, you are a wild one.” He shrugged with a huge grin on his face, returning the bag of sweets to MJ.
“Well, if you want to talk about being a wild one, how about you share a story now, babe?” Peter nudged your side and you grimaced, nibbling on your bottom lip.
MJ nodded while leaning back on her arms, “It’s your turn.”
“Yeah,” Ned agreed, “I know like nothing about your childhood.”
You snatched the skittles bag from MJ and acted like you were deeply invested in picking out a specific colored skittle. “Because there’s nothing to tell,” you mumbled, clearly embarrassed of your younger self, but as always, Peter caught it with his enhanced hearing.
“Your mom told me what you were like as a child. There’s plenty to tell!” he urged and you elbowed him, but he just snickered, finding it adorable that you believed you could hurt him in any way.
“You seriously need to stop having dinner with my mom.” You deadpanned but you just felt him shrug.
“She makes the best lasagna.”
The others agreed, “She really does.”
“Bless that woman’s lasagna.”
You groaned and threw the bag in the middle of the floor for the others to grab. “Since when is everybody having dinner with my mom?”
“You wouldn’t know, you’re never home.” MJ shrugged, causing a pang of guilt in your chest.
“I get it, I’m too busy,” you mumbled while playing with the sweets in your hands.
“Well,” Ned eyed you and glanced at Peter who was absentmindedly playing with your hair, “you do have a lot on your plate with all the extracurriculars. You can always drop some, you know.”
Sensing the growing discomfort, Peter let go of your hair and hugged you from behind, pressing you against his chest. You naturally melted into his embrace and his heartbeat calmed you down.
“I guess I could drop one or two,” you mumbled and the others gazed at you knowingly.
“You know,” MJ spoke up in her monotonous voice that indicated that she tried to be gentle, “there’s nothing wrong with giving up on something if you don’t enjoy it anymore. No shame in that.”
“She’s right,” Peter encouraged, “babe, you don’t have to keep going just because you don’t want to let other people down. Whether it is the marching band or the speech and debate team, they’ll be fine without you. Do what makes you happy.”
The others agreed and the corners of your mouth turned up. You were grateful for moments like these with your friends.
They were right, you haven’t had dinner at home with your mom for a while now and you couldn’t even remember the last time you properly talked to her or even to your friends. You were always out, always doing something and always trying to please somebody.
“Thanks guys, I really needed this.”
MJ gave you a two-finger way and Ned beamed at you. You felt Peter place a gentle kiss on the top of your head and you honestly never wanted this evening to end.
“Anyway,” Ned announced loudly, “before we got all emotional, it was Y/n’s turn to share an embarrassing childhood story.”
The others nodded and you plastered a smile on your face, deciding on telling them a rather harmless story of your childhood. They would get to hear the cooler ones eventually.
“So,” you clapped your hands together and set the scene, “when I was 6 years old, I had to pop into the store around the corner to get some eggs for my mom since she was sick and on bed rest. But on my way home, I ran into this boy who I had a crush on and I was super embarrassed because I was wearing these pink barbie pajamas that I really did not want him to see me in.” You rolled your eyes at your younger self.
“But there was no way to hide from him since he was coming my way and I had to go down the street from the direction that he came from.”
“Very thrilling,” Ned commented while popping mini pretzels into his mouth. MJ swatted him with her hand to shut him up. You smiled at that motion and continued,
“But to my luck, a police car just pulled up and what my 6-year-old super brain immediately came up with was that instead of letting him think that I was a girly wimp, I could be a super cool badass right in front of him.”
“Of course what every 6-year-old aspires to be,” Peter snorted and Ned added, “Understandably.”
You jokingly rolled your eyes at them. “So I pulled out the eggs and threw them on the windshield of that police car while also making sure that the boy witnessed it all.”
Ned slapped his hand on his forehead, staring at you bewildered, whereas MJ just proudly grinned at you.
“Obviously, the cops jumped out of the car and chased me down. Clearly haven’t thought it through, I ran as fast as I could to escape them but when I passed the boy, he tripped me!”
A collective gasp left their mouths as they gaped at you with wide eyes.
“Turns out, he was the cop’s son,” you paused for dramatic effect, “and he was disgustingly proud of having stopped me.” Peter let out an irritated huff and you mindlessly rubbed circles into his arm.
“When the cops asked me why I did what I did, I obviously told them the truth because you know I suck at lying. The boy, of course, had to hear all of it and was just as awkward about it as me.” A small laugh escaped your lips as you remembered the memory clearly. “To my luck, they found it adorable, so they just drove me home with a simple warning,” you ended your story and popped another skittle into your mouth.
Ned shook his head at you comically, “Nope Y/n, I take everything back. You are the wild one. Shoving a blind kid doesn’t sound that bad anymore compared to your story.”
“It’s still just as bad, Ned,” MJ interjected and gave him a pointed look.
Peter leaned forward to catch your gaze. “I can’t believe you did that.” He smiled at you amused but you just shrugged it off and grinned at him.
“It’s nice to be wanted, you know?”
He stared at you horrified as everybody laughed. “Not by the law!” 
* * *
quarantine sucks, i miss my friends:( anyway, this was a lot of fun to write so feel free to leave some feedback, send in requests or talk to me!
check out more of my stuff on my masterlist and if you don’t, that’s fine too. buh-bye! 
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If you're still taking prompts maybe college Peter who has a newborn (up to you how that happened) no one but his close friends know about and one day he has to take him to class for some reason and the baby won't stop crying and Flash is being a dick and people are getting annoyed but professor Tony just asks if he can hold him for him and does so for the rest of the lecture and the baby chills out (an extra if you're into more peter whump maybe he's very much struggling to deal on his own?)
do the thing - send in all the prompts. 
I really liked this one - I saw the original video of this idea and it was real heart warming. 
warnings: underage drinking, minor character death
word count: ~3k
Peter never imagined a singular night of stupidity would change his life forever. Right before winter break of his senior year, Peter had the sudden epiphany that girls were not for him. He and Ned were looking at a The Rise of Skywalker magazine – a typical Saturday night for the two of them. Ned went on and on about how hot Daisy Ridley was, how her badass temperament made her even sexier – but Peter couldn’t take his eyes off the shots of Ben Skywalker. It wasn’t until Ned shoved his shoulder into his side that Peter noticed his own radio silence.
Though he pretended to shake it off for Ned’s sake, his mind kept playing on that fact over and over again. A part of him always wondered why he never got that excited about the dirty magazines the guys would pass around the locker room – or why dates with girls never ended up working out quite right. Some of his best friends were girls that he thought might make the perfect girlfriend, when in fact, they were the perfect friend, instead. It didn’t bother him so much as surprise him – the thought never crossed his mind before, but now – it was the only thing he could think about.
When Ned brought up a party MJ mentioned at lunch earlier, Peter jumped on the chance – it seemed like the perfect place to test out his new theory. Maybe if he just gave himself a chance to like a girl – it would all work out. 
That was his first mistake. 
The next occurred when he let Ned put cup after cup of whatever he found on the drink table in his hand. The last time Peter attempted to drink, he passed out with his pants down in the middle of MJ’s bathroom – upon reflection, he hoped that would have kept him from repeating the same disastrous action.
It seemed he had not had enough punishment for his stupidity – only this time, the result was not incriminating pictures and laughed away stories.
Waking up the next morning, Peter groaned as the world spun around him when he sat up. Blurry eyes took in the room around him and immediately felt panic. The soft violet on the walls was not the normal drab white of Ned’s bedroom, and the comforter pulled over his hips was certainly not the Batman one that his best friend kept spread across his bed. And the person next to him most certain was not Ned. In fact, he couldn’t even remember who the hell it actually was.
He slipped out of bed as quietly as he could, his head still spinning slightly. His naked body clued him in on what exactly went down last night, though no memories of it were able to surface. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to understand the whirlwind of clothes on the floor and the odd soreness in the small of his back to understand what took place. Stepping into his clothes, Peter pulled out the little notebook he kept in his jeans pocket and tore out a page – his half-drunk brain barely able to translate a legible note.
In leaving his number, he never assumed the girl would actually get back to him. He couldn’t even remember her name – he still didn’t recall what happened that night. That’s why it was a total shock when she called, her voice a little shaky as she read his own note to him – each word one he remembered putting down on the paper. He clenched his jaw a little and stayed on the phone, the girl he now knew as Stacy had something to tell him. And man did he regret not hanging up the damn phone.
All of his plans to leave and head to MIT were put on hold the second he found out he was going to be a father. He felt May’s heart break across the room later that night when he told her the news. She wanted him to get out of here and do bigger and better things just as much as Peter did – probably even more so, if he thought a little bit about it. 
The hug she gave him felt a little bittersweet. They cried together and then stood back up and made a plan. There were a lot of things that needed to happen before a new little person could take up residence in their small apartment.
It turned out that Stacy was a couple of years older than him and trying to navigate her way through NYU classes. She was a nice person and wouldn’t be too bad of a person to raise a child with. Peter told her up front that their time together was a mistake – that even after finding out about their soon-to-be son, he still didn’t think there’d be a chance for them. 
It felt good to jump that hurdle before things got too complicated when the kid did actually come around. She seemed perfectly happy to share the parenting duties – it didn’t hurt that she fit in pretty nicely with May, either; the girls were always whispering about this thing or that whenever he and Stacy got together to go to appointments.
Seeing his baby’s face on the monitor every time they went in for a check up kept things in perspective for him. When May had to check him out of classes to make appointments, his stomach rolled a little – there were so many opportunities he was missing, and the kid wasn’t even there yet. 
The heartbeat and promise of little hands that would wrap around his made it all worth it, though. He never thought about being a dad, there wasn’t time in a 17-year-old’s life for that. With it now on his doorstep, Peter’s brain wouldn’t shut down and think about anything else.
There was so much anxiety built up around whether he could be a good dad with very little resources and a singular aunt that would support him through anything, but had a life of her own to live, too. His deferment of his MIT acceptance chipped at the resolve he tried to build each day the arrival of his son got more and more near. Peter let himself be happy with the fact that he could still go to college at all. NYU was better than nothing.
When Atlas came around, it was with a mixture of joy and sadness. Right after holding him for the first time, Stacy simply dropped back against the hospital bed, her eyes shutting uselessly. Peter looked around with the newborn baby still in his arms, the beeping of machines and rush of people in the room making the boy wail – the stimulus almost too much for Peter himself. It never occurred to him that one moment would be the last time he or Atlas saw her. In one fell swoop, Peter became a father and sole provider to the tiniest human he’d ever seen.
The transition wasn’t very easy, either. There weren’t romantic feelings between him and Stacy, but she was the mother to his child, the person he’d come to know pretty well over the past 9 months. An aneurism seemed silly in a 19-year-old girl – yet, it took her all the same. One of Atlas’s first days outside of the hospital was spent in the small cemetery her estranged uncle picked to bury her in. He declined Peter’s invitation to hold Atlas and got in his car the second the ceremony was over.
Just like that, Peter had a three-day-old and the impending start of college classes. He assumed sometime in the near future he needed to get a job, too – but he could only handle a couple of big things at a time. Getting the baby settled and into a routine seemed like the most important thing, so he focused on that. May helped the first couple of days – her chill nature a little frayed now that a screaming child kept them both awake at night.
Atlas was just shy of a week old when Peter started classes at NYU. 3 of the 4 he signed up to take were cookie cutter prerequisites and general education classes. The pick of the loot as a freshman was not very rich. He did manage to snag a Biophysics class, though – his AP credit getting him something a least.
The professor was a gorgeous man with a neat goatee and the softest eyes. He spoke with authority and the distinctness that came from being extremely knowledgeable about the thing he talked about frequently. Peter spent a lot of his time in Professor Tony’s class alternating between drooling over how stunning he was and daydreaming about how much fun they could have together – if the older man would appreciate being called daddy the same way Peter wanted so much to say it.
The most standout piece of Mr. Stark came from the kindness he treated all of his students with. Peter absentmindedly forgot to turn in the week’s homework and wrote an embarrassingly long and blathering message about this and that as an excuse – and if he could please, for the love of god, turn the damn thing in. Tony’s response was swift and gentle, the man allowing him a couple more days to get it in without deducting any points. When it happened again the second week, he pushed the deadline back for Peter and the rest of the class. In all the unluckiness, Peter was surprised to find such a caring person in the most unlikely of places.
The next week, Peter was shaken awake by May, a distraught look on her face. “I know that you have class today, but I can’t keep the baby. I got called into work. I’m sorry, Pete,” May said softly, her eyes trying to stay soft, to stay under control the same way she’d always been. Blinking, Peter sat up a little – the sleep clung to him tightly, the crustiness in the corner of his eye making it hard to keep his eyes open. Atlas still wasn’t sleeping very well and there’d been many hours of rocking the night before.
“Okay. I got him. Thanks, May,” Peter replied blearily, his hand moving up to brush at his eyes. It took another minute or two to come around, then Peter was out of bed and moving into the kitchen – his body putting together a bottle and some things into a bag on autopilot. 
He could probably change the baby’s diaper with his eyes closed now, too. Taking care of Atlas was all he’d done for weeks now, his classes the only thing that gave him sanctuary. Now, he didn’t even get to have that. Blowing out a breath, Peter got into the shower and got clean before Atlas was up and crankily crying out for him.
The idea of staying home didn’t hit him until about ten minutes into class when Atlas would not stop crying. The decision to take him came when he noticed that they were just a couple class periods away from the exam – he wasn’t sure how Tony tested and didn’t want to miss anything. 
Atlas didn’t make a peep their entire walk over and when he sat down, he figured that trend would continue. After twenty minutes of it and Flash Thompson turning around three times to tell him to shut his kid up, Peter started to get out of his seat. It’d been a stupid idea in the first place.
All of the sudden, Professor Stark was in his row, his hands out in front of him. “I’ll take him. Do you have a bottle? I can feed him and talk at the same time,” Tony said, his face split with a soft grin. The man stepped a little closer and crouched down, his fingers wiggling in front of Atlas’s face. “What’s his name, Pete?”
Not knowing what else to do and suddenly so very grateful for the man, Peter turned the boy’s carrier and happily handed Tony his son – the older man cradled him carefully and stood up. He looked good with a baby in his arms. Peter reached out to give him a bottle and their fingers touched – a delicate zing that Peter couldn’t ever remember feeling before shot up his arm and settled in his chest. “Come talk to me later.” He flashed Peter a smile and started back down the stairs to the front of the lecture hall.
He tried to pay attention, he really did – but it was hard to focus when Tony was holding Atlas so delicately and swaying back and forth to mock a rocking motion. True to his word, the man continued to lecture – the normal talking with his hands transferred to his face, instead. His eyebrows hiked up his forehead and quirked to run a severe line between them while he spoke – the entire experience of it a little bit overwhelming. 
Atlas finished the bottle a little bit into the more intense parts of the lecture – Tony simply put him against his chest and started to burp him while he described the math problem they were currently looking at on the projector.
The whole thing was too much and not nearly enough all at one time. It felt like a tease, seeing just how good the gorgeous man could be with someone so precious to him. The part of Peter that yearned for help like that made him want to cry – his eyes watering a few times throughout the rest of the lecture. 
Flash looked back once when Peter was wiping at his eye and called him a pussy – the word not having nearly as much bite as it would have before Atlas came around. He was a father with a lot of shit on his plate – and far from the type of person that would run away from his problems.
For the rest of the lecture, Peter kept his eyes on the sleeping baby in Tony’s arms – of course he would be quiet for a complete stranger. Though, Peter understood the ability to be comfortable in the older man’s presence, he felt that way himself. Getting up when Tony dismissed everyone, Peter climbed down the stairs and put the carrier by his feet, a hesitant smile on his face. “Professor Stark, you have no idea how sorry I am,” Peter started, his words immediately cut off by Tony’s hand raising.
“Don’t apologize. You needed some help, so I gave it to you. Besides, Atlas and I are pals. He didn’t throw up on me,” Tony remarked, his eyes pinching at the corners as a stunning smile slipped across his face. “He can’t be too old. How are you coping with classes and a newborn?”
Without really knowing what was happening, Peter started to cry – the question making all of the thoughts he’d been holding back crash down over his head. He wasn’t coping – he did his best to survive and that was it. 
Peter loved the hell out of Atlas, but parenting was not for young people. There was a deeply engrained need to make sure other people did not make the same mistake he did – having a child was absolutely no fucking joke.
Peter felt an arm wrap around him, the smell of cedar wood and something he couldn’t quite place invading his senses. Atlas was still fast asleep in Tony’s arms – the baby’s feet pressing into him a little when the other pulled him close. There wasn’t enough energy in him to feel embarrassed – it felt good to be held, so he leaned into the comfort of Tony’s arms.
“It’s alright, Pete. Let me help you.” Tony muttered the words softly, his tone of voice just as much for Peter as it was for the small baby in his arms. “I can take care of the both of you.”
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foreverwcnter · 5 years
double trouble
pairing — peter parker x reader
requested — @fairytaleparker : how about a blurb: getting saved by spider-man (not knowing he’s peter) and feeling bad for having a crush on both of them lol
warnings — none that i can think of
summary — you are saved by the one and only spider-man and can’t help but feel guilty for crushing on him and peter parker.
author’s note — this probably wasn’t my best work, but i’ve been working on it diligently. i hope you all enjoy it. feedback is appreciated.
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With a phone pressed between your ear and your shoulder as you shifted the bag of groceries in your arm, you were quietly talking to MJ as you walked to her house. It was your movie night together and you planned on watching some classic Disney movies together. It was your turn to get the groceries which led to where you were now.
“MJ, I am not telling Peter I like him. No, I’m just going to wait until the crush dies out and I’ll be fine,” you explained, finally taking the phone in your hand.
You already could tell MJ was rolling her eyes on the other side of the phone. “Y/N, do you really believe that? C’mon, you’ve liked him for months now. If it were going to die out, it would have by now.”
“Can’t we just focus on other things? Like how beautiful it is outside?” It was true. The sun was peaking behind a few clouds and a gentle breeze was sweeping through the air, making it seem less hot than it really was outside. It was just a lovely day in spring. You slightly wished you could go on a walk-in Central Park, but Movie Night was non-negotiable to MJ.
“Fine, let’s not talk about boys, even though you need to work on not giving heart eyes to Parker.”
“Thank y- “ You were cut off by the sound of screams, crashes, and explosions. Dropping your phone out of surprise, you stared in horror as some guy in a suit with multiple mechanical arms came crashing down the street. 
Picking up your phone, you told Mj quickly you’d call her back before you hung up, beginning to run in the opposite direction, to hopefully get away from all of the commotion. That was until something gripped your midriff tightly. You shrieked in horror, being lifted up by a mechanical hand with a steel grip.
“I’m sure Spider-man wouldn’t let a pretty girl like you die-” 
Ohmygodohmygod, you thought. This was it. You were going to die. Looking around frantically, you were blessed with the site of the web-slinging hero swinging his way over. 
“Doc Oc!” Spider-man shouted as the villain climbed the side of a building, you still in its grip. “Don’t kill the girl! Please. We can talk this out! Don’t take an innocent life because of me.”
You struggled a bit before giving up, looking at the hero with your terrified eyes. The situation was surreal. You didn’t know what to do because if you fell, you could die but then again, there were plenty of ways that you could get killed. 
“You ruined my work, Spider-Man. Someone’s got to pay.”
“And that should be me! Not an innocent person!”
“My work could have saved innocent people!” The Doctor shouted, reaching the top of a building. Spider-man was following closely behind. “I could have done so much and you ruined it.”
A scream left your lips as you began falling through the air. The villain had dropped you, a thousand feet in the air. You didn’t know what to do other than scream and hope your death would be quick and painless. That was until a web attached to your hand, causing you to dangle in the air. No doubt about it, it did hurt when you were only supported by your arm, but when you looked up, Spider-man was beginning to pull you up slowly. 
“I got you, I got you,” he murmured, glancing up to see the villain heading off. Pulling you into his arms, he held you close, swinging down to the roof of a smaller building. He was still holding onto you tightly, a hand resting on your waist. “Are you okay? I’m so sorry about that. I- I didn’t think that guy would go try to kill innocent people.”
You nodded swiftly, still nodding as you gulped, trying to compose yourself. That was so scary. You could have died. You would have never seen your parents, or MJ, or anyone ever again. You wouldn’t ever see Peter again. “I-I’m okay.”
“Um, I need to go to my friend’s house. She’s probably freaking out.”
“Let me swing you there. I wouldn’t want you walking alone after something like that,” he blurted out, causing a blush to dust on your cheeks.
“That’d be great.”
Once he swung you by, he was quick to swing off, but once you were inside, he went to the roof of the apartment building across from MJ’s. He ripped off his mask, his heartbeat still thumping violently in his chest. A look of longing could easily be mistaken as sadness as he watched you and MJ through the window of MJ’s bedroom, the blinds lifted up. Peter Parker almost lost you that day. He didn’t know how to recover from that. 
“Are you okay?”
The last thing you expected that school day was for Peter Parker to approach you after Calculus, concern all over his face and hidden deep in his eyes. You blinked for a brief moment, hugging your books close to your chest as if you had been stunned. MJ nudged your side with her elbow and you attempted at a smile, nodding.
“Y-yeah I’m fine. Why do you ask?” You stuttered out.
“You- you almost died yesterday- “
“Oh! Yeah, I’m fine. I got really lucky that Spider-man got to me in time,” you smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of your neck anxiously. MJ then grasped your arm and whisked you away, stifling her laughter. Once you rounded the corner she was dying from laughing.
“You’re so dumb, Y/N. You forgot you died just because he was talking to you.” You pursed your lipgloss coated lips into a thin form, crossing your arms across your chest. You knew that Mj was just being herself and picking on you playfully, but that wasn’t the only thing bothering you.
“Yeah well- he’s not the only one. . .” you chuckled, your cheeks heating up to form a rosy color. Your voice was aquiver, full of nervousness to tell MJ the sudden news. As if on cue, MJ’s laugh was silenced as she stared at you.
“No, Y/N, you can’t be serious-”
“Okay maybe because Spider-Man saved me- I’ve got a crush on him!”
“Y/N, seriously? Why?”
You paused, chewing on the inside of your cheek. “Look, MJ. It’s not because he’s a superhero. I’ve never met him and he had this genuine concern for me when he caught me. He was kind. Polite. He swung me to your place instantly afterward. MJ, I know it’s crazy, but I do like him. Even if I don’t have a chance with him.”
MJ stared at you for a second, unsure of what to say. She always seemed to have something to say after you spoke, but now she was at lost for words. After a few silent moments, she muttered, “ Goddammit, you’re insane. Let’s go to lunch.” 
You chuckled as she swung an arm around your shoulder, both of you heading to lunch, trying not to worry about boys or superheroes for the time being. 
Meanwhile, Peter was hiding behind a corner, a grin resting on his face. He had only overheard you speaking about a certain superhero - but he hadn’t heard you had a crush on him in his normal identity. 
“Ned, she likes me! She actually likes me,” Peter rambled, going on and on about how it was almost a dream come true. Ned didn’t even bother to shut up until he realized something. It wasn’t him that you liked. It was his alias. “Dammit, no. She likes me when I’m a hero, not dorky Peter Parker.”
“But Spider-man is dorky Peter Parker.” 
“No Ned. When I’m Spider-man, I’m not the wimp who deals with Flash’s shit and I’m not the nerd that spouts out random facts. I’m a hero when I’m Spider-man. When I’m Peter Parker- I’m just me.”
Ned frowned, crossing his arms. “Look, Peter. Unless you confess, you’ll never know if she likes the real you.” 
Peter let out a sigh, silently pondering on the thought if you really did feel the same for him when he didn’t have his red mask on. He’d find out eventually, but for now, Peter would win you over under the mask. 
You were sitting in your room, soft music playing from your phone as you laid on your bed holding a book of poetry above your face. Your eyes skimmed the words on the page quickly, but you gathered all the information from it within one glance. Reading was always something that made you feel at peace. Unfortunately, the peace was interuptted by a knock on the window. ‘
Sitting up, you almost gasped at the sight of Spider-man waving to you from outside the window. You hurried over, opening it up as he made his way in.
“Hey,” he greeted you. 
“Hi,” you breathed out lightly, attempting at an awkward smile. 
“I-I just wanted to check up on you. I know that the whole situation must have been terrifying for you. I was worried,” he stuttered out awkwardly. A smile twitched on your lips.
“That’s so sweet,” you mumbled, looking down shyly. “I’m doing okay. Still, a bit shaken up but who wouldn’t be?” 
You couldn’t tell if Spider-man had been smiling under the mask or not, but you wanted to imagine that he was. There was an awkward silence between you both, but the hero seemed to beat you to it.
“Okay look, I’m- I’m a student at your school and I really like you but I don’t know if you’d like me without the mask.”
You stared in shock, jaw slacking a bit. Crossing your arms, you knitted your eyebrows together as you thought about it. You had the chance to find out who he is. The chance to get to know him more. 
“Will you tell me?”
Staring at you through the mask, Peter felt his nerves working up and putting him in an anxious state. Reaching up, he slowly pulled the mask, ruffling his dark curls on his head but he didn’t remove his eyes from yours. Your e/c eyes widened in complete shock. Your body stiffened a bit and when you snapped out of your daze, you blinked softly to finally acknowledge the fact Peter was Spider-man.
“You probably think I’m such a dork and that I’m not fit to be Spider-man but I am and-”
You cut him off with a kiss. You leaned up, locking lips with his. He froze, eyes wide and staring at your closed ones. After a moment, he melted into the kiss, tasting the cherry lip balm you coated over your lips earlier. Hesitantly, he lifted his hand to cup your cheek, his thumb running over your cheekbone. When you pulled away, you both let out a soft laugh.
“Pete, you were my crush before you even saved me as Spider-man. I’m shocked you haven’t noticed,” you breathed out.
“I’m oblivious to a lot of things and I’d say having two crushes is double the trouble,” he smirked playfully, a glint of mischief in his eyes.
“It sure was.”
↳ taglist — @hey-its-grey​ @natalia-rushman @glimmering-gamora @lovesick-valkyrie @pufflypuffle @uglypastels @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 @spidermansmj14 @simi11 @abby-blxck @pxterbpxrker @softboydeacon @scoobieboobiedoo@euphoricmads @not-jay-c @marveley @jammelchinas @sadgirlhours247 @neverlandparker @fairytaleparker @dahliaspidey @thegirlwiththeimpala @hey-it’s-grey @starklovebot @glimmering-gamora @lovesick-valkyrie @pufflypuffle@uglypastels @Learning-howto-be-myselfx3 @spidermansmj14 @simi11 @abby-blxck @bbyaubergine  @pxterbpxrker @softboydeacon @Scoobieboobiedoo@euphoricmads @not-jay-c  @marveley  @jammelchinas @sadgirlhours247 @daphsingsalot @neverlandparker @dahliaspidey​
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dear-selena · 5 years
Sketchbook (Peter Parker x Stark!Reader): Chapter 1
Peter Parker x Stark!Reader (Female) 
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8
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Summary: (Y/N) never understood science based subjects, despite putting all her efforts into studying them. Kids at school bullied her, her father, Tony Stark, was disappointed in her, and the Avengers looked the other way. Peter Parker, her best friend and secret crush for almost two years, was always there supporting you when you needed someone. However, since he became an Avenger and your dad’s ‘favorite kid’, you don’t know how much longer he’ll be around for you. 
You find yourself struggling to exist with everything working against you, and instead of asking others for help, you turn to your sketchbook. 
Warnings: angst, bullying, mentions of depression / suicide 
A/N: Hey everyone! This is a story idea I’ve had for a while, and I have to say this is the most intense writing I’ve ever done. Because of how massive I’m making the character development, and the fact that I’m going back to college in two days, my updates for this story will not be quick. I can guarantee that I will not drop this story, as I have already written half the chapters. All I’m asking from you, if you’d like to follow this story, is to be patient with me as I update. I was planning on creating a mood board and everything, so I really do have confidence I will complete this story XD. 
With that said, this story is going to have heavy themes of depression and suicide, especially in future chapters. If this is triggering to you in anyway, please feel free to skip this story. I will be tagging the triggers, and will warn of any serious themes throughout this story. If there is anything else I can do to be aware of safety for my readers, please reach out! 
Hope everyone is well! Enjoy the first chapter of Sketchbook! 
Chapter 1: Flashes and Shades
Words: 1962
Shaking your leg under the desk, you anxiously wait for your chemistry midterm to return to you. 
As your teacher, Mrs. Smith, slowly passes exam books back to each student, you couldn’t help but pray for a good grade. ‘Please, at least a B this time… at least a B’ repeats in your head over and over. You studied your butt off the past two weeks for this exam, yet nothing would click in your brain. For some reason, balancing equations, differentiating the elements on the periodic table, and identifying every single scientific law known to man never came easy to you. 
You hope the extra studying you did would finally pay off. 
Mrs. Smith eventually came up to you and hands your exam back to you face down. Not being able to hold in your anxiety, you flip the packet over immediately, only to be met with disappointment and a wish that you never got your exam back at all. 
Written and circled in a bright red marker, a D+ mockingly spat at you. 
Eyes going wide and heartbeat accelerating, you quickly hide your exam, making sure none of your classmates saw your poor grade. You look around at your classmates to see them showing off their grades to one another, most of them with A’s or B+’s. Before you could let the significance of your peers get to your head, the bell rang. You quickly shove your failure into your backpack, and make your way to your next class, English. 
English wasn’t a hard subject for you. In fact, you enjoy the readings that were assigned and always participate in discussions. However, that didn’t really matter at Midtown School of Science and Technology, one of the top college prep schools in New York. Subjects like physics, biology, and calculus truly matter to faculty and students. 
Too bad you practically failed those classes. At least in English you could breathe easy for 90 minutes. 
As you make your way to your next class, you feel eyes following your every move. When you would look up however, students quickly look down, as if they weren’t watching. You knew they were. You’re (Y/N) Stark for God’s sake, daughter of Tony Stark, certified genius and team leader of the Avengers. Even though you were a Stark, you were a certified idiot, and everyone at Midtown knew that. 
You absolutely hate it. 
Negative thoughts start to come into your head, ones you wish you could push away. You mostly thought about your existence, how it would be for everyone if you simply weren’t there. Before your thoughts could elaborate and get more intense, your phone vibrates in your pocket and you see that Peter Parker, your best friend for the past two years, has texted you. 
From: Peter
I hope you did well on your chem midterm! I can’t wait to see you at lunch :)
You smile at your phone, practically beaming at Peter’s kind words. Peter always knew how to cheer you up and snap you out of your bad thoughts. You have no idea how he does it, but nevertheless, you love that about him. You’ve loved Peter for a long time, ever since your father took him in as his successor. But you knew he was out of your league. One day though, you hope you can share your feelings with him. 
Before you could respond to your best friend, a booming voice calls out to you. “Well, well, well, if it isn’t Miss Stark herself.” You look up to see none other than Flash Thompson approaching you with a cocky grin, ultimately souring your mood. Flash likes to pick on Peter with dumb nicknames, but with you, he’s a bit more relentless. “How’d that chem test go?” 
You raise an eyebrow at him. “Why does it matter to you?” 
“I’m just looking out for you sweetheart,” Flash leans in close to your ear, grabbing your shoulders firmly. “You know, so you don’t flunk chemistry again.” 
Quickly pulling away from Flash, you try to hide your face so he can’t see the tears starting to burn in your eyes. He’s right. You took chemistry last year with Flash, Peter, and many other students in your grade. Peter would try to help you in class, and that helped a lot. However you didn’t quite make a passing grade, and when you saw how disappointed your dad was, you knew you had to retake the class and get a better grade. 
“Oh sweetheart,” Flash coos in a mocking tone. “You don’t have to be ashamed around me. A pretty girl like you can always cry on my shoulder.” If you weren’t in school, and if you weren’t your father’s daughter, you’d have spat at him. 
“I have to get to class.” You quickly say, trying to walk away. However, Flash never made it easy. 
“You don’t have to run from me (Y/N),” Flash starts, and you reluctantly turn around. “So what that you aren’t at all smart? At least you can still go here with all the money your daddy’s paying for you to stay in. That’s some lucky wealth you have at your fingertips.” 
Before Flash continues, you turn and quickly walk to the nearest bathroom, tears already falling from your (E/C) eyes. You hate it when people brought your father’s name and wealth into the picture. Logically, someone that fails classes at Midtown, especially a science one, wouldn’t have a GPA high enough to stay enrolled. But despite your poor grades that never seemed to improve, you still roam the halls of Midtown. You knew your father has something to do with it, but you’re too ashamed of yourself to talk to him about those logistics. 
As you find your way into the bathroom and lock yourself into a stall, you let your frustrations come out, silently sobbing. Things Flash would say directly to you was ultimately what your peers would say behind your back. Almost everyone at school knew you were the dumbest kid there, and they made no efforts to hide their thoughts. No matter how hard you studied or how well you took notes in class, your efforts were never enough. 
It made you struggle to find a reason to stay around. 
Lunch rolls around quickly, and after humiliatingly walking into English late, you want nothing more than to see Peter. You knew Peter always supported you, but you didn’t know how much longer he’d be there for you. Sure, you love Peter, and he likes you as a friend (at least you hope he does). But he’s been getting all your father’s attention for quite some time now, practically taking the spot on the Avengers team you’ve yearned to have for so long. You never know what your father says about you to Peter, and you really don’t know if he thinks you’re worth it anymore. 
You’d rather not think about that right now. 
You were also close to Ned and MJ, but you found yourself super cautious around them. They never brought up how you were a Stark or practically failing school, but you never knew what they truly thought of you, and that was scary. 
At lunch, Peter saw you gloomily walk into the cafeteria and immediately knew it meant bad news from your exam. Instead of asking you about it however, Peter compliments your outfit, a gesture that makes you blush. 
Peter and Ned were talking about their AP Physics assignment, you longingly listening into their conversation, when MJ comes over and sits next to you. 
“Hey (Y/N), small question.” MJ proceeds to take out her sketchbook and open it up. “I feel like something is off in this drawing but I can’t figure it out. Can you help me?” 
She slides the drawing over to you, and you start to admire her work. It looks like she started a portrait of someone, and you have to say it looked really good! The line work was already traced with pen and she started coloring the character in black and white. However, you did notice what was off about her work. 
“Oh! You didn’t highlight their face all the way.” You say simply. She raises her eyebrows curiously, but hands you her pencil so you can explain further. “You got the dark tones on their face just right, but there’s not really any white tones to balance it.” You start to lightly erase some of the pencil work. “I like to leave white sports around the nose and cheeks like this to give the face more depth.” You hand the pencil and sketchbook back to MJ. “You try it.” 
MJ takes the pencil back and starts erasing lightly, starting to see what you mean. “Oh! Thanks (Y/N). I tend to forget about that stuff.” 
“It’s all good. It comes with practice.” You say, going into your backpack and taking your own sketchbook out. Your sketchbook was practically a safe haven, filled with doodles, designs, and poems from over the years. Whenever you find yourself struggling with negative thoughts or even wishing you were gone, you turn to the moleskin covered book and just let your mind wander. Over time, the simple doodles and haikus turned into intricate drawings and full on hand-written stories. 
Opening your sketchbook up, you turn to one of your early doodles, a drawing of your father in his signature Iron-Man suit. “I drew this of my dad a few years ago, and you can tell I didn’t know what I was doing.” You laugh at yourself. 
MJ’s eyebrows furrow. “What are you talking about? This looks amazing!” You look back at the drawing in confusion. MJ just rolls her eyes. “I mean, it’s not shaded, but you got some really good detail on your father’s suit. It kind of looks like you can even see wiring in it.” 
Sending MJ a small smile, you can feel your cheeks turning red. “Thanks… I just think my more recent drawings are a little easier on the eyes.” With that, you turn to some drawings you worked on last week, ones you did after a typical scolding from your father about your grades. These drawings were more intricate, small shapes dancing across the pages in a contemporary pattern. 
MJ’s eyes pop out of her skull. “Whoa… Can I just look through these for a bit?” 
You nod, letting her know of some pages to avoid. You told her they were crummy sketches, but in reality, those pages were filled with words that… might cause some serious concern. 
As MJ intently looks through your most prized possession. You feel eyes on you again. At first you thought your classmates were pitifully staring at you again, but to your surprise, you see Peter looking at you, biting his lip in an attempt to hide a smirk. 
“What?” You ask innocently, unsure of why Peter would be staring at you that way. Was he trying not to laugh at you…?
Peter blinks, realizing he’s been caught. “Oh, n-nothing.” He sends you a sheepish smile. 
You simply smile back at the boy, a blush once again creeping onto your cheeks. Before he could see it though, MJ starts to ask you some questions about the drawings in your sketchbook. In moments like this, you were thankful that something distracted you from your crush. After all, you were nowhere in his league. He’s a superhero with crazy abilities, one of the smartest kids in school, and your father’s most cherished mentee. 
All you are is a dumb girl with a sketchbook.
-Peter Parker Tag List-
@sweetcoffeeblandtea // @house-arya // @jovialpeanut
-Permanent Tag List-  
@mindset-jupiter // @romance-geek // @imcharishope // @fakindob // @cutiekoa // @wowursofunny
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quackeroos · 5 years
locker notes | p.parker
Pairing: peter parker x reader
Summary: peter sends a love note to liz. but what if it was sent to the wrong person?
Warnings: None
Words: 1.2k
Notes: originally posted on my wattpad account @aestheticarii. i’ll most likely post some of my other works on here soon! part 2 will be published soon!
*gif is not mine.
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"Oh! Draw more heart doodles on it, that'll make it look cuter!"
"Ned, it's a love note, not a sketchbook."
"Why not? Maybe Liz will like it!" Peter ignores Ned's comment and continued on writing. To be honest, the cafeteria was not the best place to write one of these. His hands were already sweaty and he couldn't focus on anything because of the constant babbling of students. When he got to the last sentence, he lets out a sigh of happiness and relief. Ned swore, he saw stars sparkle in those brown eyes of his.
"Looks great! Show it to MJ. Ask her for insights before giving it to Liz." before the two could even walk up to the girl, MJ had already sat in front of them, an unsatisfied look on her face as always. "Show me what, dorks?" Peter and Ned jump in their seats at the sudden presence of their friend. "You should really stop doing that. Anyway, what do you think about Peter's love note?"
"Ned! Not so loud!" MJ takes the piece of paper from his hand and reads it quietly. Her eyes scanned over the words written in ink with the slightly messy handwriting. The boys watch quietly as she silently judges the letter. Once she was done, her eyes looked up and sets down the paper. "This sucks. Did you literally just put in a Shakespeare quote in the end?" Peter blushed in his seat, embarrassed.
"I-I thought it would make it more romantic."
"Clearly. I can already tell by the heart doodles." Ned snickered at the side, and that earned him a nudge from Peter. "Dude." he whispered, in which his friend replied with a lopsided smile and a shrug. "You know what would really make this romantic? A poem."
"A poem?"
"That's what I said, didn't I?"
"I'm not g-good with poems, actually."
MJ stares for a moment and takes a piece of special paper from her bag along with a pen. Peter and Ned observed her writing and in only three minutes, she was done. "Here. Start over with your message and be direct to the point. You were using way too much metaphors in the last one." and without another word, she leaves with her tray and backpack on her shoulder. The boys looked at her with confusion before reading the poem.
"Wow. She really did a good job on that poem."
"Yeah she did. I guess I better go write a new message."
By the end of lunch, Peter had already finished his letter and immediately gives it to Ned. He was reluctant at first, because if this plan goes wrong he wouldn't know what to do. "You know what to do right?" He asks before handing it to him. "Secretly go to Liz's locker, slip in the letter, and walk away without anyone noticing. Don't worry dude, I got your back!" Ned gives him an encouraging pat, taking the letter as he does so. He walked through the halls, finding a certain locker that belonged to Liz Allan. Peter watches nervously behind one of the trophy shelves. His anxiety was eating him whole and the fast rate of his heartbeat wasn't helping.
Ned looked around him before he could slip in the letter. A couple of students were in the halls, others were already in class, now was the perfect time. When he had successfully slipped the note in, the two teens made a run for it. Peter bumps a passerby student who was walking briskly towards her own class. Her books fall down and it echoed around the now empty hall.
Y/n looks up from the floor and lets out an angry huff. "Hey! watch where you're going!" The boy looked back and only yelled back a "Sorry!" before going up the flight of stairs towards his classroom. Her annoyed groan bounced off the walls of the halls. Today wasn't one of her best days where she normally wouldn't he mind the people around her. But a recent event had struck a nerve on her and she couldn't move on with it. She brought the burden all the way to her next class and decided to focus on the topic ahead of her. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  
Class ended later on. Students rush out of their classrooms and immediately went for their own lockers, eager to leave the dreadful building. Y/n walked at her own pace, not seeming to care of her schoolmates' loud personalities. She opened her locker and stuffed all of the things she used earlier, also taking one book she'll be needing for doing homework. Pulling out the book, a piece of paper with a heart on it drops at her feet. She eyes it curiously before picking it up. Y/n unfolds the paper and reads the letters written in black ink.
Her heart begins to beat rapidly, blood rising to her cheeks, making her flush red. Her eyes blinked once, twice, to believe if the letter was real. What made her even more intrigued was the last note under it, though it was in a different handwriting, a little messier.
Meet me in the gym.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  
Peter waited anxiously inside the gymnasium. He sat by the benches, fiddling with the ends of his hoodie. His heart was racing and his mind was all over the place. What was taking her so long? He couldn't stand waiting and the longer the minutes had passed, the more he was getting anxious. Thirty minutes had passed and Liz was still nowhere in sight. Everyone in school was probably out by this time. Peter decided it was finally time to leave.
He looks at the time on his phone again and back to the doors of the gym. "I better leave." he says to himself before taking the straps of his backpack. Just when he was about to leave, the gym doors suddenly burst open. Peter froze in his place like a reindeer caught in headlights. His heart beats rapidly and palms start to get sweaty. He becomes calm for a little bit, only to realise that it wasn't Liz who came. In fact, it was another girl.
Peter had seen her a few times; along the halls, in some of his classes and in the cafeteria. Y/n, he thinks her name was. She was mostly known for being Liz's cousin, a member of the student council and homecoming committee.
"Uhh... Hi." Peter greets softly. "I was just about to leave. The gym's all yours."
The girl didn't reply, instead he looked at him blankly. She strides towards Peter and met him face to face. Y/n was just a few centimeters shorter, so it wasn't hard to meet his eyes. Peter awkwardly stands, he grips on the straps of his backpack even tighter.  "Uhhm... If you need to go have some alone time to plan for the homecoming I can totally do it."
"Parker, right?" She speaks up. Peter making him look up from the ground. "Y-yeah. I'm Parker. P-peter Parker." he manages to reply.
Her eyes squints and it made Peter feel more intimidated, despite being a little smaller than her. "Alright then, Peter Parker. Before you leave, I have one question for you." Y/n reaches in the pocket of her pants and pulls out a piece of paper. She held it in between her index and middle finger. He recognised the paper immediately, his blood turns cold.
"Did you write this?"
part 2 of Locker Notes
enjoyed this story? let’s talk about it!!
tagging people who might be interested: (basically just all of my idols and mutuals)
@hollandroos @roses-hxlland @delicatepeterparker @chxrryholland @websliinging​farfromhaz​ @uwu-peter-parker-uwu​ @pixiehollands​ @screamholland​ @painting-galaxiis​ @parker-holland-osterfield​ @hazsterfield​ @tomblrholland​ @spiderneds​ @kii-miii​ @lolaywrites​
142 notes · View notes
“Would you get your shit together?”
Why wasn't Matt surprised? Maybe because Peter had been a mess for days now, maybe because Matt could basically feel the man vibrate in place. Either way, Matt wasn't surprised. 
What he was surprised over, was the fact that Peter snapped in the middle of the night, begging the lawyer to open his window.
“I know you can hear me, Mattie, just open the window! Please, I need you.”
Matt could basically hear the pretend-pout on Peter's lips.
With a sigh, he got out of bed and patted over to said window. He braced himself and opened it, letting Peter crawl, almost fall in. 
“Thank you!” the Spiderling all but screamed, hugging Matt. 
“What did you take?” Matt asked, concerned. Peter's heartbeat was way too fast and his muscles were tensed, but Peter sounded careless and whiny and slurring. Peter almost crushed him in his hold, hugging him tightly.
“Nothing!” Peter lied. Matt pushed him back to get some space between them and listened, still holding Peter’s shoulder with one hand.
“Okay, I took a little something I made in my lab, and maybe a Red Bull but I just wanted to say something!” Peter rambled on, the place where Matt was touching him heating up. Matt could hear Peter’s breath hitch and he turned his head a little.
“Wow, you look good without a shirt on! Anyway!” 
Matt flinched when Peter moved his hand, way too quickly, to feel Matt’s chest, stepping closer.
“I just…” he slowed down, his gaze burning on Matt. The younger swallowed and held his breath for a few seconds, before releasing it. 
The fingertips on Matt’s chest left a searing trail and Matt grabbed the other’s wrist, feeling all too well where this was going.
“What do you mean, something I made in the lab? What kind of thing?” he hissed, half pissed off now.
“It’s nothing dangerous, don’t worry about it! Just something that lowers my impulse control because honestly I’ve been wanting to ask you for so long and I just, oh well actually I made a little something that has the same effect as alcohol, see I can’t get drunk, so, but y’know I know you can’t see but you know what I mean, and I thought if I take some energy drink with it I should be able to get my Spidey-sense back, or at least have a replacement for it, because it’s been acting off lately and I spent most of my time in the lab anyway, and -”
“Peter!” Matt interrupted. It was hard to follow Peter’s thought process and he just kept spilling words and Matt could feel himself getting riled up just from how… High? Peter was being.
“Why’d you have to stoop so low as to take drugs? If something was bothering you, you know you could’ve talked to me.”
This made Peter pause, his heart rate slowing down in shocks. He breathed out before shuffling back a little, feeling slightly ashamed.
“I know, it’s just I… MJ broke up with me a few days ago.” 
His voice was low, but his body hadn’t stopped yet. There was still pure adrenaline coursing through his veins, even though he was tired. It seemed like Peter was holding back, wanting to be serious.
“I know, buddy. I’m sorry,” Matt took a step closer, hesitating to hug Peter again. But Peter looked up and didn’t lean in. He made a strangled noise and Matt put up a hand, as if to say let me explain.
“I noticed you’ve been running around for days now, and you always seem to be working. Either as Spidey or your regular job. Combine that with the fact that you’re always alone, and in emotional pain.”
“You’re watching me now?” Peter didn’t sound offended, rather curious.
“Kind of, I was worried. Especially after that one night we patroled together.”
He frowned, tilting his head slightly.
Peter just huffed a breath, shaking his head a little before letting the adrenaline take over again, as if every second he resisted, his heart was crushing in on itself.
“Well, yeah. I just wanted to ask if you know… You know what, it doesn’t matter. I just wanted to see you again.” 
He said it a little slower than before, but still with haste.
Matt felt flattered and confused, but that was washed away immediately when he heard Peter’s heartbeat flutter up again.
Peter took a step forward again.
“I just thought the ‘drugs’ would help me stay focused. I have like four hours of sleep to my name for this week, I’m running on caffeine, but it doesn’t keep me awake as it used to. My body just processes it in minutes. And I just - I just wanted to feel something again!” 
Matt grinned, knowing full well Peter did this on purpose.
“Like now?” he cocked his head in Peter’s general direction, challenging him. 
Peter’s hand were shaking just enough to be noticeable and he swallowed quickly, before leveling his voice. 
“Yeah, exactly,” he breathed out, dropping his mask. He gave in, stopped caring about what exactly Matt could and couldn’t hear or notice.
He was so close to Matt now, could feel the heat radiating off him. The hairs on his arms straightened up at once when he heard the other chuckle. 
Peter couldn’t help the thing he did next, wanted… Something, anything Matt would allow.
In an instant, he was clinging to Matt, one hand in his hair and the other on his back, his hips and stomach pushing against Matt’s.
Peter was practically vibrating against the other, and Matt had to stifle a laugh. He could easily imagine how loud Peter’s head was being at that moment, but his warm hand on Matt’s hair made it hard to focus on Peter again.
Matt mirrored Peter’s hands, keeping him close.
“Hey, it’s okay, break ups suck but they’re not going to kill you,” Matt whispered.
Peter whimpered in response, shifting and resting his head against Matt’s neck, breathing out. He pulled off his mask and dropped it to the floor, feeling like he would suffocate.
His nerves were on fire, reacting to every move Matt made, every word echoing in his ears. He cursed under his breath, head swimming in dizziness.
Then he leaned up and put his lips on Matt’s, pushing against them. Matt didn’t push back, but Peter felt his fingers tighten, twitch for a second. 
Matt pulled back eventually, but still held Peter.
“Would you get your shit together?” he hissed, almost offended, even if the taste of Peter’s lips was intoxicating.
Peter whined at the words, pushing his body more against the other. 
“Please,” he begged, lucky that Matt was holding his waist, otherwise his legs were gonna give in for sure.
“Please, Matt,” he repeated, his head too foggy to argue that he knew Matt wanted this too.
Matt laughed bitterly, shaking his head. He knew he was just Peter’s back up, his little crush, why else would Peter come here in the middle of the night?
“You need to sleep, get your head on straight,” he stated, resisting the urge to travel his hand down and squeeze Peter’s ass.
 Peter shook his head, heart rate going up steadily. 
“I just want you,” he said lowly. He didn’t know how else to phrase it, and besides, he could feel something poke his thigh gradually. He was buzzing with want and adrenaline and he was so ready to be fucked by someone for several hours. And that someone was Matt.
“Peter,” Matt trailed off, trying to step back but Peter just took his wrist, curse his super strength. 
“You’re not thinking straight.”
“You know for a lawyer you’re not very persuasive,” Peter teased. He’d noticed the slightly shaky tone in Matt’s voice.
He leaned up again, trying to kiss the other. But Matt pulled back, stopping Peter.
“Just… Just do me a favor,” he said, listening to Peter’s heart as much as he could.
“Anything,” Peter said sincerely. 
Matt nodded at the answer, Peter was being honest.
“Sleep with me,” Matt continued, and Peter huffed amusingly.
“I sure am trying,” he smiled, flailing his hand around to get his point across. Matt chuckled and said: “I meant actually sleeping,” slightly smiling at Peter.
Peter groaned and stepped into Matt’s space again, leaning his head on the other’s shoulder.
“Mattie,” he whined, sighing out.
“My body isn’t ready for sleep, I don’t feel tired at all!”
Hesitantly, Matt put his hand on Peter’s neck, caressing it. He was satisfied with the slight jump of Peter’s heartbeat the gesture got.
“You’re very tired,” Matt whispered. He knew the effects energy drinks had on a tired and wrung out body.
“Trust me,” he said, “if you just let me take care of you for a while, you’ll feel better,” he continued.
Peter let a long, exaggerated breath before rising up again, gazing at Matt’s face for a while.
“Oh God, you’re serious, aren’t you?” he sighed, biting his lip just enough to feel the pressure.
“Yeah, of course,” Matt said, voice lighter than before.
Peter hesitated but then gave in.
“Promise you’ll fuck me in the morning?” he asked before pressing a soft kiss on Matt’s lips, who returned the favor this time.
“If you still want me by then,” he said in a lower voice, showing his own insecurity. Peter almost crawled in Matt’s arms again at that comment, couldn’t believe Matt thought he just wanted a quick fuck from him, before holding himself back. 
“Hell yeah, you probably have an idea how long I’ve been lusting after you, and you’re such a good friend, I just… I wouldn’t turn you down if you killed someone,” Peter confessed, knowing that was a sore spot.
Matt huffed and gave himself the time to take that in. His heart almost melted, raising his hand to caress Peter’s face, who smiled softly. He could feel Peter calm down at the touch, pressing his hand to Matt’s, humming.
“You’re too good to me,” the younger smiled, breathing in and out deeper than before.
Matt didn’t say anything for a while, wrapping his arm around Peter and holding him.
Peter’s eyes were dry and he rubbed them, they itched suddenly. He yawned and pressed his face into Matt’s chest.
“Goddammit, Murdock. Look what you’ve done!” he faked annoyance, but his voice was flat and soft. Matt hummed happily.
“What? Calmed you down so you can finally get some sleep?” Matt asked, pressing a quick kiss on the other’s cheek before guiding him to the bed, tugging at his wrist as he lay down.
Peter stood beside the bed, not pulling his hand back. He watched the way Matt lay on his back, licking his lips. The urge to crawl on top of him was swelling and Peter felt like his chest was going to burst from the hazy lust, a cloud fogging up his thoughts.
He let himself sit right on Matt’s crotch, putting a hand on each side of his head to keep himself steady. Matt grinned and bucked his hips up, grinding against Peter, who whimpered in response.
His bones felt tired and yet he wanted to kiss every inch of Matt’s body. Carefully he leaned down for a sloppy kiss on the lips, letting his chest rest against Matt’s.
“Mm, Pete,” Matt interrupted, sweetly caressing Peter’s face and shoulders, “I don’t think this is gonna last long, you’re about to pass out,” he said, placing a distracting kiss on Peter’s neck.
Peter made a noise, not sure what he wanted to say, but he wanted to protest somehow.
“No,” he whined, seeing dark circles form in front of his eyes, hearing Matt’s voice hum in his ear, somewhere in the distance noticing pressure on his neck and hair. His eyelids had felt heavy before but that had stopped, and Peter swam in this feeling of comfort. Matt was warm and nice and Peter felt safe.
Matt laughed silently, petting Peter’s hair. His heartbeat had slowed down significantly and he was slurring something, Matt thought it was supposed to be his name, but it was too incoherent. He shifted so Peter was laying on his side, pulled a pillow under the other’s head and pulled up the blanket.
Matt shuffled closer and held Peter close, trying to protect him from the world. 
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Back to you (Chapter III)
Summary:  Y/N Stark and Peter Parker are unconditionally in love with each other, being friends for years was just the step before making it official. BUT, just the weekend they became official Thanos and the snap happened, leaving Y/N broken: without friends, avengers family or Peter Parker. So, she has to move on, at least that’s what everyone’s telling her and she really tries to do it and who better to help her than Harry Osborn. But, has she really let Peter go? What if Tony Stark -genius, billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist- knows how to bring Peter back? And what happens when he does? Is Y/N going to avenge again? Who’s going to lead the avengers now? Who is she going to choose? Harry or Peter? and who the hell is mysterio? *He doesn’t even go here*
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word count: 9.8 k
author’s note: THIS WAS THE LONGEST ONE YET I MEAN. **EDIT: If you want to read my best fucking fluff ever go to the last flashback of Peter and Y/N and let me know what you think I hope you really really like it.** I feel like I need to mention that for me Harry looks like Brad from SPFFH and a little bit like the guy from  Ariana’s Grande Music Video of break-up with your boyfriend but nottt that smug? I don’t know, I just think they are a good reference for the character of Harry. Plus, I wanted to make him a little bit more human here and what was his role in helping Y/N move on but also see how a d o r i n g her relationship was with Peter. I actually had to cut off two scenes that I had originally planned to write because I didn’t want to make it too long. Please let me know what you think about it if you liked it OR hated it. Whatever you want but your comments make my daaay so tryy ok bye. Love, -J. 
series masterlist
Peter really didn’t give much thought about how often he looked at you, he knew he was in permanently awestruck with you, with you just being yourself and he tried to keep it together as much as he could but sometimes he failed miserably. But how could you blame him? Especially now, how you look fixed on your presentation as Mrs. Warren listen to you carefully talking about the no-hair theorem about black holes, how the words would roll out of your tongue, how your brows bumped together as you watch MJ placing the wrong slide but then smiling as soon as she fixed it right away, how your voice was soft but determined and how your hands would do little movements that you didn’t even know you did to emphasize your words. Sometimes, Peter liked to think he could tell anyone how you looked and acted, and that he would describe you so well that anyone who was listening would picture you exactly as you were, he felt proud that he knew every curve and straight line of your body and mind. 
“Penis Parker,” Flash whispered as Peter got out of his trance and looked to his right side to see Flash with a smug expression drawn on his face. “Could you stop drooling over Y/N? I think you creamed your pants” Flash snickered while Peter simply rolled his eyes.
He could feel the warmth creeping up his cheeks as well as the shame, quickly he looked down to his phone trying to brush off Flash comments about you, he knew it could be worse if he paid any attention to him. See, Peter knew Flash was insecure and that’s why he said what he said and acted that way, it was better than before and since Peter knew this, he should take the high road, at least that’s what Captain America had told him and so he had followed his advice, although it was getting harder every time. 
But not for Ned. 
“Jealous, Flash?” Ned fired back at Flash whose smile dropped the second he heard Ned who instead had a smile on his face. “Are you jealous about all the time Y/N wants to spend with Peter? Get the clue!”
“dUde!” Peter whispered as he gently tapped Ned’s shoulder who shrugged as a sudden flicker of revelation crossed Flash’s face. 
“What?” Flash said loud and clear for all the class to hear while you finish your presentation, everyone turning around to see the scene.
Peter just wanted to die right there and then. 
Peter didn’t like that people talked about you two, he didn’t like people to insinuate things and it wasn’t because that he wouldn’t like for it to happen, but he knew how much you valued privacy and in general, how your avenger family valued it. 
Tony knew since the very beginning that he wanted to shield you as much as he could from anything and so he did, you were enrolled in a private school on Malibu until Tony became Iron Man, after that you were homeschooled until you came to New York and met Peter one year after that. 
Don’t get me wrong, you did know people and had friends or acquaintances from your time in Malibu, other heirs, and heiresses that you went to school with but never anyone got too close to you. Firstly, because of your acquire a taste of keeping everything to yourself and enjoying your time alone; plus, being removed from school when you were too young also helped. Secondly, because being the daughter of a billionaire turned hero was an aphrodisiac for danger. The question popped into Tony’s, Happy’, Pepper’s and Rhodey’s mind for years as you grew up: how can we keep her safe? After the avengers, became the avengers it was even harder, how it roamed into every single avenger’s mind as well. Tony suffered really extreme panic attacks because of it, he couldn’t do the same as Clint because people knew you existed but oh, how he wished he could. Nonetheless, when you began avenging and then Peter came into the picture, Tony’s anguish reduced significantly, enough to enroll you into Midtown by Sophomore year, which was especially a new world for you. 
But it still had its problems. 
You knew you were known, you knew that a paparazzi could catch you and from time to time, you went to a few events and gave a few interviews too and well, you understood because you were an avenger and the daughter of Tony Stark, but you never really experienced something like what you had experienced when you arrived at Midtown. I mean, Peter Parker was a little bit star-struck when he met you, mostly because he was enamored by you the second your eyes connected at your lab when Tony was giving Peter the tour to Stark Tower but arriving at Midtown tech was a whole new thing. 
People were actually taking pictures of you from a distance, some boys and girls had a crush on you as you walked by with Peter and Ned, even teachers were a bit dazed as you answered questions at classes -although you liked to believe it was because you were really advanced against the others in class- and some others whispered and spread rumors that went to magazines, which annoyed you the most.
An heiress that had been kept from the public, turn avenger, turn a student of Midtown while still avenging? You were new meat and people wanted to know more about you. A lot of tabloids went out every couple of months with news about you, about your normal behavior, about how you acted after a mission, how did you dressed, how you decided to spend your time and sometimes who you were hanging out with. There was even a tabloid that published that you were in a secret relationship with Bucky because he had picked you up from school one time -he was actually picking you up as a punishment from a bet with Sam-, but it wasn’t the kind of rumor that was light in the avenger’s household. You had gotten so mad that you had decided to ditch school for two weeks and just hanged on your lab alone, that’s when Peter knew you were sensible to the topic. 
So, as you were walking towards Peter and Flash after you had finished your presentation, Peter wanted to grab you right there and then and swing you away from what could happen because of what Ned had said. 
“It’s there something wrong?”, you asked as you sat right beside Ned, MJ followed you and sat next to you. 
“Nothing happened!” Peter blurted out before Ned could open his mouth as he rolled his eyes at Peter and sighed, Peter had a serious case of blushing as he glared at Ned and then cleared his throat as your eyes connected. 
You examined Peter and how his gaze filled with panic and concerned as soon as he saw you, but he quickly moved his eyes down trying to avoid it as he fidgeted with his fingers, he was hunched over to look smaller and he sighed defeatedly. Flash said something to Peter, was the first thing that crossed your mind.
You knew Peter better than anyone, so it wasn’t as hard for you to read him right away, you could always do it with how much time you spent together and how being partners made you even closer. Plus, the fact that you really loved him, helped a lot. 
“Okay…”, you muttered as you watched Flash gazing at you with inquisitiveness. You turned to watch MJ gazing back and forth between Peter, Flash, and Ned, trying to get all the information she could from the interaction.
When you both locked gazes, you nodded at each other and continued to hear the other presentations without saying a word for the rest of the class. Peter would’ve liked to think that you didn’t gave it a second thought and that you simply moved on with it, that you didn’t realized how crazy his heartbeat was going, how flushed he was because of it and how Flash’s gaze was piercing your side as he watched back and forth between you and Peter.
So, Peter found himself dumbfounded, to say the least, the moment that you pinned Flash against the classroom wall as soon as Mrs. Warren had left the room, and everyone was changing classes. At the moment, you didn’t care if someone saw you but were done with Flash’s behavior for a while now, you knew it came from a pLaCe oF InSecUrItY and you really thought the kid wasn’t that bad, it had gotten a lot better than before you arrived at Midtown but you were done and ready for him to stop harassing Peter.  
And if Peter wasn’t going to do it, you were going to do it. 
“Woah Woah Y/N, what the hell??”, Flash shrieked you pressed a bit harder against his neck with your forearm.
This was going to get you in trouble and you didn’t even care at the moment as you glared at Flash. 
“Leave Peter alone, got it, Thompson?” 
“Y/N!”, Peter burst before he placed a hand on your back, his gaze quickly took a look at the whole class that was watching you, everyone was shocked by the scene. 
Peter was worried, you were technically an avenger and he didn’t know how the school would take if you attacked a student in the middle of the day, on school property, to defend your best friend. You were being trained by assassins and spies while poor Flash couldn’t even pass gym class. He was thinking of grabbing you quickly and leaving the room and he could, but if he showed half of the strength he had in the classroom, people could get suspicious, so he remained frozen behind you. 
“I, I-”, Flash managed to let out in little yelps as he seemed bug-eyed by the scene. 
“Thompson, say you understand or help me god I will call Spider-man and all the other avengers to kick your ass”, you barked one more time before the boy simply nodded and you let go of him.
Flash fell to the ground as he coughed, you didn’t like to do and you didn’t enjoy it that but at this moment your only thought was Peter, how to stop Flash from harassing Peter over and over again, it was a one-time thing, you hoped and as you saw Flash, you couldn’t help to think that he finally got a clue. Quickly, you offered your hand for him to stand up, Flash’s forehead puckered as he examined you for a second but when saw how your face softened he took it. 
You helped him stood up and gave him a smirk before you turned around grabbing Peter’s hand, who was completely startled by what you had done and quickly walked out of the classroom, trying to ignore the incredulous gazes of your classmates. 
“Sweet”, MJ let out as she smirked while Peter and you walked away. 
“I think the best course of action for us is to replace all of the aqueducts on the buildings rather than change it bit by bit because it’s just putting a band-aid on a bullet injury, it’s better to get over with it quickly”, you addressed as you gazed at the blueprints of the building that you had bought in California with Harry in order to begin the constructions for the center. 
It had been a wild ride, two months had passed since your first meeting with Harry and it was going well, including your dates. You couldn’t believe how smart and business savvy he was, he remained you of Pepper a lot and how he sternly thought his next step and everyone else’s, he was always ahead of the game. You could understand now how he felt a bit better once his father was gone, you couldn’t imagine someone supervising him. Moreover, he was sweet, and he made you laugh, which it might sound a little bit cliché, but you didn’t need more for the moment, you just wanted someone who could awake the butterflies in your stomach and tingles in your body that before only Peter had been able to do so. 
“But, Mrs. Stark it would delay the entire set up of the medical wing and the lounge area”, Brad whined as he stared at you with his eyebrows bumped together while you watched him carefully. 
You raised your eyebrow because you knew this wasn’t his problem, you had gotten to know him better.
He sneered, which made you feel icky. 
“We would spend more money, we would have to pay more people to fix it and that means more days of work, more money spend on materials, etc.”
“We have the money to fix it and we can do a better job; don’t you remember why we are doing this?” you asked.
“But do we have to?”
You could feel the temperature rising on your body as your annoyance grew, you even felt how your right eye twitched a bit as the young man waited for your answer with an irreverent look on his face. You didn’t like Brad too much if you were being honest and he was getting under your skin recently as he protested every little thing you said, it was as if someone was giving him money for each time he disagreed with you. Usually, Harry would intervene seeing that he was his friend and you didn’t say much because you didn’t want to waste your energy on an asshole like him. 
But boy, it was getting harder. 
“I wanted it this way, do you want to serve children water that might not be in the best quality? Would you like for that water to be used on the hospital wing? Or even worse, it could cause damage to the structure which could mean evacuation. We can ask for help on the hospitals nearby while paying them and the educational area can be reduced while we fix this”, you answered dryly. “Our main goal is to have the residence wing and educational wing ready to begin as soon as possible”
Brad looked at you for a few seconds with a dour expression plastered on his face, his mouth seemed like a line before he turned around and whined once more. 
“But, Harry…” 
Harry rolled his eyes as the rest of the meeting sighed again and you could feel your body filling with anger.
“Hey dipshit, I’m right here you can complain to me”, you growled as Brad quickly turned around astonished by your words.
Harry smirked as his eyes gleamed with anticipation. In the few months you had spent with Harry and getting to know each other, he had come to learn that you were a hardcore intersectional feminist and how it had become a passion for you to learn about the topic as such a young age, it really coincided with the making of your own suit. You began reading ‘The Second Sex’ by Simone de Beauvoir while you waited for J.A.R.V.I.S to scan the different models you created for recalibrating your suit. Finding this social movement somehow encouraged you to realize your value, how smart and kind and badass you were, you got to know yourself, be 100% you without following society’s norms. 
But that was before you entered a field were although people knew you were an avenger and a businesswoman, men like Brad still wanted to talk over you. 
“She’s right, she’s the owner of this and she’s the smartest person I know, we are going to do what she says, and you need to start treating her as she is your boss because she is” Harry answered. “Brad, you will respond to her directly, not to me” 
Brad looked astonished as he saw Harry’s severe expression while you fought the urge to smirk. 
But he didn’t say a word and the meeting continued, the only thing that changed was that Brad’s mouth didn’t open for the rest of the meeting. Everyone left the room as soon as you planned the next steps for the project and you couldn’t help to keep an eye on how quickly Brad leave. 
Harry walked to your side as you picked up your documents, he looked so damn good in his nice tailored suit, his broad shoulders relaxed as soon as he gazed at you while he placed a strand of your hair on the back of your ear and you smiled. 
“You are not allowed to compliment me anymore in business meetings. It’s too nice and patronizing”, you finally said as you closed your bag and threw it over your shoulder while you stared at him with a coy smile, Harry simply rolled his eyes.
“I can’t help it”, he chuckled as he took a hold of your hand and played with it, you felt your heartbeat stammering on your chest but then you saw him clearing his throat as he looked a bit more unsettled. “You want to go out to my place tonight? I know you don’t have to go to NY until tomorrow” Harry finally let out. 
“How do you know I’m not going back today?”
“I heard H.A.P.P.Y reading your agenda today before the meeting” Harry answered, while you chuckled. 
You had been going out and you knew each other more and more but this was the first date at someone’s place, at first you didn’t really know what to say, not because it was uncomfortable to you but mainly because you felt eager about it, which you never thought you would. You knew nothing was going to happen, you knew your limits, but the fact that it didn’t make you feel repelled about it surprised you. 
It had been over a year since your first time with Peter and you thought you could never experience that earth-shattering feeling with no one else but Peter Parker.
But apparently, Harry was changing your world. 
“Sure”, you said with a smile, you saw how Harry simply let out a long breathe and he grinned. 
“Sweet”, he said with a smirk as you both exited the meeting room.
You had been on small missions before, mostly scouting different locations where HYDRA could’ve been operating, sometimes you found some HYDRA agents and you had managed to do your job: you had kicked their asses. Peter and you still felt like a million dollars when Tony or Steve would congratulate you on your work. After all, you had begun officially training as an avenger just one year prior and Peter had entered the avenger’s life just six months before. 
But when you arrived at the compound after Happy picked Peter and you from school, you couldn’t have imagined what you were about to do. 
“So, you want us there?”, you blurted out as you stared dumbfoundedly at Tony, Steve and Nick Fury who were presiding the meeting.
Peter gulped as he examined the scene and the avengers that were present: Rhodey, Wanda, Bruce, Clint, Vision, Natasha, Sam, and Bucky. Peter felt his heart skipping a beat, this was the first big mission Mr. Stark had given him, without counting the Vulture off course that was off the record. Now, he was going to finally have his debut as an avenger. He had been training non-stop for this day to come, each week harder and harder and he had proven himself to Tony and the other avengers. 
Plus, he couldn’t be happier to experience it with you. 
“Why do you think I call you kids?”, Tony answered rhetorically as he gave you a smirk. 
You couldn’t help but smirk back at him.
“You are going to be very careful nonetheless, Mrs. Stark” Nick Fury added with his permanent frown. 
It had been your dream to be an official avenger since Tony had become one since you saw the shift in his heart and his purpose. After all the time you had been overprotected, after all the time your dad had denied you to go out into the field, after all your effort to build your suit from scratch, after all the hours of training with Nat and Peter, after proving yourself with small missions and then doing neighborhood duty with Peter, after all, you were finally being taken seriously, it was all for this moment. 
And you couldn’t be happier that you got to experience it with Peter. 
“What’s the mission?”, you asked joyously as a smile grew on your face.
The mission was simple but dangerous as well, Tony had been very clear that you should not engage into any fighting unless he ordered you to do so or if the circumstances presented themselves where you had to fight. The place of the mission? An underground laboratory in Kosovo, Southeastern of Europe. Fury explained that the remaining agents of the HYDRA nest that the Avengers had attacked before Ultron, where Wanda and Pietro had been kept as well as Loki’s Scepter, had escaped to the new country. SHIELD believed they still had some of the scepter’s energy which gave Wanda and her brother their powers. Nonetheless, they soon found out they were taking test subjects by force, no one had survived the energy of the scepter before.
“To be extremely clear, we are on a rescue mission”, Steve announced as he dropped the file with info in front of you and another one for Peter, in order to get all the intel. “Both of you have been tasked to find the subjects and secure them while we neutralize the enemy”. 
While you examined the file, you felt Peter’s hand over yours which startled you. You gazed back at him and he was giving you a small smile. Those once that you loved, you couldn’t help to smile back at him. 
After the meeting ended and Steve ordered you to get ready, Peter and you ran to your rooms and pack everything that was needed. It didn’t take you long enough since you were almost the first ones to enter the quinjet, behind Steve and Fury. You completely suited up while you barely contained your happiness as you sat down and strapped yourself to your sit. You grabbed Peter’s hand and both of your hands intertwined, Peter, giving you a toothy smile. 
Your heart couldn’t help but skip a bit as you saw Peter, his chocolate eyes had little honey specks that you loved, how his curls looked kind of messy because he had taken his mask off and how they were a little too long, long enough for them to fall a little bit before his eyebrows, how good he looked with the few freckles he had under his eyes and how bright his smile was. Plus, it didn’t hurt that his skin-tight red and blue suit fitted him perfectly, framing his body and allowing you to have a good look at his muscles. 
While you were proud of your suit, you had been working on it to make it a little less like Tony’s and a version that suited you better. It was way lighter than Tony’s, and it was more fitted to your frame, it had been hard making it smaller since you still needed the whole energy that you usually had but the last few test runs had gone okay. 
“Why are you already suit up?” Tony asked you while he arched a sly brow. “We are going to take like four hours to get there, kid. Take it easy.”
You quickly let go of Peter’s hand as you watched Tony carefully leaving the case that contained his suit, your brows bumped together in a scowl. As you watched Wanda, Nat and everyone else walking inside the quinjet with no suit, you felt the blush creeping through your cheeks.
“Well, Steve is suit-up”, you protested a bit as you undo your belt and stood up. 
Quickly, you pressed your temple as your suit opened up, letting you out of it and then closing again, while Peter rummaged through his backpack looking for a sweatshirt to put over it his suit. Nat chuckled once she saw you and Peter. 
“That’s because Steve’s a dork”, Nat whispered making Tony laugh and Peter crouch a little bit more on his sit while you rolled your eyes.
Nonetheless, soon it all became business and suiting up. Everyone was discussing little kinks and details of the missions, Wanda and Bucky were even practicing combat training with her powers while Tony was hanging out with Wanda and Nat as they drank some coffee and went over the layout of the territory. You, on the other hand, had been going over and over again your plan with Peter, he believed and knew for a fact you already knew it by heart, but he was aware that you were kind of anxious and tense about it. 
He had already gone after the Vulture while you hadn’t done it yet. You began to panic as time passed and you got closer and closer to Kosovo and you began to realize how serious it actually was, your dad had allowed being here with almost every avenger and asked you to be there. It was real, and it was dawning on the weight of it. Peter could’ve sworn he saw a little bit of Tony’s anxiety on your eyes, gleaming, that restless sense that Tony carried with him, he had passed it to you. Therefore, Peter simply stayed with you, listen to you, nodded, talk when he needed to talk but most of all tried to calm you down by being his easy-going self. 
Until Steve decided that he needed a word with him. 
“I have to take Queens with me,” Steve said as he placed his hand on Peter’s shoulder, making you both look up to him. As you heard Steve’s words you frowned. “It will be for just a moment Y/N”
“Fine…”, you huffed as you walked towards Nat and hugged her from behind in order to get some, much needed, comfort without having to actually talk about it. 
Peter quickly stood up and looked at Steve, a little bit jumpy because he was getting direct orders by Captain America himself and he wanted to be as respectful as he could about it. 
“Peter, I don’t think I need to remain you about the protocols for protecting the civilians or how to take care of guns, I think you know them by heart, kid”, Steve said as he crossed his arms. 
“I do, sir. Cap-Captain America” Peter answered promptly as he stumbled on his own words.
Steve smiled a bit and nodded. “But I think I haven’t talked about the Y/N protocol,” Steve said as he sighed and sat down next to Peter, inviting him to do so as well. “Y/N, she is passionate about avenging although she hasn’t done it for very long or on a very large scale, but, we know she will give her everything in every mission because that’s the person she is”. 
Peter nodded, he could feel his back muscles tensing and he didn’t know why he got a feeling like if Steve was going to tell him something that you wouldn’t want to know. Soon, Peter’s eyes drifted towards you as he kept listening to Steve go on about you. 
“Peter, what I want to say is that you need to keep her in check. I know both of you will go all in because that’s the kind of person you are. Nonetheless, we need you to take care of each other and think about your next move and how to protect one another, okay?”
Peter couldn’t help to notice how your smile made your eyes close a little bit and how your chin would go a little bit up with it, almost as if it was a reflex. He couldn’t help to notice how ready and badass and sublime you looked with the suit you had built yourself. How your Y/H/C hair fell on the grey nitinol and how your act reactor brightened your face, how your nose scrunches up a bit while Nat and Wanda hugged you and the sound of your laugh too was striking. 
Without warning, you realized that he was looking at you and your gazes linked up. 
Peter, not knowing any better on how to be smooth, gave you a faint smile, it was bliss for you and he felt the same when a smile dangled on the corner of your lips. 
Oh god, he was so falling in love with you and he couldn’t help it. 
“Eyes up here, Queens,” Steve’s said as he couldn’t help but to shake his head when saw the both of you while a gob-smacked Peter turned around quickly. 
You groaned as soon as the elevator door opened, and you walked into the Stark’s Tower apartment with Harry walking behind you, barely as tired as you were. Harry had only been into the Stark Tower household one time before, where you had introduced him to your family, but it had been only for about an hour of formal conversation before he had to go back to California and continue working. Now, you hadn’t actually told Pepper or Tony that Harry would be coming over that day but at the moment you couldn’t careless because of how tired you were.
Harry and you had been working non-stop into the project for the last six months and he had decided to go to New York in order to visit the center that you had created one more time in order to get a sense of the environment you wanted to create in the new west-side facility. It had been a long day, playing with kids, giving one of the classes, talking and having conferences with staff and volunteers, attending support group meetings that you had, meetings with other sponsors on the east coast, etc. 
It wasn’t until 11:00 p.m. that you were finally gone for the day and instead of making Harry stay in his hotel, you decided that you wanted to invite him over. It had been a while since you had been seeing each other in a little bit more serious note than ever before and you thought that the honeymoon phase was finally kicking in. You were feeling less and less guilty of holding his hands as you walked or less and less guilty of kissing him. It sounds bad, I know it does, but you couldn’t help when your mind brought back those chocolate eyes with honey specks to your mind or his chocolate curls or his freckles or his nose, or… well, Peter Parker himself. 
But it was getting better, you weren’t seeing Peter everywhere and all the time anymore. 
“I’m soooooooo done with everything”, you grumbled as you shook your head while taking your shoes off and leaving them in the entrance hall. 
Harry was as tired as you, the bags under his eyes were getting noticeable and he had only been with you a whole week. But it was part of dating you, you were usually a night owl that loved waking up early in order to take advantage of the day, the only one that didn’t like the routine as much as you? Your own body that at the moment was screaming for you to lay down somewhere in the house and eat something. 
The only problem and question at the moment was: what did you prefer: sleeping or eating?
“Do you want me to cook you something?” Harry asked earnestly.
He was an amazing cook and if you knew that he wasn’t that tired, you would have definitely asked him for one of those acai bowls he did that made your mouth watered by the thought of it. But as you saw him, taking off his jean jacket with his black sleek hair a little bit messier than in his usual put-together style and with those dark circles decorating his face, you knew you didn’t have the heart to make the boy do something else.
“No, don’t worry”, you said as you grabbed a random hoodie that was on the kitchen, that probably belonged to your dad or… Peter, well they were technically yours as you had systematically stolen them from him years prior. “I’ll make some popcorn on the microwave, go ahead and sit down on the living room. We can watch a movie”
Harry nodded as he rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands and simply followed your command.
“Put on something we don’t care about since we are clearly going to fall asleep”, you said a little bit loud as you placed the popcorn on the microwave.
As you waited, you felt a knot in your stomach as your mind flashed to many of the movie nights you had with Peter. He knew that movies were your favorite thing ever, even before reading, you loved to analyze and learn everything about them, so he indulged you by watching any movie you invited him too. But on days when you were too tired, he would pick movies you had seen before or movies that were maybe bad for your taste for you not to miss a thing, you had learned about it after a while and you smiled to yourself as he had created that tradition. 
Your thoughts dissipated as soon as the microwave began beeping and you quickly took out the popcorn and filled the bowl with it before walking towards the living room. You felt like your legs were giving up as you walked towards Harry who was waiting for you, blinking slowly as he smiled once he saw you and smelled the popcorn.
“That smells so good, I was craving these” Harry said as you placed them on the table in front of you and sighed and finally flopped over him. 
Harry let out a breathy laugh as you landed on his torso, in such an awkward position but you didn’t care at the moment, you just knew your body had to rest otherwise you wouldn’t be able to do anything but just nap the next day and you couldn’t afford to do that.
“I’m so tired, please just hold me”, you muttered as Harry accommodated you with his strong arms, he laid your head on his chest and moved down a bit, so you could be comfortable.
You could only hum as you place a quick peck on his neck and he gave you a sweet smile, giving you a real peck as he was grabbing the popcorn while you asked F.R.I.D.A.Y. to start the movie. 
“You chose Twilight?”, you snorted as you saw the movie starting with Bella’s narration and Harry rolled his eyes. 
“You told me to choose something we wouldn’t care about,” Harry said as you laughed. 
“I know what I said, I just never figured you would choose this one”, you could barely hold in your smile as you continue to laugh. 
Harry couldn’t help but to laugh along with you and as you giggled to yourself, you couldn’t help to notice the way he was looking at you, it was as if he was seeing something for the first time and you realized you hadn’t had a laughing fit with him. Basically, you hadn’t laugh like this since Peter and you felt like your chest was going to explode by the way he was looking at you. The laughter died down as you both stared into each other’s eyes and for the first time in a while, you managed to feel in cloud nine, you quickly placed your hand on Harry’s slaying jaw and pulled him in for a kiss. 
It was a demanding kiss as you pressed your lips together, Harry had those lips that few boys had, lips that were voluptuous enough to be noticeable but not too much, lips that you knew were soft and that would taste like cotton candy the moment they touched yours. The kiss was enticing, the way he moved his lips against yours, you didn’t stop for a while as he pulled a little bit your hair and you moved with rhythm. 
In the end, you had to pull back to catch you breathe. 
“Is it okay then?” Harry whispered.
You simply nodded and smiled, you thought that you might be ready for more for the first time in a while. But you didn’t want to give it much thought as you turned around and focused on the movie. 
It didn’t take long before you were knocked out cold in Harry’s chest. 
Harry was enticed by you and he felt in seventh heaven as he watched you sleeping peacefully in his arms. There was something about you that made his heart feel so full of love and excitement and he couldn’t pin down the exact moment he had fallen in love with you, but he was sure about what he was feeling. 
Harry didn’t want to wake you up by moving so he decided to stay like that as he ate the popcorn and actually did watch the movie. He was very into it but the sound of the automatic doors opening brought him back to reality as he saw Tony walking into the living room with a hostile expression on his face, his eyes narrowed to crinkled slits as he saw you too in the sofa. 
Harry gulped. “Good evening Mr. Stark, I- um” Harry stumbled into his words, he normally didn’t but then again, he wasn’t talking to anyone, he was talking to Tony Stark, your dad, and Iron Man.
“Good evening to you Mr. Osborn” Tony answered respectfully as he crossed his arms. 
“Y/N told me I could stay over, but I still have my room in the hotel if you don’t feel comfortable”, Harry stuttered. “I completely understand”
Tony didn’t actually know how to feel about it, it wasn’t like he didn’t like Harry because he did, he gave you another thing to be happy about apart from business and you had been doing so well the last few months that you had been talking to him. But there was something that bothered him, and he couldn’t put a pin to it. Moreover, he saw how you were collapse on Harry’s chest and he couldn’t risk waking you up, so he simply began shaking his head and waved his hand. 
“No need, kid. Stay there.” Tony managed to say. “Do you want me to bring you a blanket?”
Harry swallowed hard and simply nodded, as Tony gave him a tight smile and then proceeded to exit the room as quickly as he could without making too much noise. As Tony grabbed the blanket from one of the closets, he figured out what was bothering him so much, his heart squeezing a bit as he realized it: It was Peter, you always used to fall asleep watching movies with Peter. 
You didn’t remember much from the attack of Scorpion or what had actually happened for you to end up in the medical wing with an IV glued to your arm and nasal cannulas decorating your face, plus a bonus: an overwhelming pain on the left side of your body. But you did remember a few details.
For example, you knew that before you blacked out completely, you had fired your repulsor against Scorpion, managing to hit both his tail and leg, making him fall on the ground with a growl that seemed more animalistic than before. On the other hand, Peter had fired his taser webs in order to completely neutralize him and it had worked because after a few seconds his green and reddish eyes were closed. After months of attack after attack, you had managed to stop him all alone without any reinforcement which made it even better. 
You had finally completed an alone mission with Peter and you felt your heart pounding in your chest, you didn’t actually know if it was your heart or the adrenaline or just pure and utter joy as your suit quickly dematerialized from your body as Peter landed a few meters away from you. You wanted to run towards him, you wanted him to scoop you as you crashed into his body with a smile plastered in both of your faces as you celebrated because it was yours. 
Peter and you had done it. 
But before you could utter any word of joy, there was a sharp plunged on the left side of your body and before you knew it, everything went dark. 
“He wasn’t completely down” Peter’s voice startled you, he was standing up from the sofa of the room. 
He had been crying, you could see it and it made your heart squeeze a bit on your chest as he yawned and got closer to you. Peter hated seeing you hurt or injured, it was one of the worst things that could happen to him -or no, not one but the worst thing that could happen to him-. He had been waiting for you to wake-up and he hadn’t been able to get out of the room, it didn’t matter that he had some injuries too, he didn’t care, he only cared about being by your side as soon as you woke-up. 
“No shit, Sherlock”, you answered with a smirk as you still felt how the left side of your body began to throb. “What did you do, then?”
But Peter didn’t smile, he had a sullen expression drawn on his face as he passed a hand through his curls. He hated himself because of what had happened with you and how he couldn’t avoid it. He had been thinking about it none stop and the debrief of the incident had him on the verge of tears as he recalled how you had been thrown, without your suit and like a rag doll to one side of the street. Tony tried to tell him that these kinds of things happen on the job and that he was simply glad that Peter was there to take care of you like he had done in the attack prior to this one. 
But Peter was still mad at himself. 
“I- I tried to catch you and, I, I stopped you from hitting the façade of the building full force but, um-I didn’t manage to really catch you so -um- you still collapsed on the street” Peter mumbled, avoiding eye contact with you. “After that, I just…”
Peter didn’t really know how to explain it, he believed it was almost a black-out because he honestly didn’t remember much from it. He believed he was in shock from seeing how you were pushed by Scorpion’s tail, but a few seconds later and he realized that he had almost finished Scorpion off. He didn’t really know how he did it, but he had managed with his bare arms to rip Scorpion’s tail from the rest of his weird biological suit. He had heard Scorpion’s cries and growls, but he didn’t care at the moment, he placed more and more taser webs and then… then he had kicked him and punched him full force until Peter was completely sure that he was passed out. 
It scared him a bit, to see what his force could do, he had never lost control like that. 
“I just, I just asked K.A.R.E.N to call everyone and, I, I took your suit and then carried you here.” Peter managed to let out as he sat next to you. 
If we were being honest, it hadn’t been that easy. He broke down the moment he saw you laying in the pavement, not moving and he was sure that if he hadn’t felt your heart from where he was standing he would have lost it. He didn’t have to think twice before telling K.A.R.E.N. that Steve and Nat had to pick-up Scorpion on the 54th street in Manhattan and that Tony needed to go to the compound as soon as he could because you were injured. Without a second thought, he managed to take off your necklace and made your suit materialized over him, he took you with extreme care and then flew as fast as he could towards the compound. 
“Peter, I …”, were the only words you managed to say as you tried to lift up your left arm more than before but was quickly cut off by the piercing pain. 
Peter panicked a bit and he almost jumped into the hospital bed with you, he got closer to your side, but he wanted to avoid touching you, he didn’t want to hurt you, so he restrained himself and just watched carefully as you breathe out the pain. 
Without saying any words, you began to roll up the hospital gown slowly and steadily. For any reason, you wanted to see how bad it had gotten because the pain was a bit too much, even for you, that at the time you had gotten used to being kicked, cut, battered and whatnot on the battlefield. It came with your chosen path and you were okay with it, but it never stopped annoying you when you realize how fragile you could actually be sometimes. 
This was one of them because you didn’t expect how bad it looked. 
It began on your hip bone, the reddish color tainted your skin on the outer side, it barely reached your bellybutton and you couldn’t help to feel a bit startled as you passed your fingers over it, getting higher and higher. You could only see a dark and purple-stained on the majority of your left side and you were sure it reached your back because you didn’t saw an end to it. It was vile the way it spread over your body and it barely finished on your breast, it was all purple-black and you winced at the thought of how fast you had lost consciousness.  
You quickly snapped out of it as you gazed at Peter.
He was a mess. 
He had this shadowy look in his eyes as he watched carefully, his eyes barely spilling all the tears he had been holding back for the last two hours where he had managed to keep it together. You seemed so small to him right now and all he wanted to do was going back in time to avoid it. He didn’t know how to make it better and it seemed as if he had a hopeless pit in his stomach. But he wanted to do anything, something so badly that it seemed like a reflex as he leaned forward to your body.
You blinked and held your breath as Peter leaned down and lightly kissed the top of the freshly formed bruise, his lips soft against your skin and you felt short of breath as he continued to do so, covering the majority of the large bruise with his pecks. He didn’t even think about it, but he was determined to make it better and it seemed like the most proper way to do so. None of his kisses on your skin hurt, they were light and indulgent but with a hunger to it, a hunger to heal you and you couldn’t help to quiver as his lips climbed your body. He meticulously went through the dark blotch in your body, enticed by the feeling that it would work and somehow it did. 
He didn’t open his eyes for a few seconds after he finished and stood up again, it had taken him all his will power to stop kissing your body and he needed to focus his senses once more because he had been lost on it. On the other hand, you felt like you could melt in Peter Parker’s mouth and nothing would be wrong in the world, you would just let it be because the way your body was buzzing at the moment… it was heavenly.
“Peter”, you whispered shakily, and he opened his eyes.
Those dark chocolate eyes gleamed with, just… love. He was so grateful that you were okay, that you had woken up with him in the room, he was grateful that you were breathing okay, that you had managed to talk and to be yourself, that you had allowed him to kiss your body as you had done because it was heaven for him. Being with you, having you in your life was the best thing that happened to him. 
“Y/N…”, he whispered back.
Without previous notice, he leaned forward and placed his lips against yours for the first time. 
You finally sat on your office after a full morning of different meetings with the staff of the facility, trying to figure out what was the next step for the kids that were older and needed to move on, you knew that 99% percent of them decided to go to college, but it had been tricky since most universities shut down after the snap. It had been almost two years since you had begun your own organization and it was a topic that you hadn’t actually given much thought about it because the vastly majority of older kids during the time of the snap had managed themselves, so you had received mostly younger ones but now time had passed, things had changed and you had to really give it a thought. 
Mostly, it shocked you to the core to realize that you should’ve been in college by now with Peter, Ned, Mj, Flash, and Wanda.  You had obviously continued to study and learn, but you always had wanted that experience, but it slipped through your fingers. 
Nonetheless, you needed to take that weekend off since your father had arranged for you to go to Stark’s new household. Morgan was already two years old, she was growing each day with such a rapid rate that she was already talking like she was five, as Tony realized this he knew that he wanted Morgan to be surrounded by something different. And so, he had bought this huge cabin upstate, where he was spending most of his time now with Morgan and Pepper. 
You visited them as much as you could but being almost twenty-one years old, you had decided to stay in Stark Tower by yourself. You felt like you needed the space and he had allowed you to stay where you wanted to. You still had a room on the new cabin and your father had crafted it perfectly for you, so you loved spending long weekends with them but for you, it was simply a better arrangement to stay in New York. Plus, Pepper had to go almost every week and every day to keep working on Stark’s Industries which was still nice. 
But it was different nonetheless, the newly founded independency you had always thought about living with Peter by your side. But your thoughts dissipated as someone knocked on the door. 
“Come in”, you noted as you stood up from the chair and fixed your blazer but as soon as you raised your eyes, you couldn’t help to squeal as you saw Harry’s bright smile.
Harry was working on his new Latin American project and had been there for over a week, you talked and texted almost every day as always, but you couldn’t help to feel a bit lonely without him close to you. Over the last year, you had been spending so much time together either in California or in New York working on your project, but as the facility in California was done, Harry had decided to focus on his previous work.
“What are you doing here!”, you breamed as he embraced you in a hug with his strong arms. “I thought you wouldn’t be here until the end of the month”
Harry would wrap his arms around you and you felt safe with him, which was a new feeling you had with him. In the past, you had only felt like this with the other avengers, your father, your suit and Peter.
“I wanted to surprise you!” Harry said as he held you and then place a kiss on your forehead, you hummed as he did it. “Did I do a good job?”
You smirked as he let you go. “You did, thank you for coming back early”, you mused as you took a hold of his hand. “How was Colombia?”
Harry began talking about his trip, how the capital was recovering from the snap but mainly how nature began to take over the abandon parts of the city, which was crazy. He was so into it and you couldn’t help but smile as you heard him explaining everything. You knew how much work he had and how invested he had been into your project, it was only fair for him to take a step back and return to the thing that he felt passionate about, which was bioengineering. It didn’t bother you, you didn’t feel needy with him, but you couldn’t avoid missing him and that was why it made your heart warm, the thought that he had taken your feelings into account and came back earlier. 
“So, what are our plans then?” Harry asked when he finished telling you all about the trip. 
“H.A.P.P.Y, can you bring the car to the main entrance please?”, you whispered into the com in your ear and you winked at Harry who was biting his lip. 
“Road trip?”, he asked excitedly as he pulled you into him as began hearing your car approaching the main entrance. 
“Yes, we have to go Upstate to visit my father, Pepper, and Morgan”, you said as the car opened his doors and you walked towards it. “It’s going to be a few days and after that, we can come back to the apartment and hang out there”
“Sounds good to me”, Harry answered as he sat on the passenger’s seat and you buckle your seatbelt. 
The drive was breezy, Harry kept going on and on about his trip and how he wished that you could go with him in about a month. They were making so much progress and there was nothing that brightened his face this much. It was true, you hadn’t visited Latin America in a while and you thought it would be a good trip, but you couldn’t help to feel a pit on your stomach when you remember how everyone in Midtown had promised to go backpacking through Latin America for about a month before you enter college. How Peter and Ned were so excited to meet Colombia and Peru and how you had promised them that you would ask your father for the private jet, so you could go. 
But you tried to shake off the feeling, tried to shake off those beautiful chocolate eyes. 
It didn’t take long until you arrived upstate, it was really easy getting there and it was a beautiful day. The weather was warm, and the sun was shining, it was the perfect way to spend the weekend with people that you loved. Maybe, your dad wouldn’t be so happy with the idea of Harry staying over but at the moment you didn’t care because you really needed him to stop thinking about… wait, you thought to yourself as you parked the car into the driveway that was decorated with trees. 
“Impossible”, you muttered to yourself as Harry had a peering expression on his face while he looked at you. 
Meanwhile, your eyes were fixed in the scene in front of you: Steve, Nat, Tony with Morgan in his arms and someone else, someone that you knew for a fact was dead. It had been shown in the statistics that the avengers had recollected of the people who had been turned to dust by the snap and Scott Lang was one of them. Scott Lang was supposed to be dead. 
But no, there he was standing in the porch of the cabin along with Steve and Nat that had tight expressions drawn on their faces as they talked to your father. 
“Dad?”, you stuttered as everyone in the porch turned around to look at you and Harry who was behind. 
The way your voice cracked was a clear indication of your emotional state as your eyes didn’t leave Scott Lang for a second, you felt your knees getting weaker each second that it passed and sharp pain in your chest because your mind could only form one thought: Peter. 
Steve, Nat, and Scott remained quiet, they didn’t say a word as they stared at you and you couldn’t help to notice how Nat had a somber gleam on her eyes as she saw you, like she knew something was going to hurt you. But she didn’t say anything, none of them did, they didn’t even acknowledge Harry as you all stood there, the tension could be cut with a knife and it wouldn’t have gotten any better. 
“Y/N, Harry” Tony said as he stood up from the chair and walked towards you, his eyes burning you, the same gleam that Peter had seemed a couple of years ago was showing in both of your eyes, he opened his mouth and then shut it, his gaze traveled to Harry. “Harry… I, I’m sorry but it’s best for you to go” Tony stuttered as his eyes turned back to you. 
You were taken aback by Tony’s statement, as well as Harry but he could read the situation good enough and you couldn’t help it but he didn’t give one step away, instead, his eyes traveled to yours as you looked at him for a second and then back at Tony but in that second you saw your father’s gaze and you knew Harry couldn’t be here. Tony nodded for you to let him go. 
“I- I’m sorry… I’ll talk to you later”, you mumbled as you saw how his body stiffened at the remark. 
Harry nodded, he muttered a goodbye before he walked away and entered the car as he quickly backed it up and then turned around. You stayed still, your face stolid as you couldn’t help the feeling of wanting to puke your guts out right there and then, but you managed yourself, you swallowed and looked at Tony dead-eye as the sound came out of your mouth. 
“What’s going on?”
Tony clutched Morgan a little bit tighter as he breathed deeply, his eyes not leaving yours. 
“We can bring them back”
TAGLIST: @spideylovin​ @eridanuswave​ @featuringcone9​ @bethanystan​
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lustresky · 4 years
chocolate [peter parker x f!reader]
summary: Ned’s idea turns out to be not that bad after all. (Or, a story in which you and Peter play the Pocky Challenge.)
wc: 4000ish. 
themes: teenagers being teenagers, asian snacks, fluff (to be very honest this is the very first story of mine to only have. like. a teaspoon of angst haha), mj’s bffs w reader, ned is the best wing-man we never knew we needed, peter’s adorable as usual
a/n: title is a song by bbolbalgan4 which i think perfectly describes reader & peter’s sweet ass relationship. this idea came to mind when i was eating pocky lmao. also! i imagined reader as asian cause i am too and i kinda ended up putting irl things about me (being an immigrant, a nerd, and having strict but loving parents) into her story, so if you want to imagine her as such, please feel free to do so! i don’t think that it really matters much in the end tho haha
“I’m gonna get some snacks,” You announce as you stand up from the sofa, popping your neck and letting out a satisfied sigh as you hear it crack. “You guys want anythin’? Mom and I stopped by the Asian store last night.”
“Ooh!” Ned breaks his stare from the TV screen, lowering his controller onto his lap and looking up at you with a grin. “Did you guys get some Shrimp Chips? It’s been a while since I’ve had some of those.”
You let out a snort, “Duh! One pack of Shrimp Chips comin’ right up.” You say as you open the kitchen cabinet in which your family kept the snacks; a colourful array of different chips and biscuits staring back at you in greeting. You ruffle through them to find the familiar pink and white plastic packaging.  “What about you— Pete, MJ? You guys cravin’ anything?”
“I’ll have some Hello Panda, if there’s any!” MJ calls back, and you didn’t have to look up from your position to know that her face is still buried in her true crime novel. You hum back in response at her request.
“Pete, what about you?” You say, as you finally find two packets of Shrimp Chips hidden in the corner of the cabinet; you take one in your arm as you proceed to look for MJ’s snack.
“I’ll um— I’ll just have whatever you have, Y/N! Thanks!” Peter answers back just as you find the familiar diamond shaped, pink box containing the strawberry filled cookies. You place it in your arm, right next to Ned’s snack.
“You sure you don’t want anythin’ specific, Pete?” You reply back, as you dig through to find the snack that you’ve been craving for ever since coming home from school with them three.
It had become an unspoken tradition between you four to hang out at your house every Friday after school; you really don’t remember when it had first happened exactly, but you had never once complained about it. It’s, and had always been, fun spending time with them— and the fact that your parents always have their ‘date nights’ (Which, to be fair, you think that they deserve to have as a tradition considering how hard they work to give you a good life.) on Fridays means that you four have the entire apartment to yourselves, which is pretty nice.
Surprisingly, your parents— as strict as they are with their upbringing of you sometimes— are pretty lenient with them staying over every single time. You assume that it’s only due to the fact that they’re all nerds (No hate, you’re one too.) who actually get good grades and focus in school, but it could also be that your parents just want to make sure that you aren’t hanging out with the ‘wrong’ crowd.
Hah, you laugh to yourself. If only they knew the truth.
Not that they’re a ‘bad’ crowd per se, but you don’t really think that they’d react nicely to finding out that you’re actually hanging out with your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man and his ‘posé’ every Friday afternoon… nor the fact that you’re harbouring a secret crush on him. Nope, nope. You’d get your ass whooped.
“Yeah, just pick whatever you want, Y/N!” Peter responds just as soon as you find the thin, red rectangular boxes behind the packets of dried mangoes. You hum back in reply to Peter’s answer, grabbing two packs, licking in your lips in anticipation. To top off the pile, you add a few random packets of candies and a few bottles of Yakults, Milkis and Banana Milk. They didn’t ask for any drinks, but you figured that it would only be appropriate to get some while you’re at it.
Trudging back to the living space, you let all the snacks fall from your arms once you reach the sofa, hearing Ned whoop and MJ set her book down on the floor as she rummaged through the pile for her own snack.
Within a blink of your eye, only the two boxes of Pocky and a bottle of Banana Milk and Milkis are left. You let out a laugh as you see MJ and Ned promptly stuffing their faces with their respective requests.
You plop down next to Peter on the carpet, desperately ignoring the rising heart-beat in your chest. God, keep it together, Y/N! You tell yourself.
Peter didn’t notice you nor react, much to your disappointment; his head’s still buried in his textbook, right hand scribbling away on a piece of scratch paper beside it. His brows are furrowed, lips set in a tight line as a bit of his tongue poked out in concentration— Christ, who the hell gave him the right to be this cute?
MJ suddenly speaks up to Peter, breaking your gaze from his form onto hers. “Dude,” She says, lips popping off of the Milkis can. One of her eyebrows rises up as her hand lays down her book onto the sofa. “It’s Friday, can’t you like— do your homework some other time?” She pauses to pop a Hello Panda in her mouth. “You have the whole weekend for that.”
“Yeah, Pete,” You agree, siding with her. You pop open the other can of Milkis as you slide the Banana Milk over onto Peter’s side. “Come on, I know that we’re all nerds and all, but still…”
Peter looks up at you, and that’s when you notice how his cheeks are tinted with colour. His brown eyes pass over yours and then onto the drink that you had slid over to him. Letting out a sigh, he rakes his hand in his hair, effectively messing it up even more and making your heartbeat rise faster against your wishes. What the fuck, how can such a simple move get you so bothered?
“Fine,” He breathes out, dropping his pen onto the table, taking the drink and ripping open the plastic in which the straw for it was enclosed in. Peter stabs it in, Adam’s apple bobbing up and down at each gulp he took. After a few sips, he gives you a small, grateful smile as butterflies subsequently flew into your stomach. “Thanks, Y/N.”
You grin back, feeling heat creep up into your cheeks. “No prob Pete, anytime.”
As he looks back onto the table to inspect the other snacks that you had brought, consequently ending your eye contact with him, you see MJ looking at you with a huge smirk on her face as her eyebrows wiggled up and down.
You scrunch your nose at her, annoyed and embarrassed at her teasing; though you can still feel your cheeks flaring. You had discovered your feelings for Peter just a few weeks ago, and you had only confessed about it to MJ just last week— but she definitely made sure that she knew of the fact every chance that she got.
“Come on, Y/N!” She had hissed— a few days after you had told her. You had been in front of your locker, desperately trying to ignore her words as you focused on getting the stuff you needed for your next class. “Peter likes you too, I’m a hundred percent sure of it.”
You had closed your locker in a huff, the metal door slamming with a pretty loud bang. You ignored the eyes that had turned towards you in consequence as you stared down MJ, whose arms were crossed as she leaned to the locker adjacent to yours. “First off, how can you be that sure, and two, why do you want me to confess so badly anyways?” You had asked, annoyed. She only meant well, you knew that, but you were tired of her constant and incessant teasing.
“Because one, my observation skills are pretty damn great— I didn’t figure out who the web-slinging neighbourhood hero was for nothing,” She had replied, voice lowering into a whisper as she reminded you of how she found out Peter’s secret.
“And two, because I’m tired of you guys waltzing around one another like some kind of five year olds in kindergarten!” She had replied back, and before you could’ve retaliated, the first warning bell rang; telling you that you only had five minutes left to get to your class.
So you had left it at that, her words ringing in your ear as you stared down the mathematical formula on your notebook.
“Ooh… What are these?” Peter breaks the memory that had suddenly resurfaced in your mind, his hands holding up the slim, red, rectangular box. ‘Pocky?’” He asks as he reads the English words on the packaging.
“Yep,” You say, grabbing the snack from him as you ignore the brush of your hands on his. Keep it cool, Y/N. “You’ve never had some before?”
Peter shakes his head. “No— at least I don’t think so?”
“Well then, you’re in for a treat,” You say with a smile as you open the box nonchalantly, taking out the plastic packaging in which the sticks were in and ripping it open; making sure that you open it non-coated part up so that he wouldn’t get chocolate all over his fingers. “Here.”
“I— um, thanks.” He says as he grabs one of the biscuits and promptly takes a bite of it, eyes widening in delight as the chocolate coated his tongue.
You let out a small giggle, amused at his adorable expression. Holy fuck, my heart can’t take more of this shit.
“Did you guys just say Pocky?” Ned suddenly intervenes, concentration breaking from the TV and onto your outstretched hand. “I didn’t know you had some, Y/N!”
You let out a snort as Ned promptly takes one for himself. “Well, you didn’t ask, so.” You shrug, laughing at the look of betrayal on his face.
He just shakes his head and takes another bite of the chocolate dipped snack. “Ah,” He muses, one hand on his chest while the other holds up the Pocky as if it was a buried treasure that he had just uncovered. “This reminds me of that one time me and Betty did the Pocky challenge… What a pleasant memory.”
“Oh, really?” You laugh at his antics, grinning up at his dork-like stance. Ned never failed to bring up his summer fling with Betty; and you don’t think he’s ever really going to bring that down. Ever since they broke up, citing that they’re better off as friends, he had started acting like he knew the ins and outs of teenage love.
“Uh-huh.” He replies, a wistful smile on his face, effectively making you snicker. “It was nice…”
He suddenly drops the hand on his chest, lips forming into an ‘o’. You raise an eyebrow at his unexpected change of demeanour. “What’s up?” You ask, taking a gulp of your Milkis.
“I have a great idea,” Ned answers. You just raise an eyebrow up in response, urging him to go on as you continue drinking.
He claps his hands together. “Let’s do the Pocky challenge!”
You almost snort out your drink; making you cough excessively.
Peter quickly looks up at you in concern. “You okay?” He asks, hand instinctively going to your back and giving you a couple of soft pats. If it weren’t for the fact that you had almost inhaled a handful of liquid into your lungs, you would’ve spluttered like a teenage girl in love (Which, honestly, you think you would end up being if Peter keeps acting like such a sweet fucking gentleman.) at his action, but instead you just tried your best to breathe; chest heaving at the sudden intrusion.
“Yeah— yeah— no, I’m fine,” You wheeze, letting out an embarrassed chuckle at your little accident. You try your best to ignore the fact that his warm hand’s still laying on your back, still patting it softly. “Just got surprised— that’s all.”
Peter sends you a nod, a smile on his lips as he retracts his hand back to his lap. (You try not to let your disappointment about it show too much— MJ would never live it down.) He looks back at Ned, and asks, “What’s the Pocky challenge, anyways?”
You also look back at Ned, who gives you an eyebrow raise in concern— it isn’t really his fault that your mind had immediately supplied you with the image of you and Peter doing the challenge, promptly almost making you choke in response. Well— technically he did bring it up, so maybe it is kind of his fault… but seriously, who can get angry at Ned?
“Yeah, Ned,” You try to play it cool, clearing your throat. “What is it, anyways?” You add, as if you don’t already know. Come on! Anyone who has had a Tumblr or has watched anime knows what that is.
Ned claps his hands once again. “Okay, so basically,” He starts, taking another Pocky stick out from the pack, showing it off as a diagram. “Two people each bite the end of the Pocky as much as they can, and the one who pulls away first, loses!”
You feel Peter flinch from beside you. “Oh—“ was the only response that he had for Ned’s explanation. You didn’t even try to reply; your imagination seemingly deeming it the best time to go full on creative mode, much to your dismay.
Ned continues, “Well, you know most people just stop after a few bites— but me and Betty…” He trails off, the wistful look from before appearing on his face once more.
You let out a snort, ignoring the way your cheeks feel like they’re on fire. “Okay, okay— we get it, Ned,” You say, shaking your head. “You and Betty did food play, TMI, but— okay.” You joke, trying your best to steer the conversation away from the topic.
Ned breaks his recollection with an offended gasp at your words, whilst you hear MJ cackle from behind you and Peter.
“Y/N!” He says, scandalized. “I can’t believe— we’re children!”
You roll your eyes. “Ned, we’re literally going to college next year,” You reply, popping another Pocky in your mouth. “Plus, Tumblr and Twitter exist, dude. I bet I know way more than you do.” You laugh.
You feel Peter straighten beside you, and you inwardly take a 180. Christ, was that too much?
Sure, you’ve been friends for two years— but now that you think about it, you’ve never really discussed anything about… things in the bedroom before. Sure, you’ve talked about crushes and people that you find attractive, (You always made sure to keep your feelings a secret, though.) but nothing more than that.
You were about to take back what you had said, but before you can even do so Peter clears his throat. “Well— are we—” He says to no one in particular as he shrugs his shoulders.
Raising an eyebrow at him, confused, you ask, “Are we… what, Pete?”
Peter looks at you completely. You force your heart to beat at a normal rhythm. His face is tinted pink as he answers, “Doing— the… challenge?”
Your breath hitches in your throat.
Damn you, thalamus.
Ned answers, much to your disagreement. “I mean yeah, why not? Not like we’ve got anythin’ else interesting to do.” He says as he shrugs his shoulders.
After a beat, his face morphs into a look of disagreement. “But like— don’t do it with me, though. As much as I love you, dude, I don’t think I’d be able to do that.”
“Yeah, no—” Peter scrunches his nose up at the same thought. “Love you too, bro, but same.”
Ned’s face quickly lights up, however, and suddenly you have a gut feeling that you aren’t going to like whatever it is that he’s going to say next.
“You can do it with MJ, though—” Ned doesn’t even finish his sentence as a throw cushion goes hurling at him.
“Yeah, I’mma have to stop you right there, chief—“ MJ says, disgust evident in her voice. “My lips are not going near anyone else’s tonight. Thank you.”
Ned just grips the pillow in his lap and looks over at you. Oh no.
“Well, Y/N, how ‘bout you?” He raises an eyebrow, and you try your best not to show the fact that your heart is leaping out of your chest.
Play it cool, Y/N. Play it cool.
The correct answer is probably “Yeah, thanks but no thanks.” but God, this is probably the first and only time that you’ll ever be able to get this chance.
So you muster up some courage, acting nonchalant.
“I mean...” You clear your throat as you look at MJ, who’s already staring at you with a sly grin on her face. She nods, urging you to say yes.
Fuck it.
“I’m not… opposed to it?” You answer, shrugging.
Peter’s breath hitches— and before you even know it Ned has opened the other box of Pocky as he forces you and Peter to sit properly in front of one another.
“Okay, you guys know the rules,” Ned says all seriously, acting as if he’s a game keeper. You let out a laugh to get your jitters out. “First one to pull away loses!”
“Didn’t think I’d be doing this on this fine Friday evenin’.” You joke, doing a horrible southern accent and trying your best to keep the butterflies in your stomach at bay. Peter— thankfully— laughs back, putting you at ease somewhat. You grab a Pocky, taking the non-coated end and wrapping your lips around it.
“You may begin!”
Peter lets out a breath and goes in.
You can hear MJ cheering you on whilst Ned cheers for Peter.
As you continue biting down on the biscuit, Peter does the same.
Neither of you are slowing down.
Once your mouth reaches the chocolate part, you smirk as an idea pops in your head. You really don’t know how this will end; but one thing’s for sure, you aren’t going to lose.
You look up at Peter and make eye contact; trying to be clever by intimidating him.
Being this close to him allows you to gaze right through his eyes; and your smirk immediately falls from your face as you realize…
His pupils are dilated.
The heat crept higher up your cheeks— but no, you are not backing down.
You quickly break the eye contact as you continue nibbling on the biscuit, choosing instead to focus them on his nose.
You had never realized that he had freckles before.
Peter doesn’t stop biting down— and so you don’t either.
You hear MJ whoop louder, as Ned resorts to full on squealing.
By now there’s only a few centimetres between you two, and you can’t help but look at his eyes once more.
You notice the faint indents of lines around them, the slight bags under his eyes, the flutter of his black eyelashes as he stares right back into yours.
The beat of your heart rises, making you break your gaze and dropping them onto his lips.
Pink, pillow-y, soft…
Before you know it, your concentration breaks as Peter suddenly retracts himself— leaving you with the last bit of Pocky in your mouth.
MJ cheers and laughs louder, whilst Ned groans in defeat.
You won.
The living room’s filled with noise as MJ teases Peter relentlessly and congratulates you. Ned promptly disses Peter and gives you a reluctant, but still somehow proud, pat on the back.
You know that you should be happy too— you won, just like what you had told yourself that you’ll do; but the sound of your heart dropping in disappointment by Peter pulling back from you is deafening.
Looks like MJ’s observation was wrong.
After the impromptu ‘celebration’, you four decide to binge watch a new series on Netflix.
Ned then sits himself next to MJ, both of them sprawling out on the sofa whilst Peter sits on the floor.
Usually, you would sit right next to him, you two sharing a throw blanket and almost cuddling beneath it; but this time you choose to sit far from Peter— sitting by yourself on an armchair.
You just don’t think that you can handle being in close proximity with him for the time being.
It’s dumb, you know that. It isn’t his fault that he doesn’t like you— but damn, did it still hurt.
If you’re telling the truth now, before the game had started, you had hoped that it would end in a kiss; but now that you think about it more, you just feel like an idiot for even thinking of that as a possibility.
You feel a pair of eyes on you, but you shake it off and try your best to focus on the show in front of you.
After a few episodes, you hear the front door open and close. Your parents must be back.
MJ must have noticed, too, as she brings her arm up and pauses the show with the remote. She stands up, cracking her back and letting out a sigh. “Well, that must be our cue to go home.”
You tear your eyes away from the screen, looking over at the clock. It struck 10 just a few minutes ago.
Ned stands up too, letting out a yawn. “Yeah, I’m dead.” He groans.
You let out a snort, forcing your body to stand up too. “Fine, fine,” You say, popping your neck. “Go home, you invaders.”
Peter stands up as well, but he doesn’t say anything.
You follow them three towards the front door, passing your mom and dad on the way. They both give you a peck on the cheek as a greeting, giving MJ, Ned and Peter a nod as well. They seem tired, but the huge smiles on their face are enough for you to know for sure that they enjoyed their night out.
You see Ned out first, who gives you the handshake that you both had come up with two days before as a goodbye. MJ scoffs and Peter’s eyes widen, but it’s evident that they’re both impressed.
“Bye, Ned!.” You chuckle, ending the routine with a fist-bump.
MJ’s next and she gives you a hug; her perfume wafting in your nose and instantly calming you down. Her arms seem to last longer around you than usual, but you don’t say anything about it.
“Goodbye, my lil’ nugget.” She says, and you laugh upon hearing the nickname, your head resting on her chest.
They both left first as they took the same path home. You’re then left alone with Peter as usual, who still hasn’t said anything since you got up with them three to say goodbye.
It’s always been like this, Peter being the last one to leave; but it doesn’t feel the same anymore. The awkwardness and tension residing in the air due to the game that you both had played.
So there, in front of him, you had stood; hands playing with one another, eyes cast down on the floor, as your heart felt hollow in your chest.
You sigh.
Best to get it over with.
As you open up your mouth to say goodbye, Peter beats you to it.
“Y/N I—“ He starts, and your eyes immediately rise up to make contact against his.
Your breath gets caught in your throat.
With the glow of the moon and street lamp, he looks… wonderful: his brown eyes glowing with the faint light, the freckles on his cheek now visible to your eyes upon your discovery of them a while ago, his brown hair tousled and messy…
You muster up some courage, and you open your mouth once more—
Except you’re cut off with a kiss.
When Peter pulls away, you’re greeted with the sight of him flushed; cheeks, ears and lips tinted red.
You don’t say anything for a while, still needing to process the unexpected yet welcomed surprise in your mind… and also the delightful sight in front of you.
However, Peter’s face quickly morphs into a look of distress, promptly breaking your silence. “Shit! I’m sorry Y/N! I didn’t—“ He fumbles with his words. “I didn’t ask—“
You shut him up with another kiss, your arms wrapping around his neck and pushing him closer to you.
Peter melts like chocolate in your arms.
He tastes like it, too.
When you pull away, you smile at him; your eyes crinkling and your heart hammering in your chest.
“We should’ve done that earlier.”
thanks for reading! as always, requests are open! & pls don’t forget to like and reblog, thank you! c: 
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marvel-random-shiz · 5 years
Parkner Halloween Week! Day One, October 25 - Ghosts, Haunted House “Are you afraid of the dark?”
“How do I look?” Peter spun around a few times in his living room to show off the white tee and jeans along with the small angelic wings perched on his back. Ned looked him up and down and clapped slowly,
“I’m glad you didn’t go with the devil, you’re too nice for that.” Ned commented with a chuckle earning a smack to the head as Peter passed him into the kitchen.
“I can be bad when I want to!” Peter whined and Ned just gave him the bullshit look before following him into the kitchen and leaning on the breakfast bar. Peter pulled himself up onto the bench and began to fiddle around with the halo he was attempting to attach to his head.
After watching Ned painfully attempt to put it on, Tony strutted into the room as he usually did and gave Peter a hand gesture to come closer, “here kid I gotcha.”
“Thanks Mr Stark.” Peter mumbled as Tony stepped back to examine the feathered and sparkly halo restraining Peter’s brown curls.
“What did I say about the Mr Stark thing?” Tony tutted and Peter shrugged and blushed a little,
“I like formalities.”
“Yeah well I don’t, it’s Tony or I’m kicking you out. Got it?” Tony gave Peter a pointed look and the teen nodded quickly not wanting to risk his place in the compound, “anyway Happy’s waiting out front for you two.”
“Aw yeah.” Ned beamed happily at the thought of leaving soon, not that he didn’t like Mr Stark but he really wanted to go to this party.
“All right, chop chop you two, no dilly dallying around. You know Happy’s tolerance levels.” Tony ushered Peter and Ned out the door.
“Thanks for everything Mr S- uh I mean Tony.” Peter quickly corrected himself and Tony grinned from ear to ear at finally getting through to the kid, talk about stubborn.
“Yeah yeah I know, have fun! But not too much fun if ya know what I mean?” Tony gave a wonky grin and wink to Peter as Ned had already left and Peter poked his tongue out in disgust.
“Don’t do anything I would do! Or in fact don’t do anything I wouldn’t do either!” Tony called as he waved from the front porch as Peter slid into the back seat beside an excited Ned.
“Y’know he’s pretty cool.” Ned broke the uncomfortable silence in the car and Peter raised his eyebrows gesturing for Ned to ellaborate, “like he really cares about you and trusts you. It’s pretty cool man.”
“Yeah I guess so, I think he’s pretty cool.” Peter replied and shrugged, trying to satisfy Ned’s rambling. It seemed to work because he didn’t say anything for the rest of the ride there.
“What exactly is it that you’re going to?” Happy asked as he pulled up out the front of a large house, much bigger than Ned’s or Peter’s, with disco lights streaming out and music thumping through the walls and down the streets.
“A party.” Ned grinned and slapped his hat on his head to complete his Darth Vader costume. It looked pretty radical too.
“Well no shit but what I meant was-“ Happy furrowed his brow and struggled to look for words making it very amusing to Peter who was often teased about his pauses between sentences and constant stutters, “will there be drinking and drugs?” Happy eventually finished with a flustered look on his face.
“Aw you care.” Peter mocked and Happy scoffed, “I don’t think there will be but you know me. I couldn’t deal with that sort of stuff anyway with...y’know my abilities.” Peter gave a not-so-sly wink at the end of his sentence making Happy groan and point to the door.
“Just have fun kids.” He mumbled and Peter and Ned exchanged an excited glance before jumping out the car and standing on the sidewalk to examine the party.
The two teens stood out the front for a few minutes, just evaluating it and working out if they should chicken out or not. The music was so loud Peter was sure he would have a sensory overload when he got inside but he needed to do this. He just needed to. Ned, being the great friend he is, was just waiting until Peter felt ready.
“I’m good.” Peter eventually nodded with a loud breath and Ned lifted his mask to examine Peter’s face properly to make sure he wasn’t bluffing.
“You sure man?”
“Yeah I’m sure. Let’s go do this!” Peter grinned and led Ned into the heart of the party. There were loads of new faces, definitely not from Midtown, and so many different costumes. Peter and Ned had to hold hands to weave past the bouncing elbows and drinks spilling everywhere. He wasn’t sure if they were alcoholic or not but it sure did look like it.
After at least ten minutes of rounds around the house they finally spotted MJ talking to some cute looking boy from another smart school.
“Hey MJ!” Ned beamed and waved as he and Peter tumbled into her line of sight. Her face instantly lit up a little and she flicked them the middle finger with a smile as they drew nearer. Before they reached her, Peter noticed her shove the masked boy away quickly with a blush.
“Hey losers, what took ya so long?” She greeted in her typical dry tone and Peter shrugged while trying to focus on her voice and not every single other one within a hundred metres of this house. His head was starting to spin and heart pounding like a jackhammer in his chest but he breathed through it and focused on Ned and MJ’s breathing and heartbeats. It was comforting and grounding.
“There was a ton of traffic on the way here.” Ned yelled over the blaring music and constant chatter from around the house. MJ nodded and spun around to the drinks table behind her and handed Ned and Peter some kind of liquid in a plastic red party cup. They both exchanged a concerned glance before accepting and giving her a grateful smile knowing that neither of them would actually drink it. Not after the last time MJ convinced them to try her ‘masterpiece’.
The song suddenly changed and a booming, upbeat jam came on. Ned grinned and dragged his two friends onto the dance floor while they tried to break free of his grip. Once coming to terms with the fact that Ned wasn’t going to take no as an answer, a hesitant MJ and huffing Peter started to sway with the music along with their much too excited friend.
“I don’t like it.” MJ frowned at the jumping teens around her, wings, elbows and hats were being thrown around and shoved into one another as everyone danced to the song.
“You don’t like anything.” Peter pointed out while laughing and trying to ignore the growing throb in his forehead.
“I guess but I dislike this more than most things.” MJ shot daggers at Ned’s back who was talking to some girl in a red dress.
“Lighten up princess.” Peter chuckled and was nearly taken out by a drunk collapsing at his feet. The thud pounded in his ears on repeat, again and again. Soon it was taken over by his own pulse, drumming into his wrists and head.
“Shit you alright?” MJ asked, expression changing to sympathy for the first time ever, and Peter shook his head while taking it in his hands and stumbling through the crowd.
“I need air.” He mumbled, not really thinking that she couldn’t hear him. MJ tried to follow but was blocked by more people dancing and lost him in the crowd, she shrugged and assumed he wanted to be alone anyway.
Peter squeezed his eyes shut tight and slid down the wall of the hallway, dropping his head into his knees in an attempt to block the sound out a little. He focused on his breathing, in and out. His whole body felt dialled to eleven and the smallest touch of someone’s rough hand made him jump.
Peter looked up and his eyes locked with piercing blue ones. There was a tall teen, around his own age, with a sharp jawline and kind twinkle in his eye staring down at him. The sapphire blue eyes popped against the mix of blacks and reds from his devil costume and his dirty blonde curls fell loosely under the red devil horns on his head.
“‘M sorry man, I saw you were by yourself and wanted to check on ya. You alright?” The blue eyed boy had a kind tone to his voice which comforted Peter’s worries and he gave a short nod while biting his lip to stop it from trembling.
“I’m alright.” Peter croaked after the boy didn’t move. He had a soft gaze, not judging or unwelcome, but soft and comforting. The boys lips curved upright into a crooked grin and he gently offered his hand out.
“Wanna get some air?” The boy had a thick southern accent which made all of Peter’s insides melt. He felt the sounds around him fade away and calmed his breathing down while nodding and accepting the extended hand. The boy had a firm grip, his hand was rough and worn but grasped Peter’s gently as if he were made of glass and could break at the wrong touch.
The boy didn’t let go of Peter’s hand, just gestured his head to the front door and led Peter through the crowds of people and out into the cold night.
They walked for a few minutes in silence, still hands intertwined, which comforted Peter even more because he could feel the boy’s heartbeat thumping into his thumb which had been resting on the unknown teens wrist. They had been walking down along the footpath, the only sound was their feet crunching over the crystal like white snow littering the streets. Peter had been grateful that the other boy didn’t mention what happened back there, it would be much too difficult to explain it without exposing his identity.
“So what’s your name darl?” The blonde slipped his hand out of Peter’s and turned his head to face the brunette.
“Peter. Peter Parker.” Peter replied with a smile and could finally calm the buzzing in his head and look up from his feet. He felt the urge to grab the boy’s hand back but resisted knowing it would look odd.
“Peter.” The boy made a thinking face and pursed his lips before giving a friendly smile and adding, “I’m Harley Keener.”
“Where even are we?” Peter asked, moving past introductions knowing he would only make it awkward if he said something like ‘cool’ or ‘nice name’. The blonde, Harley, glanced up at the twinkling stars and breathed in the fresh night air.
“Well I didn’t originally have a plan because all I knew was you needed air.” He glanced down at Peter with a laugh in his eyes which made Peter’s stomach do flips.
“I- er yeah I- thank you.” Peter stammered and flushed a crimson, resembling the colour of Harley’s skin tight blouse.
“No problems.” Harley brushed off Peter’s nervousness and turned back to the sky, his eyes illuminating under its reflections and Peter literally saw stars in his eyes. His mouth grew dry and he didn’t know what to say, Harley smiled at his silence and looked ahead at the growing lights, “I ended up walking towards the new amusement park. Have you been?”
Peter shook his head and sighed, “No I’ve been really busy with school and...well other commitments and my friends are too chicken.”
Harley laughed and Peter instantly felt his breath hitch in his throat at the blondes angelic laugh. He was the definition of perfect. Everything about this new boy Harley was perfect, his perfect laugh, his perfect smile, perfect confidence and perfectly toned body.
“Well whaddaya say we go check it out?” Harley asked, southern accent drawling out with every word and Peter felt his entire face light up.
“Really? Would it even be open?” Peter frowned and then began to wonder if Harley meant breaking in and he knew he would be in lots of shit if Tony found out Peter, Spider-Man, had been breaking and entering just because he was with a cute boy. He would no doubt be grounded for life.
Harley seemed to notice the contortion on Peter’s face and laughed, “Hey don’t worry, it’s open I checked earlier because I was going to ditch the party anyway. You were just a bonus.”
Harley gave a flirty wink to Peter who felt his face heat up and he chuckled, “I’m a bonus? Why’s that?”
Harley frowned and glanced at Peter with his face scrunched up, Peter wanted to call the police because no one was allowed to be that cute when annoyed, no one.
“Seriously? That was such a good line and you just went all oblivious on me.” Harley laughed and Peter shrugged and felt his mouth open without permission,
“I’m sorry, I get nervous around cute boys.” He hadn’t realised he was actually saying it out loud until the words left his mouth and couldn’t be taken back, “fuck.”
“Cute boys eh?” Harley mocked and gave Peter a nudge in the shoulder while laughing. Peter felt his cheeks grow even hotter and knew they were most likely redder than Harley’s shirt now, lucky the night sky was like a blanket, covering and hiding all and any insecurities.
Harley didn’t say much after that but Peter didn’t mind, he was already nervous enough and didn’t want to have to talk much. They sat in a comfortable silence until they were standing outside of the buzzing amusement park. There were people bustling around with fairy floss and rides ten times as tall as the teens lining the sides of the large, dirt walkway.
“Wow.” Peter breathed out, in amazement and Harley smirked while they walked under the large clown archway,
“Wow indeed.”
The two began to wander in, avoiding getting lost in the crowd and Peter felt himself grinning for ear to ear and he couldn’t contain it. Harley was glancing up at all the rides and watching Peter get more and more excited the deeper they went in, until he spotted the one he’d been looking for.
“Let’s go to the haunted house!” Harley let his coolness fade away and looked just as excited as Peter had been while starting to make a break for the huge, cobwebbed building to the right of them.
“No way!” Peters jaw dropped and Harley stopped dead in his tracks to spin around,
“Don’t tell me you don’t like haunted houses.” Harley moaned and Peter scrunched his nose up in the most attractive way possible while letting out a laugh,
“What? No I love haunted houses, um I think? Well I’ve never actually been in one but it’s on my bucket list!” He skipped to keep up to Harley who let out a loud sigh and wrapped his arm around Peter’s shoulders.
“Good. I nearly had to leave you there, you’ll love it.” Harley smiled as they got closer and Peter saw the flicker of excitement a little boy had in his eyes. It was adorable.
“Cool, but I have one condition.” Peter stopped at the entrance ubruptly making Harley’s arm slip from his shoulders. Harley gave him a quizzical look and he grinned, “hold my hand if I get scared?”
Harley’s face twisted into a crooked grin and his eyes laughed, making Peter’s heart melt inside his chest again, “of course. Are you afraid of the dark?”
Peter bit his lip and shrugged, he honestly didn’t know anymore. When he was a boy he had been scared of the dark, his Uncle Ben had always been so gentle about it and always made sure he slept with a night light on. After Ben’s death, the fear of the dark and what lurked in it became worse, Yes Spider-Man worked in the dark but it was always different being Spider-Man to Peter Parker. He felt so much more exposed, vulnerable, when he was Peter and it brought back the little kid fear he never overcame.
Harley noticed the pause and Peter’s face grow a little darker so he gave a smile and reached his hand out to Peter’s. He clasped them together and Peter glanced down then back up at Harley and gave a small nod to say he was ready.
“If it’s too much, you’ll tell me won’t you darl?” Harley asked as he took the lead into the darkening hallway of the haunted house.
“Course.” Peter replied vaguely and felt Harley stop in front of him. Their hands were still together and the warmth from Harley was soaking into Peter’s shivering fingertips while he tried to make out the blonde’s thin figure ahead of him.
“Promise me.” Harley whispered and Peter felt him shift closer, Harley was gazing down into Peter’s chocolate brown eyes and searching for assurance while Peter was tracing his dark figure with his eyes.
“I promise.” Peter whispered back while looking up into Harley’s eyes. Harley gave a soft smile and spun back around to lead the way down the tunnel.
There were small jack o lanterns lighting the walls and giving an orange hazy glow onto Peter’s features as he took in the experience. It was definely more creepy than fighting bad guys in the middle of the night and that was saying something. Suddenly a loud creak from some contraption echoed in the fake wooden mine like hallway and Peter nearly jumped out of his skin. The hairs on his arms and back of his neck were standing up and his eyes were wide while his heart pounded in his chest.
“You alright?” Harley asked and turned to face Peter who swallowed and nodded quickly, “you’re a bad liar,” Harley laughed and gave Peter’s hand a squeeze.
“I’m alright, just freaky in here y’know?” Peter gave a half hearted laugh and allowed Harley to venture further into the maze of scary Halloween props. This was when he started to realise what the ‘trick’ in trick or treat meant.
As they turned the corner Peter caught a glimpse of the fake railway road on the floor in front of them but seconds after the lights flicked out suddenly. He held Harley’s hand like a lifeline and furrowed his brow while trying to make out the room in the pitch black.
The only sound in the room was Harley’s slow breathing and his heartbeat, thumping in rhythm to his own. Peter felt Harley shuffle across the floor a little and followed with their hands intertwined, he would admit the warmth of Harley’s fingers made it a little less scary.
“It’s alright, you doing okay Peter?” Harley whispered into the dark and Peter nodded while whispering a yes. They slowly stepped forward a few more steps until a loud clunk was heard and Harley’s hand was ripped away from Peter’s.
“Fuck.” Harley cursed into the darkness as he tripped over something on the floor and tried to look around for Peter. “Peter? You there?” Harley whispered and for the first time, started to feel a little scared.
“Harley? Where the fuck are- OW!” Peter started by whispering but it soon turned into a loud yell as he ran into something solid. A wall maybe? He couldn’t really tell.
“Hey hold still, I’ll find you. I just gotta-“ Harley assured gently as he pulled himself off the floor and squinted his eyes in the blackness, “talk to me Pete, I can’t find ya if I can hear ya.”
Harley heard a small snicker and moved towards it, “You aren’t from New York are you?” Peter asked into the darkness of the room and nearly had a heart attack when Harley whispered back from right in front of him.
“I’m from Tennessee, are you making fun of my accent Parker?” Harley smirked as he kneeled down to become eye level with the brunette in front of him. He couldn’t see him but he knew he was there.
Peter felt Harley’s warm breath on his face and his stomach started to grow butterflies at the closeness of their faces. Harley didn’t seem to mind because he dropped to his knees and leaned closer, “I’m not making fun of anyone.” Peter whispered with a smirk and Harley made a hum of disapproval.
“Well if you’re not making fun of it, then the only other reason would be that you find it attractive.” Harley bit his lip as he leaned even closer, his lips were just centimetres from Peter’s and if he moved any closer...
Peter felt his back push against the cold wall behind him yet he didn’t feel cold. He felt warmer than he had ever been before, he could feel Harley’s breath on his face as his own breath hitched in his throat and he whispered, “I can’t deny that one Keener.”
Harley waited for a few moments as he drew closer, he didn’t want to pressure him but when Peter didn’t pull back he closed the distance. As soon as his lips pressed against Peter’s he felt his heart flutter and body relax into Peter’s warmth.
Peter’s hands flew up in instinct and glided through Harley’s blonde hair, brushing the devil horns still neatly perched on the top of his head and Harley pushed his chest against Peter’s while leaning right into the kiss.
Harley pulled back to catch his breath and leaned his forehead against Peter’s while smiling and puffing. Peter felt his lips go numb from the pressure and was about to lean in again when the lights blared back on and lit up their sweaty faces.
Both boys grinned while glancing up at the lights then to one another, Harley now sitting on Peter’s lap as he sat against the wall where he fell. Harley glanced back into Peter’s glowing brown eyes and closed his own as he pushed his lips back against the brunette’s.
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margoshansons · 5 years
The Killing Kind (6/?)
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Part Six: 01. 02. 03. 04. 05
Summary: Being a superhero is hard, especially when your Dad is making up threats to satisfy his own ego.
Warnings: Action, panic attacks, slight angst, slight manipulation
Notes: These chapters are making me so happy! I’m so proud of these past two parts and I love the story I’m forming in my head. Also, heads up, this one is LOOONG. 
“Listen, you need to get out of here” The plaid-clad figure urged, ignoring her question. 
(Y/N) shook her head, “Peter, I know it’s you”
He kept looking over his shoulder, the familiar gesture cementing her theory in her head. “You need to get out of here.”
“No” (Y/N) protested, “I can help. I--I can lead it away”
Spiderman shook his head, “No, you need to get out of here. The green guy told me to lead it away, but you need to leave now” 
Before she could protest further, another wave hit the two of them, washing the jester’s mask away as he climbed up the wall, swinging between the collapsing buildings.
(Y/N) followed him, running through the streets, not caring about the people she was potentially bulldozing. As she ran over a bridge,(Y/N) felt herself collide with a wall of muscle, and she looked up to see Brad staring at the newly formed monster. 
“(Y/N)!” Mr. Harrington called, “thank goodness you’re alive, we need--” She pushed passed her worried teacher, following the trail of webs and giant spectacle her father and Peter were creating in their wake. She hurried to a stop in front of the piazza, the belltower beginning to collapse. 
(Y/N) gasped at the sight of a brown head of hair atop the tower, arms stretched in an obvious attempt to web the tower to safety. 
Her yellow sneakers skidded to a stop behind the tower, her father ‘battling’ the monster behind her. Closing her eyes, she dug into her gut, tendrils connecting in midair. She brought her hands in a circular motion, the energy creating a clocklike image in the air before her. Green swirled with blue to create a bright teal color, (Y/N) screaming as she launched the sigil onto the clock tower, the energy keeping the tower in place long enough for the illusion to dissipate. 
A wave crashed over her once more, knocking her out of concentration. 
Her shoulder burned as it collided with the ground, her hands throwing out one last ditch effort to hold the tower up, the energy curling around the debris before her. She heard cheering behind her and let go, the illusion gone. Quentin’s eyes were hidden behind that ridiculous helmet of his, but she knew what expression lay behind the smoke. 
Not in her. Not in Spiderman. Pride in himself. 
He was finally getting everything he wanted. 
It almost looked like he was getting ready to approach his soaking daughter, wishing to help her up, but (Y/N) bit her lip, watching as he sped into the sky. 
Same as always. 
“Buzzfeed is saying…” 
She tuned Flash Thompson’s rant out as MJ brought her another ice pack. (Y/N) brought the ice to her head, nursing the concussion Hydro man had given her. Her teachers whispered about witches, her friends whispered about aliens, while (Y/N) stewed in the true knowledge of what had really happened. 
“Hey” Peter interjected, standing next to the moldy staircase the two girls were sitting on. “Are you...is everything okay?” 
She didn’t respond, her eyes still wide upon discovering the fact that Peter was, in fact, Spiderman, even if he denied it. The mannerisms were too similar, their voices identical. 
“(Y/N)?” Peter asked, concern lacing his voice.
She sighed, throwing herself out of her reverie, “Yeah, I’m fine. I mean my head hurts like a mother, but other than that.”
Peter nodded, obviously a little bit pleased to see the best friend of his crush was okay. The three of them turned toward the TV, which was recounting the events of the day. 
“...L’uomo de Mysterio e donna de Energia…”
Brad’s voice overpowered the television at that statement, “I think his name is Mysterio.”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes, “That means man of mystery in Italian dumbass” she went back to paying attention to the news, ignoring the chuckle from Peter. They were hailing her dad as a hero, just as he had planned. 
“What I want to know is who was with him” Betty Brandt called from Ned’s side. “That girl just appeared and suddenly she’s able to hold up one of the biggest structures in the city with her hands?”
“Maybe they’re related!” Ned interjected excitedly, “It would make sense, they have similar abilities”
Unable to handle any more talk of how heroic her father was, she wrapped the blanket around her once more, fatigue finally settling into her bones. She stood up, retreating into her room. (Y/N) curled into her bed, staring at the wall in front of her, the events of the day replaying over and over in her head. 
Her dad had really gone through with it. He was killing innocents as he had planned all along. His words looped over and over in her head like a dead vine. 
“This power needs the right person to wield it. No matter the consequences.”
He’d said the same thing after the incident, the same thing as he exploited her for his experiments. No matter the consequences. 
Nothing was going to stand in his way. Not even his own blood. 
(Y/N) wiped a tear at the awful memory, caught off guard when her phone began to buzz. May’s name lit up the dark room and she swiped to answer. 
“(Y/N), thank goodness you’re alright” May’s soothing voice rambled over the phone, “I was so worried something had happened to you, especially after Peter told me about your concussion.”
(Y/N)’s eyebrows creased at the news of Peter informing his Aunt about her condition, “I’m fine, May, really I am. It sounds a lot worse than it is.”
“Is everything okay? You sound distressed,” 
For the first time since knowing the woman, (Y/N) cursed May’s emotional sixth sense.
She swallowed down her nerves, considering the ramifications of letting May know about her Dad. There was a good chance he had tapped her phone, listening into the conversation right now. But he couldn’t reach May while he was overseas, she knew that in order for the illusions to work he needed to be on location. So maybe it was safe for a bit.
“It’s my dad” (Y/N) confessed, her heartbeat spiking into her throat, “He’s followed me here”
“Hey, hey” May continued, “relax, everything is going to be fine. Your dad can’t harm you. Not unless he wants European CPS breathing down his neck.”
(Y/N) slowed her hyperventilating, saltwater burning on her mouth. “Are you sure?” 
May sighed before reassuring her, “Listen, you’re eighteen, so legally you are emancipated from your Dad, and even before that you filed an emancipation letter that the shelter and your lawyer signed, so it’s illegal for him to do anything that goes against what you specifically filed in that letter.”
(Y/N) sighed in relief. 
“That includes hurting you.” May finished. 
“Thanks, May,” She replied, sniffling. 
“Anytime sweetie” May responded, “Let me know if you need anything okay? I’m always here to talk to, and take care of your head, please? For my sake.”
(Y/N) chuckled at the woman’s worried tone, “I will, I promise.”
“Alright, see you in two weeks” May hung up the phone after (Y/N) reciprocated the farewell. The student stared at the open window of her hotel room, MJ’s empty bed giving her an option that she hadn’t considered in a long time. (Y/N) gathered up her courage and stepped outside onto the small balcony, gazing up to the roof. She looked to her watch, the faded leather device betraying how late it actually was. Without any hesitation she began to grasp hold of the balcony above her, climbing her way up the building like it was the scaffolding she was used to. By the time she made it to the roof, she could see all of Venice, and she noticed she wasn’t alone in her idea. 
“Hey stranger” (Y/N) offered, sitting next to him.
Peter jumped at the voice, relaxing when he saw who it was, “Oh, hey (Y/N), I-uh didn’t see you there.”
“Is everything okay?” (Y/N) echoed his sentiments back at him, watching his face for any sign of his secret identity. She was at least eighty percent sure he was the person she thought he was, but here he looked like a scared kid. 
Peter sighed, “Not really. I mean, we just barely escaped a water monster and my Aunt is freaking out and I have no one I can talk to about what I’m feeling, especially after Mr. Stark--”
“Hey, hey” (Y/N) comforted, taking his hands in hers, carelessly brushing the top of his palm. “Everything’s going to be okay. Mr. Stark would be proud of you. I don’t think he’d have given you what he did if he wasn’t.”
Peter sighed, eyes slightly wide at the implication, “I told you, I’m not--I’m not Spiderman,”
“Who said anything about Spiderman?” (Y/N) asked, catching Peter in the confession.
He chuckled at the small bit of manipulation, “How did you, um how did you figure it out?”
She pushed another curl behind her ear, “You’re really bad at keeping secrets.” was all she said, instead of admitting that she’s been watching him since he got the internship. And even closer after MJ told her what happened in DC. 
“I guess” Peter chuckled, staring out at the city before turning toward her. “How did you get up there today? On the roof?”
(Y/N)’s smile dropped at the question, unsure if she should tell him about the part of her she’s hated since she was a little girl. Unsure if she should admit that the only reason she’s so powerful is because her dad forced her into a life she didn’t want. 
Her body seemed to go against her better instincts, and her brain supposed that Peter deserved some truth of the situation after getting identity exposed like this. 
“I have something I want to show you” (Y/N) admitted, taking her hands out of Peter’s. His brow crinkled in confusion at the cryptic statement, but he crossed his arms, ready to see what she wanted to show him. 
She opened her palm, allowing the energy to dance across her fingertips, illuminating the dark rooftop. 
Peter’s eyes went wide at the display, hands reaching up to his face in awe. “You--You have, You’re like--You’re like Scarlet Witch, but like with blue powers, you’re the Blue Witch!” He exclaimed, rambling excitedly. 
(Y/N) sighed in relief at his reaction, unsure when she began to worry about what Peter thought of her. “Well, I hope I have a cooler name than that” She chuckled. 
Peter’s eyes lit up like they did when he solved a difficult equation, “Mysterio said they called you Hourglass back on his earth, apparently, you had some sort of connection to time. He thought it was you on the streets today, but he wasn’t sure.”
(Y/N) extinguished the energy at that statement. “Wait, you talked to Mysterio?”
“Yeah,” Peter nodded excitedly, “He told me how relieved he was to see you alive in this universe, since you, you know, died in the last one.”
She shook her head in disbelief, “Wait, this universe?” “Yeah, there’s a multiverse, that’s where Mysterio came from.” Peter explained, “Or I guess I should call him Beck. He said that Hourglass and him were related back on his earth, I think they were brother and sister.”
Peter stopped as he realized the words that were coming out of his mouth, “Maybe your father is this universe’s Quentin Beck, that’s why he seemed so shook when he saw you.”
(Y/N) bit her lip as he got dangerously close to the truth. So that was the story he was going with. An interdimensional being sent here to chase down whatever had attacked them that day. 
“Peter, you need to calm down” (Y/N) grasped his hand once again drawing his attention back on her.
“Why?” Peter asked, “This is amazing news. Not only do I have Mysterio to talk to about superhero stuff, but I have you as well. Now we can take down those elementals together!”
(Y/N) was speechless at his proposal. Whatever Quentin had said had already warped Peter’s mind. 
“Peter, listen to me,” (Y/N) gripped his hands, a serious expression crossing her face. “You can’t trust him. You can’t.”
“Why not?” Peter asked, his smile dimming.
(Y/N) sighed, ready to admit the whole sob story. If it was what it took to make Peter listen, then it was necessary. She just hoped he would forgive her. 
“Because he--Mysterio, he’s...”
But all it took was one look in Peter’s eyes. Those big brown orbs were reaching so far for hope, she saw something that she had lost so long ago. 
He was finally happy to have people who understood him. And she wouldn’t take that away from her. 
“You just can’t.” She lied instead, chest twisting, “You just have to trust me on this okay?”
Peter nodded, his gaze drawing itself back to the lit up city, hand still intertwined with her own.
Thank you for this positive feedback! I’m still trying to figure out how to write Y/N’s powers, but I hope this is good enough for now. If you have any ideas let me know!
@21bruhs @maiabiovillage @spidey-holland7 @petersblake @queen-destenie @thewinchesterchronicles @filthydeatheaters @cutiepiemimi13 @happylittlesuns @smolbeanfive @leilei-draws @olivia1112 @avnngrs @suvikamahes98blr @broken-from-fandoms @your-pixels-are-showing @sarablog10 @santa-feigh @jade-mccartney, @prettyylamee, @badboysdoitbetter2 @isabellapotter15 @keanuuuuuureeeeeeevesssss @kpop-wuver @radkryptonitepeanut @editsbyjenny @kaylinfayezink @wonders-of-the-multiverse @ppunderoos @thatsuperherosidekick @weyheyavengers @dasydni @complete-trash-101 @jackiehollanderr @thatwhitemutant @depressed-comics
If you want to be added or removed let me know!
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Peter Parker- Nightmares
Request: Nightmares
Fandom: MCU
Requested By: I honestly don’t remember, it’s been 8 months. Maybe me?
Warnings: nightmares
Tony Stark doesn’t get to die until I say! So, we’re just ignoring the last half of End Game. Cool? Cool.
Stars are completed, Swirls are requested
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"Spider-Man's real name-" Beck's voice and image cut out and for a moment there was only the odd silence of the people enthralled in the story unfolding on the jumbo screen, the crackle of the grainy video feed, and the blood rushing in Peter's ears.
"Spider-Man's real name is Peter-" Beck briefly looked off screen, looking scared out of his mind. Peter saw himself walk into the upper third of the frame. "Spider-Man's real name is Peter Parker!" The video went dead as there was a blast in the background, the drones that Peter had signaled that day in London.
"There you have it folks! The menace that's been-" Jameson snarled as he appeared back on the jumbo screen. Peter couldn't hear him anymore though. He thought he might pass out,  tightening his grip on the top of the street light, Peter looked around, his spideysense going crazy. Everyone was looking at him.
"Peter, I recommend getting out of sight." Karen chirped into his earpiece.
Peter grunted a response, trusting his muscle memory to  take over as he slung a web out to the nearest building and loosened his grip on the street light.
He was on the ground. Half of New York stood behind him, palpable anger coming off of them in waves. Peter tried to shoot another web, but he was no longer wearing his suit. He was just Peter Parker. The crowd was getting closer, his spideysense setting off loud alarm bells.
MJ was standing in front of him, wearing the dress she'd worn on their date.
"MJ, thank God! I need to get out of here! They know, everybody knows!" Peter started to cry, everything was falling apart and the only thing he could do was run.
MJ opened her mouth to speak, but when she did, it was Quentin Beck's voice.
"Here we go again, Peter Parker making yet another mess for the great Tony Stark to clean up! Michelle crossed her arms, looking down her nose at Peter.
He was going to pass out. Everything was too much. Peter squeezed his eyes shut and rubbed at them roughly. When he opened his eyes again, Quentin Beck himself stood before him.
"You-you're dead!" Peter stumbled back a few steps, his heart in his throat.
"And who's fault is that?" Beck took a step forward. "You should have left this one to the big boys, Peter." Beck tutted.
Peter's eyes drifted over Quentin's shoulder to see Tony. He shoved Beck aside and skidded to a halt in front of Tony.
"T-Tony, I-I don't know what to do! This is all my fault." Peter sobbed. Looking around, Peter watched as the scenes from London played out around him. Flaming drones falling out of the sky, people running away screaming. The same helplessness that had weighed him down then pushed at Peter from all sides now. Peter looked at Tony, pleading.
"You're right. This is all your fault." Peter wished he'd missed the way Tony's eyes had flickered down to his heavily burned arm and hand that now hung limp and useless at his side.
Peter couldn't help but notice the red tinge that had fallen over everything. He looked around and wanted to vomit. Titan. They were back on Titan.
"I never should have given you the suit back." Tony spat. "This was all your fault." Peter wished he'd missed the way Tony's eyes flickered to his shriveled arm that now hung limp and useless at his side. "Better yet, you could have been the one to use the gauntlet." Tony laughed wickedly. "You couldn't have actually made yourself useful for once, could you? Spider-Man disappears, and then what? A few stores get robbed in Brooklyn? Iron Man disappears and a few thousand people die because some psycho decided to send a bomb hurtling toward New York?" Tony turned to walk away, but turned back. "I never should have given you the suit back. Turns out, you were nothing with or without it." He spat, striding across the dusty surface of Titan.
"T-Tony! Plea-please, come back!" Peter screamed. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't breathe! Peter dropped to his knees, sobbing, trying to suck in any kind of oxygen, but there was nothing. Then, he was falling. The ground beneath him gave way to darkness and all he could do was sob and fall and struggle for a breath of air.
"-ter, Peter, calm down! You're safe. It's me. it’s Tony. You're safe."
Tony listened as the next sob died in Peter's throat. He held Peter back slightly and watched as hazel eyes tried to focus on his face. He'd been holding Peter in a bear hug against his chest-- which would be a lot easier with two arms--trying to keep him from thrashing into anything and hurting himself. Tony was pretty sure he'd have a black eye in the morning.
"Ton-Tony?" Peter sobbed, messily trying to roll out of the man's lap. He was dying. He couldn't breathe. His heart was going to beat out of his chest. Peter backed himself against the headboard of the bed, seemingly trying to disappear into it, his eyes darting back and forth wildly and his chest heaving.
"Pete," Tony tried, no answer. He tried again, this time with a little more authority in his voice.
Peter could barely hear over the thundering heartbeat in his ears bumbumbumbumbum.
"Peter, look at me." Tony waited as Peter's eyes found his.
Peter managed to push down the panic for a moment to look at Tony, but when he did, fresh tears began rolling down his cheeks.
"I-I can't!" Peter wheezed. bumbumbumbum
"What can't you do?" Tony asked, fighting to stay calm and  not sound as worried as he felt. This was far from the first event like this, but they didn't get any easier.
"Can't-can't breathe."
"Alright, we've been through this before. Let's go through the list: am I real?" Tony held his good hand out for Peter to hold.
Tentatively, Peter reached out to take Tony's hand, never taking his eyes off of him. They made contact and Tony scooted a bit closer on the bed.
"Yes." Peter sucked in a small breath. In. Out. bumbumbumbum
"Good. Is the bed real?"
Peter pushed his other hand into the mattress, trying to take in the way it pushed back against his force.
"Yes." In. Out. bumbum bumbumbum
"Are you real?"
Peter took his hand off of the bed and put it on his own arm, his hand was warm and sweaty, but it was real.
"Yes." In. Out.
"Am I safe? Right here. Right now."
No! Peter's brain wanted to scream, but he knew what he needed to say. The logical part of him knew that what had just happened was a dream.
"Y-yes." In. Out. bumbum bumbum bumbum
"Are you safe? Right here. Right now."
No! Everyone knows! Everyone-
"Yes." In. Out. Peter tried to unwind his taut muscles slightly and tried to breathe a little deeper. It was getting easier. He closed his eyes and hung his head. He wished he could stop crying.
"Good. You're safe, I'm safe, your Aunt's safe, Nesbitt and Makayla are safe. We're all okay."
"Ned and Michelle." Peter huffed, smiling slightly. bum bum bum bum
"Meh." Tony shrugged with a half smile. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked softly.
"It was the same-" Peter took a shuddering breath "same as always. Everybody found out and then Beck was back and then-" Peter cut himself off, the addition of Tony was relatively new. He hadn't actually told him about that part.
"N-nothing. Just London, and Beck, and MJ." Peter pulled his hand out of Tony's and sat back and crossed his legs.
"Peter. We promised no secrets." Tony tried to look as sincere as possible, putting on his best dad face.
Peter's gaze fell to the duvet. He focused on breathing as he picked at a loose thread.
"Peter." Tony said.
In spite of himself, Peter looked up.
"Listen, if you really don't want to talk about this, I won't push, but the only way this gets better is talking it out. I only agreed no therapist because you said you'd talk to me when you needed to." Tony pushed softly.
"There's something new, in the nightmares, I mean."
"Okay, I'm all ears."
"It's um-it's you-you." Peter stuttered, clenching his jaw to stop a fresh stream of tears.
"Me?" Tony breathed. There was a metallic taste in his mouth, the fact that his kid had been so twisted by everything to ever be able to think Tony would hurt him made him feel sick.
Peter nodded.
"What else?"
"You just keep telling me ev-everything's my fault and it should have been me to sacrifice myself on Titan. You said I'm not worthy of the suit." Peter whispered, new, silent tears making his eyes even more bloodshot.
"Pete, I-" Tony tried, but he felt lost. What could he say? That it had never crossed his mind that someone else could have used the gauntlet on Titan--although he'd never in a hundred thousand lifetimes wish that it had been Peter--or that he hadn't spent quite a bit of time in the past few years cleaning up messes that more than a few times had originated with Spider-Man?
Tony took a deep breath and tried again. "Pete, listen, I won't tell you that there are times that I've wished it could have been somebody else on Titan, but I have never, would never, wish that it had been you. Now, have you had a few slip ups while trying to figure out all of this "friendly neighborhood Spider-Man stuff? Sure, but so did everyone else. Go ask any of the Avengers, including me, and we'll tell you stories about how people got hurt or the bad guy won because of something we did or didn't do. It sucks, like monumentally sucks, but it's part of the whole hero gig. You live, you knock down a few buildings, you learn. You have to remember that you are literally a teenager. You're still learning and growing, in and out of the suit. Bad stuff is going to happen sometimes and the only thing that matters is that you learn from it and keep putting that suit on and trying to do the right thing. You have proved to me and everyone else, time and time again, that you are more that worthy of that suit." Tony huffed, exhausted after his mini monologue.
Peter just stared, his tired brain, still reeling from the nightmare, not really sure what to do with what Tony had said, so he just yawned. Suddenly, he was dead tired, all of the adrenaline leaving his body at once.
"I just need you to know that I will never be mad at you for learning and growing and I will always be glad that we have a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man on our side." Tony smiled, eyes watery.
"Thank-thank you." Peter sighed, sagging a little in relief.
"Do you think you can get back to sleep?" Tony asked.
"Yeah." Peter said, but looked like he wanted to say more.
"Alright. I'm right down the hall, kiddo. All you have to do is yell." Tony reassured Peter as he walked toward the door.
"Tony?" Peter whispered as Tony put his hand over the light switch to turn it off.
"Yeah, kid?"
"Can, um, can you stay? It's just that I don't-I don't really want to be alone right now." Peter twiddled his thumbs.
"Always. I'll always stay for you, Pete." Tony smiled softly, holding back tears.
Tony watched Peter squirm back under the duvet before he turned the light off. Peter scooted to one side, allowing Tony just enough room to lay down.
Tony lay down and listened to the silence for a moment, waiting for Peter's breathing to even out and tell him he'd slipped back into sleep. Instead, he felt the bed shift as Peter moved closer to him. Tony, knowing Peter would never actually ask, raised his arm slightly to allow Peter to curl into his side. When Peter was comfortable, Tony put his arm down, rubbing small, comforting circles on Peter's arm. Eventually, Tony thought he heard Peter's breathing even out and was about to let himself drift off as well when Peter whispered his name.
"Yeah? You okay?"
"Yeah, yeah. I just can't stop thinking..."
"I know what you-" Tony had been about to reassure Peter that he knew what it felt like to have a racing mind after a nightmare, but Peter cut him off.
"Do you think whales have feelings?"
Tony shifted a bit to look at Peter, wondering if he was serious. Puffy, innocent eyes stared back at him through the dark.
"Go to sleep, Peter." Tony huffed, a smile on his voice, closing his eyes.
Peter didn't say anything else, and Tony could hear his breathing getting more even.
Suddenly, Tony's eyes popped open again.
"Damnit!" He rubbed his face, sitting up. "Now I have to know if whales have feelings."
Peter snickered quietly.
"C'mon, Pete. Let's go to the lab."
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myriadimagines · 5 years
Seven Minutes
Marvel (The MCU) One Shot
Pairing: Reader x Peter Parker
Other Characters: Liz Allen, Michelle ‘MJ’ Jones, Ned Leeds, May Parker
Warnings: panic attacks
Requester: @fangirlsarah16
Request: “Hey Sam! Can I have a one shot with Peter Parker where basically the reader and Peter have a crush on each other but is obvious to everyone but themselves so during a party, MJ and Ned lock them in a closet (7 minutes in heaven kind of thing? If you want) and the reader has a panic attack due to a past trauma so Peter comforts her and they confess or kiss or something along those lines? If it’s not enough detail or too much I’ll accept a gif imagine too! 💜”
Word Count: 2,744
A/N: Ugh I love writing the MJ/Peter/Ned dynamic idk I just feel like it’s so fun. Also I realized halfway through writing the first part it’s kind of the same beginning as another Peter one shot I wrote because I’m just That Unoriginal I guess rip sorry anyway, I hope it’s alright!
please reblog/leave comments, they’re very much appreciated!
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Your name: submit What is this?
“Do you guys think y/n’s going to Liz’s party tonight?” 
Peter twists the combination to his locker, attempting to appear nonchalant as he fumbles with an arm full of textbooks and his heavy backpack dangling over his arm. MJ pointedly rolls her eyes at his question, shooting Ned a knowing look as Ned struggles to hide his smile. Peter glances up to see his friends’ expressions, and he makes a face as he nervously stammers, “I mean, it’s not like I care or anything.”
“You could ask her!” Ned helpfully suggests the perfect excuse for his best friend to talk to his crush. Peter shudders, a nervous expression immediately washing over his face at the mere thought of talking to you – he would more than likely make a fool of himself, as he’s done countless times before.
“Yeah,” MJ snorts, nodding at Ned as she struggles to make herself heard over the excitable Friday afternoon chatter filling the crowded hallways. Students stream out of classrooms, catching up with friends as they excitedly prepare for the weekend, and Liz’s party has come up more than once in the passing conversations. “You could confess your love to her, while you’re at it.”
Peter yanks his locker door open, blocking MJ and Ned’s view of his very flushed face as he burrows his head inside. He hastily shoves his books onto the shelves as he exaggeratedly scoffs, replying, “Wh-what are you talking about? I am not in love with her, I just… I think she’s cool, is all, that doesn’t have to mean anything-”
“Speaking of,” MJ interjects Peter’s flustered ramblings, slamming his locker door shut and narrowly missing his fingers before spinning him around. “Here she comes. Ask her if she’s going to the party.”
Peter looks up to see you walking with your group of friends, head tossed back in laughter as someone cracks a joke. You teasingly reach over to give them a shove, a beaming smile on your face that Peter swears could rival the brightness of the sun. He can feel his heartbeat becoming increasingly frenzied the closer you are to him, and he can already feel all the words he wants to say jumbling up and tangling themselves into knots on his tongue. Quickly smoothing a hand through his hair, he straightens his grey Midtown High sweatshirt, which is admittedly not his best look, before shaking his head, ducking to hide behind MJ as he protests, “No, I can’t do it!”
“Peter, come on!” Ned urges as MJ grabs his arm, pulling him away from her as Ned grabs his other arm. “You’re going to miss your chance!”
Peter struggles against his friends, and before he can pull away from their grasp, they yank him in your direction. He stumbles forward, clearly underestimating the strength of his friends desperate to save his nonexistent love life, and he practically collapses into your arms, slamming into you as you drop the notebooks in your hands. The papers haphazardly stuffed in between your notebook pages scatter everywhere, and MJ and Ned quickly turn around, hiding their faces and desperately trying to ignore the overwhelming second-hand embarrassment they feel as Peter begins to stammer out an apology, crouching down with you to pick up your notes.
“y/n, I am so sorry, Ned and MJ- I mean I just… I wasn’t looking where I-” Peter blubbers, his nervous ramblings clashing with yours as you simultaneously babble your own excuse.
“I had no idea you were there, Peter, I’m so sorry I wasn’t paying attention!” your face feels like it’s on fire, and you’re surprised you haven’t exploded into flames. He never fails to have such an effect on you, and you can never feel calm whenever he’s around. You veins feel like they’re burning, heating up every inch of your body almost instantly. You hope the frazzled look on your face isn’t as obvious as you’re pretty sure it is, and you nervously tuck a strand of hair behind your ears as you continue, “You have nothing to be sorry for Peter, this is my fault.”
“No, don’t blame yourself!” Peter replies desperately, instinctively reaching out to touch your arm. A glaringly obvious blush immediately floods into his cheeks, and you feel like sparks are dancing on the skin where Peter’s fingers are. The both of you look up at each other, eyes wide, before Peter quickly snatches his hand away, handing you the papers you dropped as he adds, “I- I’m sorry again.”
You smile bashfully at him, the both of you visibly holding your breath as you rise to your feet. The both of you linger in front of each other, wanting to say something, anything, but lacking the courage to, before Peter quickly remembers the whole reason he had gotten into this embarrassing ordeal in the first place. “Hey, are you, um, by any chance… going to Liz’s party tonight?”
“Yep!” you nod excitedly, clutching your books tightly against your chest as if you’re trying to stop your heart from beating right out from your ribcage. Trying to tone down your enthusiasm, you attempt indifference as you ask, “Will… will you be there?”
Peter nods, unable to formulate a response through his excitement. You nod back at him, unable to contain your glowing smile, and you look over your shoulder as you hear your friends call your name. Turning back to Peter, you awkwardly tilt your head as you say, “I have to, uh, go, but I’ll see you tonight!”
Spinning on your heel, you jog after your friends, leaving Peter in a speechless daze as he watches you disappear around the corner. Turning around to Ned and MJ, he throws his hands up in the air as he cheers, “Did you guys hear that? y/n’s going to be at the party! And she said ‘see you tonight’!”
Ned lets out a loud whoop, grabbing Peter’s shoulders to give him a delighted shake, and MJ can’t help but smile excitedly for Peter before she clears her throat.
“Yeah, I knew she was going the whole time.” MJ smirks, and Ned laughs as Peter’s jaw drops. Shrugging, she continues, “What? It’s not my fault you weren’t observant enough to see Liz and y/n talking about it last week.”
Peter tries his best not to think about the countless outfits he had tried in front of his tiny bedroom mirror as he listens to Ned and May’s chatter. Peter can’t help but check his reflection in the rear-view mirror every few minutes, fluffing up his hair before deciding it looks ridiculous, and quickly smoothing it down before he fiddles with the buttons on his shirt. May casts a sideways glance at Peter, a knowing smile creeping onto her face as she casually asks, “Who’s going to be at the party?”
“Uh, just the usual.” 
May can’t help but laugh at Peter and Ned’s simultaneous answers, and Peter whips around to shoot Ned a pained look. Ned laughs, and Peter groans as he buries his face in his hands, already knowing what’s coming next.
“y/n’s such a nice girl.” May comments, steering the car around the corner and thankfully, slowing down as she cruises down Liz’s street, studying the houses to find the right one. Peter screws his eyes shut, hoping they arrive at Liz’s house soon, and May adds, “You’ve got good taste, Peter.”
“May!” Peter exclaims, cringing as Ned nods in agreement in the backseat. May reaches over to affectionately ruffle Peter’s hair as she pulls the car to a stop, and Peter frustratedly swats her hand away before combing his fingers through his hair. “Thanks for the ride, we’re going to go now, bye!”
May grabs his arm before Peter can make his quick escape, and he sighs as he leans back into the seat, turning to face her as she smiles encouragingly at him. “Just talk to her, Peter. I’m sure she’s just as nervous as you are.”
“That’s what I’ve been telling him!” Ned pipes up, and Peter shakes his head, refusing to believe it. Despite Ned and MJ constantly pestering him about the fact that you have as big of a crush on him as he does on you, Peter refuses to entertain the possibility that you could actually like him back. It seems too good to be true, Peter insists, you are way out of his league.
And funnily enough, you protest the same argument to your friends as they interrogate you about your major crush on Peter.
“y/n, he’s going to show up, promise.” Liz teases you as you glance around the room for what feels like the hundredth time. You smile sheepishly at her, realizing what you thought was you subtly checking out if Peter has arrived yet isn’t as subtle as you want it to be. Nudging you, she asks, “So, are you finally going to ask him out?”
“No!” you reply, mortified as you divert your attention to your drink, swirling your juice around in your plastic cup. “I’ll only get rejected, anyway.”
Liz rolls her eyes, launching into a small speech about how oblivious you are to Peter’s crush on you, while MJ listens a short distance away. Checking her watch, she groans to herself as she wonders why her best friends are always late. She leans back on the couch as she continues to eavesdrop on your conversation, mentally saving all the information she’s gathering to back up her argument she will inevitably have to make about how Peter needs to ask you out.
Peter and Ned let themselves in through the front door, and Ned raises his eyebrows at him as he asks, “So, what’s your gameplan?”
“I’m just gonna…” Peter shrugs, not wanting to admit he has no plan because his brain is too frazzled to think of one. He knows that even if he did have a plan, his mind will instantly go blank the second he sees you. “Uh, be myself.”
Ned’s nose scrunches up, and he opens his mouth before MJ rushes up. Shoving drinks into their hands, MJ scoffs, “I would lecture the two of you for leaving me alone at a party you guys insisted I go to, but unfortunately, we have more important matters at hand.”
Steering Ned and Peter into the living room, where a small circle had gathered, MJ calls out, “Wait, we’ve got two more players!”
She plops the two of them down on the couch, conveniently next to you, and you and Peter exchange nervous smiles. You barely have time to greet one another before MJ squeezes in next to Ned, making a point of wriggling around to push Ned up against Peter, who consequently nudges closer to you. Your shoulders brush, legs touching, and Liz places a bottle down in the middle of the table. She spins it, evoking cheers from everyone in the room, and Peter leans even closer to you as he asks, “Wait, what’s going on?”
“We’re playing seven minutes in heaven.” you lean over to him as you respond, inches away from each other you can feel each other’s shaky breaths on your faces. Your breath hitches as you can see Peter’s gaze flickering down to your lips, and you’re too preoccupied staring at each other in a transfixed trance to notice that the first spin of the bottle lands on you.
You look up in alarm as everyone around you choruses your name, laughing and making suggestive comments as Liz cocks an eyebrow at you, prompting you to spin the bottle. Gulping, you nervous lean over, flicking your wrist as you spin the bottle, and it feels like the entire room holds their breath as you watch the neck of the bottle swoop through your classmates before it slows to a stop.
Pointing right at Peter.
Liz struggles to hold in her excitement on your behalf as Ned clamps his hands over his mouth, giggling as MJ grabs his arm, shaking him as you and Peter look up at each other in shock. Your classmates all egg you on, your friends nearby jostling you and Peter, and it’s not long before Liz and Ned drag the two of you to your feet, pushing you into the nearby closet for your seven minutes. MJ locks the door for good measure, and you hear her and Ned high-five as she exclaims, “Finally!” 
The reality of the situation suddenly dawns on you, and the already tiny closet feels like it’s shrinking down on you as you bang your fist on the door, voice strained as you beg, “Hey, let me out!”
Peter initially feels disappointed, nervously shifting his weight from side to side before he realizes your panicked tone isn’t because of him. Peter can barely see you in the dimly lit closet, the only source of light being the light peeking through the cracks around the door, but he can make out your terrified expression and hear your trembling breaths. As you slowly sink to the floor, Peter crouches in front of you, gently holding your arms in his hands as he stammers, “Hey, what- what’s wrong?”
“I’m-” you struggle to maintain your breathing, trying your best to remember the techniques to overcome panic attacks. “I- I’m claustrophobic-”
Peter’s face pales, and he bangs harder on the door, before sighing in defeat as he knows the music is too loud to hear him. He debates smashing the door down, figuring he can worry about the consequences later, but you grab his hand, clinging tightly to it as you whisper, “Just stay with me, Peter, just-”
“Oh right, right, I’m here.” Peter nods, wrapping his other hand around yours as he leans closer to you. “You’re going to be okay, y/n, you’re not alone. I’m probably not your first choice to be stuck in a closet with, but I’m not that bad, and I’m… I’m not helping, am I?”
Even through your panicked state, you manage a breathy laugh. Peter’s hand squeezes around yours, and you feel your racing heartbeat gradually begin to slow as you reply, “Thanks, Peter.”
Peter smiles at you, feeling relieved to see you becoming calmer. He firmly holds your hand in his as you quietly add, “And actually, I don’t mind being stuck in here with you. I’m glad the bottle landed on you, actually.”
Peter has to control every inch of his body, every muscle in his face not to react at this revelation. Keeping his voice steady, Peter casually asks, “Why, uh, why’s that?”
Your hand trembles ever so slightly in Peter’s. “Because… because I like you, Peter.”
“What?” Peter blurts in disbelief, and you immediately feel a wave of embarrassment washing over you as you duck your head. “I- I never believed Ned and MJ when they said you did, because I figured, why would you? But I… I like you too, y/n, I like you so much, you’re the coolest girl I’ve ever met, and… you said you liked me, right? I wasn’t imagining that?”
You can’t help but smile to yourself at Peter’s adorable rambling. Your heart flutters in your chest, overcome by a mixture of relief and happiness to discover that Peter likes you as much as you like him, and you laugh as you confirm, “You weren’t imagining it.”
“I… I know a dark closet isn’t the most romantic place, but… but can I kiss you?” Peter nervously asks, and before he can wait for your reply, you lean forward to kiss him, pulling him closer to you by his shirt as he shifts his position, wrapping a hand around your waist as he brings his other hand up to your face. The door suddenly opens, light flooding into the room and momentarily blinding you and Peter as you spin around. You pull away from each other, arms still around one another, blinking as your eyes adjust to the light. Looking up, you see a smirking Ned, MJ and Liz hovering over you, and you and Peter let out a nervous chuckle as your friends look amongst themselves.
“Really putting your time to good use, huh?” MJ taunts, and Ned flashes Peter a thumbs up from behind her. Nudging Ned, she pulls him away as she adds, “Maybe we should give the lovebirds some privacy. Looks like they might need more than seven minutes.”
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tags: @proudchocolateaddict / @myfriendmagislit / @fire--pheonix / @sheridans-dynamos / @beautifulbows924 / @writinqss / @woah-imagines / @steve-rogersirl / @gofandomsandotherstuff / @melannchoholic / @mockingjaygirl1221 / @emmacata / @hauntedpocdreamer / @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt / @5aftermidnight / @fangirlsarah16 / @cnco-babes / @diskateatscake / @just-shuri / @bru-spanner / @real-fbi / @thisismysecrethappyplace / @natalia-helena-alianova-romanov / @fairytalesforever / @locke-writes / @lgbtonystarks / @musicallisto / @ayanemoon ↳ want to be added to the tag list?
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dear-selena · 5 years
All I See (Peter Parker x Soulmate! Reader): Chapter 3
Peter x Reader Soulmate!AU
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Epilogue
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Summary: You live in a world where women start to gain color when they meet their soulmate, but they cannot see all the colors at once until they’ve united with them. Peter Parker is your soulmate, but he has no idea. You want to tell him about the colors you see, but are afraid to. Sometimes, girls can be malicious with the soulmate troupe, and you don’t want Peter to think you’re doing the same. So you keep quiet, and experience one color at a time.
It isn’t until Liz Allan comes in the picture that all you see is green, and you hate it.
Warnings: Subtle mentions of blood and TONS OF ANGST
A/N: Hello everyone! I’m really happy to see the positive feedback so far. I really want to thank everyone for reading this lil ol’ fanfic of mine. I’ve really been enjoying writing again, so I’m hoping to keep this up before I go back to school. Please let me know if you’d like to be tagged for future updates!
Chapter Three: Past Colors
Words: 2116
“Ah, shit!”
Peter hissed, biting his tongue in order not to yell and alert your parents of his presence. He had just come to your home, in the middle of the night, with a large open scrape across his right bicep. He had a pretty rough fight with some people trying to break into an apartment complex, and although he managed to stop them, he still came out of the fight with cuts and bruises. When he found himself in really bad shape, he’d web sling right to you for help.
The two of you currently sat on your bed, the top of his Spider-Man suit off to give you easier access to his injuries. You wipe the outside of his wound with soap and warm water, purple colors making his cut look darker than it probably was. Before you could wrap his arm in gauze and stop any further bleeding, you wanted clean his wound.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry…” you mumble quietly as you try to continue cleaning the scrape. You wanted to stop after he hissed, as you hated the idea of hurting him. But you knew you needed to help patch up your soulmate. Despite your purple vision and your anxious heartbeat, you wanted to make sure Peter was okay.
After a couple minutes, his wound looked to be in a good place for you to cover it. Taking the gauze you always kept around for him, you securely wrap his bicep until you could not see any form of injury. You let out a sigh of relief you didn’t realize you were holding as your vision turns turquoise. You successfully helped patch up your soulmate once again.
You helped make sure your soulmate was safe once again.
Peter slowly moved his right arm, testing to see if it was still functional. After a moment, you suddenly felt strong arms wrap around you. Peter was embracing you with one of his hands in your hair, one on your back, and his head tucked into your neck.
Your vision immediately turns pink at his actions. You feel yourself blush as you quickly returned the hug, wrapping your arms around his back and leaning into his bare chest. You’ve hugged Peter plenty of times before, but the thought of him holding you in such an exposed state made you internally melt.
“God (Y/N), what would I do without you?” Peter asks into your neck.
“Probably bleed to death in your home.”
Peter chuckled as he lifted himself off you, his hands moving to hold yours as he smiles at you. “Seriously though, you’re a miracle worker. I’m so glad I can actually rely on you for help,” Peter practically gushes.
The tone Peter had made you frown in confusion. “What do you mean?”
Peter blinked, realizing that you caught on to what he was saying. “O-oh, it’s nothing too crazy… it’s something really stupid that happened before I met you.”
You had an idea of what he was talking about, and if you’re being honest, you wanted to hear him talk about it. “You can talk about it with me, it’s okay Pete.”
Peter looks at you and slightly smiles, squeezing your hands a little tighter and rubbing his thumbs on your knuckles. “So, this is going to sound absolutely ridiculous, but last year I started seeing a girl who claimed I was her soulmate.”
You knew where he was going with this story, but you couldn’t help the green that embraced your vision.
“Her name was Gwen, and I thought she was really sweet,” Peter continued. “She used to tell me how she could only see pink around me and blue when I was gone. I honestly believed her, and I dated her for about four months. I honestly really liked her, and I was so happy to have met my soulmate. But I didn't realize until later on that she was dating 4 other guys at school. She was basically using us for different things. I assume she was using me to pass her classes. She was failing calculus when we started dating,” Peter puts his right hand in his face and sighs angrily. “I was just- I was just so caught up in the idea of finding my soulmate that I didn’t see any of the red flags. I was trying to find ways to spend more time with her and tell her I’m Spider-Man. But every time, she would blow me off for God knows what. It really hurt when I caught her cheating on me, and it broke me when she said she didn’t want anything to do with me anymore.”
Peter’s story left you in utter shock. You knew this happened, but you didn’t know to what depths. What this girl did to your soulmate was just so awful, and you can feel your blood boiling inside of you. Your vision slowly started to turn red, a color that relates to anger and frustration. You’ve only seen this color when Peter did something to really bothered you, but this time you knew you saw red because of what Gwen did to him. How could someone lie to so many guys about the soulmate troupe? How could someone like Peter?
How could someone use your soulmate?
You take a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down before taking Peter’s hand again and bringing them closer to you in an attempt to comfort him. Peter looks up at you, eyes glistening with tears he was clearly fighting off. “Peter I’m so sorry she did that. Words cannot describe how angry it makes me to know people like her do this to others. The soulmate connection should be a special thing that comes naturally. She probably still sees in black and white for all we know.” You take another deep breath as the red calms back down to a pink. “I can assure you that no matter what, I’ll always be here for you, and I will never lie to you. I care about you too much.”
It’s true, you truly cared for Peter. Yes, these feelings came with the pleasure of being his soulmate, but despite that, he was a genuinely good guy. He cared about people and risked his life everyday for them. He took time out of his crazy schedule to see you, Ned, and MJ now that his responsibilities as a superhero are starting to play out better. He cares about his grades, future, and most importantly, his friends.
He was simply amazing, soulmate or not.
“Thanks (Y/N), that means so much,” Peter smiles at you. You pull him in for another hug and Peter tucks his head back into the crook of your neck. Absentmindedly, you start tracing random shapes on his back, fully engulfed in his embrace. Your vision dances in pink and yellow, as you feel multiple emotions inside of you. Eventually, your vision settles into a calm and beautiful pink that made your heart feel warm. Moments like this don’t happen often between the two of you. But when they do, you wished they lasted forever.
“Hey (Y/N)?” Peter mumbles into your neck. He pulls himself off of you to look at you better, much to your dismay. “Why haven’t you told your soulmate about you?”
You quickly look away from him. “Uh, uh- what?”
“You know how you mentioned you know your soulmate? Why haven’t you told them yet?”
You can feel a blush quickly cover your face, and you wish you could just explode on the spot. You never talk about your soulmate, much less to your soulmate himself. But this might be the segway to the conversation you ultimately need to have with him.
“Oh… uh… well…” You try to find the right words to say. “I don’t think my soulmate sees me in a romantic way. I want him to, you know, have feelings for me naturally. I don’t want him to think I’m burdening him or lying or anything like that.”
You glance at Peter to see him looking at you in disbelief. “(Y/N), c’mon. Don’t think like that. Your soulmate is going to love you!” He chuckles to himself. “Not gonna lie, when you told us at lunch that you can see colors a few weeks ago, I was pretty jealous.”
“Well that makes two of us,” you thought to yourself, remembering that his old crush moved back and you now mostly see green.
“I used to be so excited to meet my other half, and I hate the fact that there’s no way I’ll know who she is until she says something. I guess that’s why I believed Gwen at the time…” He looked down and shook his head, practically scolding himself. “But Aunt May and I always talk about how soulmates are ultimately destined to work out, so you should just be honest to whoever it is!”
Your heart starts accelerating at his words of encouragement, but before you can say anything to him, he continues.
“Just take me and Liz for example. Sure, she hasn’t mentioned any soulmate stuff to me yet, but I think Liz moving back must be some sort of sign. I never thought I’d see her again, but the soulmate thing has to be why the universe brought her back.”
Your eyes went wide as you felt your heart completely drop to your stomach. Was he really falling for Liz again? The pink instantly changed to green and you felt your fists clench and teeth grit. Constantly hearing about Liz made you want to burst, but you knew that would get you know. It just frustrates you to no end that after all the times you’ve spent together, Peter was falling for another girl.
You suddenly realize that you should have told Peter about your colors a long time ago. You should have told him that he was your soulmate the moment you felt comfortable around him. You’ve avoided it for so long out of fear, but he was right. It’s time to be honest to Peter. The more you wait to tell him the more he thought he belonged to someone else.
You’re tired of holding this information in. You’re ready to tell Peter.
You close your eyes and take a deep breath, ready to reveal yourself to your soulmate once and for all. Ready to explain why you held back and silently pray to God that he would understand. You open your eyes to see Peter staring at you curiously.
You were ready to see all the colors at once. You were ready to tell him the truth he’s so long deserved to know.
“Peter, I-“
Peter’s phone suddenly rings, blasting his ring tone throughout your room. Both you and Peter jump apart at the sudden noise. Peter quickly rummages around until he frantically picks up his phone off your night stand.
“Hello?... Aunt May what are you still doing up?... I’m sorry there was this really bad fight and (Y/N) was helping me-... I’m sorry… yes… yes I’ll come home now. I’m sorry,” Peter quickly hangs up the phone and slides the upper part of his suit back on his body.
“I’m really sorry (Y/N), Aunt May noticed I was gone and she’s really worried right now,” Peter got up and found his mask, slipping it back on his head. “Thank you again for your help, I’ll see you Monday?”
You nod your head, mentally cursing Aunt May for the interruption. “Yes, get home safe.”
After a quick hug and him telling you to get some sleep, Peter was out your window, web-slinging through the streets of Queens once again. You clean up the mess you made while performing first-aid on Peter, and tuck yourself into bed.
Right when Peter left, your vision instantly turned red again. You were frustrated, as you just lost your perfect opportunity to reveal yourself to your soulmate. Finding another perfect time to tell him will practically be impossible now. Peter just opened up to you in a way he’s never done so before, and telling him that you’re his soulmate now might make him suspicious. You hate that this isn’t easy for you. You hated that you hadn’t told him earlier. But most of all, you hated that he didn’t see you the way you saw him.
As you tried to fall asleep that night, there were two things you knew you needed to do. One, you’d need to calm yourself down by Monday to put your thoughts cleanly together, and two…
You needed to find a way to tell Peter that he was your soulmate.
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