#in honor of Pokémon day
grismavessel · 2 years
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A late but still on time Valentine’s Day comic
I feel like Gris and Ingo go on dates and spend a lot of time with one another a lot
But Valentines Day is a very different day than the rest, and Gris gets really sappy even over little things.
Ingo has a whole plan for the night but dang it’s both of their first v-day together he’s just worried he’ll make a mess of things. But Gris assures him they’ll love it no matter what.
(ignore the early part in the text I was suppose to post this Monday) <3
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geckked · 2 years
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Happy Pokémon day I drew my kids :)
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dragonsruby · 1 year
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Behold: My loot.
You'd think that I'd know better to not give myself freedom that make these financial decisions, but the mall was right there and I'm never in the area, so
Spriggy is very important, which is why he gets the toof chair.
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yestrday · 2 years
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— BLUSH BLUSH ! anemo | hydro | geo | pyro 
⤷ yan! hybrid! aether, venti, kaedahara kazuha, xiao, kunikuzushi/scaramouche, shikanoin heizou
summary ! a young heir like you probably needs a breath of fresh air every now and then, and who better than your beloved hybrids to give you a taste of what the outside world is like? bringing with them the scent of the wind and their coy yet laid-back personalities, you can barely notice the possessiveness gleaming in their eyes.
content ! reader collects these boys like Pokémon, manipulation, mentions of murder, once again venti is a pervert, obsession, toxic behavior, 
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AETHER is your first partner. he's been with you ever since your dad dropped you off in one of his fancy but hauntingly lonely villas and never again bothered with you. it was your first day, it was lonely, and it just so happened that it had been raining.
you still remember scooping him up from the rain and declaring that you’d keep him, despite the protests of your servants. but you were rather spoiled and also obsessed with how beautiful this catboy looked. so now aether roamed the halls of your manor proudly ever since, cat bell around his neck as proof of your ownership. 
AETHER is always eager to help you. it doesn’t make sense for such a being as yourself to be scurrying around and making a mess of yourself! he’s no pushover but he covets your praise and regards it as the highest honor. so whenever irritation at being ordered around by the others starts to build up, he remembers your soft praises and approving looks and steadies himself to work his hardest! you, oblivious fool that you are, don’t know that he’s doing this for you. all you see is your good kitty being helpful and generous as he always is. 
your house is a treasure coven, full to the brim with riches the commoners wouldn’t even dare to touch, and among these are your dear catboy’s golden locks. you pride yourself in taking good care of them. a common sight is aether leaning against you as you stroke and brush his hair, humming a tune as you braid them. sometimes the others join in and place little trinkets (flowers, golden clips, pretty rocks they found by the lake) to further accentuate his beauty. he blushes at the attention, but after all that he’s done for the household, he deserves nothing less.
AETHER is one of the milder yanderes in your household, even holding back the more violent ones when needed. he’s content with your attention and presence. if you pat him lovingly and tell him that he’s a good boy, then he wants nothing more. if others hog you too much, he’ll get pouty, but other than he’s happy that everyone knows just how amazing you are. he feels more than blessed to be living here under your protection and around his newfound family.
still, you’re a young heir. in high society, there are bound to be those who will attempt to sully you for their own benefit. as the longest-staying boy, he knows more than anyone the hardships you face. plenty of nights he’s curled up beside you as you cry yourself to sleep, the victim of many cruel sneers and underestimating remarks. you’ve been framed and scandalized repeatedly, and he knows that you’ve grown stronger because of that. that doesn’t mean he wants to see you go through that again.
if perchance there might be a competitor strong enough to leave a permanent mark on your records, aether will finally bare his claws. he’s smart enough to not make the media connect the murder to you. there is no dirtying your name as long as he’s around. he makes sure that no one, not even you or the family, knows about the deed. once the news hits television, he looks just as clueless as all of you. 
RELATIONSHIPS : aether likes everyone and everyone likes aether! everyone has some sort of kinship with the boy and while he knows all their secrets and feelings, no one can say the same about him. when you were younger he’d mumble a name in his sleep, although that doesn’t happen quite often anymore. the longing and melancholy look still stay the same.
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VENTI is the poor little thing you found hanging half-dead from one of your garden’s tree branches, still in his dove form. he was a quiet thing when you rushed him to your room and mended his broken wings. for a few days, there was no response from him, just subtle breathing and occasionally soft whimpers. sympathies and goodwill came from you and aether, and each day you both wished for his quick recovery. 
peace and quiet were soon disturbed when one of your maids screamed from the kitchen. hurriedly running to the scene, you and aether found a distressed maid on the ground while a young man lay sprawled on your island with a bottle in hand. laughing sheepishly with an apologetic smile, he raised an open wine case to you and grinned.
congratulations, you now have a doveboy added to the party! VENTI’s accident has now rendered his wings useless, much to his dismay. his regret and dejection are still obvious to you even as the years go by, shown to you by the sad flicker in his eyes as he stretches his wings. most of the time his wings lay tucked at his sides, useless and paralyzed, but you wish to appease his apparent melancholy by making sure his wings are in top form. the feathers are downy and soft in your hands as you prune them, while venti hums and chirps contentedly under your touch.
his beautiful voice still remains, and there is not a day when his beautiful singing echoes through the grand halls of your manor. as expected of a dove hybrid! his nimble fingers pluck the lyre you gifted him (meticulously and tastefully adorned with gems you personally picked), singing ballads of adventures that make you wish you had a world outside your chained position in society. many of your family members, although irked at his eccentric and shameless nature, appreciate and praise his talents.
VENTI is very non-violent, although he can pull his punches when he really needs to. his yandere tendencies tend to fall under obsession, viewing you not only as his savior but also as a poor and sheltered lamb. he pities you and your position in life because as someone who used to roam freely, who would ever want a life shackled to a destiny they cannot change? the fact that he cannot tear you away from this life due to so many eyes on you aches him to the core.
but again, isn’t that exactly what makes you so beautiful? locked away in a home, half-forgotten by an apathetic father, why you’re just ripe for the taking! you can only look at him, be happy with him, and spend the rest of eternity with him! VENTI loves freedom above all things… now he has the freedom to do whatever he wants to you! 
he feeds you with purposely false information, making your reality further and further detached from the world beyond the walls of your home. you are his master, no? you saved him from death so it makes sense how much he praises you, even if you feel that they’re too extreme. he runs his fingers up your delicious thighs, fondles and caresses your skin, and pecks loving kisses all over— all in the name of love and devotion. this is normal, after all. this is how people show their gratitude. you don’t want to argue with someone who actually has experienced the real world, so you nod hesitantly and go along with his whims and wishes. venti grows drunker and drunker with every squirm and whimper that comes from you.
RELATIONSHIPS : venti hangs out with zhongli most of the time, sometimes annoying him with pranks and other times joining him in his old man laments. diluc is one of his most prominent victims, venti pestering him for drinks and food or just simply annoying him. kaeya more often than not joins him, while aether stands by to make sure that diluc doesn’t end up clawing the dove’s eyes out.
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KAZUHA first makes himself known when you spot a flying squirrel hanging upside down from your tree. it’s a fluffy little thing, white fur striped with an unnatural orange-red. it detects your presence even at a far distance, but as it blearily opens its eyes and lets out the cutest yawn, it doesn’t shy away from you. instead, it stares at you with its wide eyes before finally gliding out of the tree and right in front of your face.
pop! smoke appears out of nowhere, and a handsome boy takes the place of the cute flying squirrel! “hello to you, my liege,” warmly says the stranger. “i see that your home is a place of rest for beings such as i.” his hand grasps yours and he presses a gentle kiss on it. “hopefully it wouldn’t be rude to ask if i could seek shelter under you?” his pure and sincere eyes make you bashful, and so you nod.
everyone takes a liking to him, especially those who have a special connection to the wind. KAZUHA is after all very polite and helpful, and the poetry that he writes is very beautiful. he tells stories of his homeland, a land full of maple leaves and cherry blossoms far, far away. alas, he cannot go back anymore, and his loneliness and nostalgia pushes you to renovate your garden into a splitting image of his homeland. after being banned for so long from the garden (the scent of the wind told him what you were doing, but he’ll let you have your fun), his wide eyes as he sees the towering maple and cherry blossom trees make you grin in pride. 
KAZUHA, then and there, swears his utmost loyalty to you. kneeling in front of you and gingerly taking your hand in his, he looks up at you with those upturned eyes as if you’re his entire world. it’s not because you planted a couple of trees for him, but because your warmth is everything a lonely wanderer could dream of.
KAZUHA’s touch is gentle, and his words are cotton-soft, but don’t be fooled– he’s every bit as lethal as your other hybrids. he’s overprotective and intimidating when you’re not looking. some of your rowdier housemates have been at the edge of his sword after their antics have put you in danger. on the rare occasion that you do go out of the house, he tends to shadow you (with, like, five other hybrids) and incapacitate anyone who goes after you. which is many, seeing as you are the heir of a multimillion company.
sometimes KAZUHA runs his fingers over your sleeping face and sighs wistfully. if you weren’t chained to such a life, would you be free to roam the world with him? free to explore, free to witness what life is all about. he knows he could easily run off and go back to his old life, but he can’t imagine leaving you here all alone.
then again, maybe your father did the right thing. after all, the outside world is full of dangers a being as soft as you couldn’t stomach. he tenderly rubs your wrist and presses a kiss to it. his heart would hurt seeing shackle bruises on them, but it may be a necessity. or he could shackle you to him, like a red string of fate.
RELATIONSHIPS: it’s adorable seeing the flying squirrel perch itself on gorou’s puppy head as he runs around being chased by itto. despite the chaos, kazuha seems perfectly calm as he takes a nap on the brown fur. the only time he wakes up is when heizou pops into the frame and scurries off before the self-proclaimed detective can catch him again.
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XIAO came to you after finding out that zhongli’s been mooching off you for quite some time. it comes as a shock when a brilliant vermillion bird barges into your home and pleads with his father figure about why in the world would he be idling his time away with a hybrid slaver. you’re a bit offended at that, especially since most of the time it’s the hybrids who come to you, not the opposite. he insists on staying after finding out that zhongli cannot be convinced to leave.
he regards you with suspicion at first. you’re the first human he’s met who has a house full of normal and mythical hybrids alike. time passes and he realizes… you don’t exactly have the guts to be a slaver. you’re naive about how things work and you foolishly give away your money to these hybrids without asking for anything in return. ruffling his hair, he sighs in exasperation and flicks your head. you need to stop being so selfless.
XIAO is part of the security team that the hybrids just happened to make. it’s not like they assembled themselves officially, it’s just a group of overprotective guys who think you’re too weak to defend yourself. you laugh nervously as xiao scolds you for going along with the others’ whims– for the love of morax, you are not as sturdy as the others. do you not know not a bull hybrid’s mere hug can snap you?
it’s embarrassing for him to admit, but he’s grown to be somewhat reliant on you. you can’t really do anything for him– he’s more than capable of doing things for himself. but your presence soothes him like no other remedy could. the puppet strings of the guilt he’s been carrying for centuries seem to snap whenever you run your hands through his feathers. you’ve become his balm, his only chance at being saved. you’re someone he cannot part with.
his all-seeing eyes darken when you sleep. sometimes, he suddenly appears on your windowsill in a cloud of black and green. aether, who is always by your side, doesn’t mind and shares the silence with him as they both watch you. paranoia itches at him, even if he can see the rise and dip of your chest. he’s had many comrades lie the same way you do now, albeit in the bloody aftermath of war and a spear in their chest. he reaches a hand out for you but shirks when he’s just an inch away. you’re… too fragile. too fragile for your own good.
he worships you differently from how he worshiped morax. morax was a stone pillar for the foundation of a country, and XIAO was his best general. you are a plum blossom, whose buds sway precariously in the wind. he tends to you, as gently as he tries to be, but instinct tells him to snap off a branch if to preserve the most beautiful parts of you forever.
RELATIONSHIPS: xiao is only ever seen around two hybrids: zhongli and aether. he tends to perceive the dragon’s smallest actions as wisdom beyond mortal comprehension, even though everyone around him seems to think he's exaggerating. he trusts aether with his life and yours, and is especially close to him. venti also seems to sense that a certain shadow lingers whenever he plays his tunes, but he smiles to himself and lets them listen without bother.
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KUNIKUZUSHI wanders into your life… literally. on a day when the night sky is in its deepest shade of purple and thunderbolts strike and shake the earth, someone knocks on your door. the man wears a wide-eyed, friendly expression as he requests shelter for the night. eager to help and meet someone new, you do, but the moment he steps through the doorway, everyone’s hairs are on end. especially your partner, aether, isn’t his usual easygoing self.
he stays for several nights, and you think him a charming young man. the others aren’t fooled though, and the moment you’re gone, he’s going head-to-head with your protective hybrids. it’s your fault that you’re such a naive idiot, anyway. so what if he’s gonna take advantage of it? a fight breaks out in the middle of the night, and you wake up and rush down to see that aether has his claws out. with one slash, your guest stumbles back, and a cloud of smoke puffs…
… and it reveals a daurian redstart, a cute little bird that aether could easily squish between his sharp claws. with a gasp, you rush in to save the poor thing. aether is stunned and tries to convince you that he spells bad news, but you’re already cuddling him into your palm. kuni is mortified– the shame of showing his weaker form makes him lash out– but he is cowed by a dangerous look from everyone else in the house. fine, he’ll relent.
KUNIKUZUSHI is snippy at first, with everyone, especially you. he doesn’t trust anyone with his hybrid form, and the mere mention of it will have him biting at their ankles. everyone thinks that being a cat suits him better, which aether takes full offense at. you’re a bit disappointed because his jōbitaki form is soooo cute! nevertheless, you continue to take good care of him, feeding him his favorite foods and brushing his hair. one day he gets too comfortable that– pop! – his bird form appears and slowly flutters into your palm. it’s the day when he’s claimed you as his.
most of the time, he mocks and jeers at you. usually, you just smile and laugh– after all, this is kuni’s way of expressing his feelings! however, when things get too much you either blubber or glare or both, and he then falters. the sadistic side of him wants to keep bullying you forever, but the weaker, more detestable side of him, is up in a panic. he doesn’t know how to deal with whining brats, dangit, so he pops into his bird form and silently plops himself into your lap so you’ll shut up.
KUNIKUZUSHI is possessive and clingy– though he’ll never admit the latter. he can’t bear the thought of you leaving him alone. you have a chokehold on him already, and archons be damned you were gonna abandon him when he’s already a mess for you. spend time with him, play with him, look at him, worship him as he worships you. your gentle touch has him gasping for more, and archons does he hate himself for being so weak for a mere human.
KUNIKUZUSHI is crazed and deranged. he loves the fact that you’re trapped in this large, yet solitary manor. how easily he can dominate and break you in, to make sure that you’ll want nothing with your father’s business and stay with him, him, and him alone. you want that, don’t you? it’s a blessing to stay with your favorite little bird? why would you want to be the center of such a corrupt business, when he can chain the both of you together, just as like mortals and their marriage rites <3
RELATIONSHIPS: kuni is not someone that can easily get along with, so he’s usually hanging out around you or by himself. he and aether do fight a lot, but that has long mellowed down to playful and cheeky banter. other than that, kuni can be seen talking down to the others, even the mythical beasts. however, he gets eerily silent whenever kazuha is around.
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HEIZOU is your beloved, cheeky owlboy who just flapped in through the window and never left! he was originally curious as to why so many hybrids stayed here, but he took one good look at you and quickly solved the mystery. you’re sooo cute and naive! a little fighting spirit you’re kindling there, but nothing the real world can immediately stamp down. he has the urge to stay by your side now, captivated by your beliefs and kindness when you know nothing about the sinister feelings of your own beloved hybrids.
some days he just disappears to who knows where, but then you find him in the middle of a crime scene within your home. whenever conflict arises (or someone’s been stealing from the cookie jar), HEIZOU is almost always on the case. it used to be challenging for you to determine which party was lying, but he quickly tears down all their clever-made lies. he puffs out his chest whenever he can feel your sparkling eyes on him as he humiliates the other hybrids with his wits and smarts.
if you haven’t guessed it yet, HEIZOU really, really loves to show off. he doesn’t admit it, but his feathers preen whenever you praise and compliment him. when he’s in his owl form, he makes cute little sounds whenever you’re eating, just to make you acknowledge him. once he does, he opens his beak and blinks at you expectantly. he usually does this when you’re holding fried food. you’re not sure if it actually affects him, but you still try not to give the owl too much fried food.
he doesn’t mean it, really, but the cruel yet nonchalant words just tend to… slip! things like ‘you stupid little thing,’ or ‘you wouldn’t last one moment outside’ may seem casual, but they hurt you in your weak spots. and he’s keenly aware of this, even anticipating with sparkling eyes as your face winces and your mouth hesitates to call him out on his behavior. he just loves, loves, loves seeing someone as stupid as you be in the same room as him and make you feel as insignificant as possible.
sin is rampant in this world, and HEIZOU knows that fact well. sometimes jealousy swells within him when he sees the glittering gold and sparkling food you always have at the ready. maybe it’s why he can be sometimes cruel to you. but this is a teacher teaching their student a lesson! a cute little thing dreaming of a life beyond the walls, not knowing that reality is where hopes get crushed to pieces… it’s enough to make him cry! he tells you it is not safe, and it’s really up to you whether or not you listen.
if enough curiosity fills your head, or your father has summoned you, you’ll have to go outside and live through cruel reality. what do you think of the world now, without your boys to guide you and warn you of all the potential dangers? don’t worry, HEIZOU will always be by your side… though the sparkling tears makes him smile in glee even as he hugs you tight to his chest.
RELATIONSHIPS: heizou sometimes teams up with aether to arrest any rowdy members, but only when he finds the case interesting enough. he likes to play pranks on kazuha, by swooping into the poor rodent with outstretched claws and pretending he’ll gobble him up with his beak. your bullboy guffaws, but the pup barks and yips at the sheepish owl endlessly.
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ashboy-3 · 1 year
Smash or Pass
Fandom: Danny Phantom and Batfam Prompt: https://www.tumblr.com/help-i-need-a-cool-username/719653067055906816/ashboy-3-please-tag-me-whenever-you-post-it?source=share Characters: Danny, Sam, Tucker, Jason, Batfam Words: 1908 Summary: Danny refuses to sleep and gets stopped by a reporter. Not fully knowng what she aks when questioning him about Red Hood Danny answers with a simple Smash. Now if only his crush Jason Todd would pick up on the social cues.
“So what’s the game tonight?” Danny asked, looking at the screen of the video camera to see Tucker and Sam staring back at him.
“Are you sure Danny. Isn’t it like ten over there?” Sam asked, worry clearly on her face.
“It’s not a good night for sleep Sam. Please. You two both have the day off, right?” Danny asked.
“Yeah we do dude. So I was thinking Smash or pass?” Tucker threw the idea out there.
“Oh that’s a good one. What should we do it on?” Danny asked.
“Super smash bros? It has Smash in the name?” Tucker suggested.
“Then we should totally do Pokémon!” Sam had an evil smirk.
“Oh you are both so on!” Danny quickly agreed as Tucker quickly found a full list online of the Super Smash bro fighters, sharing his screen and making sure to record, if anything for future black mail reasons.
“Alright first up Mario,” Tucker announced, both his friends knowing that he would rather be the impartial party and narrator while they have their fun.
“Pass.” Danny and Sam voiced.
“Donkey Kong.”
“Pass,” Danny quickly said.
“Smash!” Sam was quick to say as the two looked at each other.
“You want to smash a giant monkey?” Danny questioned.
“First off he’s a gorilla, second you can’t tell me that he doesn’t fuck,” she quirked her eyebrow at him.
“Fair enough,” Danny yielded holding up his drink to take a sip in her honor.
“Dude that’s water,” Tucker rolled his eyes.
“Don’t’ remind me. Who’s next!”
“Smash” Tucker rolled his eyes at his two friends.
“Sometimes you two are so predictable. Samus.”
“Pass,” Sam waved her off.
“Smash. Let her fuck me up, in or out of that suit!”
“Dark Samus?”
“Same,” they both agreed, to keep their answers from last time.
“Smash!” Sam yelled out, Danny thinking about it before he to agreed.
“Why am I friends with you two? Kirby?”
“Pass,” Sam said as Danny thought abot it. “Yeah pass. I feel like Kirby is to innocent. And dude who else would you be friends with. Hit me with the next one!”
“Fox and Falco.”
“Pass on Fox smash on Falco,” Sam decided. “Pass on both,” Danny shook his head.
“How could you smash one but not the other? Their the same thing?” Danny asked.
“First off their not. I feel like Falco is more bad ass. Second, I don’t want to hear that argument when we get to pokemon.”
“Fair enough.” Danny agreed.
“Speaking of Pokemon I’m skipping them in this list since that’s our next list,” Tucker skipped the image of pikachu. They both passed on Luigi, Ness, Captain Falcon, and jigglypuff.
“I would so smash princess peach, daisy, and Rosalina. Line them up!” Danny cheered.
“Really Peach? I would only smash Rosalina. She at least had a story line,” Sam rolled her eyes.
“Smash the fucking hell out of me!” Danny cheered.
“Okay I know I’m a monster fucker, but are you sure you’re not one?” Sam asked him.
“I have never actually thought about it,” Danny shrugged. “But you still didn’t answer the question?”
“Of course, I’d smash Bowser. Pass on Wario, Waluigi, and Dr. Mario,” Sam rolled her eyes, a smile on her lips.
“Yeah, I can agree with that statement,” Danny shook his head in understanding. “We are passing on the ice climbers?” Danny asked.
“Of course!” Danny agreed. “and you know I’m smashing Sheik and Zelda!”
“Smash Sheik pass on Zelda.”
“You are aware that their the same person right?” Tucker asked her.
“I’m very aware. Sheik could kill me and Zelda is a broing princess. I know what I want in a partner.”
“point taken,” Tucker stopped his fight as he ended up pushing next multip times. Danny and Sam both agreed to pass on the fire emblem charctrers along with young link while Smashing Ganon.
“Mr. Game and Watch.”
“Pass,” Sam said quickly.
“I’d smash. I feel like he could give me a fun time. You saw how he handles that hammer. If I’m lucky he’d use it to pound me,” Danny smiled, making both of his friends laugh.
“You know Danny I agree with that statement and that’s why I’d smash meta knight.”
“To much armor for me,” Danny said, making Tucker snort.
They passed on the Pit’s, kept their same opinion on Samus and landed on Snake.
“Extra Smash!” Danny and Sam agreed.
They kept playing, ending pretty quickly with mostly passes. Danny wanting to smash Bayonets,, Ridley, and King Roll. Sam was agreeing with that list adding Isabella, claiming that she must have some evil dark side to her. This led the group to the pokemon list.
“Do we want to start with Gen 1? Or just go into chaos?” Tucker asked, knowing his friends answers as he got up the list for Gen 9.
“I’m being honest if it’s got three evolutions, I’m most likely not going to smash the first evolution. The second and third are still up for grabs,” Danny set down his rules.
“I can agree with that. So we passing on Sprigatto, Quaxly, and Fuecoco,” Tucker mumbled to himself, making sure to skip thoses options.
“I’m Smashing Floragato, Meowscarda and crocalor from the starters,” Danny stated.
“Chicken,” Sam snorted. “I’ll take your grass started and your fire second evolution and raise you a Quaxwell.”
“I feel like it’s only going to drown into madness from here,” Tucker groaned, knowing it’s not even midnight where Danny is yet and there are nine generations of pokemon.
“How can you not Smash Spidops!” Danny asked frantically.
“Are you kidding? All it does is shot webs. If I wanted to fuck something that shots webs I would fuck spiderman,” Sam rolled her eyes.
“You. . .bring out an excellent point, but I’m not changing my answer!”
“Smashing Arbolliva!” Sam slammed her hand on the desk.
‘Damn girl! I am right here! If you don’t want me then just say it,” Tucker teased her as Danny laughed.
“Smash. Samsh. Smash Ceruledge,” Danny was cheering, Sam cheering with him.
“You know it makes sense that the two of you dated in. highschool, but I can clearly tell why you two were never going to work,” Tucker observed.
“And why is that?” Danny asked, quirking his eyebrow.
“You have to similar of taste.”
“No way in hell you’re actually fucking Grafaiai. Sam do you just have a thing for monkeys or something? “Danny asked.
“I’m not the one who’s ready to throw a party for Toedscruel. I thought we agreed no judging?” She glared.
“Oh know we are judging. I think I’m the one who’s judging the worst,” Tucker laughed.
“That doesn’t count. You only have eyes for Sam. I can’t even recombed a person looks hot and fuckable to you without you saying Sam’s better,” Danny groaned.
“Yep and it’s nice to see that my girlfriend does not have the same standards for me,” Tucker was looking towards her, a playful smile on his lips. He knows she loves him and that he’s not being serious.
“Ah shit guys! I gotta go and get ready for class!” Danny said after hours of playing the smash or pass game. They did eventually make it through all of the Pokémon, but now it was 7 am and Danny had to run to get to campus and stop at his favorite coffee shop.
“Make sure you stay awake dude. If you need to skip class I can write you a doctor’s note,” Tucker said.
“I’ll be fine. I just really don’t want to sleep right now. I should be better by tonight,” Danny said bye to his friends, changing into a different shirt, making sure to grab his jacket, wallet, and keys before leaving his small apartment.
Danny loved living in Gotham, but sometimes the hustle and bustle of the city can be chaotic and stressful, especially on the days when Danny could possibly be late for class, sleep deprived, yet to have his coffee and some report is stopping him to ask him question.
“Opinion of Red Hood?” was the only thing Danny heard the reported ask.
“Smash,” was all Danny could think of as he quickly walked into the coffee shop to get his black coffee with 12 extra expresso shots. Did is taste good? No. Did it wake him up? Absolutely.
Danny didn’t realize the absolute chaos he had caused till he was back home from his classes, Sam and Tucker spamming him with memes of what he did.
Seeing no other option but to go along with it. He found the original clip that tucker sent him a link to, tunrs out the news station put it up on twitter, and re retweeted it with just two words. “I’m right.”
Meanwhile on the other side of Gotham Dick is dying of laughter as he discovered the most hilarious news clip on the planet and proceeded to send it to every single person in his contacts and to every group chat that he’s in, just in case he didn’t have someone’s contact number saved.
He even found the clip being retweeted by the same guy who claims that he’s still right with someone else tagging it #plsdon’tkillhimmr.redhoodsir.
He was making fun of Jason for it especially because turns out his brother knows the guy in real life.
“Grayson what does he even mean when he says smash?” Damain asked as Tim and Dick were making fun of Jason at the cave.
“I have to agree with Damain. The video makes know sense,” Bruce agreed.
“I’m not explaning this,” Tim quickly grabbed his coffee and walked out of the batcave.
“No it!” Jason declared running upstairs, face fully red, Dick not far behind him.
“Why is it always me,” Duke groaned as Bruce wayne lifted a questioning eye brow up at him.
“Please don’t make me explain it,” Duke begged, but sadly when Bruce Wayne wants to know something he will know something.
“Keep making fun of me for this and I will no longer show up to family dinner,” Jason glared at his older brother.
“Aww. You know you can’t avoid Alfred forever,” Dick teased.
“Shit you’re right,” Jason groaned, knowing he was going to have to put up with his brother’s teasing no matter what.
Before anyone knew it Wednesday was upon them, which meant that Danny and Jason finished their only shared class and walked out together to get lunch.
“So did you see your famous news clip?” Jason asked, not able to look Danny in the eye.
“Yeah. I swear this I say the craziest shit when I’m sleep deprived. I stand by what I said though,” Danny got up from the table to grab his order.
“You’re not worried about Red Hood finding out or anything?” Jason asked, seeing a chaotic look within Danny’s eyes.
“Jason, I want nothing more than for Red Hood to come and find me. Hopefully then I’ll get my wish,” Danny smirked up at him, hoping his friend would catch on to the signs.
“Well one can always hope,” Jason gave an awkward laugh as Danny sighed.
Jason may be a bat, but Danny has a feeling that he’s as hopeless as he is when it comes to picking up on romantic cues. At this rate, it’s going to take a miracle to get Jason to realize that yes Danny has feelings for him.
@help-i-need-a-cool-username @spookytragedyshark @weirdfishy @meira-3919 @akikkobara @yjfk@shorterthanadverage@mistyaltair @seraphinedemort@princessdaisysolosyourfaves@idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit@thatonegaybitch68@fuck-you-too-world@stargirl1331@blackrabbitt3t@staresatyoufromaccrosstheroom@f-theworld
I think that was everyone that wanted to be tagged. I personally feel like this could you a second chapter. If I ever do decide to do that then I would definitely add more Jason moments than just having him in here at the last moment.
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artsyco3xist · 1 year
PokéTWST Part 7
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Silver's team may seem a little mismatched, but they are quite complementary with one half catering to Silver's napping needs...
Snorlax and Musharna both aid Silver when he's sleeping: Snorlax as an oversized pillow, and Musharna as a dream eater (KH references much Toboso?). Musharna will eat the dreams of others, helping them to either forget the dream or consume the nightmares.
The color of the mist emanating from Musharna shows the type of dream the host has and will inform the other Pokémon what Silver is dreaming. However, if the dream is becoming a nightmare, the mist will turn black.
Gallade and Aegislash know this. Gallade, being the "master of courtesy and swordsmanship," will guard Silver and Musharna diligently, knowing that waking a Musharna when the mist is black will bring Silver's nightmares to life.
Aegislash too will stand guard in Shield Form in order to protect Silver.
And the other half assisting with his sparring and etiquette training.
Gallade make for great knights-in-training. They are fiercely protective of their trainers and able to predict their opponent's moves. Silver loves to practice his swordsmanship with Gallade since it fights as honorably as himself.
Gallade are also chivalrous and seek to assist those in need, much like Silver. And so when Silver falls asleep in the middle of a task, or when he is preoccupied with Malleus, Gallade is there to fill in the gaps. If anything, Silver wants to learn from Gallade's example.
Aegislash, having both offensive and defensive abilities, also makes for a challenging opponent. However, Aegislash is more intrigued in Silver himself.
Aegislash are able to "detect the innate qualities of leadership" and thus are drawn to royalty. Initially, it was Malleus's Pokémon, but as Aegislash developed an obvious interest in Silver, Malleus gifted it as a birthday present as an example of what a royal protector should look like.
Aegislash are known to loyally serve entire lineages of kings, which Silver one day hopes he could do. It's a constant reminder of what Silver is training for, and the amount of faith Malleus has in him to reach that goal.
This one was soo cool to put together! Thanks to everyone who gave their Pokémon recommendations as I would've never thought up of this dynamic! If you have any ideas of what TWST character fits what Pokémon, feel free to comment. I'm always updating my list!
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sylvie-fics · 2 years
I’m in Pokémon hell so here’s a take on new take on everyone’s favorite imagine
Arven, Nemona, and Penny when you’re locked outside your dorm room.
He gets it. Happens to him all the time.
He just sort of gives you a pat on the back and a “that’s rough, buddy.”
Offers you a sandwich in these trying times.
At one point he offers to let you sleep in his dorm for the night
You accept, but now you’re faced with the classical only one bed trope, right?
You find out that Arven sleeps on the floor, while Mabosstiff sleeps on the bed. They’ve been doing this for years.
You have maybe the most confusing sleepover of your life.
She has a copy of your dorm key. Refuses to elaborate on how she got it.
Being on student council means being prepared for anything!
She’s honestly just happy to help, and honored that you asked her to help.
But she is Nemona. She do Nemona things.
If you want her to unlock your dorm, you’re gonna have to battle her.
At this point you think she may have just taken your key so she’d have an excuse to battle with you.
Many hours and battles later, you are able to return to the comfort of your dorm.
Your actual key is on your desk.
You feel concerned.
“What do you want me to do about it?”
Eventually gives in and picks the lock
Actually incredibly good at picking locks
But if you ask her, she’s gonna have to talk about how hacking is much more her speed.
Def gonna get a talking to by director Clavell, because security cameras 100% caught this on camera.
The two of you get to have fun fun bonding time as you do Clavell-ordered community service.
Penny glares at you when you’re not looking for a few days after this incident.
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cinnaminsvga · 11 days
25 | valedictorian!namjoon
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25. ❝ things you said in front of other people❞ genre: angst // words: 2.3K a/n: happy belated bday to joonbug... keep healthy and stay safe, many people are rooting for you (that's @ you, my dear reader)
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The truth of the matter was that… Namjoon was stupid.
It was an undeniable fact that he has lived with for the entirety of his life so far. He could read hundreds of books on every topic under the sun, but it would never erase the cloying idiocy that seemed to cling to him like the plague.
No one could ever tell he didn’t try, though. He studied hard, from mathematics to poetry, in hopes of honing his skills. He asked to be enrolled into the Kumon program when he was six, for crying out loud. When other kids his age were collecting Pokémon cards and watching Dragon Ball, he was sharpening the blade… of his mind. It was nerdy, loser-like behavior, but he didn’t care. Or at least, that’s what he convinced himself to believe.
It was easier to swallow the pain of a lost childhood to academics when he could trick himself into thinking that he wanted to become smarter, that’s all. Perhaps it was this fallacy that led him down this road of stupidity, but Namjoon didn’t want to think too hard about it. At least, not anymore. It felt like it was too late to cry over spilled milk at this point.
After all, it was his last day of university, officially. He was one step away from entering the gates of adulthood, his shoulders already sagging from the idea of being an overworked salaryman. He was sitting quietly outside the graduation ceremony hall, watching as classmates that he’s known for the better part of four-ish years walked around campus in their sweeping black togas. Occasionally, echoes of “congratulations!” and “you did it!” were directed towards him as they sent their regards. Their gaze would then sweep down to the semi-crumpled piece of paper in his sweaty hands, which held the words he would utter in front of the entire student body in just a few short hours. 
He hadn’t seen you around yet. This year’s graduating class seemed larger than ever, though Namjoon suspected that his growing nausea had more to do with the speech than the actual number of students. The thought of public speaking had never unnerved him before—years of debate club had strengthened his resolve and decades of bullying had hardened his heart. He would never quiver before a crowd, but today was different. Today, you would be there. You were always the difference when it came to him.
He wasn’t even sure if he wanted to see you before the ceremony. If you had walked up to him, smiling and effortlessly bright as always, all the nerves he’d painstakingly held together over the past two weeks might have crumbled right there. For some reason, you made him so damn stupid, but he could never fault you for that. It was definitely a skill issue, as his friend Jungkook liked to say.
It was funny, in a tragic sort of way. This was the first time in his entire life that he regretted studying so hard. If he hadn’t been so obsessive about his grades, then perhaps he wouldn’t have become valedictorian. Then, he wouldn’t have been approached, no, forced by the school dean to have the honor of delivering the graduation speech this year. 
He’d always been fascinated by the butterfly effect—small decisions creating ripples with larger consequences. It was poetic in theory. In reality, it was nothing short of brutal. If he hadn’t spent his whole life focused on books and tests, maybe he wouldn’t have ended up here, teetering on the edge of a confession he wasn’t even sure he was brave enough to give.
Because of course, it wasn’t the crowd he feared. It was you.
You, with your easy smiles and the way you always managed to be in the right place at the right time. You, who had been there for him since freshman year, had quietly burrowed a space inside his chest and decided to call it home.
Namjoon had never been good with people. Socializing was an art he couldn’t grasp, a dance he didn’t know the steps to. But you made it look so effortless. And for years, he had told himself that he couldn’t risk it—that he couldn’t jeopardize what little connection he had with you by saying the wrong thing, by stumbling through a conversation the way he always did. 
So he stayed silent, letting the moments slip by. And now, it was too late. You were both graduating. He’d spent all this time standing on the sidelines, watching as life moved forward, always assuming there’d be more time to figure it out.
But the end was fast approaching. 
In a matter of hours, you’d both walk across the stage and into lives that likely wouldn’t intersect as easily. This graduation could be the last time he saw you, the last time he’d have a reason to talk to you without it feeling forced. 
He knew he had to say something, anything. He had spent too long letting his feelings fester, too long hiding behind his books. This speech, this moment, was his last chance to tell you how much you meant to him. Even if you never understood the full weight of his words, he needed to say them. He could act like a fool in front of the entire world for all he cared. He just needed to know that he tried.
He could feel his neck growing hot as the volunteer ushers called for everyone to take their positions as they all prepared for the procession. He was placed near the front of the queue as expected, given that he’d need to sit right at the front to make it easier for him to take the stage. He was surrounded by more familiar faces, their lips curved into smiles despite the way their eyes were digging daggers into his chest. 
But Namjoon was undeterred. In fact, their jealousy only fueled his determination.
You were likely somewhere behind him, just one face among a sea of hundreds. He probably wouldn’t even be able to spot you from his seat, nor when he would go to stand in front. It’s for the best, he argued to himself, but a small part of him wished you were by his side, much like how you always had been.
The blaring, triumphant procession music sounded like static in his ears as he robotically made his way to his assigned seat. His parents were somewhere in the stands, but he didn’t have the willpower to look around for them. He was dead set on calming his thundering heart, and seeing the mildly impressed expression of his Korean father wouldn’t exactly be the boost of confidence that he needed. 
It will all be over in no time, said the hopeful part of himself. It sounded strangely like your voice. 
More like I will be over in no time, said the self-sabotaging part of himself. This one sounded just like him. The one who put him in this mess in the first place.
The president of the university was giving his well-wishes. He stood and clapped and bowed when instructed, but he was focusing most of his brain power trying not to vomit and die. That wouldn’t be a good look, even for him. The world was growing hazy and unfocused, and it felt like the ceiling was going to come crashing down on him. He would welcome that ending, at this point. 
Namjoon swallowed hard, his throat dry despite the bottle of water he’d drained before the ceremony. He could feel the weight of the folded speech in his clasped hands, the corners pressing into his palm like tiny daggers. He wasn’t sure what was more terrifying: standing in front of hundreds of people, or the fact that his heart was laid bare between the lines of his carefully constructed words.
The applause died down. He faintly registered that the university president was calling his name. He stood, legs shaking, and made his way to the podium. The walk felt endless, each step dragging him further into the spotlight, further into the unknown. He couldn’t run now, not with the eyes of his peers, professors, and—you—on him.
He adjusted the microphone, his hands trembling as he unfolded the speech. The words blurred momentarily, but he forced himself to focus. He took a breath. And then another. 
“I…uh…” He coughed, clearing his throat. “Good afternoon, everyone.”
The crowd was silent, waiting.
“I stand here today, not just as a student, but as someone who’s grown alongside all of you. We’ve faced challenges together, celebrated victories, and somehow survived the never-ending deadlines. Dear god, the deadlines…” Namjoon started, hazarding a tentative smile. 
A few chuckles echoed back at him. He felt a sliver of relief, but it wasn’t enough to ease the squirrel doing jump-and-jacks in his stomach. 
“Today is supposed to be a day of closure, a final chapter before we all move on to new beginnings. But I think… not everything in life wraps up so neatly. Some things, the things that matter most, tend to linger with you. They stay in your mind, in your heart, even when you’re not sure how to express them.”
He shifted slightly, his grip tightening on the edges of the podium.
“I’ve learned a lot over these past few years—about hard work, perseverance, and how to navigate life’s uncertainties. But perhaps the most valuable lesson has been about people. About the quiet impact someone can have on your life without them ever realizing it. How sometimes, you don't even realize it yourself until it’s too late.”
He paused, the words feeling heavier than they had in his rehearsals.
“There are moments that leave an impression on you. A smile, a shared laugh, a conversation at just the right time. These things can change the course of your day—maybe even the course of your life. And we don’t always get the chance to say how much those moments meant.”
Namjoon’s gaze swept the crowd, but for a fraction of a second, his eyes landed in the general area where he thought you might be sitting. He quickly looked away before anyone could notice.
“So, while this is a time for celebration and new opportunities, I’d like to encourage everyone to remember the people who’ve helped shape who we are today. After all, we are nothing if not a sum of all our parts. All of us were built by every shard of wisdom and experience that have been gifted to us by our professors, our esteemed staff, our classmates, our family… and our loved ones.” Namjoon’s voice nearly cracked at the end, his throat seizing with unspoken emotion. He shook his head imperceptibly, pushing himself just a little more. 
I’m almost at the finish line. Find courage, Kim Namjoon. 
“As we reach the end of our journey, wherever the rest of our lives may take us, we must never forget to thank the ones who were there quietly, maybe when we needed them the most, even if we never said a word. They’re the ones who matter most in the end.”
A soft murmur rippled through the crowd, but Namjoon pressed on, his mind spinning as he forced himself to keep going.
“We may not always get the chance to go back and say the things we never said. But if you’re lucky, maybe you’ll find the courage to express what’s been in your heart before it’s too late.”
He swallowed hard, his throat dry, hoping that somehow, in the sea of faces, you would understand what he couldn’t quite say aloud.
“Thank you, to all those people. You’ve made all the difference.”
Namjoon descended from the podium with shaky legs, the sound of polite applause blending into the blood rushing in his ears. He returned to his seat, barely registering the congratulations from his classmates. His chest felt tight, his heart still racing from the speech. The words he had rehearsed so many times now echoed in his mind, and for a moment, he wondered if anyone—if you—had understood what he really meant.
The ceremony continued, speeches blending into each other, names being called in a steady rhythm. Namjoon tried to focus, but it was as if he were outside of himself, watching everything from a distance. His own moment to receive his diploma passed in a blur—the walk across the stage, the handshake with the university president, the obligatory photo—he barely remembered any of it.
But then, as the procession continued, he heard your name.
It was as if Namjoon’s world had tilted on its axis. His fingers gripped the edge of his chair as he watched you make your way to the stage, your calm, steady steps betraying none of the nervous energy he felt. You looked poised, composed—everything he wished he could be. 
When you reached the podium, your eyes scanned the front of the crowd. You knew where he was seated, it would only be a matter of time until you—And then, for just a split second, they found his.
The world seemed to slow down. The noise of the crowd, the hum of the microphone, even the faint breeze of the air conditioner rustling through the venue—it all faded away. Namjoon felt his pulse thunder in his ears as your gaze held his, steady and unreadable. He felt faint, like a sudden gust of wind might push him over. He couldn’t tell what you were thinking, and that terrified him.
He was certain it would end there, just a fleeting moment of eye contact that would leave him overanalyzing for days, wondering what you saw when you looked at him. But then the photographer said something Namjoon could barely hear, and you turned away to take your diploma.
"Smile for the camera!" the photographer called.
You turned back, but not toward the camera. You smiled—not a polite, rehearsed one for the photo, but a soft, genuine smile that lit up your face. And it wasn’t for the photographer. It was for him.
Namjoon’s breath hitched, his mind scrambling to process what had just happened. His heart was pounding again, but this time it wasn’t out of fear. It was something else. Something warmer, something that made the world around him fade even further.
The camera flashed, capturing the moment, but all Namjoon could see was you.
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tenebraevesper · 1 year
The Observations of Miraculous Ladybug: The Tales of Wasted Potential
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This is a compilation of various rules and messages within and outside the Miraculous Ladybug universe that I had discovered while watching the show and participating in discussions over the years. I might write more of them, but for now, these are my current observations:
-If you’re the main heroine, you have no control over your emotions and you should be punished for even just breathing the wrong way.
-If you’re the main heroine, you need to be taught a lesson in every episode, regardless if it makes sense or the same lesson is being repeated ad infinitum.
-If you’re the main heroine, you’re not allowed to move on from your crush on the main hero, regardless of how much suffering you went through, because this action somehow breaks the rules of the universe.
-If you’re the main heroine, you’ll be subjected to shocking amounts of humiliation, emotional and physical abuse, all either for committing the crime of being a teenager or for “comedy” purposes. Sometimes its both.
-Obsessing over your crush is “funny” and it should be used to further humiliate the main heroine. Even better if it’s labeled as stalking.
-If you’re the main heroine, nobody cares about your mental health, regardless of how stressed out you are or if you’re close to a mental breakdown.
-If the Writers says only a year has passed in-universe, despite the contradictory evidence, then only a year has passed. Stop trying to make sense of the timeline because it is only supposed to make sense to the Writers.
-If you’re the main hero, look cute and wear a mask to hide your identity, you are free to harass the main heroine without being called out.
-Remember girls, telling the main hero “No!” or “I’m in love with someone else!” translates into “I’m playing hard to get”.
-No, the main heroine has no right to consent because the universe already paired her up with the guy who harasses her and still doesn’t understand that “No means no!”
-If you don’t obsess over your crush and think about them day and night, are you even in love with them?
-Unless you’re French and a Writer for Miraculous Ladybug, you have no right to criticize the show.
-Yes, that also goes for those who are professional Writers.
-Even if you have valid criticism backed up by proper arguments and are capable of discussing it in a civil manner, you will still be labeled as a hater and blocked.
-”Miraculous Ladybug is more popular than Pokémon!” [Source: Thomas Astruc]
-Everyone who doesn’t ship the Love Square is evil. No exception.
-If you’re a 14 year old teenage girl who was spoiled and emotionally neglected by her parents and your biggest crime was to bully people, you are irredeemable and deserve to burn in Hell.
-Somehow, a grown adult man who mentally, emotionally and physically abused his son, manipulated people into committing crimes, committed many acts of terrorism (including murder) and almost started WWIII on purpose is somehow more redeemable than a teenager who was manipulated and abused by said man.
-Oh, and the terrorist also gets a statue in his honor and is remembered as a hero after his death.
-If you’re the main hero, you are perfect and the world is flawed and needs to bow to your whims.
-If you’re the main hero, you don’t need character development. All you have to do is to whine and complain, and the universe will bend backwards for you and deliver everything on a silver platter.
-If you’re the main hero, knowing the main heroine’s secrets (which aren’t even hers to share!) is more important than saving the people. Who cares if people are dying, you need to know what your crush/co-worker is hiding for you!
-No matter of bad your lies are, as the B villain of the show, you have the power to lower everyone’s IQ to the point they’ll believe your lies. Also, Google doesn’t exist.
-Even if you have legitimate evidence that the Liar is, y’know, lying, you will be labeled as jealous.
-I’m amazed that Lila isn’t ruling the world when she has the superpower of making everyone stupid beyond belief.
-Paris is apparently isolated in its own bubble and the French government doesn’t exist. How else do you explain a teenage girl becoming the Mayor of Paris?
-The police in Paris is useless. Unless you’re Asian. Then they’ll SWAT you.
-Every great teacher knows that you punish the victim and reward the bully.
-You don’t want to write character development because it’s “too hard”? Replace the character with a cardboard cutout that is just like that character but nicer and/or perfect. Nobody will notice the difference!
-If they do and complain about it, label them as haters.
-If you’re the main hero, you will always get away with lying and gaslighting the main heroine. She is not allowed to contradict you because the Writers said so. If she does, the fandom will grab their torches and pitchforks to hunt her down and punish her.
-Mary Suethor Writing Advice 101: To redeem your character, reward them with a girlfriend or boyfriend. No, they don’t have to go through a redemption arc. No, evil characters don’t get paired up with anyone.
-The main heroes are not allowed to progress the story at all. That is reserved for the very character Astruc hates so much that he replaced him with the main hero.
-Being a mentor sucks! That’s why you can unload all of your responsibilities on the main heroine, who didn’t even want to be the main heroine in the first place, and peace out.
-We are going to show you precisely why the Love Square doesn’t work and is actually very toxic, but we will also pretend that had never happened in favor of shilling the Love Square.
-If you’re the main hero, you’re free to break anything you come across in a fit of rage. Don’t worry, the main heroine will fix it for you.
-If you’re the main hero, you will be forgiven for cheating on your girlfriend with someone who wants nothing with you because your current girlfriend isn’t your true love.
-If you are the main hero and can’t get together with the girl you had been obsessing over for 100+ Episodes, drop her and start a relationship with the girl you completely ignored but is now available. She’s a good enough replacement.
-If a child is being abused and/or emotionally manipulated, you should place the blame on the child and not on the adult who manipulated/abused them.
-The Status Quo will be upheld regardless of how ridiculous the show is about upholding it. If it doesn’t make sense, then it’s your problem and the Writers aren’t too blame.
-If you’re the main hero, you will be forgiven for attempted murder/actual murder of several teenagers, but God forbid you don’t feel bad for almost murdering the main villain.
-If you’re the main hero and don’t try to murder the guy who made fun of your girlfriend, are you even in love?
-Toxic relationships should be admired and looked up to.
-Somehow, 5 Seasons of filler are considered more important and impactful than any actual story progression.
-Who needs lore and world-building? Let’s shove that sucker into a comic book no one will ever read.
-Common sense doesn’t exist in this world.
-Neither to therapists nor CPS.
-Falling in love and getting together with your love interest will result in the destruction of the world and you should be ashamed for thinking love was anything but destructive.
-The main villain will win.
-Let me repeat that: THE MAIN VILLAIN WILL WIN!
-If you’re an adult male and your OTP isn’t winning, you are free to assault a teenage girl and force her to be with the teenage boy you consider her ideal partner.
-If you’re the main hero and you have caused a huge problem (think “abandoning the city you were supposed to protect” or “murder a girl” type of problem), the solution to it is to abandon your partner and let her solve it for you. Don’t worry, you’re a Gary Stu, everyone will forgive you for your “mistakes” or completely gloss over them.
-Calling a liar out on their lies is hypocritical and you should be ashamed of yourself.
-You cannot consider yourself a best friend unless you have committed the following acts: intruding on your friend’s privacy and break her stuff, cause her emotional distress for your own validation, force her into a situation that causes her to freak out or get hurt and then scream at her for not following a plan you never told her about.
-Doing something innocent with your powers, like delivering a gift, will result in the end of the world.
-Somehow, a candy cane suit is considered stylish. Yeah, I still don’t understand how Gabriel is a fashion designer with that kind of taste in outfits.
-All female superheroes should have skintight suits with the camera focusing on their breasts/butt. Have I mentioned that they’re all minors?
-The main hero doesn’t have to participate in the finale. Him learning that his father was the main villain will ruin his perfect image of his family and that is not allowed. We need to mollycoddle him to death.
-Instead of developing your support characters, make them all collectively share a single braincell. Mob mentality at its best!
-Who needs depth when they all have the minimal requirement of one character trait?
-If you break up with your boyfriend, go for his identical cousin. They already look the same and the cousin at least has a spine. Win-Win!
-Any important plot points will be swept under the rug and be forgotten about.
-Félix is still the best character in this show! I will die on this hill!
-Somehow, a 3 minute PV!Trailer delivers more than 100+ episodes of the Miraculous Ladybug show.
-FanFic Writers do a better job at writing than professional Writers. That’s not an opinion, that’s a fact.
-You want to add to or remove something from the story, but it creates a plot hole? Just retcon it and lie to your audience that this was always your intention regardless if it makes sense in the narrative.
-If the fans question you about the retcons, call them haters and block them.
-”This is a kids show!” is a valid excuse for lazy writing, according to Miraculous Ladybug Writers (and some fans).
-Negative emotions are bad and will turn you into a monster. You are not allowed to feel angry or sad at all.
-Characters are not allowed to make logical decisions. That would make them *le gasp* competent!
-Every support character is obligated to worship the Love Square. If they don’t, they’re the spawn of Satan.
-Gaslighting your crush into bending over backwards to your whims is considered romantic.
-If you’re a superhero, you are considered a celebrity and have no rights to privacy. The whole population of Paris is entitled to know who you’re dating.
-Unless you’re the main heroine or the bully, you won’t be faced with the consequences of your actions.
-Yes, even the villain gets away without any consequences.
-Miraculous Ladybug is about spectacle over substance. Don’t expect anything resembling good writing. Or anything that requires to think about the plot more than five seconds.
-Somehow, a teenage boy who attempted to kiss the main heroine once and got punched by her is more demonized than the main hero who did the same for 100+ episodes and still doesn’t care that “No means no”.
-Character development is overrated. Same goes for any story progression.
-If you’re the main hero, you’re free to abandon your partner in a moment of crisis and shirk your responsibilities. You’ll still be forgiven and everyone will act as if nothing happened. Same goes for attempting to murder your partner’s best friend.
-Being a good parent involves emotionally neglecting your daughter and abandoning her, as well as punishing her by sending her to live with her abusive mother. You don’t have to take any responsibilities for your actions and you can easily replace the “evil” daughter with a “good” daughter who isn’t even related to you.
-You are not allowed to sympathize with an abused child, but it is a-okay to sympathize with the abuser.
-The main heroine will always be punished, whether she deserves it or not. She is obligated to solve everyone’s problems regardless whether they’re strangers to her.
-For some reason, disciplining the bully is the obligation of the victim rather than, oh, I dunno... the parents and the teacher!
-It doesn’t matter if you’re an abusive father and a terrorist, you’ll still be forgiven if you did it out of love for your wife.
-If you like a character, but the majority of the fandom hates them, you will be bullied to death (I’m serious about this, this has happened).
-Rather than developing established relationships, it is more fun to add unnecessary love interests to complicate things, only to drop them in the next episode with no development and act like nothing happened.
-If you’re the main heroine and asking for help from other superheroes because your own partner is ditching you for no given reason, then you’re cheating (yes, it was phrased like that) on your partner and you should be ashamed of yourself.
-I hate Kuro Neko. Adrien is insufferable in that episode.
-If someone tells you “they’re made for each other”, you need to accept that you’re destined to only be with that person and no one else. No, you have no say in that.
-”She’s just a friend” is not a valid excuse for being dense as a brick.
-Seriously, if anyone brings up those quotes again, I’ll hit them with a brick.
-If you are paired up with someone, you are not allowed to have a life outside your love interest. That goes especially for the Love Square.
-Everyone in this show is an idiot to some degree. Félix is the one who holds all of the braincells, while Lila learned to break the system and metagame.
-If you want a better show that focuses on magic and romance, go watch any mahou shoujo anime in existence and spare yourself the hours you’re gonna waste with this show.
-How Miraculous Ladybug Should’ve Ended? Félix dusts Gabriel in Emotion and tells Adrien and Marinette that Gabriel was the Monarch. End of story.
If you have made any observation, leave a comment about it in the replies, because I’m sure that I missed some.
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beestriker015 · 4 months
Yandere Lusamine x male s/o
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It’s fairly well known amongst employees of the Aether Foundation that the once bubbly and kind personality of their president took a sharp turn for the worst when Lusamine’s husband disappeared several years ago, even to the point of driving her own two children away, which only helped to damage her psyche even more.
Whether it be to find something/someone new to bestow her affections onto, or perhaps to cure a well hidden loneliness, Lusamine eventually began obsessing over something other than Ultra Wormholes and pokémon, that being a man named s/o.
S/o is a nice looking man in his early thirties who used to work for Silph Co. in the Kanto region during his younger years before joining the Aether Foundation due to his love of caring for pokémon.
“Hello Miss Lusamine! My name is s/o, and it’s an honor to be working for you.”
This was what s/o said upon meeting his new boss for the first time after being hired to be her assistant, thus kicking off Lusamine’s obsession.
“Yes! He’s the one! I can tell already that this man is worthy of the love so many seem to throw away! I will make him mine soon enough.”
Aether’s president thinks to herself before turning to s/o and smiling sweetly at him.
“Such good manners. I like that. I look forward to having you by my side s/o.”
She tells him in a tone that both flusters him and unnerves him slightly.
“T-thank you ma’am. I’ll do my best to live up to your expectations.”
“Glad to hear it. Now come along s/o, there’s already work that needs to be done.”
“Yes ma’am!”
Following Lusamine to her office, s/o begins his first day working at the Aether Foundation.
Working for Lusamine was rather strange to s/o.
Despite being his boss, she seemed to be doting and almost…loving to him.
Yet s/o didn’t think much of it, and in fact actually enjoyed it due to developing a crush on Lusamine.
The more time they spent together, the more Lusamine’s unhealthy attraction to s/o grew.
“I can’t hold back anymore! The longer I wait, the more I risk some other woman sinking her claws into my darling s/o! He is the only person deserving of my love, and I will not lose him!”
She tells herself before deciding to confess to s/o first thing in the morning.
“Before we go over our itinerary for the day. There’s something you need to know s/o.”
“W-what is it ma’am?”
He asks in a shaky voice, fearing he’s about to be fired.
“I’ll get straight to the point. I want you to be mine.”
She says with a blank expression, which changes to a small smile once seeing her darling’s flustered expression.
“C-can you repeat that please? I might have misheard you.”
“You heard me just fine s/o. Ever since you’ve started working for me, I’ve become romantically attracted to you. I repeat, will you be mine?”
Not wanting to pass the chance to be with his crush, s/o nods and smiles.
“I’d like that. Honestly, I kinda fell in love with you not long after I became your assistant.
Hearing this brings a great big smile to Lusamine’s face as her heart beats faster, incredibly happy that her darling loves her back.
“Oh s/o! Come here so that I may shower you with my love!”
She pulls him into a bone-crushing embrace and kisses him passionately.
“I’m yours now my love, just as you are mine, and I will never let you go.”
Lusamine whispers into s/o’s ear, thus officially making them a couple.
Unknowingly dating a yandere can be problematic at times because Lusamine very much tries to isolate s/o from his friends, family, and coworkers.
If s/o ever questions her behavior, his girlfriend manipulates him into believing whatever lie she comes up with.
“I’ve heard them say awful things behind your back my love, so it’s best that you cut them out of your life and focus on me. You know I would never treat you badly, unlike those wretched people.”
Due to being incredibly trusting, s/o believes everything Lusamine tells him, much to her glee.
Lusamine gets jealous very easily, and if she sees another woman talking or Arceus forbid flirting with s/o, bad things are about to happen.
While not a murderous kind of yandere, Lusamine has the money and connections to ruin the lives of anyone she deems a threat to her relationship with s/o.
A woman flirted with s/o?
Well, she will soon gets a call from work telling her that she’s fired, and unfortunately for her, no other reputable business or company will be hiring her thanks to Lusamine.
“Hmph! That’s what the harlot gets for messing with what’s mine.”
Lusamine thinks to herself while smiles like a lunatic after receiving the news.
One benefit from being in a relationship with the president of the Aether Foundation is that s/o is constantly showered with gifts, whether it be clothes, jewelry, trinkets, or anything else.
Nothing is too grand or expensive for Lusamine’s darling s/o.
“Honey, I appreciate everything you do for me, but you didn’t have to get me this.”
“Nonsense, you deserve it for being such a loyal and loving boyfriend.”
“But a weeklong stay at a villa in Undella Town? That’s all the way in Unova!”
“Yes, considering it a reward for all your hard work as my assistant. It’s about time you and I take a vacation together don’t you agree?”
Lusamine is also incredibly affectionate with s/o, even in front of her employees.
“Have you seen the way the President acts around her assistant?”
“Yeah, she seems so much happier than before. It’s like Miss Lusamine’s back to her old self again.”
A pair of employees whisper to each other while watching Lusamine cling to s/o with a happy smile on her face while touring the Conservation Area of Aether Paradise.
If s/o has any pokémon under his care, they automatically become Lusamine’s favorite pokémon.
After all, if these pokémon belong to her beloved darling, then they’re worthy of her love as well.
“Look at you. You’re all so beautiful! Much like your trainer, but to a lesser degree of course.”
She tells s/o’s pokémon with adoration in her voice, although they are slightly scared of her due to sensing the crazy vibes of their trainer’s girlfriend.
Because of the age difference between her and s/o, Lusamine often feels insecure about their relationship.
“My darling says he loves me, but what if he meets someone younger! I’m a previously married woman in her 40s with two ungrateful children! Not that I’d ever let him leave me, but what if s/o woke up one day and decided he no longer wants my love?!”
This thought drives Lusamine to the brink of insanity, but luckily s/o reins her in and does his best to reassure his girlfriend, unaware of her darker thoughts.
“I don’t care that you’re older than me, or that you had a family before we got together. I love you Lusamine, and I’m never gonna leave you.”
“D-do you promise?”
She asks him, letting the more innocent and child-like side of her personality shine through.
“Yes. I’d never lie or joke about something like that babe, you know that.”
S/o’s reassurance calms her down quite a bit as she hugs him tightly.
“Thank you my darling s/o. You truly are deserving of all my love and affection, even more so than the rarest pokémon in the world.”
Not long after this, Lusamine asks for her beloved’s hand in marriage one day after having a very romantic evening together, which he happily accepts.
“S/o, the light of my life, will you make me the happiest woman in the world and marry me?”
Before she can even get on one knee and pull out the ring, s/o gets up from the table and nods with a very ecstatic smile on his face, much to her delight.
“Yes! Absolutely! I love you Lusamine!”
He hugs her with happy tears in his eyes as she chuckles and smiles softly with a crazed twinkle in her eyes before speaking.
“I love you too my dear, and once we’re married, our love will be eternal.”
Despite her previous husband and children leaving her (at least in her twisted point of view), Lusamine takes solace in knowing that s/o, the lone person worthy of her immense love, will never abandon her like they did, and if someone foolishly dares try to steal the object of her obsession away, well…
The experiments Lusamine and the Aether Foundation plan on conducting involving Ultra Wormholes will require a few test subjects….whether they’re willing or not.
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˗ˏˋ Arthur Morgan Modern!AU Headcanons ´ˎ˗
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To answer this ask from the lovely @crystalofmoon19 , I got to think a bit more deeply about what a modern!AU Arthur could be. This absolutely stunning Arthur pic is from @arthurmorgan-vp!
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JOB ´ˎ˗
Has a job that means a lot to him and is totally dedicated when doing it.
Arthur flourishes when helping others. I saw a Chartur fanart that portrayed him as a nurse and god I love this idea. He's emotionally VERY tough, making him efficient even in difficult and stressful times when a patient's life is in his hands. He's also a practical person who needs to have a concrete, manual aspect in his work. On top of that, we have the whole "service to society" aspect.
Police officer could also fit this dynamic. (I know it's pretty ironic considering he's a criminal in the canon but it's one of these jobs where he could put his strength into action to help others).
Also, without the need to survive and do criminal acts, with a caring family who could push him in the right ways, he also could have a job in arts. Arthur canonically is a curious and inventive person, he draws every little thing he finds interesting around him and cares for places, characters and events most people wouldn’t. I could picture him as an illustrator/concept artist. Or tattoo artist too? Why not.
Sooooo artsy.
If he works at the hospital, he needs to have a sketchbook to just write and draw like in the canon. With other mediums being way more accessible nowadays, I think he could also paint and even sculpt from time to time.
Art helps him to get dark thoughts out of his head and focus on something when life gets hard.
However, if he already works in an artsy field, I think he would need to get up and move after a whole day sitting and would love to just go jogging, hiking, and taking long walks in nature. A combat sport could also do the work, as Arthur has an important code of honor: a discipline like Judo or Wrestling could help him get all his pent-up energy out while respecting his opponent; boxing could work too.
100% have a Polaroid and takes pictures of good times and his close ones every chance he gets. His bedroom/apartment is full of objects that carry an emotional value to him.
Would wear the ugliest apron and cap while doing them btw. And doesn't see what the problem is.
Classical rock music and vinyl. Thinking about Led Zepplin, The Stones, The Doors. Vintage music all the way. Has a secret soft spot for Lady Gaga though. Don't tell John. And (not-so) hot take, it's Hosea who introduces him to his old blues and rock records (Dutch prefers Jazz music.)
Camping and long hiking trips. Trekking when he feels really adventurous.
Going to the cinema. (100% eats salty popcorn and messes with John during the film if it's a family outing.)
In modern days Arthur would have been born in 1988. This means he was a '90s kid: he fondly remembers VHS tapes, baggy jeans, his old PlayStation One, maybe watching the first episodes of Pokémon, too. He's canonically such a nostalgic.
Would 100% make his own mix on cassette tapes btw
Flannels. I picture him with comfy rather than fancy clothes. He would also have a big leather jacket or vintage bomber for winter. And a leather bag like this one where important work papers are mixed with random trinkets found on his hikes.
Arthur is so messy (I mean look at his tent). His car (Hosea's old one) is also a complete mess, cups, leftovers from meals, CDs, work stuff and random objects cover every possible inch of it.
Talking about it, looooves to drive. Totally do it with one hand on the wheel. And with good music ofc. (He would put his other hand on your thigh)
Has a dog. Or wants one deeply. A big one. And he definitely wants a lot of animals once he has a bigger house with you.
I said he could be a tattoo artist. I think he would have a tattoo, of an animal. Of course, we as a fandom thinks of the deer, but it has to be something meaningful to him. Maybe the animal who inspires him the most, or one they have seen in the wild with John during a walk in the woods.
Arthur is not a good cook. Buys a lot of food telling himself this time, he will succeed at making this damn dish. Biggest mess ever, ingredients everywhere on the floor, the walls, his body and hair. Pure chaos. Everything burns. Kitchen ends up on fire. Uses the internet as last hope, tries to watch as many tutorials as possible but it doesn't help+his phone ends up covered in egg white, flour, and wet ingredients. Throws away the food and gives up, orders a pizza.
Repeat previous paragraph every time he wants to try a new dish he saw somewhere.
(The phone is okay because he has the strongest and largest phone case ever. The kind of enormous one made to protect phones in building zones, for his hikes. It's pitch black.)
Overall I'd say a Modern!AU Arthur would probably be a bit happier even though still very nostalgic and melancholic at times (without the constant need to run away and kill people, his mental health would be much better.)
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Important disclaimer: these are my personal thoughts, they could totally be shitty, I'm not at all claiming this is the absolute truth about him. A character is always subject to a personal interpretation, therefore anyone could picture him differently! Btw, I would love to hear your thoughts about it!
Thanks for reading! I hope you liked my silly little ideas.
I'm thinking about doing a part.2 where we could dive into his habits, his relationships with family, friends and s/o and other little fun facts. Let me know if I should! -Pine 🌱
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starsareshinning · 2 months
High School AU: What year everyone is in and some Info
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Annalise Lusen Mia: She’s a student nurse that had an opportunity to learn from the nurse working at Proxy High. She took it now she goes to the nurses office whenever she can to learn and help out.
Liu Woods: Moving from Ottawa to Toronto he’s brand new to the district and city. Liu looks like your average loser, but he’s much more. A lot more social.
Helen Otis: Helen was actually sent to jail for attempted murder. He lied and manipulated his way through, pretending he was getting better. He is now back in Proxy High. He has a weird obsession with blood.
Candy Pop: Funky little jester who looks as if he’s ready to catch Pokémon! He was born in New York but now lives in Toronto Canada with a weird man (human Night Terrors) who he avoids by filling up his free time with after school activities.
Nathan Maxwell Lux: Goth guy who’s a hater and can be a bitch. He’s also Candy Pop’s best friend and neighbor, which can suck because Candy Pop is annoying as hell. But they get along. Somehow.
Dina Angela Clark: Dina is known for being a sweetheart, her whole reputation was built upon her sweetness. She helps out whenever and whoever she can. Everyone calls her an Angel. However, just because she is an angel, doesn’t mean she’ll let people walk over her.
Kagekao: School’s one and only plug. I’m not kidding when I say that. Kagekao provides people with drugs and alcohol, though he only provides it to trusted and known people. Ones who won’t snitch. He’s also one of the rich students that attends Proxy High.
Jason Meyers: Honor student. His parents expect highly of him, and so his own exceptions of himself are high. Though his wish is to be a toymaker, he knows his parents would kill him if he ever said that out loud. Jason gets bullied because he is: British, a born red head, self-centered, and worst of all…he wears a top hat.
Ciara H. Callaghan: In a loving and healthy relationship with Nathan. She’s a confident student, doesn’t let anyone mess with her or someone she care deeply about. Lives with Candy Pop and (human) Night Terrors.
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Alice Marie Jackson (Zero): Alice prefers to go by Zero. Her adopted father is abusive to her so she usually spends her nights at Kagekao’s rich ass mansion. It’s gotten to the point where she can be called a roommate.
Jack Nyras: Most people dislike him because of his personality. Which is sarcastic while also being a smart ass. Group projects with him? You won’t be doing anything. He does all the work. He chooses to do all the work just because he doesn’t trust anyone else. Despite this, he can be caring for some people. He lives with his three siblings and older cousin.
Jonathan Blake (The Puppeteer): He’s sort of a sad little man these days. Found out his girlfriend cheated on him, but he has his best friend Helen Otis. Jon likes instruments and arts! He works as a delivery person. Delivers pizza at night and newspaper in the morning.
Laughing Jack: Schools personal clown. People either hate him or love him, he pulls pranks on anyone, anything, and everyone. No one is safe from him. Not even the teachers! He’s gotten in trouble because of his pranks. Oh and. He’s most likely never going to graduate. So. Have Fun LJ. His childhood best friend who was Issac Grossman turned out to be a serial killer, so that fucked him up a bit. But, he distracts himself with jokes and avoids people who want to question him about it.
Laughing Jill: She is Laughing Jacks twin sister. She’s the better twin. She does pull pranks, however her pranks only targets assholes like school bullies! Sometimes she gets pulled into LJ’s shenanigans. She does ballet after school!
Jane Richardson: She’s in a relationship with Mary. She’s also an honor student! Jane doesn’t mess around with her grades, she does everything on time and completed. She wants to make her parents proud (they already are).
Natalie Oullette: Natalie is known for getting into fights. She’s a sucker breaker through and through. She skips most of her classes and leaves the school when it gets to lunchtime. Her family is a mess which she avoids ever interacting with.
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William Grossman: Will loves crime podcasts, especially the ones that talk about his cousin: Issac Grossman. He works at a hotdog stand at the malls food court, needing money because he’s poor. He gets bullied because he’s poor. It’s not fun.
Jeffery Alan Woods: Liu’s younger brother who helps Liu sneak out of the house occasionally. Jeff is a closeted homosexual who wants to become emo, but unfortunately cannot because of how strict and religious his parents are. He hates going to a new school because he has to make new friends, and that’s a bit difficult to do when you keep moving.
Frankie: He has an alcoholic deadbeat father who uses the money he earns to get more alcohol. And his mother is a junkie that won’t quit doing drugs. So to provide for him and his little sister, he sometimes steals his parents booze and drugs to sell them on the streets. Frankie sometimes works at the mall as well. Part time worker.
Cody Richards: Cody is a science and biology nerd. His adopted father is a famous scientist so he wants to follow his legacy. However he’s also a straight forward guy who will insult anyone who annoys him, even when they’re right in front of him.
Tobias Erin Rogers: Toby’s parents are going through a divorce, which meant he could no longer stayed homeschooled. It was a hard decision, but his mom had to let him go into public school. Toby’s excited to start his first year at Proxy High! (Oh he’s so cooked.)
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Nina Hopkins: Nina runs the biggest gossip blog, she’s been running it since elementary. She knows everyone and everyone knows her. Because her parents are busy she lives with her grandma and her little brother, Chris.
Kate Milens: Kate is sort of a social student! She talks to anyone that she thinks is interesting enough. When she’s not talking she listening to music and sketching on her sketch book. She likes hearing Nina yap about her blog.
Vaughn Pavel Volikov: Or more known as Vine is a very sad and traumatized student. His foster parents sent him into public school. He hates interacting with older men that isn’t Papa Grande (who he finds comfort in). Once he’s at the age of eighteen he inherits his father’s fortune.
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gmax-centiskorch · 10 months
Mainline Pokémon Games Based on How Buggy They Are: A Thread
Red, Blue, & Yellow
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Pretty buggy. The Butterfree line set the stage for regional bugs and emotional trauma. Everybody loves Scyther. Inspired use of Cordyceps when designing the Parasect line. Kabuto and Kabutops should have been Bug to honor trilobites for founding Arthropoda. 8/10.
Gold, Silver, & Crystal
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Yes, we had Scyther, but what about second Scyther? Scizor, Heracross, and Shuckle are legends. Game Freak decided to invite arachnids (Spinarak and Ariados) to the party, truly redefining what it means to be buggy. 9/10.
Ruby, Sapphire, & Emerald
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This generation is loaded with bugs! Game Freak realized their mistake in not giving the Kabutops line Bug typing, making up for it with Anorith and Armaldo (who are based on Anomalocaris). They fumble the recovery, however, in not only depriving the Flygon line of Bug typing, but forever making them second fiddle to the Salamence line. The Beautifly, Dustox, and Ninjask lines introduce some interesting approaches to Bug-type evolution. Volbeat and Illumise are there. 7.8/10.
Diamond, Pearl, & Platinum
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DELELELELELEWHOOOOOOP! A smaller collection of bugs this gen, but a well-rounded one. Vespiquen slays. Scorpions get some love via Skorupi, Drapion, and Gliscor. Writing this post is making me realize that slugs, snails, and nudibranchs like the Magcargo and Gastrodon lines aren’t bugs. We grew up thinking snails were bugs, right? Anyway, Yanmega rules. 8/10.
Black, White, Black 2, White 2
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Game Freak’s magna opera. Truly the buggiest games there are. While you have to wait until Pinwheel Forest to encounter your first bugs, you’re rewarded upon arrival with Sewaddle and Venipede, the larvae of the Leavanny and Scolipede lines. From there, you encounter the Crustle, Galvantula, and Volcarona lines. Game Freak has some more fun with Bug evolutions, having Karrablast steal Shelmet’s armor as they evolve into Escavalier and Accelgor (inspired by the real-world interactions between the ground beetle family Carabidae and the gastropods they feed on). Durant is our first proper ant, and we get our first (and only . . . ) legendary / mythical Bug in Genesect. These games made Bug my favorite type. 10/10.
X & Y
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A big step down from the previous generation. This game hardly has any bugs. Do you like butterflies? You get a butterfly. Vivillon is a lovely butterfly that comes in all sorts of colors, but SURELY there are more bugs than that in France. 6/10.
Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, Ultra Moon
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Giant isopods! Diving bell spiders! Giraffe stag beetles! A true return to form. While the native bugs of Alola are great, we are also introduced to the ultra beasts, two of which (Buzzwole and Pheromosa) are really cool bugs. It seems they were going for wasps and bee flies when designing the Naganadel and Ribombee lines, but they don’t really work for me. Faint blemishes on an otherwise buggy generation. 8.5/10.
Sword & Shield
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Centiskorch is the greatest Pokémon ever made. I have them tattooed on my arm. Blipbug is the worst Pokémon ever made. I see them in my nightmares. Interesting that they’re both Bug Pokémon, and that Game Freak really min-maxed with them. Fortunately, Blipbug evolves into Dottler and Orbeetle, who are great. Snom has a place in everyone’s heart, and Frosmoth is elegant as can be. 9.5/10.
Scarlet & Violet
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I love Rellor and Rabsca! I . . . don’t really love the rest! Iron Moth and Slither Wing are great, but they’re nepo babies. Tarountula and Nymble are nice, but Spidops and Lokix leave something to be desired. Orthworm is a a big worm. At the end of the day, these games would be alright if they weren’t so wonkily coded and glitchy. Wish there was a better word for that. 7/10.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Hi could I request head cannons about Arven,penny and Nemona would react to a reader who’s a decedent of a kalos royal family.
Specifically with readers main Pokémon being a furfrou,I’ve always absolutely loved furfrou.the star trim is my favourite.
Furfrou’s Pokédex speaks of how it was a guard dog and trusted friend of kings and royalty,so reader having a furfrou who was specifically bred to be a royal guard dog for her would be really interesting.
Especially with how mabosstif and lycanrock would be around this highly trained,refined Pokémon,lady and the tramp vibes if you will) as we all know Paldea isn’t lacking in puppy Pokémon
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Aw yeah!! tbh I never really paid much attention to this Pokémon but I adore the star, heart, and pharaoh trims!
He knew you were born and raised in Kalos, but when you just casually mentioned being of royal descent he's like "?????? you serious???"
Of course he probably won't immediately believe you, but after you pulled up some online information regarding the deeds of a great king (aka your grandfather)....he's impressed.
But he still wonders why you'd transfer to an academy like Uva/Naranja and not some pristine "elite" school.
You simply tell him that life wasn't for you.
When you invite him over for a study session one day, Arven did a double-take when he was greeted by your Furfrou--specifically one with a Star trim.
He realizes "ohhh so you're that rich."
All is well until he jokingly says "of course, Your Majesty" when you ask him to get something.
Furfrou, being within earshot, legit thought he was mocking your royal lineage and gave him the side-eye glare the entire time.
Not to mention they disliked the scruffy dark-type dog he brought with him, literally looking Mabosstiff up and down as though to say "where's your class?"
It definitely become like a Lady & the Tramp situation between the two, with him trying to show Furfrou that it's okay to run around and have fun during picnics.
They worry about getting dirt on their fur, but you're always there to wash it off as gently as possible.
Meanwhile Mabosstiff's shaking the water off his fur, sending droplets everywhere....which doesn't amuse Furfrou in the slightest when they land on them.
You and Arven laugh about it anyways.
She's flabbergasted as you explained your royal heritage, with her 100% believing you on the spot.
"Wow!!! You certainly don't look it, but that's awesome!!"
Is even more amazed after you show her Furfrou--your longtime companion bred to be your royal guard dog.
Seeing that you gave them the Heart trim made her almost squeal in happiness. It's just amazing! She's standing in the face of royalty!!!
Ofc Furfrou's gonna eat up this praise, impressing her in battle and taking out her Pokémon with style.
When she sends out Lycanroc, they pause for a moment and look at you like "????" bc last time you both saw a Lycanroc, it was red and had a nasty temper.
But this one was tan and brown with a certain calmness to herself, battling fairly and not taking her defeat like a sore loser (very much unlike the Midnight Lycanroc), bowing respectfully to both the victor and you.
And that's all it took for the two doggos to become good friends from there on!
Tbh the only thing that irks Furfrou is Nemona's constant nagging for battles and asking you a billion questions about their line.
Being naturally trained to defend your family's honor, if she gets into your personal bubble too much or asks too many questions about your heritage, they'll just glare at her until she takes the hint.
She's mostly oblivious to this, however.
She can see somebody like Ortega owning a Furfrou if he ever went to Kalos.
But you, the new transfer student who looked like any other person, just casually has a natural Furfrou as your main Pokémon??
'That's impossible..' She thinks...until she researched different Kalosian royal families and eventually saw the one with your surname.
You and Furfrou startled the poor girl when you popped into the computer room and saw the webpage she was on, chuckling and shaking your head.
"Y'know..you could've just asked me."
"...I didn't wanna sound stupid in case I was wrong about you.." She admitted, flustered.
Although she knows your royal heritage now, she doesn't really treat you any differently.
It surprises you, considering you've noticed how many people changed their entire perception of you when they find out. Tbh that's the main reason you moved out of Kalos and came to Paldea--for a fresh start where very few folks knew your past.
So...it's a nice change of pace.
Knowing Penny, she'll keep it a secret unless you're ready to tell your other friends.
She's just grateful you're not a descendant of the Paldean King
Although she doesn't own any dog Pokémon, her Eeveelutions (some of whom are like canines, in a way) were ecstatic to meet your Furfrou!
Out of all of them, they definitely get along best with Espeon and Sylveon for sure.
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mooberryink · 7 months
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3.2.24 | It rained the entire morning & soaked through the afternoon, so I went to a used bookstore. I was happy to find some very cheap Wordsworth editions of Blake, Keats, & Shelley for my Big Six Romantic poets study next month in honor of National Poetry Month & napowrimo. I already have Wordsworth & Coleridge; only Lord Byron left (& nobody ever has him). I also picked up Wide Sargasso Sea, Ann Radcliffe's The Italian (with a Pokémon card tucked into the second chapter), & Emily Wilson's translation of The Odyssey. I love rainy days. ♡ 𝑁𝑜𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑖
𝑂𝑛 𝑚𝑦 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑑
▪︎ "Wild Geese" by Mary Oliver, hiking trip to see elephant seal pups ▪︎ 𝑊𝑎𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑃𝑒𝑎𝑐𝑒 discussion updates, read two chapters ▪︎ The Annotated Persuasion: up to vol. I ch. 7 ▪︎ Finish 𝐷𝑒 𝑙'𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑡𝑖é by Montaigne, notes & letter on La Boétie ▪︎ Film recent book haul w/bunnies + forage basket w/treats
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Ahem. In honor of the parent who just learned of our three starters and asked “Can you give my son a Frigibax instead”… a list of actual complaints I have received from parents.
Complaining about the free picnic table their student received blowing away on a windy day. Windy enough to send every Drifloon in the area flying.
Complaining about our “poorly-trained” Sprigatito. …After they had declawed it for scratching the dorm furniture. Arceus even knows what veterinarian approved that, but we quite promptly reclaimed the poor gatito.
Complaining about having to learn other regions’ languages.
Complaining for there being “too many sandwiches” in the cafeteria. We reminded them there were many other food options, but no. They just wanted the number of sandwiches reduced.
Complaining at the “lack of instruction manual” for the Treasure Hunt. Their student was offered consultation with any of the professors on goal-setting, but no. They just… wanted a step-by-step “go here, do this” manual.
Complaining about math class being too easy for their precious angel.
Complaining about math class being too difficult for their precious angel.
Complaining we did not send detailed reports of what Pokémon their child had caught and friends they had made monthly.
Complaining their child’s own Pokémon knocked the school-provided Tera Orb back into their face.
Complaining their child was injured after attempting to climb the bookshelves.
And more. Of course, these complaints always must go straight to the Director, too…
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