#in life you’re gonna HAVE to talk to and interact with people who constantly get on your nerves
katierosefun · 2 years
i love blocking people i love muting people who are getting on my nerves for 2 seconds too many i love curating my online experience because i deal with too many annoying people in real life, and i don’t need to deal with annoying people in fandom life ! ! !
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nickeverdeen · 1 year
The Hunger Games characters getting jealous
Includes: Katniss, Peeta, Gale, Finnick, Cato, Clove
Katniss Everdeen
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She’s more insecure than jealous
But if so…
She’d definetly give the person “the stare”
Katniss has a self-doubting kind of jealousy
She’s comparing herself with the other person in some ways
Katniss would indeed need a reassurance from you when the person is gone
Even though she wonn’t admit it
She would just try to bottle her feelings in very unhealthy way
She’ll 100% deny that she’s jealous
“I was not jealous Y/N, I just didn’t really like them”
Peeta Mellark
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Tries to act polite
He’s smart and rational enough not to throw hands
Peeta would be really uncomfortable
He is aware that you’re loyal to him, but he can’t help it
He hates being jealous
Peeta would walk up to your side and put his hand around your waist trying to give the person hint
Passive-agressive behaivor
He’d talk with you about it after the person left
Or he just wouldn’t want to “bother” you with it and would try to bottle it up
One of you would at the end bring it up at some point
“So.. you and them? Yeah, right. Sorry”
Gale Hawerthrone
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Gale is a very jealous person
He has some insecurities and gets all defensive with the person
Death stares
If the person would flirt with you, man would NOT let that slide
Gale can be rational, but if the person won’t drop it then he can and will throw hands
He’s bittter and snicker more during the interaction
Will deny for his entire life that he got jealous
He wouldn’t even try to cover his jealousy up when being near the person
He’s not gonna talk about it
Just kiss will be pretty much enough to reassure him
“I wasn’t jealous. They were flirting with you! It was enough of a reason for me to act that way!”
Finnick Odair
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Even though he doesn’t really have a reason to be jealous he indeed does get slightly at times
Finnick is the most famous guy in whole Capitol, but that doesn’t mean that jealousy can’t get the best of him
Just like Peeta he’d try to act polite
Really, he tries not to be jealous, but he can’t help it
Finnick, feels kinda dumb for being jealous ‘cause he trusts you
He isn’t one to really show it
He’s constantly just bottling it up inside of him
Finnick is prepared for being teased about it later by you, but he doesn’t really mind
Walks up to you and the person and puts his hand on your waist
If the person still wouldn’t get the hint he’d kiss your cheek and call you “love” or “sweetheart”
His sassy side kicks in while talking woth the person
Finnick would let you tease him about it later and he’d probably laugh it off
“Yeah, okay *chuckles* I get your point”
Cato Hadley
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Definetly the hard stare or some glances
Cato is the type of a person “punch first, ask second”
He isn’t really insecure, but it does bother him when other people are hitting on you
But if the person isn’t bothering you, he wouldn’t pick a fight with them
He’s more bitter and sassy towards the person
Cato doesn’t really shy away from PDA
So he’s not afraid to wrap his strong arms around you protectively or kiss you
He wants the person to get the hint
If the person is your friend he’d be much calmer ‘cause he doesn’t want to ruin yours and their friendship
Cato can and will flex just to prove the person that they ain’t good enough for you
If the person would dare to touch you in uncomfortable way, Cato would be quick to give them piece of their mind
He ain’t losing you to some jerk from a bar
Extremely affectionate with you during the interigation with the person
“Hey love, who’s that? I see… *hard stare at the person*”
Clove Kentwell
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Pretty much like Cate “punch first, ask second”
Clove definetly has some jealousy issues
She very quickly loses her cool when someone starts flirting with you
If you weren’t there, she’d most definetly punch the person
Agressively conforts them
She’s indeed intimidating when she wants to be so the person would probably back off
But if not, things could escalate to the point where she throws hands
You’re pretty much the only person who can calm her down at that point
Death stares
Clove isn’t really into PDA, but at that point she would put her arm around your shoulders or rest her hand on your waist
She doesn’t even hide her jealousy
Will deny her jealousy later at all cost
Clove will talk absolute shit about the person after they leave (unless it’s your friend)
Is very clingy afterwards
If it’s your friend, she’ll get slightly bitter with them, but would calm down
After all, she doesn’t wanna ruin your and the person’s friendship
She’ll start playing with her knifes next to you only to intimidate the person silently
“Hey dickhead! Y/N has a girlfriend!”
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xxcallmemaryxx · 11 months
Hi, I have a little personal request nad I hope u feel comfortable doing it.
most of the time - if not all the time - i hate talking and that's why a lot of people tend to think i dislike everyone, but is just my social anxiety, so I want some fluff about the ghoul with a reader that it's really reserved and bc of that other members from the clergy usually ignore them, please <3
Its almost as if you just took a peak into my life anon, I deal with the exact same thing.
Mountain took one look at you, one sniff in your direction, and pretty much claimed you. If anyone of the ghouls is going to get it… it’s gonna be mountain.
I mean… I feel like he is kind of the same right? He feels no desire to constantly be talking. He feels no desire to constantly be social. Those who took the time to know Mountain, understand that he will happily sit in silence and consider that bonding time.
So when he took the time to know you, you clicked right away. He sees a lot of himself in you and it’s refreshing for him to have someone who really gets it.
There’s quite a big part of Mountain that loves the quiet moments the two of you share. When you sneak away to the woods on the Abbey property, or when the rest of the ghouls are off doing whatever it is they decided to do that day, and it’s just the two of you. Alone.
For Mountain, he doesn’t see this as a challenge to find you more friends or introduce you to people to ‘help’ you. Should you want to do so, of course he would support you. But the comfort comes from knowing you can be silent, just sitting with him… or with the other ghouls or whoever it is you want to be around and do exactly that. There’s no pressure to talk. There’s no pressure to fill the silence. And every time he notices how comfortable you are with him… he feels his heart soar.
He is almost positive that you can hear it, when it’s just the two of you. Perhaps you’re curled up with him in his room, or cozied up under a nice tree on a warm day. When the two of you sit down for breakfast, still half asleep with your eyes barely open… he is just positive… that you can hear his heart beating for you.
Rain would be kind of similar. Although he definitely likes to get involved and steal the spotlight every now and then… he will never put you in a position where you feel like you need to step up for him.
Rains heart is massive, he has so much room in his life for every single friend he could possibly make. He saw you, on your own, it took one second for him to decide he was having none of that and took you under his wing. You two have been inseparable ever since.
He keeps you close. The day Rain learned you felt a sense of safety with him. It was game over honestly… you’ve not gone a day without seeing or hearing from him. He gets so excited that he is your safety net. Sometimes too excited, because he has never been the safety net before. He has always had the safety net. And when he sees just how comfortable you feel with him, he gets all fuzzy and happy and soft and forgets to settle himself.
Of course he understands that he isn’t always going to see you, and he isn’t always going to hear from you. And he can be patient, and can wait for you to feel ready to come find him again. He knows that it may take a few hours, maybe a few days. And even when he is just itching to lock the two of you in your room and crawl into bed with you and soak up your presence again… he must wait. He is a good boy though… he waits for you every time and tells you just how proud of you he is every. Time.
Dew is a whole other story. He saw you, sitting on your own and just… didn’t really understand why. Like, why aren’t you interacting with other people? Why aren’t you sitting with your friends? Where are your friends? He wants to know. He needs to know.
So he plopped down right next to you and started rattling off all the questions he could think of. It was a rough start to your friendship to say the least. But, he made it his mission to know you. And boy, did it take time. But your world and his world were so vastly different that he couldn’t stop thinking about you.
Fast forward to now, he has realised a lot about himself. And now he comes to you when he needs to step away for a bit. Dew has quite literally given you so much confidence, in the sense that he showed you that even the most popular, impulsive and out of control ghouls can drain their social battery.
He might not completely understand just how difficult it can be to put on a smile and go be social all day when you just can’t do it. But thanks to you, he learnt that it’s important for him that he spends some time away from the noise and away from the world. It’s during those moments that your worlds connect, and the two of you find a kind of peace with each other. You both found something in each other that you’d never been able to find before. And as a result, the bond between the two of you grows with every passing night.
Aether gets it too, he has his friends and his popularity among the Clergy, but Aether will always chose to spend his nights, and his free time, doing his own thing. So when he met you, he couldn’t believe someone hadn’t already come and scooped you up and away from the rest of the world. To him, you were like a dream. He didn’t need to put on a mask around you. He didn’t need to put on a smile or put up a front that would convince you he was ready for action. He could breathe a little deeper, and knock down his walls.
Much like Mountain, he finds so much comfort knowing he can just chill out and do his own thing whilst in your presence. You don’t even have to be doing the same thing, Aether could be cooking up a storm in the kitchen and you could be perched happily on an empty counter, or on a chair nearby just reading a book.
There’s no pressure to have conversation, and there is no awkwardness when it’s quiet. It’s just lovely. Aether actually finds himself craving those moments with you. When he is away on tour, or if he has duties he needs to attend to or if he has been invited somewhere and his friends are relying on his presence. He just can’t stop thinking about how peaceful it is when he is with you. The content look on your face is enough to give him purpose in life.
Swiss and you are like polar opposites. He is similar to Dew in the sense that, he is well loved among the Clergy. He has looooots of people aiming to grab his attention even for just a little moment. And there’s a big part of him that loves it. He loves the attention he gets, he thinks it’s so fun. But then he got a taste of life with you. How drastic in difference it was to his normal day to day, or life on tour. It came as quite the shock when he realised just how much he enjoyed a quiet night in.
Now, Swiss will always be a party animal. And he will always love a killer night out, but he has grown quite fond of his nights with you. He refuses to tell anyone what you two get up to when he stays in with you. He gets a little bit possessive over you, worried that everyone else will want a taste of your company too.
Which of course would defeat the whole purpose of your reasoning for preferring to stay in, and he would rather drop dead, then allow anyone on this planet to make you uncomfortable or put you in a position where you need to exhaust your social battery.
Swiss would quite literally hide you away from the world and keep your quiet little moments he has grown to cherish so much all to himself.
When Phantom was still new, and was still trying to figure out his place in the Clergy. He kind of… clung to you? Like. He felt so safe and comfortable in your presence, it was exactly what he needed while he was settling in. And it wasn’t like you two met and then talked and then became friends….
No no. Phantom literally spotted you. His ghoul boy brain just went ‘yes’. Made his way over to you and without a word… sat next to you and continued studying the rest of the room. No words were exchanged. Aside from him blurting his name out, because of course you deserved to know who was going to be your shadow for the rest of forever. It was kind of awkward, and you were confused out of your mind.
But Phantom very quickly became a rock for you. He was familiar and comfortable and safe. God he was so safe. And to him… you were his anchor during the weird period of meeting people, finding his place and getting used to performing on stage.
Even now, after he has found his footing and gotten comfortable within his life in the Abbey, you are so so dear to him and you will always be the most important person on the planet to him.
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leeneir · 5 months
Look At Me Please 2.0; Possesive Yandere!Iso x Reader
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To those that have given me reqs, I'm terribly sorry for not getting them out yet. My writer's block is such a pain💔 I promise I'm constantly thinking abt them tho and tryna brainstorm but my creative well is nonexistent dibdjs
Anywho, this is a continuation of the last Yandere Iso hc post! Highly recommend that you read the first! :]
Iso didn’t go through with his plans against Yoru that day because he was too happy about going on that date, but that doesn’t mean he forgot. Around a week after your boba date with him, you found Yoru with a serious injury being nursed back to health by Sage, when you asked what happened, he told you to leave. Perhaps a matter of pride?
You bring up the concern with your new boyfriend, Iso. When he responds, he doesn’t sound sympathetic. It wasn’t strange, he barely showed expressive emotion, and he didn’t have the best interactions with Yoru, so you assumed he didn’t really care because they weren’t the greatest friends.
In reality, Iso was fuming that you were concerned about that stupid cocky bastard and how he snapped at you like that. How dare that shit head take your emotions for granted? Sure, he’s the reason Yoru was injured in the first place, but the audacity Yoru had to brush you off. He’ll have to do more damage later.
The day you told Iso you loved him for the first time, something about him changed. He wasn’t shy anymore, he was always initiating intimacy, trying to give you kisses, holding your hand, and overall just a lot more doting and servicing you.
Oh, you’re tired? How could he let this happen! Iso shuts the rest of the world out with both of you in either his or your room, he already put both of your requests for a day off.
Very insistent about sleeping in the same room, you won’t do anything too intimate, he just wants to be with you for the rest of your life night.
At some point, everything becomes a reminder of you. The bare walls of the HQ, the houseplants put around the facility by Skye and Sage, the air that he breaths, he couldn’t get enough of anything.
ALWAYS holding you somewhere. Whether it be on the shoulder while youre talking to someone, the arm, your back, your leg while you're sitting, etc. Iso likes having a hand on you as a way to say “Mine.” to the others.
Every day has a new gift. Your room is starting to get crowded with all of the things he gets for you, Iso has already requested Brimstone to extend your room to make some space.
Man’s is rich and just loves spoiling you. Even if it’s just your favorite snack, or a new piece of clothing, he will literally get anything you want. If you mentioned something you even hinted you’d like, expect to receive it in the following hours to a day. He ordered it with overnight shipping.
Your assigned on a mission and he isn’t sent with you? Oh no!! Someone on the strike team got injured from training, what will we ever do? Everyone else happens to be unavailable for some unknown reasons, except Iso.
During the mission when you request a gun, he’ll immediately get it for you and snap at anyone else who even tries to get it first. Iso kisses you on the forehead before going to his position.
You had to apologize to Reyna for his behavior, she told you that his heart revealed that he wasn’t the good person you thought he was. Which was strange. How was the admiring and loving Iso not who he appeared to be?
One day, have an argument with Iso about going to training with Gekko and the others. He said that there was no need for you to go with them when the two of you could train together later.
You didn’t understand why Iso was so upset, you were just gonna do a few mock battles with other people, what's so wrong with that? You could train with him later too if he wanted to. You brushed him off anyway, finding his attitude very childish right now. Suddenly, he grabs your face in his hand, forcing you to look at him.
“Don’t look at them.” He ordered.
Before you could get a word out, your eyes met his, and you could see the intensity and possession in his eyes which glowed brighter than they normally did. It was terrifying.
You say his name, and suddenly he snaps out of it, letting you go and apologizing profusely. He starts tearing up a bit and saying that he shouldn’t have done that and keeps apologizing, stepping away from you and not letting himself hold you.
You feel guilty when he looks down at his hands, as if there was fresh blood on them, as if he’d just destroyed something precious. You couldn’t help but pull him in for a hug and apologize too. He tries to pull away, saying that he was a horrible person, but you don’t let that happen. So, he embraces you back, burying his face in your neck.
You could tell he was genuinely upset, and reassured him that he wasn’t bad and that you’ll be with him. He doesn’t need to worry about anything, you’ll put off training with the others for another time and stay with him for the rest of the day. He sniffles, pulling you in closer.
What you couldn’t see since his face was on your shoulder was the malicious expression at his successful attempt at keeping you to himself. Hook, line, and sinker.
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w1ldthoughts · 7 months
The Forgotten One Extra: Fool’s Gold
A/n: Don’t know if you all remember this series but @vanwritesfan-fiction had the brilliant idea for me to expand on it a bit. Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Angst.
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“Here are last month’s progress reports. We need to get all of this information together by next week and adjust the payroll.” Cleo sifts through the other sheets laying on the side of your desk, hoping to lighten your stack. The two of you had been up to your necks in paperwork, looking forward to another round of number crunching and maximizing the company’s revenue when it comes to placing bets.
“I do have to meet with accounting later and figure out our plus and minuses, see how much we can squeeze out before cashing in during the Kentucky Derby.”
This time of the year was always the most stressful being in your position. Director of operations means being the overseer of essentially every division. You felt like you were being pulled in a million different directions, constantly on the phone with partnering companies and making sure that everyone on staff was taken care of. It was the most overwhelming but fulfilling job you’d ever had. You just wished there was more time to sit and actually eat lunch.
“Ben is out sick today so I’m gonna go grab us some more coffee. Do you want your usual?” You asked Cleo on your way out the door, waiting for her to nod. Once you got your answer you headed down the hall, almost to the elevator when you heard hushed voices. You recognized them immediately. They were two women pretty fresh out of college working in marketing and sometimes they reminded you of yourself and Cleo when you first got to Churchill Downs. It made you smile.
“We need to submit this by tomorrow night so we can get to the meeting with y/n on Friday.” One of them said, messing with her phone.
The other one held the door for her and nodded in agreement. “Y/n’s cool and a nice boss but god I wish I was her. It would be so nice to not actually have to give a shit about your job when you’re fucking the owner of the company.”
“I know. I’m surprised she’s still as active as she is at work because I know for sure I would be at home enjoying my life as the trophy wife I am.” Her voice sounded so upbeat and excited when all her words did was cut down your confidence. Is that what your coworkers thought of you? A full-time live-in girlfriend and part-time Churchill Downs employee? Hearing that all the work you’d continuously put into your job and this company were reduced to a mere hobby made you sick. As soon as they were out of sight, you rushed down the stairs and didn’t even bother with the elevator.
Comments had been made like this about you before, you knew that. People always had something to say about mixing relationships with work, especially when you decide to date the boss so most of the time you let the comments roll off of you. But something about this made you feel…gross. Instead of being an inspiration to the women who worked alongside you, you were the poster child for nepotism. And the thought of that made your skin crawl. But of course, all of those thoughts had to be set aside at the end of your workday when you accompanied Jack to a Chief Executive dinner, where a bunch of business people gathered in their Sunday best, ate a lavish meal and somewhere along the way engaged in meaningful peer interactions.
The evening started off normal, other than the necklace you were wearing causing more irritation than usual. The room was stuffy and Jack was whisked away to talk to the executive officer of Delta Airlines about some deal with flights for this year’s Kentucky Derby. Even though you knew that Jack knew you should be involved in the conversation and would end up taking care of everything anyway, the interaction happened so fast that you found yourself sitting without him at your table when the first course of the evening was served. Just the sight of those stuffed mushrooms took away the little appetite you had left. Taking a sip of your wine, you subtly tried to scan the room to find him and see if you could catch the last part of the conversation, or at the very least, introduce yourself.
“Don’t worry. You get used to it.” The man sitting a few seats away said, breaking you out of your search. The whole situation made you feel like a child whose parent had forgotten to pick them up from school. “They just leave us here to fend for ourselves. At least the dessert options are usually good. Cheers to my fellow plus-one. We struck gold, didn’t we?” He raised his glass, making you grip yours even tighter as you held it in the air, downing your drink immediately after. You excused yourself from the table, finally spotting Jack surrounded by a group full of people who you recognized as sponsors for some of your biggest events, smiling and laughing without a care in the world and it felt like all of the air in the room had disappeared. Instead of heading to your boyfriend for comfort, you found yourself outside wondering if you could really do this for the rest of your life.
Could you?
“Baby? Did you hear what I just said?” Jack laughs, bringing you out of your daze. Rapidly blinking and coming back into yourself, you shook your head. Most of the night had been a blur and you didn’t even remember the drive home. Had he held your hand at all that night? Had you two even spoken to each other?
“Sorry, no I—I didn’t. What is it?”
He walked over to you, placing both thumbs on your temples, his hands were still a little cold from the walk into the house and it soothed your stress-induced headache. “Is everything ok? You seemed a little off tonight.”
“I’m good, just tired I think,” you tried to reassure him…and yourself. “Tell me what you said earlier.”
“Oh um, Ed invited us to his Chairman’s Club Gala. I think we’re really close to securing that partnership with them and it would be huge for us to have him and Delta Airlines on board.”
The light in his eyes and the excitement in his voice almost made you say yes. But then you remembered tonight and the incident from earlier in the day and—
“Jack I can’t. Maybe you should just go by yourself?”
“Y/n, I need you! We’re a team. And you know—”
“It looks better for you to be in a committed relationship? I get that. But I just, I can’t right now.” You let go of the hand you were holding, opting to cross your arms over your chest.“You don’t even realize what happened tonight do you?” You whisper.
Jack recognized the subtle shift in your energy.“I knew something was wrong.” He pauses, taking a breath. “What happened?”
“You left me. Treated me like some regular woman instead of someone who has a huge role at YOUR company. It would’ve been nice to meet Ed and get to talk to people instead of sitting at the table alone while you do your thing. You say we’re a team but it’s feeling like that’s only when it’s convenient for you.”
He leans against the counter next to you with a deep sigh. “Fuck, you’re right. I should’ve made sure you were with me but I just got way too ahead of myself and it was shitty. I’m sorry for that and at this Chairman’s Gala I will be better. I promise you.”
“Jackman, you're not hearing me. I don’t want to go. Seriously, I didn’t go to college majoring in how to be the perfect arm candy.” You were desperately trying to keep your voice from rising, but it was already happening.
“You are not arm candy, nobody said all that” he rolls his eyes.
“Actually they did!” You snap. “This morning, I heard people talking about me, about us. And shit they might be right. At the office I am in charge but out in the world where it really matters? I’m just someone on your arm and the shit’s embarrassing.”
“So being with me is embarrassing now? Got it y/n. Just because two nobodies at work said some dumb shit now you’re letting it affect you and affect our relationship?” He counters, clearly getting frustrated. “I’m telling you that this thing with Ed is really fucking important to me and you’re worried about everything else. This is business, sometimes we do shit we don’t wanna do and we make sacrifices. That’s a part of the damn job.”
“Actually? I clocked out of my ‘damn job’ hours ago. Right now, I’m trying to get my point across but we aren’t getting anywhere.”
“Because you’re not LISTENING to me.” He yells, the darkness to his tone immediately had you on the defense.
“I don’t have to! This isn’t about you right now and I know you’re shocked, but not everything is about you.
“It is so much more than just making teeny tiny sacrifices, Jack.” The tears were already threatening to escape. “I smile in pictures even though on the inside I’m fucking seething. I sit in rooms I wouldn’t even be allowed to breathe next to had it not been for my sex life. I make conversations with people who have been riding on their partner’s coattails since before I was born and I’ll be damned if I become one of those insensitive bitter plus ones who think the highlight of their life is to suck the martini off of their olives.”
“I’m not one of those people I—my parents would be so disappointed in who I’ve become. Shit I’M disappointed in who I’ve become. I don’t even know who I am right now. And you just want me to stand there, shake hands and smile for the fucking camera and go through the motions. It’s not as easy for me to fake it as it is for you.”
That definitely had his attention. “What the fuck does that mean?”
“It means you don’t get it Jack! You were born into this. You were literally born for this, every moment of your life has prepared you to be in this position. I’m constantly being thrown to the wolves and I have to do my best to catch up. All of this bending over backwards to fit in is hard. Especially when we are clearly not on the same page about well…anything it seems.”
Jack’s face drops at your confession. “So you—what do you want me to say? What can I do? Because I don’t want you to feel like you’re wasting your time.” He lets out a shaky breath. “I know this shit is…hard. And I admittedly haven’t been paying as much attention as I should have been and that’s my fault. But we still have each other. Right?”
“God I—I don’t know.” You sob.
He wraps you in his arms, holding you close. “Baby, we will figure it out. We just need to—”
You sighed deeply, struggling to keep it together, creating a bit of physical distance. “Oh my god Jack, there is no just. You don’t understand what it’s like and you never will. There is no simple fix and you’re not going to swoop in and make it all better. Not this time.”
“I don’t know if I can do this forever, I mean look at what it’s doing to us already. I basically just called you a spoiled brat, twice. You? The love of my fucking life. I don’t want to resent you, I don’t want to regret any part of being with you and here we are at each other’s throats over a fucking gala. We can’t keep going like this.” You looked at his shirt that was soaked with your tears but you couldn’t stop crying. Not when you were about to do this.
“I think we should—”
“No.” Jack stopped you, his eyes bloodshot red when you met his gaze. “We’re not doing that. Fuck no. I mean—please. Y/n please.”
His begging almost broke you and you’d never forget the look on his face as long as you lived. “I love you,” you began, “I love you so much. But if we are going to figure out how our lives, if our lives actually fit. We just need some time apart. To be sure that this is really what we want.”
“Please Jack, I need this.” You beg. “I’m so sorry.”
He nods his head slowly, leaving you with a simple kiss on the forehead.
“I know what I want. I want you.” He tells you with the utmost confidence. “And if that’s not enough, then maybe we aren’t meant for each other.”
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orchidniins · 25 days
Opening Act | Track 2 | Arthur Hill
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Pairing: Arthur Hill x f!Reader Warnings: Fluff, Angst Word count: 3.6k+ A/N: I'm trying to get these out once a week, and I think I'm able to write these parts at a good pace. if there's anything you want to see included in this series then make sure to send it into my inbox. Hope you enjoy!! Series Masterlist
Track 1 ✧ Track 3
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You were currently running around your room, digging through drawers and rummaging through your closet, trying to pick out an outfit. As you toss clothes aside in frustration, you hear a knock on your door.
"Yeah?" you call out.
Your older sister Emma gently opens the door and leans casually against the doorframe, watching you with an amused expression. She crosses her arms and laughs, "How are you not ready yet? I swear you've changed your outfit like five times already."
You huff as you manage to wrangle a jacket out of your closet, putting it on and giving yourself a quick look in the mirror. "What? I have not changed five times," you reply defensively. "Why are you still here anyway? Don’t you have to be at the shop?"
Emma smirks, not missing a beat. "I'm on break. I'll head back in a bit," she says, her eyes following you as you continue to run around your room like a headless chicken.
You nod, now at your vanity as you touch up your makeup, catching Emma’s teasing expression in the mirror. You let out a breath, trying to ignore her knowing look.
"Are you sure this isn't a date?" she teased, raising her eyebrows with a mischievous grin.
You roll your eyes, before you say "Of course not, Em. It’s just lunch with a friend."
Emma wasn't convinced, her smirk widening. "Sure honey, friends who just stay up all night talking on FaceTime, and constantly text each other throughout the day.. And don’t think I don’t hear the flirting and giggles at night. Like you actually squealed when you guys made plans to meet today. Y/N... you are just lying to yourself, and this is a date."
You feel a blush creeping up to your cheeks but quickly try to brush off her comment. You clear your throat before straightening up and turning to face her, "For the hundredth time, Em, it's not a date," you insist, hoping to end the conversation.
"Fine, but then when you two are happily in love, just remember... I called it," Emma quipped, her grin unrelenting.
You roll your eyes at her teasing. "Emma!"
She chuckles. "What? He’s cute and you’re decent to look at," she teases further and you slightly pout at her, "He’s a musician, you’re a musician... If it hasn’t happened already, it’s gonna... and soon, I can feel it."
You let out a resigned sigh. "Whatever," you reply, grabbing your bag before heading to your bedroom door. "Now, can you move, please? I’m gonna be late."
Emma moves aside, adding, "Fine. Text me when you get there, yeah?"
You nod, bidding her goodbye before slipping on your shoes and leaving your shared apartment.
As you close the door behind you, the nerves kick in, and you can't quite understand why you're feeling so jittery about seeing Arthur.
You weren’t lying to yourself or your sister; you and Arthur were just friends. But Emma wasn't entirely wrong when she said that you and Arthur spoke all the time. Ever since the day you joined his live, your conversations with Arthur became a daily occurrence. What were initially just casual exchanges turned into hour-long conversations about music, life, family, friends, and everything in between. You found comfort in having a friend in the music industry; you appreciated the support, and Arthur was one of the few people you could truly relate to. 
As days turned into weeks, you found yourself becoming increasingly comfortable around him. You eagerly anticipated each interaction with Arthur. Whenever he released new music, you couldn't resist showering him with compliments, often jokingly referring to yourself as his biggest fangirl. Which is why you found it odd just how nervous you were feeling now.
Despite having spoken for a while and both living in the same city, this was the first time you were going to meet him in person. You had finally managed to find some time off from work, and Arthur had some time off from his busy schedule as well. Since graduating university, you’d worked at your sister’s bakery. While you dreamt of music becoming your full-time career, you knew you weren’t there just yet. Working at the bakery provided stability, and you also quite enjoyed working there with your sister, even if you two often argued over petty things.
You walk up to the street from the subway, butterflies fluttering in your stomach as you bite your lip anxiously. The weather in London that week had been surprisingly pleasant, so you and Arthur had decided to take advantage of it and spend some time out in the city. You chose to meet up at a charming new place recommended by one of your friends for lunch. It had a cozy interior adorned with vintage decorations and soft, warm lighting, creating a welcoming atmosphere. There was also a quaint outdoor seating area, perfect for enjoying the nice weather. 
As you approached the restaurant, nervous anticipation bubbled up inside you at the thought of meeting him in person for the first time. But as soon as you laid eyes on Arthur waiting outside the entrance, a sense of calm washed over you. His smile was warm and inviting, and seeing him made your nervousness melt away. You couldn't help but notice how well put together he looked, exuding his usual charm. With a smile of your own, you waved at him, feeling a surge of excitement as you approached to greet him.
"Hey there," you greeted Arthur with a warm smile, feeling excited to finally meet in person.
"Hey," his smile mirrored yours. "Finally… she exists!" he joked, causing you to laugh.  You went in for a hug, but it was brief as he quickly pulled away, taking a step back, maintaining a slight distance. You couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment at the abruptness, but you quickly pushed the feeling away, trying not to let it show on your face. Despite the slight awkwardness, you were just happy that you guys could finally hang out.
As you two settle into the cafe, you take a moment to peruse the menu. The whole time you feel Arthur's eyes on you, looking up at you ever so often. "You're looking lovely today," he compliments you, you look up at him, a faint blush creeping onto your cheeks. "Thanks," you reply, a slight smile playing on your lips. "You're not looking too bad yourself," you say, returning the compliment with a playful grin. He chuckles lightly before glancing away nervously, sipping on some water and clearing his throat.
You laugh a little nervously, trying to change the topic, "How's the new album coming along?"
"It's been a lot of work, but I think it's really coming together," he replied proudly. His tone has shifted; he sounds less nervous now, his excitement evident as he continues, and you find yourself smiling at him.
He shares updates about his upcoming album, sounding passionate about all the details he shares. You listen intently, always enjoying when Arthur talks about his music and plans for Youtube and TikTok. He always sounds so excited when he speaks about it, and you're glad he's opened up enough to share this with you.
"How's the next song coming along?" he asks curiously, turning the conversation back to you.
You sigh, a hint of frustration evident in your voice. "I've been trying to write, but I've been struggling with a bit of a block lately," you admit.
Arthur chuckled sympathetically. "After only three songs?" he teased lightly.
You mock hurt, placing a hand over your heart as you laugh. "Woah woah, you of all people know how difficult it is to be an independent artist," you retort playfully.
"Haha, fair point," Arthur replied, his tone shifting slightly, his expression carrying a hint of concern. "Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that.”
You shake your head, a grin spreading across your face. "No, it's okay. I know you're just teasing," you assure him, wanting to make sure he knows you weren't offended and Arthur nods in response.
“I’m just feeling the pressure to write something new lately," you begin. "My management did send me some demos that I could record, but I'm not sure if I'm completely okay singing someone else's words just yet. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. I just want to try on my own for just a bit longer."
Arthur nods understandingly. “You’ll get through it, I have faith in you. You've already written some amazing songs, and the people can wait a little longer." You share a knowing smile with him, “Thanks, Arthur,” you say, feeling a sense of reassurance from his words.
"Of course," Arthur responds with a warm smile.
Once you finish your meal, Arthur asks, "Do you want to go for a walk?", he asks you slightly nervously. "Maybe we'll stumble upon something that sparks some inspiration."
You smile brightly at the suggestion. "That sounds like a great idea,” you reply enthusiastically. Though you didn't want to admit it, you were secretly thrilled at the prospect of spending more time with him.
As you walk through the city, basking in the warm sunshine, the bustling streets filled with people don't seem to bother you at all. As you stroll along, the vibrant colors and alluring scents of a nearby flower shop catch your attention. He walks to the shop door, glancing back as you eye him with a curious look. "Well, come on," he says, holding the door open for you to enter the quaint little shop.
You enter the shop, its shelves adorned with an array of colorful flowers. The air is filled with the sweet fragrance of various blooms, and your eyes light up at the sight of the colorful displays. You turn to Arthur with excitement. "Come on, let's pick out some flowers!" you say, walking further into the shop. Arthur chuckles, eyeing you with amusement.
As you wander from one display to another, Arthur follows closely behind, his curiosity piqued. You practically squeal when you spot some pretty pink carnations, prompting a laugh from Arthur at your reaction.
“Those your favorite?” he asks, you nod eagerly.
You nod eagerly, already reaching for a few of the pink blooms. “Yes, I've always loved carnations," you reply, selecting a handful of the delicate flowers. “There’s just something about them that makes me so happy.”
You eventually settle on some pink carnations, white roses, and baby’s breath. As you hand them to the lady at the counter, you watch intently as she arranges them into a bouquet, a contented smile on your face.
As you head to the cash register, Arthur beats you to it, handing the shopkeeper his card. "Arthur, it's fine, you don’t have to pay," you protest.
He shakes his head with a gentle smile. "No, no, I insist."
Arthur pays for the flowers and hands you the bouquet with a shy smile, his sweet gesture melting your heart.
"I hope you like them," he says. Your eyes sparkle with joy as you take the bouquet in your hands. "They're perfect, thank you," you reply warmly and without thinking you throw your arms around him in an embrace. You swear you feel him freeze up slightly before he hugs you back. You mentally scold yourself as you pull away, embarrassed, feeling a blush creeping up your cheeks.
You try to hide your face by burying it in the flowers, hoping to conceal the blush on your cheeks. Taking a deep breath, you inhale the sweet scent of the flowers, holding the bouquet close to your chest.
A few hours pass as you and Arthur wander around the city, catching up and getting onto various antics. Eventually, you come across a band busking in a square, performing covers of popular songs, drawing a crowd that were singing along with them. You and Arthur are automatically attracted to the music, and you both move to stand amongst the spectators.
As the crowd thickens, you stumble back slightly, bumping into Arthur who was now standing behind you. You feel his chest brush against your back, causing your breath to hitch at the sudden contact. He quickly moves away, apologizing, "Oh, sorry." You turn slightly and laugh, assuring him, "It's okay."
You both turn your attention back to the music. "Does anyone want to come up and sing with us?" the lead singer calls out.
Arthur nudges you. "You should go up there," he says with a grin.
"Me? What about you, huh?" you reply, eyes wide. "Plus, I’ve never performed in front of a crowd like this."
Arthur urges you even more. "Okay, then you definitely need to go up there and sing. Come on, it’ll be fun."
You hesitate, shaking your head. "I don’t know, Arthur…"
Before you can protest further, you feel him gently push you to the front of the crowd. "Here!" he shouts, pointing at you, drawing the band's attention, and they call you over.
You feel the eyes of the crowd and the band on you as you take a deep breath. Handing the things in your arms to Arthur, you step forward with a mix of nerves and excitement.
Once you're where the performers are, the lead singer smiles and asks, "What's your name?"
"Y/N," you reply, trying your best to stay calm.
He turns to the crowd and announces, "Give it up for Y/N!" The crowd responds with a round of applause, and you try to keep a smile on your face.
"Do you know this song?" he asks away from the mic, showing you a track on his phone.
You recognize it and nod. "Yeah, I do."
Taking a deep breath, you prepare yourself as the band starts playing. You begin singing, and the crowd erupts in cheers at how good you sound. Glancing at the front of the crowd, you see Arthur filming you with his phone, a huge smile on his face. Encouraged, you try to get into the performance, starting to enjoy singing with the band as the crowd claps and sings along.
The band manages to get you to sing two more songs before the lead singer announces, "Let's hear it for Y/N, everyone!" You take a little bow and give him a quick side hug before heading back to where Arthur is standing.
You grab your things from him, and the two of you move out of the crowd. "That was amazing, Y/N!" Arthur compliments you. "You sound even better live!"
Blushing, you say, "Thank you!” before letting out a breath. “God, my heart is still beating so fast," you add as the two of you laugh.
Just as you're about to say something else, you're interrupted by a group of girls who recognized Arthur. They approach with excited smiles, asking, "Can we get a picture with you?"
Arthur is incredibly nice about it, extremely happy to meet his fans "Of course," he says warmly. You offer, "I can take the photo for you." "Thank you!" one of the girls exclaims as they hand you their phone. Arthur poses with them, and chatting with them briefly.
As you watch him interact with the fans, you feel a sense of admiration. He’s so sweet and genuine, and it warms your heart.
Once the girls leave, Arthur turns back to you and says, "Sorry, were you gonna say something?"
You just smile and shake your head. "No, nothing. I was actually going to say that I should be heading home."
"Oh, I didn't realize it had gotten so late," Arthur says and you notice a flicker of disappointment in his eyes, and you can’t help but smile at his reaction.
He checks the time on his phone before suggesting, "Do you want me to drop you home?"
You shake your head. "No, it's okay. I'll just take the subway."
But Arthur convinces you otherwise. "Come on, let me at least walk you to the station," he insists.
You agree with a smile. "Alright, thank you."
With a content smile on his face, he walks you to the nearest station. Once you reach the entrance, you both turn to face each other.
"Well…" Arthur begins, his smile softening.
"Well…" you echo him, laughing a little.
"It was really good to see you today," he says earnestly. "We should hang out more often. Don't be a stranger."
You laugh at his words and say, "Okay, I'll keep that in mind." adding, "I had a good time today as well." and he smiles back at you.
Before you can say anything, Arthur starts walking away. "Let me know when you get home, okay? Bye, Y/n," he calls back. And you just nod in response as you wave him goodbye.
"Okay... odd," you say to yourself as you turn and make your way into the subway, not really sure what to make of what just happened.
You walk back to your place from the subway, the events of your day playing on repeat in your head. Despite having a nice day, you couldn't shake the feeling of awkwardness at how it ended. Why did Arthur rush away like that? Was he busy? Did he lie about having a good time? These questions swirled in your head as you approached the familiar sight of the pink storefront of your sister’s bakery.
You and your sister lived in the apartment above the shop, making getting to work an actual breeze. While the street below could get a bit noisy, especially late into the night, living above your workplace meant you could easily roll out of bed and make it to work at 5 a.m.
You enter the bakery, the familiar sound of the bell above the door rings through the shop, catching Emma's attention. She looks up from the till and greets you with a smile. "Hey! You’re back already. How was your date?" she asks teasingly, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
You chuckle and shake your head. "It wasn’t a date," you reply, holding back a smile. Emma's eyes flicker to the flowers in your hand, and she raises an eyebrow suggestively. "Oh, those are lovely. Did your date get you those?" she continues to tease you, a playful grin tugging at her lips.
"They're just flowers, Em. It's nothing," you assure her, setting the bouquet on the counter before going behind the till to put away the rest of your things. Emma leans against the counter, curiosity evident in her expression.
"Okay, fine. So, how was your day?" she asks, a hint of mischief in her voice. You smile and shrug, replying, "Yeah, it was fun. I had a good time."
Emma quirks an eyebrow, a knowing look in her eyes. "That’s it? It was just..good?” she teases, prompting you to roll your eyes. “Give me more details,” she insists eagerly.
You chuckle and indulge her curiosity. “No, it was really nice. We went to lunch, then we went to this really cute flower shop, oh and Arthur convinced me to sing with some buskers that were performing,” you explain as you start arranging the flowers in a vase.
Emma's eyes go wide in surprise. “You actually performed in front of a live crowd…wow, Arthur can really work some magic,” she comments, impressed.
You laugh as you work. “Yeah, I surprised myself a little too, it was fun,” you admit.
Emma leans in, intrigued. “So tell me more about Arthur… How was he? Did he profess his love to you?” she teases.
You huff out, then say, "Emma... it was... well... I don't know. Arthur was nice and all, clearly a great guy. We got along great, and obviously, we don’t have a problem with things to talk about. But I just felt like the whole time he was really trying to keep his distance. So, there were times when it got a little awkward, but, you know, it was the first time we met in person, so I’m not thinking much of it."
Emma pauses to think for a moment, then says, "Maybe he’s just shy. Or maybe he’s so insanely into you that he just didn’t know how to act around you." You eye her like she's gone absolutely mad.
"No..absolutely not. Clearly, he sees me as nothing but a friend, and that's cool with me," you say, sounding slightly deflated.
Emma eyes you skeptically, sensing something more behind your words. "Uh huh," she responds, not entirely convinced. You quickly backtrack, adding, "Not that I want him to be anything more than a friend, of course. He’s just a good friend."
Before Emma can say anything else, you quickly change the subject. "Anyway, I have nothing else to do tonight, so do you need any help around here?"
Emma takes the hint to drop the topic for now, but you know she’ll want to talk about it later. "No, we're good here. It’s still your day off, so just go on up. I’ll see you at dinner," she says. You nod, grabbing your stuff before heading up to your place.
Once you’re back in your room, you proceed to get unready, changing into something a little more comfortable. You pull out your phone and open Instagram, noticing that Arthur has posted a story. It’s a video of you singing from earlier today. Watching it, you can’t help but smile. Despite the few awkward moments, you really did enjoy spending the day with him. It was some of the most fun you’d had all month.
You quickly text Arthur, letting him know that you made it home safe, and then you go through some of the photos you’d taken today, posting a few yourself. As you lie back on your bed, your thoughts drift to the day’s events. Today had gotten you thinking about your own feelings. You knew that Emma was just joking about all that stuff, but now that she’d put the thought in your head, it had you second-guessing things. You were content with the way the day had gone, but the last thing you’d expected to be left with today was confusion.
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
A/N: Thanks for reading! I hope you are enjoying the series so far! Let me know what you think.
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writingseaslugs · 2 years
Scarabia Romantic Headcanons
Not even gonna lie; writing these headcanons just makes me simp over characters I have never simped for. So hope you enjoy this! Kalim is a cutie, and Jamil is just yum.
Disclaimer: All characters in this series is aged up. For more information about my version of this world and the type of reader you can expect, please do a quick read of THIS post. Beta read by Grammarly and it’s trying its best.
Heartslabyul | Savanaclaw | Octavinelle | Scarabia (You're Here) | Pomefiore | Ignihyde | Diasomnia
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Romantic Headcanons
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Kalim Al-Asim
Kalim is going to be another one who doesn’t realize he likes you for a while. For him, however, it’s not for lack of knowledge in the subject. He loves all of his friends and acts overly familiar with everyone in general. He’s simply more of a slow-burn kinda guy, where it’s going to take a lot of these interactions before his heart begins to skip beats for you. It’s nothing against you; he just needs to be close to someone before being capable of forming a romantic attachment.
Once he does realize he’s fallen for you, he won’t be wasting any time. He’ll go ahead and let you know, probably asking Jamil to prepare a fancy dinner and then taking you on a carpet ride afterward in order to confess. It’ll be romantic, sure, but the hopeful look in his eyes is enough to melt even the coldest hearts. Kalim already knows this, so when you say yes, he’s just overjoyed, and you’ll have to tell him to start directing the carpet again because he will lose focus and start crashing.
At first, it’s almost like nothing changes once you two start going out. He was always grabbing your arms and hands anyway before he even knew he liked you. Inviting you out, getting you presents. It’s what he does for all his friends. So it’ll be a bit hard for you to determine if he was actually serious when he confessed when he doesn’t change a single thing about how he acts around you.
Bring it up to him, and he’s going to laugh before grabbing your cheeks and pulling you in for a kiss. “Is that all? Why didn’t you say anything sooner? Jamil said I shouldn’t overwhelm you at the start, but if that’s what you want.” Be prepared for daily dates. Even if it’s a short one in the cafeteria. Jamil will be cooking for the both of you at this point (since Kalim refuses to let you eat normal cafeteria food while he eats gourmet meals from Jamil. You two have to be matching in your foods).
He’s also going to be having you as the honored guest at every party he throws. Just be sure to remind him to tone it down if you don’t want to be riding out on an elephant to the party where everyone is staring at you. You thought it was a joke when Kalim first suggested it until Jamil cornered you later and informed you he was very serious and you should let him know that you wouldn’t appreciate such an entrance. Unless you do, then you do you.
He likes his time spent with you but expects to be around other people constantly. He’s too social to be in his room all day; near late afternoon, he will happily go back to his room with you, sitting down and just talking about the day. He could listen to your voice for hours, even if they’re the most mundane stories. Still, during the day, just expect to be dragged around campus and greet just about everyone he remotely knows.
You’re going to be bombarded with gifts whether you like them or not. Kalim wants his lover to be pampered with the best things life has to offer, after all. He’s been to Ramshackle, and it’s not hard for him to tell that you’ve been struggling financially, judging by how all the furniture is beaten up. At first, it’ll be accessories or even stuffed animals. Grim adores it because Kalim will throw in the fanciest tuna money can buy and stock a shelf in your fridge for you.
After a while, he’s going to realize you might need more practical stuff. Sure having gold jewelry looks nice, but when you live in a hovel, it’s hard to feel luxurious. So he’s going to slowly be buying furniture to replace the old stuff. You are more than welcome to tell Kalim to tone it down, not everyone is good with always receiving presents (especially expensive ones), but he’s going to insist you let him do this. You make him happy just by being around him, after all, so he wants you to feel comfortable.
Kalim has always been the type of guy to grab your hand out of nowhere and lock his fingers with yours, even before you had a relationship, and that won’t be stopping anytime soon. He doesn’t even realize it half the time when he’s doing cute couple things with you. He just wants to be as close to you as possible. Leaving you with kisses all over your face is another thing he is totally unashamed to do. Give him a quick kiss on the lips if you want him to stop. He’ll go red, then laugh, telling you how cute he thinks that is.
Lots of sleepovers. Kalim really does enjoy being near you, and since night is the only time it’s just you two (not even Jamil will bother), he cherishes it. So he’s going to insist you spend the night with him, even keeping pajamas and extra uniforms in your size in his closet for when you agree. You’ll be under the covers with him like two little kids, talking and laughing until you’re falling asleep. Kalim is also a cuddler and will move in his sleep until he’s wrapped around you in the most awkward ways. Don’t be surprised when you wake up and he accidentally has a knee jabbing into your back.
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Jamil Viper
Your relationship with Jamil is going to be one of the rockiest starts, in all honesty. After the whole overblot incident, he wants nothing to do with you. He still sees you as the one who ruined his plans, and he doesn’t take that lightly. Never mind the fact that he’s just a little bit grateful to you and your friends after helping bring him back from that state. He’s still going to see you as a nuisance for a while.
Jamil will slowly start to warm up to you over time. It’s hard to avoid you when Kalim seems so attached and is always inviting you over for parties. Go out of your way every time and offer help for Jamil. He’ll be suspicious at first and don’t even think about helping with anything that has to do with food. He trusts you as far as he can throw you, but that applies to everyone. If you want to help clean up, he won’t mind. As long as things go back where they belong, you’re more than welcome to help him with the aftermath of parties.
The more you help, the more he’ll grow to like you. He is stressed beyond belief with everything he has to do. Taking care of the dorm and Kalim, basically running the basketball club, there’s a lot on his plate. He’s going to find himself making more and more time for you, though, and even making extra food for you to take home to your dorm as thanks for helping him out. It’s going to take some time before those feelings blossom, so patience is a virtue.
Once he does realize it, though, he finds himself more relaxed in your presence and seeking you out more and more. He’ll even offer assistance when it comes to school work, as long as you don’t yap to other people exactly why your grades have skyrocketed. Your relationship is going to develop gradually until it’s just at the point where you two are seen as dating. That’s when he’s going to ask if you want to go steady with him (yes, he might even state it just like that).
He’s a very attentive boyfriend; having been watching over someone his entire life, it’s not hard for him to tell you exactly what you’re needing. Returning the favor is always appreciated but not expected from him. He makes you something to eat for lunch, then maybe bring a home-cooked meal or something from the Mostro Lounge (if you can’t cook) for dinner. He helps you with some homework, and maybe you help tutor some of the Scarabia students later on with what he taught you. He will be thank you and possibly planning on marrying you if you help get rid of 90% of his workload.
Jamil will make time for you through his busy schedule. At first, Kalim is going to be interrupting often, not realizing Jamil has his own life, but if you just text Kalim informing him you’re on a date, he’ll suddenly leave you guys alone for the rest of the day. As long as there’s something he can eat in the kitchen that won’t poison him, he’s happy. On days when he’s swamped and can’t really spend much time with you, he gets annoyed very easily. Maybe come over and help him cook by cutting things up and handing them to him. Go shopping with him, and make his mundane chore fun by being with him.
He’s going to become just as protective over you as he is of Kalim. If he thinks something or someone is suspicious, he’ll be on high guard. Advising you to perhaps not interact with that jittery freshman with shifty eyes. It’s absolutely not jealousy. He has nothing to worry about in that regard; he’s just worried that maybe someone would do something to you, distracting him, so they can get to Kalim. It’s all totally reasonable.
Be prepared to have Kalim gushing over you. He’s happy that Jamil found someone to make him happy, which means you guys now have to be best friends. Dates with the three of you will be more common. Sometimes it might even feel like you have two boyfriends, but Jamil shuts down the idea when you joke around with just the two of you. Still, Jamil doesn’t mind going places with you and Kalim. It means he gets to watch over his two responsibilities at the same time and not have to worry about the other.
Ramshackle might become his new sanctuary. It’s dusty and gross, and the furniture smells like mildew, but there are no expectations for him. When things get too much, he might show up at your doorstep to relax a bit. He probably won’t be spending the night, too worried about Kalim burning the dorm down in that situation, but he’ll be there for a few hours. It’s also the time he can be more affectionate towards you. PDA isn’t something he partakes in at all. Even walking to class, he normally won’t hold your hand, deciding you two would stand out too much. In the safety of Ramshackle, though? No expectations. No onlookers. He can just be with you.
He’s going to love it if you partake in his hobbies. Do you want to learn to dance? Say no more; he’s going to show you the beginner moves and make sure you don’t get injured (just don’t practice without him, he’ll worry about you snapping your neck doing a headstand). Do you want to come to his basketball games and practice? He’s going to show off a little more than usual, but don’t voice it. He swears he’s just taking practice seriously, but Floyd and Ace will notice the difference and tease him. If you help him clean up after games and practice, expect him to steal you away and leave you breathless with kisses in the closet. He’s hyped up from that adrenaline and feeling on top of the world still.
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umeoniii · 1 year
JOB INTERVIEW??? NO COMEBACK!!! finish what you started hange😭😭 that was so good omg i loved it 💛💛
neet hange pt 2 _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):
!: fem bodied reader, smut
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'U・x・U'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
neet hange didn’t want a job but had to get one so you wouldn’t think she was an embarrassment or failure. she walked to her interview to be a barista, she didn’t want to but she had no choice.
when she was at the interview she was practically on her knees begging for the job. she desperately needed it. it was gonna be hard working since she really haven’t had any social interactions since she got fired. only the mailman, her parents and you. she was so happy when the interviewer handed her the apron and visor.
on her way home she stopped by your apartment, knocking frantically. when you opened she looked at you with no emotion. “did you get it?” you asked her excitedly.
she pulled the apron out from behind her back smiling. she hugged you picking you up spinning you around. she was so happy that she was gettin better. when she put you down you grabbed her cheeks with both hands giving her a soft kiss on her lips. she could taste your cupcake flavored chapstick. she quite literally almost pissed herself.
you and hange technically were not together, she was more of a friend with benefits, sneaky link, whatever you wanted to call it, for whatever reason. she thought that if she got a job maybe you’d change the way you felt about her. you let go of her “im so proud of you!”
“c’mere, sit sit. im gonna bake you a cake real quick.” you grin at her.
she was happy about her job, just a little sad about you.
you two sat eating the cake talking about what she was gonna spend her money on and how she was gonna get her old job back. she left going back to her apartment taking a shower then lying down in her bed, no longer cluttered because you helped her clean her apartment.
as she layed down she thought about u, it was so hard for her to not have u constantly on her mind. she has just met you a few months earlier, but you were the light of her life. her fingers drifted down to her underwear, stuffing her hole with her fingers, slowly going in and out as she gasps your name quietly.
next morning she got up getting ready for work. on her way out she saw you outside of her apartment door with a bag. “it’s lunch” you said handing it to her. she smiled giving you a hug then taking the train to work.
she almost vomited after taking her first order it was lowkey a lot but she put a smile on and did what she had to do. when it was lunch she opened the bag and read a small not you left, “hange, have a great day at work and don’t worry about talking to people, just imagine they’re me or your parents! have a great day i love you, enjoy the sandwich and i have a surprise for you later!” she smiled taking a bite of the sandwich.
when her shift was over she took the train home and knocked on your door when she opened she saw you in a red dress, with your hair curled and put up. you pulled her to sit down at the table to have dinner with you. “how was your first day?” you asked digging in your food. she told you all about her day.
“that’s great han!” you smiled. she nodded with a soft smile. you had noticed something was up with her for at least a few weeks. you had decided to inquire about it. “what’s up? you’ve looked kinda sad for a while, has anything happened?” you asked her.
she just had to tell you, she couldn’t hold it in anymore. “it’s just that, i don’t know y/n, would it be weird if i said that i didn’t wanna be whatever we are anymore? i mean i like you a lot, you’re one of the first people who treats me well. if i’m being honest i don’t wanna fuck you like once a week then go back to being just, i don’t know normal.” she exclaims stressfully.
you understood what she was saying completely. you were actually planning on taking her out and asking to make things official. “i understand hange, i was actually gonna ask if you wanted to be in a relationship. because you’re right the on and off thing is kinda weird.” hange’s demeanor completely changed as she nodded quickly agreeing with you. then getting up to hug you.
a few hours later, your other surprise after hange’s first day was literally eating her out.
this was actually like the first time you did anything to hange. all the times you had sex she was giving it to you. you enjoyed it though, licking at her clit, stuffing tongue into her practically virgin hole. “y/n , fuck.” she mewled teary eyed bucking her hips into your mouth. you grabbed her tits for leverage as she continued riding your face crying out your name. saliva and cum coating her puffy folds.
she wrapped her legs around your neck as you kissed her sweet pussy, gripping her thighs. “you taste so good.” you whine into her, spreading her lips. as you continue to lick at her she looked down at you, cupping your cheek with her hand. “fuck, this is the best i’ve ever felt in my entire existence.” she cried out her fingers entangled in your hair. she was sweating, beads of sweat ran down her forehead and legs. the only noises in the whole apartment were that of her moans and the smacking of you eating her cunt.
you pushed your fingers in her, thrusting slowly as she told you breathy, “i used to do this exact same thing while thinking about you.” she smirked looking down. you looked up still licking her clit. as you continued pleasing your lover, you noticed her moaning turn into small whines as she was getting closer to her orgasm.
“my ex never ever fucked me even close to the way you could hange, that’s why you deserve everything i can possibly offer.” you say getting back to lapping at her hardened bud. she whines louder before and came, cum slowly creeping out of her hole like molasses. you lick it up and get up to kiss her, holding her cheeks, sucking on her tongue as she holds you close grabbing your ass.
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malarkgirlypop · 7 months
MEDIC! Part 13 (Donald Malarkey x Fem!OC)
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HEY! So this chapter is not as sad, still a teeny tiny bit. But the rest is fun! I had a good giggle. I am really setting myself up to be super duper hurt when the inevitable happens, but I have grown so attached to Skip and Alex. I know they were just trouble makers! Silly little pranksters with terrible jokes and great banter! Goofy goobers. That's their group name the goofy goobers ahahah. Their foxhole would've been the most lively and loud!
This is based on the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters, no hate to anyone involved!
“He had a god damn Luger in his pants.” Buck explains to Babe and Bill what happened to Hoob. I sat quietly listening, when Buck first arrived talking about the incident I wanted to run away immediately, I didn’t want to have to think back to Hoob’s death. It hurt too much. But I couldn’t get away fast enough or come up with a good excuse to leave while Buck was talking. Buck was so serious. He was different from before, or so I had heard. I had only met Buck briefly before we did the Market Garden attack. He was injured in the assault, which I had treated. God that felt so long ago. That was only my second day after going through the shimmer, which is what I lovingly call the portal that took me here. I had no idea what I was doing. It’s weird to think back to a time where I wasn’t close with all the Easy men. Bull had been kind enough to take me under his wing and surprisingly everyone else was kind, but I wasn’t close to them. I consider them now my family, I love all of them so dearly. I often think about what my life would be like if I didn’t put my hand through the shimmer, had just ignored it and moved on. When I had my first few months here, I would constantly look for the portal. I would sneak away during the night when I could and scour the surroundings. But after a while I stopped looking, I stopped thinking about it altogether. 
“Jesus.” Babe muttered, as Bill stated, “Dear God.” 
“And don’t you two do something stupid like that, all right.” Buck warned the two men. He thinks he doesn’t have to warn me, but little does he know I also have the pistol that Winters gave me in my bag. But I keep it unloaded, too paranoid that it will fire even with the safety on.  
“Try not to, Buck.” Babe reassures him. 
“I mean it.” Buck reiterates trying to drill his point into the men’s heads. “And you, Wild Bill, I’ve invested too much goddamn time shaping you into something useful.” Bill gives his signature chuckle. “You do something crazy, get yourself knocked out of this thing…” Buck laughs but his manner is serious.       
“I know, I know, you’ll kill me.” Bill finishes Buck’s sentence knowing what the man is getting at. 
“Even if you’re dead, I’ll still kill you!” He jokingly threatens, as he bonks Bill on the head with a stick. I laugh watching the interaction, the sound of the stick hitting Bill's helmet just tickling my funny bone. 
“I’ll see you guys later, alright. I’m gonna check on the other guys.” Buck swiftly left. 
Babe and I watched the man leave. “Crazy Joe McCloskey.” Babe muttered to himself. I looked over at him, giving him a confused look, I swivelled my head to look at Bill who was wearing the same expression. 
“What?” Bill asked Babe who still stared at Buck who had kneeled down to talk to the men in the next hole over. 
“Who’s Crazy Joe McCloskey?” I asked Babe. He turns to me. “This guy used to hang out the front of Delancey’s and just… you know, stare at people.” 
“Yeah, I know who Crazy Joe McCloskey is. What the hell’s that got to do with anything, Babe?” Bill retorts trying to understand what Babe is going on about. I look between the men, listening to the conversation.  
“Hmm, Buck kind of reminds me of him now.” Babe says still watching Buck. 
“What?” Bill says in his harsh accent, leaning forward in disbelief. 
“You know, ever since he got shot in Holland.” Babe stated. 
“Wait, wait, wait.” Bill moved to come sit in between Babe and I. “Wait. What are you saying he’s nuts? Cause Crazy Joe McCloskey was fucking nuts, Babe. That’s why they called him Crazy Joe.” Bill tried to get what Babe was saying straight. 
“No, I'm not saying he's nuts. I’m just saying-” Babe pauses trying to articulate his point.
“What? What are you saying?” Bill pushes Babe for an answer. 
“Oh, forget it.” Babe dismisses his comment.
“What?” Bill coerces. 
“Forget it.” Babe pauses thinking again about his original statement, “Oh, come on, you’ve seen him Bill. He’s-he’s all wound up like a spring.” He finally comes out with it. 
“Hey, hey, hey he’s fine. It wasn’t getting shot that got him. It was being in that hospital. I’ve been there ok? It ain’t pretty.” Bill defends his friend. Babe nods understanding where Bill is coming from. “Besides, you saw, once he was up and moving around, he was his old self again. I’m telling you Buck Compton’s fine.” Bill and Babe nod at each other. 
Their conversation piqued my interest. Don was good friends with Buck; they often sat and talked to each other when they had time. I was friendly with Buck but I wasn’t as close as the rest of the men were to him. I wondered if that’s because I had only properly met him after he had come back from the hospital that Bill was talking about. He had already formed bonds with the men before I had arrived and then after being discharged he wasn’t the same. He still had the same friendships with the men due to having the rapport beforehand but with me he was polite. We didn’t click the way I did with everyone else. He didn’t sit and chat with me, or try to get to know me. I had tried before but he didn’t stay long. The conversation often felt forced and awkward. He seemed to be in his own mind most of the time. 
We crowd around Peacock as the men wish him well on his travels home. I don’t know who’s more stoked, the men or Peacock. He’s a sweet guy and tries his best but he’s not the best platoon leader, often getting lost, or leaving the men behind to fend for themselves. Peacock was being sent home to rally more men to join the cause. Due to the heavy amounts of casualties from the war, we needed men to replace the ones who couldn’t make it back to us. I stand on the outside watching as the men huddle together and chant, “Hip, hip, hooray!”
More days pass, it’s quiet. Eerily quiet which puts me on edge. Skip and Alex tell me to relax, enjoy the holiday while we can. I laugh, shaking my head, “Yeah what a holiday, I’m freezing my ass off stuck in a hole with you two nitwits.” Skip mocks hurt feelings as Alex tried to pin me under his arm to give me a noogie. I laugh playfully fighting with Alex, these two are like the brothers I never had. They constantly tease me, wind me up, tell me terrible jokes. I give it back to them, roasting them with witty insults. 
One of the men films us on an old camera, well I say old, this is new technology for this time. I laugh thinking about if I just pulled my phone from my bag and showed them the camera, they would be shocked. Probably a bit too shocked, do they still burn witches in this time? We smile and pull silly faces as the man shoots us, laughing at Alex for doing a stupid face. 
“Skip, did you see what he did?” I manage through laughter, Skip laughs shaking his head. “He did this.” I mimic the strange pose Alex did, crossing my arms over my chest and puffing it out, pulling the face he did, he kinda looked like Robert De Niro, the scrunched up face and pulled down lips with squinting eyes. Alex scoffs pushing me over in the hole, as Skip and I die laughing. 
“I didn’t do that!” He protests.
“Yes you did! Yes you did, you did this!” I laugh doing the pose again as he shakes his head disagreeing with me. 
We stand in line waiting to get our meal. We shuffle forward slowly in the snow. I stand between Alex and Skip, who shiver furiously from the cold. Alex puffs on the smoke that hangs from his lips. 
“Hey fellas, look who I found.” Bill announces, I look over my shoulder to see Toye and Bill standing together looking pleased. I smile at the man, and then my smile drops, what is he doing back? Joe makes eye contact with me, I give him a questioning look. All he does is send me a cheeky smile and wink. I smile at him, but shaking my head, silently telling him off. 
“Hey, Joe Toye, back for more.” Skip cheers from beside me.
“Hey Muck, how are you?” Joe says in his gravelly voice. 
“How are you Joe?” Alex says, patting the man on his shoulder. Joe nudges into the line in front us with his plate.    
“Yeah, doing pretty good. Escaped from the aid station.” He replies to the men. 
“How’s the arm?” I question, he smiles at me. 
“All better, Em.” He waves his arm around to show me it’s fine, grinning as he does so. Gene had treated him but it was bad enough for him to be sent back to the aid station.
“Where’d you get hit?” A replacement, who was standing behind Alex, asked Toye. Joe glanced at the young man, giving him a judgey stare. 
“What’s that?” Joe asked, motioning at the man, like he couldn’t hear him. I let out a scoff at his brashness. 
“Ah, it's Webb, replacement.” Skip informs him. 
“Really? Thought it was some guy I’ve known for two years and I forgot his face.” Skip chuckles at Toye’s comment. 
“Joe got hit in the arm. New Year’s Eve gift from the Luftwaffe.” Alex tells Webb. 
“Jesus. A lot of you guys been injured?” Webb asks us as we shuffle forward, closer to the food. My stomach growls. 
“It’s called ‘wounded’, peanut.” Martin says from behind Webb. “Injured’s when you fall out of a tree or something.”
We move forward, I put out my bowl for the hot meal. Smiling at the soldiers serving up the meal, thanking them quietly. I’m so excited to eat this food! 
“Don’t worry there is enough crap flying around here, you’re bound to get dinged sometime. Almost every single one of these guys has been hit at least once. Except for Alley, he’s a two-timer.” Skip says as Webb hangs off his every word. I follow behind, not even waiting to find a seat, I eat the food from my plate. “He landed on broken glass in Normandy and got peppered by a potato masher in Holland.” Skip points to Alley who sticks his bread into the food on Skip’s plate, gathering the juicy content and eating it. “Now, Bull, he got a piece of exploding tank in Holland.” We pass Bull who sits on the ground eating looking unimpressed by the replacement. I grin at him, a small smile forms on his lips. I follow behind, waiting for Skip to sit down so we can eat properly, but he’s caught up in his chatter. “And George Luz here has never been hit. You’re one lucky bastard.” He pokes the eating George in the chest. 
“Takes one to know one, Skip.” Mumbles George, mouth stuffed full of food. 
“Ah, consider us blessed.” I roll my eyes at the chatter-box, scoffing, the noise catches his attention. “Even our medic here, Emily, got hit. Took a bullet to the hip, ain’t that right?” Skip points at me, as I still trail behind the pair.
“Yeah. How come I got a bullet and you still haven’t been hit yet?” I asked the man with a cheeky grin on my face. 
“I’m blessed, don’t ya know it. Now, Liebgott the skinny little guy, he got pinged in the neck in Holland. And right next to him, that other skinny little guy, that’s Popeye. He got shot in his scrawny little butt in Normandy.” Skip points out all the men to Webb. My face lights up as I see Don, walking over to join him. Alex was already standing beside him. God I should’ve followed Alex over not Skip, who took us on a whole tour before rejoining the group.  
“And Buck got shot in his rather large butt in Holland.” Malarkey adds on to the list of wounded men. Buck turns around lifting the back of his jacket to expose his behind, pointing at his butt. I laugh at his silliness. 
“Yeah, kind of an Easy Company tradition, getting shot in the ass.” Alex adds. 
“Hey even 1st Sergeant Lipton over there, he got a couple of pieces of a tank shell burst at Carentan. One chunk in the face. Another chunk almost took out his nuts.” Skip says as we all giggle at the thought. 
“How are those nuts, Sarge?” Bill asks Lipton who stands beside him eating in peace, shaking his head from the comment that came from Bill. 
“Doing fine, Bill.” He smiles trying to hold back his laugh. “Nice of you to ask.” 
I finish all of my food, satisfied with a full stomach. I stand and talk to the rest of the men, Webb hangs around Skip like a bad smell. I’m sure he was just ecstatic when Skip actually spoke to him, the rest of the men just avoided them all. I felt bad for the replacements but I understood where the soldiers came from with their disdain. They were always so eager to fight, to see action and then when it came time for action they made stupid decisions or decided they actually didn’t like it at all and tried to flee. Which wasn’t helpful when there was an assault and we needed all the firepower we could get. They men rightfully didn’t trust them. The Easy men from Taccoa stuck together like glue, however their numbers were slowly dwindling. 
Much to our dismay, Easy was being moved back into the old position outside of Foy again. I walked with the normal trio as we made our way back again. Passing the men we were leaving behind to hold resistance on the main line, they were attached to D company for the time being until Easy took hold of Foy. Men made passing comments to the men as we walked by. Warning them of the scary Ronald Speirs. I could attest to his scariness, when he had shown up when the D company soldier was trying his best to kill me, I felt like I was also going to be discharged when I hadn’t done anything wrong. His cold stare shook me to my core.  
“Hey, be careful if he offers you a cigarette.” I pushed Malarkey as he teased the men sitting in the hole.
“Hey, be careful Frank, Christenson and Webb.” I said pointing at them, “I want you back in one piece, you hear!” They smiled at me. 
“Oh we sure will Em, don’t you worry about us.” Christenson assured me. I turned, walking backwards as I yelled at them. 
“Oh and be sure to brush your teeth, Frank. Don’t forget! Gotta keep up the good oral hygiene. Webb, don't let him forget. Twice a day Frank.” I teased Perconte, he laughed, shaking his head at me. I was grabbed by my elbow as Alex led me away from the men. I walked backwards still facing them, as Alex ushered me along, waving at the soldiers until they were out of sight.
I turned facing the front again, so that I didn’t trip over, walking alongside Alex. Skip and Don walked just ahead of us. 
“Hey Skip, did you tell Em, what you told me?” Alex called to the man walking in front of us. Skip looked over his shoulder confused at what Alex was talking about. Trying to remember what he had told him. I could tell exactly when he remembered as his face lit up, mischief in his eyes. He slowed down to walk beside me. 
“What?” I asked nervously as Alex and Skip grinned at me.
“You know Webb?” Skip asked, I nodded, eyeing the men suspiciously. Before he could tell me anything more the pair burst out into a fit of giggles unable to contain themselves. 
“What?!” I laughed along with their infectious hysterics, but I was still confused. “What’s so funny! What?” I pushed Skip as he tried to catch his breath. They straightened themselves again, taking deep breaths. Skip tried to tell me but made eye contact again with Alex, sending them into another bout of laughter.  
“What are you doing to them?” Don turned around assessing the scene, Skip and Alex could barely walk, they both held onto my arms trying not to fall over from how hard they were laughing. 
“I didn’t do anything, I’m waiting to be let in on the joke.” I tell them man, trying not to fall over myself from the pair of idiots holding on to me for dear life.
“Ok! Ok!” Skip sighs. Wiping tears from his eyes. Alex has to look away from us, not being able to make eye contact with his friend. 
“So Webb, asked me if you had a boyfriend.” Skip tells me. 
“What? What did you say?” I asked, looking shocked. 
“We said that you were married to Don!” The pair crack up again. My eyes widened.
“What? Why did you tell him that?” I feel a blush rising to my cheeks. 
“He looked so disappointed.” Alex added, while Skip was still losing it. “Then we convinced everyone else that you had secretly eloped.” 
“WHAT?! Are you two serious? What is wrong with you?” I couldn’t help but laugh as well though, the thought of all the men being tricked into believing I was married to Don was pretty funny. I could imagine Alex and Skip, the devious pair that they were, going around telling the men. Trying their best to control their reactions when the men were persuaded. Then having it as their inside joke. 
“Have you told Malarkey this?” I asked when their laughter finally subsided. 
“No we haven’t.” Alex shook his head as we continued to walk, Don none the wiser strolling ahead of us. 
“Should we not tell him, and wait for someone to bring it up?” Skip said, as Alex and I nodded our heads vigorously. The thought of having our inside joke with Don being clueless made us all giddy. I couldn’t stop laughing. We would be walking in silence and then one of us would start to laugh, knowing exactly what the other was thinking we would all join in.
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bfdifan26 · 9 months
please do list of every burner depression i love this show so so much you should do that
okay! thank you for enabling me. disclaimer im not a Depression Expert i pretty much only know what i go through myself. have fun
ok so roomy isnt a contestant but i do wanna talk about her. i feel like the whole thing with her literally being the room can be compared to something like a kid with depression not leaving their room and just living within a tight window of reality, only ever speaking to their parents and stuff. i feel like roomy can be related to that as she literally can’t leave. like executive dysfunction the character. also her personality, only caring about being nice and not hurting others, and by doing that not letting anyone know who she really is or how she really feels
okay onto the contestants now. rosey is a very interesting character, what draws me in about her the most is her almost refusal to appear vulnerable or overwhelmed by anything, always needing a guaranteed way to do something so she knows it’ll work. this can be seen as somebody with depression relying on things in their life that they know off by heart, things like routines and rituals they perform daily, having something to fall back on and feel some normalcy through. again she’s very similar to roomy with the whole social butterfly thing
spraypaint is tricky because we’ve basically only ever seen her be like Ahh im gonna kill you be scared. but i do think she has a reason to constantly be like that towards people. nobody is ever aggressive because they like it i dont think anyone likes being on guard 24/7. i feel like she relies on her knife alot, for example in the scene where she argues with playdoh after they run into eachother, she tries to just kill him right there instead of bothering to interact with him once she gets bored of him and decides he has nothing to say that she wants to hear (based but only because it’s playdoh)
kit seems to be very self confident unlike the majority of the other characters, but for the entire time, others have kind of decided what kit is like in their heads and settled on it, based off how she appears. that being limey seeing how relaxed and inexpressive she is and that making him think that she doesn’t care about things around her. with depression it can be easy to get tired of some things, but people then assume you don’t care about anything, and that you’re just apathetic, and/or constantly thinking you’re sad when like. thats just how you look Lol. that’s what kit and how she’s treated reminds me of
speaking of limey. he’s pretty similar to spraypaint, except he’s much more sensitive, or at least outwardly. it doesn’t take much for him to feel overwhelmed and like everybody is out to get him, and he’s always trying to counter this feeling by insisting to both others and himself that he has something up his sleeve that’ll make everyone regret thinking badly of him. he’s just a very defensive character and who can blame him. oh also hes very clearly hyperfixated on the idea of being a cartoony super villain or something. it’s a part of his identity he relies ALOT on, always falling into it especially when he feels threatened
pilly is very organised and on top of everyone else, and his only fault ive noticed is his detachment. he says to record outright that he doesn’t need or want friends, and purposely blends in to make sure he isn’t noticed and nobody tries to connect with him. i think this can be 2 different things; either he just straight up doesn’t like other people and finds them draining and just another hassle, or he really would like a friend but would rather not reach out from fear of being rejected. i think it’s the first one but you can never know
peanut is another character who’s very isolated except for him it’s nobody’s fault or deliberate choice really. we’ve seen that he lives in the middle of the country out on a farm, either living on his own or with his close family. my personal idea of him involves the second one and that also fits in with this. one of peanut’s very first lines is that he doesn’t care about what happens to him and is mostly focused on doing things for others’ sake. hes seen to be used to doing the dirty work for people and to be happy with it being like this. i think peanut relies on being a helping hand since well. that’s all he really knows how to do, and how to be wanted by others
to say polaroid is overshadowed by the other characters is an understatement both in the show and outside. like i think he’s the character with the least fanart, even including the one-time cameo dudes. its a shame because he’s SO good. his most noticeable trait first up is that he can’t speak verbally, and for others to acknowledge his words they have to put effort in which. unfortunately alot of people dont. like this hes ignored easily and often, being talked over, people dragging him around and ordering him to do things without listening to what he thinks first. but despite this hes so caring, seen with him encouraging pilly even after he threatened him with elimination (have i ever mentioned i love those two’s relationship so much) and comforting roomy and going with her to help with her fears
record is like. id say one of the most depression coded objects ever. she’s shy but not the stereotypical shy archetype, questioning people’s orders and sometimes even getting frustrated with others. she’s shown to have trouble explaining herself to others, feeling like she needs to in order to be forgiven for well. Literally just standing there. not much i can say about her that hasn’t been said /agreed on already
onto hanger my favourite… hanger is again, talked over by basically everyone. she rarely has the opportunity to ‘prove herself’ to others and when she does, the credit is taken away from her and it doesn’t matter how much she yells and argues, she can never be listened to. when this happens to someone it can easily feel like nothing you do will ever work and it’s just hopeless to even think of doing anything right or impressing anybody. i wouldn’t say hanger feels like that since we’ve seen that she’s very strong willed, but that’s just the thing. she HAS to stop herself from feeling that way because nobody else will, she has nobody else to rely on.
except erasey
erasey is similar to kit with the whole under expressive thing, as well as it being seen that they kind of struggle with motivation. they seem to have a kind of omnipotence that makes it so that they know what to do and how to do it, and if it’s even worth it to try. but apart from that they don’t do much else, that’s all that’s important to them. they only try to do what they absolutely need to
i hope playdoh cries again in burner 4
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gayhoediaz · 7 months
me throughout my entire life: going out in public and talking to people and interacting takes a lot of energy out of me.
literally everyone including supposed mental health professionals: mhm. because you’re shy and have a lot of social anxiety.
me: uh. no. zero social anxiety actually. not shy. have no issue talking to people it just makes me tired afterwards.
them: mhm. but there must be a rational explanation so it’s because you’re anxious. you must practice.
me: i have practiced my entire life it just created burnout, it’s not gonna change, this is how i work. i could get up on a stage in front of thousands of people and give a speech it wouldn’t make me anxious at all, i’m just tired after.
them: mhm. so you have social anxiety.
me throughout my entire life: *is quiet*
literally everyone including supposed mental health professionals: you’re so shy
me: actually no, i just like to listen and reflect on what’s being said, and i like to think things over. whenever i have something to say, i have no issue saying it, i just naturally examine things from every angle and i want to make sure that my words are a valuable contribution to the conversation.
them: shy <3
me: yeah so my dad kind of traumatized me, he would gaslight and invalidate my fee-
therapists and psychologists: you’re too sensitive <3
me: …and i’m afraid his new kids will also struggle with-
therapists and psychologists: they’re probably not as sensitive as you don’t place your experiences and emotions onto other people
me: i’m depressed
therapist: go to a spa <3
me: you make me uncomfortable i’m not ready to talk about this specific assault that just happened to me please don’t push it
psychologist: therapy is difficult <3 it’s okay to be uncomfortable <3
me: okay but i’m uncomfortable with you - like as a person. and i never agreed to this therapy.
psychologist: therapy is difficult <3 it’s okay to be uncomfortable <3
me: i-
psychologist: listen to the only song that brings you any kind of comfort while i stare at you <3 im sure it won’t ruin the song at all <3
me for 5 years straight: i feel exhausted all the time i feel like a zombie
psychiatrist: hm lets increase the dosage of this extremely heavy anti depressant
me: i don’t think i was ever depressed i think it was burnout but these meds just don’t make me feel good. i’m still exhausted i can’t get out of bed.
psychologists and psychiatrists: lets increase the meds and also you can’t just rely on medication, sweaty, you have to try also.
me: i am tryi-
psychologists and psychiatrists: no <3 try harder <3
me: yeah a few years ago i slowly decreased my anti depressants by myself under the supervision of my family and i feel like i woke up after 5 years in a coma and i am still catching up in life because it was all paused but i feel so much better since quitting therapy because it was just giving me so much extra trauma and frustration with constantly being invalidated and misunderstood. i completely support medication and therapy when it’s necessary but i think it’s harmful to look at professionals as if they’re gods who can’t do anything wrong. i do not, in fact believe that everyone should go to therapy.
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aspd-culture · 1 year
so about some of the traits and behaviours related to ASPD that can be upsetting or harmful to others (eg putting yourself and others at risk, not understanding or regarding the rights of others, etc), how do you deal with that in relationships (whether friends, dating, family, work)? like, when their side of an argument is that you’re being disrespectful or putting them at risk, but your side is that those are literally symptoms of ASPD and you weren’t actively trying to hurt them? they’re not wrong for feeling hurt still, but you’re not wrong for existing with this disorder. i realise it’s generally considered difficult for pwASPD to maintain relationships, but like, somehow you have to live your life and that involves a lot of interacting with people, plus pwASPD don’t deserve total isolation that they don’t want, obviously. apologies if the wording is confusing.
/genq /intending this respectfully
I appreciate this question and especially the way you worded it was actually super respectful, so thank you for that as well.
For me and many people with ASPD our social circles tend to be smaller and usually within that even fewer actually know about the disorder, which can make this especially tricky if they don't understand why we're acting this way. In that case, I personally do my best to take a step away from the situation and talk to people I trust who *do* know about my disorder to ask them AITA or not.
If they agree with me entirely, I stand my ground with the other person or remove them from my life if I feel it warrants that (which, with this disorder, I more often than not do if it wouldn't take much effort to cut them out of my life).
However, if the people I trust to help with my moral compass feel that I was entirely in the wrong, I will try and process that as a logical fact, practice faking remorse by myself, and apologize. Even if I don't feel remorse and the thing I did wrong came from my symptoms, I can personally still accept that the facts are that undue harm was caused to them.
My apologies tend to sound insincere so I've been told, but people tend to appreciate that I accept full responsibility, acknowledge the harm I caused, and work to change my actions, so they tend to see it as me seeming insincere vs actually being insincere. After all, I generally *don't* try to hurt the people around me, but if I did it anyway then it's probably worth trying not to repeat, if only for the practical purpose those people serve in my life.
I try really hard not to be the type of person, regardless of my PD, who says "this is how I am, get over it" without at least considering if I'm in the wrong. It took me many years to get to this point though, and I am able to admit that I was a pretty crappy friend at some points bc of my refusal to try and see where I was wrong. I used to feel that if I didn't feel remorse I should not have to show remorse, but I'm in the process of learning that's not accurate.
Remorse is best delivered from a heartfelt perspective, yes, but if that's not available storebought is fine. It's ok to have remorse be a practiced set of words and actions that you do when people are upset, so long as your apologies at least come from a place where you intend to try to change. That change doesn't have to be not having symptoms, but it's reasonable for people to expect your symptoms not to constantly negatively impact them.
All that said, if it's something I truly cannot change about myself, my side of the conversation usually looks like this, with adjustments based on what exactly the issue is (feel free to use this as a script of sorts if you have trouble talking through these things with ppl in your life! YMMV, but I spent a long time formulating it, so it deserves as much use as it can get lol). Keep in mind a lot of this is gonna sound like I don't have ASPD and that is on purpose. In my personal relationships I prioritize apologies and times when others are upset as times I choose to mask. That is honestly more for me than for them except for my Exceptions bc it’s extremely frustrating for me to navigate what is and is not coming off as angry, dismissive, etc. so I prefer to mask heavily during these kinds of conversations. You do not have to mask if you do not want to; it should not be the expectation of NT people/pwoPDs that we mask for their comfort.
If they know about my PD: "I don't want to hide behind this or use it as an excuse, but what you're talking about is a symptom of my personality disorder. I put in a lot of work to avoid these symptoms affecting other people, but at the end of the day I still have a disorder and some things are just not able to go away. What I can do is find out how this is hurting you. If it's my tone and not my words, there isn't much I can do about it besides remind you that my tone is often non-reflective of my intention and emotions. If it's my words, we can work together on a phrasing that would be more comfortable for you in the future. It will come across as scripted, but that doesn’t change the fact that I mean it. I would just be using that phrasing because it’s important to me not to hurt you. If it's a specific action, I can try to not repeat it. But I cannot get rid of the disorder and part of being in my life is understanding that and trying to find ways we can both cope without me having to mask all the time. That is exhausting and unrealistic unfortunately. Can you explain to me what exactly was the issue with what I said/did and how it made you feel so we can understand each other better?”
If they don't: "I get that what I said/did came off differently than I intended and hurt you. I'd like to know specifically what about it hurt you in your own words so that we can come up with a solution to avoid this in the future. I know it may feel obvious, and I basically already know (sometimes with neurotypicals you just need to LIE) what was hurtful. I just feel if you explain it to me, we can target it together better and I will be able to be a better friend/partner/coworker in the future. If you don't communicate that to me, I might accidentally end up making things worse and I don't want to do that. Think about it this way, if what I said made you angry and I thought it made you sad, however I try to rephrase it is probably just going to make you angrier since I’d be looking at it in the wrong context and that warrants a different response.”
If something is 100% unfixable, resort to a gentle version of old reliable "this is who I am" speech: "I understand that you're upset and the goal here was not to hurt you. I don't enjoy seeing you upset and what I did/said wasn't intentionally malicious. But that said, it is kind of just something about me that I talk/act like that sometimes. If it helps to know it isn't anything against you, great. I can give you that reassurance any time you need, just ask instead of assuming ok? If not, I think it may just not be possible for us to see as much of each other or maybe be in each others' lives. I don't want you hurt and if a part of my personality is hurting you, then you deserve to be happy. I want you to be happy and I would wish you all the best in that."
The difference about saying that last one now vs when I used to is that now I am both using much gentler wording and only saying this when I honestly believe the only thing I can do to help this person protect their own peace is to not be in their life. Inevitably, people tend to push after this "no I can handle it, I don't want to lose you", and I usually try and discourage it once and say "look I don't want to be the reason you're hurt and have you bottle it up until you resent me and then lash out at me. I want to protect both of us." If that still doesn't work, gotta be honest, it's their funeral at that point bc you said you could handle it, you said it wasn't that big a deal, you're a grown person and it's your job to either mean what you say or take responsibility if you don't.
Sorry for writing a novel! This stuff is complex and it’s hard to explain my process concisely. I hope this answers your question though.
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tabithatwo · 1 year
“Why do you keep watching the show if you hate it so much?”
Not publishing one of the asks because I’m not rewarding the bad behavior lmao but this is such a consistent refrain for me (still!) in asks AND reblogs AND comments etc and I’m gonna get real with you in hopes people chill out (not just in my inbox but in others), because last time I answered one of these it did slow for a while. This is going to be my don’t make me point to the sign post, I’m not going to talk about it again but I will likely reblog when it comes up.
I’m a nurse and I worked through the worst of covid. I’m not going to get into the details of that because ifykyk and if you don’t I can’t begin to describe how fucking horror movie trauma fest it was. Take whatever you’re imagining and multiply it by a hundred. I was working constantly in horrific conditions being retraumatized daily and having no way to deal with it AT ALL. I’ve had addiction issues in the past. I started smoking again. I could feel other shit trying to creep it’s way in.
Enter: yellowjackets. I hadn’t hyperfixated on a show or movie or book in years (since childhood really) but it CLICKED into place for me. So this show (plus writing for it—learning to write, having something to think about that was creative and not destructive because when you’re surrounded by death you start to feel destructive, practicing hours and hours a week) actually stepped in and took that place. I even stopped smoking cigarettes eventually.
Then my other favorite comes in: “actually you can enjoy things more if you stop obsessing over them”
I have adhd. My brain goes HARD. That’s literally NOT how my brain works. I LIKE obsessing over details. I don’t CARE if it’s meaning making from nothing. I intellectually UNDERSTAND when it is. I interact with the world this way. I promise you that I know the limitations, but I also promise you that it doesn’t ACTUALLY make my experience negative. I don’t think having critiques of things I’m obsessed with hurts my experience and quite honestly, I don’t have a BRAIN that has EVER allowed me to not think critically and analytically about ANYTHING. So I don’t know what I’m missing out on and I can’t just make myself experience it lmao like this is who I am! I’m used to operating this way and it’s my only setting tbh.
I DONT hate the show. I LOVE it. Like so very fucking much. I see a stark difference between s1 and s2, I personally liked the things in s1 that are not present in s2 more, I personally hope that s3 ties in some of the old theme, vibes, editing styles, and narrative build of s1. You do not have to agree, you can think they’re the exact same or even that s2 is 100x better. But I’m probably going to continue being hyperfixated on this show. I’m going to continue caring deeply. I’m going to continue analyzing deeply.
Is that healthy? I don’t care! I would rather be addicted to a tv show and writing about my little lesbians than actual substances! It positively impacts my life, even if I’m feeling a lot of disappointment right now. I’m upset because I care, I care because that’s how my brain is hardwired, and I wouldn’t want to change that if I tried because this show and learning to write and actually sticking to a healthy hobby for once in my life is really fucking amazing to me.
If you don’t like ever seeing any criticism of this show, I would invite you to ask yourself why it upsets you so much that you need to try and push someone into leaving their own space. If nothing comes to your mind or your heart or you simply don’t want to reflect, block my fucking blog. It’s a fucking button. Press it. You’re not going to make me shut up lmao trust me, I don’t function like that <3
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deadlittledogs · 8 months
I mean this in the nicest way possible but it sounds like you have severe body dysmorphia and are a shut in. You’re making yourself feel like shit constantly comparing yourself to others and it’s gonna drive crazy not having basic social interactions with others. It’s easier said than done but either talk to online mutual/friends or befriend a coworker who doesn’t seem insufferable to be around or become a regular at local spots in your town (cafes, comic stores, music stores). It’ll help with the spiraling thoughts that you’re not good enough and the loneliness. Anything sounds better at this point than passively living in your mind all the time. I’m sorry life hasn’t been kind to you lately.
I KNOW, NONNIE, YOU’RE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT AND I APPRECIATE THE MESSAGE A LOT….. It’s just fucking hard because I’ve never been enough for anybody, not in my entire fucking life. I want to feel ‘accepted’ by somebody so bad but it just pushes me further into the trenches, makes me do stupid shit and pairs me up with assholes who enjoy the stink of my desperation and help perpetuate the cycle. I’ve been chasing after metaphorical carrots-on-stick since I was a child. I’m not sure how to exist in any other state but this I guess….
I’m definitely getting out more, which is good….. but like I’ve mentioned before, I can’t really…. connect well with others lmao…. I’m not sure how to fix this problem, I assume I just haven’t met ‘my people’ yet. I get along with my coworkers fine enough, and it’s helped me with my social skills a lot, but I don’t think they really see me, ya know…… I’m still trapped in my little box………. but I think there’s potential for growth, of course I do, or else I would’ve just blown my le freaking brains out already lel.
Maybe I’ll take your advice and start doing cafes more!!! I think even just leaving the house and having ‘me’ time might be good… I’m sort of reluctant to leave the house unless I have someone accompanying me but idk, maybe I should go check out the local pubs and see a ballet show or something. Try to spice up my day and go pretend I’m apart of general society to help me acclimate outside of dah muck 🫡
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destinygoldenstar · 2 years
In defense of Noah.
So I got noted quite a bit in my Owen post (which blew up A LOT more than I initiated. Wow.) that I did not mention that Noah was... not the nicest person in the world to Owen in RR, and yet I claimed they were friends. 
I wanted to say my thoughts on that.
Will this be bias because I love Noah? Yeah. Probably.
I’m not gonna act like Noah was traditionally nice to Owen. Not ever, actually. He did laugh at Owen’s milk snot in World Tour, and a couple times I’m too lazy to recall right now, but not much else that can be deemed as ‘friendly.’
Really, has Noah EVER been traditionally a friendly person? To ANYONE?
He deals with his interactions with a smirk and a rude demeanor. With the exception of Emma, who I will get to later, he talks in the sarcastic tone we love about him. 
I understand where that criticism comes from. Despite becoming good friends with Owen and staying with him on multiple reality shows, he doesn’t really show that much kindness towards him. Heck, he doesn’t really show that to anyone and constantly forces people to do the hard work for him. Dodgebrawl? The Tyler stretching incident? That’s not OOC. 
But... I honestly liked it. And here’s why.
It was just really wholesome to see this stone faced lazy guy get slapped in the face with sincerity and make a much healthier life for himself. Better than working for Chris anyway.
Noah’s someone very introverted and, lets face it, spoiled. The game might actually be the first time he was rejected ever. After Island, he became Chris’s little assistant, and that says all, and in World Tour, he actually does try to dodge hard challenges first (remember the pinball challenge?) And who forces him into a position to always be on guard? Owen. Mostly because Owen is probably gonna (accidentally) kill Noah. And Alejandro, who is sus.
I See London is the first episode where Noah legit takes charge in something. He’s not nice about it, I don’t expect him to be, but they had to win the challenge. It’s not the rules were gonna change on them at the last minute- oh wait.
(I mean, it’s Total Drama. Hosted by Chris McLean. So... I’m not as mad about that as you think I would be.)
But let me ask this: If Noah had no care for Owen whatsoever, WHY would he even stay with Owen for so many reality shows? 
I’ll wait.
Of course Noah isn’t gonna outright say he cares about him, or even be good at encouraging his partner. “You’re about as picky as a raccoon”, is essentially his poor way of encouraging that he can do it. Unlike Emma, who only saw Kitty as an asset to winning the money at first, Noah knows who Owen is, and tries to help them both. Could he be nicer about it? Yes. But that’s not the point. The point is ‘how would this be an in character way for them to deal the situation?’
“Hold on, but he developed all these feelings for Emma and constantly tried to impress her” -The reblog section
Here’s the big case.
That whole thing is only proof that Owen’s good nature DOES rub off on Noah. Better yet, being forced into situations where he has to actually TRY to make it and survive. 
And a crush? Yeah, that’ll let that all out at once. It’s basically, Noah recognizes that he legit WANTS something that’s hard to get. Of course he’s bad at dealing with emotion and struggling with something that seems so... sappy. This is a whole new experience for him. 
And as much as you may want to deny it, Noah is NOT just an emotionless sarcastic machine. If that were the case, he wouldn’t laugh at Owen’s milk shake at all, which that too, could’ve easily come across as unconventional for him. 
(I don’t want to talk about the ‘But there were hints that Noah was gay, and yet he becomes straight’ stuff. I don’t hate it, and that’s coming from someone graysexual. Total Drama is bad at representation. The fandom just wants to ignore the facts because they love the show and the characters anyway. If I wrote Total Drama, would I have made Noah gay? Coin toss. But what’s canon is canon, write a fanfic instead of whining to the writers. Over.)
For me at least, I just found it really wholesome to see this brainiac become way more understanding and better at relationships as the show went on. 
With Emma, it’s understanding her boundaries in order to properly be with her. 
With Owen, he does actually get better at showing his care for Owen as RR goes on. It’s Owen who helps him in the air guitar challenge, and from there, the bossiness towards the big guy becomes way less frequent. 
Total Drama doesn’t have it’s characters blatantly say, “I’m sorry I treated you badly” or “I’ll try to be better” or “I care about you and I want you around”. Some shows do that, in my writing I do that, but that’s never been this show’s style. So of course Noah isn’t gonna blatantly apologize or say “I need you.”
Would I have liked for Noah to have said this sort of stuff out loud? Yeah.
Would I have liked for Noah to have more screen time to flesh out what I’m talking about? YES.
But for what we have, I still love Noah as a character. He’s not the best written character in the show, but sometimes you don’t care.
Who knows? Maybe I’ll make a Noah centric fic that takes place in an alternate timeline of the show. where he DOES get the screen time to flesh out what I’m trying to say. No promises though. 
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ca-suffit · 2 months
You talk about people playing chess when no one is doing anything of the sort. If anything it’s you just trying to start drama and get everyone mad at each other while being a hypocrite in the meantime. You got mad at that one anon calling Anne a pedophile after you reblogged a post pointing out her grossness and say it’s all rumors while also calling Anne abusive when you have no proof of that either. You say people are obsessed with Maven but you’re the one in the tags about her constantly and in the tags about other blogs as well making the entire fandom aware about your drama. You talk about how this space is small because of those gatekeepers as if you aren’t unwelcoming as well. Get some perspective.
all this is trying to do is distract from the fact this fandom is abusive and racist af. it's not "drama" it's "racism." ur talking about me exposing the fandom's racism and making u all uncomfortable. ur blaming me for behavior u all do already and are mad that ur getting in return now. ur also mad that u can't threaten me with anything because there's nothing else on this account but exposing u. ur mad because I make u feel stupid and powerless and have support doing it too. to play along and respond some to ur points tho. here's one v small thing about anne rice and how she treated her own fans. that's only SOME stories, there's a lot more. she famously attacked the 1994 film *of her own story* as it was filming and pissed literally *everyone* off, had to be removed from interacting with them anymore, and her influence on stans made filming a nightmare......just because she didn't like tom cruise (and she blamed her fans for inspiring this in her too, couldn't even own her own shit). she defended paula deen for saying the N word, she defended antisemitism, she beefed with the popeye's guy cuz of her fictional books?? (she wanted to own property he ended up owning and was mad about it, that's rly what it was all about [end of this article]).
let me pull this part out from the movie link so u can rly hear it from the producer of her film: "Geffen echoed the sentiment, accusing Rice of displaying an attitude of "self-importance" and characterizing her attacks as unkind, indiscreet, and unprofessional."
here's ur proof and it's not even all of it :)
and ur trying to put blame on me to make white woman maven a victim, which is an age old racist thing to do that white women luv doing. "how could I ever cause harm lil ol me 🥺" why don't u go read about emmett till and think about ur life choices here. here's an article about how white women weaponize this shit all the time, to give u a quick link and never say I didn't do shit for u.
none of us would even know about shit with maven if she hadn't posted about it herself to brag about it. when has this bitch ever been in the show tags before? and when she shows up what is the topic about? oh look it's all about her. she's the one who brought attention to this in the first place so jot that down btw.
she chooses to post on youtube and open her mouth about these things. she chooses to be stupid about racial topics and claim to be an expert on things. she chooses to speak in a v condescendingly racist, white woman way when she talks to me, as if she's trying to help soooo much and she's soooo nice and I'm just so big and mean :( :( that's overt racism but half of u are still gonna act stupid about it like u rly can't see it. she is not meeting anyone halfway, she is throwing her black friends around and keeping the focus on her. she is not listening. she has no intention to listen. she's trying to save her own image to keep viewers and a paycheck. if she doesn't want to hear real shit then she can get off youtube, she can get out of here, she can stick to her white ass lane. u can't pin this on other ppl reacting to things that are worth criticizing, but that's all anne rice taught u to do so I'm sorry ur so fucking stupid still as adults. get well soon!!!!!
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