#in order to feel trendy and intelligent
one of the most wonderful things in my life recently is my return to the books I loved in jr/high school.
I've been reading a lot less ever since starting uni, which sucks because I love books but I just couldn't get into any. I was complaining about not reading like I used to be able to, and then I realized (as much as tiktok encourages getting new books constantly) I can reread things.
specifically, I can reread books from high school. because I was reading more then for a lot of reasons, but also because I was reading things I liked, rather than what I thought I was "supposed to".
so anyway, here's some of the books I've been rereading (and absolutely tore through, this worked)
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will saying you read these make people go "wow you're so dark/light academia"? no. but I read them instead of paying four months of library fines only to have them sit on my desk unopened the whole time. so I call it a win.
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thebibutterflyao3 · 5 months
Marauders/Emeralds Era Characterisation/Builds/Backgrounds in my fics
-I’ve seen a few newbies looking for head-canons to try out in their fics. Feel free to use any of these.
-there is some variation, of course, plus some of my fics are set at the younger Hogwarts ages, but usually in this order from tallest to shortest as adults:
Remus Lupin (6’ 1”-6’4”) - typically an inch or two taller than James, but rarely quite tall. Lanky, long-limbed with curly dirty blond/light brown hair. Sometimes, he’s stronger than he looks, other times he’s a wet noodle. Disabled (usually physically, but sometimes with Tourette’s or Epilepsy). Introvert. Classic literature/fantasy novel buff. Neutral Good. Welsh. Bisexual with a preference for men. Smokes occasionally, prefers weed.
James Potter (around 6’) - athletic with strong upper body, solid but rarely super muscular. Wears glasses, intelligent, and has ADHD. Chaotic Good. Messy curls. Wide open music taste, but always Queen and a sucker for a ballad. Deep voice. Extrovert. Deeply romantic. Usually Desi via Euphemia, but love the Latinx James hc. Bisexual>Pansexual (used interchangeably for James). Non-smoker.
Barty Crouch Jr. (around 6’) - athletic, but slim. This man has no arse. Stronger than he looks. British, but love the hc that he’s Italian. Burnt out gifted kid, occasionally tech savvy. Heavy-metal and emo fan. Usually has ODD. Extrovert. Chaotic Evil. Omnisexual or Bi with a preference for mascs. Often with tattoos and/or piercings. Heavy smoker.
Dorcas Meadowes (5’9-5’11) - athletic, or slender with some curves. Black, British, and the most intelligent of the group. Long braids. Ambivert. Love her characterisation as a good Slytherin. True Neutral. Listens to R&B, but secretly loves pop music, mostly sapphic artists. Occasionally has Depression. Neither butch or femme exclusive, bit of both. Bisexual or Lesbian. Non-smoker.
Evan Rosier (5’9”-5’10”) - painfully average floppy-haired blond white boy with a tan. Neutral Evil. Solid build. Grunge music fan. Piercings rather than tattoos. French or British. Ambivert. Demisexual. Prefers edibles or shrooms to smoking.
Regulus Black (5’7”-5’10”) - usually a hair taller than Sirius, but he was shorter by a bit once or twice. Chin-length wavy hair. French. Writer (poetry) and/or musical prodigy. Introvert. Slim to average build. Lawful Evil. Anxiety, OCD, and/or Autistic. Classical music or jazz, nothing with lyrics. I have written him as intersex (or trans in a few WIPs), but usually a gay cis man. Non-smoker, mostly. Social drinker, but overestimates his tolerance.
Sirius Black (5’8”-5’10”) - most attractive amongst the guys. Usually slim, but strong and flexible. Highly intelligent, but easily bored and uninterested in academics. Artistic (painter) and/or musical (percussion instruments). Rock/grunge junkie. Shoulder-length hair and tattooed. Chaotic Good/Chaotic Neutral. Sometimes ADD, often emotionally stunted with abandonment issues. Heavy drinker, occasional smoker.
Mary McDonald (5’8”-5’10”) - depends on the fic, but always in heels so she seems taller. Curvy queen. Most attractive and socially aware of the entire group, extremely trendy, designs/sews a lot of her own clothes, high-femme. Prefers soulful music and light pop. Popular, but keeps her emotions buried. High expectations. Does not suffer fools. Lawful Neutral. Black, British, and extroverted. Natural hair. Social smoker and drinker. Neurotypical. Aromantic or lesbian.
Lily Evans (5’6”-5’8”) - very curvy to plus-size. Super long dark red hair, often braided with a fringe. Academic overachiever, Lawful Good, pretty, and fiery/defensive when confronted. Fantasy book nerd. Introvert. Neurotypical with anxiety. Pop music girlie. Artistic (usually sketching). Welsh/British. Non-smoker. Bisexual>Pansexual (used interchangeably for Lily) or Femme Lesbian, but rarely wears make-up.
Marlene McKinnon (around 5’6”) - athletic/ stocky queen with thick thighs. Blonde, usually in a ponytail and shoulder-length with fringe. Scottish/British. Music-obsessed (mostly 70-80s rock) and lives in band tees and Docs. Tattooed. Extrovert. Chaotic Neutral. Social smoker, but rarely. ADHD. Butch lesbian who loves eye-liner. Occasional short skirt to break Dorcas’s brain.
Peter Pettigrew (5’5”-5’7”) - stocky/plus-size, straight blond hair. British. Logical and strategic, but struggles with abstract concepts. Chess player, comic book collector, video game/movie buff, and weed fiend, but non-smoker. People-pleaser and supportive of his friends, but ambivalent around strangers. Ambivert. Asexual, unlabeled, Questioning.
Pandora Lovegood (5’-5’3”) - always petite and slim. Long blonde hair, usually loose or in elaborate half-updos (like Phoebe Buffet in Friends). Hippie vibes and high-femme. Usually Autistic. Ambivert -depends on who she’s with. French. Animal lover, compassionate, high-strung, a gossip but rarely maliciously, collects crystals. Pansexual. Non-smoker, but open to experimentation. Rarely drinks.
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 6 months
Hi! Could you recommend some mutual pining? Preferably not high school. Thanks
Here are some of the more recent stories in this trope, it's a good one! ~Jen
Rate my Professor By @kurtsascot
Rate My Professor exists. Kurt tries not to remember that, and, most days, he succeeds. But, on days like today, at the end of a semester from hell, with some of the most intelligent and equally infuriating students he has ever taught, Kurt finds that it’s easier to slip.
He caves and reads.
or: Two professors are pining for each other. Thanks to the internet, the tension breaks.
Beautiful, crazy By JButler
Kurt Hummel is beautiful and Blaine Anderson might be crazy in love...
Camp Klaine By @kirakiwiwrites
Kurt and Blaine are eagerly anticipating their last summer of theater camp together. Having been best friends since meeting at Sanford Theater Camp three years ago, they intend to make the most of this one. But this year, things feel different between them. Blaine’s starting to realize he might have a crush on his bestie while Kurt introduces everyone to his new boyfriend…
Indigo Dreams by @gleefulpoppet
[AU] Blaine Anderson is rich, revered in his profession, and a powerful man in New York. After years of what has become nothing more than a weekly routine, he takes selected clients and models to the trendy, upscale nightclub—Indigo Dreams—to wine, dine and entertain them. What happens when a new dancer takes center stage and captures Blaine’s soul with those beautiful color-changing eyes?
~~~~~ Measure for Measure by@teddyshoney
Blaine Anderson, the new band and choir director for McKinley High School, immediately feels a connection to Kurt Hummel, the English teacher, during their initial teacher in-service days. He wants to get to know him, and after a conversation with the art teacher, Tina Cohen-Chang, he finds out that Kurt is stand-offish with nearly everyone at school—except his students—and his only real friend is Mercedes. Spurred on by his feelings, Blaine decides to do something brash: give himself five days to win Kurt Hummel. After he learns more about what secret Kurt's been hiding, however, that might prove to be a taller order than he'd originally thought.
I'd cry a river just for you by maanorchidee @forabeatofadrum
Seven years ago, Kurt and Blaine had a huge fight that ended a ten year long friendship. Now they unexpectedly run into each other in another part of the world. Can they let go of the past?
Out of Eden by @wowbright
As a gay Mormon, Kurt Hummel has decided to go the rest of his life without falling in love. But toward the end of his two years as a missionary in Germany, Elder Anderson moves into his apartment—and Kurt's best-laid plans fall apart.
(It's not necessary to have read the previous works in this series to follow this one, or to read the works in order. I try to make most things understandable from context. You can start this and, if you like it, hop back to the earlier stories as you wait for new chapters to post.)
Also the author is regularly updating and adding to the story, including in this year's Advent challenge.
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succulentsiren · 1 year
How To Have Strong Presence
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Have you ever met someone and you just couldn’t keep your eyes off of them? This person didn’t have to say much or do anything at all but fully caught and captivated your attention? This is called Presence or the ‘IT’ Factor'.
What is Presence?
Presence is being able to command attention in any room you walk in with ease, without even opening your mouth, bragging, or over reaching it to the point that you seem unnatural and fake. Presence is a force that comes from within' and when it is embodied you cannot be ignored. All eyes and attention become glued to you. But it's not because of anything particular you have on. It is something no one can't seem to put their finger on. Presence isn’t meant to be understood or identified, it is meant to be felt. A big part of presence is a how you feel about yourself on the inside and that electrifies your presence outwardly.
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How to Have Presence
Many may rock designer, trendy shit and expensive clothes, but this doesn't give them a strong, natural presence. You can wear all the designer you want but if you not self aware you will lack strong presence. Actually too many flashy items gives the impression of being insecure. It is best to keep it natural and rely of your inner confidence. Of course you can use outer resources to help you feel confident, but true confidence comes from within'. Inner confidence stays with you even after you take off the clothes, makeup and accessories.
In order to have presence you must become aware of how you are projecting yourself and showing up in the world. Majority of us aren’t aware of the presence we exude because we are too distracted and disconnected from ourselves (too busy in our phones, or in our heads overthinking). You must become aware of this present moment and live here in the now.
Everywhere you go, you are sending signals to others about who you are and what you represent. People can perceive who you are by the way you carry yourself. You don't even have to open your mouth, because your nonverbal communication and body language tells people everything they need to know about you. If you want to project a strong presence you must be aware of how you are showing up in this world.
You've probably heard of the term the 'It Factor'. Many have a hard time categorizing and defining exactly what this is. In my opinion, IT Factor = Intelligence. Self intelligence.
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full post here
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randomthefox · 1 month
I pray "We are Magical Boys" never gets an official english release because it would instantly be turned into a political shit storm.
Honestly that is my BIGGEST fear. That if it got an official localization, some shitty fuckass "politically motivated" localizer like JelloApocalypse would get the task, and they'd fucking turn all the boys trans or some shit like that. Which COMPLETELY negates the entire POINT of the fucking manga, which is confronting the concepts of traditional masculinity - naw let's CONFORM to those concepts of traditional masculinity by saying boys AREN'T allowed to be cute and dress up in girlyness, no no no they HAVE to be GIRLS because ONLY GIRLS are allowed to wear girly clothes and be cute. Fucking 1920s ass conservative rhetoric wearing a pink and blue flag.
Thinking about how those bastards ruined Bridget and that they might try to do the same thing to Bokura wa Mahou Shounen legitimately terrifies me.
I wouldn't care what the fandom does. People are gonna be stupid about the series no matter what. But the thought of the official localization rewriting the series to insert trendy western gender politics, under some xenophobic ass excuse of japanese culture being "problematic" or some shit, is what makes me feel like it isn't worth the risk.
Like seriously, the manga is ALREADY perfectly tackling the topics of gender AS IS it doesn't need to be changed to fuck around with the main characters gender identities just because that's a hot button issue in the west right now.
I'm like legitimately taken aback that a manga that's targeted to young boys would be depicted in this way and explore the themes that it does One of the characters had imposter syndrome But also that chapter was about his friend noticing how uncomfortable and upset at the party he was and deciding to sacrifice his own enjoyment of the party to leave with his friend in order to make him feel better The story is literally about the main character having the emotional intelligence to notice something his friend was struggling with and deciding to set his own desires aside for the sake of him
Almost every conflict in the story is like that Just flawed characters and emotional interpersonal dynamics There's even a chapter where the main character struggles with insecurity because his dad is like "muh manlyness" and he thinks he'd be like ashamed of him for being a magical boy And it's like whoa literally the manga is exploring toxic masculinity Wtf
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This is relatable and important messages for young boys who might read this
The series is perfect AS IS and deserves to be ACCURATELY AND AUTHENTICALLY TRANSLATED into english. But I fear from the bottom of my heart that whoever might get hired to do an official localization would take it as an opportunity to REWRITE the story to make it into something it isn't. Because the story they'd rewrite it to would be "more progressive" by whatever insane fucked up standard they decide determines that. Better for it to never get officially localized than risk that.
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genderisareligion · 2 months
My apologies if you have already given the answer to this before, but may I ask, do you still acquaint yourself with libfems? Why or why not?
It has always been my personal belief that in order to properly fight a battle, you must understand the arguments of all sides, but at this point I’ve grown so tired of the sheer stupidity of liberal feminism and anti feminists that I don’t think I can deal anymore. I feel bad for saying this, but in my head I can’t help but say that these people are either just stupid or being willfully obtuse! What do you mean hyperfemininity fights the patriarchy? It fucking doesn’t, not in any way! What do you mean women are too stupid to take on leadership positions, but are also somehow the masterminds behind every single fucking problem on the planet? What is wrong with these people? I don’t even consider myself particularly intelligent, but this is just utter insanity. It actually blows my mind… the arguments that the hyperfeminine genderspecial American girls in my age range throw around. None of them make sense, all of them are easily disqualified, so why does no one seem to get it still?
I went a bit off track here… I guess the question I really want to ask is, do you believe that it’s better if I still welcome my libfem acquaintances, or should I leave all of them behind? I’d stuck around in hopes that they would someday have a better understanding of how deep the patriarchy is rooted, but they’re still parroting “Trans women are women! We love girlcock!” and I just don’t know if I can take it anymore.
It's up to you whether or not to leave them behind. Solidarity with other women while agreeing to disagree is important, but can be very difficult to accomplish. You as a radical or radleaning feminist don't owe American hyperfeminine genderspecial women anything, and the worse that I see anti radfem scare tactics and lies getting over the years, the less I blame those who feel they can't take anymore.
I personally don't know many libfems anymore but I did in college; for example I could and can tolerate some level of "makeup and trendy fashion is feminist and fun for me" from friends because it's so fucking rough out here for women and real feminism is becoming so inaccessible that I'm just like "well at least they're somewhat enjoying themselves even if those actions aren't feminist," it's usually never worth it to me to try and change her mind unless she simultaneously expresses discomfort with beauty standards
My closest female friend for the longest I would say is just a general feminist, too normie and not committed to it enough to be considered liberal or radical, but believes in its most basic tenets and doesn't shy away from the word feminist. She's let me rant to her about radfem for over a decade and usually understands my point even if she doesn't 100% agree.
Those are the kinds of women I still have time for...I'm in my 30s so the genderspecial "you can be trans with no dysphoria! twaw!" free for all is like that much more concerning when I see it in my age group. Basically IRL I'm a stealth radfem unless I think someone will be open to it.
Do what's going to keep you the most sane out here
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littlemissmanga · 4 months
**For the matchmaking**
I'm a shy, anxious 20-something woman who needs time to open up to people, and otherwise largely keep to myself, observing and listening to the people around me. (People have confessed that I looked/acted like a bitch before getting to know me better, but it was really just social shyness and an unfortunate case of RBF.) I care about people a lot, but I never really know how to show it, and tend to overthink how best to show people I'm thinking about them/care in some cases... Kinda ironic, since I was/am the 'Mom Friend' of most friend groups. :')
I'm a very right-brained individual. A lot of my hobbies are/have been creative; I crochet, photography, ceramics, I currently do watercolors and write in my spare time, and I enjoy birdwatching too. My favorite animals are birds and cats. I enjoy a good rainstorm and the company of my loved ones, and my sense of style involves a lot of comfort over trendiness.
I suffer with a lot of chronic pain, sensory troubles and sleeplessness, but I can tolerate the discomfort most of the time in order to do what needs to be done, most of the time. I struggle with loneliness and feeling overlooked/forgotten often, as well, too.
Yen Ori'ken's Valentine's Day Matchmaker Services
Yen: Thank you for writing in, @frostycatblr-fandom-files!
Hm, I have two potential matches for you but I believe the one that would likely yield the more enjoyable Valentine's Day date is ...
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Clone Commando Wrecker of Clone Force 99.
He is loud and boisterous, but Wrecker is one of the most emotionally intelligent clones I have the pleasure of knowing. He can certainly keep a conversation going, but he'll never rush or pressure you.
He may not be artistically inclined himself, but you won't find a bigger cheerleader when it comes to your creative pursuits than him. And, if you have a bit of patience, he'd love to learn a few to do with you.
Rainstorms are his favorite (he likes the thunder and the rain itself reminds him of Kamino), so he'll definitely be down to get cozy and listen to the storm inside. By a nice fire.
But Wrecker's real strength is his heart. He notices. More than you may initially think. And he truly is the best when it comes to building up those he cares about. If you're feeling down on yourself, he'll remind you of all the things he loves about you. He'll also not tolerate you pushing yourself at all. He'll practically beg you to let him take care of things so you can rest. But no matter if you agree or not, you'll never feel unseen again. And Wrecker will use that loud voice of his to make sure everyone else sees you too.
I think a lunch at a cat cafe would be a perfect Valentine's Day date for you two, followed by a trip to an aviary where you can make a game out of who can spot the most birds.
I hope you enjoy your Valentine's Day date with Wrecker, and thank you again for writing in!
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batmanschmatman · 1 year
Lewis Nixon - Nebelung Cat
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Please ignore that this breed technically didn’t exist officially until the 1980′s, because honestly, most domestic cats are extremely similar animal behavior wise, and my wife insisted that Nix get a rare, fancy, pedigree cat that’s renowned for its smarts. Nothing but the finest, etc. etc.
Much as Dick is a textbook herding dog soul, Nix is such a cat. He’s such a cat, you guys, you don’t even know. (Also, cats and dogs are such good fits for romantic partnerships, trust me on this.) A domestic cat soul gives the outward appearance of being extremely aloof and self confident, but in reality we - as I am one of their number - crave love and attention and cuddles. Not from anyone, mind you, and we can be very self confident and aloof, but the simple fact is a domestic cat is way more of a social creature than most people give them credit for. They don’t need or want approval from everyone, but they like their people and want to play with and be loved on by them. Nix is more playful and open with Dick and Harry because they’re his people and he loves and trusts them. Cats are also more than capable of being part of a unit, either in a domestic household, working barn cats, or feral cat colonies. Nix might not be a pack/flock/herd animal the way someone like Dick or Malarkey is, but he’s happy to be a part of the group, benefit from that companionship, and help out where he can to the best of his ability.
Cats are extremely smart and adaptable creatures. They can survive just about anywhere and are devastatingly good hunters. Nix is extremely smart and good at work he finds important or interesting, but he’s also not especially ambitious or interested in doing work he doesn’t like just to get ahead. Cats tend to care little about hierarchy or pecking orders because they’re confident and secure in their own spot, much like Nix doesn’t actually care that much about being promoted or demoted at the end of the day.
Cats also like to do things on their own time and be their own boss. Nix was famous for being a great intelligence officer, but also really good at delegating tasks he didn’t want to do so he could do the things he did want to, like sleep in or go hang out at Easy or Second Battalion’s CP to spend time with a certain someone when he should be with his more immediate coworkers. Cats tend to be conflict avoidant, either wanting to smooth a situation over, pretend it’s not happening, or bluff their way out of a fight. Nix isn’t one to bite first or pick fights for no reason, even if he can get blustery and pissed off if things aren’t going his way. He’s also very intuitive and good at saying and doing the right thing to the right person, much like a cat might instinctively know you’re feeling down and in need of some cuddles or hope to trick you into thinking they haven’t been fed yet.
Also worth mentioning that cats are notorious for bringing their people the gift of dead birds and other “snacks.” Most behaviorists interpret this as cats showing they think of you as family and aren’t sure you know how to hunt for yourself. Nix is always giving Dick little treats or things he thinks he’ll like (like tanks, or a weekend pass to Paris!) as a sign that he likes him and because he knows Dick is a little bad at looking after himself.
My wife and I named Nix’s daemon Zelda as a very trendy and uppercrust sort of name from the 20′s, and she is a little prissy and fussy. She spends most of Bastogne shoved into the front of Nix’s jacket glowering at everyone because she is cold and wet. >:C
( HBO War Daemon AU Masterlist )
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qvistwheeler9 · 11 days
How Luxury brand replica bags can Save You Time, Stress, and Money.
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Boasting the label’s signature Intrecciato weave, the shoulder bag provides a quasi-moon condition by having an unexpectedly flat base. For saving Many dollars, these spot-on LV bags are an awesome substitute to your originals and let you take a look at out the types and spice up your outfits by giving them a designer feel and look!  There are many faux bags on the market which are marketed as "replicas" that are actually counterfeit. They are utilizing the designers' names and signature styles (such as the Burberry Test sample or interlocking Gucci Gs) and even though they don't seem to be specifically advertising that they are authentic to people, the bags is usually represented to Some others like that as soon as a buy has long been made. Recently increasing from its sneaker roots (also an active re-sale Market) to incorporate bags in its inventory market-like format, StockX is where by the hypebaes store. Once you look for a bag you like, you can place a bid underneath the inquiring price This can be greedy for straws at this stage. Individuals are far too invested in Other individuals life plus they gained’t seize your bag. Chanel has high quality so undesirable from the boutiques the superfakes are starting to appear greater. However, when desiring luxury designer designs without having exorbitant value tags, replica bags give a large number of prospects. aaaaaa replica handbags existing a feasible choice for customers who need to embrace brand aesthetics when Functioning inside their budgetary constraints. aaa replica handbags reviews can be highly recommended to protect on your own by avoiding sellers who exhibit this kind of tactics and alternatively opting for those who supply very clear and reasonable return guidelines. Whether you should costume up the Business office with a classy tote or Select a night out with a robust clutch, we’ve got it to suit your needs. There are several common approaches to evade AliExpress rigorous authenticity rules on the System like employing alternate names or hidden hyperlinks. Sellers ordinarily utilize these techniques as well as buyers must decipher these codes intelligently. At TheCovetedLuxury, we make replicas that happen to be popular for his or her pure luxury and exquisite craftmanship that matches that of their authentic counterparts. Should you’re wanting to make a fashion statement or you want to impress your Woman, make her truly feel Exclusive with luxury Hermes replica bags. These apparel tend to be the replica of top brands and sporting these clothes is likely to make you really feel as When you are sporting the initial brand as a consequence of its premium high quality. So opt for best T-shirts and Shirts from our wide range of selection available at our online retail outlet. Produce a design statement and appear trendy. Disclosure: This put up might comprise affiliate backlinks, meaning we have a Fee if you choose to produce a purchase by means of our links, without charge for you. Please study our disclosure for more info. The concept of confined provides is commonly a marketing method. It is crucial not to hurry into creating conclusions; alternatively, go to the trouble to conduct extensive investigation and make an informed alternative within your Replica designer bags. They're extraordinary copies that get all the details correct and will be tempting to order, but they're unlawful.
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citynewsglobe · 26 days
[ad_1] Summer season style is about simple, breezy style that retains you feeling cool and looking out sharp. However for the style-conscious man, that is additionally an opportunity so as to add a number of inches to your peak with elevator sneakers. Elevator sneakers are rising in popularity as a result of they will make somebody taller and look higher. Nonetheless, their advantages usually are not simply restricted to including a number of inches. The precise pair of males's informal summer time sneakers can rework any outfit into one thing particular. They supply each consolation and elegance all through the summer time months. Why Elevator Sneakers? Elevator sneakers for males have change into a staple within the trendy man's footwear assortment. They provide you additional peak straight away and are very versatile and supportive, so you possibly can put on all of them day. Elevator sneakers for males have change into very talked-about due to their intelligent design that provides inches to your peak with out sacrificing type or consolation. The purpose of those sneakers is not simply to make you look taller, but additionally to make you are feeling extra assured, straighter, and slimmer. 6 Informal Summer season Elevator Sneakers Price Proudly owning 1. Basic Canvas Elevator Sneakers The basic canvas elevator sneakers are an awesome mixture of consolation and informal design. These sneakers are an awesome addition to your summer time assortment, and pair properly with all the pieces from shorts to denims. You possibly can stroll taller with out compromising on type because of the discreet peak improve they provide. 2. Light-weight Elevator Loafers Elevator loafers are the right summer time sneakers. Select light-weight supplies and breathable designs that maintain your ft cool and dry. They slip on simply, in order that they're good for seaside walks and sundowner occasions. These sneakers are additionally nice for informal events. They're snug and could be worn all day or night time. Mix them with chinos and a linen shirt for a trendy summer time outfit. 3. Peak Growing Knit Sneakers Peak growing sneakers are the gold customary of contemporary footwear innovation. These sneakers mix breathable knit supplies with a glossy design, offering each consolation and a slight carry. They're nice for individuals who wish to strike a steadiness between style and practicality. 4. Mesh Elevator Sneakers Mesh elevator sneakers are a good way to mix efficiency with type. These sneakers are designed to maintain your ft cool throughout these sizzling summer time exercises, with out sacrificing on peak or type. The peak-increasing insole provides confidence to your step. 5. Canvas Slip-On Elevator Sneakers For the person who is continually on the transfer, canvas slip-on elevator sneakers are important. These sneakers are nice for fast journeys or when you'll want to go away shortly.  They're simple to put on and comfy, and they're tall, which makes them a good selection for summer time sneakers.  6. Informal Leather-based Elevator Sandals Elevator sandals are a brand new technique to gown up your summer time outfit. Elevate your seaside or poolside look with informal leather-based elevator sandals. These summer time necessities will make you look taller whereas holding your type on level. They're good for vacation put on or weekend outings, providing a laid-back vibe with out sacrificing a way of favor. Styling Your Summer season Elevator Sneakers Elevators sneakers are simple to decorate up into your summer time wardrobe.  Whether or not you are heading to the seaside, attending a marriage, or going out for an off-the-cuff dinner, there's an elevator shoe to suit the event. Pair them together with your favourite shorts and a polo for a basic daytime look, or gown them up with chinos and a button-down for evenings out.  Pair canvas sneakers with shorts and
a tee for an off-the-cuff daytime look, or pair suede boots with chinos for a sensible, informal night look. Keep in mind, the important thing to pulling off elevator sneakers is confidence. You'll stroll taller in additional methods than one, should you select a shoe peak that feels snug and pure to you. Relating to summer time elevator sneakers, manufacturers like GoldMoral and Chamaripa supply a variety of choices designed to satisfy the wants of the trendy man. These manufacturers not solely supply superior high quality and luxury, but additionally be sure that you stay on the forefront of summer time style traits. Conclusion Elevator sneakers are greater than only a footwear selection; they seem to be a life-style. By selecting the best pair, you possibly can benefit from the summer time with confidence, consolation, and elegance. When selecting elevator sneakers, think about the peak improve you're snug with, often between 2 and 5 inches, and be sure that the shoe suits properly to keep away from discomfort. Whether or not one is an skilled purchaser of elevator sneakers or a novice, this summer time presents an excellent alternative to discover the various vary of informal alternate options obtainable. GoldMoral and Chamaripa are famend for his or her modern designs, which cater to each style and event. Do not move up the prospect to develop a number of inches and add an entire lot of aptitude to your wardrobe. [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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sirensoftheweb · 2 months
Do Robots Deserve Rights?
By: Hydra 🐍
I want to start this post by firmly stating: I AM NOT SCARED OF ROBOTS!! Except maybe that AI Robot named Sophia… I am just simply unsettled. Maybe it is because I enjoy immersing myself into a good science fiction book, movie, or video game? For example, my favourite solo player video game is Detroit Become Human. The game follows three different androids, all in which have different jobs but act as a type of servant for an owner. Throughout the game you are faced with prejudice, which ultimately leads you to have to choose between breaking the programming and becoming a deviant (gaining a consciousness of one’s own), or continuing to live as a slave to an other.
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If roboticist Alan Winfield is correct with his statement: “Real robotics is a science born out of fiction,” (2011, 32) how are we to assume that robots gaining consciousness will not be a relevant topic in the near future? I mean we have a A LOT of fictional media existing around the idea of such topic (M3gan, Black Mirror, I Am Mother). In my opinion, scientist should be more focused on creating the flying cars from Back to the Future instead of frenzying over the next trendy artificial intelligence. Imagine never having to worry about sitting in rush hour traffic EVER AGAIN.
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I realize the whole idea that “robots will take over the world one day” may seem comical to some, but If you really think about it, this notion is already in motion (hehehe that one made me feel like a white dad). The man of the moment himself, David J. Gunkel says, “Despite what is imaginatively foretold in fiction, the robot invasion is not coming from the future. The robots are already here. Like the “barbarians” that were said to have invaded Rome, we have already invited the robots into our places of work, into our homes, and into our lives. They are already all around us, even if we often do not see or identify them as such” (Gunkel 7).
I will assume you are human if you are reading this, and therefore I will also assume you have been inside a grocery store (considering you must consume food to survive). Well this being said, have you noticed the progression of self checkouts becoming more and more frequent? It’s so simple to go in and scan all your items, letting the machine do the brunt of the work for you. Or maybe you are a little more bougie and have experienced the cat robots of sushi places that act as a substitute for servers… IS THIS NOT AN EXAMPLE OF ROBOTS ALREADY BEING HERE AND RELEVANTLY USED?? That was a rhetorical question because OF COURSE IT IS. Even in the comfort of our own home we rely on robotic devices like Amazon’s ‘Alexa’ or Apple’s ‘Siri’ to turn on/off lights, answer questions, set alarms, etc.
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So how did we get here? If we think about famous french philosopher Gilles Deleuze’s essay “Postscript on the Societies of Control,” Deleuze argues, “This technological evolution must be, even more profoundly, a mutation of capitalism […]” (Deleuze 4). This would make sense given the examples above, because these robotic machines tend to replace human jobs and duties. Robots don’t require a paycheck like people do. Therefore, the capitalist win once again. Human Kind: 0, Capitalism: 1,000,000,000.
Since it is evident we are living in a time that depends heavily on robots and technology for everyday use, I would like to bring up another question raised in Gunkel’s book: “Can and should robots have rights?” This question really perplexed me. At first, my obvious answer was ‘no.’ Robots are already taking away jobs from people who actually need to make money in order to survive. How can a machine need rights equal to those of humans? They do not have consciousness and souls (as far as I know)! That question’s ridiculous right? But then I think back to my favourite video game and how gut wrenching it felt having to play as an android with no rights or freedom of speech. I feel a little more tempted to say yes to Gunkel’s question after that, but I just don’t have it in me to place technology over living, breathing, flesh.
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Should we be more empathetic and moralistic towards technological beings such as robots? Or is it more important to value our own human rights, especially considering that is a questionable topic in it’s own?
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sofyandoors · 6 months
The Rise of the Robot Helpers: AI's Role in Shaping Digital Products
The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is fast becoming a central driver of this change. Its impact is particularly profound in the realm of digital products, where AI is not just a trendy buzzword but a transformative force reshaping user experiences, optimizing operations, and pushing the boundaries of what's possible.
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The integration of AI into digital products marks a paradigm shift in how we conceive and utilize technology. AI, with its capacity for learning, reasoning, and problem-solving, has become the cornerstone of innovation across various domains. From personal assistants to complex algorithms powering predictive analytics, AI's influence is omnipresent.
1. Enhancing User Experience through Intelligent Design
One of the primary contributions of AI to digital products lies in the realm of user experience (UX) design. By leveraging machine learning algorithms, developers can create products that adapt and evolve based on user behavior. This level of personalization enhances user engagement and satisfaction, fostering a more intuitive and seamless interaction.
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2. Personalization and Recommendation Engines
AI's ability to analyze vast amounts of data enables the creation of personalized experiences. Recommendation engines, are a prime example of AI integration, power content suggestions, product recommendations, and tailored user interfaces. As users engage with digital products, AI refines its understanding, continually optimizing recommendations to match individual preferences.
3. Revolutionizing User Experiences:
Personalization that Feels Personal: AI algorithms can analyze user data and preferences, tailoring interfaces, content, and recommendations to individual needs and desires. Imagine a learning app that adapts to your pace and learning style, or a newsfeed that curates articles based on your interests. This kind of hyper-personalization fosters deeper engagement and user satisfaction.
Intelligent Assistance, Always Available: AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are transforming customer service, offering 24/7 support that feels natural and human-like. Imagine resolving account issues without hold times or navigating complex interfaces with voice commands. These intelligent assistants provide seamless, efficient interactions, boosting user loyalty and brand trust.
Proactive Problem-Solving Before They Arise: AI can analyze user behavior and product usage patterns to anticipate potential issues and suggest solutions. Imagine a fitness tracker that recommends corrective exercises based on your running form or a music streaming app that curates a playlist based on your mood and activity level. This proactive approach enhances user experience and fosters deeper connections with the product.
4. Optimizing Operations for Efficiency:
Data-Driven Decision-Making: AI can analyze vast amounts of data on user behavior, product performance, and market trends, providing insights for informed decision-making. Imagine optimizing ad campaigns based on real-time audience engagement or dynamically adjusting pricing strategies based on demand fluctuations. This data-driven approach ensures agile, effective product management and improves ROI.
Automating Repetitive Tasks: AI can handle mundane, repetitive tasks like data entry, content moderation, and customer service queries, freeing up human resources for more strategic endeavors. Imagine a content management system that automatically generates SEO-optimized meta descriptions or an e-commerce platform that streamlines order fulfillment processes. This automation boosts efficiency and allows teams to focus on higher-value activities.
Predictive Maintenance and Error Prevention: AI can analyze product usage data and sensor readings to predict potential maintenance needs and prevent service disruptions. Imagine a connected car that anticipates engine issues and schedules preventative maintenance or a security system that identifies vulnerabilities and proactively strengthens defenses. This predictive approach minimizes downtime and enhances product reliability
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5. The Road Ahead: Responsible AI and Human-Centered Design
As AI continues to integrate into digital products, it's crucial to prioritize responsible development and human-centered design. Transparency, ethical considerations, and user control over data usage are paramount to ensure trust and mitigate potential biases. By prioritizing human needs and values, we can harness the power of AI to create innovative, intelligent, and truly user-centric digital products that improve our lives in myriad ways.
Overcoming Challenges with AI in Digital Products
While the potential of AI is vast, its integration comes with challenges. Ethical considerations, bias in algorithms, and the need for robust cybersecurity measures are critical aspects that demand attention. Addressing these challenges is essential to harnessing the full potential of AI in digital product development.
The Future Landscape: AI as a Catalyst for Innovation
Looking ahead, the synergy between AI and digital products will continue to drive innovation. From healthcare advancements to smart cities and beyond, the possibilities are limitless. The evolving landscape presents an exciting frontier for developers, businesses, and consumers alike.
Conclusion: A Harmonious Fusion of AI and Digital Products
In conclusion, the role of AI in digital products is transformative and dynamic. As we navigate this technological frontier, it is crucial to recognize the ethical considerations, foster inclusivity, and ensure that the benefits of AI are accessible to all. The symbiotic relationship between AI and digital products is shaping a future where innovation knows no bounds, promising a digital landscape enriched with intelligence, efficiency, and unprecedented user experiences.
The future of digital products is inextricably linked to AI. By embracing its potential while navigating its challenges responsibly, we can unlock a new era of user experience, optimized operations, and boundless innovation.
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monab-india · 6 months
Shop For The Stylish Canvas Backpack
In the dynamic world of fashion and functionality, the canvas backpack stands as a versatile and enduring accessory, particularly tailored to meet the needs of the modern man. With its combination of style, durability and particularity, the canvas backpack has become an essential companion for various activities, from daily commutes to weekend adventures. The canvas backpack for men effortlessly merges classic elegance with rugged durability. Constructed from sturdy canvas materials, these backpacks not only with stand the rigors of daily use but also develop a unique character over time. The worn-in look adds a touch of authenticity, telling a story of the journeys and experiences the backpack has been a part of. Whether you’re heading to the office, embarking on a weekend getaway, or navigating the urban jungle, the canvas backpack proves its versatility. Its neutral tones and timeless design make it an ideal companion for a variety of outfits, seamlessly transitioning from professional settings to casual outings. The adaptability of canvas backpacks ensures they complement a man’s style, regardless of the occasion.
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Smart organization for modern life
Inside the stylish exterior lies a well-thought-out interior. Canvas backpacks often features multiple compartments, pockets and sleeves, proving organized space for essentials like laptops, tablets, documents and even a change of clothes. This intelligent organization caters to the demands of the modern man, offering solution to keep everything in order on the go.
Comfort and ergonomic design
Comfort is paramount, especially for those who carry their world on their world on their shoulders. Canvas backpacks prioritize comfort with padded straps and back panels, ensuring that even when loaded with belongings, they feel comfortable during extended wear. The ergonomic design distributes weight evenly, preventing strain and making it a practical choice for daily use.
Environmentally friendly choice
Beyond its aesthetic and functional appeal, the canvas backpack aligns with eco-conscious values. Many are made from eco-friendly materials, offering a sustainable alternative to synthetic backpacks. Choosing a canvas backpack is not just a style statements; it is a small step toward a more environmentally friendly lifestyle.
Expression of personal style
From minimalist designs to those adorned with leather accents, canvas backpacks offer wide range of styles, allowing men to express their individuality. Whether you prefer a sleek monochrome look or a more rugged, vintage –inspired vibe, there is a canvas backpack that complements your personal style and enhances your overall aesthetic.
The canvas backpack transcends the boundaries of a mere accessory; it is a statements piece that seamlessly combines style, durability and functionality. As we navigate the demands of modern life, this versatile companion stands the test of time, evolving with its owner and becoming a reliable symbol of personal owner and practicality. Whether striding through city streets or exploring new horizons, the canvas backpack is more than a bag, it is a reflection of the man who carries it.
On the contrary, are you searching for the perfect shoulder bag online? Look no further! Explore a diverse range of stylish and functional shoulder bags available on various e-commerce platforms. Whether you are aiming for a chic accessory to complement your outfit or a practical bag for everyday use, the online marketplace offers a plethora of options to suits your preferences.
Style meets convenience
Online retailers display an extensive collection of shoulder bags designed to cater to diverse tastes. From trendy and fashionable options to classic and timeless designs, you can easily find a shoulder bag that aligns with your personal style. Browse through different materials, colours and patterns to discover the one that resonates with you.
Versatility for every occasion
Whether you need a compact shoulder bag for a night out, a spacious tote for work or a casual sling for a weekend adventures, online platforms provide a variety of options. Filter your search based on occasions, sizes and features to pinpoint the perfect shoulder bag that suits your lifestyle.
Diverse materials and finishes
 Explore the world of textures and finishes with a wide array of materials available online. Whether you prefer the sophistication of leather, the casual vibe of canvas, or a lightweight feel of nylon, online platform offer a multitude of choice.
Budget friendly options
Online shopping provides the advantage of comparing prices and finding budget-friendly options. Take advantage of sales, discounts and promotions offered by various e-commerce websites to snag a stylist shoulder bag without breaking the bank.
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Embark on your shopping journey to find the perfect shoulder bags online that complements your style and meets your practical needs. With the vast array of options, competitive pricing and the convenience of online reviews, you are sure to discover a shoulder bag that not only adds flair to your ensemble but also proves to be a reliable companion in your daily adventures. Happy shopping!
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avesent · 8 months
Crafting Inclusive Design: Avesent’s Path to Engaging Diverse Audiences
In the world of digital design, inclusion is more than simply a trendy buzzword. Avesent, the top SEO company in Florida, is aware that every visitor to a website should feel welcome and engaged, regardless of their qualifications or history. In this article, we'll look at inclusive design and how Avesent is paving the way to create a more welcoming and accessible online environment for everyone.
The Value of Diversity
Reaching a Larger Audience: An inclusive design makes your website a friendly place for a variety of users. This broadens your audience and enhances the perception of your business as a sensitive and open-minded organization.
Legal and Ethical Responsibilities: In many places, having a website that is accessible is required by law. There may be legal repercussions if accessibility rules are not followed. Adopting inclusive design helps you stay legal and ensures that your website is compliant.
User Experience Improvement: An inclusive design improves the user experience for all users, not only those with impairments. A better user experience is produced generally by straightforward, intuitive navigation, clear and succinct content, and user-friendly interfaces.
Increasing SEO: Search engines like Google give preference to websites that are user-friendly and accessible. Implementing inclusive design principles will increase your website's usability and accessibility as well as its search engine rating, making it easier for users to find.
The Commitment of Avesent to Inclusive Design
At Avesent, we design inclusive digital experiences from the ground up, not simply websites. Here are the concrete ways we adhere to our commitment to inclusive design.
First, accessibility
Inclusive design is fundamentally based on accessibility. All websites we produce are WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) compliant thanks to the expertise of our team, making them usable by people with impairments.
Usability-Oriented Design
We think it's important to fully comprehend our audience. We learn about the particular needs and preferences of your target audience through user research and usability testing, allowing us to build designs that speak to them.
Mobile Adaptivity
A truly inclusive design must be mobile-responsive in today's mobile-first environment. Avesent makes sure that your website appears and performs seamlessly on a variety of screens and devices.
Universal Content
Design that is inclusive includes both the information and the visuals. We work with you to provide information that is simple to read, concise, and understandable for all users, regardless of reading ability or linguistic skills.
Future Trends in Inclusive Design
The idea of inclusive design will develop as technology progresses to take into account new trends and technologies. Here's a little peek at what lies ahead.
AI-Powered Helpers
Website accessibility will be greatly improved by artificial intelligence. Users with disabilities will be able to access real-time assistance from AI-powered assistants, improving engagement and navigation.
Multisensorial Events
Incorporating touch, sound, and even scent will be part of inclusive design in the future. Websites will make an effort to offer a multimodal experience in order to accommodate users with different abilities.
In today's digital environment, inclusive design is not just a design theory; it is a requirement. As the top SEO company in Florida, Avesent is committed to building websites that celebrate diversity and make the internet a more welcoming environment for all users.
We welcome you selecting Avesent as your inclusive design partner. To ensure that no one is left behind in the online world, get in touch with us right away and let's work together to build a digital experience that welcomes and engages every user.
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Exploring the Future: How Metaverse Development Services are Revolutionizing Industries
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In a time when real life and amazing things come together, the Metaverse is a new and exciting idea that could completely change how we live. The Metaverse is not just an idea, it is a doorway to an exciting and changing digital world, where what we consider real is expanded. In this article, we explore the center of the Metaverse, revealing the complex web of Metaverse development services and how they greatly influence the creation of virtual worlds. Come along with us as we discover how these services are creating a captivating experience, giving us more ways to interact, and pushing us into a time of infinite opportunities.
Introduction to the Metaverse 
The Metaverse is not just a trendy word; it is a powerful idea that will change the way we live, work, and connect with others. The word "Metaverse" means a virtual space that people can use together, combining real and digital parts. In this space, people can talk to each other and use digital things at the same time. This digital world brings together different technologies like augmented reality, virtual reality, blockchain, artificial intelligence, and more to make a permanent virtual space that people can experience together. In this place, people can do lots of things like hanging out, having fun, learning, and doing business. The Metaverse is a digital world that connects people and is not limited by any boundaries.
Development services for the metaverse contribute to the creation and design of virtual worlds.
Metaverse development services are very important in creating virtual worlds and changing how people use digital environments, like Metaverse Gaming. This is how Metaverse development services are creating and changing virtual worlds.
Creating Immersive Environments: Services provided by Metaverse development focus on building virtual environments that are extremely engaging and realistic. This means creating realistic and interesting designs for 3D spaces, landscapes, and structures. Advanced technologies like virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are often used to make experiences feel more real and engaging.
One important part of the Metaverse is that users can talk and do activities with each other at the same time. Metaverse development services make virtual worlds more sociable by including features like social activities, chatting, and connecting with others.
Making sure users can create and contribute to the Metaverse is really important. Development services offer tools that users can use to create and personalize their digital spaces, characters, and objects. This stuff created by users makes the online world more interesting and varied.
Virtual worlds in the Metaverse usually have their own digital economies. Metaverse development service helps to create digital currencies, online markets, and platforms for buying and selling. This allows people to purchase, sell, and exchange digital things in the virtual world, creating new chances for making money.
Cross-platform integration: Metaverse development services want to make it easy for people to use the virtual world on different devices. This means making sure that something can work on smartphones, VR headsets, web browsers, and other devices in order to reach many people.
Keeping the Metaverse safe and protected is really important for security and privacy. Development services focus on creating strong security measures to safeguard user information, stop unauthorized access, and ensure safe interactions in the online realm.
AI Integration: Artificial intelligence (AI) helps make virtual worlds more interactive and adaptable. AI NPCs and bots can make the experience better by acting real and helping users.
When more people join the Metaverse, it becomes very important to make sure that it can handle the increased demand and work efficiently. Development services work on making servers, networks, and code better so that there are no issues, even when lots of people are using them.
Content Moderation: To make sure the Metaverse is a safe and friendly place, developers often use content moderation systems. These systems use smart computer programs and people to find and take away stuff that's not right or that could cause harm.
Some Metaverse development services use blockchain technology to make sure everything is clear, to confirm ownership, and to keep virtual transactions safe. This makes digital items more real and lets people truly own them.
Making the Metaverse accessible and inclusive to people with disabilities is something that developers are paying more attention to and understanding its significance. This means there are tools to help people who can't see very well or have trouble moving.
Understanding how users behave and what they like is really important for making the Metaverse better. Development services frequently use data analytics tools to collect information, evaluate user participation, and make improvements based on the gathered data.
Metaverse Development services  are making virtual worlds that are full of experiences, chances to make money, and ways to interact with others. These worlds are very real and you can be fully involved in them.
Shamla Tech is leading the way in developing the Metaverse.
Shamla Tech is a top metaverse development company that is great at providing excellent services for creating the Metaverse. Using advanced technologies, they build digital environments that feel completely real and engrossing. They are very knowledgeable about blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), and augmented reality (AR). This allows them to create Metaverse experiences that are interactive, can be adapted to different scales, and can be accessed by anyone. Users can have a direct influence on the content, while virtual businesses make a lot of money in these digital worlds. Shamla Tech provides services to develop the Metaverse, a virtual world that is constantly changing and full of endless possibilities and exciting experiences. Pick them to begin your adventure in the Metaverse and see how virtual worlds are changing and growing over time.
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wiw3 · 10 months
Kicking (Most of) My Social Media Habit
Ahoy. People make exceptions for the things that they like, right? We rule-bend and hypocritically apply double-standards to the things that we think should be in our lives, right? Does everyone do this? Or do only weak people do this?
It's something that's been keeping me up at night, this idea that, like intelligence, weakness and strength are subjectively relative to the individual, just as there are different types of emotional intelligence, there must too exist a type of emotional strength, or weakness, right?
I'm caught up in trying to be as strong as I can be in all aspects right now, and I can feel it tearing me apart and nearly forcing a relapse. That level of stress isn't good for anyone, least of all someone as unwell-adjusted as me.
Self-awareness is becoming trendy, at least in the darker circles of the internet. It's about time that stoicism got the attention that it deserved from modern philosophers. Still, I find myself worrying.
A new job in management, a dramatic shift in living conditions, getting off of drugs, taking it upon myself to design a new world for Dungeons & Dragons while simultaneously trying to keep myself writing? It feels like too much, but it's what I deserve. I'd prefer to be overloaded with work, rather than not having enough of it to do.
Maybe it makes me a workaholic, but I'd like to think that because of procrastination, I've never been a workaholic a day in my life. Workaholics are haunted by feelings of uselessness, I'm just haunted by shaky-leg syndrome while writing this out at work.
I'm just grateful to be able to get this out with the short time that I have. The pressure is on, and I hate feeling preoccupied when dealing with other people. It's something on which I'll have to work.
I've uninstalled a few more crutches from my phone, this little beeping device that keeps me plugged in to the world at large. I need to upgrade, but in this economy, I'd rather save my money until this thing becomes obsolete.
I feel obsolete, myself. I'm stretching myself too thin to possibly be giving my full attention to any one given project. I need to change tack, and alter my brain chemistry even more until I'm not afraid to do the things that I fear doing the most, like laundry.
I don't know why I fear success to the point that I'm paralyzed in my quest to try to obtain it. Serious self-doubt lives under these bones, and it would be all too easy to convince me to burn it all down, to spite myself. I seem to only be able to get things done when I'm neglecting a bigger monster.
Maybe I'll get myself all worked up to go on a long bike ride outside, but right at the start, I'll impulsively ignore the responsibility to exercise in order to trick my brain into getting more writing done. I haven't had an idea for any type of script since I threw out the moonshining movie. That was a good one, and maybe I'll go back to it.
Likely not, I don't want to pitch my first 100 scripts, I'd like to get really good at writing them, first. I want my ideas to flow like nothing; effortless, systemic, like soup.
I'm trying my hardest to see the good in humanity, but the bad has been tattooed on my human experience like "no regerts", but I digress. I need to just breathe and vent to an airspace that doesn't care whether I live, or die.
In any case, I'll try to update this a little more often, since I'm slowly crawling out of my comfort zone, inch by inch. I want to tell more stories on this blog, and to make it more of a piece of artistic expression rather than rambling, but there'll be rambling hidden amongst the artistic bits. Sometimes I won't want to disguise the pain with jokes, sometimes it'll just be me opening the furnace for a little flame to shoot out just so it doesn't consume me. This booming engine needs an exhaust.
I should probably get back to work, considering I'm typing this on company time. Thankfully the boss-man doesn't know about the blog, and assumes I'm getting work done.
Shit he's looking gotta post and gotta go!
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