#in person he calls him Detective Bullock
bubblesxo · 7 months
the first time de-aged!bruce mentions harvey the batfam give him blank stares. he, as one does, immediately assumes the worst and asks alfred if he's dead. alfred is like ?? no he got married, retired, and moved far, far away from gotham lol. bruce is immediately flabbergasted as to why he has never introduced his children to his Uncle Harvey, promises to introduce them, and promptly tells them many unhinged stories.
the batfam don't quite know if they /want/ to meet him
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malereader-inserts · 2 years
let us live, for we must die.
Fandom: Gotham Pairing: Oswald Cobblepot x Male!Reader Summary: you only had minutes left Word Count: 1,358
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What a fucking mess was you can think as you look down at yourself. Your shirt was fucking ruined. There's no way the stains will ever come out.  
As if you would care - you're too familiar with blood anyway. Then again, this was different, this time it was your blood. You wish you could kid yourself into thinking you'll be throwing another shirt out, but you know full well with the amount of blood seeping out of you that this was the shirt you were dying in.
You'd hope you'd go out in nicer clothes, but it seems like God had other plans for you. You wish you were a better person, but trouble comes finding you and you seek out trouble - it was a complicated relationship.
Complicated relationship? You know of another relationship dear to you.
You groaned as tried to sit up, hastily fishing out your phone in your pocket. You ignored your hands, shaky and covered in blood from when you tried blocking it from rushing out of the gaping wound in your abdomen, foolish enough to think you could make it out.
You blinked a few times, when did you get so dizzy? Is this what it feels like? All those innocent people who died because of Gotham's villains felt like this before dying? You heaved a heavy breath, you've been injured so many times before, you know how to calm yourself down in times like this.
Once your vision returned momentarily, your shaky hands hover over your phone screen. It takes you two attempts at your password before it unlocks, and you were straight to recent calls.
Oswald is fourth on the list, after the two detectives and Zsasz. You coughed out a chuckle, Oswald is fourth? He was so much more than a fourth-place spot.
You manage to hit his name, smearing your screen with blood before placing the phone near your ear. With that out of the way, you slowly drag yourself onto a lying position, your non-dominate hand landing back on the wound. It won't do much, but it gives you peace of mind.
The ringing takes a little longer than usual, ultimately, you like to think that Oswald cared about you. But, you know Oswald is usually busy, if he doesn't pick up then he'll call you back within the hour.
Pick up Oz.
Finally, the call is picked up, it felt like a lifetime and in those mere seconds you realise dying is so much better when you're not alone.
"(Y/n), dear?" Oswald's voice rang through, you smile to yourself, relaxing under his voice, "Aren't you busy? I thought you were out on a case with Gordon and Bullock?"
God, you just wish he was there. You wished your goodbye wasn't some phone call with shitty reception and even shittier timing. Because you hadn’t thought to say goodbye sooner, and now you have minutes at most. Because maybe you had this coming.
"Yeah, found a dead end so we're back to the drawing board," You lied, and you felt dirty - why are you lying to him in your last moments? Couldn't you just let your guard down for once? "Thought I would check up on you before I get pulled away."
"Oh," Oswald hums, and you can hear him smile, "I'm alright, Zsasz is out at the moment, you know with stuff."
"Yeah, stuff."
That's how your relationship was, complicated, not telling each other the full story because you two were on opposite sides, you weren't supposed to be his companion and yours his. You don't use him for information and he doesn't do the same back. Perhaps, the relationship wasn't that complicated.
"Found anything of Nygma?" You ask eventually, out of curiosity, might as well get all the information before you die.
"No, manage to hide again, I was hoping you could point me in his direction," There was a tease in his voice, and you can't help but chuckle.
You cough, moan then adjust your position, "Sorry, I can't help, Jim doesn't tell me anything about stuff like that."
"Worth a shot," Oswald says, you can imagine the little man shrugs his shoulders. You can hear soft banging on his end, you know that it was him with a cane moving, "Are you okay? I did hear you moan, and not the good kind."
"I'm okay," Liar. "Sparring with Zsasz is rough, I have a few bruises here and there." Half lie.
"Maybe ask if you can get the rest of the night off while it's still young?" Oswald suggested, his voice laced with worry. You closed your eyes, knowing full well if he knew what state you are in - it would be more than worry within his words, "Or, just go home without asking. I could spend more time with you - it feels like a long time ago when we spent a full night together."
"Yeah, that'll be nice."
Your vision starts going black around the edges, and your hand feels numb in its grip around the phone. You consider passing out, but Oswald’s talking again, and there's no way you're missing that.
"Just us two, no distractions."
A wave of dizziness hits you and the black spots in your vision return. This is it, you know it, but why are you still clinging on? That's right, you haven't really said your final words, meaningful words to a person you care for.
"Hey, Oz," You softly speak, a cough managed to escape, "I was just wondering, you know I love you right?"
"Of course I do," Oswald snaps, though his tone is different with you when he snaps. He has the slight undertone of 'why would you doubt me?', "Why did this come up?"
"Curiosity, I know I haven't been the best with emotions and speaking about it, but I'm glad you know that I love you. That you mean the world to me, you know? We've been busy with a lot of stuff, we barely see each other, so I had to make sure."
"You're rambling."
Right. It was the panic that set in as you close your eyes, you know you're crying but you can't let Oswald know that. You sucked up a big breath, trying not to choke on your tears or blood for that matter.
"Tell me all about it when you come home later, okay?" Oswald's voice returns to soft and caring, "I don't want to hold you up in your little detective cases."
"Right, yeah, I'll see you soon, I love you."
"And I love you too."
You hear the beep of the phone call ending, and you lie there still as your phone drops from the non-existent grip. You felt the panic wash away with a sense of peace.
You breathe out your last breath, a soft smile planted on your face with the thought that Oswald loves you.
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It was the dead of the night and you still had not returned home. Oswald considered coming to your work but only stopped himself to respect your boundaries.
Oswald does not expect Jim by himself at the front door. His face is a mask of sorrow and whatever it is, Oswald doesn’t want to hear it.
“I’m so sorry."
But, Oswald can’t hear him. His mind’s replying to their last conversation, with your coughing and adverting the topic of calling it a night, and he should have known. Should’ve kept you on the phone, gone to you, anything.
"I almost didn't pick it up," Oswald managed to utter, Jim tiling his head before continuing, "He called me while… while he was—injured. While he was dying, and I almost didn’t pick up.”
Now, he sees it, replaying your final words. You used your last energy to talk to him rather than calling for help.
"He used his last minutes with me."
"He loved you, Oswald, he made sure he said it before he died."
There was a stabbing pain in Oswald's chest, it felt like his world was falling apart. Oswald swallowed his grief for a mere moment as he grips his cane tighter.
"Who killed him?"
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whelmed-knight · 2 months
I watched Caped Crusader this weekend! My thoughts below (spoilers)
I liked it, it definitely feels like a spiritual successor to BTAS while also being a very different continuity
I liked Linklater’s Batman, I liked how he differentiated Batman from Bruce, I liked the early days Batman and him being a silhouette in the dark, the fight choreography was good, and the suit being the first appearance design, and the noir detective-y part of it
I liked the setting and 40s vibes and the mobsters wearing suits and hats, I thought the changes with Oswalda and Harley were interesting, I thought Gentleman Ghost was a Scooby-Doo-looking villain lol, Nocturna feels like a deep cut to pull for this but it worked and reminded me of Ace from JLU, but I was surprised at how much supernatural stuff was in there, I thought Onomatopoeia was funny
I was able to call a lot of stuff, but they also surprised me with a lot of stuff too. There were a bunch of funny moments too that caught me by surprise and I liked it
I appreciated that they depicted Bruce’s trauma in the aftermath of his parents’ murder, poor bby Bruce
I yelled that we got not just one or two or three but FOUR Robins, and as happy as I was to see Dick looking very similar to how he looked in BTAS, I was thrown off by redhead Jason, and then surprise Steph and Carrie as well(!), but the fact that they’re all young kids close in age makes me think we’re not going to get to see them as Robins, unless they do something with the storyline, and that makes me so sad 😔
I liked how Bruce is still learning, still healing, still becoming Batman. The soft moments, where he apologizes to Barbara, when he’s afraid he’s losing Alfred, when he saves the kids from the fire, and finally the end where he calls him Alfred!! He’s getting there~
A bunch of things reminded me of Arkham Origins and The Batman 2022 and that was lovely
There’s some stuff I wasn’t a huge fan of: the Robins thing already mentioned, they should have given Selina more development, her characterization felt shallow and it would have done to build up Bruce and Selina’s relationship more, I didn’t like Bullock as a bad guy (or with a mustache), Dent’s Two-Face design is not my favorite, and they could have done his personality/plotline better
There were a ton of references and homages (I yelled at the newspaper articles all alluding to BTAS episodes!), and I laughed at myself when they just namedropped Floyd Lawton and I was like “OH OKAY SO DEADSHOT?” Like it’s so fun lol
All in all it’s a good show, not my favorite, but I liked it and I am interested in Season 2. Plus it was just nice to watch a new Batman adaptation~
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naquey · 9 months
Gotham Frights
It's no where near Halloween, but, I wanted to write a scenario of a Halloween party at the GCPD. Mainly because of cowboy Ed, cowboy costumes make brain go brrrr.
T/w: murder, blood
(divider: cafekitsune)
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Everyone was invited to the Halloween party at the precinct.
Even Ed and Rose despite how weird everyone though they were.
She was looking herself over in the mirror. She and Ed had decided on a couples costume because it was a cute gimmick, and Ed already planned cowboy themed riddles for the night. For an office party, she couldn't help but think what she was wearing was inappropriate even though they were all adults. The costume was just simple cut denim shorts that were just a bit too short, a tied cow-hide pattern shirt she adjusted to cover her chest, cowboy boots she had bought, and a green cowboy hat. Only settled on that color because Ed told her that it contrasted her hair nicely.
"Do you think this is too much?"
"Hm?" Ed poked his head into her bedroom, smiling nervously. "Well- Well I wouldn't say it's too much."
"Okay, you're nervous. Noted." Moving to her closet she groaned. "I have nothing to change into that would match the theme."
Ed was gone for a moment, then entered the room with a much calmer demeanor. Wrapping his arms around her when she went back to the mirror.
"I think you look wonderful, and all those pigs will be shocked when they see you."
"Ed, you don't really think of your coworkers like that, right?"
"Of course not!" Ed chuckled and pressed a kiss to her temple.
"Good, because sometimes I wonder if you're serious when you say things like that. You could get fired, you know."
"Someone would have to report me, and I don't think you would."
"Right, right. I would never."
"Now, how do I look?"
He threw his arms out wide and grinned. He was wearing boot cut jeans, cowboy boots, a button up t-shirt and the cow-print vest that came in the costume package, topped with a green cowboy hat as well.
"You look simply dashing." She giggled.
"Are we ready to go?"
He wasn't wearing his glasses, but it didn't matter because he was always attractive with or without them.
The precinct when they got there was decorated with so many spooky, yet cheesy things. Ghost string lights from the rafters, bat banners, Frankenstein table cloths. The works.
Jim and Lee were already there, same with the captain and Harvey, and some other officers. Harvey couldn't help himself from wolf whistling once he was Rose, which attracted the others attention. She wasn't a self concious person but suddenly the costume was out of her comfort zone and eyes on her immediately made her skin crawl. She reached for Ed's hand.
"Whoo boy, look what the cattle dragged in." Harvey chuckled.
"Yes, yes. She's very pretty, Detective Bullock." Ed's smile was strained.
"Lee, I almost didn't recognize you." The woman laughed.
"It was Jim's idea to go as Dracula and his bride."
"Oh, at least we're not the only ones with the couples costume idea."
"I gotta say, it's daring to wear something like that." Lee chuckled.
"Oh trust me, I know the guys around here won't be able to control themselves regardless if Ed is here or not."
"I have a feeling you have a plan." Lee rose a brow.
"Of course I have a plan!" Rose grinned.
"I don't doubt it."
The rest of the night went on without a hitch, or at least Rose saw it like that. Ed on the other hand was keeping his ears open and listening. Most people had already gotten drunk already and were having unfiltered conversations. So far he had been keeping his eye on some rookie who couldn't keep his mouth shut about his girlfriend, especially whenever Ed was mentioned. He knew how people thought of him but his blood boiled. That voice in the back of his head was eating away at him.
So, Ed waited.
When he finally got that rookie alone after going out for a smoke break. He'd hidden a knife on him for this reason.
"Quite a few sights at this party, huh?" The rookie called to him.
"Oh, yeah." Ed answered unenthusiastically.
"Hey, you even know the guy that medical examiners dating? The riddle man?"
"What about him?" He stayed out of the rookies line of sight.
"He's a loser. No way she's actually happy with him, I'm telling you I could do so much-"
His sentence was stopped short when Ed punched him in the jaw. Staggering back and whipping his head around his eyes widened. Holding his hands up in front of his face, he began to plead.
"Mr. Nygma I didn't know it was you! Please, forgive me! I wasn't going to go after your girlfriend, I promise!"
"I don't think you're telling the truth Johnny-boy." Ed came closer to the man clearly taller and bigger than him who was cowering away like a child. The drunken flush on his face.
"Please! P- Please, I have a younger brother who looks up to me!" He stammered.
"They can hear you over the music." Ed held a hand over his mouth. "Now, now. That would be such a shame if the police heard you."
With his other hand he held the blade up so the rookie could see, the way it glinted in the light. Nice and clean. No rust or dried blood.
"Don't make promises you can't keep, you dog."
The poor young man's alabaster skin turned crimson stained as Ed cut his throat once he removed the hand keeping him from screaming. The body dropped to the floor, but he wasn't yet dead. Crouching down and leaning over the body his face hovered just over the rookies panicked face.
"What did Shakespeare name that would still smell as sweet if it were called by another name?"
It wasn't exactly a riddle, mostly because he couldn't really think of anything all that appropriate. The rookie sputtered and choked on his own blood while Ed clicked his tongue and cupped a hand around his ear.
"No, no. Not quite, do you need some help?"
The rookie's eyes moved to his face, his sadistic face would be the last thing he sees.
"Wrong answer."
Ed had positioned the blade point just above his heart. He was kneeling on his shoulder so it wasn't like he could stop him. The knife sunk into his flesh, some blood speckling on his pants.
"It was a rose. Get it?" He grinned down at the still corpse, blood pooling under the body.
"Ed? You've been out here for quite a while. What are- "
His body went warm when he heard her footsteps and heard the gasp fall past her lips. Looking over his shoulder there was some blood on his face, just a little. His smile faltered and he got up quickly, holding his hands out. His expression turned to panic.
"No, no, no, no, please just hear me out- "
"You said me name, what happened?" She didn't react to the blood on him or his clothes.
"What- Why are you not- Are you okay?" He blinked twice, shocked.
Opening her mouth to address his disheveled appearance she followed the blood spatter down to the concrete where she saw the blood pooling on the ground.
"Did you- What- Was this about me?"
There was this light in her eyes, a smile stretched across her face.
"Yeah... Yeah. This was about you." Ed was nervously wiping the palms of his hands on his pants, the blood that spattered transferred from the fabric to his skin.
"Too bad we're at the precinct, but, it is Halloween so I don't think anyone will question the red on your clothes. Just uh, take his body out back."
"Why out back? Wouldn't anyone- "
"Relax, darling." She held a finger to his lips. "I'll get away from the party once you're inside and dispose of his body in my office!"
Ed couldn't tell if he was more scared of himself and the euphoria he had just gotten from killing someone, or if he was scared of how calm Rose was being. How okay she was with him killing someone over her.
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recentlyheardcom · 1 year
The Philadelphia Police Department is looking for a biker who stomped on the back window of a car after getting into an argument with its female driver.Video captured the moment when the man broke the window, shattering glass into the backseat where her two young children were strapped in.A tourist on a bus driving behind the car recorded part of the altercation and showed that the man was not only demonstratively violent but also armed and dangerous.Food delivery confronts biker who stomped out back window of car. (Photo: Philadelphia Police Department/X)The incident happened on Sunday, Oct. 1, around 8:45 p.m. at 1400 South Penn Square in Center City, near City Hall.Nikki Bullock was making an Uber Eats run when a male on a dirt bike sideswiped her car with her children, a 5-year-old daughter and a 2-year-old son, in the back.Trending Today:Bullock said the bikers were not ‘paying attention to lanes’ and hit her car.‘So, I started arguing out the window. They started arguing back and forth. The other guy got my attention, and, in the meantime, he jumped off the bike and onto the car,” Bullock recalled.WATCH THE VIDEO HERE.The below suspect is wanted in connection to an aggravated assault and vandalism that occurred on 10/01/23 at 1400 S. Penn Sq. at appx 8:45PM. If you have information about this suspect, please call or text 215-686-TIPS(8477). You can remain anonymous. pic.twitter.com/BQT6fdYVwr— Philadelphia Police Department (@PhillyPolice) October 2, 2023“He jumped up here with two feet. He stepped his first foot down. It didn’t work, so then he was like … and went through,” Bullock told NBC10.A tourist filmed Bullock exiting her vehicle and approaching the biker. The footage appears to show him carrying a gun.“I already saw the gun. He was trying to point it into the car anyway,” Bullock said. “He jumped onto the windshield. He had already gone through the windshield. I might as well get out.”The man raised the firearm to her eye level, but she did not flinch or back down. The rider, with his helmet still on, then head-butted the woman. Despite being assaulted, she gave as much as she got, shoving his bike to the ground.After a face-to-face confrontation, the unknown street bike rider left with his crew, and Bullock went to file a police report.On Monday, Oct. 2, she spoke with a detective about the incident.Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner said he wants to ensure that this person is held accountable for his actions, calling them “completely outrageous.”“Whoever that person is, if that person is caught, and I get the chance to charge that person, we will be going very vigorously after that person for that conduct,” Krasner said, according to 6 ABC News.The PPD is working in coordination with Krasner’s office to bring justice to the family. They are also using this as an example of why this type of biking should not be allowed on public streets.“This has got to stop. Anyone who is out there on those ATVs or motorbikes, and anybody who is out there drifting, please know we understand how dangerous this is,” the DA said. “We know how much you are endangering other people with your conduct, and there is a price to pay for that.”
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llpodcast · 2 years
(Literary License Podcast)
Batman:  The Animated Series
Feat of Clay – Part 1
 Bruce Wayne is framed for the attempted murder of Lucius Fox. The real perpetrator is an actor and master of disguise named Matt Hagen, who was disfigured in a car accident years ago. In order to keep his fame, he secretly started working for Roland Daggett, who provides him with a monthly supply of an addictive face cream known as Renuyu (a pun on "Renew You") that can temporarily reshape his face back to normal, and who wants to take Wayne Enterprises over for marketing expansion. For botching the murder due to Batman's interference, Hagen's supply is cut off, and when he breaks into Daggett's lab for more Renuyu, he pays the price dearly when Daggett's men drench his face in the formula and force him to swallow liters of it to avoid drowning. Meanwhile, Bruce Wayne is arrested and taken into custody, charged with the assault on Fox.
 Feat of Clay – Part 2
 Bruce Wayne is released from prison on bail. Hagen, as it turns out, survived the murder attempt on him, but at a high cost: the formula entered his body and soaked every single one of his cells, turning him into a shape-shifting mutant. With his newfound powers, Hagen, now calling himself Clayface, decides to take his revenge on Daggett and his men, and Batman must bring Daggett to justice and stop Clayface before innocent people are hurt.
Detective Bullock is arrested for kidnapping. Batman, who dislikes Bullock but nevertheless believes him to be a good man, investigates, and discovers the identity of the real criminal: Killer Croc, who harbors a vendetta against Bullock for capturing him once. Batman must clear Bullock's name before it is too late.
 Fear of Victory 
 The Scarecrow invents a fear chemical that is activated by adrenaline. Then, he uses it to affect the outcome of athletic events. Whenever a single person becomes agitated, the fear chemical kicks in, turning his excitement to fear. The Scarecrow bets against the sports stars' teams as part of his criminal scheme to scare up some quick cash, and Batman and Robin must foil his plot.
 Opening Credits; Introduction (1.29); Episode One & Two:  Feat of Clay Part 1 & 2 (30.23); Episode Three:  Vendetta (50.50); Episode Four:  Fear of Victory (1:03.05); Amazing Design Advertisement (1:14.57); Favourite Character and Least Favourite Character and Favourite Episode (1:16.09);Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel (1:33.15); Closing Credits (1:34.24)
 Opening Credits– Batman Animated Theme by Danny Elfman.  Copyright 1992 Warner Music 
 Closing Credits:  The Fear by Lily Allen. Taken from the album It Not Me, It’s You.  Copyright 2007 Regal Records
Original Music copyrighted 2020 Dan Hughes Music and the Literary License Podcast. 
All rights reserved.  Used with Kind Permission.
 All songs available through Amazon Music.
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redrobin-detective · 3 years
The Tire Story
“Batman can go to hell fer all I care but I gotta admit,” Harvey Bullock sighed as he admired the Batmobile rumbling on the street, “that is one sweet ride.” Now that the perps - a travelling band of costumed robbers called the Royal Flush gang or some shit - had been taken in, and it was a happy ending for all. Bats and Robin #4 -or was it 5? - were off talking to the Commish so Harvey had a moment to himself to light a cig and appreciate the beaut. 
“Cherry, huh?” Red Hood commented through his voice modulated helmet. The face concealing mask made difficult to discern his age, accent, any identifying features. The fact that, seemingly overnight he went from murderous crime boss to a Bat unnerved many of the GCPD. It was hard enough to know what was up with the normal ones, much less the wild card with two .45s strapped to his thighs. “Bet the big guy never told you about the story with the tires?”
“The tires?” Harvey questioned, eyeing the Batmobile’s large, industrial strength tires. 
“Yeah,” Hood chuckled. He leaned up against the brick wall behind him, deceptively casual for anyone who wasn’t a Bat. “Story goes, Bats had parked the car in the Alley so he could do some patrolling on foot. Wasn’t gone very long 15, maybe 20 minutes tops. He comes back to find the front two tires of his spooky ride have been jacked.”
“Yer shitting me,” Harvey hacked out, coughing as he accidentally inhaled a bit too much smoke from his cigarette. Bats looked over at them, white out lenses looking back and forth between Hood and Harvey with a pressed frown. Hood flipped him off and the man went back to his conversation with Gordon. Now how did the Hood, who’s been on bad terms with the Bat since the start, know such a personal not to mention embarrassing story bout the man? “Who had the stones to steal from tall, dark and spooky?”
“A very ballsy street rat apparently,” Hood said and no fancy voice changer could disguise the proud lilt in his tone. “Those tires are worth good money to right people, you know. He’d already stashed the first two and was coming back for the others when he was caught red handed by the Bat.” 
“What did Batman do then?” Harvey jumped as the littlest bird appeared at his side out of nowhere with a pinched expression on his face. Made him look like a little prune but Harv kept his mouth shut on that. “Why have I not been told this story?”
“It’s old news, brat,” Hood shrugged. “Probably older than you are, you’re like what? 6?”
“Hood, you’re well aware of my-”
“Don’t care, anyway, Bats does his whole intimidation schtick which ain’t gonna do anything on a born and raised Alley kid.” Harvey snorted, he was living proof of that fact. “He asks, then demands for his tires and the kid, oh he tried to play innocent for a second but then gave into his better instincts and slammed the tire iron into Batman’s guts and ran for the hills.” Harvey had no idea who this kid was but he loved him immensely. The little bird looked very stressed out.
“Why would Batman let this child get away with such impertinence?” He asked offended, tiny hands on his hips like an angry housewife.
“Boss man wasn’t always so gloom and doom besides, everyone knows he’s got a soft spot for brats.” Even through the mask, Hood very clearly was staring down the latest in the long line of child partners. “This kid was maybe 5′ nothing, skinny, malnourished with crazy, wild eyes. Batman never stood a chance. Hey Bullock,” he elbowed Harv softly on the arm. “Let me bum one of those, will ya?”
“Aren’t you supposed to be setting an example for Scrappy Doo here?” Harv questioned, pulling out his smokes anyway. One cause he wasn’t a total dick and two cause Hood had to take off the helmet if he wanted to smoke. Screw what anyone said, he could be a good detective when he wanted. 
“Don’t think anyone wants their kids looking up to me,” Hood said wryly as he pulled a lighter out of one of his pockets and lit up the cigarette. With one hand, he unclasped the hood and pulled it off. He shook his head like a wet dog would then took a deep long drag. “Oh yeah, that’s the stuff.”
Harvey was so offended that the violent scourge of Gotham’s crime scene was another wet behind the ears brat. He had a red domino on underneath his helmet but his skin was baby smooth. If the kid was older than Nightwing, the oldest of the Bat Pack and certainly not very far into his early 20s himself, then Harv would eat his hat. Hood sighed into his cig, some tension releasing from his shoulders.
“Enough of this,” Robin grumbled, waving his hand to clear the now dual smoke trails. “What did Batman do to punish this unruly, miserable child.”
“Worst punishment you can imagine,” Hood said with a wry, almost bitter, grin. “Made the brat give up his spoils of war and wasn’t even kind enough to let him off the hook. He took him home, threw him into some of ‘Wing’s old panties and made him work off the debt on Gotham’s streets. And not in the traditional way, if you get me.”
Harvey looked at Hood, really looked at him. Wiry black hair, curling slightly on the ends. Little bursts of freckles along the visible parts of his nose and cheeks. The way his mouth curled around the cig as he talked. 
“Shit kid,” Harv swore, angrily taking a drag at the sudden somewhat unwanted revelation. “You owe me like 3 packs of cigs. Every time you and Batsy answered the signal, you were always buttering me for some or flat out stealing. These things are expensive ya know.”
“Oh wah wah,” Hood said and Harvey knew he was rolling his eyes behind the mask. Cheeky little-
“You left out the part where you called me a Big Boob and dared me to try and catch you after your stunt with the tire iron,” Harv almost had his third heart attack of the day when Bats was suddenly looming over the three of them. Neither Hood or Rob seemed concerned but they were probably used to this bullshit by now. Robin’s little face was scrunched up in confusion and mouthed ‘Big Boob’ to himself. 
“Was trying to spare you some dignity, old man,” Hood shrugged. “Not my fault you got your ass trounced by a kid who weighed maybe 70 lbs soaking wet.”
“Sometimes you have to lose the battle to win the war,” Batman said cautiously but fond in a sort of soft way. As soft as a man in a Kevlar batsuit can sound anyway. 
“Quite the losing streak you got going there,” Hood grunted before putting out his half finished cigarette on Batman’s armor and tucking the butt away. The absolute balls on this kid. “See you dicks around. Stop feeding the gremlin, pretty soon he’ll start growing horns and fangs.”
“Get fucked, Hood,” Robin piped up in a nasally little voice.
“Language,” Bats and Gordon across the way said automatically cause they’re both dads like that. 
“You really know how to pick ‘em, B,” Hood cackled as he slotted his helmet back on. The change in his tone and posture was immediate, stepping away from the snarky, brat who’d once taken a whack at Batman over some tires and back into a vigilante who could always be counted on to violently escalate the situation. He pulled out his grapple and took off.
“I sure do,” Bats said so quietly, Harvey wasn’t sure that he hadn’t hallucinated the whole thing. Maybe he really oughta quit smoking. “Robin, we’re leaving.” He stalked away and his bird stalked right after him. Two weirdo peas in a pod. 
“I demand more information on Hood’s initiation into the group, I thought nothing could be more humiliating than Red Robin knocking on your door and demanding the title but you’ve once more proven me wrong.”
“You kids tend to do that,” Batman said wearily, opening the door to the Batmobile and half guiding the brat in. He shut the door and made awkward eye contact with Harvey, Gordon and the half dozen beat cops who’d watched the whole thing through varying states of shock.
“He knocked on your door?” Gordon said with an amused smile.
“Goodnight gentlemen,” Bats ground out then hopped in his fancy car and sped off like hell itself was chasing him, probably trying to scrape up the dwindling remnants of his cool factor. Being a middle aged dad really put a damper on your rep. Good thing Harvey never made that mistake. 
“It’s a good sign,” Gordon said walking up to Harvey as the Batmobile sped out of sight. “Hood opening up like that. The fact that he’s willing to expose his relationship, past and present, to the Bats. I think he’s serious about trying to reform.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Harvey grumbled, dropping and stomping out his thoroughly used up cig. “Always liked the second Bird Boy best but now I like him even better. What I’d give to see the look on Batsy’s face when he saw a little runt making off with his tires.” He chuckled and looked up at the smoggy night sky. “Only in Gotham, Jimbo, only in Gotham.” 
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your-nanas-house · 3 years
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pairing: Jeremiah Valeska X Reader
warnings: suggestive, slightly smutty?
summary: Jeremiah working with Y/n in his bunker.
note: Sorry for the mistakes and the English.
The bunker wasn't as quiet as every other day and it wasn't as empty as every other day, in fact there was someone there with Jeremiah that evening.
It had been a few days since the first meeting with the detectives: Jim Gordon and Harvey Bullock, and Jeremiah Valeska had met there, casually, a friend of Jim's who he had discovered was also an engineer, definitely talented.
The man didn't know what she had awakened in him, whether it was her intelligence, her humor, her personality or her beautiful y/h/c hair, beautiful y/e/c eyes, fantastic smell, her skin, her curves so feminine and attractive, the way she dressed-.
He really didn't know or so he had been trying to convince himself since days before they met to work together on the project Jeremiah had been working on for years.
And there she was, in HIS bunker, in HIS office, sitting on HIS chair, studying the project while they took a little break having a drink together.
Jeremiah's gaze was fixed on her studying her, studying the way she sat, to the way she was dressed, to her hair styling, to the way her lips rested on the glass as she drank the whisky swallowing it before wrinkling her nose slightly at the strong burn.
"Tell me something about yourself, Jeremiah....can I call you by your first name?" Jeremiah nodded quickly, thinking about what to say "there's not much to know apart from the things you already know about me and...my brother or...family, I've been living in this bunker all my life after finishing school" the young woman nodded smiling softly "relationships? Is there something going on between you and your proxy?" the ginger shook his head huffing slightly amused "no, there's nothing going on between me and Ecco" she smiled nodding "so you like men" the young engineer looked up at her slightly surprised "why?".
There was a moment of silence as Y/n was focused on finishing what she was fixing of the project, she grabbed her glass again turning to him smiling amused, letting out a snort " you are either gay or blind because your proxy is really hot" this caught the man off guard and he took a moment to reply "Is she?... I don't have much experience in these things-" the girl interrupted him before he could use the work excuse "ooh, so you're just a little virgin, huh" she giggled running her tongue over her bottom lip to catch the drop of whiskey that was about to fall; Jeremiah followed the whole time with his eyes the movement of her tongue as he felt his cheeks burn pathetically, feeling like he was proving to the hot engineer in front of him that what she had said about him was true, something the ginger definitely didn't wanted to do, but before he managed to open his mouth and say something, Y/n had beaten him to it again "Just to clarify your hand doesn't count for losing virginity" she looked at him with a twinkle of amusement as she sipped her alcoholic drink without ever taking her eyes off his.
" I don't masturbate myself if that's what you're trying to say" was the phrase that came out of Jeremiah's mouth, another thing that had come out of his mouth and that was a lie, a big lie because ever since he had first seen her he couldn't stop thinking about her leading him to moan her name repeatedly at night when he was sure he was alone in his bunker.
The thing the engineer hadn't really expected was the young woman's response, he never thought he'd hear those words come out of her mouth and become so turned on, at first he thought she would make fun of him or be shocked and disgusted, but that was definitely not the case.
"You don't know how to do it? I could show you... " their gaze remained fixed for a moment before Y/n slowly crossed her legs causing her pencil skirt she was wearing at the moment to rise higher, showing her garter belts and slightly the lingerie she was hiding with her clothes; It was hard for Jeremiah to move his eyes away from the sight in front of him, ending up only to pause again on her neckline which was wider since the shirt the young woman was wearing had opened more and was falling to one side, uncovering her shoulder and showing off her bra, which matched the garter belts and the panties of her lingerie.
Her y/h/c hair was slightly messy and the alcohol had caused her lips to redden slightly making them even more kissable, not allowing Jeremiah to concentrate or hide any longer the way she could turn him on so much with so little.
"So? What do you say, little virgin?, are you in?" Jeremiah's eyes met Y/n's y/e/c's again before slowly opening his mouth to answer the question she'd asked him.
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Hello! This is the first time I've requested something, so sorry if I'm doing it wrong! Could you make a sequel to Riddle Man? Maybe multiple?
Hi there! I'm SO sorry for the late response. My life has been a little hectic lately!
However, here you are! I hope you enjoy it! Please let me know if y'all might want this to be a series. Comments are greatly appreciated.
Riddle Man Pt. 2
Ed Nygma x Reader
Summary: Life continues for the reader and Ed, their relationship continuing to blossom. However, it becomes stressed when the reader meets everyone’s favorite detectives. 
Warnings: Creepy Ed! Otherwise none :)
Cold. You feel your hair on your arms standing up. The morgue turned out to be more homey than you expected, however, when you got settled in there continued to be a slight chill through your body. Your body silently shook as you looked through your case files. You were already put to work no less than an hour after arriving to your new job.
The GCPD was swamped. Truly swamped. You were thankful to be out of the bustling bullpen along with the noisy detectives. Looking down at your watch you notice that your lunch-break had already passed since you were so busy trying to adjust and adapt to the new environment.
“I can be roasted but I’m not a turkey. I can be ground but I’m not pepper. I can be pressed but I’m not a button. I can be brewed but I’m not beer. I’m a bean but I’m not magic. What am I?” You jump as you hear the voice appear behind you.
“Mr. Nygma! You startled me!” You spin on your chair to face the tall and lanky man. His arms were behind his back as if he were hiding something. Your eyebrows furrow as his eyes twinkle, awaiting your response.
“Coffee, Mr. Nygma. Although, if you ask me I think it is truly magical!”
He beamed a Cheshire-like grin at your response as he presented you with a mug of coffee. Your hands were warmed as the coffee mug rested within your palms.
She’s so delicate. So dainty.
Stop it. He thought to himself. Leave her alone. I don’t want you here. You were beaming at the coffee, in your own little world.
“Thank you Mr. Nygma! Exactly how I like it, how’d you guess?”
Ed smirked and simply responded, “Call it an educated guess. I guess this is our coffee date, seeing as it looks like the work load won’t decrease anytime soon.” The look in his eyes showed disscontempt. You could assume that was just frustration behind the heavy day.
“Hey! Don’t worry about it! I’m just happy that you’re here with me, it’s nice to have a partner to get this work done with.” Your smile beamed at him, feeling more invigorated from the coffee.
She likes you, buddy. She wants you. Look at her.
Your eyes twinkled at him with genuine adoration. It took every ounce of his being not to kiss you right there. He was right, you did look perfect. Everything about you was perfect. Perfect for him and him alone.
“A companion makes everything go by quicker,” He chirped at you, “You’re cold. Are you feeling ok?” He rushes over to you and puts his hand to your forehead. You giggle at his worry.
“Mr. Nygma, I’m ok! I’m just a little chilly from being down here.”
Looks like she could be warmed up, I’ve got some ideas of my own if you want to hear-
Stop. Now. He dry swallows to try to push the feeling down.
You notice that the concern on his face does not drop. He looks around the room, his hair shifting slightly to droop onto his forehead.
“Let me go get you a jacket from my locker! I’ll be right back!” He scampers out of the room leaving you alone again. You sigh and sip your coffee. It was sad how much you missed his presence already.
“Who the hell are you?”
You jump and stand up at the harsh voice. You see a ragged looking man who’s eyes seem to have observed some bad stuff through his years on the force.
“Harvey, what are you-“ Another man walks through the door before noticing you. He had a stereotypical police haircut. He looked young, fresh, compared to the man next to him. He winces apologetically before stepping in front of you.
“Hey, sorry about him. I’m Detective James Gordon and this is Detective Harvey Bullock. I’m sorry about him. He doesn’t know how to behave yet, despite working here longer than me.” You chuckle at his response.
“Don’t worry about it. I’m Y/N and I’m the new forensic assistant! It’s a pleasure to meet you, both of you, actually.” You smile at Jim and Harvey. Jim gives you a polite smile in return and Harvey relaxes a little. “Is there something I can do to help you, gentlemen?”
Jim shifts and looks at Harvey. Harvey clears his throat, “Uh, yeah, we were expecting Nygma but we wanted to know what the tox screen said about the stiff we found this morning.”
You shuffle around your papers before finding the one they wanted. “The man was clean. At least that’s what the preliminary said. I can test for specific things if you can tell me what you’re looking for if you want?”
Jim and Harvey nod in acknowledgement. The silence in the room was uncomfortable and made you want to squirm.
“Is there anything else I can do-“
“How’s it like working with Nygma?” Harvey interrupts. Your face lightly flushes in discomfort.
“Mr. Nygma is a very nice person, Detective Bullock. I have only been here for a couple hours but I genuinely enjoy his company!” Your voice was strong, despite the anxiety rippling through your body. Jim also looks like he is uncomfortable at Harvey’s comment.
Harvey isn’t done though, “But, like, he’s so weird. Doesn’t he make you feel like he could cut you up and eat you?”
Jim looks like he wants to smack Harvey. Your temper and patience are wearing thin.
“I don’t know who you think you are, Mr. Almighty one, but how dare you say that! I bet you barely know him. You sound ridiculous. I cannot believe you think you can even say that, I’m disgusted. If you don’t have anything else I can do for you, I’m going to have to ask you to please leave.”
Jim doesn’t hesitate when he grabs Harvey’s arm before pushing him towards the door. Your hands have found your hips, looking like an upset mother. Jim turns to you, eyes apologetic, “Thank you for your help Y/N. I’m so sorry, again.”
They leave, the room settling into the quiet again. You huff and sit down onto your chair, taking a sip of coffee and trying to let it calm you down. Settling back into your work, you wait for Ed to come back.
Little did you know Ed was behind the door for the entire conversation, clutching the jacket in a death grip. His knuckles white. Now resting his body on the wall outside, his mind was racing.
She defended you. She cares. Can’t you tell? I need her. We need her. Now.
Ed is shocked. No one has ever defended him like that. It is always everyone laughing at him, just like he was used to. You are different. A beautiful, refreshing, breath of fresh air. You were exactly what he needed. For the first time, he agreed with the dark thoughts he had so desperately avoided.
You were going to be his, whether you liked it or not.
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midknight-hour · 3 years
y’all remember this
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bc i was bored and couldn’t sleep last night so i made a littol drabble. it’s not much and i’ll probably actually work on a story at some point but i thought i’d share to the riddlebat stans <3
btw this is literally a mash up of any canon i enjoy <333333333333 it’s my fanfic and i get to choose the backstory and ships
— — — — — —
It wasn’t often that Edward was allowed to watch television at home. His father would kill him if he even saw him near the thing, of course. He couldn’t be trusted with such expensive items with his lack of sense. Though it seemed as though everyone in the city was currently tuned into the news… all because their royal family had been slain.
It had dominated the public sphere since the moment the press caught news of the killings. Martha and Thomas Wayne, Gotham’s saviors, had been gunned down in a back alley in front of their own son. It was a tragedy, though clearly one the news was choosing to sensationalize for their own gain.
Or at least that was what Ed had surmised.
He’d been following the story intently, sneaking into the living room late at night to watch the news as his father slept on the couch. The ceremonies and court hearings. The crime itself, and the manhunt that went on without any sort of breakthrough for days. The media treated it like some sort of twisted crime thriller, or a mystery novel. No sympathy, just unabashed curiosity. No stone was left unturned as they pried into the personal lives and final days of the deceased.
The funeral was mostly attended by cameras and anchormen, the young Wayne boy sitting in front beside the old butler of the house. It was a replay, obviously. The midday sun, barely visible behind the dull rain clouds, a stark contrast to the pitch black night he was currently enveloped in.
The procession was grim, the burial quiet, but that was all that the bereaved were allowed before the storm of questioning began.
“Bruce Wayne! Over here!”
“Mr. Wayne! A word, please!”
“Sir- Sir! Are you the legal guardian of the boy? I’d like to speak with him.”
The older man seemed to be attempting to guard Bruce from the onslaught of camera flashes and clamoring voices, but there wasn’t much he could do as they began the treacherous walk back to the limousine. It made Edward feel sick. He couldn’t imagine how he would have felt if things had been so hectic on the day of his mother’s burial. Though perhaps his own father had been enough of a spectacle to make up for it. Either way, he felt a deep connection to the other boy, even through the screen.
The Wayne boy was still being cornered by the hounds, each question being barked somehow worse than the last.
“Who are you wearing?” “Do you have any family coming to the manor to claim you?” “Bruce Wayne! How are you feeling about your inheritance? How much did your parents leave you?”
“Please…. Just leave me alone.”
Edward’s blood ran cold.
“I just want to go home.”
No. It can’t be.
“Get out of the way!” The boy snapped, his sadness morphing in anger at the frothing crowds. And just like that, he was whisked away by a police officer to his vehicle to avoid any further confrontation. And the clip ended.
Now, one would expect Edward to be feeling nauseous simply due of the exploitation of someone his age at such a vulnerable time. Which he was, partly. It was despicable. But it wasn’t the main reason he felt like throwing up as he stumbled back to his room and slammed the door behind him.
He locked himself in his bedroom, ignoring the sounds of his waking father down the hall. Then he fumbled with the edges of his shirt as he pulled it up and over his head, reading the dark lines embedded in his skin, across his chest just like it had always been.
“Please, just leave me alone.”
After years of his life assuming his soulmate would be rightfully disgusted by him in their meeting moments…
“I just want to go home.”
— — —
Bruce was a drastically a different person then he had been in his youth.
As he stood vigilant in his superhero’s fortress, which Alfred had lovingly nicknamed his “bat cave,” he thought back to that day in the cemetery. The way his anger had suddenly surged, like a wave. Over the years he had learned to aim his anger and vengeful spirit at something more productive, starting out with the task of finding his parents’ killer. Though when that didn’t pan out, he found it in himself to instead focus on the public good. To prevent others from feeling that same pain he still held in his heart. But unsurprisingly enough, that made him a lot of enemies.
He had been on the case of a rather curious criminal the past few days, one which seemed to have some sort of vendetta against the law. He merely went by the name of E. Nigma, and he had been terrorizing the GCPD by hacking into theur systems to release sensitive information to the masses, despite any and all security measures put in place.
He’d left cryptic hints as he went- some mentioned him by name. “The Batman.” Others were addressed to Gordon or Bullock. Each was mysterious, and vague, though seemed to allude to a bigger picture. Names of specific officers had been sprinkled throughout by means of codes and ciphers, so he’d been holed up in his cave researching each named figure on the GCPD’s archives.
He had some of the most advanced technology in the world at his disposal, and his main computer was no different, so he hadn’t expected this so-called enigma to find his way into his system any time soon. But then again, underestimating the enemy was so often the folly of confident heroes.
All at once, just as Bruce felt like he was beginning to get somewhere, the monitor went dead.
There was a sharp ringing in the air as the speakers crackled around him, a deep, malicious laugh pouring around him. The screen sporadically began to flash- off, on, off on, before a single, pixelated, green question mark floated in the middle of the dark plane before him.
“Riddle me this, detective~”
This is going to be interesting.
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A Stray Bullet Part 4
Fandom: Gotham Characters: Victor Zsasz, female!reader, James Gordon, Harvey Bullock and a doctor. Warnings: Mentions of blood, swearing Summary: The reader is James Gordon’s sister and works for the GCPD and is dating Victor Zsasz. The reader has kept it a secret from her brother, until one day when she takes a bullet that was meant for him. Victor then shows up at James’ place to see the reader. Word count: 4121 A/N: I am sorry this one took a while, but I had to take a couple of days off for emotional needs.
The car ride to the apartment that James shared with his sort of, maybe girlfriend Barbara Kean had been a rocky and silent one. You had been jolted all over the car, into the back doors and nearly through the front windscreen a couple of times to name a few. You had hit your side with the bullet wound against the door, even though you had tried your best to make the impact a lot less rough on your already traumatised body. You were sure that you would still end up with a bruise. Either way, you blacked out near the end of the ride from both exhaustion and pain, only to have your brother nudge you awake. 
Each time your body hit one of the doors or the front seats you could hear James mutter out a not so heartfelt apology under his breath. All you could manage from your place in the back was a pain grunt or two to let him know that you're semi-okay, although right now you felt as if you wanted to be sick from being jostled around. It didn't take much longer before James parked your car in the middle of the road outside his apartment complex. 
Once James had cut the engine, he unbuckled the seatbelt and yanked the back door open, hauling you out of the back while keeping an iron grip around you as he closed the doors and locked the car. “Okay, just a bit further,” he urged, leading you up the steps towards the open glass doors that led to the fancy lobby, receiving looks of concern from some residents that stood around the spacious area. All of them watching with mixed looks of horror and surprise as drops of blood fell to the shiny marble floor beneath your feet. None of them made a move to help or even ask what happened to you or James, just simply stood there and watched as he struggled to drag you to the closed doors of the elevator. 
It wasn't like you could blame any of them for keeping their distance and their mouths shut around you and James, what with the given state of Gotham and the recent rise in crime lately. The fact that almost every criminal could get away with damn near anything and everything they do. You wouldn't want to be added onto someone's hit list for simply asking people a question on why they're bleeding all over the lobby floor of your home. 
“How are you doing?” James suddenly asked, pulling you away from your thoughts. The doors to the elevators opened  you stumbled on your way. Jim pressed the button to the floor of his apartment as he let out a sigh, still holding onto you tightly. You didn't answer him As you were too busy using the rest of your energy to keep yourself standing. 
“Hey, hey, [Y/N]. How are you doing?” He asked you again and helped you into the large room once the doors to the elevator slid open. Of course, you still had to make your way through the hallway and to the door, which he then had to unlock. James pushed the door open, and you followed his dark brown eyes as they scanned the spacious living space before you, like he was expecting someone to be there in the darkness, waiting for an opportune time to attack and finish the job. Out the corner of your eyes you noticed that he gave a nod of his head, confirming that it was safe to go inside his own apartment. 
“Peachy… Just — Just peachy,” you breathed out through the nauseous feeling that twisted painfully in the pit of your stomach. You felt sweaty and had a mild headache forming at the back of your head, most likely from the blood loss. Back in the car you noticed that you had started to feel dizzy, although you didn't voice your concern to your brother, it would only make him worry more and become more protective. He was probably already panicking internally enough as it is. 
You squeezed your eyes shut tightly and willed yourself to not give into the urge to let gravity claim you and fall to the floor, where if you had your way, you'd stay until you felt better or bleed to death. The latter sounding like a better option to you right now since you didn't want to have a conversation about Victor with your brother. "You don't look so good," James told you, his voice sounded quiet to your ears even though he stood beside you. "You look clammy, and you're sweating," he muttered out. All you managed was a short pain filled laugh. It wasn't funny, you knew it wasn't, but you couldn't keep it in. 
"That uh, yeah, that usually happens when someone loses a lot of blood." You croaked out snarkily, trying to lighten the heavy air that settled around you. You swallowed hard, your throat feeling unusually dry. 
"You know, she's exactly like you. She can't read a room and her humour is terrible." The familiar gruff sound of Harvey Bullock’s voice sounded out. James scoffed at that, but your lips twitched up at the corners in amusement. You had to force your eyes open. It didn't take too long for your eyes to fall upon the scruffy detective, his hat discarded on the coffee table beside him.
"Well, if it isn't Harvey Bullock." You didn't think Harvey would help if James had asked him to, considering he nearly throttled James into the ground of the men's locker room back in the GCPD a couple of days ago because your brother decided it was a good idea to let Oswald Cobblepot live. You wondered when James had the time to call Harvey. Was it when you had been blacked out in the back of your car? Or was it sometime before then, but you hadn't noticed? It couldn’t have been before you blacked out, you would have remembered the trilling conversation that must have transpired over the phone otherwise. 
A woman with long dark brown hair stood a few meters away from Harvey, a look of concern written clear as day across her features. You assumed she was a doctor, and you sure as hell hoped that she was in fact a certified doctor and not just some shady person that Harvey knows. "How're you doing darling?" He asked you, his voice warmer than it was when he previously spoke to James. He must still hold some resentment to his partner for his lie. 
"Oh, you know... not bad, bleeding out, and I want to sleep. But not bad." You responded, as if on cue your eyes slid shut, almost like you had commanded it. "Please for the love of... just tell me that she is a certified doctor," you whispered to your brother as quietly as you could manage. 
A whine left you as you opened your eyes once more, still trying to fight back the sleep that was threatening to take you to the black abyss behind your eyes. "They are someone that Harvey knows," he flashed an awkward side smile in your direction to let you know that he is indeed being serious about it. 
Blinking at him, you took a minute to process what he had just told you, your eyes scanned his features for the telltale signs of a lie, or at least any signs to indicate that he's joking. Waiting for him to keep talking and tell you that Harvey did in fact call someone who knew a doctor who could do an urgent house call at such short notice and wouldn't ask questions about it. But there was that nervous tick, it was faint but noticeable. 
"Oh no. No, no, and no," you started quickly and shook your head, removing your arm from around his back and placed the palm of your hand against his shoulder, pushing yourself away from him. Stumbling to the side you somehow managed to get yourself free from James's iron grip. "I know exactly what that means. If I wanted someone who is medically uncertified to root around my insides to get a damn bullet out, then I would have asked you or Harvey to do it for me." James shot a hand out towards you with lightning fast reflexes, his fingers snagging your upper arm to keep you from toppling over onto the dark brown wooden floor beneath your feet. 
"Stop being so bloody stubborn! I am not going to perform or let anyone else who isn't a qualified doctor perform any sort of surgery on you, and potentially get you killed!" He snapped back a bit too harshly without meaning to. You swayed on the spot, staring at him for the longest time, your lips parted as if you were going to say something in response. You wanted to, god knows you wanted to say *something*, but you didn't know what you could say without making him yell even more. 
Of course, you knew that he didn't mean to yell at you like that. That he was only worried about your well-being, worried about getting hurt even more so than you are now or worse, killed. However, this had been the first time in a very long time James had snapped at you, and it had to have happened at the worst time. 
"I didn't mean to yell at you," he said slowly as some kind of emotion flashed across his usually emotionless face, but it was far too quick for you to catch.
"It's fine. I get it, Jim." James watched wide-eyed as you pulled your arm out of his hand, causing you to stumble over your feet as you took a step backwards on shaking legs. You could feel everyone's eyes on you and all you wanted to do was to hide from them and sort this whole thing out yourself. Hurt was clear in your voice like a sparkling diamond set out in the sun as you spoke. "It's fine," you assured him, turning away, so you could move the rest of the way towards the couch on your own. Your vision was starting to blur and melt together, you blinked a few times to clear your fuzzy vision. 
You went to take another step towards the blurring couch, repeatedly blinking to keep your vision in focus when all of a sudden it seemed as if the coffee table and the floor raised upwards to meet you, twisting and distorting for the briefest moment before settling on its side. From both corners of the room you could hear at the very least two people calling out your name, followed by the loud and unmistakable thud of your body hitting the glass surface of the coffee table and then the floor. Which was then followed closely by the sound of a million shards of glass shattering and tumbling across the hardwood floor, echoing around you, so loudly it seemed to drown out the sounds of people yelling for you to open your eyes and to keep them open. 
After what appeared to be a few seconds, you could feel the electric buzz of pain ripple through you, causing your mind to jolt out of the darkness and quietness that had all but consumed your consciousness. The room blared dizzyingly back to life around you, the two deep voices of James and Harvey mixed together with the high-pitched frantic voice of the woman that you forgot to get the name of. You couldn't make out a single word either of them were saying to you. 
"Ugh," you groaned out and moved your hand to your shoulder where you felt a dull pulsating pain hammer and throb across your skin. Your fingers barely brushed over the soft fabric that's wrapped securely around your shoulder, but not hard enough to cut off blood flow. Someone grabbed your forearm and yanked your hand away from the bandage, holding it down tightly to some kind of slightly scratchy, yet soft fabric. 
You finally managed to pry your eyes open to find that everything was blurry, the lights hanging above you didn't help much either. However, you could make out Harvey and James hovering over you, but their expressions were something you couldn't make out. 
"Can one of you please hold her down?!" The female demanded snappily with a slight hint of panic evident in her voice as you moved to get up from your warm, cushiony spot. She spoke again as you were inevitably pushed back into the cushions of what you assumed to be the now bloodied couch. "I have a hold of the bullet. If she moves I might lose it, or make things worse for her.”
You didn't like the idea of that and let out a yelp as two sets of strong hands fell down to your shoulders and pushed you further into the cushions. You assumed that they belonged to James and Harvey since they're the only two men in the apartment. Harvey moved his arms from your shoulder and down to your arm, like he was trying to get a better hold of you. James did the same, both of their holds on you tightening, as if they were putting all of their weight into keeping you down while the doctor got to work. 
"H - ow!" You let out an inhuman screech as the woman ripped the long forceps and brass bullet out of your side. Warm, sticky blood trickled down your skin as the bullet was removed. After, the pain was red-hot as it pulsed through you, you felt as if your flesh was burning because of the quick and simple action. 
Harvey and James let go of your arms, their shoulders shooting straight up to their ears as the screech bounced around the quiet room. The woman even placed her hands over her own ears as she stared at you, taken back by the sudden noise. It almost sounded as if you were an ancient dinosaur. "Keep a hold of her arms, and for the love of god keep her still. I need to suture the wound up," the woman told them with authority in her voice - she had clearly taken over the situation. All you wanted to do was to roll over and clutch your throbbing side in your hands, but that was out of the question.
By the time James and Harvey had their hands back on your arms, putting all their weight into it, you had your vision back. James had a stony look on his features, something he had mastered while in the army. While Harvey looked as if he was cringing at everything that is happening to you, most likely picturing himself in your situation. You let out a deep, heavy and shaky breath of air, your eyes darting around the room to find something to keep yourself occupied, to keep your mind from the pain.
"Oh god," you whimpered, you could feel Harvey's thumb rub over the skin of your arm soothingly. You hated to admit it but in a way Harvey had become a brother of sorts to you, a little like a father figure as well, you supposed.
"Okay, I just need to clean the wound, and then suture it, and then I'll bandage it all up." The woman told you in a soft, somewhat calming voice. However, it did nothing to calm your nerves. “Alright?” Like it was any good asking you that question, she was going to do it anyway, and you had no choice in the matter. Unless you wanted to die, which you didn’t. 
Bobbing your head in acknowledgement to the doctor’s rhetorical question, all the worries about the woman who is currently taking care of your wounds being completely unqualified or even a doctor to the gangs of Gotham now forgotten about. She seemed to know what she was doing, at least you could give her credit for that. She hesitated for a minute, before pouring a bit of Hydrogen Peroxide onto a cloth and rubbed it over the wound to prevent it from getting infected. "It might make the healing process slow, but it'll do you some good." The doctor said to no one in particular, but that didn't stop you from mentally taking note of it. 
To you, it felt like the deepest and darkest form of torture and that the devil himself was pressing a burning hot poker against your side. You pressed your lips together into a tight thin line and tried to roll onto your side as if to shield the bullet hole in your side. Tried being the key word since you were roughly pulled back into place by none other than Harvey who gave you a nervous smile, that did nothing to ease the nerves that started to rise up in the pit of your stomach. "I'm sorry [Y/N]. It's for your own good," he told you without hesitation. 
You couldn't bring yourself to believe a word of what he said. If something this painful was for someone's own good then you can honestly say, with your hand on your heart, that you never wanted it to happen ever again.
"Is it over yet?" Laughing nervously, looking up at Harvey and James with pleading eyes. 
"Not yet." James answered in return, his eyes never leaving the doctor as she carefully threaded the plastic surgical line through the needle they've brought with them to do the job. The next painful thing to happen was the feel of a pointed needle being pushed in and out of your tender skin. All you could do was let out a low whimpering sound, trying to find something that you could hold onto tightly for comfort but all you could curl your fingers around was the thick fabric under yourself. 
Luckily, however, it didn't take too long for the doctor to do the sutures. She actually worked really fast and didn't mess up a single stitch. The woman was quick to put the bandage over your bullet wound too. 
"Yeah, I don't plan on taking any more bullets that are meant for my brother. Thanks for your concern though." You joked. 
The woman looked from you and then to your brother, raising a questioning brow at the two of you. "Neither of you get shot like this again or otherwise. I don't want to make another house call for something worse because the Gordon siblings can't keep themselves out of trouble." Harvey snorted out a laugh and clapped James on the back. Perhaps he wasn't as mad at James as you previously thought that night, but that didn't really matter to you right now. 
The doctor said her goodbyes to you and James, telling him to keep an eye on you because you've lost a lot of blood. Like she could steal bags of blood from the hospital she worked in as if it was nothing, like she had done it plenty of times before in the past without getting caught or questioned. Harvey also left with the woman to take her back home, whether it was back to his place or hers you didn't quite care to ask. Not really wanting to know the specifics and honestly if he told you too much information about her, you were afraid it would break the illusion that you made up about her. 
Once they were gone you managed to push yourself up into a sitting position. James had gone to find the pyjamas that you left there when you last visited and stayed the night, so you could get out of your bloody clothes. Although your blouse was pretty much useless now because they had to cut it off to be able to take care of you. Not that you cared about it, you hated the blouse anyway. "How are you feeling?" James asked suddenly. You hadn't noticed that he had joined you and was now sitting beside you with his hands held out in your direction, holding your pyjama's out for you. 
You could see the smallest hint of a smile on his lips, a hopeful one. You hummed out a quiet thank you as you took the pyjama from him, carefully nodding your head "I feel... Less like I got shot and more like the devil himself is using a burning hot poker to stab me." You laughed out shortly, leaning into him and nudged his shoulder with your, wincing at the pain that fluttered through you. 
A light-hearted chuckle came from beside you, James seemed to be relieved that you're joking about it. "I am sorry for putting you through that." You moved to get up, however the movement was slow, and in the end James helped you up by giving you a push.
"Considering I took two bullets for you and saved your ass, I think we're even." You told him cockily and walked a small distance from the couch. James turned on the couch the best he could so his back was to you. 
"Oh, you saved my ass?" He asked in a cheerful voice. James was looking to the floor, finding the remaining shards of glass interesting, to give you privacy while you got into the clothes. You pulled the black spaghetti strap tank top over your head and bit your cheek to keep yourself from moaning in pain. 
"Uh, yes I saved your damn ass from getting shot. However accidental it was," you sassed back, kicking your boots off and watched as they landed on the floor in a heap you got into your shorts quickly. James snorted at you, apparently finding your comment amusing.
He laughed and took a hold of your arm to keep you up right, "right, yeah. You saved my ass," you turned your head to look at him and noticed that he had his eyes closed. 
"If it wasn't for me accidentally getting in the way of the bullets, you'd be shot and probably bleeding out somewhere." You made a face at the bloody trousers that you were wearing in disgust. The doctor was right, you had lost a lot of blood, or at least enough to make it, so you're not in need of a blood transfusion. 
A quietness passed over the eerie living room which soon gave way to awkwardness. The only noises that could be heard were yours and James' breathing, and the sounds of the busy Gotham streets outside the apartment. Your eyes darted towards the open window behind you and James, and then to the front door, both ways for Victor to enter. You needed to call him to tell him that you're fine, he'd be beside himself if you left it any longer, but that would mean you need to get some time alone to be able to talk privately without James over hearing.
"You know you still haven't told me why I couldn't take you back to your place and get a doctor," his voice broke the suffocating silence and nearly made you jump straight into his arms. "Come on [Y/N]," he persisted, nudging your arm with his elbow. 
You were hoping your brother would have forgotten all about it what with everything that had happened or at the very least he wouldn't bring it up at this very moment. But you had to admit, he really did have you cornered. You folded your trousers and placed them on the floor with your boots, staying quiet as you mulled your answer over very carefully. 
"Listen, Jim." you trailed off slowly, thoughtfully, not knowing how to say the next words that you wanted to say. He was going to explode when you told him. He would tell you that you're being stupid and that you need to stop seeing Victor. "It's... Complicated," you shrugged as your eyes darted around the room, looking for some kind of excuse or even some kind of godly intervention to save you or interrupt the conversation. 
"How complicated could it possibly be?" He asked, looking at you for an answer.
"Extremely," you muttered out and moved away from him as he dropped his arms to his side, squinting his eyes at you like he was trying to figure out a riddle.
“You’re hiding something,” he decided.
"Pfft, What?" You asked anxiously. "No," you said a little too quickly and clenched your jaw at his accusation. 
"What is it?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest once more like your father used to do when the two of you got into trouble for something. Fuck.
Tag list;  @elasmo-branchii​, @nheirei, @the-ramblings, @milly-louise
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belovedwithkindness · 3 years
Part 17 of my Nygmobblepot story - The Riddler has set Oswald and Ed up on a (possibly deadly) date to sort through their issues. Now Oswald and Ed are on a little date of their own...
Sneak Peak: “Oswald, it’s fine…” Ed reassured, giving a small smile though he still made no move to embrace the pup, “I’m just not used to dogs is all.” A moment of relief showed on Penguin’s face, realising it was just Ed’s unfamiliarity with pets and nothing personal. “Does he bite?” Ed asked warily, the animal might as well be an alien the way he was regarding it.
Outright laughing at the notion Oswald said “no, he is the laziest puppy I've ever had” and that apparently eased Ed’s nerves slightly, before Penguin proudly stated “he’s a glorified potato, but I love him.”
Having earned a chuckle at the description Ed looked to the cheerful pup again, the small thing hardly menacing as it leaned in for more scratches from it’s owner. “Okay, he’s much less intimidating now you’ve described him as a glorified potato.”
“This was intimidating?” Oswald asked incredulously, holding the helpless puppy up for emphasis, it’s little paws and smooshy face showing how utterly non-threatening the little thing was.
“Well…I think ‘unfamiliar’ is a better term” Ed defended before softening in his observation “besides, you clearly care about him, first impressions count” he said with a smiled.
Oswald nodded, smiling too, before reassuring “I don’t think you’ll be snubbed by the lazy potato” before holding the puppy out slightly in an offer to Edward to pet him.
The hesitance was obvious but, to the man’s credit, he decided if he wasn’t going to be snubbed by the dog he shouldn’t snub it either, so with uncertainty he reached out and, in a way that was not natural at all, gave the most awkward pet over the pup’s head. Stifling a laugh, Oswald said “it’s an animal, Eddie, have you ever been near a dog? a cat…Detective Bullock?” he joked, both laughing at the implication the detective was comparable and breaking any tension before he gave a tip, pointing to a spot just under the puppy’s chin “give him a scratch here, he loves it.”
Slowly, animals not his forte at all, Ed did as instructed and, lightly at first, scratched under the dog’s chin, afraid of going too hard but he seemed to have underdone it garnering no response. Getting a bit braver he doubled his efforts and he was rewarded with some happy noises and some cheerful wiggling. He had to admit it was a rather charming little thing.
“Okay, I suppose he is kind of cute…” Ed admitted, with growing confidence he moved to between the pup’s ears and he seemed just as happy with that attention too.
“I think so too” Oswald agreed before leaning a little closer to his date and saying “something about fellas called Edward I suppose” he complimented subtly, just between them.
Instantly flattered Ed’s smile grew. “Glad you think so. Hopefully it won't be too confusing.”
Oswald looked between his two Edwards and he simply shrugged with a small “I’ll manage” and joined in petting the puppy again, unflinching when his fingers brushed against his date’s.
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phantom-le6 · 3 years
Episode Reviews - Batman: The Animated Series Season 2 (4 of 4)
Significantly later than planned for a multitude of reasons, here’s the fourth and final round of episodes from season 2 of Batman: The Animated Series…
Episode 16: Harley’s Holiday
Plot (as given by me):
Harley Quinn is informed that she is considered mentally fit to be released from Arkham Asylum on parole and is overjoyed by the news.  As she is informed, Batman and Robin arrive at the asylum to return the recently escaped Scarecrow.  Batman wishes Harley luck, warning her to remain out of trouble.  Harley promises to do so, but this proves easier said than done.  She is oblivious to the panic caused in others by her pet hyenas, and when she goes shopping, she brags about having being declared sane by the asylum.  When Harley overlooks the matter of letting the saleswoman at the shop remove a security tag from a dress she buys, things escalate quickly.
Bruce Wayne, who is out shopping with Veronica Vreeland, tries to defuse the situation, but Harley’s misunderstand of her error convinces her that she is being treated like a criminal based solely on her past.  As a result, she retreats to the changing rooms only to emerge in her full Harley costume, kidnapping Veronica in order to hijack her car.  Harley’s antics soon have her in the sights of Detective Bullock and Veronica’s army general father, and Bruce realises her best chance will be for him and Dick Grayson to intercept her in their Batman and Robin guises.
As Batman has deduced, Harley seeks the aid of Boxy Bennett in hiding her and Veronica before assisting Harley to get out of Gotham. Boxy agrees, but wants to ransom Veronica; Harley disagrees, having promised that she’ll be let go safe and well. Batman and Robin intercede before Harley and Boxy can fully argue, and while the dynamic duo beat Boxy’s thugs, Harley and Veronica escape.  Boxy, narrowly escaping being mauled by Harley’s hyenas, pursues the two women in a truck, while Harley tells Veronica that she’s sincere about letting her go. Veronica promptly tells Harley that as long as Harley can get her through this alive, she’ll not press any charges about her abduction and put in a good word with the judge.
No sooner does Veronica say this, her father comes down the road in front of them in a tank.  Harley turns the car around and speeds away, later stopping at an intersection as the general, Bullock and Bennett converge on her from three directions. There is a massive collision, and for a moment Harley and Veronica are feared crushed.  However, both women have escaped the car unharmed, and Harley passes Veronica to Robin before fleeing, Batman in pursuit.  While Veronica is reunited with her over-zealous father and Bullock opts to forego pursuing Harley in favour of arresting Bennett, the dark knight finally captures Harley when her efforts to escape him end up requiring him to save her.
Harley is returned to Arkham, but her psychiatrist states she won’t be there long as Veronica isn’t pressing charges.  Harley then asks Batman why he stuck with her despite her being nothing but trouble.  Batman admits to empathising with Harley by noting he once has a ‘bad day’, and gives her the dress she bought.  Claiming that good guys like Batman shouldn’t have bad days, Harley gives him a quick peck on the lips, which then turns into a deeper kiss to the shock and bemusement of the on-looking Robin and Poison Ivy.  Harley asks Batman to call her, prompting him to warn her not to press her luck.
This is the third episode about attempted reform by a Batman rogue in a row from a production order stand-point.  As such, it initially feels like the episode is going to drag just for trotting out the same idea yet again.  However, the episode varies from the other two in the trilogy very well indeed.  First, we had Riddler’s feigned reform, then Two-Face undermining his own reform since he’s a separate personality to Harvey Dent.  This time, we get a reform that’s not faked or undermined by the character themselves, but instead one that comes from the focal character being set up to fail by the system.
From the way Harley acts in this episode, it’s clear that she has some major social blind spots in her perspective that Arkham evidently never considered addressing with her.  To begin with, she’s oblivious to the idea that her hyenas are not a socially acceptable form of pet animal to go around the city with. Next, Harley fails to realise how mentioning her criminal past and mental health status as she does will be cause people to react.  Lastly, she seems to have no understanding of the security tag concept, which is ultimately what results in the misunderstanding that makes her melt down. In effect, the few minutes in which Harley goes from potentially successful parolee to enraged recidivist is not unlike something an autistic person might experience.  Take someone on the autistic spectrum who hasn’t been given much/any social skills or life skills education, drop them into a shopping situation, and I bet you’d see similar mishaps occur.
The sad truth behind this otherwise lighter, more slap-stick and funny episode, is situations like Harley’s occur all the time just from a lack of proper support and education of those who are neuro-diverse. The doctors at Arkham clearly haven’t done their jobs right, or else Harley would have known to leave the hyenas at home, would have kept relatively to herself in the shop, and she’d have got out with a de-tagged dress safe and sound.  For me, this episode is definitely one to show to education and childcare professions as an example of how important it is to make sure the neuro-diverse have sufficient education in navigating all aspects of everyday life. To send them out into the wider world simply assuming that they have the right skills without verifying is frankly stupid.
Only the fact this is our third reform episode in a row keeps me from handing out full points, but the episode is so good compared to the last two, it still racks up 9 out of 10.
Episode 17: Lock-Up
Plot (as given by me):
Batman and Robin return the Scarecrow to Arkham Asylum yet again, but this time the fear-obsessed villain states he didn’t escape to commit any crimes.  Instead, his break-out was the result of fear of Arkham’s new security chief Lyle Bolton. Batman is suspicious, and as Bruce Wayne he attends a board of enquiry along with several other key city officials. The enquiry is into complaints against Bolton’s harsh actions, undertaken as part of a post enabled by a Wayne Foundation grant.  At first, none of the inmates want to confirm the allegations, the implication being that Bolton has intimidated them into singing his praises.  However, when faced with the prospect of Bolton for another 18 months, the inmates change their stories and inform them of the verbal and physical abuse he’s doled out to them.
Bolton bursts out that the Arkham inmates are scum who should be beaten to death, and he is soon restrained and fired from his position.  Bolton claims that the inmates are not the real problem, but symptoms of the overly soft police, doctors and elected officials that enable the inmates to routinely escape and commit crimes.  Later, a harsh news report prompts Bolton to include the media in his list of targets for revenge.  Six months later, Summer Gleeson is abducted by a costumed individual named Lock-Up, who Batman deduces after a battle with him is actually Bolton.  Bolton invites Batman to join him, thinking their mission is essentially the same, but Batman refuses.  The various members of the enquiry board then begin to disappear, making it clear Bolton is targeting those he blames for enabling criminality by not going far enough to keep criminals out of society.
After a failed effort to keep Mayor Hill out of Bolton’s custody, Batman deduces Bolton is keeping his prisoners aboard a decommissioned navy ship that was used as an interim prison back when Stonegate Penitentiary was being constructed.  Boarding the ship, Robin works to free Bolton’s prisoners while Batman deals with Bolton directly.  During the battle, the ship accidentally starts to move, sailing into a reef and being upended.  While Robin ultimately frees the prisoners, Batman eventually gets the upper hand and defeats Bolton without resorting to harsh methods like his opponent.  Bolton is then incarcerated at Arkham Asylum, where he admits the delusional idea that he is now in the perfect position to keep all the other inmates in line.
Lock-Up is apparently another character who, like Renee Montoya and Harley Quinn, was developed for the Batman animated series and then got picked up by the comics afterwards.  While he’s clearly meant to be an out-and-out villain and has a fairly original origin, his harsher tactics and opposition to Batman are somewhat reminiscent of Marvel’s Punisher.  There are numerous comics where the Punisher is featured in stories alongside characters like Daredevil, Captain America or Spider-Man and debates his willingness to kill against their aversion to it.  By the same token, Lock-Up is set-up to contrast Batman’s traditional style of crime-fighting in a way that is less about lethal-versus-non-lethal methods and more about incarceration-versus-rehabilitation.
Ultimately, Batman’s method is superior because prisons are ultimately finite and a lethal force approach enables the execution of the wrongly convicted before innocence can be proven.  Rehabilitation, on the other hand, turns an otherwise dangerous human being into a contributing member of society, and as Lock-Up proves, an excess of imprisonment solves nothing.  Sadly, too many people in society lack the willingness to commit resources to such methods, preferring to take the unthinking option of just clamouring for the return of the death penalty and more locking up.  Granted, there are some people who do deserve such a fate, but they’re the minority of cases, and there’s always the human tendency towards making mistakes to consider.
Overall, this is a decent episode, but it’s a shame the debate about anti-criminal methodology isn’t more debated. Hopefully someone brought up Lock-Up in the Gotham TV series to do so, and I look forward to looking into that when I review that show.  In the meantime, I give this episode 8 out of 10.
Episode 18: Make ‘Em Laugh
Plot (as given by me):
When a man dressed up in a strange suit and calling himself “the Condiment King” holds up a restaurant, Batman confronts the bizarre criminal.  Barely more than a nuisance, the strange man falls from the building by accident and injures himself landing on a car.  When unmasked, the man is recognised by officer Renee Montoya as stand-up comic Buddy Standler.  The next day, another costumed man calling himself “The Pack Rat” stages an even more strange robbery at a department store.  Alfred is present, and manages to put a call through to Batman.  Together with Robin, the dark knight manages to stop Pack Rat, who turns out to be another comedian by the name of Harry Loomis. While the theft is going down, a third comedian, Lisa Lorraine, is abducted.
Finding a concealed microchip on Loomis’ neck, Batman deduces the two comedians they’ve dealt with so far are being mind-controlled. He and Robin visit the Mad Hatter’s cell at Arkham to find he’s still there, and even stranger, he himself has been controlled by one of his microchips.  Returning to the Batcave, the dynamic duo is informed of Lorraine’s disappearance, and they come to the realisation that all three are the customary judges of Gotham’s annual Laugh-Off, a televised competition among comedians to the funniest person in Gotham.  Reviewing a recording of last year’s show, Batman learns that the Joker attempted to crash the competition in disguise, but wasn’t given a chance to compete as he didn’t enter by the proper rules.
At the competition, Joker again shows up in disguise, having mind-controlled the other contestants, and declares himself the winner before revealing his real identity to the crowd.  He tries to kill the crowd with grenades containing Joker gas, but Batman arrives in time to deflect the grenades outside.  Joker then reveals the mind-controlled Lorraine, dressed up as a costumed adversary named “Mighty Mom”.  While Robin deals with Lorraine and ultimately frees her from Joker’s control, Batman pursues the Joker outside, where he hops aboard a clown-shaped balloon to try and escape.
Batman and Robin both follow Joker, and in the ensuing fight, the clown prince of crime stabs the clown balloon with his knife, causing it to deflate and the Joker to fall.  Batman saves his adversary with his grappling gun, which results in Joker’s trousers ending up around his ankles and the stolen trophy landing on his head.  For once, the Joker gets genuine laughs, and the irate villain is soon arrested and taken away.
This is not one of the better Joker episodes of the series by any means.  As ok as the plot is, it somehow just doesn’t quite have anything about it to really make it stand out as anything really memorable.  There’s certainly nothing much deeper to it that I can sink my teeth into reviewing-wise. Honestly, it’s just a Joker episode to get this season up to the required number of episodes.  I give it 5 out of 10 for this one and hope for something better before I’m done with this round.
Episode 19: Deep Freeze
Plot (as given by me):
Mr Freeze is abducted from Arkham Asylum by a robot equipped with a freeze weapon of its own.  While some suggest Freeze faked the abduction due to the robot’s armament, Batman’s review of the security footage suggests otherwise. Consulting with retired robotics expert Karl Rossum, Batman and Robin learn the robot is based on models built for theme park mogul Grant Walker.  Meanwhile, Freeze is given an improved cryo-suit and freeze gun by Walker, who wishes to undergo the same transformation as Freeze in order to slow his aging process to a crawl.  While Mr Freeze is initially reluctant, he changes his response when Walker reveals he has Freeze’s wife Nora in cryogenic suspension, salvaged from Gothcorp after the events that turned Victor Fries into his icy alter ego.
While Freeze agrees to aid Walker in exchange for curing his wife, Batman and Robin head to Walker’s off-world project Oceania. Supposedly another theme-park, it’s actually an off-shore, self-contained city.  The dynamic duo arrives in time to catch a broadcast by Walker to Oceania’s citizens; he is planning to use a cannon-sized version of Freeze’s gun to plunge the outside world into an ice age, after which he and the ‘decent people’ of Oceania will inherit the Earth once the ice thaws.  Before the pair can act, they are captured by Walker’s robots and Freeze.  Walker then successfully undergoes the process that transforms him into a being of cold like Freeze, and while Walker goes to carry out his plan, Freeze opts to stick with his wife.
Batman points out Freeze’s wife will be horrified by him being party to Walker’s genocide, and convinces him to help them avert catastrophe.  As the three of them storm Walker’s command centre, Freeze encases Walker in ice before triggering a self-destruct process, warning the citizens of Oceania to evacuate. Freeze opts to stay behind with Nora and forces Batman to leave him behind by freezing Robin.  Everyone that can be evacuated from the city gets out, and as Robin recovers at Wayne Manor, Batman suspects they’ve not heard the last of Mr Freeze.  Indeed, inside an iceberg drifting at sea, Mr Freeze kneels before his wife’s cryo-tube.
The key reason this show went so long between Mr Freeze’s debut episode and this episode is because the debut episode was so good, the makers of the show wanted to keep it as a stand-alone and avoid spoiling it with any follow-ups.  Seeing this episode, and even knowing how it sets up for the next film in the show’s run, I think that was the right instinct.  Beyond setting up Batman & Mr Freeze: Sub-Zero, this episode doesn’t have too much going for it, relying mainly on the rarity of Mr Freeze’s use in the show rather than a truly decent plot.  Granted, the episode is well-performed and for those who like all things Orwellian, Walker’s plot in this episode certainly has that dystopian vibe. However, for me, it’s just not as good an episode as I think we should be getting for Mr Freeze.  6 out of 10 and on to the last episode of this season.
Episode 20: Batgirl Returns
Plot (as given by me):
After being awoken from a dream where she is Batgirl and kissing Batman, Barbara Gordon tries to get back to her university studies.  However, she then sees a newspaper article about a priceless statue being stolen.  As her dream had also involved the theft of a statue, Barbara takes this as a cue to investigate the matter as Batgirl.  At the university the statue was stolen from, Batgirl finds Catwoman, who protests her innocence by pointing out that while the style of statue, a cat figure made of jade, would fit her M.O., the methods used to steal it are not.  Batgirl tries to convince Catwoman to tell her story directly to the police, but she refuses, and flees when Robin butts in on the meeting, resulting in an argument between Batgirl and Robin.
Later, Barbara finds a note for “the winged mouse” that is Catwoman’s way of arranging a meeting with Batgirl.  The feline felon wants to work with Batgirl to prove her innocence, and Batgirl agrees on the condition Catwoman turns herself in if she turns out to be lying.  Meanwhile, Robin informs Bruce of Catwoman’s activities, but he’s tied up in Europe negotiating a business deal for Wayne Enterprises, and leaves the matter in Robin’s hands.  The investigation by Catwoman and Batgirl eventually leads them to the real thief; the criminal industrialist Roland Daggett, and the pair are captured by Daggett and his thugs while investigating his old chemical plant.
Daggett explains he arranged the theft because avoiding prison after his last encounter with Batman has left him bankrupt, and he needs the money from fencing the statue to start over elsewhere.  Catwoman was framed to deflect suspicion and pay her back for her part in one of Daggett’s previous set-backs.  To avoid leaving evidence, Daggett plans to shoot Batgirl and Catwoman before tossing their bodies into vats of acid, but Robin shows up in time to prevent this.  During the fight, Batgirl and Catwoman get free, with Catwoman pursuing Daggett. Grabbing the statue from Daggett, Catwoman then tries to hurl Daggett into the acid vats, forcing Batgirl to save Daggett.  She isn’t strong enough to pull Daggett to safety, but Robin arrives and does so, freeing Batgirl to go after Catwoman.
Outside, Batgirl captures Catwoman, who admits she’d been intending to steal the jade cat statue all along.  She tries to suggest a criminal partnership with the young lady, but Batgirl refuses.  Catwoman admits to coercing Batgirl to free her from any wrong-doing, but then manages to hijack the police car she is put into.  Robin wants to pursue, but Batgirl dissuades him, noting they’ll get her another time.
This episode seems to be about providing yet more set-up for the Batman & Mr Freeze animated film by giving Batgirl a somewhat overdue spotlight episode.  Unlike Mr Freeze’s return, however, it’s a very good episode for the most part.  Her teaming up with Catwoman makes for an interesting story to watch, and there’s a part of me that wonders what Batgirl might have done at the end if Catwoman hadn’t dissed her dad.  Granted, this is also an episode virtually devoid of Batman, but unlike the episode Showdown, at least the episode focus remains on Gotham and Batman-linked characters at all times.
If I have any complaints here, it’s with the incorporation of Bruce Timm’s idea of Barbara Gordon having romantic/sexual attraction towards Batman.  It’s one of those awkward inappropriate relationship concepts that sometimes come up in superhero lore, akin to the Kitty Pryde/Colossus relationship of X-Men comics or the knowledge that when Sue Storm first starting crushing on Reed Richards, she was 12 and he was a university student to whom her aunt was landlady.  The fact is these relationships tend to not do well after very long because unless you live somewhere with a very low age of consent, the age difference means that for a long time in the past of these characters, you’re looking at a legally dodgy relationship.
Luckily, the idea that Barbara has the hots for Batman isn’t incorporated much at this moment in the series, and the show and its tie-in films keep things one-sided, so it’s not as bad as it could be. Nonetheless, this is the seed that eventually led to the film adaptation of Killing Joke having a Batgirl-Batman sex scene in the first half-hour of original content preceding the actual adaptation, and for this leading to that alone, I have to deduct some points. Seriously, Mr Timm, next time leave that stuff for the fan fic sites, will you?  End score for this episode, 8 out of 10.
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Work On That
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I wrote how I was going to post this later in the day—that was three days ago or so. My bad. Chaos, but you don’t want to hear about that.
Edward Nygma x Reader
Part 4
Part 1 2 3
“Pleaseeeeee I need more, this is fantastic! And so well written”
“I’m in love”
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The Gotham Gazette headline was the talk of Gotham. It had been days since the apparent break-in at Arkham Asylum, freeing Oswald —releasing him back into the underworld— yet, there was no word on where his whereabouts were. You hadn't brought up the topic to Edward; you still had to play as if you were in the dark. Gordon didn't pull you from your cover due to your intel about the possible break-in, but Harvey quickly intervened, saying that you knew when it was going to happen: withholding information. 
You quickly felt the newspaper leaving your hands. The slim body that stood in front of you looked at the paper that had captivated your attention. "What are you reading, Y/N?" Ed hummed, scanning the pages before him. You stood from the boxed goods you were seated on in the storage room. You tried to reach for the paper, but Ed turned his back at you. You watched him crumble the paper up, throwing it across the storage room. "Why are you reading that?" Ed asked, turning on his heel to give you a stare that was a sign of disapproval.
"I can read the newspaper, Eddie," You joked, trying to break the tension, but he didn't crack. You rested your hands on his arms, squeezing him, "You can't keep me in the dark. Something like this is important to know. A dangerous man is out there!"
Ed placed his index finger under your chin, tipping your head back while a smirk played on his lips, "The GCPD are handling it," Ed assured you, "I'm only protecting you, my love." You pressed your forehead against Ed's chest, shutting your eyes, your grip getting tighter on Ed's sleeves. Your heart sank every time Ed called you those words. Captivated by you, Ed would believe anything you told him. It was clear, after that night, you two finally became one, that he was in it for the long run. It pained you, knowing that your captain would pull you out of your cover: revealing the truth and betrayal to Ed.
"You shouldn't focus on the bad here," Ed hummed, wrapping his arm around your waist, tilting your chin once more to stare into his eyes. His eyes grew soft, a smile appearing that warmed your heart, "I'll protect you no matter what, Y/N." Ed lowered himself, giving you a reassuring kiss to ease your worry. He guided you back to the box, lifting you from your thighs, catching you off guard. He placed you back on top of the container, separating your legs to get in between them. Ed cupped your face, deepening the kiss, causing the room and body to get hotter each time his lips reconnected with yours.
Edward lowered his hand, gliding it up to your bare legs, passing the hem of your dress to rest on the inner thigh. Ed moved his lips, peppering kisses along your neck, having you shut your eyes, enjoying the bliss he was giving you. "Eddie," You softly moan, wrapping your fingers around his locks, "Someone can walk in on us any moment." Eddie ignored your plead. His pointer finger hooked at your underwear, slightly tugging at it. "Mm, Eddie," You hummed.
You slowly opened your eyes, surprised to see one of Cherry's worker standing in the doorway. You let out a yelp, turning Ed around to have a look himself. Ed's face dropped, displeased that someone would ruin his fun. The worker stared at you, gawking at your legs until Ed was quick to grab him by the collar to shake him out of any dirty thoughts. "What do you want?" Ed growled. 
"Gordon and Bullock are here," The worker managed to get out. You peered over Ed's shoulder to see Jim and Harvey looking around Cherry's while they waited. You placed your hands on Ed's shoulders, giving him a light push to get off the boxes. Ed did a quick turn, looking down at you.
"What are you doing?" He questioned. You tried to squeeze your way towards the door, but Ed kept blocking your way. You brushed loose hairs out of Ed's face, cupping his cheek in your hand. 
"I'm just going to go talk to them, it will be fine," You told Ed, trying to get by, but Ed wasn't allowing it.
"I'll do it," He told you. Looking into his eyes, you saw how serious he had become. He wanted you to lean on him, allowing his protection. It was a kind gesture, but you knew you were the best to handle the GCPD. You stood on your toes, continuing the kiss that was interrupted. You turned Ed, so his back was against the boxes, allowing you to pull yourself away. You nipped at Ed's lips, giving him a playful look as you left the storage room to talk to your boss and partner.
"Hello," You greeted the familiar faces, "I'm Y/N, and you are?" You went around the bar, grabbing a few glasses to pour water for Jim and Bullock. Jim tapped on his chest, "I'm Jim Gordon; this is my partner Harvey Bullock, we're with the GCPD. We have a few questions to ask you." You looked at Jim, a glance to see Bullock's annoyance already building up towards you.
"Sure thing," You agreed.
"We are looking for Oswald Cobblepot. He had escaped from Arkham last night. We imagine this would be one of his first stops after escaping," Jim explained, "Have you heard or seen anything happening around here?"
You looked around the bar, shaking your head in the process, "I haven't heard or seen anything. I only know by what's written in the paper." You confessed, only to gain a chuckle from Bullock. You turned your attention to Bullock, a scowl on your face, "Is something funny to you, detective?"
"Is that the only way you get information around here? The Narrows? I find that a load of shit." Harvey huffed. You tapped your fingers against the bar, trying to keep your composure together. Harvey let out a smirk, knowing he was getting under your skin. "Where's Nygma?" Harvey asked.
"Eddie?" You return, "What would he have to do with this?"
"Eddie?" Harvey mocked, taking a whiskey from over the counter. He dumped out his water next to your feet, to pour himself a glass. "I figure you two are close?" 
"We work together. I see Eddie here every night," You snatched the bottle from Harvey's hand, putting back where it belonged. You furrowed your eyebrows at Bullock, "You think he had something to do with Arkham? He's not like that." 
Before he could interject again, Jim stopped Harvey, trying to keep the peace between you two— the very little order that was left. "Nygma has a past with Cobblepot. That's why we're pretty sure he will come here. To settle whatever they have between them." You had to remind yourself you were acting. Yet, your feelings of confusion and trust were coming into question. You knew of Ed's past; you knew what kind of person he was capable of being. In the past months, you didn't see that side of him. You saw a loving and caring person, though that may have been only towards you.
"Do you think Eddie has something to do with the break-in?" You pressed. Shaking your head, you looked back up at your boss, "He didn't. He was with Lee and me last night: working." 
Harvey huffed, shifting his weight to see you better with the smug look on his face, "You two are close then?"
"Again," You growled, "We work together." You tensed up, grabbing the edge of the bar to contain yourself. Harvey enjoyed toying with you. It was payback for not listening to your "higher commanding officer." You felt a wave of calmness, a hand gliding down your spine, helping you relax. You turn to see Ed walk beside you, facing the detectives for their questionings.
"Jim, Bullock," Ed nodded, giving off his pleasant smile, "Can I help you with something? I see you're making Y/N here feel a little uneasy." Ed's hand stayed on your lower back, rubbing his thumb against you.
"Yeah, I think it's better if we talked down at the station," Jim ordered, waving his finger at Ed. You were confused. How quickly it had escalated. You turned your head to stare at Ed, who remained composed. Ed looked over at you, seeing your worried expression over him. He loved seeing that emotion on you because he knew that you cared for him.  
"I'll be ok, Y/N," He assured you. He turned his attention back to his former coworkers, "I have nothing to hide." Ed removed himself from behind the bar to walk away with Jim and Harvey. Ed looked over his shoulder to give you one last smile to try and tell you he would be fine. It still made you uneasy, not because of him going to GCPD; it was scaring you just how much you were in love with him.
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You wanted to surprise Ed. You went to the store, gathered some ingredients, to cook him a meal after having his ordeal with the GCPD. You entered his apartment, closing the door behind you, dropping your bag just moments later. At the table, you saw Oswald sitting, looking back at you. You both stared at each other for a few minutes, waiting for the other to break the silence.
You chose to end it, "You're the one from the papers."Oswald looked proud of himself, shrugging his shoulder. He rested his elbow on the table to rest his head on his palm. "Why are you here?"
"I was hoping to see Edward," Oswald spoke. You grew more nervous as he continued to stare at you. A once-powerful criminal in front of you, you didn't know how to react. "I needed to discuss things with him."
You went down to gather the fallen vegetables and things, placing them back into the bag, "He went into questioning at the GCPD," You informed him. You stood back up, walking over to put the food on the countertop, "They were questioning him on you." You turned on the faucet, beginning to clean up the potatoes, "They wanted to know if he had anything to do with the break-in."
"Did he say anything?" Cobblepot asked. You focused on the vegetables, not turning to look at him. You didn't know if he was trying to strike a chord with you or testing you. 
"There's nothing to confess as he was at Cherry's that entire night." You corrected him. You heard Oswald tapping on the table; you turned slightly to see him grinning at you, "There's no way Eddie would do anything to help you."
Oswald's brows rose, shocked at your words, "Eddie?" He chuckled at your name for Ed, rubbing his mouth. He stood from his chair, slowly making his way to you. He stood nose-to-nose with you, trying to intimidate you, but you were fine standing on your own. "You think you may know him, but you will never know the true Ed as I do."
"I'm more informed than you think." Your words shocked Oswald. Your deminer was different. You weren't frightened. A small smile tugged along your lips, "I also know more on you than what you want to believe." Before Oswald could interject once more, you both heard the door click; you turn your attention to who was opening the door. 
You let out a sigh of relief, rushing over to Ed, hugging him. Ed, not expecting you in his apartment, looked down to see you burying your face in his chest, he didn't mind the surprise. It was a pleasant one. He rested his hand on the back of your head, calming you down, "I'm fine. I told you I would be." Ed cooed. You looked up to lock eyes with him. He smiled at you. You noticed a bruised forming along his cheek.
You lightly touched his face, which causes him to pull away, "Did the GCPD do this to you?" You questioned. Ed grabbed your hand, kissing the palm.
"It's Gotham, sweetheart," He explained. Ed basked in the emotions that you held for him. You were worried, relieved, and in love. He read them all. "You're not used to the things we do around here."
"So, she's your newest toy." Oswald finally spoke out. Ed looked over to the kitchen to see his old associate looking at him. Ed pushed you back to stand behind him, seeing Oswald laugh off his actions. "Please, Ed, I would have killed her already if I wanted."  
Oswald tapped his index finger on his chin and walked across the room to get closer to you and Ed. Your eyes met with Oswald, who kept studying you, and you did the same, "I would like to discuss my return to the Underworld." He announced.
"Why would I help you with that?" Ed scoffed. Oswald looked at his friend, placing a smile across his face; one would read it as a smug. "I'm perfectly happy where I am."
Cobblepot burst into a fit of laughter. His laugh sent a chill down your spine. Your body stiffens, grabbing onto Ed's arm in the form of comfort. Ed sharply inhaled, sensing your unease. He tried his best to hide this part of his life from you. Ed wanted you to see the real him, but the past always had a way of coming back. Ed knew he was going to regret helping Oswald out of Arkham, sending in others to help him, but his hands were tied.
Ed was silent on responding to Oswald after the blueprints arrived at his apartment. Ed knew to burn the plans, but it wasn't until a particular polaroid corner peaked from behind the paper. Taped on the back, Ed looked at a photo of you at the bar. The exact bar you had been working with Ed late at night. On the edges of the polaroid had your address.
Oswald had the upper hand, and Ed was fully aware of that. Oswald had calmed himself down, the glimmer in his eyes showed Ed that he was in control. "Tomorrow, at the docks, I want all of the undergrounds there. Babs, Zsasz, Thompson, and all the other ringleaders that think they are in charge!" Oswald yelled, "I will be taking back what is mine! I will show what a true leader looks like, and if they are not with me—they will be disposed of."
You looked up at Ed, who was having an internal battle with himself: wanting to walk away or join in with the chaos. "Fine," Ed responded. His voice was neutral, showing no emotion towards Oswald, "I'll send the word out later tonight."
Oswald clapped his hands, quickly having his smile returned. He gathered his things, putting his jacket on to walk towards the door. "It's good to have you back, Edward." Oswald sighed. He glanced over at you, pleased to see you glaring at him in return, "As for you, Ms. Y/N, a pleasure to meet you."
Once Oswald left, you pulled away from Ed. You rushed over to get your jacket, your breathing unsteady, and your hands shaking. You turned to see Ed blocking the door. "Let me out," You demanded.
"Let me explain," Ed calmly said.
You furrowed your brows together, puzzled how Ed could get himself out of what you just witnessed. "What is there to explain? You freed a dangerous man, agreed to devise havoc onto Gotham, and you think you can tell me how this isn't you?" You spat. Ed took a step forward, which lead you to mimic and took a step back. "I defended you in front of GCPD detectives! I look like a liar! I could go to prison!" You pressed your lips together, clutching your hands into a fist, "I don't even know who you are."
"You do, though, Y/N," Ed answered. "The person I've shown you is genuinely me. The person that loves you and cares for you and your safety. I will do anything to make sure that you're safe, and believe me when I say I would do anything to keep you safe."
"I wish I could, Nygma," Ed was shocked. Hearing no Ed, no Eddie, he knew he had messed up. He wasn't expecting you nor Oswald in his apartment. It was a complete accident. You kept taking steps back, circling the condo, keeping your distance, "I need time to myself. I need time to think things over," You told him, finally reaching the door. "Please, don't come after me."
You opened the door quickly, running down the hall, hearing Ed's faint calls begging you to return. In the back of your mind, you knew that it was bound to happen. Ed was always going to return to what he knew. Ed lived for chaos; he was not the type to settle down. It needed to happen. It brought you back to a sense of reality, why the GCPD sent you there, why you went undercover.
You had given yourself a safe distance, looking around at your surroundings to see the busy crowd around you and the noisy train above. You pulled out your cell phone, sending a quick message to your captain:
Docks. Tomorrow. Cobblepot is taking back Underground, at whatever cost necessary.
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Tagged: @stonerschic @slither-in-a-half @izzieg3987​​ @helena0maria @iris-suoh @mxlfoy-scorpixs @shokihomin @fullcroissantangelgarden @thatonebishsstuff @xxxeatyourh3artoutxxx @auwherefredisalive @dekahg @evelynnreynolds @littlekitte-n @fireflyloki28 @nuwanda-murphy @thejokersapprentice 
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amandaklwrites · 4 years
Movie Review: Practical Magic (1998)
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Genre: Drama/Fantasy/Magical Realism
Rating: 10/10
Movie Review:
I love this movie. I think I somehow loved it even more the second time around. I love how that can even be possible.
Now, I will start out by saying that I had only watched this movie for the first time like two or three years ago, after reading the book. So, I never grew up with this movie, I never saw it growing up at all. I saw it as an adult. For someone who loves witchy things, I don’t know how this one escaped me for so long. It just never came about.
About a week or so ago, I was having a really rough time. I had just purchased this DVD at my work when I realized I personally didn’t own it. So, in some weird twist of my feelings, my mom and I watched it really late at night, the night before a storm rolled through. Which was pretty appropriate in my opinion.
And I loved it even more this time. It lifted my spirits, it brought me back to myself, it reminded me a lot of things of myself.
Like I said, I read the book before watching this movie that few years ago, and I did like the book a lot. But I think after reading Hoffman’s latest book, Magic Lessons, about their ancestor Maria Owens, and loving the shit out of it, I found even more of an appreciation for her other books (I’m planning to read the other books from this “world” really soon, so I’ll make some book reviews soon). So, I think that’s also why I loved this movie even more so now than I did before.
The top thing I love about this movie is the feeling of it. If you’ve seen this movie and love it, you’ll know what I mean. I like that it’s set in our own world, but it doesn’t have the feeling of urban fantasy (think Shadowhunters and such). It just feels like everyday life, but this family has some extra powers. They’re mystical, mysterious, but not evil. So, in some interesting way, it doesn’t make the movie feel out of place or fantastical. But that there could be that strange family that lives on the end of your street that everyone calls witches, and in fact, they are.
Then, I love the two main sisters. Sally and Gillian couldn’t be any more different. They’re the complete opposites. And they seem like typical series—they argue, they fight, but they love one another deeply. I think some of their deep connection comes from the shared trauma—they lost their father, and then their mother, and they were all that they had in the world. To me, if that wasn’t factored in, I don’t think they would be as close as they ended up being. I’m not saying that they wouldn’t have loved and cared about one another as much. But that their connection to each other wouldn’t have been the same. Yes, they had their aunts, but ultimately, they only had each other. They grew with one another through that sadness, through looking at the world in this specific lense. They protected one another even more ferociously because they understood one another and they didn’t want the other to be hurt. Though they didn’t get along all the time, and maybe Sally didn’t agree with Gillian’s decisions, she still rushed off to help her sister get away from an abusive bastard without a second thought. That is the bond of sisters, especially their sisterhood.
Personally, I like Sally. Not that I hate Gillian or anything. I like Gillian—I think she’s worldly, she’s different, she isn’t afraid to be who she is. But I think she also has insecurities for her to constantly be with these same men who aren’t… let’s say, they aren’t the greatest. And she had to know that Jimmy Angelov wasn’t the best guy, so why even bother? But that’s because she has her own personal issues and doesn’t think that great of herself (trust me, I read her like a book, because I have been very similar most of my life). At least with this rewatch recently, I connected with Sally WAY more. Her and I have similar personalities—though, I’m fine with being different, I would prefer to have powers than pretend to be “normal.” She’s a lot more analytical and grounded and serious about things, like me, and tries to keep on a certain path. She loses her husband and falls apart (I haven’t had this, but I feel like I would react the same). I think her character arc/personal journey was more of my thing nowadays. She had to let go of controlling everything, that not everything was “normal” or had to be a certain way. She had to let go of some things, to let the universe take its course and she should just enjoy it along the way. That feels more like me.
The other characters were great too. I think the aunts, Frances and Bridget were polar opposites as well (do you see the pattern of two sisters, that are quite different from one another—think of Sally and Gillian, the aunts, even Sally’s daughters). But they balanced one another out, and that was why they worked so well together—which is the case with Sally and Gillian. Dianne West and Stockard Channing played the sisters so effortlessly. Goran Višnjić as Jimmy Angelov was both sexy and disturbing, but he did it so well (too well, honestly), and I personally think he’s a fantastic actor from other stuff I’ve seen him in (any Timeless fans here???). I liked Aidan Quinn as the detective, Gary, and a love interest for Sally. Their personalities worked so well. OH! I nearly forgot! Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman were PERFECT in this movie! I love them both so much, especially everything I see Sandra in, and they were these characters. Not playing them, they just were.
(Fun movie fact that I learned: in the scene where Sally, Gillian and the aunts get drunk? They were drunk filming! They wanted to make it feel more real, so they all started drinking and the director started filming it all. I think that was such a nice touch).
I will say, I didn’t love the whole exorcism thing in the movie. I get the point of it for the movie, and it is Hollywood guys, plus it did make the story more “exciting” in that climax. And though I do agree that there can be malevolent energies that linger, but I don’t personally believe that there are evil spirits that want to take over bodies. But that’s my own personal beliefs, so I can’t speak for everyone. I just didn’t care for that, but it made for some good aspects in that scene.
At the heart of this movie, it’s about love. Which, honestly, is what every story in this world, whether fictional or real life is about. It’s about the sisters’ love for one another, it’s about how they love out in the world. Sally had loved and lost, and has to learn to love again, including herself. Gillian has to learn that some of what she feels isn’t love, and that love is kinder to you than she had been treating herself/letting happen. And they both get through it all with their love for one another. My god, that scene where Sally talks to Gillian to come back to them during the exorcism is so powerful and heartbreaking, and I cried watching it. That these two sisters love one another so much that Sally wasn’t going to let Gillian let go and leave this world because everything hurt (physically and emotionally and mentally, I think could be said here). Sally was the only one who would get Gillian through that moment, because she had to go through the similar thing with her loss. Even all the women showing up to help with the exorcism is a form of love (though, I did wonder why some of these women suddenly were okay with coming and helping, but it must connect back to what I had said). This was love and women coming together to help each other, to support one another, which I think the world needs more of. And this movie reflected it.
I love the feeling I get from watching this movie. I love the house they live in (why couldn’t it be real?!). Every time I watch this movie, it makes me wish I had a sister of my own, because though I have close friends or a friend that grew up with me like a little sister, I have never had this connection like Sally and Gillian had. I’m an only child, so no siblings at all. And though I know it can’t be pretty all the time (from what I have seen with friends who have siblings, and even things that happen in this movie), I always wanted someone to have my side like these two, someone I share blood with, that has literally seen every side of me. It’s beautiful to watch in this movie, especially in that scene when Gillian shows up to Sally during her grief and they just talk all night. That exactly is what I had always wanted. So this movie makes me feel wistful too while watching it.
It’s really a beautiful movie, that shows the darkness of the world and people, while delighting us with the magic as well. The magic of the world, the magic of fantastical nature, and the magic of love. Because though you may not be able to make a spoon stir your tea for you, there is magic all around. You just have to look for it.
This movie is one that has become a favorite and has a special place in my heart. It’s just wonderful and awe-inspiring.
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asilentguardian · 4 years
My Thoughts on Gotham
My mom and I finished watching Gotham on December 29th, and this analysis has been sitting in google docs since then. Some of this is a bit incoherent, some of it I wrote as I was watching, and some of it I wrote after finishing the entire show. So here it is. 2,000 words or so of rambling about Gotham. 
My thoughts on the show as a whole: Gotham changed my opinion on a lot of Batman’s villains. I used to be indifferent towards Penguin, now I love him. I used to hate Firefly, now I love her. While there were one or two decisions that I disagreed with, the portrayal of these characters was satisfying and the tone of the show as a whole was refreshing. The writing was good for the most part, however there are issues with sexism and homophobia that I personally noticed.
And now I’m going season by season cause I’m a nerd.
Season One
Season one is a bit of a mixed bag for me. It seemed to me that the show writers and the younger actors were still trying to find their footing and decide what kind of world their Gotham was. Some episodes are slow, but overall it’s intriguing and I was invested after a couple of episodes.
The pilot has a lot of moving parts and it still works. They did a good job of intertwining all of these characters before starting them all on their own paths.
I can’t imagine anyone else playing these roles. I am really happy with the casting choices for this show. Jim Gordon, Harvey Bullock, and Bruce Wayne especially.
Fish Mooney is an interesting but welcome edition! To be honest, the first time my mom and I tried to watch Gotham, we hated her. The second time around, however, I LOVED her and her role in the rise of Penguin.
Having Edward Nygma start at the GCPD was a really cool idea! I think they executed his descent into madness perfectly. I wanted Ed to prevail and to be a goodman just as much as I wanted to see the Riddler emerge.
Speaking of the GCPD, the corruption and the conflict within the precinct is very believable and compelling. It’s easy to believe that Jim Gordon is a young and optimistic detective who believes wholeheartedly in doing good. I also appreciate the fact that Jim Gordon doesn’t lose that drive for good throughout the show. I also don’t find it too cheesy, even if it’s a common trope.
The Batman universe is huge so I was expecting references and easter eggs at every turn, and I was half right. There's plenty of references and cameos but they work and they aren’t essential to the plot which helps casual fans keep up with the story.
A lot of seeds are planted during this first season, and it’s rewarding to see them pay off. I don’t feel as if the first season suffers from the thing that a lot of movies do where they are clearly trailers for the next part in the franchise. 
I think my favorite episode of this season is episode 20 “Under the Knife.” The stakes are high and the story line with the Ogre is definitely unexpected and horrifying but in the best way. Also Ed kills Dougherty and it’s very satisfying.
Season Two
Rise/Wrath of the Villains!
Theo Galavan and Hugo Strange were the big bads of this season and I think they were written and acted very well.
Something I’ve noticed about some of the villains on this show and their interactions with children and Bruce in particular is that they’re... unsettling. I suppose that’s intentional and I definitely think it makes some of the villains more intimidating, but it’s really creepy. There are a lot of adults that are preying on Bruce’s innocence in this show. 
Theo Galavan was not my favorite. He was intimidating for a bit, but I kinda grew bored of him. I did enjoy the nod to Azrael. 
Hugo Strange! I was kinda indifferent to him when playing Arkham City but I enjoy him in this show! Loved when he showed up again in subsequent seasons and you immediately knew some Fucked Shit was happening.
So Mr. Freeze. I’m not too sure how I feel about Gotham’s take on this story. The casting is solid, but killing Nora? Not the move. Actually very angry about that to be honest. The Mr. Freeze episode could’ve been so much more compelling and emotional but instead it was a way to move Lee and Jim’s relationship forward :(
They managed to make Firefly not annoying, but I only found Firefly annoying before because of that stupid boss fight in Arkham Origins. But I liked Bridget.
Penguin and Nygma’s relationship is very fun in this season! More on them later, but at least in season two it’s very enjoyable to watch them learn to trust each other. My mom and I adored their story line.
I LOVE Nygma’s character arc in this season. His interactions with Gordon are some of my favorite bits from this season. They are very rewatchable and I find their relationship to be one of the more intriguing ones in the show.
Overall season 2 was decent. Some of the villains were forgettable, but the relationship arcs and character arcs that were compelling kept me interested.
Episode 15, Mad Grey Dawn, was one of my favorites this season. Seeing the Nygma v Gordon thing play out was so so so fun. I really loved being able to follow Nygma’s logic and feel Gordon’s frustration at being framed.
Season Three
Mad City/Heroes Rise!
There’s A LOT I have to say about season 3. I liked it. There’s a couple of big issues I have with season 3, but overall it was compelling and I enjoyed it.
While I’m not usually one for the “this character has a darkness inside of them” trope, I really didn’t mind it with Gordon. I thought it was believable and interesting enough to be engaging. bounty hunter Gordon was pretty fun, too. And hot. Anyway.
The Mad Hatter v Jim Gordon stuff is intense. Episode 6 where Gordon is forced to choose between Valerie and Lee is where the “dark side” trope lost me a little but I do like that they make a point to have Gordon always make his way back to the light. Valerie’s exit felt very rushed and sudden? I don’t know if the actress was written off for some reason, but it felt very weird.
So. Penguin and Nygma. I don’t know if I would necessarily call it queer-baiting, but it definitely doesn’t sit right with me. Here’s the thing about Gotham’s queer representation: it’s not good, but it’s not bad. There is 100% an issue with making all of your queer characters villains. And there’s a HUGE issue with having Barbara’s attraction to women only be present when she’s a) acting as an antagonist to Gordon’s work at the GCPD (Montoya in season one) or b) on the side of the antagonist and framed as crazy (Tabitha in season two). Also, notice how in season five she’s “sane” when she’s with Gordon. It’s homophobia luv.
However, in the case of Penguin and Nygma, the added layer of Penguin’s love for Nygma makes their arc a little more interesting and compelling (there’s still an issue with queer love being framed as toxic and obsessive in this show, but if I don’t stop talking about that this post will be miles long).
The Ivy thing is certainly a new plot device, but I don’t hate it. Took a bit to get used to, but older Ivy makes sense and to be honest, I wasn’t a huge fan of child Ivy. Not that her character was bad, but I personally found her a tad annoying.
SEASON 3 EPISODE 14. THE GENTLE ART OF MAKING ENEMIES. I HAVE A LOT TO SAY ABOUT THIS. Bruce’s character development in this episode made me extremely happy. I haven’t talked a lot about Jerome-Joker yet, but I really like him. Joker is one of those characters you can take a lot of liberties with and it can either really work or really suck (looking at you Jared Leto). Gotham’s version of Joker, while a bit rushed, is a good fucking Joker.
The reason why I like s3e14 so much is THIS is what the Joker vs Batman relationship is about. This is why they are perfect foils. Batman always has a reason, a method. Motivation and a cause. He believes in Gotham and he believes that EVERYONE has the capacity for good. Joker does things just for the hell of it (i.e. kidnapping Bruce). His point is anarchy and chaos. His point is that everyone has darkness and that they are “one bad day” away from giving into that darkness (subtle nods to The Killing Joke, very nice). This is illustrated SO beautifully in this episode. However, I do see an issue down the line of Joker knowing who Batman is instantly, but I digress.
The birth of Riddler! The development of Penguin and Riddler’s animosity! mwah!
Also. Bruce standing above Gotham in an early version of the suit. There’s no ears or cape but my mom and I were VERY excited. I felt so giddy.
Bruce’s vow not to kill was beautifully framed, props to the DP on that one. It felt nice to hear a live action version of Bruce Wayne say that. (Note from the future: yes he breaks it. Sorta. I’m mad about it, but I explain my feelings in depth later).
Season Four
A Dark Knight!
Alright. Season 4. To be honest, it took me a while to warm up to this one.
Scarecrow. Love his costume. Love his escape. Scarecrow is one of my favorites because he’s creepy and cool and terrifying. Well done. The episode where Jim goes after him is really brutal. He goes there alone, not even Harvey by his side, and he is forced to stare his biggest fear in the face. I loved it!
The Pax Penguina. I’m easily won over by references to old literature and history. This show has made me actually like Penguin. I used to find him annoying and didn’t understand why he was people’s favorite, but this show has proved him to be a competent and cunning villain. I love to hate him. It’s fun seeing him at the top of Gotham.
Riddler’s escape and Nygma’s return. His friendship with Lee and Grundy (Grundy!!). Ed and Lee was certainly an interesting choice. I didn’t hate it, it just seemed really odd. I enjoyed Lee’s rise to power though! 
Sofia Falcone. Not really a fan tbh. Didn’t trust her from the start and it was SO satisfying to see her get shot in the head. Talk about a ruthless mastermind. To be fair, I did love to hate her in the beginning, but then she kinda got on my nerves? The actress that played her was really good though!
Captain James Gordon. Yessir. What a legend. One step closer to Commissioner. But also ouchie he had to go behind Harvey’s back. That subplot hurt so good.
Professor Pyg is. A lot. Gotham is a mature show, but it’s hard to like Pyg even as a villain. He’s unsettling and his episodes are a bit too much. I tolerated him but it just got to be gratuitous. I will say that I am relieved that they weren’t heavy handed on the cross-dressing thing. Would prefer not to see that played for a joke anymore, and this show does not need to vilify queerness more than it has.
Jerome and Jeremiah! ahhhhh!!! What wonderful interpretations of the Joker! Jerome was great, but I think I’m partial to Jeremiah. Maybe because his costume looks so much like the Joker from the animated series and Mark Hamill will always be my Joker. Either way, I LOVED their story line in season 4.
Kinda love Barbara being involved in the League. Very sexy of her. Also very sexy of her to not be dead. 
Alright. Here we go. Ra’s Al Ghul and Bruce Wayne. I have mixed feelings about this. So Bruce kills. Technically he’s not Batman yet, and obviously Ra’s didn’t stay dead, but he already took the oath. I have a hard time staying with any adaptation that makes their Batman a killer, but this one wasn’t awful? And then technically Barbara uses Bruce’s hands to kill Ra’s in the finale. I’m upset that they went with a “what if Batman kills” story line in the first place, but the resolution wasn’t too terrible.
Those last three episodes of season 4. Wow. My mom and I couldn’t stop watching. The nods to The Killing Joke were cool but not too on the nose. The stakes felt high and I was so deeply invested because this story line in particular was very well crafted and planned out and it definitely shows. There’s so many loose ends at this finale, and somehow it works and you still have hope. But holy shit, those bridges coming down, the utter panic and confusion as you’re wondering “is X person okay? what happened to X?” wonderful, chefs kiss.
Season Five
Legend of the Dark Knight!
Oh gosh. I have so much I want to say, but I don’t know how to put it into words. I loved this season. I loved the post apocalyptic vibes of Gotham. Loved the rise of the villains into the people who will one day face Batman. Loved Gordon’s leadership and rise to Commissioner. There’s a few things I have issues with this season, but I’m just so in love with that finale. What a beautiful send off.
I loved how the finale was crafted, how we didn’t see the full Batman suit till the end. I did, in fact, cry when that thing was revealed. The score was beautiful. It felt so much like an episode of The Animated Series, yet so unlike any other piece of Batman media. It was so refreshing to have everything wrapped up nicely, so refreshing to have hope and satisfaction in a finale.
Overall, this version of Gotham City feels like a living, breathing thing that is lived in and flawed. It is wonderful. The set designers did wonderfully and it feels so timeless in the way that the Animated Series did as well. I think that’s part of the reason why I loved this show so much. It made me feel the same way that the Animated Series did.
I know I’ve missed a lot of details and plot lines, so if for some reason you are interested in my thoughts on a particular thing in this show, my inbox is open!!
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