#in which sans has much less chill than he thinks
atxxzist · 2 months
sweetest lies | c.s (03)
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prev // series m.list
pairing: choi san x f!reader
word count: 7.7k
warning: none but lmk
you didn't want to go home because you knew that you'd have to face your sister.
look her in the eyes and see those very lips that yunho kissed and those hands that he probably held on more than one occasions, the wound still too fresh that it all still hurts.
but you didn't think you'd run smack into her before you could even pass the entrance, stopping in your steps immediately with surprised eyes similar to hers, the both of you swallowing down the same time as the air turn an awkward one.
you're about to just walk past her, the day from work leaving you tired and not in the mood for another long conversation about the topic, when your sister musters up the courage to let out a soft, "can we please talk?"
the tone aggravating you more than anything; how she can still sound so sweet and worried after what she's put you through.
you huff and merely roll your eyes, absolutely refusing to look at her although you know it's silly and petty--you being the older one but holding a grudge like no other, so much more less mature than her.
"i don't know what else is there to talk about," you respond, trying your very best to sound annoyed.
but she continues to make you feel worse with an even sweeter tone, "i'm sorry. i really am." and you can already picture the pearls in her eyes and pout on her lips despite still facing the other way.
"i know you like yunho. i do. but..." he's too handsome and charming; too sweet and kind that she also can't help but fall for him. she would never intend to steal him from you if he didn't return the sentiment.
"but he likes you too," you finish for her, something shifting in you that makes you finally look her in the eyes. "i get it. what am i gonna do? you're two grown consenting adults so i'll get over it."
you didn't even think such words could ever come out your mouth, but for the first time sounding surprisingly selfless because maybe talking to san did helped out a little.
there's a silence after that you're sure has marked the end of the topic, striving a step forward when her voice stops you again.
"we're planning on telling mom and dad and yunho's parents over dinner..." she says, delivery timid like she's just the slightest scared of your reaction.
you gulp down the knot, mumbling a dry, "good luck with that." and sliding past her.
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you start seeing how truly mundane your life is once the person it used to revolve around is no longer there.
how, it’s a continuous cycle of work and coming home to a big empty house most days and watching reruns of shows until you’re bored out of your mind.
which is how you wind up at a co-worker’s house party, the young woman from the office next to you going by the name of dahyun kindly asking after a conversation with your boss about the paperworks regarding the transfer.
she joined the firm a few months after you but you’ve always known her to be outgoing and a people’s person, recalling the girl’s familiarity with everyone from the floor her second week of work.
it wasn’t like you had anything better to do, so you accepted the invitation and saved the following day for a night of fun, or at least you hoped so.
dahyun had said it’s just gonna be a regular house party; none of that crazy frat bullshit with the chance of someone under 20 attending, so it’s just gonna be chill and relaxing.
fives minutes into your arrival and it’s not too bad but you already find yourself hiding in a corner despite recognizing a few faces from the same working floor.
“if you’re gonna be here, you should at least try and have some fun.”
the familiar sounding voice from behind makes you quirk a brow, barely looking over your shoulder to see, probably the least expected person standing with amusement in his expression.
“seonghwa?” you say in disbelief, your body naturally following your curiosity to stand before him. “the fuck you doing here?”
“attending the party, isn’t that obvious?” he quips, continuing to close the gap before stopping with just enough space.
you scoff and roll your eyes, the sight bringing a smirk onto seonghwa’s lips.
“shut up. you know what i mean.”
“dahyun’s a friend,” he says casually, the answer making you squint.
“seriously? hongjoong and now you?” the complaint rolling off like it’s seonghwa’s fault. you can only cross your arms and sulk.
you can’t even recall the last time you actually saw seonghwa. it must’ve been your graduation or one last coincidental meeting… you don’t remember. it’s been that long.
“yeah, cause you have better things to do?” he pokes fun at the very obvious fact you came alone. “where’s that jeong boy? you know, the one that always got you on a leash.”
between hongjoong and seonghwa, seonghwa’s always been the more calm and level-headed of the two; being the voice of reason when you and hongjoong would lose it.
but on the occasion when he’d just let it go and be snarky, seonghwa could really pull a nerve.
“is that all people associate me with?” you have the audacity to click your tongue in annoyance and scoff like you didn’t do it to yourself.
seonghwa snickers.
“oh i’m sorry. it was just my most recent memory of you,” he says cheekily. voice calm but you know there’s hidden animosity underneath.
he never explicitly said whose side he took, but it was obvious from how he treated you the same as hongjoong did. it only made sense because they’ve known each other before you even came along.
you never fault him, knowing it mostly had to do with your own fuck-ups.
“hmm,” you hum, tone setting into the same sarcastic and dry one he has. “well, it’s nice catching up and all but i don't feel like reminiscing the past, so if you’ll excuse me.”
because you can admit your wrongdoings and also be both embarrassed about it, attempting to brush past him when his speaking voice stops you in track.
“hey, i was just trying to find something to talk about after all these years,” he says, half chuckling and staring at you from the opposite side now that you’ve managed to make it past him.
you snicker lowly.
“what?” you quirk a corner of your lips, continuing with amusement in your voice, “then you’re gonna say sorry? or expect me to?”
he shrugs.
"that's your choice."
but his body language now shifting, that playful look no longer in his eyes or tone, it's almost scary how fast it happened.
the next few seconds is a silent stare off, the only sound is the party music in the background and the slight beating of your heart at the ominous delivery.
"i'm not asking for an apology or whatever. frankly, it wasn't even my problem, but i'm just saying... your life would be a lot easier if you know how to say sorry for once."
seonghwa thinks you have too much pride; the same thing you believe to be keeping you intact is gonna be your ultimate downfall because even when you're clearly wrong or you know you're wrong, you never say it.
you're one to keep it bubbled inside and carry the guilt just because you think you should be unbreakable at all times. it's such an unrealistic standard you've set for yourself.
you raise a brow at that, tilting your head in confusion.
"i know how to say sorry," you tell him sternly, attempting to convince him as much as you are to yourself.
“i’m uhm… i’m sorry,” you utter lowly, sounding and appearing ashamed by the way your fingers fiddle with each other at your front, san almost can’t believe it.
“i’m sorry, about this morning.”
it's beyond comprehension how san must've been the first person you've genuinely apologized to after going so many years of the word kept to yourself.
it must've been the absolute humiliation and loneliness that day that really got to you, breaking you down until you were so vulnerable with nothing but the choice to fold in front of the one person you felt you could still confide in.
san being that person is also beyond what you can explain.
but seonghwa only merely puffs and crosses his arms.
"i just think it would be great if we could be friends again one day," he says, the ominous dropping and voice turning soft and reminiscing again that it makes your eyes go wide before you see a smile turn up on his lips.
"if you ever want to reach out to me or hongjoong again, you know how to find us."
he leaves his last words of the night opened and vague, disappearing off with one last smile before he's out of your sight, leaving you with much to think about--just exactly as he intended.
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there's only so much excuses to make or places to be after work just because you don't want to be there for dinner, knowing it's the day both yunho and your sister are gonna tell your parents and his the good news.
know that they're all gonna react with surprise and be so happy for them, erupting in cheers and congratulatory words that the two children they've been rooting for the longest time has finally gotten together.
there really isn't a lot, that you just sucked it up and stayed the few extra hours overtime to make up for all the instances you've slacked off, even starting on work saved for the following day, hoping it's long enough to just miss the dinner.
and just enough it is, you return right as the table's just about to be cleared, the chitters and chatters around loud enough to drown the opening and shutting of the front door with yunho the only one catching your presence standing in the hall.
"they were really happy, yeah..." he says awkwardly, standing before you in the cold chilly air of the backyard.
you really didn't want to talk about it anymore, the subject like beating a dead horse at this point. but yunho had approached you so cautiously and calmly, something genuine in his action that you couldn't say no when he asked to talk for one last time.
"hmm," you merely hum, really not made for comforting or encouraging. most of the anger already dissipated although the hurt's still there, you can't bring yourself to not feel even the slightest happy for him, even if the smallest percentage because you saw the biggest smile ever on him back at dinner.
you contemplate on what to say because yes, you're still hurt and feeling betrayed, but it's not like you can hold it over his head forever. he isn't some stranger you can easily avoid.
he's yunho and you're just gonna have to get over it; not just for his sake but also for yours just so you can feel a little more at peace and move on.
"i'm sorry," he suddenly let out, your head snapping from the ground and to his guilt-ridden eyes.
because though he still stands by what he said, not a single word a lie, the few days apart also allowed him to think outside of the box--especially from your perspective.
how selfish he really was from the start, playing along when he was being dishonest the entire time, and how much pain he could've saved everyone if he hadn't been such a coward.
if he hadn't wanted the best of both worlds and knew he would lose you in some way if you found out how he actually feels.
you have to blink a few times, feeling like a lost puppy under yunho's apologetic gaze because you honestly believe that in comparison, you have so much more to be sorry for.
and as if he could read your mind; your expression speaking for itself because you have a certain look of bafflement or aloofness whenever you feel guilty.
you won't ever say outright that you're wrong, but your body language always gave it out.
it was one of the very first traits he picked up from being around you, having seen it for himself at the starting age of twelve when you pushed a much younger san to his injury and cried--not because you got yelled at by your parents but because you felt bad.
and how distracted you were at the movies the entire time after your fight with hongjoong because you confessed to yunho a few days later that you were being a shitty friend.
you have such a way of dealing with your emotions, he wishes for there to be an outlet for you to deal with them in a healthy and accepting manner.
one that doesn't depend on him or anything else for all the wrong reasons.
"i'm sorry," he says again, eyes now softer but still sincere. "i know i already said this last time but i really got carried away and couldn't finish. but i truly am sorry. i should've told you sooner. i should've never given you any sort of false hope, and i should've just been honest from the start."
he's sure he's out of breath when he finishes, just waiting for you to now say something in return because despite all the ups and downs and shortcomings, you're the one who's been with him through most of his lowest points and he's so grateful for that.
he wouldn't want to lose you over this.
you stay quiet for a few seconds more, a mental battle in your head just so you'll be able to form something coherent when you do speak.
"we both just weren't right for each other," you say, pausing briefly, "in that way... at least."
because yunho hid things from you and you were so in your head you were convinced he was in love with you at one point, always looking at everything through a rose-coloured glass but now able to see for yourself once it cracked, just how destined it was to fail from the start.
"sorry," he mumbles, low and head still hanging in shame, you can't help the dry chuckle that falls from your lips.
"you don't have to keep telling me you're sorry. like what i told minjeong: i'll get over it."
he picks his head up from the more cheery tone, the smallest smile forming on your lips that takes him by surprise because of the illusion it gives off; that you were able to come to terms with it so fast, but he knows you and knows it's all just a facade.
nonetheless, he nods, gulping silently to pass a comment.
"i hope you're taking care of yourself."
you smile, turning your back on him and crossing your arms to stare up into the stars in the nightsky who's currently the witness to the end of your 'relationship' with the boy you've loved your whole life.
"i've considered transferring work. it's not set in stone yet, but i did talked to my boss and he said he'd help me look for an opening if i'm interested."
you think it will be good if you can seek your own independence for once, unable to think of a better time than this one.
and though you can't see yunho, you can tell he's intrigued by how his question squeaks slightly when asking.
"where would you be transferring?"
"japan," you answer, once again facing him. "it's different, but close enough where i don't have to feel like i'm halfway across the world. my boss said i have about two months-ish to make up my mind."
plus, japanese is the only other language you're fluent in. the country a similar but new enough experience and the true testimony to how you'll be, away from the grasp of your parents.
"i see," yunho replies, nodding in understanding; so much to say but at the same time unable to say anything. he wouldn't ever want to hear someone he's close to plans on moving away, but he's almost proud of you for taking that next step.
"feel free to call me up any time if you need help," he adds, a soft smile gracing his features that makes the moment so bittersweet. you wish you have the guts to hate yunho, but you really can't after all he's done for you.
you nod lightly, at the same time allowing yourself to enjoy the breeze and calm silence before letting all your guards down.
"yunho..." you call his name almost timidly, the boy responding that immediate second.
"i'm not asking for an apology or whatever. frankly, it wasn't even my problem, but i'm just saying… your life would be a lot easier if you know how to say sorry for once."
"i'm sorry," you finally tell him, to wide and surprised eyes--unsurprisingly.
"i'm sorry for putting so much pressure and baggage on you. i also should've asked about your feelings from the very beginning. i shouldn't have just... assumed."
yunho knows it's the sincerest form of apology without the need to say a lot. from the nervous timbre to the guilt in your eyes, and even the way you start fiddling with your fingers.
he only snickers, much to your initial mixed reaction until you start warming up to it as well, the low but very real giggle leaving you putting a smile on yunho's face.
"apology accepted," he says.
you allow another giggle before cutting it short and looking at him through your blinking lashes.
"if you guys have went to this extent, then i hope you'll treat her right, jeong yunho."
you leave the night at that, a sting in your chest but you know that soon enough, you'll be relieved of it and you won't even think about him anymore.
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it's after sitting down for a few minutes that you get a text from san, the funny coincidence that you were just talking about the transfer with your boss as well.
san: yunho told me
san: it's true you're gonna be leaving for japan?
you honestly can't recall how san even got your number. it must've been something you did drunkenly or he must've asked for it from yunho. but for sure, you did not give it to him willingly.
y/n: he really be snitching, huh
san: so it's true ☹️
you roll your eyes and try preventing even the smallest smirk. you haven't seen the man ever since that day and now is when he decides to reach out again.
y/n: maybe 🤷
san: 😔
san: just when we were starting to get along too
y/n: lol. you'll be fine.
shaking your head, you put your phone down to return to work, thinking to yourself there's no way san's actually serious because you're sure even if you did move halfway across the world, he would barely notice you're gone.
ten minutes of silence from your phone and you're also sure he's given up on the act--when your notification buzzes again.
san: ☹️ thought you weren't gonna run away
y/n: i'm not
y/n: i just want to do something different
san: if you say so
san: you free this evening?
y/n: i get off work in about 3 hours
san: wanna do something? 🙂
y/n: well aren't you a changed man 🙃
san: i thought it was nice the other day and i just figured you might need a distraction
you have to admit the fact you were taken aback a little; in a surprisingly good and touching way that san would care about you so much as to consider the after effect of what have happened.
y/n: if you're up for it 🤷 not like i have anything better after work
san: awesome! i'll see you then 😉
it's not everyday that you go waltzing into a guy's place; if at all, actually, because you've ever only graced the presence of the house next door because unlike san, yunho never had the urge to get his own place or be away from the watchful eyes of his parents.
it only takes two knocks in total for the door to come apart with san standing before it, a smile on his face and every body language welcoming.
"that was fast," you comment, walking past him to get inside.
"i was waiting," he says, calm and relaxed. "you took a lot longer than you said you would."
you shrug and plop yourself down on the couch, head snapping his way to reply.
"i had to get out of my work outfit."
he acknowledges it with a nod before seating himself next to you, his phone sitting on the coffee table in front of you gone unnoticed until you see him pick it up.
"what to order?" he scrolls through the delivery app, the same time you quirk a brow.
"stew sounds really good right now," you say.
"soft tofu stew?"
"that's fine. but make it spicy."
you weren't sure what you guys were gonna be doing once you came over, but he had just said to hang out and you thought any form of entertainment was better than none.
"any drinks?" he asks, after placing the order and getting up to walk over to the fridge.
"got any sodas?"
"i got some coke."
"that'll do."
he returns with two bottles, setting it on the table with a smirk stickered on his face, you have to reframe from rolling your eyes.
"what? no alcohol tonight?" he teases, his back falling onto the couch with hands behind his head.
"not in the mood," you reply, straight and simple.
"fair enough," he mumbles.
you let your eyes wander for a few more seconds before asking, "so, what's the plan?"
he gets up to sit straight and look you in the eyes.
"i was thinking a movie, video games, or we can just talk over food."
you hum with straighten lips, nodding and making yourself at home when it's your turn to fall back on the couch.
"anything's fine," you tell him, patting at the material under you and adding, "great couch by the way."
"yeah. it cost a fortune."
"good thing that wasn't a problem," you jab lightheartedly, because you always have wondered what the hell san does all day, besides the very obvious fact that he lives off the wealth of his parents and doesn't have to worry about anything when it comes to money... at least.
"i know what you're thinking," he says, not reactive of any kind.
"no but seriously, what do you do all day?" you ask, genuinely curious and interested this time.
he just quirks his lips, responding in the most lax tone, "enjoying life and doing what anyone in their 20s would?"
you scoff and shake your head.
you really do wish to be as untroubled and carefree as san is. the way he deals with and confronts everything as if there isn't a single thing to lose.
“it definitely bothered me at first, but i didn’t see why i should be losing sleep over it. me and yunho are two very different people after all who does our own things. i’m proud of what he’s achieved so far, and he’s always had my back when needed.”
you almost can't help but to have the tiniest respect for him in that regard.
"good to know." you giggle. "but what's the plan after?"
"working on it. but not really in the hurry to rush it or anything."
you nod courtly at that, another sinking thought about how similar, yet different the two of you really are.
growing up, you've never really paid much attention to san, always writing him off as annoying and obnoxious, but when left with no choice but to face him on a deeper level, you can't help but to notice the stark differences despite relating to him more than yunho.
"and you... are you really moving? like forreal?" he says, tone a soft worried that you almost want to believe he would be sad about you leaving... being this adamant and all.
"yeah," you answer, the disappointment befalling his expression completely flying over your radar. "forreal."
"but why?" he pushes.
you shrug, everything about you relaxed--as opposed to the boy standing across as he tries to digest the very big possibility of you going away, and most likely for a long time.
"i told you i wanted to travel."
"that's moving to a whole different country," he states the obvious, much to a laughter from you as the uneasiness on him only becomes more transparent.
you laugh some more, going on to say, "don't tell me you're actually gonna be sad?" your lips forming a frown after to tease him, and for the very first time, you think san might've blushed a little.
he opens his mouth as you watch curiously, but the moment shortly disrupted by the sound of san's phone going off.
"delivery will be here in 10 minutes," he tells you still holding the device in his hand before he tosses it aside.
"i also just want to try being on my own for a while," you bring the topic back into discussion when it seems like he isn't gonna answer the question.
you add, "if i do get moved, it will be on my own accord and everything will be from my own pockets... not my parents or anyone else. boss said i have about two months and i most likely will have to train the replacement but i think it's all gonna be worth it."
you're unable to read into san's reaction, silence filling the air until he finally speaks again.
"if you want to learn to be on your own, why don't you just get a place first? you know, instead of moving across the country. as someone in the current position, it's pretty nice if i say so myself."
your lips draw into a thin line, not because he's wrong but because you've never actually thought of that. you pretty much did just jumped ship into the next big step.
"i've uh... i didn't think of that," you mumble, the words cracking a smile on san's face before a snicker rolls out.
"jesus, y/n. a bit dramatic aren't you?"
"shut up," you hiss.
as the night goes on, any doubts and worries are long forgotten when the chatters with san would go on even after the food's arrival, both chewing and talking at the same time like you're never gonna run out of topics.
the eating soon turns into a search for something to watch while the two of you squabble about anything and everything, forgetting what the hell you're even fighting him about and being surprised you could even get this worked up without the help of alcohol.
and after you're both finally worn out from the long night; the foods on the coffee table now empty and dry and the tv running for far too long, you help clean the place up when it seems he's fallen asleep and quietly make your way out of the condo shortly after.
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tuesday 4:32 p.m.
san: how about this one? looks really nice and is kind of close to my place 🙂
san: *attachment*
y/n: that looks way too fancy and expensive
y/n: i just want something that's enough for one person
it's impressive; the fact san even entertained the idea of leaving everything you've already got in mind to settle for something else, but even more so that you're even considering it.
getting a place of your own and learning to live on yourself would be a lot more doable than moving across the sea and away from everyone and everything you've grown up with.
you suppose it's not a bad idea. you're just not sure if it's the right one.
san: you're not gonna find anything if you're gonna be this picky 🙄
y/n: i'm just looking
y/n: if i'm really gonna stay, i'd do the search myself
san: 😢
you don't even realize how san starts weaving into your daily life and just integrating himself into it; whether through small, mindless texts, or bigger ones like actually inviting you out or over to his place (more frequently, at least).
wednesday 1:20 p.m.
san: what time do you finish work today
y/n: i always finish at 6
san: wanna come over? i got a game we can play 🙂
y/n: it better not that stupid truth or dare
san: ☹️
san: it's not
san: it's truth or dare spin the bottle
y/n: 🥱
san won't admit how fast he came at the sound of the first knock, and you also won't admit that despite him looking very much the same, there's something different about him lately.
something you can't pinpoint but it's almost as if he's gotten more attractive somehow even though you've never really cared about any of that.
"did you wear that to work?" he comments on your outfit as you make way past him and settling inside.
"yes," you answer dryly, tone soon overturning. "what? you think i was gonna get pretty?" you smirk.
he shrugs, mumbling a "maybe" that you quietly let pass to take off your shoes.
"wanna see a few places i've looked up?" he beams, going over to the laptop that was on the kitchen counter and running over to you on the couch with it.
"why not," you mumble, scooting closer, shoulder bumping into his nonchalantly.
you watch him scroll through the abundance of luxurious condos alike his, opting to raise your brow and turn to him.
"why are they all high-profile and in gangnam?" you question.
"pfft," he scoffs, facing you head on, standing the closest he's ever been to you in a long while and remarking, "it's not like you can't afford it. come on, y/n."
"i can't." you move away from him. "if i even get a place, it's gonna be with my own savings, not my parents. i definitely can't afford a place like these. can we please look at something a little less flashy?"
he shakes his head and eventually changes the area, but an hour into the search and you're still not satisfied. the prices are either not doable or the layouts and amenities aren't to your heart's content.
"let's continue this another day," you sigh out, throwing your head back and groaning as san chuckles.
"fine," he gives in, shutting the laptop and moving it out of sight. "you're so picky."
"well you got to be. i'm sure you didn't pick this place out in a day," you say at the same time you look around.
on your own, there's no way you'd ever be able to get anything like this.
"and you don't think it's nice?"
"are you kidding?" you say in disbelief. "it's amazing. if i had the money, it might as well be my dream place. but it's okay. i can also settle for much less as long as it accommodates all my needs."
san can't help but laugh, because he thinks you're both the snazziest person he's ever met, but also the most tame, it's a bit uncharacteristic of someone who grew up wealthy all her life.
"fair enough," he says, standing up abruptly to go grab at an empty beer bottle also on the counter which you're sure he most likely prepared for, given his next set of words.
"how about spin the bottle but no dares. we can only ask questions and the person has to answer truthfully." he places it on the coffee table.
you snap to him at that with something uneasy in your eyes, prompting a comment from him.
"you scared?" he tease.
"what? no," you blow.
"then what are we waiting for?" san doesn't hesitate with one of his hands already on the bottle but you have to stop him in the process to ask one more question.
"what kind of questions though?"
it takes him maybe a second for a light smirk to crawl out of him and with a shrug, telling you, "any."
you eye the bottle on the table anxiously as it circles and clinks; not afraid of the idea of the game but more so that you're playing with san and he's gonna ask the wildest shit.
fortunately, san shoots himself in the foot.
"oh fuck, it's me."
it's your turn to smirk, letting out an almost sarcastic, "yeah."
"knock yourself out. i'm an open book."
you roll your eyes because you know he is, which is why trying to come up with something that will even faze him is gonna be a challenge.
"most embarrassing thing you have done at a party?"
he scoffs it off in amusement, like he can't believe you're even asking that.
"i thought you could do worse, y/n. but sure."
he hesitates and hums for a few seconds more before answering, "got high as fuck and almost kissed wooyoung."
a dry snicker actually escapes from your lips at the confession.
"yeah i always suspected you guys had a thing for each other."
"please don't," he says in pure disgust. "i love wooyoung forreal but no amount of high can get me to kiss the man."
you laugh, now actually the one to initiate the spin because you think it can turn out fun. you think.
and thankfully, it's not you that have to answer a question, again.
"wow," san only silently curses the double misfortunate.
"how many people have you slept with?" you blurt, bold and straightforward, san even slightly taken aback.
"don't ask questions that will break your heart."
"tsk." you roll your eyes. "you could sleep with the entire population of earth and i wouldn't give a shit."
"not even the tiniest bit?" he plays on in that voice you hate because it's always when he's trying to flirt with you.
"i'd give the tiniest shit about everyone else because poor them."
"sharp," he retracts, the amusement all over his face. "but to answer your question, maybe eight? ten? to be honest, i've lost count."
"good to know," you reply nonchalantly, nodding for him to spin the bottle this time, but you know it's only so long before your luck eventually runs out, and so it does.
"ha," he says in victory, the top of the bottle pointing at you.
"i'll go easy, don't worry just yet," he teases annoyingly, you almost want to knock your foot into his.
"what did you think of me when we first met?"
you quirk your lips and pretend to think although you already know the answer.
"well, i thought you were gonna be sweet, but that was until i got to actually know you. then you were just annoying and a pervert."
he bursts out in genuine laughter and yeah, you think he's cute and endearing like this but 95% of the time, he's getting on your nerves.
the game continues on with a back and forth of innocent enough questions; just laughing and scoffing off the ridiculousness, and you're starting to think he might spare you, until the next one turns your eyes a dark one.
"what is it about yunho that made you like him so much?"
and again, you've already stated so many times why you like him. his kindness. his attitude. the way he presents himself. the way he treats you. but if you have to pick one.
"it just seems as if he accepted me for who i am. i don't know."
the way the atmosphere shifts is scary; both of the smiles on your lips wiped and replaced by unreadable expressions as san quiets without a reply, you have to be the one to speak again.
"and you... w-why are you helping me?" you ask him.
"huh?" he repeats just so there's no mistake.
"we don't even like each other and i pretty much treat you like shit but you still seem rather concerned about my wellbeing for whatever reason."
it has gotten so silent by now, you can hear san swallowing.
"you're the one who always says you don't like me. i never said i don't like you."
it's your turn to swallow, staring back at him with nervous eyes because you're not sure how to take the statement just now or what exactly he really means.
"i just thought the feeling was mutual," you mumble, shrugging lightly.
"no. i think you just didn't care enough to ask me," he says with a dry chuckle because he's right and even you know it. your mind at the time too occupied with his brother instead.
"so like, you really don't want me to leave?" you take the opportunity to tease him, a tone on you almost unrecognizable that you think even made san a bit nervous and shy.
"you could say that," he talks lowly, on the verge of stuttering. "i've known you almost my whole life."
"and if i did?" you ask, voice turning a more serious one as the words make an etch in san's heart. it hurts to even think of the possibility.
"then i would be really upset."
you watch his eyes and lips go soft, something so genuine and sincere in his response that makes you just freeze up before breaking the tension with a forced snicker.
"you still have some time to change my mind," you encourage, because you wish for there to be bigger reasons to stay so you won't regret the could of, even if san has to be that reason.
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some might call it healing, some might call it a rebound if that even applies at all, but san successfully weaves himself into your life like a routine that you're no longer fazed by a morning text or even a goodnight one.
the way he'd just check up on you during work or call during the weekends to ask how you're doing and if you're up for something together.
it's a bit pathetic he's pretty much your only friend (and even that's a reach) at this point, but you genuinely enjoy his company.
he listens well, is fun to be around, and is almost like a life-long friend who's been missing your whole life.
but while those are the ups of being with san, there's also the downs--such as the long list of girls that'd constantly ring his phone or send him a text while the two of you are together, and while that isn't any of your business, that doesn't stop the few doubts that manages to plague your mind.
are you interrupting anything? does it make you a bitch for hanging with him when he has other girls lined up? does all of this even mean anything when you could very much just be one of them?
that maybe even if there's a possibility, you could never fully give and commit yourself to someone like san because it doesn't seem like he's ready to settle for anyone.
he haven't ever had a relationship that lasted more than a few months and you haven't ever known him to have less than two option on the table.
which might be why you were so much more attracted to yunho, because in comparison, yunho seemed like he would give away his heart and soul for just you.
but you know that, though. you knew that's how san is. you shouldn't have expected anything else, but you still can't help but to feel a strange, unfamiliar sense of loathing when he's distracted by another girl.
"i talked to the landlord a few days ago and she said if i wanted to see the apartment for myself, she would be more than happy to show me," you tell san over a late night eat out; the restaurant about to close in an hour but you're sure he's not listening because his head snaps to the text he got just now.
he still attempts to sound like it's the current topic holding his attention, which you have to give him credits for.
"that's good," he shortly says, fingers fast to type something on his phone before pushing it away. "so how many more days left again?"
"about two weeks, give or take," you respond, poking at your fries with the fork.
two weeks before you'll have to make the ultimate choice to leave or stay.
it's been that long, time just flying before your very eyes to the point where yunho's presence lingering around the house for the sole purpose of your sister almost no longer does an effect to you.
"wow. already?"
san offers to pay for the meal and drive you home instead of the usual catching a movie at his place before the actual end of the night and it's not like you're gonna fight him on it.
he's not your boyfriend and he definitely doesn't have any obligations to follow through any routines or whatever, so why are you all of a sudden feeling so tense about it?
tense and bitter about the fact that after he drives you home, there's a likely chance there's gonna be another girl at his place.
you think you're losing it.
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you had let yourself indulge more and more into the possibility of staying, which was how you found the place that you could practically call ideal.
though it's only one bedroom, the modern but warm-toned style of the complex as a whole, as well as the location and pretty much everything else is convenient and accommodates all your needs.
when you had finally set a time and meeting with the landlord, you fell in love even harder in person because the second she opened the door to the place, it was like you knew this is it.
you think it can work out. you think you can see a future in this place; in this city still. and you have been much brighter and happier lately, even telling your boss the following day that there's a big chance you're gonna change your mind about the move given time is creeping up.
you had sent a text to san so excited because you want to tell him in person, every day the chance of you actually staying increasing by the second and he had told you he'd be available tomorrow night.
despite the conflicts swirling in your stomach a week ago, san had made up for it by being attentive as usual and making you feel like he really cares about you that the occasional rings and texts not from you were starting to become bearable.
after all, what does he owe you?
you're content with just having someone to talk and share your day with. you think you can live with that.
but you didn't expect nor think that all it'd take for the doubts to settle in again is to actually face the reality of your situation, making your way to san's place as promised and seeing a familiar face on the way in.
long hair and with a frame you've definitely seen before, it's hard to ignore the sensation she manages to conjure by just merely passing you.
“why don’t you ask the one person that would actually know where he is? or are you too good for that, too?”
you squint, confused, until he nods his head another direction and you follow, landing right into the view of the kitchen and to someone you know all too well just from the back.
his hands on some poor girl’s waist and lips running along with hers as her grip tightened at his disheveled hair, his body pressing her forward onto the counter, the both of them making out like there won’t be a tomorrow.
“no thanks,” you dismiss, managing to reframe from an eyeroll, pushing past hongjoong but not before you catch the smirk on him.
it wasn't the first time you saw her with san, because if it was, your body wouldn't have recognized her so easily as if she's a threat, replacing all the excitement and hope with nothing but old and plain insecurities.
then it's as if everything was a mistake.
choosing to stay because of san and with nothing but the hope that it will all work out... instead of going away on your own for some time and learning to really be independent.
your whole life, you've already been nothing but emotionally dependent on someone else, looking to them as a source of support, and you've realized that this time, it isn't any different.
you've just moved from yunho to san... and you didn't even like san for the longest time.
so how long before it will hit you that staying was a mistake; and especially that choosing to stay because of san was gonna be the biggest one of them all.
you have the tendency to catch feelings way too fast, and even if not romantic which you won't admit in this case (even if it might be), you react strongly to it and the feeling is consuming.
because how long before san will leave you the way yunho did?
everything may seem good for now but they will all meet the same ending. and to think of everything in perspective this way, you know you're not meant to stay.
your parents, yunho and your sister, san...
you don't feel ready for any of them currently, your life stuck at a point where you're not moving. and so you just turn back around and head home.
you think long and hard just to be sure this is what you want; then you think of how to tell your boss tomorrow, and about an hour later, you finally get a text from san.
san: you still coming? you said you have something to tell me
y/n: something came up sorry
y/n: i was just gonna tell you that i've made up my mind and i think i'm gonna go to japan
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a/n: i am truly sorry for having been gone a while only to come back with crumbs, but i hope y'all enjoyed this mess & will anticipate it finally coming to an end the following chapter <3 lmk if i missed anyone on the taglist cuz i have not touched it in 4ever fr
taglist: @freeandrealme @shingene @cookiechristie @softie00 @crimson-mia @hexheathen @lixpixstix @atinytease @turtash @moonseonghwa @kkayfan @curryramyeon @justineasian @sannie-pudding @itsokaytobedumb00 @nerdy-kimchi @fannyxmh @acciocriativity @mel-the-mad-hatter @eastleighsblog @diorwoo @devilsmatches @kyume02 @distvrbia @wonwowzers @endeav0rsb1tch @sannwa @brown88 @sangiluvem @eburneon @hotteokhatyu @yeosangsbiceps @sankatchu @lynnsqueendom @harusoraa @ad0rechuu @interweab @revehosh @byunniebaekhyunnie @nabi-sannie @gugggu6gvai @rockstarsanie @shakalakaboomboo @yeosangsbbg @yawnzshit @avantalem @lelaleleb @mountiiny @arinyyy @svintsandghosts @yoongiworshiper @raineadlr @tunaasan @chickenscoups @nevieatiny
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oops-its-a-fanwork · 1 year
Part one of "Some interesting devil fruit abilities for reader to have in the pirate au" (from someone who's never seen one piece so bear with me)
I'm not a native English speaker so these may have some mistakes in them, sorry!
Also, this particular pirate au was created by @mega-punani! Thank you for creating characters I can rotate in my head like popcorn in a microwave xx
I present to you: Pocket docter!!
Devil fruit: Tiny fruit
Reader can get tiny at will!
Thats it.
...Well, okay, they have some outfits that shrink with them, and possibly some jewelry and stuff they keep on them at all times, like a little healing kit! Outfits that don't fit or they don't consider theirs wont shrink or grow with them. Embarrassing!
Probably a little salty that they gave up their ability to swim in the ocean for this... regardless of having had a choice in the matter. Its not a flashy cool power but it sure can be useful!
They can make really specialized tiny tools, get very specific parts of plants and other remedies for illnesses, and they can treat delicate wounds with extreme precision if needed! The tiniest needle and thread known to man is at their disposal.
This power could have reader in fight scenes but in someones pocket, passed around to heal during battle (a little risky but that's fun!) or captured by an enemy and then suddenly be gone (if there's no sea prism stones used ofc).
Not to mention some interesting interactions with the boys!
Sans put his hat on your head while you were tiny and laughed his head off-- its a pretty goofy sight and you're struggling to keep it near you against the wind. You still insist it looked better on you than it does on him and he kind of agrees.
You end up sewing teeny tiny little things into his hat whenever you end up trapped under there. Little stars and shapes, puns, messages... You've assured him you can easily remove them but he loves it. At some point he offers it as a makeshift bed for you if you ever need it, having added a tiny pillow and letting you use the scarf as a blanket. The sight of you asleep in his hat on his nightstand endears him to no end.
Dang hes already tall but Papyrus really dwarfs you huh? He will encourage you to not feel bad or less than others for being absolutely tiny!! --even if your normal form is about average or even tall. Everyone is small compared to him and he's truly nice about it so you forgive him for it.
I feel like he might accidentally forget you in the crows nest and then frantically get the crew looking for you while you're just chilling up there. He didn't forget to put your safety first up there so you've got a lovely view to enjoy!
(Hes no longer the shortest let's GOOOOO-)
Alright so Blue is the most dangerous man to be around out of all of them. Not out of malice of course! Hes just very strong and very energetic, and where Papyrus might punctuate his extravagant poses with acrobatics, Blue does so with his unbridled strength! Which meaaaans he might grip you just a little tight when picking you up, or that he'll forget you're near him while moves around, sweeping your feet out from under you. He definitely learns with time, but you're having much more fun being carried around while at your normal size.
You've pranked Stretch by pretending to be a rat a couple of times, scuttling from under a table or jumping at him suddenly because you are very funny! And also because he was trying to ignore your presence on the ship at first. What better ways to get along than to prank and bother him relentlessly until he talks to you? Unfortunately for his pride, it works, and the pranking turns into lighthearted inside jokes instead. He wont admit it, but hes much less jumpy at the sight of wandering mice and rats now...
I also think Stretch has some of the softest clothes on the ship, and that on some cold days, you can snooze in his hood/scarf while he plays some gentle tunes. Its a very relaxing time for both of you.
Red thinks you're so, so cute... now how can he convey this to you without sounding condescending?
Through trial and error of course! You can yell at him that hes being mean and he'll think its hot, but he will genuinely tweak his approach to you a bit. He'll call you kitten, but if you say you feel he's not taking you seriously when you're small he'll only say it when you're regular sized. Hell he'll call you boss or sir/lady if that's the only thing you can tolerate. And also because that's funny as hell.
You asked to help him with hard to reach nooks and crannies on the ship and its really bonding for you both. He will always check/clean whatever spot you need to reach a bit before you climb in (like a gentlemonster) and then he'll stare at your ass when you're reaching for whatever is inside (like a perv!).
Someone makes mother hen and chickadee joke.
Someone gets tossed off the ship.
It might not be the worst analogy though: Edge is quite protective of you when you're that small, and you can always turn to him when you're 'getting bullied' by the rest of the crew. Hide in his coat and stick your tongue out while he chides them, that'll show 'm!
Edge is probably one of the people who suggested creating a little room for you to do tiny crafts in so he doesn't accidentally blow your materials away when he walks past in a hurry. He has places to be! Its definitely not because he thinks you're cute and distracting nope--
He does kind of regret it sometimes when he hasn't seen you all day. Show him you thought of him by gifting him a tiny craft, yeah?
Reader might help Razz get super specialized tiny equipment to draw with, like incredibly sharp edged pencils or brushes with materials that you know will still draw well at that size. It could make his detailed works even better!!
...ifffff he lets you watch while he works of course. It'll help you get a better understanding of what he needs! Besides, its very easy to forget that there's a cute little human on your shoulder when you're concentrating that hard. Surely you wouldn't surprise-attack kiss him on the cheek will you? ;)
You get stolen/kidnapped by Cash often, for 'ransom' (food or favors from the others), 'evil purposes' (pranks) or 'for funsies' (attention). Depending on your tolerance/love for pranks he could be an awesome pranking buddy, or a bit of a nightmare.
He might scam people by selling you as a fairy in a cage and then stealing you back immediately, or by trying to convince you to help him cheat at games with a drunk bunch in a pub.
Of course, your ability to grow back to normal size ensures there's always some form of consent to these japes. If you've had enough, grow back to size on his shoulder or in his hand, that'll show him!! He's to lanky to keep his balance, even if he sees it coming.
Bear loves feeding you things when you're small, since most foods are tough to eat when your head is the size of a grape. For example, eating crackers forces you to nibble like a mouse would which is adorable to him. He also tries to make tiny sized dishes for you for a few reasons: one, it hides the before mentioned intentions of watching you eat behind just making you food, two, he's bored and tiny dishes are genuinely challenging, and three: it gets him genuine compliments and interactions with you, resulting in a lovely blushy skeleton.
Also the teaspoon thing would be so funny in this context lmao. You can buy or carve a pretty one to make him feel better about it if you want, and he would find it hilarious if you made and showed him tiny sized food utensils.
You pull Cinnamon around ratatouille-style on occasion. Or at least he definitely lets you lead him around the place while chatting excitedly about everything and nothing. He loves having you so close, and you've built up enough trust for him to know you wont embarrass or prank him. Not that you could pull off a prank anyway: his ability to see auras makes him the only person on the ship who rarely overlooks you when you're tiny.
You've both decided he doesn't tell the others where you are when you need some time alone, but he does feel better knowing you're safe on the ship somewhere, so you do give him a little wave when you spot him.
Then for some extra little tidbits:
If Blue or Red are being annoying while training with reader (as in using reader like a weight for training), reader will suddenly shrink to throw them off balance.
If you're the kind of person to avoid confrontation when you're in trouble then congrats! You can now blip out of place during any uncomfy conversation. This leads to things like the following:
If you nervously leave a lot of conversations by shrinking and leaving when Edge is grilling you, he might take the hint that he's being more harsh then you can handle and he'll treat you with a different tone of voice (to the best of his ability of course). He might use some excuse about his loud voice impacting your tiny tiny eardrums or something but we all know you're just a softy Edge <3
And if you're a trouble-maker like some of the gang, you might actually get on bears nerves enough for him to chase you! And as that usually ends with you shrinking to avoid getting hit with a teaspoon ladle, he just picks you up and puts you in his chest pocket. You are now officially in time-out, and you can either stay there and watch him cook or grow big again and get hit (or at least, thats the implied threat. You both know he wouldn't). He says you'll stay an hour, for punishment, but it only ends up being like ten minutes before he gives mercy. Unless you get all sleepy in his pocket of course...
If the crew would ever need to find and/or rescue you, they would send Cinnamon and Edge or Sans on the case: Cinnamon can find you with his aura vision, and Edge and Sans are respectively the most focused on the task at hand and able to pull you out of whatever place you're in without hurting you.
When the crew plays card games and you're to tired to play yourself, you'll sit on someones shoulder to give advice. Is it good advice? Possibly. Are you cheating by checking in on others? Maybe. Do you use your powers for good? If whoever you're sitting with has been nice, sure :) !
You're either considered a lucky charm or a menace, its up to you ;)
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stellocchia · 1 month
I can't stop thinking about my boys from The Light Side of the Moon so you guys get some headcanons for them.
As an immortal, he doesn't need to eat but does so anyway to set an example for his idiots because half of them are terrible at taking care of themselves
Was born as a mortal in his original AU and ascended to godhood after eating all the black apples from the tree of feelings
Technically doesn't need to sleep, but he sucks at saying no to Killer when the guy tells him to do something. Besides, while he would be able to live and have access to his magic without sleep, it does give him more energy
Technically not a Sans. Or, well, not only. He was born as Chara's and Sans' souls fully fused (after they'd already reset a few times themselves). He does have the memories from both of them but feels a sort of detachment from them since he didn't really exist at the time
Non-binary. Mostly uses he/him by habit, but is honestly fine with any pronouns. This is a result of Chara being agender and Sans not having the strongest gender identity. Killer is just a gender whatever
Better at taking care of others than himself. Between the henchmen, he's the most observant and, as a result of that, he tends to pick up easily on what people need. Due to his soul problems though, he's not in touch enough with his emotions to do that for himself
His soul has remained scarred from Nightmare's constant use of his aura on him toward the start. He no longer has a phase 1. He's usually always stuck in phase 2, though his emotions are there, though they are very muted compared to everyone else
Technically the second Dusttale Sans to work for Nightmare. The first left to the Omega Timeline after the Big Incident. He's aware of this and can get insecure about it at times, but mostly he's over it
The Phantom Papyrus he sees is indeed actually his Papyrus, but he's kinda like Flowey was to Asriel. Because his dust was spread over his scarf and by wearing it all the time, Dust's determination infused it giving him a sort of second life. No one else can see him though
Dust does not have lv20 anymore, Nightmare had to absorb some from him to keep him from melting because, unlike with Killer, his soul is still a full monster soul. He cannot handle such high lv. Which is also why he doesn't kill anymore
Technically immortal but purely because he's dead already. He can live without ever eating (and did so back in his AU) but he can feel hunger pains and they're agonizing
Also the second Horrortale Sans to be a part of Nightmare's gang, but he isn't really bothered by it. He has met Axe before (the previous Horrortale Sans) and they get along fine enough
Adores his baby brother Sugar. They see each other at least once a week, either because he visits his brother or because his brother stays over at the castle. He would do quite literally anything for his bro. Including providing food for all of Snowdin
He has quite a bit of chronic pain due to the hole in his skull and his one non-functioning eye light. He takes some seriously strong pain killers daily to deal with it (Killer also takes ADHD meds, and Dust takes some lv balancers to help with their own issues)
Literally the only one in the gang who had a good relationship with his Father. His father used to call him Starlight and now he has a kitten by the same name in his dad's honor
The natural chill from Nightmare's presence makes it so he doesn't experience the effects of the constant heat those from Underlust have to deal with while he's near his Boss or at the castle
Also nonbinary in the sense that he's very comfortable with pretty much anything. Very into gender fuckery. Mostly a he/she person
Also adores his baby brother, but also his baby brother's husband. Papyrus and Metatton come by the castle to visit often enough (though less so than Sugar) and he visits them at least once every couple of weeks
Also struggles with chronic pain both due to the broken eye socket he has to deal with and because of the scars on his souls (he has no more cracks in it thanks to Rose's soul balm, but the scars remain, and he does have only 0.5hp because of it), though he mostly deals with it with copious amounts of marijuana
He used to have a phobia of cats, but he kinda got over it in time due to living with Rose and Killer, local crazy cat ladies. He still will not pet them or pick them up, but he can coexist in the same room as them
He surprisingly had the second best relationship with his dad in the group, though that just means that he and his father mostly just mutually ignored each other. They were on neutral terms before Gaster fell into the Core. He never mourned him. He does however have the worst relationship with his brother as his Papyrus wasn't good to him. He's the reason for the hole in his skull where his eye socket should be
He was found originally by Error, not Nightmare. And it was while Error was there to steal some chocolate. Error figured the little guy looked adoptable enough for Nightmare and called him over. He was right
Autistic boyo. He looks serious all the time mostly because he's starting to figure out how his face should look at any moment and conversations tend to move too fast for him to adapt to it
Worked for Nightmare for a while while Nightmare was still an ass. That was during the X event. He then moved onto working for the Star Sanses for a long time, though eventually he got fed up with them. (Though he lasted the longest of any third member). He then wandered about a while aimlessly until he met with Killer again and Killer promised things had changed
He and Epic are the Autism and ADHD besties. Whenever they're together they have negative braincells. They are together often. The castle has suffered because of it, but Nightmare would never say anything about it because he can see how important the friendship is for Cross
XChara is very much still there and sharing soul space with him. Though most of the time he hangs back and lets Cross control the body. They get along... relatively well. Though XChara loves to annoy him
He greatly overestimates how good he is at cooking. His tacos are good, but, aside from that, he can only do very basic things without burning them or making them otherwise inedible
He's more of a dog person than a cat person, but he still likes both. Doesn't mind that the castle is a cat heaven. The only animals he can't stand are rabbits though. Because in his universe, instead of the pesky dog stealing his attacks it was a small fluffy white rabbit
He's the third tallest Sans in the gang, with Horror being the tallest and Rose being the second tallest. This is a significant source of confidence for him. It's one of the few wins the poor guy gets
Despite his and Stretch's relationship being rocky at the moment, he does deeply adore his baby brother and would do anything for him. For one thing, despite having left the lab at the same time, he taught himself how to read first, entirely on his own, just so he could help Stretch with it
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Now that you've finished both, what do you think are the difference between WangXian or HuaLian? Which mc and ml do you love more between both series? Which couple do you love more?
P.s Do you plan to read SVSSS? I think the best for fanfics inspiration from 3 MXTX works are SVSSS.....
This answer got way longer than I meant for it to 😅
I am all about Hualian 10000%. It's just a matter of preference, and I'll explain why I like one better than the other, but I'm not crapping on Wangxian shippers at all. Something for everyone haha!
Here's the thing. I like a lot about Wangxian. They've got a very Kirk/Spock thing a lot of the time that is eternally entertaining. But I just don't like the way they have sex. I dislike the way they have sex so much that it kind of retroactively made me less interested in the pairing as a whole. More specifically, I don't like how Lan Wangji does sex. People had warned me about it and I was like, "Eh, but I'm fine with CNC, all I need is that first C, so it's fiiiine." But. Nope. Thankfully this isn't a personal trigger for me, just a very firm preference, but I just...to quote myself in a previous post, "while the book did a good job convincing me that Wei Wuxian is into everything Lan Wangji does to him, it didn't do a good job convincing me that Lan Wangji knows that for sure, or is in control of himself, or would stop if Wei Wuxian didn't like something." That just isn't to my taste.
On the other hand, Hualian are also implied to be having rough and kinky sex, but there's much more of a feeling that they're communicating about it. I'm not expecting them to like, have a formal safeword or anything, but even just:
"Sorry, I went overboard last night," Hua Cheng apologized. It took a moment for Xie Lian to realize what he meant, and he quickly waved his hands. "Wh-what are you saying? That's not it at all--everything's fine!" Hua Cheng arched an eyebrow. "Is that so? If everything is fine even after that, does that mean I didn't go overboard last night? Does that mean I can...?"
"Is gege not coming up to join me?" But if he went up there, when would Xie Lian have a a chance to come back down? At that point, they could forget about doing anything else for a while. "Nah." Xie Lian declined politely. "My San Lang has overworked himself." "Nah," Hua Cheng laughed. "How could San Lang ever be afraid of hard work when it comes to working gege hard?"
Like. They're goofy about it and Hua Cheng loves to tease Xie Lian but they are actually talking about sex when they're not having sex. There's a degree to which they're communicating outside of the heat of the moment. And even in the amnesia extra (which makes me feel so bad for Hua Cheng omg he's being surprisingly chill but I need to write some meta about how miserable he must be during that) Xie Lian's fuzzy memories of what he at first assumes was a rape are full of the sense of being gentled and cherished and of their fingers and red strings tangling even as he's held down and roughed up.
Also the chapter opening with,
Laughing, Xie Lian pushed Hua Cheng off him -- his crushing weight was making it hard to breathe. The heat and passion had yet to subside when something suddenly occurred to him. "Oh yeah, San Lang," he began offhandedly.
That's so stinking cute I can't. They are so comfortable. Nothing in their relationship overall or in the hints of their sex life we see implies in the slightest that Hua Cheng isn't in control of himself in the most important ways (I do tend to think of him being a shaking crying coming-too-soon mess the first few times, but that's a very different kind of out of control lol). He worships Xie Lian, literally. Lan Wangji has this underlying layer of horny anger born in a repressed childhood; Hua Cheng's horny is all built on reverence. THAT IS MY JAM.
As for SVSSS, I think I will probably read it if only to try to figure out what on earth its fandom is talking about. It's...like an isekai I think? Which is not usually my thing, but at this point I feel like I gotta round out the trio haha!
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mixelation · 1 year
do y'all wanna read some plasticity crack
spoilers kinda maybe
this takes place in the far-flung future after ~events~ land tori in konoha, the exact details of which might get changed around. but she keeps dropping icha icha references while looking pointedly at kakashi for a reaction
“Maa, you could crash with me,” Kakashi offered. He brushed his toes against Tori’s ankle in one long, purposeful motion. 
Tori blinked at him, doing her best dumb-cow-eyes routine. 
“What, like on your couch?” Naruto asked loudly. 
“Something like that,” Kakashi agreed, not looking away from Tori. 
“Rei-san, I highly doubt Kakashi-sensei has a very good couch--” Naruto started, but Tori ignored him. 
Kakashi was giving her eyes. Kakashi was hitting on her. Holy shit. What the fuck. 
“I wouldn’t mind… surveying… the couch,” Tori finally said, working extra hard to keep her voice even and unaffected. 
“It’s decided then,” Kakashi said, then wrapped an arm around her waist and flash stepped them away from the ramen stand. 
“...Aah,” Tori said as a sort of belated reaction when Kakashi put her down. She thought a regular civilian woman probably wouldn’t like being grabbed by a ninja and forcibly moved to a secondary location. 
“Sorry about that,” Kakashi said. “I wanted to be sure Naruto got your bill.”
Kakashi had also, very conspicuously, left his student to pay Kakashi’s bill as well. Tori didn’t comment on this. When she just sort of stared at Kakashi instead of making a real response, he cleared his throat. 
“Anyway. I thought maybe you’d like…” He cleared his throat again. “I have some Icha Icha fanzines, so if you wanted to look…”
“You’re nervous,” Tori observed, letting herself crack a grin. She wanted to point and tease and be mean about it, but she had to stay in character. “That’s adorable.”
Kakashi made a pained noise in the back of his throat. 
“I would like to see your porn collection very much,” Tori said helpfully. Kakashi made the noise again but led her towards his apartment complex. 
Kakashi lived in a completely normal apartment building, with open-air hallways between units, and he brought her up to the third floor. Somewhere around the second floor, it finally fully Tori that she was maybe being invited over for something a little bit sexier than reading fanzines and flirting. 
The thought made her miss a step, and Kakashi grabbed her arm to steady her 
“You okay?” he asked. 
I’m fucking NOT, Tori thought even as she nodded and smiled. Kakashi was inviting her over sex. Kakashi wanted to fuck her. 
Did she want to fuck him…? 
Maybe. Tori didn’t usually have much interest in men, but Kakashi was nice and funny and she did like him… Plus, the fan part of her had a lot of questions about Kakashi’s sex life she could easily get answered this way. 
Also, if Obito found out, he would probably lose his goddamn mind. 
Yeah, I should definitely do it, Tori decided, following Kakashi into his apartment. For science.
Kakashi’s apartment was, given what Tori knew of him, bizarrely normal. It was an open plan, with the kitchen separated from the living area by an island. One corner of the room had a little dining table and several large book shelves. It was clean and neat if not a little lacking in decorations, and the couch did look comfortable enough to sleep on. 
You know. If Tori ended up sleeping there. Which she might not. 
“Do you drink?” Kakashi asked. “I think I have sake somewhere…”
Tori stood awkwardly in Kakashi’s kitchen while he rifled through cabinets. They were less bare than Tori might have predicted, and Kakashi eventually produced a bottle of plum sake. 
“I think this is the type you’re supposed to drink cold,” he said, frowning at the label. 
Tori ended up seated on the couch with a beer from the fridge while the sake chilled. It was not a very good beer. Kakashi apologized lamely with something about keeping it for friends with no taste. 
Which friend? Tori wondered. Gai? Genma? Were Kakashi and Genma actually friends, or was that fanon?
Tori wanted to quiz Kakashi on this, but it seemed unwise to blatantly interrogate the badass jounin. Instead, she settled for watching him pull books and zines off his shelves. 
((I think if this scene sticks around i'll tone down him blatantly hitting on her LMAO. more like him genuinely being like DO YOU WANT TO SEE MY COLLECTION and tori belatedly being like: ......am i being hit on?))
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saintsenara · 2 months
anon, this has sent me - thank you so much!
and i've decided to commit to fully backing it. we know that merope doesn't mind her man sans magical powers - which filch would appreciate - and that she's had her own experiences of being called a squib and knowing how hurtful it is.
we also know that her father and brother expected her to do all the work around the house, and they were fond of criticising her for how she did this without ever making the effort to lift a finger to help. this aligns very well with filch's experience at hogwarts, where he's treated by the rest of the staff as faintly ridiculous and never given any real assistance in his tasks by anyone who can actually do magic.
indeed, the menial brutality of merope's life in the gaunts' shack has some very interesting parallels with something that strikes me about filch and his place at the bottom of the pile in hogwarts. the house elves - even though their subordinate position as slaves shouldn't be forgotten, while filch is [ostensibly] free - are permitted to do domestic labour [cooking and cleaning the dormitories - and, presumably, the staff's quarters] which occupies an interesting position in the hierarchy of domestic service.
if we imagine hogwarts, as its vibes very much allow us to, as a victorian/edwardian aristocratic house - downton abbey style - then the elves' closest parallel are domestic servants like butlers, footmen, housekeepers, housemaids, and cooks [and hokey, the elf enslaved by hepzibah smith, also seems to perform the role of a lady's maid]. all of which were, as far as positions in domestic service go, prestigious.
filch, in contrast, is the equivalent of a porter, gatekeeper, boot boy, or scullery maid - positions which were considered lower skilled, required more menial labour, and which were looked down upon by the rest of the domestic staff.
he and merope have in common, then, the experience of being considered literally less worthy than a house elf, and i'm remarkably taken by the idea of this - two people who have never expected to meet anyone else they're permitted to think of as an equal - percolating into something sincerely beautiful.
particularly because the great tragedy of merope's life is simply that nobody paid enough attention to her to help her. the state allows her to grow up in an abusive home without an education and then leaves her there on her own when her father and brother are imprisoned, and then neither the state nor any private individual steps in when she's homeless, penniless, and heavily pregnant.
if filch does - if he takes her in to a house which is nothing fancy, but which still has a fire in the grate and food on the table, and lets her stay there [sleeping, for the first time in her life, in a bed of her own] and gets her medical attention when she goes into labour - then the series pretty much tells us that she would survive to raise and love her son, who would be much more chill than his canon self simply by virtue of not being an orphan and who would also end up with a radically different outlook on life if he were raised by a squib.
plus, i reckon filch's canonical belligerence - and fondness for the whip - could effectively wrangle a few quid in child support out of tom riddle sr. ...
or: argus filch changes the course of history by giving a pregnant teenager a bowl of soup on christmas eve. he's not the step-dad, he's the dad that stepped up.
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ryuichirou · 1 year
hhi what do you think about azurido (azul/riddle)? do you have any headcanons? have a nice day and btw you're a cool artist!
Hi Anon! I’m glad you like our stuff 🥰
We really enjoyed Azul’s and Riddle’s interactions in ch6, they are an interesting duo; I’ve talked about them a little bit in this reply, but I don’t have much to add, to be honest.
We don’t really ship-ship them, but I can give you a couple of headcanons, although it’s pretty obvious that I feel like they aren’t the best for each other. Which doesn’t mean that they’re a bad ship, of course, there are a lot of “they are bad for each other” ships that we love. But I feel like in order to have a continuous relationship, Azul needs someone more compliant and submissive, and Riddle needs someone more chill and less serious about himself. That being said, whatever they would have going on, it would to be interesting.
They consider each other attractive, at least in a “he is always doing his best to look good and I acknowledge that” way, and they also respect each other quite a lot, but it never occurred to them that there might be something between them pre-chapter 6. The whole STYX thing really made them reevaluate their relationship and perception of each other.
Their mutual respect and solidarity for each other’s ambitions would be the core of their relationship, they would talk a lot about how they are making each other better by being with someone who is also very into bettering himself and achieving perfection in any field; but at the same time they would have surprisingly deep conversations once in a blue moon, very rarely though. Other times, they would argue a lot about who is right about the pettiest little things, and since both of them are super stubborn, it gets ugly sometimes.
It’s impossible to be in a room with them when they watch any type of trivia-based game on TV, because it’s always a competition for them and they take it very seriously. Both are extremely sore losers, and they always want to prove to each other that they know more than the other does. While Riddle is usually the first one to yell out the answer, he is severely lacking in (pop) culture knowledge, so Azul gets plenty of chances to answer first and look extremely smugly at Riddle, while he gets either pouty or all red and furious.
Azul would actually manage to do the impossible: Riddle’s mom would like him a lot. Of course, he isn’t a lady, but he is such an upstanding and diligent young gentleman, surely a good influence on her son. Not to mention his pedigree, amazing grades and perfect work ethics. AND he controls his own diet! Riddle’s mother would even say that she wishes Azul was her son, to which Azul would laugh and say that they could arrange that (= Riddle and him could get married). Of course, none of this mean that Azul likes Riddle’s mother at all, but he is a master of sweet talking. Riddle is conflicted about this though: he is relieved, but he is a little bit terrified by how easy it was for Azul to win over his mother.
If they managed to get through the first year of their relationship and not split up, they would end up getting married pretty early. Riddle wouldn’t really want to rush it, but this is what feels “right”, and Azul has already decided that their alliance would be pretty profitable, plus they have Riddle’s mother’s blessing, so why not get married right after their graduation? They are definitely getting divorced at some point though lol
When it comes to sex, they are surprisingly passionate sometimes, especially right after they had a fight. Azul also makes it painfully obvious that he really enjoys seeing Riddle all red and vulnerable, which drives Riddle crazy and makes him mad, but that contributes to the hotness of their sex, so.  Azul can always complain afterwards and say “I can’t believe you bit me, Riddle-san”, as if he wasn’t the one to provoke the shit out of Riddle with his remarks about how cute, defenseless and a little pathetic he is when he lies beneath him.
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sexysilverstrider · 24 days
reading the japanese and english takukamu S supports im just getting really emotional over the japanese version
when i reread the official english version, i realize they kinda water down how takumi really felt. that explains why i got REALLY emotional reading the japanese version. some of the changes were:
english: there is something else I wanted to talk about… japanese: will you listen to my request?
while this doesnt seem much, the eng version makes takumi sound calmer while jpn version makes him sound nervous. it was a bit odd when takumi says request but then
english: So…does this change anything? About your feelings toward us, I mean. japanese: Hey. Earlier... you said you would listen to my request. So, will you... forgive me for this?
apparently after confessing his feelings n telling the truth, jpn takumi clearly felt disgusted and horrified that he has romantic feelings for someone he was supposed to call sister. eng takumi once again makes him feel calmer and chill as if he had enough time to think and ponder--almost as if the big truth wasnt all that much--while jpn takumi is implied to have rued and suffered through his feelings, fearing that kamui will hate or be disgusted with him. after alls said and done, all takumi ever wanted was for kamui to accept him even if she doesnt love him
english: Avatar: When you said that you liked me, my heart started racing. But I didn't want it to show because I didn't know about Father. Everything is so confusing. Takumi: That's right. But in a confusing world, we must cling to the few fragments of truth we share. And the truth is that I love you, Avatar, and you love me. Let's build a future on that. Avatar: Y-yes. I think you're right. Let's give it a shot. What's the worst that could happen? japanese: Kamui: When you said that you liked me earlier, I was really happy. Because we're siblings, I've avoided saying such a thing... Takumi: Kamui-neesan... Kamui: ... But you came straight out and said you liked me. You showed me that it was okay to love you. Thank you, Takumi. I also want to stay by your side... Takumi: Nee-san...!! For you to have the same feelings as me, I've never been this happy in my life. So... I'll give you this ring. ... I'll protect you with my whole life. Kamui: ... I'm so happy, Takumi! From now on, please take care of me! Takumi: Okay...!
once again this ending!!!! while i do like the eng version the fact that it feels......less emotional than the japanese one. yes takumi is more assured of his feelings now that its reciprocated. i hate that the english version doesnt wanna highlight the 'i cant romantically love you coz i thought we were siblings' like cowards. apply the brocon/siscon themes in this game as its supposed to be. but yeah i still do appreciate takumi being more confident and kamui still being hesitant but they both embraced their feelings nicely
but the japanese one
oooohhh OOOHHH kamui straight up saying she loves takumi too but didnt act out coz she thought they were related. takumi preparing A RING eventho he was 70% sure she wont love him the same way. takumi saying he will protect her with his own life which brings the whole conquest story 10x more painful.
english: If you were aiming for my heart, you've struck true. This was meant to be…
cheesy cute S support dialogue. 10/10. adorable. the last sentence is my otp tag for them after all
japanese: Thank you, sister. I'm so very happy. No matter what people think...these feelings won't change. I love you.
and my personal favourite difference of them all?
english: I'm sorry. I struggled with whether or not to tell you any of this. After all, now that you know, we can never go back to being siblings. But I couldn't simply pretend to be your brother for the rest of my life. Especially not with the way I felt about you. It is shameful, I know.
again takumi is being calm and somewhat professional. he knows its weird and tbfh i hate that the localization want to highlight how weird it is. we get it i know. but they make takumi level-headed which when i think back is kind of off for him but i appreciate the maturity of his behaviour here
japanese: I'm sorry... Nee-san. I was really at a loss as to whether I should tell you this or not. Now that I have, we can't go back to being siblings. But I... couldn't have beared living my whole life acting as your brother. I would have rather died...
FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK OHHH MY GOOOOD FUCK FUCK FUCK AAAAAAAAAA!!!! i can hear his pain. his sorrow. his guilt. there is no voice acting in the supports but i can HEAR takumis emotions. the very fact that he loves her so so much and he cant bear pretending to be her brother anymore. the very fact that seeing kamui with another man might n will kill him. the very fact that he would rather die than pretending to be someone hes not. this is what im eating. this is what ive been robbed. this very line made me cry THE SECOND I READ IT im about to cry now!!! that very last line is just a big Fuck You to his fate in conquest GOD AAAAAAAAAA
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vampthropologist · 2 years
there is much more i could send u that’ll be greater than the klm song like any of the websites but this’ll probably just take years off ur life lol /lh
https://youtu.be/vpTT4M6Okes (Dream)
https://youtu.be/ZQt9rWYhv7E (Gamzee)
https://youtu.be/b8feTDua8EE (Sans)
https://youtu.be/kcAuiWNABpY (Wilbur soot vs Nanami)
https://youtu.be/7aUKQMU-VH4 (Dream)
https://youtu.be/sf6JGu6MaII (Monokuma)
https://youtu.be/D1mMbhPM5x8 (Luke Skywalker)
https://youtu.be/L2jqGb82zuE (LaLa)
https://youtu.be/G3uaroAWGoE (hot human lighting mcqueen)
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<3 luv u!
NNOAISNDONASOIID NOO NOOO NOOOO why do the lyrics make sense 40% of the time? Why is the video like that??? I think all the songs will suffer from poorly placed Danganronpa references but ALSO HE IS DISSING HIM FOR BEING ILL??? AND NAGITO RETURNS WITH SLUR ACCUSATIONS?? THOSE ARENT EQUAL
Nagito you are a stoner too even if it's not shown, also the voice doesn't match him. HONK?? WHAT IS A HONK??? HUH??? This guy says mf a lot doesn't he? I am not far enough into Homestuck to understand all these references. Also it's hilarious to think that in preparation for this Nagito has read all of Homestuck. I wanna see a homestuck nagito sprite. actually i don't. please don't bring that into this world. FINGERS IN HIS ASS WAS THE ONLY GOOD REEFERENCE it's too bad it's sandwiched between mf and mf and mf and mf. GOAT DADDY??? GOAT DADDY?? ultimate bottom. bottom. sir. SIR.
Before starting there must be a fingers in his ass in here. Ok now I'm starting. THE SANS VOICE NOOOOOO. Everyone is making fun of Nagito for being gay. Sans isn't dissing him, he's just explaining Nagito's plot poorly. What does Kanye have to do with this? You better make a fingers in his ass joke. Nagito sounds like a nerd character from a cartoon. This rap battle was just simpsons vs nerd kid roleplaying as sans and nagito with no rap experience. Truly a disappointing performance.
Oh lordy I saw this in the reccomended before checking the list. They said her name out of tempo I'm already aggravated. What are Pants and ConnorEats? Are these references? YOUR LYRICS ARE SHITE BRITISH BOY. Stop saying her name it's not helping your horrible flow. His references don't hold any weight because I'm not an smp fan and then he comes out here calling her a camgirl. HAMILTON REFERENCE??? Her wordplay is better than his.
Another Dream one? Okay. WAIT THIS CHANNEL HAS LESS THAN 400 SUBS?? Let's see how it compares to the first one. Is the same guy doing both voices? NJASSNKJDkK DAMN THE CALLOUT. That line dropped flat Nagito I'm dissapointed. Oh they were 2 different guys doing the voices. Huh. This was mediocre.
The intro and the 200 subs really sets the scene. AHSKDJJBKKAHKASDDBKHDB UKELELE BACKING TRACK AND GUY JUST DOING HIS BEST. "You're just a twink with fucking yellow hair"- Monokuma. There are nagito napkins? HE JUST FINISHES WITH fuck you. MEGALO VANIA NOOOOO. this is just improv. This is literally improv. Or for Nagito's side it's improve because it really feels like when your classmates make a beat on the desk and another comes to rap to it freestyle. fuck you no fuck you no fuck you no fuck you <- basically. "I killed all your friends." "I again don't appreciate that." That's why in this Danganronpa, my hope is all that. Truly words to live by.
Sky, Elijah, Gabriel, how did you find this video? The person has 39 subscribers. This video has 229 views. How? MS paint opening scene. What accent are they doing for Luke?? He's BRITISH! lymploma. lymploma. your dead dog run over is the only time you're feeling "ruff". I have chills. Followed by I'm a Jedi from tattooine weilding a cool stick the only schtick you see is Hajime's which you'll never get. This is said by MS paint Luke skywalker. While you die like Chiaki. NAGITO DIES TOO??? HE IS DEAD??? HE LITERALLY DIES IN THE GAAME??? was star wars once considered neo nazi fodder?? WHERE DID THAT LINE COME FROM???? HELLO??? he keeps going "hah?" in between his lines. WHY WAS HAJIME THERE WITH A CENSOR BLOCK??? I applaud the creator for attempting to do fast lines. They just rhymed poo, goo, R2D2, fortune, and Beru.
Who is Lala, I guess I'll find out. Once again a small channel. I don't know where you keep finding them. Those lines were all flat and bad. Wait that's it?? Okay. Less than mediocre and not amusing.
This better be good with such an absurd catch. BJHJHBKHASBKJbSAKJ OKay I'll take it.
This was an exploration to the obscure corners of the internet. Do not try this at home. Thank you for your sacrifice of actually finding these.
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flyingwargle · 2 months
i've been brainrotting a haikyuu x fullmetal alchemist crossover for weeks and am dying to share something so here's a short snippet of the 1st chapter <3
“shoyo,” atsumu says. “this is all yer fault.”
hinata shoots him a look, bright eyes narrowed, lips turned into a slight pout. at least, that’s what he thinks he sees. it’s difficult to tell, with darkness draped over the cellar, weak light seeping in through the tiny overhead window. they’re across from each other, wrists tied behind their backs, ropes secured to a pillar, or in atsumu’s case, a desk that’s balanced on one and half legs, dusted drawers left open with nothing but cobwebs clinging in the corners.
“why is it my fault?” he complains. “you would’ve done the same thing!”
“i wouldn’ta followed the guy in broad daylight. ya never stalked anyone before?”
“i thought it wasn’t obvious!”
“it was hella obvious! the granny at the flower shop woulda agreed with me!”
“you didn’t have to come with.” hinata mutters. “i could’ve done it on my own.”
atsumu scoffs. “an’ leave ya to yer death? i like ya too much for ya to die.”
“aw, do you mean it? tsukishima always says he’d leave me behind if i did anything stupid.”
“well, i like ya less than omi. i just need ya to balance him an’ kei. the pair of ‘em are too serious.”
“that’s probably why we’re here, and they aren’t.”
if that isn’t the truth, atsumu doesn’t know what is. he tests his restraints, feels the rough rope dig into his wrists, undoubtedly chafing the skin further. his pants’ and blazer pockets are empty, belt discarded and pouches slashed when they were detained. hinata, dressed in a similar uniform, also had his pockets emptied, gloves taken away, chalk smashed into oblivion. the concrete floor beneath his ass is cold and uncomfortable.
hinata isn’t the worst person to be held captive with. out of all the black jackals, atsumu would rank him second, just after omi, with tsukishima as third. it isn’t like he has something against his tall underclassman, aside from the fact that they don’t get along, but tsukishima would definitely sit and brood until they’re rescued, which is not the most entertaining way to spend the afternoon. omi would do the same, but atsumu is more familiar with him, therefore able to push his buttons better. hinata, on the other hand, is naturally talkative, extroverted, tries to find light in every situation, even if darkness descends onto the cellar at a rapid pace, and the evening chill begins to seep in.
god, would he kill for his brother’s stew and potatoes right about now.
“do you think tsukishima and omi-san will look us?” hinata asks in a low voice.
“they should. even if they ain’t, akiteru-san and kita-san should.” today is a free day since tomorrow, they’ll be on a train to north city. tsukishima and sakusa wanted one last look at the library; atsumu and hinata offered to run errands and prepare for tonight’s dinner. they didn’t even make it to the grocery store when hinata spotted a suspicious man with a rifle slung over his shoulder, decided to trail him, and eventually got caught.
on one hand, they’ve confirmed that their assailant is definitely a criminal. on the other hand, there is nothing they can do about it. atsumu twists his wrists again, winces as he feels the skin cut open and start to bleed. his stomach grumbles, and his throat is dry. “this is all yer fault, shoyo.”
“we’ve been gone long enough that someone has to notice,” hinata says, voice alight in an attempt to sound chipper. “they’ll let the military know and they’ll look for us. i trust oikawa-san or kuroo-san will find us.”
“i ain’t trust either of ‘em. i know military men, and they’ve got their own agendas.” atsumu tilts his head back to rest against the desk leg. he lets out a groan. “we’re gonna be stuck here all night.”
“try to stay positive! if we don’t, the worst will happen.”
he straightens, fixes his eyes in the direction of his underclassman, identifiable by his bright hair. “even you think of the worst-case scenario, huh? lay it on me. what’s the worst that can happen?”
hinata is silent for a moment. “well, the worst would be that no one would rescue us–“
“that’s already our reality.”
“other things could happen! like…we could get injured. or something happens to this building, like it catches on fire. east city has the highest rate of arson than all the other cities, did you know that?”
atsumu is still. then, he starts wriggling. “we gotta get out of here. i ain’t gonna be roasted alive.”
“the fire could help burn the ropes! it could be a good thing!”
“an’ then? what kinda water alchemy are ya gonna do without water?”
“there’s water all around us, atsumu-san! did you not learn anything from shishou?”
“oi, i ain’t wanna hear that from ya.” atsumu rolls his eyes. “are ya sayin’ ya have a transmutation circle tatted somewhere on ya? can’t get any alchemy done without a circle, an’ we ain’t got chalk. we are gonna die if there’s a fire, ya hear me?”
“you don’t have to be so pessimistic,” hinata mutters.
“i ain’t pessimistic, i’m just a realist. god, omi woulda figured somethin’ out by now.”
“sorry for not being omi-san, but at least i tell jokes. it’s the best way to pass time!”
“i just hope there ain’t gonna be a second time, kid. once is enough fer me.”
a heavy slam against the cellar door shakes the flimsy wood in its hinges. the duo quiets, turns their heads toward the door. it creaks open, a stream of light filtering inside. a silhouetted face appears in the dim light, along with a gruff voice. “if you know what’s good for you, you’ll keep quiet. got it?”
neither speak. atsumu jumps at the click of a revolver, the familiar sound of a bullet entering its chamber, ready to be fired. “got it?” the man drawls.
“yessir.” their responses blend into one. the door closes shut, locks clicking back in place. atsumu strains to hear the receding footsteps, waits until the air has settled before he releases his own breath. he can hear hinata do the same. “why’d ya think he let us go?” atsumu wonders aloud. “why not kill us?”
“he needs us.” hinata’s tone is slow, contemplative. “maybe…as hostages?”
“nah. let’s say killin’ us is messy. there are people around, or we’re in a residential area, so if he fires, someone will definitely hear. so he’s waitin’ until the time is right.” he sighs. “we got some time until then. let’s try ta escape.”
so he says, but with blood ringing his wrists, the ropes wound tight, without any weapons or tools to help, the situation is bleak. he and hinata shuffle, wriggle, fall silent with resignation. atsumu releases a huff. “shoyo, this is all yer fault.”
“i know, atsumu-san.” hinata is forlorn. “i know.”
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baja4nia · 7 months
okay so. saw my ex on the beach yesterday and walked up and said hi and we ended up walking the beach both directions the whole way for like an hour and a half..:. feel so bad he's really been going through it with his roommate... he lives 3 blocks from the beach and pays less than 1000 which is crazy but uhm his roommates dad killed himself and he went off the deepend with drinking like the guy didnt eat or shower for like a month he would throw up in his room and not clean it and he couldnt walk cause he wasnt eating so he'd crawl to get more alc..... my ex called 911 on him finally and sent him to the hospital. my ex also got laid off but he got laid off like a month ago..... i mean he's fine money wise and has just been chilling. he had a really bad date where the girl drank too much and then had a breakdown and then kicked him out of her house lmaoo. it was really nice talking i think we'll wait another month or two to be friends again but now i cant wait. nice to have a sexy smart funny friend you know. he's not leaving san diego i was so worried he'd leave but he said he'll stay a couple more years since he's already down here and lives by the beach...
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colloquialcolors · 2 years
having just read the last of the HoO on a whim, some quick thoughts:
- ... i might not have actually read this one. i think i couldnt get it for a while for some reason and i just picked up on the plot through osmosis? and thought i read it? anyway. good book. good ending. 10/10. glad i own it now apparently.
- good god the 7 are ridiculously OP by the end. no wonder they had to fight The Literal Worst Threats, they could literally kill and outmaneuver ANYONE other than literally mother earth by the end
- like the combo of: shapeshifting! illusions/invisibility! charmspeak! mechanical fuckery! incredible tactics! and THEN just the regular ole "fuck you die by <elemental power>. holy SHIT.
- Nico and Reyna both discovering the power of friendship and healing through the last book was something enjoyed SO much.
- also reyna i love you so much and also reyna the aroace spectrum is a thing!!!! youll be okay no matter what!!!!!!!! have some food and go hang out with your friends. fuck off aphrodite.
- also piper is right reyna could absolutely 1v the whole camp. and win. putting up a shrine in my house to reyna.
- im so thrilled the nico/will thing panned out like. :) and nico learning to accept other people caring about him... that he has friends....
- each of the 7 are Good™ in their own way. which i think is the point but. its honestly. really impressive. how each of them are distinct and they also have relationships with each other like. Damn.
- percy and annabeth EARNED their goddamn peace holy shit. college. some chill times. also mayne some therapy like damn both of you were still barely recovering from house of hades.
- the women in this series are so fucking impressive love that for them. and me. and them.
- like the hunters AND the amazons AND the ladies in the big 7? are all? killer as hell. metaphorically and literally. good for them. also theyre friends with each other :)
- i know there are more stories- i didnt read the apollo series, and magnus chase mentions annabeth apparently, but- i like this as an ending. sans a small mental epilogue of them finding out about Leo and that reunion, but. this is nice. its nice.
- seriously these books have a kind of astounding amount of representation? what? like. damn. i know its not perfect but like. ... damn.
- annabeth and reyna should get coffee and hang out and complain affectionately about percy and im choosing to believe they do.
- also hazel and piper.
- did I even talk about hazel yet. I really like hazel. she was a little less prominent in this last book though. her and her mist... and her horse... second lease on life... glad u snagged urself frank and also a RAD HORSE u deserve it <3
- also piper is fucking terrifying good God(tm). I liked the lil thing she and Annabeth had though. and she and Reyna. still absolutely terrifying.
- and frank should get a million friends ilu frank. im glad you grew into yourself and ALSO YOU CAN TURN INTO LITERALLY ANY ANIMAL, THATS RAD AS HELL. I think he and annabeth should have gotten to hang out more I feel like they would get along.
- leo you menace, (affectionate...?). did you know your friends CARE ABOUT YOU you trainwreck. I have some mixed feelings about you and your plot lines and your character growth but. it all pans out I think.
- jason is gonna hang out i guess. just chill. good for him. go hang out with thalia yes. sibling bonding. (ignores canonical jason future)
- percy. you're a slightoy immature menace with a heart of gold who has been In It™ since the start. im so glad you got a happy ending. go call your mom and take a nap.
0 notes
Sans/Toriel 30 Day OTP Challenge: Day Ten
AO3 | Day One | Day Two | Day Three | Day Four | Day Five | Day Six | Day Seven | Day Eight | Day Nine
day ten: flustered
prompt: “Your OTP being flustered. It could be one member, it could be both.“
It was just a pie.
Sans had been over to Toriel's a ton of times – with Papyrus, on his own, for dinner, swapping joke books, helping Frisk with homework, whatever. Today wasn't any different; she'd been promising/threatening to teach him how to bake properly pretty much from the moment they met. Just because he might have accidentally developed some...complicated, possibly not 100% platonic feelings about Toriel, it didn't have to change anything. He hadn't screwed everything up yet, and anyway, it was probably just a phase, like that week he let Papyrus convince him that matching backwards baseball caps were a good idea. No big deal. And those couldn't be butterflies in his stomach when he thought about spending the day with her, because he didn't even have a stomach and if there were butterflies, they'd just fly out of his ribcage, so. No butterflies. No reason for anything to bug him – just two good buds, making baked goods. Sans smirked to himself at the unintentional becoming-a-poet-without-being-previously-aware-of-it, mentally filing it away to tell Toriel later as knocked on the door.
"Knock knock," he called through the door as usual.
"Come in! It's open!" came Frisk's cheerful response. Sans let himself in, sighing and shaking his head at them in (mostly) mock disappointment.
"Kid, you're supposed to ask 'who's there?' Kinda irresponsible to leave the door unlocked like that, don't you think? You know, there are some real weird types around here."
"I know, and most of them are our friends," Frisk pointed out, not incorrectly, without looking away from examining themselves in the hallway mirror. "Anyway, it's obviously you because no one else except Mom actually says "knock knock" when they knock." They grinned as they caught Sans' sockets in the mirror and spun around, striking a pose as he took in what they were wearing: an anime-style school blazer and skirt, topped off with a neon pink wig that almost came down to their knees and a matching pair of huge, fluffy cat ears.
"What do you think? Notice anything different?"
Sans cocked his head. "Hmm...nope, not getting it. Help meow-t here?"
Frisk groaned, burying their head in their hands to stifle a giggle. "That was pawful. Mom!" they yelled up the stairs. "Sans is here!"
"I will just be a few minutes!" Toriel called back. "Tell him to come in and make himself at home!"
"Come in and make yourself at home!" Frisk told him, enthusiastically if unnecessarily. Something buzzed, and they grabbed their phone from their blazer pocket, glancing down at it with concern. "Oops, I gotta go. Alphys will freak out if we're late to the convention – more than she is already, I mean. Tell Mom I'll be back for dinner! Wait, Sans, come here a sec –" Before he could blink, Frisk pulled off their cat ears and slipped the headband over the top of Sans' skull instead, holding out their phone with a triumphant smile. Sans played along, grinning and throwing up some bunny ears behind their head as the camera clicked.
"I'll send it to Mom later! Save me some pie, okay?" Frisk grabbed their ears back before they disappeared through the door in a pink whirlwind, leaving Sans alone in the hallway. He remembered Toriel had a thing about people moving stuff in the kitchen without her, so he hung back, looking at the pictures framing the walls while he waited. There was Toriel and Frisk smiling outside the school; a surprisingly good portrait of that kid with no arms with Frisk's signature scribbled underneath; a still life of some flowers that looked older, but it was hard to tell because they were yellow anyway. Sans was halfway up the stairs looking at them when he heard Toriel...singing? It was more like a soft hum, indecipherable but tuneful snatches of words, or maybe just noises, floating down the stairs, rising and swooping around a melody as soothingly beautiful as Toriel herself. Sans felt the smile on his face growing as he listened to her, and he found himself following the song the rest of the way up the stairs like the call of a Shyren.
"Tori?" It was coming from behind an old-fashioned wooden door; Sans hadn't been upstairs too many times, but he was pretty sure this was her room. He knocked, and the door creaked open. "Are you in –"
The song cut off in a sharp, startled bleat as Sans poked his head around the door and Toriel whirled around –wisps of fire magic dancing in the shower around her, pure white and very naked. She scrambled to cover herself with the shower curtain as Sans slammed the door so fast he barely avoiding taking his own skull off in the process.
"Sorry, Tori, sorry! I thought, uh, I mean, I didn't know you were..." The words tumbled out in an incoherent rush as he felt himself blushing so furiously he had to press a hand to his cheekbone to make sure he wasn't actually on fire, eyes still firmly shut even though there was a whole door between them now.
"No, no, Sans, please, it is not your – ah, silly me, I ought to have locked the door!" Toriel let out a shrill, nervous giggle, her voice rising to a pitch more audible to dogs. "I do apologise for keeping you waiting. I will just be a few minutes more, and then we can..."
"No, right, sure, yeah – you take your time, I'll just be, uh...stairs. Down. Downstairs." Sans cringed at his own incoherent babbling as he headed back down the stairs – seriously, what was he doing? He was supposed to be a lot more chill than this – if he'd walked in on anyone else, he'd just have shrugged it off or thought it was funny. It was funny, sort of, the kind of wacky misunderstanding that happened in those terrible MTT sitcoms Papyrus used to watch all day. Toriel was cool, they'd probably laugh about it later – or just never mention it again, he'd be cool with that too. 
"Hello, Sans!" True to her word, she reappeared barely a minute later, greeting him with a typically warm, though slightly apologetic smile. "Please do excuse the, ah, delay. I thought I had better find some suitable attire for baking." Instead of her royal robes, she was wearing a loose, flowing skirt and her #1 GOAT MOM shirt from Frisk that was maybe a size too small, but she always wore with pride anyway; her cheeks looked just a little pinker than usual, probably from her shower – not that Sans was still thinking about that, or at least he was sure he'd forget in, like, the next five minutes. "Anyway!" she beamed, clapping her hands together excitedly. "I trust you are ready for your..."
"...tu-Toriel?" Sans finished with her; he knew it was coming, but somehow it still hadn't gotten old, the way Toriel's eyes sparkled as she brayed with laughter and nodded approvingly.
"Ah, you are learning already!" she teased back, beckoning him into the kitchen with a twist of her head. "Come – take off your jacket, and we can get started. I mean..." Toriel hesitated for a moment as she caught Sans' sockets, a blush colouring her cheeks as she realised her accidental innuendo, "you do not have to take it off, of course, if you would prefer not to! But it will be easier without your clothes – I mean sleeves – in the way." 
"Heh." Sans grinned back at her, trying to shrug off any lingering awkwardness along with his hoodie, as he slung it over the back of a chair. "Sure, Tori, whatever you say – you're the boss."
"Wonderful." With a sweep of her hand, Toriel turned to the immaculately presented countertop, where all the ingredients were already precisely weighed and laid out in preparation. "In that case, let us begin! First we make the shell. Combine the flour, sugar and butter in that bowl, if you would be so kind."
Sans did as he was told, and they soon settled into a rhythm; it was weirdly soothing, pouring and mixing and breaking eggs while Toriel directed him, reading from the recipe and occasionally nodding and murmuring to herself as she studied his technique.
"Mm-hmm, yes, good...ah, I see." She paused, hovering over Sans' shoulder for a moment as he prodded ineffectively at the sticky mass in the bowl that had yet to turn into anything that looked like pastry with a wooden spoon. "May I?"
"Uh, sure...knock yourself out." Maybe it was all the stirring, but he was starting to feel very warm as Toriel leaned over him, removing the spoon before gently taking his hands and guiding them into the bowl, kneading and squeezing the mixture between their interlinked fingers.
"There, do you see?" she murmured, breath warm against the top of his spine as the dough began to form, soft and sticky under their hands. "Like this – it is a little messy, but do not be afraid to be firm with it. Feel your dough. After all, a good pastry is an essential foundation for the perfect pie – the backbone, one might even say!"
"Heh...right." Sans managed a weak chuckle, even though it was pretty difficult to concentrate on the dough with Toriel's body pressed against his back, the gentle vibration of her laughter through his bones; he could feel his cheekbones heating up as her fur inadvertently caressed his bare forearms, electricity like little pinpricks shooting all the way up his arms and straight to his soul. He wasn't even sure whether to be more relieved or disappointed when Toriel moved away, appraising their handiwork with a satisfied nod. 
"Much better! Now you can roll it out."
Sans scooped up the ball of dough, squishing it experimentally a few times before he laid it out on the countertop and picked up the rolling pin. He attempted to flatten it out, but the dough clung stubbornly first to his hands and then to the rolling pin, making it pretty much impossible to roll it into anything resembling pie-shape. 
"Ah, you may want to use some more flour for this part," Toriel offered, after a few moments watching him wrestle with the dough with her head cocked curiously to one side. "To stop it growing so...attached to you." She smiled and winked when Sans caught her eye, reaching for the flour bag. "Allow me..."
She sprinkled a generous helping of flour over the dough, dusting the countertop, the rolling pin and a little on the top of Sans' skull too, but he was more than okay with it as he flashed her a grateful smile in return. "Hey, you're right - that's a lot better. Thanks, Tori."
"You are most welcome, Sans – that is what I am here for!" She beamed like a proud teacher – which he supposed she was – as he rolled out the dough again and this time it actually stayed in place, enough for Sans to lift it carefully into the pie tin. He glanced back at Toriel for confirmation, who nodded encouragingly, so he started evening it out, pressing the dough with the tip of the rolling pin and his fingers - messily but firmly - as far into the crimped edges as it would go, like the recipe said. Toriel was quiet for a few moments, giving him space to work until Sans stepped back to take a look and she leaned in expectantly.
"Does that look okay to you?" 
"Wonderful!" Toriel clasped her hands together, her eyes lighting up with delight as she looked over his shoulder. "That looks to me like a fine dough indeed. I do believe it is ready for the oven – would you like to do the honours?"
"Don't mind if I dough." It wasn't his best joke, but Toriel still giggled as she made a show of opening the oven door for him; Sans had to admit he never expected to get this excited about pastry, but her enthusiasm was infectious and he could feel himself grinning too, weirdly honoured as he slid the pie carefully into the oven.
"Usually, I would add a touch of fire magic at this point," Toriel added as they closed the door together. "But sometimes it is nice to do things the traditional way, is it not?"
"Sure, traditional is good." Sans agreed as he glanced up from the oven and into her eyes; there was a smudge of flour across her nose, and it made him smile. "Hey, Tori – you, uh, you got something there..."
"Hmm?" Toriel blinked, her crimson eyes widening as Sans reached up, edging forwards onto his tiptoes just a little. She lowered her head to meet him, and the slightest hint of pink seemed to bloom across her now extra-white cheeks as Sans gently brushed his thumb across her nose, making her scrunch it up in an almost unfairly adorable way that made him want to do it again, and again.
"Got it."
"Oh! I see. Thank you." Toriel straightened up, but there was a mischievous edge to her smile, a sudden glint in her eye that was somehow simultaneously alarming and exciting (alarmingly exciting?) – and then she reached out and patted the top of his head, deliberately dusting off the flour and dough debris on her hands. "How rude of me. I suppose I ought to share?"
"Oh – okay, you wanna go?" Sans asked, any attempt at sounding tough probably undermined by the fact that he was laughing too as he shook the sticky flakes of dough from his skull. "Fine, if that's how it is – but I gotta warn ya, Tori, you might be about to have a -"
A blizzard of flour hit Sans right between the sockets before he could finish, and then it was on, both of them shrieking and snorting with laughter as they hurled any and all available foodstuffs across the kitchen at each other like they were Frisk's age. Toriel wielded her flour bag like some kind of snow queen, casting merciless flurries into the air and coating everything in her path, while Sans grabbed whatever he could to defend himself – sugar, cinnamon, the sticky globs of dough still clinging to his hands – until they ended up in a kind of standoff, backed against the counter. Sans was pretty sure he'd got her with a conveniently placed tub of cocoa when she dropped the flour and hurriedly bent down to pick it up – but she somehow slipped past with ninja-fast reflexes before he could touch her, neatly reversing their positions as she caught both of his hands in one of hers, not roughly enough to hurt but effortlessly rendering him helpless as she pinned him back against the counter.
"Oh my – I am sorry," she crowed, a blatant lie going by the triumphant smirk playing on her lips as she dangled the flour bag threateningly just above Sans' head with her other hand, "but what was that you were saying about a bad time...?"
"Okay, okay..." Sans knew she wouldn't actually dump the whole thing on him – even if she was that cruel, it'd be a terrible waste – but he squirmed ineffectively in her grip anyway, because damn, she was strong. She could probably snap him in half if she wanted to, and that...probably shouldn't have been stirring up as many feelings as it was when he caught Toriel's eye, both of them flushed, laughing and panting, "you win, I surrender, uncle. I'll do anything you say – just, please, no more flour."
“Hmm, I thought so.” Toriel released him, smoothing down her skirt and trying to sound stern, but she still had a twinkle in her eye as she glanced around at the state of her kitchen. “Very well, enough of this – we still have a pie to complete, do we not? The work has barely begun!”
She wasn't kidding about that, as they spent the rest of the afternoon dashing between pots of ominously bubbling cream and caramel, pouring and stirring and whisking frantically under Toriel's guidance: "Hmm, that looks a little lumpy. Try raising the heat – not too much, it will burn! Ah, perhaps leave this to me, you can start mixing the eggs over there...you do not think it is supposed to look like that? Well, try tasting it – with a spoon, Sans. You did remember to separate all the yolks, yes? What is that on the floor...?"
But despite being dangerously close to hard work, when Sans pulled out the pie wearing Toriel's way-too-big oven gloves, it was worth it. Because even the delicious aroma of butterscotch wafting temptingly through the room couldn't compete with the way Toriel's face lit up as he revealed their masterpiece, her fangs gleaming as she broke into a wide, dazzling smile.
"Oh my goodness, it looks perfect! Such a lovely colour – a little burn is fine, it adds character  – and a very nice rise. And that smell! Mmm, I can hardly wait to taste it!" Toriel licked her lips as she threw an arm around Sans' shoulders, pulling him into a celebratory hug. "Well done, Sans! Truly, I am impressed with your progress."
"Heh...thanks, Tori." He grinned up at her, flushing a little with pride despite the automatic instinct to shrug off the compliment. "It's not bad, huh? I mean, you helped a lot, but –"
"Oh, nonsense – do not be modest," she interrupted, fondly but firmly, giving him a playful squeeze before they separated and she moved onto collecting the various pots and bowls scattered across the countertop. "You should be proud of yourself. I must admit," she continued, piling them into the sink, "when Papyrus told me about your...first attempt at baking, I was surprised. I did recall you asking for the recipe, but somehow, I did not expect you to be interested in this type of thing."
"You mean the infamous sweet quiche?" Sans met her eyes with a wry smile as he joined her, picking up a few spoons and dropping them into the sink. “Yeah, I know –guess I was finally ready for a change from Grillby's every night. That and, well, Paps always cooks for us, even if it isn't the most...edible – but he tries, y'know? Always has. So I guess I thought maybe it was time to start pulling my weight, too. Make us something nice every once in a while.”
“How sweet.” Toriel glanced over at him, smiling with big, soft eyes that made him a little weak at the patellas. “Well, you have certainly made us something nice, and I do not doubt there will be many more where that came from – if you wish to continue learning, of course. But, for now...” She paused, quickly drying her hands on a tea towel while casting a hopeful look back at the pie. “I would say you have earned a little break, have you not?”
“You saw right through me, Tori.” Sans pulled up a chair, grinning as Toriel eagerly placed two plates on the table and went to bring the pie over – because yeah, of course he wanted to make something nice for Papyrus, But maybe he'd also kind of always wanted to make Toriel proud of him, even back in Snowdin when she was just a mysterious voice behind a door. He wanted to tell her he'd tried her recipe, just to hear what she'd say; back then, obviously, he never thought he'd get to bake it with her, and that it'd be better than anything he imagined, watching Toriel cut the pie into near-perfect triangles with as much care and precision as she took over everything as he sat with his jaw resting on his hand and a warm, fuzzy feeling growing in his soul, so sweet and strong he had to glance down to make sure it wasn't actually glowing through his t-shirt just before Toriel looked up and caught his sockets.
"What are you smiling at?" she asked, raising a suspicious eyebrow but smiling too as she slid a generous portion onto both of their plates.
Sans resisted the temptation to point out that technically he was always smiling, even if he was pretty sure he hadn't actually smiled like this in a long time. "Just the, uh...the pie. It's a great pie. Great lesson, Tori. I really feel like I've learned a lot.”
“If you say so.” Toriel let out a soft chuckle, a little bemused but fond as she dug into the pie. She was so perfect, closing her eyes and sighing in bliss as she took her first bite, and Sans couldn't have wiped the grin from his face if he'd tried, as a heavenly chorus of butterscotch and cinnamon melted in his mouth and he knew for sure – if he didn't already – that he was so, so boned.
But he didn't even care any more, because this – this was so, so worth it.
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miyacreampie · 3 years
Lenny sensei's night class has begun!~♡
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synopsis 💭;; Tanaka gets jealous bc some bitch talking to his man.
note 🖋️;; IT TOOK A WHOLE FUCKIN WEEK TO WRITE THIS. WHY DOES WORK ALWAYS PREVENT ME FROM DOING THE THINGS I LIKE? WHAT THE ACTUAL FU- by the way, ‘Isayama Misaki’ is based off of some asswipe I used to know- also, I ran out of ideas at the end, so it kinda cuts of lf at the good part. I apologize to the anon that requested this.
Requested by anon ♡
Male pronouns used
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Tanaka wasn't a jealous man. Or at least he'd like to think so.
(Y/n) was pretty popular around campus, so it wasn't a surprise to see a few fangirls here or there. It kinda reminded him of Oikawa—except (Y/n) didn't exactly pay his fangirls any attention. (And he didn't have an ass as flat as printer paper.) But did that stop them from trying to get into his pants? No.
In all honesty, Ryu felt lucky that he had someone like (Y/n) as a boyfriend, although he didn't like the fangirls—who paid him no mind whenever they were together. It annoyed him that they kept surrounding (Y/n) who clearly wanted nothing to do with them, begging him for dates, one night stands, anything.
To say that Tanaka was mildly uncomfortable was an understatement.
Today was a bit different. Instead of a crowd of women rushing towards (Y/n), it was just one—; Misaki Isayama. The woman (almost) every guy considered perfect. This was...manageable, but what did she want? Well—at least it was only one girl. He had only woken up a little over an hour ago, and wasn't exactly ready for his simps just yet.
“(L/n)-chan, can you help me study for the science exam that's coming up?”
“Just because you're my upperclassman, doesn't mean you can call me that.” (Y/n) said quietly, rubbing his eyes, then yawning. “I'm on my way to the lecture hall though, so maybe after that? I should be fully awake by then..”
Misaki smiled and nodded her head. “It's a date!”
“No. No it's not.”
Tanaka let (Y/n) lean on him during the lecture. That turned into one sided cuddling from the sleepy man. Ryu thought it was cute how (Y/n) always clung to him when he was sleepy. He was a little sad when (Y/n) fully awoke, and let him go, but it was for the best.
“Oh, Ryu-san. I'm tutoring the rumored ‘perfect woman’, and it's gonna be awkward with just the two of us, so can y—”
“You headin to the library? I was on my way there anyway. I'll join ya.”
The (h/c) haired man nodded, and they both walked all the way to the other side of the schoolyard to the library building. Tanaka even held (Y/n)'s hand to flex on the girls they passed by. Some of the girls were noticeably annoyed or a little angry, which pleased him.
When they finally arrived, Misaki was standing by the door. Upon seeing Ryu, she scowled. But it was only for a second.
“Ah, (L/n)-kun..who's this?”
(Y/n) smiled, oblivious to Misaki and Tanaka glaring at each other. Needless to say, the intense atmosphere went right over his head. “This is my boyfriend..Tanaka. He'll be joining us if that's okay.”
“‘Perfect woman’ my ass..the only ‘perfect woman’ I know is Kiyoko-san.” Tanaka mumbled under his breath. (Y/n) may not have known, but Misaki and Tanaka were always competitive with each other. Other times he wouldn't have cared, but now that (Y/n) is what he's fighting for, he wasn't gonna back down.
“Oh, it's fine.” Misaki said through gritted teeth.
Isayama and Tanaka were left sitting at a table alone, while (Y/n) searched for the science books. They sat in complete silence, but it was almost as if you could hear their thoughts—mentally arguing with one another.
(Y/n) returned with three books, seating himself between Isayama and Ryu. “Okay! Let's get started!”
As (Y/n) went on explaining the laws of physics (because Tetsurou used to tutor him), Misaki and Tanaka continued their epic staring battle. The battle ended once they noticed that (Y/n) had stopped talking. He was chewing his tongue in thought, trying to figure out how to pronounce a word.
Misaki didn't notice, but (Y/n) had gone from physics, to microbiology. In less than five minutes.
“Something wrong?”
“How do you say this word again..?” The (e/c) eyed man pointed to a bolded word in the textbook, leaning back a bit so the other two could see.
A suffocating silence reigned over the three of them, but only for about three seconds.
Isayama squinted a bit before she spoke. “Endothelial?”
“Oh yeah. Thanks, senpai.”
Isayama smiled smugly at Ryuunosuke. The said man had a visible tick mark (💢) on the side of his head, symbolizing his annoyance. Tanaka only wanted (Y/n) to call him ‘senpai’—even if they were the same age (if not, then (Y/n) might be older). It made him feel like he was a dependable upperclassman, maybe even a bit turned on in certain situations. But hearing (Y/n) call someone else senpai..made him a little sad.
His thoughts were interrupted by his phone vibrating. As Tanaka reached into his pocket to get his phone, he caught (Y/n) putting his own phone in his jacket pocket. Tanaka turned on his phone to see a message from (Y/n) in his recent notifications.
Pretty boy💖: Go to the bathroom. I'll join you later.
Although he was a bit confused, he got up from his chair. “‘M gonna go take a leak.” Ryu said as he started to make his way towards the men's restroom.
Almost five minutes pass before (Y/n) goes into the bathroom after Tanaka, telling Misaki that he was checking on him. As soon as (Y/n) had passed the first bathroom stall, he was yanked into the second one, the door locking almost immediately after it shut behind him. He wasn't given any time to react before he felt a familiar pair of soft lips violently smash against his own. (Not violent enough to make his mouth bleed or anything. Chill.)
A heated battle for dominance arose between the two, (Y/n) quickly taking the lead as he gently bit Ryu's lip.
They didn't want this to end, but eventually Tanaka had to break the kiss because he couldn't breathe. He stood there, breathless in his boyfriend's arms, not wanting (Y/n) to let go.
“Ryuunosuke..” Tanaka flinched upon his first name being said—even though (Y/n) said it many times before. His reaction brought a smile to (Y/n)'s face. “I love you~..” He said, drawing out the three words in a sing-song voice.
Ryu felt his legs getting weak, and held onto (Y/n) for dear life. (Somewhat out of fear that he might fall.) He wasn't actually feeling like this because of three words...right? “Babe..am I supposed to be kinda horny right now?” It was a bit of a strange question, but hey, it never hurts to ask.
(Y/n) chuckled. “Well, yeah. I might have to carry you out of here once we're done.” His warm smile from earlier didn't falter as he spoke.
‘How can he say something like that so casually? If I say something like that, I'd get d–’ Ryu's thoughts were snapped away when he felt his chest touch the stall divider and his pants being pulled down. He let out a soft moan as (Y/n) stroked him through his boxers.
‘What the hell is taking them so long?!’ Isayama got up from where she sat, and went to the men's bathroom. There wasn't anyone around, so no one would see her going in. She opened the first stall's door. ‘If they ditched me, I swear to go–’
“W-Wait, (Y/n)!~ Haa!~♡”
“Geez senpai, you're so wet inside~..♡”
Misaki froze. She couldn't be sure that it was (Y/n) and Tanaka in there—but those were definitely Tanaka's pants hanging over the second stall's door. Now she felt more..curious than angry. Isayama slipped into the first stall, carefully and quietly closing the door behind her, and slowly locking it so it didn't make noise.
Ryu tried to keep his breathing steady as (Y/n) fucked him with his fingers—even though that did absolutely nothing to help his current situation. Hell, he couldn't even process words anymore. The only actual word he could say was his boyfriend's name. He eventually remembered how to speak after about two minutes of being finger-fucked.
He wanted to sound more demanding, but his voice came out more whiny than what he'd have liked it to. “Fuck me already..ya fuckin– Hng!~” It may have been that he couldn't process it, or that (Y/n) had moved at the speed of sound, but Tanaka wasn't able to register how fast (Y/n) pulled his fingers out, and shoved his cock into his still tight hole. He wanted to say something, but all that came out was a choked whine.
“You were saying?~♡” (Y/n) asked, though it sounded more like a demand than a question.
Tanaka wasn't given a chance to answer due to (Y/n) ruthlessly fucking the poor man senseless. His loud whines and moans echoed throughout the bathroom, much to (Y/n)'s pleasure. He wanted everyone to know that he was a taken man. He wanted everyone on campus to hear Ryuunosuke's pleasurable cries.
Hearing the two men fucking in the next stall turned Isayama on to no end. (Even though it was more of (Y/n)'s voice that made her wet.) But she resisted touching herself because she wouldn't be able to forgive herself if she masturbated to her rival getting fucked. (A kinda stupid reason, but okay.)
“Fu–fuck, (Y/n)!~ So good..it feels so good!~” Ryu babbled, the words almost incoherent as he attempted to push back against his boyfriend's cock. “More!~ Give me more!~♡” He begged, voice broken and choking on his own breath.
The (e/c) eyed man didn't say a word. As his senpai had politely asked of him, (Y/n) drove his cock so deep into Tanaka that the said man let out the loudest drawn out moan (Y/n) had ever heard from him. If it weren't for the cum spewing from the teary eyed man, (Y/n) would've thought he had hurt his lover. He wasn't entirely sure until he felt Ryu continue to push back against him, desperate for more friction.
“Aww..you're so cute when you act like a bitch in heat, senpai~..♡”
He only got a choked whine in response.
“I'm pretty close anyway..do you want it inside?~♡” (Y/n) asked, pulling the shaky man up to his chest. Again, only a whine. (Y/n) parted Ryu's lips with his fingers, those fingers soon being coated in saliva. “Use your words~..”
Finally, Tanaka spoke, despite his unintentional dry heaving. “Fuck me- please~..”
“As you wish~♡” (Y/n) almost whispered, gripping Tanaka's cock firmly, earning another broken moan from the said man. “You're the only person I'd fuck like this, you know that, right?” He said, as he rubbed the shorter man's stomach.
“Y-Yeah..that makes me happy~..”
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Lmao this was like- 80% highschool drama (in a college setting), and the remaining 20% being me getting horny for no reason. Also, I'm aware this made no sense. None of the stuff I write makes sense. :)
The class session is now over!~♡
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gingerbreadmonsters · 2 years
silver buckles on his knee
or: the best part of going out is coming home to you.
happy birthday, todoroki shouto! gn!reader, no content warnings. ginger’s particular brand of celestial-inspired, faintly-religious yearning. title refers to the english nursery rhyme “bobby shafto’s gone to sea”, in which the singer describes their sailor love, who they’re waiting for to come home. first person to spot the ahs quote gets a prize! reader is ex-class-1A, although whether or not they’re a hero is up to you. todoroki falling through the stars in 1400 words or less.
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1:46 a.m. is never a good time for your work phone to ring, as todoroki shouto will happily tell you.
unfortunately, that’s exactly what it had been doing, which had resulted in several seconds of glaring daggers at the too-bright screen, until he’d remembered that it was, y’know, his job to answer the damned thing and hurriedly pressed accept call.
“pro-hero shouto, break-in at the HPSC analysis office four blocks east and one block north of your location.”
yeah, that sounds like something he should probably go and deal with - within a few seconds he’s racing through the city, heart racing and quirk flaring to life. the high street blurs around him, sleeping in the bright moonlight, but he’s got other things on his mind.
“cameras suggest two intruders, quirks unknown. their likely escape vehicle, a white van without a numberplate, is parked outside. there may be additional hostiles inside the vehicle. pro-hero shouto, please secure the van and ensure that all threats are neutralised. pro-heroes suneater and mudman are currently inside the building, engaging the intruders. you will be notified if they require assistance.”
(actually, he’s mostly thinking “why did i bother becoming the number-three hero in japan if they’re still giving me night shifts” and “my patrol is supposed to finish at 2, could they not have waited for 14 more minutes so that it could be someone else’s problem”, but he knows better than to admit that out loud.)
compared to his usual assignments, it’s not a particularly difficult job, thank goodness. there’s only two people in the van - some sort of weedy, hacker-type accomplice in the back of the van, and a gum-chewing getaway driver, more interested in his phone than the exasperated pro-hero staring at him from the passenger-side window.
luckily, both of them had the good sense to come quietly and let him arrest them without too much of a struggle, although that was probably less to do with their own amiable disposition towards the law, and more to do with the handful of fire that was sitting in shouto’s palm. funnily enough, that always seems to do the trick.
it’s all a bit cloudy after that - there hadn’t really been anything else for him to do other than wait for the police officers to turn up. tamaki-senpai and honenuki-san are both excellent at what they do, and had marched the would-be thieves (one of them still half-merged inside a desk) out of the front doors just as shouto had finished snapping handcuffs onto the hacker.
normally, the next part would be filling out incident reports for several excruciating hours - bless his heart, honenuki had taken one look at shouto, staring up at the moon and yawning discreetly into his shoulder, and offered to take the paperwork for this one. he’d been pretty good-natured about it, considering that he’d have to explain why one of the thieves was currently sharing a leg with a table, telling him to “take it easy, alright? agency schedule says you’ve got tomorrow off - go and get some sleep, shouto-san, you need it!”
the journey home isn’t long, but it’s enough to have shouto sighing and dragging his feet as he walks up to the front door. the january chill is always bad in the early morning, and it has him shivering slightly while he’s searching for his keys. it takes a few stabs to get the key properly in the lock, but before long he’s toeing his shoes off in the hall and trudging sleepily towards the bathroom.
he makes some sort of garbled reply through a mouthful of toothpaste, which seems to work as a pair of arms sneak around his waist, playing idly with the hem of his pyjama shirt (nearly new, a christmas present from mina, who had sworn that she had no idea why it was bright pink and had the words ”maboroki-kun, yo!” printed across the front, which had resulted in bakugou choking on his drink and kaminari dumping most of his on poor sero’s head as he tried - and failed - to give bakugou the heimlich manoeuvre).
(it’s actually quite a flattering shirt - trust mina’s impeccable fashion sense to be able to choose the best worst t-shirt in existence.)
“did i wake you up?”
he hadn’t, you’d been watching that cooking show on netflix again while you were waiting for him.
“you w- oh, love, you know you don’t have to wait for me when i have night patrols-”
you disagree. you’d much rather make sure he gets home safely, and be able to spend just a bit more time awake with him, that be all lonely in bed for hours.
he knows exactly what you mean, seeing as he’s the same when you’re out at night and the bed is cold. sitting restlessly on the sofa, pacing around the kitchen while he waits for the stove to heat up, drumming his fingers on his desk - he’s so used to you that it’s all a bit empty when you’re not there, it’s not quite home until your shoes are next to his in the genkan and your music is playing in the kitchen.
neither of you are quite sure when it started, this feeling, this warmth of each other’s company. it must have been at U.A., after they’d put you all in dorms - you still don’t know how it started, but the pair of you had started spending more and more of your spare time together, until you were practically joined at the hip. 
saturdays were your special days, and you two would always end up staying in your room until the late afternoon, so much so that if anybody needed todoroki, they’d probably think to check your room first. 
in your third year, you were even spending friday nights together - nothing untoward ever happened (especially considering a… memorable conversation with the ever-faithful class president iida, who shouto knows took great pride in being re-elected in both second and third year), but you both got very good at sharing a single bed. sometimes you’d switch to shouto’s futon, but he’d always told you that he preferred being in your room, even if there was a bit less mattress space.
nothing’s changed since then, and he knows for sure that he’s the luckiest man alive to have the privilege of sharing your space, your life, your love. you still give him two kisses every morning before work (one for each side), you still refuse to let him make you coffee (even if he swears it won’t be as bad as the first - and last - time), you still sleep with your arms around his waist and his chin on your head.
he’ll protest if anyone asks him, he’ll say “it’s bad for your health to upset your sleep schedule like that”, but it secretly makes his heart flutter when he sees that you’ve waited for him. you always do, no matter how much he insists that you don’t have to. he hopes (or maybe he knows, deep in his bones) that you’ll be here forever, in the warm light of your bedroom, in the light warmth of his heart, that he’ll be coming home to you again and again, until the end of time, until the sun falls from the sky and the heavens burn in conflagration.
and it’s true, he’ll tell any scientist, any astronomer - time stops, when he comes home to you. the earth stops turning, the universe stands still when you hold him in your arms and smile that smile and say “how was your day, hmmm?”. you pull him in, trapped in your inescapable gravity, and shouto is forever your prisoner, tumbling blissfully into your atmosphere, bursting into flame as he’s falling faster, faster, faster.
he’s not really sure how to describe it. he’s just… comfortable, when he’s with you. happy. 
yes, it’s simple, but that’s the only way he can describe the way you make him feel - so overwhelmingly, incredibly, heart-stoppingly, happy to have you. to look up and see the constellation of your smile in his sky, to be nestled so snugly in your orbit, to be able to spend every day in the sunshine of you. todoroki shouto is an astronaut, sailing through the stars, floating in the quiet emptiness of space, and always coming home to you.
this is an original work by @gingerbreadmonsters - please do not repost or misattribute
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rrasado · 3 years
Hello Rras-san, if you have a free time, can you please do a TW headcannon request. Please do a headcannon of the dorm leaders meeting GN! MC’s mother, who is similar to Lady Dimitrescu, with the towering height and glowing eyes. I’m curious about what’s their reaction. Thank you and stay safe.
Meet the Mother
I’m also praying for them at this point dkdndj ive only ever seen Lady Dimitrescue in like clips and tiktoks but I know fully well she’d slice me in half.
When they meet your mom
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As someone who also has an intimidating mother, he’d likely be less as shaken as the other dorm leaders dkdn. He really has to look up just to meet her gaze and when he does well..he wasn’t sure what the safest option should be
It’s more on how he meets her in my opinion, if it was planned and on purpose then a little mental pep talk would save him BUT, once he comes face to face with her. Boy would he feel tiny. Like an ant or a door mouse I suppose
“I-it’s a pleasure to meet you madam”
Would momentarily forget how to speak given the sudden chill Riddle would feel once his simple gaze locks with glowing orbs but hey he’ll get used to it djdjd
Knowing how much moms can be scary, he’d makes sure to watch what he says with Mc’s mother regardless. Even if she does offer a cup of tea to the redhead.
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Leona can easily go both ways but both routes end up with him just- immediately straightening up his posture because hand to god his already tall stature isn’t enough to measure up with MC’s mother.
Oddly enough, the initial fear and intimidation becomes subtly respect and admiration. Unlike in his home where beast women were revered for their strength. Your mom was normal in biology yet..has twice the effect
“Your mom...?. Nice to meet you I guess..”
Don’t take his reluctancy to answer as hesitance, as a beast one should survey their situation, he’s just testing the water and how much exactly he can dip. More so when his senses all seek to hyphen when your mother looks at him with that killing gaze of hers.
Suffice it to say Leona is the second to take it calmly, you’ll know who’s the first later on dkdn. Tho it would explain to him why you yourself have little to no fear in this school.
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Azul, is on the caught off guard side, more specifically- he thought and normal height was exclusive to fae and merfolk so hoW TF- please excuse his sudden faltering he needs time to process.
His first instinct is well, treat her like how he treats the tweels...if the tweels were women and stand at an astonishing 9ft height-
“My my it’s quite the prestige to meet you Madam~”
Behind that cover up of an introduction is an irked octo who feels like a guppy and would rather sink in his octopot. He’ll do what he does best and make do with the situation, perhaps he can use this opportunity to his advantage who knows..
What he does know is that, fear and bigger people aren’t only from the depths. Literally.
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Kalim Kalim tut tut tut our dear sunshine please calm down- he likely has a habit of, always meeting someone in eye contact, but the one time he regrets this is when he meets gazes with your mom.
When he looked it felt like he was pulled out or something? He’d never admit it but it was like when he was staring at Jamil during his overblot. Except in this case it’s well...normal. And not of danger?
“Nice to meet you! Would you like anything?”
He’ll use his hospitality to make up for whatever initial slip up he’s made so far. There’s something about your mother that makes him wanna..be decent to at the very least. He has good Intuition when the situation calls for it and this was one of those times.
By the end of the day he’ll compliment your mother for the powerful aura she gives off. To which it’s met with an all knowing smile.
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Vil, we all know he’s an actor, someone who’s been in the entertainment industry for so long. Which by extension means he’s seen his fair share of extreme things.
But a behemoth woman wasn’t one of them, especially one without effects nor magic nor special blood whatsoever- no no darling he isn’t scared maybe shaken but he uses his skills to put on the charm and try deflecting your mother’s naturally intimidating aura with a charismatic smile.
“It’s quite the honor to meet your presence Miss.”
A dash of charm here and there and you got the two getting along nicely, Vil even using his vast knowledge of beauty cosmetics and ways to intricately form viable compliments to your mother to which she finds amusing.
But when your mother leaves you’ll Shiite literally see him stopping to catch a breathe, it seems keeping up charisma also takes toll on the star. He’ll admit..now he knows here your beauty comes from. But that’s what he hears from rook anyways..
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Idia for some reason I’d feel like. He is fuming on the spot not out of fear but more on admiration cause, as common as tall people are in his family assuming his height is from genes. It’s rare to find tall people in the norm.
She really does remind him of a lot of characters from franchises he follows. But his anxiety knows better than to start rambling about the comparison to your ever glowering mother
“H-hi- great seven I c-can’t-“
You’ll have to ease him of his nerves, he really doesn’t know how to handle the feeling because he really is torn between that anxiety and admiration. Better idea to also bring Ortho along if he does meet your mother.
He is tall as well but he still needs to look up and try not to collapse from the glowing gaze and ever amused smirk on your mom’s face. It feels like he’s being looked down on which he literally is but he also doesn’t wanna just run away out of fear of disrespecting her.
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Ahhh yes, the unbothered one, well to be specific the “curious” one. MC are you sure you are not part fae or your family having history of one? How peculiar...
In short malleus is the best person to introduce your mother with given how normal he treats her to which your mother finds nice for a change of pace, yes she may still have to look down a bit to meet his gaze but honestly I think malleus has the capacity to make himself taller if it’ll make your mother more comfortable.
“I presume this is much better for us Miss”
A true gentleman through and through. The only reason he isn’t as fazed as the others is because of how much he’s already seen through his lifetime. But still that is not to say your mother is a norm oh no no no far from it in his book.
After all that gaze of hers wasn’t something normal even for him. Perhaps the nice chat you’ll all share will clear things up? Maybe so.
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