minty-mumbles · 1 year
Whumptober Day 5: Debris
A/N: This is alternate POV of day 3, which you can find here.
TW: Blood and injury (Mostly non graphic)
(Read on AO3)
Sky hadn’t felt any satisfaction when he had disposed of the moblin that had thrown a bomb barrel at Wind. He’d done it as quickly as possible and had turned away before the beast even hit the ground. He knew it was dead. He was more than confident in his own skills. 
Part of him wanted to stay, to make the monster’s death as slow and as painful as possible. He wanted to stay and make the beast suffer for the pain it had inflicted on one of Sky’s brothers, but one of his brothers was hurt, and Wind’s well-being would always take priority over taking revenge on his behalf.  
He hurried toward where Wind had been thrown by the force of the blast. The battle was already mostly over- the only ones still occupied by fighting was Legend and Hyrule, who were working together to bring down a silver moblin- so Wind was already being swarmed by the rest of the heroes.
No one looked too panicked, which let a bit of tension ease from Sky’s shoulders. As he approached the group, he slowed, not trying to push his way to the front of the huddle. He remained on the outskirts and far enough away that he was unable to see the details of what happened to the boy.
And he would prefer it to stay that way.
Sky had never had the strongest stomach in regards to injuries. In battle, he was able to ignore the gore and blood for the sake of keeping himself and his friends alive. Once the fight was over and the adrenaline wore off, though, Sky had never dealt well with seeing the aftermath of battle. It wasn’t so bad when it was his own injuries and he had to focus on healing himself. But when it was someone else- his friends, his allies, his brothers- he hated seeing the blood spill from their body.
Sky thanked Hylia every day that Warriors and Hyrule had joined their group. The captain was skilled in field medicine, and when Warriors was out of his depth Hyrule was able to take over with his magic. Every hero in the group owed their lives to the pair of them, several times over. 
The two skilled healers among their number meant Sky rarely had to deal with any injuries, at least not on his own. Usually, like now, he was able to hover in the back of the group, where he wouldn't have to see his friends' injuries. 
Warriors was speaking. ‘We need to get all the debris out before we try to heal him,” he announced grimly, though somewhat unnecessarily. 
All the heroes knew that drinking a healing potion, using a fairy, or even just dressing the wound before it was ocean was a bad idea. Letting an injury heal around debris in the wound meant that you would eventually have to go back in and reopen the wound to get it out. 
Warriors turned to look at Wild, who was standing in front of Sky and fiddling with his slate. “Wild, could you get a fire going and boil some water? Quickly, so I can sterilize the tools I’ll need.”
“Even better,” the Champion replied. “Riverside stable is only a fifteen-minute walk from here. Do you think he can be moved?”
“‘He’ can hear you, you know,” Wind complained loudly from where Twilight was propping him up. Despite the bleeding and the bits of wood sticking out of his back- Sky grimaces and looks away again- the sailor seemed to be doing alright. He was awake and talking, which were both good signs.
Warriors ignored Wind, mentally running through the pros and cons of going to the stable versus taking care of the injuries where they were. “It’ll be a more sterile environment there compared to the middle of a moblin camp, and they’ll have more supplies,” he eventually decided.
Wind didn’t protest as Time helped him get situated onto Twilight’s back. The boy’s grip was weak, but Twilight was able to keep him from slipping off. The group moved off at a quick pace. They couldn’t run without causing Wind unnecessary pain, but they kept up a quick pace.
Ten minutes later, the stable came into view. Wild took off at a sprint, quickly pulling away from the group. He was likely running ahead to inform the stable workers of the incoming group, and get supplies ready. 
(Sky spared a second to feel envy for the Champion’s ability to sprint that fast for so long, before brushing it off. He had bigger things to worry about.)
When the rest of the group arrived at the stable there was a flurry of activity. Warriors asking for supplies he would need, someone going to lay some blankets over a bed, Wild going to set some water to boil over the fire.
In short order, the group shuffled inside, and Wind was placed face down on the bed with little struggle. He was being too quiet, but he seemed to still be awake. He was left alone as the proper supplies were brought and the tweezers Warriors would be using were sterilized. 
Eventually, everything was ready. Extra towels, a bucket of water, a bowl for the debris to be placed in after it was cleaned out of Wind’s, and a wicked-looking pair of tweezers held in Warriors’ steady hands. 
Sky felt a swooping sensation in his stomach just looking at the tool. He didn’t want to imagine what it would feel like to have them digging into your flesh. Sympathy for Wind made his stomach twist.
Time, who was standing at the head of the bed, looked up, stern gaze sweeping over the group of heroes huddled nearby. “Why don’t the rest of you wait outside? Twilight, you stay,” he instructed. There was a general murmur of discontent at the words, but the group slowly peeled away, heading for the exit of the tent.
Sky took one last look at Wind, and decided that sounded like an excellent idea. He wanted to be there for his friend, yes, but he couldn't do anything to help Wind right now. 
As he stepped out of the tent, Sky discovered that though he could no longer see Wind and his injuries, that didn’t mean he was safe from hearing the noises that came from inside the tent. “Alright. Try to relax, Wind,” he could hear Warriors say.
Wind did not relax. Sky knew this because he could hear the yells coming from inside, and the swearing that followed. Warriors shouted something about pinning Wind down. Sky flinched. 
So that was why Time had told Twilight to stay in the tent when he’d sent everyone else away. Two people to hold Wind down, one person to pick shrapnel out of WInd’s back. 
Sky’s stomach rolled, and he hurried to sit down at the fire.
Wind’s thready voice- still so young, too young-  let out a series of high-pitched shrieks, and Sky wanted to get up and keep walking until he couldn’t hear the screams anymore. Some small, horrible part of him was grateful that Wind was yelling so loudly. It meant he was drowning out the terrible wet noises that Warriors was no doubt making as he dug around in Wind’s back with the tweezers.
Trying to take his mind off the screams, Sky looked around to see what everyone else was doing. 
Four was sitting next to him in front of the fire. The Four Sword was balanced on his lap and a polishing cloth was clenched in his hand, but he made no move to clean his sword. He was simply staring at the blade with a heavy frown on his face. 
Wild wasn’t sitting. He seemed to be filled with frantic energy, pacing around the fire. There was already something cooking in the communal pot that filled the area with a pleasant scent. a  pot of water was also placed over the flames, in case those inside needed more water.
Sky didn’t know where Legend and Hyrule had gotten off to, but found he didn’t care much at the moment. Most of his brain power was being taken up by focusing on the cries from inside.
Part of him wanted to be in there. Wind was hurting. He was in pain and Sky wanted to do anything he could to help, but Warriors didn’t need to be crowded. Time and Twilight surrounding the bed to hold Wind down was bad enough. Any more people hovering would only distract Warriors and probably distress Wind more.
Deciding to follow Four’s lead, Sky drew the Master Sword, and pulled his own cleaning supplies from his pouch. There was some moblin blood on his blade he needed to clean off. Anything would be better than sitting there listening to the Wind’s screams.
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naffeclipse · 2 years
I remember you answered an ask about how bounty hunter!eclipse would react/think about his mob boss self and his brothers so I was wondering how’d he react to seeing all the damage his other self did to the vigilante? Especially if he sees them when they’re injuries are still fresh
Oh, dear. That depends on how in control BH!Eclipse is of himself at the moment. If not at all, then uh oh, bad night for Y/N (like it couldn't get any worst but it does). If he's wrestling with himself to stay restrained and collected, the vigilante would get carried off by Eclipse to his brothers who can handle the bloody situation better.
BH!Eclipse would loath that anyone laid their hands on Y/N, regardless if it's some other version of him. He also hates that someone made Y/N bleed like that, the scarlet so pretty on their cheek, and has to remind himself that they're in pain and need aid.
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whumpberry-cookie · 2 years
could we please have some emeto prompts where caretaker comforts whumpee? its the hot trendy prompt, everyone is doing it!! jump on the trend pal! -🎤🎩 Dapper Mic Anon
Ohhh, like the emetophobia!
For a moment I was wondering "...who on Earth is Emeto?"
Emeto comfort prompts!
But kinda ANGST at the same time. I'm sorry, apparently every comfort prompt I try to write turns out to be angsty. But I tried my best.
(Cw: Sickfic around vomiting. So bodily fluids. Also attemted murder, poison, internal injuires, revenge, forced medicine, morally gray caretaker)
Whumpee suddenly vomits, and doesn't even have time to grab any bag, so they stain the sheets. And is soo... soo ashamed that Caretaker sees them like that. But instead of disgust or irritation, Caretaker is so relieved and happy. Because that means Whumpee's body is fighting with the sickness and they will get better soon.
Caretaker treats sick Whumpee. (kind of field medicine doctor?) As soon as they enter the room they decide it needs to be aired, because the smell of puke must be unbereable for the patient. But there's deadly cold outside and all patient beds are already occupied. So Caretaker gently picks Whumpee up and carries them in their arms. Maybe Whumpee vomits with blood and stains Caretaker's apron red. Caretaker lies Whumpee down in Caretaker's own room. (W:) "I'm sorry..." (C:) "It happens. That's what the apron is for after all"
A beggar Whumpee is endlessly grateful for getting a whole loaf of bread from some generous stranger. Until their stomach starts horribly hurting. While they vomit, their gullet burns like fire. And then they see there's blood and pieces of sharp glass in the fluid. Other starnger find them like that, takes them inside their house and treats the internal wounds as well as they can. "How did the first stranger look like? Describe them to me," asks stranger Caretaker. Whumpee does. Caretaker silently leaves the house and comes back some hours later. When asked where they were, Caretaker replies with a mysterious smile, "I just fed someone with their own recipe"
Whumpee got poisoned, so Caretake has to force the vomiting-provoking medicine into them. It's heartbreaking to see Whumpee so pale, wet from the tears, saliva and sweat. So exhausted. They can't even sleep. They vomit the whole night. Caretaker just sits there and holds the bucket for them, sometimes pushes Whumpee's hair from their forehead. (W:) "Please, make it stop already" (C:) "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, Whumpee, but I can't until you clean your stomach" Whumpee cries in helplessness. Caretaker hugs them tight. "It will be over soon. I promise"
(C:) "Whumpee. I work as a tanatopraktor for almost five years. Do you really think the pukes are the worst thing I had all over me?" (W:) "....Will you tell me what was the worst?" (C:) "Will you puke again if I tell you?" (W:) "...Probably" (C:) "Then I'll leave it to your imagination"
Thank you so much for the ask, Dapper Mic Anon!
I had no idea that's the trend now! Thank you for letting me know! Maybe I should make research in community more often...?
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ltwilliammowett · 2 years
Mind over Matter
Lord Horatio Nelson has been voted England's greatest hero, the man who led he nation to her most glorious victories at sea. Yet this revered figure suffered so much throughout his life from disease and injury that he brings special meaning to the phrase " mind over matter". He was wounded more times than any other Royal Navy Admiral during the Napoleonic Wars. Ironically, Copenhagen, the hardest fought of all his battles, was the only one in which he was not hurt.
As a teenager serving in India, young Horatio contracted the first of many fevers that caused his hair to turn prematurely grey before he was 25. A theory that has long been circulated among historians. And even Colin White described the so-called shock head that Nelson was supposed to have suffered after the amputation of his arm, i.e. later than the otherwise assumed 25, which changed the colour of his hair. However, strands of hair have shown that they were not grey but dark blonde. Therefore, it is more likely that his real hair colour was always dark blonde, but he powdered it grey or white according to fashion.
In July 1794, during the siege of Calvi in Corsica, he was severely wounded for the first time and as a result he lost the sight in his right eye because of a subsequent detachment of the retina. During the Battle of St. Vincent in 1797, he suffered internal trauma, and abdominal pain plagued him greatly in later years.
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Vice- Admiral Lord Horatio Nelson with his scars, completed by Italian artist Leonardo Guzzardi in 1799 (x)
At Tenerife, in the Canary Islands, on the night of 24 July that same year he was leading a desperate assault ashore when he was struck in the upper right arm by a musket ball. A tourniquet fashioned by his stepson saved his life. It is typical of Nelson that he refused to go back aboard his own ship HMS Seahorse in case he alarmed Betsy Fremantle, the wife of the captain, who was at sea with her husband at the time. Instead he was rowed to HMS Theseus, where his right arm was amputated.
At the Battle of the Nile Nelson sustained a wound to his forehead which cut right to the bone; flesh fell over his good eye, temporarily blinding him. Finally at Trafalgar a ball from an enemy french musket struck the epaulette on his left shoulder and penetrated through his lung to the spine - where some of the gold braid from his epaulette was found to be still adhering to it. Nelson was carried below the orlop deck in great pain; he died at 4.30 p.m., after stoically enduring for another two hours 45 minutes.
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ohanahoku-ao3 · 11 months
Whumptober Day 15
@whumptober This one is for all the Billy Hargrove fans out there. <3
Teen & Up - Gen - Stranger Things
Leave the Door Open, Then Slam It Shut
     Billy groaned as he sat down on the edge of the tub, one hand tight across his stomach and the other gripping the sink tightly. Neil had really done a number on him this time. His sides were covered in bruises, and his ribs were aching. A few were probably cracked. He needed to wrap them up, but he couldn’t quite move. Every shift made his teeth grind together, pained breaths escaping him as he hugged tighter to his stomach as though it would help. It didn’t.
     When he finally managed to gather himself, he grabbed the first aid kit from under the sink, frowning at how low his supplies had gotten. He’d have to get more before the next time Neil lost his temper. He grabbed the roll of bandages and froze suddenly at a loud gasp. Billy looked over to find Max in the doorway, and he inhaled sharply, having forgotten in his haste to sit down that Max would be home soon. He hadn’t closed the door.
     “Billy, wha-”
     “Get out.” He snapped, looking away. “Go away, Maxine.”
     “What happened?” She asked though they both knew the answer. This was simply the first time Max had seen it so bad.
     “I messed up. Now get out of here.” Billy snarled, unrolling the tape and cursing as his hands shook, fumbling with the bandages and nearly dropping them.
     He closed his eyes, hating the pity and concern creeping into her voice. It was easier when she hated him. “I’m fine.” He bit out, looking back at her.
     “You don’t look fine.” She argued, and at least the frustration took away some of the pity in her voice. “Let me help.” She came forward, a frown on her face, and he flinched.
     They both froze, and Billy looked away, embarrassed. For just a second, he’d just seen her coming at him with that damned bat. It was stupid, but sometimes his brain just hated him, conjuring such memories at the worst times.
     “I don't need you to help me. I can handle things myself.” He told her, gritting his teeth when she hesitated to listen. “Just leave, Max!” He shouted angrily, turning to glare at her. For a second, he thought she wouldn’t, but she did, slamming the door shut as she left.
     Billy closed his eyes once she was gone, tears trailing down his cheeks. His hands shook around the roll of bandages, but it was better this way. It was easier when she hated him. It was. But it was lonely, too.
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cryptid-on-a-string · 2 years
My dad just told me about how a friend of his friend is the guy who invented aromatherapy, and apparently he was a huge fucking jerk all the time. Idk how much of this is even true but that’s what he told me
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sunnycanwrite · 1 year
I've been watching a lot of TV late. And I get it, good wheelchairs cost a lot. So yeah, they put actors in standard wheelchair. Like a spinal injury needs a certain chair! It just makes me want to punch so someone.
But guess what studios, and casting directors? Instead of placing those abled bodies actors in rental chairs, they hire disabled actors! Or just hire them in general! Because we actually understand the experience, we fucking live it! Day to day. And you might be wondering why are you angry? Cause I have the right to be.
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maverickcalf · 2 years
Jerry Maguire should have been less about romance and more about the destruction of professional sports.
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alexbkrieger13 · 6 months
I find it interesting, that Magda still has pain, when she not kicks the ball properly. But on the other hand not surprising. The injury was 3 month ago and when we look how long she limped.
Oh yea foot injuries especially if youve injured the same spot in the past you can still be in pain afterwards even if your technically healed.
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suchananewsblog · 2 years
Holi 2023: Amitabh Bachchan Reveals Jalsa Holika Was Lit A Day Early Due To "Date Confusion"
A film still from Silsila A Holi oopsie took place in the Bachchan household – the ‘Holika’ bonfire was lit a day early at the family bungalow Jalsa, Amitabh Bachchan revealed in his blog on Tumbler. “The ‘holika’ was lit last night at Jalsa, there being a date confusion on the day for Holi. It is now done. Holi being celebrated today and tomorrow – so in this confusion much of what could have…
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Listen. You can say WHATEVER you want about Mikio. You can say that he sucks, you can say that it was him who turned Mizu in, you can say that he deserved what he got at the end. But you CANNOT say that he was worse than Mizu’s mom. There is NO WAY you can think that, if so consider yourself an opp.
Because lets be completely honest, if Mikio just flat out dies and Mizu becomes an onion or whatever, that wouldn’t make sense for her narrative and character. It makes sense that him betraying her caused her to go insane. Mikio has a purpose. Mama? Nuh uh. She is there to make Mizus life MISRABLE. SHE IS THE BABY ON THE AIRPLANE. All she does is belittle, Manipulate, and Gaslight Mizu.
Oh! And you want to know why Mizu is even married in the first place?? BECAUSE MIKIO HAS MONEY. ENOUGH MONEY TO BUY THAT STUPID FUCKING GAS STATION WEED.
Remember when Mizu’s house burnt down when she was a kid? She thought that her mother died in that fire. She made a grave and VOWED that she would get revenge. But no actually she’s alive, and mizu is injured. When Mizu asks about it she just...takes a hit of that ’medicine’ and changes the subject. This is PROBABLY IMPLYING THAT SHE FAKED HER DEATH.
Why though? What does this do? This just makes her an obsicle in Mizu’s life. Does she not want Mizu? But even if she wasn’t injuired why would she take her in? Ohhh because the money ran out. Ah I see. But still what does this do narratively?
Do you see what I mean? She’s just there to be a dick and make Mizu’s life harder. She should bite the curb.
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giddygoofz · 3 months
Hello! Doctor here, may I have a look at Peter? Heard he got injured, and I know JUST how to treat injuires
hey...ur that evil scary doctor!
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marymary-diva17 · 6 months
My son my boy (3)
lo'ak and mom reader + sully family and others
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Family is everything to you, and when you became a mother, you made a silent vow to never be one of those parents who favored one kid over the others. You have seen the side effects of favoritism in families and how having some kids as golden children will later destroy or weaken relationships. It seems like your spouse had refused to see what they were doing, which resulted in the relationship they have today.
y/n "Let me check on lo'ak and see how he doing, and maybe I can make him a good morning breakfast as well" You had walked into the room to check on lo'ak.
lo'ak " hey mom"
y/n "Hey honey, how long have you been up did you get some sleep"
lo'ak "Yes mama I got some sleep no need to worry I just woke up because I could no longer sleep anymore"
y/n "Are you in any pain tell me on a scale of 1-10"
lo'ak "Five, maybe my legs and arms arch so much"
y/n "Here I have some here that can help you with that" you had found some ointment that could help lo'ak with his pain.
y/n " here put this on your body and it will help but not that much"
lo'ak " yes ma'am"
y/n "Good once we run some tests, we can get you something to eat"
lo'ak " super ... ummm mama"
y/n "Yes my love"
lo'ak " If i want to go outside, can I or no"
y/n "Well maybe let's get a second opinion from Norm and Max, and if they say yes you can, but you will have to take it easy"
lo'ak "Yes ma'am" you had caught lo'ak looking at some of his injuires that had been caused to him, it was just like yesterday.
y/n " what the matter my love"
lo'ak " some of these scars will never fade on me will they"
y/n " sadly no they will heal but will stay on your body as mark"
lo'ak " do you think tsireya will love me for looking like this, hey it be running joke lo'ak the biggest freak on pandora come see him ... the shameful son of Jake sully" lo'ak had started breaking down in tears you soon ran to him and hugged him.
y/n " that girl is already in love with you I think she will love you, even if you different shade of blue or not even blue my son ..... you are my son just because you share DNA with Jake doesn't make him a father at the moment"
lo'ak " thanks mom"
y/n " you welcome" lo'ak had put the ointment on his body, max and norm had came to see him.
max " hey kid it good you are up and active"
y/n " I been keeping him buys for a while as we waited for you two to come"
lo'ak : mom let me toss around these balls and play with this blocks, it very fun to do"
norm " it good she doing that now we are going to run more test today"
lo'ak " understood I asked mom if I can go out today"
max " well it will be for you to get some fun and fresh air verse the windows here"
lo'ak " so that a yes"
y/n " yes"
lo'ak " sweet come on let run these test and I can have breakfast" the three adults had laughed at the situation some test had been ran, and lo'ak had been approved for having some time outside.
y/n " here some breakfast "
lo'ak " sweet wait why did you make so much it four people here ..."
tuk " good morning"
y/n " that why I made more your siblings and spider"
spider " hey bro we came to see you"
lo'ak " hey guys just in time mama got done making breakfast"
kiri " yes can we have some"
y/n " yes I always feed my children"
neteyam " hey you are looking good baby brother"
lo'ak " ......" neteyam seem to understand and soon went to hug his brother, so did tuk as well.
neteyam " well we are here for you and we won't leave you alone"
tuk " I love group hugs they make everything better"
kiri " tsireya and her brothers will join us later ronal wouldn't, let them come with us"
lo'ak " thanks"
lo'ak " oh yes I have some good news I have been approved to, spend some time outside"
kiri " that amazing it will be good to get out and maybe we can find, some ways to help you feel better"
y/n " that will be a good idea"
lo'ak " yes I will love that" The kids had smiled as they soon had ate breakfast with you, along with norm and max. They kids even helped clear off the table and clean up the dishes. They soon left the tent you had become worried about lo'ak and the kids.
norm " they will be okay"
y/n " I want to agree with you norm but things will never be the same, and we both know that is true" norm had places a confronting hand on your shoulders.
With the children
neteyam " hey lo'ak if you don't want them to see you scars and injuries, I can go grab my shall at home for you to wear"
lo'ak " no I'm good neteyam"
neteyam " okay"
???? " good morning" the sully kids and spider had looked up to see tsireya and her brothers standing there.
tsireya " lo'ak you should be resting it not good for you to be out here like this"
lo'ak " don't worry reya I'm good my mom approved of me to come outside, and get some fresh air and sun"
spider " she did but we are all making sure he stay safe"
aonung " wow dude those are some bad looking scars they are very cool... ahhh"
rotxo " really work on your approach on stuff"
aonubg " hey I was being nice right now"
lo'ak " it okay"
rotxo " okay so what did your mom tell you"
lo'ak " she said it will take a couple days for everything to feel better, but some of these scars will fade away as the other are permit on my body" all three teens had become quiet when they heard those words come out from lo'ak mouth.
aonung " wow that serious"
lo'ak " I'm going to learn to live with it and hey I can be similar to payakan a bit now"
tsireya " well I'm happy you found a brightside to this situation lo'ak"
tuk " hey let go play in the water ... wait can you go into the water"
lo'ak " yeah my bandages will be good in the water grandma and mom used some stuff, so I can go into the water but will need to reply later on"
tuk " then come on let lets go" the kids were walking towards the beach now they reached the village. the other kids had walked ahead all expect lo'ak as they soon came across, navi who were outside going on with their day.
navi man " that Jake sully youngest boy he awake"
navi man 2 " yes that him wow he was in the human tent for while"
navi man 3 " look what happened to him that night"
navi women " he has all those injuries and scars"
navi women 2 " they look horrible he lucky enough to be alive"
navi women 3 " I heard his mother had lash out at Jake the other night"
navi women 4 " that poor boy" lo'ak just rolled his eyes and kept on walking with the group, they soon reached the beach and they had started having a good time.
???? " lo'ak" the group had stopped having a fun they heard Jake voice, they all soon looked back to see Jake standing there with tonowari and tsu'tey.
lo'ak " time to face them" lo'ak had soon made his way towards them, getting out of the water but once he was out of the water Jake had placed his hands on lo'ak shoulder.
Jake " I'm happy you are here I'm came here right away to see you"
lo'ak " hello"
tsu'tey " it good to see you my nephew you had us all worried back there"
lo'ak " it good to be out in the open again"
tonowari " young man we are happy to see you are out with your group"
lo'ak " oh yes mama I had deiced it will be for me to get out, as I need more fresh air and sun"
Jake " how are you feel my boy"
lo'ak " well a couple nights I felt horrible you know showing up after all that happened, but looking at myself I still have a long way to go"
tonowari " we can help in anyways possible"
????? " lo'ak" neytiri had came rushing over as ronal and mo'at followed behind her. She soon reach lo'ak and was looking over her she looked sad.
neytiri " my son"
lo'ak " hey mom"
neteyam " hello everyone we had decided to bring lo'ak out for some fun"
mo'at " my grandson I so happy to see you"
lo'ak " I'm happy to see you as well grandmother"
ronal " lo'ak"
lo'ak " ronal"
neytiri " how have you been doing do you and your mom have enough food over there, I cam bring some over for you two"
kiri " they are good mom they have enough food and water over there"
tuk " yes even mama made us breakfast and we ate it with uncle norm and max"
tsu'tey " norm was there"
spider " yes dad had stayed over there to help just in case something happened"
Jake " well I'm happy to hear that maybe I or your mother can stay over and help your mom this night"
kiri " I think you should ask mama first about that dad"
Jake " Son I wanted to say I'm sorry"
lo'ak " ......"
Jake " I didn't mean for what happened that day to end that way, I didn't know as task could ended up so horrible in the end for you... I didn't mean for any of this to happen to you"
tsu'tey " yes lo'ak we are sorry if we knew this will happen we would of never had this happen"
tonowari " yes"
neteyam " what do you mean by all your are saying"
Jake " that day lo'ak was supposed to learn some lesson on respect, and become one of the people he need to stop doing what he was doing for the safety of everyone"
spider " well how did that go"
lo'ak " spider bro it okay I need to say something to them"
spider " okay"
lo'ak " look in the meantime I will be stay with mama I think it will be for the best, she might of told you this last night but I rather stay with her more often then I was before ... I need time to think about everything that has happen from the past to now"
neytiri " think about what"
lo'ak " where my relationship will be like with you five in the future, and maybe with everyone else as well who has spoke bad about me and my mom ... I want to go around acting like everything is okay wen it not okay it might ever be okay"
Jake " lo'ak"
lo'ak " no sir it has to be like this I need to spend time to heal and adapt to my new life, and the surroundings as well"
lo'ak " along with spending time with my siblings, friends, and payakan"
mo'at " yes the boy will need this discover more about himself after the events that unfolded"
neytiri " if that what you wish we can make that happen but there most be some way we ..."
mo'at " there no way the great mother has deemed this the boy journey to adulthood, and become one of the people there nothing you or anyone olo'eythan and tshaik can do about it"
???? " what going on here" everyone soon looked and saw you are standing there, and you looked very serious as you walked towards the children
y/n " lo'ak and kids are you all okay"
the kids " yes"
y/n " good go bye all of you I will have some words with the adults"
neteyam " mama"
y/n " go it will be fine hey why don't you caught some fish for dinner tonight, I know of good recipe for fish"
lo'ak " okay come on guys and hey I need the arm practice" the kids soon walked away but not before looking back at the five adults, that have caused lo'ak all this pain.
Jake " y/n I'm ...."
y/n " Jake you can say sorry as many times you can but right now, you need to give lo'ak the space and time he needs he needs to heal psychical and mentally"
Jake " yes we understand and during that time we will be here for him"
y/n " good"
neytiri " ma y/n we really love you and lo'ak"
y/n " neytiri I really want to believe you and Jake when you say, that you love us but after what has happened in the past and now it hard to believe that love is true"
neytiri " ma y/n"
y/n " we will co parent the children and have a civil relationship, and just maybe there will be something for us in the future" neytiri wanted to cry but she felt like, she didn't have any rights to cry at the moment.
y/n " I have to go for now please don't force anything on the kids any of them, and if I heard you all have then we will have bigger problems and I don't care about rank"
tuk " hey mama can you come help me"
y/n " sure sweetie take heart to what has been said today" you soon turned around and went towards the kdis, the group had watched you laugh and having a good time with them.
mo'at " I ashamed of you all today you all lost the respect of love form out only one child but many of them, and the love a women had once had for you two ... I thought you all could be better but it seems like I was wrong"
neytiri " mother we didn't ..."
y/n " you meant enough my daughter many relationships are now destroyed with children and parents along with mates ... I hope you all can enjoy the out come of what has happened today" mo'at didn't say anything else as she soon walked away, the five adults had soon left to their responsibility for the day but nothing was good for them. That night you had dinner with the kids and norm it was easy to see, that many relationships were not going to be okay, after the events that had unfolded life will never be the same.
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whumpberry-cookie · 3 months
You know what I absolutely love?
The wide range of reactions the Leader can have towards Whumpee that got rescued from interrogation:
(Tw: implied euthanasia, torture, bad leader, victim blaming)
+ "You did well. I'm proud of you. Rest now."
+ "I'm sorry I failed to protect you/save you earlier. It should have not been you."
- "....who? Did they tell anything? Good."
+ *Covers them with their own coat* Take them to safety.
- "I don't care you didn't say anything. You didn't CONVINCE them you are innocent. They would keep going and eventually got everything out of you"
+ "It's okay, We've got you. Sorry for the delay. It took a while to find you, buddy. And a traffic, you know"
+/- "Are they serverly injuired? Do they have any living family? Then put them down. If they won't make it anyway, then don't waste medicine on a hopeless case. They suffered long enough"
- "A private? Why are you even bothering me with that? Question them how much they told. Take accurate safety measures. And inform me if there's anything significant".
+ "Don't explain yourself now. Preserve your energy. Most important we have you out of there"
+/- "We've practiced this. You've been trained to dismiss the accusations. I was expecting more than this from you."
The first and last ones are my personal favs. The admiration-reservation dynamics with leader is always so hearttouching! Because the simple "I'm proud" sounds like a biggest compliment in the world.
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barbucomedie · 2 months
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Officer's Uniform of the 79th Regiment of Foot (Cameron Highlanders) from the British Empire on display at the Highlander's Museum in Inverness, Scotland
This uniform belonged to Lieutenant William Riach of the 79th Highlanders and he wore it through the Peninsular War from 1811. He was part of the Light Company of he regiment as indicated by the bugle on the shoulder wings. In 1815 he was with the 1st Battalion of the regiment when, during the Hundred Days and Napoleon's return, they fought in the Battle of Quatre Bras. There they fought alongside Dutch forces to stop the French advance on Brussels.
This allowed the Allied Army time to prepare for the battle that would become the Battle of Waterloo two days later. They suffered heavy losses at Quatre Bras including Lieutenant Riach died of his injuires from French artillery.
Photographs taken by myself 2024
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asmoteeth · 7 months
Sharing this gofundme in here because Tiktok absolutely SUCKS with things like this
Full story under cut but you can read it in the petition biography, along with photography proof of this gofundme veracity
I am Hasan Alaloul, I'm reaching out to you on behalf of My Family currently in Gaza, which suffered and still suffering since the previous war on 2021, when the Israelians attacked our house for the first time and killed my father Dr Mooein Al-Aloul الله يرحمه , and my mother and my little sister were seriously injuired as they were in the same room with my father. At this point my mother and sister were totally homeless and we spend the last two years in treatment my mother and sister, and rebuild our house. We finished rebuild the house just six months before the genocide 2023 started, and again our beloved house attacked for the second time; bombed again and completly destroyed in this war.
Between 2021 and 2023, my mother stayed with my brother and his family at his house, stand it between treatment and rebuilding the house. And my sister travel to Turkey for treatment and while there she started studying master degree as she believed that personal growth was the best way to move forward.
Aya -my little sister- suffers from severe burn injuries in her face and hands, and she was supposed to continue her treatment in Turkey and to graduate in February with a master degree in International Business but her dreams has shattered and now she is fighting just to survive another day with my mother and the rest of my family, they have escaped bombings on several occasions, and were displaced five times; it’s a miracle they are still alive until now!!
On April 2023, before the start of the genocide, we had finished rebuild our house and my mother stayed only six months at the house!! Then she came to visit me and my family, and thats when I saw her for the first time after 6 years, and my sister was very excited to see the house after completing it’s rebuild so they returned to Gaza on Septemper; just two weeks before the genocide started, she want to stay with my mother for few weeks in Gaza and they were planning to travel together to Turkey in December 2023 so that my sister could finish her last master semester.
But the Genocide started and turned this story to ashes, this war turned reality, future, dreams and hopes into ashes. Turned life into a Tent.
We survived the first time but this war literally destroyed everything and left my whole family grappling with profound challenges. The recent wave of destruction has left my mother, little sister, my brother and his family and my two other sisters and thier families homeless, live in a tent, without any possessions, without basic necessities to live including (water, food, clothing, bedding and medicine) and without any hope.
I'm in a situation having all those people on my responsibilty and I can't stand lose one of them after we already lost our father due to this conflict. My immediate goal to evacuate my family to a safe place away from the ongoing war.
The funds will be used for travel through the Rafah border crossing to Egypt and essential needs such as temporary housing, food, medical care and basic necessities for my family until we can establish a more stable situation where we can begin the process of rebuilding our shattered lives again.
Every donation, will make a significant difference in helping my family rebuild their lives regardless of it's size and provide the basic necessities for my family as devastation has left them in a precarious situation.
It makes me sad to have to ask for this and ask for help but I really don't know what to do. So I thought I'd try this Gofundme since I was running out of options and I am the sole breadwinner for the family now. I know this request seems impossible but I truly believe in miracles and God always with us and can make possible that which seems impossible. Your support during this profoundly challenging time will offer us hope amid despair.
My heartfelt thanks to you for taking the time to read this and share it! Please reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kindness.
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