#ink being a little gremlin
pokegalla · 2 years
Low key got lazy in writing and I feel extremely guilty. So to make up, I made an x reader with our favorite artist skellie. Slight NSFW warning? (It’s called a life painting where the artist paints natural things….including naked people or in this case, naked skellie….) Enjoy!
“IIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNKKKKKKKK,” Error shouted, his voice echoing throughout the void. Ink ran as FAST as he could, managing to reach his home in the Doodlesphere.
He wiped the sweat beads off his skull, “Phew! Now THAT was a close call….”
“Messing with Error again, Ink?,” A tired voice called out to him.
Ink giggled as he turned to them with a big goofy smile, “Sorry (Y/n). But you should have seen his face! Toooootally worth it.”
I shook my head but laughed, “You’re such a little gremlin sometimes….”
“HEY,” Ink shouted sticking his rainbow tongue out.
I just laughed even louder seeing the troublesome artist acting so ridiculously childish. Ink had let me stay in the Doodlesphere after I was going through some tough times. I wanted to be an artist online but didn’t have what it took. I lost so much money trying to follow my dreams….but it caught up to me. I lost my home….my inspiration….until Ink found me and took me in. Sure he was silly and a little too careless for a hero but he did save my life….
I groaned, “Ink….why are you covered foam?”
Ink scratched the back of his skull, “Oh! Right….it was part of the prank! I….got caught in the crossfire….” He chuckled nervously as I glared at him.
“Ugh…now I have to clean up all this mess. Just go to the bathroom and wash up before you track anymore of this around the house!” I demanded.
He saluted at me, “Will do!”
I sighed as he left and gathered some cleaning supplies. Yeah he’s my savior….but he can sometimes be a pain in the ass. He’s lucky he’s cute….I blushed and shook that thought. Damn Ink has been plaguing my mind recently. I mean he is….undeniably adorable. But there’s no way he could like me. Hell I’m still surprised that he’s let me stay with him for so long. I fear that one day he’ll kick me out once he realizes that….I continue cleaning and tried to ignore the negative thoughts for now. After I finished, I put everything away and went to grab some clothes for Ink.
“Ok. Time to gather some clothes for him. He probably forgot again….,” I opened the door to his room.
When I was about to walk in, I yelped in surprise. Ink was there….bare boned and in all it’s glory. But even with my initial embarrassment….I was in awe by his tattoo like markings across his bones. They were so….BEAUTIFUL! A familiar spark suddenly struck me like lightning. I walked in and gripped his shoulders.
“Woah! H-Hey where’s the fire,” Ink asked slightly embarrassed, “Uh I’m not exactly dressed-“
“Can you help me….draw something,” I asked, cutting him off. Ink’s eye lights shifted from question marks to stars.
“R-Really?! You really wanna draw?! That’s….AMAZING! What’s inspired you? What do you need help with? I’ll be here to support you,” Ink said excitedly, “Now tell me what do you wanna-BLEEEEEECH”
Luckily I have an emergency bucket for whenever Ink gets too excited….started that when I got tired of cleaning ink of my clothes.
“I appreciate your….enthusiasm. All I really need is a pencil, paper, and….,” I sat him down in a chair, “You. I want to draw you. The markings on your bones are mesmerizing and I just HAVE to get it on paper!”
Ink looked shocked and even a bit flustered, “Really? You want to draw me…?”
I nodded causing him to chuckle mischievously. He posed rather suggestively (well as much as he could in a chair….). “You gonna draw me like one of your French girls~?” He teased.
I threw a pillow at him, “Don’t start.”
“Ok ok! No more joking around, I promise. I’m just glad you’ve finally found something to spark your creativity! And I’m glad to help out….sometimes artists need help in their works and need support. And I’m always ready to help fellow artists,” He sat more comfortably and made sure his markings were in my line of view, “Remember….art can be wonderful no matter what. You just have to put your heart into it!”
My….heart? I stared at him as I prepped my paper and got comfortable myself. My eyes scanned every nook and cranny, my pencil gliding across the paper as well. I was drawing the person who helped me at my lowest point, the guy who’s taken me in, the guardian of other universes and….the guy who’s stolen my heart. All my love poured into the paper as I sketched away every curve, dip, and things I loved about him. Ink on the other hand was secretly squirming under my focused gaze. He just doesn’t get it….he has no soul, no real emotions.
Then why….does he feel such strong emotions with this person? He didn’t feel it when they first met, he just wanted to help a fellow artist. But over time, he’s began to get these strange emotions and they were getting stronger the more time passed. He asked Dream once about the feelings and he said it had to be love. But….how? It baffled him to the point his head hurt. The feelings were kind of annoying….but the times I laughed, scolded him, or talked to him, it felt….nice. So it’s not all too bad. But he wondered if he should make a move one day. But he didn’t want to ruin what we had now! His head’s starting to hurt again….
“And….Done!” I exclaimed.
He snapped out of his thoughts, “Oh? Lemme see!” I held the paper close to me, hesitant to show him.
But with a sigh I passed it to him, “Ok ok….here. It’s alright I guess. But you be the judge.” He took the paper with a small thanks and looked at the final product.
He….was speechless. Which really freaked me out. Since when does Ink suddenly goes mute?! Was it really that bad? Did I offend him?
“Ink….did I mess up,” I managed to squeak out.
“Mess up?! This is AMAZING (Y/n)!!! I just can’t believe how amazing you are,” He exclaimed suddenly. His words made my whole face warm up.
“Huh? O-Oh….I’m glad you liked it….,” I said shyly. I was taken aback when I felt his hands cup my cheeks.
“Are you alright? Your face is turning red….,” He asked squishing my face, “Heh. Your face is smushy.” I rolled my eyes as he made my lips pucker up like a fish. That’s when I noticed a small rainbow blush appear across his face.
“I wonder….,” He muttered quietly.
My brows knitted together in confusion, “Wonder what-?”
My eyes widen when he pressed his teeth against my lips. My heart and eyes fluttered as the kiss deepen, my arms finding it’s way around his neck as his fingers combed through my hair. We broke the kiss, much to my disappointment but I needed to breath.
“Yep. I was right…..your lips are just as amazing as you are~,” He said with hearts in his eyes.
I blushed hard, “Ink….I….I really love you….”
He smiled widely, “I love you too Mon chef-d'œuvre~”
“Yeah….and uh….you’re still naked,” I said now realizing how awkward our position was.
He finally noticed too, “OH! Riiiiiight. I forgot heh….I-I’ll go get dressed now!” He was to leave the room.
“Clothes Ink….this is your room, don’t forget your clothes,” I said.
He chuckled, “Ah how did I get so lucky to have you by my side? Dealing with my forgetfulness and my pranks….”
I smiled, “I should be asking how I managed to get so lucky to have a cute and supportive hero as my boyfriend.”
That made his ENTIRE skull glow with his rainbow blush. He got his clothes and ran out. Did I….actually fluster him? I pumped a fist in the air in victory. Still….does that mean we’re now….dating? I squealed into my hands out of excitement and embarrassment for now processing all that just happened.
Ink at the other side of the door was also doing the same thing.
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justporo · 8 months
You might (probably not) have seen a post from me today saying I was feeling empty and exhausted. I deleted that because I figured nobody would wanna see me cry on main all the time, so yeah... I feel better now though, don't worry.
Still I had very self-indulgent thoughts today, that I will share because three cheers for turning bad energy into positive stuff:
Headcanons for Astarion comforting his partner
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Oh gods, you're almost already crying: your lips are already wobbling and your eyes are dangerously wet. What's a vampire gonna do about it?
Astarion is really lost about what to do, but he knows for sure: he really doesn't want you to cry or feel sad
"What's wrong, love? Did I do something wrong?"
He's definitely worrying and overthinking about if he's the reason behind your tears
The rock dropping from his undead heart when you eagerly shake your head though
So he awkwardly drags you into a hug and strokes your back while you just let tears flow
He holds you as long as you need to, just being there and willing that you'll feel better soon
"Do you want to talk about it, my heart? Maybe putting it into words will help you send it away."
Astarion will get better about this the more he learns about his partner and he's eager to be prepared the next time this happens: for example, learning what kind of hot beverage you love, to prepare it (specially with something fancy to make it even better and he calls it "à l'Astarion" with a wink and it makes you giggle with it already)
Astarion will absolutely try and make you feel better by cracking absolutely stupid jokes: "You know, I really didn't think water elves did exist. But you're the living proof aren't you, my sweet sad darling?" (The jokes are terrible... but that's why they cracked you up so much)
He'll also really listen to what you tell him helps and he'll try his best to make you happy again as soon as possible
Sometimes that entails just letting it all go while he simply holds you, humming a lullaby and swaying you in his arms
He nuzzles his face in your hair, the top of your head
Also lots of loving kisses of course
Sometimes he just talks and talks until you peacefully drift into dreams in his arms and he'll smile at you, seeing how your face has become relaxed again and wrap you in a blanket on the sofa or carry you to bed carefully
And after a good cathartic cry: "Feel better now, love? Then let me run you a bath - and join you if you want..."
Then sometime he'll have it figured out and just needs a bit of input to figure out what will help: "No no, my sweet, you will not just sit here and spiral! Do you want to go for a walk?" You shake your head. "Smash some old mugs and curse all the Gods?" More head-shaking. "Want me to grab ink and paper and write down an action plan with you?" Still head shaking. "Alright, darling, you're making this a hard nut to crack. How about I make you some fresh tea, wrap you in some blanket and read you a Drizzt story?" You eagerly nod your head and wrap your arms around the suddenly flustered vampire, also maybe rubbing your snotty nose on his shirt a little. Entirely on accident of course. "Ugh, and you're also getting some tissues, you nasty little gremlin."
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legendofzoodles · 9 months
Who I think signed their name in this LU Chapter
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Here buddy, lemme help you out (hopefully I got these right). From top to bottom:
Figured he'd go first. They probably all went together to sign their names once the dust settled. His handwriting looks elegant, you can tell he used to practice a lot.
Could also be Warriors, Wild or Hyrule. Hear me out, the writing is big and not in the lines, but the pen strokes are really refined and pretty. Legend has been glued to Twi's side since he woke up, likely he rushed to sign his name and ran back up to finish the conversation they were having. Probably about fishing.
Could also be Wind, but the pen strokes look a little more refined, what you'd expect from a professional blacksmith. Maybe he had to write notes with the swords he made explaining their quirks, what materials he used etc. Also didn't he go to school?
Could also be Legend, Wild or Hyrule. But come on, guys look at how small that print is, indistinguishable from that inked by a typewriter. Captain's got his neat report font down to a science.
Could also be Four, but the pen strokes are bold, like he was pressing too hard, not familiar with the type of pen they had. He also wrote all over the lines, like the gremlin he is.
Could also be Legend, Warriors or Wild. I was torn between this being either Hyrule or Wild- question is who'd have the neater handwriting? I felt like Hyrule would, on a day to day basis, not be writing as much as Wild and probably has never had a reason to be neat in his life. So long as it can be read it's fiine.
Has...surprisingly unneat handwriting for a schoolboy- the pen strokes are pretty but he didn't stay in the lines at all! Maybe he just really wanted to go to bed.
Could also be Legend, Warriors or Hyrule. The pen strokes are refined- muscle memory from when he maybe wrote reports as a knight- and it would be in the lines had Sky not hogged too much space.
I know Wild probably brought up the book for him to sign in the comfort of his bed but holy hell that is neat! Seriously, he barely escaped death, give him a whole page! Boy is clearly ambidextrous, no way he did that with the arm that almost got gnawed off by a shapeshifting lizard. Maybe he sharpened his calligraphy while in the Resistance?
Thanks for reading! Any of these could be swapped around, and I probably got some wrong but I just did what worked best with my headcanons.
9th place in the LU character design ranking
Character analysis posts:
Hero of the Sky, Hero of Time, Hero of Twilight, Hero of the Wild, Hero of Warriors
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fairy-verse · 4 months
What if Cross and Ink were mates?
A difficult feat but Cross never backs down from a challenge, especially when it’s a challenge he didn’t sign up for and is continuously being thrust into because Ink seems to never want to leave him alone. Strong himbo meets feral gremlin and Ink is all too happy with his blunt language making Cross purple-faced and stuttering like a fool. It is not the healthiest relationship as Ink never stays around for long and can periodically disappear for weeks at a time, but he always showers his sweet knight with deep kisses that leave Cross breathless, and he ensures his knight’s heart is thoroughly sweltering with affection and thrumming with love before he must depart once again. Cross misses Ink whenever he’s not around but Ink had properly explained what being his mate would be like and he understands… he understands… yet it doesn’t stop the longing and lonely nights from gnawing at his soul as he yearns and aches to hold his small mate against him, trailing his hand across those brilliant wings that never fails to mesmerize him.
Cross wishes a fool’s wish to always have his mate around, to never find himself grief-stricken with loneliness, and to always, oh always—
“Oh, Ink,” Cross seems to breathe for the first time in two weeks and he envelops his mate in a desperate embrace, unsure if he’d ever be able to let him go again. “You’re back.”
Ink holds around Cross’ broad chest with his much smaller arms and smiles as he’s welcomed back with love that he can never truly have enough of. He’s choked from the way Cross’ body practically radiates with relief and thundering fondness, and he almost feels bad for leaving him alone for so long, yet Cross knows fully well that Ink needs to be on the move and to cause mischief and live in the world he was born into and explore all that he can… But feeling the way those strong arms hold him so tightly, Ink concludes that he’ll stay a little longer this time.
“Of course, Cross. I’ll always come back to you, you know that, right?”
“H—yeah,” oh, the way Cross pushed it out through a strained throat speaks of his vulnerability at that moment, and Ink chooses to instead encircle his arms around a strong neck to capture his knight’s mouth with his own, successfully stealing his breath once more, only to quickly give it back to speak against his lips.
“Don’t weep, my devoted knight, you must leave the tears for the spring rain, or else the flowers won’t grow.”
A breathless chuckle and a smile, and Ink grins as he kisses his knight again, feeling happy that Cross’ mood is steadily growing lighter and warmer by the second.
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abibliophobiaa · 1 year
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Talking in Your Sleep
- eddie munson x afab!reader; 80s summer slasher au.
(Coming 6/25/2023)
Preview below the cut… 🛶🏕️
The door opens and you really shouldn’t be surprised to see Eddie. Eddie’s standing there in a Metallica tank top, the sides cut for a larger hole, revealing the smattering of ink across his form. Heart clenching, you rise to your feet as Chrissy opens the door further and urges him into the open space, your arms circling his waist as he draws you flush against his chest. A hand rests on the nape of your neck, the other rubbing a slow circle between your shoulder blades.
Chrissy whistles a tune unfamiliar as she makes her way back to her bed, kicking her feet up on a pillow. Feeling your cheeks warm, you step back, mindful of your company. Circling your palm in his own, you drag him onto the front step of your cabin, taking in the glow of the moonlight up above. Wings of fireflies bat around you, their glowing bulbs flickering around the lamp hanging on the porch, a moonlit song only they know.
“I wanted to check up on you,” he says once the screen door is shut behind him, palm coming to rest on your cheek. “He’s an asshole. With that whole Henry Creel bullshit.”
“I’m okay,” you promise, leaning up to press your lips to his. “Don’t wanna talk about him.”
“Think Chrissy will let me stay tonight?” he murmurs, forehead pressing to yours. His nose slides down the bridge of yours, prods at your cheek until your lips twitch into a smile. His teeth flash with his grin at that. “There she is.”
“You're on duty,” you remind him, though the idea is tempting.
Summer before being Eddie’s girlfriend was one thing, your first summer as his girlfriend is another. Separation feels daunting. The craving to be near is stronger now than ever before.
“The little gremlins can survive one night with Steve.”
“Eddie…” He buries his face against your shoulder, swaying you left to right in his arms. “Thanks for coming. But I promise I’m fine. Plus, I think I actually made a new friend tonight.”
“You and Cunningham, hmm?”
“She’s…she’s actually really nice.”
“I’m glad.” His head shifts, lips pressing into your neck until you wriggle and writhe in his arms, earning a chuckle out of the man. “I’ll miss you. Maybe you’ll come visit me in my dreams.”
“You’re such a sap, Munson.” Nose wrinkling, you reach up to comb at the curls tickling your cheek. “Who knew?”
“There are exceptions to every rule.”
You grin, heart fluttering away in your chest as he takes a step back and makes his way down the stairs leading to your cabin. There are three words that bubble on your lips, three words you’ve never shared with anyone before. And it’s fitting they form for this man, this person.
But it’s not time. Not yet. So instead you lean your elbows onto the railing and blow him a kiss, snorting as he dramatically smacks it against his chest and falls backward into a heap on the forest floor below.
“Go, shoo,” you tease, giggling as he rolls over and pushes himself onto all fours, shaking out his hair.
“You wound me, sweetheart.”
Three words.
Not now.
“Goodnight, Ed.”
He grins. Waves.
Three beautiful words.
But you have all the time in the world anyway; there’s no rush.
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papple · 1 year
*slides in and bites lip* hayy....
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so irl stuff happened but we've been cooking up some stuff here and there and we figured you guys might wanna see them :D
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so we're gonna talk about the second dreamtale concept we have which is a variant of the swap!osd au by @calcium-cat,,,, and basically! nm has a harsher personality, but at the same time holds a much softer spot for dream. He fights back against his bullies and believes that dream is too kind and tells him so often using scathing comments, but dream understands that nm is just a little tsun tsun. Nm is also proud of all the knowledge he has cultivated and makes sure to rub it in peoples faces by delivering sick burns and insulting bullies left and right
For the apple incident, the apples blacken when nm and the villagers fight over the tree and he accidentally touches one of the fruits. Dream arrives in time to see the villagers dealing the fatal blow to nm as well as the tree
Desperate, dream feeds a black apple to nm hoping that it would still be able to heal him but instead intensifies nm's negativity. This later on will be the biggest factor behind dream's guilt
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Nm is still dying so his negativity powers him to continue consuming the apples but he keeps going and the power eventually corrupts him
Now nm wants to get revenge so dream takes the last golden apple (this one fell from the tree while the tree was being cut, before the negativity got to it) to have more of a fighting chance and to better protect the people against nm, but he still gets petrified like in canon (or maybe we'll just put him in a coma induced by the intense negativity... i dont really understand the logic behind him turning to stone so we might toss out that idea) (we're open to suggestions though!)
Nm's adrenaline powered mind sees dream's petrified/knocked out self and goes mad, going on a rampage and destroying the entire village.
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Of course, 500 years later, dream wakes up and joins ink's group. Ink actually asked sci to make something up that could weaken nightmare's gang but forgets about it, so the formula somehow ends up in dream's hands as the unofficial second in command. Dream, ever the guilt-ridden but hope-filled person, tests it out first on nm. Maybe, this could buy him just enough time to hold a civil conversation with him... imagine everyone's surprise when the lofty scholar-type king turns into a filthy mouthed baby gremlin
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superbfirnacho · 11 days
What is dreamtale Ivy's species?
What is her connection towards dream and star sanses?
What is her relationship with the other bad guys
.. how would she react to Bluu?
What are her magical capabilities
How did nightmare meet ivy?
What's the difference between canon nightmare, and ivymare nightmare?
Are her children canon to the main story
What is her favorite food?/ Drink?
.. Since it's pride month, is she a fruit bowl or is she able to drive a car straight..
What is her least favorite sans au?
Thoughts on Error, Ink, Or lust?
Has she ever met a monster kid before?
Does she have any toxic qualities?
Has she ever been to a zoo before? And if so what was her reaction to seeing the goats?
Opinion on Toriel?
Has she ever been outside of her AU and went to the omega timeline? If so opinions on core?
What was she like when she was little?
Have nightmare and ivy ever.. k.. k-kissed..?!
Finally, How does she think of me? Interview sans!
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*[A very short skeleton bugs you with millions of questions.]
I love these questions!! (Note this will be about Dreamtale ivy unless I say otherwise) 1. Ivy is herself an immortal being, her mother (the goddess of fertility and nature) combined the souls of monsters and humans along with the seed of a blessed willow. So ivy technically has monster and human inside of her.
2. Ivy was friends with Dream, though not as close as him then with nightmare, she think he’s a good person. She met ink and Swap and though ink was….an interesting person (she’s okay with him) and enjoyed being a lil ADHD gremlin with Swap.
3. She likes playing pranks on killer and they have a frenemies relationship. She doesn’t bother dust. And she occasionally asks horror to teach er how to cook things (she’s ass at cooking) they get along best. 4. She would think bluu is adorable and would want to ask them questions/ play with them if they’re a kid.
5. Ivy has the ability to control plants with her soul energy, it acts as sort of a puppet to control the plants. She can also heal herself and others with soul energy. She had a limited amount and if she run out of Soul energy there’s a risk of death and extreme vulnerability. Her magic gets stronger as she ages.
6. Nightmare met ivy when they were young kids, she found her way into the town he was at, heating of a bad omen on the top of the hill, she figured she would eliminate it (despite being like 7) and gain favour from the townsfolk. To her surprise to was a young skeleton her age and they started talking. Eventually growing to be close friends after she protected him from bullies.
7. Really the only difference between the canon nightmare and the one in this story is the fact he had ivy growing up, and that passive is this nightmare, they aren’t separate beings. I don’t want to make him super different then the canon.
8. They are! I may draw angst art/ what would happen if they got in a big fight but it’s all (mostly) non canon.
9. Nearly anything sweet, also cheese. It’s because when she was a kid (5 centuries ago) sweets were uncommon and only eaten by wealthy and rich people.
10. She’s Bisexual and Demisexual! Also she can drive for ass so no way.
11. She hates a lot of the Aus that have killed aus of her, for example Killer and Dust, they have killed their Ivys.
12. I already said inks so I’ll say error and lusts, she finds error annoying and he has canonically stolen her kids before. She thinks lust is chill and asks him for advice sometimes.
13. Dreamtale hasnt, original has. Og thinks they’re pretty cool and and funny.
14. Ivys only really “toxic” traits are that she lives in the past, has trouble excepting large changes, and sometimes struggles to keep secrets. She carries a lot of self hate and guilt.
15. She has been to a zoo before, tried to free all the animals. She would kind of laugh at the goats but doesn’t associate herself that much with them. She loves all animals except for parasites.
16. Og Ivy has met Tories and Tories is like another figure to her, If dreamtale met her she would be shocked because her mother, Ren, was very emotionally abusive. She would be frightened if Tories tried to keep her with her, though, because that’s what Ren did.
17. She has been outside of Dreamtale after meeting Nightmare again. She thinks core is silly and they get along.
18. She was (is still very) ADHD coded (one thing her mother hated about her) , very rambunctious, forgetful and all over the place. She loved to explore nature and catch animals. She loved playing pretend with nightmare. Ivy didn’t know how to read until nightmare taught her.
19. They have. He Immediately Stated it was a mistake however. She’s knows he feels something for her and she still cares about him.
20. “I like your outfit! You seem very nice! :3”
sorry for any typos.
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neverwalka1one · 4 months
10 Recommendations!
Tomorrow (2/15) is International Fanwords Day, so as part of the feedback fest, here's ten recs from my favorited list!
The Untamed. This is a Golden Core Reveal, not so much fix-it as fix the world around it so that everything doesn't go off the rails. It features Cunning Deception, Not So Cunning Deception, Wei Wuxian being gremlin, surprisingly cool LQR, and more Wangxian than Jiang Cheng is comfortable with. Also JGY has a migrane.
Like a House on Fire by KouriArashi. (oooh, I figured out how to do a thing) The Untamed. A modern-world AU non-cultivators rough 9-1-1 fusion fic. Everyone's a firefighter or a paramedic or a cop, Jiang Cheng gets a dog (and she is a Very Good Girl), Jin Zixuan discovers a new and shiny spine, Nie Mingjue just wants his people to be okay, and JGY gets an axe. It's mildly unhinged, it's excellent writing, I love it.
Imprints by Lisa_Telramor. The Untamed. A post-canon fic in which Wei Wuxian rescues a small innocent baby... whoops that's a dog. Except even if it is a dog, it is still small. And innocent. And helpless. And definitely will die if not helped. Featuring Wei Wuxian and his dog (!!!), poor mental health repair techniques, Yunmeng Bros reconciliation, and Jin Ling despairing over his uncles. This fic is so cute, I cannot even.
By Any Other Name by ShanaStoryteller. The Untamed. Wei Wuxian returns, but it's Not Right, and in a panic he retreats to Lotus Pier. Also known as that 'Wei Wuxian fucks with gender and then everything else' fic. Featuring Lan Zhan having deeply confused thoughts about his sexuality and loyalty to a dead man, Jin Ling gleefully calling Wei Wuxian 'aunt' at every opportunity, Wei Wuxian bitching about careless baby necromancers, a revision of Yi City, and Lan Xichen being So Confused All The Time.
Climbing Up That Coastal Shelf by Sour_Idealist. The Untamed. A post-canon fic in which Jin Ling realizes _no one_ is keeping an eye on Wei Wuxian. Then he learns what a self-sacrificing idiot his genius uncle is, and decides if no one else is going to claim this guy, he absolutely will because he needs all the help he can get. The Jin sect will never be the same. Featuring the return of Mianmian, So Many Family Feelings, Wei Wuxian scaring the Jin elders, poor communication skills amongst cultivators, and Jin Ling being possessive.
The Sword and the Shield by 29Pieces. Good Omens. A post S1 fic (written when there was only S1), in which Aziraphael is an absolute badass. Featuring the sort of angel where 'fear not' is the sort of reassurance one needs, and Aziraphael isn't saying that.
A Friend of Mine by CowGayKermit. Umbrella Academy. In which Klaus' buddies from Vietnam put 2 and 2 together and get 'that kid on the news is _our Klaus_ holy shit'. Featuring a ton of OCs that have been through shit and don't take kindly to anyone being mean to their brother. It's wild, I love it, I will take a million versions of this please.
Arc Tremors by MountainRose. The Avengers. An old-school post-movie fic where people move into Avengers Tower, this time because Tony failed to hide just how poorly he was doing after the Chitauri rolled through town. Featuring Giant Mutated Seafood, medical drama, everyone gets to be a little over-protective and tetchy (as a treat), and the bots being adorable. I love this era of Avengers fics, I will live here forever.
Shades of Grey Spill From My Veins (bleeding ink all over the page) by Reverie. The Untamed. One of my all-time favs, a What If WWX Grew Up In The Nie Sect fic. Seriously, this is one of my comfort fics, I love it so much, just read it.
Work Day by Saintlygames. The Watchmaker of Filigree Street. So much lovely fluff about two of my favorite boys and their daughter. Honestly, this is just the sweetest. Featuring Thaniel being too competent for his own good, Mori using his powers to spoil his husband, Six tolerating hugs as best she can, and did I mention the fluff? SO FLUFFY I COULD DIE.
There are so many more (for srs, there's at least four more Untamed I could put on here right now, without searching), but this is a good place to start!
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wishing-stones · 1 year
Hi friend! Ok so you mentioned in a recent Ask that Cross and Nightmare will rib each other a bit over their differences in Spanish
Do the other boys have specific things they play-argue with Nightmare about? Food, music, movies, etc
Oh absolutely. Play arguing is one of the many ways they show affection.
Killer ribs him about just about anything. Sometimes this gets him playfully batted with a tentacle, but in the end, he never teases the boss about anything serious. Usually, it's about anything that goes against his 'Iron-Fisted Regent over All That is Bad and Negative' persona that he likes to project. Sometimes nightmare indulges him in a little bit of a back-and-forth. Dust doesn't tease him a lot, but when he does, they're sharp and swift little barbs that initiate play arguments. Dust is the one that snarks about his antiquated ways more than the others, and has gotten after him for the quill-and-ink paperwork, some of the word choices he uses, some decorations ('a suit of armor? really, boss? it won't even fit any of us, why is it just gonna sit around and collect cobwebs? ...you know it's just us that live here, right?') They bicker lightly about these things. Axe gets after him for his terrible eating habits sometimes. He doesn't do it very often, but if he thinks that Nightmare is getting a little big for his britches where being High and Mighty is concerned, he'll remind his illustrious leader that he's seen him eating pickled carrots right out of the jar and smothering them in sriracha in the middle of the night like a gremlin. Nightmare will argue that Axe has eaten worse, and Axe usually comes back with something along the lines of 'yeah, but i had to. there's leftover pot roast in the fridge, coulda eaten that, but nah. pickled carrots and sriracha.' He will get after him for other garbage-tier food, too, but... has honestly tried a few and generally leaves Nightmare alone about the ones that are good. Cross is the one who play fights with him the least, only because he's very quick to take things personally or literally. Usually, if he's feeling petty, he'll very sarcastically treat Nightmare like Actual Royalty and go about his proper decorum. It's usually in response to Nightmare being a big, dramatic card. Sometimes Nightmare plays along, sometimes he stops being as dramatic. He's usually good to make sure that Cross knows he's not serious when he snipes back. Baggs will consistently play bicker with Nightmare. He makes wry comments all the time, and they have exactly no tooth to them. Nightmare will happily engage him in these little arguments. They're usually fast witticisms and quips exchanged with very little pause between them about even the slightest things. They're both very much the same in this regard-- they enjoy having little battles of wits and they're both really fast to deliver comebacks, and are generally good at recognizing if they're skirting a line too far. Nightmare will admit it was unworthy of him, and Baggs will lift his hands and step off.
If 'play fighting with your underlings' were a love language, it'd be Nightmare's.
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thepeanutbutterwizard · 11 months
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Death of destiny au Garmafam.
Misako, Garmadon, Skylor, Lloyd, and Unagami.
And a bit more info about the au!
So, the whole things actually starts right after the FSM imprisoned the Overlord on the Dark Island. He's realized that the two of them are equally matched, and even though FSM has managed to stop the Overlord for now, he would never be able to permanently stop him.
FSM travels to Cloud Kingdom, gifting the inhabitants the magic destiny-altering scrolls and quills and ink, and tasking them with finding a way to permanently end the Overlord.
From there, the Green Ninja Prophecy is written, and the scribes of Cloud Kingdom spend the next few millennia rewriting the lives of the citizens of Ninjago to try and fulfill the Prophecy.
Things go as cannon until Garmadon gets banished. Misako, instead of trying to just research the Prophecy and find a way to get around it, decides that the best way to save both Garm and Lloyd from the Prophecy is to take Lloyd and raise him to be evil with Garmadon.
The lead scribe (Fenwick? Was that that fuckers name?) doesn't think anything of this, writing off her efforts as too futile to even be a threat to their plan (cannon. The plan is everything that happens in cannon).
After all, what can a single mortal woman do against the power of Destiny?
A whole fuckin lot, actually.
Misako studies dark magic, takes control of the Stone Army, and breaks Garmadon out of the Underworld while Lloyd is still young, no older than a toddler.
The couple then turn their attention to conquering Ninjago, and raising Lloyd together.
Lloyd being raised by a demon warlord and a dark sorceress who absolutely adore him leads him to genuinely wanting to be just like them, and the Green Ninja proudly proclaiming that he wants to be evil, and actually meaning it, breaks the Prophecy.
And all the scrolls in Cloud Kingdom, freeing everyone in Ninjago from the grips of destiny.
Which leads to many characters forging different paths for themselves, like Skylor. She escaped from Chen's island when Clouse finally has enough and stages a mutiny, and gets caught trying to steal supplies from a camp of Garmadon soldiers. Garmisako realize that she's the Elemental Master of Amber (which is a Wild Element in my sort of expanded Ninjago lore), and decide to take her in.
They raise her like she's their own, and after some time passes Skylor comes to view them fully as her parents, and Lloyd as her little brother. As a teen, she is a brutal second-in-command to her parents.
Confession time, I still haven't fully seen S12 yet, but I know enough about Unagami to throw him in there too. He's found by or reaches out to the Garmadons, starts working with them, and quickly becomes friends with Lloyd.
The little drone thing is one of many that Unagami uses to interact with the physical world, haven't decided if/when he can start trapping people in the digital world, or what that would be used for.
Lloyd is a chaotic gremlin of the highest degree, fights with a mech, and also has a stinger hidden in that tuft on the end of his tail.
They're all Disney villains, and having an absolute blast menacing the entire continent of Ninjago together.
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pokegalla · 1 year
Requested by @tryslogic
Enjoy yah lil sinner >:3
Warning: A little spicy up ahead. You were warned
How Touchy Can They Be In Public With Slightly Large Chested S/o! (Pt 2 with different characters✨)
* He’s an adorable bean. Look at this boy. Would you really think he’s thinking lewd things?! ……lol well technically yes at least not at first. He just finds you beautiful in general and will be sure to compliment you! But he is an adult and not blind about his own curiosity…..
* You and him were just shopping together and you wanted to try some bras on. He didn’t mind tagging along but was a golden mess seeing all those bras. And when you asked him to help you take off a bra, his hands lingered on your chest before he pulls away suddenly, apologizing profusely for touching you in public-
* In private he is surprisingly teasing! Nothing too crazy because he doesn’t want you to be uncomfortable and doesn’t want to go too far without your permission! It would be rude after all! When he knows it’s ok, this guy will have the most delicate touch, making your heart flutter and mind fuzzy whether he’s just being romantic and appreciating your beauty or having you in the sheets~ definitely both sometimes~
* Don’t be fooled by that innocent look- you really think he won’t give you teases in public? Lol you’ve only fallen into a trap✨ “Wow that shirt looks stunning! I bet it would look even better on you starlight! …..especially when I take it off~” (lil shit says that last part very quietly-)
* You are just too adorable sometimes~✨
* Ah yes. Baby Blue✨. He’s a big sweetheart and loves to be with you. He always knows what to say and makes you giggle. Now him being lewd? Could he truly be?! Yes. Yes absolutely-
* He’s a big hugger and you know this. It’s adorable and you can’t find any reason to complain. Look at him! 🥹 But he’s also DEFINITELY taking advantage of it by giving you a mischievous look while nuzzling in your chest. And he wouldn’t mind taking you to somewhere private (maybe a closet or someplace that keeps you two hidden from view~) to tease you and fully enjoy your glorious chest~ (only if you’re comfortable though!)
* In private he’s pretty adorable, laying his head in your chest, arms wrapped around your waist. It’s cute when he jiggles your chest only to giggle and apologize for being silly. Oh. Oh but you can drive this man crazy if you spoil him with booba. Booba in face, pressed on his body, oh man and a titjob?! He’ll be a hot mess✨
* He usually does sweet or romantic (though very cheesy) pick up lines. But oh he can say a few dirty lines that could catch you off guard- especially that one time you wore a shirt with extra cleavage- “Those seem like very expensive clothes, too bad I’ll be ripping through them tonight~” Shit was so out of the blue (Heh pun). Don’t be surprised if that line ends up becoming a promise for later~
* He just loves you and you just drive him nuts~
* Honestly just look at him. This Smol Gremlin. With a big chested S/o. You best believe his true inner gremlin is gonna shine- your chest is now his fun bags-
* Now there are many things he could do in public. Drop pencils in your cleavage as an excuse to dig in and have a feel. Squirt gun to make your shirt cling onto your body (he did it ONCE for a joke and once he discovered this, he just carries around a squirt gun for this purpose-), or straight up take advantage of his shortness to stand right under your chest. Ah yes. Booba hat✨
* In private he’s always in your cleavage or under your booba. He can’t help it! It’s so soft🥹. If he wasn’t so busy, he’d be laying around all day with his skull nuzzled in your chest! And ah he loves to draw you in different outfits…..especially with lingerie~ and man he loves to paint on your chest during intimate moments. You just look so damn good….things get pretty messy after that~😏
* And oh he is such a fucking tease. Whether it’s from lil sneaky caresses and straight up poking your chest with a cheeky little smile. Or whispering romantic or sexy nothings into your ear~ then he’d just act like his goofy ol self like he didn’t say the most inappropriate thing- “C’mon! Stop getting your head in the clouds~!” Lil shit-
* He makes you wanna body slam him but you both know you still love him anyway✨
* Ohohohohoho this is quite literally the MOST notorious guy in this category. He’s flirty, bold, and will say the most outrageous things. He will not hesitate to say “nice tits” in front of his group-
* A damn menace who will leave you all excited in the worst times. You two would try to meet up somewhere and he sneaks up behind you to grab your chest- you’d want to go somewhere and you end up making out in an alleyway, leaving with a LOT of hickies around your neck and chest. And he gives no damns. He would straight up poke your chest. Not like with Ink (who usually pokes the side or the top) he pokes RIGHT where the nipple is while looking you straight in the eyes- bastard-
* In private he is WORST. You have no one protecting you from his onslaught now~ He will be taking your bras so you walk around the house with no bra. No bra = less restrictions~ he absolutely loves to play with your nipples whether it’s with his hands or mouth. And nothing gets him more excited than covering your tits with his special sauce~ but at least he’s rather adorable when cuddling. Like a little kitten❤️
* Oh lord his teasing is just as bad. He would whisper downright the most LEWDEST and DIRTIEST flirts right in your ear, making you all hot and bothered only to give you the smuggest smirk cause he KNOWS it’s getting to you. “I wish you could just sit here on my lap and shove those tits in my face….but we both know we can’t do it with all these people here. Unless you’re into that~” Evil-
* He’s a lil shit but your lil shit. Be sure to tease back-
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stargazeraldroth · 4 months
Okay I'm finally ready to add onto that idea I mentioned about Yandere!Multiverse x Ink. I can see it being both solely romantic or solely platonic, but I'm a messy gal so I'm gonna make it a mishmash of the two. Some characters are romantic yanderes, some are platonic yanderes, and then Dream's very weird in the sense that he doesn't know if he's in love with Ink or if he wants him as a parent (lowkey how I feel about some fictional characters; plus, considering Dream's had some ASS adults in his life, I don't think he really understands how he should determine that)
Anyway, let me start with some basic stuff. The simplest way this can all happen is that there's some kind of glitch in the code or something that's affecting people. This is one of my default go-to's whenever I need an explanation for stuff like this; when in doubt, glitch it out. It doesn't always work, but it's not a bad idea to use every now and then. You can only come up with so many logical explanations as to why everyone's being a yandere over the same exact person! I imagine Ink's "immune", for lack of better word, because he's got his special "I'm the Creators favorite boi" deal going on. And before any of you say Ink isn't the favorite, this is my blog, and on my blog I spoil the fuck out of this gremlin. He's my favorite and I must torment him accordingly.
Now, if you know anything about me, it's probably that I like Errorink. As in, I like Errorink... a lot. And that's an understatement. Errorink has become a staple of my AUs. So of COURSE Error's gonna be a romance-oriented yandere! I think he'd be on the more extreme side, too, but would manage to control himself around Ink. This can be interpreted both as him controlling his urges to murder others and keeping a lid on his feral yandere behavior. He's definitely the kind of yandere to stalk... I hope you don't mind being watched in your sleep, Ink.
I feel like I should probably elaborate on Dream, too, before getting too far. I'm realizing it could (probably) be taken the wrong way. Usually in my AUs, there's a moment in history where Dream DID have a crush on Ink (a very strong crush!), but later loses it and comes to view Ink as either just a very good friend or a parental figure. In this AU, I feel like this Yandere Plague would cause those lost feelings to come back up, which... confuses Dream greatly. He thought he was over his crush! But... oh... Ink does look kinda... maybe he does still like him in that way? Would it be awkward to feel that way? Ah, he doesn't know how he should feel about this!! He just has!!! Feelings!!!!
Nightmare would probably be more curious about this sudden interest in Ink than anything. I've always made him more of a research kind of guy (mad scientist characters my beloved), so he sees this as a new topic to investigate. He's sure Ink would be more willing to comply once things start getting out of hand... having Ink so close is just a nice bonus, Nightmare's really only interested in the data. Yeah, the data... that's definitely what he's focused on the most here... maybe he does understand Dream's little dilemma. Not that he'd ever admit it. Especially if Ink's nice to him. So what if he gets a little pissy whenever the Murder Trio's around Ink? It's not because he's getting attached or anything, but Ink is a guest at his castle, and he will not tolerate those three idiots making such a terrible impression!
But you wanna know who could be really interesting to consider?
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
Ask Prompt:
Hi Evie, may I have a blurb about Teacher!Reader's students being nosy little gremlins about her and Janitor!Eddie's love life. Thank you!
Ask Response:
it would take them a while to pick up on it, honestly, but I think one day they see them walking out from lunch, maybe even riding to school together and they’re floored. they’re so giggly in class, and one of the more mischievous kids ‘accidentally’ breaks the pencil sharpener so mr. munson has to come in and fix it.
you’re professional, polite when he comes in. telling your student to finish silent reading while you show eddie what you think is wrong with it. there’s a brief moment where you forget yourself, helping him and you’re both whispering back and forth.
“I think something got jammed in it. I tried to see but I didn’t have a light.”
“hmm, this is weird. it looks like the eraser? did they seriously try to sharpen the eraser? what genius did that-“
“ed, stop they’re fourth grade. they wouldn’t do that they know better.”
“well, babe, I’m looking right here and I’m telling you right now that is the bottom of the pencil. someone tried to sharpen it backwards.”
you hear gasps and giggles, cheeks heating when you turned around, shooting your students a stern glare. “let’s focus on our books please.” you eyed them, watching the way they shrunk behind their assigned readings. “you might want to finish your chapter like you’re supposed to before lunch. there might be a pop quiz on it after.” you raised a brow challenging and they scurried back to their books, frightened enough by your threat.
eddie blushed back at you, busying himself with the sharpener. “sorry.” she muttered quietly. “I-I forgot-“
“it’s alright.” you whispered back with a smile. “wasn’t anything bad.”
it wasn’t until a few days later, when you were teaching a lesson on the reading, charlotte’s web. “does anyone have any questions?” you asked, scanning the room.
the reluctant hand of one of your students went up, small smile on his face. you called on him. “do you have love for anyone?” he asked, muffled giggles flooding the classroom.
you grinned. “of course I do.” you shook your head. “for my family, friends. just like you do too.”
he paused, grinning, eyes cutting with his friends. “what about… mr. munson?”
the class erupted in frantic giggles, jumping and throwing excited questions and exclamations at you. you blushed deeply, standing to try and quiet them down.
“alright, that’s enough. settle down.” you pointed at them. they quieted, eager and awaiting your response.
you raised a brow, lips pressing together to contain your grin. “I love all my friends. you all are my friends, right?” they nodded eagerly. “and so is mr. harrington, and mrs. la rue, and even mr. munson. they’re all very close to me.” you said, trying to pivot the conversation away from your love life. you hoped the blush that came to your cheeks when you thought of eddie wasn’t noticeable.
it satisfied them for the rest of the day, giving you until monday for some relief. or so you thought.
you and eddie had went to the grocery, hand in hand down the aisles, picking out various items for his upcoming dnd night that you were helping him host. you insisted on them having plenty of snacks.
you heard a gasp from behind you, childlike and pure shock. “ms. l/n?” you turned, seeing one of your students. standing next to their parents, wide eyed and mouth dropped.
you smiled sweetly at her. “hi! it’s so good to see you!” you grinned excitedly.
her eyes flickered over to eddie. “are you here with mr. munson?” she asked. her parents laughed, pulling her toward their cart. you smiled, introducing yourself and chit chatting softly, but you felt your heart beat rise in dread. you knew this would be the talk of your classroom come monday.
“secrets out, huh?” eddie laughed, wrapping his inked arm around you.
you laughed. “we’re gonna be the talk of recess.” eddie laughed with you. “the fourth grade rumor mill is going to go crazy.”
ahhh omg thank you so much for finding these!!!
these were original blurbs from my old account! everyone say thank you to non rn!!
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fairy-verse · 7 months
Haven't been in Tumblr for awhile until a certain event came back and now I am also back to find a new AU.
I adore how they look truly wonderful (especially the Firstborns of Autumn and Winter - must admit it felt relaxing looking [at their refs]) and Cross.
That aside, I saw that ask allowing us to make OCs for this AU. Just wondering what are the rules if ever so? And a brief general info for the fairies in each season (is there a general personality per season? most common behaviors/hobbies/trades?)
A general rule would be that season fairies must usually be Sans types, though a little cheat to get through this is if they’re hybrids of another fairy type. xGaster, Cross’ father, for example, is a hybrid between a winter fairy and a monster fairy, so he looks quite different compared to season fairies in general.
Winter fairies are oftentimes (not always) a little softer than other season fairies, as they like to have a little pudge to keep warm when the winters are especially cold. Their wings are akin to that of moths, soft and fluffy. They can be stern and cold just like the season they’re born into, but most will agree that they’re all fiercely protective of not only their own kin but also of the other season fairies. They have an inborn desire to assist and aid those in distress, especially when it’s cold outside. They are the best when it comes to warriors and knights/guards, plus they’re the ones every magical creature seeks out when it comes to armour, weapons, and jewellery. None are better at these crafts than the winter fairies. They have a few chance meetings with the Big Folk and those meetings often end in bloodshed: by Error’s command.
Summer fairies are often seen as the fairest and gentlest of all the season fairies, oftentimes speaking softly and bearing joyful smiles upon their faces. They rarely leave Dream’s valley of summer, and their wings are that of beautiful butterflies, and their voices are as lovely as the flowers they surround themselves with. None can sing as sweetly as a summer fairy. They are the ones who will usually sleep throughout winter and early spring, and when they awaken, they will bask in the sunlight and heat that Dream calls into his valley and out over the island itself. They need to absorb as much heat as possible to even stand a chance of not freezing to death in their sleep once the snow starts to fall. It is they who will harvest the most food of all the season fairies, and they are the ones you will seek out when you want silks, lace, and linen. They have little to no contact with the Big Folk.
Spring fairies are the wildest and fastest ones of all the season fairies, and their wings resemble that of dragonflies, only oftentimes more intricate and unique. Their very lives are built upon having regular contact with the Big Folk, though said Folk are not always aware of them; until they’ve found themselves being bitten, that is. They will mostly stay in their various tree nests during the long winter. Their only food source in early spring is the blood of the Big Folk, and so they all have sharp canines that make them resemble tiny little vampires; gremlins, the lot of them. They do enjoy creating little trinkets of their own, though they prefer to steal things from villagers so that they can trade with other fairies. Other than that, the spring fairies mostly live to play and tease each other in the Great Forest which is Ink’s domain. They possess an inner talent for being unnerving and acting strangely, even to other fairies, but the only true harm they bring is to the Big Folk, who all find them terrifying. They are all rather mischievous little things.
Autumn fairies are the slowest fliers amongst the season fairies, for they value the elegance that comes with dancing with the winds and the light of the moon. They are night dwellers and prefer to sleep lightly during the day, and due to how most of them reside within Nightmare’s extensive underground nest (it goes beneath nearly all of Nightmare’s domain), they do not struggle with keeping warm during winter. They are the ones to create fabrics of velvet, wool, cotton, and leather, plus they will create the most beautiful tapestries; many have been hung up along the corridors and halls of Nightmare’s underground nest, making it as lovely as it is cosy. They all have a love for taking life slow and steady, and they are rarely in a rush. Occasionally they might have skirmishes with the Big Folk, but due to the heavy illusion spells cast upon the borders near the Big Folk, the few moments of contact rarely result in any great harm to the fairies. Their wings are the most unique, for they rarely resemble anything else than… well, autumn fairies. It is because of their oddly shaped wings that they’re the slowest fliers, but that matters little to them.
To specify briefly about the usual nests that they make:
Winter fairies oftentimes have their nests in either an alcove carved into the walls of Error’s Mountain halls, or they will be set in lanterns that hang from chains so long they disappear into the dark of the cavernous ceiling up above them. The mountain halls are all lit up with golden lights that make the gems of the walls shimmer beautifully. They cover their nests in whatever they can get their hands on, though many prefer wool and soft linen.
Summer fairies will usually make their nests atop mossy shelves at the mountainsides in Dream’s Valley, though many have also created hanging nests of intertwined twigs and branches along the trees. All these nests are heavily insulated to prevent the cold winter winds from penetrating them, and they line the insides with silks and linen to make them comfortable and soft.
Autumn fairies have their own little personal nests within Nightmare’s underground nest, and these are usually just small rooms lined with roots and hard dirt walls; though oftentimes the fairies will cover the walls with tapestries and velvet sheets to make them more comfortable. There are luminescent bugs that live along their walls and ceilings, so there is always a cosy light that surrounds them, though they often enjoy lighting golden crystals for some extra brightness.
Spring fairies have no set type of nest they prefer. Some will create hanging nests, others will find a hole in a tree and create a nest out of that, and others again will make little three houses for themselves; an attempt to copy the Big Folk’s houses. They will use silks, linen, wool, and sometimes velvet to make their nests comfortable to stay in. Many of the nests that are within the Great Forest have been made by Ink himself, though he’s forgotten many of them, and so they go to spring fairies that are searching for a new home they can raise a faerling in.
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letsatomicbanana · 1 year
Ink thought of the day; fueled by a conversation I had with an online friend:
Ink, if he were to somehow become an art teacher. He would be the most eccentric and scatterbrained one there is while also gushing over his student's work and also giving them little bits of valid criticism genuinely wanting to see them improve their skills
A student of his talks badly about their art? Not on his watch. Time for aggressive positivity!
Just Ink being the little feral gremlin we all know and love
Ink being an art teacher is SUCH a good flavor you have no idea.
And he would!!!! He would be that kind of teacher who starts to talk about random stuff on class and forgets to teach the kids (you know those ones?). But i also feel the kids would lie about him not giving any homework (he did) and he just....aceppts It??? Ink has a bad memory you all!
I feel he would also kinda of 'spoil' his students (??). Like, one of them draws a cute bird and he thinks its the GREATEST drawing ever!! And he TOTALLY should hang it on the class door for everyone to see!!! He looks at their students and says "Look!!! Their my students!!" all proud and stuff.
And he would totally not accept ANY kind of negativity about the drawings his students makes. He says " Art is subjective!! You're doing great!!".
Neat concept!
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angelofthepage · 6 months
So you know Fade to Black? You know how we get Evan? I have had so much brain rot over Evan (that friends keep enabling), I freaking love Evan. He's like if Sammy Lawrence was a Gent guy instead of the music guy, except younger and a little less mature. Anyway I know Evan dies at the end of Fade to Black ala the ink demon being a hungry hungry hippo, but like...what if I wrote him as a Keeper? As a treat, for me? I say this like I haven't been doing this for months, but I've been doing this. For months. And it is so fun. He is a silly little science gremlin that is going to get into so many unethical experiments that backfire on him, and I love him. I'm currently playing with stuff for a fic where he's got some memory loss and doesn't realize who he was or what he used to do, but he keeps having these dreams about Rose looking for him, no clue who she is. And it's just -chef's kiss- so tasty. I ought to write out a sequence or something.
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