#insert night changes lyrics
leopardom · 11 months
little Bojan with his Lidl guitar and now he’s playing sold out shows in Europe and has a stadium show on his back 😭
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credits and thank yous to the awesome @jokeroutsubs for the translation 💖 (youtube link)
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ghostofhyuck · 4 months
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NCT Dream as One Direction Songs
Mark Lee ; Night Changes
Does it ever drive you crazy Just how fast the night changes?
I don't know but Mark just suits Night Changes the most!! I feel like it talks about how you and Mark grew together until you two grew older and realized that a lot has changed between the two of you. And yet, your relationship with him never changed at all!! CRIES. Your personalities may changed, and something shifted in yourself but you and Mark? still the same! also the song has a lot of assurances, so that's why it suit Mark the most. 
Huang Renjun ; More than This
When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight, It just won't feel right, 'Cause I can love you more than this
Renjun just suits More than This the most. The lyrics, the angst??? yeah it describes Renjun who's your best friend WHO at the same time loves you for so long. And he has witnessed you date a lot of guys and deep inside i feel like he knows that he can love you more than the guys you've dated before. But he doesn't know where to place himself, so he just remain there as your friend, and could only yearn to love you. 
Lee Jeno ; Where do Broken Hearts Go?
Try to find you, but I just don't know Where do broken hearts go
Upbeat song with a depressing lyrics about a heart break and break up? this is Jeno! I don't know but I can imagine Jeno singing this to be honest BUT imagine ex-bf! Jeno who you broke up with you and you two were SO devastated about it. And soon, Jeno realized that he fucked up with his decision to break up with you, so he's wanted to find you again and wanted another chance with you. 
Lee Donghyuck ; 18
All I could do is say that these arms were made for holding you I wanna love like you made me feel when we were 18
No seriously, Haechan just matches 18 the most! (insert his 10 years unrequited love.) so I bet that Haechan knows what love means since he was young. He would probably don't know how to but at that young age, he just knows that he wanted to be with you!! That's why 18 is such a cute song for childhood friends to lovers because imagine this trope at Haechan :< Like until you two grew older in your 20s, you two will still recall your young love at 18. 
Na Jaemin ; Perfect
If you like to do whatever you've been dreaming about Then baby, you're perfect
Oh, perfect is so Jaemin-coded. I just know it!! The secret affair, the late-night rendezvous, and doing the most wildest things despite the scandal, Jaemin is willing to do so just for you!! It's a risky love and there's a lot of gamble about, but god, this is Na Jaemin. Even though your relationship with him is uncertain, you still are willing to risk it just for him!! (I mean look at him, and tell me you wouldn't risk everything for him.)
Zhong Chenle ; They Don't Know About Us
They don't know I've waited all my life Just to find a love that feels this right
It was hard to find a song for Chenle to be honest. CRIES. But I feel like TDKAU suits him the most. Imagine a forbidden love with Chenle! It's so genuine and everything just feel so right even though it's wrong!! But for Chenle, he wanted to protect you, he wanted to show the world that he loves you and he's willing to go against everyone!! He's hardheaded and he doesn't care about what they think about!! All he wants for him and you to be together!! <3
Park Jisung ; Last First Kiss
Baby let me be your Let me be your last first kiss
Oh this is so friends to lovers Jisung! This sounds like Jisung confessing to you!! He muster up all the courage to tell you what he feel!! And it sounds so cheesy and cute, but he's just tired of being in the friend-zone so he confessed to you!! I don't know why but this is just Jisung-coded, and honestly, this is so cute :< because after his confession, you two kissed, and it's innocently intimate and you two ended up laughing after!!
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lamoobsessions · 2 months
Fortune for the Fools
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Hazel Callahan x FemReader
Synopsis: After an underwhelming proverb from an underwhelming fortune teller at the county fair, you have an unexpected run-in with Hazel. When time passes and feelings prosper, you finally begin to believe that maybe that fortune was right after all.
A/N: Enjoy this prologue to a fic i'm working on, while I slowly hoist myself out of this writing slump. Each chapter will have a lyric from a song by a queer artist, so I hope you enjoy :)
Prologue: "My heart's out. My guard's down." - Body and Mind, Girl in Red
To you, everything about the ‘End of Summer Carnival’ was enchanting. The pop-up canopies glowing in the night like lamps. The game booths sounding obnoxious buzzers as the kids played them for cheap toys. The tall, flashing lights welcoming onlookers to their sketchy rides, which, to your dislike, capriciously shook as they sat in the dirt -They weren’t safe, anyone with half of a mind knew that, but anyone with a sliver of fun would ride them anyway. Even the smell of the event was kind of charming. Sure, there’s the frequent whiffs of vomit and B.O., but usually those smells drown in the overwhelming scent of funnel cake and sugar. All in all, there was a lot to love about the carnival. 
Like every year, you attend with Sylvie, whom you’ve known since… forever you think. You and her clicked. Maybe it was your reserved demeanor and her gregarious attitude that made things so easy. Many people found it shocking when they found out how close the two of you are, simply because you’re polar opposites. Either way, the two of you made quite the pair. 
However, at the moment you stand alone among the carnival’s rapture.
All is well though, you have a routine for this sort of thing. You start out with the games, then the rides, then get food, and finish the night off with a ride on the Ferris wheel. It’s a perfect system you discovered a couple of years ago, and it hasn’t failed you yet. The only downfall of this plan is that Sylvie isn’t big on the carnival games, so you’re often left on your own for the first half. Which, you don’t mind, it’s less competition for the prizes anyway. 
That’s how you’ve found yourself here, standing in front of an old vintage fortune-teller named ‘ZOLTAR.’
To your understanding, this is the first year the local carnival has had a fortune teller machine. The thing doesn’t even ask for one of your tickets, it only asks for a dollar. So, thinking it must be fate, you decide to try out your luck.
Inserting the money into the slot, a suspiciously long moment passes, a moment long enough for you to begin to think the thing must be broken, and you dollar just went to a waste. Yet, just as you were about to shake some life into the machine, a whimsical harp plays from the speaker, “Cheer up my friend, and listen to the proverb from Zoltar.”
The sudden, and unreasonably loud, audio makes you flinch.
“From small beginnings come great things.” The machine suggests. “Ah yes, and lucky for you the great Zoltar sees much happiness for you in the future. Go out and find it, but don’t run off too quickly, Zoltar has more to say for you.” 
A shuttering emanates from the ticket dispenser, as it pushes out a small yellow ticket. Pulling it from the slot you read the back of the card. 
It's all the same mumbo jumbo you'd expect from a fortune. 'Things are going to change soon… blah, blah, blah… Be brave in your choices… yadda, yadda, yadda.'
You huff a laugh looking down at the card. “great…” you mutter.
It’s truly is the same fortune-teller crap most people get, but you can’t help but to hope it’s true. What’s the harm in hoping, right?
However, after a few carnival games, this hope started to feel like bullshit. Firstly, your favorite game that’s here every year is gone, then you lose half your tickets gambling them away on some guessing game, then, at the time your supposed to meet Sylvie by the Ferris wheel, she’s a no show.  
‘Great happiness in your future, my ass’ you thought. 
At least you had enough cash left in your pocket to buy back the tickets you lost. But first, there was a fried Oreo stand practically calling your name with it's infectiously sweet aroma. 
Deciding to ditch Sylvie's meeting spot, you make your way to the concession stand and join the endless line.
Minutes pass and you’re finally close to the front, with the delicious smells of chocolate and sugar getting stronger and stronger with each step. Although, another minute passes, then another, then another, and the line has yet to move. Peering to the front, you see a girl fumbling in her wallet, a look of panic evident of her face. 
Even from a short distance, you’re sure you know who it is. Though, curious to see what’s going on, you listen in closer. 
“Ma’am you can’t pay with tickets, we only accept cash.” The woman behind the counter argues. 
“I know, I know, I’m so sorry. It’s just that I promised some friends-”
“If you don’t have any cash, I’m going to have to ask you to leave the line.”
Looking into your wallet for extra cash, you notice you only have cash for your own fried Oreo and some more tickets. If you were to buy more from the concession stand, you'd have to give up on the possibility of buying extra tickets later.
But, being that it's the last night of the summer and your 'lucky fortune' can't seem to come true, you at least have the chance to bring happiness to someone else's future.
“Excuse me!” 
Both the woman behind the counter and Hazel turn to you. 
“I have extra cash if you…” you suggest. 
“Oh no, it’s…” Hazel dismisses, “You don’t have to do that.”
“It’s no problem, really. What were you going to get?” You ask, taking the money from your wallet, while making your way to the counter. 
Hazel stares at you, dumbfounded, seemingly unsure if she should accept the offer.
“She was getting two churros and a stick of cotton candy.” The cashier speaks up.
You nod and count the cash before handing it to her. “Can you add a fried Oreo to that order?”
The woman bobs her head while counting the cash and shoves it into the register. “We’ll have that right out for you.”
“Thanks,” You smile and make your way to the pick-up bar for the food. Hazel follows you hesitantly, presumably taken back by the interaction. 
“You didn’t have to do that,” she comments.
“Yeah, but I wanted to.”
As embarrassing as it may be to admit, there was always this fondness with her, an insatiable desire to be her friend. But, making friends wasn’t always your strong suit. You mostly kept to yourself, sat in the back of the class with your nose in a book. Sylvie’s told you countless times how unapproachable you look, but you never got around to fixing that detail. 
Hazel wears a confused expression, as if she couldn't quite piece together something in her head. 
“I’m y/n, by the way.” You begin, figuring she's probably trying to pin a name to your face. “Hazel, right?”
“Um- yeah. You know my name?”
“Yeah I mean, we’ve been going to the same school since like freshman year. Of course I know who you are.”
Truthfully, it wasn’t normal to know random people’s names in your school. It’s a big school, filled with a lot of people. Many students graduate not knowing half of their class. But, you knew Hazel’s name because, like anyone you find interesting, you learned it.
“Oh yeah, right.” She laughs awkwardly. “I knew your name too, by the way.”
You smile, letting out an amused huff at her insistence before looking to the Ferris wheel, where Sylvie has yet to show up. You'd be worried if it weren't Sylvie being her usual self. She either got caught in some atrociously long line, or is currently talking some poor souls head off somewhere. 
“I-um,” Hazel begins. “I don’t think I ever thanked you for the food, so… thanks.”
“Yeah, of course. Don't mention it." You chirp. 
“No really, I owe you one. Usually they accept tickets at these things, but I guess they don’t do that anymore.”
“Yeah, they stopped doing that last year after some kid, like, figured out how to forge the concession tickets or something.”
Suddenly, her expression turns into one of clarity. “I was wondering why they didn’t offer concession tickets this year.” She pauses, then lowering her voice to a near whisper. “How did they find out about the fakes though?”
“Wait- was that you?” 
Suddenly, she lights up, as if she'd been waiting her whole life for someone to ask. “Yeah, I just bought some customizable raffle tickets online and printed all the same stuff on them. It was pretty easy, considering most tickets, like the one for the rides, have special codes on them so they can’t be replicated, but not the concession ones. There wasn’t anything fancy like that on them.” 
After seconds of staring in complete bafflement, you can’t help but to laugh. She was the last person you’d expect to pull such thing off, but maybe that’s because you didn’t know her as much as you wish you did.  “That’s honestly genius. I mean,  it’s a shame you got caught.”
“I don’t even know how they found out! I was super inconspicuous about it.”
At this, you only laugh harder. It wasn’t even that funny of a situation but for some reason, maybe because it was her, you felt lighter. 
“Two churros, a cotton candy, and a fried Oreo!” The woman calls from the counter. 
The two of you turn your attention towards the tray of food under the pick-up window. Hazel grabs her share of food, though not before handing you your portion. 
“Well,” you begin, while unwrapping the treat in your hands. “Maybe next time you can learn to forge actual money.”
“That would be so cool,” She beams, evidently not catching your sarcasm. 
“Cool, but also a federal crime.”
“It’s only a crime if you get caught.”
“Thats a terrible philosophy.” you remark. Glancing at the ferris wheel, Sylvie had finally showed. She waited patiently under beaming lights. “Oh, I gotta go. I’ll see you at school, I guess?”
Something flashes in hazel’s demeanor, something you couldn't quite identify before it was gone and replaced by a smile “Yeah -uh, I’ll see you then.” She waves. “Thanks again.”
“no problem,” you wave off, before taking off towards Sylvie, who quickly spots you walking over, and begins to wave frantically, as if you couldn’t already see her under the blinding light. 
“Y/n!” She calls, “You’ll never guess what I saw!” 
You smile, rolling your eyes playfully. “It better be the reason you were a whole thirty minutes late to meeting me.”
“Uh-huh,” She answers quickly. “I saw someone get hit by a car.”
A pit of shock and concern fills you. “Oh my god are they okay? Are- Are you okay? How the hell did-”
“No it’s fine, it was just Jeff.”
Immediately that pit of shock dissolves, and your mind begins to wonder how the whole town hasn’t already erupted into a riot simply because it was Jeff.  “Okay, so…is he okay?”
“Well, you know, of course he’s taking it way too far and acting like the car hit him at ninety miles per hour, when in reality it was probably one, but yeah, he’s fine.” 
That part was believable. For football players who are the size of grown men, they were about as fragile as a china doll. But, the fact that you hadn’t heard about it the moment it happened… that part was a little hard to grasp. “So, you’re telling me, the Jeff -Jeff the star player of the Rockbridge football team, got hit by a car and the town hasn’t turned to pitchforks and torches yet?”
“Yes!” She exclaims excitingly. “I mean, the whole team is devastated, but the people are handling it pretty good if you ask me.”
You huff, taking a bite into your food. “Well, I guess that’s a good enough excuse for you being late.”
“I’m sorry,” She exaggerates, dragging out the apology. “To make it up to you, I’ll let you choose the first ride we go on together.”
“Oh, how generous,” You tease. “But I blew all my tickets on the carnie games.”
“You serious? Why don’t you just buy more?”
“All the cash I brought was spent on food.”
She gives you a curious look, likely surprised that you, for once, came to something unprepared. For some reason you have yet to uncover, a part of you didn’t feel like telling Sylvie about the run-in with Hazel. 
“Well, lucky for you, I stole some of my stepdad’s money for tonight. So we can just buy more.”
you laugh, “I don’t think I feel comfortable using stolen step-dad money."
“Then don’t think of it like that. Think of it like I’m your super rich sugar momma, and I’m treating you to a night out.” She shoves a wad of tickets into your hands forcefully. 
“Right,” you deadpan, accepting the tickets. ”Step-dad’s money it is.”
“Great,” She cheers, playfully putting an arm around your shoulder.  
The rest of the night was spent using all of Sylvie's remaining tickets for eating overtly sweet foods, riding unnecessarily fast rides, and throwing up in grotesque smelling trash cans. Or in other words, the night was spent perfectly. You and Sylvie stuck around til closing and ended the night sleeping over at your place, which is always the go-to spot for the both of you since Sylvie absolutely despises her stepdad. Come to think of it, you’ve probably only been to her house once, way back when her parents were still together. These days, it’s your house and your house only. You never minded the company.
But, as the early morning came and the first day of school had arrived, you began to regret this decision.
Body aching, stomach wrenching, and head sagging like a block of cement, all the decisions of last night finally caught up to you. You felt like shit, and you weren’t the only one. Next to you, Sylvie groaned, dragging her hands down her face as she sat up from the air mattress on the floor. 
“I think I’m dying,” She complains.
You hum in agreement, pulling yourself from under the covers and throwing your legs off the bedside. “Do we have to go? It’s our last year, it doesn't really matter if we skip anymore, right?"
“I mean… I’d be down to skip if you are. We can rot in bed and watch movies all day and pretend it’s still summer and that school never started.” 
Staring at her with a stoic expression, you hop off the bed and begin to make your way towards the closet. “You’re supposed to convince me to go, not enable me.”
She shrugs, putting her hands up in surrender. “I never said I was a good influence. You decided that on your own.”
You huff, pulling off random pieces of clothing from the drawers and off the hook. “Yeah, well,” You sigh, throwing the clothes on the bed. “I’m going to need all the influence I can get to leave this house before eight. And by influence, I mean caffeine and ibuprofen.”
“Oh!” She exclaims shooting up from the bed. “I’ll get the ibuprofen.”
“Please don’t grab the wrong thing like you did last time.”
A wide grin plasters on her face. “You mean the laxative incident? That was hilarious.”
“No, no it wasn’t.” The last time Sylvie was in charge of grabbing ibuprofen was the night of the Junior and Senior prom. You developed a monster headache from all the cologne clouding the gymnasium air, and when Sylvie somehow came back with laxatives instead of a pain reliever, you were too absorbed in the pain to notice any difference. “I had to leave prom early because all the fucking bathrooms were full with orgies and stoners.” 
“Yeah, that was awesome,” She giggles. 
“Just please grab the right stuff this time.” 
“Yeah, yeah. I can handle it.” And with that, she walks out the room and towards the kitchen where the pharmaceuticals are stored. This time, hopefully, she will come back with the right medicine. You dind't want this sudden luck of yours to continue any longer.  
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Should they be at the club: Mobile Suit Gundam '79
Amuro Ray
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There is no character that should "be at the club" less than Amuro Ray. There is no way you could keep him in the club for more than 15 minutes. He's waiting outside the entire time, if he hasn't already called an uber. Do not bother.
Sayla Mass
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Absolutely, yes. Let this girl tear up the dance floor. Heaven knows she deserves it.
Bright Noa
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I am of the firm belief that the only thing that would fix this guy is a life-changing experience in the bathroom of a seedy club, so yes, for the love of God, take this man to the club.
Fraw Bow
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If you take her she's going to get roped into being the designated driver, and that's just not fair to her. She does not want to be here. The club is not her natural habitat. Let her go home and catch up on her netflix backlog.
Kai Shiden
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God, you know he'll down two virgin daiquiris, say the wrong thing to someone, and get punched the fuck out. Yes, he should be at the club.
Hayato Kobayashi
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He'd be quiet for the most of the evening, until at the very end when he says something deeply unpleasant and out of pocket, just dragging the whole mood down. No, he should not be at the club.
Mirai Yashima
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Hell yeah. She'd have a grand ol' time, just living it up. And when she gets drunk she'll be That Drunk Girl In the Bathroom. You know the one. She belongs in the club.
Ryu Jose
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He's the one making sure everyone's doing all right, not getting into too much trouble, and making sure the people who are way too drunk get home OK. He must be at the club; this is non-negotiable.
Sleggar Law
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He'd be a absolute pain in the ass, however he will also be watching over every girl like a hawk. The second he sees someone slip something in her drink or try to cop a feel, he will throw hands. Him being at the club is an unfortunate necessity.
Char Aznable
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Contrary to popular belief, no, do not let this man within 100 feet of the club. His latent Causing Problems instinct would go into overdrive, and there's no telling what Problems he would cause by the end of the night.
Lalah Sune
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She would just sit... and watch... until at which point she just walks up to a random stranger and says the most off-putting shit you've ever heard. She should be at the club.
Ramba Ral & Crowley Hamon
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Moot question, they're already at the club, scouting for a third. They do this every other Saturday.
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*insert the lyrics to How Soon Is Now*
Garma Zabi
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I mean, he'd be fun enough to be around, I suppose, but you know by the end of the night he's going to hook up with some blond twink that looks suspiciously similar to a Certain Someone We Know and like... don't let him keep hurting himself like this, man.
Icelina Eschonbach
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The only way you're getting her in the club is if she's with Garma, and she will watch him pick up that twink and not even register that anything is amiss. That's just sad. Don't take either one to the club, it would just be too hard to watch.
Degwin Zabi
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Uh, the spirit is unwilling and the flesh is ever so weak. Probably a bad idea for him to be at the club.
Gihren Zabi
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So he wouldn't, but God could you imagine? Ideally the second he starts ranting about Hitler is the second he gets knocked on his ass, but sadly no one would dare to do it. No, he should not be at the club.
Dozle Zabi
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Oh yeah, totally. He'd be louder than the music and would not stop bragging, but those stories would be the wildest fucking stories you'd ever heard. He should be at the club for that alone. Also, he could easily be talked into buying everyone a drink.
Kycilia Zabi
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She would scare the hoes and the bros. She should be at the club.
Cucuruz Doan
Miharu Ratokie
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She would somehow end the evening lying face down in a pool of her own blood. No one would know how she ended up this way. It is not much a question of whether she should be at the club as it is an inevitability. We cannot help but to repeat the cycles of tragedy.
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madi-writes-things · 4 months
Everything Has Changed
You’ll be mine, and I’ll be yours
Word Count: 233
TW: High school sweethearts, friends to lovers, kissing, general date things, fem reader, headcsnnons, probably not edited 🤷‍♀️
-Madi <3
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Y/N Chris Matt Nick
You met the triplets your freshman year, after moving from (insert your state/city)
You and Matt immediately became close friends, y’all were practically attached at the hip
Everyone knew that y’all were endgame… years before y’all did
“I bet you $100 dollars they get together before junior homecoming.” “No fucking way, they are both too stupid to figure it out in less than like three years!”
Nick was right…
Matt didn’t muster up the courage to tell you how he felt until junior prom.
“I… um, I was wondering… I… prom?”
You just kissed him
unfortunately that means that Chris owed nick $100
You and Matt wore the cutest matching look, Matt made sure that he matched your dream dress
Matt took you to every movie playing in the local cinema, and movie dates became a lasting part in your relationship
Matt is more experienced than you, seeing as he was your first (and only) relationship
your first kiss is in the front seat of his car, after your first date together.
“Is it okay if I kiss you?” “I’ve been waiting all night”
Your favorite item of his clothing is by far his puffy jacket
you always try to get a photo of him wearing it
Matt knows in his heart that you are the one person that he is meant to be with
he buys a ring three days before graduation…
@unbruisable @bernardsbendystraws @sturniolo-fann @jnkvivi
A/N: I hope y’all liked it, every chapter will be titled after a song, and the description will be a lyric that I think goes well with the theme of the chapter. If you have any suggestions for songs, feel free to leave them in my ask box!
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lilyletham · 7 months
Heart-Shaped Box
hiiiii! I finally finished my long-awaited sequel to 'A friend on Thanksgiving'! I may have gone a little overboard with it, though. This has not been beta'd and I've gone over it a few times for errors but if there's any stragglers, all mistakes are my own. Happy Valentine's Day <333 Words: 1.6k Pairing: Jacob Palmer(Crazy, Stupid Love) x reader - wording is very gender-neutral, total reader insert Content description/warnings: Inebriation from alcohol, angst, vomiting, some mild fluff
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Over time, the two of you grew into a casual and relaxed friendship. There was sometimes a slight fluttering under the surface, perhaps an echo or a whisper of something more, but neither one of you ever acted on it, as it seemed to disappear just as quickly as it surfaced. Jacob came off especially distant in the days approaching Valentine's Day. While he's had plenty of temporary company in his bed on that holiday in the past, it didn't soothe the lingering loneliness forming at the center of his chest when he thought about it.
You were surprised then when he declined your invitation on the 14th to hang out, watch cheesy movies and eat takeout. It was practically a weekend ritual with him at this point. He mentioned he had a date and promised to make it up to you later. Without much further thought about it, you left him to enjoy the night while you curled up on your couch and browsed Netflix. You binged-watched an entire corny B-movie trilogy before your eyes started to get heavy and your belly was full of snacks. You checked your phone, 1:44am.
You wrapped your fleece blanket around yourself and closed your eyes. Just as you started to drift off you're startled by a shuffling sound approaching your door and the jiggling of your doorknob. You also heard…singing? Very off-tune singing. You got up and checked the window and sure enough, Jacob was wobbling in front of your door, singing Heart-Shaped Box by Nirvana(or attempting to anyway), trying to insert his house key and confused as to why it didn't work; every other lyric of his song replaced with a mumbled 'fuck' and 'goddamn lock'. He must've thought he was at his house. It would almost be adorable if not for the fact that you really didn't want him to destroy your door attempting to jam his key in.
You opened the door and he very nearly stumbled forward onto the ground, as he was leaning on it with his key in his hand. He looked at you bewildered.
"What…wait…what are you doing here?" He slurred, eyes glossy and unfocused.
"Jacob, this is my house. You're at the wrong door." You replied, trying very hard not to laugh at him.
He squinted his eyes tightly and tried to focus his vision, looking around the outside of your yard and then inside your front door. "Are you sure?" He looked down at his house key and the change in perspective caused him to sway, and he gripped the door frame tightly to keep himself from falling down.
You held onto his arm to keep him steady and he absolutely reeked of alcohol. He was much more intoxicated than you realized, and that was going to be a problem. He could barely stand on his own, so you draped an around around him and reluctantly took him into your house, closing the door behind you. You peeled off his white jacket and the both of you hobbled to the couch. He felt like a rag doll as you plopped him down on the cushions, and he landed with an 'Oof' and a very un-serious giggle.
"What happened to your date?" You huffed, recovering from dragging a drunk grown-ass man across your living room.
He laughed loudly, the sound unable to contain its bitter tone. "I s'got ghoshted…at s-thuh barrr…" His words were mushed together and mumbled. "Shtupid…"
Ouch. Ghosted on Valentine's Day? That's harsh. You leaned over him laying there, his eyes staring up at the ceiling, and then you saw it. His face went lax, his complexion paled and he started to heave. Oh, oh no. You rushed to your kitchen to grab your garbage can and flung off the lid, bringing it to him, thanking your lucky stars you replaced it earlier. He unceremoniously rolled over on his side, grabbed the trashcan and violently emptied his stomach contents into it. You winced from how bad he was coughing and gagging and spitting. After a few more unproductive retches, he groaned and put the can down, laying back on the couch with his arm over his eyes. He seemed too embarrassed to look at you.
"Are you okay?" You asked as you got up to get him a glass of water, returning to him swiftly. He gratefully drained the glass and handed it back to you.
It seemed the puking helped to sober him up slightly as his response was much more coherent, "I'm sorry I'm such a f-fucking loser." He pushed out, his voice cracked from a combination of his forceful heaving and his emotions. His eyes were already watering from throwing up, but you watched as they welled up again, threatening to spill over.
"Aw, no, you're not a loser. The person who ghosted you is a loser." You reassured him, and he looked up at you with upturned brows, like he's unsure if you really mean it or if you're just being nice. You sensed his insecurity and put your hand on his shoulder. "I mean it, really. It's their loss. You're a great person Jacob, I want you to know that."
He choked back a sob and reached out to hug you, and despite him smelling like a minibar, you wrapped your arms around him and let him rest his head on the crook of your shoulder. The fluttering feeling returned in your stomach, and you tried hard to ignore it, pushing it down. After a few more seconds of sniffling, he brought his head up to look into your eyes, searching. You wondered if he too felt the same feeling just now.
"I should have just stayed here with you." He said softly. You weren't sure if it was simply a statement or a confession of some sort. When he leaned toward you, you had your answer. His eyes looked full of hope and yearning, and you very nearly let him close the gap when his eyes went wide and he quickly turned his head, heaving into the trashcan once again. You're reminded of where you are and the moment passes. You rubbed his back in soothing circles while he rode out his nausea, head buried in the can between his legs. Poor guy.
When his vomiting subsided you got him more water, some Pepto and encouraged him to relax and lay down on the couch to rest. By the time you replaced the garbage bag in the trashcan, he was completely asleep, snoring softly. You wondered if he would remember anything about tonight, or if he even really meant to do what he did. You couldn't help but sleep out in your living room on your lounge chair because you wanted to keep an eye on him. After you've determined he's probably going to stay asleep, you do the same, trying to relax and get even a few hours of rest from this chaotic Valentine's night.
It was late morning when your eyes finally opened. Your back was stiff from the awkward position on the lounge chair and then you remembered what transpired the night before. You noticed that Jacob was nowhere to be found, and his jacket was no longer hanging from the coat rack on the wall near your door. He must have left while you were asleep. There was a little part of you that missed him even though you just spent the previous night watching him cry and puke in equal measure. Thoughts swirled in your head about whether or not he remembered trying to kiss you, but you figured it would be for the best to not even bring it up. Alcohol can do a lot of things to people, especially someone freshly heartbroken and vulnerable.
You got up to start your day as usual, debating whether or not to get some discounted Valentine's candy for your stash. As midday rolled around you heard a knock at your door. When you opened it, you were met with a lovely bouquet of flowers. Jacob peered around the colorful arrangement in his hand to sheepishly greet you. He looked tired and definitely hung over, but he thankfully had time to shower, change and brush his teeth.
"Hi. I'm sorry about being a drunk idiot last night and puking." He chuckled. So he did remember that part.
You smiled and took the flowers. "You're fine. All's forgiven. How do you feel?" You don't know why you even asked, he looked like shit and both of you knew it.
He humored you and grinned. "Like my head got thrown in a cement mixer. Do you have any Tylenol?"
You knew damn well he probably had painkillers at home but you let him in anyway, gesturing to follow, and he smiled. You told him where it was in your medicine cabinet and as he fetched the pills for himself you put the flowers in an empty vase. When he returned you watched him casually move about your kitchen, navigating your space comfortably as he filled a glass with water and took the pain reliever. It was as if he felt at home with you. You weren't sure why you hadn't noticed it before. Perhaps you just weren't paying attention. You locked eyes with him and you realize it-- he remembered everything. There were those butterflies again.
A beat passed, and then another. He tentatively approached you, setting down the glass on the counter and resting his hand on your waist. Slowly, he leaned down to place a gentle kiss on your lips. It was feather-light, experimental. When you kissed him back, wrapping your arms around him, all apprehension in his mind dissolved.
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arcanesea · 8 months
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PAIRING: seungmin x reader GENRE: hurt-comfort WC: 427 WARNING: implications of sleep disorder
"What is it?" Seungmin asks when you stand in the doorway, fiddling with your oversized cardigan. He was trying to finish a project and your figure was just standing there in the corner of his eyes for a couple minutes now.
"Can you sing for me?" you ask meekly.
These days, sleep doesn't come as easily for you. You keep tossing and turning at night, unable to shut down the chattering in your brain. So when Seungmin asked if he could borrow your work room for a change of scenery, you quickly approved with another agenda in mind.
"Why should I?" he joked. You didn't expect him to agree so quickly though, and you already prepared a counter for his witty remarks. But standing here, now, you just don't even want to try. He turned to look at you, feeling a knot in his chest from the way you just looked so... empty. "Can you wait 5 minutes? I'll send this email first."
You nodded before walking back to your room and lying down in your dimly lit bedroom.
Seungmin came not long after, standing at the foot of the bed, looking confused. What was he supposed to do? Just sit there and sing? should he pat your feet? or head?
"Do you want to cuddle?" he asks, surprising the both of you. He lowers his head, cursing silently. "I mean, I heard it helps you fall asleep faster?"
"Are you okay with that?" you ask. He nods before getting on the bed, rubbing his hands on his jeans before pulling you closer.
"Has it been going for long?" he asks when you're trying to find the comfortable spot.
"On and off," you hesitate, trying not to make it sound bad. Seungmin only nods, parts of him wondering what calmed you down before and what pushed you to ask him to sing just now. But he didn't ask, not now, he thinks.
When you're safely nestled into his chest, he starts singing the lullaby, humming on random parts because he forgot the lyrics. The moment he feels you relaxed, he pulls away a bit only to cause you to come back to consciousness.
"Sorry," he whispered, then proceeded to sing again from the first line. The atmosphere is starting to affect Seungmin and he tries his best to fight it off.
"Everything's gonna be okay," he murmurs, well aware that you have fallen asleep minutes ago. He slowly drifts off, following you to the dreamland.
"I'll guard you." He promised genuinely before letting his eyes close completely.
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a/n. i am once again sleep-deprived so, this is very much self-insert
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miaountainmama · 1 year
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characters: tecchou, gn!reader contains: suicide mention but things turn out alright for both of you
wc: 1261
a/n: inspired by radiohead's exit music (for a film) and that one time during lockdown when i got really depressed and realized i understood why people kill themselves. was going through it
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If there was one thing you did and did well, it was sing.
Tecchou was used to it by now— coming home at night to hear you blasting your favorites and singing along, whether it was to oldies like Frank Sinatra or some random ass TikTok sound you couldn’t get out of your head.
But the house had been worryingly silent as of recently, and Tecchou was starting to take notice.
He could sense the change in you, ever since you told him the meds weren’t quite working yet. You were singing less and less, and when you did sing along to something, it was something worryingly depressing, something with lyrics that scared the living shit out of him. He tried to ignore it, he really did. He told himself you were just venting your frustrations, that it was just words someone else had written down. Still, he could hear the melody replaying over and over again in his head, your haunting voice sending chills down his spine. If this is what your voice held in store for him, he didn’t want to hear it.
He didn’t want to hear you talk about killing yourself ever again, even in song.
There was a chill in the air tonight, and, while Tecchou normally welcomed the colder air, this time it bit to the bone. It was an unnatural kind of cold, the same kind of cold that reached into the night and froze anything, the same kind that ushered the living indiscriminately down the Styx. His footsteps quickened against the freezing concrete sidewalk— he would be glad to escape the bleak conditions. He turned the corner and welcomed the sight of the familiar house up the way, already eager to see you again.
He got about halfway up the driveway before he realized the lights weren’t on.
This wasn’t entirely uncommon. A lot of times you fell asleep early, or you just felt like chilling in the dark when you were alone. Today? It felt like a premonition. As excited as he was to get home, he now suddenly felt very, very hesitant to open the door.
He lingered for a little while longer on the doorstep, heart beating out of his chest for reasons he couldn’t quite discern. Perhaps he was overreacting. It was just the lights… this was normal, right?
He inserted the key into the lock and twisted, almost wincing as the creak of the door cut into the quiet air.
“…My love?” he called into the stillness, faltering as he stepped through the threshold and heard no response. You were always home at this hour, so why?
Tecchou moved further into the house, flipping the lights on and setting his hat down on the kitchen counter. He called out again, the festering dread in his stomach churning. No response. Maybe you were in the bedroom…?
As he approached the room, the first signs of life hit his ears— the sound of music! The dread began to fade, though he frowned in distaste as he realized what song was playing. It was the end of that accursed song you were always listening to about suicide. He sighed minutely, reaching out to enter the room so he could kiss you better and tell you to change the music.
The door swung inward, catching on an empty bottle of pills that spun and rolled away upon impact. The song, finally ended, began to replay, having been set on loop.
It took a second for Tecchou to realize exactly what that could mean. The moment it hit him, he immediately tore his widened eyes from the pill bottle, panic clawing through his veins, and strode in two strong steps towards the side of the bed, where your figure lay covered in blankets, tearing them aside and revealing where you lay curled in a ball, eyes closed.
Your eyes sprung open as the warmth was torn from you, cursing under your breath as you turned away from the wall to face Tecchou.
“What the hell—“ you began, ready to hiss at your boyfriend for interrupting your brooding, before you took in the expression on his face. 
For the first time ever since you had met him, Tecchou looked terrified.
Your lips parted slightly in surprise, and you blinked at him stupidly for a moment, wondering what on earth had him so worked up. Then, he was on you, hands cupping your face, turning your wrists up towards him, checking every inch of you despite your sputtered protests, and you connected the dots. The empty pill bottle you had knocked over earlier and were too lazy to pick up. The depressing music. Your lack of response and limp body.
God, your boyfriend had thought you tried to kill yourself.
“Tecchou,” you managed, suddenly feeling extraordinarily guilty, and the feeling only increased as he looked up at you with worried amber eyes. “I’m fine. I just ran out of meds today. I need to pick new ones up tomorrow.”
He stared at you for a moment, you staring back, before he let out a shaky breath, scooping you up into his arms. You didn’t fight it, clinging tightly to him back, and you muttered out apologies, trying to soothe his anxieties.
“I… thought you had…” Tecchou spoke, and you shook your head from where it was buried in the crook of his neck. You vaguely took in the fact that his hands were slightly shaking around you.
“‘m sorry, Tecchou… I was just… really going through it today,” you managed meekly, one hand going up to thread through his hair. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
He didn’t answer for a long while, just holding you, and you listened to his breath finally stabilize. You toyed with the ends of his locks as you waited for his hands to stop shaking, pressing a kiss to his jaw to reassure him further. Somewhere down the line the depressing song you had been listening to looped for the umpteenth time and you hastily turned it off, electing to sit with him in silence and not worry him further.
Eventually, he pulled back from you, an unusually serious glimmer in his eyes as he looked into yours. 
“Promise me,” he said suddenly, and you shifted a little as the words sunk in, looking away. Promises were hard to keep in times like these.
“Promise me you’ll keep trying,” he modified his words, and you slowly nodded through your hesitation. This… this was something you could do.
“Okay,” you breathed, hands moving back to sit in your lap, where you fidgeted with them quietly. “I promise.” You reached up then, holding your hand out to him, and extended your pinky towards him. He looked down at it quizzically before glancing back up at you, and the most minute of smiles graced your features.
“I pinky swear,” you said solemnly, and he stared for a second before smiling slightly back, interlocking his finger with yours.
“I’ll hold you to that,” he warned, and you pulled him close again, resting in his arms with a newfound sense of satisfaction. He pressed a kiss to the top of your head in response, and you smiled a real, genuine smile, the first in what felt like days.
“Of course,” you replied, and nestled closer to him. He wrapped an arm around your waist, and you laid your head on his chest, feeling his heartbeat by your ear. You would do it. You would overcome this.
If not for you, then for him.
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thedevilsoftruth · 5 months
Here's some fucking Marc Spector hcs or whatever tf because I'm crazy.
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New wave girlie. Mfs theme song in The Midnight Mission was literally The Killing Moon by Echo and the Bunnymen. You can't look at him and tell me he isn't in the shower and screaming the lyrics to Policy of Truth by Depeche Mode.
Played the drums for a little bit. He needed a new hobby to distract himself but he could never get into it.
Mf does not trim his beard or cut his hair. Steven has to do it because Jake isn't any better at shaving either. " Ah, the ladies love it " he says as an excuse.
" Steven I need a new suit, please help. "
Please don't call him. My bro does NOT like being called. Just text him, mf 😭
Ear gauges. Because I said so. He has an eyebrow slit, so he needs ear gauges to go with it.
After Marc began seeing Khonshu when he was 12, he began slowly becoming more hostile to people at school. Especially in 8th grade. he got into a lot of fights with people and kind of ruined his reputation for a bit until he got into high school. His parents had to change districts.
Hairy ass mf legs. My man is a monster when he's in control of the body because his body hair grows back like... Really quick and he doesn't want to do anything about it.
He did taekwondo when he was 8-13. (No, this is not me self inserting)
He loves cats. One time after a really big fight, he sat by a dumpster and called Frenchie to come get him and help patch him up, but a really fat calico with a few fresh scratch marks came and sat next to him, and he adopted it. Frenchie was really confused when they got in the car. " Who's the cat? " " His name is Frank. " Poor franks white fur was covered in his own blood and Marcs. Looks like Marc wasn't the only one getting patched up that night.
One of his dream occupations when he was a kid was to be an areospace engineer.
Used to have baseball days with his dad. They'd watch games together at restaurants n stuff.
Thriller movie guy.
Khonshu decided to punish him and strip him away of some of his powers because Marc refused to do a mission and finally expressed to him about how he felt abused, so when he went into the dangerous mission, he came out partially blind.
His first car was a Ford f150.
Hates California. Hates Texas even more.
Eats lucky charms for breakfast, even as a 38 year old man.
" Steven why the fuck do you need apple airpods and how does this benefit killing Scarlet Scarab? "
He has a habit of catching things that fall with his feet. One time Marlene dropped a knife when they were cooking dinner together and he tried to catch it with his foot and um... Blood was shed.
Went on a double date to the state fair with Marlene and Frenchie & Rob. made Frenchie take all the pictures and carry their food, Marc threw up on grass after going on a dinosaur ride for shits and giggles. Also because he ate too many doughnuts. He loves doughnuts, man. They also went and watched a duck race and Marc participated and let one of the ducks go and his duck won. He was very excited about getting a smiley face sticker and a rubber duck. He gave Marlene the rubber duck.
He is absolutely bisexual, I don't care what you say. You can't look at him and Frenchie ( and the punisher ) and tell me they weren't at least a little gay for each other.
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hello [walks in here holding four balls] two of it is for 🟡🟢 hope it makes things a little better (p.s I write what I need the most on balls while I'm having them) it took me a while to write back because(writing doesn't come easy these days). I went and watched all the videos Ron was reading lyrics (I'm glad it was recorded b&w, it's more soothing to watch), through those videos he made me realize I don't need to own singer energy/voice to read my fav lyrics or song( by that i don't mean he doesn't have good voice, personally I love his voice) as a person who never finds their voice good I always shy away to sing anything feeling I embrace myself so it helped me a lot to focus on what I like there rather ponder on what I hate. I owe this Ron Mael, he is cool and has sensei vibe (thank you sir)
can I go further and say one more thing I learned from him? it was his birthday recently so I let myself a go. we all know how Ron has this aloof face and unshifting glare(I never met Ron in person, so I take this is his face), first time I heard about sparks and searched first thing that got me was his face, I didn't say 'why he is so serious? why he isn't smiling' instead my reaction was 'so cool!' before it changes to deep sadness because once I owned a face like this. when I was younger people always would tell me cheer up, to not look serious or glare at them. I didn't know what they meant, I wasn't unhappy or angry it was just my face(I didn't know I have autism then, later realized how some autistic people struggling to show emotions) but eventually their words got me. I thought I have to change it or I'm wrong then without I know I was smiling because that's what I supposed to or mimicking others facial expressions to know how to react. I became good at it tbh, people liked me more but I felt a big lie inside, when pandemic happened I noticed even away from others I couldn't have 'my face', this shattered me. till I saw photos of Ron, and thought if he can live his life fully and be successful by being who he is and everything turn fine then why can't I? there is no wrong in him or me. (insert not that well defined here :) (if this got personal, or irrelevant I apologize. I tried to not mention yet I wanted to share how they helped me in certain way)
Russell workout videos are such mood booster, it makes me feel when I get to that age I can still live good life, I won't be as old as society tells me I will be, by sparks measure we never are too old for anything, are we? there will be still time to live, to do things I love and have more. it always amazes me how they doing what they love when they almost 80 and there is still a lot for them to go(as it should). this reminded me of 'beat the clock' actually. no one should get PhD by afternoon.
I low-key know about sparkstember but not enough, would love to know more about it. maybe I take part as well. where will they share prompt? on their official page? (loved the music video. nice work)
THE RON ESSAY IS HERE AND I AM SO HERE FOR IT!! You get it. 💖 Woo! Two balls! Thank you!
(This will get long. Very long. A million tangents. I saw this ask before going to sleep last night and so I laid awake smiling thinking about Sparks to 3am. (Don't worry, it's a common occurrence among Sparks fans.) Btw you may find the "secret password" among Sparks fans is sensing another person gets it. It's a shortcut to immediate adoption into the family because we know we understand each other, we're wired in similar ways.)
I am thoroughly impressed you already watched all of the lyric reads! Ron *is* cool and has sensei vibes and his voice is amazing! *nods to all of that*! I can't sing for shit myself and Ron is critical of his singing voice as well (maybe because his brother is the best singer in the universe) but yeah I love it on the rare occasion he does sing. I love it when he speaks, he delivers his words very well. (My favourite word for Ron to say is "sensibility".) Every once in a while someone tries to compile a list of all the tracks Ron has vocals on (and then it gets lost again haha). Some honourable mentions though: he's got some backing vocals on Pineapple (they may be hard to notice), he sings on the songs Limo Driver and En Route To The Beverly Hills Hotel (from The Seduction Of Ingmar Bergman, he's done more vocals on it but those I love the utmost), there's a version of Suburban Homeboy that features a spoken word section by Ron (they performed the song live that way in 2022), The Shopping Mall Of Love is mostly all Ron (which they also performed live in 2022 and 2023), there's a song called "What Was That?" from the unreleased soundtrack for Mai The Psychic Girl (in the late 80's and early 90's they worked really hard for this to become a film but despite all their efforts, it didn't happen). What I think you'll *really* like as well though is the promotional video for Strange Animal, which keeps disappearing from the internet. (I guess I'm going to have to put it on Tumblr because a lot of people these days may not have seen it???)
Look at me go "blablablablabla" haha. Well, you asked for it, and Sparks fans have zero chill 😂 Anyway I'm mentioning all of these because I love that he's making you think differently about your own voice, so that's some more stuff that may be really nice :)
...Btw, don't think Russell minds if we can't sing well, he just loves it when we do. He will affectionately roast us for not reaching the notes though (performance of Equator in 2014 you will always be famous) but the only really disappointing thing would be if we *didn't* sing along. Proof:
(Quick note: great song critiquing American imperialism, while also being a metaphor for Something Else.) I love how Ron at some point is trying to talk, but you know, Russell exists, so... Good luck with that 😂
If you want to see the roasting though, start around 5:55 in the next video (though the whole thing is tremendously beautiful):
Before that time Russell keeps waiting for the audience to start singing and they just... Don't seem to want to start?? And then once he's outright said it out loud, "sing it from here!", and we start singing he soon realises why we didn't start earlier, poor man is *so* disappointed - you can see it in his entire body language, just deflated. (It must suck at times to have a voice no one can match 😅💕) But we keep at it in full force, and he's smiling that big smile of his again! Continuing to tell us off for not singing it right though, which had everyone in stitches 😂 I was at this show and it was the best! (There's more videos of it out there where you may be able to see his face better, this show was performed only a handful of times but to experience the roast from different viewpoints you want Equator from the Barbican show in London from 19 December 2014.)
Okay back to Ron (see, I got so sidetracked 😂). Everything you've said about facial expressions and the effect Ron's face has on you is so relatable. Ron being who he is gave me permission to also go back to being myself again. I've always felt that I was forced to be a certain way, and it meant I was never good enough because I'm just... Not like that. I don't want to smile if I don't mean it and at the same time if I don't smile it doesn't mean I'm not happy. Also I love that he found what he liked and just... Stuck with it. Suit, tie, moustache. And Ron went, okay that's me sorted for my entire life. It's just who he is. And it's so inspiring. It's like seeing him exist made me relax for the first time in my life. (Going to my first Sparks show was the first time in my life I ever felt at home. I'm not going on this tangent but I feel it's important to point out I learned about Sparks before I knew I was autistic and that kind of saved my life.) Back to the face thing though. The pandemic actually helped me to get my own face back. Wearing a mask all the time meant I didn't have to do all the expected facial emotions, no one was going to see them! So in putting on a mask, I dropped the autistic masking. It was a real struggle for me with my face when people expected me to take the mask of again because suddenly my face "existed" again to the outside world. It's been a struggle but I chose to try to let my face just be and my life is so much better now because of that. (It turns out that apart from my family, no one actually comments or minds my face. It's fine:)) (It's not that I never smile, it's just that when I do smile it's because it just happens and I really just feel happy. When I'm among the people who I feel really at ease with and happy around, it turns out I'm actually a lot like Russell and I'm smiling all the time!)
I love that Ron has this set in stone image, and that at the same time he can be "unexpected" - his love for air Jordan shoes, sports, snow globes, rap music, his shuffle, ...I Predict. Just because he's the Boss Accountant (badass term coined by @/archeolatry that I love SO MUCH) doesn't mean he's defined in only one dimension. (I mean we know that, he writes most of the songs and all these albums and songs are different and there's so much humour in it all. Also, see Not That Well Defined.) It's just nice as hell and so freeing.
And indeed we never are too old for anything! Russell is like the real life Peter Pan, and he's also sunshine personified - having a bad day? Not anymore, Russell exists! But anyway, back to what you said about never being too old for anything. Society is so set on telling us we need to have it all figured out at a certain age. Or that our live is over at a certain age. And it's just such a lie! (It Doesn't Have To Be That Way :)) When I was younger I felt so shitty all the time, everything about me seemed wrong and I know I'd never be what society deemed successful. What helped me so much is the constant reminder that at my age, Sparks hadn't even made so many of my favourite albums yet! Nothing is bound to age. And I have every intention to be a late bloomer, continuing to bloom throughout life. I think I'm going to be really happy when I'm 55. (Though I'm not going to be as fit as Russell is haha, it's like he eats batteries for breakfast. (He doesn't. He may have a lot of energy but also he works really hard to keep it that way and to keep his voice in shape, they don't want to perform their songs in a different key. He wants to reach the notes, and he does! I think his voice only has gotten better and better with the years, which is really not the case for any other band that's been around as long as they have.))
... It's just all so beautiful, isn't it? :) They both inspire me so much.
Which brings us to: Sparkstember :)
Sparkstember was created by our very own fellow fan @/newwaveworm (new-wave-worm on Instagram). (I'm not tagging people directly in this post because I don't want to be invasive, but they're all really nice people :)) The first Sparkstember was in 2021, and in 2022 it seemed to have caught on on a bigger scale. Sparks shared the prompts list and shared so much of everyone's stuff! They were loving it. Same in 2023. (If you've seen what Instagram and tumblr looked like on Ron's birthday - that's a preview of how it gets on there during Sparkstember, but then it goes on for the full month!) Sparks have at some point sent newwaveworm a parcel with gifts and signed stuff to say thank you for coming up with Sparkstember, it's really sweet. They've even spoken about Sparkstember in an interview last year! You can read it here. (Both of the art pieces Russell and Ron mentioned in the article were made by @/nedison, who's day was obviously made when they saw this - it was so cool!)
I don't know the prompts list yet for this year as so far they usually get posted close to the last week of August, but here's the one for 2022 and the one for 2023 to give you an idea. I'm personally assuming it'll be similar this year (I don't really know that for sure though!) so I've started working on the early albums.
Sparkstember to me is just a really lovely time and people interact with each other a lot, I've shared almost all the pieces people made in 2023 and 2022 on my Instagram page (pineapplefulfillseveryneed) and put them in highlights so if you want, you can see what Sparkstember is like. (Don't worry, I can't see who looks at my Instagram story highlights, so your anonymous cover won't be blown :)) Honestly, to me Sparkstember is near the same level of exciting as a Sparks tour or the release of new material. The entire fandom comes together to tell Sparks how much we love them and it's just a joy to feel so connected to everyone, see so much cool art and make new friends. In a lot of ways it truly feels similar to when there's a tour and people travel from all over the world just to see Sparks. (Sometimes art made by fans ends up in the fanclub newsletter later on as well so that's another exciting thing! I've never made it in though, and it would be a huge honour if at some point I did. So if you do end up making stuff, there's always a small chance that that may happen :))
Don't feel pressured to create something for every day if you partake though, any and all participation is super cool and super appreciated! Picking the days you like best is what I'd recommend because it's supposed to be fun and not stressful :) I consistently truly have a lot more time than most people (because I've been unable to function in society in a normal way) and it's still incredibly challenging to the point it almost makes me ill at times. (I don't sleep well at all for the entire month, both because I'm so excited and because I'm very audhd which means I suck at planning and end up not having anything ready for the next day so then I still have to come up with something. It takes up literally all my time and my brain can't catch a break 😅) ... You've had a little taste of what Sparks fans are like though, so yeah we're just a little bit mad like that because we love them so much. (Sparks is a little bit mad as well though, in 2008 they played 21 concerts over 21 days, playing a different full album every day. I didn't get to witness that but it's one of my favourite things they've ever done, there's quite a bit of footage of it on YouTube and they're some of my favourite concerts! I always think about that during Sparkstember, because who but Sparks and who but Sparks fans would do something like that.)
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kisses-from-crows · 1 year
Crossed Wires - Campbell Bain
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Pairing: Radio Host!Campbell Bain/Popstar!Reader (she/her)
Summary: after butting heads during an ill-fated interview for her debut album, Y/N and Campbell become professionally linked against their wills.
word count: 907
genre: enemies to lovers, modern au, reader insert, forced proximity, misunderstandings
cw: nothing yet, will let you know if that changes!
Chapter 1
-TMZ: Breaking News! Long lost pop princess F/N L/N has been spotted outside her apartment in New York for the first time in over a year. A comeback may be just around the corner, a source close to L/N reports. Posted: 4 min ago -
“Good god, just when I thought I was rid of the wretch” Campbell groaned. He tossed his phone on the desk and leaned back in his desk chair. Y/N… to say he hadn’t thought about her in a year would be a lie. He might have hated her music but god no one could keep up with his banter like she could. In the time it took most people to make out his accent she was already firing back some witty response.
Their first meeting had been years ago. Back when he was still a full-time intern and part-time radio host on the graveyard shift. Y/N was days away from releasing her debut album, both of them unknowingly teetering right on the edge of overnight stardom.
The station gave him an interview with the singer as a fluff piece and he was determined to make the best of it. At the time the rumor was she’d only secured the spot after catching the eye of some studio executive’s son. Y/N’s lead single was charting well but Campbell guessed she would likely be another one hit wonder, destined to fade into obscurity. He’d been given an advance copy of the album and nearly fell asleep listening to it. The production was predictable and flat, the lyrics were repetitive and meaningless, and the vocals were… well the vocals were quite good but he’d never admit that out loud.
All Campbell needed was a good old publicity stunt and he was on his way to securing his own show. Determined to expose this clear industry plant, Campbell put Y/N in the hot seat and his tongue ran away with him. He endlessly grilled her about her new album and the flaws he found in her character because of it. Much to his surprise, she didn’t falter. She matched him for every hit, striking back quicker and harder each time. He found the exchange utterly thrilling. Scratching a particularly manic part of his brain, the part that loathed idleness and people who talked too slowly. So they verbally went for each other’s throats for the next half an hour. Exchanging cleverly harsh witticisms like a game of battleship. Which is to say by firing blindly and seeing what landed a blow then concentrating all your attention there. By the time the radio station techs told them time was up, a part of Campbell was bit sad to see her go. Never one to keep a thought to himself, stood up to tell her so. She, however, tossed her headset on the desk with a huff.
Y/N muttered a quick “Fucking finally” under her breath, before marching out of the studio without another word. It was in that moment that Campbell decided he had been absolutely right about Y/N. She was shallow and vain. A hollow figurehead for everything wrong with the music industry. She had no passion for the art, and it was insulting. The assumption that he would likely never see her again gave some comfort to his wounded ego.
But fate could never be so kind, he should have known that. Their careers and destinies were now undeniably linked. As the he stared up at the ceiling of his too small and too expensive New York apartment, the seemingly meaningless late night radio interview Campbell wanted to forget spread like wildfire. Those that despised Y/N’s music took Campbell’s word as gospel, bashing her music and praising his superior taste. Fans of Y/N rallied behind her and praised her composure. But the part of the interview neither side could get off their mind, was the heated chemistry between the pair.
Within 48 hours, both of their timelines were filled with half-baked think pieces and edits of themselves. It was all surreal really, watching strangers on the internet discuss you like you aren’t real.
Campbell’s stunt pulled in more attention for the station than they’d had since the dot com boom. Viewers fell in love with his unique voice and frantic energy, demanding Campbell get more airtime until the studio was forced to give him his own show. And the controversy surrounding Y/N’s debut caused it to rocket to the top the charts, trending in the top 10 for weeks.
But that was years ago. Almost seven now, to be exact. After that first interview, all anyone can wanted was a repeat performance. A chance to see the two quick-tongued hot heads in another cage match. That TMZ leak was a warning. Campbell laid in the dark and prayed that the call he knew was coming would miraculously never come. He fiddled with his New York Giants cap and wondered why he ever came to this town in the first place. Ah, yes, the unrelenting blind optimism that had gotten him so far.
As his phone lit up the black of his room, he knew it had failed him once again. Campbell almost let the damn thing go to voicemail. On the cracked screen of his old beat up phone was a call from a contact labelled: ITS THE DEVIL’S HENCHMAN DINNAE ANSWER IT.
So Campbell accepted the call.
“How would you like the exclusive interview for F/N L/N’s comeback album?”
Next Chapter
a/n: ahh so this is first fanfic i’ve ever written. i have an idea of where i want this to go so if people are into it i’d be happy to keep updating it. this chapter was mainly to establish some background info. anyway thank you for reading!!! love you!
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r1v3raq · 6 months
My perfect boy
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sim jaeyun x trans male reader
fluff ; hurt/comfort ; crying ; oneshot ; pet names ; non-idol AU ; jake as your sweet & caring boyfriend ; first year anniversary celebrating ; kissing
➣ lowercase intended | word count: 2.4k
➣ the reader gets called “pretty” etc
➣ the reader had top surgery ; !! ftm reader !!
tw: mentioned transphobia ; body dysmorphia ; self hate ; intention of self harm ; curse words
english is not my first language. i apologise if i made some mistakes. feel free to correct me :)
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jake had a pretty tiring day at work, so now he just wants to get home and prepare for the best night ever. even at work, he was thinking about you, since today is your first year anniversary.
this day has to be special.
he’s tapping with his fingers on the steering wheel as his thoughts circle around you. how badly he wants to cuddle you right now, pepper your face with kisses, admire your attractive face and listen to your voice. but no matter how badly he wants to do these right now, he has to finish his surprise for you, that’s why he goes home hours earlier.
jake has always been a clingy person, but ever since he got together with you, — according to his friends, — he got ten times worse. he just can’t get enough of you. the urge to refrain himself from hugging and placing small kisses on your face is always a big challenge for him.
that’s why he feels the need to make this night perfect for you. he planned everything a few months ago, just that he can get home sooner than he usually does. his boss wasn’t happy about it, but jake doesn’t really care about it. he wants to make you happy.
the moment he gets home, he starts his work right away. he spreads some artificial rose petals onto the floor, from the main door to your bedroom. he knows it’s cheesy but he has always wanted to try it, so he thought he would give it a shot.
then he goes to the kitchen and takes out the ingredients — which he bought in advance just to be sure he can be prepared — and starts cooking your favorite food. he keeps looking at the clock, checking from time to time, calculating how much time he has before you get home.
he's listening to his favorite songs as he cooks, humming the lyrics, sometimes even shaking his hips to the rhythm.
as he finishes, there's only one thing left to do. jake places a lot of candles — with your favorite scent — in every room and lights them. then he goes to your shared bedroom to change his clothes. he knows what kind of style do you like on him, so he puts on those kind of clothes.
he smiles as he tries to guess what your reaction will be. he knows you tend to forget things — such as birthdays or special events — because of all the things you stress about, so it’s mostly him who reminds you of these. but as long as he can surprise you, he doesn't mind.
he turns off all the lights, so now everything is dark, except for the dim light of the candles. he sits down on the couch and checks the time on his phone. it’s almost time for you to arrive.
a few minutes later, jake hears the sound of your footsteps. he takes a deep breath as he hears you insert the key to the lock. he gets up from the furniture and slowly walks towards the front door.
「 ☆ 」
after you open the door the next thing you see is your boyfriend’s face. he’s smiling widely as he leans to the wall.
you almost drop everything out of your hand.
jake comes closer and welcomes you with a warm hug. he peppers kisses on your face as he says “happy first anniversary dear!”
that is the moment when you can't hold your tears back anymore. you press yourself to jake close and start sobbing. the last thing you want to do is ruining jake's mood, but everything bottled up and seeing jake smiling and waiting for you with probably a lot of surprises — as you know how your boyfriend can be when it comes to special events — does not help your situation.
as expected, jake's smile immediately disappears from his face as the worry takes over. he brings one hand to your face and carefully starts rubbing your cheek.
“love? what's wrong?” he asks in a quiet tone, slightly pushing you away so he can look at you properly.
you don't utter a word, because you feel like if you say anything, you won't be able to stop.
“let's just go inside first, alright?” he asks after a couple seconds of silence. you nod.
he closes the door behind you after you both step inside. you see the beautiful lights of the candles, the petals on the floor and you feel even worse. and when the smell of your favorite food reaches your nose, the urge to scream grows stronger.
“i’m so sorry.” that's all you say before you break down completely, crying and sniffing loudly. you feel your knees getting weak but before you could drop down on the floor, jake grabs you by your hips and carries you to the coach. he quickly goes to the switch and turns on the lights, then he comes back to sit next to you, your legs pressed together as he leans closer and hugs you tightly.
“why are you sorry? what happened? you know i’m here for you sweetheart.”
he patiently waits for you as you cry loudly into his shoulders. his clothing around his shoulder is soaked by the amount of tears you dropped on it, but he doesn't mind.
it seems like an eternity, when you finally start to feel better. after taking a deep breath, you try to calm down.
“do you want to talk about it dear, hm?” murmurs jake close to your ears as he starts peppering little kisses on your face.
you can't help but smile at his affectionate side. jake always knows how to help you get through situations like these. because of course, a sudden outburst like this from you is not the first example.
“i don’t want to ruin this day.” you sniffle, avoiding his gaze.
“who says you’re ruining it?” he sighs in a disappointed tone. “if you're not feeling okay, then celebrating it wouldn't make any sense. i don't want you to pretend to be happy when you're not.”
it has always been clear that jake is a good boyfriend. no, not good but the best you could ever ask for.
the uneasy feeling inside you did not disappear, but you're starting to think clearer as you did a few minutes ago.
“i don’t even know where to start.” you say it in a low tone. but jake waits patiently, one of his hands smoothing over the skin on your chin, and the other hand on your thighs while his gaze is on you all the time. “take your time, sweetheart.”
you inhale before you start talking.
“i didn’t forget about this day. i actually planned to get a special cake for you, but... something happened.” you have to take a deep breath so you can continue. “i just left the bakery when i bumped into someone. it was an old classmate of mine, and unfortunately he recognized me. he said really bad things about me and called me names, while his friends just stood there with a disgusted look on their face. it was horrible.”
with each word that left your mouth, jake's gaze got darker and darker.
“i tried to save the cake when they pushed me, but it got smashed. i did not want them to see me cry so i ran away. it was humiliating, just like the fact that i wasn't able to save your anniversary gift.” you start sobbing again.
your boyfriend doesn't say anything, instead he holds you tight. his hands find their way to your hair as he carefully caresses your head, waiting for you to continue.
“and i hate that even though i try everything to bury my past, people still find a way to throw me back and stab me where it hurts the most. i already hate myself so much, why do they have to make it worse? i know i’ll never be a boy, but why do they have to make me more miserable? why is it my fault that i hate who i was, no, who i am, because i will never ever be satisfied with how i look, sound or act. it's so unfair, i hate being jealous but in reality i've always felt envy to attractive boys with deeper voice and adam’s apple. i wish i was one of them. a real boy. i wish i didn’t have to pay for a surgery just to be who i am supposed to be. sometimes i want to hurt myself to actually feel that i'm real somehow, but at the same time i feel so lost and scared. i hate it!”
at the end of your speech you raise your voice. your mind is literally a mess. jake already knew you were struggling with these feelings, but you never got worked up like this before. everything really did bottle up inside you.
“and most of the time i feel like you deserve someone better. someone who is not a failure like me, who is prettier, smarter and more talented. someone whose life isn't shitty and is a better boyfriend.”
jake stays quiet through everything you say, but this time he slightly pulls himself away to look you in the eyes. they are full of emotions. anger, sadness, even disappointment.
it makes you stop talking.
he takes one of your hands and kisses the inside of your palm, near to your wrist.
“love... it must have been horrible to keep these only to yourself, so thank you for telling me. i know it's really hard for you, and i just want you to know that i’m so proud of you. it really hurts me to see you like this. if anyone deserves better in this world, it is you. how can you say those bad things about yourself? you’re the best boyfriend i could ask for. you're my perfect boy. and no one can change that, because no matter how you sound or look, you'll always be a boy. believe me dear. i have been nothing but sincere with you always, so i hope my words will actually get to you. let me help you and be there for you. i want you to always tell me when your overwhelmed with thoughts like these. you don't have to go through this alone, okay? and don't say you don't want to bother me because you could never do that.”
he's carefully choosing his words as he caresses your face. you force your tears to stop.
“and i swear, if i ever see those motherfuckers, they will regret everything they have done to you and they will be begging for your forgiveness. how dare they say those awful, untrue things about my partner? who is actually perfect, if you ask me.” he says as he keeps looking to your eyes.
you can't help but chuckle at his words.
“that's my boy.” he places a soft kiss on your cheek, then he reaches out one hand and wipes the tears from your face. “your smile is the prettiest. my bad, you are the prettiest.”
your gaze stays on him as you feel a warm feeling settling in your chest. you feel so lucky to have jake. your heart could explode by this overflowing adoration that he gives you.
“thank you, love.” you say to him as you lay your head on his shoulder and close your eyes. “can we stay like this for a few minutes?” you ask.
“of course.”
「 ☆ 」
“do you feel better?” asks jake a bit later. you nod in response. “good. but i’m here to listen if you have anything in your mind. i didn't want to interrupt you before.”
you take a deep breath while you interlace your fingers with jake's. a smile appears on his face at your action, but you don't notice it. your eyes are on his veiny hands.
“now, i just want to celebrate our first year anniversary with my boyfriend.”
this makes both of you smile at eachother.
“very well then. i cooked your favorite, as you can probably smell it. should we eat? are you hungry?”
“i wouldn't want to miss out on your cooking.” you murmur after placing a quick kiss on jake's lips, which you know it drives him crazy.
“don’t you want to give me a proper kiss?” asks your boyfriend with a cheeky smile.
the answer you prepared for him is straight up teasing.
“if the food is good enough, i will consider it.”
jake's reaction is priceless. his smile disappears from his face and pure flabbergast takes over. it almost makes you laugh out loud.
you stand up from the couch to make your way to the kitchen, but jake's hands find their way to your waist and pulls you back to him. as a result, you fall into his lap.
“i guarantee you, i cook really well, so give me the kiss in advance, please.” he whines.
you roll your eyes playfully at his words. needy jake is back. but you both know you can't resist him.
you turn your head to face your boyfriend and lean close to him. he looks at you with his doe eyes, waiting for you to speak.
“so childish. but since you asked so nicely–” you cut off your own sentence by placing your lips on his, causing him another surprise.
he closes his eyes as he places his hands on your waist, making you turn your whole body to his and pulling you even closer. it feels so good, you start to forget about all the bad things that happened to you today.
jake is here for you, and the thought he always will be makes you smile in satisfaction.
“i love you” he mumbles after breaking the kiss.
“i love you so much.” he repeats.
if anyone asked how you feel after hearing these words, it would be hard to answer. you heard him saying it many times already, but every time those words leave his mouth, it's like hearing it for the first time. the way he pours every emotion to his words, the way he softly holds you with his hands and the way he handles these situations makes you fall for him over and over again.
“i love you too, jaeyun.”
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dreamsoffantasty · 6 months
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━━ ❀               𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐕𝐈𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒    𝐏𝐞𝐲𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐡'𝐬    ❀ ( lyrical meme appreciation featuring songs various albums, please feel free to change the pronouns as you see fit  ! some of the lyrics changed to fit better for RP purposes. anything with 'insert ' please put in what you would like to best fit the quote. )      
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❛ The darkness comes alive, feeding on me. ❜
❛ The howling Norse inside, overtakes me. ❜
❛ The time has come to stand and fight. ❜
❛ Draw your axes, let them fly ! ❜
❛ Unleash the warrior you've become. ❜
❛ Rise up, rise up, it is time for war. ❜
❛ Indestructible fortitude, wielding powers of {godname}. ❜
❛ I've got the heart of a warrior, heart of a {insert}. ❜
❛ Nothing can stop me, move out of my way. ❜
❛ Bloodlust is rising, hurricane in my veins. ❜
❛ We are, we are, we are {insert} ! ❜
❛ The sickness all around, infests me... ❜
❛ Chaos inside, runs through me. ❜
❛ The time has come to stand and fight ! ❜
❛ Draw your axes, let them fly ! Release the warrior you've become and fight ! ❜
❛ I've got the heart of a warrior. ❜
❛ Nothing can stop me, move out of my way. Bloodlust is rising, hurricane in my veins. ❜
❛ Winter nights of blood and steel, war amongst {insert}. ❜
❛ Plains being converted to ash, raze the fields and burn it all... ❜
❛ Sound the horns, the enemy shall fear, unleash our war cry ! The battle for {insert} is ours. ❜
❛ {insert}, get ready for war. ❜
❛ This is something worth fighting for ! ❜
❛ Can you taste the blood of man ? ❜
❛ Can you taste the victory ? ❜
❛ Are you ready to die in war ? ❜
❛ Glory in the battlefield, forming lines of dirt and green. ❜
❛ March to claim our history ! ❜
❛ The everlasting darkness, begins to fill into my heart. ❜
❛ A hundred days, a hundred more we sail unto the battle for our home. ❜
❛ My love, I will fight this war for you. ❜
❛ If I fall, I'll see you again. ❜
❛ No matter the fight, I'll stand up and rise. I'll carry this weight across all divides and if it's my time just know that I have loved you ! ❜
❛ As I sail far from home, I can't help but think of you… ❜
❛ I miss everything I love If you hear me Oh I… Love you. ❜
❛ My love, I will fight this war for you and if I fall I'll see you again. ❜
❛ No matter the fight I'll stand up and rise. ❜
❛ I'll carry this weight across all divides. ❜
❛ I'll remember everything with you and I'll remember how you changed me. ❜
❛ I'll remember. ❜
❛ I'll remember everything, and I'll remember till the day I rest my eyes. ❜
❛ I feel the aura on the breath of man. ❜
❛ With time let the fear sink in. ❜
❛ The bodies burn, our kingdom falls. ❜
❛ With no sacrifice what's for your kin ? Mercy is a-coming but I'm not your friend. ❜
❛ Do you know who I am ? ❜
❛ I'm the god/goddess of {insert}. ❜
❛ Destined blood filling my veins, commanding my power, annihilating the pain. ❜
❛ I drink from your bones that bled. ❜
❛ Finger on the string and my heart on the bow, one by one falling down like snow. ❜
❛ Armor on the flesh but my blade's in the wound. ❜
❛ You mock my deity ! ❜
❛ Do you know who I am ? I'm the god/goddess of {insert}. ❜
❛ Horns full of mead, as I drink from your bones that bled. ❜
❛ Mercy is a-coming but I'm not your friend.. ❜
❛ The nightmare of eternity, marches right before your eyes. ❜
❛ As the ground begins to shake, Ravens fly amongst the sky. ❜
❛ Battles of great divine. ❜
❛ Torn hearts of fear and cries, let the rage of war ignite. ❜
❛ We were born to rise ! ❜
❛ We're gonna raid all your shit, annihilate your villages, plunder all for the hell of it. ❜
❛ Warriors, stand up, fight ! ❜
❛ You're going down tonight ! ❜
❛ Berserkers, fury of war - ❜
❛ Man/Woman of honor, man/woman of war. ❜
❛ Tales be told forever more - bloody axes, bloody fields, fight with honor, clash of shields. ❜
❛ Fearless soldiers fight with heart. ❜
❛ Haunting lands of man and steel. ❜
❛ The weapon in the storm clashing in the sky. ❜
❛ The horns of {insert}, calls for war. ❜
❛ The ground will shake and the sun will fall and the war bears march as we bellow through the halls. ❜
❛ I will rise and push on through. ❜
❛ I'll prove my might and show my strength. ❜
❛ The limit of my mercy follows you. ❜
❛ I've got the power of {insert} in my hands. ❜
❛ Thunderous hammer that will sing across all the land. ❜
❛ Lightning strikes as I storm through the valleys of death. ❜
❛ You follow the empire ! ❜
❛ Thunderous {insert} that will sing across all the land. ❜
❛ We embrace our fears through realms of the dead. ❜
❛ The path to {insert} is the honor we share. ❜
❛ Blood by oath, iron swords by bond, no matter the realm, we're kings till dawn. ❜
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rimeiii · 1 year
Forget your tears - be brave, and fall asleep (WHB Belial x MC)
Revisited the chapter 8 Mephisto boss fight (and by extension the second phase BGM Lullabye) because the recent trailer for Arknights anime season 2, Perish in Frost, had a tiny snippet of it that maybe sent the entire fandom into a frenzy. Then I remember seeing a post speculating about the effects of the seed of the fruit of knowledge on a human with the most angst-filled HC in which it turns the human into an ally of the angels. And thus, this was born.
Also served as a distraction to the entire PM situation so...yeah. Apologies for any shit writing.
Tags: GN Reader x WHB Belial. Written before launch, so prepare for lore inaccuracies. Angst. Likely not proofread. Also it's been a while since I last wrote something and this is my first rodeo with reader insert so...
Title is taken from the English translated lyrics to Lullabye from the Arknights OST!
Belial had always associated music with comfort.
Ever since he'd lost his voice to the angels when he was young, he'd always experienced nightmares. Try as he might, no matter how much he actively attempted to suppress the memories of that day, they'd return to him when his psyche was at its most susceptible. Like a monster laying in wait, these memories would remain dormant - deceptively harmless, until they'd viciously resurface in his unconscious mind.
He'll always remember. The agony of his vocal cords getting burnt away, the searing pain in his throat as his voice is completely annihilated, the demons of Paradise Lost regretfully telling him there was nothing they could do about his voice.
The way his heart ached unbearably harshly as he is beset upon the realization that he is effectively rendered mute. The soul-crushing realization that he can no longer sing, melodies and lyrics becoming nothing more than ideas locked in his mind. The deep despair as it dawned on him that he could no longer communicate effectively with anyone.
Pain made way to sadness, to the despair of loss, to anger at the angels.
Belial was young, at the time. Impulsive and perhaps a little bit rash, fueled by wrath towards the beings that stripped him of his voice. A wrath so uncontrollable that even with Jjyu doing his utmost best to keep Belial's anger in check, residual traces of his wrath remain.
Perhaps it was an effect of Satan's influence on the demons of Gehenna. Perhaps his anger was just that potent. Perhaps, he was angry at how he never obtained a peaceful rest.
But either way, Belial's turbulent emotions remained - until Solomon arrived and managed to quell his raging emotions.
Solomon came with a song. A lullaby, a song to soothe a troubled soul. Though the melody seems anything but - a melancholic melody in a tongue Belial is unfamiliar with, yet carries with it the sorrow of a protector in the night. Silent, yet steadfast, always ready to be a sanctuary.
It was enough for his restless heart to grow calm.
Even after Solomon left, there remains a recording of Solomon singing the lullaby. It always became a source of a comfort for Belial, a brief calm within the turbulent storm that was their war against the angels. And it has become his way to remember his beloved Solomon, the only being in the entire universe to be able to calm his restless heart.
It was his main source for comfort, at this point.
The very first time Belial heard someone else sing the very lullaby that only exists in recordings, it was sung by Solomon's descendant, (Y/N).
It was late, while they were settling down for the night. They were changing into their sleepwear in Belial's room, who was bundled up in the covers while beckoning them towards him. And unconsciously, perhaps due to the comfort of the darkness surrounding them, they started humming that familiar tune.
Immediately, Belial grew still. Is that...
Fortunately, Jjyu was quick to pick up on Belial's confusion, as usual.
"Hey, that song..." Jjyu murmured, quiet and shaky, breaking the fragile silence of the night. Seeing that he caught their attention, he continued his question. "How do you know it?"
"Hm? Oh, my parents used to sing it to me whenever I couldn't sleep, back when I was a kid." (Y/N) replied. Belial noted the slightly subdued delivery of their statement and immediately sat up straight, scooting over to create more space for them.
"It's been a long time since I last heard them sing, but it has always stuck with me up 'til now, y'know?" (Y/N) laughed weakly as they settled down beside Belial. They snuggled closer to Belial, nuzzling their head into the crook of his neck, savoring his warmth and presence. "Even after they're long gone, I still remember their voices, and the lullaby."
"Where are they now?" Jjyu asked, even though both he and Belial had a feeling they knew what was coming next.
A sad, rueful smile made its way onto (Y/N)'s lips.
Immediately, Belial wrapped his arm around (Y/N), giving their shoulder a comforting squeeze. I'm sorry.
"It's been years, Beli. I'm fine now." They replied. He noted the slight tinge of grief in their voice but refused to comment further on it, seeing as they diverted the conversation to another topic. "Why did you ask about the song, though?"
"Solomon used to sing that lullaby whenever Belial would get nightmares." Jjyu supplied easily. "It would calm him down after one."
(Y/N) hummed contemplatively. "I'm probably not as good as Solomon, but if you want, I don't mind singing for you if you get any more nightmares, Beli."
Jjyu looked like he was uncertain, however one look at Belial must have showed how the other demon was truly thankful for the offer. Because while Solomon's singing was the one that calmed him down all those years ago, he still thought the way (Y/N) hummed the lullaby in question is soothing and beautiful in its own right. And, because of that, he decided he wanted to hear them sing.
"Thank you, (Y/N). We'll take you up on that offer."
(And hey, at least Jjyu isn't being an asshole for once.)
There's a lot to be said about the significance of music, especially for someone like Belial, who loves and appreciates all the intricacies that came with music and its structure.
The lullaby he'd always come to associate with comfort had also become associated with (Y/N), the human who had won over his heart. They sang it with such profound emotion, sorrow and solace blending into a heartrending harmony, so similar yet so unlike how Solomon used to sing it to him. It was soulful, soothing, and calming all at once.
It was so unlike the way they sing it now, consumed by the heavenly powers and transmogrified into a heavenly being, becoming a berserk "angel" hell-bent on killing the very people they once considered friends.
(Jjyu would prefer calling whatever they transformed into as a monster. Belial would be inclined to agree - if not for the fact it was (Y/N) they were talking about.)
Their voice is raw, broken and distorted. Rage, anguish, anger, and despair, all intermixed into a cacophony of grating noises. It was so unlike the charming and beautiful voice Belial was used to, and it hurts.
It hurts, because he knows why (Y/N) turned into this heavenly being in the first place. Because he knows they sacrificed themself, offered themself up to keep the demons safe. Knows, that even if it meant they were to die, they were willing to give up their life for the demons they have grown to cherish.
And yet Belial, still stuck in denial, desperately searches their eyes for any sign of the human he had grown affectionate towards. A spark of life, a hint of familiarity, something, anything-
Nothing. There is nothing.
They are unfamiliar in his eyes. A husk of their former self, blazing a warpath of complete and utter annihilation of Hell and its denizens.
Was this what (Y/N) meant when they told me to gain the strength needed to kill them?
His allies are all too far away from him. Satan made his orders clear, no matter how painful it was for them all - kill (Y/N).
He has a clear shot at the moment. Though their movements are erratic, they often remain still for long periods of time - exhaustion, perhaps, due to taking up a form they are not used to. Yet they continue singing, as if it could relieve some of the pain and anguish their forced transformation has caused them.
And Belial remembers.
He remembers them singing to him until he falls asleep.
He remembers the comfort from their voice, singing to him such a familiar lullaby.
He remembers them, eventually recording themself singing the lullaby and giving the recording to him.
So similar, yet so different to how she's singing it right now.
He can't bear seeing them suffer in a fate worse than death, nor can he bear hearing the lullaby, now distorted beyond belief. So he takes aim despite his tears, aims the muzzle of his sniper rifle at their forehead...
They crumple into the ground in a heap, before immediately turning to dust.
Belial sobs, and Jjyu wails with him, the pair of them unable to retrieve any trace of their prior existence.
And the lullaby, a song he associated with comfort once upon a time, is now identic of anguish, of the loss of a loved one.
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wrongcaitlyn · 2 months
wait, im confused, what's the voicenote at the end of chemtrails???
if you listen to the song 'chemtrails' by lizzy mcalpine, there's a short recording at the end of lizzy's father talking about her from an old video! the song is about her father's death, and the voice note is just such a beautiful part of the song. i sort of changed the meaning of the song though to match nico, and changed the voice recording (in my head ofc) of lizzy's father to will.
at the beginning of chapter 8, titled chemtrails, he and will work on the song and add the excerpt - i'll just copy and paste that right here so you can see what my version of the voice note is :)
So he concludes that that’s what chemtrails is about, in his head. Grief, and how he can’t ever seem to escape it, even with the events done and over with. Even with therapy, and growing up, and making friends, the emptiness is still a pit in his stomach that returns every other day. 
But there are things that make it better. That relieve him of the regret and the longing for a few minutes, and that remind him of what he has right now—what he hasn’t lost.
He pulls open his phone app, and a few seconds later, there comes Will’s, “What’re you doing?” that Nico refrains from chuckling at.
He opens up one of the voicemails—dated August 30th, a call that had come in the early hours of the morning when Will was heading off to his first class. It was a general update on life, on who his friends were and what he ate for dinner the night before. “So, yeah. I think I’ll be alright,” he says, his tone comforting even with the sound of wind making it through his phone. He ends the call with a brief, “Love you, bye,” as he always does. 
Nico screen records it and emails it to himself, opening up the tab on his computer.
He doesn’t talk as he inserts the clip and edits it into the song, biting the inside of his cheek as he tries to get the volume just right so it doesn’t overshadow the song, and lowering the sound of the wind a bit so it doesn’t get in the way of Will’s words.
He doesn’t know how much time passes, but the time says 6:32 AM, and he clicks play on the newly finished song. It’s only when he hears Will’s voice back at him, over the repeated lyrics, I miss it, I miss you, that he turns around abruptly, realizing he hadn’t even considered Will when using his voice in the song.
Nico doubts he’ll add it to the album, anyway, so some of the panic fades away, only to be replaced with gut wrenching dread as he watches a tear roll down Will’s face.
“Will?” he asks, moving closer to where Will is seated on his stool, but having pulled his knees up and holding them against his chest. “Will? Shit, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have—”
“I like it,” Will repeats his earlier comment, but this time his voice cracks in the middle, and he quickly moves his hand to wipe away the tear. “I really like it, Nico.”
the full scene is in the fic, but that's just the part describing the voicenote :) highly recommend listening to the song, its incredible! and heartbreaking. i love it so much.
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withoutyouimsaskia · 2 years
Remember Me, Special Dreams
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25
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GIF: Originally posted by @simply---words
Summary: Self-insert. You're having trouble with recurring night terrors and Morpheus pays you a visit. (Title from the lyrics of Placebo’s Special Needs)
Warnings: language, angst, mentions of night terrors. 18+ Minors DNI. Smut, hand play, penetrative sex (AFAB+AMAB).
Word Count: 2.1k
A/N: Hello there! Smut part 2 is here! I apologise for the delay with this chapter. It took a long time to pull all the threads together and get the dialogue right. Hope you are safe and well. All my love, Saskia ❤️
Sandman Masterlist
“Right now I need to be inside you.”
Morpheus’ desperate words see another spark burst forth into flame within your core.
There is no point in arguing with him. You can tell from the obstinate set of his shoulders as he gazes up at you from his still-kneeling position.
You push yourself back so your entire length rests on the pale blue sheets.
“Lie with me.” You pat the space next to you and roll onto your side.
Once Morpheus is situated beside you, you watch each other, kissing every so often. After a period, the aftershocks of your recent orgasm burn out and you feel prepared to take things further.
You inhale a deep breath, knowing that what you want to say next is important but uncertain of how to phrase it.
“I'm not exactly sure of how reproduction works among Endless beings... however I wanted you to know that I’m taking a contraceptive pill,” you clarify while fruitlessly attempting to smooth a crease out of the sheet.
He kisses you sweetly. “Thank you for your openness.”
You lay on your back and Morpheus carefully straddles you.
He’s so delightfully accessible to you now. The angles of his collarbones are demanding to be touched so you do it. You start there, with both hands in the centre, spreading out across his chest, over his upper arms, round to his back and up into his hair. His muscles contract as you trace the path. 
You change instrument, swapping from hands to lips, and press kisses to his exposed neck. It sends him into a feverous delirium; his pupils are dilated so far that they almost eclipse the blue.
He guides your hand to his erection. He is already hard yet he stiffens even further when you begin to pleasure him.
His eyes roll back with a low groan. You gush at the sound.
Dark lashes cast pretty shadows onto his cheekbones in the light of the lamp. With your free hand, you cup his face then slide your fingers through the shorter hair above his nape.
You stroke his shaft evenly for a while before tightening the hold you have on him by a fraction. He tenses, speaking your name in a forewarning and you release him before you get too carried away.
The liquid lust in his eyes when he looks back to you is overwhelming. You open your legs.
“You are ready?” He asks.
“Yes,” you whisper, heartbeat picking up. “Are you?”
“I am.”
He adjusts your position ever so slightly. His weight sinks down and you feel his tip at your entrance. You become rigid, nerves returning full force.
“I will be gentle with you, Y/N, I promise,” he pledges.
You nod. "I trust you."
He strokes your face with his fingertips. “As I trust you.”
The mutual exchange of those candidly spoken words gives you proof that the connection you are cultivating together is pure and honest and authentic. Exactly as you want it to be.
Morpheus waits until you are completely relaxed before resuming. His eyes are trained on your face, looking for any sign of discomfort but also to see your reaction. 
You are doing the same. Despite your suppression and denial of your attraction and feelings, both of you genuinely had wanted this for some time now.
And because of that, you need to remember every second.
You secure your hands on his shoulders.
He eases into you slowly, stretching you further than you had been in the past, inspiring a long moan that harmonises with his own.
“Morpheus,” you call as he continues to push in.
You are panting. The sensation of being opened up has your eyelids fluttering.
“Keep looking at me,” he whispers.
You do as he says and re-focus on his familiar, perfect face.
He bottoms out with a breathy gasp.
As your walls flutter, he holds still to give you time to adjust.
He feels so very large and so very right.
The expression on his face is one of unadulterated astonishment. “You feel…” He groans, “You are…”
For the first time since knowing him, he is unable to finish his sentence. You have rendered the King of Dreams almost speechless.
You reach up to stroke his jaw line. “Please.”
He understands and moves ever so slightly. You overload from pleasure, burying your face in his neck and inhaling deeply to compose yourself with his scent.
You feel his large hand on the back of your head.
“I’ve got you,” he repeats a few times. His voice calms you quickly and keeps your arousal throbbing.
With your heart rate stabilised, you look back at Morpheus and smile.
“I’m okay now. Keep going.”
He smiles back, and lowers onto his forearms. You are more prepared for the movement this time; the pleasure is still visceral but you soak every bit of it in. 
You instantly want more.
His first thrust is shallow, as is the second, and after the third, he begins to deepen in increments. When you begin to move with him, bliss lights his countenance. 
He is taking his time to satisfy you and it is so unlike any of the sexual encounters you have had before. He is savouring the moment, savouring you. It makes you feel undeniably special. He wants to share his very being with you as you do with him.
It adds another tie of emotional attachment to him. You trace his cheekbones with adoration.
Morpheus stops suddenly. He draws almost all the way out.
Your mouth drops open. You want to complain, to tilt your hips up and maintain the friction but you don’t. There’s a look on his face that stops you. A look that has you combusting.
You watch him with baited breath. The urge to squirm and whine is immense.
He slams back into you.
The grunt he makes as he does so is salacious. You cry out and grab his shoulders.
He repeats the action.
You hold tighter still.
His lips claim your own in a searing kiss.
He then sets a rhythm that you know will send you over the edge if he maintains it. And he does. He takes you hard and deep until everything you know is him. Him alone.
The roll of his hips casts a hypnotic spell over you.
You wrap your legs around him. He hums in approval at the deeper angle you have offered.
"Morpheus," you moan loudly as he takes you into a realm of pleasure that you had not been permitted to enter before.
The devotion in his eyes intensifies with every pump.
You feel your channel contracting as he pushes you closer and closer to the edge.
“Let go for me,” he urges in a dangerously seductive tone.
His hand finds yours and he laces his fingers between your own. Such care is shown in that simple act; in his ocean blue eyes. You focus on them as the tension in your core threatens to snap.
“Let go, Y/N.”
You arch up, walls clamping around him. 
You are silent as the orgasm bursts forth and then all you can say is his name as the euphoria blinds you.
As soon as you speak, he spills himself inside you.
Pleasurable agony is drawn on his beautiful features. He continues to move until he runs dry. Your trembling legs sink down onto the mattress.
Then Morpheus withdraws and descends the last few centimetres to be flush against your glowing skin.
The only movement either of you make are the rises and falls of your chests and involuntary twitches created by your orgasms.
You remain contentedly pressed together until your spent bodies recover, consumed by joy and serenity.
You and Morpheus take it in turns to clean up in your bathroom. He lets you go first; your body feels painfully cold without him and you have to take refuge under the duvet upon re-entering the room.
Pink warmth blushes your cheeks when he comes back and you don’t try to hide it. What a difference it makes to feel able to show your desires now.
Morpheus pauses, eyes flickering to the vacant side of the bed. You pull a corner back and beckon for him to join you.
“You are sure?” He asks, respecting your personal space.
“Hold me, please.”
He slips between the sheets. His dark locks fall into a halo on the pillow. He draws you against his side and tucks your head under his chin. You nuzzle into his strong chest and sigh.
"You were right when you said you were experienced," You murmur after a few minutes.
He huffs out a little laugh. "Does that mean that you enjoyed yourself?"
"Of course I did. It was -"
Life changing. Mind altering. Soul defining.
They were all viable ways to end your sentence.
"It was the best I've ever had," you eventually say.
His fingers trace precise patterns on your upper back.
"I have longed to be with you like that for some time. Since the day that you kissed me on top of that hill.”
“That long?”
“Yes,” he replies solemnly.
“I hope I lived up to your expectations.”
“You exceeded them.”
You blink. “Really?”
“Your touch is something to be coveted, and you react so perfectly to me. You are considerate of my boundaries. You understand the emotional weight of sexual contact. I could not wish for more.”
He shifts to be able to look into your eyes.
"I apologise for the way I reacted when I got undressed. I did not mean to cause you any concern. I am grateful for how you sought to console me.”
“You don't have to say sorry for anything, Morpheus.”
“Perhaps not but I feel I should elucidate.”
He sits up and you follow.
“Something happened to me. I was certain that I had overcome it yet I couldn’t stop myself from drawing a parallel to what had transpired.”
His gaze fixes on the light source.
“There was a human. An occultist named Roderick Burgess. Burgess was dangerous and obsessive and after the death of his son, he attempted a spell to imprison my sister, Death, hoping that she would bring him back from the Sunless lands. But instead he got me. What he wanted was not mine to give but Burgess never backed down. I had no means of escape; the binding circle drained my power, and he took my tools. The effect on humanity’s subconscious was devastating without me to curate and manage it. Certain dreams and nightmares went rogue, some preying on the waking world.”
His pauses and his voice cracks when he speaks again. “My raven, Jessamy, tried to help me. Burgess’ other son murdered her right before my eyes. I stayed in that basement for 106 years, completely naked, locked in a glass cage as I grieved the loss of my friend and my reason for existing.”
You feel a tear escape and streak down your cheek. Naked. It made sense in the most heartbreaking way. He had been right back in there in his memories remembering his agony and isolation. You know without a doubt that the trauma Matthew had mentioned when he had come to visit you in the cottage was the same. Morpheus had watched a loved one die. How could it be anything else?
You suppress a sob. “What happened when you got out?” 
“I took my revenge on Alex Burgess. For Jessamy. For not letting me go when his father had died, and then I went back to the Dreaming. When I returned, I found it had wasted away, as I had done in that cage, decayed beyond recognition.”
“But you re-built it?”
“Yes. With the help of my tools once I had reclaimed them. It took time, and self-reflection and allowing myself to trust others but eventually everything was set right.”
Morpheus goes quiet. You take his hand. 
“I’m so sorry, Morpheus. I’m sorry about Jessamy. I’m sorry that you suffered for so long. I’m sorry for the cruelty of humans. I will always be here if you need to talk about it, about anything.”  You are crying as you speak.
He buries his face against your neck. “Not all humans are cruel, Y/N. You are one such example. The offer you just made is proof, and I give the same to you. You will always have a shelter with me.”
"We don't need to know. All we have is now, so just let go. When your number's called and it's time to disappear. Have no fear cause you got me and I got you. Right here."
Taglist: @pinkcyclewitch @layla2-49 @shoidy-cat @silverhart93 @boofy1998 @dotieeee @ponysboy-sunsets @fangirlmary @littledollll @fatimakinney @jamiethenerdymonster @rosaren2498 @mr-sandman-bring-me-a-dream​ @madiebear​ @sandman-33​ @sallysal9​ @asiludida164​ @elf-punk​ @grungeisntmything​ @sapphireonline​ @seninjakitey​
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