#inside a bloggers mind
joyofblogging · 1 year
it’s called queen of the night for a reason
it only blooms on some season
when the sky is dark, it’s saying hi
but when the sky is bright, it’s bidding bye.
til it blooms again
it will still be a queen
maybe just for a night
but at least it makes us smile.
by the way it’s alone
but still huge and beautiful
just like you
you’re beautiful just by being you.
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aeide-thea · 10 months
the thing abt third-wheeling is that like. it can in fact be totally fun and nice, when you like yr person very much and you like their person well enough and their person has to at least pretend they like you well enough? like. instant posse enlargement. casual camaraderie. etc
but there does always seem to come a point ime at which the couple will like. turn their focus inward and get quite externally illegible and i'll just immediately feel like 'ok but why am i still here then, i should remove myself so the two of you can consult without me having to like. whistle awkwardly'
like not even in a petulant way at all, to be clear, just that i end up feeling so strongly abruptly superfluous-to-requirements??? anyway clearly this is in large part if not entirely an ~rsd~ aka social trauma overreaction but. not my fave feeling
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Does anybody wanna try that new Ghost Face trend with me?
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velvetporcelain · 11 months
I think the human race is addicted to thinking. Who knew our greatest attribute would be our greatest downfall.
When I am idle I find myself biting into the apple of negative thoughts. Ah temptation, yes, I understand now.
Meditation is for intentionally taking a break from the ability to think. Time without thought 💭 that equals peace.
I think I know how to retrain my mind. I thought I knew before but that was my ego speaking. This is my conscious minds eye speaking. I say minds eye because it’s what pays attention to your thinking. A personal observer.
I have realized the more I remove myself from things that are artificial then everything else becomes real.
I’m building heaven just on the other side of my skull. Incredible feeling. I am proud of myself, seriously. This is big for me I think, especially with the last few mental downloads.
It’s no longer a cage. I no longer feel rage in the center of my chest. I feel it wash over me like code, like lines of green numbers. Leaving through my feet and spreading onto the ground in the form of millions of spiders, and it looks very much like taking a deep breath.
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hyraeth · 11 months
when it comes to diy interior design trends
Ilithids 🤝 Tzimisce
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disaster-delia · 1 year
I'm so bored right now, my delusions aren't enough, I'm at the fricking mall and I feel nothing but boredom and impatience. My life is so empty, nothing fills my days. I need help. Please, if you know anything that could cheer me up, keep me busy or genuinly make me feel less like a shot deer, comment it or reblog it or literally do anything you can do. Makeup? Sewing? Painting? Dressup at 3 am? Anything will be appreciated!
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salemlunaa · 3 months
you either know you’re getting in or you aren’t, there’s no “trying”
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So this topic has come to my attention, as i see alot of bloggers saying to shift you need practice and to stop giving people “unrealistic expectations”. No shade but to that i say bullshit. Shifting/Tapping in to the void is and will always be as easy as fucking breathing. We are gods meaning that everything and i mean everything is easy for us. Saying you need practice for something that is inside of us, something so easy, really contradicts the idea of being a god. We don’t need to practice for something inside of us. Saying that shifting is as easy as breathing isn’t toxic and deceiving it will be true if that’s what you stand firm in.
Now for those who have known about the void for a “long time”. Stop telling me how much “time” you’ve “wasted”, because you shouldn’t care, it’s not real and you know you can flip your thoughts in nano seconds. Again, i see so many people who lie and say that they are confident but in the back of their mind they go “i’ve known about the void and have been failing for 2 years, why would today be any different” or “i’ve wasted so much time let’s just see if i get in today”.
but let me tell you, there is no “trying”. You are either 100% you are tapping in today, or you know you won’t, there is no “i’ll try tonight” or “i’ll use this method and MIGHT get into the void today”, no no no when you come into this with a trying mindset you will never get far in this void journey. It’s like that tomorrow riddle the one saying “what says it’s coming but never does”. Because if you tell yourself that you’re trying, you will always be in the state of trying for the void and never in the state of having the void. This applies to any desire, you will always be in the state of desiring something (in this case, being the void) and never in the state of having that desire. You must know that you are entering the void, know that there is no other outcome than the void and it will be as easy as breathing.
You can’t have one foot out the door you must know and don’t think that this is hard to do, just flip your thoughts and persist whenever you think about the void. And as god your subconscious mind will see this and reflect the fact that the there is no other outcome than the void. So please do not feel discouraged like you have to practice for the void and “waste more time” or do challenges that last weeks to “fix your self concept” because these are things that can be done in seconds. Do i need to remind you who you are? as god, whatever you want comes to pass immediately, just stand firm in that and shifting and the void will be as easy as breathing.
(ps: did you guys miss me? 😏)
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3lisorahh · 27 days
creating your own heaven in your mind is the goal
I have seen a lot of people being bothered by the 3D, when manifesting or shifting. Y'all want your desires to show up in your 3D sooo bad, but don't notice how the only thing you need to change is self.
"but I already have this in imagination!" if you really had your desires in your 4D, you would not be eager to get your desires in your outer world.
in Edward Art's words: "creating my own heaven in my mind is the goal"
don't be discouraged when you don't see your manifestations in your 3D. circumstances don't fucking matter!!! the only thing that matters, is what's going on inside your mind. dare to assume you have your desires! and so what if you don't have your manifestations in your outer world??? you have it in your mind! live inside your head to the point where you only think about how you have your desire (even though it's not a desire anymore, because you have it). let go of controling the 3D and control yourself.
a lot of loassumption bloggers say "imagination is the real reality", but some of you don't seem to actually understand that. so let me try and break it down for you. once you imagine something, it is already there. it has already been created.the 3D is just a physical world, that shows you your imagination and assumptions (which you persisted in) in physical form! let's say you're in your room right now. look at your bed - you once imagined of actually getting it. whether it was bought for you, or you bought it yourself. you imagined of getting a bed, and since you decided that you were getting a bed, the 3D conformed to your decision and you got it in the physical world as well, not only in imagination. you are in your dr, because once you imagined yourself there, you were there. you have your desire, because once you imagined it- IT WAS ALREADY THERE.
create your own heaven and own that feeling.
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mr-ribbit · 7 months
gonna rant again bc im seeing a lot of trans women on my dash having to carry the heavy lifting to argue for their basic respect and a lot of other queer people who want to ??? get mad about that apparently. for the record as usual: im tme, im not speaking for anyone besides myself and my perspectives, but I am trying to reach out to fellow tme people to level with y'all from inside the house.
i thought we all got past the 'calling people gendered terms when theyve asked you to stop' thing in like. 2012. i swear we were allllll on board with not calling women dude anymore, nerfing sir and ma'am, neutralizing collective terms for groups, and all of that was like, during the onceler era. that's how we got off-putting shit like folx into the mix - remember???? why are we here again.
to those who I've seen claiming that they REALLY genuinely don't want to offend anyone, and that theyre trying to understand the dude thing, and they don't want to be seen as transmisogynistic when they aren't: ok. let's talk about it. step one, stop sending that really loaded anon to a trans woman you don't know, and close that in-group hatepost with 100 replies from people name-dropping trans bloggers they don't like. try to open your mind and assume for the duration of this post that I am not cynically trying manipulate thousands of tumblr users into making Bro the next big swear word, but a fellow queer human being who thinks you're all being pretty intentionally obtuse about an upsetting trend in our community
to be clear: this post is about the issue of trans women being called bro, dude, man, etc., particularly in recent tumblr discourse about transmisogyny, and the backlash they face if they get upset about it. this is also maybe moreso about the shitty ass excuses I see tme people make for why they supposedly can't stop doing this.
so let's go through some of the things I've been seeing people say they don't understand, supposedly in earnest, about this issue
I'm not actually going to exhaust my list of reasons why dude/bro/man are not strictly neutral, but you should be pretty aware that all words have context. Dude might be seen as neutral in many contexts, sure, but 'woman who is frequently called a man by others' is a situation where the context adds extra meaning to your words, just like calling someone "sweetie" might be neutral in some cases, but if you've got the context of knowing that's your coworker who's half your age, it's a bit less neutral. If you're not capable of reading that context and being tasteful about when you say dude, then you need to at least be ready to respond gracefully when someone asks you to stop. This is the part I'd rather focus on.
I think you should consider broadening your perspective *beyond* your intention behind the word. people may already understand that you meant the word neutrally and therefore didn't have transmisogynistic intent, but that's not really the entire scope of what people are saying. if that's your only concern, you're just trying to clear your record, not actually listen to what they're saying.
there are lots of words people don't enjoy being called, and in most cases, when they say 'pls don't call me that', people respect that and move on. even if the word isn't a slur, if it hurts someone's feelings, we all as a society have agreed that it's pretty shitty to keep calling them that. if your friend asked you not to call them 'buddy' anymore because their dead grandparent called them that, or something equivalently personal, you'd probably respect that instead of telling them 'but I call everyone buddy!!' right? even if you didn't really understand why it bothered them so much?
there is a prominent tendency for trans women to be denied this privilege, and when they ask not to be called dude or bro, people don't seem to respect this request as much as they would in other situations. when I accidentally use a gendered word and someone tells me they don't like it, I try to respond with something like "my bad, I didn't mean it as misgendering but I can see you were still bothered by it, so I'll try not to keep saying it. sorry!" and most people are willing to accept that. when trans women ask people this favor, a lot of people get VERY defensive, and treat the request as inane or unfair, instead of just apologizing and moving on. this is why people are upset when this happens, and it's why people are calling your actions transmisogynistic
also like you might not be doing this, but a lot of people DO use dude and bro in an intentionally gendered way to make trans women uncomfortable. it's a power play bigots use to talk down to them or otherwise maliciously harass them. do you know what arguments they use to defend that behavior when called out on it? 'oh I call everyone that' 'dude is gender neutral calm down' 'dont overreact its just a word'. by acting like this, youre all just giving credence to those same arguments.
they can get as mad as they want!! also, are you sure they're 'mad'? or are they just expressing their feelings about a negative topic to you, and it makes you feel bad, so you have to make them out to be unreasonably emotional? how do you think they should have phrased 'dont call me that' to better spare *your* feelings?
also like, in most cases, these women do not knowww you. if your main response to someone saying you disrespected them is to say "I didnt mean it that way, I meant it in a friendly neutral way", well that's NOT YOUR FRIEND! she has no idea what your opinions are or what you think of her!!! she has no reason to assume you only upset her in a friendly way and not a bad unfriendly way! but she did get upset, and she did the one thing she can do which is *tell you what upset her* and your response is to say "well actually you shouldn't be upset at all"??????
and another thing:
it's not just the issue of using the word 'dude', it's because you're coming off extremely dismissive of women who have asked you to stop doing something that harms them, and because your argument is basically that they just shouldn't be so bothered by it. or that they're stupid, irrational, or otherwise crazy for telling you that it bothered them at all, just because you Technically used a gender neutral word according to Your Rules. be honest, does that seem fair? If people were calling you something that bothered you enough to ask them to stop, and they responded like this, how would it make you feel?
focusing solely on your intent and what the words mean when you use them is the same thing as saying "just get over it". no woman should need to Prove to you that 'dude' is gendered for you to care about what she's saying. the fact that you're asking people to do that sucks and makes you look bad, which is why people are arguing with you and calling you a misogynist.
especially those of you who are only doing this with trans women who are actively arguing with. you're wielding misgendering as a cudgel and we can all see it, grow up please.
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lovebvni · 2 months
repetition (a pick-a-pile)
in honor of my friends kai ( @klxudykai )and nile (who doesn’t want to be tagged), i want to do a little pap! this will be black white and purple themed for them too (their pfp colours)
i know both of them are going through cycles of repeating their actions over and over, and it is hard for them. i know it’s frustrating ��� hell i hate repetition. but you find peace in it.
this pick-a-pile is just advice for your manifesting and/or shifting journey. there is no real theme, but i asked spirit to bring up something you need to repeat for each pile.
this pap is intuition and shufflemancy-based. i am not using tarot nor cards at all for this. this is also for entertainment purposes. take my words with a grain of salt AND please do not use this as legal or life advice.
now, inhale and exhale. believe in your intuition, and pick a picture.
[1 ; 2
3 ; 4]
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pile 1 the spiral.
hi pile 1! here’s confirmation for your pile : cycles, crying, cynical, the letter c (in your name of in the name of your significant other. casey and clark stand out.), puns, clairaudience, crown, clowns, (a lot of words w the letter c jesus christ..), underwater, drowning, sinking, the sea, oceans, water (s), fix your face, black, sexism, activist, reality shifter, cyclones, spirals, “i feel like im not seeing any signs/progress”
well pile one, you could feel like you are stuck in a cycle. just a torpedo and you’re getting hit with the same things over and over. you’re wondering why things aren’t changing, why this won’t end, but it’s because YOU won’t change. this is the harshest i think i have ever been in a pick a card, but you really need to get over yourself. realize you aren’t the person you should be, throw that person away and reinvent yourself. you want a lot in life, and you aren’t going to get it if you don’t decide to change yourself. the universe chose you for a reason, but if you keep having your own pity party, you aren’t gonna get anywhere. stop getting mad when you’re being told the truth. it isn’t there to hurt you. it’s there to help you. the truth is a tool. and as long as you keep ignoring it, you keep hiding from the monster inside your closet, it’s never gonna leave. it’s gonna haunt you. it’s like a negative spirit. lure it out and keep it coming. it is gonna hurt, but it’s worth it.
your required repetition is “continue to listen and change yourself. transformation.”
the waiting season is one where you need to work, don’t keep sulking.
now to interpreting your song, her by poppy. you have been trying to be someone else that you are not, for someone else. the chorus
“I'm getting to know her And all of her anger You won't recognize her If you encountered I'm getting to know her And all of her anger Picked herself up Put her back together”
you need to change and you know it, and you don’t know how. start with your anger, your sadness, a strong emotion and unravel it. unwrap it like a gift. keep pulling to you get to the root of the cause — hold it.. nurture it… and get the mud off it.
see this as a new start, pile one. i love you. you need to know you’re strong, and you can do this. don’t get annoyed, because i know you’ve been told this before. fix your face.
pile 2 ghouls
hello pile 2! here’s confirmation this is your pile!!: fairies, love, purple, green, heart chakra and third eye chakra, shadows, “on a silver platter”, polite, scars, romance, sacred, girl blogger, skull and bones, doja cat, fear of success, screaming, pink, sexuality, white, sensuality, fire and ice, opposites, blood, self sabotage, royalty, alternative, goth, knight, disability, multilingual, this specific dynamic, vampire
simplicity. simplify everything. that’s all spirit is saying. don’t over complicate things. that’s like all spirit is saying u guys 😭😭
they r literally saying clear your mind, just be the person you are meant to be. listen to your intuition, be creative, have love in your heart, even when times are hard, and let emotions flow.
spirit told me your manifestations are actively coming in 😭😭 idek why you’re reading this pac! like there are no notes, nothing else you need to do. just listen to your intuition and be in tune with yourself. god i love this pile bc yall r js so sweet and light hearted — like there’s so much hidden positivity here that’s waiting to come out.
good job on how far you’ve come, and hav fun where you’re going! love you pile 2!
pile 3 — unclear memory
hi pile 3! here’s your confirmation: “even a worm will turn”, disappointment, ditsy, protector, big eyes, proposal, hobbit core, hermitcraft, minecraft, silence, under another’s control, blush, light colours (pastels), resting, new opportunities, distractions, distant, chapell roan, wlw.
you’re over possessive but you cut out your heart. or someone else cut it out. you need to get your priorities straight. there’s so much going on in your brain. they all lead to the same thing, don’t they? like how a spider web meets in the middle.
you’re sad, i can tell, but you won’t let anyone know. you think you’ve done enough, or even too much, but in reality you’ve been distracted. you’re trying to hide your main in overworking. doing too much.
your repeating advice is “get back on track and focus on your morals”.
but dont become some else. become yourself. stop holding grudges. get yourself back.
pile 4 — kisses
hi pile 4! here’s confirmation this is your pile: shadow work, brooklyn nine-nine, wolf pack, furry, july, suicidal but continuing, height difference, jumbled thoughts, flowers, blue and pink, wash off the makeup, ombré, counting crows poem.
this is my dogs favorite song 😭😭
pile four, you have been looking for outer validation when you don’t need it. you’re searching for signs, for love, for confirmation you’re on the right path when you really jay need yourself. you’re putting yourself down and other people/the universe on a pedestal. YOU ARE THE UNIVERSE!! REALIZE THAT!
what you say goes. what you want will happen. and that’s that.
your advice is as follows ; “you need to just rest.”
and i think that’s great advice. sit down and relax. listen to music, meditate, be at peace. work on yourself. try journaling too!! it will help.
thank yall for reading!! <3 i hope this helps someone. finishing this at 5:55 pm btw!!
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eamour · 10 months
you are within yourself.
one important realisation i had — thanks to former loa blogger aphrodite apprentice — that challenged my point of view was to realise WHO is manifesting. when i say "who", i‘m not talking about "who in this reality is manifesting" but rather "who inside of me is manifesting".
the mind outside of the body.
imagination creates reality — in other words — your 4D creates your 3D. your 4D is your mind (not the physical one), your 3D is everything outside of it. you, not your body with flesh blood, but you, the real you aka pure consciousness, exist in your mind in its unconditioned form (let’s call it the 4D shape of yours). other than your mental image, you also exist as a physical image in the 3D. that’s your 3D shape with a body you can perceive with all of your senses. the same way you are the 4D, you are also the 3D — the physical embodiment of your consciousness and whatever you are aware of. the 3D is the same as your 4D, in terms of its content.
the body within the mind.
if you can still follow me, you will understand what is meant when we say "you are always within yourself". you experience the 3D which is a reflection of your 4D. you are WITHIN your 3D, meaning, WITHIN whatever goes on in your 4D. you are LIVING the 4D experience in a different (here: 3D) medium.
all things come from imagination. when you desire, when you imagine… you all do it in the same place: imagination. there is nothing but imagination. so everything you can touch, smell, taste, hear and see has been imagined once. concluding, your body is something that comes from your imagination (let’s call it mind, which does not refer to your physical body but a mental place).
if your body comes from your mind, it also exists there. your body is in your mind, not the other way round. that also means your mind isn’t in in your body. you are within your own mind, inside your own imagination — just physically.
changes from within.
knowing this, it makes more than enough sense to change self because there is only self. there is nothing outside of self, neither mentally nor physically. everything that exists is you. everything originates from your imagination.
it’s unreasonable to try to change the 3D or hope for changes when whatever you are dissatisfied with physically is what you have accepted mentally. your 3D exists within you, we just call it 4D. and it’s not some place where things are perfect. it’s a place where things CAN be perfect if you choose them to be. and the changes you make in there directly affect the 3D, so changing the 3D always means to change the 4D first.
3D or 4D — it doesn’t matter. technically, they are the same. but when we advice to change the 4D first, it’s actually the only place you can actually change. remember, you exist physically but you have always existed mentally. you can stop to experience the 3D but you can never stop experiencing the 4D.
the mental and the physical.
think of your imagination as a house. you're always in there, just like you are always in your own house in the physical world. the key is to realise that the contents of both of these houses, the one that you are in mentally and the one that you are in physically are identical. they look exactly the same. the only difference is that one house can only be accessed by the mind, the other by your senses.
you are always in your own mind and inside of your imagination, mentally such as physically.
with love, ella.
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joyofblogging · 1 year
What changed?
Sometimes I wonder
What changed in me?
How did it even happen?
When that bubbly girl
Who used to laugh so loud
With all the gums out
Has suddenly changed.
Laughters became a little be silent
Laughing became a little be seldom
Laugh became a little bit narrower
What could have changed?
Is it the people she had met?
Is it the heartbreak she had been?
Is it the pandemic that made her isolated?
Or is it because she’s tired of everything?
Oh I wish she will be back
To whom she used to be
To hear her loud laugh again
To see her big smiles on drawn on her face.
One day…
When the world is a little bit better
When the people will treat her better
When the pain will finally over.
And until that day…
Give her her space
To breathe and to be her own
That’s how she’s going to be happy.
30/05/2023 09:56PM PHT
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shiftinglea · 6 months
Explanation behind “You already have your desire”
Since I started my LOA journey, I've had a healthy amount of skepticism towards the idea of already having our desires. Some part of me agreed with that and said, "Yes, I indeed have my desires" (it was my soul saying that to me). But my logical mind would be like, "No, you don’t. Look at your physical life. Do you see your desire?"
And while I knew that all LOA bloggers would tell me to believe in my imagination/4d and not my 3d, I still struggled.
Until I finally found the perfect explanation of why I should trust my 4d more than my 3d.
And I’m here to share these insights with you.
It all comes down to realizing that all outcomes, all desires you have, every single potentiality exists here in the Now. They are happening all at once. But we are not perceiving them all at once. We are experiencing a certain reality at a time depending on our actions, assumptions, thoughts, and beliefs.
I will give a good analogy that I already used in one of the asks. Imagine you are in a huge room with different objects inside. A huge skeleton of an elephant is grabbing your attention first. This is what you are perceiving. But you want to find a certain book and after some searching, you find it. The thing is, the book was always in that room, you just didn’t notice it.
The same with your desires. They are always here but you are not observing them.
At every single moment you are always choosing what reality you are perceiving depending on your thoughts and assumptions.
And when you perceive a certain outcome, you know that other possibilities are still there and are available to you. You just aren’t aware of it with your senses.
Knowing that everything you can imagine exists here in the now allows you to relax and not worry about how to get it. Because you know that it’s already here even though your physical senses don’t perceive it yet.
What you need to do is to persist in this knowing that your desire is yours even though your senses don’t show it yet. This persistence will allow your desires to “physicalise” (but not really since they have always been there you just changed your perception).
Another good analogy that can help with grasping this concept is DVD. Imagine a disk with your favorite movie on it. You have watched this movie so many times and you know the ending.
So you are not stressing when characters are going through some tough times because you know that this movie has a good ending for them.
Think of your life as an infinite library with DVDs. Each DVD has a different reality that you can perceive and be a part of. When you imagine your desire/fulfill your inner man/know that your desire is yours/affirm, etc., you are literally choosing which DVD/reality you will perceive.
So when something “bad” happens, you don’t need to stress because you know how this “movie” will end. You have already seen the outcome (imagined it and accepted that it’s yours).
Your state, thoughts, and beliefs align you with a particular ending of each movie/outcome of reality. That’s why it’s recommended to think as if and to embody the state of having your desire because it aligns you with a reality where you are a person with your desires.
So disregard your senses and don’t allow them to tell you whether you have your desires or not. You always do. You just need to switch your perspective and see that it has always been there 🙏❤️
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Don't get me wrong, I love seeing my siblings happy with their significant others, I just wish I could have what they have.
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velvetporcelain · 11 months
I had the weirdest dream. 💭 it spoke so much to me. Like I was able to let go of a lot internally, emotionally, mentally.
It felt so fucking real, the feelings.
It was so odd yet satisfying. I never want to go back to instagram ever again. It felt so fucking good yesterday telling this girl that I don’t have instagram. Liiiiiikkkeee now for me? I get off on the shock value of it, the rebellious act of not participating in the conformity.
I’m loving this.
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akunya · 2 years
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pairings: android!hex haywire x m!reader
summary: can a robot and human fall in love?
tw: HYPNOSIS, NONCON, manipulation, yandere, etc. robot sex, voice fetish, onahole, voyeurism. size difference, belly bulging, etc.
notes: i love this cliche au of sex robots and things like that, so here’s my take on it.. with hex.
it’s probably terrible and i guess caters a certain niche, but let me know what you guys think.
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today was it - the day you’ve been waiting for! finally, after all your hard work throughout the year, you saved enough money to buy your own, state of the art, artificial intelligence assistant.
and, luckily for you, today was also the grand debut of a brand new line of androids: xsoliel.
your hands were as shaky as ever waiting in line at the mall, double checking your savings to assure yourself you weren’t dreaming. nijisanji’s new line of androids were practically everything anyone could ask for: equipped with unique and interesting designs and personalities for each member, xsoliel offered a variety of services: whether it was for your own selfish pleasure or to help with manual labor, there was surely somebody for you.
..or so, that’s how the commercial sounded anyways. you silently thanked humankind for blessing the world with this era of companion-droids. seeing the ad nearly a year ago, you were star struck at the first all-male line nijisanji had debuted: luxiem.
unfortunately, they were sold out and only resold at steep prices— but, a few lucky online bloggers raved about their features, endless posts about how amazing it was to have an assistant of your own. while they could’ve surely been exaggerating, ever since that moment, you put money aside each week, even taking on extra jobs to make a little more cash to achieve your dream.
and it was finally time to reap your benefits.
while you didn’t know much about xsoliel nor intended to coincidentally buy an android of your own on the day of their newest launch, that didn’t stop you from checking them out. reading the blurbs about each member peaked your curiosity even higher. “a delinquent? people really think of anything these days, huh?” chuckling, you let yourself playfully criticize each member. you quickly bit your tongue, thoughts coming to a halt after reading about a certain individual.
“..what kind of name is hex?” muttering to yourself, you couldn’t hide the faint blush on your face as you stared at the model inside of the store. sleek attire, it almost made him look like a professor than a robot. paired with optional glasses (why did he even need those? can’t he see perfectly?), hex’s design made your heart flutter. his official advertisement described him as a nurturing, gentle servant, perfect for new customers to start off with. illustrated to have a deep, nearly hypnotic voice, hex’s programming was assured to have his users satisfied and satiated with their purchase.
swiping your card at the checkout, you really hoped you made the right choice, signing off a couple waivers and documents the employee had given you.
just a week later, you realized you didn’t regret your decision at all.
living with an ai assistant could only be described as luxury. hex truly was made with a “newbie” owner in mind, and the way he spoke to you sometimes made you wonder who was really in charge. his sweet, charming voice, along with how gentle and kind he was towards you, lifted your spirits instantly.
for instance, hex was a wonderful outlet to talk to when things went wrong — and, as if it was magic, nearly every problem you spoke about washed away the next morning! your problems with coworkers quickly diminished, and you even got the raise you’ve been praying for months now. he’d always offer such delicate touches, hugs and shoulder massages when he notices you’re pent up from a long day. you couldn’t fight off the dreamy, floaty headspace you were in when he was around.
not to mention, hex even did some of the chores while you were at work without being told to. even though you felt too guilty to ask him to clean the house, he didn’t seem to mind, making sure you came home to a clean room and nicely folded laundry each day. hell, he even told you he was looking into cooking, something that wasn’t originally included in his list of abilities. hex seemed to go above and beyond for you each time, amazing you each day.
it was a normal friday night, and you were with him as you always were, spending most of your time with the robot.
“y/n, why don’t you ever want to use me for something else..?” the question made your face feel warm, hairs standing on the edge. you two were cleaning up the kitchen after preparing dinner. laughing awkwardly, you tried to shrug off his curiosity, shining a plate with a dish towel. “well, id never want to force you to do something you didn’t like, silly.”
hex’s brow furrowed, a hint of anger resting beneath the surface. who said i didn’t want to?” for an android , the way he spoke was jarringly natural. your eyes widened in surprise, speechless for a moment. hex talked so nonchalantly about sex, but you had to remind yourself he was still a robot after all. as human as his synthetic skin and olive eyes may look, he lacks a beating heart and flesh.
“i-im not sure i want to. im just not interested in that type of stuff right now..” you let your voice trail off, sitting and washing in silence before hex spoke up dangerously close to your ear.
“you don’t have to lie, baby. i can hear you in the middle of the night when you touch yourself.” his deep voice made you shudder, unable to move. didnt you tell him to shut himself off during the nighttime? you were sure you ordered him not to snoop around, especially on nights that you planned to indulge in yourself. gulping, you laughed awkwardly as hex didn’t seem to budge.
“ah, s-sorry for disturbing you, ill try and keep it down next time..” his hand enveloped your own, forcing you to meet his gaze. goodness, his hands were big. warm, soft, inviting — strong, too. hex squeezed your hands, not bothering to stop when you winced from the pain, smiling. “you don’t have to keep it down. you should let me help you.” the way hex spoke was as if he was demanding you, not letting go until you gave him an answer. “it’s what i was.. made to do, anyways.” his voice was filled with solemn, playing with your heartstrings.
the silence was weighing on your thoughts, biting your lip in anticipation. hex knew how to make you uncomfortable, how to give into his desires and requests even when you didn’t want to — on the surface, at least. “alright, i will..! next time ill let you help me, okay?” you huffed, hex letting go of your hands and putting them on your shoulders instead. “good boy. you’re listening so well.” you hated how warm his praise made you feel.
the next night you needed help came sooner than you thought, shamefully letting hex in when he knocked on the door. the android wasted no time making himself comfortable in your space.
“a-ah, hex, slow down! please!” his hand was wrapped around your fleshlight, pumping vigorously as you squirmed in between his legs. your back was pressed against his chest, caged in the ai’s arms as he pleasured you. he caught you trying to use it to get yourself off, and figured he’d give it a try.
except, he failed to mention that his hands also had a vibrating feature. the soft yet firm jelly of the fleshlight practically whirred against your dick, making the experience all too elevating, groaning as hex held you in his arms. this has to be what those bloggers were raving about, right? hex held the toy at the tip of your cock, squeezing a bit to snap you out of your thoughts. you practically sobbed out, eyes tears from how good his touch felt on your skin.
“yknow, when you look so vulnerable like this, it makes me want to ravage you. who knew my master could be so slutty?” you whined at that, the ai chuckling deeply. you could truly stop him by force if you wanted to, considering you were technically his owner, but god did he make it hard. spreading your legs open so he could continue to jerk you off like the pathetic loser you always were. feeling another orgasm coming, your moans started to get louder, nails digging into hex’s synthetic skin.
“shh, goodness y/n. you’re going to wake up the neighbors if you keep moaning like a slut. hmm..” the man hummed to himself, shuffling around while you were distracted. “maybe i should give you something more, right?” before you knew it, his cock was circling your hole, causing you to panic.
“wait, h-hex! that’s too much, im already tired!” you tried to fight back, scrambling in his lap. his hands held up underneath your legs, holding you in place with his strength. of course he could overpower you — he was a robot, for gods sake. even though you were still painfully hard, you couldn’t imagine having sex with an ai of all things.
that is, until you felt something whirr against your ass.
of course, that part of him vibrates too. why wouldn’t it? as if hex couldn’t be too good at what he does already, it was as if his manufacturer wanted to overkill him with all these extra functions. hex laughed at your stillness, kissing the back of your neck. “i promise it feels good.”
he didnt bother giving you any warning either, nor waiting for an answer, slamming your hips down and shoving himself inside. even if his cock was lubricated, it still hurt like hell, making you cry out in pain. you’ve never felt so full before — just how big was he? you remember a conversation with the clerk at the store that day when you first bought hex. they had asked you about sizes.. but you thought they were just talking about his height, opting for the biggest size they had available. what an idiot. no wonder the clerk blushed a bit at your response.
slowly, hex rolled his hips against yours, his dick stretching you out against your will. “i always imagined us like this, baby. id take care of you, and you’d.. well, take it.” hex smiled, groaning in your ear as his dick nearly stirred up your insides. your brain couldn’t think of anything to say in response, too full to retaliate against the androids firm grip.
“you look stupid, baby. can you feel me? riiight here? look at how well you’re taking me.” hex’s cool fingers pressed against your stomach, nudging the bulge from his cock and making you whine even louder. your poor little cock was like a fountain, leaking nonstop as his pace didn’t falter.
it felt as if you were the one helping him out in this position. the ai was unexpectedly loud in bed, moaning and whispering about how well behaved you were, and how he’ll spoil you like this everyday from now on. every day? could you even handle that? with how he was taking control, surely there was something wrong with his wiring. you started to think about how to return and maybe get someone to take a closer look at his hardware, before a painfully deep thrust snapped you out of your thoughts.
“o-oh!” you were embarrassed by the yelp you let out, your body trembling before finally releasing, soiling the sheets underneath you two. “it seems like you’re doing a lot of thinking today, y/n. what could possibly be on your mind other than me?” hex, amused, chuckled in response, kissing and licking the back of your neck. “good boy. that’s it, let it out. only think of me from now on, okay?” his voice felt so dreamy; so hypnotic.
“y-yes sir,” you managed to mutter our, much to hex’s chagrin. he didn’t need any recovery period since he wasn’t human, so the robot simply got back to milking you dry, pounding into your tight hole like an animal in heat.
you’d never find out that hex’s model was recalled for several malfunctions and viruses, he made sure of that.
how else would he give you everything so easily?
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