#insinuating they would
randommusicalfluff · 5 months
How did you find out you liked tickling?
I thiiiinnkk it was like 2015-2016 when i was on my grandmas old computer and I was looking up fnaf fanfic because I was like. maybe 10. And I came across a tickle fic!! It LITERALLY changed my brain chemistry forever and that’s how I was introduced to the community! I think I always knew I liked tickling but I didn’t like ever think about it and how odd it was how nervous and skittish the topic made me 😭😭 I got the “gets embarrassed out of her MIND when tickling is mentioned” version of being in the tkl community it’s so bad 😭😭
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transfemstarscream · 2 years
this post was made in derision to the suggestion of male characters being inherently more complex simply by virtue of being male. it was made in frustration to the suggestion of female characters being inherently less complex simply by virtue of being female.
it was not an invitation to discredit, dissect or detract from m/m works, nor suggest the dominating percentage of it in fandom culture was solely a result of misogyny. it was not an attempt to shame creators, more of whom are women, for their sexuality i.e. exclusive attraction to men (which would be hypocritical of me) or for not creating works centered around f/f.
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jack halfway through newsies: omg i have to be less reckless what was i thinking this strike could really hurt people
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cvntybal · 6 months
Will occasionally visits a woman he trauma bonds with at the hospital during his stay; tells her she's pretty during one of their conversations. Hannibal gives that woman a comb that she can use to brush her hair to make herself look prettier; with which can also form static inside the chamber she's in, causing fire inside that chamber, burning her to the point where she is no longer recognizable. Good work Hannibal, i fucking hate you btw
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snekdood · 10 months
so uh
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for 1. most people are gonna take advantage of black friday and wont see your specific niche tumblr post, I hate to say it
2. the us isnt running out of money for war any time soon, so...
3. this is just antisemitism???????? all we need is some (((echoes))) around the us and israel and then I'd have no reason to suspect otherwise from op...............
#why in tf do you think they care that much about getting your money rn and not before in any other war?#does it. mayhaps. have something to do w jewish people being involved now?#our tax dollars go to the govt regardless and has been for years and we already have an obscene amount of funding for military shit#preeetty sure they're not concerned about getting a couple hundred tumblr users money...#and also pretty sure one could only believe that if they're paranoid about jewish ppl.................#hard not to put two and two together and figure out op is prolly antisemitic and hopefully they just dont realize it#i say hopefully they dont realize it bc thats better than someone who knows and is pretending to be a leftist still.#if anything this pause happened bc its thanksgiving and biden doesnt wanna think about it over the holidays. thats p much it.#thats the only amount of conspiracy theory im willing to believe in this situation lmao.#but that ^ still assumes that biden has some sort of control over this that he really doesnt#and i dont think netanyahu cares that much about thanksgiving tbr...#it sounds more like to me that op is seeing this from a very american centric pov and assumes everyone celebrates thanksgiving#or cares enough about it to remember the dates.... i dont think this is as planned as op is making it out to be and any insinuation#that it IS planned sounds like conspiracy theory talk to me personally. i dont think biden is hittin netanyahu up and going#'hey thursday is thanksgiving and would be the perfect time to pause so we can (((get peoples money))) out of them#asiftheUSdoesnthaveplentyalready' like i just really dont think that convo is happening lmao.
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afeastfortuna · 6 months
People give Rick hate for all his characters being stereotyped by their godly parents(/patrons) which is understandable but also blatantly erases the gold that is:
The studious kid who studies myths and archeology angrily swinging around a sword while glaring at his little sister who is now fluent in Egyptian and could not give less of a fuck
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cassandracain52 · 3 months
My Batfamily piercing headcanons
(note: these are just my personal headcanons)
Dick: Has thought about getting a piercing but always ends up deciding against it because he doesn't like needles
Jason: Got his nose pierced when he was 14 and never told Bruce(don't ask how he hid it idk readers choice). Was pissed to find the hole had closed after his dip in the Lazarus pit, so he got it re-pierced but doesn't wear it often, usually just at night. And no of course it doesn't have anything to do with the fact he still hasn't told Bruce. Nope not at all
Tim: Got his left ear pierced when he was 15 because Steph told him a bunch of other skaterboarders were doing it and he ended up liking it. (she lied she just thought it would make Tim look hot. She was right) He doesn't wear it on patrol or for important meetings, but he still makes sure to wear it often enough to not let it close
Stephanie: Has both her ears pierced as well as a double helix piercing and a smiley piercing. She wants to get more but keeps changing her mind as to where.
Cass: Only has her ears pierced and that's only because Steph and Babs did it for her. Doesn't trust needles (see Batgirls #2)
Barbara: Has both ears pierced and got her belly button pierced when she was a teenager. Her belly button piercing ended up closing after she kept it out too long when recovering from getting shot and hasn't gotten around to getting it redone.
Duke: Has no piercings or a particular desire to change that fact, but he isn't really against the idea either. (Stephanie is determined to get that boy an eyebrow piercing because he would "totally own that look")
Damian: Went kinda crazy with it after Alfred died and he went off on his own. First Nika convinced him to get his eyebrow pierced and it just escalated from there. At present he has a grand total of 7 piercings with plans to get more. His piercings currently include his ear lobes, snake bites, his eyebrow, his nostril, and his septum. When Dick first saw him with all his piercings in he nearly passed out
Bruce: Had some wild teen years and got his ears, tongue, and septum pierced. Stopped wearing them when he traveled to train and they ended up closing. The only evidence they ever existed is a few stray paparazzi photos/videos and Alfred's word(he is sworn to secrecy)
Alfred: Everyone thinks the answer is a big fat "NO" as to if he's ever had a piercing but in reality he has had exactly One. When he was very young, before he met the Wayne's, he lost a bet and let an army buddy pierce his nose. A great deal of alcohol was also involved. He took it out after a few weeks when it got infected because the needle hadn't been sterilized and they were still out traveling around North Africa with little supplies. They never spoke of it again.
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antiparticular · 7 months
I feel like people hcing tmagp gerry as being pastel goth have completely missed the point. the point is that you don't have to dress colourfully to be happy. dressing in black ≠ depressed. and he was never goth !!!!!!! I'm sorry I keep saying it but it's true. he was never goth he's a metalhead and he still dresses the exact same.
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dipperscavern · 1 month
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thequibblingking13 · 11 months
OK REAL GENUINE THEORY TIME bc i've been watching the finished KHUX dub after the KHML trailer.
What if the reason that the Player is able to retain their form/age when reincarnating in KHML is because there was already a body waiting for them upon reentry into the living world. Let me explain.
In the ending of KHUX, Luxu enters the Ark room with a body in tow, placing it into the lifeboat so that it may find it's way to the future, calling it "The True Dandelion".
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Initially many (including myself) believed that this was Strelitzia and her white coat, sending her off potentially to quadratum for KH4 plot reasons. But, when we last see Strelitzia in KHUX, she is following a man in a black coat out of the scene.
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I believe that the person escorting Strelitzia out is the MoM, as they both appear in quadratum, While the figure Luxu is loading into the lifeboat is a vessel for the player to take shape in Missing Link. This would explain why the player falls out of the sky, and ends up washed up onto the beach much like Kairi when she first arrived on the destiny islands via Ark travel
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I dont know exactly what this means or why Luxu would rig the player's trajectory to land in Scala, but i believe he has some kind of plan and that we are very critical to it.
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georgeharrisonsmiling · 3 months
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bicryptide · 6 months
Does people understand that April's arc in rise was about her being terrified about not being enough to be part of the family BECAUSE she is not like them (a mutant, not biologically related to them, etc.,).
Like there is a big reason that the all things with karai happened. I'm sorry but if you're take after watching rise is that April is not the turtle's big sis and should not be treated at such, you suffer from the biggest lack of media literacy to ever exist because it's literally in your face the all time.
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thelastharbinger · 1 year
something something something loki's love for sylvie more appropriately manifesting as platonic rather than romantic because his love for her is a lesson in healing--particularly the inner child that still holds resentment towards a lying, unaffectionate father. loki's heart breaks for sylvie because it breaks for him too. he sees her and views the version of himself that is still angry and deeply, deeply wounded. his affection stems from the empathy of understanding what it is to have had a narrative for their life controlled/manipulated for them. in their sameness, loki offers the compassion he wishes he would've gotten or would've been able to receive. and because to turn back on her would be to turn back on himself. loki allows himself to be something other than the trickster god he made himself out to be in a desperate plea at taking back control. it is mobius that tells him he can be other than what he was and offers him another mode of survival, all of it a lesson in love. sylvie teaches loki radical self-love, how to show up for himself and others, and mobius is the conduit through which loki practices this healthier way of loving.
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beybuniki · 5 months
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which bnha girls would fujo it out to bakudeku
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kingkatsuki · 2 months
You know these Wind Breaker men would thrive doing damsel in distress roleplay scenarios with you too— even if you can hold your own just as much as them there’s something about protecting you or a cnc scenario claiming you that just has their cock twitching.
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cicadasketch · 1 year
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Seen @thediktatortot ‘s post about werecat Billy and the possibilities were just too good I HAD to
Max thinks hunting small animals is cruel (and gross)— Billy thinks she’s an idiot (he definitely left it at Steve’s doorstep)
Whatever steve did, he definitely regrets it
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