insomgl · 8 months
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What are they doing to our engineers
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vamprnce · 1 year
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I must always draw them silly and cute together 💘🫶
based off of that one petermj panel + also bonus unmasked Pete version under the cut :)
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m3llowm1sh · 9 months
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doodles and stuff of all my favorite guys !!!!!
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multifairyus · 1 year
Punkflower hairday fics are gonna do it for me…every…single…time. Every time. There are other culturally black things I enjoy seeing too like attending cookouts or whatever…but it’s just….the acts of service…thinking of what style suits the other best…the gentle care they take with in each others head (cuz they’re BOTH tenderheaded!!!) the non sexual intimacy of it all is just too much Black love is so beautiful
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sirwow · 9 months
woe doodle dump
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ft some possession au posting
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tomb-of-mar · 1 year
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reintroducing your now husband to your mom who probably mostly remembers him as that angry young punk who needed to put a shirt on, when he chilled out after a decade and found a shirt
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She more than approves
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outhereinnevada · 2 months
Insom and her employer Pest
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PROMPT: “I've never needed anyone like I need you.”
CHARACTERS: Troy Otto x Female Reader
WARNINGS: Mentions of blood/gore, nightmares, slight fluff
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Wiping the blood and sweat from her face with a wet rag, Y/N looked back at herself in the mirror. Her lips pulled to the side as she tried to remember the old herself before the world fell to chaos and all shit hit the fan. She was innocent once… more innocent than now at least, 
Now, she finds joy in the feeling of wiping blood and decaying matter off of  the dagger she stole of the dead a year back. 
A figure leans on the door frame behind her, his silhouette outlining her own in the reflection. A towel flew past her side, landing in a pile on the floor with her own, both a mess of browns and reds. The figure closed the distance between them. His hands, large and calloused wrap around her middle while his chin nooks into the hollow at the side of her neck. 
The face she was making previously shifts into a grin. 
“You and the boys could have dealt with that group easily, you didn't need me.” She spoke in a hushed tone, knowing the sun was nearly risen and the neighbors on the opposite side of the wall deserved a few hours of rest. The man, Troy, snuggled his chin against her further. The stubble of his slow growing beard rubbing harshly on the sensitive spot on her skin, his lips dry but always beckoning curl against her hairline. 
“I've never needed anyone like I need you.” his low grumble vibrated through her body, his arms pulling her backwards into his chest while his eyes fluttered closed beginning to sway them both to bed. His stepping was groggy, almost sending them both into the side of the large wooden dresser. “And right now, I need you in bed so I can sleep.”
“With limited nightmares?” She giggled into his hair, wrapping her fingers in the strands of curls as his bottom half hit the mattress.
“With limited nightmares.” His face melted into her chest, now at eye level, and his grin grew at her comment. Not that she was lying, they both knew he had a habit of tired nights of tossing and turning from the demons in his skull, but that was always his excuse to get close to her. 
Troy wasn’t the greatest at sharing his desires romantically, so he would make up reasons to have her stay the night at the beginning of their relationship. Even now that he knows she won’t be leaving his side, he has the same habit… just different needs.
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edgepunk · 2 months
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labwebs · 5 months
@inhcritance liked for a starter
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For not the first time since he'd moved back into the house, Peter briefly wondered just how he'd gotten away with coming and going as Spider-Man without being caught by his neighbors. Of course, at the moment, it was a bit more of a hazy impression of a thought as he clumsily mostly-fell through his bedroom window. It being the dead of night probably helped. Oooh. Bad choice of words, he thought to himself- unable to turn off the jokes even with the rather large gash in his side. Or maybe that was because of the rather large gash in his side. Either way, said gash really needed something done about it which meant getting up from where he'd fallen onto his bed and into the bathroom where he kept all of his first-aid supplies.
He'd webbed the wound up, of course- wouldn't do to be bleeding all over the city as he swung home. So maybe... maybe it could wait just a few moments? Surely? He felt a bit dizzy and his heart was racing but closing his eyes for just a bit seemed like the best idea possible at the moment. Yeah- yeah that's what he would do... Unconsciousness seemed like an amazing thing right now.
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grotesquehydra · 1 year
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randomfandompolls · 5 months
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m3llowm1sh · 7 months
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anthro ottos, luckys, cocole, and a leo 4 @granat-sof + blade bros 4 @sirwow :3
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insomuse · 2 years
Hello! if it's ok for you, can you write this but with Azul's version? he too deserve everything and I am willing to do anything for him♥️
I’ll do anything for you to see you smile.
You’ll go the lengths to make sure that he gets what he wants.
     ▸SFW.          ▸GN! Reader .          ▸Req?: Ehe~
A/N: is this much longer than it should be? Possibly… is it because I love Azul so much..? N— Next question—
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𖥨• This man… he didn’t trust you?
He thinks you’re just pulling his leg when you asked him to be yours. Floyd and Jade are sus of you too. But it all comes to a halt a couple months later and the two of you are official.
But that little twinge of distrust still remains deep inside— You’re too nice.
𖥨• But listen, Azul’s business is plenty successful.
Infact, beforehand, the last 5 months before the two of you became official he had a bit of a rise. But now— it skyrocketed? He likes the money and people coming of course.. but so much students coming in every now and then? Especially the ones that would usually avoid Mostro Lounge?
Before Overblot:
𖥨• What really threw Azul(and I suppose the Tweels) off, was the amount of students coming for contracts.
The possibilities are endless to what he can obtain through these.
After overblot:
𖥨• People who just reached a certain amount of points redeem as soon as it hits the specific amount to consider a deal with Azul.
It’s a bit overwhelming, but on the inside, he’s truly happy that others aren’t as afraid to make deals and come to him willingly after everything.
Although it’s odd…. But he enjoys it- but.. *intense squinting*
𖥨• The whole time, you’ll always be praising him and his success.
His own little cheerleader.
He’s embarrassed, but appreciates it.
He does the little hide his blush behind his hand and he’s grinning like an idiot behind the hand and.. and his pretty Ceruleans twinkling with newfound happiness and love towards you.
𖥨• He’s more accepting of the little gifts and notes of affirmations you bring him now. In his little office, he’ll carefully store each note into a journal.
He reads them when he has a particularly bad day.
𖥨• The Tweels find it odd. You. But they can’t do anything since Azul seems to be more open and fully accept the relationship you two have. If he’s “seemingly” no longer sus of you. Then they’re not sus of you. Well— Jade isn’t.. but Floyd— he wants to snoop and cause chaos.
𖥨• And that he does; he follows you throughout the day.
But nothing happens.
He’s bored.
Ew— You and Azul being cuddly and makin’ out.
Wait, no. Oho~ Azul is smiling. Like- smiling ,smiling. AND LAUGHING! AND- huh- what… what was that look you shot towards him? That look made the Floyd Leech.. feel a sense of dread. How could you know he was hiding in the bushes?!?? Maybe it was coincidence! You went back to lovin’ on Azul!
𖥨• Feels like centuries when you and Azul finally separated but now … he somehow lost—
“What are you doing?” Your voice nonchalantly pipes.
“I won’t repeat myself.”
Now listen, what happened to the nice and always smiling Y/N? What is this scary lookin’ and glarin’ Y/N!?
“Ah, You’re a total Anglerfishy~!” The Eel is amused by this finding. He’s totally gonna tell Jade and Azul!
𖥨• “Hm, Floyd been missing for awhile..” Jade pointed out.
“.. He has. It’s not good for business.” Azul hummed.
“Maybe… he decided to take a spontaneous vacay.” Y/N smiled as they set down a platter of appetizers for the three.
𖥨• The Main and Vice housewardens lingered in thoughts before Y/N excitedly brought out a decent size box with the word donations prettily decorated on the front. “But lets worry about Ford later and lookie here!” They grinned. “I managed to chalk up some money for that new brewing machine you wanted, Azul! Plus some extra that you can put into savings!”
𖥨• Azul been smiling much more and subtle PDA towards you ever since.
Jade is shocked and surprised by how affectionate Azul could be.
It truly is such a blessing that you came into Azul’s life.
𖥨• “YOU’RE DATING AN ANGLER FREAK!” The lounge doors slammed open with a disheveled Floyd.
𖥨• Respectfully (or disrespecrfully), the three welcomed the second Eel back and returned to cleaning up since Mostro was closed for the day.
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“You really should manage your time better, Floyd.” Azul lectured. “And stop making up such things.”
Jade tried to hide his laughter as he stood behind his boss.
Floyd is in disbelief. “It’s true! They were all ‘grr’ and wham and- and—“
Azul held up a hand and sighed, “ go get some rest, I have an important da- meeting to get to. We’ll talk later.” And he left.
“You truly are something, brother.” A strained Jade spoke up, wiping a tear away.
“Whatever, you’ll see one day… I need food right n—ow..” what? “What happened to my money?” Floyd stared at his now empty savings box.
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sirwow · 9 months
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lots of stuff!!! including @mochiiniko 's intern sona
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iobartach · 11 months
starter call
Fresh week ahead! So like / reblog this for a thing? can be for any verse!
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