#instead we can kiss đŸ«¶đŸŒ
moonpascal · 29 days
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CHAPTER ONE series masterlist
When a careless spell erases her memories of Theo, he’s left grappling with the pain of being forgotten. As she returns to seeing him as just another Slytherin, Theo must navigate a world where the love they shared no longer exists—at least, not in her mind. But Theo refuses to give up. He’ll do whatever it takes to remind her of the connection they once had.
WARNINGS: angst, fighting, not 100% canon compliant ïżŒ
thank you so much to @amiableness for helping me with chapter! i don’t know what i would do without you and giving me motivation to write this! i love you! đŸ€Ž
thank you to @mischievousmoony for helping my brain block i was having and helping me with ideas, you’re amazing and i love you! đŸ«¶đŸŒ
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"Is the coast clear?" you whisper to Theo, your heart pounding in your chest. Sneaking into the Room of Requirement had always been nerve-wracking, but with the additional new rules Umbridge had enforced and the rising threat of Voldemort, it felt more dangerous than ever. Even more so because Theo was betraying his own house and friends to be here.
Theo takes another quick glance down the corridor, then nods. He reaches for your hand, his fingers lacing with yours as he pulls you out from your hiding spot.
You both move swiftly and silently toward the wall where the entrance to the Room of Requirement appears. You glance behind you, double-checking to make sure no one is following, before Theo tugs you inside.
Inside, the room is already alive with the sound of practicing defense spells. You and Theo head to the corner that has unofficially become your spot. Some of the others still cast wary glances at Theo, unsure if they can trust a Slytherin among them. Only the Golden Trio seems comfortable with his presence.
As you settle in, the adrenaline from sneaking around begins to subside, but your worry for Theo doesn’t. You can’t help but think about the risks he's taking—defying his father's beliefs, lying to his friends, putting himself in danger—all because he believes in making a change. You know how much he cares for them, and it breaks your heart that he's forced to choose between them and doing what’s right.
You shift closer to Theo, your hand resting lightly on his knee, a silent attempt to anchor him. He’s still tense, his eyes sweeping the room as if on constant alert. Instead of reaching for the textbook like usual, he closes it and sets it aside, surprising you.
“I think we both know enough for now,” he murmurs, his voice heavy with exhaustion. “Let’s practice today instead.”
You know the purpose of these meetings is to practice spells, but the thought of doing so in front of your peers makes your stomach twist with anxiety. The fear of messing up or accidentally hurting someone lingers in your mind, making the idea of participating overwhelming.
Theo, ever attuned to your emotions, senses your hesitation. He gently pulls you closer, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and rubbing your arm in a soothing gesture. “We’ll start simple,” he whispers reassuringly, his lips brushing against the side of your head in a tender kiss. “Just a quick Expelliarmus. You’ve got this.”
His warmth and steady presence begin to melt away your nerves, making the idea of practicing a little less daunting. With Theo by your side, you feel like you can handle whatever comes next.
Reluctantly, you pull away from his embrace, already missing the warmth. Moments like these—where you could be close to him without worrying about prying eyes—were rare. Even in the hallways, you could barely walk side by side without Umbridge or Filch barking at you to separate.
You stand, shrugging off your robe to give yourself more freedom of movement, and follow Theo to an open space.
“Alright, you know the movement, and you’ve seen it done. You’ve got this, amore,” Theo encourages, his words ringing with confidence.
Your muscles tense. If you mess up, the spell could do more than just disarm him; it could knock him out. But when Theo flashes that smile—the one that always makes your heart skip—you find yourself believing you can do it.
You take your stance, feeling the weight of the moment as Theo prepares himself, raising his wand as if ready to duel. With a deep breath, you steady yourself and shout, “Expelliarmus!” The spell shoots out from your wand, hitting its mark perfectly. Theo’s wand flies across the room, landing with a clatter as relief floods through you.
Theo’s grin widens as he claps and cheers, “I knew you could do it, tesoro!”
You watch him jog to retrieve his wand, a warmth spreading through your chest. How did you get so lucky to have him? He’s your anchor, the reason you keep pushing forward. He makes you want to be better, to reach higher.
When Theo returns, he places his hands on either side of your face, his eyes shining with pride. “See? You were amazing. Nothing to worry about,” he murmurs, his voice low and reassuring. He leans in, and you meet him halfway, your lips brushing softly against his.
The kiss is slow and tender, each movement gentle as if savoring the moment. You taste the faint remnants of cigarettes and the sweetness of his breakfast. It’s a kiss that speaks of quiet reassurance, of the bond you share, strong and unwavering.
But then you remember where you are, in front of everyone. You pull back, your lips lingering just a moment longer before you peck his lips one last time, a small smile playing on your face.
“I love you, Theo,” you whisper, your foreheads touching, the world around you fading away as you both savor the closeness of the moment.
But as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end.
As you and Theo are lost in your own world, Harry is practicing a spell, the weight of the war and the responsibility of training others pressing heavily on him. The stress shows in his furrowed brow as he skims through spells in his textbook, landing on Obliviate, the charm to erase specific memories. Whatever memories Harry wants to erase is up for debate, but he doesn’t fully grasp the complexity of the spell.
With only a quick glance at the incantation, he swishes and flicks his wand, but nothing happens. Frustration builds as he tries again, more forcefully, but to no avail. Sweat slicks his palm, and with a sharp, aggressive flick, his wand slips from his grip.
Sparks fly out, ricocheting off the floor and walls. Harry tries to shout a warning, but it’s too late. The spell rebounds, hitting the back of your head and sending you flying into Theo.
Theo barely reacts in time, catching you as you collapse into his chest, limp and unresponsive. His arms instinctively wrap around you as he kneels, lowering you gently to the floor.
You look as if you’re merely asleep, but your breaths come slow and shallow. Panic seizes Theo as he brushes your hair out of your face, his voice trembling.
“Amore, come on, wake up. It’s okay, you’re okay,” he whispers, his mind racing for what to do.
A crowd of students gathers around you both, their whispers only fueling Theo’s panic. He snaps, his voice a sharp contrast to the desperation in his heart. “Who did this?!” he demands, his eyes wild as they scan the frightened faces.
“It was me, I’m sorry, I—” Harry begins, but Theo is on him in an instant, grabbing him by the shirt and pulling him close, his rage palpable.
“You’re dead, Potter!” Theo snarls, his grip tightening.
Fred and George are quick to intervene, pulling Theo off Harry, while Ron helps steady his shaken friend. “Let’s calm down, yeah?” Fred says, trying to reason with Theo. “We need to get her to Madam Pomfrey. She’ll be okay.”
“She better be,” Theo threatens, his voice low and dangerous. He shrugs off the twins and returns to your side, his heart hammering in his chest as he watches your shallow breaths. When someone offers to help, he waves them off, scooping you up in his arms and pushing past everyone, his focus solely on getting you to safety.
Adrenaline courses through him, fueling his every step as he rushes through the empty corridors—thank Merlin—for six floors until he finally bursts into the hospital wing.
He wastes no time, laying you gently on one of the beds. Madam Pomfrey turns to scold him, but the words die in her throat when she sees your unconscious form.
“What happened?” she asks, her tone sharp with concern.
“She was fine one second, then something hit her head, and she just
 collapsed,” Theo says, trying to keep his explanation as vague as possible to avoid suspicion.
“It’s okay, Theodore,” Madam Pomfrey reassures him, her voice softening. “I’m sure it’s nothing serious. Let me examine her. Just breathe, grab a chair, alright?”
Theo nods, though he can hardly think straight. He watches anxiously as Madam Pomfrey performs a series of diagnostic spells, her brow furrowing as each result comes back normal.
“I’m not finding anything out of the ordinary, Nott,” she finally says, puzzled. “She seems perfectly fine, just asleep.”
But Theo isn’t looking at her. He’s holding your hand, his thumb gently stroking your skin as he wills you to wake up.
“We’ll wait until she comes around, okay? I’ll let you stay with her overnight to keep an eye on things,” Madam Pomfrey says, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder before drawing a partition around your bed to give you both some privacy.
As soon as she’s gone, Theo chokes back a sob, his worst fears clawing at him. He knows something is wrong—no one just falls unconscious like that from a spell. He pulls the thin blanket up to cover you and leans down to press a soft kiss against your temple.
“I love you too, amore. You’re gonna be okay, alright?” he whispers, his voice cracking as he desperately hopes for a response, his heart aching in the silence.
Theo stirred awake as he felt a sudden movement beneath him. His eyes opened groggily, his head lifting from where it had been resting on your stomach, his arm still wrapped around your waist. The scratchy hospital wing blanket was a far cry from the soft one you were used to, but Theo had barely noticed, too consumed by worry to care about his own discomfort.
As you rubbed your eyes harshly, Theo blinked a few times to clear the sleep from his own, running a hand through his tousled hair. He sat up straighter, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep, when he heard your voice—sharp, confused.
“Nott? What are you doing here? And why am I in the hospital wing?”
Theo’s heart dropped. The way you said his name—Nott, not Theo, not love—sent a chill through him. He tensed, trying to keep his voice steady. “Tesoro, you were hit in the head, remember?” He reached out for your hand, desperate to offer some comfort, but you jerked it away before he could touch you.
“This isn’t funny, Nott! What prank are you and your friends pulling now?” Your glare was like a knife to his chest, cutting deep. Theo’s mind raced, trying to process what was happening. This wasn’t right—this wasn’t how it was supposed to go.
He clenched his jaw, forcing himself to stay calm even as panic clawed at him. The way you looked at him, the suspicion and anger in your eyes, made everything clear that something was terribly wrong.
“Please, just listen to me—” he started, but the words felt hollow. His worst fears were playing out right in front of him, and he didn’t know how to make it stop.
Theo jumped to his feet and rushed toward Madam Pomfrey, who was just arriving at the entrance to the hospital wing.
“She’s awake, but she’s acting like she doesn’t know me—please, you have to help,” Theo pleaded, his voice cracking with desperation. He wasn’t one to beg, not unless it was to you, but now the words spilled out uncontrollably, fear gripping his heart.
Madam Pomfrey nodded, quickly following him back to your bedside. You were sitting up, fiddling with your hands, a deep scowl etched on your face. Theo’s stomach churned at the sight—he knew that scowl too well, but it had been a long time since it had been directed at him.
“Good morning, dear! How are you feeling?” Madam Pomfrey asked, her voice warm and calm as she began to check your vitals.
You shrugged, casting a wary glance at Theo, who hovered behind the nurse, his heart pounding in his chest. “I feel okay, just confused about how I ended up here.”
“Alright, I’m going to ask you a series of questions, and I want you to answer them to the best of your ability, alright?”
You nodded, and Madam Pomfrey proceeded with the standard questions—what year it was, who the Minister of Magic was, what you did yesterday. You answered each one correctly, with ease, but Theo’s dread only deepened with every word. Everything you said lined up, except for one glaring omission—there was no mention of him. Not in any of it.
Madam Pomfrey paused, her gaze flicking to Theo before she asked the question that made his blood run cold. “Do you know him?” she asked, pointing to Theo.
You rolled your eyes and huffed, your irritation clear. “Yeah, he’s Theodore Nott, Slytherin. Which I’m still confused about—why is he here?”
Theo felt like the air had been sucked out of the room. The way you looked at him, the casual indifference in your voice, transported him back to a time before everything had changed—before you had opened your heart to him. It was as if the last year and a half had been erased, and the weight of that realization hit him like a ton of bricks. He sucked in a deep breath, trying to keep it together, but the familiar coldness in your eyes made it nearly impossible to breathe.
Theo felt his world collapse around him. He couldn’t stay in that room, couldn’t bear to see you look at him like he was a stranger. As Madam Pomfrey explained to you that you’d been hit in the head and Theo had brought you in, he bolted from the hospital wing, stumbling into the hallway. He leaned against a cold stone column, clutching his chest as panic set in. His heart raced uncontrollably, his breaths shallow and ragged. It was another panic attack, but this time, you weren’t there to help him through it. You didn’t even remember him. All those memories—the ones he cherished most—were gone. And it was all because of Potter.
His vision tunneled, everything blurring except for one thought: Harry had done this. He was the reason Theo’s entire world had been ripped away. And Harry was going to pay.
Theo knew exactly where to find him. He’d memorized Harry’s schedule down to the minute, having spent so much time with you before breakfast as you walked with Hermione and Harry. If he timed it right, he’d catch Harry just before he entered the Great Hall.
As Theo rounded the corner, he spotted the trio ahead. They noticed him too, and he saw the tension rise in their shoulders. But Theo was too far gone to care about what they thought. All he saw was Harry—the cause of all this pain.
Without hesitation, Theo marched straight up to them. His usual calm, calculated demeanor was gone, replaced by a storm of raw, unfiltered anger. He shoved Harry hard, sending him stumbling back, barely managing to stay on his feet.
“Nott, let’s talk about this,” Harry started, his voice laced with caution.
“What was the spell, Potter?” Theo demanded, his voice rough with barely contained fury.
“It was an accident!” Harry insisted, his eyes wide with desperation. “It was Obliviate. I swear, I didn’t mean to hit her!”
Theo’s hand shot out, grabbing Harry by his robe, pulling him close enough to feel the heat of his breath. A twisted smile played on Theo’s lips as he tightened his grip. “Oh, but I’m going to mean to hit you.”
He drew back his fist, ready to make Harry pay for everything he’d taken from him. But just as he was about to strike, your voice cut through the chaos, stopping him cold.
“Nott, what the hell are you doing?!” you yelled, rushing toward them, your eyes flashing with anger.
Harry immediately tried to shield you from the truth. “Trouble, it’s fine, really—”
“No, it’s not fine!” you interrupted, glaring at Theo as you pushed him away from Harry. “I’m sick of Slytherins picking on you-us for no reason!”
Theo felt his heart shatter as he watched you fix Harry’s robe, your attention entirely on his supposed enemy. You had no idea what Harry had done, what he had stolen from both of you.
When you finally turned back to Theo, the disgust in your eyes was a knife to his heart. “You’re pathetic, Nott, and you’ll never change,” you spat, the venom in your words leaving him reeling.
The surrounding students watched in stunned silence, the full weight of what had just happened sinking in. They now understood why Theo had been so close to breaking Harry’s face.
As you turned your back on him and walked away with your friends, Theo stood there, frozen. The disappointment in your eyes, the harshness of your words—it was too much. He felt like he might collapse under the weight of it all. But instead, he just stood there, watching you disappear into the Great Hall, his world crumbling around him.
Your words echoed in his mind, each one cutting deeper than the last. His fists clenched at his sides, nails biting into his palms as he fought to keep from breaking apart. He wanted to scream, to lash out, but all he could do was stand there, helpless and shattered.
The hallway, once filled with tension, was now eerily silent, the students having scattered. Theo was left alone in the aftermath, cold and hollow, the life drained out of him in those few, terrible moments. You had been his anchor, his reason to believe in something beyond the darkness that had always surrounded him. And now you were gone, ripped away by a single, careless spell.
He didn’t know how long he stood there, but when he finally moved, it was like a switch had flipped inside him. He couldn’t let this be the end. He couldn’t lose you. There had to be a way to fix this, to bring you back to him. And if he had to tear the world apart to do it, he would.
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first divider @saradika-graphics
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w2soneshots · 4 months
Roommates -W2S
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words: 1.3k+
warnings: smut, light angst.
summary: you and Harry spend lockdown together in your own little flat that’s located next to the sidemen house. Eventually Harry catches feelings and the unexpected (yet very overdue) happens.
notes: heyyđŸ«¶đŸŒ. My lockdown fic got so much love so I’m hoping you’ll all enjoy this one just as much! This request is so iconic. Don’t forget to reblog!!đŸ˜šđŸ€
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I've known the boys since I was young. I went to school with Tobi and Josh then when youtube came around we started playing games together. Soon they had created one of the biggest groups on youtube and I was their most requested guest. I have a great relationship with all of them and immediately hit it off with Freya and Talia.
Last month the uk went into a full lockdown. Josh, Freya, Simon, Talia, JJ and Vik were already living in the same house but Tobi, Ethan, Harry and myself packed our things and also moved in. Because we didn't want to be trapped in the middle of London alone. But since there aren't enough bedrooms for all of us, we flipped a coin to decide who would stay in the small granny flat at the end of the garden. Me and Harry ended up winning and I was actually really happy that I would only be sharing my space with one other person instead of nine.
At the beginning it was going great. Everyone was a little fed up with the fact we couldn't leave the house but we were lucky enough that we have a huge garden that makes you feel a little less claustrophobic. Me and Harry are getting along really well. We have separate bedrooms but share a bathroom, which can be slightly annoying at times.
One night I sat on the small couch in our living room/kitchen. Harry clicked open the door after coming back from filming with the boys. "Hey. How'd it go?" I asked, glancing up from my phone. "Uh- good." He replied plainly. My brows furrowed "are you okay?" I stood from the sofa. "Huh? Yea fine." He quickly entered his room then closed the door. I was a little confused but just assumed he was tired and didn't feel like talking.
The next night the same thing happened. He practically avoided me for an entire week. Until I'd had enough. I hesitated as I went to knock on his bedroom door. I took a deep breath then knocked my hand against the painted wood. "Harry?!" I heard a frustrated huff then the door cracked open. "Yes?" "Uhh, can we talk please?" I asked quietly. He looked down at the floor then left his room. We walked towards the kitchen and each sat down on one of the breakfast stools.
"Listen. I don't know if I did something to upset you but we're living together you can't just keep avoiding me. If you have something to say then just spit it out!" My voice raised as I spoke the last sentence. His jaw ticked. He looked me in the eyes, then his gaze flickered down to my lips. My breath hitched, my palms began to sweat and my heart beat so fast I thought it might pop out of my chest. The next few seconds were the slowest yet fastest of my life. He lent in and kissed me. Harry fucking Lewis kissed me. The boy I've known for so many years. The boy I've had a crush on since I was sixteen. But all this time I assumed he didn't feel the same so I suppressed the feelings as best I could.
I moved forward to place my hands on his cheeks, bringing him closer to me. As we broke away to breathe we rested our foreheads on each other's. We kept eye contact as he desperately placed his hands at my waist and lifted me onto the kitchen counter. He stood between my legs as he kissed me, hard. "Harry..." I moaned as he began kissing down my neck. He pulled my hoodie over my head revealing the small white cotton bralet I had on underneath. His eyes flickered from my chest back up to my eyes. "Are you sure you wanna do this?" He asked, with his hands by his sides. "Please Harry, please." I begged. He took that as a yes so quickly fumbled to remove his shirt.
He pulled me off the counter then carried me towards his bedroom, my legs wrapped around his torso. I kissed his shoulder gently as he walked. He groaned as we approached the bedroom. "I need you Harry." I whimpered as he lay me down on his soft sheets. The room was dark so I could only barely make out his figure stood before me. I could hear shuffling then my pants along with my underwear were being pulled down in one fail swoop. I gasped as he moved over me so his dick was just inches away from my soaking wet cunt. He gently wiped the hair from my face then attached his lips back to mine. "You ready?" He asked between wet kisses. "So ready."
After that night we continued to have sex regularly. We weren't sure what we were even labelled as yet so we decided to keep it a secret from everyone else. Thank god we were at the end of the garden or we would have a problem. I'm not exactly sure how the other couples in the house were managing to have a sex life. But me and Harry were so loud. We did it in every possible room, kitchen counter, sofa, shower, his bedroom, my bedroom. I think we were just so bored that the only thing to do was have sex.
Almost two months after that night he asked me to be his girlfriend. It was actually really romantic. He cooked me dinner in our kitchen, bearing in mind it wasn't the nicest pasta I've had but that didn't matter. The only thing that mattered was that he was officially mine and I was his.
Once the lockdown was fully lifted life seemed to return to (somewhat) normal. Tobi, Ethan, Harry and I moved out and moved back into our own apartments. We hadn't actually talked about what we were going to do once the lockdown ended. I obviously knew I still wanted to be with him but the realisation suddenly hit me that I was actually dating one of my best friends. One night Harry asked if we could tell everyone and I wasn't sure what to say. We decided that we would wait a little longer until I felt one hundred percent ready.
A month went by and we still hadn't told anyone. I lay in bed next to Harry, the sun shone through the blinds and I was completely naked, from last night's events. I slowly opened my eyes to see Harry looking at me. "Hi." I whispered sleepily. "Do you like me?" He asked. I wasn't expecting that. I pushed myself up so I was leaning on my forearm. "What? Of course I like you." I lent in to kiss him but he gently pushed me back. "Well why don't you want anyone to know about us?" His face was serious. I sighed then placed my hand on his cheek. "I just- well- I've known you since we were teenagers and I- I don't want to mess this up. I don't wanna lose you." I finally admitted. His face softened then he lent in to kiss me. "I love you y/n." He whispered. My heart warmed. "I love you too." "I've wanted to say that for a while but I had to make sure you felt the same." He kissed me again.
The next day Harry brought me along to a sidemen shoot. "So, me and Harry have been- um- daiting for a while." I announced. They didn't seem to be very shocked. "Yea we figured that out when I went to ask if you wanted something from Nando's, since you weren't answering your phones, and I heard some... strange noises." Ethan explained with a chuckle. My face turned bright red. "Oh my god." I buried my face into Harry's shoulder.
320 notes · View notes
harryslittlefreakk · 7 months
drunk in love
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a late night talking extra 💓
summary: harry invites y/n to a party celebrating his upcoming final LOT show
warnings: very light smut (pretty much just touchy feely, male masturbation), alcohol use
wordcount: 4.1k
a/n: i want this to be me ? if i could have any harry, i want this one 😭 can’t believe it’s nearly a month since i last posted!!! sorry!!
you can find my masterlist here! happy reading đŸ«¶đŸŒđŸ’–
“Harry, seriously!” You were swatting his hands away for what felt like the thousandth time that evening.
“Please. Missed you,” he pouted, opting to wrap his arms around your waist instead.
“I know baby, missed you too. But walking into the party late and together is hardly keeping it on the down low.”
It was Harry’s idea to keep it quiet tonight, for you to be by his side as a friend of Gemma’s and nothing more. His nearest and dearest had flown to Italy to celebrate the end of Love on Tour, and while he knew he could trust the majority of the guests, there were sure to be people who’d sell photos for a quick buck. You were happy to keep your privacy a little longer, but truthfully, you were itching to shout from the rooftops. It had only been a month since you’d met Harry, and you hadn’t even seen him for 3 weeks of that month. But it was the best month of your life.
“Don’t wanna keep it on the down low,” he groaned, throwing his head down into the crook of your neck. “You do, and you’ll thank yourself for it.”
His green eyes were peeking at you through the mirror, hungry and desperate for more of you. If it were any other occasion you’d be straight into bed with him, but you wanted so badly to make a good impression tonight. You were lucky to have Anne and Gemma on your side already, the pair of them taking to you so well that Harry even ended up setting up a group chat for the four of you to keep in touch while he was away. A mother’s judgement was quick and usually correct, and Harry had made it explicitly clear to you that she totally adored you. You were normal, she said. But still, meeting the remainder of Harry’s closest business partners, friends and family was downright terrifying to you.
“Would help with your nerves.”
“Harry, we have to be there in half an hour. You’re not even dressed.”
“Don’t have to get dressed if I’m jus’ going to get undressed.”
“Go next door and get dressed. Or let go of me so I can,” you laughed, turning around to press a kiss to his forehead.
He trailed away silently, feet scuffing on the carpet before he threw himself down on the bed. Always one for the dramatics. “At least let me see what you’re wearing before I go.”
You padded across the hotel room, pulling a metallic gold maxi dress from the wardrobe. You’d worried it would be too much, far too attention grabbing at a party where you wanted to stay out of the spotlight. But Gemma and Joanie had convinced you, and now that you held it up towards the window, you could finally see their vision.
The slowly setting sun was beautiful, gold and pink tones washing across the sky. You’d never been to Italy before, and suddenly it was your favourite place to be. The Mediterranean was good to Harry, the tan he’d picked up since you saw him last now rich and deep. He was glowing so brightly that you swore he could literally illuminate a dark room. Even the tiny beads of sweat on his chest sparkled like diamonds. He was delicious, and yet you couldn’t bring yourself to look at him for too long. The way his eyes were fixed on you, likely imagining himself doing filthy things to you in that dress, made you weak at the knees. You had, what, 5 or so minutes until Gemma came to collect you? Plenty could be done in that time. But as soon as the idea popped into your head, Gemma’s voice came from the other side of the door.
“Get out Harry,” she called. He groaned as he heard her, running a frustrated hand through his messy curls. “You’ll look beautiful, always do,” Harry told you, pressing a kiss on your lips as he moped over to the door. He said a quick hello to Gemma before leaving, knowing that if he lingered around you for any longer, he’d never make it to his own celebration.
“What’s up with him?” Gemma laughed, pointing behind her as the heavy door swung shut. “Needy,” you told her, amusement tugging at the corners of your mouth. “I told you he still throws a tantrum! You think he’s all grown up on the surface, but there’s a stroppy little boy in there still.”
You pulled her in for a hug, grateful to have her by your side. “I’m really nervous,” you confessed, sinking down onto the edge of the bed. “I don’t know who Harry’s told what to, don’t want to slip up and ruin it for either of us.” You pulled your bottom lip into your mouth, the weight of your nerves finally crashing down on you. You hadn’t wanted to show Harry how anxious you were, knowing that he’d never leave your side if he knew.
“You poor thing,” Gemma smiled, placing a protective hand on your arm as she joined you on the soft bed. “I’ll be by your side as long as you want me to be. Some of Mum’s friends are coming too, so if you need a break from the crazy, they’ll be happy to look after you. Proper British mums.”
The venue was potentially one of the most beautiful places you’d ever seen. A rooftop bar with floor to ceiling windows leading out onto a patio, the evening sun casting a warm orange glow over every inch of the crowded room. You didn’t think you could ever get over the views from this high up, even stores and corner shops looked beautiful. In the few hours since you’d arrived in Italy, it had totally captured your heart. You could see why Harry chose here for his final show.
“Ready?” Gemma asked, pulling you out of your thoughts.
“Ready,” you smiled, taking a deep breath as you followed her through the double doors.
There were so many people you recognised, some people you didn’t, and it was genuinely like walking into a weird fantasy. A month ago you were getting ready to see your favourite artist perform, now you were walking into a room of celebrities with his sister by your side. It didn’t matter how many times you went through it in your head, how many times you looked through your pictures with Harry, it never felt real.
Gemma took you to meet some of the band first, Sarah, Mitch and Pauli all huddled around a high table. They greeted Gemma warmly, but when Sarah’s eyes landed on you, she threw her arms around you with almost enough enthusiasm to knock you off your feet. “Y/n! You look incredible,” she grinned, squeezing you tightly. “She’s had one too many already,” Mitch muttered, nodding a gentle hello.
You stayed with them as Gemma went to get you both a drink, listening to their stories of touring and performing in different cities around the world, each tale filled with laughter and joy. Speaking to people who had known Harry on a deeper level for so many years made your heart soar, the same tenderness and care he showed you evident in the way his band mates spoke of him. Just as your eyes began to wander across the room to find him, Gemma returned with two glasses of Prosecco, handing one to you with a warm smile. “Got to keep moving, but we’ll be back,” she told the group, guiding you to some more of Harry’s friends.
From the other end of the bar, Harry’s eyes were fixed on you. He took a sip of his drink, his gaze never wavering as he watched you laugh with Sarah and Glenne. The way your eyes sparkled as you giggled, the tiny snorts that slipped out when something was truly funny. He was totally captivated by you. Harry couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming protectiveness, so desperately wishing he could’ve been the one to introduce you to his loved ones. He’d watched as you and Gemma made the rounds, shaking hands and exchanging hugs with his friends and colleagues. You’d mesmerised every single one of them, effortlessly commanding attention as if tonight was for you. He’d had no doubts about them liking you, seeing in you what he did, but there was still a little bit of pride bubbling away inside of him. You were his girl, and you were fitting into his life so perfectly. He may have been a little tipsy, his emotions a little heightened, but right there he realised he couldn’t imagine a life without you.
He started to make his way towards you, silently joining your group with a dorky grin plastered on his face. Your brows furrowed as you looked over at him, rocking on his heels slowly as he stared between the three of you. Sarah and Glenne could only laugh, taking his appearance as their cue to leave.
“Do I have something on my face?” you smirked once you were alone with Harry.
“Little bit of sexy right.. there,” he grinned, reaching out slowly to poke at your cheek. His playful grin widened as he leaned in closer, a tiny chuckle slipping past his lips. "Gonna need to wipe that off," Harry teased, his warm breath brushing over your skin.
“Is that so?”
“Absolutely. Can’t risk anyone else seeing that.” His finger lingered on your skin for a moment, tracing light patterns before he pulled away, replacing his gentle touch with soft kisses.
“Harry!” you scolded, trying to pull away from him before anyone noticed.
“No one’s looking,” he murmured against your skin, wrapping an arm around your waist and tugging you closer. His lips wrapped around your earlobe, his teeth grazing the skin as he sucked tenderly.
“Let’s leave, come home with me,” Harry groaned, his voice husky. His hand was splayed against the curve of your ass, his bulge starting to stiffen against your core. Being so close to him for the first time that evening felt like heaven, but you were far too conscious of the amount of people around you. Still, you instinctively turned your head, giving him access to kiss along your neck.
“This is your party, H,” you reminded him, familiar butterflies taking flight within your core as his tongue flicked against your skin. As much as you wanted to give in to Harry, you couldn’t be responsible for taking him away from his own celebration, so many people here for him.
But each movement of his tongue tightened the knot in your core, your walls aching for his touch. His voice, muffled against your skin, whispered, “I know, love. But y’look so fuckin’ good.“
You let out a soft moan as his lips trailed higher, his teeth grazing lightly along your jawline. The pleasure was almost agonising, you couldn’t help arching your back, craving more of his touch. The warmth of his breath against your skin sent shivers down your spine, the strong scent of spirits mixed with his aftershave, almost enough to put you in a trance.
Harry’s voice was filled with desire, continuing to coax you into surrendering to him. “Can’t help myself, princess. Not when y’look like that,” he murmured, your breath hitching as his lips finally found your mouth, his movements soft yet desperate. His tongue danced around yours, exploring every corner of your mouth as though trying to memorise each taste and sensation.
You gripped onto his shoulders, your fingers digging into the fabric of his shirt, desperately trying to ground yourself. “I want you,” Harry panted as he pulled away, his lips swollen and breath ragged.
You were totally lost in him, your chest heaving as Harry stared deep into your eyes, searching for any sign that he’d convinced you enough.
“That is quite enough of that.” A voice came from behind you, startling you both out of your moment of serenity. You jumped away from Harry to see Anne giving you both the once-over, a hint of amusement dancing across her face. “You,” she pointed at Harry, “keep your tongue where it belongs. You,” she was grabbing a hold of your forearm, “with me.”
You could feel a blush creeping up your cheeks as Anne whisked you away, consumed by the long forgotten teenage embarrassment of being caught kissing by a parent. “Sorry,” you cringed, unable to meet her eyes. “It’s only a little kiss, love. I just wanted to help you escape him before anyone else saw,” Anne smiled.
“Oh,” you giggled, relief washing over you. With all the sneaking around, you sometimes had to remind yourself that you weren’t actually a disobedient teenager, waiting to be caught after sneaking a boy into your room.
Anne took you to meet her friends properly, the women she referred to as Harry’s other mums. They were exactly as Gemma had described, the exact same personality that your mum had, the stereotypical welcoming British mum. They told you countless stories of a younger Harry - the cheeky little boy who was always trying to make everyone laugh, to the teenager who took every opportunity to sing in his bedroom. It was always weird to you, knowing so much already about someone who was still new to you. Thankfully, everyone in Harry’s life seemed to accept that you’d been a (deranged) fan of his before you started dating. As he’d told you many times, it would be borderline impossible to date someone who had no idea who he was. Unless he dated babies or old ladies, and he’d been very clear that he didn’t fancy dating either of them.
“How did you two meet?” one of Anne’s friends had asked. It may have only been a month ago, but this was already your favourite story to tell. “In a Starbucks,” you confessed, cheeks tinged pink at the memory. “I was actually seeing him at Wembley, and we just happened to be in Starbucks at the same time. He asked me for a napkin and,” you shrugged, “we just hit it off from there.” Even the world’s strongest man couldn’t wipe the grin off your face at that moment. You loved to talk about your meet-cute, the way your heart caught in your throat at the sight of Harry’s rings, the way you ended up basically living with him for a week from that moment onwards. And yet, you couldn’t focus fully, still heated from your moment with Harry earlier.
His touch still lingered on your skin, warm tingles spreading across your waist where he’d pulled you into him. Anne’s friend grinned back at you, your feelings for Harry evident in the way you spoke about him. “Sounds like fate,” she told you, rubbing a hand on Anne’s thigh. “Your little boy all grown up and in love,” she laughed.
You nodded, unable to hide the sparkle in your eyes as you thought about Harry. It really did feel like fate had bought you here, a higher power intervening to lead you to him. As the conversation continued, you couldn’t help but steal glances at Harry across the room. He was dancing with Jeff, and an unexpected guest - at least for you - James Corden. You knew they were friends, you’d watched Harry’s carpool karaoke and every other late late show segment an embarrassing number of times. But to see him here, genuinely friends with Harry was so bizarre to you. You’d never seen him drunk before, and it wasn’t too different from a puppy with the zoomies. His feet moving too fast for his body, his drink sloshing around the glass as he threw his arms around anyone who caught his eye. He just radiated pure happiness, the very definition of a golden retriever boyfriend.
Harry’s eyes met yours as you watched him, the green of his irises darkening the longer his gaze rested on you. You blew him a kiss, laughing as he mimed catching it and pressing it to his lips. It was insane how someone so sexually driven could be so fucking cute. If you met him for the very first time while he was being sweet, you’d never expect what he could do to you in bed. And if you met him for the very first time in bed, you’d never expect how loving he could be. And now you were thinking of him in bed and getting yourself all worked up again.
“I’m just going to nip to the toilet,” you told Anne, signalling your head towards the corner of the room. You purposely walked behind Harry, trailing a light hand across his lower back to grab his attention, sauntering away without a glance back. You didn’t have to look to know he’d be following you. He caught up to you as you reached the entrance of the toilets, grabbing a hold of your hips with his bulge pressed firmly against your lower back.
“Didn’t think you could get away without me, did you?” he slurred against your ear, guiding you towards the cubicle at the end of the corridor. “Harry, babe, I got your attention so that you’d follow me.”
He laughed, locking the door behind him as one hand trailed up your torso. “Knew you couldn’t resist me,” he smirked, eyes landing on your tits as you turned to face him.
“Was doing fine until you played dirty,” you told him, tangling a hand in the curls at the nape of his neck. He pulled you close to him, his mouth lingering dangerously close to yours. All he could think about was ruining you, having you begging for mercy as he shot streams of his hot cum into you, finally fucking something other than his fist. But he couldn’t do any of that here, couldn’t fuck you the way he needed to in a bathroom stall. “I like playing dirty,” he whispered, crashing his lips against yours. He walked you backwards, hands moving to unzip your dress as his tongue danced around your mouth.
He pulled away to help you out of your dress, his cock twitching as you stepped out of it, left in only your tiny thong and heels. “Fucking hell,” Harry groaned, one hand tracing the curve of your waist as he looked you up and down. Your lips were swollen from his kiss, eyes hazy as you watched him undo his trousers. The second his cock sprung out of his pants you reached for it, desperate to feel it again after so long. Harry grabbed your hand, tangling his fingers in yours, denying you a touch. “Can’t fuck you the way I want to here,” he whispered. “Just need you to stand there and look pretty f’me.”
You nodded, swallowing thickly as he began to stroke his cock. You needed to come, but you didn’t want to spoil your appetite for him. So if Harry needed you to stand and watch him, a starter before your well-earned main course, you were more than happy to. “So fuckin’ beautiful,” he groaned, gripping onto your hip with his free hand. He knew he wasn’t going to last long, he never did with you involved, each stroke only making his core tighten more.
He looked fucking hot. His hair messy, sweat glistening on his neck as he stroked the sweet cock that you’d missed so dearly. Precum was gathering on his tip, his rings clashing together as he grunted and groaned, blown-out pupils fixed on your body. You couldn’t hold in the pants and moans that were forming in your throat, your core on fire as you watched Harry bring himself closer to his climax.
“Turn around,” he drawled, pushing your back down as his tip bumped against your ass, your eyes glued to him in the mirror. He pulled your thong to the side, pushing his fingers inside of your entrance. “Gonna- fuck-” he panted, no time to get you stretched out for his cock before his orgasm started to creep up on him. You shuffled your feet outwards, resting your elbows down on the countertop so he could enter you. He pushed into you quickly, the burn pulling a deep cry from inside of you. “Come, baby,” you pleaded, mouth locked open as your walls closed around him. Harry shot his cum into you, sighs of relief tumbling out of both of your mouths to finally feel your cores connected again, finally have his thick cum deep inside of you.
He stilled, rubbing his hands across your asscheeks, dizzy from the sensation of being deep in you.
The moment was quickly broken by someone banging on the door, and Harry jumped back, the sudden absence of his cock making you a little sad. “Occupied,” he called out, buttoning up his trousers before picking up your dress. “Bastards,” he smirked, bending down behind you to help you back into your clothes. He pressed a kiss to the bottom of your asscheek, moving your panties back over to cover your mound.
“Can’t leave together,” Harry said as his shaky hands did up your zip, still dazed from his orgasm.
“Go,” you told him, pressing a final kiss to his lips. “Need to touch up my makeup anyway.”
You could hear Harry’s voice booming over the music as you left the toilets, the rest of the party fallen silent. “Here she is!” he slurred as you came around the corner. Harry was standing on a table, a microphone in his hand as he addressed the crowd gathered in front of him. He reached out a beckoning finger to you, motioning for you to come over. You could hardly reject him in front of all of these eyes, let alone with that cheesy grin calling out to you. “This is Y/N, and f’anybody who doesn’t know, she’s my future wife,” he beamed as you got closer.
He giggled into the microphone, jumping down off of the table on unsteady legs. Harry’s audience clapped at his words, a few drunken cheers erupting. “Louder!” he demanded, “everyone cheer for Y/N!”
He had far too much power with a microphone in his hands, you thought to yourself as he wrapped an arm tight around your shoulders, pressing a kiss to your temple. You knew you were blushing wildly, not at all used to being in the spotlight. You rested your head on his shoulder, hoping it would somehow obscure you from view. “Seriously,” Harry continued, his goofy grin not budging as he glanced down at you, “this woman is the joy of my life. And you’re all close seconds. Thank you f’coming out to celebrate me, the band and everyone who’s worked on this tour. Roll on Saturday!”
He dropped the microphone onto the table behind him, moving his hand to cup your cheek before pressing his lips to yours, harder this time. The rest of the party had started to disperse around the room again, but now it didn’t matter if anyone saw. You were kissing Harry, properly kissing him, in public, and there was very little that could bring you down from that high. As he pulled away, Harry sat back on the table, pulling you to stand between his legs. “M’ so proud of you,” you whispered, brushing your fingertips across his cheek. He was looking deep in your eyes, his stare laced with something deeper than the affection he’d shown you before. “I love y-”, he started, his words cut off when you slapped a hand over his mouth. “Nuh uh, not letting you say it when you’re drunk,” you laughed, snarling at him as he tried to pull your hand away. When he finally managed, he pinned your hands to your sides, turning you around in his arms until your back was flush with his chest.
“A drunken mind speaks sober thoughts,” he chuckled, peppering soft kisses down your shoulder. You could have exploded, physically exploded in that moment. “Harry,” you warned, unable to wipe the smile from your face. He pressed his lips close to your ear, his warm breath washing over the side of your face. “I love you,” he whispered, grinning at you as you craned your neck to face him. “I love you,” you replied, heart hammering against your ribcage as the words finally came out. “Can I take you home now?” Harry smirked, his fingers dancing across your waist. “Please,” you whispered, taking his hand in yours.
taglist: @sleutherclaw @slutforcoffein @harrysolaf @opheliaofficial07 @dragonslayersupremacy @nikkisimps @michellekstyles @im-an-overthinker @fangirl7060 @indierockgirrl @palmettogal508 @thereunion1d @hannah9921 @harryshotpocket @daphnesutton @tenaciousperfectionunknown @thegrapejuiceblues1982 @mema10 @annageeeezzzz @cicicavill7 @drewsephrry @tswiftsgf @ashleighsss @bikestyles @he6rtshaker @prettygurl-2009 @softestqueeen @jerseygirlinca @teammom4 @chesthairrry @golden-hoax @lilfreakjez @swag13r @cursingatdaylight @s-h-e-l-b-e-e
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evansbby · 3 months
What would daddy ari do if you had a fight before he went to work and he came home to find you sleeping in the guest bedroom instead of your shared room?
He’d be like “baby girl I’m sorry” but you would just sniffle and ignore him and pretend to sleep and then he’d try to cuddle you and kiss you like “cmon baby, you know we both don’t like sleeping alone. I’m sorry, let’s not go to bed upset with each other, okay sweetie? you know daddy loves you so much” and you know you’re being petty but you’re like hmph (while still pretending to be half asleep) all like, “no you don’t love me anymore, so I’ll just get out of your way completely đŸ„ČđŸ„Č”
and Ari cuddles you even more, half lifting you up so you’re in his lap so he can carry you back to your shared bedroom, and he’s like “baby you know that’s not true, daddy loves you so much.” And then you push it even further and you’re like: “no you don’t, and I’ll probably move out tomorrow so bye in advance đŸ€§đŸ€§â€ and Ari’s literally like 💀💀💀 bc he knows the lil drama queen that you are and he’s like “well, okay fine then. but at least spend your last night with me” but he doesn’t wait for an answer, he just slings you over his back and carries you back to the bedroom while you squeal and punch and protest.
and then he throws you down on your shared bed and attacks you with kissies and tickles until you finally start giggling. “There’s my girl,” Ari says, chucking you under the chin, “I love your smile, baby. And I love you.” And finally you’re content with his apology so you forgive him (begrudgingly) and allow him to cuddle you while you both fall asleep and he lets you suck his thumb bc he knows it relaxes you and you’re his baby and everything is perfect again đŸ„čđŸ«¶đŸŒ
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hp-hcs · 10 months
Heyyy i saw your post about sending requests for mattheo, so here is my: mattheo x reader where they are best friends but like each other, mattheo goes out with girls that looks like her bc he is obsessed with reader, he also has a protective instinct with her, always keeping her by his side, kissing her cheek etc
 and one day they are alone and they kiss each other, if you want to turn this a fluff or a smut!! đŸ«¶đŸŒđŸ«¶đŸŒđŸ«¶đŸŒ thank you!! ❀
seven minutes in heaven — obsessed! mattheo riddle x gn! best friend! reader
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tws: heated making out?
requests? đŸ„șđŸ€Č
“Y/N,” Pansy said through a mouthful of toast. “H’ve you seen Matty’s latest fucktoy?”
You glance up at her. “I haven’t. Also, stop insinuating that my best friend is a manwhore.”
“Babe,” Pansy says dryly. “He’s the living definition of manipulate mansplain manwhore.”
“Anyway, what Panz is trying to say,” Blaise leans in to the conversation. “Is that his newbie is that Hufflepuff a year below us. The one who everyone always thinks is like, your twin?”
You shrug. “It’s a big school. Lotta people look like me.”
“Yeah, everyone Mattheo’s ever dated,” Pansy mumbles.
“What are you on about?”
“I’m just saying, he has a type. Isn’t it a bit weird that his type is literally his sworn-platonic best friend?”
You roll your eyes. “You’re so dramatic. Matty’s exes and I have nothing in common!”
“Except for being in love with Mattheo Riddle,” Blaise mutters.
“Alex was like, a full-blown jock. And Riley was just a straight-up motherfucker.”
“Not sensing any hostility or jealousy at all here.”
You roll your eyes. “We are just friends. We have been since first year.”
~~~ Mattheo threw his arm over your shoulder, pulling you into his side and kissing your forehead.
“What was that for?” You laugh, your eyebrows furrowed.
He shrugged. “Didn’t like the way that boy was staring at you.”
“What boy?” You asked, perking up and looking around.
His lips thinned and his hand tightened minutely on your shoulder. “Don’t worry about it.”
His voice was gruff and he pulled you a bit tighter to himself.
“What? No way!”
“Yeah, no, c’mon!” Mattheo protested.
“Too late!” Pansy grinned ecstatically. “Go on!”
You and Mattheo are bodily shoved into the closet, and the door shuts with a resounding thwunk. You can hear the others’ laughs drifting through from the other side.
You realize how close you two are, crammed in the tight space, your chests touching. Your cheeks flush in the dark closet and you clear your throat.
“Uh, so-”
“Shut up,” Mattheo mutters. “Please, for the love of Merlin. Stop talking.”
He cuts you off with a searing kiss, his hands grabbing onto your hips and pulling you even closer.
You gasp, your hands laying flat on his chest like you’re about to shove him away; instead you kiss back with equal fervor, leaning in closer and letting your hands slide up to drape over his shoulders.
Mattheo pushes you back against the wall, his fingertips creeping under the hem of your shirt. He kisses you like he’s been waiting to forever.
Your shoulders hit the wall, and your hands go up to tangle in his hair. He pulls away from you to gasp for air, groaning under his breath and leaning down to start kissing along your jaw and neck.
You close your eyes, your head falling back against the wall. “Mattheo-” You sigh contentedly.
You’re interrupted by a very loud, insistent knocking. “Seven minutes! Put your clothes back on!” Your friends break into hysterical laughter.
You two break apart, startled. Mattheo steps back, and you hurriedly wipe your mouth on your sleeve. You both hastily smooth out your shirts, avoiding eye contact as you fix your hair.
The door suddenly swings open, Pansy and Blaise standing in the doorway with their arms crossed and shit-eating grins on their faces.
“Theodore so owes me thirty galleons.”
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berzahoes · 9 months
it’s so sweet | tom blyth
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summary: on the set of billy the kid, a song by two lovers gets written.
an: prequel to ‘sing a song for you’ by popular demand aka probably like two or three people wanted this?? but who cares it’s tom blyth đŸ«¶đŸŒ
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you had a tune in your head that you couldn’t get out. as hard as you tried, you just couldn’t come up with lyrics. you were seated in a chair in tom’s trailer since you were visiting him while he was filming his billy the kid series. on your phone with the notes app opened, you struggled to come up with lyrics.
tom had opened the door to his trailer, stepping inside he saw you very focused. “you alright, love?”
you looked at him and saw that he was in his billy outfit. he looked so good, you couldn’t help but smirk. “what’s that saying? save a horse . . . ride a cowboy.” you teased as tom walked towards you to place a kiss on your lips. he managed to peek at your phone that had one lyric on it.
“it’s so sweet? what is?” he asked.
“something, just haven’t figured out what. I have a tune in my head but i can’t find words that go with it. it’s driving me crazy.” you reply.
“maybe i can help. what’s the tune?” he pulled up another chair and sat next to you.
you hummed the tune and hoped he would have some sort of idea of what lyrics fit well. once you finished, he stayed silent.
“anything?” you sigh. tom shook his head. “thanks anyways.”
“if it helps, i think it sounds like a love song.”
“a love song . . . wait.” you exited the notes app and went to your camera roll and scrolled through the thousands of pictures you took.
“what are you doing?” tom asked, but you didn’t respond. instead you hummed the tune again and looked at photos of you and tom then you came across a video that tom had sent you where he had just finished showering and his hair was wet. in the video, tom was laughing and smiling. then you went back to your notes app and started typing.
“watching the video that you sent me. the one where you’re showering wet hair dripping. . .” you mumble to yourself then show tom. “tom, you’re right. this is meant to be a love song.”
tom read the lyrics and mimicked your humming. “you still have the video?” he chuckled after reading.
“well yeah, your smile looks so pretty in it. i didn’t want to delete that. i write what i love and i love your smile and your hair and your eyes and how i think it’s so sweet that you love me,” you reply. for a second, you didn’t realize how quick you had come up with a potential lyric.
“wait, shit let me write that down.” you grabbed your phone and started typing.
“well if you’re going to mention about the video of me showering then it’s only fair that we mention the video that you sent me that i love.” tom could see you start blushing. you knew what video he was talking about. when he was away filming, you sent him a video of you in a new red lingerie set you had bought that day.
“we can if you want,” you said. “hey, remember that note you wrote me last year for valentine’s day? there was a line you wrote that i thought was so beautiful, i think it made me cry a little.”
“i will gladly break my heart for you?”
“yes! can i use that?”
in a matter of minutes, your new love song was complete. who knew that you and tom would write a love song together while he was dressed as billy the kid?
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kentosbabes · 1 year
Ex Bf Gojo hcs
I’ve been thinking about doing a part two to this for ages and finally decided to write it. I wrote this in my English lit lesson because it was eating me alive đŸ˜« anyways hope you like it đŸ˜‹đŸ«¶đŸŒ
Ex Bf Gojo who finds himself at your front door again holding one of your bras and a pair of shorts that he took from his last visit. However his eager expression changes when you opened the door wearing a dress teasing to expose your breasts and your thighs on full display. ‘Satoru?’
Ex Bf Gojo who’s shocked expression turns into a smirk as he says ‘hey love where we going?’. you can only roll your eyes ‘satoru we are not going anywhere. I am going on a date’ you say walking back into your house as he close the door as he follows behind you
Ex Bf Gojo who’s in disbelief at your words he’s left speechless for once. ‘i don’t think so baby’ he says coming up behind you as you fix your lipstick in the mirror. ‘satoru don’t start with me. we’re not together you’ve had plenty of chances’ you say as his hands wrap around you
Ex Bf Gojo who makes himself at home on your couch as you make sure you have everything ‘satoru go home’ you say giving him a stern look ‘nah i’m going to stay right here until you get back just do i can hear how shit it was’ he says manspreading and turning on your TV
Ex Bf Gojo who stays true to his word and stays in the same spot as you unlock the door and walk in. you hate how he was right, the date was horrible he would only talk about himself and didn’t even pay for the meal instead asking if you could
Ex Bf Gojo who knows as soon as he sees you expression it wasn’t what you thought. ‘awe poor girl he didn’t compare to me at all huh’ he says standing up and making his way towards you. ‘hmm it’s okay though i know just how to make it all better’
Ex Bf Gojo who now has your lips attached to his in a needy kiss. your hands resting in his hair as his roam around your body ‘when will you understand huh? no on will ever compare to me sweetheart. no one’ he says his lips now kissing down your neck
Ex Bf Gojo who now has you pushed up against the door as he thrusts in behind you, the bottom of your dressed bunched up at your waist and your panties pushed to the side. ‘did he get you this wet?’ he asks knowing you were thinking of him the entire time not the dick sitting infront of you at the restaurant. ‘no satoru f-fuck only you get me this wet p-please’
Ex Bf Gojo who has his fingers deep in you curling in to hit your sweet spot. but as soon as you can feel the tightness in your stomach he stops ‘nuh uh you need to understand that your mine.’ his long fingers now rubbing circles on your clit ‘don’t worry i’ll make you cum so much all you can think of is me and then maybe you’ll understand your mine and no one will ever compare to me’
Ex Bf Gojo who teases you as he’s thrusting slow and deep into you ‘could he make you feel this good? did you get that feeling in your stomach when you look at him? the one you get when you look at me? god, i bet he didn’t even pay for the dinner’ you hated how he was right and let out a groan in response ‘oh i’m right? what a dick but don’t worry i’ve got you. gunna make you feel real good’
Ex Bf Gojo who makes sure to clean you up in the shower before laying down next to you in bed. ‘pretty girl’ you turn to face him ‘mhm’ Gojo now moves you so you sit in between his legs as he sits against the headboard of the bed. ‘maybe we should try again hm?’ he asks you send him a big smile ‘Satoru Gojo are you asking me to be your girlfriend? again?’ he lets out a chuckle before saying ‘only if you say yes’.
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hwaslayer · 4 months
favorite things | pmylm drabble (jyh)
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⇱ favorite things - drabble one // ft. the pmylm couple
summary: yunho's been having a rough time adjusting to the 'real world' and gets upset when he can't have the person he needs the most right away.
words: 2.8k
warnings: cussing/mature language, jealousy/insecurities, yuyu is upset and doesn't really know how to control his feelings rn cause he is just a tired boy 😭, a small lil fight, the awkward silent treatment, yuyu and yeo talk thru his feelings for a bit, kissing/making out, sorry if i missed anything i quickly whipped the rest of this in bed lol
a/n: whipped this baby up because i just felt the need to and i missed my babies!! (+ this lil IG inspo hehe) more drabbles to come đŸ«¶đŸŒ love you in slow motion update this weekend annnnd i’m gonna have to push back the fallen angel hwa fic cause im all over the place đŸ„č but we’ll do better!! lol stay tuned!!
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Yunho has entered the real world and he is exhausted. When his mom used to joke about living and working in this so-called real world, he used to think it was just a thing to keep him on his toes, shake him up a little bit.
Nope, that shit was all real.
And he hates it.
He hates it because it's the one thing that brings another fight to the table for your relationship. Ultimately, Yunho knows all he has to do is adjust and he'll be fine in the long run. Both of you will be fine in the long run.
But today, that feels like a stretch and he is short of patience. Unusually short of patience than usual. He knows you don't mean any harm but for some odd reason, today he feels like the world is going to swallow him alive and everything is triggering.
The first thing is the fact that he has to stay a bit later than usual to finish up a project he had been working on. He was hoping to rush home and spend some time with you before you were off to practice for the evening, spending 2-3 hours with your friends and the group.
That didn't happen.
So, when he gets home and you've already texted him saying you've left with a sad, crying face, he's bummed. He gets himself comfortable anyway, heating up a cup of ramen since he's not too hungry. Maybe he'll get some food with you when you're out— it's one of his favorite things to do.
Now, the second thing that makes him a little more irked is the fact that 2-3 hours go by and you haven't texted. He knows practice can run long, but it's also a little unusual for you to not keep him updated. You finally do a bit past 8pm with a quick:
you: hi baby, sorry! practice was a bit busy, i was caught up during breaks. i'll be home soon then i'll come over after i shower, okay? wait for me (: we should go on a food run! hehe
yunho: sounds good, love. i'll be here.
It closes to 9pm and Yunho isn't hungry anymore. The cup of ramen will do since there seems to be a dim chance of getting food with you, especially when you tell him you'll be over in a quick second but you’re still nowhere to be found. Yunho charges to the door anyway and is hoping to greet you when he swings the door open. Instead, he's greeted with you laughing and giggling with Hyunjin downstairs in the lot as he hands you a bag of to-go food.
Let's set the record straight— Yunho loves your friends. He knows he can trust them, and he knows they're all genuinely good people. He's always been happy you had a good group of people around you.
It's just today, he really, really missed you. After a long ass day. And he knows you [and Hyunjin] mean no harm in your actions, but he can't help but feel a tad bit insecure [and slightly jealous] that you aren't rushing over to see him after not being with him all day. He knows he can blame this on the fact that he's exhausted and a little short on patience. God knows he really did try to keep it cool and brush it off.
He couldn't help it.
Yunho shuts the door again, leaving it unlocked for whenever you feel ready to come upstairs and hang out with him. He sits on his computer chair, irritated, and throws on a game to distract himself momentarily. Maybe it'll help ease whatever he's feeling,
But, nope.
It doesn't.
Because when you walk in, you're still yelling out to Hyunjin and whoever before you shut the door, place the food on the counter and walk into his room. You throw your arms around him from behind and Yunho lets out a small, audible sigh. That was already alarming enough for you, but you still dip your head to the side and try to grab his attention.
"Hi." You place a quick, chaste quick to his cheek, but Yunho doesn't move.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing." Is all he says plainly. "I was just waiting for you."
"I know, but Hyunjin stopped by to give us food—"
"I thought we were gonna grab food together?"
"Oh." You frown because it completely slipped your mind, or else, you would've left the food at your own apartment to save it for tomorrow instead. "Fuck, I'm sorry. I didn't think he was gonna swing by with food. We all left each other earlier without any plans of—"
"It's okay." He taps your arms as a signal for you to let go of him. "You should go eat."
"We can share, there's more than enough—"
"All good." It's petty of Yunho, he knows. For him, it's the fact that you told him you wanted to go on a food run after practice. Another small, but meaningful thing you two did often. He doesn't blame Hyunjin for anything at all, no. There was no way of preventing that, and who the fuck was he to make you reject food from a friend?
He just wished he could take you to get food. Watch you order your favorites and do your happy dance in his passenger's seat. It's another one of his favorite things.
"Yunho." You slowly step aside and sit on his bed, your appetite all of a sudden gone from how distant your boyfriend is being. "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset."
"It's fine."
"Is it really? Because something feels off and I wanna know what I did so I can fix it."
"It's nothing, Y/N." You almost flinch at the way he calls you your name instead of his cute endearing nicknames. It throws you off guard so much that you resort to a flimsy, broken:
"Okay." It's barely above a whisper. You stand to head back out to the kitchen, quietly eating a bit of Hyunjin's extra to-go thai food before setting some aside in a tupperware for Yunho and placing it in the fridge. The rest of the night goes.. like that.
In silence. With weird tension.
You hate it.
You wish you could just fix whatever you did wrong, or that Yunho would tell you no matter how 'silly' it may sound. He's always been so good with communicating, even during small disagreements, you weren't sure why he was avoiding it this time around.
You quietly get ready for bed, brushing your teeth and flossing before changing out of your sweats and hoodie to Yunho's shirt. You pad into the room, slipping yourself deep under the sheets and pull up some vlogs on Youtube that you need to catch up on.
"Tired?" Yunho asks from his computer chair, still playing his game.
"Mhm." You look at him, hoping he'd come over to kiss you, cuddle you. Shut off the computer and lay next to you, show you any kind of affection. He doesn't budge, though. You feel your bottom lip trembling, your heart slowly cracking in various places. You have to take a breath to prevent yourself from crying, and Yunho can feel it. He can feel your gaze on him, he can tell you're seconds away from crying. So, Yunho stands and shuts off his computer. But, he starts to head out to the living room and you're on the verge of breaking down. His way of avoiding the issue and getting more upset was to shut down. Deflect.
This wasn't like Yunho at all so you knew something was wrong; something was that bothersome to him.
"Baby." You call for him softly, and he just looks at you. You can tell he's conflicted between keeping this up and dropping it entirely, but it doesn't seem to be enough. It's not enough for him to drop it because his expression doesn't change. He still seems cold, distant. Tired. Unlike the Yunho you're so, so used to seeing and having.
"I'm just tired. Go to sleep."
"Where are you going?"
"The living room."
"Let me come with you."
"Y/N. Please go to sleep. I told you nothing was wrong." You watch the way his jaw slightly ticks before brushing you off completely and leaving the room, shutting the door behind him. A loud sigh escapes his lips as he treads to the couch and plops onto it, leaning his head back onto the edge. He shuts his eyes, giving himself some time to sort through his feelings because what the fuck, Jeong Yunho?
He knows this is much needed, though. He needed to step away for a second to regroup. He doesn't want to unintentionally hurt you by saying or doing things that he doesn't mean. He's tired, and he's acting like a fucking baby because he just wanted you at so many points today— yet, the universe just didn't let him have you. That wasn't your fault.
None of this was your fault.
He needed to do better. Just because he was exhausted, didn't mean he had to act this way towards you.
"Yo." Yeosang walks through the door, dropping his duffle bag to the floor as he steps out of his shoes. "You good?" He furrows his brows at the sight of Yunho just resting his head back with his eyes shut close.
"Where's Y/N?"
"In the room." Odd, Yeosang thinks. It's not like you two to be separated like this. It's pretty obvious Yunho is bothered by something and that you've probably gotten into a small fight over it. Yeosang isn't one to meddle much, especially when it's not his business to. But, he is concerned seeing his roommate like this. It's probably one of the rare times he ever sees Yunho upset.
"You sure everything's okay? I'm not really used to seeing you sitting out in the living room in silence like this." Yunho lets out a tiny chuckle that's barely audible, but he finally turns to Yeosang and purses his lips.
"I guess. Just exhausted lately."
"I bet. You've been working your ass off." Yeosang looks into the fridge before stepping away with a cold water bottle and heading towards Yunho. "Y/N put some food in there for you, by the way."
"Did she?"
"Yeah. It has a little sticky note on top." Of course you did, why wouldn’t you? You always thought about Yunho no matter what.
"I've been such a dick to her tonight."
"What'd you do?"
"It's so stupid." Yunho begins to explain how his day has just been all over the place— from work, to staying late and not being able to see you before practice, no updates until 3+ hours after practice, looking forward to a food run that didn't end up happening because of Hyunjin. All Yeosang can do is laugh a bit and shake his head.
"Dude, we all have bad days. It's inevitable. You're still adjusting so don't be so hard on yourself. It's hard going from a routine you were so used to, especially with Y/N. Then, having to switch it up and play tetris with your time. It's not easy. But also, I'm sure Y/N has been feeling the same way. She's just doing what she can to support you first and foremost. She'd never hurt you intentionally, and I know she'd always choose you in the end." Yunho's head drops as he leans onto his knees and sighs again.
"Fuck, you're right. I don't know why today was so difficult. I guess it all piled on for me and I didn't know how to sort through it."
"All good. Shit happens." Yeosang shrugs. "Anyway. I'm gonna head to bed. You should probably do the same. I know she's probably waiting for you."
"Thanks." Yeo gives him a little dap before he's off to get comfy and end his day. Yunho stays on the couch for a few more minutes before he brushes his teeth and washes up for bed. He stands in the bathroom for a few more seconds before gaining the courage to finally talk to you about everything that's been going on today. When he walks in, you're still bundled under the sheets, but your phone is against the wall and a video is playing. He can hear you sniffling through the video though, and he knows you've been crying.
God dammit, Yunho.
"Baby?" You hear Yunho softly call your name as he slips into bed and wraps his arms around you.
"Mhm?" You respond, still facing away from him.
"Can we talk?" You sigh and exit the video, locking your phone before turning towards Yunho and setting your phone onto the table.
"Don't force yourself if you aren't ready to."
"I am, and I'm sorry." He looks at you with those puppy dog eyes and it instantly feels like you have your loving, incredibly sweet and attentive boyfriend back.
"What happened?"
"I don't really know. To be honest, I don't have that great of an explanation. I was just tired and I was really looking forward to seeing you before practice. I couldn't see you then because of work, so I was even more excited to see you after practice and to go on our run together. But, you came later and the whole thing with Hyunjin—" He pauses and shakes his head. "It was so stupid and childish of me. I didn't need to act that way, and I'm so sorry I was such a dick to you over that." You cup his cheek and caress the surface with your thumb.
"You should've just told me, babe."
"It's so dumb, though?" He furrows his brows, mainly at himself.
"Nothing is dumb. Whatever hurts you, hurts me. We're in this together, remember? We're on the same team. I just need you to communicate and be honest, like you always tell me. Okay? I'll do anything to fix it and make it better. I'm your safe space like you are mine."
"I know." He leans into your touch before placing a soft kiss to your palm. "I'll do better."
"We have our bad days and that's okay. It won't make me love you any less. Tell me if you need space or if you need anything from me. I want you to be happy and comfortable."
"I know."
"Okay. And I'm sorry about the food run. I promise I'll keep my end of it next time."
"Wasn't your fault, baby. Nothing could have prevented that." You give him a tiny, toothless smile before kissing the tip of his nose.
"Are we okay?" He nods.
"I'm so sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel that way.” He repeats before leaning in to peck you on the lips. He holds the kiss before parting and looking you in the eye, brushing the hair away from your face. He dips in for another kiss— this time, it's deeper. More passionate. His hand comes down to the small of your back as he presses against you, slipping his tongue in to fight for dominance against yours. The kiss is so full of love and neediness, but there's no push or pressure to make anything out of it.
So, Yunho continues to kiss you. Pushing up against you ever so slightly while parting from your lips to leave a trail across your jaw.
Your chin.
Your neck.
Back up to your lips.
He loves the way you softly sigh in content, listening to him repeatedly whisper 'I love you' against your lips. Into your neck. Across your jaw. He loves the way you gently bite onto his bottom lip as a way of asking for more. He loves the way your fingers tug on the ends of his hair, the way you press your lips against his cheek, forehead, nose. The way you caress his cheeks and never let him go.
It's amongst the many on his list of favorite things.
He continues to coo you and praise you in between kisses throughout the night, smiling while hearing your giggles and smothering you with more kisses until you find yourself getting sleepy. He holds you close and sings a soft lullaby, playing with your hair as you drift off to sleep with the cutest smile on your face. He can’t help but admire you, fighting the exhaustion that’s been hitting him all week for a little longer. He fights it until he can’t anymore but fuck it, it’s all worth it.
Because sitting at the very top of his favorites list is you.
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⇱ permanent taglist: @asjkdk @bintificreads @interweab @svintsandghosts @cheolliehugs
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cameronspecial · 3 months
I need this brothers best friend https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6zJgc0PzA9/?igsh=MWV6aGtnYWp3c2x0eQ== and reader, Rafe, topper and Kelce are on the road he speeds up and comes by and makes sure she’s good, if she’s hungry or wants a sip of his water and when they stop for a break he comes over to her bike and zips up her jacket like he did in the video and gives the reader his jacket for her ass cause “her shorts are too tight” btw Rafe and reader arent dating it’s just a tension and fluff and you can add a kiss if you want
can I say that I admire your work and love how you respond to requests by like a day your my favorite account on here I wish I could give you multiple follows and sorry for the yapping đŸ’—đŸ’—đŸ«¶đŸŒđŸ«¶đŸŒ (if you haven’t noticed I use đŸ’—đŸ’—đŸ«¶đŸŒđŸ«¶đŸŒ on all of my requests)
Under The Moonlight, On A Motorcycle
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Thorton!Reader
Warnings: N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.7K
A/N: Aww, thank you so much for the love! You are too sweet.
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Rafe thinks this is a terrible idea. She doesn’t even have a license. He doesn’t know why Topper allowed her to do it in the first place; Rafe told his best friend he shouldn’t. Topper doesn’t listen though because whatever the Kook Princess wanted, she got. So now, all Rafe can do is watch in judgment while the brother helps his sister get ready for her first solo ride on her own bike. She nods with a concentrated look on her face as her twin goes over the workings of the bike. Once she is ready, she places her purple custom-made helmet on her and swings her leg over the seat. Topper heads to his bike and gets on, jutting his chin in Rafe’s direction. 
He nods, “Alright, let’s go.” Four engines rev and the motorcycles are propelled forwards. Wind breezes past them as they navigate the streets under the glow of the moonlight. They don’t have a destination in mind. They never do. Their late-night drives are about the atmosphere. 
The leader of the group’s head swivels, spotting Kelce and Top easily beside him. His eyebrows furrow behind his helmet when he can’t see Y/N. He eases his fingers off the throttle and his speed begins to decelerate. The boys quickly overpass him, which reveals her location at the back of the group. Rafe passes his gaze over her figure and notices the way the sides of her leather jacket trail behind her because it is unzipped. His right hand lifts for a second to motion to the next exit and he hopes she understands what he means. 
The duo finds a dirt clearing on the side of the road and pulls into it. Their engines turn off almost in synch. She remains straddling her bike and observes while he gets off his and takes his headgear off. “Why did we pull over?” she questions. He doesn’t respond immediately. Instead, he gets signs for her to hop off her bike. She follows his orders and kicks the stand down so she can lean against her belt. She doesn’t take her helmet off but does when she sees he is waiting for her to do so. “See, talking is so much easier when we can all hear each other,” he mumbles, standing in front of him. He reaches down for the bottoms of her jacket and brings them together by the zipper. “Now, we pulled over because your jacket wasn’t zipped. It’s cold and it could distract you while you ride.” Her head bobs at her words and she thanks him after he finishes. “Are you okay? You’re training behind us. Are you hungry? Thirsty?” he interrogates. She doesn’t need to think about her response, “I’m okay. I don’t need anything. I just need to get used to the feeling. I think.”
“If you’re sure, then okay. We can get back on the road. I’m sure Kelce and Top are waiting for us,” Rafe announces, stepping back to head back to his motorcycle when he processes her full outfit. “Damn it. This is exactly why I told your brother this was a bad idea. You can’t even wear the right clothes,” he mumbles to himself. He approaches her again, removing his protective jacket. “What are you doing?” she objects, feeling the material wrap around her waist. He gives it one final tug and stands back in satisfaction. The sleeve of his jacket carcass her waist and the back of it brushes against the back of her knees. He subtly bites his bottom lip at the sight. 
“Your shorts are too short. If you get into an accident, your legs aren’t protected,” he informs, resuming his path to his vehicle. Her hand darts out from her side and her fingers wrap around his wrist. He spins in her direction with concern in his eyes, “Is everything okay?” She gives him a warm smile, stepping forward to place a kiss on his cheek. “Thank you for your advice and concern. I know you don’t like this idea,” she whispers. Her helmet slides back onto her head and she gets onto her bike. He turns away to hide his smile, muttering a “You’re welcome” under his breath. 
Rafe sits on his motorcycle and the two of them get back onto the highway. It doesn’t take them long to find their other riding companions, who were clueless about the sweet moment shared between them and the feelings growing between them.
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming @magicalyoura @rubixgsworld
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russellsppttemplates · 5 months
Omg I love all your work! đŸ«¶đŸŒ
Can you do Fraser and Clara maybe they are dating and nobody know and Carlos catch them in her room and call Lando?
Im so sorry if my English is bad, is not my first language!
Note: thank you đŸ«¶ don't worry about it, english isn't my first language either!
The Norris family had joined you for a family vacation, everyone travelling directly to Mallorca after the race.
"My sunburn from yesterday is still quite red, I'm going to my room and read there today", Clara reasoned as she saw everyone else get ready to hang out by the pool.
"That's smart, cariño, do you want me to reapply the cream?", you asked, wanting to make sure she was being diligent about it.
"I can do it myself - if I twist my arm like this, I can get there", your daughter exemplified before heading upstairs.
Everyone else seemed to enjoy the time by the pool, you choosing to swim instead of just sitting around until you felt something snap, "Oh! Crap!", you hissed, holding the top of your bikini to your chest as one of the straps ripped from the band around your back.
"Is everything alright?", Matilda asked you, brushing her wet hair away from her face.
"Yes, just my top strap ripped, I need to get a new one", you said as you stepped out of the pool, Carlos helping you with a towell, "Actually, amor, can you get it for me, please? I'll just get the floors wet and then someone will fall", you asked your husband.
Carlos nodded, kissing your cheek and heading up to your room. On his way there, he noticed Clara's bedroom door was open and he took a peek inside, seeing his daughter cuddled up to his friend's son. Clara's head laid on Fraser's chest, the teenagers taking a nap as Carlos recognised his daughter's book on the Norris boy's hand, his thumb marking the page.
Walking to the hallway's balcony, he waved Lando over, calling him to join him upstairs.
"Do you want me to help you look through your wife's swimwear? I'm not sure how comfortable I fe-oh! Oh", he gasped as he noticed his son cuddled up with Clara.
"Do you think they're together?", Carlos whispered.
"Wouldn't you be together to do something like that?", Lando mused as he watched his son's protective hold on who he assumed was his girlfriend.
"We have to tell the wives", Carlos said as they walked downstairs.
"Damn it", Lando muttered under his breath, "I have to tell my wife she was right about this", he tsked, receiving a raised brow from Carlos, "she has been saying that they're dating for a couple of weeks now".
"Happy wife, happy life", Carlos patted his back, "you have to tell her she was right".
(Thank you for sending this in ✚)
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scuderiasundays · 11 months
happy wife, happy life
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summary: flights on air verstappen, a game of padel, and declarations of love + a little insta au at the end 💌
words: 919
a/n: here’s part two to better together. i’m considering making this a multi-part story so let me know if that’s something you’d want! hugs and kisses đŸ«¶đŸŒ
"Austin, Mexico City, SĂŁo Paulo, Las Vegas, Abu Dhabi. Any preference?"
Lando’s voice was drowned out by the celebratory air coursing through McLaren Hospitality. He was calling from his driver room in Lusail, still soaked in champagne after a phenomenal comeback drive.
“I think you’ve earned the right to pick. My God, three podiums in a row, Lando!”
You squealed, as if you weren’t speaking to the very man who had accomplished this feat.
After a quick pause, he replied, “Vegas, it is then. I think I can secure seats on Air Verstappen if I use my charm.”
Max, the first of Lando's friends you’d been introduced to, extended his hand as you stepped onboard.
"So, this is 'airport girl.' I've heard quite a bit about you," he said, stealing glances at a blushing Lando.
You shook his hand. "Only good things, I hope."
The setting sun painted the cabin a soft orange as dinner was served, seamlessly shifting the conversation toward plans for the weekend. "Are we still up for padel on Friday?" Max asked, the anticipation evident in his voice.
"We're short a player. Jon busted his shoulder last week, so I'm in need of an alternate," Lando replied.
Max gestured towards you. "She's right next to you, mate."
Mid-bite, you wagged your finger at both Max and Lando. Racket sports weren’t your forte, and the idea of padel with ragingly competitive Formula 1 drivers made you queasy.
You’d assumed the 12-hour flight had been long enough for Lando to let go of the whole idea. He, however, promptly proved you wrong as he lifted your bags into the back of a blacked-out Escalade.
“Remember that book you were reading? The one about love languages?” You nodded, climbing into the car.
“Well, I figure my love language is quality time. And what better way to spend our time than with a game of padel?”
You hesitated, jokingly glaring at him. "I never thought that book was going to come back and bite me in the ass.”
“Karma is your boyfriend,” he whispered as he laced his fingers around yours.
The casual mention of "boyfriend" (and his general knowledge of Taylor Swift lyrics) caught you off guard and, as your heart raced, you made a desperate effort to maintain composure. You couldn’t possibly say no to his desperate gaze and, so with a loud sigh, you caved.
The days that followed felt more like a haze. DJ Lando stole the show at Omnia, carrying a wasted Oscar home in the aftermath. Golfer Lando took you to glow-in-the-dark mini-golf, subsequently blaming his loss on a lack of practice (“You should see me at my best”). F1 Lando gave you a little peck before disappearing into the media pen. You’d been so engrossed in it all that you were on the padel court before you knew it.
As the points went back and forth, you and Lando found yourselves in a playful dispute over who was the rightful owner of the five dollars you’d won at the slots. Lando had paid but you had pushed the button that had brought you sweet victory.
Max quickly interjected, "Maybe you two should save the bickering for the post-game press conference."
George, echoing Max, teased, "He’s got a point. Beware or you’ll be immortalized as a sassy TikTok sound.”
“You know, I’m here to fight. I’m here to win.” Lando said, taunting George as he prepared to serve.
Much to everyone’s surprise, you and Lando turned out to be a stellar team, securing a hard-fought win. Instead of the traditional champagne spray, you spritzed a sweaty Lando with your perfume.
"I smell like you now," he said with a smirk.
You caught your breath on a bench as George strutted over, towering over you.
"You’re already on his mind 24/7. Now, you want to linger on his clothes too? Greedy!"
As you and Lando were about to head back to the car, a few fans hurried over, their elation palpable.
“We’re huge fans, Lando. Could we get a quick photo before you go?”
Lando was quick to oblige and asked you to hold their gifts (a snapback and a handful of bracelets). You offered to take photos of him with the girls, his aura radiant as he took his time to thank each of them.
Little did either of you know, the photos of you and him at the padel courts would soon be circulating all over social media, your phones blowing up with notifications from countless F1 gossip accounts.
In the dim glow of the car's interior, you caught a glimpse of him, jaw clenched and a hint of vulnerability in his eyes. The not-so-soft hum of the engine roared as you cut through the tension.
"Hey, what’s on your mind?"
"I just never want you to feel suffocated by all the noise that comes with being my girlfriend."
"Your girlfriend?" you teased, masking your anticipation with feigned innocence.
He sighed, his hands momentarily tightening on the steering wheel. The car smoothly veered into an old gas station, its solitary lights flickering in the night.
He turned to face you, his eyes searching yours. "Will you be my girlfriend?"
A smile lit up your face. "I thought I already was.”
He shook his head, a mixture of exasperation and affection on his face. "You truly are impossible, y’know."
"Snap a picture of your girl then, Mr. JPG," you quipped.
His hands searched the backseat for his Leica.
"Happy wife, happy life.”
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liked by martingarrix, yourusername, and 41,414 others 
landonorris: on a roll! two more to go đŸ‘ŠđŸŒ
ciscanorris: couldn’t be more proud. i sense a mclaren 1-2 coming!
mclaren: mother knows best ✹
fan1: king of the soft launch
oscarpiastri: let’s finish the season off strong!
maxverstappen1: some of the line calls made by your doubles partner were questionable đŸ€šÂ 
max_fewtrell: a partner other than i? whoever could it be?
landonorris: i’m starting to doubt my friendships with guys named max
fan2: i’m all for it so long as mystery girl gives us the boyfriend content we deserve đŸ«¶đŸŒ
tags 📝
@silverstonesainz @monzabee @sainzcaleruega @vamossainz55 @0-atmilklatte @aacherrylips @merchelsea @al-luvx @itsjustkhaos @allenajade-ite @simp4f1 @strawberrysainz @avenger122 @405rry @lpab @thebrccoliwasdone @antiheroleclerc
1K notes · View notes
ohnococo · 3 months
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Birthday Meal | Sukuna x Reader
A quick little something for birthday babe @ehnonymousse ! Thank you for the support and kindness đŸ«¶đŸŒ
Warnings: public, pantyhose, clothes ripping, fem bodied reader (dressed femme but no pronouns mentioned), implied oral sex (reader receiving
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Pantyhose just do something to Sukuna. Makes him a little reckless with you, a little out of his mind too. Maybe it’s the way they cling to and outline your legs, giving you a faux sense of security when you wear your shortest dress. Maybe it’s the sheerness of them, distorting the natural hue of your skin enough to let you know you’re technically covered, but not really leaving anything to the imagination. Or maybe it’s the way your soft skin is pushed out a little when they’re torn, hastily ripped holes leaving creases in the plushness of your thighs.
You think it’s a bit of all of that, really. From the way Sukuna’s lips parted and brows flicked upward for just a moment as he lets out the smallest, ‘Ah’ when you enter the restaurant he was already waiting for you in.
‘Ah, you do take these little date nights seriously, don’t you?’
‘Ah, I suppose the cost of one drink alone in a place like this will cover whatever you spent buying more of those.’
‘Ah, you couldn’t wait until we got home for me to touch you, then?’
All of these thoughts are broadcast clearly in just the scan of your body he gives you as you approach. Then his actions tease you with even more of his thoughts as he stands to greet you, bypassing your awaiting lips to kiss at the side of your neck, whispering your warning for tonight into your ear.
“We won’t be making it to dessert.”
Not that you thought you would. Not that you minded. Not when his appetizer went untouched as he becomes much more focused on groping and squeezing at your thighs through the smooth hosiery. Not when both of your mains are left to grow cold when he finally moves his fingers to pet between your thighs.
Your waiter stops by again and again, asking if anything is wrong, if you want anything about your meal changed—because it’s mighty expensive to be ignored like this. Eventually Sukuna grows tired of the interruptions, tired of anything between his skin and yours too.
To the bathroom it is, where he doesn’t have to remind himself to be considerate of your silly little need to not expose yourself in front of a room of strangers. Instead he can focus on you properly, settling you on the sink, legs spread, spit soaking your pantyhose as he rubs his face against your thighs, biting and licking and sucking until you’re shaking, so wet and ready for him that you’re starting to care a lot less about how much noise you’re making in such a nice place.
By the time he rips your pantyhose, snapping at the torn edges and watching your thighs jump, the feel of having your pussy exposed to the air is enough to make you moan aloud.
Never mind when he buries his face where he’s wanted it most since the moment you walked in to this place.
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goldfades · 7 months
so so proud of u!! can we get 💘 with our bf adam !
đŻđšđ„đžđ§đ­đąđ§đž'𝐬 𝐝𝐚đČ | afÂčÂč
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♡ ─ word count | 706 words
♡ ─ warnings | absolutely NOTHING just pure fluff and a sweet kiss, ONE SINGULAR suggestive comment at the end LOL
♡ ─ ev's notes | i LOVE you so much fia, you literally mean the world to me bc u were my first mutual HELPPPPP<3 ur the best, enjoyyyy!!! đŸ«¶đŸŒđŸ«¶đŸŒđŸ«¶
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You and Adam have been dating for almost three years, and for the two Valentine's days you'd spent together, you were together. However, this year would be different because Adam was almost 200 miles away in Ohio, Columbus while you stuck in Ann Arbor.
You sat in your friend's dorm as you watched her get ready for her Valentine's date with her new boyfriend. You were happy for her, obviously, but it felt bittersweet because if Adam was here, you would also be getting ready for a Valentine's date as well. Instead, you were just watching her get ready. As you watched your friend apply the finishing touches to her makeup, you couldn't shake off the pang of loneliness that crept in. The distance between you and Adam felt more palpable than ever on this special day.
Your mind began to wander back to the memories you and Adam had shared over the past three years. You remembered your first Valentine's Day together, how he had surprised you with the necklace you'd been wanting (and yes, it was gold/silver) and a bouquet of your favorite flowers that was wrapped in your favorite color. The second year, you both spent the day at home, spending time together by making dinner then watching your favorite movies.
This year, however, distance had come between you. Adam was in Columbus, doing what he loves best: playing hockey while you were finishing up school. The thought of spending Valentine's Day apart made your heart ache, but you knew that you both were committed to making it work despite the distance. Adam had sent you a Valentine's day text this morning, which had made your day but made you sad knowing that you weren't waking up next to him.
Your friend gave you a sad smile, "I'll bring you back some pasta, okay?"
You returned her smile, appreciating her effort to make you smile. "Thank you. But I'll be fine."
"I know, you will. You're seeing him in a couple weeks, right?" Your friend tried to cheer you up and all you could nod. "Well, I'm ready. Wanna walk me to my car?"
You nodded again and got up from her bed, slipping on some shoes and walking out with her. As you walked your friend to her car, the cold winter air nipped at your face, you should've gotten your jacket. As you reached her car, you began to say your goodbyes before you felt a tap on your shoulder.
You turned around to meet the bright blue eyes of Adam. He was holding a big bouquet of flowers and a huge basket of all your favorite snacks, candy and some jewelry. All you could was gasp with surprise. "Adam!"
"Y/N!" He replied with a big grin, putting down the stuff to embrace you tightly. Your heart swelled as you returned the hug, feeling the warmth of his embrace chase away the chill of the winter air.
"I couldn't stand the thought of being apart on Valentine's Day. So, I decided to make the drive and surprise you." Adam said, his voice filled with sincerity as he held you close.
You couldn't contain your happiness as you looked at the bouquet of flowers, the basket filled with all your favorite things. It was a gesture that melted away the distance and made you feel incredibly loved.
"I missed you so much," he whispered, brushing a strand of hair away from your face.
"I missed you too," you replied, smiling up at your sweet boyfriend. "I can't believe you're here," you whispered, your voice filled with happiness.
"I wouldn't miss it for the world," Adam replied, returning the smile on your face. With those words, he leaned in and pressed a sweet kiss on your lips, sending a wave of warmth coursing through your body. Adam pulled away slowly and your lips felt cold, "Where do you wanna go? Are you hungry? Or do you wanna go get ice cream or-"
"Anywhere, Adam." You answered, your heart jumping out of your chest happily. You couldn't believe he was here, in your arms. He laughed and shook his head.
"Fine, then let's go get some coffee. We are not sleeping tonight."
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-> make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated! <-
thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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ceilidho · 1 year
bae sorry for the lewdness 😞
ghost makes soap eat his cum out of his gf when he’s done with her. like holds his head down and tells him that he’s not letting him up until she’s clean and has come like twice.
whether it’s ghosts gf or soaps gf is up to you bae also i love u sm omg ur brain is so beautiful, i love saltwater sm đŸ«¶đŸŒđŸ«¶đŸŒđŸ©·đŸ©·
nonono it's totally fine, this is a nsfw blog (i say that knowing i probably have limits, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it)
i was legit just thinking about this!!! you read my mind!!! i am a ghost/soap/reader TRUTHER!!! (btw below im going to use "you" instead of ghost's gf but let me know if that reads weird)
This would definitely be part of the 'verse I wrote where Ghost invites Soap to a threesome with him and his gf to obscure his real desire to fuck Soap. Because Ghost can't just be obvious about it, now can he? He hasn't even fully acknowledged it himself. So while he definitely treasures and loves you (in his own quiet, unsaid way, of course), you're definitely the vehicle through which he's able to explore his own desire for Soap. At least at first.
At first, it's something innocuous like kissing you after Soap's done with your mouth (kissing at first, and then almost immediately anytime after you've had Soap's dick in your mouth, his kiss almost sloppy then, hungrier than ever). Then it's fingering Soap's come out of you, feeling it string between his fingers.
Then, pent up and at his wits end, he holds Soap's head down after he's come in you and makes him clean you up. Tells him how to eat you out just right, big fingers twisted in Soap's mohawk holding him down. Neither of them acknowledging how quick his cock plumps up again, even after just coming. Or how he makes Soap open wide after, maybe even licks your juices off his lip.
(This is, of course, all true for Soap as well, who's a bit less confused by his own sexuality, but willing to get whatever scraps Ghost throws his way.)
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shitsndgiggs · 1 month
Write something abt Kenan and Reader is in a long distance realtionshipđŸ«¶đŸŒ But she visits him
Surprising Kenan at one of his games
Kenan Yildiz x fem! reader
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The sound of my shoes over the cobblestones filled the air as I made my way from the hotel to the stadium. Turin was beautiful, but my mind was focused solely on one thing: surprising Kenan.
Being in a long-distance relationship is challenging, but we’ve managed to make it work. Kenan’s busy schedule with Juventus and my commitments back in Germany meant we had to savor every moment we could steal together.
I arrived at the stadium early, clutching my ticket nervously. I had told Kenan that I couldn’t make it to his game, wanting to catch him off guard.
The plan was to be in the stands, cheering him on without him knowing I was there. The excitement of seeing his face when he spotted me was almost too much to handle.
As I took my seat, the atmosphere in the stadium was electric. Fans were decked out in black and white, waving flags and singing chants.
I felt a rush of adrenaline, knowing I was part of something bigger than myself for the day.
As the players start to jog onto the field, I spot Kenan immediately. Even among his teammates, he stands out to me.
My heart races as he scans the crowd, and when his eyes land on me, I see the moment of recognition, followed by pure joy.
He smiles so wide it looks like his face might split in two. I wave enthusiastically, feeling the same happiness swell inside me.
He looks like he wants to run over, but he knows he can’t. Instead, he gives me a discreet thumbs-up before refocusing on his warm-up. I can tell he’s excited, but he has a job to do first.
The match begins, and I watch with bated breath. Kenan plays brilliantly, his skills on full display.
Every time he gets near the ball, the crowd roars, and I cheer the loudest, hoping he can hear my voice among the thousands.
The game was intense, but Juventus emerged victorious. As the final whistle blew, I stood, clapping and cheering along with the rest of the fans.
I watched as the team celebrated, my eyes never leaving Kenan. He looked up at the stands again, our eyes meeting once more. I could see the excitement and happiness in his gaze.
As the crowd begins to thin out, I make my way down to the area where the players exit. I wait, fidgeting with anticipation until I see Kenan emerging from the tunnel.
He looks around, and when he spots me, he breaks into a run, weaving through the remaining fans and staff.
“Kenan!” I call out, my voice cracking with emotion.
He reaches me and wraps me in his arms, lifting me off the ground in a crushing hug. “I can’t believe you’re here!” he exclaims, his voice muffled against my hair.
“I wanted to surprise you,” I reply, feeling tears of happiness prick my eyes.
He sets me down gently but keeps his arms around me, not willing to let go just yet. “Best surprise ever,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to my forehead. “I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too,” I say, my voice barely a whisper.
We stand there for a few moments, just holding each other, before Kenan pulls back
slightly to look at me. “Come on, let’s get out of here. I want to spend every second with you while you’re here.“
We make our way out of the stadium, hand in hand, with Kenan pausing every now and then to sign an autograph or take a picture with a fan.
Despite this, he never lets go of my hand, keeping me close.
Back at his apartment, we collapse onto the couch, laughing about the day's events. “You were amazing out there,” I tell him, resting my head on his shoulder.
“I had extra motivation,” he replies with a grin. “Knowing you were watching made me play even better.”
“I’m glad I could be here for you,” I say, feeling the warmth of his presence.
Kenan leans in, his lips brushing mine in a soft, lingering kiss. “I love you,” he whispers against my lips.
“I love you too,” I reply, my heart swelling with happiness.
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fluentmoviequoter · 3 months
Didn't You Already Ask Me That?
Requested Here by @bradleybeachbabe!! I hope you like it!đŸ«¶đŸŒ
Pairing: Jim Street x shy!fem!reader
Summary: Your fiancé comes home and asks you a question he already asked. You then learn that Street wants to change the timeline of your relationship.
Warnings: so much fluff, 20 David Squad banter
Word Count: 1.9k+ words
Masterlist Directory | Jim Street Masterlist | Request Info\Fandom List
A/N: Does this pic (from Pinterest) fit the story? Not exactly. But it's adorable so it's staying.
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The engagement ring on your left ring finger catches your attention often. Every time you see it, you smile, but there’s also a feeling deep in your gut that it’s not enough. Your fiancĂ© is great, you love him, he balances you and your shyness, but you want more. You want to call Jim Street your husband, the man you’ll be with for eternity, but the days seem to stretch into weeks as you eagerly anticipate your wedding.
As you think of Street, your phone buzzes with an incoming message from him. The picture behind the message, of you, Street, and his SWAT team at your engagement party makes you smile. Street’s message is short, just to inform you that he’s coming home early, and 20 David Squad wants to see you again. Though you still get shy around Street’s friends who are becoming like your family, you enjoy getting to know them because they’re important to your fiancĂ©, which makes them important to you. After you accepted his proposal, you learned that Dom Luca and Deacon Kay helped Street plan everything; if you weren’t convinced of what great men and friends they were before, you were then. Street tells you often that his team loves you – maybe more than they love him – but you find that hard to believe, especially when it’s hard to open up to them right now because they’re lively, loud, and connected in a way that brings your shyness out in full force. Regardless, you love them, too.
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Street sits on his bike for a few minutes before he finally walks to your door. He’s lost in thought as he uses the key you gave him and enters your home as if it’s his own.
“Hi,” you call when he steps in.
Street looks up and sees you on the couch, and his mind clears. “I want to get married.”
You pull your bottom lip between your teeth and release it slowly before you ask, “Didn’t you already ask me that?”
“Yes. But I want to get married right now. We can get ready and go to the courthouse. Let’s make this official, honey.”
Your hand raises from your lap, but you stop yourself from reaching for him. With your hand against your chest, you wonder what made Street decide that your marriage needs to happen today. There’s no argument in your mind, you’ve been thinking that you’d like to get married now, too.
Street sets his bag down and joins you on the couch. As he sits, he takes your hands in his and taps your palms softly.
“There was a close call today,” he admits quietly. “A bullet was inches from hitting me, and it would have killed me. But that moment and the realization after
 I can’t imagine waking up another morning and going to work another day, without having you completely and totally by my side. I want to come home to you, to be wholly yours.”
“Are you okay?” you whisper.
Street smiles as he murmurs, “Of course, you’re worried about me instead of what I’m asking. Look, I know this sounds like a surprise or whatever, but I’ve wanted to move forward for a while now. But you get to decide, pretty girl.”
You duck your chin at his pet name, then lick your lips. “I’ve wanted to get married since before you asked.”
You don’t look at him, but you know that Street is smiling, his dimples and bright eyes happy at your admission.
“I think that it’s right for us,” you answer. “I want to be married to the love of my life.”
“And that’s me?”
Street apologizes with a kiss on your forehead after you shake your head. He releases one of your hands to kindly guide your face up to see him. “Will you marry me?” he asks. “Today?”
Just as you did the first time, you get tongue-tied at Street’s proposal. Your nod is immediate, but the words are slower to come. Rather than giving a real answer, this time, you say, “I don’t have a dress yet.”
“I’ve got wardrobe handled,” Street assures before he leans forward to kiss you.
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“Yes!” Street cheers as he leads you to his Charger. “One of my friends from Long Beach is a court bailiff up here and he agreed to be our witness.”
“You didn’t ask your team?” you inquire.
Street looks up from his phone, and his eyes catch on your outfit. It’s one of your go-to date night outfits, and when Street pulled it out, he told you that it’s his favorite one. He even added that you were wearing it when he realized he loved you more and differently than anything else.
“This is about us,” Street explains. “We’ll celebrate with them after, but we don’t need them to turn it into a whole thing right now.”
You nod in understanding and accept Street’s hand as you enter the car. Within a few minutes of leaving your home, you are standing before a justice of the peace with an on-duty police officer witnessing your marriage to Jim Street. It may not seem like much, but it’s perfect to you and you can’t remember being this happy ever before.
“Street, how did you pull this off?” your single witness asks. “Marriage licenses don’t usually get expedited like this and this courthouse has marriage appointments through the next decade.”
“I know a guy,” Street answers.
“Hondo?” you guess under your breath.
Street narrows his eyes at you and then mumbles, “Maybe.”
The justice of the peace enters the small courtroom-turned-wedding venue and introduces himself. After learning your names, he invites you to stand before him and begins, “We’re here today to witness the union of this couple in marriage. The groom has asked me to keep it brief, so we’ll get to the point. I only remind you that trust, love, and the unfailing support of each other will take you through the happy days ahead and the challenges alike. Do you, James Street, take this woman to be your spouse and to live together as partners, to treat her with love and respect, and to build a marriage that grows stronger and more loving as time passes?”
Street smiles at you, and his thumb bumps against your ring as he takes your hands. “I do,” he answers.
The justice of the peace looks to you, and you answer, “I do, too.”
“Efficient,” he muses. “I like it.”
“That’s Jim Street,” the bailiff beside you adds.
“If you have rings, please take them out now.”
You purse your lips, but your concern about the rings dissipates as Street removes a velvet jewelry bag from his pocket. He hands you a ring and nods for the officiant to continue.
“You may repeat these lines together,” he invites. “I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and devotion, as we join our loves together, today, tomorrow, and for as long as our love shall last.”
With Street, you repeat each line together. You slide the ring onto Street’s finger and smile happily as you look up at him. After you release his hand, Street removes your engagement ring, places your wedding ring in its eternal position, and puts your engagement ring above it.
“By the virtue of the authority vested in me by the State of California, I now pronounce you married,” the justice of the peace concludes. “You may kiss the bride.”
Street’s hands raise to your cheeks, and he smiles as he moves toward you. You kiss Street, and everything feels right. The ring on your hand, the love between you, and the fact that you are his and he is yours forever is exactly what was missing.
“When did you get the rings?” you whisper when Street ends the kiss.
“About a week after you said yes,” he answers.
“Aw,” his friend teases. “Congratulations, both of you, but my break is over. Have fun on the honeymoon!”
You turn your face toward your shoulder after that comment, but Street wraps his arm around you to take you home as his wife for the first time.
“When are you going to tell your friends?” you ask as you step outside.
He scoffs then asks, “Do you really think I’ll have to tell them?”
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In the locker room the next morning, Street has a smile on his face and a black band on his finger that catches his attention each time he moves his hand. He now understands why you were so interested in your engagement ring – though you used it as a way to avoid eye contact when he made you shy away from him.
“Whoa,” Chris says.
“You got some new jewelry!” Deacon adds.
Street remembers how beautiful you, his wife, looked at the courthouse yesterday, and turns to his team. Deacon shakes his head at Street’s smile, but he remembers the newlywed joy fondly. Street raises his left hand, and the other members of 20 David Squad gasp at the reveal.
“Did you marry my best friend?” Luca asks.
“No, I married my best friend,” Street answers.
“You got that shy little thing to a courthouse wedding where every eye is on her?” Hondo asks.
“There were only four people in the room, but she was just as excited as me to get married.”
“You’re getting soft,” Tan laments.
“No, I got a wife and she’s amazing.”
Hondo and Tan groan while Deacon slaps Street’s shoulder before congratulating him.
“I can’t imagine the two of you in the courthouse, exchanging vows and everything,” Deacon muses.
“We didn’t,” Street says. “Not our own, at least.”
“You could’ve gone to Vegas if you were in the mood for a drive-thru wedding,” Hondo teases. “But you needed to get another ring on it in less than four hours, huh?”
“If you’re jealous, just say that, Hondo,” Street responds.
“Man, I’m not the one who set a new record for the fastest wedding ceremony. I know she’s great but you
“Hondo, you good?” Deacon asks in the sudden silence.
“You’re not a playboy anymore,” Hondo realizes.
“I haven’t been for a while,” Street says.
“No, I can’t call you that now. You need a new nickname.”
“Plenty of nicknames for wives,” Tan comments.
“Careful,” Street warns.
“What do you call a guy who’s so whipped he takes the shyest girl in the city to a wedding contained within a five-foot radius?”
Tan and Hondo continue discussing nickname options while Luca asks how everything went.
“It was perfect,” Street answers. “I can’t think of anything better than being married to her.”
“If you decide you want to do a reception or something, let me know,” Deacon offers. “Annie and I would be happy to help out.”
“I think you should get her down here right now and we can order a pizza or something. A new member of the family deserves a celebration,” Luca suggests. “And then Annie can throw a party.”
“Great,” Deacon grumbles playfully.
“You seriously want me to call her?” Street inquires. “Think she can handle the attention?”
“If she can handle being Mrs. Jim Street, she can handle anything, newlywed!” Hondo interjects.
“Newlywed doesn’t make sense,” Luca complains. “He’ll outgrow that.”
“Trust the process, Luca.”
“If she comes here now, she’ll regret it,” Street tells Deacon.
“She loves you, it’s obvious,” Deacon assures. Luca yells that another of Hondo’s options is worse, and Deacon adds, “Maybe wait a few minutes before inviting her, though. It’s gonna be a long day for you.”
“But I’ve got a wife to go home to,” Street remembers. “That’s all that matters.”
Street looks away from Deacon when his phone chimes. A message from you makes his smile reappear, and when you call him husband in the second message that appears, Street wonders why he didn’t ask you to elope sooner.
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