#intermediate video channels.
accio-victuuri · 1 month
oh wang yibo, the man that you are! 🫵🏻🫵🏻🫵🏻
apparently for one of his activities with the discovery channel show - exploring the unknown, he was able to get a certificate for his climbing ascent of 风雨无阻. he is such a natural! look at him doing really well for something he only tried now.
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and i looked it up on google, 5.10A is intermediate level. yes he does have a professional with him but all the climbing was his. with the teasers we saw, he was actively making routes and all that. no wonder he mentioned this activity on an interview— it must have really made a mark on him.
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source of the video i added on this post because it’s so cool and will make you more hyped for the show!
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lurkingteapot · 1 year
Free Thai language learning resources
I’ve been learning Thai for the past 20 months. This list is by no means complete or comprehensive, what works for me doesn’t have to work for you, etc etc. That said: I’ve used most of these and found them useful, I thought you might, too. Have fun!
Youtube channels with free video lessons:
There are tons of wonderful teachers on youtube; this is by no means an exhaustive list. The three channels listed here are comprehensive, long-running, and updated regularly; if you have other favourites, please reblog and append!
Comprehensible Thai is a channel that teaches Thai in Thai, from zero, via the comprehensible input method. They have videos from total beginner through upper intermediate/lower advanced levels available.
Learn Thai with Mod – Mod runs a language school that offers good, structured group classes; she and her co-teachers often upload short videos about specific aspects of Thai. The channel has been around for a long time and they cover a lot of topics, including grammar points.
Thai Lessons by New (Learn Thai one Word one Sentence) – lots of good vocabulary and situational phrases
Other channels I like:
Advanced Thai with Kruu Momm -- one of my favourites, Momm’s a star. Not included in the upper list only because this is definitely more of an intermediate-advanced resource.
Thai with Grace -- I knew of Grace via her polyglot channel and travel vlogs before I realised she also teaches Thai. Fun stuff.
Kat talks Thai -- I believe Kat is more active on instagram (@kattalksthai), but these are still really neat.
Perth Nakhun’s Basic Thai playlist
Honourable mentions because they’re interesting and can be nice supplements (yes, the video titles on these channels tend to be clickbaity, the content is useful, though):
Stu Jay Raj: Stu is a polyglot based in Thailand. His channel is a bit of a mixed bag, but he has a very interesting approach to languages and sometimes does foreign accent reduction / accent analysis sessions on his channel (with consent and participation of those whose speech he dissects).
Thai Talk with Paddy: Paddy is an Australian who learned Thai when he was a volunteer in Thailand, he’s kept it up. Fun things about language learning and culture
Listening comprehension
I’m assuming many folks on here who are interested in Thai already watch some Thai shows (yes I’m stereotyping but also this is tumblr), which means you’re spending time listening to Thai.
If you’re not:
Netflix, Youtube, WeTV, and Viki all have several Thai shows with English subtitles available. The Youtube channel of Thai broadcasting giant GMMTV has English subtitles on nearly all of their uploaded series, some series are also subtitled in languages other than English. one31 is another huge channel; they have English subtitles on some series and some series also have subtitles in Thai. There’s tons more – find a rec list and a Thai show that sounds like you’d enjoy it, chances are you’ll be able to watch it for free, legally, on youtube. You can use the youtube controls (or the ones on netflix) to turn the speed down to 75% —this can make it a lot easier to catch what’s being said. 50% gets so draggy that I personally find it almost harder to understand, but ymmv—give it a shot!
https://lingopolo.org/thai/ has real-life recordings for listening practice; sign-up is required but it’s literally just an e-mail-address, user name and password. Using the site is free.
https://www.activethai.com/ has a section dedicated to learning the tones (under “Overview of Thai Tones”) including a self-test for listening that I found very useful.
Learning to read
I will always, always, ALWAYS recommend learning to read the Thai script. All available romanisations for Thai have drawbacks, and besides, you learned to read English with its “though through thorough tough thought”, you can damn well learn to read Thai. I promise it will help you improve your pronunciation (yes, really) and overall understanding of how the language works.
Learn-to-Read-Thai resources that seem comprehensive and like they should do everything in one:
Anki decks “Read Thai PHASE 1 - The Consonants“, “Read Thai PHASE 2 - Thai Vowels“, “Read Thai PHASE 3 - Consonant Classes” and “Read Thai PHASE 4 - Tone Rules” by Khruu Gaan (ครูกานต์). Anki is probably the most powerful spaced repetition software I have ever used. It’s free on all desktops and android. These decks have sound.
Memrise course “Read Thai: A Complete Guide to Reading Thai“
Other resources I used (In hindsight, I feel like I should’ve picked one resource to learn to read from and stuck with it; I think I was rushing and made things more complicated than need be for myself with my hodgepodge mix-and-match approach. But hey, I can read now.)
https://www.activethai.com/ – the site I started with. Teaches the consonants separated by class and with sound. The only reason this is no longer my top recommendation is that I ended up using this alongside a resource that helped me memorise what the words used to represent the letters actually mean because the site itself didn’t tell me, and I wanted that easy way to have 44 vocabulary words ready as soon as you’re done learning your consonants, and it gives you access to neat mnemonics such as ไก่จิกเด็กตาย(เฎ็กฏาย)บนปากโอ่ง.
The chart on Wikipedia’s English article on the Thai Script
the reference section of Thai-Language.com
In order to better learn to read Thai written in different fonts (modern and handwriting fonts can be tough at first), the Thai Script typographical styles overview on Thai-language.com was a huge help, as was throwing simple phrases things into gdocs and messing around to see how different fonts made them look. This chart from sanukmaak.com also helped.
Speaking and pronunciation
The hardest one for any new language for most folks. For me personally, finding someone who speaks the language and is willing to correct me was an absolute necessity, but I know that’s not always an option. If you’re going it on your own, make sure you check out the resources above for learning to hear the tones and those sounds and sound clusters not present in your own language correctly first.
Things to try on your own:
shadowing: Whenever someone on a show utters a sentence you think might be useful, or provide a useful pattern, or something just sounds cool, rewind and try to speak along as they say it, trying to make it sound as close to their pronunciation as you can.
try to record yourself and listen back -- yes, it’s cringe af but it will HELP.
memorising short sentences and phrases: tying back to the section above, there's a ton of youtube videos that is "phrases to use in [situation]" that are great for targeted learning if you're up for it
self talk (cautiously! don't want to cement bad pronunciation habits)
if you’re linguistically inclined: looking up descriptions on how to make a sound correctly sometimes helps, as does watching videos of folks who’ve successfully learned the language.
once you’ve learned to read: find sentences to read somewhere (twitter, a textbook, whatever) and read them into your phone’s dictation engine. See if the software understands you correctly. Adjust as needed until it does.
Websites and apps to find language partners or (paid) tutors
Like any other app where you ‘meet people’, please exercise caution on these.
italki (mainly for finding tutors and teachers, but you can find language partners on the forums)
Preply (web/app) (for finding tutors/teachers)
hellotalk (app only, iOS/android) for finding language partners -- free to use basic features like messaging, voice rooms, etc; has annoying ads
tandem (app only, iOS/android) for finding language partners -- free to use basic features, has ads
any other app or website that’ll let you meet people, like local facebook groups (yes really), instagram, etc
(note: Neither hellotalk nor tandem allow users to sign up without selecting a binary gender. it sucks. I’ve seen people who managed to circumvent this on Hellotalk by signing up via apple ID (? I think), but it’s hearsay and I have not managed to do so myself.)
Books (a book) that are (is) worth spending money on imo
Higbie & Thinsan: Thai Reference Grammar. The Structure of Spoken Thai. Orchid Press: Bangkok, 2002. Yes, it’s ancient in textbook terms. It’s not perfect, but it’s still the best reference grammar for Thai I’ve come across so far, and I use it frequently.
Random bits and bobs
Stu Jay Raj has two videos in particular that I, as a phonetics-and-phonology-loving person, loved and found extremely useful and wished I’d watched before I started to try and learn the script: Thai Vowels for Dummies in 5 Min v2 - A System Impossible to Forget and Thai Bites Extended Edition - Transliterating Thai using IPA. I realise these may be overwhelming and less helpful for people with no prior phonetics or phonology training, but they helped me so much it’d feel amiss not to include them.
Resources I recommend AGAINST using when starting out
drops/hello words -- seems like their Thai courses have been created using machine translation that wasn’t sufficiently proofread. They will assign you nouns in places of the corresponding verb or false cognates, and that’s within the first 10 or so lessons. Might be useful once the level where a learner can tell “ah, yeah, that’s … not right” has been reached? idk.
transcription as generated by google translate: BURN IT WITH FIRE. it’s a transliteration, i.e. 1-to-1 representation of 1 Thai letter = 1 Latin letter (extended), it’s not phonemic, it’s not going to help ANYONE (and those who can make sense of it presumably already read Thai and would be better off with just Thai script). Just. Stop.
Google translate as a dictionary: still shitty but not AS bad as the transcription function. Still, for the love of all that you hold dear, please, save yourself the pain and confusion and just use thai2english or thai-language.com instead.
And that’s that from me, friends. Yeeting this into the void before I second-guess myself more. Please append additional resources!
Edited to fix a couple of typos and errors on 2023-06-15
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kiraastro · 4 months
Any sources you would recommend to beginners to Vedic astrology?
Youtube channels to learn Vedic astrology:
Farfaraway, Youtube - Learn the nakshatras and planets in nakshatras
Farfaraway has a really good playlist about the nakshatras and a generalized run down of what it means to have certain planet placements (in the nakshatras). He also discusses the stories behind each deity associated with them. I believe he also has a website although, I haven't looked into that yet.
Astrology Loka (Gina Lyhane), Youtube - Great all rounder: Basic vedic astrology, nakshatras, planetary placements, chart aspects, transits and predictions, and more
Gina has such a great Youtube channel that features many good videos pertaining to vedic astrology. She has videos on the nakshatras, meanings of the houses, transit analysis, sometimes she does case studies on celeb figures' charts. Overall, her channel is the best "all rounder" for vedic astro content.
Cooking Astrology, Youtube - Intermediate level videos on jyotish
This channel is particularly useful if you're starting to understand the basics of vedic astrology, and what to dive into more in-depth techniques/knowledge/tutorials. I find that his videos about the house axes are very interesting and help you to better understand houses in relation to each other (and not just as individuals). He also talks about yogas and has a good amount of videos discussing the D9 navamsa chart.
Picture Astrology, Youtube - Learn the placement of planets in particular houses/rashis
Great channel if you just want quick, generalized meanings about planets in a particular rashi or house. Their rahu-ketu videos are also quite insightful, in my opinion.
Dr Arjun Pai Astrology, Youtube - Advanced level lectures on nakshatras and other vedic topics
Dr Pai's videos on the nakshatras are great if you really want to deep dive into the meanings, significations, and interpretations of the nakshatras. Dr Pai and his team do such great videos telling us why a particular nakshatra is associated with certain characteristics. If you are a beginner, his videos might be overwhelming but I think it's helpful to listen to them like podcasts and absorb the info.
Astrology with Ninad, Youtube - Great videos on current transits and future predictions
I particularly like Ninad's videos on transits and upcoming predictions. It's useful to also listen to transits aimed at other rashis signs (other than your own), as it helps you to understand/learn how moving planets affect the chart.
Astro Urvasshi (Urvasshi Behla), Youtube
Vedic Oracle by Kadambari, Youtube
Both channels are great for learning about nakshatras, as well as some basic knowledge about vedic astro. Vedic Oracle (Kadambari) also does interesting transit analyses in which she combines jyotish and tarot.
Vedic astrology blogs:
A list of blogs useful in learning about vedic astro (mixed levels)
Milkyway Astrology
Chitra Vedic Astrology
Vedic Astrology Lessons
(All resources listed above are hyperlinked)
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iztea · 2 months
Do you recommend any tutorials for new artists?
i'm gonna be honest with you, I've been out of the loop with recent tutorials so let me tell you about my goats sinix, marco bucci and ahmed aldoori
when I was first getting started, I binge-watched all of sinix videos. he has a great way with words and I've assimilated many of his principles and ideas, which I still use in my approach to this day. I recommend his Anatomy Quick Tips series and his Paintover Pals series (aka art critiques), but honestly just watch all his videos, he covers some very niche but handy topics that I don't see brought up that often. He also has one or two videos about digital art for beginners or intermediates so maybe start there and see how you like it.
Marco Bucci has great videos for understanding colors, lighting and taking a more messy-painterly approach to your paintings (which I've always naturally leaned into anyways). He has this series called 10 minutes to better painting where he basically goes over the fundamentals but in a very fun and digestible way. He also covers niche topics including post-processing tips which are verrryyy much looked over when it comes to digital art.
ahmed aldoori is just generally great at explaining and demos. He's probably the first person I'd go to if I needed help understanding anything art-related, and I mean anyytthinggg (hands, environments, portraits etc ) his channel is kinda messy but i'd recommend watching his critique videos because, again, he explains concepts very well while maintaining a chill and relaxed attitude, which I think may help alleviate any sort of anger or frustration that often affect new artists (and not only) i apologize if this is not the answer you were looking for but honestly, i can't think of particular videos i can wholeheartedly recommend outside of these channels because they're what I watched myself, and I can only speak from my own experience. And like I said in the beginning, i kinda just don't watch tutorials anymore because they feel repetitive like they're saying the same things i already know and it's boring so i have different ways to learn now If anyone else has any other recommendations for anon please share them with the class!
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stolen-wolfbread · 2 years
(Free) Brazilian Portuguese Beginner Resource Masterlist
I've seen a lot of posts for European Portuguese, but none for Brazilian, so here we are! All resources are available for free (or at least have free trials.)
The items highlighted in yellow are what I, personally, use and recommend.
The items with asterisks are closer to intermediate level.
I will continue to update with new resources as I discover them. If you have any suggestions, comment or reblog!
101 Brazillian Portuguese Expressions
Brazilian Portuguese
Brazilian Portuguese Grammar
FSI Brazilian Portuguese Fast 1 | 2 (+audio)
Learn Brazilian Portuguese - Word Power 101
Complete Brazilian Portuguese
IE Languages
Modern Brazilian Portuguese Grammar
Português para principiantes
( +more in the Mega Folder from @salvadorbonaparte)
List of Irregular Verbs
Top 100 Portuguese Phrases to Learn
Verbs in Brazilian Portuguese
Uncle Brazil
Brazilian Talk
Fernando - FWBP
Lennon Brito
Plain Portuguese
Portugués con Philipe Brazuca (For Spanish-speakers)
Speaking Brazilian Language School
Street Smart Brazil
Brazilian Films with English Subtitles
Easy Brazilian Portuguese: Basic Phrases
Easy Brazilian Portuguese: Learning From the Streets
Portuguese From Brazil
Super Easy Brazilian Portuguese
Brazilian Portuguese Podcast
Brazilian Talk
Carioca Connection
Fala Gringo*
Língua da Gente
Papo Vai
Read Books in Brazilian Portuguese With Me*
Speaking Brazilian Podcast
Tá Falado! (Compares Spanish and Portuguese languages)
Spotify Playlists
Brazilian Boogie
Brazilian Pop Mix
RADAR Brasil
Raízes Brasileiras
Top 50 - Brazil
Top Songs - Brazil
Web Apps/ Mobile Apps
Anki | Speaking Brazilian | 55 Sounds
Memrise | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Forvo (Pronunciation dictionary)
Priberam (Cites differences between European and Brazilian)*
Word Reference
Duolingo | Old Duolingo for Web | Old Duolingo APKs For Android
Language Drops
r/Portuguese | Discord Server
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userghouls · 9 months
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ANIMATED TEXT TUTORIAL: ★★✩✩✩ Difficulty: Beginner/Intermediate
This is a step by step tutorial on how I did the text for my Pink Venom swinging text.
We are going to be making this text:
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Before I start, you WILL need Adobe After Effects, but I will show you step by step how to achieve this.
Tutorial below the cut!
✔ Step One: Composition Open After Effects and create a new project, then a new composition making sure the composition matches your gif settings. (ex: 540 x 540, 2 seconds, 30 fps)
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✔ Step Two: Creating Our Text Add a new text layer. It should be the same as Photoshop, you can just select the text tool and write what you want. Customize the text to say what you want and change the font and size to your liking.
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We should have something like this:
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✔ Step Three: Adding Our Animation There should be a box that says "Effects & Presets", in that box you can search for effects. Search for "Explosion". It will be under Text > Miscellaneous.
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Select the first one and you can either drag it on top of your text layer or just double click it with your text layer selected. Sliding the time, we should have something that looks like this:
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✔ Step Four: Adjusting the Animation With your text layer still selected, press "U" on your keyboard. This will open our key frames for the animation.
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It's a lot to look at but don't worry, we will only be focused on Amount and Opacity, and I will make this as easy as possible for you. On the Opacity setting, click on the little time clock. This will remove the keyframes. Make sure your opacity is set to 100%.
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Next we are going to adjust the amount so that it explodes INWARD instead of OUTWARD. Find a good spot where the letters are out and add a new keyframe the same way you would on Photoshop.
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Now swap the two keyframes so the explosion animation is reversed. Next we are going to remove the scale keyframes. Click on the second stop watch for the second amount parameter, and make sure that one is set to zero.
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We should be left with only ONE thing that is keyframed. And the keyframes should look like an hourglass.
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You can stop now and leave it or we can make it a little smoother and more fun looking.
✔ Step Five: Editing the Graph & Adding Motion Blur To add a motion blur to our text, we just need to select the three little circle stack on our text layer. Also double check that the same symbol is highlighted blue up top.
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Now we have motion blur. Next we are going to adjust the graph. To open the graph select the little graph icon and then select our keyframed buy clicking on the amount parameter.
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Now our graph should look like this:
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Select one of the dots and two little arms should pop up and we can drag those around to adjust the graph (the speed of our animation). Adjust to your liking, but to make it look like the text in the tutorial, my graph looks like this:
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With my graph, the animation looks like this:
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Now all the hard work is done!
✔ Step Six: Exporting Now to export our video so it can be turned into a gif: Go to File > Export > Add to Render Queue
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We should be at a menu like this:
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Click on the part that is blue next to "Output Module" and another box should pop up. For format: change to "Quicktime" For Video Output > Channels: select "RBG + Alpha" (this will ensure our background is transparent)
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Select "OK" and then under "Output to" select where you want the video to save.
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Now all you have to do is Render.
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Once that finishes, YOU'RE ALL DONE!
Import video to frames as you usually would in Photoshop, just don't change the frame delay.
Treat it like a normal text layer/smart object.
As usual, you can play around with all the animation settings to get the look you want, this is just the basics for the main animation.
It looks like a lot but the difficulty is minor once you get the hang of the steps.
Any questions you have during the process just DM me! ★
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whywoulditho · 1 month
can you all stop and listen to me rant about Eve for a bit because what the hell is he even doing and what did we ever do to deserve him??
if you're confused I'm talking about the japanese singer Eve. but he's not just that, is the thing. he's not simply the japanese singer Eve, he's a singer and a musician and a producer and a song-writer and an author and a mangaka and also just a guy that streams video games. he makes japanese alt rock, but he also has a super cheesy song about valentines day. he makes cute little vocaloid covers but also makes songs about parental trauma and love and betrayal. he's got dozens of amazing songs but for most people he's the guy that made jujutsu kaisen's opening theme.
but above all else, what i love so much about him is that he's an author before he's a musician. he drops a new universe with EVERY SONG. like, real plotlines with a whole cast of characters and he hires animators to turn their story into a music video for every one of his singles. he has like a hundred different characters at this point and all of them have their own fucking lore. he made a LANGUAGE just to put little messages on his MVs. he put messages in fucking MORSE CODE in his songs. not the MVs, the song itself, he put like patterns into the instrumental. WHAT THE FUCK??? he's not just making music, he's actively trying to say something EVERY FUCKING CHANCE HE GETS. he's the author of a reward nominated novel in japan. and it's kind of just a fact to know about him. he writes a manga as a hobby on the side. what was the first thing he did with the fame and money? MAKING A MOVIE. it's on netflix and it's called Adam by Eve which is a title you could interpret as a million different things and you could be correct but he will NOT confirm. he has a beautiful mess of a mind and he still has so much to show the world and i have an ungodly need to sit down and talk with him for DAYS.
i've been watching this guy for years, okay. from his first albums to where he is now, i've watched him grow into his music style, also grow famous and get the recognition he's always deserved. his voice has matured and he can actually afford paying for good animation now but in my eyes he's still the guy that was posting covers on his youtube channel and getting just a few hundred views. he's an anime and manga fan, he's a gamer and he's genuinely so funny like even though my japanese is only intermediate if you squint i used to laugh so much at his streams. and now he's so huge that he goes on asia tours and has millions of monthly listeners but he's still so authentic and original with his music and everything else that he creates. the only thing he did with all the fame he gained was to grow even more into his unique style and get even more creative while still making the kind of music HE likes making. i'm just so glad he exists because i know he still has so many stories to share with the world and i'm so excited to see all of them.
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rigelmejo · 3 months
Comprehensible Input Japanese Materials, and Beginner Listening Materials:
Comprehensible Japanese: https://youtube.com/@cijapanese
Nihongo Con Teppei (i recommend all the stuff this guy made):
Comprehensible Input Wiki has a Japanese list of resources, i really recommend this page for finding more resources (and pages for other languages too):
DruDru's Main Experiment (he wrote the beginning of what a comprehensible input text resource could look like for japanese, be aware it is being proofread by a native speaker and the beginning has been edited but not all of the newer chapters, my biggest interest in this project is how YES comprehensible input/learner textooks WOULD WORK with languages like japanese, with a little work put in to add more pictures):
Sakura Tadoku Lab (free graded reader stories):
Free Tadoku Books (I have read ALL of these and 1 highly recommend you start reading them now, even if youre a beginner, because if you are scared of reading then these really help you push through the initial hurdle of being afraid to try. After these books, I was feeling brave enough to try reading japanese books in Kindle. I'd personally recommend Satori Reader app as the next step as you get intermediate, the app is paid so I'm using it on and off and waiting for time to use it intensely, but Satori Reader has excellent upper beginner and intermediate reading materials with extensive translations/grammar explanations/recorded audio that make learning to read something with a lot of resources to ensure you can check if youre understanding):
I also just highly recommend youtube channels in general, youtube automated CC does a decent enough job with japanese that you can turn on CC on japanese lets plays of games (like video games you played before and know the plot of), or learning resources in japanese (and read along as you listen if you want listening practice). If you find japanese audiobooks or podcasts on youtube, you can again use CC for a transcript or text if you'd like to read too.
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ts-witchy-archive · 7 months
Hello! I've seen a bit of wiccan (?) things for a while, if I were to start I wouldn't even know how to start though. (my autistic ass does not leave the house and my mom would probably think it's weird to make strange concoctions of things) I also don't really know how deities work and how do you find out which one your communicating with? Tbh I've always felt like someone is around but whatever god it is seriously fucking hates me /hj Been better since I started medication but like the luck I have is 50/50 good bad and that is probably not normal. If you answer this it'd be very helpful.
Hi! Thanks for the ask!
I just want to start by defining a few terms for you :)
Wicca/Wiccan: A pagan religion that focuses on nature, magic and witchcraft. It was founded in the mid 20th century and Wiccans primarily worship 2 Gods which are personifications of nature.
Witch: Just a person who practices witchcraft. It's a non-gendered term and a non-religious term/practice. Not all witches are Wiccan but all Wiccans are witches. Witches can be absolutely anyone
Personally, I'm not Wiccan so I can't really tell you much about that but if there is one thing I know, it's witchcraft! There are many different places to start but I'm going to condense it down as much as humanly possible. It'll probably feel like a bit of information overload so just try to take it slow and relax. Enjoy the learning.
My favourite book for beginner witchcraft is 'Witchery: Embrace the Witch Within' by Juliet Diaz. She is a fantastic author and wonderful human. Everything about the basics of witchcraft you could need is in that book (imo). You should be able to find a pdf online if you can't get a physical copy.
As for youtube channels with solid content:
Harmony Nice: She covers everything Wicca. She has a playlist with all her Wiccan/witchy content witch is linked here
The Witch of Wonderlust: Olivia has been a favourite witchy youtuber of mine for a while. I wouldn't recommend jumping into her videos without any prior knowledge but once you have a grasp on the bare bones it should be okay. Here is a playlist she made with everything you could possibly need when beginning witchcraft. SOrt through the videos and see what peeks your interest.
The Hearth Witch: Another wonderful account if I remember correctly. Her videos used to be on the longer end (30-60mins) so if you have a short attention span then maybe not but she has a wealth of information.
I also recommend joining a few discord servers, following a few pages on tumblr just to get acquainted with the community and terminology.
Okay, on to the deity work situation. Deity work is generally considered more intermediate in the witchcraft community. key words being 'Deity WORK'. Worship is completely fair game. Setting up an altar, praying, leaving offerings, doing activities in devotion to the deity is absolutely something you can do relatively quickly.
As for IDing a deity, most people do it through 'divination' which is things like tarot, a pendulum, dice, bone throwing, and other ways. Most people also ask for signs that a specific deity is 'reaching out' to them or wants them to pay attention. You can also politely ask someone who is volunteering their time on tumblr or a discord server to find out for you via divination. If they don't say their doing free readings, obviously, don't ask.
Finally. luck is luck. It makes no sense for a literal God to hate a human. We all have periods of shitty luck and awesome luck! I wouldn't blame that on anything. Sometimes bad things just happen unfortunately. But sometimes amazing things also happen, even if it's just as small is finding 5 cents on the footpath.
That was so long. Congrats if you made it to the end because I nearly didn't when writing this. I hope this helped a bit. Feel free to reach out if you need a hand with anything. Thanks :)
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tanaka-sama · 1 day
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ENG: ☆I gradually continue to make a mini-comic with Idoni, again, so far in Russian, an intermediate version. ☆ I'm sorry that there have been no posts for a long time. I went to the festival in Kemerovo - on Aki no Yume! It was incendiary and fun, even though I didn't win anything from the fashion show. a little later I will show you photos from the fair and from the fashion show. if you want, you can watch all the videos and photos from the event on my tg channel: https://t.me/tanakaodissea ☆In the meantime, keep Idunka and her troubles with the map. The poor thing got lost. but now, it seems, a new acquaintance is on the horizon... -------------------------------------------- RU: ☆ постепенно продолжаю делать мин��-комикс с Идони, опять же, пока что на русском языке промежуточный вариант. ☆ извините что давно не было постов. уезжала на фестиваль в г. Кемерово - на Aki no Youme! было зажигательно и весело, даже несмотря на то, что с дефиле я ничего не выиграла. чуть позже покажу фотографии с ярмарки и с дефиле. кому хочется - можете посмотреть все видео и фотографии с мероприятия в моем тг-канале: https://t.me/tanakaodissea ☆ а пока держите Идуньку и ее трабблы с картой. бедняжка заблудилась. но вот, кажется, на горизонте новое знакомство...
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liesmyth · 8 months
As a certified #jock do you have any home workout tips? I got to get back into a gym but in the meantime I have a barbell and dumbbells at home but no bench or rack, and I don't want to die in an embarrassing self-inflicted accident
I DO!!! Ok, you might know this but reddit is a goldmine for exercise tips; I really recommend the r/bodyweightfitness wiki, and the FAQ over at r/xxfitness (women-centric, nb/trans inclusive) that has an excellent routine rec page for intermediates & beginners.
PERSONALLY. I love love love Caroline Girvan on youtube, my quarantine workout buddy. I think she's since moved to a paid app, but her workout programs are still up. They are actual programs, with a progression scheme etc; she demonstrates exercises and modifications in the videos; and they're pretty tough depending on the amount of weight you use. They helped me not only keep but also grow muscle mass during lockdown, with just an adjustable dumbell set (I swear I'm not being paid to say this) and they're quite fun, with timed reps, supersets, bodyweight exercises etc.
Each program is 10 weeks, 5x weeks (but you can take it at your own pace) and it includes 1 full body workout, 1 cardio / HIIT / circuit training day, and 2x lower body + 1x upper body or viceversa depending on the week. I'm probably making it sound harder than it is, just check out these playlists:
Epic 1 // Epic HEAT // Iron Series <<< these are the ones I've personally done, but there's a LOT more on her channel. I recommend different weights for lower and upper body if you can swing it, and you'd probably want to modify the exercises to incorporate barbell work where you can manage it - like for lunges and rows - maybe bridge chest press from the floor if you feel up for it?
Fun alternative! If you don't want to follow youtube programs is bodyweight-centred programs? Again I rec bodyweightfitness above, they have loads of resources for recommended progressions for stuff like pistol squats or push-up variations etc. Or work on explosiveness doing jumps dumbell cleans, lunges work etc. I feel like you can build a pretty decent upper body progression program even without a bench doing floor presses and maximising what weight you have doing single-arm stuff (like, one dumbell holds stready, the other arm presses) or playing around with isometric exercises and so on.
If you want to unlock next level home workouts you could also get a kettlebell / abs wheel / other deadly instrument. I HOPE THIS HELPS!!
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usafphantom2 · 9 months
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SR-71 pilot recalls when a Blackbird buzzed Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp after protest women threw paint on that very same SR-71
RAF Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp
In 1981 a group of women, angered by the decision to site cruise missiles (guided nuclear missiles) in the UK, organised a protest march from Cardiff, Wales to RAF Greenham Common near Newbury in Berkshire. Here they set up what became known as the Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp.
SR-71 T-Shirts
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CLICK HERE to see The Aviation Geek Club contributor Linda Sheffield’s T-shirt designs! Linda has a personal relationship with the SR-71 because her father Butch Sheffield flew the Blackbird from test flight in 1965 until 1973. Butch’s Granddaughter’s Lisa Burroughs and Susan Miller are graphic designers. They designed most of the merchandise that is for sale on Threadless. A percentage of the profits go to Flight Test Museum at Edwards Air Force Base. This nonprofit charity is personal to the Sheffield family because they are raising money to house SR-71, #955. This was the first Blackbird that Butch Sheffield flew on Oct. 4, 1965.
According to Imperial War Museum, between 1981 and 1983 the protesters attempted to disrupt construction work at the base. Their methods included blockading the base and cutting down parts of the fence. In December 1982 more than 30,000 women gathered at Greenham to join hands around the base at the ‘Embrace the Base’ event.
SR-71 Blackbird at 1983 IAT at RAF Greenham Common
International Air Tattoo (IAT) 1983 was also held at RAF Greenham Common.
Posted by SR-71 pilot BC Thomas on his YouTube channel, the video in this post shows a Blackbird (flown by Thomas himself with John G. Morgan as RSO) arriving at Greenham Common for the 1983 International Air Tattoo.
Thomas recalls in the video description;
‘I was the pilot in this video, but did not fly the SR-71 out of RAF Greehnam Common. I was the “mobile control” officer when the aircraft departed and the pilot was Maj Jim Jiggens, a USAF Thunderbird pilot and formally a US Army helicopter combat pilot in Vietnam.
Protest women throws paint on SR-71 Blackbird
‘On the evening of the air show featured in this video, women, who were protesting President Reagan’s decision to station intermediate nuclear missiles in England, broke into the security cordon around the air show aircraft and threw paint on several, including this SR-71.
‘Owing to the unique metals associated with the SR-71, the removing of the paint required special maintenance procedures to assure that no “hot spot” would develop on subsequent flights. It was quite a hassle and we were not amused over this incident. Jim and I planned a farewell departure for the protesters who were encamped in a squalor of tents just outside the main gate.
SR-71 Blackbird noise on the protesters at RAF Greenham Common
‘Jim obtained clearance for a “closed pattern” and turned to a downwind leg, descended to about 50 feet above the ground, and flew directly over the protestors’ encampment. It was early and probably most were asleep, but not for long. Jim was flying about 250 knots and selected afterburner in both engines as he was approaching the tents. As the SR-71 accelerated to 350-400 knots, he pulled up and focused the plume (and noise) directly on the protesters. It was a magnificent sight.’
SR-71 pilot recalls when a Blackbird buzzed Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp after protest women threw paint on that very same SR-71
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This print is available in multiple sizes from AircraftProfilePrints.com – CLICK HERE TO GET YOURS. SR-71A Blackbird 61-7972 “Skunkworks”
Thomas concludes;
‘As we were leaving the base immediately after Jim’s departure, the gate guard (British) said to me: “I say, that was a jolly good show, but next time, please warn me before you do it.” I also had the honor to prefer charges against the women, but the British government later declined to prosecute.’
Greenham Common today
In 1987 US President Ronald Reagan and Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev signed the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, which paved the way for the removal of cruise missiles from Greenham.
Today Greenham no longer belongs to the military. Part of it is a business park and the rest is common land.
Be sure to check out Linda Sheffield Miller (Col Richard (Butch) Sheffield’s daughter, Col. Sheffield was an SR-71 Reconnaissance Systems Officer) Twitter Page Habubrats SR-71 and Facebook Page Born into the Wilde Blue Yonder for awesome Blackbird’s photos and stories.
Photo credit: Mike Freer – Touchdown-aviation via Wikipedia
SR-71 pilot recalls when a Blackbird buzzed Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp after protest women threw paint on that very same SR-71
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This model is available from AirModels – CLICK HERE TO GET YOURS.
Linda Sheffield Miller
Grew up at Beale Air Force Base, California. I am a Habubrat. Graduated from North Dakota State University. Former Public School Substitute Teacher, (all subjects all grades). Member of the DAR (Daughters of the Revolutionary War). I am interested in History, especially the history of SR-71. Married, Mother of three wonderful daughters and four extremely handsome grandsons. I live near Washington, DC.
@Habubrats71 via X
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studyaxis · 5 months
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‎‧₊˚✧ Japanese Resource Masterlist ✧˚₊‧
A little Japanese resource master list mostly for me to keep track. It'll be updated as I find useful books/sites/apps.
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These are a list of websites that have been useful for me over the course of my studying so far. These are just what I found on the internet, or sites that my Japanese teacher/classmates have recommended.
Irodori by The Japan Foundation: I love this so much I think I might make a separate post about it. This is a website that currently has 2 levels (A1 and A2), and teaches Japanese in a situational manner. It has textbooks and a whole array of other resources. I would recommend it if you are someone with any exposure to Japanese.
Lexilogos Japanese Online Keyboard : This is a good online keyboard for Japanese. I find that it is easier for me to use an online keyboard than install a Japanese keyboard, and this one translates the romanized version to Japanese characters. It types Hiragana by default, but you can scroll downwards for easy-to-follow instructions on typing Kanji and Katakana.
Jisho : Life-saving online dictionary. A classic in the Japanese learning community, I'm sure. It's easy to use, and since I'm just a baby learner anyway, I use this every three words. All round great site.
JTest4You : As it says, its a site that has tests for all levels of JLPT, along with plenty of resources for vocabulary and grammar. And I kind of like how simple the website looks.
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A list of YouTube channels that either teach Japanese or are fun to listen to. I don't watch a lot of Japanese youtubers, but I want to, and I figured I might as well start from the ones that are teaching Japanese.
TOMO sensei : This channel has really good test resources for every JLPT level! He's got everything from listening tests, grammar and kanji.
Dogen : Learnt the Japanese pitch-accent from his channel! More of a channel for advice on learning Japanese, he also has a lot of other content about his life in Japan.
Japanese Everyday : She has 8hr videos where she's narrating vocabulary or grammar. Sometimes I just have it running in the background while I do something else.
Comprehensible Japanese : A great channel for listening practice. It's targeted towards complete beginners and intermediate learners, so it's slow, clear diction using simple topics.
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I'm currently swearing by these two apps for Kanji and Vocabulary, both premium versions, and I would strongly recommend if you are looking for something long-term!
Learn Japanese! - Kanji Study by Luli Languages LLC : ₹750 INR for the premium version, one-time only. The one time payment unlocks all the kanji up to JLPT N1. The app itself very barebones and is dedicated solely to Kanji with little to no customization options. Great for people that get distracted easily (me) and is very straightforward. Has a good spaced repetition system that you can increase or decrease in frequency.
Learn Japanese JLPT vocabulary by POAS Apps : ₹430 INR for the premium "forever" version, one-time only. It also provides an option for monthly subscription. Good flashcard system to learn vocab on the go, and to get to know new words quickly.
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[above cut divider by @cafekitsune from this post.]
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Video editing admissions
Hello fellow mutants! We are currently looking to bring on another video editor to our staff team! Our project is looking for a video editor with intermediate/advanced editing skills: -Must be able to edit videos and mix audio for a set due date. -Must have the software and hardware capabilities to edit recordings multiple hours in length. -Must have a portfolio that can be sent and is viewable i.e. YouTube channel, Google Drive, personal website. -Audio mixing may be required but only basics are necessary. -Must have a Discord handle and be over the age of 13
All admissions are to be emailed to [email protected]
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y2klostandfound · 1 year
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New Game Express - Space Channel 5 Part 2 on Game Players Vol.27 (Video game magazine)(Hong Kong) (2002)
Traslation in English:
February 14, 2002
5800 yen
Three new elements live broadcast!!
The highly acclaimed music game SPACE CHANNEL 5 on DC is about to launch a new game, and the new game is named "SPACE CHANNEL 5 PART 2", which is a large-scale game that combines music, rhythm, dance and action. Moreover, a large number of new elements have been added in the new episode, whether you like this kind of game or not, it is worth giving everyone a try. (Figure 24,25,26)
1. Continue to work hard
This is an additional input that makes dance moves more diversified. In the previous game, the player only needed to use the cross key and two buttons to play the game, but in this game, there is a new input technique, which is mainly There are only five actions used in battle, up, down, left, right, and SHOOT, but this new action is "continuous". If necessary, press the designated button tightly, and the protagonist ULALA will enter the state of "reserve energy", and then release it in accordance with the appropriate timing to make a SHOOT action. It is indeed difficult to express in words, but in short, everyone can understand it as "extended sound", that is, if it is a two-beat movement, adding a dot after it means that it is extended by one beat. In theory It's similar to the new system of "continuation".
↑ When in the "continuous" state, ULALA will be surrounded by pink light → match the rhythm of the music, let’s go at the right time....!
2. Rhythm Battle
In this episode, the way of fighting is no longer limited to dancing, but a variety of musical instruments will be added. This fighting mode is called "RHYTHM BATTLE". After entering this fighting mode, players will be forced to perform Musical instruments, but the method is not too difficult, as long as you press the "down" of the cross key at the appropriate time. And basically it's the same as dancing, you have to repeat what your opponent has played.
↑ The duel of two drums, what kind of weapon will there be?                  ← The two reporters decide the winner with a guitar!!
3. Lyrics Battle
In this episode, not only can you hear great music, but the game will also provide songs. This is a battle mode called "Lyrics BATTLE". In it, everyone has to dance with the opponent's movements, but the lyrics similar to KARAOKE will be displayed on the screen, and there will also be singing performances. The situation seems to be driven by dance Like a song, if you make a mistake, the song will be slow or rushed. It seems that there is nothing attractive in this way, but when you actually play the game, you will understand the interestingness of the solid.
New Enemy "Dancing Troupe (Rhythm Rouges)"
This time, ULALA has to deal with a secret organization called "Dancing Troupe (Rhythm Rouges)”. Although it may not be a scary organization on the surface, but they call themselves "Dancing", so it can be seen that they will not be weak.
The action captain of the Dance Troupe, leading the organization's robots, abducting humans by dancing around the world. His red scarf is his characteristic.
(Rhythm) Robot
Members of the Dance Troupe (Rhythm Rouges) who absolutely obey SHADOW, use their eyes to hypnotize humans to dance, and also emit "dancing radio waves"
The leader of the Dance Troupe, a mysterious person, except for his nickname, everything else is unknown.
Outside the mainline game
In this episode, not only the main game is available for play, but also the additional games "ULALA DANCE", "Dressing Room (Changing Room)" and " Intermediate Time (Profiles)". ULALA DANCE is a mode with many mini-games, every time you complete one, you can get a new ULALA dress. After getting new clothes, you can try them on in the "Dressing Room (Changing Room)" ". The last "Intermediate Time (Profiles)" lists the information of all the characters rescued by ULALA, which is definitely a great news for SPACE CHANNEL fans.
TRANCE VIBRATOR, which was well received in "Rez", will continue to be used in SPACE CHANNEL 5 PART 2. With this device, players can better grasp the beat rhythm, and it can also greatly enhance the sense of presence, making the game It's closer to a somatosensory game.
DC Special Edition Package
Suit appearance
*In development screen
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soulbutterlanguages · 2 years
SoulButter Languages
Hey folks,
I get a lot of positive comments and feedback on my Tumblr so I went ahead and made a YouTube channel to make the information a little more accessible and interesting. *shameless self-plug* 
I’m still getting the hang of filming myself and editing the videos, but it can only get better from here
In this video:
- see the process of an intermediate level self-study
- assessment of resources
- learning and applying grammar from a textbook
- tea enjoyment <3
- reading comprehension practice and application
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask ! If there’s anything you want to see more of (or less) please let me know !
Love u
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