#international long distance relationship
newrelationshipgoals · 7 months
It’s easy to love someone when times are good. Real love is about holding on to one another when times aren’t.
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mentations · 15 days
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thispageisrendering · 6 months
having international friends is writing the dates backwards and changing the weather app to celsius before you send a screenshot
having international friends is "go to bed!" and "wake up!!", having international friends is "i'll see you at my ___ and your ___", having international friends is "you've never had a pie?" and "you put what on your potatoes??" and "why do they make visas so hard to come by?"
having international friends is smiling when i hear your language through my radio because it reminds me of you, having international friends is hi and hallo and bienvenido, having international friends is wishing i could wrap my arms around you and never let go
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nessembroidery · 2 months
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Love ❤️
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circlejourney · 1 year
Call for respondents: Research survey about how loved ones share virtual spaces across borders
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Hey there! Are you an international student, a migrant, or do you keep in online contact with family or partners living in a different country? As part of my PhD research project, I'm conducting a survey to discover current trends in how people in transnational relationships inhabit shared virtual spaces together.
You can find out more and fill the survey here (it should take about 20-30 minutes to complete): https://qsurvey.qut.edu.au/jfe/form/SV_5h8T0jT919v3Qgu.
Reblogs are super appreciated! If you know anyone who might have interesting insights to share, I'd appreciate it lots if you forwarded it to them.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email me at [email protected]. Thanks for your time!
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clingylilhoneybee · 9 months
I feel like the hardest part about long distance that nobody seems to talk about is just how much of your life it has to consume and change to work out
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averygaycat · 10 months
i wish, one day, i can watch the sun set behind the mountains, as i lie next to you
today is not that day
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romantic-charm · 1 year
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does anyone else just accidentally end up sending a huge paragraph rambling to their bf about how great they are for them to wake up to and just kfjdlkghdghjfhf or is it just me aaaaaahhh
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tomatoluvr69 · 1 year
useless complaint post literally you don’t have to bother reading this it will just help me to rant a bit
This is sooooo not a real issue I’m just in the throes of pmdd but like I have a bunch of semi-expected (but way earlier than I’d thought) unemployed time so I’m using its alignment with the warm weather to go backpacking/live out of my car in [nearby national park and national forests] but right now I feel zero enthusiasm and I really hope it’s not gonna suck bc my heart’s not in it…like if I’m kind of doing it out of obligation bc it’s unusual to have such an extended span of time off when you’re an adult, then am I going to have the drive to get thru the parts that suck, like the exhaustion of steep trail days, the days when it storms so hard you have zero dry gear, etc. but really the part that I’m the most trepidatious about is the loneliness. But it’s so weird bc I’m struggling socially here and I really think some extended alone time would help?? But it’s always hard and I don’t want to lololol. Honestly what would help this the most is to just wait until after my fucking period. But as it is right now I feel like I’m just going thru the motions. If I could fucking live in my house for the equivalent amount of time without my social life encroaching I absolutely would but I’m so burnt out from my close friends leaving and from my last dear relationship here being at times really tough (it’s one that feels like my well-being rides on it— when it’s good, I’m on top of the world, when it’s not I’m hurt and confused and crawling out of my own skin). I still have a community here but it feels like it’s my roommates’ world, and I’m a guest whose presence is like…anodyne at best? And I really think I’ve just latched onto the idea of my trip as a vague mental escape hatch and haven’t really grasped the idea of the fact that I’ll still be present in my ailing brain and treacherous body when I go on the trip— I’m not just taking a nap from my (admittedly spoiled little baby) problems. And when I did the same thing for 3 or 4 weeks last summer I was dropped off & picked up, which created a really nice incentive to stay on trail— to leave, I’d have had to somehow communicate & coordinate with the relatives who’d agreed on a set date to come pick me up, i.e. effectively trapping me in the woods so I’d stay when I got all grumpy or sad or began semi-hallucinating human voices or was ready to throw it all away to get my hands on a slice of pepperoni pizza and a big old kombucha lol.
Anyways this is such not a real problem but me ol’ paranoid ass is convinced a whole passel of my irls have this blog’s url so I can’t freely complain about what’s really bothering me, which is that I’m starting to see harbingers of the devastating dissolution of my closest relationship. Or, even worse, my relegation to a much more distant connection. And I’m trying desperately to convince myself I should stay in this fucking town, because I’m suuuuuuuuper prone to just fleeing when I start to feel [inaudible], which is a super unsustainable way to live my life and o know it’s not [city] I’m trying to flee but myself which scientists are telling me I can’t physically do…but is that the truth?? Or is the truth that I actually do need a clean break from [redacted]…or is that just a convenient lie I’m telling myself so I can flee again. Or is THAT a convenient lie I’m telling myself so that I can keep my head in the sand and keep [redacted]. It’s so cool how you can’t trust your own heart and mind and you might just suffer from uncertainty forever and you’ll die chasing happiness with the grass always greener but also like pmdd and I don’t really want to go on this trip but I think I must. I think…
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pisca-pisca · 1 year
hey moon
there's some things that when they come to me, it feels like you are still "around". i can not express how this makes me wanna forget about every single promess that i made to myself about what my future should looks like. and go back to you, to your lovely arms and live our life together as a couple, as soulmates, as partners, as an unique energy of love.
some days are more difficult than others, when they are smooth. i can remind of you by watching a movie, eating strawberries, seeing interacial couples, listening to a specific song, walking at a train station, taking a picture in front of the mirror, smelling flowers on the street, making food... there's a painting, four to be accurate, of paris in my room and i need to look at them more to get your face tattooed in my mind. because i cant look at the photos of you that i still keep it. you are too fucking 'everything i wanted' and this hurts so bad. i feel so bad. i just want to get a time machine and maybe we could met like in 5 years from now. idk. i'm sorry.
here's some things that makes me forget about why i'm not in paris drinking rose wine at the Seine with you.
but mostly important,
master of None - season 2 ep: thanksgiving and the whole season 3 on netflix
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mentations · 15 days
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verseandvisuals · 7 months
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Bridging the Gap: Navigating Long Distance Relationships with Innovative Tools and Apps.
Have you ever found yourself gazing at the stars, wondering if your significant other, miles away, is doing the same? Long-distance relationships (LDRs) can be challenging, but guess what? With today’s technology, they’re more manageable and exciting than ever. https://medium.com/@dezired22486/bridging-the-gap-navigating-long-distance-relationships-with-innovative-tools-and-apps-9291bc2fed93
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inkwellspoems · 8 months
Sometimes I feel as though a bullet has ripped through my skin and you are patching me up.
The wound filled with loose gauze drips out with a bit of blood. Not enough to kill me but enough to remind me of the pain that I’m in. I know you’re trying to help, but how much of it is actual help and how much of it is just fluffy reassurance that gets me no where.
As I much as I love being right here with you in the limbo; when will I know that your promises are actually true? When can I be certain that this injury can be fixed for just a moment before another bullet rips right through me starting the cycle over again. How much longer until I can finally find peace with you and no longer having to accept being unable to see you for long stretches of time? Longer than any other couple would.
I remember being sad that I couldn’t see you for a week when this all started to unfold. Now I typically don’t see you for a month give or take. I fill my time with school, friends, and work but I always feel a bit of me missing. That part of me is always wishing you could be seeing the things I see, meeting the people that I meet. I know that’s not how our lives are supposed to go right now, but oh how I long to see you again right at this very moment and every night before it. I love you so much my dear but some days I can barely stand it and I start to question it all. Then, the moment I hear back from you again I realize it’s all worth it.
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lootpuppy · 11 months
upset that its so unreasonably hard for me to go live with my people, but am stuck here
what the fuck is a "national border" anyway?? i don't know what that means! sounds fake
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