#ion get all the negativity:(
maiteo · 1 year
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virginstoner666 · 1 year
im immune to those posts that are like "(x) fandom is so cringey and lame on (social media site)" bc im from bumfuck nowhere in new england.
wtf am i supposed to do? go rattle the bushes and hope some gamers fall out?? ask the old ladies at the thrift shop their favorite Ghost album? leave my fanart strewn about the public library?
maybe having low standards is a blessing.
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deadpogasm · 1 month
i hate my stupid baka family
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catsharkie · 8 months
what if ds9 had tumble
the wormhole :) 
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i-identify-starships-in-posts follow
klingon bird of prey, cloaked.
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skrainfanboy5997notdukat follow
Gul Dukat did nothing wrong.
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I thought I had work today, but no, the time loop.
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If another thing breaks on this station i swear to the prophets
the replicator just sent someone to the infirmary. our doctor is running on negative 60 hours of sleep at least
i just want a raktajino
@miles-edward-obrien get your ass in here
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come to quarks, quarks is fun, come right now, don’t walk, run!
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I thought I had work today, but no, the time loop.
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no sleep for 55 hours and counting!
56 hours and counting!
57 hours!
where is miles
julian please
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ah yes. me. my bestie. and his 50k word fanfic draft.
YOU asked ME if you could beta
its funnier if i blame you
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no sleep for 55 hours and counting!
56 hours and counting!
57 hours!
where is miles
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I thought I had work today, but no, the time loop.
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So many accusations in my inbox! You people certainly are creative.
I know you’ve killed before. You’ve barely tried to hide it
Oh? You hate me and my whimsy?
I’m going to make a callout document on you.
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if the voles had subspace i think it would look like this
i love being in conduits undisturbed
pittering-pattering follow
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the scuttler
easy website
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the station is under attack stop vole blogging
do you think skittering-002 and pittering-pattering were in love
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Apologies for the high pitched whining! Our shields are activated, we are currently under attack. There is also an ion storm passing through.
If I get stuck in a time vortex again I swear to god
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Apologies for the high pitched whining! Our shields are activated, we are currently under attack. There is also an ion storm passing through.
If I get stuck in a time vortex again I swear to god
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if the voles had subspace i think it would look like this
i love being in conduits undisturbed
pittering-pattering follow
(201 tiny notes)
the scuttler
easy website
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i really wish women were real
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guldukat follow
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inbabylontheywept · 1 year
Kevin vs. Quantum Mechanics
This is an autobiographical piece. Names have been changed for anonymity, but it's otherwise left be. ---
The class's first suspicion of Kevin was that he had, somehow, cheated his way up to this course. He just seemed perpetually confused, and strangely antagonistic of the professor. The weirdest example of this was when he asked what an ion was (in a third year EE class?), and was informed that it referred to any positively or negatively charged particle. It would have been strange enough to ask, but his reply of "Either? That doesn't sound right" sealed him in as a well known character in the class of 19 people.
The real tipping point in our perception of him during a lecture where the professor mentioned practical uses for a neutron beam, and Kevin asked if a beam could be made out of some other neutral material. When asked "Like what?", he replied "An atom with all of its electrons removed." When we pointed out that the protons would make that abomination extremely positively charged, he just replied with "So what if we removed those too?" and then was baffled when we informed him that would just be neutrons.
That's high school level chemistry. Not knowing it was so incredibly strange that I felt like something was off, so I asked him if he'd like to grab lunch. He accepted, we chatted, and I finally began to get a sense of his origin story.
See, Kevin wasn't a junior/senior electrical engineer like the rest of us. Kevin was, in fact, three notable things: A business major, a sophomore, and a hardcore Catholic. All three of those are essential to understanding his scenario.
What had begun all of this was actually a conflict with Kevin and his roommate. Kevin frequently had his fundamental belief in Absolute Good, Absolute Bad, and Absolute Anything pushed back on by his roommate, who was in STEM. Said roommate kept invoking quantum mechanics as his proof against Absolute Knowledge. Kevin was tired of having something that he didn't understand thrown at his convictions, so he decided to take a quantum course to settle things once and for all.
Despite not having any of the pre-reqs.
He'd actually tried to take quantum for physicists first, but the school's physics department wouldn't let him. It's actually pretty strictly regulated, because it is a mandatory class for physics majors. However, because quantum is not mandatory for electrical engineers, there aren't really any built in requirements for the class. It's just assumed that nobody would actually try to take it until their third year because doing so would the be the mental equivalent to slamming your nuts in the car door. Just, pure suffering for no good reason.
Apparently, the counselors had tried to talk him out of it, but if Kevin was one thing, it was stubborn. He'd actually had to sign some papers basically saying "I was warned that this is incredibly stupid, but I refused to listen" in order to take the class.
He was actually pretty nice, if currently unaware of how bad he'd just fucked up. I paid for the lunch, wished him the best, and reported back to the class discord. We'd all been curious about this guy's story, but now that I had the truth, I could share it with the world.
Feelings were mixed. Some people thought he was going to drop out any minute now. Others thought that he wouldn't, be also that convincing him to drop now, while he still could, was the only ethical thing. Others figured that a policy of non-interference was best: The counselors couldn't dissuade him, and if we tried to do the same, he'd probably just think it was STEM elitism trying to guard its little clubhouse. He'd figure out how hard things were, or he'd fail. Either way, it would help him learn more about the world.
We wound up taking the approach of non-interference. If nothing else, understanding his origins gave us more patience when he asked bizarre questions. He wasn't trying to waste our time, he was just trying to cram three years of pre-reqs into a one semester course. He did get a little bit combative sometimes, and we could tell that he was really wracking his brain to try and find some sort of contradiction or error that he could use to bring the whole thing down, but he never could.
First test came by, and he bombed it. Completely unprepared. He'd taken Calc I, but he didn't know how to do integrals yet (that was Calc II). Worse, he was far past the drop date. I imagine most people in his shoes would've stopped struggling. They'd realize they were fucked and just let themselves fail, at least salvaging their other classes grades in the process. Why waste resources on an unwinnable battle?
Kevin never asked questions like that. If he was stupid enough to try it, he was stupid enough to finish it. God bless him.
He invited me to lunch after the test and said that the class was more fascinating than he'd ever imagined, but he didn't know if he'd be able to pass it. He asked if I could help, and I said...maybe. I brought the request to the discord, and from the eight people there I got three volunteers who admired this dork's tenacity. He was in over his head, miles beneath the surface, but his fighting spirit was fucking glorious. If he was willing to go down swinging, we were willing to bust our asses trying to get him caught up.
Some of the stuff was just extra homework we gave to the guy. We told him he needed to learn integrals, stat. We sent him some copies of basic software that can be used to teach the basics of linear circuit equations, and he practiced that game like it was HALO. Just, hours sunk into it. Absolutely godlike.
He was still scrabbling for air at just the surface level of the class, but he'd gone from abysmal failure to lingering on the boundary between life and death. Other people in the class started to learn about Kevin's origin story, and our little circle of four volunteer tutors grew to six. Every day, he had someone trying to help him either catch up in some way, or finish that week's homework. He'd gone from being seen as a nuisance that wasted class time to the underdog mascot.
He was getting twelve hours of personal tutoring a week, on top of three hours of classes, on top of six hours of office hours, on top of the coursework. I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that this kid was doing 40 hours a week just trying to pass this one single class.
Second test comes around and he gets a 60. He's ecstatic. We're ecstatic. Kid's too young to take out drinking so we just order a pizza and cheer like he just won gold at the Olympics.
After that second test, things hit another tipping point. With so much catch-up under his belt, he was able to focus a lot more on the actual material for the class. A borderline cinematic moment happened when I was trying to get ahead on the homework so that I could put more hours in on my senior project. Nobody else had finished it yet because it wasn't due for another week, so the specifics of the problem I was working on were still a mystery. I went to the professor's office hours and get some pointers, but he wasn't willing to give good hints when the HW wasn't due for another week or so. He said I still had time to think about it, which was true, but I wanted to be able to think about other things. Kevin had watched the whole conversation, waiting for his turn to ask the professor more simple questions, but when I left I got a text from him telling me to hop on zoom.
Kevin had finished it earlier, because Kevin started all of his homework the moment it was assigned. He needed to, in order to make sure that he could get it done on time. He'd finished it the day before, and was able to walk me through it.
From student, to teacher. I'm not exaggerating when I say that he probably saved me eight hours on that assignment. I could've kissed him.
A month or two later, we took the final. As soon as we were done, we six asked Kevin how he did. He was nervous, there was so much new material for him in this class that his retention hadn't been great. Us six were also a little stressed: We were going to pass the class, but the final was hard.
We waited for the results.
And waited. And waited.
Finally, the scores were posted as a table, curve included. From our class of 19 people, 4 withdrew within the deadline, 4 failed, 1 got a C, 8 got B's, and 2 got A's. We could see that the curve for a C was set at 59.2% overall.
We called Kevin. He was crying. End score, 59.2%. Teacher curved the C exactly to his score.
It was a week into winter break so we couldn't gather the forces around for a party like last time, but we were all losing our shit. Kevin was losing his shit. He couldn't believe how stupid he was to try this course, he couldn't believe that six people busted their ass just to make sure he didn't die, and he couldn't believe that the professor basically just passed him out of sheer effort alone.
He said it was the stupidest thing he'd ever done, and while I doubt that, it was outrageously stupid. And yet, I've never been so invested in a fellow student before. I'm prouder of Kevin's C than I am of my own B. I was walking on sunshine for weeks after that. In theory, my senior project was building a functioning washing machine, but in practice, in my heart, it was helping Kevin pass Intro to Quantum for Electrical Engineers.
(And as an epilogue: No, he did not renounce Catholicism and become an atheist like his roommate had hoped. He did walk out changed. I think that being that wrong about something, and realizing it, was a pivotal moment for him. It's hard to be dogmatic once you realize that a lifetime of being wrong feels exactly like a lifetime of being right, right up until the last two seconds of it.)
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ilypaigebuckets · 5 months
kate martin with a nerd gf hcs?
Kate x Nerdy Gf Hcs
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figured out how to add pictures 🥳
- you wouldn’t classify yourself as a nerd, just someone who is really big on their education
- kate first met you in the library where she saw you studying
- she thought you were the prettiest girl in the entire world, so she wanted to shoot her shot (get it bc basketball)
- she asked to sit next to you “hey is this seat taken”
- you were kind of oblivious to her flirting at first “no? but there’s like dozens of other places to sit you don’t have to sit by me”
- everytime she goes to the library (which becomes more and more frequently thanks to you) she sits next to you
- she eventually gets the courage to ask you out and you guys go on a cute little coffee date
- after you’ve been dating for a while you start attending her basketball practices and just study there instead of the library
- she teases you that it’s because you miss her but you insist it’s because the gymnasium is closer to kate’s place than the library is
- oh yeah you definitely stay over at her place most nights
- she lets you study at her coffee table/on her couch
- she holds you while you study and makes sure you have everything you need
- you need water? she’s on it. head scratches to ‘help you concentrate’? her fingers are already making their way to your scalp.
- you definitely have deal with burnouts and kate helps you through them
- she starts putting time limits on your study time, so you have time to yourself for self care, your relationship, and just taking care of other things
- she helps you study and quizzes you with your flash cards
- “ok baby what is the polytomic ion for sulfate?” “S04 to the negative second power?” “LETS GO THATS MY SMART GIRL”
- will listen to you rant about your stressing assignments
- “kate it just doesn’t make sense at all. i don’t get why he would give us only a week to write that paper” and she just kisses your forehead and holds you tight like “shhh i know baby gorgeous but you’re my smart cookie”
- one time you missed her game due to a project deadline and her feelings were really hurt
- it caused a huge fight that ended with you both crying, you promising to prioritize her more just like she does you
- that fight really opened your eyes so now you try to cherish your time with kate more
not really but just in case nsfw 😢
- when she’s quizzing you and you get an answer right, she’ll try to reward you
- sometimes you don’t let her, insisting that you need more time to study and do assignments or catch up on reading
- other times you take it as a much needed break and just let her help you relax
that’s all 🤍 i hope you like this!!!
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pinkchrissysposts · 3 months
"I already am though" challenge~
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Here is the challenge guysss
And before the challenge starts I want you all to take up this challenge seriously and also have fun through out this challenge. And remember this challenge is not more power then yourself,this challenge is all about persisting and trusting yourself.
From the title itself you may be able to know what the challenge is about,if not,don't worry your Chrissy is here to explain the challenge,so the goal of this challenge is to start BEING the person you want to be as in the person who already have the desires also this challenge is gonna be intense.
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🌊. First of all guys we are gonna script some of you may not want to but trust me please. Take a notebook or open your note pad script down as if you are writing a letter to your past self tell them you have everything the present you wished for tell them that you have finally shifted,manifested everything and you are happy,don't stop until you feel satisfied.
As you are writing don't think about what to write just go with the flow write down whatever comes in your mind until it stops. And you will feel an ecstasy while writing as uou are slowly getting in the state as you write it in a flow like state.
As you have done the first part of the challenge let's go to intense part.
🌊. From here I want you all to affirm ion care what you say just affirm as the person who wrote the letter as in your future self,use robotic or askformation but as long you are being able to get in the state or keep the negative thoughts away use any method not just affirming.
🌊. I want you all to also do EFT tapping you can use chatGPT for creating eft tapping affirmations,and also use breathworks before bed becauseit helps slowing down the brainwaves I also box breathwork and diaphragmatic breathwork are recommend but you can use any that works for you.
(You can do EFT tapping anytime you want no specific routine)
🌊. Do lullaby method or SATS as you fall asleep.
But in all seriousness you have to start enjoying being the person who wrote the letter,if you feel anxious read the letter again as much as you want,make it your goal to feeling what you FELT while writing the letter natural,don't look at the 3D or think from 3D,look at the 4D and think from 4D. Persist in the 4D not 3D.
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strwberri-milk · 10 months
Hello! Saw your ask was open and thought I’d share a request idea. I was thinking about a reverse hurt/comfort for the Genshin men where they overhear a negative comment about themselves and worry their partner might agree with it. Maybe the comment comes from a friend or family member of the partner so it holds more weight than a random person’s comment.
My favorites are Kaeya, Zhongli, and Diluc but if you want to drop or substitute any characters that’s fine. Ideas for comments could be like they’re intimidating, too busy, secretive, even just generally kind of weird. It doesn’t have be deep angst, just a little doubt for their partner to reassure them about.
Hope this finds you well!
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Kaeya is fully aware of the rumours that surround him. He’s aware that some people think he’s some playboy extraordinaire, that some people think he’s got too many secrets, and some people still haven’t gotten over their initial suspicion ion of him from when he first got to Mondstat. Typically, none of it would bother him but it also might have to do with the fact that most people don’t make it a habit to tell him they feel some sort of way in person or around him.
When the two of you are on a date, he happens to overhear some other people sitting just close enough that you can hear them as well, but too far away for them to notice that Kaeya’s picked up on their conversation. He tries not to show that he can hear them but the look on your face tells him you know what’s happening and you’re hearing it as well. He just laughs it off and casually mentions that the two of you should head out now - it’s getting late after all and he’d hate for the two of you to be caught out while it’s dark.
You can tell immediately what’s happening and initially decide to let Kaeya get away with it. You don’t want to be overly aggressive if it’s something that’s bothering him too much but you also don’t want him to hide it from you just because he’s afraid of how you’ll react.
Quickly, you gather that he’s feeling a little insecure about himself by his desperate attempts to try and tell you something without actually telling you anything. He’s talking himself into circles, you trying to follow the threads of conversation as much as you could while piecing together what it is that he’s insecure about. You know he really values touch and since you can’t get him to stop talking you decide to lead him back to bed,
Without thinking, he curls himself into you as you pull him onto your sheets. He sighs happily at the feeling of your fingers combing through his hair. You quietly talk to him now, telling him that you love him no matter what and even if he doesn’t want to tell you everything about himself you’ll always trust him. Kaeya doesn’t realize how badly he needs to hear that until that very moment, nodding as he presses kisses against your throat as a silent thank you for your reassurance.
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Zhongli typically isn’t bothered by very much. He’s heard everything he’s needed to and he’s typically very secure in his own person. He’s never minded what people say about him but he’s also never really had anybody say anything particularly demeaning about him.
That’s why when he hears an off putting comment at work one day he’s not sure what to do about it. He doesn’t let it bother him too much but he does find himself thinking about it more than he expected to. You can tell he’s chewing on something when he comes home, sitting down at your table and deciding to directly ask you if you think he’s strange.
Your confusion settles nerves he didn’t even know he had and he chuckles a little, telling you that he heard someone say that to him today and he wasn’t sure what to make of it. He tells you exactly what it was that they told him, you reassuring him that you don’t feel that way about him. He smiles at your kind words and thanks you for telling him so, feeling better already just with that brief conversation between the two of you.
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Diluc typically has a very positive relationship with most people. He’s young, handsome, rich, and charming as needed. Sure, he can come off as standoffish if people aren’t talking to him for business purposes but he knows how to talk sweetly to such an extent that it’d challenge Kaeya’s silver tongue if he decided to add casual flirting into the mix.
However, that also means some people feel as though he’s not to be trusted because of this. He knows that people might not like him because of all the dealings he has and how he can manipulate things to benefit him if needed but he also doesn’t care. Diluc would never do anything immoral, but he does have his own ways of doing things that may not be seen as conventional.
It takes a while for it to weigh on him but after one particularly rough day he comes home and simply lays his head in your lap. He’s not always good at verbalizing the issues he’s going through but you can tell when something’s bugging him because he just seeks out your presence silently.
You let him, not sure what else he wants but upon your request he mutters something about how some people have just been saying nasty things about him recently and he guesses it’s worse than he thought it initially was. You hum in understanding, cupping his face and telling him all of the things that you love about him. He takes it all in slowly, not wanting to interrupt you and feeling his chest warm at the affection you have for him.
It doesn’t take him long to feel his uncertainty dissipate, quietly thanking you for picking up on what he needed so well. You just bend down to press a kiss against his messy curls, cupping his face and telling him that he doesn’t have to thank you for you just simply loving him. You’d always be here for him, no matter what he thinks or what people say.
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chemblrish · 24 days
Subatomic particles from a chemist's point of view - part I: the electron
This proposition actually came second in my poll, but it still had quite a lot of votes + I really wanted to write it, so here it is. Initially, I was going to make a single post, but when I finished writing the part about the electron I thought it was getting a tad long. I decided splitting this post might make it easier to digest :)
Peeking inside the atom
What is a subatomic particle? As the name hints, it’s any particle smaller than an atom. This means that electrons, protons, and neutrons all fall into this category. Protons and neutrons are made of quarks and there are also many different subatomic particles that the relentless researchers of CERN keep on cooking up, but I’m not going to talk about them because do I look like a physicist to you? Let them get excited (and despaired) about the wild assortment of the little guys making up the Standard Model. I’ll stick to the particles that chemistry finds especially important: electrons, protons, and neutrons.
Ah yes, chemistry’s specialest guy, the rockstar of this science: the electron. Arguably the most important particle for chemistry. If you’ve taken high school science then I don’t need to explain why that’s so, but just in case you actually slept through those classes (shame on you) I have one word for you: bonds. Okay, maybe two words will work better here: chemical bonds.
Chemical bonds
Atoms bind together to make the gaseous oxygen we breathe, the sucrose that dissolves in our coffee and the caffeine in said coffee, the proteins that build your body, and the ibuprofen we all worship using electrons. In fact, if chemistry is the study of matter and the reactions and changes it can undergo, then there is no chemistry without electrons. Chemistry exists because electrons do what they do.
So what do they do? Again, even if you never went any further than high school science classes, you probably remember that atoms are made up of shells (sort of like an onion or an ogre only it’s a stupidly complicated onion) with a nucleus in the middle. Those shells are made up of subshells and subshells are made up of orbitals. Phew. Within shells sit the electrons, but it’s the outermost ones that make chemists all excited (or despaired), because they’re the ones taking part in chemical reactions and forming chemical bonds. We call them valence electrons.
Valence electrons can do all sorts of things to make atoms form molecules. The valence electrons of two separate atoms can bind them together by mixing their orbitals and then sitting there in the single smoothie of the new orbital, now shared by both of the atoms. This process is called hybridization and the bond that’s formed here is called the covalent bond.
Actually, you get two new orbitals or rather as many as there were before this mixing and shuffling. Hybridization is a relatively difficult concept for newbies though, so don’t worry about that.
However, some atoms are greedy and they aren’t willing to share their electrons with anyone. They can form chemical bonds by stealing other atoms’ electrons and turning into ions: and thus turning those other – more generous – atoms into ions as well. This we call the ionic bond. There’s a third option too, chosen readily by metals because metals are commies: the metallic bond. Atoms forming this kind of bond stick together thanks to an electron “cloud” made up of the valence electrons of all those atoms, permeating the lattice this creates and conducting electricity (because they’re called electrons for a reason, right?).
Properties of the electron
Charge: negative one elementary electric charge, AKA -1.602×10^(−19) C (thank you Mr. Millikan).
Mass: 9.109 ×10^(−31) kg (uwu).
Radius: are you out of your mind?
I mean. Theoretical / particle physicists are very much concerned with figuring out the radius of the electron. Good for them! But it doesn’t matter here.
Look. There’s a handful of things that they drill into your head during a chemistry degree: no food in the lab; safety goggles on or I’ll fucking kill you; you only get to keep your dignity until you splash yourself with acid; there is no god, there is only Atkins; everything is a model; and finally – THE ELECTRON IS NOT JUST A PARTICLE OKAY it’s not a teeny tiny marble orbiting the nucleus going wheee!, it’s a quantum bastard that interferes with itself like a wave, then shoots across the apparatus you thought was clever like a particle once you set a trap, it’s an indecisive, secretive, sly asshole that makes chemistry, at its very core, a quantum nightmare of inhuman integrals, spheres, and some donut-shaped absurdities in the place of the onion-like atom model you know from school, I mean look at this thing for god’s sake
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We don’t know the exact radius of the electron. Estimates have been made but no final answer. Why? Please ask a physicist. Your resident tumblr chemist signing off for now.
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rockybfdi2763 · 6 months
people don't talk enough about how cracklin ion is like. Peak autism rep especially in the object show community. He's legitimately one of the only characters that's actually stated to have autism in the entire community and he also shows a LOT of the negative traits which is really important to me.
Because,,, a lot of the characters that are "autism coded" aren't shown to have any of the negative traits. It's always "oh tee hee they're silly and childish :3333" and if they do have the negative autistic traits their entire arc revolves around suppressing or getting rid of those traits.
Being autistic sucks sometimes!!! You're awkward and uncomfortable and you want to have friends but it's so hard!! And on top of that you have so many other difficulties with sensory and food and even physical problems too!!!! And cracklin portrays all that in such a relatable and open manner it makes me want to cry. It's not demonized to be autistic in ION and I love that.
It's not babying either - the show gives you him and says "this is how he is - and he's not bad for being openly autistic." so so extremely refreshing in media. I don't even know if this rant makes any sense but I had to say it somehow
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itsbansheebitch · 11 months
I hate modern shopping
I hate how we are practically forced to buy clothes online now. I want to hold it in my hands. I hate how cheap on low quality clothes are today. I hate that production rates and profit come before people's wellbeing.
I hate Shein for brainwashing us into thinking a shirt should cost less than $5 when it's been clear for a while that their products are usually chock full of lead and new allegations say Shein is using actual slave labor
I hate Temu for bringing expected prices even lower and selling negative ion (which might protect you from 5G but certainly doesn't help on the radioactive front) items. For selling cheap garbage and trying to tell us they're a company.
I hate Shein and Temu for basically forcing underage influencers to take sponsorships so they can get out of bad financial situation.
I hate Amazon, but not their workers
I hate Etsy, but not their shop owners
I hate modern shopping. I'm tired of the labor violations. I'm tired of the bs and the hoops you have to jump through to find a company that doesn't use child labor.
I hate that pay is bad enough that people are forced to work for people like Shein, Temu, Amazon, etc.
I hate that we aren't paid enough to buy even mediocre quality products. I hate that about ~19 people for every 10,000 in America is homeless and 40% of homeless people have jobs. I hate that we are considered entitled when all we want is an apartment and to maybe be treated like human beings at work.
Anyway here's my personal good but expensive recommendation:
Sheep Inc clothing will last decades at least. They have a repair service which you can use for life.
This isn't a paid ad I just like their business model
Btw, don't even get me started on Nestle
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shawtuzi · 2 years
i’m bored, high, and want my man eren rn so imagine with me rq girlies
cw include/// black coded reader, drug usage, oral f & m receiving, unprotected sex, creampie, big dick renny/// wc: 1.8k
OKAY SO!!! imagine being childhood best friends w eren and not to be cliché but he’s totally in love with you. he just loves you sm omg the way you’re so pretty and confident it makes his heart swell. the older he got the more this crush turned into a deep desire. he didn’t want to compromise the friendship of course so he kept these feelings to himself but it never got any easier especially since you’ve recently been more open about your sex life that is seriously lacking.
“so not only was the head wack, he was a one pump chump! fell asleep right after i didn’t even get to cum,” you sighed taking a long hit of the blunt you and eren were sharing. eren kissed his teeth shaking his head, “ion know why you fuck around with these lames y/n i keep telling you none of them are good enough for you.” if only you knew that eren could make you cum as many times as you asked and had stamina that could go on for hours on end </3 “of course you’re gonna think they aren’t good enough you’re my best friend and that’s you’re job,” you giggled passing him the blunt.
the effects of the drug were starting to kick in and you knew that because you suddenly couldn’t control any words that slipped from your mouth. “i just—i don’t understand how hard it could possibly be to eat pussy like even i could do that shit,” you dramatically sighed dropping your head on eren’s shoulder. “you just need to find someone who eats pussy for their own pleasure,” it was silent for a moment before he continued speaking, “someone like me.” you quickly lifted your head raising your eyebrows at the man in front of you, “you get down like that ren?” eren gave you a small smirk, “ fuck yeah i love eating pussy. hearing how good i make someone feel makes me feel good you know?”
you hadn’t even realized how much his words were getting to you until you felt yourself squeeze your thighs together and it certainly didn’t go unnoticed by eren. “why are you looking at me like that?” you mumbled staring down at eren’s fully tatted arm. you thought he was ridiculous for getting a sleeve but now it looked….kinda….hot??? “what? i’m not allowed you look at you now?” he chuckled bringing his hand to your face to squeeze your cheeks together. you swatted his hand away feeling your cheeks get hot, “you can look at me…just not like that.” eren’s smirk widened, “like what?”
the room suddenly began to feel very very hot and you didn’t know if it was the drug in your system or eren’s hard stare—shit maybe it was both (definitely both). “like—like that! i don’t know you��re just making me feel weird,” eren was supposed to be like a brother to you but you definitely couldn’t deny how handsome he’d gotten since you graduated high school. he’d grown his hair out instead of keeping it short and had a slight growth spurt going from 5’11 to 6’3 in the blink of an eye. he’d taken up smoking weed, got tatted up, and now he’s apparently getting more play than you ever have.
“well maybe i don’t wanna stop looking at you like that? ever think of that?” you didn’t know what came over you but next thing you knew your lips were crashing into eren’s. when you pulled away eren had a look on his face that you couldn’t quite decipher. he licked his lips, the taste of your cherry gloss making his mouth water. after a long silence you began to feel anxious negative thoughts beginning to cloud your brain. “you know it’s funny after all this time i thought i would be the one to kiss you first,” he chuckled putting out the blunt. “told you the way your were looking at me was making me feel funny and why do you think you’d be the first one? you like me or something,” you let out a small, barely audible laugh now tracing your finger delicately over the tattoos on his arm.
suddenly you were pulled onto eren’s lap, your chest pressed against his. “i do like you a lot actually but we can talk about that later yeah? just kiss me again,” he most certainly didn’t have to tell you twice as soon as the words ‘kiss me again’ left his mouth your lips were on his again. “go slow we got all the time in the world baby,” he mumbled against your lips taking your bottom lip in his mouth to suck on it. after what felt like an eternity of kissing and a whole lotta groping on eren’s part he pulled away, cheeks flushed and breathless. eren brought his hand up to your face, his thumb tracing over your bottom lip, “you have really soft lips—bet they’d feel good on my dick.” he shoved his thumb into your mouth pressing down on your tongue lightly,” you know what it’s like hearing about all those guys not satisfying you when i could’ve been doing the shit myself,” he tsked bringing his free hand to your ass to give it a squeeze. you wrapped your hand around his wrist pulling his thumb from your mouth, “then…do it let’s see if you’re all talk or actually ‘bout it.”
and to no one’s surprise eren was indeed a master with his tongue. he was practically making out with your pussy at this point, his cheeks flushed bright pink and the entire lower of his face glistening from your wetness. “so fuckin’ good,” he moaned into your pussy, pushing your body as close to his face as possible until he had little to no room to breathe. you were cursing yourself out in your mind so utterly pissed off that you went all this time without knowing that eren had an interest in you and that you could’ve been getting the best head you’ve gotten in years. he wasn’t afraid to be sloppy which you happened to like a lot and he could tell by the your moans became more high pitched whenever he would wrap his plump lips around your clit and slightly shake his head.
“e-eren?” you whispered, propping yourself on your elbows to get a clearer view of him. eren lifted his eyes to your face but never stopped the quick kitten licks he was giving your clit. “i think i’m ready to take you, it can’t hurt too bad right?” you breathlessly giggled becoming more antsy by the second to get a peek of what eren was hiding in those grey sweatpants. eren stood to his full height a teasing smirk gracing his lips, “pull em off,” he chuckled referring to the sweatpants that were hanging dangerously low on his waist. with trembling hands you hooked your fingers around the waistband and slowly pulled them down. you couldn’t hold back the tiny gasp that left your lips once you saw eren’a dick. here it was at a whopping eight and a half inches and it was scarily thick.
“eren this should be classified as a weapon,” you couldn’t help but giggle at your own joke making eren roll his eyes. “shut the hell up, now open your mouth i need to get it wet,” he grunted tapping the tip against your cheek. you parted your lips slightly and without warning eren shoved two fingers down your throat causing you to gag. once you had enough saliva built up eren removed his fingers smearing the excess spit on his dick. “i’ll go slow…for now,” eren chuckled pushing his tip between your lips already giving you a mouthful. eren had a shit eating grin on his face seeing you already begin to gag when he wasn’t even halfway in and now you were determined to show him you could handle it. you relaxed your jaw before taking more of him in your mouth using every method you heard of to try and control your gags. eren pulled the collar of his shirt between his teeth to get a better view and by god it did not disappoint. your eyes were brimmed with tears and your lip gloss was beginning to smear but he still thought you looked gorgeous.
eren wasn’t showing it but he was giddy as hell on the inside. he’d spent countless nights in his room fucking his fist to different scenarios of you and this was the one he thought of the most. him towering above you while you struggled to take every inch of his dick in your tight little throat. but he had to cut it short because he 1. embarrassingly enough was already close to cumming and 2. baby boy just wanted to be inside you. eren pulled you away by your hair making a mental note that he will have to pain your face with his cum in the near future. “i think it’s wet enough, lay back and spread your legs,” you did as you were told and laid on your back spreading your legs as wide as you could.
eren stepped between your legs and tapped the head of his dick against your clit a few times before slowly pushing the tip in. he brought his hand to your clit rubbing quick little circles, “shit did you—did you just cum?” eren groaned at the sight of your wetness tricking down his dick. “y-yeah sorry i didn’t know how close i was,” you whimpered bringing your hands up to cover your face. eren removed your hands from your face giving you a sweet smile, “nah nah it’s okay just boosts my ego even more,” he chuckled pushing himself in until he was at the hilt.
eren told himself he’d take it easy on you but as soon as he felt how warm and wet you were around every inch of him all that went out the window. he pushed your knees to your chest and began a brutal, rough pace using one of his hands to wrap around your throat. “stick your tongue out,” he grunted squeezing your neck just a tad. you complied sticking your tongue out, the second you did eren spit on your tongue letting it trickle down your throat before sucking your tongue into his mouth. “rennn,” you moaned pathetically against his lips, feeling yourself already about to cum again. “you better hold that shit ‘wanna cum together,” he groaned, shushing your whines with another kiss.
between you squeezing eren’s dick impossibly tight and the loud squelching of your pussy it didn’t take long for eren to reach his peak, thrusting roughly into you one last time before spilling himself into you. with eren’s pelvis rubbing deliciously against your clit you were right behind him soaking his thighs and the sheets below you in your cum. “i’ll buy you a plan b,” eren sighed dreamily nuzzling his face in your neck. “okay….you know we’ll have to talk about this when we’re sober and more awake,” you mumbled scratching lightly at eren’s scalp. “of course, just wanna lay with you for a little bit goodnight y/n,” eren whispered pressing a gentle kiss to your shoulder.
“goodnight eren <3”
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Can you explain to me the chemistry behind the denaturation of enzymes and the process of allosteric and competitive inhibition?
First of all it's important to understand what an enzyme is. An enzyme is a protein, that catalyses reactions after binding to a substrate and then converts it or splits it. An enzyme has a very specific shape so it can bind to the substrate, it's like a key and a lock. The substrate binds to the binding site, and in the catalytic or active centre the reaction takes place.
This is important to understand denaturation: Proteins are made out of amino acids that are bound with peptide bonds. Proteins have several levels of structure: Their primary level is the sequence of amino acids, the secondary structures are folded structures due to interactions of the peptide backbones via hydrogen bonds, like alpha helices or beta sheets. The tertiary structure is folding of the peptides due to electrochemical interactions between different amino acids. Amino acids can have different charges due to their side chains, they can be positive, negative or neutral charged. So those charges will either attract or repel each other, putting the peptide chain in a certain three dimensional shape or conformation. In the quaternary structure several peptide chains come together to create a bigger functional unit (the enzyme) made out of subunits, they often also interact with ions (cofactors) as their catalytic centre where the catalysed reaction takes place. All those levels create the specific shape of the enzyme that is required to bind to their target substrate. So if those structures are changed in any way, it won't work anymore because it can't bind. Just reading it probably makes it difficult to understand, so here's a textbook graphic.
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This shape can be changed by denaturation. A protein can be denaturated by heat, or changed pH or high salinity and other not optimal conditions. During those conditions like changed pH the interactions between the molecules and side chains do not work anymore because pH can change the charges of the sidechains, so secondary, tertiary and quarternary structures will be changed. When those structures are changed the binding site will change too and not resemble the lock anymore where the key substrate can bind, so now the enzyme is inactivated/inhibited.
Enzymes can also be inhibited (or activated) by regulatory molecules binding to the enzyme, inhibitors or activators. This can be a competitive inhibition, when the inhibitor binds at the same binding and active site and blocking it, making the actual substrate that should be processed unable to bind there. Like a lock that already has a key stuck in it, you can't put another key in there. Allosteric inhibition is when the inhibitor binds at another site, not directly at the active site where the substrate binds. But by binding to the allosteric site the conformation of the enzyme gets changed by chemical interactions, changing the binding site so the substrate doesn't get recognised anymore. A key can't be insterted into a lock that has been changed.
Inhibtion can be irreversible (making the enzyme dysfuntional for the rest of it's existence until it is degraded) or reversible.
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Philip Elliott at Time Magazine:
The actual roadmap for 2024 might have moved when you were not looking. Maybe—and it’s a big maybe, admittedly—the biggest detour in politics right now is parked in the driveway. In ways subtle and overt, the electric vehicle has become the avatar for clean energy in the minds of voters, which may prove to be a political clunker for Democrats, despite having the stronger story to tell.  The voters most turned off by talks of Tesla Cybertrucks and Chevy Bolts? Young voters, voters without college degrees, and Latinos, according to new polling from the centrist groups Third Way and The NewDeal that is hitting allies’ inbox as you read this. Their surveys find a surprising 44% of the American electorate hold a negative view of electric vehicles. The numbers are about the same for voters in the battleground states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia. That’s an anchor that no engine—powered by raw jetfuel or lithium-ion batteries—can move with so little time before Election Day in November. [...]
There’s long been a myth—and a popular one at that with progressives—that so-called Climate Voters are a sufficient force in politics to sway outcomes. This is, to be frank, not at all the case. In fact, climate change seldom merits a spot in the top-five ranking of priorities. The Third Way survey found just 4% of voters ranked climate change a deciding priority, well behind the economy, border, and democracy itself. Even amid the wave of inflation and worries about day-to-day costs, gas prices aren’t even a driving force; food, housing, taxes, and health care all outpace the price at the pump, according to Third Way’s research. 
That’s not to say Climate Voters can be ignored, strategists say. They are likely to be highly educated, high-propensity voters who favor Biden by a solid 96-point margin. (They also have checkbooks that fuel the campaign and its allies.) The problem is there just aren’t enough of them to counter their intellectual inverse, a group lumped together in Third Way research as Economy First Voters. This conservative bloc tends to be heavily tilted toward Latinos, women, younger voters, and those who lack a college degree. These voters view themselves as just trying to get through the week without the government making it harder. And for these voters, Trump enjoys a 26-point margin and opposition to EVs enjoys a 44-point toehold. For Economy First Voters, a full 64% of these voters tell pollsters that climate change will have to wait until inflation is under control.
[NOTE: Poll conducted between May 9-18, 2024.]
Could anti-electric vehicle sentiments be the reason why Donald Trump is polling well? A poll from Third Way and The NewDeal conducted between May 9th and 18th reveals that 44% of those hold anti-EV sentiments, and those holding anti-EV sentiments are more likely to back Trump in the election.
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cobragardens · 11 months
A Meta on Crowley's Miracle Meltdown
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gif by phaxxion via Tenor
What exactly is happening in this moment? Why is it happening? Why is it included in this story?
I don't mean "Why does Crowley have a frustration meltdown after a huge argument with his partner about helping their former abuser Jeff Bezos?" We've all been there. But not all of us discharge a huge bolt of red infernal energy when we lose our temper, and more to the point, Crowley doesn't usually do that either. What gives?
And, as ixi of Fuck Yeah Good Omens asks and illustrates, why does some of the infernal energy Crowley discharges travel sideways into Give Me Coffee?
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Here's my proposal for answers to these questions.
Insofar as angels and demons were created expressly for the purpose of channeling miracle, maybe to angelic stock refraining from miracles is a bit like holding one's breath is to a human. Human bodies move air in and through and out of themselves as an automatic process. They can refrain from that process, but because breathing is the default, refraining takes a positive sustained effort.
And if you're holding your breath when someone punches you hard in the gut, you don't just lose track of holding your breath, you gasp, you make sounds, you breathe hard. You move a lot of air through your respiratory system for a few seconds until you regain your equilibrium.
Since coming to "a sort of generalised understanding" with Hell, Crowley hasn't been doing many miracles. Aziraphale says he thinks Heaven would notice if he "performed even a minor miracle," and Crowley agrees, "I don't want Hell taking an interest either"; this implies that they've both been trying to keep their miracle usage minimal. (From his continued abuse of London's traffic lights we can infer that Crowley, as usual, has somewhat more latitude in this regard than does Aziraphale.) But he's so freaked out by the appearance of Jeff Bezos Jimbriel and so angry about Aziraphale's line-in-the-sand insistence that the two of them help Jim instead of protecting themselves that Crowley feels approaching a loss of the ability to hold his breath, miraculously speaking.
So before he accidentally curses the bookshop, he goes out into the street away from everyone and tries to get control of himself. If he's not successful, then he's at least away from everyone and able to discharge miracle into the sky where it can dissipate, just like the spiritual smog of evil produced by the M25 dissipates without affecting any one person or thing.
Crowley channels the miracle into the form of lightning, but Crowley's lightning behaves like miracle, not like lightning. Lightning is a huge shock of static electricity, i.e., the sudden mass movement of positively and negatively charged ions toward each other; it does not come up through a person's body from Hell, and it doesn't damage mobile phones.
It takes a direct lightning strike to damage a mobile phone, and when that happens it doesn't just fry the phone, it burns it. An arc of circuit electricity strong enough to fry an unplugged mobile phone would be strong enough to shock and burn the person holding it as well. Nina and Maggie both have their phones on them when the lightning hits Give Me Coffee, but neither woman gets struck by lightning or electrocuted. Their phones get bricked because that is how Crowley thinks lightning works and therefore his lightning works that way.
And it is for this same reason that the "lightning" Crowley puts out hits Give Me Coffee: because it's not lightning, it's miracle. Miracle depends on the miracledoer's familiarity with the thing the miracle is acting upon.
When Crowley has his frustrationgasm, he doesn't have perfect control over where he's aiming miracle in that moment and/or he's concentrating on keeping it away from the bookshop and Aziraphale and the Bentley, so a tongue of miraculous "lightning" (which behaves the way Crowley thinks lightning behaves) slips sideways towards the next most familiar thing on the street to him: Nina's coffee shop. Crowley went there just a few minutes before this scene.
As far as I can tell, this moment serves two functions in the story. Firstly, as many others have pointed out, it establishes the color of Crowley's miracle to be red (continuing the motif of red as the color that represents him) in order to indicate the importance of the Supreme Archangel's purple and the purple of the miracle plume Crowley and Aziraphale's joint miracle produced.
But maybe it's also included because it explicitly establishes a mechanic we see repeated on a smaller scale in 1827: that an angel or a demon's control of the miraculous power they channel isn't always perfect. It can slip if they get really upset.
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bitterkarella · 1 year
Midnight Pals: The Good Leaper
Harry Turtledove: greetings citizens of earth 12, do not be alarmed Poe: oh hi harry Turtledove: ah you know me? Turtledove: i've passed this way... Turtledove: before?
Turtledove: [adjusting handheld device] hm the dimensional transmogrifier got decalibrated Turtledove: it must have been the negative chronobytes from that ion storm on earth 27⁸ Barker: oh yeah definitely that's what did it Poe: clive Barker: definitely the negative chronobits
Turtledove: Quick! what year is this? Poe: it's 2023 Turtledove: and the president? Poe: it's biden Turtledove: and the coelacanth? still extinct? Poe: Poe: actually you're never gonna believe this Turtledove: no! nooo! i'm in the wrong world again!
Turtledove: quick show me some of your world's great art Turtledove: then i can get my bearings Dan Simmons: oh you're gonna love this Simmons: check this out Simmons: it's donald trump but he's super buff Simmons: just absolutely ripped
Simmons: see its trump but he's so swole Simmons: that he can break the chains of liberal oppression with his bare hands Simmons: and look at that glorious full head of hair! Simmons: i wish he was my dad
Simmons: and here you see swole Trump beating up some traitorous democrats Simmons: and some america hating protesters Simmons: and some italians Lovecraft: you know Lovecraft: these paintings make a strong point!
Turtledove: ah typical fascist art Simmons: pffft oh typical LIEberal! everything's fascist to you! Simmons: next you'll say there's something fascist about worshipping our supreme leader as the god made flesh that he is
Simmons: what do you know about fascism anyway? Turtledove: i have a history PhD, write extensively on fascism, and have personally visited over 80fx&⁵ timelines where america has devolved into fascist authoritarianism Turtledove: however Turtledove: this timeline is the dumbest
Turtledove: i must go now Turtledove: and continue my quest to restore the proper timeline Poe: oh? whats the proper timeline like Turtledove: Turtledove: its not all that different honestly Turtledove: Turtledove: except that humans evolved from raccoons
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