galactic-rhea · 7 months
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Ah yes, the "evil" family.
I thought it would be even more funny if it was Luke, of all people, the one who wanted to watch Bloodbath in the Black Moon of the Dragon System.
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funny how most ppl understand that the "love/friendship fixes all" trope in kids' shows is kinda dumb but when I, a loveless aromantic, tell them that maybe love alone isn't the key to a good and happy life, I'm the immature and stupid one??
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kannellaspenta · 2 months
me looking at the Fyolai brainworm living rent free in my head: YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE A SIMPLE CRACKSHIP 😭😭
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thedrotter · 8 months
cw BLOOD!!!!
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2003 Kinder Yuuichi doodles motivated by this one battle sprite of him with this goofy face ... (also 2003 shunsuke appears there too did I need to draw him differently from my design of him no did i do it anyway yes)
Wanna doodle him more but first I'll be figuring out what's being said in the game ... Do not want to mischaracterize him even if he's slightly different so for now THE SILLY
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pan-withnoplan · 7 months
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There's so much to say here but I don't even have the energy...
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torgawl · 11 months
i'm too mentally unwell for this (people shoving ragbros angst in my face at 10 am)
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massgrav · 1 year
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– You're fucking a skeleton every night
– Shut up corpsie
Proportions make no sense, anatomy neither ; there's no sense of shape or dimension.... but you have the permission to be terrible and still enjoy doing it
(like these two)
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turbobyakuren · 8 months
accidentally typed “persona 23” while looking for something on google and got a glimpse of a dire future
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old-knightsvow · 1 year
sometimes i look at my wips or my old notes with fic ideas and im like be serious rn
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jade-curtiss · 1 month
Ok but why do people think they can talk to me in an aggressive tone, but if I return the same energy then it's big no no.
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libertine-past · 3 months
Alternate “Love in Vain.” Cody doesn’t call. That’s it! That’s the fic! 😂
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Rogue clonked her phone back in its cradle. “Don’t you hate it when you tell someone they got the wrong number, and they argue with you? I know I have a lot of characters floatin’ around in here,” she gestured at her head, “but I’m a hundred percent sure I ain’t Linda from the Yonkers Craft Expo.”
Gambit snickered with a look of pure engrossment, shaking his head in delight. “Indeed. Linda sound pretty boring to me.”
“Oh, I bet you think you could liven her up though, honey-tongue— the way you came in all gussied up to go out on the town.”
“We don’ have to go nowhere. You don’t even have to get out of your nightgown or put down your book, ‘less you want. A date can just be you an’ me in the same room.”
God, this man’s standards couldn’t get any endearingly lower. She puffed some fallen white hair out of her face. “Welp. You ever seen Baywatch? It’s kind of a guilty pleasure, like these Harlequin stories. Hnh. What am I sayin’. Of course you have. Men sure appreciate the um.” She rolled her eyes and made curvy gestures. “Casting.”
“Eh. That show irrealiste. Petty t’ieves always blowin’ up oil rigs or something. Nobody that dumb.”
“So your big takeaway from a show fulla bathin’ beauties is the shitty portrayal of crime?” she laughed.
“Oh, I see them beauties. How do you think I do all my trainin’ for look don’t touch?”
“You can always use more of that. Alright then. You, me, and bad TV it is.”
“Ey, what happen to your bedpost?” he asked, finally noticing.
“Trainin’ for knockin’ your dang block off.”
They sat on the rec room futon in the glow of the TV, under a blanket.
“Aw hell, this is one of those filler episodes with like three beach montages,” Rogue said.
“Yeah, I hate watchin’ people just enjoyin’ themselves,” Gambit winked. “You gotta have filler in life, chere. Can’t be all life-or-death drama.”
She looked him over. “The way you dress like Don Johnson on Saturday nights, I feel like we should be watchin’ Miami Vice reruns instead.”
“You love it.” He pulled off his scarf and draped it around her shoulders.
“Didn’t say I didn’t.”
And it happened—the long, hungry look that usually made her run. She didn’t, but she wasn’t above a quick subject change. “God, they use same underwater footage over an’ over.”
“Well, folks can’t hold their breath forever.”
She knew this wasn’t a dig at her, but she retreated into overthinking. “…you’ve been tryin’ for a few years with me, Remy.”
“Chere. Don’t. That’s never what this feel like.” He pulled her hand out from under the blanket and kissed it. “A barrier doesn’t phase me none. It’s you underneath. That’s all that matters. It’s the 90’s. Everyone big on protection, non?”
“Oh yeah, I’m blendin’ right in with today’s generation. …I-I’m sorry. I just can’t seem to stay off this topic, can I?”
The silence wrapped around them as the TV continued its soapy glow on their faces. Gambit didn’t realize that she’d mostly fallen asleep on his shoulder.
“You know why I like this show?” Gambit said. “I can relate, ‘cause Rogue always come to Gambit’s rescue.”
“…..mhm. Cuz iloveyou, caj,” she mumbled.
He exhaled hard. He knew the declaration probably didn’t count, but he clung to it like a life ring.
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lemonycranberries · 4 months
"oh but it's irrealistic for them to find Rogue again" "oh but there's countless dimensions in the universe it's practically impossible they land in the right one" "oh there's no way he'll survive anyway" i don't care I DO NOT CARE. if i don't see gay bounty hunter jonathan groff in front of me again i'm throwing hands
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de4thbycre4tion · 14 days
I feel like the only character we see being depicted as having an ed in the Marauders fandom is Regulus (and sometimes Sirius) because of the way they were raised, but the girls are never struggling with it. Which is completely irrealistic, since girls are very very often the victims of eds (not saying that men are never affected by them, but it's less often).
I have an eating disorder myself, I've had both binge eating disorder and anorexia (currently recovering from the latter) and it just makes so much sense to me for girls to have/have had an ed.
Writing eating disorders can be very complicated, especially if you've never had one, but even if you have, capturing the complete obsession that food becomes through words can be very hard, but I'm still disappointed that I've never read a single fic in which it's even mentionned. I get that it's a sensitive subject, but like... Not even a single hint at it is very disappointing to me
Here's some of my fav hcs:
I've always pictured Lily as having binge eating disorder, I can see so much of me in her, (craving academic validation, overworking herself, feeling like a burden, sibling issues, etc) and to me she binges as a form of comfort, whenever she feels sad or angry or just a little down she binges on anything she can find. She binges until she feels sick and sometimes throw up because her stomach just can't take it. She always feels guilty and always tells herself she'll stop but always comes back to it all throughout her (sadly short) life.
For Mary, I feel like her family has always taught her to love her body and that size doesn't matter but she still fell in the trap of anorexia in her teenage years (another thing I can relate to lol) and she feels so bad for telling people to just accept themselves and eat as much as they need when she herself starves herself and hates her body. She cries over not having a thigh gap and oversexualise herself to get compliments because let's be honest, when you have anorexia you live off of other's perception of you. She feels validated and happy when people tell her she looks worrying.
Marlene, to me, does have a weird relatonship with her body, but she never had an ed. She plays quidditch regularly and has a pretty fast metabolism, so she's naturally skinny compared to Lily or Mary, so weight isn't a problem to her. Her biggest problem is that she has the biggest case of body disphmorphia. If she closes her eyes she couldn't picture herself in her mind even if she tried. She's always wearing oversized clothes and avoiding mirrors because looking at her own body is confusing, if not even scary to her. She doesn't have a clue what she looks like and she hates when people comment on her looks, positively or negatively.
This is getting long so I'll stop here but part 2 about the Black sister is here!
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cerosin-bis · 9 months
gromsko headcanons[please] ? glares at you
GLARING AT ME ?! (cocks gun) Okay some Gromsko headcanons for you. he's very dramatic i like him.
Maybe the world's biggest introvert but everyone thinks he's social. To his greatest dismay.
Never really liked his name, he's embarrassed about it. I think I remember reading someone Polish explaining that Gromsko's real name was comically outdated/extremely rare/stereotypical in a completely irrealistic way 😭
He still occasionally gets nightmares reminiscent of the one he had in his childhood. And generally has very patchy sleep.
Got basic medic training in the army, and ended up liking it so much as to actually specialise in field medicine
Managed to stop smoking when he trained to be a medic because he felt like that would be giving a Bad Example (and turns out every fucking one is smoking around him anyway) (he does not lecture people but he is rolling his eyes.)
Picky and a bit of a snob about energy drinks of all things.
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saint-oleander · 1 year
The English title of “Questo mondo non mi renderà cattivo” misunderstands fundamentally the core theme of the series.
There, I said it.
Now a step back.
Italian comic book author Zerocalcare’s second series after “Strappare lungo i bordi” ( “Tear along the dotted line” ) is now streaming on netflix and, while I can’t swear by the translation for I haven’t seen it in English, you should go watch it.
Both of the series are funny and heartbreaking in equal measure, and exist as tales from Zerocalcare’s life as a jumping point to explore more existential topics.
Now, if you haven’t seen them yet, go and do so for spoilers await you under the cut.
The English title netlix chose for the series is “This world can’t tear me down”.
I get that they wanted to draw a connection to the first series (Tear along the dotted line), but the choice is so fundamentally at odds with the message of the series that I’m going to scream into the void about it.
See, a way more actual translation of the title could be “This world won’t make me cruel”.
You’re going to ask yourself how nitpicky can I possibly be. They are close enough, aren’t they? WRONG. And the problem is optimism.
If you’ve seen the series you’ll know that the setting is this: an old friend of Zero comes back after twenty years in rehab. Zero is forced to try and re-acquaint Cesare to the world despite his (perceived) inadequacy. Meanwhile, a neonazi movement is pushing to get a recently opened refugee center closed, and Zero is shocked when he discovers that Cesare has fallen with that crowd.
Sure of the fact that they preyed on his alienation after his many years in rehab, Zero confronts Cesare, who tells him that since he has it all (especially a job) Zero has no right to tell him how he should behave in his desperate situation.
And Zero does believe him, and becomes doubtful of his right to point out what someone in a worse situation should do.
If the point were about resisting in the face of an evil world then the title would fit. But it’s not.
The point, the actual point, is that in the face of evil we don’t have to become evil too. That no one has a monopoly on what’s right and wrong. That the line we must draw is that even in the face of hardship is that we don’t get to kick down who has it worse than us, just to stand a little bit taller than someone.
That’s why “this world won’t make [us] cruel”. It’s not because we are in a righteous fight, withstanding the elements. It’s because we must have a last shred of dignity and courage, to help who has it worse. It won’t be an easy fight, and perhaps not even a successful one.
To believe that the world won’t tear us down is irrealistic, and far to optimistic.
"The world won’t tear me down” is the story of someone’s lonely and rightful stand.
“The world won’t make me cruel”, instead, reminds us that we don’t live in a vacuum, that we are not alone. And that we can’t be right and be cruel to those who are more vulnerable than us.
Even when everything is out to hurt us, we still have to resist the temptation to be cruel.
Mi hanno spezzato le ossa, hanno brindato, e sono vivo.
Questo mondo non mi renderà cattivo
“Questo mondo non mi renderà cattivo” - Path
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massgrav · 2 years
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I am dressed in the monster's skin Behold the cruellest mockery Erection, fur, and a cloak of shame My beauty is too disgusting ; oh please don't look at me
Many feels about my sad ghoul today
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