#is a piece of shit
puppypeter · 1 year
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love this headline
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bioniclechicken · 9 months
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I was reminded that The Flash existed so I unfortunately drew these to purge my head
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vaspider · 10 months
Not quite a Cassandra truth since people did believe you, so rather you were the Apollo lobbing the ddgeballs of truth. My dash is wild today with the release of the video but I did get to read the post again and it is a good one so that is nice.
I just said to my wife in the living room that I genuinely believe that I did more actual research* and generated more original words just randomly fucking ranting about ONE of his bad fucking videos on a random early Monday morning than he has in his entire fucking YouTube career.
*looking at Wikipedia for 5 seconds because that's all that I needed to do to disprove his bullshit.
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drdubz · 1 year
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when someone says they'll pay you for a shitpost but you literally have no idea how much 5-10 minutes of your time is worth so you do it for free because fucking whatever.
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randomshenaniganery · 2 years
Xenophobia, homophobia, and government fear mongering in the Philippines
My mother was telling me to not go to this specific college because a lot of Muslims started to go to school there for engineering and it is her firm belief that they are all applying for engineering because they’re going to make more bombs.
Me and my aunt told her she was being racist she said not it’s true. I asked her where did she get this from and she replied with “homeland security” which is a fucking AMERICAN TV SHOW I slapped my forehead so hard my aunt looked like she lost all hope. 
we’re not even American we live in the Philippines and she’s being affected by the stupid propaganda and refuses to listen to reason because she’s catholic and therefore anyone with literally any religion besides her must be either stupid and ignorant or very evil.
I tried to explain to her that terrorists and Muslims were not the same thing and she just won’t fucking listen. 
This is the same shit as her telling me not to go to a different college because they force people to go naked and wear paper bags on their heads during freedom day or else they’ll get failed by their professors. Turns out that this was the result of propaganda against activism and since that specific college encourages students to exercise their right to have rallies they are a lot of dipshits spreading lies or contorting things to make it look wrong.
By the way the school is the University of the Philippines in Cebu if you hear wacky rumors about this place regarding the naked people with paper bags and very anti-activism remarks don’t fall for it, they’re most likely lies and made specifically for people to not go there because they don’t want people to disagree with them on political agendas.
Very recently during my ROTC for our National Service Training Program. The ROTC director said that she was against activism because of the New People’s Army. Now firstly the new people’s army are not activists they are terrorists those are two different things.
But because she used activism instead of terrorism she’s immediately attaching a bad rep to it and since this is a government funded college that has free tuition a lot of the students are not that well versed in English to know what activism actually means. And because they don’t know what activism means they’ll just immediately attach activism to a group of terrorists who have killed people and they’ll think that being an activist is a bad thing. 
This is how they do it, in college they indoctrinate you with misinformation and heavily biased views without showing the whole picture so that you get tunnel vision and you do exactly as they say. 
They do not want leaders that want people who will do what they want and think they way they want them to. 
I do not have the ability as of the moment to do a very in depth explanation of everything since they do not talk about this to me. I am surrounded by die hard catholics, my family is very involved in the church, they are not the kind of people i’d want to tell who i voted for because when i did my aunt immediately made fun of it.
A lot of my family has very unfortunately voted for Marcos I loathe my aunt for that and also my uncle. He voted for Marcos because he didn’t want Leni to make gay rights and abortion legal. My aunt is a fucking piece of shit of course she would vote for Marcos she had no problem beating me in school in her office its not a far cry for her to vote the son of a dictator who’s showering is thieving mother with presents as if she fucking deserves it. My grandfather had voted for duterte because he’s sexist, an idiot who claims not to be an idiot, and duterte’s marketing was very heavy to people like him.
Once while we were in a mall we passed by a stall where a muslim woman was selling clothes. My grandmother said “that’s what she gets for being Muslim” and it shocked me so hard and it was just so baffling because my grandmother also owned a small store that sold miscellaneous items. I didn’t say anything because I did not expect that from my grandmother, my mom? sure she’s stupid like yeah you can solve algebra and you’re quick at maths but you lack the ability to comprehend that just because there are bad people in a religion doesn’t mean EVERYONE with that religion is bad. 
A lot of why people especially those that come from the provinces are like this is because they don’t have a lot of access to unbiased news or an outside view of our country. I used to be like them until the moment I was allowed more freedom to the internet and I could see just how bad everything actually is now that no one is holding my hand and closing my eyes.
People are straight up denying what happened during the Martial Law because of how Marcos has started to represent himself online. The Martial Law wasn’t that long ago so many people are still fucking alive from that time and just a few years ago before Duterte and the entirety of his fuckery came we all knew that the martial law was a bad time and it hurt and killed so many Filipinos. 
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By the heavens do not let people forget the past and ruin our future. Stop voting people who come from political families and control the country to benefit them. 
13 million idiots voted for Marcos and I’m not going to forgive or forget this. 
Also for Duterte and all of his stupid wars 
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There’s more by the way. This shit doesn’t end. 
Regarding the abortion rights and reproductive health. Its no surprise that the Philippines is a backwards country. They really hammer down the why would you kill a baby it’s a gift from god thing really hard. 
They prefer abstinence over actually teaching the students how to not get pregnant, how to not get STDS and how their body works. Just because it’s called sex education doesn’t mean the teacher is going to only talk about how to do sex and why you should do it.
Just because abortion would be turned legal doesn’t mean EVERYONE is going to abort the baby. There is a stupid amount of teenage pregnancy because you refuse to teach them how to have sex safely and because you have no problem with ruining the lives of everyone concerned with the young teenager but you have a big problem with getting rid of a pack of cells. 
I’ve heard so many stories of how many women have had their lives ruined because they were forced to raise a child that young. There is a very tiny generational gap between the mothers and their children. They do not have the emotional maturity to be in charge of a baby of raising an entire person. A lot of them will lose their identity, their dreams and their opportunities because you’re so far up your ass you can’t even consider their choice on the matter. Never force someone to carry a baby because pregnancy is not all fun times and rainbows and neither are babies. 
I love kids but i understand how stressful it is to live with barely any sleep because of the crying, the feeding, and the cleaning. This doesn’t happen to rich people this always is a problem with those without the money to support themselves. 
The same thing with gay people we did not have homophobia before the Spaniards came in. In fact in the Filipino language there is no he/she/him/her there is literally only they/them/you the only time you find out someone’s gender is when it’s explicitly said so. According to a spaniard’s diary documenting their interactions with the Filipinos of that time there was a person who didn’t like women, dressed in woman’s clothes and did women’s tasks but lived alone and explicitly avoided physical contact and the guy was just like ‘HUH I wonder why that man was so weird.’ (this is from a translated book that we do not own I only get to see pictures of it from someone I see in twitter the only public copy near me is one in Sydney Australia).
They use the sodom and gammorah bit of the bible so hard hell it worked on me until I started to realize that this was all horseshit and I’m an asshole. 
One time I had to listen to a priest say that “oh loving a man is fine biologically but Spiritually that’s wrong don’t be gay because its not right god doesn’t want you to be gay” this is the same priest who says “There are so many condominiums are around why are there still homeless people?” and also every time in every fucking homily he mentions how “wives should never leave their husband no matter how hard they beat you because God put you in that marriage”
I hate that priest with all my fucking body his name is Father Ciano Ubod he has a Youtube channel most of the people who watch him are all women and the fact that he’s telling women to not leave their abusive husbands instead of saying HEY maybe you shouldn’t beat your spouse? Because you know hurting people is WRONG he tells them to suck it up and love them. 
You may be a priest but your views drag you to hell.
Now this priest isn’t all bad because the only thing I agree with him is that you shouldn’t beat your children but also its ironic hurting kids is wrong but leaving your husband who’s hurting you is also wrong. Fuck you father ciano I hope you choke on a sausage and realize god doesn’t give a shit about you.
In Summary: people raise children to have tunnel vision and use fear tactics to control how they see anyone who opposes their agenda, the church is a carcass that attracts flies and maggots to powerful positions and affect the daily lives of everyone who has the misfortune of listening to them, Marcos is someone who pretends like his father and mother didn’t steal Billions of money from the Philippine government while abusing the country and then escaping, anyone who voted for him are ignorant and mislead or are pieces of shit on fire.
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bluebugjay · 2 years
rewatching season 1 and thinking about these two scenes as parallels is so upsetting
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Joyce reaching out, putting both hands on the wall where she can see her son on the other side begging for help and being able to do nothing about it and El doing the same, both hands on the glass of the tank, desperate for someone to save her, say that that's enough and pull her out but no one does. The man she sees as her only form of parental figure or even family is the one that put her there in the first place and he is not coming to help her, he's watching from the side lines as she panics and screams for help and chooses to do nothing.
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That's why these scenes mean so much!! El finally having people there who care about her. She's in the same situation, sensory deprivation tank (or swimming pool), trying to find someone but this time she knows why and she's being supported. She has a choice and she knows this, she's told this. She's shown care and appreciation for her powers and selflessness in helping them find Will and Barb, she's not just a tool or weapon here, she's a kid. She's not being used, she's helping on her own accord.
She just deserves her family so much, Hop and the Byers and the rest of the party, people who support and love her for who she is, not what she can do.
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lib-and-learn · 2 years
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And this is a representative of the fucking United States. Shameful.
At least Boebert didn't join her this time. You think almost losing her Colorado district taught her something?
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aureliagone · 2 years
I am not even a little surprised
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brandysamantha · 2 years
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hoofpeet · 3 months
14 year old artists listen to me right now (gripping you by the shoulders) STOP caring about your "internet presence" right naow. Draw slower and stop trying to boil your art down to an acceptable marketable brand
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fernsnailz · 5 months
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strong contender for my new favorite tee k.o. shirt
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koroart · 5 months
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I put way too much effort into this ( based on this meme, it wouldn’t leave me alone until it was drawn — I am freee )
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artkaninchenbau · 6 months
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A h-heartfelt reunion..?
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cyber-corp · 5 months
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mortemappetens · 4 months
That fucking Ui Ui.
If he can soul swap, why didn’t he swap Sukuna out of Yuuji and into an ant or a fruitfly or something and then get the Raid out?!
Then only half of this shit would’ve happened.
I’m two chapters away from rage-quitting JJK and living a fantasy where Gege ended the series once the Goodwill Event ended.
Believe me, I’ve quit other manga for less. I still haven’t recovered from Gugu’s death in To Your Eternity, and I haven’t revisited Jagaaaaaan after Motomu Robahata became a fractured human.
Gege when I catch you Gege
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chewchuck · 5 months
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dungeon meshi // abbey - mitski
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