#is just so reg to james
daysofnights · 10 months
james potter drools in his sleep
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drowninkystar · 2 months
Regulus Black is a grumpy cat who is only soft for James, who gives him treats (dick)
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ecstarry · 3 months
i love thinking about regulus’ firsts with james but not like sexual stuff only i meaaan first time he was sick and James was there to take care of him and first time he had a shit day and came back to his favorite meal made or first time james goes grocery shopping alone and comes back with the exact flavor and brand of yoghurt that reg wants because he ran out of it and James just notices that kind of stuff and their first month together and james getting him flowers because its their first month and aaah just them going through life together
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where-is-vivian · 1 year
James, running late to class: Sorry, professor, I'm late. My alarm clock didn't go off.
Everyone in the classroom staring at him:
Professor Flitwick: Nice of you to join us, Mr. Potter.
James, walking to his seat next to Sirius:
Sirius, staring holes at the back of James' head:
Professor Flitwick, turning around to resume his lesson, but just before he adds: I'd advise you you don't mistake your uniform with someone else's next time you're running late.
James, clueless: What? *then, whispering to Sirius* What?
Sirius, shooting daggers at him: Prongs. Who's Slytherin tie is this?
James, blinking, and slowly looking down at the green tie he's wearing, before looking up sheepishly: Haha, you're not going to belive this—
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mothlau · 1 year
brain filled with jegulus uni au where james walks into the wrong lecture, all tired and sleep deprived, with baby harry on his chest. cue regulus falling in love with the hot dilf that doesn't belong in his post modernism class and who he knows for a fact is sirius' best friend
first chapter is officially out :) 
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courfee · 9 months
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Regulus finds a label maker. That’s useful.
Reg with a label maker from early morning, coffee cups by @alarainai stuck with me for some reason...
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ultravioletbrit · 3 days
“spin” - Jegulus microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - 410 words
CW: drinking / smoking
“Ok! We’re playing fuck, marry, kill!” Barty announces, overly excited.
The party has been over for a while, but there’s still a group of them lingering in the common room playing random drinking games and they’re all fairly drunk by this point.
“Alright…” Barty thinks, looking around the circle “Reg! Fuck, marry, kill–”
“James.” Regulus answers instantly without letting Barty finish.
“Ugh. Reggie, you have to wait for the… wait what?!” Sirius starts then cuts himself off when he registers what Regulus said.
“You want to fuck James?!” Sirius asks looking shocked and appalled.
“You want to marry me?” James swoons with hearts in his eyes.
“I think you’re both focusing on the wrong thing here.” Peter tries to interject.
“I think we should have played spin the bottle instead.” Marlene grumbles under her breath from the other side of the circle.
“The bottle’s pointing at James!” Regulus yells as he starts crawling across the circle to James.
“No one even spun the bottle, Reg.” Dorcas tries to grab Regulus but he’s too far away, so she just falls back to where she was laying in Marlene’s lap.
“I don’t think Reg knows how to play any of these games.” Remus says as he passes a joint to Peter so he can try to grab Sirius who just got out of the chair the two of them are sharing.
“Stop that right now! What is happening!?” Sirius trips on his way to try and pull Regulus off James to stop what has turned into a rather intense make out session.
“Is no one concerned that Reg wants to kill James?” Peter asks seriously as he lets out a puff of smoke.
“He doesn’t actually want to kill James, you high idiot.” Mary rolls her eyes and smacks Peter on the back of the head as she steals the joint.
“I wouldn’t be so sure, Reg has some weird kinks.” Evan says as he’s reaching for the half empty bottle in the middle of the circle that was never spun, but is pointing at James.
“I think everyone’s really drunk and we should all go to bed.” Lily announces from her spot on the floor, dropping her head on the couch behind her.
“I think you’re really pretty.” Pandora looks at Lily from where she is laying upside down on the couch with her legs hanging over the back, her head laying right beside Lily’s.
Regulus and James continue to make out, completely oblivious to everything else around them.
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howtotrainyourrei · 8 months
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JAMES AND REGULUS!!!!! i love these guys they are my ittle babies
this is a scene from a fic I'm working on, I'm very very excited about it
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kairospy · 1 year
Woke up to the thought of Regulus beating the ever loving daylights out of someone and letting James clean his knuckles
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calamitoustide · 3 months
okay so Harry is Lily’s kid and James is his uncle and one day Lily’s in a bind and needs him to pick Harry up from daycare so of course he does it and he goes in and finds this… really hot dad. And his daughter is talking to Harry so James takes the chance to go talk to him. He learns his name is Regulus and is so obsessed with it as James always is and Reg points at Harry and asks if he’s his son. James being the idiot that he is says yes (he’s struggling). Also they look pretty much identical cause he was the sperm donor so it makes sense that Reg asks. James has been asked it before... but Reg is hot and he short circuited. They leave and agree that they should rearrange a play date… you know for the kids.
James has to keep asking Lily to borrow Harry to take him to these places and it’s this huge mess.
And Reg has to keep coming up with reasons to Pandora and Xeno why he always wants to take their daughter out places.
chaos ensues.
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bloodbruise · 5 months
just. james cursing out anyone who is afraid of his and reg's pit bull at the dog park. voice loud enough for the other pet owners to hear, he's going on and on about how, "just because she's a pit doesn't mean she's aggressive. the only ones who are, end up that way because of pendejos who mistreat them."
regulus is stood by his side, patting his arm, trying to hold back a giggle (because this happens every other time). his voice is gentle, "i know, james," trying to be calming, "but what can we do? sometimes its better to—"
but james is not listening, still barreling on, "i mean, dios mío, look at her love, how could anyone ever see her sweet face and think our girl is mean?"
and the dog is sitting there, just smiling dopily up at them (undoubtedly because james has the ball in his hand and is waving it throughout the air like a loon). and honestly, regulus cant help but sport the same love-dumb smile. because as ridiculous as james is, his heart is so, so big. overflowing with love and fierce protectiveness over his family, their family.
it makes warmth flood through regulus' chest, there's affection soft in his eyes and he's nodding, "yeah, yeah, you're right." he grabs the ball with one hand and drops the other around james' waist, and giving him a quick kiss and a smile. "c'mon, she'll have more fun with the two of us anyways."
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florsial · 5 months
Regulus cries more often than not. It's something he's picked up on during the war. When he felt like there wasn't a light at the end of the tunnel, when he felt as if he couldn't differentiate between the nightmares to reality. He doesn't sleep because of it, he just spends his nights crying. Walburga told him he sounded like a wailing baby. She doesn't look at him.
But James notices he cries more after the cave. Mornings, afternoons, nights. He can hear it from his room. When he eats breakfast. When he slips under the blankets. During meetings. It rings in his ears. In Sirius' too, he can tell.
They don't do anything about it in the beginning. James didn't want to be overbearing, so he just let Regulus be, let him cry it all out. But it seemed as if there wasn't a bottom in the endless pit. Regulus just kept crying. Crying. And when he isn't, he just stares off. It isn't much better than the wailing.
One day, it gets too much. When he hears Regulus crying, he walks into the younger's room and starts to cry as well when he sees Regulus doing nothing but just sitting at the end of his bed. His face was in his hands and crying, wailing, again and again.
"I'm sorry, I-I'm sorry..." James says repeatedly. He doesn't know how, but he finds himself kneeling in front of Regulus, his face buried in the younger's knees. They are both crying. He's apologizing and Regulus is wailing without words.
It's almost comforting. The two of them acting like a complete mess together. Sobbing in each other presence. Holding onto each other for dear life because they don't know when it will slip from their grasp during the war. It's so comforting that James doesn't realize when they've stopped crying until his weak and broken repeating of, "I'm sorry" is finally stopped by Regulus carding his fingers into his curly and whispering, "I'm sorry too."
They both feel lighter after that.
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marlsswrites · 2 months
Summer camp AU, part 31!!
July 31st, final part <3
Age - @jegulus-microfic - words: 1079
First part Previous part
Protective arms hung over his shoulders, moving his fingers softly and adjusting his arms onto the guitar in his hands into the perfect position. This had been his morning, the golden sun shone in lines through the blinds, every other second catching his eye and all he could see was sunlight for a few moments.
A breath so close to his neck flushed him from his shoulders to the tips of his once pale skinned ears.
"One, two, three." His favourite voice whispered. "There you go." As beautiful music flowed from the instrument. 
"Why did you bring a guitar?" Regulus snorted after a few seconds, looking up at James through adoring eyes and new found fantasies. 
"I left it in my car, thought I may as well bring it in." He shrugged, hands still around the younger man - who just hummed in response and continued to brush his fingers against the rough guitar strings. Normally he wouldn't persist this long, but when James had his arms around Regulus like that, he'd stay here forever and do anything James asked of him.
Shortly after, the arms unwound themselves and he instantly felt full of empty and cold. He let out a whine of annoyance, twisting his head up and glaring at James. "What?" James laughed. "You've got the hang of it now."
"No I haven't." He lied, attempting to play a horrible chord on the guitar. "I need more help."
An eyebrow raise. "Do you?"
He only nodded, placing the guitar down on the floor and folding his arms stubbornly as he watched the smile become harder to fight away from James' stunning face. 
He finally broke, tackling Regulus into a hug and knocking them both onto the bed behind them, laughs and giggled breaking out between the two as Regulus smiled more than he feels he ever has in his life. 
Kisses tattooed his neck, hands massaged his hip bones and lips smiled into his own. Eyes opened in front of his, hazel meeting grey in the light of the sun. Yet one could see the green decorating the brown, and the other counted every speck of blue in those grey eyes - every single detail.
A splash in the water snapped Regulus from his daze, James was grinning, hair wet and stuck to his forehead yet still looking perfect. Lips twisted around soft words as he beckoned Regulus to come and join him with grabby hands and an utterly adorable pout.
"You can hold onto me?" James smiled as he approached Regulus, who sat on the pier with crossed legs and a book in his hands, finally letting go and smiling the smile he'd been hiding behind built up walls since he met James. Those walls fell, crumbled, disappeared as he got closer to the brunette.
He sighed. "Okay." He spoke through his smile as wet James' hands slipped onto his waist and pulled him into the water, swirling him around and kissing his shoulder while Regulus laughed and wrapped his legs around his love.
Quickly, James plunged under the water, keeping a hold on Regulus' cold arms as he did so. The man tugged ever so slightly, encouraging Regulus to join him. As he sank lower into the water, he felt the ice liquid prick at every bit of skin on his body like needles, but that soon went away when he opened his eyes and felt a hand on his cheek.
Air bubbles shaped like pearls fell from both of their smiling, swollen, kissed lips as James laughed out a chuckle that was silenced by the water surrounding them almost like it was protecting the two men.
Pulling on the gold chain around James' marked neck, he kissed James like he was the only oxygen left in this world, the only healer for the pain that he once had, the only warmth in this cold arctic or the only light in a dark room that was Regulus Black. 
"Can we stay like this forever?"
"In this moment?" Regulus questioned.
James nodded, resting his head on Regulus' shoulder. Both gazed out at the sunset, at the way it reflected onto the water and bounced back into their wanting eyes. Regulus' eyes would flick between the actual sun, and his sun - he much preferred the second one. Because his sun had one thing the real one didn't have, a heart so loving it threatened to break Regulus in two.
"Yeah." He nodded. "Let's stay like this forever." Combing his hand through messy hair, he pressed a soft kiss into the brunette's waves and finally took a moment to look around at where they were.
This is the part of the pier where Regulus sat on his first day at camp, sulking and cursing at the sky, because why must this decide his fate? He didn't want it - he didn't think he wanted it anyway - turns out that there was always a part of him that loved James Potter, he was just too blind to see it.
But now, touching, feeling and loving the boy with the golden frames seemed to knock him off his feet in a way not even Shakespeare could explain. His view on everything, everyone, himself and James included, changed so much - certainly for the better.
He watched his sunlight breathe, he felt his heartbeat under his hands, his heat radiating like a replica of the sun on Regulus' bare shoulder. He would indeed take the sun in his hands, not caring if it burnt him, because the feeling in the moment was so amazing he doesn't think he's ever planning on letting go.
"I love you." He whispered into the breeze that blew on both of the boys.
"I love you more." The brunette lifted his head to look at Regulus, smiling a soft smile at the boys fond face. A pair of lips pressed into his, adoring, caring, careful, loving, healing lips.
He ran his tongue along James' bottom lip, stroking the older mans neck as he pressed their foreheads together with a tilt to his forever loved and joyed lips. "Not possible."
And this was it, he would forever keep this man. He never thought he needed much sunlight to survive, but James proved him entirely wrong. Now that he knows what it feels like to finally have someone as wonderful as James Potter warm his once slow beating heart, he would be ever so stupid to let that man go, not even after they're both aged and gone.
After all, James is his sunlight, and Regulus is his star.
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ecstarry · 4 months
@jegulus-microfic / more / 272 words / @fromagony @star4daisy
Sirius had been standing for five minutes outside his own dorm trying to figure out if opening the door would be something he would regret for the rest of his life. He could hear James and Regulus talking, he could even understand what they were saying.
“James, I want more,” his brother insisted with a pouting voice.
“Regulus, you’re getting greedy,” James said and Sirius could hear his best friend smirking. 
“I will let you know when it’s enough, Jamie.” 
“Last time you couldn’t even move after you finished.” Sirius felt sick.
“I don’t care about that. I want more now.”
Sirius couldn’t take it anymore and opened the door at once.
“Stop!” Sirius demanded loudly with one hand covering his eyes. 
“Pads, what are you doing?” James said, laughing at him. 
Slowly, Sirius opened his eyes and saw through his finger. 
Regulus and James were sitting on the floor over a blanket, each with a plate full of pasta in front of them. James was holding a cheese grater over Regulus’ dish. 
“Everything okay, brother?” 
“I thought- What were you guys talking about?” Sirius asked, still trying to ground himself. 
“My boyfriend over here conveniently forgets he’s lactose intolerant when it comes to parmesan cheese.”
“Oh! That’s why he couldn’t move after he finished…” Sirius muttered to himself. However, not quietly enough to keep Regulus from hearing him and burst out in laughter. 
“You’re a perv! Now leave, because I do have plans to do exactly what you were thinking about.” Regulus stood up and pushed him out the door. 
Sirius did not wait to listen to them this time.
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t1oui · 3 months
thinking about james teaching regulus how to swim after the cave
reg is terrified and won't top clinging to him and james doesn't mind, he's perfectly patient, taking regulus out to swim in the river by effie and monty's every single day that the water's warm enough and then to the local muggle pool to teach him
eventually regulus gets to be a pretty strong swimmer and actually enjoys swimming, but sometimes he still panics and james ends up pulling reg around with him again
sometimes regulus just holds onto james and james will be jumping around and swimming fast just to make reg laugh
and then after they dry off james wraps him in a fluffy blanket and tells him how well he did (even if he got water in his nose and ended up panicking and almost drowning james)
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soup-of-the-daisies · 4 months
i know this has been talked about to death already, but the way such a large part of the fandom characterises the marauders feels so mean spirited like- what do you mean they can barely tolerate each other? what do mean remus is always annoyed and exasperated what do you mean peter’s not part of the group what do you mean james is all sunshine and no substance what do you mean sirius’ existence warrants an apology in and of itself?
legit it’s just. idc if your incorrect quotes are just jokes, they make it look like the marauders are barely acquaintances who don’t even genuinely get along most of the time. if these supposed ‘best friends’ of whom half are supposedly soulmates don’t even seem to they like each other, why do you still claim they’re an iconic friend group??
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