#is that a large portion of people in the world are not tuned in to mental health discussion
otamotone-dnp · 6 months
I checked you will get through this night out from the library and I’m really proud of dan. yeah I’m just now getting around to reading it aksksk but as someone who works in mental health, it’s got some really good stuff in it so far
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Chapter 1: Obey the Groove
Virtue, manager of new band Bardic Inspiration, takes everyone out to relax after days of trying to find a new guitarist. Hijinks ensue, and something begins that nobody could have predicted.
When it comes down to it, Virtue thinks that Absinthe is a romantic. A fool-hearty, ridiculous, stupid romantic, but a romantic nonetheless. She’ll rant and rave up and down the halls that no she’s not and I don’t even like romance, but Virtue knows better. 
Every gesture, every gift, every heart-felt word is a sign and a treasure. The idea of a fantastical journey, even one grounded in the real world, is overly appealing to Absinthe’s soft heart, even if that journey belongs to someone else. To put it simply, every moment of Absinthe’s life is tinged gold and pink with meaning, adventure, and desire. How is that not a romantic’s view of the world?
Tonight, however, takes that to a completely new level. Whereas normally Absinthe will find cosmic meaning in what song she hears first, and that’s the extent to their fantasy, the person playing guitar in front of her has taken the toned down rose tinted glasses and shot it full of trenbolone.
It was supposed to be a relaxing night, too, which is why Virtue is so fucking annoyed at the singer. Bardic Inspiration finally got a big break, opening for a tour in a few weeks. So of course Michael decided now would be the best time to go further his game developer career, leaving the band short of a guitarist. Today was the last day of try-outs, and after a night of going out and taking it easy they would decide who would be the newest member of their little entourage.
At least, that was the plan.
Alas, the glue of the group, the poetic Absinthe Malone, chose a bar with local musicians. Secretly, Virtue was hoping that this wasn’t because Absinthe didn’t feel like anyone who tried out over the last few days was “it”. Hoping is useless when you know better. 
“Virtue, I think it’s him.” Absinthe whispers in Virtue’s ear. “I’d need to sing with him, y’know, but I’m almost positive it’s him.”
Virtue groans and rubs their hand over their face. “We just spent four days doing tryouts for 54 different people. How do you know none of them will work out?”
“You know why.” She prods them with her elbow, and Virtue almost hates that they know exactly what she means. “Besides, if this works out, and the band likes him, makes your job easier, right?”
“I don’t think you know what my job is, Sin.”
Too late, she’s already gone up to him as he finishes his song. He’s talented, Virtue will easily give him that. Almost as good as Michael was, at least on the guitar. He has Michael beat on vocal talent, no matter how easy it is to do that. 
Objectively, he’d be a good fit musically. The covers he’s been playing are in line with even Gemini’s stranger tastes, he’s clearly competent enough to learn Michael’s parts, and he can actually hold a tune.
But the biggest problem is the one that Virtue’s been having with almost everyone who tried out. One of the three band members doesn’t like them with a passion. With Gemini it’s more understandable, she’s aggressive and touchy towards almost everything in life. She’s loud and brash and gets on peoples nerves if they’re not prepared. 
In fact, that last fact was so common that a large portion of people who tried out would almost get into fights with the drummer. Granted, some of them were her fault, but nobody in the band wanted someone who Gemini could rile up so often. That fact made Virtue incredibly angry some days.
If they managed to get past Gemini, Airael was the next large obstacle. Virtue doesn’t even know why he dislikes the people he dislikes, but the fact is always loudly announced. If any person simpered or whined when told that they were an “inherently unlikeable musician” (ooh boy Virtue wanted to strangle Airael for that one), the bassist would point blank refuse to have them considered.
And most unfortunately for Virtue, it was Absinthe who took the cake in terms of most tryouts disliked. If they played fine, then Absinthe would sing with them, and then make a disgusted face and sit back down. If they didn’t play fine, she’d tell them to leave while glowering at the paper in front of her.
So overall, Virtue wishes that Bardic Inspiration was filled with anyone else right now, and wishes that everyone stop looking for the magical perfect guitarist to show up and just get on with it. Hopefully (against Virtue’s best interests), this random guy playing the guitar on a Thursday night will finally put this saga to rest.
“What’s Sin doing?”
Virtue jumps as Airael appears next to them. Considering how tall he is, it should be impossible, and yet he always finds a way to sneak around.
They sigh. “She thinks that this guy is the one.”
Airael hums in thought, and looks him up and down. “Well, he sounds good, and doesn’t look like a douchebag, so I wouldn’t mind.”
“Do you think Gems could get to him?”
Another pause as Airael looks at Guitar Guy again. “If she does, I don’t think it’d be too awful. Too early to tell, though, you know that.”
The pair watch as Absinthe moves the microphone and gets ready next to Guitar Guy. She’s almost vibrating with excitement, but Guitar Guy is chewing on his lip and shifting his feet. Whether out of nervousness or anticipation, Virtue can’t tell.
“Ooo! Is Sin gonna sing a song tonight?!” Gemini makes her way to the duo and stands in between them with a large grin. “Is he gonna be the one?”
“We don’t know, Gems.” Virtue almost sighs, the exasperation almost drowning them. Why is it that everyone they work with is so exhausting? “If, against all odds, Absinthe likes him, and Airael likes him, and you don’t kill him, then I’ll talk to him. But who knows if that’s ever going to happen.”
Gemini’s grin only grows sharper. “Cross my heart hope to die, I won’t cause any major problems.”
“That doesn’t help with anything.”
“C’mon, Virtue. She’s so cute she’d never hurt a fly.” Airael bends over towards Gemini and gives her a peck. “Look at her.”
Virtue groans. “Flies are not who I’m worried about and you know it.”
“Look at her!”
“Ahem.” The group turns to look at Absinthe standing at the front of the small stage with a big smile. Even a year later, Virtue can’t believe how perfect she looks with a microphone in her hand. “I thought you all should get a little bit extra on this beautiful night! So a little change in vocals for this song!”
She looks back at Guitar Guy and mouths a countdown. He starts to play the beginning of Absinthe’s little brother’s favorite song, and Virtue decides to watch him play instead of watching the crowd like they normally do. 
Absinthe starts to sing, and the familiar wave of unending care, love, and excitement rolls through Virtue. The dirty secret of Bardic Inspiration’s success, their singer’s ability to push their emotions out into the world using music, literally. A secret held only by her three bandmates, and one ex-bandmate. 
Virtue watches as Guitar Guy relaxes, and then tenses his shoulders. He takes a deep breath while playing, closes his eyes for a moment, and his body relaxes again. When he opens his eyes, they follow the crowd, and slowly find Virtue’s gaze. To his credit, he doesn’t flinch. He’s probably played here a few times, if a stranger’s stare isn’t startling.
Their shared gazes hold for a few seconds more, and he goes back to scanning the people who are likely looking at the stage with a new reverence. Virtue can understand their reaction. It’s similar to their first time hearing Absinthe sing. The pure force and genuinity of the emotions sent out feels like touching divinity in so many ways. 
The more that Virtue studies Guitar Guy, the more they see how subtle his reaction to the Power is. His face didn’t change, other than the initial tensing it’s not apparent what happened, but he’s truly relaxed now. The tensing in his legs is gone, he isn’t sitting perfectly straight in the chair anymore, and he’s actually looking at the crowd.
The singing stops, and there’s a taunt silence as everyone realizes that the music isn’t playing. They clap, Absinthe does a dramatic bow, returns the microphone to its stand in front of Guitar Guy, and she skips over to everyone. 
“I think he’s the one, guys.” She grins. Airael holds out the drink she’d been sipping at earlier, and she shakes her head. “I’m already on cloud nine. That was better than any time I sang with Michael.”
Virtue starts to corral them over to a table to talk as Absinthe gushes over the feeling of being on stage with Guitar Guy. She can barely sit still, and Virtue orders some food for the table.
Airael puts a hand on Absinthe’s shoulder, and she stills. “Sin, we need to talk to him first.”
She turns bright red and leans over so her candy green hair hides her eyes. “Sorry, sorry, yeah, of course. We do this together. I know that.”
Gemini cackles and ruffles Absinthe’s hair so it starts to stand up. “We know, Sin, you’re just excited.”
Absinthe whines into her hands and puts her head on the table. “Leave me alone to die of embarrassment.”
Virtue hums as the food arrives. “So I shouldn’t bring up you essentially bullied a random stranger into letting you sing one song for their set.”
There’s a muffled scream, and Virtue knows that she’d be banging her head into the table if they weren’t in public. Everyone laughs, and Airael pats her back sympathetically.
“Can someone kill me please?” Absinthe begs, and everyone laughs again. Virtue turns to watch the rest of Guitar Guy’s set absentmindedly.
“Also, what’s his name? You never told us.” They ask, and get another muffled scream in response.
Next chapter
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psychicpuppyarcade · 1 month
A loved past
a little durgetash thing I wrote. I haven't played BG3 in awhile but I missed them so I hope this is nice.
Word count- 1053
Summary: waiting in an alley with her companions Phemine begins to recall a night long ago.
The sun is far above them high and ruling when it all comes crashing back to her. They're waiting in one of the many alleys that Baldur’s Gate has to offer. In the larger scheme of things, it means nothing. 
Two buildings filled with unimportant things right behind a large and lavish home, owned by whoever, she did not care to learn. They would learn soon enough anyway, she is reminded of this by the white-haired vampire's soft cursing while he fiddles with a back door lock. 
Daytime now sure but, well, she trails off as she thinks it. Confused and zoning out on the walls she wonders why in the world she knows this place. Why she knows what it looks like in the night. It is not a memory from now as her mind recalls smooth stone where cracks now lay, posters where all are torn and unfamiliar. 
Theres a song stuck in her head low and nagging and nothing she has ever heard before. A memory of a memory.
It is here when the sun is far up, the cracks are deep and the posters are ripped and unknown that she begins to finally remember something. No longer a memory of a memory as she feels it in her bones as it calls back to her- her memory. 
Warm hands meet her now ungloved ones, covers discarded onto the rocky ground. He is always so gentle when he holds any part of her even if only her hand. It is a type of gentle she weeps over not understanding how to give him the same. He says that she does but when her nails almost instinctivly dig into the skin so carefully placed within her own she is reminded of what she is and is not. 
“You're thinking too hard”
He says it low like a secret for them and takes her other hand, beginning a slow dance. The large house that sits before the alley is home to an event with music loud enough to pour into the quieter pockets around it. They cannot feel it the way the people inside can but the way Enver moves in tune with her may make her believe they know the rhythm better anyway.
“We have traded places tonight it seems”
The dance within itself is a slow thing and in her movements, she tries to convey an apology, a sorrow of sorts. I don't want to hurt you, but I do. I want to rip you open and crawl inside of you, is that not terrifying? Why do you not cower? Phemine was not made to open like a corpse at the hands of a man. She was meant to be the opener, the mutilator. The bloody offspring made to be unloved by any being with a sense about them. The love in his eyes went against any god she could have believed in by the start of this night. 
“Share your mind with me”
His own moves go against her own and yet they still dance like the courtly and highly appraised people they were so far from. His moves said the words he would say out loud while her own were a secret, but one she was willing to share in a portion. He would know the rest, he always did.
“You are so… kind with me.” you touch me as if I am the finest silk you fear to ruin, you touch me even when I am covered in blood like I am the white bird they say is pure. You know it, you know I'm not pure I am its antithesis in all entirety and you still touch me like I am the bare bones of the fragile sick animals you fed on the streets when we were kids.
“I am sad to not be the same to you”
“You are, just in your own way”
“Is it not painful? Exhausting? Disappointing?”
“It is painful to cut myself on the metal I work with, exhausting to stay up writing letters to nobles I hate, and disappointing that we cannot just take the world together at the drop of a hat. But being with you relieves these aches, it does not make them.”
She makes a noise of disagreement and turns her face from his but the smile that graces her features forces its way through her facade.
“That was disgusting”
They both laugh and it's the first sound other than the music that Phemine is sure travels through the space. Honeyed and just as rhythmic to her.
“You asked”
Silence falls over as they shift attention back to their dance. Her apology turns into her in a truer form. Her movements are rigid in some ways and the way she moves leaves the smallest white scratch lines over the palm of his hand. She does not see it in his face or hear it in his words but the way his body responds to her own is an answer. He is utterly infatuated with her in the form given by the brutal father that she came from. A monster in purest and he would rather let the beast sink its claws in his skin than see her wane in worry for his safety. He is safe with her. She could kill him and he would never fear it, fear her. For dying by her hand is the gentlest way he could go. 
“I got it!”
The sun is beaming down into the old alley and she is forced to stand and believe the love she has found in these people could be equal to the storybook love she finds pieced in her memories. Phemine shakes her head and sighs, kicking herself off the wall.
“It's about time”
“Well, why don't you try to pick the lock next time?”
She just rolls her eyes and follows the rest of the group into the room. The recollection is already beginning to fade, burnt at the edges by a time so long ago now. Enver had told her himself who she was, the past they shared. It came with cautious disbelief because any man could spin a story. 
But not just any man could look at her the way Enver could.
She would give anything to forget again.
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freehawaii · 4 months
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Hawaiʻi’s Lands… Hawaiʻi’s monarchs understood international law. Which is why Kamehameha III saw that the way to protect his Kingdom’s sovereignty was to be recognized as a sovereign country. This was accomplished in 1843 when two of the most powerful colonizer nations in the world, Great Britain and France recognized the Hawaiian Kingdom as a sovereign state. Even with that in place, just in case… King Kamehameha III wanted to further safeguard the lands of the Kingdom from foreign take-over. As the Monarch, he was not only the ruler, he “owned” all the lands of the Hawaiian Kingdom. But he realized that in the event Hawaiʻi got conquered by another country (or an internal regime change) the monarch’s lands, i.e. government lands, would be susceptible to takeover by conquest. Under international law, the lands owned by the government would become the lands of the conqueror as spoils of war. But, privately owned lands would remain in the hands of the private owner. Aha! Learning of this, King Kamehameha III initiated the Great Mahele, the major land redistribution, to move the vast majority of Hawaii’s land out of harm’s way. He converted most of the monarchial/government lands of Hawaii into private ownership, leaving only those lands necessary for government operations as government lands. Private titles to lands were given to chiefs and commoners, with the largest portion to the King. Furthermore, much of the lands came with allodial titles to ensure these private lands would only be passed down to the person’s designated heirs, in totality and in perpetuity. These lands could not ever be sold or alienated from the heirs. Unfortunately, when the puppet governments of the US took over in 1893, they began to help themselves to Hawaiian lands, carving them up and selling off pieces in complete disregard for Hawaiian Kingdom laws and international laws concerning private land titles. It got worse over the years. Using their crooked judges, the US occupation and its local business and political collaborators wantonly plundered the lands of the Hawaiian people — even the allodial-titled lands of heirs of Kamehameha III and other Aliʻi (chiefs) — by ignoring the continuity and inviolability of private, allodial-titled lands. The land fraud in Hawaiʻi is massive, pervasive and ongoing. Deprived of their inheritance, Hawaiians have been impoverished and driven off the islands by greedy foreigners, their corrupt judges and US puppet governments. The good news is that is about to change. Along with the campaign to rescind UNGA Resolution 1469 at the UN, questions about the Lāhainā fire, Hawaiians who have been injured by these ongoing land thefts have been raising international challenges and seeking remedy for those abuses.  
“Love of country is deep-seated in the breast of every Hawaiian, whatever his station.” — Queen Liliʻuokalani ---------- Ua mau ke ea o ka ʻāina i ka pono. The sovereignty of the land is perpetuated in righteousness. ------ For the latest news and developments about our progress at the United Nations in both New York and Geneva, tune in to Free Hawaii News at 6 PM the first Friday of each month on ʻŌlelo Television, Channel 53. ------ "And remember, for the latest updates and information about the Hawaiian Kingdom check out the twice-a-month Ke Aupuni Updates published online on Facebook and other social media." PLEASE KŌKUA… Your kōkua, large or small, is vital to this effort... To contribute, go to:   • GoFundMe – CAMPAIGN TO FREE HAWAII • PayPal – use account email: [email protected] • Other – To contribute in other ways (airline miles, travel vouchers, volunteer services, etc...) email us at: [email protected] All proceeds are used to help the cause. MAHALO! Malama Pono,
Leon Siu
Hawaiian National
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theempresstrash · 2 years
Sculpting a Digital Identity
A crucial part of being a digital artist is forming a digital identity. I’m not going to say this is how become a successful artist, everyone’s road to success is different but from my observations the most successful artists I've encountered present a finely tuned digital identity.
Marketing gurus, business minded type and influencers will tell you this a brand. However, many artists hiss violently at this as if it were sunlight on a vampire and run screaming from this word. Why? Brand = commodity. At the core, all artists know we are more than a commodity. We are a living, breathing, feeling human with a lot of soul put in our work, even digitally.
Brand has a sense of rigidity. It’s set color pallets and fonts, it’s the same logo over and over. Digital Identity on the other hand gives a sense of personal ownership and life to the individual. Identity as a human and artist is ever changing and growing as we move through this life.
As an artist, it takes trial and error and loads of experimentation to uncover and then actualize this identity. Another word for it could be persona, depending on how the artist wants to approach it. Either way it is distinctly different than a brand in that it not a template and one size fits all process.
I think this is why a lot of us crypto artists (not all) shy away from fully diving into a 10k PFP culture and identity because it’s someone elses work. Even for me taking on a DOS punk, I still had to remix it to make it my own. Until I did that, it didn’t feel like me. I could write an entire article why 10k collections are successful but that's not my focus. I’m here to write about being an independent artist.
I personally experimented a lot over the course of the last year and a half as a crypto artist with my identity. Previous to that I experimented for years - decades - in and out of school and navigating underground art communities in Oakland/Bay Area and online here in Tumblr, Insta and FB to form Empress Trash.
No one can really tell you the right or wrong way to do this process. In fact, a large portion of the process is learning to stop listening to others and start listening to yourself. What is important is to have a safe space to explore and create without the influence of people who maybe don't have an artists best interest in mind.
This doesn’t mean don’t have people who inspire you and guide you as friends, mentors, teachers, heroes and inspiration ~ more so don’t listen to people trying to control your creative energy for their own gain only (ie exploit you). For some this is easy, for others due to trauma or poor conditions to self actualize, it’s a harder road. I can say my road was a pretty tough one.
It’s important to keep going though. Not for anyone but you and your souls need to express itself. Something drove you to create in the first place; it’s always there waiting for it’s moment to come out. Don’t let the world take that precious flame away from you.
Keep experimenting, finding who you are and building space around you to foster the formation of that persona. Make multiple digital identities even, kill some of them for fun. In the end, though there has to be a main one to focus growth on depending on your goals, ambitions or dreams.
Even once you land on an identity keep experimenting. One thing I’ve noticed is some artists grow stale after they hit it. This is because even though they have gotten to a level of success they were striving for they lose the flame of play, having fun and trying new things. They fear too much they will lose what they got with a mistake or wrong turn so keep trying to do the same thing over and over that happened when success hit.
It’s like they are stuck on repeat and some eventually sink.
They don’t seem to remember the success came from them taking risks, helping others and building bridges. Always keep that no matter how success comes your way.
To some of you who barely make sales right now, the thought of even being successful is almost laughable. I get there myself, daily. It’s important to break that thought. We will manifest what we focus on ~ good or bad.
Take some time daily no matter how hard it seems to focus on what you truly want and dream. Your identity is your sculpture to make. No one else can do this for you.
My soul sees yours and I believe in you. 🖤
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hadit93 · 7 months
Review: A Walk Through The Forest of Souls by Rachel Pollack
This book has been on my to read list for some time, and I am so glad that I finally got around to doing so. This book is not a ‘how to’ guide to tarot or a list of meanings. It is also not simply an exploration of each card. It is a fantastic frolic through forests of thought pertaining to the tarot. It is life analysed through the tarot, which has become a tool used to reflect the perfection and totality of experience. It is a remarkable exploration of life through the lens of tarot guided by Qabalah, Kabbalah, Mythology, Psychology, and even physics. Furthermore, it explores the tarot as a means of understanding the interconnected web of thought that has manifested as the Western Mystery Tradition and all its eclectic branches.
I would say this is not a book for people who are wholly new to tarot, Pollack has written those in the past. This is a book for people who are already familiar with the cards and have been reading for some time. You may ask what people who have been reading for years can get out of another book on tarot. I assure you I gained a lot from reading this book and I have been reading tarot for around 15 years. There were passages in this book that challenged my thoughts on the tarot as a whole, as well as inspiration in new ways we can use the cards to not only answer questions, but also formulate the questions we should be asking. The presentation of tarot as gambling with fate and tuning into the web of probabilities is precisely how I understand the process of divination in the cards but have always struggled to put into words.
Throughout the book there were a series of mystical meditations that were brought about by the author's own readings asking questions of a spiritual nature. They are perhaps some of the strangest questions and spreads I have encountered, but the patterns of thought the card placements evoked within the author were so inspiring that I have decided over the coming weeks I am going to perform the same readings myself and see what thoughts are evoked within my mind relating to mysteries such as God creating the universe, Jesus being crucified, opening the heart. Pollack used the tarot to tune into the myths and spiritual thought that have arguably defined the large portions of the human race for thousands of years in order to understand the mystical thought behind the exoteric myths.
Anyone who is familiar with tarot is familiar with the work of Rachel Pollack, I believe this book is perhaps her parting gift to the world. It is truly the work of a master, and her insight and wisdom will be missed in the world. I am so glad that she wrote and published this book, and I believe that it will inspire old tarot readers to try some new tricks.
This book is a must-read for people interested and already familiar with the tarot. If you are new to the tarot, make a note of this book and visit it in a couple of years.
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randomvarious · 2 years
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Today’s compilation:
MTV Amp 1997 Big Beat / Breakbeat / Drum n Bass
Man, I *religiously* watched MTV when their electronic music show, Amp, was apparently on the air, but I legit had no idea that it ever existed until maybe a few years ago. And I've constantly chided the US arm of MTV for largely ignoring electronic music throughout their history, but evidently, I've been wrong this whole time. They just put it on when almost no one was awake to actually watch it 😁. But Amp seems to have developed a cult following among a certain set of night owls, as tends to happen with all kinds of late night programs of different stripes.
And this show had to have been, like, a portal into a different world for the folks who were fortunate enough to have seen it, because it was really like nothing else MTV had ever aired before in America, both musically and visually, as the videos were far more ~out there~ than what typically got played during the network's daytime and primetime hours.
But as good as this CD is, it actually doesn't appear to fully encapsulate the true essence of Amp, because while the show presented videos from a range of different electronic genres, this release seems to be primarily focused on just one specific type: the futuristically dystopian, post-nuclear hellscape kind that was made up of high-octane, acid-addled big beat and breakbeat tunes; hard, intense, dark, and sharp-edged; a sort of proto-Matrix sound; a post-industrial club music for dudes who sleep on beds of nails. This portion of Amp was like an electronic version of Headbanger's Ball: it had the same level of propulsive energy and angst that was so germane to grunge, some post-grunge, and metal, but it channeled it in a way that was probably far more unfamiliar to a general MTV audience at the time. But Amp also played Daft Punk.
And you have to think that, since this show debuted in 1996, this specific sound that's captured throughout this CD had to have played a role in pioneering a future-is-now electronic sound in the US, as that sonic aesthetic came to dominate the soundtracks for gobs of turn-of-the-millennium visual media that dealt with high-tech themes and gadgetry, like The Matrix, et al.
So, here it is: about an hour's worth of some of the more intense sounds that played on Amp in '96 and part of' 97, most of it deeply influenced by The Chemical Brothers, and more than two-thirds of it coming from British acts. You won't find any house or trance on here, or barely any techno either, besides Josh Wink's "Are You There?," a frenzied acid techno-breakbeat hybrid that succeeded his similarly formulated "Higher State of Consciousness" from '95. What you have here is basically a who's who of breakbeat and big beat, with those aforementioned Chem Bros, Fluke, Underworld, The Future Sound of London, Orbital, The Prodigy, and The Crystal Method, along with a small handful of tracks from the worlds of both drum- and drill n' bass, with offerings from Photek, Aphex Twin, and Goldie, as well as some trip hop-acid funk-rock from the one and only Tranquility Bass. Plus, Atari Teenage Riot, a band that fused punk rock and pummeling, high-BPM drums to yield a type of uniquely earaching sound that I definitely see the appeal of, but that I also can't fucking stand 😅.
Boy, did I really miss out on this show. What a trip it must've been to actually catch it in real time. I'm guessing most of the people reading this never got to see it either 😔.
The Chemical Brothers - "Block Rockin' Beats" Fluke - "Atom Bomb" Underworld - "Pearl's Girl" Aphex Twin - "Girl / Boy Song" Orbital - "The Box" Tranquility Bass - "We All Want to Be Free" Goldie - "Inner City Life" Prodigy - "Voodoo People (The Chemical Brothers Remix)" Josh Wink - "Are You There?" The Crystal Method - "Busy Child"
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The Pilot (Part 3 of 3)
So, this post will wrap up my Pilot episode commentaries, reviews … whatever they should be classified as. Again, thanks to everyone who checked out Part 1 and Part 2. This one took me ages because I ended up writing about the whole rest of the episode. And here I thought Part 2 took me a long time. But, for anyone who takes a minute to read this one, thank you. And please feel free to comment with what you liked best (or didn’t) about the Pilot.
[For anyone who might have seen this post already, I’m reposting since I needed to fix some things and Tumblr wasn’t cooperating.]
On the Road Again
(Alternate Title: Sam and Dean Brothering)
My commentary and more pic edits are under the cut …
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ABOUT ME: Alight, so honesty time, I don’t really like horror. Yes, I watched the mainstream ones that came out in the theaters when I was in high school and university (Hello, Mr Padalecki in House of Wax), largely because it was something to go do with friends, but it’s certainly not a favorite genre of mine. I’ve never seen ones like The Exorcist and I don’t plan to. However, SPN, even in the early seasons is more like horror lite, but even then there are episodes I won’t watch while going to bed because I don’t want that crap swimming around my subconscious while I’m sleeping. But all that being said, I generally don’t mind the creep factor on the show, and I like some of the monsters, but the relationships, especially between Sam and Dean are what hooked me on the show. All this is just to explain why I generally probably won’t talk that much about the cases of the week unless they are very relevant to a plot arc or I really like/hate them.
THE MONSTER OF THE WEEK: Anyway, The Woman in White is a pretty decent first ghost to set up the show, and the case shows us what the Winchesters do when they hunt and what they know about the supernatural world. The MOTW gives us some classic horror tropes (the cheater gets killed, ghost kids are creepy as hell), and it sets up some classic SPN tropes (shooting ghosts and blood splats, anyone?). I think the ghost is sufficiently creepy. The case is fairly straightforward, but it’s not like I usually tune into the show for the mystery alone, so that’s fine with me. I think the effects are pretty decent for the ghost given when it was filmed, though the glitchy-ness makes it feel a little too much like computer effects, at times. Still, the only part that really stands out to me in a bad way is when the ghost kids zoom over to their ghost mother and … latch on to her? Whatever they are doing, it looks weird, to me, and kind of awkward, and it sort of takes me out of the moment. Overall though, I think the ghost and the first case are a good start to the show.
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GETTING STARTED: When Sam and Dean first start working the case, we really start to see who they are as people and their dynamic. Surprising to no one who has watched the show, Jared and Jensen do a phenomenal job of selling Sam and Dean as siblings despite not looking much alike. Their frequent bickering and physicality paint a very convincing picture of siblings dynamics between people who grew up together. As someone with brothers myself, their teasing and the occasional smack feel on point to me.
When they get into the car, the show sets up how Dean and his Dad live and support themselves, as well as Sam's vague disdain for scamming credit cards. But one of the most classic of all SPN imagery and concepts is set up here with Dean as the driver, picking the music, with Sam riding shotgun. If this isn’t also a metaphor for a good portion of their relationship, I don’t know what is; Dean is the boss and Sam is expected to follow (except when he doesn’t). On a similar note, later in the episode, the irony of Dean calling Sam a control freak when Sam shoves his chair away from the computer is … phew. Dean, my friend, you are a black pot and Sam is your kettle. Anyway, not only does the way they act around each other, and play off of each other, more then sell them as brothers, it starts to reveal who they are.
Dean is a snarky smart-ass who clearly has little respect for authority (when it isn’t his dad), as he has no problem lying to or even mouthing-off to law enforcement. To him, they are civilians poking their noses into monster business, so he can’t be bothered to pretend to respect what they have to officer. Sam kicks Dean under the officer's sight line for his flippancy, and aside from being a classic sibling move, this suggests he has more respect for authority (when it isn’t his dad) and the law in particular (as a hopeful future lawyer, this is not a surprise) than Dean. It also shows he’s more cautious and less brash than Dean, not wanting to draw too much attention to themselves by being snarky or confrontational.
Besides starting to establish who our main characters are, this early part of the case starts to reveal the complexity of how Sam and Dean feel about each other. Clearly, there is a lot more volatile emotions simmering away than simple sibling rivalry. Sam seems to resent Dean siding with their dad over him, and both his dad and brother's for hunting and revenge. On the other hand, Dean is clearly not over Sam leaving (abandoning him, their dad and the mission) and is seemingly itching for a bit of a fight. All it takes is one statement from Sam about their mom being gone no matter what they do, for Dean to break. As I mentioned in (I think) my Part 1 discussion, this moment, paired with the introduction scenes with Mary, makes a lot of sense. Dean is pissed that Sam doesn’t seem to take the mission seriously enough, while Sam truly can’t remember her, so it’s impossible for him to feel the same connection to dad's mission of revenge as Dean. Despite growing up together, these boys clearly did not have entirely the same childhood experience (which of course, we will see more of later). Despite their tension, it’s also clear that these brothers care about each other and are comfortable together. They speak at the same time (jinx!), showing they are clearly in sync. They are both annoyed and amused by each other's teasing, especially Sam reluctantly smiling at Dean's snark. They sit so close that they’re practically on top of each other, which they definitely would not do if they didn’t like each other and weren’t comfortable with each other. And, they express their care for each other in their own (jerk-bitch) emotionally constipated way. The latter is especially true for Dean of the no chick-flick moments. Even after years apart, these guys clearly have a close bond, despite their issues.
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HOW THE WINCHESTERS WORK: Even when detained by the police, Dean, we see is holding true to his fearless and flippant persona as he gives the cop interrogating him little respect and a lot of attitude. We also find out a little more about Dean and John. They clearly think ahead, setting up systems for finding each other in the inevitability of them getting separated (the coordinates in the journal). This is something I love seeing in the show later with Sam and Dean, their code words and contingency plans. These are aspects of the characters that really make them feel real and competent, and I wish we got more of this throughout the seasons. When the officer gets called away, we also see that Dean is resourceful (hello, Clippy!), and can pick a lock.
Meanwhile, we see the first hints os Sam's true super power, puppy-dog eyes. Still, they must not be up to full power after years off the job, as the widower ends up storming off in an offended and guilty huff. Next, as it turns out, Sam was the one who called in the tip that cleared out station, giving Dean the opportunity to make his escape. I love that Sam does this for three particular reasons. First, it shows that he’s smart and resourceful, and, despite his desire to no longer be a part of the hunting life, thinking on his feet is clearly still very much a part of him. Secondly, and related to my first point, this move shows how he and a Dean are a team, even when separated. Sam knows that if he gets Dean an opportunity, he will find a way to use it and escape. Finally, this little move of essentially prank calling the cops, reveals more about Sam. Mr. Future Lawyer is not above breaking the rules if it means helping his brother. This confirms to us that Sam isn’t exactly the straight-laced guy he appears to be at the start of the episode.
A couple more things that stand out for me, while the brothers are on the phone, is how proud Dean clearly is of Sam fior making that call into the police (one of us! one of us!), and Sam is full on smiling while discussing his recent misdemeanor. Whether he likes it or not, a part of Sam enjoys this. He is having fun hunting, or at least hanging out with Dean, and Dean is loving having Sam back.
(But really, for the next 15 years, give or take a few separations)
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BETTER TOGETHER: So, not-unsurprisingly, Sam gets attacked by the ghost. He is a faithful guy, which already seemed pretty clear from his vibe when he’s first introduced in the episode, but it’s nice to have confirmed. The ghost doesn’t care and basically sexually assaults him so that she’ll be justified in killing him. I mean … bad form, Constance. Dean shows up shooting her in the face, which distracts her just long enough (despite not being salt shells - is this when they get the idea to start using salt shells, I can’t recall?) for Sam to crash the impala into the house, effectively taking her home. So, Sam helped save Dean by giving him a chance to get out of custody, and Dean helps save Sam by distracting the ghost so Sam can bring her back to the house. I like how they both save each other, or give each other the opportunity to save themselves. This establishes that they are both capable alone but better when they work as a team.
So, besides my comments on the screen shots above, a few more things really stand out for me in the final parts of the episode. Sam, who just crashed a car into an abandoned house, was attacked by a ghost, and has now been threatened by his sibling, is again smiling. This weirdo is having a good time, and I love it. I keep pointing this out because I don’t think I fully noticed just how much Sam smiles in the Pilot when I watched it before, and a lot of the time it’s with Dean or just after breaking the law or being attacked. It really adds some interesting nuance to Sam, who is not simple the straight man, and informs his conflict over going back home.
Another thing that stands out to me here is just how desperately Dean wants Sam to stay with him. We can practically feel it through the screen. A part of him was clearly starting to hope that now that they found their groove again, Sam might just stay with him, that maybe he would blow off that law school interview after all. He is clearly crushed when Sam says he has to get back, and we pretty much see him scrambling to pull his armor back on to protect himself from Sam's rejection. It’s almost heartbreaking, which is a testament to Jensen's acting, as well his and Jared's chemistry and ability to make these guys seem real. In just about 45 minutes, we are invested in these characters and their relationship. Jared does a good job with Sam, too. We can clearly see his conflict; he did have fun hunting with Dean, it’s clear that he had missed Dean, and I think a part of him wants to stay with Dean. But Sam is stubborn, and more than that, he has built a new life for himself, a plan. Still, when he offers that olive branch when they’re saying goodbye, of him and Dean hanging out some time soon, I believe that he wants to, but I’m not sure if either of them believe it will happen. It’s actually sad to think they are going their separate ways, and we’re already rooting for them to stay together.
Finally, the episode comes full circle with Sam finding Jess on the ceiling (not pictured above because it just creeps me out, like with Mary), the fire, Dean saving him again by pulling him out of the fire, and Sam picking up his father's mantel of vengeance. At this point, Dean has been fully established in our eyes as Sam's protector, and Sam has been established as our doubly tragic hero who is now on his own mission for revenge.
FINAL THOUGHTS: One last thing that I forgot to mention above that I love about the Pilot is the humor that runs though it. It’s not uproariously funny or anything, but it has nice doses of humor throughout. A good amount of this comes from Dean who is established as a funny character, but funny moments also come from a lot of the brothers' interactions. Their squabbling and backhands, or digs on each other, add a nice bit of realism and lightness to what could otherwise be an unrelentingly dark episode. I love how this becomes an established part of the show later, I think starting especially in Season 2. In later seasons, though it does get a little too heavy handed for me on occasion. I think it’s ultimately a big part of what mane Supernatural different. That and Sam and Dean's general unhingedness regarding each other.
Regarding Jess, as much as I like her character and believe Sam would have eventually returned to hunting regardless, now that Dean is back in his life, I think it makes sense that she dies here, giving him that push. It gets them going on the hunt more quickly. Also, I read somewhere that the writers had toyed with having Jess be possessed. I’m truly glad they never went that route. I think it’s much more poignant that she was just a good person, who Sam loved. It’s more tragic, more painful him him to lose her as she is in the Pilot, and it’s ultimately a more pure relationship.
At the end of the episode, we are left with a lot of questions to speculate on, and even more that we want to find answers for. This, besides establishing the characters, is just about the most important thing a Pilot can do. It leaves us curious and wanting to know more. Would Sam have seen Dean again if Jess hadn’t died (yes)? Where is the dad? Why is he leaving them coordinates, instead of just calling or texting them? When are we going to see him again. What is going to happen to Sam now that he’s lost Jess in this way? What will this mean for the brother’s relationship going forward? What killed their mother and Jess? Why? What other kinds of scary crap are the boys going to come up against?
Will we find some of the answers in Season 1, Episode 2, Wendigo (I mean … mostly, no)?
Well, this ended up being way longer than I planned, so if you made it to the end, thank you so much for reading! Please feel free to comment or reblog with your thoughts on the episode!
To be Continued …
… in Wendigo, Part 1, coming soon-ish …
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chibinightmares · 2 years
mer person go blub blub
if the Sims 4 has taught me anything, it's that I like females and female clothing to the point where I almost debated on downloading Sims Medieval CC but-- how-- tf. HOW DOES ONE MOD THE SIMS MEDIEVAL-- IT DOESN'T HAVE A DESIGNATED MOD SPOT SOB
anywho, enjoy this blurb for the day, blurb blurb :fish:
I tried to keep this one gender neutral but regardless, you're wearing a skirt thing since how else are you gonna cover up down there. T~T
Feeling the sunlight in your little naturalistic-looking pool-pond area helped remind you that it was early morning and thus, probably a good time to leave the warming water to start up the day.
Swimming up to the surface to watch your fingers push past the barrier of water that separated your body from inhaling normal oxygen and practically existing in large quantities of H2O, you reached forward to rest your scaled and webbed fingers along the smooth rock that lined your little habitat away from your housemates and their daily hijinks. It didn't take long for the odd yet familiar sensation to overtake your body as you heaved yourself onto the rocks and felt your body change from it's koi-like fins and tail to your humanoid lower half, which -surprisingly to the amazement and discovery of said housemates-, left their markings on your human skin, blending well to the point that anyone who didn't know what you were would just think that it was a bunch of birth marks.
Though, they weren't as brightly colored as your mermaidic features had been.
Shielding your eyes from the lazy morning sunlight, you couldn't help yourself from giving a light yawn.. something that was bound to happen considering you had just woken up from your ten hour sleep, and began to make your way back into the house which held those who valued your existence.. and you did, theirs.
Tightening up the small waterproof outfit you wore, which consisted of a loose yet long sleeved top which exposed a good portion of your chest with a skirt-like attachment which fell down to your knees. Regardless of your physical appearance, it was comforting if.. albiet.. a little girly at times with the colors your housemates constantly gave you. Yes, pink was nice every once in a while but come on. This color was too bright on the eyes and by god, it just screamed "i n f a n t".
..needless to say, you've had many arguments with them on the color design of your wardrobe.
Making your way to the coffee machine in the kitchen nearby the door you had just come in through, you briefly heard footsteps start to approach along with the sweet lited tune of the vampire who was your first, and proper, best friend since coming to live here in Windenburg.
" [yawn] Good morning, love.. how was the wake up?"
She popped on by with a soft kiss to your forehead as she moved over to help you with making the coffee that you had momentarily forgotten about. Lucielline Karnaca, otherwise just known by the nickname of Luciel, was a sweet woman who was also the backbone for keeping you afloat in the real world.. honestly, she's shouldered much of the troubles and feelings of homesickness you've cried to her about that you're half convinced that she's your free therapist-friend, considering a good portion of it seems to not phase her as deeply as other parts of your past.
As soon as the coffee got started and the warm smell of brewing beans wafted into the air, you could hear a loud yawning.. growl? The sound came from down the hallway and you were most certain that there was only one of two other people it could've belonged to.. considering one was a well-known night owl and sleepyhead and the other was someone who, despite taking almost as many naps as the first, loved being up and early. To.. "catch the day by it's heels", as he liked to say.
As if by calling the mischievous devil himself, a seven and a half foot wolfboy came into sight. A sight that caused Luciel to point to her head as if to signal that he had unconsciously shifted sometime during the long night.
It was almost comical how his ears drooped down and a light whine came out of his still mouth before he raised a finger and promptly went to hide behind the doorframe, only to come back as a more.. normal, height man. You could tell by the look on his face that Cain hated this part of himself and the nights he had to endure which lead up to the spontaneous transformations. You looked over to see Luciel pouring the reverse-transformed werewolf a cup of coffee in his cute little brown tree log mug, a memento from when he moved to the city from his little town in Moonwood Mill.
He grumbled something that sounded like a murmured "thank you" and took his cup over to the side of the island that stood in the middle of the kitchen for some sugar to add to his drink. Although Cain Moore wasn't quite the most affectionate guy you had come to know, he was certainly the bravest.. and.. reckless, of the bunch. Just looking at his clearly exhausted form gave way to a light smile to form on your face as you could recall the day they all saved you from the "home" you had lived in before.
..though the expression on your face caught a certain crimson eye as Luciel turned over with your own mug, a soft white cup with colored koi fish all around it.. fitting, as it was.
"I wonder how long Mr. IknowwhatI'mdoing is handling his morning.. Cain, could you go wake him up when you're done with your cup?"
Cain briefly looked up and then looked back down into his already partially emptied mug before shrugging and giving a nod.. rubbing his open hand behind his neck as you could see the cogwheels already start turning as to how he was gonna drag the spellcaster from his bed-- until he set down the cup and carefully walked upstairs, leaving you and Luciel to sit and watch the moment unfold with nothing but a brief peaceful silence and warm bleary-eyed sunlight at your backs.
Though the silence was mentioned to be brief and it was brief.
Upon hearing the ruckus that began to unwind from the upstairs bedroom, you saw Luciel quickly set down her mug and move to cover your ears.. knowing how well you handle loud noises and yelling between other people. It was an unfortunate trigger from a disturbing and tragic moment from your past.
As abruptly as possible and with as much shouting as possible, Cain eventually came back downstairs carrying a very agitated Reed in his arms.. though through Luciel's soft hands you could pick up some bits of what was being said.
"Put me down, you ungrateful dog!"
"Maybe if you woke up on time, we wouldn't have--"
"Oh shut it! Don't lecture me about time this and time that--"
It sounded like they were gonna be at it for almost the entire morning.. if it wasn't for the sweet voice that echoed around you.
"Are you two gonna bark about like this in front of our guppy?"
Obviously Reed had taken a second to look over to where you were standing, starting to shake a little before he shoved his way out of the werewolf's hands and over to you, where he lifted one hand of yours and immediately began to apologize as Luciel removed the makeshift earmuffs and continued on her with her own cooling cup of left behind coffee.
"Shit, shit, shit! I'm sorry-- It's just-- you know how I hate being woken up like this.. especially with how horrid a night we had."
You tilted your head slightly to the side, a little confused considering from what you had been told.. or at least figured, the night had been a little stressful but overall alright.
"Ah-- That's right.. we sent you off to bed early so you wouldn't have to deal with it.."
At this point Reed was just thinking aloud, though you could tell by a sharp tension in the room that he was about to say something he shouldn't of..
Something that had been discussed beforehand to never let you know of.
"Now, now, come on loves,"
You looked over to see Luciel had turned to face the three of you as you kept making small sips in your own drink as she handed off the final mug of the morning brew to the spellcaster who took the cup in hand with a more audible praise.
"We promised our little guppy a present, remember? So, you might wanna go up to your rooms and go grab it."
As expected from a vampire whose own father was considered to be one of the first, the authoritative tone she took quickly moved the other two into motion, what with Cain quickly setting down his mug by the coffee machine -as if asking for another mug when he came back down- and Reed just flat out setting his on the island. They muttered a few things here and there but they weren't something you could really understand.. though your attention was quickly taken aside when Luciel tilted your head towards her with another soft kiss to your forehead.
"I hope you'll be happy with what we all got you, my love.. after all, we should celebrate a morning where we all are together!"
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woronii · 2 years
ANU Student Media is the Association that encompasses Woroni, Woroni Radio and Woroni TV. Woroni has been the ANU student newspaper since 1950, Woroni Radio was established in 2012 and Woroni TV was launched in 2017. We are committed to:
producing interesting, entertaining, informative and regular content across our print, multimedia, radio and online media platforms;
contributing to a sense of university identity and reflecting the scholarly and cultural diversity of the ANU community;
promoting open public dialogue and debate in the ANU community;
promoting awareness of the variety of curricular and extra-curricular activities undertaken by students at ANU;
discovering and developing the creative talents of students at ANU in journalism and the media arts;
promoting the best practice in professional journalism; and
being innovative and exploring new media forms.
A great student media organisation is for everyone. Student media should promote conversations, and provide a platform for people with different views, identities and lived experiences.
Our ultimate aim is to build a culture of inclusivity and diversity across our platforms. Freedom of speech, indeed, the power of speech, is that which amplifies the voices of the meek so that they can be heard alongside the mighty.
A large portion of ANU’s students relocate to Canberra to study, which means our community is extremely diverse. ANU Student Media is funded by, created by and consumed by ANU students, and our mission is to produce print, radio and television content that truly reflects this community. This means supporting our regular contributors and those who are vocal on campus, as well as actively seeking out those who have been traditionally sidelined, or who need a boost of confidence to share their story.
We know that when you open our newspaper, tune into our radio broadcasts, or watch our videos, that you might not agree with what you read, hear or see. Good. That is the point. ANU ­– and the world – would be a boring place if everyone had the same opinions, identities, and experiences.
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bookmytour01 · 6 days
Dubai's Shopping: From Traditional Souks to Modern Malls
Picture yourself waking up in the morning and strolling through the crowded mazes of both open air markets involving bargaining of spices, gold and textiles; then having the option to shop at some of the world's largest malls in the afternoon.
Shopping enthusiast, brace yourself for this amazing destination on earth – Shopping destination in the world – Dubai. Whether this will be your maiden trip or you are a frequent flier, Dubai shopping is something that you will definitely not forget.
But what makes a shopping experience in Dubai different from any other parts of the world? So, let’s start exploring numerous and unique shops, ranging from traditional souks and modern shopping malls.
Exploring Traditional Souks
The old fashioned Dubai souks are a good insight into the cultural history of the city which provide a clamoring provincial encounter. For instance, the Gold Souk is not only a market, but it also represents the nickname of the city: the “City of Gold.” There are lined shops housing gold jewelry, diamonds, and gems, which have master designers making beautiful patterns to represent Dubai’s love for luxury.
Onwards, find your way to the Spice Souk, a portion of the bazaar filled with the smell of saffron, cinnamon , and other spices. The spices are brightly coloured and sitting in a lively environment this souk is a must see for all those interested in great food and amazing photographs. The purchase price is also negotiable – it is expected from the buyers!
Another worth visiting is the Textile Souk in Bur Dubai which also boasts different fabrics, pashminas and other local costumes. The shop sells various silk, cotton, and embroidered textiles and is especially recommended for fashion and design enthusiasts.
Luxury Shopping Destinations
Dubai shopping malls owe this to this simple fact that Dubai is associated with luxury. The Dubai Mall, the largest shopping mall in the world , which attracts millions of domestic as well as international tourists is a tourist attraction in its own right.
This mall has more than 1200 outlets, a skating rink, Dubai aquarium and the most stunning Dubai fountains, by which one can easily get lost. Whether you are a fashion conscious lady hunting for designer wear by Chanel or Louis Vuitton or one who likes to dine in the best restaurants then shopping can only be better experienced in The Dubai Mall.
Another well-known shopping district is the Mall of the Emirates, which features Ski Dubai – the Middle East’s first indoor skiing slope. Of course, it is possible to ski in the desert – only in Dubai. This mall is a complete blend of luxury outlets and the most recognized retail brands, thus frequented by the population and guests of the city.
For luxury shopping go to the Dubai Design District (d3) which provides a limited list of designers’ boutiques and art galleries. d3 is mostly associated with creative industries, which is where the concept of fashion shopping has its roots.
Bargain Hunting in Dubai
Contrary to what many might think, Dubai is not only all about glamor; it’s also a shoppers’ paradise especially with good things coming cheap. People visit the Karama Market in search of the overwhelming variety of souvenirs, leather ware and copies of expensive brands for a relatively cheaper price. This is the one and only market to fine tune your bargaining skills and get those great discounts.
Also, the Dragon Mart is another popular item on the list of cheap places to shop in Seoul; it is a giant shopping mall that sells electronics, home utensils, furniture, and almost everything at a throwaway price. Affordable yet stylish is the shop of choice when one is in Dubai; Dragon Mart boasts of having over 3,500 shops for all your shopping needs.
For those who are fashion conscious, The Outlet Village is the place to be because they are selling brands at cheaper prices. Promoting up to 90% off in designer labels, this is a large Tuscan themed mall in Jebel Ali whose allure is fashion lovers.
Unique Boutiques and Artisan Shops
Apart from the glamor and glitz of the large brands and outlets that dominate the shopping scene in Dubai, the city also boasts of small and Independent boutiques and artisanal stores.
For creative shops, arts, fashion and fine art you should visit Alserkal Avenue in Al Quoz where you will see independent retailers’ mini malls with pop-ups, artwork of Arabic artists and furniture makers. This is a perfect bookstore to come and see unique pieces from jewelry made by hand to contemporary art.
But there is one more colorful oasis that has not been unveiled, yet, and it is a weekly farmers’ market called Ripe Market. Here, one can buy organic foods, local seasonal vegetables, and fruits as well as visit local artists and pick unique handcrafted food and other products while enjoying local music festivals and activities that are good for families.
For those that enjoy a personal touch of Dubai shopping with an impressively luxurious edge, visit The Galleria in the Jumeirah region. It is a small retail center with unique shops, where many of the brands represented maintain their own studio and workshops. Whether it is custom-designed diamond jewelry or designer clothes, The Galleria gives shopping that is one level up more personal.
Shopping Festivals and Events
With festivals and events, Dubai adds an extra dimension of shopping to the shopping cities. The Dubai Shopping Festival (DSF) is the largest shopping festival in the city with millions of people attending the event annually. DSF is usually conducted in the months of January and February and it included great discounts passing through raffle draws as well as entertainment in turning the city to a shoppers’ haven. Not only is DSF about shopping, it is about great fireworks that follow fireworks, fashion shows and much more.
One of the famous and liked ones is the Dubai Summer Surprises (DSS) that is held during the Summer. DSS has working vouchers for all stores known across the malls of Karachi, and fun activities such as drama shows, awareness programs and Quests for children.
For this category of people, there is no better event to attend than the Arab Fashion Week. This fashion exhibition is biannual and features wear from the most popular Middle Eastern designers; many fashion lovers from across the globe attend it.
Dubai is a city that still has a traditional face and at the same time a very modern one. While Dubai’s traditional markets represent one extreme of the city’s shopping typology, the spectacular ultra-modern Dubai malls represent the other.
Whether you are looking for a good sale or just an enjoyable shopping trip where you just love to find an unusual item, there is something for everyone in Dubai. Well, next time you’ll feel the urge to go on a shopping spree in that colorful piece of paradise, don’t just go down to the sites, but be a part of the dynamism and energy of Dubai.
After all, in Dubai, or at least in shopping malls of this wonderful city, shopping is not just a process, but a memory. When in Dubai, visit these malls, along with going for a evening desert safari with BBQ dinner and much more.
0 notes
fittywise · 15 days
Eating Healthy Tips For A Busy Lifestyle
Keeping a healthy diet is sort of hard in this fast-pace world, particularly for somebody who very disturbed and can't arrange their time. Relatively few well-timed tweaks can guarantee you give the body whatever it requires, and never allow your schedule get in touch with into query. But fear not, here are some practical travel food hacks to keep you on track with healthy eating — even if it pushes the envelope.
1. Plan Ahead
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Take time each week to write out what you will eat and when. And it not only saves you time, but also helps make your healthier option decisions. To eliminate temptation and avoid dining out, plan your meals ahead of time; even better write a weekly menu including the shopping list!
2. Meal Prep
Meal prep is a life saver for busy people. Dedicate a couple of hours at the weekend to batch prepare meals for the week ahead. Prepare large quantities of grains, protein and veggie portions at a time in portioned containers. That way, your meal prep of all the good stuff in one easy-to-use package that does take more active cooking but it reduces a lot to no daily cooking.
3. Choose Nutrient-Dense Foods
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Choose nutrients dense and low in calorie grub. Make sure you have plenty of fresh fruits, veggies, lean proteins and whole grains in your diet. These foods contain cash minerals and vitamins helpful in keeping energies throughout the day alive. These chemicals are in high sugar and salt incorporated process food.
4. Healthy Snacking
Have a healthy snack with you in any situation where hunger might strike between meals. Grains for smoothies-> Nuts, seeds, yogurt and fresh fruit are excellent options. Not only are these snacks healthy but also super portable. Snack— only don't snack a sugar or carbohydrate that give to how of the time/unit.
5. Stay Hydrated
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Water: Drinking sufficient water is very important for having a good over all health. Try taking a water bottle with you and plan to have around 8 glasses of water per day. Hydrate — Water is necessary for energy and to support the functions of your body. If you think water is boring add some fruit or herbs to it for a nice twist.
6. Mindful Eating
Develop awareness around when and why you are hungry or full. Do not eat in front of screens or whilst doing other things. Slow down and chew your food. Not only does this help in digestion but it is also makes eating more enjoyable and prevents you from overeating.
7. Smart Choices When Eating Out
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Dining out does not always need to be at the cost of your good diet habits. Opt for restaurants that could provide nutritious alternatives to fries, and you shouldn't be timid concerning requesting changes. Choose broiled or grilled foods over fried and ask for dressings/sauces on the side. Additionally, keep portion control in mind and perhaps split an entrée or take home leftovers.
8. Incorporate Physical Activity
This one's not eating-specific, but if you get regular exercise on top of everything else it can certainly help improve the way your body feels just as much as a good diet will (although with an absolutely un-ignorable 50% reduction effect). Being active helps with weight management, stress and well-being Small amounts of exercise, like a in-office work or walk break/stretch can help.
9. Listen to Your Body
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Be tuned in to your body and its requests at last. Everyone’s individual nutritional needs are unique so do what works best for you. SUS of foods in your diet and adjust accordingly. A dietitian can also offer personalized advice.
Apply these tips to maintain a healthy diet even on the busiest days. After all, those small changes could translate to big improvements in your overall health and well-being. Make a commitment to yourself, and you will see that healthy eating is just something more natural.
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advanto-software · 3 months
Unveiling the Importance of Java Full Stack Development Course for Career Growth
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The role of Java Full Stack Developers is highly sought after in the current complex environment. As modern companies are engaged in the development of web applications and various digital products, knowledge of both sides is crucial. In this article, Advanto Software focused on understanding how much Java Full Stack Development courses are relevant for career advancement and what can be learned from mastering this set of skills. Java Full Stack Developer Role
Java Full Stack Development covers each layer of developing web applications right from front front-end UI layer to the back-end database and server-side layer. A qualified Java Full Stack Developer possesses diverse skills in programming languages, frameworks, and tools to develop capable, efficient, and scalable web applications.
Key Components of Java Full Stack Development
• Front-End Development:
This means creating that portion of a web application that the users can see and manipulate. HTML, CSS, JavaScript and different interfaces in the form of Angular, React, or Vue among others are technologies applied. Js.
• Back-End Development:
This includes managing all the aspects of the server side – this includes the programming, the communication with the database, and the configuration of the server. The main technologies utilized in the development are Java, Spring Boot, Hibernate, and SQL for databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL.
• Database Management:
Knowledge of how to build set up, and to write queries in a database is mandatory. This comprises knowing the regular SQL databases as well as the non-standard NoSQL systems.
• Version Control Systems:
Programs such as Git and GitHub play a crucial role in code management and sharing.
• DevOps Practices:
More detailed knowledge in the context of CI/CD pipelines, utilization of Docker in containerization, and Kubernetes in orchestration improve the skills in effectively managing the software life cycle.
Why Should One Pursue a Course in Java Full Stack Development?
1. Huge Demand for Skilled Developers
The tech industry needs a large number of professionals, and one of the most important specializations is full-stack development. Employers prefer to hire people who are versatile in front-end and back-end work due to limited demand for fractionated personnel. Such flexibility makes you an ideal fit for employers across the full spectrum ranging from the leading IT companies to emerging start-ups to more traditional companies.
2. Competitive Salaries
This is particularly so because of such a high demand for the generalists who can work as full-stack developers, and therefore compensations are fairly decent. Java Full Stack Development calls for a passion for the programming language and the challenge of mastering multiple specializations; wages for Full Stack Developers often exceed that of specialists in the field.
3. Comprehensive Skill Set
Completing a Java Full Stack Development course, one becomes equipped with an all-around skill set. This is because you get to work on every part of the process that goes into creating a website, making you a more diverse and hence more useful employee to any company. It also equips a person with multidisciplinary knowledge to enable her or him to undertake leadership roles such as project manager or technical leader.
4. Enhanced Problem-Solving Abilities
Full-stack developers like to solve problems across the stack, from the client side up through the application server tier. It enables easier troubleshooting and fine-tuning of the web applications, improvements overall as well as user interfaces consequently, enhance the performance.
5. Employment Security and Future Employment Opportunities
Thus, given the ongoing technological advancement and the current trend of advancing to a more digital world, the need for full-stack developers may not fade away any soon. Pursuing Java Full Stack Development course guarantees job stability and it also provides a wide variety of career progression.
Choosing the Right Java Full-Stack Development Course
This is why it is essential to choose the right course for achieving the best results in what you are learning as well as in your future career. Advanto Software is the best institute for Java Full stack development courses. Consider the following factors when choosing a Java Full Stack Development course:
Consider the following factors when choosing a Java Full Stack Development course:
1. Curriculum Coverage
Make sure that the completed course includes all necessary tools and technologies for front-end and back-end development, databases, VC systems, as well as DevOps. It ensures that you as a developer get exposed to all the phases and this provides you with great insight into development.
2. Experienced Instructors
Gaining knowledge from experienced full-stack developers from the IT industries and their real-life implementations is helpful. Teachers who are currently practicing may bring into the classroom the experience and the updated procedures to be used in their careers.
3. Hands-On Projects
It is crucial to get into full-stack development with practical experience rather than academics. Choose classes where you can complete assignments in the form of lessons or case studies and receive practical applicability of the concepts you study. Developing documentation of well-completed projects also helps in developing a resume and can also benefit your application when applying for a new job.
4. Peer and Mentor Support
Interacting with other learners and masters also enforces your understanding of a given course. Friends ‘work, our peer’s work, and a mentor’s feedback give different views on work and useful tips throughout the course.
5. Career Services
Certain programs also provide extra career services which are resume writing, interview techniques, and employment in different organizations among others. These services can be of a lot of help, especially in your transition toward being a full-stack developer.
Java Full Stack Development course is the best course that one can opt for to start a career in the IT industry as an expert. That makes it a good choice by offering skills range, employment rate, and average pay that are considerably higher than average. Choosing Advanto software for the right course makes it possible to acquire sufficient knowledge for prosperity in this industry and, in addition, to create a strong and long-lasting successful future.
For more information visit us at: www.advantosoftware.com/
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bcwritingjourney · 4 months
Read the prologue and chapters 1-7 of my fantasy novel, Sanguinatus, for free on my patreon! You can get early access to chapter 8 and further chapters, along with a number of other benefits by joining my Bound by Blood tier for $3! I appreciate any and all support :)
Below is a portion of this chapter, or you can read the full chapter on patreon!
The world of Khiapon was said to have been caressed by a goddess in the time when only simple flora and fauna lived upon the planet. From that first touch, life sprang forth upon this tumultuous world, from the Surono and Sesinae people within the Shattered Islands to the east, the reclusive and rarely seen Ezimith, sheltered within the depths of the world, the fierce Khurdae occupying the Calae and Osin people’s homeland in the large, lush western continent, to the Vaeder, Drossenac, and Kronesh races occupying the frigid and barren northern continent, home to both freezing tundras and blazing deserts. All these beings and more were a product of what many claimed to be a just, but harsh goddess.
Yisev shook his hooded head, lost in his own thoughts as he hid among debris and large wooden bins strewn across the alley. He had his eyes closed, though he heard repeated grunts and pleas as a man, not a stones throw away, was getting beaten savagely by a group of bestial Khurdae guards. Countless religions preached of the goddess who made life on this world, and yet? What goddess would make so many different peoples, only to leave them to kill and enslave different species for the tiny bit of divine power within the blood of each race, and other, pettier reasons.
He listened as the man finally quieted. Yisev ached to help the man as he was being dragged away, but stayed where he was. He thought the man was an Osin, a valuable thing for the Khurdae Empire. Tall and humanoid, the Osin had an innate connection to nature and the world, particularly plant life. Though their skin was of varying shades, it always resembled bark, and as they matured they could grow and shed scale like pieces of a stronger type of bark over their skin. While they were in tune with the world and a peaceful species, others sought them for their emerald green blood, for the power it would give to them. The power of growth, healing, and influencing plant life around them.
The sounds of the man getting dragged away slowly faded. He had likely been trying to escape his fate, but now he was being taken away to be imprisoned for years as some lord or one of the Sanguine used him as a replenishing well of power. Yisev didn’t move for a long time, the fading light of the sky finally turning to a canvas of obsidian, broken only by the coldness of the stars. He scratched his patchy, unkempt white beard and leaned back against some trash, cloak drawn tight around his well muscled frame, his bone shell making odd outlines beneath it.
Yisev was Kronesh, an oddity in these lands to say the least. Kronesh were one of the closer cousins to the mythical humans the goddess Lyrandren supposedly modeled certain aspects of her children on. With skin ranging from sickly white to deep browns and tans, a Kronesh child would appear mostly human, save for the bone white hair they grew. As with many races, once matured, some changes took place.
Yisev was in his late twenties, and since he had become an adult, he had gained the ability to manipulate his bones and osseous shell at will. Currently he only had natural osseous ridges along his limbs and back. He preferred to grow a protective suit of osseous matter, but he was trying to keep a low profile while in the grand city of Khatir, second only in size and wealth to the capital.
He rose, brushing some dirt and trash off himself, then strode to the edge of the alley. He peered out and across the Central Plaza. It was a wide, well paved square where the six curving main city streets met, directly in the center of the somewhat circular city. Along many of the edges of the square were businesses, essentially the commercial zone of the city. Kept in six small, precise rows spaced neatly across the square were sturdy and well made wooden businesses or warehouses, and though still owned by the main race of the region, were likely operated by the few lucky Osin and Calae to be allowed out of the slums or fields, either due to having so little power in their blood they’re put to work instead, or perhaps they’d contracted or been born with any number of blood sicknesses.
Several tall guard towers dotted the plaza, and many soldiers stood guard and patrolled. Yisev made his way slowly to the left, passing closing and closed businesses. He passed within a dozen feet of a guard patrol, but to them he appeared to be one of the many beggars within the city. Yisev purposefully walked slightly hunched and with a wider stance, emulating the gait of the Khurdae. They glanced at his shadowed face briefly, unable to make out his features in the darkness, but moved on as Yisev passed, then he stooped to rummage through some trash in an attempt to come off as a beggar to anyone else watching.
He stood and turned down Alris Avenue, which winded towards the high-end commercial district of the city, and as the night drew on, more and more warehouses and shops occupied each street he traversed, occasionally broken by a small plaza. The architecture of the Khurdae people held its own elegance and beauty, odd as it was. Stone was commonplace but was mostly used for paving and exterior walls, with many stone buildings heavily relying on wood from within. They favored wide, relatively short buildings with peaked roofs, arches and circular paneless windows.
It was ironic that the somewhat natural feel and the artistry of this city was the product of a people oppressed. Many designs, murals and architecture were in fact drawn from the Osin people, and to a lesser extent the Calae. The Khurdae were anything but focused on art and crafting, somewhat naturally predisposed towards bestial tendencies and constant warfare, even among the many houses of nobility within the empire.
Instead the downtrodden they held in place were the ones creating these things, despite what the Khurdae artisans may claim. They built their cities, farmed their land, mined metals for the Khurdite war machine, and bled for their overlords. It sickened Yisev to his core, it was like a cruel joke.
He decided to duck into an alley near a closed weapon smith as eight soldiers moved down the street, a line of a dozen chained slaves plodding between them. He pressed back against the wall of the building, edging further away as they drew nearer. Yisev heard some shouting, and looked on as two of the guards began beating on a large Calae man with cudgels, and he fell quickly to the ground under the shower of blows despite his massive build and savage appearance. The soldiers berated him for walking as slow as he had as they delivered punishment.
Yisev’s insides knotted up, and he felt a pang of guilt, slicing through him like a particularly dull and painful knife. He knew he couldn’t intervene or do much for these specific slaves, though he still struggled to hold himself back. There was a snarl, causing the soldiers to stop and look around.
A black and white furred Khurdae man approached them, a lord judging by his expensive looking clothes. He wore functional trousers, a laced up silk shirt and a frivolously decorated long coat, the entire outfit a deep navy blue. Though Yisev was fluent in their language, he still had to focus intently to discern what the man said.
“You men were ordered to transport these people correct?” He thundered, flexing the claws on both hands, his muzzle still pulled back in a snarl.
“Yes Lord Blackwood, but he was moving too slowly-” One of the armored men raised a black furred hand in protest, but was cut off.
“And so you beat a defenseless man for such a shallow reason?” The lord snapped his sharp teeth together, took a deep breath and composed himself.
He prowled forward, closer to the man who had spoken, and as he did, the man’s long, rounded ears slowly pressed back against his head, and he looked down.
“We are predators, and we are fierce. That is our legacy, yes. But for what reason would we act more monstrous than we already must seem to these people? Not only that, these men and women are to be laborers, and here you are damaging them.” The lord was growling out each sentence, getting in the face of the soldier, whose steel armor clinked as he stepped back from the lord. From the look on the lord’s face, there was more to his words than what the men had gathered, and he turned away.
“I should draw my axe and cut you down. You have no honor, injuring an unarmed man and a prisoner of war! Instead, your pay is being docked by five gold, and your captain will reassign you to a less pleasant post. Perhaps to my father’s outposts near the Ezimith borders.” The lord said, scratching his black, white speckled muzzle briefly in contemplation.
The other man’s face fell, and the lord went on, “Get out of my sight soldier. Keep your hands and weapons off them.”
The soldiers, justifiably, looked regretful and marched off, this time without roughly handling the slaves. The lord slipped his hands into the pockets of his long coat, and sighed, standing there in the dimly lit streets, looking after the soldiers. The night was growing older, and most citizens were already indoors, leaving many streets nearly empty. Yisev eyed the man curiously, then shrugged and stepped a bit closer to the entrance of the alley...
After a minute or so the man finally looked around, then did a double take when he saw Yisev’s shadowed figure within the alley. Yisev took a step closer, palms raised.
The lord stepped towards him, squinting his brown eyes, moving one hand to the small axe he had strapped to his belt.
“It’s not often you see a Khurdae, lord or not, show mercy to those they enslave, and to those whose lands they inhabit. One who understands sympathy and compassion.” Yisev said, leaning casually against the wall to his left.
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Unlocking the Power of Responsive Web Design for Every Screen Size
In today's digital era, where users access the internet through a myriad of devices, ensuring your website looks stunning and functions seamlessly on any screen size is not just a luxury but a necessity. This is where the significance of responsive web design comes into play. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of responsive design and how it plays a crucial role in creating a dynamic and user-friendly online presence. At ECTI, where they offer top-notch Web Development Course in Pune, they recognize the paramount importance of responsive design in the ever-evolving digital landscape.
The Rise of Mobile Users
The proliferation of smartphones and tablets has revolutionized the way people consume online content. A responsive web design is the key to unlocking a seamless user experience across various devices. With mobile users constituting a substantial portion of internet traffic, it's imperative to cater to their needs by optimizing your website for smaller screens.
Google's Embrace of Mobile-First Indexing
Google, the search engine giant, has shifted its focus to mobile-first indexing, prioritizing mobile versions of websites in search results. This underscores the importance of having a responsive design, not only for user experience but also for search engine optimization (SEO). Mobile-friendly websites are more likely to rank higher in search engine results, leading to increased visibility and traffic.
Adapting to Different Screen Sizes
Responsive web design is essentially about crafting websites that adapt seamlessly to various screen sizes, from large desktop monitors to smaller laptops, tablets, and smartphones. The layout, images, and other elements of the website should adjust dynamically to provide an optimal viewing and interaction experience.
Fluid Grids and Flexible Images
One of the cornerstones of responsive design is the use of fluid grids and flexible images. Instead of fixed pixel-based layouts, a responsive website utilizes relative units such as percentages. This allows the content to adjust proportionally to the screen size, ensuring a consistent and visually pleasing layout.
Media Queries: Tailoring Styles for Different Devices
Media queries are CSS3 features that enable developers to apply different styles based on various characteristics of the device, such as screen width, height, or even device orientation. This allows for targeted styling adjustments, ensuring an optimal user experience on every device.
ECTI's Approach to Responsive Web Design
At ECTI, where they offer comprehensive Web Development Training in Pune, they emphasize the practical application of responsive design principles. ECTI’s Web Development Course in Pune covers the latest techniques and tools used in the industry to create websites that not only meet but exceed user expectations.
The Impact on User Experience
A responsive website is a user-centric website. By providing a consistent and enjoyable experience across devices, you enhance user satisfaction and engagement. Users are more likely to stay on your site, explore its content, and take desired actions, whether it's making a purchase, filling out a form, or simply consuming information.
Conclusion: Embrace Responsive Design for a Future-Ready Website
In conclusion, responsive web design is not just a trend; it's a necessity for creating websites that stand the test of time. At ECTI, as a leading provider of Web Development Training in Pune, they empower our students with the skills and knowledge needed to craft websites that are not only visually appealing but also function seamlessly across the vast spectrum of devices in use today. Embrace responsive design, and ensure your website looks great on any device, offering an unparalleled user experience. Stay tuned to ECTI for more insights into the ever-evolving world of web development! 
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
And sort of senses what do you expect me to do you know just he says what he expect me to do just sit here with my tongue out and call it a day I mean there's a lot of berating it's thousands of times a day you can see it they just are a huge assholes and they're not human and dehumanization but really he said I'm sitting here learning doesn't matter if it's slow or fast I can pick it up and you know you screw yourselves they're screw himself so are utilizing it and you know so we should and more or less the man said we do and it's very effective and we have taken a large portion of the earth over using it and we are going to take over the rest of it using it it actually works we are going forwards and we are going to grab more land and we're going to grab more items we do see that there is a strange up and upbeat attitude for some reason and we think it is the deal where they can breach and people think they actually get it done and suspect is using the blasters from Star blazers and we think that's true oops and it is most likely the case and we're going to be on it day and night and pretty soon too and it's going to be very interesting and really they think that we have to when it's not true it's just more to our advantage and we stand to gain more from doing it then losing it's a few more things that are happening today there are about 50 people going to the back side and they pass away and someone else who feels their position that's what's happening and their regions and generals and it is pretty huge it is a dangerous and dangerous occupation what's going on but right now we do have news about the clone fleet they are experiencing heavy losses and it is a large amount of them and they are going down it's it's a huge huge amount of losses and it is a massive massive loss of experiencing huge huge tits their fleet of Black ships is down to 500,000 from 3 million this morning and they're getting to just the big ones really they're 100 miles plus but that's a lot of shifts at that size and it's taking a major effort they do have black ships that are rebuilt and restructured and they are going back at them and it's a fierce they also have a large number of vessels that they are pulling out it's about 5 million they're not very big but they are high-powered and there's yes a lot of Starbursts all over the world it's a lot and it empties out a lot of area and we fill it in busy huge number of people wondering what's actually going on and they're figuring out that things are not going out well. And there are about 200 million or roughly or 300 million miscellaneous and they have not dented them significantly and it's going on and it's dangerous a lot of people are pretty weary of it couple other things happening these people kind of started off spinning and say all sorts of things and being assholes then they try to change her tune and are being ignored of course as they should and they feel better even though it's not much it's enough for them to be dangerous with the hospital and their cops and it's an ongoing challenge with them and we also found out that they are trying occasionally to Lamar son for crimes and severe ones as well. And I think that's what's working of course because they're very simple. And it is probably not correct no. And they're in fighting severely they're fighting the bases down below and there's still 10 and they are taking a hammering the bases himself I'll probably all only about 70% operational or less soon it will be 60 but the manpower keeps on returning and soon it won't and they will try and call there large ships in all of them it's a lot of them and they mean the whole fleet and they need the black chips the stone chips the miscellaneous all of it all at once and all the fleets are going to have to go into active mode and to fight them all off it's coming up shortly more in a little while
Thor Freya
And yes we more like planning attack in less than 3 hours and they of course will fail they always do
We have to get going but there are certain things that are going on that we need to talk about and he's going to try and do it in a minute
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