#is there a button somewhere that's just like add this character to everything???
ghostlynimbus · 1 year
how the fuck did phil callahan somehow end up tagged as a participant in every event in my timeline how how how
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dansemacabre · 2 months
are you stuck trying to decode the book of bill but you don’t want the keys handed to you? i was in your shoes literally three days ago! i failed and looked up codes on reddit (because a good grade in book of bill is a normal thing to want and a possible thing to get) but now you don’t have to!! here are some BOOK OF BILL CODEBREAKING HINTS designed to kindly shove you in the right direction!
my credentials are: one summer cryptography class i took in high school, autism, weirdly good pattern recognition (probably because of the autism), and a desperate need to make things make sense. sorry in advance if any of this seems patronizing. hints below the page break!!
general tips:
- A and I will become your bestest friends. like 99 times out of 100 any single letter is a or i. try those out first
- the apostrophe will also become your bestest friend- especially x’x, which will almost always be i’m (except there’s one place in the book where it is not. don’t make my mistakes.)
- themysteryofgravityfalls.com is SO so helpful. for non-symbolic ciphers u can lowkey put in codes and button mash caesar and atbash. godsend. devilsend? idk someone sent it and it’s wonderful
- call every phone number, visit every website. they bought those domains for a reason! i think!
- any list of numbers 1-26 is a1z26. like that’s simply a truth
cipher specific hints now !!!
RUNES (characters taken from norse runes)
- there is a key for this one in the book! maybe u spotted it right away but i did not lol, so look for an instance of 26 rune-y characters!
- the rune code on the inside cover is a graffiti joke- translates to a common thing people write on walls or carve into books made out of brain matter ig
THERAPESE (found in the last few pages during bills court-ordered therapy)
- bill’s picture is labeled in this section, so those characters translate directly to “bill cipher” ! once you have those, you can apply them to other instances of the code and go from there
- the rest of the names of the… things around him on the inpatients page are puns, titles, and/or weird words. they might look wrong until you have Every Character- trust ur key! use the rest of the instances of this code to find the missing letters first, make sense of it and laugh at the clever little joke later
BROSCODE (only two instances, found in journal 3 lost pages)
- the name is a hint by itself- this is stanley and stanford related! both stans use it once somewhere in the book!
NEWBILL (the most common symbolic cipher in the book)
- if you have journal three, the characters are VERY similar to a code there- not the same though, so don’t try and use that key. but like journal three, this code will (almost) always be bill speaking.
- ok lowkey i think the best way to explain this is just to give you one answer. i cracked this by randomly guessing that the small writing by the galaxy drawing on the journal three page “a voice form the past” translates to “forget the past”. go from there my loves
- that being said. everything else from journal three uses the same characters, but a different code. haven’t cracked it yet. looking for advice tee bee haych. i’ll edit this once i find it out
- also: dipper uses this code in his section. that’s pretty helpful to get most of the rest of the characters!
now some page specific hints!:
silly straw page. Oh god
- damn that themysteryofgravityfallsdotcom sure is helpful! Anyway,
- the numbers code is Weird. but the number don’t equal letters. notice the spaces between number groups- pair the groups, try and add a dash somewhere within the first group and a colon somewhere within the second group. you’ll have to use your resources a little
- if that made zero sense: “uhvrxufhv” phdqv brxu idyrulwh ghhsob ohjdo wy vkrz ylhzlqj zhevlwh. ru brxu kxox dffrxqw
- sorry for the vagueness but i really don’t want to spoil this one- i got it spoiled but i think figuring it out on your own would be really rewarding and worth your Time
messages on your tv
- there are strange boxes on the bottom of the page. gonna be so honest don’t know how they mean anything at all to anyone but allegedly it’s a code! i’ll look into it. idk man
okay. i think that’s all i’ve got? please comment if u have questions for me or other folks on here or suggestions on how to sound less like a fucking nerd talking abt this shit. idk i love that people are set on cracking this book asap but i hope this helps ppl who prefer The Thrill Of The Chase and also like to feel smart and important and so very talented
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honeyjars-sims · 2 months
3.14 It Boy
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Johnny walked over to the Production Coordinator’s office. She was sitting at her desk, her blonde hair looped into a messy ponytail. Her desk was covered in an assortment of papers and folders that she was rummaging through.
“Where did I put that? I swear it was here a minute ago," she muttered to herself.
Johnny cleared his throat. “Excuse me, are you Lucy Steel?”
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She looked up. “Oh, hi! Yes, I’m Lucy, it’s nice to meet you! Johnny, right?” She gestured to one of the empty chairs sat in front of her desk.
Johnny nodded as he sat down. “It’s nice to meet you, too.”
“Sorry I couldn’t meet with you earlier, but you know how it is. I can show you around, unless you’ve already seen everything.”
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“No, I haven’t made it away from my desk. I got bombarded by Hurricane Lilly.”
Lucy laughed. “She’s a character! Well, we can start in the studio.”
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They walked down the corridor and stopped in front of a security door. Lucy swiped her badge. “I’ll give you one of these,” she said. “You can enter the studio at any time as long as the red light isn’t on.” She gestured to the light fixture on top of the door. “Don’t let the talent or directors tell you otherwise.”
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They stepped into the studio. Johnny was surprised at how spacious it was. “Wow, it seems so much smaller onscreen.”
“Yeah, we need a lot of space for the equipment.”
They walked past some technical equipment with lots of buttons and lights and stopped at one of the sets. Johnny recognized the blue couch from some of the channel’s videos. The wall behind it was decorated with memorabilia from popular video games. “This is where we film most of our gaming videos.”
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She turned to the right and walked towards another set, this one featuring a long table with an tabletop RPG set up. “And that’s our Lairs and Llamas set. We’ll add more sets as we continue to expand the channel, but we’ll need to hire more people first.”
Johnny was taking everything in. It was surreal being somewhere he’d seen on SimTube so many times.
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They exited the studio and Lucy showed him a couple of other areas—the editor’s work stations, the production design studio, and the break area. Everywhere they went was bustling with people, most of them happy and engaged in activity.
They made their way back to Lucy’s office. Everything seemed great so far, but Johnny still felt a bit unprepared. “Can I ask a silly question?”
“Ask away.”
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“What is it that I’m going to be doing exactly?”
Lucy began to laugh but caught herself. “I’m sorry, go ahead,” she told him.
“All of this is just really new to me,” Johnny explained sheepishly. “I don’t even really understand what you do. Like what is a Production Coordinator?”
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“Oh, I wasn’t laughing at you!" Lucy explained apologetically. "It’s just that I asked that same question when I interviewed here a couple of years ago. It reminds me of how lost I was back then.”
"Oh, okay." Johnny let out a small breath of relief.
“So basically," Lucy continued. "I run interference between the Producer and the other departments to make sure everyone has the information and materials they need and everything is on schedule. I’m involved throughout the whole process, from researching ideas for new content to providing feedback on videos in post-production.”
“Wow, that sounds like a lot.”
“It can be. But having you here will be a big help. Your main duties will be delivering messages, keeping inventory of materials, helping with set up, and resolving minor issues during filming. That’ll cut down a lot of the running around I’m doing.”
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“So I'll be the go-between for the go-between," Johnny quipped. I guess that’s pretty much what I expected.” He recalled what Lilly told him earlier.
As though she could read his mind, Lucy added, “It won’t be just running errands, though. I’ll need your help with researching ideas and bringing them to life on set. That’s one of the reasons we hired you. Damien called you ‘an innovative thinker.’”
Johnny was flattered. “He said that?”
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“He did. That’s quite a big compliment coming from him. If you prove him right, you won’t be stuck as a PA for long.”
Johnny tried to quiet the voice inside his head, the one that was telling him this was all too good to be true. How could a successful CEO see potential in him? Could he really go from doing lines in a dingy bar only a few weeks ago to making a name for himself in the world of digital media production?
If Damien and Lucy could believe in him, maybe he could get there too.
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Previous | Beginning of story | Beginning of chapter | Next
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teetlezhere · 10 months
Like promised, I've retraced my steps and the post here is a full guide on how to download and play TMNT homecoming for Android device.
Here below I've compiled a series of steps and useful links in case you might need to play the game:
(Edit: The guide's updated now:)
Step 0: First things first...
First thing first, you'll need an Android device to download and play this game.
UPDATE! - The game now also works on Bluestack!
Second thing you'll need (unless you know chinese) is a picture Translator app.
I've used translation apps that take pictures of the screen and translate it to english and followed the instructions to set up my username and password.
Step 1: Downloading the APK
Unless you live in China, or you can get the game legit in some way I don't know, APK downloading sites might help. However, be careful, for some may be scam sites. Use a VPN to help block unwanted visitors.
I've used this site here to download the APK for the game and seems pretty legit (based on bitdefender, the apk is safe) compared to others I've tried. While the picture is from the beta version in 2022, the update is the most recent from 2023.
If you have another apk downloading site you'd prefer to try download the apk from, try looking up for TMNT Homecoming (it will not show as Rise or ROTTMNT despite being the same characters)...
Or if that fails too, try searching for 忍者龟: 归来 apk if you can't find it in english.
STEP 2: Installation
Once you download the game, install it on your device. Phone might ask for permission due to being considered an unknown APK from an outside source.
STEP 3: Username and Password
If everything has gone smoothly, then it's time for the username and password.
A window will show with MUZHI written on it. Here, you must write your username (top) and your password (bottom). -ps: ignore the writing below. It was my bad 😅-
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You shouldn't have any issues with this step as it accepts western keyboard characters.
Just remember to write the ID and PW down somewhere so you won't forget them. Or take a snapshot of it before proceeding.
UPDATE! - It seems there are issues with the western keyboards and won't accept them anymore. So, if this step doesn't work, click the button that says: Quick Registration (the button in red) and proceed to step 4!
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A new window opens
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It requires that you put a name (top) and ID number (below) in order to play the game.
To bypass this, this helped me:
You can pick any of the codes shown (I used the very first one and it worked like a charm).
Let's use this for example: As you can see, there is a series on numbers first, and chinese characters at the end.
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Careful with this step as the name goes on the top bar, and should be only chinese characters.
Like this: 刘剑丽
The ID is only numbers, and they go in the bar below.
Like this: 220283198306236235
It must be like this:
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STEP 5: Selecting A Game Name
If you've reached this point, and if you're able to play the game at long last, then CONGRATS! You've made it! But it's not over just quite yet.
The game, eventually, requires that you add a GAME NAME. It can be anything you want it to be, but MIND YOU! THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!
IT WILL NOT ACCEPT Western Keyboard characters. Only chinese characters!
This is, however, much, much easier to bypass than step 4. Here, you have 2 options:
Option 1: If you want your very own original game name to play, you can go to google translate and simply write down and translate it to chinese.
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Just copy the chinese characters and paste them in the bar. Then proceed.
Option 2: If you don't care about what name you use to play, just generate a complete random name by pressing the dice button right next to the name bar. The game will insta-generate a completely random name for you to use.
STEP 6: Have fun!
If you followed each step of the way without too much hassle and managed to get through the apocalypse that is bypassing this, then CONGRATS! YOU'VE FINALLY MADE IT!
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I'm so, so proud of you! Now you're free to play this Rise of the tmnt game as much as you want! Keep your translator close just in case, and have plenty of fun with the features this game offers.
If you're looking to send me a friend request, You'll find me as Ninja of Liberation (or 解放忍者 ).
In case there’s issues, DM me and I’ll see to try help and update the guide.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 6 months
Why do you like Skyward Sword? What do you love about it? (I just came back to it after a long time and am obsessed.)
AH there are SO many reasons I like Skyward Sword!
The aesthetic! This is such a cute game, and the pastels are so pleasant to the eye. It makes the world so magical too, like botw is breathtakingly beautiful but skyward sword is like going to a real fantasy land. Kind of adds to the whole idea that this game is so far in the past it's in mythology era too, which makes it extra fun!
Speaking of which, the lore! Like, I know some people might not like the Hylia addition but let's be real, Nintendo destroys their own lore with every new game, so I just really liked this one lol. The idea that this game is so far back in the past that it's the original Hero, the original Zelda, it's such a fascinating and fun thing! This isn't just another iteration of the pair, this is the pair. It makes it fitting that they're the Zelink couple that I adore too haha.
With it being so far back in the past, it makes the magic feel so much more alive! The goddess is within reach, the dragons talk, everything feels so alive. You know how in stories it's always like "time passes and people grow distant from the magic and can no longer hear it/experience it" and that kind of feels like the rest of the Zelda games - like there's obviously still magic and beauty in all the games, but it never quite feels as... idk, fantastical as Skyward Sword's world does. Part of that is probably also because it's from Link's POV and this is all new to him
Which is another fun thing! All the other Zelda games, Link lives in an established world. Here, Link's exploring one that's been untouched since the entire world was nearly destroyed in a devastating war and nearly everyone had died. Like it's kind of akin to botw (I remember reading somewhere that botw was designed to be like a really improved skyward sword, like sksw paved the way for it) in that regard, but Link's in a foreign land and knows nothing about it. Rather like OoT Link, but there's very little established here, you know? There's no kingdom, you run into one (1) settlement with the mogmas and that's it. The rest is ruins and wilderness.
The characters! My gosh, they're so fun! Link is the most expressive here, he's absolutely delightful and I adore his personality (the only Link who comes close to being my favorite aside from Sky is Twilight). Groose is fantastic and rightfully a fan favorite. Zelda's a freaking knight! And she has her own journey! And she's got a fantastic personality, and her story is so interesting! Ghirahim is hilarious and a fun recurring villain! Even Impa is fairly interesting as a character. Fi certainly isn't my favorite companion but she isn't terrible, and it's quite fun learning about her lore and watching her develop.
LOFTWINGS. That is all.
LIVING IN THE SKY. Their settlement is so different from anything else in any other game and I love it. Also a nice little thing because like so many Zelda games herald an ancient race coming from the skies, and it differs between the games but the fact that this time it was the Hylians is really neat and solidifies the whole "this takes place before literally everything else" idea.
The music! I love the music so much, they're all bangers. Fi's theme, especially Follow Fi, is absolutely magical, Groose's them is bombastic and fun, freaking Koloktos theme, the Ancient Cistern!! The Sand Sea!!!
SILENT REALMS MY BELOVED. Everybody else hates them, I freaking adore them, they're my favorite part of the game. I love the challenge of them and the music for them absolutely took my breath away.
The sword mechanics! I know with bad programming/buggy controllers it can be a pain, but it's so fun being able to swing Link's sword around with such control, whether it's motion control or joystick. Like, it's not just hitting a button, you gotta wait and watch and observe to figure out how you're going to attack, and it makes it pretty fun!
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nightmaremonarch · 1 year
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circus baby redesign! i redesigned every canon sister location animatronic except ennard and the little freaks (biddybabs n minirinas) so go check out my previous redesigns! feel free to use this with credit :)
if you want to see more fnaf redesigns let me know! now onto the explanationnn
Ok. So of all the redesigns. circus baby's deffo took the longest. the others each took around ~5 hours and circus baby's took. ten. mostly because of the excessive amount of detail i gave her. she's the main character! she needed way more detail!
so. anyways! i made her much more clowny! her name is circus baby, and her original design was barely a clown besides the face and the shoes!! so i upped it by a thousand, and now she's much more circus-y! she also needed a fun hat because i think the clown hat is very important and essential. for everything.
along with that she's covered in glitter! how r u gonna have a voice line of hers be "i was covered in glitter" and NOT cover her in glitter! so now? all her clothes sparkle!
out of all the funtimes i think her and funtime freddy are the largest because they both have to be proportional to their large internal systems, funtime freddy having the storage tank and circus baby having her "ice cream" machine. so for funzies and be she's so large her eyes r up really high!! cause.. nobody's gonna be viewing her from head on. so if she looks down at some kid or smthn, she looks more normal!!
like the other funtimes she still has all her original features!! i didn't know how to show an emergency stop thing though so she still has that, but it's probably. like. a button or something somewhere. also the tips of her fingers are the balloon makers !!
she also has a lot details that are really hard to see but like.. i thought they'd be fun to add!! one of those is sliver of blue in her eyes as a reference to her original eye color :)
her hair, like ballora's, is synthetic cause it adds more movement! and her most of her clothes are real. her hands, legs, and feet are rubber though.. so the gloves and socks are not real :( the ruffles on every part of her outfit were also very important and very necessary to the fnaf lore and not just be i like drawing ruffles!!
so inside her internal compartment are a supply of balloons, cake perfume (“i smelled like birthday cake”), ice cream, ice cream cones, an ice cream holder, and the scooper. to stay inside the scoopers all folded up in there like a really painful jack-in-the-box, so the internal compartment is really cramped and does not leave much room for anything else. it's kinda more a "murk on sight" thing rather than a "kill and contain" like funtime freddy because there simply isn't enough room for storing anything else.
also while i was making this i was thinking of a scrap baby design to maybe create in the future, but im probably not going to 😭😭 but. Scrap babies hair would be yarn and her face would be paper plates or something cause she raided a craft store. Idk where she got the roller skates but in this au scrap baby robbed a craft store.
Anywho! that's all for the sister location redesigns!! if anyone has any questions or wants to see other characters in this au Imk!! i love requests and i will answer the questions to the best of my ability!!
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lives-in-midgard · 7 months
1K Follower Celebration Challenge
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Welcome to my 1k follower celebration. I’m so grateful for all your support on my writing and want to thank you all by celebrating this milestone with you.
To celebrate this milestone, I came up with the idea of hosting a writing challenge where anyone who wants to participate can take part.
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You can send in a request for the following things:
1, Moodboards
For example: A character + aesthetic you would like.
2, Headcanons
For example: “How would this character react to reader being on her period?”
Or: “Being best friends with a specific character.”
3, A request using one of the prompts from the list below.
If you have a specific idea with a prompt, feel free to describe it in more detail. However, if you only send in a character and a prompt you want me to use, that’s fine as well!
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I write for:
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Wanda Maximoff
Yelena Belova
Chris Evans
For more information read my request information.
I would love if some of you would join in so we can celebrate together.
You can use one of the characters I write for or any other character you want to write!
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Here are some rules if you want to write something or create a moodboard yourself:
Tag me so I can reblog and add it to a Masterlist.
Use warnings if they are needed!
There is no word limit, but please use the readmore button if it’s a long story.
Everything has to be your own work!
The most important rule is to have fun!!
If you decide to use one of the following prompts or create a headcanon or a moodboard, you can either choose something yourself, ask me to choose something for you, or ask your followers.
1, “I didn’t know where else to go.”
2, “Thank you for saving me.”
3, “You should stay here, it’s too dangerous to drive with that weather going on outside.”
4, “You’re my best friend.”
5, “Me and.… are just friends. You’re kidding, right? …. looks at you like you’re their entire world.”
6, “Wow, you look so beautiful.”
7, “I’m not leaving you here.”
8, “How could I say no to that smile.”
9, “How could you do this?”
10, “Can you please pretend to be my date? Just this time.”
11, “I know you could never hurt me.”
12, “The things you said yesterday…did you mean them?”
13, “Did you really plan all of this just for me?”
14, “You’re the best you know that, right?"
15, “Let’s go somewhere, just you and me.”
16, “I’m not letting anyone hurt you.”
17, “I heard you screaming. Are you okay?”
18, “Why is my name in your phone contacts: cute guy/girl from the café?”
19, “You’re such a cute couple.” “We are not a couple.”
20, “Wouldn’t you prefer to spend time with me?”
Some of these prompts come from myself, and I found some of them on Pinterest.
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Happy requesting and I hope you have a lot of fun if you decide to take part on my writing challenge!
PS: This beautiful divider are made by @saradika-graphics
Tagging my mutuals:
@secretswiftymarvelfan @yelenasdiary @alotofpockets @sergeantbarnessdoll @buckys-wintersoldier @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @nicoline1998enilocin @sebastianstanisahotmf @cevansbaby-dove @noellez-best-life23 @lokisbiiiitch1993 @romanoffshouse
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snakxreader · 11 months
With the silly spooky Halloween day coming up in like- 2 days- can we get a silly little story where Triffany, Wambus, and the Reader watch a horror movie? Maybe 2 movies even? And then later on, they cuddle in the middle of the night on the couch because at least one of them had a nightmare?
A/N: I HAD TO STRUGGLE TO KEEP MY EYES AWAKE BUT. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! I GOT IT DONE!! Thank you everyone for being so so patient with me despite everything, I honestly don’t deserve it ^^’. As a treat, I did something a little extra as a joke.
Ooc Spoilers for the fic:
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I’d say I’m sorry…but I’m really not lmaooo
Wambus x Triffany x Reader (Halloween Movie Night)
“I dunno why I let y’all talk me into this…”
“Come on, Wamby! It’ll be fun! I’ve heard good things about this movie! It’s supposed to be really good!”
Wambus still scowls, drumming nervously on the couch with his fingers, while Triffany tried to soothe him. You, meanwhile, was trying to find the movie on your streaming services, finally stumbling upon it on Peacock.
“Finally…” You groan, before turning to face your partners with an ecstatic expression. “Alright, darling, honey, welcome to the movie adaptation of one of the best horror franchises in the known world…..Five Nights at Freddy’s!”
You’re not a stranger to the franchise. You came across it randomly one day and found the idea so interesting that you binged playthroughs of all of the games. Your partners, while not really that understanding of it, have seen your dedication of it and respect it. When the movie was first announced, it was actually Triffany who suggested you all watch together.
Wambus was….less thrilled about the idea.
He wasn’t a big horror movie fan. Or a horror fan period. Never did good with the subject. You had to plead with him to watch the movie with nhim. And by plead, you just gave him puppy dog eyes until he caved in. Worth it though, as now you get to cuddle nest to the cutest Grumpuses in the world and watch a movie you’ve been exicted for ages.
“I still don’t see the point in watchin’ this…” Wambus grumbled, as you plopped next to him. “Why don’t we do somethin’ like..give out candy to kids on Halloween? Why we gotta watch blood and gore all the dang time.”
You patted his shoulder reassuringly. “Awww….it’s ok, you can hold our hands if you get scared.”
Unfortunately for Wambus, months of knowing him have made any sort of glare at you ineffective to getting you to back off. Instead, you just gave his cheek a nuzzle, feeling his fur bristle and hearing the little deep grumbling as he blushes.
“I don’t think it's gonna be that bad, actually.” Triffany interjects. “Last I’ve heard, it’s more a thriller than anythin’.” She says, throwing a blanket around all of you. Wambus still huffs but looks slightly more relieved. He leans on her shoulder as you press the play button, resting your head on Wambus’s arm, before he tucks you under it.
True to Triffany’s word, the movie is more thriller than actual slasher or psychological horror. Of course, the horror that was there, was in your opinion, perfectly executed, and well done. The retro, early 90s vibe it was trying to give added to the aspect and it made the experience all that more memorable.
Triffany was probably the most invested out of all of you, having been invested in the game’s timeline since you told her about it. She spent the movie trying to link the events there to what she had heard from you or seen about. The things that didn’t add up with the orginal were major, but she appericated the side plot between the two main characters, her cooing at the events.
Wambus was incredibly jittery and silent, almost jumping out of his body at the slightest fright. He yelped at every jumpscare, holding onto you and his wife’s hands tightly, so a sense of comfort. You both are more than willing to hold him right the whole movie, helping the brusque man through some of the harsher scenes. And somewhere along the way, he began to ease up a little.
When all was said and done, you three had all decently enjoyed yourselves, though one of you only enjoyed the close time with his partners. Regardless, drowsiness eventually overtook and you headed to bed, snuggled right in-between Wambus and Triffany.
You woke up one a.m. to an almost empty bed, devoid of one of the partners you were snuggled against. Groaning, you pulled yourself away from whoever was spooning you, albeit unwillingly, and headed out of the bedroom. In the distance, you could hear the living room television go off, alerting you to a presence in the house. Quietly and slowly, you step down the stairs towards the sound of the television, to find a familiar blue lug in front of it. He looked exhausted, weary eye bags under his face as he muttered to himself. You quietly sat next to him, causing him to jolt in shock before seeing your face.
“Hi Wamby…” You murmured, slipping his hand into yours.
“I’m sorry I woke ya.”
“Don’t worry about it.” You reassure him. “You ok?”
Wambus fell silent. You didn’t make him talk. Wambus still had struggles opening up about his emotions, even to you and Triffany. “….You’ll laugh.” He finally laments.
“Never.” Your voice is firm and steady. You’d never laugh at him over something that was clearly bothering him.
He sighed. “I had. A nightmare about that stupid movie. Getting chased by one of those dumb animatronics.”
“Oh hon.” You gently snort, and backtrack when you see his hurt face. “Not like that. It’s just, your nightmares are really common with this franchise.”
Wambus blinked. “…Really?” He rasped. You nodded. “I’ve…actually had a few myself.”
“You? You didn’t even flinch at the deaths and gore!”
“Once, I had a dream where I was chased by Foxy all the way down our block.” You said, reliving the event and rubbing Wambus’s back. “I was, like, pissing myself scared. Looking back, it’s kind of funny.”
The farmer seemed to relax a bit, groaning deeply. You didn’t press, simply basking in the silence of the TV. The creaking of the stairs and floorboard break it.
“What’re ya two doing up so late….?” Triffany yawns, sliding right next to you and dealing her arms around Wambus.
“Bad dream.”
“Ock-“ Triffany cuddles closer to Wambus. “I’m sorry dear, you want to talk about it?”
Wambus yawned. “….I was being chased and cornered by that stupid bear.”
“Sorry, hun. Do you want us to stay with you tonight on the couch?”
Wambus hesitated. “…That. Would be nice, yes.”
The blanket from earlier is once more draped across you three, everyone shifting into comfortable positions while the television blared. You three watched the show on there, some late night gane show.
“….Thank you.” You heard Wambus mumble, drowsy in his tone. “I love you two so much.”
“Always sweetheart. We love ya too.” Triffany says, as you nod in agreement.
After a minute, you can hear the soft snores of Wambus as Triffany snorts lovingly. “Must've been exhausted, big goof.” She turns to you. “You should rest up too, hun.”
“Triffs, I’m fi-”
“Shhhh.” She stroked your fur, and immediately you melted into her. Damn your weak spots. “Go back to bed hun….just ease your mind….”
You don’t even remember your eyes closing before you pass out.
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qtoosh · 1 year
decided to make a post explaining some key parts of qsmp for anyone wanting to get into it !!there's definitely some stuff i missed or got wrong so feel free to add. this is part one. part two will come tomorrow.
there is SO much, and i can not possibly explain everything (as i am only a girl) but this is the main things.
english speakers: wilbur soot, fitmc, philza, jaidenanimations, badboyhalo, foolishgamers, dantdm, and slimecicle
español speakers: luzu, rubius, elmariana, spreen, missasinfonia, roier, vegetta777, y maximus
português speakers: cellbit, felps, forever, pactw, e mikethelink
française speakers: baghera jones, etoiles, antoinedaniel, kameto, et aypierre
8 english speakers and 8 spanish speakers were given tickets to an island, Quesadilla Island or Isla Quesadilla (I believe it is still unsure who sent the tickets)
they were split up into two trains (not by languages, just split). when they arrived, a vcr-like interruption showing a duck popped up and welcomed them to the island, telling them not to press the button that’s on the big wall separating two sides of the island. naturally, they immediately press the button. the duckling returns and tells them they are no longer allowed to leave, so they all start settling in.
(I am unsure if this lore is still canon, if not i will remove this section) quackity was split into two people (engquackity and espquackity) as a child. these two characters have no relationship despite being two halves of the same person. despite their names, engquackity speaks both english and spanish, and espquackity has not canonically been seen on the server (besides some ominous messages in chat) but he’s…out there somewhere.
the eggs were abandoned by their dragon mother and taken by the federation to be given to the island members. each egg has two lives.
when it was just the spanish speaking and english speaking streamers, they were given eggs in pairs of two to take care of
original eggs: bobby (dead) - jaiden and roier, chayanne (alive) - phil and missa, dapper (alive) - bad, trump (dead) - dan and maxo, juanaflippa (dead) - slime and mariana, leonarda (alive) - foolish and vegetta, ramón (alive) - fit and spreen, tilín (dead) - quackity (and luzu, who never met tilín)
new eggs were given to the players who showed up after (besides luzu) by the federation
new eggs: tallulah (alive) - wilbur, richarlyson (alive) - the brazilians, pomme (alive) - the french
pomme is the only egg who currently still has two lives.
the eggs are currently being attacked by the code monster (more on this in part two)
canon queer eggs !! (because it’s pride month :p): juana (mtf), tilín (nonbinary), leonardo (genderfluid)
the official host and government-like organization on the island. it was established before the members arrived. their real name is Order.
members: the duckling, cucurucho, multiple faceless workers, cellbit (formerly)
cucurucho (or osito bimbo, or:)
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is the representative of the qsmpcensusbureau. they watch over the members, making sure they don’t break rules and they are enjoying the island.
they are portrayed to be looking out for the best of the island members (so, a positive figure) but they attacked cellbit with a chainsaw, and contributed to felps disappearance. it is unknown if there are multiple of them.
they have (had?) a positive relationship with jaiden and roier (heavy on the latter).
the federation can also revive dead eggs, whether they lost both of their lives or only one.
osito often says I hope you enjoy the island. / Disfruta la isla.
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doedipus · 1 year
okay so arcsys confirmed what I had been expecting, and said that the upcoming season 3 patch is gonna be when they start giving new toys to existing characters. since daisuke inexplicably implemented a bunch of shit I had been half-coherently spitballing about and made gio into a viable character again, here's a wishlist for this one:
improvements to existing things:
a) improved frame data all around. on launch, gio's main gimmick was just having stupid frame data. trovao and sol poente were both plus, she was the only character with a plus on block, dash cancellable cs, and doggie toes was very safe on block. this gave her a huge edge at the time in terms of sticking to her opponents on offense, crowding the mental stack, and running unique types of strike/throw and stagger pressure setups. however, since season 2, this edge has eroded a ton. everyone has a plus on block and dash cancellable cs now, and stagger pressure tools like sol poente and doggie toes are more readily punishable.
making her p and k buttons even or better on block and making 2h recover fast enough to tick throw or reset pressure off of would put her in line with similar characters like jam, and reducing the gap between 2k and doggie toes would close up a really glaring flaw in her offense and ability to scramble. and I would appreciate the recovery being improved on sol poente and doggie toes again, but there's no way arcsys is ever gonna just directly contradict a previous patch.
b) give 6h more to do. it's always been the button she presses the least, and now that arcsys has established a niche for everything else she has, it's really starting to stick out. either making it better at being combo filler or giving it a use in pressure would be amazing. for combo filler, something like a comparable knockdown to juggle hit 214k, or better cancel options would make it competitive with other routes, and for pressure, reducing recovery on 6h(1), making any of the hits a high, reducing lower hurtboxes to hop over lows... look, the point is there's a lot of places to take this move, it just needs to go somewhere.
c) give trovao projectile invulnerability sooner in the animation. this move seems to have been really difficult to balance satisfactorily because it's supposed to be both an anti-zoning tool and a pressure reset. in order to be balanced as a pressure reset the startup has to be reactable, but slow startup makes it unable to contest most projectiles even on prediction or during spam. however, adding the projectile invulnerability aspect much earlier in the animation (say, before frame 10 instead of frame ~30) would allow it to play both roles consistently without really interfering with each other.
d) better reward on raw sol poente hits, and faster startup. currently youzansen is unreactable and leads to full combos, so clearly this is a reasonable request. if they hit youzansen this patch then I'll settle for one or the other. also make the momentum control really stupid. like let her do fakeouts.
new toys I want
a) turn the buffs from holding onto high meter into its own resource, I think. idk what I want from this I guess. but giving her buffs directly based on meter limits what they can do with it, in terms of how to accrue it, what kinds of buffs it can give, etc.
b) momentum altering air move. whether it's a divekick or a fastfall I don't really care, but I want to have a move that can be used in air combos which gives gio more grounded momentum after landing for routing purposes
c) oki projectile. something like jam's super puff or one of those stubby kof fireballs would help a lot in matchups (cough, baiken, cough) where meatying consistently isn't an option, or you really just need someone to sit still and guess. the animation should be using rei as the projectile
d) a meterless reversal. sol nascente has a funny frame data thing going on so I would rather they add an h version or something instead of touching it. there isn't a deeper reason for wanting this, I just want it
e) a command throw. every gio player has been screaming and clawing and gnashing their teeth about this one since launch. my dream would be for it to have an effect on tension pulse or a new character specific resource, or to be a full screen kind of deal like eliza's
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thewildlorelei · 1 year
Love is Sick and Love is Blind (Mob AU)
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pairing: wally darling/original female character(Millie Morning)
rating: M
pretty obvious but this is fan content of welcome home
author's note:  Millie is my Welcome Home oc! Millie is a bunny puppet so there will be mention of things like her ears and tail and bunny feet. Just didn’t want people going in and being confused about the bunny talk. I will add reference art for what Millie looks like in this au once I get around to actually designing it lol. The design and concept for Mob Boss Wally comes from the Welcome Home Mob AU from clownsuu which is also linked. I highly recommend you check out their stuff if you haven’t already, it’s amazing. Please also note that this is more inspired by their au so I will be adding some of my own interpritation of things and won’t be 100% accurate to their canon lore for the au. Ok I think that’s everything for now, sorry this is so long lol Also the inspiration for the garden comes from "The boss's garden" on AO3 by Anonymous.
ao3 link, check here for tags related to rating
Mob Boss Wally Darling
Chapter 1 - Somewhere Only You Know
Today just had to be the worst day of Millie’s life. Why else would she be hiding away in the corner of a magnificent garden crying. She was in the most beautiful garden she had ever seen and she was sitting there, not enjoying any of it.
To be honest she shouldn’t even be here. She didn’t know who owned this garden. It was in the middle of town and didn’t seem to be a public place so she was technically trespassing. It wasn’t her fault though. She just needed a place to hide for a bit, just until she calmed down. There wasn’t anyone else here that she could see so she figured she was relatively safe.
Millie had only been living in the city for a couple of months now but things were already going badly. She just didn’t know what to do anymore, and so here she was crying. Because crying was what she was good at, it was like she was born to cry. She did it all the time, over every little thing. Most people around her thought it was annoying, that she was just being dramatic and a big cry baby. It really bothered her that they thought that, as if she could control it.
She wiped at her eyes under where they were hidden by her bangs, trying to stem the flow. It wasn’t helping. She had created a wet spot on her skirt where she had been leaning with her head on her knees. She was trying to think about her options, what she could do about her problems that were piling up. That was until a voice startled her from her thoughts.
“Hello there, neighbor.”
Millie gasped. Her ears shot straight up as she quickly lifted her head from her knees. There was a man standing beside the fence leading to her hiding spot. He was short, about the same height as her, his hair was blue and curly and pulled up into a messy roll on top. Curls fell loose beside his ears and down between his eyes. He was dressed nicely with striped pants, a white button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, suspenders, and a red ascot. A too large jacket was draped around his shoulders and he had his hands in his pockets. But the thing that was most notable about him was the scar over his right eye.
The eye was closed, she wondered if that meant it was gone. His other eye was trained on her, half lidded with an almost lazy look. He was smiling, so at least it didn’t seem like he was mad to find her here.
“I don’t mean to interrupt but I heard you crying.”
“Oh! I’m so sorry, is this your garden? I didn’t mean to intrude, I didn't think anyone was here.” She started to get up, wiping at her eyes again. “It is, but that’s alright, I usually come here to be alone, but it seems like you needed some alone time too.” He said with a laid back smile on his face. She couldn’t help but blush in embarrassment at getting caught, happy her face was so hidden behind her hair.
“I’m really sorry, I’ll just go.” Millie started to move from the corner she was in.
“You can’t leave yet, you’ve made me so curious why a beautiful girl like you is crying by herself in my garden.” He gave her a charming smile. “Please, walk with me. I’ll show you around the garden and you can tell me about it.” He tilted his head to gesture that she should come over to him. He had an intimidating air that she couldn’t quite place. It felt like he must be in charge of something, he had a commanding presence. She really didn’t want to upset him but she also knew not to trust strange men. He must be rich and powerful, she thought, for him to own such a large beautiful garden in the middle of the city.
He must have sensed her hesitation. “I promise I’m a good listener.” That was it, she couldn’t just walk away when he was being so nice about it. And honestly? She really could use someone to talk to, and she didn’t have anyone else at the moment. She smiled. “Alright. I would love to see the garden after all. I used to do some gardening myself, this place is magnificent.”
He led them over to a brick pathway that wound its way through the whole garden. He slowly walked beside her with even relaxed steps, pointing out a couple of things here and there that he liked most. About halfway through he slowed his pace. “So tell me, what brought you to my garden?”
She looked away. “Oh it all feels so silly now.”
“I’d like to hear about it anyway.” There was a slight tone in his voice that made her feel like this was more of a demand than a request. “Well, I moved to this city only a couple months ago. I moved in with my grandparents cause they are the only family I have left and I had nowhere else to go after my mom died. I didn’t have enough money to support myself at the time and they were nice enough to let me stay.” She started to fidget with her hands again. “But..they have changed since I was little. They have very strong expectations for people and have rigid ideas on what a person should be and do with their life. I ended up lying to them about what I was doing for work because I knew they wouldn’t like it.”
“What do you do?”
“I’m a bartender. I really enjoy it actually, despite the drawbacks.” He nodded in understanding. “But this morning they found out what I had been doing. They were so mad, more than I thought they would be. They said what I was doing was sinful and that if I was going to do the devil's work that I wasn’t allowed to live there anymore. Not only that, they told me that they were disowning me, that I wasn’t their granddaughter anymore.” Her voice was tight, trying to swallow the tears that were forming again.
“I’m sorry to hear that. Family should be there for each other no matter what. And disowning family? Just deciding you don’t want to be family anymore? It doesn’t make sense. Family is for life.” There was something intense in the way he talked about it. “You must be very close to your family.” Millie prompted. “Oh yes, my family is everything to me.” She smiled. “That sounds so nice.” There was longing in her voice. They continued walking in silence for a moment.
“You know, that doesn’t actually explain how you ended up here in the garden.” “Oh yeah. Well, it’s sort of related. Like I said, I work at a bar nearby and a couple of days ago there were these two guys in there giving me a hard time. I work alone most of the time, except for the bouncer of course. They were so drunk and just wouldn’t leave me alone and I finally had to kick them out. They were pretty upset about it. They kept yelling and threatening to send the mob after me for treating them like that. It did freak me out a little.”
“The mob, huh?” He said, a hint of mirth in his voice. “What did these guys look like?” She described them to him and he hummed. “Sounds about right. I don’t think you’ll have to worry about them. Either they were lying about being in with the mob or they are so low level that no one will care if they got kicked out of some bar.” “Oh really? That’s honestly such a relief. I’m not trying to get on someone’s bad side right after I just got to this town.” Millie stopped for a moment to admire a bush of incredible multi-colored hydrangeas.
“Anyway, today I was taking a walk trying to clear my head and I just happened to see those men ahead on the street coming towards me. I was so upset from getting kicked out earlier and I really didn’t want to chance anything happening with them so I came down the alley over there.” She pointed to the fence where you could see a gap in the buildings on the other side. “I think they saw me cause they started following me down the alley. So I jumped the fence and ended up here.”
“You…jumped the fence? There’s razor wire at the top, how did you manage…?” She stuck out a foot, showing off her bare rabbit feet. “I’m really good at jumping high.” She laughed and continued her story. “Luckily it doesn’t seem like they kept following me. I was just so overwhelmed that I sat down and cried.” She turned her face away from him, feeling a little ashamed. “I cry really easy, people tend to call me a crybaby.” She laughed at herself a little.
“There’s no shame in crying, neighbor. All of that sounds like you are justified. I think I'd even shed some tears if I lost my family.” She looked back to him, giving him an appreciative smile. “So that’s it, that’s my sad story.”
“Hmm.” He thought for a moment. “What I’m hearing is that you need a new place to stay.” Her head fell forward slightly. “Yeah, I guess I do. I was planning on staying at a motel or something till I can find a new place.” She knew she shouldn’t be offering up so much information about herself to him, he was still just a stranger, but there was something about him that made her want to tell him everything.
“No, we can’t have that, neighbor.” He stopped beside a bush of beautiful shasta daisies, leaning down to pick one. He twirled the stem between his fingers. She noticed he had a silver ring on every finger on both hands.
“I know an apartment building nearby, it’s very nice, recently built. Rent’s high but I’ll give them a call and tell them I know someone looking for a place and ask them to lower rent to match what you can afford. How does that sound?” Millie was silent for a moment, shocked by the offer. “Really? That’s…that’s amazing…and..way too generous of you. We’ve only just met and you’d do that for me?”
He laughed, it was an awkward stuttered laugh, but it felt genuine. “Of course. I couldn’t very well just let you leave here knowing you had nowhere to go. Here…” He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a business card. “This is the place. Give them a call later and they’ll get you sorted out.” She took the card and just stared at it like it was too good to be true. “Wow, how can I ever thank you for helping me like this?” He brought his hand to his chin as if he were considering it. “I’d like you to stay in touch, and go out to dinner with me sometime.” Her face felt hot. “Well I suppose that’s the least I can do to repay you for helping me like this.” “Deal?” He reached out as if to shake on it. She took his hand and laughed, shaking it. “Deal.”
He turned to keep walking along the path. “There is only a little more to see, then I’ll show you the door so you can leave without hopping over the fence.” She winced. “Sorry again about that.” She could feel him looking at her so she tried to pretend not to notice.
“What do you know about the local mob?” He asked suddenly. “It’s just that you mentioned those men and I’ve been wondering how much you know since you’re so new in town.”
“Hmmm, I know some stuff. I hear things in passing working at the bar. As far as I know there are two main families in this town. The Flowers?” He nodded stiffly. “And the other is the Home family I think?” “Yeah that’s right.” He was looking at her again. She almost felt like he was testing her. So she tried to offer more. “I really don’t know much beyond that. Oh! I do know the names of the heads of each family. There’s Aster Flowers, for the Flowers family of course, and the other is Wally Darling if I remember right. The guys at the bar talking about it said he was pretty scary. I’d really hate to get on his bad side, so I hope you’re right that he wouldn’t come after me.”
He laughed again, lighting touching his fingertips to his forehead. “I don’t think you have anything to worry about.” He raised his hand, gently placing the daisy in her hair behind her ear. She felt butterflies fluttering in her stomach. There was just something so charming about him. He felt dangerous in a way but she couldn’t help but feel drawn in. They finally reached a gate that led out back to the street.
“Let me ask one last favor, let's say as ‘payment’ for entering my garden.” She laughed awkwardly again. “My sob story wasn’t enough?” “Not quite.” He sounded serious. “Um, sure.” That made her nervous, what if it was something she didn’t want to say or do?
“Let me see your eyes.”
“My eyes?” She asked. Well that was certainly much better than anything else that had flashed through her mind. “Yes.” He said, staring at her intently. She looked away for a moment. “Alright, I suppose.” She didn’t really mind, there was nothing to hide, well except for her face in general, but that was more of a comfort thing than an insecure thing. She reached up and pushed her bangs out of the way of her eyes. “It’s not like they're anything special.” She laughed to herself. He was silent for a moment. Actually maybe she was starting to feel insecure.
Her eyes darted to his, he was so focused on her it made the heat rise in her cheeks again but this time she couldn’t hide it. His pupil dilated and his smile grew. After a moment he lightly shook his head. “Sorry for staring, but you have lovely eyes. Also that heart on your cheek is a surprise.”
She dropped her bangs, feeling safe again from having her emotions on such obvious display. “Oh yeah, I’ve always had that, kids used to tease me about it.” Ske mentally kicked herself a little, why had she said that. She thought that she better get out of there soon, this was all very intense and she felt like she needed time to breathe and think about all of this. He was staring again despite his apology for doing so, it gave her goosbumps. She thought she better thank him again and get going.
“Thank you again, mister…” She stopped, eyes going wide. “Oh! Where are my manners! You’ve been so kind and I haven’t even introduced myself.” She stuck out her hand. “I’m Millie Morning!” The smile that appeared on his face could have made her melt. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Millie.” He took her hand in his.
“I’m Wally, Wally Darling.”
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hazy-hazel-fics · 3 months
My fanfic writing process!!! yippee!!!
Step 1: getting my idea. First off, I need the very basic idea of what I want to write. Sometimes it's just a vibe. What fandom am I writing for? What characters are involved? Is it a crackfic or angsty as hell? Is romance involved? Are they in a different setting than canon?
Step 2: planning. I don't like this one a whole lot, mostly because I never know if I'm doing it right. However, the way I do it is I basically come up with a few basic plot points and decide the order that they should happen in. I also try to keep it appropriate to the setting and especially the characters. Sometimes I kinda skip this part, which in hindsight, never turns out good. The part I like most about this is that it's usually where I design my characters! I like drawing, so getting to sketch out how my characters look so that I can describe them or draw them better is nice.
(there's 4 more steps and explanations below the cut! it's just there so that it's shorter if anyone's scrolling)
Step 3: writing. I try to split my base writing into chunks. First, I start everything on paper! I write down a chapter 1, and try to extend it to part of the second chapter as my first section. I then make my next section finishing the second chapter and starting the third, and so on. As my first draft, it usually has a lot of placeholders where I just say [thing that he grabs the hairbrush out of] or something along those lines, and I don't care too much about my writing seeming bland.
Step 4: editing. As I just mentioned, I tend to section things out, albeit loosely. This part is where I grab a red pen and start to fill in the placeholders and fix any grammatical errors. I also tend to replace words and sentences and make them better, at least in my eyes. I do this by section about twice, meaning that I finish writing my first section, and then later on I do the first corrections, and then the next day or after a nap I do the second corrections. Once I'm done, I start writing the next section, and then I edit that, and the cycle repeats!
Step 5: importing. The next step is to import it somewhere that I can check my word count, edit it, and format it right. I usually use Google Docs because it's easiest. First, to avoid that weird double spacing with AO3 when copy pasting, I make it so that it's single and has a space after each paragraph, which shows me how it'd look in AO3 (image below).
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I import it from paper by just manually typing everything out besides the fact that things were corrected. The next day or just a few hours later, I go into suggesting mode (another image below) which basically means that any edits I make will not be permanent, and I can come back later and decide whether or not I want to use the edits. I do this and re-read until I think that my story is silly enough.
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Final/6th step: PUBLISHING!!!! Yep, this is the last step, and probably the most nerve-wracking for me. I open up AO3, make a new work, and then I have to decide the tags (probably the hardest part for me; feels like there's too many to chose from or there isn't something as oddly specific as I need it to be), decide the ratings, write notes for the first chapter... and write a summary. I don't like writing summaries, but I try to keep it short and sweet, and I try not to spoil too much. Maybe 1-3 sentences, and then an author's note that's usually the same length or shorter. I re-read everything I've written, make minor changes, add or remove tags that don't seem necessary, usually mention that tags will be removed and added as necessary... Then, my cursor hovers over the button to publish it... and I haven't gotten past that yet! At some point, though, I'll actually publish a fic rather than letting it sit in google docs and in the drafts until deletion.
So sorry for the very long tutorial! I hope you have a nice day :)
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I'm definitely happy to see Nemoto and Rappa no please
Can I get Rappa smut because I'm starving
(Made it home for just a second and guess who has to leave AGAIN tonight?! Anyway anon, I’m hoping this is enough to feed you since we all need some Rappa tonight. I know this for a fact! Speaking of starved, I think I got something that correlates to the title of this...)
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~Dinner Time~
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“What the hell is that? Where’s the food?” He grumbles in confusion as nothing sits upon the dinner table except a lone can of whip cream, a small bowl of cherries, and chocolate syrup (or whatever flavor you dig, depending on reader). “What’s the big ideal? This some sort of joke, Y/N?” Earlier when you called him into the room to get dinner he’d assumed you made something along the lines of a good roast or maybe those burgers he loves so much. Imagine his surprise when he came into the kitchen to see this. He was so baffled by it all that he didn’t even take a second to observe your expression as your leaned against the fridge...
-In nothing but a robe.
-”Y/N? We having snacks tonight or somethin? Ice cream?” You lost your composure for a second and laughed before decided to help him figure it out. “No. I called you in here for dinner time so you could eat.” He still wasn’t getting it, but at least his eyes were glued to your form as you slowly walked over to the table. “Where’s the meal?” He asked shortly. “Right here.” You reply, dropping the robe and showing off your special little outfit you’d purchased from a high end store last weekend. “Cheesy shit...” He mumbled a weak insult at your attempt to seduce him. “Doesn’t seem like you believe your own words byt the way your cock looks right about now.” You quipped back at him, pointing to the obvious tent in his pants. He changes the subject. “Yeah, whatever. Anyway, what the hell is this all for? You want me to feed you or something?” You roll your eyes and lay yourself across the table, spraying the whip cream first somewhere easy like your upper thighs. “Come lick it off.” He smirked devilishly at that. “Don’t need to tell me twice.”
-He began gently with you. It was out of character for him since usually he approached you in bed with everything all at once. This time around he was careful with you, grabbing your legs and pulling you to the edge of the table before kneeling down and putting them over his shoulders. He slowly dotted your thighs with the tip of his tongue as he tried to get a taste for the whipped cream to get started. Once he figured it was a good flavor, he pressed the flat of his tongue against your skin and lapped up every bit of the cream as though he was a man starved. “Tastes good. Add more.” He demanded. If you took too long then he’s nip at your sensitive skin as a warning. 
-The longer this foreplay drawn out, the more into it he was becoming. What started with a small dribble of whip cream on your legs ended with him covering you in the sweets. Cream along your thighs and tummy, the middle of your chest and nipples as well. Then cherries doting the nipples and belly button. He’s taken to drizzling the syrup in your most intimate spaces below. Kendo took his time licking up every single bit, spending extra time to tease your nipples until you were sore and begging him to move on. Once he saw fit, he ate the cherries present and worked his way down to his favorite spot on your body. He usually rushed but tonight he was taking his time with you despite being painfully hard himself. He took care of you, squeezing every single gasp, groan, and moan out of you that he could. He pinched at your sides, signaling you to cum in his mouth for him and your certainly didn’t complain.
-By the time it was over with, you were much stickier than you intended to be. “I’m gonna hit the shower real quick.” You told him as you finished cleaning the mess from the kitchen table. “What about me?” He complained, pointing down at his still apparent boner begging to be set free from its fabric confines. You smirked at him and kissed the tip on his nose. “I didn’t say I wanted the shower to be alone, did I?”
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cyberfell-redux · 24 days
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General Character Lore Part 4:
If you asked the average monster what the biggest technical advancement monsterkind made while still underground was, most would tell you it was the core. A massive feat of engineering prowess, the core loomed over Hotlands and provided energy to all areas of the underground. There was not a single life it didn't touch, combining ambient magic and geo-thermal energy in a massive collider and energy storage device. If the core went down today, it would still contain enough energy to keep the lights on for everyone for 90 days - or nearly a year straight with clever rolling blackouts and other energy reduction techniques.
Even so, Wingding could not take all the credit for it. It took Sans' theory, and years of tinkering on smaller scale models with Alphys for the final design to be born - he was just the unlucky bastard forced to attend interviews and ceremonies for it. Alphys begged him for a pass and Sans.... well Sans was Sans - try to drag him somewhere he doesn't feel like being and the asshole just *poofs* away.
While the most well known project of his career, the most funded and the best received, the core was not his favorite project. He would smile for the reporters and tell them what an honor it was to work with the Royal Science Commission - how proud he was to be on the esteemed team - all day if he had to. No one really needed to know about his favorite, nor did anyone really care too much about it anyways.
From concept to the first launch, Wingding Gaster had spent the majority of his life working on the old UnderNet. No, not the glorified message board - the original UnderNet framework, including the servers that host the damn thing. if only he had been more assertive about making them pick a different name It served as a framework for all of his future projects: performing calculations for his work, running models of his projects, simulating outcomes of his experiments, and storing the massive amounts of data his work created. His being the operative word in the description above. WD Gaster has never been one to share his work, especially not a piece that was so important. Even so, there are things he is willing to trade for, and Alphys' specialties are one of them.
And so the deal was struck, he provided his theories and designs for a device that could fold material and magic, store the target in a sub pocket in the electro-magic field generated by the core, then allow it to be retrieved with the push of a button. In exchange, Alphys would have a dedicated server for number crunching and whatever else she wanted to run on his framework, along with credit for the release. even now, his pride insists that was his first mistake
That was not too special - yes it is convenient and yes when Alphys released it the device was wildly popular but that was a mere shadow of his real goal.
Everything made of magic has an expiration date. Unless more is added at regular intervals, any construct made of magic will disappear eventually as the magic loses stability and returns to a resting state with the ambient magic around it. Scans of the barrier indicated that no human mage had ever returned to add magic - content as they were to lock monsterkind underground and throw away the key. Even with the power derived from their seven souls it was clear the barrier would fall on its own eventually.
Yes, all calculations showed it was due to fall in approx. 99999 years.
Monsterkind had been trapped roughly 1,500 years ago, so it would only be another 98499 years until they would be free! Long lived as monsters are, longer lived as boss monster are, it was becoming clearer by the day that they would be extinct by the time the barrier fell.
Since the day the prince fell down, the day Asgore declared humanity to be their enemy, the day things became kill or be killed, monsterkind has done worse than stagnate. Content as they were to sublime themselves anyone with eyes could tell this could not continue.
Even so, he and his brothers would see the sun. They would not be turned to meaningless dust by this place, they would not disappear into nothing, they would not WOULD NOT fall here. He had promised it foolishly but he meant it - WD Gaster would find a way for them to make it. Not just until after the barrier fell either, no they would do better than survive to see the surface.
The king's plan of going to war with humanity didn't work for his parents and with the way things were going it was clear it wouldn't work the second time either. Sure they could probably get 6 more souls in less than 98499 years, they already had one, but with the way things were looking by the time the seventh soul was collected monsterkind would be a shell of the proud people they once were. Even if they lived that long, Asgore's philosophy would get the rest killed within weeks.
But what if they didn't have to follow the king's lead? What if they weren't relying on collecting human souls to break the barrier? What if there was a way for them, not the future generations of monsterkind but this generation to wait it out? If only there was a way to press pause on the underground until it was time for the barrier to fall...
Like most of his brilliant ideas, it began simply.
Make a simulacrum that could comfortably contain the minds and souls of every monster in the underground. It must contain the minds and souls, but because of the core's limitations their physical bodies need to be separated and sustained or the loss would kill any monster who tried to leave. He would control the parameters of the simulation, offering lots of variability in things to do and places to see to prevent... well insanity. He would also establish the rules to ensure no one would harm each other - not that it would do much good to try once he turns off pain reception and chemically inhibits their anger.
Yes, this idea was becoming very, very interesting.
It took years of work, years of lying to the king for funding for "a better way to keep human souls in stasis", years of lying to Sans on what the project was and what he needed to have built, years of... not going home as often as he promised BUT it would all be worth it. He'd do whatever his brothers asked of him, once he fixed things, once they were safe, once it was under his control.
The theory was proven with the storage of inanimate objects - he'd done all manner of tests; they went in and returned as if no time had passed at all for them. The simulation was built, the device for uploading souls and consciousness alike was functioning as expected (unfortunately, the Aaron who graciously volunteered could not be released back to the underground - his sacrifice in the name of science would be remembered), and the stage was set.
All that was left was to try it for himself, then he could solve everything for everyone - he is the royal scientist after all, what is his purpose, if not to find solutions?
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vlovann · 4 months
Clothing stores don’t give a damn about what their product looks like anymore.
If you do, you’re doing too much which automatically makes you suck at your job somehow. They hate you now. You’re gonna be fired directly or silently in the end.
This is a lot because it happens too often and I need to let it out somewhere I can’t be fired from.
TL;DR at the bottom. You’re welcome.
Here’s a new one: The manager isn’t always right.
How many of you have been told that something you know is important…isn’t. That it’s “not a priority”? That you’re “overthinking it”?
That’s their favorite phrase isn’t it?
How many of you wake up and can’t get back to sleep on your off day because your brain wants to argue with your boss about something as simple as ORGANIZING?
How many of you have been left to feel like you can’t do anything right because you can’t do it by one specific person’s standards that doesn’t even understand the task at hand but controls whether or not you can afford to live?
Yeah…this is what I’m dealing with. Here’s my rant:
⭐️ Keep in mind, I am an artist (specifically character design) and an aspiring fashion designer. I want to open my own physical shop one day. Sooo…color, visualizing and making outfits is kiiiinda in my blood. It’s very much a passion.
I’ll start off with this…*ahem* VISUAL MERCHANDISING IS NOT JUST ABOUT “TEEHEE SIGNS AND MANNEQUINS.” It is about making your store look visually appealing to customers. I love dressing mannequins. It’s my favorite part of it, but…it’s just that. A part of it. I can understand that.
More than one place has treated it like that, shamelessly, I’ll say my past jobs at Forever21 and Nordstrom. Fuck them. I currently work at a fashion liquidation store. Somewhere that doesn’t even have a directive to follow and I was told to basically make shit up.
My current boss has claimed he fought the district manager to hire me because they needed somebody to help with visualizing. I’m starting to think this was a bold faced lie and somebody else they wanted to hire declined.
Well…then I started visualizing. I started colorizing the product, buttoning, tying, lacing, zipping, etc. Apparently, that’s not visualizing?
I have talked to all of our employees and my fellow management. You know what they told me?
They don’t care. They don’t like doing it so they don’t.
That’s whatever. I’m here now. I’ll help and I have the power to at least teach them how to.
You know what else? This really pissed me off internally.
It’s because they let the customers who come in and disrespect the product dictate whether or not they organize the fucking store and uphold the image of the company. The customers that put their entire stack of stuff in the wrong colors, the wrong size, or the wrong product all together. When the go-back rack is RIGHT THERE. They have submitted to the customers that don’t care about customer service workers and don’t care about making their jobs harder.
So no. It’s not about prioritizing other things. It’s about not wanting to put in or make time for the effort.
Gods this feels so similar to my experiences dating men 🤦🏻‍♀️
Do we listen to the person who actually cares? The one who comes in almost every day in a unique and coherent outfit instead of sweatpants (unless you schedule her to work 8 days in a row, closing almost every day while you and the other assistant get 4 days off)? The one who literally finds organizing stores calming?
We listen to the ones that don’t care!
Riddle me this, Batman…
If you could hire somebody for any amount of time to organize your closet, would you rather:
A. The organizer take the time to “overthink” the details, but everything has a place and it’s easier for you to maintain without them?
B. The organizer pick everything up off the floor and hang it up in a random spot and leave?
Can’t put text under a poll so please comment on/reblog this with your answer and optionally additional input. Or just think about it.
Let me tell you why organizing is important…in case you genuinely don’t know.
If you made it this far, you’re listening more than the people that are supposed to. You’re probably in the same boat. I’m sorry, dude. Here’s some rations to stay adrift 🍱🥗🍟🍿🍉🍎🍓 Don’t eat me, we’ll eat the rich corporations when we get to dry land 🏴‍☠️
1. When somebody is in a hurry, they can’t take the time to scavenge the racks to find what they’re looking for before they have say an interview, a first day on the job, a first date. They will walk through the racks looking for an ounce of organized product to look through. If they don’t find it, they leave to look somewhere else.
Congratulations, you lost a sale because you refuse to take the time to organize.
2. Someone is looking for a specific dress. Let’s say a champagne strapless lace up dress. You definitely have it. You go looking for it in the sleeveless section, knowing it’s supposed to be there, but it’s not. It takes like 5 minutes too long. Your customer is getting impatient. Says she’ll do it herself because obviously you must just be incompetent. She can’t even find it, scolds you, and leaves. Bonus point when you’re walking by the next day and you find that it’s been shoved in with the long sleeves in the middle of the navy blue section. You could’ve avoided that whole interaction.
Congratulations, you lost a sale because you refuse to take the time organize.
3. You’re the manager of a shop at a mall or plaza. You have competition. People look in your store as they walk by see that your shop is unorganized, your employees are being forced or applauded not to care where they put things because it’s not important, while other customers are walking all over you, leaving clothes draping over racks, not even taking 3 seconds to hang it back up. They keep walking, heading over to the store across from you.
This store has a team of people making sure their product always looks nice while someone who would rather stay at the register does so to make sure customers are still being taken care of. Their racks are color coded, sized, buttoned, zipped, tied, etc. Their mannequins look stylish. This store is easier to shop from.
Congratulations! You lost hundreds of sales because you refuse to take the time to organize.
Double Congratulations! The only customers you’re attracting are the ones who have never once worked in retail or have sympathy for those that do! You’ve made a reputation amongst Thieves and Karens for easy pickin’s!
Four, the new hire who wants to organize to make things easier on herself and others, poor thing, but you won’t let her, is “taking forever” to do the go-backs. You go over there to professionally tell her she sucks at her job, she’s an idiot, and tell her she needs to get better or else. She explains that she doesn’t know where to put anything because it’s all out of order and it’s stressing her out. You basically tell her “that’s a you problem”. The next day, she hands you her two weeks notice, saying she found a better opportunity.
This is the same employee who customers appreciate the fact that she takes the time to fold their clothes as she rings them out instead of throwing them lazily in a bag.
It’s very obvious she cares. Just too much for you. In reality, it’s just that she cares more than you and you feel threatened, so you want to push her out so she can’t take your job which she doesn’t even want to do. She just wants to work somewhere for someone that will value her input and skills.
Congratulations! You lost a valuable employee who could’ve helped fix your brand’s reputation for being a “dirty store”.
How can organizing NOT be one of the top priorities? Their logic doesn’t make any sense and it’s fucking maddening 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
What’s funny is that my SM has told me he wants to be a traveling merchandiser for the brand and yet he treats me like this over THE SIMPLEST visual task. If you ask me, I don’t think he’s cut out for it unless he can comprehend these basics.
What’s also funny is that when I worked at Forever21 the direct managers also treated me like shit over wanting to make the store look good which was a heavy task if you’ve ever seen an overstocked Forever21. The district and specialized, overhead managers came in and vocally appreciated me in the middle of talking to the store manager when I was organizing the racks. I thanked them loudly. I felt so pettily and insanely happy. I couldn’t hide my smirk.
We made it! 🏙️ Now go feast on the flesh made of little green pieces of paper.
Please share your stories like this! I’m curious to see where else this could be happening and what your experiences are.
TL;DR - Make store wook pwetty? Customers find things! They will like shop! They buy from shop! They come back and gib you more mo-nies, yeah?! What will they do? Incwease sales?! Yes, that’s wight! Wisten to empwoyee concewns? What will dat do? *GASP* You get to keep them! YAYYY! You’re such a smart, bwainwashed corpwate swave! Yes, you are! Good job! Now go! Be fwee!
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twotales · 11 months
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Chapter Two: Disappear
Ch1: Lifeline |
Read on AO3
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters: Radek Zelenka, Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, Ronon Dex, Teyla Emmagan, Chuck, Evan Lorne, Laura Cadman, Sam Carter, Bill Lee, More to add
Rating: T
Word Count: 2,223
Tags: AU - Canon Divergence, Episode Rewrite
Note: I've labeled locations because of what happens in the actual episode. I may drop it after this chapter.
Location: Atlantis
Radek toweled the grease off his hands. “I don’t think it’s a spare hyperdrive, Rodney.”
“Oh yeah, and why’s that?”
Radek pushed his glasses up his nose. “It isn’t connected to the central engine,” he threw his hands up, “it isn’t connected to anything.” He leaned forward, “What if it was another ancient experiment?”
Rodney wiped the sweat off his brow. “Well, we don’t really have much of a choice now do we?”
Radek nodded sadly. “This is true.”
Rodney pulled open the hatch, “Shit.” he rubbed a hand over his face and tapped his communicator, “Alright, start dismantling sublight, only one at a time.” he grimaced, “We could deal with one missing.”
Radek frowned; he knew as well as Rodney that it would take at least two.
Location: Apollo
“Damn,” Sam said as the puddle jumper went into hyperdrive. “We missed them.”
“We’ll deal with that later,” Ellis said, “power weapons.”
“Powering weapons,”
The replicator ships came into view. “Fire,” he said.
They started breaking up from the impact. “Replicator ships destroyed.”
“Hurry,” Sam said, “follow their trail.”
They opened up a hyperspace window.
Location: Atlantis
Seven non-essential areas stripped.
Five teleporters.
One holo-room.
And three sublight engines.
“It’s done,” Rodney said relieved. It was short-lived as the billions of other problems flooded in. The first being the replicators on their tail. He tapped his communicator, “All ready to go on this end, Radek.”
“Thirty minutes till everything is connected together.”
“Thirty minutes!?” He held a hand over his forehead. Fuck. “I’m coming.” Rodney barreled into the room and shoved a scientist out of the way. He slid under the conduit Radek was wedged under. “Let’s make it five.”
Radek snorted, “Oh yes, because this is possible.”
“Fine,” Rodney rolled his eyes, “fifteen.”
They smiled despite the situation.
Ten minutes later they were both headed toward the gate room. Rodney explained the details of the cobbled-together hyperdrive to the technicians, “You got it?”
The group nodded and ran to their specific stations. Chuck turned in his chair and entered in the estimated coordinates, hand hovering over the button.
A hyperspace window opened close to their proximity.
“Sergent!” John yelled.
“Yes, sir.”
Chuck hit the button.
Location: Apollo
“Where’d they go?” Bill stammered.
“There was no hyperspace window.” Sam blinked. “They just disappeared.”
Ellis tilted his head. “I’m going to guess that this isn’t normal.”
Sam shook her head, “No, it’s not.”
Bill raised a finger, “You see, nothing we know is capable of making a ship-,” Bill smiled, “Well anything really,” he nodded, “-disappear without any traces left behind,” he pushed his glasses up, “it’s actually one of the more-”
“Bill,” Sam said, shooting him a look.
Bill visibly swallowed back the words, “Right.”
“Report,” Ellis said as he stepped onto the bridge.
Sam frowned, “Thirty-six hours and nothing.”
“They want us back.” He said.
Sam sighed and looked over at the place where they had disappeared. It had to be powerful to send them away in such a manner. No energy signature, no window. It was like nothing they had ever witnessed before.
“Understood sir.” She tilted her head. “Let’s drop a probe, keep tabs on this section of space. It’s quite possible they could return.” She shrugged, “Who knows.”
Ellis nodded, Sam left the bridge and made her way over to a window. She stared at the same patch of empty space. Bill came up to her side and patted her shoulder.
“I feel like they're out there somewhere,” he said, “I won't give up hope.”
“I think you’re right.” Sam smiled at him and bumped her shoulder against his, “and that makes two of us.”
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