#is this in reference to a mean ask we got in our inbox? yes
mushtoons · 1 year
drawing transfem leo a little more femme than she would be is so refreshing to us 🙏 like girl has spent her whole life in shit water, she can indulge in feminine stuff as a treat being a woman isnt a bad thing and liking 'girly' stuff isnt bad, letting herself do cliché woman stuff just to feel the gender euphoria of it being labeled 'woman stuff' to boost self esteem is everything to us
yes she can still be mega loser supreme, but also take pride in her gender, its not mutually exclusive
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mirkwoodshewolf · 2 years
Very first time; Jack Kline x reader smut
*Author’s note*
Okay well this has been sitting in my inbox collecting dust for awhile but after a few weeks of work and planning (and some major procrastinating) I FINALLY came around and got to this request so @gabrielasilva1510​ this is for you and thank you for being soo patient with me.
Now this is a SMUT fic so there is some sexual content in here so any minors that follow me LOOK AWAY!!!! DO. NOT READ THIS STORY!!! it’s not hardcore smut but still a smut story nevertheless.
Warnings: sexual content, fluff, camping fun, P in V sex (wrap it before you tap it kids), references to other fandoms and movies. 
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I was putting the sleeping bags as well as the tent set into the jeep while Jack was coming in bringing the cooler with the drinks.
“You sure the drinks won’t get warm on the way up there?” he asked me.
“Babe that’s why we’re getting ice at the gas station. Besides this jeep needs gas too while we’re at it because somebody forgot to fill the tank!” I proclaimed while turning to Sam.
“Okay how long are you gonna hang this over my head?”
“As long as it takes. You know how many times Dean and I have told you about that? Whoever gets the gas tank under a 100 miles, fills the tank.”
“See even she can remember the rules.” Said Dean coming in eating a ham, turkey, pastrami and bacon sandwich he had made. Sam rolled his eyes and I said after closing the back door.
“Okay I think that’s everything.”
“So we can leave now?” asked Jack excitedly. I nodded.
“I still don’t feel comfortable with you two going on this camping trip by yourselves.” Dean said.
“Dean, just because many of our early cases took place during a camping trip doesn’t mean it’ll happen to us. Unlike those guys, we know the warning signs for Wendigo’s, werewolves, vamps and even faeries.” Dean glowered at me at mentioning the fairy thing to him.
“Did you at least pack the basic protection?” Sam asked.
“And not just against monsters.” Dean added. My face went red and Jack started to say.
“You mean protection as in con—”
“Do you really need to say that Dean? We’re not gonna do anything like that!”
“Can’t go wrong. Plus I don’t want you coming back and making us uncles just yet.”
“Jesus you are such a pervert.” I groaned.
“But seriously (Y/n), you do have some form of protection? In both matters.” Sam asked me.
“Yes Sam and please don’t agree with Dean about the latter suggestion.” He raised his hands in surrender. “Okay Jack get in the car, we’re outta here.” He did as I told him and I got into the driver seat and started the engine.  “See you bitches in a week. And do me a favor, don’t blow this place up while we’re gone or have another end of the world crisis on our hands.”
“We’re Winchesters, we make no such promises.” Dean said as he munched on his sandwich once again.
“Have a good time you two, be safe.” Sam told us.
“Yes Ranger Sam.” I teased before putting the jeep into drive and soon Jack and I left the bunker garage and drove down the road to the nearest gas station to get ice as well as fill up the car.
After doing all that and filling the cooler with ice for the drinks, I got back into the jeep and started up the engine.
“Okay Jack, since we’ve got full control over the radio, what genre of music shall it be today?”
“I did enjoy that 80’s playlist you made. Especially after you showed me that show Odd Things.”
“You mean Stranger things babe. Alright 80’s it is.” I went through my phone and opened up my music playlist and scrolled through until I found my 1980s Greatest songs playlist.  Sure Dean may say that everything after 1979 sucks, but he clearly hadn’t heard some of these artists like Kate Bush, Prince, Queen’s later music in the 80’s, Whitney Houston, A-Ha, and of course my man Phil Collins.
I first played the song ‘In the Air tonight’ to get us started on the open road.  Jack particularly began to realize why I loved Phil Collins so much.  Yeah he was cool in his Genesis days but when he branched out into his solo career, the dude truly shined.
After an almost 2 hour drive and almost reaching the end of our playlist with Cyndi Lauper we arrived at the camp grounds.  I parked the car and both Jack and I got out of the car and stretched ourselves out before entering the check-in lodge before we had to drive to our reserved camping spot.
“Good afternoon, how can I help you?” the woman behind the desk said.
“Hi we’re checking into lot A113, reservation is under Winchester.” She typed up my reservation on the laptop and said.
“(Y/n) Winchester?”
“That’s me.”
“Great, and you’re staying with us for a week. Here’s a map of all the areas you can hike, or visit the various lounges or restaurants we’ve got here. And for staying here a week with us that’ll be $210.25 will that be cash or credit?”
“Credit, please.” I said getting out my card and handing it to her.  A quick swipe and the payment was done.
“Okay you are all set. Hope you and your boyfriend have a good time.”
“Oh we will, especially after the few months we had. We deserve this.” I said putting my card away and gathering up the stuff she had handed me.  I saw Jack admiring some of the portrait paintings along the wall and took his hand. “C’mon babe, let’s get to our spot and set up camp.” He nodded and I guided him out the lodge and we went back into the car.
I turned the engine on and drove off towards our camping spot.  Good thing about this camp ground is that while we are out in the woods, there was still access to bathrooms, showers, and of course food joints and restaurants. Plus everyone has their own private little spot to make their camp so no one has to be cramped in a giant forest space.
Jack and I looked around until he spotted the signs that lead us to our section and as we drove down the trail I softly let out a yes as I fist bumped.
“Thank god the showers aren’t that far away.”
“That’s a good thing right?”
“I mean I don’t mind the walk but still, it’s better for night time shower people like me. I mean seriously I don’t get why people shower in the mornings, you’re just gonna get sticky and gross at the end of the day and I don’t wanna sleep like that.”
“That is strange. Glad you told me about it when I was first trying to understand the ways of humans.”
“There are certain things my brothers can teach you but everything else, just ask me. I got your back.”
“Just as I got yours.” He said as he placed his hand on top of mine.  I smiled and gave it a loving squeeze as he pointed out.  “Is that us?”
“Uhh yeah this is us.” I turned along the gravel road and pulled into our little hill mound parking spot and turned the engine off.  “We’re here at last. No more driving for the rest of the day please.”
“You know I could’ve drove us from the check-in lodge. Dean says I’ve been improving with Baby.”
“I know you have sweetie but driving Baby and driving this jeep are two totally different things. Plus you haven’t gotten enough experiences on dirt road like these. All the bumps, twists and turns and I’m not that good of a driving teacher. As I’m sure my brother told you, I was a wreck when learning to drive Baby. Can’t do a stick to save my ass.”
“It’s not that hard once you get used to it. Maybe I could teach you.”
“As sweet as that is, one Dean would never let you do that and two I don’t want to ever drive Baby again.” I pecked his cheek and continued, “C’mon, let’s unload the car.” We unbuckled ourselves and got out of the jeep as I opened the back door and first grabbed the cooler while Jack grabbed the tent.
After unloading the car and unfolding the tent from the bag, Jack got the bag that was filled with the tacks and poles that we needed to keep the tent in place and standing up.
“Okay so—I’ve never really put a tent up before but I have seen people do it in tv and movies. Is it really as hard as they show it?” asked Jack.
“Depends on the tent, luckily for us this tent it’s fairly easy to put up. Mind helping me spread out the tent first before we get the poles and tacks down?” he nodded and came over and went on the other side of the tent.  Together we grabbed each end of the tent and pulled it as far apart as we could.  “Okay now grab that bag with the poles and tacks.” He looked around until he saw just a few feet to his left was the bag.
He tossed it over to me and I opened it up and pulled out the poles first.
“Now what I want you to do is connect this set first and I can do the other set. Once they’re connected, I’ll show you how to put them through the tent.” He grabbed the first set of poles and began to connect them together while I did the second row.
“Like this?” he showed me after he had gotten one set together already.
“That’s it. Make sure they’re in as tight as you can get them. Can’t risk the tent caving in on itself.” I said as I twisted my set in before they finally connected with each other.
It took a few minutes but we finally got our poles connected and then I showed him where the poles would go through the tent. We did his connected set first and I guided it through the right side of the tent, going towards the top and then coming down the other side before sticking it down into the earth.  We did the same for the other side (that’s where the major work comes in cause you have to guide it over the previous pole set).
“You sure you weren’t lying when you’d say it’d be easy?” Jack said with a grunt as he tried to maneuver my pole set over his at the top each time I pulled the second pole down.
“This is always the tricky part no matter what. But trust me Jack, I’ve seen tents so complex to build up I’m surprised they’re not banned from camping gears. Don’t worry we got this, just a little more……” finally I managed to get the starting point out the end of the tent and stick it into the earth as well.  “There we go. Now for the tacks to make sure they stay down.”
I jogged back over to where I had the bag and pulled out the tacks as well as the mini-mallet that came with it.  After setting each tack down, I told Jack to get the rain roof to go on top of the tent just in case it rained (there was a chance in the next couple of days but it’s better to get it out now rather than later).
He went back to the tent back and pulled the tarp-like roof from the bag and together we worked to maneuver around the tent to place the rain-proof roof on top of the tent.  Once it was one, we stepped back and we wrapped an arm around each other and I said.
“We did it babe. Our home for the next week.”
“I can’t wait to sleep in it. I’ve always wondered what it’d be like sleeping in a tent after you showed me that camping episode from your favorite childhood show.”
“Well let’s get the sleeping bags and all the other stuff inside and you can see for yourself.” We walked over and grabbed the sleeping bags, pillows, blankets, and our backpacks.  I unzipped the circular door and once the flaps came down I bowed and said.  “Right this way good sir.”
“Thank you.” He said with a bow of his head before getting in with me following suit.
Some would call it overboard since this tent is said to fit five people but I wanted Jack to have the full experience of being in a tent.  And just seeing his face in full awe as he looked around.
“It’s almost like being in a cave. And not like those Wendigo ones either.” I nodded.
“It’s got where it counts. But if it’s too much I can send this back and just get a two person one.”
“No please don’t. I love it. Very spacious, plenty of space for all our stuff. But can also be intimate for snuggling together.” Jack said as he came up close to me, wrapping his arms around me.  I smiled as he buried his face into my neck.
“Okay sweetie, let’s find a spot in this cave of ours to put our sleeping bags at.” We crawled through the tent and decided that our bags could be spread out in the middle of the tent.  Our backpacks could go right up at the wall where our heads would be.  We set the backpacks down before unrolling our sleeping bags and placing down our pillows and blankets.
“So what shall we do first?” Jack asked me with a smile as he padded his pillow.
“Well there’s a few things I’d like to get at the lodge like firewood and see if there’s any icebags they sell. I know our cooler is basically a thermos but you can’t be too careful especially with as long as we’re staying.”
“Okay so firewood and ice. Then what do you want to do?”
“This camping trip isn’t just about me sweetie. This is your first camping trip, what do you want to do?” I took his hand and gave it a comforting squeeze.
“Can we go hiking?”
“Then hiking it is. Maybe we’ll even see some wild animals while we’re out and about.” He smiled and I could almost see my sweet baby boy bouncing on his knees.  “Now let me see, the lodge from our campsite is about how far?” I said as I took out the map from my pocket.  “Okay so we’re here,” I said pointing to our spot, “And the lodge is….” I trailed my finger upward until I saw the main lodge. “Oh sweet we don’t even have to walk very far. It’s just out of this reserved area and up a forest hill track and boom we’re there.”
“You seemed to have gotten us a lucky spot. You sure you didn’t check ahead of time?” Jack teased.
“Babe I swear, this was the only camping spot available at the time I was making the reservation.” Jack looked at me with a playful skeptical look but let it go.  “Okay go ahead doubt me, but they don’t call me (Y/n) ‘Lucky-shot’ Winchester for nothing.”
“Who calls you that?”
“Me. I do. And Charlie, and Jody, and the rest of the girls of the Wayward sisters. Dean calls it dumb luck but I have saved his ass more times than I can count. Plus some of my luck must’ve bounced off of them, with as many times as my brothers get knocked out. I’m surprised they still remember their own names.”
“They do get knocked out quite a bit.” Jack agreed.
Once we got our backpacks packed with just enough stuff for the hike, Jack had decided to come up with me to get the firewood as well as see if there was an ice-dispenser up at the lodge.  After finding and purchasing a couple bags of firewood, we headed back to our campsite and Jack placed the two bags of firewood near the car while I opened up my bag and we began to place the wood into the firepit.
“When it gets dark, we can start the fire. They’ll be fine sitting in the firepit for a while. So shall we begin your first ever hike?”
“I hope I packed everything right. I triple-quadruple checked just like you told me.”
“Good boy. Oh before I forget, here.” I reached into my pack and pulled out a bag that contained some whistles and got two of them out.  “Put this around your neck.” I handed him the yellow whistle while I took the blue one.
“What do we need whistles for?”
“Well we can’t risk you using your powers in front of other people and freaking them out. So in the event if one of us gets lost, stay where you are, hug a tree and blow your whistle.”
“Okay I understand.” I patted his shoulder as he hung his whistle around his neck.  “Can we go now?” he said bouncing on his feet.
“Yes sweetie we can. Follow me first time camper.” I walked ahead with Jack walking close behind me and we proceeded towards the hiking trail.
Throughout our hike we would stop to take pictures of some beautiful landscapes, tightrope across logs, and even got to see a few animals. Like this one point in the hike we came across a cute rabbit.  Normally when a rabbit sees you, it wants to run but this rabbit as soon as it saw Jack, it got curious.
It hopped over to him and allowed Jack to reach out with his hand and gave him a sniff.  It even allowed Jack to stroke it’s back before taking off back into the woods.  Of course using my phone with it on silence, I snapped some good pictures of the encounter and promised to have those developed when we got home.
We even met up with some other hikers and found a special lodge where we could observe the local bears from a safe distance using binoculars.  And along the walls of the lodge were paintings as well as facts about bears that the kids could read.  And bless his heart, he shared with me all the facts he never knew about bears (even though I knew about most of them but I didn’t have the heart to stop him. He’s like a puppy).
For the rest of the day we hiked, had lunch, took photos and even talked with some other hikers until it started to get dark so Jack and I decided to head back to our camp for some supper as well as introduce him to the King of all camp snacks, S’mores.
We got back to camp and I started the fire while Jack got out the hotdogs, ramen, and smores stuff.  We ate our supper and just as it was starting to get darker, I thought it was now time for Jack to try his very first smore.
“Okay Jack, the perfect way to make a smore is this.” I said gathering the smore supplies.  “First you take the graham, and then you break apart a piece of chocolate. Then you stick the chocolate on the graham.” I said demonstrating the process, “then you roast the ‘mallow.” I said sticking my poker with the marshmallow into the firepit until it was burnt to a crisp. “Once it’s nice and crispy, you stick the mallow onto of the chocolate, then you take the other graham and smoosh it together. And last and certainly my favorite part.” I took a big bite before telling him with my cheeks stuffed with melted marshmallow, chocolate and graham crackers, “You stuff yourself!”
“I’ve always wanted to ask, why are they called that? Smores?”
“Because you always want some more.” He laughed at the corny joke.  “babe I swear, you’ll find out that it ain’t just a joke. Go on.” I handed him his poker as well as the marshmallow bag.
He did as I told him in the exact order it needed to be done but just before he took that first bite I told him to wait as I got my phone out and went to my camera and switched it to video.
“Trust me, I’m gonna wanna keep this. Okay take a bite now.” I said as I pressed the record button.  He lifted the smore to his mouth and took that first bite. Already his marshmallow oozing down his fingers as he tried to take in as much as he could without over stuffing his mouth.
I watched as his eyes widened and he let out a loud moan as he threw his head back.
“Didn’t I tell you? Makes you want to stuff like 10 of them after you eat your first smore.”
“This is…..” he chewed it up more before finally swallowing it and he continued, “This is the most delicious thing I’ve ever had in my entire life.”
“Even better than nougat?” I asked exasperatedly.
“You know nothing will ever take the place of nougat in my heart.”
“Damn and I thought I could convert you.” I said stopping the recording.
“Sorry sweetheart. I wonder what a smore would taste like with nougat.”
“You keep that blasphemous excuse of chocolate away from the sacred smores! They are made with Hershey’s milk chocolate bars and they shall stay that way!” I said defending my precious smores honor.
“I still don’t see why you hate nougat so much?”
“I told you it’s a disgusting, excuse of a chocolate bar! They make it look like a chocolate bar but they got in stuff that shouldn’t go together BLECH!!” Jack rolled his eyes.
“One day I’ll convert you to appreciate my lovely nougats.”
“The day that happens is the day that Rowena allows Hell for freeze over.” We continued to snack on the smores until we were stuffed and we decided that now would be a good time to shut ourselves in the tent for the night.
We safely disposed of the trash and put the food in the spare cooler and I locked it up tight so that no bears would come by. Jack doused the fire and I turned on the lantern as we entered inside the tent.  I hung the lantern on the little hook just above our heads and we got our sleeping bags ready for the night.
“Hey (Y/n).”
“Yes Jack?” I asked as I was spreading out my two fleece blankets over my sleeping bag.
“Guess what this is.” I turned towards him and saw him making shadow puppets using the lantern above us.  It was a long serpent like creature but it wasn’t a snake.
“A Chinese water dragon?”
“Right! Now you do one.”
“Okay but be warned I’m nowhere as good as you.” I clasped my hands together and raised up my right index and tall finger and bent them a bit for the antlers.  With the rest of my fingers I molded the face and nose and asked him, “Any guesses?”
“Those things on top are they—horns?”
“Oh no wait they’re antlers. Is it a deer?”
“Sure is.”
“Okay, okay my turn again. Umm…..Oh I got it! You won’t be able to get this.” I saw the silhouette of what almost looked like a musk ox but I knew it wasn’t.
For one it was even bulkier than the ones I’ve seen online, and the horns on it were way too long and swirled inward too much. I knew there was no way this was a ram due to its large size.  Until it finally hit me.
“Oh I know exactly what this is!”
“Do you?”
“Of course I do. What you don’t think I know a Tusken raider’s mighty steed the Bantha?”
“You’re good.” I shrugged cockily.
“Gave you your Star Wars knowledge, remember you must my young padawan.” I said in my best worst Yoda impression.  He laughed as he brought me in close to him, our hands intertwining with each other’s while his free arm stroked patterns on my lower back and my free hand rested on his knee.
We looked into each other’s eyes and I could feel my heart racing faster the longer I looked into his innocent yet striking blueish-green eyes.  He raised our intertwined hands up and placed my palm against his cheek before covering it with his own.
“(Y/n) I—I love you.”
“I love you too Jack.”
“No I mean. I like, really, really love you. So much so that I think I…..” I noticed how his adam’s apple slightly bounced as he swallowed anxiously and his jaw went tense as he turned away from me. In fact I could just see the poor boy tensing up.
“Jack, Jack look at me.” He hesitated but he turned his head back to face me.  I moved my hand to his jawline and stroked it gingerly.  “You know you can tell me anything right?” he nodded.
“I just……don’t want to scare you away.”
“Why would I be scared? Jack remember what we promised each other when we first started dating?”
“No keeping secrets like my brothers.” Jack repeated.
“Exactly. So c’mon out with it babe. What’s on your mind?”
“I…..” he sighed deeply but took another deep breath before saying. “As I said before, I really, really love you. And I know we talked about how far we want this relationship to go and you told me how when the time is right, we could—take things to the next step and……I want to do that.”
Oh……wow that’s—that is definitely something that should not be kept inside.  I mean we have been dating for the past 3 years now after 6 years of knowing each other. And yeah he’s not the only pure-white virgin of the team (I still got the dragon scar to prove that).
“Wow. Okay that—”
“I probably made things awkward now, didn’t I?” he groaned as he scooted away from me pacing around the tent.  “I’m such an idiot! Why did I have to open my big mouth and say that?! I—” I stopped him by grabbing his biceps and interrupted his ranting.
“Hey! Hey Jack! Jack!” he stopped to look at me. “To say I’m surprised that that is what you had buzzing around your brain for is a lot to take in. But I’m glad you told me. And I think we should sit down and talk so you hear what I have to say now.” He nodded nervously as we came back to our sleeping bags, the two of us sitting across from one another.
I took his hands and gave them a soft squeeze before starting.
“Jack. These past several years of knowing you have been—the best in my life. I have never felt this type of love towards any other guy. Now you know that I’m a virgin too right?”
“Yes that was the first thing you told me because you were worried I’d break up with you because you didn’t have experience.” My face flushed as I cleared my throat.
“Yeah because most guys prefer experiences and one night stands rather than taking care of their girl afterwards. But anyways the point is, with you—I felt like I was getting the perfect guy. Cute, brave, loyal, kind, funny, protective but not possessive, well-mannered. Some days I couldn’t believe just shortly after we began dating that you were real.”
“I care about you (Y/n).”
“And I care about you Jack. Which is why I think—no I know that I’m ready too.” His eyes slowly went wide.
“You—you are?”
“Yeah. Going on this camping trip without my brothers constant helicoptering or even Cas suddenly popping up before us, the fun we both had together and showing you what it meant to go on a camping trip I—I feel like I’m ready to take the next step, so long as you were.”
“Because consent goes both ways.” Jack said.
“Exactly. But there is one thing I am concerned about.” He tilted his head like a puppy before asking me.
“Well we’re in a public campground. And yes although we have our private section we’re not entirely alone. Plus the rangers do their nightly patrol to make sure no troublemakers are out and about. And from what I remembering hearing all those girls with Dean. Don’t ask! I uhh—”
“I can take care of that.” This time I tilted my head and looked at him questioningly.  Of course I knew nephilims are powerful beings but what can we do that’ll not get us kicked out or worse scarring an innocent child?
His eyes glowed their sunshine gold for a few seconds before they phased back to his normal eye color.
“No one should bother us now. Whatever we do in this tent won’t be heard on the outside.”
“You made this tent sound-proof?”
“Yeah. Watch.” He then let out his angelic-like scream which sounded like a boat horn times 20.  I covered my ears until he stopped and he gestured for me to look outside the tent.  I went over to the door, unzipped it and peeked out and saw that no one had woken up, or started asking just what that unholy scream was.  I zipped the door backup and said.
“Wow. You never cease to amaze me.” He cutely shrugged as I sat back down in front of him wrapping my arms around his neck. “So….shall we get busy?” I couldn’t help but chuckle.
“I would—like that. What do we uhh do first?”
“Well typically it’s best to get warmed up first before we get to the final stretch.”
“Warmed up? What you mean like exercise?” I giggled as I shook my head.
“No babe. I mean like making out. Touching each other, that kinda stuff.”
“So like what we normally do when your brothers aren’t around?”
“I already know some of the things you like, will that help?”
“Yeah. So—you ready Jack?” he nodded as I slowly leaned in and captured his lips with mine.
I felt his hands come up to cup my jawline as our kissed slowly deepened.  Our tongues coming together for a slow, passionate dance as I felt myself slowly being lowered down onto our sleeping bags and blankets.  After the need for air became too much, we separated from each other but our noses softly grazed against the other’s as our breaths danced across the other’s face.
“Can I take your shirt off?” he asked me.
“So long as I get to take yours off.” He nodded and I was the first to remove his shirt before he lifted mine off.  As soon as my bare upperbody (minus the bra I had on) was exposed to him, Jack almost seemed entranced.  He stroked through all the scars I’ve gotten over the years from various cases and points in my life.
“Did they hurt?” he said stroking the dragon scar I got when I was 14 years old.
“That one did for a while, others it just depended on how deep or dangerous the creature was.”
“It’s like a painting. Like connect the dots but with scars.” He said as he slowly traced over each scar then began connecting them into various shapes and patterns.  “Like the constellations in the night sky.” I felt tears in my eyes and even felt one slid down my face.  Before I could catch it, Jack’s thumb gingerly wiped it away as he hovered over me.
He once again captured my lips as his hands slowly trailed down to my chest just short of my bra.  I separated from his lips and whispered to him.
“Put your hands on me Jack.” He kissed my lips again as his hands were now on top of my boobs.  Gently and affectionately groping them through the bra which sent shivers down my spine.  I let out a soft moan as his lips moved from my mouth to the side of my neck.
I closed my eyes as I wrapped my arms around his frame and felt his lips kiss, nip and lick at my neck.  I gasped as he got a favorite weak spot of mine. Arching my back I reached behind and unhooked my bra exposing my bare breasts to the cool air but they were soon encompassed by Jack’s hands.
“They’re soft.” I heard him whisper in my neck.
“Would you like to kiss them Jack?”
“Is that what you want?” I nodded.  He kissed my shoulder before moving across my collar bone.  Slowly with each kiss he went lower and lower until he came to my right breast and began kissing it.
My eyes rolled in the back of my head as I stretched my arms out and gripped my pillow so tightly I could feel my nails through the sheets.  Jesus no wonder why those girls were always moaning in Dean’s room if this is what it feels like.  His lips soon encompassed my right nipple and I felt him gently suck on it which caused me to wrap my hands over his head to keep him there.  Stroking and even slightly pulling on his golden locks which caused him to moan.
And hearing him moan while he sucked on my nipple sent a pleasurable feeling down to my lower region.  After a few seconds he released my nipple before looking back up at me.  I adjusted our position so that I was now on top of him and began kissing his neck.
He let out a few choked gasps as I kissed lower down towards his chest before coming back up again.  His arms wrapped around me tightly as I nipped at the junction on the left side of where his neck and shoulder met.  After leaving a fairly nice little hickey I knew would form there, Jack and I stared at each other’s eyes once again panting softly.
“So we uhh—” he asked.
“If you wish to continue. Yeah we-we can.” I said clearing my throat as I was still slightly dizzy from the pleasure that had made me blind for a moment back there.
“Do I or do you remove our umm…..”
“It doesn’t matter, I guess I could do it if you’re comfortable with it.”
“Yeah. I trust you (Y/n).” I softly smiled and gently pecked his lips before I placed my hands at the rim of his sleep pants and looked at him one last time.
“You ready?” I asked him.  He nodded giving me consent before I reached in to not only grab his sleep pants but also his boxers as I slowly scooted them off his surprisingly silky-smooth legs.  Once they were off, I then reached for my own pants and underwear and slowly removed them until we were as naked as told in the tale of Adam and Eve.
“So I—guess I just….put it inside you?” he asked me.  “How do I know if I—”
“I think we’ll cross that bridge once we get there. Just….be gentle, okay?” he stroked a strand of hair out of my face.
“Always.” He pecked my lips once more before having me return on the bottom while he resumed his position on top of me.  Our foreheads pressed together as he leaned down and kissed me and I felt him enter inside me.
I let out a hiss of pain and let out a painful groan, he stopped and looked down at me concerned.
“Should we stop? I’m hurting you aren’t I? I swear I’m not trying to it’s just….”
“I know Jack. Just…..let me get adjusted. Keep still for a moment.” I eased his anxiety by cupping his face into my hands. He nodded and kept still as I told him while I got used to feeling him inside of me.  I took a few deep breaths before telling him, “Okay I’m ready.”
“You sure?” I nodded.  He slowly pushed further inside of me kissing my neck any time I groaned or hissed in pain.  His hands gently massaged my back and hips as he applied the right pressure to get my muscles to relax with each push he did.
Once we got pass the painful stage of the first time, there suddenly came a wave of pleasure as Jack slowly began pumping himself in and out of me.  My mouth opened in an O shape as I gasped and grunted and Jack did the same as he kept thrusting in and out.
“Oh Jesus! Oh Jack! Jack! Jack! Jack! Holy shit that fee-Ahh!”
“I know. It……it’s good for…..me too.” He said through his grunts.  We wrapped our arms around the other as we feverishly and passionately kissed each other. Our tongues dancing a sloppy dance as Jack continued to hit all the right spots.
“I—I’m gonna…..please Jack. Let us cum together!”
“Is-is that what—what that feeling is? Cause I UGH! I want to cum too.”
“Let us go—toge—together.” He nodded as he picked up the pace and our grunts and howls mixed in together until finally we came together.  Jack collapsed on top of me, his head resting on my shoulder while I kept my arms wrapped around him stroking through his hair.
He looked into my eyes as I felt him trembling under my fingers.  The small bangs on his head clung onto his forehead as small beads of sweat sat upon his brow.
“You’re trembling.” I whispered.
“I’ll be fine. Are you okay?”
“That was…..the second best thing I’ve ever experienced in my entire life.”
“What was the first?”
“Getting you into Star Wars.” We softly chuckled as I placed my hand on the back of his head, leaned it down so that I could kiss his forehead and he rested his head on my bare chest.
“Is this what it feels like afterwards? I think Dean called it afterglow.” Jack asked me.
“More or less. But it’s even better than I could imagine.” I felt Jack cuddle into my sternum and even giving my collarbone a soft kiss.
“You—don’t think your brothers are gonna find out about this, do you?”
“If they do, I’ll handle it. I’m not a little girl anymore so I can do whatever I want.” I kissed the crown of his head. “Hey get this,” he looked up at me, “Tomorrow at the lodge they’re having fantasy movie night and can you guess what they’re showing?”
“Star Wars?” I nodded. “Can we go see it? Can we, please? Please? Please? Please? Please?”
“Now how can I say no to this adorable face.” I said as I cupped his cheek.  We got back on our clothes before cuddling into our sleeping bags and snuggled them close together.  “G’night Jack.”
“Goodnight (Y/n). I—I love you.”
“I love you too baby.” I let out a deep sigh before succumbing to sleep.
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majorpatheticcas · 1 year
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Welcome to my blog, folks!
⚠️This blog is for 18+ only, so if you are underage, please leave this blog. It isn't for your eyes, little ones. (MINORS DNI. NO EXCEPTIONS!)⚠️
Sorry Kids. Please respect what says above. I most certainly do not feel comfortable with minors roaming around here. So, if you follow me as a minor, you will be blocked. (If I find out, that is.)
No, I will not be posting anything explicit, but there are posts that will be quite suggestive, and there will probably be adult rambling in here.
Hello, I'm Cas. A normal student that had successfully tripped and fell for a skeleton. Or in short, I'm down for a skeleton. I am 20-something, but I won't be specifying my age anywhere in social media.
A bit of info about me:
I'm still in college, will not be telling my age anywhere in here, only once I'm comfortable. I am a Pansexual and a Demisexual. I live inside a little house that consists of three more people. (which means I barely have privacy to simp and sketch around our house.)
I do not feel comfortable with Frans, Sanscest, Incest, and Selfcest. I am not saying I hate people that likes it, it just makes me feel uncomfy and uneasy. But I respect people who do in fact like it. English isn't my first language. I am currently living in Philippines. (please note that I'm very sensitive and might block you if I feel uneasy.)
But do reach out if you don't know why you got blocked!
I do not have a drawing station, well, not yet. Can't really spend too much money at the moment, meaning, I draw with my hand AND on my phone.
(I draw specifically with my thumb, it makes it easy for me to line art or sketch honestly. Well, in my opinion.)
What do we call you?
I go by the name Cas. 'Kas' is my sona's term, so, to avoid confusion and all, just call me Cas and my sona Kas. if you need my sona's reference, click here!
What pronounces do you use?
She/Her/They/Them. Please do not use male nor masculine pronounces such as He/Him/etc. when it comes to my pronouces.
Do you do art requests?
Maybe? Don't expect much, though. It'll probably just some doodle.
Do you do commissions?
Sadly, no. I've considered opening slots for commissions, but then I realised my schedule is always full. But someday I will, but not for now. And also because my thumb can't handle that much pressure, I can't break my only talented thumb.
Can we massage you?
Yes! You definitely can. Minors, please do not interact with me. Adults? Sure, I don't mind. But half of my time, I'm in school, so please don't expect me to reply to you quickly.
Will you answer our asks?
My inbox is open! Flood it whenever you feel like it luvlies!!!
Do you have any other social accounts?
Yes and No. Yes, I do, but their for my personal stuff and interest. No, I don't use them for posting/rambling about my interest in Sans lmao. But I probably will make a Twitter acc (still 18+) once I have enough time. (I have a lot of nsfw inside my ibis paint, been craving to post it but there are children here.)
Also a COD account here, (may be possible that I'll start a TikTok acc?) If your somewhat interested, feel free to just go here!
⚠️Little rules here⚠️:
Please be respectful when it comes to asking/commenting in here, I can easily get offended or upset about something.
Be respectful with everyone in my blog. Insulting others is not something I tolerate.
I feel so stupid for not having personal tags.
Think that's all you guys need from me. Well, not sure if I'll update this or something but I'm sure I will one day and someday. Soo.. that's all! Thank you for your patience.
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bewareofthenewphannie · 9 months
Hello misty! Here I am in your inbox again.
So how do you feel about gamingmas ending? And entering the worst content drought since you became a phannie?
How is your phannie journey going? Have you somehow grown even more fond of them recently? Did you find any new favorite videos/moments recently? Or did you get too distracted by gamingmas and not have that much time to watch anything else?
Hopefully our dads will come back to us soon so we don’t go too crazy. Happy holidays and I hope you have a happy dnp filled 2024
Heyy Sandra, always so happy to see you in my inbox! I extend your wishes right back to you, I hope you are having a nice break right now :)
Again, long answer under the cut!
So how do you feel about gamingmas ending? And entering the worst content drought since you became a phannie?
I honestly don't think I've processed it ending yet. I have gotten so used to them just always being here and us constantly having new things to talk about that it will take a moment to sink in that it's over now. Like what do you meannn we've had a new video every day for 24 days? How is it possible that I can actually scroll through the videos I was here for when they got released?
I'm back home right now, so I have other things to keep me occupied and I don't think I'll notice gamingmas ending as much as I would if I was alone. (Being able to drown unsuspecting victims (my siblings) in information about them has been really fun. I think they have quietly accepted that there is something wrong with me.)
The teeny tiny rational part that's left in me is almost relieved that gamingmas is over now because the daily uploads did take up a lot of mental space, so I think a calmer pace will actually be good for me.
But gods, it was fun and I am so glad I stuck around. Purely content wise it was soso good, I know I will rewatch most of these videos. But what truly made this experience for me was being on tumblr and seeing all the reactions and art and gifs. (If you're reading this gif makers, artists and editors I love you I love you I love you.) Man, it was so exciting, the energy was so cool and I loved how we were all just waiting for it together every evening. I think that's the thing I'll probably miss most about gamingmas, the certainty about new videos dropping and the event-like feeling it had.
Also, I usually really notice my mood dropping in winter but I have been doing really well this december, and while I did lose sleep over them occasionally I think overall gamingmas genuinely contributed to that.
So yes, I will be missing it but honestly, I'm mostly excited to see what the future brings because I think they really found a really great new (?) dynamic (between themselves obv but also with us) and some good new concepts. And I think bored phannie tumblr with withdrawal symptoms will be fun in the next few days.
How is your phannie journey going? Have you somehow grown even more fond of them recently?
I guess you could say I have grown more fond of them but in a different way. I was going to write that that first giddy excitement for them has worn off, but honestly, it truly hasn't. What has changed is that I have gotten...used to them being part of my life now? Like before gamingmas there was still a chance of me getting out of this unscathed but now it is too late. Okay, I know I like being dramatic, but what I mean by this is that now I know they'll stick around. Even if I started feeling more normal about them at some point, I would still keep up with them, I wouldn't stop...caring I guess.
Fandom wise, I keep settling more and more into this tumblr space and have gotten used to and very comfortable with the way things work around here. I really enjoy understanding the references (well, most of them anyways, and if I don't, I know who to ask). I like that by now I can guess which moments will be gifed and talked about. And that apparently the random things I say resonate with other people (I'm very used to just screaming into the void on the internet). Side note, wedding hill has been very entertaining to watch, even though I don't know enough nor truly feel like contributing to it.
Did you find any new favorite videos/moments recently? Or did you get too distracted by gamingmas and not have that much time to watch anything else?
I haven't had too much time (partially because of gamingmas, partially because of irl things) but I did dive into the radio shows a little bit and there are so many great moments in there. When I have some more time I will need to fully get into that. And the old liveshows!
I think the thing that shook me the most though was stumbling across "forever home" while listening to the stereo shows. It hit me completely unexpected (see my initial reaction). Something something happily phorever after, am I right?
(btw, I finally got through all of the stereo shows now and. I. need. more. Live shows, a podcast, something, pleaseee.)
I already have a mental list of things I really want to watch though and my "watch later" on youtube is overflowing, so I am definitely not running out of content any time soon.
So, in conclusion...
I am still very happy to be and stay here, but don't really mind things getting a bit calmer and I am genuinely very excited to see what the new normal they'll settle into next year will be like. And I am so here for the big things that will inevitably come (because something is coming, isn't it?).
Thank you for sticking around with me :)
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electrical-banana · 4 months
Hey @maeve-on-mustafar, thank you for the ask! Unfortunately it's trapped in my inbox omfg so I guess I have to answer it like this instead. Functional website.
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Anyway, I love to chat. ❤️
Up front, my answer to this is informed by my own take on canon, which may differ from some other interpretations bc I'm a Legends fan and not super into the Filoniverse. I feel like I need this little disclaimer bc I won't be discussing TCW, I'm mostly interested in what we see in the PT.
But based on that, I personally think the answer to the first question is yes, he is aware of that. Not to sound pithy or dismissive or anything, but I can't imagine Anakin not knowing that about himself-- if he knows anything, he knows that. I believe in the tags you're talking about here I make a reference to his comment in TPM where he says to Padme that he "wouldn't have lasted long" on Tatooine if he hadn't been so good at building things-- he was born into slavery, his entire existence violently delimited by the labor his enslavers could forcibly extract from him, and even the values Shmi instilled in him ("the biggest problem in this universe is that no one wants to help each other "), righteous and selfless though they may be, were predicated on this idea that your worth as a person is dependent on what you can do for or give other people. This is also a core tenet of Jedi ideology-- a giving over of the self to serve the greater good in the galaxy. "What can we do for each other? What do we owe each other?" seem to be questions that George was trying to explore in the six-film saga, and he grapples with this questions using a protagonist who spent his formative years hideously abused and exploited as a child slave. Insane btw. Insane man. In the PT, Anakin is flanked by two supporting characters (Obi-Wan and Padme) who both define themselves by their service to the galaxy. From his point of view, this is ALSO how he would describe Palpatine, regardless of our knowing that Palpatine was only ever projecting a false persona to pursue his own ends. And these are three of the four people who are most important to Anakin (the fourth ofc being Shmi, a slave, also inescapably defined by what she can do and give), the three people whom he idolizes above all others. What you can do for other people-- your usefulness, your utility, and how far you'll go to prove it-- is central not only to Anakin's sense of self, but the entire concept of goodness as it exists in Star Wars.
To get to the crux of it, do I think Anakin only "lasted as long as he did" with the Jedi bc he was especially useful to them?? Absolutely yes. Regardless of the actual validity of that, it's what he believed. This is a guy whose brain was borked from infancy into believing that his survival is dependent upon his exceptionalism, his productiveness, his cultivation of valuable skills and his ability to serve-- his personality formed around this, and it wasn't simply a "belief" to him, it was a fact, it was a component of the actual material conditions of his life on Tatooine, and he knew that if he failed to exceed the expectations of his superiors, there was always some worse fate waiting for him just around the corner, whether it was death or violence or being sold to a worse enslaver, and when I mentioned in my tags that his usefulness is a matter of existential security, it's very literal, this is what I mean. And a person doesn't shed this mindset just bc he goes to live with new people somewhere else-- no matter how nice the Jedi may have been to Anakin, you can't reset a child to factory settings, the only personality he has and has ever had is the one that formed under the horrific and violently-enforced conditions of slavery, there is no unfucked version of himself that he is able to fall back on or reconnect with once he's free. This is the identity he's got.
And what do we know about the Jedi permitting Anakin's training? We know that in the span of like 24 hours we go from Qui-Gon telling Anakin "I'm not allowed to train you" to Obi-Wan telling him "the Council has granted me permission to train you." What changed? No character ever outright states what made the Council reconvene on a settled matter, though we do know it must have been a controversial move based on Yoda's uhh dissatisfaction ("agree on you taking this boy as your padawan learner, I do not") with the outcome. I don't think Qui-Gon's death alone was enough to sway the decision, and I don't think it was done out of pity or a sense of obligation or doing right, I think we're meant to believe it was because of Anakin's participation in the destruction of the blockade of Naboo and the plausibility of the Chosen One prophecy coupled with the threat of the return of the Sith. Like half the time we see the Council, they're bandying about the question of Anakin's Chosen One status and the validity of the prophecy, we know they view him in a different light than they do all the other Jedi. After his initial assessment and rejection, Anakin certainly knows that he was only later admitted into the Order under extraordinary circumstances, having failed to pass the ordinary test. I'm not sure if as a nine-year-old he knew anything about the prophecy, but he definitely knew that destroying the Trade Federation command center ended the Naboo crisis and saved the day. And that is uhhhh one hell of a special exception to win over a group of people who wanted nothing to do with you the day before.
So he uses his Skills and decisively (explosively) ends a planetary occupation and the Council does a complete about-face and decides that maybe they can train him to be a Jedi after all, that the advantage of that may outweigh the perceived danger he poses to them (lol). This is setting a precedent. This is, to use extremely simplified logic, "as long as I can go above and beyond to solve other people's problems, people will want to keep me around." We don't know the conditions underlying Anakin's tenancy with the Jedi Order-- we don't know what would happen to him or where he would go if being a Jedi Just Wasn't Working Out; the one time he asks, Obi-Wan simply tells him, "You will be a Jedi, I promise you." Presumably they wouldn't just send him back to Tatooine to fend for himself but that still leaves a whole galaxy of alternatives lol, and when this character's path to self-actualization begins with "I had a dream I was a Jedi. I came back [to Tatooine] and freed all the slaves," any of these alternatives would be, from his perspective, the something worse that's waiting for him just around the corner should he fail to prove his exceptional value. It's a failure that threatens what he believes, with a child's conviction in fairytale heroes, is his only way of accessing a power great enough to overthrow the oppressive establishment on his home planet (appealing to the political process for justice is useless when the entire political process is mired in self-serving corruption, as the entire PT lays out) and heal the damage that was done to him and pretty much everyone he knows. This failure is obvs unacceptable. He can't live with himself if he's not a Jedi capable of saving the slaves (his mother), the moral injury is too deep. So he has to keep proving himself to these people so they keep wanting to keep him around. Certainly no Jedi ever said to him, "Anakin, if you don't become the best and strongest Jedi ever, we're going to send you to the glue factory and everyone you know will die in terrible agony and it will all be your fault," but it was nonetheless the reality imposed on him by his being unsalvageably clinically fucked up. Children exist at the behest of the adults who accept responsibility for them-- following a major life upheaval involving even a voluntary separation of a child from his only (and vital) support system, there is little stability in the knowledge that your new guardians (essentially strangers) could send you away on a whim if they suddenly decide you're too much of a burden to continue dealing with ("Qui-Gon sir, I don't want to be a problem"), especially when you have no recourse to appeal that decision. Therefore, it's up to Anakin to cobble together his own sense of stability the only way he knows how.
To address the second question, I guess it's difficult to imagine if Anakin would still feel the same in a galaxy without Palpatine bc a galaxy without Palpatine is unrecognizable to the universe as it was established in TPM-- Palpatine orchestrated the entire plot, he laid the whole foundation and set all the players into motion, how Anakin might have come to the Jedi Order without Palpatine is entirely up to individual fancy. But if what you mean is, would Anakin still have felt the same if Palpatine hadn't been involved in his personal life?, I still think the answer is yes. I don't think this was an idea planted in his head by Palpatine at all, I think it's an idea that pre-dates Palpatine as an influence on Anakin, even if Palpatine later exploited and manipulated it for his own gain. And honestly, I think the whole Jedi ethos probably did more to reinforce this idea in Anakin's brain than anything else-- the Jedi teach selflessness to the point of self-sacrifice, and it's easy to see how this teaching, while rooted in dedication to justice and public service, could feed into Anakin's pre-existing anxieties about needing to be useful, and how usefulness is analogous to goodness/worthiness. To say nothing on how self-sacrifice can tip so easily over into self-destruction, when pushed to extremes. It's not that Anakin's life as a Jedi is in any way equivalent to his life as a slave, and I def don't think the Jedi were demanding Anakin be their Super Specialest Boy or else they would cast him into the Outer Darkness, it's just that his worldview will always be impacted by his enslavement and the lessons he integrated into his lived reality during that period. This is exactly why training him was "too dangerous"-- he would never be able to "purely" assimilate the Order's teachings, they would always be filtered through the lens of his prior experiences in ways the Jedi could not anticipate or control.
HOLY SHIT. Sorry this got so long. There are a lot of half-baked ideas here I didn't fully explore, so sorry if my points aren't coming across. I just find this to be a huge and interesting topic and it's hard to condense all my thoughts down into something readable bc I've uhhh spent a lot of time thinking about it and trying to wrangle that into coherency is. Challenging. Lol. 💀 If you have any thoughts you'd like to share, or if I missed your point entirely lol, I'd love to hear from you!!
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astroboots · 8 months
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Hi! This isn’t an ask or anything but I just wanted to tell you and TWP something! So I’ve been following you and TWP for a REALLLLLYYY long time, even on ao3! I was trying to send in this ask using my other tumblr account but I accidentally deleted it while deleting my secondary accounts and had to make another…which is this one! Anyways the point of this message is that I just wanted to let you guys know I graduated from my bachelors degree last week and I’m not lying when I say your writing, especially your frankie and moon knight (ESPECIALLY MOON KNIGHT) fics have gotten me through uni and have contributed the most to my degree!! I cannot explain just how talented you are and how much happiness and joy you and TWP have brought into my life while I was slaving away at my degree/assignments and at life in general! The way you characterise Frankie, Steven and Marc are just….exactly how I would picture them in my head but I lack the imagination and skill to turn it into anything coherent!!! I even introduced your fics to my cousin when I was trying to get her into Moon Knight, and we both got even closer and reference Red Flags and Gift of Min ALLLLL the time HAHAHA but yes you don’t have to post this or anything, I just wanted to let you know what an impact you and TWP have made on my life and I thank you guys for sharing your art with everyone! Heres to me rereading all your MK and Frankie fics for the millionth time <3
Hello lovely!
First things first... CONGRATULATIONS ON GRADUATION BABE!!! That is such a huge feat and we're both very proud of you!
Thank you so so much for dropping this ask into my inbox. I am so sorry it has taken me this long to answer. I was on hiatus for a while, but I want you to know I saw this message during my break and it absolutely melted me with joy and I showed it to @thirstworldproblemss and she was touched and overjoyed as well.
I got almost teary that you have followed us for a long time, it means the world to know someone has stuck with our silliness all this time.
The thought that our writing has kept you through late night study sessions warms our hearts, and I'm so glad it was able to bring you some joy/stress relief.
I'm about to do somersault and frog hops of joy, knowing you and your cousin read these works together. (My cousin and I are very close as I have no siblings, and she and I used to get into fandom culture, manga, doujinshi together as kids so this felt very nostalgic).
I am so glad that you liked our take on Marc/Steven and Frankie. I have to say I am 10,00000000% sure that you could absolutely bring these characters to live with your writing!
Thank you so much for bringing your joy into this corner. You're an absolute star!
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lilyoffandoms · 1 year
If I see one more person post picture sets for their stories that were created by AI and call it “artwork” I’m going to scream. They’re now making these stolen images their pfp’s and headers and pretty much dedicating their blogs to AI theft. And anyone supporting these and reblogging how beautiful and wonderful these images are are just as wrong as the ones posting them. 
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I got these along with a few others yesterday. I wasn’t going to answer them on my birthday but I’ll answer them today. I don’t know if these are the same people or different but I’m going to answer them all in one swoop.
I’m going to start with the second ask so there is hopefully less confusion in my other answers.
Ask 2: I hate this argument! I’m assuming this has to do with another few asks I saw recently that say we use AI in our everyday life unless you are off grid or never online.
It seems to me that your argument is to say if we use AI technology in a way that doesn’t harm anyone, we should also use AI technology in a way that harms people? What a position to take!
When I talk about AI around here and when I talk about AI theft, I am specifically talking about the use of AI technologies to generate content that mimics what an actual human person would create. In fandom I would be referring to art and fics.
I am not talking about the real and beneficial ways AI can help us in our lives, I’m talking about the way AI generated content is stealing the works and livelihoods of people!
My use of social media ‘suggested for you content’ or a search engine is not taking a job from someone nor is it stealing someone’s hard work and allowing others to call it their own.
AI can and does have real benefits to us, I’m not denying that. My issue with AI is when it is used as a means of stealing from and hurting real people.
Ask 1: So yes, this also makes me want to scream.
I love supporting creators and really really want to but it’s hard for me to know where to draw the line. Is my support of a writer that uses an AI generated pfp or fic header somehow me supporting AI theft? I don’t support it but I worry it gives the appearance of support. I went back and forth on this for a long time.
I will say that I try to not reblog from anyone that uses AI generated content anywhere on their tumblr. I also block anyone that publicly supports the use of AI theft.
We can’t control what others do so there is no stopping this unless those same people realize how truly damaging this is to actual writers and artists.
Ask 3: Yes, I’m aware of the use of AI generated images in the promotion of Storyloom. The use of any AI generated content beyond that, I can’t speak to because I have never once signed up for Storyloom. I refuse to hand over any of my ideas and writing to a company that seeks to exploit fanfic writers for their own financial gain
To the other two asks deleted from my inbox, try being kinder and I’ll consider answering those.
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To me, Proshippers are why I can't safely view tags of kid chars safely without blacklists on any website, not just twitter. I think there's a reason why Lolicons (pedophiles in the strict definition) associate with Proshippers
I think you're conflating wildly different demographics that sometimes overlap but are not equivalent. I mean, it makes sense right, of course lolicons would rather flock towards people who have a principle of ignoring what they hate instead of harassing others???? They just get blocked/ignored/etc that way.
Also from what you've sent to other people's inbox (assuming you're the one sending warnings about me to others) your issue isn't that I post such content, which I don't, but that I reblog posts "famous" "problematic" people have chimed in on about (people that I've never heard about, that roach person is news to me?? I didn't even reblog from them???). Even if I had said "I'm a proshipper", don't you think you're stretching the legitimacy of your mental association a little too far?
(The rest goes under the cut it got way too long. You've made me write that much so please do read all of it.)
One of my issues with your reasoning is that proshippers aren't all writing or drawing children at all. In fact, very few are, at least that I've seen float by? Claiming that a subset of a group is all of them is not honest, not to mention proshipping by itself, as I understand it, has little to do with being into anything taboo in the first place. It's just about staying in your own lane. Not everything proship is lolicon, there's plenty of other stuff and reducing it to that means you're talking about lolicons, not proshippers. Wrong cause for your woes, and uncomfortably reminiscent of those people claiming all gays are pedophiles. I'm queer so,, very uncomfortable assumption to make anon.
Reading your ask tho, I do getcha. Pixiv in particular has seared my eyeballs, I getcha and I've got my own additional things I cannot handle, which I will not be expanding upon because it's my own damn business and I don't want angry people sending it to me in my inbox. I assume you're the one who's been "warning" people against me, you may be polite now, but you have not shown that you are worthy of trust. Sorry anon but I cannot believe that you will be respectful to me and as such I have to take steps to protect myself instead of being completely open. Will be referred to as [REDACTED] if relevant.
So yes I understand being grossed out or shaken by content you think is disgusting, whether it's a trigger or just distaste, and you'll have to believe me on that.
At least we have our blacklist, so once it's set up, if our content moderation is working properly, we never have to think of it again. Maybe just to add some extra stuff sometimes. That's already pretty damn good? Coz that isn't a given, and it certainly wasn't a thing when I was a child. In the past I just went "oh uh oh yeah I'm losing my marbles about this time to get a hug from mom".
I'm sorry anon, we cannot control what others do, and attempting to do so is a fruitless endeavor because there's always more content we'll find off-putting in some kind of way. Even recently, as an adult, when I voluntarily look up adult content for myself by god I find things that make me mad, grossed me out, etc. Both "problematic" and purely personal taste stuff. I understand the feeling. I get angry. But.
People have a lot of imagination and it's just a part of life. We don't know what their inner life is like, we don't know if they're survivors of the worst thing you can think of or if they're just into game of thrones, and it's not our business. I'd rather block a game of thrones enjoyer than be a jerk to a CSA survivor, and I'm sure you feel the same.
At the end of the day, you say it yourself, we just don't want to see whatever they came up with, we just want to safely browse tags for stuff we enjoy.
I believe blacklisting keywords and tagging stuff properly is the only way we'll be left alone properly, because the internet is not a safe place. It's a public place, and mind control isn't a thing. And it would be bad if it was. The world where nobody posts about anything "wrong" is Big Brother's world and that's not the world I want to live in.
Your feelings of anger are valid, but to me it sounds like you don't want to do anything at all and still see only things you want. Unfortunately we are not entitled to the people around us just not posting what's they're allowed to post. Most we can ask for is warnings so we can fit the website to us rather than the people.
I've left a comment on a fic I hated once, not even a rude one, I tried to be very polite, I was saying something like "hey, this is really out there and maybe this isn't the fandom for you if this is what you're into?" and you know what! Someone else in the comments called me a jerk. And they were completely right. I felt deeply ashamed. That kind of behavior is being a jerk, I loathed that content deeply, I should've just blacklisted it and ended it here. I let my anger get the better of me and I shouldn't have done that. So I deleted the comment and I will never do something like that again.
Your anger is valid but you should be journaling or telling your friends about it, not... whatever sending anons to other people about me is. You will never successfully stop everyone from thinking up fucked up pure fiction, because it is a completely legal thing to do no matter how gross. People will just keep doing it for their own private reasons. They'll even do worse things too. The internet is not safe, and it will never be safe so long as people are free to use it.
You live in a society and you have to adapt to it with the tools you can use, so everyone can have a compromise of a happy, if not a safe place.
Block me, block the stuff you hate, keep blacklisting stuff, do as you like but remember a block should be out of sight, out of mind. If it still actively bothers you (in a "active distress" or a "keep thinking about it" way, not in a "I still think the concept's gross" way) after you've stopped seeing it you probably need to see a therapist. That's not normal.
No matter how much I hate the result, drawing and writing stuff is one step above thought crimes and it should be pretty obvious from the name of my most popular fic that I don't think those are legitimate crimes. If I told people into [REDACTED] "hey it bothers me that you do that" I would just be entitled as hell. It's legal to do. Lawyers are willing to fight pro bono about it on ao3. The horny is even stronger than capitalism and there's nothing we can do to make people stop having weird tastes, sexual or otherwise. This is what it comes down to.
If you have friends comfortable with that, you can talk about it with them when you still come across content you hate. Seek comfort.
I do sincerely wish you happiness and peace anon, it just can't come at the price of everyone else's. The blacklist is the compromise I've accepted, and I don't think you can avoid that so long as you're sharing a space with others. This is fundamentally an unsafe public space we can never hope to control, only moderate with tools and polite labeling.
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Ok so this has kinda been a problem for a while now but I just wanna address it for future reference
Starting today the askbox will now have a new rule!
What I mean by this is no asking us the same question multiple times, trust me, it does not make us more likely to answer the question, it only does the exact opposite of that, and flood the askbox. Of course if you're worried if your ask got Vored by the mailbox or something, just ask us about it, we’ll let you know if it did or not. But if you use an anon to basically just spam us with the same question you already asked with your actual account, we will ignore it, and if you persist with that, we may have to ban you from asking questions. Yes I know it’s harsh, but it has to be done in order to keep our inbox manageable.
Thanks for your understanding.
~ Mod Niksput
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ticklishtimothee · 3 years
our final night alive (simon kalivoda x reader)
summary: the reader and simon are in the bathroom together before it all goes down. and hey, since all their friends are going to “pound-town” as simon would call it, why shouldn’t they?
a/n: i just watched fear street 1994 on netflix and totally fell in love with simon, so i wrote this. i promise i’m working on the requests in my inbox as well, i just had to get this idea out while it was fresh.
words: 1,740
While Kate and Josh go into the girl’s bathroom, you and Simon figure it’s best to leave them alone. So, you follow Simon into the boy’s room, the clothes you’d snatched from the lost and found clutched tightly in your hands.
“Hey, I’ll trade you this Iron Maiden t-shirt for the cardigan,” Simon grins.
“You want to wear this thing?” you ask, raising a brow and holding up the blue knitted nightmare in your hands. You can already tell how itchy the fabric would be against your skin.
Simon nods. “I think it would really accentuate my shoulders. I’ve been told they’re my best feature,” he says, winking.
“Whoever told you that was a liar,” you reply, but toss him the cardigan anyway.
He catches it easily, then tosses you the t-shirt in return.
He wastes no time in pulling the white t-shirt over his head, and you’re thankful to see it gone. It was bad enough that he’d been wearing it for all that time, regardless of the blood stains. You avert your eyes as he strips off his jeans as well.
“Nice tighty-whities,” you mutter.
Simon snorts. “Sorry for putting practicality over fashion.”
“Says the guy putting on a girl’s cardigan to fight monsters.”
You turn to face the wall, pulling your own shirt over your head, checking your torso quickly for any traces of blood. Finding none, you pull the new t-shirt on.
Out of the corner of your eye, you realize Simon still isn’t making an effort to get dressed. Instead, he’s checking himself out in the mirror, and you can’t tell if he’s goofing off or actually looking for any stains to wash off of his skin.
“You have some blood on your back,” you tell him. “Can’t tell if it’s Sam’s or yours, but better safe than sorry.”
Simon looks in the mirror, tilting his head to catch a glimpse, and furrows his brows. “I don’t see it. Help me out?”
You grab a handful of paper towels from the dispenser and wet them under the sink. “Turn around.”
He does so, and you find the blood in question and wipe it off.
He jumps under the touch. “You couldn’t have used warm water?” he asks, difficult as always.
“I could let this sink run for five minutes and it’d be warm at best,” you reply. “You think this place has the budget for hot water?”
He chuckles. “Yeah, I guess so.”
There’s a pause, and you’re still standing behind him, your eyes scanning over the pale expanse of his back, taking in each freckle. His shoulders were pretty nice, actually.
“You know you’ve gotta change your pants, too,” he says.
“Oh, right,” you say, cheeks burning. You go back to the pile of your things. When you look up, he’s watching you. “Am I allowed a little privacy?” you ask.
He smiles. “You could go into the stall.”
You roll your eyes. “Or you could turn around and not be a pervert.”
“Hey, you already saw me in my underwear,” he points out.
You scowl at him, then hook your thumbs into the waist of your pants and pull them down in a quick, fluid motion. You toe off your shoes to take them off entirely, leaving them on the tiled floor. “Happy?” you ask.
His smile fades. “What happened to your thigh?”
You look down and see the injury he’s referring to. Honestly, you’d been so caught up in everything going on, you’d barely noticed the shallow gash in your skin, but now that it was brought to the forefront of your mind, the dull ache began to settle.
“I don’t know,” you reply. “I guess one of those psychos grazed me.”
Simon takes another wad of paper towels. “May I?” he asks.
You nod, and he dampens them under the faucet. “Come put your leg up to the sink.”
You do as he says, wincing at the first contact he makes with it.
“Sorry,” he practically whispers. “I don’t have anything to bandage it up with, but the least we can do is get it clean, okay?”
His face is close to your bare leg, making goosebumps rise where his nose and lips brush the skin. He’s gentle with you, one hand holding your leg steady while the other dabs at the wound tenderly, and you watch as the red mess slowly begins to clear up, leaving the wound still open but no longer bleeding.
“There, that should be better,” he says. “When we find the others, maybe they’ll have something to patch you up with.”
You place both feet back on the ground, standing before Simon, both partially undressed (him more than you) and trying to hide the feelings of terror in both of your chests.
“Do you think Deena and Sam are gonna make up?” you ask. “Oh, I think they’re probably fucking as we speak,” he replies.
You give him a light smack to the back of his head. “You’ve got such a dirty mind.”
“I’m serious! Kate and Josh are probably doing it, too. The whole last-night-on-earth thing gets people horny, don’t you know?”
“Oh, so we’re all gonna be killed by some freaks, so we should be banging?” you ask.
“Are you asking in general, or about us?”
You pause. “Both.”
His cheeks flush pink, and you swear it’s the first time you’ve ever seen him embarrassed. “In general, yeah, I think it’s human instinct to seek out some pleasure before the end. As for us, well...If you’re down, I’m down.”
You stare at him for a second. “Really?”
“Only if you want to, I mean—”
You grab him by the shoulders and kiss him, effectively cutting off his rambling.
In no time, he’s pushed your back against the cool, tiled wall of the bathroom, kissing you back fevertently. You thread your fingers through his blond curls, and he sighs against your lips.
“Can I touch you?” he asks, breathless.
You nod, and he brings a hand between your legs, fingers running over your underwear teasing, making you shiver. 
“Can I be honest with you?”
“Yes,” you reply.
“I’ve never done this before,” he says, unable to meet your eye. “But I have a pretty good idea of what to do.”
“Me either,” you tell him. “It’s okay. We’ll figure it out together.”
He nods and pulls you in for another kiss, this time rubbing you through your panties. You whine softly into his mouth.
“Does that feel good?”
“Try doing it a little gentler—oh, yes, like that…”
You can feel his hard cock against your belly as he reaches his hand down the front of your underwear. “Is this okay?”
“Yes, yes, it’s fine.”
Carefully, he finds your hole and presses one finger inside, making you clench nervously at first.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. Do you want me to stop?”
You shake your head. “No, it’s fine. Sorry.”
“Don’t apologize. Try to relax for me,” he all but coos in your ear, and you do so.
He lets his finger slowly curl and uncurl inside you, stretching you out.
“Do you want to…?” you ask.
“I don’t have a condom,” he says, knowing exactly what you were going to ask.
“Well, if you get me pregnant, we’ll probably be dead before it’s even got arms and legs.”
He chuckles, and you appreciate that he’s able to find humor in the fucked up things, just like you.
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure.”
He yanks down his underwear, and while you’d teased him about it before, the tight, white fabric didn’t leave much to the imagination. Simon wraps his arms around your waist and hoists you up, bringing you over to the sink and sitting you down on the brim of it.
“There’s no way this thing is gonna hold us,” you say.
“If we break it, we’ll be dead before they make us pay for the damages,” he replies, and you laugh.
He makes quick work of pulling your panties down, and they fall to the floor as he parts your knees. “Please tell me if I hurt you,” he says. “I want it to feel good.”
You nod. “I promise.”
He lines himself up with your entrance, pushing his hips forward. He misses the first time, sort of poking the head of his cock into the crease of your thigh, and you both chuckle awkwardly at the mishap. The second time, he gets closer, but his cock slides upward and between your folds, making your legs jerk in surprise.
“Sorry, sorry.”
“It’s okay.”
The third time, he succeeds, and the initial stretch of his head entering you makes your breath catch in your throat.
“Should I stay still for a sec? Let you adjust?”
You nod, and so he does.
“You can move now.”
Slowly, he rocks his hips forward, and you manage to take more of him. Without you asking, he waits again, letting you get used to the feeling.
Your nails dig into his back. “You can go, I’m good.”
“You sure?”
“Yes, Simon, I’m sure,” you reply.
“Alright, I’m just double-checking!”
He fucks you carefully, his own movements a bit robotic at first, but when you pull him close to lock your lips together once again, he falls into a rhythm, and your ass hurts from sitting on the stupid sink, but he feels so good, his hot breath tickling your neck as he fucks you.
“Oh, fuck,” he breathes. “I’m sorry, I’m already—”
“It’s fine, don’t apologize. You can come, just try to pull out,” you say.
He nods, and you can see him scrunching up his face, trying to gain some control and keep from cumming. It doesn’t make him last much longer, and he pulls out just in time, and you scoot to the side in a hurry, his come landing in the basin of the sink.
“Jesus Christ,” he breathes. “I’m sorry, I can try to finger you again, or something.”
You laugh. “Simon, it’s fine. Some dudes would have come just from seeing me in my underwear. It’s fine.”
He nods, and his forehead is slightly sweaty, hair sticking to it, and his cheeks are flushed.
“I feel bad if you die and I didn’t give you an orgasm,” he says.
“Well then let’s both try our hardest not to die, and you can give me one another time. Deal?”
He grins. “Deal.”
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buttterknifeee · 3 years
Date with Destiny- Teen Titans x Aquagirl!Reader
Summary: you guessed it bitches its the prom episode with everyone's fav guy Robin (S2 Ep6)
Pairings: Robin!Dick grayson x reader
Word count: 4218
A/N: hey yall I love writing for this series bfgkfhg so if you want my inbox is always open to request!!! love yallll~
Nights in Jump City are the worst time of the day; the sun is long gone and the wind constantly bites at your skin. But it depends on what you're doing to decide whether you like it or not. Sometimes it’s not as bad; that’s when you’re hanging out with your friends, maybe going to a carnival or out partying all night. Sometimes it’s worse, like you being forced to chase after some villain who decided to only operate AT NIGHT. Unfortunately, the latter is true for you tonight.
You slump over in the backseat of the T-Car while Cyborg and Raven sit attentively at the front.
“Why can’t I sit in the front?” you whine, staring at the two Titan’s heads.
“Because I’m the only one that knows how to drive this car and Raven needs to use her telekinesis so we dont die!” Cyborg yells, focusing on the target, who happens to be a guy with a spider for his head that stole a bunch of jewelry.
You groaned and poked your head out the window. Starfire and Beast Boy were up in the air, Robin close by on his motorbike, and you were all chasing the half-arachnid. You stretched out of the vehicle and made punching movements at the criminal, ocean water from the bay twisting over towards him, mimicking your movements. The jets of water just barely nicked him before crashing into the sides of buildings, the teenage spider continuing to scuttle across the city.
You turn your attention back towards the road as the spider guy created a webbed barrier in front of Cyborg’s car and Robin’s motorcycle. You and Cyborg gasp, but Raven calmly holds her hand up towards the road. It cracks, creating a ramp for the four of you to jump over the webs with.
After making the jump, the half spider looks at the car. He shoots webs at you, and its splats on the car windshield.
“I can’t see!” Cyborg yells, swerving the car over to the side. You lurch forward as you finally come to a stop, thankful that Cyborg had installed heavy duty seat belts.
“I don’t see why you can’t let me drive,” you mumbled, stumbling out of the car. You aimed your hands towards the car and a jet of water sprung out from a fire hydrant, cleaning the silk from the windshield.
“I already said it, I’m the only one who knows the inner workings of the T-car! Besides, you don’t even have your license.” Cyborg said, stepping out of the car calmer than before.
“I do too!- You know what, we’ll talk about this later. Right now we need to find the others.” You say, taking in your surroundings. Then out of nowhere, Beast Boy popped out from behind the car.
“Uh hey guys! Kinda got lost back there!” he grins, dusting off silk strands from his arms.
“I’m going after them!” you tell the other Titans, sprinting off into the direction Robin and Starfire went. You flick your wrist as you run and water from the fire hydrant trickles out and forms a wave that you could ride on, like an aquatic skateboard.
You catch up to the two as Starfire gets shot down by the spider teen’s webbing. You make eye contact as you pass her, unsure whether to help her free.
“Just go!” she yells, already beginning to rip the webs thanks to her brute strength. You nod and race forwards to catch up with Robin. You find his abandoned motorbike and look up to see him chasing after the villain using his grappling hook. I’m trying to help him, but I can barely catch up to him, you grumble as you will the water to shoot you into the air, almost like a hydro-cannon. You bounce from roof to roof, inching closer to the Boy Wonder and his pursuit with the villain.
You were right under Robin when the spider-guy shoots some type of laser at him. Suddenly, he freezes up, and begins to fall, knocking you down with him.
“C-can’t… move,” he grunts, on top of you in mid air.
“YEAH NO SHIT” you yell, still stuck under him. Ok ok, options… you think, time seems to slow down around you. I can’t make a geyser because that’d take too long. I like Robin but not enough to break his fall, hmm…
You notice the grappling hook in his belt. You yank it out and shoot it at the wall you just fell from, wrapping your other arm around Robin. Your arm feels like it was about to fall out of its socket as you abruptly stop, hanging in mid air with Robin safely in your grasp. Starfire catches up with you, having broken free from the webbed trap. She helps you down and brings you to where Cyborg, Beast Boy, and Raven stood.
“He is okay?” Starfire asks, holding Robin in place while you catch your breath.
“He will be. The venom’s effect is only temporary.” Cyborg says, examining the Boy Wonder, who was still frozen in a climbing position.
“Getting away...we have to...go after him!” Robin musters, but almost falls over doing so.
“You mean, we have to go after him,” Raven corrects him.
“Yeah, you gotta wait until that stuff wears off,” you say, knocking on his frozen arm to prove your point.
“But-” Robin begins, but Beast Boy cuts him off.
“Dude, we can handle it. The guy's got a spider for a head. Not like he's gonna be hard to find.” he said. Robin didn’t say anything, which was code for a reluctant agreement. Cyborg, Raven, and Beast Boy agreed that they would go after the spider thief, while you, Robin and Starfire return to the Tower to get Robin sorted out.
Later at the Tower, you watched in utter horror and amusement as Starfire shook Robin while holding his feet. He hung upside down, making random yelps of pain as she did… whatever she was doing.
“Um Starfire?” you say. “You know I have healing powers… I could just heal him if we need to.”
“Nonsense Aquagirl!” she chirped as Robin groaned. “There are few problems that Tamaranean acupressure will not solve. Don’t you feel better Robin?”
“Uhhh yeah, thanks.” he said, getting back up to standing position. “Now we can focus on our other issue.” He pulls out his T-communicator.
“Titans! Any luck on finding our jewel thief?”
“We found something worse,” you hear Raven’s voice from the communicator. A live cam of the scene pops up on the living room TV screen. They were at the bridge near Jump City’s Bay; hundreds of cars pass there per minute. You noticed something was near the bridge cables, and upon closer inspection, you realized that it was thousands of moths gnawing at the bridge support. As more cables broke, the bridge grew more and more unstable, cars beginning to slide around.
“Titans go!” you hear Cyborg say, and the three of them run towards the giant cloud of bugs. Unfortunately, they were no match and could barely put a dent in the population.
“Uh, we’re gonna need backup.” Cyborg says to the communicator. You were already out of your chair and adjusting your wrist gauntlets.
“We’re on our way,” Robin says, the three of you making your way to the door. But a familiar voice stopped you in your tracks.
“Don't bother. Even if you defeat a few of my children, you won't be able to stop me from releasing the entire swarm.” the villain you recognized as Killer Moth said, his face appearing on the screen. “Unless you want your city reduced to a moth-eaten wasteland, you'll do exactly as I say.”
“What do you want?’ Robin asked, brows furrowed.
“My demands are simple. The city will declare me ruler, the Teen Titans will surrender, and Robin…” he starts. You flinched at the mention of the Boy Wonder’s name. What could he want to do with Robin? To step down as a hero? Admit defeat? Reveal his identity???
“... will take this lovely young lady to her junior prom.”
“Hi Robbie-Poo!” said a girl who appeared on the screen next to Killer Moth. She had blonde hair and blue eyes, was wearing pink pajamas, and although you had just met her, you could already tell that she was a bitch.
“Um… What was that last part again?” he asked, clearly not expecting that demand.
“Um Robin?” you ask. “Who’s this girl and why’d she call you… er, you know.”
“Her name is Kitten,” Killer Moth gloats. “And you will take her to prom.”
“This prom is the matter of a duel, yes?” Starfire asked, not very assimilated in American culture. “Robin eagerly accepts!”
“It’s not a duel, Star. It’s a date.” Robin patiently corrects her.
“Robin! You can’t do this!” you say, looking at him through his masked eyes. “Isn’t that right Starfire?”
“Oh yes!” she agrees. “You mustn't accept!”
“We’re gonna need a minute,” Robin sighs, pulling the two of you away from the center of the room. You stare at him, arms crossed.
“This is so stupid.” you begin. “What kind of villain makes a superhero go on a date with some girl? And what kind of parent names their child Kitten? There’s no way you’re actually going to go to a dance with some random chick!”
Robin doesn’t say anything about your comments, but opens his T-communicator again,
“Cyborg, report. How bad is it?” he asks.
“Bad! We can’t hold 'em much longer!” Cyborg yells through the communicator. “If you’re gonna do something, do it quickly!” You stared at the floor, knowing what he’s gonna have to say to Killer Moth’s demands.
“I have to do it.” he grimaces. You stayed silent as Starfire reacted.
“WHAT?!” she yells.
“It's the only way to save the bridge. The only way to give us enough time to stop Killer Moth.” Robin explains. Starfire looks at you and back at Robin.
“But you do not even have the feelings for her!” she protests, looking straight at you.
“I’m sorry, but I have to, as much as I don’t want to. And I really don’t want to.” Robin says, walking back towards the screen.
“So do we have a deal?” Killer Moth grins, as much as a person with mandibles can.
“I’ll take the girl to prom.” Robin says grimly.
“Don’t tell me. Ask her.” Killer Moth says, referring to the blonde girl still pasted on screen. Even though you couldn’t see Robin’s eyes, you could tell that he was rolling them.
“You’ve got to be-”
“Do it!” the villain yells. Robin sighs.
“Kitten, was it?” he asks.
“Meow,” she replied. You almost threw up when she said that. You could see Robin reacting in the same way.
“Right. Will you...go with me to the prom?” he said, his voice showing his utter disgust.
“Oh, Robbie-poo! I thought you'd never ask!”
I can’t do this you thought, as the screen finally blipped off. Robin calmly pulled out his T-communicator and projected it onto the screen. Raven picked up, Beast Boy and Cyborg crowded around her. You could see in the background that the moths were no longer gnawing at the bridge. He told them that he bought them some time, telling them to find out what he has planned. Then he shows them a picture of Kitten.
“Who is she?” Raven asked.
“She is a manipulative gremlock not worthy of Robin's time.” Starfire pouts.
“Yeah, she's a bitch too.” you add.
“She's got some kind of connection to Killer Moth. Find the connection, and I bet you'll find him.” He said, turning to you and Starfire. “Aquagirl and Starfire will join you to help with the search.” you rolled your eyes; Is he seriously going to do this alone?
“Hey, what about you? Aren’t you going to help us?” Beast Boy asked.
“I can’t. I have a date.”
You and Starfire were going to prepare for your mission when she shoved you into her room. You’ve forgotten how pink all her furniture is, from the curtains to her pillows. She whips out her T-communicator.
“Starfire what are you-” you begin, but she shushes you.
“Starfire to Raven,” she says into the communicator. “Please note that I will be the only person joining you, as Aquagirl will provide Robin backup on his date!”
“Um… okay.” Raven says, then hangs up.
“What??? I’m supposed to help you guys, remember?” you protest. “And I thought you had a crush on Robin??” The alien girl took you by your shoulders.
“Aquagirl, my feelings for Robin have long dissipated, but I am sure you still have the feelings for him!” she chirped. “Do not worry, four Titans are more than enough to defeat Killer Moth! You should go to the prom of non-duels!”
“B-but what do I even wear? Prom dresses were not on my shopping list.” you argue.
“Oh do not worry Aquagirl, you may borrow mine!” Starfire opened her closet to reveal a rack of sparkly dresses, all in different colors. You eyes glittered in awe.
“Ok, I’m in.”
You spent the next half an hour getting ready for the prom. You picked out a blue dress with black lace and black gloves that went out to your elbows. Your suit was camouflaged underneath, just in case you needed to ditch the dress.
“Oh you look wonderful!” Starfire cheered. You blushed, looking at yourself in the mirror.
She flew you over to the prom location, which was on a boat. Water, you thought. Perfect. You looked at Starfire.
“Thanks again for, uh, everything.” you said sheepishly. She smiled.
“It is the no problem!” she says. “I will see you afterwards!” And with that, she flew off into the night. You sighed, holding a corsage for Robin in your hand. You hear the sound of a motorbike. Robin appeared in view; he was still wearing his mask, but his usual outfit had been replaced by a tuxedo. He was still stoically frowning, probably due to not wanting to be here, but something about him just makes your heart skip a beat.
You walked over and tapped his shoulder. He flinched at your touch, but calmed down as he realized that it was you.
“Aquagirl?” he asked, eyeing you up and down.
“Um, just call me (y/n) for today, don’t want to raise eyebrows.” you winked. You pinned the flowers onto his lapel. “It’s my first prom, so I got you a corsage.” It’s true; this is your first prom. You were supposed to go to your junior prom this year, but of course, being a superhero kinda distracted you from that.
“Aqu- (y/n)...” he began. “You’re supposed to be helping the others track down Killer Moth.”
“Well, you said that our job was to investigate that b- uh, girl. And there’s no better way to do it than up close.” you grin. “Besides, Starfire insisted that I backed you up, you never know if you need saving, right?”
Just then, you heard a loud honk from a car. You turn to see a pink limousine pull out. Out stepped an even pinker girl, Kitten. Her headband, dress, corsage, and heels were all an obnoxious pink. She scoured the scene until she found Robin, fiercely waving at him.
“Yoo-hoo! Robbie-poo! Your Kitten has arrived! Me-ow!” she yells. You both physically cringe at her words. Robin leans over to you before he leaves.
“On second thought, maybe I will need the savings.”
You purse your lips as Robin leaves, reluctantly linking arms with the girl. You open your T-communicator.
“Cyborg,” you say. “Robin just entered the boat with Kitten. “How’s it looking on your side?”
“Poor guy,” he says sympathetically. “We just reached Kitten’s house. Going in now. Nice dress by the way.” You grin.
“Thanks man. I’ll be watching him just to see if he needs any help.”
“Got it. Cyborg out.” the screen blips to black and you close your communicator with a sigh. Time for prom.
You awkwardly shuffle onto the boat, making sure to stay a few meters behind the two. Luckily, no one noticed that you didn’t go to their school because they were so distracted by Kitten’s yelling.
“OH ROBIN!, YOU’RE SUCH A GENTLEMAN! NOT AT ALL LIKE MY WORTHLESS EX-BOYFRIEND FANG!!!” your fists clenched as she moved closer to the Boy Wonder, all over his arm. Why did we let her take Robin to the prom again? I’d rather see that bridge collapse than whatever this is.
You stationed yourself at the punch table, pouring yourself a drink. The two were talking at the table. You knew Robin didn’t want to be here in the beginning, but what if he changed his mind? What if, somehow, he falls in love with Kitten, and then you are never gonna have a chance with him?
“OF COURSE ROBIN I’D LOVE TO DANCE WITH YOU!!!” Kitten yelled, the two of them moving towards the dance floor. Your cheeks burned with anger, and maybe a little bit of jealousy. You clenched your fist again, and the sickly pink punch from the punch bowl shot into the air. The couple next to you who was about to get some punch slowly walked backwards away from you. But you didn’t care. You stomped away from the punch table.
You were leaning at one of the clothed tables as you glared at Robin and Kitten dancing away. You don’t even know why you felt so angry; maybe it was the fact that they’ve been dancing for 10 long minutes, or the fact that Kitten’s resting her head on his shoulder, or maybe the fact that you’ve never held Robin’s hand before and she is!
You notice him looking at his T-communicator while he was dancing, relieving you of the idea that he was actually enjoying the dance.
“Kiss me,” you hear Kitten say, and you froze.
“Sorry, I don’t like you that way,” he smirks. “As a matter of fact, I just don’t like you.” YES, you thought, smiling from the table.
“WHAT?!” the blonde girl shrieks.
“Killer Moth’s being taken down as we speak. We’re done here.” He pulls away, tucking his T-communicator into his pocket.
“No we are not!” she yells, ripping the corsage off of her dress. The petals fall away to reveal a cylinder, push-button controller. “Daddy’s not calling the shots tonight, I AM!!!”
“Daddy?” you and Robin said at the same time, in shock. So that's why Killer Moth made Robin go to the prom with her.
“And unless you want me to let those bugs out for a late-night snack, you better pucker up!” she makes kissy noises at Robin, her lips inching closer and closer. Robin put his finger out at them as if to shush her.
“Not even if you paid me,” he said, pushing her away and grabbing the controller out of her hand. They fight over it, and you wonder whether to jump in and help. Suddenly Kitten turns her focus away from Robin.
“Fang?” she smiled. You turned to see the jewel thief from before climbing onto the boat, spider head and all.
“That’s your ex boyfriend?” he asked, staring in shock.
“Get your hands off my girl!” he yells, knocking Robin down with his spider leg, Kitten snatching back the controller. Ok, time to act you thought, holding up your hand. A jet of water sprung up from under the boat and hit Fang, sending him flying backwards.
“And keep your legs off my guy!” you yelled, not even sure if you and Robin were on that level yet. “You alright Rob?” you ask as the Boy Wonder stands up.
“Best I’ve felt all day,” he smirked, ripping off his suit to reveal his costume underneath. You smiled; you two seemed to be on the same track in terms of disguise. You ripped your dress off and your costume uncamouflaged, revealing the familiar blue and black swim gear you always wear. You yank off your gloves to show your gauntlets underneath, the spikes swing up into place. You both look back at Kitten and Fang to find them making out; mandibles and all.
“I think I’m gonna throw up,” you mumble, getting into a fighting position.
“You know…” Robin says, bring the couple’s attention back to you two. “You two make a really bad couple.” Fang charges at the two of you, shooting his webs and venom. One of the webs hit you, sending you to the floor. You used the spikes on your gauntlets to cut yourself free while the spider villain goes after Robin. You finally free yourself as Kitten watches the action.
“Isn’t it romantic? They’re fighting over me!” she swoons. Your cheeks burn hot with anger. Now that you're out of disguise, it's the perfect time to beat her up.
“You’re not worth anyone’s time to fight over!” you quipped loudly, causing Kitten to start screaming at you. She tackles you, and the two of you fall onto the table.
“What the-” you grunt, the air knocked out of you as you crash into the food. You roll over and pin her to the table. You try to reach for the controller, but Kitten smacks a cream pie in your face. She pins you down this time, but you extend your leg to her side and swing, sending her flying across the table. She lands flat on her back, stretched lengthwise across the table. You lunge at her, but she grabs you and dunks your head into the punch bowl. You almost burst out laughing; she was trying to drown you, and you could breathe underwater.
Your eyes glow blue from underneath the punch bowl as the beverage explodes in the girl’s hunched over face. She screams, and you push her into the chocolate cake. She lands on the floor, her pink dress now stained with chocolate frosting.
“YOU.. RUINED… MY… DRESS!!!” she screams, clicking the controller. You gasp in horror, she’s crazy. She runs at you again, screaming and you dodge her, using your water powers to shoot the controller out of her hand. The controller rolls away, right towards the bottom of Robin’s foot.
“Consider yourself dumped.” he said, breaking the controller.
“NOOOOOOO!!!” she shrilled. You rolled your eyes and punched her square in the nose, her falling to the ground.
“I’ve been wanting to do that all night,” you grin at the Boy Wonder, who looked at you in awe.
The other Titans rejoined you as you watched Kitten, Killer Moth, and Fang get pulled into a police van.
“Nobody dumps Kitten! Nobody! You're going to pay for this, Robbie-poo! YOU'RE GOING TO PASAY!!” the blonde girl screamed while being pushed into one of the vans.
“So, no second date?” Cyborg jokes. Beast Boy was sitting over the edge of the boat holding one of Killer Moth’s moth larvae. According to them, the controller Kitten had allowed them to turn into moths, but when Robin broke it, they all turned back into harmless giant bugs.
“So what becomes of Killer Moth’s larvae population?” Starfire asks.
“You know...now that nobody's making 'em all mutate-y,.these things might actually make good pets.” Beast Boy said, poking at the larvae's belly.
“Don’t even think about it.” Raven says, staring in disgust.
You and Robin walk towards some of the students to apologize for ruining their nights when spotlights turn on, the bright lights moving across the floor. The two of you braced for impact. The announcer began to, well, announce.
“And now, the moment you've all been waiting for...the king and queen of this year's prom are...Robin and (y/n)!” Your eyes widened at the announcement.
“I’m back on duty so it’s Aquagirl now! Sorry!” you yelled awkwardly.
“Well um then Aquagirl-” Robin begins, but you stop him.
“I mean, you can call me (y/n), if that’s what you want,” you offered, slightly blushing. He blushed back.
“Oh! Ok, then (y/n) it is.”
“So how about that dance, Boy Wonder?”
“I guess one more dance wouldn’t kill me.”
Robin led you towards the middle of the dance floor. You put your arms around his neck and he put his arms around your waist. His hands were gentle, and was only lightly touching your back, as if he was ready to pull them back at any time.
But he was smiling; something he barely did all night. You both laughed as you awkwardly shuffled across the floor; it's like you had two right feet and he had two left feet so it canceled out. You pulled in a little closer, he hugged you a little tighter. You stared at his masked eyes, imagining them looking back at you.
Suddenly you heard a whistle and whipped your head to see the rest of the Titans nonchalantly watching you two dance. They grinned, waving hello. You rolled your eyes and whipped your hand at them. A small geyser jumped up and landed on the Titans, drenching them. You and Robin laughed, then resumed your dance.
Nights in Jump City are the worst time of day, but with Robin, it’s a whole lot better.
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missnight0wl · 2 years
So, I talked quite a bit about Peregrine lately, and… You guessed it, I’m gonna talk about him some more. Because there’s one thing in the recent chapter (Y7Ch40) that really made me think, especially after reading the newest datamines (so spoilers for that as well).
Also, this is kind of written in reference to this post by @indigobackfire​. She talked there about two ideas: Peregrine impersonating our real father or selling the siblings to R. And while she talked more about the second possibility, I’m gonna focus on the first one.
Finally, disclaimer for this whole post: I still do not trust vault!Jacob. I will actually talk about it a bit more in another post because there’s the ask about it waiting in my inbox. However, for the sake of this discussion, let’s assume Jacob is genuine and innocent.
Alright, so in Y7Ch40, we have this part when MC and Jacob talk about what they remember about Peregrine:
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Their conversation is basically summarised with this sentiment:
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And at first, I was like: “Yeah, well, it makes sense because they were so young when Peregrine left”. But then I realised that to have memories even like this, MC would probably have to be like… three or four years old? Which means that Jacob would be about ten. And in that case… shouldn’t he have some more solid memories? I mean, a ten-year-old is not that young. Sure, it’s still a child, and yes, it was said that Peregrine travelled a lot, so he was often absent. But on the other hand, it seems that he was a somewhat decent father once he was there. So, why Jacob’s memories are so hazy?
Well… what if it’s a hint that those memories are not real?
I mean, I have the whole theory about Peregrine controlling Rakepick through false memories. And even if I’m not right about this one, Y7Ch44 basically confirms that Olivia’s memories were tampered with to hide the truth about Duncan’s death. One way or another, there is something going on with memories. It’s also interesting how Peregrine insists on reminiscing while he’s alone with MC:
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Again, it’s somewhat understandable, considering that it’s literally all he has, but… maybe he wants to make sure that MC explores properly the memories he planted?
In other words, Peregrine wouldn’t even have to impersonate our real father. He’d simply need to create the right memories. Funnily enough, it’d explain why those memories were never mentioned by MC before. They simply didn’t exist yet. And their real father? Perhaps he died shortly after MC was born or something.
By the way, I really recommend in this place to check the HP wiki page about The Toadstool Tales. Because the part “Reaction by wizarding children” says:
The Toadstool Tales were universally loathed by wizarding children, and were eventually banned, presumably by the Ministry of Magic because they had a tendency to induce uncontrollable retching in the children who read them, as well as an "immediate demand to have the book taken from them and mashed into pulp".
I don’t know if Jam City simply didn’t do their homework while they chose this book instead of The Tales of Beedle the Bard (which is both more popular in-universe and recognisable for players), but… If JC did check information about The Toadstool Tales, and chose it anyway, it’s a little bit odd. And maybe suspicious. Just sayin’.
Of course, we kind of have a problem with Dumbledore here. Because when he talks with Peregrine, he doesn’t even question that he’s our father. However, there are two things to consider. First of all, I suspect that Dumbledore pretends to be oblivious to gain an advantage over Peregrine (more about this idea in this post). And why would Peregrine believe that Dumbledore believes him? I mean, think about it. It turns out that Peregrine and the Mother met while still at Hogwarts. It’s quite possible that they also started dating back then as it seems to be a trend in the wizarding world. So, why wouldn’t Dumbledore assume that they eventually got married and got kids? I imagine that a Headmaster doesn’t necessarily follow the private lives of his former students – or at least that’s what Peregrine could think. And notice that Dumbledore technically talks about him only as a student. I believe we didn’t interact so far with anyone who would actually know Peregrine as our father (before our introduction, at least). 
Also, we can make it extra creepy! Because we can all agree that the siblings are super important for some reason, right? But what if they’re special not because they’re related to Peregrine, but because they’re related to the Mother? What if there’s some prophecy or something that the Mother will bear extraordinary children one day? Peregrine learnt about it somehow as a student already, and that’s why he tried to get together with her. It didn’t work out for some reason, so now, he’s trying to take us by force. Isn’t it delightfully creepy?
I know I’m getting totally carried away, but I’m kind of having fun.
Seriously though, even if Peregrine is our biological father after all… I still feel like we can expect some more memory tampering when it comes to him and MC.
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drabsyo · 3 years
I love that your Hermione is so broody. Her eyes are so distinct from the rest. If you don't mind me asking, what got you to characterize her like that?
Thank you, anon!!! That means a lot to me 😭🥺💕
Just like what influenced how I drew Fleur's hair (movie fleur's hair), it started with emma watson's 'Hermione glare' from the film adaptations.
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I looked up a lot of screen shots of Hermione, and I kind of wanted to emphasize that side of her where she's just always thinking, always trying to get two steps ahead of everyone, kind of unknowingly arrogant about it--and in most fics I've read, she addresses those shortcomings (usually with the significant other she's getting paired with) and it's actually sort of charming how she's so serious about it most of the time. So I wanted to focus on that. And that she's always kind of injured somehow because it's just... very Hermione of her.
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And then of course it was heavily influenced by the fanfictions that I've read (that sounds so typical LMAO) and everybody else's headcannons of Hermione that was left in my inbox, and it just sort of happened from there. The brooding part, post-war especially, happened because I kinda pictured someone who is as "morally righteous" as Hermione or someone who wears their heart on their sleeve, gets a bit burned after experiencing something as traumatic (as what she's gone through). So she broods a lot. She's always trying to get ahead. Making sure it doesn't happen again, or that she's prepared in case it does happen. Either that, or she runs away and tries to breathe, tries to feel like herself again (there are a bunch of fics that addresses a similar plot like this). I imagine going back to "normal life" after being on the run for so long takes its toll. At least that's just what I think, of course!
But what mostly helped me characterize her like that are the fanfictions I've read! So really, I owe it all to these very, very talented writers.
Here's your 🛑spoiler warning!🛑 and as always, feel free to skip ahead! These are scenes from fanfictions from different pairings that helped me to characterize Hermione that way. I just found these so memorable.
🔵 Crazy Little Things by dreiser in Chapter 16. Lunamione. The first hp fic I've ever read is Lunamione! Crazy Little Things heavily influenced how I sort of saw Hermione in my mind, and I adored her here. It made me think, 'oh, so hermione's kind of oblivious about it, that's cute!'
Searching her memories of the creature and frowning at the obscure nature of the hint and its strange phrasing, Hermione questioned, "You're positive that clue refers to the creature that Flavius Belby discovered in Papua New Guinea in 1782?"
"Oh yes," Luna nodded emphatically, beaming happily. "Erwin likes to write little riddles, he finds it entertaining."
Releasing a thoughtful but somewhat skeptical murmur at this, Hermione commented, "Hagrid spoke of Lethifolds once. He was friends with one of their keepers at the Center for Magizoology in London and was considering taking our class on a trip to see them. This was before that awful business with Buckbeak. Afterwards we were rather stuck on Flobberworms for the rest of the term."
"I know, I read your report," said Luna teasingly, causing Hermione to scowl in false irritation. An expression that instantly disappeared when Luna gently tugged her down for a kiss. When they parted she wore a longing expression as she cupped the brunette's cheek, her thumb moving in small caressing circles. "Even then you were so serious. I found it immensely charming though I wonder if you ever realized."
Her cheeks hot, Hermione lowered her eyes, avoiding Luna's gaze as she murmured with a hint of embarrassment, "I hadn't the slightest idea." Drawing her gaze back to Luna, struck with the need to look the younger girl in the eyes as she said this, Hermione continued, "I wish I had been closer to you then. I wasn't terribly patient in those days. Not with you, not with anything, in fact."
🔵 Saving Souls & Healing Hearts by BatwingLawyer, in Chapter 26: Run, Ladies and Gentlemen. Fleurmione. This was definitely one of the first fleurmione and hp fics I've read, and it was one of the major stories that influenced that characterization of Hermione. The entire story. But this chapter struck me the most. Hermione's scared, Hermione's angry, she's confused, she's trying to sift through what happened. But her priority is protecting Fleur. It's written in third person perspective through Hermione, and it's been hinted that she's a little clueless about how charming Fleur finds that protectiveness/seriousness.
“No!” Hermione’s shout startled them all and Oz reflexively gripped her tighter. Fleur stepped closer, unafraid, and stroked her cheek and neck again. Hermione dipped her head forward until it rested on Fleur’s shoulder. “How do you expect me to be calm?” It was practically moaned. “Someone is making threats.” She stood up straight again and Minerva and Fleur both noticed the fire in her eyes. “Someone is making threats against Fleur and I can’t- I won’t just…I can’t…”
“Okay, mon coeur.” Fleur was whispering softly. “Just ‘elp us understand. You saw my form in the pensieve at the scene where the latest incident was? And your first thought was that someone was making threats against me?”
“My only thought.” Hermione whispered. Why is she smiling? I get why there are tears in her eyes, this is scary and she’s in danger, but why is she smiling at me? “Fleur?”
The French witch seemed incapable of speech for a moment and lowered her head to press her lips against Hermione’s cheek.
“While I might have stayed slightly more rational,” Minerva’s voice held a hint of a smile at the two witches in her office, “I have to agree with Hermione’s assessment. I wouldn’t have believed you to be the guilty party for even a moment either, Ms. Delacour.”
“What?” Hermione gasped. Fleur? Guilty? The idea was unfathomable; ludicrous. So ludicrous that the aurors just might believe it. “I stopped the aurors following me because I needed to know that Fleur was safe before dealing with them. But now they’ll be coming for her.” Hermione hands instinctively pulled the Frenchwoman closer.
“I agree. They’ll want to interrogate her.” Minerva nodded.
The noise that escaped Hermione’s throat sounded more animal like than human. “They can try.”
“No.” Fleur stopped her with a gentle hand. “Try to remain calm, ma chérie. I 'ave nothing to ‘ide from the aurors, I’ve done nothing wrong. Maybe I can ‘elp them figure some things out.”
Hermione’s hands trembled where they rest against Fleur’s waist. “The aurors highest priority will be catching the culprit by any means necessary, not about protecting you. So we’ll have to do it ourselves.”
“Actually, I disagree.” Minerva’s voice was calm.
“What?” Hermione nearly exploded again. “Headmistress, with Fleur in danger I don’t care about anything else other th-”
“That’s what I disagree about.” Minerva arched an eyebrow at Hermione’s belligerent tone. “I don’t think she’s in any danger.”
🔵 Extinction by rubikanon in Chapter 23: Build Up Your Defenses 2 of 2. Cissamione. This is such a tender moment between them. Narcissa tries to placate Hermione's worries, and to get her to stop scowling, by teasing her in the middle of a party. Lazily smiling at each other, Narcissa actually gets Hermione to relax for once. Because that's the whole point of the party, people from both sides of the war, mingling, hosted by Narcissa herself. I better stop before I gush over Extinction again.
Draco flirted with my mum again tonight, asking her to dance and waltzing around the outdoor ballroom. I had an inkling of how he must feel now, which was surely his intention. It was hard not to glare every time our eyes met.
"Relax, dear," Narcissa said, sidling up next to me. "He has no ill intentions toward her. Besides, I believe he has his eye on someone else. Luna is looking quite lovely tonight." She cupped my cheek and rubbed her thumb over the corner of my mouth until I stopped scowling. "Didn't your mother ever tell you your face can get stuck that way?"
"That's just an old wives' tale," I retorted. "I'll scowl if I want to." But I was smiling by then, and I kissed the pad of her thumb.
"Old wives are sometimes right, you know," she said, pulling me into the crowd of dancers. "Your face may not get stuck, but a mean attitude becomes a habit. You see?"
"I think you just made up that deeper meaning," I accused. We started waltzing with some difficulty. Neither of us had much practice leading.
"Guilty as charged," she said with a laugh, and we circled around the room until we couldn't concentrate on the steps any longer.
🔵 Blood Magic by Cumbersome in Chapter 1. Bellamione. Of course the only tense moment here would be something between Bella and Hermione. That's just how they are. It's just Bella being Bella. And Hermione matching that with defiance. Bit of background, Hermione's an auror here, she's a part of the team who inspects Black Manor, and the Blacks meet with them, in their own home, with equal hostility. There's a lot of quiet glaring involved from both parties. From Hermione, especially. But before the team of aurors leave the manor, Bellatrix confronts Hermione. Bella points out the scar she has left Hermione, the one from their honest to goodness fist fight. Hermione could have healed it, but for some reason, she doesn't. She just leaves it there. A reminder.
With that he spins on his heel, the Aurors moving to follow. Hermione lingers, eyeing the Blacks with open curiosity. They return her gaze but it is Bellatrix who rises, moving quickly into her space. She grins, raising a finger to tap against a pale scar on her (Hermione's) upper lip.
“I remember this,” Bellatrix says. “I quite enjoy seeing it. It gives me this warm, tingly feeling all over. The idea that I marked that pretty little smug face of yours.”
Hermione meets her eyes and says nothing.
Eyes narrowing, Bellatrix steps closer, her breath warm on Hermione’s face. There are storms in her eyes, flashes of something very much like grief.
“You’re on the wrong side,” she says. “You’ll see that soon.”
“And who’s side are you on?” Hermione asks.
“My own, of course.” Bellatrix smiles. She pauses, her eyes scanning Hermione’s face. “We’re very alike you know. You and I, I feel this thing between us. Like a beast.” She blinks, considers. “Makes me want a good sandwich, honestly.”
In spite of herself, Hermione snorts. She steps away, puts space between herself and Bellatrix. The other Blacks watch with intent expressions.
🔵 Blood Magic by Cumbersome in Chapter 2. Cissamione. Scruffy Hermione! Because she's, as usual, doing some very Hermione things (I just think this is very cute for some reason). Narcissa approaches Auror Hermione, and finds the situation she sees Hermione in a little bit endearing.
Hearing Lovegood’s warning, Mundus had immediately thrown his watch to Hermione. She caught it without thinking, and suddenly the creature was on her, biting, tearing, howling in fury.
“Hold still!” Mundus called, pointing his wand.
“Bloody hell!” Hermione shouted, scruffing the ghoul, desperately keeping her fingers away from its snapping teeth.
“Don’t be a drama queen,” Mundus said, closing an eye as he aimed. “It’s only a little thing.”
She fell back, landing painfully as the thing scrambled up her robes, lunged at her face.
She turns at the sound of her name, frowning deeply, her expression stormy.
The smiling young man falters under her stare, his cheeks flushing a deep pink.
“Uhm,” Smith says, swallowing. “Visitor for you?”
Only then does she notice the young woman at his side. She blinks, scanning the smooth, blank face, the immaculate clothes. Is that laughter she sees in those bright eyes?
“Narcissa,” she says. She clears her throat, self consciously straightening her tie. “What are you doing here?”
Something very like a smirk touches the woman’s lips. She allows her gaze to travel over Hermione’s ragged appearance, a single eyebrow raised.
“Really, Miss Granger,” she drawls. “I do remember you being much neater.”
She hates the way her face flushes under the woman’s gaze, despises that she would even for a moment care what she thinks of her.
“Yes, well.” She coughs.
Glancing between the two women, Smith smiles, discomfited. “I’ll be off, then.”
Hermione glowers. “Please.”
“I wish to speak with you,” Narcissa says, watching the flushing young man scurry away.
Hermione gestures, but Narcissa shakes her head.
“Not here.”
Okay okay so I don't want to make this post any longer than it needs to be, but basically there were a lot of stories that helped me characterize Hermione that way, and it's super interesting that it's a recurring "trope" or characterization for her, one that appears in different ships, written by different people.
I just think it's neat! Thanks for this ask anon, and I hope you're having a lovely day! 💕✨
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fanimesenseiwrites · 4 years
For Lucifer and Mammon and Beel how about: 1 moment that they assist MC when it comes to adjusting to Devildom or understanding something about it and 1 moment where MC does the same for them when they are in the human realm
Oh my god, this is such a great ask! Thank you for gracing my inbox with this! Unfortunately I could only think of stuff for in the Devildom so that's what I'm going to post, otherwise this will just sit in my drafts forever lol. If I ever come up with ideas for the human realm I'll write and post those too.
The brothers help MC out in the Devildom:
"So... Diavolo's the only actual royalty, right?" MC asked, curiously.
"It's Lord Diavolo" Lucifer corrected them. "But yes. He is the only heir to the throne."
"Right, right, my bad. So where's the king?"
"He's asleep."
Lucifer sighed. "Why do you need to know?" He was already tired of all the questions, and he had a sneaking suspicion that MC had plenty more lined up.
"I'm just curious. Everything is new and strange to me."
"Well must you ask me all these questions?"
"I mean, I guess I don't have to ask you... I just thought you were the smartest out of all your brothers."
Lucifer allowed himself a small smirk at that stroke of his ego. "... what else do you want to know?"
MC grinned at him. "So I've heard you and your brothers be referred to as "rulers of hell" and sometimes "princes of hell" but if you aren't royalty...?"
Lucifer hummed as he thought about the best way to explain it. "Think of us as... nobility. Just as the British Monarchy up in the mortal realm gives noble titles to their heirs who would not take the throne, we have been awarded such titles by the king based on our strength."
MC nodded. "I see... I think I get it now. Thanks for answering my questions."
"You're welcome. Just be sure that your curiosity doesn't get you into trouble. You know what they say, "curiosity killed the cat," Lucifer's voice was just a little more threatening than it had previously been.
"But satisfaction brought it back," MC finished the quote, either not hearing the change in his tone or not caring.
Lucifer watched MC as they left his presence, and he just knew they were going to be a thorn in his side for the remainder of their stay.
MC was walking back to the House of Lamentation after extra study hours. They hadn't done so well on their last history test and they really needed to study so they could do better on the next one.
As MC walked home, they noticed a crow watching them and following them, but cautiously keeping their distance too.
MC smiled at the crow, then stopped and rummaged around in their backpack for something.
The crow watched them curiously.
MC pulled out a pack of crackers from their bag and broke a couple of them up and laid them on the ground before looking back at the crow.
"Those are for you."
The crow watched them cautiously as it slowly made its way to the crackers.
MC crouched down and watched the crow with a grin.
The crow ate some of the cracker and chittered happily.
"You're so cute," MC told the crow.
"Look at the loser human talking to a crow!" A passerby demon told his friend.
The crow squawked and flew away when the two new demons appeared.
MC sighed and stood up. "You didn't have to scare it."
"I wasn't trying to scare the crow."
The emphasis the demon put on crow scared MC, but they tried not to show it.
"Right... well, you two have a good night." MC started walking toward the house again.
The two demons jogged to catch up with MC and walked along either side of them.
"So where are you going all by yourself?" The demon who had scared the crow asked.
"I'm going to meet a friend, they're waiting for me a couple blocks up," MC lied, hoping their words would deter the pair of demons from doing anything to them.
The demon clucked their tongue. "You know, demons can tell when you're lying. I just heard your heart rate increase when you lied just now."
"And you absolutely reek of fear," the second demon spoke.
MC glanced between the two demons, now truly afraid for their life.
MC tried to run but the demons were far too quick for them.
They each grabbed one of MC's arms and the first one covered MC's mouth with his hand before they could scream. They dragged MC away from the road and into a secluded alley, before pinning them against a wall.
"Ya know, human flesh is a fun treat but the soul is where its at," the first demon spoke to the second.
"I agree, I guess we'll just have to share it," the second replied while grinning deviously at MC.
MC was so scared that they were shaking and tears were streaming from their eyes.
Suddenly, MC's attackers were pulled away from them and slammed into the wall opposite of them.
MC felt immediate relief at seeing that their rescuer had white hair.
Mammon growled harshly at the two demons, making sure they were well intimidated before asking, "What'dya think you're doing? Did ya really think the human exchange student was just walking around with no protection?"
"W-what are you going to do to us?" One of the demons asked.
Mammon hummed before tossing them to the ground. "Not shit."
"Really?" One of them asked as they got back to their feet.
"Yeah, I'ma just report ya to Lucifer and Lord Diavolo. They'll get more of a kick out of punishing ya than I will," Mammon told them as he rest his hands on his hips.
The pair of demons stared at him in horror.
Mammon fake lunged at them just to scare them. "Get outta here!"
The demons quickly ran away.
Mammon rolled his eyes and looked at MC. "Hey, are ya o-"
MC practically threw themself at Mammon, wrapping their arms around him in the process. "Thank you so much! I was so scared!" They sobbed.
"'Kay..." Mammon rubbed their back. "Calm down, everything's fine."
MC looked up at him. "How did you know I was in trouble?"
Mammon grinned before putting two fingers in his mouth and whistling loudly.
A crow flew down and landed on Mammon's shoulder.
"The crow!" MC cried happily.
Mammon reached up to pet its neck. "Yeah, they're my familiars. So that means I've always got an eye on ya!"
MC chuckled. "Well I guess that's a good thing."
"Yeah, but that don't mean you can be out walkin' around by yourself! Don't ever do that again! You call me to come get you next time, got it?!"
MC nodded.
"Good." Mammon grabbed their bookbag and threw it over his shoulder, the crow flew off when he did that. "C'mon, let's go home."
MC smiled slightly. "Okay."
They headed back to the House of Lamentation together, walking as close together as was comfortable.
MC sat in the cafeteria at RAD, and despite feeling hungry, they couldn't find the appetite they needed to eat the food in front of them.
Beel walked over and sat down next to them with his own tray of food.
MC looked up at him. "Hey Beel, do you want my lunch?"
Beel instantly perked up at the prospect of more food but frowned when they looked at MC's tray. "But you didn't even touch your food."
"Yeah, I'm not really hungry."
"... are you sick?" Beel tried to fathom the possibility of not being hungry.
"No... I just... I don't feel like I can eat this food. It's all so weird."
"Is it weird or just different?" Beel challenged.
"No, it's weird," MC told him flatly. "I mean half of the food has poison in the name and cheeses are aged for longer than I'll be alive and the scorpions are as big as lobsters! Also, who would eat a scorpion?!"
Beel frowned and almost pouted.
MC looked at him. "Oh shit, that was rude. I'm sorry..."
"... have you even tried a scorpion yet?" Beel asked tentatively.
"... no," MC admitted sheepishly.
"Well why don't you try it?"
"Can I eat it? Or will it kill me?"
Beel shook his head with a small grin. "Lord Diavolo adjusted the menu so nothing served here will kill humans."
MC nodded. "Well that's one less thing to worry about... but how do you eat the scorpion?"
"Some people like to eat exoskeleton, like me, but for those who don't they eat it like this." He snapped the tail off and sucked the meat out of it.
"Oh... that reminds me of eating a crawfish."
Beel nodded then cracked open the abdomen and pulled out the meat inside using a fork.
"Ya know, that actually makes a lot of sense."
"Now you try," Beel coaxed.
MC nodded and looked down at the scorpion on their plate, still feeling a little intimidated.
"You don't have to like it, just try it," Beel told them.
MC nodded and took a deep breath before snapping the tail off and sucking out the meat. "Hm... this is actually good."
Beel grinned. "I'm glad you think so."
With some encouragement and explanation from Beel, MC finished eating their lunch for the first time since they had arrived in the Devildom.
"Hey Beel?" MC asked as they walked to class after lunch was over.
"Hm?" Beel looked down at them.
"Could we go out after school today? I want to try more Devildom food with you."
Beel smiled at them. "I'd like that."
MC smiled back at him. "It's a date!"
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thickenmyblood · 3 years
hey maca :)) I have sth that I’d love to hear your input on! (wall of text incoming so beware- I’m absolutely not mad if you don’t want to answer lmao). Basically it’s about how you portray women in your works and to what extent you see that portrayal mirrored in the canon books. I have noticed that a lot of writers tend to go a traditional route with for example daughters not being heirs like you also mentioned in an answer for a wtsioa ask on here. Considering the cultures Vere and Akielos are based on that’s obviously very logical and a lot of authors (including you) make it work fantastically! Yet personally I never got the vibe of Vere and Akielos being as patriarchal in canon, mostly because the Information we get is kind of confusing. On one hand damen is a walking manosphere (and. all of Akielos in general as well) without any prominent female figures in his life but on the other hand damen only ever speaks appreciatively of for example the female vaskian warriors. Both countries seem to ban women from the army yet Damen also refers to a warrior queen. The regent is a total misogynist but with the wording Laurent uses it almost seems like that is more the exception and not the general rule of veretian court life. Both countries also have ties to Vask, an exclusive matriarchy and Akielos is said to be similar to Patras which Pacat has stated is also partly a strong matriarchy due to vaskian occupations in the past. I could go on for a lot longer but I guess that damens overall positive attitude towards women and especially stereotypically spoken masculine women is what sticks out the most to me. It just seems kind of misplaced in a world that supposedly is as sexist as the original cultures from our world. Which is why I’d say both countries do have gender roles but are overall a lot more egalitarian than their respective real world og cultures. But that’s only my take and I’d love to hear more on what others think about the portrayal of women in canon and how they chose to portray it in fanfiction. Love you and your new work, hope you’re doing well❤️
HELLO!!! Thank you for asking me interesting stuff :, ) you always have the best questions and my sad little inbox is open to you any time, friend. I divided this into parts, so:
My portrayal of women: I need to work on this a lot lmao. I’m not proud of any female character I have ever written for this fandom, and I’m also not proud to say I struggle horribly when it comes to writing female OCs, especially if the story is not about a female character that is a literal projection of me. Or Bella Swan (yes, Twilight literally shaped my sad little brain and the way I write and consume fiction).
Authors writing female characters in a “traditional” way (for fantasy settings): I can’t speak for other authors but I definitely think, in my case, that using the “it’s a patriarchal society, women have no rights, women can’t be heirs, etc.” blueprint is a matter of being lazy. It’s quick, and easy, and it’s been done before so we all know how it works and a) it’s unlikely that you’ll mess it up (in the plot hole kind of way) and b) it’s obvious that most readers know how the usual system works and so you don’t have to spend paragraphs or even chapters explaining it to them. I am very lazy when it comes to world-building for fics. Why? Because when I’m writing fanfiction I don’t give two shits about the world, I just care about the characters doing Things and having Feelings. The moment you start to question these issues (a society where women can join the army, where they can be heirs, where maybe they can have multiple husbands, etc.) a billion issues arise because it’s not the “usual way” and so you’ll have to deal with “unusual problems”. See: plot holes, info-dumping, etc.
Vere and Akielos in canon: I think the books get very, very confusing at times when it comes to gender roles in that specific world. They also get very confusing about how royalty works, in my opinion. So:
Damen never mentions female influences in his life, not even nannies or wetnurses or anything. He mentions past queens and his mother, but even then… It’s always struck me as “what the actual fuck” that we get no information on Egeria. In TSP, he doesn’t even read as curious to me, especially when I think of that line that goes something like “oh, well, he’d never asked how tall she was”.
Then you have Jokaste, who is highborn and also… perhaps trained in politics? It’s unclear to me if she’s ever been directly involved in meetings or been an active member of the Council or even been allowed to study these issues. Clearly, she’s smart and capable and cunning, but like… how? Did she have private tutors? Is she a self-made woman? Like, what’s up with that? Are women allowed to engage in public politics? Are they allowed to be kyroi?
IMO, Damen complimenting the female warriors in Vask has to do with how appreciative he is of war-related stuff. Like, he thinks people with his own qualities are neat. We see this time and time again in the books—having honor, being brave, respecting one’s family, protecting those who need protecting… He compliments these things when he sees them in others, especially in Laurent. Obviously one of the big changes in Damen as a character is that he goes from being daddy’s boy to being like “well, actually… maybe war isn’t always the answer, and maybe war isn’t always honorable”. The Vaskian warriors prove themselves worthy of praise in a “manly” way, if that makes sense. (In the same way, Laurent proves himself in the Okton, not so much to Damen but to other Akielons). So, in essence, War > Any issues he may have about women doing Stuff.
Don’t judge me for this but I can’t remember the Regent talking about women. Do you have any quotes about that? I feel like Book 1 is super rich when it comes to world-building stuff and yet it’s the book I remember the least. I know he obviously has a preference for boys and not girls, but I don’t recall him having interactions with Vannes or ladies at court? I’M SORRY I’M SO STUPID but I don’t own the book so I can’t exactly word search my way out of this one, and so instead of saying stupid stuff, I’m asking anyone reading this (lol, you and my mom probably) to please tell me what canon says on this issue.
Ties to Vask: Er, yeah, I mean… They’re clearly not at war with Vask and have some sort of economic deal (there are Vaskian pets in Arles? Which makes me wonder if they, like, buy them from Vask? Or if the pets are Vaskian and turn into pets in Vere? Slaves are not like pets so I don’t know?), BUT just because they have deals with this kingdom/are on good terms with the ruler does not mean they necessarily approve? Like, maybe they’re like “yeah, it’s weird they give women so much power, but also I need that silk/leather/WHATEVER, so I’ll shut up about that”.
“Akielos is said to be similar to Patras which Pacat has stated is also partly a strong matriarchy due to Vaskian occupations in the past.” Is this in the books or is this something she said in an interview/post-releasing the trilogy? I know in the books there’s a quote that Akielos and Patras are similar because they both have slaves, but other than that I can’t quite remember anything about Patras? Like, I don’t recall Pacat giving us extensive and thorough world-building on either nation, at all. Once again, I am asking you for more explanations on this because I literally don’t remember.
4. My opinion and a Stupidity Disclaimer: As I’ve said above, there’s a lot of stuff I don’t remember and so I’m not trying to preach to anyone reading this or even saying that I hold the truth about… anything. I’m answering questions as I see fit and asking more questions when I run out of answers.
I believe world-building is not one of Captive Prince’s strong points. I will not elaborate on this because this is already long enough but there is simply, in my opinion, not enough material to reach any solid conclusions when it comes to world-building questions such as the role of women in Vere and Akielos, how compulsory homosexuality affects the development of highborn men and women in Vere, exactly what makes Akielos’ view on women different from Vere’s (if there’s any difference at all), the history of gender roles in this world and how it’s evolved up until canon, how Lamen can solve the heir issue without recurring to, once again, “the usual stuff” (concubines, bastards, marriage to women, etc.). It’s clear from what I’ve read that Pacat has come a long way as a writer and that her new trilogy has a lot more in-depth explanations to world-building questions, but this is not the case with CP, and so I’m afraid my answer to most of this is “I don’t know, and I don’t think anyone can know for sure”.
Lastly, I think I struggle a lot with understanding the role of women in this universe because I simply did not see enough women doing stuff, so I don’t know what’s permitted, what’s unacceptable, what’s illegal, what is straight-up execution worthy, etc. This is not me complaining about the lack of female characters in CP, at all, which I know is contradictory to stuff I’ve said in the past (I answered a couple asks a year ago about how I’d wished we’d gotten Vannes’ POV or Jokaste’s POV in the short stories). I’ve changed my mind, and so I think Pacat is entitled to write whatever she wants, just like I’m entitled to talk shit about KR with any living soul who will listen lmao.
To end this on a spicy note, I think sometimes we consume the wrong media and then complain because it doesn’t have what we wanted. If you’re looking for a trilogy with strong, fleshed-out female characters, Captive Prince is not for you. If you’re looking for a trilogy on female struggles and, I don’t know, defying… the male gaze… Captive Prince is not for you. There are plenty of books out there that focus exclusively on female characters, featuring sapphic relationships, and dealing with gender issues. WHICH IS NOT TO SAY WE SHOULDN’T BE HAVING THESE DISCUSSIONS. This is not about this particular question, but more about a lot of posts I’ve seen floating around… complaining about Pacat’s writing and the themes she didn’t explore.
If anyone has made it this far, thank you for reading, and know this is NOT me telling you what to think. This post is an open question that anyone can engage with, although I hope people will engage with this directly and on this platform, instead of… taking it somewhere else where I sadly can’t engage back! Unlike what happened with our awesome fat Laurent discussion, I will be replying to any questions I get on this (Note: I did not reply to most of those questions because a long time had passed and they were sort of repetitive).
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miraculouscontent · 4 years
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You’re getting one reply, my dude.
Chat Noir did NOT fall in love with Ladybug on first sight. It was kinda the same way as with Luka; she was little awkward and anxious at first, but later showed how amazing she is. This is what made BOTH Luka AND Chat fall in love with her. So I don't understand why you see Luka positively and Chat negatively.
“First sight” is referring to “first episode,” so “Origins” for love square and “Captain Hardrock” for Lukanette. That’s not even the issue
Also, no. Luka was charmed by Marinette before he saw how “amazing” she was (at best, he heard about the photo curse breakage from Juleka given that the “Reflekta” picture is hanging where Luka can clearly see it from his bed), and then he fell deeper with the whole, “that girl is incredibly brave” line, whereas Chat Noir only got big heart eyes and started being interested in Ladybug when she was doing “amazing things.”
Marinette disliked Adrien at first. That was due to the situation.
...Yeah? A very dumb situation and misunderstanding that led to needless drama and the briefest one-sided “Enemy to Friend to Crush” subplot that I have ever seen and still made the jump all the more jarring? Lukanette’s “problem” revolves around the love square existing, not misunderstandings that hold no weight or value (even Adrimi is guilty of this because Kagami thinks that Adrien loves Marinette; Lukanette is the only ship free of misunderstandings), which is why it’s so ridiculous to me when people say “you can’t ship Lukanette because Adrien/love square,” because shipping Lukanette (as with any other Marinette ship) would usually imply that the love square isn’t a problem anymore..
And he din't lie. Adrien said that he's never had any friends BESIDE CHLOE.
Ohohooookay, now you are literally lying about what is said in the actual “Origins” episode, or just not telling the full truth.
Because yes, Adrien did say that he’s never had any friends besides Chloe... to Nino.
Adrien: I've known Chloé since I was a little kid. I know she's not perfect, but I can't throw her under the bus. She's like my only friend.
But what does he say when it’s time to clear the air with Marinette?
Adrien: Hey. I just wanted you to know that I was only trying to take the chewing gum off your seat, I swear. I've never been to school before. I've never had friends.
He tells her that he’s never had friends, yet he tells Nino that Chloe is “like his only friend” and will go on later in “Malediktator” to explicitly say that Chloe is his friend.
Adrien being Chloe’s friend in “Origins” was a huge dealbreaker for both Alya and Marinette, then Adrien lied to her and said that he’s never had any friends (which, I get it, a lot of people miss because I fully admit that the atmosphere in the umbrella scene is really good and you will miss it if you’re a heavy shipper not focusing on the details; you can say it a nicer way by going, “he worded it poorly” or “the writers are bad at dialog,” but the fact is that he told her something that wasn’t true), which started their relationship on false pretenses. It’s just like in “Gamer” where he exaggerates (whether intentionally or otherwise) to fish for someone’s pity/sympathy/forgiveness.
Adrien has tried and actually confessed his love to Ladybug. Ladybug knows that Chat loves her. Marinette has never gotten the chance to do that. She's also sending mixed signals when she panics.
So when Marinette would have the chance to confess, she doesn't and instead denies it. This isn't her fault, but it does mean that Adrien can't be sure. She's told him that she's not in love with him. So you can't really compare Chat and Marinette.
Yes I absolutely can and I absolutely will, because Adrien not being sure about how she feels sure didn’t stop him when Ladybug has repeatedly pushed him away when he’s leaned close to her/tried to kiss her hand. Like, wow that’s sure interesting how “Marinette might love someone else, maybe these hearts are friendly” (because yes, he would absolutely be dense enough for that) didn’t stop him from confessing to her in “Chat Blanc” the instant he thought she was Ladybug.
Same with “Stormy Weather 2,” he doesn’t even consider the what ifs of if she were in love with him and what his reaction would be, and “Weredad” is basically a full confirmation that he’s not interested in her. He’s basically like, “Meh, she doesn’t love me, so it doesn’t matter.”
Ladybug also hasn't said ,,I don't feel about you that way". She kind of talked around it because she doesn't want to hurt him.
My dude, my bro, my guy, don’t be in my inbox to come at me with arguments unless you’re ready for me to pull out the transcripts.
Ladybug in “Glaciator“: Listen, I don't wanna play around with your feelings. It would be the same as lying to you. I don't wanna do that. You're more than a partner, Cat Noir. You're my friend. And I'd never wanna lie to a friend.
Cat Noir: Why do you think it'd be lying?
Ladybug: Because there's this boy I...
Adrien later, a direct confirmation to the audience that he’s aware that Ladybug doesn’t feel that way for him: Perhaps Ladybug will love me someday. I mean, like I love her.
Ladybug in “Frozer” because clearly that message didn’t get through anyway: I can't accept this rose from you. I told you already. I'm in love with someone else. (after which he asks about “what if this guy didn’t exist” which means literally nothing and is just him reaching unless he’s planning to enact a murder which he obviously isn’t)
Ladybug in “Ladybug” because he’s still hoping for no reason: But the real Ladybug's heart still belongs to someone else.
Ladybug again in “Miracle Queen”: I can't be in love with you Cat Noir, you know that.
Seems pretty clear to me.
Besides, it wasn't the fact that Marinette confessed nor the fact they knew their identities that the world ended. It was because Gabriel was still Hawkmoth, so he manipulated the situation to his advantage.
Yes? And then Chat Blanc told her that “our love did this,” which puts blame on Marinette. That’s my point (though I’ll let Chat Blanc off the hook for that one since he’s akumatized... however it still doesn’t make much sense as to how he knows that Gabriel saw him transform unless he knew that Gabriel was watching from somewhere (it was Nathalie and Gorilla actually); he could’ve just presumed that Gabriel had known for a while, there was no evidence he saw that told him it was him transforming into Chat Noir in front of Nathalie and Gorilla that tipped Gabriel off and it’s also super unfair to blame Marinette for it anyway when it was Gabriel behind this whole thing but sure, just make Marinette feel at fault for the world almost ending).
Because that’s what the love square is all about; making Marinette feel bad about liking a boy, Marinette being humiliated for trying to confess to said boy, the universe constantly sabotaging her whenever she manages to do something right, having Marinette reconsider her feelings for Chat Noir AND blush at his cheek kiss after he ditched her as Adrien (presumably; we never saw Gabriel tell Adrien he couldn’t go and Chat Noir made plans with Ladybug as if he planned to ditch them even if Gabriel didn’t do anything) to go prepare a date with Ladybug (wow that sure is interesting how we don’t get an equivalent moment for Marinette from Adrien in “Chat Blanc” at the end, almost like they only care about making Chat Noir feel good about himself and not Marinette), then get mad when Ladybug doesn’t show up even after she tells him that she has prior plans, throwing a tantrum mid-battle and forcing her to apologize first before he’s finally like, “no... I’m sorry,” and then has the gall to add, “Maybe another time.”
Adrimi didn’t need to exist to torment Marinette. The love square already does a good enough job of that and I despise its very existence in all aspects of the writing.
Chat Noir got his damn closure, he just refuses to give up on the very first girl he saw when he went out heroing (I thought he just wanted to make friends but I guess he decided that wasn’t enough for him and “making friends” was immediately sidelined in favor of chasing after “his lady” (ugh)), who he doesn’t know the likes/dislikes of, who he can’t know the identity of, and who he can’t see all parts of because she has to maintain a professional attitude or everyone in Paris is going to die.
Marinette still hasn’t gotten her closure, so it’s no wonder to me why she’s still pining and struggling, especially when people like Alya keep pushing for the love square even when she asks her for help seeing Adrien as a friend.
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