#is this what growing up is? siblings are weird and wonderful. I love you but also i’m going to tackle you.
sharkieboi · 3 months
it’s my little brother’s birthday so I called him and we chatted for a very long time and made plans to play video games together and it made me very happy especially cause I know this last year has been very hard for him and it sounds like he’s doing better and !!! i’m just really happy for him and excited to try and virtually hang out with him more often!!!
#shhh sharkie#he wants to play Fallout together and when he upgrades his PC play BG3 together#he’s having a rough time being the only kid at home with our parents and dealing with his own mental health issues as well#and it sounds like he’s maybe got a job lined up that isn’t a service worker job and is actually in his field of interest#and would let him at least work in the city (idk if it would pay him enough to move out but he’d be where he wants to be)#he’s been through a lot and i’m glad especially that his birthday week/month has been this really positive turning point for him#i love him very much and i’ve been so sad that i’m so far away and baseline bad at communicating so i haven’t done a good job#of being his big brother. i’ve always looked out for him and he’s my buddy and that’s just gotten so much harder being several states away#i just want him to be happy#we all joke that the siblings Unionized when we were all stuck at home in 2020 but truly nothing has made me appreciate my siblings more#than being stuck inside the house with them and our parents for months with all of us at adult-ish age#yeah they’re all annoying sometimes but truly i love them very much#like when I found out that terrible thing a month or so back and i called my older sister about it cause i was so distraught#and we have the WORST relationship of the four of us like historically horrible fights do not get along#but I cried about it to her and literally told her ‘sometimes you just need your big sister’#and she was so understanding and kind and righteously angry for me#is this what growing up is? siblings are weird and wonderful. I love you but also i’m going to tackle you.
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rucksackmentality · 6 months
List of the truths shared in Nana Morri's Honesty trial (C3E79):
Imogen: I am genuinely scared to meet my mom again.
Laudna: Deep down inside, both Delilah and I want the shard...Fearne should have it, but I don't know anymore what's my opinion or desires or feelings, or hers.
Imogen: I love Laudna deeply but I'm disgusted at the thought of Delilah looking at us all the time.
Orym: I'm super lonely all the time, especially at night. It doesn’t matter if I'm bunking with one of you guys.
FCG: Sometimes I pity some of you because you have beating hearts and opportunities and you don’t do enough with them...Chetney, you have so much love to give and it doesn't seem like you're interested in anything other than wood! There's people out there who you could love and experiences you could share with someone else, but all you care about is wood!
Orym: I've always kind of laughed it off but I guess I do kind of wonder if Chetney is my dad.
Ashton: I am the reason that the Jiana Hexum robbery went fucking wrong, and the reason why I got thrown out of a fucking window.
Fearne: I feel like we’re very ill-equipped for this job and we're going to fail at saving the world. (Laudna: Honestly that's probably true, I'm right there with you.)
Chetney: While wood may be the superior material to metal, I do fear that, with the dwindling interest in it, that children will find my toys - and thereby myself - obsolete every year I grow older.
FCG: I think it's something buried deep down in my circuitry, but every time I hurt or kill something - it feels really good. It makes me sort of relax a little bit and some of my stress goes away.
Imogen: I know we're supposed to save the gods, but I've tried talking to them my whole life and none of them would ever respond. I think I'm tainted. I dont know if I want to save gods that don't love me.
Laudna: You know we could rip-cord out of [saving the world] at any moment...right? And sometimes I fantasize about it all the time.
Fearne: I sometimes do stuff to you guys while you're sleeping - not weird stuff, I just like to look at you closely...and maybe like, twiddle your hair or braid it. Nothing bad!
Ashton: Whenever it starts to get quiet, I start worrying that one of us - most of us - are going to end up killing another one of us accidentally...I have panicked thinking about when one you kills another one of us.
Orym: I have all the faith in the world in you guys...and I have also spent time thinking of how to neutralize each of you.
FCG: I kinda worry that I put all my eggs in the Changebringer basket and she might betray us all. I had a really weird conversation with her and I think she's just out for herself and she might not really care about me - but what if she does? And I'm saying horrible things?
Imogen: Fearne, I was really disappointed in you for running away from your power. You should take the shard!
Orym: I really miss Dorian, and sometimes I think that's okay, and sometimes I think it isn't.
Ashton: I feel fucking worse that I just fucked up Fearne's life way more than mine and I should've died instead of that happening.
Chetney: I grew up in the Bramblewood outside of Westruun, and when I was a kid, I came back from learning how to make toys and found that my whole family had left. All they left behind were toys. They ran when Errevon the Rimelord was running across the plains, and so I'm kind of afraid of dragons. And I had five siblings - Alabaster, Pepper, Sugarplum, Hermey, and Chad - and I was so mad that they left I never looked for any of them, and now I'm pretty sure they're dead. So I think any family I have is just gonna look for a reason to leave me. That's why I don't get attached to anybody.
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atarathegreat · 2 months
Hello! May request a Draken sibling!Reader x Mikey. Any scenario and/or headcanons will do! Thx♡
No one knew what the hell was wrong with the commander. For weeks on end Mikey had been acting weird, not acting as childish or as ruthless. Even in fights, he was more inclined to let people at least have the ability to walk away, which was a little concerning to Draken. All the founders and captains were used to Mikey absolutely destroying his opponent, and he just suddenly...stopped.
Draken leaned back on his bed, watching his friend. "The hell is up with you recently, man?" Kenny couldn't take it. Especially when Mikey was over to hang out, he wasn't acting like himself. "What do you mean, Ken-chin?" Mikey looked up from the comic book in his hand. "Dude, you've been acting strange as hell." Draken threw a pillow at him. Mikey was the only one who hadn't noticed this change. He thought he was the same as always.
"Kenny!" Mikey straightened up at the cute voice, "I brought you and Mikey some drinks." Draken's little sister came in and set down a couple of drinks. She was only a few months older than Emma, and Mikey figured that if Kenny had a crush on Emma, then he could have a crush on Y/n. Dark eyes watched as she plopped down next to her brother, "And the ladies said that, when you have time, they need help moving a couple boxes."
"I'll get to it when I get to it. Damn." Draken rolled his eyes, "Don't they know I'm busy?"
Y/n giggled, and Mikey felt like his heart was going to implode. She was adorable. Unlike Emma, she had no desire to grow up fast, be more mature, or even dress like she had something to show. Mikey loved his sister, of course, but this girl... she was everything he wanted, and he couldn't help but compare and contrast the two the same way he did to himself and Kenny. Draken was mature and careful where Mikey was childish and impulsive. Was Y/n the same as him? He really hoped so.
"What about you, Mikey? Can you help?" Y/n turned to the shorter blonde.
Draken tugged on her ponytail, "Hey, don't start asking my friends to do your chores!"
"I'm asking for help, you overgrown lima bean!"
"Watch your mouth, you underdeveloped mouse!"
It was always weird when the two argued, hurling meaningless insults at each other that Draken would apologize for later.
For a second, Mikey wondered if she'd even be into a short guy. He was just around below average, but she grew up staring at the ceiling to talk to her brother. What if she couldn't stand looking eye level at him? Or what if she wanted someone with a deeper voice? Mikey wasn't exactly...gruff.
"Stop being a brat!" Y/n was pinning Draken down and jerking on his shirt, "I'm only asking for help, not for him to do everything for me!" Kenny could've easily thrown her off, but she was his baby sister. So, he yelled to Mikey for help. "Mikey, grab this deranged dust bunny!"
Mikey was careful to grab around her waist, no higher and no lower, to pull her away from her brother. He liked carrying Y/n, but he didn't want to hold on for too long and risk Draken seeing that he had a crush. "We should bring her along to our next fight and set her loose on the guys!" Mikey laughed, though he wouldn't actually let her anywhere near a fight. "I'll help you with whatever it is." Mikey smiled, ignoring the way Draken groaned and told him not to bother.
Despite her brothers' warnings to not help, Mikey followed her through the brothel and to her own little room. "I just need help moving these boxes to the room across from Kenny's." She crouched down and picked up a box, a box that Mikey quickly grabbed from her. "Alright." He grabbed another box underneath it, "Lead the way."
Maybe he would just confess to Y/n when Kenny confessed to Emma...
yes, the parallel is on purpose :)
Part 2
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sinsmockingbird · 3 months
Aight, dis the (F!)MC family with (Yandere!)Yukong request (more like a ramble I guess which you can feel free to adapt to a request/fic as you want) :3
What do you think their children would look like? They'd probably have floofy hairs/tails like Yukong (Foxian/Kitsune genetics I've always thought are probs very strong), and they'd probably grow up very spoiled, by Qingni, who'd I'd imagine would be a great older sister, and by the Astral Express whenever they visit.
I can't help but feel like there'd be some friction there between Yukong and the crew, since the crew might feel something is off about Yukong being overly protective, alongside with Stelle's sudden decision to stay on the Luofu, and Yukong is afraid they might try to take Stelle with them.
I also wonder how Qingni would react to the whole situation in the first place. While she'd probably be very happy to see her mother happy, and to have younger siblings, she might also find Stelle's sudden decision to stay a bit weird (not that'd she'd comment on it).
If Stelle and Qingni grow close during Stelle's stay on the Luofu, I could totally see Yukong using that to further try to convince Stelle to stay, pointing out how they make such a lovely family the three of them together. Something along the lines of, It'd be a shame to throw it all away to go explore, and maybe never get to come back to see them. Who knows, maybe we could give Qingni some younger siblings? She did always want some as a child. Surely it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if you somehow ended up pregnant, right?
Sorry for the mess of ideas that this was oeidfvgjherhfgu I had a lot of thoughts after the fic that you made (which I may or may not have read lots of times already). Please feel free to only adapt parts of it/segment it, I can always send other requests in the future with the other sections if they don't mesh well together/get too long if you don't mind.
"PROTECTING" PT.2 | Yukong
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PAIRING: Yukong x Afab!Reader
WARNINGS: Fluff, SFW, Slight NSFW, Yandere!Yukong, Manipulation, Alludes to smut & breeding.
AUTHORS NOTE: I love these little rambles and ideas. I tried to include as many of these as possible, and I'd love to hear any more ideas you have!
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WHEN YOUR daughter was first born, she was a perfect mix of you and Yukong, with a fluffy tail and ears being the prominent foxian genes in her. She was immediately spoiled and loved by not only you two but the Astral Express as well. She was quickly welcomed into the family, dotted on by someone almost 24/7.
Welt was quickly deemed her Godfather, and was seen as her grandpa considering the fatherly relationship he had with you. Himeko was her Godmother, and she honestly almost cried when you asked her if she'd like to.
Dan Heng was surprisingly protective over her, despite not really knowing... how to treat her, yet he wouldn't dare let someone harm her, like a protective older brother. March 7th was, as expected, absolutely in love with her, declaring her the cool aunt who buys her so much toys, stuffies, clothes- you name it, March will get it.
Qingni was... interesting. She absolutely loved her little sister when she was born, always quick to care and play with her when she got the chance. She'd do anything for her, spoiling her with all sorts of things just like March.
Yet, despite being happy to have a little sister, Qingni couldn't help the weird feeling she had in her chest. Your sudden decision to stay on the Luofu was certainly... sudden, to say the least, and especially how quickly your relationship with her mother grew. While she was happy for Yukong to have found someone to love, she just found it all weird, but she didn't comment on anything, rather just enjoying the fact she has a younger sibling.
Plus, Qingni found herself getting close to you as well. She was really beginning to see you as another mother, despite not calling you mom yet. Which you didn't mind, you were simply happy to have a good relationship with her.
"You and Qingni seem to be getting along fine." Yukong mused as she moved to hug you from behind, nuzzling her face into your neck.
You laugh softly at her affectionate actions, watching as Qingni entertained her baby sister. "I'd like to think so."
"Trust me, she likes you." Yukong reassured, pressing a gentle kiss against your temple before laying her head on your shoulder. "We make quite a lovely family, don't we? Us four."
You thought for a moment, watching as Qingni stopped her sister from chewing on her tail. "Yeah... yeah we do."
Yukong lifted her head, eyeing you for a moment, seeing the way your eyebrows were furrowed together, sensing that something wasn't right. "Is there something wrong, my love?"
"Hm?" You look at her, before quickly shaking your head, then pausing as you thought for a moment. "Nothings wrong, perse... sorry, I'm just having thoughts about missing the Astral Express."
That made worry strike Yukong like a strike of lightning hitting a tree. It wasn't uncommon for you to find yourself having thoughts of the Astral Express crew as well as missing that adventure with them. It scared the old foxian like no other, because she's tried everything to get you to stay here on the Xianzhou with her.
Her ears pulled back against her head, tail swishing back and forth more behind her. She held a hard look on her face when you looked back to gaze at your daughter and Qingni, and Yukong realized what she had to do again to ensure you would stay here with her.
You let out a sudden gasp as you felt Yukong press her front flush against your back, pressing you against the counter you were both standing behind. You quickly gripped the edge of it, eyes widening and face flushing as you felt her press her face into your neck, inhaling your scent while kissing and nipping at your skin.
"Y-Yukong, the girls!" You quickly whispered it with panic, eyes wide as you watched your guys daughters, praying they didn't look over to see one of their mothers pressed so intimately against the other.
"We're fine, they're too distracted by one another," Yukong reassured, her voice low and sultry as she kissed your neck more.
You whimpered softly, before biting your lip to hold back your sounds, not wanting to alert Qingni. You bowed your head slightly, breathing heavy as you felt Yukong grinding her hips against you from behind, letting you feel her growing bulge under her clothes. Her sudden need for you caught you off guard, but you definitely weren't complaining.
"My love, let's go to our room. The girls will be alright by themselves for an hour or so," Yukong murmured, moving to suck on your ear lobe, nibbling on it and making your face flush more.
"J-Just an hour..?" You ask, tilting your head slightly back towards her.
"Just an hour," Yukong repeated, but she had other plans. She was going to keep you locked in your room for however long she wanted, thoroughly breeding you again.
Because there's no way you'd leave the Xianzhou, leave her, if you have a second, maybe third or forth child, right? You wouldn't dare do that to her.
She was going to make sure you'd never leaver.
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ENDING NOTES: Sorry this is short! I wanted to keep this part mostly SFW. But I'll maybe do a part 3 if it's asked for.
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dumbseee · 2 months
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todoroki shoto x fem!reader.
genre: just tooth rotting fluff!
warnings: bad english/grammar :p
words: 2,3k
shoto was new to all of this.
pain and sadness was all he knew while growing up, he absolutely despised his father, he even hated calling him that. his mother also hated him, well that’s what shoto believed, seeing his two siblings was the only good part of going home for the young boy.
shoto didn’t have any friends while growing up, his father thought it was a waste of time and strong heroes didn’t need friends. he put that thought into his youngest’s head, making him believe that he was unworthy of love and friendship. so when shoto joined ua, and met everyone, met you. his view on life took a drastic turn.
his first awakening was during the sports’ championship, you had cornered him after his fight with midoriya, resulting in the green haired boy to loose and spend the next few hours at recovery girl. he was surprised to see you, he didn’t expect you to come find him. he had to admit that you surprised him during the championship, he never deemed you weak but he wasn’t expecting you to go that far, respectfully though. you sadly lost to bakugo and his bad temper, but you earned everyone’s respect during that hectic fight.
"you’re holding back." you stated, bandaged arms crossed on your chest, you also had a bandage wrapped around your head and shoto wondered if you didn’t leave the infirmary too early. your statement took him aback, he frowned and glared at you. "mind your business." he started to walk away from you, slightly bumping your shoulder with his. you grabbed his bicep, making him look at you with widened eyes. "it’s your quirk, todoroki, not his. bakugo won’t be happy if he sees you holding back." you quickly let go of his arm, almost running away from him, you couldn’t believe you spoke like that to endeavor’s son.
but your words kept ringing into shoto’s mind. all his life, he addressed his fire quirk as his father’s quirk and his ice quirk as his mother quirk. he never addressed it as his, he never even thought about it belonging to him. his father had engraved into his mind that shoto and his abilities belonged to him. but you were right, this quirk might be a curse to shoto, but at least it belonged to him and only him. after that day, shoto kept looking at you in class, watching you from afar when you were having lunch with your friends and wondering why your words were still haunting him. why did he listen to you of all people? why you?
"hey todoroki! wanna go to the mall with us, after school?" you offered to the young boy. he looked up from his book, slightly surprised that you thought of him. "ugh? hell no! i don’t want icy hot to come with us!" bakugo screamed from his seat, his hands glowing with small sparkles. you rolled your eyes and used your air controlling quirk to make bakugo spin in the air, a funny sight, really. "well, i want him to come, so deal with it bakago!" shoto didn’t know why he felt something strange tug in his stomach when you said that. he looked at you for a minute before nodding, if you wanted him to come then he’ll come.
hanging out with his classmates wasn’t too bad actually, aside from bakugo’s getting them kicked out of a shop and kaminari attempts at flirting with some girls, shoto had a great time. at first, he stayed behind, silently walking and observing his surroundings, but his eyes kept coming back to you. you were talking with mina and jiro, throwing your head back as you laughed loudly, making the weird sensation in shoto’s stomach reappear. when you noticed that shoto was walking alone, you felt bad, you wanted him to feel included and you hated the fact that some classmates didn’t like shoto because of his closed off behaviour. you left your friends to hang out with shoto, hands behind your back.
you did most of the talking and shoto listening to every single word that left your mouth with attention. you made sure to avoid anything to do with his father or even the championship. you learned a lot about shoto, and he learned a lot about himself too. he liked soba, cats, going to the library, watching tv and late night walks. when everyone had to go their own separate ways, shoto grabbed your hand, making you blush, when he saw the red tinting your cheeks he frowned. "are you okay? why is your face so red? are you sick?" he put his hand on your forehead but your temperature was normal. "o-oh, uh… i’m just hot! it’s getting hot here, ehe…" you stuttered, mentally slapping you but also grateful that everyone had left and no one could see you embarrass yourself in front of shoto. "oh." he simply said, before holding a hand next to your face and activating his ice quirk, making the air cooler for you. "are you feeling better?" you could only nod, still shocked at his sudden action. "i wanted to thank you for inviting me today, it was… fun." he looked down, slightly embarrassed. but you could only think about how gorgeous he looked, with the sunset glowing behind him.
after that, you and shoto kept being paired up together, for a school project, during practice, even during the internship you crossed path with him. you got scouted by gang orca and you were going home when you saw mirodiya, iida and shoto being attacked by the infamous slain. of course, you immediately went to help them, flying in the air while you sneaked an attack towards the villain, slamming him against the wall, full force. "y/n-kun!" midoriya yelled, happy to see you but also very worried that another of his friend could get hurt. you landed next to the group. shoto didn’t say anything but his mind was going crazy, you shouldn’t be there, you should be at home or with gang orca. you should be safe. shoto couldn’t risk anything happening to you, he wouldn’t allow it. his eyes were focused on slain, but he couldn’t help the small glances he threw your direction, just to make sure you were fine. everyone ended up being okay, except a few scratches you got on your face. shoto wasn’t even paying attention to what his father was saying, he simply walked away, towards you. "are you okay?" he gently asked, eyes full of concern. you smiled at him and nodded, you were getting your face wounds treated. "of course! stop worrying for me." you slightly pushed his shoulder. but he couldn’t get rid of that damn feeling in his stomach, what if something had happened to you?
since getting close to you, shoto had felt a ton of new emotions that he couldn’t name. when you were next to him he felt hot but cold at the same time, he couldn’t think straight, his hands were sweating, he was stuttering when you were looking at him with your big doe eyes. shoto was lost to say the least. "fuyumi, i think i’m dying." he blurted out to his sister, while she was making dinner. the poor woman almost cut her own finger at her brother’s statement. "w-what?" the todoroki siblings sat down, fuyumi eager to know what was going on. she was also surprised to see shoto open to talk to her about himself, that never happened before he joined ua. "there is this girl in my class, her name is y/n." the blush of his cheeks when he said her name made fuyumi chuckle slightly. "i don’t know what’s wrong with me but whenever we talk or she’s around i feel something weird in my stomach, and to the contrary when she’s not around or talking to someone else i feel almost… sad? or angry when she’s talking with another boy." he said, his face and voice empty of any emotion. fuyumi was stunned to say the least, out of everyone in this house, shoto wasn’t the one she expected to fall in love. "shoto, she grabbed his face with her two hands, making the boy frown. you are in love."
in love. you are in love. these words kept ringing in his ears, haunting him when he closed his eyes to sleep. he heard them when he looked at you, in class. he couldn’t shake them away, he kept thinking about what his sister had said. shoto didn’t know anything about love in general, the only type of love he ever received were from his siblings and maybe his mother when he was still a baby. shoto never loved anyone because he didn’t know what it felt to be loved by someone. fuyumi made him watch a ton of romcom that night, so he could understand better. she felt bad for her little brother, she wanted him to be happy and understand that loving someone wasn’t a curse, it wasn’t something bad, it was something beautiful and pure.
"shoto! truth or dare?" mina asked, a huge smirk on her lips. the whole class stayed late at night at the dorms to play some fun games and spend more time together. they had gone through some pretty fucked up things since the attack at the training camp and bakugo’s kidnapping. "truth." he crossed his arms on his chest, drinking his cup of water. "do you have a crush on anyone here?" the poor boy almost died from choking on his water. "w-what?" he asked, looking at mina with pleading eyes, anything but this question. but mina saw right through his act and repeated the question. "um… shoto looked up at you, you looked like you were dreading this question and you were, what if your feelings were one sided? what if mina was wrong and shoto didn’t like you back? "i do." he mumbled but mina heard him, she jumped from her seat and winked at you. "i knew it! who is it?" shoto shoved her away from him and lowered his head. "one question at the time, ashido."
shoto made a ton of research on love and confessing, he looked it up on the internet, read blogs, listened to some podcasts and even watched a few romcoms, fuyumi had requested him. and it all came to one conclusion: he had to confess to you. but he didn’t know how! he still didn’t understand why he was feeling like that and saying it out loud was still hard so confessing to you? impossible. but shoto had to do with, he wanted you to know and he wanted to know if it was one sided or not. he wouldn’t be mad at you if it was, after all, he had nothing for himself except childhood trauma and issues. "ashido, where is y/n?" he asked the pink girl, she blinked at him and immediately jumped out of her seat. "oh my god! i knew you liked her!" she jumped at his neck and hugged him tightly, making shoto panic slightly as he wasn’t used to pda. "sorry~ mina had noticed shoto tensing at her touch, and backed away. "anyways! she’s outside with jiro and momo, who knew you were that much of a romantic!" she beamed and shoto couldn’t be more lost. "what do you mean?" mina couldn’t believe this guy. "today is white day! boys are the one to confess to their crushes with flowers, chocolates, anything! what did you get for y/n?" shoto’s eyes couldn’t be more wide at mina’s words. he didn’t know today was white day.
you were having lunch with jiro and momo on the school’s little park. it wasn’t too crowded with students which you enjoyed. "seriously yaomomo, how many confessions have you received?" jiro rolled her eyes at her friend’s huge pack of letters, chocolates and flowers. "tons. i don’t even know how i am supposed to get these home." she blushed, which made you laugh. "don’t laugh, y/n! you got a lot too!" she added, pointing at your bag full of letters. you sighed while looking at them, you may have received a lot of letters, none of them were from the boy you loved. "oh, todoroki?" jiro looked behind y/n, making you turn to see. and there he was, shoto was sweating and panting as he was holding something behind his back. you stood up, concerned for him. "shoto? are you-…" he cut you off, handing you a bunch of flowers, who seemed to have been picked out from the school’s garden. "for you." his cheeks were flushed and he couldn’t look at you. "i like you, y/n. a lot, but i forgot today was white day so if you consider that i am not worthy of your love, i understand. you deserve someone who won’t forget such an important date." he finally looked at your eyes and you swore your heart would stop beating. you grabbed his flowers, tears starting to burn your eyes as you smiled. "idiot." you mumbled, before jumping in his arms while jiro and momo clapped and cheered for the love birds.
shoto was grateful for a lot of things in his life, he was grateful for his professors, who helped him improve and learn more about his quirk. he was grateful for his friends who made him understand that friendship wasn’t useless and was one of the most beautiful thing to experience. he was grateful for his siblings who always stood by his side. and he was grateful to you, for saving him.
he wanted the world to know that there was a woman named y/n l/n, who saved him by making him realise that he was worthy of love.
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wqnwoos · 7 months
“i think sometimes it’s okay to just admit you’re not good at something and move on, you know.”
joshua frowns at your words, turning to face you with indignant hands placed on his hips. you’re paused in the doorway, cradling two mugs of hot chocolate and extra marshmallows, and he’s standing in front of a heaped pile of… bedding.
“you can tell i’ve never done this before, huh?” he sighs, accepting defeat. you smile, and pick your way through the pillows strewn over the living room floor, setting the mugs on the coffee table.
“it’s a little obvious,” you agree, already reaching for the pillows and the blankets, arranging them so swiftly that joshua can barely keep up with what you’re doing. “my older sister used to help us make them,” you continue, the faintest of smiles pulling at your lips, tinged with nostalgia. “taking it down was like, the worst thing ever.”
joshua can’t help but grin at the thought of a tiny you, scrambling under blankets with your siblings and clutching the childhood teddy you’d shown him once. he likes it when you talk about yourself — whether it’s memories or hopes or the coffee you ordered this morning. he wants to know it all; he can’t get enough of you. he doesn’t think he’ll ever get enough.
before he can slip too deep, he’s jolted out of his reverie by you calling his name, and to his surprise, you’re finished; already crawling into the blanket fort and gesturing for him to join you.
he doesn’t, though. he looks at you first — a long moment, the smallest of smiles curving his lips, his head tilting sideways. if this was a cartoon, he thinks to himself, i’d have hearts in my eyes.
“what?” you say, suddenly growing shy and swiping at your upper lip. “is there hot chocolate on my face?”
“no,” joshua says, finally sitting next to you. he doesn’t explain. just smiles and cups your face in his hands — and kisses you, firm and gentle all at once.
and then he pulls away, lips drifting to a satisfied smirk; like he hasn’t just left you breathless in the space of a minute. “i love you,” he says, to your slightly stunned features. “and you taste like hot chocolate.”
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an / this is so cheesy and horrendous and i don’t like it i’m sorry 😭😭😭 again requested as part of my 1k event by @glowunderthemoon !! prompt was pillow fort with joshua, i hope u like it bb 💗
this also marks the completion of my 1k event!! i just want to say thank you again to every single one of you — especially because ALREADY we are almost at 2k. (consensually) hugging u all so very tight 🧸💌💐
perm taglist: @n4mj00nvq @eoieopda @som1ig @glowunderthemoon @wondering-out-loud @graybaeismytae @hannyoontify @sahazzy @dokyeomin @icyminghao @smilehui @nicholasluvbot @lvlystars @immabecreepin @hanniehaee @kokoiinuts @astrozuya @doublasting @yepimthatonequirkyteenager @qaramu @weird-bookworm @phenomenalgirl9
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crezz-star · 7 months
I can't help but wonder about your One Piece OC! I know you've mentioned that he's a mature person in the crew, but do you see him as more of a sibling/parental role to Luffy, or is he part of the shenanigans with usopp/chopper/luffy, or is he like tired uncle like Jinbei (or secretly amused like zoro) ? I am eager to hear about where he meshes in with crew especially luffy
I also can't help but wonder if our first mate gets jealous of him often. You mentioned that you do, but I think about like what if some days luffy just misses Ace, and luff will stare at Jean a lot more sometimes or just hover around him just to relive being with his brother *cries*
✨Kira kira yoho!✨
Ahhh!! Im so happy and excited every time I get question about my OCs (❤´艸`❤) Thank you for taking interest and being curious about Jean!
To answer. He is more of big brother type. Not just to Luffy but to everyone. Even the older mature straw hats. Jean just have so much love to give, growing up not knowing much about the world, isolated and thinking himself to be a slave until death. It really is Luffy and the strawhats who saved him and his fellow slaves so, he's enthusiastic in showing them how much he cares for them. how thankful he is to them for saving him, and along with that, his life. So he spoils everyone like this cool doting brother.
I'm actually planning to make one paged comic series ( kind of like 4 koma? ) in his interactions with the strawhats. As well as discovering more of the world. little sneak peek with Sanji ( ignore the cross. i changed that to a locket )
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Here, Jean becomes the big brother Sanji dreamed and should have had. At first it annoys Sanji to no end even saying stuff like " gross, dont touch me. its weird! " but Jean is so gentle towards the crew, even helping Sanji wash the dishes, even cleaning the kitchen at night to surprise Sanji that eventually, Sanji accepts Jean. And finally allows himself to be spoiled. Even bringing out that side of Sanji that longs for a caring brother. One he only dreamed back then.
Jean has that ability to let everyone's hidden side of wanting to be spoiled and Jean is all to happy to do so. He is just so happy to be there with everyone. That he never really asks for anything in return.
As for Zoro being made Jealous by Jean. Yes he does that. but there is a moment only the three of them knows. Its when Luffy gets nightmares about Ace every now and then. most of the time he can deal with it, but there are times he's so shaken. When Jean wasn't around yet, it's Zoro trying to calm him down. But when jean arrived, the three of them found out that, despite being freaked out by jean and Ace looking alike, Jean helps Luffy calm down due to his voice being exactly like Ace's. Along with it, Jean's hugs is just one of the best. Even beating hugs from Jinbei. There's a strange therapeutic effect.
Here is a comic I doodled quickly just now to show that.
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I still wanted to emphasize the eerie feeling from Jean and Ace's similarities are so the comic ended up a bit off. (laughs) please forgive me!
Every time this happens, Luffy does apologize to Jean for asking him to 'talk' like Ace. He knows it's wrong, but honestly, Jean would do anything to calm Luffy. and He knows Luffy doesn't mean it and that he's just suffering, So Jean is very patient with him and never really feels offended at all.
And that is all the answers I have!
Thank you for being interested in Jean!! 💖💖
✨Have a sparkling day!✨
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akoyaxs · 7 months
˚༄ Tìyora Pt 4 ༊ Aonung x Fem!Sully!Reader ༊ Enemies w Benefits ༊ 3.7k words Warnings: Jealousy, voyeurism, rough sex, p in v, realisation, multiple orgasms Prompted: the lovely @imaslutforxaviert, hope you enjoy my love :) THIS IS A SERIES and can be found on my MASTERLIST!!!! *Note that reader is practically Neytiri's twin, like mother like daughter. I chose this photo bc when writing I like picturing an OC or different face in my mind, and this one looks different enough from Neytiri's other scenes, but similar enough that reader has all the good Sully genes*
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You can’t explain what exactly had happened. But something had changed; that much had been evident. You enjoyed giving pleasure, and often found yourself amused with the desperate carelessness of the Metkayina who’d never experienced head. You’d known Aonung too long, expecting him to be just as impatient, just as hungry.
But he hadn’t been, making sure you were alright, being confusingly careful with you. It truly perplexed you, the way his grip had been so light on your hair, the way he kept checking you were okay, the way he’d wiped your face and tucked your hair back when he’d finished. And now he’s being strange all over again, in an increasingly weird weird weird way.
Usually he’d be seeking you out, giving you that look across the village or training grounds or even when you’re hanging out with your siblings and friends. You’re having the arrangement less and less, and each time you fuck, it’s growing to be less impatient and lusty and a little more gentle, a little more intimate. You don’t do intimate. And even though you don’t know why, Aonung’s starting to come to a realisation.
“Fuck,” he groans into his pillowed arms on his woven bed. He’s dreading the moment he has to sit up, let the blazing sunlight stream into his eyes, leave the comfort of his room and go face you in the training grounds. He just prays to Eywa that he doesn’t get horny. It’s been hard enough for him to be holding himself back again around you, but he can’t resist staying away. And if you’re horny, he knows there’s no fucking way he’ll be able to resist you.
He drags himself up and towards the training grounds, trying not to think about everything that could go wrong. Everything has been going wrong since he realised. That you are beautiful. That he doesn’t think you’re a freak. That he actually likes your slim body and small hands and that mind-shattering thing you do with your mouth. And all that makes him hate you more.
The problem is that he doesn’t. He knows it. Tsireya knows it. Rotxo knows it. Even your siblings are cottoning on to the fact that Aonung no longer taunts you, no longer glares at you, instead he tries everything to avoid your gaze, to make sure you don’t get too close. You’re the only one that doesn’t know it yet.
He’s careful about it to, the way he is around you. It would be suspicious if he just instantly cut you off, but he can’t bring himself to be as blasé with you as he had once been. He’s humiliated, not because he thinks you’re an outsider or a freak (you’ve more than proved yourself to him), but because while he’s hard every time you hold a fucking conversation with him, you’re oblivious and probably careless anyway.
The final solution he can come to is to phase you out, slowly, painlessly. It’s as though Eywa is punishing him for his years of playing around and carelessness, giving him this amazing, fierce, beautiful stranger that’s so similar to himself that it physically hurts. He wonders blindly if this is how all his previous “friends” have felt, because when he sees you with someone else, it feels as though someone lit a burning fire in his heart, and it seeped into his blood and blazed through his body.
It was after training. Aonung had dismissed his warriors, and an order was an order. A dismissal was clear, particularly to the other men that would shoot you looks during training, linger around you when allocating partners for the days training and would always offer to help you out (which you amusedly refused every time).
But Ta’ru, oblivious, stupid, unknowingly reckless Ta’ru decided that he was above Aonung’s dismissal. You, of course, ignored it for whatever reason you had, but it was common knowledge at this point that you never listened to anything Aonung said, and less obvious that Aonung couldn’t really control you anyway.
Which, infuriatingly, meant that Aonung couldn’t leave the training grounds with everyone else. He told himself it was to supervise his warriors or make sure everything was in place or everyone was safe or some other bullshit, but really, he couldn’t bring himself to look away as Ta’ru made increasingly obvious moves on you.
Aonung couldn’t peel his eyes away from the way your head tilted as you smiled at whatever Ta’ru was saying to you, or the way when he stepped closer, you angled your body so you were positioned against him. Even as Aonung was gathering up the last of the spears, you and Ta’ru were still there, laughing and grinning and very obviously giving each other the eye.
Then finally, Ta’ru jerks his head in Aonung’s direction, and you catch him staring with narrowed eyes and tight lips at the pair of you. Aonung doesn’t bother to look away; the jealousy coursing through his veins gives him the strength to hold your gaze he hardly ever has. And you, with ever the need to challenge him, grin up at Ta’ru, tug lightly at his arm and lead him away.
Which is fine, Aonung tells himself. He definitely isn’t scowling. He definitely doesn’t dump the spears in their storage and stalk out of the training grounds. When he returns to the village, he doesn’t see you or Ta’ru anywhere. Which is fine.
Aonung knows what you’re probably doing with Ta’ru, and it’s totally and completely 100 percent fine. He doesn’t have any sort of claim over you, but he can’t help thinking about if he did, then no other male in the clan would dare go near you.
The pair of you, in all your various exploits and liasons has always been careful not to mark. Though Aonung had always been impossibly tempted to kiss and nip and lick every part of you until you were littered with tokens of him, marked by his affection, he had held himself back. Albeit by gritting his teeth so hard it made his lips bleed, but resisting the urge to sink his fangs into your soft, smooth, darker blue skin probably wasn’t even that appealing.
Even so, Aonung knew he was jealous. He wouldn’t have been seething to the point Tsireya asked him what was wrong. He wouldn’t have been spending all day with his tail flicking irritably and uncontrollably if he wasn’t. He wouldn’t be gathering his spear and heading out to hunt if he wasn’t.
The beach was a break from you. The sand was soft and welcoming beneath his feet as he padded out of the village bay and towards the rocks that separated the next beach, where he usually preferred to go hunting. Alone. Of course, Aonung had completely forgotten that he took you there.
When he moved towards the rocks, the sound of scuffling and distinct groans met his ears. He wasn’t exactly concerned if someone was hurt, but it made him uneasy that his private beach was being occupied. So, when he clambered over and towards the next been, when he looked down from the top of the rock wall, he was not at all pleased at what he saw.
You were backed against the floor, looking very awkward, with Ta’ru above you, clumsily thrusting into you. You were flopping unceremoniously against the sand, each uncoordinated thrust punctuated by a choked, feeble groan from the man ingloriously perched on top of you, hands trembling on either side of your slim, pretty figure.
Aonung was torn. On the one hand, he was fuming to see people on his beach, least of all you, especially you getting fucked by someone else, particularly when you are so clearly not being pleasured. But on the other, it was the most amusing thing Aonung had seen since the last time he had you crying on his dick.
He had to choke back a laugh when Ta’ru gives a particularly enthusiastic thrust and you wince and scowl. He has to bite his lip from smirking at Ta’ru’s floundering groans of bumbling praise. He has to cover his mouth when things start to get so clumsy that your hands are digging into the sand, fruitlessly searching for anything that will at least cushion the awkward knocks of your body.
And then, when you roll your eyes at Ta’ru’s increasing volume, you look up and notice your voyeur. Instantly, your eyes widen, then narrow, then widen again, and you gesture silently for Aonung to go away. But he doesn’t. He stays there, glaringly, at your mortifyingly flopping figure, a scowl fixed on his face. He doesn’t try to fight away the jealousy; he knows it would be futile to try and make it go away anyway.
Ta’ru’s obviously growing close, and you’re growing more and more flustered under Aonung’s gaze, but you don’t look away. If Aonung let himself think it, he would have guessed you weren’t even able to break it. For once, you’re the one pinned in the stare, scared to stay, terrified to leave.
Your huffs are getting louder, and Aonung knows it now. You’re starting to enjoy this. Not of the embarrassing sometimesness that you catch a good thrust, but you’re enjoying that Aonung’s just watching, that you’re in some twisted sort of show, splayed out under somebody that isn’t him, and having him glaring at you.
You can sense his irritation, anger, even jealousy, and he can sense your perverse enjoyment of this situation.
And then Ta’ru’s slowing down, finally noticing that for the last few minutes, you’ve been staring in strange fixation upwards at something he cannot see, and he follows your gaze to Aonung. Instantly, his face flushes darkly at the sight of his “prince”, scowling down at him from above like some furious, disapproving god.
“A- Aonung,” he stutters, arms trembling and voice shaky. “I’m sorry.”
Aonung just gives a blunt grunt, his frown etching deeper onto his face. You just sit there, looking torn between mortified and irritated. He knows you aren’t one to be easily embarrassed, or ashamed of any of your choices, but he imagines there’s a distinctly regretful air around you as you momentarily squeeze your eyes shut at Ta’ru’s stammered, nervous bumbles of apologies and justifications for jack shit.
“I was only- I meant to…”
“I know what you were doing,” Aonung cuts him off in a low, blunt, gravelly voice. He’s never sounded more like an Olo’eyktan than now, and the sight of his impressive, muscular figure looking down from above with mild disgust and major judgement strikes quite the pose. “I’ve heard enough of your filthy conversations with Tsekoye, don’t need to explain to me why you want to fuck the forest girl.”
If possible, Ta’ru flushes even deeper and pales even whiter, creating a very unflattering blotchiness to his teal, mortified face. Then he finally seems to come to himself and quickly pulls out of you, leaving you to wince and scowl even deeper. Aonung smirks a little at Ta’ru fumbling for his tewng; there’s really no competition here.
Even so, as Ta’ru scrambles back over the rcoks and disappears with several mortifying squeaks, Aonung doesn’t feel quite mollified yet. He hates when people touch what is his- you just don’t know you’re his just yet. You shouldn’t be anyway, Aonung has to remind himself. He didn’t need to get humiliated like that- and for that embarrassment, for this blazing jealousy coursing through his veins instead of blood, he deserves to let it all out.
Aonung moves casually, hopping lightly, coolly off the rocks onto the sand. You’re still all laid back against the floor, and he thinks vaguely that you might be a little nervous. The thought of that sends a small thrill through his spine, a swift switch of power between the two of you.
“Go on then,” you say after a moment of tense silence. “Shout or reprimand me or whatever you’re going to do.”
“Were you enjoying yourself?”
“What?” you say confusedly, thrown off by the unexpected question, brows pinching together and lips pursing.
“Was he good for you?” Aonung asks with a small grin playing around his lips now. “I can imagine all the hard work in training had you all pent up- did he help you release?” You flush darkly, eyes clouding with disconcertion.
“Yes,” you say hotly, finally. “He was good, a big help-”
“Given the way you were flopping around like a dead fish, I think-”
“Are you going to fuck me or not,” you cut him off, scowling, lying back against the sand. The sight of you all splayed out and ready is just a reminder that you’ve already been… warmed up, and Aonung feels another fierce surge of jealousy. Which has him pushing off the wall in a second, and the next he’s pulled you up roughly onto your hands and knees, back pressed down into a sharp arch and ass up to him.
“So needy,” he comments, slowly taking off his own tewng and running a finger through your dripping slit. “But you said Ta’ru was nice and satisfactory, so this one’s about me.”
He can sense some snarky comment boiling up inside you, probably along the lines of when is it not about you, entitled prince of yada yada yada. So instead of preparing himself to hear a sonnet of insults and quips, he just plunges deep into you in one sharp thrust.
Your slickness makes it relatively easy, but he doesn’t miss the way your comment is strangled in your mouth and you choke out a sharp gasp. Before you can say anything else, Aonung pulls out to the tip before slamming back in with such force you’re rocked forward, hair spilling from your back to cascade over your face.
He’s selfish about it. Lazily rolling his hips against you, but his tight grip on your slim hips pulls you in and off his length at a punishing pace, burying deep inside you and then practically shoving you away.
You try your best to sit and take it like a good girl, which you never admit you can be sometimes, but not even your accustom to Aonung’s roughness when hes in a mood compares to what he’s doing now. Aonung can feel you clenching around him again and again as though you’re trying to fucking strangle him, and that just makes him more pissed.
“Greedy,” he grunts, his large hand splayed across the small of your back reaching to shove you into a further arch. Your arms give out and your head tips into the soft sand, hair spilling everywhere, mouth open and almost salivating from being fucked dumb, little moans being knocked out of you with each rough, ruthless thrust.
It’s fucking sinful, how easy it is to have you like this. Aonung’s cursing himself for holding back for so long, not with the way you’re clenching around him, or your moans are turning into broken whines, or your back keeps arching back up in an attempt to be good for him. You’ve never tried to be this good for him before; teasing and being a fucking brat, and now you’re paying the consequences.
“That’s it,” he grunts, hand trailing up along your back to ghost along the thin, darker blue stripes etching up towards your neck, marvelling at how tiny you seem compared to his hand. “Now you’re trying to be good?”
Aonung’s grip on your hips is bruising, every thrust sending your head lolling limply on your shoulders. He uses his grip on your hips to pull you back and forth over his dick like you’re a goddamn doll. And you like it. He always knew you a freak, then he found out you were freaky, but this is a whole new part. You’re seeing a whole new part of him too.
All you know is the feeling of being fucking jackhammered, face pillowed in your arms in a fruitless attempt to keep it from smushing brainlessly against the sand, lips puffy and eyes teary and breathing in sharp short gasps that don’t come often enough. You know his hand pressing your back further down until you unconsciously do the same, trying your best to satisfy him.
You aren’t entirely sure why you want to please the guy currently rutting into you like he hates you (which he probably does right now), but the thought of that disapproval and distaste and anger curling on that handsome face makes you want to punch something.
Your orgasm hits your life an akula, out of the blue and searing with overwhelming pleasure. You have no fucking clue of the mortifying sounds you make, just knowing you come so hard your eyes roll back to the fucking Omatikaya Clan and all you can see is blinding white. The waves are drowned out by faint ringing and the sound of your humiliating whimpers and whines.
“Couldn’t hold it, could you?” Aonung hisses, watching the way your dripping pussy takes him again and again, seemingly deaf to your keens and moans, or the way each thrust has your head drooping further onto your pillowed arms. “So greedy and impatient, and you still pretend Ta’ru could satisfy you?”
Your reply dies in your throat, coming out as a strangled cry as Aonung’s hand closes around your kuru and gives it a small tug that sends your brain reeling.
“What do you have to say?”
He’s moving at paces that can only be called bestial. He’s hungry in a way that seems shameful, jealous in a way that sends his blood boiling and eyes darkening. He lives for the little moans he knocks out of you, nearly loses it every time you clamp down on him like that. You’re totally at his mercy, and you both know you love it.
His hips are slamming into your ass, that coil in his stomach growing hotter with each wobble of your thighs at every thrust. Your lashes are all clumped together from tears, your mouth hanging open stupidly His thrusts aren’t just knocking the air from you, it feels as though they’re knocking the thoughts from you too.
Being fucked dumb is not something you’re used to, even being fucked quiet is unusual. But then your cumming again, and you find there’s only one thing to say, something that tumbles out from your puffed, sloppy lips despite being bitten back for so long.
“Aonung,” you moan.
Aonung can’t stop now. That single word, his name, spoken from your lips, moaned like a prayer from your lips. He comes harder than he ever has in his fucking life with a wave of hisses and curses and groans amidst your own tears and whines and moans.
It fucking broke him.
Which is why, when he comes down to see your face all puffy, eyes red with tears, lips slicked and swollen, hips bruised from his grip and hair rumpled from his rough hands, he can’t stand the sight of you. What he did to you. Can’t stand himself for what he did to you.
You’re slumped weakly against the sand when it strikes him like lightning, and he’s stumbling up, disgusted with himself. He thought liking, even loving you was the biggest curse he’d ever had. But now he’s looking at your rough figure, he realises that he’s the one that’ll ruin you.
And he can’t let that happen. Ever.
༊ Taglist: @hadesbabygurl @wavesarchive @kqlopsia @tadomikiku @ntymavtr @mommyanddadskiller @thehoneymushroomhealer @tsireyax @integers @tiyawnyana @whatevenisagrapefruit @oakbuggy @sunsetviper @blue-slxt @simplyawh0re@yootvi @narwhal-swimmingintheocean Okay let me know if i forgot someone hope you pookie pies enjoyed 🙃
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fl3shm4id3n · 2 months
Wₑₐᵣᵢₙg ₕₑₑₗₛ ₐᵣₒᵤₙd ₜₕₑ ₛᵤₗₗy'ₛ
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𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 -👠𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧
ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴜʟʟʏ'ꜱ x ꜰᴇᴍ! ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ (ᴘʟᴀᴛᴏɴɪᴄ)
Tw: None
A/N: I couldn't squeeze a lot, but I manage to think of something. Hopefully ya'll like it. It's kinda short.
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You no idea what heels were, until you found some in a storage unit in Hell's Gate. You were snooping around the unit and came across a pair of red heels. This was new to you. As well as weird, you were used to seen others wearing boots or just flat out tennis shoes to be comfortable.
But you couldn't help but grow curious and try them on. It was a pain at first, since the heels held your feet up in a different position and they'd hurt after some time. Same with walking in them. You'd wobble and stumble around a first, but you manage to walk on them.
After some time, you decided to show off your new heels to your friends. When you walked to the camp, you had to do it barefoot. At first you were going to wear your heels, but the very thin heel would bury itself onto the dirt and you nearly tripped a few times. So you just walked barefooted until you got to the camp.
Once at camp, the Sully kids were already out of the hut and just hanging around their home. As soon as you saw them, you showed them your new heels. They had no idea what they were, just like you the first time you had found them. Then you went up an explanation of what they were and so on.
Then you put them on, showing them how you became a pro at walking on them. All they did was stare at the shinny red heels that you walked around on. Not only that, but you saw how their ears would twitch slightly by the clicking of the heels on the hard ground.
Ever since then, you'd began to get teased. Specially by Lo'ak and Spider. They'd go on and on how you were slightly taller now and how you nearly reached Tuk's height. Those two just loved poking fun at you ever since your heels were shown to them.
Kiri didn't really get the point in you wearing them. At first she thought that you didn't really need heels to be taller. That you were fine just the way that you were. But you told her that you simply wore them because they were pretty and stylish. Kiri still couldn't help but wonder why you wore them. They seem like torture devices.
Out of all her Siblings, Tuk liked your heels. She thought they were funny in a way but also cute. She'd often ask you if she could look at them, which you allowed her. She'd just look at the heel as if she was trying to figure out how or why they were made the way that they were. She often wishes she could hear your heels just to be a bit more tall.
Neteyam didn't mind, he was all 'Alright' when it came to your heels. He too didn't think you needed them, but if you liked them and choose to wear them, cool. He'd ask question after question on why you wore such shoe that can and will cause you pain thought. He never understood why humans made things that could cause you pain.
When Neytiri had heard about your famous heels. She too got curious. When she saw you wearing them one day, she couldn't help but find the clicking of your heels a bit annoying. When you came to the hut, she'd tell you to take them off. She too wonders why humans wear such painful devices.
She then went to ask Jake about them. He didn't know much, but explained to her why humans women, and some times men wear heels. She didn't get it at first, but after some time she did. She still despised human things, specially those noisy torture devices.
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marymary-diva17 · 5 months
tonowari x reader x ronal + sully family
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Guidance was always something that was needed in ones life, when they were facing hardships. The ones who always seem to be seeking helping are teenagers and kids as they, live their daily lives. Growing up is not easy and it extreme not easy when you are navi teen trying to live up to image of parent or older siblings that praised by everyone else and you don't get the same praise as well. Over your life of adult and when you were young you had seen, that and made a promise to always help out those who seek help when needed.
y/n " I given blessing to the great mother for my life ... I give the great mother thanks for my mates and for my children" you were doing a pray hoping for some answers on some stuff, when you heard something.
????? " leave us alone "
????? " aww little kids getting scared do you need your mommies"
????? " hey leave them alone right now or else" you heard aonung voice you soon stopped what you were doing, and made your way towards the sound. To see your sons along with the tow sully boys in fight with some visiting teens from another clan.
y/n " hey" you soon made your way towards the fight and soon broke the boys apart or they pushed each other way.
y/n " what is happening here"
lo'ak " these punks were picking on kiri calling her a freak, and I came to tell them to stop they were bothering us until neteyam and your son came"
y/n " kiri is that true"
kiri " yes we tried walking away until they insult our families"
navi teen boy " well it true all your family is weird"
y/n " enough all of you no more fighting we don't need conflict among, ourselves during these times"
teens " sorry"
y/n " you boys will start showing respect to the clan guests as they are becoming one of us, because if we were like them they will do the same for us"
metekayain teens " yes ma'am"
y/n " sully family I'm sorry for the poor behavior of the reef teens I will make sure it will not happen that much"
neteyam " it okay miss we know you can't control everyone opinion on us"
y/n " now it seems like you all might wish to explain this it your fathers" the teens soon looked to see their fathers standing there, you soon looked at your sons.
y/n " I will try to clam their tempers but you might still get scolded and some punishment, when you are all done head to the healers and get first up" you soon walked away and spoke with your mate and there males, they seem to understand a bit but the teens were still a trouble a bit.
Later on that day
y/n " so let me get this straight you had sent the boys all fishing together for what reason"
tonowari " Jake sully said it will be good for them to bond and form a friendship as well"
y/n " I hope so"
tonowari " what the matter"
y/n " I think you should spend some time with the boys a bit more"
tonowari " ......."
y/n " I'm just speaking from the heart it seems like the boys have been doing their best, to proven themselves to you lately as they idolize you ma tonowari"
tonowari " you are right my love"
y/n " thank you so please give them some time with you, and it will be good for all three of you"
tonowari " sure and maybe I can help them with their fighting after what happened today they are good but could use more training"
y/n " tonowari"
tonowari " what you told me to bond with them and I will" you soon smiled at your mate knowing he is correct.
y/n “ well I hope the boys have a good time, it seems like our boys are bonding well with the sully boys that good for them”
ronal “ what good for them is good for the clan” ronal soon sat with her mates making you smile.
ronal “ I thinks this friendship will blossom good fortune for our clans”
Y/n “ yes it will” your mates had stayed with you but soon left later on in the day. You were garage some water with a jug, when you saw your two sons with neteyam and other reef boy.
y/n” welcome home children how was the fishing”
aonung “ it was wonderful mama we caught many fish”
y/n “ that wonderful but where are the others”
neteyam “ oh we spilt up two groups my brother went with some of the other boys, one of them came with us”
Navi teen boy “ y/n I’m sorry for my rude behavior toward you and the others”
y/n “ it okay young one and it seems like you all were able to become friends that’s good, we will need this friendship in our time of need” the boys smiled and nodded their heads, you soon sent them on their way to deal with the fishes with the other hunters.
later that night
y/n “ …….” you were walking around at night after getting done with some task.
????? " I'm a freak dad"
????? " no you are not baby girl" you soon heard Jake and kiri talking, the girl was very sad.
kiri " yes I'm dad"
Jake " no you are not your brothers, spider, and aonung along with rotxo stood up for you today even y/n as well"
kiri " I know but why do I feel like a freak"
y/n " you are not a freak kiri" Jake and kiri soon looked at you, as you stood there giving them a smile.
Jake " hello again y/n"
y/n " hello I didn't mean to interrupt I was on my way home when I came across you to"
Jake " it okay"
y/n " kiri you are not freak"
kiri " then why can't I be like everyone else be normal"
y/n " because you are special my child and you have an import role to play, eywa has made you this way because she had plans for you"
Kiri “ are you sure”
y/n “ yes I’m sure young lady and it good you are different, because if we were all the same it will be boring around here” kiri gave you a smile and you smile back her, Jake and kiri had noticed fish’s were swimming around your legs as well.
Jake “ y/n right my daughter you are not a freak and will never be a freak”
y/n “ those who call you a freak are foolish and blind” kiri smiles at the comforting words, but soon everything changed in a quickly second.
????? “ aww you are hurting me let me go” the trio soon turned around to see their sons dragging, a few of the other reef boys over.
????? “ let’s us go”
neteyam “ tell my dad what we over heard you saying come on tell my father”
aonung “ tell my mother as well”
spider “ tell them don’t stand there acting like you can’t speak”
Jake “ what has happened where is Lo’ak” the boys were soon placed in front of you and jake, you could tell something had happened.
y/n “ boys speak now”the boys look like they were to scared to speak and this was making matter worst.
jake “ what has happened now someone say something”
y/n “come on everyone we are going to speak with tonowari, and ronal someone go get these boys parents now” Rotox and spider nodded their heads and soon took off, together as Kiri went to go get her mom and Tuk.
minutes later
tonowari “ you boys have done something stupid and dangerous leaving a boy, who knows nothing out there alone”
ronal “ it seems like you boys had this planned for the youngest sully boy”
navi teen “ he humiliated us”
ronal “ you did this because of some fight after you we’re bullying his sister”
navi parent “ it not our sons fault they didn’t mean any harm”
neytiri “ harm they pulled s dangerous prank on my young son, and nearly did the same to my other son and nephew let not forget tonowari sons as well”
navi teen 2 “ he was supposed to be back by now we didn’t know he will be gone this long”
y/n “ we can deal with these boys and their parents later tell us, where you left him”
navi 3 “ beyond the reef past the three brother rocks”
Ronal “ you are all fools and you know aluka are out there”
neteyam “ what is that”
aonung “ a predator of the ocean….” Neteyam soon punched one of the boys soon causing chaos in the hut.
Jake “ son I know you are mad but fighting won’t solve the solution, we need to find your brother now” you soon left the hut before anyone else could take action.
y/n “ I will go find the boy”
Jake “ I will come as well I will bring some help as well”
y/n “ no it better I go now it will be for the best”
Jake “ no this that creatures you speak about it out there I don’t wish to leave you alone” you could understand where Jake was coming from, as there was already someone lost on the reef.
y/n “ Jake sully I welcome the offer but it will be best if I go alone”
Ao’nung “ mama we are coming with you” you soon looked and saw your sons along with neteyam.
tonowari “ no you three are staying here”
Jake “ yes it will be for the best”
neteyam “ we are warriors dad we have to the right to come and look for loak”
y/n “ yes you are younger warriors but the time hasn’t come for you to act now, the time will come young ones but not now”
Ao’nung “ but mama”
y/n “ no stay here the collage and your families will need you all right now”
Rotox “ yes mama”
tonowari “ are you sure about this yawne”
y/n “ I will be fine ma tonowari I know the way, and if I’m not back soon then you all can come looking for me” tonowari knew there was no winning for him, you soon called your strimwimg and soon headed off.
???? “ my father comes from the stars see up there”
y/n “ loak” you soon saw the boy standing on creature and that creature is a tulkun, a tulkun you knew so well.
loak “ y/n” you soon dismounted off your creatures and soon went towards loak and payakan.
y/n “ are you just anywhere”
Loak “ no thoes boys left me behind I think they were pranking me”
y/n “ I know your brother and my sons caught them with spider, the truth was told but they will be dealt with later on …. It seems like you have a story to tell”
loak “ yes I almost got caught by this grey shark creature and this creature saved me”
y/n” thank you so much my friend your savor is tulkun, I will tell you more later one but now we need to get home”
loak “ yes ma’am” the group and travels the rest of the rest of way home together, until the were close to the village.
???? “ loak y/n”
y/n “ we have to go now come I will bring you the rest of the way home”
loak “ thank for saving me I hope to see you again” you had taken the boy home on your creatures, soon running into Jake and another warrior as they escorted you and Loak home. Soon everyone reached the villages and got onto the docks.
Navi women “ the boy has returned”
Navi man “ the sully boys has been found”soon Jake and tonowari had came towards you and loak.
Jake “ let check you out okay nothing that bad”
y/n “ your son is brave Jake sully he stood up against a akula”
Jake “ really”
loak “ yes that I true i did escape one and made by way back here but, soon came across y/n and she brought be home”
Jake “ thank you”
tonowari “ are you okay my love”
y/n “ I’m fine” soon the rest of the who families had come over happy to see loak was okay, and that you came home as well.
y/n “ well you will be okay but will be feeling some string pain, but overall you will be fine” you were healing up loak he soon nodded his head.
loak “ yes ma’am thank you for saving me twice in one day”
y/n “ you are welcome loak but it seems like you have done great today my boy”
loak “ thank you”
y/n “ no head off on home and loak if you have questions about your new friend, I can answer them for you or you can find out on your own but remember to follow your heart”
loak “ yes ma’am but what about the boys”
y/n “ they will face a punishment after an meeting with tonowari and your father, we will see what happens later on”
loak “ yes I understand”you soon saw loak home before you went home as well, to your family that was waiting for your return happy to see you come home safe and sound. That night you were happy that everyone was home safe and sound, but you felt like something was coming a feeling that your could understand half way and couldn’t understand as well.
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enbyobeyme · 1 year
Mc with kalim from twst's personality. Just curious on your view on this one
MC Is A Rich Ray of Sunshine with the Seven Brothers
I decided to headcanons for each of them rather than mini fics for each of them but lemme know if u want it redone!
Gn Mc, some TWST references.
Oh no…
From the start, Lucifer wonders how the hell you are even going to survive in the Devildom— your soul's the embodiment of purity, and you're also incredibly naive and gullible.
Not to mention you constantly end up lending his brothers your wealth, much to his headache— where did you even find a place to exchange Madol for Grim?!
He has to make it very clear to all the lower demons that you were chosen by Diavolo and not someone to be messed with at all.
Still as time goes on you grow on him.
You never seem to get angry or upset, and it is so refreshing to have such a sweet person by his side.
It's like the sunshine baby x grumpy protector dynamic. He's kinda like your Jamil.
Furthermore, you're always there to support and encourage him and his brothers. It almost annoys him with how soft he is for you.
However he does lecture you when you do something especially dumb.
You're telling him the human he's watching is rich AND dumb??? Count him in.
No seriously when he finds out how generous you are he is MOOCHING off of you. You don't even get upset with him for losing the thousand you lent him! You don't have a greedy bone in your body
Lucifer has to smack him a few times and give him one hell of a lecture for him to stop since Lucifer knows that lecturing you wouldn't work.
After that he does feel guilty for using you, but you're not mad at him??? And you're so nice??? Honestly after being degraded by his siblings so long it feels nice to have someone that's so kind to him.
He still teases you for being so clueless all the time though, however, whenever someone else does it he immediately gets defensive! Only he can bully you.
You are both dumb together <3
Scared and envious.
Not only are you so ridiculously rich and kind, but you're also a huge extrovert, ew no thanks!
He honestly dreads interacting with you at first because you don't notice his shyness at all and keep talking to him and oh no you're dragging him outside of his room to show him something!
As he gets to know you he gets more envious. How can other people not bother you??? Why are you so nice??? Practically everyone here loves you! You never get jealous or mad or anything and ugh he wishes he could be like that.
You actually listen to his interests even if you don't understand him and he falls in love then and there. You won't find him cringe or weird??? Strange…
He seldom holds your dumbness over your head and becomes super protective of you. It's easy to forget that Leviathan was originally planned to be a canonical Yandere/psychopath like Belphie.
May mooch off you for anime merch but he always pays you back unlike SOMEBODY!!
You piss him off so much. Where's your rage??? Your anger??? 
Lucifer practically insults you to your face all the time and you just agree and laugh it off? What the fuck? You're so patient and he doesn't understand it at all. To make it worse you are so endearingly stupid too that he feels like an asshole for being mean to you.
You're the exact opposite of him. And yet you both work together so well once he actually starts to get to know you. He definitely wasn't the kindest to you when you first came down. He probably had you hand cursed stuff to Lucifer or prank you.
He apologizes for all of that though, and becomes your tutor for devildom subjects and you both become an iconic dynamic.
You're always there to calm him down and he's always there to fight a bitch in your honor. You're there to be cute and dumb and he'll be your brain.
Swears that he would never use your money but he's just saying it would be nice to get that million dollar tome…
Awww you're so gullible and cute! It's gonna be so fun to corrupt you…. Or so he thought…
Honestly everything he says goes over your head. Not a single innuendo sticks in your brain because it it so smooth, so it just slides off.
He actually doesn't really tease or bully you and would even let you know when someone's being mean to you, but you're just okay with it? 
He finds you so adorable and makes it known much to everyone's chagrin. You always compliment him for him and not his looks and you seem to really want to know him? It really touches his heart and he's absolutely smitten with this dumbass.
He may occasionally beg you to take him shopping but he swears to make it up to you! Congrats on your sugar baby!
Yall are both dumb together, but thankfully Beel is less dumb.
The absolute nicest on this list. He never makes fun of you or finds you weird at all, in fact, he finds you quite admirable! Seriously his brothers could learn a thing or two from you!
You're always so nice to him and everybody around him! And then you offer to pay for his meals?! Oh he's in love.
You now have your own puppydog/bodyguard hybrid.
He hates you so much.
Seriously, how can someone be so positive all the time?! It really gets on his nerves.
You're too kind for your own good, don't you know people will take advantage of you down here? Seriously, how dumb do you have to be.
Belphie just gets annoyed with you. Sometimes he just wants to be a hater but you're here making him see the good in everything.
He definitely uses you're naivety to his advantage though and has you carry pranks to Lucifer without you realizing.
Lightly teases you but only he can do it pt 2.
As you grow on him be becomes fond of you and you sorta remind him of Beel and Lilith. It often makes him nostalgic. 
He would kill for you.
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peachhcs · 11 days
I was wondering if you could write something for samy and will based on this article: https://www.nhl.com/canadiens/news/my-man-mireille-boutin-on-michael-pezzetta?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=post&utm_campaign=CHCcontent&utm_content=EN-0514-MyMan
Basically the nhl team’s media people asking the players’ significant other questions about them. Thanks so much :))
my girl: will smith on samy hughes
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
nhl elite prospects interviews will about samy & their relationship!
1k words
this was suppperr cute to write. i swear will’s a yapper when it comes to talking about samy. i switched it from the article so it was will talking about samy, hope u don’t mind, but i loved this request!!
au masterlist
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"we've been best friends since we were kids. everything just makes more sense when i'm around her."
UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN — samy hughes is known for her tough offense on the soccer field.
but off the field, she's the "best person i've ever known," according to her boyfriend, will smith, a boston college forward.
while in san jose for a development camp, the nhl elite prospects were able to catch up with smith to ask him how he's been doing, including how his new relationship's been treating him.
it's funny because we never hung out by ourselves a lot when we were kids. i was pretty attached to her older brothers [quinn, jack, and luke] and she was attached to my sister [grace smith], so we never really hung out that much until we were older. although, we always got along. when we did hang out we enjoyed talking to one another and poking fun as if we were siblings. we really didn't get closer until i moved up to plymouth for the usntdp.
at least for me, as i got older, my feelings started changing towards her. i started seeing her as an annoying sister less and less and the more we hung out when i was in michigan, the more attached i grew i guess. we started just..doing stupid stuff together and i just really liked hanging out with her. all the times where i thought the things we did together was just a sibling dynamic, i slowly realized it was a lot more than that.
i took her out to dinner in ann arbor and then we walked around for a bit before sitting on a bench and just talking for hours. it was definitely weird at first, but we eased into one another and it was fun getting to know her on a different level than what i've always known her as.
her personality for sure. she's super outgoing, always knows what she wants, very independent, super caring. we're very similar in many aspects, hence why we're best friends. she looks up to her brothers a lot which i admire because i also look up to them. i also enjoy her extensive knowledge of hockey because of her family, so it's easy talking about the game with her. she's just always been someone i go to when i need a shoulder to lean on and it's just so easy with her, you know? i love getting to call her so we can talk about our days together.
oh yeah, 100%. whenever we're back at michigan or in boston, we're on the ice. she's the one dragging me outside sometimes so we can play 1v1 or something. she's always had that love for hockey even if she doesn't play competitively anymore. i also love seeing her out there because it's what bonded us when we were kids, so it's nice still getting to go out and do it with her. somehow she still beats me too. she doesn't play for 4 months and then we're back on the ice together she scores 3 goals before i can even get the puck in my possession. the guys chirp at me whenever that happens if they're around.
every single one of them are on my computer. it doesn't matter what i'm doing. as soon as the live stream starts, i'm booting it up to watch. the guys love watching her play, so i always get to turn it on the tv and then we scream at the stream for two hours together.
leno and perreault absolutely adore her which i think is really sweet. i was a little worried when i first introduced all of them back when we moved to mich, but the three of them grew close really quickly. sometimes i think they're more excited to see her than i am and that's saying a lot.
when we're at the lake house she loves cooking all of us breakfast. she makes a great omelette and french toast, like, the best i've ever had. we all go crazy for her breakfast in the mornings.
i'm not a huge runner, but sometimes i will run with her when she goes out, or i'd bike along side her. our training schedules are pretty different, but when we're in the offseason we'd occasionally hit the gym together or do some casual workouts that won't kill us. she knows what the hockey training is like so it's no stranger to her when she does follow my lead. soccer, on the other hand, is a lot more sprints and footwork which is sometimes helpful for me.
shes a huge team player. she's always looking out for those girls on her soccer team, helping them run drills, being someone to talk to—i really admire her for that. she's got a real big heart too. her love is so contagious. she's dependable, trustworthy, kind, beautiful—the list could go on coming from me.
i love her, haha. our parents knew way before us that we would end up together before we even knew. we've been best friends since we were kids. everything just makes more sense when i'm around her. this is probably corny, but i wanna spend the rest of my life with her. she's my rock.
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toasttt11 · 6 days
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December 22, 2023
John was chilling on his couch on one of the rare off days when his phone started buzzing and he picked it up seeing Lucia had texted him and asked if he was home, John frowned in concern because she usually just came over and didn’t ask if he was home but he responded telling her he was home.
Not even five minutes later he heard a soft knock at the door and he got up walking over and opened the door seeing Lucia standing there.
John titled his head looking at her intently and quickly noticing that she was upset, “Hi Lucia.” John softly spoke looking at her in concern.
“Hi.” Lucia mumbled clearing her throat and shuffling on her feet.
John stepped aside letting her step inside his apartment and he gently place a hand on her back guiding her over to his couch.
Lucia sat down on the couch and John sat down close next to her.
“What’s wrong?“ John asked in concern, he doesn’t think he has seen her this upset ever, and if she is upset she usally doesn’t seem that upset unless you knew her small quirks.
“Jack is an asshole.” Lucia grumbled crossing her arms around herself protectively not that she ever felt she needed to protect her self around John.
“What did he do?” John questioned as it was common for the hughes siblings to get into little spats but never fights that lasted long or where either of them were truly upset at each other. John had seen them bicker and two minutes they were laughing together.
Lucia took a deep breath and looked at John hesitant, there is still parts of her that is scared whenever she is vulnerable with someone after everything that happened with Mackie.
“Or you don’t have to tell me anything and we continue watching the next movie?” John put a soft hand on her shoulder giving her a reassuring smile seeing her hesitate and not wanting her to feel like she had to tell him.
Lucia looked up at John and took a deep breath seeing his kind and sweet eyes and knew John was nothing like Mackie.
“The World Juniors started yesterday.” Lucia started saying as she looked down at the couch and fiddled with a fray string on the couch.
John squeezed her shoulder reassuring for her to continue.
“And i just wish i could be there too.” Lucia softly admitted, “Not that i don’t love being here in Jersey, i do. It’s just i miss my friends and i’ve played with most of them for years it’s just weird to not play with them anymore.” Lucia confessed the words she couldn’t get out to tell anyone else but it was easy to tell John.
Lucia looked back up at John and he frowned seeing her eyes looking dull and he didn’t like how they weren’t shining like usual.
John thoughtfully nodded, “And you don’t want them to win gold without you?” John understood immediately why she was so upset.
“Is that selfish?” Lucia softly asked looking at John with vulnerable eyes.
John felt his heart clench seeing how uncertain Lucia looked and felt, “No Lucia it is not selfish.” John sternly reassured her, “You played with the team for years and now they are looking like one of the best teams it’s understandable it’s upsetting.” John reassured her.
John knew she took her place on the US National team seriously and he knew she was the captain last year and she took that very seriously and he may not of known her then but he knew she was gutted when they got bronze with her as Captain.
Lucia nodded her head slowly, she just wanted to one day wear a gold medal around her neck for her National team.
“What did Jack do?” John questioned wondering how Jack made this worse for her.
“I tried to tell him i missed playing with my friends while we watched some of the World Junior game and he just dis guarded my feelings saying i was here now and i-“ Lucia trailed off.
Lucia was use to growing up faster than the people around her and missing out on a lot of things but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt any less.
“You wanted to be comforted.” John nodded and Lucia nodded back just wanting to he comforted by her brother, “And he was trying to say your here now and you can’t change that.” John shook his head at Jack’s foolishness. John knew Jack didn’t mean viciously but Jack is not the best as comforting people.
Lucia did not need a reminder of where she was she just needed to be comforted for what she was missing.
John gently moved his arm to around Lucia’s shoulders and pulled her to him.
Lucia blinked but eventually relaxed in John’s hold and rested her head on his chest closing her eyes listening to his heartbeat.
“If it makes you feel better, i would miss you if you were at worlds.” John softly whispered as he twirled his finger around one of her stray hairs that were falling out of her braided crown.
Lucia chuckled soflty but did nod, it did make her feel better.
If anything John just made her feel better, he made her feel seen not just looked over. No one has ever made her feel the way John does, not even Mackie.
Lucia felt her eyes go wide as she realized the extent of her feelings for John, they weren’t platonic they were romantic.
Lucia took a deep breath trying to not freak out in John’s arms, she hasn’t had many feelings for people in her life mostly only just Mackie and even then those feelings weren’t even close to what John makes here feel.
Lucia has always been scared of romantic feelings she has had for people but for some reason figuring out her feelings for John didn’t scare her if anything it only just comforted her, but maybe that was just John.
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ivysoul · 1 year
This Is a Family
dad!neteyam x fem!metkayina!reader
→ warnings: slight angst, neteyam doubting himself, aged up neteyam for the sake of him being a father (nothing sexual), one mention of being shot (pass tense).
→ summary: neteyam has doubts about his parenting, and he fears that he’s going to raise his son the way his father raised him.
→ i ??? love ??? him ??? so ??? much ??? he deserves the world.
→ 1.0k words
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Neteyam always masked his fear. Growing up, he figured the best way to keep his siblings together during the war with the Sky People was to pretend he was never scared. It worked especially well with Tuk, and in turn, she felt herself feel less worry.
And people never questioned whether he was actually scared or not. Partly because he got so good at acting, but mostly because he was the oldest child of the great Toruk Makto. Apparently that meant he had the inability to feel regular Na’vi emotions.
It became a part of him. He never showed his fear to anyone, even in fearful situations. He buried it so deep down that he never once thought that maybe, just maybe, it would end up coming back to bite him in the ass.
Like it was in this moment.
He was sat down in your shared Marui, head held low in the palms of his hands, elbows resting on his knees with his legs crossed. His breathing was rapid and his chest was rising and falling like he just ran twelve miles. He couldn’t stop the racing thoughts in his head.
Pregnant. You’re pregnant. He’s going to be a father.
That in itself isn’t a bad thing. Don’t get him wrong, he was ecstatic when Ronal confirmed both of your suspicions. He kissed you so hard the moment the words left her lips, and he cuddled you tight that night (and every night after) with his palm resting on your tummy, where your son was growing everyday. God, he was so happy. So fucking happy. But there was still that overwhelming fear he felt when he thought about it some more.
Because no, he doesn’t think his dad was a bad dad. No, he doesn’t think ill of his dad. But he knows that his parenting method had affected the way he grew up in such a way he couldn’t even explain. And Neteyam was always scared that the way his dad raised him was so engraved into his brain that he would subconsciously raise his son to be the same.
It scared him so much, but like usual, he never let it show. Unbeknownst to him, however, you were always able to see right through him. Since the moment you two met, you were able to tell he was not only nervous to be around an entirely new clan, but also scared.
And he always wondered how you always knew when to comfort him, but he just thought that was some weird coincidence. You never mentioned it to him. Because admittedly, you thought the look of confusion he showed when you comforted him was cute. You always thought Neteyam was cute. Since the moment you saw him.
You were walking by your Marui to get to your friends’ when you heard sniffling inside. When you peaked your head in and saw that the sniffling was coming from Neteyam, your heart cracked. You’d barely ever seen him cry before. Only a handful of times; once when he got shot during the war with the Sky People; and once when you found out you were with child. Each time, he had people there to comfort him, but this time, as he sat alone inside the Marui, he had no one.
You quickly rushed over to his side, putting your hand on his shoulder gently. Neteyam jumped at the feeling of your hand on him, not knowing anyone was even there in the first place.
“Yawne, what is wrong?” Your voice was gentle, soft. It was one of the many things Neteyam lovrd about you. “What has happened?”
He sniffled again before answering, “Nothing tiyawn, do not worry.”
You let out a scoff at that and moved to kneel in front of him, hands finding their way on his thighs, moving up and down to comfort him. You wanted him to look at you and repeat it, because you knew he couldn’t lie to you like that. And when he didn’t meet your eyes, it was basically confirmed right then that something was wrong.
You took his face in your hands and tilted his head up, finally looking each other in the eyes. Neteyam placed his palms on the back of your hands and sighed.
“What is wrong.” It was more of a demand for him to tell you rather than a question this time.
He debated whether he should say it or not, but he ultimately decided he should. “I am scared.”
“Of what, my love?”
Again, he sniffled and placed a hand over your now very prominent baby bump, “Of becoming a father.” When you didn’t answer, he took it as a silent tell for him to elaborate. “I am scared that I will raise him the way my dad raised me. I do not want our son to feel the amount of pressure I felt growing up. I do not want him to feel like his siblings do not get the same amount of… attention, from his parents.”
To lighten the mood, you smirked, “‘His siblings’,” you repeated, seeing the smallest of smiles form on your husband’s face, “you want more, huh?”
“Well, yes. It is inevitable, I cannot just stop making love to you.”
A light cover of blush appeared on your cheeks, and Neteyam’s smile only grew wider. Though you kept as serious as you could in order to reassure him of his thoughts. “Mayawne, you will be the greatest father known to man. You will raise your son, and his siblings, with the amount of love anyone would only wish their parents had showed them. You will be an amazing father, no matter what your thoughts are telling you.”
He visibly relaxed at your words, shoulders dropping and chest loosening with a deep breath. “Besides, if you step out of line, I will be right there to slap you so hard you will forget you are even a father in the first place.”
Neteyam laughed, but nodded. Even if you were joking in the moment, he knew you would keep to your word. He leaned forward and kissed you lovingly. And though the kiss tasted of salty tears, you loved it. You loved any kiss your husband would give you.
“I see you.” He whispered against your lips, eyes closed and forehead against yours.
You smiled, “I see you.”
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pilfappreciator · 5 months
Can you write about Veneer... Just, like, anything at all. I'm BEGGING. They could be headcanons, drabbles, oneshots, ANYTHING. My little gay mind can't handle it. If you don't have any ideas here are some that I have off the top of my head ^_^ (also if you could make any of these male reader I will love you forever BUT you obviously don't have to <33)
- Baking with him (but either veneer or the reader is a nightmare in the kitchen and everything goes wrong)
- Having a slumber party !! (Doing eachothers nails, hair, makeup, watching movies, just talking, possibly falling asleep in eachothers arms and being embarrassed in the morning)
- Playing hide and seek together
- CHRISTMAS WITH VENEER!!! (Decorating the house/Christmas tree, getting presents, playing out in the snow, just general festive activities:3)
- Reader who has a shit ton of stuffies and has named them all (introducing them to Veneer, cuddling, fluffy things)
- Eepy time (sleeping/cuddling hcs, shenanigans, not being able to fall asleep, weird midnight chats)
I had more but I forgot....
NAHHH UR LITERALLLY SO BASED I LOVE YOU FOR THAT!!! Veneer is literally such a criminal cuz like?? He kidnapped someone, tortured them, AND he stole your heart??? SOMEONE STOP HIM ASDKJALJSLD
Ended up combining a few of your ideas into one big concept! Hope you don't mind :3
Also heads up that this takes place before the events of Band Together took off! Just figured it'd be kinda hard to throw a sleepover when your ass is literally in prison lol
Veneer x Reader: when your favorite twink invites you to a sleepover
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Includes: Male! Reader, sleepover shenanigans, fluff, slight angst, gaygaygaygay—
💎 You and Veneer would have to be INCREDIBLY close before he even considered invited you over
💎 Tbh I feel like getting invited to hangout with this guy in any way is actually? Kind of a privilage?? Like his fame is obviously a big factor in that but growing up, I doubt he had any actual friends who weren't his sister. I imagine him as kinda shy and non-confrontational as a kid, and though Velvet wasn't the BEST sibling, she never hesitated to cuss out whatever poor soul chose to pick on her brother. She's always been the one to lead and Veneer has always just followed
💎 I mean... the guy literally participated in tortue just cuz his sister told him to. He sheep coded as hell 😔
💎 So yeah, this boy probably has like zero experience when it comes to having friends who don't use him for his fame and/or are related to him by blood. Luckily you came along! Now he's actually got someone with whom he shares a genuine connection with!!
💎 Whether that connection is strictly platonic has... yet to be determined >;3c
💎 WITH THAT BEING SAID!! This guy has never once participated in a sleepover (hanging out in his sister's room doesn't count), and he's got absolutely no clue what to do ://
💎 Will conduct numerous amounts of research days in advance! And by research, I mean he's binging all his favorite chick flicks and having Krimp take notes aslkdhaljsdl
💎 "Oh heyyyy, (____)! Fancy seeing you here!"
"This... is my house?"
"R-right, right! Obviously! Um, anyway, do you like sleeping?"
"Also, u-uh, totally unrelated but have you ever wondered what the inside of my house looks like?"
💎 Pls just accept his invitation. If he gets any redder he might pop a blood vessel or something
💎 Heaves out the BIGGEST sigh once you say yes. He'll try to play himself off as nonchalant even though he's absolutely ecstatic, but like... the boy is literally vibrating with excitement okay, he's not fooling anyone lol
💎 Once the big day comes and you show up to his house— sorry, MANSION? Prepare yourself cuz he is most definitely giving a tour. From the indoor pool, to the outdoor pool, to the personal studio/production room, to the many walk-in closets, to a room that is literally just one big ball pit, to a heigh-ceiling hallway just lined with photos/painting of him and his sister... he is NOT afraid to show off asdkajsdlkhjf
💎 (Sidenote: don't worry about Velvet potentially intruding on the sleepover. She's agreed to step out for the day on her brother's behalf. Was definitely pretty pissy about having to vacate her own home but eventually relented... but Veneer definitely owes her for her kindness)
💎 Yknow all those cliche sleepover activities people do in movies? Yeah, you guys are doing literally all of them
💎 Such a dumbass <33
💎 NO LIKE ACTUALLY THO?? Krimp made Veneer a list of popular and totally optional things to do at a sleepover and the second he saw it, he was just like "uugh, seems like a lot of work but I GUESS I'll do it 🙄"
💎 You guys are painting your nails matching colors, doing facemasks, messing around with each others' hair— the whole shebang!! And considering this dude is rich as fuck, you just KNOW he's got nothing but all the top-of-the-line products 😤😤. Only the finest for him (and you <33)
💎 LET HIM DO YOUR MAKEUP!! I feel like he really enjoys it as a whole! Like it's probably his favorite part of getting ready for shows or just his day in general, and the only person he's done makeup for is Velvet (tho those instances were VERY rare)... but if you just? Suggest that he does yours for you?? Like just sitting back so he can do his thing, allowing him to call the shots like he rarely ever does???
💎 Unfortunately the whole thing kinda backfires on him cuz: 1) you're already super cute without makeup, and 2) he knows what he's doing and could easily boost someone's looks with just some eyesliner and the right shade of lipstick
💎 He makes you look hotter, is basically what I'm getting at
💎 He's not sure if he's just done himself a huge favor or screwed himself over for the rest of the night
💎 Considering his crazy wealth and the fact he probably grew up pretty sheltered/spoiled, I doubt this boy knows anything about how a kitchen works lol. Like most of his meals were either made for him by Krimp or served at high-end hoity-toity restaurants with caviar that probably cost more than most organs sell on the black market ://
💎 So yeah, dinner is really gonna come down to you and your skill level
💎 If you know you're away around, CONGRATS!! You've just signed yourself up for cooking lessons with Veneer! And yes, the kitchen WILL end up a mess (but no worries, he'll just make Krimp clean it up). You'll definitely have to take the lead here and he's more than happy to let you do so! Just tell him what spices you need or what utensil to grab, and his ass is on it 🫡 If you wanna teach him how to knead dough or peel certain ingredients?? He won't complain (especially if said activity requires you two to be in close proximity hehe)
💎 Do NOT leave him alone in the kitchen for more than 10 seconds. You'll just return to find him trying to cut strawberries with the dull side of a knife u_u
💎 If you're also total shit in the kitchen?? No worries! Veneer may be living that high life but he's not above ordering takeout lol
💎 Remember those chick flicks I mentioned earlier? Yeah, you two are totally running a marathon of those. If you happen to have any good recs or other movies you happen to like?? He's totally willing to give them a try! Just know that if it's a scary movie… he's gonna be wrapped around you like a koala and screaming into your ear at every jumpscare
💎 He may be talentless but this boy can hit a high note if he feels he's in danger
💎 He may be different from his sister in some ways, but one attribute he shares with her is the fact that he's a TOTAL GOSSIP LIKE?? THIS BOY IS MORE THAN PREPARED TO SPILL THE TEA ON ANY GIVEN OCCASION—
💎 "Oh my gosh, did you HEAR about what happened to Nikki Mirage the other day??"
"No? Wait, who's that again?"
"YOU DON'T KNOW WHO--- okay, sit down so I can educate you 😤"
💎 Him and Velvet literally thrive on drama, idk what else to tell you
💎 (he might also spill some tea about his sister... nothing too incriminating, but like, a few embarrassing childhood stories couldn't hurt, right?)
💎 Late night talks are a MUST!! At some point in the night the two of you end up like... nestled under the covers of whatever fort you guys threw together... you're facing each other, heads centimeters apart as you share a pillow... whispering and giggling for no real reason...
💎 Maybe he vents a little about his insecurities and the way Velvet treats him, less like a brother and more like a shadow she can manipulate as she pleases... and maybe you grab his hand under the blanket... yknow, just to comfort him or whatever...
💎 Veneer only ever gets physical affection when he visits his parents, and even then it's just like? The bare minimum?? Pats on the head/shoulder/back, brief hugs, chaste kisses on his cheek— that kinda crap. And it's so tragic cuz this boy is literally the biggest little spoon to ever spoon. Like actually pls just hold him
💎 If he wakes up the next morning to find you laying behind him? Arms wound around his middle?? You face burried against his neck/shoulder blades/top of his head????
💎 He is not moving from that spot even after you wake up too <33
Cannibal, I absolutely ADORE YOU FOR THIS ASK!! LITERALLY SO FUN TO WRITE SAKLJASADKJSD THANK YOU SO MUCH <3333 (was originally gonna split this into two parts but was like, "nah, this ask deserves to be hella long" uwu)
Veneer redemption arc when??
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skyfallslayer · 3 months
Should We Stay or Should We Go? || Prologue
-A ST Rewrite Feat. Steve Harrington x Henderson!OFC-
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Main Masterlist || Series Masterlist
🎲Summary: On the night of November 6th, 1983, Stephanie Henderson decided to walk her little brother’s friend, Will, back home. However… they never arrive. Now, Dustin, Mike and Lucas, and soon the exception of the girl’s ex-best friend, Steve, must band together to find out what happened. Meanwhile, Steph and Will must fight for their survival in this nightmarish version of Hawkins, Indiana.
🎲Chapter Summary: When they interlocked their pinkies none of them ever expected the weirdness that follows the years after. None of them ever expected to start growing apart. None of them ever expected the red string to stay attached. And none of them ever expected that they would be out saving the world with a baseball bat and wings. Yeah... you can’t make this stuff up.
🎲Pairings: Will x Platonic!OFC; Dustin x Sister!OC; Slow burn! Steve x Henderson!OFC (Ex-bestfriends to Lovers); Slow burn! Byler
🎲Rating: Teen-Mature
🎲Word Count: 921 (Small Introduction)
🎲Date: 3/6/24
🎲Warnings: Angst; Swearing; Implied Broken Friendship
🎲A/N: Extremely small chapter, hence why it's just the prologue. I just wanted to show my readers what the big picture is of this story, which is the Steve x OC relationship. However, just like above, this will contained the loving sibling relationship of Dustin, and even Will, between OC. This story also contains Jopper (a personal fav), Jancy, Mileven and the slow burn of Byler (I got to give this boy some love and if you think Will has been a background character for the last few seasons like I have then don't you worry! I'm giving Will a time for him to shine throughout this fic). Anyway, don't want this paragraph to be longer than the actual chapter. Lol. Enjoy!
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Pinky Promise.
It’s a bond between two people, a vow that’s taken so it shall not be broken. Childish, you know, but to a small kid it means everything. When they locked their pinkies together, muttering their promises to one another, they both had barely turned five, barely ready to take on the world head first. 
But a promise was a promise— Yet a pinky promise was so much more. It holds so much more weight than crossing your heart or giving a handshake. 
At least it was to these two very best friends…
“Wow.” The blue eyed girl said, genuinely surprised (She can’t even believe their conversation is so calming in a situation like this). “That explains so much. And… you never mentioned that to me before?”
“Well, can you blame me?” He asked, with a small smile and laugh. “I think it kinda does. I think, like, right out of the gate, like, I’m super confident. But I’m also, like, an idiot. Which is just…” He shrugs. “I mean, it’s a brutal combination. But, I mean, the good news is, I get a big enough thump on my head, I can change, you know? I can learn. I can crawl forward.”
She noticed his pace was slowing, and his brown eyes of his were becoming distant. “Steve?”
“Listen–” He stops them both, face looking like a lost puppy now. “I guess what I’m trying to say in a really stupid, roundabout way is, um… is thank you.”
She tilts her head, confused. “Thank you?” She watches him nod, adding fuel to her emotion. “For...?”
His face softens. “For giving my head the biggest thump of its life two years ago.” He chuckles. “Nancy, you know, she gave me the push, but you, Stephanie, gave me the thump I needed. It’s changed my life. And now I’m crawling forward in a way I never thought I could achieve. Slowly.”
And now he’s frowning, looking down at himself, engulfing himself in the glum. “I just wonder sometimes... you know, if... if I had just opened my eyes before I met Nancy, would things have been different? Like… part of me thinks we would’ve made it without our relationship falling apart.”
“Steve–” She croaks, teary eyed and shocked.
“And… you know what the craziest… most messed up part of the story is?”
His lips curled up just a bit. “Remember the dream I told you about? About the Winnebago? Seeing the country with my six lil’ nuggets? It’s all true. Every last word. But… the mess up part?” He swallows, also getting emotional. “The mess up part is when I first thought of that dream… is that… you’re there. You’ve always been there.”
“And that…” He smiles. “That’s my pinky promise to you, Miss Stephanie Henderson.”
The creature shrieked above, its claws waving around frantically –trying to get a nick out of him– as he held it back with some piping. He watched the pupils go all ‘cat-like’, fangs coming out that he swears were growing with each scream. 
He was struggling, he knows this, and he knows he has to buy the kid some time to get a radio signal out to his girlfriend, but he was slipping, fuck it. However, he knows deep in his heart he can’t back down from this.
His jaw clenched and his eyes flash with determination. “I don’t care what you’ve become! I ain’t leaving you, Henderson!” He shouted, hoping his words would get through to her. “That’s a pinky promise.”
“I’m helping you and Dustin out.” He insisted, knowing damn well that she didn’t even want him near her brother, let alone near herself.
She sends him a look, skeptical, on edge. “Why?”
“Look, I know you don’t want to talk–”
“Damn, right.”
“Steph.” He says, stepping in front of her way to get her attention. “We’ll just put this on the backburner. Right now, and I mean it, I just want to help you and Dustin, keep you guys safe. Pinky Promise.”
“I’m not going anywhere.” He says, while playing with his hands, nervously, worriedly. “Not until I know you’re okay.”
She frowns apologetically. “You know that might be a while.” 
“I know.”
“I have Dustin and my mom, you don’t have to stay here.”
“I know.” He breaks eye contact. “But what if I want to?”
That made her chuckle. “Well… if you want to.” She says, making them both smile. “Fine sleeping in a chair?”
He nods. “If that’s what I’ll have to do.” He replies, making her hum.
She raises an eyebrow. “Is that a pinky promise?”
“Yeah.” His expression grows. “Pinky promise.”
But what if you break it? The promise? What if you don’t follow through? That is the unfortunate part of this story. The promise was to stay together forever, to make their friendship last a lifetime. For them, they were two peas in a pod, polar opposites that still attached themselves to one another… until they couldn’t.
When the boy decided to become a King, the girl became a peasant. The boy was showered with love and affection, and the girl was on a quest of loneliness that became bitter.
This was a story about Steve Harrington and Stephanie Henderson.
A story, where no matter what happens, the red string still stays attached to their pinkies despite their attempts to take it off.
This was story where the two of them decided to save the world–
Their families–
Their friends–
And their friendship.
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A/N: I was so surprised when everyone was asking to be added in just a few short days. Makes me really happy :D
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@ladygrey03 @poppet05 @tooearlyforthis @lovesfics @lordzzz
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