#it better not be warrior cats volume 2
incorrect-hs-quotes · 11 months
Rose: Is that Warrior Cats Volume 2 and a fire extinguisher?
Dave: guess which one is our new lawn decoration
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willoillo · 3 days
Hi! (I’ve been assured you won’t bite 😉, not that I assumed otherwise!) I see you’re reading warrior cats! So far what’s been your main enjoyment gleaned? I know you’ve mentioned the books being in order is a little difficult with your library, so, I thought to mention the special editions! They’re singular books focussed on one character that is sometimes *gasp* not even from Thunderclan! My favourite remains, enduringly, Crookedstar’s book. They do fall at different places in the timeline across the different ones- which could pose some difficulty if you’re reading the main series through blind- but his and Tallstar’s books are set around or pre the first series with windclan and riverclan insight I find delightful. In any case, the point is those two volumes for instance can be read and completed between books being absent from the library whilst you await the next chronological one etc if you’re hankering for Warrior Cat books and would otherwise be forced to wait (as well as being fun to read anyway of their own merit).
Crookedstar’s book is a little tragic but he does make the leadership position and become fully immersed in his community/clan and the heart wrenching bits that stop him getting there faster are all ultimately overcome, hence his name! It’s also, I find, actually really good at its disability inclusion (in a main character here!) for all that it is from Warrior Cats where side characters descend into some amount of inconsistency usually.
I just finished book 2; since it was literally unavailable at the local library I found an ebook online, haha. Gonna be waiting on my hold for the next book though!! Physical media is a much more enjoyable reading experience.
To focus mainly on the stuff that I like so far, I've been enjoying the focus on the physicality of the cats? Like the body languages and touches of describing their actions through that context makes it feel more like cats. I also find the naming conventions interesting!!
Thank you for letting me know that about the special editions; I would've assumed they tied into a plot somewhere but it's good to know they can kinda slot in anywhere. I'll prolly not have any better luck getting those at the library but at least it gives me options lol
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aspoonofsugar · 2 years
A Cat Following Butterflies
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So, this may be nothing, but the CC seems linked to butterflies. They love catching them and the episode they are introduced has this visual, as well, which is rather interesting/mysterious:
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Why are we shown this blue butterfly? Not only that, but then the butterfly follows the characters inside and supposedly watches the whole game play out.... and who does arrive at the very climax?
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The CC, whose eyes appear first. And they are blue eyes like the butterfly. This would not be the firs time butterflies are linked to eyes either:
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Volume 6 strongly links Silver Eyes with butterflies, which are very symbolically rich. A simple soul can lead to change, just like the wings of a butterfly can (butterfly effect). Moreover, butterflies are metaphors for change, transformation, life and death. Silver Eyed warriors seem linked to this concepts. Their eyes kill monsters, but can only be used to protect people. Similarly, both Ruby and Maria have grimm reapers imagery, but are also characters strongly attached to life. I mean, Maria's own weapon is called Life and Death.
So, what does it all have to do with CC? So far nothing, but it is still an interesting detail. Could the CC also be the blue butterfly? Maybe or maybe they simply followed it inside. What is sure is that they are linked to this symbolism, just like Ruby is.
Not only that, but the CC is actually shown hunting butterflies and biting/eating them and when they succeed new butterflies and new life are born:
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Finally, these strange butterflies have hearts on their wings and the CC gives a little bit of their heart to others:
CC: Please, let me help and take a little bit of my heart. It'll feel much better.
Ruby takes the light of the world and mirrors it so that it can shine for others. She gives away her inner light. Her hope.
CC takes the heart-shaped winged butterflies and gives away their heart. They share their empathy with others, in order to help.
I don't know where this is going, but Ruby's arc is linked to her eyes. It is through them she is going through the 4 gifts journey:
Volume 3 climax > Ruby unwillingly activates her eyes with no knowledge
Volume 6 climax > Ruby uses her eyes willingly and celebrates Creation
She must now delve into destruction, which may take a while in my opinion. Destruction is clearly linked to death and grief, so this volume is probably a bridge for her to enter this stage.
At the same time, Ruby's eyes are a clearly metaphorical power. It is as if in order to use them effectively Ruby has to learn a theme. Volume 6 has her learn/embody the theme of hope. Ruby must use her positive feelings in order to use her eyes. She comes to embody hope, faith and trust. All ideas that get explored in the Atlas Arc. Still, right now she can't hold on to hope anymore. So, what can she do? How can she use her eyes if she has no faith left? If she has no positive feelings to fuel her? Well, Ruby clearly did not watch Inside Out:
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When you can't be joyful all the time, you should just embrace sadness because this emotion can lead to a very important result > empathy.
Isn't it exactly what the CC is doing? They are showing empathy and it is possible this is a key theme, which will get explored in Vacuo.
In short, the Silver Eyes might be symbolic of 2 key themes:
Hope > Wide Eyed Idealist
Empathy > Seeing the other
The God of the Animals asked humans to have faith and leap into the sea. But this is a child-story and another more mature version claims the God of the Animals forces humans and animals to step into each other's shoes. Faunus are born from trust and empathy. Both are important ideas. Both are themes of RWBY. So, Ruby will learn both.
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thatorangedrank · 2 years
I did a quick rewatch of the volume so far. I have two working Jaune theories and one smaller thing worth pointing out.
#1: Jaune after he fell :(
I have no clue when he fell exactly, but I think the fact that he was just too late in getting to the portal plays a huge role in it. Clocks in the intro indicate time, and clearly time "travel" in a sense, but he is clearly the white rabbit here. He's late. He was too late, so he was sent back. I don't think he has ascended in his time here, he still remembers team RWBY after all. But I imagine for the first few weeks he was probably wondering where everyone else was since he knew they had fallen too. Then dozens of years went by.
I honestly think that he met Summer if he was sent back as far as Alyx. Summer's weapon is here or at least it seems to be. I think it is very possible he takes one look at Summer and goes "Ruby? Ruby Rose?" And she's baffled that he just said her toddler's name. And now he's asking about Yang and the rest of Remnant.
Obviously, she wouldn't know anything about that, but now she knows things are worse and she needs to get back. I don't know if Summer is still in the Everafter, but she seems like she may have passed through...?
#2: Jaune when he gets back to Remnant :)
I think we will see Jaune ascend at the end of the volume, but also be able to go back with RWBY to his original age. The way CC (Curious Cat ;) ) describes it, it fixes them up and makes them better. They may go through a physical change like the Red Prince. But because Jaune has been there for so long, that feels like his life now. The one he had when he fell is completely gone and he was forced to give up on those people. He wants to leave with Team RWBY.
But I don't think that means he loses all the development here, this Jaune is clearly a broken man. CC said that the heart will remember, and that will stay with him. But I do think he will be young again. I think this is perfectly plausible because the Red King changed appearances and for all we know he could have just turned into a child version of himself; that's not so different from Jaune getting younger. And I do hope that he keeps his warrior's wolf tail <3
Another Thing...
I think CC ascended after Alyx left, he doesn't want to go back to the tree but he isn't really specifying why. Plus he used the words "find his way" when describing what he did to Herb. Maybe his purpose is to help others find their way like he did with Alyx?
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markrosewater · 2 years
Hi Mark, with all the talk of tribal recently, can I maybe voice a counterpoint/unpopular opinion? As someone who loves making individual tribal decks, I greatly dislike batching of lesser established creature types. Mixing Warrior/Samurai or Wizard/Giants takes away from the unique identity of each tribe. Can we get more lords for lesser types like Clerics did in Dominaria United? Cats/Pirates/Minotaurs/etc could all greatly benefit from a 2 cmc lord that gives +1/+1 to their respective types.
We only get so many slots to do creature type caring cards. Batching allows us to hit more of them and also does a better job of enabling certain themes to hit a large enough volume to work in Commander. We'll stick make the single creature type cards, but batching is a useful tool to make more players happy.
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iexistfor1post · 5 hours
The more I take the online tests and read the symptoms of ADHD in woman the more I see myself in those symptoms
(This was getting long, so I added a read"more)
Well most symptoms as I am not one to try really hard if I don't care for the thing
It would make sense for me to have ADHD as one of my older brothers has it
Since I mentioned the online tests
I keep getting moderate to high because surprise i am indecisive with answers so my answers slightly change on what I am feeling atm
I hate the idea of taking meds as I already take anxiety meds (which i think are helping )
At the same time I have no social life
The few symptoms I think don't fit are research rabbit holes because while I look things up and occasionally go deeper I normally just skim a website or 2 for the answer I was looking up
I don't believe how a perfectionist in any way
While I do think I am slightly bad at time (when I am not in a panic) I am someone who has to check my calendar and I always arrive early to stuff
I'm not even joking... kinda cause for years and especially in high school I was like haha I definitely have adhd with how distracted I am
Looking at a actual symptoms list and being told woman mostly have the inattentive kind just... hits
Like folks can tell you when I get excited about what I want to talk about it lose some volume control
The symptom of interrupting made me laugh because I always have to try so hard not to interrupt
I want to speak about something I am obsessed with atm
When people talk about hyperfocus or whatever I never know if it fits because from what I can see when they stop hyper focusing on one thing they move to another
When I get really attached to something and it kinda takes over my life I still interact with other things I love
(Depending on the thing as minecraft anything I really am bad at staying interested when my brain is done focusing on it)
Like currently i am obsessed with warrior cats and all I have been doing for almost a year is drawing cats
Mostly just cats
The year before that was qsmp which that died kinda quickly around the purgatory thing
Back to symptoms
I really do make some small and dumb mistakes just because my brain just didn't wanna work
Like earlier today I was changing the tortise's heat bulb and I forgot how to put the cord behind the tank and instead plugged it in and then was trying to squeeze the lamp behind the tank when there was no space 😅
I really do lose things easily if I just set the item down and didn't put it in a designated spot
I am really bad at directions and while I swear I know my left from my right when I was learning to drive a few years ago my brain apparently forgot 🙃
(I turned left when dad said right for example)
(Also my dad told me directions and I immediately turned the wrong way)
I talk a lot and my coworkers could tell you that... and my family
Which is funny because I am bad at dealing with crowds and loud noises... more specifically at my home though occasionally outside my house it frustrates me
With me getting into online shopping was a bad thing because I am normally good at not impulse buying... too much
Now, however, I am buying too much 😰
My brain can't deal with quiet or peace because I always begin singing
I wish it wasn't Christmas songs atm but better than Yankee Doodle and Oh My Darling Clementine
I know I am fidgety but most of the time it is non intrusive as it is just me playing with my hair ties or hair, even lightly tapping my feet and hands
Also working in retail i also sway my body when I am not leaning on something
Though I then begin to kinda swing on the half wall
Yeah unless I have my phone or I am drawing or helping a customer I wiggle a lot
I am a messy person in everywhere but the living room, kitchen, and bathroom
Also dude in school I was (and still am) really bad with procrastination
If something was due at 11:59 I was working from 7pm until then to get it down
Cause like I would start most things, then procrastinate then get it down
Occasionally, with things, I was even looking forward to do
Part of the problem is i have trouble doing multiple things at once
Like with aquabeads I was doing them for like 2 weeks then interest died again
I adore drawing cats however one project i have been doing with someone just has me stuck
They say it sounds like burn out cause I wanna do the thing but can't
which is making me more frustrated because I have been doing other things to chill
Like drawing my own characters, playing a game i haven't in like a year, etc
Then I say "Oh I will draw the cats [in the project] tonight"
Then I just don't ://
They are understanding, but I am not being nice to myself
I have no idea if this is a symptom but man I rarely ever studied in school
Also any "studying" was me cramming stuff into my brain
Yet somehow besides most math and maybe ap __ history I got mostly B's and A's
Somehow in stats i got a B overall and on the midterm despite getting a couple D's on homework
Also Geometry is dumb because I still don't understand it and it was the only class I was ever failing
My algebra 2 teacher imo sucked because this man saw his class not doing the hw and he instead decided to just stop grading hw. If you had it done you could use it on the test
I did the extra credit for that class just to make sure I would keep my c+/b-
Also cause it wasn't math it was just write about something you learned
My brain just buffers when letters are in the mix
Like I can count by 12 in my head fine and I think fractions could be fun
This may be my anxiety but I need lists of things I need to do and occasionally I need step by step directions for my comfort
Man i remember back in 5th grade when someone called me quiet cause dude when I am excited I am loud
Most days I am quiet but that is because I am bad at interacting with people.
I am both loud and quiet
A consistent thing for me haha
But yeah I am a mostly quiet and shy person as I am not comfortable a lot in public
Not like i wouldn't wear pj's out but that is different
When my brain thinks I need social I will chat a lot
Like all the way back in 8th? grade i was alone in a class with no one i knew and like day 3 I started talking and befriending the girl next to me because I just can't stand my brain apparently
I am getting so sleepy 😴
I can make acquaintances but I have trouble saying friends ://
You know i swear i was fine before I moved in 4th grade
I used to go to friends and now I don't 😕
Oh before I forget I do the shaking hands thing when anything make me wound
Which one day a customer asked if I was hurt
I wasn't as I was just frustrated with a coworker so I was trying to I guess shake of the nerves??
Also I don't really know how me having anxiety med affect anything as the websites I read say that yeah lots of women with adhd could also have such and such
I just don't know how it effects me as my memory is bad with a few thinsg
Ok i need to sleep as I am falling asleep typing this
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luimagines · 3 years
You React to Him getting Sick/Injured Part 3
Part 1 Part 2
The final installment of this prompt!
It will include Sky, Time and Twilight.
Content under the cut!
You were having an ok day.
It could have been better.
It could have been worse.
Very mediocre all around.
You looked around and saw how your friends were handling the change of scenery. It had happened in the middle of the night when most of the group was asleep. You had considered it a more merciful shift than what usually happens.
But it does always mess with the internal clocks of the groups. You never seem to shift from night to night. It’s always night to middle of the day. 
And middle of the day usually brings trouble.
But since the group was asleep, it takes a lot of energy to get up and deal with whatever shenanigans the day brings.
You yawned and tried to rub the last of the sleep from your eyes. “Anyone know where we are?”
“Not a clue.” Wild speaks up from beside you and puts his sheikah slate back in its holster.
“Anyone see Sky?” You hear someone ask and you look around your surroundings in search of your friend.
“Nope.” You reply and stand up, stretching your arms over your head.
“I don’t see Sky either.” Hyrule comes to the middle of the group with a slightly concerned look on his face. “Where is he?”
“He’s not with us?” Warrior gets up, a little concerned and on verge of frantic pacing.
“Wasn’t it his watch?” You ask and take your first step to put away your bed roll.
“No. It was mine.” Wind answers. “But Sky was with us when we shifted.”
“Then where is he?” 
“Here. Help.” You hear Sky’s voice come from above you and snap your head in his direction.
“Sky. I didn’t think you’d take your nickname so seriously.” You say and squint against the sunlight. It takes a while to see him but you take a step to the side and see him more clearly.
He’s stuck in a tree, arms and legs all snagged by a branch and holding him in place. “Get me out of here please.”
“Sky did you even manage that?” Four snickers slightly into his hand. “Weren’t you on the ground with the rest of us?”
“Believe it or not-” Sky glares. “-I was. and I don’t know how I got up here. I only know that this hurts and I can’t move. I’m pretty sure that all the blood is being cut off from my limbs. Get me down.”
“I got you. Hold on.” Wild grins and climbs up the tree with the same grace as a cat. He places himself on the a nearby branch next to Sky’s legs and chops away the tangling twigs with one of his sheikah swords.
“Is there anyway we can put like a tarp or something under him so he doesn’t just hit the ground?” You ask in a panic. 
No one was doing anything, content to watch Wild hack away at the tree to free your friend.
“That’s not a bad idea.” Twilight shrugs and looks around your collective supplies. “Anyone have anything we can use?”
“Wild slow down, you might hurt him too!” You cry out again but he’s too focused on his mission to get Sky out to even notice that you’re speaking to him.
He frees up both of Sky’s legs in record time, quickly moving to his arm.
The debris collects right under them and lands without much fanfare.
But Sky were to just fall, he’d land right on top of them and it’s not an idea you’d like to entertain.
You dash under them and clean them up to the best of your ability while Twilight and Time look for something to break Sky’s fall.
Wild is working to fast for any of your to keep up and gravity does its part in tearing at the branches that aren’t strong enough to hold Sky up on their own.
He falls.
You dodge out of the way so Sky doesn’t land on you and barely succeed in avoiding the branches you moving out of the way. Sky however, isn’t so fortunate.
He tries to jump out of the way but trips over half of them. He gets up with a nasty gash on his face and a torn sleeve on his left side.
You hiss and pull him out from the pile, just time to avoid Wild as he jumps out of the tree next to you.
“Got him!”
“I can see that!” You growl and pull Sky away to start cleaning him up.
“Thanks guys. I feel like there’s bugs crawling under my skin but I’m glad to not be there any more than I had to be.” Sky smiles and kicks his feet a few times. He shakes his hands a few time for good measure as well and gradually begins to feel the blood move away and back to as it should be.
“You shouldn’t have been in there at all.” You  scold and take out your personal medkit. “How did that happen?”
“How should I know? I woke up like that.”
“Sleep walking but he climb a tree instead.” Legend yawns and pats Sky’s head. “Gets the best of it.”
“I think you need to go back to sleep.” Sky smiles and moves his hand away from him.
“Sleepy Legend is best Legend.” You smirk and pull Sky’s face close to you with your hand to clean him up even more. “I can’t believe you got stuck in a tree.”
“I like to be up in the sky but not like that.” Sky snorts and lets you tend to him.
You couldn’t believe what you had just witnessed. 
Despite the cool and calm nature Time like to put off, you had seen him slip down a hill and roll right into a pricker-bush.  With all calm demeanor lost, Time cursed in the loudest voice you had ever heard from him.
It had scared so much that you jumped and dropped your journal in the process.
You stood there staring at the man as he pull himself away from the bush and brush off all the thorns that he could reach. Curses kept falling from his mouth left and right but he at least had the decency to lower his volume and say them under his breath.
You took a breath to unfreeze yourself and stepped forward. “You ok Old Man?”
“I’m fine.” He snapped through gritted teeth. 
Time blinked for a second and sighed. Responding to you again in a softer voice. “I’m fine, really. Just.... inconvenienced.”
“If you say so.” You help to his feet and watch his back as he begin to walk away.
At first, it seemed like that was it.
A bit out of character but nothing to bat an eye at. Until Time started to look a little green in the face and had started sweating bullets.
“Time.” Warrior called out with a concerned wobble to his voice. “Are you ok? You don’t look so good.”
“Admittedly, I don’t feel so good.” He grunts and wipes his hands over his face.
“What happened?” Sky takes out a cloth to hand it over.
“He fell in a bush.” You explain.
“What did look like?” Four asks you, eyebrows furrowed and face deadly serious.
“Brown and dusty green with red tipped thorns.” 
“Time.” Four turns. “You’ve been poisoned.”
“Poisoned?!” You yell.
“It’s all mild, but we’re done for today.” Four sigh. “It won’t kill him but it’s going to get worse before it gets any better.”
“I’m fine.” Time winces slightly and shakes his head. “I can keep going.”
“For like five more minutes.” 
As if on cue, Time folds over himself and spins away from the group to vomit.
Any one that was close to him instinctually takes step back and recoils from the scene.
“Worse.” Four reiterates. “Before he’s better.”
Twilight takes a step by Time’s side and rubs small circles on what he can reach on Time’s back. “We’re going to need to find a spot to set up camp.”
“I’ll do it.” Sky raises a hand.
“I’ll go with you.” Warrior places a hand on his shoulder. “Let’s make this quick.”
“Wild.” You grimace as Time continues to dry heave and cough out enough sick to probably be part of last night’s dinner as well. “I don’t Time will be able to handle any food until this passes. Do you have anything that would pass for tea or maybe a light broth?”
“I think I can whip something up.” He nods and begin to look through his slate.
You make your way next to Twilight and Time and side step away from the dibbling bile. You place you hand on the back of Time’s neck and wince at the steady growing temperature. “This is going to be bad.”
“Come on Time. Let’s get you to somewhere out of the sun.” Twilight hums and begins to pull and lead Time away from the others, heading off in the vague direction that Sky and Warrior disappeared to. You follow and hook your arm around Time’s when you see he’s barely able to hold himself up anymore.
“Bad indeed.”
It’s a long night to say the least.
You thought you had seen enough monsters to last you the next fifty lifetimes.
You were sick and tired of these guys and how they seemed to come from an never ending source.
Your sword clashed against the shield of an annoying lizalfos and it had to audacity to strike you back and not die.
“For the love of-��� You bite back a curse and continue hacking away what you can at the beast. “Why. Don’t. You. Die!”
“Aim better than!” You hear Legend shout from across the battle field.
“Legend! So help me! I will cut you!” You shout back and finalize the beast in front of you by cutting off its head.
“You won’t, you love me.” 
“I’ll throw something at your head then.” You spit and spin around to slash at the bokoblin that tried to sneak up on you. It doesn’t put up much of a fight and falls within seconds.
There’s a growl from behind you and you spin around to fight off the next attacker. It’s a huge moblin and you doubt for a split second that you can successfully block the upcoming attack. 
But you don’t have to.
Wolfie comes up from the side and jumps on it, latching and sinking its teeth into the forearm of the monster, ripping its arc away from you. You grin and stab it in the opposite direction, keeping its attention on you instead of your wolf companion as he goes to help someone else.
That’s the plan anyway.
A separate monster, a stalfos, jumps and lands on your friend and sends the poor thing flying across the field with a crack.
“Wolfie!” You scream and run after him, ditching the monsters around you.
You can vaguely hear that Warrior takes over the monsters you’ve left behind and you see Wild run up with you toward your friend.
Wolfie tries to get back up onto his feet but he’s whining and not willing to put any weight on his front paw. There’s a patch on his fur that’s beginning to turn red and you think that there’s a bit of bone peaking out.
“Oh this is bad.” You kneel next to him and try your hardest to shift the fur gently.
Wolfie growls and even snaps at your hands as you try to help and get a bigger picture of what had happened to him.
“Wolfie, stop moving.” You whine and try to get him to sit back down. “We’re going to have to put your bones back in place, before we can even think about healing you.”
“Why do you think you can get away with stuff like this?” Wild scolds and kneels next to you, helping you place pressure on the rib. “You can’t do anything to me at this point.”
Wolfie growls again, trying to snap at your fingers but Wild grabs his snout and holds him down.
“What on earth are you two doing?” You hear Wind shout.
“Wolfie is hurt! We’re trying to help him!” You yell and place both of your palms on top of the bone, putting your knee on Wolfie’s abdomen to try and keep him in place. Wolfie for his part won’t stop squirming and you’re worried that you’re actually going to hurt him more if he doesn’t sit still.
“Wolfie. Stop being stupid.” Wild growls. “We’ll let you go in a minute. just stay still.”
Somehow he listens to your friend and stays still long enough for you to pop the bone back inside and shift it back into place. Woflie lets out a pain howl but you and Wild both let go of him when it’s safe to do so, jumping away from his teeth and personal space.
You’re quick to run over to where Epona holds your bag. You’re holding on to the hope that Wild will keep Wolfie there for a minute longer with his presence alone. You pull out a potion and run back, dashing and maneuvering around the battle field and left over monsters.
You bring out a bowl as well and pour the potion inside.
You place it on the ground by where Wolfie and Wild were having a stand off.
“Here, Wolfie. Come here boy.” You whistle and coo, trying to call your canine friend over to the potion. 
Wild sends Wolfie what can only be called a smug look and he watches as the wolf limbs and whines his way over to hesitantly lick the contents of the bowl.
You sigh and begin to pet the friendly beast, trying to calm him as he drinks.
“Are you two just going to stand there?” Time shouts and he delfects another around of slashes.
You growl and stop petting Wolfie for a second. “You know what Old Man, I think I will! Fight your own monsters! These aren’t even from my time!” 
“Good job.” Wild raises an eyebrow. “Now we’re all going to pay for it.”
“Not my problem. Wolfie probably just saved my life, I owe him this much.”
Wolfie pauses from drinking your potion and then licks your face instead.
You smile and push him away gently, trying to guide him back to the bowl to drink what’s left over. “One good turn deserves another, don’t you think? Drink up Wolfie, we’ll all be ok.”
Wolfie seems to nod at your words and drinks up the last of it.
Wild takes out his bow and strikes at whatever monsters try to get close.
You stay by Wolfie side and dread the talk you know you’re going to get from Time when this is over. Maybe Wolfie will bail you out again, who knows?
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Wonder Woman 1984 Review “The Monkey’s Paw Wish of Superhero Movies”
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Before we dig in,  I just want to properly frame how much of a fucking disapointment this film was to me. It was thanks to the first film that I became the massive Wonder Woman fan I am today. Thanks to that movie and it’s accompanying sale, as Comixology likes to put sales on to tie into things as you’d expect, I tried Greg Rucka’s run on the title.. and quickly bought the second volume and will buy the third which didn’t exist yet at some point, as it’s easily one of my faviorite comics of all time, one i’ll undoubtly cover, and one that throughly sold me on the amazon princess, and throughly defined what she is to me: a compasionate warrior. Someone who WILL fight, who will take on the bad guys without hesitation, and who WILL kill if she has to.. but also someone whose compationate. Who will genuinely try to reform foes, who only kills as a last resort and not as a first option like some adaptations and the new 52 seem to think. She’s someone who in said run went out of her way to help her old friend and currently brainwashed foe Vanessa Kapetlis get cured of being the silver swan. She’s someone whose wholhe purpose for writing a book wasn’t money but simply to spread her people and her gods teachings. Someone whose , kind, noble, badass, smart and easily every bit the pure soul superman is. The run sold me on the character throughly and made me a fan to this day, one currently pouring thorugh both Rucka’s second run, and George Perez’ equally good run and one who hopes the upcoming dc relaunch means she’ll stop swapping writers every few months and get the run she deserves.  I just wanted to sell how much I treasured the character now thanks to the first movie and thus how hyped beyond hype I was for this movie. It had a great cast, a great setting, cool trailers.. sure they didn’t show off the plot but it had to be good right? This couldn’t be say.. a giant, overly long mess of tangled plots, padding, terrible pacing, unfortunate implications and pedro pascal devouring the scenery in a manner galactus would be proud of right? 
Well that’s what we got. After a year of hoping it’d come out some way this year, after having it delayed and after a year where MANY projects I loved were necessarily delayed due to covid... I got what I wanted. I got the movie i’d been hoping to see for months and months and months... and just like the wishes in the movie itself... it went horribly, horribly wrong. What I expected was something great as the other recent DC Movies.. what I got was a huge disapointing mess capping off a huge disapointing mess of a year. So while i’m a bit late due to contracting Covid and all the “FUN” that comes with that, I still felt like tearing into this film to figure out why I didn’t like it, what good parts it did have, and what the hell went wrong here. Spoilers and full review after the cut. 
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The Plot:  Unlike my usual summaries I do, i’m keeping this one short and susicnt for those who haven’t seen the film: After a cold open flashback to diana’s childhood that was an omen of the boring padding to come, we get our main plot: It’s 1984 and Diana is acting in semi secret and helping out where she can. After some artifact thefts she takes a job at a museum and meets meek nerdy nerdy and office punching bag Barbra Minerva. The two strike up a kind of friendship, with Barbra wishing she could be as cool as diana especially after Diana saves her from being assaulted by a creepy random asshole. 
Diana hasn’t moved on from Steve Trevor’s death in the previous film, and thus when encountering a mysterious stone wishes for him to come back. Barbra likewise wishes fto be just like diana. Meanwhile Maxwell Lord, a conman who has sold a bunch of bogus oil plots, plots to steal the stone himself and does so by seducing Barbra, and instead of wishing for more wishes, wishes to GRANT THEM instead, thus overnight making his buisness a sucess and using the inevitible monkey’s paw consequences of said wishes to benifit himself.  Meanwhile Diana is reunited with Steve who for some reason has hyjacked someone elses body, and even has sex with Diana in it which is all kinds of creepy and wrong that we’ll get into soon enough. Meanwhile everyone now notices Barbara.. and she’s also gaining Diana’s powers but slowly loosing her empathy.  Diana eventually finds out with Barba’s help that the stone is dangerous and it’s wishes backfire horribly, while Max continues to gain power with his as Diana chases after him, slowly loosing her own power as her consequence for the wish. You know instead of the fact her lover took someone elses body and life and they have to live with that. Eventually Max gets the power of a soverign nation and the satilte codes off the president, and plans to broadcast himslef the the world to offset his own wish consequence, his body slowly failing, by taking other people’s health.  Steve urges Diana to renounce her wish and give him up to get her power back, she reluctnantly and painfully does so, and then goes after Max. Barbra however has sided with max and has him give her even more power turning her into a cat person as you’d expect. Wonder woman and the now fully cat Cheetah battle, it’s really cool looking, but Diana barely wins. We do get a decent climax with Diana not fighting max, not that she can with how powerful she’s become, but using the lasso of truth to get him to see the damage he’s done, give up and go back to his son. The world is saved Diana is moving on and also Linda Carter is there for some reason. 
So now you have  general idea of what happens, I can dig into the films faults, and it’s one or two strengths, one at a time, ONE AT A TIME. First off the film’s biggest issue by far and one that wouldn’t come through in the recap Padding and Pacing: THIS FILM DID NOT NEED TO BE 2 hrs 41 min
I said it once before but it bears repeating now:
I am a firm belivier a film should be as long or short as it needs to be. If it’s under the standard 90 minutes, that’s cool, if it’s say three hours like avengers endgame that’s cool too. After the theater it’s easy enough to watch it in chunks, and sometimes a film just NEEDS that space and scope. 
This film.. did not need that. This is not the cumilation of 10 years of storytelling, as slapdashidly planned as it was till phase 3, this is a film that feels painfully long to watch due to how padded it is. You could’ve cut those 40 mintues from this film EASILY and while you wouldn’t of had a good film, sadly, you would’ve had a way more enjoyable cheesy superhero movie. I”m tackling this one first because it just.. oozes all over the film. For every great and memorable bit in the movie and every questionable one we’ll get to, for every gloriously so bad it’s good moment... there’s about 10 minutes of scene that did not need to be there. It slows down the film to a crawl and given the original had pitch perfect pacing I do not get how Patty Jenkins screwed this up. 
I do think Patty Jenkins is a good director. I did like the first movie, I do think a lions share of the credit goes to her writing and direction for that one. And a LOT of the sequences in this film are utterly goregously shot and fun to watch. I also, even if I don’t like this film, am extastic she forced the stuido to pay her more money to work on the film, as she deserves as much as any male director, it’s bullshit they tried to short change her, and again she was the reason the first film was so good. She deserved equal fucking pay for making Warner money hand over fist. 
But I also say this because i’m disapointed in HER. She CAN do better, she already did the first time and the only real down spot, the spotty cgi climax, was not her fault. And hell here she did get the climax she wanted, and wrote one hell of one. I”ll go into it more later but the finale of this movie from the pitch perfect fight with cheetah, dodgy face work nonwithstanding, to the final speech to the world is just gorgeous to watch. Even in this mess of a film there are some really good really tightly shot sequences that i’ll get to.. but their broken up by padding and padding nad more padding. This film is bloated, it needed to be edited down but she clearly REFUSED TO, gunshy after the whole Ares thing last time... and thus shot herself in the foot repeadtly. I sitll have some hope for the next movie and Rogue Squadron, but Jenkins rightfully lost any blind faith I had in her this film would be good just as the directors of it chapter 2 lost it by.. making a terrible sequel to a great movie. Given this happened in the span of a year you’d THINK i’d of prepared myself for that.. but no. Sadly.. no. 
But back to the point of this section: the film is just really padded. A lot of it is just scenes going on longer than they need to but there are some specific bits, some recurring others all in one go, that just really get tedious and pad things out. Let’s rattle em off shall we? The Opening: Now the opening is gorgeously shot, and it is nice to see Thymesicra again.. but the sequence is twiece as long as it needed to be, often just devolves into frantic shots of running.. and really dosen’t need to be here. I love Thymesicra, I love Hipolita, I love this damn beautiful island.. but we did not need it for this one. I THOUGHT it was there because the climax would be Max and Barbra invading the island or something.. but no. It has nothing to do with the main plot other than selling the film’s message “Nothing good comes from lies and shortcuts” which is a good message.. but the film already conveys that well. For all it’s flaws it well conveys the fact that the easy way to get what you want ALWAYS comes with a cost. That you can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you just might find you get what you need. So we didn’t need 10 minutes of amazons running around just to make a point that the film already makes and it wreaks of Warner wanting to put the amazons in the film because “that’s what people expect.” 
Steve Trevor Dinking Around for 20 Minutes: I will admit as dumb as it was.. I really loved the Steve Trevor 80′s fashion show. Oh it was dumb.. beyond belieif.. but it’s REALLY hard to hate a good 5 minutes of chris pine putting on stupid 80′s outfits. I do think like a lot of this film it was longer than it needed to be and it defintely needed a good catchy 80′s tune alongside it, just go full bollocks if your doing this, but otherwise it’s just hard not to joy, even if in a so bad it’s good kind of way, this kind of lunacy in a major stuido film
That goodwill died quckily as the next 15 goddamn minutes, 5 for the fashion show which while i liked it did not need to be in the film as long as it was, were just steve getting used to the new world of the 80′s. While I like the idea of Steve now in Diana’s roll as stranger in a strange land, instead of using it cleverly or having him ruminate over all his friends being dead Captain America style or .. a billion other things we could’ve used this time for if you really needed it, we instead just get Steve and Diana farting around for 20 minutes and Chris Pine making stupid faces. Chris Pine deserved better than this. He seems to be a steerling person in his personal life and I seriously doubt he’s done any movie bad enough to have earned this.. I mean he did do Star Trek: Into Darkness but NONE of those films problems were his fault. It’s just really, REALLY terrible, and even more boring in padded in places than this film but without the good bits or the haminess of pedro pascal to make it even remotely watchable. Point is i’m doing a blind look, and this is blind I just came up with tihs bit while I was writing and have not looked at chris pine’s filmography before, to see if there’s anything really bad enough to justify him being put through this buffonery. 
Turns out .. yeah yeah he did. Two films in fact are just bad enough that he did in fact sign on to something bad enough to justify this. There were one or two other contenders but Princess Diaries 2 was earlier in his career, Into The Woods much like Into Darkness was not his fault and honestly if I were offered a part in a glitzy hollywood adaptation of a beloved musical i’d sign on too without heistation, and while Wrinke in Time is kind of a mess, Chris Pine is easily one of the best parts of it.  No the two films that make him DESERVE the goofy terrible fish out of water stuff are this means war, a film I saw throughly savaged by Matthew “Film Brain” Buck, which is about two douchey cia agents competing over a woman without thinking that MAYBE the choice is hers, and also setting up CONSTNAT SURVILENCE over her and basically stalking her to sabatoge each others dates. And while I did mention that review, because it did give context.. even from the trailer I could tell this was sexist, bro douchey, and stupid and wanted no part of it. So yeah signing on this this, post star trek’s success where he had his pick of projects and was at the hight of his fame.. is inexcusable.  The other is just... the kind of embarassing dtv film a person does before they get famous but is so horrendously premised that I still can’t give it to him. Like I get needing work, I do comissions 10 for movies now and 5 for tv show episodes and issues of comics if you were curious, so I understand that.. but even at his most desperate... why would you possibly take... this?
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.. wait is that Stephen Tobowsky in the credits? Good god his career is depressing some time.. but at least unlike chris I GET him being in this as he needs money and despite his long and storied career, has to take what he can get. Wheras Chris was a promsing young star who while needing a break, CAN’T of thought this would be remotely sucessful and can’t of paid that well. But since the poster might not convey the premise.. the premise is Chris is a Blind Man looking for love set up on BLIND DATES. 
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It sounds like a fucking Adam Sandler film premise. I’m honestly suprised he hasn’t remade this film with himself, david spade, or rob schinder, whose apparently on good terms with him again, god help us all. And DON’T. TELL. HIM. He still hasn’t made that worst film imaginable he promised for getting Snubbed for Uncut Gems. Yes I know, Hubie Halloween came out but that was in production long before the promise and not that bad. Not great, pretty average, but not terrible. Point is do not tempt Adam Sandler to remake this film. He still owes us the worst film he can muster INTENTIONALLY, as Pixels, Rediculous Six, That’s My Boy? That was all him trying to make  GOOD movie. Be afraid be VERY afraid. The other point is this premise is just really bad, REALLY offensive to blind people to make being blind into a stupid punchline, and I.. will probably watch this at some point because i’m bafflingly curious about this terrible terrible thing Chris Pine probably wanted us all to forget about, but will now never have that luxury as long as I live. The Fireworks Scene: This one is just..really dumb. Like really dumb. Every bit of this scene was dumb and we could’ve just.. had them get on a plane to egypt like normal people or steal a jet off screen. So to get to Egypt, Diana and Steve steal a jet which Steve can somehow fly despite decades of progress in how planes work at this point and him not knowing what radar is. He also gets shot ot at because Diana FORGOT, somehow, that radar exists and didn’t tell him. They also steal a jet instead of just taking an airliner or her calling in a favor since while it’s been a good few decades and Etta is sadly long dead, the candy family probably knows and loves her well enough and probably still has some military personal who could pull some strings and bring a jet over from london. It’s a stretch.. but not much more than “let’s steal a plane and hope we don’t die. “
Why this is in the padding section is because we then get a way too long bit of the two flying through a field of fireworks.. which also apparently existed LONG before steve was even born, so I donn’t quite get why he’s so shocked. And while i’ts not a bad CONCEPT for a scene the fact the two are being persued by the military for stealing a jet AND have to get to egypt so urgently they had to steal the jet in the first place lest Max do something horrible, which he ends up doing anyway... to take 10 minutes to gaze at the pretty fireworks. It’s just.. a waste of time in a movie that wasted already too much time. 
Some of the barbra scenes: We’ll dive more into Barbra in a bit, and this is easily the least offesnive on this list, but a lot of the scnees of her discovering her new power could’ve been compressed. There are seperate scenes of her discovering she dosen’t need glasses anymore and picking up a ton of weight at the gym, while in 80′s workout clothes because of course she is. Both of those could’ve been one, either having her pick up something heavy like nothing casually or just having her glasses fall and break at the gym, have some cute guy help her up to help sell the wish making her feel noticed, and realize she don’t need em. It’s minor in comparison, but a good chunk of her plot badly needed to be streamlined. 
And those are just the main offenders. The film’s pacing in general is just attrocious. It takes half an hour for the plot to move along most of the time.. there’ ssome good character stufff but they could’ve better weaved it into the plot and in some Barbra scenes and most of Max’s they DID. It’s just for the most part there’s a lot of repttition of stuff we already knew and figured out and it takes forever for the plot to move to the next phase until the last half hour. And by then my niece was already in the kitchen playing with her new slime having enitrely checked out, my mom was asleep and my brother just wanted this film over already and both of us were only hanging in out of obligation. This film blows most of what little potetial it has taking too damn long to get to the point. As I said it’s fine for a film to be long.. but while Endgame had laggy sections and some of it’s own problems.. it USED the huge runtime effectivey, using the first hour to both show our heroes had truly lost, then to set up the post-time skip world and just what had become of our heroes and their arcs for the movies. The second hour is mostly the time heist, a fun tour through the mcu’s history that also helps progress arcs and the final act is basically one MASSIVE glorious battle featuring every single hero who hadn’t suffered a non-snap related death in one of the best big action scnenes i’ve ever seen. It was well crafted and it’s slower moments were for character stuff and not because they felt the film needed to feel as long as the rest of the year had felt.  But while it was the film’s main flaw and the main reason i’ts bad instead of mediocre..there’s one other massive flaw that utterly sinks the damn film and robs of it of a lot of it’s emotional weight The Character Assassination of Diana Prince:
Now we get to the part that really pisses me off one that was already kinda bad while watching but just got worse the more I thought about it: Diana’s Charcterization here. Despite being flawless in the first film.. here it’s just bad. It’s bad and it should feel bad. I can’t fathom how Jenkins lost touch so badly with the character, and I don’t think the Co-Writer Remotley helped.  The Co-Writer for this film was Geoff Johns, a dc wunderkind whose reinvented the flash, green lantern, the justice society of america and aquaman, all brilliantly. The last one was even largely the basis for his damn fun movie. I have a lot of respect for the man... but like a lot of creators he’s not immune to screwing up and has made a LOT of mistakes, the biggest being forcing Cyborg away from the titans and into the justice league not for diversity’s sake like he probably claims.. but really because he didn’t want to use John Stewart instead of Hal Jordan, who he has an odd obession with i’ve never gotten, something the incoming writer of Green Lantern, Geoffry Throne, turns out to have complained about for years, as well as apparnetly giving out about Jordan SO MANY TIMES, that an entire artcle was made revealing this... and I’m perfectly fine with that as it should be clear I don’t like Hal Jordan all that much and while he’s been in some good runs, the other earth lanterns are FAR more intersting than him and far more unique. Thankfully the new series seems to be focusing on multiple of them and while hal seems to be getting some focus, Simon and Jessica are the main stars of modern day. So hell yeah to that. Let’s get back to the actual point. 
The point being that one of his weaknesses as a writer.. is he really dosen’t get Wonder Woman. He just dosen’t. During Justice League he wrote her as a violent warrior and during Infinite Crisis, as expertly pointed out by LInkara during his review of it a few years back, he had her “not understand what being human is” .. despite this being at the SAME TIME as that Greg Rucka run I mentioned, meaning at the time of Inifnite Crisis, she had her own embassy for her people set up, had written a book, and had just spent a good chunk of that run trying to free an old friend who’d been brainwashed into a psychotic killing machine from her mechanical inhancments killing her and driving her insane. She willingly blinded herself with fucking snake venom to save the world from Medusa’s gaze and avenge a child THEN went on a long and arduous quest for the gods simiply to ressurect said child, with no intent of getting her sight back and only getting it back because Athena willingly gave hers up for being so noble. She is someone who is compatsionate, empathetic and noble. Not a kill happy warrior who loves fighting and blood. She fights because she has to, she does not hesitate and she does kill when needed.. but she is not some weird enigma to humanity. She’s throughly human despite being made of clay and not raised among regular humans. She’s a person, and Geoff just dosen’t get that. He get Superman, the flash, batman, other heroes just fine. He redefined aquaman well like I said. But for some damn reason he just dosen’t get Diana and can’t get a good grasp on her and while a good choice of co writer for practically any other dc movie and a good choice to right the ship for the dceu, he was the second possible worst choice to handle this character and likely is at least partially responsible for her character taking such a nosedive. By the way just in case you think better of him for only being second worst.. this is the worst. 
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Yes that actually happened.. thankfully not in the main canon and likely because Frank Miller really REALLY needs to get some help. 
Point is he was a bad choice and while I still give Patty Jenkins some discredit for helping with this, I do feel Geoff easily could’ve agreed with or came up with some of the worse ideas here without really thinking them through because this simply isn’t a character he cares about what happens to her or knows that well.  Things START fine: in present day we get a pretty fun action sequence in a mall with what my brother called Dollar Store Micheal Keaton.. but because Max was already perfectly cast, there wasn’t room for this screen legend. Plus he was probably busy shooting Morbius for.. whatever his role is there. I hope it’s the vulture. My point is DSMK is delightfully hammy and weird and helps kick up an already fun mall sequence.. while I was apparnetly the ONLY one who enjoyed this cheesy but awesome sequence in my family aside from my niece, she hadn’t rightfully checked out at this point, I still love it. It does bring up the slight problem of Diana being active years before... but given The Suicide Squad with it’s vast colorful cast of supervillians and the fact the freaking Justice Society are getting introdcued and given their gimmick even if WWII isn’t involed this time they had to have been active for some time before they presumibly vanished. My point is the whole Zack Snyder thing of “Metahumans are new and you should fear them” has been quitely retconned out and this will all likely be explained with the whole flashpoint thing... (Shudders).. not the retcon the DCEU needs a good coat of paint and unlike the XCU I dont think their going to waste a second chance, I just want a flash film that’s actually about barry and not another adaptation of a storyline few people liked ot start with. Point is that’s not really a huge issue and I prefer DIana being active than the implication she did nothing and her doing small bits of heroisim, like saving a woman from getting hit by a car or resucing pets and bigger ones like the mall just .. fell like Diana. It’s all downhill from there though. For starters there’s Barbra. It starts well: Diana is the only person to not only notice Barbra but treat her nice, and the two strike up a friendship.. which I honeslty wish was more as there was a lot of potetial there and both have great chemistry, not to mention showing Diana’s bisexuality on screen would be a really damn good move forward for representation, but that’s more on me and given how homophobic big companies can be, i’m unsuprised Warner wouldn’t let Patty take that route. 
Point is it starts well enough.. but instead of the two actually having a deep freindship and possible relationship that is heartbreaking when it’s broken.. Diana just sort of forgets about her except when she needs her for the plot, and thus what should’ve been an emotionally breaking subplot leading to an utterly heartbreaking fight at the climax.. was just Diana being a dick, taking advantage of someone, and then getting a bit self righteous when the person you basically abandoned and didn’t notice made a wish till it was too late wants to keep the one thing that’s ever made her feel special. 
It dosen’t help the comics did this whole thing better and is likely where Jenkins got the inspiration: During Rebirth Barbara Minvera was converted from a vicious ruthless bitch and a half, if still a brilliant character, to a tragic figure: one who while a bit cold and standofish, was genuinely diana’s friend, tricked into thinking she was abandoned, then became the bride of a horrifying god who punsiheed her for the “crime”.. of not being a virgin. While removing the whole cat god thing is understandable.. they removed pretty much everything that made that intresting and Rucka worked hard to make for a cliche “Nerd becomes evil” plot that’s been done a milion times nad makes dsiana look horrible.  But while this is bad.. it PALES in comparisoin to the elephant in the room here. 
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No no elephant sweetie not wild pig. No.. it’s once Diana makes her wish on the magical wishing stone form the trickster god.. and brings steve back. See her bringing him back only for her to have to give him up to save the world.. that’s not bad. It’s a great way to bring chris pine back, ratchet up tension and ultimately give her proper closure for steve so she can move on.  The problem.. is HOW steve comes back and how the movie handles that. Steve comes back.. by possesing some random guy. That itself is not a bad idea, as while it’s weird, A) I’m a weirdo and proud of it so i’mf ine with weird and B) it gives us a price to the wish like the other wishes: steve comes back.. but he has to take someone else’s life to do so. Diana has to sacrifice an innocent man she dosen’t know anything about in order to get her happy ending. That could’ve lead to some great drama, with Diana realizing how wrong this is and forcing herself to give him up with Steve’s blessing, as Steve would likewise not feel right about this. He could’ve had family or a girlfriend or something that were jeaporadzied if Diana kept Steve.  The problem.. is they handled it horribly. really horribly. Diana and Steve.. almost NEVER mention the fact that he’s basically taken a life. They don’t ask if the guy is dead, they don’t ask who he was and they don’t try to find a way to get him a new body or a dying one or some other ghost can’t do it style shenanigan. And the fact i’m comparing this subplot to ghost can’t do it should tell you this is very bad. And it gets worse as the two have sex.. and whiel I dind’t think about it while watching the movie... afterwords? Yeah.. that’s.. that’s rape. The guy didn’t consent to letting them use his body. Now granted if Steve could leave the body at willand the guy was like “Sure why not” then that’d be fine.. but he has no way of consenting. Sure STEVE did.. but this ain’t his property. This isn’t his body to decide who he fucks. It’s random guy whose body he stole. Hell they didn’t even stop to consider if this guy might be gay which given Diana is bisexual makes no goddamn sense. So that’s another possible layer of wrong on this sundae of what the actual hell. I mean.. how do you bungle writing so bad your main character ends up as a rapist? That’s a special kind of incompetence in 2020 I tell you. 
It just turns Diana from a kind noble woman who looks out for everyone.. into a creepy asshole who willingly sacrifices some guy she dosen’t know, something a well written Diana would NEVER do, to get what she wants. This is not diana prince. This is “out of the way sperm bank” levels of charactera assasination” and the fact steve has to talk her into letting him go just makes it worst. Diana here is selifhs, unsympathetic and terrible and it brings the whole film down despite Gal Godot’s best efforts to try and make this work. She fails.. but it’s not on her as an actress, she’s terrific, but on the writing for Diana being so bad. She just comes off as selfish and irredemible and i’ts horrifying to see. As one last note Steve is reduced to more of a cutout this time, so any possible emotinal weight not already destroyed by the rape is entirley missing. Just good god they did Diana dirty for this one. And it dosen’t help her villians.. are done much better. Speaking of..
Barbra: A Mixed Cat Out of a Mixed Bag As the title should make clear Barbra is kind of a mixed bag. On the one hand.. Kristin Wiig is fantastic. Like holy crap I had some small doubts about her being cast in the role but she nailed both the sweet put upon nerd at the start and the ruthless individual desperate to stay special at the end really well and the reason her scenes aren’t as draggy despite a lot being padding are Wiig just really sells the transformation, going from being giddy at a sudden influx of attention to feeling powerful.. to feeling dangerous and being deseprate to do whatever it takes to hold onto her power and being furious when she looses it.  The problem is.. it’s all in the acting. Writing wise the story is horribly cliche. It’s why her having feelings for Diana was a suggestion that popped into my head: that’s actually intresting. A put upon nerd who envy’s a hero but ends up instead resenting them and wanting to kill them isn’t new. Amazing Spider-Man 2, which I thankfully haven’t seen but has that plot, Incredibles, and the one that the movie steals from the most.. Batman Returns. While wanting to kill the hero wasn’t part of that one, the whole “blonde whose still attractive even before the makeover has some supernatural thing happen to her and turns into an extrovert with a cat motif who is determined to take what she wants despite the cost.” While i’ts not 1 for 1, mostly becasue Catwoman actually had a romantic relationship with the hero, it’s REALLY hard to ignore just how much it seems to curb from Returns. And I haven’t even seen the movie the whole way through, just about half, really need to, not the point. Point is, it just feels like a rehash of a better done version of the plot.  And the sad part is the comics GAVE Patty and Geoff two much better versions that could’ve followed the same path. Pre-Rebirth/Flashpoint, she was a ruthless woman from the getgo and simply could’ve been that, being friends with Diana.. but being too selfish and envious to truly let her in and thus relishing in her new power and showing off who she really was. The other, and better option for the narrative is the previously mentioned rebirth one: A sarcastic and hard but likeable woman who has had to scrape and claw to do what she loves, which is archelogy, despite her father being vastly against it because he’s a dick. Someone who through tragic misunderstanding becomes a tragic monster. That latter version would’ve fit in perfectly, having her like diana and just want to be her.. but a combination of her own inseucrites and the stone strip away her empathy and increase her jealousy and Diana neglecting her could’ve been a concious choice: Diana being too busy with steve and stopping max to see what was happening and thus be heartbroken to fight her true friend. Instead we just get.. catwoman but less good. Wiig tries her best and often succeeds but even she can’t really fix this.  It also dosen’t help that selfishness aside.. Barbra is far more sympathetic. She’s contantly put upon and ignored by her cowowkres nad even her boss, who oftne forgets she works there, and finally meets someone who seems to care.. onlyf or that person to ignore her and go off and have adventures and really horribly implicated sex. So she wishes to be like this person, to be confident and loved and able to walk in heels and strong and gets it and slowly looses who she was to it. Hell the moment where she apparently CROSSES THE LINE by possibly killing some guy.. is entirely ruined by picking the wrong target. Instead of it being her boss or one of her co workers who mockeda nd humilated her.. i’ts the same guy who tried to assault her out for revenge. She’s beating up.. a bad person. She’s doing what Diana would do in a good way..
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Sure she does take a turn for the evil, after hearing about the wishing stone destroying civilizations.. she sides with max.. but she’s still more sympathetic. Her resintment of Diana which should just be the meta commentary Jenkins intended on relationships between women where it becomes competitive due to societal bullshit, instead comes off justifed. Diana abandoned her, Diana is also being selfish with her wish, diana raped a man, Diana wants Max to stop.. but has to be TALKED into letting her wish go. While Diana is trying to save the world you can’t fault Barbra for not trusting her. For someone who preaches honesty, all Diana is to Barbra is a liar. While she does side with Max who earlier manipualted her by seducing her and stealing the stone... she KNOWS he’s not a great person, and this time instead of being the used, she’s the user. She knows he can make her even STRONGER, knows he can let her keep being who she wants to be if not BETTER, and knows he needs someone on his side.. and knows he won’t screw her over with her wish since he needs Diana off his back to become powerful enough to face her. Barbra comes off as cunning, manipulative and way more likeable than the hero, instead of the tragic villian she was inteded as. If nothing else, if she shows up in the sequel I will watch it even after this one was pretty damn bad and hopefully sh’ell be better written next time to match Wiig’s hard work. Now.. i’ve saved the best for last as while i’ve compalined a lot.. there is ONE aspect of the film that is genuinely good and while I get not everyone liked it.. Is urea s hell did
Maxwell Lord: Perdo Pascal Saves this film by eating the set whole like galactus. 
Maxwell Lord.. is the best part of this movie. Easily. Unlike the other main characters, he’s written well, acted well if hammy as all hell, and is true to the comics. Part of this I freely admit is that when I heard Max was a villian here I expected none of his JLI version to survivie. I should explain.. in the comics Max is defined by two diffrent phases of how he was written; The first was in Giffen and Demattis run on justice league, which was more of an action comedy with emphasis on the comedy> There was still serious stuff and villians to face, it’s just our heroes were a bunch of likeable misfits and b-list heroes doing their best while cracking jokes and disfunctionally clashing with one another. It’s good stuff.  Max was the heart of that: a selfish manipulative buisness man who grew to like the league and rebelled against the robot intellegence that got him that far, earning him a fair spot on the team. Sure he was a sleazy, shady 80′s buisness man, but he has a good heart underneath the opprotunsitic nature. 
Come the run up to infinite crisis despite being a metahuman, he started irationally hating metahumans, claimed to have always hated them, and set up a vast conspriacty to kill em all. He also hyjacked superman, which lead to Wonder Woman being forced to snap his neck and being booed for it by superman despite the fact you know.. she was trying to stop him from killing batman and had no other cohice. The rest of the world got the clip out of context.. but even then she’d already killed months ago for the medusa thing I mentioned before, and despite Medusa only speeking ancient greek, the world, which tihs was broadcast too hence the danger of medusa killing trillions of viewers watching at home, they got the context that Wonder Woman was the good guy and was killing for good reason. It was just.. kind of stupid even if Rucka did his best with it is what i’m saying. 
Point is there were two maxes: the sleazy and manipulative but well meaning buisness man and semi-con man and the manipulative but well intentioned master mind. So the movie.. combined both beautifully. He’s a manipulator as always, having set up a ponzi scheme and getitng called out on it by what turned out to be Simon Stagg.. who for some reason is the virtious if assholish buisness man here despite in the comcis being an utterly corrupt asshole constnatly ttrying to prevent his daughter from marrying this guy
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This is Metamorpho, the element man, archelogist Rex Mason who thanks to the orb of Ra turned into this guy, an embodiment of the elments who can transmute his body into anything on the perodic table. Why HE hasn’t been in a movie yet his nemisis now has been is beyond me and there are better dc businessmen to have used. 
Point is this Max is shady, ambitious and sleazy.. and badly failing his scheme falling around him. But his reason for wanting to be a rich, powerful man after growing up a poor immigrant.. is utterly symapthetic. He has a son in this adaptation and wants to make him proud. I’ts CLEARLY not his only motivation, he also just wants to be proud and the finale reveals hsi father was abusive, and his classmmates alienated him for being an immigrant. He has a chip on his shoulder due to having a rough life and just wanting his moment in the sun. It makes Max relatable: His actions are NOT okay but we get why he merges with the wishing stone: because this is his shot. And most of the people he fucks over with his wishes.. are bad people. he cons some good people sure but Stagg is an asshole and the prince he cons wants to kick foreigners out of his homeland. Max, like Barbra, while not a GOOD person still is more likeable than diana.  He just.. feels like Max. He’s what Max could’ve been if he gave into the power instead of fighting against it. If he'd teamed up with the alien robot thing to take over the world instead of resiting it. So while he’s a bad guy like he’s been sadly turned into in the comics.. he feels like a CONVINCING version of Max as a bad guy. Like he genuinely turned evil of his own will and his own ambition. 
It also helps he’s written compitently. Unlike Diana, whose entirely miswritten to a point NO amount of good acting and no amount of Gal Godot’s talents could save, and Barbra, whose great but only because her character had too little to be great but just enough to give Kristin Wiig room to work with Gal simply did not have. Seriously I feel terrible for Gal Godot, she’s a genuinely talented actress and a genuinely kind and great person whose a LOT like Diana herself when written properly.  But Pedro Pascal? Since his character isn’t too badly written, and he has room to work.. he’s allowed to just be awesome. Since I haven’t watched the Mandolorian yet, I know, I KNOW, trust me.. I KNOWWW. But since I hadn’t this was my first proper exposure to Pedro Pascal..and his talent speaks for himself. In a weak movie, he is the shining star.  He’s also hammy as shit, but it WORKS because the film is redicouls. The Wishin Rock plot line and Max merging with it.. it’s bonkers. But he has just the right mix of bonkers hammy acting that’s fun to watch, and actual character work in the ham. He’s eating the scenery hand over fist, utterly devouring it.. but it fits the character as while Max was more of a subtle ham, a guy who just radiated smug and who more got into histornics when things went tits up like the time Blue Beetle and Booster Gold took the JLU’s funds to build an island resort on an island that turned out to be sentient and didn’t like that much and yes, all of that happened and it was as funny as it sounds. Point is being a showman whose always on, always talking and always got a plan.. that’s Maxwell Fucking Lord, and Pascal’s over the top acting fits that kind of character like a glove. 
It also fits the film well: the film comes off more like a 2000′s superhero film, one that takes itself super seriously.. but is really, REALLY goofy in places. It honest to god feels like one of the Sam rami spider-man films, ones I REALLY need to revisit and the results of that you’ll likely see, but without the self awarness rami had.. for the first two I mean by the third with the whole saturday night fever sequence, he’d really lost it. Love the guy though, still need to watch Army of Darkness and yes you may boo me.  Point is the film is bonkers and cheesy and dosne’t realize it but Pascal does so he just.. has fun with it. His haminess when asking someone for a wish, his great ways of reversing those wishes so he benifits from the consequences, taking them off the board while furthring his own goals. Max is just.. awesome, and so is pascal. He got a life long fan in me from this performance. And of all people he took his inspriation from Nick Cage which is a perfect fit as Cage is fucking great at acting absolutely batshit while still acting his ass off. Pascal really deserves full credit for this film for more than just being lovingly over the top. He’s genuinely good.
And that shines through greatly in the climax. First off the final fight between Cheetah and Wonder Woman is awesome.. just one of the best superhero fights i’ve seen on film and i’ve seen some whoppers. Great back and forth, great coreography and brutal intensitiy the whole way through with Diana being forced to possibly kill Barbra despite not wanting to hurt her. Just a hell of one. But the real centerpice is the wish vortex. Pascal just drops all pretense and goes ultra instinct ham, just letting it all hang out as he ascneds to god hood... but how he’s beaten.. is easily the most brilliant part of the film and one of the few times Gal Godot genuinely gets to show off her talent in this one: Wonder Woman defeats the bad guy not with brute force, not that she can, or some cool fight.. though we did get the cool fight too so that’s nice.. she simply uses her head and her heart. She uses her head by taking advantage of the fact max is broadcasting to the world, as villians tend to, and giving his bogus offers to whoevers listneting. So Diana counters this.. by simply speakking from the heart, enrouging those watching not to give in and to renounce the wish.. so the consequences can be renounced too. Even if it’s hard, even if it costs you.. what your doing will cost others so much more. And she finsihses this by using the Lasso of Truth on max, making him tear down his delusions about himself and see that his actions, which have caused world war III by the way as he maniupated the president.. who for some reason was not Regan. While Regan was a bastard.. that’s exactly the reason I wanted hi mthere as this film would’ve been better had one of the parts of the climax been Diana fighting a 50 foot tall rouge ronald regan. Admit it you’d see that in theaters if it was safe to go. 
POint is max sees he’s only HURTING his son, that this is for HIM not for his boy.. and that if he dosen’t let this power go, if he dosen’t just accept a peaceful life and let the world spin the way it’s supposed to and not emplode jus tso he can be a god... his son will be gone. So he gives it up and goes back to his boy in a touching moment. Though for some reason his son somehow got from Max’s office to the middle of a fucking highway. How is he not dead? I dunno we’re almost done here. Point is max is easily the highlight of the film and the reason it’s not ALL horrible along with Barbra.  Final Thoughts: Wonder Woman 1984.. is a disapointment. What I thought would be an easy film of the year contender.. instead ended up being an ungodly mess with unfortunate implications, a messy slapped together plot and WAYYYYY too much filler. As I said it had it’ sbright spots especially max and barbra.. but hte ultimate product is WAYYYY less than Patty Jenkins is capable of and since a third film is apparently inevitible, I can only hope next time she learns from this and does better. Also get Pedro Pascal his own Justice League international series as Max’s grandson or something YESTERDAY. Seriously even people who didn’t like this film would love it and it’s not like he can’t do this between seasons of Mando. He did We Can Be Heroes for god’s sake.. which was somehow a better film than this one. I guess 2020 had to disapoint me one last time huh? Well we’re in a new year now... and hopefully the Suicide Squad won’t also be a huge diapointment. If you enjoyed this lnog rant on a movie from a week or two ago, follow me for more. I’m currently doing retrospectives on the life and times of scrooge mcduck, scott pilgrim, grant morrisons new x-men, and i’m soon going to finish up a Darkwing Duck one focusing on Just us Justice ducks. And once they come back this year I plan on reguarlly covering Ducktales, Loud House, Owl House, Amphibia, and Final Space. So keep an eye out for that and until then, Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye. 
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fencesandfrogs · 4 years
cloudtail’s daughter: jayfeather
alright, strap in, it's time for jayfeather. i've been holding it in on him for what feels like forever now; he's ya boy's favorite character
also, aside from dove and ivy, he's the character with the highest volume of changes to canon. even above cloudtail and brightheart, because they continue their lives, it's not a big deal. and lion and cinder go to the tribe, but like, that's it. (i'm figuring out if jay goes with them over the course of this essay. i think i said he did in holly? but he literally hasn't been mentioned once in that arc because there's a lot going on.) anyway lion and cinder don't get up to anything. but jay's priorities shift and we see that in his books. i'm really excited to write him but i need to finish arc 1 lmao.
but first, same deal as always. this is part of my cloudtail's daughter au, where dovekit and ivykit are born to cloudtail and brightheart. i don't know how well this will read preemptively, but i suspect it will be rather dependent on the others. cloudtail's daughter: dovewing and/or the long post that explains it are both good places to start, see the cloudtail's daughter tag on my blog.
[2.5k words, 14 minute read, one of the last warriors essays on this blog. i'm going to finish out with my character essays and then everything will be on new sideblog. so check out @mallowstep for more.]
section one: the leafpool business
at the beginning of this series, leafpool and jayfeather are on bad terms. they will stay on bad terms for basically the entirity of the book series. while one of my main complaints with po3/oots is the lack of acknowledgement of adoption, jayfeather has been lied to by his mother and his mentor, something neither hollyleaf or lionblaze have to contend with, and then his sister kills herself over it. obviously she doesn't, but from his perspective. so he blames leafpool because he was really close to hollyleaf and now she's gone, and it's his first real loss, and there's so much going on.
and so he's a grouch and he's unhappy and he's just trying to function when his whole support system has been dismantled over the course of what, like, a quarter moon? yeah so dovekit and ivykit are like "wow what a grouch he sucks" the same way they don't realize prey is dying of thirst & etc.
for the most part he's j chilling and then hollyleaf comes back and man is it some family drama. unfortunately it's postponed til book 4 because hollyleaf and jayfeather have journeys but anyway i'm getting ahead of myself, because this section should end and unlike the hollyleaf essay i want to actually have decent organization.
section two: hollyleaf is away (but jayfeather doesn't get to play)
holly, cinder, and dove go to deal with beavers. we only get jayfeather through lionblaze in the books, but jayfeather is...conflicted. he got his sister back and lost her again and oh i should say. i think jayfeather and hollyleaf are the closer pair of the siblings. not that they don't love lionblaze the same, but you know how cats pair bond? like, it's usually a trauma thing, but even in feral cats, you see very close friendships. anyway yeah so for other au's i've been sorting siblings n denmates into pairs for this purpose (mostly jaywing au because there's a lot re. dovepaw and jaypaw and remember they are reincarnated siblings they've got a close bond going.) and it's kind of...i don't know my point is jayfeather misses his sister because she's like, his best friend too. or she was. and then she died and now she's back and she left again, and lionblaze is more concerned about cinderheart, so jayfeather just comes off as grouchy all the time. but really he's lonely and sad.
so yeah, jayfeather is kind of moping around camp and then the tree falls and whoops now briarpaw/light is parapalegic.
and uhh this goes more or less as in canon but we don't get pov which is fine bc u can sub in canon. but jayfeather? he's still a sad boy but now he's a sad boy with purpose and that makes all the difference
yeah he's close with her. they're sweet. it's sweet. he's pressured by brambleclaw to take an apprentice. he's bristly and angry and "you're not my real father" you know?
beaver crew gets back. jayfeather, who had missed holly, is back to being angry for...angst and plot purpose, really.
but you know, when you love & miss someone and they leave and they come back and somehow that's worse because now they can leave you again? and you can't tell them you want them to stay because you're angry and hurt but you want them to stay? god i'm excited to write these chapters i love emotional turmoil.
he's protective of briarlight, he's trying to keep dovepaw from being a medicine cat, hollyleaf is apologizing but he's not ready to hear it and lionblaze and hollyleaf are beginning to reconnect and it feels like betrayal. so when cinderheart and lionblaze go to the tribe, he tags along. everyone, uh, strongly encourages he go. he is the big grouch.
section three: time travelling times
okay so the timeline for these books is...messy. if you track the chronology of my writing, it's messy. which is to say, i was thinking i could put forgotten warrior and distant whispers over the same time span, but that actually doesn't work, as i review my notes for FW because a big part of it is ivy and holly's relationship. so. fake news. whoops. that sucks.
or maybe it doesn't? idk i don't usually tell linear stories. i like messing with emotional impact of events. so writing 600k of very linear story telling is very not easy for me. but i'm trying.
right so basically the official order of events until i change my mind again is as follows (names abbreviated as DIHLJC because they're all unique): DCH returns from beavers, DILCJ go to tribe with some other random warrior undecided, J + rando return, JH start awkwardness (beginning of TFW, middle of DW), DILC return (end of DW), time travel stuff (middle to end of TFW). hopefully that was intelligble, but it is admittedly 85% for my own benefit.
alright so we've covered during beavers, now jayfeather and hmmmm let's say, uhhhh, let's say they go with, literally any interesting background character, uh, bumblestripe! he doesn't do anything in this au bumblestripe goes with them. also since his name starts w b i can still write DIHLJCB and have things be unambigious. and it means there are fewer bs in thunderclan and trust me you don't know how frustrating the existence of like 6 b characters is.
alright so we really have 3 sets of two pairs of cats here. maybe i won't go w bumblestripe, bc he doesn't have an existing relationship w jayfeather. i dunno. i'm a big fan of jay & briar, whether as a ship or just besties, but that's just out, and hollyleaf can't come a) because i said so and b) honestly maybe she can? actually wait hold on that solves my problems. hot damn so 6/6 of the pov cats go to the tribe and this will be one of the only times all six characters are plot relevant at the same time. but i'm going george r r martin on it and seperating the books not by time but into DICL + JH because they're two completely separate character arcs that happen to take place at the same time. (don't worry i'm going to resolve the fallen leaves thing. in this essay ig bc i've already covered hollyleaf.)
okay so yeah hollyleaf is sent bc jayfeather isn't planning on staying w tribe for long time. just short time. and he's all "firestar why"
"well jayfeather," firestar says, "you don't talk to your family."
"i talk to dovewing," jayfeather says
"you're not related to her," firestar says
"there's a whole prophecy about how i'm related to her," jayfeather says
"you know about that?" firestar says
and that's how the cat gets out of the bag.
so anyway. jayfeather and hollyleaf are sent because...hold on, spinning the wheel of reasons for a character to go on a field trip...because...because...because...because...jayfeather had one of those dreams. i don't know. rock or something. now he's going.
they get there, and this is where the books get a lil time wonky, bc jayfeather and hollyleaf stay for like a moon, during which jayfeather goes back in time. i think.
i haven't worked out the details and probably won't until i do an updated au synopsis because it's hard to keep track and i'm more concerned about character through lines. like, jayfeather does this and he feels sad, and hollyleaf is sad about her ghost boyfriend, and they're travelling back together, and hollyleaf is his sister and she doesn't make him feel like he needs protection and lionblaze is bad at that, and they start to talk again.
and yeah, they bond. again. it's kind of, on top of their old bond? like they don't repair anything, they bond like strangers. but it's not nothing, and that matters.
so jayfeather gets back, and we're moving into book five, and i don't remember when the last time i made a section break was or what number we're on, so...sorry.
section ???: old man yells at cloud
alright it's finally jayfeather's moment. you know, he's one of my favorite characters, and he only gets a book and a half. "but mateo," i hear you saying, "doesn't every character get a book and a half? and more importantly, 6x1.5 is 9, so how does every character get a book and a half?" well, yes, every character does, but dovewing and ivypool are relevant in books 1-3 and 6, cinderheart in 1-3 and 5, lionblaze in 1-3, and hollyleaf in 2-5 (and has a critical role in 1 and 6, just no character development), while jayfeather is just really essential to books 4-5, and has a background role in 3. that means he's about equal to lionblaze. he's equal to lionblaze. as far as the numbers go, i cannot tell you. it's a mystery.
right so the reason for this is because (a) jayfeather doesn't do that much in oots. i love him, but he's not, like, super important, and (b) he's going to work better in these books if he's concentrated. because his big theme is his relationship with hollyleaf and the past. they're both kind of stuck in it but in different ways. and that prevents them from ever properly healing. so jay never has a full arc in this. i mean he has a full arc, it's just not a satisfying one. and that means he's sort of got to be put in the containment units.
so anyway, he gets his real big moments in the fifth book, when he's reuniting starclan. i think this is one of the riskier decisions on my part: we'll see whether or not i can deliver on him the way i plan to. but i think i can pull it off so that his arc is more meaningful condensed as such.
right. so. jayfeather is decided. he is going to fix starclan. because dead cats need to get thier shit together and he dgaf.
he spends a decent amount of time arguing with yellowfang and bluestar, because basically no important cats have died. at least we're in omen of the stars so it still makes sense? i have no idea why yellow/blue are still so important. please kill more important cats. it makes us feel things.
but feathertail is also probably going to be involved, i don't know. i haven't read these books (specifically, books 4 and 5 of oots) in forever so i don't really remember what happens. but he's kind of, super done with everything. i think he'll probably try to get the support of mothwing and kestrelflight (which is canon i believe?) and try to work as a team. i feel like there's weirdness w shadowclan too i should sort out.
so yeah, there's some medicine cat bonding, everything is OK, sol is happening? but cinderheart is dealing with that. jayfeather is naturally very upset about disconnects with sol but like he's also dealing with stuff i...i really need to reread outcast and sign of the moon. well, they're on my list after "all of these fucking riverclan novels like why they don't show up in the main series but i still have to read a bunch to be able to write them that's not fair."
alright, well, with that very vague description of what happens, moving on, the prophecy gets revealed to the clans at a whole in like...the ending eighth of this book. trying to maximise the amount of exposure to other clans without messing with the pacing.
so jayfeather and undecided warrior B (definitively not hollyleaf) go to windclan. jayfeather is...very unhappy about this. he does not want to leave. thunderclan is his home, and he's blind, and it's really hard to adapt to a new space and he thinks everyone is going to treeat him badly.
and well, if you've read my culture posts, windclan is....very pro-medicine cats and pro-prophecy cats. funerals. mourning. prayer. is probably the best place to start, but to get to the meat of it, start with general clan culture. to summarize, windclan: religious. but kind of like catholics, they don't believe in an individual connection with starclan. only leaders, and medicine cats, and very rarely members of prophecies have a connection. so. jayfeather. he's twice over. that's very cool to windclan.
so cats are kind of falling over themselves to help him, and like. i mean jayfeather is a grouch and he hates that he needs someone to help him through the territory, but at least they don't treat it like a chore, or like he's pitiable. this is a desirable task. apprentices want to know about his powers. and kestrelflight is a respected part of the clan, arguably more important than onestar, and jayfeather has never really gotten over being shoved in the healer hole as a child like it was lesser or easier to be a medicine cat, and so it's a big change.
and yeah. so i mean. an unobservant reader might say jayfeather has sufficient ego. he does not need stroking. they, of course, would be wrong.
jayfeather has a complex, but it's not an ego issue. he's...he's been denied everything he's wanted, and he's jaded, and weary, and he's never really believed that his clan views him as able and equal. in canon, at present, he's lost almost every cat he's every cared about. alderheart is his strongest remaining tie, and his fear at losing him, but willingness to let him leave, is very telling.
so yeah, jayfeather enjoys being accepted. anyone would. he doesn't really have confidence issues, but....argh. i know why this is good i swear it'll come out in the writing.
anyway, that's...that's pretty much it. jayfeather? done.
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snowtimeisbesttime · 4 years
Thoughts and questions on Hiveswap Act 2– Part 1.
**DISCLAIMER** I haven't played through the entire game yet! I got to the intermission in the whole trial thingy, and will continue tomorrow! Therefore, I Am Not Looking at anything yet, only posting. I'll probably come back and edit this once I've actually finished the game.
-Did the default names for Xefros & Dammek's lusii change?? I loaded my Act 1 save, and I'm sure they had their default names (Zoosmell and Cornibuster) there, though I'm also pretty sure i accidentally unlocked the “name the lusii” achievement on that save by clicking on the text windows without actually changing their names so... Dammek's lusus is called Toothy now i guess?
-On that note, if Xefros' lusus died I'm going to fucking scream. Even though I'm pretty sure we've barely seen him on screen since like the end of Act 1 but Regardless.
-We see Charun's cave, and it turns out they were neighbours with Zebede all this time, but they're nowhere to be seen at the train?? unless they grabbed an earlier one... Charun did get a death flag the size of the pacific ocean, when interacting with their weird sculpture with a lot of legs and arms surrounding a mouth, but Zebede's just gone without a trace? The bees are gone and there's a hole in the side of his hive, but his lusus doesn't seem to be particularly upset? And neither is Charun's, assuming that huge bug near the cave is their lusus. (Idarat the canon fantroll #3 doesn't appear at the train either, but that's probably for the same reason there aren't any jade or teal background characters: to keep the court scene neat)
-The drones are supposed to be en route to the station, supposedly to fix the ticket machines but probably to cull whoever tripped the alarm on them... i sure hope they don't follow the train or anything orz
-Mostly everyone seems to resemble their respective Friendsims, more or less:
Fozzer appears to be scratched still, yet more philosophical. Also he's not in the train either.
Folykl seems just a touch friendlier than in her friendsim (and Kuprum's still just as hyped about becoming a helmsman as before, even if he seems to know more details about it now).
Chixie's more anxious, probably because it seems she's been doing stuff as The Mask for a while now, and she's going to fuck shit up at Jeevik Week. She says she's not alone in that, and considering it's apparently confirmed that the random troll from her good end Was Dammek all this time... is she also actively in the rebellion? Also is it just me or does her sprite look somewhat scribblier than everyone else's? Even the background characters??
Elwurd's pretty much the same, and it does seem her flirting with Joey was mostly to try and get her to buy something. Also... if her fake tickets were so good, why didn't she just use them, instead of giving them to Joey and Xefros? Like, I get Marvus and Boldir Knowing Stuff, but her?
Zebruh's paying attention to Marvus instead of Chixie, which. Small mercies. He's still a dick, and we're still doing the whole “clowns are peak oppressed” thing.
Marvus seems to still be perfectly nice to the main characters, and perfectly willing to let other people die in order to help them advance (getting Zebruh to sign up for Slam or Get Culled, Daraya if you fuck up in the trial thing, Hopefully Not Any More Cases...) He is helping Tyzias out with her defensive legislaceration experiments, though, and basically everyone who isn't Joey seems to think he might flip his shit and murder someone, as clowns do. At least people don’t seem to lose their minds around him anymore.
Vikare's basically the same, but Joey immediately picks up on his Jake Vibes and instinctively dislikes him.
Diemen eats people???????? as in, actively????????? wtf?????????
Skylla seems to be pretty much the same, but she's obviously worried because Ladyy's sick!! God I fucking hope we do get to help her out before the end of the game.
Marsti's also friendlier than she was in her volume, though I remember MSPAR was particularly prone to sticking their foot in their mouth in that one.
Cirava's surprisingly more trusting than they were in their volume (and also, their eye's light green and not teal). Also, apparently they gouged their other eye out on stream?????? as in live???? besides that, good to see not All of the powerful psionics get succesfully indoctrinated.
Polypa's also rather willing to help out, though we still don't know what the heck happened to her.
Boldir's suitably mysterious, and probably also involved with the rebellion... she does call Xefros “burgundy figurehead”.
Konyyl and Azdaja are still having relationship stuffs, but in the end they clearly care the most about each other. (he still doesn't seem to give a fuck about helm stuffs so far?) The question is, who exactly were they hunting down??
The jades and the teals are basically the same as their Friendsim incarnations, as far as I've seen. The one major change to the jades (besides jade lore which i'll discuss further down) seems to be that hatched2dance is now one of the biggest reasons for their fights, and Bronya does get a crunchy bit of Backstory (the jade from her past that got culled because of the Rainbow Hemotions saga, which is also the reason she's so hard on Daraya now)
On the teals, Stelsa and Tyzias seem to have a teensy bit of quadrant vacillation going on?? Tirona seems to be more focused on becoming a history revisionist than a memeagandist now, and it would also seem that Tegiri's the one into vampires now (or at least, Tagora's better at hiding it And a lot better at not getting involved with the whole mess that is whatever the heck the jades are doing)
-Psionics can have single-colored eyes!! tbh we'd already seen this back in Tegiri's route in Friendsim but it's good to Actually See it visually.
-Also, nice to see that Xefros *can* go toe to toe with the strongest psionic we know in all of Hiveswap! (95% sure that I've seen someone theorize something like this might happen?? I personally wasn't expecting it here but anyways Xefros you're doing amazing sweetie) What's not so nice is that he's only shown this strength when Azdaja hurt Joey (as far as i've played of course)... so unless he like unlocks his potential or something so he can do Big Psychics without seeing his friends get hurt beforehand we're in for some Angst.
-Also if Marvus got his ticket from Cridea (and Chixie won hers in like a raffle or something) then why couldn't she have given Xefros and Dammek some?? like, Dammek's been to one Jeevik Week already. Fiamet also told her about Joey, but by then they were already in the train.
-Me: Xefros' microphone's going to be important in act 2! Also me: *has to give it to fucking Zebruh to get his ticket*. Oh well, that's one thing for the Second Playthrough of Achievement Getting (plus: wearing the cone horns, having Joey introduce herself to Boldir, getting through the whole ace attorney segment without game overs...)
-We get the Quadrant Explanation #1000, sans auspisticism.
-It's vaguely implied that Dammek has also read some Soldier Purrbeasts books?? He's told Xefros the whole “death creates a bond deeper than matespritship or kismessisitude” thing, apparently! So if he's not secretly into troll warrior cats then. That sentence's more than mildly worrying??
-JADEBLOOD LOREDUMP PART THE NTEENTH: Okay first of all it's implied that More cloisters exist? Which in retrospect is pretty much obvious because you can't expect only six trolls to take care of All the troll grubs in existence. Also, the reason jades can't sneak out of the caverns anymore is “because they get Drone'd”, and it seems to be implied that they Can't go out At All*, which kinda contrasts with Friendsim (where literally all the jades snuck out of the caverns at least once: Lanque, Daraya and Wanshi in their own routes, Lynera in Vol 18, and Bronya in Vols 6 & 18). One of their tasks seems to be guarding Forbidden Literature, and Xefros states that they either cull or indoctrinate the most powerful psychic grubs.
-It's also stated that all of our jades were chosen for the cloister when they were basically wrigglers, while Lynera states in Friendsim that she's only been 2,43 sweeps in the caverns. (Considering Bronya's new backstory, it seems that capability to become a rainbow drinker ISN'T the qualifying factor for getting cloistered– depending on how exactly that jade died). It comes to mind that regular, non-cloistered jades might not really know about all these logistics, as it seems that at least Bronya wants to keep them secret– and therefore I don't have to go back and re-rewrite yet another chunk of Mirrorbent orz.
-Lastly, Xefros says they will all become nuns (btw, space church was mentioned in Lanque's route!) when they reach their Ordeals, and we already knew they'd be forced to live in isolation from Friendsim, but during the ace attorney thingy Lynera says she's NOT going to leave the planet because she'll become a midwife and tend to the Mother Grub (basically what we all thought jadebloods did back when we only had the ancestor stuff on Homestuck)... but either Daraya or Lanque told her that they weren't real? So either there's more jade propaganda that we didn't know about, or...
-*The one exception to this is, coincidentally, Jeevik Week, and it's apparently because Trizza herself made it so jades could go too, 3 or 4 sweeps before Hiveswap... why's that? What's so important about Jeevik Week that Trizza would do this? Iirc Cridea and Trizza were sort of set up as opposing forces (?? words), all the way back from the first bunch of concept arts we saw of them? The first thing we learnt from Trizza was that she was the “second best at memes”, and on Cridea's first appearance, when troll twitter was still Prongle, she said that some chick was stealing her memes... and now, Cridea has exactly one follower less than Trizza, who everyone in Alternia's forced to follow... would that person be the heiress herself?
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Manga the Week of 3/3/21
SEAN: March comes in like a lion with a pile of new manga, though sadly none of them are March Comes in Like a Lion. Get on that, Viz.
MICHELLE: Seriously!
ASH: Right??
SEAN: Airship debuts a new light novel with Drugstore in Another World: The Slow Life of a Cheat Pharmacist (Cheat Kusushi no Slow Life ~ Isekai ni Tsukurou Drugstore ~). It’s getting an anime in the summer, and gets an early digital release next week. Our hero reincarnates in a fantasy world with a potion maker ability, and treats various folks, including a werewolf girl who falls for him.
ASH: I’m largely isekai-ed out, but this variation intrigues me.
SEAN: Ghost Ship, meanwhile, has the 5th and final volume of Saki the Succubus Hungers Tonight.
J-Novel Club has a lot of new print titles. The debut is Seirei Gensouki: Spirit Chronicles, which is coming out as 2-volume omnibuses.
Also in print: An Archdemon’s Dilemma 10, I Shall Survive Using Potions! 4, Infinite Dendrogram 11, and Marginal Operation 5.
On the digital side we get Altina the Sword Princess 7, the 5th manga volume of Demon Lord, Retry!, How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom 13, I Shall Survive Using Potions! 6, Marginal Operation 6, and the 3rd manga volume for The Unwanted Undead Adventurer.
In print, Kodansha Comics has Hitorijima My Hero 9 and Wave, Listen to Me! 5.
MICHELLE: I enjoy both of these for utterly different reasons.
ANNA: I’m so behind on Wave, Listen to Me!
ASH: I’m looking forward to catching up, myself!
SEAN: The digital debut is Araki Won’t Be Tamed (Araki-kun wa Kai Narasenai), a Dessert title about a young woman whose older sister is a famous actress. Now a famous actor declares his love for her… no, not her sister, her! She doesn’t buy this, but he’ll do anything to convince her… even be her pet. YMMV was invented for series like these.
MICHELLE: Yeeeeah.
ASH: We shall see!
SEAN: All-Rounder Meguru comes to an end with its 19th volume. There’s also The Invincible Reincarnated Ponkotsu 4, My Dearest Self with Malice Aforethought 2, My Sweet Girl 12, Smile Down the Runway 18, and the 4th and final volume of Star⇄Crossed!!.
MICHELLE: At some point I should check back in with My Sweet Girl and see how it’s going.
SEAN: Seven Seas debuts the Berserk of Gluttony manga, based on the light novel. The story of a boy who gains people’s skills when he kills them, it runs in Comic Ride.
There’s also the 3rd and final Who Says Warriors Can’t Be Babes?.
Digitally, Seven Seas has the first four volumes of Alice in the Country of Clover: Cheshire Cat Waltz, which features Boris, and was one of the better series of the endless spinoffs.
ASH: I really liked this particular spinoff.
Viz has, as usual for the first week of the month, a lot of stuff. The first debut is a spinoff, Dr. Stone Reboot: Byakuya. Not an actual reboot but a prequel to the main series, showing us what actually happened with Senku’s father.
The second debut is also a spinoff, My Hero Academia: Team Up Missions. It runs in Saikyou Jump, a magazine devoted to spinoffs of Jump titles, and features the cast of Class 1-A teaming up with various pro heroes.
MICHELLE: I will read this, but I’d be ridiculously excited if this was Class 1-B doing the teaming up!
SEAN: And we also get: Daytime Shooting Star 11, Dragon Ball Super 12, Haikyuu!! 43, Love Me, Love Me Not 7, My Hero Academia: Vigilantes 9, Naruto: Shikamaru’s Story (yes, I know, it got bumped), Oresama Teacher 28, Queen’s Quality 11, Skip Beat! 45, Snow White with the Red Hair 12, Spy x Family 4, and Twin Star Exorcists 21. I’m getting over half that list.
MICHELLE: Big same. I’m, of course, especially excited for a new volume of Skip Beat!.
ANNA: Tons of good stuff, I agree any week with Skip Beat! is a good week.
ASH: I agree – a really good Viz week!
SEAN: A lot of Yen’s February light novels got bumped to this week, making them March light novels. We get Banished from the Hero’s Party, I Decided to Love a Quiet Life in the Countryside 2, A Certain Magical Index SS 2, Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody 13, Re: Zero 15 (which ends the 4th arc), A Sister’s All You Need 9, and Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online 8.
On the Yen Press side, there’s two debuts. Do You Like the Nerdy Nurse? (Hokenshitsu no Otaku Onee-san wa Suki Desu ka?), a seinen title from Shogakukan’s Yawaraka Spirits. The school nurse is gorgeous… but also a massive otaku, as one student finds out. Can he get her to fall in love with non-fictional people? This is a done-in-one omnibus.
Yen also has the manga adaptation of the Solo Leveling novel.
Lastly, there’s the 2nd volume of Sword Art Online’s manga adaptation of Project: Alicization.
What title catches your eye?
By: Sean Gaffney
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theskyrimlibrary · 4 years
Table of Contents
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Here is a full list of the books I’ve collected so far and will be adding to this blog. If there’s one you’d like to see before the others, let me know because right now, I’m just choosing at random.
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2920, morning star, v1
2920, sun's dawn, v2
2920, first seed, v3
2920, rain’s hand, v4
2920, second seed, v5
2920, sun's height, v7
2920, last seed, v8
2920, hearth fire, v9 
2920, sun’s dusk, v11
2920, evening star, v12
a children's anuad
a dance in fire, v1
a dance in fire, v3 
a dance in fire, v4
a dance in fire, v5
a dance in fire, v6
a dance in fire, v7
a dream of sovngarde
a game at dinner
a gentleman's guide to whiterun
a hypothetical treachery
a kiss, sweet mother
a minor maze
a tragedy in black
advances in lockpicking
aedra and daedra 
ahzirr traajijazeri
aicantar’s lab journal
alduin is real
alva’s journal 
an explorer's guide to skyrim 
ancestors and the dunmer
annals of the dragonguard
antecedants of dwemer law
arcana restored 
argonian account, book 1
argonian account, book 2
argonian account, book 3
argonian account, book 4
arvel's journal
azura and the box
battle of red mountain
battle of sancre tar
before the ages of man 
beggar prince
biography of barenziah v1
biography of barenziah v2
biography of barenziah v3
brief history of the empire v1 
brief history of the empire v2
brief history of the empire v3
brief history of the empire v4
butcher journal 
butcher journal #1 
butcher journal #2  
catalogue of armor enchantments
cats of skyrim 
chance's folly
charwich-koniinge letters, v1
charwich-koniinge, v2
children of the sky
chronicles of nchuleft 
cook’s journal
darkest darkness
daynas valen’s notes 
death blow of abernanit
death of a wanderer
dunmer of skyrim
dwarves, v1
dwarves, v2
dwarves, v3
dwemer history and culture
dwemer inquiries vol.i
dwemer inquiries vol.ii
dwemer inquiries vol.iii
effects of the elder scrolls
enchanter’s primer
fall from glory
fall of the snow prince 
father of the niben 
feyfolken i
feyfolken ii
feyfolken iii
fisherman’s journal
forge, hammer and anvil
frontier, conquest
galerion the mystic
gallus’s encoded journal
ghosts in the storm
gods and worship
great harbringers [✓]
guide to better thieving
hamelyn’s journal
hargar’s journal
harvesting frostbite spider venom
have need of cynric
herbalist's guide to skyrim
herbane's bestiary: hagravens
herbane’s bestiary: ice wraiths
holdings of jarl gjalund
horker attacks
ice and chitin
immortal blood
imperial report on saarthal
incident at necrom
invocation of azura
journal of wyndelius gatharian
killing - before you're killed
king olaf’s verse 
kodlak’s journal [✓]
kolb & the dragon
last scabbard of akrash
legend of krately house
life of uriel septim vii
light armor forging
liminal bridges
lost legends
lycanthropic legends of skyrim
mace etiquette
magic from the sky
margret’s journal 
mixed unit tactics
mysterious akavir
mystery of talara v1
mystery of talara v2
mystery of talara v3
mystery of talard v5
mythic dawn commentaries 1 
mythic dawn commentaries 2 
mythic dawn commentaries 3 
myths of sheogorath
n’gasta! kvata! kvakis!
night falls on sentinel 
nightingales: fact or fiction?
nords arise!
nords of skyrim [✓]
notes on the lunar forge
ode to the tundrastriders
of crossed daggers
of fjori and holgeir
olaf and the dragon
on oblivion
on the great collapse
orsinium and the orcs
palla, volume 1
palla, volume 2
pension of the ancestor moth
physicalities of werewolves
pirate king of the abecean
proper lock design
purloined shadows
racial phylogeny
red eagle’s rite
report: disaster at lonith
riften home decorating guide
rising threat vol.i
rising threat vol.ii
rising threat vol.iii
rising threat vol.iv
rislav the righteous
ruins of kemel-ze
ruminations of the elder scrolls
scourge of the gray quarter
shalidor’s insights 
shezarr and the divines
short history of morrowind
skorm snow-strider’s journal 
song of hrormir
song of the askelde men
songs of skyrim: revised
songs of the return vol.2
songs of the return vol.7
songs of the return vol.19
songs of the return vol.24
songs of the return vol.56
souls, black and white
sovngarde: a reexamination
spirit of nirn 
surfeit of thieves
thalmor dossier: delphine
thalmor dossier: esbern
thalmor dossier: ulfric stormcloak
the adabal-a
the aetherium wars
the alduin/akatosh dichotomy
the amulet of kings 
the arcturian heresy
the armorer's challenge
the bear of markarth
the beginner’s guide to homesteading
the black arrow, v1
the black arrow, v2
the black arts on trial
the book of daedra 
the book of the dragonborn [✓]
the buying game
the cabin in the woods
the cake and the diamond
the city of stone
the code of malacath
the doors of oblivion
the dowry
the dragon break
the dragon war
the exodus
the falmer: a study
the firmament
the firsthold revolt
the gold ribbon of merit
the great war
the holds of skyrim
the hope of the redoran
the importance of where
the legend of red eagle
the legendary sancre tor
the lunar larkhan
the lusty argonian maid, v1
the lusty argonian maid, v2
the “madmen” of the reach
the madness of pelagius
the marksmanship lesson
the mirror
the monomyth
the oblivion crisis
the pig children
the ransom of zarek
the real barenziah, v1
the real barenziah, v2
the real barenziah, v3
the real barenziah, v4
the real barenziah, v5
the rear guard
the red kitchen reader
the rise and fall of the blades
the seed
the song of pelinal, v1
the song of pelinal, v2
the song of pelinal, v3
the song of pelinal, v4
the song of pelinal, v5
the song of pelinal, v6
the song of pelinal, v7
the song of pelinal, v8
the tale of dro'zira
the talos mistake
the third era timeline
the wild elves
the windhelm letters
the wispmother
the wolf queen, v2
the wolf queen, v3
the wolf queen, v4
the wolf queen, v5
the wolf queen, v6
the wolf queen, v7
the woodcutter’s wife 
thief of virtue
three thieves
treasure map iv
trials of st. alessia
troll slaying
twin secrets
uncommon taste
venarus vulpin’s journal
venarus vulpin’s research
vernaccus and bourlor
walking the world, vol xi
watcher of stones
whiterun home decorating guide
words and philosophy
words of clan mother ahnissi
wraith’s wedding dowry
yellow book of riddles
yngol and the sea-ghosts
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kalunfinch · 5 years
Arcana ships
Volta x Vulgora: 2
•why are they always together?
•I like them as a bittersweet pairing. Cause they bicker a lot and Volta is really sensitive
•food fight date
Volta x Nadia: 3
•Volta totally has a crush on Nadia
•”She always gives me good food”-Volta
•the other courtiers practically BEG her to put her crush on Nadia to the side.
•Volta is fiercely loyal
•I feel like Volta’s old age and experience could bear a lot of wisdom
Muriel x Julian:
•Muriel only dislikes Julian because he’s loud. I feel like Julian would be able to understand this. They could make it work out. Build each other up. Definitely a slow burn.
•both great with kids imo
•Julian doctors them
•Julian tries so hard to get Muriel to like him omg.
•he also doesn’t like MC at first sooo... it could work out potentially
Nadia x Muriel:
•Regal vs homy
•showing each other the way that they live their lives and getting a better understanding of the world because of it
•drink tea together
•support Vesuvian artists together
•minds his boundaries
•build each other’s confidence
•definitely gives this touch starved boy some affection
•they would raise the most amazing heir to the throne
•she has more than enough family to replace the one that Muriel never got and her sisters are thrilled
•comfort each other
•together they can be less weighed down by their pasts
Portia x Muriel:
•Portia being fiercely supportive of Muriel
•she’d convince him that it’s okay to use his strength
•their lifestyles match the best out of anyone in the game making them affectively the most domestic couple
•Portia is so observant of Muriels feelings
•their children would be SO well rounded
•just imagine them bumping into each other several times and Portia being like “I can’t wait to see him again he seems interesting” only to forget him each time
•just Muriel as a dad
•they want a future
•stay at home dad
•probably only one kid because birth is a bitch
•would pamper Portia so much after a long day
•so fucking wholesome
•she would LOVE to see his fighting skills
•I want them to play fight it’d be so cute. Muriel let’s Portia win just cuz
Nadia x Julian:
•both very physically affectionate
•Nadia kinda treated MC as a pet and Julian is subby af soo it kinda just works
•support each other in their endeavors. Julian supports her tinkering and Nadia supports his experiments
•make Julian a blushy mess
•also, Julian is so thoughtful and gave her a Netipot to help with her congestion and they would be so great
•connected to the people more and Julian definitely knows and can make ideas to help impoverished areas
•Julian knows about the crime that goes on in the city and he could probably help work out a way so that less people get hurt without restricting the rights of the people
•always checking in on each other making sure they don’t overwork and overwhelm themselves and they both now how to wind down 😏
Asra x Julian:
•not one of my favorites but as confirmed exes this ship is a worthy mention
•very playful relationship I feel like
•much more sexual than a lot of other ships
•expand each other’s understanding of the world
•keeps Julian from overworking
•with the flashback of talking about how “Julian has it all wrong MC is my one true love” it makes me feel really weird like Asra is using him.
•kinda tainted by the fact that I don’t like Asra
•but hey. Julian IS a masochist and Asra sees no problem giving him what he wants.
•Asra probably feels guilty after a long kinky night. Julian would be wonderful at aftercare
•showing Julian a whole new world. Also, is it just me or does Julian have ADHD I know he has issues with volume control and oooo buddy so do I
•honestly, I can’t see it working with Asra’s best friend and boyfriend being unable to get along
Portia x Nadia:
•everyone is already 1000% on board with this one but I’m gonna cover it anyway
•best friends to lovers is GREAT
•they will do amazing running the kingdom together. They’re both so highly respected and aghdjbs
•Portia will make it so much easier for Nadia to remember the people
•OMG I JUST REALIZED Portia hasn’t met Nadias birb! Omg! She would LOVE to give her treats and play with her
•explore the world together
•I want them to take each other to their homelands
Muriel x Asra:
•very quiet
•best friends to lovers
•They wouldn't have kids and they’re both fine with that
•they understand each other and talk things out and they’re healthy and wholesome!
•they would babysit Nadia and Portia’s kids
•self care TREAT YO SELF
•yassss spoil Inana Asra!!!!
•bruh Inana and Faust are galpals
•they spoil their pets together
Portia x Asra:
•honestly, I would feel so betrayed if they were together
•I wanted Portia T~T
•how dare y’all be so cute and wholesome
•it starts as mutual respect and evolves
•Portia learns how to use magic
•Mazelinka teaches Portia stuff too
•Mazelinka would be so proud and would love her new kid/son in law
•Portia would LOVE the adventure into magical realms with Asra
•Asra is best cat-dad
•Portia and Faust snuggling
•I love them together
Asra x Nadia:
•I don’t get it
•but! I’m all about those *rare pairs*
•Asra would LOVE all the outfits feeling so secure in the neutral clothing
•loves to make grand entrances to spook the guards
•now the government has royalty on its side
•Asra would trust Nadia to tell them if there was ever anything wrong
•spa day! Would LOVE to pamper each other
•they respect each other so much and I absolutely adore their banter
Lucio x Julian:
•doesn’t work with the canon
•Julian just ain’t into Lucio darling
•But~ I love entertaining these ship ideas.
•Nadia is going to keep the throne so if Lucio got his body back another way Julian could show him life from his perspective
•they face their mistakes together and learn that they don’t have to hate themselves to atone for them
•Build each other up!
•the two least magical idiots in love how... magical!
•tripping over each other because they both wanna be the knight in shining armor
Volta x Muriel:
•smol and large
•both believe themselves to be monstrous
•embrace the gluttony
•affectionate couple
•both shy
•Volta clings on and they grow affectionate towards one another
Nadia x Valerius:
•apologizes and confesses feelings for Nadia
•wine and tea
•he improves as a person
•bond over their terrible shared ex
•they learn together to let their guard down even in front of those they lead
•you don’t always have to be regal and refined
Nahara x Julian:
•honestly I just want Nahara to become a Devorak
•fight and sail together
Nahara x Portia:
•y’all know that thing
•warriors through and through
•travel everywhere
•honestly not the types to settle down
Julian x Natiqa:
•I just like their banter
•they’d get into so much trouble together
Nazali x Julian:
•they really respect each other
•maybe bad ship with the age gap butI think it’d be wholesome
•I guess I like Julian and royalty ships 🤷‍♂️
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CYBERVERSE WATCH: S3 Episode 17, 18, 19, 20
Episode 17
Oh nooo Windblade u good??? LASERBEAK AND WINDBLADE OMG!!!
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Beaky please don’t peck my girl (that is kinda cute though)
Windblade she isn’t a pest!!!
Laserbeak watches her fly off like “I get no respect and no thanks???”
HECK YEAH GET THEM FLIERS!!! Jetfire please be careful bud, Starscream has some old beef with you
The only downside to knowing all these characters and getting excited about cameos is it’s that many times more likely that a character I like will die 8(
Megatron, a million universes away: My “Optimus is in trouble” and “Starscream is being a menace” senses are tingling, gotta go back to Cybertron
FRICK that was a cool entrance
Oh man what happened to his eye--HOLY FRICK HE LOOKS HOT
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Oh my gosh when Starscream started to say “You’re too late to save your--” for one very frightful minute I thought he was going to say something about Optimus like “partner” or something and I felt every muscle in my body tense up lmao, I should’ve known better but RATS
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Starscream you’ve sentenced them like five thousand times what’s new about this OH RIGHT I FORGOT ABOUT THAT GLOB STUFF
Starscream: NO ONE CAN STOP ME *CUTS TO WINDBLADE* wanna bet nerd
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I LOVE my beautiful girl
Oh that is some nasty looking Quintesson tech
Uh oh u good Windblade???
Croaton can you please slap Starscream out of the sky before you leave it’d save us a lot of time
Aw man I wonder what Megatron saw that made him sorta regret the stuff with Starsc
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Ok but what the heck did Astrotrain do???
If you get along with someone you don’t like the universe probably won’t end pfft, thanks Kup
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Megatron please take his hand :(((
IM LOSING IT MEGATRON REALLY IS A HUGE KID *takes out a piece of chalk and draws a line between them* this is MY side of Cybertron, this is yours
guess galavanting through space didn’t change him TOO much
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Guhhh these opposing sides shots always break my heart I WISH THEY COULD OVERCOME THEIR DIFFERENCES AND BE FRIENDS AGAIN SOMEHOW....
Dang Astrotrain is HUGE compared to the rest of the bots, I wonder what he looks like in bot mode
SO MUCH HAPPENED IN THAT EPISODE (and I had to take a break in the middle of it) I FORGOT I STILL HAD THREE LEFT thank the stars
I genuinely can't believe Megatron essentially drew a line between him and Optimus and went "This side of Cybertron is MINE, the other side is yours" 
*cue shenanigans of Autobot and Decepticon buddies trying to secretly cross the line to visit their friends in the other faction* 
gosh fanfic always depicts Megatron and Optimus sneaking around meeting each other for smoochies I'd LOVE to see their subordinates being the ones doing the sneaking around while Megatron and Optimus are just like "GUYS....". Fingers crossed for the next episode!
Episode 18
oh my gosh they actually built a wall
Well it took all of 30 seconds to confirm my theory lmao man I frickin love this show
Man I can’t believe how quickly they beat the Quintessons, I REALLY THOUGHT THE AUTOBOTS AND DECEPTICONS UNITING AGAINST THEM WOULD BE THE BIG SEASON FINALE I’m thrown for a loop now lol
ew those colors remind me of Sentinel Prime I hope that’s not him
PRIMA???? OH?????
Grand Imperium?????
Omg did Rack’nRuin switch sides too? I thought they were Decepticons
Croaton city!!!
But where is Soundwave!!!!!
I’m with you Bee, those insects are creepy
“And WHO rescued you from that tyrant” OH??? ANOTHER UNIVERSE’S MEGATRON MAYHAPS???
“I must know if the barrier holds!” OH!!!! Oh no is the final battle gonna be against all the other universe’s people who Megatron burned as he gallivanted through the multiverse??? I SURE HOPE SO
Gosh not to be predictable but that new armor looks so frickin good on Megatron
“During wartime, decision-making came so easily” MAN....THAT HURTS.....
oh he’s looking for Windblade!!!
“I know better than ANYONE what it’s like to be left broken on the battlefield. I did what I could” MY HEART JUST SWELLED THREE SIZES FOR SHADOW STRIKER....I LOVE HER....(ALSO THAT HURT)
Bee it REALLY seems like you should’ve had a plan / backup team for this!!!
Wow that wall does a crummy job of keeping out fliers
Thank you Whirl
SKYWARP!!! (I say while being super scared for my faves)
Whoa Megatron actually backed down
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Episode 19
Ohhh are we gonna get to see Caminus??????
omg they’re gonna have to collect Windblade’s mind like they collected Bee’s memories
Chromia that doesn’t sound too convincing (you’re super cute though so I forgive you)
IT”S A  JET!?!??!
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OHHH mirror selves!!! Scary but pretty!!
My first thought was “Someone got their Warriors Cat oc into Transformers” and that cracked me up
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I like this dude but something tells me they’re gonna have to fight / kill him later
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Bee’s smile is so cute!!
lmao nice lore-speak Chromia
They should just blast through the walls of the maze
“That sounds like a nightmare” “Scrap that!” THEYRE SO CUTE omg way to break the rules you two
oh shoot many crystal windblades
I love the little “tink tink tink” sounds her feet make
Just her arm???? Jeez louise are the rest of the episodes gonna be about collecting Windblade?
Oh it’s Thunderhound
Optimus is just like “PLEASE leave me alone”
Petition for Optimus Prime to just get a frickin vacation
Episode 20
Man I’m so sad this series is almost over
Everyone in Mac’s bar without Mac..... :( Cute to see Percy as the bartender though
Man Cyberverse is so frickin weird, I love this cartoon
Oh there’s my boy Soundwave
Megatron looks so cute...
“This is Autobot territory! You can’t--oh guess you can” pfft
I can’t believe Transformers is a western now
Optimus is the sheriff around these parts lol
Aw man Optimus JUST put that thing in there
WILDWHEEL? Oh my bad, guess that’s not Wheeljack
“No one ever tried to find me” :(((( I wonder how many other bots felt that way
“I was one of the good guys! But you left me on that planet!” OW....
Pretty terrible shot Wild Wheel
OH NO....Innocent civilian got hurt, now Optimus is serious
Wild Wheel Optimus has been through a WAR your cowboy training aint gonna cut it
WELL THAT WAS A. WEIRD EPISODE. ALRIGHTY THEN I can’t wait to see how Wild Wheel is going to pop up in future episodes
Me: haha evil cowboy robot Wild Wheel: I felt abandoned because no one searched for me and I was forced to do horrible things in order to find my way home Me, tears streaming down my face: Haha....cowboy robot
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makiema · 5 years
I was tagged by @yozokai to do this. Thank you for the tag <3
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 10 followers you’d like to get to know better!
Name? Alice
Birth Year? 2001
Sign? Taurus
Height? 157cm (*cries*)
Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first four songs:
Marigold- Aimyon
Memories- Panic! At The Disco
Mama- My Chemical Romance
Someone to Stay- Vancouver Sleep Clinic
Grab the nearest book, turn to page 23. What’s the 17th line? “members met for the first time in their lives.”
Ever had a song or poem written about you? haha, yeah
When was the last time you played air guitar? when I heard about the MCR reunion and played their songs on full volume for the rest of the day xD
Celebrity Crushes? I have so many omg um Jennifer Aniston, Anne Hathaway, Johny Depp, Leonardo di Caprio, Louis Hoffman, Joji, Troye Sivan, Halsey, Zendaya, Ruby Rose, Julia Roberts, Sharon Stone...jkdkskdk im stopping here because the list could go on forever. 
What’s a sound you hate? Any shrill ones Love? Baby Yoda’s coos and cat purrs 🥺💞
Do you believe in ghosts? i used to for the longest time but got over it around last year. 
Do you believe in aliens? yeah ;-;
Do you drive? nah
Last book you read? The Outsider - Albert Camus
Do you like the smell of gasoline? Yep
Last movie you saw? Frozen 2
Do you have any obsessions right now? Snk and baby yoda 🥺
Do you tend to hold grudges? too tired for that
Are you in a relationship? nope
Further tagging: @marley-warriors-of-demon-blood @nakamatoo @yourlocalcookiemonster @jaegerists @fivefootab-i-tch @prince-rivailles @hunnymz @erensjaegerbombs @safflora and anyone else who wanna do this <3
There’s no pressure on the tagged ones! ^^
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mystech-master · 5 years
RWBY Shadows
To go with my BBTAG stuff, I wanted to think of what kinds of Shadows the RWBY characters could get. I will not be thinking of Personas though because that also depends on other factors, and also some characters might continue to reject their Shadow and thus not get Personas, like Mitsuo did.
I’m taking the characters from their Vol 2-3 timeline as shown in BBTAG
Blake Belladonna
Seems appropriate to start this off with the girl who’s theme is called “From Shadows”
There are two things I have in mind for Blake, but one of them is kind of solved by Vol 2′s ending and Vol 3′s beginning.
1. Blake being worried that her status as a traitor to the White Fang might result in her new friends being dragged into her mess and being killed. It’s what she was so stressed about during the Dance arc in Vol 2. But on one hand, in Vol 3′s beginning she was very much more chill and Oz and everyone assumed that the Breach was the big evil plan, but on the other hand even with Roman captured Adam is still out there.
2. and this is more headcanony. Blake is more like Adam than she thinks. THis comes from 3 ideas: 1. In BBTAG her Astral is VERY much like Adam’s Moonslice, 2. Her and Yang killing Adam in Volume 6′s climax, and 3. a little oneshot idea ft. Blake and Kokonoe where Kokonoe calls Blake a coward for not taking off her bow and facing the Faunus discrimination.
Like, Blake saying she wants to be judged by her actions, not her species. To which Kokonoe would reply that by that logic, she thinks that if a faunus stands up for faunus then she’s whining. But if a human stands up for faunus then it’d be true. It’s like a Black person pretending to be white and trying to tell his/her “fellow” white people that it is wrong, since they won’t listen to the discriminated minority that they are currently beiung racism towards.
Then, Kokonoe might theorize that the reason she hides her ears, why she runs, is that she’s afraid that if she’s pushed to the edge she will snap and kill and be no better than Adam, she and the Faunus just want to be left alone and are tired of being pushed around. And we all know what happened the last time someone just wouldn't back off in current canon.
Not too sure on the coward part in option 1, but the killing monster in option 2 might be a beastial cat creature as part of her Berserk form.
Yang Xiao Long
This one is kind of simple. Her Shadow would be part of her abandonment issues. Constantly wondering what is wrong with her that made Raven leave.
Is she not pretty enough? Not smart enough? Not strong enough? Not cool enough?
These subconscious questions are why A. Her semblance could be linked to her hair, and why she gets all pissed when her hair is messed with and when Neon calls her top heavy, B. Why she is a decent student (I recall a few posts where Yang is said to be a good student/pretty smart and I will link them if I find them), C. Why she tries to be the strong juggernaut of Team RWBY, although this is also out of protective insincts towards Ruby.
Before anyone says that this isn’t something she hides, 1. I don’t think telling one person about something means your open about it and ready to change, and 2. Yang said to Blake in Burning the Candle that she does want to find her mom and why she left her, she never opened up about any self-loathing or anything like that.
not really sure what kind of monster you could make out of this.
Of course, the guilt he feels for all the people that have died under his watch not only as a headmaster, but in his fight against Salem.
Who says that the current Ozluminati are the only people he’s had that have helped him, and like he said in V6Ch2 “Do you think Leo was the first?” Not just the betrayal, but betraying because Salem’s power is just so unimaginable. We don’t know if Raven and/or Leo learned of Salem’s immortality or are just scared of her power.
All the people who gladly died for Oz’s cause in their fight against Salem most likely died thinking that their death would be a stepping stone for the next generation to win. But since Oz i just interested in playing defensive and not trying to actually win, all those deaths and sacrifices meant nothing. True, they allowed humanity to survive and live another day, but they died believing that it was one step closer to stopping Salem. And now it isn’t.
Maybe the Shadow is o.g. Ozma wracked with guilt, along with all the other lives he’s lived.
Penny Polendina
Also simple, the fact that she isn’t real. Just a weapon to be used by Ironwood and the fake face she wears is just meant to not be scary to the people.
Kind of simple and almost a resash of Labrys’ shadow but it’s all I got for now.
Shadow is obviously some robotic mosntrocity.
James Ironwood
This I got the idea for from a long post talkign about Ironwood beign close to a dictator.
One must remember, a Shadow is one’s represed thoughts that they don’t want to show others or admit they have.
Ironwood’s Shadow would be a sort of Warrior King, beleiving Ozpin’s peaceful defensive apporach isn’t right and expecting evil to fall before the Might of Atlas’ military and technological power is the way to go.
Him bringing his fleet to the Vytal Festival is part of this, as is his idea to send in a full assault to Mountain Glenn before Ozpin suggests to send “the Scouts”. Of course this all bites him in the ass once Cinder’s plot is in motion, but his systems then get messed with by Watts in Vol 7, where he also plans to use military might to defeat Salem once he unites the world.
The monster form could be a reference to the Greek Titan Atlas, a giant robotic figure holding a globe on it’s shoulders, either struggling (referencing the weight on his shoulders that he thinks justified this behavior) or only needing one hand to hold it (showing how easily he thinks his military might and power will defeat Salem). Remember this is all before he learns of Salem’s immortality.
Raven Branwen
Let’s look at Raven’s life shall we:
She and Qrow were a part of the Branwen bandit tribe, they lived by the “Strong ones Live, Weak ones Die” rule.
They were sent to Beacon with hopes to get the skill to kill Huntsmen rather than just Grimm. But during that time Qrow, who was most likely not popular with the tribe due to his bad luck semblance, was accepted by and made friends wth Taiyang Xiao Long and Summer Rose, which led to him being good friends with them.
We don’t know what Raven was like during her days at Beacon, if she was emo edgelord or if she actually did have fun back then. Either way she did end up married to Taiyang and eventually became pregnant with Yang. But sometime before or during this she and Qrow, after they had been given their bird powers by Ozpin to be his info gatherers, learn of how powerful Salem is and Raven considers how much she may be in over her head.
Qrow, wanting to repay the people who accepted him and gave his a purpose, continues to fight. But for Raven, whatever love or hope she may have had for anyone in her heart, became muffled or eclipsed by the fear in her heart. And once she got rid of the “baggage” that was a child, as she couldn't just run away while pregnant and raise Yang with the tribe because that would be even more problems down the line, decided to bolt back to the tribe where things were simpler, none of this Salem garbage, and unlike Qrow she didn’t have any problem with the tribe because she wasn’t the living jinx.
She does love those three (Qrow, Yang and Tai), but it is all beign eclipsed by her fear. She tries to call herself strong and that what she did was the “smart” choice, because hey, not runnig towards the thing that’ll kill you is usually the SMART thing to do. Since her tribe is all about the strong surviving over the weak, this may mean that both versions of “Stength”, both the good “endure and fight for love and hope even when things are bad” strength and the bad Darwinistic Might makes Right strength that her tribe works under, are both traits that Raven doesn’t have.
To which, the Shadow would claim that “Chicken Branwen” is much more appropriate for her. And come on, a giant black chicken as Ravens Shadow would be kind of funny right?
Some minor Shadow things:
Since I wanted to make Adam how he was before Volume 3 started to slowly turn him into a yandere ex-boyfriend, he’s going to be more focused on his mission in my idea. BUT, maybe the Blake obsession can just be something on the back of his mind, and his Shadow would be the Volume 3-6 Adam. SO we can have Old Adam vs new Adam, with old Adam being disgusted at this, or maybe acknolwdhing this but then cutting out those feelings because they get in the way of his true mission.
Jaune’s self-doubt might be a thing, but I feel like he’s aprtially over it after improving with Pyrrha. If Pyrrha were to die should I choose to go as far as the Vytal Festival and Fall of Beacon in my idea and he gets that “It doesn’t matter if I die so long as the important ones live” thing he says in Volume 5′s climax gets in his head then maybe he’d have this. Or maybe some self-entitlement on beign a hero, but after Pyrrha gave him a talking to and the Bully Arc in Vol 1 he should be over this, or maybe not if him getting in Weiss’ face for the dance is anything to go by, but just like in Vol 1 , he seemes to have gotten over that.
Emerald’s loyalty to Cinder isn’t really a thing she hides, so I guess her desperation for a mother figure would be it, but that might also be shown in her lotalty to Cinder. Same with Mercury, his shit with his dad isn’t really a part of himself he ignores, it’s a personal part of his past. He’s pretty open about his assholeness.
Qrow also doesn’t seem to be hiding any issues except for all the stress on his life. Unless we want to go the easy road and just make it his general self loathign and angst over his sister leaving, one of his teammmates dying, and his brother-in-law being a single father and Qrow is unable to help due to his Jinx.
It’s most likely he was just a teacher at Signal just ot teach Ruby, like how Gran Torino was to All Might in MHA.
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