#it can be a mix like black and burgundy
errantgoat · 6 months
me: ok I'll progress my BG3 playthrough a bit so I can finish the game this weekend
also me: plays dress-up with Harv and Astarion for like an hour
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Guess what time it is…….
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CENTIPEDE TIME !!! she’s finally real,,,,,,,, based off Scolopendra hardwickei or the Indian tiger centipede
Before I go about the process I just want to say you guys have been soooo incredible and I love reading your reblogs and I love the idea knowing I’ve inspired a lot of people,,, the project, although it was a lot of work and I’m feeling not so great as of posting this, still motivates me to want to make another.
(Art process below)
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This was entirely freehanded! I have a lot of experience working in 3D art settings that this part came easy to me but I started with a flat base shaped in the pose I’d like the creature in. I used one whole piece cut from a shipping box and filled in the gaps with tape; you don’t need a single piece for the base but for structural integrity it helps a lot. As you can see here I also cut the legs separate and glued them on using hot glue. The vertical cross sections are to give an early support for the structure of the creature, think about the frames of aircraft or boats. During this part I used a pen to mark the width and height of the previous section to get a gradual flow of shapes.
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This next part I wish I got more documentation on but after the vertical cross sections I used soda boxes for the thinner and flexible cardboard to add contour lines along the length of the creature, gluing them on the cross sections. I did about 2 strips of this on either side to fill in the space and then I continued to use soda boxes to fold and shape the top of the creature, gluing onto the strips rather than the cross sections (this part was a mistake but I quickly adapted, no issues happened but it did make it slightly less secure). I also gave the legs vertical cross sections as well to shape them for the masking tape.
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The worst part, taping everything. I used tape to further shape it how I wanted but that meant going over parts several times. I used 2 different widths of tape for this for efficiency but it doesn’t matter. The legs were very loosely taped and if squeezed then they’d lose their shape; I didn’t bother filling them in because I don’t have materials for that and I let the paper mache help support them instead. Tape was also used to fill any holes and gaps left by the cardboard skeleton.
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The next phase is paper mache of which I haven’t done since 5th grade… I was not confident in this step. I used mod podge and a brush to smooth down the paper. Because I lacked materials I used fast food napkins instead of newspaper which worked totally fine, it just tended to tear a bit easier. Some areas required me to get hands on and I don’t really like the texture during this stage so that was fun (lie). I didn’t do too many layers, one for the body and 3 for the back and legs but some projects might demand more. I used half of a 16oz bottle of mod podge btw so please get more than you think you need.
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Finally, texture hell!!! I did a base coat of white spray paint and painted everything else with acrylic. Start with your lighter colors first before doing darker ones! I originally mixed some yellow and orange for the body and realized it was too bright and so covered it with orange instead. It also wasn’t until later I realized I could’ve been smarter with my paint so I skipped over the segments that were going to be fully black, saving the orange for the rest of the body. I wanted my centipede to stand out and not look 2D color-wise so I also used the red for the head and tail to give gradients and edges to the orange segments and legs, later going back with burgundy to further darken them but not too much. For the black segments I also used a very watered down layer of sky blue to give a fake shine and show the intended structure of the segments. Do not be afraid to use your hands! I used mine to smudge my detail paints like the black fade on the legs and the back shading. To top it all off I sprayed a clear coat and punched two holes in the underside to hang it up, using thumbtacks angled upwards.
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silassinclair · 3 months
Can I request Maddox with a darling who lives to read, maybe he catches her reading some old romance books in an abandoned house they shack up in or something like that
Btw I live your writing ♥️
As someone who loves to read I am obligated to write for this req 😤🫡 Thanks for the request tho!! Hope you like it :-)
Yandere Wild West Outlaw x Bookworm Reader
CW// Maddox is annoying, Reader being a little perv Masterlist Here!!
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The new house Maddox found was lovely. It had decently okay furniture and a vast collection of old books on the shelf. It's small with only two bedrooms and one bathroom but it was charming. But what caught your interest was the big oak wood bookshelf. You couldn't even remember the last time you picked up a book. Being on the run with Maddox made time fly.
"Who would leave all these books behind? They're all in great condition." You mutter to yourself as you take a blue and purple book with gold trim off the shelf. Tracing your fingers down the spine of the hardcover novel you appreciate the craftsmanship. It was clearly expensive, something you could no longer afford. Your Dad bought you many books like these but now you were pretty much broke. You only had Maddox to rely on now.
Speaking of Maddox you had no clue where he was. Which you didn't really care, he always disturbed your peace. Cracking open the book you sit down on the loveseat and start reading. It was a romance book about a huntsman who fell in love with a duchess. The story was beautiful as it was exhilarating.
"Oh wow, you into that kinda stuff?"
You snap the book shut instantly, a mini cloud of dust poofs from the pages. Maddox chuckles huskily behind you, leaning down and resting his chin on the back of the loveseat.
"Oh don't be embarrassed princess, it was getting to the good part. What did it say again? Oh! Ahem-"
Maddox coughs into his hand and smirks. Deepening his voice he quotes the passage in a deep, British-like accent,
"He caresses the duchess' milky thighs, her womb felt of silk wrapped around his ma-"
"OH HUSH!" You whip around and smack the outlaw's head, his hat nearly flying off. But he only laughs at your flustered state.
"You're filthy." You groan and put the book back on the shelf where it was. But Maddox follows behind you and takes the book into his own hands and opens it up. Skimming through the pages he smirks.
"I'm filthy? Sweetheart you're the one readin' this junk." Maddox shuts the book and puts it back. Putting his hand up on the shelf he leans against it while looking down at your shorter self.
"Well it is a romance book." Rolling your eyes you choose a different book. This time you pick a title you're familiar with, Pride and Prejudice.
"Now leave me alone you brute. I'd like to relax for once." With that you walk away and go outside. Finding a nice tree you sit beneath it and read the book. Reading reminded you of home, the home that was ripped from you. In a way it was escapism which is unhealthy but a girl can dream right?
Hours pass and the sun begins to set, casting an orange glow across the cloudy sky. The words on the page become harder to read as the sun sinks lower and the moon rises. You didn't want it to end. You know you could read inside but that damn outlaw was inside. You just wanted to stay out here forever with the natural ambience of wind and birds.
Footsteps approach you and you already know who it is. Looking up you see him. Black denim jeans, a burgundy vest, twin revolvers around his waist, and a dark brown cowboy hat on his head. And of course that bandana covering the bottom half of his face. Anytime you asked him about his face he got ticked off so you avoided the subject. But you couldn't help but be curious.
"You're starin' sweetheart." His husky voice breaks the silence. There’s a hint of a Spanish accent mixed in with his Southern drawl. You can't help but think about what it would be like if you and him met under different circumstances. Would he save you from bandits? Offer to buy you a drink at the saloon?
Would you two have a storybook romance just like in the books you adore?
He's right in front of you now, crouched to your height. His gloved hand pets your hair and you're frozen. He has you in a trance that you make no effort to free yourself from. His dark amber eyes are crinkled in slight concern over your unusual silence.
"What..?" You say softly.
"It's gettin' dark. Unless you wanna be dinner for the coyotes then I suggest comin' back in. I'll cook up some beans so hurry your little bum up."
Well there goes the moment. You groan and get up off the grass, your back cracking as you stretch. Your eyes watch as Maddox walks back into the house. His hips sway as he walks, you never really payed attention to that before. His ass looks pretty round in those pants to-
"Ugh, what is wrong with me.." Groaning, you follow after him.
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rin-fukuroi · 6 months
𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 [𝐘𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐱𝐢𝐧𝐠]
Please do not translate or publish my works without my permission.
The originals of my works can be read here
Fandom: Honkai: Star Rail
Pairings: Yingxing x fem!reader
Warnings: NSFW, fluff, just a little angst, creampie.
▶• ılıılıılıılıılıılı. 珂拉琪 Collage - 萬千花蕊慈母悲哀
▶• ılıılıılıılıılıılı. (Liányī / Ripples)SynthV AI Stardust - 涟漪
Note: English is not my native language, so I apologize if there are errors in the text qq
This work was written under the strong impression of beautiful chinese music, which always reminds me exactly how Blade used to be. In fact, this is one of the few tender sketches of mine that I really love.
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art: @tiredceles_
— Yingxing, wait!
You giggle, barely managing to keep up with Yingxing pulling at your hand. His steps are slightly shaky, but he continues to walk confidently towards the forge, holding your hand and pulling you along. You can only see his broad back, but if you could see his face now, you might notice how his slightly clouded eyes sparkle and the corners of his lips are lifted in a slight smile.
The doors open with an unpleasant creak, and you almost stumble over the threshold, having to rush into a small outbuilding in the courtyard of your house. Yingxing lets go of your hand and rushes to rake through piles of metal and other accessories, the names of which you don't even know, in search of, obviously, something specific that he wanted to show you so badly.
— Why was there such a rush? You're always so fussy when you drink. I knew I should have gone with you. It would be easier if you just fell asleep like Jing Yuan, — you fake grumbling with displeasure, resting your fists on your hips. — What are you looking for?
— Look… I finished it this morning, — Yingxing turns around, holding an elegant sword in his palms. The thick blade shimmers with dark blue and burgundy shades, and the exquisite patterned handle glitters in the moonlight filtering through the window of the annex, as do the ashy strands of Yingxing, carelessly escaping from the pinned-up tuft of hair, falling on the black fabric of his cloak.
— Wow, — you tentatively hold out your hands, but immediately pull away. This blade seems unearthly, something special that you are not worthy to touch. You watch in fascination as Yingxing wraps his hands around the hilt, turning the sword in his hand. His lips are stretched in a soft smile, and purple eyes proudly look at the creation of his hands through heavy eyelids and long strands of bangs framing his elegant features.
— I think Jingliu will like it.
— Did you make such a beautiful blade to give away? I thought you were going to keep it.
— Huh? Why? — Yingxing is so cute when he turns his head, looking at you with a genuinely puzzled look that can't help but make you smile.
— Forget it. I just wanted to say that this is one of the most beautiful creations of the most skilled blacksmith in all of Lofu, — you put your palm on his hand holding the blade, lowering the weapon down before rising on tiptoe and leaving a gentle kiss on Yingxing's cheek. As soon as your lips approach the skin of his face, you can feel the faint smell of alcohol coming from Yingxing, mixed with his natural sweet aroma, which makes you linger at the level of his clouded eyes when his expression softens. You can't take your eyes off your lover, hearing the metal casually hitting the table as Yingxing puts down the sword, now moving her palm to your chin.
— Do you really think so? — his voice fades to a hoarse whisper.
— Of course. Are you questioning my objectivity because I'm your future wife?
— No, not at all. In fact, I always trust only your opinion, because it's the only one that matters to me.
You roll your eyes in mock annoyance before laughing softly, leaning in to touch his hand.
— Did I mention that you get too cute when you drink?
— Hmm, let me think… Will this be the third time tonight? Although before that you described me with a different epithet.
— So you're still able to count? This is very commendable.
— You hurt me with words like that. I can even forge another blade like this right now, if you wish.
— Mmm, I don't think that's what I want, — you smile softly, pressing your palm against Yingxing's cheek.
The silence is filled with the soft rustle of sakura leaves, falling and dancing in the evening wind. You feel the warm, so familiar and familiar breath of Yingxing on the skin of your face when his palms wrap around your cheeks, luring you into a kiss with a subtle taste of alcohol swirling on your tongues. And it was really the only thing that you always had, have and will need. It's so easy to feel the warmth of his skin on your own, run your fingers through his ashy soft hair, clinging to the clip that barely holds the curled curls before they scatter over his back and wide shoulders, feel the taste of his lips, press your chest against his and feel the vibrations of a rapid heartbeat synchronizing with yours.
Neither of you two notice how Yingxing's fingers cling to the light fabric of your hanfu*, how you hastily but carefully untangle button after button from the loops on his raincoat, impatiently touching the heated skin of his chest while big palms slide over your hips, gently lifting your petite figure off the floor, letting you wrap your legs around Yingxing's waist as he sweeps pieces of metal and tools off the table. You shudder and chuckle softly, without looking up from the kiss, when all the things from his desk collide with a dull crash with the wooden surface of the floor.
The gentle touch of calloused fingers on your chest, sneaking under hanfu, the soft sounds of heavy breathing when his lips leave yours only to gently press against your neck, the subtle vibrations of Yingxing's moans muffled by your skin, your fingers massaging the skin of his head, the warmth that spreads in your chest and settles somewhere in the lower abdomen, when his beard is pressed between your legs — all this is accompanied by bright moonlight illuminating the figures of two people lost in a moment that will be imprinted on Yingxing's mind for a long time even after decades. He can't stop admiring the fragility of your body, the pleasant floral scent emanating from your skin, the warmth of your breath blowing through his disheveled hair as you press him even closer to your neck, making him gasp, but keep sending that delicious shiver running down your spine whenever he gently nibbles and showers kisses your heated skin and presses his lips to the vein throbbing in time with your heart pounding in your chest.
Such moments always make the corners of your lips stretch into a soft smile before your consciousness clouds the pleasure in which you want to dissolve to the last, not missing the sound of hastily unbuttoning trousers, the flutter in your chest, the aching feeling in the bottom of your stomach and anticipation taking root in your veins when you feel the touch of hot, throbbing flesh between your legs.
It seemed that Yingxing's consciousness cleared up for just a moment from alcohol clouding his mind, only to be struck down at the same second by intoxication from the warmth enveloping his penis, slowly sinking into your pleasantly moist insides. The hot breath from the moan that escaped from his throat burns the skin of your neck as inch by inch of his hard flesh disappears inside you until his hips are pressed against yours. You can feel the swollen veins stretching along his length pulsating in your walls, so perfectly enveloping his cock. Yingxing raises his head, watching you look at him from under heavy eyelids and long eyelashes, hiding from him your gaze full of adoration and desire, on which his name is engraved. His long fingers catch the unruly strands that fall over your face, caress the skin of your cheek until his forehead presses against yours.
Every time he stays motionless inside the way he is now, you are torn apart by the desire to ask him to just stay like this for a little longer, and by an irresistible thirst to make him move. Yingxing exhales heavily from his lungs, just enjoying the way his cock fills your insides perfectly before his hips pull away to gently meet yours again, forcing you to squeeze around his hot organ every time he leaves your warm walls, not wanting to let go of him for a second.
— So beautiful… — Yingxing whispers in a velvety husky voice before his fingers squeeze your chin to lift your face for another kiss that takes your breath away.
— You say that every time, Yingxing, — you smile softly, breaking the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck.
— I can't help myself, I can't get used to the fact that I own such a beautiful woman like you.
— Is that what you're saying? — you force his lips to meet yours again, muffling the moan that originated in your chest from the slow, soft thrusts of his cock, repeatedly touching all the most sensitive places in your insides. — A beautiful woman can only belong to a beautiful man whom I have fallen in love with.
You whisper into his lips, feeling how Yingxing smiles after your words, wrapping his free hand around your waist to pull you closer to his body. His movements don't accelerate, but become more insistent and deep, causing the table under you to wobble, hitting the wood of the wall with a thud every time Yingxing's hips press against yours.
Strong fingers gently press into your arching back towards him, crumpling the thin fabric of the dress that casually falls from your shoulders. Every movement of Yingxing is so desperate, so neat and gentle, as if he imprints in his memory every sound that escapes from your lips, every sweet whisper of his name hiding in a kiss divided into two, every contraction of the muscles of your back and hips while you squeeze around his cock every time he enters pushing you to the limit, making you tremble in his arms.
You desperately cling to the fabric of his cloak, which is open on Yingxing's heaving chest, feeling the heat boil in your lower abdomen. His languid movements are like sweet agony, which gradually brings you to the edge, driving you crazy with the pleasure it causes your body, which wants to get more. The heels of your feet press harder into Yingxing's back every time his hips pull away to make his cock cut into your insides faster as the knot in your stomach begins to tighten. You gasp, pulling away from his lips and burying your face in the curve of his neck, when you feel Yingxing begin to move faster, feeling how much you squeeze around him. You're always so needy and so vulnerable when he gets you into a state where the only word that's spinning on your tongue is his name, and it's so contagious. As if following the call of your need for him, Yingxing feels the same pleasure that has spread through your veins.
You're more intoxicating than any alcohol. You are more beautiful than any blade that could be forged by the hands of a skilled blacksmith. You are worth any battles in which Yingxing sheds blood just to return home and see your smile again. And he doesn't have to say it out loud. You can feel the unspoken words of love and care oozing from every touch, from every sigh and moan, merging with the sound of rustling leaves outside the window.
You can feel them when you are both gripped by such a familiar, alluring feeling that neither of you is able or willing to resist. You want to taste him, to taste the taste of Yingxing's lips at the moment when the warm sticky liquid fills your insides, so you lift your head to engage him in a kiss that will tell him much more than any words randomly spinning in your head.
«I'm proud of you»
«I'm worried about you»
«I miss you»
«I love you»
These words are sweet, but tart to the taste, and Yingxing will accept each of them, spinning her tongue along with yours in a dance that only the moon will witness, illuminating with its cold light the deserted streets of Lofu and a small house in a corner of the ship, as if deliberately hidden from prying eyes.
— Do you want to take a bath together? — from the fog of pleasure that has overwhelmed your body and mind, you are pulled out by your native low voice, which reverberates with pleasant vibrations on your skin when Yingxing imprints a last kiss on your neck.
— Only if my future husband is able to carry me in his arms, — you giggle, carefully brushing away the unruly strands of silver bangs falling over his purple eyes.
Yingxing's lips stretch into a warm smile before he pulls away, gently lowering the hem of your dress, then hastily tidying himself up.
While you are correcting the smell of your hanfu, your gaze falls on the blade lying at the other end of the table. Its blade shimmers with a menacing red hue in the cold light illuminating the small room. For some reason, a sudden sadness and anxiety pierces you, and a vile metallic taste swirls on your tongue, but you wave away the surging unpleasant feelings, carefully lowering your feet to the cool wooden floor.
«This blade will cause a lot of pain and suffering one day» — you thought to yourself, before meeting Yingxing's tired but gentle gaze again, holding out his hand to you.
*Hanfu is a traditional Chinese outfit, in this case in the form of a dress.
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bitchy-craft · 1 year
Your Future Spouse Their Clothing Aesthetic | Pick A Pile
Hello and welcome to this Pick A Pile! In here you'll find out how your future spouse dresses / their aesthetic. I hope you guys enjoy and find this useful. Do make sure to leave comments down below on your experience! I do want to remind you all that this is a General Pick A Pile which means this is for a lot of people; therefore keep what resonates and leave what doesn't.
Masterlist > Ungoing Tarot Game
Pick A Pile!
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Pile 1:
Minimalist Aesthetic: The minimalist aesthetic is characterized by simplicity, clean lines, and a focus on functionality. It embraces a "less is more" approach, with a limited color palette, minimal patterns, and streamlined silhouettes.
Key elements of this aesthetic include well-tailored basics, neutral colors such as black, white, gray, and beige, and a preference for high-quality fabrics. Minimalist fashion often emphasizes the importance of quality over quantity, and accessories are kept to a minimum.
Pile 2:
Bohemian Aesthetic: The bohemian aesthetic, also known as boho or boho-chic, draws inspiration from the free-spirited and unconventional style of the bohemian counterculture. It is characterized by a relaxed and eclectic mix of patterns, textures, and colors.
Bohemian fashion embraces a sense of individuality and self-expression, often incorporating elements such as flowing maxi dresses, loose-fitting tops, fringe details, embroidery, floral prints, and earthy tones. Layering and accessorizing with items like floppy hats, beaded jewelry, and suede or leather accents are common in this aesthetic.
Pile 3:
Streetwear Aesthetic: The streetwear aesthetic originated from urban youth culture and has become a prominent fashion style. It blends elements of sportswear, casual attire, and a rebellious attitude. Streetwear is often associated with brands and logos, graphic t-shirts, hoodies, sneakers, and baggy or oversized garments.
Key features of this aesthetic include bold colors, statement prints, unique patterns, and a mix of high-end and streetwear-specific brands. Accessorizing with caps, backpacks, and statement jewelry is also common in streetwear fashion.
Pile 4:
Preppy Aesthetic: The preppy aesthetic draws inspiration from traditional Ivy League and upper-class fashion. It exudes a polished and sophisticated look with a focus on classic, timeless pieces. Key elements of preppy fashion include well-fitted clothing, clean lines, and a mix of vibrant colors and patterns.
Typical items associated with this aesthetic include polo shirts, button-down Oxford shirts, khaki pants, tailored blazers, pleated skirts, and loafers. Accessories like pearl necklaces, headbands, and structured handbags are often incorporated into the preppy style.
Pile 5:
Gothic Aesthetic: The gothic aesthetic is characterized by its dark, dramatic, and often theatrical style. It draws inspiration from the gothic subculture, with influences from Victorian and medieval fashion. The color black is predominant in gothic fashion, and it is often combined with rich, deep hues like burgundy, purple, and dark green.
The gothic style embraces unconventional silhouettes, intricate lace details, corsets, leather accents, fishnet stockings, and platform boots. Accessories like chokers, statement jewelry with occult symbols, and dramatic makeup are also common in this aesthetic.
It's important to note that fashion aesthetics can vary greatly, and these descriptions provide a general overview of each style. Fashion is highly subjective, and individuals often incorporate elements from different aesthetics to create their own unique personal style.
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ataraxiaspainting · 6 months
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Yan Kafka x F Reader.
Synopsis: Kafka is waiting for a supernova to appear.
Warnings: Yandere themes, implied future kidnapping, not SFW implications, and stalking.
Word Count: 1k.
Ten Songs Like This Piece:
Lust for a Vampyr by I Monster
Living Dead Girl by Rob Zombie
Merry-Go-Round of Life - from ‘Howl’s Moving Castle’ by Joe Hisaishi
Stalker’s Tango by Autoheart
The Four Seasons - Winter in F Minor, RV. 296: I. Allegro non molto by Antonio Vivaldi
Fight of the Crows by Jhariah
Bernadette by IAMX
Smells Blood by Kensuke Ushio
Enemies to Lovers by Joshua Kyan Aalampour
“She's a Killer Queen; gunpowder, gelatin; dynamite with a laser beam; guaranteed to blow your mind (anytime).” – Queen, Killer Queen
“Hey, I like them!” You huff, grasping the bouquet of spider lilies closer to your chest, making the paper wrinkle up. At your response, Aina crosses her arms and sighs, looking at the other flower arrangements sitting on the shelves behind you.
“Those are too expensive.” Aina rebuts. She points, and you turn around to follow it, and in turn frown. 
Because of the low supply, the price of spider lily bouquets has increased to 700 credits per arrangement.
Kafka, pretending to look at the roses in the corner not facing the two of you, does not try to hide her smile and slight chuckle as you gasp at the sign’s words. “Cute…” 
Once more, you exhale with a mix of frustration and disappointment, forcefully planting your foot on the ground. Gradually, your stance transforms into that of a despondent balloon losing its air.
Utterly adorable.
“Why seven hundred? Flowers grow from the ground and they take hardly any effort to bundle up!” Aina puts her thumb and pointer finger on her temples, rubbing them like your question and exclamation just gave her the biggest headache in all of existence. She sighs.
You sigh too, grasping onto the spider lilies even harder.
“Spider lilies also represent bad luck.” She says, almost groaning. 
Neither of you know if you can be reasonable enough to let Aina be your impulse control as she always has been. “The red shade is really pretty and the tendrils are pretty too!”
“Please put them back, it is a bad financial investment.” You shake your head. “Please. [First]. [First], please. We still have to go and buy ingredients for dinner tonight. If it makes you feel better I can also help you bake dessert.”
Kafka already knows what you are going to make tonight. Pasta with bechamel sauce along with apple cake. 
“[First], at least choose a less expensive bouquet. That way we can afford everything. Plus we maybe can get something else small that is not on our grocery list.” Aina tries her best to put on a more gentle smile. “Please.”
Kafka moves to near the entrance of the food section of the store, waiting for this little trifle to be over with. She pretends to be looking at the meat aisle as that is the area closest to the flowers, ironically enough. 
“Sigh…” She purrs, imagining your hair loose and gently wrapped around her fingertips. “I wonder if you would prefer blush or velvet… maybe burgundy?” 
She imagines the way you will place your lips on hers and slowly but surely… move down.
She will do the same to you with her own.
“Maybe white.” She muses, thinking of different types of fabric to put on you. “Or perhaps black.”
Kafka wonders what you would choose if she brought you to a boutique rather than going by herself.
“Hm…” She murmurs, her mind going through many, many possibilities of the future ahead.
Then, she hears your triumphant laugh and then turns around to see you hugging Aina with the bouquet in tow. “I love you!”
“Uh-huh. Sure.” Aina mutters, crossing her arms and looking away from your happy face with a blush. “Just put them in the basket. We’ve used enough time here as it is.” You kiss her cheek, and her face only gets redder. “L-Let’s just go already.”
You only hug her tighter.
“Sir, yes, sir!” You exclaim, saluting, and Aina rolls her eyes.
Kafka’s smile falters.
“Tsk. Young love, I suppose.”
Of all the future possibilities, none of them will result in full success if Aina is still in the picture.
At the sight of you kissing Aina’s cheek again, Kafka resists the urge to bite her lip.
“But with great risk… comes great reward.”
She imagines how you would look under her.
Aina eventually manages to pry you off of her. “Alright, that’s enough, you’re praising me like I just saved your life or something.”
“You did!” You pout, almost cooing and still laughing joyfully. “This bouquet is the only medicine that can ever heal me of what ails me!”
Both Kafka and Aina sigh at the same time but for entirely different reasons.
But Kafka is the one who also licks her lips afterward. “I think perhaps a chemise would suit you best.”
“Let’s go to the fruits first!” You exclaim, pulling Aina along by the hand while she holds the basket.
“Which type of apple?” Aina asks, but Kafka already knows the answer. “Be sure to not get the very expensive ones this time.”
You two go past Kafka.
She takes out her phone for a split second and clicks the button.
It has been the closest you have ever been to her while you were conscious. But she hopes that soon, you will be even closer.
Wait, no. She knows that you will.
“Cute.” She whispers, booping the picture of you’s nose.
This has already become a favorite amongst the many, many photos she has of you.
Where you go, she follows. “Cute.” Surely, eventually, when you know of her, you will know that all too well. “So cute.”
She sees you pointing to the apples with a pinkish tint. Rose apples. Quite rare, if Kafka remembers correctly.
As Aina reads the sign next to them, she immediately shakes her head. “Way too expensive.”
Due to the cost of importation/exportation as well as the rarity of this species, the value of this type of product is quite high. One apple is worth 1600 credits.
You surprisingly show agreement this time, promptly diverting your attention to the assortment of apple varieties, accompanied by a hint of nervous laughter.
You end up choosing the Honeycrisps. They are good for baking cakes, you tell Aina as Kafka eavesdrops as she always does.
She imagines you baking for her and sitting on her lap.
It was only a matter of time because regardless of who is with you, one thing about you never changes; your naivety.
“All that is left is to be patient.”
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captain-hen · 1 year
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BUCK & EDDIE IN EVERY EPISODE ↳ 6.13: mixed feelings (2/3)
[Image Description: 10 gifs of Evan Buckley and Eddie Diaz from 9-1-1, season 6, episode 13.
Gif 1: Two gifs on a large canvas. The first gif, a shot of Buck and Eddie standing amongst the other firefighters in the loft in the station, looking satisfied as they wave their hands. Eddie says, "Okay. Come on, pay up." Buck says, "Let me see it. Yeah." Second, a shot of Buck and Eddie walking close together as Eddie neatly snatches the money out of Buck's hand, saying, "A fool and his money are soon...parted."
Gif 2: Two gifs on a large canvas. The first gif, the camera panning down to reveal Buck and Eddie, walking through an alley. Eddie is dressed in a blue suit jacket and a black turtleneck; Buck is wearing a burgundy suit jacket over a black button-up. Buck adjusts his jacket as he asks Eddie, who is on his phone, "So, what's with the fancy dress code?" The second gif, Eddie tucks his phone into his inner pocket, saying, "It's a nice place," as Buck continues to stare at him in confusion.
Gif 3: Two gifs on a large canvas. The first gif, looking hesitant, Buck stops Eddie, who turns around to face him with a sigh. Buck says, "Wait, wait. H—Hey, a—are we sure about this?" The second gif, Eddie reassures Buck, "Relax. It's a good place to put your new skills to use. Then maybe we can put 'em to use in Vegas."
Gif 4: Two gifs on a large canvas. The first gif, standing with his back yo the delivery entrance of a restaurant, Eddie says to Buck, who has just said that this is not gonna end well, "It's a low-stakes game." The second gif, a shot of Buck and Eddie next to each other, Eddie with a small smile, Buck looking startled, at the sight of Julie Rosen, who opened the door for them.
Gif 5: 2 small gifs, and one larger one on a large canvas. The first gif, while following Eddie and Julie into the restaurant, looking slightly alarmed, Buck whispers to Eddie, "Uh, hey, this isn't some kind of mob establishment, is it?" The second gif, Eddie looks over his shoulder at Buck, amused, and says, "It's a different kind of family." The third gif, the scene opens into a fancy-looking bar with warm and muted lighting. Buck pauses at the foot of the stares, smiling in surprise. Eddie walks over to greet the others with a wide smile.
Gif 6: Two gifs on a large canvas. The first gif, a shot of Captain Mehta, who winks at Eddie as he shakes his hand. The shot cuts to Buck, watching them, his smile fading slightly. The second gif, Eddie is already seated at a poker table, next to Julie. Buck makes to sit down close next to him.
Gif 7: Two gifs on a large canvas. The first gif, Mehta has just said that he can't believe Buck survived the lightning strike, to which Chief Williams replies, "Let's see if he survives tonight." Eddie smiles fondly at Buck, scrunching up his face when Buck turns his head to look at him. The second gif, Eddie in focus in the background of the shot as he corrects Chief Williams by saying that Buck was dead for three minutes and seventeen seconds. Buck is blurred in the periphery of the shot, looking serious and somber.
Gif 8: Two gifs on a large canvas. The first gif, a shot of Buck and Eddie sitting close together, Eddie raising his eyerbows at Chief Williams and Buck looking up at her, slightly alarmed. The second gif, Eddie watches intently as Buck pulls over a pile of chips to himself after winning the first round.
Gif 9: Two gifs on a large canvas. The first gif, Chief Williams has just said, "I've heard people that get struck by lightning sometimes develop special skills." Buck's eyes slightly widen and he glances over at Eddie before asking, "Uh...skills? Like, uh...like what? Woodworking?" The second gif, Buck looks over at Eddie again after Chief Williams says, "High-functioning stuff, like languages or music. Or math. You know, counting." The shot cuts to Eddie who swallows slightly as he says, "I'm out. Too rich for my blood."
Gif 10: Two gifs on a large canvas. The first gif, a shot of Buck leaning his head on his hand, smirking cockily at Williams and Mehta. It cuts to Eddie, now standing behind him, a gentle smile on his face. The second gif, after Buck sweeps the table yet again, it pans to Eddie smiling brightly and then turning and ducking his head.
/End ID]
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sacredjake · 1 year
After Dark
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pairing: Danny Wagner x Reader
word count: 11.5k
warnings: 18+ MDNI! alcohol, cussing, teensy bit of blood, violence, a guy being a creep, smut, oral (m. & f. receiving), slight face fucking, fingering, thigh riding, daddy kink, spit play, squirting, unprotected sex (wrap your willy before you get silly). let me know if i missed anything!!!
a/n: first danny fic, yay!!! this was inspired by Something In Your Mouth by Nickleback (of course) and snowballed into this after i watched Burlesque a few weeks ago. almost 12k later, here we are. i hope y’all like it, i’m pretty proud with it being my second smut. enjoy <3
“C’mon, Sam, can we please just go home? I really do not want to go in there.” Danny groaned from the passenger seat of Sam’s car as they pulled up to the club.
“Oh relax, Daniel. You’re gonna have a good time. Don’t be such a prude.” Sam threw the car in park, the giant neon sign illuminating the inside of the vehicle. He unbuckled his seatbelt and opened up the driver door, stepping out into the chilly night.
With another groan Danny followed Sam’s movement and stepped out of the car. He wasn’t necessarily opposed to going into a burlesque club, but he just wasn’t in the mood tonight.
All he wanted to do was go home and put on his favorite show before calling it an early night and going to bed. Clearly Sam had other ideas that did not involve getting home before midnight. Sam had been begging Danny to go to this club with him for a while now, claiming that he had heard really good things about it from one of the roadies.
“It’s a classy place man, this is right up our alley.” They walked into the dimly lit building and were met with a small ticket stand with an employee who eagerly welcomed them inside. They purchased their tickets and continued further into the venue to find a low key place to sit. The inside was nice, burgundy curtains adorned the walls, small, black circular tables and mixed-matched chairs filled the open floor. Matching booths were nestled in the back corners of either side of the room with a black top bar in center also at the back.
Sam chose a booth in the back near the bar in case a fan happened to be in attendance, and slid in as Danny stopped at the end of the table.
“I’m gonna go grab a drink from the bar. Do you want anything?” He jabbed his thumb in the direction of the bar behind him as he spoke. If Sam was gonna drag him here, he at least wanted to have a drink.
“Uh, yeah, can you grab me a tequila sour?” Danny nodded his head yes in response and made his way to the bar top. He leaned on the counter, elbows just resting against the cool top waiting for the bartender to come up.
“Ugh, Andi, I don’t care if he has a lot of money! I’m a performer, not a sugar baby, I don’t want his gifts!” Danny shifted his head towards you, curious of the situation that was going on just at the end of the bar.
You had an elegant black gift box in front of you on the bar with white tissue paper spilling over the sides. He couldn’t see the contents, but could tell whatever was inside must’ve been an expensive gift.
You shoved the tissue paper back inside the box and firmly placed the lid back on before sliding it towards Andi. “Tell him I don’t want his gifts, and that I can’t be bought.” Andi shook her head, taking the box off the counter, and placing it out of sight to be returned to the mystery pursuer.
“And can I please get a green tea shot? I need it after dealing with all this bullshit.” You pleaded with Andi, pinching the bridge of your nose and giving her puppy dog eyes. Performers weren’t supposed to drink before they went on, which you were very much aware of, but like you said, you needed it.
“If I get fired for serving you right before you hit the stage, I’m selling you out to Monica.” Andi rolled her eyes at you and you offered her a grateful smile.
“Thank you!”
“Yeah, yeah, you’re just gonna have to wait a bit, cause I have a real customer who’s been patient with us.” Andi nodded her head in the direction of a man who was standing towards the middle of the bar. His body was leaned slightly over the counter facing the back of the bar, but his eyes were trained on you, his mouth pulled into a side smile. He gave you a curt wave when your eyes caught his and you couldn’t help but notice how attractive he was.
His dark brown hair rested at his collarbones in gorgeous curls, and because of the way he was standing, his biceps were flexed, showing off his muscles. You felt your cheeks heat under his gaze and returned the smile and wave. As Andi walked over to him, he stood straighter showing off his true height and stature. He was tall, and broad, and had some of the largest hands you had seen as they shifted to grip the edge of the bar, leaning his weight into them.
“What can I do for you, sugar?” His attention turned to Andi as she made her way over.
“Can I get a tequila sour, an old fashioned, and two green tea shots?” He gestured his head towards you at the mention of the shots, “Wouldn’t want her to be late on the stage.” He turned back to you and winked.
“Sure thing.” Andi smiled and turned away to make the shots, but not before mouthing an ‘Oh My God!’ to you. It wasn’t uncommon for men to buy you drinks or shots, but for them to be this attractive? You were definitely intrigued. You walked towards the man to introduce yourself and thank him for the shot.
“Tequila sour, huh? Doesn’t seem like your kind of drink.” You giggled lightly once you approached him. He turned his body to you, crossing his arms over his chest.
“It’s not,” He chuckled, “It's for my buddy. The old fashioned is for me.” He tossed his head over his shoulder a bit, roughly signaling where his friend was sitting.
“Ah,” You nodded, playfully eyeing him up and down, “My kind of guy.”
Andi set the shots on the counter in front of the two of you before he had a chance to respond. “Two green tea shots, bottoms up!” She turned back around to finish making the other drinks he ordered.
You grabbed the small glass off the sticky countertop, holding it out between the two of you. He mirrored your action and you tapped your glass to his before downing the shot easily and holding his eyes.
You could feel the liquor warming you instantly along with his sultry gaze as he downed his shot. You set the glass on the counter still holding his eyes with a coy smile on your face.
“Thank you…” Your sentence drifted off, hoping he would fill in his name.
“Danny,” He smiled back at you with slightly hooded eyes as he placed the shot next to yours, the glass looking tiny in his hands, “It was my pleasure, and you are?”
From the music that played you could tell that the previous performance was wrapping up, and you knew you were cutting it close to show time, especially since you weren’t in costume yet. You gave him a teasing smile, your thumb resting at your lips as you your teeth toyed with your nail for a moment. Danny’s attention was solely on your thumb at your mouth, his cheeks flushed ever so lightly.
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” You whispered, his eyes snapping back up to yours at the sound of your voice, and your thumb leaving your mouth. You smirked at him, shooting him a wink before sauntering backstage to get ready.
Danny watched your form as you walked to the back of the stage. He shook his head and blinked himself out of the trance you put him in once you disappeared behind a door. With a dumb smile on his face, he paid his tab, grabbed his and Sam’s drinks, and walked back to their booth.
“It’s about time, geez, did they have to plant and grow the fruit?” Sam exasperated as Danny finally arrived back at the table. Sam took his drink from his best friend, scooting in further so Danny had a good view of the stage.
“Relax, it didn’t take that long. One of the dancers was talking with the bartender about something and I bought her a shot.” He shrugged, taking a sip of his old fashioned. Sam nearly choked on his drink, sputtering and looking at Danny with wide eyes.
“You bought her a shot?”
Danny turned and looked at Sam, eyes basically bugging out of his skull.
“That’s what I just said, yes.”
“Man, she must be hot. You’ll have to point her out!” Danny rolled his eyes and turned his attention back on to the stage. The house lights had started to dim not too long after, eventually shrouding the room in darkness.
A familiar song started to play through the surround sound in the space. As the curtain raised, Danny recognized the song, After Dark by Tito & Tarantula. Immediately he spotted you sharing center stage with another girl. You were wearing a red corset top with black lace accents, a black ruffled mini skirt with bows placed on each hip bone, black feathers laying over top red ones on the sides of your hips, and a black fishnet garter.
Danny’s mouth parted as he took you in, not understanding how you could be sexier than before. Meanwhile Sam was trying to guess which one you were. He followed Danny’s line of sight and landed on you.
“Is that her? On center stage to the right?”
All Danny could offer him was a slow nod, closing his mouth and swallowing thickly. There was no other girl on the stage. His eyes were glued to you as you danced, every move drawing him in more. He had barely blinked, afraid he was going to miss something, heart pounding.
Towards the end of the dance you did something that he could only assume was meant for him. You had run your hand down the opposite side of your face, drawing your thumb across your lips before taking in between your teeth, closing your lips around the digit and languidly pulling it out. Although it was brief, Danny had latched on to the movement and suppressed a moan that threatened to leave his mouth.
When the routine ended you had blown a kiss towards the back in the general direction of where Danny was sitting. You had been silently hoping he caught on to the little surprise you gave him. And he did. In fact, he was hanging on to it, replaying the way you looked with something in your mouth.
The rest of the night, Danny waited on the edge of his seat hoping to see you on the stage again. Of course you couldn’t be in every number, but you were in a few more, and his eyes never left you each time. Eventually the curtain closed on your last performance of the night, and after touching up your makeup, you changed into some leggings, a comfy shirt and your favorite sneakers. It was time for a drink.
You hopped up into the barstool at the end of the counter and waited as Andi made the rest of her drink orders. Looking around as you waited you spotted Danny sitting next to another man in the corner booth at the other end of the bar. His focus was on the stage and he seemed to be waiting for something. When the next number started you realized that he had been waiting to see you appear on the stage. His shoulders slumped when he didn’t see you, turning his gaze down to his drink and swirling it lightly, moving the glass around on the table.
It wasn’t until his friend sitting to his right noticed you staring and caught Danny’s attention with a gentle backhand to his bicep. His head turned to see what his friend wanted and then shifted towards the bar after receiving only a nod in your direction in response. After a few moments, Danny finally landed on you, a smile tugging up the right side of his mouth. You waved at him, wiggling your fingers in a teasing way hoping it would entice him enough to join you.
He leaned in to say something to his friend before standing up from the booth and heading over to you. Before he could reach you, Andi had finished up with her customer and beat him to you.
“He was watching you the entire time, y/n.” She whispered, picking up a glass and setting it on the bar to make your usual drink.
“Good, I had a feeling.” You hushed back as Danny approached.
“May I?” He gestured to the open seat on your left with a small smile and cocked eyebrow.
“I’d be offended if you didn’t.” You picked up your drink and played with the two tiny cocktail straws as you spoke before taking a sip. Once again, his gaze had drifted down to your mouth as you toyed with the plastic.
“Then I guess I must. I wouldn’t want to offend you.” He chuckled and slid onto the barstool, gaining Andi’s attention. You waited while he ordered his drink of choice, another old fashioned. He thanked Andi for the drink before turning back to you.
“You put on quite the show here.” Danny gestured around the room with a lazy hand. While he seemed to be talking about the Burlesque club in general, you had a sneaking suspicion he was also talking about you.
“Why thank you, Danny.” He smiled a little wider at your recollection of his name. “What brought you in tonight?” You set your glass on the bar, swirling the ice around with the straws. Danny huffed a quiet laugh with a shake of his head.
“Actually, my best friend dragged me here. I was ready to go home, get in bed, maybe watch a show before going to sleep early for once.”
“Ah, so he kind of ruined your night?” The teasing tone of your voice was apparent in your reply, but Danny wanted to play along.
“Oh yeah, big time. And then when I came up to the bar, I had to wait for this gorgeous woman to stop talking to her friend so I could order my drink.” You felt a blush rise in your cheeks at being called gorgeous by one of the most attractive men you’ve seen.
“That’s unbelievable, how dare she?”
You were smiling at him with twinkling eyes, obviously enjoying the little game. He hummed in agreement before going on.
“Well, it seemed like she was having a bad night, so me being the ever so kind gentleman I am, I bought her a shot.” He waved his glass in the air as he talked, adding character to his story.
“But get this! She wouldn’t even tell me her name!”
You gasped dramatically with a hand over your chest. “That bitch!”
The two of you busted out into a small fit of laughter at your exclamation. You winded down and took another few sips of your drink before talking again.
“Tell me honestly though,” You had caught his attention once again, “What did you think, it being your first time and all?”
“Oh it was absolutely great!” He beamed at you before his smile turned into something more sly. “I noticed, by the way.”
You knew exactly what he was referring to. The small tidbit in your performance you had hoped he would catch. Still, you chose to play dumb, as if you had no idea what he was talking about. Your eyebrows furrowed and raised, the edges of your mouth turning upwards in a small confused smile. For an added effect, you tilted your head slightly before speaking.
“Noticed what?” You couldn’t help the way your smile grew the tiniest bit more honest. It seemed as though Danny could read you like a book, even though you two were practically strangers.
He leaned in towards you slightly before speaking in a hushed voice. “The little display you put on during your first performance.” His tone was somewhat cocky, and it turned you on significantly. However, you weren’t going to show your cards so soon.
Instead you gave him a sweet smile, trying to sound as innocent as possible while giving your best doe-eyes. “I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about.” You shrugged, leaning forward in your chair to rest your left forearm against the bar while your right elbow rested on top of wood. Your right hand came up to your mouth letting your thumb rest at your lips, the pad playing with the plump flesh.
Danny’s eyes were back at your mouth, watching your thumb tease your lips, smile widening a fraction as his eyes adopted something more wild. Your lips tugged up in a smirk, dropping your hand back down to your drink to finish it off. His gaze lingered on your lips, and you wanted to know what he was thinking about.
A hand on his right shoulder brought him out of his thoughts, peering up at Sam who had finally come over.
“Hi I’m Sam!” He beamed, extending his right hand to you and you took it as he introduced himself. “Hi Sam, I’m y/n.” You smiled back, shaking his hand briefly before letting go.
“I hate to be a cock block, but I gotta get going, and seeing as I’m Daniel’s ride for the evening… well yeah.” You chuckled at Sam’s brazenness, looking over to Danny who seemed to be wishing he was dead. Or that Sam was.
Sam seemed to catch his best friend’s energy, retreating his hand from Danny’s shoulder. “Alright well, um, I’ll let you two kids say goodbye, and I’ll go wait in the car.” With that he turned around and walked towards the exit, leaving you and Danny alone.
“Sorry about him, we think he was dropped on his head as a child.” Danny shook his head, making you laugh.
“That’s okay, hopefully he’ll drag you out again soon.”
“Oh no, next time I’m leaving him at home.” The two of you shared a laugh before you grabbed a bar napkin and pen, carefully jotting down your number on the flimsy paper.
“In case you don’t come around for a bit.” You folded the paper up neatly and slid it into his jacket pocket.
“I’m sure I’ll be back soon, but I’ll keep this in mind.” He patted the pocket you slipped the napkin in with a wink. He stood from the barstool, ready to leave before turning to you one last time. He leaned in, his mouth close to your ear. “You look pretty cute with something in your mouth.”
You could feel the heat flame in your cheeks and between your thighs at his words. You watched him leave with widened eyes, and a smirk on his lips. You didn’t move from your seat for a few moments, still reeling at his comment. Eventually you gathered your things and headed home for the night, thinking about Danny the entire ride home.
You thought about him the rest of that night. You thought about his tall, sturdy frame and how broad he’d feel under your hands as you changed out of your work clothes. You thought about his large hands as you washed your face, and how they’d feel on your bare skin. You also thought about the way his voice sounded in your ear as you laid down, the sound on a loop in your mind, wondering if he’d sound that way in bed as well.
Eventually you drifted off to sleep with him invading your every thought.
When you woke the next morning you were surprised to see an unsaved number pop up on your phone. You slid the message open to see who it was from, already having a feeling it was Danny.
Maybe: Danny
“Hey, it’s Danny, I forgot to ask you when you work next.”
You weren’t shocked that it was his number. You were shocked, however, that he was already reaching out less than 24 hours later. You saved his number in your phone before sending him a quick text back.
“Hey :) I work the next three nights, actually. Miss me that much?”
You felt satisfied with the flirtatious tease and set your phone on the table next to your bed. Feeling the nervous bubble of anxiety in your stomach, you left your phone in your room while you showered and brushed your teeth, knowing you’d check it every couple of minutes if it was in sight. Deciding to give it more time, you made a small breakfast before heading back to where your phone lay face down on the bedside table. When the screen lit up, you were excited to see Danny’s name pop up under messages.
“Perfect. Something like that… Are you gonna put on a secret show for me again?”
You couldn’t help the grin that stretched across your face at his text.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about”
You hit send on the message, and waited a few moments, seeing the “delivered” under it turn to “read at 10:56 AM”. You exited out of the messaging app quickly before you could see his reply. A moment later your phone buzzed as his text came through.
“Maybe I’ll refresh your memory some day.”
You couldn’t help the way your stomach tightened and legs clenched in response to his suggestive reply. The effect he had on you was laughable. You had only known Danny for ten hours and you were ready to jump his bones, which you were well aware was a tad crazy, but you wanted him. Needed him.
“Is that a threat or a promise?”
You sent your own suggestive text and waited, biting the tip of your thumbnail in anticipation. Once again the “delivered” changed to “read” and immediately you saw his text bubble appear before his next message came through seconds later.
Another grin spread across your face as you read the short message. Usually a man being so forward would turn you away, but Danny had only drawn you in further. Leaving your messages at that, you locked your phone and continued about the day, thoughts being flooded by him. The day went by quickly and before long you were heading to work, excitement burning in your veins.
You were sat at your vanity backstage applying your makeup when Andi came in.. You could see her reflection in the mirror as she approached, holding something in her hand.
“He’s back.” Was all she said, setting a small blue Tiffany box on the vanity, and meeting your eyes in the mirror. Your stomach sank a little, hoping she was talking about Danny, but quickly realizing she wasn’t as you saw the box. The hand applying your mascara stilled and you rolled your eyes.
“I am so tired of his little offers. Take it back to him and tell him I don't want it and I don't want him.” You picked up the box and shoved it back towards Andi’s hands. She took it from your grasp, but stayed a moment longer before speaking again.
“Do you think Danny will be back?”
“I hope so. He’s like the first guest to ever come on to me that didn’t give me the absolute creeps.”
“And he’s hot.” You nodded your head in agreement.
“He’s so hot. God, I wanna climb him like a tree, Andi.” You both shared a light laugh as you stood from the chair, tapping your phone screen to check the time. It was almost showtime, and you still needed to get dressed.
“I don’t have time to come down to the bar tonight, but I’ll visit after my last number.” You moved about the small dressing room gathering all the pieces of your costume for the first routine. Andi nodded her head as she spoke, walking towards the door that led out to the side stage.
“I’ll tell Jeff to shove it,” She winked, and shook the Tiffany box, “I’ll see you later, kick some ass.” With a blown kiss, she was out the door.
You pushed Jeff and his stupid bribes out of your mind, focusing only on your upcoming performances. With the exception of Danny. Every time you were on stage you tried your best to look for him only to come up short each time. You had hoped that he would come tonight, but by the end of the last routine you were feeling you had gotten your hopes up.
Going through the motions of your post-show regimen, you changed your clothes before preparing each costume for the next shift, and gathering all of your stuff. You took your usual seat at the end of the bar and waited for Andi to be free of her current customer.
“I think this belongs to you.”
Rolling your eyes, you turned to see Jeff standing behind you with the Tiffany box in hand. He set the box in front of you on the bar as he slid into the seat next to you.
“No,” You shook your head giving him a firm look, “I told Andi to relay to you that I do not want it, and I am not interested.” Pushing the box back towards him, you faced forward, staring at the liquor bottles that lined the back shelves of the bar.
“Why do you have to play so hard to get, doll?” You wanted to gag at his pet name, but out of what little respect you had left for him as a regular, you refrained. Opting instead to face forward to simply ignore him, praying he would leave you alone. Of course though, that’s not who Jeff is.
“I just think I can take care of you… and have a little fun along the way.”
And just like that, you had reached your boiling point in a short amount of time. You scoffed, turning back to face him.
“Haven't I made it clear? I do not need to be taken care of, thank you, and I do not want to ‘have a little fun along the way’ with you. You can not bribe me with these ridiculous gifts.” Your blood felt like fire in your veins, heat rising to your face the angrier you became. In an instant Jeff’s hand flew to the back of your stool, turning it so you were forced to look at him.
“Listen here I-“
“Everything okay here?” Jeff had been effectively cut off by another male voice sounding out from behind you. Your chest felt tight, recognizing it as Danny’s voice. Jeff’s hand retreated from your chair and he reached up to straighten his tie.
“Everything is quite fine.” Jeff stared Danny down, but he only pushed further.
“Y/n, is everything okay here?” For the first time since he spoke you turned around to look at him. His face was serious, silently asking if you needed help. You knew that now was not the moment to be prideful and decline his offer to help, but you didn’t want to make matters worse.
“Actually, I think Jeff was just leaving.” You turned back to Jeff, seeing shock written all over his face. He stared at you with hard eyes for a brief moment before looking at Danny. With a few annoyed sputters, Jeff rose out of the seat next to you, snatching the Tiffany box from the counter and stormed out of the club. Once out of sight, Danny took the newly empty seat next to you, visibly relaxing.
“Geez, I thought I was gonna have to beat the guy up.” He breathed out a chuckle with a shake of his head, eyes landing in you.
“Thank you for stepping in, I appreciate that.”
“Don’t mention it. I noticed the two of you talking, and didn’t want to interrupt, but when he grabbed your chair rather forcefully I decided that it may not be a welcome conversation.” He shrugged, leaning back into the seat.
“Well, you were correct to assume that.” The two of you sat in silence before you spoke again.
“So did you enjoy the show?” He looked at you with a wide smile and eyes lit up.
“Oh absolutely. Even better the second time around.”
“Do you have a favorite routine?” You gave him a smirk, hoping he caught your little show for him again tonight.
“Hmm…” He paused briefly, seeming to be thinking about his answer. “Just about anything you’re in I suppose… although I do enjoy the first one just a little more.” He leaned in towards you before continuing his thought. “I’m a little disappointed that you don’t need a refresher.”
“Hmm, that’s weird, because I still am not sure what you’re talking about.” A cocky smile played on your lips, shrugging your shoulders. His own lips turned up into a grin as he playfully huffed a breath.
“What can I get y’all tonight?” Neither of you had noticed Andi walk over, both so caught up in the other.
Andi got to work making the drinks you and Danny had ordered. Your usual go to and an old fashioned got him. The rest of the night the two of you chatted and laughed, getting to know one another. You told him about how you got into burlesque, and that you had recently moved to Nashville for your graduate program. He listened well and asked the right questions, wanting to know more about you which was nice.
He told you about the band he’s in and that they’re from Michigan. You hadn’t heard of them, but you insisted you would give them a listen, always wanting to expand your musical horizons. You learned that he played the drums, but could also play a plethora of instruments. Impressive and hot. Eventually, the night was coming to a close as the stage lights dimmed on the last number.
“I should head out. I hate staying after the last performance, too many regulars come up to me afterwards.” You stood from the bar stool and grabbed your bag that was hanging underneath.
“In that case, how about I walk you to your car?” Danny stood from his own seat, his left hand resting on the bar while the other sat on the back of his chair. Part of you wanted to decline his offer as you were sure you could handle yourself, but the other wanted to spend more time with him. Even if it was just a brief walk to your car.
“Yeah, uh, that would be nice.” You gave him a thankful smile. Danny held his right arm out as if to say ‘after you’ and waited for you to lead the way. As you passed Elliot in the ticket booth you gave him a tip of your head and said ‘goodnight’, his eyes nearly bugging out of his head seeing Danny’s hand pressed lightly to your lower back, guiding you out through the small crowd. Danny’s hand never left your body until you had stopped in front of your car.
“Well, this is me.” You stopped at the front of your car, arms gesturing towards the vehicle. It wasn’t anything fancy, but it also wasn’t a lemon. Thankfully your parents had helped you buy a newer car as a graduation gift, a simple Jetta, because it was good on gas mileage.
“Cute.” His head nodded to the memorabilia of your home state hanging from the rear view, a smile on his face.
“A gift from my best friend. She didn’t want me to forget where I came from.” You laughed at the ridiculous idea. Kennedy had been adamant that you didn’t forget her while living in ‘lustrous Nashville’ as she put it. You, of course, insisted that you wouldn’t.
“So, um, are you gonna come to the show tomorrow?” Sitting your bag on the hood of the car, you dug the keys out, and unlocked the doors. Your eyes found your beat up shoes, suddenly more interesting than before as your feet shifted against the gravel.
“Only if you’ll be dancing.” You looked back at Danny as you made your way to the driver door. He was smiling down at you, following your movements towards the door.
“Yeah, I’ll be dancing.” You could feel the blush spread across your cheeks and down your neck as you opened your door and threw your bag on the passenger seat.
“Then I’ll be here.” Danny moved closer to the open door that separated you, arms crossed and supporting his weight as he leaned on its frame. You got in the driver’s seat, keeping the door open as Danny peered down at you.
“Wouldn’t wanna miss my secret show.” He shot you a quick wink and a goodbye before standing up and allowing you to shut the door. You sat in silence as he walked through the parking lot to his own car. Once out of sight you turned on the car and headed out for the night, thoughts of Danny filling your mind until you drifted off to sleep like the night before.
Over the next week the nights that you worked went the same. You would show up, perform and then head to the bar where Danny would be waiting. He would have your drink ready, quickly catching on to how long it would take for you to meet him after leaving the stage. The two of you would talk until the end of the last performance where he’d walk you out to your car. The only thing that changed was your ‘secret show’ for him. You decided to change little bits of it, knowing he would notice each time, and keeping him on his toes.
Like the past nights, tonight was no different. Although the air between you felt different while he walked you to your car. He seemed almost nervous. You came to a stop at your car and turned to bid him goodnight.
Instead, no words came out as you realized he was a lot closer than you expected him to be. Closer than he normally was. He brushed a few strands of hair away from your eyes, behind your ear. His fingertips ghosted the shell of your ear down to where your neck met your jaw, his hand resting there with his thumb laying across your cheek.
You watched with bated breath as his eyes flicked from where his hand was cupping your jaw, to your lips, and then to your eyes. Your lips were pulled into a content smile, watching as he silently asked for permission to kiss you. His smile matching your own when you gave him a barely-there nod.
He didn’t waste any time, gently pressing his lips to yours. Soft and warm against your own, everything about the kiss felt right, like it was meant to be. After a moment, Danny pulled away leaving his hand on your jaw, and looking down at you with soft eyes and a giddy smile. You knew your expression was probably similar to his.
“Goodnight, y/n. Until next time.”
“Goodnight, Danny.”
You watched him retreat to his car, looking over his shoulder only once to see you one last time before disappearing in the sea of cars. And like all the previous nights, he never left your mind.
After the night he kissed you, things progressed each time. Slowly, but progression nonetheless. The next night, he kissed you again, his lips lingering longer than the night before. The following night the two of you made out before he pulled away, whispering something about how ‘Jake would kill him if he was late to the studio again’.
Each time he left you were desperately craving more. To be honest, you had been craving him since the night you first met, but things had been developing slowly, which was alright with you. You were enjoying getting to know Danny, and the build up was kind of hot. The constant flirting, making out and teasing promised an eventual hookup, one that was bound to be worth the wait. You often thought about what it would be like. What he would be like. Constantly clouding your thoughts, like he was right now.
Once again sat at the bar, you and Danny had been talking and enjoying your drinks before he excused himself to the restroom. You waited for his return, watching the ongoing number even though you knew it like the back of your hand. In the dim lights you could see a figure staggering towards you from one of the VIP booths along the walls. As he approached, you knew exactly who it was. Jeff.
By the way he swayed and stumbled while he walked, you could tell he was absolutely wasted and dreaded his arrival. He had his eyes set on you, clearly waiting for Danny to leave your side so he could get you alone. You turned your attention back to the performance, pretending he didn’t exist.
“So you’ll entertain some average guy who more than likely can’t support you, and turn me down?” Every other word was slurred, the liquor coming off his breath prominent, as he rested a hand on the back of your chair and the other on the bar. He had trapped you in. When you didn’t respond, he sneered, bringing his face closer to yours.
“I’m not quite sure who you think you are, you little tramp, but you don’t get to ignore me. I practically own this place.” You kept your eyes on the stage, not giving in to his attempt at scaring you. He didn’t retreat, keeping his face close to yours until you were joined by another.
“I suggest you back up.”
Danny had returned from the bathroom and was now standing behind Jeff. He was calm, and confident, but if looks could kill, Jeff would certainly be dead.
“Oh look, it’s your little boyfriend back to rescue you.” He spat, the smell of the alcohol wafting from him penetrated the air around you. Danny took a few steps forward, closing the space between him and Jeff.
“I said, I suggest you back up.” He put a hand on Jeff’s shoulder as a warning, his tone more stern, clearly becoming angrier. Jeff drew his eyes from Danny’s hand on his shoulder to Danny, a bewildered laugh coming from him. He stood up straighter and in an instant, rounded on Danny, landing a sloppy fist to his nose. You gasped, clearly shocked at the outburst, Danny stumbling back slightly. He brought his hand up to his nose, blood beginning to trickle from the side of the impact.
You watched his face harden, a look you’ve never seen from him take over. Closing the distance between them again, Danny’s right fist connected with Jeff’s jaw, sending him back towards the bar. Danny grabbed the collar of Jeff’s shirt with both hands, pressing him further into the edge of the bar before rearing his fist back again and landing another punch to Jeff’s face. When he went to wind up again, you wrapped your arm around his bicep trying to stop his motion.
“Danny stop! That’s enough!”
He stilled his body, listening to your pleas. Jeff had gotten what he deserved, you knew that, but you didn’t want Danny to get in trouble. He let go of Jeff’s shirt, and backed away from him, leaving him slumped against the bar.
“C’mon we have to get you cleaned up and out of here before security comes over.” You grabbed Danny’s hand and drug him towards the women’s staff bathroom hoping it would be mostly empty. Leading him inside, there were a few of the girls occupying the space who stared at you with confused, wide eyes.
“Everyone out.” You pushed past them, Danny in tow behind you. Most of them gave you annoyed huffs while others scurried out without a word. You locked the door behind them and grabbed two of the many stools along the wall on your way back. You placed one in front of the large vanity mirror, the other next to it, but slightly closer to the mirror.
“Sit down, let me help you get the bleeding under control.” He did as you asked wordlessly and sat on the stool that faced the mirror. You grabbed a stack of napkins, and wet a few before sitting on the other chair. You brought a dry napkin to his nose and dabbed at it gently trying to stop the small flow of blood from getting further down his face. As you threw that one in the trash, you grabbed another one and twisted it a few times.
“Here. Put this in there.” You held the napkin out for Danny, and he took it. Again, he did as you asked and stuck the rolled up tissue in his nose. “Now lean your head back.”
“I’m sorry I caused a scene at your work.” His face was parallel to the ceiling, but his eyes were on you. He looked genuinely worried, as if he had offended you.
“Danny,” You shook your head and huffed a laugh at his silliness, “It’s okay. It’s not your fault… besides maybe he’ll finally leave me alone.” He hummed in response. After a few minutes passed in silence, Danny looked over to you.
“Can I stop looking up now? My neck is killing me.”
“Yeah. Actually stand up and let’s go over to the sink, see if it’s still bleeding.” He followed you over to the sink and leaned over it, holding his hair out of his face when he pulled the tissue out. You waited a minute or two, but nothing happened letting you know that the bleeding had stopped.
You led him back over to the stool and had him sit while you cleaned him up with a wet napkin. He watched you as you patted the area, a grin forming on his lips. You were focused, your teeth biting the inside of your cheek, brows furrowed. He thought you looked cute.
“Thank you for cleaning me up… I still feel kinda bad.”
“Danny, really, it’s okay.” You wiped his nose one last time before turning to throw the tissue in the trash. “Besides,” You shrugged, making eye contact in the mirror with you back to him, “It was kind of hot…” He caught your smirk in the mirror, his eyebrows raising in slight shock at your admission.
“Is that so?” His eyes stayed locked with yours as he walked up behind you, his body pressing you to the vanity counter with light pressure. He placed a kiss to the junction of your shoulder and neck, tracing his fingertips up the side of your body. You hummed, your smirk turning into a smile with your eyes fluttering shut. He placed another kiss on the same spot, this time letting his tongue graze your skin teasingly. You leaned into him with a small gasp, resting your head against his shoulder, allowing more access to your neck.
His lips traveled up your neck to find your lips, your hand tangling in his curls at the back of his head. His hands landing on your hips, turning you to face him, fingers digging into your skin. You deepened the kiss, dragging your tongue across his bottom lip and pulling it between your teeth. Danny let out a groan at the pleasurable sting, leaning into you more and swiping his tongue against your own. You could feel him growing harder against your body, and it only enticed you to continue.
You let your hand travel between the two of you, ghosting his chest and abdomen before landing on his clothed dick. You ran your hand along him for a few moments until it traveled up to the waistband of his pants, where you began to pop the button of his black skinny jeans open when his hand wrapped around your wrist, pulling it away from him and forcefully placing it on the edge of the countertop behind you. His lips had left yours, bringing his mouth next to your ear as he spoke.
“You’re a teasing little thing, aren’t you?” His voice was low and gruff, sending electricity through your body. You only smiled smugly before giving him your usual answer.
“I don’t know what you mean.”
He leaned away to look you in the eyes, a devilish smile upon his face. The hand that rested on top of yours on the counter skirted up your arm, to your neck, and then to your jaw. His large hand encapsulated most of your jaw and neck, his thumb resting on your lower lip, gliding the pad across it before dragging your lip down slowly.
“Mmm,” His eyes were transfixed on his thumb as it pulled your lip down, “I guess it’s time for that reminder?” As your bottom lip met your top again, his eyes flicked back to meet yours, thumb still resting faintly on your lip. You were giving him your biggest doe eyes, making him suppress a groan, his cock twitching. You could feel the movement against your thigh. Wanting to tease him just a little more, you opened your mouth letting the tip of his thumb slip inside, and wrapping your lips around it.
You pushed his thumb past your lips, earning a groan from Danny. The corner of his mouth was pulled into a dazed smile as you let him gently slide his thumb back into your mouth, fully this time. You ran your tongue along the digit till it reached the tip, while sucking as he pulled it out of your mouth.
He gripped your jaw, pulling you to him in a heated kiss. Your teeth clashed, but you didn’t care, if anything it turned you on more. His other hand dug into your waist, pulling you impossibly closer to him, his hard cock pressing into your groin. Your hands flew back to their place on the button of his jeans, working it open and pulling the zipper down. Still locked in the hungry kiss, your hands pulled at his jeans and boxers to free his growing erection. As you busied yourself with his pants, Danny’s hand left your face to knead your chest, thumb brushing over your hardened nipple.
Your hand finally wrapped around his dick, free of it’s confines. He was thick and heavy in your grasp as you pumped him a few times, wrist twisting your hand around his head before coming back down the shaft. Deciding you couldn’t wait any longer, your hands landed against his chest, shoving him away from you to give you room between him and the counter to move.
Danny almost questioned what you were doing as you moved closer to him before sinking down to your knees in front of him. You took him in your hand again while looking up at him through your lashes and gave him a few more pumps. Your hand continued to work him as you brought your lips to the side of his shaft, leaving open mouthed kisses from his base to the tip. Once you reach the tip, you swirl your tongue around his head, then licked a slow, flat stripe from the underside of his head, over his slit, to the top.
Danny’s hand flew to your head, his fingers gripping at your roots as you began to swallow him down. You took as much of him into your mouth as you could, nudging the back of your throat and holding him there for a brief moment. He couldn’t help the breathy ‘oh fuck’ that flew from him lips at the sight of you staring up at him, mouth full of his cock. It was something he had thought about since that first night. You hummed around him, making his hips buck into your mouth, and forcing him down your throat more.
Tears welled in the corners of your eyes, unprepared for his movement, and he pulled out of you slightly allowing you a moment to breathe. As his tip slipped back out of your throat, you gagged around him, your mouth filling with more saliva. His fingertips danced along your chin urging you to look up at him, and you obliged.
“You look so pretty choking on my cock, baby.” You couldn’t help the whine that escaped your throat. He was still in your open mouth, resting against your tongue.
“Be a good girl and let me fuck your mouth, hmm?” He held eye contact with you, a smirk still on his face. You nodded your head as best you could with the position you were in. Danny wasn’t satisfied with this action, gripping your jaw in his large hand.
“Uh-uh, use your words.” He hadn’t even been touching you and you swore you could’ve cum right then. “So let’s try that again,” His hand released your jaw to move the hair out of your face sweetly, “Are you gonna be a good girl and let me fuck your mouth?”
You closed your mouth around him, pulling off of him softly. You pressed a kiss to his head before answering, all while maintaining eye contact. Giving him a wicked grin, and mischievous eyes you responded.
“Yes, daddy.”
His eyes turned to something darker, hooded with lust. “Ah, princess… now you’ve done it.” He gathered your hair up into his fist, making a makeshift ponytail.
You obeyed his command, opening your mouth letting him slip inside once again. He held your head still with the hand wrapped in your hair, and began to thrust his hips into you. You opened your mouth wider, letting more of him glide down your throat.
“You take me so well.” He grunted above you, picking up the pace of his hips. You sucked him as he glided in and out of your mouth, trying your best to breathe. It wasn’t much longer before you could feel him twitch, his hips stuttering and breath becoming increasingly labored. You could tell he was close.
“Gonna swallow me down, princess?” You hummed around him, eyes fluttering at his filthy words and the pet name he gave you. That alone sent him over the edge, his cum shooting down your throat as he hit his high.
He retreated from your mouth slowly before pulling you to your feet and into a kiss. You relaxed into him, hands resting on his chest.
A knock on the door pulled the two of you away from one another. “C’mon!! You’ve been in there for twenty minutes!” One of the dancers shouted from the other side. You fixed yourself in the mirror, and Danny pulled his pants back up quickly, both of you blushing fiercely. As you walked past him to unlock the door, he grabbed your hand and pulled you into him.
“This doesn’t end here. I’m taking you home tonight. Go get your stuff and meet me at the entrance.” His breath was hot against your ear as he spoke, teeth nipping your earlobe before gently sending you back towards the door, landing a playful slap to your ass. You unlocked the door and apologized as the two of you left the bathroom, doing your best to avoid eye contact with your coworkers.
Danny headed towards the front doors while you did as he asked and grabbed your things. You met him at the door where he took your hand and laced his fingers with yours, leading you out into the parking lot.
The two of you got in his car and headed in a direction you could only assume was his house. To your surprise, he didn’t live very far from the club, only about seven minutes down the road. And you were kind of relieved that he lived so close because the tension in the air was almost unbearable. He pulled into a driveway and threw the car in park, neither of you wasting time to get out.
Danny made it out of the car before you could unbuckle your seatbelt, meeting you as you stepped outside. He grabbed your hand in his and pulled you up the driveway of his house quickly, making your body buzz with excitement. You made it to the front door, still hand in hand and waited while he fished for the keys in his pocket.
A moment later the front door swung open, and the two of you stepped inside the mostly dark apartment. You couldn’t make out much in the little bit of faded moonlight that danced about the space. Danny closed the door with one hand, the other on your sternum pushing you against the hardwood where his lips crashed to yours, teeth and tongues colliding in an instant. Your hands found the hem of his shirt trying to push it up his body, signaling to him you wanted it gone. His hand abandoned your sternum to reach between his shoulder blades and yank the shirt off in one motion, tossing it to the floor. When his mouth met yours again, he wedged his thigh between your legs, pressing into your heated core and earning a breathy moan from your lips.
His hands mimicked the action of yours moments prior, grabbing the bottom of your shirt, but taking initiative to pull the fabric over your head for you. It landed with a soft thud on the ground somewhere near his in the barely lit space. You grabbed the waistband of his jeans and worked them open as he kicked off his shoes and began to unclasp your bra before tossing it to the ground. Your effort to rid him of his pants and underwear was long forgotten when he flattened his tongue against your nipple, and captured it in his mouth, flicking his tongue over the bud. Your back arched off the door, hands gripping the roots of his hair, silently begging for more. His teeth grazed the sensitive bud before pulling away and moving to the other nipple. His knee was still firmly pressed against your aching core, driving you crazy for some sort of friction. You began to move your hips, rutting slowly along his thigh, trying to quell your aching need.
Danny pulled his lips away from your chest, casting his gaze downward to watch as you glided up and down his thigh. You whined pathetically when he stopped your hips from moving, hands firmly placed on each one.
“Fucking yourself on my thigh won’t earn you any brownie points.” He shook his head, and removed his thigh from between your legs. You groaned at the loss of contact, throwing your head back against the door.
“Don’t worry baby,” His hands moved to your backside, sliding down over your ass and gripping underneath your thighs, “I’m gonna take good care of you,” Effortlessly, Danny picked you up, and you wrapped your legs around his waist, “Such good care of you, you’ll be begging for more.” He whispered the last part in your ear, low and husky, sending shivers down your spine and making your skin raise with goosebumps. He reattached his lips to yours, walking through the dark house down a hallway.
For a brief moment your head and back were pressed against his bedroom door while he reached down to twist the knob. You were welcomed into the room by a faint orange hue emanating from the salt lamp he had left on. The calm light was a stark contrast to the dark, and lustful look in Danny’s eyes as he tossed you on the bed. He began to tug his tight jeans down his body, leaving him in his underwear. You quickly followed his lead, kicking your shoes off, and slipped your pants down your legs.
Danny closed the distance between you, and rested his hands on top of your knees that were propped up. He pushed your knees apart gently, letting them fall open, his gaze traveling down your body to your underwear. His fingers drifted down to your clothed pussy, tracing over a damp spot in the fabric.
“What’s got you so worked up?” His eyes drifted back to yours, eyebrow cocked, and a pompous look on his face.
“You.” You said almost breathless, his featherlight touches to your core beginning to muddle your thoughts.
“Me? I’ve hardly even touched you, baby.” His finger traced up your slit to your clit slowly, setting the skin ablaze even with a barrier between you. You were growing impatient and needy, bucking your hips into his fingers.
“Danny, please.”
“Please what?” He continued dragging his finger up and down your heat, your underwear becoming damper by the minute.
“Touch me, please. I need more.” You had hoped that the whining beg of your voice would encourage him to do something. However, he did nothing, but continued to torment you. You tried your last-ditch effort, giving him the same doe eyes as before, and sweetening your voice.
“Please daddy? I wanna feel you.” You cooed, a hand trailing up your body to grope your own boob. Danny groaned audibly and palmed himself through his boxers, his head falling back.
“Fucking hell.” His eyes fell back to you, continuing to stroke himself through the fabric. “Move up to the pillows.”
Not wasting any time you did as he asked and moved to the center of the bed, your head laying against his pillows. Your heels dug into the mattress, leaving your knees propped up as before. Once settled, Danny made his way up the bed on his knees to you, stopping between your open legs.
He pulled his hair into a bun at the crown of his head swiftly before laying on his stomach, throwing your knees over his shoulders. Using his index finger, he lightly pulled your panties to the side, dragging his other finger up through your folds to your clit. You carefully watched his every moment like you were trying to commit it all to memory. His eyes flitted up to yours, mouth tugged into a smug smile.
Holding your eyes, Danny’s tongue licked a teasing stripe following the path his finger had previously. He focused on your clit, running circles over it with the tip of his tongue and sucking it between his lips. Unable to hold your head up any longer, your head fell back against the pillows with a sigh of pleasure.
A finger teased your entrance while he repeated the motions of his tongue on your clit, and his other hand snaked up your body to pinch and tease your nipple. You couldn’t help but sink your fingers into his hair, nails raking against his scalp. His mouth hummed around your sensitive bundle, enjoying the feeling of your nails against his skin. You repeated the action, this time Danny slipped the fingers that were teasing your entrance into you, curling them up and pumping them at the same time. His name tumbled past your lips accompanied with a breathy and drawn out ‘fuck’.
His mouth was still working against your clit, licking and sucking, while his fingers slid in and out of you, the combination setting your core on fire. Your breathing was ragged, moans and curses flying from your mouth as he pushed you closer to your climax.
“That’s it baby, I can tell you’re close. You’re squeezing around my fingers so nice.”
His thumb had replaced this mouth, keeping your build up steady.
“Oh, fuck.” A particular swipe against your clit had your back arching off the bed, hips moving to gain more friction.
“Gonna come all nice and pretty on my fingers?” All you could do was moan, there were no words or phrases left in your mind. Only white hot pleasure.
“I’m- fuck, I’m s-so close.” You lifted your head, and watched Danny work you over. His thumb was still circling your clit as he held your gaze, and pulled his head back slightly, spitting directling on the bud, his thumb spreading his spit over you .
That was the final push, your climax taking over, feeling as though you ascended to the heavens for a brief moment. Danny never stopped his movements, carrying you through your orgasm until you became too sensitive and placed your hand over his. Coming down from your high you watched Danny pull the hair tie from his hair with one hand, letting his curls fall freely, and step off the bed, while licking the fingers covered in your slick clean before removing his boxers. He joined you back on the bed, dipping his fingers into the tops of your underwear and pulling them down your legs with some help as you lifted your hips.
He made his way up your body, kissing a trail from your lower stomach up to your lips, his dick nudging against your lower half as you made out, making the wetness pool between your legs again. Danny broke the kiss, to sit back on his calves, and pulled your hips towards his. He gripped himself, running his tip through your dripping core, coating his hard cock with your arousal.
“Ugh, Danny please, I need you. Fuck me.”
Without needing anything else from you, he lined himself up with your entrance and eased himself inside, watching as you sucked him in. He stretched you in the most delicious of ways, slightly painful, but euphoric at the same time, and you both groaned and sighed as he bottomed out.
“Such a good girl taking daddy’s cock like that,” He brought a hand to your pubic area and pressed with light pressure, “Feel me? Feel how full you are?”
“Yes, fuck,” You nodded frantically, “I feel it. You fill me so well.” The increased pressure was unlike anything you had ever felt. You almost didn’t want it to stop, but the feeling quickly left your mind as Danny began to move.
His pace was slow and calculated in the beginning, but quickly grew faster and harder. He was pounding into you relentlessly, the sounds coming from your bodies purely pornographic as they filled the air. You were approaching another release, the band in your core growing tighter and hotter with each thrust.
Danny changed the angle, your legs hiked up around his hips, with him leaning over you, allowing the tip of his dick to brush your sweet spot each time. Your eyes rolled back, moaning his name at the new sensation.
“Open.” He tapped the side of your jaw with his fingers. You let your jaw fall slack, opening just enough to let him insert his middle and ring fingers into your mouth, his index and pinky fingers pressed against either cheek. You moved your tongue against his fingers, still tasting yourself slightly on them.
“Keep it open for me.” He grunted as he removed his fingers from your mouth to play with your clit. You followed his instruction, leaving your mouth open. Danny let a small string of spit slip slowly from his mouth into yours, landing against your tongue.
“Swallow.” You obeyed, closing your mouth and swallowing his spit.
The speed of his fingers on your clit sped up, sending heat through your entire body. Your core felt like it was on fire, the pressure so intense you thought you might explode. Your hands found Danny’s back, pulling him closer to you while raking your nails across his skin.
You could feel pressure being released, ecstasy coursing through you, but it was different from your usual orgasm. There was an immense sense of wet coming from where Danny drilled into you. You could tell he felt it too as he leaned back to look where your bodies connected.
“Oh fuck, angel.” Danny groaned, his pace picking up impossibly harder, fingers grasping your hips, sure to leave bruises. “You’re so perfect, squirting all over my cock like that.” You could barely register what he was saying, your second orgasm mere second away.
“That's it, just like that. Keep that pretty pussy crying for me.”
Your climax crashed over you, wiping your mind completely blank. You weren’t sure how long it lasted, stuck between decades and seconds. When you finally came down, Danny was reaching his own end, his head was thrown back and mouth agape as he continued to thrust into you. He pulled out of you quickly, sending his release onto your stomach before collapsing beside you.
You both laid there, in fucked out bliss trying to come down and steady your breathing.
“Holy shit-“
“That was-“
“That was fucking amazing.” Danny laughed breathily, turning his head to the side to look at you.
“Yeah it was.” You agreed, turning to look at him as well. You both chuckled for a moment out of breath, and enjoyed the post-sex feeling.
Danny sat up slightly, brushing sweat-slicked hair out of your eyes and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“Don’t move, I’ll be right back.”
He hopped off the bed and walked towards an open door in his bedroom. When he flicked the light on you could make out that it was a bathroom, and you watched him grab a towel, before turning the sink on and running it under the water. He came back to you, and cleaned you up, being gentle between your legs due to the sensitivity. He threw the washcloth into a hamper before holding his hands out for you to take.
You simply groaned in response, not wanting to move.
“I know, I know, but we kinda need to change the sheets…” You looked at him quizzically, not understanding what he was saying.
When you sat up you saw what he was talking about. Beneath and all around you, the sheets had been soaked through. You had made quite the mess.
“Oh my god. Danny, I'm so sorry!” To say you were embarrassed was an understatement. You were mortified. “I-I’ve, um, I’ve never done that before!” You covered your face with your hands trying to hide in any capacity.
“Whoa, hey, y/n, look at me.” His hands grasped your wrists trying to ease them away from your face. You averted his gaze as his eyes tried to meet yours.
“It’s okay. I don’t give a fuck about these sheets, we can just toss them into the wash. It's no big deal, okay?”
“Are you sure, Danny? I feel awful.”
“Yes I’m sure. Besides,” His finger curled softly under your chin, finally making your gaze reach his, “That was the hottest fucking thing I have ever witnessed. I’ll take some wet sheets any day to have you do that again.” You couldn’t help the smile that creeped onto your face as you pulled him closer for a kiss.
You smiled into the kiss, feeling Danny smile back before he broke away to walk over to his dresser, and pull out a few items.
“Here, you can wear these.” He handed you a pair of boxers and a t-shirt. You thanked him, grabbing the clothes from him and slipping them on while he pulled on some boxers as well.
You helped him toss his sheets and comforter into the washer, and fitt his bed with fresh ones. Thankfully the mess was contained to just the sheets.
“I think this is kind of apparent now, but you’re staying, right?” Danny asked once the bed was made, looking quite shy as his fingertips brushed your forearm up and down.
“If you’ll have me, yes. I’d love to stay.” He grabbed your arm, pulling you into a hug with his arms encasing your body and chin resting on top of your head.
“I’d like that very much.”
He released you from his hold so the two of you could crawl into his bed, Danny instantly pulling you into him as he settled. He reached across you to turn off the salt lamp he had on his bedside table, chuckling.
“What’s so funny?” You snuggled back into him as he laid back against the mattress.
“I just realized I’ve never seen you in the daytime. Tomorrow will be the first time I've seen you, not after dark.”
“Oh, huh, I guess that is true.” You laughed along with him. Comfortable silence quickly filled the room, and you thought that maybe Danny had fallen asleep until he whispered your name.
“Yeah, Danny?” You whispered back into the open air, your fingers dancing along with his.
“Would you like to go on a real date with me tomorrow night?”
Your heart warmed, a fuzzy feeling spreading throughout your body. You laced your fingers with him, grinning ear to ear.
“I would absolutely love that, Danny.” He released the nervous breath he had been holding, and squeezed you tighter.
“It’s a date then.” He pressed a kiss to your temple followed with a, “Goodnight, y/n.”
“Goodnight, Danny.”
Your body melted into his as sleep took you under. In that moment you knew you were exactly where you were meant to be. Where you were always supposed to be.
taglist: @malany-gvf @gold-mines-melting @sacredthefran @dannyandthekiszkas @gretasimp @popejosh4ever @indigofallingsky
add yourself to my taglist!
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enterdivinity · 4 months
if you are taking requests can you please write this?
So it’s mafia au and your bakugou’s girlfriend and he lets his team use you like Mina, Denki, Kirishima, Sero and I can see Jiro in the group as well so if you want to you can also add her
cw: spitroasting, gangbang(again), cunnilingus, cervix kissing, rushed asf(blehh:3), mafia au(i’m not good at aus btw)
Apparently, being a mafia boss’s girlfriend can lead to some…interesting scenarios. No wonder why Katsuki, aka your boyfriend, and his little posse were eyeing you like some piece of meat. Especially Mina and Denki, they looked like they wanted you from the start. Well, you did look cute, wearing a burgundy slip dress with a big slit at the thigh could definitely do something to a man(and a woman too). She walked up to you slowly, grazing her fingers up and down your arm, making goosebumps on your skin. Damn, a lot of them looked like succubi, was this some sort of plan that the hot-headed blond made with them?
“Your boyfriend said that we should do some stuff to you, yeah?” Mina asked, turning her head to Katsuki. He nodded, looking hot like he always did. You chewed on the inside of your cheek, feeling indecisive. It was a hard choice. Would you either get fucked by his posse, or face the consequences?
Well, go big or go home.
How did you even get into this situation? Lying down on the bed on your back while Mina was riding your face, her pussy juices soaking your face. Each and every noise that you made was muffled by her pretty pink pussy. Your legs were on Sero’s shoulders as he slowly thrusted inside and out of your cunt. He had that menacing and smug smirk on his face, like always. His hands were on your hips while the other two, being Denki and Kirishima, were jerking off to your pretty body. Those pretty curves and edges that you had drove them crazy. While this was happening, your boyfriend kept watching like a hawk. There was a huge tent in his pants from his pretty dick. Too bad you couldn’t see him, there was pussy on your face!
You started to suck on her clit, trying to please his friends while Sero’s long dick was kissing at your cervix. It felt like heaven on earth, even if heaven was getting fucked. Well, everyone’s definition of heaven was different, so who even knew? His groans were like music to your ears, especially when they were mixed with the other three’s noises. Kind of like some sexual symphony. You lapped at her folds and stuck your tongue inside of her pussy as she let out a pretty moan. She leaned her head back while holding onto your tits for support. Denki whined as his cum sprayed on your stomach and abdomen, he was such an early bloomer. Kirishima was early too, letting all that white and sticky liquid drip down on your tits. Typical early bloomers.
A few minutes later, Sero and Mina reached their highs. The black haired boy pulling out and cumming outside of your pussy, while the pinkette shoved her juices inside of you. She got off of you, letting you take a breather. Go big or go home indeed.
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starfxkr · 3 months
what's on the girls vanities
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pup - mostly skin/lip care and she saves all her money to buy one or two things at a time and she makes it stretch. she's the most freckly so she has hella sun block and after sun but she likes to emphasize them with the freak pen!!! her beach day perfume is normally eau de juice which smells like a fruit smoothie or the hawaiian tropic but the patchouli + plum mix of beyonces midnight hit is her signature. pulls out the lush for special occasions only. has lots of lip gloss because that's the only real makeup she wears but she throws in a lip liner and clear mascara too. her lotions are also fruity/beachy smelling but the patchouli drowns it out tbh.
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bunny - if it's pink she's buyin it!!! this can be both standard kook!bunny and pogue!bunny tbh. all her perfumes are light and fruity floral because anything else gives rafe a raging headache. she frequently wears shimmery body oil to parties and loves to beat her face because figure 8 has air conditioning and she won't melt. lots of expensive lotions and creams that she makes rafe pay for because if he wants her pretty he's gotta fund it. is a vs bombshell warrior!!! but she loves soft & dreamy/strawberries & champagne lotion. dolce garden is her beach perfume because its fresh and coconutty, Prada candy florale/chanel chance eau tendre is def the shopping trip perfume, bombshell is pogue!bunny's signature and the miss Dior is for fancy events. she smells like what the other girls call a "sexy baby".
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kitten - sticky fingers mcgee here has stolen almost everything here because save a lot rlly doesnt pay her shit. everything is just drugstore for the most part and her makeup is pretty simple. everyday is normally eyeliner + a real nasty sexy red lip and shes a love spell girl. her nails are pretty much always way too long and a burgundy/blood red. wears mostly unscented lotion or oatmeal lotion because this girl is a napper okay she sleeps 24 hrs and doesnt like being assaulted with scents while she sleeps. that's also why she steals the cat sleeping mask because her skin needs some nourishment while shes sleep. stays with cherry chapstick and whether her hair is down or in braids she's using this very expensive hair cream her mom got her as a surprise. everyday perfume is def ck 1 which she actually buys because its only $10-$20 when she gets it. loverdose however is her party perfume it smells like licorice and vanilla and gets her laid every time its like crack to jj.
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foxy - she has the least amount of stuff because she wears classes and wants to keep it simple.she has lots of fun with her nails though she has a bunch of different colors and she does her own nail art because she doesn't grow them long. her lips are normally a nude/brown with a reddish brown liner because she has a really defined cupids bow and she likes to emphasize it. she loves a gloss though! does midtown blushes so reddish browns because they seamlessly match her skin tone. actually does eyeshadow but its simple which is why she uses a stick thats normally a rusty red and blends it down, looks stun with brown mascara because black is too much. proud mom perfume wearer!!!! green tea is her everyday for school because she puts it on and forgets about it and it blends well with her lotion. deep red smells amazing with her lotion and her mom gives it to her everytime she sees her so once every 4-6 months. that's her party perfume because that was also her moms party perfume. cashmere mist is what her grandma wore her entire life and she doesnt think it smells like old lady at all she wears it to sleep
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tiredwitchplant · 9 months
Everything You Need to Know About Crystals: Bloodstone
Bloodstone (The Blood of Purification)
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Color: Green with bright red splatter. Some have white mixed in
Rarity: Easy to obtain
Hardiness: 7
Type: Chalcedony
Chakra Association: Root, Heart, Solar Plexus, and Sacral
Deities: Brigid, Dione, Persephone, Christ (believed to be his blood in Christian mythology)
Birthstone: March
Astrological Signs: Aries, Pisces, Libra
Element: Fire
Planet: Mars
Origin: Australia, Brazil, China, India, USA
Powers: Open Doors and Remove Walls, Prosperity, Strength, Courage, Purification, Vitality
Crystals It Works Well With: Red jasper, Black Tourmaline, Hematite, Amethyst
How It is Created: Bloodstone is a variety of chalcedony quartz with a distinctive dark green color combined with specks and clumps of red jasper inclusions
History: The distinct blood red marks within the stone are often used for talismans because it is believed that the stone protect one from evil spirits. In medieval times, it was believed the blood specks came from the blood of Christ while he was being crucified as his blood dripped down onto the rocks. Legends such as the tale of Percival, one of King Arthur’s knights who went on the quest for the Holy Grail, illustrate the combined qualities of bloodstone. Percival was a knight trained in the physical aspects of combat, but his quest took him into the spiritual realms, teaching him lessons about illusion and the power of unconditional love. In ancient times, it was believed that this stone could heal, banish negativity, and guide people who were lost. It was worn by warriors on their arms to help heal wounds during battle and to stop the bleeding quickly. It was also worn on the breast of a warrior to feel them with courage and strength. It was said to keep their morals high, even after very heavy casualties.
What It Can Do:
Banish evil spirits and negativity
Heal wounds and one’s mental state
Used to draw money and increase wealth
Clams fear and anger
Ensures victories in legal battles
Balances and ground the energy in one’s heart to promote action
Gives courage and teaches on how to avoid dangerous situations
Heal the ancestral line
Benefits blood-rich organs, regulates and supports blood-flow, and aids in circulation
Egyptians believed it shrank tumors
How to Get the Best Out Of: Wearing it as a bracelet or something on the arm area and a necklace near the heart is a great way to utilize bloodstone to its full potential as it works well near the bloodstream and blood-rich organs like the heart.
How to Cleanse and Charge: Cleanse it by running it under water or bury it in your garden for a deeper clean. Charge it by placing it under a full moon or using green and red candles around it.
Crystal Grid:
General Well Being
Layout: Lemniscate
1 clearing crystal
1 light-bringing crystal
1 immune-balancing crystal
Crystals to Use:
Green Aventurine
Que Sera (Llanoite)
Quantum Quattro
Cherry, Rose, Smoky, or Emerald Quartz
Hold your crystals in your hands and state your intention for the grid.
Lie down.
Place a clearing crystal beneath your feet (sit up to do so).
Place a light-bringing crystal above your head.
Place an immune-balancing crystal halfway up your breastbone over the
higher heart chakra.
Use the power of your mind to connect the lemniscate over and around you.
Remain in the grid for five to fifteen minutes, focusing your attention and breathing gently
into the immune-balancing crystal. If you become aware of energy that needs to shift out of
your body, send it down to the crystal at your feet for transmutation.
Remove the crystals in the reverse order in which you laid them, then cleanse them
Heart and Immune System
Layout: Lemniscate
1 grounding crystal for the feet
1 pinkish-burgundy crystal or immune stimulator
1 emerald-green crystal or immune soother
Crystals to Use:
Emerald Quartz
Cherry Quartz
Rose Quartz
Green Aventurine
Que Sera
Quantum Quattro
Hematite Quartz
Hold your crystals in your hands and state your intention for the grid.
Sit down on the floor.
Place a grounding crystal at your feet.
Lie down fully.
Place one crystal above the heart on the higher heart
(thymus) chakra.
Place one over the heart seed at the base of the breastbone.
Check your heartbeat—it will quickly indicate which crystal should be placed above, and which below. If your heartbeat feels too rapid or is pounding heavily, or if it feels too slow and heavy, switch the crystals around.
Use the power of your mind or a crystal wand to trace the lemniscate, crossing the circles over your heart.
If dizziness results, breathe deeply and send the energy down toward the crystal at your feet for transmutation.
When the layout is complete, remove the crystals in the reverse order in which you laid them. Stand up slowly and ground yourself by stamping your feet.
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willowmaidsworld · 4 months
Bit late to share my Nanny Astoreth cosplay, but here we go! More info under the cut.
To all the folks who attended the Talent show and/or submitted: loved seing your creations! Can't wait for a next year!❤
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The main part of the cosplay- the coat, was made by me. From black wool, satin and burgundy nylon lining. I sewed by machine and by hand. The pattern is roughly 1890s. I wanted to make a coat that is also wearable for a normal day, not only a cosplay. (It will have it's premiere in about a week when I go to see very good production of Hamlet in the theatre.)
I always wanted to have a coat like this, so I added a little Nanny Astoreth magic to the mix and made one of my dreams come true.
Edit: I was asked about some sewing info, so there you go! Warning: I'm not a seamstress, I start and complete my sewing projects only by the inaffable audacity I posses, usually by the method of trial and error. So if you're a seamstress, please don't execute me or burn me at the stake for this, please.
The pattern is from Black Snail Patterns, it's their Victorain 1890s coat. I made few alterations: I combined the two patterns you get (with the skirt or peplum). I picked sleeves from the peplum variation but kept the skirt. (More about the skirt later.)
I made no mock up. That's it, you can crucify me. I just went for it and hoped for the best. Probably don't do that.
This was my "first" in many ways: first time using pattern with included seam allowance, first time working with interfacing, first time doing an overcoat. There were some easy part and some hard ones. I won't go over the whole process, just share a few tips I found helpfull.
Here's the whole coat with the inside. (Colours are a bit brighter then in real life, I had quite a different lighting. It also isn't so shiny.)
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Before I even started sewing, I ironed in interfacing. This makes the coat stiff and strong. (I sadly have no pictures.) The pattern will tell, where to do that. I used baking sheet, so it wouldn't stick to the iron.
To ensure I have the bodice pieces all lined up, I marked the waist-line by thread. Chalupa wouldn't hold and thread made it so easy to work with the pieces. Over all, sewing the bodice together wasn't a problem, but here comes the hard part...
The satin lapels. I had a breakdown over these. I'm not kidding. First, I just sewed them in, and to make them all nice and smooth I ironed them to the ineterfacing on the wool outer layer. That turned out to be a disaster. The seams were showing on the corners because there was more fabric. I had to carefully rip it apart and think of another solution.
I decided to iron in new Layer of interfacing, sticking just to the satin. This was achieved but putting baking sheet between the two fabrics, so it doesn't stick together. There are some photos of the interfacing pinned and not ironed and then when I ironed it. (It was honestly going back and forth, trying not to overheat and melt the fabric whilst making it stick. It took forewer.)
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(As you can see, the collar is stitched on with red thread. That was just to hold it in place, I later handstitched it with black one. I used the same "two interfacings" method for the collar as on the lapels. You can also see a tiny bit of the interfacing in the upper left corner of the second photo.)
Sewing and sewing in the lining wasn't much of a trouble. The sleeves took a while to figure out, but it was mainly my thread ripping while I gathered them.
The skirt was the easy part. I pinned it on and tried it, saw the waist was too low and made my proportions weird. I just moved it up and trimmed the rest of the fabric. Here you can see how the inner seam is done. It was pretty easy.
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About the additional stuff - buttons, buttonholes and the buckle and belt. Buttons were made by me. I wanted them to match, so I bought a little box for making custom fabric buttons. Easy and fun! Buttonholes were supposed to be easy. First two were. The third was a disaster. What can I say? Check your foot and settings. You don't want to be undoing that. I bought the buckle in the shop, sewed the belt. The wholes for the buckle were done by sewing tiny buttonholes. I did the same for the prog of the buckle. Worked surpridingly well.
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That's probably all the tios I have.
Last but not least, I have a tiny fun detail. I embroidered a little star for the starmaker! And I love it dearly!
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jj-5656 · 1 year
Lovesick With; James Potter
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A/N: LISTEN, I am just as shocked as you are. Suddenly I’m all productive, it’s astonishing. This is technically a third part to a series, this last part in thanks to @cookielovesbook-akie. Though its again, not technically necessary you read part one and part two. But it does clear up some backstory and context in this one, if you’re interested. Thank you for all the likes and reblogs, it seriously encourages me so much. Enjoy!! <3
Summary: The one with the infirmary visit, and Remus throws hands.
TW: Mentions of injuries, brief description of anxiety/panic attack a little angst for flavor ;)
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        Ringing, there’s an incessant, repeated ringing of white noise droning in your mind. All your other senses succumbing to it’s vibrations. There’s chaos, pure panic, from the lot of your peers in the Gryffindor tower of the quidditch audience. It’s pouring, you remember James lending you one of his favorite windbreakers earlier that day. The sleek burgundy material with gold accents has kept you warm a majority of the match. 
You feel freezing now, as if all the blood has been leeched from your body. There’s a cold hand clutching yours, your eyes trail it’s forearm to recognize it’s Remus. Tugging you through the murmuring crowd and to the stairs as fast as his feet will let him. Sirius leads, shoving and pushing with half-assed apologies as he expertly weaves through the bodies. 
You remember seeing him fall, arms flailing in the air before he hit the ground. “What the hell happened, will he be alright?” Sirius once again clears a path through a group of officials, snapping you out of your daze. You’re able to get to the gurney they’re currently carrying James on, tears brimming in your eyes at the sight of him. He’s out cold, face distorted with fresh cuts and developing bruises as they lift him onto the carrier. 
“That’s for Noah, Potter!” Damon Tilsy, the infamous Slytherin beater, the one who shoved your boyfriend off his broom, shouts as his teammates hold him back. You turn on your heel, not even considering the consequences before you throw a punch straight to his nose. Something cracks, you’re not sure if it’s his face or your knuckles, but the boy groans in pain and suddenly lunges toward you. It’s a haze of commotion, Sirius ripping you backward as Remus gets in front of you. In an uncharacteristic fit of rage, he shoves the green-clad boy to the ground, about to continue before a couple of Gryffindor players separate everyone. Sirius, shockingly the most level-headed out of the lot of you, grabs you both by the back of your collars, guiding you toward wherever they’re taking James. You leave a full on brawl behind you, a mix of red and green robed students in an all-out frenzy as professors rush onto the field to break it up. 
 Remus has a hand on the small of your back, guiding you through the corridors toward the infirmary. In your daze, you pull on the sleeves of Sirius’ jacket, grabbing his attention despite his eyes never having left his dear friend’s frame. 
“The infirmary, Pads. He’ll be terrified.” Sirius’ frown somehow deepens, a kind hand squeezing your shoulder. 
“I don’t think we have a choice, love.” Is all he manages, moisture brimming in his brown eyes. 
“Y/n, it’s been hours, you need to go to the hall and get some food. Maybe some rest, too? We can keep an eye on him.” Remus taps your arm, snapping you out of your daydream. 
The three of you are sat beside Potter, still fast asleep. The only proof of livelihood in him is the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest. You clutch his hand with the palm that isn’t throbbing, black and blue skin covering your right knuckles. 
“Or maybe let Poppy take a look at that hand, make sure nothing’s broken.” Sirius adds, tone soft and pleading. 
You shake your head, solemn and silent. “I’m fine.” 
Said nurse hurries into the room, raising her brows at the three of you as she reaches James, rising to your feet expectantly at her presence. 
“He’ll be all right,” she starts, tight-lipped smile as you all collapse back into your chairs. “Had a broken rib, and an obviously banged up face from that fall,” She notes, adjusting the bandages around the raven-haired boys chest with a pitiful expression. “But my concoction is doing just the trick to mend any other injuries, just needs a couple more days rest here. If you ask me,” She looks around, suddenly paranoid, “that Slytherin boy should be expelled.” 
“He won't be?” Remus questions, brows shooting up in disbelief. 
Poppy shakes her head, huffing a sigh as she fiddles with James’ IV. “The officials have deemed it misconduct, but not enough for expulsion. He’ll only sit the bench for the next three games. 
“You’re joking.” Sirius scoffs, practically fuming. “We’ve got to talk to Professor Dumbledore, they can’t possibly get away with this.” 
“Don’t forget James was barely disciplined for defending me.” You mutter, running your thumb over said boy’s jaw. Stomach turning at his handsome features riddled with contusions. 
“Or y/n’s right hook” Remus attempts to conceal his proud smirk when Poppy shoots the three of you a look. 
“Not like you didn’t join in.” You remark, offering an innocent smile to the displeased nurse. 
“No matter the consequences...Or lack thereof, you four should stay out of trouble from now on. If you have any hopes for Gryffindor winning the House Cup this year. As well as finishing your schooling here.” And with that, she’s out of the room, heels clicking the entire way. 
There’s a deep sigh from James, he attempts to shift atop the mattress, groaning in pain from the movement. You shush him, running a hand through his hair to soothe him. He grumbles again, and this time, you realize he’s trying to say something. Its unintelligible at first, Sirius shifts in his seat at the anticipation. 
“What’s that, Prongs?”
“Did...” James swallows, humming when a straw touches his lips, taking generous sips before continuing. “Did we win?” 
“Bloody hell, Prongs.” Sirius howls, relieved the injuries haven’t erased any of his conceit. 
“Mutual forfeit, rematch next week.” Remus hangs his head as he speaks, relieved smile on his lips. You're on him in seconds, securing your arms around his neck. The tears that have been threatening to spill throughout this entire conflict finally escaping you. 
“Easy there, Dove. Still sore.” You pull away instantly, taking his face in your hands to ensure you aren’t imagining any of this. He’s wiping the moisture from your eyes with a soft smile.
“Please don’t scare me like that ever again.” You whisper, kissing the tip of his nose because it’s pretty much the only place that won't hurt. 
“I missed you.” He beams, wincing when the action reopens the cut on his lip. He’s a little out of it, having slept so long and full of pain potions. You do your best not to be disturbed by his loopy demeanor.
“You were sleeping, James.” You giggle, amused with his groggy manner. He shakes his head, licking his lips for moisture. 
“Still, could hear you. You were so upset. Shouldn’t cry over me, Dove.” He brushes his knuckles over your cheeks, catching more tears. 
“Don’t be ridiculous.” You grab his hand, pressing a kiss to his palm. 
“We’re gonna go get Poppy, sit tight.” The boys get up, taking one last longing look at their friend before each ruffling his hair and heading out. James frowns, blinking harshly and beginning to squint. 
“Glasses?” He pats around the bed, realizing he could only see you because of your proximity, the rest of the room completely blurred. You nod, reaching over him to grab them and place the recently mended pair on his head. He blinks again, adjusting to the change and surveying his surroundings. His breathing quickens as he looks around, coming to terms with being bed-ridden in the place he hates most. 
“James, it’s okay. You’re okay.” You attempt to calm him, placing your hands on his chest when he attempts to pull himself into a sitting position. The action sending a searing pain up his chest and down to his toes. 
“C-can’t,” he shakes his head profusely, beginning to gasp for breath. “Can’t breath.” He forces himself up, grabbing the headboard with another pained whine. Wheezing as he tugs on the IV needle taped to his arm. 
“Baby, stop that.” You clutch his wrist, heart beat rising as he towers over you. Because he’s a concoction of numbing and healing potions, he’s unaware of his own size and strength. Pushing at your shoulders so he can remove the horrifying wires attached to him. You stumble back, falling on your bottom with a small grunt. He’s stunned, crumpling to his knees and clutching your waist. Confusion and terror written all over his face. 
“Sorry, Dove. I’m so sorry, I didn’t-” He gasps for air, tears running down his face at the atrocity of it all. 
“James, look at me.” You’re stern, grabbing the sides of his face so he can only see you. “You’re having a panic attack, I need you to look at me. Just breathe, copy me.” You take a slow, steady breath. Holding it for just a second before releasing, nodding when he begins to follow. “That's it, just like me.” 
He swallows, lip quivering as his teary eyes search yours. “Did I hurt you?” You shake your head, astonished he’s even considering your well being when he’s an absolute mess of broken bones and bandages. 
“I’m absolutely fine, just keep taking those deep breaths. Don’t cry over me, James.” You repeat his words from before, chuckling when he bows his head in disagreement. You smirk, determined to take his mind off all that’s just transpired. “Guess you could say you’ve swept me off my feet, Potter.”
“You’re unbelievable.”
“And you’re smiling.” You push a tuft of curls from his face, taking his wrist to place his palm over your chest. Letting him calm from it’s rhythm. He takes hold of your hand, face contorted in concern when he surveys your bruised knuckles. Running a shaky thumb over the discolored skin with a deep frown.
“He deserved it.” You defend under his accusatory gaze, pulling the sore appendage to your lap.
“I’m sure,” James can’t help but feel a twinge of pride at the sight of it, though he chastises you anyway. “But you’re much too pretty to be punching people, Dove. I believe that’s my job.”
“I can’t take all the blame. Remus got in on some of the fun, too.” His mouth opens to ask for more context, but you’re interrupted.
“Merlins beard!” The wide-eyed nurse startles the pair of you, rushing into the room with the remaining marauders on her heels. “What are you two doing?”
“Just getting a change in scenery.” You quip, having been the only one to find your comment humorous, James looking to you with an expression you can’t quite read. 
“Ridiculous, the lot of you.” She chides, motioning wildly in a silent order for Remus and Sirius to help James back onto the bed. He clutches his side, a sickening cry escaping his lips at the affliction. You clutch your stomach, nauseated by his pale, exhausted appearance. 
“We know you’re allergic to pollen, so we thought these would suffice.” Marlene smiles sweetly, piling on the stuffed bears and candies to the chair at James’ bedside. He cracks a smile, rubbing at the bandage around his chest for the hundredth time tonight. After another nap, he’s finally up for some visitors. And after the entirety of the Gryffindor team flooded the infirmary, charming it so it’s decorated in a familiar red and gold to make their chaser a little more at home, the girls decide to pay a visit. 
“You’ve spoiled me, loves. Thank you.” He’s still tired, having forced appreciative commonalities all afternoon with you at his side. He’s thankful, but can’t help the overwhelming guilt that eats at him after the morning’s altercation. 
“Don’t mention it, we just want you feeling better.” Lilly studies James and then you, picking up on the slight tension. 
“Especially with the rematch next week.” Dorcas adds, yelping when Marlene smacks her arm in distaste. James only laughs, not offended by her blunt statement in the slightest. If anything, he needed the forthright reminder. 
“No worries, I’ll be back on the broom in no time.” Your brows furrow at his eagerness, tongue swiping over your teeth to bite back any quick remarks that threaten to spill out.
“We should let you rest, both of you.” Lilly announces, looking to you with just as much sternest as she does James, fully aware you haven’t slept since his injury. They say their goodbyes before heading out the door, greeting Poppy as she walks by. The devoted, noticeable worn out nurse wordlessly hands you an extra pillow and blanket. Knowing full well any attempts to get you to sleep in your own dorm are futile. 
You spread the woven blanket over your legs, settling in for the night when James looks over. “You don’t seriously think I’m letting you sleep on that chair while I get a bed, right?” He inquires, absolutely astonished. You only yawn in response, pulling the blanket up to your chin and surveying his injuries for what seems like the millionth time. No matter how much you look at him, seeing the abrasions, wraps, and wires never gets easier on your heart. 
“Stop looking at me like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like I’m broken.”
“James, you’re getting better, I know that. This has just been...A lot, for both of us.” He nods, pulling the sheets aside in a silent signal for you to lay beside him.
“I’ll hurt you, and the mattress is small enough as it is.” There are other beds in the infirmary, of course, but you’d rather not make any of the staff have to change yet another set of sheets purely for your comfort. 
“Either you get in this bed with me, or I take the chair.” It’s not a request, that’s clear in his tone. You sigh, too tired to argue any longer. Increasingly upset with the unspoken tension between you. It’s likely a mix of fatigue and distress, but it’s foreign nonetheless. Sure, you’ve had your bickering. But this seems to be your first real argument. And, ironically enough, you’re not even sure what it’s about. 
You climb onto the mattress, immediately comforted by his warmth. The day has bested the both of you, and sleep pulls at every one of your muscles. James obviously can't lay on his side, so the most comfortable position is underneath his arm so your head can rest on his chest. You’re careful to avoid the side of him farthest from you, as it’s the one with the mending rib. James releases a huge breath once you’re next to him, a sigh he seems to have been holding in all day. You’re both quiet, contemplative, heartbeats beginning to sync together in a beat that further begs sleep. 
“Why aren’t you upset with me?” He breaks, so soft you wouldn’t have heard him had you been so close. You sit up, one hand on the mattress and the other on his chest to support yourself. 
“What? Why on Earth would I be upset?” You’ve been so sure your boyfriend has been barely talking to you because of his own unspoken quarrel, not even considering he thought it to be vise-versa. 
“I hurt you.” A tear falls past his bruised cheek, one he’s quick to swipe away. Hazel eyes bloodshot with exhaustion and sadness. 
“James.” Is all you manage, voice cracking with your own build up of emotion as he gently pushes your doting hands away from him. 
“No, y/n. You’ve been nothing but patient, gentle, worried.” He swallows, not meeting your eyes as he goes on. 
“You didn’t mean t-”
“Doesn’t matter.”
“I wasn’t even hurt, James.” 
“But you could have been.” His eyes narrow, disgusted at the thought. “You were only trying to help but I just-I just panicked, and I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.” He falters, not expecting your embrace when you wrap your arms around him. Hesitantly, he wraps an arm around your waist, immediately engulfed in comfort when it presses your body against his. “I hope I didn’t scare you.”
“Never. Please, just please don’t pull away from me like that. I thought you were angry with me.” You confess into his neck, meeting his eyes when he pulls you back by the waist. 
“Angry with you? Dove, first I’m overcome by some illness, and then no less than two weeks later I’m in the infirmary after the first quidditch match of the season. If anything, you should be angry with me.” He’s bewildered at your unwavering kindness, feeling utterly undeserving of a soul so sweet. It makes him want to cry even more. Though he doesn’t, for your sake.
“And what did I tell you when you got sick? That you never needed to earn my taking care of you.” You point a finger into the middle of his chest, stern in your reiteration. 
“That’s not exactly what you said.” He has the audacity to tease, releasing his first genuine laugh in days when you smack his arm. Despite your flushing skin, the bellowing sound is music to your ears. Finally, you see that spark ignite back into Potter. Thank Merlin, he’s still there. 
“Haven’t you put me through enough, now you’re teasing me?”
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. You’re terribly cute when you’re shy, I can’t help myself.” He squeezes your hips, hands running down to your thighs to soak in as much skin as you’ll let him have. Right then and there, in the middle of the empty infirmary, James Potter is completely sure he’s going to marry you someday.��
“What?” You squirm under his gaze, and he realizes he’s been staring.
“Nothing, just looking at you.” Is all he says, laughing again when you crumble into his chest. Utterly lovesick.
“Hey, where’d you go?” He pokes your sides, voice so sweet and soft you do your best not to melt even more. “I haven’t gotten to kiss you in ages, I’ve been deprived much too long.” Your cheeks burn from smiling so much, unable to rid yourself of the giddy demeanor when he presses his lips to yours, a chuckle escaping him as he presses smaller pecks to the corner of your mouth, along your jaw and past your neck until he reaches your collarbone. Nipping on the sensitive skin, and smirking when you gasp, hitting his arm again. 
“I can’t kiss you if you’re smiling,” he defends. Greedy hands slithering under your shirt to trace circles on the skin of your back. You press your forearms to his chest, allowing him to really kiss you this time. He chases when you pull away, still not satisfied. You shake your head, pressing one last peck to the corner of his mouth. 
“We need to sleep.” You order, ignoring his dramatic sigh as you relax into him for the final time. 
“I’ll just have to make up for lost time in my dreams then. You’re much more amenable there, anyway.” 
“James Potter-”
“Kidding, Dove. I prefer you much more, she’s a bit handsy anyway-” His teasing is muffled when you clasp a hand over his mouth, a gasp passing your lips when he nips your palm. Completely satisfied now that you’re properly flustered. 
“Goodnight.” You blink slow, engulfed in tantalizing warmth once he pulls the sheets over your shoulders. Ensuring your fully covered before he closes his own eyes. 
When he’s sure you’re sound asleep, James licks his lips. Whispering out into the darkness, because the words have been begging to leave him ever since your accidental confession those weeks ago. 
“I love you too.” 
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starlostseungmin · 2 years
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pairing: idol!hyunjin x gn!reader
genre: angst with happy ending, fluff & exes to lovers trope
warnings: profanity, mentions of alcohol, kissing and break-ups, lmk if i missed something, not proofread.
word count: 6.4k +
notes: i happen to change the title, i had it fit on taylor swift's midnight rain. lmao, hope you guys love it! please don’t send in requests because i’m not taking any right now and if you wish to see more of this posts please reblog, leave your feedbacks and put tags alright? thank you very much love ♡
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Certain words could describe what he’s like.
A fresh clean white canvas that was slowly enamored with paint. A combination of red and black, sometimes they’re just two different colors but when they’re mixed, it’s going to be dark red. Can be burgundies, like the color of the wine and that lipstick some people use. An attractive color for a lot. It screams passion and love, just the way how his views reflect on them. 
He can be that one book from the bookstore which belongs to the new arrivals and romance as its genre. His pages are neat as the words used by the author are aesthetically pleasing and good to read. The smell of it is addicting which makes a bookworm satisfied. A scent that could bring joy and temptation to claim it as theirs. 
Maybe that one pair of suits from that one famous shop in Paris that was neatly designed and tailored, exclusively to be used on a special occasion. 
Or that one song you hear from a famous singer that describes how loving him feels like. 
You just look at him that way. A lot of things remind you of him, but he never knew you. He is famous in his career and you were just another writer who wanted to claim their dream to reality. Here you are in Paris, looking for inspiration, and might as well take it as your holiday from work. You know it doesn’t happen every day, but you were hoping to see just a glimpse of him when you knew he’ll be there too.  
Love and a short history would let fate decide what will happen. You rarely believed that luck is on your side, that, it always gives you good things to look forward to when something significant has been painted on your pathway. The things you wanted to happen don’t always happen. Probably had yourself considered as unlucky but things might turn upside down when it comes to certain points in life. 
Definitions, descriptions, comparisons, personifications, metaphors, and similes, a few more figures of speech to make it longer. Or is it just him who can make you write words that are simply out of this world? When in love, probably yes, he is your favorite person after all. 
The city lights illuminated the place as the sounds of people from everywhere bustled around the area. His camera clicks whenever he spots something beautiful in his eyes. It was another merry night in Paris, lots of tourists were hanging out beneath the Eiffel tower at night. Others tend to eat inside the restaurants and the rest just go, enjoying the view while taking pictures. The usual sight with couples everywhere, a marriage proposal perhaps, or just those who came alone, hoping to find their significant other in a such romantic place. But Hyunjin begs to differ. 
His camera falls gently to his stomach with its strap supporting it around his neck. It was getting late and still, there were a lot of people who wanted to stay. Felix left him for baguettes down the street with only his camera and a small bag, hanging on his shoulder. He started to walk away, he thought he had captured enough to fill his new film rolls. The amount of excitement that was painted on his smile is pure, but he is sure something is missing. 
Clicking a button, Hyujin fixated his gaze on the imagines being plastered on the small screen. The scenery, the subtle imagines of the crowd, the tower itself, and the city lights were all beautiful. He tried to take a picture again and had the focus on a certain object when you accidentally walked past by. A beige coat, black trousers, and a white turtleneck are a trend. It’s not hard to recognize you, that sparkle in your eyes and perfectly crafted smile, how could he forget? Hyunjin had to put his camera down again, he wanted to make sure… it is you. There you stood upon noticing and recognizing him, the famous idol you once loved. And the person you broke up with a year ago. 
He was stunned seeing you for the first time after a while. Memories flooding back, the things you did together, the pain and heartbreak, the happiness and joy, they were all worth it when you were still together. Yet, everything doesn’t last forever. There’s nothing in this world that doesn’t have a due date, unless you wanted more, you could always get a new one. But it won’t replace the thing you had for the very first time. 
“Y/n…” He called as his voice sounded like a whisper. 
He caught your attention the moment you saw that familiar camera he always brings. The one he used to take pictures of sceneries and other things he find beautiful. He could have clicked the snap button when he realized you were standing a few meters away, but to his shock, he couldn’t. Hyunjin didn’t know how to act. You didn’t say anything and smiled, it made his heartbeat go at a faster pace. He didn’t know what to do, he could hate Felix for leaving him behind for some freaking baguettes but he is also thankful he won’t be able to ruin a reminiscing moment he is having right now. 
“Yo! They’re having a sale at the bakery!” Felix exclaimed out of nowhere, checking everything he got in his paper bag, not bothering to pay attention to the tension you and Hyunjin have. “I got you baguettes and一oh,” He said, stopping in his tracks. “Hi, Y/n!” 
“Hey,” You smiled timidly. 
“It is unexpected to see you around here! How have you been?” Felix said, eyes full of smile as he came towards you for a hug. 
“I’m doing good,” You chuckled, hugging him back. “How are you guys? I heard you were preparing for a comeback?” 
“Yeah,” Felix grinned, pulling away. “We’re just here for a break and a few activities, Hyunjin loves Paris, you know?” He smirked as you smiled at him. 
“Felix,” Hyunjin called as he remained standing there, Felix had stolen the spotlight but that was his fault for being frozen on his spot. 
“What? Can’t I speak to your ex about you?” But Hyunjin rolled his eyes and walked away. A sigh escaped from your lips when Felix gave you an apologetic smile, bowed a little out of respect, and went to fetch his friend. “Bro, why did you leave? That was your chance to have a closure with Y/n!” 
“Not today,” He shrugged, as he continued to walk. 
You stared at a blank document on your laptop for a few hours now. Hyunjin can’t seem to get out of your head after what happened earlier this evening. It was past midnight, and the view from your window of the city is still beautiful, but some lights were already turned off. You were supposed to stay in Paris for a couple of weeks as per business matters. Being a writer in a famous book publishing company isn’t a joke and you wanted to impress your boss with your writing. Still, Hyunjin has been a distraction. 
The cursor just kept on blinking, waiting for you to write something that should be the start of another chapter of your novel. You were unsure what to write though the storyline has already started. Maybe because of the back pain you’ve been suffering every time you sit for hours, writing romance or it was just Hyunjin who ignored you after a short while of a meeting? The pajamas were comfortable and the headband kept your hair from falling on your face. The anti-radiation glasses help too yet you keep focusing on the random details you have in your hotel room. Not the story. 
“Hyunjin,” You said. “Hwang Hyunjin,” 
A harsh sigh escaped your lips, groaning at the fact you have seen him again a year after your breakup. You wanted to talk to him, really, but how he acted after Felix came hurt you. It felt like you were pierced through the heart and were left without aid. But it was so much more than that when you two broke up. He is an idol, and you were just you, a person who wanted to live their dream like him. You wanted him to be part of your dream. A writer who wanted to be known like him as he was making his name in the industry along with his member. But things grew apart, love became a heartbreak. You were the stars that shine bright in the night and he was the raindrops that caused the cold, soaking the papers wet making the ink smudges on them and words unable to be read. 
You were hurt, but his dream is more important than your relationship. All the good things you wanted for him, happened. You wanted him to be happy and so, you let him go. 
After a year of not seeing him, you thought everything is good, with no feelings or sadness. You might have heard his name on several news and read articles about how famous they are, but you ignored it. Not even expecting him and Hyunjin to be in the same place as you are. Maybe fate did it on purpose. 
Coughing on the thoughts of it, they were followed by hiccups. How dare he showed up and Felix acted as if there was nothing to talk about? 
You shake your head, it doesn’t matter anyway. 
You closed your laptop gently and stared out the window, admiring the view of the city after midnight. No words were being produced by your brain and you have to take a while to process them into paragraphs. And maybe an evening stroll a few hours ago wasn’t enough to take the motivation to write something. But there’s only one messing with your head, Hwang Hyunjin. 
That was the first night. 
The next morning, Hyunjin was busy looking at the photos he captured last night. Felix was busy munching his waffles but still took a few glances at his distracted friend, unable to take a bite of his breakfast. His mouth was full as he watch him with a serious face and brows knitted together. Felix could only sigh and continued to eat but still, Hyunjin didn’t even bother to shift his attention to anything. 
“If you’re not eating, I’ll take your food,” Felix said. 
“I’m not hungry, go ahead,” Hyunjin replied as Felix looked at him in disbelief, taking his plate onto his mat. 
“What’s wrong with you though? Can’t take her out of your mind?” He asked. “You didn’t talk to me ever since we came back to the hotel,” Hyunjin sighed, taking away his gaze from the small screen of his camera. 
“Look, I was too occupied with the pictures I’ve taken,” Hyunjin reasoned. 
“Yeah but it’s not a bad thing to touch your food for a bit and go back to your hobby yeah?” Felix argued. “Don’t tell me you suddenly took a picture of Y/n last night that’s why you’re not paying attention to me,” 
“I didn’t,” Hyunjin said. 
“The truth?” Felix retorted, raising a brow at him. 
“I swear, you were on the way,” Hyunjin replied, rolling his eyes. 
“Gosh, I can’t believe you,” Felix muttered. 
Hyunjin sighed heavily as he watch Felix devour his food. It lead him to order another one and waited. His manager planned to eat breakfast in the restaurant down by the street which was a block away from their hotel. It wasn’t crowded first thing in the morning but the joy he felt was when he could see a few people enjoying their coffee and some were walking their dogs. A lovely morning for him to consume. But it was only him and Felix again. The two has been never separated when they first got into the city and by that, he already has plans to spend a week’s vacation. 
“Don’t forget we’re invited to attend YSL’s event later alright?” Felix said, finishing his meal. 
“Yeah, we’ll get back to the hotel by lunch,” Hyunjin answered. 
“Where are you off to?” 
“Sightseeing I g一” He shrugged and was about to say something in addition to his answer when he saw you walk into the restaurant, going straight to the counter. Felix noticed him frozen onto his seat after wiping his lips and followed his gaze. It was you, alright. 
“Should I call her?” Felix smirked. 
“I’m going to kill you, I swear,” Hyunjin growled and Felix just shakes his head in disbelief. But Hyunjin watched you. 
Beige trousers, a purple crop top, and a white cardigan, you always look good. Never in a day, Hyunjin would say how beautiful you are. Compliments he missed on telling you every day. He admits, he wasn’t the best version of himself when you broke up. There is always the facade he keeps to the public but behind closed doors, he knew he was miserable. It wasn’t easy to get over you, it wasn’t easy to forget, it was the same as how you felt, and nothing was easy during the post-breakup. None of his friends talked to you, even his parents. Nobody reached out, just straight broke up conversations and the rest were already ghosts. 
The lady from the counter handed you a paper bag with your breakfast in it, thanked her, and left, without even checking who was there, sitting on the tables. Felix shakes his head again and Hyunjin licked his lips, sighing in defeat. But that wasn’t Felix’s problem to think about, it was Hyunjin’s anyway. His eyes never left your figure until you disappeared from the block, taking the alley to the left while Felix looks at him, being done and dumbfounded. 
“We’ll have to schedule your arrival at the event first. It will be at exactly 4 pm, so I’ll expect you’ll be done with your hair, make-up, and suits,” Their manager spoke, later that day. Felix was having his hair done in their spacious hotel room as Hyunjin had his gaze down the street while sitting by the window seat, watching the city get soaked in the rain, and hands halted from his half-done sketch of a landscape. “Hyunjin are you even listening?” 
“I was,” Hyunjin sighed in response. “Shall we leave at 4 pm?” He added, standing up from his spot一tossing his sketchbook on his bed. 
“No,” His manager argued making him roll his eyes. 
“Don’t be tough on him, he saw his ex today,” Felix smirked as their manager gasped. 
“Yeah,” Felix said. “Don’t worry, they never talked,” 
“Ya, Yongbok-ah,” Hyunjin said, feeling like a threat as Felix shrugged, admiring his new hairstyle. 
“Anyway, Y/n’s not important right now, I need you to get ready,” His manager said. Hyunjin sighed in disbelief and went to his stylist. “By the way, Felix will be the first one to leave,” 
“Yeah? Why though, I thought the head organizer wants to see us both?” Felix asked. 
“Hyunjin has another agenda before attending the event, right?” His manager said, looking at Hyunjin. 
“I’m getting flowers,” He bluntly replied. 
“Flowers for what? Are you suddenly seeing someone?” Felix asked, shocked. 
“No, I just don’t want to go early,” Hyunjin said, getting his make-up done. 
“Suit yourself,” His manager said while Felix whined about being unfair. 
Hyunjin didn’t say anything after Felix’s complaints, but he is sure his best buddy was just joking around and letting him do whatever the hell he wants as long as he’ll be mindful of his time. Night fell, and his hands held the steering wheel, glancing at the cars passing by the highway. The lights ran from the average speed to high, some kept it to their speed limit. It was fresh from the afternoon rain, the water puddle by the sidewalk have the reflection of the streetlights being lit up and the people who just happened to walk by. His convertible made its way through the wet bricks, enjoying the mist of the cold evening air. 
A smile formed on his face when he saw the lights illuminating the Eiffel tower一 a part of Paris he always wanted to visit though he already did a few times ever since he became a famous member of his group. It always feels like where he belongs for some reason, the food, the fashion, flowers, and other stuff, everything is aesthetic in his eyes. And most importantly, the art museums and exhibits French and foreign artists execute around the area. There is always a reason to come back. 
The flowers he brought, sat on the passenger’s seat, enjoying the evening air as well as they travel back to the hotel. He fell in love with the bouquet that consists of pink tulips, red roses, and white baby’s breath. The muse of his new painting perhaps? It is calming and beautiful to paint live flowers一one that makes his painting realistic and unique. But it wasn’t for him to keep一maybe it can be someone at the event he is going to or just going to keep it himself and put it on their vase back into their hotel room to paint. 
Flowers are supposed to be given to someone that a person loves, maybe for congratulatory and some other reasons. But mostly because of love, he used to bring you flowers back then. He was so in love, like a puppy that wanted to be with his owner for the rest of its time. Not everyone believes in love, but by the time someone falls into the pits of attachment and intimacy, it can be avoidable and hard to let go. There are different perceptions of it, they’re like genres that a person views and carry feelings about different people. His love is similar, but unfortunately, it ended with you a year ago. 
He walked by the lobby, earning gazes of astonishment and amusement from the people hovering around the area. Slicked back hair with a few strands of side bangs on his forehead, a whole black suit and rings adorning his long fingers, a bouquet in one hand, and his gentle smile, plastered on his face as he smells the flowers he just bought. Walking through the crowds of people doesn’t bother him, not one of them caught his attention. Murmurs and silent voices say he is a handsome young man which makes everyone drawn to him. His tall figure and dashing fashion add up to being one center of attention. 
“There you are,” Felix said, the moment he saw him. “Wow, are these for me?” 
“No,” Hyunjin said as his smile faded and made his friend pout in disbelief.
“Tch,” Felix said, rolling his eyes. 
“Good evening! I’m here to take you to your respective seats, this way please,” The lady attendant said as he and Felix happily obliged. Their manager went to talk to some people around and waited for the instructions for the next set of events. They were given perfume samples to try but Hyunjin got occupied the moment he sat down, hands in his pockets and eyes fixated on the person who just entered the premises. 
It was you again. 
Black dress and heels, styled hair, and light make-up, how could she stand there and look beautiful? He thought, mesmerized again. And why is she here? I thought she was on a vacation. Several thoughts flooded his mind after he saw you. He couldn’t put himself to calm down, why does my heart beat faster than earlier? 
You smiled at someone as they went to have a conversation. The lady from earlier had to cut it off and assist you at the same table where Felix and Hyunjin were. It is a lovely evening after all, and you were thankful that your boss had to drag you with her when she knew you weren’t doing anything for the day. 
“You’re staying here in a couple of weeks, instead of sitting in front of your desk to produce ideas, why not come with me to the event?” She said the moment she arrived at the airport as you welcomed her after knowing you were spending some time in Paris. You couldn’t refuse, you were bored after all and had too much of your writer’s block ever since last night. The first evening you saw Hyunjin, and, this will be the second evening when you realized where the attendant is leading you to. 
“Please enjoy the evening,” The lady said and left. 
“Good evening Y/n!” Felix greeted and Hyunjin remained silent. 
“Good evening Felix, and,” You paused as you looked at him. “Hyunjin.” Felix had to nudge his friend on the side to wake him up to reality instead of staring at you, saying nothing. Hyunjin winced in pain, nudging him back to his arm, Felix chuckled in response but was already glaring at him. You didn’t get a response after that, instead, you just placed your attention on anyone else. 
The host has been taking their time to introduce, and recite the speech and explanations about the event while you take a sip of their prepared wine. The food is a luxury, Hyunjin was paying no attention but you. Felix listened to them and clapped his hands when everyone else did. Don’t mind about the people, just the food. Hyunjin tried to take his small sketchbook out of his pocket when your boss head back to your table and stole you for a conversation. He was about to protest when he was dragged with Felix for the photo opportunity at the event. Had to smell the scents of their perfume, and take pictures with other big names in the industry, Hyunjin had to endure them for a while. Felix didn’t seem to mind, unlike the older one who seems to be distracted all the time. 
He wanted to not let you out of his sight, but the pictures are taking a while, and conversations had to be precise and shared. You were just there, being a chaperone of your boss as she introduced you to some people she knew or tried to give you a date for tonight. You weren’t convinced and tried to decline, as you hated social events like this when you were supposed to be in your hotel room or at a restaurant, enjoying dinner alone. Meanwhile, Hyunjin was already growing impatient with all the interactions he got. Forget about Felix, he wanted to get away for a while. 
Someone was about to approach him but Hyunjin politely excused himself and rushed through the crowd. The people passing by keep on delaying his purpose of direction but it didn’t stop him from getting to you. He wanted closure, he wanted to talk, and forget about the hurtful things he did during your relationship, he just wanted to give himself a chance to be forgiven by you. But you didn’t want that anymore, you knew Hyunjin has been happy even though it wasn’t easy to overcome the heartbreak both of you felt. He reached miles away with his dreams, while you stood there, watching him. I don’t deserve someone as perfect as him anyway, that was what you always think about. But maybe you did deserve him after all. 
“Y/n,” He said as he stood behind you. 
“Hyunjin,” You called, turning around to face him. “Is everything alright?” You asked. 
“Can we talk?” He said. They said to never trust that sentence, but you wanted to risk it. It might help you wake up to the reality you’ve been longing for. 
“Sure, about what?” You asked when he suddenly took your hand. 
“I’ll tell you later, come with me, please?” He said as you took a glance at your boss but she was too occupied to even bother. Felix and his manager were just watching from afar, with nothing to object to. 
“Where are we going?” You asked but he didn’t answer, instead, he just grabbed your hand and went to where he parked his car. 
The outside scenery is still fresh from the afternoon rain, but there were no stars above the dark sky, a sign that it will rain again anytime soon. You sat quietly on the passenger’s seat as Hyunjin jogged around to enter the car, driving away into the night. You remained quiet the whole ride, not bothering to ask any questions, you didn’t even know what to say to him after the whole year. The flowers he bought sat in front of you, good thing he dragged it with himself on the way out. Was it for another person? 
“Those are for you,” He said, taking them into his right hand and handing it to you. It was an impromptu move. Those flowers were supposed to be his muse for his painting when he gets back to the hotel later but he found you instead. 
“Thanks,” You smiled gently, smelling the before placing it on your lap. “Where are we going?” 
“I have nothing in mind actually, but away from the crowd, I just wanted to talk to you, it’s been a year, ever since…” He said, pausing mid-sentence. 
“The break-up?” You asked. 
“Yeah,” He answered, parking in front of the Louvre Pyramid. Hyunjin walked out and jogged around to open the door for you. The flowers lie on your seat as you followed him a few meters away from the car. He looked restless all of a sudden, his composed look disappeared and shifted into something that was bothering him. Hyunjin stood away with his back against you, he was staring at the pyramid, confused and uncomfortable. You tapped his shoulder to see what was going on, and when he turned around, it was the soft Hyunjin you once admired. 
“I don’t know where to start,” He said. “I’m sorry about the breakup, I was a jerk and ghosted you after that,” He added, as he started to have tears visible in his eyes. 
“Hyunjin, no, we’re alright, okay? It’s already behind us, don’t apologize, none of those was your fault. I didn’t blame you for it,” You said, cupping his cheeks to wipe his tears away. He just looked at you, wanting to go on a breakdown, but there you are, in front of him, still sweet as ever. 
“No,” He said pulling away from you. 
“Hyunjin, I just thought it would make things easier for you, I understand how hard it was for you. I didn’t want to be a nuisance in your career, I don’t want to cause trouble,” You sighed. “If breaking up with you was the answer, then I have no choice,” 
“But I didn’t want to!” He said. 
“I didn’t want to either!” You retorted. “I was trouble, I was the problem okay? You said it yourself back then, you don’t want to cause drama and be hunted down by the media that you’re in a relationship! Did you think I wanted this for the both of us? I was hurt when you decided to cut it off, I was hurt when you didn’t even show up the next day, and now we’re here, talking about this bullshit that I thought it’s already done.” 
It made Hyunjin feel bad, as he had always been. 
“Y/n, I don’t care about those anymore,” He said. “I don’t care about the media, I don’t care about the risks anymore. This bullshit you’re talking about is our relationship,” 
“That you broke off,” You said. 
“I didn’t want to hurt you,” 
“Now that’s bullshit,” You chuckled in response. “Yeah let’s say it was fine because I chose your career to be saved instead of hanging out with me. Let’s just stop this okay? You’re good on your way, I’m already doing good by myself, I don’t need this drama anymore Hyunjin. Do you still want me?” 
Hyunjin didn’t say anything for a few seconds, there was dead air, but his eyes were into yours while you wait for his answer. 
“I do,” He said. “I always have and will always do,” 
“You don’t know what you’re doing, are you? Can’t you hear yourself?” You asked which made him take his steps forward. 
“I do, just please,” He said, as he held your cheeks. “Let’s start over,” Closing your eyes, you felt the warmth of his hands on your bare cheeks, one of his touches that you missed the most. “We were young, and I was too quick to jump into the pit, not thinking thoroughly about it. Please give me another chance, I won’t mess it up again,” 
You pulled him into a hug, Hyunjin was caught off guard at first but he gave in immediately and melted inside your arms. He buried his face in the crook of your neck, hugging you tighter. The scent of your perfume is still the same, the one the kept on missing for the whole year, he always seeks it but the scent would never be the same if someone else wears it. He came to think how miserable he was when you were gone. 
It was those nights when he sits down and think about the things he should’ve done instead of risking your relationship over his career or maybe those days when he would just space out during a group meeting or the lives he did with his group. He keeps on staring at his phone waiting for your texts or browse on his photos trying to find your couple's pictures and reminisce. It was also how he kept the things you gave him during your anniversary and his birthdays. But during the past year, it feels empty, and he had to fake everything until it was convincing. 
His fans don’t know how he feels, they just assume them. They didn’t know how hurt he was, and they will never know everything about him. Even the boys who are living with him, he probably is showy sometimes but it’s hard to share something so deep. Just like how it went on your side. For them, it wasn’t a big deal, but to you, it was. You treasure Hyunjin so much that it pierced your heart that he had to break up with you. The things you did for each other just disappeared in one night. And had to wait a year to fix it. 
You don’t know exactly. Now that Hyunjin has gotten the fame, the overwhelming fame, you don’t want to risk it again. 
“Please,” He said. 
“I’m sorry Hyunjin,” You smiled, pulling away from the hug. “It won’t be worth it,” 
“What?” He asked, shocked, as his vision started to blur. 
“I don’t think this will work anymore,” You sniffed, wiping your tears. “You will forget me, eventually,” 
“What? No!” He protested. “Let’s make it work this time, please?” He begged. “Don’t think that our relationship was up for nothing, I loved you. I still love you!” 
“And I love you too! I did love you, but with all those things happening around you and me, there’s already a barrier, Hyunjin. I don’t want you to get hurt just because you are pursuing me. I don’t want you to convert your attention to me when you have something big ahead of you. I’m not worth it anymore,” You said, tears falling down your cheeks. Hyunjin stood there, looking at you in disbelief, the words struck him like lightning. It was so painful to hear it from you. 
“Are you afraid to try again?” He asked, voice shaking in the middle of his sentence. 
“I’m just scared that we will have to be separated again, I don’t want to try again and end up being away from you. For one year, I tried not to care about your bullshit for being famous, you’ve been happy, you always get what you want, you don’t need—” 
“It was so hard for me to get over you Y/n! It was so hard to be inside my room, getting all exhausted from work with no one around to hug me and give me a shoulder to cry on. I’m sick of it, I got used to you being around me whenever I needed you or not, I was alone. No one to hug, no one to kiss, no one to laugh with, no one to cuddle with. You don’t understand!” He argued. 
“You just want me because you need me right?” You cried. 
 “No,” Hyunjin sighed harshly. “I want you because I love you! But you know what, forget about it, I’m sorry I just dragged you out here. Let me get you back to your hotel,” 
“Hyunjin, I—” You halted when he shake his head, running his fingers through his hair. 
“No, please, forget about it, I won’t beg, I understand,” He smiled despite being hurt. “Let’s go,” 
Hyunjin opened the door of the car for you but you hesitated to step in. Disappointment and sorrow are still painted on his face. The pain and the ruined confidence drove him to be this way. He admit he was at fault, being a famous idol wasn’t easy for him to reach and you didn’t want to be a nuisance to someone as big as him. 
The ride from the Lourve Pyramid to your designated hotel fell into complete silence. No one dared to talk, except when he asked for the location and set it up on his GPS and you fell into your deep train of thoughts. A quick reminiscing about how the break up went; It was one of those nights where Hyunjin would get home late, exhausted from practice but he never fails to show you how happy he is the moment you welcome him home. It always gives him the excitement and blood rush, the comfort of home and love. But that night was twisted, he wanted to break up, he said his name is on the line, and he didn’t want distractions. Though it has already been said a million times, you just couldn’t let go of it. 
To be honest, you still love him, it never faded. You didn’t understand why it has to be you out of all to be put at risk, maybe the company forced him to or it was just him who thought about cutting things off. He is hopelessly romantic, you knew that and so you were. 
“Why don’t you come in for a minute?” You asked as you stood by the porch. 
“I’m in a hurry, it’s almost midnight,” He smiled quietly. 
“It looks like it’s going to rain,” You said, looking up to the sky. “Here,” You added, handing him a folded umbrella you used to carry around. 
“Should you keep it?” He smiled, taking the tiny thing off your hand. 
“It might rain,” You insisted. 
“Isn’t it funny if I’m driving a convertible with an umbrella?” He chuckled. “No, I’ll take it, good night Y/n—oh shit, there’s the rain alright.” He said, looking at the street. “My car!” 
It was funny indeed, his panicked face had drawn a picture that was sincere—ignoring the pain and all. Midnights should be a change of day, but it is still connected to what happened earlier this evening. You watched him run towards his car across the street. There were no people around, just the two of you and the rain which is pouring heavily at first fall. He was in the rush, pushing a button to have the roof back but was too slow that his frustrated face made it funnier. You weren’t supposed to laugh but that one Hyunjin you knew. 
Taking your steps forward, you didn’t bother about the rain anymore as the umbrella was ignored as well. One reason you fell in love with him was because of what you were seeing now, it may be different from the first time when you saw him fall onto his face in front of you during high school, the boy who apologized consistently while blushing out of embarrassment. Sounds weird but falling in love with weird is not weird. You knew you shouldn’t be getting back with him, the words you’ve said to him and everything, but the feelings never lie. You do love him, and you couldn’t understand why you are walking towards a panicking Hyunjin, calling his name, and when he converted his attention to you, your lips suddenly meet. 
Hyunjin then again, was caught off guard, it was a gentle kiss but he pulled you by the waist to be closer to him. Clothes were getting soaked from the midnight rain, and his hair was damped causing a few drops of water tracing down on your cheeks. It tasted like wine, and that chocolate fondue Hyunjin, the intoxicating smell of his perfume that made your knees weak, and the cinematic moment of you being shared in the empty streets of Paris at midnight, sharing a kiss. His hand lays on your cheek while the other one remained on your waist as your arms were wrapped around his neck. The usual scene you see in romantic movies. People would say it’s overrated, but who cares anyway, it’s Hyunjin. The Hwang Hyunjin. 
“I’m sorry,” You said whispering to him, after drifting away, but he never let you go and kissed your forehead. “I don’t want to feel the same pain when we broke up, trust me it wasn’t good,” You added, burying your face into his chest.  
“I know, baby, I know,” He said, hugging you tightly as he rubs your shoulder with his thumb. “I’m sorry I hurt you,” 
“It wasn’t your fault,” You smiled, shaking your head. 
“Still, I lost you,” He responded, taking your cheeks in his palms, and looking directly into your eyes. “Fuck the fame, Y/n, you know how much I love you. And I always will,” 
“I know, Hyunjin,” You said, still not taking that smile being painted on your face. Hyunjin painted a smile on his face as well as he caressed your bare skin, leaning down again for a kiss. Your eyes started to close down一the heat that was felt at each other’s lips caused the warmth that could endure from the cold weather. His lips molded with yours perfectly, and the intimacy remained the same, even if it took a whole year to have it again. You were definitely his sunshine, one that will take away the darkness of the sky and the clouds to open up. He was like midnight who changed and evolved, but never his feelings. 
“Does this mean you’re taking me back?” He asked, pulling away as he kissed the tip of your nose. 
“Yeah, but let’s keep it lowkey this time,” You smiled as he chuckled in response, kissing you again but swiftly before taking you into another hug. 
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taglist :  @wolfchanchan @inseonqt @soobin-chois @1-800-lixie @luvhyun3 @hanjiesgf @lix-ables @zoe8stay @gwynsapphire @cherryhanji @hwangsify @lixesque @seungly @sleepyleeji @comet-falls @kim-seung-mo @ppiri-bahng @myjisung @snow-pegasus @milkybonya @l3visbby @wilczachannn @asters-abditory @tangylemonade @hwan-g @awkwardnesshabitat @chrispychans @therealhyunjingf @jeonginwrld @starseungs
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aleprouswitch · 1 year
From One Goth to Another...
You don’t have to wear all black all the time! Black is obviously the most important color, but if you want to mix in other colors that you like into your wardrobe, there is nothing wrong with that at all. I personally like mixing black with dark shades of red and burgundy/maroon shades. Occasionally I mix in black with white too just because I like the contrast. Play around with colors and see what looks best to your eyes.
Heavy makeup is not a necessity. Not everybody has the time, energy, patience, or resources to look like a variation of Morticia Addams or Elvira every day of their lives. Some goths don’t even like that look at all. If you’re not that keen on makeup or you prefer a more simplistic makeup style, you’re still goth.
You do not need pale skin to be goth. I repeat - YOU DO NOT NEED PALE SKIN. If anybody tells you this, they are dead wrong and also probably racist. The great thing about wearing black is that black looks great on any skin tone. Goth is inclusive to people who are the palest shade of peach and the darkest shade of brown and every other shade of skin in-between.
If you’re not into TradGoth styles or TradGoth music, that’s fine. No really, it’s fine! I think it’s important to educate yourself on the origins of goth and to be familiar with the OG scene, but if you’re not into backcombed hair or Bauhaus, that is 100% okay. Sadly a lot of TradGoths are snobbish about this kind of thing too, but their snobbery shouldn’t discourage you. Like whatever aspects of goth culture you want and do your own thing.
Don’t let your aesthetic drain your bank account. Buying a ton of expensive accessories, clothing, furniture, and household items that match your goth aesthetic is a bit impractical, especially if you’re on a budget. Instead, hit up some local thrift stores - you’ll be amazed at how much goth-style clothing can be found second-hand. About 80% of my wardrobe comes from thrift stores, plus I’ve found candelabras and decorative art with dark themes, too.
Additionally, don’t let your aesthetic compromise your professional life. If you have a job or career that requires you to look “normal” from 9 - 5, there is no shame in that. We all have to tone ourselves down a bit in a professional setting, because putting food on the table is a bit more important than being mysterious and spooky. If you can, find ways to subtly express your goth style in the workplace without getting yourself in trouble with Human Resources.
Don’t have an “us vs. them” attitude. This is a big mistake that a lot of mall-goths/baby bats make - thinking that everyone who isn’t goth is a “prep” or “the enemy”, even if they don’t outwardly say it. Having a diverse group of friends is SO important. Don’t shut somebody out just because they’re a part of a different scene. Most of my closest friends aren’t goth, but we get along great just the same. Friendship is about loyalty and being there for each other, not about outward appearance.
You don’t have to practice witchcraft to be goth. I think this is another huge misconception about goth culture, that “goth” equals “occultist”. Although there does seem to be some considerable overlap, not every goth is a witch, and not every witch is goth. If you’re a Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Sikh, Pagan, Atheist, Flying Spaghetti Monster adherent, whatever - you can still be goth. Goth is a stylistic culture, not a dogmatic one.
If there are days when you’re like “fuck it” and you want a break from being goth, take that break. Have mousy hair and wear sweatpants for a day. Wear something pink if you want. Put on some really embarrassing pop ballads from the late ‘90s and belt your heart out. Watch some terrible romantic comedies. Feel good about yourself knowing that you’re goth when and if you want to be, and that you’re not playing a character for anyone, including yourself.
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soraviie · 1 year
Hi i love your work! can i request a scenario for a jealous jimin. Thank you! You can hurt me with the angst and melt me with the fluff, i don’t mind. Thank you!
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yessss.....give me jealous Jimin! tis bit angsty lol
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You do not know who was the fool that coined the phrase of "green-eyed monster". The ones that bored into you, apathetically watching the drunken, shameful stumble from the front of the club to the car were not green, not even the brown you adored so much. Black. Pitch black. Hateful.
Sliding into the car you're greeted by stifled silence. You put on a seatbelt, shrinking further into the seat as the driver takes off back home. Jimin was always so colourful, so bright, like a whole specter of rainbow, so it was no surprise his jealousy complex had its starkly different hues.
One of mad, rough sex was deep burgundy; yellow for the little envies that could be soothed by a simple, innocent kiss, playful ire more than anything; cool purple was for making you jealous in return, toxic, something that you hated and he vowed to never do again after that first and last time but this one, this one was by far the worst.
Black. The absence of light and colour. Where he didn't touch you, didn't even acknowledge your existence. Should he do so much as look at you, his gaze would be filled with vile disgust - you were sure of it.
You did this to spite him, really but what they said was true what goes around, comes around. Being with Jimin was not easy. How could it possibly be? He was perfect. Everyone wanted him. He was...he was. And you were not. His jealousy was a mixed hotbed of all you wanted and everything you feared. He was jealous, he loved you. He was jealous, he was angry at you. He loathed you.
"I don't hate you. Are you stupid?"
The light snarl in his tone cuts through the choked up atmosphere with one violent stroke. It seemed that he wanted to project an air of impassiveness, like he couldn't possibly care less but the tension in his shoulders says otherwise.
"Don't call me stupid," you slur, focusing all your attention on the loose skin next to your nails. You rip it, claw away a part of your dirty flesh. It provides cool, washing relief. Though his face is turned to the window, glaring blindly into the night, jaw working in a tight clench, Jimin's hands come to rest on top of yours, halting the anxious movement. He hated when you did that.
"Sorry," he mumbles but the second that innate gentleness threatens to take over, his face falls blank once more. "Do you love me?"
"Of course, I do!" you turn to him, squirming anxiously in the seat. Had you been sober, you'd not been this upset but truly you can't stand him being angry with you.
"How much?"
"With my whole heart!"
His stare caresses your face, slowly dripping up and down as if in deep thought.
"Are you sure?" he hums, lips curling into growl. "'Cause I'm not all that certain."
"Let me make it up to you," you clutch at his hand with fraught desperation. Even he seems to be taken aback by such an outburst. You were not known for egregious displays of emotion.
"You think riding me whilst drunk is going to do the trick?" he scoffs, venom pouring out of every twisted expression and lilt of voice. "Something so cheap will substitute as apology?"
You dart your head down, ready to cry. The alcohol was really getting to you. Tomorrow you'll be ashamed for not being more independent, more self-sufficient and prideful. You know that and Jimin knows that and even though he was a possessive little fuck, ultimately he was kind.
Two fingers lift your chin upwards, forcing your eyes to settle on his face.
"Promise, you're mine and I'm yours," he demands sternly. "Promise you won't ever, ever do this shit again. _______________ promise me now or I'll," his breath stutters and he falls silent, glancing away. "Like I could ever leave you," he mutters bitterly.
"I promise," you fervently nod along with your words, almost breaking the seat belt from its place. "I promise!"
He sighs, the whole sum of his anger leaving all at once until there's nothing but a tired body and mind left behind.
"Let's get you cleaned up at home, alright," he mumbles heavily, wiping away a tear you did not notice slid down. "You're a mess."
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send in a picture of the boys and I’ll write a scenario
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