#it doesnt matter that much calm down lol
emulation-0 · 2 years
im sooooo going to fail my exams tomorrow
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skunkes · 11 months
there is something about how ive given talon all my death woes, as well as one that would only apply to a long living being like him. Something about how he doesn't form bonds anymore because non vampires don't Stay. Something about how ive inserted myself into an world with him and I myself will also leave him behind one day. (Though i guess he'll go with me, but there's also a chance that whenever It Happens he'll still be around in the minds of some as an idea...)
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overwatch ratings based on how they would date
did this a while ago but spent too much time on it for it to not be posted. this is just a personal opinion and personal ratings based off lore and bias tbh. this will be updated with every hero (if I remember to lol)
D.VA: 6/10. Caring and loving, fun gaming dates, but gets recognized a lot, and if it came down to it she’d choose her job to protect south korea over her lover
Doomfist: 4/10. He’d be a gentleman but probably only in it for sex or to be a sugar daddy. He’d treat his “lover” with respect tho so not a total loss i guess.
Junker Queen: 7/10. After the shit she’s been thru i think she doesnt really want a partner cuz shes afraid they’re just using her to get to the throne or that she’ll lose them. She’s protective and caring but also a bit overprotective to the point where it’s like okay calm down. Also might get into a few fights but eh.
Orisa: 0/10. she thinks it would be cute to be in a relationship but knows she cant be in one due to being the “protector of numbani”. so no.
Ramattra: 8/10. Deadass depends if it’s an omnic or not. If his lover is an omnic he will cherish them and take care of them, knowing that they’re one of the few things he loves in this life. If it’s a human then theres some. Problems. He doesnt open up easily and while he’s still protective and caring he can sometimes get very distant towards them because he fears that they only got close to him to use him or kill him.
Reinhardt: 9/10: Perfect gentleman. Treats you with respect and love, and cherishes you no matter what. -1 is because he can be really loud sometimes even when he doesnt mean to be
Roadhog: 5/10. I think of him as aroace but he would try and give it a shot just to feel what it’s like. Hes very quiet but also very calm. He would listen to his lover and do his best to help them, but he moves around a lot thanks to junkrat now and might cut off communication with you just to keep you safe when he's on the run
Sigma: 5/10. A real gentleman, would treat his lover with respect and kindness and love. Only downside is when he has one of his mind breaks and breakdowns. He forgets who he is and just focuses on violence. Also his control of gravity in that state is very fucky so if he’s having a breakdown his lover might get throw to the ground. He feels like jackshit afterwards and probably realizes it’s best not to have someone he cares about so close to him
Wrecking Ball: 0/10 no. he would simply not even if he wanted to. Aroace hampter 
Winston: maybe a 1/10. i feel like he doesnt want a romantic relationship with anybody and just wants friends (aroace monke)
Zarya: 6/10. Protective and caring but would focus too much on her job. would also pick her country over her lover if it did come down to it
Mauga: 8/10: Would treat his lover right and give them anything they asked for. Free beach house, gifts, and a loving, protective, obsessive bf. -2 because slight yandere vibes and can get too possesive-
Ashe: 6/10. Partners in crime kinda thing but if you’re not really into that stuff she’s probably not that into you. She has BOB watching you when she cant during a fight but shes always next to you when she can be.
Bastion: 0/10. Dude just wants to live in the woods with his bird he doesnt want that stuff.
Cassidy: 8/10. Southern sweetheart. Treats his partner with love and respect. Only downside is that he’d be out a lot doing his job, but he would let somebody else do it to be with you if it’s a special occasion or if he really wants to stay with you.
Echo: 2/10. Not big on romance but would try it out for science. Sadly in the end it’s not real love so. Oof
Genji: 9/10. Probably doesn’t want a relationship at first because of his body but he gets used to it and opens up his heart. Honestly very good boyfriend would be there to listen and help you with stuff. -1 cuz he might be out doing overwatch stuff a lot and also might not be the most exciting person to be around if you're a hyper person.
Hanzo: 6/10. Can’t see him getting in a relationship after everything thats happened but if he did he’d be kinda bad at it but you could tell that he’s trying his best.
Junkrat: 5/10. I love him but i cant really see him *staying* in a relationship for long. He doesn’t know how to stop sometimes and can get really annoying really quick but he loves making things for his lover and would do his best to keep them away from the dangerous bombs. He loves them a lot but doesn’t know how to turn the love down. Really clingy so if youre into that cool.
Mei: 9/10. Absolute sweetheart. Loves you to bits and takes you out to her favorite restaurants and stuff. -1 cuz you had to have a long distance relationship due to her being in Antarctica and the fact she slept for years with no communication with her lover-
Phara: 4/10. Cares about her job more but would be an okay girlfriend, doing the basics.
Reaper: 1/10. He’s done with love and would probably just just be a sugar daddy or just be there for sex. Even if he did find himself feeling something he’d ignore it and move on
Sojourn:5/10. Not interested in dating or finding love but if it finds her she’ll go for it. Pretty nice girlfriend, makes sure to take care of her lover but does focus on her job a lot more sometimes.
Soldier:76: 0/10. Not interested and has made sure to break off any past relationships. Doesn’t want the people he cares about to get hurt. So he still cares but doesnt go see them.
Somba: 7/10. Would be a pretty good girlfriend if she wanted to have a relationship. She keeps all people she cares about far away and unaware of her deeds at Talon. So a long distance relationship until she can take some time off to go see her lover and vibe.
Symmetra: 3/10. Doesn’t know how to even start a relationship and doesn’t really want to. Her job is important to her so she wouldn’t want distractions from it.
Torbjorn: 6/10. His wife and him had a few children and have been married for a while so he’s probably got the whole love thing covered.
Tracer: 9/10. Probably one of the best on this list. She’s loving and caring and makes sure to spend a lot of time with her partner. 
Widowmaker: 3/10. Last partner she had was um. killed by her so. +3 if you could break down her walls and see the real her but very low chance
Venture: 8.5/10: Would talk to you about rocks, fossils, and everything else they can think about. They’d even let you name rocks around the house. -2 cuz they’ll talk your ear off about rocks n stuff while also bouncing around everywhere. They can also be gone for long periods of time but always makes sure to call. If you can deal with the infodumping and adhd then 9.5/10 for you 
Ana: 5/10. She doesn’t want a relationship but she’d be very loving and caring to her lover.
Baptiste: 8/10. Great boyfriend, lovers needs always come first and he’s very open and always has an ear out to listen. -2 because he’s constantly on the run and the relationship could get stressed.
Brigitte: 5/10. Mostly focused on her work but would make a pretty good girlfriend if she finds the right person. The relationship would mostly be a test one because she lowkey doesn’t understand it.
Kiriko: 4/10. Would love to be in a relationship but protecting her home is more important than finding love to her.
Lucio: 9/10. Actual sweetheart. Would make music for you and would cancel shows last second if something came up and you needed something. If you need anything he’ll be there to help.
Mercy: 8/10. She’s really focused on her work but no matter what would take time to come stay with you for a while. -2 because sometimes too focused on work and sometimes doesnt have time to see you for a long time.
Moira: 0/10. Not looking for a relationship and would probably lie just to get you strapped to a table and butchered.
Zenyatta: 7/10. Would make a decent boyfriend but he can’t have relationships due to being a monk. He’d be there to listen and to give advice when you needed it.
Lifeweaver: 9/10. Perfect boyfriend in every way. Like no competition. -1 cuz he's on the run from multiple governments so he won't be able to talk all the time or be with you much to his dismay. multiple texts a day tho
Illari: 4/10. Tbh I can't see her getting into a relationship after everything. She's too scared that something will happen with her powers again and hurt her lover
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electroluv12 · 1 month
obey me all characters relationship headcanons
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He always spoils you, gifts, jewellery, clothes etc.
Always cuddles, even when he's working he always has you on his lap giving you affection
if your a troublemaker he's always covering you up lol
Loves taking you out to restuarants
Normally goes for walks with you around town <3
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Loves doing favors for you like helping you with homework, baking you desserts and fancy snacks
When Dia gives him breaks, he likes to take you to look at clothes with him.
He likes to sew with you and make you clothes <3
Always giving you his jacket
His kisses are so nice because his lips are so soft
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Loves listening to music with you
plays piano for you
like Dia, he will have you on his lap when he's writing on his paperwork.
Takes you to expensive resturaunts and shares his Demonus with you
He isnt one for PDA though
Treats you so well with gifts and love like he literally showers it down
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Takes you to casinos with him, you need to make him feel better about it when he loses.
Acts big to make himself feel better when he gets flustered and then feels embarrassed about it later lmao
does the yawn and shoulder thing when you guys watch movies.
steals peoples money to buy you things, rings, necklaces, jewel(s)lery.
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he gets so flustered when he sees you, he runs away, its like pokemon you have to catch him
He likes gaming with you all the time but he's really shy to ask you for anything
likes cuddling but you have to initiate it
shows you new games or merchandise he finds, and he gets really happy about it
really interested in you!! tell him so much about yourself!!
sends you cute memes like things that say ily but with a video game reference
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He reads books to you when you go to sleep
takes you out to cat cafes all the time
he likes to cuddle with you while he reads in bed, like you spooning his side is ideal for him.
You help him calm down alot when he's angry or upset, you have to hold him and kiss him. He does the same for you when you feel like that.
He's always there for you no matter what <3
When your sick he tries to help you with spells.
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Gets you to try perfumes so he can remember what smells you like so he can get you products like that later.
So touchy and handsy, always has an arm around you or your hands interlocked wherever you two go
Loves kissing you, will pepper your face with kisses and normally he leaves lip gloss stains.
Takes loads of selfies with you and posts them on Devilgram
Takes you to try out desserts from new shops, then you guys go shoe shopping or just shopping for new clothes.
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A literal giant teddy bear, gives you the best cuddles
Takes you to go for food but ends up eating it all. He is very sorry afterwards, makes up for it with ice cream, which he eats aswell.
He bites you. You cant tell if its hunger, playing or affection, it might just be all three all together
You have to hide him while he raids the fridge by standing infront of him pretending to he on your phone lol
Likes going out with you and Belphie, it makes him very happy!!
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If your not busy he cuddles with you in bed literally all day, even if your hungry his weights to heavy to lift off of you so you cant really help it at all
Makes the best pillow forts ever, thinks its the shit and it really is.
Watches movies with you but sleeps as soon as it starts then pretends to know what happened lmao
He sits in the planetarium with you, gazing at the stars and giving you affection while he does
Falls asleep on your shoulder all the time especially in class. its a bad habit.
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always asks to bake with you and it ends up heavenly
if your sick he always takes care of you, coming over with soup for you.
He gives you alot of hugs and kisses, his lips are so smooth so it feels amazing
helps you with homework when your stuck and even buys you food, he doesnt want you getting hungry <33
reads TSL to you if you ask him to and he really enjoys it
Shows you new spells all the time, even shows you how to cast them
constantly getting you out of trouble, he's always got an excuse ready for when you need it
takes you to cafes for coffee <3
likes going for an extra walk with you when you both leave RAD at the end of the day
always giving you his jacket or scarf, but he still hopes you get sick so he can be your knight in shining armour and cast a healing spell
If anyone makes you upset their getting jabbed with a spear
He invites you to play board games with him, Solomon, Luke and Simeon at Purgatory Hall.
goes window shopping with you down town all the time
if you tell him you want something he'll remember and surprise you with it
always worrying about you no matter what you tell him
listens to piano pieces with you, tells you which ones are his favourite
spoils you with gifts even if you say he doesnt have to spend money
if you ask him to cuddle he pretends to be disgusted then begs you to cuddle him
likss kissing your nose, cheeks and hands, it makes him feel like a gentleman and trust me he is
takes you to restuaraunts and buys you wine
watches movies, secretly gets scared at the horror ones
Very protective of you at RAD, he doesnt trust anyone except Diavolo and thinks you shouldnt either.
LIVES for pranking people with you at RAD
Takes you out for drinks alot
likes hug tackling you. And kiss tackling.
literally everything with her is a surprise attack
if you get hurt by her pranks shes very sorry.
you HAVE to go to amusement parks with her plzz shes gonna beg you
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kfaem · 5 months
Love and Deepspace; when their S/O is a kpop idol
notes: brrr new fandom lets go. also yes i went MIA but hey im not like dead
the boys when MC is an idol :) this is self indulgent. im a zayne girlie but i got carried away with raf lol. im tired so this is unedited, poorly written, no structure, and kinda just rambling
here me out
he was a fan for the longest time, creating multiple pieces based off of you and your likeness
you and your members go to one of his exhibitions and when you make eye contact he's immediately in love more than he was before
kinda in a weird way
but when you approach him first he's in shock and doesnt know what to do
after the initial talking period and when the relationship starts he acts like his normal self
attends every concert and fan meeting
spends hundreds of dollars on your albums, collecting your photocards and solo posters
brags about being your boyfriend on sns and your manager tries to get him to stop
thomas is so embarrassed everytime your manager reaches out and begs him to calm down cause its a bad image
doesnt care about the reporters, is willing to fight with elites over you and your reputation
he's a simp but is also kinda mean sometimes lol
is jealous when you go live and refuse to respond to him to at least an hour and makes his presence known in your chat
i find the image of the matching outfits, couples goals posts on sns, and articles where he names you his muse to just be so <3333
You guys bumped into each other at a convenience store, both reaching for the same bag of chips
both flustered with red cheeks, you let him have it and apologized
so, so very awkward
both of you are stuck in a awkward, silent encounter and neither of you want to say anything
one of your members comes over to see whats taking you so long and realizes that you're in a standoff with a cute blond and decides to play cupid
it worked
you two end up becoming good friends, and then eventually some sort of situationship
he doesnt want to damage your career and acknowledges that you both dont have time to spend with each other
but still acts as a loving boyfriend, buying your albums, concert tickets, merch, birthday specials etc.
then when you guys go on a snack run, a reporter recognizes you and within the week you're caught up in dating rumours
deciding that you guys couldnt avoid the truth, the situationship turned into a real relationship
doesnt really make a big deal out of your relationship or your popularity. would rather spend your guys' spare time reading together, watching movies, eating good food and relaxing
the media eventually forgets but the fans dont
they love every piece of media that ever gets showed, glimpses of xavier in mirrors, reflections on water, glasses, windows. mentions of a lover in interviews when asked what inspired you
just a loving boyfriend who tries to give you a sense of normalcy outside of the flashing lights
Childhood friends
he hates your career and how much soul it has taken from you, but also acknowledges that you love what you do and are willing to risk your health and privacy
zayne is the king of situationship lmao
dates all the time, dinners at small restaurants hiding in booths in the far corners since you both like to be alone, together
your members genuinely dont understand how hes "not your boyfriend"
has lingered on music video shoots, using his title as your personal doctor to not raise any eyebrows
doesnt go out of his way to buy your albums but... if hes at a corner store and sees it, he'll buy it. or two. or three.
keeps one of your photocards and a normal picture of you in his wallet, grayson found it on the floor in his office once after it fell out of his wallet and he could never live it down
the entire hospital staff knows but wouldnt say anything for fear of their life
always sending messages no matter what side of the world youre on. Please remember to eat, drink water, and rest as much as you can. Too much strain on your body can cause long-term side effects.
buys tickets to your concerts, trying to hold back his smile as you glow on the stage while performing in front of your many fans
yeah he gets jealous
wont say it
and you can barely tell
but the chill that fills the room when another idol hugs you and is being overly touchy is so very much obvious and has people rushing to do something else
a reporter approaches him and tries to ask about your dating life. he shuts them up with a glare. the reporter doesnt even dare publishing that article.
your fans have a basic idea of what zayne is to you, but they respect you enough to not make a scene of it.
then one of your members gets drunk on a live and asks about your boyfriend and it comes unravelled
you post a picture with him, captioned with a heart, and its never brought up again
has brought your fans food and drinks whenever they set up cafe events for support
he appreciates everything that your fans do for you and has asked them to take care of you when hes not around
your relationship is never actually made official but yall live together when you arent required to be at the dorms and own like two cats so idk
still the caregiver that we love
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darkbluekies · 6 months
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Okay but a darling who has a blood phobia? It comes often with the fear of needles/syringes so after reading your Dr. Kry OneShot of reader being scared of needles I thought about the phobia.
And here are my thoughts :D Hope you don't mind 💕🙈 i tried my best to make it as authentic as possible with all the yanderes!
Tw: mentions of blood, murder, maybe gaslighting/manipulation, phobia
Edmund would be the WORST and most likey cause the phobia rather it being a thing before meeting him lol. But I am not sure if the phobia alone would be enough for him to consider not to kill in front of his queen anymore. Maybe the ball massacre would be enough and only time, but since his nature is unpredictable, there is no guarantee. Although he grows worried when his queen gets her periods everytime...
Dr. Kry would even have a much. harder. time. when it comes to blood tests and the first appointment might be where he finds out about his darling's phobia. At this point would put darling to sleep whenever he needs to take a test
Or oh boy, when darling gets her period in the first month they spend at the hospital? He would come into the room to find a passed out darling on the bathroom floor. At first he is shocked until he saw that they had bled through, a pad under their hand, and quickly understands the situation. He would be even frustrated that from all the 3-4% of the population fearing blood, darling happens to be one of them. Before darling wakes up in bed, he already had sorted out everything.
After that he would absolutely keep track on their cyclus and warn them just in time. He might be even persistent to change the menstruation pads/tampons and even washing the clothes if they got dirty, so darling doesnt have to see it at all. Maybe he would consider doing a therapy if it's really bad, so darling would feel better and won't faint every time they could get badly hurt y'know. But if they feel too anxious and dizzy, they can call him anytime :)
I think it's obvious that he's my favourite *^*
Silas would notice that darling doesn't look at him at all when he comes back. They could smell the irony scent and are imagining the worst so they avoid looking at him at all costs. Only once, when Silas forces darling to look at him, they faint as soon as the speckels of blood appear in their vision and then he understands what's the matter after panicking for good 10 seconds
He would probably care enough afterwards to change his clothes and shower everytime before entering the bedroom after a bloody mission. The dirty clothes would be in the washing machine and out of it before darling comes with their laundry next. Better be safe than sorry again.
Hedwig would feel so bad and sooo worried man, haha /_\
I haven't read everything yet but I think she would find out about the phobia after cutting herself on paper by accident and asking for a band aid. Darling instantly sprints to the aid box and bring it to her. being all anxious but trying to remain calm which they fail to hide (Hedwig hasnt grasp of the matter yet and thinks they are worried about her and finds it even cute... at first👀) Only when darling turns around and sees the blood, instantly dropping on the floor and hell breaks loose lmfao.
Or, on a sleepover at her house where she kills an intruder/stalking classmate/whoever. Darling comes down bc they want to drink water, only too see a scene of their yandere girlfrind with a bloody knife. Instantly dropping on the ground. When waking up a hysterical Hedwig is all over them, questioning if what they saw was real and why on earth she was holding a bloody knife at 3am. Hedwig might have the luck that darling isn't sure of the body, which was lying on the ground, was real too and would gaslight darling in order to keep her facade up.
Jerry was the hardest to imagine imo. So I apologise beforehand.
I can imagine her being worried and trying not to expose their darling to blood as best as possible but I can also imagine her using it to her advantage to "play" with darling or forgetting sometimes that they can't see blood, coming home with some cuts and bruises and darling passing out. And Jerry be like: "Ah sh*t. I forgot."
Ahhh I hope you like what I had in mind! You absolutely made me go brainrot with your stories, they are all soo good \*~*/ i almost read everything by now heh~
If you like asks like this let us know. I would to love share more but I dont want to post them randomly in my feed ._.
They're your OCs afterall ❤ love each of them!
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Have a wonderful day my dear! ♡♡♡
Aww I loved this so much!!! It is nice to be the reader for a change🥹🥹
I'm impressed that your visions fit with mine! The only thing I'd add is that I think that Jerry would try to get you over your phobia by ... uh ... exposure therapy :)
I really liked this, thank you so much♡♡
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woncherie · 2 years
anon asked: Ok but imagine the strawhat pirates trying to prepare luffy for his first date
genre: fluff, gender neutral reader
im currenrly reposting a few old stories i wrote some time ago from my old blog!! REQUESTS ARE OPEN!!
the strawhat pirates preparing luffy for his first date:
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Ok so first things first every single member probably thinks you are nuts for agreeing to go out with their captain, but when they saw how happy you and Luffy were when you agreed to spend some time together they just couldnt help but smile, trying their best since they know how dense their captain can be.
After Sanji finally calmed down and stopped crying because Luffy got a date and he didnt, he and Nami are willing to teach him how to fucking eat like a normal person (in case you are going out to eat) because the way Luffy just crams a bunch of food into his mouth is not quite pleasant, no matter if its in front of his crush or in front of them.
But lets be realistic, after one and a half hours both of them would just give up because there is no way Luffy will use a fork or spoon correctly.
Usopp is the one responsible for taking care that Luffy showers properly, even if it means he has to get into that damn shower by himself and scrub his whole body. I think its no secret that Luffy barely showers, because... water? and Luffy? Nope, not gonna happen.
Robin and Zoro are not really interfering, just watching the whole rigmalore in front of them and smiling to themselves. They both think there is no need to change the way their captain behaves since you agreed to go out with the huge dork, not with a forced gentlemen, but instead of calming them down they both just watch the whole crew make a fuss. Its kinda like Luffys friends are more excited about the date then he is.
Franky is already searching for the fake mustaches they wore at dressrosa in order to follow you discreetly, thinking that this will truely disguise them. Plot twist: It doesnt.
Brook and Chopper are trying to convince him to change in some more appropriate clothes, but there is no way Luffy would change. He is comfortable in what he is wearing and he probably doesnt even own anything different than his colored shirts and blue shorts.
At the end of the day every one of his crew members got exhausted because there is no freaking way their captain will change and will become a gentlemen in less then half a day. Thats probably when Robin finally speaks up and calms everyone down.
You are probably in your own room, not noticing how the other members harassed Luffy the whole evening over, just trying to get ready by yourself, already excited to explore the new island you landed on some hours earlier with Luffy. At some point Nami even barges into the room, looking quite exhausted, asking if you are 1000% sure to go out with the gummy boy. And you are just like... Yes?? You are sure. At least you think you are lol.
Nami is giving Luffy some extra money to spend on the island - which is a very very bad idea actually since he will lose it in no matter of time or spend it on complete bullshit. Thats probably the reason why she also gave you a bit more money than usually, knowing that Luffy will throw it out of the window and you have to pay for him, but you dont mind at all.
Five minutes after you both left the ship to go explore the island, Franky showed up with the beards and hats in order to follow you and take care that everything is going smoothly. But no way would Robin let them leave the ship, no matter how much they begged or tried to convince her. She would even use her devil fruit powers in order to keep the other strawhat pirates on their ship. She just wants to respect your and Luffys privacy.
No one of them knows how the date was. They just sat on the Sunny all day, wondering about all the scenarios that could happen.
After some hours they finally hear your and Luffys voices again, even though its just a muffled dialogue since you are currently talking in front of the ship instead of climbing up. Even Zoro became curious on how it went, every single one of them looking down and trying to peek on both of you, reading your faces. The only thing they saw though was how you gave Luffy a big smooch on his red cheeks, and him showing you the biggest gummismile he has, giggling slightly. Even you could tell how the tense atmosphere upstairs left immediately, everyone smiling down on both of you, happy it went well.
i hope you liked it aaaa english is not my first language so it may be a bit hard to read,, i hope you still enjoyed this small fic <3
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play-rough · 3 months
Dazai’s been grumpy all day in his big headspace, only to be unconsolable when kunikda tries to put him down for his nap.
He won’t stop crying no matter what, won’t eat or drink anything, and can only be held for so long before he gets fussy and starting wiggling aggressively to get down.
No one knows what to do, poor thing wailing until he goes hoarse, and just continues to cry. The only people who can get close to him are ranpo and atsushi; but they can’t do much beside cuddle with him in the playpen.
Ranpo’s distressed because nothing he tries to do fixes the situation, and atsushi is crying too because he’s sad dazai is so upset. Yet they refuse to leave his side and sit with dazai while he cries.
Unsure what to do, kunikida calls chuuya, who promises to come as soon as he can. Leaving a very important meeting to run home before heading to the agency.
Once he gets there, he all but rushes into the break room with a bag in hand. Chuuya smiles as he makes eye contact with dazai, slowly taking off his shoes and coat and setting them down on a chair before he goes to join dazai in the playpen.
Poor dazai just starts crying harder when he sees chuuya, his companions forgotten as he whines brokenly and reaches out to make make grabby hands at chuuya.
What was wrong? He missed chuuya. Bad
Kunikida and yosano pull out atsushi and ranpo, leaving the executive alone with his baby.
Chuuya gets in with dazai, a baby who’s so overjoyed to see chuuya he’s a pain to get in the redheads lap because he’s squirming so much to get closer.
Once he gets dazai settled he tells him he brought dazai something. He grabs the bag he brought from home and pulls out fishie. Dazai grabs him immediately and cuddles it between him snd chuuya.
It takes a while to get dazai calmed down enough to be able to transport him safely to his apartment, but chuuya knows dazai’s feeling better when he starts playing with the chain on chuuya’s hat.
Everyone in the agency is amazed out how fast it was for chuuya to calm down (ranpo lets it slip he misses chuuya) and realise they should have called him sooner. Enemies be damned, they care about their resident baby.
Chuuya then takes babyzai home and they have a nice calming night where chuuya makes him drink lots of warm water for his throat, and a bottle for his tummy
(I didnt mean to send this early whoops lol i dropped my phone. SORRY IT’S SO LONG i keep thing about this)
It’s ok it happens!! I hope ur phone is okay!
Poor baby, I totally think he works himself up and spirals and convinces himself Chuuya’s not ever gonna come around again 🥺 he just gets snappy and pushes everyone away and then he feels so awful he doesnt know what to do or how to fix it 😭 his head is full of big feelings and he feels tiny and its too much 😭 good thing the agency cares about him so much i love the part about them wanting to put aside being ‘enemies’ because they all love dazai 😭🩵 really sweet and heartwarming i love this family sm aifhdijhsiu
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kafkasmjjw · 6 months
hi !! Im new to the sfh fandom and I’ve read one or two of your works and you characterise mjjw so well !!! (and ur writing style is so amazing like damn??) but I think half because of my subtitles being crap half because of how complex these characters are I’m kinda struggling to characterise them well in a way that feels canon compliant while attempting to write fics if u gm? Do you have any tips for writing moonjo, jongwoo, or mjjw? Like how they think or speak or just general things like habits etc. /nfnf but itd be really appreciated <3
hello<3 so sorry for the late response im barely on here. first of, thank you sm and welcome to the fandom<3
i actually watched the show quite a few times before i started writing for them (understatement.. ive seen the show an embarrassing amount of times lol). i think the biggest difference between moonjo and jongwoo is that moonjo is relatively quiet and has calm mannerisms (slow smiles, picking his tongue, gazing lovingly, listening without talking) while jongwoo is a much more agitated guy (pursed lips, glancing away, fidgets, shifts his weight, huffs, parts his lips like he wants to sigh but catches himself last second) and that has a lot to do with moonjo being more integrated into his surroundings and more respected by the people he mingles with while jongwoo is mostly looked down at and patronised which makes him more on edge and spiteful. in terms of speaking, moonjo is just generally much more refined; could be due to his profession or his upbringing. while jongwoo is angry asf which makes him more vulgar and wayyy less restrained. moonjo's more put together, he thinks before he speaks while jongwoo is messier(?), so maybe he hesitates maybe his anger and frustration bleed into his sentences and make him stammer a bit. also like, it depends on whether youre writing canon fics or post canon because maybe (just an opinion) jongwoo would be more unfiltered post canon and says everything thats on his mind while canon jongwoo stays quiet and thinkw it/fantasises about saying it. thats all just my perception of them btw. i just like the idea of jongwoo being better at writing than speaking.
for them together, i think some back and forth is in character? moonjo's patience — because he never struck me as someone who forces jongwoo's hand or pressures him into anything — and jongwoo's inner turmoil that makes him fierce and mean. because canonically, jongwoo did tend to victimise himself a lot; it only makes sense that he'd blame his own feelings on everyone but himself. so yk if youre writing a lot of monologue and introspection you can have jongwoo's unreliability sneak in and have him blame his feelings and circumstances on other people while moonjo either supports him or smugly counters him. i think both options are viable hes a menace.
i dont know if any of this makes sense its 3am and idk how to put my thoughts into words😭😭 but good luck with writing and as long as you have fun and are content with what you write it doesnt really matter:))
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class-1b-bull · 1 year
Class 1B reacting to their s/o being injured during hero training?
Not proofread we die like men
Awase - it depends on the injury. If its just a bruse or scrape he will laugh and tell you to walk it off but the more serious the injury the more he sounds like a worried mom.
Sen - hes a little worried if the injury is severe but he trusts your strength and recovery girl so he believes you will be just fine
Kamakiri - no matter what the injury is he will scold you and call you a dumbass for getting hurt in the first place. Its just his way of telling you to be more careful.
Kuroiro - he tries to play it off like he doesnt care to much but he is unimaginably worried after you get hurt. Even if its a small scratch
Kendo - if its a small scrape she will ask you to be a little more careful but if its a more serious injury she will scold you for not being careful (after tending your wounds ofc)
Kodai - she quietly asks you to be a bit more careful as she tends to your wounds but other than that shes silent as ever.
Komori - shes so worried. She rushes you to go see recovery girl. she wont stop talking about how worried she has been until your okay again
Shiozaki - she would rush to your side and make sure you are okay while giving you the proper medical treatment. She asks you to be more careful next time but thats about it
Shishida - hes instantly filled with worry when you get hurt and he rushes to your side to make sure your okay. He cant have peace of mind until you see recovery girl tho....
Shoda - hes silently worried and refuses to leave your side until your wounds have been treated. He doesn't make a big deal out of it tho (despite how worried he secretly is)
Pony - she nearly has a heart attack when she saw you were hurt (even if it was just a small scrape) she is so worried for you lol
Tsubaraba - hes so worried but he takes the opertunity to flirt lmao. He'll take you to recovery girl but the second she is out of earshot hes saying the worst pick up lines you have ever heard
Tetsutetsu - the second your hurt he rushes to your side to help you out because hes really worried but at the same time he believes in your strength and knows no matter how bad the injury is you will find a way to pull through
Tokage - at first shes really worried and scared so she rushes you to recovery girl. Once you get healed tho she just talks about how glad she is that your okay now.
Manga - hes really concerned but hes also way to dramatic about the whole thing. He spends forever telling everyone how you survived a stab through your stomach! (You scraped your knee)
Honenuki - he is more calm about it than most. He knows your capable and that you will easily bounce back thanks to recovery girl. But he still makes you a home made lunch to show you how worried hes been
Bondo - he spends so much time just watching over you to make sure you are 10000% okay (even after recovery girl heals you) hes so worried for something so small honestly
Monoma - he teases and makes fun of you to hide the fact that he cares. 'Personality I would habe just dodged that attack....' he does make fun of the person that actually attacked you a bit more tho. 'They had to resort to an attack like that because they knew you would outsmart them otherwise!'
Reiko - at first she silently freaks out. After she takes you to recovery girl and you assured her that you were fine. She calmed down and asked you to be more careful
Rin - he would instantly run over to you and start tending to your wounds while asking if you were okay. Hes really worried but he manages to keep a cool head and get your wounds tended to before anything else
Sorry if these are rushed lol my power went out so I had to speed run these to get them out on time
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reigenismyhusband · 4 months
0, 7, and 3 for your MP100 s/i for the ask game? :3
HII TYSM !!!! ask game is here !! i also answered three here but i wanted to answer it again hehe
0 – What are some of the inspirations behind your S/I? Are they exactly like you? Were they an OC? Did any of your favorite characters have any influence in their design/personality?
okay okay so hes basically just like me if i were a 14 y/o japanese middle schooler…canon mob was definitely an inspiration!! his role in the story + base relationship with reigen is definitely based on mob in canon, and then his appearance is based off of me! in terms of personality, hes basically me/whatever i think i would do in his situation lol. very self-indulgent but i love it <33
3 – Have you ever imagined any episodes or segments of your F/O’s source starring your S/I? If so, what did they get up to?
okay HMM another episode…OH i love thinking about ace and reigen in the claw fight, tldr ace is fighting a bunch of powerful espers and reigen shows up and calms him down, and through Stuff ace's powers get transferred to reigen and he effortlessly fights back the espers!! its so impressive and hot asf since reigen isnt an esper but he uses the powers so effortlessly, and he gets to help out ace too!! its so sweet and i think after this when ace gets worked up and needs a moment to breathe, he can transfer his powers to reigen and let him take care of him <33
7 – Within canon, is your S/I considered a hero, villain, anti-hero or a regular citizen? How does this affect their day to day life and their relationship with your F/O?
oooo okay so technically really ace is just an ordinary guy - hes just a middle schooler - but hes also a very powerful esper!! esp with reimobace i like to think that people target him because hes close to mob (the most powerful esper ever) and he gets kidnapped and stuff and so they have to end up rescueing him a lot! i think reigen would think of him as his hero bc he helps people (and him) out by exorcizing spirits! ace doesnt really see himself as anything special, if anything, next to mob he feels not as powerful, but mob tries to convince him that his powers are his own, and power isnt the only thing that matters! day to day is spent helping people with small jobs at the spirits and such office!!
again thank you so much!!!!! :')
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jetglider · 1 year
Is the baby afraid of something? Like spiders, thunders, darkness or something like that?
What always calms them down?
They kind of skipped over "normal" fears because there are priorities and much more pressing matters. such as being sure that their dads always come back after missions. but like i answered in a previous ask, hes pretty brave by default. though he doesnt like bugs that crawl or slide like spider or a lot of worms, he gets it from X lol. the one thats scared of thunder is X but hes a grown adult so he just pretends it does nothing to him :?, for the most part just seeing or hearing either X or Zero speak soothes them well enough. but hugs and warm feeling naps are always nice
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goatedgreen · 25 days
hi varis hope you're doing well. how many of these am i allowed to send. can i get a tmnt character that everyone gets wrong and um any thoughts you have on oikawa tooru
HI JB :DDDDD you can send as many as you want i love ask games :3
link to the ask game
1: the character everyone gets wrong (TMNT)
mikey in pretty much every iteration i fear.... a guy is a little silly a little goofy and everyone turns him into an uwu baby. 2012!mikey suffers from this treatment SO HEAVILY... he is NAWT getting bullied by his brothers y'all calm down 😭
Thoughts on Oikawa:
aside from the "Oikawa is the greatest villain of all time" jokes (which i gen find fucking hilarious like it gets me every time) i dont actually have super deep thoughts about his character. like idk theres SO MUCH that can be said, of course. he's a really interesting dive into the concept of talent vs hard work, and the idea that because volleyball is a team game, no matter how good you are as an individual if your team mates cant match you, you're only as good as your surroundings. like thats super interesting to explore!
however even in saying all that, he doesnt exactly GRIP me emotionally (even though i cried at the end of s2).... he's very silly and funny though so i do like seeing him on screen. the original kageyama hater, tsukki got nothin on him LOL
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pwnyta · 1 year
Some unfinished Poke/Sickles gang(mostly) doodles/ideas-
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Boats a little guy. He doesnt deserve this.
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Mr Shandra and his class.
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I cant work out how to make her colors... uh work...I might just have to remove the tails of her outfit or change them....wehh...
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Honestly IDKY im so stuck on her shes just a killer of some kinda minor characters girlfriend...
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Glace and Pandora commiserate over their lost girlfriends.... tho both their girlfriends are still kinda there...
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Sigma gals.
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Also Pandora is inexplicably popular with -Chus.
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Father is a scary man... Undark is a nuisance to the medic and Father doesnt appreciate it but also Docs space is sanctuary which just drives Undark to Doc more.
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Parallax is almost as cold and brutal as Father... except hes got a soft spot for his childhood friend who ended up in the same shady organization! Lucky him!
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Fellas is it gay to play with your bros ziti tails.
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Rivers is more relaxed while working because he doesnt get much free time so he tries REAL hard to just relax when he can so anyone who interrupts is sure to regret it. Ruining his relaxation time or falling into his traps... whats worse? WHO KNOWS. Hes terrible.
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They get along well despite Sheols species instinct to look down on men.
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Never seen a woman more calm in my life...
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Gadget- The most sane gamer.
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Goodnight sweet prince.
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I realized I had to give Xu an undercover name so I went with that... which is just a name I got from the Metagross reference of Antikythera Mechanism
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First idea of someone trying to steal info from Deoxys’ lab and getting stopped by Dex’ heavy hitters...
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Crawdaunt... Name-...???? doesnt matter in the end I guess lol.
Thumbnail version of a comic of a battle in the lab
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I like to think Dive can be used as a teleport type move since it can be used on land so its like the user turns their body into water and travels through the ground in liquid form. Goopy Pokies like Muk can also do this but just regularly since their bodies are just liquidy naturally (Candyman uses this to sneak around).
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Deoxys likes watching things play out so he wasnt going to help unless it was absolutely necessary to not lose his assets like when Vector attacked. (Geller is a glass cannon anytime hes in a fight hes gonna get shattered if his attacks dont KO quickly, luckily hes got backup(well he was technically the back up))
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OPPORTUNITY!(Deoxys cant use Miracle Eye... but that wont stop Dex from trying!)
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Okay wait I have a prompt!!! If you wanna
So I've been reading a lot of fics recently that are in space aus, with the whole humans are deathworlders concept (idk how this is common across my fandoms but it is so I'm binging them lol). And I had an idea based on recent irl events.
The sides are in one of these aus, you can do whatever you want species wise HOWEVER, two of them are human. Neither speak Common (univeral language) particularly well, and it would also be funny if they both spoke English as a second language, so it's like a double language barrier. Human A is double jointed (whereever, I'm thinking fingers (finger tips and those middle joints specifically) bc that's where I'm doible jointed but it doesnt matter too much) and just kind of casually does something that you can't really do if you aren't double jointed. The alien sides are confused and a little concerned, but they aren't exactly experts in human anatomy so they figure it is probably okay given how Human A hasn't reacted. Human B (who is slowly becoming Virgil in my mind haha), however, freaks out because "what the fuck your hands should not bend that way??????" Now everyone is panicked, and Human A doesn't remember the English word, let alone the Common word, so he kind of tries to butcher an explanation that's not really at all comforting. Idk eventually he figures out how to explain it in English enough for Human B to figure out what's going on, he calms down significantly and while neither human knows how to explain to their alien friends what exactly is happening, they can tell them that Human A isn't hurt.
Brought to you by me stretching my fingers too far in band on accident and my sectionmates freaking out because apparently none of them have heard of double-jointedness, it was really funny haha
for sure
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Hello! Can I have a kingdom hearts or arcana matchup please 🖤 (you can do whichever you want to write for😊).
Personality: I tend to keep to myself unless someone comes up to me and starts a conversation (a lot of people say I'm very intimidating when they first meet me for some reason 😂). I tend to be slightly reserved with someone until I'm comfortable with them, then I'm a massive dork (I love to joke around and make people laugh). I am very empathetic, always trying to keep the people around me happy (even if I'm not in the end) I hate disappointing people so I can over work myself sometimes. If someone is rude or annoying me I tend to get very sassy and sarcastic. I am very protective of my friends and love ones and get very angry if someone hurts them. I'm also a very calm person and it takes a lot for me to get angry/snap. I also sleep a lot....like a lot, unless it's during the school year then I tend to get like three hours lol (it's a running joke in my friend group that I never sleep). sometimes I stop in the middle of talking because I think I talk to much (I've been told many times that I do so I just try not to really talk in a way)i play with my hands a lot, I have a really high pitched (idk sorta cute?) sneeze, I can be very clumsy (I literally tripped on air once😂) when I do something scary my hands shaky after I've done the scary thing (if that makes any sense)
Aquarius, infj
I like reading books, writing, listening to music (mostly kpop). I love love to dance (again mostly kpop). And even though I hate being in front of crowds I do like doing shows where I dance (I've done it multiple times with my friends at school events😊). I love doing my makeup especially crazy colored eye shadow. I love to be outside also. I also like to go on car rides in the middle of the night (I love going to get food then sit in a random parking lot).
I dislike rude people, heights (I have a fear of falling from them) and peaches (I hate peaches)
My favorite movie is spirited away
My favorite song is ditto (new jeans)
notes: hey there!! super sorry this took so long, but i am really happy to do this matchup for you!! not often do i get kingdom hearts requests so i definitely went kingdom hearts for this one!! thanks so much for your patience and understanding and I really hope you enjoy your matchup <3333
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this man is such a cutie omg
he doesnt take any hint that you're intimidating, like he just walks up to you because he thinks you look cool and that blossomed an IMMEDIATE friendship and eventually something more :)
he loves that you have a dorky side because you two will definitely be giant dorks together
you two definitely have the same feeling that you and him have this feeling that you need to make everyone happy, so sometimes you'll both have your down days. dont stress yourself out and just chill with your lovely bf because you both make each other happy no matter what!
he is just as protective as you are, so you two always protect each other no matter what <3
you two are nap gods
like you will always be napping together omfg
and like when you get those awful school nights of sleep know that this man will come up to you in your freetime and just hand you a blanket and you two will fall asleep in each other's arms listening to music
you both talk too much and that's okay
it makes you guys really fun to be around
but you are just two balls of energy ready to go and always willing to listen to each other (even if you do accidently interrupt each other lol)
he makes fun of your sneeze, but obviously thinks it's adorable lmaooo
he will catch you when you trip on air <3
he will play music for you
and listen to music with you
read to him because he loves when you do that. he's not a big reader, so when you read to him it makes him all giddy lol
he loves when you dance
sometimes he'll just catch you dancing and pull you into his arms to dance with him <3
feel free to do his makeup too, i think he would love it
he would love midnight drives with you
you two would just have light music on the radio and just be cruising with the windows down
it's a calm and sweet moment that you two love to share on rare occasions <333
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated <3
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