#unrelated but it annoys me when people dont like something but dont do anything about it
emulation-0 · 2 years
im sooooo going to fail my exams tomorrow
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zwolfgames · 5 months
Hii! If it's not too much trouble to ask, can you make a Yandere DIO x Child Reader who escaped and is now with the Crusaders? (Reader would have a strong Stand) 🙃
(So idk wether this was meant as like biologically DIO's kid or not but I just went with unrelated because i dont know how many hoes DIO had back in Stardust Crusaders. Also, how does one think up a stand, lol.)
Requested: Annon
Warnings: Slightly OOC DIO, silly kidnapping, bizarre
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(3rd person POV)
Life had been turned upside down for you lately. As a poor ten year old alone on the streets of Cairo, you had expected this year to be the same as last year.
Just surviving and having your Stand help steal food.
Thus is the life of a street rat. Kicked out by their abusive father...
But just a month ago, when you were once again getting your Stand to filch some fruit from a night market, you got spotted.
A tall, impending figure had stopped in the alleyway to look down at you.
His piercing golden eyes made you freeze once you were in his field of vision. Did the air just get colder or was that you?
"Tell me of your stand, Child."
The man had spoken, all those nights ago. Truthfully, you hadn't know what a Stand was back then. So he pointed to yours. All you really knew of it was that nobody else could see it... So why was he looking straight at it?
With such intrest too.
Before you could actually talk to the man, he had leaned down and poked something into your head, thats the last thing you could remember.
"So yea, thats all I remember..." You spoke to this strange band of people.
That disintrested looking fellow had been the one to rip whatever that weirdo so long ago put into your head... A 'Flesh Bud'. A means of controlling people, or so you've heard from that french guy and his green clad fellow as they were complaining about the time they had yours.
So they had been attacked by the blonde guy too?
"You have a hell of a Stand kid." The oldest guy pats your shoulder, he looks pretty buff for an old guy. Who are these people.
"My stand? Ah- you mean Arnold?" You made your stand appear. You faintly remember it just... appearing one day when you were being chased by street dogs... It kinda saved your hide. Named after Arnold Schwarzenegger, as you had heard that name on a tv in a store once. Very creative, obviously.
"Yes... Arnold. Does it perhaps do special things. Like superpowers?" The old man asks. Trying not to look back at how one of his friends is being patched up from all his cuts.
"Why should I tell you my secrets?" You cross your arms defiantly.
"Because we saved you, don't you want to defeat who-ever did this to you? Huh, kid?" The old man nudges you with his shoulder.
"Not really. Who are you guys anyways, you don't look like locals at all." You take a step away from the man.
"I'm Joseph Joestar, thats my grandson Jotaro and his friend Kakyoin... Thats Polnareff, and the one you almost blasted to bits is Avdol." Josephs eye twitches as he look back at his hurt friend.
"I didn't do anything." You retort quickly.
"You did, because of this flesh bud. A vampire named Dio was controlling you-" Joseph starts.
"I'm not controllable." You stick your tongue out.
"Oh yea, so then you almost killed Avdol by yourself?" Joseph replies with the same childish tone.
"That was my twin brother, you've got the wrong person." You smirk like the annoying brat you truly are.
The argument gets more heated as Joseph refuses to listen to the sass of a dirt covered child.
Meanchile, in a dark dark room in a castle far away- No, a mansion just a couple of streets away, a certain blonde seethes.
Another one lost. Those damned crusaders... Joestars.
They had taken away many of his subjects.... His pawns.. But this was by far the worst.
A child, a powerfull child. He had plans for you. Shattered, all in a single fight.
Dio clenches his fist and a piece of the parchment he's pretending to read rips.
He wasn't attached... Not at all. You were just strong. And.. Too similar to him. A scumbag of a dad, he had looked into your mind that night you two locked eyes. And he had seen... Things that reminded himself too much of himself. The only diffrence between you two was that you weren't just born evil. A bummer, really. He's always wanted to see a maniacal kid.
But... Oh dallit, who's he kidding, he did get attached. And really he doesn't understand why. You were a dirty, foolish child...
But you had potential...
Dio had always planned to be the lonesome ruler of his ideal world... But you were.. ideal enough. Yes.
You could like... stand next to him and chirp about whatever useless tought you had this time.
Something to quench the silence he's grown to hate after years of being confined to a coffin under the sea.
It's a miracle that you hadn't gotten on his nerves, really. He usually hated all kids. But well, maybe it's that mischievious glint in your eyes. Makes him think too much of his time back in his living ages.
So, ofcourse he sent two of his stand users out to retrieve you.
Wich is how he had leanred of your capture by the Joestars.
Oh he had wanted to gag, what if they made you into the same goody-two-shoes all Joestars pretended to be?
Disgusting. He's have to end your suffering in that case...
But for now, he could wait for his pawns to bring you back. Maybe you were ready for the no flesh bud treatment.
Probably not. But hey, who knows what other nonsense you'd come up with if he let you be that free.
If only his pawns would hurry up! He's bored!
"I'm not helping you, I've got things to do." You declare to Joseph for the sixth time now as they kept on asking you to help them get to Dio.
"We'll give you lots of food." Jotaro pipes in with that same bored tone, seemingly having figured you out after his grandfather had tried convincing you the whole time.
"I'm in. This way."
You hum and start walking. Joseph yaw falls open dramatically as Jotaro walks past him with a slightly proud aura.
The group of guys follow you around the sunny streets of Cairo as you walk to the mansion you just so faintly remember.
Actually... you don't really remember much of your mind controlled times. A faint face of the vampire that had enslaved you... a slight sensation of a hair ruffle. For the rest it's mostly gone.
But who knows, with what these guys have been telling you, this Dio figure is quite the bad guy. And you'd be getting food. So...
The first round roof of the mansion had appeared in your field of vision, you had attampted to call out before someone just jumped onto you from above.
Now this man you remembered just faintly. Cowboyish looks, an attitude and the most annoying smirk.
"Gotta ask you not to struggle kid. Dio's been whining about you for a week now." Hol Horse huffs as he picks you up at the scruff. Glaring at Jotaro's group of friends.
"Let me go or I'll blast you to bits." You declare simply. Crossing your arms childishly.
The cowboy's eye twitches and he takes it as a bluff.
Stupid idea, really.
You activate your stand, Arnold, and use it's ability that you have yet to name. The crystal like being grabs ahold of Hol Horse and sharp crystals grow out of his arm, piercing his skin.
This effectivly drops you as the man screams in pain behind you.
So that's what you had done wit Avdol then? Yikes. Since when did you even have this ability? Must be Dio's fault.
Tough, this seemed way too easy. You were proven right moments after as you were ambushed by a pretty woman... Who you actually didn't know.
She surpisingly just hoisted you over her shoulder mid run and ran away from the Crusaders as they yelled for the woman to stop. You could sense her stand... So this must be another one of Dio's henchmen.
Altough your stand was super duper cool and epic, you're an untrained kid who doesn't know what they're doing.
So you weren't that great at summoning your stand without concentrating fully. And all these jolts you got from this womans fast running weren't helping your concentration.
A puprle vine suddendly wrapped around the womans ankle and she fell to the floor, dropping you as you rolled along the sandy pavement, scratching your skin and further staining your clothes with more dirt.
Joseph had stopped the womans kidnapping attempt. Wich was cool but damm that fall hurt!
The rest of the crusaders came running to you and the unknown stand user. This time it was Polnareff who picked you up like you were damm nothing. To prevent you from getting snatched again.
"You didn't say you were some kind of prized possesion. What does Dio want with you?" Polnareff yells dramatically.
"As if I know! I barely remember him!" You huff back.
"Are you perhaps his offspring?" Kakyoin asks a lot more calmly.
"What? No, I know my dad, he's an asshole but we've got the same hair, so we're obviously related." You shake your head.
"Thats the stupidest explenation I've ever heard." Jotaro sighs while Joseph ties the woman to a pole so that she can't chase again.
"What can I say, never been to school." You shrug with a matter of factly face. Polnareff looks bewildered while the others have taken on a bit of a pitying look. Wich you really don't like.
Seriously, life could be worse.
 Polnareff had loosened his grip slighly as he must have felt safe or something. A stupid descicion really, as a faint barking was coming from down the alley before you.
You caught a glimpse of a funny looking dog with big ears barking up at the sky before you got lifted up really fast by sharp talons.
A hawk, a damm hawk got you.
How was this thing even carrying you? Sure ten year olds aren't big an you don't grow a lot on the street but this is just bizarre!
The hawk dropped you off in the fountain of Dio's courtyard.
Landing with a splash into the unkempt water. Good thing this wasn't deep becasue nobody had ever tought you how to swim...
The hawk squaqed hard before flying back up to protect the mansion you had been brought back to.
Now if you knew one thing about vampires it's that they can't come into the sun or they expolde or something.
So you made it your mission to stay here in the sun as long as possible... Wich.. isn't that long, it was almost sunset... Shit.
"Tought you could run off, child?" A sultry voice spoke from the dark halls surrounding the courtyard.
Two piercing yellow eyes looked straight at you. That same feeling of impending doom hit you again.
"Why don't you come to me. I promise not to harm you..." Dio whispers in a slightly sweet manner. Wich really made it even less convincing.
He'd probably snap your head right off for even attempting to talk to the Crusaders.
You didn't want to walk towards him. But the alluring feeling the man possesed made you take a shaking step.
Screaming in your head to stop wasn't working.
Slowly but surely you were walking out of the suns warm embarce and into the darkness of a vampire's lair.
You're gonna die, oh my god!
The vampire held his hand out so elegantly for you to take, sharp- well kept nails the only indicator of the underlying nature of this predator.
Your hand reached out for his, out of your control. Damm this creature's charm.
The moment your warm hand touched ice cold flesh you were dragged into the darkness and into a strong body.
You were held tightly against the man as he ran a hand trough your hair before you were out like a light. Seriously, what kind of powers does this asshole even have?
The next thing you knew, you woke up in a dark room. Feeling a bit.. cold?
You open your heavy eyes, looking for any sign of life in this room. Closed curtains... unlit candles. Now where in the fuck-knuckles were you now?
"Y/N, would you like to know something?" That same deep voice spoke from behind you. You turn around and face the vampire on his fancy couch, lazing around.
"Not really.." You mutter unsurely.
"Hah, still the same kind of annoyance as before. How I've missed you." Dio muses down at you as if looking at a little lapdog. Wich techically you had been.
"Fine, what's the thing I need to know?" You sigh.
"I've made you a vampire, just like me. Isn't that generous of me my little Y/N? Now we can talk forever." Dio smirks as if this was his best idea ever.
You deadpann and walk over to a curtain to go kill yourself full on vampire way.
"No, foolish child. Come back here." Dio tsks in annoyance and whatever control he has over you now pulls you back to stand behind his couch.
Wow, can't even sit in this place huh?
"Do you not understand why I share my gift of immortality with you?" Dio muses, smiling again. Tough that teeny tiny spark of softness doesn't go unnoticed to your trained eyes.
You just shake your head. Who knows, even age old vampires could be pedo's-
"You... are similar to me. I simply wish for you to have a better life then I had."
Dio speaks a bit less... confidently.
Now, that's something you had never expected from the blonde..  Ever.
Where's the uncaring cold villain you knew? The guy that killed his servants for failing?
Why was he looking at you as if his words were genuine?
And why was it affecting you like this?
"Y/N, when Jotaro Joestar and his group make their way to my estate, I want you to stay firmly beside me. Do you understand me?" Dio narrows his eyes as he stands up to tower over you. That sinister shadow casting over his face to get you to comply.
You just nods your head. Wich apparently isn't good enough for him as he squishes your cheeks between his hand.
"Use your words, child." Dio tsks.
"I'll stay at your side..." You speak up, not like you actually would... they were coming here to kill Dio... You didn't wnat to die aswell...
Dio sighs and ruffles your hair roughly before leaving the room to go do whatever the hell he does all day.
You hear a little lock click shut, once again trapping you somewhere, tough unlike last time, you have full control of your mind...
Dio didn't need a henchmen anymore, not of you.
He couldn't even understand it himself. Maybe deep down he missed a brother he could bully.
So just sit in that tower and don't complain and everything would be alright.
He wouldn't let those crusaders take you away from him again...
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Thank you for the request! Also available on Wattpad/Tumblr.
Dio was a bit OOC but I really don't know how to get this man to like a kid, i think he'd throw one out of a window if given the choice. Xd.
Have a nice night/ Day!
Words: 2502
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AITA for refusing to get back with an ex?
So i (21m) was in a poly relationship with S (21x) and J (24m) for about a year (so that would be when i was 20, S was 19 and J was 22)
Midway through the relationship i was going through some mental health shit so i kind of subconsciously distanced myself (my bad, i definitely shouldve been upfront about what was happening but i have vulnerability issues)
Dont get me wrong, i wasnt straight up neglectful or anything (to my knowledge?), but i really didnt go out with them as much as i used to (if one of us couldnt attend, the other two would go as a couple. It was more efficient like) and didn't really feel as much "honeymoon" intensity if that makes sense
I think its also important to note that once i was semi-able to pull myself out of my rut i decided to start these big art projects to show my appreciation for them and also kind of make up for my distance, like that shit took up my time and sleep and effort. i felt like i wanted to take the next step from casual dating to something actually serious with a future and everything because getting out of my spiral made me remember how much i loved them
So i called them up and found out that they kind of... kicked me off the polycule?? It was this weird situation where they thought I was leaving them behind so they also fully moved in together and started acting like a regular couple without me. obviously i was pissed, and S apologized and tried to communicate which i really appreciate, but J was just doubling down blaming me. At the time i was so angry i turned it into a full out yelling match
I realized it wasnt healthy nor working out and broke it off fully, telling S we could still be friends but cutting J off entirely. I gave all J's shit that was still at my place back to S, blocked J's number and scrapped my project altogether
Fast forward to present day, and im in a completely unrelated relationship with two people i love with all my heart, and by this time ive healed and mended my relationship with S enough that i thought we could start over and add them to the polycule (to be clear my current partners like them too and are on board). We did do that, it's going great and i'm remembering why i loved S so much in the first place
The issue is that S is still with J, and while J doesn't have any issues with both of us separately dating S, S wants all of us to reunite again for old times sake and its very obvious that theyre still holding onto the old versions of us and what we used to be. I say no, i dont even like J anymore and havent spoken to him in forever so why the hell would i care?? Ive grown and changed so much in the time after our relationship that i wouldnt even fit into the nostalgic mold that you want me to be a part of and i dont think J would either
The thing is J does also seem like hes interested in starting over. S said he's grown a lot since, but i think our personalities just dont mesh and ive also just fallen fully out of love with him. It seems to break S's heart, but they get it and don't bother me about it anymore. On the other hand J respects my decision but is still like passive aggressively annoyed about how seriously i took it, saying it was mostly my fault and i took drastic measures for nothing.
What are these acronyms?
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pumpkinrootbeer · 8 months
I am DYING to talk about Alastor. He’s absolutely my favorite, I love sassy little shits, especially when they’re otherwise the picture of manners.
I do think he made a deal with Lilith. They were gone for the same amount of time, he clearly isn’t at full power (wings clipped! Mouth sewn!!) and he at first didn’t seem to like Charlie at all. Sure, she’s powerful, but nobody knew that, especially not her. She annoyed him, but grew on him for sure and how he wants to protect her but can’t since he’s not able to summon his full power yet. Charlie may be able to get him out of his deal, or maybe he thinks she can use her relationship with her mom to convince her to let him go. Hence the favor!
My theory is Lilith asked him to watch over the hotel and possibly to kill Lucifer. She had to get into heaven somehow, and what better way than to betray the man she left Adam for? She sewed his mouth shut so that he couldn’t tell anyone and sent him to help build her daughter’s dream. Possibly also to sabotage it? Although we don’t see him doing this beyond the first episode. Husk clearly knows something, because when he comes back Al specifically turns to Husk in warning before turning to Charlie’s hug.
ANYWAY would love to hear your thoughts!!
I LOVE ALASTOR genuinely its really fun to see an ace character who isn't a robot, or emotionless, or comically innocent. super fun time for me specifically. also quick sidebar, how they went about showing his depth by him literally loosing it was so satisfying and works so well for his character. hazbin baby im so sorry i doubted your writing so onto the theories! i do 100% think lilith and alastor are connected, and i dont think it would be stretch to say she's the one who owns his soul. the reinforced detail of 7 years obviously is a big piece of evidence, along with his hate of lucifer, but her being in heaven reinforces it more for me honestly because of Zestial's line in episode 3 "Some hath spun wild tales of you falling to... holy arms?". imo its either lilith or a character we havent meant yet. (ive seen people throw eve's name around 🤔) now weather or not she wants him to protect charlie and/or the hotel is another matter. its gonna be pretty hard to predict what exactly the terms are and what she wants from him (if anything!) until we get more content. i dont think its really much of a stretch to come to that conclusion and im not not saying i believe it, but im not really sold on it. if it turns out canon i woudnt be surprised tho lol
him hanging around charlie could be her mom wants him to protect her, hence the annoyance he holds towards her at first, or it could be she has status! sure they dont know how strong she is but shes the princess of hell, and everyone respects that to some degree. her side is the winning side! (another side bar alastor actually truly believing in her makes me so so emotionally ill 😭 like he didnt doubt shed be able to rally people. and he lowkey encouraged her with his little shit talk pep talk. mi amor... babito....)
the stitches across his mouth, the way he dances around his 7 year absence, the way he completely switches up with husk when his deal is mentioned could all be unrelated but hazbin doesn't exactly do coincidences. the details are all very purposeful, ever since the pilot, so i do think he cant talk about it.
i also am inclined to believe that he didnt make the deal for his power and the deal is actively restricting it. for one, its more interesting imo. two, the line "once i figure out how to unclip my wings, then i'll be pulling all the strings" he clearly thinks he'll be stronger out of the deal, which sure, could be his arrogance. or the reason why hes so arrogant is because he used to be able to back up his talk 100%. i mean the kind of sheer confidence he has is absurd, he wasnt scared of adam, he wasnt scared of lucifer. he acts like someone who is just not used to being weaker than anyone. part of the reason hed be so desperate for freedom is because the deal is literally a threat on his life. he almost died for them!
tbh not sure if husk knows the specifics of the deal or not, because that scene in the finale could just be alastor being alastor. "haha bitch u thought" type beat. either way!! im pretty pumped for s2 and seeing alastors inevitable downward spiral. beat him up again. also maybe he makes some more friends pretty please
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skyx-the-witch · 3 months
Even before i knew the term "rareships" and acepted myself as a person who loved both rareships and crackships, i would find it extremely dumb and useless when people would complain about others "making ships that doesnt make sense" and wanting to start discourses about how those are the people who "are ruining the fandom" just for drawing unrelated characters kissing.
I was like, eleven years old and i was so confused on why grown adults were so ofended that there was people in the community just having fun by making fanfics of, idk, two random background characters having a date and getting married. I was like "buddy i dont see anything wrong with this, why are people allowed to draw fanarts and make fan content extremely different from the original things but "ships that doesnt make sense" is where you draw the line, it doesnt affect the original product or anything you can just ignore it, its literally not a problem at all".
The worst part is that it was an EXTREMELY popular (is still is, but not as much, from what i saw), everyone seems to agree that any ship that isnt the most painfully canon or clearly implied was an unforgigable sin and those who shipped it deserved public execution. But at the same time, no one, LITERALLY NONE OF THEM could tell a single valid reason of why they belive that, they just do;
If you ask them, they will pull up the most childish and nonsensical arguments as "Because it AGAINST the canon!", "They arent canon, so NO ONE should even fantasize about them being something!", or they would straight up admiting their only argument is that its cringy, and thats it. Sometimes they would create extremely specific arguments like "the creator of the story would probably HATE that you ship characters that arent meant to be canon!", wich i find one of the stupidiest. Most creators dont give a damn about your personal ships they just want you to consume and enjoy their products, and those who do have nothing stoping them from telling their public so.
And if you questioned that the hate for those ships could be a little unjustified, you were looked as the crazy one, no matter how much your argument made sense.
Other thing that i found funny was when people acted as if they are morally supperior for "only shipping things that makes sense", and i found that so annoying and dumb, why would you admit that you have no creativity and have such boring tastes!?!?!
Dont get me wrong, i can totally understand why some people only prefer to ship things if there is any trace of probability of being canon, i think thats totally valid. Its just the shitty actitude as if they deserve a medal for doing that and also harassing rareshippers, like no screw you.
Now, my opinion has intensified, because now im 100% sure that people who bitch 24/7 about "ships that doesnt make sense" are all the most boring, anti-fun and toxic members of every fandom and they truly deserve to have a time out of any internet community until they learn to behave and that shipping fictional characters will never be as much as a problem as they belive it is (im only half joking LMAO).
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tortadecuchufli · 8 months
i love the way a rush of.happiness made me ignore when people are shitty to me but i also feel the need to share the anecdote because it's kind of outlandish. Puttimg it under the cut though.
The other day my dad spent like a 1 hour csr ride repeatedly saying things like "hey i wish you had failed and couldnt graduate so you would stay by my side" in response to me getting a 90 on an exam to finish my degree. And then asking me if i didnt want to drop out instead or have him run my payments or that maybe I should study something else or whatever to probably not sound like he is happy when things are bad for me. or we are watching a movie or literally anything unrelated and he goes "oh everyone is going to abandon me even you. your brother sucks that is why did he left as soon as he graduated, dont do the same". Or the weird comments he makes about my art. And lets be honest in comparison to how he verbally harasses like 80% of every person that interacts with him I have it easy.
Let me clarify that I know his attitude is shitty and his words hold no weight over my worth. I know that he tries to provoke me and then insist i dont understand jokes when I call out his behavior. It's not debilitating it's just annoying, I'm writing this so I remember the specific things he says.
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detective-ws · 7 months
i was full of poorly hidden annoyance and i just need to air it out bc the gc i normally ramble in theres something else going on
(this is NOT about anyone i know over here on tumblr /gen)
ugh why do people use the general chat, in a PUBLIC discord server, as dms
im just like, annoyed
there is a chance itll get covered, and they in general they are just WAY less likely to see it
i have to help moderate this chat, but i dont want to see 2 people talking at length about a show with no room for other members to join the conversation (thats the main issue with doing it)
i understand if a conversation starts from general and thus continues there, but @/ing someone and just attaching a link is like ‘??? just do this is dms, please oh my cod’
sorry im just like so annoyed, this has happened multiple times
when i asked the first person to take their messaging the person to dms though they were very nice
the second time the two people (different from the first person) just misinterpreted every single point i was trying to say..
while i am pretty bad at phrasing, but it feels awful to have people seem to constantly not listen to you or not care about what your politely asking/suggesting of them
im a mod, but i dont want to abuse mod privileges, because thats not cool of me, but i have to physically stop myself and force myself to step away (i muted the chat and moved to the second general)
they just continued chatting until one of them had to go, i feel so bad for feeling relieved that they had to go, because they are a known member (we have had many convos and they seem cool) but i feel so relieved right now
i need to get over these things but this members friend (the one who started the convo out of dms in the first place) just wasnt super nice in the beginning and also hasnt really been. i dont dislike them i dont think? but being mean to people as, what i presume to be, a joke, isnt funny from the outside if you dont know they are joking.
also, they just refused to get roles, it bothers me when people dont get a single role, or when people join a server for a SPECIFIC FANDOM, without being in that fandom for no reason other than their friend inviting them
i mean i dont think i hid my annoyance well, but they just responded to my ‘hey you can do that in dms you know’ (they were sending a link unrelated to literally anything that has happened in the server before, to my knowledge, seemingly umprompted) with just justifications. then when i responded with reasons they were constantly misinterpreted
maybe i should just try and learn to phrase things better.. its an issue
sorry i just needed to vent all that to nobody in particular, maybe delete(/private if its possible) this later,, idk
ive been really prone to almost crying today over slight things, maybe a side effect of forgetting my adderall, probably not though. im just more emotional today for some reason, so that may be affecting my feelings on the situation
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pwnyta · 1 year
Apologies for my mistakes in advance.
Ok, so, I have a question for you.
Some time ago (honestly, it might have been kind of a long time ago) you’ve been talking about Genshin and how you prefer when the mc is not the point of view character but just someone who spectates from afar while other characters living their lives/stories. Tbh I’m not entirely sure that it was the exact thing that you said, but at the very least, that’s how I’ve remembered it xD
(Not trying to put words in your mouth btw, again, that’s just how I’ve remembered it)
So, my question is: do you not like MCs, like, in general? Like I know that it’s a strange question and that mc from Genshin feels more like a self-insert (I think they get better as the time goes on, maybe they’ll be their own characters by the end of the game lol), so it’s strange to question whether or not you like MCs just based on this one answer, but I was wondering about it so I decided to ask.
I’m not gonna lie, I am (kind of) a main character truther, they usually end up being my favorite characters, and if I don’t like mc, then I usually drop the work as a whole (because I don’t want to consume something that’s going to anger/annoy me, and bc MCs are usually a huge part of the story, I would rather just not interact with the story as a whole. Kind of unrelated, but my hatred for Bak*go forced me to drop mha bc he started to gain more and more screen time, and even though he is not THE main character, I still think that’s a good example).
Like. I hope you don’t think that I’m looking for troubles or anything, but as a person who likes MCs and as someone who would rather drop the work if I can’t emphasize with them/don’t like them/feel like they are NOT treated or behave like main characters, I’m just interested in the perspective of someone who doesn’t care for those characters/don’t like them in general.
Sorry if my message was confusing, I hope you got my point.
Well honestly I do tend to find MCs significantly less interesting than other characters. MCs tend to be the most generic character so that people can relate to them… thats just not how I read stories so it does nothing for me.
Like Naruto (& honestly the rest of his team) I found him (them) largely annoying and was always more interested in the stories of other characters with weirder powers (like Shino) & because I like more minor characters I Guess Im just more tolerable of their absence so long as the story is fun (Shino was probably THE most neglected of class but I stuck through Naruto until it wasnt fun anymore.)
But yeah especially in something like Genshin where Aether/Lumine are both the MC… and nothing really changes based on the character you pick... they arent a real character and what they do doesnt really matter because its just a stand in.
Like if you made QIQI the main character things would inherently change because she is her own character and the world would have to change based on what she might do. Her options to choose would be SO much different since shes a child and a zombie and w/e the world couldnt possibly be the same…. or CYNO would be interesting because hes got such a different temperament and also struggles with discrimination from being a desert dweller so there would even be more resistance... Hes basically got 2 personalities the quiet professional who keeps his head down and the goofy little meme boy who likes puns and YGO thats closer to who he really is and only shows to his friends (who hate it… OMG WINDBLUME IM STILL DEVASTATED LEARNING CYNO IS QUITE WHILE WORKING BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE RACIST AND HE ONLY JOKES WITH HIS FRIENDS BUT HIS FRIENDS ARE ACTIVELY ANNOYED BY IT AND DONT WANT TO HEAR IT…. IM SICK. …anyway.)
You can interchange Lumine and Aether and nothing changes because theyre not a real characters with their own personality so I just cant give a shit about them. The only thing that makes them tolerable is that its pretty clear Aether is supposed to be the main character canonically.
That said I wouldnt completely dismiss an MC just for being an MC…. some are interesting or serviceable enough to be somewhat likable. I love Luffy from One Piece, I like Tsuna from KHR and I did like Deku from MHA at first though recently he just feels like he doesnt matter at all (which normally I wouldnt mind since I usually prefer side characters stories but cutting screen time of Deku and focusing on characters who genuinely dont fucking matter or are terribly written like Endeavor or the side villains whos stories are forced and/or dont fucking MEAN anything… its frustrating. As much as I cant STAND Bakugo I actually wouldnt mind him having more screen time because he IS important to the story (or should be)… same with Todoroki but Bakugo is just a FLACCID and stagnant character and Todo was fucking wasted as Hori somehow thought itd be a better idea to build his abusive POS father without him present… DONT UNZIP ME NONNY. IM SO MAD…).
UM…. yeah. I didnt take offense or anything to the question… I actually love having an excuse to bitch about silly shit like this. Fandom discourse used to be one of my favorite pastimes before people started pretending it was serious business because theyre too lazy to do any actual social justice.
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stabosins4 · 1 year
my favorite kind of ally are the ones i've entitled "confused chad".
Like they don't know what's going on but whatever I'm on about with pronouns is totally wicked dude.
No one embodies Confused Chad more than Jayden. Jayden was a boy in my freshman year of high school. I had three classes with him: Bio, Gym, and Math.
Unrelated to Jayden, that years "fad" was for the guys to wear dresses and skirts to school every Tuesday. I don't know why, none of the gay guys did it, yet every single straight man that year participated at least once.
I go to one of those schools which change schedules depending on the day, so on Tuesdays, it just so happened that I had gym first thing. With Jayden.
Gym class was coming to a close, we're all changing out of our gym clothes, I'm trying to hide my boobs in the mens' room, and then a ruckus starts. Common for a mens' room, I ignore it. The ruckus continues, I try to ignore it. As I go to leave the room i see that Jayden has a full ass bubblegum pink ballgown, petticoat after petticoat, i swear he must've had one of those cages that go underneath it was so puffy.
Of course, all the guys around him (also in skirts, but none can compare) are asking how in the hell he got this crazy shit. All Jayden responds with...
is nothing. He shrugs. and leaves.
Now, Jayden is LOUD. Jayden is loud and annoying and loves talking about literally anything. So even the guys with less than half a braincell know something's up.
2nd period comes and goes. Lunch comes and goes, next: Math. I had forgotten at this point, and I've always been one of those kids who gets to class way too early (especially after lunch), so I spend a good 10 minutes settling into class, other students trickle in.
Jayden walks in, my head is down in my desk drawing so I don't notice. That is, I wouldn't have noticed, but also in this class is Christian, Jayden's best friend, but also an avid member of the D&D club, which meets on Mondays, but Monday was a weekend, so he missed eating lunch with Jayden today.
Christian sits on the other side of the room, but he may as well have been screaming directly into my ear when he goes, "What the FUCK are you wearing, Jayden?!"
Jayden looks at him, blinks, looks down at his Bubblegum. Pink. Ballgown. Look's back at his friend and says, straight-faced;
Which is immediately followed by him kicking his leg out to reveal the most basic black Nikes you could imagine (im not a shoe person, maybe they were fancy, idfk).
Christian's jaw DROPS. And he steps over to Jayden and grabs the edge of the skirt and holds it up, "No. THIS, you idiot!" (not the word he said, I'm not gonna right the real word, you can figure it out on your own)
Jayden nods and shrugs, "It's a trend, haven't you been paying attention, dumbass?"
"It makes you look gay," Christian argues, tossing the skirt back down.
"What if I am gay?"
"What if. I am. gay...? What's so wrong about that, man?"
"Nothing, I-I... You aren't gay!"
"I might be!"
"Jayden, you're straight,"
"Christian. I'm gay."
And, triumphant, Jayden takes his seat.
The day after, in Biology, Jayden's standing next to me in line to get some assignment (no ballgown in sight). His friend (not Christian) leans over and asks, "So...are you gay? No problem if you are, just wanna know..."
Jayden looks this kid in the eye and goes:
"What's gay?"
And I just lose it. I can't hold myself together anymore. I just start laughing. I laugh until I cry. I laugh until I can't breath. I laugh so hard for so long I get sent home for the day.
We're about to start our Junior year, Jayden still goes to this school, guys dont dress in skirts every tuesday anymore. But people still talk about Jayden and his bubblegum pink ballgown. They still ask where he got it from, he always just walks away or changes the subject. Some people say it was all planned, the Christian encounter, "what's gay?", some say I was in on it, and I don't confirm or deny to those who ask. Because really, I don't care.
I don't care what's true. I don't care what Christian thinks of gays. I don't care where Jayden got the dress. I don't care if Jayden ever learned what gay means. Because you know what?
I made it up.
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freud was a bitch ass motherfucker (heh).
on an unrelated note, let's talk about libido!
what is libido?
libido is another name for sex drive, i.e: people's drive to have sex and do other sexual activities! now you might be thinking "as an ace, you dont have that, do you?" and welll...
aces and libido;
libido varies from person to person, but the variation is far more interesting in aces (at least in my opinion). aces themselves may be low, high or somwhere in between when it comes to libido. i personally am somewhere between high and middling, though this isn't as annoying as you might think.
you see, aces still get 'horny' but not really *for* anyone. my body still perks up and feels weird for a little bit, but it's less that your body is like 'this person' or 'this gender' now, and more like: 'something now! no idea what, but something!'.
i've seen better explanations, but basically the drive is still there, the target of that drive isn't. this means that i'll often 'get horny' while i'm doing something and just completely ignore that feeling to keep gaming or whatever cuz i don't feel like doing anything about it lol.
wait, what about sexual frustration?
well, whilst im not sure how various high libido aces feel about sexual release, personally i don't experience any kind of what I've kind of got the gist of as 'sexual frustration'. sometimes ill go a fair while without masturbation and often remember its a thing let alone do it if im having difficulty sleeping or im especially bored or something of the like. i often get 'horny' but can p safely ignore it cuz it straight up isn't a drive for me lol.
again, this is the best i can explain it as a neurodivergent aro-ace, but i hope it was helpful in getting you to understand just a little more! next up: kink's are not attraction!
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wetslug · 5 years
#can i just vent about an especially Annoying patient in the emergency room today lmao#yall know im a volunteer there and its my job to keep triage organized and keep ppl in the waiting room happy#she was waiting in triage amongst other patients and i thought she was everyones family member because she was!! getting involved in#everyones care like asking why it was taking so long...offering medical advice etc etc#she budged the line to ask triage doctor if a lady (unrelated to her) could have a drink and when he said 'no' (because she hadnt been#looked at yet and they prefer to make sure they wont need empty stomachs if they will need intubation/surgery etc) she rolled her eyes and#sneered and said (sarcastically) ''thanks'' and told me she works at administration and SHE believes the patient should have water#(admin is not medical btw lmao)#THEN she went on to another patient who had query blood infection and she legit grabbed his arm and went 'baby u have a terrible infection!!#you better go to minor treatment NOW and start this 7 day course of [antibiotic] right now!!' all the while gasping dramatically#so i went up to her and said something jokingly like 'haha youre scaring him... lets wait to see what the doctor has to say about his#condition before prescribing him anything' and she shot me the ugliest shit eating face and said ''what are you again?'' and i went#''im a volunteer'' (obviously) and she went#''well im a NURSE i think i know infections better than you do sweetie''#like binch what??? first of all u said u were admin...scond of all these patients are not your concern!! third of all i dont care if you#have medical knowledge you CANNOT give unsolicited medical advice to these people who have known for a few seconds#not only could you be incorrect but now the patient has a preconvienced notion of what care theyll be given and will doubt the REAL doctor#when they perscribe something different/give a different diagnosis etc etc#i highly doubt she was a nurse because i HOPE licensed nurses would know to stay in their lane and not jump to conclusions#and also not to speak rudely to fellow employees :^))) like binch im not even getting paid to be here i dont have to listen 2 this#i had a few other patients who complemented my work today so it all evened out tho i know im doing a good job#fuck i wish i was more intimidating i feel about 4 feel tall when ppl speak down to me like that
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 3 years
Let’s talk: Vlive Asks and comment/chat discussions
From @cottoncandykings​: Hello! As u probably know jimin just went live recently and again he mentioned mandaggo and discussing about doing it with tae. I just find it so weird though. I mean jimin keeps constantly mentioning it and its not like vminnies were begging or dying for a vmin live everyday even before jimin mentioned it last year. Even now most including myself dont really care that much ofc i m happy if they do one together. But the way jimin keeps mentioning it is so weird. Like surely if he wanted to do it so badly he could have talked to tae privately and arranged it by now. And if tae is the one that doesnt want to do it then idk why jimin is pushing it. But what was really weird to me this time was that he said there were lots of comments about mandaggo yesterday in zoom call and yet they didnt mention it yesterday but suddenly today without prompting he talks about it. I also hope no one spammed the zoom call chat or the vlive chat with requests for vmin live (i didnt see any) bcoz thats just unnecessary and demanding. I hope vminnies wont demand/ ask for another memeber when one of them is live. Its just disrespectful. This turned into a rant sorry. Do you think it was weird too?
Since Admin 2 can’t type their thoughts themselves, I’ll relay their thoughts to you instead, since they had more thoughts/opinions/ideas in regard to this than I do, to be honest.
Admin 2 is sure that there is a good chance that we will get a vmin vlive sometime soon, which I know contradicts their original opinion and post from a few months ago, but there’s a reason for it. During the zoom meeting between BTS and ARMY they noticed something I don’t think anyone else noticed, or at least neither of us has seen any vminnies mention it anywhere, which in conjunction with Jimin’s vlive today and saying how he’d talk to Tae about doing a mandaggo vlive again, as well as another observation a little while ago, leads them to this conclusion.
So, the observation from the zoom meeting. Basically at one point when the question of Jimin doing a vlive arose Tae looks at Jimin and then he nods while smiling which in turn makes Jimin smile as he turns away from Tae and back to face toward the camera before answering the question and saying how he’ll come visit us the next day. Which he did.
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Then the other observation from a while ago, this one being from their OT7 vlive celebrating their BBH100 #1 on June 29th where at one point Jimin says something but slips into satoori after which Tae encourages him to say that again but this time in the Seoul accent, so the way they actually should speak, which Jimin says isn’t difficult but he doesn’t actually end up repeating what he said.
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And lastly in today’s vlive Jimin mentioned how he’s using satoori quite often but that he isn’t all that good at doing it on command or at teaching it to others, which is something he’d have to do for mandaggo but I’m sure he’d manage just fine if the time came for it.
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Based on that Admin 2′s thoughts are basically that Jimin really meant it when he said, last year, that he’ll bring Tae around for a vlive, that it wasn’t a joke or a way to tease us with something he knew he wouldn’t be able to deliver, but rather that up until this point they weren’t quite sure how to do it. Which sounds a bit odd, I know, but what they mean is that if vmin were to just sit down in front of the camera and were supposed to just talk based on what the chat would give them, it would likely just turn out awkward and weird and no one, including them, would really have fun. Even more so when we take into account how idiotic the chat is during regular vlives so now imagine if those two were to do one together that’s just a casual chat. It would likely end up in disaster and honestly I wouldn’t wish it upon them to read all those awful comments that they would likely get, even worse ones than they already get normally, to be honest.
But now that the whole satoori thing was brought up, and Jimin actually mentioned mandaggo and wanting to bring it back after so many years, Admin 2 thinks that they must’ve finally figured out a solution to their problem, if you can call it that. Doing mandaggo would basically mean they would have an activity, something to do similar to how they did those ASMR videos for the Japanese Fan Club which were fun and cute, and so Admin 2 thinks that perhaps chances are we will finally get the vlive we’ve waited for so long (though like many others I’ve long given up the idea).
Another confirmation is that during his vlive today Jimin basically said that he only came by for a little while since they are quite busy and had to soon get ready for work with the other members but that he’ll return in two or three weeks for a more proper, longer, vlive. So, he could’ve treated today’s vlive as the promised one but instead he saw it more as a bridging one between the zoom meeting and the proper vlive he wants to do, so is it the farfetched to think that he had proper plans for a vlive, like doing mandaggo, but it just wouldn’t have worked out time wise today so he moved the actual vlive he wanted to make to a later date?
One last thing (well two actually) that has nothing to do with this question but Admin 2 wanted me to include it anyway is that one, have you noticed how Tae and Jimin were both on weverse around 3 am (until almost 4am (also both of them posting a comment to some post at 03:41 am KST)) one after the other (though with one day of a break in between them) recently and then also two, that Jimin was up until like 6 am (since he posted on weverse around that time) on the 8th and then during the zoom meeting Tae answered a question by saying that he’d been awake until 6 am the previous day (also the 8th) since he wanted to see the sunrise? Which is also something an anon mentioned to us. Curious, isn’t it?
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From anon: I request both admins to please post this ask. So jimin wwnt live today and one of the accounts on twt posted a screen cap of them commenting 'touch your hair if vmin is real' in the live chat and jimin's reaction to it. Now idk if it is an edit or real. No matter i just want to say its not ok to bring up ships in front of the members no matter which ship it is. We dont know the reality of their relationship so lets not make them uncomfortable. Its not a joke. Its not funny. Be respectful the members are real people.
(Admin 1 taking over from this point onward) This ask nicely ties into the last one that’ll be further down in this post since they cover a similar issue of sorts. But let’s start with this one asking about, essentially, vlive comments and the things fans ask/comment, which also ties in with the above ask as well.
The thing with the vlive chat, and especially comments/questions that are like anon said, questions or “commands/requests” about touch your hair if XYZ ship is real or cough twice if you love XYZ member or, likewise, comments such as where is XYZ member or what are the other members doing, unfortunately those have been a steady and unchanging part of the vlive chat since basically forever. It’s been an issue on and off with different intensities though I feel like it’s gotten worse again this year. Particularly if we look back at the vlive Tae did with Hobi and Yoongi and how essentially the entire chat was filled with comments related to Xkook and not much else.
If my memory doesn’t fail me we once even had a situation some years ago (2016) where the chat during Hobi’s vlive was so bad, as in so full of questions about that other members instead of him, that you could see he was upset about it and eventually he handed over the vlive to Jimin, whom the chat had requested Hobi to visit, and Hobi just left. And I can’t blame him for it since the chat must’ve made him feel like basically no one cared about him so what was even the point of him being there, right?
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Personally I’ve long given up looking at the comments during vlive because they just make me cringe and feel bad for the members, especially when I think back to vlives such as Yoongi’s D2 one last year where he was so excited to talk about the songs and the process of making the mixtape and yet so many of the comments were just unrelated nonsense and annoying request like speak english or can you say my name or say hello in XYZ language. If it makes me question why the people posting those questions are in the chat, why they are fans to begin with, imagine what the members must feel like, how discouraging that must feel like. After all they are musicians and yet so rarely do they get questions about that. Or rather they do get them but they are just drowned out by nonsense. Which is a shame. And also very disrespectful but any attempts that were made to remind people to be respectful, to remember their place as fans, to focus on the member that’s doing the vlive instead of asking about the others, and to keep ships away from the members have failed because some don’t care and will continue to not care.
From anon: what are your opinions on the Qs that were asked during that zoom meeting thing between BTS and ARMY?
Now I’d like to preface my answer to this last question by saying that by no means do my grievances come from a place of jealousy or anything. I’m very happy for all the ARMYs that won their spot, that they got to participate in the event and that BTS got to see ARMYs again even if only on screens and not in person still. No, my issue stems from something completely different, and I don’t want to say that the system chose the wrong people, because that would be mean and also who even knows how the winners were chosen, if it was pure luck or there were some actual criteria that went into the process, but the fact is that only a select 200 ARMYs got that spot out of however many that applied, so basically for some this was a once in a lifetime chance, right, even just getting this close to asking Bangtan a question and have really great chances of having them give you an answer while acknowledging you somewhat instead of just seeing pure words on a screen, you know what I mean?
Now imagine you are one of those 200 ARMYs and you get the chance to fill the chat with questions along with the other 49 participants of your session and you decide that asking questions such as what it’s like for Jimin to work as angel, if Namjoon ever broke a bicycle, or why JK smells the crowns of the other members heads? Or even worse, you decide to ask about JKs shower routine and in which order he washes his body? And sure, the “fault” doesn’t fall completely on the ARMYs alone, after all it’s the members who read out those questions and not some magical off screen entity, and since I wasn’t part of the event I can’t say with a hundred percent certainty that no one asked any “proper” questions, but if those were the questions that ended up being read out loud, is it that hard to guess that likely all the questions looked similarly? 
Which brings me to my main grievance of it all: have you forgotten that you are fans of musicians and not reality TV stars or vloggers/influencers? I know there were likely no rules for what questions you could or couldn’t ask (except for probably ones that were 100% about shipping or far too personal), but really, you get to ask your favorite band a question, something you might never, ever get the chance to do again, and your first thought isn’t to ask about their music but instead about some unimportant nonsense like the angel question or if they differentiate between the clothes they wear at home and those they sleep in? Like sure the angel one was kinda funny, maybe, and Jimin handled it in a cute way, I applaud him for it, but was that really necessary?
I know someone asked JK about Decalcomania, as well as Tae about his mixtape, and Yoongi/Jimin about Tony Montana (season 2), but other than that were there any other questions about their music? Perhaps I’m overthinking things, maybe I’m exaggerating and maybe I’m the only one who sees an issue with this, but if I would’ve won a spot, I’d rather have asked something about their process when writing lyrics or creating beats or how they prepare when learning new choreographies, what it’s like to be on tour (though perhaps that would be a mean question seeing as tours aren’t really something that’ll continue being possible for a while still), you get the point.
It makes me wonder if it was just bad luck or if it had something to do with how old the participants were (I saw some being as young as fifteen), which isn’t to say that teens can’t ask smart questions because they definitely can just like adults can ask stupid ones as well, but somewhere something, in my opinion, just went weirdly. And maybe that was the point of it all, for the event to be casual, funny, lighthearted, but my question then is when is the time for music discussions? For fans to ask those types of questions that actually have something to do with the boys careers? When even journalists aren’t asking them proper questions, ARMYs aren’t either, so what is the point of it all then?
Then again, after the event concluded and Seokjin came onto vlive he seemed so happy and excited, so maybe they had fun (I mean they seemed to have fun) and didn’t mind at all that the questions were lighthearted and silly, maybe I’m the one making mountains out of molehills. I don’t know, but anon wanted to know my thoughts/opinions, and this is them. Once again, I don’t mean to be mean toward the ARMYs that got rightfully in, that won, and I don’t want to insult them for the questions they asked, perhaps I just expected/hoped for something a little different? And perhaps I’m the only one. I don’t know. 
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You Tubers on Twitter - Frustration - Transphobia?
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I had a few days to let this interaction sit, but I decided to vent my frustration about this guy finally. I will censor out the parties involved. (Just to be on the moral high ground really). But first things first I want to make clear that Im not trans myself. Im AroAce and at most confused about myself. But still I felt like sticking up for the original poster who he randomly lashed out at, because it felt like the right thing to do. So I followed this art commentary (turned gaming commentary) You Tuber for a while. When I finally made a Twitter I of course followed my favorite You Tubers there too. Now he had his "Anti-SJW" moments in the past but nothing major, he seemed nice otherwise. But on Twitter you quickly learned how much good editing can make a person. On Twitter he was insufferable. (Unless he was sharing art) He would awkardly beg for money, "jokingly" baiting his followings to pay him to review "horrible" media. And they paid him for some reason, absurd amounts of money too. But its his following. What really began to annoy me was his intense focus on negativity. He made opinion pieces of games and media and then when he got strong responses to his "objective" opinion pieces he would drag the comments out to his twitter and pick them apart, feeding the people to his following. Not blurring out their usernames or anything. This is where this mess started. I noticed his anger towards "SJW" aka queer people finding him annoying. In this situation I noticed that he for no good reason lashed out at an unrelated (possibly trans) person, because he didnt like their gaming opinion about Persona 4. Specifically Naoto. And I found him needlessly hostile towards someone who hadnt tagged him or even replied to them. He just sought them out to get mad at someone. So I decided to call him out for it, nicely of course, and tried to explain why the person probably had this opinion. But he was just weirdly obsessively defensive over Naoto really truely not being trans. (Maybe they are his one true waifu or something) So I tried to move away from Persona 4 and Naoto specifically. And hoped to have a mature converstaion about these uninspired storytelling tropes. You know the one: About a person crossdressing as the other gender but once the main character changes their mind and makes them be true to themselves they go back to being their original gender. Usually female presenting male. The damsel needing fixing. Yeah that kinda shitshow. I tried to get into why the person arrived at their opinion about Persona 4 in general, because in my opinion these kinda stories can spread harmful ideas if handled so poorly. (Especially in a game where you "fix" peoples minds) And how the story felt very "tell dont show" But thats where things went downhill. I was met with nothing but rudeness, hostility, defensive mental gymnastics and some absurd victim complex. He kept going on and on about Naoto not being trans, ignoring my attempts to getting away from that character and game. Honestly I think they are his waifu and he just got violently butthurt about someone not sharing his worship of them. Now eventually I muted the tweet because I realized he wouldnt bother actually talking with me, he was just being an asshole for no damn reason. I tried to de-escalte, be polite and reasonable but got no respect in return. The next day I see that he bloody vague posted about it and at that point I got annoyed and more spiteful in my tweets. Though still harmless in my opinion. I would call myself stern and cold by the end. Sadly I cant show you, I dont want to direct anyone towards him and I was blocked before I could grab more screenshots. (So please take my words with a grain of salt) He then had the audacity to play victim, thats when I got really upset. He went out of his way to attack/harrass/silence a trans person (the og poster mentioned gender disphoria, hence my assumption they might be trans or at least genderfluid). Said person didnt mention him, didnt tag him and they didnt reply to him.
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chaos-event-horizon · 3 years
pls dont be so defensive i was curious because a lot of people fetishize my abuse. i wasnt inciting discourse. and if u look up electricpuke u get the info from one of the other artists saying how they abused them
Okay, I was wondering when this would take a turn and here we are. You came into my inbox asking me about invasive shit. You suddenly started throwing around a stranger's abuse in a way that was obviously supposed to make me feel bad for liking a third of a game. You're talking to me in a way that implies that you seem to think you have something to do with me. I'm not defensive, I'm annoyed. There's a pretty substantial difference. How were you thinking I'd react to some anonymous rando asking me about my feelings on rape, and acting like I somehow have something to do with a stranger's abuse? Was I supposed to just go "oh, sorry, I forgot that every stranger on the internet is in charge of my bodily autonomy! I will now proceed to remove this character from my mind with brain bleach!" How often do you have people asking you about this stuff? Because lemme tell you, it's weird and rude to walk up to strangers and start asking them random interview questions about a free dating sim. Are you also going up to people who like Strade and asking them about cannibalism??? Have you asked a Sano stan about whether or not they kidnap people and turn them into dolls today??? Honestly going after the tentacle demon lover should be lower on the list, considering realism.
Second of all. It isn't just your trauma to be explored. It's also mine. No one is fetishizing anything about you, because you aren't in any way involved in my relationship. You are not a participating .ember of my life. This isn't about you, and was never about you at any point. You aren't me, or Rire, or any other character in that game. You are a completely separate entity. A total stranger who for some reason latched onto my blog, despite me not talking about Rire in MONTHS. I don't need your permission to explore my trauma, any more than you need my permission to dislike this game.
Furthermore? Why do you assume I in any way keep up with ANY of the creators of this dating sim, besides maybe darqx??? I genuinely would have no particular reason to. I downloaded BTD in 2017, and honestly haven't looked at the download site since then. Frankly Rire and his route are the only part of the game and lore I care about. I don't even look at his creator's stuff that often. I would have 0 reason to ever need to look up the other artists, and obviously have not done so, because quite frankly I didn't even remember their usernames. Why in the world are you acting like I'm complicit in someone else's abuse when my ship and love for Rire have nothing to do with anything?
AND ONE MORE THING. Not here to incite discourse? Then why ARE you even here? You came to my inbox, asked me to explain myself to The Board Of Sunglasses, and then got mad that I'm being less than saintly? Fuck were you expecting, the sugar queen? Awful bold of you to walk into my house, start demanding answers you are in no way entitled to, and then act like I'm victimizing you and other people somehow. As if my 2017 download of a free itchio game and occasional thirst for an unrelated character has any bearing at all on someone's current problems? Why in the world are you acting like you're shocked that I don't like being spoken to this way? Why are you here, continuing to message me, and trying to insert yourself into my romantic relationship? This polycule isn't taking applications dude.
A word of advice from someone who just recently reached the 20th anniversary of the first time they were sexually assaulted: you have nothing to do with another person's trauma. Approaching other survivors while acting like this will only piss them off. If you don't like a person or piece of content, use the block button. It's free.
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Just me, reviewing yet another teen drama, Fate: the winx saga edition.
The highlights of the season for me were Musa and Riven, Flora finally making an appearence and the friendship between Stella a Beatrix.
Now onto the plot, i think it was a solid idea, it carried on from season one with the Aster Dell thing and i can kinda see the point of Sebastian, he's just too much of a caricature evil to inspire anything else. I did thought it was weird at the end the rest of the blood witches just....left, like, what the fuck lol, felt like a lazy way to tie up loose ends, like yeah their leader is gone but surely those people still want their loved oned back. Also i have beef with however is tasked with designing their transformations, theres no outfit change, the wings look werid once the montage is over and i hate that its probably because they want to give it "realism" ITS A SHOW ABOUT MAGICAL FARIES RICHARD, GIVE THEM SPARKLY OUTFITS.
Into the characters!
Bloom is not my favorite, she's okay, not bad for a main character, just a bit repetitive. It did bother me at the end when she told sky he was the most important person in her life when i think through out the season she had more meaningul scenes with her friends than with him. And their relationship is kind of not it, they have awful comunkcation and when she confromts him about it he says he doesnt tell her about his problems because she is the answer which, ok cute honey but you need comunication for a relationship to work. Idk, they are very vanilla but, they could be written better.
Sky's struggles made for an interesting arc this season, he went through some pretty fucked up shit and it sucks that the season ended for him with his girlfriend basically unaliving herself as far as he is concerned. One thing i like about this show is that no character has as a motivation only his love interest which is why i appreciate they gave Sky something to do this season besides Bloom. Im interested to see how he handles his loss next season.
I cannot stress enough how much i liked Musa this season, i love how they handle her relationship with her powers and she and Riven finally interacting made my freaking week. I hope they let her keep training to be an Specialist next season and i hope somebody gets the idea of giving a combat magic class, its kind of ridiculous a room full of fairies with different types of magic couldnt come up with a plan to try an scape and instead waited patiently to be rescued while being drained one by one.
Riven, Riven, Riven. His fallout with Beatrix and Dane was kind of inevitable, i do love myself some badass female grey character but relationships without affective responsability are doomed from the begining, it was definitely something while it lasted. I like the little moments when you realize he isnt a complete asshole, like when he brought each girl a drink that suited their taste or when he explained to Musa that it wasnt that he didnt want to train her because she was a woman, but because they were on the brink of war and it was dangerous for her. He cares, and i care about him, i just want him a Musa to be a happy couple.
Terra's personality annoys me so much lol, i know a girl just like her in really life and it annoys the shit out of me when i know something is right and she comes acting like she knows best and everybody elses work is mediocre, this is unrelated to the writing of her character really, is just an unfortunate coincidence. Her coming out arc was nice and her scenes with the specialist were kind of sweet but i dont think they have chemestry with each other. There's not much more to say about her, she isnt my favorite character and i doubt she'll grow on me but thats nobody's fault.
AISHAAAAAA, i like her a lot, i think they could've given her more scenes with Grey. Like at the end she tells him he lied to her for months and....i dont think we even got a scene of them just...hanging out besides the one where they kissed, i would've loved to see more of their relationship on screen and i would like for them to explore what he told her the day they left the pub about her not having to carry the weight of her friends, she is the smartest but she should allow herself to be a teen (this goes for every one of those poor girls, if Sebastian had any good point, it was the fact that they should be enjoying their lives as teenagers).
Stella, i know we all miss the og cartoon Stella, but if they were going to change her character i dont think this is that bad of a change. I mean the image of her back covered in blood because she was trying to get rid of the gem was heartbreaking and she has had good progress with letting people in and forming genuine bonds with the girls, i enjoyed her friendship with Beatrix, hope they bring her back.
Flora is a 10/10 would recomend, badass bitch all the way, i dont think the show gave her all the praise that she needed, she literally took on dozens of magic sucking thingies to save everybody without a second thought, Bloom was ready to risk it all for 17 y/o boy next door but Flora was out here bringing the brains AND the muscle, they need to thank her appropietly. I also like that she is between nerdy and an extrovert, i feel like we only get those types of characters as a popular girl is secretly smart, Flora is just smart and outgoing and confident and its refreshing.
I support womens rights, but most importantly, i support Beatrix's wrongs. She was raised by Rosalind and Andreas and their dubious morals, she lost her father, her emotional suport boytoys and got pushed aside by the woman she thought would helo her discover more things about herself, i cant imagine feeling that alone and i 100% understand her actions. Hope they bring her back next season.
Thats all, ill watch next season, its a shame we were depruved of sparkly fairy outfits, but i doubt that'll change.
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nahoyaglock · 4 years
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📃 AS I AM CHAPTER 2 — Talk To Me
SUMMARY — You knew Kageyama Tobio since you both were in diapers, being close family 'friends'. You always wanted to befriend the quiet kid but no matter your efforts, he would never crack. When you transfer schools and meet Kageyama again, what will happen to your relationship?
PAIRING — family friend!kageyama x y/n
GENRE — fluff/crack/angst
WARNINGS — kags being a meanie
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You woke up the next day to your slightly annoying alarm, groaning as you stretched. You reached for your phone to snooze your alarm, yawning loudly as you opened your phone to see notifications. You checked your text messages first, seeing two unknown numbers that sent you a text.
(Sent September 23rd at 11:24 pm)
xxx-xxx-xxxx: [Hey y/n! This is Shoyo!]
[From the volleyball club!]
(Sent September 23rd at 11:28 pm)
xxx-xxx-xxxx: [Yo, this is noya!]
You smiled and responded to both of their texts before climbing out of bed, stretching your arms and legs. You grabbed your uniform to slip it on before remembering something. You haven't sent Kageyama a goodmorning text!
(Sent September 24th at 6:34 am)
Y/N: [good morning Tobio! Do you want to eat lunch together today?]
[Ill bring your favorite snacks!]
Kageyama: [can't, im busy today]
Y/N: [how about tomorrow?]
Kageyama: [busy.]
You sighed and brushed it off, thinking for a bit. You smiled, Tobio was so cool! He must be busy with something important, you thought as you dressed into your uniform. Your mom let you decide if you wanted to be driven again or walk, it was only a 15 minute walk. You knew sooner or later you'd be forced to walk so you decided to walk today.
It was chilly out of course, so you slipped on a scarf and slipped out the front door. You decided to stop at the convenience store on the way to the school, grabbing three meatbuns and purchasing them. When you continued on your walk, you noticed a familiar face.
"Hey Kageyama!" You called, causing the male to jump and look around until his eyes landed on you. His calm expression turned slightly sour, and you giggled, jogging over to him. "Good morning Tobio!" You huffed out, handing him a meat bun.
"Morning, and no thank you," he declined the meat bun, making you shrug and take a bite. "Do you always walk to school?" You ask, kicking some rocks, humming a light tune. He lightly hummed and didnt bother to look at you, making you pout. "You could give me a real answer Kageyama."
You cross your arms and notice the males ears turn slightly red and he nods. "Sorry," he mumbles and you guys arrive at the school, entering the door. You sighed lightly of relief, smiling at the slight warmth the inside of the school offered.
"Where are you going to Tobio?" You asked, turning to the male, leaning over and slapping your knee lightly. He took a glance at you and turned away, "im going to class. Bye." He walked off without another word from either of you two, and you huffed lightly.
(Sent September 24th at 6:51 am)
Y/N: [Shoyo! What does Kageyama do during lunch?]
Shoyo: [What? He doesnt do anything, what do you mean?]
Y/N: [He said he's busy today but i didnt get to ask him what he was doing :'/]
Shoyo: [Ah! Uhm.. ill ask him!]
You bit your lip and thought for a bit. You guessed maybe Hinata and Kageyama weren't as close as you thought. You stuffed your phone into your pocket and headed to your class, taking your seat behind the blonde, Tsukishima. "Hey, Tsukki," you tapped him.
"Hmm?" He hummed turning to face you. Class hasnt started yet, so you placed your plastic bag on the desk, smiling. "Want a meat bun?" His eyebrows went up before he glared at you, then nodded. You beamed at him as you handed him a bun, watching him take a bite.
"Thanks," he says and turns back to his seat. "Oh yeah, and don't call me Tsukki." He went back to working on some work that he had left to complete. You ate the last meat bun before placing the plastic bag into your backpack.
During lunch you decided that you would stay in the classroom, you didn't bother to go find another spot to sit or anyone to sit with. You slipped on some headphones and shuffled your favorite playlist, smiling at the tune. You ate your food that you had prepared as you doodled on some homework that you had finished.
You were so into your doodles that you almost didn't notice the freckled boy trying to get your attention. "Hello?" You looked up at him, smiling instantly at the cute boy. "W-wow, hey!" You slipped off your head phones and paused your playlist. "Im Tadashi, Tsukki's friend."
"Ah, you're from the volleyball club huh?" You smiled and took a quick bite of your food before turning your attention back to the male. He smiled and nodded his head, "yeah, you're kageyamas friend uh.. y/n?"
"Yeah, it's nice to meet you," you said and he scooted close to you. "What are you drawing?" He took a peek at your sketches and then looked back up at you, smiling. "Ah, sorry this is unrelated but– your eyes are so pretty," you giggle, cupping the males face, making him giggle as well.
"You know, you're very open," Tsukishima adds, turning around in his desk to face both you and Tadashi. You took another bite of your food and then leaned back in your desk. "Well, what's wrong with that?" You ask, smirking, "it makes it easy to talk to people and make friends."
Yamaguchi giggles a bit at your comment, but you weren't sure why. "Maybe if you were more open Tsukki, you'd have more friends," yamaguchi laughed out, causing you to also burst out in laughter. Tsukishima tried hard to act offended, but couldn't help but crack a small grin at his friends comment.
After school you decided to go to the gym again with Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. You walked next to Yamaguchi and you two talked and laughed on the way there. "Volleyball is pretty fun! Have you ever played?" He asked and you smiled, nodding. "My old friends from Nekoma let me play with them sometimes," you blurted, bouncing with each step at the happy memory.
"N-nekoma?!" Yamaguchi gasped, jaw dropping. You nodded, furrowing your eyebrows. "Yeah, why?" You questioned, also noticing an intrigued glance from the taller male. "You moved from Tokyo? From Nekoma High?" He asked as you guys stepped into the gym.
"Yeah, I'm from Tokyo," you smiled, you and Tadashi following Tsukishima like puppy dogs, continuing the conversation. "Y/N!" A loud voice called and you turned to see Hinata running full speed at you. He stopped on his heels, infront of you with a big smile. "Hi!" He smiled widely and bounces.
You wave a small goodbye to Tadashi and Tsukishima as they go to set up and you turn back to the orange headed male. "Whats up Hinata?" Nishinoya and Tanaka trailed after Hinata, "you dont have friends here yet right?" Tanaka asked and you tilted your head.
"Ah, well its only my second day here. I only have Kageyama but hes so grumpy and busy all the time, but I think you guys are pretty cool," you giggled, swinging one of your legs to a random tune playing in that head of yours. "Do you want to walk home with us today? We're gonna stop by the coaches store after practice," Noya spoke up, hope in his eyes.
"Of course! As long as they have meatbuns," you closed your eyes, smiling at the thought of meatbuns. "Wow, you must really like meat buns. Kageyama said that you bought some this morning," Hinata jumped up and down in place to keep his legs warm.
"Yeah, theres a convenience store nearby my house on the way here, so I had to get meatbuns!" You heard Daichi calling the boys to huddle, so you took a seat near the side of the gym near where the managers were standing. You worked on some homework, once again letting your mind wander as you doodled on the page.
You decided to take a break and went on your phone. You were mindlessly scrolling through social media for the rest of the practice, not once noticing the time that passed by until you felt quick repeated taps on your shoulder. You jumped and saw Hinatas big goofy smile in your face.
"Lets go go go!" He jumped and rushed out the door, leaving you shocked and rushing to grab your stuff before running after him. You saw Kageyama, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi waiting outside the door, watching you and hinata rush out the door. "Noya and Tanaka had to leave early so its just us!" Hinata informed you. You guys head to the store, kageyama standing on the opposite side of the group of you.
"Hey Kageyama look," you grabbed a bag of candy off one of the shelves and held it up for him to see. "You used to eat this all the time in first grade," you giggled and inspected the bag. You decided to purchase it and some meatbuns before you guys finished your walk home.
It was nice to talk to new people, new faces, but you really wanted to spend time with Kageyama.
"Kageyama, do you want my mom to give you a ride home, my house is right around the corner," you say, stuffing a meatbun in your mouth while shoulder bumping the male playfully. Hinatas expression was confused, but slightly worried. "Kageyama are you okay?"
Kageyama looks up at Hinata and nods his head "I'm fine." He said, completely ignoring what you had asked him. Thinking he was maybe being stubborn you poked his ankle with the toe of your shoe, "atleast give me an answer Tobio."
"I'll walk home by myself," he muttered and sped up his pace, leaving you behind. You slowed down until you were next to Tsukishima and continued to eat your meatbuns. "Why do you let him treat you like that?" Tsukishima asked, taking a sip of his drink.
"Like what?" You asked, staring at the blonde with a look of utter confusion, making him nod. "He just ignores you or brushes you off half the time." He states before waving at Tadashi and Hinata that turned down different roads. "He's always been like that, even since we were children, hes just stubborn."
Tsukishima scoffs lightly. "Stubborn," he repeats softly, then turns to face you. "Ill see you tomorrow shorty," he says before slipping on his headphones and taking a right, leaving you to go left. You thought about what Tsukishima said, what did he mean? Kageyamas just like that, right?
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