#it feels similar like. he's not hurting anymore and he went out helping his new family and friends
izzy-b-hands · 11 months
Memorial icon change to Tits Out Izzy. Would he appreciate it? Potentially, but he'd also still probably call me a twat for it (and I would be honoured 🖤❤️)
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fandomxo00 · 24 days
In Bloom - Logan Howlett one shot
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character: grumpy!Logan Howlett x plus size!mutant!reader
warnings: violence, blood, fighting, kinda pain kink, making out --them fighting like they are fucking
page divider is not mine! I found it from this tumblr @moosgraphics
Logan always seemed to glare at you, at first it was unsettling but then it became a new normal. He didn't talk to you much and when he did it was usually just a word or two, or him telling you to fuck off. Charles had assured you that he didn't hate you. But the reality played out differently as he avoided your presence.
You didn't mean to always show up where he was at but the school wasn't endless. You were both teachers who taught familiar similar classes, he liked going to the gym to box and you'd been boxing since you were 17. Aside from morning walks, it was your favorite physical activity. You thought maybe just maybe he didn't like you because you were on the bigger side. You were a bigger kid and could never find work outs that you liked. When you did, you dropped some of the extra weight but your goal was to feel healthier not get skinny. You also put on muscle, helping you in combat and always giving Logan a run for his money. Logan never expected your nasty right hook, but you knew what you were doing and he said to go hard on him.
It wasn't like you thought he was fatphobic but you also thought he wouldn't see you romantically because you just weren't exactly his type. You weren't dainty and small, you didn't look flawless every second of the day like Jean, you didn't need extra protection or strength. You're strong willed and don't take shit from anyone, especially Logan. But there was still the deep need to feel his acceptance, because you were wildly attracted to him and you'd always wanted a man like him to want you.
But because his abilities were inherently animalistic, you understood him, in that way. You were able to run faster, jump higher, enhanced smell and sight, your eyes flashing like a cat's when your eyes have to adjust to different light. You can also die over and over again, and you'll always come back. You might seem like your dead for a moment, sometimes getting stuck in the astral plain but you always came back. No matter the injury or pain, you'd come back alive but not completely heal. Your body was able to heal itself but slower than Logan's regenerative powers, but you always healed, you just also bled a lot more than him. Though your favorite thing about your mutation was your claws.
Though the difference between Logan and you is that he didn't become a literal creature, alike with Hank as you completely transform in order to use your powers. Though you were glad you didn't completely turn into a cat, you did transform. When you turned around Logan the first time, he laughed, but then you went after him. He was good at the fighting, but you were faster, your weight not holding you back any measure. He didn't laugh at you anymore, but he still made jokes about your nine lives and your tiny claws. Though he knew how much they hurt when they slashed across your skin, but what will really hurt is when you sunk them into someone, curling them in wards.
It wasn't a move you did often because for some it could be lethal but with Logan? You hadn't gone full gotten your claws before this time but when he really pissed you off, taunting you into getting into the ring with him. Then you would go at each other, his hands coming up to taunt you forward. You ran towards him, your claws coming out, slashing him quickly before hugging your arms around him and sinking your claws into his chest before dragging towards, curling them into his skin and feeling the flesh slice between your fingers. Logan was surprised, this wasn't like a stabbing, it hurt that much more. He groaned aloud before flipping you over his shoulder, but you didn't land on your back, your skidded to your feet.
"Get out your claws" You taunted.
"What are you talking about?"
"I want you to hurt me, c'mon, don't be a pussy, Lo."
"Shut the fuck up." As you grinned before walking up to him and shoving him, he barely budged so you decided to greet him with a mean right hook.
He shook off the punch, gritting his teeth as he shook his head before unsheathing his claws. Logan didn't know the extent of your powers, but he assumed that you wouldn't ask him to stab you if it was going to kill you. You laughed darkly as he stabbed his claws into you, you felt the pain, but you'd been used to pain your whole life. Having these powers can with an extraordinary amount of pain but eventually it almost felt good in a bitter way. You liked feeling the burn in your gut, you loved feeling the rage run up your spine as your claws clung to his face, sinking in.
"Harder baby." Logan gritted, his eyes were dark as he dared you. You pulled his claws out of you and kicked him in the stomach, before doing a flip and slashing him in the face with one hand before sliding it down his right leg. Logan kicked at you, shoving you away, scrambling to your feet just as Logan ran forward to stab you again.
If the two of you were angry enough you would go for hours, before laying on the matts, sweaty and exhausted. You'd try to civil, grabbing him a water and throwing it towards him. Logan caught it with his right hand, his eyes glancing over at you for darting back to the ceiling. You were both drenched in blood, holes in your suits, you knew poor Scott was going to have to make you new ones. But as you sat down on the floor, seeking some kind of interaction after the fighting like you were fucking. He would just get up and leave, water in hand, not even saying anything as he exited.
There were other moments where he would blantliy ignore you, say something nice as he sunk his claws into you. Logan continued to treat you like shit as you watched him with others. He wasn't a mean guy, not at heart but it was with the people who irritated him, or he just didn't like them, Aka Scott and you. You were beyond confused because you were sure that you hadn't done anything to him. Not before he started treated you like he couldn't stand your presence. So now you pushed him back, you taunted him when he wanted to ignore you and when he took his anger or frustrations on you, you did the same.
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Logan couldn't stand your presence and Jean never let him forget it. Because as it was clear to everyone that he hated you, to telepaths like Jean and Charles, well they knew the truth. Charles trying to get Logan to ease up on you and Jean wanting him to confess his feelings. It wasn't the easiest to read his mind, his adamantium skull giving him an advantage, but his thoughts about you thrummed through his head, it was nearly impossible to not hear them. Jean had a good reason for this pushing him, it wasn't just because she wanted to play match maker. Rather that Logan is deliberate about flirting with Jean around you. He knows how it gets your heart to race, the glare in your eyes, the unbridled anger. But he liked seeing you fuming, he liked the way your claws would sink into him. Logan liked the way you practically moaned when he would stab you with his adamantium claws.
Logan was actually near obsessed with you, but he would never let you know that. He would never allow you to know the amount of control you have over him. You walk into a room and your all he can think about. Half the time he couldn't move his eyes away from you, trying to commit your body, your face, your smile into his memory. Jean was the one to confront him and not very nicely.
"You need to knock it off." Jean started.
"Stop pushing Y/n away and stop trying to make her jealous by flirting with me. We've had this conversation; I love Scott and we both know how you feel about her."
"I don't feel anything for her." He spat, crossing his arms over his chest.
You were searching the mansion for Ororo, wanting to come together to make some joint lesson plans. You were walking down the hall as you overheard Jean and Logan speaking loudly from inside Logan's classroom.
"She means nothing to me, we both know if I had feelings for her, I would be hiding away. She's a joke of a Xmen and I don't even know how she got onto this team. She doesn't ever shut up, always complaining or going on about something. The day she decides to leave I'll finally have some semblance of peace." Logan ranted, as you stepped into the room, shooting daggers into Logan.
"Wanna say that to my face, tough guy?"
"Y/n-." Jean tried.
"No, if I'm such a fucking joke than you can say it to my face. Tell me how you don't want me here, how you can't stand the sight of me." You growled, moving forward to push at his chest. "You know, you're a fucking coward."
"I'm not the one who can't go on missions anymore because I'm scared of every little thing."
"Yeah, at least I don't shove all my feeling down like there gonna infect me. All you are is an entitled fucking asshole."
Logan laughed darkly, that familiar flare in his eyes as he stared over at you, "You don't know anything about me, kid."
"But I see right through you." You stepped towards Logan again, your eyes focused on one another as you both breathed heavily.
"I'll just-." Jean muttered, before exiting the room. The two of you didn't even look in her direction. His were intense and you couldn't stop thinking about kissing him. You hated that he had this power over you that even when he was talking shit about you, you hopelessly wanted him.
Logan couldn't stop looking at you, his eyes taking in the frustration written all over your face. The wild look in your eyes as you flicked your hands and your claws came out. But you didn't reach forward to sink them into his chest or claw at his face as you usually did. Your eyes focused but hazy as you practically shook in anger, the side of your nose twitching, and your breath intense. The urge to touch you started eating him alive, it's why he always wound up fighting you. As his eyes finally moved to your own, all of the walls he was building up started to shake at their foundation. He didn't know how long he could continue to treat you like the enemy.
Logan's hands came up to your chest, laying the flat of his hand against your collarbones and his fingers gripping your shoulder. That's when he saw your eyes focused on his lips, there was barely a movement as you lightly bit the inside of your lip. A small sound came out of Logan's mouth as he thought about biting your lip, connecting your lips, tasting your tongue on his. All of his dirtiest fantasies blooming into his mind and darkening his eyes as you reconnected your own with his. You didn't say anything as his large, warm hands started moving up your neck, the pressure of his hands soothing. The way his fingers delicately traced against your skin made goosebumps rise on your neck.
As Logan's favorite activity was to stare at you, you'd gotten to know the color of his eyes pretty well. Though they never looked this green before, usually his eyes so light that they were a light brown, the sunlight always catching them just right. But this room didn't have any natural lighting, the way he huffed out a breath as one of his hands went to the nape of your neck. The other moving from your shoulder to your face, as he tugged you in closer by the back of your neck.
You didn't know what was happening right now, but all you knew that it felt good. All of the resentment you had towards Logan falling away as he stopped pushing you away and literally pulled you in. But he didn't kiss you, not yet, his lips inches away from yours. Logan's eyes half-lidded as he darted his eyes from yours to your lips. "You gonna kiss me?" You breathed out, your voice shaky.
"Do you want me to?"
"What do you think?" You retorted, before leaning forward to softly connect your lips. Logan groaned against your lips, his own falling over yours as the hand on your face went to your waist. Your claws sunk into his chest, as he hissed.
"I think you're a pain in my ass." Logan said, as he took a breath before sealing his lips back over yours.
"Yeah, I'm so terrible." You grumbled as teeth nipped at your bottom lip before soothing it with his tongue. You groaned at the sensation, your claws lightly dragging against his skin to clutch at his neck and hair. Threading through his thick brown hair and if it was possible, pull his face closer to yours.
"Fucking awful." He mumbled, as he leant down, his lips not detaching as his hands went around your thighs and your legs wrapping around his waist before he slammed you on to the table. You landed with a 'humpf' as your lips went to pepper at his jaw. "Never know if I want to fight you or fuck you."
"I'd go with the latter." You shakliy breathed, looking up into his eyes as a grin spread over his face. There was smeared blood against his shirt and neck, though the wounds had already healed. When a smile cracked at your mouth as Logan's face dropped. His face going stone cold as his hands moved to his sides and he backed away.
"I can't do this. Not with you." Your jaw ticked as he refused to look at you, you scoffed as you pulled yourself off the table.
"You really are a coward." You snapped, shoving past him as you exited the room, your hands shaking in anger, stomping back to your room before shoving the door wide open, the hinges creaking and snapping as you slammed it shut.
Logan stared down at the ground, trying to process what had just happened. How much of fucking idiot he was. That's when he shook his head before heading towards your room. Much to his surprise, Charles was coming down the hall and stopped right in front of Logan. "'Excuse-."
"You should leave her alone."
"What's with you and Jean shoving your nose where it doesn't belong." Logan gruffed, his arms crossing over his chest as Charles looked up at him.
"Because as much as you want to protect her from yourself, you are hurting her."
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"You know, you're a fucking coward."
"Because as much as you want to protect her from yourself, you are hurting her."
"...We've had this conversation; I love Scott and we both know how you feel about her."
"You really are a coward."
Logan doesn't remember the last time he felt like he wasn't strong enough. He doesn't remember cowering away and hurting the women he was so clearly in love with. Just because you didn't know how he felt though, didn't mean everyone else didn't. Especially what happened in following weeks after you kissed.
It was no longer playful banter or picking a fight, you were completely slient. It wasn't him coming after you anymore, he wasn't angry or mad at you, he was just pissed off at himself. He didn't know how much time he should give you. It was clear as day that you were beyond aggravated, but you didn't talk to him at all.
Then he realized had he really been the one talking to you first?
Did you ever want to talk to him or did he just bother you?
He hated the look on your face when you called him a coward. The first time it was loud, abrupt and it just fueled his anger towards you. But the second time it wasn't all anger, he saw another emotion in your eyes that he couldn't quite place.
That look though? It haunted him.
But it was almost summer, and you always had a celebration where the kids could just be kids. They did fun activities like tug of war, potato sack races, three legged races, and so much more. Things that the teachers have been, well you've been working on for weeks. Today was finally the day and the few things you gave to Storm to be charge of she was supposed to assign everyone, including teachers, their groups. Two teachers for each one, and of course you wound up with Logan.
It wasn't that you couldn't stand his presence, that was more his style. But he hurt your feelings, as much as you resented him you had a huge crush on him, and him pushing you away confirmed all your doubts. You knew that with love and hate there was a fine line, and maybe this time he'd mistaken his hatred for you as lust. You knew there was a lot of tension between the two of you and you usually fought physically. You just don't why he touched you so softly, putting his hands on your shoulders, making you feel secure in his arms. Feeling your skin like he was soaking it up, looking at you with those eyes that made you want to jump him. But you practically asked him to kiss you, and you just assumed he might've done this with others before. He was wildly attractive, and he reeked sex appeal, it wasn't like he wasn't going to have a sex life.
You just wish you didn't care so much; you wish that it could've been a one off. What you even talking about? It wasn't like you've kissed before, but you knew a part of wanted more. You knew that you felt rejected and that the harsh reality crashing down on you wasn't fun. Now you had to see Logan for an almost 7-hour day. Let's just say at this moment, it was the first and last thing you wanted to do.
"Hey-." Logan started as you walked down the hall towards the backyard, you ignored his presence, looking down at the ground as your feet sped up. Then you felt a hand on your arm that lightly pulled you back, and you turned to face him.
"I don't wanna hear it, I understand you want nothing to do with me."
"That's not what I said, Y/n."
"Then what! What do you want?"
"I want you." Logan breathed, his eyes scanning yours, panic in them as his hand finally fell from your arm.
"Fuck off." You grunted, starting to walk away but Logan cut you off standing in front of you but taking a step back.
"I don't want to fuck you, that's what I meant."
"Oh wow thanks Logan, because that's any fucking better?" You gruffed, trying to past him. But then his hand comes up to your face, directing you to look into his eyes. Logan's head dipped to the side as his eyes went to your lips.
"Just stop talking for a second and hear me out."
"I don't want you to reject me again, I get it alright." You murmured.
"I don't want to just have sex with you. I wanna take you out and-I want to be with you. And as much as I want you I don't wanna mess things up by having sex too soon."
"Since when? I thought you hated me." You replied, your eyes trapped on his as the two of you spoke softly to one another, you finally relax in his hands. You've never heard Logan speak this quietly before.
"I've never hated you, hon. You just drive me crazy."
"Really now?" You cracked a smile as he chuckled softly, looking from your eyes to your lips.
"Yes, and I'm sorry for hurting you."
"Are you sure you aren't messing with me?" You pressed.
"Yeah, I'm sure. I mean what do you think Jean and I were talking about? She could see my feelings from a mile away and called me out."
"I love her." You grinned
"She's kinda nosey."
"Yeah, can you kiss me now?"
Logan smiled as he connected your lips with his in a soft kiss.
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lizpottersworld · 1 month
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. ۫ ꣑ৎ . JUST NOT HOME PT2 after your breakup with remus, you left town and didn’t expect a message from him months later but now he was in front of you again, and all the feelings you had were back. (remus lupin x reader)
everyone wanted a part 2 so here you go😉 this ones more of a how did it end vibe
part one here
thats how the conversation and hundreds of threads of messages started, and it never stopped until the two of you met up at your guys old favourite coffee shop.
remus thought it would take more convincing to get you to meet him and he was prepared for that, but you accepted so quickly it took him by surprise.
thats how you found yourself walking into the cafe, the cold air blush tainted on your cheeks. the server greeted you, noticing you as an old regular and you nervously walked over to the table where you anxiously overthought what would happen.
a small smile creeped on your face as you noticed how similar he looked. the same remus you had fallen so hopelessly in love with. if that was a good or bad thing you were unsure. all you knew in that moment, was how desperate you were to run your hands through his hair and touch his lips again.
then he looked up and noticed you, his green homey eyes looking straight into yours again. you nervously reached the table and he stood up to gently pull you into a hug, which turned into an side hug at your unexpectedness.
“hi,” he breathed, eyes taking you in as if you’d disappear from his memory. “you look lovely, i ordered you your favourite by the way.” he smiled, pulling your chair out and then sitting in his seat opposite.
that was what hurt the most. knowing that all this was most probably him being kind and that this wasn’t the normality you had missed. god, he probably already had a new girlfriend that looked nothing like you.
“hello, remus,” you forced out with an anxious smile, slipping your coat and scarf off to the back of your chair as he watched with a soft smile. “thank you.” you smiled as you sipped your drink.
it was silent for a few seconds as you took in each other for the first time in a while. you had missed this. it went from seeing each-other every hour of every day to no contact or anything for six months.
remus cleared his throat interrupting the silence and the overbearing swarm of your thoughts. “i really just needed to see you and talk to you,” he paused biting his lip nervously, “i feel horrible for how it ended, and i just i can’t help but feel like the reason you moved is my fault.”
ironically, he was a part of the reason you decided to move. it was hard to find a new normality being surrounded by the things the two of you had found together and done together ever since you moved to london. the city practically screamed his name.
“well, you never did tell me why you called it off. so either i was completely blind or was living in some sort of delusion, because everything we had was perfect in my eyes.” you cleared your throat, placing your drink back on the table.
you could of sworn you saw the mood shift in his eyes instantly, shifting uncomfortably in his seat.
“well- i mean. no, you weren’t either of those things, our relationship was amazing and everything anyone could wish for,” he smiled reminiscing, “but, i just- i couldn’t do it anymore.” he shook his head.
your mind travelled through whatever reason he would think that he had to end it, he literally just called the relationship a fairytale. so why would you end something so beautiful?
“before you even think about, it wasn’t anything to do with you. i know they all say this, but it wasn’t you it was me. and i truly mean that.” he shook his head disappointed he couldn’t give you the answer you obviously wanted, it would only make it feel more difficult. you scoff at his words, feeling pathetic for even bothering to come.
“remus, your going to tell me why you broke up with me. no one should have to deal with the unknowing of why something ends the way it does, it quite literally eats away at you!” you whisper yell, growing agitated at the waste of your break from uni you could be spending with family.
he shook his head, hiding his face away from the prominent stare you were giving him. you needed to know the truth.
you stood up from your chair and grabbed your stuff, sighing as you shook your head at the conversation. his head looked back up at you as you spoke for the what he knew as the final time, “i’m leaving. i really think you should tell me the truth. but truth is, you don’t owe me that anymore. i wish you the best in your life, but i’m going now.” you try to smile, walking out of the cafe door.
remus quietly sits there staring at the place you just stood as you disappointedly spoke to him. so many thoughts whirled through his mind, and only the bell alarm that sounded as the door opened woke him up. he immediately shot up grabbing his coat running after you.
tears had fallen down your cheeks as you held your umbrella over your head, as you walked down the street to the taxi pick up point. you heard someone say your name but ignored it, not fully catching up on it.
“y/n/n!” remus helplessly called this time, as you turned around to face him and his wet clothes. you didn’t even have the time to process or ask him what’s wrong, before his lips were on yours and he eagerly poured his heart into the kiss.
you pulled away, looking into his eyes trying to dictate what the hell had just happened. didn’t take any more than a few seconds till you launched yourself into his arms and kissed him this time with just as much passion.
rain poured down around the two of you as you two refused to let go, scared of what had to happen afterwards.
“why did you kiss me, remus?” you whispered, looking up at him so confused and hopeless. he smiled warmly gazing down into your glass covered eyes.
“i just wanted to kiss you.” he titled his head, arms wrapping around your waist, “and because i can’t let you walk out my life again this time,” he shook his head and your face softened, “i was scared. i love you so much and love scares me a lot. my parents aren’t together anymore as you know, and i’m just scared of all the possibilities that could happen to us.”
your hand found his cheek and you lovingly and comfortingly caressed it, “sure, theres chances of bad endings but theres also the endless possibility of good happenings and endings. and trust me, I wouldn’t let anything bad happen to us.”
remus felt like melting in a pool at your words, “i love you so fucking much, its unbelievable.” he laughs at how pathetic he sounds, kissing you desperately again as if he couldn’t bare to be without.
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chaethewriter · 1 year
with(out) you
Jack Champion x reader
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In which Jack follows his dreams, unbeknownst to you hurting.
word count: 2,2k
tagged: @viivvriv @genesis4545 @norrisgf @darkcrusadestrawberry @drxwstxrkxy @wafflehousewrold
A/N: requested by my fellow Jack pookies. this took me 5 hours to write my attention span sucks ass. DON'T GET INTO MY INBOX HATING— JACK IS MY COMFORT RN DURING THESE STRESSFUL WEEKS. Anyway to my other pookies, ily enjoy. <3 tell me what tou thought.
Are y'all in need of a part 2?
Jack's career was skyrocketing. You shouldn't be surprised: an important role in Avatar The Way of Water and Ghostface in the popular Scream franchises with a movie featuring Pedro Pascal on the way. Your boyfriend was going places and you couldn't be prouder, but his career skyrocketing also meant he was highly recommended among casting directors. You should be proud of him. You didn't want to be in the way of his success, but what about your boundaries?
He got fancasted in a romcom on social media, to which he grew interested in. He was the top choice, it was everywhere. The existence of the handsome actor named Jack Champion spread like wildfire. You didn't know all the details, but he got casted as the handsome love interest. Just the way everyone wanted it to be. He was trending thanks to this role and he couldn't wait where it would bring him. You were happy for him, but another side of you couldn't help but feel uncomfortable a the thought. You knew it was work, of course you did. It was part of his work and besides, he loved you, right? But you still felt uncomfortable at the thought of him holding another, kissing another, being another's. You never dared to voice these feelings out, though. And you wished you did.
News got out of the casting of the movie and media went into an uproar, everyone but you. The publicity of the casting meant that filming would start. He asked you to be there for him and you reluctantly agreed. You could follow college online, so you didn't have an excuse not to go with him. Was it selfish of you to think like this? You really wanted to be the supportive girlfriend one would see on television, and you felt bad that you currently weren't that person for him.
"Are you proud of him?" You would answer that question truthfully: with a nod, because you were proud of him and what he had achieved.
Being behind the scenes was anything but exciting. Sitting at a table somewhere behind the crew as you typed away on your laptop. Your gaze would occasionally wander in front of you, craning your neck to see Jack in his glory, working his ass off. You couldn't help but smile as you watched him in his role. It was amazing to see how he could go from being Jack to a fictional character. But your smile faded as the camera was rolling and Jack gave her a look similar in your eyes. A look he gave you when he looked at you. A look that wasn't only yours anymore.
You packed your stuff and discreetly left the scene, phone in hand as your thumbs typed away on the screen.
You should have communicated properly.
Jack's phone buzzed in his mother's pocket.
Her <3: I had to leave in an urgent, ily I'll see you soon.
Your relationship was rocky, not the same as before. Jack wasn't stupid. Something was wrong. He may be busy, but he always noticed any small detail that changed when it came to you. He didn't want to push you, so he decided to not push you further. What a mistake that was.
Not communicating your feelings properly.
Not pushing himself to ask you about it.
Was that your downfall?
With this lack of communication, filming continued, with you out of touch with reality. You still stayed in the city Jack was filming at. You wanted to be there for him, but being on set? That you couldn't do. You would be wandering around the city, sitting at cafes as your gaze would focus on the assignment in front of you. You only saw one another at night, when he met you at his trailer after filming. Sharing a small kiss before heading to sleep.
Even that was taken away from you.
As you, unfortunately, walked in during a kissing scene. A kissing scene that they had to redo continuously. Wrong perspective. Touchier. More passion. You couldn't help but watched how his lips moved in sync with hers as she pulled him down by his collar, his hands on her waist. Their bodies pressed against one another. The camera tilted as he pressed her against a nearby wall, deepening the kiss.
"Cut! That was amazing!"
You had already disappeared amongst the crew, your appearance unbeknownst to Jack.
As well as your feelings.
How could you ever voice yourself?
How could he make you talk?
Since that day, you hadn't kissed him on the lips. They didn't belong to you anymore. Was there anything of him that was still yours?
He had shared his longing gazes, his I love you's, his lips, his touches.
What was still yours?
Could you still call him yours?
Every morning, every night, he had leaned in for a kiss from you. His girlfriend. He didn't feel anything for the kisses he did for work, but yours. Yours would always give him butterflies. Made him feel like he was floating. Made his heart beat faster.
But his heart did the polar opposite.
It broke.
It broke as you leaned to the side, his lips landing against your cheek instead.
What had gone wrong?
He watched your expression. A forced smile. He couldn't help it anymore. He couldn't watch the process of your relationship falling apart.
"Baby, talk to me." His voice was soft as it cracked, holding your cheeks in his hands, basically forcing you close to him. Thus forcing your gazes to lock. Your eyes faltered, tears almost welling up in your eyes. Almost. Then your gaze traveled to his lips. Lips that not only you kissed.
"Soon, Jack." Your lips pressed against the tip of his nose as you lied through your teeth. Not knowing you weren't the only one hurting.
Communicating was important, you knew that. But communicating meant explaining your feelings. It meant ruining Jack's career. You couldn't bare to do that. So during the entirety of filming and after, this pain went on.
Him <3: We will be there in 15, my love <3
Her <3: see you soon x
The premiere of the movie. With flashing cameras, interviews, crowds and the first watch. Jack had picked you up with his mother. You were his plus one, of course he had chosen you as his plus on. Who else could he have chosen? Even though the two of you were arguing and you still didn't talk, he wanted to work this out with you. He had hoped this premiere could bring you closer.
If only he knew.
You stayed in the background as Jack walked past the rolling cameras, microphones pressed into his face as every interviewer wanted the first answers to their questions for the rising star. Beside him stood the his co-star, the two of them smiling as they spoke into the microphone. You envied her. Ironic, envying a girl while you were the girlfriend.
"Everyone was amazing. The crew, the director, the cast. It was an unforgettable experience that for sure made me grow as an actor."
"Yes definitely. Jack was amazing to work with and I look forward to working with him more often. There was a bond that immediately clicked, which helped with our chemistry."
It made you sick to your stomach, watching them bond. Their chemistry had grown so much over the months. While you were brooding about your relationship, the two of them had grown so close. Why couldn't you just tell him how you felt?
With your head full of painful thoughts, Jack took you by the waist as he led you towards the venue. While he was proud to show you off to everyone as the cameras were shooting pictures of you, your mind was elsewhere. If only he had already connected the dots and gotten out of there with him, maybe the night would have turned out different.
At that point, you wanted to be anywhere else but there. The lights were off as the movie played on the big screen. You wanted to look away the entire time, the way your hands fiddled in your lap looking so much more interesting than the screen in front of you. But you wanted to support him, watch him act and praise him for it, so you endured the aching in your heart as you focused on your boyfriend holding another in his arms. Jack took notice of this. If he was honest, he could care less about whatever happened on screen: his gaze was focused on you and you only. The way you reacted to anything on the screen. His eyebrows furrowed, as if it finally settled in what was wrong with you.
"I love you, why don't you understand that?!"
"it will always be you!"
His lips pressed against hers, a heated make out scene on full display. The scene you had walked into. You felt sick in your stomach, tears welling into your eyes. You couldn't make a fool out of yourself, so you got up and left. Just like that. He watched you leave and shot up from his seat himself, covering most of the screen for the people behind him. He mumbled soft apologies as he rushed after you.
He had to find you and this time, he would make you talk.
To your dismay, he had found you fast. His long legs keeping up with your shorter ones. You stood in the middle of some empty hallway with your back facing him, your face in your hands as you sobbed. All the emotions you had kept inside you were bursting out, all at once. You were definitely overreacting. He was just doing his job, but why did it hurt?
"babe?" his voice rang through your head. He couldn't see you like this. You have been rubbing your eyes, your makeup was smudged for sure. He stepped towards you, slow but steady, "please talk to me? Don't tell me you're fine. Since I got casted you have been so off.." His voice trailed off, as if the realization finally hit. You were hurting. And it was his fault. The realization made him lunge himself at you, his hands settled on your waist as he pulled you closer. You felt your heart crack.
That wasn't only yours either. You pushed him away with your elbows, thus making him stumble back. "You're not mine anymore."
Not yours?
You owned his heart. You carried it with you everywhere you went, unbeknownst to you. Your name was engraved into his heart. It was beating for you, and only you. He was yours. His mind, body and soul was yours.
"I'm yours, everything that has to do with me is yours."
You snapped. All your frustrations shot out, like lava escaping an active volcano.
You turned to him, your face covered in smudges as your hot tears rolled down your face. "Do you know how it feels to see my boyfriend be someone else's?! You held her like you do with me, you looked at her like you do with me. Hell, you never kissed me like you did with HER. So no, you're not mine. Because when I look at you, I just see you with HER. I can't do it Jack, and I'm sorry."
You held your arms to your chest, as if you tried to protect yourself from further heartbreak. The sight broke him. He never meant to hurt you and he wanted to prove you. A step closer to you was all it took for you to stumble backwards, "why didn't you tell me? I would have understood. Babe, We could have fixed this early on."
"No, Jack. Holding you back was never my intention. And look at you, this romance role made you skyrocket," your voice cracked, "you're a star Jack."
"If being a star means I am hurting you, then I don't want it. You don't hold me back, you could never hold me back. Please, I will do whatever to be with you. There are enough roles for me to get that doesn't include intimacy! Like horror roles, a cool badass side character. There is so much." he was rambling and he knew that. But he couldn't help it. He had to do whatever to make you stay.
"You always wanted to be a star and reach the charts, you-"
"I LOVE YOU! It will always be you! You would always be on my first place! I can't do this without you, please." That sounded incredibly similar. A familiar scream, so echoey that they had gained peoples attention. Phones were taken out, as well as flickering lights filling the room. But he could care less, he needed to fix this.
Yet you were thinking the complete opposite. You had to leave, you couldn't handle crowds. You could hear his pleads as you tried your best to make your way out.
He watched you leave, his tears rolling down his face as his hands were in his hair.
"Jack! Mind telling us what was going on?"
"Jack! Are you officially single now?!"
"Jack smile for us please!"
"Jack here!"
"Jack this way!"
He got on his knees as he cried, his face in his hands as he begged everyone to leave him alone. Begged them to let him cry at your departure.
This was his dream, but at what cost?
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gii-1 · 3 months
Hi!!! I hope you’re doing well<3 I saw your requests were open and I’ve had this in my mind for a while- you of course don’t need to do this- I was thinking JJK characters reacting to reader having trouble with sh? Like they see readers past scars or fresh ones? (I myself have struggled with this, so is comforting to read my fav characters reacting/comforting reader). I’ve looked so much and I can’t find any jjk fic with this headcannon 🙁. Anyway- hope you’re doing well!!!<3
- jjk characters with a reader who struggles with sh
ft. yuji, megumi, gojo
notes: im so so sorry if i get anything wrong or write anything inaccurate, i haven’t been through anything similar to this and i really feel sorry that you have to go through this. i will try my best to write this, and really hope this comforts you in any sort of way. if you don’t like the characters i picked then i will try and do different ones if you tell me, its just these are the ones i can write the best for.
yuji ->
• he’s a absolute sweetheart about it, when he first notices this he immediately asks if your okay, devastated.
• he can’t imagine the fact you, someone he deeply cares for, went through something so traumatic and he didn’t even know.
• he would make sure that he has a talk with you and wants you to tell him what happened, with all of his heart he really wants to help you as much as he can. if you don’t want to be vocal about your problems, he doesn’t mind at all, he really just wants to help you.
• he would feel so terrible about it and would do anything he can do to help
• he would definitely try and do a lot of things with you and spend time with you a lot more, and try and get your mind off everything that happened.
• he just doesn’t want to see you sh anymore, he would definitely try and find out methods to help you cope.
• i feel like he would try and get you into some sort of hobby thats a lot healthier for you, to try and steer you away from hurting yourself.
• whenever you have to go and do missions, he would definitely volunteer to do it for you instead, he doesn’t want to see you get hurt more.
• he would be much more softer with you, always trying to make sure you’re doing okay.
• in all, he just cares for you deeply.
megumi ->
• when he first notices this, he is extremely surprised, a lot of new emotions going through his head as he’s never seen or dealt with anything like this before.
• as he’s a very logical person, he would put a lot of research into this.
• he would spend the rest of his day researching on what to do and how you’re supposed to deal with these types of problems, he’s very dedicated to fixing your problems and helping you.
• when he wants to confront you about it, he thinks of every possible way of wording it as he is not very good at expressing his feelings and emotions.
•he’s not used to comforting people, this is probably one of the first times he has to do this, so he puts a lot of thought into this.
• when he does confront you about it, he makes sure its very clear he’s concerned and really cares for you.
• he spends a lot of his time into finding out ways to get you to not sh, constantly making sure you don’t do it again.
• he starts observing you a lot more now, always making sure your okay.
• he starts getting much more things for you, remembering the types of things you like all the time, and so every time he sees them in a store or market he makes sure to get it for you. but he doesn’t buy so much for you that your don’t have space to keep it anymore, they are sort of like thoughtful gifts.
• i feel like he would buy you a book to express you emotions with it, if you finish it he would definitely buy you another one, but he would never look inside and would let you keep it. but he would make sure that you would use it.
gojo ->
• i also think he is similar with megumi in the sense that he doesn’t really know how to deal with these types of situations.
• he notices this very early on, and goes through a lot of strong emotions about it.
• because he notices this very early on, he tries his best to also stop it very early on as well.
• he does anything with all of the fibres within his being that you never do it again.
• he constantly does things for you so you don’t have to with the thought that it could potentially harm you. (such as missions or anything dangerous in general, he does allow you to be your own person and do things by yourself.)
• he constantly makes you do fun things with him as a way to get you mind off it.
• he does a lot of these things as a way to convey his care for you, and also as a way to check how your doing.
• as he never dealt with this type of stuff before, he finds it hard to talk to you about it.
• but when he does, he definitely pondered about for a long period of time.
• he would not only ask you why but why couldn’t you tell him sooner, telling all the ways he could help you.
• the thing is that, he would only notice that you’re going through something when he sees your sh. hes not the best at noticing when you were going through your struggles before that.
• but when does, he would take it very seriously, he’s shown to be a very sentimental person and will do a lot for the people he cares about.
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pablitogavii · 1 year
maybe them finding out they’re pregnant or hik being obsessed with the bump
Something similar but hope you like it :)
I feel like Pablo would be so scared for you during the pregnancy hehe
Baby Bump
You were standing on the little ladder in the kitchen looking for a jar of pickles when Pablo came from training freaking out to see you there.
"Amor! Please get down right now!! I told you to wait for me!" he helped you down placing his hand on your baby bump which because one of his favorite things to do since you got pregnant.
"We're fine cariño..I just craved some pickles" you said snaking your arms around Pablo's neck and he pulled you closer so that your bump touched his stomach and he felt the baby kick.
"I don't want you on the ladder amor..you could slip and get hurt accidentally..please just call me when you need something okay??" he said pouting a little and you kissed his lip lovingly.
"I can't call you in the middle of training because I crave pickles amor.." you try reasoning with him but he had a better idea come to his mind.
"I'll make sure all your favorite snack are on the lower shelves then..I'll do that tonight" he said kissing your forehead before going to shower and get that done.
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mi anjo precioso <3 te amo bonita! @y.n.bebe
gavirafamclub: she's such a pretty pregnant lady omg!!
pablitoogavira: he's obsessed with her baby bump y'all!!
gavigavi: every story/photo he's holding her bump hehe
aurorapaezg: preciosos!!
pablogavi: <3
gaviragf: he's gonna be such a good dad y'all!!
y.n.bebe: mi vida <3
pablogavi: <3
"Oh Díos mio!" you sighed looking through your favorite bikinis annoyed that none of them fit any more.
You felt that pregnancy really had an effect on your body and even though you kept with your exercises and truly looked good with a bump, you sometimes missed your flat toned stomach.
"Que pasa amor??" Pablo walked in wearing his swimming trunks pulling you closer and of course touching your baby bump.
"They don't fit me anymore Pablito.." you say sadly and he kissed your kips moving to your cheek, neck and then chest that were definitely growing bigger too.
"So your Pablito will buy you new ones..whichever ones you want preciosa" he smiled looking up at your now glowing face. You really adored how gentle and sweet Pablo has been since you got pregnant.
"I love you Pablito" you say and he smiled kissing your lips lovingly while caressing your stomach.
A few days later, you went to the beach while Pablo was at training wanting to enjoy some peaceful times outside.
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beach day for mamá and bebé <33
pablogavi: que preciosaaa mía <33
y.n.bebe: we miss you papi <3
gavirafamclub: so perfect! pablo is a lucky man to have found you angel <33
aurorapaezg: can't wait to become a tía!
y.n.bebe: best tía en todo el mundo <33
pablitosfanss: beautiful family <3
belengavira79: nuestra princesa <3. liked by y.n.bebe
pablitoogavira: future mrs. gavira!!! liked by pablogavi
After especially long day and not such a good game, Pablo came home exhausted and agitated. You were laying in bed with a book when he came to the bedroom laying down in your arms.
"Bad day cariño??" you ask and he nods moving behind you and pulling you in placing his hand on your bump caressing it while relaxing finally.
"Mhm..but coming home to both of you helps so much" he whispers and you smile moving even closer and letting yourself fall asleep.
pablogavi story
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baby bump <33
Today was your gender reveal day which you decided to do after the game against Madrid. Pablo was unsure if you should be in such a crowd while pregnant but when Aurora said she will be with you he calmed down and allowed it.
"Please make sure she's safe Rora..they are safe" Pablo said touching your bump before giving you one last kiss and leaving to go to the pitch and you found your seats with his sister.
"What a win for Barça! Que espectacular! Stay with us because we have a special moment coming up..we all know one of our players will soon become a dad..let's hear it for Gavi!" Xavi spoke into the mic and suddenly there were ovations yelling Gavi all around you as you and Aurora were escorted to the pitch.
"Congrats on the win cariño!" you said when you finally got to Pablo and hugged him tightly. He kissed your head placing his hand on your stomach while kissing your lips.
"You alright amor? And the bebé?" Pablo was worried yet again but you reassured him that everything was perfect and that you were excited for him to find out the gender.
"Here you go hermano" Aurora gave him the little ball and he took it looking at you with big eyes and you nodded your head with a smile.
(Basically, it happened like this just imagine a BLUE smoke instead hehe)
Pablo finally found his way to you getting onto his knees and kissing your bump while you caressed his head lovingly feeling your son kicking like crazy.
"Ouch mi amor, you going to be futbolista like papi huh??" you said smiling when Pablo looked up at you with tearful eyes.
"Awe cariño, don't cry.." you said getting emotional as well but these were only happy tears from both of you.
"I'm so happy princesa..our little boy!" he said standing up and pulling you into his side and you nodded smiling when he kissed the top of your head.
All of the Madrid players congratulated you and Gavi as well reminding you that fútbol is all fair play and that they all have tremendous respect for each other.
"Congrats Gavi! It's the most important win of all!" Vini said and they hugged making you smile nodding your head and liking that despite everything they both supported one another.
"Wishing you all the best" he said to you kissing your hand and you smiled nodding your head and saying a quick "gracias" before leaving with Pablo to meet with the rest of the team at the hallway.
"We're making a spot for the little one at La Masia then" Xavi smiled and you did as well feeling him kick thinking that he will definitely love that idea.
"It's a little early" you laugh
"If he's anything like papi, it's sooner than you think amiga" Pedri hugged you and you smiled nodding your head smiling at Gavi proudly.
A few years later..
"Matias Gavira! You've got mud all over your shoes!" you were calling for your son who was running around with a ball in his feet wearing his little Barça jersey.
"Yeah, he's definitely like papi!" Pablo smirked at you as you both watched him kicking the ball all over the back yard.
"Venga chaval! Un foto?" Pablo said and Matias stood proudly wearing his jersey for the photo. Pablo was so proud to see his son in the same jersey as his own.
Barcelona, Spain
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Ready for La Masia! Siempre visça Barça <33 @fcbarcelona
y.n.gavira: mi niño guapo <3
pablogavi: got it all from you bonita <3
fcbarcelona: un futuro del Barça! <3
aurorapaezg: he's really a mini pablo JAJA @y.n.gavira
y.n.gavira: ikr!! it's crazy!
belengavira79: such a handsome boy <3
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐤 𝐆𝐨𝐝 🔞⚠️
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In which Jungkook isn't sure what he hates most anymore: her, the past, himself, or you.
Tags/Warnings: Non-idol AU, massive warning for implied ED & body dismorphia, hurt and comfort, heavy angst in specific parts, past emotional abuse (implied), strangers to lovers, road to self acceptance?, smut but it's not the main focus
Length: Very long, 7k words
A/N: If you think you've read it before, you're probably right. This fic was posted before on a different account, but it has always been written by me. After much consideration and multiple requests, I've brought it back here to my main blog.
Furthermore, please read the tags carefully before reading. This fic covers heavy themes that could be upsetting to some. You have been warned.
Additional Content: None
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Jungkook liked sweet things, some time ago.
He'd enjoyed ice creams with mild flavors such as vanilla, or other sweet desserts that were similar to it. He snacked often and always got a little excited when experiencing a new flavor for the first time, adventurous and never judgmental when trying out things he's never eaten before.
Jungkook also loved junk foods, like ramyeon or fast foods. He couldn't help but give in from time to time, the convenience of it all being a quick meal convincing enough to walk through the food markets back in his hometown, just to get back home with a plastic bag full of treats.
But that was before he'd met her.
He's always been quite quick to fall in love, not only with people. With a soul as trusting and eager for affection as his own, he's always been someone to love others with a fiery temper and a full heart. But that also made him an easy victim, a target almost painted on his chest it seems; because he also was once someone who trusted easily, and never saw the bad in someone.
Now? He wishes he could go back in time and warn his naïve self of what's to come.
He's punching the black bag over and over again, arms already aching- but that's just a sign that he's pushing his limits again. He knows his body inside and out, takes great care of it- or at least that's what he likes to believe. Never again will someone be able to make him feel shame about himself, never again will he feel like he did years ago.
He knows his worth.
But on his way home, he smells it again; the scent of melting sugar and baked goods, faint but familiar by now ever since the bakery had opened up a few months prior. Whatever is sold there must be good, because he can see the people lining up at the front door every morning before it opens up- and even after the morning rush, the tables inside and outside seem always filled. He wonders what's it all about- maybe just a glance this time.
He won't buy anything, he's just looking.
Someone's humming to a newly released pop-song quietly playing from the radio, inside of the shop warm lit and inviting. It looks almost more like a home than a café- but it's empty now, a much different look than what's going on during the day. "Oh?" your voice finds his ears, and he needs to take two glances left and right to find where you are, broom in hand and standing behind the counter. There's a bit of flour on your apron, and what looks like sprinkles, the frilly blouse you're wearing underneath void of any stains however. Your face shape is absolutely not as sharp and angled as what he's usually surrounded by- be it men or women- and you're visibly not as tall as the average female from what he can see.
Cute, he thinks to himself. What?
No, you're absolutely not cute. You're probably not even aware of all the calories you're selling to costumers daily- and it must be pure irony that you've opened your shop in close proximity to a gym of all places. You probably never went to one in your life, absolutely careless about your weight or health-
A lightbulb starts to flicker aggressively above his head. You laugh sheepishly.
"My boss said he'd get that fixed tomorrow. It's been like that for a few days now." you tell him for no reason. He didn't ask. "it's a little creepy to me, you know, considering I'm working alone when closing. But I can't change it myself, you know." you explain further, putting the broom to the side. Again, he doesn't know why you're telling him this. He doesn't care.
"you're closed?" he asks after a moment of staring at you awkwardly, and you shrug, making him confused.
"depends. I have some iced coffee left?" you say, opening a small fridge behind the counter. Only now does he realize that the shelves are void of any goods.
"don't wanna cause you a hassle. It's fine." he waves off at that, and you nod, smiling. He just nods back dumbly, walking out the door.
"Oh- please be careful! Goodnight!" you call out, and he turns around, hands in his jogging pants' pockets. His brows are raised, irritated.
"I'm a guy." he tells you, and you nod.
"So?" you wonder, and he scoffs a little.
"whatever." he simply mumbles to himself, before closing the door behind him.
Yoongi breathes heavily as he sits down on the carpeted gym floor, close to where his friend and personal trainer stands. "How's the shoulder?" Jungkook asks, mild worry in his words as he sits down close to him as well, crossing his legs.
"Better- but I think I should call it a day." He says, pushing a hand against the front of his shoulder before moving it in a circular motion. "Don't wanna overdo it." Jungkook nods at that, before another voice chimes in.
"I hope you're not overworking yourself already, Yoongi." You say, walking up to both of the men, and Jungkook himself can't help how his face shows his judgement of you. You don't fit into the scene at all, with your overknee socks and frilly skirt. You're wearing a blouse with cat-shaped buttons, entire attire showing that you visibly don't seem to care about your shape, seams of your socks already rolling down on one side from the fact that they sit so snug against your thighs, right where he can spot faint stretch marks lingering. Aren't you even the slightest bit ashamed?
Yoongi pats your head once, laughing at your words simply, before he looks into the white plastic bag you've brought. You're squatting now, Mary-janes making a slight sound as the leather bends to accommodate the way your feet are bending a little, and he tears his gaze away as soon as he notices that he can see almost under your skirt. You really have no shame, it seems. "What's that?" His older friend asks, rummaging around in the bag, while you just smile with excitement, your cheeks all round and a little blushed.
Would they look like that if you were to loose a bit of weight too? He hates how bloated he looks after eating, has kept his body-fat percentage low to make sure his face stays sharp and masculine- always remembering how much she praised his appearance if he did that. It's what's desirable, after all- so he can understand where she came from, back then.
Would she love him again if she saw him now?
"They're filled with a peach filling- but I played around a little so it's not too sweet, since I know you don't like that too much. And, you know, nowadays people are pretty scared to eat something sugary it seems." You joke, making Yoongi shrug while Jungkook feels irritated.
"Some people care about their diets." He speaks without holding back, and Yoongi looks at him a bit scandalized- but he doesn't get to scold him, because you're already talking.
"One single cream puff isn't going to ruin your body if it's once in a while." Jungkook hates how confidently you say that. And how he knows you're right, too. But he doesn't back down either, feeling threatened now.
"You don't look like one to know much about nutrition." He mumbles more or less, and Yoongi looks even more angry now- but you don't seem fazed at all, still smiling.
"Do you eat after working out?" You wonder, and he feels self-conscious now at that question. Oddly put on the spot. He doesn't like it- doesn't like you. You're not pushy, not at all, just asking, but he feels like you're interrogating him in a way he's uncomfortable with.
"No." He mumbles more or less to himself. "I have a tendency to, you know.. binge." He doesn't know why he's admitting that. You just asked a simple yes or no question, why does he feel the need to justify himself?
You're digging around in the plastic bag at that, before offering a small plastic container. "Here-" You say, friendly smile way too sugary for his tastes, like honey staining his teeth. "It's just fruit, nothing added to it. I brought them with me because I like to snack them during work, but you should definitely eat those instead." You tell him, and he looks at you with a questioning gaze.
"What will you eat during work then?" He wonders, and you shrug, an impish glint in your eyes.
"I'll hardly starve from one day without snacks. It's important to eat within the first two hours after working out- and we both know I didn't touch any of these weights here." You say giggling, and his heart stings a bit. While yes, he thinks the same, it's still tough to hear you say this so easily. He doesn't want you to think like that about yourself. He doesn't want you to feel like you need to adjust. "Alright- are you still coming Yoongs?" You wonder, and Yoongi nods, getting up and helping you stand as well. Your hand looks small in Yoongis large palms. Jungkook notices your little struggle. He himself can get up without any help.
"Yeah. We're eating at Jin's, you wanna tag along?" Yoongi asks the younger man, who instantly shakes his head.
"I need to put everything back into place again. Thanks." He simply offers, turning away from you both.
"Alright- maybe another time." You say, and he can only imagine the pitiful look you probably have put on for him. "I really wanna try his new dessert- he said he put some extra aside for me!" You giggle, voice becoming more quiet as you walk away. "Do you think I can watch him cook this time?"
"You know what Jin's like, but maybe-" Yoongi's voice becomes undistinguishable the further he walks off, and Jungkook dares to look around, seeing you smile effortless up to the older man, a little jump in your step, while the usually rather stoic producer looks at ease and genuinely friendly towards you. You both look so comfortable, so warm, and Jungkook suddenly feels like a kid left behind to stay at home alone for the first time- his inner thoughts not his own it seems as he watches you both leave the gym.
I want to come with you, too.
Sex isn't really anything special anymore.
He tends to be the first leaving, just like now- having barely undressed anyways, but he knows how to work around being naked while satisfying someone else. They don't care about him anyways, simply out for pleasure and no strings attached, and he's fine with that too. It makes him feel something at least, even if it's barely anything. It tastes of nothing but stale bread, feeding his desires while his soul leaves starved yet again.
The door closes behind him, and he can hear the lock set in.
Walking home, he passes your bakery- or rather a side-project of Jin's he'd been told by Yoongi last time he'd trained with him. It's closed now, but he still walks towards it, looking at the dark interior inside, barely visibly and only lit from the streetlights outside. Some red dots are blinking, indicating the security system is active inside- though Jungkook doesn't know what one might want to steal from a bakery of all places. The chairs are all upside-down on the tables, neatly placed, floor clean of any crumbs. Tomorrow, the people will wait at the entrance again, standing in line to get their breakfasts and coffees, and you'll probably stand behind the counter again with all those stains on your apron like he's seen you before.
He really doesn't know how to feel about you.
It's clear to him that your body makes him feel uncomfortable- because you're lacking any sense of consciousness about the way you look, but at the same time that can't be true considering you otherwise looked very well put together. Yoongi likes you- so why doesn't he himself feel the same?
Maybe because he's jealous.
He likes to tell himself that you're standing home alone as well, in front of the mirror and judging all those unflattering parts like he does way too often. Maybe you're just good at masking your feelings- your work having stained your very touch to the point that everything you do is just so tooth-rottingly sweet. You probably can't help it. He understands that.
Jungkook liked sweet things too, some time ago.
He walks away from the shop and back home, where nothing but the buzzing lights wait. And a cold bed, because he left the window open.
Maybe in his dreams he could fly outside?
"Oh, Jungkook, isn't it?" You ask, almost bumping into him in the furniture store.
"Yeah." He simply answers, a hand on your back pulling you a bit out of the way when he notices an elderly woman trying to push her shopping cart past you. Your back is warm. You're also way shorter than him. It's odd how he only notices now, it seems.
"Oh, thanks!" You say. "Uh- do you know where that spot is to get furniture you've ordered?" You ask, and he furrows his brows.
"I don't- what do you mean?" He asks, and you look up at him, clearly not uncomfortable standing close to him, because there's barely a step of space between you two. Or at least it feels like it to him. In reality, you're probably standing two steps away. At least. He puts his hands in the front pockets of his sweater- just to pull them out again. The pocket looks award when something's in it. He doesn't want to look odd.
"I ordered a small dresser a week ago, but they didn't have it here yet- so they ordered it and I could take it home later." You explain, and Jungkook nods at that, now realizing what you're talking about.
"That's up front- do you have a cart?" He wonders, and your eyes widen.
"Oh shit." You almost whisper, and a snort escapes him.
Oh god that's weird. He coughs to cover the sound up, but you're already laughing at him. He knew it. He can feel the tips of his ears turn red already-
"I'm so stupid I swear." You laugh- but it's at yourself, he realizes. "Ah, I'll get a cart then, and hunt down some employee so they can lead me there. It's no wonder they made those SCP-Horror stories about Ikeas stores." You giggle, and Jungkook can't suppress his smile this time. He can't force his lips down.
"You know about those?" He asks, he doesn't know why. He doesn't care.
"I'm on reddit and 4chan, I know more than I want to, to be honest." You say, faking a serious expression. "Someone made an experiment with his piss once-" You start, and Jungkook laughs at this, unable to be stoic about the way you so seriously say that. "I'm serious!" You laugh along, and he nods.
"No no, I believe you." He nods, using all his strength to make sure he doesn't grin, because his teeth look like a rabbits, she once told him. He doesn't want you to see it. Or maybe it's just become a habit. "Do you need help with that closet you bought?" He asks, and you giggle again. Did he say something weird?
"It's a dresser- but I guess it can classify as the same thing just smaller?" You think. "Wait when does a closet start and a dresser end- is it even size?" You begin thinking, and Jungkook apologizes instantly.
"You said dresser, I remembered that wrongly, sorry." He says, but you just playfully shake your head.
"No worries, maybe its even a closet and I just misunderstood." You tell him. "But yeah, if you could help me, that would be awesome! Gotta use those muscles for something, heh?" You joke, poking his stomach a little. He feels like you've just shot him. He doesn't know why he's so hyperaware of where you've placed your finger on his stomach, and it doesn't hurt, but in a way, it does. He doesn't know.
You're confusing him.
He trails after you like a lost dog and he's aware of it, but he can't help it. He's offered his help, it would be rude to just leave you be now, and he doesn't want to be rude to you. Even though he's been rude to you before already. Oh yeah- why do you seem so at ease with him?
You walk towards the place where he'd told you to get your furniture, and when the old man starts to place every piece in your cart, Jungkook helps without thinking. It's the same once you're at your car- he lifts it all into your trunk without thinking of the consequences it might have for him, adjusting the seats so everything can fit into the small vehicle properly. It's only when you go to bring back the cart that he realizes in horror what had happened.
The inside of his sweater feeling damp against his skin, body freezing as he can only imagine the darker stain on the back now where he knows he sweats the most. His neck feels just as cold as the wind passes him- even his hairline bothering him now. Why did he help you with that stupid furniture? He knows he sweats easily.
'Jungkook' she'd said, apologetic face when she'd spoken. 'you gotta do something about that. I don't wanna say its gross but.. well, it kinda is. No offense.'
Her voice doesn't let go of him even years after breaking up it seems. It echoes inside his head even as you're walking back towards him- and he falls into panic realizing he's gonna take public transport home. Maybe he should just walk. He didn't even get what he wanted to get anyways. "Thank you so much!" You say, grinning at him with genuine friendliness, and he just feels awkward standing like this in front of you. "Where did you park?" you wonder, and he shakes his head.
"Took the bus." He admits, and you nod.
"Oh- do you want to ride along? The least I can do is give you a lift home." You offer, but he's quick to shut it down.
"No no, it's fine, I'm all sweaty and gross now-" he rants, but much to his surprise, you simply shrug.
"Gross?" You ask, and he nods, ashamed.
"Yeah." He responds.
"Nah. Come on now, if you help be put it up too I'll put some chicken nuggets in the oven!" You giggle, getting in the car.
He doesn't know why he accepts your offer.
His smell is probably already noticeable to you in the small interior of the car. He doesn't rest his back against the seat- the fluffy covers way too clean to be touched by his sweaty back. He hates that he's like that. Maybe he should consult a doctor about this. This has to be an issue only he has. But then- your hand pushes against his front, forcing him to lean back into the seats.
You don't say anything, but you also don't need to. He just stares- because between all the horror of knowing now that you know about his insecurities and inner fights, there's a glint of relieve filling him. Because you're not annoyed. You don't seem bothered. You're still smiling a little, eyes on full alert while you keep your attention on the road in front.
While he right next to you can't help but think, how come he's never noticed how pretty your collarbones look? Not sharply protruding, or aggressively visible- but soft, delicate, and merely there to show that your bones underneath your skin are present. A simple necklace rests over them, pendant hidden in your cleavage, but the silver band alone seems enough to decorate that part of you perfectly. Your neck is a little red where you've scratched it a little earlier, itching the skin for no apparent reason- but it doesn't look out of place. It's like proof that you're alive, because looking at you now, he realizes what you remind him of.
Those old paintings of angels, with their soft bodies and rosy cheeks.
But that spot, and the slight redness on your nose is proof that you're alive. That there's blood running through your veins, that there's a heart beating and organs working inside of you. You're breathing next to him, and that alone makes him feel oddly out of place.
Because you're so at ease with just existing, it seems.
You know that he's staring, but you don't scold him either. You just smile, like always sugary sweet, when you have to stop at a red light- and he feels like he's drowning in honey.
But the strangest thing is that he's fine with that.
Because something sweet once in a while won't hurt your body, right?
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Your apartment is odd.
Its Sunday, and he's currently waiting for you to do something in the kitchen while he takes off his shoes, looking around the area of your small home. It all looks warm, chaotic but inviting- like a genuine home. You don't seem to follow any sort of decoration theme, more or less simply existing, just like always, and it's odd to him how it all still fits together. It looks like you.
"Alright, so-" You start, leading him into what he assumes is your bedroom, considering the bed in the corner. "-I just need help with like, holding some of the heavier boards. I'll screw, and you hold, alright?" You offer, and he nods. That's what he's here for. Why are you saying this stuff as if he's got an option here?
He doesn't even know why he's agreed to it- or even when exactly he did in the first place. All he knows is that you're actually good at following those disgustingly confusing instructions- never seeming to misunderstand where something goes, confident in the way you screw in those metal pieces, as if you've done this multiple times before. And all is fine until you have to stand awkwardly in front of him- and he becomes aware that you can probably look into the wide and short sleeves of his oversized grey shirt. You can probably see that he didn't shave, why didn't he think of that?
But you just smile at him for a second, as if to pacify his thoughts, before you turn back to your task.
He falls into his habit of judging you yet again when you sit on the carpeted floor, reading the instructions with screws in your hand while the other turns the page of the tiny booklet. The board has left a red indent in your thigh where you'd leaned into the wooden piece not too long ago, soft thighs seemingly without muscle while your arms look similar. Your wrists are small, fingers dainty like a doll- while your stomach rolls up in several little folds from the way you sit a bit hunched over, legs crossed now. The thin straps of your top lay carefully over your shoulders, and only now does he realize you're not even wearing a bra- faint outline of your nipples against the inner fabric of the top giving him the clue to come to this conclusion.
There's oddly enough no sexual thought in his mind though. Only the mere question about, how?
How can you just sit there so comfortably, not even realizing how admittedly unflattering you're showing yourself to him right now? You're not wearing makeup, your hair a little messy, and he hates the fact that you still look pretty to him. You look adorable, with the way you lick your lips before biting the upper one a bit deep in thought. Is it a habit? He wants to know, and he doesn't even know why.
"Jungkook?" You ask, waving your hand in front of his face a little. He didn't realize he's sat down on the back of his heels by now, probably staring into nothingness. The carpet has created angry red imprints on his knees. They look awfully boney compared to yours- he can't help but pull down the seams of his sweat shorts, his gaze falling onto the little heart shaped pendant hanging from your necklace. There's a paw print on it, and he wants to know why. Do you like pets? Why don't you have any? Then his eyes fall back onto your cleavage. Your breasts look just as soft as the rest of you. Are you warm? Could you warm him up if he touched you? "You can let go now, you now?" You say, and his heart stops beating for a second, eyes snapping up to meet yours.
"The board. You.. can let it go." You giggle a little, and he swallows hard, and lets go of it. There's a sweaty handprint left. Great- he's being gross again.
"Maybe I should skip dinner today." You say suddenly, and he feels ripped out of whatever thought he might've had just seconds ago.
"What?" He asks, whispers almost.
"You know, to combat all of this?" You say, sitting back and stretching out your legs or a second. "Maybe if I work out hard like you I don't look like the Michelin man when sitting down?" You laugh, but he doesn't see the joke. Where is this coming from? He doesn't like that you talk about yourself like that. "Do you think if I lost weight my face would look like those models in the TV commercials?"
"Stop it.." He says, barely above a whisper, in no way an actual threat. You just rant on.
"But then again, it's probably genetics. Imagine my body being all toned but my face still all round. I'd look hideous- all for nothing, really." You sigh. "But plastic surgery is an option. The easy way. I mean, I saved up to maybe move into a bigger apartment, but imagine how my life could change if I was pretty!" You tell him excitedly, and he hurts. "Like, actually, conventionally pretty!" You tell him. "I'd finally be loved too-"
"Stop.!" He barks out now, having reached his breaking point. He wants to apologize for yelling, but you're still smiling, sitting right in front of you. Only now does he feel your knees touching his- skin warm, warmer than his own it seems. Or maybe he's just imagining it. He can't stop staring at the differences. "Don't say that.."
"It's rough hearing someone else talk about themselves like you talk to yourself, isn't it?" You say suddenly, quietly, softly, and he feels his eyes sting. Now he really wants you to stop. "Truth is, Jungkook, that I don't care." He looks up at you. "I don't care what you look like. I don't care what I look like." You say, and he swallows thickly before attempting to get up. But you don't let him, holding his arms, even though you're no match for him.
He lets you win.
He doesn't know why.
But he lets you.
And he cries into the crook of your neck, all ugly and loud, sobbing now because who cares? He's already crying in front of you, so fuck it. It doesn't matter now, he just wants to exist just for a moment too, without thoughts and expectations and deadlines and time, and instead with your hands so gentle running over his back, your body heavy on his lap, but in no way uncomfortable. He feels as if your weight keeps him from floating away, from breaking apart and being swept away by the waves.
He calms down only after a moment- but refuses to look at you. Embarrassment is already creeping up his throat, making its home in his mind when he realizes the way he'd cried all over your naked shoulder. He's being gross again. "Who hurt you, Jungkook?" You carefully ask, and he shrugs.
"No one." He answers, voice raspy.
"Bullshit." You respond. "This doesn't happen for no reason." You say, and it's quiet for a good moment, giving him the opportunity to break apart from you- but he doesn't want to. You're warm- and he hasn't had something sweet in years.
He just wants a taste. Just once won't hurt, right?
"I was gross back then. I still am, sometimes." He admits. "Like right now."
"You're not." You reassure, but he shakes his head.
"She loved when I worked out. Said I looked like a Greek god when I was at my peak." Jungkook explains, for the first time spilling anything about it. "She wouldn't sleep with me if I slacked with my workout. But when I managed to stay on schedule, she'd love me. And I loved her."
"Jungkook.." You say, but he continues to rant.
"She really loved me then. You know. All the bad things she told me, all the times she yelled at me, I could understand it then. It was to help me, so she could love me at my best." He tries to justify, but you just squeeze his body.
He likes that feeling. He wants you to do it again.
"That's not love, Jungkook." You admit to him. "She didn't love you, Jungkookie. She loved your body, nothing else."
"I don't care." He simply responds.
"But I do." You say, and he feels his eyes sting again. "I care about you."
"You said you didn't." Jungkook fights back, leaning back a little and your hands wipe his tears from his cheek without any sense of disgust.
"I said I don't care what you look like." You remind him, and he can't help but stare. Have your eyes always been this pretty? They're like two rare gemstones polished to perfection, moving so lively and looking so warm and inviting. Even the faint redness and blemishes look more like stars now than anything else. "I care who you are. You're such a handsome being, but it's all messed up because of someone who didn't even notice what she had." You say.
"You're just saying that to boost my confidence." He responds.
"I'm saying this because you deserve to have that confidence." You instead say, and he cant help but stare for a second. "Don't kiss me now." You say, and he blushes, stammering a bit.
"I-wh.. why not?" He wonders. The moment is perfect, so why don't you want to? He's confused. It all sounded so much like you liked him- maybe even loved him.
"Because right now, you're not properly thinking." You say. "Go home. Sleep. Go about your day- don't think about it." You instruct. "For once, just exist. You've got free will Jungkook, no one cares if you work out or not, if you go get a coffee or not, or if you stay at home and laze around all day. Do what you want to, just for once, and not what you think is expected." You say.
"And if I still want to kiss you after?" He asks, and you smile.
"Then I'll be here, waiting."
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It's been weeks since you've seen Jungkook.
Yoongi says he's gone on a trip, camping, something he's not done since he was a kid. You're happy- he deserves to do what he likes, and to exist without any boundaries. "He's looked.. a lot warmer these days." Yoongi says, speaking to you who's sitting on his couch in his studio. "I have a feeling I know who's at fault."
"Hmhm, maybe." You say. "I still can't believe how much damage that bitch has done." You grumble to yourself, loosing a game on your phone, and letting it fall out of your hand onto the carpet on the floor.
"Yeah. I remember how heartbroken he was when they broke it off." He sighs, before clicking some stuff on his computer. "Did he talk to you at all these days?"
You shake your head. "Not a single message. It's fine though- he's probably busy enjoying his newfound freedom." You giggle, and Yoongi turns in his chair, looking at you.
"It's okay to be upset." He tells you, and you nod, well aware. You're not upset though- you're happy for him, genuinely so. Maybe he'll find someone who will finally cherish him for who he is, and not what he looks like. He deserves feeling happy. "Come here, angel." He suddenly says, and only now do you realize the tears falling from the corners of your eyes.
Seconds later dampening Yoongi's sweater, while he holds you close in the quietness of his studio.
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"What do you mean she doesn't work here anymore?" Jungkook wonders, standing in front of Jin who simply shrugs, defeated.
"I think Yoongi said she's now a lyricist under his label. Don't know where she went now though, sorry." He offers, before going back to wiping the counters.
Outside, Jungkook calls his friend with eager taps of his fingers- but he's not picking up. You said you'd be waiting, you told him you'd wait- so why did you leave now? You loved that bakery, you had a passion for your work, so why did you just break apart from that?
Because you've got free will.
You're way more aware of it than he is himself, having only newly discovered it, but it hurts to think that you just left like that. Sure, it's been almost half a year, but is that really too late now?
Your apartment.
He takes the bus line he's taken before, stands in front of the building, tries hard to remember which apartment number was yours, but he can't for the life of him focus anymore. He doesn't remember, he doesn't know- how could he forget a fucking number like that? Maybe you tested him, tested his love and he literally royally fucked up that test like a champ, because he took all your advice, all your efforts and all your comfort and ran off with it instead of staying. He should've stayed. He should've insisted.
He should've fought.
His phone vibrates in his pocket before it falls out, clatters to the ground. The screen is probably broken. He doesn't care.
"I still want to kiss you." He says.
You break out in laughter.
Before pulling him down towards you.
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"That's not how you do it." Jungkook says, furrowing his brows.
"So?" You say. "Not a crime I'm committing here. Modern problems require modern so-lutions!" You struggle with the chopsticks, before the cork of the wine bottle finally plops out. "Hah! You see that? I'm a survival specialist, Bear Grylls has nothing on me!" You triumph, before pouring some in his glass, then your own.
"So you plan to survive a let's say, zombie apocalypse, with wine?" He raises an eyebrow, the warm fire between the two of you crackling away and painting your body in red hues.
"Hey, being drunk makes a lot of situations better." You offer, and he laughs- freely, corners of his eyes crinkling a little, bunny smile on full display. You like him most like that. Free.
"Hm, I disagree." He says.
"Oh?" You challenge.
"Hmhm." He tells you, taking a sip of his wine after you. "For example, my first time with you shouldn't be wasted with alcohol." He cheekily says, and you blush- happy the fire covers that change in color for you. "I wanna remember it." He teases. He's become awfully bold- entire being evolving into something you can only describe as dangerous.
"Ah.." You just respond.
"Too much?" He asks, and you shake your head.
"No- just.." You say, unable to quite put it into words. "It's weird hearing someone say that, you know, to me." You say.
"Why?" He wants to know. Are you a virgin? He highly doubts that- considering you're pretty soul and pretty smile. There's no way he's the first to ever be interested in you like that.
"I don't know, it just.. happens, I guess. I'm good at giving advice left and right, but I'm bad at following that myself. I.." You admit, sighing as you look at the fire. "..tend to let myself be used, I guess."
"Why?" He asks again, but this time its whispered, like he himself can't believe what you're telling him.
"Because it lets me dream a little?" You giggle. "It's why I didn't kiss you, you know, right away. I know where it would've lead."
"And you don't want that with me?" He wonders, but you shake your head no.
"I do." You say. "I did back then too." You confess without shame. "But.. I liked you too much. It would've crushed me to wake up and realize it's been nothing but a short fever dream. I would've hated myself if you woke up and.. I don't know, realized that you don't like me like that after all, and that emotions were just hot and high."
Jungkook nods at that- because he can't say that it wouldn't have happened like that. You looked out for him that night as well, maybe without knowing it- and he's thankful you did. Because it gave him time, freedom, and the chance to really let everything sink in and flow through.
It made him realize that he still loves you, even if you hadn't been the one to wake him up like you did.
"Now I ruined the mood." You laugh, throwing your head back a bit in dramatic agony. "Ugh I'll never get anywhere like this."
Wordlessly, Jungkook puts his glass down on the plastic table, before he walks over to you and takes yours as well, helping you stand up. "Jungkook?" You wonder, and he just kisses you, soft and warm like he always does. It's silent, there's no need for words, especially not when he picks you up and opens the door of the campervan, bringing you inside where he immediately tries to shed your thick jacket and sweater.
"You're so pretty." He chants out, hands running over your warmed up skin like he has to convince himself that you're real. And he does, in a way- because it all feels absolutely surreal to him in every way.
He doesn't think about his own appearance at all. He doesn't care.
He doesn't mind when you pull his own sweater over his head, hood of it catching on his jaw and making you both laugh. Your hands on his skin feel like heaven, he's never realized how he'd burn the world down just to feel your skin against his own. You're holding onto him like he's worth millions, his lips chasing yours, teasing you every now and then by not letting you get as close as you'd like to.
Sex has never been so exciting and comfortable at the same time for him.
Every sound you make, every heavy breath or whine he drinks up like a starving man, hands gripping your flesh like you'll disappear if he doesn't hold onto you strong enough. There's trust in this- trust you'll tell him where to go if he looses his way, trust that you'll accept what he does for what it is, trust that you'll love him just as much as he loves you.
Your thighs are soft, laying over his shoulder as he holds onto them, his mouth busy on your core.
You're both cute and absolutely enchanting, writhing and squirming under his actions, whimpers accompanying his own obscene noises he doesn't care about making. You're divine, you deserve to be treated like it as well.
And you cum so prettily too, toes curled and hands reaching out for his own.
"I love you." He says, and you smile up at him, kissing his lips before you turn his chin towards the side.
"And I love you too, but maybe no kids yet?" You joke, making him laugh and nod as he walks over to fetch a condom out of his bag. He didn't specifically plan anything to happen on the trip with you- but he still prepared in hopes of it. "Jungkookie.." You say, when he's back above you, wrapping the contraceptive over his length.
"Hm?" He wonders, looking at you wide wide eyes, in all his naked glory and inked up skin.
"I love you." You say, and he grins, brightly even though he's barely illuminated by the little campfire outside.
"I love you too." He responds, adjusting your positions to push himself inside. "Everything about you." He adds on, before he moves, slowly, agonizingly slow, frustrating you. But he seems to enjoy that struggle, rather than feel like he needs to adjust anything. "We've got time." He chuckles, and you wrap your legs around his middle at that.
"Please..!" You beg, and he only cocks his head to the side at that, hair falling into his face a little. "Kook, please, come on-"
"Impatient now?" He wonders, and you huff.
"Obviously!" You call out, making him laugh again before he pushes your thighs towards you, adjusting his pace to a more brutal thrusting.
Your head spins.
"You look so fucking pretty like that." He praises, hands on your skin digging into your flesh, probably leaving imprints later on.
"Gotta mark you up all pretty too, right?" He grunts into your neck, kissing first, before he bites, sucks, claims almost. "Gotta make sure they know you're mine." He says breathlessly.
"Yours." You respond out of breath yourself, before you clench around him, orgasm hitting you hard at his ruthless pace. He himself can't help the obscene moan that escapes him as well, coming undone only a short time after you.
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"Make sure they know you're mine?" You joke, out of breath. "Where did that come from?"
"My heart." He says, making you slap his chest. "Ow!"
"You're so cheesy!"
"You love me for it."
Yes you do.
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
I saw someone bring up the fact that Tim has been assaulted before and it reminded me of a very old au I came up with about something similar. Trigger warning for mentions of Sexual Assault, Drugging, and Murder. This is also partly inspired by the movie Jennifer's Body.
Tim has been assaulted by Ras sister, likely Ras as well, and there are a few villians that I remember who don't Assault him but they definitely are *looking*. Plus Tim is a very pretty person, isn't he? Who knows how many people Leer at him all the time, say things that they really shouldn't to "flirt" with him and well. This is Gothem. I wouldn't be all to surprised if someone as pretty as him ended up with something in his drink if he went to a bar.
I'm going to skip over what happens at the house party that Tim goes to (he was invited by his friends and it was just supposed to be a bunch of drunk high school students. It should have been fine, right?) But when he wakes up the next morning, he is sore all over in a way he doesn't like and only remembers horrible flashes of the night before. He's hung over and still a little dizzy from the drugs so he doesn't notice the person next to him until his chin is grabbed. He doesn't know this guy, he doesn't know where he is, but the guy is moving in to kiss him and Tim's hand wraps around something and in the next blink the guy is off him and Tim feels something wet dripping down his face. When did he stand up? The guy is crumbled on the bed which is turning red and there is a broken lamp in his hand.
Tim knows Bruce would never forgive him for this, he just *killed* someone. Sure he's coming down from some drugs and the guy assaulted him and was about to again, but Tim *killed* him. It doesn't matter that he blacked out. It doesn't matter that others in the family have killed multiple people and Bruce just shrugged it off. Tim is supposed to be better and he fucked it all up.
It takes a while for Tim to come to a decision. He's already fucked up, nothing can change that. But he also can't dig any deeper, right? After all, this guy wasn't the only one who assaulted him that night. And Tim wants revenge on all of them. So he makes a list of all the guys who hurt him that night and slowly makes his way through them, luring them somewhere secluded, acting like he's going to let them between his legs again, before killing them and hiding the bodies. After all, he's a Bat. If he doesn't want anyone to know it was him, they won't.
The kills feel good, they make him feel better about what happened to him. It puts the power over his body back in his own hands. But there is still a hollow in his chest, a void that only temporarily feels better. The nightmares don't stop after they're all gone. Better yes, but not gone. So therefore, more kills should do it, right? But he can't kill just anyone. He can only kill those who deserve it. So Tim goes to Bars in disguise and pretends to be a very drunk and pretty girl who gets picked up by people. He waits until they are in the target's home or a hotel before telling them that he's to drunk to do this, that he doesn't want it anymore, and that he just wants to sleep. If the person backs off, they can go free. If they continue after three tries to stop them, then Tim will dig his knife into their neck and kill them. Every single one, he writes their crimes on the wall in their own blood.
Tim thinks he's helping not just himself but everyone else who's ever been in his position. The Bats think there's a new serial killer on the loose. Neither side is truly wrong. The Bats are also pulling out their hair about being unable to find *anything* beyond some security footage of the victim leaving a bar with a woman who looks different everytime. Sometimes a blonde, sometimes Brunette, sometimes red head. They use colored contacts and make up to change their face shape just enough that they never look the same.
It's many kills later when Bruce manages to catch Tim in the act. He wasn't even looking for the killer, he just heard a scream while patrolling and ran to investigate. He found a woman kneeling over a dying man, stabbing him while saying, "I told you not to touch me! I told you to *stop*!" In a voice he knows very well.
Here's where a split can happen. Is this a good dad Bruce who will stop his son and help him, or is this a very bad Bruce who will simply resolve to send Tim to Arkham for being a serial killer without thinking of the potential consequences? I mean. If he does the latter, there's a sold chance that when people find out why The Timothy Drake, CEO of WE was put in Arkham (Tim will freely tell the press he did it and why because he is Very Mentally Fucked at this point) there is a solid chance of people thinking Tim was caught because he targeting Batman and Batman failed his test.
In case anyone didn't read the first part, TW: sa, murder, nonconsensual drugging
Unfortunately, I do imagine that Tim, other Waynes, and other heroes have been subjected to this. Considering how public two of Tim's personas are, there's probably been some shit online as well.
I thank the gods that Barbara exists, and I despair the types of messages she has to read/sift through for her family's safety. I like to imagine she sends information out to various people depending on the shit people say or do online (and whether there is evidence they might do anything offline). She probably has automatic systems, but she has to be the one to read when certain messages get pinged (one off messages probably get automatically dealt with, but multiple get put on a radar/list).
To be completely frank, the US's system is shit for sa survivors trying to get safety or justice. I'm not gonna argue with anyone about that, so go look at stats if you want.
So, seeing a character work outside of the law to ensure others' safety and enact justice? It's nice. I'd also be down for Tim (in various identities) utilizing a method like the movie "Promising Young Woman (2020)."
I would like to see Tim and Jason interacting within this AU after Jason finds out (particularly if RH has policies against sa and actively mitigates such). Dick would be particularly devastating to through in the mix (I'm talking him keeping it together enough to soothe Tim to sleep with hair pats and then escaping to violently throw up and sob).
There are a few fics of Jason brutally murdering or maiming sex offenders if that's anyone's cup of tea.
You mentioned that Tim might be mentally fucked by the time he gets caught. I think he probably would. Not for the murders, but for never actually addressing what happened to him. He's just repressing the shit out of it and trying to cope with murder (this isn't a good coping mechanism).
Now... Bruce being a bad dad by throwing Tim im jail could be cool and interesting in this. However, Bruce blaming himself for failing Tim, for allowing Tim to become the way he is, and for not helping Tim sooner is spicy. Just Bruce making Tim's situation about Bruce, trying to fix Tim, and condemning Tim for his actions (by locking Tim in the batcave like a family embarrassment instead of jail) would be excellent bad dad Bruce. Bruce parading himself as a good dad while mentally fucking Tim up worse.
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creedslove · 1 year
Hey, could I ask for Javier Peña x f!reader. He gets bad news from home and doesn’t know where to turn. Reader is his friend/neighbour and knows something is wrong, she takes care of him when he breaks down even though he initially tries to push her away.
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Javier Peña x f!reader
A/N: I feel these two are similar so I decided to put them together ❤️🥺
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"It's not your job to take care of me, Y/N, leave me the fuck alone, I don't need you or anyone to coddle me, I'm a grown man and I can handle myself"
• A very drunk Javier groaned at your attempt of getting into a conversation with you; he'd received some bad news from home and as his friend, you felt you should help him through it, let him vent and hold him
• Javier was a natural born stressed guy, it didn't take him a lot to begin to frenetically smoke and drink and that sometimes made him get an attitude that wasn't your favorite
• like when you were trying to help him and that asshole treated you like shit
• you didn't want anything else other than be nice, caress his hair, hug him and remind him he would always have you by his side
• but instead he showed you he wasn't interested, you didn't know how much of it was the booze talking and how much was actual Javier, as your handsome friend was extremely emotionally unavailable
• you nodded and exited his apartment, not wanting to aggravate his anger or the situation you were in, but you couldn't deny Javi wasn't the only one with a broken heart: his heart was broken from the news he got whereas your heart was broken from the way he treated you
• the next day when most of his drunkenness was gone, he realized what he did to you and though he went to immediately apologize to you and you assured things were okay, but Javi knew you were still upset and he had a feeling things wouldn't be exactly the same
• and they weren't, you still acted the same around Javi, but something felt off and you weren't too close to him anymore, so whenever he occasionally mentioned something more personal you would just nod and not say anything
• and that made him upset. At first, he thought it was actually a relief you wouldn't bring you such personal matters, but he began feeling sort of bad about it, as if you'd stopped caring about him
• but he couldn't admit it, not after being a major dick to you
• so you never addressed the matter again until the events followed by Carrillo's death. He was brutally killed and even Gabi played him, the woman he had helped so much
• Javier was upset, drunk and lonely, usually, he would turn to the sexual comfort he found in many of the beautiful hookers around Colombia, but at that moment, he couldn't even count on that, feeling too betrayed and angry to be around any of them
• so he thought of you; it was fucking unfair he would actually go after you for comfort when you kindly had offered him some and he'd rudely pushed you away
• but at the same time, you were the only one he could count on and he needed that, at least for the night
• he knocked on your door, surprising you to see Javier looking for you at that hour; out of anyone, he was definitely the one person you thought that wouldn't come after you
• but there he were, sad brown eyes, messy hair and waiting for you to let him in
"what happened Javi? Are you alright?! Are you hurt?!"
• he didn't say anything, just wrapped his arms tight around you, burying his handsome face into your neck and sighing, loving your scent
• his body was way bigger than yours and he was stronger too, you couldn't break free from his embrace even if you wanted to, but you didn't, your body against his... It felt right
"let me just stay here, cariño, just for a little while"
"you can stay for as long as you want, I want you here Javi..."
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immasock · 8 months
Hi, its me again
I was wondering if you could do a platonic relationship with Luke and what the other characters react to that because they are like not very similar ig (also im sorry if this is too much)
It’s been god knows how long and I don’t really play either game anymore but I’m back and I’m doing all of the requests in my drafts
Also I wasn’t sure if you meant Child!MC or Adult!MC so I went with Child!MC. If you want me to do Adult!MC I will gladly do that tho. This one was fun
Platonic!Luke + Child!MC who aren’t very similar
Pronouns: They/Them
MC and Luke. The best of buddies. How? No one knows. Opposites attract, I guess
Luke has always been very energetic, loud, opinionated, and cheerful. Overall a joy to be around
MC on the other hand. Very much keeps to themselves. Doesn’t really speak up, is kind of a chronic people pleaser, and it’s rare you ever see them smile. Not that they’re upset, they just don’t smile often
Luke and MC are pure opposites, but somehow their friendship works
Well for starters
He already likes them more
They’re quiet, they don’t cause much trouble, they do as he asks
They’re easy to manage
Plus them not being an angel doesn’t hurt
He was a little surprised that MC and Luke seemed to get along so well, but kids will be kids and honestly, as long as it doesn’t mean more paperwork for him, he doesn’t care
It is a little nice to see MC enjoying themselves tho
I think that Mammon would still attach himself to this MC pretty quickly
They’re a people pleaser and so it’s likely that they would go along with his schemes pretty easily
Plus they’re a great listener and we all know Mams needs someone to listen to him without being an asshole
New friend
Mammon already acts like an older brother to Luke so I’m sure he wouldn’t mind doing that for MC too
He’s overall just happy that the two of them are getting along and that they have someone to hang out with when he’s off doing something else
I can’t see him caring all that much to be honest
I think he’d prefer MC over Luke at the beginning, mostly just because they’re not likely to cause a mess in his room
But he ends up adoring both of them of course
In his own way
I can see him being a little jealous at how quickly the two of them clicked
Not because he wants to be besties with Luke or MC
But because it was so fast and came so naturally
He wants a friendship like that
So I think he’d be kinda salty for a while
But eventually he’d get over it once he starts getting closer to the two of them himself
This man does not give two shits imma be honest
Don’t get me wrong
He likes MC and all
They’re a great reading buddy
But, the way he sees it, why would he care about two kids being friends?
I mean, it’s interesting to observe
They’re so different, they don’t have anything in common
And yet they’re still close friends
But other than some slight intrigue over the dynamic regardless of the differences between the two, he doesn’t pay much mind to it
He’s obsessed
He already thinks MC is the cutest little thing and so when he sees them with Luke, he thinks it’s too cute
They’re just adorable together, yknow?
How could he not
MC is basically the brothers younger sibling
And Asmo knows that MC is very reserved and quiet
So seeing them come out of their shell a little and have fun with Luke?
Melts his heart
I feel like he’d take a bunch of videos to show his brothers cause look how cute this kid is
I feel like Beel would be another that was just happy that MC has a friend
He’s really that supportive older brother type that’s just happy you’re happy
Plus MC can help Luke make him treats
He’s not complaining
Beel would be happy that MC has a friend they’re so close to, but otherwise he’s got other things to be doing
It’s not that he doesn’t care, he does
He’s just got practice to go to and food to eat
He’s a busy boy
Once again
Just like Satan
This man does not give two shits
He likes MCs personality a bit better at the beginning tho
Cause like
He’s already pissed that he’s gotta spend time with a human
So he doesn’t need one that’s always super extroverted and loud and cheerful
He appreciates that if he’s gotta deal with a human, at least this one can chill the fuck out
They would honestly make a decent nap buddy once MC and Belphie start getting closer
He’s another puppy dog type
He’s really just excited that they’re here and that they’ve made a friend so quickly
After all, he doesn’t want them to feel alone down in the devildom
I feel like he would try to make the two of them have little tea parties with him
Luke and MC look like they’re having fun and he wants to be included too
Really, he’s got much more important things to be doing
He’s got a castle to run and a prince to watch over
I feel like he would happily schedule the tea parties that Diavolo wants to have with the two of them tho
Him and Simeon give off dads scheduling playdates for their kids vibes
He would absolutely be sure to make you both little treats tho
When I tell you that this man is so hyped
His son has a friend
He could not be happier
He is more than happy to let you both spend all the time you want together
He’s a little confused since you both are drastically different
But who is he to complain?
Luke has a friend
Really just a supportive dad
I love Solomon
He’s my wife
But I feel like he would be the type to view the two of them as some sort of lab rats
Or at least
He would try
Simeon, Lucifer and Barbatos would put a stop to that before it could start
No way in hell are they letting Solomon fuck with these kids
He’s a little shit and I love him dearly
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strikersexhaver · 1 year
Diamond in the Rough 💎
A/N needed more Striker content, so decided to dedicate a whole blog for it. Mostly because especially with the new episode had a lot more ideas with our favorite cowboy!
This is more of ‘if Striker had an S/O that was on the same strength level as him’ making them equals, it has a bit of angst, some fluff here and there.
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Striker prided himself on not needing anyone, not having anyone to lean on.
He normally refused having anyone having a more genuine relationship with him, due to having it all taken away within a blink and not wanting to deal with that pain.
He met you in Wrath, during a hunt for something to eat for dinner. Hunting for the wild hell hogs (or demon hogs) to take down and skin.
It was never an issue for him as he usually was able to, until you stole his catch. Either by stealing, or just simply fighting over it.
Striker was pissed, alongside his horse Bombproof, as he also had to feed his steed. But even though he was- he was… oddly amused. You gotta be real bold to steal from him, he’s one of the most wanted hellborns in wrath and you come outta the blue to steal from him?
Okay… He’ll bite.
He played dumb for a while, doing the exact same routine and waited for you. Letting you take his catches before he was able to have something to track you down.
He’s an assassin, a bounty hunter, all that good stuff and his name is literally Striker- he’d be able to find and strike you down it’s his thing after all.
When he did however… He felt something he did not like, he saw you struggling which every person was- but, here was different. You struggled like he did, it made him hesitate but he still went ahead to confront you.
“Ya’ must be pretty bold to steal from me…” He looked at you and bared his teeth, seeing the fear in your eyes before you ran off to grab a weapon.
He let you pick it up, he wanted to see what he was really facing. Because you might’ve been struggling like he was, but he was a diamond in the rough. He had to see if you were one too.
And he did, he saw- the fight between the two of you went on for a long while because both of you kept constantly besting the other. It was only until both of you were tired and beaten by each other did you both stop.
You could not even do anything when he crawled out and gave one last look at you before slipping away- he gave you a threat on to not attack his prey again.
He thought you would take the bait and actually go after his catches again, but when he when you didn’t he was baffled. The inner primadonna in him was irritated, but he wondered why he was so annoyed.
Then it hit him that he started to enjoy having someone on his level.
Because of this, and how rare he thought it was to find someone equal. He sought you out often, making you surprised on how he kept finding you every time, whenever and wherever.
He took the time to get to know you, to learn whatever he could about you because he started to genuinely like you.
Which eventually led him to care about you, and you started caring about him too. He no longer had to worry about his food being stolen! Maybe even you’ll get him food sometime… Probably as a gift when he’s busy.
Striker noticed his feelings rising, how he could stare at you longer than usual. He started wishing he could hold you.
He realized he started liking you in a not-so platonic way anymore and that scared him truthfully. For as much as he disliked people like Blitzø, his issues were similar as he dreaded losing someone he cared about again.
Dreaded someone would take you away from him, then leave him all alone once more. He didn’t wanna live that, so- he stopped visiting you and practically vanished.
It hurt you, because you started liking him too. Enjoying the close moments you two had together, you eventually decided to take up what he did to you and find him this time.
Finding him all the way back into his hideout, surrounded by railroads.
(Granted you got the help from the Mariachi imps)
You found him moping about, distracting himself by sharpening his knife.
You attempted to confront him calmly about it, but he responded to you coldly- something you were not used to. Even when you two met and fought, he showed some emotion like anger, cockiness, or confidence.
He tried pushing you away until his emotions bubbled out and he said things that he was meaning to say. Not a love confession, but admitting he cared..?
“I don’t wanna spend all this damn time carin’ about ya’-! All this time just to watch ya’ get stolen away from me, by Satan knows what-“ He huffed before looking at you, seeing the mix of hurt yet understanding in your eyes.
He felt bad, so he said nothing else and sat back down expecting you to leave until you sat next to him and leaned on him. That was the start of him realizing, even if he pushed you away- he wanted you around.
(A/N the actual romantic headcanons)
It would never be said out loud, more of like an unspoken commitment to each other that deemed you both as each other’s partners. Either romantically, or sometimes business wise- as he asked you to help him on his bounties or assassinations.
If he really needed the help, he’s still a prideful man and asking for help can bring someone’s pride down.
Hence why he only does it when he really needs help.
He’s not a too vocal guy on genuine romantic feelings, he’s gonna say ‘I love you too’ when you say it but it’ll be much rarer if he says it to you first.
He personally prefers playful flirting.
Which he flirts a lot, in a more playful way than serious romance.
Only on special occasions, maybe like an anniversary he’ll sing you a song on his guitar.
He’ll give you rides on Bombproof (if you made up to the horse for stealing it’s food beforehand)
Striker’s a violent guy as everyone knows, so him being protective of one of the only people that cares about him is practically a given. And with what he’s experienced, in his mind it’s the best action.
His love language is mostly, acts of service, to physical touch either or he loves providing.
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buffyfan145 · 26 days
I got the first 2 episodes in of "Rings of Power" s2 and they were amazing!!! 😀 Worth waking up at 5 am to watch. LOL I still got ep 3 to watch and will this afternoon, but need to get my thoughts out here behind a cut, but so happy with s2 so far. Not tagging all the characters, as it seems to think too many is spam, so hopefully this goes in the tags and I talk about most.
First off, I loved seeing Sauron's backstory in ep 1!!! 😀 I mentioned before in my other posts that I'm a fan of Jack Lowden's and it was great getting to see him after the version Adar knew. I only expect Jack back in flashbacks if he's able, even more so seeing a new interview with Charlie this morning assuring fans that he won't be recast. The whole prologue explained so much about what happened with Adar, and then Sauron reforming eventually into Halbrand. Also confirmed he really was going to Númenor on his own, and his meeting with Galadriel really was by chance so those theories he planned it all along were wrong.
Charlie's doing amazing too both as Halbrand and now as Annatar. I loved all the shoutouts too to "The Silmarillion" and other 1st Age stories about him, including him being The Lord of the Werewolves and able to talk with that wolf. Then the Bible references as we knew about the Annatar transformation scene looking like Jesus and angel paintings, but also the "Let My People Go!" scene fit with Moses and especially the "Prince of Egypt" movie, which I love too. But also realized at times they way they're doing (and Tolkien wrote) Sauron rising from nothing to being aids to kings is so similar to the Bible story of Joseph, and the musical "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" (which my high school did an amazing version of that music my junior year of high school LOL). So I loved all of this and everything we saw with Celebrimbor in ep 2.
Then with Galadriel!!! 😀 OMG, first I have to mention about those Haladriel scenes!!! We knew the rings were going to connect them, as well as their mental bond in general, but now she's seeing visions and knows Sauron is in Eregion and saw him there. Plus, hearing him call her name in that vision, and confirming that she can read his mind, and him hers (as he knew the rings worked). Then the big one where Galadriel confessed to Elrond about how she feels about Halbrand/Sauron (and still used his Halbrand name) and it clearly was showing us that she fell in love with him by using that flashback to the "I felt it too" scene, and that's why everything that happened and being deceived hurt her so much. And Elrond knows now, which is why he and Gil Galad are being like that to her now as they don't trust her around Sauron anymore and think she'll turn. Loving that we're getting scenes about Haladriel even if they both are actually in the same place.
Then I loved the scene with the rings and showing they are good and worked to help restore the elves. Absolutely love Círdan too and being a mentor to Elrond. Him talking about more 1st Age characters and their flaws was great too. LOL
The storyline with The Stranger, Nori, and Poppy is great too. He's got to be Gandalf. I thought this the whole time but every scene I see of him just confirms it to me.
Pretty sure Ciarán Hinds' character is one of the Blue Wizards. The show did supposedly get the rights to use the Blue Wizards stories that Tolkien wrote in "Unfinished Tales" and one of the 2 Blues went evil in the 2nd Age in Rhûn, similar to how Saruman did in the 3rd Age. So I'm pretty sure that's what we're seeing him and that he found a cult with the Mystics.
Then loved seeing more with Durin, Disa, and the dwarves. It's setting up Sauron/Annatar giving them the 7 rings, and the making of the Doors of Durin too. Also very cool seeing Narvi too and the female dwarves having facial hair similar to more male elves having long hair (this didn't bother me like it did other fans but cool to see them add it). Though also really sad about the singing not working.
So now getting ready to watch ep 3 this afternoon and I saw from the description that it involves other characters we haven't seen yet from s1, and then I'll be caught up till ep 4 next week.
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happyk44 · 4 months
Do you have anymore of this written? Annabeth's way of helping Percy actually making it worse until he runs away and finally gets a taste of peace elsewhere? I love it so much.
Pretty sure I've written something (or a couple somethings) similar to that piece before. It's a concept I really like. One of my first "Percy runs away to the Nome" pieces points out that Annabeth has been kind of preparing for the inherent trauma in being a demigod under the thumb of not so helpful gods her whole life compared to Percy who was thrown into it at random and retains a lot of bitterness over it versus passive acceptance the way Jason and Annabeth have kind of grown up to. Yeah, she has her beef with Hera but like. More or less, it's kind of "that's just how the gods are" with her and Percy is very much "well they should be fucking better".
I think that with her having known she was a demigod since she was a little kid, the difficulties she went through in getting to camp with Thalia, Grover and Luke, Thalia's sacrifice and seemingly having been holding onto the possibility of war at least since she was 12 and Percy came flailing into her life and into the prophecy - she's just able to compartmentalize her pains better than Percy who we know suffers more aptly with emotional regulation and anger issues. Whether she processes them in a healthy manner through this or represses, represses, represses is up to you, but I can see it being her default, and subsequently she gets very stressed out about Percy not being able to do the same thing.
Also people just process trauma differently and Annabeth gets very headstrong and stubborn about being right and that her way of doing things is superior (which is. like. one of the reasons I lowkey wanted to add her to the cluster B roster because imo her fatal flaw would fit NPD so well, but unfortunately I don't think enough of the diagnostic criteria suits her so RIP). So her way of handling trauma not working for Percy doesn't make sense to her, or the fact that Percy is still clearly having problems even if he pretends otherwise just makes her feel like he's not trying hard enough to get over it, so she starts pushing in ways that don't help because she's Annabeth and she knows how Percy works and she can map his way through this and if he would just try, then it would work (except they don't and they won't).
I've also mentioned before that Annabeth strikes me as someone who gets so beholden to her ideas and plans that any deviation from that plan (even if not well-thought out) is Not Allowed, and no matter how obvious the solution (change course, make other decisions, break-up and stay friends), she is extremely reluctant to do so. In Tartarus, she clung to the idea of her and Percy making it out alive and safe and moving to New Rome and being happy and going to college and growing old together and now, faced with the reality that the goal is likely unattainable (I really don't see Percy moving to California for college of all things, like let's be real) or facing some hitches (Percy's depression and self-isolation negates the whole happy and healthy thing), she gets further into her head about him not being able to get with the program.
So she tells him how to fix himself. He can't do it because her methods don't work for him like they work for her. She gets mad because there's no improvement from him and she doesn't know what else to try because she's exahusted all the options that Make Sense and Will Help Him and her way of doing things is right so he must be doing something wrong or not trying at all. He starts to withdraw from her because Percy doesn't really instigate fights and he's angry and unhealthy and doesn't want to hurt his girlfriend, and she gets mad because that's not how this is supposed to work, and they argue and the cycle just continues over and over and over again unti he's gone.
Personally I can write Percy disappearing in a bunch of ways. He fakes it until he realizes he can't make it and no one notices. He fakes it and people notice but they can't get him to open up about it. He suffers obviously but no one knows how to help him and he refuses to communicate. It will always culimaniate in him turning to isolation, turning to self-harm, turning to suicide, turning to whispering Carter's name like a desperate lifeline because if he kills himself Grover might die and his mom might be sad (he doesn't know, Estelle is there and she's good and she's normal and it's fine, his mom doesn't really need him, does she?) and Annabeth would probably be mad at him.
And if he calls out for Carter and he doesn't come or he doesn't care, well, then at least he can say he tried getting help, right? He didn't give up right away. He tried.
(Carter will always come and always offer the Nome as sanctuary and Percy will always accept it, even if he freaks the fuck out when they get there)
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🧸🏳️‍🌈♿📈 and uhh "how do their family/friends react to it" once I forgot the emoji for- for kenny and uhh maybe Craig and also maybe twerk? (That is if u hc either of them as disabled In any way)
I hc literally everyone as disabled, so you're getting answers for all 3 >:3
♿️ - What is their disability/disabilities? What are the symptoms that they show?
Besides his chronic pain i wont stop talking about, he has AuDHD, depression, MaDD and C-PTSD ✨
His C-PTSD symtoms didn't show much until adulthood (late 20s-early 30s), because that was when his brain processed the environment as safe and stopped being in permanent survival mode. However, the symptoms of everything else have showed since he was Really young, his MaDD was at its worst when he was around 12 (iykyk) and got better since he left south park, mainly after he started therapy (took him long enough smh)
📈 - What age was their disability formed, or became apparent, at?
The first time one of his deaths still hurt after the fact was on s3 e1, after Kelly revived him. However, he didn't give it much thought, thinking it was just what getting killed by lightning was like. Then it was kind of like a roulette whether it'd hurt or not, but even when it did it was incredibly easy to ignore - until his teens, when he died so often (more on purpose than not) it quickened the effects a lot
🦮 - Do they have supportive friends and/or family? How do they help on bad days? (i think you meant this one)
Yeah, he does! His friends are generally supportive, even cartman after he gets over his assholery. His siblings too :) stuart however is an asshole, and even though kenny went NC with carol i feel like she'd be quite supportive idk. And about how they help on bad days, cuddles from butters mostly do the trick XD if butters isn't there though, more often than not will someone at the very least pay attention to him, either helping out by getting him stuff (food etc) or doing something to keep him entertained (talking, board games, depends on how hes feeling tbh)
🧸- Do they have a comfort item?
He used to have his orange parka, but since karen inherited he doesn't have it anymore, so i would say he doesn't really have any comfort items? Unless we count the mimikyu plush, but idk if that would really qualify as a comfort item much, other than making him think of butters whenever he sees it :)
🏳️‍🌈 - A random headcanon about them and their disability
-He diagnosed craig's autism way before any professional did, but he thought craig was aware of it so he didn't say anything 💀 (he has the strongest autismdar ever) -Most of his daydreams are similar to the stuff he thought in the cheesing episode in some way or another -He used to deal with flashbacks by going on normally with his life, to the point nobody but his friends could ever tell he was going through The Horrors - however as his PTSD worsened he couldn't do that anymore
♿️ - What is their disability/disabilities? What are the symptoms that they show?
Autism, it's painfully obvious yet he wasn't diagnosed till he was 15 😭
📈 - What age was their disability formed, or became apparent, at?
From kenny's pov, ever since craig was born 💀 but most people in his life didn't see it as disabling until it began messing with his studies in his teens
🦮 - Do they have supportive friends and/or family? How do they help on bad days?
YUP!!! His parents didn't think it was autism at first, "no everyone does that", surprise all the Tucker's are autistic XD They were a bit confused at first, not knowing what to do, but they were still super supportive about it :) Tricia was as much of a dick to him as usual so nothing new on her side lmao, and his friends were cool about it as soon as they learnt about his diagnosis (cue teasing from kenny and jimmy for thinking he was neurotipical smh, nah craig sry but you stuck with the nds 💀). Also, TWEEK, boy is so loud and that makes him feel so guilty because of how it overwhelms craig ;w; he was the first person who knew craig got diagnosed besides his family, and he did his best to accomodate him as much as he needed :3
🧸- Do they have a comfort item?
Not comforting autism-wise but comforting regardless, the shit ton of (accurate to constellations) glow in the dark stars in his bedroom, he cannot sleep without them. He also has a tiny alien plush keychain he found at Tweek's house and Tweek insisted he should keep it (neither of them know where it came from 💀), so that's another thing :)
🏳️‍🌈 - A random headcanon about them and their disability
-After the diagnosis he refused to leave his room for weeks because he didn't know how to cope with it, and nobody besides his family and tweek were allowed to come in during that period - in the end though, with their help he accepted it -Something I've mentioned a couple times already but is hilarious to me: he didn't talk until he was four (how did it take him so long to get diagnosed), and his first words were a "cállate pendejo" directed at cartman 😭
♿️ - What is their disability/disabilities? What are the symptoms that they show?
Tourettes, anxiety, schizophrenia and PPD - most of these were at the very least influenced by the whole meth in coffee thing
📈 - What age was their disability formed, or became apparent, at?
He gave symptoms of all these since he was really young, besides PPD, which only became obvious almost as soon as he left his house
🦮 - Do they have supportive friends and/or family? How do they help on bad days?
Family? Haha ok next question--- About his friends though, they do their best to help him with it. Most times during the worst days he can only stand Craig's company, who will listen to him and try to help him feel safe, however normally he's ok enough to be with others just fine. He gets accomodations at college and later at work too, like being allowed to stay home some days or to leave early
🧸- Do they have a comfort item?
YES YES YES !!! Storytime, after craig and tweek dated for three years, craig's anniversary gift was a green stuffed stegosaurus (since tweek was fixated on dinosaurs back then), which tweek named peanuts :) Peanuts became the way tweek would deal with any anxiety attacks, but he tugged at him so hard he broke - however, laura patched peanuts up for tweek (after craig quite literally begged her to, she would've done it anyway but he did anyway) Then, when they moved out, peanuts disappeared :( until the tuckers found him under craig's bed, who knows how he ended up there XD SO tweek's comfort item is the oldest most used up cutest little stego ever :3 (also does having a room full of spiders count as a comfort item? idk but he does cuz he loves spiders, craig despises that room with his whole soul poor boy hates spiders so much 😭)
🏳️‍🌈 - A random headcanon about them and their disability
Went NC with his parents as soon as he could!!! He also stopped drinking their coffee in his early teens, but because he (and everyone tbh) thought what messed up his health was the caffeine not the meth - he didn't find out about the fact he was being drugged until he was told the "secret family recipe" when he turned 18 (and, understandably, he was PISSED)
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linkspooky · 5 months
Yu-Gi-Oh! Hot Take #1
My Favorite Ships from each Yu-Gi-Oh Series!
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Yu-Gi Oh: Prideshipping (Atem X Kaiba)
Funny thing about prideshipping, I did not ship it until I read the manga and watched Dark Side of Dimensions which is an official continuation of the manga. That won me over by showing how tied Seto's narrative is to Atem. If you travel to the afterlife to duel your rival, you're not rivals anymore, you're just gay.
My favorite ships are the ones with the potential to destroy each other, or save each other. Atem and Kaiba manage to do both. Kaiba has an obsessive desire from his first loss against Atem to destroy him and that manifests in Death T his lowest point. Atem however, chooses to spare Kaiba by just shattering his heart to give him the chance to put the pieces back together. That's development for Atem too, because he had been a low key serial killer by that point, but instead of revenge he's learned empathy.
Kaiba at Duelist Kingdom tempts Atem into killing him just to win a game, but it's not Atem who stops Yugi has to stop him. It's a show how scarily similar the two can be.
When Atem helps save Mokuba their relationship shifts in Battle City. In their final duel, Atem saves Kaiba from destruction one final time when he tells him the past isn't something you should completely destroy. Atems so important to Kaiba that he saved Kaiba from his worst impulses multiple times and Kaibas rivalry with Atem represents a desperate attempt to stand as equals with them.
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GX: Soulshipping (Judai x Yubel)
Speaking of destroying each other and saving each other, Yubel and Judai completely tear each other apart only to both rebuild each other from scratch into something new.
Kaiba and Atem good and all, but Atem is just always the moral support to Kaiba. I prefer it when both members are just as bad as the other. When they drag each other down. Hand in unlovable hand.
Yubel and Judai, or "I can make him worse."
What makes Yubel and Judai my favorite ship of the franchise is the beautiful symmetry of their journeys, and how they separate, get lost, and find their way back to each other. They share the same soul, no Yubel is Judai's soul.
The entirety of season 3 is thematically about empathy. What people can do when they're alone and in pain. The way people can be saved by the act of sympathy and showing they're not alone. How a show of kindness goes much further than a quick and easy act of cruelty, Jim's action to save Judai inspires Austin to be better and overcome his fear, Austin's sacrifice breaks Judai from his downward spiral, all leading up to Judai making the choice to save Yubel. There's a much simpler narrative that exists where Judai just puts Yubel down like a mad dog, and maybe Judai feels a little pity that they couldn't reach Yubel before they went past the point of no return. However, Yu-Gi-Oh takes the more complex and nuanced route with empathizing with a victim like Yubel who's messy and gone on to hurt others. Judai and Yubel are very much like, they drag each other down, and keep each other afloat. They do both. It's like you're not allowed to die to and disappear to escape your guilt and neither am I. They're crucial to each other's atonement once they became inseparable tied together.
For all the pain they cause each other though, there's something beautiful about Yubel who as Judai's shadow representing all his worst traits is so, so in love with him. Yubel is blatantly aware of what a flawed person Judai is, and unconditionally in love with that mess of a person. It's kind of like an expression of accepting and being loved for the worst parts of yourself for both of them.
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5DS: Scoopshipping (Jack x Carly)
Carly and Jack is the embodiment of "We could die together, but what if he lived together?" There's so much romantic drama wrung out of these two that you forget you're watching a shonen anime.
Carly is so fundamental to Jack's development that I joke to Comun that the reason Jack experiences so much character regression in Season 2 is because he needs his wife Carly around.
There's just something about a chance encounter with someone that Jack under most circumstances would have overlooked is what uplifts Jack at his lowest point. How Jack turns from a Kaiba archetype from someone who works the rest of the series trying to make up with his friends. The way that as Carlys laying there dying her only thoughts are that she wants to see Jack again one final time, and sells her soul for the chance. It's just the way that Jack when facing Carly duels to save her because he knows deep in his heart that Carly isn't a cruel person, and he's right and he reaches her. How when he realizes he has to kill her to stop her he doesn't intend on living past it. It's just the way that Carly is the one who ends the duel because she's already dead and she doesn't want Jack dying for her sake. As much as she wants to be together with Jack even in death, Carly wants to see Jack happy, because it makes her happy to see him trying his best, because his happiness is her happiness
It's just the way they both come back and get the chance to try again.
Its just all the little Jack and Carly things.
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Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal: Foilshipping (Yuma x Vector)
I tried to like Astral and Yuma but I need a little bit of zest. The angst of one enemy desperately trying to kill, and the other desperately trying to save adds that extra spice.
As I said Prideshipping is good, but as much as I love when love redeems and saves you from your worst self how about when love doesn't redeem?
Yuma is the sweetest of cinnamon roles, but that means Jack and Shit to Vector. Yuma thinking it's his job to redeem vector and reach out a helping hand is the biggest thorn in Vector's side.
It's convenient that it's called Foilshipping, because Yuma is so in love with the person they thought Vector to be, projected themselves onto Rei Nagisa, assigned themselves to the role of protector they can't accept who Vector really is. They keep trying to see some good. Yuma tries to see themselves in Vector and it is just not there.
Vector's the ultimate challenge of Yuma's pacifist philosophy, and Yuma fails and falls flat on his face on multiple occasions. Not only that but Vector trolls him too - occasionally pretending there's something redeemable there only to flip the trap card and go PSYCHE! It's funny every single time.
If Judai's arc is about failing multiple times and having a complete breakdown until they flip, Yuma's arc is about failing multiple times, having breakdowns and then staying true to themselves. After never once succesfully reaching Vector, Vector self destructs and is being dragged to his death by Don Thousand and decides to do a taking you with me to Yuma. Yuma's only reaction is "Sure, I'll die with you" and it's the most romantic thing ever.
Then vector's like gross and throws him away.
Also this scene happens between them:
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Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V: Mockingbirdshipping (Shun x Dennis)
This is a ship that I love more for it's potential then anything else (like most things in Arc-V). Their setup is great, Dennis the spy that infiltrated Shun's world, and stole his sister away from him ends up infiltrating the Lancers.
Shun who spends 90% of Arc-V hungry for revenge has the person responsible for his sister's disappearance, right next to him and in spite of his suspicions (Shun is suspicious of everyone) he's forced to work with him. When they're working together they make a great team too.
Dennis or as I call him the only character that has a finished arc in Arc-V is aware that he's a bad person, that he's going to destroy the lancer's the same way he destroyed Shun's sister. He's also a genuinely friendly guy, and it's actually precisely the guilt and self-awareness of what a bad person he is that stops him from trying to change.
The setup was great, and the duel where Shun forces Dennis to use his Antique Gear deck is my favorite duel in all of Arc-V. The setup was all there, but the more interesting version is where Shun doesn't get a satisfying revenge and they're still forced to work together - and there is a version of that story where that happens but it's IV and Shark in Zexal.
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Yu-Gi-Oh Vrains: AiBallshipping (Ai x Yusaku)
Everyone compares them to Soulshipping and they're right for that. They both kill half of the main character's friends in the third season. They both steal a sexy body to try to impress the protagonist. They're both characters themed around the concept of "love." They both serve as the Jungian shadow to their main protagonist.
They both intentionally inflict pain on the protagonist out of love rather than hate.
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However, the way they are different is more interesting to me. Yubel and Judai start their season separated with Yubel absent the first whole seasons. They start with their relationship in the worst place possible and eventually reunite and improve.
Yusaku and Ai start united. Ai literally came from Yusaku. From the first episode they're always together. Even when Ai attempts to leave twice he always comes back. After two seasons of their relationship slowly growing however, Ai turns into the third season antagonist.
Ai seems more selfless than Yubel in their motivations. After all, Yubel acts out of a desire to monopolize Judai. Yubel sees everything and everyone as merely tools to getting to Judai, and will hurt them to get what they want. Yubel forces Judai through a complete mental breakdown to drag them down to the same level, all because of Yubel's selfish desire to not be alone.
Ai on the other hand is sacrificing themselves. When they attack Playmaker's friends, it's just playing the villain to provoke Playmaker to stop them. Ai is motivated by a simulation that told a future where Playmaker dies protecting them, and if the choice is between Playmaker and themselves then they'll choose Playmaker. It does seem like it's all for Playmakers sake, especially since Yubel would never choose a world where they can't be together with Judai.
However, Ai takes away Yusaku's choice in this scenario which Yusaku hates the most. Forcing your best friend to murder you in a supposed "sacrifice" for their sake is a pretty messed up scenario. Yubel and Judai reunite, while Ai and Playmaker suffer from a tragic separation, and since Ai is Playmaker's shadow he can't actually live without him the way Ai assumes. The epilogue we get is playmaker abandoning his real life to deep dive into the net for the faint hope of getting Ai back. As stated above if Ai knew the pain of losing all his friends, then he should have known that forcing Yusaku to kill his friend would hurt him in the worst pay possible - but he did it anyway because he can't help being yubel coded.
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theheirofthesharingan · 7 months
"Moreover, the people "praising" Itachi are:
Naruto. Naruto has a naive and very simplistic view of the things in which the village is always the priority. He sees his village as the flawless entity and anyone who is pro Konoha is good according to him. That's what he's been taught and that's what he believes in too. He sees Itachi stopped the war by taking the blame of the crime? Good. However, even then Naruto doesn't do anything to clear Itachi's name, despite becoming the Hokage. More than a decade later, Itachi is still a renowned criminal in the Shinobi world, not very different from the other criminals. Naruto's praise is hollow."
None of this is true....? Naruto's priority especially at the point when he learns about the truth of Itachi's actions are to stop Sasuke from hurting himself. Naruto's ideals are the promotion of "peace" "self-sacrifice" and "the greater good", but they aren't based around Konoha literally. There is a reason he doesn't wear his hitai-ate for a significant part of time before and after hearing Itachi's truth. There is a reason he doesn't respond to any of Sasuke's threats to destroy the village and why he doesn't entertain the notion of killing Sasuke over it. When Edo Tensei Itachi and Naruto meet, Naruto recognizes Itachi's suffering and tells him that Sasuke can't get over that. He isn't glorifying Itachi's actions, he's just talking about Sasuke's response to them. Furthermore, he tries to tell people the truth multiple times. The first time Kakashi stops him, and then the second time Itachi himself stops him because he doesn't want the Uchiha to look bad. Even Sasuke on the bridge says he doesn't want the Uchiha name to be attached to the shinobi world anymore because that's how it got tarnished and they were forced to suffer because of it, and he never takes that back. So, why should Naruto go against the wishes of the two people directly involved? The only time Naruto says anything remotely praising Itachi is when he tells Itachi he can stop worrying because he's done enough for the village, but that's after Itachi explains he was going to brainwash Sasuke so it feels like Naruto telling him he doesn't need to interfere anymore because he will handle it. There are also multiple ninja he respects and appreciates, like Nagato, who are not "pro Konoha". They're simply ninja who helped him grow and learn about his philosophy.
You're right that the only people that overtly praise Itachi are people trying to manipulate Sasuke (and exploit will of fire/curse of hatred dynamics), Naruto isn't one of those people and it shows by the fact that he doesn't praise Itachi beyond thanking Itachi for helping him.
I would agree with you to some extent, but my comment constituted of the whole arc from the truth reveal to the time elapsed until the current generation in Boruto. That's why I said the praises are hollow. A lot has changed. The characters, their dynamics, maturity attained from fighting in the war, and new world order would have given everyone new insight into what went wrong previously.
Naruto, as a Hokage, who loved Sasuke, even if he didn't feel anything for Itachi, could have done something more than the lip service. It's not about Naruto immediately taking an action or declaring to the world Itachi was used by the government, rather doing something afterwards. Although that criticism is more directed towards Kishimoto than Naruto himself, because when you're creating a sequel with the dangers and threats similar to (or greater than) the main series, you choose to keep the system the same as it was in the beginning. And in the process you lose what you wanted to change in the first place.
I tackled this bit in my fic, and in it, while Itachi's name was never cleared, Kakashi and Naruto made sure the clan's honour was restored. No one forgot about them, they were respected, the Uchiha district was merged with the rest of the village etc. Hiruzen and Danzo's truth never came out, but the two elders were punished. Naruto and Sasuke (especially Sasuke) made sure a tragedy like that never happened ever again.
I would have loved to see something like this happen in Boruto as well. But since I don't watch it, I'm not sure what's going on.
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