#it felt wrong to not have him in any Outsiders art :'3
bubblegumflavor · 6 months
The Outsiders - Wrong Presents
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Soda -my family hates me- pop Curtis
(Since you didn't pick a specific character, I picked the only one I hadn't drawn for doodlecember so far and that was Sodapop... X3)
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lucid-loves · 4 months
First Light ~ Simon "Ghost" Riley Part 1
Pairing: bodyguard!Ghost x princess!reader (fem!reader)
Word Count: 4.5k
CW: angst, violence, blood, strong language, scars, verbal abuse by parents, physical abuse by parents, psychological abuse by parents, opposites attract, forbidden love, slow burn, fluff, attraction and sexual tension, reader POV and ghost POV, minors DNI, eventual smut, virgin reader
Let me know if I missed any CWs.
Story Synopsis: After receiving death threats from a mysterious terrorist organization, your royal parents make a decision to reach out to the United States for help. Specifically, they want the US to send a bodyguard to protect their precious princess. When the 141 is called upon to investigate, Ghost is the one assigned to protect you. With your lack of experiences outside of your royal life and his experience with nothing but deadly, worldly affairs, opposites attract.
Chapter Synopsis: Ghost travels to the small country of Stuoca to meet the person assigned to guard for the next month. When you lay your eyes on him, you can’t help but feel scared, yet also curious. He feels the same when encountering such a precious, fragile thing like you.
Part 1 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 3 ~ Part 4 ~ Part 5
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The porcelain teacup felt warm in your hands, holding your favorite blend of tea flavored to your preference. The grandfather clock in the room ticked by, filling the silence. While you normally liked to play some music to fill the space with sound, your parents told you that you must be quiet. That you had to sit pretty and be patient until you were allowed to do so. 
You stared into your cup, slowly losing your appetite for teatime as the pit in your stomach grew bigger. You felt like there was something wrong, but you couldn’t figure out what it was. Normally, your parents were eager to show you off to any guest that was coming to the palace. Right now, it is different. You were locked away in one of the many palace studies. There was your butler with you who watched your worries grow. There were a couple of guards outside the closed doors, stopping anyone from entering unless the king or queen allowed it. 
Looking out the arched window and overlooking the lush palace garden, you wished you could enjoy your teatime outside like you normally did. Feeling the fresh air, hearing the birds chirp in the distance, enjoying the subtle aroma of flowers flowing with the wind. It was really the only time you were allowed to be outside. 
Even though you were a grown woman, your parents have always seen you as their little princess.
While you sat silently in the study, the king and queen of Stuoca was meeting the man that would guard you with his life. It was jarring being in a place like this. Everything from the floor to the ceiling was crafted with exquisite, polished stone. Anything made of wood was a rich cherry. On marble pedestals along the halls held works of art behind glass. Jewelry, crowns, busts. Golden chandeliers with crystals reflecting the light hung from the ceilings that were painted with angels. 
Everything in the palace was worth billions upon billions of dollars. Standing in the middle of it all was Ghost, a man that once was just scraping by in his younger days. He still stood out like a sore thumb among it all. The skull balaclava secured over his head, tattoos revealed on his forearm, the black t-shirt that clung tight to his muscles. It was like death himself walked the bright palace halls. 
“Pardon me, Lieutenant Ghost, but you don’t have to wear that mask here, do you?” The queen, your mother, nervously addressed from her red velvet seat. The mask was making her scared. That was how people normally reacted when they saw him for the first time.
“Yes I do, your majesty.” He curtly responded, the words tasting bitter on his tongue. Ghost was just as uncomfortable as your parents were. When he heard that he was being deployed to guard a princess, he laughed, thinking it was a joke. But now, here he was being served tea and cookies with the king and queen of Stuoca. As much as being on base was a pain in the ass at times, he missed it. 
The king cleared his throat before taking another sip of tea from his teacup. When they reached out to the United States for a bodyguard, they weren’t expecting someone so. . . rough to be sent out. But, if this was the right man for the job, then so be it. As long as his princess was safe. “Thank you for traveling so far away from home in order to help us with our problem. Being a country so small, we weren’t even sure if your country would even bat an eye at us.”
Ghost shifted on the balls of his feet, growing more uncomfortable with the sudden gratitude. He just wanted to start the job already. The sooner he starts, the sooner he can end it. “You said that you’ve received threats. Anything else happened while I was busy traveling here?”
With a snap of the king’s fingers, a maid came over and presented an opened envelope. Ghost quirked a brow under his mask as he took it. Opening it revealed the original letter that was reported to Laswell. The one that he’s already seen with his 141 team. Handwritten, black ink, very articulated. The letter detailed how the royal family would burn down along with their palace. That the princess will be kidnapped and tortured if they didn’t get what they wanted, which was power to control the country. 
Ghost sighed, feeling like he got the short end of the stick on this mission. The entire 141 was working on this case. However, Ghost was the one stuck with babysitting duty while the rest of the guys got to experience all of the action. They were off investigating while he was sitting on a velvet couch in the grandest office he has ever seen. 
“That’s all we have for now to physically show you. The only other concern is the graffiti that has been popping up around the city.” The king explained calmly as a different maid brought over a manilla folder full of pictures. Pictures depicted a graffiti crow on various different buildings. They weren’t murals, but the symbols were prominent enough to be noticed. 
“A crow is a symbol of misfortune and death. A bad omen, wouldn’t you agree?” The queen spoke up, taking a slow sip of her tea as she tried to read the lieutenant’s reaction. It was impossible to do so with his mask. 
“Where is the princess right now?” He inquired. It seemed odd that you didn’t come in with your parents. He figured that they would want you right by their side at all times if they were really concerned about the threats. 
The king and queen stood as if on a cue. The king gestured for Ghost to do the same. “Our daughter is in one of the studies waiting to meet you. For her sake, please refrain from bringing up the letter and graffiti. We don’t want to startle her more than what has already been done.”
Ghost gave a curt nod before following your parents to the study where you stayed. The way they spoke about you, you seemed more like a caged bird rather than their beloved daughter. It unsettled the lieutenant, but perhaps it was just the consequence of formality. They wouldn’t have reached out to the United States for help if they didn’t care after all.
Once they approached the door, the guards saluted and opened it up. Beyond the doors was the most ornate office Ghost has ever seen. Once his eyes settled on you, you were the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen. 
Every hair on your head was in place with the help of maids. There were no wrinkles in your dress and no stains in sight. Your makeup was light and only flattered your features. The gems on your necklace complimented your bright eyes. Ghost was almost at a loss for words. When you stood up and curtsied to greet them, he could feel his heart beat against his ribs.
“Good evening.” You simply greeted, your tone polite as ever as a princess should be. 
“Sweetheart, this is going to be your personal bodyguard from now on. He’s going to keep you safe, no matter where you go. Isn’t that wonderful?” Your mother gave a sickly sweet smile, her efforts to meet the status quo seeming a little more forced as she interacted with you.
You definitely knew that something was wrong now. You may have been a confined princess, but you weren’t stupid. However, you decided to refrain from asking what the trouble was. It wasn’t appropriate. Not with your parents watching you.
For now, you focused on the news that you were now going to have a bodyguard. Your eyes shifted towards the large man. Muscles clearly defined under his shirt, posture straight and strong, mask hiding his identity. Compared to him, you were much smaller and much weaker. It intimidated you a bit. It made you hesitant to accept him. However, there were expectations to meet, regardless of how you truly felt.
“Princess Y/n. It is a pleasure to meet you.” You softly spoke as you gave another sweet curtsy towards him. 
He quirked a brow. You were taking this awfully well. A part of him expected some more push-back. He honestly expected you to be a spoiled brat. Yet, here you were, taking everything in stride for now. You knew how to compose yourself better than he expected. “Lieutenant Ghost. I’ll be keeping you safe. For me to do that, there’s going to be some changes.”
You looked to your parents, looking for the explanation for this change. There was not even a bat of the eye as they faked their smiles. “You will still complete your studies as a princess should. Attend the parties as needed to keep up appearances as well.”
Ghost shook his head, authority taking over his baritone voice. “Negative. The princess will not be attending any more parties. Doing so could risk her safety.”
Something was definitely wrong. Your eyes widened at the news. A part of you, though, was celebrating. No more parties? Would your parents really accept this? The sudden shock on their faces morphed into strained smiles, telling you that they weren’t going to accept this so easily. The king cleared his throat. “Lieutenant, it is very important for the princess to still make appearances. It is essential for her.”
Ghost looked at you all of a sudden, wondering how you felt about this change compared to your parents’ obvious protest. You tried to remain unreadable, not wanting to set either party off with your personal opinion. If you had the choice, though, you would sacrifice the parties. They were more for your parents than they were for you anyway.
Ghost sighed in slight frustration. Normally, he was excellent at reading people. He did it all the time with new recruits, enemies, and his team. Their poker faces were nothing compared to yours. “One party if absolutely necessary. No longer than an hour. Just to keep up appearances.”
You bit the inside of your cheek, holding back your disappointment. Well, at least you weren’t expected to be present during the entirety of your parents’ showing off. “Understood, Lieutenant Ghost.”
At least your parents seemed happier with the compromise. Your mother grinned brightly. “Wonderful! Give him the princess’s schedule!”
Your butler hurried over and gave Ghost your schedule. He nearly stumbled back with how packed it was. Piano lessons, dance lessons, tea times, dress fittings, and independent study went on and on for pages and pages. Did you have any time to yourself besides sleep?
“The show must go on! If you have any questions or procedures to discuss, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We hope that you two get along well.” The queen concluded, eager to leave the room so that she could go on with her own daily life. The king followed close behind as they left the room, leaving you and your bodyguard to get to know each other.
You didn’t mind being civil, but you doubted that he would try to get to know you. He simply didn’t seem like the type to stray away from his responsibilities for anything. For now, you silently went back to your seat to finish up tea time. Ghost stood awkwardly for a moment before finding his own place to settle. Leaning against the stone wall, he examined you further.
The way you held your teacup was gentle. Your dress draped against your legs like a smooth waterfall. The way you looked out the window was melancholic. After a few minutes, you spoke up, curiosity getting the better of you. “Why are you my new bodyguard, Lieutenant Ghost?”
Ghost didn’t expect your question. He hardly even knew what you meant when you asked it. Still, he kept his cool as he dug further. It wasn’t like there was any malice in your tone. In fact, your tone was nothing but innocent. “What do you mean? Are you asking me why I took the job?”
You shook your head, staring into your teacup once again as you got a little shy. Lieutenant Ghost wouldn’t report your conversations to your parents, would he? But, you had to know. “Is my life in serious danger?”
Behind the mask, Ghost’s mouth was partially opened with shock. His body grew tense as he realized what was really going on. “They haven’t told you, have they?”
“My parents can be. . . protective. Their priority to maintain normalcy can cause them to make certain judgments in regards to my life.” You subtly worded, fearing that the guards outside were listening to what you were saying. Hopefully, Ghost would understand what you meant.
Thankfully, he did. Now more than before, you really did seem like a caged bird. You deserve the truth. “Your parents received a threatening letter from a terrorist organization. They seem to be after your life in order to manipulate your parents. I serve under Task Force 141 that specializes in missions like this. The rest of my team is investigating the organization while I am to protect you personally.”
Your grip around your teacup tightened slightly as you learned the truth. It seemed that your intuition was correct. This was a serious problem. You swallowed your new fears down hard before proceeding as normal. “Thank you for your honesty, Lieutenant.”
Ghost sympathized with you as he finally saw a shred of how you really felt about this entire situation. His perception of who he was protecting was completely wrong. You were no brat or clueless royalty with too much time and money on your precious princess hands. You were sharp. You were polite. You were obedient. It made him want to know the real you.
He knew that he shouldn’t get closer than what was necessary. Yet, the anxious look in your beautiful eyes as you stared out the window made him want to provide you with some comfort. Some way to break the ice while also doing his job. He opted for a simple conversation about your daily schedule. “What’s independent study for you?”
“It’s my time to study what I wish within reason. Any subject that I may find interesting as long as it is appropriate for a princess.” You delicately explained, putting everything as nice as possible.
All Ghost heard was that you were restricted from real knowledge. However, it wasn’t his place to make a comment on it. It didn’t matter if he didn’t find it fair. You were a princess and you obviously took your responsibilities, fair or not, seriously. He gave a simple hum in acknowledgment for the time being on that matter. “What are you studying?”
You looked at Ghost curiously, wondering how much of this was just workplace conversation and how much of this was genuine attempts at knowing you. The way Ghost looked at you with such resolute, cold eyes made you shiver. Something told you that this was his usual look. “I’m studying many things at the moment that would be proper for me to know.”
It seemed like subtle and vague answers were the only things he was going to get out of you, but he already picked up on the fact that you didn’t do this to be cold towards him. The tone you carried was careful. Gentle. You didn’t want to say anything that could get you in trouble. Simon knew what that was like.
The conversation was dropped for the time being. It seemed like your physical being wasn’t the only thing he had to protect. Your social reputation was at stake as well. Respecting that, he focused back on guarding you. Not without noticing every little thing about you though.
You stole glances at him every so often as well as you sipped your tea. The more you looked at him, the more he intrigued you. You’ve never had a guard that had his build. You’ve never even seen someone with tattoos in person before. He stood out against the pristine white around the palace. A shadow in the light. You were curious about what he looked like under the mask.
The rest of the night proceeded as normal save for your new shadow. You were ushered by your butler to your routine lessons, Ghost always close behind. He stayed silent throughout it all, but observant. You did feel like he was watching your every move. While you were used to being heavily monitored, having Ghost be the one observing you made you more nervous than normal. Music lessons, dance lessons, and studying didn’t go as smoothly as you made more mistakes under the pressure. For some reason, you wanted to impress him like you were one of his newest soldiers. 
Ghost thought nothing of it as you did what you had to do. In reality, he found your abilities to be quite impressive, mistakes or not. He did chalk it up to him being an intimidating presence. Despite it, he could tell that you were skilled. 
When bedtime rolled around, he followed into your room. A grand room with a king, white canopy bed, cherry-wood antique furniture, and large, arched windows leading to a balcony. The windows were the second problem that Ghost needed to address if he wanted to keep you safe. “You can’t sleep in here. It would be too easy to-”
Meeting your eyes made him pause. You waited patiently for him to finish as he was going to say, prepared to take the steps necessary to ensure that the next change would be as smooth as possible. Looking at you, though, Ghost saw a pretty woman that he needed to be more gentle towards. Less explicit in language. You were already afraid for your life. He didn’t want to make that anxiety worse for you.
“Is there another room in the palace that has less open windows?” He asked cautiously, minding his words this time. 
You appreciated his careful consideration, feeling more and more safe with him as he made decisions to protect you. “I believe there is. I can sleep there tonight.”
He followed you to another room in the palace that was away from any windows. He nearly sighed in relief as the new bedroom was windowless, smaller, and much more comfortable to be in. The bed was still massive and the antique furniture was polished, but the warmer palette of the decor made the room feel less like a museum display. 
You felt better too as you looked around the cozy room. The windows in your usual bedroom just reminded you of what you couldn’t have. Though, your anxiety grew as you realized that Ghost was still within the room. Your cheeks grew a subtle pink as you chose your words with precision. “I would like to get ready for bed. Is it necessary for you to be here while I do?”
“Well. . .” Ghost thought carefully, trying to make the best decision here. After a few seconds, he determined that you needed your privacy. He was already invading it enough by being your personal bodyguard. With an accepting, silent nod, he stepped out of the room while you changed into pajamas. A few maid staff passed by, gawking at the lieutenant. A glare was enough to have them scurry on their way.
While you changed, you thought about Ghost. About his real personality, his job, his friends. What kind of work does he normally do? Has he ever killed someone? It certainly seemed like he’s gotten into his fair share of fights from the scars you have seen on his arms. Was he dreading this job? At times, you thought that you could see him get antsy while waiting for you. You probably wouldn’t like waiting on a princess either if you were in his shoes. 
Once you were changed into your silky pajamas, you knocked on the door. “Lieutenant? I’m all dressed. You could come in now.”
Swiftly, he came in. For a second, he admired the way you looked in your pajamas. You looked so much more comfortable. The way you were letting down your hair in front of the vanity had him gulp too. “I won’t be watching you sleep all night. Just until you fall asleep, and then I’ll wait outside the door.”
“What about your sleep?” You asked, tilting your head to the side. The way his arms were crossed over his broad chest made you shrink within yourself a bit. 
“I’m used to not sleeping. I don’t usually sleep well either. Don’t worry about me, princess.” He responded bluntly, putting some more personal distance between the two of you. He would be lying if your concern over his own time didn’t make him melt a little though. 
“I see. My apologies, but I am unsure that I will be able to fall asleep quickly tonight. You might be waiting for a while.” You honestly admitted, feeling the anxious pit in your stomach begin to swallow you like a blackhole. You already felt enough like a burden to the maids and butlers with how strictly your parents had them wait on you. 
Ghost shook his head, noticing how lightly you scrunch your brows in concern. How you nervously bit a tiny part of your bottom lip. Subtle behaviors that no one would notice if they weren’t truly paying attention. You were so different from what he was expecting when he was first told that he would be guarding a princess. “It’s fine. This is my job.”
You turned away from your reflection in the mirror to look at Ghost. Your heart skipped a beat as you noticed how blue his eyes were. Such a deep, oceanic blue that held so many secrets. He stared right back at you, noticing how your worries couldn’t be quelled with just two simple sentences. Finally, he was able to read you.
“If it will help, you can talk to me until you fall asleep. Anything you want. I promise that I won’t tell the king and queen.” He offered, taking a seat on the Victorian-styled couch that was at the foot of the bed. 
His offer came as a complete surprise to you. You didn’t expect him to be so kind. You have learned long ago that there was a difference between being civil and genuinely kind. Ghost was being nice, which felt like a rarity given his outward personality. Quickly, you finished getting ready for bed. Once you were cozy underneath the cotton covers, Ghost turned off the main light. The small lamp on your nightstand stayed on, allowing a comfortable dim to illuminate the otherwise dark room.
An awkward silence fell between the two of you as you tried to think about what to talk about. There was still a fear in you that he would tell your parents, but Ghost didn’t seem like the type to break his promises. Besides that, you never really talked about yourself before. No one has ever been interested in what you liked and disliked. Not that you had a lot of experiences with how your parents kept you in the palace and filtered what you could learn. However, that wasn’t to say that you were curious enough to find a way to learn anyways. At the very least, you had plenty of questions about the outside. 
“For my independent study, I am focusing on classicism art. At least. . . that is what my parents think. I. . . I have been studying other things in secret. My handmaiden sneaks new books into the library for me sometimes if she can.” You confessed, feeling a weight of your chest as you admitted your truth. You didn’t like lying and sneaking around in secret. While you loved new knowledge, you still carried that weight with you.
Ghost listened carefully to your confession. His back was turned towards you, a comfortable thing for you since you weren’t keen on the idea of someone watching you fall asleep. It was enough for him to just sit at the foot of your bed. 
“What new books have you read?” He inquired, wondering what sorts of books a princess could possibly want to read in secret. 
You took a deep breath, feeling your cheeks flush as you admitted more of your secrets. Without interruption, he let you speak. He listened to your voice that lowered into a pleasant whisper when you told him about all the books you were reading and wanted to read. A couple of times, he couldn’t help but crack a smirk at some of your opinions that were refreshingly assertive. 
It didn’t take long for him to hear you start dozing. It started with quieter words morphing into sweet slurs. As soon as he heard your steady, deep breaths, he silently got up and left the room. Standing guard in front of the door, he contacted his team by phone to give an update. 
“Lieutenant, how is she?” Captain Price cut to the chase, his voice low as he investigated matters on his side.
“She’s. . .” Ghost began before trailing off. He had to think about the right words to use. 
“She's a spoiled rotten princess?” Another voice came through. The chuckle was no doubt Soap.
“Honestly, no. She’s a princess, but she’s anything but rotten.” He finally admitted, keeping his voice quiet since the halls seemed to echo. 
There was another laugh before the captain cleared his throat, regaining authority. “I’m glad that she is much more pleasant to deal with than what was expected. Just be careful not to get too personal. I know you will be around each other a lot, but the mission is our priority.”
“Of course, Captain.” Ghost promised, wondering if this particular promise would be easy to keep or not. 
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sparklingself · 2 years
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the outside world isn’t yours to control. of course, you are in control, but you are doing anything else but taking control, if you try to force it. let go of control. stop blaming yourself for the unpleasantries you encounter. yes, it’s all you, but blaming isn’t going to take you anywhere. you’re just inflicting more punishments on yourself. instead of asking “why is this happening to me?”, ask “why am i in a reality (state) where this is happening to me?” the difference between the two questions is 1. is victimising yourself, blaming yourself, putting yourself into a position of hopelessness and 2. , on the other hand, is putting yourself in the position of having the power to choose.
how enjoyable your life is - it is all entirely your doing. if you’re imagining and not enjoying, then what are you doing? stressing if you’ve actually done everything right isn’t productive. because you’re God. God doesn’t need a rulebook, he makes the rules.
Our God is in heaven; he does whatever pleases him. - Psalm 115:3
stop trying so hard to change the outside. just focus within, because that is where you can do anything you want.
And you may say, "But I want to experience them here in the world." That right there, is your problem. Focusing the attention on the outside. There is so much relief by understanding the outside, no matter what it is, it will fade away and reflect. - Edward Art
the thing is, if you’re imagining and then you’re looking for it in the outside, then you’re doing it wrong. imagine, because it’s enjoyable. because you can. you’ll receive it in the outer world anyway, you don’t have to worry about that. you’re not actually imagining to get the thing you want, you’re imagining because you want to experience the emotions. and guess what? you can experience them now. and they’re just as real and as justified as the ones that are triggered by the outside. stop the endless cycle of depending on the outside to control the inner.
think about your successes. why did they happen? it wasn’t because you affirmed enough, or you thought about it enough. it was most likely, because you let it be. you maybe forgot about it and then it appeared. you assumed, felt it and then let it be. so let it be and have confidence.
why is it so hard to just “let it be” sometimes? because you’re making the desire so big. but it’s not. it’s tiny compared to you. the desire of eating your favourite food today and being the richest person in the world is the same. they’re both tiny. make yourself the one who is grand and great, not the desire.
to end this post, a contemplative exercise by Edward Art:
Treat it like a experiment.
Lay down or sit in a chair and be comfortable.
I want you to tell yourself this, or word it they way you want to, "I am allowed to completely let go of the outside world. I do not need to focus on others or what is happening out there. I only need to focus what is happening in here. If I feel satisfied in here, then I am. I will identify myself with my inner self. I no longer have to control the outside to but my inner. My desires are so easily achievable within myself. It brings me much relief knowing I can let the outside go, and only focus on changing myself. "
Say it once of a few times. Really focus on the relief you feel from not having to control the outside.
From here, imagine feeling satisfied or accomplished. Then ask yourself, "What would it feel like if I was who I wanted to be?" Then feel it, enjoy that feeling and know that you are NOW it. You do not need any more confirmation. That is final.
After you feel all of that, come out of contemplation and simply be neutral or feel more confident in yourself.
Only look within from here on out. Do not care about the outside. It will conform, even if it seems like it won't, it will. You will be in positions that will confirm what you have done. You will be in a position that will trigger your memory of what you have done within.
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windblume-wishes · 4 months
This story is based on this art by the fabulous @icedkappe ! Please do give them a follow!! Their art is PHENOMENAL!!
Permission to write this fic was granted by the artist!
𝕃𝕖𝕥’𝕤 𝕤𝕖𝕖 𝕟𝕠𝕨, 𝕀 𝕓𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕖𝕧𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕥𝕒𝕝𝕖 𝕘𝕠𝕖𝕤 𝕒 𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖 𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖…
Lilia Vanrouge and Silver - Sleeping Beauty Sleeps On
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Silver, Age 3 - Many Years Ago…
Life in the woods was a peaceful life, quiet and happy for what seemed like everyday for Lilia and his precious son. Everyday was practically filled with sunshine, laughter, and endless smiles from his beautiful little boy. Nothing could ever go wrong- or at least that is what Lilia thought, after all, how could one simply slip past him and his watchful eyes and incredible senses? Certainly no one would dare enter his territory without expecting severe consequences for their actions. He was a father, naturally he was on high alert for his toddler’s safety.
Though, nothing could ever have prepared him for the fright that was to unfold before his eyes…
As he stood at the kitchen counter preparing himself some tea, Silver played happily on the rug by the fireplace still happily in his night clothes looking cozy that chilly February morning. Lilia was in no rush, it was to be a slow day with snow and light winter weather so he had no need to quickly change Silver to his day clothes and prep the child for the outdoors, for now it was more than alright to keep the little one indoors all cozy by the fire.
Silver was an energetic boy, always happy to wake up and greet the day and be the most sunshine filled child Lilia had ever seen. He was normally a ball of energy, little sleepiness inside him, other than at nap time or bedtime- however, that was about to change and Lilia’s whole world was about to shatter.
The child hummed a small tune he heard many a time from his father’s lullabies as he coloured, Lilia smiled, only turning away for a second to pour the kettle until silence was all he heard… then a thud. A loud thud.
Lilia froze, blood running colder than the winter air outside the cottage, the old fae turned around to see his once happy toddler now laying on the ground still… deadly still. He wasted no time in running to his fallen child, praying to any devine being above that his baby was alright.
“Silver?! SILVER?! ANSWER ME!” Lilia yelled frantically as he checked the child over for a pulse- there was a pulse and some small, deep breaths… he was alive but asleep… how? Silver showed no signs of sleepiness before… “SILVER?! SILVER?!” WAKE UP, CHILD!”
No response… only a sleepy exhale and a twitch from the sleeping boy. Lilia panicked, what could have caused this? How could his very awake child suddenly pass out without warning? Silver was just fed his breakfast, no possible way it could have been from lack of food and low blood sugar levels- was it exhaustion? No, it could not be that either… Silver slept as soundly as ever that night, no waking up from a nightmare or an accident, no cries or anything of the sort.
A small yawn left the boy’s lips as he stretched adorably from his sleep, waking up slowly and opening his aurora eyes to greet his frightened father who had tears in his eyes.
“Hmm…? Papa? Papa, what’s wrong? You okay?” The tiny boy asks sleepily, reaching up to lovingly pat his father’s face with his tiny hand. “You okay now, I’m here.”
Lilia could not hold back, he embraced his still sleepy child and held him tightly to his frame. In all his many years of life and experiences of the horrors of war and suffering he had never been more frightened in his life. The sight of his own son, his baby, on the floor appearing as if he were kissed by death itself sent him into a fearful state he had never experienced before.
“My baby… I thought I lost you… oh my baby, my baby boy… you frightened this old man so.” Lilia felt a tear escape his eye, he carefully picked up his son and walked to their favourite rocking chair by the fireplace.
“But- but I’m okay… I sleepy though…” Silver yawned. “Dunno why I’m so sleepy, papa… wanna take a nap now…”
Lilia could not help but crack a smile at his little one’s remark and his adorable sleepy whine. “Alright, just a short nap, alright? Then it’s straight to the doctors office, young man. You cannot be frightening papa here, I love you too much.”
Silver giggled sleepily and then fell right to sleep with his head resting on his father’s heart. The elder fae only held his son closer, trying not to break down in tears again. For the first time ever he feared his child sleeping, what if he never awakened from his slumber? What if he…
No, no, he must not think such awful scenarios. His baby was fine, he was fast asleep cradled in his arms where he should be.
“Great Sevens above, please do not take my child from me… do not take my baby… anything but my baby…”
Silver, Age 17 - Present Day…
Classes finished that crisp fall evening and all students were ready for a restful Friday night after a week of hard work and dedication. Midterms were over and everyone was finally feeling the need to unwind and relax. In Diasomnia, many of the boys were finding the time to watch television and keep up with their favourite series, read, learn a new card game, or simply try their hardest not to get food poisoning from a certain Vice Housewarden…
Malleus and Sebek were learning to play a new board game in the lounge when Silver sleepily walked past them and up the staircase to his bedroom. New book in hand, he wanted to attempt to get some much needed reading done before classes started back up on Monday morning. He loved to read, and it just so happened that the literature planned for history was a beloved tale from the Briar Valley about the Sleeping Princess and the Knightly Prince. This was a story he knew well, after all, his father or Malleus would read it to him before bed. The story of true love awakening a fair princess made his heart soar and a soft blush appear on his face.
‘I’m oddly sleepy again…’ the silver haired boy sighed to himself. ‘I just have to try and keep myself awake for as long as possible so I can try and get ahead of the upcoming assignments…’
The sleepiness was definitely not going away. Not anytime soon that is.
Silver opened the bedroom door and sat at his desk, book in hand and began to read….
3… 2…1…. Out comes the snores.
Nope! Not now! Silver jolted himself awake and shook his head like a puppy who got itself wet. He placed the book face down and patted his face a bit in an attempt to keep awake- though, he knew it would probably not get him very far it was still worth a shot. Silver sighed and closed the book, there was no way he would get anywhere near his goal with this drowsy spell so he pulled out his worksheets for Crewel’s class and started to work on those instead.
‘Perhaps the story is making me sleepier because it used to be my bedtime story as a child… hmm, yeah, that must be it. Bedtime stories would make anyone… sleepy… Zzzzzz…’
Silver slumped forward and began to drift off into a deep sleep, much deeper than one of his regular naps. His arm lay limp above where his head rested and his other arm as a pillow. He was still, too still… his breathing slowed and his body became heavy. Sleep had claimed him once more, earning yet another victory over Silver.
Silver began to enter the dream world, stepping fully away from the world outside his closed eyes and into a world where anything was possible, even the impossible was possible. Perhaps even in the dream world his father would become a better cook, he wondered many a times in his dreams.
Soon enough, that very father appeared in his bedroom with a suspicious bowl of what he called mushroom risotto, smiling happily at treating his handsome son to a healthy and nutritious dinner.
“Silver! I made your favourite! Mushroom Risotto~ with some add-ins of course~! Very nutritious!” Lilia paused, his eyes falling onto the slumped over figure of his son laying at his desk, homework scattered under him.
“Oh dear, asleep again? Wakey wakey, sleepyhead! Time to eat~!”
No response… once more his son lay before him unresponsive and still, deathly still…
“Nothing hm? Still.. why.. why am I…?” Lilia began to tremble violently, his breath gasping, he reached a trembling hand forward towards his son but nothing- he could not touch him. He froze in his place.
“Deep breaths, deep breaths… calm down… this is not the first time this has happened. Why on earth am I shaking?” The ancient fae began to take deep breaths, trying his hardest not to hyperventilate, he had to remain strong for his son, for Silver…
“That’s right… this is not the first time this has happened. I must check his- no… it’s not the…”
Lilia’s panics ceased at the sound of a sleepy whine and a shuffle coming from the boy, Silver was waking up.
Oh thank the sevens! His boy was alive!
“Hmm…? How long was I… out…?” Silver stared into his father’s now fear filled eyes, concern now flooded through him, perhaps something happened when he was asleep?
Lilia leaped forward, tackling Silver into a tight hug, a hug he could feel his father trembling.
“I’m okay, father… we are okay…”
Lilia shook his head, sighing softly, “No, no we are most certainly not! You frightened me terribly again, young man! Once more I think it’s time I drag you to the doctor to make sure you are really alright… but before that I made you dinner~ best eat up now, dear!”
Silver eyed the bowl of suspicious mushroom risotto and then to his father nodding. Oh how he prayed that he would survive this round of culinary war crimes- and by the looks of the mushrooms in the dish he was thankful to be going to the doctors soon after.
“I asked that lovely young man in Octavinelle for some of his home grown mushrooms, he seemed so happy to share his lovely little fungi with me~ kufufufufu~!”
Oh great sevens above… help him survive this…
“T-thank you, father…”
“Of course! Oh and that reminds me, I will be spending the night here with you~ I cannot leave my baby after he scared the absolute crap out of me! So I’ll be here all night~! Lullabies included, dear~!”
I really had fun writing this fic for @icedkappe ! Thank you for letting me write this fanfic based on your beautiful art! BEAUTE~!! 100 POINTS~!!
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murkycran · 1 month
Staticmoth/Voxval Fic Rec List
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Welcome to my Staticmoth/Voxval Fic Rec List! :D
I will keep updating this periodically as I read more fics, so feel free to check back every once and a while! I'll reblog it when I update it, plus make a note with the date at the top. Trust me, this is by no means a complete list; there's fics I still want to add to this that I just haven't gotten to yet. I just decided to go ahead and post it anyways, because if I kept waiting until I ran out of fics to rec I'd probably be working on this forever.
These are not in any particular order; I'm going by both my Bookmarks list on AO3 and my memory of fics I forgot to bookmark. I also tried to make notes on what fics were written before season 1 released, but I might have missed some, so keep that in mind.
Please let me know if any links don't work!
✨Before you proceed:✨ read the tags on these fics if you decide to read them. Many of them have heavy material - no surprise given the fandom, but still, felt like this needed said. On that note, there's also fics with explicit material and some fics are straight up PWP. Again, read at your own risk/heed the tags.
Fic Rec List Masterpost
Radiostatic Fic Rec List
Misc. Vox Fic Rec List
Freak-A-Zoid by Femalefonzie
Summary: A shortage of suppressants in Hell means that Vox is going to be enduring a heat for the first time in years. Who better than the Vees' resident pimp to help him through it? Afterall, the last thing they need is for someone to complicate the situation with "feelings" and Val was the best at keeping love and lust separate. Until now.
TLDR; Valentino plays himself.
Notes: SO FUCKING FUNNY. Cannot read this in public bc I laughed too much. Val and Vox are both idiots. Perhaps the most human depiction of them that I've seen, especially during sex. Neither of them are suave or coordinated, but by god are they trying.
system takeover by Subedarling
Summary: Velvette has never been the type to play hero. But when a mysterious new player enacts a dangerous plot to usurp the Vees' power, taking her two idiots hostage in the process, that's exactly where she finds herself. Now she has no choice but to go on an impromptu rescue mission, maintain the facade that everything is fine to the outside world, and prove why she's the backbone of the Vees—and she hasn't even had her morning coffee yet.
Vox and Val are going to owe her so hard after this.
Notes: Technically Velvette-centric but I'm including it anyway bc it does have Staticmoth; found family. She's so badass in this, I love it. The Staticmoth is very sweet. :3
even if i quit there's not a chance in hell i'd stop by Subedarling
Summary: Valentino stretches his arms over his head as he enters the kitchen, yawning. His robe is hanging loosely around him, and God, if Vox were to run his hand down his chest he could probably count all his ribs. He stops short when he sees the plates waiting for him on the counter. His eyes narrow. “The hell is this?”
“You know, most people would say thank you when their partner makes them breakfast,” Vox says dryly.
Notes: Very tender. A good kind of hurt. Deals with ED.
Parvulus by Heliosolar
Summary: Vox woke up to something... unusual. Terrifying, even. He calls Valentino, desperate for the help.
Valentino is, of course, irresponsible, and Vox is exhausted.
He just wanted to get through the day like normal, why did this have to happen?
Notes: Written before season 1. The art of Tiny Vox is not linked, but I've seen it before and it is SO CUTE. If anyone has a link, please share with me so I can link it here!
A Wager of Desire by Heliosolar
Summary: Valentino and Vox have a small dispute over something meaningless, so they make a bet.
Vox has to last an entire dinner while at Valentino's mercy.
What could go wrong?
Notes: Written before season 1 release. One of the first Staticmoth fics I read. :)
Venenum by Heliosolar
Summary: During an uneventful meeting, Vox makes the mistake of stealing a drink from Valentino.
Notes: Written before season 1 release.
Getting Railed (By Child Support) by Charnel_Goat, spappest
Summary: The female of several species can store sperm for many years prior to using it to fertilize her eggs. As it turns out, spider trains do this too.
Decades after their romantic fallout, Overlord Choo Choo Charles is knocking on Val's door to demand he take responsibility for the results. By way of kidnapping his boyfriend to lure him to his den.
Notes: One of the crackiest fics I've ever read. Vox is an idiot with a horrible sense of self-preservation and Val fucks a spider train without birth control. Just...read it, okay? I literally cannot think about this fic without giggling like an idiot every time.
Beautiful Monster by IceBlueButterfly
Summary: “You’re late,” is the first thing that comes out of Vox’s mouth.
That sharp smile somehow grows wider.
“I believe the term is ‘fashionably late’ baby,” a smooth voice with a light Spanish accent replies.
Which… okay if Vox is being honest, is kind of hot.
Screen heating up a little more, Vox shoots a bored look.
“Or just late,” he snips back. “Oh well,” he claps his hands. “Doesn’t matter, you ready to get down to business?”
“Oh baby,” a bright gleam in even brighter eyes, “I’m always ready to get down.”
Vox is already regretting this decision.
OR Moments in time throughout Vox and Val's relationship. Vox may have no idea what the moth demon will bring to his life, but neither does Val.
Notes: A very nice exploration of how Vox and Valentino's relationship evolves.
Only a Shadow by passthevoxcord
Summary: Vox shows up on the hotel’s doorstep with no memory of how he got there or who he is. They agree to house and heal him, and slowly but surely he finds joy in becoming better. Then Valentino shows up and is forced to choose between self-altering addiction and the closest he’s ever come to love.
Meanwhile, Velvette has a new potion brewing, one that will grant her more power than the Vees ever had. Only Vox and Val can stop her, but will goodness really overcome evil? Or will they be only a shadow of their former selves?
Notes: The Voxval is currently toxic and only just now being touched on in Chapter 9 of the fic; I say 'currently' because the author explains in the AN of the first chapter that both Vox and Val will go through some "self-discovery and healing". Seriously, just read it. It's very good!!
You Found Me by passthevoxcord
Summary: Long before Velvette came along, it was just them. Vox and Valentino. Valentino and Vox.
Notes: Includes some interesting headcanons for Vox and Val.
Virtual Reality by passthevoxcord
Summary: Vox gets tired of his cybernetic biology being a barrier to his sex life, so he starts a new project to fuck Valentino in VR. Val will try anything once, but he has something else in mind.
Notes: Surprisingly sweet. ^_^
Muted by passthevoxcord
Summary: Val helps a nonverbal Vox deal with sensory overload.
Notes: Sweet and tender. :)
Freaky Friday by passthevoxcord
Summary: Vox and Val wake up stuck in the other’s body, but it’s no big deal because they both know how easy the other has it. Right?
Notes: Written before season 1 release. Sweet take on the different challenges Vox and Val face in their daily lives.
Something Akin To Love Series by Awesome_Possum
Summary: Vox's taste in partners is delightfully self-destructive and that's an itch Valentino is more than happy to scratch.
It's not safe or sane, and whether or not it's technically consensual is heavily up to interpretation, but what they have is probably something akin to love.
A collection of StaticMoth fics set in generally the same continuity.
Valentino is awful and Vox is unfortunately really really into that because a control freak in the streets is a masochist in the sheets.
Notes: Has 2 parts, both very much worth reading. Very funny, lol. Vox is in a hell of his own making but enjoying it at the same time.
Update Prescription by innerfray
Summary: Vox tricks Valentino into getting his eyes checked. They're forced to confront the nature of their partnership.
Notes: One of my favorite Staticmoth oneshots. Felt like an interesting take on Val's blindness. Angst so good...
Like Moth to a Flame (Or to a Bright Blue Screen) by datweirdo
Summary: Valentino is a moth after all
Notes: Cute and funny!!! "You fucking murdered him" lmao
30 Decibels by Shortsighted_Owl
Summary: Somewhere, under the low humming of the monitors, the quiet gurgling of replacement coolant being piped into Vox body, a new noise - dry, yet somehow viscerally wet, and so very soft - made itself known, but only just.
And Valentino almost missed it. - After a fight with Alastor, Valentino watches vigil over Vox’s broken form.
(What if Vox still has organic vocal cords, and after a fight with Alastor, the synthesiser he uses to amplify his voice is destroyed. What if Valentino hears Vox’s real voice for the first time?)
Notes: Heed the tags, there is in fact body horror lol. Sweet but mildly horrific. <3
Priest, mailman, cruise captain or chef? by Destabilize
Summary: Inspired by Vox's outfits in Stayed Gone - Val and Vox try out some kinky stuff with a priest outfit, to mixed success.
Ah ha!” Val squealed with delight, wine glass drained and thrown on a sofa, “This!” Val was standing proudly by the wardrobe holding up a long red robe with a hat and some kind of sash. Vox scowled, “Is that a fucking priest outfit?”
“Si! Isn’t it fun- it’s in your colors too!”
“You wanna be a priest?”
“No baby! You be a priest and I can,” Val sidled up and leaned down, puffing some smoke in Vox’s face, snaking an arm around his waist, “lead you astray...”
Notes: Surprisingly cute and funny! Vox fails epically at roleplay and it is hilarious.
riding out the drop by spoondrifts
Summary: Like he’d said before, killing Alastor was Vox’s kink, not his. He had been prepared to sit back and enjoy the temporary chaos until Vox got over himself.
What he hadn’t accounted for was the possibility that Vox was exactly as obsessive, bitter, and desperate for Alastor’s acknowledgement now as he had been seven years ago. Distance hadn’t made the heart grow fonder: distance had made a highly detailed revenge scrapbook complete with a conspiracy corkboard done up in red string.
Or: Valentino gets fed up with Vox's fixation on the radio demon. They fuck about it.
Notes: Features (sex favorable) asexual!Vox! :D (I lowkey headcanon him as ace ever since the "better than sex" comment)
Featherstone by spoondrifts
Summary: “To me,” Vox told the baby, “it seems like bad parenting to leave your helpless kid for a whole month with two unstable psychopaths and their parole officer. But hey. Who am I to judge.”
No intelligent reply was forthcoming.
Or: not-so accidental baby acquisition, starring the three least responsible idiots this side of the Pentagram.
Notes: Big Vees as family vibes. Wish so desperately this was canon.
vark attack by tarltonnnnn
Summary: Valentino has to petsit Vark for a day. Chaos ensues.
Notes: Written before season 1 release. Vark is a big dumb (and very cute) baby.
Unplugged by pinkpunchy
Summary: Vox looks like he’s going to vomit. Valentino frowns.
“For the one who suggested this, you’re being a real pussy.”
“Fuck you! Just give me a sec.” Vox spits out, muttering darkly as he adjusts his shoulders on the pillows, trying to arrange his body for the moment he loses all function. Valentino, despite his impulsive nature, waits patiently. His manicured nails drag along the spot where cable and port connect, thumb smoothing up and down the flat surface surrounding it. Vox’s breath is coming faster now, not slower, something Valentino is tuned into as naturally as his own breathing.
A large hand grasps a corner of Vox’s screen, tilting it up and putting an immediate stop to his fidgeting. Valentino smiles, red eyes narrowed to slits.
“Do you trust me?”
Notes: Sex as a...trust exercise? Lol I'm joking, but seriously. Sweet and hot at the same time.
Electric Desires: Lust, Power, and Unspoken Longings in Hell by Dani69696969
Summary: Vox is starting to get fed up with Angel Dust being the only thing Val talks about when Vox is right there, ripe for the taking. Inspired by Vox looking happy that Angel might have quit in Episode 2.
Notes: Very sweet. Plot with porn. :)
The Art of Pimping by MarenRose
Summary: Desperate to close a deal with one of the most lucrative investors in Pride, Vox does the unthinkable and pimps out Valentino for a one-time date. What could go wrong?
Notes: Vox's jealousy and possessiveness really brings out his stalker side in this lmao. Vox is a little pathetic and that makes his jealousy all the more funny to me. :D
Welcome to VoxTek Enterprises! by MarenRose
Summary: Subsequently, Valentino, of all people, has become the office’s saving grace.
(A series of VoxVal ficlets through the eyes of Vox’s assistant)
Notes: Pretty funny! Vox's assistants are really going through it. One of the tags is "Imagine being happy to see Valentino" lol.
(Fic rec list to be continued)
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pxnsneverland · 1 year
Beauty and the Boss | austin!elvis x oc (part 9)
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plot summary: Laura Jean Walker is the daughter to Louisiana’s most powerful mafia boss, but to her, he’s just her jail warden. When she sneaks out to the Louisiana Hayride with her friend she sees Elvis Presley perform and instantly knows something is special about this boy. Especially when he saves her from being assaulted by a townie. She thinks she’s on cloud 9 until she gets kidnapped in the middle of the night by the Memphis Mafia led by Elvis himself. Will Laura Jean try to free herself or will something hold her back from finding her way home?
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
pairings: austin!elvis x oc
word count: 1845
warnings/notes: Hey guys! Sorry it's been so long since I posted a part, but I finally got some time today :)
Chapter 9
               The funeral of Gladys passed in a blur, and before we knew it, the wake was upon us. A steady stream of visitors flowed in and out of the house, all eager to pay their respects to the departed soul lying in the casket. It was a somber sight, made all the more poignant by the fact that it now occupied the very spot where Elvis's grand piano once stood. Beyond the threshold, amidst the ebb and flow of visitors, a throng of journalists and the flicker of camera bulbs stood poised, anticipating Elvis' emergence and any utterance he might offer. The dogs were ravenous, and they seemed intent on exploiting his grief. In the interim, Elvis had not crossed my path since our return from the church. He vanished up the stairs, never to return. I empathized with the agony he was experiencing and yearned to offer solace with my words. However, I was aware that words would be futile in this situation. The death of my mother continued to linger in my mind even after all these years, and it was not an unexpected heart attack like Ms. Gladys.
              Perched upon the plush velvet carpeting of the steps, I observed the bustling crowd from a safe vantage point. I was disinclined to respond to inquiries or receive expressions of sympathy that were rightfully intended for Elvis. The memory of Mama's funeral flooded back to me, overwhelming my senses. Hollow utterances emanating from individuals who lacked sincerity in their speech. It was precisely the phrase one utters to console those who have suffered the loss of a cherished person. Their assistance fell short of your expectations. With a firm grasp on the hem of my black dress, I attempted to free myself from the labyrinth of my own thoughts. I found myself being pulled into a recollection that I had no desire to revisit. I felt a sense of gratitude as Colonel descended the stairs, his expression conveying more than just dissatisfaction.
              The Colonel grumbled, “He won’t come out of that closet.” Though he averted his gaze, I sensed that his words were directed towards me. He leaned against the wall adjacent to my position. “There are some fine folks from the press waiting outside. A few questions, pictures, and they will leave us alone.”
              With a cool gaze, I observed him closely, and his subtle response indicated that he was aware of my piercing stare. “You want him to go talk to the reporters? After his Mama just died? The person he was closest to in the world?”
              “I know, I know.” The insincere tone of his voice sent shivers down my spine. “He trusted her like nobody else, and now she’s gone and who does he have now?” He finally looked at me.
              “You’ve picked the wrong person for an ally, Colonel. I ain’t forcin’ him to go talk to nobody.”
              “No, no. That’s not…that’s not what I meant. I care about my boy whether you believe that or not, Ms. Walker. I tried talking to him but it’s really not my place. You, however, have his heart perhaps just as much as his dear Mama did. He trusts you. Despite our differences, you and I, we have one thing in common. We want what is best for that boy. And today, you are what is best.”
              The art of deception is often employed by conmen, who skillfully blend elements of truth with their own ulterior motives. The art of perception was a skill passed on by my father, and it allowed me to easily discern the true intentions of the Colonel. Perhaps his interest in Elvis was genuine, but it was overshadowed by his preoccupation with his own celebrity and public persona. As the reporters continued to exploit Elvis's sorrow, the Colonel's pockets grew increasingly lined with cash. Despite the presence of the man standing next to me, my adoration for Elvis remained paramount. I rose to my feet, delicately smoothing out the fabric of my skirt.
              “I’m not makin’ him come down if he don’t want to,” I declared, preceding my ascent up the stairs towards the room that was once occupied by Gladys.
              Not a single thing had been disturbed since her passing. The room appeared to be suspended in time, a poignant tribute to a person who would never again occupy its space. The faint sound of Elvis's subdued weeping emanated from the depths of her closet. I advanced cautiously, mindful of the potential for startling him. My trepidation stemmed from a fear that he might bolt from my presence, much like a skittish cat. The door of the closet was slightly ajar, allowing a breath of fresh air to seep through. With a hesitant hand, I gradually pushed the closet door ajar. Inside, I was met with a heart-wrenching sight - Elvis was seated on the floor, his thin frame huddled amidst his Mama's dresses. Tears streamed down his face, his sobs wracking his entire body with each passing moment. He stole a quick glance in my direction before turning away, pressing his cheek against the soft fabric of a dress.
              I lowered myself onto the ground, maintaining a safe distance from him, as I positioned myself directly in front of him. “Hi, baby.”
              “She’s gone…”
              “I know. But all your friends and family…they’re wonderin’ where you are.”
              A deep sob escaped his lips. “I can’t go out there, Laura Jean. I can’t. I just want to stay in here forever.” Tears streamed down his face as he buried it into the soft fabric of the dress's skirt.
              My heart shattered into even smaller pieces for him than it had for myself when I experienced the same misfortune. With a deep breath, I closed the distance between us and enveloped him in a warm embrace, my arms encircling his broad shoulders. He maintained his grip on the garments, yet refrained from deterring me. “I know how you feel. When my Mama died, all I wanted to do was crawl into the ground with her. I felt like my whole world was in pieces and the person who usually picked them up wasn’t there anymore.” I gently massaged his back. “No one could ever replace her. Why, Ms. Gladys was a one-of-a-kind woman who raised a one-of-a-kind son. I wish I could be half as strong as she was some day.”
              Elvis buried his head in my shoulder and embraced me with such force that it became difficult to catch my breath. “I don’t know what I’m gonna do without her. She was everythin’. All this…all this was for her.”
              My fingers glided through his hair. “You cry now. You cry your little heart out for as long as you need to. And day by day, you just keep on movin’, keep on livin’. Cause that’s what your Mama would have wanted. For you to live your life as fully and as happily as you can.” I gently pressed my lips against his forehead. “And I’ll be here for you, too. Whenever you need me. I’ll work and I’ll worry in your Mama’s place. Okay?” With a nod, he buried his face deeper into my shoulder. To hold him felt like I was holding a baby who was twice my size. Gradually, I rose to my feet, pulling him up alongside me until we were both standing upright. With a gentle touch, I wiped away the tears that had gathered on his face, my fingers softly caressing his cheek. “Now we’re gonna go downstairs and you’re gonna go say goodbye to your Mama.”
              With a sniffle, Elvis enfolded me in a warm embrace, pressing my head against his chest. He clasped my head firmly, as if he feared that I might vanish into thin air. All the while, I listened intently to the rhythmic thumping of his heart. “I ain’t never gonna let anyone take you away from me, you hear? Not your Daddy, not the Colonel, no one. I don’t care about money or stupid mafia business. I just care about you.”
              “I’m not goin’ anywhere,” I vowed.
              With tears streaming down his face, he whispered, “I love you, Laura Jean.”
              “I love you too.” I grasped his hand firmly and led him out of the bedroom, descending the stairs in unison. Silence fell over the room as Elvis made his way towards the open casket of Gladys. No expense had been spared for her funeral, from the casket to the flower arrangements and every detail in between. As I gazed upon her, she appeared serene and undisturbed, nestled within the soft and luxurious velvet that lined the interior of the casket. Elvis gazed intently at her, his grip on my hand unyielding. He parted his lips, as if to utter words to her, but they were abruptly stifled by a wrenching sob. I rested my head upon his shoulder.
              The Colonel shuffled up behind us and placed a hand on Elvis's shoulder. “I can’t even begin to understand what you are going through, my boy. But you have comforted your friend and your family. You need to go comfort your fans too, hmm? They are worried about you. And if you don’t go do that all that your mama sacrificed for you will be for nothing.”
              The desire to expel acid from my mouth consumed me. Using Elvis at this time? How could he? He was in no position to have a conversation with anyone. He needed the freedom to simply exist as a young man who had suffered the loss of his mother, rather than being burdened with the weighty expectations of embodying the iconic figure of Elvis Presley. In spite of my innermost insults directed towards Colonel Parker, Elvis gravitated towards him and sought solace in his embrace, shedding tears upon his shoulder. I yearned to persuade him that the presence of the elderly gentleman was superfluous. The Colonel hesitantly rubbed Elvis's back.
              “You stay with my through thick and thin, okay?” he asked, his eyes searching for reassurance. Elvis expressed, “You’re like a father to me.”
              My eyes locked onto the Colonel's, and he met my gaze with a smug expression that made me itch to wipe it off his face. Despite my constant challenges, he relished the sense of power he wielded over Elvis. I persisted in my efforts to liberate Elvis from the clutches of the snowman, refusing to give up until my mission was accomplished. As Elvis withdrew, the Colonel offered a reassuring pat on his shoulder. “Just a few questions and some photos and we will be done.”
              “C-Can Laura Jean come with me?” Elvis sniffled.
              The Colonel's gaze met mine, but I refused to back down, my expression daring him to confront me. I was determined not to leave Elvis, even if he forbade my presence. He let out a deep sigh and replied, “Of course. You need her now.”
              With a nod, I followed Elvis as he led me through the throng of microphones and cameras outside.
Stay tuned for part 10!! Click HERE to view!
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abiiors · 1 year
Weekends in Manchester - Part 4 // M.H.
Gathering of Strangers
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Matty Healy x fem! reader
Series Summary - Moving to Manchester all on your own was a bit of a daunting task so you started walking alone in the city to get a feel of it. Little did you know, the cute cafe that’s quickly becoming your regular is also the usual haunt of a certain curly-haired musician.
Word Count - 2.2k
Warnings - getting drunk, alcohol, swear words, very slightly sexual
A/N - Thank you so much to @yourtouchismidas for helping me with all the locations in this part :)
(Disclaimer: I have never lived in Manchester and all my knowledge comes from Google. Most of the places mentioned are made up. If there’s anything I have gotten wrong, please let me know :) )
I would really appreciate engagement and feedback and my requests are open!
Series Masterlist
Here’s part 3 if you missed it! 
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You felt a small tap on your right shoulder just as you were about to climb the steps of The Blooming Bean. 
But as you turned around to look, you saw no one there. 
‘Boo!’ came a voice from your left side instead.
‘Real mature, Matty,’ you laughed, rolling your eyes at him. You almost hadn’t recognised him in his outfit for the day; an oversized jumper, a hat that mostly covered his face and a pair of vintage Ray-Bans that fit him just right. ‘What’s with the outfit? Are we following someone today?’ you joked.
‘We are going to a different part of the city today, and I uh…I don’t want to be recognised.’ He had mumbled the last bit but you had still managed to catch it. 
‘So!’ he clapped his hands like an enthusiastic tour guide, ‘please don’t mind that I took the liberty of getting our coffees to go today.’
You hadn’t even noticed the two to-go cups sitting on the little bench behind him. You raised your eyebrow, about to ask him what he got for you but he spoke before you could. 
‘Don’t worry, I got you a latte,’ he said, as he handed you your cup. 
‘You know my coffee order, interesting…’
‘Well, I may or may not have overheard you talking to Leah…’ he scratched his neck with his free hand and you found the gesture extremely adorable. Scratch that, everything about bashful Matty was extremely adorable.
‘And why can’t we have our coffee inside?’
‘Well, I thought I would drive you,’ he beamed and you raised an eyebrow at him. But there wasn’t much room to argue. 
Before you knew it, you were strapping the seatbelt of a non-descript grey car. The thought made you giggle a little. From the outside, it looked like the most un-Matty-like car possible but the inside had his touch all over it. You could smell his lingering perfume, and stickers on the dashboard of various bands and artists (some you had heard of, some were new). 
The floor was clean and there wasn’t any trash you could spot, yet the car was exactly what you would associate with him; comfortable and lived-in. 
The Northern Quarter of Manchester was an area you had only heard of until now. Every single article that you had furiously googled mentioned that it was one of the top places to visit in the city. And yet, through some twist of fate, you just hadn’t gotten the chance—until now that is. 
The two of you had decided to park the car in a parking lot and then walk around the area. Quiet frankly, you were impressed at Matty’s ability to talk about anything and everything he found interesting. And it wasn’t pretentious and elitist rambling; it fascinated you how he had an opinion about everything. 
You felt like a giddy child. Everywhere you looked, you could see some form of art—from cool clothing to street art to funky cafes and record shops, everything here felt so distinctly like you. Before you knew it, you had already dragged him to multiple music shops to look at all the vinyl records you wanted to buy. 
‘Oh My God, are you the Matty Healy from The 1975?’ you put on your best fangirl voice once you had paid for a bunch of CDs and records. And one of them had to be their latest album. 
‘What are you up to now?’ he laughed as you exited the store.
‘What, I just want you to sign my record.’
‘Look at you, abusing your privilege,’ he teased.
You bickered back and forth until he finally gave in and stepped forward. You narrowed your eyes slightly because you could sense he was up to something. What you didn’t see coming however that within a moment he had bent down, his face mere inches away from yours. If you leaned even slightly, you would be—
You felt it before you saw it. He had only bent down so deliberately to grab the record from the bag in your hands. And like an idiot, you had fallen for his bait. You rolled your eyes, fighting the rising blush and resisted the urge to smack him over his head. 
The whole afternoon had passed in a blur. After grabbing a quick lunch from one of the many cafes, you ventured out once again. During lunch, he had brought up The Whitworth art gallery in conversation and you were determined to spend the rest of the afternoon there. And Matty had no objections, he seemed equally as excited to take you there. 
You had about four hours to spend in there and you made sure that you made the most of each one of them. From bickering over the interpretation of art to indulging in frivolous gossip about others in the gallery, the hours seemed to fly by. 
Finally, when Matty whispered, ‘oh, definitely on a first date,’ a bit too loudly while pointing at another couple, you had to drag him away. 
The outside had transformed by the time you exited the Whitworth. What you hadn’t noticed before was a big, bold neon sign that said “Gathering of Strangers” right over the gallery. 
‘See this is why I love this place,’ Matty stated proudly and you could definitely see it. In fact, you were sure you were going to come back here for round two eventually. Four hours did not seem like enough time for a place like this. 
The Northern Quarters seemed like a whole different place once the sun went down. The bars and pub signs lit up and sounds of lively chatter and music flowed onto every street. You were sure some of them even hosted smaller bands and artists for a night of live music. 
‘Well, I don’t know about you but I am parched,’ you stopped in front of a particularly interesting pub. 
‘So what are we waiting for,’ he replied offering you his arm as the two of you stepped through. 
Once you had both placed your orders, a cocktail for you and a glass of coke for him, (‘I have to drive you back, y/n!’) you both settled into a booth in the corner. Conversation flowed freely as one cocktail became two and eventually three. All the while, in the back of your mind, you kept thinking about what would happen if you made a move on him. 
The booth was out of the public eye. Besides people were busy in their own conversations, so it’s not like they would be staring at you. Matty had been right about the disguise. He hadn’t been recognised all day. Before you could debate, however, he looked at your third empty glass and chuckled. 
‘Looks like it’s time to get you home, my dear, I don’t particularly feel like taking care of a wasted person tonight,’ he teased. 
You tried to glare at him but the jumble of thoughts inside you made it difficult to hold it for longer than two seconds. 
‘It’s been such a fun day! You want to end it?’ you pouted and again, the way your words slurred jarred you a bit. 
‘You can always come back here… We can always come back here,’ he offered.
‘Alright, alright,’ you raised your hands in surrender, ‘but we are only going back because you’re tired, old man,’ you stuck out your tongue at him. ‘I’m still spry and young and energetic,’ you declared. 
The words would come to bite you in the ass as you tried to stand up too fast and almost face-planted straight onto the floor. You steadied yourself with a hand on the chair and leaned onto Matty the rest of the way to the car. Even through the alcohol blanket, his warmth felt different, more intimate. 
The alcohol had definitely brought down the last of your inhibitions. As he popped in his playlist, you did not hesitate to sing along to it; slurring the words and butchering the lyrics in the process. He joined in, sounding like an absolute angel but you couldn’t care less. If you wanted to yell along to Wonderwall then he was just going to have to enjoy it. 
‘Hey, hey,’ he tapped your leg. ‘I need to know where you live…if that’s okay with you, I mean I understand if you don’t want to tell me your add—’
‘You’re rambling, Matty,’ you said in a sing-song voice, ‘I know you’re not an axe murderer.’ And so after multiple typos and errors, you finally managed to put your address on his GPS. 
Fifteen minutes later, you could see the car turning onto a familiar street. 
‘So this is it,’ you mumbled as the car came to a halt. 
‘Let me walk you to the door,’ he said and stepped out of the car.
You didn’t know how to end this day. He walked you to the door and then what? You were just supposed to give him a hug and say goodbye? What if you wanted to grab his face and kiss the shit out of him instead? Did he even want that? This wasn’t even a date date! Or was it—
‘Hey,’ he whispered softly. In your little over-thinking spiral you hadn’t even realised when he had held your wrist until he gave it a gentle tug that made you almost bump into his chest. ‘I had an amazing day.’
And it was true. Matty looked so happy with his soft eyes and his gorgeous smile. You had tried resisting him up until now but with all the liquid courage running through your veins, you weren’t sure you wanted to anymore. 
He was so close, so tantalisingly close. 
‘Fuck it,’ you mumbled under your breath and crashed your lips on his. 
It was like electricity, like sizzling hot fire that zinged through your body at the contact. For a split second, you were terrified that he was going to push you away, that you had just mistaken his friendliness for flirting. But then his hand came to rest on your cheek as the other grabbed your waist, pulling you closer. 
Matty’s lips felt exactly as you had imagined they would; soft and warm against the chilly night air. He hummed gently against your mouth, a sound of contentment as you finally let your hands come to rest against the nape of his neck. You had always wondered how his curls would feel between your fingers and you could finally find out. 
He shivered against you as you gently tugged on a strand of his hair.
‘Stop doing that or we are going to have a problem here.’ The way his voice had deepened sent shivers down your spine. What started out as a sweet and innocent kiss was quickly turning into something completely different and you didn’t want it to stop. So you gently raked a nail down his neck.  
‘Y/n…’ his voice came out in a warning as he finally, reluctantly broke the kiss. 
‘Come inside with me,’ you breathed against his mouth. You weren’t willing to let the night end. You could feel his jaw clench slightly before he shook his head and stepped back. 
The lack of warmth made you open your eyes in confusion and you were greeted with the hottest sight you had ever seen; Matty with kiss-swollen lips, dark eyes and messy hair. It almost made you want to kiss him again but then he took another step back. 
‘I can’t,’ he whispered and it felt like someone had dumped a bucket of cold water on you. 
‘Wha–have I done something wrong?’ you whispered. You still hadn't composed yourself enough to be able to speak normally. 
Matty shook his head and laughed sharply. ‘Believe me, darling, I would come inside in a heartbeat but,’ he sighed, running a hand through his hair, ‘you’re drunk.’
You opened your mouth to protest but he raised an eyebrow, effectively shushing you. Now that he had said it, you knew he was right. You had consumed much more alcohol than he had and you knew him coming up to your bedroom tonight would be wrong. You silently cursed yourself for getting carried away until Matty stepped toward you once again. 
‘I really like you, y/n, I like…’ he swallowed roughly, ‘I have genuinely enjoyed every single moment of all the days I’ve spent walking around with you.’
You beamed up at him, waiting for him to go on. 
‘I don’t want to sound cheesy but I do want to ask you on an official date.’
Still drunk from the evening you let out a theatrical gasp at his question. ‘My God, Matty, I do hope you asked my father for permission,’ you giggled. 
‘Shut up, you twat,’ he laughed as he gently flicked your forehead but then you beamed up at him once again. 
‘I would love to go on this very official date with you.’
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Part 5 is out now!
Taglist - @kurdtbean @wolferals
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damagedintellect · 1 year
Nakahara Chuuya x Reader
💌 Would this be considered a social suicide? : Chapter 5 💌  
Summary: You knew it was dangerous to take walks at night but hearing the water rushing under the bridge was calming to your nerves. You didn’t imagine you’d ever fall into the river and somehow wake up in your favorite anime. The isekai that I’m sure will come back to haunt me. It’s kept me up all night but I might as well get the brainrot out.
Notes: Reader is Isekai’d into BSD, Slow to start, Chuuya is endgame but there’s a fair bit of reader & Dazai moments too okay like a lot of Dazai moments, implied poly but not really
💌 Word count: 2,646 💌 Available Chapters [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
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After many days and long periods of stress everyone celebrated the fall of the guild. You shared a few drinks with Yosano and Kunikida but noticed that Dazai was missing. He must be at the art gallery with Hirotsu you thought. Things were only going to get harder moving forward. You should tell him about your real identity soon. Your real fake identity that is. Now that the book was being mentioned you planned to use that to your advantage. The plan was to say that you’ve lived through this before but were written out of your original timeline via the page and when you woke up at the riverbank you didn’t know what to think. If he asked why you didn’t say anything sooner you could say that you thought this was purgatory. Whether or not he bought it would be a different story but you were hoping he would at least consider it to be an option. 
Unbuttoning your shirt you heard footsteps outside your door. Dazai had the room next to yours so you wonder if he was just getting back. Although they didn’t sound like his footsteps. Come to think of it, he was always really light on his feet for someone that tall. You glanced at the door once you heard your lock click. Who could have the key to your room? You pushed yourself to lay flat against the wall. You didn’t have any weapons so you hoped it was just Dazai going to the wrong room because if it's someone outside of the ADA you were screwed. The door opened and the smell of wine hit your nose. 
“Lis’en h'er asshole-”
You came out of hiding to see a very drunk Chuuya in the doorway. “Chuuya?” he closed the door and stumbled over to you confused. 
“Whatcha doi'n in Dazai’s room?” 
You watched him sway before you reached out to steady him. “You overshot by one room. Though I think you need to lay down a bit.” He leaned over to rest his head on your shoulder. “He can’t ave you. Need you on my side. He'll 'ave you lie too me” This was weird. Oh so weird. This only happened in fanfiction. You don't remember this from the show. Of course you knew that Chuuya had drunk called Dazai before but you never imagined he'd drunkenly break into his apartment.
He wrapped his hands around you and mumbled something into your neck “Smells nice.” Your neck has always been sensitive, feeling a pleasant tingling where his breath grazed your skin. Tentatively you put your arms around the redhead and stay like that for a bit, while you think about what you were supposed to do in this situation. Of course you've always wanted to give him a hug but not like this. You barely heard him slur out "We gotta be close right?" When you felt him kiss your neck. Grasping you pushed him back instantly like he weighed nothing, he didn’t try resisting you. You were so torn right now. You wanted this but at what cost. What would happen when he snapped out of it? 
“Tha was cute. Do it again.”
His face was red but his eyes were locked with yours, half lidded. You saw his eyes trail down your body and remember he caught you in the middle of changing. What are the odds he'd remember this tomorrow? You were still wearing a bra so whatever but what were you supposed to do with him?
“Let’s lay down for a bit and I’ll think about it okay. Can you take your shoes off?” He nodded, taking his coat off too as he followed you like a lost puppy to your futon. He slowly fell into it dragging you down with him. You landed on top of him with a soft thud. His hat rolled off to the corner of the room. You hoped whoever had the room below yours wasn’t back yet or was fast asleep already. You actually don’t know what time it was anymore. You tried to push yourself off but he held you in place “Don go”
“I’m not I’m just-” you weren’t able to finish your sentence before you felt the sensation of being weightless. The next thing you knew Chuuya had flipped you over so he was sprawled out on top of you preventing you from leaving. “Stay” he trailed off. You were weak to him, you already knew that. Kissing his cheek you pulled him closer wrapping your arms around him. “I’m not going anywhere.” You stayed like that until his breath evened out and eventually sleep came for you.
“My sleeping beauty, it's time to get up!” Dazai knocked on the door once again. You didn’t seem like the type to drink yourself silly so he wondered what’s up. Everyone had been trying to get a hold of you the next morning after the party to make sure you were okay. Ranpo suggested that Dazai be the one to check your room since your phone was going straight to voicemail. So here he was knocking on your door. He waited a bit but still didn’t get a response. He leaned back on the railing stretching his back when his eyes caught a glimpse of something red. He turned around to see a very familiar motorcycle. That’s odd, he thought. For a second he could have sworn that it was Chuuya’s. "Now why would?" His eyes snapped wide. Both Dazai and Chuuya had the habit of breaking into each other's places when they were drunk. It’s why Dazai doesn’t let himself get wasted anymore. He banged on your door again before shouting “I’m coming in!” He swiftly picked the lock and burst through the door. 
In your sleep you heard knocking that slowly stirred you awake. You tried to get up but you forgot Chuuya fell asleep on top of you and you headbutted the other causing them to wake with a start. “Fuck!” you both stare at each other stunned when Dazai forced the door open. Dazai looked to Chuuya and back to you and Chuuya did the same. The scene in front of Dazai was extremely out of context. From the doorway it must look like Chuuya was undressing your helpless form with the way you were both sprawled out on the futon. You covered your face and groaned as Dazai stormed over to pry Chuuya off of you. You stayed still as the yelling match started above you. Watching them for a bit you had no idea how you ended up in this situation. They were physically in each other's faces, Chuuya’s was red and Dazai’s eyes looked like they could kill. You wondered why. You couldn't tell if it was just based on the principle alone or if Dazai was jealous or what. Dazai is a fucken enigma.
You sat up rubbing your face. “Okay that’s it everyone shut the fuck up and sit your asses down!” 
They both stopped what they were doing and slowly sat down. Glaring at each other. “Why is he here?” Dazai scoffed, crossing his arms.
“Technically he was looking for you, but we also have a very interesting relationship." You were trying to calm your nerves by fixing your bedhead. Chuuya became very rigid at your comment. You guessed you could have worded it better too but they were giving you a headache.
Dazai looked down at your exposed upper half and then back to your eyes. You still didn't get the chance to button up your shirt. It doesn't matter to you, they're freakin adults. If they can't stomach seeing a bra or two you'd be surprised since knowing that in their pasts with the mafia they've seen much worse. 
"Chuuya came over drunk and thought this was your room. I made him stay the night because he couldn’t even walk by the time he got through my door.” you paused seeing them both stare at you buttoning your shirt. For some reason you were more flustered at them watching you cover up than being exposed. Chuuya was avoiding eye contact but you could tell he was glancing at your chest. He was probably wondering if he undressed you. You wonder what Dazai must think. Nothing good presumably god what a mess. "Got it?" You finished matter of factly trying to seem uninterested. On the inside was a different story. This scenario was like a self-indulgent fanfic. You were screaming. You don't know If this is what you've always dreamed of or if this was a nightmare.
Dazai’s serious expression morphed into something less hostile and more mischievous. "Wow, who knew the chibi could be so forward and with the enemy no less." Dazai chided even though the PM and the ADA were both currently in a truce for the time being. Dazai put a hand up to prevent Chuuya from seeing his mouth but made no effort to change the volume he was speaking at. "(Y/N) do you need me to get you a morning after pill? We don't want the slug to reproduce now do we?"
You and Chuuya made the same horrified expression at Dazai’s words. Both of you were red while Dazai reveled in your torment. 
"You bastard, it's not even like that!" Chuuya grabbed him by the collar of his shirt but Dazai frowned for a second before replacing it with a shit eating grin. "Oh I get it so you guys want it to be like that.~" He smiled darkly at both of you yelling at the same time.
"I'm not discussing my sex life with you Dazai!"
"Shut up I'm not discussing my sex life with you asshole!"
You and Chuuya redirected your attention to each other. Both of you were starting to mirror the same shade of red. Dazai laughed "You guys are even speaking at the same time. Talk about two becoming one." Chuuya glared back at him, starting to shake trying to hold back his anger.
You groaned "Please stop. You might be immune to Chuuya’s ability but I'd like to point out that my room and I are susceptible to damage." You wacked Dazai’s shoulder "I know I don't have to explain because you're smart enough to figure it out but you're acting like a child. I thought you've grown past this."
Dazai smirked again "At least some of us have grown-" this time Chuuya punched his arm. He stood up and grabbed his coat and discarded hat, growling "I can't stand him when he's like this. Tell me if you know anything new." Chuuya slipped his shoes on and paced out of the door. You flopped back down on the futon to stretch. "Geez I don't understand how Mori tolerated you two let alone Hirotsu." After you stretched you started getting ready for real. Dazai being quiet is always a scary thing. You could feel his stare burning through your skull. "Out with it. I've been meaning to talk to you anyways."
"You know then, if Chuuya is human."
"I do but I haven't told him yet. Currently I'm leading him on because he misunderstands how my "ability" works," you used air quotes "well lack thereof. It's probably for the best to have the mafia think I have some weird foresight. Since I'm giftless here." You stare at Dazai but he's unfazed. "I didn't want to lie to you but I didn't know what to do. I know things I'm not supposed to. I haven't been that secretive about it but I also didn’t have the time to explain myself either." You turned to look him in the eyes “I’m not from this timeline and the problem is I don’t know how much I can say without causing some anomaly. That's mostly why I don't know If I should tell Chuuya. I’m sure you’re familiar with the book Francis was after. A group called The decay of angle’s got a hold of a page and supposedly wrote me out of existence? My memory leading up to why they went so far to get rid of me is hazy but then I woke up in the past. You were there for the rest.”
Dazai sighed looking at the ceiling “That is strange. It is possible that since they wrote you out of existence it forced you out of your reality and into another, presumably one that lined up with a similar universe where you were about to die. That would explain the manner we found you in as well." Dazai sighed "This ruins my original running theory about you.” He pinches the bridge of his nose. The rats already started making their move and now he'd have to worry about the DOA, just great. "This isn't good. Knowing that the decay of angle’s got their hands on a page in a different timeline isn't reassuring for our reality."
“I’ve been trying to keep everything as close to the other reality as I can to avoid butterfly effects but my personal existence is drastically different from my timeline so I don't think it matters. You’re the only one I’ve told for obvious reasons.” you stood up offering him a hand. "Although now that you know, do you mind if I gave you a hug?"
He looked at you quizzically "I don't mind but can I ask why?"
You pulled him close standing on your tippy toes to reach. "I never got the chance to tell "my" Dazai how much I've always loved and appreciated his existence. We may not have the same relationship as my reality but presumably you still had the same experiences." You cupped his face to pull him down enough to kiss his forehead. "Knowing that, it probably sucked worse without me there." You ruffled his hair as you finally let go giving him some space. You hoped that was good enough to spark something. You couldn't help yourself.
Dazai had been tense the whole exchange. His face formed an expression you haven't seen. He was genuinely in awe at your words. Even when you were finished showing him affection he seemed too shocked to process everything. He was too bewildered at the sentiment. The way it made him feel uncomfortable but warm, was he dying? Jokes aside, your words are what struck a nerve. What were you to him? Was this why when he saw Chuuya pinning you to the floor he felt, you know Dazai didn't actually know what he felt. He didn't understand it or maybe he just didn't want to. 
"What were we in your timeline." It came out as more of a demand than a question. 
"We never put a label on it, I don't think you were capable of that at the time and especially not after your defection. You gave me an out too but someone had to stay with Chuuya. I didn't want him to lose both of us at the same time." You really pray this doesn't come back to bite you in the ass. You have to believe your lie with every fiber of your being because the moment Dazai realizes it's a farce you're fucken done. You didn't think you were that manipulative of a person but here you are. All for the sake of your comfort characters. Maybe you did belong in the port mafia.
Dazai didn't pry anymore. The others were probably wondering where you two were anyhow. Kunikida probably thought Dazai was skipping work. On the way there he looked lost in thought of course you couldn’t blame him. It was a lot to take in and a complete lie. You might be playing God a little too much now but you got to hold both of your boys so if you are to die, you can die happy.
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10piecechickennuggy · 7 months
Magic and Secrets, Chapter 4 - Sanji x Witch!OC
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WARNING: Mature content ahead!
DISCLAIMER: I do not own One Piece or the art featured above. This is a fan-created work featuring an original character.
Read Chapter 3 Here
Read Chapter 2 Here
Read Chapter 1 Here
Soot stained fingers grazed the pane of glass, a black smudge appearing over the photo beneath. Tearful eyes gazed back at Vera, unblinking in their frozen misery. The boy looked how she felt; frustrated despair at his lot in life. New marks joined the glass, tracing a distinct swirl over the boy’s prominent eyebrow, as a smile formed faintly over the girl’s lips.
Vera had taken refuge in the coalstore. She wasn’t sure what had brought on her Stepfather’s anger today, but he had screamed and beaten her. New bruises were already forming, joining the preexisting splotches of purple and jagged scars which already littered the girl’s body. 
Eventually, she’d managed to escape his wrath. A slave had begged Misericors to cease his onslaught, providing a brief moment of distraction which Vera seized immediately. She had run through her home, finding her usual hiding spot - the only one yet to be discovered - and curled up amongst the dark stones.
The picture had been hidden here weeks ago. At first, it was a symbol of her misfortune - a reminder that her current hell would lead to an equally miserable future. But in recent days, the boy’s face had become a cherished treasure. Her betrothed was clearly unhappy - her mother had described him as the disappointment of his family. Perhaps his circumstance was similar to hers. 
Shaking hands brought the frame close to Vera’s heart. She knew that it was wrong to wish misfortune on someone else. But part of her hoped that he knew her pain. That he knew what a life of constant misery and fear was like. Surely he did, if the photos of his brothers beating the poor blonde gave any indication. 
“He’s the runt of the litter, far weaker than his siblings. Perfect for a waste like you.” Her mother’s voice echoed in the young witch’s mind.
“Please.” Vera whispered. “Let him be kind.” 
Deep wooden panels were the first thing Vera saw upon opening her eyes. That and a dim ceiling light, swaying with the movement of the ship. 
Her head throbbed, her stomach cried, and her mouth was dry. How long had she been out? The last thing the witch remembered was a battle with some marines. There were cannonballs and chaos. Loud booms dominated the air. And bullets.
That was it! Vera had used her magic to spirit away all the bullets on the enemy ship. And subsequently fainted. She sat up and took in her surroundings.
She found herself in the sickbay, sitting atop a thin mattress with a sheet of white cotton draped across her form. Judging by the looming darkness outside the single porthole, the sun had been set for at least a few hours. Vera perked her ears and listened intently, but no sound reached her ears aside from the soft creak of the Sunny and the gentle lapping of waves along her hull. 
Evidently, the battle had ended in a victory for the Strawhats. Otherwise, she’d have woken up in a cell aboard the marine ship or not at all. A sigh of relief passed her lips as she came to this realization. She was alive, and her new friends were safe.
Snoring interrupted the girl’s thoughts, bringing her attention to the far corner of the room. A figure sat, leaning against the armrest of an uncomfortable looking chair. Blonde hair and a disheveled suit revealed the visitor’s identity.
Sanji was fast asleep, his expression peaceful as a thin trail of drool fell from his lips. Vera almost chuckled at this before noticing redness on his nose and the skin around his eye. His lashes seemed to glisten in the dim light. Had he been crying?
Vera stood, padding softly over to her crewmate. Approaching, she noticed a glass of orange juice and a plate of cookies sitting on the counter to Sanji’s side. Both were untouched, leaving the girl to assume they’d been meant for her - to restore her energy levels. 
Her lips curved into a smile that crinkled her eyes. “What am I going to do with you?” She whispered and gently reached outward, sweeping away the man’s bangs with the lightest touch to reveal his other eye. 
Swirled eyebrows furrowed as Sanji frowned, his eyelids parting slowly. Cerulean orbs threatened to overflow as their eyes met, striking Vera with a wave of nostalgia.
She inhaled sharply, finding herself thrust backwards in time. An eight year old girl hidden amongst piles of coal, a picture held close to her chest. 
“It’s you.” Vera breathed the words, barely audible to the confused man inches before her. “My salvation.”
The sun beat down, harsh light reflecting off gentle waves and white sand. Vera brought her knees closer to her chest, staying well within the circle of shade provided by the large umbrella. 
Scents of caramelized fruits and cooking meat wafted through the air from the barbecue just meters away. Vera’s stomach growled audibly, though she did not react. Her gaze remained locked on the sand which shifted between her toes. 
Nami’s voice could be heard, energetic and melodic. Whatever she’d said, it must have been quite funny. Sanji laughed loudly - a deep belly laugh that was sure to be accompanied by a breathtaking smile. The witch couldn’t bring herself to look though. She’d been unable to even look at the cook since her embarrassing statement in the sickbay. 
If only she had an invisibility spell at her disposal. She’d have used it to evade the man these last several days. But alas, she did not. True to his nature, he had continued on as though nothing had happened. And so Vera found herself a silent, blushing mess each time Sanji tried to interact with her. 
“Blackleg-ya sent this.” Vera’s gaze rose to meet golden eyes, adorned with dark bags. Tattooed hands offered a plate of kabobs, juicy and appetizing.
“Thanks, Law.” She took the plate gratefully, chowing down as the man sat beside her.
Trafalgar Law. He was a surgeon and pirate captain who’d allied with the Strawhats. He’d joined up with the crew recently, seeming to gel with the boisterous crew easily enough despite his dour personality. 
Reaching over, he took a kabob from Vera’s plate and began eating, the dark lines of ink on his exposed torso capturing her attention. “Can’t swim?” The question sounded more like a statement through Law’s full mouth. When Vera raised an eyebrow in confusion, he only nodded towards the sea where the rest of their companions frollicked through the waves.
The witch returned her gaze to the sand, her free hand drawing absentminded circles. “Didn’t feel like it.” She shrugged before bringing another stick of meat to her mouth. 
Law hummed in response, leaning back to rest on his arms. For a moment, he studied her form. She wore a black bikini and matching sunhat, a lace shawl draped over her shoulders. The end of a scar could be seen poking out from beneath the delicate fabric on her left arm. “Seems to me you’re distracted.” 
Vera huffed, handing the now empty plate back to him. “If your only objective was stating the obvious, you could have started with it.”
Law chuckled in response, his golden earrings clanking  as his head shook. “Just trying to understand.” He smirked at her then, his expression irritating the witch. “So, when are you going to stop sulking in jealousy and tell Blackleg-ya how you feel?” 
Vera sputtered, her eyes wide and mouth agape as she turned toward her companion. “I-I don’t know what you mean!” Her voice came out louder than intended, drawing unwanted attention. She was a sea of emotions, the devious glint in Law’s eyes bringing panic to the forefront.
“I’m only making a suggestion. I’m sure he’d be overjoyed to have a proper confession.”
“A confession?” Vera jumped, caught off guard by Robin’s voice entering the conversation. When had she gotten so close?
“Who’s Vera confessing to?” Nami had joined the ravenette, her words and expression dripping with curiosity. 
“What’s a confession?” Luffy tilted his head in confusion.
Usopp blushed, pulling his captain’s ear. “You seriously don’t know what they’re talking about?!”
Vera glared at Law, trying and failing to ignore the crowd forming around them.
“My oh my, can it be?!” Sanji now spun from his post at the barbecue, hands clutched in excitement. “Is love in the air?!”
It was all too much. Vera felt her breath quicken as her friends crowded the small area of shade, her nerves becoming shot. Quickly, she stood and shouted. “Everybody stop!” 
The group fell silent, their eyes fixated on Vera’s left arm. Except for Sanji, who’d succumbed to a nosebleed at the sight of Vera’s bikini-clad body now on full display. Following the crews’ gazes, Vera realized what had grasped their attention so ardently. 
Black fabric pooled in the sand at her feet, her shawl having fallen in her haste. Vera brought her hand to cover the scar, but it was already too late. Tears formed in her eyes, falling fast in hot trails that stained pale cheeks.
“Vera.” Nami reached out a hand, attempting to comfort the girl. But before she could make contact, Vera ran.
She bolted to the Sunny, sand tracking behind as bare feet met wood. A door. She needed to find a door.
Spotting the entrance to the girls’ dorm, she rushed toward it. She nearly tripped before slamming palms first into the thick panel. Shouts could be heard just off the sunny, stirring more panic to swell within her.
Uttering a spell with such speed that she almost questioned whether it’d be effective, she opened the door. Only once it’d been slammed shut behind her did Vera breathe a sigh of relief.
Reaching the girls dorm, Nami spoke to announce her presence before opening the door. She’d expected to find Vera within, likely attempting to hide. But the room was empty. When Robin had caught up, the two tore the room apart in search of their companion. 
Their efforts proved fruitless.
Staggering to her feet, Vera moved to the window on the room’s opposite end. Despite the only thing visible being an endless void of inky black, the simple act of drawing the curtain closed brought solace. 
Upon releasing the fabric, she turned to face a round mirror. Its surface was dusty and cracked, but Vera could still make out her reflection. She padded over, her feet scattering bullets and books. A small cup sat upon a vanity just below the reflective disc.
Trembling fingers rose as more tears fell, lightly brushing the marred skin. The mark was an angry red, glossy from its time healing. Four triangles and a circle. The Hoof of the Soaring Dragon - a mark of ownership. The label given to slaves of the world nobles.
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gabessquishytum · 8 months
Just read your latest kinktober chapter, and it is sublime. It's kinda funny how long-term chastity used to be something torturous for me to read, owing to one hentai manga I read as a child, this boy was being edged to oblivion by this ara-ara big sister type, she locked him in a box where he was gagged and blindfolded, and the only thing showing outside the box was his caged cock. She was playing with him, stroking him until he was literally about to cum and it ended with her cockblocking him once again, and saying that was close, let's see if I'll let you come next year.
The art was so good, and I actually felt the phantom sensation of being torturously edged in what looked like a painful way, was not a fan for sure. And now I can't get enough of it with Hob 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Imagining a wrecked warprize Hob trapped in a box as punishment with his limbs bound, blindfolded and gagged, a vibrating plug deep inside him, his caged cock the only thing that's allowed to be seen and touched by Dream. He was force-fed aphrodisiacs once again to heighten his senses, so the only thing he can focus on is his cock and the painful pleasure against his prostate, he has no choice, and the feeling is indescribable for Hob, the edging is so painful now, but still somehow hurts so good. What's wrong with him? It feels like he's been in the box for ages, he's been squirming and sobbing in place, trying in vain to escape the overwhelming sensations. He can't remember what he did to deserve this, and Hob can't help his muffled screams when he feels Dream cruelly squeezing the tip of his cock, it's so much, he can't take it anymore. Who knows how long this is going to go on for? Will Hob come out of this the same? .
As for Dream, well, he's just having the best time listening to his precious pet cry and scream inside the punishment box. Definitely one of Dream's more inspired ideas, it didn't take long at all for Hob to be reduced to a whimpering sobbing wreck with this. Should he let him out and let him come? Dream is sure Hob would be coming out of this sweet and demure, begging for his forgiveness. It has been a few weeks already. Hmmmm, no perhaps not yet, Dream's having too much fun with this. it might do Hob some good to spend a bit more time reflecting on his actions, maybe he'll now think twice before trying to make any escape plans in the future.
Oh this is SO mean. I love it. (And here's the chastity chapter of my kinktober fic which anon has kindly endorsed!!)
Of course we all love to see Hob getting overstimulated but I definitely think there's a case to make for understimulation, too. Locked in a space where he's unable to see or touch, and his other senses are also restricted. It really sharpens his neediness and makes him more reactive when he does have his exposed cock played with.
This is absolutely the perfect punishment for a naughty warprize who tried to escape and needs to be taken down a peg or two. He's going to be so good and obedient when he gets out, Dream can hardly wait to show him off to the court. He really does miss fucking Hob’s tight little hole but it's going to be so worth it - he just knows that Hob is going to beg to be used as so as he gets the opportunity.
In the meantime it's plenty of fun to play with his forcibly hardened cock. The aphrodisiacs are doing the perfect job of keeping Hob needy and aching. His tight little balls are so full, Dream almost feels sorry for him. Almost.
Of course Hob resents the king for keeping him like this and being so cruel, but he knows that he won't be able to resist crawling into Dream’s arms. There's no use, not when his mind is so utterly scrambled and all he can think of is being allowed to cum for his King's pleasure <3
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mp3blackstone · 11 months
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Here’s a little Lucery’s fanfic I’ve been writing.. English is not my first language and I apologize if any of the characters seem sorta out of character. I’ll work on it more. Tips are suggested!:3 this is also my first time posting on tumblr ?? So if this is the wrong format or something plz educate me lol
Ocean inspired
Chapter 1
The arrival of Lady Stark was well in preparation. Servants dashed around the castle of dragon stone at the command of the princess, making sure all was perfect. The Starks were loyal people, they bent the knee to the heir of the realm already. But if Rhaenyra's plans went as she hoped, the bond of the houses would be further strengthened by her eldest son wedding The little sister of Kregan. That was the plan of course, though it was only known by the princess and her husband Daemon.
The idea came upon them when a letter arrived from a raven. The Lady Stark was hoping to practice her art and her poetry in dragonstone, she asked her brother who in turn asked the princess. That's when the idea came about her and her husband.
She raised her sons well, Jace was charming enough and a respectful boy. They withheld the betrothal of him and Baela at the hopes this pairing would work. But they still planned to wed Luke and Rhaena to secure the words of Princess Rhaenys and her husband. Further on of course, as to not alarm the boys or make them think anything they shouldn't. Winning over Lady Stark naturally would be much better for them, the Lady could tell her brother of hopes of marriage instead of the Princess, so her intentions didn't seem Ill or forced from the start.
"My princess! The Lady has arrived! Her boat has just docked!" A servant ran up to the princess and curtseyed as she told her of the news. To which she only smiled in response and lifted her dress to quicken her pace down the stairs of the castle. "Luke, Jace, come now she has arrived!" She spoke to her boys while passing by the main room of the castle. They both stood from their spots wide eyed and followed after their mother, eager for interaction with someone other than their beloved family.
As the three made their way outside and then down to the docs of Dragonstone, 4 guards walked with them on the outside of the trio. Stone faced and protective. They stopped at the start of the docs and waited for the girl to approach. Luke was the first to stand up on his tip toes and peer over his brothers shoulder, looking at the large boat for her. When he finally spotted the Stark he felt his eyes nearly pop from his skull, for multiple reasons. She stepped off the boat with the help of one of the royal servants. Her dress was a light blue, it had sleeves that went off of the girls S/c shoulders. And a tightened middle piece at her abdomen, making her body appear with much more curve. And a heart shaped neckline that didn't dive too low, as to keep modesty. It was long, with layers at the bottom of silk. She didn't have many Jewels decorations her skin except for a thin white gold necklace with what looked like a few pearls strung on it.
She was breathtaking in all honesty, both the boys became a little more nervous but what was most shocking, for all three of them was that in her other arm, she held tightly what looked like a white little dire-wolf, no older than a few months from the looks of it. Two men stepped off the boat holding a large blue chest with the sigil of a stark wolf. When the girl met eyes with the three royals, she immediately smiled and held her dress up with her free arm, making her way down the docs as they creaked beneath her feet. Stopping in front of the three.
She paused for a moment with a closed mouth smile as she made eye contact with all three of them, but her eyes paused on Luke for a little longer than the rest.. his did the same.. but she broke the eye contact soon after and curtseyed in front of Rhaenyra. "My princess, thank for for letting me stay here for the few weeks to come. It is a great honor for me and for my family." Her bright eyes closed for a moment before re opening. Rhaenyra only smiled in response. Her purple eyes darting back and fourth between the girl and her pup in arms.
She let out a small laugh. "This is my first born son Jacerys Velaryon" she ushered to her boy as the Lady's eyes went to him as-well.Luke shifted a bit and watched the girls movements eagerly. "My Prince.." She curtseyed in front of Jacerys with a kind smile. He put one arm behind his back and with his other lifted her free hand, placing a kiss on her skin for only a second before letting it down. The lady smiled at this and gave him a nod to which he returned.
"And my second born, Lucerys Valaryon" she did the same motion towards the other boy, who impatiently chewed at his lip and watched the girl. She turned her head quickly towards the boy and gave him a small giggle at the way he was behaving. She moved closer to him and curtseyed as well. "My prince, I've read many books of Driftmark" she said to the nervous boy with welcoming eyes. He shakily lifted her hand to his lips and placed a kiss on it, never breaking eye contact with the girl as she tilted her head a bit smiling. "All good, I hope" she nodded in response and brightened up. "Yes of course, I hoped to visit Driftmark as well one day, I wore pearls to .. uh" her face grew a bit rosy as her eyes shifted all around. The boy still held her hand close to his face as he waited for her to speak.
"To honor the name you've been given much often, the pearl of Driftmark" Luke's face grew a brighter red as well as he  let her hand down slowly  and gave the stark a Nervous smile. His mother laughed a bit at the use of the nickname. "I'll have you visit sometime then my Lady" she giggled in response as Rhaenyra let out a quiet cough. "We weren't made aware that you'd be bringing a um.. Wolf with you on your stay here" she spoke slowly and nervously. The girl perked up and turned to look at the princess, still close in front of Luke. "Oh! She's young, and very tame I assure you. Silk  is her name. I promise you she won't be any bother at all, she's only here to make me feel a bit more secure, I get home sick quite easy" the Stark responded back.
Rhaenyra only nodded with a hum. "That's alright then, I'll have the servants bring your chest up to your chambers, my boys? Will you please escort lady Stark to the castle?" Rhaenyra folded her hands together as she looked back and fourth between her children who only nodded in response. Jace turned on his heels almost immediately but Luke nervously offered out his arm for the girl to take, trying to make her feel as comfortable as possible, and of course this is how his mother taught him to treat Highborn lady's. He was shocked his brother didn't immediately do the same, his head must of been elsewhere.
She gave the boy a smile and wrapped her arms around his own. all three of them began walking in sync up the hills of dragonstone, following a path. "Mother told us your here to write your poetry? Are you a bard?" Jace was the first one to begin conversation. The girl turned a bit red at the mention of her interests. "Oh gods, not necessarily. My poetry is more of a hobby than a profession. But yes I am here for that among other things. Im also here for my art, my brother hoped me to be inspired in a new place! And uh.. possibly,, get some art of a dragon?" The stark said the last bit more like a question.
Both the boys made eye contact with her and looked a bit nervous, the dragons weren't always friendly with new people, especially Jace's. Luke lifted a hand onto her arm that held onto him and gave it a gentle squeeze. "I'll be sure to Ask my mother if that would be alright. Arrax is quite the calm dragon after a bit if you'd wish to paint him" he said in a quieted down voice, he was quite obviously anxious at his interactions with her. But she didn't mind. Found it more cute than anything else.
"That would be perfect Lucery's!" She gave him a squeeze on the arm in return as she locked eyes with the boy. "Of course my Lady". "Oh, you both can call me Y/n, we will be spending much time together in the days following so it only seems right" she was sweet when she spoke to them, almost alarmingly friendly. The boys both nodded in return as the group approached the gates of dragon stone. Y/n was gawking at the looks of it all and was quite un still in the hold of Luke. She was nearly pulling him around looking at all the stone details up close. It smelled strongly of rain she noted.
"Here we are Lady Star-" Jace began but was cut off "just Y/n please" She gave him a pleading smile. He paused for a moment before beginning again. "Yes, we'll, here we are Y/n, I have to go to my Valyrian Lessons with the maesters now but we will be seeing eachother soon enough later in the day." He said it politely but you could tell he was trying to get out of there. He gave a small bow before rushing off just as quickly as he spoke, into the castle.
Leaving the air a little more tense in his leave, "Uhm, I can escort you to your rooms if you'd wish?" Luke chirped up, reminding the girl of his presence right beside her. She turned her head and locked eyes with the boy once again. Hazel ones staring right back into hers. She gave him a nod as they both began walking in sync once again.
Y/n was looking all over the castle as the two of them walked. Always the first to initiate the small talk as they both giggled at jokes along the halls. "We are the same age correct?" She asks him. Luke nods back. He was feeling more comfortable around her now after witnessing her personality. But still the tiniest bit nervous, she knew.
She let out hums as they continued through the castle. He listened to them, letting her voice flood his ears sweetly. The pair would often pause in the halls as the girl payed close attention to all the details on the walls.
"Did you need not go to the Valyrian lessons as well?" She asked him curiously. He laughed in response, more confidently now. "No, I've grown up around my mother and step father since I was younger than Jace, so it came easier for me. I'm quite well at it from what the maesters say, and from what mother tells me at-least.." The girl stopped in her tracks and took hold of both the boys hands. "Say something for me" she looked at him eagerly almost bouncing in her place.
Luke turned a shade of red and made eye contact with the girl. Thinking for a moment. "Nyke olvie biare naejot sagon rūsīr ao isse bisa jēda..." He said the words with a brighter toothy smile, sure the girl wouldn't understand him Anyways. But even without knowing what he said, she was absolutely beaming with joy at the moment. "That was good!! You say it so fluently. You should teach me one day" she giggled teasingly and gave him a slight nudge.
He laughed back breathlessly in response as she took hold on his arm once more. "I would love to, though I'm not completely fluent yet, I still do lessons with the maesters, I just don't need them as desperately as my brother." He was obviously proud of being able to outshine in brother in one thing, his posture becoming more straightened and his tone ever more louder. The Stark girl smiled at this. She definitely had her preference over the Brothers already.
But sadly their conversations came to a stop when they approached her chamber doors. The boys posture slouching over a bit as his eyebrows furrowed. "Here we are" he spoke to her, his voice almost sad. She took notice of it and held tightly onto his arm. "Come in with me?" She asked him sweetly. Not thinking much of it. But his face blushed up bright as a tomato. "I'm not sure how my mother and father would feel about that- I don't think it's quite proper for us to be alone in a bedroom together" the girl ignored him and peered inside the door. Her chest was already there, as was her pup. She didn't quite remember when but she must have handed him over to a servant while walking to take to her chambers while she and the boy talked.
"All my stuffs in here already, I doubt anyone will walk in?" She looked at the boy once more. He seemed hesitant but he looked like he was really considering it. "Please?"
He walked into the room with her the moment she said that, face still bright and his movements more shaky than before. He felt butterfly's in his stomach at the interaction. She let go of his arm as she closed the door behind them both. Clicking the lock into place and rushing over to her pup. "Lucery's, come here pleasee" at her words the boy walked over to them both quite awkwardly. He looked at the wolf nervously as the pup stood up and eyed him. "She's quite pretty" he spoke softly, still not touching the pup.
Y/n turned and looked him at him with a joking grin "not as pretty as you, my prince~" she almost cooed to him before turning back to pet her wolf. Luke inhaled sharply and folded his hands together tightly. His movements stiff as he let the girls words cloud his mind. His nervousness made the air grow a bit more heavy. The girl picked up her wolf and placed her on the bed, turning back to Luke with an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to force you into here if it wasn't of your wishes, I just didn't want our time together to end quite yet." She placed a hand on top of his and tilted her head.
"No no it's okay, I didn't want our time to end together yet either, I'm only nervous of what my mother would say-" he responded quickly. She nodded at him and lead him to the door. "Well, I hope you'll get me for dinner? Don't tell him but I do much prefer your company over your brothers~" the brunette laughed at her small poking to his elder brother. "Of course My Lady-" she looked at him expectantly as he thought again. "Until then Y/n, Nyke hope naejot ūndegon aōha gevie laehurlion istin tolī aderī..." he said it almost soothingly as he held onto the girls hands tightly.
She didn't know what he said but she still perked up at the use of his mother tongue. "Until then my Prince.." "you can call me Luke, it only seems right to call one another by our chosen names no?" He gave her a cheeky grin and placed a kiss on her hand, more confident then the one he placed before. "Aha, of course Luke" it felt nice hearing the name he was most often called by roll of her tongue so easily. He was eating up every moment with The Stark Girl and he loved it, not quite used to this amount of attention being showered on him.
She stood on her toes and placed a kiss on the boys cheek, his skin was soft to the touch and he felt like little fireworks were going off in his stomach at the interaction. They smiled at one another as she closed the door to her bedroom. And with more pep than before, Luke made his ways down the hall with a small smile edged on his face.
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hannahssimblr · 5 months
Chapter One (Part 3)
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I am sitting in a café on Patrick street with a sketchbook on the table. Fintan, the manager, has provided a free coffee while I work, remembering the way I like my cappuccinos without any chocolate on top, and apologises for the latte art when he carries it down to the table. 
“These new waitresses.” He says to me quietly. “They can’t do those wee hearts and leaves the same way that you could.” Watching them scurry around in their aprons makes me feel wise and important, like I know something that they haven’t learned. I’ve been here, I’ve worked this shift and I survived it, and they will too, they just don’t know it yet. I go back to my sketchbook. 
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I can’t decide which design I like best. One says “Life is better with good coffee” in a looping font, and the other says “Let’s take a coffee break!” In this retro cartoonish style. It’s not usually the kind of art I would make, and I would be embarrassed to tell anyone from college that I’m doing something like this, but I privately enjoy the process. Fintan says he likes both designs, and I can choose whichever I want, so I go with the second. I finish my coffee and then start drawing the outline with white liquid chalk pens. 
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There’s a young man sitting near the window who’s been watching me work for a while, and I’ve been pretending not to notice him. Perhaps I want him to think that he’s being more subtle than he is so as not to make him embarrassed. Or perhaps I’m afraid that if I look him in the eye he might take it as a signal to come over and talk to me. I don’t look, but eventually he comes over anyway. 
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“Hi there, I was just watching you work over there, you’re doing a nice job.”
I glance up at him from the floor. He’s not from Offaly, he doesn’t have the right accent. Perhaps he’s from somewhere up north. He doesn’t look like he’s from here either, as he’s bravely chosen to step out in a pair of slip-on Vans and an oversized beanie hat, even though it’s about nineteen degrees this afternoon. I want to ask him is his head not boiling, but I just thank him for his compliment instead. 
“I’ve never seen someone actually doing this kind of work before.” He continues. “It’s always just kind of there one day, like, poof.” He does a hand gesture like clouds of smoke have burst from his palms. ‘I’m just a bit interested by what you’re doing, and even more by the fact that you’re doing it in reverse.”
“Yeah I never anticipated that it’d be so difficult to write words backwards. I suppose now I’m thinking that I should have done a sketch on the outside of the window first and then rubbed it off later.”
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“I see what you mean.” He rocks on his heels with hands in his pockets. “Would you like me to get a coffee for you to drink while you work? Might keep the energy up and the head working.”
“Oh, thanks a lot, but actually the manager is keeping me fed and watered today, so you’d only be wasting money on me.”
“I see.” He pauses like he’s trying to think of something else to say. “My name is Geoff, by the way.” 
“Evelyn.” I say back, not really sure why I felt the need to go with my full name, like it’s a protective shield against him. Against Geoff, the very nice man who’s not doing anything wrong. I have a distant thought that I’m probably still a bit fucked in the head since Dean, and then I quickly try to stamp that thought out and think about something else. 
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“That’s a nice, old fashioned name.” He comments. “You don’t meet a lot of Evelyns around the place anymore.”
“No, I suppose it’s a bit granny-ish. It’s actually an old family name, I don’t know if I like it that much really.”
“I like it.” He insists. “It’s very pretty.” And so are you seems to hang in the air after he speaks. I turn back to what I’m doing, rubbing out the crooked “O” I’ve drawn with some soapy water and going in for another attempt at it. 
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“Are you from around here?” He wants to know. 
“Yeah, I am. But I don’t really live here anymore. I go to college in Dublin so I won’t be around much after this month.”
“Ah cool. I’m not from here either. I’m from up in Monaghan.”
“Miles away.”
“Yeah. I actually work here now, but I’m up and down to Dublin the whole time. Have to pass through on the bus to get home, sure.”
“That’s the thing about Dublin.” I say. “Everyone has to pass through it, against their will usually, I imagine.” “Yes, the horrors of Busaras station. I know it so well.” Geoff laughs. “Here, I’ll leave you to work, but if you change your mind about the coffee, give me a shout.”
I smile, and he goes back to where he was sitting. I don’t look in his direction once, but I feel his eyes on me the whole time. 
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About half an hour later he leaves, and as he does he quickly, awkwardly hands me a folded piece of paper. I look at it in surprise. “Oh.”
“Nice to meet you.” He says, blushing, and dashes out the door. I leave the note there for ages. I finish doing the window first, and then I clean up my workspace and wipe the floor after me. Then, when there’s nothing else to do, I take it and fold it open.
Hello Evelyn, 
Just a note to say that you’re completely gorgeous. 
I’d love to meet you in Dublin sometime and buy you that coffee. 
Geoff (From Monaghan)
His phone number is scrawled at the bottom.
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I take the note along with all of the kitchen roll I used to wipe down the window and toss it all into the bin in one go. Then Fintan tells me he likes what I’ve done and hands me fifty euro from the cash register. I walk away with a small, satisfied smile on my face, knowing that now I can say I’m a real artist. 
Beginning // Prev // Next
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ayyy-pee · 2 years
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Chapter 4 - Bedpost
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Discord 18+ - Twitter - Kofi
Pairing: Suguru Geto x Female Reader
Summary: You and Suguru try to resist ripping each other's heads off.
Genre:**College AU**
Story Warning: Smut, Vaginal Sex, Toxic Behavior, Jealousy, Jealous Behavior, Oral Sex, Unprotected Sex, Breeding Kink, Creampie, Possessive Sex, Possessive Behavior, Virgin Reader, Yandere Suguru, Emotional Cheating
Suguru Art by: Ilameys
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You were trying to focus on your French lecture. You really were, but your mind couldn’t stop thinking about what you were going to wear tonight on your date with Satoru. You were only going to be having dinner at his (and the monkey’s) place but you still wanted to impress him. Should you wear a dress? Maybe something more casual? What did Satoru like? For once, you wished you could ask that idiot what his friend was into so you could make sure you made a good impression. Knowing that asshole, he probably would’ve told you the wrong thing and had you dressed like a pirate standing outside of his apartment later. The thought made you chuckle quietly to yourself.
You scribbled down your lecture notes as the professor continued. You jumped slightly when you felt your phone vibrate in your lap. You smiled, already knowing who it was before you opened your messages.
Satoru: cant wait to see u tonight :)
Satoru: what do u wanna eat?
Satoru: actually dont answer that. i wanna surprise u
Satoru: wait actually ur not allergic to anything right?
Your smile spread into a beaming grin. It wasn’t like you knew Satoru well at all, but even you could tell he was nervous. The rapid texts coming in one after the other was a dead giveaway. It was cute though. You shook your head, quickly replying under your desk.
You: lol breatheee Satoru. im not picky and no allergies
You: cant wait to see u too
You supposed you didn’t need Suguru to find out what to wear tonight. You could just ask Satoru directly. Right? That was fine? Fuck it. You were doing it.
You: weird question. what should i wear?
You watched the three little dots blink at the bottom of the screen for what felt like forever. You shouldn’t have asked. You really shouldn’t have asked. What kind of question was that anyway? You couldn’t pick something to wear? Were you really so desperate for his approval that you needed him to dictate what you wore? You hadn’t seriously dated anyone before, so you weren’t really sure how to do this. School was pretty much your boyfriend. You never made time for this kind of thing. You were pulled from your thoughts when your phone vibrated again.
Satoru: sorry i wanted to make a creepy joke so bad but i didnt want u to get the wrong impression. Wear whatever u want, love. im sure ur gonna look great no matter what <3
He was so sweet. You wondered how he could be friends with someone like Suguru who spent most of his time being a miserable ass to everyone around him. Seriously, any time you thought about trying to make peace with the guy, he said or did something to piss you off. You hoped he wouldn’t be at home tonight. You didn’t want him to ruin this for you. You typed back to Satoru quickly.
You: will your roommate be home?
He replied quickly this time.
Satoru: lol u kno u can just call him suguru
You: no thx.
Satoru: i dont get u guys but no its just me and u at the apt tonight. that ok?
You frowned, your stomach dropping as you read Satoru’s text. What was that? Sadness? Five seconds ago, you were praying he wouldn’t be anywhere near the apartment so you could be alone with Satoru. This was actually more than you could ask for. And yet, you couldn’t ignore the nagging disappointment you were feeling. You shot back a quick text to Satoru.
You: perfect :) see you tonight
You sighed, resuming your note taking. This was going to be a good night. You would make sure it was a good night. Suguru could not ruin this night for you. Satoru was going to treat you to dinner and you would not even see a glimpse of Suguru. That was a good thing, right?
Once your classes were over for the day, you moved across the courtyard to head back to your apartment. It was the packed with students lounging in the grass. There were picnic tables scattered around where students were eating, mingling, studying. The beautiful spring weather made this place the perfect hangout spot. You wandered through the students laying in the grass, mentally arranging outfits in your closet when you heard your name being called. You glanced around, eyes landing on Utahime sitting at one of the picnic tables, waving you over. Next to her sat king of the apes himself, staring boredly off to the side with his elbow propped up on the table, head in his hand.
“Y/n, come here! I wanna talk to you before your date!” She howled across the courtyard. And it could have just been your imagination, but you could have sworn that even from the other side of the courtyard, you could see Suguru’s jaw tick hard.
You took your time making your way over there, careful not to step on any of the many people splayed out on the ground soaking up the sun. You kept your eyes locked on Utahime and Suguru as they chatted idly to each other. Suguru must have said something particularly hilarious because Utahime threw her head back to laugh, grabbing his arm to steady herself. Your stomach flipped. Why? You had no idea, but you found yourself moving just a little bit faster, your foot clipping a student in the side with a loud “ouch!” coming from below.
“I’m sorry!” you yelled back, hurrying over to the table. You threw your bag down on the bench and took a seat across from them, Utahime coming down from her giggle fit.
“What’s so funny?” You tried to ask casually, like your blood wasn’t boiling for whatever reason.
“Oh, nothing…” Utahime sighed happily. Your eyes were glued to her hand still on Suguru’s bicep as it slid down his arm slowly and landed on the table. “So?!” She started and you quickly averted your gaze, hoping she hadn’t seen you staring. Suguru on the other hand, had assumed his previous position of staring off to the side, not bothering to acknowledge you.
“So, what?”
“Don’t act stupid!” Utahime scolded. Suguru snorted at this.
“I don’t think she’s acting.” He muttered, still turned away from you and Utahime. You ignored him.
“Sugu, don’t be mean.” She chided and the familiar use of his nickname made you ball your hands into fists under the table. “I’m talking about your date with Satoru! Are you excited?”
Should you be talking about this in front of Suguru? Wait, why did you fucking care?
“Yes. We were texting about it earlier and he’s so sweet, Hime. He wants to surprise me with dinner and he’s cooking. He sounds just as excited as me from what he was texting me. This is so embarrassing, though. I asked him what I should wear.” In your peripheral, you saw Suguru shift slightly but he remained turned away from you.
Utahime giggled. “What did he tell you? A typical Satoru answer? Something sexy, short, preferably easy to take off?”
You blinked. Is that what he usually tells girls?
“Ah, no. He told me…one sec-” you pulled your phone out and read the text from Satoru back to Utahime…and Suguru since he wasn’t going anywhere apparently. “-and I quote: sorry, I wanted to make a creepy joke so bad but I didn’t want you to get the wrong impression. Wear whatever you want, love. I’m sure you’re gonna look great no matter what…And then he put a little heart emoji.”
Now Utahime blinked, her brown eyes wide and eyebrows lifting. “Wow…that sounds very unlike Satoru actually.” Again, you noticed Suguru shift next to Utahime. Whatever he was looking at must have been the most interesting thing in the world because his eyes were locked onto it.
Utahime leaned forward on the table. “Wear that little sage green dress in your closet. The silk one with the slit up your thigh!”
“Ooh, I forgot about that one. I’ll wear it!” You agreed.
“Yes! And it’s loose enough on the thighs for easy access for Satoru.” Your cheeks heated up immediately. Utahime lowered her voice an octave, a devilish grin flashing across her features. “Do you think you’ll fuck Satoru tonight?”
The hair on the back of your neck stood straight up as you felt the lighthearted atmosphere instantly shift into something much, much heavier. Your eyes slid over from Utahime’s to Suguru beside her who had suddenly pivoted his body to face you, his eyes glued to yours. Those deep brown eyes bore into yours so intensely, you had to look away.
“Stop staring, monkey. I don’t have any bananas with me.” You had to bring some type of normalcy back. Suguru knew little to nothing about you or your personal life – his only knowledge pertaining to your academics – yet here you sat with your roommate gushing about his best friend and the…intimate plans of the night ahead of you. You didn’t need him making it more awkward than it already was.
Suguru continued his staring, putting his head back in his palm as his lips curled into a wicked smirk.
“Oh, I’m just interested to hear if you’re going to fuck Satoru tonight or not.” You look at him again.
“Why is that any of your business?”
“Just curious. For someone who prides themselves on being so smart, you’re actually really fucking stupid if you fuck Satoru. But, you’re right. It actually isn’t my business.”
“And yet, here you are…making it your business. Say what the fuck is on your mind.” He doesn’t say anything, just sits there with the same intense stare, peering into your soul. “Speak, monkey.” You gritted out.
“I mean, it’s your choice. If you want to be another notch in Satoru’s bedpost, that’s up to you. I’m just saying, if let your pretty boy distract you you’ll be falling behind in your classes and debate team. Actually, this might work out for me if you and pretty boy do hook up.” He shrugs, sticking his tongue out at you through a cruel smile that doesn’t reach anywhere near his eyes.
“Pretty boy? I didn’t know you looked at Satoru that way, Suguru.” You match his cruel smile with your own, loving the way he tenses up at you addressing him by name for the first time since you’ve known each other. “Worried his good looks overshadow you and your chimp face?”
Suguru’s brows furrowed and he sat up straight. “Monkey this, monkey that. I’m getting so fucking bored with that one.”
“And I’m getting so fucking bored of your unwarranted opinions on what I’m doing.”
“And just like all of his other whores, you’re a one night stand away from Satoru being fucking bored of you in a couple of hours.”
You opened your mouth to reply only to be interrupted by Utahime’s nervous chuckle breaking through the tension. “Haha…You guys…maybe bring it down a little? You’re kind of yelling…” She glances around nervously and you follow suit, seeing quite a few eyes on you. You realize then that you’re breathing heavily, your chest rising and falling rapidly, your heart pounding in your ears. Suguru looks to be about in the same condition as you as he takes in your surroundings.
Snatching your bag from the seat, you stood abruptly, glaring hard down at Suguru. He glared right back. You would never be able to have a decent conversation with this monster. No matter what you did, no matter where you went, he would be there to shit on your mood and you were sick of it.
“I think you’re underestimating the chemistry between me and Satoru and I can’t wait to prove it to you. This date will go great whether I fuck him or not, but I think maybe I will.” You said quietly. You didn’t miss the way Suguru’s jaw clenched at this. “I will see him tonight regardless of your warnings and I will invade every corner of your space in that apartment just to watch you fucking squirm with irritation. I will continue to best you in every class we have together and then I will go home --” you dragged out the word ‘home’ and grinned when Suguru’s nostrils flared. “—to Satoru’s open arms while you cry in your room and waste away into nothing but mediocrity.”
Through gritted teeth, Suguru slowly speaks. “If you think you’ll be anything more to Satoru than a pair of legs to slide between, then you really are a fucking moron.”
You recoiled at the insult. While Suguru had called you many names, you did not fail to notice he called everyone else he deemed unworthy a moron - except you. And for some reason, this hurt.
“Fuck you.” You breathed shakily, your voice coming out just barely above a whisper.
“Think I’ll leave that job to Satoru.” He replied without missing a beat.
You stood there, scowling down at him. Your mind was racing so fast you couldn’t think of a response to that. He was going to have the last word and right now, you really didn’t care. The anger was overtaking you and you could feel your eyes beginning to burn as tears tried to escape. You said nothing, instead you turned on your heel and stormed off to your apartment to get ready for what you would make sure was an incredible date in spite of Suguru fucking Geto.
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Taglist: @sacvh
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hoshi-y · 1 year
Hi hii <33
I'm here again >:D, anywayy I'd firstly like to thank you for writing for my requests. I hope you're doing well, and please do take care of yourself!
Also, I'd like to request Teru (my aromantic ass only likes him in a romantic?/simp way) with an s/o who seems to be a perfect student and all in school and literally has a clean reputation( kinda a people pleaser?). Like Teru thinks they won't do anything wrong BUT they actually know quite a few martial arts and enjoy sparring/ fighting. Maybe someone like Ty Lee from Atla (Avatar the last airbender), like they are quite acrobatic and can chi block (yk how she can stop a user from bending and can even immobilize limbs like how she does to Sokka). Overall they are just badass and can kick ass, but no one expects it (they hide it quite well).
Anyway my request is long as always. You are always free to decline but I'd really appreciate it if you do write for me again.
Love youu
Thank you!
Expect lower, President.
Genre : Fluff
Characters : Minamoto Teru
TW : None
A/N : AAAAAA So sorry it took so long 😞 😞 ITS ALMOST MY LAST DAYS OF SCHOOL TEACHERS STACKING OUR WORKS AS USUAL, and ofcourse I'd love to do your request 😋 they are very interesting, I dunno how to write fighting scenes but I'll see what I can do hehe
I hope you enjoy 💗
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I'm... At a lost for words.
[F/N] [L/N].
The name that everyone at school knows about, of course they'd know, you're the secretary of Kamome after all. But outside you being the Student Council Secretary, everyone respects you. They loved your welcoming vibes and great personality.
Students praise you for your nice personality, Teachers absolutely loved you too. You were always participating in class, get high marks, never got into trouble at all, not only that, you join events and bring home 1st places for the school.
Everyone absolutely LOVED you.
Especially the schools prince and Student Council President. Minamoto Teru
You were absolutely GORGEOUS, despite that he loved talking to you as you had many topics to talk about to him, he gets so mesmerized with your voice he sometimes forgets what you two are talking about.
The way your eyes shine from morning, afternoon, to night. Oh how he wanted to drown in those [E/C] eyes. Your smile, your personality, your nice aura.
God, he is inlove with you what else is there to say? Eventually. He confessed to you and courted you for a month, and you finally said yes and became a couple for 3 months now.
He couldn't be any happier, he thought he knew alot about you by now, like your full name, birth date, parents, favorite food, favorite drink, etc.
Well, that's what he thought.
Teru was informed that delinquents frequently trespass into the school in the afternoon where no people are around anymore to graffiti or mess up the classrooms. The school has called the police on them a bunch of times already yet they couldn't catch them.
"Of course they couldn't catch them.. They take absolutely way to long to get here..." Teru mumbled as he quickened his pace to where they usually break in and hang out.
Once he got to the spot, he heard alot of commotion, things being thrown and alot of shouting. Sounds like they were fighting, or fighting someone in there.
He feared that they may have abducted a student and threatened them to do whatever they want. So he rushed to open the door and saw—
He saw how you absolutely kicked their asses, and apprehended them tying their hands down. He saw a side of you that absolutely shocked and surprised him
You felt someone watching as you looked up, tensing when you saw your boyfriends face.
"T-Teru.." You stuttered, you backed away from tying up the unconscious delinquents when you saw how Teru furrowed his eyesbrows walking up to them.
Standing close to the wall, panicking. You were thinking that he may think of you differently now after this incident.
'What if he leaves me.. What if he tells everyone that I am.. Capable of such a thing.. I can't let anyone know about this..' You panicked. You felt a hand on you shoulder as you looked up
"Teru.. P-please I can explain!—" Teru pulled you into a tight hug, as you clumsily returned it. "Teru?.."
"I'm.. Glad that nothing happened to you.. I was so worried when I saw you fighting them.." He hugged you tighter kissing your head. "[F/N].. Dear.. When have you.. learned to do this?.."
Your eyes slowly darted down to your shoes. "I was picked on alot back then, and I hated it. I begged my parents to enroll me in taekwondo or karate, martial arts. Just to defend myself, I planned on telling you that I was capable of doing this back then.. But you had such an.. Adoring image of me.. So I kept it to myself.. I never told anyone. All of you had one idea of me.. "
You looked up at him tears swelled up in your eyes. "All of you only knew me as the Perfect, Straight A Council Student who couldn't possibly be capable of something like this.." Teru hugged you tight. "I never knew.. I was too ignorant.."
After Teru and You dragged all the delinquents out, he immediately called the police and staffs to handle this situation
"I've been having a hard time learning martial arts lately" He spoked as you listened while eating your ice cream. He smiled looking at you
"Be my Sensei and teach me hm?" He gave you one of his signature smiles that absolutely clenched your heart
"T-teru.. You're making it hard for me to say no.."
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inkyvendingmachine · 2 years
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We’d Like Off TGBP’s Wild Ride, Thanks Season 3, Episodes 13
💀 Call of Cthulhu: Haunted Hijinx Masterpost 💀 🎶 Call of Cthulhu Season Three Masterpost 🎶
Warning: This campaign is an edited version of Call of Cthulhu: Song and Dance scenario from the Tales of the Crescent City book. While a lot has been changed, there IS spoilers for it throughout these posts.
Another special shoutout to @bertrumstrousers​ for content in this episode!!! :3c
ART CHANGES THIS SEASON!! @inkdemonapologist and I are collabing on all the art for these summery posts!! Shazz does lines, and I compose and colour the pieces.
Approaching Coney island in two vehicles just as the park is closing, Joey (with Bendy), Henry, Prophet, Jack, Peter, Allison and Leon are ready to try and find the kidnapped Colette, their final missing angel. Most of the people at the park are clearing out as rides start to shut down, getting through the final lines of the evening and taking any funds that are left to take; Joey doesn’t hesitate in shelling out the money to officially buy everyone tickets into the park. It’s along the beach front so it makes a little sense to still want to view the evening sky or whatever…
Instead they beeline directly to Dragons Gorge, a ride that’s already in the process of closing up for the night. The latest prophecy said The Lost Harbor lies beneath the fiend's domain, and Coney Island aficionado Joey was reminded during TGBP's bragging at the contest that there used to be a different attraction under a certain monster themed ride: a 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea ride...and there's something else familiar about the place... 
On the way over, Bendy remarks to Prophet that they really should come back here sometime!! And Prophet gives the place an… appraising look….  sure, we’ll call it that.
Outside of the entrance stand two very familiar statues for anyone who suffered the visions from the one day Prophet called for help… the 'fiends' he saw weren't any sort of earthy beast or even mythos monster, they're the 45 foot tall dragon statues flanking the Dragon's Gorge ride. which, maybe Joey would have pieced together sooner if he had been involved in those visions but noooooo he had to have a different special talk didn’t he. While they’re trying to look for a backdoor in, Prophet ends up getting a nosebleed from trying to push his mythos/ink sensing whatever farther than he should. Joey mouths a (what did you do???) at him not even expecting an answer, but also tries to poke Bendy and see if he remembers anything else from the vision that might let them know how to get in, but there’s been no supernatural enter here signs given. 
So instead, Joey attempts the good ol’ shoe in the door when a crew member walks out. He manages to get his head in to see where this particular back entrance leads, and instead makes eye contact with an employee in a break room. Hm. this isn’t what we were looking for. Of course, Joey does his usual pretend-he-just-belongs-here-and-nothing-is-wrong and asks where they can go to get to the service area under the ride? This question doesn’t really work on the employee Joey first interacted with, but at least he manages to not tip them off that maybe he’s not supposed to be back here.
But… while this is happening, Joey notices another employee hanging around nearby, listening in with interest whenever a few hints at what they’re looking for is revealed. Also the kid’s shoes are leaving quite a lot to be desired. So Joey thanks the first employee, closes the door, and then without any hesitation walks up to this kid and asks him point blank what he knows. This shocks the kid, but he quickly spills what's in his thoughts: He was wondering if Joey was being pranked, actually, and was going to warn him against it. See, this kid’s been under the ride before, it’s all rusty and not a great place to be and he really felt he was going to die or something…. So yeah, if Joey’s being sent that way, it’s probably for a prank, like he was that day.
Prophet interjects to ask how he found himself there, which makes the kid jump again of course because YOUR EYES SIR,,,, but everyone else seems to be chill with this so uhhhhhhh. 
The kid gets into more detail about the prank he was dragged into, tho hesitates on giving specifics until Joey spins his story right back at him, informing him they’re looking for a friend who might have been wrongfully sent down there, and they’re worried about her. That’s enough for the kid to lead them over to a different service door, where Joey assists in sneaking everyone in, and then eventually to a hatch in the floor in a corner. 
Joey slips him a five and tells him to get new shoes. The group descends.
The under ride is just as dilapidated and spooky as the kid insisted. Dragon's Gorge used to be a different ride -- but while that old contraption is shut down, the previous submarine-like experience in the water had never been removed, and now just had a bunch of rusty grating put over it. Off across the way is a single lit maintenance door, and around in the general area is just a lot of old, moldy decorations, port holes filled with melting dioramas left to time… and a sign.
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So while the Prophet was pointing out the sign, and most of the group was busy being wary of the abandoned ride they found themselves in, a third thing was noticed… Something moving, reaching in the water…. WHICH SHOULD BE FINE.
This is pointed out and Henry, who is still acting a little... off... is immediately ready with a stick to whack it. Bendy and Joey end up volunteering to go across first, since Bendy is probably the only one who can react quick enough here if whatever-it-is  under them tries anything fishy (pun intended). But like… even so, uh, please be ready to beat it up???
Allison joins Henry by pulling out a machete from her hand bag.
Joey starts across, and indeed manages to find a fall-away grate piece, specifically hinged to drop someone into the water below. But Bendy assists with helping him leap across without issue, and after making sure the water creature isn’t planning on just crawling up to join them, the rest of the group warily makes their way across, being ready to find the same sort of traps along the way.
Prophet immediately activates another one of those holes he was just warned aout, and manages to catch himself on the edge and scramble out before whatever in the water manages to grab him. So of course Joey and Prophet get into an argument while Jack looks around to find an actual safe path for everyone to traverse. The rest of the group gets across without incident to the maintenance door, at which point Prophet points out that something’s lurking in the shadows over there. 
Whatever it is, it seems to have a shine to it, and is actively crouching and moving backwards, not exactly wanting to engage with the group. But also it’s tall… little bigger than anyone here. Jack pulls out his flashlight from the bag of possibly needed supplies he’s been carrying this entire time, and hands it to Joey to use it, while Prophet tries to sneak closer to see it.
The light shows off a very nice suit, on a very large body, which is topped with not a human head, but some kind of steam making engine contraption thingy. How do they know it makes steam?? Well because it immediately makes a terrible shrieking sound and throws a bunch of hot steam at the two the moment light is shined on it!!!!! Prophet scrambles out of the way, shoving Joey into the wall, where he takes damage from both that and getting hit with the steam on his arm, causing both himself and Bendy to yelp in pain.
The weird head-replaced thing shoves itself deeper into the junk and tries to hide away, and the group takes the hint that neither of them feel like interacting with each other and move on. Henry helps Joey up while he attempts to recompose himself, since well, he’s not good with pain…
Prophet does end up asking if they’re feeling alright, in which Bendy admits while Joey stays silent assuming the question isn’t for him, that Joey is indeed now burnt because of that. Prophet says he’ll be more attentive next time… but still in a way that probably is only @ Bendy lmao. get wrecked joey. But Bendy is looking out for his friend, and tries to maybe put some ink over it and help protect the burns or… something while they press forwards. It’s not making them feel better though, especially as a new wave of dizziness washes over Joey, like his sense of balance is starting to drain from him…
Meanwhile, Jack’s having a few flashbacks to NOLA… and the last time he met people with metallic heads, the last time he befriended them… Peter is having similar flashbacks, but in more of a “hey lets maybe not get chased around again thanks” way.
But for now, they head in through the door to the next area. It actually looks like a sort of maintance room, but instead of just a few things for fixing stuff around the ride, it’s more like a working area for… building stuff? Including a desk near the front that happens to contain… an audio log? 
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Meanwhile, Leon is trying to get Joey to let him patch up his hands, but Joey is extremely insistent on them pushing forwards, not even taking time to listen through the entire tape. Jack however, has a pretty good idea of who that figure with the engine for a head was out in the hall, and wants to see if… maybe they can help him? He managed to get through to Norman before, after all… Peter stays with him as he starts to hang back, and Prophet soon enough also notices the missing sheep and heads back as well.
There’s the sound of groaning metal, and Joey has fully determined he’s not getting his hands checked out. Leon, Allison, and Henry trail after him, a little bit behind as they notice some yellow circles and markings on the ground that someone maybe chose to ignore for the sake of moving on.
Joey walks towards the door on the other side of the room, not paying attention to the piles of junk around him, and not noticing that the metal sound he was hearing… wasn’t from the ride above.
It was from the whipper ride right next to him, as it swung to life and knocked him off his feet, catching him in one of the ride cars and continuing to spin him around.
Henry jumps around the shelves as he notices this, grabs an ax that was attached to the wall, and prepares to, y’know, fIGHT AN AMUSEMENT PARK RIDE??? Somewhere in all this, familiar British ranting has started up.
There doesn’t seem to be any giant off switches or cords to pull to stop the ride from whirling, and the circles under it can be identified as similar to the same magic used to squish spirits into humans, from back at the apartment. But this one apparently squished Bertrum’s head into his own amusement park ride… At least we were already working on a way to undo that for other reasons.
Meanwhile, in the other area, Jack does hear all the yelling and ranting and mechanical sounds from the ride and yelps of pain happening, and also runs back in, staring with Prophet at at this whirling amusement park ride that… still has Joey in it. Unmoving. Not responding…
Well. Actually. Someone is responding. It’s Bendy, who is freaking out, and yelling that he’s lost Joey and he doesn’t know what to do and he’s just trying to hang on for dear life!! HELP!!!!
Henry starts chanting some other creepy spell. Prophet immediately recognizes this spell: it’s a compulsion spell! Something that, long ago in Haiti, had been turned on Henry, he’s now trying to use to get the ride to maybe slow down and stop?? Anything??? Nobody knows how to fight an amusement park ride actually, holding the ax just looks real cool. Allison tries to distract it, but it’s not caring about her in the slightest.
Okay well, Jack’s going to run back to the other room and try to … call out? To the figure they saw before?? Ask if… if any of Bertrum Piedmont is still in there?
There’s a puff of emphatic steam.
Jack mentions he wants to help… and gets another puff of steam, as it comes out of it’s hiding spot. Peter has joined Jack, staying back some but ready to help. Jack does manage to get some kind of half communication going, and finds out that this engine-headed Bertrum can see, and is willing to assist in helping with the other side…
Meanwhile, Prophet has taken out one of the weapons he was handed earlier, which was one of the gun that came from Timothee’s stash, and takes aim at the head inside the ride, waiting first to see if Henry’s spell works.
Well… it certainly pops off, but not in the right direction, and instead of getting the ride to ‘stop’, Henry locks up and falls over himself. The machine tries to throw Joey at them, but instead stutters itself and gets locked into place for a moment. Prophet sees this and tries to shoot it, but misses still, so he tries again and– Jams the gun!! COOL. Prophet drops the gun and decides to just run through while he has the chance and go fix what needs to be actually fixed while the rest of the group deals with this nuisance. 
Jack, meanwhile, has entered the room with steam-engine head Bertrum, (everyone takes sanity damage from that ™) and introduces the two halves to each other. They both have kinda… slowed down and stopped to stare at each other… Unfortunately, the car that Joey’s in is up in the air, so Allison and Henry can only call to Bendy in concern.
But it seems the two Bertrums are having… what could resemble a conversation????? It sounds like the big machine one thinks these guys are all here to finish them off once and for all, at which point Jack steps forwards and makes sure it’s known that’s NOT true, they’re not here to do that, and actually they’ve seen this before and might be able to help… reverse it? But they will need cooperation for that to happen!
And he manages to actually get through! Turns out, Bertrum isn’t too thrilled to been shoved into his art, and he’d like off. Or out, i guess.
The machine lowers the car that Joey’s in, and Henry is able to go over and pull him out. He’s not dead, and Bendy can kinda confirm he’s not actively dying, but both his legs are broken and Joey still hasn’t gained consciousness from all of this yet… At least they have reason to pause and try to help him before dealing directly with the Bertrum issues, since Joey IS the one who knows the most about magic like this. 
Meanwhile, Prophet has snuck off to the next room, and found a new gun to shoot.
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m-jelly · 2 years
It bloomed in spring - chapter 2
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@kenkopanda-art thank you for the wonderful banner.
Pairing: Levi x Reader
Words: 4.6k
Genre and tags: Romance, fluff, royal AU, emperor Levi, falling in love, forbidden love, Kuchel, Levi's father, date, talks of arranged engagement.
Concept: You help Levi with talking about a potential bride. He steals a moment with you in his library. Levi joins you on your day off into the city and turns it into almost a date.
Part 1 Part 3 Part4 Part5 Part6 Part7 Part8 Part9 Part10 Part11 Part12 Part13
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Levi let out a long sigh as Stanley droned on about how a princess must be chosen, that a royal marriage should happen soon or at least a ball. He didn’t care much for any of it. He would prefer to be outside exploring the grounds with you. He glanced to his door to see you push his father’s wheelchair in, meaning his father was having a bad day with his lungs. Levi moved his hand over his mouth to hide his smile at seeing you.
You bowed deeply. “Pardon the intrusion, but his highness wished to see you.”
Levi tore his eyes from you to see his father was grinning with a knowing look. Levi blushed a little. “I don’t think you’d care much for this meeting, father.”
Sebastian smiled. “I can wait.”
Stanley cleared his throat. “May I? Your highness, I have presented a few potential candidates to his majesty. There is this young lady who would suit him. Princess Aroura.” He glared at you when you held back a laugh. “There is also Princess Thalia.” He looked up at you when you made a small noise. “Lastly, Lady Safa.” He slapped his papers down and shouted your name making you jump. “Do you have a problem?”
Levi shot to his feet. “Stanley! I would appreciate it if you did not speak to my staff in that tone. I value this maid’s opinion. She cares for my father and does it well. We will hear her out.”
Stanley bowed deeply. “Forgive me, your majesty.”
Levi looked over at you. “Are these royals a problem?”
You fiddled with your apron. “I do not wish to anger Sir Stanley anymore.”
“I’m asking you to talk.” He waved you over. “Come here.”
You walked over to his desk and stood at his side. You moved the files around and got the three women Stanley liked. “Well, you are informed of how these ladies are by officials, but the ones who truly know these people are the those who work for them. I have seen many maids and butlers come and go, some have worked for these people or gave gone to work for them. Princess Aroura is rather messy, and forgive me if I am wrong, but you your majesty prefer cleanliness.”
Levi hummed and liked how you just got him. “Yes.”
You gulped and pulled your gaze from Levi. “As for Princess Thalia, she is not interested in you or many men.”
Stanley frowned. “Ridiculous!”
Levi placed his hand on your back. “Could you perhaps expand upon that?”
You nodded. “Well, she much prefers the company of women.”
He smiled a little when he understood what you meant. “I hope she finds love.”
“Indeed, so do I.”
Stanley tutted. “And what of Lady Safa?”
You gasped. “Oh, well she is prone to affairs. She is loyal to money and only money.”
Levi collected all the files and offered them to Stanley. “I will not be selecting any of these women.”
“May I make a suggestion?”
Sebastian clapped his hands together. “I think that’d be wonderful. She seems very knowledgeable.”
Levi placed his hand on your upper back and felt his skin tingle. “What do you have in mind?”
You gulped hard. “Well, I am sure Sir Stanley has suggested it, so I am merely agreeing with him. I do believe a ball is an excellent idea. A ball will allow you to meet a few ladies and if there are any you are interested in, you can enquire about them.”
“And it will be respected if I do not choose a bride?”
Stanley nodded. “Yes, your majesty.”
“Then I shall host a ball.” He sighed. “Thank you, Stanley. I will organise this with my people. You may see yourself out.”
Sebastian smiled. “Perhaps, son, you should release my maid?”
Levi had noticed he’d cornered you a little against the desk. He pulled back as his cheeks burned. “Forgive me.”
You hummed a sweet laugh making Levi’s heart skip a beat. “Forgiven.” You lightly touched Levi’s jawline. “Your stubble has gone.”
“I worry less after what you did for me two weeks ago with the tea and water. I am thankful to you.” He leaned into your touch. “I take better care now and sleep many hours.”
You pulled back. “I am glad.”
“We’re you worried about me?”
You blushed hard. “Perhaps.” You moved away. “Excuse me, I have work and his highness wished to speak with you.”
Sebastian smiled at his son and waited for you to leave before he spoke. “You’re falling in love.”
Levi blushed. “I am not.”
“Trust me, son, I know what love looks like.”
Levi cleared his throat. “I was just talking with her.”
Sebastian laughed, but his lungs tightened up a little making him cough. He wafted his son away. “I’m alright.”
Levi poured a glass of water and offered it to his father. “Drink.”
He downed some and sighed after. “Thank you, son.” He handed the glass back over. “As I was saying, it is clear to me that you are falling for this maid and I don’t think you should hold back or deny it.”
Levi sat down on his office chair. “I don’t think she’d want me. She’s rather loyal to her job.”
“I think she has a fondness for you.”
Levi perked up a little. “Really?”
Sebastian laughed. “You really got excited then.”
“Are you messing with me?”
“No, she really does like you.”
Levi ruffled his hair. “Fine, I admit that I am romantically interested in her. I don’t think she is interested much in making much of what is between us.”
Sebastian hummed in thought as he tried to figure out a way to get you and Levi alone. “You know, in my experience, it’s better to admit your feelings than deny them.”
“I’ve only known her for four weeks.”
“I fell for your mother the first time I saw her.”
Levi put his head in his hands. “What do I do? How do I approach her? How do I woo her?”
Sebastian shrugged. “Flowers. Maybe spend some time with her that doesn’t involve her doing a job.” He looked at his pocket watch. “She’ll be on a break right about now and I know for sure she’ll be in the library.” He rolled his chair. “I’m off to see your mother anyway. I have ample amounts of kissing to do.”
Levi walked out of his office. “Don’t wanna know, dad.” He strode his way through the palace with his smart heels tapping on the floor. He stopped in front of the carved wooden double doors. He carefully pulled down the golden handles and peeked inside. He looked around the tall shelves of books and tables, but couldn’t see you. He sniffed the air and caught your perfume. He listened closely and heard your voice. “Hmm.”
You huffed and reached back up to grab a book. “Come on.”
Levi peered down the hall and smiled at you trying to reach for a book. He quietly moved closer to you and saw what book you were aiming for. He grabbed your waist lightly. “Let me help.”
You blushed when he lifted you up. “T-Thank you.” You grabbed your book as you enjoyed Levi’s big hands and slender fingers on you. You let out a little whimper when he placed you back on your feet. “You helped me out a lot.”
“Glad I could be of service.”
You turned in the little space Levi gave you between the shelf and his body. You gazed at him with a blush on your cheeks. “You were very helpful.”
He stared at your cute face before looking down at the book in your arms. “It’s surprising to see that you’re able to read.”
You gripped the book. “My parents valued reading and writing in our house. I was lucky to have that love and care.”
“Your parents still around?”
You nodded. “I write to them and them to me.”
“That’s good.”
You hummed a little. “May I assist you with something you majesty?”
He shook his head. “No.”
You gulped hard. “Then I’ll go about my break.” You dodged under his arm. “Excuse me.” You strode over to the large mahogany tables that were polished to perfection. You sat at the matching chair and began reading your book in the candlelight.
Levi grabbed a random book from the shelf and joined you. “May I?”
You smiled at him. “It is your library.”
He sat down. “I know, but this is your break.”
You hummed a laugh. “You really don’t comprehend your position, do you?”
He rubbed the back of his neck. “No, I guess not.”
You smiled at him. “You’ll get it soon enough.”
He opened his book and frowned. “Shit…”
You slid another book you’d picked over to Levi. “Perhaps this one would be better?”
He cleared his throat. “Thank you.” He read a few lines. “You know I’m giving the go-ahead for electricity. So, soon you’ll have lights in here and I can get you a lamp for your room.”
You smiled a little. “I don’t need a lamp, but it’s amazing you’re investing in something good for the people.”
He nodded. “I hope to put it in all homes. People deserve it.”
You thought about your parents getting excited over a light in their house. “I can’t wait.”
He smiled at you and watched you return to your reading. “I’ll be quiet now. Sorry.”
“Do not be sorry. If you wish to talk, then talk.”
“Thank you.”
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You fixed your dress and grabbed your bag with your things. You left your room and stood in the hall as you counted your coins for the carriage into the city. You quickened your pace down the hall and slammed into a warm chest. “Sorry!”
Levi caught you and hummed. “There you go again with falling into my arms.”
You laughed. “It keeps happening. I should stop.”
“I don’t mind it.” He looked you over. “You are not in uniform.”
You walked to the door. “That is because it is my day off. If that’s an issue, then I can change my day.”
Levi remembered that he needed to grasp opportunities with you. “I will come with.”
“Oh, but your majesty it is not possible. You clearly look like a royal.”
He cupped your face. “I’ll be right back.”
You watched him run up the stairs. “Oh, but I have a carriage!” You let out a long sigh and waited for Levi. You needed to go to the pickup point, but he seemed so excited to join you. You blushed a little when he returned with high-waisted trousers and a loose smart shirt tucked. “Oh.”
He skidded in front of you in his long boots allowing you to see his trousers were tucked into them. He pushed his hair back and placed a cap on his head. “There, I’m back into my normal clothes before I was crowned. I even have some money.”
“But you must be escorted by guards.”
“It’ll be okay.” He hurried to the door. “Come on.”
You walked as fast as possible out of the grounds. “Sorry for speed walking, but the carriage will be arriving soon.”
“You don’t go by horse?”
You looked over at him. “I don’t know how to ride one. I was never taught. When you spend all your time working in the palace, there’s no need to learn.” You stopped at the collection point and counted your coins again.
Levi closed your hand. “Put that away. I’ll pay for the ride.”
“Oh, but.”
“It’s alright.”
You watched him and admired how he looked in commoners’ things. You glanced at his chest to see his shirt had a bit of a deep V-neck. You saw his chest peeking through. You jumped when he softly said your name. “Y-Yes?”
He smiled at you. “You cannot call me your majesty around the city, so please call me Levi.”
Your cheeks burned hard. “I…I…I…���
He looked away as a grin started. “I am supposed to be undercover.”
You nodded. “I will try my best.”
“I work in the palace with you. I’m there to help install the electricity system.”
“Alright.” You waved to the carriage driver with and cart in the back with simple seats in the back. “Good day, Robert. Two please.”
He pulled on the reins. “Oh, you have a friend. Been a long time since I’ve seen you have company with you.”
“He’s new at the palace.”
Levi offered the money. “Thank you for providing this service.”
Robert smiled at the coins. “Pleasure. Hop on the back.”
Levi walked with you to the back and lifted you onto the carriage before he climbed on. He sat on his seat and slid closer to you. “Comfy?”
You smiled a little. “As comfy one can be.” You bumped against Levi when the carriage moved. “S-sorry.”
“Don’t be.”
You fiddled with the skirt part of your dress. “May I ask something?”
He nodded. “Anything.”
“Why did you decide you want to come with me today?”
Levi gulped hard and didn’t want to admit that it was because he wanted to spend time with you. “Well, I need someone to give me a none biased tour of the city. If I were to have one as you know who, then I’ll be shown how wonderful this place is. With you, well, you will show me the real face of this city.”
“Why me?”
He leaned closer and smiled at you. “You were honest about the women people want me to marry and you presented a good idea. You don’t hold anything back. Everyone else is trying to kiss my ass and my parents are my cheerleaders. You speak the truth.”
You smiled a little. “I guess I do.”
He glanced at Robert. “Robert mentioned about it being a while you’ve been with someone.” He glanced back at you to see you blushing. “Do you have a lover?”
You shook your head as you remembered how lonely you had been. “No one.”
Levi hummed in thought. He didn’t want to admit he was happy you were single, so he tried to keep things on track. “Have you ever?”
You looked over at Levi. “If you are asking whether I have ever taken a lover, then yes. I have had two in the past and one I was intimate with.”
“We’re you happy?”
You shrugged. “I was not satisfied in the bedroom, but I was a little romantically.”
Levi’s cheeks burned at the bedroom mention. “Right.”
You smiled a little. “If you really want to know, we parted ways because he was needy for me and I could not provide him with the attention he desired. Long story short, I worked too much. When you live where you work it is hard to escape to be with someone.”
“I understand. It is a demanding position, even more so now.” He frowned a little in thought about how you’d worked nonstop for him. “I overwork you.”
“No, you don’t. You’re a great boss.”
“Thank you.”
You looked up and smiled when you saw the sea getting closer. “Almost here.”
Levi looked out at the sea and the houses along it. He turned his eyes to you and admired the look of pure delight on your face. He smiled as he enjoyed the view that was you. “Beautiful.”
“Isn’t it?” You turned to Levi. “I do adore part of the city by the sea.”
“Do you like the sea?”
You hummed as you nodded. “It feels so fresh here. Being in the palace and around it, you struggle to breathe sometimes.” You held your hand up. “Before you say, there is nothing that can be done. Rules are strict and I follow them closely.” You stood up and walked to the end of the carriage. You jumped down and waved to Robert. “Thank you! See you later when I go back.”
Robert smiled. “See you soon, pet!” He waved Levi over. “Lad, if you want to make that lady happy, she rather likes the ice cream they make here. She saves up her money to buy some.”
“Thank you for the tip.” Levi jumped off and sighed. “Now where do we go?”
You opened your satchel bag and retrieved a list. “I have a few things to get. I will meet you here in an hour.”
He frowned a little. “Do you not want me with you?”
“Oh, I thought that you might possibly be bored if you accompanied me.”
He put his hands in his pockets. “You presumed wrong.”
You blushed a little. “Forgive me.”
“Don’t be sorry.”
You gripped the strap of your bag. “Well, I must go to my regular cleaning shop. I am running low on soap.”
Levi perked up at the information. He loved your scent and going to this shop meant he could buy some so he could smell like you. “I would like to go with you.”
“Sure.” You walked down the path and noticed Levi was at your side and by the road. You smiled a little at him acting like a gentleman. You gasped when two guys ran past you causing you to fall into Levi. “Sorry.”
Levi held you close. “Tch, oi assholes!? Watch where you’re fucking going!” He looked down at you and lifted your head by your chin. “Are you alright?”
You nodded shyly as your senses were firing away from his touch and smell. “I am perfectly fine, thanks to you.”
He released you. “It is a good thing I was here to catch you.”
“I suppose you are right.” You smiled a little when he placed his hand on your back. “Will you be buying anything today?”
“If something catches my eye, then yes.”
You hummed and stopped at the shop. “I suppose I could show you things you could buy for your fiancée.”
He opened the door for you. “I’m not engaged.”
“Not yet.” You walked into the wood shop with a soothing scent of natural soaps. “I’ll get my things. Take a look around.”
Levi observed the shop to see plants in little corners that they could fit in. He admired the L-shaped counter with curved glass to protect the special soaps and creams. He saw a woman behind the counter cleaning up, who kept glancing over at Levi. He gave her a small nod before walking over to you as you checked the shelves. “Found what you’re looking for?”
You shook your head. “I can’t seem to find my usual.” You walked over to the counter. “Miss? I usually have a honey and milk soap and cleaning collection, but I don’t see it.”
She smiled. “We don’t usually sell it often. My mother told me about the maid that buys it. You must be her. She puts it in the back for you. I’ll go get it now.”
Levi raised his hand. “I would also like the same product.”
She bowed. “Of course, sir.”
You looked over at Levi. “You want them too?”
He blushed a little. “I rather like your soap and I wanted to give it a try. If there’s an issue, I can have something else.”
“Oh, no, no, there’s no issue. I’m flattered you like what I use. I hope you like it when you use it.”
“I will.” He wasn’t going to tell you he was going to think of you as he used it.
The woman returned with two paper bags. “Here you go.”
Levi opened his wallet and handed over the money for both. “Let me treat you.”
You blushed a little. “Thank you.”
He grabbed both bags from the woman. “Thank you.” He walked out of the shop with you and noticed on one bag there was a note. “What is this?”
You tugged it off and read it. “It seems you have a love note.”
Levi took it from you and read the woman’s words. “Tch, don’t want it.” He crumpled it up. “Is there somewhere I can dump it?”
You gasped and took it from him. “Some poor girl wrote her feelings out for you.”
“She was too young. I prefer ladies close to my age.” He looked over at you. “Such as you.”
You stared at the note. “Fine, fine. I will bin this for you.”
Levi watched you hurry over to a bin and get rid of the note. He hummed a little and saw the ice cream place. He waited for you to return to him before speaking. “I have an idea.”
You smiled a little at him. “What is it?”
He grabbed your hand and pulled you across the street to the beach shops. He ran along the decking as you looked out at the water and sand. He looked back at you and realised how he was holding your hand so tightly. He slowed down a little. “Sorry, I’m dragging you around.”
“Don’t be sorry.” You squeezed his hand. “You wanted to do something?”
He nodded and tugged you closer. “Here.”
You looked ahead to see the ice cream place. “Oh, I know this place.”
“I wanted to have some. Would you like to join me?”
You removed your hand from his and began playing with your bag as nerves swept over you like a strong tide. “I cannot afford the ice cream yet.”
“I will pay.”
You shook your head. “I have taken enough of your money.”
He saw the tears in your eyes. “Hey, hey, hey.” He rubbed your tears away with his gentle warm touch. “Do not shed a tear. This is a treat. You owe me nothing. Please, allow me to buy you this. I’m not asking anything in return.”
“But it is worth so much.”
“To me, your smile and happiness are worth more.”
You blushed as you gazed at Levi. “I…”
He pulled you close and held you tightly. “Let’s forget the ice cream. Shall we get something else? I do not want you to be saddened.”
You pulled back a little and sniffed. “No, no. I have overreacted. I forget that money is different between us.” You rubbed your tears. “I will accept an ice cream. B-but only a small one and a cheap flavour.”
He hummed a little in thought before approaching the kiosk. He bought a strawberry ice cream with lemon and some water. He returned to you with his collection of things. “Shall we sit on the beach?”
You lit up in delight. “Oh, please.” You hurried down the steps and onto the sand. You ran to a little spot where there was a bench. You whipped out a hankie and dusted it down before placing it down for Levi to sit on. “For you.”
Levi stared at the hankie. “Thank you. Is this so I don’t sit on something dirty?”
He sat down and knew better than to argue. “Thank you.” He handed over a little wooden spoon. “To combat you, we will be sharing.”
You hummed. “You’re too smart for your own good.”
“I am.”
You ate some and wiggled in delight. “It’s perfect. I’ve never been able to have these flavours before. Were they on sale?”
Levi stared at you for a moment and decided to lie. “Yes.”
You smiled a little knowing Levi was lying to you to make you feel better. You carried on eating and hummed. “Thank you.”
Levi stared at you and knew he’d been caught. “You’re welcome.”
“You shouldn’t be so nice to me.”
You shrugged. “I might start thinking there’s more to it.”
He locked eyes with you as the spring ocean breeze wrapped around you both, but the cold did not move you because the heat was strong between you both. He glanced down at your plump lips. “What if there is?”
You whimpered a little. “Don’t.”
He slid closer. “Don’t what?”
You panted and gasped as his lips got close. “It’s not right.”
“Says who?”
You turned your head and slid away. “You must be teasing me.”
He let out a long sigh. “Why would you think that?”
You stood up. “I have more things to buy. You should finish your ice cream.”
“I can come with.”
You stared at him. “You should finish your ice cream.”
Levi got the hint and nodded. “Very well.”
You hurried away and went from shop to shop, but the more you went to, the more the guilt seeped in of leaving the Emperor all alone on a beach. You stopped by a nice little gift shop and bought a leather-bound bracelet as a sorry and a thank you. You returned to Levi to see him surrounded by women chatting him up. You felt a small sting in your heart, but the look of annoyance on Levi’s face changed the feelings inside you. You placed your hand on your chest and went pale when you realised you had just been a little jealous. You hated that you’d felt that way, that an emotion such as that had seeped into your very soul. You didn’t like it.
Levi called your name. He held your chin and raised your head. “Is everything alright?”
You pulled from his touch. “I change when I am with you and I am unsure of it all.” You shook your head. “Forget I said that.” You handed him your wrapped gift. “This is a thank you and sorry. Thank you for your company and for buying me things. Sorry for crying and being emotional. A lot of emotions have been stirred up inside me. You have changed me, or perhaps awoken the real me.” You hummed in thought. “Either way, I have not acted properly.”
He tilted his head as he processed your words. “Were you, perchance, jealous just now?”
You blushed bright red. “Wh-What?”
He smiled a little as you mumbled words. “It’s alright, I am teasing.” He unwrapped the gift and admired it. “This is wonderful, thank you.” He tied it on and smiled. “I will treasure it.”
“It’s not as extravagant as what you normally have. I cannot afford gold or silver things.”
“I adore it.”
You smiled before yawning a little. “I must get back. Do you need to stay?”
You hurried along to the collection spot. “Then we’ll go home together.”
Levi hummed at the mention of going home with you. “Sure.”
You sighed as you waited and smiled when Robert turned up to drop people off. “Hello, Robert.”
He tapped his hat. “Miss, Sir, welcome aboard. I’ll take you back to the palace.”
Levi lifted you onto the carriage before climbing on and sitting next to you. “I enjoyed today.”
You yawned again. “Me too. Again, I am sorry for crying.”
“You should never be sorry for feeling something.”
You rubbed your eyes. “Okay, but still.”
He placed his hand on your back. “You cried because you were worried about money. You are not used to having much and being with someone well off is new to you. Just know that if you ever want something or need it, I will buy it for you. Just ask.”
You smiled a little. “You’re too kind to me.”
“I should be kinder. You do so much for me and my family. I know it’s just a job, but still.”
You hummed and leaned against Levi with your eyes closed. “More…than…a job.”
Levi blushed at your sleepy words. He looked down at you but saw you were out like a light. He sighed and put his arm around you to keep you close for the rest of the journey. He just wished it lasted forever.
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